/ ,0 ,0 ,0 («i |0 ,« (V ,» ,\\\\\\ t\\* ,» |«. ,* !«. ,S ,\\\\\\\\» ,S ,\\1 f% t«. t0 ,\ ,\\ »K f* f* rSSfe ^ £ * I' > f The Phasmid ... Study Group .V CHAIRMAN: Judith Marshall. - Dept. of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD. (Tel: 020 7942 5610; FAX 020 7942 5229) E-mail:
[email protected]. TREASURER/MEMBERSHIP: Paul Brock. "Papillon", 40 Thorndike Road, Slough, Berks. SL2 1SR. (Tel: 01753 579447) E-mail: Not currently available on e-mail i' SECRETARY: Phil Bragg. 8 The Lane, Awsworth, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2QP. (Tel: 0115 9305010). Pictures as featured inside this Newsletter!! DECEMBER 2002 NEWSLETTER No 93 ISSN 0268-3806 i' Newsletter 93.1 „ —. yr» k<t to-M> k«* »"«* p-M> =«• + ~ + »•* »''* ^"^ K"» ».-*»> p4* #."** ^« t\0 ,V (l ,» f\X t* «S |0 (|» |\» |«> ««. ,1 ,1 »V ,1 |% |S t\N »% «% |1 |» |» |0 «% |1 f H f1 |* f\» f<l |» |0 |0 f\0 «% |* ([I Diary Dates 2003 January 18th; Saturday, 11.30 am F*SG AGM zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA& Winter Meeting Spencer Gallery, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London. [Note the change of room, re refurbishment]. February 9th; Sunday Bugs & Beasties Show Selby, North Yorkshire (Contact Steve, www.bugsnstuff.co.uk). NB Steve is looking for some Phasmid Exhibitors — can you help? April 6th; Sunday, 10.30 am Spring Entomological Show (formerly Kettering Show) Kettering Leisure Village (Contact Jack Harris, 01455 444792). [It's like a mini AES Exhib, Ed.] British Tarantula Society Exhibition May 2003 — more details in next Newsletter Nature Matters Event June 2003 — Has anyone any details on this? F*SG Summor Meeting July 2003 - more details after the AGM.