8868 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE May 6, 1999 friends and colleagues here and your late you. And on behalf of our friends Roberts Smith (NH) Thomas Roth Smith (OR) Thompson wonderful family at home in Delaware. and neighbors in Delaware I thank you. Santorum Snowe Thurmond I yield the floor. For me, it has been an honor, a pleas- Sessions Specter Voinovich Mr. LEAHY addressed the Chair. ure, and a privilege to serve these Shelby Stevens Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- many years with Senator BIDEN. He al- NAYS—44 ator from Vermont. ways does what he thinks is in the best Akaka Edwards Lieberman Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, the dis- interests of our country and our people Baucus Feingold Lincoln tinguished Senator from Delaware is of Delaware. I am proud to count him Bayh Feinstein Mikulski the only person in this body who is a friend. Biden Graham Moynihan Bingaman Harkin younger than I am but senior to me at Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I join Murray Boxer Inouye Reed the same time. I congratulate him on in commending our colleague from Breaux Johnson Reid his 10,000th vote. I jumped over the cliff Delaware on reaching this major mile- Bryan Kennedy Robb Byrd Kerrey with him on more than a few of those Rockefeller stone in his brilliant Senate career. Cleland Kerry Sarbanes votes. I look forward to the day when I For nearly three decades, he has done Conrad Kohl Schumer might match his record. an outstanding job serving the people Daschle Landrieu Torricelli Mr. HELMS addressed the Chair. of Delaware and the Nation in the Sen- Dodd Lautenberg Dorgan Leahy Wellstone The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ate. He has been an effective leader on Durbin Levin Wyden ator from North Carolina. a wide range of issues in both domestic Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, I know policy and foreign policy. ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 everybody wants to go home, but let It has been a special privilege for me Fitzgerald me say, if we tried to review JOE to serve with our distinguished col- NOT VOTING—1 BIDEN’s accomplishments, it would league on the Senate Judiciary Com- Inhofe take all night. Let me put it this way: mittee, and I particularly commend his The bill (S. 900), as amended, was I opposed most of them. leadership over the past quarter cen- (Laughter.) passed. tury on the many law enforcement (The bill will be printed in a future Furthermore—this is serious—JOE challenges facing the nation. It is a edition of the RECORD.) BIDEN is a caring person. I work with privilege to serve with Senator BIDEN— him on the Foreign Relations Com- Mr. GRAMM. Mr. President, I move and I am sure he will compile an equal- to reconsider the vote. mittee. He is great to work with. JOE, ly outstanding record on his next 10,000 I am proud of you. Mr. HATCH. I move to lay that mo- votes. tion on the table. (Applause.) Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I will re- Mr. ROTH addressed the Chair. The motion to lay on the table was spond after everyone votes so I get to agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- cast my 10,000th vote. ator from Delaware. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator from . Mr. ROTH. Mr. President, this next ator from Nevada. vote is a milestone for a friend of Mr. REID. Mr. President, unlike Sen- f mine—a distinguished colleague and a ator BIDEN, I don’t have a lot to say. MORNING BUSINESS leader in this chamber. It represents I ask unanimous consent that all Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I ask the ten-thousandth vote cast by JOE Senators have until the close of busi- unanimous consent that the Senate BIDEN, and I would like to take a mo- ness next Thursday, a week from now proceed to a period of morning ment not only to bring it to the atten- today, to insert their statements in the business, with Senators permitted to tion of our colleagues, but to reflect on RECORD and that all statements that speak for up to 10 minutes each. a career that has been—and continues are submitted appear at one place in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to be—a bright legacy of service. the RECORD. objection, it is so ordered. To put this vote into perspective, Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without President, only twenty Senators in his- objection, it is so ordered. f tory have reached this milestone—only The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill twenty Senators out of the 1,851 who TRIBUTE TO SENATOR JOSEPH R. having been read the third time, the BIDEN ON HIS 10,000th VOTE have had the honor of serving in this question is, Shall the bill, as amended, distinguished