EIGHTVJIHST YEAR-No. 2» Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1971 Second Class Hostage Paid livery Thursdtr nt Weslfleld. N. J. 26 Pages—It Ccato library to Begin Parking, Traffic Boroite to Take Oath 12 - Hour Schedule Town Asks Mar. 1, the Study School T/.*~»« . o i M. As Judge Tomorrow al WetcfieU Metn- Pay Hikes •riat library vi he ftm •• a «f * a.m. to I a.m. . .,Views. . Sought row, John P. WalsJ2h at MOTL Grouse thrwiih FrWayi, m For Nine A puQuc hearing will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Mar. 10, in the Lane, at 38, will become one of the Hut H win a* bager he ctowa Budget Fate Pay boosts lor-both Uie police and council chambers of the Municipal Building to discuss with interested youngest full time judge* in the fnaj • I* 7 ».». The children'* fire chiefs, as well as some other C1HM05 We towns traffic and parking problem*, partlcularty in the state when he is swam into office will malataia its ' Fats of the defeated $9.7 million school budget will be decided by municipal government department downtown business district. The meeting was announced by Robert H. as a Judge at the Union County pm MhedHle, I a.m., to « Tuesday, Mar. 16, according to Mayor Donn A. Snyder. The budget was heads, are recommended in an or- M^reany, chairman of, Westfield's Citizens Ta* Ftoree on Parking and District Court by Union County a.av. Moaaayi (knack FrUayt. given to the Town Council more than a wee& ago and by state law it dinance unanimously approved on has 30 days from its receipt in which to make a decision. Judge John L. Ard in a ceremony introduction Tuesday night at a reg- "An important facet of truly un- According to Mayor Snyder, the council has already met once with at the Union County Court House in wW t—H«m to be ular session of the Town Council. defstanding Weetfiekls traffic prob- Too Late for Fido Elizabeth. His wife, the former t ••*. to i a.m., Mac the faU, _. jjle scn0()] tward in what he de- lem* and Weetfield'* needs in terms 'Eileen Daly of Weat Orange will viator aaa **ri>c •Largest of the increases is for scribed as a "cooperative" session. of Mure growth," Chaimlao Mul- A ksnwwer cam lato tNe bold the Bifato. John Malioy, who was appointed to Additional study of the budget will rear.y states, "is an opportunity to succeed Edward V.'Enters as town be required by Uie councilmen prior A*Ui Depariaint sf the W<*«- The new judge was nominated by admiristrator lasl summer at an to announcement Mar. 16. communicate with our residents and HeU Memsrisl Ubrary Ihia GOT. William T. CaWll and con- League Schedules to have the benefit of their thinking. week, MMk wn embarrass- annual salary of $19,500. Under the Because of the almost 2-1 defeat firmed by the Senate earlier this proposed ordinance, he will receive We encourage your attendance, and me*, to pay far a bask her e*f month to succeed Judge Harold A. Workthop Mar. 17 Budget Aim of die budget, some cuts in the fig- we shall schedule an additional hear- had efcewed pas! LrAit- ananidl ti(ine t%POare annually; town attorney, $11,000; also abject to the soaring costs. Board of Education, have not yet mend to the mayor «nd council by week. than 20 years before moving lo (Continued on page 4) required. magistrate, $7,500; prosecutor, $5,- According to Councilman Roehlin, been completed, although it wai this June, a plan or plans to meet Students have returned to school 500; and legal counsel for the Plan- the county budget reflects »n in- learned this week that a state medt- W«ttieJd's shoiMerm and long- '"flowing vacation and the previous crease of 18 percent over 1970, but .aior js working with both sides to 1 (Continued on page 4) range needs. ' three-day suspension levied against 'because of less anticipated revenue, Teach an agreement. Teachers pre- To he effective, the committee's *em.wtien they (ailed to report for the amount to bo raised through viously had claimed that an im- the study will aaw consider Westfield's beginning' of two hours' deten- taxation lias been upped by $5,261, passe had been readied on boU traffic problems as they are affected tion. • punishment ultimately 756. and will increase local properly by county, state and interstate roads agreed upon by a committee when Harris Replies •taxes by 23 points. (Continued on page 4) and highways. The committee has « students failed to present paren- ul Largest single increase in the pro- becn meeting weekly in order to excuses for their participation in To Councilman •pesed county budget, according to a complete this iiwtepth study by walkout after an assembly pro- Mr. Rochlin, is health and welfare june . grom honoring Dr. King Jan. 15-at Democratic Councilman, Charles 19 Finalists w e costs. In addition, the sums provide Metrtiers of the Ta§k Force in- «t* M High School. ; A. Harris, has issued the following K was for S3 now county employees, in- dude Mr Mulreany chairman Ar- miatakcnly reported in last statement in reply to Councilman cludir.3 23 in the prosecutor's office .ttMtr Attenasio, Frederic Bauman, we^'s L^r, .hwever, that par- Wriliams' statement regarding the and 25 in the welfare department. At Westfield High ents failed to' rtspond to letters by municipal budget published in tost A public hearing on the county Nineteen, WestDoM High School (Continued «n page 4) Dr. Lillard E. Law requesting a 'week's Leader; •budget, is scheduled for tonight in. seniors, named semi-tfinaHste in the _ meeting to discuss the status of pro- "How can Councilman Williams Elizabeth. National Merit Schoiarship Program bation for the students. According say 'jiiere is nothing inherently mis- test fall, Wave all advanced to final-" , toone the competition. Prin- •Nature's Wxf were" sent, anU parents dM call the the municipal budget,' when over Seaffolding Stolen cipal Albert Bubal was notified by . superintendent's office in an effort 90 percent of the so-called 'reserve !he NMS Corporation last week that for uneoliected taxes' will not be From Cacciolu Project ni t0establis h tho W will compete for some 3,000 Iar.18 used for uncollecled I'axes or for EXDO M * Scaffolding valued at between •cholarsWp.s available lo the 14,750 any other purpose (based on percen- How does your garden grow?" $(i00 nnd $700 was stolen from the finalists in tlio nation. tage utilization over Uie fast sever- With chemical fertilizers, weed kill- Red Cross Fund Oacciola PI. site of the Community The 1!) students are Ken Bach. al years)? This 90 percent reserva- ers and bug sprays? Or by the na- Development Corp project Monday, matli carrie'lJagatell, Kathie Bobai, tion merely serves to 'pigeon-hole' tural life cycle? according to police. Drive Opens most of the $1,812,000 surplus. Kerry Brown, Carolyn. Clark, AHen PEP, (Pollution • Environmental • . . • • . ' —J. ItaWrt Hutlci 'Levi Evans of (he Evans Bow "I am surprised by Mr. Williams' (Continued on page 4) Problems), in keeping with it's mot- IN A PATRIOTIC GESTURE at Saturday's planting of the Mountainside Time Capsule are Matthew Po- Construction Co. reported the theft. Mounlainiide - The Westfield- statement that $1,612,000 of this sur- to, "cduoalbion and action to cor- Mountainside Chapter of the Ameri wers, chairman, Mrs. Thomas J. Ricciardi, Mayor Ricciardl and Legion Commander Mrs. Robert But- plus is used 'to reduce taxes' be- rect environmental abuses" will oan Nation*! Red Cross wiM launch ler. cause this is not true. My previous sponsor a program at 8 p.m. Mar. it annual fund raising drive in the s statement with Councilman' Tucker 18 at the first Baptist Church to Mountainside area Mar. 1, it was correctly sl'atcd the utilization (or demonstrate the dividends derived announced today by Ernest S. Win- New Teen Center Opens lack of utilization) of this surplus. from organic gardening and wise ter, fund chairman, Mtside. Buries Time Capsule Most of it, i.e., $1,266,000, is "au- consumer buying. All Red Cross services and pro- tomatically switched to the operat- Broad St. "Upper Room" The Expo will feature exhibits, grams are financed through volun- ing budget to provide for Hie re- ilsplays, demonstrations and exper- tary cowtrifoulions. "if it were not serve for uncollcctcd taxes,' which, After less than a month of opera- of Christmas tree lights strung across the third floor windows. Use provided by a host of exhibitors for the generosity and complete To Culminate Jubilee Event in turn, is not needed to the extent tion, a new 'Upper Room Tccn who have been invited to partdci- support of the residents of Moun- explained above. The remainder of Center" is claiming to be "a great Operating on a "complete faith" pate. Among them are Union County tainsfde and th.e Unite--. d Fund o-f Mountainside — Activities extend- Mrs,. J. RoberRobsa'tt ButlerButler,'commande, 'commander in the borough. the 'pigeonholed' amount, i.e., $1,-success," Open Thursday, Friday basis, the new teen rendezvous of- and Saturday nights from 0:30 to fers free coffee and a chance to Agricultural Service, Rutgers Ex- WestfdeH, the WesWield - Mountain- ing over a period of months of the Ideal Amercian Legio" 'n Post Mat. - t .. Powers. , chairman of 'the 012,000 less $1,21)0,000, or $310,000, pension Service, N.J. Dept. of Agri- side Chapte. r could no. . t hav. e_ serve.d commemoratincommemorating ththe 75t75th anniversaranniversary 386386,, openeopened ththe ceremonieceremonies witwith aa JublieJubilee CommuteCommute,, welcomed the 12 p.m., the conler at 125 East "rap" lo the young people in a (Continued on page 4) Broad St., is designated by a string brightly decorated teen coffee house cu.ture, counoilmen dm- so efficiency during t h e past ol the founding of the borough were pledge to the flag. Mrs. Elmer A. audienco and thanked "the many setting. Counselors sit with them UfnS f t0V? f01"1^?118J"? yC^^ Sl" M// ' Winte" S^^d culminateculminated d laslast t SaturjJaSaturjJay y afternooafternoon n Hcffai-th. who recently retired as the residents who worked so hard to at the red and blue tables and dis- gram, Katce of the dedicated make the celebrations Uie successes The Red Cross provides emergen- wnon morc than m rcsjdcnts at. directdi o f h li dditd k th lbti U cussions on many subjects may be ni longJteland has been slated made the initial contact with the Edgcwood Ave. The Evangel Assem- artd how residents can work to over a'.o so eMeotiveiy without the witting American 'Aluminum Co., of Shef- come its recurrence. to be opened in 10U5 at the centen- blies of Fod Church ill Elizabeth of- (Continued on page 4) nial celebrations of the borough. Exceeds Goal field Avenue who donated the cap- fered to sponsor thc center and tha venture was bejjun. . Mountainside — Mountainside (Conlinucd on page 4) Montiinger Wins The location was procured and Uie Community Fund Drive Chairman apartmenl was repaired and refurb- Temple Scholarship Frank J. Tbiel has announced that Schedule 13th Annual Art ished through nso of material and the 1070 drive was "a huge suc- Joseph Moiroinger, quarterback of kibor offered by members of a num- the WeStfield High School foool'ball cess." Total cash contributions col- Band Concert team who was named to tho first Show and Sale at Temple lected to tfale amount In $23,2tM. (Coiitiuuctl on page 4) All S:ate team this year, was sign- •Mr. Thiel stated the 1970 Commu- Saturday Night ed to a full fcolball scholarship lasl The 13th annual Art Show and technique he learned at Mexico's nity Fund goal of $21,000 had been night by Temple University, Phil- Sale of the Westfield Chapter of School of the Arts of the Book, lie reached within Kie first month of By Jeff Golden "Curb Your Dog," adelphia. Hadassah will be held MFar. 20-23 in Iras had some 15 one-man shows In the drive. An additional $1,000 in lllD a 0 — I'IMIIII iiy Sli'VnZaiw Present at the signing was Tern- aiulllorium "1 Temple Errvanu- Mexico, the United States, and Oan- pledges should be collected by band%onc4t"on Ltur*iy' night'1n -It's Now the Law E1 75li Ba£l sl atla ;ln h s WESTFIELD MEMORIAL TOOL CompIcK as seen from the front pic's head coach, Wayn,e Hardin, ' , ^^ - , fl f, Participated ,'" ™nicr- March or April of 1971 bringing (he thc wm alldii01.klm wm mark tho ciilrance .u-Itli 50 meter Olympic poul in center of picture, dlvlnj! (auk Hover is to be confined to tho homo and grand total to uppi-oximately $24,- . conducted by Elmer who coached at the U.S. Navairni«sli AcaAnn- . The show will open Saturday eve- oils co.'lectlve snows at homo and ~ <.-.-.-i.. »... fjrst C0Mccl lL in Jnickgrouml, and wiuliug puols lo (lie eNtreme right (nut shown). curb, under a new town ordinance 500 demy from 1959-1M4, a n d Vinco ning, Mar, 20, with a preview cham- abroad. Wlnzer, Westfield's nuw band dl- recently approved by t h o Town lloeh, Temple's defensive line pagne reception for participating Belkin was one of 15 Mexican art- Mr. Thlcl expressed his sincere letlor. This year's concert begins Cumu-il iiKiuiInling thesu rest room ci>ielcoachi . artists and for sponsors and patrons i£,;s s ((00 contriutcontributee ppaintings to the tlvanks and appreciation to all the a[ H nnd features thu concert Pool Membership Renewal facilities for Wi'slfic-ld's canine resi- The'signing took place al Monnin- of Uie show. Public showings will bo Mexican Pavilion at UemisFoir, residents and businessmen of Moun- tm (Isluge bands, dents being aired by tlioir own- lier's homo, 864 Slandlsh Avo. His helcl 'Sumftl*' Jf"1'' 2UJ'om ' ^ luii«. '" San Antonio... .. Constantly in- t'ainside for their generous moral The concent band will perform "A ers . parorrts are Mr. and Mrs. Charles i? ''•"1" ""^ Mon.d"y' Mar. 22 .mid nowtiug and cxperimeiAing, ho is Deadline Date is Mar. 5 nnd financial contributions lo Ihu Festival Prelude" by Alfred Reed; This iirdiaaiui' is nuw licinj; cn- ]'. Monninger. Tuesday, Mar. 23, from 12 to 5 at present a guest instructor nl the drive "in n year when Hie pockcl- "Mass.' 'the second movement p.m, and rroni 7 to 10 p.m. The noni- Pratt Inslilulc in New York. Ho is Mrs. lUilh V. Hill, direclor of reu- Th« ri'crcaliun office will also he luieed. accurtfiiiL; to town officials, book was really being pinched liy iy(im "ha Fiethi Mexic:in;i" by II. f Inal admission charge will not iipply rcprespiilt'il in museums in Mrairti severe economic conditions." rcat:on, has announced llKlt tin.; open the lo!ltiuin.L, cve-nings lo ac- wii'f noted tli.ii Hie new law wiis Owi'ii Ilcuil; "Chorale and ('iipii- pa-^i'd I'ollinviuL; objections to dogs Four lo students who may oilier free. Cily, liol Z:ilel I Israel). New Delhi, A .special note of thanks, Mr hours for valitlntinf,' of Wt'stlic'-.l comod.'lr Iliosc mciuhc-i's wiio ean- cio byy C'iK'Snr riiaviiilin-i; "(!unu; 4 On Moiidny (ind TuesAiy u siand- |, N Angc-lcs, 1'lioenix jiml 1'ills- iMciiieniiil I'oul iilcnlifiiMliiin cards not ITMIK ilu'in^ (hi» work ilny: eui])!iiyin.L; I'at'ililies such ay pkiy- O Viiiul indicated, was IIIK' .lolni Mil- Mack (o HonciiUi," iirrangwl !>y New U. S. wich luncheon will be nvaihiblv to burj'h for tin- III7I season hnvr be™ cs- 'rui'.sdiiys. Mar U and 2J, 7 • !1 p.m. KI'UUIKIS ami pulilie pai'klauds. ler, troti.surer, and .seven district Sam Ne.slico; and "Coal of Arms," [•'our Wcslflclil I'psldenls II'IHIIMI. Mi'inlx't's who have roiu'swd ami Tuesday.-. Apr. Ill anil :!", 7 • !l afl persons iillendliie the show in CninmcnH»s.nn Uie iinnuiil show, chairmen,'ph Mazur, Miitllii'vv :i cont'iirl march by fieorge Kciviy. citizens of the United "Le Petit Cafe" iidjncfiit to Ilio thfir nu'inl)i'i>.'hi|i fur Hit' cntiiiit'.; )>.in. Mayor Donn Sitydor (if Westfield FllzGibboi •losi'iih McMalHiii, Dii- The KIUKC band will peiTiirm Iho season may now t'omc in tu Hi" Index Sinks Monday n ceremonies ad- hibil All sponsors o he show w. 1 OO«KI-.-UnS« 1 c-J Ilio Wrsllicld C'linplcM- vld lliitolii.son, Murray, lion- ja/y-rock nunibcrs "Soul Lady" and Tiic.-i' ilali's iipiily only to Ihc vali- lB n 1 rccivation uflirc iii'luri'ii Ihc lioutx ,1,'cs.a'd by_ Assert, ymnnClmrles.I. roci-,vu a limitedlodillon «iP'; ;"" ' ««" HiiH-.-i-ss-uli on Ilio t-XL-L-Ucnfr of rot! Ni'sticr and I,i-slii: Cooper lor '",\!l ,\biml Ilio Illui's." Ha- dalioM of II). e;irih; all I'i'iicua'.s ISiisinuss Directory .. . Sec. 3—4 of II) a.m. :ni(l r> p.m. II on . l''ditorial s Sec. 3—2 lasl yi'iir's nii'inbcrship I.I). c;inl.<. OTiT .Joseph D. Plnlo. of no» l^orest Mr. llcikhv uainu lo live In Mexico fl|tfitcfId^ I li c nivi'iciv ri'i'i'plioi' ilriK; llsclf. The conc'i't'l. band will Knnis ...Sec. As I lie ,M;ir. ;"> dciidlii.i' (laic dr.'i'.vi Any nicnii>crships mil rrtie'.'.ed hy Av,.., Mrs. KJl/nbttl. A. McKnlee of In mid alter .studyiny g al the Vtnn- i',,,1 ",'. L,i-«"ti it- conmiuiiily lo Mr. Thifl ilso wished (o CNUMKI playing ".SyinplHjiiic Diiiicc No. 2" Obldiarii'.s ..Sue. 1-4 nearer. I lie crowds winilini! Ilii'i" Mar. ,i will he Tilled I'V |ier>on.s (in llui: (iriinl Avo.., Mra Mnrlu Slvfnnn cmivur Seliool of Art nnd ret'olviiig a llu? chaptor's liis IliiinU.s ID Ilio I'oiiiilhs.s imnilii'r liv Clillim Williams, "II T IKIII Mr Sorial . .Sec. a-l-ll's valiilnli'il will gniw 1:n«i".-. Ihe uailiin; list, u'hirli pi'c-.iiitly l»j|i;iri« of .152 Downer Sl. iintl mid sclmlui'sliip for .study nl Ihc lianff litin 100 iiiutnbc.'.s serve un (ll lU't'il CiipUlitLS, SllYl't C'll[>Ulia.S Near" by ilach, "i,u.slpiel" i;y Kel- Spoils . Sec.'1—1, f>, II so inciiilicrji un1 urjd'd lo I'limc in mimbi.'1'.s i'.'il families and III imli- •Diiffnuy U. Wlu'liirlglil uf ^•l Down- Suliuol of Arts, Al prosuitit ho la Theater See, 2-41 (Contlnuud on payo -1) (is early ua possible for vulidatiou, viduals, (,|. yi, much Involved with lithography, a (Continued on pugo •!) (Continued on page -1) J' f • • f Y* FWP*^1 •• -!ry -- --if - zr.--< '.' _i "I-'f ' •"

'JS'jtfZ- : faro PTA Meet* is. parking on a re- , 953 Boute-yartt 5j5J,vv-;-.---- in the mind At 8 P.M. Today •&£&rch proj&ot aimed at gaining •more detailed knowledge of the Environmental Defense Mountainside — The Mountainside m-uchanism of muscle comtraction. to a good start. P.T.A. will bold its general meeting Dr. Sanslone resides on Summit The group consists of about 20 eighth Play Saturday at 6 p.m. tonight in the Peerfiedd Avc. 'w'itji his wile and daughter who graders at Holy Trinity School. The Ciark Players will present gym. is & pupil at tihe Lincoln School. Broken into four hoards ior more Mrs. Edith Klucewks, program efficient operation, the group plans "Hansel and Gretei' at 2 p.m. Sat- chairman, announces the featured to survey the public in their buying urday at the Valley Rd. School, speaker of the evening will be Joel habits, stage clean-ups and other Clark, Tickets may be purchased at

- -t- such civic minded projects designed S. Fo,g Mrs, Guiaer CuwaiBghajB, presi Oath Burn, lc-oal We-st'fietf artist. '••j.' Hawaii. He has travelled extensively This cotaflL'iDn inc'uidES a portrait as , N*w York, All OthtrStattt dent of the WestffeU 4>iy Cart Center. Mrs. W. W. KmU, cWh 1 1 in such countries as Australia, Ja- itrer and Mrs. D. J. SawleUe, sp»nwr ol the cwUrtbMti we ! ! as £iti£ Cife ani a boat sceae. pan, New Zealand, India, Tnaiknd, took M. TWi toth e KCM4 cMttributiM t*» Hut cemter livei if (Mrs. Born has eshifcited end won • Confidential All Ytar Round Sorvie* F Israel, Spain and ati the island of ReiwUican wemeH IH time vUk ttwir policy of cenununttjr prizes in sevenei loOal and SSaitfi TOWN GOSMPS >»> Sw Pteelti, T3, fine SUniter, M me Oambtoetao. shows. Her work is varied as to t B/ Appointment 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. '78, u Ttw»«i "Ua*r MUk W»d to be Sponsored by the National Geo- media as well as subject malter. RESIDENTS AT WESTFIELD 1 lllgh Mar* 5 graphic Magazine, Mr. Fogel drove istry was recently announced by Dr.She specializes in pastel pontrait • Individual and Boiintii •rvfnu. a motoncyde from Alaska to South Local Resident lEnteat L. Boyer, cliancellor of |hecommissions ar.d juiivate boat com- j • 4 America along the Pan. American ! State Uaivwsity of Naw York. minions. § Profeisional Accountant* Highway. has stu^ei with Leon Kroll, t Rtfw«nc« Upon R«qu«it He is the author of the soon to Wins Promotion Dr. Sansione is a member of theJohn Grabach, Hefe BafHn Music, Crafts, Ev be puttirted book "40 Days and 40 faculty at the Downstate Medical Klatharine Sailer. Mrs. Bom is a Nights." Tins book is based on his The promotion of William R, Center whics is a uirit of the State member of the WsdtKeQd Art Assa- BUROHARDT A SWATLAND University located in Brooklyn, N.Y. elation, the Suinmit Ait Center, the encounters twitii -water pollution Sanstone, Ph,D. of 645 Summit Ave. Interest Nursery while paddling a canoe from New lit has been associated with the Art Center otf the Oranges, the Mill- AAJ PUt AVMUC iUfmt «f WttlfWJ Aw.) York City to Miami Beat*, Fla., from the rank of assistant professor College of Medicine at Downtate burn-Short HIM* Ant Center, end the SCOTCH since 19fil at which time he was'ap- Provided a little lively musk, feet tatong 1,500 miles of intereoastal to associate professor of biochem- Worris Courety Art that can barely walk sometimes waterways. He recorded what he find tiietnsel'ves damcing. Given a saw through the lens of a 16 mm. "- • t- little incenllave, a woman who movie camera. This fikn will also tltought ''able to do JiolMng' be shown to the PTA audience along xJ. learn to embroider with the use of iwith Mr. Pogel's comrnenfcaries. He- WHSMiir. 4 awl « at* Mge DHtff T3i, CarmyCwk i: i. Mrs. Gordon expMned. "AHhough .1 n •- !--'-• young people in this current prob- '•J £he usually walks with dilficulty, km of water pollution, the students ""- v I t - •• • she ended up leading the group in of the DeerfieH Middle School have iW been invited toatten d this meeting. song and doing a lktle jig." Th* L ^L' H sbgalong is a popufnr program with _ j Experimental Theatre to Offer Parent* are urged to join their WJ the residents at the Center, with young people in attending this meet- it and the public is also invited. :<\ about half of them assembling in a •0)1 • -, "'' . •• large lounge for sanging and organ to Mar. 5,6 Audiences j.

^•^. ,,.• I music with Mrs. Elmer Sofoma'ten- w* berger, a well-known We&iield res-

4 T —- '; : Eawrimental Theatre, an evening Wood." It is a play of lights and Three Area Men \* ident who has been popular both employing new dramatic -•- staging on stage and in area church- voices meant to speak directly and f , , r" . ; es. •nd techniques, is a new '•!••.• humorously of life's beauty, simpli- :L- to the performing arts at Change Positions "i- . _. _ . -r : city and variety. It offers an account 1»3! High School. An evening »r " But "tol talent" comes to the fore on Sundays, according to Mrs. .i- plays 'will be presented on theof one spring day in the small Welch .•!• -•- .'••: i. WHS Mar. 5 and 8 at 8:30coast town of Milk Wood, beginning At Woolworth ••• I.' '•' Gordon, when some of the residents -•I'.- - imce professional singers them at dawn with dreams and ghosts, M \[ t ••--,- .- w L The F.' W. Woctororth board lias ! :• !• - - • L' and moving through ths brilliant, selves, provide the solos at the op is designed to show- 1 approved a realignment of respon- LV-- 1 titm'al worship services lead by th£ noisy day of the townspeople, and '•'J / th'e drama students. '.'The sibilities in the, company's financial chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Ace Tubbs closes as "the rain of dust brings on I I .r : ;ttOnl«.we :-V'-P«t rfi rather than apart from the bawdy night." ? :/•••'•*; Regular Tuesday afternoon Bing< its expanding domestic and foreign games aiud some occasional std< ;the,curriculum. Our offerings should A cast of 24 characters offers operations. §$|&cutgrowth of what is taught cameo parts to every actor. Two programs are popular at the West Clayton H. Van Buren, comptroller m narrators, Ijally Staah and Arthur v , Dramatic vehicles should and assistant treasurer, who lives in •• ie drama student to put into Pace, will take the audience into westfield, will assume the position

I fc *•} 'is m ' he has learned about 'Mi,lc Weed and naint the backdrop ft[ treasurer. n\ '. r. •r* i, An class. Practical o[ life for them. Cast members are Van Buren as comptrol- •!-.*-, piJ l of learned skills is the beat MUie Fillch, • Peier ler and assistant treasurer wi! K I... i • . ; lessons," said Mrs. Rams burger, Bob Thena, Pat Comp- Gconge W. Ramsey Jr. of Mountain- .Louden, the show's director ;•:«, R.i.ciit Chcfcayl, Wendy Rab- side, who has been assistant secre- Inson, Kate Brown, Frank Robert, tary and assistant treasurer, Ray- II i\'- bj?Bd of the high school's drama Alan Grigg, Sue Kannedy, Sue Pi- at- mond W. Pauteen of Westfield, who AT THE WEATHER nella, Sally Samuelson, Sue Stember, previous))' held the single title of M students will perform Sage Dughi, Dc»; Marshall, Pete 's entertainment. "One- assistant treasurer, becomes assis- ANDES MAINCOAT ^ Ambos, Jens Feck, Paula Thwing, tant secretary and assistant treas- '**<* P'Kti 'permit more students an oppor- Diane Bender, Leslie Mapes, Carmy at; leading roles and a better urer. Cut a llttk ihoHer lo keep in «t*p Cook, Phil Clayton. Mildred Wexler with toda/i young look . . . <:& of sustaining a character for is the student director. Van Buren began with WooJworth the length of the play. Student di- in 1946 as a junior accountant in the ditlnctivtly itytod In Cbsth® No. Becaus deslgners, costumers, and To conclude the evening, Act I of company's Chicago regional office. Cloihr a 50% polyMttr and 5OS Love," is alw technical workers are given the Broadway musical comedy, "The ITI '1952 he moved to the company's ccJicn waih 'n wtar blond, to'help. Wt nwe experience and freedom of ex-Apple Tree,"wby Sheldan Harnick San 'Francisco regional office where with split ihoulder, ilnglt -. to do is pra; e diversified plays and Jerry Bock, will offer a musical he advanced to senior accountant breasted fly front - with tip-in understand] presented in the same evening," ex- nightcap. The act, is titled "The and- office manager, then moved to wormtr. In natural and British love and gui Diary of Adam and Eve" and pre-Wco'worth's central accounting of- Ton. $50. .•' < t^SCl- Mri. Louden, You will he; evening is promised sents male vs.'female psychology at fice in Milwaukee in 1957. In 1959 he moved to the company's execu- M outstanding ig with "Impromptu" by Tad ^e dawn of mankind. Women's Lib m- IE DANTON of practical, which offers a psychological! supporters will recognize Eve as thetive- office in New York &s an sudi- rime mover ia toda s tw. In 1954 he was named assistant hen the woathtr Ivrns prayer in a via improvisation. Seniors P y' struggle for m n tirst elass 'treasurer; in 19S5, assistant secre- •rm rf just 'i!lp-eut the John'Richai Hillard, Chris Jacobs, and citizenship. Adam and Eve of The Chri W1U M ea tory and assistant treasurer, and in i:r. You'ii find tht i, together with sopho- P'ay W Bill Siegel and •nl'on'i 65% Dacron Board of Le more Jim Hopkins will execute tha Uobiri B6*!. while Dave Stsphans , etiT£4rolisr. v»st«r and 35% combod The subject meaning, B;th Downer, sopho- plays the snake, Understudy for Eve Ramsey star&d with Wooiworth tron truly the Calibre is Karen Criss, student director is •i? a Junl-or.aaacuitact in 1947 in the is "Where I .rocre, serves as the student direc- oth ef exceptional vena- for Guidanc pebble Gleich and Alan Dropkin is jorpany's Ai'ante re^'onal c'Kce. lity. Styled with split on ths program will be athe show's designer. ~c wa3 named an asf'slant account- refreshing; Hculdcrs, fiy-frent, logical view feift "corxsrt reading of a cutting ,Ticfc:ts may b3 purchased at themi in If34 in tha MinnwuwEa re- nnden Fcg stand-up collar. Thomas' "Under Milk dcor or from any drama student o'fb& and moved lo a sim- •?!•>• i a ie!ection of sixes "lar in 1E13 in the central nd colors. $65. ChristianSc ^ ntice. He was named acccuriant there in 1859. In 19S3 \r- WES fern'"erred to the cotriiany's FRIDAY, MARCt NEW York execuii-ve where he worked in the accounting and :••/•: i m, EDISON JUNK research deparbmenls until named m \ B&si;ilant trEErurer in 19CT. In 19BB THE POOLE 'w assumed the additional title of as- m RAHWAY AVI secretary. When the ran comss down or the sun shines, you'll M be?an as a junior account- feel equally at home In art with Woo:wor.lh In St. Louis in •ill! :*•*&' the Peote. Weather- 1948. He served in the accounting resistant Calibre Cloth department of the company's Mil- (65% Dacron Polyester and waukee central accounting office ••;>. 35% cotton) Is backed fay from 195G until 1964 when he moved m Third Barrier Construction to Wcolworth's executive office. He iA'iH was named an auditor there In 19S5 in the shoulder. Single •yy breasted, center vent •rH>X' and became assistant treasurer in m 1BGB. styling, In choice of '*•& sizes and colors. $45. ft:: mm Local Mun Retires J I From Amer. Cyanaini«1

:'•:•>:• Al a rucsrit at Hh« Ramcr- '.•.•.•.:•• :-•' v'Vc IT'M, Jr:-e V. W*rd was ^on- m tred by h's co-wofkers on Ms re- mi

ri - I Our Special Investors passbook Savings Account pro- '•iremo/.t altar 27 yc:t.s service w'.-h m rtifra Cj'ar.'Sirn'J Cnh-^iiiy. All . -•> :•-- vides for 5% interesl from day of deposit to day of with* 1 I."L'>J'I'." JI I fl. . fa drawi! without one penny ot lost Interest (providing $60 Mr. Ward's SCPVLCS 1ms ba;jn with remains on deposit at the end of tha quarter). No mini- .he pijmor'ts [V.vV'ion 'Aheru lie ser- mum s, No notlco required lor withdrawal, lo'eal for all ve J, ct rii Merest {;.Tir.s, tin tcJirAtal savers and particularly those who wish to deposit funds for short periods of time. editor, T^vertUiri^ miiiwger cnA BU- purvUior -cT vcricus Icdirileal serv- Tht Symbol of Excsl- S year, 1 year and 90 day Savings Cerllflcales and Reg- ice groups. He hold's lh« A.U. ular Passbook Savings Accounts also available, Frso lenct With Unparollad transfer If your money is elsewhere, in natural sck'n^cs from Nc' CD1!C«U, NcwhbL'riy, S,f!. * Luxury. Leasing Plan Carlerol Caioa More Abmn Yen M.A. dDKi'ct! in elicni'iriry from tin.1 Available, CARTERET SAVINGS University ol Aliiliunui. l!« is fi ASK ABOUT OUR FREE 90 DAY CHARGE PLAN AND LOAN ASSOCIATION member of Ilic American OIHMHICIII Newark. East Oranga. South Oiur^c, Madison, Phllllpsburg Society. Main OWto: 080 Broad Blreet, Newark, N.J. 07102.022-6010 207 E. BROAD ST, WESTFIELD • 233-1171 Mrs, Ward, a former teacher in OPEN MONDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. Urfliil In Niw J«r»y * RMOurcti Ovir 1300,000,000 the WefHHold nclioobi for 2^ yours All (avlficg flio sublocl !o {egulatlons ol supdvlsary and iif intvicu up to SSO.WO by FULIC rot'lred Bit \m. Tliu Words * V their homo ui JQ5 l^tiiikiiiaiii Til, ..'* I.,J: ,..-- mmmw, mm/m* m, mi few ow ftvje <$$jfeftt - house." Mrs. Gordon, her husband Only Two Fires Local Chm Club Hosts First and four daughters add soa former-I Jy Jived in Scotch Plains but nowj Reported in Boro flive ia South Piainifiieild. Isalbeliiia, the U. S. Chess Tourney in 5 Years DontFed odidest, is married; Robert, 23, a college graduate, is now serving his During January The Westfield YMCA Chess Club the Westfield Y Kin-? team, and Stranded When Army time at Fort Polk, La.; Daian- mountainside — At a meeting of played best last weekend Lo Uie first Ronald Fischer of the East Brims- jalyn is a nurses aide at Multa- the M,ayor flnd CmmciJ ,iasl weeki national U. S. Chess Federation wick Chess Club. You're Caught Short foerg Hospital; and Christine and 0. Van Blarcom, fire com- tournament held in the last five The players rarely left the Upper Grace are in junior aod sendor hagh missioner, reported that during tihe years, drawing 34 teams—155 play- area where the tourney was school. monfch of January the Fire Depart- ers—from five states. held. Stephen Arbcs and his wife, "•We feel we should share with menit 'has responded to one false National tournaments within Die Rose of the Westfield Club set up others," Mrs. Gordon said. Resi- aJanm whidi reported a fire at the U. S. Federation are rare. The last [a snack ibar in an adjoining room dents hope to sluiflf envelopes for Tower Steak House and one legi- one was held in Washington, D. C. witii the help of Mr. and Mrs. Laslo •an Raster Seal sprang fund drive, timate automobile fire. One regular Jil 1966. Szeles and Hans Nommesen, all of she said, and are collecting ma- meeting was held, one officers meet- 'Last weekend's tourney was the 'Mountainside. terial to nuake squares so those on ing, one meeting of the Union Coun- ibrain-ichild of Dennis J. Barry, who [Players nibbled on their Kalian Indian reservations can ty Fire Chiefs Associartion in- con- heads the Y Chess Club and ia also sausage and peppers and hot dogs quilts, she said. nection with mutual aid was attend- president of the New Jersey Chess between rounds. At least three Mrs. Gordon's "caring" even ex- ed &nd one work period and two Federation. National tournaments tables of bridge were going constant- tends to Buddy and Peie, two ca- drallls were held. Also, a oneifoadf are held infrequently because "clubs ly whi-le contestants "relaxed" be- naries, and a tankfiul of tropical lack the initiative and industry to RESIDENTS AT WESTFIELD CMvaktc*** Center ei)*y fire alarm system was tested and tween games. Others rested by read- fish which provide -additional di- one half fire alarm systems will be them up and run Ihcm." Mr. ing chess books. version for 'the residents in tihe held each motvtih. ©any explained. So busy were the Westfield Y smaller pfatiient Lounge areas and Mr. Van Blarcom also reported "Wilh our club solidly behind me Chess Club members administrating even added a " whodunit" to the tt thai the Rescue Squad had respond- and the help of the President of The center's routine when a resident -the tournament that tdie club's lop ed to six automobile accidents, nine U. S. Chess Federation, Dr. Leroy Music, Crafts, Even Animal Life temporarily bird-napped one of tihe team — headed by Barry — did not t ordinary transportations, three cor- Dubeck of Cherry Hill, -we managed feathered' friends. Bird watchers oven enter the competition. orn-ary ailtacflcs, 15 emergency trans- to pull it off," he said wearily at though, have ample opportunity— But the Club's Rook Team—com- portations, one Park Com'mission 10:10 p.m. Sunday as the last game Interest Nursery Home Residents Scouts have provuded peam* butter, posed Df the younger members— at- property call, three Children's Coun- ended. tracted plenty of attention. Mem- pine come and other feeders to lure try Home •calls, 14 home illnesses them from adjacent 'Pamsques After 28 nouns of play, Franklin bers are James and William Bagley, Provided a little lively music, feet field Conviaiesoenft Center ' and miscellaneous and two squad re- Mercantile Chess Club of Philadel- 12 and 14, of Cranford, Bridgette that can barely walk sometimes we'M try any program twice," Mrs. Park for almost "exclusive engage- Q,o ments" practically at the center's quests were not required. The phia won the tournament, followed Barry, 13, of Edison and Tom Gock- find themselves dancing. Given a Gordon' said. But her real service squad traveled 570 miles and 266.5 closely by the Four Horseman of el, 76, also of Edison, among the little incenltdve, a woman who was is on a one-to-one basis, she said, windowsills. man hours were expended. the Apocalypse Team of Manhattan. youn-gest players in the tournament. thought "able to do nothing' 'clan explaining that "given a hundred The energetic therapist, whose John Hecfofcle, recreation commis- Third place was won by the East Morgan, 21, of the Gambit learn to embroider with the use of patients, you have a hundred dif- eight-hour-plus day doesn't seem sioner, reported lUnat the adult ski only one aim. ferent needs.'* long enough now, looks forward to N, J. Chess Club, which Chess Team of Providence, R. I., trip which was to be held on Feb. 5 also Look the trophy as New admitted: "It puts extra pressure She's inordinately proud of her spring warmer weaither — gar- was cancelled because only two Miracles? No, but these are some Team Chess Champions, on you to play the kids, because you of the end results of a program su- "Smarties," a group of residents dening with the residents, perWaps aUuHs Whose deposits were returned we honor 1 'Best college team was Roger Will- feel you ought to beat them easily. pervised by Mrs. Isabella Gkntito, who have the use of only one arm, even some shuffleboard, croquet, signed up for the trip. The teen ski iams College, Bristol. R. I.; First When you discover they play as well director of therapy at the Westfield lawn bowling, horseshoes and ball- trip scheduled for Feb. 27, Mr. ' With th hjp of unique trames Industrial Team was Continental as you, the pressure is off, you re- American Express, i Center on Jjamberts tos'sing. Hechtde said, is fully signed up wifth otamped to tables, some of them (Mrs. Gordon helps some of the Can Company of Manhattan, and lax and can take the games serious- Mill Ed. have produced effective crewel em- a total of 94, plus ctoaperones, par- first High School Team, St. Joseph's residents obtain Talking Books ticipating. The new adult spring ly again." Master Charge 'One of our residents simply broidery pieces. from the Treniton library, for others High of West New York, N. J. couMn't resist the music at one of program foas been mailed to all Other popular crafts are wood- she seks volunters to play check- residents. Evening courses in this Some of the top players on the our regular Thursday afternoon working, ceramics, leathenwork, ers, simple games and even budge. eastern seatoord competed, including Comedy Film Sat. and Slngatong • with - Sally programs," program will include slimn'astics, kn'rtting six-indi squares for atfghans Four of the residents spend most of bridge, woodworking and gtass- New Jersey Open Champion Boib At Deerfield School Mrs. Gordon explained. "Although and making dus&mops, a combina- each day with jigsaw puzzfles; more Orucha'cz of Newark, who took tlie Tower Steak House she usually walks with difficulty, cr.alit. Courses will begin on Mar. 3 tion' of bits of yarn and discarded of these are needed, as well as U. S. Chess Federation Prize in this Mountainside — Mrs. Jean Baker, she ended up leading the group in and continue throu-gih May 12. They metal hangers which Mrs. Gordon yam, odd shapes of wood for the tourney's First Board play; current chiaiirman ot 'the youth theater com- song and doing a little jig." The will be held at Deerfield School and Credit Cards at describes as "great for cleaning woodwork artists, craft materials, Pennsylvania State Champion Mi- mittee of the Mountainside PTA s toga long is a popular program with registration will be iby mail or in Venetian blinds." looms and light gardening tools. ichael Shabade, who played for the has announced the presentation' of the residents at the Center, with person at the Borough Ball. Mr. winning Ftfanklin. Mercantile Team; a Uaurel and Hardy comedy film about haM of them assembling in a Mrs. Gordon comes well equipped Open less than six months, the Hechlble also said that t!he ice steal- Bob Wachtel, former New Jersey "A Haunting Wo Wi'M Go" for kin- large lounge for singing and organ in tine arts and crafts field. A vet- Senter, Westfield's only nursing ing party scheduled recently was champion and Paul Jaicklyn of Cen- dergarten through Idiitli grade age music with Mrs. Elmer Sohmalen- eran of 10 years of Girl Scouting, hom,e is still somewhat unfamiliar washed out 'because of the weather. tral Islip, once rated the youngest children. berger, a well-taiown Wesitfddd res- half that number in Cubbing and to local service groups," but we ex- almost 20 years of youth church Tn the absence of Robert A. Rug- expert-rated player in the nation. ident who has been popular both pect a good response," Mrs. Gor- giero, poli'ce commissioner, Coun- A filim short featuring the Key- singing on stage and in area church- work, she also Was a coordinator of don said. •Longest game ot the tournament— stone Cops and two cartoons, "Hen- HOUSE rides for handicapped with the Eias- cilman Louis N. Parenlt reported es. "There's amptle opportunity here that the police department had re- a seven-hour contest between the ry Hawk" and "Merruc Me'dddes" ter Seal prdgram and spent the at tihe Convalescent Center for those blind iU. S. Braille Team from Bal- &]so will be shown. last four sinners in training with sponded "to 410 calls during tihe Motor Family But '"local talent" comes to the in the community who want to help month oF January, had answered 30 timore, Md., and the Continental Tho presentation will be held at fore on Sundays,, according to Mrs. working with adults at the Ameri- others," Mrs. Gordon siadd. "We Can Company Club—kept contest- -Hie DecrfieTd School gym on> Satur- can Bajtfist Assembly in Green oaKs for tihe ambulance, had re- Gordon, when some of the residents, weilcome anyone who wants to sponded to 27 automobile accidents ants and spectators up unl-H 3 a.m. day, from 2:15 to 4 p.m. Lake, Wis. share a hobby, write a letter for U.S. ROUTE 22, MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. 07092 wee professional singers them- and had investigated one home, Sunday. So tired were the Mary- Tickets wivl be sdid at the door. RESERVATIONS (201) 233 5542 selves, provide the solos at the op- She's transferred her thinking of someone who can't, provide some arid two 'home attempts of breaking landers -that although "they won the tional worship services lead by the 1QC#1 transportation, do some shop- PRIVATE PARTIES 10 TO 200 others to the residents at the Con- and entries. The department trav- hotly-contested game after more LUNCHEON • COCKTAILS • DINNER chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Ace 7Aibbs, valescent Center, too, as a natural ping, even just to stop in and talk. elled 1:1,322 miles of borough roads. than 80 moves (30 is average for a At Cherry Point Regular Tuesday afternoon Bingo outgrowth of her past experiences. Why, we even have someone who game, they withdraw from the Lour- wants teenagers for his blrthWay The next meetimg of. the Mayor Marine Lance Corp. James S. giames aaud some occasional slide Mrs. Gordon has been a foster mo- arid Council will be held on March n ament. Piano Entertainment Evenings party." Fullarton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Monday thru Saturday programs are popular at fche West- ther to 20 youngsters and in atM.i- 16 at 8 p.m. at the BcechWood Shortest game, eight moves that Ulam A. Futoton of 786 Warren St., Birthday parties -are a big thing School, lasted loss than bwo minutes was is now serving with the Seeond Ma- at the Convalescent Center—there's between Richard Bagley of 395 Or- rine Air. W-ing at the Marine Corps one big one, complete with cake and Three Escape Death,* chard St., Cranford,- meriVaer of I Air Station, Cherry Point,, N.C. ice cream, mdh month for every- one who's observing a natal ctey • - In Head-On CrasJi Do we need during the month. Three people escaped death in a As • a "mother" vo 25 over the •head-on collision early Saturday to remind years at home, birthday parties morning that scattered debris 00 should come easy to Mrs. Gordon-, feet away from the cash scene on but she dlid confess—-"It sure would Central Ave. near Clifton St. The denim-look-contrast- God to be nice to have some volunteer Richard Kayto. 28, of East Brun- help." swick, driver of one car, was held stitching-flap pocket- in Rahway Hospital, but Gordon L, Pott, 18, of 800 Willow Grove Rd., saddle raglan-permanent No. Because God, divine Heads Professors9 the other driver, and his passenger, Love, is always ready- Evangelyn Hughes, 28, of 430 Willow to help. What we have Group at College Ave., Scotch Plains, were released press-mock turtle-Donm^ after treatment at tho hospiiWal. to do is pray with an Mountainside—Harold E. Damerow understanding of His Pott was issued a summons for of 1456 U.S. Route 22, has been elect- careless driving. love and guiding: care. ed president of the Union College You will hear some chapter of the American Associa- outstanding- examples tion of, University Professors. Prof. of practical, effective Damerow, a member of the history TRANSFERRED? prayer in a talk by department, succeeds Prof. Mary John'Richard C. Kenyon Ann Rodes Parmentier. of The Christian Science The AA'UP is a national organiza- HOMERICA, INC will help Board of Lectureship. tion dedicated to -promoting the in- you find your next home terests of the •profession at the in- Cherry The subject of his talk stitutional level and -to help estab- anywhere in the United is "Where Do We Look lish standards appropriate lo higher for Guidance?" It's a education. The Union College chap- Statwi WITHOUT Purple refreshing and entirely ter is one of 1,200 chapters in col- CHARGE. logical view of prayer. leges and universities acros the nations, representing some 90,000 OBJECTIVES: to help you find Royal Christian Science lecture members. your next home with a mini- •Prof. Damerow is a graduate of mum of effort time and ex- the University of New Hampshire. Surf FRIDAY, MARCH 5, AT 8:30 P.M. pense. If you plan to move to He studied at the University of an unfamiliar city, or just to Heidelberg during his junior year relocate near your present Sizes 8 to 20. EDISON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL in college. He holds a master's de- home, HOMERICA, INC. will gree from -Rutgers Uiriversily and help you find the right houae, RAHWAY AVE. AT OROVE ST. is currently working on his doctor- $4.00 ate. He has been a member of the In the right neighborhood, in Union College faculty siivce 1967. the new oreal SCOPEt Oparation throughout the United States enables Homerica to furnish you with detailed information on houses which fit your require,

menti even before your firsl •' I visit lo the new a real REMEMBER* Homerica worki only for YOU! All of their ^. ef for Is—research, reports and -" f • advice — are exclusively on • --*• -•) be h a I f of the prospective buyer. They havo no conneo tlon with the seller. It Is their responsibility to guard YOUR AUSTIN Interests. j — -f- A For further details, please call 1. our Local representative, Pearsall and Frankenbach, inc., 115 Elm St., Westfield, 2OT-232-47O0 or call us Tht Symbol of Exc«T« The Bavarian leader, direct. THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT STORE lenct With Unparalled From the Sign of tha Leaving Others Behind Luxury. Looting Plan Octagon Action Bent by Giving Unequalad Available. Economy. Performance. Eunorutf ARRANGES tUROTEAM DELIVERY EUflOPEM DELIVERY

