An Examination of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory's Nomological Network: a Meta-Analytic Review

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An Examination of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory's Nomological Network: a Meta-Analytic Review See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: An Examination of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory's Nomological Network: A Meta-Analytic Review ARTICLE in PERSONALITY DISORDERS: THEORY, RESEARCH, AND TREATMENT · AUGUST 2011 Impact Factor: 3.54 · DOI: 10.1037/a0024567 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS READS 66 146 2 AUTHORS: Joshua D Miller University of Georgia 155 PUBLICATIONS 4,025 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Donald R Lynam Purdue University 159 PUBLICATIONS 9,778 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Joshua D Miller Retrieved on: 05 October 2015 Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment © 2011 American Psychological Association 2012, Vol. 3, No. 3, 305–326 1949-2715/11/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0024567 FEATURED ARTICLE An Examination of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory’s Nomological Network: A Meta-Analytic Review Joshua D. Miller Donald R. Lynam University of Georgia Purdue University Since its publication, the Psychopathic Personality Inventory and its revision (Lilien- feld & Andrews, 1996; Lilienfeld & Widows, 2005) have become increasingly popular such that it is now among the most frequently used self-report inventories for the assessment of psychopathy. The current meta-analysis examined the relations between the two PPI factors (factor 1: Fearless Dominance; factor 2: Self-Centered Impulsivity), as well as their relations with other validated measures of psychopathy, internalizing and externalizing forms of psychopathology, general personality traits, and antisocial personality disorder symptoms. Across 61 samples reported in 49 publications, we found support for the convergent and criterion validity of both PPI factor 2 and the PPI total score. Much weaker validation was found for PPI factor 1, which manifested limited convergent validity and a pattern of correlations with central criterion variables that was inconsistent with many conceptualizations of psychopathy. Keywords: psychopathy, assessment, fearless dominance, self-centered impulsivity Psychopathy is one of the most frequently umented the relation between psychopathy empirically examined and well-validated per- and a vast array of externalizing behaviors sonality disorders (PDs), despite not being such as crime and aggression in adults (e.g., officially included in the most recent diagnos- Porter, Birt, & Boer, 2001) and juveniles tic taxonomy, the Diagnostic and Statistical (e.g., Gretton, Hare, & Catchpole, 2004), Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–IV–TR; criminal recidivism (e.g., Walters, Knight, APA, 2000). Influenced by a number of prom- Grann, & Dahle, 2008), substance use (e.g., inent theorists including Cleckley (1941/ Gustavson et al., 2007; Kennealy, Hicks, & 1988), Hare (e.g., 1991), Karpman (1941) and Patrick, 2007), and sexual offending Lykken (1957, 1995), psychopathy is thought (Caldwell, Ziemke, & Vitacco, 2008). to comprise personality traits such as manip- The most frequently used and empirically ulativeness, egocentricity, callousness, a lack validated assessment tool for psychopathy is the of remorse or empathy, impulsivity and irre- Psychopathy Checklist (PCL; Hare, 1991) and sponsibility, as well as a pervasive and early its revision (PCL-R; Hare, 2003), particularly involvement in criminal behavior (cf., Cooke when assessing psychopathy among incarcer- & Michie, 2001). Numerous studies have doc- ated offenders. Until recently (see Cooke & Michie, 2001), PCL/PCL-R psychopathy was thought to be composed of two factors that were This article was published Online First August 8, 2011. correlated at approximately .50 (Hare, 1991). Joshua D. Miller, Department of Psychology, University Factor 1 (F1) is related to the interpersonal and of Georgia, Athens; Donald R. Lynam, Department of Psy- affective components of psychopathy (e.g., chological Sciences, Purdue University. Both authors contributed equally to this work. grandiosity, lying, callousness), whereas fac- Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- tor 2 (F2) comprises traits and behaviors indic- dressed to Joshua D. Miller, Department of Psychology, ative of “social deviance” (e.g., juvenile delin- University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602–3013; or Donald quency, impulsivity; Hare, 1991). The PCL/ R. Lynam, Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906. E-mail: PCL-R factors often manifest differential [email protected] or [email protected] patterns of relations with external criteria. For 305 306 MILLER AND LYNAM instance, F1 has been unrelated or weakly neg- Fitzpatrick, 1995), and the Antisocial