MM.lt 429 MMM ST. ADV. WESTfllLD.M.I. School Board Meets Tuesday THE WESTFIELD LEADER ft P. M. UAOWM AND MOST WHM9LY CJtCMATID WfflClY NfWSPAKI IN UNION COUNTY EIGHTVJIHST YEAR-No. 2» Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1971 Second Class Hostage Paid livery Thursdtr nt Weslfleld. N. J. 26 Pages—It Ccato library to Begin Parking, Traffic Boroite to Take Oath 12 - Hour Schedule Town Asks Mar. 1, the Study School T/.*~»« . o i M. As Judge Tomorrow al WetcfieU Metn- Pay Hikes •riat library vi he ftm •• a «f * a.m. to I a.m. .,Views. Sought row, John P. WalsJ2h at MOTL Grouse thrwiih FrWayi, m For Nine A puQuc hearing will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Mar. 10, in the Lane, at 38, will become one of the Hut H win a* bager he ctowa Budget Fate Pay boosts lor-both Uie police and council chambers of the Municipal Building to discuss with interested youngest full time judge* in the fnaj • I* 7 ».». The children'* fire chiefs, as well as some other C1HM05 We towns traffic and parking problem*, partlcularty in the state when he is swam into office will malataia its ' Fats of the defeated $9.7 million school budget will be decided by municipal government department downtown business district. The meeting was announced by Robert H. as a Judge at the Union County pm MhedHle, I a.m., to « Tuesday, Mar. 16, according to Mayor Donn A. Snyder. The budget was heads, are recommended in an or- M^reany, chairman of, Westfield's Citizens Ta* Ftoree on Parking and District Court by Union County a.av. Moaaayi (knack FrUayt. given to the Town Council more than a wee& ago and by state law it dinance unanimously approved on has 30 days from its receipt in which to make a decision. Judge John L. Ard in a ceremony introduction Tuesday night at a reg- "An important facet of truly un- According to Mayor Snyder, the council has already met once with at the Union County Court House in wW t—H«m to be ular session of the Town Council. defstanding Weetfiekls traffic prob- Too Late for Fido Elizabeth. His wife, the former t ••*. to i a.m., Mac the faU, _. jjle scn0()] tward in what he de- lem* and Weetfield'* needs in terms 'Eileen Daly of Weat Orange will viator aaa **ri>c •Largest of the increases is for scribed as a "cooperative" session. of Mure growth," Chaimlao Mul- A ksnwwer cam lato tNe bold the Bifato. John Malioy, who was appointed to Additional study of the budget will rear.y states, "is an opportunity to succeed Edward V.'Enters as town be required by Uie councilmen prior A*Ui Depariaint sf the W<*«- The new judge was nominated by admiristrator lasl summer at an to announcement Mar. 16. communicate with our residents and HeU Memsrisl Ubrary Ihia GOT. William T. CaWll and con- League Schedules to have the benefit of their thinking. week, MMk wn embarrass- annual salary of $19,500. Under the Because of the almost 2-1 defeat firmed by the Senate earlier this proposed ordinance, he will receive We encourage your attendance, and me*, to pay far a bask her e*f month to succeed Judge Harold A. Workthop Mar. 17 Budget Aim of die budget, some cuts in the fig- we shall schedule an additional hear- had efcewed pas! <be ••!•*'•( *21,000. ures are anticipated. Two yeans ago Ackerman who has been promoted The League of Women Voters of ing tf the Mar. lft meeting does not Ubrary ue, The baakT "Haw to Judge of the Union County Court. Other increases, are for Police f\.f fn-mmnd%Zl wnen tne Town Council was faced to Select, Trail and ttttt Year the WtaWieW Area will hoii au all-Chief James Moran, $13,200, an in- provide sufficient time for those Born in Bnwkline, Mass., Judge \Jj \-iOUnLs\l with a decision on a twice-defeated day w#ct*op Mar. 17 at the First crease 'of $1,200; Fire- Chief Nor- Council who wish to share their Ideas with Walsh grew up in Westfield where * $8.2 million budget, it was reduced Baptist Church in Westfield. Work- the proposed $4 million municipal up. he was graduated from Holy Trinity "Review and reduce Uie county by $150,000 by council action. The shop aspics will include welfare re- $1,450;. town engineer, $19,800, an "Should any citiren find he is un- High School and Sebon Hall Univer- budget." defeat of the budget in 1881 trig- form, the housing crisis and the fed- increase of $1,400; town treasurer, able to attend the hearing, he may sity School of Law. Admitted to the This is the plea of the Westfield gered a series of school faculty dem- • Probation Issue eral school lunch program. AU Un-$13,000, an increase of $1,000; tax write to the CfUxen's Task Force on New Jersey Bar Association in I960 