Peru Birding Tours [email protected]


From April 5th to April 24th


PARTICIPANTS:  Christ Burris  Steve Furino

 Jock Mackay  Viirgil Martin BIRDING GUIDE:  Omar Diaz

Manu Road – Mirador Atalaya

1 Phone: 51 982 702 501

Peru Birding Tours [email protected]


We flew to Cusco early in the morning. We arrived for lunch and then we organized an extra birding activity instead city tour according their itinerary, we have been to Huaypo Lake at northeast of Cusco. This place provided our first Andean species:

Andean, Flicker, Spot-winged Pigeon, Puna Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Yellow-Billed teal, Yellow-billed Pintail, Ruddy Duck, White-tufted Grebe, Plumbeous Rail, Andean Gull, Andean Coot, Common Gallinule, Many-Colored Rush- Tyrant, Golden-Billed Saltator, Yellow-Winged Blackbird, Puna Ibis among others…

The next morning we said good bye to civilization for two weeks as we were headed for the famed Manu Road and the Amazon. Our first morning stop was Huacarpay Lake for some targets species: Streak-fronted Thornbird, Wren-like Rushbird, Giant Hummingbird, White-browed Chat-Tyrant, Green-Tailed Trainbearer among others, we worked hard for the Endemic Bearded Mountaineer which it posed for us long time! Most of the inner Andean valleys are dry and there we found some Ground-Tyrants and Black-faced Ibis. We stopped at small village for lunch. After Paucartambo the habitat started to get wetter. As we approached the pass at Acjanaco the habitat started taking on a distinctly montane tropical feel. We arrived late in the afternoon to our lodging at Wayqecha Biological Station.

Creamy-Crested Spinetail (Endemic), Rusty-fronted Canastero (Endemic), Bar-winged Cinclodes, White-winged Cinclodes, Sierran Elaena, Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant, Rufous-Webbed Bush-Tyrant, Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant, Rufous-Naped Ground-Tyrant, Andean Negrito, White-winged Black-Tyrant, Blue and Yellow Tanager, Cinereous Conebill, Peruvian Sierra-Finch, Mourning Sierra-Finch, Ash-Breasted Sierra-Finch among others…

The next day were spent working our way up high to Acjanaco pass for early morning, the scenery here is amazing with small Polylepis forest, Paramo and grassland forest along the small road to reach Tres cruces (Mirador), we flashed few Andean and Tawzanowski’s Tinamous, Then we back to Wayqecha for lunch and the rest of the day along the main road; The elfin montane forest provided:

Andean Guan, Mountain Caracara, Rufous-Capped Thornbill, Violet-Throated Starfrontlet, Amethyst-Throated Sunangel, White-Bellied Woodstar, Gray-Breasted Mountain-Toucan, Puna, Thistletail, Lined-Fronted Canastero, Pearled Treerunner, White-Throated Tyrannulet, Tufted Tit-Tyrant, Brown-Backed Chat-Tyrant, White-Collared Jays, Sedge Wren, Hooded Mountain-Tanager, Grass-Green Tanager, Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager, Golden-

Collared Tanager, Three-Striped Hemispingus, White-Browed Conebill, Blue-Backed Conebill, Moustached

Flowerpiercer, Plain-colored Seedeater among others..

After a full day enjoying mountain species we descended to our next birding lodge Cock of the rock Lodge. We had long drive and walk birding along Manu road. We have found several mixed flocks which they were a bit hard to get all of them but our highlight for this day was a Black and chestnut Eagle (Juv) perched on a dry tree for more than 20 minutes giving us a lot of time to stop, accommodated the tripod for photos and video! We arrived late in the afternoon to cock of the rock lodge for Dinner. We spent two full days birding up and down along the birding road and just before leaving Black-Bellied Owl was perch on a tree near the dinner room(left hand side) It was stunning good bye to this lodge, here some great species:

Solitary Eagle, Yellow-Billed Cuckoo, Speckled Hummingbird, Many-spotted Hummingbird, Fawn-Breasted and Violet-fronted Brilliants, Bronzy Inca, Tyrant Metaltail, Wire-Crested Thorntail, Peruvian Piedtail (Endemic), Long- Tailed Sylph, Booted Racket-Tail, Crested Quetzal, Highland Motmot, Versicolored Barbet, Chestnut-Tipped and

Blue-Banded Toucanets, Golden-olive , Little Woodpecker, Olive-backed Woodcreeper, Montane

Woodcreeper, Ash-browed and Marcapata Spinetail, Montane Foliage-Gleaner, Striped , Striped Treehunter, Chestnut-backed Antshrike, Stripe-Chested Antwren, Long-tailed Antbird and many more…

After our successful birding time at this location we headed into the amazon. We drove and birding for some hours to reach Pilcopata Village for having our lunch with cold drinks, we needed because the hot wheatear was starting. Then we arrived into Atalaya village dock to get our boat to our first lodge in the Amazon, Amazonia Lodge. This nicely appointed former tea plantation with feeders and landscaping that was quite comfortable and very birdy 2 Phone: 51 982 702 501

Peru Birding Tours [email protected] too. We spent three full days wandering the trails around the river edge and up to their canopy tower for Gray Antbird and Military Macaws! We walked the trails along Amazonian lodge property; every day was completely different with new species every time that we were using the same trails! We worked a bit hard for some lowland species, recording calls and doing some play back to get from 2 to 5 seconds view, otherwise can be only heard mainly. We did the Canopy tower located in their hill forest, the tower did not provide as much diversity which we supposed but we got great looking of Gray Antbird and 16 Militaries Macaws! Then we walked along the hill forest, it was a bit difficult walk up and down in some areas but we found some interesting interior mixed flocks for the end of the morning. Our bird list was increasing. MORE BIRDS, MORE FUN!

