Minutes of a meeting of Warboys Parish Council held on 11th July 2016 at the Parish Centre, Warboys.


Councillor Mrs M P Bucknell, Chairman.

Councillors Ms H A Backhouse, Mrs J M Cole, R J Dykstra, Ms L A Gifford, R A Payne, J A Parker, Mrs S Stafford, Mrs J E Tavener, G C M Willis, Dr S C Withams and Mrs A R Wyatt.


County Councillor M R Tew. District Councillor P L E Bucknell.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Mrs M H Harlock and J C Price.


Upon being moved by Councillor Payne and seconded by Councillor Dr Withams, the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th June 2016 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman


The Clerk submitted applications for dispensations from Councillors Ms Backhouse and Dykstra to speak and speak and vote on various matters for the ensuing 4 years until the next ordinary election of councillors.

Councillor Mrs Wyatt declared a non-statutory disclosable interest in Minute No. 48/16 (Defibrillator) as she was a member of the Warboys 55 Plus Club.


that dispensations be granted to Members as follows until the next ordinary election of councillors in May 2020:-

Councillor Interest Dispensation

Ms H A Backhouse Allotment tenancy Speak Council Tax Precept Speak & vote

R J Dykstra Allotment tenancy Speak

1 Council Tax Precept Speak & vote


The Council considered the following matters arising from the meeting held on 13th June 2016:-

(a) Return of Election Expenses

Further to Minute No. 26/16(a), the Clerk requested those Members who had yet to return their election expenses declaration to the District Council to contact him to obtain the necessary form.

(b) Jubilee Park Byelaws

Arising from Minute No. 26/16(b), the Clerk reported that the sign advertising the byelaws approved for Jubilee Park had been installed on site.

(c) Community Asset Transfer – Bowls Green and Pavilion

Arising from Minute No. 26/16(c), the Clerk reported that the application for the registration of the bowling green and pavilion at the White Hart as an asset of community value had been submitted to the District Council and an answer was anticipated within 8 weeks.

(d) Cemetery

Further to Minute No. 26/16(f), the Clerk informed Members that a site had been agreed with a representative of the Parochial Church Council for the additional litter bin to be provided by the Parish Council in the cemetery and that the bin would be installed by the Handymen later in the week.

(e) Cheque Signatories

Further to Minute No. 22/16(h), the Clerk reported that the Co-operative Bank had advised that due to a change in their rules, they now required certain details of all Members of the Council, in addition to the cheque signatories. A number of Members had yet to supply the necessary information and the Clerk requested that this be forwarded to him in the near future.

(f) Speedwatch

Further to Minute No. 29/16, the Clerk reported upon the receipt of correspondence from Community Roadwatch asking that information about their services be forwarded to all Members of the Council. However as the organisation was not supported by the Police and the Council had taken a decision previously not to become involved with them, the Clerk indicated that he proposed to file the information received.

2 (g) Audit of Accounts 2015/16

Further to Minute No. 32/16, the Clerk reported that the annual return for 2015/16 had been submitted to the external auditors and their report was awaited.

(h) Woodhurst Parish Council

Further to Minute No. 35/16, the Clerk reported that a reply was awaited from Woodhurst Parish Council following approval of their request for the Handymen to carry out work for them on an ad hoc agency basis.

(i) Car Park and Activities for Young People

Further to Minute No. 37/16, the Clerk reported that the Manager of the County Council’s Locality Team had offered to meet representatives of the Council to discuss the provision of additional activities for young people in the Parish and that a meeting was being arranged.

The Clerk also informed Members that a complaint had been received from a person who was being deterred from playing tennis in the tennis court by the presence of groups of teenagers and requesting that the Council revert to the previous arrangements of having the gate locked and the key available from the newsagents. A reply had been sent explaining the reasons for the decision to leave the gate unlocked because of the damage caused by people climbing over the fence and cutting holes in it to avoid having to pay to play.



that the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 13th June 2016 be received.


