Inside: l Poroshenko’s speech on ’s Independence Day – page 3 l Photo report: Independence Day parade in – page 5 l Our communities celebrate Ukraine’s national day – page 16

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXVI No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 $2.00 Toronto celebrates 27th anniversary Kyiv severs more ties with of Ukraine’s independence amid IMF visit and new Rada session

Mykola Swarnyk Ruslan Hutsul Walking in Toronto’s Ukrainian Independence Day parade (from left) are: Ukrainian Activists placed crosses in front of the Russian Embassy in Kyiv on August 29 to rep- Canadian Congress National President Paul Grod, Mississauga Mayor Bonnie resent the more than 340 Ukrainian soldiers and volunteer fighters who were killed in Crombie, ’s Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, Toronto Mayor John the battle of Ilovaisk in August 2014, when Russia sent in regular army and armored Tory and Ukraine’s Consul General Andrii Veselovskyi. units to stop a summer offensive to re-take occupied towns and cities in the Donbas. Council, in his introductory remarks. by Nadia Prokopiw by Mark Raczkiewycz Fifty-two percent of Ukrainians are for UCC Toronto Ukraine’s Consul General Andrij joining the EU, a nationwide poll commis- Veselovskyi greeted the crowd with his KYIV – When the country’s legislature, sioned by the International Republican TORONTO – The Ukrainian Canadian encouraging words: “The tide is against our the , reconvenes on Institute found in June. And 43 percent of Congress – Toronto Branch hosted the 27th invader because of all the international sup- September 4 after the summer break, it will the population supports NATO accession, annual Ukrainian Independence Day cele- port and because of Canada’s strong sup- have a presidential bill registered to have according to the same survey. bration on August 18 at Centennial Park in port at the G-7 meetings. We will win, and European Union and NATO membership Constitutional changes require two- Toronto – now deemed to be the largest we will become a strong European country.” enshrined in the Constitution. thirds, or 300 votes in Parliament. celebration of its kind in all of North Perhaps the most heartening remarks President said that Additional bills considered a priority are America and in the Ukrainian diaspora. came from Minister of Foreign Affairs government lawyers have “found a formula on national security and defense, adopting Blessed with superb weather, an excel- Chrystia Freeland, who let the audience for doing this optimally and quickly,” during an election code, staffing the Central lent turnout and a robust succession of know that Canadian troops would be in a speech in Kyiv at the Ukrainian Election Commission, and laws for contin- prominent entertainment, the day was a Kyiv on August 24, marching in the parade Independence Day parade on August 24. ued cooperation with the EU, Verkhovna huge success. Many greetings and praises in support of Ukrainian independence, that “By the time of the autumn session… my Rada Chair Andriy Parubiy said at an were received from all levels of Canadian Canada will be hosting the third annual corresponding bill will have been regis- August 23 briefing. government and special guests. conference on Ukrainian Economic tered,” the commander-in-chief said. “Such He noted that the security and defense After prayers and blessings, UCC Reforms, and that she and President Petro integration is a 100 percent guarantee of law that Parliament passed in the previous Toronto President Taras Bahriy opened the Poroshenko agree that standing with our independence… needs us as session is only a general “framework” and ceremonies and welcomed the crowd, well, because without us the EU will not introducing this year’s theme “100 Years of (Continued on page 4) become a completed project.” (Continued on page 15) Struggle for Freedom.” This dates back to 1918 when Ukraine rose up from the ashes of tsarist Russia to declare the establish- ment of the Ukrainian National Republic. Walesa nominates Sentsov for Nobel Peace Prize After this effort was brutally suppressed and defeated, the nation rose up again to RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service authorities for his work as the fight both the Soviets and the Nazis in leader of the Solidarity trade World War II. Thwarted but surviving, the Lech Walesa, the former union. spirit of the people surfaced again in 1991, Polish president and Nobel “I was also in a difficult situ- when Ukraine once again declared its inde- laureate, said he has nominat- ation,” Mr. Walesa said in an pendence and the USSR’s collapse followed. ed Ukrainian filmmaker Oleh interview published on August The struggle for “freedom from tyranny, Sentsov, who is imprisoned in 29. “I also struggled. This freedom from bondage, freedom from con- Russia, for the Nobel Peace award [the Nobel Peace tinuous oppression, exploitation and injus- Prize. Prize)] helped me, as well as tice” is continuing today in eastern Ukraine Mr. Walesa told RFE/RL’s , in regaining freedom. as “the people are still fighting and dying Ukrainian Service that he sees “For this reason, support is similarities between Mr. needed. First of all, thanking Russian High Commission for Human again against a relentless aggressor who is Rights Pres Center (EPA-EFE) determined to once again subjugate the Sentsov’s situation and his him for fighting. Secondly, Ukrainian film director Oleh Ukrainian people under the Imperial boot RFE/RL own in the 1980s, when he Sentsov in the penal colony of Russia,” explained Bohdan Wynnyckyj, Lech Walesa was imprisoned by Polish (Continued on page 13) in Labytnangi on August 9. president of the UCC Ontario Provincial 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 No. 35


Russia bets on internal conflict in Ukraine Ukraine ‘has cut all ties with Russian Empire’ Ukrainian move came after President Petro Poroshenko earlier this year signed a President Petro Poroshenko marked Other examples: “raising gas tariffs is a decree recalling Kyiv’s envoys from CIS by Oleksiy Minakov Ukraine’s Independence Day by announcing crime against the people,” “the educational bodies and announced plans to quit the Radio Svoboda at the in Kyiv that his coun- reforms are turning us into a backward organization, criticizing its “failure to try “has cut all ties with the Russian Empire The presidential race has started in country,” “the police is a bloody mess,” denounce Russia’s aggression [in Ukraine].” and the .” Mr. Poroshenko also Ukraine, creating rather favorable condi- “decentralization – money granted and Russia illegally annexed Ukraine’s Crimea tions for Russia to intensify its influence in then stolen,” “the economy is on the brink said during the August 24 event that Ukraine needs to cut all ties with the region in March 2014 and is backing sepa- the country. Using its “assistants and help- of default,” “Ukrainian officers are desert- ratists in the country’s east in a conflict that ers,” the Kremlin is legitimizing an “alterna- ing the army,” “health care reforms are kill- Russian Orthodox Church “that blesses” Russia’s “hybrid war against Ukraine.” He has killed more than 10,300 people since tive” political discourse in the Ukrainian ing Ukrainians,” etc. April 2014. Mr. Poroshenko, who was elect- media and, what is even more dangerous, is stated: “Our generation’s major goal is to Moreover, the Kremlin is intent on build- ed after Russia-friendly President Viktor actively preparing to provoke internal con- make our independence irreversible, to turn ing mistrust, trying to convince Ukrainians Yanukovych fled in February 2014 follow- flicts in Ukraine. that both the Ukrainian authorities and Ukraine into a strong and great country ing months of mass street protests, has The Ukrainian state has taken two inde- their Western partners should be regarded without the possibility of returning to the repeatedly said that Ukraine’s future is in pendent actions that have obliged Russia to suspiciously. For example, twisted interpre- zone of Russian influence.” (The full text of accelerate its preparations for intervening in tations of U.S. President Donald Trump’s his address appears on page 3.) “The issue Europe, and not with Russia. Ukraine has Ukraine and fomenting internal conflicts – statements regarding Russia’s return to the [of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s split been an associate member of the CIS since first, Ukraine has asked Ecumenical Patriarch Group of Seven and rumors about Crimea, from the Russian Orthodox Church] is of the the grouping was established following the Bartholomew to grant the Tomos on as well as gross exaggerations and specula- same importance as such issues as strength- collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Full Autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox tions on Mr. Trump’s meeting with Mr. ening of our army, defending our language, members include Russia and eight former Church and, secondly, President Petro Putin in . And, of course, the fact our struggle to join the European Union and Soviet republics: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Poroshenko has submitted to Parliament sev- that some European leaders visited Russia NATO,” he said. “That is another aim of our , , Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, eral amendments to Ukraine’s Consti­tution during the FIFA World Cup and that the historic path, a significant component of our Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. (RFE/RL, based in order to consolidate Ukraine’s aspirations construction of Nord Stream 2 is still under independence.” Dispensing with a tradition- on reporting by TASS and Interfax) to join the European Union and NATO. discussion are presented as Europe’s obvi- al Soviet-era military greeting used in previ- Pompeo calls on Russia to free Sentsov The key features of the Kremlin’s strate- ous neglect of Ukraine’s interests and the ous years, Ukrainian Defense Minister gy are very clear. EU’s friendly ties with Russia. Stepan Poltorak greeted the marching Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has troops by declaring, “Glory to Ukraine!” The repeated U.S. calls for Russia to “immedi- and faith in the Ukrainian government. turned their attention to the situation in troops replied: “Glory to the heroes!” The ately release” jailed Ukrainian writer and •Today, First, the Kremlininformation aims warto destroy conducted trust Ukraine’s• Secondly, southeastern Russian regions mass media and the have ter- greeting had been used by Ukrainian nation- filmmaker Oleh Sentsov, who has been on ritories bordering Russia. by the Kremlin is not about making alist troops who fought for Ukraine’s inde- hunger strike for more than 100 days and An analysis of the Russian media in July Ukrainians believe in something else – for pendence during World War II. Mr. is reported to be critically ill. “The secretary example, the attractiveness of the Russian revealed that, besides the Donbas and Poroshenko announced that he will propose Crimea, the following regions of Ukraine are noted our concerns about Sentsov’s health vector or the values of​​ the “Russian world.” that the Verkhovna Rada pass legislation to most frequently mentioned: Odesa, Dnipro­ and urged Russia to immediately release Moreover, nobody is talking about Vladimir make the expression the official military petrovsk, Zaporizhia, Chernihiv and Sentsov and all Ukrainian political prison- Putin any more, saying or even hinting that greeting in Ukraine. Ukraine announced its oblasts. The least referred to are Khmel­ ers,” State Department spokeswoman “Putin is a really good guy!” The main independence from the Soviet Union on emphasis is on sabotaging the situation nytsky, Ternopil and Chernivtsi Oblasts, Heather Nauert said in a readout of August 24, 1991, almost four months before inside Ukraine and destroying trust, and which are of little or no interest to Russia. Secretary Pompeo’s phone all with Russian the official dissolution of the Soviet Union. spreading doubt and depression instead. Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov on (RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service) The now familiar slogans, such as “Kyiv large-scale destabilization. August 23. The Russian Foreign Affairs junta,” “special hit squads,” “failed state,” •The Thirdly, recent Moscowassassinations is rehearsing of war veter for- Ukraine closes offices in CIS countries Ministry acknowledged that Mr. Pompeo etc., have disappeared from the media and ans and simultaneous attacks on activists raised the issue of Mr. Sentsov in the call more common vocabulary is used to trans- in Ukraine’s southern regions are masked Ukraine has shut down its representa- and that Mr. Lavrov “explained the situa- mit the idea that the Ukrainian government as simple business affairs or opposition tive offices in member countries of the tion,” without providing specifics. A vocal is “treacherous and untrustworthy.” Thus, activities. In fact, is hinting that Commonwealth of Independent States opponent of Russia’s 2014 takeover of the Kremlin has turned its full attention to “the state is killing its own patriots.” The (CIS), a loose grouping of former Soviet Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, Mr. Sentsov pro-Russian politicians and “experts” who inevitable consequences – people start republics. CIS Executive Secretary Sergei was sentenced to 20 years in prison after are invited to speak on different television feeling afraid and insecure; social tension Lebedev said on August 28 that the being convicted by a Russian court in 2015 channels and are constantly cited by pro- grows as activists and organizations Ukrainian offices were closed earlier this of conspiring to commit terrorist acts. The Russian Internet publications, as well as on demand prompt investigations and names month, adding that the grouping’s ties with 42-year-old has been on a hunger strike at social networks such as Facebook, YouTube of the attackers. Kyiv are being maintained through the a penal colony in Labytnangi in Russia’s and Twitter. We should also pay particular attention Ukrainian Embassy in Minsk. “I still hope northern region of Yamalo-Nenets since One of the main narratives spread by to the recent attacks on suburban trains that Ukraine will preserve its presence Moscow is that “the greatest threat to perpetrated by a group of people in bala- within the [CIS],” Mr. Lebedev said. The (Continued on page 14) Ukraine is Poroshenko, not Russia.” clavas, who sprayed paint over the wagons, Moreover, this idea is conveyed through threw stones and sprinkled poison gas over conflicting messages, such as “Poroshenko the windows. And, there were attacks recently on supermarkets carried out by is the president of war,” raking in millions, FOUNDED 1933 and he is also a dangerous “Banderite,” as masked teenagers, who not only stole The Ukrainian Weekly the top Russian propagandist and TV host goods and products, but also deliberately Vladimir Soloviov recently called him. At provoked the security guards. Whether or An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., the same time, the Kremlin slyly suggests not Russia is involved in these petty inci- a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. that Mr. Poroshenko has already handed dents is not the issue, but there is no doubt Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. the country over to the Russians and has that the Kremlin will be able to manipulate Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. actually capitulated to Moscow, pointing to many organized groups that might be (ISSN — 0273-9348) ready to instigate mass riots in Ukraine. the “Boiko Towers” scandal, the administra- The Weekly: UNA: tion’s cooperation with the odious Mayor Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Hennadiy Trukhanov of Odesa and, more alluding to possible civil unrest in Ukraine. Let’s take a close look at what Opposition recently, the judicial closure of the Kernes • Fourth, pro-Russian politicians are Postmaster, send address changes to: affair. (The Kyiv District Court in Poltava Bloc National Deputy Vadym Novynsky (ex- The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz ordered the closure of criminal proceedings Party of Regions) recently declared: “If the 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas against Kharkiv Mayor Hennadiy Kernes Tomos on Autocephaly is legitimized, it’s P.O. Box 280 and his bodyguards Vitaliy Blinnyk and more than likely that a civil war based on Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] Yevhen Smitsky. They were accused of kid- religious grounds will break out in Ukraine.” napping, threatening and torturing Kharkiv There are no reasons for a civil war, but The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: Euro-Maidan activists Oleksandr Kutianin such statements form the basis for artifi- and Serhiy Riapolov.) cially creating provocations and clashes. “We warned you!” – they will say, while the The Ukrainian Weekly, September 2, 2018, No. 35, Vol. LXXXVI Copyright © 2018 The Ukrainian Weekly Kremlin proceeds to organize social chaos Correction in Ukraine. In the story headlined “Ukrainian war Taking into account all the signs point- veterans complete Canadian leg of bike ride ing to the Kremlin’s preparations to create ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA for peace” (August 26), it was erroneously deep internal conflicts in Ukraine, we can noted that the team of cyclists would be in Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 describe two scenarios for the further and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 Newark, N.J., on August 27. In fact, they will development of events. e-mail: [email protected] be in Newark, Del. The error arose because The “soft scenario”: The Kremlin pro- Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 the Chumak Way website listed only cities, e-mail: [email protected] not the states they are in, on their route. (Continued on page 6) No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 3

