Planning Applications Index
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1 North Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Development Committee Committee Date : 3rd February 1999 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 2 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 3RD FEBRUARY 1999 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation 4 N/98/0 1290/FUL Barrett West Scotland Erection of 99 Dwellinghouses and Grant (P) Formation of Roads, Footpaths, Play Area and Landscaping - Former Hospital Site - Ratho Drive, Cumbernauld. 12 N/98/01549/0UT John G Russell Residential Development (Over 200 Grant (P) (Transport) Ltd Dwellings; No Footbridge connection to Old Gartcosh Road) (Outline) Transport Depot, Allison Place, Gartcosh 19 N/98/0 1563FUL A G Ban Plc Upgrade and Extension of Car Parking Grant Area- 4 Mollins Road, Westfield Cumbernauld G68 9JH 22 N/98/01640/FUL PA & PR Richardson Change of Use From Agricultural Use Grant to Leisure and Construction of a 9 Hole Golf Course - Site Adjacent to The Stables, Waterhead Road, Palacerigg. Cumbernauld. 29 N/98/01642/ADV Highcross Erection of a Hoarding (Restrospective) Grant Cumbemauld Ltd Site Adjacent to Roundabout - Blairlinn Road, Blairlinn Cumbernauld 32 N/98/0 165 1/FUL Mr A Conlon & Mr J Erection of 2 No. Dwellings (In Outline) Refuse Ferguson Site Adjacent Kilrae Cottage Barrpath Kilsyth. 36 N/98/01727/AMD Morrison Homes Removal Of Pre-Determined Upper Grant Construction Limit of 60 Dwellings per year through Deletion of Annexed Condition 4A of Outline Planning Permission NL/TP/96/0114 For Residentialnight Industrial Development. Former Colliery Site Cardowan Road Stepps. 48 U98101 106FUL Mr & Mrs W McAllister First Floor Extension to Refuse (P) Kennel Administration Block to form Flatted Dwellinghouse Whinrigg Farm, Riggend Airdrie 51 C/98/01146/FUL Mr P Rolink Siting of Mobile Snack Bar Grant Coatbridge Golf Club Townhead Road, Coatbridge 55 C/98/0136310UT Ararat Ltd Erection of 28 Unit Sheltered Housing Grant Complex and Matron’s Dwellinghouse Land to the rear of Turner StreetKirk Street, Coatbridge 61 Cl98101569NIN G M Mining Ltd Alteration to Phasing of Grant (P) ExcavationsRestoration and Backfilling of void Drumshangie OCCS Greengairs, Airdrie 76 S/98/00752/FUL South Lanarkshire Council New Bridge and Approach Road Grant (P) Adjacent to Garrion Bridge Overtown 84 Sl98/01652/LBC South Lanarkshire Council New Bridge and Approach Road Grant (P) Adjacent to Garrion Bridge Overtown I:UIATA\COMMZ\WORD\PLAM~-FEB.DOC 3 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 3RD FEBRUARY 1999 Page No. Application NO. Applicant DevelopmentILocus Recommendation 88 SI9810 1427FUL Allan Water Developments Ltd Construction of 41 Bed Residential Grant Nursing Home and Day Care Centre 19 - 21 Frood Street, Motherwell 92 S/98101493/FUL James Kerr/Guy Kerr Motors Change of Use from Commercial Grant Unit to Taxi Radio Control Base; Car Hire Booking Office and Installation of Mast 6 Market Road, Viewpark 95 Sl98101577lAMD John Marshall Construction of Supermarket Grant (Renewal of Outline Consent) Station Road. Shotts 99 S1981015931AMD Taylor Homes (Scotland) Amendment to Housing Development (A) Grant to (A) include two additional house plots; (B) Refuse (P) construction of layby; conversion of driveway to road, and (B) extension of development site boundary - Knowenoble Farm, Wishaw Low Road, Cleland 107 S/98/01664/FUL Mr M Gallacher Construction of (A) 9 Hole Golf Course (A) Grant and (B) 4 x 4 Off-Road Track Area (B) Refuse Land South of Omoa Cottage Chapelknowe Road, Motherwell 115 S/98101606/FUL Mega Leisure Change of Use from Shop to Amusement Grant Arcade - 223 Main Street, Bellshill. 121 S/98/01641 /OUT John Rafferty Construction of a Dwellinghouse Grant 26B Bellside Road Cleland (P) N198101290iFUL If approved refer to Secretary of State (P) N198/01549/0UT If approved a Section 75 agreement is required and application to be referred to Secretary of State (P) C/98/01106/FUL If approved, Section 75 to be concluded ’) C/98101569/MIN If approved, Bond & Section 75 TO be concluded ,P) S/98/00752/FUL If approved refer to Secretary of State (P) S/98101652/LBC If approved refer to Secretary of State (P) S/98/01593/AMD If condition 20 is deleted Refer to Secretary of State I:D ATA\COMMZ\WORDWLANU-FEB.DOC 4 Application No: Date Registered: 14th. September 1998 APPLICANT: BARRAT WEST SCOTLAND, MAYFIELD HOUSE, 7 MAGGIE WOODS LOAN, FALIURK FK15SJ Agent: Development Design Partnershp, Sandford House, 6&7 Lower agh Street, Stourbndge, West Midlands DY8 1TE DEVELOPMENT: ERECTION OF 99 DWELINGHOUSES AND FORMATION OF ROADS, FOOTPATHS, PLAY AREA AND LANDSCAPING LOCATION: FORMER HOSPITAL SITE, RATHO DRNE, CUMBERNAULD