Mr. Ashok Kumar Dept of Pharmacy Practice SRM College of Pharmacy SRM University DEFINITION OF FEVER

™Fever is an elevation of body temperature that exceeds the normal daily variation, in conjunction with an increase in hypothalamic set point VARIATION IN TEMPERATURE

™ Anatomic variation ™ Physiologic variation: ™Age ™Sex ™Exercise ™Circadian rhythm ™Underlying disorders NORMAL BODY TEMPERATURE

™ Maximum normal oral temperature ™At 6 AM : 37.2 ™At 4 PM : 37.7 PHYSIOLOGY OF FEVER

™Pyrogens: ™Exogenous pyrogens: ™Bacteria, Virus, Fungus, Allergen,… ™Endogenous pyrogen ™Immune complex, lymphokine,… ™Major EPs: IL1, TNF, IL6 PHYSIOLOGY OF FEVER

™ Exogenous pyrogen Activated leukocytes Endogenous pyrogen(IL1,TNF,…) ™ Acute Phase Response ™ Preoptic area of anterior hypothalamus (PGE2) increase of set point => ™ Brain cortex ™ Vasoconstriction heat conservation ™ Muscle contraction heat production FEVER ACUTE PHASE RESPONSE

™ Metabolic changes ™ Altered hepatocyte function ™ Negative nitrogene balance (Acute phase reactants) ™ C reactive protein(increased) ™ Loss of body weight ™ Serum amyloid A(increased) ™ Altered synthesis of ™ Fibrinogen(increased) hormones ™ Fibronectin(increased) ™ Hematologic alterations ™ Haptoglobin(increased) ™ Ceruloplasmin(increased) ™ Leukocytosis ™ Ferritin(increased) ™ Thrombocytosis ™ Albumin(decreased) ™ Decreased erythrocytosis ™ Transferrin(decreased) HYPERTHERMIA

™Heat production exceeds heat loss, and the temperature exceeds the individuals set point CAUSES OF HYPERTHERMIA SYNDROME ™Heat stroke: Exercise, Anticholinergic ™Drug induced: Cocaine, Amphetamine,MAO inh. ™Neuroleptic malignant syndrome:Phenothiazine ™Malignant hyperthermia: Inhalational anesthetics ™Endocrinopathy: throtoxicosis, pheochromocytoma DIAGNOSIS OF HYPERTHERMIA

™History ™Antipyretics are not effective ™Skin is hot but dry TREATMENT OF FEVER

™Most are associated with

self-limited , most

commonly of viral origin. TREATMENT OF FEVER

™ Reasons not to treat fever: ™ The growth and virulance of some organisms ™ Host defense-related response ™ Fever is an indicator of disease ™ Adverse effect of antipyretic drugs ™ Iatrogenic stress ™ Social benefits DISCOMFORT DUE TO FEVER

™ For each 1 °C elevation of body temperature: ™Metabolic rate increase 10-15% ™Insensible water loss increase 300-500ml/m2/day ™O2 consumption increase 13% ™Heart rate increase 10-15/min TREATMENT OF FEVER

™Reasons to treat fever: ™ The elderly individual with pulmonary or cardiovascular disease ™ The patient at additional risk from the hypercatabolic state (Poor nutrition, Dehydration) ™ The young child with a history of febrile convulsions ™ Toxic encephalopathy or delirium ™ Pregnant women (contraversy) ™ For the patient comfort ™ Hyperpyrexia Treatment Strategies ™Acetaminophen is generally a first-line antipyretic due to being well tolerated with minimal side effects.

™ Pediatric dose: 10-15mg/kg q4-6h (2400mg/day); adult: 650mg q 4 h(4000mg) ™ Can be hepatotoxic in high doses; can upset stomach Clinical Pearls

™Don’t give aspirin to children under 18 years (Reye’s Syndrome)

™Try water sponge bath; remove blankets and heavy clothing; keep room at comfortable temp ATTENUETED FEVER RESPONSE

™ Fever may not be present despite in: ™Newborn ™Elderly ™Uremia ™Significant malnourished individual ™Taking corticosteroids DRUG FEVER

™PATHOGENEGIS ™Contamination of the drug with a pyrogen or microorganism ™Pharmacologic action of the drug itself ™Allergic (hypersensitivity) reaction to the drug DRUG FEVER

™Fever out of proportion to clinical picture ™Associated findings: ™Rigor (43%), Myalgia (25%), Rash (18%), Headache (18%), ™ Leukocytosis (22%), Eosinophilia (22%), Serum sickness,Proteinuria Abnormal liver function test DRUG FEVER

™Onset and duration: ™Onset: 1-3 weeks after the start of therapy ™Duration: remits 2-3 days after therapy is stoped APPROACH TO THE PATIENT WITH FEVER


™ Personal History: ™ Age ™ Occupation ™ Place of origin,Travel History ™ Habits ™Sexual Practices ™Injection Drug Abuse ™Excessive Alcohol Use ™Consumption of Unpasteurized Dairy Products APPROACH TO FEVER

™ Underlying Diseases: ™ Splenectomy ™ Surgical Implantation of Prosthesis ™ Immunodeficiency ™ Chronic Diseases: ™Cirrhosis ™Chronic Heart Diseases ™Chronic Lung Diseases APPROACH TO FEVER

