University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Large-scale Digitization Project, 2007.


The University of Chicago Library - Center for Children's Books Vol.rr -JALy IIS3 r4o. If

BULLETIN of the Children's Book Center. thorough knowledge of English history at the Published by the University of Chicago Library, time of Nelson for complete understanding that Center for Children's Books. Mary K. Eakin, it will be incomprehensible for most readers in Librarian, this country. Much of the plot development The book evaluations appearing in this BULLETIN hinges on improbable coincidence. Not are made with the advice and assistance of recommended. (Gr.7-9) members of the faculty of the Graduate Library School, the Department of Education, and the Beeler, Nelson Frederick and Branley, Franklyn University Laboratory School. M. Experiments with Airplane Instruments; illus. by Leopold . Crowell, 1953. Published monthly except August. Subscription $2.50. price is $1.75 a year. Checks should be made Easy-to-follow directions for constructing payable to the University of Chicago Library. working models of many kinds of airplane instru* Correspondence regarding the BULLETIN should be ments. Most of the materials required for the addressed to the Center for Children's Books, models will be found around any home. The 5835 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. clear, simple diagrams make the directions easy to follow and the explanations of principles ew Titles for Children and Young People easy to understand. The book contains more in- formation than the title might indicate since Barker, Melvern J. 6 O'Clook Rooster. Oxford, it includes accurate, detailed information 1953. 32p. $2.50. about the basic principles on which airplane Picture-story book of a young city boy who instruments operate. Excellent. (Gr.7-11) visits his country cousin. At first the boy is disturbed by the night noises - the wind whistling Bemelmans, Ludwig. Madeline's Rescue. Viking, in the trees, the crickets chirping, the windmill 1953. 56p. $3. banging, and the early crowing of the rooster. More about Madeline, her eleven school In time he becomes accustomed to the noises and mates, and the long suffering Miss Clavel. thinks that they have stopped because they no This time Madeline falls into the Seine and is longer keep him awake at night. The concept of rescued by the dog, Genevieve, who is promptly the effect of familiarity on a person's awareness adopted by the girls, only to be turned out by of his environment is a subtle one for the picture the trustees. After the girls have searched book age child to grasp. The illustrations are in over all of Paris and returned disconsolate to rather drab colors and are, like the text, some- the school, Genevieve finds her own way home what too sophisticated for the young child. Not and rewards the girls by presenting them with recommended. (Pre-school) "enough hound to go all around." The sequel has somewhat more substance as a story than has Barrett, Anne. Stolen Summer. Dodd, 1953. 236p. Madeline and has the same inimitable humor and $2.50, vitality of both text and illustrations as the Life became a real struggle for Jenny Rivers earlier book. First published in Good House- and her mother after Jenny's father was killed in keeping. (Pre-school - Gr.3) the war. He had been an artist whose work was just beginning to be recognized, and about the Bishop Curtis. Larry of Little League. only thing of value he left his family was one of Steck, 1953. 161p. $2. his last pictures. At the start of one summer, Ten-year-old Larry Scott had little hope of when prospects looked especially bleak, Jenny and making any of the Little League teams sponsored her mother stumbled on to an old English country by the merchants in his section of town, but house in which no one was living, and were given his perseverance and willingness to work hard permission, by the caretaker, to live in it for won him the favor of one of the coaches and a the summer. Mrs. Rivers set about cleaning and spot on that man's team. During the first year restoring the house and its furniture. Jenny Larry's sole contribution to the team was as a embarked on an attempt to solve the mystery of third base coach, but he was happy In that Job the conflict between the two neighboring villages because it helped the team win the town champi- of Starmayne and Stareford; a conflict that dated onship. The subject is interesting but the from the time of Nelson's death at Trafalgar. style is exceedingly sentimental and most ten- 1he basic situation of the story is interesting year-olds will react negatively toLarry's S would have appeal for many American children. incessant weeping. Not recommended. (Gr.4-6) However, so much of the story depends on a - 73 - 74 -

Block, Jean Libman. Linda Jordan: Lawyer. foreman, the weather, and the Indians, suc- Messner, 1953. 1753p. 2.50. ceeded in proving his ability as a sheepherder Run-of-the-mill career story about two and won a permanent job on the ranch, The young law students who succeed in uncovering story is slow-paced but there are some exciting and bringing to justice a Special Prosecutor episodes and the book gives an interesting who is shielding the gang of racketeers he is picture of the Basque people in this country. supposed to be investigating. The story does (Gr.7-9) not give enough actual information about law and lawyers and the implication that students Conger, Marion and Young, Natalie. The Rainy succeed so easily and so spectacularly is mis- Day Play Book; pictures by Corinne Malvern. leading. Not recommended. (Gr.7-9) Simon and Schuster, 1951. 28p. (A Little Golden Book). 8bQ Goldencraft Cloth Binding. Brink, Carol (Ryrie). Family Grandstand; illus. Very slight story of the activities of two by Jean Macdonald Porter, Viking, 1952. young children on a rainy afternoon. Peggy and 208p. $2.50. (D37). Paul are much more adept at coloring, cutting, As Mrs. Ridgeway was wont to say: "We live and building than are most children their age on College Avenue and we have the football and, for average youngsters, tne activities stadium in our laps." To the three Ridgeway suggested in the book will recuire considerably children - ten-year-old George, twelve-year- more adult participation than the story indi- old Susan, and six-year-old Dumpling (original- cates. Calendar type illustrations of children ly christened Irene) - there could be no better who stay spotlessly clean and neat no matter or more exciting place to live. They shared how hard they play. Not recommended. the acedemic ups-and-downs of the current foot- (Fre-school) ball hero who kept their grass cut, and from the high tower on their house they could watch Crisp, Frank. The Sea Robbers; illus, by R. M. all of the football games through their Powers. Coward-McCann, 1953. 247p. $2.75. father's field glasses. Life would have been Melodramatic story of robbery on the hiah perfect if only they could have turned their seas. Dirk Rogers and his cousin, Jim driveway into a parking lot, but their father Cartwright, heroes of Haunted Reef, go through vetoed that action on the grounds that they a series of adventures including shipwreck, must maintain "academic dignity." A lively and murder, and deep sea diving. There is less amusing story of the everyday life of a real- actual diving in this story than in Haunted istic and likable family. (Gr.5-7) Reef. Much of the plot is based on sheer sensationalism. Not recommended. (Gr.7-9) Brown, Margaret Wise and Hurd, Edith Thacher. Seven Little Postmen; pictures by Tibor Crump, Irving, ed. Boys' Life Book of Scout Gergely. Simon and Schuster, 1952. 28p. Stories. , 1953. 219p. 2.50. (A Little Golden Book). 85% Goldencraft Uneven collection of Boy Scout stories Cloth Binding. taken from Boys' Life magazine. Some of the Semi-rhymed prose relating the steps in stories are obviously contrived to present the journey of an airmail letter from a small examples of the spirit of scouting. Not an out- boy to his grandmother whom he is planning to standing collection but one that could be used visit. The text is not always clear although where there is a strong interest in scout work the illustrations help somewhat to overcome its or where there is need for additional snort weaknesses. Schloat's Adventures of a Letter stories. (Gr.7-9) (Soribner 1949) is a better organized and better written book on the same subject. Not Daugherty, James Henry. Trappers and Traders recommended. (Pre-school) of the Far West. Random House, 1952. 181p. (A Landmark Book). $1.50. Brunhoff, Laurent de. Babar's Cousin. That The story of John Jacob Astor's American Rascal Arthur; tr. from the French by Merle Fur Company from the time of the Tonquin's ill- Haas. Random House, 1952. 48p. $1. fated voyage to the betrayal of the Astoria Re-issue, in a slightly different format, fort to the British. The book is primarily of a book first published in this country in concerned with the overland trek of the first 1948. The book is not quite as large as the party of trappers from Montreal to Astoria. earlier edition and libraries will find it The title is somewhat misleading since the book easier to shelve. The story concerns Babar's deals with only one company of trappers and cousin, Arthur, who tries to stow away on an traders and merely mentions in passing the airplane and ends up in the jungle many miles independent trappers of the area. The writing from home. Although the story does not have is not Daugherty's best; it is disjointed and quite the same soarkle as the original Babar occasionally confusing. Not recommended. stories, it will have appeal for Babar fans. (Gr._b-8) (Pre-school) Day, Beth. Joshua Slocum. Sailor; from the Burt, Olive (Woolley). The Oak's Long Shadow; story told by his daughter Jessie Slocum A Story of the Basque Sheepherders in Idaho; Joyce; illus. by Walter F. Buehr. Houghton, illus, by Frederick T. Chapman. Winston, 1953. 248p. 32.75. 1952. 240p,. (Land of the Free Series). A rather uninspired account of the life of $2.75. (D59) locum from the time he ran away from home at Fifteen-year-old Pascual, a Basque immi- the age of twelve until he disappeared at sea grant, came to Boise, Idaho in the late nine- some fifty-four years later. The author has teenth century. He obtained a temporary job not succeeded in capturing the personality of herding sheep for a local rancher and, in the man or the color and vitality of his life. spitb of difficulties with an unscrupulous However, the information.which she gives is - 75 - interesting enough to overcome the rather plod- Disney, Walt. Pluto Pup Goes to Sea; told by ing style and the book could be used to intro- Annie North Bedford; illus, by the Walt uce readers to Slocum's own account of his most Disney Studio; adapted by Yale Gracey. Simon amous voyage as told in Sailing Alone Around and Schuster, 1952. 28p. (A Little Golden the World (Appleton-Century, 1911). (Gr.7-9) Book). 85f Goldeneraft Cloth Binding. Moderately amusing version of the "hero by DeJong, Meindert. Shadrach; pictures by mistake" theme. Pluto goes to sea on a yacht Maurice Sendak. Harper, 1953. 182p. $2.50. and becomes a hero when he is credited with Heart-warming story of a small Dutch boy and attempting to save the life of the ship's cat and his pet rabbit Shadrach. The reader goes and with capturing a robber. In each instance with six-year-old Davie through the agonizingly his original intentions were quite different long week of waiting for Shadrach to arrive, and from those with which he was credited. then shares with him the extremes of pleasure (Pre-school) and despair that the problems of caring for a rabbit bring. The sensitively written story is Disney, Walt. The Ugly Duckling; told by Annie more suited to adults than to children. It is North Bedford; pictures by the Walt Disney excellent for parents' collections both as a Studio; adapted by Don McLaughlin; from the book to add to their understanding of children motion picture "The Ugly Duckling". Simon and as a book for reading aloud in family and Schuster, 1952. 28p. (A Little Golden groups. For the latter use, the appeal will be Book). 