Concordia CONNECT Term 2, Week 6, 2021

In this issue...

A message from the St John's Campus RAP Coordinator A message from the College Pastor Drama at Concordia Reconciliation Week in the ELC and Middle School da Vinci Decathlon Year 1 Urrbrae Visit Diary Dates

St John's Campus Hear from the Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator and read about a Year 1 Excursion to Urrbrae and more.

In this Section From the Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator Urrbrae Visit Reconciliation Week in the ELC Year 3s visit The Suaviter and the Heritage Centre Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Concordia Campus Hear from the Head of Senior School and read about recent Music performances, da Vinci Decathlon and more.

In this Section From the College Pastor Year 9 Camp 2021 Australian Brain Bee Challenge Music Notes City of Unley Reconciliation Week Event News about Year 10 from 2022 Drama at Concordia da Vinci Decathlon Legal Studies - Excursion and Incursion Student Achievement

Sport Click here for the latest news and results, including Pedal Prix Round 2 at Tailem Bend.

In this Section SSSA Year 4-6 Cross Country Results and Netball Selection SSSA Year 7 Cross Country Results and Netball Selection Pedal Prix: Tailem Bend 6-Hour Race St John's Campus Sports Results Concordia Campus Sports Results Noticeboard Diary dates, events and notices from around the College and the wider community.

In this Section Diary Dates Upcoming Events The School Shop Public Notices & Events St John's Campus

Hear from the Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator and read about a Year 1 Excursion to Urrbrae and more.

In this Section

From the Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator Urrbrae Visit Reconciliation Week in the ELC Year 3s visit The Suaviter and the Heritage Centre Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

From the Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator

National Reconciliation Week

St John’s Campus students and staff have celebrated National Reconciliation Week with a range of learning activities in ELC to Year 6. We acknowledge the need for all Australians, particularly non-, to take action towards reconciliation; to commit to learning more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions; and listen to their stories, so that through deeper understanding we continue to develop respect and relationship that enables healing amongst our First Nations Peoples.

'Teach About Reconciliation' and 'Celebrate National Reconciliation Week' are two of the actions Concordia College has committed to in our Reconciliation Action Plan. The 2021/2022 version of this document was recently approved for publication by Reconciliation Australia.

Our Reception children and their teachers led Assembly on Monday morning. They shared their drawings inspired by the picture book 'Sorry, Sorry' by Anne Kerr. It clearly demonstrated how even the very young can begin to understand some of the hurt and injustice experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples since the arrival of European settlers.

A collaborative artwork, called Stepping Out – Taking Action, was created by all students and staff and displayed in the Junior Primary Courtyard during the week. This activity encouraged us to reflect upon our personal commitment to take action towards reconciliation. Written or illustrated on paper cut-out feet, these footsteps symbolise our commitment to work together and support each other on the journey of reconciliation.

We have also shared a focus on reconciliation within our staff and class devotions, being reminded of God’s love for all his people and creation. Let us be moved to action by the example of Jesus. Let us be directed by the love and compassion he brought to the world; by the desire to develop relationships that enable understanding to grow; and by hearts convinced that we have a role to play in bringing justice to the First Nations Peoples of this land.

Nancy Wells St John's Campus Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator Visual Arts and Drama Teacher Urrbrae Visit

Year 1 ‘want-to-be farmers’

Students from the Urrbrae Agricultural High School proudly showed the eager Year 1 St John’s Campus ‘want-to-be farmers’ around their agricultural campus as part of our Year 1 'How the World Works' inquiry. The students have been exploring how our world is made up of many different materials and looking at how they are used for a variety of purposes. In particular, we loved to see the sheep and alpacas and learn about the many ways wool is used in our lives. The Year 1s are also having fun using wool to create some amazing woollen creations.

Year 1 Team

Reconciliation Week in the ELC

Reconciliation Week teaches children about the importance of playing our part in building relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Respectful practices are embedded in the ELC program. We always start our day with an ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ and greetings in the Kaurna language.

This week the children have listened to stories, sung songs and used a variety of art experiences to inquire and expand their knowledge about Aboriginal people, cultures and histories. One of our educators, Ms Thiel, shared her own family’s history and friendship with Aboriginal people growing up in Alice Springs.

We have embraced the theme of Reconciliation Week and believe that Reconciliation is more than a word, Reconciliation is taking action.

The ELC Team

Year 3s visit The Suaviter and the Heritage Centre

Last Thursday, our Year 3s visited The Suaviter and the Heritage Centre to learn about the history of their College - from humble beginnings in rural Victoria to a thriving school community of around 1300 students in Adelaide. They especially had fun viewing old photos, asking about memorabilia items and looking at uniforms from earlier eras!

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

What an overwhelming response to our Biggest Morning Tea!

Over 640 cupcakes were baked by the Year 4 cohort!!!

We raised over $730 for cancer research. The children did an amazing job baking, counting money and delivering cupcakes on the day.