Hoatzin, Cinereous Tinamou, Spix’s Guan, Blue-Throated Piping-Guan, Razor-Billed Curassow, Speckled

Chachalaca, king Vulture, Red-Throated Caracara, Gray-Necked Wood-Rail, Tawny-Bellied Screech-Owl, Great

Potoo, Violet-Headed Hummingbird, Reddish Hermit, white-bearded Hermit, Koepecke’s Hermit (Endemic), Golden-Tailed Sapphire, Gray-Breasted Sabrewing, Rufous-crested Coquette, Gould’s Jewelfront, Blue-Crowned Trogon, Black-Tailed Trogon, Violaceus Trogon, Bluish-fronted Jacamar, Chestnut-Capped Puffbird, Black-Fronted Nunbird, Golden-Collared Toucanet, Cream-Colored Woodpecker, Buff-throated Woodcreeper, Cinnamon- Throated Woodcreeper, Red-Billed Scythebill, Speckled Spinetail, Bamboo Antshrike, Great Antshrike, Plain-

winged Antshrike, White-Shouldered Antshrike, Bluish-Slate Antshrike, Pygmy Antwren, Sclater’s Antwren,

Ihering’s Antwren, Long-winged Antwren, Gray Antwren, Gray Antbird, Black-Throated Antbird, Sooty Antbird,

Silvered Antbird, Spot-Backed Antbird, Ringed Antpipit, Round-Tailed Manakin, and many more…

After productive time at Amazonia Lodge we moved down the river to Pantiacolla Lodge. This place served as to fill up our list of ant-“thing”. We have spent two full days birding along the bamboo forest, riverine forest and terra firme. At this point the birding was becoming much more difficult in the dense Amazon forest and birds never perch for longer time! We began with the bamboo forest for full morning for bamboo specialist species and other targets species along this interesting habitat. We explored Terra firme forest in te afternons. The bamboo was very productive with mix flocks; small ant swarms and unexpected birds sighting with a lot of birds ID details. The climate here was perfect to spend longer time in the field to increase our bird list.

Collared Trogon, Blue-Crowned and Broad-Billed Motmot, Great Jacamar, Striolated Puffbird, White-fronted

Nunbird, Lemon-Throated Barbet, Scarlet-Hooded Barbet, Rufous-Breasted Piculet, Red-Necked Woodpecker,

Long-Tailed Woodcreeper, Plain-Brown Woodcreeper, Elegant Woodcreeper, Plain Antvireo, White-eyed Antwren, White-Flanked Antwren, Plain-throated Antwren, Manu Antbird, Striated Antbird, Goeldi’s Antbird, White-Lined Antbird, White-Throated Antbird, Scale-Backed Antbird, Rusty-Belted Tapaculo, White-Cheeked Tody-Flycatcher, Rufous-Capped Nunlet, Sulphury Flycatcher, Dusky-Tailed Flatbill, Screaming Piha, Cinereous Mourner, Flame-Crested Tanager, Yellow-Crested Tanager, White-winged Shrike-Tanager, Opal-Crowned Tanager, Red-Crowned Ant-Tanager, Slate-Colored seedeater, Rufous-Bellied Euphonia and many more…

We started our long boat ride for 5+ hours down river to Tambo Blanquillo Lodge. It was amazing boat ride, it was sunny and great birds spotted along the river bank. The lodge location provides Three Oxbow Lakes, One Canopy Tower and the only Big Macaw Clay Click in Manu. We started our first excursion to Cocha Blanquillo just behind the lodge. We navigated there from the lodge by boat through a small stream connecting this Oxbow Lake which this month still have enough water. Our first full morning at Tambo Blanquillo was spent at the Macaw Clay Lick where hundreds of parrots and macaws gather to eat clay from an old river bank but for this morning we have seen only parrots and few Macaws flying by, well nature is nature but we got other species. We birded Cocha Camungo on their nice catamaran with some adapted chairs for a pleasant and productive way to end the day with several Purus Jacamars, Rufous-side Crake, Orange-backed Troupial, Giant Otter family and the rare Pale-Eyed Blackbird! The next morning we climbed up to the top of the 150 ft Canopy tower at Tambo Blanquillo. This is a fantastic tower, and a great place to spend a morning of bird watching. We birded for few hours before the heavy rain. Then we said good bye to Tambo Blanquillo area for our next adventure to Puerto Maldonado. It was raining for half hour and

3 Phone: 51 982 702 501

Peru Birding Tours [email protected] then we started to spots riverbanks species. We arrived to Colorado Village dock for our taxi drive to Puerto Carlos river dock for the other drive long to Puerto Maldonado Hotel.

Pied lapwing, Collared Plover, Large-billed Tern, Yellow-billed Tern, Orinoco Goose, Horned Screamer, Crane

Hawk, Sunbittern, Drab-water-tyrant, Muscovy duck, Amazonian Streaked- Antwren, Blue and Yellow Macaw, Red and Green Macaw, Scarlet Macaw, Mealy Parrot, Yellow-Crowned Parrot, Orange-Cheeked Parrot, Hooded Tanager, Plum-Throated Cotinga, Bright-Rumped Attila, Bare-Necked fruitcrow, Purple-Throated Fruitcrow, Black-faced Antbird, Green Ibis, Cocoi Heron, Sand-colored Nighthawk, Green Kingfisher, Amazon Kingfisher, Spot-breasted Woodpecker, Greater Ani, Tui Parakeet, Rusfecent Tiger-Heron, Great Potoo, Blackish Antbird,

Dark-breasted Spinetail, Yellow-Bellied Dacnis, Osprey, Crimson-crested Woodpecker, Lineated Woodpecker

among others..

We had four full days birding near Puerto Maldonado for targets species. There is excellent bamboo forest, second growth forest, cattle ranches, swamps and terra firme. We started as usually early morning after breakfast and in the afternoon around 3:30 pm to late in afternoon. After full days birding we flew to Lima for a night, by the way our flight was delayed in Puerto Maldonado so we spent time birding around the forest surrounding the airport and we found Great Potoo!

White-throated Jacamar, Southern Caracara, Southern Lapwing, White-Tailed Kite, Red-Breasted Blackbird, White-faced Whistling-Duck, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Rusty-Margined Flycatcher, White-Vented Euphonia, Slender-Billed kite, Gray-Lined Hawk, Ruddy Spinetail, Straight-Billed Woodcreeper, Brazilian Teal, Chestnut- Vented Conebill, Dot-winged Antwren, Dusky-Throated Antshrike, Black-Faced Antthrush, White-Bearded

Manakin, Black-Spotted Bare-Eye, Band-tailed Manakin, Dull-Capped Attila, Rusty-Fronted Tody-Flycatcher, Black-Collared Hawk, Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher, Pygmy-Kingfisher, Plumbeous Antbird, Gray-headed Tanager, White-Shouldered Tanager, Gilded Barbet among others..