85% Goldencraft Cloth Binding. greater for older children than for the six or Another abortive attempt to improve on the seven year olds. work of a well known writer. Not recommended. (Pre-school) Disney, Walt, Mad Hatter's Tea Party; retold by Jane Werner; pictures by the Walt Disney Edwards, Annette. My First Book of Farm Studio; adapted ty Richmond I. Kelsey and Don Animals; pictures by Irma Wilde. Treasure Griffith; from the motion picture based on Books, 1953. 28p. 25%. the story by Lewis Carroll. Simon and Coy illustrations and text describing Schuster, 1951. 28p. (A Little Golden Book) twelve animals that are usually found on a farm, 85$ Goldenoraft Cloth Binding. The same animals, plus one more, are pictured Aside from the names of the characters, the and described in Elting's Who Lives on the Farm story of the Mad Hatter's tea party as told (Wonder Books, 1949). Both the text and the here bears little or no resemblance to the illustrations in the Elting book are well done original. Disney tries hard but Carroll is and its price is no more tnan tnat of tne still infinitely better. Not recommended. Edwards book. Not recommended. (Pre-school) (Pre-school) Elkins, Evelyn. Chuck; A Story of the Florida Disney, Walt. Mickey Mouse and His Space Ship; Pinelands; illus, by John Gretzer, told by Jane Werner; pictures by the Walt Lippinoott, 1953. 211p. $2.?5. Disney Studio; adapted by Milton Banta and An episodic story of a young boy living in John Ushler. Simon and Schuster, 1952. 28p. the Florida Pinelands who overcomes the effects (A Little Golden Book). 85% Goldencraft of polio through his interest in the woods and Cloth Binding. the woods animals around his home. Although it Attempting to cater to the current interest is not. indicated in the book or on the jacket, in science fiction, Disney takes Mickey Mouse one of the cnapters was first published as a on a trip to the moon. The story follows a short story in Thomas' Teen-Age Dog Stories well-worn pattern with Pegleg Pete attempting (Lantern 1949). Some of the episodes are to sabotage the trip and Mickey Mouse and interesting out many of them are too preachy to Donald Duck thwarting the attempt. The story have much appeal. The book lacks coordination has a comic book rather than a space travel and reads more like a series of short stories appeal. (Pre-school) than a novel. Not recommended. (Gr.7-9) Disney, Walt. Noah's Ark; told by Annie North as,Francis Raymond. Let's Explore the Great Bedford; pictures by the Walt Disney Studio Lakes; Stories and Pictures of the Great adapted by Campbell Grant. Simon and Lakes. Whitman, 1953. 79p. $2. Schuster, 1952. 28p. (A Little Golden Book) Brief history and descriptions of the five 85$ Goldencraft Cloth Binding. Great Lakes. Includes the industries fostered A re-telling of the story of the flood. by the lakes and their effect on tne sur- The illustrations are exceptionally good and rounding states. The writing is not out- somewhat make up for the story with its empha- standing but the book will have value because sis on the discontentment and strife among the of its subject. The maps of the individual animals before, during, and after the flood. lakes are quite good, and the poster type (Pre-school) illustrations are clear and detailed. (Gr.4-6)

Disney, Walt. Peter Pan and the Pirates; from Emery, Russell Guy. Relief Pitcher. Macrae, 9 the motion picture 'Peter Pan"; based on the 1953. 18 p. $2.50. story by Sir James M. Barrie; illus, by the When Mitoh Corey, scout for the Hawks, Walt Disney Studios; adapted by Bob Moore. passed up the ace American Legion pitcher, Rex Simon and Sohuster, 1952. 28p. (A Little Elliot, for his rival, Johnny Hyland, every onq Golden Book). 85$ Goldencraft Cloth Binding. including Johnny, thought that Mitch had Crude re-telling of one episode from Peter completely lost his ability to judge ball n. Has none of the charm of the original--- players. For a while it seemed that their Not Recommended. (Pre-school) fears were justified, but eventually Hyland gained the self-confidence he nad previously - 76 - lacked and then his real ability became evident, George, John Lothar and George, Jean. Meph. Reliable baseball and good characterizations. the Pet Skunk; illus. by Jean George. (Gr.7-9) Dutton, 1952. 180p. $2.75. (D39;D47). Young Sycamore Will Lites was ready to run Eschmeyer R. W. Al Alligator; designed and away from home to escape the drudgery of farm illus. by Roy K. Wills. Fisnerman Press, life and his father's bitter unhappiness over 1953. 49p. (True-to-Life Stories). 50$ the way in which the farm was failing. Then paper; $1 cloth. came two events to brighten the boy's life. Semi-fictionalized story of an alligator He found and tamed a baby skunk, and his living in the Okefenokee swamp. The material father sold the farm to a man who was inter- is fairly interesting up to the point where ested in using it as a conservation experiment. Everett and his cousin Jane are brought in - Interwoven into the story of Sycamore and his for no obvious purpose - and then the style family's problems is the story of the skunk, becomes condescending and written-down. Could Meph, and, indirectly, of other wild animals be used as a conservation tract but not for in the area. This inclusion of human beings general library purpose. (Gr.6-8) and their problems as an important part of the story is a major departure from the other books Faulkner, Nancy. The West Is on Your Left by these authors, but the story is as well nd; illus, by John Gretzer. Doubleday, told as the earlier books and, because it will 1953. 210p. $2.50. have appeal both as conservation material and When, in 1753, the Withers family realized as a good story of a young boy's growing up, that the land they had been farming for years may be read even more widely than the earlier was too poor and worn-out to support them any books. (Gr.6-8) longer, they started across the mountains to the Gist settlement in Ohio country. The story Gottlieb, Bill. Laddie and the Little Rabbit. of their trek from near Williamsburg to Gist is Simon and Schuster, 1952. 28p. (A Little told through the adventures of thirteen-year- Golden Book). 85f Goldencraft Cloth Binding, old Tod Withers and his Negro friend and com- Obviously written-to-order story built panion, Fumfire. There are some interesting arouna color photographs of a dog, two descriptions of the country and some glimpses children, and a rabbit. The color photographs of tne major issues of the day. However, the are generally good but the animals are too story as a whole is quite confused and fails highly personified for the story to seem to achieve reality of either onaracters or realistic. Not recommended. (K-Gr.2) incidents. Not recommended. (Gr.7-9) Hogue, Dock. Bob Clifton. African Planter; Friermood, Elisabeth Hamilton. The Wabash illus, by Kurt Wiese. olt, 1953. 152p. Kno the Seoret; illus. by Grace Paull. $2.50. Doubleday, 1951. 239p. $2.50. (D37;D47). Fourth title in the series of stories about Henrietta Hale felt that the Wabash River seventeen-year-old Bob Clifton, who lives with was as much a part of her life as her family or his parents on a coffee plantation in the the house where she had always lived. Because Belgian Congo. This time Bob is in full she loved the river so much, she was certain charge of the plantation while his fatner is that one day it would help her learn the truth in the hospital at Leopoldville. Bob faces about her great-grandfather's murder and the the usual assortment of problems arising from mysterious disappearance of his wheat money. the actions of unscrupulous white men and With the help of a young gypsy boy- and the superstitious natives. The plot is thin, the river - she solves both secrets. Although the characters typed, and many of the episodes are book will be read and enjoyed as a mystery reminiscent of the earlier books. Not story, it is even more important for its ex- recommended. (Gr.7-9) pression of the strong bond between the girl and the river, and the warmth of family re- Holberg, Ruth (Langland). Tam Morgan. the lations. The story takes place in 1892. Liveliest Girl in Salem; illus. by Peter (Gr.7-9) pier. Doubleday, 1953. 224p. $2.50. (D38;D47;D104). Gage, Joseph H. Trail North to Danger; Mystery Ten-year-old Tamesine Morgan was far more in the Yukon; illus, by Taylor Oghton. interested in playing around the Salem water- Winston, 1952. 215p. $2.50. front than in keeping nouse for her father. Steve Blake and his father went to the She had occasional twinges of conscience when Canadian town of Garnet to try to locate her father came home from work to a dirty Steve's Uncle Paul who had disappeared in the house and late meals, or when she observed her Yukon region two weeks before. They knew he best friend, Jeff Carter, smiling too was on the trail of a rich strike but did not pleasantly at neat and pretty young Felicity know what it was until an examination of his Cromwell. In time, Felicity and Tam's new papers led them to believe that he had found a stepmother, Abigail, had a quieting effect on rich uranium deposit. Their search for Uncle the harum-soarum young girl and she learned Paul was hampered by a gang of mining specu- that responsibility was not so onerous after lators who were after the deposit, but they all. A good picture of life in 1789 Salem. finally succeeded in finding the missing man (Gr.5-7) and thwarting his enemies. A good adventure story. (Gr.7-9) Holland, Marion. Billy Had a System. Knopf, 1952. 184p. $2.50. A series of episodes in the life of a -77 - young boy. The chapters first appeared as Jonas, Nita. The Little Golden Book of Dogs; ort stories in Story Parade magazine. The pictures by Tibor Gergely. Simon and tuations lack the spontaneous humor of the Schuster, 1952. 28p. (A Little Golden Book); nry Huggins or Little Eddie stories and are 85% Goldenoraft Cloth Binding. inclined to be smarty rather than genuinely Brief, rather insipid verse describing funny. 4uch of the humor is dependent on twenty-three identifiable breeds of dogs, plus events that cause embarrassment or inconvenience a mongrel. The illustrations are not good to persons other than Billy and his friends. enough to overcome the weakness of the text. Not recommended, (Gr.4-6) Not recommended. (K-Gr.2) House, Wanda Rogers. Peter Goes to School; Jones, Raymond F. Son of the Stars; jacket pictures by Hal W. Doremus. onder Books, illustration by Alex Schomburg. Winston, 1953. 20p. 25%. 1952. 210p. (Winston Science Fiction Series) The adventures of a small boy on his first $2. day in school. Not an outstanding book but A variant on the earth-men exploring Mars one which parents might use to introduce the type of science fiction. This time an inhabi- idea of school to a pre-sohool child. tant of another galaxy comes exploring tne (Pre-sohool) earth, crash lands, and is rescued by a seventeen-year-old American boy. Ron Barron, Hunter, Evan. Find the Feathered Serpent; the American, takes Clonar, the young explorer, jacket design by Harry Enoch arp; end- to his home and tries to protect him from the paper design by Alex Sohomburg. Winston, unintelligent and unscrupulous handling of the 1952. 207p. (Winston Science Fiction local army men and politicans. The author's Series). 2. main thesis is that all national and inter- A fantastic story of a seventeen-year-old national affairs would be better handled by boy who goes with a group of scientists on a high school seniors, who can always be depended time ship expedition to the fifteenth century on to respond reasonably and intelligently to Mayan city of Chichen-Itza in search of the any situation. Not recommended. (Gr.7-9) origin of the legendary god Kukultan. After a series of incredible adventures, including a Kelsey, Alice (Geer). Many Hands in M LayLands meeting with some Norse men who have wandered illus, by Kurt Wiese. Friendship Press, a long way from home, they return to their own 1953. 120p. $2. times only to discover that they had a part in Twelve stories about missionary work in estabiishing the legend. Not recommended. other lands. The stories are not especially (Gr.7-9) inspired but they could be used for missionary units in Sunday Schools. (Gr.4-6) cokson, Kathryn. he Little Eskimo; pictures Sby Leonard Weisgard. Simon and Schuster, Knapp, Sally. Sink the Basket; illus, by 1952. 28p. (A Little Golden Book). 85% Dorothy Bayley Morse. Crowell, 1953. 