Process atively associated with psychological distress Screening Device (APSD: Frick & Hare, 2001) and anxiety (e.g., Harpur, Hare, & Hakstian, were designed to assess psychopathy from a 1989; Schmitt & Newman, 1999) and positively PCL-R perspective, and thus typically manifest associated with social dominance (e.g., Harpur a factor structure that is thought to be somewhat et al., 1989), narcissism and narcissistic PD consistent with the PCL-R. Alternatively, the (e.g., Blackburn & Coid, 1998; Hildebrand & Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI; and de Ruiter, 2004), and emotional detachment revised, [PPI-R] Lilienfeld & Andrews, 1996; (e.g., Patrick, Bradley, & Lang, 1993), whereas Lilienfeld & Widows, 2005) was created by F2 has been positively associated with violence, including items derived from a variety of con- criminality, borderline PD (BPD) and antisocial ceptualizations of psychopathy (see Lilienfeld PD (APD; e.g., Blackburn & Coid, 1998; Hare, & Andrews, 1996, for details). We turn our 1991; Skeem & Mulvey, 2001), recidivism attention to this self-report measure of psychop- (e.g., Hemphill, Hare, & Wong, 1998), sub- athy as it has rapidly become one of the most stance use (e.g., Taylor & Lang, 2006), and popular and frequently used measure of psy- distress (e.g., Verona, Patrick, & Joiner, 2001). chopathy. The psychopathy factors also differ with re- gard to the general personality traits that under- PPI/PPI-R lie each construct. From a Five-Factor model (FFM) approach, both psychopathy factors are The PPI was developed as the result of an substantially related to an antagonistic interper- iterative test construction approach in which sonal style (FFM Antagonism) and some degree items and the resultant scales were regularly of impulsivity/disinhibition (FFM Conscien- revisited and reworked “until both a well for- tiousness). The factors differ, however, in that mulated set of constructs and an adequate pool F2 is more strongly related to impulsivity/ of items to assess them is achieved” (Lilienfeld disinhibition and indices of negative emotional- & Andrews, 1996, p. 490). The PPI/PPI-R (re- ity (which are usually unrelated to F1 measures ferred to as the PPI from here on out) includes of psychopathy; see Lynam & Derefinko, the following eight subscales: Machiavellian 2006). Egocentricity, Rebellious Nonconformity, Blame Externalization, Carefree Nonplanful- Self-Report Psychopathy Instruments ness, Social Influence, Fearlessness, Stress Im- munity, and Coldheartedness. The PPI’s ability Despite its many advantages, there are as- to parse psychopathy into a number of narrow, pects of the PCL-R that limit its utility as an lower-order constructs offers much promise, assessment in certain circumstances. These lim- utility, and novelty as a means of understanding itations include a) the need for extensive train- how the various components of psychopathy ing prior to use of the PCL-R, b) use of a converge and diverge in relation to important lengthy interview, and c) access to file informa- aspects of psychopathy’s nomological network. tion pertaining to official criminal records and This more “atomic” approach is quite consistent institutional behavior prior to scoring the with our own research in which we have worked PCL-R. Unfortunately, interviews of this sort to understand psychopathy using traits from a are not always practical and institutional files general model of personality (e.g., Lynam & are not readily available outside of institutional Widiger, 2007; Miller, Lynam, Widiger, & Leu- settings. In response to these limitations, several kefeld, 2001). Unfortunately, research using the self-report measures have been developed to PPI has moved from a focus on these eight assess psychopathy in these populations. These factors to the use of two higher-order factors measures differ, however, in the degree to that have been titled Fearless Dominance (PPI which they were designed to be congruent with FD) and Self-Centered Impulsivity (PPI ScI; the PCL-R. For example, self-report measures Benning, Patrick, Hicks, Blonigen, & Krueger, such as the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale 2003; Lilienfeld & Widows, 2005; cf., Neu- (SRP: Hare, 1985; SRP-III: Williams, Paulhus, mann, Malterer, & Newman, 2008). One of the & Hare, 2007), the Levenson Self-Report Psy- PPI subscales, Coldheartedness, does not load chopathy Scale (LSRP: Levenson, Kiehl, & on either of these two factors and is often ex- A META-ANALYSIS OF THE PPI 307 cluded from empirical studies that use the PPI with PCL-R scores (e.g., Malterer, Lilienfeld, (Edens, Poythress, Lilienfeld, Patrick, & Test, Neumann, & Newman, 2010; Zolondek, Lilien- 2008; Patrick, Edens, Poythress, Lilienfeld, & feld, Patrick & Fowler, 2006), as well as other Benning, 2006). This exclusion is unfortunate self-report measures such as the LSRP and given the centrality of coldheartedness to tradi- SRP-III (e.g., Gaughan et al., 2009;
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