NewSPARK York The Religious Society of Friends ()

Volume 46, Number 4 15 Rutherford Place, New York, NY 10003 September 2016

Let us gather together at Fall Sessions Nov. 11-13, 2016 Teen and Youth programs available turn to page 7

Community Reflections on Summer Sessions Worship: A Voices from our Yearly Meeting People Gathered Melinda Wenner-Bradley Children and Youth Privilege Silver Bay: Field Secretary “” was intro- More Articles Fell Cadwallader The Venue duced to the yearly meeting Ithaca Meeting A Nancy Black body at our Sessions. Monday Inside: through Friday mornings after eeply moved by the conver- Brooklyn Meeting breakfast, Friends of all ages New Interim sations surrounding White gathering in the Auditorium for D “Love for you the earth and love for Privilege, I’m struck by the tone semi-programmed worship to Communications you are having such a long conversa- of seeking. Within Ithaca Monthly begin our days. In light of the Yearly tion in my heart” (Mary Oliver) Director page 2 Meeting and the wider Quaker Meeting’s leadings and priorities, community, the elevation of the nd so I return from my eleventh and the theme of this year’s Sessions, Christopher conversation has been heartfelt. My Ayear of Summer Sessions at “Nurturing the Blessed Community Sammond’s own acceptance that all I have arises Silver Bay, New York, my heart filled at Every Age,” we lived into our hopes from a decimated Native American with love for the beauty of this spot for multigenerational connection. Resignation Culture, an economic foundation of earth and for the people—those The proposed goals of Commu- Message page 5 built upon the lives of slaves and on the porch, in worship sharing, nity Worship include that it be a maintained on the backs of many and in business meetings. I return joyful, playful time together, accessi- Nurture Multi- around the globe has afforded me a home with a renewed sense of the ble across ages. It is a time to come deep connection to this conversa- presence of the Divine and a new together to ground and center as a generational tion. I seek to learn more. energy to be of service to my Brook- body in preparation for moving into Community in Your First I explore the 2016 White lyn family. the rest of the day, with the hope Privilege Conference website. There Meeting page 4 When Friends speak about that it also nurtures connections I find the page entitled “What is changing the venue of Summer between people—those known to the WPC?” containing six bullets Purchase Quarter Sessions, I feel a little panicky, as one another, and new friends. It answering the question, two of if one of the centers of my being provides an opportunity to meet Supports Prison which start with the words, “It is were about to be taken away, as if one another where we are, not not….” I am struck by the need to Justice Work page 6 someone suggested that we tear putting age-role expectations on begin the core illumination of this down Brooklyn Meetinghouse and anyone or serving as a “children’s continued on page 3 continued on page 3 continued on page 4 Around Our Yearly Meeting Notices SPARK (ISSN 00240591) New York Yearly Meeting News school for 15 years, left the area to of NYYM’s Committee on Conflict New Members Published five times a year: take another job at the end of the Transformation, Oct. 21-23, 2016 January, March, May, September, Thomas Fee — Shrewsbury 2015 school year. Chad Cianfrani, a Conflict is a normal and integral November by Rev. Fred Jensen — Collins longtime teacher and administra- part of all dynamic organizations New York Yearly Meeting Religious Society of Friends Transfers tor at Oakwood, was interim head and relationships. Yet Quaker 15 Rutherford Place this year. After a nationwide search, meetings can become paralyzed New York, NY 10003 Maureen McGovern, from with a number of well-qualified by fear and distrust when conflict 212-673-5750 [email protected] Fifteenth Street to Brooklyn. candidates, Chad was chosen as occurs. Addressed creatively and Carl Peterson, from Ridge- the permanent head. He attended confidently, however, it can be Editorial Board: wood to Ithaca. Summer Sessions and was intro- transforming. When we learn Communications Committee Ruth Yarrow, from Northwest duced to Friends there. to address episodes of conflict Editor: Sarah Way Yearly Meeting to Ithaca. This year, Oakwood had the openly, bravely, and creatively, we SPARK deadlines are the first of the largest and most diverse student can strengthen the meeting body’s month preceding the publication Deaths month. Permission is granted to reprint population in over eight years. capacity to handle challenges, we Gioia Brock, member of any article, provided Spark is acknowl- Oakwood shared its Quaker deepen our accountability to each edged as the source. Catskill, on May 24, 2016. mission with students from 13 other, and we open ourselves to the Margaret Dobbs, member of Periodicals Postage Paid countries and across the United transforming power of God in our at New York, New York Montclair, on July 3, 2016. States. Oakwood is committed to lives. For more information visit Postmaster: Send address changes to: Robert Sisler, member of SPARK offering one of the highest levels of Conscience Bay, on July 2, 15 Rutherford Place financial aid of any peer institution, New York, NY 10003 2016. including other Friends schools. AVP Conflict Resolution Basic Sarah Way workshop in Neptune City, NJ [email protected] Farmington Friends’ trip to October 14-16 Steve Davison MEETING NEWS Mennonite Central Committee’s At this fun, interactive, weekend- [email protected] Material Resource Center long workshop, you will learn how Walter Naegle [email protected] Youth Institute 2016 Friends from Farmington Meeting to resolve disputes peacefully with This year’s multigenerational Youth Christopher Sammond visited and worked with the family, neighbors, and co-workers. [email protected] Institute, hosted by Powell House Mennonites’ Materials Resource Details and registration info can be Helen Garay Toppins and supported by the Youth Commit- Center (MRC) this June. The MRC found at [email protected] tee, included thirty participants serves as a collection point in the or under Events at from thirteen NYYM meetings, two U.S. for receiving, packing and NEYM Friends, and several at-large shipping donated materials for Hello from Brooklyn! I’m Sarah Way, the interim Quaker-friendly folks. Participants those in need, particularly refugees Communications Director for the yearly meeting. and staff represented all age groups, overseas. Friends heard stories I grew up in New Brunswick Meeting, attending almost half of them children, teens, from some of those refugees, and NYYM Summer Sessions and youth conferences at and young adults. got to work tying quilts, compress- Powell House, where I now bring my own children. JYM youth clerks also partici- ing clothing into bales, inspecting Gathering our community together is a long-stand- pated for the first time attending cans, etc. The full report of the trip ing interest of mine, and I have organized and run two workshops on clerking, both the is well worth reading: http://www. several conferences and retreats for Friends. I'm excited to use my “nuts and bolts” of this ministry and graphic design experience to help us communicate with each other. the dynamics of clerking at Summer Quilting-at-Mennonite-Center.pdf I encourage you to write for Spark. Articles in Spark are a form Sessions. Seven other workshops of written ministry and the more diverse voices that are heard, the presented a variety of approaches to Friends of African Descent better. Pieces should be spirit-led, and reflect your personal experi- nurturing youth. Multigenerational The Fellowship of Friends of ence, Quaker history, or present faith and practice on the subject. For plenary sessions gathered the group African Descent met in Philadel- example: things your meeting has done; a prophetic message; personal to discuss where the Life is in our phia last August. Their theme was reflection; or whatever else you are led to say. meeting communities, and how to Recharge, Renew, & Rejoice. Twelve The theme for the next Spark, in November, is Vocal Ministry. nurture inclusion of all ages. Friends from NYYM participated. Vocal Ministry happens when God speaks through us, usually during The Fellowship's epistle and minute meeting for worship. It can be profound, scary, rich, moving. The idea “The Surprising Quakers, Heralds on state-sanctioned violence is that God may speak to and through any of us is one of the most radical of Peace in a World of Conflict” available on the Black Concerns facets of Quakerism. Have you had a memorable experience giving or Christian History Magazine recently tab of the NYYM website. The receiving vocal ministry? We welcome articles on this or other related devoted a whole issue to Friends Fellowship scheduled an August topics. Please send your submissions to me at communications@ that was quite good and thorough. 2017 trip to Ghana, as part of their by Oct. 15th. It featured several historical essays mission to uplift Quakers of African And don't forget to share your info. Share your meeting’s news, and biographies, a piece on Quaker Descent around the world. The announcements, and upcoming events with the rest of the Yearly beliefs and a glossary of Quaker YM contacts for the Fellowship are Meeting through InfoShare, our digital newsletter. We publish Info- terms, and articles on various Angela Hopkins, Jerry Leaphart, Share between issues of Spark, in February, April, June, August, aspects of Quaker witness. You Gloria Thompson, and Helen Garay October, and December. Send your items to communications@nyym. can read the issue in its entirety at Toppins. org. Don’t get InfoShare? Email [email protected] to get yourself on our email mailing list. Oakwood Friends School UPCOMING EVENTS Our talented and wise outgoing Communications Director, Steve This school year was one of Davison, is staying on part-time as Website Coordinator and can be Helping Conflict Become reached at [email protected]. changes and some major accom- Connection: a Powell House I look forward to hearing from you. — Sarah Way plishments. Peter Baily, head of workshop facilitated by members

