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IOSEL The Official Foreign & Technical tui Journal of the BB.C.. erm.1 L Pteet1,32?Ag1111

Registered at the G.P.O. Vol. XII No. 308 as a Newspaper. FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931 Two Pence PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Music from Other Lands 1."Czechoslovakia Control of Canadian Radio The Optimum Load " From the Swiss Alps" Readers' Experiences

WORLD -RADIO Station Identification Panel BEROMONSTER (Schweizerischer Landessender), Switzerland Frequency: 653 kc 's. Wavelength : 459 In. Power (Aerial) : 77 kW.

ApproximateDistancefromLondon : 475 miles. Initial Call: "Hallo! flier Schweizerischer Landessender !Studio . . . (Bern, Basel, or Zurich)." Interval Signals : From Berne studio- musical box airs ; from Basle studio -clock chimes. Man Announcer. - Announcements in German. Closes down with the words :" Hiermit istunsere Emission beendet,"fol- lowed by Good -night greeting, first in German and afterwards in dialect Schwyzerdutsch ')," Guete Nacht mitander, schlafts alle recht woehi." Copyright A booklet containinga reprintof these panels can "Now you're Isure of good reproduction" beobtainedfrom the B.B.C. Publications,Savoy Hill,11'.C'.2.. Price Is.

LettersshouldbeaddressedtoTheEditor, " WORLD -RADIO," Savoy Hill, Strand, London, W.C.2. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION to " World -Radio " (including postage).Twelve months : I3s., 13s., Mullar Inland Canadian Foreign, 14s. ;Six Months :Inland 6s. 6d., Canadian, 6s 6d. I,ks. THE ,f MASTER' -7 -VALVE, Foreign 7s. Address-" World -Radio," 8.11, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Advt. The MallardWireless Service Co. Lid.,MallardHouse, Charing Crory Rd., London, IV.C.24 934 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH, 1931 ra.diotoday

The " Radiocorder "-EKCO'S latest invention-enables you to make your own gramophone records.It marks a new epoch in the art of sound recording and reproducing and affords you opportunities for pleasure and enjoyment hitherto outside the realms of possibility.It is the supreme achievement in home entertainment.The " Radiocorder " doubles the pleasures to be derived from your Radio Re- ceiver and Gramophone. The joys available are so many and varied that itis possible to summarise only a few. RADIO : Haunting tunes-favourite dance bands-thrills of big sporting events --noted orators-golden voices from favourite operas-plays-chamber music-comedy._ SPEECH : Messages to your friends-monologues-anecdotes -speeches-language lessons-plays. MUSIC: Your own and your friends' songs and musical ac- complishments-community singing. Very quickly you willbuild up apricelesslibrary of

records, yet at extremely low cost. - Thepriceofthe" Radio - corder," complete with acces- sories, and a supply of record blanks andneedles,isonly £5. 5. 0. ALSO OBTAINABLE ON EASY PAYMENTS- Initial payments 9/3 and 11 monthly READ HOW EASILY RECORDS payments of 9/7 (Microphone, ARE MADE. if required, £2. 2. 0 extra) Havingfittedthe MOUNTING SOCKET (1)to the Gramophone, Additional needles and records can be supplied at the following prices :- place the RECORD CARRIER (2) bin. RECORDS -6 for z/6.Sin. RECORDS - and RECORD (3) on the turntable, 6 for 16. plug the CUTTING ARM (4) into STEEL NEEDLES FOR CUTTING-Pkt. of 6 needles, 6d. the Mounting Socket and having FIBRE NEEDLES FOR PLAYING.-Pkt. of fitted a CUTTING NEEDLE (9) so needles, Od into the RECORDER (5) plug the Each needle can be used approximately twenty latter into the Cutting Arm, make times. thenecessaryconnectionstothe HEAR FOR YOURSELF ! Receiver by means of the CONNECT- ING BOX (6) then, having tuned Any good radio dealer will be in the desired station on the Receiver, pleasedto demonstrate the startthe Gramophone and lower Radiocorder." Ask him to the Recorder on to the edge of the let you make a record of your Record.The grooving of the record and therecordingwillthentake own speech or music. place. If it is desired to make records POST COUPON FOR FULL of your own speech, etc., connect the EKCO MICROPHONE to the DETAILS. Receiver. Toreproducerecords, substitute the REPRODUCING ARM (7),fittedwitha FIBRE NEEDLE (10), for the Cutting Arm and play the records in the ordinary way.Volume can be regulated with the VOLUME CONTROL (8).

NEI .111 MI MO MMMMMM ME a MI -ME If .1. To : E. K. Cole Ltd., Dept. W.R.11, EKCO Works, Southend-on-Sea Please send ore illustrated Folder describing the EKCO " Radiocorder" Name Address

If you would also like particulars of (a) EKCO All -Electric Radio Receivers (b) EKCO Power Supply Units, please r put aI cross against item required. 11.1 I=11Mi 15110 1M MC 11. OW TM VA rig 11.1 ME Of =OW RADKOCORDER R EGA) W Our WORLD -RADIO Registered at the G.P.O. Vol. XIINo. 308 as a Newspaper. FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931 TWO PENCE Musk from Other Lands I.-Czechoslovakia

Foreword not always the case with folk music, with greatblacklisted by the and driven into [The aim of this series of articles is to furnishinnate harmonic possibilities. exile. He returned to Prague as soon as possible,' a background, though necessarily a very sketchy The Slovaks make up 25 per cent. of theto take his part in the rebuilding and liberation one, to the national music broadcast from thepopulation, and are an agricultural rather than of the nation. stations of those countries whose music, thoughan industrial people for the reason that they were By 1863 he had completed the first of his eight of international importance, has been hithertolong oppressed by the Hungarians, who insisted national operas, The Brandenburgers in Bohemia,i little known in Britain. They are intended foron all trade flowing through Budapest.Their which he followed by Dalibor (1868), and Libu'§a those listeners who wish to know somethingfolk music is much influenced by Hungarian (x881).Dalibor is an almost legendary Czech' about the national music to which they listen,folk music, and may often be heard from Rakehero,anational leader and faithfulfriend.' but have not the time or inclination to sift theand Bratislava. " He personifies the invincible national soul,1 information they require from large works of The Moravians are a mining and agriculturaljust as his friend, Zdenek, whose wraith visits) referenceorfilesof people, and form about 24 per cent. of thethe hero in the darkest hour of affliction, is periodicals, as is usuallypopulation. Their country was long the subjecttypical of the spirit of hope speaking through° necessary if they want it ofdisputebetweenPoland,Hungary, andthe medium of music a message of confidence in the .] Bohemia, and its folk music has traces of thein a happier future " influence of these three nations.It is still dis-(" Smetana"-Groves: 0 get an intelligenttinctive, however, and has attracted the attention Dictionary of Music). grasp of the music of many foreign composers and collectors.ItNo less national is the broadcast from theis often broadcast from Brno and Morayska-truly delightful, opera, Czechoslovakstations Ostrava. The Bartered Bride, by under the heading of The collection of folk music at the beginningwhich he is best known nationalmusic,itis of the nineteenth century was rather a protest outside his own essential to have an ideaagainst the influence of than an effort country.Other rustic of the history of theto found a truly national school of Czech music.operas areThe Kiss peoplesof which the Czechsstillfelt themselves German thoughand The Secret. Republic iscomposed.they were no longer content to be Viennese.Equally important All truly national musicWhen,however,theRomanticMovementwhether from the

must necessarily embodyreached Bohemia and nationalists began to laynational . or purely much of the historicalstress on history rather than philology andmusical point of view experience of the nation archzeology, Czech musicians similarly were notare his five symphonic if it is to crystallise incontent merely with using Czech texts, butpoem s, published Antonin Dvaak sound the deepestsought national musical forms and subjects forunder the title. of Ma B. Smetana in 1862 thoughts and aspira-their compositions.Franz Skroup (x811-1892) Vlast (My Country), of which the best known tions of a people duringwrote an opera Dratenik (The Broomwinder), abroad are Vysehrad (the Capital City), Vltava' the period in which it is written. in 5825, which was the first considerable work(Germanice :Moldau) and Fromthe Fields', The, Republic of Czechoslovakia was formed of this kind. and Groves of Bohemia.Smetana stands in' in 1918 of Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia, and Bedrich SmetarM (1824-1884) was the firstthe first rank among the composers of the' part of Silesia.Though these peoples have ato reveal the soul of -the nation in music. Theworld and was the first to make Europe realise; musical history continuing from the Middlecourse of the development of his significantthatCzechoslovakmusicwas goingto, Ages, the music with which we are concernedworks is bound up with the cause of nationalcount. dates only from the beginning of the nineteenth independence.In the stirring days of 1848 he Antonin DvofAk (1841-1904) excelled Smetana' century. After the Napoleonic Wars, the musicalwrote a march for the Students' Legion and ain international celebrity.Even to -day Czech! counterpart of the national revival, beginning in SolemnOverture, which caused him to bemusic is represented to thousands of British! Bohemia as an interest in the Czech listeners by his" New World antiquities and language, was natur- symphony, his Stabat Mater, his ally thecollection of Czech folk Songs My Mother Taught Me, and music and dances. For this reason his Humoresque (No.7). Like itislogical to begin with some Smetana, Dvorak was greatly', account of the folk music of the influenced bythe national movement,' republic. but his aim was less comprehensive. The Czechs, known in pre -War Smetana wrote to remind the. Czechs times asBohemians, form about of their glorious past, to rouse them forty per cent, of the population of to a yet more glorious future, and Czechoslovakia. They were subdued to point the way to freedom. Dvofalc by the Austrians in the sixteenth wroteasa- rank -and -fileCzech century, and so far Germanised by rather than as a leader, as a Pan -Slav the end of the eighteenth that the rather than a Czech, merely trying Czech language was hardly found to express his joy in national life' save on the lips of the workers and and his sympathy for his country- peasants. The influence of Vienna men in subjection. was supreme, and so Czech folk Like Smetana, DvofAk did not music includes old village melodies, considerthatthenationalspirit strains ofItalian opera metamor- could be expressed by the mere use phosed into street songs, and even and imitation of folk songs. He themesfromthesonatasand did,however, incorporate in his symphonies of Mozart, escaped from chamber musicsuchspecifically the concert hall and gone wild. For Slavonic dance forms as the medva'? all its mixed origin, however, Czech (bear dance), furiant, skocna (reel), folk music is a lovely thing, rich in melody and rhythm, and, which is One of the studios of Prague Broadcasting Station (Continued in column 3, page 936) 936 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH, 1931 on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River extending MUSIC FROM OTHER LANDS Control of Canadian Radioto Ontario would make the factory subject to (Continued from previous page) Dominion control. Federal v. Provincial Arguments The Attorney -General of Ontario concurred dupcik, sousedha(slow waltz) and the polka, (From our Montreal Correspondent) the newest of Czech dances, said to have been in and supported the arguments of Quebec. invented by a girl in domestic service in 183o. OWNERSHIP of" the air,"inso far The Attorneys -Generalof Manitoba andDvorak was the founder of Czech chamber asitrelatesto radio broadcasting inSaskatchewan said they appeared merely tomusic, but he has expressed himself in many Canada, was always conceded to belong to watch the case asit affected or might affect musical forms. His most frequently broadcast the Dominion Government until, ih FebruarytheirProvinces,buttheAttorney -General operas are The Cunning Peasant and Rusalka. thisyear,Premier Taschereau,of Quebec,of New Brunswick presented an argument ofIn 1892 he accepted the position of Director following a dispute with the Minister of Marinehis own on behalf of that Province, and joinedof the National Conservatory of Music at New over the hours allocated to a Quebec broad-issue with a memorandum on " the underlyingYork, and his symphony Front the New World casting station, decided to submit to the Appeal principles of radio communication " included in the record of the Dominion's case. is a record of his first impressions of America. Court at Quebec the question of whether control The A memorandum, New Brunswick claimed,isa notable con- of broadcasting fell under, the jurisdiction of temporaryofthese the Dominion or the Province.Mr. Taschereau, statement of theories no longer held by scientists. two great men was in his capacity as Attorney -General, submittedThe questions submitted to the court assume Zdebek Fibich (1850- a case contending that- the existence of Hertzian waves, and the Pro- 1890), who has been " Serious doubts on the constitutional validityvinces claimed that the wave theory is long outmoded. calledtheCzech of this legislation (The Radio -Telegraph Act Schumann and is adopted by the Parliament of Canada by which The Dominion Government maintained that radio does not fall within Section 92 of the chiefly known to -day the Dominion exercises jurisdiction over radio forhisshort pieces communication) have been raised, and thatBritish North America Act, that regulation by for the pianoforte. His the Government of this Provinceisof theinternational agreement is necessary, that the ether has been definitely appropriated by the pupil, KarelKovari'e opinion thatthelegislativecompetence,as (1862-192o), wrote regards the control and the regulation of radio,action of the nations of the world, including operas which show the belongs to the Legislature, in virtue of theCanada, to purposes which in no sense can be regardedas influence of Smetana British North America Act, 1867." Provincial.Radio,theFederal and Massenet, and are On receipt of a communication from thecounsel contended, is of national importance, often broadcast. Quebec Prime Minister intimating the step heand falls within the legislative powers of the Dominion as relating to the peace, order, and Between Smetana was taking, the Dominion Government decided and Dvorik and Novak to prepare a case for submission to the Supremegood government of Canada. Leos JamiZek and Suk stands Josef Court of Canada, with the object of ascertaining Challenging the right of the Dominion to Foerster (b.1859). The its powers inthematter, and the Quebecmonopolise control over radio, the Provinceprofoundly subjective and metaphysical works 0 Provincial Government agreedtowithdrawof Quebec . declared the questions submittedof this composer have been likened to those of the case it had submitted to the Appeal Courtto the court are " not only entirely general,Cesar Franck. and submit its case to the Supreme Court ofbut equivocal and ambiguous."Counsel for Viterslav Novak (b. 1870) was the Province submitted that, prima facie, thea pupil of Dvoiik and has made a deep study Canada at the same time as the Federal Govern- of Slovak folk music.Josef Suk (b.1874) ment. The provinces of Ontario, New Bruns-ProvincialGovernmenthascomplete andmarried the daughter of Dvofak and has carried wick, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan associatedabsolute authority over all radio matters withinon the work of that composer. Charles Rudolph themselves with Quebec Province in this action,the Province, and at any rate that the burdenFriml (b. 1881) is well known for his songs and the first two actively, and the second two byof proof was on the Dominion to show on whatpianoforte music, and Oskar Nedbal (b. 1874) having a representative present at the hearing.it relied for its assumption of full jurisdiction for his opera Polenblut. The questions which the Supreme Court ofover all radio matters in the Dominion. This very brief indication of the musical Canada was asked to decide were two : The Province invoked Section 92 of the Britishriches of Czechoslovakia which may be explored 1. Has the Parliament of Canada jurisdictionNorth America Act, relating to property andby radio may fitly close with a short note on to regulate and control radio communication, civil rights and generally all matters of a merelyLeos Janacek (1854-1928), who is one of the including the transmission and reception oflocal or private nature in the Province, andmost significant and truly modern of Czech signs, signals, pictures, and sounds of all kinds,observed that" although radio transmission composers.Of special interest are his choral by means of Hertzian waves, and including thethrough the air is without any physical apparatussettings of the works of the Silesian poet, Peter right to determine the character, use, and loca-such as telegraph wires, it does require apparatus Bezuc, and his famous operas Her Foster- tion of apparatus employed ? for the emission of the Hertzian waves (broad- daughter (Germanice :Jenufa) and Katia based 2. If not, in what particulars, or to whatcasting stations), and these are physical workson " The Storm " by Ostrovsky.He made extent is the jurisdiction of Parliament limited ?situated on the land of the Province in which important researches into the psychology of folk The hearing began in Ottawa on May 6 andthey are erected. music and maintained that " song lives by and lasted three days, the Court (consisting of a The position pending the judgment is that allin the melody of speaking and the whole spirit bench of six judges), reserving itsdecision, legislation affecting radio is held up, and par-of a nation is manifested in its speech." JanMek which itintimatedlater might be expectedticularly consideration of the recommendationsis only one of a band of intensely interesting about June 20. regarding some form of nationalisation madeand important composers whose works are The factum filed by the Attorney -Generalby the Royal Commission headed by Sir Johnhardly accessible at all to English students of of Canada based the Dominion's case squarelyAird, whose report was made public a yearmusic except via ether. on the British North America Act.Radio, ago. F. W. it claimed, is not a matter which falls within any of the subjects assigned to the Provinces such asproperty and civilrights,or local Royal Air Force Display 300 yards, at a speed of nearly sixty miles an works and undertakings.Controlofradio hour.The catapult and engines have been by the Dominion is necessary for the " peace, THE twelfth Royal Air Force Display atdeveloped at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, order,and good governmentofCanada." Hendonwilltakeplace on Saturday, Farnborough. Radio, the Attorney -General argued, is similar June 27.The attendance atlast year's For the first time an exhibition of refuelling to telegraph lines, railways, canals, and steam-display, of more than 150,000 people, con-military aircraft in the air will be given. Success- ship lines, extending beyond the boundariesstituted a record for an outdoor event on a singleful experiments to prove the practicability of of the Provinces, and connecting two or moreday, and arrangements have been made toaerial refuelling were carried out several years Provinces which are assigned to the jurisdictionprovide accommodation for a " record " attend-ago by the Royal Air Force, but as there was of the Dominion.Control by the Dominion,ance at this year's display.One of the newthen no immediate need for departing from the the factum stated, is necessary for the fulfil-events will be the catapulting of a large twin-regular practice of filling up aircraft on the ment of international treaties and obligationsenginedbomber.Thisland -typecatapultground, the matter was not proceeded with. incurred by Canada on its ownaccount, or as aoperates on an entirely different method from Radio telephony -will be used for communicating part of the British Empire. the type used on naval vessels, and has been between the two aircraft before the dropping of In a lengthy argument opposing the Domin-developed as a portable catapult for use wherethe pipe line and during the proceedings.The ion's claim, the Attorney -General of Quebecthe taking -off areaisrestricted.Two newfuel carrier will be auto -controlled, so as to insisted that radio receiving and sending appara-spheroidal engines, which have many unique ensure that it will fly on a perfectly straight tus are essentially local works within the controlfeatures, together provide the necessary forces course. of the Province.The fact that radio waves,to propel the aircraft forward.Each of them Tickets for the special enclosures and the oncetransmitted,may extend beyond thedevelops 2,00011.p.in the course of three stands can now be obtained from the Secretary, borders of the Province does not alter this anyseconds, and enable the aircraft to take off inRoyal Air Force Display, Hendon, or from more than does the fact that fumes from a factoryabout thirty yards, instead of the normal run ofvarious booking agents. JUNE 19TH, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 937 Via Ether Midsummer Day Physics at Cambridge, and he died in thatWhile this country is not alone in providing THE microphones of the Continental sta-town in 1879. assistance for adult education- and tionsare now busily engagedin the * * the United States take considerable interest in openair,andtheypromiseseveral A Summer School for " Group Leaders " this part of their broadcast programmes-it interesting relays in connexion with Midsum- THEterm " adult education "isprobablymay probably be said with truth that the mer Day celebrations.Thus, for 8.55 p.m.familiar to all listeners ;but what proportionsystematisation of broadcast talks with this onSUNDAYRavag announces a transmissionof them is even aware of the existence of theend in view has reached a higher point in this " Summer Solstice in the Mountains." Scenesgroups formed for the purpose of systematicallycountry than in any other. enacted at Innsbruck, in the Tyrol, will thenlistening to and discussing broadcast talks ? * be heard through the Austrian station, andNot as great as it should be, certainly ;yet last winter there were more than 800 such Boito's Mefistofele will be relayed by Konigs Wusterhausen and ACORRESPONDENTwho occasionally obliges me Leipzig.OnTUESDAYevening, however, thegroups. The fact of this considerable nucleus of a real system of wireless adult education-with his views on broadcast music which he realfestivalbegins, and theScandinavian has heard from the Continent writes as follows stations haVe made elaborate preparations forfor it must be considered only as a nucleus of European listeners to join in the festivities.what that system is likely to grow to in the nexton a recent transmission from Rome -Naples : few years-presents certain problems. Not the" During thelast few days there has been From 9.40tomidnight Stockholmrelays two broadcasts from Roma -Napoli ' of Arigo Swedish midsummer celebrations, while fromleast of these is the appointment and training of group leaders.Tutors in adult education Boito's Mefistofele. It is exactly fifty years 8 p.m. to midnight the traditional St. John's since, at Brussels, Ifirst became acquainted Day festival, annually taking place at Maihau-and professional educationists have helped on gen, in Norway, will be relayed by Oslo andmany occasions, but their immediate duties,with Boito's masterpiece, and the performance of course,limitthe amount of assistancegave a mighty fillip to my musical perception most of the German and Austrian stations. faculties.Here are, indeed, majesty, loftiness At 8 p.m. onMONDAYBrussels No.1transmitsthey can give.In order to minimise this lack a programme entitled " Summer in Music " ;of leaders the Central Council for Broadcastof conception, and vibrativeexpansiveness Beethoven's Sixth (Pastoral) Symphony will beAdult Education, after the successful nationalcarried to the highest pinnacle. The similarity heard from Hamburg at 9.20 ; and at to p.m.conferenceofgroupleadersandstudentof the subject invites, of course, subconsciously (if nothing ;else), comparison with Spohr, Berlioz, famous Serenadeswillbe played by thelisteners held in London last January, decided Copenhagen station orchestra. A new tone -to hold a summer course for training leaders ofand Gounod. Well, vulgarly speaking, they are poem by Breslau's Director of Music, Herrwireless discussion groups.The Council hasnot in it ; which may be a bold thing to assert, E. Nick, entitled Midsummer Night, is to bebeen fortunate enoughtosecureforthishaving regard to the attractiveness and well - purpose the use of New College, Oxford, fordeserved popularity of the last-named's Faust. broadcast from Breslau and relayed by Heils- The fact, however, remains. The effect of the berg andBerlin-Witzleben at8p.m. onthe week from June 27 to July 4, and is able to TUESDAY. provide accommodation for women as wellopera is what our musical Teuton cousins call Markerschidtern.' The rendering was superb ! * * as men. Among the speakers at the opening British Artists Abroad and introductorysessionsof this SummerAnd here in London we had the alternative 'Two well-known English artists, Miss LilianSchool-the first of its kind in the world-of Turandot !Mein Gott') " HarrisonandMr. John Armstrong,will will be Sir John Reith, Director -General of * * * broadcast a programme of English poetry andthe B.B.C., and Mr. G. H. Gater, Chief More about the New York Air " Attack " songs from and its associated stationsEducationOfficerof the London CountyAPRoposmy note two weeks ago concerning at 9.4o p.m. onTUESDAY.A programme of CouncilandChairmanoftheExecutive the air " attack " on New York : as I expected, English music is also to be broadcast from Committee of the Central Council for Broad-a number of readers heard this broadcast on Stockholm at 8 p.m. onFRIDAY. Listenerscast Adult Education.Opportunities will beMay 23One correspondent who listened to should note both these dates. Other interestingafforded for practice in group leadership, sincethe relay of the " attack " through W2X.AD transmissions announced for next week are athe subjects to be broadcast during the Con-found that the reception was fairly good and Mussorgsky commemoration and a Wagner con- ference will be varied in character. that the broadcast lost none of its thrill by cert from Rome and Vienna respectively at 9 p.m. * * * trans -Atlantic transmission.Indeed, he de- OnTHURSDAY,and two concerts onSATURDAY, The Importance of Being a Group leader scribes it as " one of the fineststunt ' broad- emanating from and Budapest, which GROUPleaders perform a most useful functioncasts I have heard.The switching from one will commemorate the centenary of the great in the wireless educational life of this country observer's microphone to another was extremely violinistJosef Joachim, about whom moreand one which, it appears to me, will growwell done, as was the speech from the 'planes, next week. enormously in importance as time goes on.which, although accompanied by engine noise, * * * I understand that some of the most successfulwas perfectly intelligible.One ground ob- Clerk Maxwell's Centenary groups have been brought together and led byserver (if one may call him such) was on the JUST one hundred years ago lastSaturday,persons who had not regarded themselves as Io3rd floor of the new Empire State building, June 13, 1831, was born, at Dundee, Jamesteachers in the formal sense of the word, but 1,350 ft. up, and stated that on several occasions Clerk Maxwell, the mathematical genius whohave none the less performed a useful duty inthe 'planes were on a level below him. At gave to the world--7-far in advance of the world's athoroughlyefficientmanner. Allthose the conclusionof the broadcast the NBC ability to utilise or even appreciate at its fullwho have educational advantages and to whomstated that the sound of machine-gun fire, etc., value-the initial theory which led eventuallythis interesting work may appeal are asked towas synthetic, as was, I suppose, only to be to the conception of wireless communication.consider the possibility of undertaking it.Inexpected."This correspondent was fortunate Although notactuallyassociatedwiththeorder to acquaint those who may think ofenough topick up another specialtrans - discovery of the principles of wireless com-attending the course with some of the problems Atlanticbroadcastinwhich theNational munication as we know them to -day,hisinvolved in building broadcast programmes andBroadcasting Co., in co-operation with the wonderfuldeductivepowersenabledhimin receiving them to the best advantage, a Canadian Pacific Railway, relayed a concert toforeseethattheelectro-magneticphe-series of lectures will be given by experts,from the s.s. Empress of Britain on June 1. nomenon involved must exist, and though he including Professor T. H. Searls, of UniversityAccording to my correspondent, " the ship was never able to demonstrate it, he effectively College, Hull ;Mr. J. H. Nicholson, Directorwas at the time steaming up the St. Lawrence paved the way for the other pioneers who cameof Extra -Mural Studies, Bristol University ; on the way to Quebec. During the programme, after.In his famous treatise on ElectricityMr. R. S. Lambert, Editor of the Listener ; which was given by the ship's orchestra and two and Magnetism he deduced that the speedand Mr. C. A. Siepmann, Secretary of theCanadian artistes, Mary Pickford and Douglas of electro-magnetic radiation must equal thatCentral Council for Broadcast Adult Education. Fairbanks, with other well-known passengers, of light-an elementary fact now commonly Iunderstand that arrangements have been were heard to say a few words."All of which known and used in every wavelength andmade for financial assistance to be given toshows what interesting transmissions can be frequency calculation.Maxwell was the firstthose attending the Conference who, withoutpicked up, from time to time, on the short to hold the ,Chair of Professor of Experimentalsuch help, would. be prevented from doing 'so. waves. ETHERVIATOR 938 WM/ WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH, 7931 Dominion and ForeignBroadcastingIntelligence

Growth of U.S.A. Radio Industry The B.B.C. Report comparatively higher ground on which the Some Striking Figures A summary of the B.B.C. Report has been pub- station at Kootwyk stands, the fact that already (From our Chicago Correspondent) lished in many papers, and the comments madethere are at Kootwyk aerials of great height, and The growth of the United States radio industry,have been very favourable.It seems to be thealso that most of the Government technical which came into being a little more than a generalopinionthatbroadcastingisbetterequipment is centred there.Additional reasons decade ago, is phenomenal, says Mr. 0. H.organised in Great Britain than in France, andare that while the Business Broadcast from Caldwell, former Federal Radio Commissioner the B.B.C. is held up as an example of what can Scheveningen does not easily reach all quarters, and now editor of Electronics and Radio Retailing. be done if the matter is properly tackled. Veryit is something of a nuisance to listeners in the He claims that this growth has occasionedfew, however, wish the B.B.C. methods to bevicinity who are trying to pick up other stations, 192,000 new jobs with an annual pay roll ofcopied in France, as itisrealisedthatthe since it cuts through everything anywhere near £68,000,000. He states that the investment inproblems are not the same, and also that there 5,000 metres.The tests from Kootwyk are broadcasting stations, radio factories, and dis-are great differences of opinion as to the methods being made on the old Scheveningen transmitter tribution quarters totals £47,000,000, while the of tackling those problems. formerly used on a wavelength of 1,07o metres, listening public, with 55,000,000 receivers, has The Retiring President the present wavelength being 1,053 metres, the an investment in radio of £300,000,000.The Listeners feel that they are losing a friend in the aerial power during tests being 15 kW, and listeners likewise make an annual expenditureretirement of M. Gaston Doumergue from thecapable of being raised to 6o kW. A number of of £40,000,000 for the operation and upkeep Presidency of the Republic.It is known thatfurther tests . and experiments are being made of their receivers.Of this sum £12,000 is he is an enthusiastic listener and he has evidenced before the transmitter is put into regular working, paid out for valve replacements, £20,000,000his interest in many small ways during his termwhich will be done at as early a date as possible. for electricity and batteries, and the balanceof office. The new President, it is understood, is Reports of reception coming from all parts of for servicing, repairs, and miscellaneous supplies. not particularly interested in the science, bilkHolland and from abroad are very good, one The valve, which made possible the growth ofhis granddaughters will make use of the aerial from Dundee stating that the reception is clearer the radio industry, is finding new uses, one ofof the retiring President at the Elysee Palace. than either Huizen or Konigs Wusterhausen. which has been in the sound -picturefield. Ten Radio Commandments Sound -picturemanufacturers, producers, and GERMANY The Rotterdampolicetaketheir work as distributorshave a totalinvestmentof The Fourth High -Power Station guardians of the peace very seriously, and prefer £180,000,000;giveemploymentto65,0o0 prevention of disturbances to their cure and people, with an annual pay roll of £23,000,000. (From our Munich Correspondent) punishment. As a means to such prevention they In addition to these figures cited by Mr.It has been officially stated that the Bavarianhave just issued to all known owners of radio Caldwell, statistics accumulated by the National Section of the German Ministry of Posts has sets and gramophones a card, suitable for hanging Associationof Broadcasters show thatpro- decided to erectahigh -power broadcastingon the instrument, on which are printed the gramme sponsors are spending £15,000,000 astation close to Munich.This station formsfollowing " ten commandments" year in bringing radio entertainment to thepart of the net of eight high -power stations 1. Radio rows, neighbours' rows. 6o,000,000 people in the radio audience through- at present being built in Germany, of which 2. A loud radio is a trouble to your neighbour out the United States.Broadcasting stations threearealreadyinoperation,Heilsberg, and no pleasure to you. in the nation have approximately to,000 em- Muhlacker, and the new Konigs Wusterhausen. 3. A neighbour who createsa disturbanceis ployes, who receive £4,000,000 in wages each The station will probably be situated some ten listened to with annoyance. miles due east from Munich. I understand that 4. Get pleasure from your radio without causing year.This does not include the fees paid to displeasure to others. radioartists, whose salariesare included inthe building is to be erected this year, so that 5. Compulsory enjoyment is never valued. the sum paid by programme sponsors.Tenthe station will be ready for tests about May, 6. Tastesvarywithradioand gramophone years ago the radio industry was doing about1932. The site will definitely be decided upon as with other things. £200,000 a year of business in fitting out ships after exhaustive measurements.It is thought 7. What you will not that others do unto you, with wireless equipment.In a decade it hasthat by arranging the transmitting aerial in ado not unto them, applies also to radio and gramo- increased nearly a thousandfold. certain manner the reflected ray of the trans- phone. mitter can be greatly reduced or at least sent 8. Summer pleasure :Open doors,scentof up at such an angle as to come back to earth at aflowers, no tiresome wireless. (From our Vienna Correspondent) considerable distance from the servicearea. 9. Summer vexations :Fine weather, annoyance Vienna's Projected High Power Station from unwanted wireless ;so a closed door and a bad Thus this area can be increased, the zone oftemper. The contract for the new too kW station hasfading pushed farther off, and the efficiency to. From his handling of his set, one learns to been given to the Telefunken concern, and asof the transmitter greatly enhanced.Should know one's neighbour. much as possible of the material is to be pro- the tests prove as successful as they have on the duced in Austria with Austrian labour.It willshorter waves, the Bavarian authorities hope toIn the original a number of these " command- take about a year to build, and will cost aboutmake use of this latest development. A con-ments " are in humorous rhyme, and so attract ninety thousand pounds. The site has not yetsequence of this aerial construction would beattention without causing annoyance. been definitely fixed, but it will be somewhere in that distant reception of a given station would , at least twelve miles from thebecome much poorer, but listeners in Germany NORTH AFRICA city. are increasingly becoming aware of the fact Wireless Stations for the Sahara The Rotarian Conference that distant reception at its best is poor as com- (From a Correspondent) Immediately after the Festival Fortnight, the pared with local reception of a well -modulatedThe seventh North African Conference, which first week of which has been marred by heavystation. opened at Tunis on June 1last, and at which rainstorms, 4,000 Rotarians are due to arrive the Governors -GeneralofAlgeria,Tunisia, in Vienna from all parts of the world, for their St. John's Day Celebrations in Norway Morocco, French West Africa, and French Congress here from June 22 to 24. Several (From our Correspondent) Equatorial Africa were present, has expressed speeches are to be broadcast, and perhaps alsoGerman microphonereportersarevisiting some interesting views concerning the creation some of the entertainments provided for them,Sweden and Norway in connexion with inter- ofwirelessstationsthroughoutthegreat which willincludespecialperformances ofnationalfootball matches.They have beenNorth African Desert.Such stations should Lehar's Merry Widow and The Land of Smiles, invited by the Norwegian broadcasting provetobe helpfultothe Saharan tourist to be conducted by the composer, for he is anauthorities to relay to Germany the ancient services of motor -cars, as well as of aeroplanes. ardent Rotarian, though these performances asMidsummer Day celebrations which take placeThe Conference has expressed the desire that a whole will not be broadcast.On Friday,at Maihaugen, near Lillehammer, on June 23. aregular trans -Saharanlineof motor -cars, June 26, there will be a relay from the StateThe West German group of stations is one ofsponsored by Government, may be created, Opera, but the selection has not yet been made.the groups participating in this relay. as soon as possible, both for travellers and goods. This service would operate twice a week during FRANCE the winter and once a month in summer.In (From our Paris Correspondent) HOLLAND (From our Correspondent at The Hague) addition, an aerial service would be created, Unauthorised Amateur Stations Three young amateur transmitters have 'recentlyTransfer of Scheveningen Transmitter to Kootwyk andaeroplanes wouldtaketravellersfrom been fined a small amount for erecting a trans-Preparations are being made to transfer the so-Algeria down to the River Gao.All the aero- mitting post and communicating with eachcalled Business Broadcast from Scheveningenplanes flying over the desert would be equipped other. Their defence was that they were merelyHarbour to Kootwyk.There are a number ofwith wireless sets, enabling airmen to be always experimenting, but it was accepted only to thedifferent reasons for this change, most of themin touch, as to the atmospheric conditions, with extent that their fine was reduced. beingofatechnicalnature,including the (Continued at foot of col. r, page 945) JUNE 19TH, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 939 and I must say I found them much more to From the Swiss Alps my liking than their American prototypes. A Review of the May European Programmes Tuesday, May 12.-Tried Budapest for the IF THIS By "YODELLER" advertised broadcast of Tannhduser, but found IT is with some regret that we, in the Swissreception from this station so distorted that I MONEY WERE Alps, see the last of May, for the month,was forced to give it up.Compensation came contrary toallourexpectations,hasimmediately, however, when, on changing up been exceedingly kind to us.For days on endto Warsaw, I stumbled upon a gorgeous versionCOMING TO YOU! of Offenbach's Tales of Hoffmann being relayedThink what this money would mean to you.Think we have had glorious summer-like weather,from the Grand Theatre. what it would mean to your family.It would help at a time when, as a rule, we get cold winds Thursday, May 14. -Seldom a week passesyou with your children's education ;it could be and not infrequently, snow. The snow linewithout one of the Italian stations broadcastingused to help you to buy your house or extend your has now receded far above our village, and atDonizetti's Don Pasquale, so that business ;and the final amount would certainly eight thousand feet there are only a few patches it came asstrengthen your Banking Account just when you of white left where the scorching hot sunshinealmost a novelty when, on turning to Leipzig,might want to retire. has not been able to penetrate. Our garden isI heard this operetta being put out in German.The beauty of the Plan is that you don't wait till now planted, and within three days of planting, Monday, May i8.-Heard a fine interpretationyou are old to enjoy the benefits.In a short ten seeds were sprouting above the surface of theof Lortzing's three -act comic opera, Der Wild- years you receive the first reward of your wisdom, steaming earth.Within another week or soschiitz from Munich. This station was on thea cheque for £440.In another five years a further our flowers will be in bloom, so incrediblytop of its form and has, for some time, been reward is yours, a cheque this time for £460.Yet one of the most reliablesignalsin Middleanother five years and the crowning reward of your quickly do things shoot up on this groundEurope. wise and far-seeing action will be a final cheque for which, for many months, has been buried £2,400. under a six-foot layer of snow. The cuckoo Thursday, May 2/.-Again my set was imbued isalready working hard in the pine forestwith a roving complex.Geneva, direct, gavePLAN TO RECEIVE IN CASH behind our chalet, and many other birds familiarme an excellent concert by the orchestra of the AT END OF to English eyes and ears can be seen and heardSuisse Romande, which included Bach's " Air 10 YEARS now that winter has definitely passed. for the G String," Weber's Oberon Overture, £440 Wireless programmes during May have beenand Schubert's " Unfinished " Symphony. Thento be followed by excellent, and now that the evenings are length-transferring my attention to Budapest, I picked AT END OF ening, I have run a loud speaker extensionup a wonderful pianoforterecital, and only £46015 YEARS lead out into the garden, and am able to enjbyrelinquished this in time to hear the speech from Dorchester House,viiiDaventry, byto be followed by symphony concerts and opera music in almost AT END OF idyllic surroundings. the Prince of Wales. This came over excellently Friday May i.-Began the month by tuningout here.Staying on in England, I was disap- £2,40020 YEARS in Muhlacker, from which station came a songpointedtolearnthat,owing to inclement Linked up with this plan is family protection.Your recital by a wonderful tenor.The name ofweather, the nightingale broadcast would not first deposit ensures that your family will receive the singer, however, I missed, but I thoroughlytake place.Great was my surprise, however, £2,000 should you not live to make another deposit. enjoyed his marvellous rendering of some Schu- when, on tuning in Daventry again about half -Every year, with every deposit and accumulating mann songs. an -hour later, I heard the joyous song of thisprofits, the amount of financial protection grows. Sunday, May 3.-Enjoyed somewhat of anight songster sandwiched between dance tunesImagine the difference such a sum would make to by Jack Payne and his orchestra. their fortunes. You want to leave them provided novelty by listening to a relay from Montreux, Monday, May 25.-Tuned in Munich for afor; this is the quickest, simplest and perhaps the viii Sottens, of the Davis Cup tennis match, only way you can do it. Switzerland v.Ireland. The announcer, orcharming version of Bizet's Carmen from the rather commentator, was aSwiss, and hisNational Theatre of that city. INCOME TAX. Wednesday, May 27.-My last notes of theMore than ever, these days, you feel the burden of running commentary was very cleverly arranged month concern Rome. When I tuned to thisIncome Tax. Under this Plan you get relief.You in both English and French, so that listeners save Income Tax -on every deposit.The total saving of both nationalities could follow the game. station at about 9 p.m., I found it putting outis a considerable item.It is a further reason for Tuesday, May 5.-Picked up a superb versionVerdi's Don Carlos, with not an atmosphericadopting the " Three Stage" Plan outlined. of Verdi's La Traviata, which was being putto be heard. But as the evening went on, staticANY AGE, ANY AMOUNT. out by Budapest from the Royal Hungariantrouble began to make itself heard with ever- Are you 20, 30, 40, 45, 50 years of age-or any age Opera House in that city.At the same time,increasing persistence,untilat about 10.3o between.It makes no difference-the Plan in all its Munich was broadcasting Flotow's Martha-I was forced to give up the transmission alto- essentials and with all its benefits, is available for you. always a great favourite of mine-and fromgether and close down for the night. Five Is the amount indicated too small or too large P time to time I was able to drop in on this latterminutes later, a violent mountain thundersto:mAgain it makes no difference-the Plan, with full with a slight touch of my tuning dials. broke out with appalling suddenness, and atbenefits, can be applied to smaller and larger once I realised the significance of the crescendoamounts according to circumstances. Wednesday, May 6.-Found all the Swiss Figures for any age and any amount may be had for 1` Romande " transmitters doing a gramophone " artillery " fire which had been coming from my receiver just previously. the asking. Do not hesitate to send for them. version of Gounod's Faust. At first I tried the A GREAT PROGRESSIVE COMPANY. high -powerSottensstation,but,findinga Many hundreds of business and professional men clumsy neighbour " treading on " his reaction Summary.-Conditions have, on the whole, have adopted the " Three Stage " Plan of the Sun with all his power-why it should be necessary been good-in fact, much better than one couldLife of Canada, to make their family's and their to use reaction on a local transmitter of Sottens' have expected for May. For nearly a weekown future secure.The Company isalsowell strength beats me entirely-I changed up toduring the middle of the month distant receptionknown foritsfavourable Annuity Plans.The Lausanne on 68o metres. Here I found things was as good and as powerful as it has ever been Contractisguaranteed 'by one of the strongest quite comfortable, and spent a most enjoyableduring the winter.Atmospherics have at times Financial Institutions in the World : couple of hours free from all interference. been troublesome, but not unduly so, and only Saturday, May 9.-I feelI must mentionon four nights was I entirely prevented fromSUN LIFE ASSURANCE how greatly the broadcasts by the National using my set. Orchestra of Wales from Cardiff via Daventry The two new Swiss .1tations, Romande andCOMPANY OF CANADA Beromiinster, are now in full swing, and will, (Lmorporated in Canada in 1865 as a Limiled Company) afe appreciated by at least one listener.On Assets exceed £120,000,000 this occasion, in the afternoon, I heard Berlioz'I think, be a great blessing to us during the " Dance of the Sylphs " and Delibes' " Entr'acte summer months. Thesetransmittersare CUT OUT AND POST TO -DAY and Waltz " from Coppgia, to mention onlypowerful enough to drown all but the worst of two items, and listened enthralled to the beautifulstatic disturbances, yet do not interfere with To H. 0. LEACH (General Manager), other stations. SUN CANADA, orchestration of these works. Many of my I la, Suss of Canada House, Coclisour St., , foreign friends have commented upon these I find the long waves are rather poor of Ige, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W.1. I broadcasts in highly complimentary terms.Inand notice that Oslo has fallen off in signal Please furnish further details of your "Three State" the evening, went over to Berlin via Konigsstrength considerably,asalso have Motala, Plan. Wusterhausen for the Foreign Press BanquetMoscow (Trades Unions),andHilversum. Name from the Hotel Adlon in that city. The new English North Regional transmitter (Mr, Mrs. of Miss) Monday, May r i.-As was only to be expected, comes in at great strength sometimes, but the Address spent the evening, in company with their Majes-other English stations are not so good. On the medium waves, I find Rome, Milh- ties the King and Queen, at the London Palla- Occupation a dium, listening to the Royal Command Varietytacker, Vienna, Budapest, Munich, and Leipzig s Exact date of Birth programme.I may say that this was the firstmost reliable. Toulouse is very feeble nowadays, s but Radio -Grenoble comes through at great Approximate amount I can invest yearly £ occasion on which I have heard the English W.R. 19/6/31 Amos 'n' Andy, Messrs. Alexander and Mose, (Continued in column 3, page 946) :1111.11111111111.1111AMMAIIMAMINNMIMIVIO 940 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19T11,7931 I'ignoreexactement, mais deja en mars de SPANISH Foreign Languages nombreux Londoniensquitterentleurvine z Qum son los espalloles? avec precipitation.Lady Hervey.ecrivait a Mr. Morris, un de ses amis :- HE dicho quelahospitalidadesuna Aids to Listening cualidad que, con rarasexcepciones, es Lcs Ides de mars sont arrivees et passeront, j'en comtin a todos los esparioles, sean de la FRENCH suis persuadee, en toute securite avant que vousregion que sean. Y en estp no exagero, pues reeeviez cette lettre, en &pit des prophetes et deshasta el campesino mils pobre se presta gustoso Tremblernents de Terre propheties.Les journaux sont pleins des recits de cent petits tremblements de terre insignifiants(se ofrece con .gusto) a ayudar en lo que pueda CE futune grande surprise,le 7 juin (the newspapers are filled with accounts of a hundred(as far as he can) al forastero que la trate con dernier, lorsqu'on apprit que la Grande -little subaltern earthquakes) qui ont etc ressentis en respeto y amabilidad. Bretagneavaitetcsecoueeparunbeaucoup d'endroits differents.... Desgraciadarnente, muchos turistas ingleses tremblement de terre (earthquake) qui, heureuse- y americanos no tienen en cuenta (take into ment, fit plus de bruit que de mal. IIeftt etc certes amusant d'assister a Hydeaccount) la gran diferencia que existe entre el Tout desuite, des arucietes se firent jour.Park Corner, a l'exode desgensdetoutes temperamento espariol y el suyo, y a metiudo Allions-nous, dans notrecoin tranquille deconditions (people of all ranks) qui abandon-(muchas veces) hieren (herir-to wound) el amor l'Europeoccidentale,etrevictimesanotre naient leurs riches demeures comme sielles propio del hospitalario pero orgulloso espafiol, tour des cataclysmes qui firent tant souffriravaient etc frappees de la peste. quien entonces sevaielve taciturno y hosco le Japon, l'Amenque et l'Italie ? La prolahetie ne se realisa pas et les honnetes(sullen), y oculta su verdadero catheter tras una La secousse (shock), si elle fut violente neLondonienspurentregagnerleurspenates altivez fingida (assumed haughtiness). provoqua ni mort ni blessures.Elle alarmaintactes. Espariatienealgunas costumbres curiosas cependant tous les sismographes, ces appareils Moins benins, helas, furent les catastrophesque son hijas de (que nacen de-arise front) la enregistrant (registering) dans les observatoiresqui detruisirent Lisbonneleler novembre,innata hospitalidad de su pueblo (people); o, les frissons intempestifs de notre bonne mere 1755, San -Francisco le i8 avril, 1906, Messine le mejor dicho, de sus pueblos, pues entre los la Terre. 28 decembre, 1908, et Yokohama plusieurs fois habitantes de lasvarias regiones de Espana A Kew, les appareils ont note le premieren quelques siecles. existen diferenciastan marcadas que no lo choc a 1 heure 26 du matin (hcure d'ete) (Summer Le ter novembre, 1755,ra neuf heures etserian mils (more so) si se tratara de paises dis- time). A Bruxelles, ce fut dix secondes plusdemie du matin,troissecousses ebranlerent tintos.Pero las costumbres a que me refiero tard que le sismographe enregistra le phenomene. Lisbonne.Leurs effets furent epouvantables. son propias de (peculiar to) todas las regiones de Le sismographe de Strasbourg s'est mis en Apreslatroisieme secousse,lavinen'etaitla -Peninsula, como 16 son la urbanidad (polite- branle. (set going) a 1 heure 26 minutes 52plus que debris.Une crevasse engloutit a elleness) y la cortesia de que proceden. secondes.11 indiqua que le sot s'etait souleve deseule quatre mille maisons.Le nombre total Porejemplo,siun individuo,-amigo 0 sept millimetres 1 des edifices endommages fut estime a 25,00o. forastero,-hablando con un espariol, expresa Dans toute l'Europe du nord-ouest la terre .a Les plus belles eglises, les palais les plus somp- admiraciOn por algtin objeto de su propiedad, tremble, mais c'est surtout en Angleterre quetueux, avaient etc rases comme des chateauxsea su reloi, su sortija, o cualquier otra cosa de son ecorce a fremi avec le plus devigueur. de cartes.Las effets du seisme se firent sentir poco o mucho valor, el esporiol no vacila (hesitate) Et ceci me rapelle un episode de l'histoire deties loin.A Seville, les clochers tremblerent,en bfrecerselo cordialmente, cliciendo "es suyo" Londres rapporte par Edward Walford dans sondit un temoin oculaire " comme des roseauxo " ester a la disposician de Vd."Desde luego excellent " Old and New London." Un grandsous un coup de vent." A Madrid, dans une (por supuesto), el otro, con igual cordialidad, 16 tremblement de terre qui devait detruirela eglise,tinecroix,sousla violence du choc, da las gracias por el ofrecimiento, del cual va Cite et ses faubourgs (suburbs) avait etc pthdits'abattit en ecrasant deux enfants.L'Escurialsin decir que nunca se aprovecha (takes advan- pour le mois d'avril175o.Comment cettefuttellementsecouequalafamilleroyale tage), quedando asi cumplida la atnistosa for- effarantenouvelles'etait-ellerepandue? Ons'enfuitprecipitammentetcampapendant malidad, pues no es otra cosa. Y cuando el plusieurs jours sous des tentes qu'on avait espariol muda de casa (removes), siempre cscribe elevees dans la plaine !De =niers de viesa todos sus amigos y conocidos anunciandoles hunnaines furent perdues. su traslado (removal) a tal o cual punto " donde PROGREtI En Grande -Bretagne, oil, entre 974 et 1916 tiene Vd. su casa." on a compte 1190 seismes, une seule snort fut De igual (la misma) rnanera, el espariol nunca deplorer.Un apprenti fut tue a Londres parcome delante de otro sin primer() ofrecerle sus VIA Is chute d'une pierre lors du tremblement deviandas (food, fare) con un formal " si usted 1580.Ce tremblement de terre, grata" o " a gusto fisted?" A lo cual le contesta terre de el otro " Muthas gracias ; que aproveche." trois cent cinquante ans d'eloignement, offre Donde mils se nota la sencilla generosidad del BERLITZ presque les memes caracteristiques que celuipueblo espariol es entre los pobres labriegos du 7 juin dernier. En effet, it se fit sentir non(peasants) del campo.Hace algOn tiempo una seulernent en Angleterre mais aussi en France,corresponsal mia, acornpariada de una amiga en Belgique et en Allernagne, comme ce futsuya,-inglesas ambas,--visitaron algunas aldeas lecasapresent.A. Audenarde,leseismesituadas en la Sierra de Guadarrama, al norte de Youshoulduse de158odura 14secondes. L'imaginationMadrid, y la description que me hizo de la vida your Radio Set as a populaire avait exagere de beaucoup l'evene- de sus habitantes es tan interesante quo la trad- means of advance- ment, car, nous disent des chroniqueurs belges duzco textualmente.Dice :" Nos decidimos ment in life.Start " laterre ondula comme des vagues de laa organizar una partida de campo (picnic), y mer." a course in any foreign language at the Que faire contre les trernblernents de terre ? fuimos a visitar a varias familias de aldeanos nearest Berlitz School in your spare time inQue tenter contre ces &aux qui devasterentpara ver quienes podian venir.En la primera the Country concerned, and you will be sur-file d'Ischia le 28 juillet, 1883, en causant lacasa que visitamos vivian un aldeano, su mujer prised at the speediness of your advancement y sus cinco hijos descalzos (barefooted) que, mort de -2313 personnes et qui, Ma tant deaunque el dia era bastante caluroso, estaban fois,ont endeuille la Japon ?L'homme estacurrucados (huddled together)al - lado de un impuissant devant l'aveugle colere de la Nature. fuego de lefio (log).El hombre y su mujer Le plupart du temps, aucun signe precurseur(espOsa) nos dieron una acogida(reception) BERILITZ n'annonce la venue du Beau. Le cataclysme s'abat digna de un principe, y apenas (tan pronto como) SCHOOLS OF brusquement sur villes, campagnes et mers, neestuvimos sentadas, la pobre mujer trajo un II laissant aux populations affolees aucune chance taburete (stool) que coloco entre nosotras, y de se sauver. antes que nos dieratnos -cuenta (darse cuenta- Le. XXe siecle a cependant sur ses precleces- to realise) de lo que hacia, nos puso delante lo LANGUAGES seurscettesuperioritequ'ilestl'age de laque para esta pobre gente era un festin (ban- Write for Descriptive Booklet " W.R." or ca `t T.S.F. Grace a elle l'homme peut voler plus quete) : un poco de puerco de su propia matanza rapidementausecoursdeses semblables (killing). Enunviejo platoesmaltado LONDON 321, OXFORD ST. W.1. Iles,' Wee). eprouves.La T.S.F., en moins d'une minute,(enamelled) nos ofrecieron un pedazo de jamOn 8, Bucklersbury, Queen Victoria St. (Cdr. lance au monde entier son appel dechirant. 3, Harrington Road (South Kensington) crudo y una especie de salchicha de puerco que 2, Queen's Road (Bayswater). Tra versant les mers, survolant les montagnes,aqui es muy apreciada.El marido entonces BIRMINGHAM :32, Paradise St. MANCHESTER :126, Portland St. les ondes magiques vont querir l'aide indis-sac6 de un cajOn (drawer) un enorme trozo LIVERPOOL : May Building, 51, North John St. BRADFORD :Central Chambers, Market St. pensable.Inappreciables sont a ce sujet les (chunk) de pan, y apoyandolo en el pecho, nos SHEFFIELD :44, Fargatel services rendus par la telegraphie sans fil lors EDINBURGH :75, Princes St. cort6 un pedazo para cada una con su curia- GLASGOW :206, Sauchiehall St. du recent tremblement de terre de Managua.. plumas." W. F. BLETCHER. L. Q. (concluirci). JUNE 19TH, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 941 TECHNICAL SECTION The way in which the useful output power varies with the load is best illustrated by a curve, which can be made very general in The Optimum Load application by plotting it as shown in Fig. I By F. M. COLEBROOK, BSc., D.I.C., A.C.G.I. [curve (a)]-i.e., the ratio of the output power in the load to the maximum value of this power, THERE appears to be some little confusion,the load less than to, say, 2 ohms.The powerplotted against the ratio of the load to the in- in nomenclature at least, if not in ideas,will be found to be only zoo watts, which againternal resistance.The curve rises to a maximum in the use of the term " optimum load "is less than that given by the to ohms. A more value of unity when the load ratio is unity, and as applied to the output or power stage of adetailed calculation would show that which-an important feature of the variation as a whole receiving set.It is generally understood thatever way we depart from the value to, upwards is that the curve is much steeper on the low under conditions of operation a power valveor downwards, the output power is reduced, ratiosidethan on the other, so thatitis can be regarded as a source of electro-motive and for this reason the load of to ohms is calledbetter from the power point of view, for the load forceassociated with aninternalresistance the optimum load. to be too large rather than too small.The (i.e., the internal alternating current resistance The power and efficiency relations of theefficiency of the process is also shown in the of the valve), supplying electric power to anoptimum load are of some interest.If thesame diagram [curve (b)1. external load (i.e., the loud speaker).It is alsobattery were short-circuited upon itself, the generally understood that when an electro-current would be120=12 amperes, and the Broadcast Applications motive force is associated with an internal re- to It may be of interest to point out some exam- sistance, the optimum load, or the load inpower consumed (in the internal resistance)ples of the application of the above principle which the maximum output power is consumed,would be 1,44o watts.Thus the maximumof the optimum load to broadcast reception. is a resistance equal to the internal resistance.power which can be consumed or transformedWe find one example at the very outset of the In the case of a power valve, however, we arein an external load is only 25 per cent. of thereception process, i.e., in the aerial itself.In told that the optimum loadisaresistancehighest total output of the battery.This is aan article published in World -Radio some time equal to twice the internal resistance of thegeneral conclusion in relation to a source ofago, I showed that a receiving aerial situated valve, and it will be found that where valvee.m.f. having an internal resistance.Under thein the field of a distant transmitting station can makers specify an optimum load it is always inoptimum load conditions the load is equal tobe regarded, so far as the receiving set is con- the neighbourhood of this value.On the otherthe internal resistance, and, since the samecerned, as a source of electro-motive force, of hand, one can also find in contemporary tech-current flows through both, the total power carrier -wavefrequency,inserieswithan nical literature the statement that the optimum output of the battery is equally divided betweeneffective aerial resistance and aerial capacity. load for power amplification by a valve is a The tuning circuit, mod- resistance equal to the internal resistance of the ified in general as to its valve. effectiveresistance by