body. Each of us who has pass? The yeas and nays have been or- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I rise the honor of representing our state in dered. The clerk will call the roll. today to recognize a very dear friend of the Senate understands what a rare The legislative clerk called the roll. mine in the Senate and his historic privilege it is to cast a vote on this Mr. FITZGERALD (when his name 10,000th vote. His name is Senator JO- floor. In fact, the first vote we cast was called). Present. SEPH BIDEN of Delaware, a friend and ranks among the most memorable mo- Mr. NICKLES. I announce that the colleague whose distinguished career ment in our lives—a moment not to be Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE) is has elevated both the quality and stat- forgotten. necessarily absent. ure of the Senate. The number 10,000 is I’m sure that when JOE cast his first The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there an important landmark in a career vote on January 23, 1973—over twenty- any other Senators in the Chamber de- that has many milestones, but I believe five years ago—he could not have fore- siring to vote? Senator BIDEN will be best remembered seen this moment. Through the years, The result was announced—yeas 54, for the significance of his varied votes. he has achieved many distinguished nays 44, as follows: I have seen many of those notable honors. He has gained national stature, votes cast. [Rollcall Vote No. 105 Leg.] as a candidate for President. He has es- In every one of those votes he was tablished himself as a foremost expert YEAS—54 careful, deliberate, and respectful of on judicial and foreign policy matters. Abraham Craig Helms his duty to the people of Delaware. JOE Allard Crapo Hollings And though I know that we often differ Ashcroft DeWine Hutchinson and I have served in the Senate for philosophically, I can say that each Bennett Domenici Hutchison roughly the same amount of time. He vote JOE has cast, his focus has been on Bond Enzi Jeffords has been here a couple of years longer Brownback Frist Kyl doing what’s best for Delaware and our Bunning Gorton Lott than I. We have worked closely to- Nation, at large. Burns Gramm Lugar gether in the Senate Judiciary Com- JOE, on this special occasion, I salute Campbell Grams Mack mittee, which he chaired and which I you. Ten thousand votes speak volumes Chafee Grassley McCain now chair. On occasion we have agreed Cochran Gregg McConnell about a life dedicated to public service. Collins Hagel Murkowski to disagree. In fact, I wish he had cast On behalf of our colleagues I congratu- Coverdell Hatch Nickles more of those 10,000 votes with me. In

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all seriousness, however, JOE and I All that said and done, I could go on have served with , and one of have found many areas where we and on about his distinguished career, my pleasures that we represent adjoin- strongly have agreed. but it is his personal qualities that ing States. Therefore, we interact on a JOE has long been a leader on the have impressed his friends, his family, number of issues that otherwise would issue of youth violence, an issue which and his colleagues, including, of course, not be the case amongst Members of has affected countless lives in Dela- myself as a friend and as a colleague. the Senate. ware, Utah, and the rest of the Nation. Many may not know that Senator He has had an extraordinary career In 1974, he was the lead sponsor of the BIDEN overcame two operations for a here. He is now in his fifth term. He Juvenile Justice Prevention Act. In near-fatal brain aneurysm in 1988 and got elected before he was old enough, 1992, he sponsored the Juvenile Justice returned to the Senate in 1989. I re- actually, under the Constitution, be- Prevention Act Amendments, which member those days and I remember fore he was old enough under the Con- provided States with Federal grants for how catastrophic they were for him, stitution to be a Member of the Senate. a complete and comprehensive ap- his family, and for those of us who He was elected at the age of 29, and he proach to improve the juvenile justice prayed for him. He showed great cour- has just had a terrific career of accom- system and controlling juvenile crime. age and persistence in overcoming that plishment. Those who have worked He has long advocated a tough stand adversity. Nobody was more thankful with him derive great pleasure from it. against illegal drugs. He authored the than his wife and three children, to We have marveled at his legislative law creating the Nation’s drug czar, whom he is a loving husband and fa- skill. and in 1986, he was the guiding force for ther. Indeed, he is renowned for putting the enactment of groundbreaking drug