Page 2 • SPARK • September 2016 Privilege truth? I’ll pause here to assure the generosity of my monthly meeting. reader that daily I pick at the log in My monthly meeting, Manhasset Fell Cadwallader my eye as I point to the splinter in Monthly Meeting, is predominantly Support NYYM (continued from page 1) Friends’. made up of Christian refugees from New York Yearly Meeting For nearly three decades other monthly meetings. While such supports programs and conference with a third of the bullets I’ve been part of other Spiritual a statement might seem harsh, the employing a negative. projects that benefit our communities, Alcoholics & Narcot- Bible study at summer sessions did members and our meetings This draws me closer to my ics Anonymous. It was only from nothing to diminish this sense of first reaction regarding the phrase in all kinds of ways, from Friends that I was moved to take being strangers in a foreign land spiritual nurture programs “White Privilege” when it was offered a glance around those rooms and within a religious organization that as a workshop at IMM. Maybe I’m for individuals to financial look at skin color. First, I found a was founded by people who testi- help with meetinghouse different in that I firmly believe all I wonderful spectrum of ideas, values, fied that Jesus Christ spoke to their have—health, safety, comfort, and repairs. Won’t you support experiences and abilities. Then I saw condition. NYYM in return? You can opportunity—rests squarely on the color, wonderful hues and shades I personally love the Bible. I backs of genocide and slavery. Still, contribute by mailing a everywhere. I also saw old, young, understand that there are others in check to the yearly meeting I’m intrigued. I investigate email male, female, gay, straight, and the Society who feel otherwise but strings and comments. Then I scan office or by credit card at transgendered. Then I thought about a simple Bible study for those of us the January 2016 issue of SPARK and what Friend Hitchcock described as who love the Bible and don’t need to above the fold on the right hand side an opportunity at the WPC17 to see assume everything in it is metaphor- is an article by Friend Hitchcock people of color in leadership roles ical should not be too much to ask from Rahway and Plainfield Meeting • The joy at seeing the swimmers and our need to experience that, for. When my meeting resumes across the lake return and have exploring the White Privilege Confer- witness it. How Friends “can listen its Meetings for Worship with a ence. I read it more than a few times. that look of “I can do it!” on their and learn from racial justice activ- concern for business next month we faces I’m left wondering how might ists, from fellow seekers and most of will start work on next year’s budget the assumptions presented as truth all, from people of color.” Reading, and I am going to be hard pressed • The reunion of two or three contribute to the topic? Friend then quoting that line, returns me to defend our existing covenant generations of past attenders Hitchcock shares his surety, “I know to the thought that maybe it’s us. donation never mind trying to of JYM and Powell House youth we struggle with these issues.” Is our Friends community what we increase it. If all are truly welcome, programs Followed by a wonderful clarifica- abhor? Paternalistic, presumptive, how about embracing those to • The time for folks in our own tion—from what I can only discern and rational to the point of blocking whom Jesus Christ is still speaking meeting to have meaningful is his driving force, presented as a the Light that illuminates the Spirit to their condition? conversations with one another universal motivation—to attend while highlighting skin color, gender, Several times over my week at In other words, it is not merely a the WPC in Philadelphia: “And we and the myriad of physical attributes Silver Bay someone would bring question of what place offers enough might experience what it feels like that label each of us? up the scripture: Jesus Wept! This beds and food or sufficient space to be fully present in a multira- The cord of commonalities that morning that scripture was heavy on for JYM, general business meetings, cial surrounding and community unites Friends has many threads. my heart as I understood that it was committee meetings, or displays of in which people of color perform Traced back through time it has no longer his people at Jerusalem He Quaker projects around the world. significant leadership roles as been cut, re-tied, interpreted, re-in- wept for. It has been suggested to me that workshop leaders, as speakers terpreted, and ultimately seems With all my Love and prayers, the discussion of change of venue and as conference administra- to have become an opportunity to your friend, Jim Schultz. for Summer Sessions disguises a tors in equal number with white weave our own, individual cloth. more fundamental conflict among people.” That, combined with his That is the beauty of Quaker practice Quakers—between those who concern expressed as a reality for and, to me, also the consistent Silver Bay: The Venue receive their spiritual uplift through all, “We long to affirm the universal loosening of that which binds— attending committee and general goodness of God within us, and yet Nancy Black shared beliefs arising from common business meetings and those who our Spiritual community remains (continued from page 1) experience. Is the individual experi- receive it through communion predominantly white in composi- ence now greater than the whole? with nature and fellowship with tion,” prompts queries of my own. replace it with a modern structure. When I offer statements instead friends and family. I am one of As Friends seem genuinely In thinking about changing the of queries, pronouncements instead those people who serve on no Yearly troubled by our communities, why venue of Summer Sessions, some of personal experiences, am I what I Meeting committee. I only occasion- not reverse the wonder and turn important tangibles and intangibles long to be or what I hope I am not? ally attend business meetings at it into action? Instead of wonder- are perhaps being overlooked. Thus is it really a surprise we are Summer Sessions. Yet without ing why others don’t come to join • The palpable presence of the startled when presented with the the ability to visit Silver Bay each us—why don’t we go join them? Divine when looking out over reality of our “privilege,” white or year, I would not have the spiritual The Beloved Community we seek the lake, especially at sunrise or otherwise? energy to serve my meeting (and may just be thriving elsewhere. sunset (originally published in the Ithaca in the past, my Quarter). And if the Could waiting for others to walk Meeting Newsletter, March 2016) • The ready availability of kayaks, venue were changed, say to a college through our door, rather than being canoes, sailboats, gym, tennis, campus somewhere, would I attend? an indication of a problem, be the shuffleboard, and games Probably not. Would my family problem? Summer Sessions and I vacation at Silver Bay alone? Are Friends’ practices and values • The morning childcare for Perhaps, but it would not be the as appealing as we believe them to Bible Study children too young for JYM same without the Quakers around be? They are to us, but how about • The resident musicians, the Jim Schultz us: the interest groups, the conversa- other cultures? Could it be our Sunday evening concert, the Manhasset Meeting tions with people on the porch, the presumption of appeal is viewed as evening vespers inspiration of other Friends. This is entitlement or an example of centu- was able to attend this year’s • The healing center what a spiritual retreat does: it gives ries of privilege? Could it be our summer sessions from Monday I • Early morning worship at the energy for the work ahead. temerity of all things, our surety of through Friday thanks to the boathouse