233 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD AD 3-1111 Pan-Am Bldg,-200 Park OPEN MONDAY NITE 'TIL 9 t *nt ni - M flvr mi* , rmmmtr, trim***

OBITUARIES imoxicatioij and was U» have Needed to Save Iwm i'i»rf in municipal court I he 'Continued from page D u!' her death. Earl J. Bi*]«'her to the community." Mr. Peiwws Rescue Squads* Role Important HaroM S, Thompson S!!iL» was ic-und dead by police r said praise and appreciation from S, Tluunpeon, 73. of 52M iiri .). Belcher. 77. a Wesi field a or-riociic check at 9:45 p.m.the community must go lo Robert As the big bke and wliile ornlbu- by the squodmen to obtain an elec- PI. who retried in JM8 after resident hv 50 years •before moving Bruekcr. an employee of Uie Alumi- knee *>f the Westf'ield Volureteer troiricai'iy displayed Irsce cf the vic- 47 years in lhi> Wcstfk-lcl public lo JBt)2 Lake Ave.. Scotch Plains, num Company "who went to great Rescue Squad pulls to the curb, its li.n's heart action. E BS also used school system, died Sunday at Hall- recently, died Friday in Overlook lengths lo .prepare, refinish and seal Hr.'spital. Summit. Community Fund | flashing lights casting a red lint on by the doctor to correct the heart's way Hospital. Ihe capsule and who promised that erratic, ineffecUinri pulsings known 'Mr. Thompson, knou'n as "Boss" A native of Michigan. Mr. Belcher Ihe company would toe on hand in | the houses and trees, the two vol- iContimn'd from page 1> ! j uateers note the police car, its roof as fib relation. retired in 1*»58 after 37 years as a HU5 to enpn it." He also thanked Thompson, had been assistant to ifa? light still flashing, pulled lo theAs soon as the 'equipment has urmimtcrial engineer with AT&T. his wife Gene, whom he credited of Wcstfield Hi^li School and men and women Uiat did the curd at a slight angle. The trunk been brought to tiie side of the vic- for t$ years ;before his retirement 'He was a d'jacon of the First Bap- with "coming up with the idea of real hard le^ work of actually ring- is open, indicating Chat the po&ifce lim the sMbriiAatar is used to an Wesltficld almost 50 years of Weslliold, and 10 grandohiJdren. added of the library, Mr. Powers conclud- voluniteer squadmen checks Ihe I tors assures the squad quick jnedi- Memorial services were held Mon- ed his renaarks by turning the cap- INSPECTING REMOLDING AND RENOVATION ef the viotim's breathii-ng, pidse, arwl pu- cal help by a specialist in' cardiac Mr; Thompson was graduated day at 2 p.m. in Uie First Baptist sule over to (the community. office «pf ithe Ccatral Jersey JBaak *»4 Trust Cunpzuy, are pil reHex. These all tell the res^emerge-noies. Once ihe doctor has fr«n Oswego 0N.Y.» State Teachers Cluirch. Arrangements were made 'Mayor Thomas J, Riotiardi, ac- and executive vice preside* Harry A. GimHUa, leftf and vice |»reBi- ouers that the heart has stopped been- caJ^ad jnore* equipment is in 1917 and subsequently at- by Gray's Funeral Home, Westfield. School Budget cepting the capsule "on behalf of dent lUHurd (S. tPianell. Tfc* kaak is fl|wa to serve the public tuAmter- perforwiing its proper funotion. brought into t'he home. A battery Coiumbia and Rutgers Uni- Interment was in Fairview Ceme- •the residents of Mountainside," ruptedly during ihe v*m*U*cU** ysrfc. which is scheduled for comple- One mjan quickly start* OPR pro-openated aspirator to remove mu- and earned a degree at tery, (Continued from lnroment parents of a son, Michael, 7, a stu- — -Norlh .lers^y TrnlniiiB School. ber of We&tfield churches and Evan- .•-'..•;••/•' <•.- Lewi* E. Heckel, 70, of Lebanon, he was a resident of Westfield until Totown.N. J.- • dent at Our Lady of Lourdes School,

--• 'i-*. gel Church. Concerned individuals formerly irf Mountainside, died Mon-1 he and Mrs. Rush moved to Chap Owner: Htnte of New Jersey. a daughter, Beth Anne, 2, and when Separate sealed l>|an (a) fur eaeli conit^nue to fill needs as they arise, i - it .JMuhleoberg Hospital, Plain- paqUa in 1857, of llHted briinehe» i)f worli ami n the Leader went to press, Judge Hold Try-Outs /'AND THEY'RE VICIOUS" states Dr. Stuart Fielding as he describes .I.i- but no active effort is made to soli- Htpnrnte over-all contract bid (10 Walsh said, "my wife Eileen has his research mop keys to Biology Saturday Science participants at the husband of the Fcr manmyy yearyrs he workekd as „ cover!np all the briuu-hcH of wnrlc cit funds or Gertrude M. Heckel who representative ef Lionel D. Edie mill mnterlnl required to complete been scheduled to hold the Bible on Wcstd&ld High. tlie project will be received In the The center offers the teenagers a •which I will take my oath of office, For Orchestra died in li69. ~ and Ccmpany, investment coun- Ret-pption Room of the'Division of place where they can go to &;l and a llufldinu und t-onstrtietlott, Division unless of course, the stork we are In 1W, Mr. Heckel was fire chief sciors. After his retirement, of THXHtion tlulltlinK, We«t State :%£-£• discuss the concerns and questions expecting, intercedes." Try-outs for the Region II Inter- lor Mountainside and served as-the maintained an antique clock repair niu) >ril1ow-.Stri-etB, sth tlpor.. Tren-. that they • nray have. Any subject Psycliopharmacology is Topic --.' • toil. Xevv Jersey OSG35. until 2;(IO mediate Orchestra and Band took HWrii'i police chief in the early | shop in his home on Orchard St. 'I'.M, S.T. on March 11, 1!(~1 nml then m'ay bo brought up aad aired whe- place at Thomas Alva Edison Junior He was die fcu&and of the late publiclblil y optMu-d nml rciul iilniKll. NNo bid «"fll 1«* accepted after tlio htiilr ther it be personal or nstiowal. The High School at Westfield Saturday. ;«; e was torn in Springfielpg d and I AmAnnifo e TtiXtemttie flush.flush. He leaves a *netlfled. UltlH will be received on the followln"'iirsinr'iii>n of work: counselors are 'Bible believing Pay Hikes John Thomas, representing the Mu- Of Saturday Science Program Jlyvd moat of his life in Mountain- daughter, .Mr*. William Maburn Christians, and answers and Edvice sic Educators of New Jersey who tide. He moved here four years ago. Thompson of Lubbock, Tex.; two (Continued from page 1) The lur«riinitioii Cur , I-'orm are often dr-awn from the B.tle and sponsor this yearly event, was chair- Me w« the owner of the Heckel sons, Dumont of Chappaqua and (»f Bid, Form of Con t rue t, Plann. shewn to be app'ioable to the prob- man; Students in the biology.section of Dr. Fiel'ding compared reinforce- Co., of Springfield for 45 Harris Stockton of York, Pa.; a sis S|>ct;1Iic(itif>t»H| , and Vctrmn of Bid r.'ir/s Board of •A-dju-Cment. $2,500 SaUirdsy Science program ment re-ipitHisQ to a man who gets Bond, PerfiPriniinci'-pHymbiit Ilond, lems. The yoirih are encouraged Approximately 500 students audi- Bd fp d each. Feb. 6 to a lecvur-a on p-y-a salary insrerce every Ja-noiary. ter, iMra. Thomas Gregory of West- and other eontnict. dot.-uments may to seek a vital ret'isliionshi'p to God tioned before 90 judges. Thay were ^ • ^ Surviving are three daughters, U ia, a grandchildren. he t'vnmlneil at the follou'lni:: PubMc hearings aiwl final action dt-.'ivercd by Dr. Two months before tills salary re- ie an i m DIvlKlon of K'ulldlnK und Ounwtruction through 'acceptation of Jesus required to perform scales, sight en these r.izy ordinances are sclie- Fic ng, cJirecicr cf psych* H-jforcement, Iris pvaductivJly level Wn. Dorothy E. Welch of Lebanon: 4-memorial service was held in of Tnxali'm liulldlni? Chris! as a personal Saviour and reading and a prenared solo. Results Mrs. Helen M. S a bine of Belle- Chappaqua. Interment was in West- Stutc "iid Willow StreeiH Lord. tiuCcd £or Tuesday, WFar 9, and will gt CI'BA Pharmaceu- 1-n.crcases Eb5Tp'y, then a»!ler the re- 8th Floor coincide with the public hearing on of the try-outs will be s°.r.t to ths Meade; and Mrs. Gertrude M. Win* | ^ Trenton, New .Ii-rnoy 0K«2r. . A Sunday afternoon chapel serv- '.<\CD\ ccn'.:;ony in Summit. iafcrcsrcer.'t. b!-3 praiuclivJly level man Reurup, $16,450, an increase of instrumental instructor ol ths stu- jteis of Mountainside; a sister, Miss Copies may be obtained at the ice at 3 o'clock has been initiated as cxp-2ain- g&ss hack devn to nopirc-1. There vlsitm vf Building anil Construc- budget. dents' respective schools. EBxabetii Heckel of Roselle, and tion, located nt tlio nliove aihlresK. and hss been well e-ttendedi Plans e:I by Dr. ^ is the method by are several type-s of reinforcement s|x grandchildren. Mrs. Wm. H. Berger upon pnyment nt $2B.0ft for each net. In the interests of traffic safety, The auditions were preceded by a programs. Anoiher type, explained Any unmiccenHful bidder, upon re- for the future include ou'.in-gs for brief meeting oF the adjudicators in \v\:'S.\ iv.ian the tco'.s and con- . llje Rev. Rielwrd L. Smith of turn I nc HUoh »et nromntly and in the teeragers arid Ihe purchase of the council Tuesday night-also una- ec'p;s of r;:.yeho".ogy an:d paerma-;Dr- is tli3 fixed r«T.uon Uie Presbyterian Church, will con- Mrs. May E. Berger, 81, of 1061good condition, will be bi- r'-funded n.imouily endorsed a resolution re- the school cafeteria. E. Broad St., died Sunday in Muh- titH payment, and nny •imiibidder upon a van to transport thorn. colony to c>b=ervo drug efforts nn sche-dtfs in wiiidi, lor ex2m$e, an i fin returrtlnff Mich n «ct will bo re- questing the County Board of Free- This year. Theodore K. Sclilosherg anim'al k:vc\vs he must irake ten funded SUU.lMt. Anyone who wouJd like to visit the ':WU.i$ arganisms. Dr. Fielding's &f&? HoT £££ I >« », after a .„„« U.n**. holder's to establish no passing of South Plainfield has been elected responses to receive one food re- She was the widow of William H. The ytnti- ro*ervpH the rttrht tfi center or inquire for more details work iavcrlves pre-cjinical research be in -Fairvicw Cemetery. reject nny or all bid*. zones along sections of East and to conduct the Symphony Orchestra. * Berger who died in 1950. I'lach )>iddcr mum ilcpfiwH with bl» as to its operation may contact Mr, West Broad Sts. and Central Avs., Mr. Schlosberg, instrumental in- 1 "Yen pet slow !c?mcrs a»>d- .fast Born in Ireland, Mrs. Berger set- hid. security in thu nmoiini, form Pederssn at 447 Edgcwood Ave. structor at the Edison Junior High The fir-t part of Dr. Fbld-ing ? Mrs. O, K. Brubaker and subject to the (.•imdltion.H MI"- county streets. 1 learners in anixals as we!!," sifted tied in Brooklyn in 1902. She hadvlded In tlie InHtrucllujiK for Rldders. Visits during operation may be School in Westfield. is also director t'r...i '., . wilch the Skunncr box, ;i Attention i»f bidders* f« purllcit- made singly or in couples. Scheduled for a public hearing in/^r'^tus by which theDr . Fiicl'din'i^'-I'-cmy. AnimaCAnima-.s which h'avc Mrs, Louise Nelson Brubaker, 74, lived here 22 years. hirly failed t*» the ri'uulrenn'iim PH cf aiv^rffxs by which the Mar. 9 is another ordiaance in- of the Plainfield School of Music, ph:wmiace!ogis.t observes «?i-a*i£i:eivt s'low rer^nse rates arc of 24 Mohawk Trl, died Wednesday, Surviving are two daughters. Miss to t'ondttiniiH of frnploymont to be psycho! oliHorvwl und mini mum wape rales troduced during the tarif - hour ses- and Fine Arts Director of Camp the U(cc\% of drugs on anin^s. j disccvded. he said. feib. 17, at Overlook Hospital Katharine Elizabeth Berger of Newto be puld under the oontract. No bidder miiv wlthdnnv hiK bid Art Show sion this week seehin-g to vacate a Lenark. Bernard Goldstein of Isolin Bom in Moray, Kan.. Mrs. Bru-York and Mrs. May Afrrams of within Hlxty («(O Hays after tin- par-Lion of Fran4e'in Ave. between will conduct the Symphonic Band. The Skinner bcx is o container for Westfield; a grandchild and a great- at'timl tint*' of the iMx-nhnr thereof. a:i z.':]i:\ in which the cnvjonmen- baker moved here in 1S55 from J^l-ICAin'MICXT (»K TIIK (Continued from page 1) Putnam Ave. arid KimbaH Turn. There will ha four rehearsals in 2 Travel Pi Plainfield. She was a member or grandchild, TIIHAKUUV Reiimburscment of $30G to Fred- the month of March culminating InLal fac.cis can be controlled. Thu ograms . ]»lVlSlf)N (IP Itt'lLPlXf. 20 committees of the art show, un- the First Presbyterian Church in Services were held Tuesday eve- AND rnNSTItncTifl.V erick G. Sch-mitt for overpayment a concert to be psrformed in Summit environmental factors that can Plainfield. ning at Gray's Funeral Home with DONALD A. SULLIVAN*. der Mrs. Edward Dropkin, co - or- of taxes on property at 547 High- on Mar. 28. The Intel-mediate Or- ^. in the Sklniwr box lix-lude Slated for Mar. Surviving are her husband. Orville the Rev. Dr. Frederick Christian of PIHKCTOri J!r.-slor of the show. land Ave., a $50 pool refund to achestra and Band include students Ug-ht, sound, shack and food. Drug chairmen are: Art se- ol'fccts or changes in behavior ore K.; a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Cicila the First Presbyterian Church offi- IM sonior citizen $8 for an unused who perform on string instruments Two ou:^aiyJ:r4 travel ndvenhice ciating. Interment was private. lections, Mrs. Benjamin Copelnrm, ( by the animal's response of Linden; a sister, Mrs. Clare fnllowing ui-f Wm inm tiik'-n i>n an- parking permit a!so were approved, from grades r Afijust- as was a m-aintenlance formula Tor form on band instruments from Junior Iligli School in IIHMII MM Kt'brunry Ui, 1H71: Goldstein; artists' biographies, Mrs. when lie is urJcler the influence Df t three grandchildren. (»T .lf»hn !'. \'i>uwv h>r pi*r- aid for town .streets and migrades (i-8. Accepted students will bo Mai-ch bv Lh5 Weslf'io.'d Y's Men's Mrs* Marjorie Mnrko ) line u l»i nt Ml l'*r*uikHn Harding Hrmui; catalogue, Mrs. drugs and compared to wli«n he Ilia Rev. Craig W. Rule of the 1 application for .state aid for the j placed in cither the orchestra or according to- Don ^, \v 'MII* t»h < MM-'MU- h t ilrnnt'^l. Mlmi Gladstone:; clerical, Mrs. Pe- Is not, slated Dr. Fielding. For ex- Plainfield First Presbyterian Church IMrs, Marjorie Murko, 54t of Hort A|ip<-n1 *>f KranU .1, Killviiln f«*r local assistance beard. bund. chairman. IM*. IIIIKPNHMI 1 ter F!ci.-;(.h;ivun!i; hu-'piUilily, Mrs. ample, accompanying the shock- conducted services Friday at Gray's St. was found dead in her jail cell in lo I'Xii-inl 11 ilvvi'lllim ut Oariand C. Bootho of Arlington On Friday evening. Mar. 5 at B:15, s47 MiiunlMh* Avpiiui'—(Srttiili'iK Herbi'rl Cohen. Mrs. Ous Colitin; Poor of the Skilnner box is a Funeral Home. Interment was in I;LKAN*>I: I-:. HAXK<>UI>. Ave., an attorney with American Ken Arms-Irons \v!!l prcsenil a color pclico headquarters last Wednesday mechanics and Uar^purtulion, Mrs. lever wli'ich cor.trcls the pamtul cur- Fair view Cemetery. KtMTi'tury, lUnifil •#r AilJUHlimMM Cyniwimid, was named to the citi- Him on "Cambodia:* Willinm Sal- night. Herbert Si-idcl, Mrs. David Schnur; Corbet Named Hermes ivrA. An ntunul under t\ lrun(|iri'iiz- zens committee on housing for tlie vuslcr will dose the 1971 surios on patrons and sponsors. Mrs. Pm! 'uv: dru;i will 1-tUo n longer limt» ID e'deriy by Mayor Dorm A. Snyder, Account Executive Mar. T.i \w\\\\ t\ G'lnshurg, Mrs, Chnrlcs Sohtuir; 1 who afcu announced that Norbert ! Tlie llermtis Division of -.-li tin. Ii'vcr and flop tho current tear piTsonlalio!! of portfo'ii). Mrs. Liuironco Kcnl, Mrs. an nf Wtstf'lcOd, of Incurporatod, U.S. r.n ur.-dor im f CftANPORDi 12 Springfield Ave., William A. DoyU, manager 276-0093 A, Hnimi ;i n (i (JIII'1KIIF|)IKT Jl. He mltlfd llinf. several Weslflcld KutHer UnJvcrfll'ly Mvliijjyfoii ii l-bn rnriii of loud, or nmilshnuml, i iVivin^s . |'1ini,wof){I Wwri|>ie. rusidotii/i would attend u county pilfi. Itl thu form uf Schovl. :, mmmAYs rwrnvmr titral Jermy Hrt Need Tickets Available Date for Show oins in J Protest Volunteers The Scotch Plaifii Players ar<- Elects Residents pi'Eserling Sig-mund Romt>er£'s The deadline for submission of Members of FACE cf Wsstfidd The F:.-'.I helo lir.e in Wes'.fie'-j ! "The Kiudynt P/inc/' en Sa'.ur- F. :•:! H. Oorrrer, Robert V. Snev- icgrephs to Wysx'icvd were among the 40 pickets who as-= has sen-t an ursc-r-t plea for morel j» to Qrain, inc.. is prwetrt- Cmftgmens Guild in Union, both in pastor of Redeeaner Lutiieran merit cf the country by our planes ! (he elderlyld . Those > ^ to helpp ing the work of two local artist* in larger, mounted on a standard 16 is just as destructive of human life 4ay and evening. Her work may inch by 20 inch mounting boards. Ohurch in Westficki, will be gue«t may call tiie Fish Help Line num- Fresh Chicken Breasts 65c tb. tije field of ceramics, seen at her home, at the Artist speaker at the Ht^y Tr-indty-St Hel- and property as that brought about ber 233-81*1. ' Sqhmff of 101 Diickscn Dr. and EJJen Beth toOack and white and color by direct participation of ground Crafteman Guild in Cranfoid and at prints wiffl be accepted. T^iere will en's adult education series at 8:30 The other services provided '.by Fresh Chicken Legs 49c Ib. Samuel of 5&4 East Broad Street. the MciTistcwn Boutique on l^ortn p.m. Tuesday in . the cafeteniia of forces." the Fish are babysitting for families TJie windows cq^ain. examples of be prize rifcibons awarded for firs*, In addition to tho league and Ave., Morristown. second and third prize placements. Holy .Trinity High School.- Pastor with rniergemcies, preparing meals Flank Steak London Broil ..,: $1.29lb. stongiwa*^ pottery made by the 4.wo Beth craftsmen accept assign- Rehwinkel, who is the second of FACE, support for the rally came Tor the Kl and directing craftsmen. There is no entry fee and accepted from monvbers of the Crawford Cit- n ments for specific pieces of pottery. prirts will each receive an "Exfou- r speakers in tfiis series, will Ihose witti seiiious ppottCefti" to com- The making of stoneware pottery * speak on ' "The Essence of Chris- izens for Peace, the New Democra- munity and semce" oriantoBbtons htbtted at tJie tic Coalition, Young Democnais,. PRODUCE • is an ancient 'craft which presently side B'nod B'ritti Photography .Sh'ow tianity in . Ecumenism." are better equipped to cope Springfield, MiXburn-Shori Hills these is enjoying a renaissance in this and. Exhibit"., sticker. Others speakers in the series arc: (technological age; 'The stoneware Fireside Council and Summit Peace Committees, Mc- a ch'arge for servites: provided by Arrangements for ihe sale of Mar, 9, M>bl C; A. Krade. ' zens for Peace varieties of clay, each with its own To Honor Vets Christianity Differ." and Mar. 16, and to listen to a lecture; Ttlls is pri • i - The intftvid-tfal Ooitegories inciude SANE. in'ary a neigliborly feervJce;.. . Largo Romoine Baking Apples 19clb. •specific profwoties. the foltowtog: "Man «nd His Enth- e Rev. Peter M. Kalelvis, cf Holy IMost stomftvare powers lock for a Fireside Council 715, Royal Arc- vironment," *fMwji( Wis,, the University of Wis- K'siold S. Thomson o< 570 Lftwrence materials of all ceramics. of service pins signifying the num- consin \n Madison and at Grace brans organization. Ave. assistant seemly at the en- ber of yesars each has served as a Among those attending the Con- Firing is the crux of the whole Uitheran Ohurch in Columibirs, Ind. nuail meeting of the pingry board QUAUTT MEATS member of the Fireside Council. ference from the Legion in New jprocess. oi pottery making; Stone- Olympics Highlight He came to WestSieM in 1966. board Thursday at Bakusrol Golf Veterans eligible to receive Pastor Re-hwin-kel, who is active Jersey w*as Albert J. Moelier, mem- Club. 763 MOUNTAIN AVf ware pottery is fired twice. The are Frank L Kfiitf of Middletown, Vacation Fun Club ber of Martin Waliberg Post No. 3 first firing, which dries tha ware in in the community, resides in West- N. Y., and Lewis Schumtsc of Maple- and piasl depaiKunent commander of LETTERS TO EDITOR SPRINGFIELD preparation of glazing, is the bisque An "Olympics Day" climated the field with his wile Imogene and wood, 65 years; Fred R, Doerrer of their four cbrldren. WestfieM. DEADLINE fftUMY S-P.M. oi low tempeiE'ture firing, (lBOO'K.). We&ttfield, 60 years; Albert L. Hag- weeklong Winter Vacation Fun Club The ware is then glazed and ree-n of Flerriington, 55 years. at.the Westfield YMCA Friday when fired within the range of 2100'- . Alfred H. Town-ley of Sprang Lake more than 40 boys competed in the 2700'F, Because of the extremely 'Heights, Joseph W. Valentine of all-day contests which also included To Extend Heart high firing temperature, all stone- Mmmtain&Me, Waller M. Taylor of a water carnival. ware pottery »is oven proof. NcrM Branch, John G. Wencher of Brett Butler won the checkers Mrs. £i?haff has shown in "Crea- Railway, 60 years; Thomas J. Van* tournament, beating virtually all the Fund Until Mar. tive Cr-aCis," W&stfield and her work darned of CctojeskiM, N.Y., 4othe5 r fun clubbers, while Dan Brady _ The Ur,:on Cour% Heart Associa- will be seen at the "Plainfieti Oral! s; svi Arthur C. Santorei of beat out all contenders in the Johnny tion's fund drive wiil l?e extended to Show" Plamfield, and the "Espa- Kennct Square, Pa., Wallace L. West Lightning 500 Races, M-.-T. 15, i.t announced ttfd-ay •ranza fiumracr Art Festival," c-f Miami, PJa., End George J. Riay- Brian Betz won the chass tourney by State Senator M'-:;tihe-w J. pt, N.V. Her wcik also is ack of Rahwsy, 25 y-sars. The and also the penny diving champion- do of Ur.loTi. ct'-'Jrjr^n cf the effort. at her home; .&t The Graivd Rrger.t cF the State &f New ships. Of the $2-dropped to the bot- Server Rrna!:'^ ^i Heart Fund kry Ncith, L.I., and theJersey, G-songe R. Roadie of Me- tom of the.Y pool, he galhsred up vc':Tt?:T5 who cor^ucle-d their an- A-Kist Craf'fexan Gui'd in: Gran-' turhen Ccur.cil 673, will affix the 39 cents to top all the competition. nual H&r.fti Sunday co'.C-eoM'&n t:his ford.. She gives iprivate lessons in pir.a. • • • Brook Betz won the ping-pong com- week had fcund many families sfl-dkuilt and whee'tbrewn' The presentation will be mads al petition. away from their homes. Mis. Samuel teaches ai tha. Salem a scoial meeting to which, members ."To pive f'.cse parsers and others of Royal Arcanum council through- Mother-Daughter Nighl who d^s're tv ccr^r'tr.'n the cr^n'Cs out tho sute'le -have been in^tteri, to -rfo £0, we h*ivc'ex-ti!frJled Vhe dHVe <-• M ' it 4 Various supreme, grand and subor- At Wilson School thror.-t'i rrf.:i-M<;f:'h.M Sen. RinaCdo cCficsrs, ss well as frfcnds dsc'iarcd. o-f the Fireside Couwdl. sre expect- WiCis'on Sch'cc


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H.I.S. key-man, etc.


• tfAi f$TA« FOf 5All KM UTAH fOI # MMffTATIPOtfMf

PEARSALL JOY BROWN, INC. BARRETT & GRAIN UCK.WAUNG OANKEt & DANKEt, WMilAM A. OAK C. I. SMITH, JR REALTOR W«et AND 1* B. BROAA iTRBBT •caU«r« — 233-5555 REALTORS ft ft AD 14100 Lbrttftff FRANKENBACH lit Central Aff- Two Colonial 14f EtMEt STRHT WcitleU Inc. MINIATURfi ESTATE ff«t "It's the Service WfSTHHO KS'I 'AW.ISHKU that count*!" WESTFIELD MOUNTAMSI0I WE HAVE Jl-ST I,ISTED THIS I/JVBLY LAIIOE AND KX- THKMBtUY WEI-.L. BUIL.T CAPK 232-1800 COD ON* OVER AN ACRE OF PROPERTY IN MOUNTAIN- Multiple I-i* Huff SIDE. EXCLUSIVE AREA REPRESENTATIVES TOR tfNTAU WrxMU'ld Scutch I'IHIDB "EXECUTIVE HOMESBAKCH" — AN AFFILIATE OF CHA1M ?AIOU I bttClose to all schools, 1 block to PREVIEWS, INC., THE WORLD'S FIRST AND FORK- PENNSYLVANIA STONE We may have a home thatmeeta *' Wull cared for home lo Fun wood fllountulUKtde FRONT, LOVELY CENTER IN MAVWIJL your requirements eetabllehed location. Large llv- MOST INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE CLEARING HAI-U LAHGE LIVING ROOM 1ns: room, dLnlnfi: room, modern HOUSE. ALSO SOLE AREA MEMBERS OF "CLA" WITH FIREPLACE, FAMILY STONfUfOM FAUCI kitchen, den; 3 bedrooms, full PICTURESQUE CAPE COD (COUNTRY LIVING ASSOCIATES) A LEADING METRO- SIZED DINING ROOM, GOOD m at ar e POLITAN-SUBURBAN EXECUTIVE REFERRAL SERV- KAT-IN KITCHEN, TWO BED- HUMS, ITOWf * CMA1MIH0 COiOMAl ' *™** * - * ** - deep lot. NFRA Krosh ami prt-Uy Cajie Odd in ICE WITH HEADQUARTERS IN N. Y. CITT. ROOMS AND BATH ON FIRST 31 K>OT UVMO tOOM i *** quh't nortln-ayl tirc-a of Wen- FLOOR AND TWO BEDROOMS Held. Living rtiotn, dining room, AND BATH ON SECOND MACKMM MTtANCI MAIL ' I $37,710 For t-al-In kiUhtu, p;MH-Uf(l ami We've Just Mated thl« charming jalou^ivcl tlt'ii. lj«ilp«oin und batli FLOOR. Colonial cloie to town and I Three twin-size bedrooms in mi first tltjor. Uirt'e bedroom, it echooJ« of all-grade levels It Is lhla attractive home, 1^ baths. **ID CARPET SERVICE" siiiiill liediL'om plus small t-xtra BEAUTIFUL PANELLED EN- In attractive condition and has Fireplace In living room with i-'iinn fuul bath upstairs. Lovely. CIjOtiftD PORCH.WITH AWN- ING-TYPE WINDOWS AND EATIMO WACI IN WTCHW a freshly painted interior. The fcullt-lnu, dining room. eat-In SLATE FLOOR. 42 FT. PINE MASTBt UDtOOM 4 1ATH Kitchen has been modernited kitchen. Full basement, attach- FIRST TIME AD In the bowed picture windows of our Westfiold PANELLED RECREATION wilh wall oven, counUr top eel garage. Convenient to Garden office is o new and interesting display of pottery ltOOM WITH BAR. ATTACHED ON lrfKOOt range and a lovely eutlnr area State Parkway. :il4'<] im Btli I'nlrMiiy ol GARAOE. CENTRAL AIR CON- with picture window affording- Heli u I,Jike CiMiuirj (I till, IDEAL FAMILY LOCATION (stoneware) done in earthtones by two local crafts- DITIONING AND THOUSANDS 2 lAftOff WOtOOMS PUtt a view of the back yard. A lar«e IIIIH yountf lumif roiinlN** off OF DOLLARS WORTH OF living- room with fireplace, fam- 4 iu IMIHIM, J men, Barbara Schaff and Ellen Samuel. Both are 1ATHON SfCOND ily Mzed dining: room and first I til 4OO -ilroontN, il'/j I'tuit- TIHH jiuinm-uiutfc salt box in vl

  • rch. A lot of house for us what, when, how much jm**( bath and kitclivn nn AND IXTtA U0IOOM call immediately to see. • • "JtM« new price! room lkl floor. Second Huor lias two and why. We urge you not dttional lu-druorns and bath. IN AAMMfNT to wait for the last minute — t'Ul KIUUIUI • . There IK U Jaluusfed breesseway SWIMMMO POOL I OUStlOA IMllllltt-llllHI'l' . . . !><• lltf plus jviToutlon room in base- 3 TWIN HMOOMS i $41,900 don't wait for the deadline. I'm- tin iiitiHilnlinctif ment, Cull today! The Real Estate Market is extremely active at pres- ITS JUST ONE OF THE ADD- thiM »\t'*i»(lojuil ED FEATURES IN THIS 4 Wh»n you "feel" that you ent. Good houses are selling almost immediately BEDROOM, 2H BATH BEAUTY. MANYIXfftAS Four bedrooma, 2 baths, Living1 and mortgage terms are very favorable. Here are LOVELY LIVING ROOM. IDEAL It's not v«ry often that we hav« \ room, fireplace, dining' room, want to g«t that larger, DINING ROOM. LIKE NEW WiU lANDSCAM IOT a, home under $40,000 offering 8 kitchen, Jaloueied porch, large THREE new listings ready for your inspection/ but twin-fllied bedrooms. Only 15 rec room, Attached garivge. •malltr, more costly or more D*tign«d KITCHEN WITH BATING CONVINIINI TO ANOTHER we do suggest no delay. SPACE, PANELLED FAMILY yearn old and located in a deeir- Quiet location, close to town modvtt home, tell us about with an ROOM AT 2 CAR GARAGE AU SCHOOL! able getting on a cul-de-aac, An park, tennia uourte, etc. Quick it. Toll us ALL ABOUT IT. In FIRST TIME AD LEVEL. MANY EXTRAS IN- TRULY A MAUTYI tdeat arrangement with rec. | posaeBslon. Eye CLUDED. CENTRAL AIR CON- room ut arrade level, accc«B to that way we can best follow FOUR BEDROOM HOME DITIONING, AT $71,0001 back yard and attractive pow- your lead so that you will ON to the der room. The Hying room and I &14 100 Future 155,900. dinlngroom are good »iie, with ^*^p»ww have th« best opportunity to QUIET CUL-DE-SAC efficiency type kitchen, dish- r^«*1pr >,nii roiOnlal lare-© liv- find THE house. Maybe it $57,900 On«.i>ftwacherr anctritrusrvf separat Hi'e frnnfno-pantryA. I JS?*nK room" m'LSaT'fl, nrepiace, lamuJy wi*ie« roofn TV VAIUI P1W AT olot^Jwrnent andB «ve™i «!*»•" B ace« in - room, eating won't encompass everything Ouiwr tun wive Th la older home, situated on sjt aVaUabte for xSl Ml I> Kitchen. Five bedroomn, over an acre, has unusual $35,9001 avauaftie "J.Aprll 1st tlon room, 2 par that you have listed, but you IMtMMt-MMloH cm thin i*uinir»r- ON WESTFIELD AVENUE , Pieaao call. | 3g batlt8 recrca tree-lined street, tultlc, <-rii*nill>' nlr t-iindl- charm. Five bedrooms, three LEI K. WARING IXTtA SfKIAL COIONIAL Bratfe> Qulet will have the satisfaction of Moneri hdliif . . . lift rye M«n- baths, two fireplaces, lartfe firru- deep lot. 11 j- 11 vine riMMM wHfc Hrc- clous living room, formal dining NEAR ALL SCHOOLS m IXTRA SNC1AL knowing that IT comes the liliM'f • . • Kornuil tilnlltK room, spacious kitchen — all MOUNTAWttOI RANCH closest to your desires. Tell riMim . . . ChrtTful klU hen with hteh ceilings. In-prowid LOCATION OP WIITPWU) I wlih vailnK «|iHee . . . Love- pool with two cabanas and iiag- $35, anurucii ^S90 us ALL the details so that if ly iinnHlrri rtrn CIB the ltr«t tunnc patio. Beautiful grounds PtITTY UVINO tOOM we are to be YOUR REAL- ^vrl with |ii»wrter room . . . with privacy that is eo desirod A0 S-74M WITH PNWUCI it fall tiled hntUn . . . 'X «>nr but difficult to flnrt today. It Trim Dutch style Colonial with a most workable _. , t x ,, . , lt_, . architecture In thU TOR, we can keep in close Kiirnye . , . Cftll quickly »« would be our pleasure to show NICI LAtOf DINtNO ROOM We hav« iust listed thin cen-hafia north Bide home, Living: thin urw you this fine WesLfleld home. seven room floor plan. There are three second floor trally air conditioned Ranch room, formal dining room, fam- touch with you. *•**#< UAUnPUL KITCMfN WITH style home on a secluded Muun- uy room, Home ft Gardens klt- bedrooms and tiled bath. Stairs to good storage MU WAUOVIN* . by-way. The llvln* ohen; Two ilreplaceu, rec room, area on third floor. The roomy first floor plan room with rained hearth flre- Four oversiie bedrooms, double COUNTM TOP HANOI place boaptB of panoramic view garage. Many extras, view. includes a 22' living room with fireplace, a very of the deep treed property. Oth- NIWLY LISTED I * * * PIRST PLOOK DIN er features are 3 nice stxed bed- pretty separate dining room, den which is ideal 3 UOROOMS PLUS RATH rooma, 2 full baths, A modern Confer hall Colonial with for TV and a modern kitchen with counter range kitchen with dlBhwaehcr and I 479 #QO WE8TFIEMJ—On Central Ave. ON IICOND HOOt fir+placed living room, den, and wall oven, and ample eating space. Call now, near Roger. Three bedroom ample eating apace. There la' *'*r"'v CENTER HALL COLONIAL JOY BROWN, INC front to back «pllt, eat-in kit- ATTIC STORAOI also a grade Iftvel fiimlly room . „ , , x . , , dining room, family room, we'll make an immediate appointment. chen, 2 bat hi, 27' ground level with ltd own fireplace leodlnv OverlpokB country club excel- $54,500 PULL ftAUMINT to a shaded patio. Overalsed 2- Unt location, Wycliwood area. kitchen with eating ;pace, rec room with bar, Wall to wall 10 1 FORGET THAT 2nd CAR REALTOR carpeting, 2-car garage, $39,900, PRITTYLOT car garaffc. POBHeflalon can beM " " bertroomu, 2M baths, Oen- lav, all cm Ut floor; 3 bed- Call 232-3221. 3-18-2t arrnnKed BO that you can enjoy ter hall, living room, dinlnif rooms and 2 baths up; 2 car WALK TO EVERYTHING! CAU NOW-IT WONT LAST I the burat oC Spring. room, kitchen. Florida room 1IBRARY! SCHOOL! M«mb«r Of Th« leada to beautifully lundweaped garage. Excellent condition. Inrge lot. TOWN I STATION! Muttipk Listing System ON COOLIDGE STREET SCOTCH PLAIK»~Lovely 3 bed- $49,500. : WMtield — MoaaiiilMM* room rtttich, 2 full tmth«( rec. FIVE BEDROOMS Beotrh PUIM — Fliw room, fireplace, large living WIUIAM A. CLARK A YOUNG NEIGHBORHOOD room, formal dining room and OANKER ft DANKER, THREE BATHS t ;':- HEARKI 112 ILM ST. eat-in kitchen with dishwasher, B lt 1 -- 1 . +. FIRST FLOOR DEN Professionally lanrlticaped, im- ** " .B. SMITH, JR. WISTFUID, N. J. $41,500. maculate condition. Principals . This is what the owners HUGE SCREENED PORCH only. 145,900. Cull 233-8025. 14t SIMM STRUT told us when we asked why LARGE RECREATION ROOM 233-S55S 1955 Split Level home with seven rooms In all and AD 2-2500 they bought their Scotch WITH ADJACENT LAVY T/2 baths. Deep 160' yard is big enough for lots of AH»I« parktav m wma I . WnIleM . DREAM KITCHEN Plaint home, which Ii now Mr*. Dorto Mfi«thl«s«ca W-MM playmates as well as barbecue parties. The new MOUNTAINSIDE, Watch Hill •«••!••• Oml7 In the market because of a 2 CAR GARAGE Mm. FJUnhrlfc Pl|r"" • .«W-HM0 central air conditioning system will delight you this Mention—Colonlal-In-lcvelB, Four i.aetclla A, O«fcrttlB ... Tm*-AMCTle« Wkmtmwrml I 232*' Mn. Dorli Grcss 5?1-54M bedrooma, den or fifth bodroom, transfer to Wyoming. COMPLETELY UPDATED Mr«. T4*4O14 summer. There are exterior aluminum siding and throe bathe, family room, on Dc«k«r Mcaikcr M«ltl»lc hmttum TASTEFULLY DECORATED acre lot. Low $608. Principals Uaakcr M "We liked the spaciousness roll up awnings for added comfort. The entire kit- only, 232-4(150. 2-U5-2t o. utakw Ht-lIM CALL FOR MORE DETAILS chen was remodelled just three years ago with Ob«rlw W. RikNif..AD >-1«f I rt«lr« Bui-. of eoch room at well as the Jack W. Cnr»CMt«r.. .AO>*«r41 Marianne Nwuiv 7O7-S1M entire house; the complete built-in refrigerator & dishwasher. Intercom and WIIIIBM A- Clark AD »-T«M 0. «. SMITH, JR. •»v prtvdcy afforded by the type AM/FM radio throughout. See this home today.