Here’s a message from Mrs. Reu who was able to join us for the morning…

'I had the great pleasure of being invited to the Year 4s’ Biggest Morning Tea last Friday in support of the Cancer Council. I enjoyed such a wonderful time meeting the Year 4s, and reconnecting with the lovely Year 5s and 6s and staff. When Mrs Read told me the Year 4s had been working to make and provide cupcakes for all St John’s [staff and students], I couldn’t believe it! That’s a lot of cupcakes! They clearly enjoyed their learning experience and were so generous, hardworking and skilled in using their amazing numeracy, literacy, cooperation and communication skills as they achieved their goal. Thank you so much to Mrs Read, Mrs Ruggiero, the Year 4s, their parents and all the students and school community for generously working and donating to make this such a heart-warming success…'

Once again, a big thank you for your donations of time, money and yummy cupcakes too!

The Year 4 Team

Back to top Concordia Campus

Hear from the Head of Senior School and read about recent Music performances, da Vinci Decathlon and more.

In this Section

From the College Pastor Year 9 Camp 2021 Australian Brain Bee Challenge Music Notes City of Unley Reconciliation Week Event News about Year 10 from 2022 Drama at Concordia da Vinci Decathlon Legal Studies - Excursion and Incursion Student Achievement

From the College Pastor

Freedom and lockdown

The past fifteen months have been a great test of character as we have been asked to forego many freedoms that we have previously taken for granted. Keeping our distance, checking in at venues, wearing face masks, avoiding travel, enduring a lockdown or even two weeks in quarantine are things that no one would have envisioned only a couple of years ago.

We are people who greatly value our freedom and it has been quite an adjustment to approach life with a different attitude. However, most of the time, the majority of people have been able to adapt to the situation knowing that there is a greater good that needs to be upheld, even it comes at a personal cost. For the sake of the vulnerable, and for the sake of our state or nation, we have made sacrifices to ensure we get through this incredibly difficult time in a way that benefits the greatest amount of people. This is not a time to be selfish; it is a time to use our freedom for another purpose – a purpose that is other-centred.

Parents are generally fairly accustomed to living this way, at least to some extent. We realise that the needs of our children are to be prioritised ahead of our own, as long as their schedule of extra-curricular events doesn’t erode our family life completely(!). And I am sure that the experience of being a parent has helped many of us appreciate the sacrifices our own parents made for us throughout their lives.

Our spiritual focus for this term has been on The Road of Freedom, where we have looked at Jesus’ call to us to follow him on a path that is based on sacrifice and other-centredness. His willingness to give up his freedom out of love for us resulted in his death on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven. However, his resurrection signaled the beginning of a life where death need not be our final destination. Instead, by faith in him we have been set free from its power. Our calling, now, is to walk as Jesus calls us to, along a path that is shaped by him, using our freedom to live for others and bring glory to God.

While we have had a taste of ‘other-centredness’ in our lives, Jesus calls us on a path where this is the staple diet.

So, are you coming along?

Dale Gosden College Pastor

Year 9 Camp 2021

This year, the Year 9 Camp was a wonderful moment of reflection, activities, and time to think of oneself and others. Our Departure Service in the early morning was well attended by parents and caregivers, offering a chance to share some appreciative thoughts and for students and parents to exchange gratitude letters.

We departed on time and made it to the Flinders Ranges in time for some groups to engage in specific activities while others prepared for their solo night. Unfortunately for us, although fortunate for the communities and farmers, we experienced quite a downpour of rain. The experience proved challenging for some and reflective for others as they learnt to appreciate the importance of water for such a burnt, dry landscape. As with previous years, one has no doubt that their recalling of tales will become legendary. Feedback from most of our students was that they desired to stay longer.

As educators, we find ourselves observing our students developing their resilience, patience and communication skills, with new friendships growing and bonds with mates becoming stronger.

Peter Simmons Year 9 Pastoral Leader

Australian Brain Bee Challenge

What is the role of a suprachiasmatic nucleus? Approximately what percentage of neurons are devoted to visual processing? Where would you find three ossicles called the malleus, incus and stapes? How does glutamate and gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABA) differ in function? Welcome to the world of the Brain Bee.

The Australian Brain Bee Challenge (ABBC) is a competition for high school students in Year 10 to learn about the brain and its functions, learn about neuroscience research, find out about careers in neuroscience and to dispel misconceptions about neurological and mental illnesses. The program was started in Australia in 2006. The Brain Bee Challenge provides current and accurate information on the latest advances in neuroscience research, its value to the community, and promotes careers in science and technology.

Round 1 involved working on a range of online modules with content developed by brain science experts from the Australasian Neuroscience Society. Nearly 3000 students across Australia and New Zealand participated in this first round of competition. We congratulate the two Year 10 students who took part in testing on this material, Jackson and Nicholas. These two students have earned a place in the State Finals – this involves an individual online competition as well as a face- to-face experience morning at the Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences building of the University of Adelaide. Congratulations to you both.