I want to talk about two or three of his family first, as demonstrated by his the things in which he has been very legislation. He has probably done as daily commute to and from Delaware. much if not more than anybody in the much involved. We have served to- The fact that he takes a 2-hour train gether on the Senate Foreign Relations Senate with regard to the antidrug ride to get here every day makes the stances that we all should support and Committee all of these years. And he accomplishment of reaching 10,000 has exercised extraordinary leadership that we all appreciate today. votes all the more astounding. With regard to juvenile justice, next of the Senate Judiciary Committee at So it is with great honor that I ask various points during his career. We week we bring up a juvenile justice my colleagues to join me and others in bill. Senator BIDEN has been a main- are making a lot of the fact now in congratulating Senator JOSEPH R. stay in helping to resolve conflicts that America that crime rates are going BIDEN on his 10,000th vote. His many we have in that bill and hopefully help- down all across the country. So every- contributions to this body are appre- one is sort of looking to see what is the ing it to become a bipartisan bill that ciated and recognized. I am sure that I all of us can support. What I admire cause of that, or who ought to get the speak for all of my colleagues when I most about JOE is the fact that he is praise for it. I have to tell you that JOE say we will enjoy keeping a close eye the staunchest defender of his party’s BIDEN ought to get a lot of the praise on the many votes yet to come. for the fact that crime has gone down beliefs, yet he does not hesitate to Just as a gift this evening, this is the across this land. He has authored every cross party lines to forge a consensus last CD that we have done. It is, frank- significant anticrime initiative in the position when he believes it is the right ly, , Jesse Jackson’s thing to do. Nowhere is that more evi- Congress over a period of time that he daughter, singing with a wonderful dent than with the issue of juvenile has been here—the Juvenile Justice young African American from Nash- crime. Prevention Act, the Victims of Crime ville, who is as good a singer as any- JOE has a of standing up for Act, the Violent Crime Control and body in the world, named Chris Willis. what is right when it comes to juvenile Law Enforcement Act, and on and on This CD is entitled ‘‘Put Your Arms crime, and I believe he will continue to and on. Around the World.’’ I think it kind of do so. We look forward to working with Senator BIDEN has been a great him next week. applies to JOE BIDEN. When he listens to the song written by Peter McCann champion of law enforcement and of While chairman of the Judiciary those who work in law enforcement. He Committee, he authored the Violent and me—Peter McCann wrote ‘‘It’s the Right Time of the Night’’ and ‘‘Want to has been sensitive on the important Crime Control and Law Enforcement civil liberties and civil rights cases, Act, which was signed into law in 1994. Make Love’’—called ‘‘Take Good Care of My Heart,’’ that particular song, I which a democracy ought to be sen- While I differed with much that was sitive to. He has understood how you think, really applies to Senator BIDEN contained and dropped from the bill, can balance those and put it together. this legislation contained the Biden- because, in his own way, with his tre- mendous interest in foreign policy, tre- There are thousands and thousands of Hatch Violence Against Women Act, cops on the street today giving us safer the first comprehensive law to address mendous interest in the law, his tre- mendous interest in overcoming injus- neighborhoods and more secure cities gender-based offenses. Senator BIDEN’s and communities all across America leadership on this issue changed how tice in our society not only here but because of JOE BIDEN’s initiatives. many Americans view the issue of vio- throughout the world, I think this song lence against women. He even changed will mean something to him. It cer- Senator BIDEN was the first to in- how we refer to domestic abuse in the tainly does to me. Santita Jackson and clude the provisions with respect to vi- Senate by continually asking, ‘‘What’s Chris Willis are two of the rising young olence against women and really raise domestic about beating your wife?’’ stars in America. I would like to give to a very high level the whole issue of JOE is widely regarded as a foreign this CD to Senator BIDEN at this time gender-based crimes. He has consist- policy expert. Many remember his and say that I look forward to serving ently focused our attention onto that leadership on NATO expansion in 1998. with him for a long time to come. So