J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.4.281 on 1 August 1969. Downloaded from

J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1969, 40, 281-289

Experimental studies related to in myasthenia gravis

B. M. KAUFMAN, G. RUSHWORTH, AND R. WRIGHT From the Nuffield Department of Medicine, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, and the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Churchill Hospital, Oxford

The possibility that autoimmune mechanisms might Namba, Himei, and Grob (1964) and Namba and be a factor in the pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis Grob (1966) isolated a ribonucleoprotein from has been proposed on a number of grounds. Clini- muscle which reacted avidly with d-tubocurarine cally, the association of myasthenia gravis with and , but repeated injection of this other putative autoimmune diseases has been cited fraction together with Freund's adjuvant into as favouring such a hypothesis. Immunological rabbits did not result in muscle damage, although evidence includes the demonstration of circulating identical with those found in the sera of

to muscle in the sera of a number of patients with myasthenia gravis were produced. guest. Protected by copyright. patients with myasthenia gravis (Strauss, Seegal, Parkes (1966) found no apparent functional dis- Hsu, Burkholder, Nastuk, and Osserman, 1960; turbance of muscle after the repeated injection of Beutner, Witebsky, Ricken, and Adler, 1962; Strauss, homologous muscle with adjuvant into rats, although Smith, Cage, Van Der Geld, McFarlin, and Barlow, atrophy of muscle fibres did develop in some of the 1966), also reacting with 'myoid' cells in the immunized animals. Tolnai (1966) has found struc- (Van Der Geld, Feltkamp, and Oosterhuis, 1964; tural changes in muscle, produced by immunizing Van Der Geld and Strauss, 1966). Experimentally, mice with homologous muscle, but there was no it is claimed that the injection of heterologous evidence of muscle wasting or . On the muscle homogenates into guinea-pigs will produce other hand, Tal and Liban (1962) claimed to be able circulating reacting with muscle and various to produce muscle wasting and weakness in rabbits components of the thymus, and also a myasthenia- and guinea-pigs by the repeated injection of homo- like which can be detected electromyo- logous and heterologous muscle in Freund's adjuvant. graphically (Goldstein and Whittingham, 1966). More recently, Goldstein and Whittingham (1966) The present report consists of an experimental observed histological abnormalities in muscle and study in the production of myasthenia gravis by thymus, and electromyographic changes resembling immunological means in animals. Histological and myasthenia gravis in guinea-pigs immunized with histochemical studies of thymus are also described, heterologous muscle in adjuvant. We have re- with particular reference to the nature of the examined the problem using a similar approach to 'myoid' cells of the thymus. that of Goldstein and Whittingham, with more http://jnnp.bmj.com/ extensive electromyographic studies. IMMUNOLOGICAL STUDIES MATERIALS AND METHODS Several attempts have been made to produce a disease resembling myasthenia gravis in experimen- MUSCLE HOMOGENATES Fresh gastrocnemius muscle from tal animals by immunological means. Germinal a calf was homogenized by the method described by follicles similar to those seen in myasthenia gravis Goldstein and Whittingham (1966). Fat and connective develop in the thymus of animals when antigen is tissue were removed, the muscle was cut into small pieces, on September 24, 2021 by injected directly into it (Marshall and White, 1961a, and homogenized for two minutes (1/5 wt/vol) in cold b; Blau and Waksman, 1964; Sherman, Adner, and phosphate-buffered saline (0 15 molar, pH 7 2) in a Virtis Dameshek, 1964, 1965), but this has not been Homogenizer at 4°C. The resulting homogenate was spun with at 3,000 x g in an MRC refrigerated centrifugeat 0 to 4°C, associated obvious clinical disease of muscle. and the resulting supernatant emulsified with an equal Simpson (1966) has reported early experiments volume of complete Freund's adjuvant (Difco Ltd.). in which mice were immunized with homologous muscle homogenates without producing evidence of IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULES Hartley MRC guinea-pigs, a myasthenia-like disease. 6 to 9 months old, were immunized with the fresh muscle 281 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.4.281 on 1 August 1969. Downloaded from