September 2016 • SPARK • Page 3 Flushing Meeting Holds Experimental Worship for All Ages On Sunday, July 31, Friends gathered at Flushing Meeting for an experiment in all-ages worship. Gathered for worship were three children ages 2 to nearly 6 and about eight adults. The plan was for the group to make a peace tree from cut-out maple leaves with yarn attached to them. After a prepared introduction featuring a brief quote about peace and ending with ’s “Let your life speak,” Friends were invited to consider how their life might speak for peace. Caroline Lane describes what happened next: The most amazing thing was that first a little girl, just getting ready for pre-Kindergarten, and her mother stood up. The mother said she was helping her daugh- ter who couldn’t speak loud enough to be heard. The message was that she wanted to be friends with people who didn’t have friends. After a bit of quiet, an older girl stood from the topmost bench of the elder’s benches where she had been coloring away. She held up her picture of the characters from My Little Pony. She introduced each one of the group of friends and told who her friend was and also what kind of pet she had. After more silence, I invited people to hang their leaves on the branch anchored by pebbles into a pot and, if they were willing, to share the message on their leaf. Everyone hung leaves and a few shared

Friday morning worship with Junior Yearly Meeting in Silver Bay’s boathouse. Photo by Sarah Way their message. In my previous experience leading this kind of worship, the children had not played so prominent a part.