area. He stood out as a strong advocate for hang in there. He has dealt in a very effective way the inclusion of several Eastern Euro- Thank you, Mr. President. I yield the with the gun issue, which is not easy to pean nations into the alliance. NATO is floor. deal with in this body, and certainly now engaged in its greatest test, and I Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I join not an easy issue to deal with effec- am convinced that JOE’s leadership was with my colleagues in paying this trib- tively. I have to tell you that I think integral in strengthening the alliance. ute to JOE BIDEN on the occasion of throughout all of this period Senator In 1997, Senator BIDEN showed these him casting his 10,000th vote in the BIDEN had a clear perception and focus same leadership skills when he led the Senate. The casting of that vote is an on how to do something about the successful effort in the Senate to ratify occasion to pay tribute not for voting crime issue. He did not demagog it. He the Chemical Weapons Convention. JOE but for a real career of service and of did not seek to emotionalize it. He BIDEN has truly had a distinguished ca- great distinction. It has been one of the worked hard to develop the real pro- reer in the Senate. pleasures of my service in this body to grams that would make a difference in

VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:47 Oct 02, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S06MY9.002 S06MY9 8870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE May 6, 1999 our communities all across the coun- Mr. REID. Mr. President, two Amer- Mr. President, I speak of these trage- try. I am extremely grateful to him for ican soldiers have died in Kosovo, the dies today because I know that it has that. first American casualties of a war to not been easy for JOE. But he has never On the Foreign Relations Committee, stop a genocide. complained—just done his work. Sen- he has consistently been an advocate of The contrast between what is unfold- ator BIDEN is a great orator, but an an international stance by the United ing in the Balkans, and what is hap- even better father, husband and friend. States—actually, the expansion of pening here in Congress, could not be When you see what he has had to NATO was in large part a consequence more clear. overcome, that gives a whole new of his very effective advocacy and lead- A dictatorship, like the government meaning to that number 10,000. ership. He has been sensitive to the im- of Slobodan Milosevic, imposes its will Those of us who work with JOE BIDEN portance of human rights and demo- through force. have long known of his dedication to cratic values in American foreign pol- A democracy expresses its will the ideals of this body, and his devo- icy. I have been very privileged to through the act of voting. tion to his family. serve with him on the Foreign Rela- Every vote that we cast in this body With the attention that his 10,000th tions Committee and to see his effec- is an affirmation of the power of a de- vote should bring, I hope that more tive leadership in that arena. mocracy to solve its problems peace- people are able to see the qualities that Finally, let me just say he is a ter- fully. we are privileged to see every day. rific friend. I can’t tell you how much Today, my colleague and good friend Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I, too, add I value and treasure his friendship, how JOE BIDEN cast his 10,000th vote in this my congratulations to the Senator for much it has meant, how much I enjoy body. That number reflects a record of his 10,000th vote. At this point in my his sense of humor, and even how much public service matched by very few Senate career, that is really an incred- I like to listen to his speeches—which even in an institution like this one, ible number. I have known Senator occasionally go on for a while. But this through which so many great men and BIDEN for a long time. I was the State institution has been honored by having women have passed. Jaycee President when the U.S. Jay- him as a Member. It is extraordinary As Senators, we are all Members of a cees recognized him as one of the 10 that at what is really, for the Senate, very exclusive club. We have been sent outstanding young men of this country still a very young age, he has achieved here on behalf of the good people of our in Mobil, AL. I can’t tell you how in- his 10,000th vote. I wish him many, respective States, to do their business. credible it was to get to meet him at many, many thousands more. I thank With his 10,000th vote, JOE BIDEN has that point and how even more incred- him for his extraordinary service to joined an even more exclusive club. ible it was when I got to join this body the country and for his