February 15,2021 Chiefs, Curriculum Implementation

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February 15,2021 Chiefs, Curriculum Implementation Republlc of the Phlllpplnes Departmett of Education Reglon VII - CEITTRAL VISAYAS SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BOHOL February 15,2021 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 911, Series 2021 aIrDEIrDrm TO DMSIOT{ MEMORA"ITDUM NO. 80, SERTES 2021 ON SALUTX) 2420., PART II - THE APPRECTATION CERtMOIty TO: Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chiefs, Curriculum Implementation (CID), School Governance and Operations (SGOD) and Functional Divisions Education Program Supervisors (EPS's) Public Schools District Supervisors {PSDS's) Elementary and Secondary School Principals 1. In upholding the Of{ice' mandate of continuous development and recognition of its teaching and non-teaching personnel, the final Batch of Saludo 2O2O Part II awardees is hereby released to the field. The main purpose of such tribute is to give due rewards and commendation to the men and women who truly commit themselves to the attainment of plans, targets and standards of the Department in the delivery of the K to 12 Program, especially in the delivery of Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan. 2. Attention is invited to paragraph 3 of the original version of the Memorandum where Certificates of Recognition will be given to the awardees by district by their respective District Supervisors in a fitting and solemn ceremony. 3. Incidental expenses relative to the conduct of the awarding ceremonies are chargeable to the Division/school funds, subject to the accounting and auditing rules of the Commission on Audit. 4. The additional list of awardees is attached as enclosure to this Memorandum. 5. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is highly enjoined. & BIANITO/A. DAGATAN, EdD., CESO V Schoo{s Division Superintendent ^y' 0050 Lino Chatto Drive Barangay Cogon, Tagbilaran City, Bohol Te1 Nos.: (os8l 412-49s8; {038) 4t1-2544 (038} 501-7550 Telefax: (038) 50 1 -7550 email add: deped.trohofir deped.gov DepEd TV Production Team NAME DISTRICT SCOPE 1. Lenjun Boiser Alburqurque DepEd TV Production Team 2 Jan jaykyll Borja sDo DepEd TV Production Team 3 Ruben lmpang Loon South DepEd TV Production Team 4 Felix Affasco Jr. Inabanga North DepEd TV Production Team 5 Jhon Rich Compra Ubay I DepEd TV Production Team 6 Edgar Garcia S-Bullones DepEd TV Production Team 7 Geneveve Arboleras Batuan DepEd TV Producticn Team J I Herlyn Ducot Batuan DepEd TV Production Team 9 Kenneth Regene Blasco Tubigon West DepEd TV Production Team coNTINUOUS TMPROVEMENT (Cr) PROGRAM NAMES DISTRICT SCOPE ZENAIDA M. ALJO Baclayon Continuous mprovement Associate Coach MARISTEL B. GENABE Calape Continuous mprovement Associate Coach IVY L. AMBA Catigbian Continuous mprovement Associate Coach IVY B. MELENCION San lsidro Continuous mprovement Associate Coach VIRGINIA P. LOFRANCO Danao Continuous mprove ment Associate Coach MA. THERESA O. ESTORGIO lnabanga North Continuous mprove ment Associate Coach REYNALDO D. ANTO Getafe Continuous mprovement Associate Coach DELIA L. UNAJAN Carmen 2 Continuous mprovement Associate Coach MARILOU L. ARBASTO Carmen 3 Continuous mprovement Associate Coach ERWIN J. GAMAYON Dimiao Continuous mprovement Associate Coach LUCIA M. BALILING Dimiao Continuous mprovement Associate Coach MARILYN A. LLIDO Duero Continuous mprovement Associate Coach FE G. LOGARTA Garcia Continuous lmprovement Associate Coach Hernandez PERCY P. TORRES Trinidad 2 Contin uous mprove ment Associate Coach ELVIRA I. JABONILLO Maribojoc Continuous mprove ment Associate Coach ANTONIO P. BUAYA Pilar Continuous mprovement Associate Coach CRISTINA N. APALE Balilihan Continuous mprove ment Associate Coach AMELITA C. CREDO Trinidad 1 Continuous mprovement Associate Coach DELIA R. BELNAS Bilar Continuous mprovement Associate Coach RUTH G, RIZALDO Tubigon West Continuous mprovement Associate Coach LOURDES A. BONGAY Panglao Continuous mprove ment Associate Coach MAURA C. BUSANO Cand'ljay Continuous mprovement Associate Coach Drvrslo N ADopT-A-scHooL pRoGRAMIBR|GADA ESKWEIA KIMBERLY S. MURING i Mabini TWG Adopt-A-School/Brigada Eskwe la ram Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Vll, Central Visayas Division of Bohol City of Tagbilaran SEIUOO: APPRECIi,,O* CEREMONY ALS TECHNTCAL WORKTNG GROUP(TWG) No, NAME DISTR!CT SCOPE 1 Paterna P. Refulle Clarin District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 2 Ferlie G. Divino Loon North District TWG ALS A&E Elem. Myra May R. Dumapias Valencia District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 4 Rogelia L. Calamba Bilar District TWG ALS A&E Elem. E Lilian M. Ampo Duero District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 6 Restita C. de Leon Panslao District TWG ALS A&E Elem. Romelito G. Roferos Loon South District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 8 Jocelvn C. Salaan Sevilla District TWG ALS A&E Elem. o John Dave C. Lamoste Sagbayan District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 10 Michelle Cates A. Salamat