HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE OSCE REGION: THE BALKANS, THE CAUCASUS, EUROPE, CENTRAL ASIA AND NORTH AMERICA REPORT 2001 (EVENTS OF 2000) The activities of the IHF in 2000 and the printing of this report were made possible by national Helsinki Committees and thanks to contributions from: Austrian Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Austrian National Bank, Carnegie Corporation of New York, City of Vienna, Council of Europe, European Commission, Barbara Finberg, Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ford Foundation, German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Robert James and Ardis James Foundation, Open Society Institute, Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs (The Netherlands), Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Norway), Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United States Mission to the OSCE. The IHF wishes to thank Dr. Josef Unterweger for his legal assistance. The historical archives of the IHF are in the possession of the Open Society Archives, Budapest, Hungary. We thank all contributors and welcome donations to support the publication of this report. In addition to IHF member and cooperating co-operating committees (as referenced in the endnotes), the following IHF staff members, interns and volunteers participated in the preparation of this report: Ivan Draganov, Brigitte Dufour, Chris Edge, Rachel Hammonds, Gertraud Hödl, Fanni Kadocsa, Maria Kolb, Natalia Lazareva, Aaron Rhodes, Paula Tscherne-Lempiäinen, Nicole Watson, Nina Wessel, Vladimir Weissman, Petra Winter. Chief Editor: Paula Tscherne-Lempiäinen Editorial Assistant: Nicole Watson Language Editors: Sinead Corr, Chris Edge, Nicole Watson Layout by Milos Uveric-Kostic Cover design by Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann and Milos Uveric-Kostic Copies are available from: International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) Wickenburggasse 14/7, A-1080 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 408 88 22, Fax: (+43-1) 408 88 22-50 E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: Bank account: Creditanstalt Bankverein 0221-00283/00 © 2001 by the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and IHF Research Foundation.