Getting to Know the Opposition
Getting to Know the Opposition April 2007 by Judith Golub, Executive Director Getting to Know the Opposition -- Nativists and the Immigration Debate Judith Golub, Executive Director, Immigrant Legal Resource Center Immigration matters. Immigration has been and will continue to be central to who we are as a nation and key to our economic, social and cultural vigor and well-being. Immigration matters because of its dramatic impacts on people’s lives. Immigration laws and policies determine if loved ones can stay together, refugees and asylees are granted the protection they deserve, and American business has the workers it needs. Security experts also emphasize that a well-running immigration system enhances our security. Certainly, our current system has taught us that enforcing dysfunctional laws leads to more dysfunction, not more enforcement. Immigration also is a high profile issue, not only because Congress is debating how best to reform our laws, but also because immigration incites deep passions. And anti-immigrant groups have manipulated these passions, especially after the September 11 terrorist attacks. Well organized and with deep pockets, these groups operate at the federal, state and local levels. They are determined to reduce, if not end, immigration to this country, notwithstanding the fact that immigrants contribute to our educational, cultural and social well-being. Fearful of our nation’s changing demographics and diversity, some of these groups position themselves as mainstream and “pro-immigrant while anti-immigration,” and caution their members to not appear racist. Others openly flaunt their white nationalist and anti-immigrant, anti-Jewish, anti-Latino, anti-black, and anti-gay agenda.
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