Ward No: 55 Grid: 275036 - 676350 File Reference: IE Site History: Development Plan: Cumbemauld Local Plan Policy PSlOB - Sites for New Public Services - Lanarkshlre Health Board Hospital Contrary to Development Plan: Yes CONSULTATIONS: Objection: No Objection: West of Scotland Water, British Gas Transco, East of Scotland Water, Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Structure Plan Joint Committee. West of Scotland Archaeology Service, Department of Leisure Services, Department of Education No Reply: Department of Environmental Services, Scottish Po\ver. SEPA West, The Coal Authority Conditions: Scottish Natural Heritage REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: One letter of objection Newspaper Advert: None Received COMMENTS: Ths site is allocated for the development of a hospital in the Local Plan. However the Health Board have indicated that they do not possess the funds to carry out that project and have deleted it from their proposals and the site is now surplus to their requirements. After dmussion with me they marketed the site for private housing development resulting in th~sapplication. The/ I 5 I I Produced by I l Planning and Developmenl Department APP No N198’01290/FUL Norlhern Division BARRAT WEST SCOTlAND Bron Way COUNCIL CUMBERNAULD 1 FORMER HOSPITAL SITE, WTHO DRIVE, CUMBERNAULD ’ -- 1 G67 102 ERECTION OF 99 DWELLINGHOUSES RepiM-C Imm D* OrWnca Sunry mappnp *Ih A me prm~ionOI me ~ornro~krof bi M~~SV, 01236 1:7500 SBmrrri Mllcr D ClancDprlOn 1 01236616420 This copy has been produced speuficaity for Planning and Building Control purposes only U~~ulhorsncepmd~~in rnlwi Cmm SDWnihl ’ .M may ,**e 10 pmYcuian or SNII PmsLldYIpI OS Lcence LA 09MlL No fumer copies may be made I 6 -2- The Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Structure Plan Joint Committee have indicated that whilst there is no strategy requirement to release this site for private housing, because of the peculiar circumstances relating to it, no strategic concerns are raised. The objector, the adjacent Dullatur Golf Course is concerned about possible conflict between houses and stray golf balls. However, the nearest proposed house is 17m from the boundary and there are existing mature trees along the boundary. More trees can be required to be planted by condtions attached to a consent and if th~sis done I consider . that the risk of conflict is minimised. I therefore recommend that planning permission be granted. If agreed the application would require to be referred to the Secretary of State. RECOMMENDATION: Grant, subject to the following conditions:- 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started wihfive years of the date of th~spermission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in Writing by the Planning Authority, includmg any modifications as may be required. Reason: These details have not been submitted. 3. That before any of the dwellinghouses hereby permitted: situated on a site upon whch a fence or wall is to be erected are occupied, the fence, or wall. as approved under the terms of condhon 2 above, shall be erected. Reason: In the interests of amenity. 4. That notwithstanchg the provisions of Class 7 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development), (Scotland) Order 1992, no gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure shall be erected between the front of the dwellinghouse hereby permitted and the adjoining road. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity. 5. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of all external materials to be used in construction, includmg walls, roofs, windows, doors, gutters and downpipes, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, includmg any modfications as may be required. Reason: These details have not been submitted. 6. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, includmg boundary treatment, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any mo&fications as may be required, and it shall include:- (41 7 -3- (a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seedmg and turfing; (b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted; (c) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development, and (d) details of the phasing of these works. Reason: These details have not been submitted 7. That wihone year of the occupation of the last four dwellinghouses within the development hereby permitted, all planting, seedmg turfing and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of condtion 6 above, shall be completed; and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass whch die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced wihthe following year with others of a similar size and species.