JOHN P. WALSH Town Council, which Tuesday unani- onstralions and a student walk-out ion County residents are invited to collector, $11,900, an increase of Parkins and Traffic, in care of the he is a partner in the law firm of mously endorsed a resolution asking one afternoon by high school pupils, Municipal BuMing, Westtieid." ,Plaiiifield, Walsh has traveled attend, $900; • chief clerk of the Board of •the Union County Board of Freehold- but other than pre-election teacher Still Inset tied? Herrigel, Botan and Herrigel of „&&& Tiie Task Force was appointed by with his parente. His Assessors, $11,900, an increase of ers to study the "excessive" county pickets protesting that the proposed No new developments hi the con- . father, now retired, was a field en- $900; town clerk, $11,400, up $900; budget of $33,355,000 with an aim to budget was too low, no other budget- Mayor Donn A. Snyder, Jan. 1 and tking tri; attorney for the part , American t^ Dance Tomorrow rcversy over the suspension and gineer or tbe director of welfare, $11,400, a liiko reducing it. According to Jay F. related incidents lave occurred this has been charged with the reapon ten year*. sibiHty for making an exhaustive threatened probation of' students * Founders of Elmona. The yearbook staff of Holy Trinity of $900. Rochlin, who attended a hearing on year. Before moving to Mountainside, Hj*"\**tool w^^sporuo^a^dance Remaining iiie same as last year the county budget, this community Negotiations between the teachers' ed n Mus are sataries for the mayor and joins both Now Providence and Sum- bargaining unit, the Westfield Edu- all previous studies, proposals and Martin Uither King Jr.'s birthday The son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. f0[. a p memters of the Town Council, $1 mat whoso municipal governments cation Association, and -the Westfield Jan X^tin^ and STSn1 **si !f •"J? *?*** ** ^commendations, and to recotn- - IS have been reported this Walsh, Westfield residents for more "B^^ryman.ilTsm—auuii "•' JackeF-u>LrAit- ananidl (itine t%POare annually; town attorney, $11,000; also abject to the soaring costs. Board of Education, have not yet mend to the mayor «nd council by week. than 20 years before moving lo (Continued on page 4) required. magistrate, $7,500; prosecutor, $5,- According to Councilman Roehlin, been completed, although it wai this June, a plan or plans to meet Students have returned to school 500; and legal counsel for the Plan- the county budget reflects »n in- learned this week that a state medt- W«ttieJd's shoiMerm and long- '"flowing vacation and the previous crease of 18 percent over 1970, but .aior js working with both sides to 1 (Continued on page 4) range needs. ' three-day suspension levied against 'because of less anticipated revenue, Teach an agreement. Teachers pre- To he effective, the committee's *em.wtien they (ailed to report for the amount to bo raised through viously had claimed that an im- the study will aaw consider Westfield's beginning' of two hours' deten- taxation lias been upped by $5,261, passe had been readied on boU traffic problems as they are affected tion. • punishment ultimately 756. and will increase local properly by county, state and interstate roads agreed upon by a committee when Harris Replies •taxes by 23 points. (Continued on page 4) and highways. The committee has « students failed to present paren- ul Largest single increase in the pro- becn meeting weekly in order to excuses for their participation in To Councilman •pesed county budget, according to a complete this iiwtepth study by walkout after an assembly pro- Mr. Rochlin, is health and welfare june . grom honoring Dr. King Jan. 15-at Democratic Councilman, Charles 19 Finalists w e costs. In addition, the sums provide Metrtiers of the Ta§k Force in- «t* M High School. ; A. Harris, has issued the following K was for S3 now county employees, in- dude Mr Mulreany chairman Ar- miatakcnly reported in last statement in reply to Councilman cludir.3 23 in the prosecutor's office .ttMtr Attenasio, Frederic Bauman, we^'s L^r, .hwever, that par- Wriliams' statement regarding the and 25 in the welfare department. At Westfield High ents failed to' rtspond to letters by municipal budget published in tost A public hearing on the county Nineteen, WestDoM High School (Continued «n page 4) Dr. Lillard E. Law requesting a 'week's Leader; •budget, is scheduled for tonight in. seniors, named semi-tfinaHste in the _ meeting to discuss the status of pro- "How can Councilman Williams Elizabeth.
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