    IX • * of tot and the location of the JAMES J. DAVIDSON We think you'lllove it, I'M house upon it. Also, the lot MARY PALMER Is sizeable enough for future INC. expaniion if wanted, such IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY tt. - THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. at Swimming Pool —Garden $67,500 MAPL13 HIM. FAUMS — SCOTCH PLAINS. Cozy three bedroom -•- ' HIGH ON THE RIDGE stone and frame Colonial, UuautifUl utone flrciilncp, wall to wall REALTORS INSURORS Terrace — Formal Garden, vnriitit tltroujrhout. Owners have purchaHt'd another Jiouuo. TIIIM irniL-lovM/xpitrliiutf bttine Anxloua for an offer. AHklng- |3«,900, etc. Abundance of oak treesi" ufford* IsrMie fnmllv l*ivlnu/ • .i HvlniL' . . * Five brilrtMUti* ROANOKE DRIVE Tell us when YOU can go . . , Tlirer bntliM . • • Tw« Haiti pi* Umtimtt VINTON CIHCLE, FAN"\VOOD, MO.OOO. At this price fow Split THE DCl'L!/ HOUSJ3 — n lovely small Scotch Plain* Cape Cod HO flr?l» I lit*** . - . Ovrr % iwre Levels Imve. a- (ireplato or a delightful e!"fined and «cre«ne(i cozy «nd CIOHII you could move right in. Living room rtrt;"plncei with us to see this lovely IttiulHcniieil lEroundN * . . «AMT porch overlooking a spacious garden in addition to 3 bedrootnH, $64,500. 1% baths, den and a tall basement. An Immaculate house with a amall dining- room; (wo bedrooms; htitli; antl enclosed norcli all Will kin ff illHtHtice *« town. F home* many extras, for etiwy one floor living (Inrnsv attuched, linneinert recreatlo* JrS- 1963 two-story Colonial with Cape Cod overtones. room; walk-up expansion attic. Don't wait. f31,flOO, Bit nmrli more to tell . . •*• will* Ready for immediate occupancy. Four beautiful COOLIDB STREET, WESTFIELD. 3 bedroomfl, den, wpllt level, MUCK PREDOMINATES I 1% bHthn. Ultra modern kitchen, centrally ulr-condltloned. Sun- INVITING seven room split le.vcl convfinU'iU Houtli Hide «re;i. AH bedrooms . . . Vh baths ... 22' family room, pan- deck, pool, many attractive extras. Out»tandlnu; buy a.t ?41,50O, three bcdrootriH twin sized; two Hecnml level and a Jiirfe third elled with raised hearth fireplace .. . fire & burglar jcvol plUN Htoriifro. Fumlly room; full buKPmont too; Interrwtlnfi I. - -• .;;Not often can we offer FIVf3 BEDUOOJIS. On an aero In country part of Scotch Plains. living room flrujilacc wull with hook uhclves. A home built tot UNUSUAL MODERN PIAN Lovely garden with plenty of play Hpace for large active family. fa . IF you a home of mostly brick alarm system . . . automatic garage door opener cojnfort. |37,75O. $41,500 A fine big houao in "move-In" condition. Trunaferrcd owner for they are scarce as the . . . basement recreation room . . . many more ki IfiO.SOO, proverbial hen's teeth. But CONVENIENT details to tell. VICTORIAN home nk-oly Kept, of ten rooniH; two bulliB; two-cur BUS LOCATION FOR - Nettr HCIIUOIH, HtiLtlon, Hhopijlng; it la Ideal for that lururo here it is in Westfield, wait- MARY PALMER family. ill.OOO. tog for you. Attractively NEW YORK CITY SMOOTH Rtaltor priced, too, at $39,900. flL-iiU-h IMnlnN home l« on the- way urn] then you -can ronlly enjoy this un- juNi lwtlft completely rrdeo coll 233-4500 any tim« uwual nun; property In Wctttrield with it.s lovely giiruoiiH; pool; nrtitrtl IIIBII iilthoujutli It U m IN THE GARDENS woodod iiron, A lar^o homo with four bodrooniH; two flrcpluiies; "yuiiHK" limr home. It ban SMART Member Multiple IJnllDtf Service den; finished basement room, |ti7,D00; A 5 CHILDREN ? ft Itrniul w\r kit eh en v»li 205 South Av«. W. Wtstfltld, N. J. • • nc%v rniiHe* liooil anil rtl»b- JUST REDUCED wnrtltfr , , . Two antl one* ENGLISH TUDOR in tlio trntlltloual Htucco, timber with Klato 1?«f Yes, they will fit comfor- hnlf huihn . . . Huitc finii- AND ruof. Ten room*; 3% baths, plu« a Untuned rum lly room In the tably with room for guests lly rmnu . . . Covrrrd lMireh/ bummiont: the ilftli bedroom on tho third floor with UH own liiitlo . - - All tb*fc»« nttrl- $69,900. bath. Hear porch; two car ffnmge. Up-to-the-minute new Kitchen, . * and hobbies galore. We hiitt** hrl|» tu iMiib tbl Loeiited In tlto aUriictivti "WeatJleUl GardenH urea. $Gy(900. hiiit*i' n viiivifortable SOPHISTICATED A solid English Tudor style home with unusually don't think ourselves cap- Mtiy we imKwer yuur able of writing an ad that tlmxnt large rooms throughout. Constructed of brick, ma- EXPANDED UANCK of linen! coiiMtruction in tho convenient yet exclusive, urt-a of Ktonelolgh Park. Comnlotc ono Hoop UVIHK 1C does justice to this magnifi- sonry and half timber with heavy slate roof. Large' 1 thin luvuly levol^r lotiitod di'ttlrctl — HpneioiiH living room; formal dtnlns room; jwuiollcrt cent home in one of West- well modernized kitchen plus a huge breakfast den; lar^e bedroonj; jirivate hath; eat-in muddni kitchen; lava- FIELDSTONE COLONIAL room. The eleven room plan includes five bedrooms tory. Two mltlitUiiml lurffi* second iioor bcdi-ooinH and bath. field's most sought after lo- tu all schools and .town Entirely finished buHonnmt with i-eereatloii room, billiard room, cations, so won't you tell us $77,900 and Vh baths. Ideally suited for larger family and ALAN JOHNSTON, INC. another bedroom aiul luvutory. ?72,U00. When you can let us take On r » in h 1 I ii »r Ciifiti'rhury park. FroHli ILH reaily owner can give immediate possession. Itiiuil, IIIIN lu*en iiculy il»*«i- Realtors you to inspect it yourself? rnteit . • . Xow ilvluxr kll- THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. flien . . i l^ntiilly r^Miiii^ pi^v* fur immtidUito M, It Area revrcMBtatlvc fev $89,500. «U*r room ntiil tninnlry have ALL POINTI RELOCATION iBHVIC« lireii IMIIUMI In lnt floor , . * 4 U'uoil MI/^II luMlruiiiiiM , - . hall, 26 Protptct Str««ff 232-0300 YOUR DENTIST? :t>/j hnthm . . . V\uv nanrlleil , a DELUXE WYCHW COLONIAL rt'rrentloit run in ^vlth Ilrr- SPACE, CHARM, SECLUSION LautNe R. Jh*on L. Ueaa k. .24TS» So, he needs a new of- }»t»4*e IIIHI %VO4 lifir In IMIMV- living' room, dining room, mod- Saiaaae Bacon—2 Florence Schalta—2a2-3Tlfl inrtit ... 2 i*or KnriiKi-. -1 $77,900. $39,900. fice? You'd like to have him line limne for thuMi- ^T Meraker of N«HI|»le Liitlan* Sy»«cm right in downtown Westfield nirv lueallon fiml flii •crii klttihuti and brcnkfujiL nook, This ton yvtxv old rajnod ranch mmA Located on pretty winding Canterbury Road, this offer« 8 ruomn, 4 bedroom**, fmn* Natioanlde F1NO-A-HOMD Service lae. where he'd be handy for • lly room, 2-enr nttuclt«d irnrage, 3 liotfrooniH, 21,*. hutiiH, home has one of the bes tplanned family centers Jareo imtlo. TuBteCully duconit- you instead of having to cd and loirfitcrl on a quiet cul-do- we've ever seen, consisting of 20' family room, HIIC In Kutiwood uMtli many tall traipse several miles? Then lion roonip 2 car antl full scrumptious up-to-the-minute modern kitchen with it ofTtTK I mined lute poH- * won't you mention to him , An outntantHnu: value at all the' built-ins, and first floor laundry. All com- price. Plouuo call HOOU! that we have a "natural" for hRNi*mt*iil, (JWIHTK nva pletely and tastefully decorated to fit the most PETERSON-RINGLE AGENCY htm. Available April 1st. Ask fastidious housekeeping. Two car garage with auto- REALTORS him to call us. forrc*ilt havi* lioimht jm EVER SO LOVELY matic openers — panelled basement playroom — $39 900. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING PEARSALL four bedrooms, 2Vi baths. Really out-of-this world. r home and tiro ready to go, Many Thl« "younjr at liearL" Colonial 350 Park AVtnui, Scotch Plaint Do see it today. will charm you on wlirht. Lot'itl- AND ed on a well Hliudcd lot In Knu- but L*H11 mid lot UH wood, it ofTorn a lar^c livlnp 322-5100 NANCY F. REYNOLDS room with llrupluue and pluturo you more;, TOJJH In every window, fllntnt; room with uonidr FRANKENBACH cabluol, newly (tflHlfrnccl Uiu*liun ASSOCIATES, INC. Inc. with form left cubliuUH, dlKli* TWO NEW LISTINGS waHlu'1% eloetrlc rana:^, Utrvco 1 lie ill tor a funiUy mom unrl nnrlciHfMt iioreh. Mnlc mill H|MM cu«tniii Imllt (>(>n(i>r hull npllt level mi Iroc- . nr« 3 Uir^u tjudroomH nnd Htrcfl In Hwiti'li I'luhiH, (Viiiteinp uTuwlim fiunlly, Thcrts 1H a KraulotiH MnUI|ilc BARRETT & CRAIN oxlriiH Um Mium*ruuH tu mfMittoii. llVliiic room wllh wouil htirnhiM' Mrcjiliu-c, roriuul IIIIIIMK pimm itnttlliiK' to u juluiiHiixi jttirch, hcnulirul W tcaltwdud iiminliud Uivo U\ HIIOW tliIK ham^i HO 1 Art'tx p eull UH for an appcilnL- rnntlly rnnm unil udJiiiiiliiK- nil uuriMiHc rtitnn conipUlt with Hlovo ^A The At mfrlKei-ntui-. I'Vnij I win HI«.> iM'dvtiuntH, 2',-j balliH, a-cur t;niiiKO, 232-6300 KIIIIOII'M ft ft ft REALTORS ft ft ft metil ! Home I Ncrvluo "Two Colonial Offices" Hit (lie fh'Ht tfi m.i' (IIIH <-i-iHji aii;il IICM'TK --. MOUM'AIIVMIUIO Realtor , Atnn llrncr Onnlln Carol Momot IIOIIIHI Inne — «»|IIMIMUC I>HivrRiii!R Avunuu) Mm, Airiillrl W, INC. 2 NEW PROVIDENCE ROAD 233-1B0O MiildiHo H>«icm Call 322-5800 any timo 1IA0 I'AHIi AVW. Tnu'l plume* Wito-Wtto-i Nt'O'l'CII I'l-AI.NM, « J, MM. ,1M net II, lIHrhle !t:i:M7tl» ItlOM/WIt AMI n. MnUnrd 2lt^-7H:i5 Hi.Rrr Tl. rove, Jr.. .3M-7t«5 t W*«tfltf<1 — Fanwoofl llcrlirrt J. Irlon ^;i.l-Mlu n, it. ltnrrrtt, Jr., 0PM I'ntrluln Wytlir* UH' Hurnli Illiifft U;i'J-fi):(7 levtrh I'tnlna •— Munntnl M, OMinnr Itil.litr 2!IU-47K0 2R4 V.. IlllOAI) HT. UeHy II*nry M. Ornne Mm. JcttnHle ireilurni'ko A.. G. HOKCTM, Jr. WZ-MVitt Myrn JllMiiliriiml, Ulllt-HIHt ItiitH C. Tntti MMlHiile lAmtinm •*'•*«'"• vlririnin matin iHitt'VUr HvlucntUm Hi»rvlt-« Mr» II II Mi II Heml.. ..2MB-1MHH MEMBERS If mart "IIIOII OAIIIMQI1 HI0HVH3W" AD 2-7550 ll.rl.^ri W. VnlUr ail»-!IRftl WDSTFJELD — MOTIN'PAINHfDIO — HC. PLAINS Member W*NIfield Ilonril «f EvortonF. Poarsatl 232-6798 o«iy uau-ouur MultlpU Listing System mviww, nmvm p>, mi MM UTAH fOt Mil • UH iffATI POf fMi 0 W€rWS»

    1 ully furiijs l't*d v\ it h juW r, Mini I'UliJjr ii< u 4<:'ru<*tiii;; ;jn'l tiling* \\ rkilivlffl. \, ,| 1 CHARLES G. MEIERMERCK, Jl Musi s- # '/I ELSIE BETZ, INC., Realtor Lt-s» f-iv^r. c;iii :i:i:»-ri7ii •/(• A 1 \(»TIM; ill 11 ny (iin SECRETARY F/M 'I .L: sup- **n i (McmUfr of lite WuKlRle lAntlag K>H«riti) T f \V- *\ [|» Id .^T iK IH !«l K-K > VKST V. I . H»l I-. iNSl ; rl,. I h.i t !l" >:iiiJ ' " i iri I W [ 11 flM'!.j-r Bilingual y • : PETS FOR SALE no i > • I- l I..- >(iini h»r UM;I I JJ:I>^;I^*' INDIAN FOtEST AKCA THtCf TWIN KDftOOMS "II T Hi' !*| |] ' I rl V tfl Mi\ I * :::»' 3VA!.. in llir i 'OIJIM t $44,500. $37,750. iMTOit-:s r..-nuriiiii i-hu mi r, AT THE WHISPER OF A WHIM !*'•''* •' -Mil rti* i\i:\\ fiuii-tii'^, \1U I (Spanish) . right into thin modern ilss-7 - \V*-^ f t(t-(*l, N» \\ J -rs- yp t\l ht. Ii liin Yulue — lit Ihi.s nwirl- ;» i«<[ | .1;* - »' ;t ny |»'' J>I p ri .* -iMitev hall Coluitiul, Fireplurt'H Ji n licith tin* living mnl family em. well nmintaiiU'd. level lypr 1 Mti'|'#-St#.;| t lMT*J!> Will I t i V#-JI i\ immH. I.uvvly full sized dlnlnK homo. Kir<-place and pliM UIH* 1 MM>LliV A VIcxrK— r\ litauliinlly pi imiwl, Iniilt. lpuwl- YOU'LL SHOUT OLE . . . ! oom !>lus u hum^ "uHta" kit - window In tho 1 Iving: room. All BUSINESS SERVICES t inif\ I..- On the m'conti floor, four H I ft* i He kiulw-n wit h Olnlu^ !. .ii 'V i". VI:KKI,AM). T^MM; i'1-rk l twin l^droums and «j>aco, plug a lull dining room in-ial hUiH in l!»;»4. Knur ti*-(lrMr*niHP ( ww<> and - , . if you find the right posi-1 Ivll'^^,'!, ' v^'" wo tiled battiH. Additional feu- OiU^lifill" l»al HH, IXTKHIOR DRSIOK smni OIUJI\*\(K \» tou. Orach- level lien with "bullt- :I mi !';inu!y rnom. (\MI! rally air CMKI \K riiuilvullfy nn<| urea art* the double srtinijse. ins" — |>uwder room. Economi- i tion in our hnternationol Divi- i A.M. ^- \' :> I.\T i s ^ ii A\ OHOIN \\*"K TO VA( ATM A 111 tfcvir **tr>- V V Hil Vr. vrv room/' wnll to wall carpvl- cal oil heat, basement, wall to poirrinv or i HA\KM\ AVK- a CALL SI SA\ JAi KS sion. Good secreiarial skills plus : TIM- r:-.inl ..I" l>Miir:ii inn r I ns and many bullt-liis. Call tu wall curppliMft uml a ttiu lu, < oi \i \ OK i.MO\f VILT«A*v i<»m iimi to wnivr ny in* itK IT <>K7>AI\ ONLY CONStri-rTATION FEE n ;i !-| NIJ Km ill* o'r*fc i-C'iuly ami ruiihiiiK wlu^n you ;iiv. the leading pharmaceutical com- Partirularly il*'scri**nl In- and [•M Ui sit i'Hi i it nrf|;i un- u j M •fliy vai^U'l and fnn*v**r closwi MvltlpU I4atla# Mtaktr HANDY homeowner now worklnr panies. The salaries are excel- t IK- <-<'iuli( to I/MI-MC U.HI\ part time—will do those odd Jobs i in- ifulfil f 1 i(0filXNINfJ In Ihv pouthen»terly around your home tlmt your hus- lent, the benefits exceptional, 2SS449* * I I- . r . i ii'ii, i •• iv h ^Irlt-IiiU- r^f I'rftukllii Avenue where ELSIE BETZ, Inc. band does not liuve time to du. Cab- ih* same i^ Inl'-rsect »ij hy the north- SIS I. M0A» Sf. inet xs'ork, shelves, radiator covii^, including a tuition refund pro-{county ••»• **:iKtt-rly slili'line t*( I'uln^m Avt-nup, REALTOR broken f until wre, vvindo\vsf you name it. rail 7R!)-U01R, 1-7-tf gram. The offices are brand as suirl streets aw (U-lincati-M on a EVE«. Kraest V. V. HmU, I«a*ror '> _ -» rt r iii in tllril maj, iMitttlt'O "Map of NAKH. new and modern and located TuppJllK Iflll SrrtMHl «.f Wy<-hWO*«lf 303 MM* nlain AV«IMM c TAX— <;«U ,2:13.0201 in Kenilworth. What else? There Town * if Wi-Miiihl. t')i i<>n County, t; I'..\i. ii -11 -1 r si i'i-:ition (01 in N.J/\dmnl St|M-inlMi IMir.: tln-iif^ T«to|»h#fMi ADcmt 9-1433 are many and varied chances 01' \i:w ii-:icsi:v ( II Dlref-l Sah-s J.)ihtril»- i-t \n. M-H>n-T tiiHUtly sMli-linc <•!' Franklin Av>. ut<>!-N, an* y'Mi inlol'0Hic<1 lit a J-tKT- STATK for advancement. For further Ni:\\' JKI!.tt rl>\ Mill iiluj)^ sahl Mr. T. 10. Hutlii'ld. !nUTSt;ilt' Hnifl- information, please call Person- i:y v ni an nr-l.-r t>f Su- HRWI BUM soutlusistri Iy siii'lirp' of Krunktin niMTin.u- i.'u. "VuiiKUanl Dlvtsitui." nel Dept. for an appointment. y^ Avenue, ril lt>" n'uod; (lifiirr (:!) S4^ -:^ \Vt alonjr VOV a use for tlicsc? g nn nnswi-r tm JciJ-II* A. thr norihu «'Mf rly }>roli>U< ANTS OK AI.I. Scrvirt'S Corp., ?\ 2h Kasl X |UMK*V (4 ) Northerly, on ;t curve to ' OOOD MCINT USTINOS y, fa as rollers, or aa cores for ruR rol- IMa lull flit, J*M->*I*VP and h di f Gl Patrick L. Hedden AIM-; j th*j having a radius of or droam tip your own use. in I1 fault ih* rt'*>f ^m-li jtMlvnu-iU an an: <|iKt:in> Konthirly, on a RlflHHed Donih; a nioKt niodtrn kitchen- In the basement, Realtor Loader, 50 Kim e St., while they laat. ilhn«- -- lilx-ni] ln'iivllls — hi- Just. You shall IIIf your annwrr inwl curve In 1 he riwiK hnvlnw* a nnliUM another MtilKiieci room Tor teenager, den or office with LGlad d to 0hav K e you come look at hroUt I'M nfl'lrr, * *; 111 A] r ** T In iluplh'atf with nf 5nj»* an an- distance 43,77' to an adjacent third full hath. Completely redecorated —• them. 10-29-tf 1 hi* (Ifrk of t lu TnurL a point of (ii n iicy In Hie nortli- tuetefully so—and with an liiterf?ntiiiir plot of land. 322-9102 Stn ti» AlMh'X, Tri'lllnii, y of Franklin Ave- ALTINBURG - tUZAMTH, N J | 'n wilh the nue; tliMire Hi) S-)N°--li'W nlonff s ivll pr:irt h and |)rnre- rly sideline nf Kranklln |l!vrtim>t A very lurge 4 bodrnom, 2% fonth »pllt level cloBfl to 356 Park Ave., Scotch Plaint Open Pally 'til 9, Snt. 'ill fi CLEtK-TYPIST elementary Bchool with many extras. For example: an ir. Avenue !i7,iiS' in a jiolnt; tlunce (7) HAMMOND ORGANS Tin* nhjwt <>r said action \n to HoullKMiKterly, on a curve in the* In-jrrnuml .nwlnimliifc pool with n beautifully latirtfit-iipod Must ti<* unotl iy plst, KCMHTiil |it a in 11 jiulj: in^ni of d i vurfi' Uo- lilflil haviiiK a radius of llfi.n', -,n perimeter; 2-zone hi'MinfC control R; a family room with ROOGERS ORGANS ufi'lri* rntitiin\ iMrsisFUii, DMMIITU, wnii Hi'1 said i»l A i ill UT siml yon. radiant heat; a clean, cleftii homo. i iiri- fll^taiire oj" .^K.:,^' in a point 11 f MI- SnlH air < omlit hnH-'l wJYi^is, I uU r- l»:;ii-l: Kidi. »u. MiTl Ut MRfriry In tin- imrLhwesterly pn>- Mountainside Westfield i'Sl inu pllt Itfvel with kntno'unuKunl fenturPH. To nvlt: large norlhwvHierly inolon^allon, :;n.L':i' in riioril NI'IIIM; IS jr*sr AUUI'ND TIMC J thermopane aUding WIIHIOWH in the; living room opening A happy elinlcr Tor the Krnw .... Liu- I'oint and l la**t> of lifttlnnlim. OlYthe bon ten pnth on a 1>lj? i'(|;M;i; M * - • • t UM>M* juhlillnnal t-\- onto ii 16x17 redwood porch; a 28x14 family room with wellll lliindH(?iL(KMl l properly I ththiin fatnlly IH llilw brick mid fmme ( •SWTloX II- Tin' 4>— 7:si-sifio ov :jriS-iss»: rrnufuril HI^II, vncahd row (o Xhe owner of pro- bathn, recroftiion room, Z enr Kv^i^'H—KHIVJII—-Alt^fih posed hoi 2HA, Klucl; :^^, ;us a iniann rlent buH^bourd hot water heat, IMulnw, On Oolf Wdtfo. n pretty, woll-proportionoil bl-lovel at a athielied K K^niKO 11 ml IInr locution. Uslc-ri Vlntu) Ileiilnl riaii — Pl^ ~~ REALrtSTATE of ncce^H in Kimhull Tni n, at (fH.riOO and lotn to offer- Ju^t SKCTIUX III. Thr iU'Her|)M»(l va- moat r^iiftnnnnlo price. The rooinH (all four bedropms HVO and you won't bo t i and tho family room) nre large. There IH a 2-onr puune KVC'H; 7&G-0M1;; s 111.1- SALESMAN railoji IH further suhjert to the r* n- X arc woman 10 ;is phono Wo havn nn njr for n Xivt\\ ervnth'iiH 01 ilir rlKlits of nl] utility and the homo has central air coiidltloniiiff. BmartJy lived r«Mf-|>t tntij 1 ln thin iu a very nttrueUve l ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE l nti Hnli-srmni uf i>rov*-n ntillKy. eompanji'H pert;tlniitR to :tny r»f tlic^lr p roi/nnlss.. :>:>n hour u<•<•!;, salary ulrSt'^ will ho Iron h-d i*r>nfldf 11- fiU'tlltles u-hirh may he within thu WvUo lilinnx ^i». nuv (if Wi tlully. WrlU' or call l*\ l^sirsalt, limitM of iiu1 of Kranklln Three IIOUNOH from an elementary school, thin Wettfield Wettfield , an Klin St. , cheerful Colonial with ft modern kltclitn Ifl well worth Tearsall & l^rankfn h, Im\f '11 "1 1 h four blark HIIcluotk j-jn and ^anltiiry J*v\vcr eriwc* f*cjmc enjoy life tf> lt« fulloKt of the line points of thlu lK 2H:i-3n34 siflor « I'.AL , Mthrr with or without! Hit-ut nppl'oxhtiiUely afi.O* whiff fof with this maK'iiiflc-rrit Hturcn quality homo include central air Must lie ^nod Eyplsl, KNM»ral f|f- full time Hcliedule, the outlr** li-nuth »f the ili*«c: si ml timber home, on a Mtt pro])* Her runt iii«\ rit-aKani. MHMlrriip I r ft s 111 o n t preferred, parcel; Ihn north westerlyy |in« In** nin^ wall-tn* wall vnv~ 1 ( orty with I'Xct'ptloiinl phintlim*. rail ssa-w u ah i'ii nd 11 ion cd orrirf*N, 1 JIUM'UKI- Please BIMHI resume tn Box 405, care 7 .fln westerlly frof m ami IETTY t WIWMAN lOnlrnnoo foyer, 27' living room,, and a prrjfo»R|ntinlly IM^ |>i-rnia in*nl positlnn for ui p- of Woatllvlil L#eu(lort KO Elm Rt pimilM lo the ceuterllMf nf tho l S" sanitary s» wer and tho ilen,t diningg room. ^ lnnuth- 29M3S4 kitulien, jiuwOrr r«omt lowe ])fiLli riL X 5!lx-}ii^<"<" ^ftllu^K hoiii-llis. l/nidrii. Call ^ur.-liM'Ji. ] bedrooms, 2% hnlliH, a newly Nterly frtmi and para M^l to the IHMJrooms, ^ b;iths, 2 car fit- phis oval vo^i'tahh* mm with1 Kully hmurcMl. AI"> 2-731*2, 4-9-tf illc: XntliT 1^ I u* re My klvrn that nnp'lc, and I Kit mm (eioplioto NMI^1-4, (WlJitr.ft nliri-l nu rollowh^ llkr new, $250. Illack ulmnluum vx- IH ropy WUH Imrodiurd, read aiul # or pi a Ti Inccr tfi ncl WOMAN would ono 1 Can't Beat It Ranch Rambler torlor window whvitt*M's, varied s*l /rs, purl PMI, mi Orwt roailhm l>y tlio (Nuni- i nil vc Tor M>*c|:iv a \Yi*\st IMwiso mil T-^C-SUTI, cll of th*' Town of Wi-ktfU-ld ;i t a UOK\\ hi enrtonn, $10 per si t, ('all yei\r-'ild raj; hirer Inn II rm npetilnj^ U-)S-*Jt At $49,900! inoftlnM.' ludd LVlirunry 2i\t l!*71, ami At $33,9001 hfnneh In NIMV Ji^rsey. l!ei|Ulrrs vis- thai tho said rounoil will further Its to I-UKHun rinK rxi'cutI vi'H lu H<)>1A \ \v K. ri M \V*^tlU*M, Xt-w Jrrsi*y, :tt wliluh v • s v. h o n 1 M find trannpnrULtlnih ulil f;ishloni-ii nulnl Ifolnik*, KS: fli'NlhU'. Ph-un' \nih- hrirf 1 • ro HELP WANTED - fc kitchen, dtn|i vvusdj43ic*^ Kim Si. hu intero«le(l thi-r^ln will hi . l I room, lnrt;e hrl^hl kitchen, 4 room, lu£ v^ltVi li-latjt* shelves, $!»(»; inilVn«filV;. o.^Wus-UU* ll (2 1 ^ nn npptirtiuiUy tn hr hrapi e l*e(lroojn>*' (2 on 1st Moor), ,.1 3 luMirmimn, 2 batliH, 4' lull, *2K; (hlhls MALE i i imth»t full huttem^nt, nl uole«, $12: 10 vidimus uf l*n $30,500 Hill Fnrm»—attractive buiiR-alow on an ST>' lot, foc-rt'ation rnnin, screened p«relit 1 r. Scotch PPlnlna—expandable Cnpu — Mi^placf, tllnfntf Kuril^e, nice Knnwood location and attaeliiMi J,<*U of Al i e h a n 1 v -H Do-lt-YmirHeir. imri line condition, J>imV tako Preuch Pro vine la I <,''>|T<*o hi lin*. SIS; ART DIRECTOR room, 2 bedroom**. ' our word for It, Hoc for your- quality features (lint must lie 1 IVA \n\v rorni't lifKilcrnsi\ SI-: 1 34,500 -Scotch -Plnhifl—S room Colonial, fireplace, dm, 2 baths, «elf n iid ronipnro. BVV'M: 'AZ'l- ween to be appreciated. IOVC'H: mouiiu*il Miilltish, JSfi: wruuuht IMllpina krr -- I 'nhl i.slif J of I r.i vrl nrl<-nU*d l^onks, m;t^'nK|Mi-Mt nnd A\ TO hriu'liurt'^. AIHMC have pur I Toll" * • J" pulil Ish^d «'nrk; r»- \O y.-a rs S29 flnor him P. Jlii: saw«t ^^r.n; 3*,!»00 -.PnnwooU—Split level, 4 bedroom, entrance hall, 1 fc lmths. f J n r-Kpirh lie -i> wilh :!«t*m-y, pnhl ISIHM\ inininori'lal st url in or III IM»U'* \\ oll« FUIRO strong hox, ?i i» old I\« Till-! AWI VI- S.\J, 35,900 -WeHtfleM—bnautlful Colonial neur all HCIIOOIM, 3 hvi\- rapln-r; rmnpli-t i- frittiHInrlly ivltli •l-rnlur, nlfsri pividiu I ior,t iir ihis, $:!; pair ui" IMM^I 1 roil TIN: H.tvoit \vi>(c*j* t, \li>\\ MKS A\l» C'KHT.%1.% OFPM'KIW 30 •.West'floKl—1 room bunjcnlnw, Jnlnuolc porch, «)3' Int. unit Kxff, lMiliM\ SIMMI* tr;ivi*lt Llhrrat i'iii|ilnyrr hrn^llls. -Scotch PlnhiM—4 bedroom, 1% lmth Colonial—14 yonrn nt, S3f»: hanjo, *»!•: lcni"-- AMI 1^11*1,«VKK« OFTHK TOWN 3f» 1100 ninh^u'iniy nr rnajdr, $:!S* old. Near New York l»us. T»K IT OliMAi.VKh l>y tin* Town -Mountnlmtlile—4 beilroom Cnpe Coil, Dlninft room. HW Patrick L. Hedden irs ItlCSALIO MIOI* (117-1 MO GENERAL DRAFTING CO;, INC. rciunrlt of tin* Town nf UVsUlrld h| lot. Ontial nlr oomUtioninK. ,,,,,, tlu* Couniy tif I'nfiMi :w follmvs; i only Krlday. Sal unlay ami !»r. (ht< titlr nf which U 1 UVIIIK -w""tilel«1—Kii(Vll«h Tudor. J3 room with tlreplnrl o rcM-ltiMl tu thr tltli- nt this orrlliianrd •Van wood— Spanish Htyle homt—4 hi'ilronms. <*<'i uml 322-9102 ANTIQUES INSTRUCTION -r.'luMlroom homo In "Thp (Jimlenn"—2 In SANA HI MS 356 Park Ave., Scotch Plaint Tlw nnnu-il Kiilsirh-s of Thr Muy-nr .Scotch 1-Mnlnn—i liodrooinH, 2 lmthfl, tln*]ilnce—hulf-ncru WESTFIELD EDUCATIONAL SERVICE sitiil (.Niuiu'llnifMi, Town ni'fin-rs and Sl'MMIT <1TS i"tni)lnyf*-K lun-inafi i*r iKitnoi) shall 4R.sino AVi»MtHclO—4 heilr ii>llo\vs: said sal- fiD.OOO- [•'niiwofxi—Circa 1SC.5—H room-Htntcly muhftlon. Mantel tnkon nut of EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS TUTORING ;irlrs to ho cITrrlivt' ;is nf juiuiary fil,1)0(1- Wt'Hllklcl—SlonulieiiKC—4 hcdrcKunfi, living rnoin nci' 172!*; mantel, Oil OFFICES FOR RENT lirew; mantel from Win, Individual instruction available in Mathematics, Hittory, Mayor H— Ciolf Kdtif—I NMlr«r>inn. 2 Vj ImUis. N. Y, Flnnluc^ f l.'M* W,'Htfk'l-7tK>-J r»oo an. ft, lnimiH: vnrl»UH imnnrtert Items, muny Town Attorney 333 If no 1 Ave.* Wriita*M. N. J. Nrw chairs, WIR stand. N'n fiOc in-ins. MEN NEEDED LEARNING CAN BE FUN I ilrlve si ml ti'i'irlor trulliM's, INCH hlrretnr of \Velfiuo t.4O»jm Ilrok«r« directions: Afihwourt Ave, to 1 son ScliooK turn rlpht roniblneil motivational twhnlc (ivrr ihi- mini, Kxperil nee m» luleti Ryrun UIS-H83-8000 onci i*f road, 3r*l I nf (riniiiiiitL: Willlnriin Hvnl Entnie Co. house past m:tll bnxi1 in I'd U*:irnlnu iitnl Imnu* Ui- lo * it I'h-r H train- 11-20-tr (*lnrvi* nsult^. \:>n. I''<'<' !inl>l'*••'< i"M lnit*rvU'^v...... aU |^, ,. Alni riuilnK. M:ilh. SpiMllnK GnoiJM) floor, separata entrance, rce htui;HnsiUl Ti'HthiK li/IV !• .in.. KillMin InihtMlrhil fi-nu-r. iiif air conditioned, private parking; A.I ilsti-iilioJi VU\U. Sli. Itmut- 1, rn^s < liiiii ;i nli^od ink.- i-1T.'.-t Bccretarlnl ^orvlte avalUWe. Ideal MORTGAGES IMiswn. .\Yw "SM7. 1 for manufacturer's rep. a:i2-8303- I res -M ••.-'• fi-18-tf EBRONIX LEARNING CENTER OKAY BY PHONE GUITAR Public N#uiit-r Is hrrrby K H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. Wr;sirii:ri»t with Bacrotnrlal flcrv- '211 I'Mmrr SI rccr 1 itEAivrons Ice and prlvfito Bocrotarlal tele- sni.u;ci TO APPROVAL an onllnam* '>r wiiidi tin- phone answering ovnllnble, Excel-j Do you own Jt hom^V If NO, ynu >nn nnil Iiiuhhiff ( 1«y lent for sales rcij. or Bmall 3 nil of your hllla into one i^lM'rleiHM'. THM All ^-^! m.«<«iM'( on Hr>t In- i 'OHM* Ll> SIM South A AD !l-a701. 2-6-tf pnyiD^nL hy y .rrKti pp to R. U. lli:\\i:. ;, lonrlitr nr ptnno. Unilniiry n t-U\ nt ;i ni.ttiim 1icl7I. and AD 3-0063 ** MEMBETl NATIONAL ROSTER WEflTKIICM) — New luxury office n] fir. I.csH'nis In your lunne. MG : lh:it tin- SJI iNiunrll will fnrlht'i- fa 1 build In tr HUltc* nvallftble. Ground UP to an •.yeiu- CallH : to rouay on a i\v.\v Dorian ltil., Wi-Miiultl. call AD 2-n:t;• r.. rlnssi'S, LMirnll now. Poll'si roni*ldi*r tin M fur Hnal nassiij:^ AMIMJ: PAMCING DOTH OF lluor localloih Three arru*efl plus re- !i-si\:«. 1-^S-tt : on tin- !»ih or Miin-li, T.iTK at n r i) « - ! ilun!r*p!'l IMiililHiK, \->* !<• Itroad St., tor In the United StntoH, Whon ll-6-tf % • WVsttlHd. Nru JiTsry, ;il wblrli tlnu* moving planHti roni*lricr nur rcc- SERVICE an I pliic-r any pt-rsun wlm may 1M- lAhin WUlti ;/7»t omnu-ndutlon, No fee. Intv)-" •! = I I'J tlnr^ln will h*- t: Iven an :>;i:f Nouth Ave, v/. on 4hr if rt unity lo In* linml VMnreriMnt; iluillth Kline !t:iH- REAL ESTATE - h IS s'-ll. Cull The- Tun*- TRUCKING & MODERNIZING \M> inti-: i»i;»'AH'r>n:\ i*s i> Sivlc, Wi'S-70'J.r, from 1»:.*IO A.M. unit) TIIK TI»\V\ Ol1 Wi;STHi;i,l)AN|l AUTOS FOR SALE -I'M "-("If 233-2523 1 ifr:\uv p. 'inw Pl.AS'l'RHIXi AND PATCHES SPR- 'I'O. * Charles B. OarJt s}/.r- 10" ^ llf l-.l-:' \'V nlt1'AIN'l-;i> t>>" Hi.- Town PARTS/ACCESSORIES riALTV. A!il< TVI'KS MASONFtY i nrlitni! Ptmi Oirice nn l-eimx Ave. Call T.'iii- all r ii I'.M. iVum-il i>t' Ih" TIUVM nl' )Vfslfii l«i til COMPANY l'ltlilK ulT-Htr«f« parking. AIDED VAN LINES YF II \i» Vvsi' 'i.- t In' ('nu n l y ut I'it In ii ;is Col lows : for IMPORTS/SPORTS hi' AMI iNM.I.K AH 3-^.W. SKt'TlDN I. 'Hint Hnn'iMl <>nli- Multiple LUtlntf Service .Tcrscyn ii OOOD pi it no wjinte..!..,•>• •;••. '!'-. I1""-" llfhltid JlnilroiMl .station IVI i:iu:S'll\f; roll.rtlnns i.r lifili- KiM'p thn tnvfsiiiwni tn ymir homo'''lid-i' * > J I * I iln- l'*ir-* i hi'-r tn I In* TREE SURGEONS (I T M h J i BUY OF THE WEEK Mes m dls-nhiy in Marri'tt * rnrhi. <-r IMIHIIH'NS proper 1 y on iho I |» * *•" i '^ ' KIKIII !»>• ,(> l' ll"Ws: fi-18-Lf Inf.. (l:S Mini Si. i sltli* w Mh ii n ASPl'lAI/P I'I'AVI-: n I'IIH I ul pi.lii-*- f 1 1 IMM VHIVA V or PAIIKLVO AUKA I'II l"f M'Mn- I "in- I »i-p;u inn-n t $\ wlndnw.s. I'Iras* ,\ir( SCHMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO. J h;ill , . |ii. Jlr Call H|-'J*TMiN It. This MPIIM UIIV $35,900. 1^ K'ni Si, 1 1 |1V Ht'iliin. liidin uml IMMI'T, a c\ ii inli-i- rompIHL- ^Itidrrn TrtM1 Srrvlre WliUAM A. PARKHUR5T ! f: !:. * :; '' ^ IT..M.I.MI b> hi». • ROOMS FOR RENT *- l-i Jitl;i l-il. M'.n.l emu] I Hun, !?1L'.".. Cull h Lovely landscaped older colonial home convenient to a:i:i;ri:: SlnU ( *^(lll^d PI>IM- i:\pirt & SONS, INC irrMtV rtirnlNlit-d i-imm n pi schools, OH, steam heat, low taxes. First floor living room lin nil' nil 111 Mils line, Ahl MMIS nun, |[«M. win- WIIMI-IS, In HELP WANTED - r IiiHunMl Srrvlcrx uiL call L :n-:ir.s:., Ii'P many I-VIIMS, lnlrj-i^i*'l purl 13^21.9, dining room, den, modern kitchen with eating # r,;irl J Aj FEMALE VA U-I K A- FM'MMI -I.T un iir,llM;iiir, i-ntitl<'«l "An nnil- space. Second floor has three good size bedrooms. House A I-l'M INI'M SlIHH.Vn I MHII. r IISIMI Ii-I«MV- [Ui ill I in*: I»is- M is painted lovely mustard gold color with black trim. See WANTED TO RENT IM:.. air i-Miir ui< fi|M-iiinu ITlri N I»l<:i;K triti* ;UPI !:••>: r.. :ii»i;^ in itir T**\\i\ KI.ATK l(f-:i 'A 11 is: iil'TTKHS »,.' Wi^l fh-l*!/' \Mll ii: 1 It*- AliMll- this one as soon as possible. (TMlil^ -••• iin'Ml lily tiillini* t. nlly I nsiirt'il !!7ll~1lli:i7 «tp:il I: i M 1 • I i 11 L: i*n Ah*iif|.i>, l-«, <'Ori*l,l'T wllh uiii* fltlld IH"M1M L! IHMI- :i ml v iil1 lul |1(| h>n Mi't'i'ss;! r\v no ^,| CIH'. -". ^|n 7-^;i-t ^ i !»7 ! :il .••>• I'M »'* ^ ' ii- rciiuii npurlnu>n t, WCHMII^IH U I-^;I, tn MISCELLANEOUS - j -oiltT i In1 hiltim tin; ;i|«i^sil Cull Alltw Hchlt-lt, cvu'n 7B3-1U71 511*0 n inuiitlL I!:u-!i4r«(;, 1-liH-tr liKdlL 'IIU I'KllilUSl SVHiiTll. |'"inm in rit. St;i t .• nti\u vy i-x •';i II :::i:s-;i!'7n jirti-r »: I'.AI, Wrlli* !:*»v Inn, run. nf MASOMIY — p:it]n t — I A 1VA \TI>:t) liy r^M)iiiiiMlh)r* :ulull ruti- DRAPERY SERVICE |"| M>|- 1 nil oiiilil- I l.i III: I in VMI *;I- i * •<(:*. Ni-w nr r-i-TTiiHlcllni;( Irn. Sr '*ll' lUHl ^ v\]\\t\ I M|| Jl )lnl!MC 111 f Wi'Ht Ili'H, llrff'rcnro^. NVI-IIMI by n An- 1: 11 i I c 11 u K SrrvJrr, :^3-S^t1!i, mi |-it OMID'.M'V !•• Mn* I CHARLES B. CLARK May I. PWMIM- rnll jj:it'-n:tsT, LOST AND FOUND nlti'lM I llHIJ'. i I- IJ-T f if i-lr in, s* < i ton I !•: \ II \ n\ t rti vn«-»l ii»ii n 1 fur in nl' tin tfniih Company Ul" (I. n y MM ,\I* < Mir rliurrli u lin? tin tur • PIANO TUNING REALTORS llf IM1<< IlI'lll'Mlllll ll|l|lll Itl'lll. SllUlll Hrii'frrly lip-lh-vrd ;mi| ni|t r-Kimily •!« iMIhu; lor (hi> I'hhMly UIICIH'H, 1 HI t It. "'Miry, nil |irlvnlc,- ll y_ ) vi'II t>ll I >]l|» 114> f (tf I'lAN'i) rn'\l\O, nil planoM, tunod ;lii| rhuK SlriM'i, In JHM indiun o , (*:ill n n IIKNTAL ANHIMTAXT fj ArMi-lt- K, S-t-ii-mii IL'IK: HIIII \Vi'HiM<'Iil-('rniirtirit m-»-ii. i 'nil NS7- or U iin-li fviMiliiMs, nnil uniny. II- y;i;!-i:iiM, v A.M. i I MI i )ii> XHMIIIK i pnlliunn-t*. A vnilahlll i v nnil pi»j-M> I. [tiiflinnii, MnplowouiL 7 it I - J H C T». y ui -• * i ^ -1 r IMO-tf I-;LKA\OII I-;. sANi^un*, WIIHIW tli*H|roM 755-3000 LOST- I-Vh. |0, tlo i iMHp, I-'W rv 11 1 1 11 MI P1V S.'irMary, H";ui n Hr rill HIM II ml VM 11u< powl n('- - J ^^! ;^" . -'''-. \ |P"">> i i* AM» i>MM\r:n NI: ' | IM 1\» TI MMi - U, A. THII-I-MH I'll L*!IJ-ril!Mi, ljMn :.-t 77^:.. I'.i':.. ri nm is/mm, immmw, WHS Announces Honor Roll m n DANCE WED. For Service Academies Catherine Savage Wins Bronze Star WGHTSTOWN A WeslfieW resident and another i The n*su"ils of the second Kaihie Bobal L. Schneider Cliarles Aflpert from Mountainside are included in(»)enud -v!lOtt" a fllt'il! of 30ii 1lie Donna A, Brader Senters Kim E. Arohanibauit Army Sgt. l-c George S. Lang re- ut w str Laura SeroUT iXavJd A. Beader cently received the Bronze Star Me- Two Become CPA'e COUNTRY CLUB a list of candidates of Son .nif-! '" ^d Senior HJIOI Susan Broiiherlon hoRor Ol> Carolyn H. Brown Earns Sivames Richard N. Bauer dal near Long Einh, VaoLnam. ford P. Cose for appointments «0' disliRgiiished honor dt :ru J b(1 Joyce Amy Shapiro Robert B. Cagassoia of 213 Ayflitfc p W«fk — Sat. Two Bonds svrvice academics. JWx-rl A. lion- ' ' ''^ ' » enrolled in Helen L. Brown Jay M. Behmke Mis wife Patnioiia lives at 639 Ben- Mtttha. Every Saturday, Bruce K. Smith Jonathan E. Btsst son PI. Ave. aivd John R. H. GiLmour of 229 vekef Jr. of 2-40 Summrt lid.. Moun- ^ ^i^/ud honor ^roup a student Ki'rry S. Brown MiassachusetU St. have been admit- VtW greatest entertainment mus : obUiJ)1 a Kdil oI v In Margaret A. Snyder Stephen Blonsky He was presejited tihe Bronze Steu* tamside. is-listed as his third alter- • «'" "- Benjamin Cliacko ted to practice in New Jersey as •tfy — J'/i hours of dancing— h: ]C Wendy M. Chanifeei Bat)s R. Seller Stephaai Ghrraglia M&dail for disli n-guisihing hdmself irali' for the Ai•r Force AL-:.d«ny and I * ™- * M'^^" MI!)J^.S and mi Martha A. Spnagg certified public accountants. They Every Wed. radL ix>iUW ly in :i!1 ni!llur sulj Carolyn A. O&aric Marydlen Olark through menilorious service in con- William M. Moirsaft n oi 707 Lamburls ; « ' " ' > - took their oaths of office uel Tou blbi' iMiiolk'1 d in tin- Jionor Lisa Coffer Patrida Stafford Kathdeon M. Conroy nection witfi military operations 25 « over - $1.50. Mill Kd. as nintnlh alternate fofoi r tho I J ' *- »rolH'd Jn On- lioiwr Deborah Stites in Newark. group a sUukM'L nui.-l obtain Bai-ry H- Cohen Elizabeth Curtis ag'ainst hositile forces in Vietatam. U.S. Military Academy. Gregory J. Stone of "A" or "Ii" in all subjects nuijor Joseph F. Corcoran - Jame? Cypihsr The medal, axiopted in 1044, recog- Miarybefch Suillfvan AiMbent •€."• Danker niizes outt^landlng achievement. or Jr.inor. Debra Oro\titord Stephen TapscqU On Honor Roll Peggy Culhane Timothy K. Dta-vis Sfft. Lang received Uie award 1)ISTI\OUISJIEI) IIONOK ROLL Ka-feherine B. Tari*y Waney L. Derr while assigned as a pAa/boon- ser- Anne Dreamier, Stephanie Mat- fROM MS SENSATIONAL ROADSHOW ENGAGEMENT! A!!en Cyjiher Robert G. Ttaylw Suzanne EWy SEMOK Leslie D. Deacon geant in Radio Company, Long Rinh. thews aiud Susan Wallace have been Nuw for The 1s! lime Al Popular Prices! Baitta-ua J- TVIton Jianies Fejig Carrie J. BugaUU Richard P. Deacon He completed basic training at named io the honor roll for the first Jcanni! K. liussiere Hulip Toussaii>t Gayle C. Fienberg Ft. Jackson, S.C.; and was last sta- semester at Kent Place. Nancy G. Deck Obarles E. Towers Nancy Frankenbach dazzling t cavalcade Miirk K. Dotwei'Ur James Dc-Ilo Russo John D. Towers Margaret L. ]icpc Janet S. Gage Margaret De Valon Robert B. Tutble Wiiliam A. Gondeuk • 3 VI •nr a screen Hope V. Peterson Steve DiTi-olio 3 IP 3~ •Newswetk Magaz Diane P. Warren Hellen Ann Gredd EXQUISITE Anllicny B. Potter David P. Dix George Watt Shertayn C. Greek 3 J'Ssnlice Rowe Joan Elblonk B2 * = 8 Richard E. WJiUe ^ Evelyn D. Hagers 5 DINING Carol D. Saun-ders Rebecca Fox Deborah WiWer Oanol A. Haskew (/i 3 ^ n Carolyn Seitcr Aniy P. Friedl'and Susan WSshner Judith A. Heim ( IN THE WAY Kathleen Sofield MoM R. Grarnabrani Baitera Wotf John August Hoff Carol A. Trenn Rainer Glawion Steven E. Zane .Jonathan Hopkins -•$3 HONOR ROLL Joan G. Goldstein Keed Jackson I Of OLD CHINA Liatla D. Green SENIOR DISTINGUISHED HONOR ROLL Robert D. Jackson Sara Giiesemer Anne M. Kahn^ * AND ,lc!in Ackernvan Glenn W. Grififjn JUNIOR Michael Klntngham Barbana A. Allen rn Neil D. Havrtitton Katlileen M. Kuli ^D ^* W '»» ~* POLYNESIA Janet J. Allen Keith L. Bremer Susan M. Hansen Margaret Dolmorwco Paud Leil-er O r- J r* Larry F. AUer D. R. Uenberich Janice Levine Lir.d-a S. Andereon Marjorie Enrich Laurel Howe Katherine Kueter Garen B. M'acDonald Biirabelh I. Apgar Rtt-cihiard Jordan Kenneth E. Bachnian Elaine M. Lechecka Timothy F. Kahn Karen Lewis Tucker I. Marr 3 w ••< ' B89-4979 Bruce Bauer KaUierine Kaibacher Poter J. McHale Route 22 West, Victoria M Bauer Cynthia R. Rtiotolo Leslie Kapdan Alayne M. Simone James MeHcfsn corner Harding Rd. Scotch Pi aim, N.J. Robert W. Bayly Susan K. Kinast Charfles MitcMil Barbaj'a Bennett Susan L. Skelly EXCLUSIVE Peter F. Kirn Robert E. Wakkhen Susan M. M?oran RIALTO Deijra Koorse Neil R. 2ack Carol A, Murray Joseph E. KnaJcora Linda J. N&idweske AREA (i)f I NIC IN UN HLAflH Rosalind Alpert Karen R. L'auritsetn Jed S. Beards)]ey Pauil D. Pecloa ENGAGEMENT Janet Louise Marie L. Per-kwski Frederic P. Boblck Deboraih Ann Peters Kenneih H. Lyng Pem S. Boekes diary '& Ellen R. Miagliaro John F. PetriceJii of a mnti AnneU Bong a r zone David C. Phillips THUM, MON., TUfS DTU5 Joseph Mancfino Robert W. Bowden IfltWIVMN hous«wlf« Douglas Merrick Katiienin& Pott Ml laLUWTHicr. richard benjamin Jan W. Bronston Manfguerite S. Rao carrie snodgress Sarah J. Mosis Charles D. Brown JUMBO THICK $AT Wendy E. Robinson 264-2200 Susan M. Mottcs Maroia H. Bumeted SUN 1 and David J. Murphy Pia-mela Rossi CltNl tASTWOOO Spencer S. Busby Lcslde F. Saunders •TWO MULES f OR William H. Napier BeUe Bussel SISTER SARA" Susan Neufeld Mathrym Sdhatz PADS Martha B. Ohilds Lynn- A. Schorft WALTER BEADE PtANK SINATRA Lee S. Newman Janice h. Clark THEATRES Patricia C. Oertle Lewis K. Schrager Sean C. Oarkin Melin-ia A. Shlapiro DIRTY DINGUS Arthur C. Pace Barry P. Cohen \Wiliam D. Percy Burt M. Silver man <•• Heii Over 3r4 Week MB0YS Teri M. Compton 75C3S00 Susan P. Pope Jeffrey J. Slahor at th« 2:00 •7:00-9:05 and Frederick Oonroy Susan D. Preston Brfan H. Corrigan Leslie D. Sterling ft* -"- "Clawing Comedy! The PA 1 -3400 Nicholas Di Sarro Lisa Tanner Owi and the Pussycat Thomas Reeder Lauren D. Reitter Amy Ducat man Timothy Thatcher WESTFIELD LEADER it AijA entertainment!" Henry G. Dudley Chris Vejrwslea -TIME Laurie Robinson Jiayne C. Dzuback Linda Waddell Linda J. Eberhart Suzanne Wederich 50 Elm St. Marc Eh rich Adnienne Wilder Susan- N, EJ'fers Richard E. Zudtner ftm "ft / Diane Engel panavlslon Karen A. Fahrner Color Joel Farley 'k. Gwn No we under I-'.AST liROAI) M 17 idmitted Cynthia Fealihers unless accom- WKSxTFJKLI\N. |. Douglas Fs'Mman panied by M parent. Amy Friedman Pnssmat Donna Fugit ffi Nancy E. Gbnnon :i Special Sneak Preview! PhyJHs. A. Gehm Robert M. Gehorsarh MAYFAIt THIATtl - ASIURY PARK FRIDAY NITE AT 10:30 P.M. *.*J •::;• ^BOX OF Margery A. Gilbert m HICKORY FARMS CLOSED CIRCUIT TELECAST SEE ONE OF THE SCREEN'S Ronnie Gtaubinger _ MONDAY IVINING, MARCH Ith Steven C. GoMberg - *. • \ • BIG PICTURES OF THE YEAR Mardi L. Goldmann v> ' Hit FteM §1 Chamlons Lynda Gotlicb '' lll'.l ' • L • f JOE FRAZIER u. HUHAHMAD ALI TORA TORA TORA Patricia A. G-ra;iiam TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT STRAND THEATRE Mark N. Greene i • IASHIONED SHOWN FRI. AT 7:30 P.M. ONLY Marjorie S. H'ake Jchn R. Hiavas Nancy M. Hawkins 777 5\ Richard W. Heckeler George Y. Hcpper \& T/l CEZLCHEBS Susan P. Irion> -v-i •;*. WITH PURCHASE OF CAN YOU INDIFFE NT? \- m David A. Johnson A < A HICKORY FARMS Laura R. Johnson SPECIAL BLEND 'V** 11 •V. W-4 Amy F. Judd >* photo b^ Brian Divloi ' -••• mfiM .rrtt "fIf i iff **,* *_+»*P.» ir h t- F -/ R-i!a Junti-Aia Rtt'Ci KQin -••-.. • . \ .• Theodore Kamins CHEESE Lawrence Katz : .•.•.• s *. -. .- Susan Keller

