www.smithsgore.co.uk Possible Development Site Overton Road, Waterloo North Lanarkshire Smiths Gore G 12 Bernard Street G Edinburgh G EH6 6PY G United Kingdom t +44 (0)131 555 1200 G f +44 (0)131 554 2211 G e
[email protected] Possible Development Site, Overton Road Waterloo, North Lanarkshire A large plot, previously the site of 42 terraced houses, extending to approximately 0.815 hectares (2.01 acres) in total. For sale as a whole or in 10 lots. The area of land for sale is located Date of Entry location plan. At Newmains take the A71 adjacent to the A71, just to the south The date of entry will be by mutual towards Waterloo and the site can be of Wishaw, and extends to agreement. found on the right hand side of the road. approximately 0.815 hectares (2.01 acres). It is understood that the Clawback Viewing property was previously developed in The Purchaser(s) will grant a Standard The site can be viewed from the A71 road; 1870 for housing and whilst currently Security in favour of the Seller, obliging the any viewing on the site itself will be strictly vacant, the site offers some Purchaser(s) to pay 50% of any increase by appointment with the selling agents. development possibility subject to in value of any part of the site arising from planning and other consents. The land the implementation of, or sale of the land Date of Information is being offered for sale as a whole or following the obtaining of a planning Particulars prepared: January 2011 in up to 10 lots, these plots being permission for any use other than that of approximately 24 metres in width (one Agriculture.