Produced by The Group of Churches

Thought for the Month…

Hello everyone,

“So much beauty we need to look after”, said the boy, as he, the mole and the fox looked out onto the great beyond. (from The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackery, it’s a book well worth a look, beautifully illustrated with a few simply chosen words)

Whether we are looking close up to a dew laden spider’s web or earth worm or further away to one of those glorious red sunsets, there is “much beauty” around, above, and below us.

Planet Earth, we are told is about 4.5 billion years old. It holds us up literally and supplies what is needful for life. We, humankind, are latecomers to this planet. If you look at the age of Earth as a 24 hour clock, we showed up at about 11.43pm. How can we care for its beauty and in so doing care for each other?

Words like: threat, uncertainty, risk, disaster, extinction, crisis is language often used in relation to Climate Change. It seems there is a lot of fear around.

Perhaps we can look at things differently. If we see and delight in the beauty of the world, (as the boy, the mole and the horse did) we will naturally long for others to share that same joy. Working with each other and our planet we can face the challenge ahead with hope and optimism.

Pie in the sky? I don’t think so, but come and see what you think. You are warmly invited to a series of evenings, (see opposite) as we explore the challenges and opportunities we face locally and internationally. We all have something to contribute. Let us tread gently together for the sake of the world. With my love

(Team Vicar)



A series of three evenings exploring the challenges of our climate and how change can be affected for the good of our planet and all its peoples

March, 5th,12th,19th, 7.30pm at St Margaret’s Church Hempnall, The Street, Norwich NR15 2AD

1. Climate Change and Citizen Action Thursday March 5th 7.30pm with Dr Martin Mahony and Dr Helen Pallett. Both are lecturers in Human Geography at the University of East Anglia.

2. Enjoying Creation and Effecting Change, Nationally and Internationally Thursday 12th March with Tessa Wardley. Tessa is an author of several books, e.g. The River Book, that seek to connect children and adults to the natural world in ways that are engaging and fun. Tessa currently works for DEFRA.

3. Joining the dots between Faith…Culture…Climate Change Thursday 19th March with Professor Mike Hulme, Professor of Human Geography at The University of Cambridge and will explore the contribution of faith and culture to the debate.


What’s On in Our Villages……

75TH V.E DAY ANNIVERSARY In preparation for the 75th V.E Day Anniversary, Friday 8th May 2020 (Bank Holiday) we are proposing to hold a village event that would bring us all together to celebrate the peace we now all enjoy following the sacrifices made by so many, including our own brave residents. This is be a free event open to all and an opportunity to get together and have some fun. It is hoped to apply for a road closure to enable us to have an informal parade from a central village location to the Village Hall followed by a picnic in the park, with perhaps some entertainment and activities. This is currently only a proposal and we would like to involve as many people from our village as possible, we hope you can get involved by joining us to form a steering group to enable this all to happen. We have already had some positive indications from the local council regarding some funding. Please feel free to contact Diane Ingram or Katie Barnes, we would so appreciate some support. There will be a preliminary get together on Tuesday 28th January 7.30pm at The Mill Centre to finalise some ideas and make a formal plan for the event to take place. Please help us in creating a memorable celebration that everyone can enjoy. Diane Ingram – [email protected] 01508 498549, Katie Barnes - [email protected] 07940436805

FOOD BANK On behalf of all The Food Bank recipients, and the staff who work so energetically and understandingly to help them, thank you for all your donations last year – sadly still needed in 2020. Our next collection is on SUNDAY 2ND FEBRUARY AT CHURCH. At Christmas we often receive special items of food we cannot eat for various reasons, the Food Bank accepts these gifts gratefully, but please check the sell-by dates – as with all items! We recently heard of someone who had to really make herself seek out a Food Bank to serve her desperate needs. She had suddenly lost all previous means of support. The helper at the Food Bank listened and provided for her needs. She returned some time later to thank them all, and to say she now had a job, a safe home, and enough to live on. Items can, as usual, be left at the Hempnall Church Office, Mon- Thurs, 9am-1pm. May you all be truly blessed in your giving and receiving. 4