Our last morning birding was in Lima. We have been to Villa Marshes for some hours then we headed more south into Pucusana local fishing port for our boat birding. After very successfully morning we took a break for an exquisite sea food in Pucusana for lunch. After Lunch a little brown bird was moving near the shore taking our attention and we approached to figure it out and there were per of Surf Cinclodes feeding along the sand for long time giving us a good by from Pucusana. Then we drove to Puerto Viejo to explore this small area for birding. After some hours we headed back to Lima for our last Dinner together for our excellent birding time!

Great Grebe, White-Cheeked Pintail, Gray Gull, Gray-Hooded Gull, Belcher’s Gull, Peruvian Pelican, Many-Colored Rush-Tyrant, Wren-Like Rushbird, Yellow-Hooded Blackbird, Peruvian Thick-Knee, Blackish Oystercatcher, Red- Legged Cormorant, Guanay Cormorant, Humboldt Penguin, Inca Tern, Peruvian Booby, Collared Warbling-Finch,

Coastal Miner, Short-Tailed Field-Tyrant, Band-winged Nightjar among others..

4 Phone: 51 982 702 501

Peru Birding Tours [email protected]

BIRD GALLERY Photos: Omar Diaz

Bearded Mountaineer White-Browed Conebill Andean Cock of the Rock

Orange-Eared Tanager Black and Chestnut Eagle Yellow-Throated Tanager

White-Throated Tyrannuet Rufous-Capped Nunlet Purus jacamar

Orinoco Goose Humboldt Penguin Surf Cinclodes

5 Phone: 51 982 702 501

Peru Birding Tours [email protected]




april 6 april

April 5 April 7 April 8 April 9 April

April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 16 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 20 April 21 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 April TINAMOU 1 Great Tinamou 1 R X 2 Cinereous Tinamou 2 R H H X H X 3 Brown Tinamou 2 R H 4 Undulated Tinamou 2 R H H H H 5 Barlet’s Tinamou 2 R H X 6 Variagate Tinamou 2 R H H H 7 Black-capped Tinamou 3 R H H 8 Andean Tinamou 4 R X STORKS/FLAMINGO 9 Wood Stork 5 R X X 10 Jabiru 5 R X GOOSE, DUCKS,TEALS 11 Orinoco Goose 6 U X 12 Puna Teal 7 U X 13 Cinanmon Teal 7 U X

14 Yellow-billed Teal 7 U X 15 Brazilian Teal 305 U X X X X 16 Yellow-billed Pintail 7 U X 17 White-Cheeked Pintail 7 U 18 White-Faced Whistling-Duck 6 R X 19 Black-Bellied Whistling-Duck 6 R X 20 Muscovy Duck 6 U X X 21 Ruddy Duck 8 U X Guan/ Curassow/Wood Quail 22 Spix’s Guan 10 U X X X 23 Blue-throated Pipin-Guan 11 U X X X X X 24 Razor-billed Curassow 11 U X 25 Speckled Chachalaca 9 C X X X X X X X X X X X 26 Andean Guan 10 U X


27 White-Tufted Grebe 12 U X 28 Great Grebe 12 U X 29 Pied -billed grebe 12 U X PELICAN, BOOBIES 30 Peruvian Pelican 21 U X 31 Humbolt Penguin 21 U X 32 Peruvian Booby 21 U X CORMORANTS, ANHINGA 33 Neotropical Cormorant 22 C X X X X 34 Guanay Cormorant 22 U X 35 Red-legged Cormorant 22 U X

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Peru Birding Tours [email protected]

HERONS, EGRETS, BITTERN 36 Cocoi Heron 23 U X X 37 Striated Heron 25 U X X X X X X X 38 Capped Heron 24 U X X X X X X 39 Little Blue Heron 25 U X X X 40 Fasciated Tiger-Heron 23 U X X 41 Rufescent Tiger-Heron 23 U X X 42 Black-crowned Night-Heron 24 U X X 43 Snowy Egret 25 C X X X X X X X 44 Cattle Egret 24 C X X X X 45 Great Egret 24 C X X X X SCREAMER, IBIS, SPOONBILL 46 Horned Screamer 26 U X X X X X X 47 Limpkin 24 U X X X 48 Roseate Spoonbill 23 R X 49 Puna Ibis 26 U X X X 50 Black-faced Ibis 26 R X 51 Green Ibis 26 U X X VULTURES, CONDOR 52 Turkey Vulture 27 C X X X X X X X X 53 Greater Yellow-headed Vulture 27 C X X X X X X X X X X X 54 Black Vulture 27 C X X X X X X X X X X X 55 Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture 27 U X 56 King Vulture 28 R X X X X X KITES 57 Grey-headed Kite 29 R X X X 58 Swallow-tailed Kite 29 U X 59 Slender-Billed Kite 35 U X X X 60 White-Tailed Kite 29 U X 61 Hook-billed Kite 33 U X HAWKS 62 Crane Hawk 30 R X X 63 Great-Black Hawk 36 U X X 64 Black-Collare hawk 36 U X 65 Grey Hawk(Gray-Lined Hawk) 37 U X X X X 66 Roadside Hawk 37 C X X X X X X X X X X 67 Variable Hawk 38 C X X X X X 68 Harris's Hawk 40 U X EAGLES, OSPREY 69 Black-and-chestnut Eagle 35 R X 70 Solitary Eagle 36 U X 71 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle 38 U X 72 Osprey 41 U X FALCON, CARACARA 73 Laughing Falcon 32 U X X 74 Aplomado Falcon 44 R X 75 Orange-Breasted Falcon 44 R X 76 Peregrine Falcon 44 U X X 77 Bat Falcon 44 U X X X X X X 7 Phone: 51 982 702 501

Peru Birding Tours [email protected]