    L - -e-t-. .• - .V,' / L"...... :* z-.*'*-?*.:^ --.-••: Michael KeKy S«-r»n K«llv BALL Robin J. Landew * t*m These flavorful, bite-size, Les'ie Lcvi'ne Old-Fashioned Crackers Sharon J. Lis-man are an ideal companion •*'i Longenibach for the Hickory Farms Jean Mac Con ffacb i e 1 Cheese Ball—a snack ' "•:: Robert D. Mansell Les'ie A. Mapes or party treat made from Edward F. M>as'iin a special blend of aged ••%£ A: Nancy L. McCormkk cheeses, covered with Elizabcl'h MdManus ground, selected nuts, and i-1-1"--' "_ Michael McQuoid topped with a bright, red cherry. Kenncl-h B.'-Metz i.'*.' !'"""• This perfect combination will delight . Marina Myers your guests—and William H. Nelson Peter Ozimck family as well. ' P«Eer H. Parken Douglas Peterson Bruce F. Putocr THIS OFFER GOOD FRI. & SAT., FEB. 26 & FEB. 27 Judith M. Rabkin Peter Romsborger Dorta:d S. Reiter Frank Robert William S. Rosanio *?•'*•*. V The baby seal In the photo was one of 50,000 killed in the intends to pound on the world's conscience until sentient George J. Sarle Gulf of St. Lawrence, one of over half a million seals men and women everywhere are made aware of the Carol A. Scalza clubbed, speared, shot, gaffed during the 1970 Canadian- unnecessary cruelty and destruction being inflicted upon Laurie Seligman Norwegian slaughter in the Atlantic. animals. Your contribution will be used to plead for those OF OHIO creatures who cannot speak for themselves but who dumbly Mary Speclil Don't believe furriers who would persuade you that implore your pity. Dcbra Slerns Friends of Animate has been "misleading" you, that any Barbara A. Stoudl 126 Kinds of Cheese — 1,001 Imported Foods slaughter anywhere Is done for the benefit of the seals, ShcMa A. Strock I, Alice Herrlngton, testify that on March 21, 1970-the • Margaret E. Tallan 215 SOUTH AVE. W., WESTFIELD second day of the Canadian season on seats—I saw the Connie L. Thompson HOURS: MON., TUES., WED., FRI., SAT. 9 to 6 same brutal massacre against which Friends of Animals, Friends of Animals, lac I Timclhy N. Tracey 11 WEST 60TH STREET THURS. 9 to 9 - SUNDAY 11 to 3 of which I am president, has been protesting for years. NEW YORK, N.Y. 10023 Joanne W. Trimble Melody B. Troegcr FREE PARKING FREE COFFEE As the bubble-domed helicopter flew low over the first day's • Enclosed is my tax-deductible Amy E. Troxull kill, I saw mother seals nuzzling the skinless corpses of contribution to help stop the slaughter I their babies. Standing ten feet away from the killers on the of marine mammals. Pfeasc add Lauren V«n Luuvcn Ice floes, twenty miles out in the Gutf, I saw baby seals, my name to your mailing list. Putcr B. Wang clubbed twice, raise their heads as they were sliced open. I Q Send me a mat of this advertisement so I Brendu J. Wixson 4 * Other babies were battered as many as fourteen limes that 1 can place this advertisement in AMERICA'S LEADING. CHEESE STORES i> while the mothers watched in terror and stress. my local paper at my own expense DISTINGUISHED HONOR UOLL (also tax-dcductiblc}. SOPIIOiMOUES If You Are One Who Cannot Be Indifferent to the Suffering of Other Creatures I Jontillran A. BI\££QV >"N Robin S. Bui'iicU YOU CAN HELP I I .Juni-t IHiucr Wumly C. Mi'own F/rsf-by refusing to garb yourself in the agony of another, f P. -•»•„• • by refusing to buy the skins of wildlife. N;mcy N. Olicnitz •Joiin IS. Coukos Second-by causing this advertisement to be inserted in Julie S. Kox your local newspaper. (A mat will bo sont upon your request I Mnrllui C Friitl to Frionds of Animals. See coupon.) I TWrd-by sending a lax-deductlblo contribution to cu/ tt It. Kuntz Friends of Animals, Inc., a non-profit organization that I Z\V Kulhryn l L J Voiiu ft, mu***, fm t Social And Club News of the Week in the West field Area

    To Wed Future Bride of the Ir.duslria! Arts Club, is an Engagement Told Ralph T. Reeve Gerald Armstrong, alumn-us of Wt --ti'iold High School.

    •-•-..• A-IUr a wedding trip Lo Ca.orahaenopis orchids and sweetheart Wedding Martha G. Bern is The bride-elect's father is staff erdon County Family Nursing Serv- roses. THAT TIRED OLD FUR merchandise controller of the Sears, Miss Donna Yorkston of Warton, ice and a member of Beaver (Brook Sylvia E. Jordan L J. FitzHarris, REMODEL IT! Weds Gary Wall Roebuck and York Golf Club at Clinton Point. r N.J., maid of honot^^a^^agjjjmed Cakes parent buying office. Her fiance's in dark blue velvet. Wearing gowns Rtpairing — tatintng " father is distribution plant engineer- Mr, Reeve, president of Bowen West Point Cadet, of dark green velvet were the Mr. and Mnas. George C. Bemis of Engineering Company, North Branch, To Be May Bride 117 Rahwtty Ave. announce ttie mar- projects, for Public Service Electric bridesmaids Miss Leanna Pbvilairis STORAGE and Gas Co., Newark. is a member of the board of direc- of MoRierson, Kans. and Miss Di- ri'age of their daughter, Martha tors of Sigma Investment Shares, Professor and Mrs. Edward A. Is Engaged OM Gene, to 5-Sgt. Gary C. Wall, son of ane Flora© of Ijafce Hopatcong. They Wilmington, Del.; a trustee and Jordan of 625 Fairmont Ave. and carried bouquets with phalaenopis Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wall of 1615 (Pairfield, Conn., announce (he en- FURS-LEATHn Boynton Ave. member of the executive committee The engagement of Leo James orchids and feathered carnations. of Somerset Hospital, Somerville. gagement of their daughter, Sylvia FitzHarris III, a cadet at the U.S.KeUy Framtz of Kansas City Mo., margie CLOTH - SUIM The ceremony took place Feb. 15 He also holds membership in the Ellen to Raymond Douglas Rocco, (Military Academy at West Point, a cousin of the bride, was ftower in Dillon, S.C. Attending the couple son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Raoco girl. were Miss Maureen Busky of West- American Institute of Chemical En- to Miss Marsha D. Miner, lias been MANMADI "FUIS" gineers, the New Jersey Historical ct the Bronx, N.Y. announced "by her parents, Mr. and cake field and Jtames Jeffrey, who is William Anmsitrong Jr. was his 349 I. MOAD SIMIT stationed witfi the bridegroom at Society, the New Jersey Association The future bride and her fiance Mrs. Harold C. 'Miner of Warwick, brother's besrt man. Ushers were Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, of Thoroughbred Horse Breeders, met at Merrill, Lyrtch, Pierce, Fen- R.I. William Foviiaitis of McPherson Opposite Riailo Ttoatr* Gokteboro, N.C. Miss Barbara Anne the Sons of the American Revolution ner and Smith of New York where IMiss Miner, a graduate of War-and Raymond Eustice of Whaiton, WESTflfLD • 332-9411 Bemis Was1 her sister's honorary and iis past president of the Somer- they are both employed. She re-wick Veterans Memorial High Mrs. Armstrong went to McPher- bridesmaid. ville-Raritan Exchange dub. He was iceived an associate degree from School, is a junior at 'Rhode Island son College for two years after she Mrs. Walt w&s a member of the graduated from Cornell University. (New Hampshire College in Man-College, Providence. graduated from Leoti High School Class of 1070 at West/ield H i g h chester, N.H. (Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs.and was a member of the A Gapped- School which her husband attended. 'Mr. Rocco served in the U.S. AirFitzHarris Jr. of 819 Nancy Way, la Choir. Her husband, senior at She has been employed by the tan- Service League Force from 1963 to 1967. He wasis an a.luinm» of Holy Trinity McPherson where he is member cob Federal Savings and Loan As- honored as the Airman of the Month High School. A first classman at inger m* carbson sociation. To Add Members at Westover Air Force Base in Mas- the Military Academy and a candi- formerly wiUi Bloominffdafcf date for June graduation, he is with •S sachusetts in June, July, and August BTI-B- r • B i m of 1966. Company D, 3rd Regiment. The Mr. Lozier Fiance mm In Spring (No date has been set for the wed- A May 29 -wedding is planned. ding. Instant Interiors mmmmssm r I- B TURN-STYLE • Of Miss Seroff Hie names of 16 women who will become provisional members of the Rose Culture Panel Color Coordination LYNN VIRGINIA JOHANTGEN We&tfield Smite League in May Teen Fashions Slated Floor Plans Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Seroff of were announced at Tuesday's meet- i Antiques and A panel discussion on rose culture Shopping Service 634 Scotch Plains Ave. announce the ing at Echo Lake Country Cltfb by By Sisterhood will be the program for the Nor In Second Hand •j engagement of his daughter, Dayle Mrs. Jack Peterson, vice president Jersey Rose Society at 2 p.m. Sat- Randy to Gary Wade Lozier, son of A teen age fashion show will be For appointment in your home or office CALL (201) 272-5809 Baby Is Christened and admissions chairman. given at Temple Emanu E-l at 8 urday, Mar. ]3, at the First Meth- Furniture Mr, and Mrs. Jack W. Lozier of 12 They are IMesdames Charles As- odist Church, 39 No. FuTlertxwv Ave., iWychvjew ipr. Miss Seroff is the Mountainside — Sidney Leigh p.m. Miar. 24, sponsored by the Bought & Sold sclin, Robert Baldwin, Ralph Ben- Sisterhood. Daughters of members Montoiair. Topics to be covered tnterntitionul Designers mid Consultant* Ltd* daughter also of Mrs. Selma Seroff Leisenning, daughter of Lieut, and will be planting, fertilizing, and di- Mrs. John G. Leisenring of Conapo- nett, Charles Biggs, Harry Bockus, will model clothes from the Young • of New York City. William Inglis, James Jordan. Also sease anti insect control. 'Miss Seroff and her fiance are lis. Fa,, was baptized recently at Circle Shop of Saks Fifth Ave. Des- Estate Sales Managed Cranlord. New Jersey t.')x. e . Community"' Presbyterian Meisdames Frederick Kcps, Edward sert will be served. The public is invutod to attend graduates of-Westoield High School.' Kowalczyk, Willard Law, Glen Mag- and take part in the question and 1707 E. Second St. Mr, Lozier is a student now at Church, Mountainside. Mrs. Ledserir Tickets may be obtained from ning is the former Margaret Sidiney gio. Thomas McCarren, William Mil- answer period. Scotch Plains Southern Colorado State College. ler, T h i> m a s Mullaney, Charles Mrs. Georald J. Borkan, 2 Genessec A June wedding is planned* Rupsp whose parents, Mr. anfd Mrs. Tr. GOT A GU1PR? Opan 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. Schramm and Alex Williams. *••• Walter H. Rupp live at 359 Wogwobd THE EDITOR 5 -••] •Way;' Paterrial grandpa rents are Mrs; Heitoerit" Sailer, "treasurer, re- For All the Miv and Mrs. John L. Leisenring ported that donations were made in Consignment Shopv Which is now STEP into SPRING! of 364 Dogwood Way, February t o Westtfield Hospitals, accepting spring clothing. She add- Read tjie Leader $1300; Community Center tamper- ed that no clothing will be received The Symbol for Fine Portrait and Wedding Photography ships, ' $300; Fireman's Mutual Be- Thursday afternoons. nevolent Association, $100; WesfcfieJd John Ciardi, poetry editor of The Patrolman's Benevolent Fund, $100. Saturday Review, spoke at the meet- "-•.•"•• -, Mrs. Barton Bisohoff, Thrift Shop ing. Hostesses were Mrs. Daniel Rv"? ' :::::.-:' chairman, noted a successful mid- .Boston, Mrs. Andrew Tuotolo, Mrs, winter sale and bag day as did Mrs, Warren Rankln and Mrs. Austin n 'i Frank'MacPherson, .chairman of -the Sayj-e. • }',' '-•• • ••>,.' BRIDAL GOWNS, INC.

    B >v Brides - Bridesmaids - Mothers rie day 1 Flower Girls - Proms and Formats / like no other - CUSTOM DESIGNING - CAPTURE IT ALL 1 From the firnt vity of light, 772 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 654-3383 WESTFIELD, N. J. Makes This one day is alive. This one day is an full, You /should capture it all. For the photographic record of your wedding, the ~sorvices of a quali- fied professional photog- rapher aro essential. Call us today, won't you? : /' , Jsbandt t •: •-•>• The Ice blue aquamarine is the birth- stone for March. Legend has it that For The Best In its lucky wearers are protected from evil. We don't believe it but we do suggest you see this beautiful stone in a variety of settings. Portraits Pietro and 228 EAST BROAD ST. WESTFIELD 106 E. BROAD ST. aketti Phone 233-4666 JEWELERS N.J.

    BAR MITZVAH INVITATIONS (Printed or Engraved) time you're tempted remove

    Register With Our Bridal Registry- yourself. , Howard Wolfs easy-going double woven Receive A Free Monogramed polyester pants quicken their pace when Toasting Glass remember what happened last topped with a crisp striped and belted (No Obligation) over-blouse. Navy, with white pants. 70,00 CO.KFXLER'S Jeannette's Gift Shop 77 years of professional better Jty Gleaning, dncc 1894 Headquarters for Hallmark Cards and Barrlcinl Candy service guarantees your 9 WU.aTFILJLD—11 K, Uroad au jane smith 227 0. BROAD STREET satisfaction. HAHDI CHARGE PhAlNFUatiO Central Ave. Westfleld Roar Entrance to Municipal Parking Lot • Cur. Hunt)] & he.lurid • ;ioil Honurnot Ut. 232-1072 • Cur. W. TLJi & Cilntu« • UUll-'urkAv*. Customer Parking from 132 Elmer Street Opon Monday Evenings tr r-

    i Health. Retiiesda, fctd. The daughter Champagne Party Stanfordf Mark ' Jr, League to Htmr Eawin, a junior at of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russeli Eak- CoKege. is con> iii. 475 Rdgewoad Ave., she majors Slated by M'sicle 25th Anniversary Luncheon for Art Critic as an oflf campus educational in (Mcmesrtary education. experience during Uu* winder term Woman's Club Celebrating fcheir 25th wedding an Course Speakers Show Is Planned niversajy. the Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Stanford left Saturday for a two MounUinside — Wliat is a PoL- •week cheater hrip to Ixindon The Junior League of PJainfield Michael Lenson, art critic for the ri EKtravanganza? Accoi'dting Paris. hosted a 'luaolison, Feb. 19 at Mi's. Sunday Newark NGWS. will address to the Mountainside Woman's Club George F. Lane's II, for .the speak- memb&rs of .tlie Westfield Oliaipter FDGMANNOit Company it is their ohiatnpaBne biMcfee lun- On Valenline's Day the Stanfords ers, and rapj-esentsiLives 'from oily of Ha-dassaJi .Monday, March i, at A1WAYI «A0«AOVY TO SHVf YOU I • f cheon to be held at ]1 a.m., Mar.were guests of honor at-a tea and and county agencies who are par- the home of Mrs. Gerald Irt&au, 12 • «A»A6Cf A BWm Oil. 3! at the MouMaiaside Inn. reeepUon given by members of the ticipating in the League's provisional 'Bnandywine Court, SooicJi Plains. Fir si Congregational Church to •course. The gala affair under the ^>le di-mark their anniversary. Te« table IMidiael Leaison's view of art from recYfon of Mrs. Aa#*ur Tonneson This year's course -will include a •tlie vantage point of art critic is es- •twvui deicanations combined Valentine and series tti lectures and seminars on assisted by Mrs. WrlKam HeJler, the silver anniversary motifs. Highlight •peciaJIy pertinent to the WeslXield champiagne anld full counse ktnchQOn tLeague -procedures, projects, and 'Hadassah group as their 13th an- of the occasion was the presenta interest groups as well as discus- STORKCORHER wiil be followed by fiasJiions from (ion of :ayed by pvofesston&l The executive board at the Women's fund-raising event helps to support Call modeHs. dren's services. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J). Kuntz of •the Hadas&ah Hospital in Israel, Fellowship iw*s In charge of ar iDay-tona (B&ach, Fla., formerly of 2)24273 Cands are also the order U the Among those present were the Qiadassah Mtdieal Organization, vo- Isstf speaker* for the course: Oliver WestfleW, announce 'the bii^th Feb. icational education and many phasefi day. There will be table prizes and 12 of Uieir first child, Bryan Douglas. door prizes donated by loca'l mer- Bartiett, executive ttirector of Neigh- of youth rescue work. lOCAi iborhood House; Alfred S. I>i«tzeJ IMrs. Kuitz is ithe former Lyndta chants. Frottrnity Swantz of Cr-anJord. EMr, Lenson's career includes 1362. As muralr*. h« Tickets may be had an- * ftr^ director of commeirce and industry teaching, # + * an artist, ne HM extilbited in commissioner of public safety; {Mrs. iMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Connolly group shows at the Carnegie Inter- awards at the iMontci&ir Ait Mu- Gardiner Cunningham and Mrs. of 1528 Rahway Ave. became par- national, Corttoran Gaftery, Museum seum's State EitiMtm* wild pur- with Olson's Henry Brown of "EVE," Education, ents of a buiby girl Feb. 19 at Muh- of Modem Art, P*nnsyJwanla Atad- chase iviiec at the BttttfMTVer An- Volunteer and Enjoyment Oppor- lenberg Hospital, emy, Albright Gallery, the Butler nual EnhibitioiM in 1»7 md WO. tunities for Women in Union County. * * * Institute, and the Cleveland, Roches- iHls

    • •-'.- i Royal Coach Tours Among i«Htiei|j&ting agencies rep- A baiby boy was born Feb. 17 at ter, Date, Newark, Mwtclttir and dalr, N*r. State Mus«un», Putter •f •;•.*'• > were h. Q. McAfee, direc- Muhleriberg Hospital to Mr. and IVenton State Ofufieums and the Art Institute, SmWtsonian Ingtitute Mrs. Caiimeki Orisaf-ulll of 518 Trin- Worlds Fair in 1985, to name a and numerous private collections,. J L tor, ConnnuoUy Alction Program; 9 Countries uVorman Doy, director, Second Street ity PI, tdw. His one-man shtfvra in NeW Youth Center; Muhleriber* Hospital; York were held hi 1188, 1M7 and NIID A USED CA«? Michael BO wen, director and Mr. 1956 and at thd Oober G*Uer>, who Andrew Bryant., Ptairifield Office, represents him, in New Yark in SEE AUTOS POtSALi M Each! Union County Narcotics Clinic; Ed- Polish Auxiliary «i / ;• 17-DAY "EUROKAN ADVENTURE" ward J. Smith, director, Wesitfield *n - Community Center; Scotch Plains- Plans Scholarship PROM $599 NEW YORK TO NEW YORK i^anwdocl \TMCA mi VWOA; Chil- CAMP BLAISDELL TOUR PRICE INCLUDES EVERYTHING I dren's Specialized Hospital; Mobile • J - . , • - • . ^ . - , Meals of iWestfiekl; Elliot Wein- Fund Benefit Bradford, N. H. 60 Qirk 6*16 • AmaifnglylowGrovpAlr e> Expert Tour Conduct on stein, PlainfieJd Planning director; • :\:\.,' V Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region Fort* via Fan Am Super All...... Clauds Miller, director of public The Women's Auxiliary of t-he j.. • AH Sightseeing with works and urban affairs and Luther Po)ish University Club of New Jer- All cemp octWItki. Superior waterfront. Dolly Water Skiing^ Superior Aecommoda- English-Speaking Guides Hammond, PlalnfleW Re-location of- sey is presenting a dasserl-fashion Sailing, Canoe]ng, Sw'mming emphaiiied. Canoe and moun- fice. show at -the Mayfalr Karms, West tain trfpt. Riding and golf optional. Mature staff.. R.N. • Night Entertainment & • Datable Dining (All The educational series will run Orange, Wednesday, Manch 10, at Cabins. 8 weeks $730., 4 weeks $400. 26th tea ion. Many Exciting OUon 7:30 p.m. for Its Scholarship Fund. Por Interview call or writ. Miss UIIU A. HuH er Mlw Charlotfe .".. Mtals Except London, Extras through March 18 with an evaluation Home, Paris) of the course to toe given by the -Fashions "Will be presented by Flem- FtnilermaVer, JU N. Chettnwt St., WesHiMd, N. J. ington Furs, • luxury Air-Conditioned • All Tipt, Transfers and provisional^ at the last session. Each Motorcoach«s Entrance Feet provisional will foe required to do The decorations committee, head- frequent Departure! from both New York and Chicago research on one local agency and ed by Mrs. Kawnir Rusiecki of present her findings. Scotch Plains, is creating as center- •ALBS I IMrs. Riohard C. MoDonough of pieces hand-made dolls dressed in Srnd f»r tf Mv color lira-* asnviei Ku> al Cmich Tmurm, 1»T1."| Scotch Plains is chairman of the pants sails with fur^rimmed pon- Olien'i li Ottftl (provisional group. Her assistant is chos, fur hats and muffs. These will . Douglas C. Yearley of West- ibe awarded as taible prizes. Other Name , field. prize's to 'be given include a silver vacuum cleaners Address oiTee service, a natural stone mar- -A This year's provisional members tin , and (three hand-made HANDY CHAKQ1K City...- .State .Zip,. I 4 t • » BASZIN-ROBBINS are: Mrs. Michael S. Bradley, Miss afghans. MASTER CHAROB ICK CREAM STORES Susarine Hall, Mrs. Robert S. Hol- fa ^ AN II firm hend ^ocktdl Ortr IDO itoni f o«iM4-»Mt» , Miss SbatMt McCarthy, Mrs. IMrs. Frank Weso:c\wski of Scotch Raymond J, IMcEntee, Miss Paula Plains, Auxiliary president, notes

    ^^^^^^ ^^^^^— ^^^^^^^ • • • • • • ^^^^^^^H -^I- • • ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^H rt-j; * ? that songs will tre sung by Annette sewing machines f."'' -s ,N.J. H ' I GOOD THRU Hi. at, 1»71 Alphonse O'Konski of Moutainside Oppedt* Railroad StatieM M94300 277-2700 3S4-asas ftdgers Jr., Mrs. 'Edward L. Samek, Is a member of the committee. Miss Catherine Sandford, Miss Lisa 'VL. CHATHAM • SUMMIT lUZAlfTH 232*9723 . Shcd>le, Mrs. James J. Sttrager, 2)2*634 Mlas Ruth Tiffany Spake, Mrs. Rog- er A. Swanson. Wellesley Alumna >vr To Hear Teacher

    v ,i „•"- t * • - . S ^ i- • - i- •. •• " Discuss I.TA.

    • The junior group of the iNeiw Jer-

    sey Wellesley Club will meet to- • morrow to hear Mrs. R. E, Concoran speak on "A Sont of Magic: A Child •Beginning t>o Read."


    —, •" k _ r ' • IMrs. Corcoran, an alumna and a -i'\ first gr-ade teacher in the Bloom- field school system, will discuss in . detail the Initial Teaching Alphabet )-•)' :••.•' '." ; •'•'•': ^ • •• HI.T.AJ. She wilt explain and com- FOR YOUR FREEZER •••; Persona ment on its pros and icons based on her own experiences using I.T.A. U. S. GOVERNMENT CHOICE and traditional .teaching methods. s The meeting at 8 p.m. will be in UARTERS of BEEF Yours... the home of Mrs, William G. Mi- choelson, 3 Bellegrove Drive, Upper MoniJclair. Dessert and coffee will be served. Mrs. Dennis Longweil ONLY •;,;'•'•'• i' ',-•-• ' Exquisite Lingerie of Wcstfiold is holping with the pro- gram. - . .. . T

    * »>. - in Crepe Remarque '. ' Cut to your requiromonts — Personalized with your very own freeze wrapped and marked. Monogram YOU DON'T Frozen before Free Delivery,

    Long gown pictured 28.00 DIGIT... We Molc« Our Own Cloyl Same In short length 23.00 Cherritss slip 20.00 SAtEM CRAFTSMEN'S GUILD 9 1042 Salem Rd., Union Joe s Market Petticoat 16.00 CI-AHSISS WAV OII EVBMNfi VOTVKHY NCi:i,I»Tl UK AH In sizes small, medium 407 SOUTH AVE, W- OPP. RAILROAD STATION and large. CALL 688-3163 Colorsi 233-4955 Aspen Green/White White/Ecru. Lace Blue/White Lace Including 3 Initials THE VAIL-DEANE SCHOOL '•} College Preparatory for Girls \ ' (Boys, Grades K-3)

    ..'* • .