186p. Goldenoraft Cloth Binding. $2.50. Very slight story of an Eskimo family Kay Nelson was not interested in attending living near the North Pole. For no discerni- college after she graduated from high school. ble reason the name "Eskimo" is printed In fact her only interest at that time was in throughout the book with a lower-case "e'. basketball. Then handsome young Steve Brooks The story has little to recommend it, but came into her life and added two new interests * Leonard Weisgard's illustrations are outstanding himself and the recreation center he directed and could be used to give young readers an idea in one of the poorer sections of the neighboring of how Eskimos live. (Pre-sohool) city. To Kay the center meant, at first, merely a chance to see Steve and to be Jacobs, Helen Hull. Proudly She Servesi The indirectly connected with basketball - through Realistic Story of a Tennis Champon Who the girls' team which she helped to organize. Becomes a WAVE. Dodd 1953. 214p. (A Dodd- However, as she became interested in the girls Mead Career Book). $.50, as individuals she found her own understanding Kay Putnam, one time national woman's of and concern for people broadening out and tennis champion, thought she was giving up eventually she decided to make the center's tournament tennis when she joined the WAVES. work her career. In spite of an obvious After her basic training she was stationed in understanding of the nature of the problems in Washington, D.C. and while there found that she human relations with which she is dealing, the not only had time to play some civilian tennis author fails to achieve more than a superficial at Forest Hills, but could play in tournaments treatment of them, in part because she has too sponsored by the Armed Services' Recreation many of her characters undergo drastic Program. A broken ankle put an end to her plans character changes in an incredibly short time. to play in the All-Service Tournament but was Not recommended. (Gr.7-9) well in time for her to enter the national singles at Forest Hills, which she won. The Lambert, Janet. Rainbow after Rain. Dutton, major emphasis of the story is not on tennis or 1953. 190p. 2.50. the WAVES, but on Kay's love affair. She Tippy Parrish, now recovering from the eventually decides on Ted Beech, even though shock of Ken Prescott's death in Korea, the two of them quarrel every time they get realizes, what has been oovious to the readers together, and the book ends with a wedding in of the past four Tippy books, tnat Peter Jordan Ihe offing. Superficial. Not recommended. is the man she really loves. After a Dit of (Gr.8-10) Jogging by Peter's half-sister Alcie, tne two - 78 - get their emotions straightened out to their greatly to an understanding of tne text. The mutual satisfaction and the book closes on book will make interesting reading both for wedding plans. As in the earlier books, both those who sail and those who merely wish they the plot and characterizations are thin and could sail. (Gr.b-8) lack reality. Basic problems are superficially handled. Not recommended, (Gr.7-9) Luckhardt, Mildred G. Coast Guard to the Rescue; illus. by J. C. Wonsetler. Messner, Leary, Bernice E., Reichert, Edwin C., and 1953. 61p. (An Everyday Adventure Story). Reely, Mary K., eds. Finding Favorites. $1.60. Lippincott 1953. 320p. (Time To Rea Three young children started out in a small Series). 2.65. sail boat one day in defiance of the fact that Making Friends. the Coast Guard had posted storm warnings. Lippincott, 1953. 192p. (Time To Read When they ran into trouble and could not get Series). $2.25. back to shore because of the heavy fog - plus Skioping Along. the fact that they had left their oars on the Lippincott 1953. 256p. (Time To Read dock - a Coast Guard cutter was forced to delay Series). *2.50. a trip to pick up a seriously ill sailor in Three collections of stories and poems in- order to rescue the children. They were de- tended for use at the 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 grade posited at a nearby lighthouse where they levels. Some of the stories were published learned something about the work of the Coast originally as separate picture books, some are Guard as they waited for the weather to clear from other collections, and some are from enough for them to return home. The very magazines. A few of the stories have been foolish and dangerous action of the children slightly re-written, presumably to make them becomes minimized in tne book by the glamor of easier to read. Both the stories and the poems their rescue and their pleasant stay at the vary greatly in quality of writing and in level lighthouse. A straight factual account of the of reading difficulty. The books have a text- work of the Coast Guard would be prereraole. book format and illustrations and are much less Not recommended. (Gr.3-5) attractive than are the picture books in which the stories first appeared. Not recommended. Malvern, Gladys. Hollywood Star. Messner, (Gr.1-3) 1953. 182p. $2.50. Sequel to Prima Ballerina. This time Lewellen, John Byron. The True Book of Honey- Gloria, her mother and her young brother, Phil, bees; illus. by Patricia Jackson. Childrens are in Hollywood where Gloria is to star in Press, 1953. 46p. $2. "The Pavlova Story". There she faces the usual A somewhat simplified description of the problems brought on by her inexperience; her honeybee how it lives and works, and its use- misunderstandings witn ner fiance, Doug fulness to mankind. Although the reading level, Gardener, who is still in ; and all the tested by the Spache formula for primary petty intrigues of Hollywood. An exceedingly materials, is 3.6 (or upper third grade), the superficial story with no real deotn to either material is not well organized and, at times, the plot or the characterizations. Not is so sketchy, that it is more difficult to recommended. (Gr.8-10) read than the better organized, although techni- cally slightly more difficult, Tibbets, First Meige, Cornelia Lynde. The Dutch Colt; illus. Book of Bees (Watts, 1952), which grades 4.Con by George and Doris Hauman. Macmillan, 1952. the Spache formula. The use of a honeycomb 136p. $2. pattern bordering the text on each page gives Eleven-year-old Hugh Andrews lived with his the pages a full, and sometimes crowded effect mother and seven-year-old sister, Gertrude, at that will discourage many third grade readers. Pennsoury, wnere their cousin, James Harrison, The information in the book is accurate and the was caretaker while the owner, William Penn, book could be used by libraries needing was in England. Although Hugh and his sister additional material on the subject. (Gr.3-4) had never met William Penn, they had lived in his house long enougn to become steeped in tne Liers, Emil E. An Otter's Story; illus. by love and affection that people in the neighbor- Tony Palazzo. Viking, 1953. 191p. $2.50. hood had for the man. The story of their A well-written, intensely interesting attempts to help Penn by saving his valuable story of the life of the otter, Ottiga, and colt makes a pleasant piece of period fiction, his family as they journey along the waterways (Gr.4-6) of Upper Michigan and Wisconsin. The writing reflects a warmly sympathetic understanding of Neilson, Frances Fullerton (Jones). Look to the ways of these friendly, playful animals the New Moon. Abelard, 1903. 256p.720O. without ever resorting to sentimentality. The (D107;D109;D134). book should have wide appeal both as conser- Sixteen-year-old Stella Blake was much more vation material and as an entertaining story. at ease with the animals on her family's Palazzo's illustrations capture the charm of Georgia farm than she was with young people ner the animals and of the region in which they own age. When an invitation came to spend a traveled. (Gr.6-8) month with her wealthy aunt and uncle at tneir summer home in Craig Harbor, Maine, her answer Lineaweaver, Marion McLennan. The First Book was no, but her parents insisted tnhat sne of Sailing; pictures by Jack Coggins. Watts, should go. During the month, Stella had some 1953. 69p. $1.75. difficult moments as sne learned to hard way An inrormative, readable presentation of that she must be herself and not a poor imita- the basic principles of small boat sailing. tion of her glamorous cousin, Vicki. A Coggins' clear, diagramatic illustrations add romance with Vicki's young uncle, John Howland - 79 - helped Stella to gain a new perspective of her- trayed and, although the book could be used in Aelf and her cousin. The problems Stella faced libraries needing additional period fiction e ones that many girls must overcome, although involving this particular time and place, it is Wew will have such exotic settings in which to not for general library purchase. (Gr.5-7) solve theirs. Stolz's The Sea Gulls Woke Me (tarper, 1951) is a better written and more Price, Hilda Cumings. No Way Back; A Story of mature presentation of similar problems. the Civil War in England in the Reign of King Not recommended. (Gr.8-10) Charles the First; illus, by Christine Price. Dutton, 1953. 192p. $2.50. Otteson, Madalene. Big Dog Tiny; Exposition A romance of the days of King Charles the Press, 1952. 35p. 12. First. Margaret Massinger, her orother Roger, A small boy is given a small dog that keeps and her father were staunch backers of John outgrowing its house, much to the consternation Hampden and Oliver Cromwell in the struggle of Dotn the ooy and the dog. The dog turns out between the Roundheads and the Cavaliers. to be a Saint Bernard and when it nas reached Harry Styles, close friend of Margaret and full growth the boy's father steps in and Roger, was fighting on the side of the solves the house situation by building a large Cavaliers. Although the three were strongly and strong house that just fits. Much of the loyal to their chosen sides, they managed to intended humor of the story comes from the keep their friendship from reaching the fact that every time the boy added another part breaking point, and after the war Margaret and on to the house he painted it a different color. Roger were married. The writing is so uneven Since the illustrations are all in black and that the reader is never certain just what the white, the effectiveness of this part of the conflict was all about. Not recommended. story is lost completely. The story is too (Gr.7-9) drawn out, with the result that the humor becomes forced. Not recommended. (Gr.2-4) Rutley, Cecily M. The Squirrel, the Mole and the Harvest Mouse; pictures by Joyce Davies. Paull, Grace A. The Little Twin. Doubleday, Warne, 1952. 52p. (Tales of the Wild Folk). 1953. 32p. $1.50. 75%. The triumph of the underdog. When the cow, Another title in the "Tales of the Wild Rhoda, had twin calves, Benny's father gave him Folk" series. Like the other books,in the one for his 4-H project. Young Tommy also series, this one contains three separate wanted a calf but he was too young to belong to stories, one about each of the animals named in the 4-H Club and, according to Benny, too young the title. The animals are highly personified to be trusted with a calf. Their father agreed and the stories are not acceptable as either (ith Benny, but he was willing for Tommy to nature study material or as animal stories. Ip care for and train the second twin - with Not recommended. (Gr.3-5) lenty of adult supervision. When the 4-H Fair was held in September, Tommy surprised himself Scott, Sally. Jonathan; pictures by Beth Krushb and the family by almost winning an award with Harcourt, 1953. 64p. $2. his calf. Only the fact that he was still too Jonathan is a thoroughly independent cat young to be a Club member kept him from winning. who picks out a family he would like to live Young boys with older brothers will be es- with and moves in even though they do not pecially appreciative of the story. (K-Gr.l) particularly want him. Some of the episodes in the story are quite true to cat nature, but Peare, Catherine Owens. John James Audubon. His others are equally unrealistic, and the unreal- ife; illus. by Margaret Ayer. Holt, 19531 istic ones outnumber the real. Not recommended. (Gr.2-4) A biography of Audubon that takes him from his early childhood in France to his death in Smith, Robert. Heroes of Baseball; illus. by this country in 1851. The author gives a well- Russell Gale. World, 1953. 224p. $2.50. rounded picture of Audubon both as a man and as Brief accounts of the contributions made by an artist-naturalist. She does not gloss over thirty-two major league baseball players to the his faults nor does she over-emphasize them. development of the game. The title is mislead- The writing is somewhat pedestrian and gives ing since the greater proportion of the men the effect of being consciously written for were pioneers rather than heroes. The style of young readers. The book is, however, better writing wavers between the excessively stilted written than many of the biographies that are and the excessively slangy. Not recommended. written for this age level, and it is the only (Gr.8-10) reasonably good biography of Audubon for young readers that is in print. (Gr.4-6) Ulrich, Homer. Famous Women Singers. Dodd, 1953. 127p. $2.50. Phelps, Margaret. Territory Boy; illus. by Brief sketches of the lives of fifteen Evelyn Copelman. Maorae, 1953. 224p. $2.75. famous women singers, with the emphasis on Thirteen-year-old Jode Woodbridge, his their singing careers. Included are: Jenny mother and his six-year-old sister Honeybell, Lind, Adelina Patti, Lillian Nordica Marcella traveled from Indiana to Phoenix, Arizona in Sembrich, Emma Calve, Nellie Melba, Ernestine 1875 to Join Mr. Woodbridge who had gone out Schumann-Heink, Mary Garden, Geraldine Farrar, two years earlier. After withstanding the Amelita Galli-Curci, Kirsten Flagstad, Marian hardships of the long trip out, the family were Anderson, Lily Pons, Rise Stevens, and Dorothy fitterly disappointed not to find Mr. Woodbridge Kirsten. The writing is not outstanding but liting at Phoenix although he returned within the information is accurate enough to give the a short time. Neither the characters nor the book some reference value. Birth dates for the incidents are particularly realistically por- last four singers are not included. (Gr.7-9) BULLETIN OF THE CHILDREN'S BOOK CENTER Published by The University of Chicago Library - Center for Children's Books