These apparently contradictory statements /0 1 the input impedance of I 10/6;:rr) I on, are somewhat confusing, particularly as they (5corti.E the receiving set, can be are both true with certain reservations, and can (b)EFitctoricY regarded as a load sup- X08 °X, be shown to be so. The reconciling factor is a n plied with electric power difference in the meaning of the term " optimum by the aerialelectro- load " as applied in the two cases.There is motive force. It was always the danger of ambiguity when one term 14 0'6 60% shown that the maxi- is made to do the 'work of two, and it is a pity mum inputpotential that the old and well -established term " optimum differenceisobtained load " should have been charged new kjo4 when the coupling to interpretation now placed upon it.One of the V() (a) the aerial is so adjusted objects of the present article is to resolve this that the load effect of ambiguity by making as clear as possible, in an X0.2 207v thetuningcircuitis elementary manner, the difference between the equaltothe aerial ti two meanings attaching to the term. .1;4 resistance,i.e.,when 6 7 the total power collected Original Definition 2 3 c s by the aerial is equally First we will consider the original meaning, 437770 cF.LoRoPesisr,g/vc.6-- ro/NTER/YAL X:k.sisr..4vvcE dividedbetweenthe which is also the most general meaning.It is aerial and the tuning one of the most important principles in electrical Fig. 1.-Variation of useful output power with varying load circuit. (Thisis not engineering, and one which finds application necessarilythecon- at a number of points in the process of broad- that wasted in the internal resistance and thatdition to be aimed atinallcases,since cast transmission and reception.A simple,consumed or transformed in the load. Thus theselectivity may be a more important factor though not quite complete, statement of it is as process can be described as having an efficiencythan sensitivity, and a looser coupling than follows. When electrical power issuppliedof so per cent. thatcorrespondingtothe maximum input to a load by a source of electro-motive force This does not mean, however, that so perpotential may be desirable for this reason.) which has an internal resistance, the maximumcent. is the maximum efficiency of the power In the next stage of the reception process output power for a given electro-motive force issupply of any such system.Itis fortunatewe find yet another example of the optimum obtained when the resistance of the load isfor the power supply companies that this is notload principle. The anode circuit of the radio - equal to the internal resistance of the source. the case.Putting the matter in general terms, frequency amplifying stage is again, in effect, A simple example will perhaps help to makelet R ohms be the resistance of the load, anda source of electro-motive force, in series with this clear to those not already familiar with theS ohms the internal resistance of the source.the internal resistance of the valve, supplying idea. We will imagine that we have an electricThen, since the same current flows throughpower to a tuned circuit load, either directly battery of 12o volts with an internal resistanceboth, the ratio of the external power to theor through the medium of a transformer winding. of to ohms, and that we wish to supply powertotal power output is which represents Ithas been shown in 'numerous technical (for conversion into heat, for example) to an (R S), papers on radio -frequency amplification that externalloadresistance.According tothethe efficiency of the process so far as the externalthe optimum transformer ratio or other coupling above principle the external power obtainablepowerisconcerned. When R=S thisis condition is such that the effective resistance will be a maximum if we make the load re- or 5o per cent. as already explained, but itintroduced by the tuned circuit into the anode sistance to ohms.This we can easily check.obviously becomes nearer and nearer to circuit of the valve is equal to the valve internal With a load of ico ohms the current will be, byi.e., to 100 per cent., as R is made larger andresistance, under which conditions the total larger relative toS.In fact,the efficiencY radio -frequency power output of the valve is Ohm's law, I+20 -6 amperes. The power (to to) increases continuously from zeroup to toodivided equally between the valve and the consumed in the loadisthe square of theper cent. as the external load resistance increases tuned circuit. It would almost seem that Nature current,multipliedby theresistance,i.e., from zero up to infinity, but high efficiencies, of had contrived to hold up continually before 36 X 1ca=360 watts. Suppose we increase thethe order of 90 per cent. or so, are only obtained our eyes this brotherly principle of share and load to 3o ohms.The power, calculated inwhen the output load is very large and theshare alike. the same way as before, is 27o watts, which isoutput power correspondingly small compared less than before.Suppose now that we makewith the maximum obtainable. (To be continued) 942 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH, 1931 In conclusion, this instrument can be con- structed by any amateur at the cost of a few Readers' Experiences shillings and an evening's work.Itis not claimed that either the design or method of A Simple Wave -Meter for Short Waves tnent should now respond to three settings of thecalibration achieves the standard of accuracy MOST short-wavelistenershaveex- wave-meter-i.e., to the second harmonic ofexpected of a commercial wave -meter, but its perienced the irritation of slowly revolv- 7,67o ;to the third' harmonic of 5,113, and theuse enables the operator to tune in transmissions ing the dials " in step " while searchingfourth harmonic of 3,835.Plot these settings on on any wave -band without wearisome searching, forastation,particularly on a wave -band squared paper.Further points may now beand to identify unknown stations with some notpreviouslyexplored. Even when theobtained by adjusting the receiver to responddegree of certainty. desiredstationisfound, anyalterationofto the fourth harmonic of 5,113 (20,452).It W. L. B. aerial coupling or size of coil throws out tuning,will now also respond to the third harmonic and, if the transmission is weak, several minutesof 6,817.Proceed in this way until a sufficient may be lost in further search.Readers maynumber of points have been obtained to de- A New Wireless Stationfor therefore be interested in a simple wave -metertermine the shape of the curve. A further check Havana, Cuba which has enabled the writer to overcome this trouble and tune AFEW details of a new radio station to in to any station at will. be opened in Havana shortly, have been The instrument consists of an 30 ° 80° /20° /80° released by the Cuban Government for oscillating valve with a 9 -turn 9 publication.Itis understood that this new 00 tk' station will embody the latest principles of grid coil tuned by a 0.0003 tiF 44 N * 9r square -law -frequency condenser, 4000 6000 /2000 /6000 radio transmission, and will be one of the most and a 9 -turn reaction coil con- powerfulinthecountry. The authorities trolled by a key.If a rather soft expect that as the station has a modulation of 5000 /0,000 ,6000 20000 - ioo per cent., it will have a wider range than - valve is used, a 9 -volt grid bias $7 batterywillsufficefor H.T. the more powerful but older type of stations. The filamentisheated by a The station's operations have been announced transformer from the A.C. mains 600.0 /2000 /9000 26000 as follows :American stations will broadcast (in the writer's case a domestic programmes by short wave direct to Havana, bell transformer is used), and a where they will be automatically transferred to carrier modulated by the mains 7000 /4000 2/000 28000 the long -wave transmitter and relayed to Cuban listeners. In return, from the studios in Havana, frequency isgenerated on de- Cuban music, domestic propaganda and adver- pressing the key connected in 8000 /600024000 tising will be transmitted to the United States, the H.T. negative lead. where the items will be picked up by a selected The note produced issharp American station and relayed on long waves enough for tuning purposes, while $000 /8000 276.00, being much easier to pick up in throughout the States.It has been emphasised the receiver than the " chirp " that musical features will also be broadcast of an unmodulated oscillator. A /0400 20000 from Havana especially for the Cuban listeners, much greater advantage, however, and some performances by the best local artists is secured by this arrangement, have been promised.This is more or less an inthat the harmonics of the innovation in Cuba, where they have depended modulatedcarrierextendthe almost entirely upon gramophone records for Circuit and calibration of wave -meter theirlocal programmes.Cuban set owners range oftheinstrument and have also been assured that climate conditions enableacompletecalibration chart to be obtained by the use of a single may be obtained by using a second known station,will not interfere with the relays from the station as a " key." and the curve derived from this should coincide United States as they usually do.No name The method adopted depends on the factwith the first. has yet been given to this new station. that when the wave -meter is oscillating on a The accompanying diagram shows the curve F. J. L. frequency f, harmonics are generated of fre-derived from W2XAD on the writer's instru- A: CORRECTION quency 2f, 3f, 4f, etc., and the procedure forment, and indicates the useful range covered In the article-" The Rectified Current Meter "-in last calibrating isas follows : Tune in a reliablewithout change of coils, roughly 8o-36 metres, week's issue, an error occurs in the example given near the footof thefirstcolumn (pagecoos).The currentflow station, say W2XAD on 15,340 kc/s. Theusing fundamental, 40-16 metres on second through the 5o,000 ohm resistance should be 2.s m/a, not short-wave receiver at this same tuning adjust -harmonic, and 20-8 metres on third harmonic. 5 m/a as printed. FrequenciesofLong-Wave EuropeanBroadcastingStations May Measurements bytheBrusselsLaboratoryoftheTechnical Committee ofthe U.I.R. The Letter T indicates Telegraphy transmission.Stations marked are provided with U.I.R. wave -meter.

W.41,2L.2,34731 4;24.43/6,7,7 2 4 6 8 tO 12 16 IS 20 22242628so3, 11/11ff,c;:07-° 'L7f2iet-zi.Z___g__-7 6 6 /0 4/4 elZo2:.20 26 2630a. METRES 41(0C3731_ l - _j /1047441SCOWeV49 7 KA as 2 30 ` mxibZilZEW /60= _/.

'pug.4,47A7'77 .. ;..: /67 . '


C774.1"WV° PAR/504 O a07E7s, . - 2,ro /S TA/1'23UL ._,.._. lo..2. /200 ...,_ -.:..:1_2.,..-.1...... ! 51,Tro z-,cPNAYY -169- 0..0 01, 0 REY/C-7/47VA' :--4 Or 0 f6.3,ZEE5E/Y/83.c - -e "38HAI L. UNDBOR0 ,.- ...... - .. .. .- = = awl"DR VENTRA /93


/442e.$A4tSCOPV.6 7 V/zoi ------' --.--. /0p,;.- OSLO 280 i44.reEIFFEL. . 2" 5....." .0..,-,-..-- ".+1) - e ifi'-.9 = . -- . . '4.. TOWER = .... /4"3w.dzES/aW z.- 77FL/RV7 2/2-$ = _. -- 7

341-3ktorgz.n 222$_-,-.-->e)...... m3.1....-..r /0/0 / BASLE 297 17 P ? , , 7 7 1 = 64. 4 S

JUNE 19TH, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 943 Correspondence Below 100 Metres Short -Wave Notes Short -Wave Reception THE Citroen AutomobileExpedition which By " Vernier" is crossing Asia, and at the present moment To the Editor of WORLD -RADIO shouldbe somewhere near Afghanistan,is SIR,-While sending you a query concerning a MY mail recently brought me further news broadcasting on even days of the month on a wave- short-wave station which is new to me, my notes concerning the Moscow broadcasting length of 36.3 metres, and on odd days of the month on short-wave reception in India may be of interest. station. This transmitter, I now learn,on a wavelength of 23.6 metres, and would be glad The bright sunshine which prevails in India for radiates with the extraordinarily high power forif listeners who are successful in picking up these the greater, part of the year appears to make nothe short-wave band of too kW., which makestransmissions would communicate theresultto difference in the reception of signals below zo m., it,I believe, the most powerful broadcasting " ExpeditionCitroenCentre-Asie, 2Placede but above thisitcertainly does.For instance,short-ave transmitter in the world.It will be l'Opera, Paris." They may be heard about 7.zo p.m. PCJ, which I receive at very good strength at night and the call sign is FPCF. here, drops to a very weak, almost unreadable signal remembered that I recently reminded listeners during daylight (their 2 a.m. transmission).On in this column that the Bandoeng transmitter The twenty-five American mayors of the towns the other hand, Bandoeng, on 15.9 m., is receivedPLE, employs a power of 8o kW. in the aerial. that welcomed the French trans -Atlantic aviators, by me, in bright sunshine, at r p.m., with perfect From New York, I hear that many reports Costes and Bellontes,during their tour across strength' and quality. have been received at W3XAL concerning the America after their successful flight, were announced G5SW, whose midday programme I used to get reception in this country of various harmonicsto speak for one minute each from. the new French regularly during the winter months, is graduallyof the Bound Brook transmitter, and a friend on Colonial Short -Wave Station at Pontoise on Satur- losing its signal strength.Rome and Zeesen, on 6. Listeners who received this station the other hand, have been coming in amazingly ofthe staff of the National Broadcasting Company,day, Jun Now that the. Indian winter isover, thewhich operates this station, tells me that filters are requested to communicate results to the Director, late. have recently been installed to eliminate theService of Radiodiffusion des P. T. T., 103 Rue de medium and long waves are very rarely free from Grenelle, Paris.General Pershing also spoke from atmospherics and therefore are scarcely worth anytransmissionoftheseunwanted harmonics. this station on the occasion of the opening of the attention. Judging by present reception on 12,200 kc/s the American section of the Colonial Exhibition at the Yours faithfully, filters appear to have had little effect. end of May. Cawnpore, India. W. A. D. A fortnight ago I made brief reference to a new Canadian short-wave transmitter-VE9CF Under Short -Wave Notes in our issue of May 8 To the Editor of WORLD -RADIO -but omitted to state the wavelength of thislast details were given of impending changes at SIR,-I am a regular reader of your paper andnewcomer to the ether.VE9CF transmits on VE9GW, Bowinanville, Canada.We now learn always note with interest the reports of radio' recep- 48.59 metres (6,050 kcjs) on the schedule quoted. officially that the proposed broadcast service on tion from your correspondents in various parts of The latest suggestion concerningthe 25.4 metres is postponed indefinitely owing to the the world.Perhaps it may interest your readers mystery " station on approximately 31 metres, fact that the necessary licence is not forthcoming. to know how we fare in this corner of the earth.which broadcasts in Spanish, is that these pro-The present transmissions on 49.22 metres will I have a S.G. four-valver, suitable for reception on grammes emanate from NAA, a short-wavecontinue as indicated in our Short -Wave List. all wavelengths from so to 2,00o metres.Apart station operated by the American Government Readers' Reports from the local station, my log consists of stations Cincinnati (49.5). Received, at good 'phone strength, from far and near. at Arlington, U.S.A. Meanwhile, if any of the many paragraphs which I have written on this at London, S.W.9, 3 a.m., May 25.Occasional Starting with short waves, the strongest station fadingandseveredistortion(0-v-Iset). received here is Saigon on 49 metres.This stationsubject should catch the eye of those connected Also heard' on loud speaker at Hull, 5 a.m., same transmits daily from 6.3o p.m. to so p.m. localwith a station which tallies with these details, I date, with very little fading-reported as best time, i.e., 11.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. G.M.T.Next we should be grateful for further information. station heard (S-Het. adaptor--S.G.-v-2, set). have the Java stations.These are five in number Radio Saigon again appears to be testing on Lisbon (42.9).Heard at good loud speaker strength and all can be received with more or less success.the 25 -metre band, and regular broadcasts now at Hull, 10.35 p.m., May 28, but considered over - Bandoeng is, of course, the strongest, and its weekly often take place on this waveband. Bangkok- modulated (S-Het. adaptor-S.G.-v-2 set). broadcast on 15.93 m. on Tuesday night is a featureHSJ-has, also, been carrying out extensive Irarely miss.KZRM, Manila, was very weak - (Continued at foot of previous column.) compared with others.I used to hear him ontests on 24.5 metres. 48.8 m., but recently he was practicallysilent. I have not yet succeeded in picking up the VK3ME came in every Saturday afternoon fromRio de Janeiro short-wave broadcasting station, 5 to 6 loud speaker strength.mentioned previously in these notes, but I 100% HEALTHIER & VUC, Calcutta, a short-wave experimental station,have heard a commercial transmitter in the BETTER THAN BRACES was also received, but the signal was generally weak, Brazilian capital testing frequently on various and could be heard only on earphones. Khabarovsk, wavelengths. Iunderstand thataregular TheSPAN 'is a neat half -belt, worn on 7o m., also transmits regularly from 5 p.m. across the small of the back. Leaves This station was very strong at times but the pro-schedule is now maintained by this transmitter chest and shoulders gloriouslyfree. with Rugby and other European commercial No shoulder drag. Health and free- gramme was not very entertaining, a major part dom combined withsmartness and being lecture or talk, or something of the sort. short-wave telephony stations.I have also heard efficiency. There can be no abdominal Late at night, when I had the patience to sitreports requested from Saigon. strain with the SPAN,' the elastic up and listen,Iused to log regularly Nairobi, With the many thunderstorms which have sections allowing for muscular move- PCJ (Holland) and 3R0 (Rome).They all came been experienced recently allover England, ment. in about 11.3o p.m., sometimes earlier.But theatmospheric conditions have naturally been bad, A Doctor. M.D., of Lancashire best time to listen to European short-wave stations (5643). writes : "1 feel I owe a but rarely extended to the lowest wavelengths. debt of gratitude ... am enjoy- is from 2 a.m., when the atmosphere is most perfect, ing wonderfulfreedom." and station after station comes in loud and clear,When reception on the medium waveband has been impossible, I have frequently been able Men all over the world are adopting including G5SW (Chelmsford) and Zeesen. Wed- this new British invention, which has nesday night, or rather, Thursday morning, wasto turn on Radio. Roma on 25.4 metres for supersededbothbracesandbelts. special broadcasting night for PCJ, for the East.entertainment purposes, and obtain ample loud The SPAN 'BRACERissmarter, I used to hear the announcers calling up listenersspeaker volume without static interference.I healthier, and much more efficient. in India, Ceylon, Singapore, etc., in plain English. find that the quality of the Italian transmitter A famous International. Harrier Among the European short-wave stations, Rome is (21106), writes :" An excep- has vastly improved of late. tionallyfinearticle.., all 1.he strongest station received by me.I used to The best stations at the moment are probably training movementscan be log on both 25.4 m. and 8o metres.I did not rout View carried out without hindrance." hear him for some time, but recently he started WzXAD, W8XK (25.25metres), W2XAF, Zeesen, Skamlebxk, and Rome. The Vatican The' SPAN 'holds the trousers pro- againontheformerwavelength. Thelady perly balanced from thehips, sup- announcer's voice was easilyrecognisable ;her transmitter has frequently been heard on the portingthelumbarregionsofthe " Radio -Roma -Napoli " preceding every item. is 19.84 metre wavelength, but volume has never back. Prevents the shirty ridingup. well known to all short-wave listeners here. been really good. holds underpants securely, gives The new Vatican station was also heard in Bang- trousers that Savile Row " hang. ' kok at good loud speaker strength.I tried both Gen. Sir Aylmer Hunter Weston, wavelengths -19.84 and 50.26 metres-and con- (Continued from column 3.) K.C.B.,D.S.O..R.E..M.P., writes :"YourSPAN BRACERS sider the latter the stronger signal.The only Schenectady(19.56). Relay of broadcast from are excellent." American short-wave station received by me is Empress ,pf Britain on her maiden voyage, heard Bolinas, in California, on 41 metres.Several of between 9 and so p.m.June s,at good loud gale rew my friends, however, reported reception of Sche- speakerstrengthatLewisham (o-v-z set) nectady and Bound Brook in the morning hours. and atPortland, Dorset (S-Het.adaptor- The BRACER On the medium waveband, we have Japanese, S.G.-v-pentode set). `SPAN'Patent /tali-Belt. Bold is BLACK. MY, WHITE and BROWN, complete with set Chinese and Manila stations.I also logged nearly Buenos Aires (15.9 approx.).Special anniversary of sell -filing, threadless battens,directionsfor me, and oar Pm a score of European station--long-wave included- programme received at London, S.E.4, May 25 guarantee of saiisisetioa.Extra battens Ed. per set. IIyatir outfitter does not stock, send direct to sole but atmospherics and crackling noises were generally (closed down 9.10 p.m.).Good L.S. strength, tnanufacturers, mentioning size of waist and colour preferred,andenclosingchequeorP.O. Postage prevalent, which tend to make listening -in on these no fading, slight distortion (o-v-2 set).Also abroad 3d. extra. wavebands most unpleasant. heard at Mitcham, Surrey, 8 to 9 p.m. on same The "Junior " model for boys now reads. in White and - Yours faithfully, date.Good L.S. strength, very slight fading. Grey only.In large and small sizes.Price 219 complete. C1100 SRI WEESAKUL. Announcement heard that broadcast was being THE SPAN BRACER CO. (Dept. 17), Castle Green,Bristol. Bangkok, Siam. relayed by N.B.C. of America (o-v-3 set). 11111111.11111Llustratedbooklet freeonrequest. 11M11111. 941 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH, 1931 PROGRAMME SECTION Continental Programme Events SUNDAY, JUNE 21 8.op.m.Copenhagen : Modern French Concerts music. 11.30 a.m.Leipzig and all German stations : 9.0 Rome : Mussorgskycommemo- Bach Cantata. ration.

12.30 p.m.Breslau, KonigsWusterhausen 9.0 Vienna : Wagner concert.

Orchestral. 9.30 Muhlacker,Frankfurt :Composi- 8.o Brussels No. : Orchestral and tions by Clemens Schmalstich.

vocal (Russian composers). ICJ Stockholm : Chamber music. ModelNo. 214. A 8.40 Frankfurt, 1Vlithlacker :Orchestral. Radio Cabinet, 4f t . 9.0 Radio - Suisse Romande, Bero- FRIDAY, JUNE 26 high,21t.tins.wide, Concerts lft.6ins.deep. The mOnster : Swiss music. battery and loud- 7.0 p.m. Heilsberg " The Seasons " (Haydn). speakercompartments Operas and Operettas are at the bottom and 8.o Langenberg : ChOral -concert. .. re partitioned oft. 7.35 p.m.Munich : " Turandot " (Puccini). Size of baffleboard 8.o Stockholm :English music. behind fret is 24ins. a 8.45 ,, Milan, Turin :" La Gioconda " 24ins.Metallicfabric 8.10 Copenhagen :Verdi -Puccini Hour. fore fret -frontisin- (Ponchielli). 8.15 cluded. Openingsat Other Events Warsaw : Symphony concert. top and back.Cabinet 10.15, Copenhagen : takes panel 2ft. x Pius. 7.5o p.m.Hamburg, Mtffilacker :Germany -- Present-day Danish or smaller. Norway Football Match (Relay composers. RADIO - GRAMO- fromOslo). Operasand Operettas PHONE COMBINA- 7.30p.m.Vienna : Opera relay. TION. PRICES. 8.55 Vienna,Konigs Wusterhausen, Leip- For5f-extra cabinet Machined Ready to Assemble zig : 8.3o Berlin, Konigs Wusterhausen : can be made 4105. Oak, £3 0 0. Mahogany, £3 5 0. " Summer Solstice in the higherandconverted Assembled Ready to Polish Mountains." " DasschOnsteMadchenim hateaRadio - O Tame - Oak, £4 00. Mahogany, £4 5 0. phoneCabinet, com- Assembled and Polished : Stildtehen " (Conradi). pletewith motorOak, £5 0 0.Mahogany, £6 16 0. MONDAY, JUNE 22 board. All Models Carriage Paid. ,Concerts SATURDAY, JUNE 27 CHAS.Send Coupon A. and 3d.OSBORN, in stamps foe 5C -page Dept. illustrated catalogue.W. R., 8.op.m.Brussels No. 1: Concert, " Summer Concerts The Regent Works, Arlington St., London, N.1.Tele- in Music." 7.3o p.m.Berlin,Heilsberg :Professor Joa- phone Clerkenwell5095. Andat21, ESSEX ROAD, chim commemoration. ISLINGTON, N.1 (1min.fromtheAgriculturalHall). 8.o Brussels No. 2 :Spanish music. Telephone Clot kenwell 5634. 8.o Beromanster :" TheChildren's 9.15 Munich,KonigsWusterhausen C 0 U PON------Chamber music. Crusade " (Pierne). Please send NAME Itoeyour 56- Vienna : 8.35 Budapest : Professor Joachim 9.15 Yugoslav music. 1 pageinns- ADDRESS commemoration. logue,Crated cata-for 9.20- Hamburg :Beethoven's 6th Sym- whichIen. phony. Operas and Operettas enclose 3d. I0.0 Copenhagen :Serenades. 8.o p.m. Oslo :" I Pagliacci " and " Ca\ al- ICJ 0 Milan, Turin : Chamber music. leria Rusticana." 10.15 Konigs Wusterhausen :Orchestral 9.o Rome :" Siberia " (Giordano). and vocal. 11.20 Barcelona :Catalan composers. Interference between Stations fAMOUS TUESDAY, JUNE 23 (glaze 7-13) Concerts HE beginning of the above period showed 7.30 p.m.Munich, Mithlacker :Mozart the disappearance of some of the inter- FOREIGN 8.o Breslau, Heilsberg,Berlin-Witz- ferences which had marked the previous leben :"Midsummer Night "week -thus there has been no further trace of STATION (Tone Poem by E. Nick). the very powerful carrier wave which was the getto, 8.45 Copenhagen :" Midsummer " fes-cause of the loud whistle to be heard on Hil- tivities. versum (I,004 kc,'s).On the 8th, Bratislava, 9.0 Rome " St. John's Night " concert.previously working on 1,073 kc/s, was found on 9.40 Munich : English songs and poetry. his usual frequency of 1,076 kc/s, and Mont- 100XBRITISH Operas and Operettas pellier P.T.T., who was on 3,063 kc/s on the 4th, 7.5o p.m.Warsaw :" A Night in Venice "has since been on about 3,054 kc/s instead of (j. Strauss). 1,049 kc/s, where he should be. Thus Copen- PROGRAM 8.o Radio -Paris :" Fortunio "(Mes- 's transmissionsare -freefrom hetero- s ager). dynes. But Montpellier is now severely hetero- cm:9 Stincia 9.o p.m. Beromunster : Selections from dyning the Berlin -Stettin -Magdeburg common " Faust" (Gounod). wave, and Innsbruck, the Austrian relay, who Other Events are sharing the 1,058 kc/s wave. front Ito 8.op.m.Oslo, Hamburg, Konigs Wuster- Palermo has not been heard this week round hausen,Langenberg, Leipzig, 703kc/s, where he was testing previdusly, Muhlacker, Vienna : Relay of the and was announced to carry out hisofficial Maihaugen (Norway) St. John'stransmissions, which began on the i4th. TUNE INTO Day celebrations. Radio-Normandie isstill using round 25o 9.40-12.0 Stockholm :Swedish- Midsummer-metres.He is now on 1,389 kc/s, where he celebrations. heterodynes Gleiwitz (1,184 kc/s) and Troll- RADIO PARIS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 hattan, a Swedish relay working on 1,193 kc/s- Concerts Gleiwitz is also interfered with by Barcelona 1725 incaN 8.op.m.Langenberg, MOhlacker, Frankfurt. Associacion, who is now working on 1,18o kc, s, Hamburg : Schonberg's: Gurre-after having been a few weeks on 1,170 kc,'s. Lieder." Toulouse P.T.T. (1,175 kc/s) is also heterodyned -Cr the) lqics(, by Barceldna Associacion, whoSe carrier wave is Operas and Operettas still very unsteady and varies continually in the Decca,dancc, 9.op.m.Rome :," Carmen " (Bizet). course of the transmission. sosuccesses Plays Wilno has been' the cause of an interference 8.3o p.m.Berlin, Breslau, Heilsberg : to Belfast (1,238' kc/s)since the 30th ultimo, " Medea " (Euripides). as he was working on 1,232 kc/s instead of on Full programme and catalogues from: THURSDAY, JUNE 25 1,229 kc/s. Wilno was again in his correct place THE DECCA RECORD CO , LTD., Concerts on the 8th, and has not left it since.He is (Dept. 233),1.3, BRIXTON ROAD, LONDON, S.W.6. 7.55 p.m.Hilversum :Relayfrom Concert always heterodyned by Basle, who works also on ,Qqs Hall, Amsterdam. 1,229 kc/s. L. B. JUNE 19TH, 193 1 WORLD-RAMO 945 Letters to the Editor An Unidentified Station Last Week's Log SHORT-WAVE STATIONS To the Editor of WORLD -RADIO (June 7-13 ) The times quoted are reduced to B.B.T. SIR, =The station which puzzled -your corre- M. Ke's By "THE SEARCHER" 70.1 4280 -Khabarovsk (U.S.S.R.).10 a.m. to 1 p.m. spondent " Long -Waver," of Cambridge, calls 62.5 4800 -Long Island WZXV. Fiti. 11 p.m. 1.30 am. itself " De Haag, Groepzender van de Zakelijke IT is not oftenthat a writer on wireless 61 4918 -Radio LL (France), o.5 kW. reception in this country has to record the 58 5172 -Prague. TUES. and FRI., 8.30-10.30 p.m. Radio Omroep to Kootwijk." I, too, heard it at 54.52 5502 -Brooklyn (N.Y.) WzXBH. Relays WCGU. remarkable strength last Sunday.The an- effects of an earthquake.As luck would 51.22 5857-Chapultepec (Mexico) XDA, zo kW. Daily, have it, though, I was using my short-wave set 4-5 p.m. nouncer, who did his job ina remarkably 50 8000 -Barcelona Radio Club EAJ25. SAT.9-10p.m. amateurish manner,statedthatthestation when the recent tremors appeared and, since it 50 6000 -Bucharest (Romania), 0.3 kW. comes into my week by an hour and a half, 50 6000 -Moscow (Russia).Relays Moscow T'des Un. would close down at2 p.m. and resume at 49.83 6020 -Chicago (Ill.) W9XF, 5 kW. Relays WENR, 3 p.m.Being otherwise engaged, I could notreaders may be interested to know just what SUN. 5-7 a.m., 1-5.30 p.m., 8.30-11 p.m. effects it produced.I noticed in one of the lay and 1-6 a.m. (MON.)Weekdays, 3.15- try forit again.The announcer asked for 4.45 p.m., 8.30 p.m. -12 m'nt and (ex.SAT.) reports from listeners as to the reception as papers a report that a fellow -searcher in another 1.30-6 a.m. part of the country had observed a afinite 49.67 6040 -New York (W2XAL), 0.25 kW. TUES., compared with the Huizen and Hilversum 12 m'nt.-5 a.m.WED., 12 m'nt.-2 a.m. transmitters. Having failed to hear the remainder strengthening of signals at the time.I cannot FRI., 12 m'nt.-4 a.m.SAT.,12 m'nt.-3 a.m. say that anything of the sort happened to me. 49.5 6000 -Cincinnati, W8XAL, so kW. Relays WLW, of the afternoon transmission, I am unable to 49.5 6080 -Nairobi (Kenya), 7LO. say whether any announcements were broadcastThe first intimation that I had that anything 49.5 6060 -Philadelphia (Pa.) W3XAU, 0.5 kW. Re- unusual had occurred was that my ordinarily lays WCAU. Daily 2-8 p.m. THURS. and as regards programmes.At any rate,I have FRI., 2 p.m. -6 EMI. since repeatedly tried to get the same station, very quiet short-wave set became suddenly 49.43 6069 --Vancouver (B.C.) VE9CS. but failed. My setisa four-valver. Thepossessed of demons.I was nearly deafened 49.4 6072 -Johannesburg (S. Africa).Daily, 4.30- by an outburst of microphonic " pongs " in the 9.30 p.m. translation of the style adopted by the station, 49.34 6080 -Chicago (Ill.) W9XAA, 0.5 kW.Relays by the way, is " The Hague, Group Sender of headphones.Hardly had the first uproar died WCFL.Daily 2-5 a.m. down when another outbreak occurred.As this 49.22 6095-Bowmanville (Canada) VE9GW, 0.028 kW. the Business Broadcasting Company at Koot- Weekdays, 11.45 a.m.-3 p.m. and 8 p.m. ijk." was by no means my first earthquake I realised -3 a.m. SUNDAYS, 5.30 p.m. -4.15 a.m. Yours faithfully, what was going on.Atmospherics seemed to 49.18 6100 -Bound Brook (N.J.) W3XAL, r2kW. MON., 10-11.45 p.m. TUES., WED., THURS., FRI., Harrow, June 12, 1931. F. P. V. be neither more powerful nor more numerous and SAT., 10-11 p.m. Daily, 4-0 a.m. during the earthquake period as some have 49.02 6120 -Richmond Hill (N.Y.) WzXE, 0.5 kW. To the Editor of WORLD -RADIO reported, and the only effect upon reception Relays WABC. D'y 1 p.m. -5 a.m. next day. SIR, -I cannot help thinking that " Long - 49 6122 -Saigon (French -Indo-China) F3ICD. Daily, that I could discern was the rattling up of one's 12.30 p.m. -4 p.m. Waver," in his letter of June 7 last, has madevalves just described. 48.86 6140 -Pittsburgh East (W8XK). Relays KDKA. a mistake in the figures he gives for his dial WED. and SAT., 10 p.m. --5 a.m. Summer appears really to have come at last, 48.8 8147 -Winnipeg (Canada) VE9CL, 2 kW. Daily readings. The first figure is apparently that ofand we know now which are the foreign stations (except SUN.) from12.30-2.30 a.m. the aerial tuning circuit.Oslo should read Frequently from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. upon which we can rely during the lighter part 48.65 6167 -Mexico City XII'. about 36 or 37 and not 421.I believe the stationof the year. On the long waves I find all stations 48.62 6170 -Tegucigalpa (Honduras) HRB, 2.5 kW. he refers to is an harmonic of Brussels No. Daily (except SUN.), 1-6 a.m. good with the exception of Oslo, who has not 48.35 6205 -Bogota (Colombia) HKC.Daily, 4 p.m. which I can always get a little below my readingsbeen of much use lately from the long-distance 48 6250 -Casablanca (N. Africa) CN8MC.Relays for Leningrad. In any case, the frequency Rabat. MoN., 9-10 p.m. TUES., 1-2 p.m. man's point of view. and 9-10 p.m. . cannot be 283 kc/s. On the medium wave -band the completely 46.8 6438 -Moscow (Russia). Yours faithfully, 45 6867 -Constantine (Algeria) 8KR, 0.2 kW. MON. E. A. EsTcounT. reliable stations make surprisingly good showing. and FRI., 11 p.m. First and foremostI wouldplaceBrussels 43 6976 -Madrid (EARroo). TUES. & SAT., 11.30 p.m. 162, Sandgate Rd., Folkestone, June 14, 1931. 42.9 6991 -Lisbon CTrAA, z kW. FRI., 11 p.m. No. 1, who in my locality is excellent both by 41.7 7195 -Singapore VS' AB. SUN. & WED., 3.30-5p.m. [We have to thank other correspondents forday and by night.Though not so good in the 41.6 7211 -Tenerife Radio Club EAR58, o.5 kW. letters in reply toLong -Waver's " inquiry in 41 7313 -Bangkok HSPz, 2.5 kW. (Testing). daytime, Rome is a wonderful evening station ; 40.7 7370 -Nuevo Laredo (Mexico) Xz6A. THURS., our last issue.The transmission, which wasI have, too, had good reception from him on 5-6 p.m. purelyexperimental,came fromKootwijk, 39.7 7556 -Bogota (Colombia) HKF. oneor two occasionsasearlyas4 p.m. 36.92 8125-Bandoeng (Java) PLW. Holland, which was broadcasting on a wave-Langenberg is always there when wanted.He, 34.68 8650 -Long Island W2XV. FRI. 11 p.m.-1.30a.m. length of 1,053 m.Fuller particulars will be 32.5 9230 -Paris (FLJ). Time Sig. 8.58 a.m. and p.m. too, is a daylight signal as a rule ;he shows, 32.26 9300 -Rabat (Radio Maroc), 6kW.SuN. 8-10 p.m. found in our "Dominion and Foreign In-though, rather more variation than either Rome 31.75 9450 -Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). 11.30p.m.-1.30a.m. telligence." -En.] 31.55 9510 -Melbourne (Australia) VK3ME, 5kW. or Brussels No. 1. WED. and SAT., 11 a.m.-12.30 p.m. Coincidences in Listening Both of the big Swiss stations, Beromunster 31.51 9520-Skanalebwk (Denmark) OXY, 0.5kW. Relays Copenhagen. Daily 8 p.m. to close To the Editor of WORLD -RADIO and Radio -Suisse Romande (as Sottens prefers down. SIR, -I was interested to read the listening to be called), are keeping up their strength well. 31.48 9530 -Schenectady, N.Y.(W2XAF), to kW.(Aer.). Relays WGY. Daily 11 p.m. -5 a.m. coincidences which you have published.Here Frankfurt very seldom fails to give loud speaker 31.38 9580-Zeesen (Germany), 8 kW.Relays various is one of another kind, experienced by a friendreception and Toulouse never lets one down. stations, generally 2 p.m. -1.30 a.m. 31.35 9570 -Poznan (Poland) SR', r kW. TUES., 7.45- of mine a year or two ago.Having taken aBrussels No. 2,is, in my locality, almost as 10.45 p.m.Trims., 7.30 p.m. -2 a.m. portablereceiver intothecountry, he wasstrong as Brussels No. z; in other places I 31.35 9570 -Springfield (Mass.) WIXAZ. 31.3 9562 -Philadelphia (Pa.) W3XAU, 0.5 kW. Daily listening to Jack Payne's dance band.In theknow the order is reversed, No. 2 being the (except THURS. and FRI.), 9 p.m. -6 a.m. middle of the number, " There ain't no sensebetter and more consistent station.Turin and 31.28 9590 -Sydney (Australia) VKzME, zo kW. SAT., Heilsberg may also be classed definitely as all - 6-8 p.m. SUN., 11 a.m.-1 p.m. sitting on a fence," the top bar of a gate on 31.28 9590 -Eindhoven (Holland) PCJ, 25 kW. WED., which my friend was perched atthe time the -year-round stations, and the list is completed 5-8 p.m. THURS., 2-6 p.m., and 10 p.m. -2 a.m. (FRI).FRI., 6-8 p.m. (or earlier) collapsed under him. by Hilversum, with both Goteborg and Breslau and 2-7 a.m. (SAT. morning). Announce- June Io, 1931. C. J. as strong candidates for admission to it. ments in six languages. These stations by no means exhaust the list 30.75 9756-Agen.TUES. and FRI., 9-10.15 p.m. Esperanto Transmissions, June 21-27. of those to be heard on reasonably good evenings. 30 10,000 -Belgrade.MON. only, 9-10 p.m. 29.3 10,238-Heredia (Costa Rica) NRH, 7.5 watts. Daily Siinday.-Lille,8.3o a.m., News, etc. (A. Trotin). Budapest is generally to be picked up, though 11 p.m. -12 midnight and 3-4 a.m. ' Leipzig, 2.30 p.m., Course (Dr. Dietterle). 10,350 -Buenos Aires LSX, zo kW. W'days, 1-3 a.m. Monday. -Leningrad,x0.5 p.m., News. during the week his strength was up to the mark 28.98 Tuesday.-Fecamp,9 p.m., Course and News (H. Dubuison). only on theTuesday andthe Thursday. 28.2 10,305-Bandoeng (Java) PLR. Thursday. -ParisPTT 5.45 p.m., Course (Prof. Rousseau). 25.5311,750 -Chelmsford (G5SW),16 kW.(Aerial). Lyons-la-Doua, 8.2o p.m., Course (Prof. Pouchot). Munich has been logged, though never at more Relays 5XX daily (except SAT. and SUN.), Kaunas, 9.5o p.m., News. than moderate strength.Milan was good on 12.30-1.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. -12 m'nt. . Leningrad, xo.5 p.m., News. 25.5 11,763-Chapultepec XDA, 20 kW. Daily, 9-10 p.m. Friday.-Mahlacker,7 p.m., Week's programme (Prof. Chris - the Wednesday andThursday.Strasbourg taller). was heard on most nights, but was at his best 25.4 11,810 -Rome (Italy) 3R0, 9 kW. (Aer.). Saturday. -Hilversum, 5.25 p.m., Course (G. J. Degenkamp). 25.3411,840Chicago (Ill.) W9XAA. Relays WCFL. Heilsberg, 6.45 p.m., Week's programme. on the Wednesday.Bordeaux has been suffering 25.2711,870 -Calcutta (India) VUC, 0.5 kW. Weekdays, Lyons -la -Doug, 8.55 p.m., News (M. Borel). somewhat from interference, and his strength is 3.45-4.15 am. and 4.15-6 p.m. 25.2511,880 -Pittsburgh East (W8XK).5 p.m. -3 a.m. much less than one would expect, considering 24 12,500 -Funchal (Madeira) CT3AQ, 0.05 kW. DOMINION AND FOREIGN INTELLIGENCEhishigh power. Lwow gaveexcellentre- 23.8 12,605 -Rabat (Radio Maroc), 6 kW. SuN.,12.30p.m. (Continued from page 938) 21.5 13,950 -Bucharest, 0.3 kW. WED. and SAT.,8.10 p.m. ception on the Friday, and Hamburg was very 20.5 14,630-Chapultepec XDA, zo kW. D'Iy 8.30-9 p.m. groundstations.The Conferencealsoex- good on the same night. 19.7215,210 -Pittsburgh East (W8XK). Relays KDKA. pressed the wishthat all military posts and Atmospherics, unfortunately, have been dis- WED. and SAT., 12 noon -4 p.m. 19.5615,340 -Schenectady (W2XAD), 20 kW. Weekdays, small cities of thedesert may be equippedtinctlytroublesomeduring the week. The 9 p.m. -12 m'nt. SUN., 7 p.m -12 m'nt. in a regular way with wireless stations, which,worst nights were the Tuesday, Thursday, and 16.5718,105 -Chicago (Ill.) W9XAA. Relays WCFL. 15.9319,830-Bandoeng (PLE) 8okW. TuEs.,1.40-3.40p.m. besides being so many traits d'union betweenFriday.On the Wednesday and Saturday this 15.5 18,350 -Nancy (France). 9-10 p.m. North Africa and blackAfrica, would putkind of interference was noticeable only at 14.5520,618-Bandoeng (Java) PMB. these distant places in direct contact with theintervals, whilst the Sunday and Monday were For Long and Medium Wave Stations see page 962. principal wireless stations of the world. almost entirely free from it. 946 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH,1931

