Reference: 20190605

25 September 2019


Dear s9(2)(a)

Thank you for your Official Information Act request, received on 30 August 2019. You requested the following: - RNZ requests all Treasury email correspondence, internally and externally, with the words ‘stakeholder survey’ in the subject line, in the year August 30 2018 to August 30 2019. Please provide these emails in a fully searchable format.

- RNZ requests a list of all official briefings, reports, aide memoires, memos or other documents, prepared by Treasury for any Minister/s in this calendar year, regarding Treasury’s 2019 Stakeholder [sic]. Please provide this information in the format that Treasury currently holds it in.

Information being released

Please find enclosed the following documents:

Item Date Document Description Decision

1. 7 May 2019 EMAIL: RE: Research Brief – Release in part Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019 2. 17 May 2019 EMAIL: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal Release in part for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019 3. 16 August 2019 EMAIL: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal Release in part for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019 Release in part

4. 16 August 2019 EMAIL: Stakeholder survey meeting Release in part with Colmar Brunton 5. 19 August 2019 EMAIL: Stakeholder survey meeting Release in part with Colmar Brunton 6. 19 August 2019 EMAIL: RE: Stakeholder survey Release in part meeting with Colmar Brunton

1 The Terrace PO Box 3724 6140 tel. +64-4-472-2733

7. 30 August 2019 EMAIL: RE: 2019 Stakeholder Release in part Engagement Survey - your stakeholder lists by COB next Thursday please! 8. 30 August 2019 EMAIL: RE: 2019 Stakeholder Release in part Engagement Survey - your stakeholder lists by COB next Thursday please!

I have decided to release the relevant parts of the documents listed above, subject to information being withheld under one or more of the following sections of the Official Information Act, as applicable:

Direct dial phone numbers of officials have been redacted under section 9(2)(k) in order to reduce the possibility of staff being exposed to phishing and other scams. This is because information released under the OIA may end up in the public domain, for example, on websites including the Treasury’s website.

No official briefings, reports, aide memoires, memos or other documents were prepared by the Treasury for any Minister/s in this calendar year regarding the Treasury’s 2019 stakeholder survey.

In making my decision, I have considered the public interest considerations in section 9(1) of the Official Information Act.

Please note that this letter (with your personal details removed) and enclosed documents may be published on the Treasury website.

This reply addresses the information you requested. You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision.

Yours sincerely

Bryan McDaniel Acting Manager, Communications and Engagement


20190605 Table of Contents

1. FW Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey V1 1 2. RE Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019 3 3. RE Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019 4 4. Stakeholder survey meeting with Colmar Brunton 10 5. Stakeholder survey meeting with Colmar Brunton 11 6. RE Stakeholder survey meeting with Colmar Brunton 12 7. RE 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Survey - your stakeholder lists by COB next 13 Thursday please! 8. RE 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Survey - your stakeholder lists by COB next 15 Thursday please!

From: Bryan McDaniel [TSY] Sent: Wednesday, 24 April 2019 8:56 AM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Subject: FW: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey V1 Attachments: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2017 V1.docx

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

Might be useful (eg, has suggested timeline in it).

Ngā mihi

Bryan McDaniel

Bryan McDaniel (he/him) | Principal Communications Advisor | Te Tai Ōhanga – The Treasury Tel: s9(2)(k) | Mobile: s9(2)(a) | Email/IM: [email protected] Visit us online at and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram

From: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Monday, 3 July 2017 5:02 PM To: Bryan McDaniel [TSY] Subject: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey V1

Dear Bryan

Please find attached our proposal for the survey. Once you have had a chance to review let me know if you have any queries or comments.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best, Edward

Edward Langley | Group Account Director M s9(2)(a) | T s9(2)(a) | E s9(2)(a) 101 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 3622, Wellington 6011 |


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From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Friday, 17 May 2019 1:04 PM To: 'Langley, Edward (MBWCB)' Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019


Thanks Edward, my apologies that I haven’t managed to catch up with you in person yet!

I’ll give you a shout next week.

Cheers Jacqui

From: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Friday, 17 May 2019 12:44 PM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Subject: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Kia ora Jacqui

I hope you are well. Please find attached our proposal for the 2019 stakeholder survey.

If you have any queries, or require any additions or clarifications, please get in touch.