The Clerk reported that a total of 14 crimes had been reported to the Police in June for the parishes of Warboys, Bury and Wistow, comprising 1 dwelling burglary, 1 drugs case, 2 public disorder cases, 1 theft, 1 case of vehicle crime, 5 incidents of violent crime and 3 instances of criminal damage. In addition, 10 reports of anti-social behaviour had been made.

Councillor Mrs Cole also reported that she had been contacted by a resident of the High Street complaining about the actions of teenagers in climbing up the scaffolding on the building site at the former Cliffords Garage.

(Councillor Mrs Stafford arrived at this point in the proceedings.)


Further to Minute No. 191/15, the Clerk submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated to all Members) following the publication by the Local Government Boundary Commission of their draft proposals for a review of the electoral arrangements for Huntingdonshire District Council.

Members were informed that the electorate in Huntingdonshire was forecast to rise from 130,757 in 2015 to 152,420 in 2021. As the Commission had accepted a proposal by the District Council to retain 52 councillors, the average number of electors would rise from 2,515 to 2,931 and any proposals for ward boundaries therefore needed to comply with a variance of not more than +/-10% from the average.

The proposal affecting Warboys was for a 2 councillor ward with the name Warboys comprising the parishes of Broughton, Old Hurst, Pidley-cum-Fenton, & , Warboys, Wistow and Woodhurst with a forecast electorate of 8,940 in 2021 which would be 3% higher than the average. Members were reminded that the current 2 member ward of Warboys and Bury also included the parish of Wistow but that prior to the present format, the 2 member Warboys ward had comprised the parishes of Warboys, Broughton, Old Hurst, Pidley-cum-Fenton and Woodhurst.

As the proposal would restore the affinity of nearby parishes with Warboys, it was


that the Boundary Commission be informed that the Council supports their proposal for a new ward with the name Warboys and comprising the parishes of Broughton, Old Hurst, Pidley-cum-Fenton, Upwood & The Raveleys, Warboys, Wistow and Woodhurst.


Further to Minute No. 31/16, the Clerk submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated to all Members) following further investigations into the implications of the approval of a request from the Warboys 55 Plus Club for the Council to accept responsibility for the purchase and monitoring of a defibrillator in the village if the costs of acquisition and maintenance were met by the club.

Information had been circulated from the Community Heartbeat Trust on suitable types of equipment and the governance arrangements required to ensure that the equipment was ready for use in an emergency. The latter would involve weekly, monthly and annual checks and the use of a web-based notification system to CHT, together with other steps that would need to be taken in the event of the defibrillator being used or vandalised. In addition to the cost of purchasing a defibrillator, further initial costs would be involved in its installation by a qualified electrician and ongoing costs would involve the reimbursement of electricity consumed, repairs and replacements, training and monitoring.

In terms of a suitable location, the Clerk reported that both the Post Office and Chemists had offered to have the defibrillator installed on the exterior wall of their premises.

4 However on further inspection, the newsagents’ premises had been found to be unsuitable as the façade facing the High Street was totally glazed. Members were of the opinion that the Chemists in Ramsey Road appeared a logical location for the defibrillator to be sited, especially as the owner of the business had indicated that he already had a defibrillator situated at one of his other premises and the premises were open for fairly long hours on six days of the week. In the event of the staff at the Chemists not being prepared to monitor the equipment on the required basis, Councillors Ms Gifford and Dr Withams offered to assist the Clerk in carrying this out.

With regard to future arrangements, the Chairman suggested that if the 55 Plus Club paid for the purchase of a defibrillator and the cost of installation, the Parish Council should accept financial responsibility for future maintenance and training costs which would avoid the need for any future commitment on the part of the club.

After discussion, it was


(a) that the Council use the auspices of the Community Heartbeat Trust to purchase a defibrillator for public use in an emergency and for support in its future maintenance and governance, subject to the initial cost of purchase and installation being met by the 55 Plus Club;

(b) that the offer by the owner of Wards of Warboys for the defibrillator to be located at the chemists in Ramsey Road be accepted;

(c) that the Clerk be responsible for the necessary monitoring and governance arrangements, unless this was undertaken by Wards of Warboys personnel;

(d) that David Whitby & Son be engaged to install the defibrillator on site;

(e) that a legal agreement be entered into with the proprietor of the premises to cover issues such as electricity supply, ownership, installation, damage, reimbursement of electricity costs, insurance, length of agreement, removal of the equipment and making good, etc.