78 American Kestrel 43 U X X 79 Cinereous Harrier 43 U X 80 Black Caracara 42 C X X X X X X X X X 81 Red-throated Caracara 42 U X X X X X X X X 82 Mountain Caracara 42 C X 83 Southern Caracara 42 U X X X X X X SUNBITTERN/WOOD-RAIL/RAIL/CRAKE 84 Sunbittern 45 U X 85 Gray-necked Wood-Rail 45 U X X X X X 86 Plumbeous Rail 46 U X X X RAIL,CRAKE 87 Rufous-Sided Crake 48 R X 88 Gray-Breasted Crake 48 U X 89 Paint-Billed Crake 47 U H 90 Black-Banded Crake 48 U H 91 Azure Gallinue 49 R X 92 Purple Gallinule 49 U X X 93 Wattled Jacana 50 C X X X X MOORHEN,COOT 94 Common Moorhen(Gallinule) 49 C X X X 95 Andean Coot 49 C X X X OYSTERCATCHER,LAPWING,STILT 96 American Oystercatcher 50 C X 97 Blackish Oystercatcher 50 C X 98 Pied Lapwing 50 U X X X 99 Andean Lapwing 50 U X 100 Southern Lapwing 50 U X X X X 101 Black-necked Stilt (SOUTH) 50 U X X THICK-KNEE, PLOVER,SNIPE 102 Peruvian Thick-knee 51 U X 103 Collared Plover 52 U X X 104 Killdeer 52 U X 105 Whimbrel 54 U X YELLOWLEGS, SANDPIPER 106 Greater Yellowlegs 55 U X X 107 Lesser Yellowlegs 55 U X X 108 Spotted Sandpiper 55 U X X X X X X 109 Least Sandpiper 56 U X 110 Semipalmated Sandpiper 56 U X 111 Baird's Sandpiper 56 U X 112 Pectoral Sandpiper 56 U X SANDERLING,TURNSTONE,PHALAROPE 113 Ruddy Turnstone 58 U X 114 Sanderling 58 U X 115 Wilson's Phalarope 58 U X GULLS, TERNS 116 Belcher’s Gull(Band-Tailed) 60 U X 117 Kelp Gull 60 U X 118 Gray Gull 60 U X 8 Phone: 51 982 702 501

Peru Birding Tours [email protected]

119 Laughing Gull 61 U X 120 Franklin’s Gull 61 U X 121 Gray-hooded Gull 61 U X 122 Andean Gull 61 U X X 123 Inca Tern 60 U X 124 Yellow-Billed Tern 62 U X X X 125 Large-billed Tern 62 U X X X 126 Black Skimmer 62 U X X X X PIGEONS, DOVE, GROUND-DOVES 127 Plumbeous Pigeon 64 C X X X 128 Ruddy Pigeon 64 C X X X X 129 Band-tailed Pigeon 64 U X X X 130 Pale-vented Pigeon 64 U X X X 131 Spot-winged Pigeon 65 R X X 132 Rock Pigeon 66 C X X X X X X X 133 Bare-faced Ground-Dove 65 U X 134 Eared Dove 65 C X 135 West Peruvian Dove 65 C X X 136 Picui Ground-Dove 66 R X 137 Ruddy Ground-Dove 66 C X X 138 Croaking Ground-Dove 66 C X 139 Gray-fronted Dove 67 U X X X 140 White-tipped Dove 67 U X X H 141 Violaceous Quail-Dove 68 R X X MACAWS 142 Military Macaw 69 R X X 143 Scarlet Macaw 69 C X X X 144 Red-and-green Macaw 69 C X X X 145 Blue-headed Macaw 69 U X X X X 146 Blue & Yellow Macaw 69 C X X X 147 Chestnut-fronted Macaw 69 C X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 148 Red-bellied Macaw 69 U X X X X X PARAKEETS 149 White-eyed Parakeet 70 C X X X X X X X X 150 Dusky-headed Parakeet 70 C X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 151 Red-Masked Parakeet 70 U X 152 Cobalt-winged Parakeet 73 C X X X X 153 Tui Parakeet 73 R X PARROTS 154 Blue-headed Parrot 75 C X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 155 Scaly-naped Parrot 76 U H 156 Mealy Parrot 76 C X 157 Yellow-Crowned Parrot 76 U X 158 Orange-Cheeked Parrot 74 U X CUCKOOS, ANI 159 Squirrel Cuckoo 78 C X X X X X X 160 Little Cuckoo 78 U X X X 161 Striped Cuckoo 77 U X X 162 Yellow-Billed Cuckoo 77 U X X 9 Phone: 51 982 702 501

Peru Birding Tours [email protected]

