CDSGThe Newsletter The Coast Defense Study Group, Inc. — August 2013 Chairman’s Message CDSG Meeting and Tour Calendar Please advise Terry McGovern of any additions As this will be my last column as chairperson, I would like to or changes at
[email protected] start by thanking all our hard-working volunteers. As many of you know, there is a small core of dedicated people working to maintain CDSG Special Tour and improve the CDSG. Without these people we would have February 22 - March 5, 2014 no newsletter, journal, or website. These are long-term members Manila Bay, the Philippines who have dedicated significant amounts of their personal time to Andy Grant,
[email protected] the group. That being said, what is needed is some new blood to help out. CDSG Annual Conference We still have a continuing need for local representatives for the October 1 - 5, 2014 CDSG Reps program. In addition, the editors are always looking Los Angeles /San Diego HDs for new authors for the newsletter and the journal. Also, the CDSG Mike Fiorini,
[email protected] Fund is looking for worthy projects to fund. Many of these goals can be reached if the membership at large CDSG Annual Conference becomes more involved at a local level. Please find time to visit April 2015 the sites in your area – and introduce yourself. By acting as a rep Delaware River HD and maintaining contact with local sites, you can keep in touch Chris Zeeman,
[email protected] with what’s going on. For example, you may hear of a project that needs funding that would be ideal for the CDSG Fund.