INDEX, VOL. VI Babar the King. Brunhoff. 6b September 1952-July 1953 Babar's Cousin, That Rascal Arthur. Brunhoff. 74 Baby's Day. Edwards. 75 A for the Ark. Duvoisin. 31 BAILEY, C. S. Candle for Your Cake. 12 ACKER. The School Train. 73 BAILEY, J. Cherokee Bill, Oklahoma Pacer. 1 ADAMS. Children and the City. 20 BAKER, M. J. Benbow and the Angels. 1 ADLER. The Secret of Light. 37 BAKER, N. B. Boy for a Man's Job. 2 Adventures at Friendly Farm. How. 6 SStory of Abraham Lincoln. 64 Adventures of Kenji of Japan. Nevins. 18 BAKER. R. M. Sigmund Freud. 37 Adventures of Walter M. Duffle Duff. Kelley, BALCH. Midnight Colt. 49 33 Squaw Boy. 21 AESOP. Fables. 56 BALDWIN. At Bat with the Little League. 80 AGLE. Three Boys and a Tugboat. 56 BALLER. Hoppie the Hopper. 56 Al Alligator. Esohmeyer. 76 Ballet in the Barn. Woody. 28 ALDIS. We're Going to Town. 37 Ballet School Mystery. White. 54 Alfred and the Saint. Willis. 41 BANNON. Best House in the World. 12 All about Eggs. Selsam. 70 BARBE. High Interest, Low Ability Level All Kinds of Babies and How They Grow. Selsam. Reading Materials. 81 70 Bar-Face. Person. 70 Allan and Trisha Visit Science Park. Harrison BARKER. i O'Clock Rooster. 73 and Washburn. 58 BARNUM. Little Old Truck. 73 ALLEN. Flicker's Feather. 64 BARR. Fireman Fred. 2 Alligators and Crocodiles. Zim. 10 BARRETT, A. Stolen Summer. 73 Amahl and the Night Visitors. Menotti. 40 BARRETT, S. L. Leaf of Gold. 21 Amanda, Amelia, and Abigail. King. 68 BARRIE. Peter Pan. 12 Amos the Beagle with a Plan. Parke. 69 Bartholomew the Beaver. Dixon. 58 ANDERSEN. Fairy Tales. 30;37. BARTLETT. Busy Book. 12 ANDERSON, B. B. Secret of the Old Books. 56 Basketball Scandal. Waldman. 54 ANDERSON, E. T. Summer in Their Eyes. 1 Battle of the Books. Haefner. 81 ANDLER. Stolen Spruce. 1 BAUERNFEIND. Your Problems: How To Handle ANDREWS. Messenger by Night. 56 Them. 72 Animal Stories. Doloh. 55 BAUM. Emerald City of Oz. 73 Annotated List of Books for Supplementary Road to Oz. 73 Reading, Kindergarten-Grade 9. Cadwallader. - . Tin Woodman of Oz. 73 29 Beach Boy. Beim. 2 Annotated List of Phonograph Records. 42 BEALS. Stephen F. Austin, Father of Texas. 56 Annotated List of Phonograph Records. Freeman. Bear Named Grumms. White. 62 55 Beard, Dan. Mason. 78 Annual Rating of Comic Books. 48 Bears on Hemlock Mountain. Dalgliesh. 4 Ape in a Cape. Eichenberg. 23 BEATTY. Bronto. 21 Appraisal of the Interest Appeal of Illustra- Saint Francis and the Wolf. 56 tions. Whipple. 48 Beuti•ful Ship. Prescott. 8 Are the Schools Meeting the Child's Needs? 48 BECHDOLT. Runaway from Riches. 30 Ark. Benary-Isbert. 64 Beckoning Hills. Gage. 44 Arne and the Christmas Star. Seymour. 35 BEDFORD. Frosty, the Snow Man. 73 ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL. Bee the Wasp, and the Dragonfly. Rutley. 79 Bibliography of Books for Children. 55 BEELER. Experiments with Airplane Instruments. At Bat with the Little League. Stotz and 73 Baldwin. 80 BEERS. Book of Hugh Flower. 30 Atomic Experiments for Boys. Yates. 47 Before I Go To Sleep. Blyton. 49 ATWATER. Rustlers on the High Range. 49 BEGBIE. Freelance the Pony. 12 Audubon, John James. Peare. 79 Beginner's Luck. Malet. 46 Austin Stephen F. Beals. 56 Behind the Bat. Bowen. 65 AVERILL. Jenny's Adopted Brothers. 1 BEIM) J., Beach Boy. 2 AYER. Wish That Went Wild. 64 .0. Erio on 'the Desert. 56 Brother. 2 Babar and Father Christmas. Brunhoff. 31 .... Kid -80 - - 81 - BEIM, L. L. Sunshine and Shadow. 21 BLOUGH. Tree on the Road to Turntown. 49 BELL. Kit Carson, Mountain Man. 2 Blow the Man Down. Vipont. 20. loved Son. Wagstaff. 71 BLYTON. Before I Go To Sleep. 49 MELTING. In Enemy Hands. 73 . Circus of Adventure. 65 BEMELMANS. Happy Place. 12 Boats. Laohman. 17 _____. Madeline's Rescue. 73 Bob Clifton, African Planter. Hogue. 76 BENARY-ISBERT. Ark. 64 Bob White. Eschmeyer. 58 Benbow and the Angels. Baker. 1 Bobby's Happy Day. Evers. 75 BENDICK. First Book of Airplanes. 2 Bold Venture. Jackson. 16 . First Book of Space Travel. 64 Book of Hugh Flower. Beers. 30 .ENTE4.Program for Christine. 64 Book of Pets. House. 45 BERG. Traveling Twins. 56 Book of Ralf. Garrard. 44 BERQUIST. Speckles Goes to School. 2 Book of the Seasons. Garnett. 75 BERTAIL. Goody. 57 Books for Young People, 1953. 48 Best House in the World. Bannon. 12 Books to Help Build International Understanding. BETENSON. Tale of Two Collies. 65 Beust and Broderick. 11 BETHEA. Understanding Politics. 29 Boone, Daniel. Brown. 43 Betsy and the Great World. Lovelace. 34 Border Bullets. Dean. 66 BEUSCHLEIN. Free and Inexpensive Materials for BOTHWELL. Paddy and Sam. 2 Conservation Education. 63 . Story of India. 30 . ree and Inexpensive Teaching BOWEN. Behind the Bat. 65 Materials for Science Education. 72 . Canyon Fury. 57 BEUST. Books to Help Build International Under-. Boie James. Winders. 71 standing. 11 Boy at the Swinging Lantern. Lynon. 6b BEYER. Happy Animal Families. 49 Boy for a Man's Job. Baker. 2 BIALK. Colt of Cripple Creek. 57 Boy Scout Encyclopedia. Grant. 45 S Silver Purse. 21 Boy Trouble. du Jardin. 50 Bble Stories. Jones. 59 Boy Who Stole the Elephant. Kohler. 24 Bible Story Book. Egermeier. 66 BOYLE. Timothy's Twelve Months. 22 Bibliography of Books for Children. Associa- BOYLES. Popcorn Party. 57 tion for Childhood Education International. BOYLSTON. Sue Barton, Staff Nurse. 30 55 Boys' Life Book of Scout Stories. Crump. 74 Bibliography of Reading Lists for Retarded Bradford, William. Smith. 71 Readers. Hill. 81 BRADY, Intergroup Education in Public Schools. Bibliography of Textbooks in the Social Studies 55 1951-1952. Spieseke. 63 BRANDES. Selected Bibliography of Recreational ibliotherapy in the Middle Grades. Lindahl Mathematics Publications. 63 Sand Koch. 48 BRANLEY. Experiments with Airplane Instruments. Bicycle in the Sky. Brown. t5 73 Big Book of Favorite Bible Stories. Juergens. Brave Little Duck. Conkling. 57 76 BRAVERMAN. Children of Freedom. 65 Big Book of Favorite Hymns and Psalms. BRENNER. Hero by Mistake. 74 Sheldon. 61 BREWER. Mysterious Treasure of Cloud Rock. 65 Big Book of Real Jet Planes. Knight. 17 BREWSTER. First Book of Eskimos. 2 Big Book of Real Streamliners. Zaffo. 71 BRIER. Cinder Cyclone. 57 Big Book of the Wild West. Fletcher. 15 BRIGGS, B. N. Charles Willson Peale. 74 Big Dog Tiny. Otteson. 79 BRIGGS, D. B. Noah's Ark. 13 Big Mose. Shippen. 70 BRIGHT. Richard Brown and the Dragon. 13 Big Steve. Bloch. 65 Bright Days. Chastain. 14 Big Tiger and Christian. MKhlenweg. 40 BRILEY. Three Grandmothers Flew South. 30 Big Treasure Book of Mother Goose. Mother Bringing Up Parents. Rubenz. 47 Goose. 52 BRINK. Family Grandstand. 74 Biggest Bear. Ward. 36 BRO. Stub. 43 Bill Bergson Master Detective. Lindgren. 34 BROCK. Kristie's Buttercup. 13 Billy Had a System. Holland. 76 BRODERICK, G. G. Books to Help Build Inter- Biquette the White Goat. Francoise. 58 national Understanding. 11 Birds and Planes. Lewellen. 77 5- . Radio and Television Bibliography. Birds and Their Nests. Earle. 4 5 • Birthday of Little Jesus. North, 35 BRODERICK, J. P. Hide-Away Puppy. 57 Birthdays of Freedom. Foster. 44 BROMHALL. Chipmunk That Went to Church. 22 BISHOP, C. Larry of Little League. 73 BRONSON. Rogue's Valley. 13 BISHOP, C. H. Twenty and Ten. 22 Bronto. Beatty. 21 BISHOP, R. W. Stepping Stones to Light. 65 Brother Scouts. Reynolds. 53 BLaCK. Pudge. 73 BROWN, B. Roaring River. 74 Black Beauty. Sewell. 40 BROWN, J. M. Daniel Boone. 43 Black Sombrero. Ward. 20 BROWN, M. M. Frontier Beacon. 65 Black Stallion's Filly. Farley. 5 BROWN, M. W. Child's Good Morning. 30 Black Tiger. Hinkle. 24 _ Christmas in the Barn. 13 BLEEKER. Cherokee. 2 • Duck. 65 Crow Indians. 49 . Little Fireman. 37 iTC.I Big Steve. 65 Mieter Dog. 74 HLOCK, I. Real Book about Ships. 49 __ Noon Balloon. 30 . Real Book about the Mounties. 12 _ ". Seven Little Postmen. 74 BCK, J. L. Linda Jordan: Lawyer. 74 ___ . Sleepy ABC. 50 - 82 -

BROWN, M. W. Summer Noisy Book. 3 Children's Preferences for Pictures of Varied BROWN, R J. Bicycle in the Sky. 65 Complexity of Pictorial Pattern. French, 56 BROWNING. Busy Bulldozer. 13 Child's Book of Knitting. Jay. 16 BRUNHOFF, L de. Babar and Father Christmas. Child's Book of Old Verses. Smith. 10 31 Child's Good Morning. Brown. 30 . Babar the King. 65 Chipmunk That Went to Church. Bromhall. 22 . Story of Babar the Little Elephant, Chocolate Touch. Catling. 3 13 Choosing and Using Free and Inexpensive BRUNHOFF, L. de. Babar's Cousin, That Rascal Materials. 20 Arthur. 74 Chosen Boy. Long. 40 Bugs Bunny and the Indians. Warner Bros. Christmas in the Barn. Brown. 13 Cartoons, 20 Christmas Is Coming. Martin. 34 BULLA. Eagle Feather. 74 Chuck. Elkins. 75 . Johnny Hong of Chinatown. 13 Cinder Cyclone. Brier. 57 Bun, a Wild Rabbit. Lippincott. 77 Circus of Adventure. Blyton. 65 Bunche, Ralph J. Kugelmass. 39 City of Frozen Fire. Wilkins. 10 BURKE. Thanks to Letty. 22 CLARK. Little Dude. 3 BURLINGAME. Mosquitoes in the Big Ditch. 13 Classroom Breakfast Party and Other Classroom BURT. Oak's Long Shadow. 74 Activities for Grades 1, 2, 3. Oftedal. 29 BURTON. Mabelle the Cable Car. 31 CLEARY. Henry and Beezus, 3 Busy Book. Bartlett and Pease. 12 CLEVEN. Secret of the King's Field, 38 Busy Bulldozer. Browning. 13 Clipper Ship Days. Jennings. 39 Butterfly, the Ant, and the Grasshopper. Coast Guard to the Rescue. Luckhardt. 78 Rutley. 79 COGGINS. By Space Ship to the Moon. 22 BUTTERS. Calico Year. 66 COLBY. Children's Book Field. 81 By Space Ship to the Moon. Coggins and Pratt. COLEMAN. Sierra Quest. 74 22 COLLIER. Story of Buffalo Bill. 43 Colt of Cripple Creek. Bialk. 57 CADWALLADER. Annotated List of Books for Columbus, Finder of the New World. Syme. 19 Supplementary Reading, Kindergarten-Grade 9. COLVER. Joan Foster, Bride. 22 29 Come Chucky, Come. Snow. 27 CAFFREY. Penny's Worth. 57 COMEA. First Performance. 34 Calico Year. Butters. 66 Community Youth Development Program. Calling Doctor Marcia. Mallette. 26 Havighurst. 11 CAMPBELL. Seven Secrets of Somewhere Lake. 13 CONGER. Rainy Day Play Book. 74 Candle for Your Cake. Bailey. 12 CONKLING. Brave Little Duck, 57 Candle in the Night. Howard. 6 Conquest of the North and South Poles. Owen. Canyon Fury. Bowen. 57 46 Cap for Corrine. Macdonald. 7 COOKE. Little Wolf Slayer. 3 Captain Apple's Ghost. Lampman. 33 COOMBS. Young Readers Indoor Sports Stories. Captain Ramsay's Daughter. Torjesen. 71 57 Captain's House, Kyle. 68 SYoung Readers Railroad Stories. 66 GARDEN. Vanilla Village. 22 Young Readers Sports Treasury. 43 CARHART. Son of the Forest. 14 Young Readers Water Sports Stories. CARLSON. Milestone. 37 31 Carnival of Books. 11;29;72 COOPER. Pat's Harmony. 3 CARROLL. Salt and Pepper. 