THE MILL CAFÉ, HEMPNALL COFFEE & LUNCH February 3rd. Future dates 2nd March & 6th April. Please join us. All welcome! For more information please contact: Margaret Sparham (Wed and Thurs on 499766 or 499579 at other times) Hempnall Mill Centre, Mill Road, Hempnall. NR15 2LP Registered Charity No. 1074433 HEMPNALL MILL CENTRE – LUNCHEON CLUB Wednesday and Thursday 10am-2pm from £5.50 Morning tea or coffee served on arrival from 11am a two course lunch served at 12 noon, pick up travel can be arranged - for more information: Margaret Sparham (as above)

COMPUTER CLASSES NCC ADULT LEARNING at The Loft, Hempnall Village Hall Sessions began on Wednesday 22nd January for 10 weeks starting at 1.45pm for 2 hours. Would you like to join us? Please contact Yvonne Davy 01508 499405 email [email protected] for further information

WOODTON & BEDINGHAM MONDAY CLUB Next meeting is on Monday 3rd February at 2 p.m. Everyone is most welcome, do come and join your fellow villagers for a pleasant social afternoon. For further information please contact Janet Chadwick on 01508 483996 or Pam Mariner on 01508 483796

TOPCROFT SOCIAL CLUB QUIZ 8TH AND 29TH FEBRUARY Max. 6 per team - £2 per person - 7.30 for 8 p.m. start Good Prizes and friendly competition For more information please ring Christine on 01508 482268

THE ARK For pre-school children Will be meeting on Wednesday 12th February in Hempnall Church. 2.00pm; Crafts, singing, story, refreshments. All are welcome to drop in anytime. Please contact Jackie 01362 288195.


WOODTON & BEDINGHAM LADIES TOGETHER Our next meeting will be on the 12th February and our speaker will be Charles Lewis with a talk about Frogs and Toads! Visitors and new members are always welcome at our monthly meetings which are held in Woodton Village Hall on the second Wednesday of each month. For further information please contact Tricia Gunson on: 01508 558101.

VALENTINE'S DINNER AT SOCIAL CLUB Saturday 15th February. 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Tickets £12.50. Check out our Facebook page for further details or contact Step 01508 482209 or email [email protected]

THE WINTER WALK FOR FEBRUARY Will take place on Sunday 16th February at Old Hall Farm, Woodton, NR35 2LP (by kind permission of the Mayhew family). Meeting in the car park at 2pm where a walk of approximately 3 miles has been arranged, followed by refreshments in the café. NO MUDDY BOOTS IN CAFÉ/SHOP PLEASE – Bring a change of shoes. Sorry, no dogs on this walk. For further details contact Ron on 01508 499428. KETTLE ON!! 3rd Friday in the month, 2.00pm-4.00pm at Hempnall Mill Centre Come for a cuppa, a chat and meet new people. A facility provided by The Mill Centre for our villagers. Do come, we look forward to seeing you!

HEMPNALL ART CLUB Peter Brook, a Yorkshire Artist was the subject of our evening with Adrian, an interesting evening using just black and white paint. Christine organised an evening making a door wreath. We decorated a tree at the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Mary’s Church, , with all three of our clubs painting baubles, slices of wood, knitting, crocheting, sewing and paper folding, to cover our seven foot tree. We came 3rd in the public vote. Our Christmas “Do” was held at The Mill with lunch, quizzes and bingo.


We have a full calendar of events coming up in 2020, including workshops, demonstrations, plein air painting, coach trip and of course our regular weekly meetings in the Nelson Suite. Hempnall Art Club meets on Monday afternoons 1pm - 3.30pm, Tuesday mornings 10am - 1.00pm and Tuesday evenings 7pm - 9.30pm. If you would like any more information about our club, please telephone Tina on 01508 499376 or contact Christine, email address is [email protected] or pop into one of our groups for a coffee and see what we get up to, new members are always welcome. You can find us on Facebook too.

Thank you….

HARVEST COLLECTION Thank you to all who contributed to our Harvest Collection, the money raised was £171.04 which was sent to the Farming Network Community.

HARDWICK VILLAGE POPPY APPEAL Thank you to everyone in the village for their donations. Also Ann and Robert for their help with the collection. A fantastic £220.62 was raised to help the Royal British Legion to continue with their work.

THE FRITTON AND QUIZ NIGHT which took place on 15th November raised a final total of £1057.34, which is a fantastic result. This will be put towards the cost of a defibrillator for the two villages. This event was especially successful as Richard and Sonia from The Butcher’s House VERY generously donated all the sausages. We thank everybody who attended the evening and everybody who made a donation of whatsoever nature.