Emma Rieger Enrichment and Extension Music Notes

Mother’s Day Breakfast

McKenzie Jazz Choir enjoyed the opportunity to perform for guests as they arrived at the Mother’s Day Breakfast, which was held earlier this term at Living Choice, Fullarton. The vocal ensemble entertained those in attendance with a selection of beautiful music including Jazz Cantate, For Once In My Life and Jazz Kyrie.

Harmony in the Chapel

On Friday 7 May, audience members were entertained by our College jazz ensembles at the first Harmony in the Chapel concert for 2021. The audience included members of the Old Concordians' Association 70+ group who were in attendance as part of their reunion, along with family members of student performers and St John's Campus Year 6 students. It was pleasing to be able to resume this series of concerts in 2021, and wonderful for the students to be able to perform to a live audience. Ensembles included Big Bands 1, 2 and 3 as well as the McKenzie jazz choir. We look forward to the second concert in this series, which will be held in Term 3 when we will witness performances by the Orchestra and String Ensemble.

Strike a Chord

Recently, Concordia College String Quartet 1 and Cello Quartet were given the opportunity to spend time in the Media Centre, recording repertoire to be submitted for the annual “Musica Viva Strike a Chord” competition. We wish the students in each of these ensembles all the best with their submissions and thank the Media staff with their assistance on the day.

Cello Quartet performance at the Unley Youth Music Competition

On the evening of Saturday 29 May, Concordia’s Cello Quartet was invited to perform an item at this special event which was held in the College Chapel.

The Quartet displayed outstanding musicianship and was extremely well received by the large audience.

Congratulations to Oliver, Ella, Ruben and Rafael for representing Concordia so well at this important community event.

Mat Noble Director of Music

City of Unley Reconciliation Week Event

To celebrate Reconciliation Week, the City of Unley invited local schools to their Town Hall to observe and participate in traditional Indigenous dance and music with one of Adelaide’s Indigenous communities – IMBALA who represent the Peramangk people of the Adelaide Hills. IMBALA is a father and his four children who through stories involving dance and music provide a glimpse into 60,000 years of Indigenous culture. With a restriction of numbers Concordia were fortunate for a small group of Year 7/8 students to attend and participate in the event. Everyone in attendance enjoyed and appreciated the presentation, feeling a strong commitment to this year’s call for Reconciliation – “More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.”

Steve Eden Head of International Student Programs

News about Year 10 from 2022

Our Chair of the Concordia College Board, Dr Loyd Fyffe, announced last week a leadership restructure across ELC to Year 12.

This new structure includes delivering Year Level Programs as two-year cycles (for example 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12), ensuring curriculum and pastoral programs that enable staff to further support students at their intellectual, social and emotional growth.

Across the last 18 months, we have collected feedback from students, teachers and parents. This feedback indicated that our current Year 10 program could more effectively support students' learning and wellbeing needs, interests and development, including preparation for Year 11 and 12 studies.

A recognised change that accompanies this methodology will be the closer connection between Year 9 and Year 10. Hence, our definition of Middle School will expand to encompass Year 7 to Year 10, aligning with the IB Middle Years Programme.

Year 10 is an important year in considering pathways students may want to take after school. It is vital that students are developing the critical capabilities, learner profiles and knowledge that are required for their future education, training and career goals. The wholistic nature of the MYP, and specifically the features of Year 10 as the culminating year of the programme, maximise opportunities for students in this area.

The new structure is designed to enhance student and teacher support, especially where wellbeing and behavioural support of students is most needed. Operating a Middle School structure with a Middle School Leader and Middle School Learning Leader supported by four Year Level Leaders ensures the needs of Middle School students are more broadly supported by enhanced support and monitoring.

Part of this new structure includes creating student leadership opportunities for Year 10 students as Middle School leaders. This new process deliberately promotes Year 10 as the culminating and graduating year of the Middle Years Programme curriculum. Celebrating the Year 10 completion of the Personal Project and graduation from MYP therefore becomes a significant milestone.

Within our new structure, over the next 12–18 months, the College will explore how the IB (International Baccalaureate) flexibilities can more effectively be implemented to enhance each student's preparation for future study and allow individuals to make educated choices for their senior years, based on their strengths, interests and future aspirations.

Mrs Briony Carman Head of Middle School

Mr Clay Watkins Acting Head of Senior School

Mr Paul Weinert Principal - Concordia Campus Drama at Concordia

In Weeks 4 and 5, the Drama Department staff and its elective cohorts in Years 9, 11 and 12 were busy, heading out to the world-class Adelaide Festival Scenery Workshop, viewing a world premiere for the DreamBIG Festival and hosting the State Theatre Company in our theatre for a specialised Realism workshop.

These activities support the classroom curriculum and more importantly give our students insight into real-world experiences of the Arts industry. Whether they dream of becoming an actor, a designer, a technician, a theatre reviewer or a future audience member, programs outside of the classroom are a crucial element to transferring our skills and linking our learning in Drama to professional contexts.

Thank you to Gaenor Roeger, Emma Williams and Daniel Wood for your support, organisation and supervision of the students.