    * 11 i'.' Tests for September 1971 Admission

    GRADES ]'-5: April 3 GRADES 6-12: By Appointment -•> KINDERGARTEN: By Appointment

    CENTRAL AVENUE PHONEi 232-4BO0 618 SALEM AVE., ELIZABETH, N. J. • i CuBtomer Porklng In our lot at 132 Elmer Street Telephone: 351-3141 im wtmrn* CUM utm*, mmm, mmm#, m

    Foothill Oub berg iof £257 A student - faculty - administrative 1 side, a studenst is a mengtoer of the TID Y KNITS APPAREL Invited to Coffee To Mark Birthday Commission on I'ndegraduale Edu- ne-wly formed Commdsaion composed cation at tlie University of Roches- of four undergraduates, four faculty Fashion plus "(Being the new girl in town can The Foothill Club will celebrate its ter has been appointed by President members and one administrator. be a lonesome experience," says eighth birthday with a luncheon (FREE ALTflATiONS ON ANY PURCHASE) Mrs. Donald Vibert, president of March 4 at the East Winds, Scotch ithe Newcomers Olitb of Westfield, Sizes • 20 (Plains, -which is open to members Hours *:30 lo 5:30; Men. t:30 in announcing one of the club's four and friends. Birthday cake will be get acquainted coffees at 9:30 a.m. served and there will be a number 51 Elm St. 232-5551 W«stfi*ld tomorrow at the YWGA. of prizes a^ presents. SPEED READING AND "Usually it Js the wife who feels the move more. Husbands have their Mrs. Jack (McCarthy Is chajrman new jobs and {business associates to for the day and Mrs. Zack Roberts eocupy their time," she adds, noting is in charge of reservations. Mrs. EFFICIENT LEARNING SKILLS that Newcomers tries to fill the void Sylvia Sherman o£ the American for. new women residents with, School of Astrology will speak on friends and varied activities. "A Little Bit of Heaven" discussing A course designed lo improve speed, vocabu- the signs of the Zodiac. BOWCRAfT Airs. Vibert hopes thai the "new lary and study skills. Will uho benefit students girls in town" will attend the oof- Child care wiil be provided at fee whether or oat they have teen Echo Lanes. contacted by telephone. Eligible fer preparing for S.A.T. exam*. SKI SHOP cliA membership are women whe —Brie "Wagrman have lived in Westfield for lees than HELEN ANN BOYI^E r>«f A. 4, C*pri«li IwkK ANNETTE MARJE ESPOSJTO two years. Mrs. Robert Fuller Jr. World Day of Pray Ceunty Cottoft #f NUrris • ^"- "» W* -"• "^r- r W* or the YWCA may be contacted for To Unite Christian! James Co pone Jr. further information. Couples bridge groups will play Mark Kurusz Calvary Lutheran Cnan- Class** b«flin March -I, and wilt b« Mid f«r • w«*fcs SKI SALE at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in ttae homes ford, will be the host church for the Becomes Engaged of Mr. and Mrs. Hamas Prater, To Wed in July World Day of Proy«r on Frtday, •v«ry Monday avsning from 7:30 t« 9:90 at 640 Itawnside Dr.; Mr. and 'Mrs. Mar. 5, sponsored by the Ciianford First ftaptist Church, W«ttfbid. OFF Mr. Mrs. Frank P. Eaposito Richard Rudolf*, 7 Tudor Oval, and The engagement of Mark Kurusz, Church Women United. Mr, and Mrs. Uoyd Adamson, 20 T#nnlt ^ Arftory .- of Bayonne, have annouhloed ttie son of (Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kurusz A coffee-bun breakfast will be engagement of their; daughter, An- Sandra Circle. Jr. of 131 Eagletroft Rd. to Mies served by the Lutheran Church Wo- NOW 20% OFF nette Marie to James J. Capone Jr., The theatre group plane to attend Helen Ann Boyle, a nurse at the men of Calvary at 9:15 a.m. Tick- Opm tetwtf«y ft fw*«y 13to 4 F.M son of Mr. Capone of. 1006 Prospect "The La* of the Red Hot Uvers" Hospital Center at Omitge, has been ets should be purchased in advance Sponsored by Ebronix Learning Confer Street and ttie late Mrs. Regina Saturday in New York. announced by . her mother, Mrs. from representatives of Church Wo- O'PonneH The debonaftiMg committee will Elizabeth Treiber of East' Orange. men United. : i 211 timer Str««t meet March 1 at Mrs. Nicholas r .'• L „ (Miss Esppsito, a graduate of Holy The 'bride elect is the daughter The program wi 11 include a 'Family Academy, Bayonne, auk) Ujgentii's to make pipe-cleaner deco- also of the date, Joiin J, Boyle, She group discussion on the topic of for MMnfermatien cell 233-6121 rations for the luncheon meeting "PHayer." This Friday in Lent, is >•". . -.". Jersey City State Cotiflfee,. hotts-': a is a igraduaty. of Orange Memorial Enre4lm«nt limited master of aits degree, in education Wednesday, March 3. Entertainment School of -Nursing, chftsen as Uie. day of piteyer to from Seton Hall University. She js will be provided by Eileen Danko- unite all • 'Christians everywhere in F .J wicz who will present an original LMr. KUJUSZ, an aiuijiuus of .West- a fifth grade teacher employed by field High School, was graduated in a' worW^vide fellowship of prayer. Uie Bayonne Board of Education. , *kit on 'IBody Language." - - * January from Bloomfiold College. Her fiance, en akimnua erf George- town 'University, • obtained - a •• juris The couple plans a July wedding. * ' - I doctor degree from Rutgers School College Club Welcomes of "Law atid a matters of business Roselle;...... ;. '. •• • •• New Members L ver. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. L fa Be The Most Relaxed Hostess In Town Our coveted membership. In the American Gem F# Society means that we are dedicated to living you ALL Edwin Powers of 13 Oneida. Dr. the information. So you can make the wise decision The wedding is planned for July. you'll be proud of during those years to come. Because The future bride is a stuttemt at With Our New Concept In Food Service a diamond Is forever. And that's too long to make a the Uiuvensity of IDenver, from r I mistake! V which her fiance was; graduated. He Fresh and Fresh-Frozen Foods i. •'.... i is ah alumnus also of Westfield Aik About our Revolving Chary* Plan ifiigh School. r.* Miss Polier's father is a vice presi- Enticing Delicious dent of National General Corpora- tion, a holding company. Her grand- THE GILDED MUSHROOM father, the late Dan Michalove of I iNew York, was a vice s>resldent of Watch for Opening Dote Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corpo- ration and owner of the Altanta Crackers baseball team of the South- era Association. nuuuiw n IMr. Powers's father is a chemical ELM & QUIMBY STS. AD 2 6718 engineer' with Merck & Co. WESTHELD Crjmf»r4—13 North LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS PRODUCE When your baby is ready for shoes.. • Milady's Shop we'll be ready— with the right shoe— and the right fit # at the right time.. every time money you come' 'A .i • • \:

    isnt >K-B •vi

    ;,:• .'& everything!,, * 1


    '*r. Eiderlon Panties offer a new kind of luxury. A THE special fabric that does rich things for a woman. Eiderlon Panties cling ond hug In all the right TRIDE A VERY SPECIAL places. They never sag. Or bag. Or wrinkle up. 5H0E, They feel feminine too. Very soft. And light. SALE AT YEAR'S LOWEST PRICES... Almost like wearing nothing at all. \y.-; You may never again be offered such an opportunity to save so much on fine quality Flemington furs. MINK • SABLE • CHINCHILLA • Print Eiderlon Bikinis PERSIAN LAMB • BEAVER • BROADTAIL • SEAL and many, many ^, /• more including the WILD AND EXCITING "FUN FURS"

    Compute Line of Orthopedic Shoot AT UNPRECEDENTED LOW, LOW CLEARANCE PRICES from $78 to $5888 each DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED TOWN & COUNTRY WINTER FASHIONS W« K*#p ACCURATE RECORDS of All Fitting* . . a huge group of cloth coats, suits, ensembles, jumpsuits, ponchos, leath- Mall REMINDER CARDS ers, suedes and fine fur hats at special value prices you won't believe. Provide FREE SIZE CHECKUPS FINAL CLEARANCE PRICED from $38 to $488 "Make Randal's A Family Affair" LADY'S SHOP 82 ELM ST, Randal's ADAMS 2-36BC natan 167 E. Broad Street, Westfield • 233-2758 NO. 8 SPRING ST., FLEMINGTON, NEW JERSEY Open Monday Evenlngt Handl-Charge • Matter Charge • Unl-Card • BankAmerlcard One of the World's Largest Specialists in Fine Furs OPEN SUNDAY & EVERYDAY TO 6 P.M.. ..WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY TO 10 P.M. 7 Hie at ftgd Mitt J 9GT WtG D#t«ctiv# te Tolk Met ffcwes . r • by a oommiitee made up ofyear mefntoership expired, were Mrs 71« ». Marks Ave., by Mrs. Robert To Boro Newcomers i Mr. and John Kouacft, diair- (Etoaald P-riese, Mrs. Goorge Schlei- men; Wiliiam Keimediy, Mr. andsinger, and Mrs. J. T. Soveringbous. Johnston of Designer Greenery, JOHN F. DRUCKENMILLER, D.D.S. On Drug Problems Mrs. W. Texas Jackson, Mr. and F\amvood. Mis. HobDtt Kierspe, Mr. and !Mi^. Garden Club Preparing Ibe Mardh 16 meeting wil2 be at William Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Mrs. W. S. Marlym's Jr. A live ANNOUNCES THE REMOVAL OF HIS OFFICE TO — Detective Sergeant bert Darie, Mr. and iMirs. Henry For May Show flower arranging woiikshop vtiR be Jenoroe Rjce orf the Mountainside Zkto and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Police, wiU speak about local drug D'Amanda A dean onstnatiari with a nfcifioia I held in preparatdion. for ike club's flowers and dried materials was annual fikvwer show May 18. 1109 T!C£ PLACE problems at .the 'Mountainside New- Mrs. Donald Garretson, ticket comers CUb's Manoh 10 meeting chairman, -urges ttiat reservations *t the Mountainside Inn. A question WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07090 be made now for choice seating. •. • • • and laoswer period will follow. •Mombens may invite guests. Detective Rice has been on the Games people play was the iheme Brown Offic* Hours Telephone police force for tea years and re-far the 'Newcomens* February 10 sides with hds wife and lour children •y Appointment 232-3218 meeting at ibhe Tbwer Steak House. in Mountainside. He is a member Mrs. Irvin Krause was the chair- Baggers of the New Jersey and also of theman of the day. International Narcotics Enforcement Tne nominating committee pre- Association and pait of (he Union 1 County Prosecutor's Nanootoi En- sented the following slate: Chair * Rejoice! forcement team. The detective was man, iMesdames k The J .T. now has an ut- graduated from the Department of Biirdge, terly fantastic sandwich Justice School which is run by theD'Amanda, 'Scott Schmedel, James Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous TTaylor and AAan 'Zimtbaum. Alter- board with prices so mod* you* Drugs. nates are IMrs. Joed Landon and Airs. Zioibmo. est and decor so comforta- Mrs. Edward Warabow will be Delicatessen day-chairman, The meeting begins Mrs. Charles Price, membetrstiip ble it don't pay to brown HOMI MADE iAKID OOOD$ at 13:35 p.m. chairnman, introduced as new mem- bag it no more! MOM D'OIUVMS (sers: Mrs. M^*>ert Gdordiano, Mrs. Finai preparations ia?e being made Ulyesse Le Grange, Mrs. Jesus CM Cute - Solads for the Newcomers' annual dutfer COID CUT HATTEM Perez-Santalla and Mrs, Joseph And the sandwicht* ar* so good. dance March 13 at the Somervilie Walls. Attending their first meeting Likt ftarfantuous KOSHtft EAT IN Ion. A cocktail hour at 7 wM bewere Mrs. Albert DiGiorgio, Mrs. cornod bttf and oaitrami; ham; * tAHDWICHBI TO TAKE OUT — followed by dinner and dancii^ to MdKay, (Mrs, Edward Oels, rpatt bwl; MMI, chooso« antf ••M A.M. *• V*a P.M. Italian tpociattlof torvoi on irnH if* « ||«IM«r» • A.M. <• 6 P.M. STAINED MotMlfef black Ifimian, JowHh ry» or UXUTED NEXT TO ROBERT TREAT LIQUOR STORE «l WMtftoU will be IMH the |W ««riu « art whito broatfs (with drwiinft, on- wfcfc*w« at (to MT FMttTal «l Art» r«o. iMiv. 4 at iom lottuct and tomatott avaMa- IISOWMtY IT, ike flat* Creator «f «at atoegi, at Mk, k Eraagritra ?! *' ^ txtr* chartt). AH for Jin. BrtTMaa t» wlpian afMhr— «f 4»e to ffc includint homtmado -092 NCW in MADenM WIN kc soup or bovorago. artfcta BAZAAR SPECIAL INTRODUC- FUR VALUES ORT Festival of Art Will Open TORY COUPON. DURING •RING IN YOU* EMPTY Saturday with Champagne Preview MOWN BAG AND TMJS COU PON AND RECCIVC 2Sc OF Ft {Coupon ExptM* i/is/il) The seventh annual Festival of fttration by Morris Katz at 7 p.m. EXPANDING Ait /*.* i by Section* II endMonday, a &ilk screen painting dem- III of the North Central Re. onstration by Roslyn Rose at 7:30 Eittf lir laHf Liithtii Artist CUEARANC gion of Women's American OUT p.m. Tuesday and an oil pakvting UNUSUAi (Organization for AebaMlJtatkin demomitratlon fay Hannah Hof&rnao through Trauiintg) will be presented at 7:90 p.m. Wednesday. U.S. Hwy. 22 SALE F«ft>. 28 thixwgh March 4 at the llie U oo^ponsoring OBIT chaptom Short Mai!. enoompasB a total mefnbefihjp of at Echo Lanot MVilMS More than 40 New Jersey and New over 2,000 women in Essex, Union A SMOAGASOOftD OF Mountiiniidt York galleries, as well as many and Middlesex counties. Committee FOOD AND FUN FOR 232-M10 prominent independent artists ami chairmen from Westfield ate Mrs. THE WHOLf FAMILY sculptors, will be represented in theLeonard Baker, treasurer; Mis. Rob- •Not ofuwctwl with Joltv Trofrv. WMH exhibition and sale. Altogether, over ert Benenson, art selection, and Mr». 50 350 worics of art in all price ranges Daniel Hampel, special events. and media will be presented, includ- Proceeds wiU benefit the school ing oils, watencolors, graphics and building project.

    A highlight of the show will be a xufrfeire garden designed by archi- Garden Club's tect William Cohen, featuring many in various styles and sizes. Show Theme Among the contemporary artists ex- hibiting are Chudwa, Coombs, Hav- as, Hibel, Ktinghotfer, Lenson, Lu- Is Environment AND REMODEL be ck, (Malmiere, Orsini, Paolini, Heale and Singer. Works by M*or, The New Jersey State Federation Chagall, Dali and Picasso will also of Women's Clubs, representing 45,-, offered. 000 -women from' every comer of SEASON 'Following a Champaigne Preview the state, will present an exhibit, ior pa-txons Saturday evening, Feb. *'A Better Environment," at the IW RATES 27, the Festival of Art will be open


    Matching Handbag "WEIGHT WATCHERS" and •**^*;i Maintenance Plan classes meet weekly In: WESTFIELD-First United Methodist Church, 1 E, Broad St. (Room 214), Tues- day mornings at 9(30 a.m. and Thursday nites at 7i30 Lanther tofots ta Uflptirs p.m.

    Complete Line of Orthopedic Shots SCOTCH PLAIN5-Amer- ican Legion, 237 Park Ave,, DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED Monday nltes at 7:30 p.m, BBBBBBBBaBBB^BBB^pfBBBMgft-BBaBBB^BBMaBBBBa^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^•^^^^^^™^"^^^^™p • ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^•i^^P^^^BaaaaMaP"^^ CLARK - United Church Whatavar Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE of Christ, 830 Lake Ave., U raqulrid wa 0lv« it gladly and courteously Thursday nitos at 7i30 p.m. 219 North Avenue W., Westfield INFORMATION 328 W. St. George Avenue, Linden Phono Carol Gallctntor Parctmus Morrlstown 163 E. BROAD ST. AD 2-5163 276-3563 i *' Sa MANUirADTUnidlW Ol/1 FINE MMIHW G#n,§ Mrs- 5eto*s to 2E#;«« "*s:\:zv Available for Legion At NCJW Meeting Mike MoHtz, Exec. Mgr. Will Be Topic Auxiliary Benefit Norman Poppe], assistant profes- Weddings V sm% of psychology and chairman of f) Mrs. Luncheons For College Club chairman of ths deparlmeIll of social st.iences of U Martin Wa;:bera 3. American 1 Middlesex Coiwty College, will dis Social Events • Proms Legion Auxiliary, annual fashion ! cuss. "Hew Children Learn to 1 • Banquets Dr. Kurt Nassau of the Bell La- shew and dessert, card par:y, has ,-,-w. boratories at Murray Hill will speak Think' 'at the bi-monthly meeting of j 9 Seminars repelled thai only a limited number the Ceniral Parkway Section of the \ on "Synthetic Rubies and Other Genl Df tickets are rcw available. • Meetings Stones" £t the Mar. 2 meeting of N-uiion-al Council of Jewish Women. Proceeds from the party Mar. 4 Mrs Ma.vixilian Schoss of Wosl- «•'<• the College Woman's Club. at the Legion Post Home, 1003 Rout* 202-204 North fie'-d, president, will preside at Uie 725-2166 , N. i. A native of Austria, Dr. Nassau North Ave. wiil he!p the Auxinsry meeting Monday, Mar. 1, at 8:30 completed his umtergraduate work wil'h its children and youth, Girl's p.m, in Temple Beth El. Craraford. in chemistry and physics at the Uni-Sbate Americanism and Various Visitors are welcome. versity of Bristol, England. H e community service activities. Tiick- eU may be obtained from Mrs. •Mr. Poppel, a resident of Onan- came to the United States in 1948 ford, heid the position of school psy- Elmer Street Teleph and received bis doctorate in 1969Erwin Acton, 2068 M'aple View Ot. Lenox Elmer Mrs. Henry Barrett, past presi- chologist in that town. He w^as for- ftiom the University of Pittsbrgh. merly supervisor of child study in HBH:W»£J His field of concentration is cry- (JerX'6 chairman, has announced that a rummage sale will be held Fteirview. A question and answer stal growth. period will follow bis talk. Dr. Nassau wtiH brinf slides and April 26 at (he post home. Anyone EUGENE BARRl a Marcus having clean, saleable items is ask- The section's plans for spring in- specimens to illustrate the scientific clude an Eye Screening Program Obtomeirht as well as the esthetic uses of ed to contact her. diamond consultant EI/TON J. for all pre-schoolers at the Clark synthetic gems. Volunteer Emergency Squad House, b tlwaystt Mrs. Cart Maugrtfti and Mrs. Allen St. Patrick's Bridge Raritan Ed., Cterk. M&y 20. This Social Worker Iflatootai, hostesses flu* the evening program is sponsored in conjunction Examination Thurs your service! will be assisted by Jfteabmes Greg- Slated for Club with the N.J. Commission for the ppointment To Be Guest ory Autrey, Oliver Garey, Stephen St. Patrick's Day Dessert Blind. William Ctancey, Robert bridge of the recreation department * •Oir •*•* CMwttatf Is»2tfi|a** At UJA Tea Koppenhtoefer, William Ixmadate

    •' the home of Mre. SheWon Seidman, tained from Mrs. Thomas Mbrtz, 10 Manchester Dr. Mrs. Wilton Wnight and Mrs. Ea- Speaker of the day will be Eton mund J. Karde. J. Kerness, executive director of "Two Worlds" Airs. Edward J. Sdmrnons, hos- the Jewish' Oommuity Council of tess, will be assisted by Mesfdames •JIWILIM Anthony J. Stank Jr., John G. Beno, K. BROAD «T. ADAMS 'Eastern (Union County. He comes to To Be Described this area from Miami,- Fla., where Kenneth Hark, John Major, Rich- he was executive assistant of -the | PQJ- LcUrdeS GfOUP ard T. McCoy, Henrick 9ather, Karl tmmnmmwmm Greater Miami Jewish' Fedoration Siemon, and Miss Jane Manning. for the .past three years. Trior" to that, he^was associated with tiie - ^ R^ry-Aitar 1 Rescue Squ(ld Auxiliary Jewish dbmmunities of KnoxviUe of Our Udy €f;.Laurdm * •and Memphis, Tenn, Ohunch, will meet Monday, 'Marfch Utticer$ Are Inducted » • Mr. Kerness; a professional social of the We&t- iworker, is a member of the National Volunteer Rescue Squad Auxil- Association of Social Workers and were installed by the Squad •the Academy of, Certified Captain Raymond E. Wheeler at a Workers. A published author in the meeting in the Squad building 'Mrs. TTiomas Root, program chair- field of soicial welfare, Mr. Kerness on St. has been responsible for innovating Im™ % ** evening, ^11 introduce 1 officers for 1971 a,re- Mrs C. R new and dynamo prognams for \f* «ev Richard J. Garcia ads-.Uj^ president; Rfvs. C. A. Van young teenagers and Wind children, tan* Pastor of Immaculate.Heart of Ljg^^ vice president; Mrs. C. He has also written for national Mary Church Scotch Plains who's Andrews, corresponding secretary; publications including an infoima- topic will be 'Two Worlds." Mrs..F. Wiehl, treasurer. Uve article on "The Joys of Breast- Two Worlds was started in Union ^ in previous years, .the Auxiliary *•' fee4ing--a Father's View-" County in 1968 and is primarily con- wm continue 'to organize projects to lAs a community organization spe- oemed with the welfare of juvenile Ta\se money for the Squad, Plans dialidt in Jewish Communal life, offenders and disadvantaged youth, include a card party and travel Mr. Kerness has had prime re&pon- This organization develops ways to lectures.. 'Membership in the.Auxil sitoilities for community campaigns imlprove communications with young iarv js' open to any woman who is and leadership development. | adults and seeks to help in their j interested. Mrs; Al O: Pinkelstein, campaign adjustment to, and understanding chairman, and Mrs. Stephen Barbe, of, the community. Accepted by Colby ico-chahtman, anticipate that the af- •Itae Rev. Garcia, a graduate of ternoon, under the direction of Mr.Seton Hall University and Hmmaeu-1 John Alexander Szafbo, a senior at Kerness, will provide'the stimulation late Conception Major Seminary, is Westfield High School, has been ac- •and knowl«ige to alt participant for chaplain to the Union County Juve- copied for admission into the class tyi*. ye»r for United nile Detention Center, as (well as I of 1975 at Colby College under the J fa Union. County director of yojith As- college's early decision plan. He is Jewish iii r ,-»- ,t ti when for Israel; faced with tremen- sistance 'Department for the Mt. the son of'Mr. and Mrs. Edgttr A. dous financial burdens, survival Carmel Guild, Sftbo-of 561 Shackomaxon Dr. -means sacrifice.

    1 - .,. - 1 LET'S DO SOMETHING ro FOR YOU i 1 Sailing your property? W«ll, 1st ona of our professionals toll you how we merchandise, promote and sell your property the safest and fastest way; A com piet« . Lee K. Waring Collection- Real Estate Service Realtor 1S last Iread St. 232-7402 Wwtfleld, N. J. Any time For the fantasy of long hemlines and pantsults . . . Scott's bring you an imaginative duo by Caressal Speciify priced throufh March 15th!

    z'-**3 d'bt khmlhtht • ' EATIE Available in Black Patent or Blue Crushed Patent. $18

    • "*_~ •


    t ' «


    R«g, NOW 65x44 Ext, f«bl., LESLIE FAY SCULPTURES 7 12" Itavet _$301 $246 Bufftt china THE PANTSUIT IN PASTELS 67x19x80 - 964 ' 770 Sarvir 37x19x31 Vx 279 183 122 122 Colors If lemon yellow or powder blue in washable MOTIF polyester double knit . . . then stops the show with Available In Bon9 or 134 107 Its mandarin neck, four button closing and tie belt, Blue Kid Leather. sizes 8-16, 50.00. Dresses, Fashion Third, $18 ' jTarden traditlonol cherry furniture has always represented tho PLAtNFIELD AND SHORT HILLS MALL finest In warmth, boauly and holrloom quality. How it represents startling value with generous (eductions ovall* mmf ablo through March 15. Cumc, savel iKiiir 'Hi WCLCOfAC |1NO Your INE I0I-96S-3OIO Of QUIMBY at CENTRAL, WESTFIELD • 233*5676 HitmlM'liiirftt) •RlflKCOTTAM *nd tit HIGHWAY •>CKVAR0 WOUKBHOf IN 0M4N BROOK, NtWiMRieV MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS UNTIL 9 / DAILY 9i30 to 5.30 mi.

    4" IT * ! riage. and Family" as adopted 3>y Cast in Play toy Gairy Hart., canopaign director the Fifth 'Biennial Convention last COMING EVENTS ipance music, sing-a-tongs and en-for the fald semester. Th&y are y To Coordinate f; Mrs. Weber Heads E. cWhite, 925 Coiumfladis Ave.; Lads for McGovern in Washington. A summer in Minneapolis. Ronald Thatcher of 330 Orenda adnmfint wiil be provided by Dave Kmight and the Notesmen. Hopkins, 1140 Wyehwood Rd.; Cyn- Westfceld resident for two and a 'Mrs. Harry Heidman. Christian Cir. has bw?n east in the role of FEBRUARY MCCOY ern Bid half years, Kelly -wias congressional Church Women Lhe father in the Union College Bra- Thire wi'll also be a corned beef and thia Daman. 180 Lincoln M.; Diane Service chairman, made a request 25—Garden, Woman's Club, Ferrailo. H03 Fire* St.; Harried Bace, -campaign manager for Daniel F, for bocks or paperbacks for Thema Club production, "The Death of calnbage dinner. Chairmen tor this 12:30 p.m. parly are Mr. and Mrs. Patrick i/^37 Beverly Dr.; Karen Lon^edlow, Thomas Kelly of 237 Grove St., iLundy of Westfield who lost last Mrs. William Weter was elected ;HejTM , for the Disabled Soldiers at Bessie Smith." It is on* of two play.-; 2G- -Fashion show-bridge party, Ro- who >was state vice -chairman for November to incumlbent Fl of tin. Lutheran Church ; i ^ Mapo^ue. Ticket chairmen are Mr.638 Glen Ave.; Dean's list students Menlo Park: art and craft &vt]yp l( lo be staged Mar. 3-7. sary Society of Holy Trinity, the Robert F. Kennedy campaign, W-omcn of Calvary Lutheran Churcli. ; , construction anJl Mrs. Norman Kudlick; decorat- from Westfield are Roger H. 'Med- Dwyer. sudt as erayons James Circeley of 1256 Deerfieid Crawford Motor Lodge, 8 p.m. ing committee, Mr. a o d 2 Hiauva'.ha Dr. and Chester has been named New Jersey cam- Cranaord. at Die quarterly yarns and jig saw puzzles for young- According to Hart, Kelly will or- Ct.. Mountainside, w-ill direct 2B—Crimson Ball of American Can- Charles Diver: publicity, Ma*, andT. Mikotacyzk, 1276 Central Ave. paign co-ordinator lor Sen. George last week. Other new siers in the 10 to J7 year age group sol. lighting and makeup crews. cer Soe-iety, Union Couniy Unit, * * * iMcGovorn, who is seeking tfie Dem-ganize the drive in New Jersey for Mra. Richard Haynes. vice presi- 1 Mis. Charles Foley. lhat art urgently needed by The Shackamaxon Country Club, *]"he dance is sponsored by ths Belly Anne P&ttrson, daughter of ocratic presidential nomination. •lbs senator from South Dakota. 4ent; Mrs. EJwocd Homing, record- Di-nk-ntiun Center in Elizabeth; also 7:30 p.m. Mr. and M-KS. Harry L. Peterson has ing secretary: 'Mrs. Norman Bon- Home and School Association of eye and cases for "The New Visit Puerto Rico 26—Newcomers coffee for prospec- Roiy Trinity Elementary School. earned dean's list standing for the •ail, corresponding secretary: and tive members, YWCA, 9:30 a.m. fall semester at M-uiileabepg Col- , Rdber-t Lawrence, treasurer. Eyes for the Needy, Inc." These Everyone is invited to attend. Kes- Mrs. William F. L/iirdjaw and son27—Congenial Couples Club, Knighte en'Etrcns wiil close Mar. 5. lege, Allentuwn, Pa. Kev. Gordon Huff discussed •may be brought ,to church and Frank of 165 bandxfowne Ave. have of Columbus liall, 8 p.m. * * * the stand taken by the Lutheran placed in Uie LCW basket in the returned from a ten day vacation 27—Junior Woman's Club 9lar Megan M. DeVoe, daugliter of Dr. Church in America on "Sex, Marnarthox- . in Las Croab-as, Puerto Rico. Spangled Ball, SJiackamaxon Duplicate Scores Close and Mrs. John F. DeVoe of 424 Hill- Country Club. side Ave., has achieved foe dean's Ltd, signed grmphia 30—Juniors Mid Year Ralily. At Woman's Club list at Vernon Court Junior College, •Newport, R.I. » Km Art A very close game developed al MARCH * * * • OriftfwI -.-: H 3—Auditions, Musical Dob of West- [hi- duplicate game of the WesUfield Two freshmen al Emery Univer- W<>man's CLub Friday evenang when if. field. sity, Atlanta, Ga., who have been ori.y one-half point sepanated the named to the fall quariea* dean's ^> 4—Foothill Club toirUiday luncheon. iM>:th and soinLh winning pairs amd East Winds, Scotch Plains. list are Joel Mark Barnelfce, son of n'S full point separated the east iMr. and Mrs. Milton Barncfct of 720 There U«n Art to Good Framing 6—SPEBSQSA Novice Quartet Con- an-i west winning pairs. test, Roosevelt Junior High Tamaques Way, and Paul Russell Jilr. and Mrs. Howard McMi^lin Hendrycy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- 479 Nrfc Av*. 4 W*«»ft«M *¥•-, tot* School, 8 p.m. scored the one-half point over Mrs. 32M244 :•" *• 10—Rake and Hoe Garden Club, ward C. Hendrycy of 419 Colonial Gertrude Freeman ano Mrs. Be-aAve- . YWCA 12:45 p.m. tri e Cohen while Mr. end Mrs. 10—Women's Auxiliary, Polish Uni- Jack Btodinger scored a full podnt ->:••-:•. versity Club, dessert-fashion show over James McCloskey with George Feld in Honors Program HEADING FOR A vV-1 benefit, Mayfair Farms, West Rffgfs. ! V* Steven Feld, a sop homore in the Orange. 7:30 p.m. er winning pairs were Neil 13-^Mounta inside Newcomers dinner hora>rs program at George Washing- Pierce with N. Bradiford Oi*aver, ton Un-iversdty, Washington, D.C., '& dance, Somerville Inn, 7 p.m. Mrs. Bertine Teidiman with Mrs. Our ben ui$he$ to you / '» 20—Intermediates dinner dance, has been named to the dean's list Beverly Leipzig, and Mrs. Belly for the fall semester. H3B parents PlalnfieW Country Club. PrWon with Mrs. Dorothy Prediger, are Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Feld of 20-JHadassah's 13th anniial art show competition resumes Mlarch 42 Sandy Hi-U Rd. and sale, Temple Emanu-El. 5.' V- 21-28—Westfield Art Association 10th W« want to htlp the bride cherish the most annual state art exhibition, Union <•> College Campus Center. Guarders Mark 2*—Auditions, Junior Musical Club « memorable moment in her life. We have ; :• V of Westfield, home of Mrs. War- ollegians HEATINO HDT CONDITIONING -. •> *». ren S. Prebluda, 181 Lincoln Rd. Founders Day all those paper items that you will need V: 31-^Mountainside Woman's Club PUIt CHL ' L ' 'Pounders J>ay" was observed *74 NORTH AVE, C WESTTIEU) champagne brunch, 11 a.m. Cheryl Gillin, daughter of Mr. andThursday at bhe YMCA by the and love. M-s. James Giliin of 13 Carol Rd,, Westfield chapter of the OH Guard by F. B. McDowell - 1991 \- Wins Early Acceptance has been named to fall quarter on their 38lh. anniversary. Past di- dean's list at Ohio University where rector, Col. Sherman E. Wiltard, A moment aglow with enchant- The Bcrklee College of Music, she is a junior majoring in ele- ment and alive with vivacity . . . gave a review of the history of the Boston, has accepted Jeffrey Robert mentary and special education and chapter, the second oMest in New feelings that escape verbal expres- Lull, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert is a member of Kappa Delta soror- sion ... a message that requires Jersey. He also paid tribute to the Lull of 211 Sunset Ave., for en- ity, late Ch'ades E. (Dad) Pflumridgft, the setting of a jewel to convey trance in September, 1971. His cur- * * * CiftiWH-G who was one of the founders and an your nuptial news. riculum will ir^lude courses in Geoffrey C. Lee, son of Dr. James I-V- honorary director. It was ongndzed arranging, composition, improvisa- W Lee of 257 Orchard St. has been Let it, be engraved on the choicest for tflie punpose of weeMy get to- tion, solo and orchestra perform- named to the dean's list for the first gethers for fellowship and socializ- of papers — made for the memory ance, as well as courses in the term at Vernon Court Junior College. ing by retired gentlemen. OulteO f book by CRANE. Our staff will humanities. * * * help with your selection and assist CWarles Benno Wolf of 210 Twin An illustrated talk "Hie.Carib- bean" was delivered by member 76 [fm Str#«t, Wntfltld you in completing your paper Dance at Holy Trinity iiks Terr, is a member of the trousseau. Mtiklejohn Society at Brawn Uni- William C. Chifd and a former pres- 7.tO I mr 232-2232 To Honor St. Patrick versity, an honorary student coun- ident of the Fl'ainfielrt Camera CTub. • r seling group which works in conjunc- Included were views of the various FINE QUALITY • Our elegant O»*« Matt4»r« 'III * P.M. A gala celebration in honor of St.tion with the dean's office. He is islands in this area. F 1 .yir~ fc * Patrick is being presented at Holy one of the members selected as a Director Henry Enigelfriod greeted assortments ORYSTAL,SILVER Trinity High School auditorium Sat- 'Pi resident counselor to live in a fresh- and welcomed a visitor, TUiomas include: AND 24k GOLD urday, Mar. 13th. from 9 p.m. to 1 en housing unit. A junior majoring Murane. Birthday greetin'gs were I r - extended to Arthur D. Bauer, A mo- Salad bowls PLATE GIFTWARE ••V:*!1' U.S. history, Wolf is sports editor The Brawn Dauly Herald, is on ment of silence was observed in Serving pieces tor weddings, the Athletic Advisory Council and is memory of Thomas A. Marshall Trays anniversaries, .^/••E in Knoll- Wil'CIJaffn Le-ggelt wiAh music ^ wood Terr, is a dean's list student Charles ESfte and Conrad Meier. Candy/nut a Grinnell (Iowa) College. The ohoins sang "Stars of a Sum- dishes Nowopenroryour * * * mer Night." Candle holders convenience Randall B. Dusan, son of Mr. and T. K. Hagstrom, recreation chair- Punch sets Mon. through Sit.. Mrs. Richard Dugan of 775 Oakman, gave the honor roll for the Cake plates DO ALL YOUR FOOD SHOPPING HERE Ave., has qualified for the dean's week. In bri'^ge, Henry Engelfried, 10 6 P.M. 'J* ist at the University of Tulsa in its * won top honors with Howard Gay From tin Hou» ol Oi$t|n«tlon/Sludlo Slim Smith*—A Division of College of Arts and Sciences. Uie runner up, and in bowling, Les- * * * j lie Stuart, Edward James, Alfred >.-. . :< FRANK'S FAMOUS HAM LOAF .29 Ib. David Twitchell, son of Mr. andMaohmer, Sterling Oxford, Tver 7-" . Rodger Twitchell of Mendham, Stenen1, William Gray and Hugo Nothing to add. It is alreddy seasoned and mixed with whole milk and fresh eggs. formerly of'Westfield, attained Gold were honored. 104 NORTH AVE. (cor. of Central Ave.) WESTFIEID Just pop it in the oven. dean's list standing this past semes- Cloaod Wednesdays during January and February ter. He is a senior, at Rutgers ma- Phonei 232-0127 joring in chemistry. LETTERS * * * DEADLINE FRIDAY 5 P.M. Peter R. Bamett, son of Mr. and Prime Ribs Beef 79c Ib. xs. Seymour Barnett of 1425 Boyn- Roasting Chickens . . 39c Ib. n Ave., has been named to the dean's list at Colgate University for ALL CUTS SAME PRICE FRESH KILLED tie tail semester. A sophomore, con- Professional Pride of cantrating on biology, he is a mem- ber of Theta Chi fraternity and the FRANK'S FAMOUS SHOULDER BONE IN - LEAN Chapel Choir. workmanship combined * * * LUE • ^ •Liz Bent Blackburn and Suzy Bent, Ground Chuck Lamb Chops Lamb for Stew fcoth former - Westfield High School with Modern Profes- students, have been named to the RIBBON ciean's list for the first term at the 3 lbs. $2.69 $1.09 Ib. 69c Ib. University of Missouri at Columbia. CLEANERS •l|lra. Blackburn was graduated in sional Equipment has anuary with a A.B. degree. They & re the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. LAUNDERERS FROZEN FOODS franklin Bent of Greenville, Dcla. made Blue Ribbon one * * * Dulany Broccoli Spears 31c SPECIAL! Daniel Pastore Jr. of 167 Moun- tbinvicw Dr., Mountainside, has been i of the most outstanding Dulany Chopped Spinach 20c ramed to the doan'sjist and award- Howard Johnson Chicken Croquettes 55c ed a certificate of Merit by Col- MILK legiate Institute, New York City. quality Dry Cleaners and Howard Johnson Shrimp Croquettes 55c * * * Fairleigh Dickinson University has Jlatim-wdejlwiid WinningPkwt Sausea Shrimp Cocktail, 4-oz 30c 99c Gallon Launderers in the Na- Stouffers Macaroni & Cheese 39c Stouffers Potatoes au Grarin 38c CALL FOR APPOINTMENT tion Stouffers Noodles Romanoff 45c TO SEE THE FINEST • NBC • SELECTION OF SOFA Swanson TV Chicken Dinner 53c F BEDS AND BEST Swanson TV Turkey Dinner 53c Mallomars 47c BRAND BEDDING ' Call BLUE RIBBON'S Ritz AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Custom Drapery, Rug and Upholstery Department Mint Sandwich 789-1250 FOR FREE ESTIMATES HERITAGE *Your Assurance of The Best In Custom Drapery Service. Careful Cleaning, DECORATORS, INC. Hand Pressing, Length & Evenness Guaranteed. Removal & Installation by our Better coffee a millionaires FRESH PRODUCE . ... .«•••:• Expert Drapery Installers. t money carit buy! 889-4777 Carrots 2for25c *Brlng backtho fresh, rich beauty of your rugs and furniture with our prof easlonal cleaning service. All work performed in your home. 2 lbs. $1.79 Andy Boy Broccoli 29c Cabbage ,2lbs. 19c LEARN ON GARMENTS ELECTROLYSIS BROUGHT IN the KREE way Bf FOkt 17 NOON ,,, Itawnrdlng curoor In ON DRY CLEANING & SHIHI lAUNOFRINf, tMrmuhont litiir rDinovfu. Afto no Ixirrlor. NO EXTRA CHARGE SATURDAY l'1ull or pu.rt tlmo. J&M SUPERMARKET T>*T or livo. Men, Womon* AT REGULAR I'RILES ONIY II AM Come, wrlto or phono for Ki; KOOKI.KT K. Plenty Parking 856 MOUNTAIN AVE. KREE 100 NORTH AVE., GARWOOD No Motors — Shop Mountainside Aroa Opp. National Bank, Mountainside DRIVE IN ELECTROLYSIS STORE STORE HOURS 7 30 A M lo t> P M ON ROUTE IV It, M.f. 10038 wnmtl ". IAMIHI1 iflAINIMO CIHIIR •iwe Reservists $ tfws area jfco arare -center advises that inquiries should Family Concert Naval Reservists Now Must Drill 'was that they attend 75 percent of meat. New enlistees'will join with serving under the "W*>y-six" pro- ibe made between the hours of 1 Home from Vietnam tiw drills. 'The change applies to the full understanding of the re- gram should determine whether the and 4 p.m. any day except Friday, The U.S. Navy has announced active duty in six years of obligated both air and surface units of the quirement to attend drills. new ruling applies to them by con-Saturday and Sunday. George -Lang, husband of Patricia •Naval Reserve and is designed to Here Mar. 14 tat, with few exceptions, Naval service) must now attend at least Under the new policy, a Reserv- tacting the U.S. Naval Reserve Ann ;Uiiig of Benson PI, just re- increase Reserve effectiveness. ist who misses four unexcused drills Reservists who enlisted under the 90 percent of the scheduled dnills Training Center, Front and Gordon tu mod home after speeding one The New Jersey Symphony Or- The change is now in effect, and might be listed as an unauthorized St., Perth Amboy. Lt. Cmdr. Gene Got a Gripe? year in Viatmam with the United ichcstra will present a family con- "favo-dy-six" prognam (two years to maintain tiheir standing in the individuals affected by it will 'be absentee. Arnold, commanding officer of the tort at Westfield Senior High School Write the Editor States Army. on Sunday, Mar. H at 3 p.m. This tooncert, 'the first family concert to [be given by the Symphony in West- field, will be directed and narrated by Henry Lewis, the Symphony's Music Director, A pioneer of these •programs, Lewis is well known for ttiis informal commentaries at Sun- day afternoon performances in other locales. These concerts are designed iwith the entire family in mind, and (contain many surprise elements that delight and en-tihrall those attending. Montclair Guest soloist for the afternoon's concert will ibe Louis Hemsey, ex- citing young gutiarist, who will per- Newark (from Rodrigo's Gonoieito de Aran- juez with the orchestra. The audi- ence will also hear Till Euiens|>icgel by Eichard $trauss, the Carnival of Westfield the 'Animate by Saint-Saens and Ros- sini's William Tell Overture. The popular Coneiwto de Aranjuez was first .performed in 1940. Written

    • - - • • I by the blind Spanish cotngMfier, • •> Joaquin Rodrlgo, this conlcerio eat- Ihibrts the essential beauty and ver- satility of the gutter. The idea of a 1 ' leoncento for guitar in itself excites (curiosity for one does not normally : • +}* • - 7 (associate this instrument with e k} ^.i'.. full symphony orchestra. r" ^ fc _ V mhe source of Strauss1 tone poem. * -•'"'' " *'-• ' '", '. ' I ' tml'\ " -

    H -• Till Eulenspiegel, was the famous > ' ©14 German legend about an incor- •'''• •' i •*•• rigible irogue. The playful and hu- imorous side of Strauss is unmatched .. ^ > . . •. 'anywhere else in his works, and the vitality and rhythmic character of the melodies spell out the rollicking . • \,\ •';•/'- :"•"" VV^;;'t;-';:V \;, ^";'^".- "," .V . V?-" " '. . story of it he mischief maker. ; ' ' • '• ; : " • -•'•!•'•- •,.•• -V:-:-"', •:" ••'• Tho orchestra will also offer the •-.'-'. •;-'*''' ^y^;1^-^1 .;>;• ^^':- '^-'Y '<* -' y ''-' whimsical zoological fantasy, Carni- ".t val of the Animals by Salnt-Saens. - .. M-1 *-•' . A satirical and colorful assortment of humorously sly characterizations ere depicted by the instruments throughout -tfoe scoring. - .i . - t-' -. ' - - - , - - •- - - :• ' • - "' - ' .*»••_, . .

    1 1 : ( r The William Tell Overture by (; ..•; -:v '.. ."., :_ •_ -'H/SV^' : • -_•.-•;,.-,;,• •; \ ',"-;j .^v-,. •,•;';".. " • •,/-;./^' -. "._• -:..•;'"; .^; j- \ , - " ^ r • |r

    Hossini abounds in orchestral splen- : 1 1 L L L '' "* ''y,' . - f- '- • ''-•• >'r \' *\J . * '-'[-, '' ' '•'• I ~ '•*,•"' ''. '- " ; " '•.'".* t * li . V'." • •• . •' " '\^"" / ' *' •-;: '• ' • T ' dor. It is the story of Swiss patrio- tism (charged with valor and hero- ism. This operatic drama continues , ••" "• : 1Jl • > ^ '•'','•'• •-" ";/.' :••-,- ••••."' "'•-'•' --' \\' - • -.'*" " ••<->• " • :>." -- . - \- •'-'.- "-•.'.'. • ". - - -. • . ' • to captivate and excite the imagina- • '-.'., ' '-.—II.- ,' L k ' ' ' '.' l\ \- -' ' L ' ,-± •••,•-!'[• ".-••'''• • * . -T f -i HI ; .1 - - ' tion of audiences around the wwid. Tickets may be purchased at the Jane Smith Shop, 137 Centra* Ave. and Lancaster, Ltd., 76 Elm St., fljobh in Westfield, and the Bayfberry iGift Shop, 860 'Mountain Ave., Moun- itainside. Ticket chairmen for the WesUield Women's Committee for the New Jersey Symlphony also have some » . scats for this

    - ' i. (When the. Age of Aquarius de- >' iseend&d upon us in January, 1970, it may have brought changes an our •life stylo, but there was no differ- ence in the weather. The year (brought aveir-age temperatures, islightly above average precipitation, and typical snowfall, reports Harold ©. DiUlocq, meteorologist at the 'U.S. Cooperative Weather Station at (Union College. In his annual meteorological sum-

    .. •- v -• ' . i' : ;,*, ,••• .- . .-,. - , , r* -• ' ma vy to the National Weaklier Senv- •-'•^ •'• ; ••"1" --^i •$ -V ,'-.-"*.'-V"-;" ' :- r Icc, Mr. Duflocq reponts tempera- tures ranged from 1 degree on Jan. \v.. 9 and 23 to a maximum of 95 de-

    grees on Sept. 23. The average tem- lli i . :.'.••••;>, r, .:-v>. . r •^••,,' -:;•• perature .was 53.2 degrees, only .7 degrees above normal. •The lowest monthly mean, notes •' "Mr. Duflocq, iwas 24.4 degrees in January, 1970, while the highest was rjoS degrees in July. .1:-^ .•'^••i7frN'-t^'--.-»^-v.--" • - (Mr. Duflocq says July 3, 1966, Qiolds the record for the highest tem- -'!-•••.. . ." '• ipcrahiro at 101 degrees, while the • i •thermometer dropped to an all-time low on January 22, 1981, of minus 8 degrees. Precipitation for 1970 totaled 45.23 inches, which is 4.7 inches above normal. This compares with 53.62 indies recorded for 1969. November, 1970, was the wettest month of the year with 6.73 inches of rain, while January scored Uie save 30% 'lowest with only .5& inches. The .• -greatest amount of precipitation dur- ing a 24-hour period was July 31, 1970, .when 3.7 inches of rain fell. Snowfall foi- the year measured 22.7 inches, with tho greatest amount falling in January, eight inches. tFtib. -15. !1>7G, was ttie whitest day \ ol the year with four inches of snow. The greatest snowfall on record at tho Weather Station, observes Mr. Duflucq. was F5 dnys in W70, 101 were . • rloar days, !M partly cloudy, and • . • 1 : '-' 174 cloudy days. Thunderstorms oc- J ^ curred on 34 days.