RON COOPER A message to all who were involved in my surprise birthday on Tuesday 3rd December. Thank you all so much for your secret planning, cooking, booking, support, cards and gift vouchers. I had a fabulous time and I am so luck to have so many good friends. My 90th birthday has been truly memorable as I’ve celebrated it with different groups of family and friends throughout December. Thank you again. With love, Ron.


WOODTON CHRISTMAS GET TOGETHER Thank you to the few who kindly supported "The Christmas Get Together" we raised £143.10 for Woodton Church.

HEMPNALL CAROL SINGING The Carol Singing in Hempnall raised an amazing £500 for Admiral Nursing. Thank you so much to all who contributed and those who turned out to sing around the village. Thanks also to Michael and Maggie once again, for their hospitality at the end of the evening.

HEMPNALL CHRISTINGLE Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Hempnall Christingle Service we raised a wonderful amount of £330.96 for the Children’s Society. Special thanks to the children who performed and everyone who helped make it such a special time.

TOPCROFT CAROL SINGING at Topcroft Pavilion Many thanks to Step for opening the bar. It was a good turnout. We raised £85.75 for the Children’s Society Thank you to Liz and Maureen for playing the violin and keyboard which we all enjoyed to help our singing, to Gerald and Janet for the Mulled Wine and Jackie, Margaret and Janet for the sausage rolls and mince pies. Many thanks to all those who supported the event.

WOODTON PRIMARY SCHOOL We would like to thank everyone who came along to the Carol Service and for their very kind donations for the East Anglian Children's Hospice £100 was raised and has been forwarded to them.

SHELTON AND HARDWICK - DEFIBRILLATOR Last year, two men in Hardwick suffered major heart attacks and thankfully survived. On both occasions, the emergency services wanted to know the whereabouts of the nearest defibrillator. This has prompted Shelton and Hardwick Parish Council to seek funding to enable a defibrillator to be made available in the Parish. The Parish Council would be interested to hear from anyone in the Parish who would like to make a donation towards the cost or who is trained in the use of a defibrillator. Please contact the Parish Council by e-mail to:- [email protected]


WOODTON DOG FOULING Woodton Parish Council are very aware, and it has been brought to their notice, that there is, once again, an increasing problem with dog fouling around the villages of both Woodton and Bedingham. We would be most grateful if dog owners would please clear up after their dogs, use the appropriate bins provided and keep the paths and lanes clean for the benefit of all walkers. There will be new notices going up around the villages shortly.

The Borderhoppa 2020 outings leaflet is now available. We have many trips arranged throughout the year including pub lunches, garden centres, the coast, mystery tours, boat trips and many more. You can pick up a leaflet at your local library, information centre, GP surgery, from one of our drivers or by calling the office and we’ll post one to you. Need help with transport? Borderhoppa buses are available to people of all ages who are unable to use ordinary bus services either because of mobility difficulties or because there isn’t a bus service for them to use. Our door-to-door dial a ride service can take you shopping, to medical appointments (excluding hospitals), to visit a friend or relative or attend a local club. If you would like to find out more about the great service we provide please call us on 01379 854800 or visit our website

GIRLGUIDING IN WOODTON AND BEDINGHAM AND SURROUNDING AREAS Woodton and Bedingham have traditionally been feeding into the local Girlguiding Units in Brooke. In Brooke we have two exciting Girlguiding Units, Guides for girls aged between 10-14 and Brownies for girls aged between 7-10. Brooke Guide Unit is one of the oldest running Girlguiding units in the county, it has been running for over 100 years! We would like to open a Rainbow Unit in Brooke at the Village Hall on a Tuesday afternoon before the Guides and Brownies meet. Rainbows is Girlguiding for girls aged between 5-7 years old, meetings will last one hour and take place during school term times. There will be lots of fun and girls have the opportunity not only to make new friends but earn lots of lovely badges and start heir Girlguiding adventure. To register your interest please sign up on register your daughter. Full details of Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers plus information if you wish to be an adult volunteer can be found on the Girlguiding website. We will be holding two taster sessions in February and all are welcome, you will receive information once you have registered your daughter/charge.