Enjoy the photos and the reports of our experiences!

Zoe Tidemann Head of Drama

SACE Stage 1 Drama Excursion- Adelaide Festival Scenery Workshop

On Wednesday 19 May, my SACE Stage 1 Drama class was lucky enough to visit the Adelaide Festival Scenery Workshop. This was an extraordinary experience and combined two of my favourite subjects on a huge scale. As a student of both Drama and Design, Technology and Engineering, seeing the workshop was an incredible opportunity to consider future pathways for myself.

The workshop itself featured two large warehouses and the office. The warehouses were split into sections for woodwork, metalwork and other manufacturing trades, and then there was the ‘floor space’ which was used to set everything up and attach it all together. We were lucky enough to see the Moulin Rouge set coming together and were told about some of the technological and design aspects of the set. We were shown the art behind the magic of theatre and, really, it made theatre all the more magical for me.

A huge thanks to Mr Mead and Ms Tidemann for organising this trip for us.

Nicole 11SBUD

MYP Year 9 Drama Excursion - Everything They Ever Said, DreamBIG Children’s Festival

On Thursday 20 May, 50 Year 9 Drama students with their teachers headed to The Lab on Light Square to see a world premiere of Finegan Kruckmeyer’s play, Everything They Ever Said (With Fingers Crossed Behind Their Backs).

Devised by a courageous ensemble from SAYArts, this performance piece explored the confusion and loneliness that being a teenager brings by using a framework of conspiracy theories and condemned politicians. The story was told using a wonderfully creative and endless amount of theatrical elements, from the actor’s themselves, to animation, live instruments and masks.

Our students were all imaginatively engaged, perplexed, amused, shocked and in awe of the experience. They will now be able to use it as inspiration for their own creative work in the future.

Zoe Tidemann Head of Drama

SACE Stage 2 Drama Incursion - Realism Workshop with Rory Walker from State Theatre Company

On Wednesday of Week 5, we took part in an acting workshop with Rory Walker from State Theatre Company. He gave us an insight into professional acting techniques used to create realistic emotions on stage.

Interestingly, he was involved in a professional production of the text we are currently studying. The session was a valuable experience.

Eve 12RSOM

da Vinci Decathlon

On 19 and 20 May, we had a Year 7 and Year 9 team represent Concordia College at the da Vinci Decathlon. This annual event is hosted by St Peter’s Girls' School. The da Vinci Decathlon began as an offshoot of the gifted and talented program of Knox Grammar, Sydney. The competition is named after one of the world’s greatest scholars and thinkers, and emphasises problem-solving, teamwork, creativity and higher order thinking skills.

Our Year 7 team competed against 22 other schools from across the state in this academic gala day. The Year 9 team competed against 14 other schools. There were competition papers across 10 disciplines: Mathematics, Code-breaking, Engineering, Cartography, Ideation, Art and Poetry, English, Science, Legacy (knowledge of da Vinci and the Renaissance period) and Creative Producers.

We are thrilled that the Year 7 team placed: 4th in Art and Poetry, 3rd in Ideation, and 2nd in Engineering. Our Year 9 team came 1st in the state in Art and Poetry. To place in the “Top 5” of any categories at one of these events is a significant achievement as the standard is incredibly high.

“I think my da Vinci Decathlon experience was quite challenging but fun. I met some new people and I learned about lots of things.” (Sam)

“The Decathlon provided a fantastic opportunity to not only extend the team’s knowledge and understanding of a range of subjects, but also connected us with various like-minded students from other schools … The work was really challenging but something that brought the team closer together when figuring out the solutions. My personal favourite category was Art and Poetry as it was a subject that required both thought and creativity. It was merely a bonus that we ended up winning it.” (Macy)

It was a fantastic day of academic competition, collaboration and fun. Well done, Team Concordia!

Emma Rieger Enrichment and Extension

Legal Studies - Excursion and Incursion Adelaide Gaol Excursion

Both Year 11 and 12 Legal Studies classes recently attended the Adelaide Gaol where they were able to view the history of our oldest Gaol. The students showed great enthusiasm and interest to understand how our Gaol system works. Students were able to experience life inside a cell, touch artefacts such as handcuffs and escape ropes, and contemplate South Australia’s dark history.

Rick Sommariva Legal Studies Teacher

Year 12 Inquiry Task

On Monday 24 May, our Year 12 class had the privilege of having the following members from the community come in to be interviewed in relation to the students' Inquiry Task.

Mark Minarelli Fox Tucker Lawyers Solicitor

Marianna Danby Fox Tucker Lawyers Solicitor

Rick Sarre Emeritus Professor of Law University of SA

Sarah Moulds Senior Lecturer University of SA

Rob Chalmers Lecturer Flinders University Law School

Samantha Kontra Associate Lecturer Flinders University Law School

Geeta Sidhu Normans Waterhouse Lawyers Solicitor

To be able to have these people in one room at the one time was an exciting experience and I know the students gained an immeasurable amount of knowledge and insight from their expertise in being able to answer questions relating to the legal issues the students were investigating.