Flushing Meeting’s next intergenerational worship is scheduled for ing this programmed piece, we October 30. All are welcome. Community gathered into silence and waiting worship together; several times, Worship messages rose for Friends out of Melinda Wenner-Bradley the silence and were shared. The Community Worship Queries Invitation to time together ended with rise of at Summer Sessions 2016: (continued from page 1) Engage in Building meeting and announcements that • I wonder how you might worship,” but inviting authentic made use of the projector and describe your experience Multigenerational experience of worship together that screen in the Auditorium. This was of the Light, of God, or of Spiritual Community we all enter as equal participants. an opportunity to highlight what meeting for worship? was happening in both JYM and Melinda Wenner-Bradley Careful consideration was given to • I wonder if you’ve ever had a the balance of parts in a 30-minute business sessions that morning, and Children and Youth share what was available to Friends message in you that needed semi-programmed worship, with the to be shared? I wonder what Field Secretary hope that there would be an entry throughout the day’s schedule. Threads extended to other parts of that was like for you? ew York Yearly Meeting extends for all Friends, inclusive of ages an invitation to monthly and worship practices in their local our days at Sessions, like the queries • I wonder how you listen for N that we wondered about at the end Truth? meetings and worship groups meeting. (The Sessions schedule to consider participation in the also included open, waiting worship of the story, which were shared on • I wonder when you have table tents in the dining room. (See Monthly Meeting Partner Project. during a time before breakfast.) seen God in someone else, or Along with New England Yearly After singing together, we queries in the blue box.) recognized their gifts? Many thanks to Friends who Meeting, NYYM has received a centered for a story told in the • I wonder what you like best generous grant from the Shoemaker manner of “Faith & Play™,” a curric- worked on the planning, helped with greeting and care of meeting, and about being in community? Fund to help us collaborate with ulum that explores Quaker faith, I wonder what feels most partner meetings. All local meetings practice, and witness through to the young Friends who joined the storyteller on the Auditorium important to you about our are welcome to apply to be partners, contemplative storytelling. The NYYM community? regardless of size or geographic story we heard for a few minutes stage and became our facing bench. Particular gratitude to Deb Wood • I wonder what helps you location. The heart of the project each morning was an adaptation is intensive work with six partner of the Faith & Play story “Prayer and John Scardina for leading us in stop and listen to the Light singing each morning, and to YA within? meetings over the next three years and Friends Meeting for Worship.” as we seek new ways to nurture The storyteller, Melinda, connected Field Secretary Gabi Savory Bailey • I wonder how you have who shepherded this new practice multigenerational community life the story to themes for each day of experienced peace, love, and and worship. Sessions: gathering, discernment, into existence with her vision and justice? energy. As with anything new, there The Children and Youth Field beloved community, living the testi- • I wonder what it means to were small bumps along the way, Secretary (CYFS) and other yearly monies, and bearing witness to our answer that of God in every- but as we reached mid-week, the meeting staff will work closely with faith in the wider world. Queries one? wrinkles smoothed and our sense the partner meetings to create a that began with “I wonder...” were welcoming climate for children, shared, and those present were of being grounded together was • I wonder, when you go home deepened. Ideas and hopes for “next and walk in the world, how youth, and families. We’ll explore invited to turn to neighbors in the possibilities not just for children space and spend a few minutes time” were already being shared for will your actions testify to and youth religious education sharing their responses. Follow- Community Worship at next year’s what you believe? Summer Sessions. continued on next page