282 B. M. Kaufman, G. Rushworth, and R. Wright homogenate in complete Freund's adjuvant. Thirteen conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (Baltimore animals were given an injection of 0-1 ml. homogenate Biologicals Ltd.) at a dilution of 1:10 for 10 minutes. into each hind foot-pad. Five animals received injections They were then washed for 45 minutes in two changes of of complete Freund's adjuvant alone, and 10 normal buffer. Greater concentrations of conjugate resulted in animals served as additional controls. Six animals received non-specific staining. a booster dose of antigen into the foot-pads, two weeks Gel diffusion Sera were also tested by the Ouchterlony after initial immunization. technique (1953) using 1% oxoid ion agar in 0 1 M Young guinea-pigs were used in this experiment. In a phosphate buffered saline at pH 7-2. Calf-muscle homo- separate earlier experiment 12 to 18 month-old guinea- genate, prepared as previously described, was placed in a pigs of the same strain had been immunized with calf central well 4 mm in diameter, and the undiluted test sera muscle (six animals), calf thymus (eight animals), and in wells at a distance of 6 mm from the central well. human gastrocnemius muscle (four animals) by foot-pad injection. RESULTS ELECTROMYOGRAPHIC STUDIES Two weeks after immun- ization the animals were anaesthetized with Nembutal ELECTROMYOGRAPHIC FINDINGS Electrode move- (0.1 mg/kg body weight) and at the same time received ment was a continual problem, even when the guinea- (0-04 mg/kg body weight) by intraperitoneal pig's limbs and the electrodes had been fixed in injection. Each animal was supported on its back and position to rigid supports. This was presumably due kept warm by means of a hot water bottle. One forelimb to the isotonic nature of the muscle contraction. was strapped to a plastic support held rigid by clamps, a and single-core stimulating needle electrodes were inserted Small displacing movements and rotation of into the axilla in the region of the brachial plexus. Needle double-core co-axial rotating electrode within a recording electrodes were inserted into the flexors of the muscle (flexor digitorum) were found to giveguest. Protected by copyright. palm (single-core co-axial) and flexor digitorum (double- alterations in spike height varying from -55% to core co-axial), and the animal earthed. Electrodes were + 125%. Electrode displacement was most marked manipulated to achieve a maximal response and fixed in at the higher rates of stimulation. position. Square pulse waves of 0 05 second's duration Small changes in spike height occurred in both were delivered, and threshold and maximal voltages for directions, in both normal and immunized animals, the muscle determined. at rates of stimulation of 1/sec, 3/sec, and 10/sec. The muscle electrical response was visualized on an as oscilloscope and photographed as a stationary spot on Occasionally changes in spike height as large slow-moving photographic paper (40 mm/sec). All -33% to +50% occurred. Curarized muscle, in stimuli were delivered at supramaximal voltage, usually comparison, showed consistent large decrements in twice the maximal voltage. Trains ofstimuli were delivered the height of muscle response at all rates of stimu- at rates of 1/sec, 3/sec, 10/sec, and 50/sec, and a further lation in both normal and immunized animals. At train of stimuli at 1/sec was then made immediately after rates of 1/sec this averaged -38 %, at 3/sec, -57-5 %, tetanization, to assess electrode shift. This schedule of and at 10/sec, -49%. produced no stimulation was then repeated 10 minutes and 30 minutes demonstrable difference in the height of the muscle after an intraperitoneal injection of0l2 mg/kg neostigmine. response in normal or immunized animals, and no The effects of curarization, 15 minutes after injection of 2 mg d-tubocurarine intraperitoneally, were also studied. increased sensitivity to curare was seen in the Random recordings of intramuscular temperature immunized animals. were made using a needle thermocouple. At rates of stimulation of 50/sec the initial electrical responses of the muscle often showed http://jnnp.bmj.com/ HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES Animals were killed while still bizarre changes, again attributable to electrode anaesthetized, by intracardiac puncture and exsanguin- displacement. These were more often seen in the ation. Striated muscle from the thigh and chest wall, and flexor digitorum than the palmar flexors. Later cardiac muscle were removed and fixed in 10% formol muscle responses, however, generally showed a saline; sections were later stained with haematoxylin and progressive decrement in height and were not eosin. associated with electrode displacement, probably as IMMUNOLOGICAL TESTS Specimens of serum from the muscle had now attained a constant contraction immunized and control animals were stored at -20°C length (Fig. 1). Comparative measurements of dec- on September 24, 2021 by for subsequent immunological tests. All sera were tested rement in the height of muscle response between at least twice. immunized and control animals were made by Immunofluorescence staining A modification of the a 25 decrement in indirect technique was used (Coons, 1954). Sections of comparing the times taken for % calf thymus, calf and rat skeletal and heart muscle were spike height and the percentage decrement in spike sectioned in a cryostat at - 20°C, to a thickness of 6 to height after 3 seconds stimulation. Wide variations in 8 /L. The sections were covered with serum, diluted 1:5 in these parameters occurred among the various groups Coon's buffer for 10 minutes, washed in buffer for 20 of animals, but no significant differences could be minutes, and then covered with anti-guinea-pig globulin found between immunized and control animals, nor J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.4.281 on 1 August 1969. Downloaded from

