CENSUS OF , 1961




(All the Census Publication, of this State will bear Volume No. VIII)

PART I General Report including Subsidiary Tables. (in Sub-Parts)

PART II-A Genera] Popu4ttion Tables

PART II-B Economic Tables (in Sub-parts)

PART II-C Cultural and Migration Tables (in Sub-Parts)

PART III Household Economic Tables

PART IV Housing and Establishment Tables (in­ (in Sub-parts) cluding Subsidiary Tables) and Report

PART V Special Tables for Scheduled Castes and (in Sub-parts) Scheduled Tribes

PART VI Village Survey Monographs (A Separate Su}>.. part for each Village Surveyed)

PART VII Survey of Handicrafts of the State (A Separate Sub-part for each Handicraft Surveyed)

PART VIII-A Administration Report - Enumeration

PART VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation



District Census Hand·books for each of the 43 Districts in Madhya Pradesh PRE F'.A CE

The publication of District Census Hand-books, which was begun in the 1951 Census, represents a significant step in the process of making census statistics available Jor the smaller territoria~ units basic to executive and developmental administration. Apart from the fact that the proper implementation of policy depends o~ the ability of the ft,dministrative authorities concerned to quantify a&curately Ifhe yariables involved, it ~s at these levels that policies get really thoroughly tested; also, policies can fail-and probably have failed-because their statistical baSis was weak. It is undoubtedly necessary that gaps in statistics at lower levels be filled as rapidly as possible. It was not possible at this Census to base all census statistics on the development block as the unit mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the 1971 Census will recognise the block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for, operational purposes.

, 2. What we have tried to do in,the 1961 Census Hand-books is to make them more informative by the inclusion of as many categories of non-census statistics as possible; some of these are climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, bank­ ing, education, health etc. Ther.. is also an introductory note to each Hand­ book high-lighting the more striking fea'ures. It has not been possible for th"e Census Organisation to check the accuracy of the figures supplied by various authorities; it is to be hoped that some other organisation, better equipped for. the purpose, will take up this task.

3. For the seventeen districts of (Part of erstwhile Madhya Pradesh) and for Panna and Tikamgarh districts of erstwhile Vindhya Pradesh, which are part of the present State of Madhya Pradesh, the area figures for districts and tahsils furnished by the Director of Land Records and presented 4t. Table A·I are internally inconsistent in the sense that the tahsil areas do nor'add up to the district area. This inconsistency arose from the fact that, in the case of these districts, the district area includes, but the tahsil areas exclude, '' area for which the tahsilwise breakup was not then available. Later on, while this Hand-book was in the press, the Director of Land Records brought out revised area figures for the year 1962-63 for tahsils and districts, which among other improvements, do not suffer from the defect of internal 2 inconsistency even in case of these nineteen districts. Revision of Table A.. I on the basis of these area figures ':Vas not feasible at this late stage; the only alternative was to prin t t~ese revised area figures also in this Hand-book.

4. One- unfortunate fact about these Hand-books is that they became avail­ able to the users rather late in the decade. This is partly due to the considerable . time required for the collection of information from various authorities and partly to difficulties in printing. Owing to the fact that State presses, with a heavy back­ log of printing weighing down on them, would find it impossible to print all the District Census Hand-books themselves, arrangements have been made for printing them in private presses. If these Hand-books are to have a useful life of more than four or five years of inter-censal decennium, more expeditious methods for the collection of non-census statistics, for the preparation and checking of the manuscripts and for printing will have to be devised.

5. The Census Organisation is grateful to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having been so kind as to undertake the publication of these Hand­ books and to the Superintendent, Government Printing and his organisation­ particularly the Assistant Superintendent, Printing, Government Regional Press, and his staff-for the printing arradgements made. The inspiration behind this ambitious venture is that of OUf indefatigable Registrar General, Shri Asok Mitra, to whom we are all deeply grateful. Our thanks are also due to the various authorities who ~upplied us with all the necessary statistics.


Notes and Explanations. ; .ji-fti

Appendix ~ Standard industrial Classification viii-xvi Appendix II National Classification of Occupations xvii-xxiii Selected Statistics Selected Statistics of India, Madhya Pradesh, Divisions, I,___... Districts and Important Towns of Madhya Pradesh xxiv-xxxiii Revised .Area and Density Fil:ures xxxiv-xxxvi· Introducing the Distric~ .. xxxvii-lxxxi PART 1


Table A-I Area, Houses and Population 3

Appendix II , ,. Number of villages with a population of 5000 and over and 4 towns with a population under 5000 .. Appendix III Houseless and Institutional population 4

Table A-D Variation in population during sixty years 5 Appendix Dis/rict and Tahsils showing 1951 population according to their territoriaijurisdiclion in 1951, changes in area and population involved in those changes 5 Table A-Ill Villages classified by population 6

Table A-IV Towns (and Town-Groups) classified by population in 1961 with variation since 1901 '1.

B-ECONOMIC TABLES . . 8-109 (i) Geoeral Economic Tables 8-77

Primary Census Abstract ., , 8-9

Table B-1 Workers and non-workers classified by sex and broad age­ groups to-II

Table B-III . Part A Industrial classification of workers and non-workers by educational levels in urban areas only 12-13 Part B Industrial classification of workers and non-workers. by . educational levels in rural areas only 14-17

Table B-IV Part A Industrial classification by sex and class of worker of persons at work at Household Industry ...... ,\8-20 Part B Industrial classific_ation by sex and class of worker of per- sons at work m Non-Household Industry, trade, busi- ness, profession or service '21-26 Part C Industrial classification by Sex and Divisions, Major groups and Minor groups of persons at work other than Culti- vation !. '·27-37 • ii


Table B-V Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at work other than Cultivation 38-61

Table B-VI Occupational Divisions of Persons at work other than Cul­ tivation classified by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Edu­ cational levels in urban areas only 62-65

Table B-VII

Part A Persons working principally (i) As Cultivators, (ii) As Agri­ cultural Labourers or (iii) At Household Industry classi­ fied 'by Sex and by Secondary work, (i) At Household Industry (ii) As Cultivator or (iii) As Agricultural Labourer

Part B Industrial Classification by Sex of Persons working in Non­ Household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service who are also engaged in Household Industry 69-71

Table B-Vm

Part A Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by Sex, Broad age­ groups and Educational levels in urban areas only 72-73 PartB .. Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by Sex and Educa-' tional Levels in rural areas only 72-73

Table B-IX Persons not at work classified by Sex, Broad age-groups and type of activity 74-77

:ii) Household E£oDomie Tablllll 78-10'

Table B-X Sample Households (i) engaged neither in cultivation por in Household Industry, (ii) engaged either in Cultivation or Household Industry but not in both and (iii) engaged both in Cultivation and Household Industry for all areas 78

Table B-XI Sample Households engaged in cultivation classified by , interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural and urban areas separately 79

Table B-XII Sample Households engaged in cultivation only classified by size of land cultivated and number of family workers and hired workers in rural and urban areas separately 80-85

Table B-Xlll Sample households engaged both in cultivation and house­ hold industry showing size of land cultivated classified by principal household industry in rural and urban aretu separately , 86-87

Table B-XIV Sample households engaged only in household industry \ classified by principal household industry in all areas 88-91

,Put A Households classified by major groups of principal house- hold industry and number of persons engaged . . 88-89

Households classified by minor groups of principal house- hold industry • .. I 90-91 iii


Table B-XV , . Sample households engaged both in cultivation and house­ hold industry classified by size of land in rural and urban areas separal1ely 92-97 ) Table B-XVI Sample principal" household industry classified by duration of work in a year and total number of workers engaged in household industry i'n all areas 98-107

Table B-XVII Sample households classified by size and participation -in household cultivation or industry 108-109


Table C-I Family composition of sample households by relationship to head of family classified by size of land cultivated . . 110 Table c-n Age and marita1 status .. 111-116

Table C-III

Part A Age, sex and education in all areas .. 117

Part B Age, sex and education in urban area~ only 118

Table C-V Mother Tongue 119-121

Table C-VII Religion 122-123

Table c-vm Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 124-125

Part A Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Castes 124-125

Part B Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Tribes 124-125


Table D-JI " Place of birth 126-127

E-HOUSING TABLES 128-151 Table E-I Census housel and the uses to which they are put 128-129

Table E-U Tenure status of sample census households living In census houses used wholl~ or partly as dwelling 130-131

Table E-III Census houses used as factories and workshops classified by industry, power and no power used and size of em- ployment 132-147

Table E-IV Distribution of sample households living in census houses used wholly or partly as dwellings by predominant mate- rial of wall and predominant material of roof 148-149

Table E-V Sample households classified by number of members and by number of rooms occupied 150-151 IV


SCT-SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDUlED TRIBES 152-178 Tahsil\\ise population of Scheduled Castes in rural areas only 152 Tahsilwise population of Scheduled Tribes in rural areas only 153 Table SCT-I Part A Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Castes 154-157

. Part B rndustrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Tribes 158-161

Table SCT-II

Part A Age and marital status for Scheduled Castes '.' 162-166 Part B Age and marital status for Scheduled Tribes 167-171

Table SCT-III Part A Education in urban areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 172-173 Part B Education in rural areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 174·175

Table SCT-IV Part A Religion for Scheduled Castes 176

Part B Religion for Scheduled Tribes 176-177

Table SCT-V '3ampJe households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 1~S

SC-SPECIAL TABLE FOR SCHEDULED CASTES ONLY 179-180 Table SC-I . . Persons not at work classified by sex, type of activity and educationallevcls for Scheduled Castes 179-IS6

ST-SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES ONLY 181-214 Table ST-I Mother Tongue and bilingualism for Scheduled Tribes ,. ISI-210 'Table SToll Persons not at work classified by sex and type of activity for Scheduled Tribes. . 211-214




)THER DISTRICT STATISTICS 483-523 Table 1.1 Monthly rainfall and rainy days 484-491 Taljle.l.2 Mean Maximum, Highest, Mean Minimum and Lowest temperature recorded at , Kanker and 492-494 Khajrawan Observatories );'able 2A,1 Land utilisation statistics 495 v Pages

Table 2A.2 Area under principal crops 496 • Table 2A.3 Gross area of crop~ irrigated and total and net area irrigated 497 Table 2A.4 Gross area irrigated by source of irrigation • 497 Table 2A.5 Major and medium irrigation projects 498 Table 2A.6 Yield rates of principal crops per acre 499 Table 2B.l Fortnightly wholesale price quotations of staple food grains 500-501 Table 2B.2 Daily wages (in Rupees) paid to males, females and non- adults separately for skilled and unskilJed persons in specific agricultural and non-agricultural occupations. ~ 502-511 Table 2C.t Statistics of livestock and agricultural implements 512 Table 2D.l Statistics of Co-operative Societies 512-513 Table 2D.2 Statistics of insurance and national savings 514 Table 2D.3 . , List of Banks 514 Table 3.1 Statistics of criminal justice 515 Table 3~ Strength of pOlice and jails 515 Table 3.3 Annual receipts under certain heads of revenue .. 516 Table 3.4 Statistics of Registration .. 516 Table 3.5 Statistics of Local Bodies 517 Table 4.1 Community Development Coverage .. 518 Table 5.1 Educational statistics 519 Table 6A.4 B. C. G. Campaign "- 520 Table 6A.5 Progress of National Malaria Eradication Programme 520 Table 6B.l Births and Deaths classified by sex in rural and urban 521 Table 6B.2 Deaths in the district from some selected causes .. 521 Table 7 Communications statistics (not available) Table 8.1 List of important Fairs and Mel as 522-523 Table 8.2 Important events 523


Bastar District Frontispiece


Page No. Table Particulars Col. No. For Read

17 B-IlI Jagdalpur Tahsil Matriculation and above 22 3217 217 19 B-IV-A Major Group 32 After T 2 R U 19 B-IV-A Major Group 37 After T 2 U R 21 B-IV.. -S Major Group 22 (U) II 13 12 / 28 B-IV-C After Major Group 24 I M.G. 241 M.G. 240 29 B-IV-C In Minor Group 255 4 Blank 7 29 B-IV-C After MinorGroup 311 M.G. 314 M.G. 315 31 B-IV-C After Minor Group 604 M.G. 604 M.G. 605 33 B-IV-C After Minor Group 720 M.G. 721 M.G. 722 . 38 B-V In family 005 After (T) III IX 48 B-V Family 720 (T) 8 Rlank 4 48 B-V Family 720 Category IV 8 Blank 4 5; B-V Bijapur Tahsil (R) Division 4 (VI) 5 1 72 B-VIII-B Kanker Tahsil 6 6 5 72 B-VIII-B Narayanpur Tahsil 6 5 6 72 B-VIII-B Kanker Tahsil 8 1 72 B-VIII-B Narayanpur Tahsil 8 1 92 B-XV Bhanupratappur Tahsil (R) 30.0-49.9 12 92 B-XV Bhanupratappur Tahsil (R) 30.0-49.9 13 1 94 B-XV Jagdalpur Tahsil (R) 15.0-29.9 9 2 ~ 99 B-XVI Major Group 02 R (B) 25 1 100 B-XVI Division 2 & 3 (T) 5 4,9008 4,988 108 B-XVlI Total 2 Blank 211,686 108 B-XVII All R ural Areas 2 Blank 205,546 108 B-XVII All Urban Areas 2 Blank {),140 108 B-XVII Total household population 5 12,677 12,767 109 B-XVII (VII) 12.5-14.9 Acres 17 1,585 1,584 112 C-II . After Age-group 65-69 I 70% 70+ 115 C-II Jagdalpur Tahsil (R) Age 50-54 5 5,646 5,648 120 C-V 62 Paradhi 6 118 lIS 125 C-VIIl A (R) 18 1,391 2,391 125 C-VIII-B Bhanupratappur Tahsil (R) 30 7,380 7,308 125 C-VIlI-B Dantewara Tahsil (R) 31 23,573 23,574 126 D-II 10 526 256 148 E-IV Bastar District (T) 12 241 242 170 SCT-II-B 22 Pard hi including .... Takia 39 152 157 ,174 SCT-In 13 Unclassifiable 10 Not clear 2 B-(i) 182 ST-I Mother Tongue (7) Chhattisgarhi in Gond 6 Orna Oriya 184 ST·I Mother Tongue (11) Gondi in Gond 6 Parsi Parji 187 ST-I Mother Tongue(15)Marathi in 6 uncIassifiable 6 Blank (M-2) 193 ST-I Narayanpur Tahsil (R) Mother Tongue (4) 6 Hindi Hindi (F-119) Gondi in Gon.d (F-139) 206 ST-I Mother Tongue (13) Oriya in Gond 6 Halbi Halbi (M-2) (M-2I) 212 ST-Il Bhanupratappur Tahsil (R) 4 Pradhan, 11 Blank 2 Pathri and Saroti 212 SToll Kanker Tahsil (R) unclassifiable 3 Blank 2 213 ST-II Tahsil. (R) in 7 Pardhi 12 928 2S6 including ...• Takia \ NOTES AND EXPLANATIONS

., This note gives the meanings and explana­ with a population at least 01 l>,UUU wltn atleastJ: tions of terms and concepts used in this Hand­ three-fourths of the adult male population being btok. This is necessary because, without a engaged in non-agricultural pursuits. The pfoper grasp of the meanings .of such simple rural-urban classification, being operationally doncepts as building, house, household, worker. cardinal and prior in point of time to the .te., it is not possible to appreciate the data census count, had to be tackled earlier and a list prese:Hted in the Handbook. Thus, one who of 219 towns in the' State was therefore pre­ floes not. know that an unpretentious hut in the par,ed much earlier than the census proper. thick of Bastar with unplastered bamboo This included 28 habitations which were tenta­ walls and a thatch roof and with space hardly tively treated as towns,; the intention being that, enough for two cots is not a whit less of a build­ after the 1961 Census :data became available ing than the Indian versions of the skyscrapers their cases would be re-examined. Later on: in one of the metropolitan cities, or that a 'however, no modificati()n was made in the list, central jail housing all manner of criminals and even though 7 towns did not satisfy either the shady characters is as much a household as the minimum population criterion or the one based household of the most pious and god-fearing on the ratio of non-agricultural adult males citizen in the State, may not be able to appre­ being 75% or greater. These are Gogaon in ciate what exactly the figures represent. Besides West Nimar, Datla Bl:mdhi in (both explaining the terms and concepts, the note under 5,000 in population); and, Icchawar,. also contains brief notes on the salient and Patan, P,endra, Akaltara, Arang respectively in peculiar features of some of the Census tables Sehore, , Bilaspur, Bilaspur, and presented in this Handbook. Districts (not satisfying the economic criterion). The reason for not disturbing the original list of Census.-The Census in India is a decennial towns was that as many as 14 habitations which operation taking place in ]february-March of did not satisfy one or the other of the criteria the first year of every decade. It ensures laid down earlier managed to' sneak into the list coverage of all members of the population of towns as municipalities, and inclusion of irrespective of age. The operations constitut­ seven more such towns was not supposed to­ ing a Census involve, besides counting of heads, introduce greater demographic distortion than the counting of numerous attributes of the was already presernt. The cases of Chachaura­ person cOUi!lted. These are demograph'ic, Binaganj town in and Sardarpur­ social, economic and cultural in nature. The Rajgarh in Dhar District are peculiar in that number of these attributes regarding which each of these two municipal towns consists of information is recorded . has been increasing two distinct habitations separated by 2 miles in from census to census and is limited only by the first and 3 miles in the second case. considerations of cost, time a1].d organisation. Population.-The important thing about a popu­ All areas, which were not urban were rural. lation is that it is dynamic. It is a constantly They consisted of 'villages' . A very large changing entity. These changes take place by majority of the census villages were 'revenue the natural processes of birth and death as 'well villages', which had well demarcated or re­ as by migration. A statement of population cognised bopndaries, and which included not only has therefore little sense unless the point of time the inhabi~d portion (or portions) but als() to which it relates is also stated. A population agricultural land and uninhabited waste (or figure is correct only for a parti.l::ular point of other) lands. The census ·village was thus not time; and, even though in practice one may synonym.ous with a habit~tion or a dwelling; in omit to indicate this point of time, one fact, a VIllage could contam two or more distinct should none the less be clear about it. The habitations separated by considerable distances population figures pr,esented herein refer to the ·known variously as 'tola' Or 'mazra' or 'para'. sunrise of 1st March, 1961, unless otherwise Besides, in many districts there were foresh stated. villages, situated inside .Reserved forests and without clearly demarcated boundaries. The Rural-Urban Classification:-Data collected at areas entered against these villages in the a Census is usually presented separately for the Village Directory are thus only approximate rural and urban ar,eas. A 'town' or a 'town­ It is to be noted that being as observed by ~roup' constitutes an urban area. A 'town' in Martin [Census Superintend~nt (old) Madl].ya tne 1961 Census was ,either (i) a municipality, Pra~esh, 1911 a~d Census. Commissioner fo:t cantonment or corporation; or (ii) a habitation IndIa, 1921] arbItrary and Irregular units of (ii) area, carved out chiefly for revenue and admini­ that a particular group of towns is situated in strative purposes" there are many revenue such a way, and exhibits some interconnecting villages 'which do not have any habitation. They' features of such a kind, that they can be consi­ are not, therefore, of much demographic interest, dered a Single demographic entity whose organic .and their inclusion in the Village Direetory is nature is likely to become more and more evidenti .only for a proper tally of area aggregates. in ~he futu~e. Examples are: City witll Balragarh m the West and Heavy Electricals A-General Population Tables: Township in the East; and Town and There are four main tables and three Industrial Township. The other type of appendices in this series. towngroup is a group only in name in the sense that it represents a group of localities which Table A-l.-This table presents the basic figures geography unites but definition separates. relating to area, houses and population separately Examples are Sagar Towngroup consisting of for the rural and urban areas of each district, Sagar Municipality and Sagar Cantt. and -each tahsil, and for each city, towngroup or Jabalpur. Towngroup (consisting of Jabalpur town. The area figures used in the table for the CorporatIOn, Ja~alpur Cantt. and Khamaria). district and the tahsils are those furnished by ~n l;>oth these lI!-stances, the urban complex the State Director of Land Records. In case of IS smgle and contmuous, but as each corporation the district, the area figures furnished in 1962 ?r cantonI?ent ~s a separate town by definition, by the Surveyor-General, India are also given. It gets spIlt up m the Census into more than one The Surveyor-General does not' furnish area town. In Madhya Pradesh there are six town­ figures for tahsils. In case of cities and towns groups in all; three of them belong to the first the aI1ea figures are furnished by the local type: Bhopal in : Murwara in urban authority (if any) in charge of the munici­ and Durg in · pal administration, or by the local revenue the o~h~r three belong to the second type, Pach~ .authorities. Except in case of Raipur and m~rh~ m District, Sagar in Sagar Sagar districts, there is no agreement between DIstrIct and Jabalpur in Jabalpur District. the area figures for the district furnished by the Director of Land Records and the Surveyor­ General, India. These differences arise princi­ Houseless & Institutional Population:-"House­ pally from the differences in the methods less population" means those who did not live adopted by the two agencies in measuring and and were not enumerated, in Census-houses at the last Census. Obviously these swell the eomputing the area. ranks of the social destitutes who, to speak in every day parlance do not have even a roof over In the case of eighteen districts (BastaI', their heads, but live under the shade of trees or Raipur, Durg, , Bilaspur, Surguja, bridges or on pavements. "Institutional popula­ Ealaghat, 8eoni, Chhindwara, , Narsi­ tion" means the population that was enumerated mhapur, Jabalpur, Sagar, Hoshangabad, Betul, in institutions at the last census i.e., in hostels East Nimar, Tikamgarh and Panna), only the jails, boarding houses. hospitals etc. • .

B-(i) General" Economic Tables.-This series securities deposited- in a bank, and doing no other Includes 22 tables containing information on work, were treated as non-workers. Persons certain economic aspects of the population. The professionally engaged in - anti-social activities concepts involved, have undergone significant '(i.e., thieves, robbers, prostitutes, beggars, etc.) changes as compared with the 1951 and earlier \were, however, not treated as workers. The­ Censuses. In'the 1951 and earlier censuses or at approach to the concept of "work" was pragmatic any rate in the,last few censuses inco~e or econo­ and numerous illustrations were given to clarify mic independence (and dependence) 'Were treated the concept. The basis of work was held to be as the criteria for denoting the economic status satisfied in the case of seasonal work -i.e., work of a person. Separate account used to be taken at cultivation, livestock, dairying or household. of all persons whC\) were economically independent industry if the person has had some regular work and of those who were economically dependent. of more than one hour a day throughout the grea­ An intermediate category of economic semi-inde. ter part of the working season. In the case of pendence was also introduced in the 1931 Census. regular employment in any trade, profession, This consisted of the 'earning dependents' of the service, busine$ or commerce the basis of work 1951 Census and eve'n there the element of income was satisfied if the person was employed during was present. This income-based classification any of the fifteen days preceding the day on which seems to have not ~nfrequently resulted in a he was visited by the Census enumerator. A suppression of information relating to those who person who was working but was absent from worked in household'. economic activities· but did his work during those fifteen days or for a. longer. not actually earn anM income like men other period owing to illness or other causes was than the head of the household and women of the treated as worker. Work included not only' family or children working at the family cultiva· actual physical work but also effective supervision tion or cottage industry but not earning any and direction of work. incomes. The 1961 Census introduced the con­ cept of work and totally abandoned the 'income' The WorkinfTCa.tegories:-The primary classifica-. approach. Thus all people who worked (i.e., tion of the po~ulation is by means of a simple were "economically active") including family dichotomy into workers and non-workers. The workers who were not in receipt of any income, & former is further sub--divided into nine sub-classes working children who did not earn enough for or working categories of the Census. These are their maintenance were treated as workers. On listed below; the correspondence with the the other hand such persons as a receiver of rents Standard National Industrial Classification is ()n immovable property, or of interest on also indicated.

CENSUS WORKING CATEGORY CORRESPONDING DIVISION OR MAJOR GROUP OR MINOR GROUP OF NIC I Workers in cultivation Minor Groups 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, II Agricultural Labourers' The same as in I above III Workers in mining, quarrying, live-•. Major Groups 01, 02, 03 and 04 and Division 1· stock, forestry, fishing, hunting Minor G!roups 005, 006, 007, 008, 009 (if not. and plantations, orchards and classifiable as household industry) allied activities . IV Workers in household industry Minor Groups 005 to 009, 013, 014, Q15, 020 to 026, o~n, 032, 040 to 048, 107 Divisions 2 & 3- (excepting Minor Groups 201, 217, 218, 232~ 252, 260, 290,324,325, 338 and 380) if on a household scale . ' V Workers in manufacturing other Divisions 2 &. 3 than household industry,· VI Workers in construction Division 4·

V.U . Workers in Trade and Commerce I Di,v~sion . '6' '. ;;,U);J r; ,. VIII Workers. in Transport Sto~~g~, Division ,7 and Coriullunications' < ",', I ·h: i . I' IX Workers in other serviee$' Divisions 5,'~8 & 9 l (iv)

The only term reqUIrIng explanation is PRINCIPAL AND SECONDARY WORKER: household industry, the others beirig self­ Table B-VII Part A and Part B involve the explanatory. As l'egards household industry, a: cOficepts of principal and secondary work.· For three-fold test was laid down, viz:- every worker the principal work had to be indi~ (a) "Household Industry" should consist of cated in the Cllse of a person who was engaged, manufacture, processing or servicing and in more than one work, and also the secondary may include sale but should not be con­ work if he was engaged in two or more than two fined simply to buying and selling. At productive activities. The concepts of primary least part of the goods offered for sale and secondary work had nothing to do with the from the household should be manu­ income accruing to a person from his work. factured or processed by members of the The principal work of a person was that activity household. which took up most of hi$ time; similarly the (b) "Household Industry" should be on the secondary work (in case a· person was engaged household scale .where the workers in two or more than two kinds of. work) was that mainly will be the Head of the house­ yvhich took up ·less time than the principal work hold himself and/or members of. the out greater than the other: kinds of work. Unless household, the role of hired workers specifically stated to the contrary in the table from outside being of secondary heading itself the tables. in the Handbook are importance. Thus in any Household based on the principal work of a person. Industry, members' of the household should be in a position to lend a hand' Non-workers:-The non-working section of the in the industry whenever they find the population also was divided ini;o eight classes time in the course of their daily chores. according to the nature of their activities. Thus Household Industry cannot, therefore, be a non-worker could be (i) a full time student 01" on the scale of a registered factory but child attending school, (ii) a pel..:on engaged in can use machinery and employ power ·home duties (like a housewife or other adult like steam engine or oil engine or electri­ female who does no other work) (iii). dependent city to drive the machinery. including an infant or child. not attending school. a person permanently dIsabled from work (c) Location also is important, for proximity because of illness or old-age; (iv) a retired decides participation by members of person who is not employed again, rentier, a the household. In a village this parti­ person living on agricultural or non-agricul­ cipation is , possible if the Household tural royalty, rent or dividend or any other' Industry is located at home or within person of independent means fo~ securing which the village because village organisation he does not have to work and who does no other' is such as makes it possible for mem­ work; (v) a beggar, vagrant or independent bers of the household to move about woman without indication of source of income freely in the village to look after their and others of unspecified source of existence' work. In urban areas such free move­ (vi) a convict (not an undertrial who was to b~ ment is not possible, and therefore, recorded for the work he did before being for household industry in urban areas admitted to Jail); (vii) persons who were seek. we should consi~er only those indus­ ing employment for the first time; and (viii) tries which are located or at least the persons who previously had worked, . but were major part of whose work is located at out of employment, and were again seeking home. work. Class of Worker:-A worker, other than a culti­ Education Levels :-A person was treated as \'ator, agricultural labourer or a worker at ill!terate i~ he did n~t. satisfy the test of literacy. thIS meanmg ~he abIlIty both of reading and household industry could be: (i) an Employer, writing. The, test of reading was held to be that is, who hires one or more persons in his satisfied if a person could read printed matter work; (ii) an Employee, that is, who does his or easily legible manuscripts. The test of work under others for wages or salary in cash writing was the ability to write a simple letter. or kind; (iii) a Single Worker, that is, who is The minimum educational level is primary or junior basic,· and this includes all persons who doing his work without employing others, except have passed 'this examination but have not casually, and without the help of other members passed the next higher level examination i.e. of the family, except easually (this includes matriculation or higher secondary. Person~ workers working as members of a co-operative); who h~d formal. sc~ooling. but had not passed the prImary or JUnIor baSIC level examination a~d (iv) a Family Worker, that is, who is doing were literates w!thout any educational levels. hIS work in his own famU,r without wages or ~ person belongmg to any particular .educa­ sa~ry in cash or kind. A person eould be an tIonal ley~l means!L person whQ has passed the eDltJloyee in a household industry also. examination denotmg that level. . (v)

]NDUSTRIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION We have used only the three digit Code number­

The instruction for drawing the 20% sample census-houses which were not owned by the .of households from the houselists are reproduced households living in them were treated as 'rented' :below:- . even though no rent was being actually paid. "Before marking the sam pie households -the Houselists should be arranged in order ofl "Factory" and "Workshop" :-As is clear from location code numbers in the case of rural areaS! its definition, a Census house could be a workshop. for tahsil etc., and 'in the case of urban areas A workshop is a place where some kind of pro­ ,other than towns with population Qf 50,000 and duction, repair or servicing goes on,_ or where -over. In the case of towns with population of goods or articles are made and sold. A bigger $0,000 and over the Houselists should be arranged workshop which was either registered under the! in order of blocks. The first sample household Indian Factories Act or was of the scale of aJ should be chosen randomly among the first five registered factory was returned as a factory. households in the firs,t Houselist. From that For a manufacturing, repairing or servicing every fifth househ~ld from 'the first random establishment to be registered under the Indian .household should be continuously marked ...... Factories Act, it should have ten or more workers The sample should be marked continuously for if using power and twenty or more workers if not ..all the Houselists. If in a particular Houselist using power. ,.at the end two households are left after the marking of the sample hpuseholds then these VILLAGE DIRECTORY AND ITS ApPENDICES: households should be cartied over to the next Village Directory:-The Village Directory cor­ Houselist and the tHird, household in that list responds to the Primary Census Abstract of the should be marked as sample households". 1951 Census. It gives for each village of the district: (a) information relating to area, census houses, households, scheduled castes and scheduled ·Census House and Census Households :-The con­ tribes and literacy; and (b) the classification of! cepts of "building" "house" and "household" ar·e the population into workers and non-workers, and important and differ somewhat from their con­ again 'workers' into their 'Industrial Categories' notations in common speech. A building refers separately for both the sexes. For facilitating to the entire structure on the ground. A census comparison with the Census Handbook of 1951 house is a structure or part of structure inhabited the serial number at which the village is to be ·-or vacant or a dwelling, a shop, a shop-cum­ found in 1951 Handbook is also given. A new dwelling or place of business, workshop, school feature introduced in this Census is the presenta­ etc., with a separate entrance. A census house tion of additional information about each village! was thus a building, or part of a building with a relating to schools, hospitals, child and maternity separate entrance. A census house could have welfar·e centres, medical practitioners, electricity, ·a variety of uses, residential as well as non­ [Jost and telegraph offices etc. This has been residential; or it might be vacant (at the time of done by entering symbols against the name of each houselisting). village. Another novel feature is the presenta­ tion in eleven appendices of useful information relating to villages and towns i.e., industrial A household was defined as "a group of establishments, places situated on bus routes or persons who commonly live together and would within five miles of a railway station, places hav­ -take their meals from a common kitchen unless ing pucca wells, markets, public reading rooms the exigencies of work prevented any of them drains etc. ' from doing so." A household necessarily lived in a census house or part of a census house. The To enable the reader to locate the village in -definition of a household was broad enough to the Villa.ge :qirectory ~ithout much difficulty) an include all persons living together in a census­ ulphabebcal mdex of VIllage names is given. house and dining from the same kitchen, even if This gives for each village the 1961 they were not r.elated to one another. Such were lo~ation code. number of the village (in the Village -the institutiomll households, like jails, hostels, Dll:ectory, yIllages are arranged according to hospitals etc. The house in which a household theIr Location Code Numbers) ; and its location ~lived 'could either be owned, or rented. All code number in the 1951 Hand-book. (viii)

APPENDIX-I STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION This classification groups the industries into 9 Divisiops 45 Major Groups 343 M'inor Groups T4e divisions, major groups and minor groups with their Code numbers are listed below.

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group' (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code)

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Preparation of timb~r 022 Fishing and Hunting. Production of fuel including char- 00 Field Produce and Plantation Crops:­ coal by exploitation of forest 023 Production of fodder by exploita- Production of cereal crops (includ­ tion of forests 024 ing Bengal gram) such as rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize 000 Production of gums, resins, lac, Production of pulses such as arhar, barks, herbs, wild fruits and leaves moong, masur, urd, khesari, other by the exploitation of forests 025· gram 001 Production and gathering of other Production of raw jute and kindred forest products not covered above 026· fibre crops 002 Production of raw cotton and 03 Fishing: - kindred fibre crops 003 Production of fish by fishing in sea 030' Production of oilseeds, sugarcane and other cash crops 004 Production of fish by fishing in in- Production of other crops (includ- land waters including the operation ing vegetables) not covered above 005 of fish farms and fish hatcheries 031 Production of fruits and nuts in Production of pearls, conch, shells, plantation, vines & orchards 006 sponges by gathering or lifting from Production of wood, bamboo, cane sea, river, pond 032 reeds, thatching grass etc. 007 Production of juice by tapping 04 Livestock and Hunting:­ palms 008 Production and rearing of livestock Production of other agricultural (large heads only) mainly for milk produce (including fruits and nuts and animal power such as cow, not covered by code number 006 & buffalo, goat 040' flowers) not 'covered above 009 Rearing of sheep and production of wool 041 01 Plantation Crops:- Rearing and production of other Production of tea in plantation 010 animals (mainly for slaughter) such Production of coffee in plantation 011 as pig 042" Production of rubber in plantation 012 Production of ducks, hens and other Production of tobacco in plantation 013 . small birds, eggs by rearing and .. poultry farming 043 Production of ganja, cinchona, opium 014 Rearing of bees for the production of honey, wax, and collection of Production of other plantation honey 044 crops not covered above 015 Rearing of silk worms and produc- 02 Forestry and Logging:- tion of~ cocoons and raw silk 045· PIgnting, replanting and conser- Rearing of other small animals and -vation of forests 02'0 insects 046 Felling and cutting of trees and Trapping of animals or games transportation of logs 021 propagation 047 (ix )

---G------:D:::-e-:--sc:-:-r-=-ip::-:t;::-i~on=---M;:;;i:n=or-::rGr~o:u:p;-,lMajor Group Description Minor Group Major roup (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Production of other animal hus~ 21 Beverages:- bandry products such as skin, bone, Production of distilled spirits, ivory & teeth 048 wines, liquor from alcoholic malt, fruits and malts in distillery and Division i-Mining and Quarrying:- brewery 210 10 Mining and Quarrying:- Production of country liquor 211 Mining of coal 100 ,101 Production of indigenous liquor M'ining of iron ores such as toddy, liquor from mahua, Mining of gold and silver ores '102 palm juice 212 Mining of manganese 108 Production of other liquors not Mining of mica 104 covered above 21S Mining of other non-ferrous metallic Production of aerated and mineral ores 105 water 214 Mining of crude petroleum and Production of ice 215 natural gas 106 Quarrying of stone (including Production of ice-cream 216 slate), clay, sand, gravel, limestone 107 Processing of tea in factories 217 Mining of chemical earth such as Processing of coffee in curing soda ash . 108 works 218 Mining and Quarrying of J}on~ metallic products not classIfied Production of other beverages 2'19 above such as precious and semi­ precious stones, asbestos, gypsum, 22 Tobacco Products:­ sulphur, asphalt 109 Manufacture of bidi 22() Division 2 & 3-Manufacturing:- Man ufacture of cigars and cheroots 221 2:0 Foodstuffs: -- Manufacture of cigarette and Production of rice, atta, flour, etc. cigarette tobacco 222 by milling, Dehusking and process~ Manufacture of hookah tobacco 223 ing of crops and foodgrains 200 Man ufacture of sn uff ~224 Production of sugar and syrup from Manufacture of jerda and other sugarcane in mills 201 chewing tobacoo 225 Production of indigenous sugar, Manufacture of other tobacco pro­ gur, from sugarcane or palm juice , ducts 226 a~d production of candy 202 'ProduCJi;ion of fruit products such 23 Textile-Cotton:- as jam, jelly. sauce and canning and Cotton ginning, cleaning, pressing preservation of fruits 208 and baling 230 Slaughtering, preservation of meat Cotton spinning (other than in and fish and canning of fish 2~4 mills) 231 Production of bread, biscuits, ca;ke Cotton spinning and weaving in and other bakery products 205 mills 232: Production of butter, ghee, cheese Cotton dyeing, bleaching 238 and other dairy products 206 Cotton weaving in power looms 284'- Production of edible fats and oils (other than hydrogenated oil) 207 Cotton weaving in handlooms 285i Production of hydrogenated oils 'Manufacturing of khadi te~ile in (Vanaspati) 208 handlooms 236 Production of other food products Printing of cotton textile 237 such as swee~meat and condiments, Manufacturing of cotton nets 288 muri, murki, chira, khoi, cocoa, Man ufacturing of cotton, cordage, chocolate, toffee, lozenge 209 rope and twine 239 (x)

'Major Group Description Minor Group 'Major Group Description Minor Group (Code' (Code) (Code) (Code) 24 Textile-Jute: - Manufacture of eoir and coir pro- ducts 'l!17 J ute pressing and baling 240 Jute spinning and weaving 241 Manufacture of umbrellas 278 Dyeing and bleaching of jute 242 Processing and manufacture of tex- tile products not covered above 279 Printing of jute textile 243 Manufacture of other products like rope, cordage from jute and similar 28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden fibre such as hemp, mesta 244 Products:- Sawing and planing of wood 280 25 Textile-Wool: - Manufacture of wooden furniture & Wool baling and pressing 250 fixtures 281 Wool cleaning and processing M'anufacture of structural wooden (scouring) 251 goods (including treated timber) such as beams, posts, doors, Wool spinning and weaving in mill 252 windows. 282 Wool spinning other than in mills 253 Manufacture of wooden industrial Wool weaving in powerloom 254 goods other than transport equip­ Wool weaving in handloom 255 ment such as bobbin and similar Embroidery and art work in equipment and fixtures 283 woollen textile 256 Manufacture of other wooden pro­ ducts such as utensils, toys, artwares 284 26 Textile-Silk: - Manufacture of veneer and plywood 2.'85 Spinning and weaving of silk textile Manufacture of plywood· products in mill 260 such as tea chest 286 Dyeing and bleaching of silk 261 Manufacture of boxes and packing Spinning of silk other than in mills 262 cases other than plywood 287 Weaving of silk textile by power Manufacture of materials from loom 263 cork, bamboo, cane, leaves and other allied products Weaving of silk textile by hand loom 264 288 Printing of silk textile 265 Manufacture of other wood and allied products not covered above 289 Manufacture of silk cordage, rope and twine 266 29 Paper and paper Products:­ ~ Textile-Miscellaneous: - M'anufacture of pulp from wood, Manufacture of carpet and all other rags, wastepaper and other fibres similar type of textile products 270 and the conversion of such pulp into Manufacture of hosiery and other ~tny ~dnd of paper and paper board knitted fabrics and garments 271 m mIll 290 Embroidery and making of crepe Manufacture of pulp from wood, lace and fringes 272 rags, wastepaper and other fibres ~nd the conversion of such pulp Making of textile garments includ- mto any kind ot paper and paper ing raincoats and headgear 273 board handmade 291 _Manufacture of made up textile goods except wearing apparel such Manufacture of products, such as 8S curtains, pillow cases, bedding paper bags, boxes, cards, envelopes rnaterials, rna ttress, textile bags 274 and moulded pulp goods from paper, paper board and pulp 292 Manufacture of water-proof textile products such as oil cloth, tarpaulin 275 30 Printing and Publishing:­ Printing and publishing of news- Manufacture and recovery of all papers and periodicals 300 ~pes of fi,?res for purposes of padd- mg, waddmg, and upholstery filling 276 Printing and publishing of books 301 (xi)

Major Group Description Minor Group, Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) ------_,-~ All other types of printing including Manufacture of matches 334 lithography, engraving, etching, block making and other work con- Manufacture of medicines, pharma­ nected with printing industry 302 ceutical prepara~.ions, perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet prepara- All types of binding, stiching, siz- tions except soap 385 ing and other allied work connected with binding industry 303 Manufacture of soap and other 31 Leather an_d Leather Products:­ washing and cleaning compounds 336 Currying, tanning and finishing of Manufacture of turpentine, synthe- hides and skins and preparation of tic, resin, and plas,tic products and finished leather 310 materials (including synthetiC' rubber) 337 Manufacture of shoes and other leather footwear 311 Manufacture of common salt 338 Manufacture of clothing and wear- Manufacture of other chemiMls & ing apparel (except footwear) made chemical products not covered of leather and fur 312 above (including inedible oils ~nd Manufacture of leather products fats) 339 (except those covered by Code Nos. 311, 312), such as leather uphols­ 34 Non-metallic Mineral Products tery, suitcases, pocket books, ciga­ other than Petroleum and Coal:- rette and key cases, purses, sadd- Manufacture of structural clay pro­ lery, whip and other articles 818 ducts such as bricks, tiles 340 Repair of shoes and other leather Manufacture of cement and cement foot-wear 314 products 341 Repair of all other leather products Man ufacture of lime 342 except footwear 315 Man ufacture of structural stone 32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products:- goods, stone dressing and stone crushing 343 Manufacture of tyres and tubes 320 Manufacture of stonewares, other Manufacture of rubber footwear 321 than images . 344 Manufacture of rubber goods used Manufacture of stone images -345 Manufacture of all kinds of other Manufacture of plaster of paris for industrial purpose 322 and its products 34& rubber products from natural or Manufacture of asbestos products 347 synthetic rubber including rubber Manufacture of mica products 348 raincoat 32'S Production of petroleum, kerosene 35 Manufacture of earthenware and and other petroleum products in earthen pottery: - 35(l petroleum refineries, 324 Manufacture of china ware and Production of coaltar and coke in crockery 35r coke oven 325 Manufacture of porcelain and its Manufacture ()f other coal and products 352' coaitar products not covered else- Manufacture of glass bangles and where - - 326 beads 358. 33 Chemicals and Chemical Products:­ Manufacture of glass apparatus 354' Manufacture of basic industrial Manufacture of earthen image, chemicals such as acids, alkalis & busts and statues 85& their salts not elsewhere specified 330 Man ufactUJ;e of earthen toyS and Manufacture of dyes, paints, artwares except those covered by colours and varnishes 331 code No. 355 356 Manufacture 'of fertilizers 332 Manufacture of glass and glass produ~ts except optical and photo­ Manufacture of ammunition explo':: graphIC lenses and glass products sives and fire works ' 333 covered above 357 (xii)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group­ (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 35 Manufacture of other non-metallic Manufacture of electric lamps and mineral products not elsewhere fans 375 specified 359 Manufacture of insulated wires and cables 376 ~6 Basic Metals and their products ex­ cept Machinery and Transport Manufacture of all kinds of battery 377 Equipment: - Manufacture of electronic equip- Manufacture of iron and steel ment such as radio, microphone 378 including smelting, refining, rolling, eonversion into basic forms such as Manufacture of electric machinery billets, blooms, tubes, rods 360 and apparatus, appliances not specified above 379 Manufacture including smelting, refining of non-ferrous metals and 38 Transport Equipment:­ alloys in basic forms 361 Manufacture, assembly and repair- Manufacture of armaments 362 ing of locomotives' 380 Manufacture of structural steel Manufacture of wagons, coaches, products such as joist, rail, sheet, tramways and other rail road plate . 363 equipment other than that coverep 1\i'anufacture of iron and steel by Code No. 363 381 furniture 364 Manufacture and assembling of motor vehicles of all types (except- Manufacture of brass and bell ing motor engines) 382 metal products 365 'Manufacture of motor vehicles Manufacture of aluminium products 366 engines parts and accessories 383 Manufacture of metal products Repairing and servicing of motor (other than of iron, brass, bell metal vehicles 384 and aluminium) such as tin can 367 Manufacture of bicycles and tri­ Enamelling, galvanising, plating, cycles and accessories such as (including electroplating) polishing saddle, seat frame, gear 385 and welding of metal products 368 Building and repairing of water Manufacture of sundry hardware:; transport equipment such as ships, such as G. 1. pipe, wire net, bolt. boats, and manufacture of marine screw, bucket, cutlery (This will engines 386 also include the manufacture of sundry ferrous engineering pro­ Manufacture & repair of air trans.;. ducts done by jobbing engineering port equipment including aero­ concerns which cannot be classified planes, aeroengines 387 in major groups 36, 37, 38 and 39). 369 Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 388. Manufacture of other transport 37 Machinery (All kinds other than equipment not covered above such transport) and Electrical Equip­ as animal drawn and hand drawn ment:- vehiclqs 389 Manufacture and assembling of machinery (other than electrical) S9 Miscellaneous manufacturing Indus­ €xcept textile machinery 370 tries: Manufacture and assembling of . "prime mover and boilers, other than Man1,lfacture of optical instrurr.ents €leetrical equipment, such as diesel and lenses. opthalmic goods and €ngines, road rollers, tractors 371 photographic equipment and sup- plie& 390 Manufacture of machine tools 372 Manufacture of textile machinery Manufacture of scientific, medical and accessories 373 and surgical instruments and equip~ :Manufacture of heavy electrical ment and supplies 391 machinery and equipment such as Assembling and repairing of motors, generators, transformers 374 watches and clocks 892 (xiii)

'Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group' (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Manufacture of jewellery, silver­ Wholesale trading in vegetables, ware and wares using gold and fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish other precious metals 393 dairy products eggs, poultry and other foodstuff (not covered else Manufacture and tuning of Musical where) 601 Instruments 394 Wholesale trading in all kinds of Manufacture of stationery articles fabrics and textiles products such not covered elsewhere such as pencil, as garments, hessian, gunn~ .bag, pen-holder, fountain pen 395 silk and woollen yarn, shlrtmgs, Manufacture of sports goods 396 suitings, hosiery products 602 Manufacture and repair work of Wholesale trading in beverages, such goods not assignable to any other as tea (leaf), coffee ( seed and group 399 powder), aerated water 603 Wholesale trading in intoxicants Division 4-Construction such as wines, liquors 604 40 Construction: - Wholesale trading in other intoxi- Construction and maintenance of cants such as opium, ganja etc, 605 buildings including erection, floor- Wholesale trading in tobacco, bidi, ing, decorative constructions, ele­ cigarettes and other tobacco pro- ctrical and sanitary installations 400 ducts 606 Construction and maintenance of Wholesale trading in animals 607 roads, railways, bridges, tunnels 401 Wholesale trading in straw and Construction and maintenance of fodrler 608 telegraph and telephone lines 402 Construction and maintenance of 61 Wholesale trading in medicines and water ways and water reservoirs chemicals 610 such as bund, embankments, dam, Wholesale tllading in fuel and light- canal, tank, tubewells, -wells 403 ing products such- as coke, coal, kerosene, candle "- 611 Division 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Wholesale trading in toilets, perfu- Sanitary Services mery and cosmetics- 612 .50 Electricity and Gas:- Wholesale trading in metal, porce- Generation and transmission of lain and glass utensils, crockery, electric energy 500 chinaware 613 Distribution of electric energy 501 Wholesale trading in wooden, steel Manufacture of Gas in gas works and other metallic furniture and and distribution to domestic and fittings 614 industrial consumers 502 Wholesale trading in footwear 615 Wholesale trading in tyres, tubes til Water Supply and Sanitary Services:­ and allied rubber products 616 Collection, purification and distri­ Wholesale trading in petrol, mobil bution of water to domestic and oil and allied products 617 industrial consumers 510 Wholesale trading in other house­ Garbage and sewage disposal, hold equipment not covered above 618 operation of drainage system and all other types of work connected 62 Wholesale trading in bricks, tiles and with public health and sanitation 511 other building materials 620 Wholesale trading in wood, bamboo, Division 6-Trade and Commerce cane, thatches and similar products 621 '60 Wholesale Trade:- Wholesale trading in cereals and 63 Wholesale trading in p~per and Pulses 600 other stationery goods 630 (xiv)"

'Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description' Minor Grou~ (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Wholesale trading in agricultural Retail trading in toilet goods, per- and indus~rial - machinery equip­ fumes and cosmetics 651 ment and tools and appliances other than electrical 631 Retail trading in medicines and chemicals 652 Wholesale trading in electrical machinery and equipment like Retail trading in footwear, head­ motor, battery, electric fan, bulb 632. gear such as hat, umbrellas, shoes and chappals . 653 Wholesale traHing in all kinds of transport and storage equipment 633 Retail trading in tyres, tubes and allied rubber products 654 Wholesale trading in skins, leather Retail trading in petrol, mobiloil and fur 634 and allied products 655 Wholesale trading in clocks, eye glasses, frames 635 66 Retail trading in wooden, steel and Wholesale trading in hardware and other metallic furniture and fittings 660 sanitary equipmen_t 636 Retail trading in stationery goods and papers 661 Wholesale trading in scientific, medical and surgical instruments 637 Retail trading in metal, porcelain and glass utensils 662 Wholesale trading in precious Retail trading in earthenware and metals and stones, gold and silver- earthen toys 663 wares and jewellery 638 Retail trading in other household Wholesale trading in all goods not equipment not covered above 664 covered above 639 67 Retail trading in bricks, tiles and 64 Retail Trade:- other building materials 670 Retail trading in cereals, pulses, Retail trading in hardware and vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, sanitary equipment 671 oil, fish, dairy products, eggs, Retail trading in wood, bamboo poultry 640 cane, bark and thatches 672 Retail trading in beverages such as Retail trading in other building tea (leaf), coffee (seed and powder), materials 673' aerated water 641 68 Retail trading in agricultural and Retail trading in intoxicants such industrial machinery eqUipment, as wines, liquors 642 tools and appliances 680 Retail trading in other intoxicants Retail trading in transport and such as opium, ganja, etc. 643 storage equipm.~nts 681 Retail trading in tobacco, bidj, ciga­ Retail trading in electrical goods rettes and other tobacco products 644 like electric fan, bulb, etc. 682 Retail trading in fuel -such as coke, Retail trading in skins, leather and coal, firewood and kerosene 645 furs and their products excluding Retail trading in food stuffs like footwear and headgear 688 . sweetmeats, condiments, -cakes, Retail trading in clock and watch, biscuits, etc. - 646 eye glas~, frame 684 Retail trading in animals 647 Retail trading in scientific, medical Retail trading in straw and fodder 648 and surgical instruments 685 Retail trading in precious stones 65 Retail trading in fibres, yarns, and jewellery 686 dhoti, saree, readymade garments Retail trading in musical instru­ of cotton, wool, silk and other tex­ ments, gramophone record, pictures tiles and hosiery products; (this and paintings including curio Includes retail trading in piece­ dealing 687 goods of cotton, WOOl, silk and Book-selling 688 other textiles) 650 Retail trading in goods unspecified 689 (xv)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 69 Trade and Commerce M'iscellaneous:­ 73 Communication: - Importing and exporting of goods Postal, telegraphic, wireless and and commodities 690 signal communications 730 Real estate and properties 691 Telephone communication 731 Stocks, shares and futures 692 Information and broadcasting 732 Division 8.-Services: Providents and insurances 693 80 P.ublic Services (This does not in­ Money lending (indigenous) , 694 clude Govt., Quasi-Govt. or local Banking and similar type of body activities, other than adminis­ financial operation 695 trative, in such fields as transport, Auctioneering 696 communication, information and Distribution of motion pictures 697 broadcasting, education and scienti­ fic services, health, industries, pro­ All other activities connected with duction, construction, marketing & trade and commerce not covered operation of financial institution above including hiring out of dur­ each of which is classified in the able goods such as electric fan, appropriate industry groups) :- microphone, rickshaw, etc. 699 Public Services in Union and State Division 7.-Transport, Storage and Communi­ army including territorial corps cation: and volunteer corps 800 70 Transport:-- Public Service in Navy 801 Transporting by railways 700 Public Service in Air Force 802 Transporting by tramway and bus Public Service in Police 803 service 701 Public service in administrative Transporting by motor vehicles departments and offices of Central (other than omnibus) 702 Government 804 Transporting by road through Public service in administrative other means of transport such as departments and offices of Quasi­ hackney carriage, bullock cart, ekka 703 Government organisation, munici- Animal transporting by animals palities, local boards, etc. 805 such as horses, elephant, mule, Public service in administrative camel 704 departments and offices of State Transporting by man such as carry- Governments 809 ing of luggage, hand cart driving, 81 Educational and Scientific Services:­ rickshaw pulling cycle rickshaw Educational services such as those driving' 705 rendered by technical colleges tech­ Transporting by boat steamer, nical schools and similar te~hnical ferry, etc, by river, can~l 706 and vocational institutions 810 Transporting by boat steamer Educational services such as those ship, cargo boat by sea or ocean ' 707 rendered by colleges, schools and Transporting by air 708 similar other institutions of non_ technical type 811 . Transporting by other means not Scientific services and research insti­ covered above 709 tutions not capable of classification under any individual group 812 "11 . Services incidental to transport 82 Medical and Health Services:­ such as packing, carting travel agency 710 Public health and medical services rendered by organisations and indi­ 12 Storage and Ware Housing:­ viduals such as by hospitals, sana­ toria, nursing homes, maternity Operation of storage such as ware- and child welfare clinic as also by " houses 720 lilakimi, unani, ayurvedic, allopathic Operation of storage such as cold- and homeopathic particulars 820 I'.)' storag~ 721 Veterinary services rendered by .. , Operation of storage of other type 722 organisations and individuals 821 (xvi)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group­ (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 83 Religious and Welfare Services:­ 87 Reerea tion Services:- Religious services rendered by reli­ Production of motion picture and gious organisations and their estab­ allied services such as processing lishments maintained for worship editing etc. 870 or promotion of religious activities, Recreation services rendered by this includes missions, ashrams and cinema houses by exhibition of other allied organisations 880 . motion pictures 871 Religious and allied service!!! render- Recreation services rendered by ed by pandit, priest, preceptor, organisations and individuals such fakir, monk 831 as those of theatres, opera Welfare services rendered by orga­ companies, ballet and dancing nisations operating on a non-profit parties, musicians, exhibitions, basis for promotion of welfare of circus, carnivals 872: the community such as relief soci. Recreation services rendered by eties red-cross organisation for the indoor and outdoor sports by orga­ collection and allocation of contri- nisations and individuals including bution for charity 832 horse, motor etc. racing. 84 Legal Services:- 88 Personal Services:- Legal services rendered by barris­ Services rendered to households ter, advocate, solicitor, mukteer, such as those by domestic servants, pleader, mukurie, munshi 840 cooks 88(» Matrimonial services rendered - by Services rendered to households organizations and individuals 841 such as those by governess, tutor, private secretary 881 85 Business Services:- Services rendered by hotels, board- Engineering services rendered by ing houses, eating houses, cafes, professional organisations or in· restaurants and similar other orga· dividuals 850 nisations to provide lodging and B.usi~ess services rendered by orga­ boarding facilities 882' msatIons of accountants, auditors, Laundry services rendered by org8.~ book.keepers or like individuals 851 nisations and individuals, (this Business services rendered by includes all types of cleaning, p,rofessional organisations or indi­ dyeing, bleaching, dry cleaning VIduals such as of those of advertis- services) 883- ing and publicity agencies 852 Hair dressing, other services render- Business services rendered by pro- ed by organisation and individuals fessional organisations or indi- such as those by barber, hair­ viduals such as of those rendered by dressing saloon and beauty shops 88.t news agency, news paper corres­ Services rendered by portrait and pondent, columnist, journalists commericial photographic studios 885- editors, authors ' 853 89 Services (not elsewhere classified):­ 86 Community Services and Trade and Services rendered by organisations Labour Associations:- or individuals not elsewhere classi~ S.ervices rendered by trade associa­ fied . 890' tlO!1S, chambers of commerce trade u_mons and similar other organisa- Division 9-Activities not adequately bons 860 descirbed: Services rendered by civic social 90 Activities unspecified and not eultur!ll, political, and f~aternai adequately described including orga~Is~hons such as rate payers activities of such individuals who aSSOCIatIOn, club, library 861 fail to provide sufficient information Community services sueh as those about their industrial affiliation to rendered by public libraries ellable them to be classified 900 museums, botanical and zoologicai Fresh entrants to the Labour gardens etc, 862 Market 999 (xvii)


Which classifies o~cupations into 331 Occupational Families (three-digit code numbers) 75 Occupational Groups (two-digit code numbers) 11 Occupational Divisions (one-digit code numbers) Note I.-The Classification does not provide separate code numbers for Apprentices, Foremen and Instructors (in-plant only). These may be classified by giving the prefixes of "A". "B", or o'e" respectively before the code 'number of the occupation which is being learned, supervised or instructed. Note I I .-n. e. e.-not elsewhere classified. DIVISIONS, GROUPS AND FAMILIES, o Professional, Technical and Related Workers: 032 Physicians, Homeopathic 00 Architects, Engineers and 8urveyors:- 033 Physicians, others' 034 Physiologists 000 Architects 035 Dentists, 001 Civil Engineers (including overseers), 039 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists, 002 Mechanical Engineers n.e.c. 003 Electrical Engineers 004 Chemical Engineers 04 Nurses, Pharmacists and other Medical & Health Technicians:- 005 Metallt,ll'giaal Engineers 040 Nurses 006 Mining Engineers 007 Surveyors 041 Midwives and Health Visitors 042 Nursing Attendants and Related 009 Architects, Engineers and Surveyors, n. e. c. Workers 043 Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical 01 Chemists, Physicists, Geologists and Technicians other Physical Scientists:- 044 Vaccinators 010 Chemists, except Pharmaceutical 045 Physiotherapists, Masseurs and Chemists Related Technicians 011 Pharmaceutical Chemists 046 Sanitation Technicians 012 Physicists 047 Optometrists and Opticians 013 Meteorologists 049 Medical and Health Technician8, 014 Geologists and Geophysicist n.e.c. (excluding Laboratory Assia. 016 Mathematicians tants see 091). 019 Chemists, Physicists, Geologists and other Physical Scientists, n.e.c. 05 Teachers: - 050 Teachers, University 02 Biologists, Veterinarians, Agronomists & 051 Teachers, Secondary S'chooIg Related Seientists:- 052 Teachers, Middle and Primary 020 Biologists and Animal Scientists Schools 021 Veterinarians 053 Teachers, Nursery and KindergarteD 022 Sliviculturists Schools 023 Agronomists and Agricultural Scien­ 059 Teachers, n.e.c. tists 029 B~ologists, Veterinarians, Agrono­ 06 Jurists: - mISts and Rel£ted Scientists, n.e.c. 060 Judges and Magistrates 03 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists 061 Legal Practitioners and Advisers 030 Physicians and Surgeons, Allopathic 062 Law Assistants O:U Physicians. Ayurvedic ()69 Jurists, and Legal Technicians (including Petition Writers) (xviii)

07 Social Scientists and Related Workers:- 101 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 070 Economists. cials, State Government 071 Accountants and Auditors 102 Administrators and Executive Offi­ cials, Local Bodies. 072 Statisticians and ,Actuaries I 103 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 073 Geographers cials, Quasi-Government 074 Psychologists 104 Village Officials 075 Personnel Specialists 109 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 076 Labour and Social Welfare Workers cials, Government, n.e.c. ,I". 077 Sociologists and Anthropologists 11 Directors and Managers, Whosesale and 078 Historians, Archeologists, Political Retail Trade:- Scient~sts and Related Workers 110 Directors and Managers, Wholesale 079 S'ocial Scientists and Related Trade Workers, n.e.c. 111 Directors and Managers, Retail Trade 08 Artists, Writers and Related Workers:- 080 Authors 12 Directors, Managers and Working Pro­ 081 Editors, Journalists and Related prietors, Financial Institutions:- . Workers 120 Directors, Managers and Working 082 Translators, Interpreters and Proprietors, Banks .* " Language Specialists 121 Directors, Managers and Working 083 Painters, Decorators and Commer- Proprietors, Insurance cial Artists 129 Directors, Managers and Working 084 Sculptors and Modellers Proprietors, Financial Institutions, 085 Actors and Related Workers 13 Directors, Managers and Working Pro· 086 Musicians and Related Workers prietors, other:- 087 Dancers and Related Workers 130 Directors, Managers and Working 089 Artists, Writers and Related Proprietors, Mining, Quarrying and Workers n.e.c. Well Drilling 131 Directors, Managers and Working 09 Draughtsmen, and Science and Engineer. Proprietors, Construction ing Technicians, n.e.c. 132 Directors, Managers and Working 090 Draughtsmen Proprietors, Electricity, Gas, Water 091 Laboratory Assistants and Sanitary. 099 Science and Engineering Techni_ 133 Directors, Managers and Working cians, n.e.c. . . Proprietors, Manufacturing .OX Other Professional, Technical and Related 134 Directors, l\{ana:gers and Working VVorkers:~ .. . Proprietors, '. Transport an~ Com"'! munication" . OXO Ordained Religious Workers 135 Directors, M~nagers . and' Worki!lg OXI N on-ordained Religious Workers Proprietors, Recreation, Entertam­ OX2 Astrologers, Palmists and Related ment and Catering Services Workers 136 Directors, ¥anagers and Working OX9 Other Professional, Technical and Proprietors, pther Services Related Work en, n.e.c. 139 . Directors, Managers ap.d Working OX4 Geograpners Ffroprietors, n.e.c .• " . . " i 1 Administrative, Executive and Managerial 2 Clerical and Relatedl Workers: Workers 2'0. Book-keepers and Cashiers:-:- OX3 Librarians, Archivists and Related Workers: 200 Book-keepers, Book-keeping and 10 Administrators and Executive Officials, Accounts Clerks . Government: _ . . . 201 Cashiers i ,·100 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 202. Ticket Sellers .and Ticket Inspectors cials, Central' Government (An De- including ushers and Ticket Collectors ~" c '" f~~.c.,e Se:rvice~. '. ~.ersonnel to be (~cluding' . those on moving trans- .. i'.,::!,,".~,lJd~JlLtJli~ family) port) .' ': < ~ • 21 Stenographers and Typists:- 34 Money-Lenders and' Pawn-Broken:- 210 Stenographers 340 Money-Lenders (including Indige­ 211 Typists nous Bankers) 341 Pawn-Brokers .22 Office Machine Operators: 220 Computing Clerks and Calculating ! 4 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and Machine Operators \ Related Workers: 221 Punch Card Machine Operaton 40 Farmers and Farm Managers:- 229 Office Machine Operators, n.e.c. 400 Cultivators (Owners) 28 Clerical Workers, Miscellaneous:- 401 Cultivators (Tenants) 280 General and other Ministerial Assis, 402 Farm Manager·s, Inspectors and tants and Clerks Overseers 289 Miscellaneous Office Workers includ­ 403 Planters and Plantation Managers ing Record keepers, Moharrers, 404 Farmers and Farm Managers, Diaphers, Packers and Binders of Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing office papers. 409 Farmers and Farm Managers, n.e.c. 29 Unskilled Office Workers:- 41 Farm Workers:- 290 Office Attendants, U ahers, Hall 410 Farm Machinery Operators Porters etc. n.e.c. 411 Farm Workers, Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing 3 Sales Workers: 412 Gardeners (malis) 30 Working Proprietors, Wholesale and 413 Tappers (Palm, Rubber trees, etc.) Retail Trade:- 414 Agticultural Labourers 300 Working Proprietors, Wholesale 415 Plantation Labourers Trade 419 Farm Workers, n.e.c. 301 Working' Proprietors, Retail Trade 42 Hunters and Related Workers:- 31 Insurance and real estate salemen, sales­ 420 Hunters men of securities and services, and 421 Trappers auctioneers :- 429 Hunters and Related Workers, n.e.c . .810 ' Agents,;ft.n.c:l 'Salesmen, Insurance 311 Agents, Brokers and Salesmen, Real 43 Fishermen and Related Workers:-;::- Estate 430 Fishermen, Deep Sea 312 Brokers and Agents, Securities and 431 Fisherm.e.n, Inland and Coastal Shares Waters 313 Auctioneers 432 Conch and Shell gatherers; Sponge 314 Valuers and Appraisers and Pearl Divers 319 Insurance and Real Estate Salesmen, 439 Fishermen and Related Workers, Salesmen of Securities and Services, n.e.c. and Auctioneers, n:e.c. 44 Loggers and other Forestry Workers:- . 32 Commercia! Travellers and Manufacturers' Agents:- 440 Forest Rangers and Related Worker~ 320 Commercial Travellers 441 Harvesters and Gatherers of Forest Products including lac (except logs). 321 Manufacturers' Agents 442 Log Fell~rs and Wood Cutters 329 Commercial' Travellers and Manu­ facturenf Agents;' D..e.c. 443 Charcoal Burners and Forest Pro-. , duct Processors 33 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Related 449 Loggers and other Forestry W orkerso Workers:- n.e.c. 330 Salesmen and Shop Assistants, Wholesale and Retail Trade , 5 Mines, Quarrymen and Related Workers;; 331 Hawkers, Pe(n~rs and street V~ndors 50 Miners and Quarrymen:_ , 339 Salesmen, Shop As3i!tants and 500 Miners Related Workers, n.e.c. 501 Quarrymen " ." (xx)

502 Drillers, Mines and Quarries J66 Inspectors; Supervisors, Traffic Con­ 503 Shot Firers trollers, Despatchers, Transport :-. 509 Miners and Quarrymen, n.e.c. 660 Inspectors, Supervisors and Station Masters 51 Well Drillers and Related Workers:- 661 Traffic Controllers / 510 Well Drillers, Petroleum and Gas 662 Signalmen and Pointsmen 511 Well Drillers, other than Petroleum and Gas 67 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Tele­ communication Operators:- 52 Mineral Treaters:- 670 Telephone Operators 520 Mineral Treaters 671 Telegraphists and Signallers 59 Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers, 672 Radio Communication and Wireless n.e.c.:- Operators 590 Miners, Quarrymen and Related 673 Teleprinter Operators Workers, n.e.c. 679 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Tele-Communication Operators, n.e.c. 6 Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations: Z8 Postmen and Messengers:- 60 Deck Officers, Engineer Officers and Pilots, Ship:- 680 Postmen 600 Deck Officers and Pilots, Ship 681 Messengers (including Dak Peons) 601 Ship Engineers 69 Workers in Transport and Communication 61 Deck and Engine-room Ratings (Ship), Occupations, n.e.c. Barge Crews and Boatmen:- 690 Ticket Sellers, Ticket Inspectors. 610 Deck Ratings (Ship), Barge Crews including Ushers and Ticket and Boatmen Collectors on moving Transport 611 Engine-Room Ratings, Firemen and 691 Conductors, Road Transport Oilers, Ship 692 Workers in Transport Occupations. 62 Aircraft Pilots, Navigators and Flight n.e.c. Engineers :- 693 Inspectors, Traffic Controllers and 620 Aircraft Pilots Despatchers, Communications 621 Flight Engineers 694 Workers in Communication Occupa­ tion, n.e.c. 622 Flight Navigators 7-8 Craftsmen, Production Process Workers, 63 Drivers and Firemen, Railway Engine :-.- and Labourers not elsewhere classified: 630 Drivers 631 Firemen 70 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and .64 Drivers, Road Transport:- Related Workers:- 640 Tramcar Drivers 700 Fibre Preparers, Ginners, Cleaners, Scourers, etc. 641 Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle Drivers 701 Blow-room Workers and Carders ,642 Cycle Rickshaw Drivers and Rick­ .. 702 Spinners, Piecers and Winders shaw Pullers 703 W·arpers and Sizers ~~3 Animal Drawn Vehicle Drivers 704 Dirawers and Weavers 649 Drivers, Road Transport, n.e.c. 705 Pattern Card Preparers (including Palki and Doli Bearers) ~~cluding Printers) £5 Conductors. Guards and Brakesmen 706 Bleachers, Dyers and Finishers (Railway) :- 707 Knitters and Lace MaKers 165() Conductors 708 Carpet Makers and Finishers 1651 Guards 'ID9 Spinners, Weavers. Knitters, Dyers ~52 Brakesmen and Rel6.ted Workers, n.e.c. (xxi)

'11 Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Related 752 Fitter-A&semblers and Machine Erectors (Except Electrical and Workers:- Precision Instrument Fitter-Assem­ 710 Tailors, Dre~s Makers and Garment blers) Makers 753 Mechanics-Repairmen (Except Elec~ 711 Hat and He:,d-gear Makers trical and Precision Instrument 712 Furriers Repairmen) 713 Upholsterers, and Related Workers 754 Sheet Metal Workers 714 Pattern Makers, Markers and Cutt- 755 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters ers Textile Products, Leather Gar~ 756 Welders and Flame Cutters me~ts and Gloves 757 Metal Plate and Structurai Metal 715 Sewers, Embrioderers and Darners, Workers Textile and Li'ur Products 758 Electro-Platers, Dip-Platers and 719 Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Relat­ Related Workers ed Workers, n.e.c. 759 Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Welders, Platers and Delated Work­ Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers ers, n.e.c. (including Metal-engrav­ (except Gloves and Garments) and ReJated ers other than printing) Workers:- 720 Shoe Makes and Shoes Repairers 76 Electricians and Related Electrical and 721 Cutters, Lasters, Sewers, Footwear Electronics Workers:- and Related Workers 760 Electricians, Electrical Repairmen 722 Harness and Saddle Makers and Related Electrical Workers 729 Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers 761 Electrical and Electronics Fitters (except Gloves and .Garments) and 762 Mechanics-Repairmen, Radio and Related Workers, n.e.c. Television . 763 Installers and Repairmen, Telephone Furnacemen Rollers, Drawers, Moulders and Telegraph "'8 and Related Metal Making and Treating 764 Linemen and Cable Jointers Workers:- 769 Electricians and Related Electrical 780 Furnacemen, M.etal and Electronics Workers, n.e.c. 781 Annealers, Temperers and Related Heat Treaters 77 Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, 732 Rolling Mill Operators, Metal Coopers and Related Workers:- 738 Blacksmiths. Hammersmiths and 770 Carpenters, Joiners, Pattern Makers Forgemen (Wood) 734 Moulders and Coremakers 771 Shipwrights and Body Builders 735 Metal Drawers and Extruders 772 Sawyers and Wood Working Machi- 739 Furnacemen, Rollers, D:mw~rs, nists Moulders and Related Metal-Making 773 Coach and Body Builders and Treating Workers n.e.c. 774 Cart Builders and Wheel Wrights 775 Cabinet Makers "14 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch Makers, Jewellers and Related Workers:- 779 Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, 740 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch Coopers. and Related Workers, n.e.c. and Clock Makers and Repairmen 741 Jewellers, Goldsmiths and Silver- 78 Painters and Paper Hangers:- smiths 780 Painters and Paper Hangers 742 Jewellery Engravers '19 Bricklayers, Plasterers and Construction Workers n.e.C.:- . "15 Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Weld­ ers, Platers and Related Workers:- 790 Stone Cutters, Stone Carvers and 750 Fitter-Machinists, Tool-makers and Stone Dressers Machine Tool Setters 791 Bricklayers, Plasterers, Masons 751 Machine Tool Operators 792 Glaziers (xxii)

793 Cement Finishers and Terrazzo and . 828 Coffee and Tea Ble:p.ders and Rela~ Mosaic Workers Work~rs 794 Hut Builders and Thatchers 829 Millers, Bakers, Brewlllasters and 795 Well / Diggers Related Food and Beverage Workers,. n.e.c. 799 Bricklayers, Plasterers and Construc­ tion Workers, n.e.C. 83 Chemical and Related Process Workers:- 830 Batch and Continuous Still Operators. 80 Corr.positors, Printers, Engravers, Book. Binders and Related Workers:- 831 Cookers, Roasters and other Heat Treaters, Chemical and Relat;e{l 800 'lIype-setting Machine Operators Processes 801 Compositors 832 Crushers,. Millers and Calenderers. 802 Proof-Readers and Copy Holders Chemical and Related Processes 803 Printers (Paper) 833 Paper Pulp PrepareI.'s 804 Printers (Textile) 834 Paper Makers 805 Photo-Litho Operators, Photo-litho­ 839 Chemical and Related Process. graphers Workers, n.e.c. 806 Engravers, Etchers & Block Makers (Printing) 84 Tobacco Preparers and Products Makers: 807 Stereotypers 840 Curers, Graders and Blenders,. 808 Book Binders Tobacco 809 Compositors, Printers, Engravers, 841 Cigarette Machine Operators Book-Binders and Related Workers, .842 Cheroot, Cigar and Bidi Makers n.e.c. 843 Snuff and Zarda Makers 849 Tobacco Preparers and Product 81 Potters, Kilnmen, Glass and Clay Formers Makers, n.e.c. and Related Workers:- 810 Furnacemen, Kilnmen and Ovenmen 85 Craftsmen and Production Process. Workers n.e.c. 811 Potters, and Related Clay Formers 850 Basketry Weavers and Related 812 Blowers and Benders, Glass Workers 813 Moulders and Pressers, Glass 851 Tyre Builders, Vuleanisers and. 814 Grinders, Cutters, Decorators and Related Rubber Products Makers Finishers 852 Plastics Products Makers 815 Pulverisors and Mixers, Cement, Clay 853 Tamiers, Fellmongers, Pelt Dressers. and other Ceramics and Related Workers 819 Potters, Kilnmen, Glass and Clay 854 Photographic Dark Room Workers. Formers and Related Workers, n.e.c. 855 Makers of Musical Instruments and Related Workers ,82 Millers, Bakers, Brewmasters and Related 856 Paper Products Makers Food and Beverage Workers:- 859 Craftsmen imd, Production Process. 820 Millers, Pounders, Huskers and Par­ Workers, n.e;c. chers, Grains and Related Food Workers 86 Testers,! Packers, Sorters and Related 821 Crushers and Pressers, Oil Seeds Workers:- 822 Dairy Workers (Non-Farm) 860 Checkers, Testers, Sorters, Weighers. 823 Khandsari, Sugar and .our Makers alld Counters 824 Bakers, Confectioners, Candy and 861 Packers, Labellers and Related' Sweetmeat Makers Workers 825· Makers of Aerated Water and 'Brewers 87 Stationary Engine and Excavating and IMting Equipment Operators and Related 826 FO<>d. Canners, Preservere and Be­ Workers:- ' latea Workers 870 Operators. Stationary Engines and 827 Butchers Related Equipment (xxiii)

871 Boilermen and Firemen ~8 Building Care-Takers, Cleaners and 872 Crane and Hoist Operators Related Workers:- 873 Riggers and Cable Splicers 930 Building Care-Takers 874 Operators of Earth-moving and 931 Cleaners, Sweepers and Waterman Other Construction Machinery, n.e.c. 94 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians and 875 Materials-handling Equipment Opera- Related Workers:- tors . 940 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians 876 . Oilers and Greasers, Stationary and Related Workers Engines, Motor Vehicles and Relat­ ed Equipment 95 Launderers, Dry Cleaners and Pressers:- '879 Stationary Engine, and Excavating 950 Laundrymen, Washennen and Dho- and Lifting Equipment Operators bies .' . . and Related Workers, n.e.c. 951 Dry-cleaners and Pre!sers 89 Labourers, n.e.c.:- 890 Loaders and Unloaders 96 Athletes Sportsmen and Related Workers: . 899 Labourers, n.e.c. 960 Athletes, Sportsmen and Related Workers 9 Service, Sports and Recreation Workers. 97 Photographers and Related Camera Opera~ 90 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards and tors:- Related Workers:- 970 Movie Camera Operators 900 Fire Fighters and Related Workers 979 Other Photographers 901 Police Constables, Investigators and Related Workers 99 Service, Sports and Recreation Workers, 902 Customs Examiners, Patrollers and n.e.c.:- Related Workers 990 Embalmers and Undertakers 903 Watchmen and Chowkidars 999 Service, Sport and Recreation 909 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards, Workers, n.e.c. and Related Workers, n.e.c. X Workers not Classifiable by occupation 91 House Keepers, Cooks, Maids and Related Workers:- XO Workers without occupations:- 910 House Keepers, Matrons, Stewards XOO Workers without occupations: (Domestic and Institutional) .' Matriculates and above 911 Cooks, Cook-Bearers (Domestic and X08 Workers without occupations: Institutional) Literates 912 Butlers, Bearers, Waiters, Maids and X09 Workers without occupations: other Servants (Domestic) Others Ayas,' Nur.se-maids >, X8 Wwkers RepOrtini' Occupation . Unidenti­ Hous~rs, eo~s, Maills'," and fiable Dr Unclassiftable:- Related' -WOrkers, n.e.c. X80 Vf orkers reporting occupations un- : Identi~able 'Or unclassifiable 92;~ Waiters. Barlenders and :Related Workers • ,. 920 Waiterst' BartenderS' a.nd ·:Related . 'X9 Workers not Reporting Occupation:- Workers (Institutional) X9,0 Workers not Reporting occupation. (Xii\r),


Note:~Under Column 3, ea) represents area fi~ure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Division! Total Area in PopuIa- No. of No. of No. of occupied DistrictJTown Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 <1 5 6 7 8

INDIA T (a) 1,232,561 (b) 1,228>402 358 567,351 2,700 78,855,586 840511,887 R 1,213,535 297 567,351 650070,27Sl 68,9t8,5Ifi U 140867 5,305 lZ,70° 13,785031 4 150563.371 MADHYA PRADESH ... T ea) 171,217 (b) 169,°42 19lZ 70>414 lZI9 6,230 ,854 6,615,580,4' R IfiB,3li1l1 165 70,414 5,376,498 5,628,373. U 720 6,428 219 8540356 g87,1t07 - DivisioD T (a) 17,253 (b) 17,215.5 200 6,594 24 595>496 651,261 R 17,155·7 166 6,594 5,6,706 5340736; U 59.8 9,739 24 88,790 nfi,sa5· 1 Morena T (a) 4,489 (b) 4,511.5 174 1,290 6 134,708 142,804- R 4,507.2 159 1,290 121,645 129,293· U 4.3' 15,611 6 13,063 13,511 2 Bhind T (a) 1,723 R eb) 1,720.1 373 898 4 134,708 113,916. U 1,717.0 346 898 95,831 104,439' 3.1 15,128 4 8,593 9,477 3 Gwalior T (a) 2,002 (b) 2,015.0 326 760 4 95,868 124,830· R 1,988.2 168 760 55,457 60,484 U 26.8 12,124 4 40,411 64,34& 4 Datia T (a) 782 (b) 785.7 255 416 38,112 39,2490' R 783.7 218 416 32,755 33,137 U 2.0 14,715 5,357 6,IIZ 5 Shivpuri T (a) 3,986 (b) 3,943.1 142 1,308 3 108,766 110,897 R 3,939.9 132 1,308 101,503 102,881 U 3.2 12,266 3 7,263 8,01& 6 Guna T 4,271 (bea~ 4,240.1 141 1,922 6 113,618 119,565- R 4,219.7 123 1,922 99,515 104,502 U 20.4 3,665 6 14,103 15,06!. Rewa DivisiOD T (a) 22,B45 (b) 22,6".8 187 10,638 18 8150913 884t909> R 22,601·5 176 10,638 761,397 825>457 U 76·3 3,445 18 540516 S9tf,a: 7 Tikamgarh T ea) 1,944 (b)' 1,960.9 232 872 88,630 93,83(} R 1,958.7 222 872 84,563 89,54g. U 2.2 9,389 4,067 4,281 8 Chhatarpur T (a) 3,381 (b) 3,330.3 176 1,076 5 115,636 126,377 R 3,295.7 161 1,076 104,417 114,I10 U 34.6 1,630 5 I1,219 12,267 9 Panna T

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Contd. India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T ----~-. per 1000 Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females males Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

439,234,771 226,293,201 212,941,570 941 105,333,281 24'00 +21'50 T (b) :t60,293,168 183,504,095 176,794,073 963 68,304,933 18'96 R 78,936,603 4111,789,106 36,147,497 845 37,028,348 46 '91 U

31l1,372,403 16,578,204 15,794,204 953 5,544,861l1 17'13 + 1lI4'17 T 27,745,174 140035,038 13,660,136 970 3,530,896 12'73 +20'95 R 4,627,234 2,493,166 2,134,068 856 2,013,966 43'52 +47'70 U

3,436,639 1,841,668 1,5940971 866 588,172 17'11 +22'12 T 1lI,854,229 1,526,730 1,327,499 870 355,363 111:'45 +19'55 R 582,410 31:4,938 11:67,472 849 11:32,809 39'97 +36 '511: U

783,348 426,061 357,287 839 116,616 14·89 +23·64 n 716,221 388,901 327,320 842 89,701 12'52 +20·36 R 67,127 37,160 29,967 806 26,915 40·10 +74·30 U

641,169 346,797 294.372 849 111,617 17·41 +21·44 T2 593,516 320,175 273;341 854 94,551 15·93 + 17·78 R 47,653 26,622 21,031 790 17,066 35·81 +98·06 U

657,876 353,813 304,063 859 183,336 27·87 +24·06 T3 333,428 178,648 154,780 866 47,699 14·31 + 18·09 R 324,448 175,165 149,283 852 135,637 41·81 +30·85 U

200,467 105,640 94,827 898 29,836 14·88 +22·@0 T4 171,037 90,264 80,773 895 20,115 11·76 +35·11 R 29,430 15,376 14,054 914 9,721 33·03 -21·99 U

557.954 295.543 262,411 888 64,522 11·56 + 17·19 T5 519;072 274,718 244,354 889 49,862 9·61 + 14·28 "- R 38,882 20,825 18,057 867 14,660 37·70 +77·65 U

595,825 313,814 282,011 899 82,245 13·80 +23·64 To 520,955 274,024 246,931 901 53,435 10·26 +22·45 R 74,870 39,790 35,080 882 28,810 38·48 +32·62 U

4011151 ,042 a, 180>496 . a,070.546 9SO . 4991783 11'76 +24.65 T J,g68,217 .,037,sh 1,950,635 57 401,185 10·06 +.5'92 R 2&.,825 142,914 119.911 139 98,598 37'51 --2'00 U

455,662 239,035 216,627 906 44,067 9·67 +24·44 T7, 435,193 228,339 206,854 906 36,698 8·43 +25'81 R 20,469 10,696 9,773 914 7,369 36·00 + 1·12 U

587,373 310,653 276,720 891 65,932 11·22 +22·08 T3 531,054 280,559 250,495 893 47,072 8·86 +22·93 R 56,319 30,094 26,225 871 18,860 33·49 +14'59 U

331,257 170,942 160,315 938 36,03.4 10·88 +27·57 T9I 314,520 162,132 152,388 940 29,214 9·29 +32·39 16,737 R 8,810 7,927 900 6,820 40·75 -24·26 U XXVI


Note: - Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure f~rnjshed by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Division! Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 Satna T (a) 2,823 (b) 2,866·3 242 1,753 4 137,450 147,088 R 2,857 ·2 221 1,753 , 123,670 132,231 U 9 ·1 6,965 4 13,78Q 14,857 U Rewa T (a) 2,509 (b) 2,427 ·6 318 2,296 142,452 156,911 R 2,422 ·9 301 2,296 l'34,316 147,175 U 4.7 9,143 8,136 9,736 12 Shahdol T (a) 5,412 (b) 5,354'4 155 1,974 5 164,854 176,452 R 5,330'6 145 1,974 151,876 163,077 U 23·8 2,427 5 12,978 13,375 t3 Sidhi T (a) 4,060 (b) 3,953 ·3 147 1,733 101,513 111,369 R 3,951'9 146 1,733 100,382 110,114 U 1·4 3,692 1,131 1,255 lIndore Db>islon ... T (a) !l7.341 (b) !l5.5!l5·6 !l3!l 11.003 611 l.o6!l,!l18 1,133.830 R !l5.412 ·4 177 11.003 83!l,700 ~7.060 U 113.2 12,604 62 229,518 286,7'10 14 Mandsaur T (a) 3,966 (b) 3,654 ·3 206 1,576 12 146,902 150,173 R 3,641'8 163 1,576 115,576 116,945 U 12·5 12,762 12 31,326 33,228 d5 Ratlam T (a) 1,727 (b) 1,878 ·0 257 1,038 5 91,103 92,776 R 1,869 ·2 185 1,038 63,858 64,932 U 8·8 15,676 5 27,245 27,844 16 T (a) 2,360 (b) 2,343 ·6 282 1,111 6 118,755 133,443 R 2,332 ·1 192 1,111 86,159 88,049 U 11·5 18,654 6 32,596 45,394 17 Jhabua T (a) 2,615 (b) 2,622 ·7 196 1,331 6 88,284 89,627 R 2,621·4 183 1,331 81,009 82,284 U 1·3 26,862 6 7,275 7,343 18 Dhar T (a) 3,150 (b) 3,183'5 202 1,471 6 116,351 119,339 R 3,163 ·3 182 1,471 103,455 106,131 U 20·2 3,300 6 12,896 13,208 19 Indore T (a) 1,479 (b) 1,369·4- 550 640 4 108,369 146,091 R 1,343 ·2 224 640 54,704 55,347 U 26·2 17,288 4 53,665 90,750 ~\) ffi>ewas T (a) 2,706 (b) 2,596·9 172 1,039 7 88,486 89,260 R 2,589 ·1 147 1,039 75,006 75,594 U 7·8 8.638 7 13,480 13,6GG tll 'West Nirnar T (a) 5,206 (b) 3,751·4- 264 1,715 13 171,482 177,463 R 3,739·9 228 1,715 I 147,166 150,647 U 11·5 12,007 13 24,316 26,816 '22 East Nimar T (a~ 4,132 (b 4,125·8 166 1,082 3 132,486 135,652 R 4,112·4- 129 1,082 105,767 107,131 13·4 11,469 3 26,719 28,521 U if xxvii

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Coutd_ India, while (b). represents area figure furnished by State Survey Department_

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T per Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females 1000 males Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

694,370 353,430 340,940 965 108,237 J15·59 +25-22 T-IO 630,916 318,866 312,050 979 83,585 13·25 +27-93 R 63,454 34,564 28,890 836 24,652 38'85 +3-40 U

772,602 388,887 383,715 987 114,998 }4·88 +21·90 TIl 729,537 364,483 365,054 1,002 95,639 13-11 +27·31 R 43,065 24,404 18,661 765 19,359 44·95 -29·14 lJ

829,649 424,042 405,607 957 85,423 10·30 +27-49 T 12 771,889 392,624 379,265 966 66,036 8·56 +29-47 R ,)7,760 31,418 26,342 838 19,387 33·56 +5-87 U

580,129 293,507 286,622 977 45,092 7·77 +24·95 T 13- 575,108 290,579 284,529 979 42,941 7·47 +23·87 R 5,021 2,928 2,093 715 2,151 42'84 U

5093:1,593 3,0650693 2,8650900 935 x,~3°,4IO 20'74 +27-65 T 4,5:2:8 :13 2,306,~nlll !I:,1g8.6o:l 953 586,067 :13'01 +1115'74 R 1,4111 .780 7590481 667,11199 879 6440343 45'16 +34.08 U.

752,085 390,731 361,354 925 168,796 22·44 +23·98 T l'4~ 592,554 305,891 286,663 937 100,829 17·02 +20·63 R 159,531 84,840 74,691 880 67,967 42·60 +38'24- U

483,521 249,047 234,474 941 103,431 21·39 +26·67 TIS. 345,105 176,213 168,892 958 43,589 12·63 +28·09 R 138,416 72,834 65,582 900 59,842 43·23 +23'26 U

661,720 344,515 317,205 921 155,100 23·44 +21·79 T~ 447,018 229,589 217,429 947 60,335 13·50 +21'·77 R 214,702 114,926 99,776 868 94,765 44-14 +21·83 U

514,384 262,695 251,689 958 31,1 ]6 6·05 +34·42 T 17 478,657 243,941 234,716 962 16,645 3·48 +27·66 R 35,727 18,754- 16,973 905 14,471 40·50 +361·65 U

643,774 328,177 315,597 962 86,607 13·45 +27·74 TIl!.; 577,285 293,192 284,093 969 60,826 10·54- +25·21 R 66,489 34,985 31,504 901 25,781 38·77 +54·96 U

753,594 400,470 353,124 882 288,115 38·23 +25·38 Tl!h 301,511 155,873 145,638 934 59,194 19·63 +25·38 R 452,083 244,597 207,486 848 228,921 50·64 +25·39 1l.t

446 901 230,761 216,140 937 77,404 17·32 +29·42 T20i' 379:521 195,434 184,087 942 51,805 13·65 +21·7} R 67,380 35,327 32,053 907 25,599 37·99 + 101·20 U

990,464 505,919 484,545 958 151,802 15·33 +30·55 T2Jl 852,387 433,675 418,712 965

685,150 553,378 331,772 939 168,039 24·53 +30'88 T22 530,775 272,404 258,371 948 96,028 18·09 +32'20 R 154,375 80,974 73,401 906 72,011 46·65 +26'53 U xxviii

SELECTED STATISTICS OF INDIA, MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS, Note:-Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

U mon/State /Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of ,No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per Inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4- 5 6 7 8

Bhopal Division T Ca) 22,233 (b), 22,202 '5 175 9,868 37 756,058 803,OIl R 22,087 '0 147 90868 636,711 66g,724 U lIS'S !;,422 37 119.347 133.287 23 Shajapur T (a) 2,388 (h) 2,384·9 221 1,064 5 103,299 106,880 R 2,378'5 199 1,064 93,788 96,367 U 6·4 8,325 5 9,511 10,513 24- Rajgarh T (a) 2,383 (b) 2,365·7 218 1,673 5 93,751 104,622 R 2,351'0 199 1,673 84,384 94,565 U 14·7 3,330 5 9,367 10,057 25 Vidisha T (a) 2,839 (b) 2,819 ,5 174 1,498 4 96,016 99,295 R 2,816'4 151 1,498 83,894- 85,771 U 3 ·1 20,803 4 12,122 13,524 •26 Sehore T (a) 3,600 (b) 3,607 '2 209 1,557 7 146,299 159,644 R 3,569'0 135 1,557 96,410 100,631 U 38·2 7,117 7 ,49,889 59,013 27 Raisen T (a) 3,272 (b)' 3,277 ·7 126 1,401 3 82,591 88,452 R 3,272 ·8 119 -1.,401 78,757 83,846 U 4·9 4,430 3 3,834 4,606 28 Hoshangabad T (a) 3,867 (b) 3,856'3 160 1,399 9 125,776 132,194 R 3,818'4 131 1,399 100,829 106,637 U 37·9 3,144 9 24,947 25,557 29 Betul T (a) 3,884 (b) 3,891'2 114 1,276 4 108,326 111,924 R 3,880'9 132 1,276 98,649 101,907 U 10·3 4,576 4 9,677 10,017 JabalpDl' Division T (a) 29,326 (b) 290227'4 196 13,loB 40 1,173,460 1,216,395 R 29,050 '1 164 13,1oB gBl,fi7o 1,012,041 u 177'3 50450 40 191,790 2°4·354 30 Sagar T ( a) , 3,961 (b) 3,960 ·5 201 1,846 8 163.374 167,087 R 3,932 ,3 157 1,846 130;071 131,538 U 28·2 6,406 8 33,303 35,549 , 31 Damoh T ( a) 2,827 (b) 2,808 ·7 156 1,144 2 94,332 97,993 R 2,800'4 137 1,144 83,785 86,795 U 8·3 6,744 2 IO,547 11,198 S2 Jabalpur T (a) 3,918 (b) 3,908 ·2 326 2,267 II 273,039 282,377 R 3,818 ,7 210 2,267 175,604 180,255 U 89·5 5,280 II 97,435 102.122 33 Nanimhapur T ( a) 1,979 (b) 1,981·4 208 993 4 81,933 88,138 R 1,962 ·1 185 993 72,786 77,762 U 19·3 2,537 4 9,147 10,376 34, Mandla T (a) 5,127 (b) 5,120'0 134 2,088 2 136,018 139,484 R 5,116'1 127 2,~88 129,229 132,118 U 3'9 8,:nO 2 6,789 7,366 XXIX

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PllADESH-Contd. India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females per Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T ------~------1000 males Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

30877,°34 ~,ollio,592 1,8560442 919 643.415 16·60 +lli7'38 T 3,115°,765 1,679,~1 :1,570 ,92 4 935 382,l100 11·76 +u'26 R 6ll16,269 340 ,751 285,518 838 261,215 41 '71 +62'71 U

526,135 270,777 255,358 943 74,325 14·13 +21·45 T23 473,105 242,844 230,261 948 53,243 11·25 + 18·74 R 53,030 27,933 25,097 898 21,082 39·75 +52·53 U

516,871 269,666 247,205 917 51,616 9·99 +20·90 T24 467,852 243,937 223,915 918 34,825 7·44 +21·09 R 49,019 25,729 23,290 905 16,791 34·25 +19·12 U

489,213 258,840 230,373 890 66,102 13·51 +26·71 T25 424,933 224,290 200,643 895 41,478 9·76 +23·92 R 64-,280 34,550 29,730 860 24,624 38·31 +48·92 U

754,684 404,735 349,899 864 162,083 21·48 +44·82 T26 482,892 252,692 230,200 911 48,733 10·09 +23·29 R 271,792 152,093 119,699 787 113,345 41·70 + 109·97 U

411,426 215,709 195,717 907 54,967 13·36 +30·46 T27 :389,588 203,930 185,658 910 47,725 12·25 +26·19 R 21,838 11,779 10,059 854 7,242 33·16 +230·03 U

0618,293 '319,760 298,533 934 141,594 22·90 +21·52 T28 499,070 256,040 243,030 949 85,932 17·22 +20·90 R 119,223 63,720 55,503 871 55,662 46·69 +24·19 u

560,412 281,055 279,357 994 92,728 16·55 +24·08 T29 513,325 256,108 257,217 1,004 70,259 13·69 +22·83 R 47,087 24,947 22,140 887 22,469 47·72 +39·30 '- u

.,.,.1,6011 "911,657 1t,8og,g45 965 1,177;649 1t0'58 +1t1'74 T .,391.761 1t.363.605 g88 738,g88 15'54 +16'70 R ~= 519t~6 446,340 859 438•661 ~'4° +54'57 U 796,547 414,834 381,713 920 163,412 20·52 +25·21 T30 0615,843 318,273 297,570 935 88,389 14·35 +20·10 R 180,704 96,561 84,143 871 75,023 41·52 +46·40 U

·438,34-3 223,067 215,276 965 80,874 18·45 +22·63 T31 ·382,570 193,806 188,764 974 56,166 14·68 +21·90 R 55,773 29,261 26,512 906 24,708 44·30 +27 ·83 U

;1,273,825 662,045 611,780 924 363,656 28·55 +21·83 T32 801,179 403,056 398,123 988 135,123 16·87 +7·28 'R 472,646 258,989 213,657 825 228,533 48·35 +58·18 U

412,406 211,238 201,168 952 88,864 21·55 +21·6l T33 363,410 185,321 178,089 961 66,578 18·32 +20·34 R 48.996 25,917 23,079 890 22,286 45·49 +31·94 U

684,503 341,294 343,209 1,006 97,122 14·19 +25·00 TSf 651,359 324,111 327,248 1,010 81,222 12·47 +22·12 R 33,144 17,183 15,961 929 15,900 47·97 +132·70 U xxx

SELEOTED STATISTICS OF JNDJA, :MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS,. Note :-Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Divisionl Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

35 Chhindwara T (a) 4,565 . (b) 4,573 ·7 172 1,896 8 158,486 164,978 R 4,561'2 151 1,896 139,400 144,097 U 12·5 7,890 8 19,086 20,881 36 Seoni T (a) 3,376 (b) 3,360·7 156 1,589 103,817 109,118 R 3,357 ·4 147 1,589 98,070 102,679 U 3·3 9,258 5,747 6,439 37 .T (a) 3,573 (b) 3,514'2 230 1,285 4 162,461 167,220 R 3,501'9 217 1,285 152,725 156,797 U 12·3 3,759 4 9,736 10,423

BUaspur Division T (a) 21,305 (b) 21,351 ·8 192 8,111 20 807,8g2 860,358 R 21,286'7 180 8,111 748,800 797,619 U 65'1 4,180 20 59,092 62,739 38 Surguja T (a) 8,626 (b) 8,565 ·5 121 2,397 6 202,183 210,888 R 8,558 ·8 116 2,397 191,684 200,008; U 6·7 6,507 6 10,499 10,880. 39 Bilaspur T ( a) 7,615 (b) 7,777 ·9 260 3,529 10 402,339 437,734 R 7,731'2 240 3,529 366,339 399,468. U 46·7 3,611 10 36,000 38,266 40 Raigarh T (a) 5,064 (b) 5,008 ·4 208 2,185 4 203,370 211,736. R 4,996 ·7 196 2,185 190,777 198,143:- U 11·7 5,1l4 4 12,593 13,59'3-

Raipur Division T (a) 30,91 4 (b) 30,841 ·6 164 11,092 ·18 1,019,817 1,065,816. R 30,729'0 149 II,. 908,514 941,736 U 112,6 40357 18 111,303 124,080- 41 Durg T (a) 7,576 (b) 7,500·3 251 4,041 8 393,485 415,715- R 7,429 ·0 222 4,041 331,623 348,411 U 71·3 3,304 8 61,862 67,304 42 Raipur T ( a) 8,214 (b) 8,213'6 244 3,811 8 417,662 438,415 R 8,177'2 217 3,811 374,146 387,779 U 36·4 6,259 8 43,516 50,636 43 Bastar T (a) 15,124 ~ (b) 15,127 ·7 77 3,240 2 208,670 211,686 R 15,122 ·8 75 3,240 202,745 205,546 U 4·9 5,501 2 5,925 6,140 CLASS ! TOWNS, Indore (Muni- U 21·56 18,318 11 42,916 79,942 cipal Corporation) 2 J aba1pur (Town- U 66·89 5,487 3 73,304 76,923 Group) (a) Jaba1pur U 52·00 5,680 59,606 63,055 Corporation (b) Jaba1pur U 7 ·20 5,696 6,714 6,847 Cantonment (cl Khamaria U 7·69 3,982 6,984 7,021 Ordnance Factory hxi

DISTlUCTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA. PRADESH-Contd. India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage T --}.....------,- per Educated percentage decade R Persons Males Females 1000 males Persons 1961 variation U 1951-61 9 10 11 12 , 13 14 15 2

785,535 396,672 388,863 980 127,919 16·28 +21·52 T35 687,146 344,727 342,419 993 89,969 13·09 + 14·91 R 98,389 51,945 46,444 894 37,950 38·57 + 103·05 U

523,741 261,060 262,681 1,006 89,313 17·05 +20·66 T36 493,467 245,345 248,122 I,Oll 75,087 15·22 +20·64- R 30,274 15,715 11,559 926 14,226 46·99 +20·98 U

806,702 401,447 405,255 1,009 166,489 20·64 +16·34 T37 760,392 377,122 383,270 1,016 146,454 19·26 +15·39 R 46,310 24,325 21,985 904 20,035 43·26 +34·71 1:1

.ogg,757 1I,046,86!I 2,0511.195 :1,003 618,0511 :15. 08 +19'83 T "h7,6.u :I.~,54f :I.9115r:l OO 1,0111 498,54° :13'011 +16·6g R .711,113 1440318 :1117,795 886 n905111 43'911 +911'99 U

1,036,738 530,166 506,572 955 94,866 9·15 +26·12 T38 992,94~ 505,933 487,016 963 77,595 7·81 +24·00 R 43,789 24,'233 19.556 807 17,271 39·44 +105·91 U

~,021,793 998,738 1,023,055 1,024 368,528 18·23 +15·79 T39 l,a53,356 910,157 943,199 1,036 291,050 15·70 +10·59 R 168,437 88,581 79,856 902 77,478 46·00 +140·15 U

:1,041,226 517,958 523,268 1,010 154,658 14·85 +22·06 T40 981,339 486,454 494,885 1,017 129,895 13·24- +22 ·14 R 59,887 31,504- 28,383 901 24,763 41·35 +20·75 U

&054074:1 '.• .sll~ lI,543ts05 :1.013 787.381 15'58 +115'26 T 4054:140 11031131778 1,037 568,553 I2·t +19'72 R .go,601 \~t(:::868 111:90733 8u 218,828 44' +I99'97 "'u

1,885,236 946,154 939,082 993 336,479 17·85 +27·23 T41 1,649,682 808,081 841,601 1,041 232,361 14·09 + 17 ·55 R 235,554 138,073 97,481 706 104,118 44·20 +200·53 U

2,002,004 9112,679 1,019,325 1,037 370,254 18·49 +22·07 T42 1,773,856 864,016 909,840 1,053 268,520 15·14 +17·16 R 228,148 118,663 109,485 923 101,734 44·59 +81·17 U

1,167;501 582,403 585,098 1,005 80,648 6·91 +27·77 T43 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 1,007 67,672 5·93 +27·44 R 26,899 14,132 12,767 903 12,976 48·24 +43·71 U _,AND TOWN GROUPS 394,941 213,346 181,595 851 200,140 50·68 +27·05 U

367,014 202,874 164,140 809 185,404 50·52 +42·81 U 295,375 159,998 135,377 846 143,973 48·74- +45·03 U

41,014 25,995 15,019 578 24,606 59'99 +19·84 U

30,625 16,881 13,744 814 16,825 54·94 +60·22 U XXXll


Note :~Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the S,,UVeyor General of

Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 Gwalior (Muni- U 24 ·11 12,467 37,143 59,355 cipal Corpo- ration) 4 Bhopal Town~ U 36·57 6,096 3 42,289 49,228 Group (a) Bhopal Mu- U 27·49 6,743 33,117 39,947 nicipality (b) Govindpura U 7 ·07 2,935 5,867 5,912 Industrial Township (Heavy- Electricals Ltd.) (c) Bairagarh U 2·01 8,372 3,305 3,369 (Town- Area) 5 Uijain (Muni- U 6·75 21,357 1~,334 30,970 cipality) 6 Raipur (Muni- U 9·72 14,382 25,785 30,823 cipality) 7 Durg Town-Group U 47·90 2,781 2 37,919 41,452 (a) Bhilai Nagar U 40·14 2,145 1 27,224 30,225 Industrial Township (b) Durg Muni- U 7·76 6,071 10,695 11,227 cipality 8 Sagar Town--- U 19·33 5,415 2 18,082 20,094 Group (a) Sagar Muni- U 13·03 6,561 14,659 16,666 cipality (b) Sagar Can- U 6·30 3,045 3,423 3,428 tonment CLASS II TOWNS,

Ratlam Muni- U 5·00 17,494 17,965 18,122 cipality 2 Bilaspur Muni- U 12·49 6,942 18,286 19,188 cipality 3 Burhanpur U 4·39 18,699 13,524 14,150 Municipality 4- Khandwa Muni- U 8 ·71 7,291 11,231 12,340 cipality 5 Murwara Town- U 13·04 4,637 3 13,740 14,402 GrQup (a) Murwara- U 8·48 5,444 10,987 11,159 Municipa- lity (b) Tikuri U 0·88 8,284 1,005 1,469 Factory Town-. ship (c) Ordnance U 3·68 1,906 1,748 1,774- Factory Area xxxiii


India, while (b) represents area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females per Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T 1000 males Educated percentage variation R .. ---- 1961 1951·1961 U Persons Males Females Persons 14 15 2 9 10 11 12 13

42·43 +24·43 U --300,587 162,204- 138,383 853 127,535

+117·87 U 222,948 125,875 97,073 771 97,194 43·59 43·16 +81·15 ,U. 185,374 102,584- 82,790 807 80,010 43·12 U 20,747 14,419 6,328 439 8,946

48·96 U 16,827 8,872 7,955 897 8,238

46·94 11·05 U 144,161 77,005' .67,156 872 67,666 + +55·66 U 139,792 73,977 65,815 890 66,324- 47·44-

4:9,664 594 65,861 49·43 +557·96 U 133,230 83,566 U 86,116 57,953 28,163 486 43,179 50·14

+ 132·67 U 47,114- 25,6.'13 21,501 839 22,682 48·14 +30·73 U 104,676 56,303 48,373 859 46,734 44·65 +28·67 U 85,491 45,735 39,756 869 38,158 44·63 U 19,185 10,568 8,6i7 815 8,576 44·70 +40·80 AND TOWN GROUPS 81,472 46,391 41,08l 886 41,855 47·85 +37·96 ~:

86,706 45,795 -W,911 893 43,970 50·71 + 121·76 tv

82,090 42,410 39,680 936 36,093 43·97 + 17·16 'Iff'

6S,505 33,790 29,715 879 32,639 51·40 +22·27 {!T' Vi ~.472. 32,085 28,387 885 26,591 43·97 +78·47 -t6,J69 24,554 21,615 880 19,838 42·97 +36·26 U;

7,290 3,702 3,588 969 3,647 50·03 U

7,013 3,829 3,184 832 3,106 44·29 U xxxiv


Deasity Density Areatin (Popula.· Areatin (Popula. Stale/DivisionfDistrict! Sq. miles Population lien per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population tion per Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) I 2 3 .. 1 2 3 4-

MADHYA PRADESH 170 ,145 3a,37 11,408 190 10 2,866 694,370 242 1 RaghurajnaJilf Tahsil 1,247 307~361 246 DIVISION 17,s107 3.4",639 l&OO owwoa 2 NlIfr.od Tah.,il 701 135,886 194 1 MOJtENA DISTRICT 4,512 783,348 174 3 Amarpatan Tah~il· 483 142,049 294 1 Ambah Tal-..sil 410 170,028 415 4 Maihar Tah.-il 435 109,074 251 2 Morella Tahsil 412 155,914- 378 11 2,428 772,602 318 3 jopura Tahsil 615 14t,4otl 230 4 SabalJarh Tahsil SOl 123,051 246 1 Teon!har Tahsil· 612 148,219 242 5 Bijeypur Tahsil 1,117 66,849 60 2 Sinrour Tahsil· 581· 187,786 323 6 Sheopur Tahsil 1,457 126,095 87 3 Mauganj Tahsil· 720 208,444 290 4 Huzur Tahsil 515 228,153 443 2 1,719 64-1,169 373 1 Bhind Tahsil I 530 230,969 436 12 5,352 B29,649 155 2 Gohad Tahsil 397 117,471 296 1 Beohari Tahsil· 1,015 139,837 138 :':I Mehl<"30n Tahsil 374- 131,992 3f'3 1. Bandhogarh 1 ahsil· 1,401 168,861 121 4 Lahar Tahsil 418 160,737 385 3 Tahsil 2,255 438,14:i 194 4 J\lShparajilarh Tamil· 681 82,ROf) 122 3 2,016 657,876 326 1 Gird Tahsil 1,039 424,129 409 13 SInH! DISTRICT 4,012 580,129 145 2 "Pichhore Tahsil 724 169,633 234 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil 1,821} 332,774- 183 253 63,514 3 BhanrJer Tahsil 251 2 Veosar Tahlil· 1,456 141,593 97 4 786 200,467 255 3 Singrauli Tah~;J· 736 103,762 144- 1 Seondha Tahsil • 358 84,063 235 a7,Io4 5.931,,\9'3 lug 2 Dalia Tahsil 428 116,404 272 14 3,650 752,085 206 5 3,934 557,954 142 1 .J awa..i Tahsil 606 86,240 142 1 Pohri Tahsil· 607 73,771 122 2 NeemucR Tahsil 326 ~,326 302 2 Shivpuri Tahsil 93,293 755 124 3 Manasa Tahsil 586 99,924 171 3 Karera Tahsil 760 133,708 176 4 BhaJ\pura Tahsil 401 58,518 146 4 Kolaras T3h~il BB6 109,922 124- 5 Malhar~arh Tahsil 311 74,449 239 151) 5 Pichhore Tah,H· 926 147,253 6 Garnth Tahsil 439 89,143 203 6 GUNA DISTRICT 4,240 595,825 141 7 Manr!saur Tahsil 489 146,680 300 8 Sitamau Tah,il 492 ~8,805 1 GUlla Tah~il 1,218 130.029 107 201 2 Asholcnagar Tahsil 918 151,466 165 15 1,878 483,521 257 3 Mungaoli Tahsil 886 126,329 143 I Janra Tahsil 525 142,068 271 4: Raghogarh Tahsil 757 104,545 138 2 Ala! Tahsil 366 83,650 229 5 Chachaura Tahs;} 461 83,456 181 3 Sailana Tahsil 474 72,357 153

REWA OIVsION 1I~,468 4,251.o4~ 189 4 Ratlam Tah~il 513 185,446 361 1 1,934 455.662 236 16 2,344 661,720 282 1 Niwari Tahsil· 509 124,673 245 1 Khachroo Tahsil 495 126,438 255 2 Jatara Tahsil· 743 160,011 215 2 Mahidpur Tahsil 437 8B,561 203 '3 Ti'tamgarh Tahsil 682 170,978 :m . , 3 Tarana Tahsil 402 ~5,501 238 6 3,330 587,373 176 4 Badnagar 'I ahsil 472 102,894 218 I Laundi Tahsil* 679 121,333 188 5 UjjaiI' Tabs;J .53B 248,326 462 . :2 Chhatarpur Tahsil 1,294 297,928 2% 17 ]Ht\BUA DISTRICT 2,623 514,384 - 196 3 B\iawar '1 ah~il 1,357 162 ll2 119 1 !handla Tahsil 404- 89,747 222 9 2,546 331,257 130 2 Pet1awad Tahsil 369 66,097 179 1 AJaigarh Tahsil. 323 56,14.'} 174 3 Jhabua Tahsil 557 129,775 233 2 Panna Tahsil 1,070 143,741 134 4- J obat Tahsil 424 98,502 232 3 Pawai Tahsil· 1,153 131,371 114 ... 5 AHrajpuf Tahsil 869 130,263 150 "XXxv


Density Density Areatin (Popula. Areatin . (Popula. State/Division/Districtl Sq. miles Population tiOD per S tate/DivisionlDistrict! Sq. miles Population tion per . Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile)

2 3 4 2 S 4

18 DHAR DISTRICT' 3,141 643,774 205 25 2,819 489,213 174 1 Radnawar Tahsil 411 76,389 186 I Laten TalIsii· 381 39,433 103 2 SirQnj T alIsil 2 Sardarpur Tahsil 456 84,900 186 484 ~2,85! 171 3 Kurwai Tahsil 62,602 195 3 Dhar Tahsil 752 141,949 ' 189 321 4 Eaaoda Tusil 885 159,086 180 4 Kllkshi Tahsil 663 146,722 221 5 Vidisha Tahsil 748 145,239 194 5 Manawar Tahsil 859 193,814 226 26 SEHORE DISTRICT 3,613 754,684- 209 510 19 1,479 753,594- 1 Berasia Tahsil 554 80,687 146 1 DepalptJr Tahsil 395 84,533 214 2 Seh'lre Talasil 612 124,148 203 2 Sawer Tahsil 294- 70,434 240 3 H u:.>:ur Tahsil 517 291,028 563 3 J ndore Tahsil 394- 480,164 1,219 4 Ashta Tahsil 562 108,245 193 4 Mhow Tahsil 396 1l~,463 299 5 Jchhawar Tahsil 429 46,049 167 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil· , 523 53,699 103 20 2,683 446,901 167 7 Budni Tahsil· 416 50,828 122 I Sonkalch Tahsil !507 111,668 220 27 3,278 411,426 126 2 Dewas Tahsil 517 121,648- 235 1 R aisen T alasil ;>25 59,419 113 3 BagJi Tahsil 690 83,512 121 2 Ghairatg.mj Tahsil· 355 37,884 107 4 K annod Tahsil 72,231 133 544- 3 BegamgaJlj Tahsil 352 52,077 148 5 KhatC!(aon Tah~il 136 425 57,842 4 Goharganj Tahsil· 683 57,591 84- - 5 Baraily Talasil 549 92,660 169 21 WEST NIMAR DISTRICT 5,178 990,464 191 6 Silwani Tahsil· 498 47,349 95 1 Barwaha Tahsil 544 111,112 204- 7 Udaip"ra Tahsil· 316 64,446 204 2 Maheshwar Tahsil 352 73,310 208 3 Barw&ni Tahsil 624 105,368 169 28 3,851 618;293 161 4- R~pur Tahsil 511 142,013 278 1 Taluil 1,263 187,140 148 5 Kal",wad Tahsil 39] 82,367 211 2 Seoni Tahsil 522 73,769 141 6 Sendhwa Tahsil 1,009 15!,01O 158 3 H08hangabad Tahsil 173 195,424 253 7 Kbargone Tahsil 977 208,331 21~ 4 Soh~pur Tahsil 1,293 161,960 125 8 Bhikangaoo Twil 770 108,953 141 29 3,891 560,412 144 22 EAST NIM.-\R DISTRICT 4,128 685,150 166 1 Baainsdehi Tahsil· 1,320 137,041 104- 1 Khandwa Tahsil 1,446 310,833 215 2 Betul Tahsil 1,603 192,824 120 2 Harsud Tahsil • 1,421 136,073 96 3 Tahsil 968 230,547 238 3 Burhanput 'I ah~il 1,261 238,244 189 JABALPUR DMSION 1I!J,a75 S,711I,Gog 195 112,1103 3,877,034 174 30 3,950 796,547 202 23 2,385 526,135 221 1 Khurai TahlSil 938 195,155 208 2 Banda Tahsil· 711 113,746 160 1 Suscer Tahsil 491 96,461 196 3 Sagar Tahsil 1,063 301,417 284- 2 Allar Tahsil 561 108,794 194 4- Rehli Tahsil 1,238 186,229 150 3 Shajapur Tahsil 698 171,916 246 4 Shujalpur Tahsil 635 148,964 235 31 2,815 438,343 156 1 Hatta Tahsil 1,022 147,315 141- 24 2,366 516,871 218 2 Damoh Tahsil 1,793 291,028 162

1 Khilchipur Tahsil 632 139,285 220 32 JABAL PUR DISTRICT 3,909 1,273,825 326 2 Rajgarh Tahsil 422 79,036 187 I Murwara Tahsil 1,177 312,686 266 3 Ihaura Tahsil 443 94,090 212 2 Tahsil 1,191 282,228 237 4- Saraogpur Tahsil 349 87,222 250 3 Patan Tahsil 561 134,507 240 5 Narsill$arh Tahsil 520 117,238 225 4 Jabalpur Tahsil 980 544,404 556 XXXVl


Density Densil1 Areatin (Popula. Areatin (Popula. State/Division/Dis triet / Sq. miles Population tion per S tate/Division/D~trietl Sq. miles Population tion'peI Tahsil ( 1962.63) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962.63) 1961 Sq. mile: 2 3 4- 2 3 4

33 NARSIMHAPUR DISTRICT 1,983 412,406 208 39 l3ILASPUR DISTRICT 7,710 2,021,793 Z6~ 1 Tahsil 913 204,923 224 I Mungeli Tahsil 1,588 323,027 200 2 Narsimbapl,r Tahsil 1,070 207,483 194 2 Bilaspur Tahsil 2,207 666,185 3o:! 3 Katghf'ra Tahsil 2,435 333,438 13i 4 J anjl;ir Tahsil 869 391,304 45( 34 5,120 684,503 134 5 Sakti Tahsil 611 307,839 5~ 1 Niwas Tahsil· 1,417 184,543 130 40 RATGARH DISTRICT 4,969 1,041,226 2H 2 Dinderi Tahsil· 1,568 179,968 115 I 1 Udaipur Tahsil· 914- 176,893 194 3 Mandla Tahsil 2,135 319,992 150 2 J ashpl.r Tahsil 2,190 306,105 14C 3 Ghargoda Tahsil· 749 136,751 1~ 35 4,576 785,535 172 4 Raigarh Tahsil 624 236,354- 37S 1 Chhindwara Tahsil 2,008 406,803 203 5 Sarangarh Tahsil 492 185,123 376 2 TahSl1· 1,479 172,409 Il7 RAIPUR DIVISION 30,716 ~o5f,741 165 3 Tahsil 1,089 206,323 189 41 DURG DISTRICT 7,498 1,885,236 251 1 Kawardha Tahsil 1,228 172,468 14C 36 3,362 523,741 156 2 Khairagarh Tahsil . 1,246 225,376 181 1 Tahsil· 1,546 192,733 125 3 Bemetara Tahsil" 1,102 317,006 281i 2 Seoni Tahsil 1,816 331,008 182 4 Tahsil 820 269,019 328 5 Durll Tahsil 1,14-7 520,100 453 37 3,560 806,702 227 6 San]ari Balod Tah·il 1,955 381,267 195 1 Wara Seoni Tahsil 930 369,669 397 42 8,094 2,002,004 247 2 Balagbat Tahsil 1,049 284,885 272 1 Baloda Bazar Tahsil 1,764 499,665 283 :2 Raipur Tahsil 1,1:20 495,392 442 3 naihar Tahsil· 1,581 152,148 96 3 Mahasamund Tahsil 1,877 456,209 248 4 DhaItjari Tahsil 1,574 328,920 209 BlLAS.PL"R DIVISION :11,172 4oogg,757 194 .') Bindranawagarh Tahsil· 1,759 221,818 126 8,493 1,036,738 38 122 43 RASTAR DISTRICT 15,124 .1,167,501 77 I Bharatpur Tahsil· 1,217 29,549 24 I Bhanupratappur Tahsil· 930 58,751 63 2 Baikunthpur Tahsil 507 84,300 166 2 Kanker Tahsil 1,346 151,329 112 3 Surajpur Tahsil· 2,172 271,881 125 3 Narayanpur Tahll;!· 3,260 91,260 2a 4 Kondagaon Tahsil· 2,487 186,745 75- 4 Pal Tahsil 1,485 114,695 77 5 Bjiap'lr Tahsil· 1,489 93,668 63- 5 Manendragarh Tahsil 703 117,825 168 6 Dantewara Tahsil· 1,633 134,14a 82 6 Ambikapur Tahsil 1,777 343,172 193 7 J agdalpur Tahsil 1,991 343,051 172 7 Samri Tahsil· 632 75,316 119 8 Konla Tahsil • 1,988 108,549 _55-

• Entirely RuraJ Tahsil. t Area



() "'/

I ," M .. 1



Deputy Superintendent of Census Operations, Madhya Pradesh.

HaSlar, the biggest district of Madhya Pradesh, largest district in the country, the two larger districts is situated in the extreme south of the State, being Ladakh of Jammu and Kashmir and Kutch of farthest from the State headquarters and also the . Bastar is, however, more populated than most difficult from the point of view of accessibilty. either of these two. Except NEFA, it is bigger than Of all the district headquarters, its headquaraters is any of the other Union Territories and is a little the farthest from a railway station-the nearest con­ bigger than KeraJa State. Its population, however•. venient railway station Raipur--being 185 miles is not commensurate with its area, being only a little away. more than half that of Bilaspur district.

The district is situated between latitudes 17° 46' Bastar, the bigger of the two constituent ex-feu­ and 20° 34' N. and longitudes 80° IS' and 82° IS' datory states, has given its name to the district. E. It is bounded> on the north by Durg and There are two explanations regarding the etymology Raipur districts, on the west by Chanda (Maharash­ of the name Bastar. According to one, the word tra) and East Godavery (Andhra Pradesh) districts, Bastar is a corrupt form of the Hindi word Vastra the latter district bounds it on the south also and meaning cloth and refers to the legend of the gift on the east by district (Orissa). The of a piece of cloth by the tutelary deity to the first sha pe of the southern half of the district resembles chief of the state, According to the other expla­ a vase with a narrow bottom. nation, the term Bastar is a ,modification of the word Bans-tari or under the bamboo-grove. Accor­ Bastar district is one of the new districts of the ding to this, the founder of the erstwhile State, State having been constituted in 1948 after the merger having no abode, used to live in a bamboo grove of feudatory states and comprising the erstwhile, whicn habitat gave origin to the subsequent habita­ feudatory states of Bastar and Kanker-inc1uding the tion. This old habitation-Bastar-is now only a zamindaries thereof. The area of the district acco­ village 12 miles north of Jagdalpur. rding to the latest figures furnished by Surveyor General is 15,124 Sq. miles (39,171 Sq. Km.) The Revenue Administration :-For purposes of admi­ area figures show some amount of variation from nistration, the district is divided into 3 sub-divisiom time to time i. e. 14,493 Sq. miles in 1931, 15,114 and 8 tahsils. These are (i) Kanker sub-division Sq. miles in 1941 and 15,091 Sq. miles in 1951. comprising Kanker and Bhanupratappur tahsils; (ii) Thec;e changes in area figures are largely due to North Bastar sub-division comprising Jagdalpur, improvements in surveying. Roughly speaking, Kondagaon and Narayanpuf tahsils, and (iii) South Bastar district is 19 times bigger than Datia, the Bastar sub-division comprising Dantewara, Bijapur smallest distrtct of the State; 11 times bigger than and Konta tahsils. For the purposes of forest admi­ Indore district; 4 times bigger than Sehore district nistration and silvicultural operations, the district and almost equal to Mandsaur Ratlam UJ'J'ain , , , is divided in 4 divisions viz. North Bastar, East Jhabua, Dhar and Indore districts combined toge­ Bastar, West Bastar and Kanker. Of this the East ther or equal to excluding Gwalior district. It is a little less than 2 times the area of came into existence on 3-3-1958. Bilaspur, the largest populated district of the State. In the table .below are presented some of the basic Compared on all-India basis, Bastar is the third statistics of the district :- xxxviii

Population Area in Area in Sq. Kms. No. 'of villages ,-___----A. _____ --, ,---A_----, ,-__A_-----, ,-__...J.---, Towns Total Males Females Name of Tahsil Sq. miles Sq. kms. Rural Urban Inhabited Uninhabited 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 58,751 29,811 28,940 Bhanupratappur 530.3 1,373.5 1,373.5 250 2 2 151,329 73,830 77 ,499 Kanker 674.0 1,745.6 1,742.5 3.1 316 91,260 46,717 44,543 Narayanpur 383.2 992.4 992.4 593 75 10 186,745 93,738, 93,007 Kondagaon 1,420.3 3,678.6 3,678.6 516 93,668 46,647 47,021 Bijapur 452.0 1,170.7 1,170.7 460 255 134,148 66,568 67,580 Dantewara 684.9 1,773.9 1,773.9 227 9 1 343,051 171,271 171,780 Jagdalpur 1,576.0 4,082.0 4,072.4 9.6 585 20 108.549 53,821 54,728 KODta 427.6 1,107.5 1,107.5 293 21 2 1,167,501 582,403 585,098 Bastar District 15,127.7 39,180.8 39,168.1 12.7 3,240 394

Density per %of Sq. mile Number.A._____ of --, ,-___..A...-.-, r----....A------, Development Police R.I. Patwari Sch. Sch. Stations Circles Circles Castes Tribes Name of Tahsil Rural Urban Sex-Ratio Blocks 16 17 18 12 20 1 12 13 14 15 2 29 4.92 74.40 Bhanupratappur 111 971 1 3 50 5.21 59.45 Kanker 215 5,451 1,050 2 3 3 37 3.33 77.32 Narayanpur 238 953 5 3 3 46 4.42 70.04 Kondagaon 131 992 3 3 4 37 5.53 F,0.44 Bijapur 207 1,008 3 2 2 50 2.42 82.45 Dantewara 196 1,015 2 2 5 80 8.96 67.26 Jagdalpur 205 5,517 1,003 4 5 41 2.63 84.78 Konta 254 1,017 2 3 3 25 370 5.49 72.27 Bastar District 75 5,501 1,005 22 22

. Geology :-The rock-formations of Bastar dis­ The Archaen rocks of the district are similar to trict belong to three geological systcms--the Archaens, those of Southern India in their structure and litho­ the Dharwars and the Cuddapahs. The presence of logy. The western part of the district is mostly rocks of Dharwarian affinities were discovered here covered by granites and the eastern part is covered by Crookshank and Ghosh. by gneisses and schists. The Cuddapahs are exposed xxxix in Kanker, Kondagaon and parts of Jagdalpur and Partabpur and by the side of tile Paralkot range. Konta tahsils. Though a detailed geological survey The Kotri and the Nei Bherat join the Indrawati of the district is not yet complete, the rock forma­ in a trijunction of unforgettable beauty beneath tions may be classified as below :- the fortified rocks of Bhairamgarh in a wild expa­ nse of hills and forest unbroken by a single Pegmatites, dolerites and basalts, clearing. The Dantewara and its feeliers-the Sankini granites, injection gneisses, aplites and Dankini-join the Indrawati from the south. and Charockites. In the northern parts of the distri.:t the impor­ Kopayi Stage- Quartzites. tant rivers are the Dudh and the . The latter rises in the Sihawa hills Bailladila Iron Ore of Raipur district Series- Calcsc.histes, amphibolites, zoisite- and enters Kanker tahsil after traversing' only a quartz-gran ulites; banded ferru­ short distance from its origin. It flows through eastern part of this tahsil and turning northwards ginous quartzites and grunerite from about 18 miles north-east of Kanker passes and magnetite-quartz schists. again into Raipur district. The Dudh rises about BengpaJ Series- Andalusite-gneiss, anthophyllite­ 15 miles west of and flowing north-east via cordierite gneiss, Biotite and Kanker town joins the Mahanadi. Except the garnetiferous schists. rivers in the extreme north-eastern parts of the dis­ trict, the drainage system of Bastar district comes Pend ulnar Stage- Quartzites with intercellations of under the Godavery drainage. andalusite-and cordierite gneisses. Though most of Kanker and Bhanupratappur Geography:- River Illdrawati, the main geogra­ tahsils, except in the eastern part along the valley phical feature of the district, flows across the centre of the Mahanadi, consist of hills, the general level of it with a tortuous course and negotiating a dis­ of these tahsils is much lower than that of the pla­ tance of 240 miles within the district. It enters this teau of Bastar to the south. In Kanker and Bhanu­ district from Orissa near the confluence of its pratappur tahsils, the level of the country is some tributary, the Bhaskal, 13 miles upstream of Jagdal­ 900 feet ab!Jve the sea. In the southern ,parts of pur. At Chitrakot, 24 miles bv road and 35 miles these tahsils, the ground rises until it reaches the by river, downstream from Jagdalpur, the Ind;awati height of the plateau i. e., 2,000 feet and the most plunges off the edge of the 2,000 feet plateau of magnificent example of this change in topography north-east BastaI' in a beautiful horse-shoe fall, 94 is seen as one goes up the 5 mile long Keshkal feet high. On reaching the western border of the 18 miles south-east of Kanker. district, it turns to the south and forms the district boundary until it joins the Godavery below . Nearly the whole of the northern part of Konda­ Other important rivers of the district are the Sabri, gaon and Narayanpur tahsils is an undulating forest plateau, about 2,000 feet high and over this the Tel, the Narangi, the Gudra, the Nei Bherat, plat~au, there are disconnected chains of hills. To the Kotri, the Dantewara, the Dudh and the the west and south-west of Narayanpur and boun­ Mahanadi. The Sabri forms the boundary of the ded on the south by the Indrawati, is the extensive district with Orissa State in the east for about 77 mass of hills known as Abujhmar, still the terra miles. The Tel rises in the district and flows south­ incognita of the State. The Abujhmar region varies west to the Godavery. The Narangi and the Baor­ from 2,000 to 3,160 feet in height. dig are the two important tributaries of the Indra­ wati, draining most of the north eastern areas of the The loftiest peak of the district is the Bailladila district. The Gudra, The Nei Bherat and the Kotri . or the 'Bullock's hump'. It is situated to the south are the tributaries of the Indrawati debouching into of the Indrawati and trends north-south. The it from the north, the former two take into them highest point 011 the Tulsidongri range in the eastern most of the drainage from the Abujhmar hills. part of the district is 3,928 feet. The Albaka range The Kotri or the Paralkot river rises in the Pana­ of hills of Andhra Pradesh forms part of the western baras area of Durg district and flows south via boundary of the district, Parallel to the Albaka xl

range and about eight miles to the north-east are as sargi, accompanied by the usual species. The the Matimarka hills, These two ranges are about next belt-the Teak belt or the intermediate belt, is 3,200 feet in height. The only other hills of impor­ less extensive than the moist region and comprises tance are the Tiknapalli hills, an isolated range of a tract along the south-western border of the about 2,800 feet in height, covering about 16 sq. district below Bhanupratappur tahsil, a belt in the miles in Konta tahsil and the Kosmi range in the south-east from Chintalnar to Sukma and a narrow north, rising to about 2,600 feet. strip running from'Partabpur via Sonpur and Chhota . Dongar into Kutru. Tn this region, teak, locally Climate and Rainfall : known as saha is the preponderant tree and the best There are two meteorological stations in the quality of this is grown in the tracts around Bhop­ district-Jagdalpur and. (anker. The district receives alpatnam, Kuakonda and west Konta. both the south-west and north-east monsoons and falls in the heavy rainfall region of the State. The The dry region consisting of mixed forest is two northern tahsils of the district receive less extensive and is interspersed between the moist and rainfall than the central and southern regions. The intermediate belt but more generally confined to 7-year average of the rainfall at Kanker is 1465.6 the \vestern half and southern parts of the district. millimeters whereas that at Jagdalpur is 1744 Here are found trees of a mixed variety viz. dhawra millimeters. July and August are the rainiest (Anogeissus latifolia), bhirra (Chloroxylon swieienia), months. rhoni (Soymida febrifuga) and others like char, lendu, aonla, bahera, harra and so on. The climate on the plateau is pleasantly cool. The hottest month is May but the maximum temperature rarely crosses 39°e. December is the In the rocky regions, the trees are generally coldest month and the temperature goes down stunted and deformed. Common trees in the rocky 10.1 °C. On the whole the climate in the interior region are salai, hangu (Balanites roxburghli), khair regions of the district is damp and unhealthy, (Acacia catechu), horra, palas, sernar (Bombax rtwl­ . abaricum) and others . Flora:

8,979.4 sq. miles (23,256.6 Sq. Km) area of In the region around village settlements are the district is under forest. From the point of view found the common trees which need no mention of disttibution of forest flora, the district could here. Palms fill an importaut place in the dome­ roughly be divided into 4 belts (i) the mixed forest stic economy of the people. The palmyra palm of the north, (ii) the central moist region compri­ (Borassua flabellifcr), locally known as tar, grows sing the sal belt, (iii) the teak belt and (iv) the dry gregariously in the south and south-west. From region comprising mixed forest. this the people extract tari. The next roost impor­ tant is suiphi (Caryota urens). Unlike the palmyra In the Kanker-Bhanupratappur tahsils, i.e. the palm, sulphi, is not a gregarious species and grows northern mixed belt, the forest trees are teak in the shady valleys of hills or depressions of (Tectona grandis), sal (), Sirsa (Dal­ undulating plains. It thrives best in the central bergia latifolia), Bijasal (Pterocarpus marsupium), regions of the district. The suiphi yields a sap, Kusum (Schleichera trijuga), Palas (Butea frondosa), known by the same name,. and provides a delicious Mahua (Bassia lati/olta), Tendu (Diospyros melanoxy­ juice. Other palm trees are the wild date palms Ion), Harra (Terminalia chebula), Aonla (Phyllanthus Phoenix Sylvestris and P. acaulis, which are locally emblica), Saja (Terminalia tomentosa), Kauha (T. named as chhind and the bula chhind (P. farinijera). arjuna), Salai (Boswellia serrata), Char (Buchanania latifolia) and others. This region is not so impor­ From the stem of this buta chhind is obtained a tant for timber as for the income from other grub which is a delicacy for the tribes. Some in­ sources e.g collection of forest produce. formation regarding forests is given below. It may be noted that there is a minor discrepancy between The moist region comprises the central region the area figures given in this table and that men­ and here the predominant tree is sal, locally known tioned earlier. xli

Information pertaining to Forests in Bastar District

Description North Bastar East Bastar West Bastar Kanker Division Total for Bastar District

2 3 4. 5 6

Area of Reserve 967.80 Sq. miles 926.30 Sq. miles 1,010.73 .Sq. miles 505.14 Sq. miles 3,409.97 Sq. miles Forests

2 Area of Protected 1,670.70 Sq. miles 774.00 Sq. miles 1,763.00 Sq. miles 1,225.30 Sq. miles 5,433.00 Sq. miles Forests

3 Total Income for the year-

1951-52 16,25 ,655/-1 12,95,106[- 12,31,457f- 44,52,218/- I 1952-53 14,04,044/- I 13,53,314/- I 6,37,530/- 33,94,888/- I 1953-54 16,04,116/-1 13,29,094/- 7,90,254/- 37,23,464/- Division came 1954--55 2O,48,oooJ- ~ into existence 16,77,528/- 8,10,183/- 45,35,7i1/- from 3-3-1958 1955-56 12,73,525J- 24,22,868/- 10,38,193/- 47,34,586/-

1956-57 11 ,80,989/-, 29,62,750/- 11,75,492[- 53,19,231/-

1957-58 13,28,318/-j 24,41,337/- 12,67,809/- 50,37,464/-

1958-59 15,05,891/- 16,10,845/- 32,71,866/- 22,52,532/- 86,41,134/-

1959-60 18,23,486/- 19,57,209/- 30,57,635/- 24,57,259/- 92,95,589/-

1960-61 19,04,206/- 25,01,658/- 46,69,274{- 23,25,2721- 94,00,450/-

4 Number of Forest 36 51 15 13 l1S Villages

S Total amount 5,694.24 4,500/- 10,194.24 spent on Forest , Villages

6 Land allotted in 8,615.45 acres 4,857.42 acres 3,408 acres 16,880.87 acres Forest Villages

Fauna: ila range. I can hardly believe they had ever heard of the rhinoceros from other parts of India, In the first volume of Ain-e-Akbari edited by still less their fathers might have evolved a wonder­ him, Blothman mentions that elephants used to be ful creature from their imaginations". Jerdon in found in the forests here. There is also some evidence that the rhinoceros was found here in the his Mammals of India, (1874) says:"that the lesser past. In this respect, Gayer states: "Some Murias Indian rhinoceros (Rhinocer sundaicus) is found at in the hills of the Indrawati described very fairly present in the Bengal Sunder bans and very few accurately to me a rhinoceros which they declared individuals are stated to occur in the forest tract their fathers used to meet in the densely grassed along the Mahanadi river". The Muria story of valleys to the north of t he river about the Bailad- the rhinoceros might be correct for Bastar is not xlii very far from the source of the Mahanadi. Be that Both these birds can be tamed as pets. The latter as it may, the elephant and the rhinoceros are not bird is an excellent mimic bf sound but does not found in any part of the district now. talk. Two varieties of green pigeons (Crocopus phoe_ nicoplerns and C. chlorogaster) are found, the latter Bastar is one of those areas in India where the being confined to the eastern and northern central wild buffalo (Bos buhalus) and bison (Bas gaurus) are parts of the district. still found, though these are comparatively rarer The tribals of Bastar district still depend on the now. The horns of bisons are much prized and jungle animals to an appreciable extent. In the the Bison-horn Marias prepare their dancing head­ secluded wilds of the Abujhmar the Hill Marias carry dress with them. Both these animals are under on an annual hunt known as BU Parad and in other protection since 1907. regions, where animals have become scarce, the ann­ ual parad persists only as a ritual. and panthers are found throughout the Only some salient points about the livestock of district in the forests. The tigers of the district, the district may be given here. The district has the especially in the Abujhmar, have a notoriety for smallest number of cattle (bullocks, cows and buffa­ turning man-eaters,evidently because of the scarcity los) in the division and milch cattle are extremely of their natural food in the forests and absence of small. According to the Livestock Census, 1961, the cattle in Abujhmar. Because of the depredation by district had the largest number of goats, pigs and these man-eaters, many villages in the Abujhmar get fowls in the State but the smallest number of horses deserted and recently, after the count of 1961, many and ponies. The use of buffalos in cultivation has villages have been deserted by the Hill Marias become popular only in the northern parts of the because of man-eaters. Larger cats (Felis district which adjoins Raipur and Durg districts. viverrina) are found in the hill ranges but Some of the tribes sacrifice buffalos and bullocks cats (Felis bengalensis) are more commonly found. during funeral rites and annual worship ceremonies. The fishing cat is also found and the ordinary History. : jungle cat (F. chaus) and two civet cats (Viverra The secluded wilds as it used to be till recently, zibetha) and (V. malaccensis) are found, the first the early history of Bastar district is obscure. On named in the north-west of Narayanpur tahsil and the basis of some inscriptions and copper plates the latter two in Kondagaon and JagdaJpur tahsils. ( Epigraphia Indica, Vols IX and X) it appears that These have, however, become much rarer now than a Nagvanshi dynasty had established their rule in the before. The hyaena (Hyaena striata) is found central part of the district in the II th century with throughout the western and southern parts of the Barsur and perhaps also Kuruspal near Chitrakot, district. Wild dogs are also fairly common. as their capital. This kingdom of the Nagvanshis was known as Chakrakot. No record is available Among the herbivorous animals found in the regarding the southern and northern parts of the forests are the (Bas Elephas . trago-camelus), district on the basis of which any historical recons­ the four horned antelope (Tetracerus quadricornis), truction could be attempted regarding these areas. Sambhar (Cervus unicolor), barasinga (C. duxanceli) An inscription found at Sihawa (Raipur District) and and spotted deer (C. axis). The barking deer dated 1192 A.D., however, shows that the founder of the erstwhile was Bir Kanhar Deo who (Cervules muntjac) is fairly common and the mouse had come to Sihawa from Jagannath Puri. The deer (Tragules meminua) is found only in the denser third ruler in his line had shifted to Kanker where he forests. established capital and extended his domain over the present Kanker and Bhanupratappur tahsiis and also possibly the northe,rn parts of Kondagaon and Among the jungle birds mention may only be Narayanpur tahsils. The rule of the Kanker chiefs made of the peacock (Pavo cristatus), red jungle also extended upto tract of Raipur district. fowl (Gallus !errugineus) and the grey jungle fowl The Kanker dynasty was in subsidiary alliance with ~Gallus so~ner~ti). Varieties of partridges are found the powerful Haihayvanshi dynasty of . in tl~e dIstnct. Lawa or the jungle bush quail The portion relating to history is based on : (Perd~cula asiatica) is a bird very much sought after (i) Gazetteers Chhatisgarh Feu­ and ~s shot and trapped for food. The district is datory States by E. A. De Brett, ICS, and eS~Ial1y no~ed for two jungle birds-maina (Eula­ (ii) Maria Gonds of Bastar by Sir W. V. Grigson. bes mtermedia) bhingrai (Dissemurus paradiseus). and * Also please sec Page No. L for the historical background. xliii

The Chakrakot kingdom of central Bastar was Archaeology: often raided by many a king from the south and it subsequently formed part of the kingdom Places of archaeological interest in the district of the who were feudatories of the are Kanker, Barsur, Dantewara, Bhairamgarh, Narain­ Chalukyas. On the decline of the Chalukyas, the pal, Kuruspal and Dhanora. At Kanker, the chief Kakatiyas became independent. These Kakatiyas archaeological remains are found on a hill to the were great patrons of learning and Mallinath, the south of the town where the early rulers lived. There great commentator, flourished under their patronage. are ruins of .old buildings of stone and bricks, a temple of Shiva, a stone gateway, two tanks and two The most notable chief of the Warangal Kakatiy­ caves. On the eastern portion of the hill there is a as was Pratap Rudra Deo who lost his life in 1424 tank and a cave known as Jogigupha. Two copper­ A.D. in a battle with Ahmad Shah Bahmani. It plate inscriptions were discovered at village Tahnka­ was his brother Annam Deo who left Warangal and par in Kanker sub-division. Village Mudpar contains established his Kingdom at Bastar. Annam Deo can some remains of old temples and statues. thus be said to be the founder of the erstwhile State of Bastar about 1424-25 A.D. . Archaeologically the most important place in the Bastar (now a village 12 miles north of the dist­ district is Barsur. Here is found a Shiva temple in rict headquarters) continued to be the capital of the a damaged state and also a ruined temple of Gane­ State till Dalpat Deo's regime who shifted to Jagdal­ sha. A temple known as Mama-Bhancha, is in the P!lf. Dalpat Deo's step-hl'Other joined hands with best state of preservation. There is another Shiva the Marathas and in about 1750 a army un­ temple here from which Captain Glasfurd took an der Nilu Pandit invaded and captured the capital im;cription in Telugu dating 1109 A.D. At Bhairam­ but they were fiercely attacked and cut to pieces, garh some old temple ruins are visible. Narainpal Nilu Pandit escaping with his life hidden in a sack has a Vishnu temple. Kuruspal is noted for many carried off by a Banjara. The shifting of the capital inscriptions and Dhanora is important for the ruins from Bastar to Jagdalpur took place after 1750. of 20 tanks and about 25 mounds which may be of archaeological value. During the reign of Daryao Deo, the successor of Dalpat Deo, rhere was a revolt by the Halbas but i,t was ruthlessly suppressed. About a century later The population and the People,' in 1876 there was a revolt by the Murias. During the heydey of their rule, the Marathas exercised Bastar district had a population of 410,161 per­ only a nominal control of this district. Being cut sons in 1901. In the sixty-years period. i.e. between off, the district was spared the frequent attacks by 1901-61, there has been an increase of 184.64% in invading armies and but for minor internal discords the population of the district and this increase is the ruling dynasties of Bastar and Kanker continued the highest in Raipur division (Durg 81.56; Raipur to dominate the area. 105.34) and third highest in the State. Incidentally the two districts in the State which record higher The first European who appears to have made increases during 1901-61 are Jhabua (232.91) and attempts to visit Bastar was Captain Blunt in 1795. West Nimar (197.22), which like Bastar district, He had to return without much exploration because have a preponderance of tribal population. of the hostility of the tribals. Captain Fenwick was the first European to visit Bastar in 1850. He was followed by Take in 1855 and During the period 1901-61, the popUlation of by Glasfurd in 1860-62. In 1910 there was large­ Bastar district has increased consistently though the scale disorder in erstwhile Bast3r State \\ hen ;he increase in 1911-21 was only 5.15 per cent. The table tribals started all-round rioting. It was, however, inset below shows the percentage variation of the suppressed. Bastar and Kanker feudatory states population of Bastar district : for comparison, corr­ merged in Madhya Pradesh after Independence and esponding figures for the State and division are also were constituted into the present district. furnished- xliv

Total Rural Region Urban 1901-61 1951-~1 1941-51 1931-41 1921-31 1911-21 1901-11

Madhya Pradesh T + 92.00 + 24.17 + 8.67 +12.34 + 11.39 - 1.38 + 15.30 R + 80.13 + 20.95 + 6.01 +10.49 + 10.45 - 2.26 + 17.78 U +217.36 + 47.70 +33,16 +32.78 + 23.03 +10.87 - 10.91

Raipur Division T +108.57 + 25.26 + 8.61 +12.95 + 11.54 - 0.15 + 21.89 R + 95.13 + 19.72 + 7.55 +12.32 +11.00 - 0.99 + 22.78 U +480.63 +119.97 +30.56 +27.77 + 25.88 +29.41 - 2.87

Bastar District T +184.64 + 27.77 +16.64 +18.54 + 12.13 + 5.15 + 39.65 R +184.09 + 27.44 +16.71 +18.82 + 10.36 + 4.34 + 39.60 U +210.33 + 43.71 +13.59 + 6.76 +240.23 -100.00