UKRAINE’S INDEPENDENCE DAY President Petro Poroshenko’s speech at the military parade in Kyiv Following is the text of President Petro Baptism came to us from the Constantinople Poroshenko’s speech at the solemn army Mother Church. And it is from Kyiv that it was parade “March of the New Army” on the spread all over Eastern Europe. Ukrainian occasion of the 27th anniversary of the Christianity has more than a thousand-year independence of Ukraine. The text was history, its own theological, liturgical and eccle- released by the Presidential siastical tradition. Now that we have restored Administration of Ukraine. and defended the state independence of Ukraine with the capital in Kyiv, there is no rea- Зродились ми великої години son why there should not be an Autocephalous З пожеж війни і полум’я вогнів. Orthodox Church of Ukraine equal to the other Плекав нас біль за долю України, autocephalous Orthodox Churches. Зростив нас гнів і лють на ворогів. The issue of the Tomos on Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine goes far Fellow Ukrainians! beyond religion. It is similar to the strengthen- Dear guests! ing of the army, protection of the language, These are the words of “The March of struggle for membership in the European the New Army,” which today will be Union and NATO. This is another strategic heard for the first time during our mili- benchmark on our historic path. This is a sig- tary parade. It was created on the basis nificant component of our independence. of the legendary song written in the late Mykhailo Markiv/Presidential Administration of Ukraine The integration into the European and twenties of the last century. And it sym- Euro-Atlantic space is a reliable way to ensure President Petro Poroshenko delivers his Ukrainian Independence Day address in bolizes the inextricable bond between Kyiv on August 24. security, the development of Ukraine and different generations of fighters for free- decent living conditions for people. Such inte- dom of the homeland. [Editor’s note: army with you. And with the painstaking work of our dip- gration is a one hundred percent guarantee of The reference is to the song adopted by the Organization of lomats, we have provided international political and diplo- our independence. I want to emphasize separately – Ukrainian Nationalists in 1932 as the organization’s hymn.] matic support for the independence of Ukraine. Europe needs us as well, because without us the European The last four and a half years have become a truly “great The main thing is that we have firmly chosen our path of Union will not become a completed project. After all, the hour” for us, Ukrainians. We have experienced an incredi- development. And we do not have the right to give it up for civilizational frontier of modern Europe lies along the ble test of the war and economic crisis caused by Russian the benefit of external enemies and their agents inside the northeastern border of Ukraine. aggression. The enemy murdered thousands and thou- country. On the continent, all those who are not blinded by sands of Ukrainians – military and civilians; men, women, First. We break all the fetters that connect us with the Russian money understand that without a European inde- children. We were tested both for strength and fortitude. Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. To make indepen- pendent Ukraine, Europe will have less peace and security. They tried to divide the people and dismember the coun- dence irreversible, make Ukraine great and strong, without Definitely less, not more. Without the restoration of the try. They tried to block our movement to Europe. They any prospect of returning to the Russian influence zone – territorial integrity and sovereignty of our state, all bor- wanted to drive the freedom-loving people back into the this is the main task of our generation. This is a task of the ders in Central and Eastern Europe will be uncertain. odious imperial stall. society and the authorities elected by it. The Russian war against Ukraine is part of the Kremlin’s Thank God and every Ukrainian for the fact that we Second. We, Ukrainians, go our own way and under- plan to ruin the European Union and NATO. Our warriors withstood. And we have not only survived the bad times, stand that we must, first of all, rely on our own strengths. in the east defend security and prosperity not only in but also strengthened muscles. We have become stronger Use the wealth of the country in the interests of the people Ukraine, but also throughout Europe. So, we do not go to and more confident in our own capabilities. We have laid and the generations to come. Ukraine must firmly defend the European Union and NATO with empty hands. Today the foundation for our progress with clear strategic refer- its national interests. External help is still important for us, ence points for the European Union and NATO for the but first of all we have to help ourselves. (Continued on page 4) future decades. Third. The strengthening of independence should take Fellow Ukrainians! place in concrete steps. The visa-free regime for travel of This year is special as we will celebrate the centenary of Ukrainians to the European Union is valid for over a year. the independence of the Ukrainian National Republic pro- We inexorably become part of the European space. It claimed by the Fourth Universal of the Central Rada. The strengthens our political independence. Flags at half-staff centenary of the Act of Union is approaching, when the The Association Agreement and the Free Trade Ukrainian National Republic (UNR) and the Western Agreement with the European Union entered into force, and honor John McCain Ukrainian National Republic (WUNR) united in a single as a result, the share of exports to the EU is now almost 43 Ukrainian state. The Ukrainian national revolution, the lib- percent, compared with 32 percent four or five years ago. A eration struggle of the beginning of the last century, lasted clear European strategy has given us an opportunity to about four years, but the state was lost at that time. Our compensate for the huge losses that we suffered as a result ancestors did not withstand in that war with Russia. Just as of the politically motivated closure by Russia of its market our Hetmans Ivan Vyhovsky and did not with- and transit to third countries for Ukrainian goods. Russia stand. The reasons were different, but the result is the will no longer be able to blackmail us because we have same: long years of tragic dependence on the empire with strengthened our economic independence. repressions and holodomors. With the attempts to destroy Since the fall of 2016 – yesterday it was 1,000 days the and dissolve the Ukrainian people already – we haven’t bought gas from Russia. Ukrainian on the boundless expanses of Eurasia. Naftogaz brilliantly beat Gazprom in the Our generation faces the task to break this fatal histori- Arbitration Court, bringing $4.6 billion to the state coffers. cal circle. To ensure that Ukraine’s independence is not That is how we gain our energy independence. measured by months or several years, as it was before. To Fourth. There cannot be a free body, when the soul is in prevent decades of mourning over the loss of the state and captivity. Let us be heard today in Constantinople, Moscow analyzing the reasons for another defeat. To be proud of and the Vatican. We are determined to put an end to the victories and success of the state. unnatural and non-canonical dependence on the Russian During four years of the war that Russia has unleashed Church of a significant part of our Orthodox community. A against Ukraine, we have preserved and strengthened the Church that sanctifies Putin’s hybrid war against Ukraine, state. The nation was consolidated on the principles of prays day and night for the Russian government and for national defense and patriotism. We have created a strong the Russian army. FOR THE RECORD

Secretary Pompeo greets Ukraine, declares steadfast support of U.S. Natalka Pollock HARTFORD, Conn. – Spotted flying above the The press statement below was released by U.S. Secretary behind Ukraine as it adopts transformational reforms to Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford on Sunday, August of State Michael R. Pompeo on August 24. increase prosperity, security, and rule of law. The friendship 26, was the Ukrainian national flag, raised there to mark between our countries runs deep, and we are committed to Ukrainian Independence Day. It was at half-staff in honor On behalf of President Trump and the American people, the success of a stable, prosperous, democratic, and free of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who was a staunch congratulations to all Ukrainians on your national day. Ukraine. We look forward to continuing our partnership and friend of Ukraine. Sen. McCain passed away on August The steadfastly supports Ukraine in the face working with Ukraine’s leaders and citizens to realize the 25 at the age of 81 after a battle with brain cancer. U.S. of Russian aggression. We pay tribute to those who have bright and enduring future Ukraine’s people deserve. flags were to fly at half-staff through the day of the sena- fought and sacrificed for freedom in Ukraine, and we stand Best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous year. tor’s interment, Sunday, September 2. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 No. 35

Holodomor was a moving attraction Toronto... for those desiring to learn about the 1932-1933 Ukrainian famine-geno- (Continued from page 1) cide. Ukraine and supporting the troops in The day was concluded with a live- eastern Ukraine amounts to standing ly outdoor “zabava” (dance) at the for freedom and democracy all over Carpathian Lounge, where a capacity Europe and the World. crowd of revelers danced to the music Accompanying Minister Freeland of Dunai well into the night. were Minister Kirsty Duncan, and “This annual celebration could not Members of Praliament Borys have happened without the help and Wrzesnewskyj, Arif Virani, Peter support of many valued volunteers Fonseca and Michael Levitt. MP Peter and our generous sponsors,” said Mr. Kent, representing the Conserva­tive Bahriy. Platinum Plus sponsors for Party of Canada, condemned Russia’s 2018 were Horodynsky Farms and continuing illegal occupation of Crimea Northland Power. Platinum sponsors and the Russian-sponsored aggression were Buduchnist Credit Union, the in Eastern Ukraine. Zaraska Family and Transam Carriers; Members of the Provincial gold sponsors were “Bitter Harvest” Parliament Kinga Surma, Christine (the movie), Caravan Group, Halenda’s Hogarth, Natalia Kusendova and Meat, Huculak Foundation, Meest Kaleed Rasheed came forward to pro- Corp., Stageworks Systems and vide greetings on behalf of the govern- Ukrainian Credit Union; silver spon- ment of Ontario, and the province’s Mykola Swarnyk sors were AA Floors, New Canadian Premier, Doug Ford, participated in the Ukraina dancers, carrying flags, prepare for the parade. Drain & Plumbing and the crowd festivities. Rima Berns-McGown Shevchenko Foundation. provided greetings from the leader of the The enthusiastic audience was entertained from Kyiv, who delighted the audience with The UCC Toronto Independence Day New Democratic Party. by Toronto’s renowned dance ensembles – their performances. organizing committee and a team of hard- Toronto Mayor John Tory, together with Ukraina, Barvinok and Vesnyanka, the At the shopping bazaar, embroidered working volunteers spent six months in Councillors John Campbell, Stephen Baturyn Marching and Concert Band, and blouses, jewelry and arts vendors offered planning work, then on Friday, August 17, Holyday, Justin Di Ciano and Ukrainian the Prometheus Choir. Among the celebrat- their many wares to an eager crowd. As began to set up the event, ran it all day Canadian Natalia Lishchyna applauded the ed guest entertainers from Ukraine were: always, the Ukrainian Canadian School Saturday, and completed the take-down contributions of the Ukrainian community. the musical Ensemble Otava from Ternopil, Board provided a robust children’s amuse- and clean-up on Sunday. Mr. Tory, who was instrumental in soloists Myroslava Solovyanenko, Pavlo ment center that included inflatables, Special thanks were expressed to the obtaining a prominent Toronto location for Fondera, Ihor and Adrianna Artemiak, and games and crafts. A large classroom bus Ukrainian Canadian Women’s Council, the Holodomor memorial, said he “will be Mad Heads frontman Vadym Krasnooky displaying and teaching the history of the Toronto Branch, together with the there to proudly celebrate the unveil- Ukrainian Women’s Organization of ing of this monument... and this will be Canada, League of Ukrainian Women a very important occasion, a great day in Canada, Ukrainian Catholic for Toronto, a great day for Ukraine, Women’s League of Canada and and a great day for all of the Ukrainian Ukrainian Women’s Association of community.” Canada for their tireless work at the Also bringing greetings, Mississauga entrance and information gate. Mayor Bonnie Crombie quipped at After the culmination of a success- how Ontario has now displaced the ful event of stage shows, food fairs, West in having the largest Ukrainian beverage gardens, marketplaces, chil- Diaspora. dren’s activities, sports tourneys and Paul Grod, national president of the a “zabava,” organizers invite all to join UCC, offered closing remarks, thanking the UCC Toronto in the planning of all levels of the Canadian government next year’s Ukrainian Independence for standing in support of Ukraine and Day celebration. helping keep an imperialist Russia and UCC Toronto is a not-for-profit the Kremlin at bay. umbrella association with 62 member The afternoon was expertly emceed organizations that coordinates and by Larysa Bajus and Myron Konyk. represents the Ukrainian Canadian This year the very vibrant and col- community to ensure its continued orful concert program and stage show and cohesive development within included a variety of local Ukrainian Canada’s socio-cultural fabric. For dance and musical performers, as well more information, readers may visit as special guest artists from Ukraine. Dancers get ready to perform on stage.