Experimental studies related to autoimmunity in myasthenia gravis 283

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I O0sec

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lOsec B guest. Protected by copyright. I ~ ~~: i -



FIG. 1. Electrical response of the guinea-pig flexor digitorum at varying rates of stimulation (Retouched). One-third actualsize. http://jnnp.bmj.com/ did the injection of neostigmine produce any demon- in the flexor digitorum varied between 39 to 41°C, strable difference between the two groups of animals. which suggests that the variations in spike height A characteristic pattern of rapid and large dec- were not due to changes in temperature. The rement in height of the muscle response, not seen in immunized animals behaved in the same way any of the other groups of animals, was found after irrespective of whether they received injections of curarization (Fig. 1). muscle homogenate or only Freund's adjuvant, and After tetanization at rates of stimulation of 50/sec, whether given single or booster injections.

immediate restimulation of the brachial plexus Adult animals immunized with muscle and thymus on September 24, 2021 by showed recovery of the muscle response to maximal homogenates in the pilot experiment showed similar height within one second in most animals, and no electromyographic responses, with no differences in difference in this rate of recovery could be found response to normal animals. between normal and immunized animals. Changes in maximal height of muscle response relative to HISTOLOGICAL FINDINGS Twenty-two immunized those before tetanization varied from -66% to animals and six normal animals were examined. No + 54 % and again represented electrode displacement. lesions of muscle were found apart from very Random recordings of intramuscular temperature occasional collections of lymphocytes in association J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.4.281 on 1 August 1969. Downloaded from

284 B. M. Kaufman, G. Rushworth, and R. Wright

FIG. 2. Immunofluorescent staining oj myoid cells in calf thymus with serafrom immunizedguinea-pigs. x 500. guest. Protected by copyright. with single degenerating muscle fibres in both rous septa (Figs. 2 and 3). Some animals showed normal and immunized animals. staining only of myoid cells or Hassall's cor- puscles, others staining of several components. IMMUNOLOGICAL FINDINGS Immunofluorescent stain- Animals receiving booster injections showed ing Several patterns of fluorescent staining of calf stronger staining patterns, notably with regard to muscle and thymic tissue were found. No staining sarcolemmal and septal staining, while those re- was found using the sera of normal controls. ceiving Freund's adjuvant alone showed a faint Animals immunized by single foot-pad injections staining of lymphocytes and epithelial cells. showed varying patterns of staining of myoid Gel diffusion Precipitation bands were found cells, epithelial cells, Hassall's corpuscles, and fib- with three animals receiving booster doses of muscle http://jnnp.bmj.com/

FIG. 3. Immunofluorescent staining of Hassall's corpuscle in calf thymus with serafrom immunizedguinea-pigs. x 500. on September 24, 2021 by J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.4.281 on 1 August 1969. Downloaded from