Page 4 • SPARK • September 2016 programming, but all-ages worship Do Quakers Condone and religious education, and the A Message from Christopher Sammond issues of schedule and space in Violence and Cruelty The following was shared by our General Secretary as part of a report preparing a place for children and on staffing from the Personnel Committee: families in the meeting community. to Animals They Eat? his is something of a testimony, though it’s a hard one to give. Partner meetings will be asked Elizabeth Root In the middle of the night in mid-March, I had the clearest, to commit considerable time and T Perry City Meeting most direct, and powerful experience of the Divine that I have had for energy, in addition to being open am led to contribute this state- many years. What I heard was that I needed to resign. And I was told to change. The project includes ment because of the feelings to give a year’s notice at this summer session. surveys conducted in the Yearly I evoked at a Farmington-Scipio I spent two months meeting with the committee from my monthly Meeting as a body as well as in the Spring Gathering. I’m hoping it meeting in care of my ministry, testing this leading, and holding it in partner meetings, where age-cohort will inspire Friends of the New York prayer. While it was a shock, I settled into the rightness of it, and my focus groups conducted by NYYM Yearly Meeting to carefully consider committee and I were clear in this leading. I then told my Supervi- staff and volunteers will open choices of food for future Gather- sory Committee, and the Personnel Committee. conversations about current experi- ings and Sessions. I raised the issue with them that after 12 years with someone ence as well as visioning. Hands-on I was struck during Farming- inhabiting this position, with only small tweaks to the job descrip- work done by the partner meetings ton-Scipio Spring Gathering at tion, that it would be a very good time for the yearly meeting to will implement strategies for the numbers of Friends who lined reassess its staffing structure. This concern arises out of the fact growing multigenerational meeting up at the carnivore table with no that I have been working for the last year and a half with the Super- communities using a collabora- apparent concern that in so doing visory Committee for the General Secretary (SCGS) to try to make tive, results-focused approach that they were supporting a massive this position more sustainable—for me while I am in it, and for an emphasizes best practices. factory farm industry—an industry eventual successor. As the yearly meeting has expanded programs that perpetrated awful violence over the years, both my position and that of the Associate Secretary and torture upon the animals have grown more and more untenable. The work for each position Will your meeting that ended up on their plates. The has grown to where it’s very hard for one person to do it well. Both answer this call to work number of vegetarians and vegans Personnel and the SCGS were in agreement with the need for a and learn together? among us was gratifying. Maybe review of our staffing structure, and Personnel will be bringing that some of those carnivores, when at concern to General Services Coordinating Committee this week. home, buy pasture-raised meat from A lot of my focus over the next year will be to do what I can to local farms. But we all know the sustain the crucial growing edges of our community; to help us to This work will look different in meat served at Watson Homestead not lose momentum. I will also be supporting the elements of our each partner meeting, speaking to was not raised humanely. life and structure, which without intentional support might falter or the condition of that community Alas, the majority of Americans wither, to help as needed in the staffing structure review, and to do while also seeking to stretch our condone the factory farm industry all I can to ensure an orderly transition to the next person serving experience of outreach and inclu- by routinely buying meat at the you in this capacity. sion. The intention is to partner supermarket. But Quakers? How I need to make two things clear: I am not leaving this position due with a variety of monthly meetings incongruous is it that Friends, who to any sense of negativity or dissatisfaction. And some Friends have and worship groups—large, small, claim to abhor violence on the one already asked if I am leaving for another job. I am not. I do not know urban, rural, unprogrammed, and hand, eat meat from animals that what is next. I had a clear sense of being called into this work, and pastoral. At the end of the three- not only endured lives of enormous now I have an equally clear sense that I am being called out of it. year project, NYYM and NEYM will pain and suffering, but also met Being so warmly and lovingly greeted by so many of you as we all analyze and publish a report that with violent death? In so doing arrived here at summer sessions did not make this any easier. All the will be made widely available to the these Friends support corporate years of being supported by your love and prayers, your support, and, Quaker community on the web. meat producers who, besides horri- in many cases, your hospitality as I traveled, brings home to me just The General Secretary and bly abusing animals, also spread a how much I am leaving. I thank you all for all of that support, from CYFS will discern the initial sites vast array of nasty pollutants and the bottom of my heart. for the Partner Project. The first manufacture antibiotic-resistant two meeting communities will bacteria for their consumers. be involved in the project from One can rationalize that once 2016-19, and will be chosen this Estabrook, who was interviewed on creatures and confine them to a in a while to consume meat by one fall. Questions for discernment and NPR’s Fresh Air. The author merely lifetime—it would be like being person or even one family isn’t application are posted on the NYYM intended to learn about the meat confined to a coffin for a lifetime or going to make a difference in the big website home page, and we hope to we eat when he embarked on his worse than your dog being confined picture. But our Quaker Gatherings receive applications by October 15. extensive research on pigs; he had to its travel case for a lifetime. But and Sessions present opportunities Inquiries, questions about process no bias initially. The following is a that’s the way 80 percent of the sows to make a difference. Rather than or the project, and applications can quote from the Mr. Estabrook: in this country live their entire life. squander such opportunities, we be communicated to the CYFS at Of all the things I saw, the thing More about Mr. Estabrook’s could witness our belief in non- [email protected]. that hit me the hardest, twisted my interview and book can be found violence by instructing the chefs The opportunity to work with guts the hardest, was when I walked at at Watson Homestead and other Friends at the monthly meeting into a low, dark barn in Iowa and tales-of-pig-intelligence-factory- host venues to serve us no meat. We level, the heart of our religious in that barn there were 1500 sows, farming-and-humane-bacon/ could demonstrate our concerns for society, is exciting. Through listen- pregnant female pigs, and they were animal welfare, the environment, ing and sharing we have much to all in individual cages that were too and the routine use of antibiotics on learn from one another as we seek small to hold them.... When they did livestock. There is that near you, which to envision multigenerational spiri- have their babies they would move There is a lot of literature will guide you; oh! wait for it, tual community in new ways. Will into something called a ‘farrowing documenting the intolerable and be sure to keep to it… your local meeting answer this call crate’ which allowed the sow no more conditions at factory farms. I – Isaac Penington, 1616-1679 to work and learn together? room to move, and you take these refer readers to Pig Tales by Barry intelligent, inquisitive, emotional

September 2016 • SPARK • Page 5 In this issue of Spark the Witness Coordinating Committee of NYYM is featuring FCNL’s call for Prison Reform, which is supported in part by the Sharing Fund. The Sharing Fund was created to provide one place where Friends and supporters could make contributions so that each committee or organization would not be burdened with its own fundraising, nor would Friends be burdened with appeals from all sides. Contributions to the Sharing Fund may be sent to the YM office by check, or online at If you send a check, please note “Sharing Fund” on the memo line. Diane Keefe, member of Wilton Meeting of FCNL NYYM delegates