ANXIOUS (Bolton) :Apparently, harmonic; there is no relay on that wavelength.QUAKER BOY (Darlington):(1) Konigs- The Alternative- Postal- Service Which Station Was That ? bergdirect ;(2)Lodz relaying Warsaw ;(3)Katowice ;(4} Inadditionto Katowice (answers to correspondents by microphone ii) French). the free service of " Which Answers to Correspondents STUMPED (Leigh -on -Sea) :Not advertised in programmes; but Station was That ? " printed in these columns, possibly Stavanger relaying Oslo.REGOR (8.E.18) :(1) regret, replies to queries can be obtained within forty- SHORT WAVE (Hadleigh) : Harmonic of Moscow (Trades' cannot trace ;(2) an experimental transmission from Kootwijk l'uions). STUMPED (Edinboro'),WINDER (Edinboro') : (Holland) on 1,053 m.S.G.3 (Coventry) : Radio Normandie, eight hours of receipt of details, on payment of Brussels No. 1 and No. 2.ISADORE (W.1) :Madrid (EA J 7) : Eicamp.L. A. M. (Sheffield) :(1) Ntirnberg relaying Munich ; 6d. per query, in stamps or P.O., accompanied by (2) Beromiinster.GRATEFUL (Hove) :Vienna testing on 1,243 (2) see following note. in.ARDEN (Preston) : Brussels No. 2 (gram. record).TRY- stampedaddressedenvelope (marked in left ANDGETIT(Southampton) : San. Sebastian. CURIOSITY Note 1.-Thefollowing listeners have heard the gramophone (Lambeth) :Some indication of wavelength must be given, but transmissions which are broadcast almost nightly from Brussels hand top corner " Postal Query Service "), and station on 78 degrees of your condenser is Eiffel Tower.INTER- No. 1 and 2.The station closes down with a gramophone coupon as per conditions for " Free Queries." ESTED (Brighton) :Experimental television transmission by the record (H.M.V. C.1844, Love's Dream After the Ball), without any Baird process (sound :London National ;vision :London furtherannouncement.VERY INTERESTED(Hampton -on - Regional). REPPIK (Manchester), VICTORIA (Birmingham), Thames) ; WAFFLES (Cork) ; GAMBLE (Homerton) ; VIX IDENTIFICATION COUPON(No. 125) (Southfields); SOLDIER (Queen's Park) ;ALICE (Griffiths - CURIOUS (Putney) : Relay of service from Cardiff.Altered timing. ROVER (Stoke Bishop) :Brussels No.1. DUGGIE town) ; ALGY N. (Ilford); GIB (Llantwit Fardre) ; SIWEL (Salt - This coupon isvalid for ONE QUESTION (Douglas) :Reykjavik. PUZZLED (Brook Green) : Regret, ley); PALATINATE (Preston); NOMAD (Beckenham) ; EAGER only, and should be cut out and attached toa cannot trace. WOZIT (Edgware) :WJZ, Boundbrook, N. J. (Edinburgh) ; BROM (Coventry) ; NIGHT HOWLER (Stour - separate sheet, upon which the following ques- HOMOC (W.2) :Apparently, harmonic of Daventry National. bridge); TINTO (Govan) ; MARCUS (Newquay) ; STATION QUERYt(Andover) ;RELAY (Kingswood) ;CHART (Ste Bre- tions should be answered in the order shown, EMLEY (Low Fell) : Langenberg ;relay of running commentary on automobile races on the Niirburgring (Eiffel,Germany). lade, Jersey) ; BETHECAR (Ulverston) COMPLEXUS (Kidder- and a duplicate copy of questions and answers minster) ; NEMO (Tuxford), RINGALING' (Morecambe); BM/BR8B JACK (Dori): Experimentaltelevision transmission by the enclosed.No coupon more than one month old Baird process.TRYANDTELLUS (Southampton) :Radio Nor- (Finet ley);T.P. (Rusholme) ; ATTANVIC (Tamworth); ETHER - mandie (Fecamp). WUNDERBAR (Leith),Y. A.- K. (East Coast) : SEARCHER (Newport); PERPLEXED (StokeNewington); is valid. Brussels (No. 2); a well-known gramophone record.ETHER IVYERN (Liverpool). BIRD (Bath) : Brussels No.I.CHUMMY (Rude), NIGHT Note 2.-Anexperimental transmission was carried out on 1. Time and Date of reception. PROWLER (Stroud) :Brussels (No. 2).PUZZLED (Wanstead), June 7 on 1,053 m., by a high -power transmitter at Kootwijk 2.Approximate frequency in kilocycles per sec. ELTERWATER (S.W.1), LISGIBBON (Bearstead) : Daventry (Holland), and was heard by the following listeners :JERSEY National ;a relay of service from Cardiff.Altered programme CRAPAUD (St. Heliers) ; NIMROD (Brentford) ; NESCES (or wavelength in metres). timing.CHEMIST (Ardrossan) :Vienna testing on 1,249 in. (Forres) ;ELECTRIC (Shipley);A. Z. (Ladbroke Grove) ;H. P. 3. ARPIDY (Newcastle -on -Tyne) : SutelyBerlin-Witzleben. (Oxford) ; FAGLIT (Finchley) ; DOHNO (Bentley) ; SPERAMUS Nearest known stations, above and below. CURIOUS (Feltham) :(1) \V1XAZ relaying WBZ, Springfield ; (Helensburgh) ;VEERE (S.W.11) ; DODO (Aylesford); PORT- 4.Call or interval signal, if heard. (2) Rabat on 23.28 m.BURLY (Rugby) :Leeds was not working ABLE (Dundee) ; PRIORY (W. Ealing) FLORENTIN (Man- on that evening ;possibly harmonic.EDDIE (Harrow) :British chester) ; UT COGNOSCAM (Glasgow) KNOWN (Sheffield) ; 5.Language. experimental amateur transmitter. LYDDITE (Teignmouth) : JO (Sunderland), GROPE (Kensington) C. G. JONES (Ports- Leipzig.WIRELESS COOKER (WA) :Palermo direct; the - mouth) ;SOLVOX (Scarborough) ;HORSEFACE (Shepherd's 6.Type of receiver in use and strength of signal. station was broadcasting on 426 an. ;see under " Deviations " Bush) ; SOLOMON (Woolwich) , DUSKY (Blackpool); SEZ in current issue.NIGHTBIRD (Cornwall) :(1) possibly WCAU, YOU (Sheffield); TRIETHER (Bournemouth) ; CHIPPENHAM 7.Details of programme or signal received. Philadelphia ;(2) too vague, cannot trace.COAL (Hexham-on- TROTTER (Wilts) ;(2)British experimental amateur trans- 8. Tyne) :(1)Lwow relaying Warsaw ;(2) regret, cannot trace ; too mitter);DOE(Coventry) ; CHORTLER (DenmarkHill); Name and address. vague.A. P. (S.W.1) : Wilno.BOOTS (Southampton) :(1) OFFENDED EARS (W.11) ;THANKS (Streatham) ;A. E. F. 9.Nom de plume.(Proprietary names must not Brussels No. 1 ;(2) Goteborg relayino-' concert from the Nordiska (8.E.9); RED HERRING (Lowestoft) ;GUESSIVE (Worthing) ; Museum. MILLIAMP(Cardiff) :(1) Eindhoven relaying Hilver- EARTHQUAKE (N.22) ; TOM KING (Lincoln). be used.) sum programme; (2) Moscow (TN.) on 46.6 in.WIRELESS (See pae. under " Holland" in Dom. and For. Intelligence.) ENTHUSIAST (Birmingham) :No, Radio Normandie, Fecamp. FOA (N.W.10) :Milan broadcast an opera on that night.The FROM THE SWISS ALPS chimes were from Munich ;the German talk from Beronatinster relaying Basle or Berne.JENCY (Acock's Green ):(1) this was Beromiinster (gram. records) ;(2) Sec Note 2.WALLY (Edin- READ INSTRUCTIONS IN (Continued from page 939) burgh) : NorthernNationaltesting.BIDDY (Plymouth) : It was recently stated that the EAJ13 transmitter might be trans- IDENTIFICATION COUPON strength out here in Switzerland. Barcelona ferred to Valencia ;possibly a test.PUER (K.W.2) :\VTIC, has been excellent for some time, but this is Hartford (Conn.).DEVON (Cricklewood) : W8NK relaying KDKA. EAGERFAN (Souttnea) :(1) possibly a test through the only Spaniard I get at the moment. Ljubljana Scheveninoen-Haven (Holland) ;(2) Fecamp, for a time broad- Free Query Service is an especially good transmitter, but is too cast on about 218 in., now on 250 in. ;see under "Deviations " Each query should be numbered andthe frequently marred by C.W. interference. Milan incurrentissue ;(3)surelyMUhlacker relayingFrankfurt. NINFIELD (Croydon) :This was Brussels (No. 1). BREEZE questions on the coupon carefully answered.seems so much stronger than it was that I am (Birkenhead) :Rome. INTERESTED (West Kilbride) :Moscow Letters must be addressed to the Editor, World - wondering whether it has increased its power,' (Trades' Unions).GIPSY MOUSEHOLE (Penzance) : "Poste - Colonial," Pontcise, Poi JELLYFISH (Tarbolton) : Algiers. Radio, Savoy Hill, W.C.2. but cannot get any confirmation of this. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 Schedule of Advance Programmes NATIONAL LONDON REG. MIDLAND REG. NORTHERN REG. t IORNING Gram. RecOrds Cinema Organ As London Reg. (STRICTLY COPYRIGHT) Organ Recital As Midland Reg Studio Orch. For the benefit of traders who may wish to make arrangements for demon- 1TERNOON Restaurant Music Gram. Records As London Reg strating, we are printing each week a schedule of the programmes to be Symphony Con--Ballad. Concert As London Reg'Studio Orch. transmitted by the National and Regional stations.It will be noticed EST EVENING Talks Light Music Light Music As National that these schedules concern programmes to be transmitted a fortnight 'ROGRAMME Revue Military Band Revue , Organ Recital hence, and it is felt that they will, also be of particular service to those of ?ND EVENING Symphony Con.Dance Music As London Reg.As National our readers living abroad who will be able to use them in connexion with PROGRAMME Dance Music Dance Music As London Reg.As National the reception of the Experimental Short Wave Station, G5SW, Which relays (till1 r p.m.) the National (5XX) programme from 7 p.m. THURSDAY, JULY 9 NATIONAL LONDON. REG.. .MIDLAND REG.- NORTHERN REG. SUNDAY, JULY 5 MORNING Cinema Organ As Midland Reg,Ballad Concert Ballad Concert AFTERNOON Light Music Cinema Orch. As London Reg. NATIONAL . LONDON REG. MIDLAND REG. NORTHERN REG. Abbey EvensongAs National As National As National Restaurant MusicAs National As National Orch. Concert AFTERNOON Song Cycle As Northern Reg.Studio Orch. Brass Band Military Band Chamber Music As London Reg. As London Reg. ISE EVENING Talks Light Music Studio Orch. As National- PROGRAMME Play Vaudeville As London Reg.As National EVENING Celtic Prod,. Hotel Orchestra As London Reg. As National PROGRAMME 2ND EVENING Light Music " Serenade " Organ Recital Revue PROGRAMME Dance Music Dance Music As National MONDAY, JULY 6 FRIDAY, JULY 10 NATIONAL LONDON REG. MIDLAND REG. NORTHERN REG. NATIONAL LONDON REG. MIDLAND REG. NORTHERN REG. MORNING Studio Concert Gram. Records As London Reg. Relay fromIsle MORNING Ballad Concert Gram. Records As London Reg. of Man Organ Recital AFTERNOON Orch. Concert Restaurant MusicAs London Reg. - AFTERNOON Gram. Records As Midland Reg._Studio Orch. Gram. Records As Midland Reg. Cinema Orch. Restaurant MusicAs Midland Reg.Cinema Orch. Studio Orch. -s Studio Orch. Restaurant Music IST EVENING Talks Light Music Mozart Hour As National isT EVENING Handel Opera Light Music Studio Orch. Organ Recital PROGRAMME Musical ComedyPianoforte Rec.. Dance Music As National Orch. Concert PROGRAMME Military Band String Orchestra 2ND EVENING Military Band Pfay As London Reg. Studio Orch. 2ND EVENING Orch. Concert Gram. Records As London Reg.As London Reg PROGRAMME Dance Music Dance Music As London Reg.As National Pr.oua \\IMF: Dance Music Dance Music As London Reg.Dance Music (till II p.m.) (tilli 1 p.m.) SATURDAY, JULY 11 TUESDAY, JULY 7 NATIONAL. LONDON RE,..;. MIDLAND REG. NORTHERN KEG. NATIONAL LONDON REG. MIDLAND REG. NORTHERN REG. MORNING Cinema Orch. As National Studio Orch. VOIINING Cinema Organ Studio Concert As London Reg. Studio Orch. AFTERNOON Disarmament Orch. Concert Dance Music As National kr FERNOON Restaurant Music As Midland Reg.Cinema Organ Gram. Records M eeting, Sonata Recital As Midland Reg. Studio Orch. 'Speeches b y Cinema Orch. Studio Orel). political leaders Talks iS1EVENING Talks As Northern Reg.Military Band Light Music 1ST EVENING Talks Light Music Light Music PROGRAMME Vaudeville As Northern Reg cinema Orch. Orch. Concert PROGRAMME Vaudeville String Orch. Military Band As National Reg. - ' 2ND EvrNING :Musical Comedy As London Reg. Revue 2ND EVENING ChamberMusic Revue . As London As London Reg Light Music PROORAMME Dance Music Dance Music As National PROGRAMME narICR Music Dance Music As National J1.;NE19TH, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 947 Don't miss the next

chance to try


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You may never see the Manhattan Alps on the New York sky -line. .but you can hear voices from the skyscrapers to -night ! Listen to Schenectady, listen to W2XAL-voices of the New World. Radio for the Million has designed a special short wave receiver; the Short Wave Master.Built for the terrific range of the short waves.Getting right down to sixteen metres !Four valves to put Rio de Janeiro on your radio map. And behind it all an absolute simplicity of construction; a rigid regard foe economy.You've got to know more about it.Read the latest issue of Radio for the Million. See the big clear photographs. Study the simple, easy diagrams. Build it for £8 6 2-the cheapest 1st. class Transatlantic fare !Your dealer is wait- ing with your copy. Inas of difficulty send 41211 to the Publishers, 63, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2. A RADIO FOR THE MILLION RECEIVER JUNE 19TH, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 949 (Daventry) (June 2127) x93, kels (f,554.4 metres) PROGRAMME (35 kW.) NATIONAL Act I.Relayed froth The Royal9.43 p.m.-" The Fairy Queen." An 3.30 pan.Concert to Schools. The SUNDAY (JUNE 21st) Opera House, Covent Garden. Opera - by Henry Purcell. The THURSDAY (25th) Sybil Eaton Quarter. 9.5p.m.-" TheSecondNews," Drama taken from Shakespeare's10.15 a.nz.-The Daily Service. 4.15-5.15p.m. -Lawn Tennisat 10.3o am -Shipping Forecast. Wimbledon. 3.o p.m. -Church Cantata (No.9) Weather Forecast, Second General " A Midsummer Night's Dream."10.30 a.m.Shipping Forecast. (Bach). Es ist das Heiluris kommen News Bulletin. Presented by E. J. King Bull. to.45-11.0 a.m.-" Is School worth4.15 P.m. -Light Music.Moschetto

her (Behold, Salvation is at hand). 9.25 p.m.-" Russia in the Melting 11.0 pan. -r 2 midnight. -Dance While ? "-VIII. A Summing Up, and his Orchestra. 3.45 P.m. -For the Children. Pot "-V.Dr. B. Mouat Jones, Music. by.Miss L. M: FaithfUl, C.B.E. 5.15 p.m. -The Children's Hour. - D.S.O., Principal of the Manchester . . . . tz nom -Reginald New at the Organ.6.o p.m." The First News." 4.0p.m -MissionaryTalk. " A 6.3dooi.p.m.-Lawnt Tennis at Wimble- Mission of Friendship in Bombay." College of Technology. 1.0-2.0 .p.m. -A Concert. _Theresa Miss Evelyn C. Gedge. 9.45 p.m. -An Orchestral Concert.WEDNESDAY (24th) Gordon (Soprano). Etcheverria don. 4.15 p.m. -An Orchestral Concert. Doris Vane (Soprano). The B.B.C.ro.15 a.m.-The Daily Service. (Baritone). Agnes Mill (Pianoforte).6.40 p.m. -The Foundations of Music. Orchestra,conductedby Joseph1os3o a.m.-Shipping Forecast. 2.5 p,nz.-For the Schools. For Senior Bach'sSons'Musicplayedby Yvonne Arnaud (Pianoforte).. The Leonard Isaacs. B.B.C.Orchestra, conductedby. Lewis. 10.45-11.0 a.m.-" The Weekin Pupils. Commander Stephen King - 11.0 P.m. -12 midnight. -Dance Westminster.".The Countess of Hall :" Tracing History Backwards7.o-7.20 p.m. -Mr. Adrian C. Boult : Sir Henry Wood. lusic. Iveagh, M.P. -VIII, Disarmament." " Music in Coming Programmes." 5.3o p.m. -A Recital by Joan Cross 7.25 p.m.-" India"-XII. Sir Francis (Soprano). 12- noon. -Gramophone Records. 2.25 p.m. -Interval. 6.o-6.15 p.m. --Bible Reading. 12.45p.m. -An Organ Recital by2.30 p.m. -English Speech.Mr. A. Younghusband, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., 6.30-s.0 p.m. -A Religious Service TUESDAY (23rd) R. Arnold Grier. Lloyd James :" A Talk about the D.Sc. :" Summing-up." in Welsh. 1.3o p.m. -Light Music.Frascati's English-speaking World." 7:45 p.m.-" Tilly of Bloomsbury." 10.15 a.m.-The Daily Service. Orchestra,directedbyGeorges2.5o p.m. -Interval. A Comedy by Ian Hay.Adapted 8.0 p.m. -Primitive Methodist Annual12.30 a.m.-ShippingForecast. forBroadcastingbyDulcima Conference Service. 10.45-11.0 a.m.-" Meals in Sum- Haeck. 3.op.m -Evensongfrom We ct - 8.45 p.m. -The Week's Good Cause. 2.3o p.m. -For the Schools.Biology minster Abbey. Glasby. Produced- by Howard Rose. mer." -I. ProfessorandMrs. and: HYgiene.Professor Winifred _3.4-5-5.15p.m. -Lawn Tennisat9.10 p.m.-" The Second News." Appeal on behalf of The Fellow- V. H. .Mottram. Wimbledon. 9.25 p.m. -Shipping Toredast ; New ship of St. Michael and All Angels,12 noon.-Quintin 'Macleanatthe CultistC.B.E.: " Your Body by Lady Maud Hoare, D.B.E. Every Day -VII." 3.45 -P.m. -Jack Payne and his B.B.C. York Stock Market RePnrt. Organ. 2.55 Dance Orchestra. 9.30 .p.m. --"'The Way of the World." 8.5o p.m.-" The News,". Weatherr.o, p.m. -Light Music. Leonardo Sir4.30 p.m. -Light Music. The,Gros-Gros- Mr. Vernon -Bartlett. Forecast, General News Bulletin Kemp andhisPiccadillyHotel.3.0p.m. -English' Literature. Philip Hartog, K.B:E. : " Thinking : veor House. Orchestra., directed9.45 'Orchestral Concert. Shinning. Forecast: s Orchestra. and Writing -VII." by 'Joseph Meeus. Marie Warm (Violin). Edward p.m.-AlbertSandler and The 1.55:p.m. -Experimental Transmis- Walker (Flute). Maurice. Cole Park Lane'Hotel Orehestra. 3.25 p.m. -Interval: 5.15 p.m. -The Children's Hour. mon for the Radio Research Board3.3o "p.m.Addressby theMost 6.0 11.171.--""'The First News." (Pianoforte).The B.B.C. Oiclies- Dorothy Bennett (Soprano). by the Fultograph Process. tra,conducted by Victor' Hely- 10.30 p.m. -Epilogue. -Nature Reverend and Rt. Hon. the Lord6.35,p.m.-Lawn ,Tepnis at Wimble- 2.5 p.m. -For the Scliools, Archbishcip of Canterbury, relayed don. . Hutchinson. _ . Study. Mr. Eric Parker :" Out from Westminster. Abbey. 6.49, p.m. -The Foundations of Music.11.0 p.m. - Ismidnight. -Dance of Doors Week by Week -VIII. Music. 2.25 pan.Interval. 4.0P.m. -LondonRegionalPro- Back'sSons'Musicplayedby MONDAY (22nd) gramme. Leonard Isaacs., . 2.30p.m. -Music. SirWatford 7.0-7.20p.m.-- ThisSurprising 10.15 a.m.-The Daily Service. Davies.: Concert.Lesson. World." Mr. Gerald Heard.. SATURDAY (27th) 10.30 a.m.Shipping 'Forecast.. 3.3o P.m.Interval. 7.30 p.M.-" The WOrld and Our- ro.45-11.0 a.m.-" The Romance of3.35 pan.French.:Monsieur E. M.TIME SIGNALS (Greenwich) .0.15 a.m.-The Daily Service. Everyday Things "-VII. Mrs. Stephan ,with Mademoiselle Ccus.; ; selves "-XII," Czechoslovakia."10.30 a.m.---Shipping Forecast. tenoble :Early Stages in FrenchSunday: ro.3o a.m., 3.o p.m., A Discussion between His Excel-10.45 - 1.0aa71.-" Up - to- Date Leakey :" Coffee." lency the. Czechoslovak Minister to 'Poultry Keeping "--1I. Mr. W. R. 12 noon. =A Light Classical Concert. -ym. 9.0 p.m. Great Britain, Mr. Jan. Masaryk, Phyllis Edmundson (Soprano). The4.0 P.M. -Interval. C.B.E.; and Mr. Evelyn Wrench. Kerr', M.R:C.V.S. - Ronald Good String Quartet. 4.5 .p.M.-For Older Pupils.Mr. H.Weekdays: 1o.3o 1.0 p.m., r .o p.m. --Light Music. The Commo- . Wickham Steed : "Great Moments 8.10 p.m.-" Au Lapin Qui Saute." dore Grand Orchestra, -directed by 1.15 p.m.An .Orchestral Concert. 4.45 6.30 A Cabaret, Produces! by John Watt. 'Joseph Muscant. NationalOrchestra ofWales. inModernHistory -VI'',Can 9.o p.m.-" The Second News." (Leader,LouisLevitus),con- we Disarm ? 9.0 p.m., 11.3o p.m. 2.pp.m.-Lativn Tennis at Wimbledon. 9.r.5 p.m. -Shipping Forecast ;New3.45p.m. -The Royal AirForce ducted by Warwick Braithwaite.4.25' P.m. -Interval. York Stock Market Report. Display,relayed from The Royal 2.0 p.m.-GraMophone Records. . 4.305.15 P.m. -Lawn Tennisat 9.2o p.m.-" Idle Thoughts." The :AirForceStation, Hendon. 2.39 p.m. -For the Schools.History. Wimbledon. 445-5.15 pan. -Lawn Tennisat Itt; Hon. Lord Ponfonby. Miss Rhoda Power :" Children4.30p.m. -The PrinceofWales Wimbledon. 4-20 P.ni.--=LaWn Tennis at Wimble- p.m.--Regissld Newatthe9.35 -p.m. -The Gershom Parkington don. Of Other Days..V III." Cinema Orchestra, conducted by4.45 Quintet. Emilia Conti (Soprano). 3.0 p.m. -Interval. Frank Westfield. Organ. . 4.,50 p.m. -,-Royal Air Force Display 3.5 p.m -Story for Younger Pupils.5.15 p.m. -The Children's Hour. 5.15 pm. -The Children's Hour. 10.30p.m. -I2midmght.-Dance :(continued). Miss Rhoda Power :" The Seven6.o pan.-" The First NeWs." 6.o p.m.-" The First News." A1i.isic. - 5.15 p.m. -The Children's Hour. 6.3o p.m. -Lawn Tennis at Wimble- 12midnight -12.5 a.m.(Friday).-6.0 p.m.-" The First News." Haughty Sisters." 6.3opan. -Mr. FrankPrewett : - Experimental Transmission for the ' don. 6.25 p.m. --England v. New Zealand. During the period 3.20-5.15 p.m. - " Country Life." Radio Research Board by the F'ulto- LawnTennis atWimbledon. 6.45p.m. -The Foundationsof6.43p.m. -The`Foundations of An Eye -Witness Account of the Programmes may be broken into Music. Bach'sSons'Music,' Music. Back'sSons'Music, graph Process. Test Match by Howard Marshall, for Running Commentaries. played by Leonard Isaacs. played by Leonard Isaacs. relayed from . Lord'sCricket 3.2o p.m. -Jack Payne and his B.B.C.7.0-7.20 p.m.-" The Cinema." Mr.7.0-7.20 p.m. -'calks on Farming- FRIDAY (26th) 6.4Goround. 10.15 a.m.-The Daily Service. Foundationsof Francis Birrell. XIII.Sir Daniel Hall, K.C.B., The Dance Orchestra. 10.3o a.m.-Shipping Forecast. 3.45P.m.-A Sonata Recital.Helen7.25 p.M.-""UnemplOyment.--VI. F:R.S., Chief ScientificAdviser, Music. Bach's.Sons' Music, played Gas!cell (Oboe), Kathleen Murray SirWilliamBeveridge,K.C.B., Ministry of Agriculture. 10.45-11.0 a.m.-" Drama and by Leonard Isaacs. (Pianoforte). D.Sc.(Econ.) :" Remedies and7.25 p.m.-" Chemistry in Industry." Music "-IV.Miss Mary Kelly :6.55 p.m. -Interval. 4.15 p.m. -Light Music.Moschetto ' their Price." -VI. Dr. W. H. Hatfield : " The " Play Producing "-II. 7.o p.m. -Mr. G. C. Taylor :" The and his Orchestra. 7.45P.m. -The WirelessMilitary War against. Rust." noon. -A Ballad. Concert.'Alison Week in the Garden." 5.15 p.m. -'The Children's Hour. Band. Conductor,B.Walton7.45 P.m. -Vaudeville. Stewart (Soprano). Franklyn7.15 p.m. -Topical Talk. , ,6.o p.m.-" The First News." O'Donnell. Leon Zighera (Violin).9.o p.m.-" The Second News." . Tilton (Baritone). 7.30P.m. -The Tea -TimeFcur. 6.30 p.m. -Lawn Tennis at Wimble-8.o-8.30 p.m.--" LivingReligions9.15 p.m. -Shipping Forecast ; New12.30 p.ni.-Organ Music by. Leonard.7.5o p.m. -Vaudeville of the Streets. don. ofthe .Bast." -VI. The Rev. York Stock Market Report. H.Warner. MargeryBevan A Special - Programme of Kerb- 6.4o p.m. -The Foundations of Music. Sydney Cave, D.D. :" The Moral9.20 p.m. -Mr. C. Leonard Woolley : (Soprano). stone Entertainers, Bach's Sons' Music, played by Idea." . The Latest Excavations at Ur."1.30 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 9.0 p.m.-" The Second News." Leonard Isaacs. 8.33 p.m. -Band (contd.). 9.40 p.m. -Chamber Music.Claire2.30 p.m.H-FOr the Schools.Rural9.15 p.m. -Shipping Forecast. 7.o -7.2o p.m.-" New Books." Mr.9.op.m.-" TheSecondNews." Croiza (Mezzo -Soprano), The West Science. Mr. D. Ward Cutler. 9.20p.m:-" Escape "-TV. Mr. Desmond MaCCarthy. Weather, Forecast, Second General RegionalTrio :FrankThomas2.55 p.m. -Interval. E. H. Jones. 7.25 p.m.-" The Progress of En sh Ne-.vs Bulletin. (Violin), Ronald Harding (Violon-3.0 p.m. -Travel Talk. " Peoples and9.40 p.m -Jack Payne and his B.B.C. Prose "-VI. Sir Henry Newholt,9.15 p.m. -Shipping Forecast ;New cello),HubertPengelly(Piano- Lands of the British Empire "- Dance Orchestra, and an Item from C.H., Litt.D. York ' Stock Market Report. forte). VIII.Mr. Ernest Young: "Life The London Palladium. 7.45 P.m. -Gramophone Records. 9.20 p.m.-" The Progress of Music. x1.5 midnight. -Dance on the Malabar Coast." ro,10.30 \.31icp.m. -12midnight. -Dance 8.10 p.m.-" La Boheme " (Puccini). -XL" Dr. G. Dyson : " Wagner." Music. 3.20 (Northern) (Midland) 626kc,s (479.2 m.) REGIONAL PROGRAMMES 752 kc,'s (398.9 m.) (38 kW.) (70 kW.) (London) 842 1=. s (35EL3 m.) (70 kW.) Forecast, General News Bulletin;3.20 p.m. (Northern). -The Northern the United States of America," by2.0-3.0 p.nz. (London and Midland)., SUNDAY (JUNE 21st) Regional News. Studio Orchestra. Sir Arthur Balfour. -The Midland Studio Orchestra. 3.0p.m.(London). -TheErnest9.5 p.m. (London and Midland). -3.20 p.m. (London).-Daventry 8.35 p.m. (London and Midland). -2.5-4.30 p.m. (Northern).-Daven-, Leggett LondonOctet. Betty Chamber Music. National Programme. A Pianoforte Recital by Pouishnoff. try National Programme. Bannerman (Contralto),Ruth9.5 p.m. (Northern).-Daventry5.15 p.m. (London). -Jack Payne and9.0 p.m. -Vaudeville. 4.30 P.m. (London).-Daventry Gourley (Pianoforte). National Programme. his B.B.C. Dance Orchestra. 10.15 p.m.-" The Second News." National Programme. 3.0 p.m. (Midland). -The Midlandx0.30 p.m. -Epilogue. 5.15 p.m. (Midland and Northern).-00.30 p.m.(Northern).- Regional4.30 P.m. (Northern). -The Studio Studio Orchestra. Note. -Programmes may be broken Children's Hour. News. Orchestra. 3.o p.m. (Northern). -Sonata. 11. J. intofor running commentaries6.o p.m. (Midland and Northern).-10.30-11.0 p.m. (Midland). -As5.15 p.m. (London). -Clive Erard and Forbes(Pianoforte),and henry on the All -England Lawn Tennis As London. London. hisBand,fromtheAmateur Hoist (Violin). Club meeting at Wimbledon on6.15 p.m.-" The First News." 10.30 p.m. -12 midnight (London). Dancers' Club. 3.3o p.m. (Northern). -The .City of each weekday. 6.4o -8.o p.m. (London). -The Victor -Dance Music. 5.15 p.m. (Midland and Northern). - Sheffield Police Band, conducted Olof Sextet, 10.35 midnight. -As London. Children's Hour. by Harry W. Tait.Arthur Wilkes 6.4o p.m. (Midland). -The Songs of 6.o p.m. (Midland and Northern). - (Tenor). MONDAY (22nd) Landon Ronald. Mary Pollock TUESDAY (23rd) As London. 4.15 p.m. (London and Midland). - 0.15 a.m. (London and Northern). - (Soprano). 10.15 a.m. (London and Northern). -6.15 p.m.-" The First News." A Recital.Parry Jones (Tenor), The DailsoService. 6.40 P.m. (Northern). -The Studio The Daily Service. 6.4op.m. (London). -The Serge Marjorie Hayward (Violin). 10.30 a.m.(London and Northern). Orchestra. 10.30-mo amt. (London and North - Krish Septet. 5.0-5.30 p.m.-" The History of the -Daventry National Programme.7.0 p.m. (Midland). -The Band of ern).-Daventry National Pro - 6.40-7.0p.m. (Northern).-Daventry Bible" -V. The Rev. C. H. Dodd :rr.o-ii.33 a.m. (London). -Experi- the 7th Queen's Own ,Hussars, gramme. National Programme. " The Gospels " mentalTelevisionTransmission conducted by F. Spencer. 17.0-11.30 a.m. (London).-Experi-6.4o-7.15p.m. (Midland). -The 7.53 p.m. (Midland). -A Religious by the Baird Process (356.3 m.7.0-8.0 p.m.(Northern).-" Helen mental Television Transmission by Midland Studio Chorus. Service from St. Chad's Cathedral, Vision ; 261.3 m. Sound). with the High Hand." A Play in the Baird Process (356.3 m. Vision ;7.0p.m.,(Northern). -Mr.F.A. Birmingham. 12 noon (London arid Midland). - three Acts by Richard Pryce. 261.3 in. Sound). Rush : Northern Folk through a 8.o p.m. (London). -A Roman Catho- Gramophone Records. 8.o p.m. (London and Midland).-12 noon (London and Midland). -An Northerner's Eyes." lic Service, from The Church of1.0 p.m. -(London and Midland). - French Talk. A dialogue between Instrumental Concert. 7.15-8.30p.m. (Midland). -The Our Lady of Victories, Kensington. Light Music. Leonardo Kemp and MonsieurE. M.Stephanand 72noon (Northern). -The Studio Studio Orchestra.Bertram New - 8.o p.m. (Northem).-AReligious his Piccadilly Hotel Orchestra. Mademoiselle Camille Vierre. Orchestra:Evelyn Barrow (Piano - stead (Baritone). Service from The Central Hall,2.0-3.o p.m. (London and Midland).8.30 p.m. (London and Midland).- forte). 7.25 p.m. (Northern).-Daventry Manchester. -The Regal Orchestra, conducted Regional News. 1.0 p.m. (London and Midland). - National -Programme. S.45 P.m.-Daventry National Pro- by. Ernest Parsons. 8.30 p.m. (Northern). -Sheffield Reginald New at the Organ. 7.45-9.0 p.m. (Northern). -The gramme. 2.3o p.m. (Northern).-Daventry Chamber of Commerce.An Ad-` 1.0-2.0 p.m. (Northern).-Grarno-- Whitby Municipal Orchestra, con. 8.50 p.m.-" The News."Weather National Programme. dress on " Business Conditions in phone Records. ducted by Frank Gomez. a 950 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH,1931 Regional Programmes-(Cont.) mentalTelevisionTransmission by the Baird Process (356.3 m. sionTransmission by the Bain ' by the Baird Process(356.3 m. Vision ;261.3 m. Sound). Process (356.3 m. Vision ;261.: 8.o -8.3o p.m. (London). -An Organ CharlesHoby. (Soloist,Mary Vision ;261.3 m. Sound). 12 noon (London and Midland).- m. Sound). Recital by Herbert Dawson. Abbott). 12 noon. -A Ballad. Concert: Gramophone Records. 8.30--0.26 p.m. (London and Mid-4.0p.m.(Northern). -The Studio1.0 p.m. (London and Midland).-1.0 p.m. (London and )\Midland).- SATURDAY (27th) land).-" Gianni Schicchi " (Pur- Orchestra. The Shepherd's Bush Pavilion Or- The StudioOrchestra. Alfred10.15 a.m. (London and Northern).- cini). Relayed from The Royal 4.45 p.m. (London).-Daventry chestra, conducted by Louis Levy. Butler(Baritone). The Daily Service. Opera House, Covent Garden. National Programme. 2.0 p.m. (London and Midland). -2. x5 -3.o p.m. (London and Midland). 10.30-r 1.0 a.m. (London and North. 9.0 p.m. (Northern).---Daventry5.15 p.m. (London). -Jack Payne and The MidlandStudio Orchestra. -The Regal Orchestra, conducted ern).-Daventry National Pro. National Programme. his B.B.C. Dance Orchestra. 2.5-3.45 p.m. (Northem).-Daventry by Ernest Parsons. gramme. 9.15p.m. (Northern). -Northof5.15 p.m. (Midland and Northern).- National Programme. 2.30-4.15 P.m.(Northern).-Dav-x2 noon-r.o p.m. (Northern).-Studic England News. Children's Hour. 3.o p.m. (London).-Daventry Na- entry National Programme. Orchestra. Charles Rawnsley (Bass) 5.10-9.40 p.m. (Northern).-Daven-6.o p.m. (Midland and Northern).- tional Programme. 4.15 P.m. (London).-Daventry Na-1.0-2.0 p.m. (London). - Davent ry try National Programme. As London. 3.45-4.30 p.m. (Northern). -Studio tional Programme. National Programme. 5.20 p.m. (London). -The Parkington6.15 p.m. -" The First News." Orchestra. 4.15 p.m. (Northem).-The Studio2.0-5:15p.m. (Northem).-Daventry Quintet. 6.40-8.0 p.m. (London). -The J. H.4.30-5.15 P.m.(Northern).-Dav- Orchestra. National Programme. g.zop.m.(Midland). --TheRegal Squire Celeste Octet. entry National Programme. 5. x 5 p.m.(London). -JackPayne3.30 p.m. (London). -Sydney Baynes' Orchestra,conducted by Ernest6.4o-7.0 p.m. (Midland). -The Flint5.15p.m.(London). -Jack Payne and his B.B.C. Dance Orchestra. Band. Dorothy Bennett (S9prano): Parsons. - Concertina Quartet. and his B.B.C. Dance Orchestra. 5.15 p.m. (Midland and Northern).-3.30 p.m.(Midland). - The Rita 540-11.'0 p.m. (Northern).- ' Thc6.40-8.0p.m. (Northern). -The5.15 P.m. (Midland and Northern),- Children's Hour. Players. Fairy Queen." An Opera by Henry Studio Orchestra. Children's Hour. 6.o pan. (Midland and Northern).-4.45 P.m. (London and Midland). Purcell. 7.0-8.0 p.ni. (Midland). -Dance6.o p.m. (Midland and Northern). -AsLondon. Reginald New at the Organ. ro.15 P.In . (London and Midland).- Music. St.Dunstan'sDance As London. - 61, 15 p.m.-" The First News." 5.15p.m.(London). -Jack Payne " '1' he Second News." Band. 6.i5 p.m.---" The First News." 6.40-9.25 p.m.(Northern).-Dav- and his B.B.C. Orchestra. 10.30 p.m. (London and Midland).-8.o p.m. (London and Midland).-6.30 P.m. (Northern). -Market Prices entry National Programme. 5.15 p.m. (Midland and Northern). - Regional News. Otto Siepmann :German Talk. for Northern English Farmers. 6.0 p.m. (London and Midland).- Children's Hour. 10.35 p.m.- x 2 midnight (London).-8.0-9.15 p.m. (Northern). -An Organ6.35-9.15 p.m.(Northern).-Dav- Jack Payne and his Orchestra. 6.o p.m. (Midland and Northern). - Dance Music. Recital by Dr. Merchant. entry National Programme. 4 7.25-7.45 P.m. (London). -The As London. 10,35-11.10p.m. (Midland). --As8.3o p.m. (London and Midland).-6.40 P.m. (London). -Fred Adling- Southampton Male Voice Choir.6.25-7.45 P.m. (London). -The Les - London. Regional News. ton's New Octet. 7.25-7.45 P.m. (Midland). -A lie Bridgewater Quintet. Thorpe 11.10 P.M. -12 midnight (Northern).---8.35p.m.(London). -Concertsof6.4o p.m.(Midland). -The Studio Harpsichord Recitalby Fred Bates (Baritone). As London. Contemporary Music. VI -Manuel Orchestra. George Dawkins (Bari- Dunnill. 6.25p.m.(Midland). -Organ and 12 inidnight-13.3o a.m. (Wednesday) deFella. 'The B.B.C.Orchestra tone). 7.45-8.45 P.m. (London). -Reginald ViolinRecital. GilbertMills (London). -Experimental Tele- (Leader, ArthurCatterall).con-7.45 p.m. (London and Midland).- King and his Orchestra. (Organ). Herbert Y. Templeman vision Transmission by the Baird ducted by Sir Henry Wood and The Wireless Military Band (Con-7.45 P.m. (Midland). -Studio Chorus. (Violin). Process (356.3 m. Vision ;261 m. Manuel de Falls. ductor, B. WaltonO'Donnell).8.15-9.30 p.m.(Midland). -Studio7.0-8.0 p.m. (Midland). -The City Sound). 8.35 p.m.(Midland). -The Studio8.40 P.m. (London and Midland).- Orchestra. of Birmingham Police Band, con. Orchestra. Horace Priestley Regional News. 8.45-9.30 p.m. (London). -A Recital ducted by Richard Wessell.Irene (Tenor). 8.45 P.m. (London and Midland).- 'by ohn Thorne (Baritone). Michael Bones (Soprano). WEDNESDAY (24th) 9.15 p.m. (Northern). -Regional The Fairy Queen, an Opera by DoJre(Violin). 7.0 p.m.(Northern). -Mr. W. E. t 0. x 5 a.m. (London and Northern).- News. Henry Purcell. 9.25 p.m.(Northern).-Regional News. Shewell-Cooper ;` The Northern The Daily Service. 9.20-10.15 p.nt. (Nort hern).-Vaude-9.15p.m.(Northern). -Northof 9.30-9.45P.m.(Northern).-Dav- Garden." 0.30 a.m. (London and Northern).- ville. England News. entry National Programme. 7.15 p.m. (Northern). -Miss Phyllis Daventry National Programme. 9.45 P.m. (London and Midland).-9.20 p.m. (Northern).-Daventry Na-9.30 p.m. (London and Midland).- BentlpY : " Northopolis-on-Sea." 1.0-11.30 a.m. (London). -Ex- Dance Music. tional Programme. " AuLapinqui Saute." A7.30 p.m. -x2 midnight (Northern). - mental Television Transmission by1o.x5 p.m. (London and Midland). -9.35 -10.3op.m. (Northern).- A Really French Cabaret.Produced Daventry National Programme. the Baird Process (356.3 m. Vision ; - 8.5o p.m.(London). - The 10.30" p.m.-rz The midnight (London Second and Chamber Concert.The News."7.45Edward by John Watt. 261.3 m. Sound). Maude String Quartet. Wireless Military Band.Patricia t2noon (London and Midland).- Northern). -Dance Music. 9.45-11.0 p.m. (Northern). -Studio Rossborough (Pianoforte). Quentin Maclean at the Organ. 10.30 p.m. (Midland). -Experimental10.15-10.30 P.m. (Londonand Orchestra andTheBriercliffe8.0-8.5o p.m. (Midland). -Musical 2.45 P.M. (London and Midland).- Transmission for the Radio Re- Midland)." The Second News." Glee Union.Conducted by W. Comedy Programme. The Studio Orchestra. search Board by th3 Fultograph 10.3op.m. -x2midnight(London Shepherd. 8.50-i0.x5 p.m. (London and Mid - 145 P.m. (London and Midland).- Process. and Northern). -Dance Music. 10.15-10.35 p.m. (London and land).-" Tilly of Bloomsbury." -A Gramophone Records. 10.35-11.5 p.m. (Midland). -As Midland).-" The Second News " Comedy by Ian Hay. 2.15-3.0p.m. (London and Midland). London. - and Regional News. 10.15 p.m. (London and Midland).- -A Ballad Concert. FRIDAY (26th) 10.35 p.m. -I2 midnight (London).- " The Second News " and Regional i55 p.m. (Nort'hern).-A Running Dance Music. News. Commentary on The Northumber- THURSDAY (25th) io.15 a.m. (London and Northern).-10.35-11.0p.m. (Midland). -As10.35 p.m. -12 midnight (London). - land Plate by Mr. R. C.Lyle. 10.15 a.m. (London and Northern).- 'TheDaily Service. London. Dance Music. ;.-io p.m. (London and Northern).- The Daily Service. to.30 a.m. (London and Northern).-11.0 p.m. ---12 midnight (Northern).-10.35-10.40 p.m.(Midland). -Ex - Symphony Concert. The Bourne-10.30 a.m. (London and Northern).- Daventry National Programme. As London. perimental Transmission for the mouth Municipal Orchestra. Con- Daventry National Programme. 11.0---r 1,30 a.m. (London).-Experi-x2 midnight -12.3o a.m. (Saturday).- Radio Research Board by the Fulto- ductors,MontagueBirchand11.0-11.30 a.m. (London).-Experi- mentalTelevisionTransmission (London).-ExperimmtalTelevi- graph Process.

