MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held at Wilmington Village Hall on Monday 8 July 2019 at 7.30pm

Present: Councillors Pam Merritt (Chairman), Tyler Butterworth, Helen Baulcombe, Lizzie Chisholm, Jeremy Christey, District Councillor Michael Lunn, County Councillor Stephen Shing. Claire Reynolds (Clerk)

1. Chairman’s welcome Councillor Pam Merritt welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies Councillor Michael Bridges and Alison Cotton (Tree Warden)

3. Declarations of Interest None

4. To consider the Minutes of the meeting dated 13 May 2019 and approve by signature as a true record The Minutes were signed as a correct record as proposed by Cllr Lizzie Chisholm and seconded by Cllr Jeremy Christey with all Cllrs in attendance in agreement.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2019 Item 5: The repairs to the railings in Wilmington by the Church have now been completed. Item 7B: Measures have now been put in place to stop fly tipping and access to the chalk pit by 4 x 4 and motorcycles. Thanks were expressed to all those involved in this.

6. Report of District Councillor – Cllr Michael Lunn Cllr Lunn was welcomed as our new District Councillor. The main issues he raised were: a. Seven Sisters Country Park and area proposal to come under the ownership of the National Park Authority. b. The build-up of shingle within the Cuckmere Estuary. Cllr Lunn sits on the and Cuckmere Inland Waterways Board and they have contacted MP Michael Gove over this issue. c. A27 – this has gone very quiet with regards to both the offline and junction improvement schemes. Cllr Lunn is in communication with both Highways . d. Litter along A27 – there is an ongoing campaign to organise a co-ordinated approach to solving this issue. e. SAT Nav directions – talks with Maria Caulfield are being organised to address the issue of heavy lorries, coaches, etc being directed through country lanes routes via their Sat Navs. f. South Downs National Park – Cllr Lunn sits on the Planning Policy and Scrutiny Committee of the SDNP. Issues around planning enforcements are being addressed. Any previous enforcement actions planning applications to be sent to Cllr Lunn to build up overall picture. He is also calling for an SDNPA office at this end of the County.


Cllr Lunn is happy to be contacted with any issues. His email is [email protected].

7. Reports of the Parish Councillors a. Folkington Cllr Chisholm reported the ongoing issue of motorbikes riding up and down Folkington Lane all the time. Jevington Bridle Path and Gilletts Lane are none vehicle access. b. Milton Street Cllr Butterworth to contact ESCC Rights of Way Team with regards to signage in field just off the A27. c. Wilmington Cllr Christey reported that the footpath towards the Church end of The Street is getting overgrown with nettles. A parishioner had raised concerns about the dangers to horses and riders crossing the A27. Cllr Merritt to respond highlighting the proposal of a Pegasus Crossing in the new junction improvement plans.

8. Report of the Tree Warden Nothing to report.

9. Vacancy for Wilmington Councillor Cllr Merritt welcomed Claire Church, who had expressed a willingness to become a Councillor. Claire explained that she had lived in Milton Gate for 9 years and had been in the area for 19 years as a smallholder and is currently Secretary of the Wilmington Village Club. She has therefore a vested interest in the parish and the community. Following discussion by Councillors Cllr Merritt proposed co-opting Claire Church onto Long Man Parish Council. This was seconded by Cllr Butterworth and unanimously agreed by all Councillors present.

10. Defibrillators a. Update on Milton Street defibrillator. Cllrs Butterworth and Baulcombe reported that the defibrillator had now arrived, and an electrician is being sought to install it. Two quotes had been received and after discussion it was agreed to go with Norvetts of at a cost of £220.00 + VAT. Cllr Baulcombe to contact them and ask them to go ahead with the work. Training sessions on how to use the defibrillator will then be offered to parishioners in Milton Street, Wilmington and Folkington. b. The resiting of Wilmington’s defibrillator. Ongoing investigations are taking place regarding this. An update will be given at the next Parish Meeting in September 2019.

11. Replacement of noticeboard for Folkington The Clerk reported that the original noticeboard in Folkington Lane had collapsed. A temporary noticeboard is now in the Church Porch. Cllr Chisholm obtaining quotes for new noticeboard.