14 CORCOS. Joel Gets a Haircut. 43 CARSE. Great Venture. 14 CORMACK. Timber Jack. 38 Carson, Christopher. Bell. 2 Coronation Book. Wibberley. 71 Carvers' George. Means. 40 CORYELL. Terry and the Mysterious Monkey. 74 CATLING. Chocolate Touch. 3 COURNOS. Famous British Novelists. 22 CAVANNA. Lasso Your Heart. 14 COUSINS. Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia. 38 Center Ice. Harkins. 24 COY. First Book of Presidents. 3 Challenge to Babs. Wallace. 41 _. Real Book about Andrew Jackson. 22 CHAPMAN. Girl's Book of Embroidery. 74 SReal Book about Rivers. 50 . Girl's Book of Sewing. 14 Crack of the Bat. Fenner. 23 Charlotte's Web. White. 36 CRAIG. Julie. 50 CHASE. Mrs. MoThing. 37 CRAMPTON. Funny Fixes of the Floogle Family. CHASTAIN. Bright Days. 14 14 Cherokee. Bleeker. 2 CRAWFORD. Elizabeth the Queen. 74 Cherokee Bill, Oklahoma Pacer. Bailey. 1 CRISP. Haunted Reef. 4 CHILD STUDY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Holiday Sea Robbers. 74 Storybook. 14 Crissy at the Wheel. Lawrence. 17 Children and the City. Adams. 20 CRIST. Good Ship Spider Queen. 66 Children and Their Books. Lewis. 25 Crow Indians. Bleeker, 49 Children of Freedom. Braverman. 65 CRUMP. Boys' Life Book of Scout Stories. 74 Children of the Great Smoky Mountains. Justus. Crusade and the Cup, Meigs. 8 456 Cub Scout. Tousey. 10 Children's Book Field. Colby. 81 Cub Scout at Last! Felsen. 38 Children's Books. Newman. 36 Curious George Rides a Bike. Rey. 26 Children's Books 1951-52. 36 Current Books. Junior Booklist. 11;81 Children's Interests and a Free-Reading Program. Current Books. Senior Booklist. 11;81 Smiley. 55 - 83 - Curriculum Unit on the Conservation of Natural ECKERT. What You Should Know about Parent- Resources. 11 hood. 81 aithbert. Dearborn. 43 EDEL. Story of People. 50 EDELL. Present from Rosita. 50 DALE. Reading - One Way To Communicate. 55 Edison Thomas Alva. Weir. 62 DALGLIESH. Bears on Hemlock Mountain. 4 EDMONDS. Dramatic Play from Books. 63 Danny Boy the Picture Pony. Goudey. 15 EDSALL. Our Auto Trip. 15 DAUGHERTY. Trappers and Traders of the Far Education for Citizenship. Keohane. 36 West. 74 EDWARDS, A. Baby's Day. 75 DAVIS, H. J. Teaching Reading the A-V Way. 55 S My First Book of Farm Animals. 75 DAVIS, L. R. Secret of Donkey Island. 43 EDWARDI, C. P. Party for Suzanne. 4 DAVIS, M. 0. Pinkie. 38 EDWARDS, M. A. HOW o I Love Thee? 29 DAWSON. Mr. Wicker's Window. 31 EGERMEIER. Bible Story Book. 6b DAY. Joshua Slocum, Sailor. 74 Egypt. Taylor. 80 DayAfter Tomorrow. Knight. 39 EHRLICH. Horse for the Island. 23 DAN. Border Bullets. 66 EICHENBt!RG. Ape in a Cape. 23 Dear Little Deer. Lindman. 77 ELAM. Teen-Age Science Fiction Stories. 4 DEARBORN. Cuthbert.. 43 Elementary Libraries Can Wait No Longer. DECKER. Switch Hitter. 74 Pilson. 55 Deep Danger. White. 62 Elementary School Science Library for 19b1- Deep Short. Scholz. 19 1952. Kambly. 63 Deer Mountain Hideaway. Lansing. 68 Elephants, Elephants, Elephants. Fenner. 44 DEHKES. Young Viking Warrior. 57 Elizabeth Enters. Johnston. 76 DEJONG Shadrach. 75 Elizabeth the Queen. Crawford. 74 DEL RE . Marooned on Mars. 75 ELKINS. Chuck. 75 . irate Flag for Monterey. 14 ELMS. Let's Explore the Great Lakes. 75 DENAN." Law. 66 ELTING. Machines at Work. 50 Denny's Story. Smith. 9 . Ships at Work. 50 de REGNIERS. Giant Story. 66 . Trains at Work. 44 Design for Elementary Libraries. 29 .____. Trucks at Work. 44 DEUTSCH. Tales of Faraway Folk. 43 Emerald City of Oz. Baum. 73 Developing Responsibility in Children. Foster. EMERY, A. Scarlet Royal. 23 81 .Vagabond Summer. bb Developmental Tasks and Education. Havighurst. ~E, R. G. Relief Pitcher. 75 11 EMETT, New World for Nellie. 15 AIETZ. Jeff White: Young Lumberjack. 58 End of a Golden String. Girvan. 32 ILLIARD. Twins of Old Flatbush. 38 EPPENSTEIN. Sally Goes to the Circus Alone. ISNEY. Mad Hatter's Tea Party. 75 31 4 Mickey Mouse and His Space Ship. 74 EPSTEIN. Real Book about Pirates. 75 4 Noah's Ark. 75 SReal Book about Spies. 50 . Peter Pan and the Pirates. 75 Eric on the Desert. Beim. 56 . Pluto Pup Goes to Sea. 75 ERICKSON. True Book of Animals of Small Pond. .Ugly Duckling. 75 75 DIXO. Bartholomew the Beaver. 58 ESCHMEYER. Al Alligator. 76 Doctor Dolittle's Puddleby Adventures. Lofting. . Bob White. 58 17 . Willie Whitetail. 75 Dogs in the Family. Musgrave. 26 Even Steven. Will and Nicolas. 28 DOLCH. Animal Stories. 55 EVERS. Bobby's Happy Day. 75 . olk Stories. 55 . Little Engine That Laughed. 66 "Why" Stories. 55 Everybody's Island. Lillie. 59 DWONAE. A Problem in Developmental Reading. 63 Experiments with Airplane Instruments. Beeler Donkey. MacIsaac and Fitch. 45 and Branley. 73 Donny and Company. Kinsey. 68 Don't Cry Little Girl. Lambert. 7 Fables. Aesop. 56 DOWNEY. Trail of the Iron Horse. 31 Fair World for All. Fisher. 23 Downy Woodpecker. Sears. 80 Fairy Tales. Andersen. 30;37 Dramatic Play from Books. Edmonds. 63 Family Grandstand. Brink. 74 DRAPER. Ridge Willoughby. 38 Famous British Novelists. Cournos and Norton. Dream Gold. Severn. 35 22 Drummer of Vincennes. Sentman. 9 Famous Women Singers. Ulrich. 79 Duck. Brown. 65 FARLEY. Black Stallion's Filly. 5 du JARDIN. Boy Trouble. 50 Farm Animals. Ratzesberger. 60 _ Marcy Catches Up. 15 Fast Iron. Mays. 78 Dutch Colt. Meigs. 78 FAULKNER. West Is on Your Left Hand. 76 DUVOISIN. A for the Ark. 31 FELSEN. Cub Scout at Last! 38 . Petunia's Christmas. 23 FENNER. Crack of the Bat. 23 __. Elephants, Elephants, Elephants. 44 EAGER. Mouse Manor. 4 t Ghosts, Ghosts, Ghosts. 44 Eagle Feather. Bulla. 74 Fighting Halfback. Richard. 26 , 0. L. Birds and Their Nests. 4: Find the Feathered Serpent. Hunter. 77 . Robins in the Garden. 58 Finding Favorites. Leary, Reichert, and Reely. , V. My Friend Johnny. 31 78 Earth Adventures of Ollibolly the Moon Man. FINE. Truth about Schoolbook Censorship. 55 Tweed. 41 - 84 -

Fireman Fred. Barr. 2 FREEMAN, W. S. Great Composers. 5 Firestone, Harvey. Lief. 7 FREER. Gay Enterprises. 67 First Book of Airplanes. Bendick. 2 FRENCH. Children's Preferences for Pictures of First Book of Bees. Tibbets. 36 Varied Complexity of Pictorial Pattern. 36 First Book of Bridge. Sheinwold. 53 Freud Sigmund. Baker. 37 First Book of Eskimos. Brewster. 2 FREUN6. Wanted: More Librarians. 63 First Book of Japan. Mears. 78 FREY. River Horse. 75 First Book of Negroes, Hughes. 32 FRIEDMAN, F. Pat and Her Policeman. 44 First Book of Presidents. Coy. 3 FRIEDMAN R. Tim Tomkins, Circus Boy. 5 First Book of Puppets. Jagendorf. 45 FRIERMOO40. Geneva Summer. 32 First Book of Sailing. Lineaweaver. 78 . Wabash Knows the Secret. 76 First Book of Science Experiments. Wyler. 47 Frog, the Horse That Knew No Master. Meek. 4 First Book of Space Travel. Bendick. 64 From Bobcat to Wolf. 'tardner. 5 First Book of Trucks. Tatham. 35 From These Comes Music. Stoddard. 54 First Book of Water. Norling. 35 Frontier Beacon. Brown. 65 First Performance. MacAlvay and Comer. 34 FROST. Little Fox. 23 Fish Hawk's Nest. Meader. 34 . Rocket Away! 67 FISHER, A. L. Up the Windy Hill. 75 Frosty, the Snow Man. Bedford. 73 FISHER, D. F. C. Fair World for All. 23 Fun for Young Collectors. Leeming. 59 FITCH. Donkey. 45 Fun in American Folk Rhymes. Wood. 28 . For a Penny. 45 Fun-Time Puppets. Rasmussen. 19 . Grandma. 46 Fun with Ballet. Freeman. 32 . Jungle Jingle. 46 Fun with Mathematics. Meyer. 46 Five Against Venus. Latham. 77 Functional School Libraries: Quarters and Five Little Monkeys. Kepes. 24 Equipment. 42 Flags of All Nations. 48 Functional School Library. 48 FLETCHER. Big Book of the Wild West. 15 Funny Fixes of the Floogle Family. Crampton. Flicker's Feather. Allen. 64 14 FLOHERTY. Get That Story. 15 Funny Squirrel. Stewart. 47 ____ . Search and Rescue at Sea. 58 Fur Brigade. Reynolds. 70 Flying Windmills. Ross. 79 FURMAN. Teen-Age Horse Stories. 15 Folk Stories. Dolch. 55 Folklore for Children and Young People. G ER. Holidays Around the World. 67 Ramsey. 11 GAG. Four Legs and a Tail. 58 Follow the Sunset. Schneider. 53 GAGE. Beckoning Hills. 44 Fools over Horses. Watson. 36 . Trail North to Danger. 76 For a Penny. MaoIsaac and Fitch. 45 Galileo, First Observer of Marvelous Things. Forge for Heroes. Hungerford. 32 Levinger. 33 Fork in the Trail. Gendron. 5 GALLAGHER. Your Child's Health. 29 FOSTER, C. Developing Responsibility in Games for Children. Kohl and Young. 77 Children. 81 Garden We Planted Together. United Nations. 20 FOSTER, D. V. L. Tell Me Little Boy. 66 GARDNER. From Boocat to Wolf. 5 FOSTER, G. S. Birthdays of Freedom. 44 GARNETT. Book of the Seasons. 75 Four Legs and a Tail. Gag. 58 GARRARD. Book of Ralf. 44 FRAHM. Thirty-Six Ills of Books. 36 GARRETT. Polly Roughhouse. 5 FRANCIS, H. D. Phantom Steer. 61 GARST. Texas Trail Drive. 15 FRANCIS, S. R. Goat That Went to School. I58 GAULT. Thunder Road. 38 FRANQOISE. Biquette, the White Goat. 58 Gay Enterprises. Freer. 67 FRANKEL. 101 Best Action Games for Boys 6 1to 12. GENDRON. Fork in the Trail. 5 5 Geneva Summer. Friermood. 32 S101 Best Games for Girls 6 to 12. 38 GEORGE. Meph the Pet Skunk. 76 Franklin, Benjamin. Cousins. 38; Ross. 51 GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS. Free and FRANKLIN, G. C. Pancho. 75 Inexpensive Learning Materials. 20 . Shorty's Mule. 15 Get That Story. Floherty. 15 FRAYTDAS Hoppy, the Curious Kangaroo. 5 Getting Along with Parents. Whiteside-Taylor. FRAZIER. Little Rhody. 66 29 Free and Inexpensive Learning Materials. George Getting To Know Korea. Tor. 80 Peabody College for Teachers. 20 Gettysburg. Kantor. 76 Free and Inexpensive Materials for Conservation. Ghosts, Ghosts, Ghosts. Fenner. 44 Beuschlein. 63 GIANAKOULIS. Land and People of Greece. 23 Free and Inexpensive Science Materials for the Giant of the Yards. Neyhart. 18 Elementary Teacher. Stough. 63 Giant Story. de Regniers. 66 Free and Inexpensive Teaching Aids for the Gingerbread Shop. Travers. 71 Language Arts. Suloway. 48 Girl Trouble. Summers. 62 Free and Inexpensive Teaching Materials for Girl's Book of Embroidery. Chapman. 74 Science Education. Beusohlein and Sanders. Girl's Book of Sewing. Chapman. 14 72 Girl's Handbook of Play Ideas and Things-To-Do. Freedom to Learn: Censorship in Learning Horowitz. 32 Materials. Serviss. 63 GIRVAN. End of a Golden String. 32 FREEHOF. Star Light Stories. 31 Glob. O'Reilly. 18 Freelance the Pony. Begbie. 12 Go with the Sun. Schlein. 27 FREEMAN, M. B. Fun with Ballet. 32. Goat That Went to School. Francis. 58 FREEMAN, W. S. Annotated List of Phonograph God Loves You. Marshall. 78 Records. 55 God Planned It That Way. Muller. 18 - 85 - GOLDBERG. Wait for tne Rain. 23 Helping Brothers and Sisters Get Along. Puner. olden Stallion's Revenge. Montgomery. 60 29 ood Reading for You. 72 Helping Children Solve Proolems. Strang. 72 Food Ship Spider Queen. Crist. 66 HENDERSON. When the Mississippi Was Wild. GOODWIN. Real Book about Space Travel. 76 Henry and Beezus. Cleary. 3 Goody. Bertail. 57 Henry, the Hand Painted Mouse. Merrill and Goomer. Waldman. 10 Solbert. 8 GORHAM. Real Book about Indians. 51 Here Comes Mrs. Goose. Potter. 60 Real Book of American Tall Tales. 58 Hero by Mistake. Brenner. 74 WTTLITEB. Laddie and the Little Rabbit. 76 Heroes of Baseball, Smith. 79 GOUDEX. Danny Boy, the Picture Pony. 15 HEROLD. Joan, Maid of France. 51 GOUDGE. Valley of Song. 67 HEUMAN. Junior Quarterback. 6 GOVAN. Super-Duper Car. 18 Hickory Wings. Philorook. 46 Tilly's Strange Secret. 44 Hide-Away Puppy. Broderick, 57 GIAM A.*, P. Lafayette, Friend of America. 16 High Interest, Low Ability Level Reading GRAHAM, J. S. Secret of Plenty House. 67 Materials. Barbe. 81 GRAHAM, V. M. Treasure in the Covered Wagon. High School Ahead, Hunt. 11 16 HILL, L. On Our Way. 60 GRANBERG. Johnny Gets Out the Vote. 76 HILL, M. K. Bibliography of Reading Lists for Grandma. Maclsaac and Fitch. 46 Retarded Readers. 81 GRANT. Boy Scout Encyclopedia. 45 HILLES. Pierre Comes to P. S. 20. 6 GRAY. Improving Reading in All Curriculum HINKLE. Black Tiger. 24 Areas. 36 Hit and a Miss. Young. 41 . What Should Be the Profession's Attitude HOFF. Johnny Texas on the San Antonio Road. Toward Lay Criticism of tne Schools? With 67 Special Reference to Reading? 20 HOFFMANN. Search for the Gold Fishhook. 24 Great Artists. Turngren. 81 HOGNER. Lost Tugboat. 6 Great Composers. Freeman and Whittaker. 5 HOGUE. Bob Clifton, African Planter. 76 Great Lakes Sailor. Rietveld. 35 HOLBERG. Tam Morgan, the Liveliest Girl in Great Othello. Palazzo. 26 Salem. 