Experimental studies related to autoimmunity in myasthenia gravis 285 homogenate, by both Ouchterlony plate and tube- Velde and Friedman (1966, 1967) who showed the precipitation methods. Animals receiving single cells to be present as elongate, striated myoid cells injections of homogenate and normal controls failed in the early foetal thymus of mammals, but sub- to show precipitin bands. sequently losing their striations, becoming rounded, and disappearing before birth. In lower vertebrates COMMENTS We have been unable to find evidence of they persist and can be found in the thymus of adult a myasthenic-like myopathy after single or booster amphibians and reptiles. injections of a heterologous muscle homogenate in Feltkamp-Vroom (1966) was able to demonstrate guinea-pigs. Wide variations in the electromyo- myoid cells in the thymus of the calf, chicken, and in graphic response to repeated motor-nerve stimulation two human thymuses. Henry (1966, 1968) has also at 50/sec were found in immunized animals, but a found myoid cells in newborn and adult human similar wide range of variation was found in control thymus, but Mandel (1968) was able to find only one animals. We found no characteristic decrease in myoid cell in a large number of foetal and post-natal muscle response to repeated stimulation as occurs in guinea-pig thymuses. We have examined the thymus myasthenic patients and in curarized guinea-pigs. of a number of different species for myoid cells by Recovery of maximal height of muscle response was histological techniques, and immunofluorescent prompt in all cases. Young animals, 6 to 9 months staining with myasthenic sera known to contain of age, were used, but in an earlier study using older antibodies to muscle. The histochemistry of the guinea-pigs (12 to 18 months) essentially similar thymus with particular regard to the myoid cells has results were obtained. also been investigated.

Artefactual recordings due to displacement of guest. Protected by copyright. intramuscular electrodes were often encountered. METHODS This is due to the isotonic nature of the muscle Striated muscle and thymus from human stillborn infants contraction, and prevented any comparative (5), adult dogs (3), calves (6), lambs (3), newborn (4) and measurement of the first 10 muscle responses at adult (3) rats, newborn (1) and adult (1) rabbits were rates of stimulation of 50/sec as had been employed examined. Tissues were fixed in formol saline, Zenker's by Goldstein and Whittingham (1966). The results formol, Camay's fixative, and cold ethanol. of studies of the late of the muscle response Conventional histological techniques were used em- at this rate of stimulation probably represents post- ploying haematoxylin and eosin, Gomori's trichrome, tetanic exhaustion (Desmedt, 1966), and showed no Mallory's trichrome, Papanicolaou technique, periodic differences between immunized and control animals. acid Schiff reagent, and Heidenhain's haematoxylin. An azophloxine staining method for alpha proteins of the Histological studies have not shown any significant keratin-myosin-elastin-fibrin group described by Puchtler, lesions in muscle in the immunized animals. Sweat, and Sesta (1966) was also employed. Our immunological findings were similar to those Histochemical techniques for the demonstration of of Goldstein and Whittingham (1966), and suggest succinic, lactic, malic, glutamic, 5-hydroxybutyric, that adequate immunization of the animals had 6-phosphogluconic, glucose-6-phosphate, and alpha- been achieved. We did not observe any staining of glycerophosphate dehydrogenases, di- and tri-phos- muscle striations, but this could have been obscured phopyridine nucleotide dehydrogenases (DPNH, TPNH), by the marked sarcolemmal staining found with adenosine tri-phosphatase (ATP'ase), 5-nucleotidase some sera. The findings of several patterns of (5NT'ase), acid and alkaline phosphatases were employed http://jnnp.bmj.com/ as described by Barka and Anderson (1963). fluorescent staining probably reflects the production The indirect immunofluorescent technique for the of multiple antibodies by use of crude muscle demonstration of anti-muscle antibodies in myasthenic homogenates. sera was used (Coons, 1954). Thymus and muscle from the various animals studied were sectioned on a cryostat HISTOLOGY AND HISTOCHEMISTRY OF THYMUS and stained concurrently with myasthenic sera known to contain muscle antibodies, and also myasthenic sera Concurrent staining of striations of skeletal and devoid of antibodies as controls. Sections were examined cardiac muscle and certain cells in the thymus was using a Zeiss fluorescence microscope for fluorescent on September 24, 2021 by observed by Van Der Geld, Feltkamp, Van Loghem, staining of muscle or thymic cells. Multiple sections were taken for both the histological Oosterhuis, and Biemond (1963), and Van Der Geld and histochemical studies. et al. (1964), using the indirect immunofluorescent technique, and subsequently confirmed by other RESULTS authors. Initially these cells were thought to be epithelial reticular cells but more recent studies HISTOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES With the conventional identify them with muscle-like cells. The most com- histological techniques employed, large rounded prehensive studies of these cells is that of Van de cells with homogeneous cytoplasm and large vesi- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.4.281 on 1 August 1969. Downloaded from

