25371 Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee Hon. Josée. Serrano Hon. Loretta Sanchez Hon. Grace F. Napolitano Hon. Robert Menendez
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October 28, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25371 276th Infantry Regiment in the European The- PUERTO RICO STATUS PLAN HONORING MR. GARTH GARDNER ater of Operations for 16 months. During com- bat, he worked the front lines administering HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO HON. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO medical treatment to the wounded and per- OF NEW YORK OF CALIFORNIA forming emergency surgeries. Mr. Berrera car- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ried out his many duties with exemplary cour- Friday, October 27, 2000 age. Friday, October 27, 2000 On March 20, 1945, Mr. Barrera was injured Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 4475, the Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, I am and received 2nd degree burns to his eyes FY 2001 Department of Transportation appro- proud to rise today and honor Mr. Garth Gard- ner, an extraordinary American Citizen who from a mine explosion. On April 15, 1946, Joe priations bill, includes provisions which I sup- served our Nation with honor and bravery dur- returned to the United States receiving his port that will promote informed self-determina- ing World War II. On November 11, 2000, this Honorable Discharge on May 8, 1946. tion for Puerto Rico. It is historic that Con- Veterans Day, I will proudly present the Purple Upon return to civilian life, Mr. Barrera gress has authorized the President to cooper- Heart Medal to Mr. Gardner for his acts of owned and operated the Metro Barbershop in ate with the Elections Commission of the bravery during WWII. Los Angeles near Cal State L.A. from 1948 to Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to develop a 1989, and he and his wife raised four wonder- Mr. Garth Gardner was born on September legally valid and politically realistic program to 25, 1922 in Carbon County, Utah. He grad- ful children. His two daughters, Kathy and support political status resolution for Puerto uated from Carbon County High School in Carol, are both happily married and have suc- Rico. However, it was necessary to ensure 1940 and attended Carbon County Jr. College cessful lives. His son John is a Foreman in that Congress can review the program plan for two years. At the age of 19, Mr. Gardner the Los Angeles County Fire Department. His before funding can be expended. Given the enlisted as a cadet in the U.S. Army Air Force. other son, Joseph, who passed away in 1992, powers vested in Congress to determine the On March 27, 1945, Mr. Gardner departed to had been employed by Northrop Grumman ultimate status of Puerto Rico based on a le- New Guinea, where he flew 29 missions constructing Stealth Bombers. gitimate process of self-determination, the against the enemy in a B–24 liberator with a After 41 years of running his own business, process of Congressional review contemplated crew of 10 servicemen. Joe retired to enjoy a well-deserved leisure by this legislation is entirely fitting and critical Following his return to the United States, life. Today, he continues to be a happy and to a successful status resolution program. Mr. Gardner was married to Mary Ponti on De- modest man surrounded by a wonderful family f cember 30, 1945. In 1948, Garth graduated and many friends. from USC, with a Bachelor of Science degree I would like to urge all my House colleagues MR. LUIS P. VILLARREAL in Business Administration. Following his grad- to join me today in recognition of Mr. Joe uation, Garth bought a house in Pico Rivera Barrera’s remarkable service and contribution HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ where he and his wife raised their three sons. to our Nation and to offer our personal con- OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Gardner worked for the County of Los An- gratulations as he receives his Purple Heart IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES geles Flood Control District for 25 years and Medal this Veterans’ Day. Friday, October 27, 2000 upon retiring from the County in 1976, became f a California Probate Referee—a position he Ms. SANCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to FOR THE RELIEF OF PERSIAN has held for the last 26 years. congratulate Luis P. Villarreal, who received GULF EVACUEES In March 2001, he will retire from the Pico the 2000 Presidential Award for Excellence in Rivera City Council after 29 years of service. SPEECH OF Science, Mathematics and Engineering Men- He has served 8 terms, including his final toring for his work in developing science edu- term, as Mayor. One of his major accomplish- HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE cation and research programs to assist minor- ments is completing the flood control project, OF TEXAS ity students at the high school and university which began in 1991 and will be completed in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES level. Mr. Villarreal is a professor of molecular 2001. This important project begins at the Pa- Tuesday, October 24, 2000 biology and biochemistry at the University of cific Ocean and extends 26 miles to the Whit- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Chair- California, Irvin (UCI). He was selected as one tier Narrows Dam and costs $250 million. man, I rise in support of a bill that unani- of ten individual recipients to receive this pres- Mr. Gardner will always remain active in his mously passed the Subcommittee on Immigra- tigious award. community and continue a life of service. I tion and Claims and our Full committee. This Mr. Villarreal began his academic career would like to urge all my House colleagues to private relief bill on behalf of 54 families and when he enrolled in a community college to join me today in recognition of Mr. Garth individuals seeking permanent resident status become a medical technologist. Encouraged Gardner’s remarkable service and contribution in the United States has much merit. to continue his education, he went on to com- to our Nation and to offer our personal con- These families, known as Persian Gulf plete a four year degree in chemistry and then gratulations as he receives his Purple Heart evacuees, have lived and worked in this coun- entered graduate school. As a researcher in Medal this Veterans’ Day. try being evacuated out of Kuwait, at the be- biology, Mr. Villarreal is currently doing re- f search on the connection between cervical hest of the United States government, just IN RECOGNITION OF DR. DOMINICK cancer and viruses. He also manages a mil- prior to U.S. Military Intervention in the Iraqi CONDO AND DR. SALVATORE lion-dollar annual budget for the minority invasion of that country. LAPILUSA, ‘‘2000 MEN OF THE science program at UCI. Many of these individuals, by order of then YEAR’’ President Bush, were evacuated to keep them One of his greatest accomplishments is to out of harms way when the United States in- help struggling students achieve success in tervened militarily in Kuwait, and hid them in college, and to encourage them to become HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ OF NEW JERSEY their homes against Iraqi retaliation. Once scientists. One of his students remarked that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES here, the majority of the 2,000 evacuees ad- he is relaxed, but brilliant and very funny. justed their own status, often through asylum Through his mentoring program, Mr. Villarreal Friday, October 27, 2000 procedures. These 54 families remained in has guided many under-represented students Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today limbo, facing deportation and loss of work per- into the sciences. These students participate to recognize Dr. Dominick Condo and Dr. mits in the United States. in a rigorous academic and research training Salvatore LaPilusa, who are being honored by The Persian Gulf evacuees, are well edu- program that is mentored by faculty members. the Sicilian Citizens Club as ‘‘2000 Men of the cated, English speaking, mostly professional The program includes paid internships, tutor- Year’’ at the 73rd annual dinner-dance cele- individuals perfectly capable of working and ing, academic advising, faculty seminars and bration. supporting themselves here in the United participation at national conferences. On Saturday, October 28th, two of New Jer- States without becoming wards of any State in I ask my colleagues to please join with me sey’s most talented and dedicated physicians which they have settled. as we honor Mr. Luis P. Villarreal for his out- will be honored for their contributions to medi- This action is good for this Congress and for standing academic and educational achieve- cine, to the health of the residents of the City America, and I support its passage. ments. of Bayonne, and to philanthropic causes. VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:25 Jan 17, 2005 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E28OC0.001 E28OC0 25372 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 28, 2000 Dr. Dominick Condo, whose parents, the Fiscal Year 1991–1992. Also, since 1994, The Mexican revolution left Mexico dev- Domenico and Rosa Condo immigrated from she has been a member of the Boys & Girls astated with little food and medication. Joe’s Calabria, Italy, was born in Jersey City, New Club Board of Directors. In addition, Ms. father was deathly sick and a relative in El Jersey on August 13, 1954. Dr. Condo was Segura-Lopez acts as Vice-President and Paso, Texas wrote them to let Joe’s parents raised in Bayonne, New Jersey, where he Sponsor for ‘‘Club Los Haro’’ which raises know that they had the medication that would practices medicine today. In 1975, he received funds for her birthplace, Los Haro in help Joe’s father. Joe Garcia’s parents packed his B.A. from St. Peters College; studied medi- Zacatecas, Mexico. up their belongings and came to Texas at the cine at the Universidad Autonoma de Guada- As a child, Rosaura vividly remembers how end of the Mexican Revolution.