163 Greater Ani 78 U X X X X X 164 Smooth-billed Ani 78 C X X X X X X 165 Groove-billed Ani 78 C X 166 Hoatzin 79 C X X X X X X X X X X X OWLS 167 Burrowing Owl 80 C X X 168 Tawny-Bellied Screech-Owl 81 U X H H H H 169 Band-Bellied Owl 82 R X 170 Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl 84 C H H POTOOS 171 Common Potoo 85 R H 172 Great Potoo 85 R H X X X X 173 Long-Tailed Potoo 85 R H NIGHTHAWK, NIGHTJAR 174 Sand-Collored Nighthawk 86 U X X X 175 Common Pauraque 87 C H H X H H H H 176 Swallow-tailed Nightjar 87 U X SWIFTS 177 White-collared Swift 89 U X X X X X 178 White-Tipped Swift 89 U X 179 Chestnut-collared Swift 90 U X X X X X 180 Pale-Rumped Swift 90 U X X 181 Short-tailed Swift 90 U X X X 182 Amazonian Swift 90 U X 183 Fork-tailed Palm-Swift 91 U X X X X X HUMMINGBIRD 184 Giant Hummingbird 91 U X 185 Green and White Hummingbird 100 EN X 186 Violet-Headed Hummingbird 98 U X X X 187 Speckled Hummingbird 101 U X X X 188 Many-spotted Hummingbird 102 U X X 189 Amazilia Hummingbird 111 U X 190 Great Sapphirewing 91 U X 191 Reddish Hermit 93 U X X 192 White-bearded Hermit 94 U X X 193 Long-tailed Hermit 94 U X X 194 Koepcke’s Hermit 94 EN X SABREWING, SAPPHIRE 195 Gray-breasted Sabrewing 95 U X X X X X 196 Golden-tailed Sapphire 95 U X X X X X 197 White-Chinned Sapphire 95 U X X X VIOLETEAR, BRILLIANT, SUNBEAN 198 Green Violetear 97 U X X 199 Sparkling Violetear 97 U X 200 Fawn-breasted Brilliant 102 U X 201 Violet-fronted Brilliant 102 U X INCA, FUFFLEG, TRAINBEARER 202 Bronzy Inca 104 U X 203 Collared Inca(Gould’s Inca) 104 U X 10 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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204 Black-tailed Trainbearer 107 U X 205 Green-tailed Trainbearer 107 U X METALTAIL, THORNBILL 206 Tyrian Metaltail 109 U X 207 Rufous-capped Thornbill 109 U X EMERALD / COQETTE 208 Sapphire-Spangled Emerald 99 U X X X X 209 Blue-tailed Emerald 96 U X X X X 210 Rufous-Crested Coquette 98 C X X X X OTHERS HUMMERS 211 White-necked Jacobin 95 C X 212 Fork-tailed Woodnymph 96 C X X X X X 213 Gould’s Jewelfront 96 U X X X 214 Wire-crested Thorntail 98 R X X 215 Peruvian Piedtail 101 EN X 216 Chestnut-breasted Coronet 104 R X 217 Violet-throated Starfrontlet 104 R X X 218 Long-tailed Sylph 105 R X X X X 219 Amethyst-throated Sunangel 105 U X X 220 Booted Racket-Tail 106 U X X X X 221 Bearded Mountaineer 107 EN X 222 Black-eared Fairy 110 U X 223 White-bellied Woodstar 110 U X X X TROGON, QUETZAL, MOTMOT 224 Masked Trogon 112 U X X 225 Blue-Crowned Trogon 112 U X X X X X X X 226 Green-Backed Trogon 112 U X X 227 Violaceous Trogon 112 U X X X X 228 Collared Trogon 112 U X X X 229 Black-Tailed Trogon 112 U X X X X X X X 230 Crested Quetzal 113 R X 231 Golden-headed Quetzal 113 R H 232 Highland Motmot 113 C X X X 233 Blue-Crowned Motmot 113 C X X X X 234 Broad-Billed Motmot 113 R X X X H 235 Rufous Motmot 113 R H H KINGFISHER 236 Amazon Kingfisher 114 U X X X X X X X X 237 Ringed Kingfisher 114 U X X X X X X X 238 Green Kingfisher 114 U X X X X X X 239 American Pygmy Kingfisher 114 U X X JACAMAR 240 Bluish-fronted Jacamar 116 C X X X X X X X X X X 241 Purus Jacamar 115 U X X 242 White-throated Jacamar 115 U X 243 Great Jacamar 115 R X PUFFBIRDS, MONKLET 244 Chestnut-Capped Puffbird 117 U X X 245 Striolated PuffBird 118 U X 11 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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246 Swallow-wing 119 U X X X X X NUNBIRDS, BARBETS 247 Black-Fronted NunBird 119 C X X X X X X X X X X X X X 248 White-Fronted NunBird 119 U X X 249 Rufous-Capped Nunlet 120 R X 250 Gilded Barbet 121 C X X X 251 Scarlet-Hooded Barbet 121 U X X 252 Lemon-Throated Barbet 121 U X 253 Versicolored Barbet 121 U X X TOUCAN, TOUCANET, ARACARI 254 Channel-Billed Toucan 124 C X 255 White-Throated Toucan 124 C X X X 256 Golden-Collared Toucanet 124 U X 257 Chestnut-tipped Toucanet 123 R X 258 Blue-banded Toucanet 123 R X 259 Emerald Toucanet 123 U X X 260 Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan 123 U X 261 Chestnut-eared Aracari 122 C X X PICULETS 262 Fine-barred Piculet 125 U X 263 Rufous-breasted Piculet 126 U H X WOODPECKER, FLICKER 264 Yellow-tufted Woodpecker 127 C X X X X X X X X X 265 Little Woodpecker 127 C X X X X X X X X X 266 Golden-olive Woodpecker 128 U X X X 267 Spot-breasted Woodpecker 128 U X 268 Andean Flicker 129 U X X 269 Cream-colored Woodpecker 129 U X 270 Red-necked Woodpecker 130 U X 271 Lineated Woodpecker 130 C X X X X X X X 272 Crimson-crested Woodpecker 130 C X X X X X X X X X X WOODCREEPERS 273 Long-Tailed Woodcreeper 131 U X 274 Wedge-billed Woodcreeper 131 U X X 275 Plain-Brown WoodCreeper 131 R X 276 Buff-throated Woodcreeper 132 U H X X H 277 Olive-Backed Woodcreeper 134 U X 278 Elegant Woodcreeper 133 U X H 279 Strong-Billed Woodcreeper 132 U H X 280 Olivaceous WoodCreeper 134 U X X 281 Montane Woodcreeper 134 U X X 282 Lineated Woodcreeper 134 R X 283 Cinnamon-Throated WoodCreeper 135 U H X X X 284 Straigh-Billed Woodcreeper 133 U X X X X 285 Red-billed Scythebill 135 R X X MINER,CINCLODES,EARTHCREEPER 286 Coastal Miner 136 EN X 287 Wren-like Rushbird 138 C X 288 Surf Cinclodes 138 EN X 12 Phone: 51 982 702 501

Peru Birding Tours [email protected]