Guards, Security Service, police and other In the summer of 2014, it successfully liber- Ukraine and the freedom of its citizens. President... security structures. It’s possible to speak ated most of the Donbas from militants. Fellow Ukrainians! about the changes in the Ukrainian army And after the direct invasion of Russian reg- You have just heard and seen that the (Continued from page 3) over the last four years at least for four hours ular troops, it firmly defends the country on minister of defense for the first time in his- you will have the opportunity to see once – there is too much to tell. But it will be better the line of contact. It reliably protects tory greeted the participants of the parade again that the Ukrainian army is one of the than any words to see the confident march of Ukraine along the entire border with our with the words “Glory to Ukraine!” The best armies on the continent. “It will signifi- heroes, the technology and weapons radiat- aggressive neighbor. strongest traditions are those that are born cantly strengthen NATO’s eastern flank. And, ing strength, and the skill of pilots. The authorities did everything to reduce from the people. Generated by the people in return, we count on the guarantees of col- The people’s army today reports to the the impact of the war on society. I rejected and human hearts, transmitted from gener- lective security provided by the alliance. Ukrainian people, and we are proud of it. the proposal to declare martial law that ation to generation. Our symbols are not Fellow Ukrainians! Everyone who joined its development, substantially restricted political rights and only the flag, emblem and hymn that are Since you have entrusted me with the everyone who sent SMS with money in freedoms of citizens. Partial mobilization written into the Constitution, but also the post of president, the state compass points 2014, who left home and started working was replaced with formation of a contract national slogan: “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to toward the West – in the direction opposite as a volunteer, soldiers – everyone can be army; reforms and peaceful construction the Heroes!” We feel a colossal uplift from to the empire. Its arrow has never flinched. proud of his own contribution to strength- are under way, while more than 5 percent it, and our enemies avoid it like the devil And I assure you, it will not flinch as long as ening our defense capability. of GDP is spent on defense and security. avoids holy water. It has entered our lives, this compass is in my hands. Let us bow our heads to honor the We strive for peace more than anything. but now it’s time to give it the power of law. Moreover, I will insist on consolidating heroes who gave their lives for the peaceful Nobody strives for peace more than us, That is why I will submit to the this aspiration to join the European Union future of Ukraine. Let us bow to every Ukrainians. Verkhovna Rada a bill on amendments to and NATO in the Constitution. Lawyers Ukrainian family that lost husbands, sons, Real peace will definitely come to our the military statutes, according to which found a formula for doing this optimally and mothers and sisters. Eternal memory to the land. It is only a capable army that can pro- this slogan will become the main greeting quickly. By the opening of the autumn ses- heroes deceased in the battles for our free, vide peace and victory, and it is becoming of the . sion of the Verkhovna Rada scheduled for independent Ukraine. Eternal glory to them. more and more powerful day by day. Happy 27th anniversary of the indepen- September 4, my corresponding bill will Please honor the memory of the Ukrainian “The nation is alive as long as it is fighting,” dence of Ukraine! have been registered. And I will work day warriors and Ukrainian civilians fallen in , author of the Declaration Happy centenary of the revival of and night, and do everything for its approval. the war unleashed by the Russian aggres- of Independence of Ukraine, said. Today, Ukrainian statehood! The most reliable guarantors of Ukraine’s sor. We will never forget and never forgive. Levko Hryhorovych would have turned 90 Glory to the Ukrainian troops! independence and the peaceful work of (Moment of silence.) years old. We are all deeply grateful to this Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Ukrainians are Ukrainian warriors: the Fellow Ukrainians! man, this legend, for his outstanding contri- Glory to the Ukrainian nation! Armed Forces, National Guard, Navy, Border Our Ukrainian Army is an army of peace. bution to the struggle for the freedom of Glory to Ukraine! No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 5

PHOTO REPORT: Ukraine’s Independence Day parade in Kyiv

Euromaidan Press For the first time in many years, military aviation paratroopers, tank soldiers, soldiers of the Special took part in the parade. In a first for Ukraine, the stan- Operations Forces, veterans of the war in the Donbas KYIV – On August 24, a military parade – said to be dard military greeting was replaced with “Glory to and over 20 military orchestras marched down the the largest yet – on Kyiv’s Khreshchatyk was held to Ukraine – Glory to the heroes.” Khreshchatyk. Female cadets of the Military Institute of mark Ukraine’s 27th Independence Day. Some 4,500 Dubbed the “March of the New Army,” the parade the Kyiv National University and the military servicemen from Ukraine and 300 of their col- was overseen by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Military Institute of Telecommunications and leagues from 18 countries took part, according to Special guests included U.S. National Security Advisor Informatization took part as a separate parade unit. As Ukraine’s Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak. John Bolton and leaders and representatives of the well, for the first time, servicewomen took part in the Soldiers from 10 NATO member countries marched defense ministries of , Azerbaijan, Canada, the parade as a separate unit. down the Khreshchatyk alongside their Ukrainian col- , , Georgia, , Estonia, There were units from the U.K, the U.S., Canada, leagues. (In 2017, eight NATO countries were repre- Latvia, , Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, , Moldova, as well as sented.) As well, 250 units of military hardware either Romania, , and the . flag-bearers from Georgia, Latvia, Denmark, the Czech in use in the Ukrainian Armed Forces or undergoing tri- Servicemen from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Republic, and the multi-national LitPolUkr brigade of als were displayed during the parade, including the National Guard, Internal Affairs Ministry, State soldiers from Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. Javelin anti-tank missiles Ukraine had so long sought Emergency Service, Security Service, State Border Guard, Photos by Mykhailo Markiv/Presidential Administration from the U.S. and finally acquired earlier this year. National Police, Air and Land forces of Ukraine, marines, of Ukraine. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 No. 35

WINDOW ON EURASIA The Ukrainian Weekly John McCain, a hero to us all Moscow seeks to control not only Azov Sea The day after Ukraine and Ukrainians around the globe celebrated Ukrainian but also the Ukrainian shelf and its resources Independence Day, a great friend and supporter of our ancestral homeland, U.S. Sen. John McCain passed away. Condolences poured in from world leaders. Social media by Paul Goble in the Donbas and earlier seizures of por- were filled with tributes to Sen. McCain from Ukrainians here in the United States, tions of Ukraine’s continental shelf, these leaders and citizens in Ukraine, and Ukrainians throughout the world. Moscow’s moves to seize control of the latest moves are completely illegal and The Arizona Republican was hailed as a war hero, a true patriot who worked in surface of the Kerch Strait and the Sea of threaten to take away from Ukraine bipartisan fashion for the good of the United States, a great defender of liberty at Azov have attracted concern not only in approximately 37 billion cubic meters of home and abroad, a man of great courage and conviction, an inspiration to millions. Ukraine but in the capitals of Ukraine’s sup- natural gas over all and about 10 billion in Our own comment, posted on Facebook when we heard the sad news, noted: porters. However, Russia’s illegal moves to the Sea of Azov alone. “Ukrainians will always remember John McCain on the Maidan... Vichnaya pamiat.” control a large part of the Ukrainian shelf As a result of Russian aggression, the Forever etched in our memory are scenes of Sen. McCain, along with Sen. Chris not only there but in the Black Sea have not area of the shelf Ukraine controls has con- Murphy (D-Conn.), on the Maidan in Kyiv on December 15, 2013, when he – even though they may prove more fateful. tracted by more than 60 percent, from 130,000 square kilometers to about addressed hundreds of thousands gathered to demonstrate their pro-Europe stance After Vladimir Putin’s Anschluss of Crimea, Moscow took control of approxi- 40,000. If Russia seizes more of the shelf, in the face of the Yanukovych administration’s decision to shelve an Association mately two-thirds of Ukraine’s continental Kyiv will lose access to an important source Agreement with the European Union. “We are here because your peaceful process shelf, according to the Ukrainian govern- of energy and potential export earnings – and peaceful protest is inspiring your country and inspiring the world,” Sen. McCain ment’s State Service for Geology and clearly, goals of Moscow ( said on the Ukrainian capital’s central square. “To all Ukraine, America stands with Natural Resources. Now, it is moving to take ekonomika/v-rf-annulirovali-ukrainskie- you. …The free world is with you, America is with you, I am with you. Ukraine will control of even more ( litsenzii-na-polzovanie-nedrami-kri- make Europe better, and Europe will make Ukraine better.” The ecstatic crowd nomika/rf-nezakonno-kontroliruet-bol- ma/194710/). responded with chants of “Molodtsi.” It was the middle of the fourth week of the shuyu-chast-ukrainskogo-shelfa-chernogo- Consequently, any strategy to defend Euro-Maidan protests, which later became known as the Revolution of Dignity. i-azovskogo-morei/194754/ and ukranews. Ukraine’s rights in the Sea of Azov must Fast forward to December 31, 2016 – well over two and a half years after Russia com/news/578796-gosgeologyy-rasskaza- take into account not only Russian aggres- had invaded Ukraine – to another scene we shall always remember. Accompanied by ly-o-utverzhdennykh-zapasakh-gaza-na- sion on the surface of that body of water Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie podkontrolnykh-ukrayne-uchastkakh). but also Moscow’s illegal seizure of the sea- Yovanovitch, as well as his Senate colleagues Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Amy Like the occupation, the continuing war bed below. Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Sen. McCain visited Ukrainian soldiers in the country’s war- torn eastern region. “I send the message from the American people – we are with you, your fight is our fight, and we will win together,” he told the troops at a forward command post in Shyrokyne. Moscow’s ‘little green men’ stage provocation In Ukraine, the passing of Sen. McCain is deeply felt. He was always one of Ukraine’s staunchest supporters, but especially so in recent years after Russia launched its war on a neighboring state with which it had signed a Treaty of in Moldova, republic’s defense minister says Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership back in 1997. by Paul Goble especially because the Russian side refused President Poroshenko wrote on Facebook: “We will never forget his invaluable to allow OSCE monitors to visit the contribution to the development of democracy and freedom in Ukraine and the sup- Moldovan Defense Minister Eugen Transdniestrian region where these port of our state. The senator was with Ukrainians on the Maidan and he lifted the Sturza said that Russian forces, without maneuvers took place ( spirits of Ukrainian soldiers in the Donbas. The memory of John McCain will remain identifying markers, have carried out mas- news/2018/8/16/301671/). in our hearts forever.” In another Facebook post (in Ukrainian), the president noted: sive maneuvers involving “the forcing of the August, of course, is a prime time for mili- “He was a great friend of Ukraine and he devoted a portion of his life to defend Dniestr River,” a move that disqualifies tary exercises, but these are especially dis- Ukraine and Ukrainians.” Prime Minister echoed those senti- Moscow as a peacekeeper in his country turbing because of their echoes of the way ments, writing on Facebook: “You were our true friend and an example of a princi- and that disturbingly recalls its use of such Moscow moved against Ukraine in 2014 and pled politician. Ukraine will miss you.” “little green men” in Ukraine. because of the media campaign that Russian In Russia, of course, there was a very different reaction. The state TV channel On Facebook, Mr. Sturza said that “this outlets have launched against Chisinau in Rossiya 1 called Sen. McCain “the chief symbol of Russophobia.” Not surprising, since kind of exercise in the security zone with recent days – a media campaign that also RT (formerly Russia Today) in September 2017 had listed the senator as No. 1 on its armed equipment without numbers is a resembles that used four years ago. list of top 10 Kremlin critics, called him “a lifelong Russophobe” and said he’d earned provocation that undermines the basis of Three narratives are especially frighten- its “lifetime achievement award for services to Russophobia.” the Russian side as a peacekeeping mission. ing in this regard: Perhaps that’s because, as Vladimir Kara-Murza reminded us in The Washington It is extremely difficult to explain how Post on August 27, Sen. McCain early on took the measure of Vladimir Putin. The [such moves] by little green men are about that Moldovans are preparing to carry out headline to his commentary said it well: “John McCain saw through Vladimir Putin peacekeeping” ( “a •Euro-Maidan” First, Moscow and outlets that continueactivists tofor insist that better than anyone.” In 2000, the senator, then a candidate for the Republican nomi- are being trained in Romania ( nation for president, saw the impending danger of Mr. Putin’s leadership: “We know The OSCE mission in Moldova also has rubric/detail.php?ID=43793). that he was an apparatchik. We know that he was a member of the KGB. We know expressed concern about these exercises, that he came to power because of the military brutality… in Chechnya.” In 2008, dur- announced that it plans to leave the CIS ing a presidential debate with Sen. Barack Obama (D- Ill.), Sen. McCain uttered these Paul Goble is a long-time specialist on energy• Second, grid, theanother Moldovan step governmentto detach itself has memorable words: “I looked into his eyes and saw three letters, a K, a G and a B.” He ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia from that Moscow-dominated institution. added that Mr. Putin “has gradually repressed most of the liberties that we would who has served in various capacities in the It’s a move that Russia views not only as an expect for nations to observe, and he has exhibited most aggressive behavior… in U.S. State Department, the Central unfriendly act but a threat to Russian secu- Georgia. I said before, watch Ukraine. Ukraine, right now, is in the sights of Vladimir Intelligence Agency and the International rity ( Putin.” Mr. Kara-Murza, vice-chairman of the Open Russia movement and chairman Broadcasting Bureau, as well as at the Voice - of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom, commented: “Much has and will be of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio ing that the United States now wants to written about McCain’s military courage, his patriotism, his famed bipartisanship Liberty and the Carnegie Endowment for oust• Andthe third,pro-Russian Moscow Moldovan media are president suggest and his unimpeachable personal decency. His long-standing position on Russia International Peace. The article above is so that the pro-Western Moldovan govern- deserves a special tribute.” reprinted with permission from his blog ment can take over and integrate Moldova Sen. McCain’s foresight and knowledge will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, dear called “Window on Eurasia” (http://windo- with the West ( php?ID=43593). friend of Ukraine. As we often say at this time of war in Ukraine: Heroes do not die.