286 B. M. Kaufman, G. Rushworth, and R. Wright cular nuclei were evident in the medulla of the calf cells in the medulla. Intense staining, however, was thymuses, but not in any of the other animal associated with blood vessels in the septa, myoid thymuses studied. In the occasional cell a fibrillar cells, and Hassall's corpuscles (Fig. 5). The myoid pattern in the cytoplasm was evident with Gomori's cells showed heavy staining identical with that of the and Mallory's trichromes, and the Papanicolaou small fibres of striated muscle, staining for lactic, technique. No elongate, striated muscle cells were succinic, and alpha-glycerophosphate dehydro- recorded in any of the thymuses examined. All the genases being especially strong, but the Hassall's histological techniques employed showed a corres- corpuscles varied considerably in the intensity with ponding staining pattern for striated muscle and the which they stained. It seemed to be the smaller myoid cells of the thymus. With Heidenhain's corpuscles, apparently in the process of formation, haematoxylin, the myoid cells showed selective that stained the more intensely, the central 'se- retention of stain on over-differentiation with cretions' of the corpuscles being devoid of enzymes. ferric chloride. Staining for ATP'ase produced a diffuse staining of Staining with azophloxine G.A. of sections fixed the thymus and, although Hassall's corpuscles in Carnoy's fiuid showed good differential staining could be occasionally identified by a more intense ofmyoid cells and Hassall's corpuscles in the thymus. staining, myoid cells were difficult to identify. Ultra-violet microscopy of these sections showed a Hassall's corpuscles in some instances stained strongly marked red fluorescence of these structures, readily for 5-nucleotidase, which otherwise seemed present delimited from the non-fluorescent thymic lympho- only in the connective-tissue septa and did not seem cytes and epithelial reticular cells. The cytoplasm of to be present in myoid cells. Acid and alkaline phos- to cells in the muscle and myoid cells stained a homogeneous red phatase appeared to be restricted guest. Protected by copyright. colour with this stain and did not allow visualization connective-tissue septa. of striations (Fig. 4). Red blood cells were also Immunofluorescent staining of muscle striations stained. occurred in all the species examined (calf, dog, lamb, Staining with periodic acid Schiff reagent showed rabbit, rat, guinea-pig, human stillborn) with the a strongly positive pattern of staining of myoid cells sera known to contain anti-muscle antibody but not corresponding with that of small striated muscle with sera devoid of such antibody. Myoid cells, fibres. The action of diastase suggested the staining made evident by immunofluorescent staining with to be due to glycogen. sera containing anti-muscle antibodies, occurred in Using the previously mentioned histochemical calf thymus, but not in any of the other animal techniques, calf thymus was found to show very thymuses examined. little of the dehydrogenases in the cortex, and only slightly increased staining associated with epithelial COMMENTS We have been able to demonstrate large http://jnnp.bmj.com/

FIG.4. Myoid cells and Hassall's corpuscle in calf thymus. Azophlox- ine G.A. x 1,000. on September 24, 2021 by J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.4.281 on 1 August 1969. Downloaded from