289 Bar-winged Cinclodes 138 U X 290 White-winged Cinclodes 138 U X SPINETETAIL, SOFTAIL, PLUSHCROWN 291 Puna Thistletail 140 U X 292 Azara's Spinetail 141 C H X X 293 Plain-Crowned Spinetail 142 C X X X X X 294 Dark-breasted Spinetail 142 U X X X 295 Ash-browed Spinetail 145 U X X 296 Speckled Spinetail 145 U X X 297 Rudy Spinatail 143 U X 298 Marcapata Spinetail 145 EN X 299 Creamy-crested Spinetail 145 EN X CANASTERO 300 Rusty-fronted Canastero 146 EN X 301 Line-fronted Canastero 146 U X 302 Streak-fronted Thornbird 148 U X BARBTAIL/FOLIAGE-GLEANER 303 Spotted Barbtail 149 U X 304 Pearled Treerunner 149 U X X 305 Montane Foliage-gleaner 149 U X X 306 Cinnamon-Rumped Foliage-gleaner 151 U X 307 Chestnut-Crowned Foliage-Gleaner 152 U H X X H 308 Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner 152 U X X X H 309 Dusky-cheeked Foliage-gleaner 152 U X 310 Olive-Backed Foliage-gleaner 152 U X PAMLCREEPER, HOOKBILL,TUFTEDCHEEK,TREEHUNTER,LEAFTOSSER,XENOPS 311 Chestnut-winged Hookbill 150 U X 312 Streaked Tuftedcheek 153 U X 313 Striped Treehunter 153 U X 314 Streaked Xenops 155 U X HORNERO/ANTSHRIKE/ FIRE -EYE 315 Pale-Legged Hornero 156 C X X X X 316 Great Antshrike 156 C X H X H 317 Bamboo Antshrike 157 U X H 318 Barred Antshrike 157 C X H H X X 319 Chestnut-backed Antshrike 157 R X X 320 Plain-Winged Antshrike 159 C X X X X X X 321 White-shouldered Antshrike 159 U X 322 Bluish-slate Antshrike 162 C X X X X X X X X X 323 Dusky-Throated Antshrike 162 C X 324 Plain Antvireo 160 U X ANTWREN 325 Stripe-chested Antwren 164 U X 326 Pygmy Antwren 164 U X 327 Sclater’s Antwren 164 U X 328 Amazonian streaked antwren 164 U X 329 White-eyed Antwren 163 U X 330 Stipple-Throated antwren 163 U X 331 Ihering’s Antwren 165 U X X X 13 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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332 Long-Winged Antwren 165 U X 333 Gray Antwren 165 U X X X 334 Slaty Antwren 165 U 335 White-flanked Antwren 166 U X X X 336 Yellow-breasted Antwren 167 R X 337 Rusty-Backed Antwren 166 R X 338 Dot-winged Antwren 168 R X 339 Plain-Throated Antwren 175 R X ANTBIRD 340 White-lined Antbird 158 U H X X 341 Blackish Antbird 169 U X 342 Black Antbird 169 U X 343 Manu Antbird 169 U X X 344 Gray Antbird 169 U X H H 345 White-browed Antbird 170 U X 346 Black-faced Antbird 170 U H 347 Yellow-Breasted Warbling Antbird 168 U X 348 Peruvian Warbling Antbird 168 U X 349 Striated Antbird 168 U X X 350 Long-Tailed Antbird 168 U X 351 Chestnut-tailed Antbird 171 U X X X 352 Black-throated Antbird 171 U X 353 Sooty Antbird 172 U X 354 Plumbeous Antbird 172 U X 355 Goeldis Antbird 172 U H X X X 356 White-throated Antbird 173 U X 357 Silvered Antbird 174 U X 358 Band-tailed Antbird 174 U X 359 Spot-Backed Antbird 175 U X 360 Scale-Backed Antbird 175 U X 361 Black spotted Bare Eye 172 U H H H H X ANTTHRUSH / ANTPITTA 362 Black-faced Antthrush 176 C H 363 Red-and-white Antpitta 179 EN H 364 Thrush-like Antpitta 180 U H 365 Amazonian Antpitta 181 U H H H H 366 Rusty-Belted Tapaculo 182 R X H 367 Trilling Tapaculo 183 R H 368 White-crowned Tapaculo 184 R H X TYRANNULET 369 Bolivian Tyrannulet 189 U X 370 Yellow Tyrannulet 189 U X 371 Torrent Tyrannulet 193 U X X 372 Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet 194 U X X X 373 White-banded Tyrannulet 195 U X 374 White-throated Tyrannulet 195 U X X 375 White-tailed Tyrannulet 195 U X BRISTLE-TYRANT/ELAENIA 376 Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant 187 U X X X 14 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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377 Large Elaenia 191 U X 378 Sierran Elaenia 192 U X 379 White-crested Elaenia 192 U X 380 Small-billed Elaenia 192 U X RUSH-TYRANT/TIT-TYRANT 381 Many-colored Rush-Tyrant 195 C X X 382 Tufted Tit-Tyrant 196 U X PYGMY TIRANT/ TODY TYRANT/ TODY-FLYCATCHER/ TYRANT 383 Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant 199 U X X 384 Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher 202 U X 385 Tawny-Crowned Pygmy-Tyrant 203 R X 386 White-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher 202 U X X 387 Spotted Tody-flycatcher 203 U X 388 Yellow-Browed Tody-Flycatcher 203 U X FLYCATCHERS 389 Streak-Necked Flycatcher 198 U X 390 Olive-Striped Flycatcher 198 U X 391 MacConnell's Flycatcher 198 U X X 392 Ochre-Bellied Flycather 198 U X 393 Ornate Flycatcher 198 U X 394 Cinnamon Flycatcher 198 U X X 395 Yellow-Marginded Flycatcher 205 U X 396 Gray-crowned Flycatcher 205 U X X X X 397 Yellow-Breasted Flycatcher 205 U 398 Ruddy-Tailed Flycatcher 207 U X 399 Bran-colored Flycatcher 207 U X 400 Euler's Flycatcher 209 U X 401 Vermilion Flycatcher 211 U X 402 Streaked Flycatcher 219 U X 403 Golden-crowned Flycatcher 219 U X 404 Dusky-chested Flycatcher 220 U X 405 Gray-capped Flycatcher 220 U X X X 406 Yellow-browed