Friends Committee on National Legislation Call for Action this Election Season

Prison Reform: the Theme for FCNL’s 2016 Annual Along with NY Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement (CAIC), 15th St & Morningside Meeting November 10–13 in DC. Don’t wait! Friends witness in support of the HALT act to end abusive solitary confinement in NYS on Aug 23, 2016, in Marcus Garvey Park, NYC. These rallies are held every 23rd of the month in NYC and Albany A message from Jose Woss, FCNL staffer: and are part of “Together to End Solitary,” a national initiative begun by NRCAT (National Religious Campaign Against Torture). Visit for more info. Photo by Chris Japely Right now, we’re working to get Congress to pass legislation to start chipping away at the problem of mass incarceration by addressing mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Radical Faithfulness death penalty in Connecticut, and • In the Senate: Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act (S. 2123) when that penalty was outlawed, to (Schumer, Gillibrand, Schumer and Bookar are co-sponsors. and Prison Justice prison abolition. It was hard, lonely Please thank them in public and encourage other area senators to work, and she reached a point of co-sponsor) Report on Purchase Quarterly Meeting burnout. • In the House: Sentencing Reform Act (H.R. 3713) [NY co-sponsors: Just at that time, she learned Nydia Velazquez (D 7th), Jerrold Nadler (D 10th), Jose Serrano (D s Friends entered the worship about the Pendle Hill program 15th), Sean Maloney (D 18th), Louise Slaughter (D 25th), Brian Aroom to begin worship on called “Radical Faithfulness.” She Higgins (D 26th)] and the Recidivism Risk Reduction Act (H.R. August 7, they faced a 9’ by 6’ rectan- applied, was accepted, and with 759). Please refer to action center or contact Jose Woss, gular construction with opaque financial aid from the Purchase our lead lobbyist on prison reform, for more information at ends and transparent side walls. Quarter Scholarship Fund, she [email protected].. Inside, a solitary woman sat on a attended it. The program was The problems these bills address straight chair, absolutely still. Signs rigorous, involving four weekend When someone commits a crime involving drugs, even if indicated that this was a mock-up residential sessions and much the offense is nonviolent, that person is typically convicted and of a solitary confinement cell, where reading and writing between them, sentenced to a mandatory sentence of 5, 10, even 20 years. The judge prisoners spend 22 to 24 hours a as well as the choice of a specific who hears the case has very little discretion in setting the sentence. day, sometimes for years, or even area of activism. Judy chose as her The law demands that, for x crime, a person must be sent to jail for at decades. Friends gathered. Ministry project work towards the abolition least y years. was shared. The hour was rich. of solitary confinement. A returning citizen once said to me: “I was a young man. I was After introductions, after- convicted for drugs, but sentenced like a murderer.” Solitary confinement is torture. These excessive sentences have put more and more people of thoughts, announcements, and a Its abolition has become the focus color in prison or jails. The prison population has seen an approxi- brief social period, Friends gathered of the National Religious Campaign mate increase of 500% over the last 40 years. again in the worship room to hear Against Torture. Judy has been Imagine bearing the stigma that, after serving your sentence, Judy Meikle speak about her life, working in support of legislation many people will view you as a bad person, as a second-class citizen? work, and recent attendance at a in New York, called the Humane Think about the limits on your job prospects and the ability to better four-month program offered by Alternatives to Long Term Solitary yourself. Pendle Hill. Judy came to the United Confinement Act (HALT). She Now imagine the effects of that prison sentence on your children: States from England with her two asked us to inform ourselves, to sign the effects on your child’s development, nurturing you aren’t able to daughters, and found in Quaker petitions, to write letters to editors, offer, lost income, diminished opportunities, the permanent loss to meeting a community of people and to petition our legislators to your community and your family’s future. Mandatory minimums are who seemed “normal” to her. She pass this measure, which would be a the most damaging piece of mass incarceration. became involved with the Alterna- landmark improvement and would There are solutions tives to Violence Project, and with serve as a model in other states. The House and Senate bills would help by reducing mandatory serving as a volunteer in prisons. As minimum sentences. They also help by allowing judges to look at There was no business meeting the whole person and the circumstances of the crime in determin- she got to know some prisoners, she following Judy’s presentation, so the ing how they should be sentenced. Simply put, if these bills pass, began to feel personally involved in Quarter took no action in response it will mean lower prison sentences and fewer people sitting in the injustices of the criminal legal to Judy’s appeal. However, individ- prisons. system. She became angry. She ual monthly meetings may well be The bills also address the issue of helping people who have been devoted herself to elimination of the inspired to become active. in prison re-enter society successfully. Some prison facilities offer very little help in this area. These bills would improve and implement family and ethics training and more job training. As a result, they would improve people’s lives for when they return to society. Since FCNL invited more than 400 young people to lobby on We’re also focusing more attention on the House, especially sentencing reform in March, we’ve added 16 Representatives to the after Speaker Paul Ryan announced that he is planning to bring six House reform bills: the Sentencing Reform Act (HR 3713), which has criminal justice bills—including the two we are focusing on—for a more than 70 cosponsors, and the Recidivism Risk Reduction Act vote in September. (H.R. 759).