PROGRAMMES FOR SUNDAY oune 7.55 p.m. -See Prague. 6.3o p.m. -Gramophone Records. The Frequencies and Wavelengths given in the following programmes are those published 10.15 p.m. -Announcements. 7.3o p.m. -Lc Journal I'arle. by the stations in question.For more accurate measurements, readers are referred to our 10.20 p.m. -Relay from Teplice. 8.o p.m -Vocal and Orchestral Con- Table of Frequencies and Wavelengths. cert of Russian Music. BRESLAU (Germany) 8.45 P.m. --" BriffartetPolochon " NOTE: THE HOURS OF6.45 p.m. -Talk by ;Dr. Hoffmann-9.10 p.m. (in the interval). -News. 923 kc's (325 m.) ;x.7 kW.Re- -Comedy in One Act (Mouezy- TRANSMISSION ARE RE- Harnisch. 10.15 p.m. -Second News. layedbyGleitcitz,1,184kc's Eon). 7.25 : Between Madagas-10.30 p.m. (approx.).-Dance Music. (153 m.). 9.0 p.m. -Concert (contd.). DUCED TO BRITISH car and Corsica. 12.30 a.m. (Monday). -Close Down. Transmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m.10.0 p.m. -Le Journal Parle. 8.0 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). (Concert from Gleitcitz). SUMMER TIME. 9.0 p.m. -See Vienna. BEROMONSTER (Schweiz-12.10 p.m. -Wireless Report on aBRUSSELS No. 2 (Belgium) ALGIERS (N. Africa) 10.30 p.m. -News Bulletin. erischerLandessender) Demonstration in Sankt-Annaberg. 887kc's(338.2m.) ; zo kW. 825.3 licis (363.4 m.) ;13 kW'. 10.45p.ni.(approx.).-SeeBerlin (Switzerland) t.so p.m. -Concert. Programme in Flemish. 13.30 p.m. -Gramophone Records. (Witzleben). 653 kcis (459 m.)77 kW. 2.30 p.m. -News Bulletin. 5.o p.m. -Religious Talk : St. 8.0 p.m. -Dance Music. 12.30 a.m. (Monday). -Close Down. 10.30 a.m. (Berne). -Sermon. 2.35 p.nl.-Concert by the Silesian Lutgardis. 8.3o p.in.-Pianoforte Recital. BERLIN (Germany) Ir. o a.m. (Zurich). -Orchestral Con- Choral Society relayed from the5.10 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 8.45 P.m. -Song Recital. cert. Stadium. 6.30p.m. -Gramophone Records. 9.0p.m -Orchestral and Vocal Witzleben. 716kc, s(418 m.);12.15 p.m. (Berne). -Time, Weather3.45 p.m. -Guessing Competition. 7.3o p.m. -Le Journal Pule. Concert. 1.7 kW. and Gramophone Records. 3.55 p.m. -Chess Lesson. 8.o p.m. -See Brussels, No. t. 11.0 p.m. -Operatic Arias. Transmits at intervals from 6.3o a.m. 4.10 p.m. -The Rhymed Unrhymed8.45 p.m. -Talk by M. Leroux. (Gymnastics). Lis p.m. (Berne). -Orchestral 9.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 11.30 p.m. -Gramophone Records. cert.5- .Con- by Traugott Conrad. 10.45 a.m.-Servi ce for Free Thinkers.213.0 p.m. -No Transmission. 4.25 p.m. -Talk :Horse -breeding. 10.0 p.m. -Le Journal Pule. BARCELONA (Spain) 11.30 a.m.-See Leipzig. 3.o p.m. -Running Commentary on4.40 p.m. -Talk on Economics. Radio -Barcelona (EAJa).86o kc,'s12 noon. -Talk for Parents :Tech- 4.55 p.m. -Orchestral Concert: BUCHAREST (Romania) S kW. nical Schools as Centres of Training the International Handball Match, Radio-Bucarest. 76x kc's (394 m.) (349 ril) ; Germany v.Switzerland,relayed6.o p.m. -Concert relayed from the 16 kW. 8.30-9.3o a.m.-Topical-Review. for Careers. from theLetzigrund Sports Jahrhunderthalle. 12 noon. -Chimes and Weather. 13.3o p.m. -See Breslan. Ground. 6.3op.m. -WeatherforFarmers,ro.o a.m.-Programme for Children. 2.0p.m. -SextetSelectionsand 2.0p.m. -Fairy Talesfor Young followed by Orchestral Selections. 10.30 a.m.-Religious Reading. Gramophone Records. People. 5.o p.nt.(Zurich). -Dance Music. 10.45a.m.-ChoralSelections. 5.30-6.39 p.m. -No Transmission.7.0 p.m -Werner Finck reads his ownx x.o a.m.-Orchestral Concert. 3.15 p.m. -Film Review, followed by2.3o p.m. -Soloist Concert. 6.3o p.m. (Berne). -Chess Lesson. Verse. Concert. 3.30 : Oriental Fairy -Tale 7.35p.in.-WeatherForecast,fol- noon. -Gramophone Records. 4.0 p.m. -Programme for Hospitals Princes. 7.0 p.m. (Berne). -Chamber Music. 12.45 p.m. -News and Time Signal. 7.3o p.01. (Berne). -Talk. lowed by Baritone Song Recital. i.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. and Benevolent Institutions, with4.0 P.m. -Part Relay of the Berlin8.o p.m. -See Softens. 8.o p.m. -See Vienna. Gramophone Records. JubileeRowingRegatta from 8.3o p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). 3.o p.m. -Programme for Peasants. 5.0-6.39 p.m. -Interval. Griinau. BORDEAUX-LAFAYETTE 10.15 p.m. -Time and News. 4.0 P.m. -Orchestral Concert. 6.3o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 4.30 P.m. -Wind Instrument Con- (France)10.40 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). 5.o p.m. -News and Time Signal. 7.0 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. cert. 12.30 a.m. (Monday) -Silent Night. 5.15 p.m. -Variety Programme. 7.3o p.m. -Tenor Song Recital. 6.0 p.m. -See Vienna. (PTT). 986 kc's (304 m.): 35 kW. 5.3o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 8.o p.m. -Agricultural Talk in Cata-6.45 p.m. -Part Relay of the Festival12 noon. -Concert relayed from Paris 6.0 p.m. -Gramophone Records. lan. Concert by the Berlin -Branden- (Ecole Superieure), 671 kc/s ; (447.1 BRNO (Czechoslovakia) 7.o p.m. -Talk (to be announced). 8.to p.m. -Dance Music from the burgChoralSocietyfromthe m.). 878 kc/s (342 m) ; 3 kW. 7.15 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Ritz Hotel. Stadium oftheAerodromein2.0 p.m. -Relay fiom Paris, or RelayTransmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m.7.40 p.m. -Educational Talk. . of a Local Festival. 7.0 p.m. -See Prague. 8.o p.m.-" The Barber of Seville"- . 9.;4/..m. -Vocal and Orchestral Con- 7.3o Sketches. cert. 7.15 p.m. -Sports Notes. 6.zo p.m. -Sports Results. p.m. -Two Radio ' Opera in Three Acts (Rossini). 10.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 7.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records from6.3o p.m. -Radio Journal. (a)" How to make Acquaintance." Russia. 8.xo p.m. -Results of the Prize Draw. (b) "A Commercial Letter." BUDAPEST (Hungary) BERLIN (Germany) 8.o p.m -Talk by Ludwig Hardt. 8.15 p.m. -Charades. 7.5o p.m. -See Prague. 545 11c/s (550 m.) ;23 kW. Konigs Wusterhausen. 183 kc's8.3o p.m -Concert of Fantasias and8.3o p.m. -Two One -Act Comedies : 10.15p.m. -Announcements. 9.0 a.m.-News and Beauty Hints. (1,635 m.) ;75 kW. Potpourris.Fantasia from " Tief- (a) " La Nuit de Ferrier " (Gen-10.20 p.m. -See Prague. 10.0 a.m.-Catholic Service Relay. Transmits at intervals from 6.3o a.m. land "(d'Albert). Fantasia on'dreau), (b) "On purge Bebe " (Fey- Ix .15 a.m.-Evangelical Service, fol- (Witzleben Relay). Famous 'Cello Melodies for 'Cello dau), AftertheProgramme,BRUSSELS (Belgium) lowed by Time Signal and Orches- 11.0 a.m.-" The Beginning of Sum- and Orchestra(Seidler -Winkler). AmusementGuideandTime Radio -Belgique. 590 kcts (509 m.) ; tralConcert. In theinterval, mer." Fantasia from " Cavalleria rusti- Signal. 20 kW. Wireless Review. 11.30 a.m.-3.3o p.m. -See Berlin cans " (Mascagni).Faust -Fantasia Transmits at intervals from 5.o a.m.2.o p.m -Gramophone Records. (Witzleben). for Violin and Orchestra (Wieni-BRATISLAVA (Pigeon Flying Notes). 3.o p.m -Programme for Children. 3.3o p.m. -Talk on the Poet Johannes aysky). Potpourri of "The Gipsy (Czechoslovakia)5.o p.m. -Religious Talk. 3.3o p.m. -Agricultural Talk. Baron " (Strauss). Potpourri of 1;076 kc's (279 na.)14 kW. 5.io p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 4.10 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 4-0-6 45 P.m. -See Berlin (Witzle- DieDreigroschenoper "(KurtTransmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m.5.45 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 5. rop.m. -ProgrammebyHerr ben). Weill). 7.0 p.m. -Slovakian Popular Music.6.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Krasnay. I JUNE 19TH, 193 WORLD -RADIO 951 Programmes forSunday-(Cont.) cert on the Centenary of the United10.4o a.m.-Talk by Mr. Zwcrt-9.30 a.m.-Programme of the Chris - North German Glee Societies. broek. . tianRadioSociety(N.C.R.V.). 5.40 P.m -Hungarian Folk Songs. 11.0 a.m.-Microphone Report on5.o p.m.-" CelebratingSunday"-ma a.nz.-Concert (contd.). Divine Service from the Reformed 6.50 p.m -Humorous Talk. theLayingoftheFoundation HumorousRadioSketches(A.11.40 a.m.-4.4o p.m -Programme Church, The Hague West. 7.23 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. StoneattheErlcnbruchSports Muller -Forster). oftheAlgemeeneVereeniging11.40 a.m.-5.49 P.m.-K.R.O. Pro - 8.40 p.m.-" The Woman and the Grounds. 6.o p.m. (from Hanover). -Gala Con- Radio Omroep (A.V.R.O.). gramme. Fools "-Sketch (Szaba), followedx1.15 a.m.-Clocks and Jewellery- cert from the Opera House.Pre-11.40 a.m.-Gramophone Records. ra.40 a.m.-Sextet Concert. by Tzigane Concert from the Cafe Microphone Report from an Ex- lude to " Parsifal " (Wagner). Das11.55 a.m.-Octet Concert. Lao p.m. -Talk by Mr. Jonkergouw. Emke. hibition. Liebesmahl der Apostel-aBib-12.40 p.m -Talk on the Films. 1.40 p.m. -Literary Talk. 11.30 a.m.-See Leipzig. heal Scene for Male Voice Choira.ao p.m. -Concert (contd.). 2.10 P.M. -Choral Concert. COLOGNE (Germany) 12 noon. -Gutenberg Memorial Pro- and Orchestra (Wagner). 1.40 p.m. -Weekly Book Talk. 3.40 p.m. -Gramophone Records. WestdeutscherRundfunk.a' 319, gramme, relayedfromMainz.7.30 P.m. -Sports Notes and Weather.2. a o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 4.0P.m. -RelayfromWuppertal kc/s (227 m.) ;1.7 kW. Music and Address. 7.50 p.m.-Intemational Football3.40 p.m -Talk: Humour in Music. (Elberfeld) of the Football Matchl See Langenberg Programme. 12.30 p.m. -Gramophone Concert. Match, Germanyv.Norway-4.10p.m. -GramophoneRecords. betweenCatholic Germany and COPENHAGEN (Denmark) 1.so p.m. -Talks arranged by the Second Half, relayed from Oslo. Sports Results in the interval. Catholic Holland. 1,067 kcis (281 m.) a kW.'Re- Wiesbaden Board of Agriculture. 8.50 p;m.-Vocal andOrchestral4.40-5.40 p.m.-V.A.R.A. Pro-5.40p.m.-N.C.R.V.Programme. !eyedby Kalundborg,26okc/s2.0p.m. -Rural Programme -Two Concert. gramme. Divine Service from the Reformed Talks. 10.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. 4.40 p.m. -Programme for Childten. Church at Strijen. (1,153 m.). 3.o p.m. -Programme for Children. 10.20 p.m. -Topical Programme. 5.10 p.m. -Organ Recital. 7.25 p.m. till Close Down.N.R.O.' Transmits at intervals from 8.30 a.m. 10.30 p.m. -Dance Music. p.m.-V.P.R.O. Pro- Programme. (Gymnastics). 4.0-6.0 p.m -See Mghlacker. 5.40-7.40 I 6.op.m -Talk by Dr.Gunders- gramme. 7.25 p.m. -Address by the Rev. H.1 T2 noon. -Wind Instrument Concert. heimer.' HEMBERG (Germany) 5.40 p.m. -Talk :Spinoza, and Vocal Mulder. 2.0 p.m. -Divine Service Relay. ; 6.25 p.m. -Talk : TheGerman 1 085 Itca (276.5n-i.) 75 kW. Quartet Selections. 7.50 P.m. -Sports Notes. 3.20 p.m. -Instrumental Concert and Relayed byDanzig,66,_ kc,/ s (4536.40 p.m. -Talk by Dr. Goner. 7.55 Choral Songs to the Lute. Attitude to Life from 1870-1900. m.). p.m. -Orchestral and 5.zo p.m. -Gramophone Records. 6.5o p.m. -Talk by Alfons Paquet : 7.4o p.m. till Close Down.-A.V.R.O. Concert. Summer in Sweden. Transmits at intervals from 6.o a.m. rogramme. 10.20 p.m. -Choral Epilogle. 5.30 p.nt.-Programme for Children.7.15 p.m. -Weather for Farmers. (Concert). 7.4o p.m. -Time and News. 10.40 p.m. (approx.).-Closc Down. 6.o p.m. -Accordion Recital. 11,30 a.m.-See Leipzig. 7.55 p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Pre- 6.zo p.m. (from the Odense Studio).-7.25 p.m. -Reading (Joachim12 noon. -Talk :LoveLettersof KALUNDBORG (Denmark) , Talk :Finnish Dialect. Maass). Famous Women. lude, " Le Deluge " (Saint-Saens). Kalundborg Radio. 26o kcis (1,153 6.5o pan. -Weather and News. 7.50 p.m. -See Mahlacker. i2.25 p.m -Orchestral Concert. LittleSerenade,Op. 55 (R. 7.15 p.m. -Time ;Sports Notes. 8.40p.m. -OrchestralConcert. Trunk). Two Waltzes (Dvorak). rn.) ;ao kW. 940 p.m-Old Dance Music.. 2.5 p.m. -Chess Talk. Two Melodies :(a)NorwegianSee Copenhagen Programme. 7.30 P.M. -Talk :The Moral De- 2.30 p.m. -Talk for Young People. Air, (b) Erstes Begegnen (Grieg). velopment of the Child. ' 10.40 p.m -Time and News. 2.55 p.mChoral Concert. 8.0 p.m. -Concert from the WorksI1° p.m. -Dance Music. 8.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records. KONIGSBERG (Germany) 12 midnight (approt.).-Close Down.3.20p.m. -Talk: The Protection of8.40 p.m. -Concert (contd.). Over- Ostmarken Rundfunk.1,382 kcla of Hartmann and Gade. ' Nature. ture, "Phedre" (Massenet). (217 m.) ;1.7 kW. ao.o p.m. -Reading (Kleist). HAMBURG (Germany) 3.45 P.m. -Relay from the Insterburg Soprano Solo :Caro nome fromSec Heilsberg Programme. 10.25 p.m. -News Bulletin. Summer Tournament. " Rigoletto"(Verdi). Dance of 10.35 p.m. -March and Waltz Con- Norag (ha, in Morse). 8o6 kc/s4.30 P.m. -Operetta Concert from the LANGENBERG (Germany) cert. (372 m.) ;1.7 kW. Relayed by Zoppot Kurgarten.In the interval, the Hours from " La Gioconda " Bremen, 1,112 kc /5 (270 n1.) ; Piens- (Ponchielli). Westdeutscher Rundfunk. 635! 11.5 p.m. -Dance Music from the Talk on Riding. 9.10 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Relayed Arena Etablissement. burg, 1,373 kc s (218 m.) ; Hanover, 6.op.m.(from Rdtha).-Organ Re- Ws (473 m.) ;17 kW. 12 midnight. -Town Hall Chimes. 53o kc, s (566 m.) ;and Kiel, 1,292 cital from St. George's Church. 9.23 p.m. -Performance of a Play. by Aachen, Cologne and Munster, kc.'s (232.2 m.). 9.45 p.m. -Concert (contd.).Marche . 1,319 kc/s (227 in.). 12.30 a.m. (Monday). -Close Down. 6.45 p.m -Song Recital. PetitsSoldats dePlombTransmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m. Transmits at intervals7.10p.m. from(from 7.0Danzig). a.m.des -Short CORK (Ireland) (Hamburg Harbour Hour). (Pierne). FlowerWaltzfrom (Hamburg Relay). Stories(TheodorStorm),with (Gounod).11.30 a.m.-See Leipzig. (6CK). 1,337 kc 's (225 m.) ; 1.5 klh'.10.0 dm. (from Kid). -Opening of Commentary. , Romeo and Juliet " 8.30-11.0 p.m. -See Dublin. theBaltic Exhibition " The .5o p.m. -Sports Notes. Soprano Solo from " La Traviata " 12 A Four through an Modern Popular Library" - Ad-i.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. (Verdi).Le Pas des Fleurs from Aquarium. DUBLIN (Ireland) dressesand Tour throught he " Naila " (Delibes). a 2.20P.M.-Talk on Industrial Towns: (2RN). 725 ke s (413 in.) ;1.5 kW. 10.10 p.m. -News Bulletin. p.m.-Gram6phone Records. Aachen. 8.3o p.m. -Vocal and Instrumental10.45Exhibition.10.10 a.m.-Reading (Emma Droese).10.30 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). 10.15 p.m -Concert (contd.).Over-12.40 p.m. -Talk :Post -War Euro- x2.30 a.m. (Monday). -Close Down. Concert. ao.55a.m.(from Kiel). -Divine Ser- tune," William Tell "(Rossini). peas Novels. 11.0 p.m. -Time, News, Weather and vice in the University Church. HILVERSUM (Holland) Perla Waltz (Arditi). Florentiner.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Close Down. 11.3o a.m.-See Leipzig. 1,004 kc/s (298 m.) ;8.5 kW. Serenade(Godard). Marche2.3o p.m. -Talk on Chess. 2.50 p.m. -Dialogue for Girls. FRANKFURT -am -MAIN, 12.15 p.m. -Music and Recitations8.x0-11.40 a.m.-Programme of the nuptiale d'une poupee (Lecocq). s about Workers. Workers' Radio Society (V.A.R.A.). 10.40 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 3.25 p.m. -Agricultural Talk. (Germany) 8.10 a.m.-Gymnastics. 11.40 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 3.45 p.m. -Talk : Music for Workers. 1.0 p.m. -Weather Report. P.m. -The World on Gramo- 77oIce s(390m.) ; 1.7kW.1.5 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 8.25 a.m.-FootballNotes and 4.5 Relayedby Cassel,5,220kc:s2.3o p.m. -TheWorld through Pigeon Flying Report. HUIZEN (Holland)phoneRecords :Up the Volga. (246 m.). Poets' Eyes -Recitations and Ex-8.4o a.m.=Talk by Mr. Lantinga. 160 kc/s (1,875 m.) ;8.5 kW. 4.3o p.m. -See Mithlacker. Transmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m. planatory Notes. 9.50 a.m.-Orchestral Concert. 8.10 a.m.-9.19 a.m.-Programme of5.10 p.m. -Sports Relay, Germany (Hamburg Relay). 3.15 p.m. -Programme for Children.9.4o a.m.-Recitations, the Catholic Radio Society (K.R.O.) v. Holland, from Wuppertal-L7ber- 9.15 a.m.-Choral Concert. .x.o p.m. (from Hanover). -Gala Con-so.o a.m.-Concert (contd.). Morning penediction. Feld.

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a 952 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH, I931

Programmes forSunday-(Cont.) 8.25 Pan. -Gramophone Records, In the interval at S.o p.m. (approx.).50.30 p.m. -Dance Music from the Talk and News. -News. Niederbronn-les-Gains Casino. 6,5 p.m. -Talk :Westphalian En- ro. t 5 p.m. -Announcements. 9.0 p.m. -Concert. Overture, " Beat-9.0 p.m. -Meteorological Report. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down gravers. ro.zo p.m. -See Prague. rice et Benedict " (Berlioz). Elegie9.3o p.m. -Dance Music. 6.40p.m. -LivingAuthors -Max for 'Cello and Orchestra (Faure).11.o p.m. (approx.).-C1 $e Down. Halbe. MOTALA (Sweden) SecondSuitefrom" Carmen " TOULOUSE (France) 7.10 p.m. -Talk :Technique and 221.9kc's (1,352 m.) ;40 kW. (Bizet). Radiophonie do Midi. See Stockholm Programme. LyricSuite(Brahms).ROME (Italy) 779 kr's Industry. BalletMusicfrom" Philemon EnteItalianAudizioniRadio- (385 m.) ;8 kW. 7.40 P.m. -Sports Notes. etBaucis "(Gounod). Caprice 50.0 a.m.-Relay from Castelsarrasin IVIeHLACKER (Germany) foniche (IRO). 68o kels (441 tn.) ; 7.45 P.m. Orchestral Concert.Pre- (Dvorak).Cossack Dancc, Hopak 75 kW. Relayed by Naples, 905 kc/s of the Opening of the Ex -Service- ludeto" TheMastersingers " Silddeutscher Rundfunk. 833 (Tchaikovsky). men's Congress. (Wagner).ConcertoinE Flat kc/s (36o m.) ;75 kW.Relayed (33z m.), and 3R0, 11,810 kc/s by Freiburg, 527 kc/s(570 m.). (25.4 m.). 12.45 p.m. -Catholic Service. Major for Pianoforte and Orchestra PARIS (France) 50.0 a.m.-Bible Reading. 1.15 p.m. -Humorous Programme. (Liszt). Interlude : " DesTransmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m. 1.30 p.m. -Protestant Service. Knaben Wunderhorn," with Ex- (Hamburg Relay). Radio -Paris (CFR). 174 kc/s10.15 a.m.-Gramophone Records of1.45 p.m. -Agricultural Report. x812Overture10.15 a.m.-Catholic Service. (1,725 m.) ;17 kW. Sacred Music. planatory Notes. 11.0 a.m.-Friedrich Silcher Mem-7.45 a.m.-Gramophone Records. 10.45 a.m.-Sports Notes and3.o p.m. -Relay from Lourdes of a (Tchaikovsky).Suite from " The Amusement Guide. Concert in honour of the Sixtieth Swan Lake "(Tchaikovsky). orialService,relayed from the8.o a.m.-News and Press Review. Anniversary of the Lourdes Wind 9.3o p.m. -Second Half of the Inter- Scklossgarten,Karlsruhe. 8.30 a.m.-Physical Culture Lesson.11.0 a.m.-German Lesson, on Instrument Society. national Football Match, Germany11.30 a.m.-See Leipzig. rim a.m.-Advanced Book-keeping Gramophone Records. 5.o p.m. -Musical Programme. v. Norway, on Gramophone Re-12 noon (from Mannheim). -Piano- Lemon. 1.0-2.15 p.m -Light Music. In the5.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. cords. forte Duets. 12 noon. -Religious Address by the intervalat1.30 p.m. -Time and5.45 P.m. -Dance Music. 50.15 p.m. -News and Concert. 12.3op.m. -Gramophone Concert. Reverend Father Lhande. Announcements. 6.o p.m.-Kolster Brandes Concert. ix.° p.m. -Dance Music Relay. 1.o p.m.(in an interval). -Topicalr2.3o p.m. -Concert of Sacred Music4.30 p.m. (from Naples). -Programme Talk. for Choir and Organ, under the for Children, followed by Weather6.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. 12 midnight (approx.).--Close Down.2.3o p.m. (from Karlsruhe). -Choral direction of M. )'Abbe Brun. Final and Sports Notes. 6.45 p.m. -Concert (continued). 5.0-6.30 p.m. -Variety Concert with7.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. LEIPZIG (Germany) Concert. Chorus from " Judas Maccabwus " 8.op.m. -Vocal andInstrumental 3.o p.m. -See Frankfurt. (Handel). Inmeratrix angelorum " L'Amore ricama "-One-Act Concert. 5,557 kc;s (239 m.) ;2.3 kW. Re-4.0 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. (Orlando di Lasso),Ave verum Comedy (Lucio d'Ambra). layed Lv DruVen, 941 kc/s (3195.3o p.m. (from. Mannheitii).-Quin- (Mozart). Song :Ave Maria (de7.55 p.m. (from Naples). -Shipping9.0 p.m. -Concert of Military Music, m.). tet Concert. la Presle). Omnes gentes (Abbe Notes. relayed from Castelsarrasin. Transmits..tintervals from6.30 to.o p.m. -Gramophone Dance Re- 6.15 p.m. -Karl Heinz Wahl reads Brun). 8.o p.m. -News Bulletin. cords. a.m. ((V zt zleben Relay) - from his own Works. 12.45 p.m -News Bulletin. 8.10 p.m. -Gramophone Records. ro.3o pan. -News Bulletin. 15.3o Ach Herr, midi armen6.30p.m.EnglishLiteratureandr.o p.m. -Gramophone Records.In8.3op.m. -Time andAnnounce- Sunder "-Cantata for the Third Songs by Lilian Harrison (Speaker) the intervalat1.15 p.m.-Bilbo- ments. 10.4o p.m. -Concert arranged by the Sunday after Trinity (J. S. Bach). and john Armstrong (Tenor). The quet as a Slater. 900 p.m.-" The Girl in the Taxi "- Vocalion Gramophone Company 12noon. -Great Speeches :Jacob Snowy -breasted Pearl (Old Irish,2.0 P.M -Concert of Decca Records. Operetta in Three Acts (Gilbert). of Hayes. Grimm on Wilhelm Grimm. arr. Sir A. Somervell).'the Devon4.0 P.m. -Gramophone Concert. In the interval, Topical Review. 11.15 p.m. -North African News. 52.30 p.m. -See Breslau. Maid (Sir Hamilton Harty).The7.0 p.m. -Agricultural Talk. ro.55 ,p.m. (approx.).-News, Read-51.30 P.m.-Chansonnettes. 2.0 p./4.-Wcather, Topical Talk and 52 midnight. -Weather and Announce- Pibroch(SirCharlesStanford).7.15p.m -EconomicandSocial ing of a Short Story and Review of ments. Agricultural Hints. Reading :The Ballad of Reading Notes and News. Reviews. 2.3o p.m. -Esperanto Losson. Gaol ((). Wilde). Songs (Peter8.o p.m -Radio -Paris Cafe Concert. - VIENNA (Austria) 3.op.m. -Musical Programmefor. Warlock) :(a) Sweet and Twenty, In the interval at 8.3o p.m. -NewsSCHENECTADY (U.S.A.) Children. (b) The Fox, (c) Chopcherry, (d) Bulletin. General Electric Company (WGY). Radio -Wien.581 lie's (517 m.) ; 3.45 p.m. -Reading from the Works Mourn no more. 9.15 p.m. -Press Review, News and 790kcfs(379.5m.) sokW. zo kW. Relayed by , 851 ke's of Hilaire Belloc. 7.10 p.m. -Sports Notes. Time Signal. Relayed atintervals by' WzXAF (352 m.) ;Innsbruck, 5,058 ke/s 4.15 P.m. -Gramophone Song Recital7.25 p.m. -See Frankfurt. on 9,530 kcis (31.48 m.) ; and by (283 m.) ; Klagenfurt, 662 kc/s of Favourite Operatic Arias. 7.50 p.m. -Second Half of the In- WzXAD on15,340ke/s(19.56 (453.2m.) ; Linz,1,220kc,'s 4.45-5.45 P.m.- Outward Bound " PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) m.). (246 m.) ;and , 1,373 ke's ternationalFootball Match, Ger- Strasnice. 617kcIs(487 m.) ; (218 m.). -a Wireless Play (Sutton Vane). many v. Norway, relayed from Oslo. Transmits at intervals from r.o pan. 6.o p.nt.-OrganRecital from St. 5.5 kW. 11.0pan. -4.15a.m.(Monday). -10.0 a.m.-Modern Organ Music - 8.40 p.m. -I2 midnight. -See Frank-Transmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m. New York Relay.In the interval IX. Choral Preludes (Max Roger). George's Church, ROtha. furt. 10.0 a.m.-Talk : Summer Hygiene. 50.3o a.m.-Scientific Talk 6.45 p.m. -See Fiero/a. 10.40 p.m.(inaninterval). -Pro-ro.15 a.m.-Talk for Workers. at 2.0 a.m.-Talk : Our Govern- Re- 50.30 p.m. -News Bulletin. gramme Notes and News. ment, from Washington, D.C. search Work in the Seas. 50.45 p.m. (approx.).-Dance Music. 10.25 a.m.-Gramophone Records. 4.15 a.nz.-Muriel and Vee. 11.5a.nz.-Concert bytheVienna 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.MUNICH (Germany) 1.0 a.m.-One-Act Play. 4.3o 55.m. -New York Relay. Symphony Orchestra. Symphony 11.30 a.nr.-See Leipzig. No.17 563kc!s(533tn.) ; 1.7kW. 5.3o a.m.-TheHotelKenmore in G Major (Mozart). LJUBLJANA (Yugoslavia) Relayed by Augsburg and Kaisers- noon. -Time, News and Chimes. Orchestra, Albany, N.Y. Pianoforte Concerto in E Flat Major 536 kc/s (56o m.) ;and12.5 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 6.oa.nz.(approx.).-CloseDown. (Liszt). String Music (D. Thomas- 522 kc/s (574.7 m.) ;z.8 kW. lautern, 1.3o p.m. -Agricultural Report. gin). Two Intermezzi (G. von Transmits at intervals from 9.0 a.m. Nurnberg, 1,256 )eels (239 m.). 1.50 p.m. -Talk :Insurance, STOCKHOLM (Sweden) Westerman). Overture," The 5.o p.m. -Popular Programme. Transmits at intervals from roar. a.m.z.o p.m -Social Report. Radiotjanst (SASA). 689 kc/s Flying Dutchman " (Wagner). 8,o p.m. -Song Recital. 11.30 a.m.-See Leipzig. 12 noon. -Orchestral Concert. 3.40 p.m. -Sokol Programme. (436 m.) ;75 kW. Relayed by 1.5 p.m. -TimeandAnnounce- 8.30 pan. -Dance Music relayed from 3.5o p.m. -Chess Corner. Boden,244kcis(1,229.5m.) ; ments. Bled. 1.5 p.m. -Time, Weather and Pro-4.0 p.m. -See Moms's/di-Ostrava. 1.10 p.m -Gramophone to.o p.m. -Quintet Concert. gramme Announcements. Goteborg,932kcis(3225n.) ; Concert. 5.15 p.nt. -Agricultural Talk. 5.30 p.m. -Talk for Workers. Herby,1,166kc/s(257m.) ; Two Thousand Years of Music, 1.35 p.m -Gramophone Concert. 5.5o pan. -Topical Talk. Motala,225.9kc/s(1,352 m.) ; with Commentary. LWOW (Poland) 6.op.m. -GermanTransmission : Ostersund,389tic's(770m.);3.o p.m. -Concert by Pupils of Dr. 788 kes (33r m.) ;2/- kW. 2.30 p.m. -Talk on Chess. Concert by the German Academy Sundsvall, 554 kcis (542 m.). Hyrtlsch' Country Orphan Asylum. Transmits at intervals from ro.o a.m.3.15 p.m. -Play for Children. of Music. News in the intervals. 1.0 a.m.-Divine Service. 3.3o p.m. -Talk :Paraguay and its 7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. 3.45 p.m. (from Nurnberg). -Talk 7.0 p.m. -Jazz for Pianoforte. 12.45 p.m -Weather Report. Inhabitants. 7.20 p.m. --Gramophone Records. The Domlescht-a Swiss Land-7.3o p.m. -See Brno. 5.2oP.M. -The Changing of the4.0 P.m. -Chamber Music. 7.35 p.m. -Humorous Talk. scape on the Rhine. 7.5o p.m. -Brass Band Concert. Guard at the Royal- Castle, with4.3o p.m. -Dramatic Criticism. 7.55 p.m. -See Warsaw. 4.5 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 8.55 p.m. -Sports Notes. Concert. 4.50 p.m. -Talk :Austrian Scenery. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.5.25p.m.-Talk : Geography, Legend9.op.m. -TimeandNewsand2.15 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 5.2o p.m. -Talk :On all Highroads. and History. 5.5o 5.5op.m. -Sacred Music bySt. Orchestral Concert. 2.5op.m. -Report -onthe - Horse p.m. -Time and Programme MADRID (Spain) Gabriel's Church Choir. 10.0 p.m. -Time, News and Sports Racing at Sokal/a. Notes. Union Radio (EAJ7). 707' kc/s6.3o p.m -Variety Programme. Notes. 3.45 p.m. -Choral Concert relayed6.o p.m. -Austrian Towns-" Inns- (424 m.) ;2 kW. 7.20 p.m. -Weather ;Sports Notes. ro.to pmt. -Report on the Horse from Karlstad. bruck "-a Radio Sequence. Transmits at intervals from 9.0 a.m.7.30 p.m. -Introductory Talk to the Racing at Chuckle. 5.0 p.m. -Children's Programme. 8.op.m. - " Midsummer " - Vocal 8.3o p.m. -Chimes and Dance Music. 10.15 p.m. -Announcements. 5.55 p.m. -Town Hall Chimes. and Instrumental Concert of Folk following transmission. Music. 9.30-x 5.c, pan. -Interval. 7.35p.rit-" Turandot" - Lyricxo.zo p.m.-Tzigane Music from the6.o p.m. -Divine Service. 11.0 p.m. -Chimes, Time and Con- Drama in Three Acts (Puccini), Manes Restaurant. 7.10 p.m. -Weather Report. 9.o p.m. -Midsummer Beacon Fires cert. relayed from the National Theatre. 7.55 p.m. -Concert and Reading. on the Mountains -on Hafelekar. 5.30 a.tet. (Mozzday).-Close Down. In the Second Interval, Report onRADIO-SUISSE ROMANDE8.3o pan.-" A Midsummer Night's9.15 p.m. -News Bulletin. the International Football Match, (SOTTENS) (Switzerland) Dance "-Play (Moberg). 9.25 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. , MILAN (Italy) 9.40 p.m. -Military Band Concert Germany v. Norway in Oslo. 743kc/s(403m.) '32kW. ; Ente ItalianAudizioniRadio-10.20 pan. -Time and News. Lausanne, 442 kc/s (68o m.) ; and from " Liseberg."In the interval,WARSAW (Poland) foniche. 599 kc/s (5o1 m.) ; 8.5 kW. 50.45 p.m.-" From Wave to Wave " Reading. Polskie Radio. 212 kC/S (1,411 m); Turin, Geneva, 395 Ice's (760 m.). Programmerelayedby -Relay of Foreign Stations -under9.55a.m.(fromGeneva). -Chimes11.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 558 kW. 1,013 tic's (296 m.) ;and Genoa, Prof. Baumgartner's Direction. fromSt.Peter'sCathedral and /0./5 a.m.-Service from Lw6w.' 959 kc/s (352.8 m.) rz midnight (approx.).-Close Down. Protestant Service Relay. STRASBOURG (France) 11.58 a.m.-Time Signal and Bugle Transmits at intervals from ro.o a.m. 11.0 a.m. (from Lausanne). -Gramo- Radio -Strasbourg (PTT.). 869 kcfs Call from the Tower of St. Mary's 12.3o-2.0 p.m -Light Music. InOSLO (Norway) phone Records. (345 m.) ;15 kW. Church at Cracow. the interval at t.c, p.m. -Time and Kringkastingselskapet. 280 kc/s12 noon. -I.30 P.M. -Orchestral Con-10.45 a.m.-Protestant Service. 52.5p.m. -ProgrammeAnnotmce- Report on the Automobile Grand (5,071 ,75 kW Relayed by cert. 11.30 a.m.-Catholic Service. ments. Prix as Linas (Monthltry). Fredriksstad,815 10 (368 m.) ;6.3o p.m.(fromLausanne). --Reli- noon. -Gramophone Records. 52.50 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 4.o p.m. -Sports Notes. Hanna:, stx kc/s (587 m.)Notod- gious Address. t.o p.m. -Time Signal. 1.10 p.m -Weather Report. 4.5 p.m. -Concert.In the interval, den, 671 kc/s (447.1 or.);. Pars -7.0p.m.(fromLansanne).-Vocal1.2 p.m -News in French and Ger-t.zo p.m -Musical Interlude. Automobile Grand Prix Report. grand, 662 kc/s(453 m.) ;and and Instrumental Concert. man. 1.40 p.m. -'PalkMickiewicz and his 5.15 p.m. -Relay from the San Siro Rjukan, 671 kc/s (447.1 m.). 7.5o p.m. (fromGeneva). -Sports1.15 p.m -Gramophone Records. Native Land. Racecourse of the Milan Grand9.0 a.m.-Special Service for Peasants, Notes. 2.0 P.M -Talk in French :Cancer. 2.0 p.m. -Musical Selections.In the Prix. relayed from the Cathedral, Bergen,8.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 2.15 p.m. -Relay of Addresses at the interval at 2.10 p.m. -The Letter 5.3o pm -Dance Music Relay. 6o8 kc/s (493.4 m.). 8.30 p.m. (from Lausanne). -Choral National Ex -Servicemen's Congress Box. 6.3o p.m.-Giornale Radio ;Sports10.50a.m.-ChimesandService at Obernai. 2.35 p.m. -Talk relayed from Cracow, Concert. The Notes. from the Military Church. 9.op.m.(fromGeneva).--z-Concert3.o p.m. -Talk in German : 959 lic/s (3,2.8 m.). 6.5op.m.(fromTurin). -Variety5.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. of Swiss Music. League of Nations. 2.50 p.m. -Musical Programme and Programme. 5.50 p.m. -Chimes and Service from10.0 p.m -News Bulletin. 3.15 p.m. -Choral Concert. Agricultural Talks. 7.5 p.m -Light Music. St. Saviour's Church. 4.3o p.m. --Talk in German. 4.40 p.m. -Programme for Children. 7.4o p.m. -Announcements. 7.15 p.m -Weather and News. ro.r5 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 4.45 p.m. -Talk in French :The5.15 p.m. -Topical Talk. 7.5o p.m -Gramophone Records. 7.3o p.m. -Talk :Kristofer Janson. English Tourist in Normandy. 5.3o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.o p.m. (in the interval). -Time and8.0 p.m. -Time Signal. RIGA (Latvia) 5.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 5.40P.m. -VocalandOrchestral Announcements. 8.2 p.m. -Relay of an Opera from the Radio Riga.572 kc/s (525 m.) ;5.45 p.m. -Medical Talk in French. Concert. 8.40 P.m. -Talk on thefollowing National Theatre.In the interval, 53 kW. 6.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Over-7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. Transmission. Weather, News and Topical Talk. Transmits at intervals from 9.0 a.m. ture, " The Golden Cross" (BAIR).7.20 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.45 p.m.--" La Gioconda "-Opera 5.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Song.Selection from " Madame7.40 P.m. -Wireless Notes. (Ponchielli). In the intervals, Talk,PARIS (France) 6.o p.m -Agricultural Talk. Butterfly "(Puccini). Selection7.55 p.m. -Weather Report. Review of Art and Giomale Radio. Eiffel Tower (FLE). 207 kc/s6.3o p.m. -Talk :LithuanianArt. from " Die Puppenfee " (Bayer).8.o p.m. -Talk (to be announced). News after the Programme. (1,445 m.) ;15 kW. Time Sig-7.0 p.m. -Meteorological Report. Selectionfrom" RoseMarie "8.55 p.m -Concert by the Warrsaw nals (on 2,65o m.) at 10.25 a.m. and7.3p.m. -Orchestral Concert Relay. (Frirn1). Philharmonic Orchestra, with MORAVSKA-OSTRAVA 15.25 p.m. (preliminary and 6 -dot Overture," Rienzi "(Wagner).6.45 p.m. -Sports Results. Songs. In the interval, Reading signals). Dance Suite (Schreker). Waltz6.5o p.m. -Sports Talk in French. and Theatre Review. (Czechoslovakia)6.45 pan. -Le Journal Parle. from " Der Rosenkavalier "7.0 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 10.0 p.m. -Reading. 5,139 kc/s (263 en.) ;tt kW. 8.2o p.m -Meteorological Forecast. (Strauss).Serenade in D Minor7.3o p.m. -Time Signal. 10. is p.m. -Programme Announce- Transmits at intervals from 7.o a.m.8.3o p.m. -Gramophone Concert. for 'Cello (Volkmann).Tarantella7.32p.m. -News inFrenchand ments. 4.0 P.m. -Orchestral Concert. (Liszt). Rapsody, Midsommar- German. 10.20 p.m. -Bass Solos (Moniuszko). 5.3o p.m. -See Prague. PARIS (France) valta(Alfven). Selectionfrom7.45p.m. -LiteraryandMusical10.5o p.m. -Police and Sports Notes. 7.3op.m. -ViolinandPianoforte Poste Parisian.914 Ws (329 m.) ; " Tiefland "(d'Albert). Prelude Programme. r.o p.m. -Dance Music and Light Recital. x.2 kW. to Act III of " Lakme " (Delibes).8.45 p.m -Operetta Selection :" Les Music. Co p.m. -See Prague. 9.0 a.m.-Picture Transmission. Picturesof the South (Nicode). Cloches de Carnevale " (Planquette).12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. juNE 19TH. 1931 WORLD -RADIO 953 PROGRAMMES FORMONDAY (June 22) 6.20 p.m. -French. Lesson. G Major (Mozart-Krcisler). Adagio6.55 p.m. -Weather Report. 8.45p.nr.-" Medi-Zynisches "-Ra- NOTE: THE HOURS OF6.35 p.m. -English Lesson. fromtheConcertoforViolin,7.0 p.m. -Talk : Modem Engravings. - dio Fun (Erna Feld) ;followed TRANSMISSION ARE RE. 6.50p.m. -WeatherforFanners, Op.4(Koppel). Tambourin7.30 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). by News and Concert. DUCED TO BRITISH followed by Orchestral Concert. chinois (Kreisler). 9.0p.m. (fromDanzig).-" TheIx.° p.m. -Dance Music Relay. SUMMER TIME. 8.oP.m. -Weather andTalkon8.2o p.m.-" On the Suicide Bridge" Lehmanns go to Venice "-a Wire-12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. Economics. -Radio Sketch (Arcady Averts- less Play (Megerle von Miihfeld ALGIERS (N. Africa) 8.3op.nt.-Recital on Two Pianofortes. chenko). and Hans Winand). LEIPZIG (Germany) 825.3 kc,s (363.4 m.) ;13 kW. 9.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. 8.3op.m. -PicturesfromRussian10.0 p.m. -See Berlin (W itzlebcn). 1,157he/s(259m.) ;2.3 kW. Transmits at intervals from 1.30 p.m. 9.top.m.-" BrigadeExchange "- Folk Life. Musical Programme. io.15 p.m. -News Bulletin. RelayedbyDresden,941 kc/s 8.20 p.m. -Film Review. Radio Play (Johansen). 9.5 p.m.-" Pickpockets in an Express10.30p.m. -ConcertandDance (319 m.). 8.30 p.m. -Solo Selections. 10.10 p.m. -:Time and News. Train "-a Detective Farce (Wil- Music from theParkHotel,Transmits at intervals from 6.3o a.m. 8.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. 10.20 p.m. -Police Notes. helm Lichtenberg). Konigsberg. (Witzleben Relay). 9.0 p.m. -Talk for Housewives. 10.35p.m. -Answers toTechnical9.25 p.m. -Song Recital. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.7.0 p.m. -Talk :Modern Penal Law. 9.15 p.m. -Songs from Operas. Queries.. 9.45 p.m. -News Bulletin. 7.3o part.-" Vagabonds" - Third 9.3o p.m. -Military Band Music. 10.50 p.m. (approx.).-Silent Night. 10.0 p.m. -Famous Orchestral Sere-HILVERSUM (Holland) Partof the Cycle " Uprooted " 9.45p.m. -OrchestralandVocal nades.Selections from the Haffner 1,004. kc.'s (298 m.) ;8.5 kW. (F. and E. Augustin). Concert. BRNO (Czechoslovakia) Serenade (Mozart). Movements7.4oa.m.tillClose Down. -Pro-9.0 p.m. -Beethoven Concert by the 878 ke s (342 in.) ;3 kW. from the Serenade for Strings in gramme of the Algemeene Vereen- Leipzig Symphony Orchestra. Over- BARCELONA. (Spain) Transmits at intervals from ir.3o a.m. C Major (Tchaikovsky). Move- iging Radio Omroep (A.V.R.O.). ture," The Ruinsof Athens." Radio -Barcelona (EAJr).86o ke's 7.0 p.m. -tine Prague. ments from the Serenade, Op. as,7.40 a.m.-Time and Gramophone Turkish March from " The Ruins (349 tn.) ;8.kW. 7.30 p.m.-" The Ghost of the Mar- in 13 Major (Brahins). Records. of Athens."Rondo for Piano- Transmits at intervals from r2.0 noon. yutsof.1ppelsdorf "-Playafter11.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 9.4o a.m.-Daily Service. forteand Orchestra in B Flat 8.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. the Novel (Jerome K. Jerome). 9.55 a.m.-Pianoforte Recital. Major. Music zu einem Ritter- 9.45 P.m. -Sports Notes. 8.0 p.m. -See Prague. CORK (Ireland) I0.20a.ni. -Organ Recitalwith FbalNaleittior,.Tobep. 3.E9ighth Symphony in ro.op.m. -Chimes,Weatherand 9.o p.m. -01c1 Czech Music. (6CK). 1,337kc/s(225m.) ; Soprano and Bass Solos. Exchange. to.o p.nt.-See Prague. r.5 kW. 11.40 a.m.-Time Signal. ' ro.xo p.m. -News Bulletin. ro.5 p.m. -Humorous Review of theto.ro p.m. -Announcements. 6.0-10.3o patt.-See Dublin. 1.41 a.m.-Quartet Concert. 13:'25 p.m. (approx.).-Dance Music Week's Events in Verse. 10.15 p.m. -See Marayskd-Ostrava. 2.10 p.m. -Chamber Music:Trio from the Linkesche Bad, Dresden. ro.2.0 p.m. -Orchestral Selections. DUBLIN (Ireland) in F MinoriOp. 65 (Dvorak). 11.30 pan. (approx.).-Close Down. 10.50 p.m. -Concert of Sardanas byBRUSSELS (Belgium) (2RN). 725 he's (413 ; 1.5 kW.2.40 p.m. -Military Band Concert. Radio -Belgique.590 kels (509 in.);1.30 -2.0 p.m. -Time, Weather and TreueWaffengefahrtenLWOW (Poland) the Cobla Barcelona. March, 788 kc/s (381 m.) ;21 kW. 11.0 p.m -News Bulletin. 20 kW. Gramophone Concert. (Blankenburg). Overture,' Roof 11.5 p.m. -Astronomical Talk. 5.o p.m. -Auguste de Bocek Concert,6.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. "(Pares). Waltz, Roses ofTransmits at intervals from 11.58 a.m. 11.20p.m. -CatalanComposers - with Introductory Talk. 6.15 p.m. -Programme for Children. the South (Joh. Strauss). Egyp-7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. 6.15 :Mariemont and the7.0 p.m. -Gramophone Records. tian March (Joh. Strauss). Moroc-7.20p.m. -See Warsaw. Inthe Jose Sancho Marraco Concert, the intervalat8.15 Composer conducting. Chateau de Trazegnies. 7.20 p.m. -News Bulletin. canPatrol(Jessell. Exotischer p.m. -Wireless 1.0 a.m. (Tuesday). -Close Down. 6.3o p.m.-Gramoptione Records. 7.3o p.m. -Time and Irish Lesson. Marsch (Hcinecke).Gramophone Technical Talk: 7.15 p.m. -Talk for Workers. 7.45 Pan. -Peg Wallace (Recitations). Records. March, Metropol12.25 aan. (Tuesday). -Close Down. BERLIN (Germany) 7.30 p.m. -Review ofInternational8.o p.m. -Concert by the Station Sex- (Lincke). Selection from "'TheMADRID (Spain) KOnigs Wusterhausen. 183kers Events. tetwithMme.K.McCaffcry Flying Dutchman" (Wapner). Union Radio (EAJ7).707 kc/s (1,635 m.) 75 kW. 8.o p.m. -Programme dedicatedto (Soprano). 4.10 p.m. -Programme for Children. Summer, with Recitations from the Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. 8.3op.m.-" LaBohinte "-Opera5.10 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. T r(a4n2s4mt ni t)at intervals from 12.45 p.m. (Hamburg Relay). Works of Victor Hugo, Brizeux, (Puccini), relayed from the Royal6.40 p.m. -Literary Talk. 8.3o part. -Chimes, Exchange, Market 4.30 pan. -Sec Berlin (Witzleben). Emile Verhaeren, Albert Guiraud Opera House, Covent Garden. 7.10 p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Sere- Prices and Sports Notes. 5.3o P.111. -Talk :From the Minstrel and Paul Souchon.Selection from9.r0 p.m. -The Station Sextet with nade,Op.re(Kurt Thomas).9.0 pan. -News Bulletin. to the Musician in an Orchestra, " A 'Midsummer Night's Dream " Carmel Turner (Pianist) and Mary Dutch Suite (Appeldoorn). Turkish9.15 p.m. -Bull -fighting Notes. with Gramophone Illustrations. (Mendelssohn).Recitation.Soir Maguire. (Soprano). March (Ahgra). 9.30-11.0 6.o p.m. -Talk by the Rev. D. Thom. crete(Fourdrain).Lied d'ete(Strens).10.30 p.m. -Time, News, Weather (Siede). 7.40 p.m. -TimeTime and Gramophone x.o p.m. -Chimes, Time and Pro- 6.30 p.m. -Talk :Christianity and Recitation. Sommerfest and Close Down. Records. grammeinCelebrationofthe Spiritual Life. Recitation. Waltz,Soir 7.55p.m. -VocalandOrchestral Recitation. Suite,FRANKFURT -am -MAIN Republic. 6.55 p.m. -Weather for Farmers. (Kuffcrath). Concert. - Loa.m.(Tuesday). -Chimes and 7.0 p.m. -Elementary English Lesson. Summer Days (Coates). (Germany)9.40 p.m. --Weather and News. 9.0 p.m. -Dance Music. News. 7.25 p.m. -Agricultural Talk. 77o kc/s (390 ; 1.7 kW.Re-9.50 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 1.30 a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 7.45 p.m. -Weather Report, followed io.o p.m. -Le Journal Palle, layed by Cassel, 1,220 kc/s (246 ni.).10.4o p.m. -Gramophone Records. by Wireless Technical Talk. BRUSSELS No. 2 (Belgium) Transmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m.tx.4o p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. MILAN (Italy) 8.0 p.m. -Concert of Dance Music liW.7.10 p.m. -Time and News. EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio.. and Light Music. 887Ice's(338.2 ; 20 HUIZEN (Holland) 8.5 Programme in Flemish. 7.15 p.m. -English Lanituage Lesson. 8.5 kW. foniche. 599 lee/s- (sot m.) ; 8.5o p.m. -News Bulletin. 7.45P.m.-" The' OtherOne "- 16o kers (1,875 m.) ; kW. Programme relayed by Turin. g.r5 p.m. -See Munich. Transmits at intervals from 5.o p.m. Drama inThree Acts with anTransmits at intervals from 7.40 a.m. 1,013 kc/s (296 m.) ; and Genoa, 6.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Over- Close Down. - 10.0 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). Selec- Epilogue (M. de Ummurno). 12.10p.m. _till 959 kc/s (3i2.8 m.). ture, " Martha " (Flotow). 9.15p.m. -1 ucalandOrchestral Programme of the Christian RadioTransmits at intervals from 8.15 a.m. BERLIN (Germany) tion from " Romeo and Juliet " Concert with Introductory Talk. Society (N.C.R.V.), 7.0 p.m. -Agricultural Notesand Witzleben. 716 kc,s (418 -m.) ; (Gounod). rz.rop.m. -Organ Recitalfrom p.m. -Book Review. InventionforSmallOrchestra Report of the Royal Geographical 1.7 kW. (E. Pepping).Seven Little Sere- Amsterdam. Society. Transmits at intervals from 6.30 a.m.6.3o p.m. -Gramophone Records. nadesforSongand Twelve1.25 p.m. -Symphony Concert. 7.15 pan. -Light Music. (Exercises). 7.15 p.m. -Economic Notes. Instruments, Op. 4 (V. Ullmann).2.55 p.m. -Dressmaking Lesson. 4.30 p.m. -Soloist Concert. 7.30 p.m. -Le Journal Park:. tobean-7.4o p.m. -Announcements. Concert Of OrchestralSuiteforRadio(FL3.25 p.nt.-Programme 7.45 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 5.30 p.m. -Talk for Young People : 8.o p.m. -Orchestral Eisler), nounced. 8.o p.m. (in the interval). -Time and Camping. Spanish. Music.Danzas fantasticas 3.40 p.m. -Service for Hospitals. 5.5o p.m. -Review of Books :Travels (Turin). Spanish Caprice and10.3o p.m. -Time and News. News. 10.50 pan. -Dance Music. 4.40 p.m. -Vocal and Instrumental 98..04,5pma_.-vSacriieentytifi Tcocncealka., in Germany. Two Spanish Dances for Piano-12 midnight (approx.),-Closc Down, Concert. 6.5 p.m. -Sociological Review. forte (Granados). Chants d'Es- 6.10 p.m. -Talk for Young .People. pagne (Albeniz). Dances (de Falls). 10.0 p.m. -Talk on Music. 6.30 : Summer Trips in HAMBURG (Germany) 6.4op.m. -Talk :Whatis Life10.10 p.m. -Chamber Music.Piano Saxony and Silesia. 8.45p.m. -Recitationsfromthe Norag (ha, in Morse).8o6 he/s Insurance ? 6.55 p.m. -Labour Market Report. Works of Adama Van Scheltema. Solos :(a) Allegro from the Sonata the (372 m.) ;1.7 kW. Relayed by7.10 p.m. -Police Notes. in F Major (Mozart), (b) Andante 7.o p.m. -Concert of Light Music and'9.0p.m. -Concert. Spainin lee's(27om.) ;7.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Works of Foreign Composers. Span- Bremen,x,112 in F Major (Beethoven), (c) Old Dance Music. Hamburg,1,373kers(218 m.);7.55 p.m. -Mozart Concert bythe Minuet(Sgarnbati),(d)Waltz, 8.5a p.m. -News ;Sports Notes. ish Fantasia (Gcvaert).Spanish Hanover, 5.3o he's (566 m,) ;and Utrecht Christian Oratorio Society. Symphony for Violin (Lalo). Span- (lore. i3ster)(Chopin). Quartet in A 9.0 p.m.-Topical Talk. Kid, 1,292 kc's (232.2 m.). Symphony No.4in G Major 9.25 p.m. -Sonata Recital. ish Serenade (Glazounorll. Entr'-Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. for Soprano and Orchestra from" Carmen "(Bizet). 11.0 p.m.-Giornale Radio and Relay 10.0 p.m. -General News. acte (Time and Weather). (Mahler).Kyrie and Agnus Dei of iklusic. 10.15p.m.(approx.).-.-Concertof Spanish Dances (Moszkovsky). 6.20p.m. - GerhardMocrner for Choir and Soprano.Et in- 1.55 p.m. (approx.).-News. Light Music. io.o p.m. -Le Journal Pade. NIemorial Programme -Songs and carnatus est from the Mass in C (Schweiz -BUCHAREST (Romania) Recitations, with Introductory Talk. Minor for Soprano and Orchestra.MORAVSKA-OSTRAVA BEROMUNSTER 7.0 p.m. -See Kintigs Wusterhausen. Vesperm solennes de confessors r Landessender) Radio-Bucarest. 761 ke,S (394 m.) ; (Czechoslovakia) e r is c i6 kW. 7.59p.m.(fromKiel). -Talk for for Choir, Soprano and Orchestra. 1,139 kc/s (263 m.) ; kW. (Switzerland) Transmits at intervals from 12 noon. Workers :Children's Holidays. 9.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. 653 Ices (4,9 M.) ;77 kW. 7.5o p.m. -Exchange, Market Prices10.5 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 7.0 pan. -Gramophone Records. and. Weather. xx.ro pan. (apprex.).-Close Down. 7.0 p.m. -See Prague. Transmits at intervals from 12.3o p.m. 7.40 pan. -Educational Talk. 7.5 p.m. -Brass Band Concert. 6.3o p.m. (Berne). -Gramophone Re-8.o p.m, -Serenade for'Frio(Bee-8.opall.(fromBremen). -Concert.KALUNDBORG (Denmark) 8.o p.m. -Sec Prague. cords. thoven). March of thePriestsandIsis 9.0 p.m -See Brno. 7.0 pan. (Berne). -Agricultural Talk. 'Chorus from " The Magic Flute " KalundborgRadio. 26o ke's 8.3o p.m. -Talk. (Mozart). Drinldng Song from (1,153 m.) ;io kW. ro.o p.m. -See Prague. 7.2S p.m. -Time and Weather. 8.45 p.m. -Anecdotes. See Copenhagen Programme. to. to p.m. -Announcements. 7.30 p.m. (Berne): -Dialect Reading. 9.15 p.m. -Quartet in B Flat (Mozart). " Hamlet " (Thomas).Bell Aria io.r5 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 8.0 p.m. (Zarich).-Soloist and Or- 9.45 p.m. -News Bulletin. with Flute Obbligato from " Lak-KONIGSBERG (Germany) cb.estral Concert. me "(Delibes). Capriccio ala Ostmarken Rundfunk.1,382 lee/sMOTALA (Sweden) 9.o p.m. (approx.).-A Musical Holi-BUDAPEST (Hungary) Rondo (Kiesler). Duets from (217 ;1.7 kW. 221.9 kers (1,352 m.) ;4o kW. day Trip. 545 ke's (550 m.) ;z3 kW. " Rigoletto " and " II Trovatore "See Hcilsberg Programme. Sec Stockholm Programme. re.° p.m. -Weather, Ncws and Close 'Transmits at intervals from 9.15 a.m. (Verdi) and Aria front " A Masked Down. 5.25 p.m. -Military Band Concert. Ball " (Verdi).Salus intrantibus.LANGENBERG (Germany) MOHLACKER (Germany) 6.40p.m. -Programme byHerr The Mad Scene from " Lucia di Westdeutscher Rundfunk. 635 lie S Suddeutscher Rundfunk.833 hc/s BORDEAUX-LAFAYETTE Lamperth. Lammermoor" (Donizetti).Aria nkeW.andRel,aiymednsterhy, (36o m.) ;75 kW.Relayed by (France)7.20 p.m.-'Fzigane Concert. from" Andre Chenicr "(Gior- A(4a7c3hcnan,.);Col'ilog Freiburg, 527 kels (57o m.). (PTT). 986 kc/s (304 m.) I35 kW. 8.20 p.m. -Orchestral Concert,fol- dano). Cavatinafrom "The ,319 kc!s (227 m.). Transmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m. Transmits at intervals from 12.45 p.m. lowed by 'l'zigane Concert frian Barber -ofSeville " (Rossini).Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. (Time and Weather). 7.36 pan. -News Bulletin. the Cafe Ostende. PotpourriofFoilsSongs(Kol- (Exercises). 7.0 P.m. -Time Signal. 7.4o p.m. -Sports Talk. manek). 7.0 p.nt.-7Weather and News. 7.xt5risi.m.-rz midnight. -See Frank - 7.55p.m -ResultsofthePrizeCOLOGNE (Germany) 9.20p.m. -Symphony No.6 -the7.10 p.m -Dialogue between Berlin Draw. Westdeutscher Rundfunk. 1,319 PastoralSymphony (Beethoven), and. the Country (Erik Reger and10.45 p.m.(inthe interval). -Pro- S.o p.m. -Programme for Children. kers (227 m.) ,1.7 kW. with Introductory Talk, Hanncs Kiipper). gramme Notes and News. 8.15 p.m. -Charades. See Langenberg Programme. to.ro p.m. -Weather and News. 7.3o p.m. -Talk :Technical Progress12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. 8.25 p.m. -News Bulletin. 10.3o p.m. -Topical Programme. and Safety in the Ruhr Mining COPENHAGEN (Denmark) Industry. MUNICH (Germany) 8.3o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 10.40 pant. -Cafe \Vallhof Concert. 1.7 kW.Re- 9.0 p.m.--" L'Etoile "Operetta in 1,067 lic/s (28r ; kW.Re- 7.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. 563 lie's (533 m.) ; Three Acts (Chabrier).After the layedby Kalundborg,260he'sHEILSBERG (Germany) 8.op.m. -Concert. Preludeand layed by Augsburg and Kaisers- Programme, Amusement Guide and (1,153 1,085 kc's(276.5rn.) :75 kW. Serenade (Korngold). Selections lautern, 536 kc/s (560 m.) ;and 'Time Signal. Transmits at intervals -from 7.3o a.m. Relayed by Danzig, 062. kis (453 from " Der Stier von Olivera " Nurnberg, 1,256 kc/s (239 m.). (Gymnastics). m.). (d'Albert). Dance of the Oda-Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. BRESLAU (Germany) 7.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. Transmits at intervals from 6.o a.m. lisque (Niemann). Der, Streit (Gymnastics). 923 Ws (325 m.) ;1.7 kW.Re- 7.15 p.nz.-Time Signal. (Gymnastics). zwischen Frau Tschting and Frau7.5p.m. -Talk : TheWorkers' layedbyGleiwitz,1,184ke.'s 7.30 p.m. -Falk: The League of6.10 pain. -Market Prices. 'Fschang (Nieman).Waltz, Se- Olympiad. (253 m.). Nations General Secretariat. - 6.3o p.m. -Talk :'The 150th Anni- cretsoftheAdige(Carena).7.3o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Transmits at intervals from 6.30 a.M.8.o p.m. -Violin Recital.Air on the versary of the Birth of Von I3oyen Selectionsfrom TheGipsy8.45 p.m.-Oskar Gluth reads frcm (Alarm and Gymnastics), G String (J. S. Bach).Rondo in (Minister of War). Baron " (Joh. Strauss). his own Works. 954 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH, 1931 Programmes forMonday-(Cont.) Transmits at intervals from 22.30 a.m.22 midnight. New York Relay.- 7.45 p.m. -Musical Programme. 7.0 p.m -News Bulletin. 12.25 a.m. (Tuesday). -Three Gon-8.3o p.m. -The Seventh Symphony 9.15p.m. -Chamber Music bythe9.0p.m. -Concert. Overture," I7.5 p.m. -Accordion Music. doliers. (Beethoven). South German Trio.Soloist :C. love you " (Fourdrain).Retour a7.30 p.m. -See .Brno. 12.3o a.m.-WGY Players. 8.45 P.m. -Song Recital. Bronsgest (Baritone). Pianoforte l'endroit familier (Florent Schmitt).8.o p.m. -Dance Music. 1.0 a.m.-WGY AgriculturalPro-9.0 p.m. -Orchestral Concert from Trio(Pizzetti). ThreeBallads Selectionfrom" The Geisha' S.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. gramme. , the Cafe des Americains. (Loewe) :(a) St. Francis, (6) Tom (Jones). Maud (Massenet).Selec-g.o p.m. -Time, News and Intro-1.3o a.m.-New York Relay.In the'10.30. p.m. -News Bulletin. the Rhymer, (c)Prince Eugene. Lion from " Les dragons de Vil- ductoryTalktothefollowing interval at 3.o a.m.-Musical Pro-t0.45 p.m. -Concert (continued). Pianoforte Trio, No. 4 (Haydn). lars "(Maiflart). Quintetfor Transmission. gramme.- 11.0 p.m -Musical Selections. to.o p.m. -Report on Film Topics. PianoforteandStrings(Faure).9.5 p.m. -Romantic Songs (Mahler).4.o a.m.-The Hotel DeWitt Clinton21.15 p.m. (in the interval). -Norte 20.2o p.m. -Time and News. Selection from " La Rose de St.9.30 p.m. -Violin Recital. Orchestra. Albany, N.Y. African News. Flour " (Offenbach). Canzonetta10.0 p.m. -Time, News and Sports4.3o a.m.-Organ Recital from Proc-22 midnight. -Weather and Announce. OSLO (Norway) (Doneddu).ee Selection from"La Notes. tor's Theatre, Albany, N.Y. ments. Kringkastingselskapet. 2So Ws petite man" (Lecocq). Comme20. to P.m. -Announcements. 5.o a.m.-Gordie Randall's Orchestra. (1,071 m.) ;75 kW.Relayed by dansaient les fees (Pease).March,m.25 p.m. -See Morayskd-Ostrava. 5.30 a.m.-The Hotel Kenmore Or-VIENNA (Austria) Fredrihsstad, 815 kc/s (368 m.) ; El capitan (Sousa). 11.0 p.m. -Time, News and Chimes. chestra, Albany, N.Y. Radio -Wien.582 Ws. (517 m.) : Hamar, 512 kc/s (587 m.); No - 6.o a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 20kW.Relayed by Graz, 85z iccl1 Sodden, 67x kc/s (4.47.s tn.) ;PARIS (France) RADIO-SUISSE ROMANDE (352 m.) ;Innsbruck,1,o58kcls. Porsgrund,662kc/s (453 111-); Radio -Paris (CFR). 274kcIs (Switzerland)STOCKHOLM (Sweden) (283 111.); Klagenfurt, 662 and Rjukan, 67t kcis (447.1 m.). (SOTTENS) kc/s (2,725 m.) :.27 kW. 743 110i2 (403m.) 32kW. ; Radiotjanst(SASA). 689 ke's (453.2m.) ; Linz, 2,220kc/s Transmits at intervals from II.5 a.m.Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. .I,ausanne, 442 kcis (680 m.) ;and (436 m) ;75 kW. Relayed by (246ni.) ;and Salzburg,2,373 6.3o p.m. -Talk by Mme. Audhild (Physical Culture). Geneva, 395 kc's (760 m.). Boden, 2.1.4. Icc/s(2,229.5m.) ; kc/s (218 m.). Krohn. 22.30p.m. -Gramophone Concert.Transmits at intervals from 22.28 p.m. Goteborg, 932 kc/s (322 m.) ; Horby,Transmits at intervals from 9.20 a.m. 7.0 p.m. -Announcements. Inthe intervals at 2.0p.m.7.0p.m.(fromGeneva).-Gramo- 2,266kcis(257m.); Mosier,7.20 p.m -Time, Weather and News. 7.25 p.m. -Weather and News. and 2.3o p.m. -Exchange Quota- m.) ; 7.30 p.m.-" The Gymnastic Lesson" 7.3o p.m. -Recitations. phone Concert. 222.9kcis((,352 Or- tions. .40P.m. (from Lausanne). -News. sund, 389 leafs (770 m.) ;Sundsvall, -a Radio Humoresque (T. Alfeld), 8.o p.m. -Time Signal. 2.0 p.m. -Exchange ;Market Prices.i.15 p.m. (from Geneva). -Hawaiian 554 kc/s (542 m.). 7.45 P.m. -Two Young People discuss B.2 p.m. -Soloist Concert. 3.3o p.m. -Exchange Quotations. Guitar Recital. Transmits at intervals from 8.o a.m. Contemporary Youth. 9.0 p.m. -Review of Foreign Politics.5.55 p.m. -Exchange Quotations. 8.3o p.m. (from Geneva). -Topical6.3o p.m -Concert by a Mandoline8.45 p.m.-" From Vienna's Happy 9.35 P./PI.-Weather and News. 6.o p.m -Gramophone Records. Talk. Orchestra and Reading. Past "-Quartet Selections. 9.50 p.m -Topical Talk. - 6.30 p.m -Agricultural Report and8.4o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 7.30 p.m. -Talk :Reminiscences of9.15 p.m. -Yugoslavian - Concert. 20.5 p.m. -Accordion Recital. Racing Results. 10.0p.m.-News Bulletin. Africa. Songs, Pianoforte Solos and Quartet 10.35 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down.7.o p.m. -Film Review. lo.25 p.m. (approx.).-,-Close Down. 8.o p.m. -Choral Concert. Selections. PARIS (France) 7.20 p.m. -Literary Review :Nictz- 8.25 p.m. -Soloist Concert. 20.20 p.m. -Weather and News ache. ROME (Italy) 9.0 p.m. -Reading : " Anacreon "20.30 p.m. -Orchestral Concert 'from Eiffel Tower (FLE). 207 kc/s EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio- (1,445 91-) ;15 kW. Time Signals7.30 p.m -Spanish Lesson. (Ernst). the Hotel Krantz -Ambassador. (on 2,650 m.), at 10.25 a.m. and7.45 p.m. -Commercial Prices, Eco- foniche (ORO). 68o kc/s (441 m.) ;9,40 p.m. -Talk on Sport. 22.25 p.m. (preliminary and 6 -dot nomic and Social Notes and News. 75 kW. Relayed by Naples, oos20.0 p.m. -Light Music. WARSAW(Poland) signals). 8.o p.m. -Literary Readings :From kc/s (332 m.), and 3R0, 12,820 kc/s22.0 p.m. (approx.).--Close Down. Polskie Radio. 212 kc/s (1,411 m.) ; 5.45 p.m. -Le Journal Parle. Tarascon to Algiers with Tartarin. -(25.4 m.). 158 kW. B.20 p.m.-Meteorqlogical Forecast.8.30p.m. -News,SportsResultsTransmits at intervals from 8.25 a.m.STRASBOURG (France) Transmits at intervals from 11.4o a.m. B.30 p.m -Symphony Concert, con- and Weather. (Giornale Radio). Radio -Strasbourg (PTT). 869 6.o p.m. -Concert from the Gas - ducted by M. Edouard Element.8.40 p.m. -Talk. 7.35 p.m. (from Naples). -Shipping kc/s (345 m.) ;25 kW. tronomja Restaurant. SymphonyNo. 2 (Beethoven-8.45 p.m. -Concert.Prelude, Marine Report and Sports Notes. Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m.7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. Salabert).Songs (Koech)in), ac- and ChansonforHarp,Flute,7.40 p.m. -News Bulletin. 6.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 7.20 p.m. -Reading. companied by the Composer :(a) Violin, 'Cello and Viola (R0partz),8,20 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 6.45 p.m. -Talk in French :Painters7.35 P.m. -Gramophone Records. Minuet, (6) Le Colibri, (c) Chanson Selections from " Frauenliebe and8.30 p.m. -Time and Announcements. and Sculptors of Alsace-Lorraine. 7.40 p.m. -Agricultural Programme. Songs Ieben "(Schumann). Preludes9.o p.m. -Variety Concert and One-7.0 p.m. -Orchestral Music. 7.55 p.m. -Weather Forecast. d'amour. ViolinSolo. and Fugues from " Das wohltem- Act Comedy.Intheintervals,7.30 P.m. -Time Signal. 8.o p.m. -Radio Journal. (Koechlin),accompanied bythe (Bach)in(a) Announcements, and Topical Talk. Composer :(a) N'est-ce-pas ?(b) urine Klavier a 7.32p.m. -News inFrench and8.15 p.m. -Wireless Technical Talk, Au temps des fees.In the Steppes hi.Flat Major, No. 22, (b) B Flatr0.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. German. 8.3o p.m -Introductory Talk to the of Central Asia (Borodin-Mouton). Minor, No. 22, (c) B Major, No.SCHENECTADY ( 7.45 P.m. -Gramophone Records. following transmission. (Hure), 23, (d) B Minor, No. 24,Two 8.30 p.m. -Chamber Music relayed8.45 p.m.-" Flis"- 0 p e r aU.S.A.) Four Poems by Mme. Corsican melodies (worn.).Sc- General Electric Company (VOGY). from the Conservatoire of Music, (Motuuszko) by the Warsaw Phil- Jeanne Rameau and Edouard Fla- (a)Nell,(b) ment. Pastelschantants(Ed. lections(Faure) : 790 kc/s (379.5 01.); 5o kW. Re- Metz.In the interval, Talk. harmonicOrchestra,Choir and Ilament). Notre amour. Standchen (Strauss). layed at intervals by WaXAF on20.30 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. Soloists. SuiteforHarp,Flute,Violin, 9,53o kc/s(31.48 m.) and by 9.55 p.m. -Theatre Review. PARIS (France) Viola and 'Cello (d'Indy).In the W2XAD on 15,340 kc/s (19.56 m.).TOULOUSE (France) 20.0 p.m. -Radio Journal. Poste Parisien.924 Ws (329 m.) ; intervalat9.25 ton. -Press Re-Transmits at intervals from 11.45 a.m. Radiophonie du Midi.779 Ufa20.5 p.m. -A Revue from the Morskie 1.2 kW. view and Time Signal. 12.32p.m. -The HotelKenmore (385 m.) ;8 kW. Oko Theatre. In the interval k.c) a.m.-Picture Transmission. Orchestra, Albany, N.Y. Transmits at intervals from 22.45 p.m. Programme Announcements. 5.25 p.m. -GramophoneRecords,PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) 22.55 p.m. -Baseball Scores. 7.0 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 12.15a.m.(Tuesday). -Police and Talk and News. St mince. 627 kc/s (487 m.) ; 5.5 kW.22.59 p.m. -Weather Report. 7.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. Sports Notes.