76 Great Venture. Carse. 14 . Three Birthday Wishes. 76 GREENE. Little Red Fire Engine. 51 -OLBR( K. Wild Bill Hickok Tames the West. 39 Greetings from Glenna. Hall. 67 Hole Is To Dig. Krauss. 6 GRIFFIN. Mouse's Tale. 45 Holiday on wheels. Woolley. 63 Grimsel. Zahn. 63 Holiday Storybook. Child Study Association of GRUELLE. Raggedy Ann's Merriest Christmas. 32 America. 14 RUENBERG. Wonderful Story of How You Were Holiday Time. Lindman. 7 t Born. 24 Holidays Around the world. Gaer. 67 Guess What? Klein. 76 HOLLAND, J. They Built a City. 51 Guide for Child-Study Groups. Kawin. 11 HOLLAND, M. Billy Had a System. 76 Hollywood Star. Malvern, 78 HACKETT. Let's Listen to Youth. 81 Hoppie the Hopper. Baller. 56 HAEBICH. Vocations in Fact and Fiction. 72 Hoppy the Curious Kangaroo. Fraydas. 5 HAEFNER. Battle of the Books. 81 HORNEA. Jungles Ahead. 16 Half Pint. Wilson. 36 HOROWITZ. Girl's Handbook of Play Ideas and Halfway to Heaven. Knight. 33 Things-To-Do. 32 HALL. Greetings from Glenna. 67 .Little Girl's Busybook of Play Ideas .Year from Now. 32 and Things-To-Do. 32 ATIMOND. Island of Peril. 67 . Young Boy's Busybook of Play Ideas Happy Animal Families. Beyer. 49 and Things-To-Do. 24 Happy Place. Bemelmans. 12 Horse for the Island. Ehrlich. 23 HR. Make Your Pennies Count. 81 Horse with the Easter Bonnet. Thayer. 62 Twenty-Five Plays for Holidays. 51 HOUSE, B. Book of Pets. 45 TXiNINS. Center Ice. 24 HOUSE, W. R. Peter Goes to School. 77 Harmony Ahead. Kohler. 51 House for Leander. Sprinkle. 61 HARNETT. Nicholas and the Wool-Pack. 58 HOUSTON. Nuki. 58 HARRIS, J. C. Wonderful Tar-Baby. 16 HOW. Adventures at Friendly Farm. 6 HARRIS, L. A. Night Before Christmas, In Texas, How Do I Love Thee? Edwards. 29 That Is. 32 How To Draw People. Zaidenberg, 41 hARRI3ON. Allan and Trisha Visit Science Park. HOWARD. E. Candle in the Night. 6 58 HOWARD, J. Summer Is Magic. 45 Haunted Reef. Crisp. 4 HOWARD, R. W. Real Book About Farms. 58 HAVIGnURST, R. J. Comm'unity Youth Development HUBBARD, E. D. Moffats. 59 Program. 11 HUBBARD, F. H. Train That Never Came Back and SDevelopmental Tasks and Education. Other Railroad Stories. 24 11 Hubbub in the Hollow. Smith. 9 HAVIGtnUAST, W. Life in America: The Northeast. HUGHES. First Book of Negroes. 32 45 HULL. Papi. 59 HAYES. Joe-Pole, New American. 16 HUNGERFORD. Forge for Heroes. 32 HAYWOOD. Mixed-Up Twins. 24 HUNT. High School Ahead. 11 I sart for Baseball. Renick. 79 HUNTER. Find the Feathered Serpent. 77 favenly World Series. O'Rourke. 79 HURD. Seven Little Postmen. 74 tEINLIiN. Rolling Stones. 39 Somebody's House. 51 HELMzaRICKS. Oolak's Brother. 45 CTCTHINSON. Tales of the Rails. 59 - 86 - Improving Reading in All Curriculum Areas. KAWIN. Guide for Child-Study Groups. 11 Gray. 36 Kay Everett Works DX. Lobsenz, 34 In Enemy Hands. Belting. 73 KEELER. In the Country. 76 In the Country. Keeler. 76 KELLEY, F. B. Kathleen Visits the Fair. 39 Indians of the Four Corners. Marriott. 69 KELLEY, S. Adventures of Walter M. Duffle Duft Inexpensive Books for Boys and Girls. 55;81 33 Intergroup Education in Public Schools. Taba, KELSEY. Many Hands in Many Lands. 77 Brady and Robinson. 55 Kentucky Derby Winner. McMeekin. 4 Island of Peril. Hammond. 67 KENWORTHY. Studying the U.S.S.R. 36 IVENS. Nineteen from Seventeen. 16 KEOHANE. Education for Citizenship. 36 IVERSON. What Should Be the Profession's KEPES. Five Little Monkeys. 24 Attitude Toward Lay Criticism of the Schools? KERR. Scarf Dance. 76 With Special Reference to Reading? 20 Kid Brother. Beim. 2 KING. Amanda, Amelia, and Abigail. 68 JACKSON, C. P. Little Leaguer's First Uniform. ___. Susie. 6 51 Kingfisher, the Thrush, and the Skylark. S Shorty Carries the Ball. 32 Hutley. 79 JACKSOM, D. V. S. Bold Venture. 16 KINSEY. Donny and Company. 68 JACKSON, K. Little Eskimo. 77 SSea View Secret. 39 JACOBS, H. H. Proudly She Servesl 77 KIPLING. Just So Stories. 17 JACOBS, L. B. Lois Lenski's Regional Literature. KJELGAARD. Rebel Siege. 76 81 . Trailing Trouble. 33 . Some Observations on Children's KLRE. easures of tne Readability of Written Historical Fiction. 11 Communication: An Evaluation. 55 JAGENDORF. First Book of Puppets. 45 KLEIN. Guess What? 76 SSand in the Bag. 33 KNAPP. Sink the Basket. 77 .Tyll Ulenspiegel's Merry Pranks. 51 KNIGHT, C. Big Book of Real Jet Planes. 17 Jan and His Clogs. Ridge. 9 KNIGHT, R. A. Y. Day After Tomorrow. 39 JAY. Child's Book of Knitting. 16 . Halfway to Heaven. 33 Jeff White: Young Lumberjack. Dietz. 58 KOCH. Bibliogherapy in the Middle Grades. 48 Jefferson, Thomas. Judson. 6 KOHL. Games for Children. 77 Jennifer Is Eleven. Smith. 47 KOHLER. Boy Who Stole the Elephant. 24 JENNINGS. Clipper Ship Days. 39 .Harmony Ahead. 51 Jenny's Adopted Brothers. Averill. 1 ORAL. Abraham Lincoln. 45 Jimmy's Own Basketball. Renick. 47 KRAUSS. Hole Is To Dig. 6 Jo Ann of the Border Country. Peck. 35 Kristie's Buttercup. Brook. 13 Joan Foster, Bride. Colver. 22 KROLL. Young Sand Hills Cowboy. 68 Joan, Maid of France. Herold. 51 KUBIE. Joel. 25 Joe-Pole, New American. Hayes. 16 KUGELIIASS. Ralph J. Bunche. 39 Joel. Kubie. 25 KUNHARDT. Lucky Mrs. Ticklefeather. 17 Joel Gets a Haircut. Coroos. 43 KYLE. Captain's House. 68 Johnny Gets Out the Vote. Granberg. 76 Johnny Hong of Chinatown. Bulla. 13 LACHMAN. Boats. 17 Johnny Texas on the San Antonio Road. Hoff. 67 Laddie and the Little Rabbit. Gottlieb. 76 JOHNSON, C. Who's Upside Down? 24 Lafayette, Friend of America. Graham. Ib JOHNSON, E. Bill Williams: Mountain Man. 67 LAIRD. Lombardy Children. 33 JOHNSON, M. S. Sam and the Inkspot. 59 LAMBERT. Don't Cry, Little Girl. 7 JOHNSON, S. J. Month of Christmases. 33 .Rainbow after Rain. 77 JOHNSTON, Elizabeth Enters. 76 . Summer for Seven. 68 JONAS. Little Golden Book of Dogs. 77 LAMTMAN. Captain Apple's Ghost. 33 Jonathan. Scott. 79 Land and People of Greece. Gianakoulis. 23 JONES, A. Thunderbird Pass. 16 Land and the Water. Person. 53 JONES, M. A. Bible Stories. 59 LANSING, E. C. H. Deer Mountain Hideaway. 68 JONES, R. F. Son of the Stars. 77 . Pony That Kept a Secret. 25 Journey of Josiah Talltatters. Payne. 69 LAN3SNG M. F. Liberators and Heroes of tne JUDSON. Thomas Jefferson, Champion of the West Indian Islands. 68 People. 6 LAPLANTE. Subject Headings for Children's JUERGENS. Big Book of Favorite Bible Stories. Materials. 42 76 LAROM. Mountain Pony. 4 JULIAN. Miss Pickett's Secret. 45 LARRICK. See for Yourself. 7 Julie. Craig. 50 Larry of the Little League. Bishop. 73 Jungle Jingle. MacIsaac and Fitch. 46 Larry's Luck. Urmston. 20 Jungles Ahead. Homer. 16 LaSalle of the Mississippi. Syme. 54 Junior Quarterback. Heuman. 6 Lasso Your Heart. Cavanna. 14 Just Like Mommy; Just Like Daddy. Simon. 19 Last Mammoth. Wellman. 81 Just So Stories. Kipling. 17 LATHAM. Five Against Venus. 77 JUSTUS. Children of the Great Smoky Mountains. LATTIMORE. Lively Victoria. 25 45 . Wu, the Gatekeeper's Son. 45 LAU. Slave Boy in Judea. 59 KAMBLY. Elementary School Science Library for Law. Denman. 66 1951-1952. 63 Law. Peattie. 70 KANTOR. Gettysburg. 76 LAWRENCE. Crissy at the Wheel. 17 Kathleen Visits the Fair. Kelley. 39 Leaf of Gold. Barrett. 21 - 87 - LEARNED. Mrs. Roo and the Bunnies. 59 Louisiana Purchase. Tallant. 41 LEARY. Finding Favorites. 78 LOVELACE. Betsy and the Great World. 34 -". Making Friends. 78 Lovely Summer. Simont. 27 Skipping Along. 78 LOWREY. Mr. Heff and Mr. Ho. 25 LxNTkG. Fun for Young Collectors. 59 Lucinda, the Little Donkey. Wilde. 62 .Real Book About Easy Music-Making. 17 LUCKHARDT. Coast Guard to the Rescue. 78 LEIGHTO. Secret of Bucky Moran. 33 Lucky Cat. Lookridge. 59 Story of Florence Nightingale. ' . 77 Lucky Miss Spaulding. Nash. 8 LEN5Kr We Are Thy Children. 39 Lucky Mrs. Ticklefeather. Kunhardt. 1'7 LEONARD. Phantom of the Foul-Lines. 68 Lunch for Lennie. Woolley. 28 . Second-Season Jinx. 52 LYNCH. Boy at the Swinging Lantern. 6(3 Let's Explore the Great Lakes. Elms. 75 LYON. This My Desire. 25 Let's Listen to Youth. Remmers and Hackett. 81 Let's Look at the Sky. Neurath. 52 Mabelle the Cable Car. Burton. 31 LEVIN. Miriam Comes Home. 77 MACALVAY, First Performance. 34 LEVINGER. Galileo, First Observer of Marvelous MACARTHUR. Traders North. 68 Things. 33 MCCLUNG. Spike. 7 LEELLEN. Birds and Planes. 77 MCDONALD L. S. Stormy Year. 59 . True Book of Honeybees. 78 MACDONALD, Z. K. Cap for Corrine. 7 LETS, A. Treasure in the Andes. 17 MCDOWELL. New Friends for Nena. 77 LEwIS, H. C. Children and Their Books. 25 MACE. Mr. Wiggington Joins the Circus. 7 Liberators and Heroes of the West Indian Islands. MCFARLAND. Then It Happened. 25 Lansing. 68 MCGAVRAN. Yakima Boy. 60 LIEF. Harvey Firestone, Free Man of Enterprise. MCGINLEY. Make-Believe Twins. 60 7 'MCGRAW. Moccasin Trail. 68 LIERS. Otter's Story. 78 MACGREGOR. Miss Pickerell and the Geiger Life in America: The Northeast. Havighurst. Counter. 78 45 MACHETANZ. Rick of High Ridge. 34 LLLLIE. Everybody's Island. 59 Machines at Work. Elting. 50 Lincoln Abraham. Koral. 45 MCILVAINE. Sea Sprite. 26 Lincoln's Little Correspondent. Pauli. 8 MACISAAC. Donkey. 45 Linda Jordan: Lawyer. Block. 74 . For a Penny. 45 LINDAHL. Bibliotherapy in the Middle Grades. SGrandma. 46 48 Jungle Jingle. 46 LINDGREN. Bill Bergson, Master Detective. 34 MCKILOP. Relationship Between tne Reader's LINDMAN. Dear Little Deer. 77 Attitude and Certain Types of Reading |L . Holiday Time. 7 Response. 20. I NEAEAVER. First Book of Sailing. 78 MACMARTIN. Popcorn Party. 57 LIPPINCOTT. Bun, a Wild Rabbit. 77 MCMEEKIN. Kentucky Derby Winner. 4 . Little Red the Fox. 77 MACPHERSON. New Zealand Beckons. 17 Little Ballet Dancer. Stirling. 41 MCQUEEN. Make Your Pennies Count. 81 Little Brown Bear and His Friends. Upham. 36 .Twenty-Five Plays for Holidays. 51 Little Dude. Clark. 3 MC9WTI N. News Is Good. 52 Little Engine That Laughed. Evers. 66 Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Disney. 75 Little Eskimo. Jackson. 77 Madeline's Rescue. Bemelmans. 73 Little Fireman. Brown. 37 Maggie Rose. Sawyer. 27 Little Fox. Frost. 23 Magic Current Bun. Symonds. 28 Little Giant of the North. Malkus. 17 Magic Word. Zolotow. 63 Little Girl's Busybook of Play Ideas and Make Your Pennies Count. Hark and MoQueen. 81 Things-To-Do. Horowitz. 32 Make-Believe Puppy. Steiner. 27 Little Golden Book of Dogs. Jonas. 77 Make-Believe Twins. McGinley. 60 Little Leaguer's First Uniform. Jackson. 51 Making Friends. Leary, Reichert, and Reely. Little Lion. Quail. 53 78 Little Mailman of Bayberry Lane. Munn. 18 MALET. Beginner's Luck. 46 Little Old Truck. Barnum. 73 MALKUS. Little Giant of the North. 17 Little Red Fire Engine. Greene. 51 .Story of Louis Pasteur. 46 Little Red the Fox. Lippincott. 77 MALLETTE. Calling Doctor Marcia. 26 Little Rhody. Frazier. 66 MALVERN. Hollywood Star. 78 Little Twin. Paull. 79 . Tamar. 7 Little Wolf Slayer. Cooke. 3 Many Hands in Many Lands. Kelsey. 77 Lively Victoria. Lattimore. 25 Marcy Catches Up. duJardin. 15 Living Democracy Series. 48 MARIANA. Miss Flora McFlinsey's Birthday. 34 LOBSENZ. Kay Everett Works DX. 34 Market Day for Ti Andre. Rodman. 27 LOCKRIDGE. Lucky Cat. 59 Marooned on Mars. Del Rey. 75 LOFTING. Doctor Dolittle's Puddleby Adventures. MARRIOTT. Indians of the Four Corners. 69 17 Marsha-On-Stage! Walden. 20 Lois Lenski's Regional Literature. Jacobs. 81 MARSHALL, C. W. God Loves You. 78 Lombardy Children. Laird. 33 MARSHALL, D. J. Science Literature in Child- LONG. Chosen Boy. 40 hood Education. 11 Long Arctic Night. Schmeltzer. 9 MARTIN. Christmas Is Coming. 34 I ng Hunt. Simon. 53 MASON, A. Wee Men of Ballywooden. 34 Iook to the New Moon. Neilson. 78 MASON, M. E. Dan Beard, Boy Scout. 78 Lost Dog Jerry. Robinson. 79 S Yours With Love, Kate. 34 Lost Tugboat. Hogner. 6 -88 - Mat and Mandy and the Little Old Car. Simon. MUSGRAVE. Oh, Sarah. 52 19 My First Book of Farm Animals. Edwards. 75 Mathematics at the Fireside. Shackle. 40 My Friend Johnny. Earle. 31 MAYER. Betsy Ross and the Flag. 78 My True Love Waits. Weber. 54 MAYS. Fast Iron. 78 Mysterious Treasure of Cloud Rook. Brewer. 65 MEADER. Fish Hawk's Nest. 34 MEADOWCROFT. Story of Andrew Jackson. 52 NASH. Lucky Miss Spaulding. 8 . Story of George Washington. 60 NEILSON, F. F. J. Look to the New Moon. 78 . Story of Thomas Alva Edison. 69 NEILSON, W. Story of Theodore Roosevelt. 52 MEANS. Carvers' George. 40 NEURATH. Let's Look at the Sky. 52 MEARS. First Book of Japan. 78 Wonder World of Animals. 40 Measures of the Readability of Written SWonder World of Insects. 