JOB OPPORTUNITIES The Property Charity in Hempnall requires somebody to cut the Krons Meadows up to 4 times a year (dependent on season) together with the new Swan Meadow to Krons Meadow footpath. If you are interested please contact the Charity Secretary who can arrange for a Trustee to meet you on site. [email protected] or 01508 499061 (answer machine)

CLEANER(S) REQUIRED as soon as possible for Hempnall Village Hall. Can be one or two people or job shared. Good rates of pay and flexible working. Labour saving equipment available. Please apply to either Damian Ashcroft 01508 499162 or Yvonne Davy 01508 499405 email [email protected]

ST ANDREWS CHURCH BEDINGHAM - TREASURER NEEDED Further to my request before Christmas for PCC members, I would like to thank those who have come forwards. However, St Andrews Church Bedingham are still looking for a Treasurer to take over the role when our current long standing Treasurer stands down in a few months time. Sadly, without a Treasurer, the future of the PCC looks uncertain so if you are figure and computer literate and possibly willing to take on this post we would love to hear from you. For an informal chat please contact either the Secretary Rachel on 499128 or the outgoing Treasurer Nick on 01379 586882.

What’s On in future months……

The next meeting of the HEMPNALL TOWN ESTATE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION is during MARCH 2020. Completed applications for grants by MARCH 1st to Alison Harris, Clerk to the Trustees, 34 Roland Drive, Hempnall, NR15 2RB. Application forms are available in Hempnall Village Hall, Hempnall Mill Centre, Hempnall Surgery, 34 Roland Drive or by email. Any queries or requests for forms to Alison Harris - [email protected] Tel : 01508 498258. PLEASE NOTE - WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT COMPLETED APPLICATIONS BY EMAIL



Friday 6th March, 5.00pm at Topcroft Church Come and join us in a global wave of prayer involving 170 countries, prepared for us by the women of Zimbabwe. They encourage us to reflect on the difficulties and unrest that have plagued their country for many years. The troubles continue and they need our prayers. The theme of the service is “Rise, take your mat and walk”. This year we are holding the service at Topcroft Church, Church Road, NR35 2BH. We will provide supper after the services at 6.00pm. If you would like to know more please contact Maggie 01508 498157.

Woodton Village Litter Pick Woodton will be carrying out their Village Litter Pick on Saturday 14th March 2020 at 10.00am. Please meet by the Village Shop. Thanks to a grant from in 2019, Woodton now owns its own Litter Picking Equipment, but you might like to bring along a pair of gloves. Please come along and help - the more the merrier and, therefore, the easier the job!

TOPCROFT OPEN GARDENS Sunday 24th and Monday 25th May. 11.00am to 5.00pm. An advance notice for your diaries for an enjoyable day out in Topcroft with approximately 12 gardens to visit with all day refreshments, vintage bus transport both days. If you live in Topcroft why not consider opening your garden again to share your gardening skills or join the openers for the first time. All gardens, large or small are welcome. For further details email [email protected]

WOODTON VILLAGE HALL TOTE - December winners: £20 - No: 76 - S Webb , £10 - No: 99 - W Beasley, £5 - No: 64 - S Connellan January winners: £20 - No: 11 - B Walpole , £10 - No: 21 - M Thomas , £5 - No: 49 - D Rayner

ST ANDREW’S CHURCH BEDINGHAM 59 CLUB – Latest Winners 4/01 - No: 11 - N Taylor, 11/01 - No. 14 - B Stennett, 18/01 -No.11 - N Taylor


LONG STRATTON MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP Tel: 01508 530781 A belated Happy New Year from everyone at Long Stratton Medical Partnership. Clinician wise in February we say goodbye to Dr Jenny Drummy who has been with us for 6 months. Jenny has enjoyed her time here at LSMP and she remains focused on a future career in General Practice. She is moving onto a placement in Palliative Care as the next stage of her training. We wish her good luck for her forthcoming wedding. Dr Hannah Bardsley remains with us until March when she will move onto a placement in the ENT department. We have our UEA students back with us and over the next few weeks they are learning about Mental Health, then back again in March for Obstetrics & Gynaecology. We also have some students from Cambridge University. Some of you may be asked to see a student under supervision from the GPs. There is never any obligation to see students but we remain very grateful to those who do see them as it is a vital part of their learning and they are our next generation of doctors. Dr Lara Douglass Message from our Patient Participation Group The next patient health information evening will take place late April and will focus on “The Heart.” Norfolk Accident Rescue Service has agreed to hold a training session on CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and defibrillator use. We are waiting to hear back from a Cardiologist in the hope that they will take us through the common heart attack signs and how we can look after our heart. More information will follow once the date, venue and speakers are confirmed.