PROGRAMMES FOR TUESDAYoune 23) 7.0 p.m. -Concert of Light Music. 6.55p.m. -WeatherforFarmers,8.o P.M. -Variety Concert. from the Music to " The Married NOTE : THE HOURS OF8.o p.m. -See Breslau. followed by Johann Strauss Con- Beau "(Purcell). Minuet and TRANSMISSION ARE RE-9.0 p.m. -News and Sports Notes. cert, by the Silesian Philharmonicx0.0 p.m. -Le Journal Parle. Rondo from " Eine kleine Nacbt- DUCED TO BRITISH9.20 p.m. -Orchestral Concert, con- Orchestra. musik " (Mozart). ducted by Dr. Hermann Scherchen.1.4op.m. -Weather,followedbyBUCHAREST (Romania) 8.45 p.m. -Midsummer SUMMER TIME Radio-Bucarest.762 kc/s (394 Festival Concerto for Pianoforte and Or- Talk :Midsummer Day in Folk m.) ;26 kW. before the Town Hall. Music and ALGIERS (N. Africa) chestra in A Major (Liszt).Syrn- Tradi:i on. Transmits at intervals from 12 noon. Speeches. 825.3 kcis (363.4 m.) ;13 kW. ' phony in D Major, Op. to (Lendvai).8.op.m.-" MidsummerNight "-6.2o- p.m. -OrchestralSelections. 20.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. Transmits at intervals from 1.3o p.m.10.15 p.m. -General News. Poem (Schnack) set to Music by 10.15 p.m. -Vocal and Instrumental 6.45 p.m. -Talk. Concert. 8.3o p.m. -Violin and 'Cello Selec- Edmund Nick. 7.0p.m. -Gramophone Records. tions. BEROMUNSTER (Schweiz -9.ozipng.n)z.. -News Bulletin. 7.40 P.m. -Educational Talk. x x.0 p.m. -Dance Music from Nimb's 8.55p.. -News e r i s c h e rLandessender)9.20 p.m.-" Czar and Carpenter "-8.o p.m. --Orchestral Selections. Restaurant. 9.0 p.m.--Wattres. Comic Opera in Three Acts (Loa-8.3o p.m. -Talk. 22 midnight (in the interval). -Town 9.15 p.m. -Reading. (Switzerland) Hall Chimes. 653 kcis (459 19.) ;77 kW. 8.45 p.m. -Song Recital. 22.30 a.m. 9.50 p.m. -Accordion Solos. m xo p.m. -Time and News. 9.15p.m. -OrchestralSelections. (Wednesday). -Close 10.0 p.m. -Oriental Music. Transmits at intervals from 12.30 p.m. 20.25 : 'Workers' Sports D own. 21.30 p.m. -Light Music. 6.30 p.m. (from Basle). -Gramophone Day. 9.45 P.m. -News Bulletin. Records. 1.0.50 p.m. (approx.).-Silent Night. BARCELONA (Spain) 7.op.m.(fromBasle). -Talkfor BUDAPEST (Hungary) CORK (Ireland) Radio -Barcelona(BAJO. 86o Women. BRNO (Czechoslovakia) 545 kc's (550 m.); 23 kW. (6CK).1,337 kc/s (225 m.) ;2.5 kc's (349 111.); 8 kW. 7.24 p.m. -Time and Weather. 878 ke/s (342 m.) ;3 kW. Transmits at intervals from 9.25 a.m. kW. Transmits at intervals from S.30 a.m.7.36 p.m. (from Basle). -Talk :Ani-Transmits at intervals from 22.30 a.m.5.40 P.m.--Tzigane Concert. 6.0-10.30 p.m. -See Dublin. 8.0p.m. -Gramophone Records. mals as Spreaders of Disease. 7.0 p.m. -See Prague. 6.45 p.m. -ProgrammebyHerr 9.3o p.m. -Elementary English Lesson.8.0 p.m. (from Berne). -Orchestral10.15p.m. -Announcements. K. P. Elemer. DUBLIN (Ireland) 10.0p.m. -Chimes, Weather and Concert. 10.20 p.m. -See Prague. 7.5 p.m. -Gramophone Records. (2RN). 725 kc/s (413 m.) ; Exchange. 8.3op.m.(fromBerne). -Hebrew 8.op.m. -Military BandConcert. 2.30-2.0 p.m. -Time, Weather1.5 I5W-and 10.5p.m. -Orchestral Selections. Music. -BRUSSELS (Belgium) Overture," Tannhkuser " (Wag- Gramophone Concert. 20.20 p.m. -Modern Dance Music.9.0p.m.(from Radio -Belgique. 590 kg's (509 m.) ; Berne). -Selections zo kW. ner).Selection from " Der Rosen-6.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 21.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. from " Faust " (Gounod). Transmits at intervals from 5.0 p.m. kavalier " (Strauss). Select ion6.15 p.m. -Programme for Children. 11.5 p.m. -Press Review. 10.0 p.m. -Weather, News and Close6.25 p.m. -Readings (Bryant). from" Othello" (Verdi).Hun-7.0p.m. -Gramophone Records. 11.20 p.m. -Orchestral Selections and Down. Dance garianOverture(Lanyi).Wed-7.15 p.m. -News Bulletin. Gramophone Records. 6.30 p.m. -Gramophone dingWaltz from" Pierrette's7.30 p.m -Time andLeigheacht 1.0 a.m. (Wednesday). -Close Down.BORDEAUX-LAFAYETTE Records. Hungarian 7.25p.m. -Report oftheBelgian Veil "(Dohnanyi). Gaedhilge. BERLIN (Germany) (France) Catholic Radio Society. Fantasia No. x in F Minor (Liszt).7.45 P.m. -Recitations. '

MUHLACKER (Germany) 8.3o p.m. -Political Review, followedROME (Italy) - Programmes for Tuesday-(Cont.) Sfiddeutscher Rundfunk. 833 kc:s by Andre Pascal Concert, with the EnteItalianoAudizioni Radio- oftheComposer. (Wallace). Gallop,Petersburger (36o m.) ;75 kW. Relayed by collaboration foniche (IRO). 68o kc/s (441 rn.) ; HAMBURG (Germany) Freiburg, 527 kc,'s (570 in.). Introductory Talk.Sonatinas for 75kW. RelayedbyNaples, Norag (ha, in Morse). 8o6 kc/s Schlittenfahrt (E ilenber g). Two Violins and Piano.Berceuse. Relayed by Toreador etAndalouse(Rubin-Transmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m. 905ir, kc/s ((32352.4 nreo:)).m. a, nd 3R0, (372 m.) ;1.7 kW. stein). March,KingCotton (Time and Weather). Spanish Serenade for 'Cello and (270 on.) ; .Bremen,1,112kc/s (Sousa). 7.10 p.m. -Time Signal. Pianeforte. Chant saris paroles forTransmits at intervals frcm 8.15 a.m. Flensburg,1,373kc/s(2,03no.) ; ro.4o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 7.15 p.m. --Anecdotes. Viola and Pianoforte.Deux Noc- (Giornale Radio). Hanover,530 kc/s(566m.) ;11.40 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 7.30 pem. (approx.)--Mozart Concert turnes de la mer :(a) Crepuscule7.35 P.M. (frono Naples). -Shipping and Kid, 1,292 kc/s (232.2 m.). for the Wtirzburg Mozart Festival, lunaire, (b) Sur les touches blanches. Report and Sports Notes. Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m.KALUNDBORG (Denmark) relayed from the Residenz, Berceuse d'un soir d'hiver. Marche7.4o P.m. -New§ Bulletin. (Time and Weather). KalundborgRadio. 26o kc/s burg. Conductor :Dr. Hermann francaise for Pianoforte.Eastorals.8.10 poi. -Gramophone Records. 6.0p.m. -Variety Programme. Zilcher.Serenati notturna.Reci- Pantoum. Concertino for Violin8.3op.m. -Time andAnnounce- 7.0 p.m. (from Kiel). -Agricultural (1,153 m.) ;so kW. and Pianoforte. Sonnet. Les Yeux. See Copenhagen Programme. tative and Aria for Soprano. Piano- ments. ' Talk. forte Concerto in B Flat Major. Cartomancie.Three Songs from8.35 p.m. -English Lesson on Gramo- 7.25 p.m. -Talk :North Africa, theKONIGSBERG (Germany) Vocal Trio with Orchestral accom- LaFontaine's Fables. String phone Records. Land of Contrasts. Ostmarken Rundfunk.1,382 kc/s panimentfrom" LaVillanelle Quartet. 8.50 p.m. -Talk by S. Mezza. 7.5o p.m. -Exchange, Market Prices (217 m.); 1.7 kW. rapita." Symphony in C- Minor. PARIS (France) 9.0 p.m. -Midsummer Eve's Concert. and Weather. See Heilsberg Programme. 945 P.m.-Meyer-Ifelmund Concert, Old Roman Songs. Talk :St. 8.0 p.m. -See Oslo. by the Stuttgart Philharmonic Or- PosteParisien. 914 kc's(329 John's Festival in Rome. Modern 9.35 p.m. -News Bulletin. LANGENBERG (Germany) chestra, conducted by the Com- m.) ;x.2 kW. Songs.Recitations.In the inter- 9.55 p.m. -Topical Programme. Westdeutscher Rundfunk. 635 kc/s poser. Waldmarchen and Gnomen-9.0a.m.-PictureTransmission. va1Announcements. 10.5 p.m. -See Oslo. (473 m.) ;17 kW. Relayed by tanz from " Der Berggeist."So-8.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records and10.55 p.m. -'News Bulletin. HEILSBERG (Germany) Aachen,CologneandMunster, pranoSolo :Wenn derVogel News. `1,319 kes (227 m.). naschen will.Baritone Solo :Ich8.45 p.m. -Sports Talk, GramophoneSTOCKHOLM (Sweden) ,085 kc/s (276.5 m.) ; 75 kW. Re-Transmits at intervals from 6,45 a.m. schreite heim ! Intermezzo, Records and News. Radiotjanst(SASA). 689kc,'s layed by Danzig, 662 kc,'s (453 nl.). (Exercises). Wonnetraum. SopranoSolo :.9.o p.m. -Concert. Preludeand. (436 M.) ;75 .kW. Relayed by Transmits at intervals from 6.o a.m.6.4o P.m. -French Conversation. Seliges Erwachen !Baritone Solo,: Clair de lune from " Werther " Roden,24.4kc/s(1,229.5M.) ; (Weather and Gymnastics). 7.o p.m. -Weather and News. Liebesnacht. Reverie, Welt- (Massenet). Waltzes (Smetana). G#teborg, 932 kc/s (322 M.) ; 1101 by, 6.io p.m. -Market Prices. 7.I5 p.m. -Wireless Notes. entrilekt.Soprano Solo :Einst in Le Paradou dans la vie, from " La 1,166kc/s(257m.) ; Motala, 5.25 p.m. (from Danzig). -Talk by7.3o p.m. -Talk : Technique and heiliger Nacht. Liebesbarcarole. Faute de l'abbe Mouret " (Bru- 221.9 kc/s (1,352 m.) ;Ostersitnd, Dr. Rosenwald. Industry. Baritone Solo :Im Traum sah ich neau).Slavonic Rhapsody, No. 1 389kc/s(77om.);Sgndsvall, 7.0 p.m. -Talk :-The Wireless Pro-7.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. die Geliebte.Soprano Solo :Ein (Dvorak).Concert Waltz (Glazou- 554 Itc:s (542 gramme and the Working Listener.8.o p.m. -Midsummer Festival Pro- kleines Versehen.Baritone Solo : noff). Reverie (Hide). SelectionTransmits at intervals from 8.o a,m. 7.25 p.m. -Choral Concert. gramme, relayed from Maihaugcn Das Fensterl.Soprano Solo : Ein for Oboe and Orchestra :High-6.45 p.m. -Talk by,Prince Vilhelm : 7.5o p.m. -Labour Market Report. near Lillehammer in Norway. Zwiegesang.Mazurka, A laschka. landers'MarchfromScottish Midsummer Celebrations at Malm- 7.55 p.M.-Weather Report. to.op.m. (approx.).-Newsand10.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. Scenes (Godard). koping. S.o p.m. -See Breslau. Silent Night. 10.5oMeyer-Heimund Con- 7.20 Weather RepOrt, followed 9.10 p.m. -Accordion Recital. cert (continued). PARIS (France) by Relay of the Midsumrher Dance 9.20 p.m.(from Danzig). -VarietyLEIPZIG (Germany) 11.15 p.m.- (approx.).-Close Down. RadioParis(CFR). 174 1:c/s at " Skansen." Programme. 1,157 kc/s (259-m.) ;2.3 kW.Re- (1,725 m.)17 kW. 8.op.m. -MidsummerEvePro- 10.15 p.m. (approx.).-News. Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. gramme.Instrumental Music and rolo p.m. -Concert of Light Music. layed by Dresden, 941 kc/s (319 no.). MUNICH (Germany) (Physical Culture). Overture, " Raymond " (Thomas).Transmits at intervals from 6.30 a.m. 563 kc/s (533 m.) ; 5.7 kW. Relayed 'Sketch. (Witzleben Relay). by Augsburg andKaiserslautern,12.30 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 9.40 P.m. -Swedish Midsummer Pro- Waltz, Espafia (Waldteufel). Over- r.o p.m. -Exchange and News. gramme. ture, Grigri " (Lincke). Over-4.30 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Over- 536 kc/s (56o rn.) and -Varnberg1.5 p.m. -Gramophone Concert.In ture, " Marchenprinzessin " (Kos- ture, " The Taming of the Shrew " 1,256 kc/s (239 m.). r.op.m. -Midsummer Wakeat (Goetz). Variations on a Folk -Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. the intervals at 1.3o and 2.0 p.111. - " Skansen." tal). - WienerFaschingswalzer Exchange and Market Prices. Two Songs(E. Song of the Erz Gebirge (Buttner). (Gymnastics). r2 miehrteht (approx.).-Close DoWn. (Kochmann). Musicto" SleepingBeauty "7.5 p.m. -Cultural Pictures of Frank-3.3o p,m.-Exchange Quotations. Arnold).Wenn zwei Blondinen (Humperdinck). Slavonic Rhap- 5.55 p.m. -Exchange Quotations. STRASBOURG (France) (Raymond). Schone Frau gute ish Towns -a Relay from Wiirz-6.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. Radio -Strasbourg (PTT). 869 Nacht (Rotter).Romanian Song sody in A Flat Major, Op. 45, No. 3 burg. 6.3o p.m. -Agricultural Report and Romania (Dvorak). 7.35p.m. -Programme Notes and kc/s (345 ; 15 kW. andFoxtrot : Hallo 5.3o p.m. -Weather, Time and Econo- Racing Results. Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. (Micheloff). Introductory Talk to the following7.0 p.m. -Talk :The Colonial Ex-6.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Suite, mic Report. Transmission. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.6.5 p.m. -Talk for Women. 740 P.m. -Tenth ITIrzburg Mozart hibition. LaFeria(Lacome). Emperor 6.3o p.m. -French Language Lesson. 7.3o p.m. -Elementary German Les- Waltz(Joh.Strauss). Song. HILVERSUM (Holland) Festival -OrchestralConcert,re- son. Ballet de la cour (Pierne). Serenade 1,004 kc/s (298 no.) ;8.5 kW. 6.5o p.m. -Economic Report. layed from the Residcnz.Serenata 7.0 p.m. -Humorous Songs of the 7.45P.m. -Commercial Prices, l'amour (Fauchey). . 7.40 am.tillClose Down. -Pro- nottuma for Two Small Orches- Economic and Social Notes and6.45 p.m. -Talk in French :Auto - gramme of the Algemeene Vereen- Baroque Period, with Introductory tras.Recitative and Aria, Popoli 'Falk. diTessaglia,forSoprano and News. Suggestion. iging Radio Omroep. (A.V.R.O.). 8.o p.m. -See Oslo. Orchestra. Concerto in B Flat8.o p.m.-" Fortunio "-Opera (Mes-7.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 7.4o a.m.-Time and Gramophone9.3o p.m. -Talk:With theIce - Major for Pianoforte and Orchestra sager). In the intervals at 8.3o p.m.7.3o p.m. -Time. Signal. Records. Breaker " Krassin " to Siberia. -Sports Results, Weather, Gas-7.32 p.nz.-News in French and Ger- 9.40 a.m.-Daily Service. with Cadences to theFirst and tronomic Review and Talk, and at man. 9.55 am. --Gramophone Records. 10.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. Third Movement by H. Zilcher. 10.15 p.m. (approx.).-See Oslo. TrioforSoprano, Tenor,. Bass 9.15 p.m. -Press Review, News and s7:34.5 pp.,m...--TwraomoG phone Recoorrds.p- 10.25 am -Soloist Concert. and Orchestra : Mandina Amabile. Time Signal. OperasonGramo- 10.55 am -Reading (London). LWOW (Poland) Symphony. in G Minor. phone Records : (a) " I Pagliacci" 11.25 a.m.-Gramophone Records. 788 kc/s (381 m.) -21 kW. 9.40p.m. -EnglishLiteratureandPRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) (Leoncavallo), (b)" Cavalleria Rus- 11.40 a.m.-Time and Quartet Con-Transmits at intervals from 11.58 a.m. Songs by Lilian Harrison (Speaker) Strasnice. 617kc,'s(487nl.) ; ticana " (Mascagni). cert. and John Armstrong (Tenor). Recita- 5.5 kW. 10.30 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. z.ro p.m." ---Gramophone Records. 7.o p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. Transmits at intervals from 11.33 a.m. 2.4o p.m. -Programme for Women.7.2o p.m. -Talk on Ferns. tive and Aria : Thy Hand, Belinda 7.35 p.m. -See Warsaw. (Purcell).Scene I, Act H from7.o p.m. -Talk for Workers. TOULOUSE (France) 3.40 P.m. -Musical Programme. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. " The School for Scandal " (Sheri-7.5 P.M. -Talk. Radiophonie du Midi. 779 kc/s 4.10 p.m -Choral Concert. 8.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. (385 m.) ;8 kW. 4.4o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. dan). Two Songs (Arne) : (a) Come9.0 p.m. -Time, News, Chimes andTransmits at intervals from 12.45 p.m. 6.40 P.m. -Talk on Music. MADRID (Spain) away, Deatb, (b) Phmbus sinketh Orchestral Concert. 7.0 p.m. -Saxophone and Xylophone 7.to p.m. -Talk. Union Radio (EAJ7). 707 kis in the West.Two Scenes from Solos. (424 tn.) ;a kW. " RomeoandJuliet "(Shake-10.0 p.m. -Time, News and Sports 7.40 P.m. -Time and Orchestral Con- speare) :(a) Scene between Juliet Notes. 7.15 p.m. -Vocal Tangos. cert. Overture, " Mignon "Transmits at intervals from 9.o a.m. ro.00 p.m. -Announcements and Re-7.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. (Thomas).Ballet Suite from " Le8.3o p.m. -Chimes, Exchange, Market and the Nurse, Act II, Scene V, lay from the Exhibition at Pardu-7.45i p .:17 D nn Music. Cid " (Massenet).Swiss Festival Prices and International Express. (b)PoisoningScene,ActIV, News. Scene III.Two Songs (Delius) : bice. Overture (Naef).Styrian Dances (a) Irmelin, (b) Spring, the Sweet10.15 p.m. -Announcements. Comique. (Lanner). Adam Potpourri (arr.8.5op.m -ShootingandFishing 10.2o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.3o p.m. -Gramophone Reccrds. Urbach). Gramophone Records. Notes. Spring. r.o p.m. -Time, News and Chimes.9.0 p.m. -Concert. Turkish Patrol (Michaelis). Rococo9.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. 10.20 p.m. -Time and News. 9.3o p.m. -Dance Music from the (Meyer-Helmund).9.10 p.m. -Talk :Mountaineering. 12.30 a.m. (Wednesday). -Night Con-RADIO-SUISSE ROMANDE Love Song 9.3o-11.0 p.m: Interval cert. (Munich and Zeesen, 31.38 m. Serenade (Toselli).Parade of the (SOTTENS) Ice3Sioonp.m.-News Bulletin. Tin Soldiers (Jessel).Waltz, Thert.° p.m. -Chimes, Time and Ex- only). 'Fe Deum from Op. 59 10.45 p.m. -Orchest ralSelections. Flowers (Waldteufel). Und Pepita changeQuotations,followedby for Organ (Reger).Sacred Sonata 743kc/s(403m.) ; 32kW. Opera Selection :" R Trovatore" in D Minor in One Movement for Lausanne 442 kc/s (680 m.) ;and11.0 pon.-Chansonnettes. tanzt (Gutzeit). Streiflichter Geneva, 395 kc,'s (76o 5 p.m. -North African News. (Morena). Schonau, mein Paradies (Verdi), on Gtarnophone Records. ViolinandOrgan (Zielovsky). . 11.3o p.m.-Violin Solos (Kechanlssy). (Kutschera). Einmal sagt man sichr.o a.m. (Wednesday). -Chimes, Time Andante in A Flat Major for OrganTransmits at intervals from 12.28 p.m11.45 p.m -Hawaiian Guitar Music. and News, and " Il Trovatore " (Mozart).Fantasiettas for 'Cello7.6 p.m. (from Lausanne). -Cinema Adieu (Schmidt-Gentner). Ach- Organ- Recital from the Capitolramidnight. -WeatherandAn- tuna, wir gehen voran (Reckten- (continued). and Organ (Emmerz). Prelude nouncements 1.30 a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. , and Fugue in E Flat Major for Theatre. wald).In the intervals at 8.,o p.m. 7.40 p.m. (from Lausanne). -News. =Literary Talk, and at 9.4o p.m. Organ (Bach). VIENNA (Austria) - -MILAN (Italy) - 5.30 a.nz. (Wednesday). -Close Down.8.op.m. (fromGeneva). -Inter- Weather and News. national Report. Radio -Wien.581 kc/s (gx7 m.) ; 10.4o p.m. -Gramophone Records. EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio- 8.2o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 20 kW. Relayed by Graz, 851 kc/s foniche. 599 kc/s (sea m.) ;8.5 kW. r.40 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. OSLO (Norway) 9.30 Lausanne). -Flute (352 m.);Innsbruck,1,058kc/s ProgrammerelayedbyTurin, Kringkastingselskapet. 28o he's p.m. (from (283m.) ;Klagenfurt, 66zkc/s HUIZEN (Holland) 1,053 kc/s (296 m.) ;and Genoa, 'Cello and Pianoforte Recital.Trio (5,071 m.) ; 75 kW. Relayed by Sonata (453.2m.) ;Linz, 1,220kc/s rho kc/s (1,875 rn.) ;8.5 kW. 959 kc/s (312.8 m.). Fredriksstad,81.1kc,'s(368ro.) ; in G Major (Haydn). (246 m.) ; and Salzburg, 1,373 kc/s Transmits at intervals from 7.40 a.m.Transmits at intervals from 8.x5 a.m. Hamar, 511 Ice(587 m.) ; Noiod- (Leclair).Impressions (Goossens). (218 m.). 11.55a.m.tillClose Down. -Pro-7.0 p.m. -Agricultural Report. den, 671 kc's (447.r no.) ;Pors-10.15 p.m. -News Bulletin. Transmits at intervals from 9.2o a.m. gramme of the Catholic Radio7.10 p.m. -Light Music. grund, 662 ke s(453 m.) ; and50.30 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down.6.25 p.m. -Elementary English Lesson. Society (K.R.O.), 7.40 P.m. -Announcements. Rjukan, 67x kc:s (447./ m.). 6.55 p.m. -Talk : Austrian Dialects- 11.55 a.m.-Trio Concert. 7.45 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Transmits at interval; from 11.5 a.m.RIGA (Latvia) Central Bavarian. 1.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.o p.m. (in the interval). -Time and6.o p.m. -Talk : How to build a Radio Riga.572 kc/s (525 m.) ;7.25 p.m. -Reading from the Works 1.4e p.n.-Programme for Women. News. House. 13 kW. of, Maurice Reinhold v. Stern. 2.40-3.10 p.m. -GramophoneRe-8.30 p.m. -English Lesson on Gfamo-6.3o p.m. -Talk for Housewives. Transmits at intervals from rr.o a.m.7.5o p.m. -Time and News. cords. phoneRecords. 6.45 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 6.3o p.m. -Talk :The Ligo National8.0 p.m. -See Oslo. 340 P.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.45 p.m. -Talk. 7.o p.m. -Announcements and News. Festival. 9.3o p.m. -Weather and News. 4.40 P.m. -Instrumental Concert. 9.o p.m. -A Comedy in Three Acts 7.30 . an Song Recital.7.0 p.m. -Weather Report. 940 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 6.xo p.m. -Gramophone Records. (Ossip Felyne),I After the Comedy,8.o p.m. -Time signal. 7.3-10.30p.m.-Ligo National 6.40 p.m. -Talk by Prof. Carp. Relay of Music. 8.2 p.m. -Midsummer Festival, re- Festival Programme. WARSAW (Poland) 7.10 p.ni.-Police Notes. p.m.-Giornale Radio and Re- layed from Maihaugen, near Lille -7.3 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Dram- PolskieRadio.an kc/s(1,411 7.25 p.m. -Talk(to be announced). sults of the Trotting Races at the hammer. -.Music and Speeches. atic Overture (Wihtols). Suite, m.) ;158 kW. 7.40 p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Over- San Siro Race -course. 9.35 p.m. -Weather and News. Gods and Men (Medins). TwoTransmits at intervals from 11.40 a.m. ture," William Tell "(Rossini). 11.55 p.m. (approx.).-News. 9.5o p.m. -Topical Talk, followed by Parts of the Petite 'Suite (Valle).6.o p.m -Orchestral Concert. Intermezzo from " Cavalleria rus- Midsummer Festival(continued). Solitude (Abele). Popular7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. ticana " (Mascagni).The SecondMORAVSKA-OSTRAVA 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. LatvianSongs. PopularLigo7.2o p.m. -Agricultural Report. Hungarian Rhapsody (Liszt). (Czechoslovakia) Songs.Overture, " The Master -7.35 p.m. -Radio Journal. Overture, " Pique Dame " (Suppe). ,139 kc/s (263 m.) ;rs kW. PARIS (France) singers " (Wagner). i Invitation7.5o p.m.-" A Night in Venice "- Ave Maria (Bach-Gounod). Selec-Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. Eiffel Tower (FLE). 207 kc/s to the Dance (Weber).Selections Operetta(Joh.Strauss),relayed tionfrom" DieFledermaus "7.0 P.M. -See Prague. (1,445 m.) ;15 kW. Time Signals (Fibich) :(a) Evening, (b) Pocm. from the Grand Theatre. In the (Joh.Strauss). Overture," Or- (on 2,65o m.) at 10.25 a.m. and Symphonic Picture, Ligo (Wihtols). interval, Radio Journal and Pro- pheus in the Underworld " (Offen-10.15 p.m. -Announcements. r.2,5 p.m (preliminary and 6 -dot9.0 p.m. -Weather Report. gramme Announcements. After bach). Waltz, Wienerblut (Strauss).MOTALA (Sweden) signals). 9.30 p.m. -Humorous Songs of Ligo. theOpera,PoliceandSports Selection from " A Waltz Dream ' 221.9 kc/s (1,352 m.) ; 40 kW. 6.45 p.m. -Le Journal Parle. 9.5o p.m. -Dance Music. gNroatmesm, efollowed by Musical Pro- (0. Straus). Overture, " Maritana"See Stockholm Programme. 8.20 p.m. -Meteorological Forecast. r.o p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 956 WORLD -RADIO ENE 19111,1931