conquest and taming of Ukraine? In 2014, Russia bets... Ukraine partly succeeded as pro-Ukrainian activists rallied, mobilized and did not allow Sept. Turning the pages back... (Continued from page 2) Mr. Putin to implement his plan for vokes internal conflicts, using both infor- “Novorossiya.” However, will Ukraine be able Thirty-five years ago, on September 5, 1983, Canada’s mation and psychological means, as well as to survive another major social upheaval? External Affairs Minister Allan J. MacEachen and Transport sabotage and terrorist actions… in order to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies 5 should definitely work towards preventing Minister Lloyd Axworthy announced that Canada would suspend disorient Ukrainian society and help “their 1983 all flights by Aeroflot into Canada for 60 days. The move came in candidate” win in the presidential election, Kremlin activities in the country, while citi- response to the September 1, 1983, downing of a South Korean and then bring “their majority” into the zens and organizations must unite around airliner (KAL Flight 007, flying from New York to Seoul via Ukrainian Parliament. the national idea and the European future of Anchorage, Alaska) by a K-8 missile fired by a Soviet Su-15 interceptor jet. The “tough scenario”: Provocation and Ukraine, and not be guided by attractive but dangerous slogans about peace at all costs. Ukrainians had urged the Canadian government to adopt tougher and more robust intimidation lead to a real civil war so that Only then will Ukraine be able to withstand sanctions. Separate letters sent by the Ontario and Ottawa branches of the Ukrainian Russia is “obliged to introduce Russian peace- the challenges of destabilization. Canadian Committee (now known as the Ukrainian Canadian Congress), as well as Sen. keepers” in order to “prevent bloodshed.” Will Ukrainian society be able to counter Translated for Euromaidan Press by (Continued on page 13) the Kremlin’s plans, which still include the Christine Chraibi. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 7

FOR THE RECORD PERSPECTIVE On the 27th anniversary On Ukraine’s Independence Day Following is a statement from Patriot there’s no black and white, it’s not always of the independence of Ukraine Defence, issued on August 24, on the occa- clear who the enemy is and who is a friend. sion of Ukraine’s Independence Day. For Hundreds of shades distort reality, chang- more information on this humanitarian ini- ing concepts, hiding behind masks, and the Ukrainian World Congress tiative – whose mission “is to systematically reincarnation of all the same enemies develop tactical medicine and emergency shout at us from the headlines with fake The following statement was released by Russian Federation has brought the world medical care in Ukraine by offering training news, propaganda and manipulation, the Ukrainian World Congress on August 22. to Ukraine’s side with respect for Ukraine’s in new methods, perfecting skills and while fifth columnists create a “Ukrainian demonstrative defense of not only its own improving medical bases which when taken Choice.” As Ukrainians worldwide unite in spirit territorial integrity, but peace and stability together will create a qualitative new As we enter the fifth year of war and on August 24 to commemorate the 27th in the world. Ukrainian medical system” – readers may memories fade, we grow accustomed to cir- anniversary of the reestablishment of the On this Independence Day, we join in visit the website cumstance. But here, far from harm, there Ukrainian state, we celebrate achievements prayer to honor all those who have made are enough soldiers and volunteers who while reflecting on the challenges facing the the ultimate sacrifice for Ukraine’s inde- Today is the 27th anniversary of continue the struggle on the cultural and Ukrainian people on the road to full integra- pendence and keep in our thoughts the Ukraine’s independence. That our country informational fronts, the Cabinet wars have tion into the Euro-Atlantic community. defenders who continue to stand on the with a thousand-year history is thought to started. This confrontation is against social August 24, 1991, marked the beginning frontlines to protect Ukraine’s borders. be so young, is a paradox. A wealthy coun- indifference, personal irresponsibility and of the consolidation of the independence of May the Ukrainian flag wave freely in try, with its ups and downs, heroes and saboteurs of change. Ukraine and its development into a demo- every corner of the world, symbolizing the enemies. And yet, its history is still in the Hiding and refusing to be at the fore- cratic, economically viable and prosperous unity in purpose with which the sovereign- making. front of change is an act of evil. Only the state that would always secure the right of ty, independence and territorial integrity of It is widely believed that real indepen- cowards surrender and embrace the east- future generations of Ukrainians to live Ukraine will be irrevocably entrenched. dence was won during the 2013-2014 ern neighbor and its fifth column. Everyone freely on their own land and be a strong On the occasion of the 27th anniversary Revolution of Dignity, when people protest- must embrace the fight for victory. Do this member of the international community of Ukraine’s Independence, the Ukrainian ed against dictatorship and held fast to and become that person worthy of our his- upholding the values of all independent World Congress and its member organiza- their true values. At the same time, the tory. states. tions extend greetings to the hierarchs and enemy struck us cowardly in the back, try- It is up to us to choose whether the 28th, In 2018, Ukrainians can continue to take clergy of Ukrainian Churches, the president ing to stop success as we strive for a better 50th or 100th Independence Day of pride in their accomplishments, primarily of Ukraine, the prime minister of Ukraine, life. Ukraine will happen, whether we will act the national reform agenda which is mov- the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Revived by the efforts of the entire and move the common cause. “Indolence is ing the country forward domestically while Ukraine, all the brave men and women nation, the Ukrainian army and volunteer the greatest sin,” [the fictional character] building strong international relations. fighting for Ukraine’s independence, and battalions have been defending us as we Baba Prisya warned. The challenges are great. The hybrid Ukrainians worldwide. sleep safely, for over four years now. Ukrainian Kozaks laughed in the face of aggression of the Russian Federation con- “The Ukrainian World Congress and the Yet far beyond the contact line, another death, and in the same way we have to har- tinues to take the lives of innocent 20-million strong Ukrainian diaspora stand struggle continues: be it for modern first ness our will power, keep pace and be aid kits for the military, supporting them steadfast in our purpose: the building of a Ukrainians and 4.4 million residents of the firmly with the people of Ukraine on this with what they need to defend our free- Ukrainian independent unified state, one Donbas have been directly affected by a greatest national holiday, the proclamation dom, or be it fair courts, smooth roads, the long-awaited by hundreds of heroes who humanitarian crisis of proportions unseen of the reinstatement of the independent absence of corruption in universities, hos- came before us, one worthy of contempo- since the end of World War II. However, the Ukrainian state, and reaffirm our commit- pitals, or simply to lead a normal life. raries and future generations, an always determination, resoluteness and courage of ment to help ensure that the territorial In the safe haven of the cities far from free and independent state. the Ukrainian people in the face of relent- integrity of Ukraine is fully restored,” stated the front, the colors may not be clear – Happy Independence Day, Ukraine! less aggression from the neighboring UWC President Eugene Czolij.

Ukrainian Canadian Congress Sen. Rob Portman issues statement on Ukraine’s independence anniversary The following release was sent by the Ukraine and seeks, once again, to subjugate Ukrainian Canadian Congress on August Ukraine to Moscow’s tyranny. CINCINNATI, Ohio – U.S. Sen. Rob the Ukrainian government as they strive to 24. The Ukrainian people have answered Portman (R-Ohio) on August 24 issued a fulfill the promises of the Revolution of the call to defend their homeland with statement on the 27th anniversary of Dignity. As Russia continues to illegally The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), determination, courage and honor. Today, Ukrainian independence from the Soviet occupy Crimea and fuel the devastating representing the interests of Canada’s 1.4 the Free World is defended from the men- Union, reiterating his longstanding support war in eastern Ukraine, the United States million-strong Ukrainian community, ace of despotism by the brave soldiers who for the independence and territorial integ- and our allies must increase both our pres- extends warm greetings to all those cele- fight under the Ukrainian flag. Today, blue rity of Ukraine. sure on Russia and our support for Ukraine’s brating the 27th anniversary of Ukraine’s and yellow are the colors of freedom. The text of the statement reads: capacity to defend itself against this aggres- independence! Secure in the knowledge that justice always “I wish the brave people of Ukraine a sion. We must remember our promises Twenty-seven years ago, the valiant cen- triumphs over evil, we are certain that the joyous national day. This is an important under the Memorandum, and we turies-long struggle of generations of Ukrainian people will be victorious in their day to commemorate the proud history of must stand with Ukraine as Russia continues Ukrainian patriots culminated in the righteous struggle. the Ukrainian people. this unacceptable assault on Ukraine’s sover- Declaration of Ukraine’s Independence. On Today, as we mark the anniversary of “The United States stands firmly with eignty.” August 24, 1991, Ukraine’s Parliament, Ukraine’s liberation from foreign subjuga- exercising the inviolable right of the tion, we honor the memory of the heroic Ukrainian people to self-determination, Ukrainians who have fallen in defense of LETTER TO THE EDITOR declared Ukraine an indivisible, democratic, Ukraine’s freedom. We ask God to protect independent state. Ukraine’s daughters and sons who today ing in conjunction with the UIA. Our total Today, the Ukrainian people must again valiantly defend that freedom against a Help us honor budget is $15,000. To date we have raised take up arms in defense of their country. ruthless enemy. And we pray that peace $10,300. So, the UCCLF needs your help to Russia wages a war of aggression against soon returns to Ukraine. Raphael Lemkin complete this project. Your donation of $25 Dear Editor: or more is tax-deductible. For $50 or more donors will receive a copy of Dr. Lemkin’s Sixty-five years ago Dr. Raphael Lemkin historic speech, “Soviet Genocide in the – the “father of the United Nations Ukraine” and a tax receipt. Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Genocide Convention” – described the Please go online to donate at www.ucclf. Great Famine of 1932-1933 in Soviet ca or send a check made payable to UCCLF The statement below was disseminated tions to Ukrainians throughout the Ukraine as a genocide. A plaque to be to 48 Wood Crest Close SW, Calgary, by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of world. unveiled in at the Ukrainian Alberta, Canada, T2W 3P9. America on August 24. May the Lord bless the Ukrainian people Institute of America (UIA) on September Thanks for your support. and grant them the wisdom and fortitude 20 will be the first English, Ukrainian, On this 27th anniversary of Ukraine’s to secure their sovereignty and restore Yiddish and Hebrew historical marker in Borys Sydoruk renewed independence, the Ukrainian their territorial integrity during this diffi- the world. Calgary, Alberta Congress Committee of America (UCCA), cult time for our homeland. The plaque is a project of the Ukrainian The letter writer is treasurer of the sends its warmest greetings and saluta- Slava Ukraini! Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation, work- Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 No. 35 No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 9


Star plus a three-year member of the Soccer player tapped for International Soccer League Junior All- Parma native ordained Stars. In 1964, he was named to the first university’s hall of fame USA Junior National team that played in the as Jesuit priest North America, Central America and CHICAGO – Father Andrij Hlabse, SJ, a BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – Alex Popovich Caribbean Championships in Guatemala. Ukrainian Catholic from Parma, Ohio, was (men’s soccer, class of 1969) is among the Along with his soccer prowess, Mr. ordained a Jesuit priest on July 15, follow- athletes named to the 2018 University of Popovich was a standout volleyball player, ing nearly a decade of Jesuit formation. The Bridgeport Athletics Hall of Fame Class. as he was a member of United States The announcement was made on August 3 ordination was performed according to the Volleyball Association teams that won over by University of Bridgeport Director of Byzantine Rite and took place at St. 25 USVBA and AAU titles, and he was select- Athletics Anthony Vitti. ed five times as the Most Valuable or Most Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Other members of the University of Parma. Outstanding Player in the Ukrainian Bridgeport Athletics Hall of Fame Class of Volleyball Championships of the U.S. and “Thanks, in the first place, are owed to 2018 are: Linda Velaj (women’s soccer, class Canada. Mr. Popovich also served as the God — who made me, called me and, above of 2010), Wolfgang Woischke (men’s soccer, head men’s volleyball coach at Rutgers all, sustained me with his faithful love class of 1972) and the 2013 Women’s Newark University, helping guide the team through the various stages of our lengthy Gymnastics Team. Jeff Bieder (class of 1968) to the 1978 and 1979 ECVL Championships formation,” said Father Hlabse. “God has will receive the sixth Fran Bacon Award for and berths in the NCAA Division I Final been utterly faithful to the trust I have Lifetime Achievement in Coaching and Paul Fours those same seasons. He is also a mem- placed in him walking this path on which Antinozzi will be honored with the Purple ber of the Rutgers Newark Athletics Hall of he called me.” Knight Shield of Merit Award. Fame and the inaugural class of the Father Hlabse grew up in Brecksville, Mr. Popovich helped propel the University Ukrainian Sports Museum Hall of Fame. Ohio, and his family attended St. Josaphat of Bridgeport men’s soccer team to NCAA Honorees will be recognized at a cere- in Parma and St. Basil the Great in appearances in 1966 and 1967, as he earned mony during the UB awards dinner on Brecksville. He is a graduate of St. Ignatius All-America and All-New England League Saturday, October 6, at 6 p.m. as part of the High School in Cleveland, where he first Father Andrij Hlabse, SJ. plus All-New England Coaches Team honors. During his stellar UB career, Mr. Popovich University of Bridgeport Homecoming began to discern a vocation to the priest- Sacred Theology degree from the Pontifical netted 31 goals and chipped in eight assists Weekend festivities. The ceremony will hood. He later attended the University of Gregorian University in . While in take place in the Harbor Ballroom at the Notre Dame and earned a bachelor’s for a total of 70 points which puts him sev- Rome, Father Hlabse served as director of Bridgeport Holiday Inn (1070 Main St.). degree in music performance as a jazz sax- enth on the all-time goals scored list and the choir of the International College of the The UB Athletic Hall of Fame was ophonist and in Romance languages and number 10 in all-time points. Along with his Gesù at the Church of the Gesù. formed in 1981, and this year marks the literature. He performed regularly as a pro- All-America selection in 1966, Mr. Popovich “Among the chief blessings of the Jesuit 12th year of a revitalization that began in fessional musician during college and was was awarded a Collegiate Soccer Star Award vocation is that I will spend my life helping 2006 after 15 years without a class being involved in liturgical ministries at the by Pro Soccer Magazine. others to recognize and live God’s call inducted. This year’s inductees bring the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on campus. He In 1966 and 1967, he was selected to the through sacramental ministry, intellectual total number of members to 92 individuals also assisted with liturgical music at Notre U.S.A. and Canada Ukrainian All-Star Teams research, and spiritual direction,” said that played against Scottish side Dundee and six teams. For ticket information for Dame’s Log Chapel. Father Hlabse. “Thanks be to God that I am United, the Lithuanian Selects, the Canadian the October 6 University of Bridgeport In 2006, Father Hlabse returned to St. blessed not only to live this call myself but National League All-Stars, plus the Azores Awards Dinner, readers may call 203-576- Ignatius as part of the Alumni Discernment to help others do the same.” All-Stars of . Against the Azores All- 4151, or log on to https://homecoming. and Volunteer Program, working in Following his ordination, Father Hlabse Stars, Mr. Popovich netted three goals. Prior Christian service, campus ministry, and the returned to Rome to begin a licentiate in to arriving in the Park City, Popovich was a Source: University of Bridgeport Purple jazz and liturgical music programs. The patristic theology at the Pontifical Oriental three-time New York City High School All- Knights next year, he entered the Society of Jesus as a novice. Institute. Father Hlabse is one of five “My heartfelt thanks go to my family, my Midwest Jesuits to be ordained in 2018 and first teachers in the faith, and to my Jesuit one of 27 from the Jesuit Conference of formators who helped me to learn the Canada and the United States. Jesuit way of life,” said Father Hlabse. “I also The Society of Jesus, also known as the give thanks to our benefactors who made Jesuits, is a religious order of priests and possible the various studies and experienc- brothers in the Roman Catholic Church. For es that will enable me to live my priesthood more than 475 years, the Jesuits have in a truly Jesuit way.” served in the spirit of St. Ignatius Loyola, Those various studies and experiences who founded the order in 1540. Jesuits included two years in the novitiate in serve throughout the United States and the Berkeley, Mich., a master’s degree in philo- world, in educational institutions, parishes, sophical resources from Fordham retreat centers, social justice ministries, University in the Bronx, three years teach- international ministries and intellectual ing Spanish and religion at St. Ignatius apostolates. College Prep in Chicago, and a Bachelor of Source: Jesuits USA Midwest Province

