Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University Howard University Commencement Programs Howardiana 6-6-1969 1969 - Howard University Commencement Program Howard University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University, Howard, "1969 - Howard University Commencement Program" (1969). Howard University Commencement Programs. 118. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Howardiana at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Howard University Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. HOWARD UNIVERSITY Washington, D.C. INFORMATION CONCERNING 1969 BACCALAUREATE AND COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES TIME AND PLACE Boccoloureotc E.xerd:s.c, will ~ held on Sunday, June 1, Commcocemenr Exercises, on Fridoy, Jun~ 6; both beg,nnlng ot 5,30 P.M. In 1he eveM of fair weather. 1he e iccrc.,~, will be htdd on 1h. ground.1 of the upper quod,ongle. 1n fron1 of Oouglo)) Holl.: tn the CVf!nt of roin, in the- moin gymnos.ium ol the Phy,icol (dll(Ol lon for Men Bullding, Sixth ond Girard Street,. Northwe,1 ATTENDANCE All cond,datcs for degree, ore required to porttc1poto 1n 1ho ocodcmic procession ot both the Bo«oloureofe ond Commencem,-nt Excrci.les. Under $po<ial cil'Cums.1oncc", o c;:ondldot~ moy bo ex CU$Cd from either 01' both c xerclS("}, if tht'! Deon ()f the school or college concerned lndicotcs opprovol In o lune, to the Socre1ory ol the Univcn;iry, facuhy member> ore expectod to portlcJpote u, the ocodem,c proceuion ot the Commenc.ement E•or<.i5ei, o tttrcd In opproprioto ocodemic.