I wish to thank all the guest speakers this year and look forward to many more that will come into the Year 12 Legal Studies classes over the coming year. Legal Studies is a subject that Concordia students study with great interest and passion. It allows for honest discussion about contemporary legal issues that occur on a daily basis. Rick Sommariva Legal Studies Teacher

Student Achievement

Concordia congratulates Lily (9CRID) who competed in the semi-final of the highly competitive Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking competition at Immanuel College on Saturday 22 May. Lily successfully gained a place in the SA/NT Zone Final. On Saturday 26 June, Lily will represent Concordia against three other Junior speakers in the SA House of Assembly at Parliament House. She will present a six-minute prepared speech and a three-minute short notice speech (with 15 minutes of preparation time.) We are proud of you, Lily, and wish you all the best!

Back to top Sport

Click here for the latest news and results, including Pedal Prix Round 2 at Tailem Bend.

In this Section

SSSA Year 4-6 Cross Country Results and Netball Selection SSSA Year 7 Cross Country Results and Netball Selection Pedal Prix: Tailem Bend 6-Hour Race St John's Campus Sports Results Concordia Campus Sports Results

SSSA Year 4-6 Cross Country Results and Netball Selection

Cross Country

On Friday 21 May, 40 students from the St John's Campus competed at the School Sport SA Adelaide South East District Cross Country Carnival.

Students ranging from Years 4-6 put weeks of hard training and nervous energy to good use, running well in ideal conditions at Kensington Oval. We had a number of students who were very competitive in each race. A special mention to Elise 6H who won the Div 1 12-year-old girls' race.

Elise will be joined by Stella 6B, Lucy 5S and Harriet 5K who all recorded great results and were selected to represent the Adelaide South East District at the State Carnival later this term. Good luck!

Adelaide South East District Netball Selection

Congratulations to Gemma 6H who was selected in the Adelaide South East District Netball team to compete at the State Day carnival in Week 6. A fantastic achievement!

Mick Phillips PE Teacher and School Sports Coordinator - St John's Campus

SSSA Year 7 Cross Country Results and Netball Selection

The Year 7 cross country team competed at the Adelaide South East district day on Friday 21 May. In perfect running conditions our team was very competitive in all events and the following students finished in the top three in their respective races:

13-year-old boys Div 2 - 1st place Josh 7LAUS, 2nd place Jack 7SPAC 13-year-old girls Div 2 - 1st place Eliza 7LTHO, 3rd place April 7LBRO 13-year-old boys Div 1 - 1st place Archie 7SPAC, 2nd place Oliver 7JHEA 13-year-old girls Div 1 - 2nd place Amber 7JHEA

Congratulations to Archie, Ollie and Amber in the Div 1 races who will now compete at the State Day in the Adelaide South East District team.

Adelaide South East District Netball Selection

Congratulations to April 7LBRO who was selected in the Adelaide South East district netball team to compete at the State Day carnival in Week 6 and won a silver medal at the carnival.

Corrina Ridley Year 7 Sports Coordinator

Pedal Prix: Tailem Bend 6-Hour Race

On Sunday 23 May, four teams from the Concordia Pedal Prix team and two Old Concordians' Association (OCA) teams headed to Tailem Bend to race on the world-renowned ‘Bend’ circuit in a six-hour event for the first time. Competing against 181 teams from around Australia, students were extremely excited to compete on a brand-new circuit to the competition with a total racing distance of 3.41km per lap. Working out of a professional racing garage, students took turns to pedal their trikes around the circuit and support their team members by timing on the pit fence and assisting with rider changeovers in the pits. All teams took care, resulting in maximum time on the track, keeping them in reach of a competitive result.

Shockwave and Matrix, made up of our younger students, competed well throughout the day with multiple new riders racing for the first time. Team Concorde, our Year 10 team, battled it out for fifth position throughout the race, just getting beaten at the post in the final 30 minutes. Veloci, made up of our more experienced senior students, was very consistent and was able to finish 9th in one of the most competitive school categories.

A big thank you to all the staff and parents for assisting in range of roles throughout the day and making the race run so smoothly. We now look forward to competing in the next six-hour event in Adelaide on Sunday 20 June.

Concordia Teams Veloci Category 3 9th / 36 65 laps

Concorde Category 2 6th / 46 65 laps

Matrix Category 2 23rd / 46 52 laps

Shockwave Category 2 35th / 46 47 laps Old Concordians' Association Teams Under the Radar Category 6 5th / 9 71 laps

Smarty Category 7 20th / 41 70 laps

Matthew Smart Pedal Prix Coordinator St John's Campus Sports Results


Wednesday 19 May

Concordia Celtics defeated Blackfriars Priory School Angels: 11 - 5. Concordia Charms defeated St Aloysius Purple: 29 - 2. Special thanks to Angelita for leading game-day coaching for the Charms team.