In the meantime I hope you have a lovely weekend – looks like the weather should be good 😊

Nga manaakitanga,


Edward Langley | Group Account Director M s9(2)(a) | T s9(2)(a) | E s9(2)(a) 101 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 3622, Wellington 6011 |

PLEASE CONSIDER OUR ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS EMAIL. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

Kantar Disclaimer


From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 3:57 PM To: 'Brownie, Daniel (MBWCB)' Cc: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Great, thanks for that Daniel – you too!

From: Brownie, Daniel (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 3:54 PM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Cc: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Hi Jacqui,

Many thanks for sending that through. We’ll get working on the report, and will see you on Wednesday!

Have a lovely weekend.

Best, Daniel

From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 3:52 PM To: Brownie, Daniel (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Cc: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Hi both – I have highlighted the agencies we’re most interested in benchmarking against. They are:

• Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) • Financial Markets Authority • Inland Revenue (IRD) • Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) • Reserve Bank of New Zealand • State Services Commission (SSC)

Cheers Jacqui

From: Brownie, Daniel (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 2:12 PM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Cc: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Hi Jacqui,

Edward and I will also aim to get the full PSRI report for Treasury to you before the meeting so that we can go through all of the results with you. 1

To get started, I just need you to tell us which agencies you’d like to benchmark your performance against. We only publicly share the results for the top performing agencies; the rationale being this study is designed to be a positive showpiece for the importance of reputation and not an exercise to name and shame those who are perceived to be struggling. Therefore, for benchmarking we ask you to choose the four to six most relevant agencies to compare your performance against. In your customised report we provide an average score from those.

If you could please let me know which ones you’d like us to benchmark your performance against by the end of today, then I can get cracking onto the analysis ahead of the meeting.

Here is the full list of agencies we have measured in 2019 (alpha order): • Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) • Auckland Transport • Broadcasting Standards Authority • Callaghan Innovation • Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand • Commission for Financial Capability • Creative New Zealand • Department of Conservation • Department of Corrections • Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) • • Electricity Authority • Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) • Financial Markets Authority • Health Promotion Agency • Housing New Zealand • Inland Revenue (IRD) • • MetService • Ministry for Culture and Heritage • Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) • Ministry for the Environment • Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) • Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management • Ministry of Education • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) • Ministry of Health • Ministry of Justice • Ministry of Social Development • New Zealand Customs Service • New Zealand Defence Force • New Zealand Fire Service • New Zealand Police

• New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) • New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) • NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) • NZ On Air • Office of Film and Literature Classification • Office of the Children’s Commissioner • Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Vulnerable Children • (Pharmaceutical Management Agency) • Reserve Bank of New Zealand • RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 2 • Serious Fraud Office • • State Services Commission (SSC) • Stats NZ • The Treasury •

Ngā mihi, Daniel

Daniel Brownie | Client Executive T s9(2)(a) | E s9(2)(a) 101 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 3622, Wellington 6011 |

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From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 12:26 PM To: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Cc: Brownie, Daniel (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Fab, you should both have just received a meeting invite.

See you next week! Jacqui

From: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 12:19 PM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Cc: Brownie, Daniel (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Great Jacqui. I have cced Daniel in also. We can do anytime between 2 and 5 on Wednesday

Best, E


From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 12:17 To: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Thanks Edward, let’s meet here then – I will send through a meeting invitation in a mo.

Cheers and have a great weekend! Jacqui

From: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 11:32 AM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Kia ora Jacqui

Deleted - not relevant to request

That sounds great in terms of meeting up next week. Wednesday afternoon would work well for me. I’ll bring my colleague Daniel Brownie as well if that’s OK. We can host here or happy to pop over to Treasury.

I have also attached a copy of the 2017 questionnaire. Looking forward to it.

Best, Edward

From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 11:21 To: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019 Importance: High

Hi Edward. First off, huge apologies for not having been in touch sooner! We’ve had a number of moving parts to consider, but I’m pleased to say that we’re ready to get started on the survey with you – and to look at how the Public Sector Reputation Index results might help us shape some of our questions and also add to our other reputation strategy work underway.

Would I be able to meet up with you next week to go through the PSRI results and talk about a timetable and approach to this year’s survey questions? Any time Monday and Thursday, or Weds afternoon, would work for me. I would also like to bring along Nick Robinson, who’s doing some strategy work for us.