deep friendship Over the history of this republic, and meet him here after he must have to all of us. thousands of men and women have done 9,000 votes. I read about him in I yield the floor. served as Senators. But only a very few the newspaper and have gotten to work Mr. HAGEL. Mr. President, I join my can say that they did such a good job— with him, and I have enjoyed that ex- colleagues in recognizing Senator and kept doing a good job over such a perience. BIDEN for his 10,000th vote in the long period of time—that they lasted Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, if it is ap- Senate. long enough to vote as many times, on propriate, may I respond briefly? I am proud to serve with Senator as many different issues, as JOE BIDEN. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- BIDEN on the Foreign Relations Com- But the thing that impresses me the ator from Delaware is recognized. mittee, where he is the ranking Demo- most about JOE BIDEN’s 27 years in the Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I am truly crat Member. Senator BIDEN has set Senate isn’t what he has done on the appreciative of the comments my many records in the Senate. I would floor, or the number of votes he has friends have made—my old-new friends, like to squelch the rumor, however, cast—although his leadership, courage my old-old friends, and my close bud- that he sets a record every time he and dedication are well-known to those dies from across the State line. speaks. of us who are privileged to serve with I began to wonder about casting my I am just in my third year as a him every day. 10,000th vote on the occasion of the ma- United States Senator. Senator BIDEN Instead, what impresses me most is jority leader indicating there would be is in his 27th year in the Senate. But in his role as a husband to his wife Jill, no more votes for 4 days and the last the time Senator BIDEN and I have and father to his sons Beau and Hunter planes heading west were leaving. I served together on the Foreign Rela- and his daughter Ashley. thank my colleagues who put in the tions Committee, I have gained great JOE BIDEN still lives in Delaware RECORD their comments. I will with- respect for his wisdom and deep under- with his family and commutes every hold specific comment until I read standing of international issues. Sen- day between Delaware and Washington them, because God only knows what ator BIDEN understands that there is no on the train. they said. But let me say that I find it such thing as a Republican foreign pol- Those 10,000 votes represent thou- no particular feat to have cast 10,000 icy or a Democrat foreign policy. There sands of hours spent alone on the train votes. If you are around here long is only an American foreign policy. He to Delaware so that JOE BIDEN could enough and still standing, that hap- has worked closely with Presidents in spend a few precious hours with his pens. both parties. And he reaches out across family each night before returning to I hope I have cast some votes that the aisle to work as well with our Washington on the train the next have made this country a little bit bet- Chairman, Senator HELMS, as he does morning. ter. I am confident there is none that I with his junior colleagues. I also want to talk about the courage have cast that have enhanced the Last year, Senator BIDEN was a lead- that my friend JOE BIDEN has shown standing of America, or the condition er in the historic expansion of NATO to during his long tenure as a Senator. I of the American people, that weren’t include three former Warsaw Pact na- want to do this so that people know bipartisan. I can’t think of any that tions. This Congress he joined with just what that number—10,000 votes— were done that weren’t done in a bipar- Senator MCCAIN in sponsoring a resolu- really means. tisan manner in the end. tion authorizing the use of all nec- Only one month after first being I look at . ORRIN HATCH essary force to win the war in Kosovo. elected to the Senate in 1972, JOE’s first came here, and is still one of the lead- Through his leadership, Senator BIDEN wife Neilia died tragically in an auto- ing conservative lights on the Amer- displays the kind of courage that earns mobile accident along with his one- ican political scene, and yet we have him respect from all of his colleagues, year-old daughter. worked together for years and years even when they disagree. In 1988, JOE was almost killed by a and years. I cannot think that we have I am proud to call JOE BIDEN my brain aneurysm. He under went two ever had a cross word to one another in friend and colleague. America is proud risky operations and returned to the 25 years. We have had very different to call him a United States Senator. Senate after only a few months. views.