Monday 24 May

Concordia Chasers defeated the Concordia Champions: 17 - 4. It was a great showdown, with both teams playing extremely well.


Saturday 29 May

Year 3/4 defeated Belair Primary School Maroon.


Saturday 22 May

Year 6 Blue Soccer lost to Immanuel: 1 - 10. Player of the match: Joel F. Under 11s defeated Unley: 4 - 1. A great first game! Under 8s lost to Unley: 0 - 21. A tough first game for the season.

Saturday 29 May

Under 8s Soccer lost to Seacliff: 3 - 8. Goals: Lewis and Zahlia. Under 11s defeated Flagstaff Hill: 7 - 1. Year 6 Blue lost to : 0 - 1 in a close game. Under 9 Bulls defeated Happy Valley: 3 - 2. Under 10s defeated Seacliff Primary: 13 – 1.


Friday 14 May

Concordia Gold defeated Forbes Phantoms team: 3 sets to zero.

Friday 28 May

Concordia Gold lost to Westbourne Park Primary School: 51 - 61. Concordia Campus Sports Results

Boys' Sport


Saturday 22 May

Senior A lost to Cabra: 39 - 51. Senior B defeated Cabra: 34 - 27. Senior C lost to Cabra.

Tuesday 25 May

7 Gold defeated Blackfriars Priory School Kings: 36 - 14. 7 Blue lost to Blackfriars Priory School Magic: 33 - 29.

Saturday 29 May

Senior A lost to Trinity: 30 - 66. Senior B lost to Trinity: 56 - 76. Senior C lost to Trinity. Middle A lost to Trinity: 40 - 57. Middle B defeated Trinity: 60 - 31. Middle C lost to Trinity: 26 -27. Middle D defeated Cardijn: 28 - 20.

Tuesday 1 June

7 Gold defeated St Joseph’s Royals: 42 - 30. 7 Blue defeated Concordia Chargers: 24 - 4. 7 White defeated Blackfriars Priory School Kings: 24 - 17.


Wednesday 19 May

1st XVIII defeated Unley High School: 16.16 (112) - 5.2 (32). Goals: Ben P (7), Jack S (5), Charlie F (1), Raf L (1), Cody J (1) and Harry L (1). Best players: Ben P, Jaden T-M, Charlie F, Jack S, Dane H, Fletcher S and Luke W. Senior B lost to Woodcroft: 2.5 (17) - 11.12 (78). Goals: Jamie V (1) and Nick G (1). Best players: Nick G, Jamie V, Kern M, Jordan K and Will J. Middle defeated Cabra: 15.20 (110) - 3.1 (19). Goals: Bailey K (2), Elijah M (2), Louis A (2), Archie W, Fela H, Fergus V, Harry H, Kurtis R, Paddy D, Ronan M, Seb R and Sean W. Best players: Sean W, Elijah M, Kurtis R, Bailey K and Louis A.

Thursday 20 May

Year 7 Knockout, Round 1 Concordia defeated Burnside: 15.13 (103) - 0.1 (1). Goals: Hunter G (3), Oli E (3), Harry D (2), Nathan C (2), Nick O (2), Cameron H (1), Jai N (1) and Jett H (1). Best players: Luke P, Archie E, Hunter G, Oli E and Cooper D.

Saturday 22 May Year 7 lost to Scotch: 3.1 (19) - 15.5 (95). Goals: Jett H (2) and Scotch Player (1). Best players: Will K, Oli E, Jett H, Cooper D and Nick O.

Wednesday 26 May

1st XVIII defeated Urrbrae: 11.9 (75) - 7.6 (48). Goals: Oscar W (3), Ben P (2), Taran S (2), Noah P (2), Jack S (1) and Charlie F (1). Best players: Noah P, Jaden T-M, Taran S, Oscar W, Zak B and Nick G. Senior B lost to : 4.8 (32) - 13.9 (87). Goals: Kern M (2), Hao Y (1) and Austin P (1). Best players: Kern M, Max T, Aaron S, Nick L, Jamie V and Jordan K. Middle - No Game due to Year 9 Camp

Saturday 29 May

Year 7 defeated Pembroke: 7.7 (49) - 3.3 (21). Goals: Hunter G (3), Oli E (2), Angus H (1) and Pembroke Player (1). Best players: Jett H, Jamie M, Cooper H, Hunter G and Oli E.


Saturday 22 May

10B - BYE Middle A drew with Cardijn: 5 - 5. Middle B lost to Cardijn. Best players: Joe M, Alex G and Mitchell V. 7B lost to Cardijn. Goal: Cameron C. Best players: Charlie U, Charlie A and James F.

Saturday 29 May

10B defeated by Marryatville: 3 - 9. Goals: Theo F (3). Best players: Theo F, Alex P and Tom R. 7B defeated St Michael's.

Girls' Sport


Friday 21 May

Middle A defeated Sacred Heart by 2 goals.

Friday 28 May

Senior A defeated Pembroke. Middle A defeated Pembroke: 34 - 20. Goals: Elena (3), Engelina (1), Giorgia A. Middle B played a scratch match against Wilderness.