Please let me know what works for you – and if you could perhaps lay your hands on the 2017 final questionnaire for me, that would be great!

Thanks! Jacqui

From: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Tuesday, 6 August 2019 10:27 AM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Morena Jacqui 4

I hope all is well. I just wanted to check in and see if there was any update on the stakeholder research.

Best, Edward

From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Monday, 24 June 2019 14:47 To: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Fab, thanks Ed. Back to you on this soon – and my apologies again for the delay in getting this going.

Cheers J

From: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Monday, 24 June 2019 2:46 PM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Kia ora Jacqui

Apologies, I realise I didn’t get back to you last week. I can confirm that in 2017 we did project scoping /set-up in July, fieldwork in August and reporting in September.

Best, Edward

From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Tuesday, 18 June 2019 09:02 To: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(k) > Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019


Hi Ed, my apologies for not getting back to you sooner on this. We are moving back to the original timeline (as per last year) after consulting with the Budget team, who are conducting a separate survey of their direct stakeholders. We hope to have some insights from that survey which will feed into ours, and it is also likely to be informed by some reputation work that we’re undertaking at the moment.

Am I right in thinking that last time we were working to a July scoping – Aug in field – Sept reporting timetable?

Cheers Jacqui

Jacqui Bridges (she/her) | Manager Communications and Engagement | Te Tai Ōhanga – The Treasury Tel: s9(2)(k) | Mobile: s9(2)(a) | Email/IM: [email protected] Visit us online at and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram


From: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Monday, 17 June 2019 4:11 PM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Subject: RE: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Kia ora Jacqui

I hope all is well. I appreciate it’s been a very intense period for the Treasury over the past few weeks. I wondered if any further thought had been given to the stakeholder research. If this was still proceeding and if so when you hoped to have a contractor in place.

Best, Edward

From: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) Sent: Friday, 17 May 2019 12:44 To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Subject: Colmar Brunton Proposal for Treasury Stakeholder Survey 2019

Kia ora Jacqui

I hope you are well. Please find attached our proposal for the 2019 stakeholder survey.

If you have any queries, or require any additions or clarifications, please get in touch.

In the meantime I hope you have a lovely weekend – looks like the weather should be good 😊

Nga manaakitanga,


Edward Langley | Group Account Director M s9(2)(a) | T s9(2)(a) | E s9(2)(a) 101 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 3622, Wellington 6011 |

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The information in this email is confidential to the Treasury, intended only for the addressee(s), and may also be legally privileged. If you are not an intended addressee: a. please immediately delete this email and notify the Treasury by return email or telephone (64 4 472 2733); b. any use, dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.


From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Friday, 16 August 2019 12:25 PM To: Edward Langley ( s9(2)(a) ); Nick Robinson ( s9(2)(a) ); ' s9(2)(a) '; Bryan McDaniel [TSY] ([email protected]) Subject: Stakeholder survey meeting with Colmar Brunton


Hi everyone. This meeting is to go through the Treasury’s Public Sector Reputation Index and to kick off our stakeholder survey work.

See you there! Jacqui

Jacqui Bridges (she/her) | Manager Communications and Engagement | Te Tai Ōhanga – The Treasury Tel: s9(2)(k) | Mobile: s9(2)(a) | Email/IM: [email protected] Visit us online at and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram


From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2019 9:57 AM To: Edward Langley ( s9(2)(a) ); Nick Robinson ( s9(2)(a) ); s9(2)(a) ; Bryan McDaniel [TSY] ([email protected]) Subject: Stakeholder survey meeting with Colmar Brunton



Hi everyone. This meeting is to go through the Treasury’s Public Sector Reputation Index and to kick off our stakeholder survey work.

See you there! Jacqui

Jacqui Bridges (she/her) | Manager Communications and Engagement | Te Tai Ōhanga – The Treasury Tel: s9(2)(k) | Mobile: s9(2)(a) | Email/IM: [email protected] Visit us online at and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram


From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2019 9:57 AM To: 'Langley, Edward (MBWCB)' Subject: RE: Stakeholder survey meeting with Colmar Brunton


I’ve sent a meeting update for 3pm on Thursday 

Cheers Jacqui

-----Original Appointment----- From: Langley, Edward (MBWCB) < s9(2)(a) > Sent: Monday, 19 August 2019 8:01 AM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Subject: Declined: Stakeholder survey meeting with Colmar Brunton When: Wednesday, 21 August 2019 2:30 PM-4:00 PM (UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington. Where: +TSY 3.11 Meeting Room -6P

Kia ora Jacqui

I hope you had a good weekend. Please accept my apologies but I realise I made a mistake with my diary and I can’t do Wednesday. I can do Thursday afternoon (from 1pm onwards).