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PAUL SARBANES, who is literally one I remember now meeting Senator To this particular, very competent of the brightest people I have served ENZI back in 1972—or 1973, I guess it Justice—I was in his office—I said, with—just raw, pure, gray matter, raw was—when I received that award. But I ‘‘May I close your door, Mr. Justice?’’ I horsepower—to have him say the have not gotten—because we don’t said, ‘‘Mr. Justice, I have sat in the Ju- things that he said about me in ref- serve on committees together—to diciary Committee for years. I have erence to our personal friendship is know him personally as well as I know had the opportunity as either ranking meaningful, particularly since my wife, my two colleagues who remain. Not- member or chairman for, I think, a 14- who works as a professor in Delaware withstanding the wonderful words they year period to look at the background and seldom is in Washington, is sitting have both uttered relating to me, the of every single person who has come on in the galleries listening to this, and genuine testimony I take from what the bench.’’ At that time it was 10 or 12 my No. 2 son, who is now living in they have done is that they are here. It years. I said, ‘‘I am willing to make Washington, heard it as well. is 9 o’clock at night. There are no you a bet. I will take the intellectual I am sure they know better. But my votes. The Senator from has potential of the Senate’’—in the House mother probably believes everything a long drive home, because, he, like I didn’t know as well—‘‘and match it PAUL said, because I met PAUL’s moth- me, commutes every day to , against the entire judiciary.’’ They are er as well. MD. And he drives. My friend from bright, they are competent. If I am not I think, if I can make one, in a sense, Utah probably missed a plane to go mistaken in time, we had, like Senator political observation, the first vote I back to Utah this weekend. SARBANES, seven Rhodes scholars in cast in January of 1972 was a vote I was I truly, truly appreciate it. the Senate. We had a half a dozen Mar- told—I didn’t remember this—on an Let me yield the floor by saying, Mr. shall scholars—not me. I don’t qualify Assistant Secretary, I believe, the No. President, that I am asked sometimes on that account. We have men and 2 person at State. I am not positive of what is the best, the most significant women in here whose academic distinc- that. perk that exists being a Senator. I al- tion exceeds that of 99 percent of the I remember the day, although I was ways answer that there are two things. people—all the jobs anywhere in Amer- obviously very junior, when I was Before I became a Senator, as a ica, corporate, labor, business, aca- sworn in by the Secretary of the Sen- young man campaigning in the midst demia. ate, Mr. Valeo, who actually came to of the Vietnam war, and the civil The greatest perk I have had as a me in Wilmington to swear me in, be- rights crisis, and the assassination of Senator was access to people with seri- cause of unusual circumstances. After men who I had an incredible regard for ous, serious minds and a serious sense he gave me the little certificate that in 1968—both Martin Luther King and of purpose, and who cared about some- we get when we are sworn in, he said, Robert Kennedy—I came here thinking thing. If I dropped dead tomorrow, I ‘‘You have arrived to the Senate, to that all that had to happen was that we would be thankful to the people of the best of my knowledge, the least elected women and men who had a Delaware, for the individuals they have greater degree of intellectual capacity, senior than any man in history,’’ be- allowed me to be exposed to, to argue had a better education and were smart- cause seniority is based on the previous with, to fight with, to debate with, to er. I got here and I was truly dumb- offices that you have held. It keeps agree with Members. I will be thankful founded—truly dumbfounded—by how narrowing down to State, size, popu- to them for the gift they gave me in many people who serve in this body lation, and age ultimately. having that access. I don’t believe who are so incredibly bright, who are But when I got here, there were a there is any other place in the Nation so significantly schooled in the areas number of giants in the Senate. We I could have gotten that kind of expo- in which they speak. I arrived and I often hear it said today that there are sure. found out that Jack Javits could tell no giants left in the Senate. In truth The second thing I found that has you as much about modern art as he there are. There are women and men been the greatest gift in those 10,000 could about foreign policy. There was who serve in this body today who are votes during that period is that this is Mike Mansfield, who could tell you as equal to and in some ways surpass the the ultimate graduate education. If much about Chinese history as he capacity of some of the great people I you take this job serious, as all my col- could about the politics in Montana. leagues do on this floor, you learn one have had the honor of serving with can tell you as much over the past almost 27 years. about the international monetary sys- thing: You don’t get a driver, you don’t So the caliber has not changed. What tem, about the history of the Balkans, get a house, you don’t get a bodyguard, has changed a little bit—and I am ref- about the banking system, as he can nor should