(f) that future maintenance of the equipment be accepted as the responsibility of the Council.

49/16 PARISH BUDGET 2016/17

Councillor R J Dykstra who had asked for the item to be included on the agenda, indicated that he was concerned over certain aspects of the Council’s budget that had been approved before he was elected to the Council in May 2016. As a result he had made enquiries externally about the decision to appoint a Timebank Co-ordinator and the costs incurred in employing the Handymen both of which he considered unreasonable.

5 In reply, the Chairman and the Clerk pointed out the reasons for the decisions that had been taken and other Members commented on the importance of the work undertaken by the Handymen and the flexibility that they provided.


Further to Minute No. 34/16, the Chairman reported on the very positive meeting involving Councillors Mrs Cole, Mrs Tavener, Ms Gifford and Dr Withams and County Councillor Tew held to discuss the opening of a Facebook account for use by the Council. Councillors Ms Gifford and Dr Withams had offered to act as administrators for the account and in order that this was linked to the Council’s website, it had been suggested that the company that maintained the website on the Council’s behalf be asked to open the Facebook account and establish the necessary links.

Members expressed their support for a Facebook account to improve communication with the community and advertise Council activities and it was therefore


that arrangements be made for the working group to meet the representative of the company maintaining the Council’s website with a view to opening a Facebook account.


Members were informed that the necessary arrangements had been made for the closure of the High Street for the visit by John Thurston & Son’s funfair later in the month. The Feast Week concert sponsored by the Council would take place in front of the White Hart public house on Sunday, 24th July commencing at 4.00 p.m.

In addition, the Community Association had arranged a ‘picnic in the park’ at the Sports Ground on Sunday 31st July from 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. which the Council had agreed to sponsor up to a maximum of £800. An Elvis impersonator concert also had been arranged by the Association on the previous day.

Councillor Mrs Wyatt listed a number of issues where the Association had requested assistance from the Parish Council which the Clerk advised that he had already replied to. In response to a request by Councillor Mrs Wyatt for assistance at the event itself and the possibility of a stall to promote the Council within the community, a number of Members volunteered to help.


The Clerk submitted a request by the Warboys Arts Group for the charge for the hire of the Parish Council for an arts exhibition on 4th and 5th November 2016 to be waived, with the exception of the cost of cleaning and heating. Members were reminded that the Let’s Paint Group traditionally had held an annual exhibition for which the hire charge had been waived but the Council had subsequently decided that fees would not be

6 waived, except in exceptional circumstances. However an exhibition by the Quilting Club in July 2015 had been charged only the cleaning fee.


that the Arts Group be permitted to hire the Parish Centre free of charge as requested, with the exception of cleaning and heating costs.


Further to Minute No. 36/16, the Clerk reminded Members that consideration of a request from Lowland Search and Rescue for financial assistance had been deferred at the previous meeting, pending the submission of further information. The organisation had requested a grant towards their work in assisting the emergency services in the search for vulnerable missing persons.

Subsequent to the previous meeting, a link to the organisation’s website had been forwarded to Members which contained information about the work that they undertook and the structure of the organisation. As the organisation would be expected to be involved in the event of an emergency in Warboys, it was


that a grant of £50 be made to Cambridgeshire Lowland Search and Rescue


Having considered an invitation from the Mayor of Ramsey for the Council to be represented at a civic church service and reception at St Thomas a Becket Church, Ramsey on 4th September and as the Chairman would already be accompanying her husband who was the current Chairman of the District Council, it was


that the Council be represented by Councillor Mrs Tavener and guest.


The Clerk reported that the following items of correspondence had been received since the previous meeting and indicated that he would arrange for them to be circulated to Members for information:-

(a) Open Space

Summer 2016 edition published by the Open Spaces Society

(b) Clerks and Councils Direct

7 July 2016 edition.


The Clerk reported that a number of matters had been raised by members of the public at the Open Forum following the previous meeting of the Council.