Saturday 22 May

Senior A defeated Walford: 38 - 32. Most Valuable Player: Sophie E. Coach's Award: Claudia L. Senior B defeated Walford: 45 - 25. Most Valuable Player: Laura M. Coach's Award: Jessie R. Senior B2 defeated Walford: 32 - 27. Most Valuable Player: Ruby B. Coach's Award: Grace F. Senior C defeated Walford: 33 - 29. Most Valuable Player: Engelina. Coach's Award: Lauren. Inter B lost to Walford. Most Valuable Player: Jess. Coach's Award: Claire. 9A defeated Walford: 44 - 6. Most Valuable Player: Issy. 9B defeated Walford: 45 - 9. Most Valuable Player: Katie P. Coach's Award: Chloe. 9 Navy lost to Immanuel: 12 - 18. Most Valuable Player: Ella. Coach's Award: Chloe. 9 Gold defeated Wilderness W: 8 - 5. Most Valuable Player: Georgie. Coach's Award: Mia F. 8A defeated Walford: 53 - 23. Most Valuable Player: Winnie. Coach's Award: Gigi A. 8B defeated Walford: 30 - 16. Most Valuable Player: Lexi T. Coach's Award: Aden K. 8 Gold defeated Walford: 30 - 11. 7A defeated Walford: 54 - 6. 7B defeated Walford: 44 - 29. 7 Navy lost to Walford. 7 Gold lost to Walford.

Saturday 29 May

Senior A lost to St Peters: 32 - 43. Most Valuable Player: Sophie E. Coach's Award: Mackenzie F. Senior B drew with St Peters: 32 - 32. Most Valuable Player: Lucy K. Coach's Award: Jessie R. Senior B2 lost to St Peters: 12 - 48. Most Valuable Player: Ohmeah. Coach's Award: Heidi. Senior C lost to St Peters: 12 - 48. Most Valuable Player: Giorgia. Coach's Award: Anabel. Inter B lost to St Peters. Most Valuable Player: Charlotte. Coach's Award: Jess. 9A lost to St Peters: 32 - 47. Most Valuable Player: Asha. Coach's Award: Jas. 9B defeated St Peters: 32 -24. Most Valuable Player: Emily. Coach's Award: Anushri and Abbey. 9 Navy defeated Pulteney: 26 - 18. Most Valuable Player: Angela/Alice C. Coach's Award: Zara. 9 Gold lost to Pembroke: 38 - 19. Most Valuable Player: Crystal. Coach's Award: Lucy 8A defeated St Peters: 39 -28. Most Valuable Player: Sophie. Coach's Award: Holly. 8B lost to St Peters. Most Valuable Player: Zari. Coach's Award: Emily. 8 Gold lost to Scotch. 7A defeated St Peters: 26 - 18. Most Valuable Player: Freya. Coach's Award: Genevieve. 7B defeated St Peters: 30 - 12. Most Valuable Player: Poppy. Coach's Award: Ruby. 7 Navy defeated St Peters: 31 - 9. Most Valuable Player: Sabra. Coach's Award: Victoria. 7 Gold - Bye.


Wednesday 19 May

Premier League drew with Mercedes: 3 - 3. Best players: Joanna K. Div 3 defeated Pembroke: 5 - 1.

Wednesday 26 May

Premier League defeated Wilderness: 3 - 0. Div 3 - Bye.

Co-educational Sport

Cross Country

Wednesday 26 May

Girls' Years 7-9 - 14th Place, Ella C. Girls' Years 10-12 - 4th Place, Isla S. Boys' Years 7-9 - 14th Place, Jacob Sutton.


Wednesday 19 May

Concordia lost to Prince Alfred College. Best players: Oscar K, Charlie S and Fergus C.

Wednesday 26 May

Concordia lost to Pulteney: 1 - 2. Goal: Fergus C. Best players: Zoe T, Fergus C and Elliott K.

Back to top Noticeboard

Diary dates, events and notices from around the College and the wider community.

In this Section

Diary Dates Upcoming Events The School Shop Public Notices & Events

Diary Dates

Fridge Notes

To download a Term 2 Fridge Notes calendar for each campus, click the links below. Fridge Notes can also be accessed via the 'More' tab within the School Star app.