“Notes on people” is a feature geared toward reporting on the achievements of mem- bers of the Ukrainian community. All submissions should be concise due to space University of Bridgeport limitations. Items will be published as soon as possible after their receipt. Alex Popovich in action in 1966 during a game between the University of Bridgeport and Long Island University. Ph.D. program students from Ukraine take up residence at Sheptytsky Institute by Mark Stoiko will be joined by his wife, Svitlana, and chil- dren Luka and Yustyna, who will be residing TORONTO – In September, Anatolii with him in Windle House, the new home of Babinskii and Maria Ivaniv will be taking up the Sheptytsky Institute. residence in the Sheptytsky Institute in pur- Mr. Babinskii, whose dissertation on the suit of their Ph.D. programs. Ukrainian Patriarchal Movement will be defend- Mr. Babinskii of the Ukrainian Catholic ed at the Ukrainian Catholic University, will be a University in Lviv has received a generous research fellow at the institute as he works in research grant from the Catholic Near East several North American archives. Welfare Association. He is the former editor Ms. Ivaniv is a graduate of the University of of Patriarkhat magazine, as well as the mag- Leuven in and a lecturer at the azine published by the Religious Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. She has Information Service of Ukraine. He has been granted a full tuition scholarship for the served as vice-president at Unum Omnes, an Anatolii Babinskii and family. international Catholic lay organization. He (Continued on page 13) Maria Ivaniv 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 No. 35 No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 11

Discover Your Heritage Camp held at Soyuzivka

KERHONKSON, N.Y. – Discover Your Heritage Camp was held at Soyuzivka on July 15-21, with 38 campers age 8-15 from Canada and the United States participating. The U.S. campers hailed from California, Connecticut, , Massachusetts, and New York. This well-supervised sleepover camp is filled with Ukrainian traditions, crafts, music, hiking, swimming, sports, games and bonfires. This year’s cul- tural theme was traditions of the Ukrainian Christmas cycle, starting with St. Andrew’s Eve and the feast day of St. Nicholas, and moving on to Christmas Eve, Christmas and the New Year, or Malanka. Comprising the camp staff this year were: Director Sandy Beck Lemekha, Assistant Vlodko Lemekha, and Counselors Ivanna Grynyk, Alexandra Lemekha, Patrick Monks and Arman Skulsky. Stefan Goy was the junior counselor, and Amber D’Avignon, Valentina Tomoshosky and Ryan Zommers were counselors-in-training. A key part of the program, Ukrainian traditions and arts and crafts, was taught by Tania Mychajlyshyn D’Avignon and Larissa D’Avignon. Seen on this page are photos from the camp taken by Tania Mychajlyshyn D’Avignon. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 No. 35

Diving Oleksandr Venher (66 kg). Bronze medalists 4 KO) won by second-round TKO against Chess were: Vitali Bubon (100 kg), Volodymyr Arman Ashimov (8-3, 6 KO) of Kazakhstan ver in the mixed 3-meter and 10-meter Ivanenko (+100 kg), Oleksii Ovarchenko on May 24 at M-1 Arena in St. Petersburg, player from Ukraine, made headlines dur- team• Sofiia dive Lyskunat the FINA and OlegDiving Kolodiy World won Cup sil-on (+100 kg), Sergii Sinilov (73 kg) and Russia. The fight was stopped in the second ing• theRoman Mukachevo Kovalskyi, Summer 11, a young 2018 chessBlitz June 5-10 in Wuhan, . Ievgenii Suprun (90 kg). The tournament round in a bout that was scheduled for five tournament in Ukraine on August 7. attracted more than 1,000 athletes from 35 rounds. Kovalskyi attempted to explain to his countries. Shelestyuk won silver in the mixed 3-meter Athletics Russian opponent, in English, that he did synchronized• Stanislav springboard Oliferchyk dive andat the Diana FINA not understand Russian after being asked Diving Grand Prix on May 10-13 in Calgary, the Senior European Judo Cup on June 9-10 his chess rating. The Russian player was • Danylo Hutsol (100 kg) won silver at Alberta. Sofia Lyskun and Valeriia Liulko in Belgrade, Serbia. The tournament with a distance of 55.95 confused, and a Moldovan player explained finished in fourth place in the women’s attracted 261 athletes from 34 countries. meters• Alina as Shukh part ofwon the gold heptathlon in the women’s at the to the Russian that the Ukrainian player did 10-meter platform synchronized dive. IAAF World U-20 Championships in not understand Russian. The Ukrainian has place in the men’s division at the Junior Tampere, , on July 10-15. a rating of 1618 in standard play, 1613 in • Dilshot Khalmatov (55 kg) won fifth Dolhov won silver in the men’s 10-meter European Judo Cup in Leibnitz, Austria, on rapid and 1623 in blitz, according to the platform• Oleksandr synchronized Horshkovozov dive, and and Oleksandr Maksym June 2-3. The tournament attracted 580 women’s (4.45 meters) at the International Chess Federation (FIDE). Gorshkov and Oleg Kolodiy won bronze in athletes from 39 countries. IAAF• Maryna Diamond Kylypko League won Bauhaus-Galan bronze in the the men’s 3-meter springboard synchro- meeting on June 10 in Stockholm, Sweden. European Youth Rapid and Blitz nized dive at the FINA Diving World Series thanks to Yelyzaveta Kalanina (+78 kg) and Yuliya Levchenko finished in fourth place in Championship• Kamila Hryshchenko, in Oradea, Romania,age 16, won on Julythe in , Russia, on May 4-6. Maryna• Ukraine Cherniak won (48 two kg) bronze– at the medalsEuropean – the women’s (1.94 meters). 31 to August 5. The competition attracted Judo Championships in Tel Aviv, Israel, on players from Romania, Poland, Estonia, Judo April 25-28. The competition attracted 368 women’s 400-meter hurdles (55.98 sec- Slovakia, Ukraine, Austria and other athletes from 44 countries. onds)• Viktoria at the Seiko Tkachuk Golden won Grand silver Prix inOsaka the European countries, and was divided by age: 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, and 8 and under. Kateryna Sablieva (44 kg) won gold at the 2018 on May 20 in , . Maryna Junior• Dilshot Judo European Khalmatov Cup in (55 Cluj kg) Napoca, and Oleh Veredyba (55 kg) won bronze medals Kylypko finished in fifth place in the wom- • Ukraine’s Artem Bubyr (73 kg) and European Championships Hungary, on August 11-12. Yevhen Vehera at the Cadet European Judo Cup in Teplice, en’s pole vault (4.41 meters). the Czech republic, on April 21-22. The (100 kg) and Anastasiya Antipina (63 kg) Gymnastics won silver medals, and bronze medalists tournament attracted 706 athletes (392 medals table standings with eight gold, 13 included Oleksii Babenko (90 kg), Stanislav men and 314 women) from 37 countries. silver• Ukraine and five finished bronze in medals eighth (26place total) in the at 2018 Rhythmic Gymnastics European the 2018 European Championships in Gunchenko (81 kg), Aslan Kurazov (100 kg), Hockey Giorgi Tchokhonelidze (66 kg), Dmytro Championships• Ukraine’s team on Junewon 1-3second in Guadalajara, place at the and on August 2-12. The Tsiukh (81 kg), Vadim Velkov (90 kg), Hanna . In the team events, Ukraine’s junior athletics portion was held in Berlin, while Antylykalo (70 kg), Khrystyna Ianchuk (52 first place out of six teams at the IIHF U-18 individuals, Khrystyna Pohranychna and the remaining sports competed in Glasgow, kg), Daryna Liashuk (48 kg), Vladyslava World• Ukraine’s Championship ice hockey (Division team I,finished Group B)in Viktoriia Onopriienko won silver; in the Scotland. Maryan Zakalnytskyy won gold in Netsvit (57 kg) and Anastasiia Vrublevksa in Kyiv on April 20. After five matches senior group, Anastasiya Voznyak, Valeriya the men’s 50-kilometer race-walk in Berlin. (52 kg). Ukraine finished in third place in the played, Ukraine went 4-1, with 12 points, Yuzviak, Valeriya Khanina, Daria Kobets, This was the first medal in the 50-kilome- ter race-walk for Ukraine. Serhii Nykyforov medals standings (two gold, two silver and with a goal differential of 10, 18 goals for Alina Bykhno and Diana Myzherytska also won bronze in the men’s ; 11 bronze). The tournament attracted 230 and eight against. Other teams included won silver. In the junior finals, Pohranychna Nataliya Pryshchepa and Olha Lyakhova athletes from 21 countries. Austria, Hungary, , Japan and Romania. won silver medals in ball and ribbon, bronze Olexander Peresunko was voted best for- in hoop, and finished in fourth place in clubs. won gold and bronze, respectively, in the women’s 800-meter race; the Judo Grand Prix in Budapest on August ward and Dmytro Danylenko was named In the senior division, Ukraine won silver in won silver in the women’s 400-meter hur- 11-12.• Bogdan Iadov (66 kg) won bronze at best player for Ukraine as selected by coach- the five hoops event, finished in fourth place es. Best players of each game were: Dmytro in the group all-around and fifth place in the dles; Maryna Bekh won silver in the wom- Khalin, Peresunko, Hlib Krivoshapkin, and three balls and two ropes. Ukraine finished en’s long jump; and Alina Tsviliy won silver women’s division at the Judo Grand Prix in in the women’s 50-kilometer race-walk. Zagreb,• Daria Croatia, Bilodid on(48 Julykg) won28-29. gold Georgii in the goalkeepers Artur Ohandzhanyan and in fourth place in the medal standings with Vladislav Hurko. four silver and one bronze. Ukraine’s synchronized swimming team Zantaraia (66 kg) won silver, and Yakiv won gold in the combination free team Khammo (+100 kg) and Yelyzaveta Kalanina Fencing Swimming event and won silver in the women’s team (+78 kg) won bronze. In the medal stand- technical routine in synchronized swim- ings, Ukraine finished in seventh place out ming. Yelyzaveta Yakhno won silver in the both of Ukraine, tied for bronze in the men’s record in men’s 50-meter butterfly with a of 78 countries. solo technical routine and bronze in the épée• Bogdan event at Nikishin the World and Championships Roman Svichkar, in time• Andriy of 22.27 Govorov seconds shattered at the Settethe world Colli solo free routine, Anasasiya Savchuk and Wuxi, China, on July 20-27. Trophy in Rome on June 29-30. The previ- Junior European Judo Cup in Prague on July Yakhno won silver in the duet free routine, ous record of 22.43 seconds was held by 21-22.• Anna The Surova tournament (57 kg) attracted won bronze 430 at ath- the and Savchuk and Yakhno won silver in the of Germany tied for third place in the men’s Rafael Munoz of Spain, who holds five of letes from 39 countries. duet technical routine. Ukraine won silver • Bogdan Nikishin and Richard Schmidt épée at the European Championships in the top-10 times in men’s 50-meter butter- in the team free routine and silver in the place with three medals (two gold and one Novi Sad, Serbia, on June 17-21. Ukraine’s fly. Govorov holds three of the top times. team technical routine. In swimming, • Ukraine’s junior team finished in third women’s saber team won silver. silver) at the Junior European Judo Cup in Canoeing Andriy Govorov won gold in the men’s Gdynia, Poland, on July 7-8. Hievorh 50-meter butterfly, setting a championship Manukian (73 kg) and Kateryna Sablieva saber at the World Cup event in Tunis, record of 22.48 seconds – the fourth fastest (44 kg) won gold, and Danylo Khlopetsky Tunisia,• Olga on Kharlan June 1. won silver in women’s medal in the junior division and two gold, of all time. Mykhailo Romanchuk won gold (66 kg) won silver. The tournament attract- one• silverUkraine and won three two bronze gold andin the one U23 bronze divi- medals in the men’s 400-meter freestyle ed 304 athletes from 21 countries. saber event at the team tournament in sion at the European Canoe Association and the 800-meter freestyle, and silver in Antalya,• Olga Turkey, Kharlan on won May gold 27. Olenain the Voroninawomen’s Canoe Junior and U23 European the men’s 1,500-meter freestyle. Ukraine’s the European Cadet Judo Championships in won bronze in the same event. Championship in Auronzo, Italy, on June 28 mixed diving team (Oleh Kolodiy and Sofiya Sarajevo,• Oleh BosniaVerydyba and (55 Herzegovina, kg) won bronze on July at through July 1. In the junior division: Lyskun) won gold in the team event, and 1. In the teams division, Ukraine tied with at the SNCF Reseau Challenge in on Dmytro Ozymok, Pavlo Semeniuk, Viktoriya Kesar and Stanislav Oliferchyk Germany for seventh place out of 15 teams. May• Ukraine’s13. Ukraine men’s won épée 38-36 team against won bronze Israel. Oleksandr Yatsiuk and Illia Sharhorodskyi won bronze in the mixed three-meter syn- Bogdan Nikishin won silver in the men’s won gold in the men’s C4 500-meter race chronized springboard event. Roman silver and four bronze) and finished in fifth individual épée event. (1:35.668 seconds); Ozymok won gold in Gladysh won gold in the men’s cycling place• Ukraine at the wonEuropean six medals Judo (one Cup gold,in Celje, one the C1 men’s 200-meter race (41.491 sec- scratch race, Liubov Basova and Olena Poland, on June 23-24. Daria Bilodid (48 Mixed martial arts onds); and Yurii Zub won bronze in the Starikova won silver in the team sprint, and kg) won gold, Danylo Hutsol (100 kg) won men’s K1 200-meter race (37.205 seconds). Starikova won silver in the women’s 500- silver, and Oleksandr Mindyla (100 kg), 8 KO) won by unanimous decision after In the U23: Liudmyla Luzan won gold in the meter time trial. In rowing, Ukraine’s wom- Vasylyna Kyrychenko (+78 kg), Maria Buiok three• Welterweight rounds against Yaroslav Gerald Amosov Harris (25-7,(20-0, C1 women’s 500-meter race (2:13.619 sec- en’s team (Daryna Verkhohliad, Olena (52 kg) and Anastasiia Sapsai (+78 kg) won 11 KO) of the U.S.A. on July 13 at WinStar onds); Oleh Kukharyk won gold in the K1 Buryak, Anastassia Kozhenkova and bronze medals. The tournament attracted World Casino in Thackerville, Okla. men’s 500-meter race (1:39.373 seconds); Ievgeniia Dovhodko) won silver in the W4x 314 athletes from 25 countries. Taras Mazovskyi and Denys Filatov won sil- race, Diana Dymchenko won bronze in the won by second-round submission against ver in the C2 men’s 500-meter race W1x race. five bronze medals to finish in sixth place at Abubakar• Welterweight Nurmagomedov Pavel Kusch (14-2, (23-5, 7 KO) 3 KO) of (1:42.645 seconds); Oleh Kokharyk won the• VeteranUkraine European won four Judogold, Championships four silver and Russia on July 5 at the Charles E. Smith bronze in the men’s K1 1,000-meter sprint Skydiving in Glasgow, Scotland, on June 16-17. Center in Washington. (3:33.893 seconds); Liudmyla Luzan and Winning gold were: Larysa Masenko (70 Anastasiia Chetverikova won bronze in the world record for a synchronized skydive in kg), Sergiy Salaban (90 kg), Illya Chymchyuri KO) won by split decision after five rounds women’s C2 500-meter race (2:01.038 sec- Ukraine.• Fifty-seven Three planes women brought have the set divers a new to (90 kg) and Nugzar Mesablishvili (90 kg). against• Middleweight Wagner Silva Sergey (6-4, Guzev2 KO) of(19-3, 3 onds); Dmytro Danylenko, Dmytro the point where, during 90 seconds of free Silver medal winners were: Kostiantyn on June 16 in Kyiv at the WWFC Kostychen, Daniil Kusmin and Denys fall, the skydivers changed formations three Ananchenko (81 kg), Mykhailo Koshliak Championship. Lakhmanov won bronze in the men’s K4 times. The previous record was set in the (100 kg), Denys Stetsenko (90 kg) and 500-meter race (1:21.548 seconds). and included 56 women.

• Flyweight Aleksander Doskalchuk (9-1, No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 13

Soviet landing rights in other countries. world an apology and an offer to join the Turning... Coordinated action, he said, would create a rest of the world in working out a system to Ph.D. program... much bigger impact in Moscow. protect against this ever happening again.” (Continued from page 6) (Continued from page 9) Among the 269 victims of the tragedy The U.S. called on the International Civil Paul Yuzyk, urged the Canadian govern- were several Canadian citizens, which Aviation Organization (ICAO) to investigate Ph.D. program by the Faculty of Theology ment to “immediately suspend all commer- prompted the move. Aeroflot had flights the Soviet action and reaffirm previous of the University of St. Michael’s College, cial air travel with the USSR and… demand arriving in Mirabel Airport in Montreal American denial of landing rights for and will take up residence at the a full inquiry into this most tragic event.” twice daily at the time, and was forced to Aeroflot, and expand those efforts to achieve Sheptytsky Institute. The Ukrainian On September 7, the UCC urged the have planes land in Mexico City and . worldwide curbs on Aeroflot’s landing rights. Catholic Women’s League will also con- Canadian government to extend the air trav- Additional measures included an idea to The Soviets attempted to suppress the tribute to this cause. el suspension for an indefinite period, not- suspend plans to sign an agreement that evidence sought by the ICAO, and the flight Ms. Ivaniv’s research will focus on the ing that the 60-day period was an insuffi- would have allowed Aeroflot flights to refu- recorders were recovered by the Soviets participation of the Ukrainian Church at cient response for such a brutal act. “People el at Gander airport in Newfoundland. but were not released until eight years after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). are indignant for a year and then they say Eugene Bozbnyakov, the Soviet Embassy the incident, following the collapse of the Established in 1986, the Metropolitan ‘let’s forget about it,’ ” said A. J. Yaremovich, press attaché, brushed off the sanctions, Soviet Union. Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies (MASI) is an institution of executive director of the UCC, adding that claiming that the measures would hurt This year, the U.S. has announced sanc- higher learning. Last year it became an aca- the air travel ban should be in effect until those who imposed them rather than the tions that are set to go into effect in demic unit of the Faculty of Theology of the the Soviets make a “definite admittance” to intended target. However, no retaliatory November that would bar Aeroflot flights University of St. Michael’s College. The fac- their actions. Mr. Yaremovich said he would from landing in the U.S. The sanctions are actions were announced by the Soviets. ulty is a member of the Toronto School of urge the Canadian government to seek The Ukrainian National Association sent part of the U.S. response to Russia’s use of a international action aimed at restricting Theology, the world’s ninth-ranked theo- a telegram to U.S. President Ronald Reagan Novichok nerve agent against former logical institution. in the aftermath of the tragedy. “Mr. Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter The institute is a center of higher learn- President… we grieve for the loss of Yulia in Salisbury, England, in March. ing, research, ecumenical understanding Congressman Larry MacDonald (D-Ga.). We and prayer, offering accredited undergrad- Walesa nominates... urge you to use the power of your office to Sources: “Ottawa bars Aeroflot flights; uate and graduate degree programs in (Continued from page 1) put a stop to the Soviet violations of inter- Ukrainians urge more sanctions,” by Eastern Christian Studies to men and national rules of behavior.” Mykhailo Bociurkiw, and “UNA reacts to jet- women, laity, religious and clergy. For more encouraging him to continue his peaceful President Reagan stated in a speech on liner downing,” The Ukrainian Weekly, information, readers may visit sheptytsky- struggle,” he explained. September 5: “They [the Soviets] owe the September 11, 1983. A filmmaker who was a vocal opponent of Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, Mr. Sentsov was arrested in Crimea that year and convicted the following year by a Russian court of planning to commit ter- rorist acts. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison. His plight has drawn international sup- port and calls from Western governments for him to be released. He has been on hunger strike in a remote Russian prison since May 14. Mr. Walesa, who was awarded the Peace Prize in 1983, said he would tell Mr. Sentsov that “you are on the right side.” “It is good that there are people like you. It gives us hope that the world will improve – so, persevere, no matter what wrongs meet you, persevere, because you give the world an example of the right way to fight,” Mr. Walesa said. Mr. Walesa also noted the West was not doing enough to help defend Ukraine’s sov- ereignty against Russia. “Europe and the world are lacking in solidarity. We did not have plans for these times. This disunity, this discord in Europe and in the world, all this causes us to not address issues such as Ukraine,” he stated. The Norwegian Nobel Committee each year receives several hundred nominations for the Peace Prize. Generally, the names of nominees are not released to the public for 50 years after their submission. Copyright 2018, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036; (see people-like-you-walesa-nominates-sentsov- for-nobel-peace-prize/29460211.html).

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reported on August 23 that the court in Rada, Parliament Chairman Andriy Parubiy wartime activities and postwar immigra- NEWSBRIEFS Strasbourg has given Russia until September believes. “I have no doubt that this autumn tion fraud.” The 95-year-old Mr. Palij is not 5 to provide information about the men’s and, in the end, next year, the Verkhovna facing charges, but prosecutors are looking (Continued from page 2) state of health and what medical treatment Rada will work consistently and effectively,” for more evidence that would justify crimi- May. He is demanding that Russia release 64 they are receiving. It asks whether particu- the speaker said, asked whether the nal proceedings, reported The Washington Ukrainian citizens that he considers political lar prisoners have declared a hunger strike Verkhovna Rada will be able to work effec- Post. Mr. Palij has denied participating in prisoners. Russian authorities have refused and, if so, what measures are being taken in tively in the period of election campaigns. any killings and has said that he merely to free Mr. Sentsov, despite reports of a dra- connection with this. Mr. Lishchyna writes Mr. Parubiy noted that during the current guarded bridges and rivers. He said that the matic decline in his health and pressure from that ECHR is thus breaking through the convocation of the Verkhovna Rada, he, as a SS forced him to work as a guard, threaten- Western governments and human rights information vacuum that Russia has created speaker, was repeatedly persuaded that the ing to kill him and his family. Mr. Palij, for- groups, which have backed the film director’s around the state of health of Ukrainians Parliament would not work effectively, but merly of , N.Y., was taken to a nurs- contention that the charges against him were whom it is illegally holding prisoner. There such forecasts were not confirmed. ing home in Dusseldorf. (U.S. Department politically motivated. The Russian Foreign are particularly grave concerns about the Speaking about plans for the forthcoming of State, The Washington Post, The New Affairs Ministry also said that Mr. Lavrov in health of Messrs. Balukh and Klykh who session, the chairman said he would pay York Times) the phone call with Mr. Pompeo demanded have been on hunger strikes. (Kharkiv special attention to the issue of national that the United States end the prosecution Human Rights Protection Group) security and defense. He noted that the law Bloodiest day in months in the Donbas and “immediately” release Russian citizen President on bringing Russia to justice on national security passed earlier by the Five Ukrainian soldiers have been killed Maria Butina, who is being held on charges Rada is a framework act, and it requires and seven others wounded in clashes with of acting as an agent for Moscow. She has Ukraine’s Presidential Administration adoption of implementing legislative acts. Russia-backed militants in eastern Ukraine. pleaded not guilty to the charges, which reported, that during a meeting with heads According to Mr. Parubiy, by October it is The Ukrainian Defense Ministry on August include attempting to infiltrate political of foreign diplomatic institutions, President necessary to solve personnel issues at the 23 said the casualties represented the big- groups such as the powerful National Rifle Petro Poroshenko emphasized that Central Election Commission and consider gest loss of life among soldiers in months. Association, to advance Russian interests Ukrainian diplomats had made tangible the draft Electoral Code. (Interfax-Ukraine) Ukrainian officials said four of the soldiers results in recent years in bringing Russia to while reporting back to a high-ranking offi- were killed in a five-hour-long battle that international legal responsibility. “Due to the Freeland cancels visit to Ukraine cial in Moscow. Mr. Lavrov also told Mr. broke out after separatists began firing calibrated measures, practically all influen- Pompeo that Washington’s “destructive” Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister mortar shells at government troops in the approach to ties with Moscow is responsible tial international organizations and alliances Chrystia Freeland, who planned to visit eastern Luhansk region. However, the sepa- for impeding bilateral cooperation. Relations recorded the act of aggression of Russia Ukraine on August 27-29, has cancelled her ratists said they were responding to attacks between Moscow and Washington have sunk against Ukraine,” Mr. Poroshenko said. “The visit over urgent talks, Ukrainian Foreign by government troops. The AFP news agen- to a post-Cold War low over issues including status of Russia as an aggressor state is also Affairs Minister Pavlo Klimkin said. “It’s cy quoted Defense Ministry spokesman Russia’s seizure of Crimea in March 2014, its enshrined in Ukrainian legislation,” he really a pity that Chrystia Freeland has post- Dmytro Gutsulyak as saying that a fifth sol- role in wars in Syria and eastern Ukraine, added. The Ukrainian president continued: poned her visit because of the need for dier was killed in artillery fire elsewhere in and its alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. “I insist on the earliest possible creation of a urgent negotiations. Good luck to you @ the conflict zone. Ukrainian President Petro presidential election. (RFE/RL, with report- coordinating body for the formation of a cafreeland and see you soon!” the Ukrainian Poroshenko on August 23 said Ukrainian ing by AFP and DPA) consolidated claim of Ukraine to Russia for minister wrote on Twitter on August 28. the reimbursement of losses, as envisaged in troops were attacked with high-caliber artil- Canada’s Ambassador to Ukraine Roman European Court of Human Rights responds my law [‘On the Peculiarities of State Policy lery. “The Russians... are trying to attack the Vashchuk said that Ms. Freeland canceled on Ensuring the State Sovereignty of positions of our troops, violating the cease- The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection her visits to Kyiv and Paris over the talks in Ukraine in the Temporarily Occupied fire,” he said. Mr. Poroshenko also apolo- Group (KHPG) reported that the European the United States about the North American Territories in Donetsk and Luhansk Region’] gized to the country for a promise he made Court of Human Rights has responded swift- Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). “Over the adopted by the Verkhovna Rada.” He empha- in 2014 that he would be able to quickly end ly to Ukraine’s request for urgent measures urgent events and talks about #NAFTA, sized that concrete practical results of the the conflict in the Luhansk and Donetsk under Rule 39 regarding the state of health Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland post- implementation of this law had already regions. “People perceived it as an opportu- of four Ukrainian political prisoners: pones visits to Kyiv and Paris and will travel been seen by diplomats during their recent nity to end the war quickly,” he said. “I am Volodymyr Balukh; Stanislav Klykh; Emir- to Washington,” the ambassador wrote on visit to the Donbas. (Ukrainian Canadian sorry to have created inflated expectations. I Usein Kuku and Serhiy Lytvynov. The move Twitter. During her visit to Ukraine it was is very welcome, however the number of Congress Daily Briefing) sincerely apologize for giving you hope that planned that Minister Freeland would meet political prisoners, especially in occupied has not come true.” (RFE/RL, with reporting Parubiy: Campaign won’t hinder Rada’s work with the leadership of the state and the Crimea, whose very life Russia is jeopardiz- by AP, DPA, BBC and AFP) heads of several ministries, and would par- ing is much higher, KHPG noted. Ivan Presidential and parliamentary election ticipate in the 13th plenary meeting of Two more Ukrainian soldiers killed Lishchyna, Ukraine’s representative to the campaigns in Ukraine will not interfere heads of foreign diplomatic institutions of European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), with the effective work of the Verkhovna Ukraine says two of its soldiers were Ukraine. (Interfax-Ukraine) killed and six others wounded in clashes Germany accepts transfer of Jakiw Palij with Russia-backed militants in the coun- try’s east. The Defense Ministry said on U.S. State Department spokesperson August 27 that the fighting also left three Heather Nauert said on August 21: “The separatists dead and seven wounded. The United States expresses its deep apprecia- separatists violated a ceasefire 23 times TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 tion to the Federal Republic of Germany for or e-mail [email protected] during the previous 24 hours, firing artil- re-admitting former Nazi slave- lery, machine guns, grenade launchers, and guard Jakiw Palij, who was removed from mortars, a statement said. Meanwhile, the SERVICES PROFESSIONALS the United States on August 20.” She went militants claimed that Ukrainian govern- on to note: “During World War II, Palij ment forces violated the ceasefire at least served as an armed guard at the once, using mortars and heavy machine- slave-labor camp for in Nazi-occupied guns. Since April 2014, more than 10,300 Poland. He concealed his Nazi service when people have been killed in fighting between he immigrated to the United States from Kyiv’s forces and the separatists who con- Germany in 1949. A federal court stripped trol parts of Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk Palij of his citizenship in 2003 and a U.S. regions. Ceasefire deals announced as part immigration judge ordered him removed from the United States in 2004 based on his (Continued on page 15)