Best, Edward

Kantar Disclaimer


From: Kate Williamson [TSY] Sent: Friday, 30 August 2019 1:19 PM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Subject: RE: 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Survey - your stakeholder lists by COB next Thursday please!

Hi Jacqui

I can’t seem to see one for Education in the attachments which seems a bit odd to me. Would you be able to double check if there is one for Education to save us having to start from scratch?

Thanks, Kate

Kate Williamson | Acting Team Leader | Education & Population Agencies | Te Tai Ōhanga – The Treasury Tel: s9(2)(k) | [email protected] Visit us online at and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram

I do not work on Thursdays.

From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Friday, 30 August 2019 11:07 AM To: @Managers [TSY] ; Nicky Lynch [TSY] Subject: 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Survey - your stakeholder lists by COB next Thursday please!


Mōrena, colleagues. You might be aware that the Treasury conducts a comprehensive stakeholder survey every two years, to assess the effectiveness of our stakeholder engagement and how we might improve it. It’s that time again, and we rely on you and your wonderful teams to provide us with a list of your key stakeholders’ names and email addresses.

I have attached the lists from 2017, by team – please locate your list(s) and update them over the coming week. If I could please ask that you return your updated list to me no later than COB next Thursday 5 September, that would be massively helpful! If there is no list for you, my apologies but please could you start one.

We’re aiming to end up with a list of 900-1000 so that our response rate still delivers a decent sample size – so please do ensure you put your mind to those stakeholders who might not be such frequent contacts, but who are nevertheless important to your work.

Many thanks in advance – and please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any queries. Jacqui

Jacqui Bridges (she/her) | Manager Communications and Engagement | Te Tai Ōhanga – The Treasury Tel: s9(2)(k) | Mobile: s9(2)(a) | Email/IM: [email protected] 1 Visit us online at and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram


From: Nicholas DeBono [TSY] Sent: Monday, 2 September 2019 11:41 AM To: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Cc: Nicky Lynch [TSY] Subject: RE: 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Survey - your stakeholder lists by COB next Thursday please!

Hi Jacqui

One of the team members has asked how broad they should be with the list of stakeholders that they are in contact with regularly as some of our team liase with a lot of different stakeholders on a regular basis.

If you could kindly advise if you are after specific stakeholders or just who the team thinks should be there.

Thank you

Kind Regards

Nicholas De Bono | Team Assistant | Te Tai Ōhanga – The Treasury Tel: s9(2)(k) | Email/IM: [email protected] Visit us online at and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram

From: Jacqui Bridges [TSY] Sent: Friday, 30 August 2019 11:07 AM To: @Managers [TSY] ; Nicky Lynch [TSY] Subject: 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Survey - your stakeholder lists by COB next Thursday please!


Mōrena, colleagues. You might be aware that the Treasury conducts a comprehensive stakeholder survey every two years, to assess the effectiveness of our stakeholder engagement and how we might improve it. It’s that time again, and we rely on you and your wonderful teams to provide us with a list of your key stakeholders’ names and email addresses.

I have attached the lists from 2017, by team – please locate your list(s) and update them over the coming week. If I could please ask that you return your updated list to me no later than COB next Thursday 5 September, that would be massively helpful! If there is no list for you, my apologies but please could you start one.

We’re aiming to end up with a list of 900-1000 so that our response rate still delivers a decent sample size – so please do ensure you put your mind to those stakeholders who might not be such frequent contacts, but who are nevertheless important to your work.

Many thanks in advance – and please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any queries. Jacqui


Jacqui Bridges (she/her) | Manager Communications and Engagement | Te Tai Ōhanga – The Treasury Tel: s9(2)(k) | Mobile: s9(2)(a) | Email/IM: [email protected] Visit us online at and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram