Directories Lists Necrology National Jewish Organizations1
Directories Lists Necrology National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Religious, Educational 343 Cultural 337 Community Relations 333 Overseas Aid 341 Social Welfare 362 Social, Mutual Benefit 360 Zionist and Pro-Israel 366 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 373 Women's Organizations 374 Youth and Student Organizations 375 COMMUNITY RELATIONS humanity to the Arab-Israel conflict in the Middle East; rejects nationality attach- AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). ment of Jews, particularly American Jews, 298 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C., 10001. (212) 947- to the State of Israel as self-segregating, 8878. Pres. Clarence L. Coleman, Jr.; Sec. inconsistent with American constitutional Alan V. Stone. Seeks to advance the uni- concepts of individual citizenship and sep- versal principles of a Judaism free of na- aration of church and state, and as being a tionalism, and the national, civic, cultural, principal obstacle to Middle East peace. and social integration into American insti- Report. tutionsof Americans of Jewish faith. Issues . T _ ,„ ,..„., . of the American Council for Judaism; Spe- AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). In- cial Interest ReDort stltute of Human Relations, 165 E. 56 St., cial interest Report. N.Y.C., 10022. (212)751-4000. Pres. HOW- AMERICAN JEWISH ALTERNATIVES TO ard I. Friedman; Exec. V. Pres. Dr. David ZIONISM, INC. (1968). 133 E. 73 St., M. Gordis. Seeks to prevent infraction of N.Y.C., 10021. (212)628-2727. Pres. civil and religious rights of Jews in any part Elmer Berger; V. Pres. Mrs. Arthur Gut- of the world; to advance the cause of man.
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