PROGRAMMES FOR WEDNESDAY (June 24) Transmits at intervals from mo a.m. 11.15 a.m.-Gramophone Records. NOTE: THE HOURS OF7.0 p.m. -See Prague. CORK (Ireland) 7.0 P.m. -Miscellaneous Items. TRANSMISSION ARE RE. (6CK). 5,337kc,'s(225m.) ;1.10-1.40 p.m. -Interval. 7.20 p.m. -Talk :Trades and Pro- 10.10 p.m. -Programme Notes. 1.5 kW. 2.40 p.m. -Gramophone Records. fessional Training. DUCED TO. BRITISHBRESLAU (Germany) 6.0-10.30 p.m. -See Dublin. 2.5 p.m -Programme for Women. 7.40 p.m. -See Warsaw. SUMMER TIME 2.55 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. 9z3kc/s(325m.) ; 5.7 kW.DUBLIN (Ireland) 3.0 p.m. -Talk (to be announced). ALGIERS (N. Africa) Relayed by Gleittitz,1,584kc/s (zRN). 725 kc/s (413 m.) ;1.5 kW.3.15p.m. -DressmakingLesson. MADRID (Spain) 825.3 kc/s (363.4 m.) ;13 kW. (253 m.). P.m. -Gramophone Records. Transmits at intervals from 1.30 p.m. Transmits zt intervals from 6.3o a.m. 1.30-2.0 p.m. -Time, Weather and4.5 Union Radio.(EAJ7).707 kc,'s (Alarm and, Gymnastics). Gramophone Records. 4.10 p.m -Programme for Children. (424 m.) ; 2 kW. 8.3o p.m. -Song Recital. 6.0. p.m. -Gramophone Records. 5.40 p.tn.-Mandoline Concert. Transmits at intervals from 9.0 a.m. 8.45 p.m. -Tangos. 7.0 p.m. (from Gkiwitz).-Talk on6.15 p.m. -Programme for Children. 8.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. Summer. 6.40 p.m. -Talk by Mr. Brusse. 8.3o p.m -Chimes, Exchange and 7.25p.m. -Weather, by7.0 p.m -Gramophone Records. 7.50 p.m. -A Wireless Play. Talk for Women. 9.0p.m. -Orchestraland Vocal followed 7.2o p.m. -News Bulletin. 7.40 p.m. -Concert 6y Students of the9.o p.m. -News Bulletin. Concert. Orchestral Concert. 7.30 p.m. -Time and Irish Lesson. Amsterdam Music School.Hays-9.10 p.m. -Dance Music. 9.30 p.m. -Review of Books. 8.30 p.m. -See Berlin (IV itedeben). 7.45 P.m. -German Lesson. naise fo Violin (Saint-Satns). Aria9.3o-11.0 p.m. -Interval. 9.45p.m. -OrchestralConcertofson p.m. -Time and News. 8.o p.m -Concert by the No. for Soprano from " The Seasons"51.0 p.m. -Chimes, Time and Ex- Classical Music. 10.15 p.m. -Theatre Talk. Army Band, conducted by Colonel (Haydn). Capricciobrillante, 51.0 p.m. -Soloist Selections. 50.25 p.m -Soloist and Orchestral changeQuotations,followedby Concert. -Fritz Brase. Op. 22, for Pianoforte (Mendels- " Macbeth " - Tragedy(Shake- 11.15 p.m -Recitations. g.o p.m. -Selections by the Choir s(Tolicnb)ai. ko,Cskoyn)c.efto in for Violin speare) with MusicalInterludes. 11.40 p.m -Gramophone Records. rz midnight (approx.).-Silent Night. of the Convent Schools, Leeson In the interval at 1.0 a.m. (Thurs- BARCELONA (Spain) BRNO (Czechoslovakia) Street. 8.55 p.m -Talk (to be announced). day). -Chimes and News. 9.20p.m. -D. McLoughlin (Bari-9.5 p.m.-" TheVoice "-A Wire-1.30 a.m. (approx.).-Close Down, Radio -Barcelona. (EAJr). 86o kc/s 878 kc,'s (342 m.) ;3 kW. tone). less Play (Gaston Revel). (349 In.) ; 8 kW. Transmits at intervals from 15.30 a.m.9.3o p.m. -Sponsored Programme. 9.35 P.m. -News Bulletin. MILAN (Italy) Transmits at intervals from 8.3o a.m.7.o p.m. -See Prague. 10.3o p.m. -Time, News, Weather9.45 p.m. -Concert (contd.).Soprano EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio- 8.o p.m. -Reading in Catalan. 7.2o P.m. -Talk on thefollowing and Close Down. Solo : Chanson triste (Duparc). foniche. 599 kc,'s (5o1 m.) ; 8.5 kW. 8. top.m. -Orchestral and Gramo- transmission. Allegro from theConcertofor ProgrammerelayedbyTurin, phone Dance Music. 7.3o p.m.-" La Tosca "-Opera inFRANKFURT -am -MAIN 'Cello (Dvorak). Concerto in E 1,013 kc, s (296 m.) ;and Genoa, 9.0 p.m. -Vocal and Orchestral Con- Three Acts (Puccini), relayed from 959 kc/s (312.8 m.). " Anacreon " (Germany) Flat Major for Pianoforte (Liszt). cert. Overture, the Municipal Theatre. 10.4op.m. -Gramophone Records.Transmits at intervals from 8.55 a.m (Cherubini). Soprano and Baritone 50.0 p.m. -See Prague. 77okcis(390m.) ; 1.7 kW.11.4.o p.m. (approx.).-Close Down.7.0 p.m. -Agricultural Report. Duet :Lacancidndelolvido 10.10 p.m. -Announcements. RelayedbyCassel, 1 ,z2okcfs 7.50 p.m. -Light Music. (Serrano). Hindu Reverie(V. (246 m.). 7.25p.m. -Announcements. Staub and H. Ourdine).Soprano BRUSSELS (Belgium) Transmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m.HUIZEN (Holland) 7.35 p.m. -Gramophone Records. andBaritone Duet from' La Radio -Belgique. 590 kcfs (5o9 m.) ; (Weather and Gymnastics). 160 kc's (1,875 m.) ;8.5 kW. 8n a.m. (in the interval). -Time and rosa del azafran " (Guerrero). Los 20 kW. 7.10 p.m. -Time, Weather and News.Transmits at intervals from 7.40 a.m. News. bebedores de manzanilla (Turina).Transmits at intervals from 5.o p.m.7.15-so.o p.m. -See Miiklacker. 12.10 p.m.tillClose Down. -Pro-8.3o p.m. -Medical Talk. Duet from " La Traviata " (Verdi). 6. s 5 p.m. -Talk :Viniculturein 10.0p.m. -NegroSpirituals,with gramme of the Christian Radio8.45P51.-" Quartetto vagabond° " ton p.m. -Gramophone Records. Hoeylaert. Introductoryand Explanatory Society (N.C.R.V.). -Operetta (Pietri).In the inter- 11.o p.m. -Talk in Catalan :How 6.3o p.m. -Gramophone Records. Notes. 52.10 p.m. -Instrumental Concert. vals, Variety Item, Theatre Review a Comedy is produced. 7.15 p.m. -Talk : Nineteenth Centuryto.45 p.m. -Time and News. 1.40.10 p.m.-Reading.p.-Gramopone Records. and Giornale radio. After the sl.lo p.m -Gramophone Records. Belgian Painters.-Leys. Operetta,Relay of Music. 1.o a.m. (Thursday). -Close Down.7.3o p.m. -Le Journal Parle. HAMBURG (Germany) 2.40 p.m. -Bass -Baritone Song Recital51.55 p.m. (approx.).-News. 8,3 p.m. -Quartet, Op. 3o (Chausson). Norag (ha, in Morse).8o6 kcis and Recitations. BERLIN (Germany) 8.35 p.m. -Jos. Yongen Song Recital. (372 m.) ;1.7 kW. Relayed by4.10 p.m. -Gramophone Records. MORAVSKA-OSTRAVA Konigs Wusterhausen. 183 kc/s Chanson roumaine.Les cadrans. Bremen,1,552 kc's(270m.);4-25p.nt.- Programme tobean- (Czechoslovakia) (1,635 m.) ; 75 kW. Bal des fleurs. Flensburg,1,373kc's(218m.) ; nounced.4.40 1,139 kc,'s (263 m.) ;55 kW. Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. 8.45p.m. -TalkontheBelgian Hanover, 53o lies (566 m.) ;and P.m. -Programme for Children. Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. (Hamburg Relay). Writer,OmerEnglebert,with Kiel, 1,292 kcis (232.2 m.). 5.40 P.m. -Agricultural Talk. 7.0 p.m. -See Prague. 4.30 P.m. -See Hamburg. Readings by the Author. Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. 6.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 50.50 p.m. -Announcements. 5.3o p.m. -Talk on Melodrama. 9.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. (Time and Weather). 6.4o p.m. -Programme arranged by 6.o p.m. -Talk :The Destiny ofIo.o p.m. -Le Journal Pail& 4.15 P.m. -Concert of Viennese Music. the Department of Buildings andMOTALA (Sweden) Germans in America. (Kral). 7.5Roopadms.. ThePolitical March, Hoch Habsburg 221.9 kc,'s (5,352 m.) ;4o k\V 6.o p.m. -Talk : BRUSSELS No. 2 (Belgium) Selection from "bas sfisse Model " -Police Notes. See Stockholm Programme. Inheritance of Freiherr vom Stein 887 kc,'s (338.2 m.) ; zo kVs. (Reinhardt). Waltz on Motives7.25 p.m -Gramophone Records. -Self-Government and Industry.Programme in Flemish. from " Die drei Winde " (Ziehrer).7.40 p.m. -Concert by a Boys' Choir. 6.55 p.m. -Weather for Farmers. Overture, " Eine Vision " (Lehar).8.4o p.m. -Talk by Mr. Bossenbrock.MUHLACKER (Germany) 7.0 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). 5.o p.m.-" TristantendIsolde "- 9.50 :-Soloist Concert from the Stiddeutscher Rundfunk. 833 kc,'s 111 Opera (Wagner), on Gramophone Mazurka, EM Herz, ern Sinn (Joh. 7.30 p.m. -Talk for Civil Servants. Records. In the interval at 6.15 Strauss, Jun.).Waltz, Pikanterien English Church in Amsterdam. (36o m.) ;75 kW.Relayed by 7.55 p.m. -Weather for Farmers. p.m. -Talk :The Flemish Lan- (Lehar). Overture, " Baron9.40 p.m. (in the interval). -News. Freiburg, 527 kc!s (57o en.). 8.o p.m. -Concert from the Hotel guage. Trenck " (Albini).Potpourri on10.40 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Transmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m. Kaiserhof. 7.15 p.m. -Talk : Sweden and Flan- Motives from" DerFrauen-rt. o p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. (Time and Weather). 8.3o p.m. -Talk : The Agrarian ders. fresser "(Eysler). Ballsirenen 7.10 p.m -Time Signal. Revolution in Soviet Russia. 7.3o p.m. -Le Journal Parle. (Lehar). Sport March (Ziehrer).KALUNDBORG (Denmark) 7.15 p.m. -Talk :St. Hildegard, a 9.0 p.m. -See Leipzig. 8.op.m. -Concert relayedfrom 5.3o p.m. -Talk : The Sculptor Hugo KalundborgRadio. 26o kc,'s Naturalist of the Middle Ages. 11.30p.m.(approx.).-SeeBerlin Antwerp. Lederer. (1,153 na) ;so kW. 7.45 p.m. -Reading " The Mur.- (Witzleben). 9.0 p.m. -Reading. 5.55 p.m. -Anecdotes in HamburgSee Copenhagen Programme. derer's Mother"(E. Gottgetreu). 12.3o a.m. (Thursday). -Close Down.9.15 p.m. -Dance Music. Street Dialect. 8.o p.m. -See Langenberg. P ERLIN (Germany) 50.0 p.m. -Le Journal Parle. 6.2o p.m. -Variety Programme. KONIGSBERG (Germany) 9.0 p.tn.-Orchestral Concert.March Religious,Philo- Potpourri,Hals und Beinbruch Witzleben. 716 kc/s(418 m.) ; 7.0p.m. -Talk : Ostmarken Rundfunk.5,382 kc,'s (Morena).Overture to a Revue, 1.7 kW. BUCHAREST (Romania) sophical and Scientific Tendencies (217 m.) ;1.7 kW. (Lincke). TrumpetSolofrom Radio-Bucarest. 761 kc,'s (394 m.) ; of the Nineteenth Century. See Heilsberg Programme. Transmits at intervals from 6.3o a.m. Hanseatic Die Herren vom Maxim " (Hol- (Gymnastics). 16 kW. 7.25p.m. -Talk :The leender).Waltz on Motives from 7.0 p.m. -Legal Talk. Transmits at intervals from ra noon.! Civil Service. LANGENBERG (Germany) " Vera 'Violetta " (Eysler). March- 7.25 p.m.Review of Books :Travels 6. to pdn.-Orchestral Concert. 7.5o p.m. -Exchange, Market Prices Westdeutscher Rundfunk. 635 kc!s ing Duet from " Der ersten Liebe in Germany. 6.45 P.m. -Talk. and Weather. (473 m.) 17 kW.Relayed by goldne Zeit " (Gilbert). Song from 7.40 P.m. -See Heilsberg. 7.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.o p.m. -See Langenberg. Aachen, Cologne and Munster, 1,319 " The Girl in the Taxi " (Gilbert). 8.30 p.m.-" Medea "-Drama (Euri- 7.40 P.m. -Educational Talk. 10.0 p.m. -Weather and News. March Potpourri, Achtung IWir pides), arranged for Wireless by8.o p.m. -Violin Recital. so.ao p.m. -Topical Programme. kc's (227 nri.). 8.3o p.m. -Talk. 10.3o p.m. (from Hanover). -ConcertTransmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. gehen voran (Rechtenwald). Heinz Lipmann. from the Cafe Continental. (Exercises). 10.0 p.m. -See Frank fart. zo.o p.m. -News Bulletin. 8.45 p.m. -Flute Recital.Concerto 7.0 p.m -News Bulletin. to.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. to.15 p.m. (approx.).-Dance Music in D Major and Minuet (Mozart). 1.55p.m. -RestaurantOstermann7.10 p.m. -Talk :Techniqueand from the Roof Garden of the Eden Tarantelle (Demersseman). Concert. Industry. MUNICH (Germany) 9.5,5 p.m. -Pianoforte Recitalof Hotel. 7.35 p.m.-Tills on 8.0 p.m. Trans- 563kc's(533m.) ; 1.7 kW. 12.30 a.m. (Thursday). -Close Down. Romanian Music. HEILSBERG (Germany) mission. Relayed by Augsburg and Kaisers- 9.45 p.nt.-News Bulletin. t,o85kc/s(276.5 M.) ;75 kW.7.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. lautern, 536 kc's (560m.), and BEROMUNSTER (Schweiz- Relayedby Danzig,662 Ws8.0 p.m.-" Gurre-Lieder "-for Solo- Nurnberg,5,256kc!s(239m.). erisc herLandessender)BUDAPEST (Hungary) (453 m.). ists, Choir and Orchestra (ArnoldTransmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. (Switzerland) 545 110 (550 m.) ,23 kW. Transmits at intervals from 6.o a.m. Schonberg), relayed from the Opera (Gymnastics). Transmits at intervals from 9.55 a.m. (Weather and Gymnastics). House, Cologne.After the Pro-7.50 p.m -Relay fromAnsbach- 653 kc/s (459 m.) ; 77 kW. 6.25 p.m. -Programmeby Herr6.10 p.m. -Agricultural Prices. gramme, News. Vocal andOrchestralSelections Transmits at intervals from 52.3o p.m. Vandor. 6.3o p.m. -Legal Talk. from the Works of Kaspar Oth- 6.3o p.m.(Zurich). -Gramophone6.5o p.m. -Hungarian Folk Songs. 7.op.m. -Radio Shorthand Com- mayer and Jakob Meiland, and a Records. 8.o p.m. -The Tragedy of Mankind" petition. LEIPZIG (Germany) 7.0 p.m. (Zurich). -Talk : Anonymous Over- 1,157 kcfs (259 m.) ; z.3 kW. Relay- Verbal Tour of the Town. -Sketch (Madach), followed by7.to p.m.-Orchestral Concert. 8.10p.m.-" The Spanish Nightin- Letters. Gramophone Concert. ure, " Phedre " (Massenet).Se- ed by Dresden, 941 kcis (319 m.). gale'' -OperettainThree Acts 7.28 p.m. -Time and Weather. 15.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. lection from " Pelleas and Meli-Transmits at intervals from 6.3o a.m. 7.3o p.m. (Zürich). -Talk : The Fear (Witzleben Relay). (Fall) ; followed by Concert and sande "(Sibelius). Serenade for Dance MusicfromtheCafé of Loneliness. COLOGNE (Germany) StringOrchestra(Tchaikovsky).7.0 : TheEconomic 8.o p.m. (Berne).-Suppe Concert. Westdeutscher Rundfunk. Folk Scene from " The Evangelist " Effects of the Decline of the Birth Maximilian. t.25 p.m. (Berne).-" Lottie's Birth 1,319 10.20 p.m.(in an interval). -Time kc/s (227 m.) ;1.7 kW. (Kienzl).Spanish Dances (Mosz- Rate. and News. day "-Musical Play (Thoma). See Langenberg Programme. kovsky).Tarifa -Elegy at Sunset,7.3o p.m.-" A Summer's Eve "- 9.40 p.m. (Berne). -Operetta Waltzes. from the Moorish Rhapsody (Hum- Orchestral Concert. 52 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. 50.0 p.m. -Weather and News. COPENHAGEN (Denmark) perdinck). Two Military Marches8.3o p.m. -Max Halbe reads fromOSLO (Norway) soao p.m. (Berne). -Wireless Notes. 1,067 kc/s (281 m.) ; x kW. Relayed (Leo Blech). his own Works. Kringkastingselskapet. zlokc/s 10.25 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. by Kalundborg, 26o kc/s (1,153 m.).8.3o p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). 9.0 p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Over- Estrella " (5,o71 m.) ;75 kW.Relayed by BORDEAUX-LAFAYETTE Transmits at intervals from 7.3o a.m. tz midnight (approx.).-Close Down. ture," Alfonsound Fredriksstad, 815kc,'s(368 m.) ; (Gymnastics). (Schubert).Serenade No. 2 in F Hamar, 55 t kcis(587 rn ; (France)7.0 p.m -News Bulletin. HILVERSUM (Holland) Major, Op. 63 (Volkmann). Swed- Notedden,675kc/s(447.5m.) , (PTT). 986 kc/s (304 111.) ;35 kW. 7.15 p.m. -Time Signal. 1,004 kcfs (298 m.) ;8.5 kW ish Dances, Nos. 8 -is, Op. 63 Porsgrund, 66z kcfs (453 m) ;and Transmits at intervals from 12.45 p.m.7.3o p.m. -Agricultural Talk (from6.25-9.40 a.m.-Programme of the (Max Bruch).Three Selections Rjukan, 671 kcfs 447.I m.). 7.3o p.m -News Bulletin. the Nykaing Studio). Workers' Radio Society (V.A.R.A.). (Reinecke) :(a)PreludetotheTransmits at intervals from 11.5 a.m. 7.4.0 P.m. -Dramatic Criticism. 8.o p.m -Talk onthefollowing6.25-6.40 a.m. and 7.50-7.25 a.m.- Fifth Act of " King Manfred,"6.55 p.tn.-Programme for Girls. '7.55 p.m. -Results of the Prize Draw. transmission. Gymnastics. (b) Dammerung, (c) Tanz unter der6.4o p.m. -Talk :What to do in the 8.o p.m. -Agricultural Talk. 8.55 p.m.-" A Waltz with Napo-7.40 a.m.-Gramophone Records. Dorflinde. Hungarian Rhapsody Holidays. 8. s 5 p.m. -News Bulletin. leon "-OperettainThree Acts9.10 a.m.-Organ Recital. No. 14 (Liszt). 7.0 p.m -News Bulletin. 8.30 p.m -Benjamin Godard Concert, (Kollo),relayedfrom the New9.40 a.m.-Religious Programme of50.15 p.m -News Bulletin. 7.3O p.m. -Agricultural Talk :Pig with Introductory Talk. After the Theatre. theLiberalProtestantRadio50.30 p.m -Third Actof" The Farming. Programme, Amusement Guide and 11.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. Society (V.P.R.O.). Mastersingers "-Opera (Wagner). 8.o p.m. -Time Signal. Time Signal. 11.55p.m.-DanceMusic from9.55 a.m. till Close Down.-V.A.R.A.11.30 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 8.z p.m.-Tchaikovsky Concert. Over- Lodberg's Restaurant. Programme. ture, " Hamlet."Symphony in B BRATISLAVA i2 midnight (in the interval). -Town9.55 a.m.-Talk by Mr. Kers. LWOW (Poland) Minor,No.6 -the " Pathetic " (Czechoslovakia) Hall Chimes. 10.4o a.m.-Gramophone Records. 788 Icc/s (a85 m.); 21 kW. Symphony. 1,076 kcis (279 m.) ;14 kW. 12.30 a.m. (Thursday). -Close Down.10.45 a.m.-Talk by Mr. Thijsse. Transmits at intervals from 11.53 a.m.9.0 p.m. -Sketch. JUNE 19TH, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 957 RIGA (Latvia) Quartet andat4.3o a.m.-The8.3op.m. -ConcertbytheFoi Programmes for Wednesday-(Cont.) Hotel DeWitt Clinton Orchestra, Choral Society.In the interval! Radio Riga. 572 kes' (-5 m). , 7.35 p.m -Weather and News. Operetta and Sound Film Music. 13 kW. Albany, N.Y. - Talks on Ariege. 3.50 p.m. -Topical Talk. In the intervals at 5.30 and 2.0 p.m.Transmits at intervals from 9.0 a.m. 5.3oamt. -'TheHotelKenmore10.30 p.m, -News Bulletin. 50.5 p.m-rioT Concert. -Exchange Quotations. 6.o p.m.-Peterdels reads fromhie. Orchestra, Albany, N.Y. 50.45p.m. -Orchestral.Selection: 10.35 p.m. -Gramophone Dance Re-3.3o p.m. -Exchange Quotations. own Works. 6.o a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. Selection from " Rienzi " (Wag cords. 5.55 p.m. -Exchange Quotations. 6.3o p.m. -Song Recital. STOCKHOLM (Sweden) ner). Overture," Idomeneo 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.6.o p.nt.-Gramophone Records. 7.0 p.m. -Weather Report. Radiotjanst. (SASA). 689 kc/s (Mozart). 6.3o p.m -Agricultural Report and7.3p.m.-LigoNational.Fstival (436 m.) ;75 kW. Relayedby15.0 p.m. -Musical Selections. fin( an inters al) -Nort PARIS (France) Racing Results. Concert Relay.Conductor Janis Boden,244kc/s(5,229.5nl.) ;i''55 p.m. ' Eiffel Tower. (FLE).207 kc's7.0 p.m. -Talk :Temperature and Medins. Overture," Toni Thumb" Goteborg,932 kc,'s (322m.) ; African News. (5,445 m.) ;15 kW. Time Signals Frost. (Wihtols).Suite, Aus dem Mittel- Harby, 1,166 kc,'s (257m.) ; 52midnight. -Weather and An (on 2,65o m.) at 10.25 a.m. and7.30 p.m. -Medical Talk. alter (Glazounoff). Waltz from Motala,225.9kc/s(5,352m.) ; nouncements. 55.25 p.m. (preliminary and 6 -dot7.45 p.m. -Commercial Prices, Eco- " Sleeping Beauty " (Tchaikovsky). Ostersund,389kc/s(770m.) ; signals). nomic and Social Notes and News. SevenPopularLatvianSongs Sundsvall, 554 kc/s (542 m.). VIENNA (Austria) 6.45 p.m. -Le Journal Parle. 8.o p.m. -Literary -Readings. (Wihtols). Ballad (Kalnins). SongsTransmits at intervals from 8.o a.m. Radio -Wien. 581 kc/s (517 m.) 8.20 p.m. -Meteorological Forecast. 8.30 pan. --Sports Results and (Medins). NorwegianDances6.o p.m. -Divine Service. zo kW. RelayedbyGraa 8.3o p.m. -Programme for Young Weather, Grieg).Celestial Harmony (Alf-7.50 p.m. -Weather Report. 855kc/s(35z m.) ; Innsbruck 5,058 . kn's (283 m.) ;Klagenfun People. 8.35 p.m. -Fashion Review. ven).Suite No. 1 (Medins). 7.15 p.m.-" A Midsummer Night's 9.0p.m. -SymphonyConcertcon-8.45 p.m.-" La Carrosse du Saint-9.30 p.m. -Dance Music. Dream "-Comedy (Shakespeare), 66z Ws (453.2 m.) ;Linz, 1,22, ducted by n Edouard Flament. Sacrement "-Play (Merirnee)by1 5.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. withMusic byMendelssohn. kc/s(246m.) ; andSalzburg BalletMusicfrom" Alcestis " M. Denis d'Ines and his Company. 9.40 p.m. -Concert. Festival Polo- 1,373 Itc/s (2.18 m.). (Gluck-Labis).Violin Solo.An- In the interval at 9.15 p.m -PressROME (Italy) naise (Sjogren).Songs :(a) Pro-Transmits at intervals from 9.20 a.rr dante from " Lucas et Lucette " Review, News and Time Signal. EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio- logue to " I Pagliacci'(Leona-7.op.m.-Elementary French Lessor (Missa). Orientale (Dick). 50.0 p.m. -Selections from " Car- foniche 0120). 68o kc,s (441 m.) ; vallo), (b) Aria from " Don Juan "7.30 P.m. -Time, Weather and News tions (BlancafOrt-Salabert).'Cello men "-Opera (Bizet) on Gramo- 75 kW. Relayed by Naples, 905 Ice's (Mozart). SuiteforOrchestra7.40_P.m.-Song Recital. Aria fro r Solo. Waltz,Echo fromthe phone Records. (332 m.) ;and 3RO, 15,810 kc's (Haquinius). Selection from " Val- ' The Girl of the Golden West Mountains (Strauss). Kazachok (25.4 .m)* , demarsskatten " (Hallen). Suite, (Puccini). Two Arias from " La Transmits at intervals from 8.15 a.m Boheme' (Leoncavallo). Romance (Dargomijsky). PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) Swedish Summer Nights (Svens- from " The Queenof Sheba' St rasnice.617kc/s(487 m.) (Giornale radio). son). Songs : (a) Ballad .(Svedbom), PARIS (France) ' 7.25 p.m. (from Naples).-Shippmg (b) The Two Grenadiers (Schu- (Goldmark). Aria from "L'Afri Poste Parisien.954 kcis (329 m.) 5.5 kW. Report. mann).Swedish Rhapsody, Mid- caine " (Meyerbeer). Song, E canta 5.2 kW. ' Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m7.30 p.m. -News- Bulletin. 'sommarvaka (Alfven). ii grillo (Billi). Song, Canta p 9.0 a.m.-Picture Transmission. 7.0 p.m. -Announcements. 7.5o p.m. -Gramophone Records. I5.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. me (de Curtis). 8.z5p.m -Gramophone Records,Summer7.5 p.m. -Talk : Hygiene. 8.10 p.m.-. News and. Report of theSTRASBOURG (France) 8.20 p.m.-" Forest and Moorland Talk and News. 7.zo plk on thefollowing International Institute of Agricul- -Vocal and Instrumental Concert 9.0 p.m. Concert.Songs (Debussy): Transmission Radio -Strasbourg(PTT). 869 Weather and News in an interva O.30 p.m.-" The MerryWives of ture (in Italian, French, English, kc/s (345 m.) ;15 kW. (a) Le Balcon,(b) Les Cloches, German, and Spanish). Transmits at intervals from 11.30 am. (c) Harmonic du soar.Overture, Windsor _"-Comic Opera in Three8.3op.m. -Time,Announcements WARSAW (Poland) The Brewer of Preston " (Adam). Acts (Nicolai), relayed from the and Medical Talk. 6.o .p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Selec- Poiskie Radio. 212 kets (1,455 m.) . lions from(a)" 11Trovatore " PianoforteSolo :Carillonsdaps Municipal :Theatre. 9.0p.m.-" Carmen" -Operain '558 kW. 10.0 p.m. -Time, News and Chimes. (Verdi), (b)" Cavalleria Rusticana "Transmits at intervals from 11.40 aar la bale from " Soirs armoricains " Four Acts (Bizet).In the intervals, (Mascagni), (e)" Faust," (Gounod), (Vuillemin).Selection from " No,10.15p.m. -Educational Programme. and Talk on 6.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 50.20 p.m. -Announcements. Announcements and (d) " La Sirens '(Auber). 7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. No, Nanette ! " (Youmans).Ballet Laughter. News after the Pro-6.45 p.m -Talk in French : Through Airfromthe" Suitebreve " gramme. 7.20 p.m. -Gramophone Records. (Aubert). Selection from " Mig-RADIO-SUISSE ROMANDE Lorraine. 740 p.m -Agricultural Notes. non " (Thomas). Andante from the (SOTTENS) (Switzerland)SCHENECTADY U.S.A.() 7.0 p.m. -Operetta Music. 7.55 p.m -Weather Forecast. Quartet in F (Ravel). Selection 743 kW. General Electric Company (WGY).7.30 p.m. -Time Signal. 8,0 p.m. -Radio Journal. kela(403m.) ; 32 7.32 p.m -News inFrenchand8.15 p.m. -Violin and Soprano Sont from " Phi -Phi." (Christine).Ha- Lausanne, 442 kc/s (68o m.) ;and 790 kc/s (379.5 m.) ,'50 kW.Re- German. vana (Bran a): Selection from Geneva, 395 kels (76o m.). Payed at int,g,.vals by W2,XAF on7.45 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Recital. " DieTeresina "(0.Straus).Transmits at intervals from 12.28 p.m. 9,530kc/s(35.48in.)andby 9.10p.11/. -ReadingandTheatr Waltz, The Skaters (Waldteufel).,7.0-p.m.(fromGeneva).-Gramo- W2XAD on 15,3408.30 kc's p.m -Concert (19.56 from m.).Review.Mulhouse. March from the " Ballet russe. ' phone Records. Transmits at intervals from 11.45 a.m.1 1.0 p.m. --Gramophone Dance Re-9.25 p.m. -Quartet in A Major for (Luigini). 7.4o P.m. (from Lausanne). -News.55.44 p.m. -Weather Report. cords. Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola an 8.op.m.(fromLausanne). -Talk :15.45 P.m. -New York Relay. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. 'Cello (Mozart). PARIS (France)Viniculture. 12 midnight. -Time Signal. TOULOUSE (France) 50.0 p.m. -Reading.u Radio -Paris. (CFR). 174kc/s8.3o p.m. (from Geneva). -Old Music.12./ a.m. (Thursday). -Play] Gipsies Radiophonie du Midi.779 kc/s10.15 p.m. -Radio Journal and Polk (5,725 m.) ;17 kW. 9.3o p.m. (from Lausanne). -Choral Play. (385 m.) ;8 kW. Notes. Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. Concert. 12. 1 5 a.m.-New York Relay. Transmits at intervals from. 12.45 p.m.50.25 p.m. -Programme Announce (Physical Culture). ioaa p.m. -News Bulletin. I2.30 a.m.-DuPont Speed Blenders.7.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. ments. 52.30 p.m -Gramophone Records. 10.15p.m.(fromGeneva). -Dance12.45 a.m.-Southern Flooring. 7.45 p.m. -Musical Programme: 50.30 p.m. -Dance Music and Lie 1.0 p.m. -Exchange and News. Music. 5.0 a.m.-Neto York Relay.In the8.15 p.m -Selections by an Argen- Music. 1.5p.m. -Gramophone Concert of11.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. intervals at 1,15 a.m.-Rice String tineOrchestra. 52 midnight-(approx.).-Close Dowr PROGRAMMES FOR THURSDAY (June 25) NOTE: THE HOURS OFTransmits at intervals from 6.3o a.m. Draw and the Charade Competi-Transmits at intervals from -.0 min.Transmits at intervals from 7.30 a.m. (Exercises). tions. 6.15 p.m. -Talk by theRev.Fr.7.0 p.m -News Bulletin. TRANSMISSION ARE RE-4.30 P.m. -Soloist Concert. 8.o p.m. -Talk on Wine. Perquy. 7.15 p.m. -Time Signal. DUCED TO BRITISH5.3o p.m. -Talk: Are the German8.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. 6.3o p.m. -One Act of " I Pagliacci"7.3o p.m -Talk :Barley Groats. SUMMER TIME Towns deeply in debt ? 8.3o p.m.-" Le romanel' un jeune -Opera (Leoncavallo), on Gramo-8.o p.m. -Concert of Modern French 5.55 p.m. -Musical Programme for hommepast re "-PlayinFive phone Records. Music.Overture, " Le Roi d'YS " ALGIERS (N. Africa) Young People. Acts (Feuillet), followed by Amuse-7.55p.m. - Talk :The " Rerum (Lalo).Sicilienne and Sarabande 825.3 kc/s (363.4 m.) ;13 kW. 6.20 p.nz.-Talk : Seventy -Five Years ment Guide and Time Signal. Novarum "FestivalinRome. (Chausson). Two Selections Transmits at intervals from.5.30 p.m. of the Work of German Engineers. 7.3o p.m. -Le Journal Parle. (Debussy) :(a) Prelude a l'apres- 8.25 p.m. -Exchange and News. 6.5o p.m. -Choral Concert from theBRATISLAVA_(zechoslovakia)8.op.m. -Orchestral and Vocal midi d'un faun, (b) La cathedrals 8.45p.m. -Songs fromForeign Bismarck Festsalen, Spandau. Concert. In the interval, Talk ; ens outie.Piecefor Oboe and Lands. 7.Io p.m. -Labour Market Report. 5,076 keg (279 to.); 14 kW., The Pope and Catholic Life. Orchestra (Pierne). Boutree and 8.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. 7.55 p.m. -Concert from the HotelTransmits at intervals from 11.0 a.m.10.0 p.m. -Le Journal Park. Pastorale from " Petites musiqucs " 9.0p.m. -SongsandHumorous Adlon. 7.o p.m. -See Prague. BUCHAREST (Romania) (Schmitt).Three Selections from Dialogues. 7.40 P.m. -Topical Programme. Io.to p.m. -Programme Notes. Children's Corner"(Debussy). 9.15p.m.-" LaBohhne "-Opera Radio-Bucarest. 761 kc/s (394 m.) ; 8.o p.m. -Extracts from; the Works10.15 p.m. -See Prague.- 16 kW. 9.0 p.m.-" Walpurgis Night "-Wire- (Puccini). of Ludwig Thoma. BRESLAU (Germany) ,Transmits at intervals froth 12 noon. less Play (Aage Dons). ro.o p.m. -Humorous Sketch in Dia-9.0 p.m. -News ;Sports Notes. 7.0 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 9.35 p.m. -Danish Song Recital. lect. 9.15 p.m. -Freiherr corn Stein Fes- 923 kc/s (325 rn.) ;1.7 kW. Relayed 10.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. Jo.3ci p.m. -Russian Music. tival by the Westphalian Society, by Gleiwitz, 1,184 kc's (253 n5.). 7.40 P.m. -Educational Talk. 10.15 p.m. -Concert of Light Music. 50.45 p.m. -Popular Songs. Transmits at intervals.from 6.3o a.m.8.o p.m. -Song Recital. on the Centenary of his Death, (Alarm and Gymnastics). 8.3o p.m. -Beethoven Concert.Over-10.55 pmt. -Dance Music from the 5.0 p.m. -Gramophone Records. relayed from the Reichstag. Address ture, Coriolanus." Concerto Arena Etablissement. by the President of the Westphalian6.5o p.m. -Radio Report from the 12midnMht (in the interval).-ToWn BARCELONA (Spain) Friedrich Wilhelm University, Bres- forPianoforteandOrchestra. Hall Chimes. Radio -Barcelona (RAM. 86o he's Society, Dr. Forckenbeck. Ad- lau. Seventh Symphony. (349 m.) ;8 kW. dressbyDr.Bruning, Reichs-7.5o p.m. -Talk for Workers. 9.0 P.m. (in the interval). -Talk. 12.30 a.m. (Friday). -Close Down. Transmits at intervals from 8.3o a.m. kanzler. Address by Dr. Karl8.20p.m. -OrchestralConcertof9.45 p.m. -News Bulletin. 8.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. Severing, Minister of the Interior. Operetta Music. BUDAPEST (Hungary). CORK (Ireland) 9.30 pan. -Elementary English Lesson. The Westphalian Song. 9.55 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). (6CK). 1,337 kc/s (225 m..); 5.5 kW. to.op.m. -Chimes,Weatherand.10.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. to.° p.m. -Time and News. 545- kc/s (55o m.)23 kW. 6.0-10.30 p.m. -See Dublin. Exchange.... 10.15 p.m. (approx.).-Dance Music.10.15 p.m. -Talk :The Riesen Ge-Transmits at intervals from 9.15 a.m. 10.5 p.m -Orchestral Concert. 12.30 a.m. (Friday). -Close Down. 6.50 p.m.-Grieg Contert. In Autumn.DUBLIN (Ireland) birge. Select ion from" Peer G ynt ." 1.0 p.m -News Bulletin. BEROMUNSTER (Schweiz -10.3o P.m. -Old and New Dance (zRN). 725 Ite/s (413 m.) ;1.5 kW. 51.5p.m.-" LaLlotja "-Catalan Music. Selection from " Sigurd Jorsalfar."5.30-2.0 p.m. -Time, Weather and Comedy in Three Acts (J. Millis e r is c h er Landessender)12.30 a.m.(Friday). -Silent Night. Lyric Suite. Gramophone Concert. Raurell). (Switzerland) 7.25 p.m. -Programme by Dr. Tolls.6.0 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 52.40a.m.(Friday). -G amophone 653 kc/s (459 m.) ; 77 kW. BRNO (Czechoslovakia) 7.5o p.m. -Choral Concert. 6.55 p.m. -Programme for Children. Records. 3 kW. 8.30 p.m. -Concert. 'Cello Sonata7.0 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Transmits at intervals from 12.30 p.m. 878 kc/s (342 m.) ; (Triclier).Songs :(a) Aria from r.o a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 6.3op.m:(Berne). -- GramophoneTransmits at intervals from 15.30 a.m. The Queen of Sheba " (Gold -7.10 p.m. -News Bulletin. Records. 7.0 p.m. -See Prague. 7.3o p.m. -Time and French Lesson. BERLIN (Germany) to. In p.m. -Announcements, mark), (b) Aria (Handel).Violin7.45 P.m. -Talk on Literature and the Kanigs Wusterhausen. 183 kers7.0 p.m. (Berne). -Talk. Sonata(Handel). I'assacaglia 7.28 p.m. -Time and Weather. lo.i5 p.m. -See Prague. (Halvorsen).Selectioris (Strauss) : Drama. (5,635 m.)75 kW. 7.3o p.m. (Berne). -Reading. 8.o p.m. -Operatic Ballad Concert. Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m.8.o p.m. BRUSSELS (Belgitim) (a)Allerseclen,(b)Empfehlting. The StationSextet : Selections (Hamburg Relay). (Basle). -Concert of Old Radio -Belgique. 590 kcOs (509 m.) Valse intcrinede (Merkler-Ilubay). Music. Fliege mcine Scln';eibe (Rcmcnyi). from Sullivan, Cellier and German. 4.30 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben).. 9.o ($asle).-Reading. zo kW. W. J. Hobbs (Tenor) :Balfe Songs. 5.3o p.m -Chamber Music. . Transmits at intervals from 5.o p.m. Little Russian Fantasia (Popper). 9.20 p.m. (Zurich). -Orchestral Con- AftertheProgramme,Tzigane T. W. Hall (Bass) :Wallace Songs. 6.o p.m. -Talk for Business Men. cert. 6.15 p.m. -Talk : Women and Un- 9.o p.m. -Concert. May Fogarty and 6.30p.m. -'Falk :Botanical Concert and Dahce Music from Hints50.0 p.m -Weather, News and Close employment. the Spolarich Restaurant on the M.Joyce : ViolinandVocal for Holiday -Time. Down. 6.3o p.m. -Gramophone Concert. Recital. The Station String 6.55 p.m. -Weather Report. 7.15 p.m. -Talk by M. Delsinne. Margarcteninsel. Orchestra. Vocal and Instru- 7.0 p.m -Advanced English Lesson.BORDEAUX-LAFAYE. TTE 7.3o p.m. -Theatre Review. COLOGNE (Germany) . mental Selections. 7.30 p.m. -Agricultural Talk. (France)8.o p.m. - " Lohengrin " - Opera Westdeutschcr Rundfunk. 1,319 Io.30 p.m. -Time, News, Weather and 7.5o p.m. -Weather Report. (Wagner)', on Gramophone Records, kc/s (227 m.) ;1.7 kW. Close D own. 8.o p.m. -See Langenberg. (PTT). 986 kc/s (304 m.) ; 35 kW. with Commentary. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.Transmits at intervals from 12.45 p.m. io.o p.m. -Le Journal Parle. See Langenberg Programme. 7.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. COPENHAGEN (Denmark)FRANKFURT -am -MAIN BERLIN (Germany) 7.49 p.m. -Talk: Children intheBRUSSELS No. 2 (Belgium) 5,067kc/s(281m.) ; rkW. (Germany) Witzleben. 716 kc,'s(418 m.) ; Film Industry. 887kc/s(338.zm.) ;20 kW. Relayed by Kalundborg, 26o kc,'s '77o kis (390 m.) ;-5.7 kW. Relayed 5.7 kW.; 7.55p.nz.-ResultsofthePrizeProgramme in Flemish. (1,153 m.). by Cassel,1,220lie/8(246 M.) 958 WORLD -RADIO JUNE I9T11, 1931 Programmes for Thursday-(Cont.) MCJHLACKER (Germany) Imperialism -Stevenson, Kipling'Transmits at intervals from 8.o a.m. Silddeutscher Rundfunk. 833 kegs and Hearn. 7.0 p.m. -Reading. 'Transmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m.9.10.m. -Popular Concert.March. (36o m.) ;75 kW. Relayed by7.3o p.m -Advanced Book-keeping7.30 p.m. -Talk on the West Coast (Weather and Gymnastics). Selepction from " Le Postilion de Freiburg, 527 kc/s (570 m.). Lesson. of Sweden, relayed from Karlstad. 7.10 p.m. -Time and News. Longjumeau " (Adam).Fantasia,Transmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m.7.45 P.m. -Commercial Prices, Econo-8.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 7.15 p.m. -Talk : State Responsibility Neerlandia(Bruske). Selection (Time and Weather). mic and Social Notes and News. 8.2o p.m. -Organ Recital. and State Principles. from " The Magic Flute " (Mozart).7.15 p.m. -Sec Frankfurt. 8.o p.m. -Talk on Music with Gramo-9.40 p.m -Literary Review relayed 7.45 P.m. -I2 midnight. -See Mills- Suite from " The Pearl Fishers " 7.45p.m. -VocalandOrchestral phoneIllustrations :Improvisa- from Malmo, 1,301 kCIS (231 m.). lacker. (Bizet).Marches. Concert. 10. 10 p.m. -Chamber Music.String 10.30p.m.(in the interval). -Time9.5o p.m. (in the interval). -News. 8.3o p.m.-" The Strange Musician " 8.3owepe.tmh.e-r.News, Sports Results and Quartetin C Major(Mozart). and News. 10.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records. -Musical Folk PlayforRadio Sonata for Pianoforte, Op. 26, in 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.11.10 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. (Erich Noether). 8.40 A Flat Major (Beethoven). 9.3o p.m.-SchmalstichConcertby8.45 p.m. -Dialogues between Don11.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. HAMBURG (Germany) KALUNDBORG (Denmark) the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orches- Quixote and Sancho Panza (Cer-STRASBOURG (France) Norag (ha, in Morse). 8o6 kcIs KalundborgRadio. 26okcjs tra, conducted by the Composer. vantes). (37z m.) ;1.7 kW. Relayed by (1,153 m.) ;Io kW. Romantic Symphony in A Major -9.15 p.m -Press Review, News and Radio -Strasbourg (PTT). 869 Bremen,1,113 kCiS (270m.) ;See Copenhagen Programme. In the Country, for -Full Orchestra. Time Signal. kcis (345 m.) ;/5 kW. Flensburg,1,373kegs(218 m.) ; Two Songs for Soprano with Or-9.30 p.m -Concert. Variations onTransmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. Hanover, 53o kc/s (566 m.) ;andKONIGSBERG (Germany) chestra : (a) Night, (b) To the Sun. a Theme by Paganini (Brahms).6.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Kiel, 1,292 ke/s (232.2 m.). Ostmarken Rundfunk.1,382 kcis Comedy Overture. Songs.Sonata in C Major No. 46.45 p.m -Medical Talk in German. Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. (2,7 m.) ;1.7 kW. ro.30 p.m -News Bulletin. for 'Cello and Pianoforte(Bee-7.0 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Russian (Time and Weather). See Heilsberg Programme. thoven). March (Ganne). 0 ffenbachiana 10.50p.m. -DanceMusic from Waltz,Dynamiden 6.5 p.m. -Variety Programme. Langenberg. (Conradi). 7.0 P.m. -See Konigs Wusterhausen.LANGENBERG (Germany) PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) (Jos.Strauss). Overture, Poet WestdeutscherRundfunk. 635 12.3o a.m. (Friday) (from Mannheim). Strasnice. 617 ke's(487 m.) ; and Peasant " (Suppe). 7.30 p.m. -Talk on Insurance. -Night Concert (also relayed by 5.5 kW. 7.50 p.m. -Exchange, Market Prices kc's (473 m.) ;17 kW.Relayed Zeesen, 31.38 m.), Violin and Viola 7.3o p.m. -Time Signal. and Weather. In Aachen, Cologne and Munster, Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. 7.32p.m. -News inFrenchand 1,319 Ws (227 In.). Duets (Mozart) :(a) Duet in B7.0 p.m. -Time, News and Chimes. German. 8.o p.m.-" Dickkopp "-a Humorous Flat Major, (b) Duet in G Major.7.5 p.m. -Brass Band Concert. Radio Play (0. F. Grundy. Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. Pianoforte Solos :(a) Two Studies 7.45 P.m. -Gramophone Records. Scenes "-Con- (Exercises). 8.op.nt.-Concert from the Town Hall.8.3o p.m.-" Monsieur Duniollet "- 9.0 p.m.-" Travel (Scarlatti), (b) Sonata in D Major,8.55 p.m. -Announcements. Operettain Three Acts (Louis cert. Overture, On the Rhine,7.o p.m -News Bulletin. t(Haas). Forlane Symphonic7.15 p.m. -Topical Talk. Op. 61, No. 9.0 p.m. -Time, News, Agricultural Urgel). Op. 90 (H. Kaun). and Rigaudon from " Le tombeau Report and Concert. Poem, From the Fields and Groves7.3o p.m -Talk on Technique and de Couperin " (Ravel). 10.30 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. of Bohemia (Smetana).Inthe Industry. 10.0 p.m. -Time, News and SportsTOULOUSE (France) 7.55 p.m. -General News. 1.3o a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. Notes. Steppes of Central Asia (Borodin). to./o p.m. -Announcements. Radiophonie du Midi. 779 Iccfs Overture, The Hebrides (Mendels-8.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Over-MUNICH (Germany) (385 m.) ,8 kW. sohn). Impressions d'Italie ture, " Isabella " (Suppe).Suite, 563 kc/s (533 m.) ; 1.7 kW. Relayed10.15 p.m. -Organ Recital from theTransmits at intervals from 12.45 p.m. (Charpentier). Reminiscences of Cairo (Arman- by Augsburg andKaiserslautern, Beranek Cinema. 7.0 p.m -Russian Songs. 10.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. dola).Violin Solos : (a) Romance, 536 ke's (56o m.) ; and Niirnberg,11.0 p.m. -Time and News. 7.15 p.m. -Orchestral Selections. 10.20 p.m. -Topical Programme. (b) Minuet (Spies).Prelude, " Die 1,256 kc,is (239 m.). RADIO-SUISSE ROMANDE7.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. 10.30 p.m. (from Hanover).Concert toreley " (Bruch).Selection fromTransmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. (SOTTENS)(Switzerland)7.45 p.m. -Accordion Music. from the Georgs-Palast. " Die Fiedermaus " (Strauss). (Gymnastics). 8.o p.m. Songs from Op4ra-Comique. aras p.m. -Restaurant Ostermann9.o p.m. -Two Rhenish Comedies : Concert,with 743 kris (403 tn.); 32 kW.; Lausanne, (a) " Neighbours "-or " The Mur- 7.3_0_ P.m. -Zither 442 kc's (68o m.) ;and Geneva, Swallow Duet from " Mignon " Concert. Humorous Interlude. 395 kc's (760 m.). (Thomas).Arias from " Carmen " der in the Friedrichsstrasse "-Wire-8.10 p.m. -Introductory Talk to the 'Rigoletto " (Verdi), and HEILSBERG (Germany) (AdolfUzarski),(b) Transmits at intervals from t2.28 p.m, (Bizet), lessPlay following Transmission. 7.0 p.m. (from Lausanne). -Dance " Manon Lescaut " (Auber). 1,c85kc's(276.5 m.) ;75 kW. " Frau Klomperkamp moves House "8.15 p.m. -Concert bythe Munich 8.15 p.m. -Spanish Songs. Relayed by Danzig,662 ircis (453 m.). -One - Act Play (Hans Muller - Music. Bach Society. Cantata,Mer7.40 p.m. (from Lausanne). -News. 8.3o p.m. -Dance Music. Transmits at intervals from 6.o a.m. Schlosser) ; followed by News and hahnenneueOberkeet(Bach). 8.45 p.m. -Musical Selections. (Weather and Gymnastics). Dance Music Relay. Humorous Canons (Martini, Salieri8.op.m.(fromGeneva). -Sonatas9.0 p.m. -Concert by the Philhar- 6.10 p.m -Agricultural Prices. az midnight (approx.).-Close Down. for Pianoforte and Violin (Mozart). and Mozart).Cantata, Der zu8.3o p.m.(fromLausanne). -Song monic Orchestra. 6.30 p.m. -Talk . How can I protect frieden gestellte Aeolus (Bach). 10.30 p.m -News Bulletin. myself against Traffic Accidents ? LEIPZIG (Germany) 9.35 p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Selec- Recital. 10.45 p.m -Hawaiian Guitar Music. 7.0 p.m. -English Conversation. 1,157kc;s(259m.) ;2.3 kW. tionfrom" Carmen "(Bizet).9.0 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. p.m. -Trio Op. 8(Pfitzner), RelayedbyDresden,941 10.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. 11.0 p.m. -Solo Selections. 7.25 Trepak (Tchaikovsky).Romanceio.15 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 11.15 p.m. -North African News. by the Ninke Trio. (319 m.). (Leoncavallo).Overture, " Berlin, 11.30 p.m. -A Viennese Orchestra. 8.o p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). Transmits at intervals from 6.3o a.m. wie es weint und lacht " (Conradi).RIGA (Latvia) (Witzleben Relay). 11.45 p.m.-Chansonnettes. HILVERSUM (Holland) 7.0 p.m. -Talk : Ethics in the Workers' EmperorWaltz(Joh.Strauss). Radio Riga.572 WS (525 M.) ;12 midnight. -Weather and Announce- 1,004 kCIS (298 in.) ;8.5 kW. Movement. Purzelbaum-Galopp (Lincke). 13 kW. ments. 7.40a.m.tillClose Down. -Pro-7.3o p.m. -Edmund Eysler Concert.10.20 p.m. -Time and News. Transmits at intervals from 11.o a.m.VIENNA (Austria) gramme of the Algemeene Vereen- Vocal and OrchestralSelections 6.o p.m. -Talk. 581 kc/s (517 m.) ; iging Radio Omroep (A.V.R.O.). OSLO (Norway) 6.3o p.m. -Review of Foreign Affairs. Radio -Wien. from " Bruder Straubinger," " Der Kringkastingselskapet. 280Itc/s7.0 p.m. -Weather Report. 20 kW.Relayed by Graz, 85a kc/s 7.40 a.m.= TimeT and Gramophone lachende Ehemann "and " Die r ,o58 (1,071 ; 75 kW.Relayed by7.3 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. (352 M.) ;Innsbruck, Records. gold'ne Meisterin." Fredriksstad, 815kc,'s (368 m.) ;9.0 p.m. -Weather Report. (283m.);Klagenfurt,662kc/s 9.4o a.m.-Daily Service. 9.0 p.m. -"Die Heiterethei "-a Wife- Hamar, 511 kC,'S (587 M.) ' Notod- (453.2m.) ;Linz, 1,220 kCiS 9.55 a.m.-Gramophone Records. less Play (Martin Kunath). 9.30 p.m. Zither Music. 50.10 a.m.-Quartet Concert. In den, 671 kc/s (447.1m.;; Pors- (246 m.) ; and Salzburg, 1,373 kcla ao.0 p.m -Suite for String Quartet grund, 662 Ws (453in.) ;andROME (Italy) (218 m.). the interval, Gramophone Records. in C Sharp Minor (Mohring). Rjukan, 67a kc's (447.1 in.). EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio.Transmits at intervals from 9.20 a.m. 11.40 a.m.-Time Signal. 10.30 p.m -News and Close Down.Transmits at intervals from too a.m. foniche (350). 68o kc/s (441 m.) ;7.o p.m. -A Discussion :Everyday 11.41 a.m.-Orchestral Concert. Over- 6.30p.m -Servicerelayedfrom by Naples, 905 Life in the U.S.A. ture, " Die Felsenmiffile " (Reis-LWOW (Poland) Trondheim, 824 kcis (364.1 m.). kc's (332 m.), and 2RO, 11,8107.3o p.m. -Time, Weather and News. siger)._ Peer Gynt Sia,ite No. 788 kcis (381 m.) ; 21 kW. 7.40 p.m. -Talk : The Technique of (Oneg). Selection fromKassya Transmits at intervals from 11.58 a.m.7.o p.m. -News Bulletin. Gramophone Records. 7.30 p.m. -Talk :Modern Pianists,Transmits at intervals from 8.15 a.m. Travelling. (Delibes). 6.o p.m. -Tenor Solos and Piano- by Mr. Prygve Torjussen (Nor- (Giornale Radio). 8.o p.m. -Musical Programme. From Gluck to Wagner (Schreiner). forte Recital. 9.0p.m. -Wagner Concertbythe Waltz, Wiener Bonbons (Strauss).7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. wegian Composer). 7.35 p.m. (from Naples). -Shipping Le coucou chante (de Smetsky). 8.o p.m. -Time Signal. Notes. Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Over- 7.20 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.z p.m. -Agricultural Talk. 7.40 p.m. -News Bulletin. ture," Rienzi." Dutchman's Summer Afternoon (de Smetsky).7.25 p.m. -Talk :Modern Painting. Flying Mazurka, Frauenherz (Joh. Strauss). 8.3o p.m. -Pianoforte Recital. 8.10 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Monologuefrom" The 7.40 p.m. -Charades and Riddles. 9.0 p.m -Recitations. 8.3o p.m. -Time and News. Dutchman."Overture, Bacchanal Gramophone Records. Overture,7.55 p.m. -See Warsaw. 9.35 p.m. -Weather and News. 8.35 p.m. -French Lesson on Gramo- and Song, Oh Star of Eve, from " Das Modell " (Suppe). Waltz12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. " Tannhauser." Preludeand from" GipsyLove "(Leiter). 9.5o p.m. -Topical Talk. phone Records. MADRID. (Spain) 10.5p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 9.op.m.-MoussorgskyConcerton Elder Blossom Monologue from Waldteufeleien (Kling). mo p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. theFiftieth Anniversary ofhis -" 'TheMastersingers." Prelude T40 -2.I0 Union Radio (EAJ7). 707 kc's and Death of Isolde from " Tristan 2.40 p.m. -Programme for Women. (424 m.) ;2 kW. Death. Selections from" The Transmits at intervals from 9.0 a.m.PARIS (France) Fair at Sorochinsk."Intermezzo und Isolde." Wotan's Farewell 3.40 P.m. -Gramophone Records. Eiffel Tower (FLE). 207 ke1s in B Minor (arr.Rimsky-Kor- and Fire Magic from " Die Wal- 4.10 p.m. -Programme for Hospitals.8.30 p.m -Chimes, Exchange and (1,445m.) ; 15 kW. Time sakoff). Symphonic Poemfor Mire." 5.10 p.m. -Musical Programme. Programme for Children. Signals (on 2,65o m.) at I0.25 a.m. Orchestra, Nscht auf dem Kahlen-10.30 p.m. -Weather and News. 6. ro p.m. -Sports Talk. 9.o p.m. -News Bulletin. and 1E25 p.m. (preliminary and berg. InterludeandPersian10.40 p.m. -Dance Music from the 6.40 p.m. -Musical Programme (con-9.10 p.m. -Dance Music. Schdnbrunn. tinued). 9.30-11.0 p.m. -Interval. 6 -dot signals). Dance from Khovantschina." 7.10 i1.° p.m. -Chimes, Time, Exchange6.45 p.m. -Le Journal Parle. Selections from 'the Suite, " Pic-WARSAW (Poland) 7.40 P.m. -Gramophone Records. and Programme in Celebration of8.20 p.m. -Meteorological Forecast. tures from an Exhibition."Con- Polskie Radio. zaz kc/s (1,411 m.) ; 7.55 p.m. -Concert relayed from the the Republic. 8.3o p.m. -Gramophone Concert. tralto Solos : (a) and (b) Two Songs 158 kW. Concertgebouw, Amsterdam. Mili-x.o a.m. (Friday). -Chimes and News.PARIS (France) from " Khovantschina," (c) Hopak.Transmits at intervals from 11.40 a.m. tary Symphony (Haydn). Con-1.3o a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. Vocal and OrchestralSelections6.o p.m. -Vocal andInstrumental Poste Parisien.914 kc/s (329 ; from " Boris Godounoff." certo for 'Cello (Boccherini). r.2 kW. 10.55 p.m. (approx.).-News. Concert. Symphony in F Minor No.4MILAN (Italy) 9.0 a.m.-Picture 'Transmission. 7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. (Tchaikovsky). EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio- 7.20 p.m. -Gramophone Records. XO.I0 p.m. -Weather and News. foniche. 599, kc/s (sot m.) ;8.5 8.25 p.m -Gramophone Records andSCHENECTADY (U.S.A.) 7.40 p.m. -Agricultural Report. kW. relayedby News. General Electric Company (WGY). 10.20 p.m. -Variety Programme. Programme 8.45 p.m. -Film Talk, Gramophone 790kc's(579.5m.) ;50kW. 7.55 p.m -Weather Reboil. 11.40 p.m.(approx.).-Close Down. Turin, 1,013 kc/s (266 m.) ;and Records and News. Relayed atintervals by WzXAF8.o p.m. -Radio Journal. Genoa, 959 kc/s (312.8 m.). p.m. - Concert. Overture, 8.i5 p.m. -Concert bythe Warsaw HUIZEN (Holland) Transmits at intervals from 8.55 a.m.9.0 on 9,53o kc's (31.48 m.), and by Philharmonic Orchestra. March. 8.5 kW. Beherrscher der Geister (Weber). WzXAD on 15,340 ke's (19.56 m.). 163 Itc/s (1,875 m.) ; 7.0 p.m. -Agricultural Report. Piece heroique(CesarFranck).Transmits at intervals from 11.45 amt. El Capitan (Sousa). Potpourri Transmits at intervals from 7.40 a.m. 7.10 p.m. -Light Music. Eight Variations on a Theme by11.44 p.m. -Time Signal. (Komzak). Tenor Solos :(a) 1.40p.m.tillClose Down. -Pro-7.40 p.m. -Announcements. Haydn (Brahms). Entr'acte from Tzigane Song (Leber),(b)Lola gramme of the Christian Radio7.45 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 11.45 p.m. -New York Relay. (Otym). Selection from "Der Society (N.C.R.V.). 8.op.m.(inthe " Joseph " (Maul). Divertisse-x2 midnight. -Weather Report. interval). -Time ment (Lalo). In the Blue Grotto 12.1a.m.(Friday). -General Elec- Rastelbinder "(Lehar). Tenor 1.40 p.m. -Gramophone Records. and News. (Niels Gade).Symphonic Dance, tric Programme. Solos :(a) Song from " The Land 1.55 p.m. -Handicrafts Lesson. 8.3o p.m. -French Lesson on Gramo- No. 2 (Grieg). 12.30 a.m.-New York Relay. In of Smiles "(Lehar),(b)Pas de 2.55 p.m. -Programme for Women. phone Records. the interval at 4.o a.m.-Baseball paroles (Szawrow), (c) Song from 3.25 p.m -Programmetobean-8.45 p.m.-" La Gioconda "-OperaPARIS (France) Scores and Organ Recital from the " Victoria and her Hussar " (Abra- nounced. (Ponchielli). Intheintervals, Radio -Paris. (CFR). 174 kc/s Ritz Theatre, Albany, N.Y. ham).Serenade (Toselli). Waltz, 3.40 p.m. -Programme for Hospitals. Talk on Art, Literary Review and (1,725 m.) ie7 kW. 5.o a.m.-The Hotel DeWitt Clin- Donauwellen (Ivanovici). Polka 4.40P.m. -Programmefor Young Giornale Radio. News after theTransmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. (Levandovsky). Melody (Mosz- People. ton Orchestra, Albany, N.Y. Opera. (Physical Culture). 5.30 a.m.-TheHotelKenmore kovsky).Mazurka from " Halka " 5.25 p.m. -Oboe and Pianoforte Re- 12.3o p.m -Gramophone Records. (Moniuszko). cital. MORAVSKA-OSTRAVA 1.0 P.W.-Exchange and News. Orchestra, 'Albany, N.Y. 9.3o p.m. -Reading. 6.25 p.m. -Dressmaking Lesson. (Czechoslovakia)1.5 p.m. -Gramophone Records.In6.o a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. ro.o p.m. -Dialogue : Modern 6.40 p.m. -Question Time. I,t39 kris (263 m.) ;1t kW. the intervals at 1.30 p.m. and 2.0 p.m.STOCKHOLM (Sweden) Journalism. 7.10 p.m -Police Notes. Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. -Exchange Quotations. Radiotjhnst(SASA). 689kc/s10.15 p.m. -Radio Journal and 7.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 7.0 p.m. -See Prague. 3.3o p.m.Exchange Quotations. B(403a6e.m.)244; 75kkere .(1,2R29elasyedmr; Police and Sports Notes. 7.4o p.m. -Concert.Suite for Piano-zo.to p.m. -Programme Notes. 5.55 p.m. -Exchange Quotations. xo.25 p.m -Programme Notes. forte (Couperin).Pianoforte Con-10.15 p.m. -See Prague. 6.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. Goteborg,932keis(322m.) ;10.3o p.m. -Concert from Katowice, certo in B Flat Major (Mozart). 6.3o p.m. -Agricultural Report and Ildrby, 1,116kc s(257 m.) ; 734 kcis (4o8 m.) Symphony 'No. 4.5 (Haydn). MOTALA (Sweden) Racing Results. Motata,221.9kc/s(1,352 m.) ;11.0 p.m. -Dance Music and Light 8.40p.m. -TalkbyH.Rauws- 221.9 kc's (1,352 m.) ; 4o kW. 7.0 p.m. -Talk :The Evolution of Ostersund,389kc/s(770m.) ; Music. Dewald. See Stockholm Programme. English Literature -Exoticism and Sundsvall, 554 kc's (542 tn.). 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. JUNE 19TH, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 959 PROGRAMMES FOR FRIDAY oune 26) NOTE: THE HOURS OF Concert, followed by AmusementCOLOGNE (Germany) 6.25-6.40 a.m. and 7.10 -7.252.M. -7.3o p.m. -See Langenberg. Guide and Time Signal. Westdeutscher Rundfunk. 1,319 Gymnastics. 8.op.m. -Concert bytheLeipzig TRANSMISSION ARE RE. kc's (227 m.) ;5.7 kW. 7.40 a.m.-Gramophone Records. SymphonyOrchestra. Soloist : DUCED TO BRITISHBRATISLAVA See Langenberg Programme. 9.40 a.m.-Religious Programme of Alexander Tcherepnin (Pianoforte). SUMMER TIME (Czechoslovakia) the Liberal Protestant Radio Society Overture, " Die Abreise " 1,076 kc/s (279 m.) ;x4 kW. COPENHAGEN (Denmark) (V.P.R.O.). (d'Albert). Pianoforte Concerto, ALGIERS (N. Africa) Transmits at intervals from mei am. 10067 kc/s (28x tn.) ; r kW. Relayed91amnie5r-lx.40 a.-V.A.R.A.an Pro - No. 2 (Tcherepnin). Scheherazade 825.3 kc/s (363.4 m.) ;13 kW. 7.o p.m. -See Prague. by Kalundborg, 26o kc/s (1,153 m.). -Symphonic Suite for Full Or- Transmits at intervals from 1.3o p.m.Patop.m. -GramophoneRecordsTransmits at intervals from 7.3o a.m.9.55 a.m.-Recitations. chestra (Rimsky-Korsakoff). 8.3o p.m. -Songs from Opera. and Announcements. (Gymnastics). ro.xoa.m.-ProgrammeforHos-9.10 p.m. -Talk on Economics. 8.45 p.m. -Violin Recital. 10.15 p.m. -See Morayskd-Ostrava. 7.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. pitals.55. 9.20 p.m.-" The South Scas and 8.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. 7.55 p.m. -Time Signal. to a.m.-Gramophone Records. Alaska "-Extracts from the Works 9.0p.m. -Twenty-fiveYears ofBRESLAU (Germany) 7.3o p.m. (from the Aabenraa Studio).11.40 a.m.-3.4o p.m. -Programme of Jack London. Popular Tunes. 923 kc/s (325 m.) ;x.7 kW. Re- -Falk :Impressions of German of the Algemeene Vereeniging10.20 p.m. -News Bulletin. to.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. layedbyGleiwttz,1,184kc/s Universities. Radio Omroep (A.V.R.O.). 10.35 p.m. (approx.).-Dance Music 11.0p.m. -AccordionandBanjo (253 m.). 8.op.m. -Ten MinutesbyPer 1.40 a.m.-Orchestral Concert. Relay. Music. Transmits at intervals from 6.3o am. Knutzon. 1.4o p.m. -Programme for Schools.15.3o p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 11.15 p.m. -Vocal Tangos. (Alarm and Gymnastics). 8.10 p.m. -Concert.Part I.Verdi's2.10p.m. -QuartetConcertwithLWOW (Poland) 11.30 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 7.5 p.m. (approx.).-Gramophone Re- Works. Overture, " The Force Gramophone Records. cords by the Comedian Harmonists. of Destiny." Aria :.Pace mio D io3.40-7.40p.m. -V .A.R.A. Pro- 788 kc/s (381 m.) ; 21 kW. BARCELONA (Spain) 7.25 p.m. -Surprise Programme. Selection from " Falstaff."Ballet gramme. Transmits at intervals from x x.58 a.m. Radio -Barcelona (EAJ 1).86o kc/s7.5o p.m. -Weather Report. Music from " Othello " Part II.3.40 p.m. -Organ Recital. 6.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. (349 m.) ;8 kW. Records 4.10 P.m. -Programme for Children.7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. 7.55 p.m. -Gramophone Puccini's Works. Ariafrom 7.20 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Transmits at intervals from 8.3o am. from the Works of Lefler. " Madame Butterfly." Selection -Orchestral Concert. 8.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.20 p.m. -Vocal and Instrumental from " The Girl from the Golden5.25 p.m. -Singing Lesson. 7.35 p.nz.-Recitations. 9.3o p.m. -Elementary French Les- Concert. pp..nntz:-I---ACdodnrceesrst. (contd.). 7.55p.m. -See Warsaw. Inthe West." interval son. 9.10 p.ni.-A Topical Review. 9.10 p.m. -Talk (to be announced). 46 5.455x o5 p.m. at10.30p.m. -Wireless 50.0p.m. -Chimes,Weatherand9.30 P.m.-" August Kopisch," Radio9.40 p.m. -Songs to the Lute. 6.25 p.m. -Concert (contd.). Correspondence. Exchange. Sequence (Emil Maxis). 10.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. 6.55 p.m. -Talk for Workers. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. /0.5 p.m. -Theological Talk. 10.20 p.m. -News Bulletin. '0.15 p.m. -Concert from the Works7.10 p.m. -Concert (contd.). 0.2o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. 10.35 p.m. -The Forty -Fifth Silesian of Emil Recsen, conducted by the7.40-50.40 p.ni.-V.P.R.O. Pro-MADRID (Spain) x x.o p.m. -News Bulletin. Rowing Regatta. Composer. gramme. Union Radio (EAJ7): 707 kc's 11.5 p.m.-Vincente Diez de Tejada11.0 p.m. -Weekly Sound News from11.0 p.01. (approx.).-Close Down. 7.46 p.m. -Talk on Russia. (424 ; z kW. reads one of his own Stories. the Ufa Theatre. 8. z o p.m. -Concert. Transmits at intervals from 9.o am. 11.26 p.m. -Concert by a Mandoline11.15 p.01. (approx.).-Close Down.- 8.4op.m. -Talk : TheDutch8.3o p.m. -Chimes, Exchange, Mar- Orchestra.Intermezzo (d'Ambro- CORK (Ireland) National Anthem. ket Prices and Literary Programme. sio).Ballet Music from " Rosa-BRNO (Czechoslovakia) (6 CK). 1,337 kc/s (225 m.) ; 1.5 kW.9.10 p.m. -Concert (contd.). 9.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. munde "(Schubert). Moorish 878 kc/s (342 m.) ;3 kW. 6.0-Io.3o p.m. -See Dublin. 9.40 p.m. -News Bulletin. 9.ro p.m. -Educational Talk. Legend (Chavarri). Selection fromTransmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. 9.55 p.m. -Recitations. 9.30-11.0 p.m. -Interval. "Cavalleria Rusticana " (Mascagni)7.o p.m. -See Prague. _ DUBLIN (Ireland) 10.25 p.m.-Gramophone_ Records.11.0 p.m. -Chimes, Time, Exchange Barcarolle (Tchaikovsky).Gavotte7.5 p.m.-" Septima" - Wireless (2 RN) 725 kc/s (413 m.) ; 1.5 kW.10.40-11.40 p.M.-V.A.R.A. Pro- Quotations and Symphony Con- (Godard). SpanishSerenade Sketch (Rypar). 1.30-2.0 p.m. -Time, Weather and gramme.Gramophone Records. cert on Gramophone Records. (Planes). Sardana,LaSanta8.o p.m. -See Prague. Gramophone Concert. 11.4o p.m. (approx.).-Close Down.x.o a.m. (Saturday). -Chimes, News, Espina (Morera). 10.10 p.m. -Announcements. 6.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. ProgrammeAnnouncementsfor 12.3o a.m. (Saturday). -Gramophone50.55 p.m. -See Morayskti-Ostrava. 6.15 p.m. -Programme for Children.HUIZEN (Holland) Listeners Abroad, and Dance Music. Records. 7.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. ,6o kc/s (,,575 m.) ;8.5 kW. 1.30 a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 1.0 a.m. (approx.).-Close Down. BRUSSELS (Belgium) 7.20 p.m. -News Bulletin. Transmits at intervals from 7.40 a.m. Radio -Belgique. 590 kc/s (5097.3op.m. -Time andGardening12.10 p.m.tillClose Down. -Pro-MILAN (Italy) - BERLIN (Germany) m.) ;20 kW. Talk. gramme of theChristian Radio EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio- Konigs Wusterhausen. 583 kelsTransmits at intervals from 5.o p.m.7.45 P.m. -Talk (to be announced). Society (N.C.R.V.). toniche. 599kc/s(501m.) (1,635 m); 75 kW. 6.15 p.nr.-Talk : Education and8.0 p.m -Concert of. Gaelic Music.5.40 p.m. -Gramophone Concert from 8.5 kW.Programme relayed by Transmits at intervals from 5.45 am. Peace. TheStationStringOrchestra. the Works of French Composers. Turin, 5,053 kc/s (296 m.) ;and (Hamburg Relay). 6.3o p.m. -Gramophone Records, Eilis Denn (Contralto). Tadhg2.4o p.m. -Vocal and Instrumental Genoa, 959 kc/s (312.8 m.). 4.30 p.m. -See Leipzig. 7.30 p.m. -Music Review. MacFirbhisigh(AmhrainGaed- Concert. Transmits at intervals from 8.r5 a.m. 5.3o p.m. -Talk :Self Portraits. 8.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Marche bilge). L.Molloy (Traditional4.10 P.m. -Gramophone Records. 7.0p.m. -AgriculturalNotesand 6.o p.m. -Talk :Unemployment and aux flambeaux (Meyerbeer).La Fiddle). 4.25P.m. -Programme tobean- Report of the Royal Geographical Settlements. voix des cloches (Luigini). Wedg-9.15 p.m. -Talk by Padraic Colum. nounced. Society. 6.3o p.m. -Educational Talk :Re- wood Blue (Ketelbey). Liebestraum9.3o p.m. -The Station Sextet with4.4o p.m. -Talk by H. J. Steinvoort.7.55 p.m. -Variety Music. searchintoBreedingQuestions, (Liszt). Aria from " Aida " (Verdi). Mollie Phillips (Soprano). 5.10 p.m. -Organ Recital from the7.4o p.m. -Announcements. its Results and Economic Import- Suite (Saint-Saens). 10.0 p.m. -Relay from theRoyal Westerkerk, Enkhuizen. 7.45 P.m. -Gramophone Records. ance. 8.45 p.m. -Educational Talk. Dublin Society's Bi-Centenary Ball.6.to p.m. -A Visit from the Radio8.o p.m. (in the interval). -Time and 6.55 p.m. -Weather Report. 9.0 p.m. -Concert (continued). Le10.30 p.m -Time, News, Weather Doctor. News. 7.o p.m. -Talk for Veterinary Sur- chemin du Paradis(Heymann). and Close Down. 6.4o p.m. -Gardening Talk. 9.0 P.m.-Tallc : From Near and geons. Selections (Van Oost) :(a) Marche 7.10 p.m. -Police Notes. Far. 7.3op.m. -Dialogue between two de l'Industrie, (b) La dense desFRANKFURT -am -MAIN 7.z5 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 9.55 p.m. -Concert relayed. from the Young Workers. tulipes, (c) Lepontd'amour. (Germany)7.4o p.m. -Choral and Band Concert. Scala Theatre.Intheinterval, 7.55 p.m. -Weather Report. Aria from" Herodiade "(Mas- 770 kc/s (390 m.) ;x.7 kW. Re- Talk in the interval. BookReview.AfterthePro- 8.o p.m. -See Leipzig. senet). Selection from " La layed by Cassel, 1,220 kc/s (246 m.).50.25 p.m. -Gramophone Concert. gramme, Giornale radio and Music 8.3o p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). Boheme " (Leoncavallo). SerenadeTransmits at intervals from 5.55 am.11.10 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. Relay. 12.30 a.m. (Saturday). -Close Down. forWindInstrumentQuartet (Weather and Gymnastics). I,.55 p.m. -News and Results of the (Pierne). Rhapsody No. 14 7.Io p.m. -Time and News. KALUNDBORG (Denmark) Trotting Races from the San Siro BERLIN (Germany) (Liszt). March of the Cadets7.15 p.m. -12 midnight. -See mak- KalundborgRadio. 26okc/s Racecourse. 716kc/s ; Witzleben. (418 ; (Sousa). lacker. (1,153 III.)so kW. 1.7 kW. to.° p.m. -Le Journal Palle. 10.30 p.ni.(in an interval). -Time,See Copenhagen Programme. MORAVSKA-OSTRAVA Transmits at intervals from 6.30 a.m. Weather and News. (Czechoslovakia) (Gymnastics). BRUSSELS No. 2 (Belgium) 52 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.KONIGSBERG (Germany) 7.5 p.m. -Review of Books. 887kris(338.2 m.) ; 26 kW. Ostmarken Rundfunk.1,382 kc/s r,r39 kc/s (263 m.) ;li kW. 7.15 p.m. -Bass Song Recital.Pro-Programme in Flemish. HAMBURG (Germany) (217 m.) ;1.7 kW. Transmits at intervals from 11.3o a.m. logue, " Mephistopheles " (Bohol.Transmits at intervals from 5.o p.m. Norag (ha, in Morse).8o6 kc/sSee Heilsberg Programme. 7.0 p.m. -See Prague. Ariafrom" Sicilian:Vespers "6.15 p.m. -Gramophone Records. (372 m.) ;1.7 kW.Relayed by 7.5 p.m. -See Brno. (Verdi).Aria from " Moses," and 8.o p.m. -See Prague. 7.15 p.m. -Talk on Shorthand. Bremen,1,1x2kc/s(270m.) ;LANGENBERG (Germany) 10.10 p.m. -Announcements. Aria from " The Barber of Seville "7.3o p.m. -Le Journal Pad& Flensburg,1,373kc/s(218m.) , Westdeutscher Rundfunk. 635 kc/s (Rossini). 8.op.m. -OrchestralConcertof Hanover, 53o kc/s (566 m.) ;and (473 m.) ;17 kW. Relayed by10.15 p.m. -Orchestral Concert.. 7.35 p.m. -Week -end Hints :Central Light Music. Kid, 5,292 Ws (232.2 m.). Aachen,CologneandMunster, Germany. 8.45p.m. -Readingfrom" The,Transmits at intervals from 5.45 am. 1,359 kc/s (227 m.). MOTALA (Sweden) 8.o p.m. -The Interview of the Week. Proposal " (Tchekov). (Time and Weather). Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. 221.9 kc/s (1,352 m.) ;4o kW. 8.25 p.m. -Practical Hints for Week-9.0 p.m. -Dance Music. 6.5 p.m. -Variety Programme. (Exercises). See Stockholm Programme. end Hikers. 10.0 p.m. -Le Journal Pad& 7.0 p.m. -Medical Talk. 7.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. 8.36 p.m.-" Das schonste Mdcichen 7.25p.m.(from Hanover). -Talk :7.10 p.m. -Relay from Alsdorf. MOHLACKER (Germany) im Stddtchen "-Comic OperaBUCHAREST (Romania) The Psychological Effects of Un- p..mm..--NeowraI SilddeutscherRundfunk. 833 (Conradi). 7.550p kc/s (36o rn.) ; 75 kW. Relayed by Radio-Bucarest. 761 kc/s (394 in.) ; employment. ConcertsBulletin. Con- 50.55 p.m -News Bulletin. 16 kW. 7.5o p.m. -Exchange, Market Prices temporary Music.Gorm Grymme Freiburg, 527 kc/s (57o m.). par p.m. (approx.).-Dance MusicTransmits at intervals from 12 noon. and Weather. -for Baritone, Mixed Choir andTransmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m. with Vocal Refrains. 7.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.o p.m.-" HisTenor "-Operetta Orchestra (Maurice). Choral (Time and Weather). 12.3o a.m. (Saturday). -Close Down.7.40 p.m. -Educational Talk. in Three Acts (Otto Goritz). Cantata for Mixed Choir, Soprano7.10 p.m. -Time and. Forthcoming 8.o p.m. -Dramatic Selection. 50.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. andOrchestra(Wedig). " Eis- Events in Esperanto. BEROMUNSTER (Schweiz-8.45 p.m.-" Cavalleria Rusticana "-10.50 p.m. -Topical Talk. eme Welt "-Melodramatic Work7.15p.m. (from Freiburg). -Medical er isc herLandessender) Opera in One Act (Mascagni), on11.0 p.m. (from Bremen). -Concert forMaleVoice Choir, Bass, Talk :Experimenting on Animals Gramophone Records. from the Café Astoria. Speaker and Orchestra (Knoche]). in the Cause of Science. (Switzerland) 9.45 P.m. -News Bulletin. Lieder des unbekannten Soldaten7.45 P.nt.(from Karlsruhe). -Man. 653 kc/s (459 00 77 kW. HEILSBERG (Germany) -for Baritone, Mixed Choir and doline Concert. Transmits at intervals from 12.30 p.m.BUDAPEST (Hungary) ,o85kc/s(276.5m.) ;75 kW. Orchestra (Oppenheimer). 8.25 p.m. -Italian Folk Song Recital. 6.3o p.m. ,(Basle). -Gramophone Re- 545 kc/s (550 m.) ,23 kW. kc/s 8.55 p.m.-" Humour and Satire " cords. RelayedbyDanzig, 662 9.50 p.m. -The World on Gramo- Transmits at intervals from 9.15 am. (453 rm). phoneRecords -A Cabaretin -Poems and Grotesques (Tuchol- 7.0 p.m. (Basle). -Dialogue. 5.3o p.m. -Vocal and Orchestral Con-Transmits at intervals from 6.0 a.m. Baghdad. sky, Polgar, Scherbarth, Valentin 7.28 p.m. -Time and Weather. and Mynona). 7.30 p.m. (Basle). -Talk for Anglers. cert. Overture, " Norma " (Bel- (Weather and Gymnastics). 50.15 p.nt.-News Bulletin. lini). Slow Foxtrot from " The7.0p.m. -Selectionsfrom" The10.3o p.m. (approx.).-Concert. 9.25 pi/B.-Rhenish Compositions by el.op.m. -Choral Concert from a Land of Smiles " (Letter).Songs Seasons "-Oratorio (Haydn). x.o p.m. -Dance Music Relay. theStuttgartPhilharmonicOr- ' Church in Lucerne. (a) Das Lied istaus (Stolz), (6)8.3o p.m. -Topical Comments and12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. chestra. Sinfonia piccolo (Straesser). 10.0 p.m. -Weather, News and Close Meine liebe Anna (Markus). Selec- Humorous Moments from South ViolinConcertoinG Minor Down. tionfrom" DieFledermaus " Germany. LEIPZIG (Germany) (Bruch). Little Comedy Suite (Strauss). Hungarian Dance Pieces.9.10 p.m. -News Bulletin. ' 1,157kc/s(259m.) ;2.3kW. (H. Wunsch). BORDEAUX-LAFAYETTE Madeleine (Waldteufel). Pasodoble9.25 p.m. -Quartet in A Minor, Op. RelayedbyDresden,945 kc/s.10.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. (France) (Labourguigne-Manichetti). 132 (Beethoven), by the KOnigsberg (319 m.). 10.50 p.m. -See Langenberg. (PTT). 986 kc/s (304 m.) ; 35 kW.6.3op.m. -Programme byHerr String Quartet. Transmits at intervals from 6.30 a.m.12 midnight (approx.).-Close Transmits at intervals from x2 noon. Komaromy. 10.10 p.m. -Weather and News, fol- (Witzleben Relay). 6.o p.m. -Literary Programme. 7.0 p.m. -Talk by M. Simonffy. lowed by Concert and Dance Music4.30 P.m. -Orchestral Concert. MUNICH (Germany) 7.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. 7.3o p.01.-Tarogato Evening. from the Park Hotel, Konigsberg.5.3op.m. -Weather, Timeand 563 kc/s (533 m.) ; 1.7 kW.Re- 7.40 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 8.o p.m.-Tzigane Concert. Economic Report. layed by Augsburg and Kaisers - 8.5 p.m. -Results of the Prize Draw.8.45 p.m.-" The Barber 'of Seville "HILVERSUM (Holland) 6.o p.m. -Talk :Villa Home -sites. lantern,536 kc/s (56o m.), and 8. to p.m. -News Bulletin. -Opera (Rossini), on Gramophone 5,004 kc/s (298 m.) ;8.5 kW. 6.3o p.m. -English Language Lesson. Nurnberg, t,z56 kc/s (239 m). 8.23 p.m. -Charades. Records,followedbyTzigane6.25-9.40 a.m.-Programme of the6.5o p.m. -Talk (to be announced).Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. 8.3op.m. -VocalandOrchestral Concert from the Cafe Spolarich. Workers' Radio Society (V.A.R.A.).7.0 p.m. -Mandoline Concert. (Gymnastics). 960 WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH, 1931