Experimental studies related to autoimmunity in myasthenia gravis 287

FIG. 5. Staining ofcalf thymusfor lactic de- hydrogenase. x 100 guest. Protected by copyright. rounded cells with vesicular nuclei in calf thymus, but attempted to separate these myoid cells from thymus not in the thymuses of dogs, rats, rabbits, lambs, or using an albumin gradient but without success. We stillborn infants, using histological, histochemical, have also been unable to culture them either from and immunofluorescent staining techniques. Such thymic cell suspensions or as explants. cells show staining properties identical with striated muscle, and can be shown to contain glycogen by DISCUSSION the periodic acid Schiff technique, and a protein of the keratin-myosin-elastin-fibrin (KMEF) class, Clinical evidence for a humoral factor in myasthenia presumably myosin, by an azophloxine staining is based on the observation that some newborn technique. Associated staining ofHassall's corpuscles babies of myasthenic mothers suffer a transient by this latter method is presumably due to the 'neonatal myasthenia', attributed to a factor crossing keratin they contain. the placenta from mother to child (Strickroot, Histochemical studies have shown these cells to Schaeffer, and Bergo, 1942; Stem, Hall, and be well endowed with enzyme dehydrogenases and Robinson, 1964). Stricker, Tholen, Massini, and to a lesser extent with ATP'ase, identical with the Staub (1960) have shown clinical improvement in small rather than large striated muscle fibres (Engel, myasthenic patients subjected to haemodialysis. 1962). It is of interest that Hassall's corpuscles in Experimental evidence stems from the demon- early stages of formation also contain large amounts stration of factors present in sera of myasthenic http://jnnp.bmj.com/ of dehydrogenases and ATP'ase, but in later stages patients (Wilson, Obrist, and Wilson, 1953; Parkes seem to lose these enzymes. The high enzyme content and McKinna, 1966) and in extracts of thymus of Hassall's corpuscle may well indicate a more (Nowell, Wilson, and Wilson, 1959; Goldstein, active role for these structures than is generally 1968) which have a neuromuscular-blocking effect assumed, as has been suggested by Blau and Veall on animal preparations. Some authors, however, (1967). have been unable to demonstrate such factors Our inability to find myoid cells in the human (Rider, 1955; Nastuk, Strauss, and Osserman, 1959). stillborn thymuses, contrary to the work of Feltkamp- The suggestion that autoimmune mechanisms on September 24, 2021 by Vroom (1966) and Henry (1966, 1968), may be the might play a part in myasthenia has been based on result of the small number of such thymuses we have clinical studies (Simpson, 1960, 1964) and the examined. It does seem, however, that they occur discovery of anti-muscle antibodies and other much less frequently in the human and other animals immunological abnormalities in myasthenic patients studied than in calf thymus, where myoid cells were (Strauss et al., 1960, 1966; Beutner et al., 1962). consistently found in appreciable numbers. The association of thymic abnormalities with myas- Because of their abundance in calf thymus we have thenia gravis and the discovery of the role of the J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.4.281 on 1 August 1969. Downloaded from

288 B. M. Kaufman, G. Rushworth, and R. Wright thymus in immunological mechanisms (Miller, 1963) work without being able to find any myasthenia-like has further supported this hypothesis. Van Der disease in guinea-pigs immunized with muscle Geld et al. (1963, 1964) and Van Der Geld and homogenates. Strauss (1966) have identified myoid cells in the Myasthenia gravis would thus seem to resemble thymus reacting with anti-muscle antibody, and in organ-specific autoimmune diseases, exemplified by lower vertebrates they have been found to have the certain thyroid diseases and possibly Addison's sarcomeric and filamentous structure of muscle disease, rather than non-organ-specific autoimmune fibres. We have found these cells to be present in disease (systemic erythematosus). The presence calf thymus, and to show the staining characteristics of a factor in myasthenia gravis, thyrotoxicosis of muscle, to contain KMEF protein (probably (McKenzie, 1964), and possibly pernicious anaemia myosin) and glycogen, and to have the histochemical that can cross the placenta of affected mothers to characteristics of small striated-muscle fibres. produce a transient disease in the newborn is a Whether these cells provide the antigenic stimulus further feature in common. It is suggested that if for the immunological abnormalities of myasthenia autoimmune mechanisms are operative in myas- (Goldstein and Whittingham, 1966; Van de Velde thenia, an antibody resembling the long-acting and Friedman, 1966), or are simply remnants of thyroid stimulator (LATS) (Adams, 1965; Lipman, branchial mesoderm, remains unanswered. Green, Snyder, Nelson, and Solomon, 1967), rather Despite individual case reports, myasthenia does than circulating antibody to muscle and myoid cells, not seem to show a strong relation to disorders is likely to be involved. This might also explain both linked with autoimmunity, other than thyroid the clinical and immunological associations of disease (Wolf, Rowland, Schotland, McKinney, myasthenia gravis and thyroid disease.