Happy Birthday to….

Teenage: * Daisi Lili-May Reeder Rodger who will be 13 on the 5th * Thomas Potter who will be 15 on the 22nd

From the Registers…..

Funerals 19th Dec Veronica Williams (aged 91) at St Faith’s Crematorium 30th Dec Joan Ladbrooke (aged 96) at Hempnall Church 6th Jan Christine Allison (aged 86) at Hempnall Church


Gardening tips for February

Spring is in sight

This month there are signs of the approaching spring, with bulbs appearing and wildlife waking up as light levels and temperatures increase. There's plenty to do indoors this month to prepare for the season ahead. Outdoors, as the garden comes to life again, it's time to prune shrubs and climbers, such as Wisteria as well as evergreen hedges.

Top Ten Jobs for February:

• Prepare vegetable seed beds, and sow some vegetables under cover • Chit potato tubers • Protect blossom on apricots, nectarines and peaches • Net fruit and vegetable crops to keep the birds off • Prune winter-flowering shrubs that have finished flowering • Divide bulbs such as snowdrops, and plant those that need planting 'in the green' • Prune Wisteria • Prune hardy evergreen hedges and renovate overgrown deciduous hedges • Prune conservatory climbers such as bougainvillea • Cut back deciduous grasses left uncut over the winter, remove dead grass from evergreen grasses


Our Services in February….

Sunday 2nd Candlemas Gold or White Group Eucharist 10.00am Bedingham Church Family Praise 4.00pm Hempnall Church Readings: Malachi 3:1-5, Hebrews 2:14-18, Luke 2:22-40 Sunday 9th 3rd Sunday before Lent Green Eucharist (BCP) 8.00am Fritton Church Eucharist 9.30am Hempnall Church Eucharist 11.00am Topcroft Church Matins 11.00am Hardwick Church Holy Communion 2.30pm The Hollies Readings: Isaiah 58:1-9a, 1 Corinthians 2:1-12, Matthew 5:13-20 Sunday 16th 2nd Sunday before Lent Green Group Iona Eucharist 10.00am Hempnall Church Readings: Genesis 1:1-Ch2:3, Romans 8:18-25, Matthew 6:25-34 Sunday 23rd Sunday before Lent Green Eucharist 9.30am Woodton Church Morning Service 9.30am Hempnall Church Morning Praise 11.00am Topcroft Church Matins BCP 11.00am Morningthorpe Church Readings: Exodus 24:12-18, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17:1-9 Wednesday 26th Ash Wednesday Eucharist 6.30pm Hempnall Church

Every Thursday at 8.00am there is Holy Communion in Hempnall Church

Contact us…. Michael Kingston – Team Rector 01508 498157 Liz Billett – Team Vicar 01508 482366 Jackie Cook – Reader 01362 288195 Church Office, open Mon-Thurs 9am-1pm 01508 498157 Our website:


