

18 million Americans have been diagnosed with OSA. An estimated 16 million remain undiagnosed. Depending on the

In most cases, severity of your condition, 10x is nothing more than treatments may include: an inconvenience. In People with OSA others, it’s a symptom are 10 times more of a serious condition Behavior modification likely to die in a known as obstructive or simple lifestyle changes, such as car crash. (OSA). or a change in sleeping position and habits.

adults suffers from at 1 in 5 least mild sleep apnea. Oral appliances that bring the jaw forward during Z sleep to keep the airway open. Z Obstructive Z sleep apnea can cause: preschool children CPAP or BiPAP devices that use positive air pressure to suffers from sleep apnea. 1 in 3 Altered job or school performance keep the airway open during sleep. Excessive daytime sleepiness Marital and social problems Surgical procedures such as Maxillomandibular Accidents and Advancement (MMA), Impotence Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), Hyoid Suspension and Advancement (GGA).

High of people older pressure 40% than 40 snore. of them do so 50% every .

Heart disease An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is ready to help as an People with OSA integral part of a professional team that treats sleep-related are at a higher disorders. risk for Thinking and problems


Visit MyOMS.org to learn more and to find an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in your area. Source: American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, www.MyOMS.org, Ho & Brass, 2011 This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.