The Belo Herald Newsletter of the Col. A. H. Belo Camp #49 November 2012 Topic for this month’s meeting is: OFFICER ELECTIONS will be held this meeting. Former CIC Denne Sweeney and Belo Camp original founding member on “My Time as CIC” The Belo Herald is an interactive newsletter. Click on the links to take you directly to additional internet resources. Col. A. H Belo Camp #49 Commander - Paul Hamilton st 1 Lt. Cmdr. - Kevin Newsom nd 2 Lt. Cmdr. - Mark Brown Adjutant - Stan Hudson Chaplain - Rev. Jerry Brown Editor - Nathan Bedford Forrest Contact us: (coming soon!)
[email protected] Follow us on Twitter at belocamp49scv Texas Division: Have you paid your dues?? National: Come early (6:30pm), eat, fellowship with other members, learn your history! Commander in Chief Givens on Twitter at CiC@CiCSCV st Thursday, November 1 : 7:00 pm La Madeleine Restaurant 3906 Lemmon Ave near Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX *we meet in the private meeting room. All meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome. Commander’s Report Gentlemen, Howdy ya'll and the holidays are coming fast! First off we have officer nominations with Kevin Newsom & myself for the position of Commander. Stan Hudson has been re-nominated for Adjutant and Mark Brown as 2nd Lt. Commander. Our chaplain position is appointed by the Commander and will remain as Jerry Brown in that position. Voting on all offices will take place at our November meeting leaving our December meeting (at Stan's house) to be a 100% social event.