Need Help?…. All Nos 01508 unless stated otherwise

ACRYLIC AND GEL NAILS, coming soon spray tans and eyelash extensions Alice 498655 / 07872 366756 ALINE TURNER ACA - bookkeeping, accounts, tax returns, payroll Call 550403 or 07785 528069 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Call Mark Woods for advice and free quotation 498805 ART WATERCOLOURS FOR BEGINNERS / IMPROVERS from JAN 2018 [email protected] 499070 CARPENTER Mark Whitbread Free quotations. No job too small 532605 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Local reasonable rates David 01379 608529 or 07768757308 CARRY ALL Supplies of quality aggregates, to trade & public free delivery no VAT 536182 or 07850402845 CHESS Teaching at all levels. Martin Walker (01508) 492471 email: [email protected] CHIMNEY SWEEP-Guild of Master Sweeps-Clean & Friendly-Smoke Test/Certificates Dave 07835 757528 CHRIS BAKER TRANSPORT - Man & Van 531738 or 07821 923489 CHRIS CLARKE OIL BOILER SERVICES, servicing & breakdown repairs 07912146619 & 536573 CLEANERS R US since 2003 provide affordable friendly reliable CRB fully insured cleaners 490808 CUNNINGHAM GARAGE A range of services for all motoring needs, cars and commercials 499232 CURTAIN MAKER – Bespoke hand made curtains, own fabric made into quality curtains 07848 463344 DAVID HEWETT FRICS Chartered Building Surveyor CAD drawings & surveying services 499761 ELECTRICIAN Bob Turner – Domestic and Commercial Electrical Contractor 07899794813 FARM SHOP, CAFÉ & BUTCHERY, Norwich Rd, Woodton for the best Raw Milk in Norfolk 07900 814252 FEET – Corns, calluses, nail cutting and more, treated in your home Wendy 01379 676872 FLORIST – Bouquets, Sympathy, Workshops. Local delivery Victoria [email protected] 07703 728738 FOOTCARE Home visits for the treatment of nails, dry skin, corns etc Ring Nicky 0771 9727581 GARAGES TO LET. Long Stratton area, Secure, dry, insulated, power. Call Paul 07803 927303 GREENDALE GARDENING SERVICES Grass & Hedge Cutting, Fencing Andy 07802702602 / 531168 HARDWOOD LOGS Collect Hempnall £50/m3 or can deliver 07802 706826 HEMPNALL PARISH COUNCIL website address: KITCHEN / BATHROOM Refurb/Doors/ Skirting/ Architrave/ Flooring/ Painting Call Gary 07717 174617 LOCAL SKILLED HANDYMAN AVAILABLE only £17.50per hour Call Mike 07534694673 or 494547 NORFOLK WOODBURNERS, Hempnall. Suppliers and Hetas installers. 498393 OSTEOPATH, Cranial-accidents, back, headache. 01953 789629 e-mail [email protected] OIL, GAS HEATING AND PLUMBING SERVICES – Alan Bell 07710 515775 or 532393 PAINTER & DECORATOR Graham Bull over 25 years experience [email protected] 482409 PAINTING, DECORATING, FLOORING and floor restoration, wood painting & stripping. Seb 07821 973612


More Adverts inside back cover

PAUL CLARRY PLUMBING & HEATING for all your requirements 07887485676 / 550519 PETER MATTHEWSON PLANT HIRE Drainage & Groundworks. Please call for info 482655 / 07850722094 PIANO LESSONS Bedingham All ages welcome Marian 482746 PLUMBER: David Millward. Over 30 years’ experience all plumbing work 07763 359313 / 498005 PLUMBING, HEATING, BATHROOMS and More. Here to help with every ‘Chore’. Alan 499689/07973967570 RABBIT & GUINEA PIG BOARDING: Emma’s Holiday Hutches, Woodton 07708 044949 R.B. COPPING FUNERAL SERVICES, 494434 RICH WALPOLE ROOFING, specialist in new roofs, re-roofs and leadwork 07747 784742 ROSEDALE FUNERAL HOME Beccles & , a family business 01986 892790/ 01502 714445 SAFE & SOUND HYGIENE AND PEST CONTROL + garden maintenance 01379 788865 / 07809226109 SMALL LICENSED BOARDING CATTERY Established 1987 Reasonable rates 530580 STRATTON CABS Competitive rates, Airports a speciality Freephone 0800 2800430, 532452 / 01379674791 S.W. CONTRACTORS Groundwork, Gardens, Fences, Patios & Hedge Trimming 495528 TREE SURGEON NTPC qualified. Alan Bell Call 532393 or 07710 515775 TUTOR Maths and Science to G.C.S.E. Contact Storm Roberts: [email protected] 07939 242262 VETERINARY SERVICES IN YOUR OWN HOME. Less Stress for your pet - Let Rosie come to you. 498718 WINDOW WONDERLAND: window cleaning services contact Sam Raynes 482679 or 07975579292

PLEASE NOTE: We have had problems with e-mails during January – if any items have been missed, we apologise.

Items f or the March issue of Village News should be delivered/posted to: Group Office, The Rectory, The Street, Hempnall, NR15 2AD before 15th February or e-mail: [email protected] We regret any items received after the above date cannot be included.