, Programmes forFriday-(Cont.) Lausanns, 442 kc/s (68o m.) ;and meneo "(Mozart). Soprano7.45 P.m. -Gramophone Records. Geneva, 395 kc/s (76o m..) 8 3o p.m. -Mandoline Concert. Solos :Scottish Songs, Op. rob, ' F.10 p.m. -Talk :Materialism. -II. Barberof Seville "(Rossini-Transmits at intervals froth 12.28 p.m.p.m.-Gramophone9.30 Records 7.3o -9.3o p.m. -Relay from Rothen- Nardon). 7.0 p.m.(fromLausanne). -Organ with Violin, 'Cello and Pianoforte -Mozart Programme. burg. Recital from the Capitol Theatre. accompaniment (Beethoven).Una10.30 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 7.3o p.m. -Military Band Concert,PARIS (France) 7.40 p.m. (from Lausanne). -News. notte a Taormina (Mule).Selec- followed by Discussion : On the Poste Parisien.914 kc/s (329 1n-) ;8.o-ro.° p.m.-Neuchatei Pro - tions from " La boutiquefantasque"TOULOUSE (France) Town Hall Tower. x.2 kW. gramme. (Rossini). " La manna "-Comedy Ftadiophonie du Midi. 779 kc,'s 1.3o p.m.-Rothenburg Provincial9.0 a.m -Picture Transmission. 8.o p.m. -Talk on Neuchatel. in One Act (Zambaldi). Songs. (385 m.) ; 8 kW. Programme -Choral andVocal7.25 P.m. -Gramophone Records and8.15P.m. -LiterarySelectionsby from " L'Elisir d'amore"' (Don-Transmits at intervals from 12.45 p.m. Soloist Selections, Orchestral Music News. Contemporary Neuchatel Writers. izetti).Trio from" Crispin e la P.m. -News Bulletin. 8.o p.m. -Concert of Dance Music.8.45 P.m. -Concert from the Works Comare(Ricci)." .7.3oP.m. -Dance Music. ).30 p.m. -Orchestral Concert of9.15 p.m. -French Song Recital by of Contemporary Neuchatel Corn-1O 55 p.m. -News Bulletin. 8.o p.m. -Songs from Opera -Corn - and Recitations.7.45Music -Hall Artistes. Symphony Music. Soloist : Josef posers. STOCKHOLM (Sweden) ique. Kohler ('Cello). Rococo Variations10.30 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down.xo.o p.m. -News Bulletin. Radiotj8nst (SASA). 689kc/s8.15 p.m. -Musical Programme. for 'Cello and Orchestra (Tchai-PARIS (France) 10.15 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. (436 m.) ;75 kW.Relayed by10.30 p.nt.-News Bulletin. kovsky). Symphony in G Minor Radio -Paris (CFR). 174 kelsRIGA (Latvia) Boden,244kcIs(1,229.5m.) ;10.45 P.m. -Musical Programme. (Kallinnuikoff). (1,725 M.) ; 932kc/s(32zm.) ;11.15 .p.m. (in an interval). -North L0.20 p.m. -Time and News. 17 kW.Goteborg,Radio Riga,572 kc/s (525 m.) ; Htirby,i,,66 kc/s(257tn.) ; African News. Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. z.s, (Physical Culture). 13 as.. Motala,2.21.9kc/s-(5,352tn.) ;rzmidnight.-Weather and Announce- DSLO (Norway) 12.30 p.m. -GramophoneRecords. Transmits at intervals from tr.° a.m Ostersund,389!Ws(770m.) ; ments. Kringkastingselskapet. 280 ke'.z.o p.m. -Exchange pod News. 6.o p.m. -Talk. Sundsvall, 554 kc/s (542 m.). (1,07/ m.) ;75 kW.Relayed by 6.30 p.m.Agricultural Talk. Transmits at intervals from 8.o a.m.VIENNA (Austria) Fredriksstad, 8i5 kc/s (368 m.) ; 1.5p.m. -Gramophone Concert of7o p in -Weather Report. Radio -Wien.581 kc/s (sty tn.) ; Chamber Music.In the intervals ' 6.3op.m. -GramophoneRecords. Hamer, 5t ILkc/s (587 m) Notod- 7.3 p.m. -Orchestral Concert Relay.7.3o p.m. -Talk :Woods. kW.Relayed by Graz, 851 kc,'s den, 671kc/s(44.7.1tn.; ;Pors- at 1.30p.m. andOverture, "Don 2.0p.m.-Exchange(lc Juan " (Mozart).8.0 p.m. -English Concert. in 1 hmsbruch17 om8 kc,'s Suite for -fir' II -1 X' and Quotations.n Suitefrom (Pierre). (2.3 m.,':' ;...yenjurt,'4... . grund, 662kc/s(453 m.) ; 3.30 p./ .Ex ge _Quotations. " hey' " Violin and Pianoforte, Tallahassee Rjukan,67tkcis(447.1m.). Dance Intermezzo (Sibelius). Dorf- (CyrilScott). Songs : (a) A inz,1,220kcis Transmits at intervals from 10.0 a.m. .o5pp..mm..--EGxrcahmannpgrn,Zu.ol_t_aetcotorndss.. schwalbenlaus Oesterreich (Strauss). Christmas Carol, and (b) I heard (244563.m2 .)17.)andSalzburg, 1,373 kc/s 430 p.m. -Gramophone Records. Dl Selectionfrom" PrinceIgor " a Piper piping (Bax), (c) Cuckoo 18 m.). 6.30 p.m. -Agricultural Reportand Valse20melancolique Transmitsat intervals from.2o a.m. r.o p.m. -News Bulletin.(Borodin). Fair (Shaw), (d) The Three Ravens 7.30 p.m. -Talk :FromAdmin.1 Racing Results. (Darzins). Suite,Unefetea 6.55 0 m El.mentary Italian° Lesson. 7.0 p.m. -Colonial Talk. (an-. Ireland),(e) Where be you and News. Peary to Fridtjof Nansen. 7.30 p.m. -Elementary English Lesson. Aranjuez (Demersseman). Suite going (arr. Cyril Scott). Piano-7' p' 1.o p.m. -Time Signal. No. r from" L'Arlesienne " forte Solos :(a) Christmas Day7.3op.m. -Relay fromtheState 1.2 p.m. -Orchestral Concert.Over-7.45 P.M. -Commercial Prices, Eco- (Bizet). TwoVillageDances in the MorninglHolst), (b) The Bird Opera House. ture, " Oberon " (Weber). Con- norruc and Social Notes and News. In a Persian Market 1o.5 p.m. -Weather and News. 8.o ,p.m.-" The Romantic Night "- (Mending). (York Bowen), .(c) Concert Etudetotp.m. -Dance Music. certo for Pianoforte and Orchestra -Play (Gabrielle Revel) with the (Ketelbey). Two OldDances in G Flat Major (Rosenbloom). (Beethoven). Ballet Music from Author in the Cast.In the (LacOme). Nocturne (Grieg). ViolinSolos : (a) Lotus LandWARSAW (Poland) " Rosamunde "(Schubert). Se- inter-PopularLatvian Songs.In the (Scott-Kreisler). La Capricieuse Polskie Radio. 2I2 kc,'s (1,411 rn.) ; lection from" Salome " (R. val ate8r.30p.m. -Sports R Its, interval at 8.o p.m. -News. i58 kW. Weeth , usement Guide and (Elgar). Strauss). Talk. 9.0 p.m. -Weather Report. 8.45p.m. -Talk : The SwedishTransmits at intervals from 11.40 a.m. t.35 p.m. -Weather and News. 9.15 p.m -PressReview, Newsand9.3o p.m. -Song Recital. Educational System. 6.o p.m. -See LwSw. ).5o P.m. -Topical Talk. too p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 9.40p.m. -ReportoftheRoyal7.0 p.m. -Miscellaneous Items. co.5 p.m. -Talk. Time Signal. 7.2o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 9.30p.m.-Gramoponeh Records: Automobile Club. 10.35 p.m. -CabaretSympnifantastique (Berlioz). Programme.9.45ROME (Italy) P.m. -Light Music and Song7.4° P.m. -Agricultural Report. 51.5 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. hoe EnteItalianAudizioniRadio- Recital. 7.55 p.m -Weather Report. PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) foniche (IRO). 68o kc/s (441xi.° p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 8.o p.m -Radio Journal. PARIS (France) Strasnice. 617 kc/s(487 m.) ; tn.) ;75 kW.Relayed by Naples, 8.15 p.m. -Concert by the Warsaw Eiffel Tower (FLE). 207 kc's 5.5 kW. 905 kc/s (332 tn.) and 3RO,STRASBOURG (France) Philharmonic Orchestra.Overture, (z,445 m.) ;a5 kW. Time SignalsTransmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. r1,85o kc/s (25.4 m.). Radio -Strasbourg (PTT). 869 " Genoveva " (Schumann). The (on 2,65o in.) at 10.25 a.m. and7.0 p.m. -Time and News. Transmits at intervals from 8.15 a.m. kcia (345 m.) ;15 kW. Unfinished Symphony in B Minor 55.25 p.m. (preliminary and 6 -dot7.5 p.m -Songs for Boys. (Giornale radio). Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. (Schubert).Concerto for Violin signals). 7.40 p.m. -Talk. 7.35 p.m. (from Naples). -Shipping6.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. (Mendelssohn).Theatre Review. 1.45 P.m. -Le Journal Pane. 8.o p.m. -Conservatoire Concert Report. 6.45 p.m. -Legal Talk in German. Suite from " A Midsummer Night's 1.2o p.m. -Meteorological Forecast. Relay. 7.40 p.m. -News Bulletin. 7.0 p.m. Orchestral Concert. March, Dream " (Mendelssohn). 1.30 p.m. -Variety Programme. 0.0 p.m -Time and News. 8.10 p.m. -Gramophone Records. El Capitan (Sousa). Waltz, La10.0 p.m. -Reading. i.op.m. -SymphonyConcertcon-10.10 p.m -Announcements. 8.30p.m. -Time andAnnounce- Barcarolle (Waldteufel). Slavonic17/.15p.m. -Radio Journal,Police ducted by M. Edouard Element.to.15 p.m. -See Morayskd-Ostrava. ments. Dance, No. 6 (Dvorak).Selection and Sports Notes. The Jupiter Symphony (Mozart-11.0 p.m. -Time ; News ; Chimes. 8.45 P.m. -Review of Art and Litera- from " Phi -Phi " (Christine). Over-10.25 p.m. -Programme Announce - Winter). Selections (Turina- ture. Sure, " Le Petit Faust " (Hen -e). ments. Chapelier) : (a) Moorish Song,RADIO-SUISSE ROMANDE9.o p.m. -Variety Concert. Over-7.3o p.m. -Time Signal. 50.30 p.m. -Light Music and Dance (b) Doll Dance (Spontini).7.32p.m. -News inFrench and Items. Violin Solo. Overture, " The 743kc/s(403m.) ;32 kW. ; Two Soprano Solos from " Ido- German. I2 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.