we, but what you do get is erencing this tonight, because of my tell you about his hometown baseball the ability to pick up the phone and colleagues who are here on the floor— team and the local politics of Balti- call anybody in the world and they will what has changed since then is the im- more. take your call. You can call Nobel lau- pression that we don’t like each other ORRIN HATCH is a man who used to be reates, you can call experts in any very much, that we don’t get along a card-carrying union guy from Pitts- field, and if you want to learn, this is with one another very well, that we are burgh, who goes out as a boxer, goes the ultimate seminar if you take it se- nakedly partisan in all of our under- out to his now home State of Utah, and riously. There is no other place I can takings. gets elected after having a career as an think of that a person can do that. I wish the public could see that there incredible trial lawyer. Mr. President, I have a lot more to is still a degree of camaraderie here, a I mean it is amazing—the diversity learn. And of those 10,000 votes, I am degree of mutual respect that crosses here. sure there are many that were not as that sometimes ‘‘chasm’’ called the I will not mention the judge’s name. enlightened as I thought they were at ‘‘center aisle,’’ what makes this body But I was having lunch with a Justice the time I cast them. Hopefully, I have more unique than any other legislative once in my capacity as chairman of the learned. Hopefully, I will get a chance body at least in modern history. I will Judiciary Committee. The issue was to learn more than I know now. If you not challenge Senator BYRD about about pay raises for judges. This par- want to do it, and if you take it seri- whether it equals or surpasses the ticular Justice said publicly—this Jus- ously and if you reach out across that Roman Senate, but I am confident that tice accidentally said it. He didn’t in- chasm, you reach out across that aisle, it does surpass any other legislative tend to be quoted—that he could under- believe it or not, there is somebody on body in modern history. stand why the public wouldn’t want the other side willing to talk to you, I would just conclude by saying the Congresspersons and Senators to get a willing to exchange ideas with you. If lubricant that allows that to happen is raise but judges were different, they you work hard enough, you actually genuine and personal respect that most were academically qualified. I know may do a little bit—just a little bit—to of us have for one another. I think it is the Senator from Utah knows who I am change the state of affairs in this great the defining feature of this institution. talking about. country. That is all we can do here.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:47 Oct 02, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S06MY9.002 S06MY9 8872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE May 6, 1999 I have no illusions about the signifi- most tireless and focused people that I wards the next millennium, it is imper- cance of the Senate in terms of deter- have seen. I know he was an economics ative that we once again consider the mining national policy, but within the professor and I appreciate the amount direction and coherence of our policies context and the role the Senate plays, of research he did for this, and saw towards this immense resource. I ap- we get to play little parts. The only that as an example of the effort he plaud Senator HOLLINGS’ efforts to ex- time it works is when we cross that probably put in when he was teaching. plore ways to again examine these poli- chasm. That is the only time it works. I listened to him speak. I think I cies, and to determine the action nec- I thank my colleagues. They are hon- would have liked to have had him as essary to responsibly steward this re- orable men. They are men of achieve- one of my professors. He can take source into the next century. I look ment. I think the public gets a pretty things that are very detailed and make forward to working with Senator good buy for their investment in the them interesting. If banking can be SNOWE and others to create bipartisan men that are sitting here on the floor made entertaining, he does it. He has a support for an Oceans Act that will today and the women and men who unique use of charts and words that craft policy for a healthy ocean for our cast all the votes today; they are com- help to paint a picture. Unlike some children and for their grandchildren. petent. economists, he is not doing the ‘‘on the f It has been a pleasure working with one hand and on the other hand,’’ he is them. I hope I get to cast a few more very decided in his opinions. THE VERY BAD DEBT BOXSCORE votes. I hope I get to convince ORRIN I have to mention that in Banking Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, at the HATCH and Senator ENZI to cast more Committee after one of our hearings he close of business yesterday, Wednes- votes my way. The truth of the matter was asked how the procedure would go day, May 5, 1999, the Federal debt stood is, as I said, nothing gets done unless on this bank reform. It was a leftover at $5,573,001,415,759.57 (Five trillion, you reach across that aisle. I appre- issue from last year, and a number of five hundred seventy-three billion, one ciate the fact there has always been people were concerned and wanted it to million, four hundred fifteen thousand, somebody on this side