Director of Operations Position available. Nova UA Federal Credit Union located in Clifton, NJ, is seeking a Director of Operations position candidate. Dynamic and energetic individual will be responsible for the direction of the planning, organization, and implementation of Credit Union’s OPPORTUNITIES operations and business development activities. Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Management or related discipline, eight Earn extra income! years of nancial institution experience, and ve years of experience as The Ukrainian Weekly is looking a regional or equivalent multi-branch management required. for advertising sales agents. Full job description is available upon request. For additional information contact Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, Please submit a resume to [email protected] The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 15

“I’m not going to put up with this. I firm- Kyiv severs... ly believe that the current situation is cate- gorically unacceptable,” Mr. Poroshenko (Continued from page 1) said of the encroaching Russian blockade at that additional “implementation laws” are a gathering of Ukrainian diplomats in Kyiv needed, including one on the Security on August 28. Service of Ukraine (SBU), which foresees He continued: “The illegal and insidious establishing a separate parliamentary com- actions of Moscow in this region should not mittee on intelligence. and will not remain unpunished… without Mr. Parubiy expects next year’s budget to an adequate international response. And be submitted for consideration by here I need your help.” September 15, and in October, Parliament Army and naval exercises, titled “Storm needs to legally appoint new members to 18,” ensued on August 29 in the Azov Sea. the Central Election Commission, as well as They were meant to train for a possible adopt an election code. Russian invasion of the Azov Sea coastline Election watchdogs have urged eliminat- where Donetsk Oblast’s second largest city, ing single-mandate election districts for Mariupol, is located. Parliament through which half the 450 legis- Naval Forces of Ukraine Ukraine lost control of territory further northeast and east of the port city due to lative seats get allocated. Groups like Opora Ukraine’s naval forces on August 29 take part in “Storm 18” exercises in the Azov Sea intense cross-border shelling from Russia and Committee of Voters of Ukraine say that designed to protect the country’s maritime territory and prevent Russia from enforc- vote-buying is prevalent in those districts. ing a blockade and arbitrarily detaining vessels passing through. in the summer of 2014. The same hap- They’ve also called for having election lists pened in the border areas of Luhansk through the proportional voting system be means that gas tariffs need to be raised by ing $1.5 billion, he added. Oblast. This allowed regular Russian army made open to the public – currently only the more than 40 percent whereas they have As of August 1, Ukraine’s public debt and armored units to invade and prevent first five candidates are listed. stayed flat since the second quarter of stood at $76 billion, or 62 percent of the Kyiv’s counteroffensive to liberate more Mr. Parubiy noted that over 4,000 “cor- 2016, according to BNP Paribas bank ana- country’s yearly estimated economic out- occupied territory in the Donbas war. rections” or amendments need to be made lyst Maksym Burinski. Moreover, in an put, according to Dragon Capital estimates As a result, Russian units encircled to the existing election code. August 29 resolution, the Cabinet of in Kyiv. “Overall, as the government faces Ukrainian army and volunteer forces after More laws need to be adopted to imple- Ministers extended the rate freeze through another $4.4 billion of external debt repay- August 24, 2014, in the city of Ilovaisk, 160 ment existing bilateral treaties and agree- September. ments in 2019, support from official donors kilometers northeast of Mariupol. More ments with the 28-nation EU – the world’s “Naturally, the government isn’t going to remains crucial,” Dragon Capital said in a than 360 Ukrainian servicemen were killed second largest economy, the speaker of raise gas prices during an election cam- note to investors on August 29. after they were fired upon while retreating paign,” said Alexander Paraschiy of Kyiv- – despite safe passage that was brokered Parliament added. Severing Russian ties based Concorde Capital. “A successful deal with Russian officers. More than 150 ser- Jumpstarting IMF lending with the IMF in the near term is virtually Mr. Poroshenko asked the Foreign vicemen remain missing. A mission by the Washington-based the only choice for Ukraine to solve its Affairs Ministry this week for the necessary Known as the Ilovaisk slaughter, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is mounting foreign currency liquidity trou- documents to cancel the 1997 Treaty on tragic event was commemorated on August scheduled to visit Kyiv on September 6-19. ble, so we are confident the government Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership 29 in Kyiv when activists erected 366 cross- It will provide an assessment on whether will find some way – no matter how unpop- with Russia. es in front of the Russian Embassy. The bat- to re-new funding and provide an install- ular – to secure the needed funds.” He also instructed the ministry to pro- tle of Ilovaisk led to the first of two Donbas ment of $1.9 billion as part of a $17 billion Still, Kyiv expects to receive the IMF vide a proposal for Kyiv to protect its terri- war truces that have never taken hold. program that has stalled because Kyiv has tranche by the end of autumn, the deputy torial waters in the Azov Sea, where Russia More than 10,300 people have been failed to meet lending benchmarks, most head of the National Bank of Ukraine, Oleh has increasingly detained and arbitrarily killed in the Kremlin-instigated war and at notably, to keep household natural gas pric- Churiy, said on August 28. This would inspected commercial ships coming to and least 1.6 million are displaced – the largest es at cost-recovery levels. unlock further lending from the World leaving the ports of Mariupol and internally displaced population on the The politically unpopular measure Bank and the European Commission total- Berdiansk. European continent since World War II.

The activist, Olha Pavlenko, told RFE/RL on NEWSBRIEFS August 29 that agents from Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) confiscated her Дирекція Школи Українознавства (Continued from page 14) mobile phone, flash-memory cards and при ОУА „Самопоміч“ в Ню-Йорку of the Minsk accords – September 2014 and notebooks that contained poems. Ms. February 2015 pacts aimed at resolving the Pavlenko, a member of the Ukrainian подає до відома, що conflict – have failed to hold. A new cease- Cultural Center in Crimea, said the search fire agreement was reached in late 2017 of her home in Crimea’s capital, and was meant to begin on December 23, Symferopol, lasted three hours. “After my НАВЧАННЯ but both sides have accused each other of lawyer arrived, I allowed [the FSB officers] В НОВОМУ ШКІЛЬНОМУ 2018/2019 РОЦІ repeated violations since then. (RFE/RL, to enter and they showed me a warrant with reporting by TASS) saying that I am suspected of having ties розпочнеться with terrorist organizations based in UWC leader at Ukrainian schools forum Ukraine proper,” Ms. Pavlenko related. She в суботу, 15 вересня 2018 року added that she was ordered to go to the On August 17, Ukrainian World Congress за адресою (UWC) President Eugene Czolij addressed Investigative Committee for questioning the participants and guests at the First and that she will discuss with her lawyers 215 Схід 6-та вулиця, Ню-Йорк, Н.Й. World Forum on Ukrainian Saturday and when to report. There was no confirmation Sunday School Studies, which began that of the search by authorities. The Ukrainian Culture Center in Crimea is a group pro- Збір учнів у клясах о 9:00 год. ранку. day in Lviv. In his address, Mr. Czolij noted moting Ukrainian culture and language in that the UWC has the honor of being a co- the region. Its activists have been under organizer of the forum and pointed out that Перший Дзвоник відбудеться після Літургії pressure since Russia annexed the peninsu- this event represents another stage in a в церкві св. Юра і триватиме до 12:00 год. дня. la in 2014. One of the center’s leaders, long-lasting process of productive coopera- Leonid Kuzmin, fled Crimea in 2017 after Вписи нових учнів від 1-ої до 11-ої кляс та передшкілля tion between the UWC and the Lviv he received threats from unknown people Polytechnic National University, as well as and was pressured by police. Russia has відбудеться після Першого Дзвоника. its International Institute of Education, prosecuted and imprisoned several Culture and Diaspora Relations, with which Ukrainians on what rights activists say are При школі існує СВІТЛИЧКА the UWC signed a Memorandum of trumped up, politically motivated charges Cooperation two years ago. “Ukrainian edu- since Moscow seized the Black Sea region. Дитина мусить мати закінчених 3-ох рочків cation is one of the most important factors In March 2017, the European Parliament до 31 грудня 2018 року. for preserving the identity of Ukrainians called on Russia to free more than 30 abroad. This is why the Ukrainian World Ukrainian citizens who were in prison or Congress and its International Educational subject to other conditions of restricted Детальнішу інформацію Coordinating Council got involved in this freedom in Russia, Crimea and parts of Forum, which will raise the development of eastern Ukraine that are controlled by можна отримати на нашій Ukrainian Saturday and Sunday schools to a Russia-backed militants. Russia seized інтернет-сторінці: new level,” said the UWC president. (UWC) Crimea after Ukrainian President Viktor Agents search activist’s home in Crimea Yanukovych was pushed from power by massive street protests in February 2014. Security officials in Russia-annexed Russia also fomented fighting in eastern Ласкаво Просимо! Crimea have searched the home of a local Ukraine, where more than 10,300 people Ukrainian activist on suspicion of having have been killed since April 2014. (Crimea ties to “terrorist organizations” in Ukraine. Desk, RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service) 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 No. 35


by Tom Hawrylko Some 150 members of the Passaic and Bergen coun- ties American Ukrainian communities were on the great lawn of Clifton City Hall on Friday, August 24 to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine. The event was organized by Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Passaic and Bergen counties. The community was greeted by a host of social and political leaders, including: Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Congressman Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.), New Jersey Tom Hawrylko Assemblyman Tom Giblin, various Passaic County free- At the Ukrainian Independence Day observances in Clifton, N.J. (from left) are: the Rev. Andriy Dudkevych, pastor holders, Clifton Mayor Jim Anzaldi and members of the of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, Rep. Bill Pascrell, Sen. Bob Menendez, and the Rev. Oleksij Hilchuk, City Council. pastor of Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral.

Ukrainian community members, dignitaries and guests on the great lawn of Clifton City Hall on Ukrainian Independence Day.

HARTFORD, Conn. by Myron Kolinsky The Greater Hartford Ukrainian American community gathered at the Ukrainian National Home on Sunday, August 26, to celebrate the 27th anniversary of Ukrainian independence.

Olga Borsh A view of the audience gathered at the Ukrainian National Home in Hartford., Conn., for Ukrainian Independence Day celebrations.