PROGRAMMES FOR SATURDAY Oune 27) NOTE: THE HOURS OF8.o p.m. -Weather Report. 7.15 p.m. (Zurich). -Talk. BRUSSELS (Belgium) COLOGNE (Germany) TRANSMISSION ARE RE.8.5 p.m. (approx.).-See Hamburg. 7.28 p.m. -Time and Weather. Radio -Belgique. 590 kc/s (5729 m.) ; Westdeutscher Rundfunk. 1,319 9.0 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). 7.3o p.m. (Zurich). -Talk on Africa. zo kW. kc/s (227 in.) ;1.7 kW. DUCED TO BRITISH12.30 a.m. (Sunday). -Close Down. 8.o p.m. (Basle).-" La Croisade desTransmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m.See Langenberg Programme. SUMMER TIME Enfants" -Musical Legend (Pigeon -Flying Notes). BERLIN (Germany) (Pierre) for Soloists, Choir and6.s5 p.m. -Talk by M. Blanchart,COPENHAGEN (Denmark) ALGIERS (N. Africa) Witzleben.716kc/s(418 m.) ; Orchestra, relayed from the Con- Vice -President of the Union Radio 1,067kc/s(28xm.) ; z kW. 825.3 kc/s (363.4 m.) ;13 kW. 1.7 kW. cert Hall of the Sample Fair. Club of Belgium. Relayed by Kalundborg, 26o Ws Transmits at intervals from 5.3o p.m.Transmits at intervals from 6.30 a.m.Jo.° p.m. -Weather and Noss. 6.3o p.m. -Gramophone Records. (r,151 tn.). 8.15 ,p.m. ---Dance Music. (Gymnastics). to.so p.m. (Basle). -Dance Music. 74,5.m. -Talk :Women Poets in'Transmits at intervals from 7.30 a.m. 8.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. 4.5 P.m. -Concert.' Overture, " Anna t.o p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. Belgium. (Gymnastics). 9.o p.m. -Request Gramophone Bolena " (Donizetti).Ballet Suite,BORDEAUX-LAFAYETTE 7.3o p.m. -Literary Review. 7.o p.m. -News Bulletin. Records. LaSource(Delibes). Waltz, 8.o p.m. -Concert of Military Music.7.15 p.m. -Time Signal. 10.0 p.m. -Military Marches. Telegramme (Joh. Strauss). (France)8.45p.m. -The BelgianCongo -7.3o p.m. -Talk for Tourists. roas p.m. -Music Hall Programme. Serenade in A Major (Bernheimer). (PTT). 986 Ice's (304 im)35 kW. ReadingsfromtheWorksof8.op.m. -Danish ProvincialPro- to.45 p.m. -Gramophone Records. EM Tonmarchen (Olssen). SwedenTransmits at intervals from 12.45 p.m. Stanley, Jadot, Daye and Mathelin gramme. Moen Island.Talk and 51.15 p.m. -Organ Recital. inSongandDance(Pagel).6.3o p.m. -Radio Journal. de Papigny. Songs. 11.3o p.m. -Spanish Songs. Serenade,OnLakeMaggiore8.o p.nt.-News Bulletin. 9.o p.m. -Concert (continued). 9.o p.m -Concert from the Less - 11.45- p.m. -English Dance Music. (Heusser). Overture, " The Grand8.5 p.m. -Sports Talk. 9.3o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Known Works of Lumbye. Duchess of Gerolstein "(Offen-8.10 p.m. -English Lesson. 10.0 p.m. -Le Journal Pane. 10.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. BARCELONA (Spain) bach). Selectionfrom" Don8.25p.m. -ResultsofthePrize 10.15p.m. -ReadingsinZealand Radio -Barcelona (EAJ1). 86o kc,'s Cesar " (Dellinger).Song, Was Draw. BRUSSELS No. 2 (Belgium) Dialect.' (349 m.) ;8 kW. ichlangst ertraumte(Leith.).8,45p.m.-" Blanchette" -Comedy 887 kc/s (30.2 in.) ;20 kW. 10.45 p.m -Dance Music from the Transmits at intervals from 8.3o a.m. Overture," Waldmeister "(Joh. in Three Acts (Brieux), followed Programme in Flemish. Wivel Restaurant. 8.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. Strauss). by Amusement Guide and TimeTransmits at intervals from 5.o p.m.tz midnight (in the interval). -Town 9.30 p.m. -Elementary German Les- Signal. 6.15p.m. -Talk : Folkloreand son. 6.o p.m. -The Narrative of the Week. Hall Chimes. 6.25 p.m. -Duet Recital, for ViolinBRATISLAVA Literature. /2.15 a.m. (Sunday). -Close Down. 10.0p.m. -Chimes, Weather, Ex- andPianoforte. Aria,Op.so 6.3o p.m. -Gramophone Records. . CORK (Ireland) change and Agricultural Report. (Jarnach). Sonata in G Major, (Czechoslovakia)7.15 p.m. -Talk by Mr. Hans. 10.5 p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Op. 78 (Brahms). kc/s (279 m.) ;14 kW. 7.3o p.m. -Le Journal Pane. (6:CK.)7,337 kc/s (225 m.) ; r.5 kW. 11.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. 7.o p.m. -Talk :Has the PrussianTransmits at intervals from u.o a.m.8.o p.m.-" Princess Rayon de Soleil"7.3o -50.3o p.m. -See Dublin. 11.5 p.m. -Municipal Band Concert 7.o p.m. -See Prague. -Opera (Gilson). from the Palacio de Bellas Artes. SchoolReformsucceeded ? - DUBLIN (Ireland) Youth's Answer. 10.20 p.m. -Announcements. 10.0 p.m. -Le Journal Pane. (2RN.) 725 kc/s (413 ;1.5 kW. BELGRADE (Yugoslavia) 7.25 p.m. -Labour Market Report. io.25 p.m. -See Morayskd-Ostrava.BUCHAREST (Romania) 1.3o -2.o p.m. -Time, Weather and 697 kc/s (431 m.) ;3 kW. 7.3o p.m. Memorial Programme onBRESLAU (Germany) Radio-Bucarest. 761 kc,'s (394 m.) ; Gramophone Concert. Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. theCentenaryoftheBirthof 923kc/s(325m.) ; 5.7kW. i6 kW. 7.2o p.m. -News Bulletin. 7.5o p.m. -Talk onthe following Joseph Joachim, relayed from the Relayed by Gleiwitz,5,184 kc/sTransmits at intervals from 12 noon.7.3o p.m. -Time Signal. Transmission. High School of Music.Overture (253in.). 5.o p.m. -OrchestralConcertof7.32 p.m. -Blanche Mercer :Mono.. 8.o p.m. -See Zagreb. for Full Orchestra, Op. 13.Ad-Transmits at intervals from 6.3o a.m. Light Music and Romanian Music. logues. 9.3o p.m.(inan interval).-Newi dress. ConcertoinHungarian (Alarm and Gymnastics). 6.o p.m -News and Time. 7.45 p.m. -Irish Lesson. Bulletin. After the Programme, Style. for Violin and Orchestra,6.55p.m.(approx.).-Gramophone6.45 P.m. -Talk (to be announced).8.o p.m.-2RN Symphony Concert, Probable Relay of Tzigane Music. Op. ti (dedicated to Brahms). Concert of Austrian Folk Music. 7.0 p.m. -Gramophone Records. conducted by Mr. Vincent O'Brien. BERLIN (Germany) 8.45 P.m. -News ;Sports Notes. 7.3o p.m. -See Langenberg. 7.40 p.m. -Educational Talk. 10.3o p.m. -Time, News, Weather 9.o p.m.-" The Traffic Bureau "-8.o p.m. -Weather Report. and Close Down. Konigs Wusterhausen.183 kc/s a Variety Programme. 8.o p.m.-" The Secret Marriage" (1,635 m.)75 kW. 10.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. 8.5p.m. -The Patent Microphone --Opera in Three Acts (Cimarosa).FRANKFURT -am -MAIN !Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. -Humorous Programme. News in the intervals. 10.15 p.m. (approx.).-Dance Music.9.o p.m. -News Bulletin. (Germany) (Hamburg Relay). 12.30 a.m. (Sunday). -Close Down.9.10 p.m. -Concert by the SilesianBUDAPEST (Hungary) 770kcis(390m.) ; 1.7kW. 4.30 p.m. -See Hamburg. 545 Isc/s (55o m.) ;23 kW. RelayedbyCassell,',az°kc/s 5.30 p.m. -Talk :Our Daily BreadBEROMUNSTER Philharmonic Orchestra. Transmits at intervals from 9.15 a.m. and Our Teeth. (Schweiz-10.30 p.m. -News Bulletin. (246 m.). Landessender)to.so p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). 5.25 p.m.-Tzigane Concert. Transmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m. 6.o p.m. -Advanced French Lesson. erischer 6.45 p.m. -Programme by Herr Lyka. (Weather and Gymnastics). 6.3o p.m. -Talk :Zig-Zag Methods (Switzerland) 12.3o a.m. (Sunday). -Close Down. 7.15 p.m. -Dance Music. 7.15 p.m -Time and News. in Human Development. 653 kc/s (459 m.) ;77 kW. BRNO (Czechoslovakia) 8.x5 p.m. -Humorous Talk. 7.2o p.m -Spanish Language Lesson. 6.55 p.m -Weather Report, followedTransmits at intervals from 12.3o p.m. 878 kc/s (342 m.) ; 3 kW. 8.35 p.m. -Joachim Centenary Con-7.45 P.m. -Gramophone Review. by Talk :The Luxury Problem.6.3op.m. (Zarich).-GramophoneTransmits at intervals from 11.3o a.m. cert, conducted by Ernst Dohnanyi,8.30 p.m -SoldierSongsofthe 7.20 p.m.-" The Quiet Hour "- Records. 7.o p.m. -See Prague. with Memorial Address ;followed Great War by the Station Male ,1" Father,Mother and Child" -7.o p.m. (Zurich). -Chimes from theto.zo p.m. -Announcements. by Tzigane Concert from the Cafe Voice Choir, with Commentary. Radio Sequence (Use Weiss). Zurich Churches. 10.25 p.m. -See Moraysltd-Ostrava. . Barons, 9.3o p.m.Concert, of Marches. 4 JUNEI 9T11,1931 WORLD -RADIO -6.6z,

6.3o p.m -News Bulletin. 7.op.m.(from Lausanne). -Dance8.3op.m.-Opal-ComiqueSelec- Programmes forSaturday-(Cont.) 7.3op.m. -Talk on theOperatic Music. lira/116,y: )". Le Petit Due " (Meilhac- ro.3op.m. -Time,Weatherand8.o p.m -Variety Programme, fol- Relays. 7.40 p.m.(from Lausanne). -News News. lowed by News. 8.o p.m. -Time Signal. Bulletin. 20.30 p.m. -Dance Music from the 10.5o p.m. --Dance Music. 20.30 p.m. -Concert, including Songs8.2 p.m.-" IPagliacci "-Opera8.o p.m. -Orchestral Concert. Niederbronn-les-Bain Casino. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. to the Lute. (Leoneavallo) and " Cavalleria Rus-9.0 p.m. -Relay of Speeches fromra midnight (apprex.).-Close Down. 11.3o p.m. -Dance Music Relay. ticana "-Opera(Mascagni),re- the GeneralMeeting ofthe HAMBURG (Germany) 1.0 amt. (Sunday). -Close. Down. layed from the National Theatre. InternationalWireless Unionat Norag (ha, in Morse).806 kc/s In theinterval, Weather, News the Hotel Victoria, Zermatt. TOULOUSE (France) (37z m.) ;1.7 kW.Relayed byLEIPZIG (Germany) and Topical Talk. 9.30 p.m. (from Geneva). -Cabaret. Radiophonie du Midi.779 kc/s Bremen, 1,1 rzkc/s(270m.) ; 1,157kc/s(259m.) ;2.3kW.11.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down.10.15 p.m. -News Bulletin. (385 m.) ;8 kW. Flensburg,1,373kc/s(218m.) ; RelayedbyDresden,94r.kc/s 10.30 p.m.(fromGeneva). -DanceTransmits at intervals from 12.45 p.m. Hanover, 53o kc/s (566 m.) ;and (319 m.). PARIS (France) Music from the Kursaal. 7.0 p.m. -Symphony (Schubert). Kid, 1,292 kCjS (232.2 M.). Transmits at intervals from 6.3o a.m. 7.15 p.m. -'Cello Recital. Traumerci (Witzleben Relay). Eiffel Tower (FLE). 207 kc/sx I.° p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. (1,445 m.) ;15 kW. Time Signals (Schumann). La Fileuse (Popper). (Time and Weather). 7.o p.m. -Talk : On the Borders of (on 2,65o m.) at 10.25 a.m. andRIGA (Latvia) Serenade (Pierne). Prelude to 4.15 Pam -Open Air Concert. Natural Science -Medicine. 11.25 p.m. (preliminary and 6 -dot Radio -Riga. 572 kc/s (525 m.) ; " Le D eluge " (Debussy). 5.30p.m -DialogueonBooks :7.3op.m -Werner Finckofthe 7.3o p.m. -News Bulletin. Berlin Cabaret, " Katakombe "-in signals). 13 kW. German Publishers. 6.45 p.m. -Le Journal Pule. Transmits at intervals from 2/.0 a.m. 7.45. P hestralSelections. 6.op.m. -HanseaticMusicalRe- Selections from his Repertoire. 8.2o p.m -Meteorological Forecast. 6.o p.m. -Talk. 8p . tn. n.t--OmSo Io Selections. search :Modern Greek Music -8.2o p.m. -Concert of Old Dances. 8.15 p.m. -Mandoline Music. Musical and LiterarySelections9.20 p.m. -OperettaMelodies. 8.30 p.m -Descriptive Pianoforte6.3o p.m. -Agricultural Talk. 8.2o p.m. -Balalaika Music. 10.20 p.m. -News Bulletin. Music,withIntroductory Talk :7.0 p.m. -Weather Report. with Commentary. Animals. La Poule(Rameau).7.3 p.m. -Orchestral Concert Relay.8.3o p.m -Popular Songs. 6.45 p.m. -Variety Programme. -10.40 p.m. --Popular Melodies and Le Coucou (Daquin).L'Anguille Overture, " Die Fledermaus "8.45 p.m. -Argentine Tangos. 7.55 p.m. -Weather Report. Dance Music. (Couperin). Les Papillons (Cou- (Strauss). Selection from " The8.55 p.m. -Fashion Notes. 8.o p.m. -Music on Popular Instru-12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. perin). (Schubert- Czarevitch " (Leber). Waltz9.0 p.m. -Selections from " Faust " ments. The Trout (Gounod). In ' the intervals,at LWOW (Poland) Liszt). L'Aneblanc(lbert). (Joh.Strauss). 'Overture," Or- 20.0 p.m -News Bulletin. 788 kc/s (381 m.) ; ze kW. The Nightingale (Liszt). pheus in the Underworld " (Offen- 10.30 p.m. -News and at11.15 10.20 p.m. -Topical Talk. Transmits at intervals from 11.58 a.m.9.0 p.m. -Romanian Festival. Address bach). p.m. -North African News. 20.3o p.m. -Dance Music. 7.0 p.m. -MiscellaneousItems. by M. Dinu Ceciano, Romanian8.o p.m. -News Bulletin. 12 midnight. -WeatherandAn- HEIISBERG (Germany) 7.20 p.m. -Literary Programme. Minister.Romanian Poems from8.20 p.m. -Concert (continued). Over- nouncements. 1,085kc/s(276.5m.) ;75 kW.7.40 P.m. -See Warsaw. the Works of Helene Vacaresco, ture," Eva "(Lehar). Three 662kc/s12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down. Anghel and Alexandri.Pianoforte Songs from " Frederica " (Lehar).VIENNA (Austria) RelayedbyDanzig, Solos.Romanian Songs.Recita- Song from " The Circus Princess " (453 m.). MADRID (Spain) tions (Baudelaire). Popular Ro- (Kalman). Mon rave (Waldteufel). Radio -Wien.581 kc/s (517 m.);' Transmits at intervals from 6.o a.m. Union Radio(EAJ7).7o7kc/s manian Songs. Gold and Silver (Lehir). Egyptian zo kW.Relayed by Graz, 85x (Weather and Gymnastics). (424 m.) ;z kW. March (Strauss). kc/s (352 m.) ;Innsbruck,1,0581 6.xo p.m. -Agricultural Prices. Transmits at intervals from 9.0 a.m.PARIS (France) 9.0 p.m. -Weather Report. ke,'s (283 m.) , Klagenfurt, 662 kegs! 6.25 p.m. -World Market Prices. 8.3o p.m. -Chimes, Market Prices Poste Parisien.914 kc/s (329 m.)9.3o p.m. -Dance Music. (453.2 m.); Linz, 1,220 kc/s(246' 6.35P.m. -Programme Announce- and Dance Music. 1.2 kW. x1.0 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. m.) ;and Salzburg,1,373kc/s, ments in German and Esperanto.9.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. 9.0 a.m.-Picture Transmission. (218m.). 6.55 p.m. -Weather Report. 9.10 p.m. -Dance Music (continued). Transmits at intervals from 9.20 a.m. 8.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records andROME (Italy) 6.3o p.m. --Time, Weather and News., 7.o p.m. -Monthly Review. 9.30-11.0 p.m. -Interval. News. EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio- 7.30 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). p.m. -Chimes, Time and Musi-8.45p.m. -Theatre Talk, Gramo- 6.45 p.m. -Topical Programme. 1 8.3o p.m. -See Langenberg. cal Comedy Selections. foniche (IRO). 68o kc/s (441 ; 7.10 p.m. -Talk: An Elsner-Eschen-; phone Records and News. 75, kW.Relayed by Nap/es, 905 xo.to p.m. -Weather and News. x.0am.(Sunday). -Chimesand 9.0.m. -Concert.Overture, "Une kc/s (33z m.) ;and 3R0, ix ,810 bach Memorial. 10.30 p.m. -See Berlin (Witzleben). News. education manquee "(Chabrier). 7.20 p.m. -Song Recital.Selections' 12.30 am. (Sunday). -Close Down.1.30 a.m. (aPprox.).-Close Down. kc/s (25.4 m.). (Schubert) :(a) Der Doppelgariger; GigueforFlute and OrchestraTransmits at intervals from 8.15 a.m. (b) To Sylvia, (c) Jagers Abendhed, HILVERSUM (Holland) MILAN (Italy) (Hue). Pacific 231 (Honegger). (Giornale Radio). (d) Der Wanderer an den Mond. 1,004 kCI'S (298 m.) ;8.5 kW. EnteItalianoAudizioniRadio- Catalane, for Viola and Orchestra7.35 p.m. (from Naples). -Shipping The Captives (Gretchaninoff). Song 7.40-9.40 a.m.-Programme of the foniche. 599 Ws (501 m.) ; 8.5 kW. (Biisser). Les Escales (Ibert). Ber- Notes. (Tchaikovsky). Selections(R.' Workers' Radio Society (V.A.R.A.). ProgrammerelayedbyTurin, cense(Jarnefelt). Marche des7.40 p.m. -News Bulletin. petits solders de plumb (Pierne). Trunk) :(a) Die Stadt, (b)In-. 7.40 a.m.-Gramophone Records. 1,013 1(0 (296 m.) ;and Genoa, 8.,o p.m. -Gramophone Records. meiner Heimat. Selections(R.1 9.40 a.m.-Religious Programme of 959 kc/s (312.8 m.). PARIS (France) 8.30 p.m -Time and Announcements. Strauss) :(a) Befreit, (b) Traum - Liberal RadioTransmits at intervals from 8.15 a.m. 9.o in the Protestant Radio -Paris (CFR). p.m.-" Siberia" -Opera durch die Dammerung, (c) Kling Society (V.P.R.O.). 7.0 p.ni.-Agricultural Report. 274kc/s Three Acts (Giordano). Announce- Ilochzeitslied (Loewe). 9.55 a.m. till Close Down.-V.A.R.A.7.10 p.m. -Concert.Overture, " Don (1,725 m.) ;17 kW. ments and Talk in the intervals. SelectionTransmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. 8.,o p.m.-" The Man who drove hisl Programme. Juan " (Mozart).Song. (Physical Culture). News after the Programme. Conscience "-Play in Three Acts' 9.55 a.m.-Programme for Workers. from " AdrienneLecouvreur " and a Prelude (Maurice Rostand),1 11.40 a.m.-Gramophone Records. (Cilea). Song. March, Gloria 12.30p.m. -GramophoneConcert.SCHENECTADY (U.S.A.) 1.25-x.55 p.m. -Talk by Mr. Thijs- In the interval, News. relayed from the German People's (Schroder). 3.45 P.m. -Programme for Children. General Electric Company (WGY). Theatre. sen. 7.40 p.m. -News Bulletin. 4.30 P.m. -Dance Music. 790 kc/s (379.5 m.) ;so kW.Re-x0.25 p.m -Weather and News. 2.10 p.m. -Talk by Mr. Landre. 7.45 P.m. -Gramophone Records. 6.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. layed at intervals by WzXAF on10.45 p.m. -Orchestral Concert from 2.40 p.m. -Mandoline Concert. 8.o pan. (in the interval). -Time and b theHotel Krantz -Ambassador.' 2.55 p.m -Address. News. 6.3o p.m. -Agricultural Talk, Racing 523X.A091V Dkcoisn 15,340(31'48(19.56andm.r.kcmls.) " Das Veilchenmadel "; 3.25 p.m -Concert (continued). 8.45 p.m. -Talk :Events and Prob- Results and Market Prices. Overture, 3.55 p.m. -Programme for Children. 7.0p.m. -TalkarrangedbytheTransmits at intervals from x 1.45 a.m. (Hellmesberger).Nile Waltz(J.1 lems.. Union des. Grandes Associations11.44 p.m. -Weather Report. Klein). Une peu d'amour (Silesu).' 4.25 P.m. -Esperanto Lesson. 9.o p.m.-" In the Country "- x1.45 p.m.-Neto York Relay. Ballgefitister(Meyer-Helmund). Ich 5.15 p.M.-Choral Concert. Comedy in One Act (Greyille). Francaises. 5.40 p.m. -Talk by Mr. Woudenberg. 7.10 p.m. -Science Talk. 12 midnight. -Time Signal. bin em Wienerkind (Lehar). March -1 9.35 P.m. -Choral Concert. 7.30 p.m. -Advanced English Lesson.12.1 am. (Sunday). -Piano Solos. ing Song, Ich bin zum letztenmal, 5.55 p.m. -Concert (continued). 11.01p.m.-Glomale Radio and Dance 12.15 a.m.-Nets York Relay. In verliebt (Leiter). 6.10 p.m -Literary Talk. Music Relay. 7.45 P.m. -Commercial Prices, Eco- the interval at 2.o am. -General 6.55 p.m. -A Wireless Play. 11.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. nomic and Social Notes and News. 7.30 p.m. -Variety Items. 8.o p.m. -Literary Readings. Electric Programme. WARSAW (Poland) 7.40 P.m. -Talk by Mr. de Vries. MORAVSKA-OSTRAVA 8.3o p.m. -News, Sports Results and5.o a.m.-The Hotel DeWitt Clinton Polskie Radio. 212 kc/s (1,411 m.) Weather. Orchestra, Albany, N.Y. 7.5o p.m. -Orchestral Concert with (Czechoslovakia) HotelKenmore 258 kW. Gramophone Records and Reci- 8.40 p.m. -Talk. 5.3oa.m.-The Transmits at intervals from 11.4.0 a.m. r439 kc/s (263 m.) ;xx kW. 8.45 P.m. -Gramophone Records. In Orchestra, Albany, N.Y. tations. Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. 6.o a.m. (approx.):-Close Down. 6.o p.m. -Soloist Concert. 11.4o p.m. (approx.).-Close Down. 7.0 p.m. -See Prague. the intervalat9.15 p.m. -Press 7.0 p.nz.-Miscellaneous Items. 10.20 P.M. -Announcements. Review, News and Time Signal.STOCKHOLM (Sweden) 7.2o p.m. -Gramophone Records. HUIZEN (Holland) 7.40 p.m. -Agricultural Report. 160 kc/s (1,875 m.) ; 8.5 kW. x0.25 p.m. -One Act Play, Songs and Radiotjanst(SASA). 689kc/s PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) 7.55 p.m. -Weather Report.- Transmits at intervals from 7.40 a.m. Dance Music. (436 m.) ;75 kW. Relayed by Strasnice. 617kc/s(487 ; (5,229.5 8.o p.m. -Radio Journal. 21.55a.m.tillClose Down. -Pro-MOTALA (Sweden) 5.5 kW. Baden, 244 kc/s ; CatholicRadio Goteborg,932kc/s(322 M. ; 8.15 p.m -Concert bythe Warsaw gramme of the 221.9 kc/s (1,352 ITI.) ; 4o kW. Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m. kc/s (257m.) ; Philharmonic Orchestra.Overture, Society (K.R.O.). See Stockholm Programme. 7.0 p.m. -Time and News. HOrby, 7,166 " The Merry Wives of Windsor ", 11.55 a.m.-Sextet Concert. 7.5 p.m. -Bagpipe Selections. Motala,221.9kc/s(1,352m.) ; 1.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records. MUHLACKER (Germany) Ostersund,389kc/s(77orn.) ; (Nicolai).Selections from " The' Siiddeutscher Rundfunk. 833 kc/s7.3s alk Sundsvall, 554 ke/s (542 m.). FlyingDutchman" (Wagner). 2.10 p.m. -Question Time for Young 7.45.1nzi.--abt pin.cASkaertech. The Tatra Album(Paderevsky-i People. (36o m.) ;75 kW.Relayed by Transmits at intervals from 8.o a.m. Freiburg, 527 kc/s (57o m.). 6.3o p.m. -Talk on Hygiene. Opiensky). Invitation to the Dance 2.40-4.10p.m. -Programme for 8.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. (Weber -Berlioz).Song.Selection. Children. Transmits at intervals from 5.55 a.m.9.0 p.m. -Time, News and Brass6.45 p.m. -Military Band Concert. from " La Juive " (Halevy). 4.25P.m. -Instrumental Concert. (Time and Weather). Band Concert. 7.45 P.m. -Talk on Ghosts. 5.40 p.m. -Sports Talk. 7.15 p.m. -Time Signal. 8.15 p.m. -Saturday Evening-" The Nidrei for'Cello and Orchestra 7.2o p.nr.-I2 midnight. -See Frank-20.0 p.ni.-Time and News. Week's Comedy,"LightMusic (Bruch). Procession of the Gnomes 5.55 p.m. -Press Review. 10.25 p.m. -Announcements and Re- (Blon).Waltz, Dorfschwalben aus, 6.15 p.m. -Gramophone Records. furt. port HorseRacingat and Guitar Solos. 10.30 p.m.(in an interval). -News on the 9.4o P.m. -Old Time Dance Music. Osterreich (Jos.Strauss). Ballet! 6.4o p.m. -Talk by Mr. Pilaar. Chuchle. 10.40 p.m. -Modern Dance Music, Musicfrom" EaGioconda " 7.10 p.m. -Police Notes. Bulletin. x0.20 p.m. -Announcements. (Ponchielli). Oberek fantastique 7.25 p.m. -Gramophone Records. 12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.10.25 p.m. -See Morayskd-Ostrava. relayed from Goteborg. 7.40 P.m. -Orchestral Concert, withMUNICH (Germany) rz midnight (approx.).-Close Down. (Sonnenfeld). Intheinterval; Songs and Accordion Selections. Theatre Review. 563kc/s(533rn.) ; 1.7kW.RABAT (Morocco) to.° p.m.-" On the Horizon." 8.40 p.m.(in the interval). -News Relayed by Augsburg and Kaisers- Radio -Maroc. -721.1 kc/s (416 In.) ;STRASBOURG (France) 10.15 p.m. -Radio Journal and Police and Talk. lautern,536 Ws (560 m.), and 2.5 kW. Radio -Strasbourg(PTT). 869 Notes. 20.4o p.m -Gramophone Records. Nurnberg, 1,256 kc/s (239 m.). Transmits at intervals from 1.30 p.m. kc/s 045 ; 15 kW. /o.25 p.m -ProgrammeAnnounceail 11.40 p.m. (approx.).-Close Down.Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. 8.op.m. -Arab Programme -Talk,'Transmits at intervals from 11.30 a.m., Over- ments. KALUNDBORG (Denmark) (Gymnastics). Radio Journal and Gramophone6.o p.m -Orchestral Concert. 20.3o p.m. -Chopin PianoforteRe..1 KalundborgRadio. 26o kc/s6.35 p.m.=Coricert of Old Music. Records. ture, " Maritana " (Wallace). Eli& (ital.Two Nocturnes in E Flat (1,153 m.) ;x0 kW. 7.10 p.m.-" A Fresh Clue in the3.45 p.m. -News and Radio Journal. from" LaReinsFiarnmette " Op. 55, and C Sharp Minor, Op. 274 See Copenhagen Programme. Search for the Unknown Person ? "90 p.m. -Concert of Italian Music. (Leroux). BalletMusic from Etude in A Flat Major, Op. 25.1 7.3o p.m. -See Langenberg. Selectionfrom" La Boheme " " Lakrne " (Delibes).Song.Nos- Four Mazurkas in (a) A Minor; KONIGSBERG (Germany) - 7.55 P.M.-" Der G'wissentwurrn "- (Leoncavallo). Song :Mattinata talgia(Dyck). In the Shadows No. 3, (b) D Flat Major, Op. 30,' Ostmarken Rundfunk. 1,382 kc/s Peasant Comedy with Songin (Leoncavallo). Selectionfrom (Finck). DanceoftheHours (c) G Major, Op.5o, and (d) (2,7 m.) ;1.7 kW. Three Acts (Anzengruber). The Girl of the Golden West " from" La Gioconda " (Pon- E Major, Op. 6. See Heilsberg Programme. 9.25 p.m -Variety Programme. (Puccini). Aria from " La Boheme " chielli). 1E0 p.m. -Dance Music and Light ro.zo p.m. -Time and News. (Puccini).. Selection from " Caval-6.45 p.m. -Talk in French :Tourist Music. LANGENBERG (Germany) 50.45 p.m. (from Niirnbcrg).-Con- leria Rusticana " (Mascagni).Se- OrganisationinAlsace and the1z midnight (approx.).-Close Down.1 Westdeutscher Rundfunk. 635 kc/s cert and Dance Music from the lection from " I Pagliacci " (Leon- Vosges. (473 m.) ;17 kW. Relayed by Cafe Konigshof. cavallo). 7.0p.m.-Orchestral Concert. March, Aachen, CologneandMunster,12 midnight (approx.).-Close Down.ro.o p.m. -Medical Talk. Manhattan Beach (Sousa).Waltz,ZAGREB (Yugoslavia) 1,319. kc/s (227 m.). 10.15 p.m. -Light Music and Dance Pluiede diamants(VValdteufel). 977 lees (307 ; 0.7 kW. Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m.OSLO (Norway) Music. French Comedy Overture (Keler-Transmits at intervals from 12.20 p.m. (Exercises). Kringkastingselskapet. 28o kc/s Bela).Selection from " The Gipsy7.35p.m. -Educational Notes and 7.0 p.m. -News Bulletin. (1,071 m.) ;75 kW.Relayed by Baron " (Joh. Strauss). Announcements. 7.15 p.m. -Wireless Talk : The Latest Fredriksstad, 8,5 kc/s(368 m.) ;RADIO-SUISSE ROMANDE7.30 p.m. -Time Signal. 7.5o p.m -Introductory Talk to the Wireless Literature. Hamar, 511 kc/s (587 m.) ; (SOTTENS) (Switzerland) 7.32 p.m. -News in French and Ger- following Transmission. 7.3o p.m. -Talk : Seventy -Five Years Notodden, 671kc/s(44.7.,m.) ; 743 kc/s (403m.) ; 32kW. man. 8.op.m. -An Opera(tobe an- of the German Engineers' Associ- Parsgrund,662kc/s(453m.) ; Lausanne,442kc/s(68om.) ;7.45 Px1.-" Der Freischiltz "-Opera nounced), relayed from theZagreb', ation. and Rjukan, 671 (447.2 m.). and Geneva, 395 kc/s (760 m.). (Weber) -AbridgedVersionon National Theatre. In the inter-,

7.55 p.m. -News Bulletin. Transmits at intervals from 11.5 a.m.Transmits at intervals from 12.28 p.m. Gramophone Records. vats, News and Weather. 96; WORLD -RADIO JUNE 19TH,1931. Stations in Order of Frequencies and Wavelengths Corrected in accordance with the latest official information available at the time of goingto press The figures in black type represent the power according to the Prague power -rating scheme M Station M. Dial Readings Station Dial Readings Ke/s M. Station Dial Readings EUROPEAN 779 385 IToulouse(Radio)(France),8kW -13erne(Switzerland)a.akW. (Including Stations connected ,1 788 381Lwdw (Poland), 21 kW. Cartagena (Spain),o.4 kW. with the EuropeanSystem) 797 376.4 Glasgow (5SC), 1.2 kW. Cassel (Germany) (relays 806 372Hamburg (Germany), 1.7 kW 155 - 1936Kaunas (Lithuania), 7 kW. 810 Frankfurt), 0.3 kW. 160 1875 Hilizen (Holland), 8.5 kW. 370.4 Radio LL (France). Eskilstuna(Sweden)(relays 167 1796Lahti (Finland) (relays Helsin- Fredriksstad (Norway),0.8 Stockholm), 0.25 kW. 815 kW. (relays Oslo). Kiruna (Sweden) (relays ki), 54 kW. 368.11 Seville 174 1726Radio Paris (CFR), 17 kW. (UnionRadio) Boden), 0;25 kW. 183.5 1635Konigs Wusterhausen (Zeesen) (EAJ5) (Spain), 1.5 kW. Linz (Austria) (relays 824 364.1 rondheim (Norway), 1.13 kW 1220 246 (Germany), 75 kW.Relays 825.3 Vienna), 0.6 kW. Berlin. 363.4 Algiers (N. Africa), 13 kW. Pietersaari (Jacobstad) 833 360Milhlacker (Germany), 75 kW. (Finland)(relays Hel- 193 1554.4 Daventry National Station 842 356.3 London Regional 70 kW sinki), o.25 kW. (Gt. Britain), 35 kW. 861 352Graz (Austria) (usually relays Saffie(Sweden)(relays 195 1538Ankara (Turkey), 7 kW. Vienna), 9.5 kW. 855.5 Stockholm), 0.4 kW. 202.5 1481 Moscow (Old Kornintern) 351Leningrad (Russia), 1.z kW. .1 Schaerbeek (Brussels) (RAI) (Russia), 4o kW. 860 349Barcelona(RadioBarcelona) (Belgium), 0.1 kW. 207.5 1445.7 Eiffel Tower (FLE), 15 kW'. (EAJI) (Spain), 8kW. Turku(Abo)(Finland) 212.5 1411 Warsaw No. a (Poland),158kW . 869 346Strasbourg-Brumath (France), (relays Helsinki),0.6kW. 15 kW 221.9 1352Motala (Sweden) (relays Stock- 1229 244.1 J Basle(Switzerland),0.65kW holm), 40 kW. 878 342Brno (Czechoslovakia), 3 kW. Wilno (Poland), 22 kW.f 222.2 1350Kasbah (Tunis), o.5 kW. 887 338.2 BrusselsNo, 2 (Belgium), 1238 242Belfast (213E)(Ireland), 1.2 kW 230.6 1304Moscow(TradesUnions),73kW. - 20kW.(Flemish programme). 1247 240.6 Stavanger (Norway), 0.5 kW. 244 1229.5 Boden (Sweden), 0.75 kW. .. 896 335 1 Cadiz (Spain), o.5 kW. "1 1250 240Radio Beziers (France), 1.5 kW., ( Poznan (Poland), 1.9 kW. 1256 239 Istanbul (Turkey), 5 kW. 1 905 332 Nurnberg (Germany)(relays' 250 12001. Reykjavik (Iceland),21 kW. f Naples (tNA) (Italy), 1.7 kW. Munich), 2.3 kW. I Grenoble(PTT)(France)1.21 Bordeaux Sit 0 uest 260 1153Kalundborg(Denmark)(re- 914 328.2 , Poste Parisien (Paris) 1.2.t 1265 237.2 (France), lays Copenhagen), 10 kW. 1, kW. . 268.6 1116Novosibirsk (Russia), 4 kW. 923 325 Radio -Nimes (France), 1 Breslau (Germany), 1.7 kW. 1285 237Orebro (relays Stockholm) 272 1103Mosoow,Popoff(Russia),4okW. 932 322 Goteborg(Sweden),(relays (Sweden), 0.25 kW. 279.6 1073Rostov -Don (Russia), 4 kW. Stockholm), 15 kW. 1274 235.5 Kristianssand (Norway),0.5kW 280 1071Oslo (Norway), 75 kW. Dresden (Germany)(relays 1283 234 283 1060Tiflis (Russia), to kW. Leipzig), 0.3 kW Lodz (Poland), 2.2 kW. Exp'l 300 1000Leningrad (Russia), zo kW. 941 319 Kiel(Germany)(relays ' Sofia Rodno - Radio 1292 320 937.5 Kharkov (Russia), RV2o. (Bulgaria); a kW. 232.2 Hamburg), 0.3 kW. 367 840Nijni Novgorod (Russia), 1.8 950 316 Norrkoping (Sweden),0.25 Marseilles (PTT) (France), 1.5 bg (Sw ecl e n ) 0 375 800Kiev (Russia), zo kW. MalmoH ng Cracow (Poland), 1.5 kW. 1301 231 (Sweden)or(relays.25 385 778Petrozavodsk (Russia), 2 kW. 959 312.8Genoa (IGE)(Italy),1.5kW. Stockholm), 0.75 kW. 389 770Ostersund (Sweden), 0.75 kW ,Radio -Vitus (France) 1310 229Uddevala (Sweden), 0.1 kW. (relays Sundsvall). 968 309.9 Cardiff (5WA), 1.2 kW. (Aachen (Germany), 0.3 395 780Geneva (Switzerland), 1.5 kW 1319 416.6 720 Moscow (Experimental),ao kW. 977 307Zagreb (Yugoslavia), 0.7 kW 227 Cologne (Germany),1.7kW. 428 700Minsk (Russia), 4 kW. Bordeaux -Lafayette (PTT)1 Munster (Germany)0.6kW. 986 304 (France), 35 kW. 1337 224.4 Cork (6CK) (Ireland), 1.5 kW. 442 680,Lausanne (Switzerland), HB2, 1355 221 Helsinki (Finland), 15 kW. o.6 kW. Falun (Sweden), 0.65 kW. 1364 995 219.9 Fecamp(Radio Normandie) 511 587.1- Hamar(Norway)(relaysOslo)o.8 301.5North National (Manchester) (France). 522 574.7 Ljubljana (Yugoslavia), 2.8 kW 70 kW. Flensburg (Germany) (re - 527 570Freiburg-im-Breisgau (Ger- 1004 298.8 Hilversum (Holland), 8.5 kW lays Hamburg), 0.6 kW. . many) (relays Stuttgart), OA 1013 296.1 Tallinn (Estonia), 0.7 kW. 1373 218 Salzburg o.6 kW. (Relays 530 566Hanover (Germany), 0.3 kW. I Kosice(Czechoslovakia)2.5 1 Vienna.) (relays Hamburg). 1022 293 { Limoges, PTT (France) ;- 1382 217 531 565Smolensk (Russia), z kW. Konigsberg(Germany),1.7 kW 1 0.08 kW. J {Halmstad (Sweden), 0.25 Augsburg(Germany)(relays I Tampere(Tammerfors) I 1391 RagdituChateltneau (Bel. 536 660 Munich), 0.3 kW. (Finland)(relaysHelsinki) I 216 Kaiserslautern (Germany) 1031 291 1 kW. i,' 1400 214.2 Warsaw, No. a. (Poland),I (relays Munich), o.3 kW. Viipuri (Viborg) (Finland), 1 1.9 kW.Experimental. 545 550Budapest (Hungary), 23 kW. (relays Helsinki), 15 kW. j 1450 207Boras (Sweden), 0.12 kW. 554 542Sundsvall (Sweden), 15 kW. 1033 290.5 Lisbon (Portugal), 2 kW. 1470 204Gavle (Sweden) (relays Stock- 563 633Munich (Germany), 1.7 kW. holm), 0.2 kW. 572 525Riga (Latvia), 53 kW. British Relay Stations 1480 203Kristinehamn (Sweden), 0.25 581 517Vienna (Rosenhiigel) (Austria), 1490 202Jonkoping (Sweden), 0.25 kW. 20 kW. Aberdeen (zBD), 1.2 kW. (relaysStockholm). Bournemouth (6BM), 1.2 1530 685 511Archangel (Russia), x.z kW. Dundee (zDE), 0.16 kW. 196Karlskrona (relays Stockholm) 590 609Brussels No. a (Belgium),20kW1 Edinburgh (zEH), 0.4 kW. (Sweden), 0.25 kW. 599 501Milan (Italy), 8.5 kW. 1714 175St. Quentin (France). 603.6 497 Moscow (Russia), x.2 kW. 'ull (6KH), 0.18 kW. 1040 )'Liverpool (6LV),0.16kW. 608 493.4 Bergen (Norway), 1.3 kW. 288.5Newcastle (5N0), 1.2 kW. 817 487Prague(Czechoslovakia),5.5kW Plymouth (5PY), 0.16 kW. DEVIATIONS 620 479.2 North Regional (Manchester) tSheffield (6FL), 0.16 kW. The following are the actual deviations from the official fre- 70 kW. (6ST), 630 476Simferopol (Russia), 1.2 kW. 1 -Stoke-on-Trent quencies, as noted during measurements made at the Tatsfield- 0.16 kW. ' Checking Station. All differences of 1.9 kc/s and over are shown. 635 473Langenberg (Germany),17 kW Swansea (5SX), 0.16 ItIVIP 844 466Lyons(LaDoua),France Lyons (Radio)(France), 554 F42 Palermo (Italy) 2.3 kW. (relays PTT). 1049 286 0.8 kW. 1013 298.1 Turin Italy) 644 465.8 Tartu (Estonia). Montpellier (France), 1.2 1044 287.4 Lyons (France) 653 459Beromfinster (Swi,tzerland) Berlin Relay (Germany), 1054 284.6 Montpellier (France) 77 kW. 0.6 kW. 1180 277.7 Barcelona EAJI5 (Spain) Bodo (Norway), 0.6 kW. Innsbruck (Austria) (relays 1189 252.3 Fecamp (France) Bolzano(Italy)IBZ,0.2kW. Vienna), 0.6 kW. 1199.3 250.2 Juan-les-Pins (France) Danzig (FreeCity),0.6 1058 283 Magdeburg (Germany), 1216 246.7 Berne (Switzerland) kW.(relays Konigsberg). 0.6 kW. 1226 244.7,Basle (Switzerland) Klagenfurt (Austria), 0.6 Stettin (Germany) (relays) kW. (relays Vienna). Berlin), 0.6 kW. Palermo (Italy) 4 kW. Varberg (Sweden), 0.3 kW. BRITISH DOMINIONS AND -COLONIES 662 453.2Porsgrund (Norway) (re- 1067 281 openhagen (Denmark), 1 kW " lays Oslo, -1.5 kW. 1071 280Radio Liege (Belgium). AUSTRALIA Salamanca (Spain),EAJza, 1076 279Bratislava (Czechoslovakia), 14 t kW. 1085 276.5 Heilsberg (Germany), 75 kW. 580 517Perth (7ZL), 3 kW. San Sebastian (Spain), 0.6 Relays Konigsberg. 620 484Melbourne (3AR), 5 kW. Tromso(Norway),0.11kW. *1091 274.2 Turin (Italy), 8.5 kW. 665 461Sydney (zFC), 5 kW. Uppsala(Sweden),0.2 1103 272Rennes France), 1.2 kW. 690 435Perth (6WF), 5 liW kW. (relays Stockholm). 1112 270Bremen (Germany) (relays 734 409Adelaide (5CL), 5 kW. 666.5 450Moscow (Russia), RAz, a kW Hamburg), 0.3 kW. 779 385Brisbane (4QG), 5 kW. 808 371 Melbourne (3L0), 5 kW. Aalesund(Norway),0.4kW. Barcelona (EAJI3), Radio 838 358Sydney (zBL), 5 kW. Notodden(Norway),0.9kW 1121 288 -( Catalana (Spain), a o kW. ' Oviedo (Spain)1 0.7 kW. 671 447.1 Paris (PTT) (Ecole Sup& CANADA rieure) (France), 1 kW. 1130 265.4 Lille (PTT) (France), 1 kW. 690 435Toronto (CKGW), 5 kW. Rjukan (relays Oslo) (Nor- 1139 263Morayska-Ostrava (Czecho- 730 411 St. Hyacinthe. (CKAC), 5 kW way), 0.17 kW. slovakia), 11 kW. 780 385Winnipeg (CKY-CNRW)5kW . 680 441Rome (x110) (Italy), 75 kW.. 1148 261.3 London National 68 kW. r Malmberget(relays Boden) 1157 269Leipzig (Germany), 2.3 kW. EAST AFRICA 1166 257Horby (Sweden) (relays Stock- 750 400 689 436 (Sweden), 0.25 kW. Nairobi, Kenya (7L0) Stockholm(Sweden)75kW. holm), 15 kW. . 1175 255Toulouse (PTT)(France), 1kW INDIA 697 430.4 Belgrade (Yugoslavia), 3 kW'. 1184 253Gleiwitz(Germany) (relays 810 370.4 Calcutta (VUC), 3 kW. 702.5 427Kharkov (Russia) RV4,25 kW. Breslau), 5.6 kW. 840 357.1 Bombay (VUB), 3 kW. 707 424Madrid (Union Radio) (EAJ7) - Almeria (Spain) (EAJaS), (Spain), 2 kW. 1 kW. NEW ZEALAND 716 418Berlin (W,tzleben), 1.7 kW. 420 721.1 416Rabat (Morocco), 2.5 kW. Barcelona (Association 714 Wellington (zYA), 5 kW. 1193 252 1Xacional) (EAJ15), 1kW. 725 413Dublin (2RN) (ffeland),1.5kW Trollhattan (Sweden), 0.3 SOUTH AFRICA 734 408Katowice (Poland), x6 kW. 443Johannesburg (JB), xo kW. 743 403Sottens (Switzerland), 32 kW kW. 677 752 1205 249Juan-les-Pins (Nice) (France) 731 410 Durban, 1.5 kW. 398.9 Midland Regional Station (Gt 815 363Cape Town, a.5 kW. Britain), 38 kW. 1211 247.7 Ralmar(relays Stockholm),0.25 761 394Bucharest (Romania), 16 1.W. 770 390Frankfurt (Germany), 1.7 kW t Not Radiating. * See Deviation List. For List of ShortWave Stations see page 945. JUNE 19TH, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 963

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Printed by NEW-NE:i & PEAR6ON PRINTING CO., LTD., Lxmoor Street, Ladbroke Grove, W.10. and Published for the'Proprietors by GEORGE' N WNES, LTD., 8-11, Southainpion Street, Strand, London, W.C.2, England.-June loth, 1931..