Baclayon District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 11 Flores Q. Lood Dauis District TWG ALS A&E Elem. t2 Carmela A. Nayre Anda District TWG ALS A&E EIem. 13 Marita C. Pacaldo Buenavista District TWG ALS A&E Elem. t4 Rocelita P. Soria Ubay ll District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 15 Mariorie A. Nellas Danao District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 16 Felix T. Acenas Candiiav District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 17 Jennifer Ann T. Ariate Corella District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 18 Rebelin P. Visaya Anda District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 19 Sesinia B. Pelpinosas Lila District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 2A Robert T. Botero Getafe District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 2t Rowena E. Pinat Tubigon East District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 22 Ma. Lourdes G. Magtajas Dimiao District TWG ALS A&E Elem, 23 Maria Elvn Grace O. Cablitas Sikatuna District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 24 Analiza S. Caiote Carmen West District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 25 Ramela A. Cirunav Dauis District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 26 Gemma C. lumawid Bilar District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 27 Melesia P. Acebes Duero District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 28 Ma. Fe P. Perocho Sierra Bullones District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 29 Arnel l. Canda Sevilla District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 30 Milagrosa E. lbahay Sikatuna District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 31 Genevive E. Garcia Talibon ll District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 32 Clariza L. Macua Bien Unido District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 33 Janice G. Torrefalma lnabanga South District TWG ALS A&E EIem. 34 Allen E. Adorna Carmen East District TWG ALS A&E Elem. 35 Jonas U. de Erio Tubieon West District TWG ALS A&E Elem. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Vll, Central Visayas Division of Bohol City of Tagbilaran .* ALS TECHNTCAL WORKTNG GROUP(TWG) No. NAME DISTRICT SCOPE 36 Wincelvn O. Auseio Clarin District rWG ALS A&E JHS 37 Catherine T. Torrefiel Getafe District TWG ALS A&E JHS 38 Jesame M. Sumalinoe Talibon ll District TWG ALS A&E JHS 39 Evilio C. Anunciado lnabansa North District TWG ALS A&E JHS 4A Cyrus B. Ranque Cortes District TWG ALS A&E JHS 41_ Helen G. Baluca Antequera District TWG ALS A&E JHS 42 Loida L. Jaum Catisbian District TWG ALS A&E JHS 43 Aivie A. Baratas Alicia District rWG ALS A&E JHS 44 Armalene M. Bongales Alburquerque District TWG ALS A&E JHS 45 Ma. Georgina B. Espaiol Talibon I District TWG ALS A&E JHS 46 Jovie P. Loreto Trinidad District TWG ALS A&E JHS 47 Emma Fe E. Torrefiel Talibon ll District TWG ALS A&E JHS 48 Charmaine C. Boncales San Mieuel District TWG ALS A&E JHS 49 April Grace O. Saclay Calape District TWG ALS A&E JHS 50 David F. Cutamora Ubav I District TWG ALS A&E JHS 51 Albert M. Galemba Loay District TWG ALS A&E JHS 52 Elvie T. Mijares Calape District TWG ALs A&E JHS 53 Jeziel Mae B. Curit Mabini District TWG ALS A&E JHS 54 Peregrino C. Arboleras Panglao District TWG ALS A&E JHS 55 Reynaldo R. Villas Maribojoc District TWG ALS A&E JHS 56 Beatriz G. Espanso Carmen West District TWG ALS A&E JHS 57 Zinklvn P. Largo Balilihan District TWG ALS A&E JHS 58 Catherine G. Vilos Dauis District TWG ALS A&E JHS 59 Romeo C. Marifio Ubay ll District TWG ALS A&E JHS 60 Dorothy T. Lismis Loboc District TWG ALS A&E JHS 61 Mark joseph M. Sabijon Loay District TWG ALS A&E JHS 62 Alicia R. Astillo Sagbayan District TWG ALS A&E JHS 63 Gloria S. Cifra Dagohoy District TWG ALS A&E JHS 64 Maria Naita A. Auxtero Talibon I District TWG ALS A&E JHS 65 Carmen A. Mutia Jagna District TWG ALS A&E JHS 66 Jade T. Raya Candijay District TWG ALS A&E JHS 67 Marlon S. Sumayo Valencia District TWG ALS A&E JHS 58 MelKristerJ. Jala Loboc District TWG ALS A&E JHS 69 Kim Vincent L Acedo Baclgron Distp'qct TWG ALS A&E JHS Prepared by: -:; -,-.. ./^..-!-, Hfrr*rr.n *W****,ffi EPS II, ALS Area: MAPEH No. NAME DISTRICT SCOPE 1 Joey G. Bitua CHS Ubay ll ' - National Writer for Senior High School Supplementary Learning Materia ls - Grade I Health Education Writer - Technical Working Group for MAPEH Elementary 2 Analene C. Autentico Trinidad I - Grade 9 Music Education - Technical Working Group for MAPEH ElementarV 3 Dioshelle J. Cal Baclayon Grade 9 Music Education Writer 4 Carlovic B. lba-oc Trinidad ll Grade 9 Arts Education Writer 5 Nenita N. Degamo Buenavista Grade 9 Health Education Writer 6 Joycelyn D. Delos Santos Da uis Grade 10 Music Education Writer 7 Ma. Gemma H. Estoque Panglao Grade 10 Health Education Writer 8 Stella Marie G. Bolair Buenavlsta Grade 10 Physical Education Writer 9 Marifel Malanog Corella Grade 10 Arts Education Writer 10 Mariorie N. Lucip San Miguel Grade 8 Health Education Writer 1.1.
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