Flycatcher 220 U 407 Lemon-browed Flycatcher 220 U X X 408 Boat-billed Flycatcher 221 U X 409 Rusty-Margined Flycatcher 221 U X 410 Social Flycatcher 221 C X X X X X 411 Fork-tailed Flycatcher 222 U X 412 Crowned-Slaty Flycatcher 222 U X X 413 Sulphury Flycatcher 223 U X X X 414 Brown-crested Flycatcher 223 U X 415 Swainzon Flycatcher 224 U X 416 Short-crested Flycatcher 224 U X X 417 Dusky-capped Flycatcher 224 U X 418 Lesser Kiskadee 221 U X 419 Great Kiskadee 221 U X 420 Eastern Kingbird 222 U X 421 Tropical Kingbird 223 C X X X X X SIRYSTES, WOOD-PEWEE,PHOEBE 15 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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422 Smoke-colored Pewee 210 U X 423 Eastern Wood-Pewee 210 U X 424 Tropical Pewee 210 U X 425 Black Phoebe 211 U X X X CHAT-TYRANT, GROUND-TYRANT 426 Slaty-Backed Chat-Tyrant 217 U X 427 Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant 218 U X 428 Rufous-Breasted Chat-Tyrant 218 U X X X 429 White-browed Chat-Tyrant 218 U X 430 Rufous-webbed Bush-Tyrant 216 U X 431 Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant 213 U X 432 Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant 214 U X SHRIKE-TYRANT/ TYRANT/DORADITO/NEGRITO/ANTPIPIT 433 Shor-Tailed Field Tyrant 213 U X 434 White-Winged Black-Tyrant 212 U X 435 Long-tailed Tyrant 222 U X X 436 Drab-water Tyrant 213 U X 437 Andean Negrito 214 U X 438 Ringed Antpipit 206 U X FLATBILL/SPADEBILL/ATTILA 439 Dusky-Tailed Flatbill 204 U X 440 Golden-Crowned Spadebill 206 U H 441 Bright-Rumped Attila 227 U X 442 Dull-Capped Attila 227 U X 443 Pink-Throated Becard 225 U X 444 White-winged Becard 226 U X X 445 Barred Becard 226 R X 446 Masked Tityra 228 U X 447 Black-Crowned Tityra 228 U X 448 Black-Tailed Tityra 228 U X COTINGA/FRUITEATER 449 Red-crested Cotinga 230 U X 450 Plum-throated Cotinga 233 U X 451 Barred Fruiteater 231 U X 452 Band-tailed Fruiteater 231 R X X PURPLETUFT/UMBRELLABIRD/COCK OF THE ROCK/SHARPBILL/ 453 Andean Cock-of-the-rock 234 U X X X 454 Screaming Piha 229 U X 455 Purple-Throated Fruitcrow 229 U X 456 Bare-Necked Fruitcrow 233 U X 457 Grayish Mourner 229 U X 458 Cinereous Mourner 229 U X MANAKIN 459 White-bearded Manakin 237 R X 460 Yungas Manakin 237 U X 461 Blue-Crowned Manakin 237 R H 462 Fiery-capped Manakin 235 U X 463 Band-Tailed Manakin 238 U H H H X 464 Round-Tailed Manakin 238 U X 16 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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465 Red-headed Manakin 238 U H 466 Darw-Tyrant Manakin 235 U H VIREO/GREENLET/PEPPERSHRIKE/JAY 467 Red-eyed Vireo 239 U X X X 468 Rufous-browed Peppershrike 239 U X 469 Dusky-capped Greenlet 240 U X X H 470 Green Jay 241 U X X 471 Purplish Jay 241 U X X X H H 472 Violaceous Jay 241 U X X H H 473 White-collared Jay 241 U X X X 474 Brown-chested Martin 242 U X 475 Gray-Breasted Martin 242 U X 476 Blue-and-white Swallow 243 U X X X 477 Brown-bellied Swallow 243 U X X X 478 Andean Swallow 243 U X 479 White-banded Swallow 243 U X X X 480 Southern Rough-winged Swallow 244 U X X X X X X 481 White-Winged Swallow 245 U X X X 482 White-Rumped Swallow 245 R PIPIT 483 Short-Billed Pipit 245 R H 484 Yellowish Pipit 245 R X 485 Paramo Pipit 245 R H WREN/ WOOD-WREN 486 Moustached Wren 248 U H H X 487 House Wren 250 C X X 488 Buff-Breasted Wren 248 U X 489 Mountain Wren 250 U X 490 Sedge Wren 249 U X 491 Gray-breasted Wood-Wren 246 U H X 492 Gray-Mantled Wren 247 U X 493 Scaly-Breasted Wren 247 R H H X 494 Thrush-Like Wren 246 U X X 495 Chestnut-breasted Wren 246 R 496 Long-Tailed Mockingbird 250 C X 497 Black-Capped Donacobius 250 U X X SOLITAIRE/THRUSH 498 Andean Solitaire 252 U X 499 White-Eared Solitaire 252 R X 500 Chiguanco Thrush 254 C X X 501 Great Thrush 254 U X X X 502 Glossy-black Thrush 254 U X 503 Lawrences Thrush 255 U X 504 Creamy-bellied thrush 256 R X 505 Black-Billed Thrush 256 C X X 506 Hauxwell's Thrush 256 R X 507 White-capped Dipper 256 U X X TANAGERS 508 Silver-beaked Tanager 257 C X X X X X X X X 17 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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509 Masked-Crimson Tanager 257 C X X 510 Magpie Tanager 257 C X X X 511 Slaty Tanager 258 R X X 512 Flame-Crested Tanager 261 U X X 513 Yellow-crested Tanager 261 U X X 514 White-shouldered Tanager 261 U X 515 White-winged Shrike Tanager 262 U X X 516 Black-goggled Tanager 262 U X 517 Fawn-breasted Tanager 262 R X 518 Blue-capped Tanager 263 C X X 519 Blue-and-yellow Tanager 263 C X 520 Palm Tanager 263 C X X X X X 521 Blue-gray Tanager 263 C X X X X 522 Common Bush-Tanager 264 C X X 523 Yellow-throated Bush-Tanager 264 U X X 524 Gray-hooded Bush-Tanager 264 U X 525 Short-Billed Bush-Tanager 264 U X 526 Red-Crowned Ant-Tanager 264 R X X 527 Hooded Mountain-Tanager 265 C X X 528 Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager 265 R 529 Chestnut-bellied Mountain-Tanager 265 R X 530 Grass-green Tanager 265 U X X 531 Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager 266 C X X 532 Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager 266 R 533 Golden-collared Tanager 266 U X X 534 Yellow-throated Tanager 266 U X X 535 Silver-backed Tanager 267 U 536 Golden Tanager 267 U X X X 537 Blue and Black Tanager 268 U X 538 Berly-Spangled Tanager 268 U X X X 539 Safron-crowned Tanager 268 U X X 540 Blue-necked Tanager 269 C X X X 541 Masked tanager 269 U 542 Spotted Tanager 269 U X X 543 Bay-headed Tanager 269 U X 544 Yellow-Bellied Tanager 269 U X X 545 Green and Gold Tanager 269 U X 546 Turquoise Tanager 270 U X X 547 Paradise Tanager 270 U X X X X X X X 548 Opal-Rumped Tanager 270 R 549 Opal-Crowned Tanager 270 R X 550 Swallow-Tanager 270 U X 551 Hooded Tanager 273 U X 552 Orange-Eared Tanager 274 U X X X 553 White-Winged Tanager 274 R X HEMISPINGUS 554 Superciliaried Hemispingus 259 U X 555 Black-eared Hemispingus 259 U X X 556 Oleaginous Hemispingus 259 U X 18 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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557 Three-striped Hemispingus 258 U X 558 Black-Capped hemispingus 259 U X DANCIS/HONEYCREEPER 559 Black-faced Dacnis 272 U X 560 Yellow-bellied Dacnis 272 U X 561 Blue Dacnis 272 U X X 562 Green Honeycreeper 271 U X X X 563 Purple Honeycreeper 272 U X X X X CONEBILL/ FLOWERPIERCER 564 Cinereous Conebill 271 C X 565 White-browed Conebill 273 R X 566 Chestnut-Vented Conebill 273 R X 567 Blue-backed Conebill 273 U X X 568 Capped Conebill 273 U X 569 Giant Conebill 275 R 570 Moustached Flowerpiercer 276 U X 571 Black-throated Flowerpiercer 276 U X 572 Rusty Flowerpiercer 276 U X 573 Deep-blue Flowerpiercer 275 U X X 574 Masked Flowerpiercer 275 U X X 575 Bluish Flowerpiecer 275 U X 576 Plushcap 275 U X SPARROW/SIERRA FINCH/ SEEDEATER/GRASQUIT/CARDINAL 577 Yellow-browed Sparrow 277 U X 578 Rufous-collared Sparrow 287 C X X X 579 Pectoral Sparrow 290 U X 580 Peruvian Sierra-Finch 278 U X 581 Mourning Sierra-Finch 279 C X 582 Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch 279 U X X 583 Band-tailed Sierra-Finch 280 U X 584 Saffron Finch 282 C X X X 585 Collared Warbling- Finch 281 U X 586 Grassland Yellow-Finch 282 U X 587 Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch 286 U X 588 Black-faced Brush-Finch 288 U X 589 Plain-colored Seedeater 280 U X 590 Band-tailed Seedeater 280 U X 591 Chestnut-Throated Seedeater 283 U X 592 Lesson’s seedeater 284 U X 593 Slate-Collared Seedeater 284 U X X 594 Chestnut-bellied Seedeater 285 U X 595 Blue-black Grassquit 283 C X X X 596 Red-capped Cardinal 286 C X X X X X X SALTATOR/GROSBEAK 597 Grayish Saltator 291 U X X 598 Buff-throated Saltator 291 U X X X X 599 Golden-billed Saltator 291 U X 600 Blue-Black Grosbeak 290 U H WARBLER 19 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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601 Tropical Parula 292 C X X 602 Slate-throated Redstart 293 C X X X 603 Spectacled Redstart 293 C X X 604 Citrine Warbler 294 R X 605 Two-banded Warbler 294 U X X 606 Russet-crowned Warbler 295 U X 607 Three-striped Warbler 295 U X X 608 Buff-rumped Warbler 295 R X X X 609 Bananaquit 293 C X X X X X X OROPENDOLAS 610 Dusky-Green Oropendola 296 U X X 611 Russet-Backed Oropendola 296 C X X X X X X X X X 612 Casqued Oropendola 296 R X X X X X 613 Crested Oropendola 296 U X X 614 Olive Oropendola 296 U X X X 615 Yellow-rumped Cacique 297 C X X X X X X 616 Shiny Cowbird 298 U X 617 Giant Cowbird 298 U X X 618 Scrub Blackbird 298 U X 619 Epaulet Oriole 299 U X 620 Orange-Backed Troupial 299 U X 621 Yellow-Hooded Blackbird 300 U 622 Yellow-Winged Balckbird 300 U X X 623 Pale-Eyed Blackbird 300 R X 624 Red-Breasted Blackbird 300 U X SISKIN 625 Thick-Billed Siskin 301 U X 626 Hooded Siskin 301 U X EUPHONIA/CHLROPHONIA 627 Rufous-Bellied Euphonia 303 U X 628 Thick-billed Euphonia 303 C X 629 Orange-bellied Euphonia 303 U X X 630 Purple-throated Euphonia 303 U X 631 White-vented Euphonia 303 R X 632 Bronze-green Euphonia 304 U X X 633 Golden-bellied Euphonia 304 U X 634 Blue-naped Chlorophonia 302 U X OTHER WIDLIFES 1 Red-brocket Deer R 2 Squirrel Monkey U X X X 3 Dusky Titi Monkey U X 4 Brown-Capuchin Monkey C X X X X 5 Red-Howler Monkey U X 6 Saddled-Backed Tamarin Monkey U X X X 7 Black-Faced Monkey R X 8 Black Caiman U X 9 White Caiman U X 10 Tapir R X 11 Giant River Otter U X 20 Phone: 51 982 702 501

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12 Long-Nosed Bat C X 13 River Turtle C X 14 Common Tree Boa U 15 Amazon Race runner C X 16 Bolivian Squirrel U X 17 Brown Agouti U X X 18 Common opossum U 19 Red-tailed Squirrel U X X 20 Capybara C X X 21 South American Sea-lion X

21 Phone: 51 982 702 501