St John's Campus Fridge Notes Concordia Campus Fridge Notes

St John's Campus


Friday 4 Year 2 Parent Event, 7pm

Year 5 Grandparents' and Special Friends' Friday 11 Morning, 9.30-11.30am

Monday 14 Public Holiday (Queen's Birthday)

P&F Meeting, 6.30pm upstairs in the Wednesday 16 Concordia Campus Hub (G67)

Tuesday 22 Year 5 Student-Led Conferences

Last day of Term 2, St John's Campus Friday 25 students dismissed at 3.15pm


Tuesday 20 Term 3 commences Concordia Campus


Thurs 3 - Mon 7 Regional Music Tour to Mount Gambier

Friday 4 Old Concordians' Centenary Dinner

Tuesday 8 Year 11 Swot-Vac

Wed 9 - Thurs 17 Year 11 Mid-Year Exams

Fri 11 - Thurs 17 Year 12 IBDP Trial Exams

Vocal Cabaret at the Arkaba Hotel, 7pm - Friday 11 SOLD OUT

Monday 14 Public Holiday (Queen's Birthday)

P&F Meeting, 6.30pm upstairs in the Wednesday 16 Concordia Campus Hub (G67)

Year 11 Student Free Day (and optional on- Thursday 17 site first aid course)

Year 11 Exam Return

Friday 18 P&F Year 8 and 9 Parent Gathering, 6-8pm in the Chapel Narthex (bookings required)

Sunday 20 Pedal Prix Race 3 in Adelaide

Mon 21- Tues 22 Year 10 University Showcase

Mon 21 - Fri 25 Year 11 Work Experience

Last day of Term 2, Concordia Campus Friday 25 students dismissed at 1pm


Sun 11 - Fri 16 Ski Trip Tuesday 20 Term 3 commences

Upcoming Events

Year 5 Grandparents' and Special Friends' Morning

Friday 11 June, 9.30-11.30am in the St John's Campus Hall

We are looking forward to welcoming grandparents and special friends of Year 5 students on Friday 11 June. Students will host their guests as they visit classrooms. Special guests will also have the opportunity to attend Chapel, hear a variety of musical items and enjoy morning tea.

For more information, please refer to the email sent to Year 5 families.

Year 8 and 9 Parent Gathering

Friday 18 June, 6-8pm in the Chapel Narthex

Parents and caregivers of students in Years 8 and 9 are warmly invited to join us for the Year 8 and Year 9 Parent Gathering on Friday, 18 June.

Get to know other parents in a relaxed environment and enjoy some delicious woodfired oven pizza and complimentary drinks. Please refer to the email invitation for more information and to book.

Year 7 Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day - Save the Date

Our Year 7 students will welcome their grandparents and special friends to the College across three days in August (two Home Classes per day) as follows:

Tuesday 17 August - Mrs Louise Thomas and Mr Stuart Packer Wednesday 18 August - Mr Suzanne Martin and Mrs Laura Austin Friday 20 August - Ms Jane Healey and Mrs Laura Brown

Please speak to your child about who they might like to invite to attend this special occasion, and ask your child's guests to save the date.

Concordia College 'extraordinary' Gala Ball 2021

Early bird tickets on sale now!

Saturday 6 November at 7pm in the William Magarey Room, Adelaide Oval

Join us at one of this year's most anticipated events, the Concordia 'extraordinary' Gala Ball on Saturday 6 November - a black tie evening of fine dining and entertainment. The 2021 Gala Ball will be a highlight of the community calendar and an event not to be missed!

Connect with other parents on one of our community tables, or contact Angela Warrick to register as a Table Captain.

Early bird tickets are available at the discounted price of $185 until Wednesday 30 June; $200 from 1 July onwards.

Hosted in the William Magarey Room at the Adelaide Oval with expansive city views, proceeds from this year’s event will help fund the construction of a new gymnasium for the entire College from ELC to Year 12.

One extraordinary night - many extraordinary reasons to attend.

Book online

For more information, please refer to the email sent to parents and caregivers on Tuesday 1 June.

The School Shop

General trading – no appointment required. Physical distancing rules still apply. We thank you for your patience during this time.

General purchases may also be emailed to [email protected] and The School Shop staff will contact you for payment and advise when orders are available to collect.

Opening Hours – Term Time Mondays: 8am – 4pm Wednesdays: 12.30pm – 4pm Thursdays: 12.30pm – 6pm (new extended hours)

The School Shop staff can be contacted on the direct phone line during opening hours – 8291 9302.

Girls PE Sport Shorts

Girls PE sport shorts are back in stock and orders are ready to collect. If you have loan shorts, please wash and return for exchange anytime during School Shop Hours as listed above.

Second-hand Clothing

If you have uniforms you no longer need, they may be donated or sold on consignment in The School Shop.

Blazers and winter skirts/pinafores must be dry cleaned with receipt attached. Jumpers must be washed using a wool wash detergent. All other items must be in good condition, stains removed, washed and ironed ready for sale. Summer hats must be hand washed. Any uniform items in need of repair e.g. broken zips, seams unstitched, missing buttons, etc. must be repaired prior to acceptance for sale. Buttons are sold in The School Shop.

Old Logo and Discontinued Styles – Uniforms with the old school logo and discontinued styles are no longer saleable in The School Shop but can be dropped off for overseas charity donation.

Old Logo

After a lengthy phase-out period, all students are expected to wear current uniform styles with the new logo by 2022. Please be aware of the differences between the old and new logos if purchasing second-hand uniforms from other College families.

Public Notices & Events

CodeCamp is running a school holiday program again in the mid-year break. Click to view a flyer or visit their website for more information.

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