    » ..-. — •••••• ,'

    1ML Van Dcr Meireii - •!"'

    ' r

    r 4 IH AF Graduate Time is running ouf...|ust a few more days to select fine furniture, broadloom, , " ~ - , ; -';•"• Switch Plflliw — Airman Phillip

    II. Van Dor Moircn, nm\ of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Minute Vim Dor Melon o[ - v . / ' ' at)!) Jiuisufeni ltd. lum gradiurtcd area rugs, mattress sets and custom-made draperies and sale prices nt. Lowry AKB, Colo., from Hie U.S. J i Mr Force munitions BpcoltiMst L b The tilnntm, imw <|iumfled to that mean real savings. Shop this week...convenient Club Payment Plans.

    lontl, ji.sscMublo and dlKpusu of ox- ••i ••:•-' ' • .•:- plosive munitions, Is Mntf ti»»l«ncti - '• to (!t«or«(! AK-H, Oislii'., for duly with 1 llH> Tiii-Ikiii Alt Command. T , -• 1.. ' 1 *•-.,;-'' •Almum Vim Dor MeU'tm k u «7ft of Scotch Ptains-tfatwoocl optn 3 nlght»r-Mon., Wed., Frl., 9.30 a.m. »o 9i00 p.m. • Mont

    * ' •H' r , BHI . . Publisher that the means of specific legislation. sharing and a strengthened Federai £ . Editor All* W. TRIMBLE . are as significant as field dfXiice system) be offset by the tike ends; or, to put it another way, RDGHIT BUT OOMTOOVERSIAL concentration of so much authority that the way we govern determines Paradoxically, the president's rev- in so reiaiveiy (ew hands (fewer cab- how weil we govern. ernie sharing and reorganization inet officers and a stronger White THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1971 Throughout most of the 35 years tdans are putremely oontrovereial [House staff)? since World War 0, "we Americans even while they. #re setf-evidently These are serious quesrtione and have been preoccupied w i t h the right ui puitJOfe- The President's they de*erve toanezt answers. I be- Dr. King's Birthday vision of the good things government ot>|ectivM, at I ise» tttetn. ere these: lieve we can find tiie answers and could achieve in education, hoMsing, to make the American governmental thus secure the undeniable benefits MISSED health and other areas of national system mift fa|ioinftl and respon- of revenue sharing and reong&raza- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday observance — or need. And we have penoeived these «ve lo d>HH#iiK needs «nd more ac- tion. Those benefits, polentially, are l*ck of it — has all the ingredients for an unfortunately By goals in quantifiable terms: numbers courtbaMe oiM) «ifelc(tv« in meeting mainly a revived interest in good v* situation. Already lines teem to have been SECONDS of new ipragrams and projects, Ktwse needs, fey 4eU>Tfniiung which government and greater opportunity between proponents of the administration and pro- amounts of (money, tlie increasing functions are betf performed at each for citizens to participate; greater size of (the Federal Budget. But we level of govwwtontv by increasing- room for innovation and imagina- I of the gtudents against whom punitive action was have been disappointed. The results (Jie financial asvi administrative ca- tion and personal (commitment in Uvfed for their apparent failure to adhere to school rcgu- have not matched our expectations. parity of State and local govern- seeking ways of helping people; a meats to haA$e tfieir share of the new 'respect for and confidence in iftUoBf. And, u it occurs in any such incident where deep is ready and willing to print any- As long-time readers of these re- For Innovations ports know, I have been arguing (job, and by making the massive government at all levels arising motions are involved, the result so far has been confusion thing and everyttiing that the Board Federal bunsfcUcracy more manage- from visible efforts to spend tax- LETTERS TO THE ias a group, or any of its members that a major reason for our lack fo ftttd • gr*tt deal of mUunderstanding of who said and did •Editor, Leader; success has been failure to devote able tand fjroductive through a re- payers' money more wisely and what, to whom and why. EDITOR As a former Westfield High School as individuals, wish to say in con- structuring of tta organisation, aim- beneficially. nection with Board business. There adequate attention to the how of student, and a prospective secondary government, to its structure and plification of ft* procedures and de- There are many others—too many ; If the real iaaue is truly a "meaningful observance of teacher, I must take issue with Dr. is no need to establish a second newspaper in Westfield for the sole iprotoedureiB, its management and ad- centralization of te operations, and too valuable to risk through tho birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King," and not merely AU letters to It* Kalbacher's criticism of the teach- ministration. The reason for this A lot of ponferotts-ftounding word«, extravagant claims or exaggerated bear m ilgMtvrt- «JM a street ing methods of a WestfieM High purpose of promoting (Board actions, student rebellion against establishment as some believe, particularly-at taxpayer expense. failure is all too human: the pros- but if they «m be translated into attacks. 4f the President a#d his School teacher. I am not surprised, pect of billiomdoRar programs to reality they will give you greater top officials will persist in seeking think some questions should receive some rather defini- however, by this attack on one's toOBEKT E. BENBDICT tive answers. Who defines what kind of observance is fcuild millions of houses, for ex- understanding and control of your national understanding and support, letter* wUI be afcademic freedom, judging toy. pre- 5 Thomas Ot. ample, is considerably more capti- vious reactions to more progressive 'government, ttve you money, and and tf Republicans and .Democrats "amtUnfful" and once defined, who is to say that this Letteti nut bs- written ealj vating than iconsklertation of the produce foster and more visible to Congre«s stick to the reial issues, format will be agreeable to the majority of students and/or eaoa»«Uto«f paster «B4 prefer- teaching measures within the sys- complex question of how to organ- tem in recent months. benefits in better puttie services. then we all have a fare opportunity •Mr tr*«w?ftite«. Earthquake View ize and structure a pattern of in- to shape the future. I hope we'll, firanta? Could — or. would — such an observance be con- All leltctt mast fct la ll» So why ore they controversial? When I attended WHS, I recall centives that (will actually get the really fined to high school students, or would the entire public why must each player him or her an issue? eration movement, one of today's dn all his knowledge and power is ment are his principal tools. Gradu- '•>:'' *-.< 'because' it was an accepted fact pertinent issues, on a mature level. ally, greater and greater detail ture can substitute for dedicated, hhve his own stick (she means bat), -1 We seriously question the wisdom of waiting until the that in a demoanaoy, the state serves helpless to cope with. And, in that able people whose talents and com- how about one stick for the team?" HI puzzles and angers me to see 'crashing minute I think there are iatXHkt 'bath is being made available Now Jersey State Legislature decides the issue for us. A ths people not vice versa. Many of presumably concerned people play- and the scene is being set for what few who do not think of God no mitment -are and wiU be essential ^^ we*teU*tt *s H is. The lour forefathers came to the U.S. ing politics with sincere and com- will surely be a prolonged and Un*U bill (S 496) designating Jan. 15 as Dr. Martin Luther matter what their beliefs or dis- to our success. ^ ± j.^A <-. ••« to escape Conscription. In 1940 the mitted programs of genuine value protoaibly bitter debate in Congress. recent disaster in California, was atteg Jr. day and providing for programs to he conducted anti-fascist hysteria made a peace- beliefs may be. G-ENERAJL VS. SPECIAL. called, an "earthquake," not a to today's students. Ut is one in whiten I shall be deep- ,'••; • - to public schools was introduced Jan. 29 and referred to time draft bare]y acceptable Ut ^ l &*&• is a personal option. The school board might keep this rissires. With a draft the President cf the house?. The house rocked on much ^s they see fit. ^ ^ ^ 1 ihis protposals, and I hope to be able moi him to work men need never go to Congress to de- Editor, Leader; its foundation and its timbers in mind. io *•.'..; size of the military. If Congress does over our awful radical young. . fcjple, I also believe these tissues are sharing plans, many more questions qu,ake to get Jack out ol bed before not provide the necessary funds, I'm two years removed from niture overturned and lamps and so fundamental and far-reaching ere being raised to challenge this ntyon and the U.S. Army to make they are acJcused of "not supporting Westiield High and my only regret •dishes crashed to the floor, 1 hon- r estly think that my bed bounced an that all of us in tlie Congress should tooncept than are toeirug directed hSeven people arose to speak out uriless guidelines and reg-uMions ac- woke me wp slitting, "IS IT SNOW, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all/' (Do you really believe that draftees King's views on dissent in the best Three adults and one high school against the proposal. Basically their •control the military now? AH per- tradition. That man lived and was objections were three fold; a) there company tlie Federal funds? Or, is girl in the house here all ran for it always true that State and local ,,-. To pay tribute to these two great men, February- is sonnel -with policy making respon- finally murdered for a dream of doorways which are braced to sup- was no real evidence of a.benefit to Itiocted as American History Month. We should assert our sibilities are volunteer patrfessionals, equality. He brought his dream •the community, b) more districts governments are closer and more port falling walls. Because of re- ^countable to the peciple, and what Boro Squad not draftees, Think about that—no much closer to reality for millions strictions in travel on the highways would tend to confuse the electorate, patriotism especially during this time, it is this month of officer above the grade of Captain and c) the added icost of the pro- •about the vast differences in such tfcalr birthdays when patriotism quickens the hearts of and is certainly deserving of more and Freeways 1 did not get olose to is a draftee; no enlisted man above recognition than Westfteld has the worst damage nor did I attempt gram, A letter from Mr. Robert governments' managerial and ad- Honors 4 Members the people. •the rank of sergeant is a draftee. chosen to afford him. to. But walking in unrestricted Jaffe was read, which questioned ministrative competence? .. George Washington, "Father of Our Country," was a 'Draftees not only don't make policy, plates I saw many fallen chimneys, the legality of the council's action. A parUclarly tough question is Mountainside — The Mountainside they can't even influence it. Addi- Those "untrained kiddies," as It should also be noted .that, in ad- this unless State and local govern- Rescue Squad honored four of tis ffeat man gifted with true qualities of leadership. Abra- you so brilliantly dufefoed the pro- fallen garden walls, one large cloth- tionally many citizens silence their ing store completely demolished and dition to Mr, Jaffe's letter, two of meats arc required to match the members with pins at an annual ham Uncoln was probably the most inspiring man our criticisms for fear that they, or a testers, are the arm of a nation- •the seven ipeople who objected to toils they receive from special rev- dinner held at the Mountainside Inn wide movement that -will persist many large store windows broken. country ever produced. Many other men who helped make near relative, will be drafted. I saw one large liquor store where the ordinance did so, primarily, be- enue sharing grants, as they now do on Jan, 23. The pins, commendation until there is full pe-a'ce and equality. cause tihey also felt the council undor most CEito^orical grant pro- for five or more years of service our country were bom in this month. It is a month for 'Well, surely only the black and/ No matter how puny the argu- $30,000 worth of its contents were smashed and spirits were running out would be acting illegally if they •grams, won't this mean a net reduc- to the squad were awarded to serious thoughts of ourselves and our future in relation to or the poor would volunteer if there ment is, your generation has pro- passed the measure. Although thus tion in the money available to meet Thomas Knierim, 'Ruth Keuler, Car- were no draft? Even if this were duced an excuse for y&ur involve- the front door, across the wide side- the great people in our past. America has many heroes, walk and into the gutter. was an "Open" discussion the Mayor public needs? Moreover, even though ol F-lyiui and Ursula ©abcock. both great and small. American history can inspire each fame (and blacks both militant and ments in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, directly questioned the political af- the detailed and -extensive require- The newly elected officers of tiie moderate, say it Js no-t true), would Thialand, and Kent State. Yd there The thing th'at amazed me even of us to do his part to maintain Our precious heritage. filiation of three people who ques- •merits as-oetated with many cate- squad are: President, Neil Mc- they p a s s the military require- is no (and never will be any> ex- mere than the crushed buildings tioned tfio ordinance. goricaligrant iprograms have 'greatly iLaughlan, vice prcsidenL, Joe The background and educational training of these men ments? -Kven if BVSRY eligible cuse for Me calculated repression of that killed many people and injured limited tho eSEdotiveness of such Spayth; caiptain, John 'iPosterj first black tried to enlist, wiht the pres- tminonity groups in this country. Mr. iNear the close .of discussion on was widely different, but each was destined to serve his thousands was to sue how the great programs, shouldn't some kind of lieutenant, John Keuler; second ent rate of rejection, the volunteer Sauer, it was 108 years ago that the California Freeways and overpasses this matter Mr. Fred Wilhelm minimum standards be retained so lieutenant, Leonard Marx; eorre- country during a critical period in the development of the •army could at most 'be only 23% black man was emancipated. 1 wish were crushed into rubble. (former Re/publican (Mayor, and that we can properly evaluate the spondiu'g seoreta'ry, Mary Steiner; Republic, floth Washington and Lincoln put thought of 'black. This "fear" is expressed only you would ... at least give that Man can travel to the Moon but •presently a Republican leader) was way special revenue sharing funds recording secretary, Ursula Bab- God and country before self, and gave their all that their by whites. Is there some racist statement some 'thought. I hope you he may .never know bow to conquer recognized by the Chair. He pre- being used? cook and treasurer, Gordon 'Batten. overtone in that fear? Blacks say, will but I have my doubts: for the sented the only case in favor of the country might be free and survive as a nation. George earthquakes or to even forecast "end the draft, our brothers will establishment you so fervently clir.g their coming. It h good Lo know ordinance. die further stuted that Washington sacrificed a life of ease and plenty to lead not volunteer for the white man's to is one of rationalization, while that tliu newer construction is able ho thought he was witnessing the the Colonists to fight for that which was most dear to army." Arc whites still trying to 'ours is one of realism. t.> withstand some protiLy 'bad .shocks. opening of a political campaign. One them — Freedom — and then aided them in establishing tell blacks that we know wind's best OAKY M. CANAPE •But all earthquakes bring surprises. would believe, after listening to him for them? talk, tiiat iby disagreeing with the a government to preserve that freedom for posterity. Abra- Class of 1%!) Some buildings in the most danger- 913 Fanwood Avc. ous reaches of the quakes stand up Council a person must, perforce, be ham Lincoln, born without this world's wealth or advan- 'But we're working to end the -while others nt a distance that ipolitically motivated. tages yet possessing "the rarest of human qualities, Good- •Vietnam war, will ending the draft should, do not. Three of tlie soven people who do that? I don't know, but I think ness — the goodness of the inner man who loves mankind Wants Costs Cut •HENRY W. 1NIOHOLS objected to the ordinance wcro so KO. Ask yourself these liwo questions: •astonished by this allegation, or In- and Gad, and who guides himself by natural law," was 1. Could President Johnson have 449 Cietiaga Drive Editor, Leader; Fullenton, Calif. i»2G32 nuendo that they spoke up again and rvic destined to save the Union from being a house divided csc-ahiled this war to a half a mil- The following leUur has boon sent vigorously denied that they had any against itself. Both of those men deserve our undying lion men, without ;i draft? 2. Why to Wostfield Board of Kducntion, political affiliation. They reiterated gratitude for a pattern of life that should ever serve as does Draft Director Tarr .say now •attention of Dr. .J, E. Kallmchcr: Two-Parly System —Ihoy were simply against tlie or- for your money! that he Is "definitely certain that dinance. an example of true leadership for oncoming generations Please aticcpl my congratulations on ull-volunter nnny would be im- on your election lo the* board nnd Editor, Leader; In view of (lie foregoing (Seven^ to emulate. posstok? before? wo pull our troops my best wishes for a successful Several wenks ago I wrote your Against, v.s.. One—iFor) you might out of Vietnam"? 11 seems to me In paying homage to those two great champions of term. •paper regarding the need for a two- expect the Council lo rovie.w the or- that tlio draft lias made, and con- In respect to board business, I party system. Lost night's Borough dinance. Tho results of tho "Open" FIRST FEDERAL freedom, wo would do welt to remember that "Leadorship tinues to rnakn Vieliiiimis) possible. wish to r(*yi.sL«r ii slronw proU.'st Council meeting (Tuos. Fob. 10th) hearing were ignored; tho fjuesHon- does not depend on Innate talent only, but also very much I urjjo you lo mobilize in ewry way ntfainsl Iho •wnsU; of lax monr.*y on npnvln'cfid me even more that n Uvo- •ablc legality wns resolved fortlwvilh, possible to prevent I be extension of OR* jwiwiralimi. printing nnii fc piirly syAlom is vitiilly important to and in my view, Ww Public Interest SAVINGS on Intensity of conviction and willingness to serve." Wash- ihf flrsift IxM/om! June BO. 1071. Write ing and Lincoln were willing to sorvo and die for their con- 'Irlbulion of Hit! "Kinpijusis on Krtn- Iho inlcM'wiis of nil our citizens, was callously forg6lton. Idlers to Compress, Nixon, etc. Ob- cntion" leaflet. The UIK fciirdcn is LoL me loll you why. This Just goes to prove Hint when FIVE OFFICES victions, And so in this month of February, let us again tain a petition at the SA.NK Center rising ;i!. Mich a rnl« us to cjitiso Th« Borough council introduced •one party hns been in exmtoneu 75 salute these great men, and all of us, us Americans, ru- against the dnifl, For further Jn- ifoncern In respect to our ability to years we can nil' lose by a "Majority , WESTFIELD formulion or action onlt me or N.J. for public hearing » plan to re- solvc to keep our country free. moot, nrooss'.nry costs williont. sup- dlslriet the voting (iislrJcl.s of our of One," SA'NK 744-3203. porting such an obvloiw pi-f>paKonda Clark • Woodbridge —Gucrt Editorial community. They proposed doubling DAVID A. WAL.SII MURIEL C.1IYMAN our present dlaivids from five (5) 1136 Iris Drive Mountainside • Menlo Park Wcstfleld Chapter DAR 30 Timuiquc? Way Tho Wcslflt'ld Leader, 1 urn sure, U ten (10) tlUlrfete. A map was Mountains Id u ,•;•>'

    - *- - f-

    own homes toye or wifo have Kiwanian^ Learn of County OCUfi en who jjrobabiy will be start- ing out as tenfants. For this reason, Diminutive Leader ail of us have a stake in the enact- College Setup from Prof. Wolf Has 7Vi«A Show ment of S-972. Mountainside — The role od" theed a 20 percent hike in 1970. mmmw two-year college in the conftempor- He explained Chat the formation The monumental task of jruia|qg For The Consume any system of higher education and of the Umon County Coordinating see tat it is a success. tlie unique cooperative arran-gement Agency for Higher Education in a state-wide art stow might w«r- The state-wide show, she says, has whefen most 'Women, but fof Mr*. by which Ur>ion College and 'Union ]%8 provided the means by -which ©11 of the ingredients for success— By the Consumers League of N.J. Penny Gino of 117$ Foothi County Technical JnstituLe serve as Urvion County utilized Ihe existing a dedicated sponsoring onganizaton, Union County's community college Union College in C'ranford, Eliza- Mountainside, it should be a "Name yotir ipoison" is a cliche talented, competent artists e'ager to needs were described l>y Prof. Kl- beth and PlainfieM, end Union iMns. Cttflft, whose partlcipaite, and a vast and appre- which the average consumer has al- thairman of mer Wolf of Cnanford. doan of County Technical Institute, Scotch Art A«pt ciative audience. v/ays tliougiit of a« a jest. Today, Piains. lo meet its county college ciatkm'e ilftfa Uiis phrase lias become a serious Union College, at the monthly State Ait E»- Invitations, she says, are sent to mg of the Mountainside Kivvanis needs. tiibkum to be hekl tome 12,000 artists, bom of living in matter. iwiniii& for ment figures and projections re- Ite wthibK in the Campus Center OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL* far everyone. Official leased foy the State Department of categories, reported Prof. Wolf: a WBM^ mxK fMiW BIMi, •f Union College is well attended by instance, is a concernd'health de- transfer program, in which most The diminutive Olympic commemoratlok medal* are fcelag a»M by part menls everywhere. Officials Higher Education, which predict a ait lovers from throughout the state, tremendous increase in student pop- Union College students are etirolled wfcose relaxed toon still ««fjr ttfst year, Mrs. Ginn notes, more banki la MMich, Germany; gite of the 1972 games. keep wa-tjehing ghetto ai*a« for out- tlhem to continue in a four- 'bleaks of it among tiny children. ulation in both two and four-year trace of her native Ohio, |» than 4,a» people visaed the show. Ooftleges, particularly those publicly year school U> obtairt their bacca- an artistic B«wtrittu»t.:Jkft •Public health nurses 'are always iMrs. Gitin is married to Harold immm funded, by 1980. The (projections for laureate degree; technical, a ca- found «nd opet^ate the VUlaga Giim, an executive with Permacel on the alert during summer months Union County fiar surpass those is- reer-oriented program in engineer- dejyofAtif, — ^ Division «> I. metrapotitan area was made as these: Are tfvene houses H^tih P&&- groups designed to fill the needs of Wwtfield Art Association, Mrs. Ginn One week; from today the State. w^y to ty on the two-year college level, local residents. woric together to fauftl* *ft Vm museum. Her favorite artist Senate Oomirmiftee on* County and rent lo be JiaM until Uie deficiency supervise their children? What are 'Women's Club and last year direc- Mimibipail Goverrtnei* >will hoW a Its corrected. ' ' , Comnrfuftity coMeges in New Jer- financially su&eosful (attatf Pic^nwo'fi early works ted the Julbdiee Art Fair for the •the sources of lead oontaniiaent; sey, Pnif. Wolf said, experienced a 1 public hearing on a poece of le&s- Since all decisions of the Land- 'ay M'fr Wwy pois such an kfcwl dim** •*, s&y aecotvling to the. Stale Depart- zer of artistic ventures, such rtWjor job for the association. tional and inspirational and gave us pant, as it i s durindri g today'd' s hhous- mi oiii'selves. . ... is obvious that something must I ing shortage, something must be ment of Higher Education figures. leries and rtte-wiifo wtWWU And despite her part experiences, a great ideal of kr>owledge for con- u the layman scorns or respond* fe ft" faff Job t* her. She wants dmsting the Crusade in Union Coun- be done to expedite the equitable Awie qudckly U> remedy the situa- AhSd Uio trend," the Union Col- (awe to displays of artistic tetnpm nvictl to «ee that .this year's ty, (whiten wiaa represented by nine resolutiort of grievances between tlon. Aid Camp Program !6ge dean isitressed, "is. towards mttiit, ftfii. Ginn umterstanifc '» ahow -lives up to the fine reputation volunteers at the conference. Those lervants and landlords and to es- ©artier in this report, I said this publicly funded education, rather just "rides it out until it#ov«r." association has earned over the in attendance Included Crusade tablish a flair method of settling WH would affect nearly everyone in Bomald tMcDougaU* tit than indepeiid(?n.i colleges." chairmen from a number of Union stde was elected treasurer and a (Mrs. Ginn, who has called ; As «his is the lOUi afmual rent disputes. the &iate. In a larger sense it does t*rof. Wolf staled that last year 70 and something of a milestone, County •communities: Harold C. S-972 wou!M create a Landlord- because an injustice lo one mantrustee of Oamp 'Breftt-Endeavor, at percent .of. all Now Jersey college NAHOVICH Ohio, - ten Frimci*M, Beers of Winfield, S. Arthur Gay- a meeting Haai ^eek. Ejected to o Cranford Arc "Portland, on*., honw, hw, been a feds a special responsibility to Tenant Agency in ttie Department | dtariniahes humanity. BuJt in a more students were ptleraUng publicly lord of Clark, Francis A. Kopecky of Community Aflladra. Thds prfldtioa! sense, nearly everyone has two-year term 'as trustee was F. supported schools. Enrollment in of Union, John >G. Kulish of Hillside would have juniscUoMon in disputes been a tenant at one time or an-Edgar WhMock of WeirtfieW.' public colleges, he said, experienc- and John H. Palmer Jr. of Moun- between tenants and lantfiotth. tainside. Officers of the Union Coun- Tenants would be able to todge ty unit included Frank Spezzano and compDaints against landlords for in- Pasap&rtj Photos Irving 'F. Sburm of -Roselle, and creating rents unJustrlftaWty dtining Biaynd J. Donahue of Linden." housing steles of emergency; im- More than 300 lAmeritan Cancer poding retaliatory rent increases or SERVICE Society volunteers from throughout evictions; refusing to renew leases in retaliation for proper tenant c- marine life iNew Jersey gathered for the two- day 'meeting.held to acquaint them ti\nty against ^ tanttJonJ, irt 'ln- with the 'latest Caatsade materials terfening mVh the teniant's. right to and the importance of -the work of &n-joy the use of his premises, i The measure wou'ld also 121 CfNTRAl AVMiM the American Caffcer Society. The theme of this year's eon-Terence, tlie rartcJI'ond to make cc againEt tenants who use his prop- "The Challenge of oro State College, ad- ternvitvatitm cou&d be brought before way. For the best in mm ^®^^-«o dressed tfn? volunteers. th? agency. service, call us! In addition to the general and The bill, however, would permit group sessions on fund raising tech- the landlord to Lmpofie a sur-c*(arge niques, Crusade publicity and edu-basod on a strict per-room formula S:;«S-S*1 cation, an awards presentation was if taxes are increased during tlie conducted during the conference course of the Jease. honoring the 1970 Crusade chairmen Tenants wouJd also have the night S«S ALLIED from each county for their dedi- lo appeal lo the Iqoal deputy di- cktcid •efforts, in achieving the 1970rector if a landlord failed to pro- - '?.L SSJfRSi&'ftiS: msmmmmfflm Crusade goal vide proper services. If the deputy ' 1 rA v Aithur C. Fried received the director decided that the complaint award for Union County.

    - iMt i • * If your child is buying m lots tf model Wi is the ti me airplane glue- Shad being fed capstilo Blolocfat analyzes one of the Dr. Edward Hanoy, ask to see containing rnln(Wur« rddfd many Microscopic specimens Professor of Zoology nt iranBmliter,Equipment Wilt found In Ihe Delaware River and Cornoll University and then follow flsn'a movomtnt nearby croe kg. o( the nation's loading THINK ABOUT YOUR HEATING SYSTEM marine biologists, bonds the airplanes. Public Service's survey toara Clue sniffing ts discussed on page •nt? 26 of the federal source book; coftslmoiion sfte of our Salem Nuclear Genorallnci Station on tho "Answers lo Ihe moit frequently - t River, a team of btofoglsts Is carrying out an extensive marine asked questions about drug A Better li it up to data? abuse." .life survey. The study started fn 1968 and will continue for several years . For your free copy send In Clio after the station goes Into operation. ••'••"• l. coupon below* Environment .Fish are being caught dally, counted, identified and studied. Certain 3pe- cles of fish are tagged so (heir migration patterns can be learned. A smatl 1$ it clean? is Our rilirtiber undergo laboratory analysis. In addition, samples of vegetation National Clcarlngfiouiu Tor Drug and plankton from the fiver and noarby crooks aro Inkon so that every Abuit« Intoitnxtlan form of marine Nfo \s Included In this study. ; Is it safe? 8OK 1030, Wail.lnRlon, D,C. 20013 BusinessToo! AU this is being done by Public Service to holp safeguard the ecology of r the river and lo provide soienilfic proof that marine I if a In tho area of our Galem elation will romaln essentially unchanged. It's one more way of Electric heatimswers "YES" to all of these, Let u* give you, AJdfcis: saying wo bolievo "a belter environment Is our business, tool"

    a FREE eitimate covering installaiton and operating costs. City. Public Service Stale: Electric and Gas FIELD ELECTRICAL SERVICE Company

    432-3641 - Scotch Plain*, N, J. jdvsillil'iB corilillMftfld (or ttil public [Odd w&mvw aw* wmm, mwm/&, wtmwm m Day Camp Mindowaskin Earns Camping Association Accrediation

    The Westfield YMGA's Day Camp instructors, ACA recommends. Ilitoojofwaskin has been accredited "Because our waterfront ds in A HANPY IEFEIENCE U$T OF IEUAILE 1OCAI HIMS by the American Camping Associa- ithe Y's own pools, qualified life- tion, & was announced ioday. savers are always on duty," ex- APPLIANCES DEALE! MALI As an accredited cainp. Mindo- plained Mr. Newell. "And we meet waskin is periodicalJy vistted by the ACA requirement that the waler- Horn* Baking ofifscailly trainoi and certifiod camp frorvt director be 21 years of age or AUSTER'S AUGUSTINE WESTFIELD f. Inc. NTtACTOtS WVINO COMfANY inspectors to verify continued com- older." Sandwich«« For Parties plaoce with the ACA camping stand- ""Look at activity centers, related MOTORS • ), horses (instruction, groom- CHEVROLET ing instruction. 212-4660 •: * (". • ami trail rides), music <%Atxy- ><> {<•.) HU teatk in, 1J 0 CentrqlAve. We.tfie« 4- ing; tinging, and composing), sailing The summer camping folder and lantrol Av*. (Opp. Qutmby Si.) (and racing!), awl survival. "summer supplement" provide in- CHARLES W. formation pa the summer programs. AINTS i^*- Seniors may choose a horseback FLORISTS riding unit, a bike trip through They are available from troop lead- • • j VAN'•4 4 _ S Penosykania Dutdi Country, a ooun- era. More information on day camps, JAMES RICCARDI "mystery bus tours," and adult day DOERRER'S FLOWERS 2HMST - . * ' "aolo" unit, or a special APPLIANCE CO. 1 fa camp positions wiB be BARBER SHOPS Eat U9t session ending in a oa- Mt4«r amd Mloor BUpaira PAINT eVWAUPAPU later in the Spring. Hoover' : * ilrv; trip the Upper Delaware SeleeUoa ot "W«,Orow Our Ow» Flowers" tions may be sent to the council of- Can aad TrMka flowers — Plants — Gifts fice, 201 Grove St. Baot, Westfield, MARTIN'S may apply for tfcree Parents of &ir& planning to attend KITCHEN AID Dlol 233*0220 iee." Fatrok may BARBER Opportum Hoover may attend a meeting at the WHIRLPOOL O—teej An. «m4 H> 'Patriot Days," a week- Edison Junior High School auditor- STYLIST event at the Daniel Boone aum Mac. 4 to loam about the camp, Our Own "Quartet" — l,m Colors, All Flnlskse - in Perjwylvania. A re- its facilities, staff, and summer 4 Barbers to Serve You! Tor Interior A Exterior ent for all youth groups, it grams. Questions will be REILLY Expert HairBhaping — Raior Guts PEARSALL& Plrtt Quslltr Paint * Wallpa»er the live recreation of anby the council CaH 2324724 Ladies Hairshaplni* At Budf et Price* frontier town. Hie Iowa Ex- Hairpieces—Sold, Restyled, Clesasd FRANKENBACH, INC i eight, girfc an oppor- 1171*0**. OLDSMOBILE CO. Houra: 8 A.M. to I P.K. 232-1600 4atnty to bve oe an. Iowa farm for 233-5305 333 W. Broad St. 'ettfleW weeks, and eight families the Columbus PTA • ARTISTS' SUmilf Authorized of having an Iowa Scout 106 Elm St. Westfield roam OP in then- home for two w^eks. Program Tuesday ,, ,•. SERVICE Oldsmobile RANCC Maine trek will feature a two- The Columbus School PTA will BOWLING TAILORS motor tour of Maine, stopping present a PEGS progmm in the Sates & Service CUSTOM TAILORINQ various points of interest, visiting school auditorium at 8 p.m. Tues- AND ALTERATIONS EUCLID sitce, and camping at day, 560 North Ave. E. AD 2-7651 FORMAL WEAR RENTALS — 232*4700 the "summer supplement" WE HAVE OUR OWN STOCK. US •«. on deadlines. A member from the WestfieM Po- Wettfield, Ntw Jersey PERSONALIZED DRY CLEANING lice Department wlH speak on the CLARK 233-1538 . positions are open to present topic "Keys To SeK LANES 111 Quimby St. Westfield ROTCHFORD PONTIAC, INC. SERVICE AftSwply COMTLCTC PROTCCTIOH Arthur WUtke, Prop. Authorlied PONTUC-TBMPBST • Wheel Alivmnent r FUEL OIL But Ma Braaw • OUa WLING • Wheel BaianclnsT Sales A S«rrta* •sack Bsr e Cocktail INSURANCE • Motor Tune-upB SINCE 1948 t. Good will Uaed Gam 10 Brunwlok Automatic REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. • Inspection Work «tt North PlssetUra Dial 233-3442 •Fr«« Bittlss serrlc* For Bowllast Brake Service— Rosd Berries Mth "Dependable, Friendly Sorvice FIRE Plolc-up * DelU.rr ^'V WINDSTORM •Fr«* Daytime Bowliaf lutrmetloa <• Slnoo 102B" HOMEOWNERS Coll 232-4744 by Qvallfled Inatraotora AUTOMOBILE A BO0T •MOBILHEAT COMf*NSATIOfl AUTO BODY REPAIRS 381 -4700 SURETY40NDS 459 North Ave. C. WestfieM •HOP Coal HEATING OILS Coke SICKNESS'ACCIPENT N«rt« AT*. 140 Cetitrol Ave. Clark • LIFE & AfHJITIES BODYART SERVICE STATION . BRidge 6-0900 COLLISION SHOP TSS-18M 8 Norlli Ave, 15. Cranfurd George ^V, Kochera, Prop. CAR WASHING • ^^^^^^*^ ^^^"^^^r ^^^H^^H Complete tto4T * Peader MOUNTAINSIDE **o Art Not The Only Phone Company In Ibwn. Aalo * Truck TOWNE t -*,, 24 Hoif Towlas rmm SERVICE Call 788-O33O CAR WASH Call 233-4430 Near Corncr.Of E. Bioid I. Elm • Brske Servlca « 8o«tfc AT*. GUWOO* OIL COMPANY 84 ELM ST. WESTFIELD 101 E. 5th St., RainfMd In WMtftaM e Engine Tune-ups 'oyi Ready to S«rv«' • Radiator Repairs Oas of e Shooks — Mufflers SEVELL'S Qovitrm Horn LAUNDRIES • Regulator & Generator Berries 233-4600 Moflerm Road Service — Snow Plowlaff AUTO BODY CO. Car Wasksa Inspection "Work WAXING A lito IVORY LAUNDRY Body and I'alnt Shop TRIUMPH FOUSHINQ 232-9776 AD 26500 & DRY CLEANERS 1121 Rt. 22 Mountainside AAA • ALA • M.C.A. Road Aid s Compute Laanderiatfor _ . 1 Call 233-4050 r Bales * li B 24 Hour Towing e Wa Bpeclaltss ^ MB«aBBBBBW K »NCOl N Next to Untoa Coaatjr Boad D«pt Bnraer In Urn* llstBS i T • • i i i _ Fender Ropalro — Pd St ootton roes Truck Vulntlng and Hcpalra 1216 South Ave., W. Westfield Badnt PAym«t PUa •Bam* Day GOOD Foreign Car Service Servlos LINCOLN MERCURY OB Keqnsst Call 232-8887 CURTAINS, DRAPERIES | Dial 232-5272 15% 369 SOUTH AVE. E., WESTFIELD Gash it Carry COLONIAL JUMBO THICK 320 Windsor Ave. Westfield DRESDEN 361 South Ave. E. Westfleld Dlioount (or Lauadry DOBS CURTAINS, INC. _ by the Potmd SPORTS CENTER Cartel MB, Draporles, Bedaprtads, For Pick-up as 4 DelWsry i "HTerythJss; for lbs gportsi But 194fl FURNITURE Call 232-5020 PADS WESTFIELD Blankotif, Tablecloths, Sheets. Compute flqulpsisst TOWOIH, Window REUPHOLSTERING 16 Prospect St. Westfield WESTFIELD AMERICAN Drapery Hardwuro Opp. Firs Houis s Golf 5K2X8 Vi Experr rcupholsloring only. • Arohery BODY WORKS, INC. MOTORS 0 Him Street W««tl*ll • Tsnnls Oroinlln Call for appointment to see s All oSier BporU . J, Fompttaqo. Prop. at the Ambassador FREDAL DECORATORS SAMOSET LAUNDRY COLLISION aPiaCTALTSTS fabrics in your home. SKI RENTAUI 11arnat BadmUtoB A Tennis RaoqavtS EXI'DRT AUTO BODY Matador SERVICE, INC. Juvolln Curtulaa — Llneai — Bedaproada Retrtruaa; WESTFIELD LEADER A FENDBIt IH3PAIRS HERITAGE LOUNDRT — DRT Guns, Ammutiltloa and LIQSBSM BUIOB & Horvlco Cuntom Mad* Dial 232-7071 Blip Coven 8c Draperlts "Drlr*-Zn Barrio*" Dial 233.1420 232-2456 DECORATORS, ING. C»ih and Garry 50 Elm St. 520 South Ave. W. 1130 South Av«.W. Weitffeld 431 North Ave. E. West field I HI* 803 Worfh Are, 889-4777 Call VLalaflali (On the Circle) Westfleld i1 K ACTIVITIES IN THE CHURCHES OF WESTFIELD AND VICINITY