Hoefer, and Aranow, 1966). Increased incidence of guest. Protected by copyright. thyroid, and, to a lesser extent, gastric parietal cell SUMMARY antibodies has been found in myasthenic patients (Simpson, 1964, 1966; Downes, Greenwood, and Experiments attempting to produce a myasthenia- Wray, 1966; Wright and Kerr, 1967), and reflects like myopathy in guinea-pigs by immunization with histological findings (Schade, Owen, Smart, and heterologous muscle homogenates are described. Hall, 1960; Wright, Whitehead, Wangel, Salem, and Antibodies to a number of muscle and thymic com- Schiller, 1966). The increased incidence of anti- ponents were produced but no electromyographic nuclear factor in myasthenic patients (Feltkamp, changes resembling those of myasthenia gravis in Van Der Geld, and Oosterhuis, 1963; Feltkamp, man were observed. No muscle lesions were found Van Der Geld, Oosterhuis, Den Oudsten, and on histological examination. Hijmans, 1964) seems to be a non-specific finding Histological and histochemical studies of thymus (Caspary, Gubbay, and Stern, 1964). are described with particular reference to the nature Recent studies of immunological abnormalities of cells reacting with anti-muscle antibody from the in myasthenia also suggest that, at least as far as the sera of myasthenic patients. These cells were readily anti-muscle antibody is concerned, they do not play demonstrated in calf thymus but not in other animal a primary role in the pathogenesis of myasthenia. thymuses, and showed the staining characteristics Thus anti-muscle antibodies are not found to react of small striated muscle fibres. Both myoid cells and with the myoneural junction (McFarlin, Engel, and small Hassall's corpuscles contained large amounts Strauss, 1966). They are found in patients with of dehydrogenase enzymes. http://jnnp.bmj.com/ in the absence of clinical myasthenia These findings are discussed with reference to the (McFarlin, Barlow, and Strauss, 1966) and their possible role of autoimmune mechanisms in the presence does not correlate with the clinical state of aetiology of myasthenia gravis. disease in neonatal myasthenia (Oosterhuis, Felt- kamp, and Van Der Geld, 1966) or in thymectomized The authors gratefully acknowledge a grant from the patients (Nastuk, Kessler, Grynbaum, Smith, and Wellcome Trust. Herrmann, 1966). REFERENCES As already mentioned, several authors have failed on September 24, 2021 by in immunized Adams, D. D. (1965). Pathogenesis of the of Grave's to find clinical muscle disease animals disease. Brit. med. J., 1, 1015-1019. with muscle homogenates (Tal and Liban, 1962; Barka, T., and Anderson, P. J. (1963). Histochemistry: Theory, Namba et al., 1964; Namba and Grob, 1966; Parkes, Practice and Bibliographv. Harper and Row: New York. Beutner, E. H., Witebsky, E., Ricken, D., and Adler, R. H. (1962). 1966; Simpson, 1966; Tolnai, 1966), although a Studies on auto-antibodies in myasthenia gravis. J. Amer. med. myasthenia-like myopathy has been reported by Ass., 182, 46-58. Blau, J. N., and Waksman, B. H. (1964). Immunological responses Goldstein and Whittingham (1966). We have following injection of antigens in Freund's adjuvant into repeated and extended Goldstein and Whittingham's thymus and other tissues. , 7, 332-341. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.4.281 on 1 August 1969. Downloaded from

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