Iron Mountain Mine Superfund Site, Boulder Creek Operable Unit
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^ SFUNO RECORDS CTR 1652-01707 AR0050 IRON MOUNTAIN MINE SUPERFUND SITE BOULDER CREEK OPERABLE UNIT September 1992 Record of Decision Redding, California ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD CUMULATIVE INDEX UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IX FACT SHEET FACT SHEET Administrative Records in Local Repositories The "administrative record" is the collection of documents which form the basis for an agency's decision, in this case the selection of a response action at a Superfund site. Under Section 113(k) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), EPA is required to establish an administrative record for every Superfund response action and to make a copy of the administrative record available at or near the site. ' . The administrative record must be reasonably available for public review during normal business hours. It should be treated as a non-circulating reference document, in order to allow the public greater access to the record and also to minimize the risk of loss or damage. Individuals may copy any documents contained in the administrative record, according to the copying procedures at the local repository. The administrative record will be maintained at the local repository until further notice. Periodically EPA may send supplements and indexes directly to the local repository. These supplements must be placed with the initial administrative record. Questions regarding the maintenance of the administrative record should be directed to: Administrative Record Coodinator Superfund Records Center U.S. EPA (H-6-1) 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 . (415) 744-2165 EPA welcomes comments at any time on documents contained in the administrative record. Please send comments on the Iron Mountain Mine Administrative Record to: Rick Sugarek or: Fraser Felter Remedial Project Manager Community Relations Coordinator U.S. EPA (H-6-2) U.S. EPA (H-l-1) 75 Hawthorne Street 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 744-2226 (415) 744-2181 or 1-800-231-3075 EPA may hold formal public comment periods at certain stages of the response process. The public is urged to use these formal \) review periods to submit their comments. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION IRON MOUNTAIN MINE SUPERFDND SITE BOULDER CREEK OPERABLE UNIT Redding, California Administrative Record and Index The administrative record file for the Iron Mountain Mine Superfund Site Boulder Creek Operable Unit, Redding, California, contains documents ranging in date from June 1901 to May 1992. Two indexes are provided. The first index presents the documents in ascending chronological order. Undated documents are placed at the beginning of each sequence. The second index presents the documents in exactly the order in which they appear on the rolls of film. This second index is not in strict chronological order. Each document in both indices is assigned a unique number from 1 to 2,446. Records beginning with MWA" in the subject description were indexed by CH2M Hill. Oversize documents, such as maps, are on a separate roll of wider (35 mm) film. A list of abbreviations and acronyms with their full names is provided in this binder. After the numbering and microfilming process had been completed, EPA determined that approximately 126 documents, not part of the administrative record, had been inappropriately included. These documents are not included in the administrative record and account for occasional gaps in the number sequence of the administrative record index. Having been removed from the index, they still remain represented on microfilm with confidential targets. These targets should be disregarded. DOCUMENTS HOUSED IN RECORDS CENTER Approximately 50 documents in this administrative record consist of sampling and computer modeling data that have been determined too voluminous to be physically included in the body of documents at the repositories. Although EPA guidance indicates it is not necessary to include such documents in the information repositories, these documents have been made available for public review at the Region 9 Superfund Records Center in San Francisco. In addition, there are a number of documents or parts of documents which do not lend themselves to microfilm reproduction. Most of these documents are color photographs which copy poorly on microfilm. These documents are also available for public review at the Records Center in San Francisco. If you wish to review any of these documents not available in the repositories, please contact Region 9 Superfund Records Center, H-6-l, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105; Phone: (415) 744-2166. ITEMS HOUSED AT CH2M HILL, REDDING, CALIFORNIA Certain oversize mine maps, photographs, and analytical sampling data produced by CH2M Hill, are listed in the administrative record, in AR 74 and AR 2418. The items themselves are available for public review at CH2M Hill, 2525 Air Park Drive, Redding, CA 96001; Phone: (916) 243-5886. ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATION Page No. 1 05/18/92 IRON MOUNTAIN MINE ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST ABBREVIATION DEFINITION amdt amendment(s) attch attachment(s) cont contract doc document(s) encl enclosure(s) ex exemption fax telefacsimile info information Itr letter(s) memo memorandum mod modification(s) mtg meeting(s) per according to re regarding rev revision rpt report(s) rtg routing v volume w/ . with w/o without Page No. 2 05/18/92 IRON MOUNTAIN MINE ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST ACRONYM FULL NAME AC- FT Acre feet AE Alternatives evaluation i AH Applied Hydrogeologic Consultants AIME American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers AMD Acid mine drainage AO Administrative order AOC Acknowledgement of completion ARAR Applicable or relevant & appropriate requirements ARCS Alternative remedial contract strategy ARCSWEST Arcswest ARS Advanced Recovery Systems Investors ATKEMIX Atkemix Thirty-Seven, Inc ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry American Water Works Association AZ Arizona BAT Best available treatment BC Brown & Caldwell *r BFP Brick flat pit BOM" Bureau of Mines BOR Bureau of Reclamation CA State of California CADFG CA Dept of Fish & Game CADOHS CA Dept of Health Services CBI Confidential business information Page No. 3 05/18/92 IRON MOUNTAIN MINE ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST ACRONYM FULL NAME CEQA CA environmental quality act CERCLA Comprehensive environmental response, * compensation, & liability act CERCLIS Comprehensive environmental response, compensation, & liability information system / CFEST Coupled fluid energy solute transport (model used to simulate flow of groundwater contaminants) CFR California Flex-Rake Corp CH2MHILL CH2M Hill CIM Canadian Institute of Mining CKP&F Carr, Kennedy, Peterson & Frost CLP CLP Sample Management Office CRP Community relations plan CRWQCB CA Regional Water Quality Control Board CRWQCB-CV CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region CSMRI Colorado School of Mines Research Institute CSS CSS Management Corporation CTCORPSYS CT Corp System CTL Crescent Truck Lines cv" Central Valley CVP Central Valley Project / CWA Clean water act CWRCB CA Water Resources Control Board CXTFIT Solute transport model used to estimate properties of contaminants Page No. 4 05/18/92 IRON MOUNTAIN MINE ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST ACRONYM FULL NAME DC Work plan DHS California department of health services DO Delivery order DOHS California department of health services DOJ US department of justice EA Endangerment assessment EBASCO Ebasco Services, Inc EERU Environmental emergency response unit EIR Environmental impact report EIS Environmental impact statement EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPOC EPOC ERGS Emergency removal cleanup services ERS Emergency response section (EPA) ESAT Environmental service assistance team BSD Explanation of significant differences FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FFA- Federal facility agreement Field investigation team FML Flexible membrane lining FOI Freedom of information FOIA Freedom of information act FS Feasibility study FY Fiscal Year Page No. 5 05/18/92 IRON MOUNTAIN MINE ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST ACRONYM FULL NAME / GAC/MAC Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical ' Association of Canada * GW Groundwater HDS High density sludge HELP Hydrological evaluation of landfill performance (looks at leakage in lining/cover of landfill) HQ Headquarters HRS Hazardous ranking system IAG Inter agency agreement ICF ICF Technology, Inc ICI ICI Americas, Inc ID Identification IM Iron Mountain IMIC Iron Mountain Investment Co IMMI Iron Mountain Mine, Inc IPL Interim priorities list KW&D Klein, Wegis & Duggan LDCC Low density cellular concrete LOE- Level of effort MF _ Minnesota flats MLS Milton L Schwartz (Judge) MOA Memorandum of agreement MOU Memorandum of understanding MRRCO Mining Remedial Recovery Co, Inc MSCA Multi-site cooperative agreement Page No. 6 05/18/92 IRON MOUNTAIN MINE ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST ACRONYM FULL NAME MSDS Material safety data sheet MT Montana NCP National contingency plan NJ New Jersey NOAA US Dept of Commerce - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration NPDES National pollutant discharge elimination system NPL National priority list NTIS National technical information service NTP National toxicology program OF60 Optional form 60 J 0MB Office of management & budget ORC Office of Regional Counsel (EPA) OSC Oakland Scavenger Co OSHA Occupational safety & health administration OSWER Office