to talk to me. progress. So they asked him how it seven hundred fifty-nine dollars and I thank all my colleagues. For those would work. fifty-seven cents). who made other statements, I will re- He said: We are going to have a num- One year ago, May 5, 1998, the Fed- spond in the RECORD and not take the ber of hearings on it, and then fol- eral debt stood at $5,486,129,000,000 time of my colleagues. The Baltimore- lowing the hearings we will draft the (Five trillion, four hundred eighty-six Washington tunnel is probably clear by bill, and then I want Senators to have billion, one hundred twenty-nine mil- now. We can both head north. an opportunity to talk to their con- lion). I yield the floor. stituents, to talk to their banks, to Five years ago, May 5, 1994, the Fed- f talk to all of their insurance agents eral debt stood at $4,573,713,000,000 and to talk to their securities dealers (Four trillion, five hundred seventy- FINANCIAL SERVICES and companies. Following that, we will three billion, seven hundred thirteen MODERNIZATION ACT OF 1999 have a markup. million). Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I wish to He said: On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Ten years ago, May 5, 1989, the Fed- make brief comments about the bill. Thursday we will have hearings, the eral debt stood at $2,770,989,000,000 (Two I congratulate all of the people that draft will be available on Friday, and trillion, seven hundred seventy billion, have been involved in passing this bill Tuesday we will do a markup. We did nine hundred eighty-nine million) today. It is a significant piece of bank- have the hearings on Tuesday, Wednes- which reflects a doubling of the debt— ing legislation. It is a significant piece day, and Thursday. The draft wasn’t an increase of almost $3 trillion— of legislation for this country. It will available until Monday so we did not $2,802,012,415,759.57 (Two trillion, eight make a difference to consumer safety, do the markup until Thursday. That hundred two billion, twelve million, to banks, to insurance companies, to has to be some classic action on a bill. four hundred fifteen thousand, seven securities companies, to all of the fi- It was not just a matter of taking the hundred fifty-nine dollars and fifty- nancial institutions of any form in this bill from last year, it was a matter of seven cents) during the past 15 years. country. simplifying that. He insisted that since f I want to congratulate the staff peo- we had language in there that was to CLOSING THE SCHOOL OF THE ple who worked on that bill. They were simplify banking language and to force AMERICAS tireless, they were diligent. They have the banks to operate in plain language, worked for longer hours than I have it was only fair that we do that too. It Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, I rise seen people work. I want to congratu- changed the bill from a 308-page bill to today to express my strong support for late my fellow Senators on the Bank- a 150-page bill. the closing of the United States Army ing Committee for not only their tire- We have had the opportunity to de- School of the Americas, located at Fort less effort, but the way they debated, bate that. There are still some things Benning, Georgia. I am pleased to be an brought issues and amendments to the to be worked out. I look forward to the original cosponsor of S. 873, a bill to floor, and worked through the process conference committee. Even if I am not close this troubled school once and for together. This could have been a much on it I will observe it, because I am all, which was introduced recently by more lengthy process than the 3 days sure it will be educational. With the in- the Senator from Illinois, Mr. DURBIN. that it took. tellect of the chairman and the rank- The School of the Americas (SOA) I particularly want to commend the ing member, it will be a fascinating was created in 1946 to train Latin ranking member on the committee. It study and well worth watching. It is American military officers in combat has been a tremendous education work- one that everybody who is hoping the and counterinsurgency skills with the ing with him through these days. I playing field gets leveled and specified goal of professionalizing Latin Amer- want to congratulate the chairman, as will be holding their breath about. ican armies and strengthening democ- well. I point out the contrast between f racies. Originally located in Panama, the ranking member and the chairman: SOA moved to Fort Benning in 1984. One is very quiet and one is very vocal. THE OCEANS ACT There has been a great deal of con- But together they worked through this Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, it has troversy surrounding some of SOA’s issue, helped to expedite the votes that been 30 years since the Stratton Com- alumni, leading it to be called ‘‘the we took, helped to expedite the de- took a close look at our Na- School for Dictators.’’ Some of SOA’s bates, and worked together well so we tion’s coastal policies. The Stratton notorious graduates include Manuel could reach this point. Commission’s recommendations have Noriega, Argentinian dictator Leopoldo I have to make a few comments served as a guide for U.S. oceans policy Galtieri, at least 19 Salvadorean offi- about the chairman who is one of the for three decades, yet as we move to- cers implicated by El Salvador’s Truth

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