69 Communication: An Evaluation, Klare. 55 NEVIN. Adventures of Kenji of Japan. 18 MEBEL. On Our Way, 60 New Friends for Nena. MoDowell. 77 MEEK. Frog, the Horse That Knew No Master. 4 New Readability Formula for Primary Reading MEG. Plenty of Pirates. 69 Materials. Spaohe. 72 MEIGS, C. L. Dutch Colt. 78 New World for Nellie. Emett. 15 MEIGS E. B. Crusade and the Cup. 8 New Zealand Beckons. Maopherson. 17 MENOT1I. Amahl and the Night Visitors. 40 NEWBERRY. Percy, Polly and Pete. 2b Meph the Pet Skunk. George. 76 NEWMAN. Children's Books. 36 MERRWAM. Politics for Boys and Girls. 29 News Is Good. McSwigan. 52 . Understanding Politics. 29 NEYHART. Giant of the Yards. 18 MERRILL. Henry, the Hand Painted Mouse. 8 Nibby. Meyer. 60 Merry Music Makers. Sherman. 9 Nicholas and the Wool-Pack. Harnett. 58 MERWIN. Rafferty Red. 46 NICOLAS. Even Steven. 28 Messenger by Night. Andrews. 56 Night Before Christmas, In Texas, That Is. MEYER, A. Nibby. 60 Harris. 32 MEYER, J. S. Fun with Mathematics. 46 Nineteen From Seventeen. Ivens. 16 Mickey Mouse and His Space Ship. Disney. 75 No Way Back. Price. 79 Midnight Colt. Balch. 49 Noah's Ark. Briggs. 13 MIERS. Monkey Shines. 18 Noah's Ark. Disney. 75 Milestone. Carlson. 37 NOLAN. Story of Ulysses S. Grant. 46 MILLEN. Missionary Story Hour. 46 Noon Balloon. Brown. 30 MILWITZKY. Pancake Sees the World. 52 NORLING. First Book of Water. 35 Miriam Comes Home. Levin. 77 NORTH, R. Treasure Book of Riddles. 60 MIRSKY. Thirty-One Brothers and Sisters. 34 NORTH, S. Birthday of Little Jesus. 35 Miss Flora McFlimsey's Birthday. Mariana. 34 NORTON, A. Star Man's Son. 35 Miss Piokerell and the Geiger Counter. SSpace Service. 46 MacGregor. 78 TOTON, J. M. Sing and Be Happy. 18 Miss Pickett's Secret. Julian. 45 NORTON S. Famous British Novelists. 22 Missionary Story Hour. Millen. 46 NOVING R. Round Trip for Johnny. 8 Mr. Bell Invents the Telephone. Shippen. 41 Nuki. Houston. 58 Mister Dog. Brown. 74 Mr. Heff and Mr. Ho. Lowrey. 25 Oak's Long Shadow. Burt. 74 Mr. Ump. Pinelli. 79 OFTEDAL. Classroom Breakfast Party and Other Mr. Wicker's Window. Dawson. 31 Classroom Activities for Grades 1, 2, 3. 29 Mr. Wiggington Joins the Circus. Mace. 7 .Two Better Breakfast Plays and Other Mr. Wishing Went Fishing. Wilde. 20 Classroom Activities for Grades 4, 5, 6. 29 Mrs. McThing. Chase. 37 Oh, Sarah. Musgrave. 52 Mrs. Roo and the Bunnies. Learned. 59 Old Woman and Her Pig. Wadsworth. 62 Mixed-Up Twins. Haywood. 24 O'MORAN. Trail of the Little Paiute. 8 Moccasin Trail, McGraw. 68 On Our Way. Patterson, Mebel, and Hill. bO Moffats. Hubbard. 59 One-Act Plays for All-Girl Casts. Paradis. 46 MOLLOY. Where Away? 18 One Hundred Books about Maine. Pattershall. Mongrel of Merryway Farm. Tatham. 19 55 Monkey Shines. Miers. 18 101 Best Action Games for Boys 6 to 12. MONTGOMERY, E. R. Three Miles an Hour. 69 Frankel. 5 MONTGOMERY, R. G. Golden Stallion's Revenge. 101 Best Games for Girls 6 to 12. Frankel. 38 60 One Magic Night. Perkins and Tibma. 40 . Wapiti the Elk. 69 Oolak's Brother. Helmericks. 45 Month of Christmases. Johnson. 33 O'REILLY. Glob. 18 Mosquitoes in the Big Ditch. Burlingame. 13 O'ROURKE. Heavenly World Series. 79 MOTHER GOOSE. Big Treasure Book of Mother Otter's Story. Liers. 78 Goose. 52 OTTESON. Big Dog Tiny. 79 Mountain Pony. Larom. 4 Our Auto Trip. Edsall. 15 Mouse Manor. Eager. 4 Our Father. Thomas. 28 Mouse's Tale. Griffin. 45 Our Resources and Conservation Practices; MOYERS. Shorty's Mule. 15 Sources of Information for Students and M8HLENWEG. Big Tiger and Christian. 40 Teachers on the Conservation of Natural MULLER. God Planned It That Way. 18 Resources. 42 MUNN. Little Mailman of Bayberry Lane. 18 Outstanding Educational Books of 1951. #2 MURPHY. Wild Stallion. 52 OWEN. Conquest of the North and South Poles. MUSGRAVE. Dogs in the Family. 26 46 -89- Paddy and Sam. Bothwell. 2 Proudly She Serves! Jacobs. 77 _PALAZZO. Great Othello. 26 Pudge. Black. 73 ALMIER. That Stewart Girl. 79 PUNER. Helping Brothers and Sisters Get Along. Pancake Sees the World. Milwitzky. 52 29 Pancho. Franklin. 75 Puss in Boots. Perrault. 19 Papi. Hull. 59 PARADIS. One-Act Plays for All-Girl Casts. 46 QUAIL. Little Lion. 53 PARKE. Amos, the Beagle with a Plan. 69 PARKER, A. C. Red Jacket, Last of the Senacas. Radio and Television Bibiiograpny. Broderick. 46 55 PARKER, L. Story Parade Mystery Book. 69 Rafferty Red. Merwin. 46 PARKS. Safe on Second. 60 Raggedy Ann's Merriest Christmas. Gruelle. 32 Party for Suzanne. Edwards. 4 Rainbow after Rain. Lambert. 77 Pat and Her Policeman. Friedman. 44' Rainy Day Play Book. Conger and Young. 74 Pat's Harmony. Cooper. 3 RAMSEY. Folklore for Children and Young People, PATTERSHALL. One Hundred Books about Maine. 55 11 PATTERSON, E. L. World Turned Upside Down. 52 RAPHAEL. Water, Water Everywhere. 79 PATTERSON, R. On Our Way. 60 RASMUSSEN. Fun-Time Puppets. 19 PAULI. Lincoln's Little Correspondent. 8 RATZESBiRGER. Farm Animals. 60 PAULL. Little Twin. 79 Readiness for Language Arts Begins in the PAYNE. Journey of Josiah Talltatters. 69 Kindergarten. Vandegerg. 81 Peale, Charles Willeon. Briggs. 74 Reading - One Way To Commaunicate. Dale. 65 PEARE. John James Audubon, His Life. 79 Ready or Not. Stolz. 54 PEASE. Busy Book. 12 Real Book about Andrew Jackson. Coy, 22 PEATTIE. Law. 70 Real Book about Buffalo Bill, Regli, 61 PECK. Jo Ann of the Border Country. 35 Real Book about Bugs, Insects and Such. PELLER. Treasure Book of Favorite Nursery Sherman. 61 Tales. 79 Real Book about Camping. Roberts. 53 PENNEY. Tales of the Cheyennes. 70 Real Book about Easy Music-Making. Leeming. 17 Penny's Worth. Caffrey. 57 Real Book about Farms. Howard. 58 Percy Polly and Pete. Newberry. 26 Real Book about Indians. Gorham. 51 PERKINS. One Magic Night. 40 Real Book about Pirates. Epstein and Williams. PERRAULT. Puss in Boots. 19 75 PERSON. Bar-Face. 70 Real Book about Rivers. Coy. 50 Land and the Water. 53 Real Book about Snips. Block. 49 eter Goes to School. House. 77 Real Book about Space Travel. Goodwin. 7b Ieter Pan. Barrie. 12 Real Book about Spies. Epstein and Williams. Veter Pan and the Pirates. Disney. 75 50 Pets, Wild and Western. Stevenson. 80 Real Book about the Mounties. Block. 12 Petunia's Christmas. Duvoisin. 23 Real Book about tne Wild West. Regli. 47 Phantom of the Foul-Lines. Leonard. 68 Real Book of American Tall Tales. Gorham. 58 Phantom Steer. Streeter and Francis. 61 Rebel Siege. KJelgaard. 76 PHELPS. Territory Boy. 79 RECK. West from A to Z. 8 PHILBROOK. Hickory Wings. 46 Red Jacket, Last of the Senacas. Parker. 46 Picture Come True. Warner. 54 Red Sails to Capri. Well. 71 Pierre Comes to P. S. 20. Hilles. 6 REELY. Finding Favorites. 78 PILANT. Sky Bears. 53 SMaking Friends. 78 PILSON. Elementary Libraries Can Wait No Skipping Along. 78 Longer. 55 :EESE.Shouting Duke. 47 PINELLI. Mr. Ump. 79 References for Mathematics Teachers. Schaaf. Pinkie. Davis. 38 63 Pioneers of the New World. Spriggs. 53 REGLI. Real Book about Buffalo Bill. 61 Pirate Flag for Monterey. Del Rey. 14 SReal Book about the Wild West. 47 Pitcher, Molly. Stevenson. 80 EIHERT. Finding Favorites. 7S Place for Peter. Yates. 71 SMaking Friends. 78 Play with Leaves and Flowers. Seleam. 9 SSkipping Along. 78 Plenty of Pirates. Meg. 69 SSpace Ship to the Moon. 61 Pluto Pup Goes to Sea. Disney. 75 To the Store We Go. 19 POLAK. True-To-Life ABC Book. 40 REID. Young Traveller in France. 19 Politics for Boys and Girls. Merriam. 29 Relationship Between the Reader's Attitude and Polly Roughhouse. Garrett. 5 Certain Types of Reading Response. McKillop. Pony That Kept a Secret. Lansing. 25 20 Popcorn Party. Boyles and MaoMartin. 57 Relief Pitcher. Emery. 75 Poplar Street Park. Wright. 47 REMMERS. Let's Listen to Youth. 81 POTTER. Here Comes Mrs. Goose. 60 . Your Problems: How To Handle Them. 72 PRATT. By Space Ship to the Moon. 22 RENDTNA. Summer for Two. 35 PRESCOTT. Beautiful Ship. 8 RENICK. Heart for Baseball. 79 Present from Rosita. Edell. 50 • Jimmy's Own Basketball. 47 PRESTON. Uncle Pockets. 8 Return of Mojave Joe. Scott. 61 PRICE, H. C. No Way Back. 79 REY. Curious George Rides a Bike. 26 | RICE, W. D. South Sea Adventure. 8 REYNCLDS. Brother Scouts. 53 8RISHVIN. Treasure Trove of the Sun. 26 . Fur Brigade. 70 Problem in Developmental Reading. Donahue. 63 RICi. Trail to the North. 19 Program for Christine. Bentel. 64 RICHARD. Fighting Halfback. 26 - 90 -

Richard Brown and the Dragon. Bright. 13 SCHNEIDER. Rocks, Rivers & the Changing Earth. RICHARDSON. Seven Little Pifflesniffs. 9 70 Rick of High Ridge. Machetanz. 34 SScience Fun with Milk Cartons. 80 RIDGE. Jan and His Clogs. 9 SYour Telephone and How It Works. 19 Ridge Willoughby. Draper. 38 SCHOLZ. Deep Short. 19 RIEDMAN. Story of Microbes. 61 School Train. Acker. 73 RIETVELD. Great Lakes Sailor. 35 Science Books for Boys and Girls. 42 River Horse. Prey. 75 Science Fun with Milk Cartons. Schneider. 80 Road to Oz. Baum. 73 Science Literature in Childhood Education. Roaring River. Brown. 74 Marshall. 11 ROBERTS. Real Book about Camping. 53 SCOTT, D. C. Return of Mojave Joe. 61 ROBERTSON. Where Desert Blizzards Blow. 53 SCOTT, S. Jonathan. 79 Robins in the Garden. Earle. 58 Scrambled Eggs Super! Seuss. 70 ROBINSON, H. M. With Emphasis on Vision Sea Robbers. Crisp. 74 Problems. 55 Sea Sprite. McIlvaine. 26 ROBINSON, J. T. Intergroup Education in Public Sea View Secret. Kinsey. 39 SSchools. 55 Search and Rescue at Sea. Floherty. 58 ROBINSON, T. P. Lost Dog Jerry. 79 Search for the Gold Fishhook. Hoffmann. 24 Rocket Away! Frost. 67 SEARS. Downy Woodpecker. 80 Rocket Jockey. St. John. 79 Second-Season Jinx. Leonard. 52 Rockne, Knute. Van Riper. 81 Secret of Bucky Moran. Leighton. 33 Rocks, Rivers & the Changing Earth. Schneider. Secret of Donkey Island. Davis. 43 70 Secret of Light. Adler. 37 RODMAN. Market Day for Ti Andr6. 27 Secret of Plenty House. Graham. 67 Rogue's Valley. Bronson. 13 Secret of the Hawk. Wibberley. 47 Rolling Stones. Heinlein. 39 Secret of the King's Field. Cleven. 38 Rosalinda. Wing. 62 Secret of the Old Books. Anderson. 56 ROSENHEIM. Sunny, the New Camp Counselor. 27 See for Yourself. Larrick. 7 Ross, Betsy. Mayer. 78 Selected Bibliography of Recreational ROSS, F. X. Ben Franklin - Scientist. 61 Mathematics Publications. Brandes. 63 .. Flying Windmills. 79 SELSAM. All about Eggs. 70 ROSS, M. I. Wilderness River. 27 .All Kinds of Babies and How They ROSS, Z. H. Stormy Year. 59 Grow. 70 Round Trip for Johnny. Novinger. 8 SPlay with Leaves and Flowers. 9 RUBENZ. Bringing Up Parents. 47 Semmes, Raphael. Snow. 80 RUE. Subject Headings for Children's SENTMAN. Drummer of Vincennes. 9 Materials. 42 SERVISS. Freedom To Learn: Censorship in Rules for Civility. Washington. 10 Learning Materials. 63 Runaway from Riches. Bechdolt. 30 SEUSS. Scrambled Eggs Super! 70 Rustlers on the High Range. Atwater. 49 Seven Little Piffleaniffs. Richardson. 9 RUTLEY. Bee, the Wasp, and the Dragonfly. 79 Seven Little Postmen. Brown and Hurd. 74 Butterfly, the Ant, and the Grasshopper. Seven Queens of England. Trease. 80 79 Seven Secrets of Somewhere Lake. Campbell. 13 .Kingfisher, the Thrush, and the Skylark. Seventeenth Annual Children's Spring Book Festival. 48 .Squirrel, the Mole and the Harvest SEVERN. Dream Gold. 35 Mouse. 79 Sevier, John, Steele. 61 . Wren, the Blue Tit, and the Woodpecker. SEwHELL. Black Beauty. 40 79 SEYMOUR. Arne and the Christmas Star. 35 SHACKLE. Mathematics at the Fireside. 40 Safe on Second. Parks. 60 Shadrach. DeJong. 75 Saint Francis and the Wolf. Beatty. 56 Shapes. Schlein. 35 ST. JOHN. Rocket Jockey. 79 SHEINWOLD. First Book of Bridge. 53 SALEM. Three Story Book. 9 SHELDON. Big Book of Favorite Hymns and Sally Goes to the Circus Alone. Eppenstein. 31 Psalms. 61 Salt and Pepper. Carroll. 14 SHERMAN, E. Merry Music Makers. 9 Sam and the Inkspot. Johnson. 59 SHERMAN, J. Real Book about Bugs, Insects and Sand in the Bag. Jagendorf. 33 Such. 61 SANDERS. Free and Inexpensive Teaching SHERRILL. Santa Claus Bears, 9 Materials for Science Education. 72 SHIPPEN. Big Mose. 70 SANDROW. Wanted: More Librarians. 63 . Mr. Bell Invents the Telephone. 41 Santa Claus Bears. Sherrill. 9 Ships at Work. Elting. 50 SAWYER. Maggie Rose. 27 Shorty Carries the Ball. Jackson. 32 Scarf Dance. Kerr. 76 Shorty's Mule. Franklin and Moyers. 15 Scarlet Royal. Emery. 23 Shouting Duke. Reese. 47 SCHAAF. References for Mathematics Teachers. SICKELS. That Boy Johnny. 41 63 Sierra 2uest. Coleman. 74 SCHATZ. Story of Microbes. 