Page 6 • SPARK • September 2016 It will be important to know how many children will be with us, their ages New York Yearly Meeting and any special needs. Please register early! If no children in an age group are registered by Oct. 28, there will not be a program for that group. Later Fall Sessions registrants will be the responsibility of their parents. Transportation: Loomis Mayer will be coordinating transportation to and November 11-13, 2016 from the White Plains Metro-North station, the Croton and New Rochelle Amtrak stations, and the Westchester County Airport. Please contact him if Ethical Culture Society, White Plains (Saturday) you will need to be met: call 914-271-4138 or email [email protected]. Scarsdale Meeting (Friday evening and Sunday) Meeting space: Requests for committee meeting rooms should be directed to Roseann Press, [email protected]. Please make requests by October Registration deadline: October 28, 2016 28, 2016. Committee meeting space at Ethical Culture is extremely limited and some rooms may need to have two committees meeting simultaneously. urchase Quarter is looking forward to welcoming you to the 2016 Fall If your committee needs privacy, you may wish to hold your meeting at Sessions, an opportunity to worship, enjoy fellowship and carry forward P Purchase Meeting. Should the need arise to use space at Purchase, commit- the work of the Spirit in our yearly meeting. It is one of our priorities as a tee clerks are asked to manage the logistics of getting their committee yearly meeting to be gathered as one body. Participation and involvement members to and from Purchase (i.e., carpooling, directions, etc.). of Friends from all regions will help to knit our body together. We need your Display space: Given this particular venue, there is no display space. We may discernment and input as we conduct our business. Agenda items include be able to make space on or near the registration table for a few flyers. Please preparations for the review of our staffing structure, approving the budget be in touch with Roseann Press to see what might be accommodated. for 2017, and a revision to Faith and Practice regarding the use of technology Registration: To register online, download the registration form from our in the conduct of business. website ( home page), fill it out, and email it to [email protected]. Our Saturday sessions will be held at the Ethical Culture Society, 7 Saxon Then determine the amount (registration and meals plus any contribution Wood Rd., White Plains, NY 10605. Friday evening and Sunday program and to the Equalization Fund). You may pay electronically via our online credit sessions will be held at Scarsdale Meeting, 133 Popham Road, Scarsdale, NY card payment service at: or you 10583. Teens 14 and up will spend Friday and Saturday nights at Purchase may mail your check to the Yearly Meeting office. To register by mail, fill out Meetinghouse, 4455 Purchase St. (Rte. 120), West Harrison, NY 10604. See the registration form and mail it to Helen Garay Toppins, NYYM Office, 15 below for details on the teen and child programs. Rutherford Place, New York, NY 10003. Include a check payable to New York Special Friday Evening Program: Our yearly meeting is blessed by having Yearly Meeting. The registration deadline is October 28, 2016. two story tellers in our midst. Janet Carter and Jeannine Laverty will be Registration fees are $25 for adults 18 and older prior to October 28, and with us on Friday evening at Scarsdale Meeting from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm for $35 thereafter; for youth 17 and younger, the fee is $15 whether registered stories. This event is for the entire, multi-age community. on time or late. However, please note that child care will not be available for Meals: Light refreshments will be served on Friday evening, starting at 6:30 children registered after October 28 if there are no other children in their age pm. Coffee, tea and light munchies will be available Saturday morning in the group who have registered on time. registration area at Ethical Culture. Lunch and dinner will be served there; Emergency Contact: During Fall Sessions, call Linda Houser: 914-912-7940 prices are on the registration form. Because meals will be served in the area DIRECTIONS TO THE ETHICAL CULTURE SOCIETY: 7 Saxon Wood Rd., where plenary sessions are held, we will need volunteers to help move tables White Plains NY 10605 and chairs before and after both meals. By public transport: take the #60 Bee-Line bus, either north from the On Sunday morning, we will have coffee and munchies at Scarsdale. Mamaroneck Metro-North train station on the New Haven line, or south Lunch will be pot luck, provided by Purchase Quarter Friends. A basket will from the White Plains Metro-North train station on the Harlem line. Get off be out to accept donations if you wish to contribute. at Saxon Woods Park and walk one block north to Saxon Wood Rd. Hospitality: Purchase Quarter Friends will be providing hospitality in their From I-287E or W, take exit 9 to the Hutchinson River Parkway (the homes. Please indicate any special needs on the registration form. Hospital- Hutch). Go to exit 23 on the Hutch, (Mamaroneck Ave.) and turn right ity requests will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis, and cannot be (north), towards White Plains. Saxon Wood Rd. is the first street on the left filled after the registration deadline of October 28, 2016. There is also a list of after the entrance to Saxon Woods Park, which has a traffic light. Saxon local hotels and motels on’s Fall Sessions page. Wood Rd. does not have a traffic light. Children and Youth: The teen program, for ages 14 and above, will begin From I-684S, continue past I-287. I-684 becomes the Hutchinson River on Friday evening at Scarsdale Meetinghouse, with the gathered community Parkway. Continue to exit 23 and proceed as above. of all ages. Afterwards, teens will be taken to Purchase Meeting House, 4455 From NY City, take the Hutchinson River Parkway north to exit 23, and Purchase St. (Rte. 120), West Harrison, NY 10604. They should bring a pillow proceed as above. Or take the Henry Hudson Parkway north to the Cross and sleeping bag or blanket/sheets for comfort. On Saturday morning, they County Parkway, then take exit 9 to the Hutchinson River Parkway (north- will be transported to Ethical Culture for worship and the