At the celebration (from left) are: Michael Sawkiw, The community welcomed Sen. Richard Blumenthal of America, and the UCCA’s executive vice-president. director of the Ukrainian National Information Service and executive vice-president of the Ukrainian Congress (D-Conn.), who has worked closely with the Ukrainian The program consisted of remarks by Sen. Blumenthal Committee of America, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D- American Veterans on veterans’ affairs, and Michael Sawkiw, and Mr. Sawkiw, presentations of poems and songs by stu- Conn.) and Myron Kolinsky, Ukrainian community director of the Ukrainian National Information Service, the dents from the local Ukrainian school, and renditions of activist from the Hartford, Conn., area. Washington bureau of the Ukrainian Congress Committee patriotic songs performed by Choir Lanka Halychanka.


by Vira Bodnaruk The Ukrainian American Community of Southwest Florida took part in joyful celebration of Ukraine’s 27th anniversary of independence on August 24. Festivities began at 8 a.m. in front of North Port City Hall with the raising of the American and Ukrainian flags by the U.S. Marines and Ukrainian American Veterans. The singing of both national anthems was led by Lieda Boyko. North Port Vice-Mayor Linda Yates, accompanied by Mayor Vanessa Carusone and Commissioners Christopher Hanks and Jil Luke, read the proclamation designating August 24, 2018, as the 27th anniversary of Ukrainian Independence Day. Chrystyna Czajkowsky In North Port, Fla., on August 24, Vice-Mayor Linda Yates (second from left) with Commissioners Jill Luke and (Continued on page 17) Christopher Hanks, and Mayor Vanessa Carusone. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 17

ebratory breakfast at St. Andrew’s North Port... Ukrainian Religious and Cultural Center (known as Oseredok) in North Port. (Continued from page 16) Special thanks were expressed to mem- Lesia Popel, president of Ukrainian bers of the community committee for orga- National Women’s League of America nizing this event, especially to Daria and Branch 56, thanked the mayor and com- Gene Tomashosky, Nancy Wosny, Ms. Popel, missioners, and invited all present to a cel- Ms. Boyko and Bohdan Bodnaruk.

Chrystyna Czajkowsky Some of the participants of the Ukrainian Independence Day ceremony.


KLK cordially invites all our members, family and friends to our Annual Fall Weekend You can choose to play some friendly tennis, or just relax and mingle with friends. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: TENNIS DOUBLES – Registration at 11:00 am. Pre- registration desirable. AFTERNOON SOCIAL – Begins at 2:30 pm. Enjoy some good food, drink and good company. DINNER DANCE will begin at 6:30 PM starting with a cocktail hour, sit down dinner and dance will begin at 7:30 pm. Dance to the spectacular tunes of “ANNA-MARIA” Afternoon Social, Cocktail hour, Dinner, Dance and Open Bar – $150 per person. Dinner Dance and Open Bar – $120.00 per person Our annual meeting will be held Sunday morning. Please plan to attend. To register, RSVP or for more information please contact [email protected], call 732 991-1095 or go to our website: Please RSVP if you are planning to attend. It is important that we get a headcount so that we can make this weekend a success and enjoyable for you. Room Reservations - Please call SOYUZIVKA at 845 626-5641 and mention KLK. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 No. 35 Conference to focus CEEC Advocacy Week to begin September 17 on 100th of Ukrainian Central and East European Coalition exposed to the Putin regime’s continuous territorial integrity. aggressive disregard for international law The CEEC encourages the active partici- WASHINGTON – During the week of and attempts to disrupt the post-World pation of all our communities in promoting National Republic September 17, The Central and East War II liberal international order. the need for greater U.S. foreign policy UCCA European Coalition (CEEC) will hold an The goal for this advocacy week is to engagement in Central and Eastern Europe. advocacy week in Washington. This encourage members of Congress to contin- This advocacy week will provide an oppor- NEW YORK – 2018 marks 100 years endeavor is especially timely and critical ue their support for the CEE region. Specific tunity for members of our communities to since the declaration of modern Ukrainian considering the recent NATO summit. items include supporting the recently intro- meet and advocate issues of mutual interest. statehood with the formation of the NATO remains salient to the countries of duced Defending American Security from For further information, readers may Ukrainian National Republic in 1918 – an Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to deter Kremlin Aggression Act 2018 (S. 3336) and contact the CEEC via e-mail at ceecoali- event that was celebrated for decades threats from the Russian Federation. CEE full implementation of all existing sanctions [email protected] or by telephone at 301- throughout the Ukrainian diaspora and recognized throughout the United States. members in NATO provide key support and legislation; continued support for military 340-1954. This September, several of the world’s a rising number (Poland, Estonia, Latvia, cooperation with CEE nations; enhancing Established in 1994, the Central and most knowledgeable scholars of Ukrainian Lithuania, Romania) are providing 2 per- military assistance to nations occupied by Eastern European Coalition is composed of history, hailing from the United States, cent of their GDP towards defense spending Russia; and reaffirming U.S. support for 18 nationwide organizations representing Canada and Ukraine will gather in New to address the new realities. Nevertheless, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in their more than 20 million Americans who trace York City to present at a special conference the Eastern flank of Europe remains efforts to retain political sovereignty and their heritage to that part of the world. titled “Commemorating the Ukrainian National Republic and Its Legacy.” The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and the Center for U.S.-Ukrainian Relations, the co-sponsoring organizations, invite the Ukrainian American community to attend this landmark conference, exam- ining the scope and ultimate meaning of the Ukrainian National Republic (UNR) – the predecessor of the modern Ukrainian state – and the legacy it engendered. This special gathering of the Ukrainian Historical Encounters Series will take place in New York City at the Princeton Club of New York on Saturday, September 22. Following the forum, the day will con- clude with an evening banquet attended by high-level government officials from the United States and Ukraine, who will reflect upon current affairs in Ukraine. For more information, or to register for this conference and/or the banquet, read- ers may contact the UCCA National Office either by phone at 212-228-6840 or by e-mail to [email protected].

Connecticut Ukrainian Day to be held September 9 STAMFORD, Conn. – The Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee will spon- sor the 51st Ukrainian Day Festival on Sunday, September 9, on the grounds of St. Basil Seminary, 161 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, CT 06902. The day begins at 9 a.m. as the outdoor Ukrainian arts and crafts bazaar will be open. Over 15 vendors will offer a kaleido- scope of Ukrainian souvenirs for purchase: ceramics, wood carvings, shirts, books, paintings, pysanky, embroidery, CDs, novel- ties and more. Coffee and donuts are also available at this time. Priests will be available for confessions before the 11 a.m. pontifical divine liturgy that will be celebrated by Bishop Basil H. Losten, eparch emeritus of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford. After liturgy, at 12:30 p.m. and through- out the day, guests can continue visiting the vendors as well as the Ukrainian kitchen: varenyky (potato and cheese dumplings), holubtsi (stuffed cabbage), kovbasa (sau- sage) and kapusta (cabbage) along with desserts. Picnic food and liquid refresh- ments will also be available. At 2:30 p.m., there will be a lively pro- gram at the outdoor pavilion featuring Ukrainian dance groups, singers and musi- cians. At 5-8 p.m. visitors will be able to enjoy dancing to a live Ukrainian band. This event is open to the public and will be held rain or shine. Advance tickets are available at $5 per person (age 12 and older) and $10 per person at the gate. Funds raised from this event benefit the Ukrainian Catholic seminary and the eparchy. For additional information, advance tick- ets or to volunteer, readers may contact Gloria Horbaty, Festival Publicity Committee chairperson, at 203-269-5909. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 19

September 3 Religious Education classes registration, Immaculate September 9 51st Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Festival, St. Basil Hillside, NJ Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, Stamford, CT Seminary, or 908-322-7350 September 9 Harvest of the Past Food Festival, Ukrainian Cultural September 6 Golf tournament, Dave Mysak Kovbasa Klassic, Ukrainian Edmonton, AB Heritage Village, Saskatoon, SK Canadian Congress – Saskatchewan Provincial Council, Moon Lake Golf and Country Club, September 9 Ukrainian Festival, St. John the Baptist Ukrainian or Kenmore, NY Catholic Church, 716-834-0826

September 7-9 Montreal Ukrainian Festival, Parc de l’Ukraine, September 9 Centennial concert performance, Ukrainian Bandurist Montreal Youngstown, OH Chorus, De Yor Performing Arts Center, or

September 7-29 Exhibit, “Summer Souvenirs” by Anna Vykhtiuk and September 14 Concert, Kaia String Quartet, Ukrainian Institute of Chicago Khrystyna Kozyuk, Ukrainian National Museum, Chicago Modern Art, or 773-227-5522 312-421-8020 September 14-16 Washington Ukrainian Festival, St. Andrew Ukrainian September 8 20th annual charity golf outing, Plast Ukrainian Scouting Silver Spring, MD Orthodox Cathedral, 301-384-9192 or Round Lake Beach, Organization, Pobratymy Foundation, Renwood Golf Course, IL [email protected] September 14-16 Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival, September 8 Ukrainian Festival, St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Toronto Carteret, NJ Cathedral, St. Demetrius Banquet Center, 732-541-1530 or September 14-16 Fall Harvest Retreat, Soyuzivka Heritage Center, Kerhonkson, NY [email protected] or 845-626-5641 September 8 Golf tournament, The Meadows Golf and Country Club, Ottawa St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine hall, September 15 Concert marking the 1,030th anniversary of the Baptism 613-834-9935 or [email protected] Bloomingdale, IL of Ukraine, St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, [email protected] September 8 Pitch tournament, Syracuse Ukrainian National Home, Syracuse, NY 315-558-3743 or [email protected] September 15 Ukrainian Sports Hall of Fame induction ceremony and Horsham, PA banquet, Ukrainian American Sports Center Tryzub, September 8 Ukrainian Community Fair, Ukrainian American Cultural [email protected] Whippany, NJ Center of New Jersey, or 973-585-7175 September 15 Film screening, “The First Lions,” Ukrainian Institute of September 8-9 Baltimore Ukrainian Festival, St. Michael the Archangel Chicago Modern Art, or 773-227-5522 Baltimore Ukrainian Catholic Church, 410-967-0501 or Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions September 8-9 Ukrainian Village Festival, Ss. Volodymyr and Olha from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Chicago Ukrainian Catholic Church, and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

Congratulations to the Inductees to the 2018 Ukrainian Sports Hall of Fame! Inductee Award Banquet – September 15, 2018 TRYZUB Ukrainian American Sports Center Lower State And County Line Roads Horsham, PA 19044

Professional Athletes: Amateur Athletes: Walter Edward “Turk” Broda Hockey Andy Bakun Soccer Bernie Federko Hockey Ivan Durbak Tennis John Hnatyschak Body Building Orest Meleschuk Curling Johnny Jadick Boxing Edward Werenich Curling Corey Koskie Baseball Dmytro Kovalenko Soccer Builders: Dennis Maruk Hockey Wolodymyr Baranetsky Mike Mazurki Wrestling Mike Burchuk William Mosienko Hockey Myron Bytz Bronislaw Nagurski Football, Vlodko Hnatiuk Wrestling Ivan Krasnyk Steve Patrick (Potrebka) Football Marion Kolodij Mike Souchak Golf Volodymyr Kulyk Victor John Stasiuk Hockey Myron Zatwarnicki

Walter Robert Bogdan Tkaczuk Hockey Paralympic Athlete Evelyn Wawryshyn Baseball Vadym Sviridenko Paralympics

Olympic Athletes: Legacy Myron Krasij Soccer John Hynansky Dmytro Palamarchuk Figure Skating Pairs Eugene Kinasewich Fund

Teams USK, New York, 1964/1965 Soccer Email: [email protected] Tel.: 973 919 1322 • 973 544 8774

Tickets for the Induction banquet will be $100 per person. Please send a list of attendees and a payment by check to: Ukrainian Sports Hall of Fame, 36 Mountainside Drive, Randolph, NJ 07869. For Sponsorship and Advertising in the 2018 Induction Gala Book, please contact us via email or phone. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 No. 35


Friday, Sunday, September 14-16 Cultural Center of New Jersey, located at 60 N. Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981, SILVER SPRING, Md.: Bring your family will hold its Ukrainian Festival at 11:30 and friends to the 16th annual Ukrainian a.m.-7 p.m. Admission is free. Visitors can Festival of the Washington, D.C., enjoy two fabulous stage shows featuring Metropolitan Area, being held on the Iskra Ukrainian Dance Ensemble; violinist grounds of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Innesa Tymochko Dekajlo; the Ukrainian Cathedral, 15100 New Hampshire Ave., folk dance groups Iskra Academy, Nadiya, Silver Spring, MD 20905. Hours are: Friday Tsvitka and Vesna; plus singers and musi- 5-8 p.m., Saturday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m., and cians. There will be homemade Ukrainian Sunday, 11 a.m.-dusk. Admission and park- foods and desserts; an international beer ing are free. There will be wonderful garden with live music; children’s activi- Ukrainian artists and dancers, crafts, chil- ties; and vendors galore offering jewelry, dren’s activities, delicious Ukrainian food clothing, crafts, music and ethnic foods. and a Kozak beer garden. For more infor- After the festival, there will be a dance mation contact the festival office, 301-384- party at 7 p.m.; admission is $5. For more 9192, or visit information, call 973-906-3581 or 908- 759-1771; check the center’s website, Saturday, September 22, or its Facebook page: Ukrainian WHIPPANY, N.J.: The Ukrainian American American Cultural Center of NJ.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of Ukrainian community events open to the public. It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph of several sentences that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and a phone number and/or e-mail address to be published for readers who may require additional information. Items must be no more than 100 words long. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication (i.e., they must be received by 9 am Monday morning). Please include pay- ment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a per- son who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their com- plete mailing address. Information should be sent to [email protected]. When e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments – simply type the text into the body of the e-mail mes- sage. Preview items and payments may be mailed to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.