Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals Telephone: 01324 696455 Fax: 01324 696444 E-mail:
[email protected] Mr M McGlynn South Lanarkshire Council Planning & Building Standards 154 Montrose Crescent Hamilton ML3 6LB Our ref: LDP-380-2 20 October 2014 Dear Mr McGlynn PROPOSED SOUTH LANARKSHIRE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT PLANNING) (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2008 SUBMISSION OF THE REPORT OF THE EXAMINATION We refer to our appointment by the Scottish Ministers to conduct the examination of the above plan. Having satisfied ourselves that the council’s consultation and engagement exercises conformed with their participation statement, our examination of the plan commenced on 7 January 2014. We have completed the examination, and now submit our report, enclosing one bound copy. In our examination we considered all 107 issues arising from unresolved representations which were identified by the council. In each case we have taken account of the summaries of the representations and the responses, as prepared by the council, and the original representations, and we have set out our conclusions and recommendations in relation to each issue in our report. The examination process also included a comprehensive series of unaccompanied site inspections and, for some issues we requested additional information from the authority and other parties. We also found it necessary to arrange a hearing session on housing land, which was held at Low Parks Museum, Hamilton on 28 May 2014. On 23 June 2014 Scottish Ministers published National Planning Framework (NPF) 3 and updated Scottish Planning Policy (SPP). Where necessary, we invited parties to comment on the implications, if any, of these publications for the matters under consideration in the examination.