™Drug History: ™Antipyretics ™Immunosuppressants ™Antibiotics ™Family History: ™TB in the Family ™Recent Infection in the Family APPROACH TO FEVER

™Associated Symptoms: ™Shaking chills ™Ear pain,Ear drainage,Hearing loss ™Visual and Eye Symptoms ™Sore Throat ™Chest and Pulmonary Symptoms ™Abdominal Symptoms ™Back pain, Joint or Skeletal pain PATTERN OF FEVER

™ Sustained (Continuous) Fever ™ (Hectic Fever) ™ Remittent Fever ™ : ™ Tertian Fever ™ Quartan Fever ™ Days of Fever Followed by a Several Days Afebrile ™ Pel Ebstein Fever ™ Fever Every 21 Day


™ Physical Examination: ™ Vital Signs ™ Neurological Exam. ™ Skin Lesions,Mucous Membrane ™ Eyes ™ ENT ™ Lymphadenopathy ™ Lungs and Heart ™ Abdominal Region (Hepatomegaly,Splenomegaly) ™ Musculoskeletal LABORATORY STUDY IN PATIENT WITH FEBRILE ILLNESS ™Assess the extent and severity of the inflammatory response to infection ™Determine the site(s) and complications of organ involvement by the process ™Determine the etiology of the infectious disease Initial Laboratory Evaluations in UNEXPLAINED PROLONGED FEVER ™ CBC (diff.) ™ PBS for Malaria and borelia ™ Two in 30 min. Interval ™ CXR ™ U/A ™ L.F.T. in selected patients ™ Wright in selected patients INDICATIONS OF HOSPITALISATION IN PATIENT WITH FEBRILE ILLNESS

™ Persons who are clinically unstable or are at risk for rapid deterioration ™ Major alterations of immunity ™ Need for IV Antimicrobials or other fluids ™ Advanced age FUO FEVER OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN FUO

™Classic FUO ™Nosocomial FUO ™Neutropenic FUO ™HIV-Associated FUO Classic FUO

™ Definition: ™Fever of 38.3 C or higher on several occasions ™Fever of more than 3 weeks duration ™Diagnosis uncertain, despite appropriate investigations after at least 3 outpatient visits or at least 3 days in hospital Nosocomial FUO

™ Definition: ™Fever of 38.3 or higher on several occasions ™Infection was not manifest or incubating on admission ™Failure to reach a diagnosis despite 3 days of appropriate investigation in hospitalized patient Neutropenic FUO

™ Definition: ™Fever of 38.3 or higher on several occasions ™Neutrophil count is <500/mm3 or is expected to fall to that level in 1 to 2 days ™Failure to reach a diagnosis despite 3 days of appropriate investigation HIV-Associated FUO

™ Definition: ™Fever of 38.3 or higher on several occasions ™Fever of more than 3 weeks for outpatients or more than 3 days for hospitalized patients with HIV infection ™Failure to reach a diagnosis despite 3days of appropriate investigation Causes of classical FUO Infections 22-58% Neoplasms up to 30% Noninfectiouse up to 25% inflammatory diseases Miscellaneous causes up to 25% Undiagnosed up to 30% Infections commonly associated with FUO ™Localized pyogenic infections ™Intravascular infections ™Systemic bacterial infections (Tuberculosis, Brucellosis,…) ™Fungal infections ™Viral infections ™Parasitic infections Malignancies commonly associated with FUO ™ Hodgkin’s disease ™ Non-hodgkin’s lymphoma ™ Leukemia ™ Renal cell carcinoma ™ Hepatoma ™ Colon carcinoma ™ Atrial myxoma Noninfectious inflammatory diseases with FUO ™ Collagen vascular/ ™ Granulomatouse diseases hypersensitivity diseases ™Crohn’s disease ™ Lupus ™Sarcoidosis ™ Still’s disease ™Idiopathic ™Temporal arteritis granulomatouse (Giant cell arteritis) disease Miscellaneous causes of FUO

™Drug fever ™Factitious fever ™FMF ™Recurrent pulmonary emboli ™Subacute thyroiditis FACTITIOUS FEVER

™ Diagnosis should be considered in any FUO, especially in: ™Young women ™Persons with medical training ™If the patients clinically well ™Disparity between temperature and pulse ™Absence of the normal diurnal pattern Causes of FUO lasting > 6 month Undiagnosed 19% Miscellaneous 13% Factitious 9% Granulomatouse hepatitis 8% Neoplasm 7% Infection 6% No fever 27% Approach to FUO ™Determine whether the patient has a true FUO ™Workup of true FUO: ™Careful history ™Serial follow-up histories ™Careful physical examination ™Physical examination should be repeated Laboratory examination:

™CBC(diff) ™Culture of blood, ™PBS urine,… ™ESR ™Skin test ™U/A ™Serology ™ S/E ™ANA Imaging:

™CXR ™Ultrasonography ™Radiographic contrast study ™Radioneuclide scan ™CT or MRI Invasive Procedures

™Biopsies: ™Bone marrow ™Skin lesion ™Lymph node ™Liver ™Temporal artery