TIME: 4.00 hours

ALTITUDE GAP: about 350 mt.

DIFFICULTY: two short steep uphill stretches

SIGNPOSTS: a few wooden road signs to indicate path of the jubilee 2000

CONNECTIONS: to Rezzonico, by coach C10. Return from Dongo by coach C10.


In Rezzonico take the past Valle Boggia and around Coscia reach- Antica Regina. go to Semurano; cross ing Bresciana. Walk around San Nico- the hamlet and to to Cross the bridge on lao to enter . Af- Vignola. the Vallone of Musso ter a small bridge take At the beginning of the and enter Campagna- a path to the left among hamlet of Motto take na. Follow the sign to vineyards in Vezzedo. the path to Camlago. Sant’Eufemia/Genico. FROM REZZONICO TO DONGO At the shrine go down Walk on the paved road Cross Genico and start and cross the bridge to Maggiana. your descent to Dongo on the stream Vezze- Go to the other side in the locality Barbig- do. Reach Cheis. Walk of the valley and walk nano. 124


ponte del diavolo

GARZENO - PASSO SAN JORIO ITINERARY GARZENO - PASSO SAN JORIO – You can park at the second hairpin bend of Garzeno. Take the path GARZENO to Passo San Jorio and to Rifugio Motta Foiada. DEPARTURE PLACE: GARZENO CAR PARK (ABOVE At Bocchetta of Sant’Anna follow DONGO) the unpaved road to Rifugio Motta Foiada. LENGTH: km 32,5 At the crossroads to the Rifugio turn left to Passo San Jorio and go ALTITUDE GAP: 1.350 mt. on till you reach Bivacco Il Giovo. TIME: 3 and a half - 4 hours Walk on to the Rifugio San Jorio. You will come back walking past MAXIMUM HEIGHT: mt. 2.012 the Bivacco Il Giovo but walking on the military road to Valle . DIFFICULTY: challenging Go past Alpe Brento and the set- tlement of piazza Cavada, return to Garzeno.

s. jorio


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ponte del diavolo