12. Coach Parking problems in Wilmington Despite signs at the bottom of The Street, this is an ongoing issue. If anyone has any solutions, please contact Cllr Merritt or the Clerk.


13. A27 news No more news at present.

14. Election of East Member to the South Downs National Park Board (SDNP) Cllr Vanessa Rowlands was welcomed as the newly elected member to the SDNP. Vanessa is a Councillor for the neighbouring Cuckmere Valley Parish Council. The new members have completed the induction training and the first full committee meeting was held last week, at which the SDNP Local Plan was adopted covering the next 14 years. The Plan includes exciting landscape led work and includes the contours of the land, renewables, biodiversity, etc. A copy of the Plan is now available on the SDNPA website. A series of Parish Workshops for planning are now being organised and Councillors are encouraged to attend these. Vanessa is a representative on the SDNP Policy and Resources Committee and will also be on the Committee dealing with the Seven Sisters Country Park. There will be six full committee meetings throughout the year plus Policy and Resources Committee meetings. Vanessa also reported back on the Alfriston traffic light situation and said that there had been a 20% increase in traffic through Litlington and highlighted the need for there to be a valley wide approach to resolving this issue. Do LMPC want to be involved? Contact details: [email protected].

15. To receive the Report of the Clerk to the Councillor a. Finance -To receive the Finance Report and agree the accounts for payments. The report was circulated at the meeting which revealed a bank balance of £12,250.06 in the Current Account (as at 30 May 2019). This figure included the £3690.95 which had been transferred into the account from the closure of the LMPC Savings Account, £250 for the Milton Street Phone Box Fund.

Authority was sought from the Clerk to make the following payments: C Reynolds (Clerk Salary for June and July 2019) £566.38 HMRC Inland Revenue (April/May/June 2019) £212.20 Cuckmere Flood Forum (donation 2019/20) £70.00 Cuckmere Community Buses (donation 2019/20) £150.00 Wilmington Village Club (donation towards VH hire 2019/20) £450.00 Wilmington PCC (donation towards Parish Mag costs 2019/20) £500.00 TOTAL: £1,948.58

The above payments were proposed by Cllr Merritt and Seconded by Cllr Butterworth. b. Correspondence Fire and Rescue Service – Free Electric Blanket Testing Various events taking place throughout October. Flyer previously circulated to members. Will also be put on noticeboards and website.

16. Planning a. To report on Applications and Decisions received and observations made since the last meeting.


SDNP/19/02621/HOUSE – Milton Rise, Milton Street, , East Sussex, BN26 5RP Amendment to planning consent SDNP/18/02863/HOUS – First floor link between existing house and existing garage to be increased in width by 650mm and roof ridge raised by 300mm. Supported at meeting of LMPC on 8 July 2019.

SDNP/19/03004/HOUS – Endon, The Street, Wilmington, BN26 5SQ Roof alteration and ground floor extension 2.1m x 1.0m. Supported at meeting of LMPC on 8 July 2019.

WD/2017/2261/MAJ – Natewood Farm, Polegate Road, , BN27 3PH PROPOSED DEMOLITION OF EXISTING FORMER FARM BUILDINGS AND REMOVAL OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ARRAY INSTALLATION, AND CONSTRUCTION OF COMMERCIAL UNITS (B1) AND STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION (B8), WITH REPLACEMENT ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR ARRAY. Supported at LMPC Meeting on 08/01/18. No additional comments made. Decision: pending b. To report on any application that is received too late for the agenda. None c. To report on any correspondence, enforcement letters or any other planning matter including any out of Parish applications on which LMPC has been consulted. i. Out of Area Consultations - none ii Planning Appeals notified to LMPC - none iii Enforcement Action carried outstanding – none iv Correspondence with SDNPA / WDC - none

17. Report of the County Councillor See report previously circulated.

18. Representation feedback from: a. Association of Local Councils Nothing to report. b. Cuckmere Flood Forum Nothing to report.

19. Date of next meeting Monday 9 September 2019 at Wilmington Village Hall starting at 7.15pm.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 8.45pm.

These Minutes are a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Position: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Date: ………………………………………………………………………………….