    FIRST UNITED METHODIST ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH SCOTCH PLAINS 414 East Br«a4 St. CHCRCI! OF CHRIST COPE in 10th Season At Tfce Plaza (Christian) fte Rtv. Caaaa KkhaK J. ISM Karitan Road fefv. Clark W. Haat Clarence A. At First Baptist Church OUR LADY OF LOURDES •EttEEMtt Rev. lames C. WhiUIter The Rev ttagfe MuiisttT . C, CHURCH cmumcm Rev. Rager W. FUmUkftv Tfce Rev. Sunday, »:43 a.m., Bible school R*r. PhDfp R. DletterU* classes for children, young people 'For the lOtfi consecutive year, the i The Great Decisions study-diseus- Catfral Av«. Sunday, 9 and 11 a.m., worship Len-t: 7 a.m., holy oomnflu- Lnd adulU; 11 a.m., die Lord's -First Baptist Chur» grate 7 art 8; « pm., Alter | servioe_ ^ ^ ^ *rat ^^ ^ The popular programs which begin; struct ive debate on major Sunday, Masses at 7, 8, 9:15,lt:» OuiW. day t*H«ua*i Saiundsy. Fellowship Hall; 7 p.m., eveming Mar. 7 and continue (or the nex* facing the nation. These include ses- a.m. and 12 noon. 7 Cdb Pack *«74 Mil*!1*1*1 *** a10™™*1 ^ »** °°m- Friday, Feb. 36, St. lUUhias the worship hour, sermon topic; "Ten Sundays, will feature an ar- sions on Indochina, the Middle East, Saturday Evening Mats, 7 p.m. aftd Goto dtme/, cwr > racs ffSRT4 "*•* imuikm Nvill foe oiwerved at both AposUe, 7 p.m., Junior Episcopal Plagues of the Modern WorJd," fifth ray of activities enabling all mem- man's environment and public dis- Weekdays, Masses at 7 and I a.m. iscrvices. 9:50 am., Young Oiurdunen. in a series of i© sermons during a Ibers otf the family to join in a mean- sent. fcwdby, •» a.m., Matin's aerv- tion hour with classes for adults, Holyday Masses, 6, 7, a.m., ioe; 9:43 a.m., Sunday tfcfaool and Saturday, 1 a.hi., holy cortununion. 10 weeks icyaKy campaign, & gift ingftrt experience. Charles Amerding, social studies 8 p.m. , and children; U a.m., church Sunday, FSrat Sunday in Lent, 7:45 will be awarded the person presettt- COPE '(an acronym for Oreative teacher at Scotch Plains High Miraculous Medal Noveoa will be celebrated at this a.m., holy oormmmion; «:«& a.m. ing €he minister with a list of mod- Opportunity to Probe for Enlighten- School, will serve as leader for the p.m., confuvnatioo classes, Fellow Mar. 7 sessioa. Discussion leaders Mass: Monday at 8 p.m. Mrviice, at both services the sermon ^L Room and 1« *.m.T hoiy conummkn and era plagues identical to those found ment) is open to aU First Bapiist Benediction during the school sermon; 11:91 a.m., montirtg prayer in his sermon. Church members and their guests. ;t the following meetings will be on Fridays at 2;» p.m. ^^IT* * ** """ ****** 1 Tuesday," 8 ML, council on min and aetroon; 12:90 p.m., acolyte Wednesday, 8 p.m., mid-week JOHN RICHARD C. KEN VON « form 5 should tie re- Fred Schmitt. Donald Williams and Baptisms on Sunday *t 9 pm. istries, Raom 214. prayer meeting and Bible study, turned to the church office on Elm Donald Bleeke fctonAay, 9 a.m. t* 3 p.m., eec. Wednesday, 8 p.m., Lmtefi eerief appointment. 8 p.m., deacons' mee4- Monday, fi p.m., trustees meeting. New Testament, verse by verse St. "n*e programs are under the di- Theology of Faith, Hope, Love, and Confessions, Every SttttT^iy wive^atwoB on. Worship." Fel- Wednesday, 10:15 a.m., Akar Giald study, and topical discussions Science Lecture rection of •church pastor Rev. Wil- t>eatb will come under the super- in* lowsfaip Roffln. eves of Holy Days mi Ffevt Tueaday, 14 p.m., confirmation meetinig; 8 p.m., adult confirmation | vant to the times. liam K. Odber arfd assistant pastor vision of 'Or. Homer Tucker, direc- , 9:30 a.m., W.S.C.S, Cir Rev. Robert W. Thatcher. tor of urban and community mini- days, from 4 to 5 and {ram 7:45 to ctara, grades 7 and «; «£•»-. ^ Ptam**, Hoom 2M; 10 a.m. class; B p.m., Men's Club board 8:30 p.m. meeting; 7 p.m., Hpuicopol Clviinoh- FAVH'OOD PRESBYTERIAN Here March 5 'Each evening will begin with a stries of the New Jersey Baptist Sunday- tfchool teachers meeting; CHURCH B:3t pm., eMere' meeting. •ewiag day, wcial h«tl; 8:15 pm., wotnen. snack supper for the entire family Convention and a member of the 74 MartiM A?*.t Smtk How an irxK\idual can turn to di- THE CATHOLIC CftUftC* 6T •, 9 am,, Day school Cincle l. at 5:30 paid for with a freowill First Baptist Church. This dicus- . _ . „ „ . . , Friday, 1:15 p.m., World Day of L. UWU vine guidance for practical help in offering, At 6:15, children will go sion group .will reflect on modern THE HOLY TBWITY : 7:9 Ul TOUT BAPTUT Kt. ftcr, M*fr. Cfcarlei B. *•£• T2f* °. *T' . *f? P*^ OoiKnttatioka Church, contributing to the solution of com- to supervised, informal activities in Christian themes and what they cervve; |;30 p.m., trustees meet-1 Sunday, 9:30 a.m., service of con- munity and other jM'tfdflems wiH )>e should mean to us in a modern, ur- B.L.8., fng; 8:30 p.m. mission's meeting. IUT. WIIIMI It the church's education building. FIRST cKtmcp or emus*, cern—"The Saortumeot of Baptism"; explored in a public feature to be These w i i! iniclude games, arts, banized world, R«*. Itouai t. BCIENTI1T 11 a.m., Dr. Hunt will preach on given in WesWield on Fi>hflay, Mar. crafts, as -well as children's tele- Before -assuming hts present po- "How to Face Testing," the first in 5. RECTORY: IIS Pint ft. Eft* vision programs. sition, . Dr. Tucker served for 13 CfitfcCH a Lenten sermon series on the CONVENT: «5 THaHy PI. Saturday, Jwsey State Ckm- Jo*m;Ri<*and c. Kenyon, C.S.B., The junior highs "will continue their years as the.postor of .Mt Zion theme "tMaking Sense out of Life," of London, England, will bring out High SclMol — Z13-74U The Joy (hat dome* from (be wi- Vent ion, Hamilton Square; 2 p.m., regular programs from 6:15 to 8, Baptist Church-in Newark. Earlier New iettty sacrament of Baptism will be why SnteH'igent guidance is BO im-while the Senior High youths and in his career, he served as pastor Grammar 8cfct«l - X334M4 Mlafatoft: settish love C*ra* Jetm called for tand den»n*Jtrat«d wlfl be administered to infants, Church Day portant in. today's rapidly changing adults participate in tho special of two other thurches and worked 8:« aod 11 am., wbrl-d and what the source of this ST. HELEN'S R. C. CHlfeCH out in Ctirtsltlan Scietwe ing woraWp, sennon by the pastor, 1 through 8, nunsei*y care COPE courses. for 18 years as YIMCA secretary for gvicta-nce is. ' six separate cities throughout the Rev. Thomai B. Meant?, Paitar Sunday, 9 am., worship serviceP"™^; , .; . ,. • » • The courses, led by persons with grade; 11 a.m.,- A Christian Science tdachor, Mr. expertise in 4he"topic areas, include nation. . - Rev. Alan F. GugUelm*, AMttut subject, 'IBeing Fair to Mysotf and Kenyon U on tour as a member of in,the <***!; 1015 a.m. O^l serrno*2^,!2^*^n on "Christ Jew*" witt in^ Others," Music under the for kiindergarten and nursery "-Marriage," "Great Decisions," Acting a s moderator for 'Mr. Rectory: 1155 Railway Are., School in the Center; 10:30 a.m., in Tlic . Christian Soiencc BdaM of . VMfleM, N.J. - ' -ironiirm Warship in'the Meeting ^e ^ M«*^ *»«**: "*»* diiwtwm «of Mte. DohaM E. "Theology of Faith, -Hope. Love and Tucker's group .-will be the Rev. Leobureship. He w?:\ spoak in Edi- Drain," and . "Technology. and the Ccber. Sunday Masses «t Edison Junior House«MiM , thtiwe, Reviw .fcjr M . E«•. .ibtr^.iUiffK wnnfls have I spc&en unto you, ttiat director; 9:15 a.m., *chooi 5 nth son Junior Higih School, Kflhwoy Future." The final discussion group—Tech- High School Auditorium at 8, 9:15, ..... oreateh at both services, hte «W *V T^T^l ? i, ^."* classes for Avo, at Grove. St., at 8:30 p.m. 4; 10 a.m.. Community Center; 4:30 p.m., James T, Sweeney, executive di- nology and the Future—will be led 10:M and 11:45. topic will be "Five tww and Two «*Pr.*[ ffl«* mi*"-" organ recital iby Miss Donna J. und«* the .auspices of Piivt Oinirch Saturday evening Moss at 5:30 *W toddlers, crib room; n:30W «K^iAnent, That yetove one 5th through 12th grades and adulls; rector of this Family and Children's church tnember and director in as I have loved you." Fluke and Timothy L. Wl&sLer, sen- of ChiTSt, Scientist Society of Elizabeth, will head the corporate and long range planning p.m. at Edison Junior High School. a.m., activities hour, coffee-fellow- 4:30 p.m., youth memftenshiip class; "We can do our own thinking, but 'From "SeioTice atkd Health with 6 p.m.. Junior High Fellowship; 6 Valley marriage discussion group. The se- for Essc. Dr. Fred Banes. Four Weekday Mass at Holy Cross ship 'hour, Coe, , the public is iiMted; 7 p.m., we can do it most ePTecliv&Iy with Chapel, Lambert* Mill Road and Key to rthe Sctiipt-ures" by Mary Senior Feltowsliip; lected topics include "(Marriage To- provocative-films will serve as a Tuesday, 7:45 pm, Alateen, Coe; Baker Eddy this citation will be High Fellowship; 7:30 p.m., the guMance of diYJne inlelHgence," day," "The Stages of Marriage," basis.for the discussions. They are Railway Avenue, 9 am, 8 p.m., Al Anon, Coe; 9 P.m., Al p. ; 8 p.m., Sunday ihe leoturer wilt state. read: "Love for God and man is the •Night Group at the tome of Mr. and »*$&ion meeting to receive new mem- "Spals and Spouses," "What Did "A View of ^America from the 24th Anon Family Group, Coe. true incentive in both, healing and fa his lecture etttiiled "Whero Do You Expect?" Century," '.'Right of Privacy," "Gift HOLS' TRINITY Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., confirm* iMft. C. Qtttf Morong, 13S5 Outlook We Look for Guidance?" Mr. K-an-' leaching. Love inspires, illumines, 8 p.m., cllurch support Mis. Rc&ert W. Thatcher will of Life, flight to Die," and "Science CREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Mm tfass -^oriscwi; 5:30 pm.l^g^, ^ £,£"£; ^ Dr., MounUtnskSe yon VK\\ emphasize that everyone membetsirip c-Uss. cohimission—iRoom 7. serve as moderator for the group, land 'Society—A Race Against Time." . 250 Gallows Hill Rd. Junior High Fellowship Uomis. ^ ^^ ^ welo()me to ataa can learn to dls-tinguish between Monday, 8 p.m., nursery school Tuesday, 9:3 a.m., mothers' dis- Rev. Peter M, KakUU JPnday, 1:15 p.«i., the Annual serwices ^ FipA Q^^ of chpist cussion group—lounge; 8 p.m. com- misleading impulses and the gui- parents. dance which has its source in in- Sunday: 10 a.m., Ortte; 10:15 World Day of Pnayer wm be held m ^icntist m ^ B d st t n mission on Christian nurture—«on- a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 to 11; 45 this cliunch, with Rev. Gerald Ehly,' JChiftdtren's finite inte-lligejicc. To Study Opening Trinity Scout a.m. committee; 10 a.m., Senior Citizens | _ n^co 8 a.m., Divine Liturgy. a member of this church, and a To illus'tt-ate Itoat there .is a divine i F service group; 7:30 pm, Choral law underlying intelligent guidance, returned-mlssionary^eacher from Room, THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Turkey, as speaker. Music will be T6EMPLE EMANUEL Soceliy; 8 p.m., Ciiurch Cabinet. he will describe a personal exper- Of Christian W«*dnesday, 8 p.m., youth commit- •Wednesday, 11:30 a.m., mid-week ience in bringing a toting ammu- Supper Sunday IN WESTFIELD under the direction of Barbara Mil- 75S E. Urtad service of worship and intercessory ' ' 140 MOOHUIB AveMt iar; This year's theme is "New Life tee. nition train under control during The Rev. Raymond Aumack of prayer in the chancel Jed by Dr. World War II. Mlitattn, Awaits." Hunt; 8 p.m., 'Lenten School of Rc- Jr. High School Our hztiy of Lcurdes, Mom-tainside Dr. Frederick E. Ckrtithu Kabbl, €h*iMi A. KroMf A graduate of Queen's College, will be the guest speaker at the an- GRACE ORTHODOX CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 ligion: The Rev. Emite Zaki oE ->. Rer. Rlehafd L. Smlta Cuntor. Dw 8. ftecker Cambridge Uwiveraity, Mr. Kenyon nual Girl Scout father-d-aughter PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Friday, F-rdtiay- evening service IM EMtnuut St., Cr«nford tBgypt mil sneak on "The Church served with dislirvrtion os a major j (The Mar. 8 meeting nf ihe Parent spaghetti supper which will be held Rev. M. Bfclta Dnrwty liw Boulevard PMtort, .""•,>; and the 'Mid-east Crisis"—Founders' Rev. Jack R. Ahten 8:15 p.m., Habbi RraWf yM spiiak in the British Army. Prior to enter-1 Teacher League of. Redeemer • Lu- in Holy Trinlly High School Cafe- T r inj tiie-h(*a'Vin«ntiTristr y of ChrisHi'ati Uheran- Church, Clartc at-Cowperth- Mr. John W. GiU on "Firs.t Hartd ftepor;t fr'wn Biiu .'Goridon L. Huff *Huirsday» Mar. 4, "12:15 p.m., teria al 5 p.m. Sunday. Guests of .: MtaUler seJs on World Conference for Soviet Sciencc in 1950. he was active in .waite PI. in Westfield, wiff presifnt honor will be Mwisgi*. Charles B. Sunday, 9 a.m., innovative wor- Sunlday, worship services at 11 Identical services of-worship are Women's Association sandwich lunch bustm-ss as a:i Assoriate'of the In- panel discussion on Christian edu- ship service on the theme of "The Jewry." ; held at 8:30 and LI a.m., baby sit-in Fellowship Hall and a program a Mwrphy> nicderat or, the R c v. a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school for Sunday, Men's Olub . all - sports Stitnte of Chartered Aco'mintante. He cation on I ho junior high school level Thomas Bz'.y, the Rev. Thomas Ten Commandments"; u> a.m., adult all ag€e pro- Class for Women, Men's Triangle (Will be held, in the phurcli at the 1930 Cllffwood Street Christian School Association; Dennis community dcaLling with Bible an- Scokb Plains Rabbi in Brussels, Booth, principal of the Timothy vided by Mrs. Joseph Hand's Sen- Bible Class, Bible class for parents; swers to the questions our youth are R«v. Jnllin Alexander, Jr. same hour. ior Troop No, 701 and a short skit iFYlday, first year catechetical Photic: 889-1830 School in Slelton; the Rev. Robert 11 ajn., traditional worship service oskinig: 'Who Am J?", "Where did 19M GreenWUe Road 'Rabbi Simon Potck will conduct To Give Report will t>e given by Mrs. Robert Bel- with Dr. Chriatifen prea'ching; 7 class, 4 p.m. Atwell, pastor of the Gra'ce Orthodox I--come from?" and "Where I am 'Scotch pialm services at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at On Soviet Jewry -Presbyterian Cliurcli in Westfield lew's Cadette Troop No. 824. Mrs. p.m., Senior High Fellowship, g0in£?" A nursery is ptwriddd; 7:45 Thursday, 6:30 a.m., men's prayer Saturday. Scout Troop #H4 Icotidh Plains and and involved in organizing four James Konlje's Junior Trcop No. p.m., prayer meeting -and Bible breakfast;'9 a.m., morning prayer; Drive, 8 a.m.; Seniar Teen parents mwtiing services Tlabbi Charles A. Kroloff lias been Christian Day schools in different 913 will show o'f their swinging JEVOVAH'S WITNESSES study. 10 a.n%, adult Bible stHdry-—C«sp& •chosen 1o th& Union of areas of the country; the Rev. square-dancing which they have skating party, B p.m. Clark Congregation iFriday, -Dr. Jay Adams will speak of John; 1 ptm.( Care-Ring prayer/ 'Saturday Kiddush iwill be hosted by American Hebrew Congregations at Eugene Rchwinkel, pastor of Re- learned under the direction of Mrs. training meeting. catechetical.! the World Conference for Soviet 1170 Old Karitun Rd., Clark on Christian Paiifch a.nd Counseling at Mrt,' Norman Pcrlman and deemer Lutheran Church and vitally Ligfrlhipe. John Seedorf, Presiding Minister B p.m. The public is invited to at- IFriday, 8 pjm., Coffee House far class, 4:15 p.m. Jewry being held in Brussels interested in expanding Clu-istian •Pink carr.ialions in gold-sprayed youth, ^ Tuesday, charity swing, 10 a.m. (Martin Weisinger. •through tuday. There are abml 450 IprSicto&i, 7:25 p..rn., mnwiisHi^ tend -the idcture. iDudng the week, marnlng min- cA discussion period will follow deemer Lutheran Church. Refresh- tM-iddler and Senior ^eKtfwshlps; 8 ; 10 a.«D.,<*ureh school, Nl-Ueiing. This is the last lecture of "Then Is Finished the Mystery of Wednesday* 9:45 a.m., mothers' eighth. - ' the annxfal Westminster seminary •Rabbi Krolofff's observations. ments will follow the meeting. on Next Page God." circle; 4 p.m.' cortfirmatJioti cHaes. Is 'Christianity?"—a oT'the •CHr-istian faith and iMtmda?, 8 t.m., Bible class. Lectures which have been held life. Wednesday, 9«.m., the Holy Euch"- tihroughout New Jersey. arist; 8 p.m., 'Evening Guild meet- Dr. A'd-ams, a former jiaslor of J. Monday, 9:30 a.m., Women's 'M K& ing. 'Gwec ChurGh, is the author of ^.-^ m) •ASSGC. board meeting; 12:30 p.m., .**- mm•>«: S3 Thursday, 9:15 a.m., morning "Competent to Counsel" and "The fifa} m ?*v spiritual life loaders^-meeting; 8:30 mm *!&L«: prayer; 9:30 am, Bible ctass; 1 Time Is At Hand." $m. tMi ^isM?^« ^ :*^ •p.m., primary department Bible en- S-^J-+'j^=-v:^= : s^s^^v^BS ., AliAnon me^tintg, I The puttie is kivjtcd. m•-••7 m m m richment program for teachfens and 'xr- amm** [.•S£Xi parents. t-<\*-J mmxmm'S-*1 Tuesday, 8 p,m., session meeting. m> •Wednesday, 3:30 pm., third and ambassador •fourth grade churth school; 3:30 SERVICES p.m., Lenten youth clufc for fifth and sixth grades; 7 p.m., youth prayer and -fellowship; 7:45 p.m., adult prayer; 8:15 p.m., adult Bible study —Gospel of J&hn. Fellow P! THINK OF IT erchanls: WE DON'T HAVE > \ TO BE LONELY *^*?1^ Gain additional customers .•S^ Life Is abundant) whether we -.^ He likes his shirts clean, wrinkle-free, and H are single or married. This -, 1/' . 7W i-*Nto from newcomer's moving program shows that complete- dazzling white. Our experts like to do them thai ness is not dependent on an- other person. way, with their thorough but gentle methods. into your area. It's on 19 stations In iho Shirts come cleaner, look better, last longer, DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME Tie In with AMBASSADOR Newcomert Welcoming New Jersey area Including) Service, We personally greet each newconw tnd 556 Westfield Ave. • AD 3-0255 acquaint them with your service, merchant!!M 6*45 a.m, WNEW 1130kc and reputation. 8tl5a.m. WERA 1590 kc IVORY DRY CLEANERS A Funeral Home of homelike atmosphere, complolely modem air conditioned, WRITE OR PHONE FOR MfttltttUtt 9,45 a,m, WVNJ 620 ke o*f-street Parking Faclfltfes PHONE AND LAUNDERERS Licensed Staff Also the TRUTH Charles E. D00I&/ DOOLEY FUNERAL HOME 16 PROSPECT ST. AD 2*5020 Frank J, Dooloy that HEALS Carolyn M. Dooloy .IIS North Ave. W., Cranford 233-0003 Oppoiiha Flr» Htadquarien Joseph F. Dooley BR 6-0255 1030 SOUTH AVE., WEST-WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07090 A Chrinilan Kclrne^ l-fidlo bridge international gaps tib speci'aJ training prograjns. women Patrick Minogue Local Chairman core of resisders to join the ranks Cuard in Tribute & Valentine feature the chorus Church News in cities engaged in experiment! of the "checked-up" this year. To- "Heart of My Heart." A musical ministries in education, coinnttini- day there are 1.5 million Americans tbiirtlhday saMe was given to Herman ly organization, technology and Of April Cancer Crusade alive and cured of can-cor. We want To Abe Lincoln Schmidt and Iver Stenon. ecology, rural Christian women to wipe out cancer in your lite- T. K. Hiageslrom, recro-atioa Rev. Ehly, WHS Chem. Teacher overseas who wall study nutrition, time," declared Minogue. Weyman O. Steengrafe, principal oliainman gaive the Honor Roll for home-jniaking, and related subjects. Patrick D. Minogue of 5»5 First "We shall be urging the people of Woodrow Wilson School and a. di-the week—bridge, Howard Gay, and Further use of nhe World Day of St., lias been named ahairman for of Westfacld to join the fight—to pro- rector of the Westfield AcUrlt School, bowling, William Gray, (Richard Prayer offering wild be to enable the 1971 American Cancer Society tect themselves with a checkup and gave a talk before the Old Guard tLongley, /Thomas Holt, Harold Ste- Has Role in Local Prayer Day migrant farm workers to send rep- Crusade in WestfiieSd. The educa- a check to their American Cancer recently at the YMOA. His subject wis, Aifred Machmer and Leslie resentatives to policy -making meet- toona-l and fund raising Crusade be- Society." "Abraham .Lincoln laves Today" Stuart. Church Women United in West-, ings and aid in emergencies, to aid gins Apr. l. Volunteers who wish to assist in brought out many of the problems fletf wi'13 celebrate World Day of American Indians and Spandsh- The appointment of 'Minogue was the Crusade should contact the faced by Lincoln and the distinction Prayer at 1:15 p.m. on Friday, Mar. speaking people to achieve new announced by Artfhur C. Fried, Union County Unit of the American of the man in dealing with them. Dr. Solon Speaker *, at the Congregational Church. dignity, to help Mexican women in Union County Crusade chairman, Cancer Society. 512 Westminster Director tfenny Engelfried asked border cities to start an industry, who S2iid that Minogue had accep- Ave., EKzabelh. An honors reception for Union OB thte day church women in 25.- •for a moment of silence in memory County College students who liave communities in the USA will to support a woman worker to pro- ted a leadership role "beaause of of John P. Loeffler and Clifford E. vide public heaMih and family serv- a deep understanding that the fight been named to the President's and their prayers with women in iBolcomfo who died .this week. Engel- Dean's Lists for the fall semester countries on six continents to ice for women and children in against cancer must not lose mo- fried welcomed and greeted guests Freedom City, Miss., continuing m en turn but actually must be ac- Chase Promotes was held on -Monday evenang on the affirm fa«h, hope and love in fac- fteverdy Johnson and John Blyer Union College campus in Cranford. support to help print "BO mattes of celerated in every way possible." •and presented membership creden- iog issues an dthe needs cd today •Dr. Bernard Solon of 411 South children's books" and women's In accepting the position, Minogue tials to Riiahard Zerwick and John tomorrow. Dennis Long well Euclid A™Z™J 1970 American Cencer Society early named assistant treasurer in 1968 ™"lJ™T™\and Or - I ««tertaiit will be judged in evening is ^^ in t^n as a real itole Ministries, he was guidance coun- gown, in swimsuit and in the pre- broker with Barrett k Crain Inc. ©nd was promoted to second vice WESTFIELD LEADER thodox—^nd as many races and detection programs: The "Pap" selor and taught chemistry. He also serv.ation of her talent. To qualify, president in 1969. languages, seek to make visible Minogue is a member of the Jay- served as a member of (tie Turkey a young lady must be between the test for uterine cancer and the their uni-ty in Christ and to share cees, Knights of Columbus, and for- He and his -wife, the former Ashby Schools' Council, Mission Execu- ages of 18 and 28 on Sept. 1, at- vfce-president of the Kwwtfs oral ejdamtnaiions for detection of 50 Elm in an offering ttoat will bring hope mer Haslam of Westfield, live here with tive Ooirtnittee and s& a member of tending school in or a resident of club. He holds elected dfiOe as and aid to thousands around the cancer of the mouith. their son. the board of directors and executive Union County. Official pageant en- globe. try blanks may be obtained from committee of the Near East School World Day of Prayer provides an of Theotogy in Beirut; Lebanon, tile entries chairman, Bob Johnston occasion for participation in a world of 422 Evergreen Boulevard, Scotch As women aU over (ty* worM gath- wide offering committed to helping Plains. In addition, everyone who er in worship on Work! Day of ottiers through mission on six con- knows of a girl who might be a Prayer they will bo affirming that tinents. Some of the people who \yill likely candidate is encouraged to '"New Life Awafa!" In exploring be touched are people on vacation simply subit her name to the en- whst it means to be a "new person" and those employed in national tries committee, c-o Mr. Johnston in Ctirist ChurcJh Women United parks through year round ministry at the above address. will be preparing aUo for the Ecu- by retired ministers, new Christian Winner of the Miss Union County V menical Assembly, to be held in J - -- - •, - t * i-'. -,. i* L education and materials, •" " • Wtoitia, Kan., from Apr. 22-25. The scholarship pageant will receive a tiorval students in many education- cash scholarship award and many is being called to consider al institutions overseas, women other prizes as well as the oppor- '<'. \ "tl» meaning of God's breakthrough leaders abroad ufoo can help | tunity to enter the Miss New Jersey - '\ - Pageant and possiWy become the ' • • , • , •'• ' : •-.- -Ai :X•'• *• •= • *-, ''< '-* / .-,•.• • • "\ • , next Mass America. •Last year Union County's winner, -y: Hela Yungst became Miss New

    ., y Jersey, and Jaycees a r e hopeful ,> that this year Union County will ' WE HEARTILY produce Miss America, RECOMMEND MASTER CHEF .».<•. • t Squad Responds »: .<-•....

    SPECIALTIES / To 153 Calls - \i . /. If you crave adventure in good Total amount of calls answered toting, yeu'v* coma te rti» right in January by the Westfield Rescue Squad was 153. Broken down they plac«. Full-courte dinners and amounted to 31 accidents, 16 heart •calls, 37 emergency transportations,- sptcial diihts become an art 29 miscellaneous calls and 40 trans- \ „ . . . a culinary delight. Yes, sir! portations. Total man hours spent

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    232-1800 * INCLUDES ONE WESTFIELD COMMERCIAL SALE NOT PICTURED ABOVE 233-1800 Gov. Livingston Honor Roll Wayne Parawflo Maj-k Oundej-son Jon Carolyn Lee Parisi Barbara Haldeman George Linda Kenny 'Ihomas Parziale Anne M. H&nsen Thomas Wilson Karen Keiiblock — Following is the; Lawrence Boly Marcia F^v'^k Trevor Harris Janice ifimanerer list of students on the honor roll for j Susan Bow Cyr^'.i'a Pctenvpa K'.cliai'd Hartley GRADE Thomas King •one second nferiung pei-iod at over-; Lori Bracldbill Mary Ellen Ellen Powers Anne Hegarty Elizabeth A Richard Knopf ; nor Livingston Regional High School: Greg Brervt J*:ac;e Rdbfc'U Karen Heller Debbie Andersen Eric Kushnatik in Berfceleiy Hearts. AU of these [ Broski Cb"iyJ Redding Lir.^a Hunchar Peter Anderson John Larsoa students earned grades of B or bet- j Craig Bross Doi^ Reider AUfXE-rder Jankowski linda Ayares Hunter Laydon ter in all subjects. j Lesite Brown Diane Riccia Debra Kayser Debbie Baker JudEth Leonardo Richard Bryan Kenneth Reis Noreen Kellfy Lin-da Raymond Lord NINTH GRADE CJorles Buck Di-borah Ri'ehL*y Karen Kelly Marcia Kathi Madison Stephanie Aders Robert BudgaKe Moris&a Rivo Kevin Keyes Ingeborg. Ralph Martin Goefifrey Beyer Fiiances Carver Susan Rohi- Michael King Sue B5rr ; Stephanie Meyer Jeffrey Bland Felicia Oassaoos Steven Runfeldt 3Lori Klebous Rebecoa BBaiock Joan Milter Scott Borrus A'iice Chen Jean Savoy Carol KJeuber Sue Bcta$sy Frank Mctous Mary Bosco John Coffey Lc-ura Sswczuk Eilen Krie^i Ina Borohefs Curt Moeller Louise Brown Julia Cohen Gregg Schneider Michael LeGrange Sue florrus . Ltariy Mohns Teresa Clifford Iftthryn Collette Piafricia Shadey Colleen Lag^eU Stuart Bmm Robert Marc Goiette Jennifer Cox Alan Singer Edwin UtUe ConslfHu* Nancy Charles Gostette Janice Culien Artfcur Si&son Joan tittle Mflry Ann Pa^ano Catherine Cuny Dtame Ddiiaieman Pamela ftnkh ,' Karen Lozowriri Nancy Parent Tho*r4as DtaVKlaosi C»UI JACOB! TUPPER HILLAED Steve* Wiliiam Smith Uary] MacFarUne Dor«thy Priruzaejlo Rkftuuri Pairiaa Dickineoa Virginia Sproul Aon Makne Battara Pitaer John fiatfcait Tom Stables Eflen Malone Ridttrd PWwnpa Jean Duk« Oathertoe Fisher Patrick Sanlon Oathleen MoOy Betty Praaser Nictate F»Utwce Haacf Fox Martin Stogniew fihartw licKeon Judy Quay Patricia Iterc Freodman Beth Stoyell Rita Meyertoff Michaei Quety Pbui Cartaiid GoeCfrey Taylor Jeffrey USiler JahaonaGast Ciaire Whitcomb John K ICorae ?HT!" • ?'PPI*'' Amr Cheryl George Jertrey White Carol Uulraaay Ann Pater fUctentGoid Melanie Zriny Tlwm'as MUSM LesKe Kathleen <5race S;even NickoHs Aian Greeofcerg ELEVENTH GBADE Patrick Siaron Oftkec aroW ff Gregory Hwse Robert AvMoOa Brian O'Boyle Janet PaMda Hackman ttoVid Ruch Kim Genalyn A&atnonte '• Patricia Osterhout liara Sage • Qooatance Haoes 9testien Afieit Alton Ott • Ka Wittiam Harris Peter Sadoom Karen Ivia Corinne Airmmo Wendy Saviiie Robert Hayward Cyr.tMa Banoch Gregory Parlgian Steve Hiaiis Ursula Selfert Nancy Ktaaperovkh Peter Holcbmb John Barry W&ndy Petry Robert Shomo Doug Isleib Fred Bearison Ann Piccininno Anthony Gordon Shutonan Elizabeth Berberian Ddane Pilgnm Donald SIra Andrea Katz Douglas Brent Mary Elaine Kennedy Allyne Prupis Jonathan Snyder KM Lacker Susan Kenney Detonah Brooks Dottaid Reynokk Bruce Soehngen Stephen King Craig Brown Wendy Sankfeni Manor B«tte Stiddl Ou-iatotiher Kirttand TktMy Oaffrey Christine Sctoefer Piatrida Stikreil JONATHAN HOPKINS AHhaa Kieln Mark Carle TafTee TaUamy Webra UdQaqr Susan Clarke Launa Schtkahefcm Sandra George Teren Peter Mtter Ko»> Dale Clausen Linda Schuchnwn Deotwfc Bruce ftiel Mary aftawa Krey Evefiyn Ofte Down Serb . Susan Throe-Part Sc Jamea Pattnelee Kritz ' Denwe Ooslfn&AD Nancy Settle Jeffrty G««drldge Richard Wtcfaaet ftefeoWBfci Scott Kuffer Susan Dtabifwski Marian Simonaon WtiHam Mark KeynoWs John Guntz N&ncy Dare William S^der Deborah Richard Treich fanned for Mar. 5 and 6 William Kushnick i Lynn Samaha Sonya Dellomo Kathy Souloup Riobhi Unwr ' t • Suzanne Shafer Dennis l^adfl GeraldUve Dickd Donald Stoller Diane Ursy «*Improm^u," a dramatic paat experiences come to the Bur Deborta Vsob Sfcaet EK». The theme of life's Laurie Sherwood Vivien Doufdt William Tetley Amy Hanoi Karon Van Dyke flhiodkideck Karen Laugel Wendy Duke Sandra Thayer Mawke j Steve Weed ftrtt of three « to be futility and endless search Adrienne Laiihoff 1 Kurt E$aesser Mark Zilis jmented durinf and I'V-rU^Hr is advanced by the Susan Stevettog Stephen Tryee • • • EJaine Lausisen r Dobonoh StAOTpfl Joan Faulkner Catherine Vanchieri Theatre werim far pnv- play's coeffict Mark Lawne g of one-acts promis- Joanne Swerricy (toot* Fraund Debra Van Heest Barbtm draft* deptrtmeflt of Iinda Lou Layton es to be an exciting one," said Di- Susan Taonerbau Rach&rd Frysinger Debra Weiner Sports Deadline Wgi Beta* linda Ltcinstein rector Mrs. Harriet Launden. "It is Karen Itanas Patricia Geusic Uri WeiM of M«. i mA % at 8:» in the Andrea Lie designed to present experimental Thorrtan Catherine Gorham Jaahnefc-e' Wneeler Tuesday A.M. Oatherine Lombard Roberta theatre techniques end dramatic Jean Van y Improm|)tu Cathy Lucas concepts new to Weslfield High Oarenann Vertirugge (ather en a bare rtage to improv Ivouds MandneUi School." Robert Welsh a auttafafe nftot The acton pla Carl Marahcetto Tapper HUtani, Chris Je- A total of 31 students are involved TENTH GRADE r. •-. KattQr Harmes, and aopho- in the evening's dramatic tnio. The Brian Mayell Mary McKay tnare Jon Hopkins, are coifed to- other (wo plays are a 35 minute David Andersen -f t .' •• I ^ frtter by en unseen director who cutting of Dylan Thomas' "Under WiLhetm Anderson Dan Meyer wefts Mfentiy in the wingt. The ac- M2Ut Wood," to be done in. formal Penelope Antortak Barbara Middlefcauff ton have been Inatmcfted to cretate concert reatftog, and the first act John Arthur David Milter » ' .'- t reafity through their ertorts. lhu of the Broadway musical "Tfce Ap- Gayk Ashmore Laurel.Ann Molimni Karen Gail Nash \ - ftsnand produce* starttintf results ple Tree" by SheBdan Harnick and Pamela Birr I -*r Edward Carl Nelson ^IIMII MIA and Jerry Bock. Gary Bohentoerger

    • ••<

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    - ' • • . form around. This produces the Robert J. Cohen and prchsibly more ixnfiQrtftftt ~ls the ft Kevin J. Hariiiaon close to home. And in a jiffy he'll rent you a new condensation trail. Diane E. Heni> Atheiria Cox •fact that when snow is upon ihe Ford, Mustang, Torino or Pinto for a day, week or Dr. Wood finished her folk by Todd C. HeiTmann Cyw'iiia Crawiford grcund many younigsterfi coast dawn month, Low rates ... insurance included. Airplane Passengers' Science speaking about the refnaction of the Susan L. Mages Denise Dagostaro the many hi!Is on sleds and Utx>g- sun's light whkih causes rair^owE Lawrence Kupfer Arnne J. Dickinson feans thej^rfore creating a possible and glonies. The gbry is skni'fiar to Patricia Lambert Wiarren D.iLorenzo dangerous situation if snowrnqbiles FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM Discussed by Research Physicist the rainbow, but it bats, a smatlHer Lisa M. Milner Deborah \V- PIx , . are permiUed, Another' factor is radius and a different ook>r se- Bnian Morah Julie L. Eberhart' that throughout the P«* Syatetn By p.. .Wqod also. discussed princi- quence. David S. Retss Jean U EngeJ there are many drainage iutches ple*' of motion and {tight and ex- ^During the second half of the Wpsam T. RSce De6. FerrovGeohio and streams that appear to be level Dr. EKzafaeHJi Wood spoke • wfcy • people's ears "pop" session, the s&uderrts coaetirtitited Robert M. Rough Donald M. Qas« when snow is upon tiie'graiad due NSTOB SALES Ct. I If " Science for Airplane h i take-off. There is a flabby accelerometers and paper air- Sh-aron Valji Jeffrey A. GJassel to drifting, fout in fpaUty' tlwy. are 4o thh e WestfielWfil d Hii * SMurd*/ let- tut>e extending from the. middle plane*. To build the accelerometer, Cynthia Wederich Jane S. G'laubinger still open and if -a femwinohile goes 319 North Av«. I., WttHbld, N. J. once students in the physupat auc- the back of the throat, she eacfti dUktentt mounted a piece of Richard M. Wettlen Andrew T. Goo