opening business bound) and proceed as above. Or stay on the Henry Hudson, which becomes session. They will join younger Friends for a Power of Goodness workshop the Saw Mill Parkway. Exit 20 of the Saw Mill puts you onto I-87N; and from for the rest of the morning. After lunch, they will be doing a service project. I-87N take I-287 E. Proceed as in the first paragraph. They should wear long pants and bring work gloves. They will be joined by From New Jersey, use the George Washington Bridge to cross the teens from Passage of Hope, an organization that provides living accommo- Hudson. Stay in the far right lane of the upper deck and take the exit dations for unaccompanied minors from other countries. The teens will have immediately after reaching New York. Head towards the Henry Hudson supper at Ethical Culture, then go back to Purchase Meeting for an evening Parkway North, and proceed as above. Alternatively, cross the Hudson on of exploring ways to deal with stress. There will be ‘self space’ time during the Tappan Zee bridge (I-87, I-287). Where the two diverge, bear left towards which teens can catch up with friends, do homework, or rest. On Sunday, White Plains on I-287, then follow the directions above for I-287 E. teens will have breakfast at Purchase, then join the body for worship at From Long Island, take the Whitestone Bridge into the Bronx, and Scarsdale. When teens register, a permission form will be sent to be filled out immediately across the bridge, stay left to get onto the Hutchinson River by a parent or guardian, and handed to adult leaders on arrival. Parkway. Proceed as in the first paragraph. Elementary school children and pre-schoolers will have a program at DIRECTIONS TO SCARSDALE MEETINGHOUSE: 133 Popham Road, Ethical Culture on Saturday. Nadine Hoover, Alfred Meeting, will be sharing Scarsdale, NY 10583 stories of the Power of Goodness for the teen and middle-school-age By train: Harlem Division line from Grand Central Station to Scars- children in the morning. Younger children, ages 4 to 10, will be with Melinda dale. Meetinghouse is 0.5 miles east, an easy walk, on Popham Road. At the Wenner-Bradley, our Children and Youth Field Secretary. Other adults will be evening rush hour a commuter bus goes east on Popham Road and will stop volunteering with them during the day. There will also be a Youth Program at the meetinghouse. on Saturday afternoon for those aged 11-13. Plans were being finalized at From Bronx River Parkway: Get off at Crane Road (Exit 12). Do not press time. Details will be posted on the NYYM website, and will also be follow signs to Crane Road, but go straight south 0.2 mile to traffic light. Turn available upon request from [email protected]. left onto Popham Road. Meeting House is 0.5 miles on left. All children will be at Scarsdale Meeting on Sunday, the teens arriving From Hutchinson River Parkway: Get off at Weaver Street (Exit 20). from Purchase Meetinghouse in time for worship at 11:00, and an extended Turn right on Weaver Street (Route 125) and go 1.0 mile to Heathcote Five First Day School program for younger ones being provided by Scarsdale Corners. Bear slightly left on Heathcote Road and go 1.5 miles to Post Road Friends and Melinda Wenner-Bradley. (Route 22). Bear left on Post Road for one short block and turn right onto Childcare for infants and toddlers (up to age 4) will be available if Popham Road. Meetinghouse is 0.1 mile on right. requested by October 28. September 2016 • SPARK • Page 7 Registration for Fall Sessions 2016 • Friday–Sunday, November 11-13, 2016 Scarsdale Friends Meeting, Scarsdale, NY, on Friday and Sunday Ethical Culture Society of White Plains on Saturday REGISTRATION DEADLINE October 28 Please return this form by email to [email protected] or send by postal mail to Helen Garay Toppins, NYYM, 15 Rutherford Place, New York, NY 10003. Make checks payable to New York Yearly Meeting; write “Fall Sessions 2016” on the memo line. You may also pay electronically on our website; look for a link on ADULT REGISTRATION NAME Fall Sessions Schedule Address Friday—Scarsdale Meeting Home & cell phone 6:30 pm Light refreshments Email address 7:30-8:30 pm Storytelling Meeting Saturday—Ethical Culture Society HOSPITALITY White Plains, NY I would like home Can bring 8:00 am Registration with Fri. night Sat. night hospitality sleeping bag coffee, tea, and snacks I would like to be housed with: 8:30–9:15 a.m. Meeting for Worship 9:30–11:45 Meeting for Worship Stairs a problem Allergies Smoker with a Concern for Special Needs: Business MEALS Vegetarian Gluten Free 12:00–1:00 p.m. Lunch Saturday lunch $12, include payment with registration 1:00–2:15 Meeting for Worship Saturday dinner $18, include payment with registration with a Concern for Business Sunday lunch Donation as led 2:30–4:00 Committee meetings* TRANSPORTATION 4:05–5:30 Committee meetings* Please meet me as follows: 5:45–6:45 Dinner Plane arrival 7:00–8:45 Coordinating Bus arrival committee meetings Train arrival Sunday—Scarsdale Meeting Departure day, time, location 9:00–10:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship REGISTRATION FEES with a Concern for Business Registration Amount Enclosed 11:00–12:00 Community Meeting Adult Registration Fee ($25 per adult until 10/28/16) for Worship (adults Late Registration Fee (additional $10 per adult) joined by young Meal Costs Friends at 11:30) Contribution to NYYM Equalization Fund 12:30–1:30 p.m. Lunch Assistance requested from NYYM Equalization Fund *Committee meeting space to be reserved by committee clerks Total

YOUTH REGISTRATION (0-18 YEARS) NAME TEEN PROGRAM—Ages 14-18 (includes Meetinghouse sleepovers) Address Name: Age: Grade: Home & cell phone Fri Sat Sat Sat eve Sat Sun Email address sleepover AM PM sleepover AM MEALS Vegetarian Gluten Free Will be eating the Sat lunch $12 Sat dinner $18 Sun lunch following meals: (under 12: $6) (under 12: $9) (by donation) Name: Age: Grade: Fri Sat Sat Sat eve Sat Sun CHILDCARE—Ages 0-4 Please provide my children with childcare for these times: sleepover AM PM sleepover AM Name Age Sat AM Sat PM Sat eve Sun AM My parent/guardian at Fall Sessions is:

YOUTH PROGRAM—Ages 5-13 Please register my children for these times: REGISTRATION FEES Amount Name Age Grade Sat AM Sat PM Sat eve Sun AM Youth Registration Rate ($15 per child) Meal fees plus Donation for Sun. lunch TOTAL

Page 8 • SPARK • September 2015