LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1906. 6 flw«r«hmor*>, third; White, Yale, fourth. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE Distance 43 feet 11 l-« Inches. The Reliable Store* nrmou -np,n nv.na 880-ynrd Carpenter, Cornell, fioirriiin,i,r.Ti>« run— OVERALL'S WILnfJESa LORES first: Townsend, Cornell, second; Baker, Horrera. enter!* th« HERRERA REELS nv Aaiinr'lntKil ITenn Cobb, Harvard, SAYS WAS Swarthmorp, third; HE H:3S— rln*. CORNELL WINS Monday Specials Mexican— (treetert hy oheer*. CINCINNATI. May 2«.—Overall'* fourth. Time 1:B!> 1-B. 0:45 Nelson fallal to enter th« wlldnfsa was principally rpsponslhle rlnir. —Ms»m. dffpat fl:s0 llnrrrra leaves the rlnß. for the of cinrlifhntl tortny. MAJOR LEAGUE STANDING Morn hlfses.— WITH DAGO RED rittlnsror krpt hits of thp locals wpII TRACK MEETING OVERWEIGHT Inning: Over-, National League FAR MeftAphonfl turn* scattered. In th«« ninth . Cook WHISKEYS 3:00<« —somn lnn spp«tntor« to chas- Won. Lost Pet S>:10 Wlrelosn mcftflAge received tise n spectator who had been utilis- GOODRICH, that will rhl.Bgo 27 13 M HUNTER RYE, nftht not take rlncn. WIDE PATH MADE FOR FALLEN ing him. An apology prevented trouble. IN New York 24 12 .6K7 MEXICAN ABOVE 140 POUNDS »:20— MeRnphone Cook declares LEADS ALL THE OTHERS rittxhiir* 21 14 .«*> OLD LOG CABIN and Many fighters willbe In their corners Cincinnati, errors, Philadelphia 22 17 M\ Other Brands Noted for Their 0; hits. 9; 2. St. 20 ,450 ! RINGSIDE aoon. GLADIATOR Philadelphia, X; R; GAMES Loifln n ! Fine at* :t :: It :: AT 9:3o——lTrrrera ntrain enters rlnfr. hits, errors, 1. Cincinnati 18 ?3 .M Qualities 9:40 Hertera I»>.i.ve« the ring. natterles— Overall and Brhlet; Flttln- HnMon \z 25 .321 »:So— Nelirtin makes s. speech ger nnd Dooln, Umpires— Conway and Hrooklyn It 20 .297 $1.00 a Bottle Komethlng like thl«: "n«-en-tle- Carpenter. scnles Throng Which Wltnetsed Back.Down Average* 38 Points With Pennsylva. to $1.50 of Opinion la That Dellb. men, Iwent over to da and American League Regular Prices Up vim rendy to welnh In. Pc 'Wex 23, Plot Was Planned to Avoid wan there also but de scales was of Mexican Boy Refuse to Ac- PITCHEB WILD BUT WINB nla Next With Harvard Third Won. I-odt. Pel. on de bum*. Iain't nkeered of By Associated frees. PhllßdPiphlA. 23 10 .R!)7 by not Jeffries. I cept Excuses and Nelson CHICAGO, With 21 and Yale Fourth Cleveland , 20 10 .(W7 SO. CALIFORNIA WINE /Velnglno«ln Proceta nothln*. even Jim MAy 2«.—ln a game that N»w \u25a0will flght dls KiiyIlerrera Ifhe wns a weird mixture of wild pitching, York in 13 .531 COMPANY Herrera Contingent doesn't w«l»fh over a ton and a Is Idol With 19 I'etroit IB X .Mm half. (Cheers nnd hisses In equal loose fielding nnd numerous utrlke- Ft. t.ntil* 17 17 .500 218 West Fourth Street , otits hy both pitchers. Chicago won by f'hlrnsro 14 is .453 parts). — Washington F,x 1«. Eiua 10:00 and thrown bunching 13 20 .8114 JTOMB fIUNSRT Main 832. Gioven scales moro hits thtin tha visitors. By f'reM. of Friday nights ring. Hnrrera nowhere to be ED MORIARTY Associated -The aftermath fraught In Score: rep- fiasco at Naud was not that Ilerrera whs fillod -with rtnjro Chicago fl; fl; BOSTON, Mny 2«.-Thfi nthletle Junction found. Rumorert and Is Aurelio Herrera hltn errors 3. .with many startling situations yester- weighs 200 pounds mvenlliisr red, or, you will, vile concoctions Boston 4; hits 8; errors B. reaentatlves of Cornell university closed of ticket hold- out at tiMtlilionsn. If the HIGHLAND PARK Clironle ItrnnrhHla, Illnoilnml Sniul la day beyond the demand a— Batteries— Heolie and Mornn: t>orner fl two days' engage- lirlnr,C'ntnrrh of the Illndrirr. cigar Above rumor denied. slopped ncrosß frowsy barn which line TXmplro moat successful ers who applied nt Greenwald's 10:10 —Same and Needhnm. Johnntone. »f»m-room mtorj nnd hnlf nn for return of their money. 10:20 rumor confirmed. Main street. The Mexican's eye was ment here today by winning the Inter- rmlilrnw stand the 10:30—BHttllnB Nelson makes Avmne r,a. l.nrui- rlrvntrdlot, ftOilßO. Greenwald was forced to call for po- speech, offering to flßht lustsrless, nml the cruel light which ST. LOUIS IS DEFEATED collegiate championship for tho second lltmmn nilInrar and flrat claim. Nenr morning another lice aid yesterday soon after the Mexican for a hns: of peanuts shone but a few hours before as ha «nt Ry Associated I'resa time. The Ithlcann scored 38 points, Orrldrntnl College. reaching the cigar stand on South and 10 per cent of tho lemonade street, strong rush receipts. between tho ropes of the Naur! ST. UnTIH. Mny tfi.—With two out In 29 of which were made In the distance Spring so was the — Junction tne ninth Innlnjr, Thos. Hampton those endeavoring to regain their 10:40 Ilerrera offers to run Bat pavilion cumins the. Hege.wlsch boy Marshall bnttlnK for runs. Pennsylvania was second with J. of Bat Matthewson, ptnrled a rnlly with It was impossible to make re- a foot race for a hot tamale. «gly a 23 points. Harvard third with 21 nnd u» aotrrn hroaoavay. coin. insists making: It two tamnles was blended wM.h an blear. single Hint won the gnme for Now York turns to any beyond those holding cou- on manager backs, stumbling B Yale fourth with 1!). The remaining many nnd Herrcra's Staggering «nd along First- to 4. Score: points pons, and producing such evi- down. St. Ix)Uls 4; 10; were scattered. given embodied street lost night, Herrera was perhaps hits errors 2. —llnnklns, Pennsylvania, dence were the amount 10:50— "Rhorty" Cook again un- New York Bj hits If); errors 4. One mile coupon, Manager McCarey was voice and the nn object of pity. An outenst of tho first; Lewis, Cornell, second, Simpson, W. on the llmbers his• • crowd rankest sort, the Mexican went slinking Untterles— Taylor and Orftdy;' Mnt- L DOUGLAS taken seriously 111 following the strain hisses. thewson, McClinnlty and Hresnahan. Cornell, third; Mlnot, Harvard, fourth. , up to a late hour yes- —It is announced that the past the resorts where formerly he had 4:29 1-B. f~«*!