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    By KUngt*r i- ('•vir'lo lnf:'< a second place in By Peter Herbst passed momentarily, but with a burst of speed, the BUue Devil the 100 freestyle wU-h the time of The Wesitffdeld Irackstere The WesifeTkAd Hi^h School swiv.i 53.3. 'J^he remaining second jJlacors Basketball Team Eliminated miler caught Coniheeney. The pair team won its I5:.1t straight Union for Wcstfie'id were Bob Shahnazar- behind to tie Snyder High for fir.ii?hed seemingly even, butt judg- County Conference Championship ian. who had (he identic-d lime of a share of the Group IV Irtdoor es ruled Thatcher second. Running Saturday night with a total of lot;] as winner Bob Hayes of From Union County Tourney j Ti'aok Championship, heiM at the iin i he same heat as Thatcher, Jon points to second place Summit Higii Summit in the 200 yard freestyle, [Jersey City Armory last Saturday. WiK'iams finished sixth a 4:34.2 67 points, OX the II CYIMUS and sophomores Mark Klinger und !tt was Wesitiiield's second straight mark. caplured seven first and Kcb Rix. Kiingcr finished second in By Jeff Golden tea-nis were sloppy at the | indoosr title. made another strong second p;aces and swam many 24.4 to teammate VanDerven in the start but Kendlworth had the slight I The Blue Devils furnished dead- showing in tile nexit eveni, the 880, individual as well as Devil season's Tiie WHS basketball team was iedge in play and took a 1944 lead 1 lock&d wd:tfo Snyder of Jersey City, 50 yard free and Rix swam his eliminated from the Union County with Bob llhonrpson finishing sec- bmi tames. FYicfcy and Saturday season's fastest time of 1:02.9 in the out of the first quarter. The Devils each having 15 team pointe, follow- or.d with a 2:01.5 time. Might the mermen will bo diving Tournament last week by a strong recovered, tout KenilworUi con- ed by Nonbh Bergsn with 9 100 ysrd backstroke. Roseiie team 6848 after debating After having a bad sit ant, Thomp- •tsd swimnrng at bawrsnceviV.e in tinued to wallow in mediocrity, re- \ and 8 ea|eii ikw Oliflton, Scotidi son fought his way out of Lhe pack the Eastern Inlerscholastic Gram- Monday the mermen t raved to Kenilworth 83-57 in the opening sulting in a 24-5 second quarter. "" ' Plains, Baokensack and Ti'enton. Pjsinfie'.d and Wednesday they face to land second behind North Ber- p&mslhipts. AL hough this season's The Devils conclude their regular WestfJeM was paced by Ed Morton, gen 's Brian Guasctoio. team can't compere to last year's the powerful Prince Ion frwhmen at The Devils could no: match the season schedule at Hailside tomor- who won the high jump, Steve 4:30 at Princeton University. talent displayed by the 20-1 Bams. by Roberts Wvth Westfieid leading with 14 yetar's Eastern cfcamp-ions Wc*t- row night but continue action in WESFFIELD HIGH JUMPER B€ MarfaMi clears 6-3 to win his second TJi'atfccher who placed second in thepaints and Snyder and North Ber- fcc'jd EUM h3s some outstanding in- Roger Banks directed the weU bal-March when they participate in ihe mile, and Bob Thompson, who also Results of Union Counly Meet: anced attack in addition to posting straight winter track state cfcampfeBship and kad Us team to a tie gen tied with 9, the outcome of the dividual performers. Westfjeld 108 New Jersey State Tourniament. captured the second slot in the 880.stale tilde was decMed on by the IS points, Mike Johnson showed the for fee State title. 'Hie Blue Devils' remaining point WestlJei'd seniors were the mer-Summit ij? Devils -tremendous rebounding abil- event, the mile retey. Wafth P'mgry 46 was earned by the mile relay team men's strength in I he Counties and ity and a 13 point performance. I'Yb. ]7, 1971 which finished fifth. line speedy relay team of Snyider they deserve recognition for the P)a in-field 28 Johnson is only a junior and RoseUe out of reach of first, it became a -t « rsou 1 a s fine performances they pul for;h. Hah way 5 expects even greater things from . .1 2 Wrestlers to End Season Snyder jumj>ed off to a quick 9-9 question of weather the Blue Devil 3 The BOue Devils were seeded third Gov. Livingston 5 Lhe €-3 forward. 1 1 s lead, but the Big Blue came roar- rete-y quartet of Steve Teller, Al •crd second in the 220 yard and medScotc- h Plains ....No Team Eentry Perh>:-ps the key man was LoeKotMman 4 0 G ing back to win first place in theTavares, Bob Mdiorter and Oraig kf relay and the 400 yard freestyle Johnson Regional . No Team Entry 3 0 19 Tomorrow, Meet Red Devils high jump. With competition riiart- Bowes, coirid place. Runnong (lie Hollerbach, whose 18 second iialf i is y i c r©-a Uft five seniors and junior 200 yard medley relay: 1, West- points killed Westfield's fourth quar- 1 13 ing at 5-10, Morton jumped out ofsecond quant&r, Teller sO^pped but Kent OondrUCo managed &> capfiel- d 1:48.3; 2, Summit :49.3; 3, Pin- r.. a o0 ter rally. Hollerbach finished with Pfeiffer . fl 3 the 'range of anyone else wDien lie stayed in the race as Bowes an- tore first. pDace in boftlh. The medley gry, 1:52.3. 0 The Blue Devil Wrestlers of West- needed. 22 points to lead all scorers. Clnunons ,, 1 0 cleared 6-3.' With first place already chored the final quarter in 54.3. retoy team of Frans deJong, Bob 0 O 0 field will end their regular season Hillside's on-ly bright spot, 130- 200 yard free: Hayes s., 1:57.6, 2, In addition to indivldudal scor- Whumun 0e o 4 assured, Morion tried to clear 6-5, The quartet registered an over- lieberberg, Dill Ltadlaw and ConShahnazafia- n W., 1:57.6, 3, D. Mor- tomorrow night with a bang, when pounder Kevin Mahoney, averted a but failed. ail time of 3:42.7, good enough to drifflo finished finst in 1:46.3 and ing efforts, Roseiie shot less than Totals 3G 11 the Red Devils of Humterdon ' Cen- Blue Devil shutout with a inskl u 1 IJ the last 440 to be overtaken by falling snow the meet could not Dive: 1, Cant W., 177.05, 2, Touriel- chungg Conference,, and a 98 Thome (W) won by forfeit Hackensack's Keven Conheeney. be completed with the Big Blue yard butterfly with the times of averaging 75 points per game and Totals •20 17 57 IolCe W.t 149.80, 3, Kalish J., 149.80. pionsh'ip with Scotch Plains in the106 Manmno (W) decisioned Bobem, Ol>£ the final turn, Thatcher was leading 29-16. l:t».O and 1:02.7 respectively. have surpassed the 80 point plateau H 'Ji 21 C'4—S3 conference for Hhe second year 11-0. 100 yard free: 1, M. Maggion P., Jit nine times. Roseiie also played Kenilwurth . in a row. 125 Ma-tino (W> won by forfeit. Junior Joe Wiifcon was a double 53.0, 2, CoraJrlKo W.f 53.3, 3 Rams- tough defensively and held West- wtoer for the mermen. His times den 3 IP., 53,7/ 'Hunrterdon Central is one of the123 Betz <-W) d. Vaitaggio, 6-1. WHS Grad Breaks field to a four point first quarter. Feb. 20, 1.97a Ohaus Soccer 1 true class teams in New Jersey. 130'Mahoney (Hi d. Gottlick, 6-0. Of 1:09.2 and 1:05.6 in the 200 yard 400 yard free: 1 ayes S., 4:18.5, 2, Things began looking up as West- G F I Two More Records fadfeMutfl medley and the 100'yard M. Morgan S.P., 4:34.0, 3, MiHer L.:irst-n - - - 0 0 0 They are presently ranked sixth 136 light (W) d. Alexander, 8-2. - field outscored the Warns 16-12 andKoUerJ;ilwi 0 in the state, and have been ranked HI Stiefken (WJ pinned Sw'iter, Jon Perk&wski, WesKfiield High bretstroke were two more iraiivi- PL, 4:31.0. trailed 28-19 at the half. The Devils Redily 1 0 0 0 0 'J 4:16. School graduate and former All- dUftl AS well as season's beet for 100 yard backstroke: 1, Schwtan- played well through much of the as high as fourth. Their 8-2-1 rec- Star at Brown s 0 0 157 Meiklejohn (W) won by forfeit. tile DcviiJs. Teammate Scott Eichorn hausser S., 57.6, 2, Rix W., 1:02.9, second half, but the poor start 0 1 '11 ord can be somewhat misleading, American, recently smashed two fmfelhed second to Wilson in the Masuher W., 1:03.9. Mavrag'anis 7 0 0 for their onJy two losses came at 1GB Byrne-IW) p. Koss, 1:49, As the ground begins to thaw af- varsity swim records in leading against the second ranked team in aicGlynn .. 2 4 IS breastroke with a.time of 1:09.5. •1 178 Kerr (W> d. Derobanes, 1-0. ter two nrontths of New England 100 yard breastroke: 1, Wilson W., Union County could not be over- PfelfEer ... •1 1 ,1 5 the hands of PhilOipsburg and Nortn Ailabama to a 6M4 defeat over *0 Hwt. Zftch (W) p. Weinslein, 3:18. winter, Browu University's na- VestfdeOi tfvers Bruce Oant and 1:05.8, 2, Eichorn W., 1:09.5, Wood- come. I »e11o-!lu»so .1 5 Hunterdon, who are ranked one-two South Carolina, Perbowskl, a fresh- Steve TourteHotte finished first and ard CM 1:42.4. 0 0 0 in the sfcate. tionally ranked soccer team led byman freestyder, as of tills meet wlas Trailing KenHworth 22-21 in the 0 a 7 The Red Devils are led by unde- WestfieCd's Jim Ottaus begins to ranked ninth nationally in- the 5ft Koo-nd with their usual strong per- 400 yard freestyle relay: 1, West- second quarter of the first round of 0 0 Totals 20 0S 045 feated (10-0) Paul Naylor, their practice on its own for the coming yard freestyle." He upset fourth formances. Their podnt scores were field 3:35.2, 2, Summit 3:37.9, 3, the Union County Tournament, RJ Wrestlers Scotch Plains 3:39.9. 106 lib. operative. Other standouts w fall. ranked Trond Wi'lM'ams with a 177.05 and 154.6 respectively. Westfield ignited for 17 straight KOSKL.UK O FF are Steve Barkway, who is un- An All-Ivy star this past autumn, school and pool record of 21,6. Four points and coasted to an 83-57 win defeated at 141, and has suffered events later Pericowskl again de- Perfcowski's brother, David, was at Scotah Plains. Klrsclmer . .• 0 0 0 Are Undefeated Ohaus is a prime candidate for Kptuly 0 0 0 one loss at 136; Jim Brown, who feated WilKams in the 100 yard a star at national power Indiana The Devils were paced by the 0 0 All-America honors next season, Perkowski Top Saumlers ...,.,.,.,• 0 4 Jti wresWes where Barfcrnan doesn't; The Roosevelt wrestling team freestytle. Perkows'ki's time of 48.0 (the onUy team that has beaten Ala- hot shooting of Ted Mavraganis, D;tnkn • , - G whidi will be his test Ohaus pftays 1- 1 and Heavyweight Rich Cleaves. under Coach Jim Wiley defeated bettered his terminate Jeff Wades* bama this year) ami went on to the who pos-ted 19. The win enabled ^1-nhuney .-; 0 O 0 center fullback, or "sweeper back" Bama Swimmer Olympics jn the breastroke. Jon Tiituiu • . 0 Westfield was led by three pins Conackamack, 33-8, Feb. 12 to finish in Coach Cliff Steven-son's 4-2-3 43.3 record. i • Westfield to advance to the quarter 3 S [•Hawkins 3 hopes to follow hi his brother's finals of the tourney after a year's 0 0 against HSHside, and aided by three with the first undefeated team in the which leaves him the re- Perkowski ait ttoi's meet led Ala- •A-WeStficOd student is rated as Jini«\s 0 0 2 forfeits (at 98, 115, and 157L Bobschool's history with an 8-0 record. footsteps as a representative of theabsence from the winter classic. Sumner ." .. '1 of stymying the power- bama in scoring with 55 poinis in one ot the University of Alabama'sj .1 13 Byrne (1G3> stretched his season's The team scored a total of 293 points United Sbates. He also hopes to beThe win snapped a two game los- Johnson 0 4 22 ful foreign center forwards in thesix meets, and should move up in top swimmers thss year. Jon Per-an NGAA win-ner, ing streak and including the Rosette Ilollcrbach U O 0 reord .to 8-0-1 with his first fall of to their opponents' 98 points,for an Bast and Ivy League, particularly. the National rankings, possibly back kmvsld of WesWSeM comes from a 2S 10^ Paul Jasllta have rarely seen a player who GOLF tti, "1 think that we are the team you'U simply be beaten'. Trackmen P second pin of the season brought | <4.2)( GlejlQ ,Kchlcr (6_M)) Mike makes less mistakes." Forming a Tjie Devils defeated Kenil/worth 69- G F J «T the' future. We've really got a and wrestlers are in the same 53, and romped St. Mary's 84-56. CSoskl 0 0 IS his reord to 11-3 1. Kelly (3-5>, Bruce Clancy (7-1), Jay back line with Chip Young of West- lot of young people who are going diassificat&on. I played football and Novat-ck • 7 5 17 The question of who was going to •In the Kenilworth game the Devils .Phillips ,.i « 12 14 Boylan <6-2), and Brian KInney port, Conn., and Karl Schrick of to be strong swimmers." Perkow- I think that swimming is much il u win the 141 lb. bout was not really West Cairtwell, Ohaus helps to pro- iki Is a good example of that youth, tougher." were led by Tim Go^d, Scott Nova- Cooney 2 0 (6-1). Mark Dennis was injured half- Jackson ...-...< 1 EL 4 decided Uie day o the match, but vide Brown with the strongest de- cefc and Dave Phillips. Goski was l way through the season, but still one of five freshmen who were high Cacehlone •. l 0 3 the day before. Gene MiHs and Tom fense in the East. As juniors last Perkowski thinks that he could v , * • • » i ii » * 0 2 recorded a 5-0 record, all by pins. Khool AIL-Americans. high scorer with 18 points, Novacek I>;initer ...... ft have been burned out before reach- • •• * • • a Tinnesz have wrestled off before L^thogcther, 32 wrcsUers pereevered season, they gave up less than one scored 17 points and had 14 re-Monroe i • 0 2 •> El *.# almost every match this season to Perkowski has qualified for NCAA ing college ex-cept that he wasbounds, and Phillips yanked dawn Krni' (1 o through a highly successful season. goal per game. •HBVICB IC uifniiin (I 0 championship competition in the 50-coached by his father, who had him 0 o see who will get the privilege of 18 rebounds and scored 14 points. Johnson .., • 0 0 The Warriors will lose through An international relations major, yard frees&yle. Jon set a pool and on a very relaxed training pro- grappling in competition. This time graduation several key performers Jim co-oaptain-ed the Westfield High gram. "Now I have to do well all After a close first half in which KENIlAVaKTH Mills won- the battle between th&se Oil IPS »ercl«b •chool record in the 50 with a :21,6 F P who compiled a 41-13 record, ibut the the time, and as a result I'm doing the Devils led' 31-29, the cagers two veiy evenly-inatched competi- soccer team in 1957. and was one of WOODS Ruflulnhud «4,00 docking test week, this year's sev- scored 12 straight points and then HurrlH , S 1 17 eighth graders were able to post an (ho leading hitlers on the Weslfield better all the Dime," he said. "I ex- ontl 4 tors, 2-1, and won (he war ag'a'inst enth best n'otiorcal time. He's also C 11 impressive 29-10-2 record to prowde baseball team. He won AW-County pect both me and Alabama to getkept the game out of reach of theRlgano •.-..• i 1 fl Hll'Iside's Tony PclroceKi, 13-6. The THE GOLF SHOP very close to NGAiA Qualifying in S a strong nucleaus in 1972, better each year that I'm here." Bears. Phillips started the streak Brady 4 0 victory brought Mills' record to 5-2; honors in bolh sporfis, and was SS44 PlalaAeld Are,, BMtefc Flatw the 100-yard freestyle, liury 5 f. named At'hlele of the Year by the 232-!74t when he was fouled while rebound- r>unn o o Tinnosz owns a 6-2-1 slate. ii SPORTS DEADLINE Turn, to Snt. 8i3O A.M.-5P.M, ing. He sunk the free throw and o. o Joe M'BTinino (1661 won big, 11-0 Hi's Eye, the We^Ecld High stu- then scored five more points. Phil- ft o o TUESDAY A. M. dent newspaper Mon. Evpit by Appulntmmt 'I o over Ron Bohem. The Westfielder lips started another play when he O'Brien it 0 o had Bohem in pinning combinations stole the foall from a Bear, passed twice, but couldn't quite put him to Mike Cooney. Cooney whipped the 15 IS 'JO— Konllworth 10 19 it 15 3 away. Maruiino had complete con- trol of the nratch, as his 5:26 of riding time reflects. John Kerr (178) won by a quite Weslfield Boy's Baseball Leagues, Inc. smaller score, 1-0, but it stfcB counts Adult Assistance Application three points. Kerr escaped from Mamberships Now Being: Accepted Ed Dcrohanes with just 41 seconds P.O. Pox 156, Westfield left in the match to do the damage MOTDRISTS! Name Telephone 24 Hour Service & Protection 'lenhurst Address 3. Previous WBBL Assignments—Last Year for less than 7t a dav! \~JGOLF CLUB MUCK CO*N» two years ago three years ago PIKSHOP 2. Aaiy sons now playing? On what team (B) PARK ATB. Cm, NORTH AT* A semi-private club in suburban Warren Township Dates of birth Any coming up? offering modern golfing facilities VLAIHFIBLD 3. Where are you employed? Locally .... Nearby N.J NYC For tkm Bwt «•« in a lovely rural setting. flelcettom «C Par 71 —18 hole Class A course. 6425 yards Other Pipes, pips Practice putting greens and driving range 4. What is your availability? Weekdays at 5:3D p.m Weekdays Electric and hand carts Charming Club House - Dining Room *it 5:5 p.m Complete course watering system SaiurcJay morn Saturday altcrnoons ....Sunday morn Card and Locker rooms 5. Would you bu interested in working in any of the following areas? era Martager Sele'oUon Publicity Field Maintenance Finance-Sponsors Equipment Field Procurement Jarvis will to. Carry your own personal $5,000 Bail Bond and $200 Arrest Bond Certificate. HEIGHTS Player Agent Slxitisticnl Operating Ruk\s ...... KINO OEONOt RD. 1*11, WRITE COPY You'rt guaranteed ta make bail - not mil! V Umpire Procurement ... Aduwilstrutioi] .... Tu CALL PC0ES1 RIAN ACCIMiNT PROTECTION! wish. Forms, etc. • WORLD'S LAnGtSn RAVEL COUNSELING Ci Cdclusiud l-j my i;huck for $i?E>. Pluar.o enroll mo ROUK ?S POIII r SERVICE! w: n innrnljur of thu club iinU :;utul infoinwuion on TODAY PosLlou Leayuo nil my honif/hif. 10 on our new COPIER Toll iiiu inoro rihout ni<;mliucjii]j in tlio AAA. hunt tun fj. IHAiNtl'IO Team MuJiiiger Pony lA'iignc M:Hr» yeiir olds) AND IVJUCH MORE! Mute 'Hum I'J Millinn Mciuhors Know rsitinU ilti^ doc;;; nui ul>|iijdiu inu in any way. AssLskinLTeuin Minuiaer .. Muslim^ Leatiue O;!-l.> your olda)., FOR 25c "It f'.iys To Uulwnj" \ U))ipirivisiou J>irecl,tir Minor I,ciuuie »-!( yuitr oid.s) NliWJLMt;UY WWp AUTOMOBILE CLUB CODE (Somerset County) Phono: 201 - 647-3831 V. Pleiisi' «ivt; resume ul your IxisebulJ iicl, if any. Mull lo Orw HIIIKIVUI R

    ?#** Sinks byJohnT.Bay Medalists Kiages, 2:37.3 ar.hips on K:*i- sherb NeuMy.; 2. Ann Perkow- School swim iftam recently made Swimming, In-dividual Medley, 13 swimmers on Saturday by the score Spencer J. Diuylon's J borough- tickets. *lhe payoff clerks reported Passaic - Clifton and under—I. W, Mark Vejnoska; 2. Uureuu thai many women had asked lo ho prcdLU'fd 60 Jiicdu::Ms in 22 .ski, 1G1.5; and 3. .Jim McfJurk, 102.- plar.s for the team's anruiui dinner of 143 to 65. Meiuchen w:m through ctn solve satisfactorily is why. olT and ihat the ticket be re- s bclnte a capacity crowd. 14. W •-* held Mar. 16 ;it I he high P. Greg jSwnerviHe; 3. W, Glenn Uie season undefeated to win the each KL'ason. hundreds of thou- turned und when they were told •:t--.l Director Paul A. Do:'rin- '• n ard 12 -j0 yard fre::<-;tylo 'nov- school at 6:30 p.m. Tfre WestJfieid Y Blue Squad Swim Kiages. siuuis of dollars aid kit unclaimed thai this was impossible they re- •'£" Division tftle. The Westfielders he w^s "personally very;icc,: h ,jo\m Krakora. 39.3. Team finished (their dual meat sea- 14-17-1. P. George DuschJ; 2. W,•will finish da- second place. The by ihe hoSUeis of winning pari- fused U) cash their tickets. Co chairmen cf '.he committee are imituel tickets, A clue which ac? .Souvenir hunters no doubt do wi;h l!ie coi^LT.ial atmos-; J5 an ni.» 117H day easily tapping the Passaic-Clif- counts for some of ihcsc "outs", account for a fair amount of un- n n Mr. and Mrs. Willimn Kenny. They 8 and under, Free—1. W, Milch combination from the diving 'lo the as ihe uncashed tickets are called, eashed tickets particularly where ititilLiis cf the contestant." 15 and 17 200 yard individual iwd- v.ill be assisted by Coach and Mrs. lon entry by a score of 147-58. Tlie Handler; 2. P, (Mark Goldstein; 3. relays, taking first in 19 oi 24 events. came lo Jiyht at Del Mar last sum- an equine "superstar" is con- Assisting as ofiiciai timers and y. 1, Bob 2:2t;.ii. Charles Gartner, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- •win brought their recraid to 5 wins W, Gregg Jutoin. mer when Bill Shoemaker broke cerned, but the greater part of the judges were Hay McDaniel, Lee The winners for Westfield were John Longden's record as the unclaimed winnings is accountable liam Harris, Mr. and Mrs. George against 5 defeats, and a third place 9-10, Free—1. W, Paul Healy; 2. Cotten, Dave Spcno, Mr. and Mrs. in Y division competition. Trip Davis in the ,9-10 freestyle, world's winningest jockey. The to carelessness. The tickets are lost hall Registration Mrs. Jean Lindlaw, Mr. W, Tom La Costa; 3, P, Dave R&nto. Steve McManus ; in the 9-10 back- felloe's 6,033rd winner, a horse or thrown away in error. Spencer Herb Krakora and Mary Hagen of and Mrs. Kenneth Lyng. Dr. and Divers Steve Schramm, Mark named Dares J., paid $4.20 for Drayton. who is also executive Back-4. W, 'Robtoy King; 2. P, stroke. Rick Coiten in the 13-14 Lhe YWCA . March 6 ami Mrs. Gerald Demarest, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Cliaib Betz and Chris Monte each $2 win ticket, and $699 was vice-president of the Thorough- Winners and thedr times wore: Ted Shuitis; 3. W, Terry Banta. Ibreaststroke and Lynes in the left languishing in ihe win pool. idominated the springboard portion bred Kacing Associations, a trade 8 and under free: 1. Mitch Hand- •Registration Tor a!l hoys ages 3 \ ^ertKichhorn. Mr. and Mrs. John Breast—1. W, Tony Meyers; 2. W,15-17 toackstrolie. The relay team of The "outs" were 286 two dollar association of 56 racetracks, urges: through 15 wU be held at Elm St. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ran- oi the program taking 'both first and tickets, three $5 tickets, seven $10 "No ticket should be discarded un- ler, 16.5; 2, Scott Bielek, 17.2; 3, second plaices -in both the 13 andNeil Batvta; 3. P, Dave Rente. Pete (Harlcy, Jlcto Namity, Kevin Cot- School aivd Jefferson SchooJ. Mar. del. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Klinger, •ten and Rich Boslaiid wy Keith Deen, Tpm LaCosta, Neil 2. P, Will McConneU; 3. W, Scott In the tbiiiierflyi..ttie Atory was the 11 and 12 50 yard backstroke: 1, Sports Deadline same as, S*£V« McWanus, Kevin The WBBL operation continues to Santa, Rotfcy -King, Chris Guzik, •Dcugias. ; Tab Burnetle, 32.0; 2, Peter Har- Cotten R, Lafsett were tlie ley, 37.0; Chris Cotten, 38.3. expand eatih year. It is most im- Tuesday A.M. Tom Hartye, Glenn Kiages, Jim Back-1. W( Jim Kinselia; 2. W, jMcCormick, Dave Kkigmart, Greg second place finisher*. ; 13 and 14 100 yard backstroke: 1, portant to attract additional adult Glenn Kiages; 3. P, Greg SomerviUe, supervision to conduct the program Welch, and Jay MfiDortaid. lBreast-1. W, Kevin Crosdin; 2. The team'wUl 00ntim*e lo pnatetice Todd Ruppert, 108.2; 2, Jim Kinsel- for the~"C" .Division Championship ba, 108.5; 3, Glenn Kiages, 110.4. in a thorough and orderly way. On Contributing thirii places were P, Pete SchuBent; 3. W, Jim Gilday. the reverse side of the adull appli- Glenn Klag-es, Gregg tfubin, Terry Fly—1. W, Mark Vejnoska; ft.'W, to be held a* ttie. West. Essex "Y" 15- and 17 100 yard backstroke; 1, More Sports pool in LiviDgstoa on Sunday, Feib- Rob I/ynes, 109.3; 2, Tim Avis, 115.1. cation on previous page may be (Banla (2), Steve 'Bender, Scott Doug- Jim MeCormick; 3. No listed the names and addresses of las, Jim Gild ay and 'Mark Smith. , Free-4.. W, Greg Welch; 2. ruary . 9 and 10 25 yard breast stroke: 1, iResults:.; Neil Bantia, 81.5; 2, Rich Bagger; friends or neighbors who are inter- Teaming the three winning medley W, ibave Klugman; 3. P, Vince 'Rig- ested in the WBfiL, and may wish Next Page relays were Paul Healy, Tony iDiving/'8.13^t (M)' Simpson; 19.5; .1, Aton Boylan, 21.4. iMoore; 2. (W) R. Bagger; 3. (M) 13-14 100 yard breastroke; 1, Tabto join in some capacity. (Meyers, Steve Bender and Tom La flack-1. W. fledd 'Ruppert; 2. P,2. CM) IB. Oejnan; 3. W) D. McAteavy, 19.1. Costa in the 9-10 age group, Tab "Mel Jackson; 3. W, Terry Banta. kosny, 88.60, Bowling Results Rurnette, 37.0; 2, Rob Naittty, 37.8 14-17-1. .(M) C/Kort?:^. (M) P. 11-12-^1. (M) HI Goerfce;' 2. and 3, Jim Ozimck, 38.1. Resident's "Doonie" Burnetie, Jim Oziimek, Tom Hattye ©re'ast—1. W, KeWi Deen; 2. W, R. Naulty; 3. (-W) F. Str^isel, 36.9. DOG OBEDIENCE and Chris Guzik in the 11-12 group, Greg We»ich; 3. P, Steve MeOoimie. Held; 3. #(#)% 140.25. Pin Up Cirle 15 and 17 100 yard backstroke: 1, Best of Breed 843, 100 individual Medley-1. (W 13-14—1. R. Cotten; 2, (W) P. Keith Deen, 09.1; 2, Greg Wiech, and among the 15-17's, Todd Rup- tny—.'1. P, George Du^chl; 2. W, Dugan; 3. (M) K. Traynor, 130.9. W R. LieSxwitii 2, (Wl R. Cotten; 3. Yeprlan 112.1. At Westminister pant, Jim Gllday, Jay MacDonaki Jay. McDonald; 3. W, Mark Smith, (M) D. Gilman; 2. (W) 9 and 10 25 yard butterfly: 1, and Shetfb faulty. iRelays, , Paul Healy, Tony (M) R. Kafikin, I1IO6. W. Black; 3. (W) W. Greene, 112.0. 'Brigadoon Muldoon Mac Queen, 1447, 300 Individual Wedley-1. •Hnwiclt 43 11 Robbie King, 15.7; 2, Steve Bender, Other youngsters who swam welt Meyers, Steve Bender, Tom La ©utterfly, ^10—1. (M) W. McCoy; M4'k'Giirlrlc-k 41 15.8 and 3, Trip Daviis, 16.5. a Dandic Dinmont Terrier, earned for WestfieM were Bill Rice, Jim Costa. (1M) T. •(«*) ,-S. Mills; 3. Oeco 2. (W) S. McMahus;. 3. (M) J. Mc- •in Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Tyler, John Iglar, John MacKenzie, 1142-iW, Tab Bumette, Jim Ofci- (W) R. 2:?8.3. Hflod 39 11 and 12 year eld 59 yard but- Alea^vy. 16.2. Hoi fen , K ^ 7 it terfly: 1, Kevin Cotten, 34.6; 2Bes, t cf Breed at the Westminister John and Harry Irwin, George Sny- mefc, Tom Hartye, Chris Guzik. (Freestyle, &40-l..(W) W. Dftvia; 21mmc:'tmLii :ifi Kennel Club Show in Madison Il-il2—1. OM) T. Gierlick; 2. (W)I.lbtlofJctcl -3fi 4S Gary Levitt, M.O and 3, Dennis Bar- der, Tait IRuppert, Iain Klugman, ' 13-14-P, Rick Steanland, Don Rig-2. (AC) W. MfcCoy; 3. (W) J. Trush, (lame: .toiiti .Sundtinuto, Square Garden under Wan. A. Har- ENROLL NOW FOR 14.0. . ' . K. Cotten; 3. (M) V.-Botta, 31.6. ley, 39.7. . Erie Leslie, Tom G1 Way, and Scott giloso, - Pete Schubert, Will MtCon- 13-14—1. (M) R. Goerite; 2. (W) Washday vey. THURSDAY P.M. Bielek. nell. . (IM) E. Newman; 2. (W) 13 and 14 100 yard butterfly: 1, "Doonic" is handled by Mr. and . Boslandr 3. (Mi C. Hobard, 29.3, T. R. Lar«en; 3. (M) R. Sweltzer, w Mark Vejncska, 1:06.0; 2, George AND SATURDAY AM The V Division Swim Team, or 1547-W, Todd. Ruppert, Jim Gil- 110.6. Mrs. A,. C. Ayers cf Lancaster, Pa. Blue Squad, is coached by Rayday, Jay tMatiDonald, Sherb Naulty. ' >(M) T; Free; y' (M) A. Balmer, 1:10.9; Mark Smith, 1:11.8. Westminister was his first major 1SH17»1. (IM) J. Fortunato; 2. (M) WESTFIELD MicDantel, Ira Weigtey and Penry Kasldn; 3. (W> X PerkoWski; 53.9. 11 and 12 200 yard invJdidu-al med- and Bsst of Breed win. 2. S. Mills; 3. ( Lanxtew. son of Dr. and LiebOwlU, Ledwick, 209.2. Pfin Olciiners 27 ration for forthcoming Central Atlan S.'CoJ>b; 3. (W) P. Harley, 38.2. 1mlu»trl:il Wold. 4I1 2!) Or ANCflCA. Mre.MelVin L-aridew of 26 Carol 115-17—KM) Stueber, Gilman, For- Jolly .Trolley '.'Ill il 113-14—1. (W T. Ledwick; 2. (M) -m i iriJ 111-* 1 • » ,! 1 # *•••«< tic Championship Trials 1 B , wftt- attend a lihree week b-ase- P. M«zega; 3, . MeGurk, H14.0. itunato, McLaughlin, 158.5. lons'lovannl lit, &<.nol. «*-*% * ^'VSs 'Results: bal tees ion June 27 through My 7 N-orrlfi Ohevrolel SI -1*1 •Diving, 13 and under—

    •HI Oonnellu f ! L- Gt'lM'O - "-aIt MY- r- (' • Hunt -Mi i:: iu Oreo;), OT Oh:irJlo Blj-lh, 20.(1, Ronnie Siimlon.'itti Klirl , W I, 2

    Ltml (Jriruit; 2'11, rTit. Merchants Handicap * XV i Air1 Con

    1 » 1 ' 21!


    iSniornl • •41 1 • H

    • « • I • • 4 Towno •:i'i 311

    Jolly TroUoy - :\4

    Arthur Steverm 1 1 4 I • 1 * •27 ClouieiltH : "-W -»« HlRh CJiunen: Ii. llrmlu. iMU, li--1:!; H. Welrh, a00; IS. Olev<-ntfi'i\ y\il\ K&lj HiKKhlH. 2dI; J- Ilinrinan, Lf2J:^i 0. lirttx-toii, J Triangle w I'tM M 2-1 ]!;• Nolls Heitn is 'IS jlerryu 14 11(1 LlnUlwh 1 (\ •Hi 17 Spot lew .....l. Imllvidii'itl (riinipn: SIIIUKMI, 3J1; Vvvry, 80S, 201; Mwrrmunn, JO I Ret^lHeii, ^00; Anderson, -W; Pnifc- Jus, 2(H. YBA Results VIKINGS G4 ST's 27 The second place Vikings over- whelmed the ST's in a run-away scoring content Ih'al outclassed the losers. Alan Deomblcg senred 25 points in the rwnp with "Pistol It comes in three economy sizes. PGLB" Kern adding 12. Dave Snyder scored 11 points for the losers. expect a Volkswagen to do. BLOWFISH 35 ROYALS 34 These are Just somo of the sizes Volks- wagenscome in.RegularJargeand gianl They have air-cooled engines (in the John H-avas pulled a nip-and-tuck economy size. rear, of course). So there's no water to contest out of the firo by scoring boit over or freeze up. And no need for the winning baskni in llio closing Regular, you know. It's the familiar beetle. antifreeze. seconds -to total 14 -points for tho And they're easy on gasoline. The victorious Blcwfish. Hicky IMiilHps large Is our Squareback sedan. It holds more than Ihe largest trunk of the bug and the Squaroback average about racked up 12 points in the close-all- 26 miles on a gallon. The box about 23. the-way contest. Ricky's final shot largest sedan. Giant economy size is our big bus- So you see, no matter what size we as the buzzer vuni& missed its mark, 1 like box. It holds nearly twice as much make Volkswagens, they're all eco* Is our future in the bag? STONE PONIES «7 M'yt-s 44 nomical. as the average station wagon. League-leading scorer CruiR John- And all throe VWs do everything you Why not come in and size one up? son hit 23 points us the Stone Ponies Some scientists give our planet thirty more years. the fundamentals...keep your engine In tune. You'll triumphed over the M'yws sqund. Then population zero. cut harmful emissions decisively. Change your oil He paced Ills team its nil five Slone Union County Volkswagen, me. No mushroom cloud to ring down the curtain. Just and filter on schedule. Try .the new, Improved gas- Ponies liit double figures, Steven pollution. Silent and 6imple-minded. Like people olines, Service your car's pollution control device Tdbbetls with 14. Alan Anderson with 1124-1134 South Ave. scattering trash. Paper, Glass. Plastic, Deadly trivia. regularly. If you don't have one, in* ID, Terry Kelly, 10 HIKI Jc-lin Hruno, Plainfield That's our destiny. Unless we change our ways. stall one. 10. ,I»hn Bitter hit 11 for Ihe losers Government and Industry are spending millions to Alt these steps take 9. little effort do away with pollution. But there's one source of But they must be done, Now. pollution they can't control. People. We have to do We have a thirty-year deadline. that job ourselves. \GLO Your automobile Is a good place to start. Don't National Automobile Dealers Association f throw trash from your car. And above all, don't forget firgmitiiion cl Amtuca • funchiittf fit* tt Saturday 135-71 lo a very Way Distribution Center and Ware- Way, Mourcta'insM-e, general chair- ;kin, Laurie Wil-mt>t. Cliris iluggar, Iran. atrong Passaic-OiRon team at Pa&- W. house, it was announced t>y David •aic. In the diving events, Mefflissa "B" Porpoises H. Kenny, executive vice president The snnua] exhibit is open to art- 13-14. 2:20,7, Barnes, Ryan, ists born or residing in New Jersey. Davis took a first p>ace in the 12-U : Meade. Livingood, R. and general manager of the Ayr- competition. In i h e swimming Way chain. Prizes offered total $1,200. Defeat Ridgewood 15-17, Vicki King, Sharon DeSle- Held in the Oamjms Center of events four individual Westifioid fanis. Katiiy Kalbadier, Ann Kra- This is a new position with the , twwnmers managed first pl'ace fin- A nerve - tingting see-saw battle company, having recently moved Union Ccitegs. for the last seven gora. W. years, the show has become a ma- ishes: Lora Masters in 10-U breast- that went right dewn to the final We sine Id 106 Ridgewood 102 into the brand new disfcribution- «tn*e, Marie Perioowski in 15-17 medley relay saw WestfieM's YWCA war-ahouse-cenitral office complex on jcr socl-'l -Hid artistic event. Last fcreastroke, Nancy Hugger in 11-12"B" learn Porpoises come out on Zionsviile Rd. in nortliwest Marion year the cxhi'tit was va&ited by butterfly, arod Connie Balmer in 15-tcp in the ftoal dual meet of the Colts Leading STUART GOLDBLATT County. more than 4,000 people. 17 butterfly. The 15-17 medley reJay season against Ridgewood Satur- A formal reception for exhibitors, See-ley came to L, S. Ayres & participants and guests on March Reg. $1.50 team of Jean MaeConnactiie, Marie day in the Wallace Pool. The final Company in 1966, at which time he Perttowski. Connie Baum&r, and score of Westfieid 106 to Ridge- Trinity League 21 w'.'A cv?ioiai]Jy cps-n this year's Goldblatt Wins served as staff assistant to William shew, wftich will be open to the pwb- TILE TRIVET Jane Mi Her scored Westfield's only waod's 102 gave the local swimmers Stout, executive vice president. Dur- 1 retay victory. Aibhcugft finishing their fifth victory and an even split The Coils, on the fine shooting ;>:c from March 22 to 27 between 1 (DICOKATOR COiOM) and p!-ay by Steve Smilh, Steve Kel- ing -the next two years he wasand 5 p.m. ar.d Sunday, Mar. 28 'second in 11-12 breastroke, Nancy for the season. NAMSB Contest warehouse manager and also opera- f«OTiCT$ TAtU SUWACI Hugger set a new team record for Chris Hugger, who tallied first ly, and Jim DeWan, are leading the from 1 to 5 p.m. Stuart Goldblatt has been' named tions manager for Ayres Department this event, porting a time of both the 11-12 freestyle and back- league with a record of 3 and 1 in Servir;? en tlie coinmattee are; the Holy Trinity B-askeiM Lc-agui;. a winner in the Jack C, Letowitz Stores, before joining the Ayr-Way The loss to Passaic-Cflifton mJade stroke was the only double winner organization. Mrs. John Beta, 8B2 Nancy Way, Wetffie&l's season record 4 to 6, Tile Hawks and Bullets are tied with | scholarship competition sponsored (virt-kis; Mrs. Elven Sheahan, 721 98 but her teammates combined 12 Results: firsts, 11 seconds and 14 thirds to a record of 2 and 2, while the Cel- | by the National Association of Men's A native of Westfieid, he received Claiic St., nraiildng; Mrs. G«orge tics are in the c£*'-'3r with a 1 and •Diving: 12 and Under 1, M. Davis score the win. First p&ace winners Sportswear Buyers. Mr. -Goldblalt, his bachelor of science degree in Skrba, 548 Trinity PK, and*Irving P. 1.35 3 mark. W, 96.25: 8, D. Pytoto, PC; 3, B.were: L/aurie ColIeChao, 12 and-un- a junior at Miami University, Ox- mechanical engineering from Pur- Donaldson, 15 Bennett PI., awards; Spall. PC. der diving; Barbara Owston, 13-17 At the half-way point, some of the fcrd, Ohio, was sponsored in this due' University and mas'ter of busi- Mrs. A. O. Green, 720 Lawrence 13-17, I, H. Roster, PC, 108.25; %diving; Lisa Serkin, 11-12 breast; boys who a re she wing some fii i e competition by 'Arthur Boudreau of ness administration from Northeast- Ave., and Mre. Philip Heed, 700 ENGLISH LEATHER C. Bakner, W, 96.45; 3, C. Jacobs, Paula Bagger, 12 and under indivi- play are Fred Voss, Mike Mitchell, John Franks, Westfieid, who is a ern University of Boston. Cterk St., puibUicity; Mrs. Harry Joe R»te?!a and Joe GaOavanno. member of -NiAMSB. dual medley; Ann Krakora, 13-17 in- He is active in the YMCA, Christ Ash, Jr., 717 Saun-ders Ave.f recep- DEODORANT STICKS . W, Boys to watch in the second half are MO Free, 1, C. Carr, PC, 13.9; dMdual medley; Vicki King, 15-17 As a scholarship winner, Mr. Church Cathedral, Uniited Fund, In- tionist; (Mrs. Bernard Minetti, 105 back; Sharon DeStefanas, 15-17 John Pagan, David Nolan, Joe Sex- dianapolis Sailing Club and Inde- Clenwood Rd., receiving; Mrs. John 2, E. Johanson; JC, 14.3; 3, A. Ma- ton, John and Steve Donahue. Goldblatt will receive *400 per her, W, 14.3. breast; the 11-12 re-lay of Paula school year for his college career, pendent Order of Foresters. He, his Isbreoht, 1034 Sewiard Ave., judg- Breast, 1, L. Masters, W, 19.-1; 2, Bagger, Lisa Serkin, Laurie Wil- and will act as campus 'correspon- wife Nantay and son Paul David live ing; Miss Thelnna Anderson, special E. Johanson, PC; 3, P. (knrtoa, PC. mot and Chris Hugger; and the 15- dent for NAMSB's "'Direction Mag- in Greenwood. assistant to the chairman; Mrs. Back, 1, P. Reubert, PC, 171; 2,17 relay of Vicki King, Sharon De- Chess Club azine," a fashion and marketing Seeley attended McKinley Grade A. R. FYederickson, 635 Notitdng- ». PWts, PC; 3, A. Maher, W, 17.9 Stefaris, Kathy Kaitoacher and Ann publication for the men's wear in- School and Westfieid High School. ham Way, liostesses and Norm&n Butterfly, 1, N. Hugger W, 31.4; 2, Krakora. Bows to Eliz. dustry. NAiMSB is a retail mem- (He is the son of iMr. and Mrs. Rcfo- Webb, 215 B>aytberry ha., hanging. 2, R. SchweUhanft, PC; 3, L. Weeks Diviru?, 12 and Under, 1, Laurie bership organization that sponsor's ert Seeley, who lived in \totfield for LEADER CLASSIFIED W. Collechio, W; 2, Darlene Robinson, Playing in the fifth round 6f the the apparel industry's biggest buy- nearly 30 years. They now reside in Reg. $4.95 11-12, Free, I, E. Monchak, 29.7: W; 3, A. Santino, R. North Jersey Chess League, the lo-ing event twice each year in NewToms River. ADS PRODUCE . a, C. Carsey, W, 29.7; 3, G. Bieszc- 13-17, 1, BsrJbara Owston, W; 2, Plainfield-Westfiold Chess Club DETECTO NEWPORT lak, W, 29.7. Ke'Zy, R; 3, Carol HaerMein W. was tepped by Elizabeth in an of- Breast, 1. D. PCiittips, PC, 35.4; 9-10 Free, 15:0, 1, M-aiy MottR; 2, ficial league match by the score of 2; N. Hugger, W, 35.5; 3, J. Vejnos- J. B^ho.7, R; 3, Ciffltfy Dughi, W. 3^ to 41{J. BATHROOM SCALE k». W. > Breaslt, 19.4, 1, J. Biary. R; 2, The match was contested on Feb. Back, 1, E. Moncbak, PC, 15.4; 2, Biezcztak, W; 3, Ctoarlene Maa- 12, at the quarters of the Plainfiekt- Customize Your Car S. Larsen, W, 35.5; 3, B, Spak, PC. .'t, W, Westfieid club at the Westfieid .98 Btterty, 1, N. Hugger W, 31.4; 2, Butterfly, 1 17:3, 1, J, Bishc-Bf, R; YMCA. C, fearey, W; 3, L. WacK'ae, PC. 2, Ci-rdy Dughi, W; 3, Cindy Ni'ch- Winners for the area team includ- Ind. Medley, 12 and Under, 1, D.ols, W. ed Albert Bcczar of South Plainfield PhHHps, PC, 1:14.7; 2, J. VejuosJta, 11-12, Free, 30:9, 1, Chris Binder, and Eric Kativa of Plainfield. Draws Reg. 69c . W, 1:25.8; 3, L. Schriamm, W. W; 2, B. Bariy, R; 3, Lisa Jubin, were nailed down by Frod Kramer tt-17,'1, K. Hess, PC, 2:34.6; 2, W. ct North Plainfield, Edward Haug A, Monsaert, PC; 3, M. Hugger, W. Breast, 38:9, 1, Lisa Serkin, W; 2,c-f Wejtfield and Sidney Gis^T of PRO TOOTH BRUSH § 13-11 Free, 1, H, Roster, PC, 1:»1.- Pau'a Bagger, W; 3, K. Ryan, R. Highland Park. Other area players «; 2, R. Sury, W, 1:02.2; 3, K. Mel- Back 37:2, 1, Chris Hugger, W; 2,included Edwin Faust of Bound etki. PC. Lisa Juforo, W; 3, B. Barry, R. Break, William Bagisy of Cranford Breast, 1, A. Monsaert, PC, 1:21: -Butterfy. 34.4. 1, K, Ryan. R; 2,and Ali Yorgan oF Pamvocd. i X, A. Zotr, PC; 3, B. Matjer, W, 1:- Laurie Wttmot, W; 3, Laurie Col- In prior v'-iy this season, the local SALE! lecit'o, W. Pl'airjTield-Wci-trieM t:am defeated I SALE! ' Back, 1, K. Hess, PC, 1:09.7; 2, Ind. M-^-Iey, 2 ard Urder, 1:19.6, 'Dumcnt and drew wtih Montclalr, K, MHetki. PC; 3, N. French, W. 1, Paula E'sgger, W; 2, Oathy Pictit, and was teppsd by Blacn-Jield and Butterfly, 1, L. Drake, PC, 1:12.9; W; 3, Liz Potter, R. SEAT COVERS s _" ' Jersey City. CONVERTIBLE , R. Sury, W. 1:2.8. 13-17, 2:48, 1, Ann Krakora, W; The next re and ol the North Jer- k. VINYL-TRIM AIRWEVE j : :1M7 Free, I, S. WcrgryMuak, 2, Tracy Meade, R; 3, Patty Ryan, s:y Chess League will be played in Dr«ss up your car. Custo'm lit, ,t»C, 1:05.0; 2, A. Koch, PC; 3, J.R. •March, when ths local payers trav- TOPS Washable, Lowist pric» onywhar*! Reg. $1.79 ;^4facConnachie, W, 1:05.8. 1344 1:07.5$, Free, 1, L. Livin- FULL SET FOR MOST CARS r.'. ; el to Passaic to meet ths Pa-ssaic- VINYL CAN'T LEAK TOPS ..*• - - Breest, 1, M. Perkowski, W, 1:19.- goc-d, R; '2, Lynn Roman, W; 3•Clifto, n team. B. ALL CLEAR PLASTIC 7; 2, J. Dul, PC. Kafhy KilduJf, W. Eltctronically weather sealvd, custom lit* Lowvst price anywhar** 10O% Clear, h«avy, No cloth TAME RINSE flack, 1, K. Conover, PC, 1:1.5; 2, Breast, 1:24.9, 1, P. Ryan, R; 2, Includes new, full view window* Guards, revaals upholstery J. MacConnacMe, W, 1:16.0; 3, P.Lorrie ZHch, W; 3, Jackde Picut, W. • INSTALLATION FREE! Custom (it. Loweit price sverl Cooffan, W Back, 1; 18.4, 1, W. Baines, F; 2, Heads Poster FULL SET FOR MOST CARSI

    ' . .• <•Butterfly, 2, C. Balmer, W, 1:1.2; Ann Krakora, W; 3, L. Liviirgood, i-i'%. S. Wegryzniak, PC; 3, A. Koch, R. Design Committee INSTALLED . • ButierKy, :21.0, 1, T. Meade, R; FOE El Fanwood — S. Allyn Sc^as-ffer of P***' Medley Relays: 2, L. GHlis, R; 3, Kristie Weeks, W. i* .i 9-1D, Reubert, Pohn, Pykko, Carr, 15-17 Free 1:03.3, 1, N. Burner. 29 Woodl'ar.-I Ave., is chairman of Reg. $2.25 R; 2, H. Campbell, R; 3, Kathy the pester design committee for the West!ieid Art Asiocl'aticn's lO'.'h an- SALE! nual stele-wide art exhihiticn to be FLASH CUBES I 1 I-' MUFFLERS he'i Mar. 22 to Mar. 23 at Union SHOCK CffMege. The annual exhibit is open to art- TAIL PIPES ROBBINS & ALLISON INC iS'l*3 born or residing in New Jersey. SILENT MUFFLERS ABSORBERS Prizes offered total $1,200. Ours Last Longer Because They're Better! ' '• I "DOUBLE ACTION" Airplane - type, •!•'/! *tabliih«d 1912 *..H Held in the Campus Center of Extra strong, All Steel Construction . r. Smooth riding* Extra Value each Urica Collcqe for the last seven For Quiet Operation & Longer Life. '• LOCAL AND years, the shew has become a ma- Installed by experts while you wait. GUARANTEED "30.000 mii»-" HAVE YOURS INSPECTED FREE NOW! -1 /• jor saz\z!l and artistic event. Latt HEAVY DUTY shocko, beat mode! LONG DISTANCE As Low Aa '.* . year ths exhibit was visited by MOVING more than 4,000 people. ___99 A formal reception for exfritllors, each Reg. $1759 STORAGE participa-ri'5 srd guests on Mor. 21 INSTALLED WHILE 100 TABS. will officiary open this year's shew, YOU WAIT it PACKING which wil'i be open to the pu'b'lc* r from Mar. 22 to 27 between 1 and 5 p.m. ar/J 7 to 9 p.m. and Sunday, HAMMOND EXCEDRIN Tel. 276-0898 Mar. 28 from 1 lo 5 p.m. and 7 to BRAKES MDELSII I TRACK TAPE 9 p.m. and Sunday, Mar. 28 from 1 213 South Avr, E to 5 p.m. RE-LINED PLAYERS WHEELS FOR MOST CARS Pcnsacolu Graduate Contemporary styling surrounds th» solid Quality, Bondad Broke Shoes state amplifier to enhance any vehicle* Reg. $2.98 Navy Ens. John M. Bushby, son STEREO MUSIC AT ITS FINEST of Mr. and Mrs. John Bushby of 223 SQUIBB'S CHEWABLE Ebner St., has been graduated from All Drums Refacad Rebuild All Wheel Cylinders SUBSCRIBE NOW TO Training Squadron Ten at the Navnl Replace Front Wheel Greaae Retainers Installation Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. Adjust & Bleed All Lines Available. VIGRAN VITAMINS •He has new completed the first Check Master Cylinder phase of training toward earning liliisi Ihs win^s of gold of a Naval Fiight Officer. HUNDREDS OF I TRACK WESTFIELD LEADER STEREO TAPES SO ELM ST. CONDITIONERS Open Sundays 9 a.m. tp 9 p.m. ALL POPULAR ARTISTS LATEST RELEASES MARK IV AND A.R.A. USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE PROM TOWN PARKINO LOT Send lo:_.. ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR YOUR CAR j PrkM Effactlv* Thurt., Frl., Sat. Only A