Following concern that the internal refurbishment of the library had resulted in a reduction in the book stock, the Clerk reported that County Councillor Tew had obtained information from the library service that they had removed any damaged books and those that had not been issued for 6 months or longer. The latter had included 44% of the fiction and 46% of the non-fiction stock which had been relocated to other libraries. The reduction of stock had also been necessary to create a a flexible space for community use and help create the new children’s area.

A question had been raised about the sealing of the floor of the shelter adjacent to the Jubilee Clock Tower which the Clerk had indicated would be undertaken when a lengthy period of dry weather had been experienced. Arising from questions about the installation of the container at the allotments and the condition of the field adjoining the allotments, the Clerk reported that, following confirmation from the District Council that planning permission was not required, an order for the delivery of the container had been placed and that the field had been cut.

A question had been raised about the publication of the Council’s accounts on the website and arrangements had been made for the budgetary control statements to be included on the website in future.

A question had been raised about the capacity of the cemetery in Church Road for future burials but it had been pointed out that the church owned the adjoining field which was currently let to a local farmer and that this would be available for future interments when the existing site was full.


Upon being moved by Councillor Payne and seconded by Councillor Dr Withams, it was


that the following accounts be approved:- £

M J Buddle Salary – June 2016 1,032.87

W E Batterbee Salary – June 2016 910.38

R Edwards Salary – June 2016 263.60

8 R Reeves Salary – June 2016 968.53

Post Office Ltd. Tax & NIC – June 2016 1,232.00

E.ON Electricity supply - Parish Centre 88.00 (paid by direct debit)

E.ON Gas supply - Parish Centre 68.75 (paid by direct debit)

M J Buddle Reimbursement – key cut 6.00

R Reeves Reimbursement – printer cartridges 26.98

R Reeves Mileage claim 35.10

Total Solutions IT Computer anti-virus protection – December 2015 6.00 Group Ltd (paid by direct debit) (N.B. not paid by direct debit previously)

Murco Fuel (paid by direct debit) 50.11

K Fergusons Ltd Cycles 8 – 14 grasscutting in 2015 814.80

K Fergusons Ltd Cycles 1 – 8 grasscutting in 2016 969.60

Arthur Ibbett Ltd. Mower belts 77.35

SLCC Local Council Administration – latest edition 76.60

Huntingdonshire Contested election recharge fees 2,952.38 District Council

Glasdon UK Ltd. Bin for cemetery 198.85

Cambridge Trees Ltd. Tree surgery at Adams Lyons playground 600.00

Cranbrook Plants Bedding plants and hanging baskets 319.80

ESPO Miscellaneous supplies 229.63

R Reeves Petty cash 30.00

C J Ingle Ltd Downpipes 35.94

Total Solutions IT Computer anti-virus protection – August 6.00 Group Ltd (paid by direct debit)

Total Solutions IT Computer backup online - August 36.00 Group Ltd (paid by direct debit)

9 Total Solutions IT Computer support contract – August 30.00 Group Ltd (paid by direct debit)

Michael Murray Byelaw sign for Jubilee Park 288.00 Signs Ltd.


The Council received the budgetary control statement for June 2016, together with the list of Parish Centre bookings for that month and the budgetary control statement for the first quarter of the year, copies of which had been circulated to all Members.


The Clerk reminded Members that the Council had previously suggested street names for the development south of Station Road in memory of the station commanders at RAF Warboys during the Second World War. Arising from an invitation from David Wilson Homes for a suggested marketing name for the development, Councillor Mrs Cole proposed the name ‘Great Pastures’ which had featured on an old Ordnance Survey map of the site.

The Clerk also reported upon a further approach from the District Council’s street naming section for the Parish Council to suggest names for the two apartment blocks on the estate.


(a) that the name ‘Great Pastures’ be suggested to David Wilson Homes as the marketing name for the development; and

(b) that the Clerk be authorised to submit suggested names for the apartment blocks after consultation with Councillor Mrs Cole.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed.