61 Silly Willy Nilly. Weisgard. 54 SCHLEIN. Go with the Sun. 27 Silver Purse. Bialk. 21 .Shapes. 35 SIMON, C. M. H. Long Hunt. 53 3CHILAT. Wonderful Egg. 19 SIMON, P. Just Like Mommy; Just Like Daddy. SCHMELTZER. Long Arctic Night. 9 19 SCHNEIDER. Follow the Sunset. 53 SIMON, R. Mat and Mandy and the Little Old Car. 19 - 91 - SIMONT. Lovely Summer. 27 Story of Microbes. Schatz and Riedman. 61 SINCLAIR. Thunder Mountains Mine. 70 Story of People. Edel. 50 King and Be Happy. Norton. 18 Story of Robert E. Lee. Vinton. 28 link the Basket. Knapp. 77 Story of Theodore Roosevelt. Neilson. 52 6 O'Clock Rooster. Barker. 73 Story of Thomas Alva Edison. Meadowcroft. 69 Sizzling Pan Ranch. Wyndham. 10 Story of Ulysses S. Grant. Nolan. 46 Skipping Along. Leary, Reichert, and Reely. 78 Story Parade Mystery Book. Parker. 69 Sky Bears. Pilant. 53 STOTZ. At Bat with the Little League. 80 Slave Boy in Judea. Lau. 59 STOUGH. Free and Inexpensive Science Materials Sleepy ABC. Brown. 50 for the Elementary Teacher. 63 Slipper Under Glass. Wyndham. 10 STRANG. Helping Children Solve Problems. 72 Slocum, Joshua. Day. 74 STREETER. Phantom Steer. 61 SMILEY. Children's Interests and a Free- Stub. Bro. 43 Reading Program. 55 Studying the U.S.S.R. Kenworthy. 36 SMITH, B. William Bradford. 71 Subject Headings for Children's Materials. Rue SMITH, E. Y. Denny's Story. 9 and LaPlante. 42 .Jennifer Is Eleven. 47 Sue Barton, Staff Nurse. Boylston. 30 3IM~TH I. Hubbub in the Hollow. 9 SULOWAY. Free and Inexpensive Teaching Aids SMITH, J. W. Child's Book of Old Verses. 10 for the Language Arts. 48 SMITH, R. Heroes of Baseball. 79 Summer for Seven. Lambert. 68 SNOW. Come, Chuoky, Come. 27 Summer for Two. Rendina. 35 .Raphael Semmes Tidewater Boy. 80 Summer in Their Eyes. Anderson. 1 3IEBERT. Henry, the Aand Painted Mouse. 8 Summer Is Magic. Howard. 45 Some Free and Inexpensive Materials on Latin Summer Noisy Book. Brown. 3 America. 72 SUMMERS. Girl Trouble. 62 Some Observations on Children's Historical Sun. Zim. 55 Fiction. Jacobs. 11 Sun Eagle. Wyatt. 10 Somebody's House. Hurd. 51 Sunny, the New Camp Counselor. Rosenheim. 27 Son of the Forest. Carhart. 14 Sunshine and Shadow. Beim. 21 Son of the Stars. Jones. 77 Super-Duper Car. Govan. 16 South Sea Adventure. Price. 8 Surprise for Mrs. Bunny. Steiner. 61 Space Cat. Todd. 28 Susan and Little Black Boy. Tate. 62 Space Service. Norton. 46 Susie. King. 6 Space Ship to the Moon. Reichert. 61 Sweet Sixteen Cook Book. Sternau. 41 SPACHE. New Readability Formula for Primary Switch Hitter. Decker. 74 Reading Materials. 72 SYME. Columbus, Finder of the New World. 19 peckles Goes to School. Berquist. 2 0LaSalle of the Mississippi. 54 PPIESEKE. Bibliography of Textbooks in the ". Social Studies 1951-1952. 63 SYMONDS. Magic Current Bun. 28 Spike, McClung. 7 SPRIGGS. Pioneers of the New World. 53 TABA. Intergroup Education in Public Schools. SPRINKLE. House for Leander. 61 55 Squaw Boy. Balch. 21 Tale of Two Collies. Betenson, 65 Squirrel, the Mole and the Harvest Mouse. Tales of Faraway Folk. Deutsch and Yarmolinsky. Rutley. 79 43 Star Light Stories. Freehof. 31 Tales of the Cheyennes. Penney. 70 Star Man's Son. Norton. 35 Tales of the Rails. Hutchinson. 59 Star Roan. Thompson. 62 TALLANT. Louisiana Purchase. 41 STEELE. John Sevier, Pioneer Boy. 61 Tam Morgan, the Liveliest Girl in Salem. STEINER. Make-Believe Puppy. 27 Holberg. 76 . Surprise for Mrs. Bunny. 61 Tamar. Malvern. 7 Stepping Stones to Light. Bishop. 65 TATE. Susan and Little Black Boy. 62 STERNAU. Sweet Sixteen Cook Book. 41 TATHAM, C. First Book of Trucks. 35 STEVENSON, A. Molly Pitcher, Girl Patriot. 80 TATHAM, J. C. Mongrel of Merryway Farm. 19 STEVENSON, E. N. Pets, Wild and Western. 80 TAYLOR. Egypt. 80 STEwART. Funny Squirrel. 47 Teaching Reading the A-V Way. Davis. 55 STIRLING. Little Ballet Dancer. 41 Teen-Age Horse Stories. Furman. 15 STODDARD. From These Comes Music. 54 Teen-Age Science Fiction Stories. Elam. 4 Stolen Spruce. Andler. 1 Tell Me Little Boy. Foster. 66 Stolen Summer. Barrett. 73 Territory Boy. Phelps. 79 STOLZ. Ready or Not. 54 Terry and the Mysterious Monkey. Coryell. 74 Storm Book. Zolotow. 29 Texas Trail Drive. Garst. 15 Stormy Year. McDonald and Ross. 59 Thanks to Letty. Burke. 22 Story of Abraham Lincoln. Baker. 64 Thanks to Trees. Webber. 47 Story of Andrew Jackson. Meadowcroft. 52 That Boy Johnny! Sickels. 41 Story of Babar the Little Elephant. Brunhoff. That Stewart Girl. Palmer. 79 15 That's My DogJ Whitney. 62 Story of Buffalo Bill. Collier. 43 THAYER. Horse with the Easter Bonnet. 62 Story of Florence Nightingale. Leighton. 77 Then It Happened. McFarland. 25 Story of George Washington. Meadowcroft. 60 They Built a City. Holland. 51 tory of India. Bothwell. 30 Thirty-One Brothers and Sisters. Mirsky. 34 icory of Lafayette. Wilson. 55 Thirty-Six Ills of Books. Frahm. 36 Story of Louis Pasteur. Malkus. 46 This Boy Cody and His Friends. Wilson. 36 - 92 -

This My Desire. Lyon. 25 Vagabond Summer. Emery. 66 THOMAS. Our Father. 28 Valley of Song. Goudge. 67 THOMPSON. Star Roan. 62 VANDEBERG. Readiness for Language Arts Begins Three Birthday Wishes. Holberg. 76 in the Kindergarten. 81 Three Boys and a Tugboat. Agle and Wilson. 56 Vanilla Village. Garden. 22 Three Grandmothers Flew South. Briley. 50 VAN RIPER. Knute Rockne. Young Athlete. 81 Three Miles an Hour. Montgomery. 69 VINTON. Story of Robert E. Lee. 28 Three Story Book. Salem. 9 VIPONT. Blow the Man Down. 20 Thunder Mountains Mine. Sinclair. 70 Vocations in Fact and Fiction. Haebioh. 72 Thunder Road. Gault. 38 VOIGHT. Zeke and the Fisher-Cat. 81 Thunderbird Pass. Jones. 16 TIBBETS. First Book of Bees. 36 Wabash Knows the Secret. Friermood. 76 TIBMA. One Magic Night. 40 WADSWORTH. Old Woman and Her Pig. 62 Tilly's Strange Secret. Govan. 44 WAGSTAFF. Beloved Son. 71 Tim Tomkins, Circus Boy. Friedman. 5 Wait for the Rain. Goldberg. 23 Timber Jack. Cormack. 38 WALDEN. Marsha-On-Stage! 20 Timothy's Twelve Months. Boyle. 22 wALDMAN, D. Goomer. 10 Tin Woodman of Oz. Baum. 73 WALDMAN, F. Basketball Scandal. 54 To the Store We Go. Reichert. 19 WALLACE. Challenge to Babs. 41 TODD. Space Cat. 28 WALSH. Water Water Everywherel 62 TOR. Getting To Know Korea. 80 Wanted: More Librarians. Freund and Sandrow. TORJESEN. Captain Ramsay's Daughter. 71 63 TOUSEY. Cub Scout. 10 Wapiti the Elk. Montgomery. 69 Traders North. MacArthur. 68 WARD, L. K. Biggest Bear. 36 Trail North to Danger. Gage. 76 WARD, N. Black Sombrero. 20 Trail of the Iron Horse. Downey. 31 WARNER BROS. CARTOONS. Bugs Bunny and the Trail of the Little Paiute. O'Moran. 8 Indians. 20 Trail to the North. Rich. 19 WARNER, P. M. Picture Come True. 54 Trailing Trouble. Kjelgaard. 33 WARNER, W. L. What You Should Know about Social Train That Never Came Back and Other Railroad Class. 72 Stories. Hubbard. 24 WASHBURN. Allan and Trisha Visit Science Park. Trains at Work. Elting. 44 58 Trappers and Traders of the Far West. Daugherty. WASHINGTON. Rules of Civility. 10 74 Water, Water Everywhere. Raphael. 79 Traveling Twins. Berg. 56 Water Water Everywhere! Walsh. 62 TRAVERS. Gingerbread Shop. 71 WATSON. Fools over Horses. 36 TREASE. Seven Queens of England. 80 Ways You Can Help Your Child with Arithmetic. . Web of Traitors. 28 Wheat and Wilson. 29 Treasure Book of Favorite Nursery Tales, We Are Thy Children. Lenski. 39 Peller. 79 Web of Traitors. Trease. 28 Treasure Book of Riddles. North. 60 WEBBER. Thanks to Trees. 47 Treasure in the Andes. Lewis. 17 WEBER. My True Love Waits. 54 Treasure in the Covered Wagon. Graham. 16 Wee Men of Ballywooden. Mason. 34 Treasure Trove of the Sun. Prishvin. 26 WEIL. Red Sails to Capri. 71 Tree on the Road to Turntown. Blough. 49 WEIR. Thomas Alva Edison Inventor. 62 Trucks at Work. Elting. 44 WEISGARD. Silly Willy Nily. 54 True Book of Animals of Small Pond. Erickson. WEISS. Writing Informational Material for Nine- 75 to-Eleven-Year Olds. 72 True Book of Honeybees. Lewellen. 78 WELLMAN. Last Mammoth. 81 True-To-Life ABC Book. Polak. 40 . Wild Dogs of Drowning Creek. 36 Truth about Schoolbook Censorship. Fine. 55 We're &oing to Town! Aldis. 37 TURNGREN. Great Artists. 81 West from A. to Z. Reck. 8 TWEED. Earth Adventures of Ollibolly the Moon West Is on Your Left Hand. Faulkner. 76 Man. 41 What Should Be the Profession's Attitude Toward Twenty and Ten. Bishop. 22 Lay Criticism of the Schools? With Special Twenty-Five Plays for Holidays. Hark and Reference to Reading? Gray and Iverson. 20 McQueen. 51 What You Should Know about Parenthood. Eckert. Twine of Old Flatbush. Dilliard. 38 81 Two Better Breakfast Plays and Other Classroom What You Should Know about Social Class. Warner. Activities for Grades 4 5, 6. Oftedal. 29 72 Tyll Ulenspiegel's Merry franks. Jagendorf. 51 What's Inside of Animals? Zim. 81 What's Inside of Engines? Zim. 71 Ugly Duckling. Disney. 75 What's Inside of Met Zim. 42 ULRIOH. Famous Women Singers. 79 What's Inside of Plants? Zim. 42 Uncle Pockets. Preston. 8 WHEAT. Ways You Can Help Your Child with Understanding Politics. Merriam and Bethea. 29 Arithmetic. 29 UNITED NATIONS. Garden We Planted Together. 20 When the Mississippi Was Wild. Henderson. 6 Up the Windy Hill. Fisher. 75 Where Away? Molloy. 18 UPHAM. Little Brown Bear and His Friends. 36 Where Desert Blizzards Blow. Robertson. 63 URMSTON. Larry's Luck. 20 Where To Go for UN Information. 55 Use of "Slanted Materials" in the Classroom. WHIPPLE. Appraisal of the Interest Appeal of Wronski. 42 Illustrations. 48 WHITE, B. F. Bear Named Grumas. 62 - 93 - WNITE, C. M. Ballet School Mystery. 54 World Turned Upside Down. Patterson. 52 UITE, E. B. Charlotte's Web. 36 Wren, the Blue Tit, and the Woodpacker. Rutley. ITE R. Deep Danger. 62 79 CITEHEAD. Wish I May. 28 WRIGHT. Poplar Street Park. 47 WHITESIDE-TAYLOR. Getting Along with Parents. Writing Informational Material for Nine-to- 29 Eleven Year Olds. Weiss. 72 WHITNEY. That's My Dog! 62 WRONSKI. Use of "Slanted Materials" in the WHITTAKER. Great Composers. 5 Classroom. 42 Whole Upside Down? Johnson. 24 Wu the Gatekeeper's Son. Lattimore. 45 'Why" Stories. Dolch. 55 WYATT. Sun Eagle. 10 WIBBERLEY. Coronation Book. 71 WYLER. First Book of Science Experiments. 47 . Secret of the Hawk. 47 WYNDHAM. Sizzling Pan Ranch. 10 Vil Bill Hickok Tames the West. Holbrook. 39 Slipper Under Glass. 10 Wild Dogs of Drowning Creek. Wellman. 36 Yakim Wild Stallion. Murphy. 52 Yakima Boy. McGavran. 60 WILDE. Lucinda, the Little Donkey. 62 YAR•OLINSKY. Tales of Faraway Folk. 43 . Mr. Wishing Went Fishing. 20 YATES, E. Place for Peter. 71 Vilerness River. Ross. 27 YATES, R. F. Atomic Experiments for Boys. 47 WILKINS. City of Frozen Fire. 10 Year from Now. Hall. 32 WILL. Even Steven. 28 YOUNG, F. Games for Children. 77 WILLIAMS. Real Book about Pirates. 75 YOUNG, I. S. Hit and a Miss. 41 .... Real Book about Spies. 50 YOUNG, N. Rainy Day Play Book. 74 Williams, William Sherley. Johnson. 67 Young Boy's Busybook of Play Ideas and Things- Willie Whitetail. Eschmeyer. 75 To-Do. Horowitz. 24 WILLIS. Alfred and the Saint. 41 Young Readers Indoor Sports Stories. Coombs. WILSON, E. Three Boys and a Tugboat. 56 57 WILSON, H. H. Story of Lafayette. 55 Young Readers Railroad Stories. Coombs. 66 WILSON, J. Half Pint. 36 Young Readers Sports Treasury. Coombs. 43 WILSON, L. This Boy Cody and His Friends. 36 Young Readers Water Sports Stories. Coombs. 31 WILSON, P. Ways You Can Help Your Child with Young Sand Hills Cowboy. Kroll. 68 Arithmetic. 29 Young Traveller in France. Reid. 19 WINDERS. Jim Bowie. 71 Young Viking Warrior. Dehkes. 57 WING. Rosalinda. 62 Your Child's Health. Gallagher. 29 Wish I May. Whitehead. 28 Your Problems: How To Handle Them. Remmers and Wish That Went Wild. Ayer. 64 Bauernfeind. 72 Jith Emphasis on Vision Problems. Robinson. 55 Your Telephone and How It Works. Schneider. 19 Mnder World of Animals. Neurath. 40 Yours With Love, Kate. Mason. 34 Under World of Insects. Neurath. 69 Wonderful Egg. Schloat. 19 ZAFFO. Big Book of Real Streamliners. 71 Wonderful Story of How You Were Born. Gruenberg. ZAHN. Grimsel. 63 24 ZAIDENBERG. How To Draw People! 41 Wonderful Tar-Baby. Harris. 16 Zeke and the Fisher-Cat. Voight. 81 WOOD. Fun in American Folk Rhymes. 28 ZIM. Alligators and Crocodiles. 10 OODY. Ballet in the Barn. 28 Sun. 55 WOOLLEY. Holiday on Wheels. 63 What's Inside of Animals? 81 _ . Lunch for Lennie. 28 SWhat's Inside of Engines? 81 W_hat's Inside of Me? 42 SWhat's Inside of Plants? 42 !ZOOTOW. Magic Word. 63 . Storm Book. 29