Across the Galaxy Card List

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Across the Galaxy Card List ACROSS THE GALAXY ⃼ This card comes with a die * This card is unique CARD LIST x Starter x Common x Uncommon x Rare x Legendary x 1 ⃼ * Darth Vader x 42 Heated Confrontation x 85 ⃼ * Black One x 129 Armored Reinforcement x 2 ⃼ * Luce x 43 In a Bind x 86 ⃼ X-Wing x 130 ⃼ * Senate Chamber x 3 ⃼ Nightbrother x 44 Shakedown x 87 ⃼ * Jyn Erso’s Blaster x 131 ⃼ Dorsal Turret x 4 ⃼ * Savage Opress x 45 Sidestep x 88 R2 Astromech x 132 ⃼ Handheld L-S1 Cannon x 5 Burst of Lightning x 46 Wanton Destruction x 89 ⃼ * Lando Calrissian x 133 ⃼ Triple Laser Turret x 6 Endow x 47 * Déjà Vu x 90 ⃼ * Leia Organa x 134 ⃼ * Han Solo x 7 Fear and Dead Men x 48 ⃼ Firespray-31 x 91 ⃼ * L3-37 x 135 ⃼ * Qi’ra x 8 I am the Senate x 49 Relentless x 92 A Good Investment x 136 Across the Galaxy x 9 Let the Hate Flow x 50 ⃼ Donderbus Blaster Pistol x 93 Aid From Above x 137 Cash Out x 10 * Darth Vader’s x 51 ⃼ Grappling Boa x 94 Daring Gambit x 138 Dismantle Meditation Chamber x 52 ⃼ * Tobias Beckett’s Rifle x 95 Drop In x 139 Fight Fire With Fire x 11 Galactic Deception x 53 Vow of Vengeance x 96 Hijack x 140 Indifferent x 12 Stifle x 54 Retribution x 97 Karabast! x 141 Quick Thinking x ⃼ 13 * Vader’s Fist x 55 ⃼ * Barriss Offee x 98 Leverage x 142 Shock Tactic x 14 Bloodlust x 56 ⃼ Force Mystic x 99 Reluctance x 143 Double Down x ⃼ 15 Chain Sickle x 57 ⃼ * Kit Fisto x 100 Slice and Dice x 144 Improvised Defense x ⃼� 16 * Darth Vader’s x 58 ⃼ * Qui-Gon Jinn x 101 Through the Pass x 145 ⃼ * Shadow Caster Lightsaber x 59 Bewilder x 102 ⃼ * Escape Craft x 146 Arc Caster x 17 ⃼ Energy Bow x 60 Finishing Strike x 103 ⃼ * Millennium Falcon x 147 ⃼ Black Sun Blaster Pistol x 18 ⃼ * Iden Versio x 61 Gathering Intelligence x 104 On the Mark x 148 ⃼ Flame Projector x 19 ⃼ * “Mauler” Mithel x 62 Hold Off x 105 Decoy x 149 Shriek x 20 ⃼ Super Battle Droid x 63 Insight x 106 ⃼ Energy Pike x 150 T-16 Skyhopper x 21 ⃼ * Wullf Yularen x 64 Into Exile x 107 ⃼ Token of Affection x 151 X-34 Landspeeder x 22 Browbeat x 65 Repulse x 108 At Odds x 152 Laser Cannon x 23 Commence Primary x 66 Safeguard x Common Cause x 153 Systems Gauge Ignition 109 x 67 Immutability x 110 Conflicted x 154 Targeting Astromech x 24 Drop ‘Em x 68 ⃼ Counterstroke x 111 Deadly Advance x 155 No Allegiance x 25 Hatching a Plan x 69 ⃼ Lightsaber Training Staff x 112 No Questions Asked x 156 Solidarity x 26 Imposing Presence x 70 ⃼ Pillio Star Compass x 113 Relinquish x 157 Landing Dock x 27 In Tandem x 71 ⃼� * Qui-Gon Jinn’s x 114 You Were My Friend x 158 Occupied City x 28 Questioned Loyalty Lightsaber x x x 115 Bitter Rivalry 159 Theed Royal Palace 29 Reach the Stars x ⃼ 72 * Biggs Darklighter x 116 Foresight x 160 Training Room x 30 ⃼ * Black Two x 73 ⃼ * Clone Commander Codyx ⃼ x ⃼ 117 Nexus of Power 31 TIE Fighter x ⃼ 74 * Jyn Erso x 118 ⃼ Force Lift x 32 ⃼ Umbaran Hover Tank x 75 ⃼ Rebel Engineer x ⃼ x 119 Shatterpoint 33 Vigilance x 76 Aerial Advantage x 120 ⃼ Treasured Lightsaber x 34 ⃼� * Inferno Squad ID10 x 77 Attack of the Clones Seeker Droid x 121 Attack Formation x 78 Dogfight x 35 ⃼ * Dryden Vos x 122 Barrel Roll x 79 Evacuate x 36 ⃼ * Tobias Beckett x 123 Deployment x 80 Inflame x 37 ⃼ * Val x 124 Fleet Command x 81 Outgun x 38 Act of Cruelty x 125 Intense Fire x 82 Turn the Tables x 39 Cunning Ruse x 126 Revised Order x 83 Armed Escort x 40 Exploit x 127 Snuff Out x 84 ⃼ * BB-8 x x 41 First Claim 128 Transfer © LFL © FFG .
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