
Nullification Crisis

Wednesday 27, 2019 –Statement of Inquiry: There are many perspectives about what makes an effective leader.

–Do Now: Analyze the photo, what do you see? –PRO: NORTH: Manufacturing in the , you would LIKE tariffs because your own products would not have that additional tax àproducts will be cheaper than foreign products. Tariffs…Pro àthis means people will be more willing to or Con? buy your product –CON: SOUTH: Farmer in the United States, you need to sell your food. You may depend on foreign nations to buy your food and in return you buy their manufactured goods. àtariffs will make foreign goods more expensive. –What about the north? à fishing, shipbuilding, trading à skilled craftsmen, shopkeepers, manufacturing Economies –What was the economy like in the south? à large farms/plantations, cash crops à #2: Tax on goods imported –In 1828, Congress passed a law raising tariffs, from or taxes on imported goods such as cloth and foreign glass. countries –This will be the highest tariff ever. –Wanted to encourage manufacturing in the Tariff of United States –Higher tariffs= higher prices for imported 1828 factory goods. American manufactures could outsell foreign competitions.

–Who’s in favor of this action do you think? North or South? John C. Calhoun –Vice President under –Believed that the tariffs were unconstitutional since it favored the North –Insisted that states had a right to refuse to follow a law. This is called #1 NULLIFICATION! –Nullify: to cancel a law Pros Cons

1. States have 1. The U.S can more of a say in be seen as weak policy making because we are Pros & for their state divided

2. States know Cons better what 2.Disregards the their citizens Constitution need President Jackson –Believed in preserving the union –DISAGREED with nullification !!! –Would recommend to Congress to reduce the tariff of 1828 à which they do REDUCED The South (Against)

–Tariffs raised the prices they paid for factory goods. – High tariffs also discouraged trade among nations. –Planters in the South worried that tariffs would hurt cotton sales to other countries. v was not pleased with the new LOWER tariff either vNullify the tariff vIf the federal government used force to make them obey the tariffs, they declared they would secede. **Secede= break away from the #3 United States, forming a separate government South Carolina –Jackson claimed secession would be considered treason President –Defended the federal government’s power Jackson’s to impose tariffs Response –A state had no right to nullify a federal law –Federal union=must be preserved Henry –Proposed another tariff in Congress that would reduce tariffs over the Clay to next ten years the àCompromise Tariff Rescue! –South Carolina agrees to cooperate!