The high increase of 39.65% in the decade ]901- and the small swell is obviously due to immigration. 11 was ascribable to probably a more accurate enum­ In the decade 1931-41, there was an increase of 18.54 eration (1911 C. P. Census Report, p. 43). During percent, the highest in any district of the State the period 1911-21, there was an increase in the excepting Gwalior and Indore: During 1941-51, the district population though there was a fall in the district again registered a high increase in its popula­ State and division figures. The Census Report of tion and the percentage variation was almost twice the 1921 has the following to say about the erstwhile State and division averages. In order of high popula­ Kanker and Bastar States : There was in Kanker tion increase during this period, Bastar was the sixth State "a slight falling off in the present decade owing district in the State. Here again this high growth rate to the influenza epidemic" and in "the is ascribable to an appreciable extent on the greater increase is almost entirely due to the course of nat­ accuracy of enumeration. Following mention is made ure". (p.23) Out of th~ two ex-feudatory states con­ in the Census Report of 1951 regarding population stituting the district Kanker being more accessible growth in the backward district., of the East Madhya was hit by the influenza epidemic of 1918; from Pradesh : "These are sparsely populated areas and Bastar State there was very little migration out or naturally, therefore, there is ample room for expans­ in and because of its inaccessibility, lhe disease could ion. Secondly, the geographical condtions, means of not probably be 'carried' to the area. communications and almost utter illiteracy in these areas tend to encourage under-enumeration during As is mentioned in the Census Report of 1931, the Censuses and with increased efforts better records it was estimated that 10 per cent of deaths and 50 are obtained at each successive Census. The abnormal per-cent of the births in erstwhile Bastar State were growth is, therefore, partly due to the probable under- unreported. In view of this, it is also likely that retu­ enumeration in the past ...... In the Bastar district, rns of population were also not correctly given. It the under-enumeration comes to nearly 2.8 per cent is therefore possible that as time advanced and more ...... It is true that during the present Census very and more correct enumeration began to be done, intensive efforts were made by the Deputy Commiss­ the increase in succeeding decades may be to some ioners of the backward districts to have as complete extent at least, due to this concealed population being a count of the people in the most isolated tracts as revealed. Secondly as time passed Bastar State became possible ...... As a result of concerted efforts in these more and more open and invited immigration. vast jungle tracts, the Census was obviously more effective there than in the past and this partlyacco­ About Bastar and Kanker feudatory states, the ~nts for the apparent high growth rate. The sample Census Repot of 1931 states: "Migration is a negligi­ verification enquiry. however, shows that even now ble factor in both States. In Kanker the vears 1921 there is c;ome under-enumeration and this fact will to 1930 were marked by a series of ~atisfactory have to be horne in mind while judging the figures of harvests and by the absence of famine and plague, the next Census," (p.20) cholera or other epidemics" (p.54). The increase in the district population during this period was more In the decade 1951-61, the decennial growth in or less the same as that of the State and the division the district is 27.77 per cent, again higher than the xlv

State and Division growth and the seventh highest in Density of Population: the State. The decade 1951-61 has been one in which Bastar district is the most sparsely populatied many programmes of development have been launch­ district in the State having a density of 77 persons ed, the eradication of malaria has been more or le~s per square mile. Nara~anpur is the most sparsely complete and there has been a good amount of immi­ populated tahsil in the district with a density of 28 gration. Bastar distict formed part of the Dandakaran­ persons to the sq. mile. This happens to be least density va Project for the ~ettlement of refugees from East fl,lr any tahsil in the State except in Bharatpur tahsil Bengal. There has been, in the present Census, a special effort towards complete enumeration of of Surguja district. Jagdalpur and Kanker are the Abujhmar area. Tn view of this the increase of 27.77 more densely populated tahsils. If they are taken out percent ~ hich is nearer the State and Division of consideration, the population density per square increases than 1941 and 1951, needs no further mile in the rest of the district is found to be only discussion. 57. PopUlation denstiy per square mile in the tahsils of the district is-Bhanupratappur (63), Kanker (112), Rural and Urban Popu!aiion: Narayanpur (28), Kondagaon (75), Bijapur (63), Dantewara (82), Jagdalpur (172) and Konta (55). 2.3 per cent of the population of the district is urban. There are two towns-Jagdalpur and Kanker. As the feudatory states Gazetteer points out, the The changes in the classification of these !O\vns from population density in'1901 in Kanker and Bhanupra­ tappur taken together was 72 and in the remaining 1901 to 1961 are shown below: 6 tahsHs 24. In 1911, the density of Kanker-Bhanu­ • Classification of town in pratappur tract was 89 and in the rest of the ,------.--"-~.------., district 33. In 1921, the density of the former tract Town 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 fell to 87 while of the latter increased to 36. In Kanker V VI V V VI VI 1931, the density increased to 95 for Kanker tr~::.."· JagdaJpur III IV IV tv Vl and 40 for Bastar (i.e. 6 tahsils). :'W:It, It may be seen from this that in 1911, there was Age and Sex Composition: . , no town in the district and as such in the table The age and sex structure of the population of showing the decade-wise variation of popUlation there the district i~ presented in the table below; for is a decrease of 100.00 per cent in the decade 1901- comparison corresponding data for the State is also 11. Jagdalput: was again classified a town in the 1931 furnished :- Census,thus swelling the figures of urban population. Distribution of 100 persons of all ages into age-groups by sex The(!e are in all 3;634 villages in the district, 394 of which are uninhabited. Excepting Rewa, Bastar Percentage of population in the age·group district has the largest number of uninhabited villages ,-- _____;.__ Bastar District M. P. State in th.e State. In tae district, Bijapur tahsil heads the ,------"----:--> ,..------"- list in having the largest number (225) of these Age-group P M 'F P M ---po deserted villages. 0-4 17.2 16.9 17.6 16.4 16.0 16.7 5-9 15.8 15.6 15.8 14.3 14.2 14.4 More than 15% of the villages of the district are 10-14 10.4 10.8 10.0 10.1 10.7 9.~ of small size. The table below shows the class of 0..,.-14 43.4 43.3 43.4 40.8 40.9 40.6 15-19 7.5 7.2 7.8 7,9 8.0 7.8 villages in 1951 and 1961: 20-24 8.0 7.2 8.8 8.6. 8.1 9.1 25-29 9.1 9.4 8.S 8.8 8,9 8.7 7.0 7.1 6.8 Percentage of 1\0. of villages in this 30-34 7.3 7.6 7.1 15-34 31.6 30.9 32.2 32,6 32.6 32.7 class to total no. of villages 35-39 5.9 6.4 5.4 5.8 6.0 5.6 40--44 4.7 4.7 4.6 5.3 5.3 5.3 Class of Villages 1951 1961 45--49 4.0 4.3 3.7 4.2 4.4 4.1 50-54 3.4 3.6 3.3 4,0 4.1 3.1} Less than 500 84.69 78.49 . 55-59 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.0 35-59 19.9 21.0 18.9 21.4 2/.9 500-999 11. to 15.25 20.' 60-64 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.5 1.000-1.999 3.90 5.43 65-69 1.0 0.9 J.l 0.9 0.9 1.0 2.000-4,999 0.28 0.77 70+ 2.0 1.8 2.2 1.8 .. 1.5 2.2 60+ 5.1 4.8 5.5 5.1 5,000-9,999 0.03 0.06 4.6 5.7 Age r,ot 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 10,000+ stated xlvi

The age-data given above are based on ungradua­ It may be seen from this table that the proportion ted ages and though the quinquennial groupings of population in the age-group 0-14 years has re­ adopted suppress to some extent the distorting effects mained more or less the same though there is a of age-heapings at multiples of 5, still the data is tendency towards an increase in the proportion of not fit enough to permit analysis by quinquennial females in this age-group. The age-group 65+ .has age-groups un1ess corrected or smoothed. It would, also remained almost unchanged. The age-groups therefore, be safer to confine the scrutiny to the affected are 15-34 and 35-64 : there has been an broad age-groups 0-14, 15-34,35-59 and 60 + which increase by 2.6/~ in the former and a decrease by may also be described as children, young persons, 2.8% in the latter. middle-aged persons and old persons. The constancy in the age-group 0-14 may possibly As in the case of the State, in Bastar district too, suggest that as compared to other neighbouring dis­ the proportion of children (i. e. 0-14 years) is the tricts like Raipur and Durg the district has not made maximum though as compared to the State figure, much headway in increasing the chances of survival the proportion in this age-group is higher by 2.6%. of children below 14 years and as such the pattern of The next highest proportion is of persons falling in 1951 is repeated. The increase in the next age­ the age-group 15-34 and here also the pattern is the group may be due to a large extent due to immig­ same as reflected in the State figures. As compared ration of labour on Dudhawa Project, to the State, however, the proportion of persons in and Bailladila Projects. It is likely that the prop­ this age-group is low by 1 per 100. In the age-group ortionate increase in this age-group has affected the 35-59, the proportion in the district is again low as proportion in the preceding and succeeding age­ compared to the State by 1.5% where as in the age­ groups. Relative increase in the age-group 15-34, group 60 + the district and State proportions are which is the reproductive age-group suggests higher J,~entical. increase in the popl\Iation of the district during the· -:""'1." ::~;~ ,~ coming decade. '.'~, As the table given above shows, 75% of the pop- ulation of the district is below 34 years of age. This Sex-ratio and Sex-distribution by age ;- high proportion promises future prospects of growth. The changes in the proportion of sexes in Bastar The popUlation of the district can be said to be district during 1901-61 are shown below ;- youthful and growing. 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 Total 1,005 995 1,006 1,000 989 994 978 Changes in Age-distribution since 1951; Population Rural 1,007 995 1,005 1,000 988 994 978 Changes in the age-composition of a population, Urban 903 974 1,013 1,006 1,144 996 if measured satisfactorily, provide indications of the The sex-ratio of the district in 1961 is higher than likely trends of its growth. In the table inset belo\V the figure for the State (953) but lower than the is shown the percentage distribution of 100 persons division figure (1,013). Though the district has a in the district into broad age-groups in 1951 and high sex-ratio, the feature is not as marked as in 1961. The data for' 1951 is based on a lO~~ sample. Raipur or Bilaspur districts where the sex-ratios are of the population and in making comparison with 1,037 and 1,024 respectively. Taking only the rural 1961 data, it has been assumed that the 1951 sample areas into consideration, the highest sex-ratio in represented the universe: _ the district is found in Kanker tahsil and the least Percentage distribution of 100 persons in 1951 and in Narayanpur tahsil. Below is shown the tahsilwise 1961 into broad age groups. sex-ratio in 1961 :._ 1951 1961 District/Tahsil T R U ,-__....A... ___--. ,-___A_ ___-, 1,005 1,007 903 Age group p M F P M F Bastar District Bhanupratappur 971 '. Kanker ) ,050 1,055 945 0-14 43.2 43.4 42.9 43.4 43.3 43.4 Narayanpur 953 15-34 29.0 28.5 29.6 31 .6 30.9 32.2 Kondagaon 992 1,008 35-64 24.8 Bijapur 25.4 24.1 22.0 23.1 21.1 Dantewara 1,015 65+ 2.9 2.6 3.3 3.0 2.7 3.3 Jagdalpur 1,003 1,011 891 Age not stated 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Kanta 1,017 xlvii

From 1901 to 1921, the sex-ratio in the district most pronounced in forest areas, always excepting was low. In 1931, the ratio was unity. In 1941, the cases of Bastar and the Chhota Plateau .. there was an excess of females which registered the distribution of sexes in backward parts of the decrease in 1951. fn 1961 there has again been a province depends more upon the distribution of little excess of females. This feature is actually tribes than upon the nature of the country. It is contrary to general expectation, because one should possible that malaria is a potent factor but this nonnally expect an excess of females here. It would suggestion has not been investigated .... It has been be of some interest to reproduce extracts on this stated above that probably the distribution of tribes subject from earlier Census Reports. has much 'effect upon the sex-figures of backward tracts. It will be seen that females are in excess The Census Report of 1911 (p. 116) states: "Omis­ in the units concerned· among Gonds, .Bharias, sions of females might be due to carelessness and Binjhwars, Kawars and Halbas, some of the princi­ would be most likely in the remoter parts of the pal aboriginal inhabitants of the Plateau and country where enumeratj.on is most difficult, and the Chhattisgarh Plains-Division. On the other hand enumerators have to depend on the statements of the among Marias, who predominate in both Chanda men as to the number and details of their absent and Bastar, and among Halbas who are very numerous womenfolk. We find, however, that in most of the in Bastar, there is a deficiency of women .... Wheth er re~oter portions of the Central Provinces in the hilly it is the climate and situation of the tracts in which at1d wooded country of the. Chhattisgarh and Plateau these tribes live or the physical characteristics of the divisions more women were returned than men. tribes themselves which affects the figures is a The exception of this is the Bastar State and the matter which merits separate research" (pp. 148- Chhota Nagpur States where women are in deficit. 149). It has been already remarked. however, that the Thus, whereas in 1911 was thought that the deficit is chiefly among women over 30 years of age it and there seems no reason why women of this age low proportion of females is due to causes other than accuracy, in 1921 the opinion of the Census should be omitted inadvertently to a greater extent Superintendent was that it appeared to be due to than women at an earlier age or female children, inaccurate enumeration, unless there is something while the fact that less women are returned at the exceptional about the tribes. In 1931 it was shown present enumeration than at the enumeration of 1901, that there is probably something exceptional which was certainly less accurately and carefully about the tribes and what it could be was carried out, would indicate that the proportions are something which was outside the scope.of Census due to other causes than inaccuracy". enquiry. Tahsilwise sex-ratios given earlier show that low figures are obtained in Narayanpur;~Kon­ The following is found in the Report of 1921 dagaon and Bhanupratappur tahsils. Though under­ Census: "The predominance of females is apparent enumeration of females' cannot be completely ruled in nearlv all the districts in which rice is the staple out, it is improbable that it has anything to do food, is most pronounced in the forest areas. a~d with this feature. Actually speaking, there is more An exception, however, must be made in the case tendency to conceal figures of~women in rural castes of Chhota Nagpur States and Bastar which show a than among the tribes like Hill Marias and Murias very small proportion of women" (p. 88). Descri­ who form almost the entire popUlation of Narayan­ bing the low sex-ratio in Bastar and Chhota Nagpur pur tahsil. areas the Report adds: "Unless there is something The sex-ratio among some of the principal tribes exceptional about the local tribes, who are ethno­ and castes of Bastar district il) 1931 was as below:~ logically distinct from their neighbours, it is prob­ Sex-ratio in the erstwhile able that omissions to enumerate women in this wild r- --"------., Name of the tribe/caste Bastar State Kanker State and sparsely inhabited country are sufficiently num­ Bhattra 997 erous to affect the statistics in a manner that would Gond 979 1,014 be impossible in more settled tracts" (p. 90). Halba 948 1,040 Kalar 't,ooo 1,089 Kewat 972 1,071 Lohar 940 1,152 [n the 1931 Census Report an attempt has been Maria 990 made to solve the riddle. It is stated that "the Mehra 984 1,151 Muria 995 predominance of females was stated in 1921 to be Parja 990 xlviii

The sex-ratio for the Gond tribe as a whole in B astar district vis-a-vIs those in Raipur and Bilaspur the erstwhile C. P. and Berar was 1,043 in 1931. districts and III the State. This is shown in the table below ;- Thus, while under-enumeration of females in the less civilized tracts of Bastar cannot be comp­ Sex-ratio (i.e., females per 1,000 males) ~ ______-A------, letely ruled out as said earlier, there may be other M.P. Bilaspur Raipur Bastar angles from which to look at this problem- Age-group State district district district

(I) whether it has something to do with the 1 2 3 4 5 tract: the same tribe/caste has a higher sex-ratio in 0- 4 996 1,021 1,025 1,042 Kanker tract which is nearer Chhattisgarh. 5- 9 966 1,038 1,051 1,015 10--14 847 858 875 932 (ii) whether the food-habits have anything to do 0-14 974 985 995 1,005 with this feature: the people of Bastar in 1931 were 15-19 929 984 1,002 1,091 not living on rice as their staple food. In 1961, 20-24 1,069 1,209 1,198 1,219 however, there has been a good amount of change 25-29 939 ·989 977 947 963 in the food habits and the consumption of rice is 30-34 897 978 972 15-34 959 1,037 1,034 1,048 definitely more now than what it used to be, say 35-39 878 927 928 848 in pre-1931 period. Has more consumption of rice 40-44 950 1,069 1,067 995 to do anything with the increasing sex-ratio? 45-49 886 993 979 858 50-54 908 981 1,009 919 (iii) whether Kanker being a more prosperous 55-59 903 1,091 1,151 954 tract there has been a one-way traffic in having 35-59 905 999 1,006 905 marriage alliances i. e., women of less prosperous 60-64 1,080 1,253 1,371 1,083 1,116 tracts have been given out in marriages but women 65-69 1,157 1,326 1,620 70+ 1,373 1,523 1,754 1,279 from more prosperous tracts have not come to 60+ 1,190 1, '162 1,555 1,161 backward areas. Age not 898 765 1,127 742 stated This is, however, a subject of independent inves­ Sex-ratio 953 1,024 1,037 1,005 all ages tigation and no definite conclusion can be hazarded here. As compared to the State, the sex-composition of Bastar district differs in respect of age-groups 0-4, There is another peculiar feature about the dis­ 5-9 and 15-19. In the district these age-groups show tribution of sexes in the district. Normally, it is an imbalance advantageous to the females. The seen that sex-ratio falls with more urbanization and general sex-composition pattern of low sex-ratio in in the urban areas the sex-ratio is low. This can the age-group 10-14 is noticeable in Bastar district be seen from the sex-ratio during 1901-61 for too. The high sex-ratio in age-groups beyond 60 the State, other divisions, districts and for Raipur years is a feature in the district as elsewhere. It is, Division and Durg and Raipur districts. In Bastar however, interesting to compare the sex-ratios in district, there appears to be a reverse process during different age-groups for Bastar district and for 1901-41 when the urban sex-ratio is higher. It appears Raipur and Bilaspur districts. likely that this may be due to the fact that the urban areas in the district during this period app­ Though as compared to Raipur and Bilaspur roximated Ito the normal Chhattisgarh pattern and districts the overall sex-ratio is lower in Bastar consequently the sex-ratio was high. Here again, district the ratio of females in the age-group it is risky to hazard a definite conclusion till more 0-4 is higher. In the next higher age-group it evidence is forthcoming. is lower. In the age-group 10-14 it again becomes higher and the sum-total is that in the broader age­ A discussion of the sex-ratio would however be group 0-14, the sex-ratio in Bastar is higher than that incomplete if no consideration is given to the ra~ios of Raipijr and Bilaspur districts. It is apparent from in different age-groups. It would also be profitable this that at birth there is a higher proportion of to look at the sex-ratio in different age-groups in females but the infant-mortality in females appears to xlix

be higher as is reflected in the age-group. 5-9. W~y Though Halabi takes its name from the Halba this should be so is not clear at all. In tnbal sOCIe­ tribe, the dialect is not confined to that tribe alone. ties there is no neglect .of female children and they Halabi: The following extract regarding Halabi are valued as much, or a little more, than male from Census of India, 1961, Vol. I, India Part H-C children. Again in the fertile age-group 15-24, the (ii), Language Tables, is reproduced below: sex-ratio is higher in Bastar, but then it begins to fall steeply from 25 . years onwards. There may be ,. As has been recorded in the Linguistic Survey, heavier mortality in the age-group 25-44 owing to Marathi is considered to have merged jnto midwifery but low-sex-ratio in age-group 50-5~ is Eastern Hindi through Halabi". To quote from not clear. Post-natal complications may be one Im­ the same, "On the other hand its most eastern portant reason for heavy mortality among females dialect Halabi of Bastar shows such intimate especially among the Hill Mari~s where it is tab~o connection with the neighbouring Chhatttsgarhi for anyone to assist women 111 labour. The HIll dialect of Eastern Hindi, that it is a -matter of Maria women have to deliver the child alone, cut opinion to which language it belongs" (L. S. 1., the navel-cord themselves and take the purificatory Vol. I, Part I, page 141). "Of late linguists have bath in the river. As said earlier the subject of sex­ been inclined to classify Halabi under Eastern ratio deserves special enquiry. Hindi and not Marathi.

Religion :-- Bhattri is supposed to be a dialect of Oriya and Hindus form the great majority in the popu­ takes its name from the Bhattra tribe of Bastar. This lation of the district. Followers of other religions dialect forms a link between Oriya and Halabi. Sir are very small in number in the total population and George Grierson holds that Bhattri might equally their number appears appreciable only in the urban well be classified along the many forms of Halabi as areas. Below is shown the percentages of followers among the dialects of Oriya. The tract where the of different religions in the total, rural and urban dialect predominates is ethnologically the Bhattra tract described later. population separately :-

Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh Jain Dburwa: Dhurwi dialect has been returned by 2. 11 % of the population. According to the above volume, Total 99.0 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 Dhnrwa dialect has been classified under newly con­ Population stituted group called Central Dravidian. These spea­ Rural 99.4 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 kers have been classified with Parji. Parji has also been Urban 84.3 6.9 6.2 0.5 2.1 classified in the Linguistic Survey as a dialect of Gondi, bl,lt this is no more acceptable as a result of Mother-tongue :- later investigation by sch_olars and Parji has been considered a separate language in the Group. There are in all 72 languages and dialects spoken in the district. Considered only from the point of Gondi is the most predominant speech of the view of number of languages/dialects, the district district but the returns include speakt:rs of Maria, does not present the picture ofa 'Babel of Tongues' Muria, Dhurwi and Dorli also because in the dist­ that it really is for there are many districts in which rict the Maria, Muria,· Dorla and Dhurwa tribes the total number of languagesldialects spoken is often return themselves as Gonds. Generally spea­ larger. In Bastar a different speech is encountered king, the Gondi spoken in this district differs some­ as one moves from one area to another though Halbi what from that spoken in Chhindwara and Betu!. can almost be said to be the linguo-franca. The This difference may be less and less perceptible as percentage of speakers in each mother-tongue to the one goes northwards in the district. total population for some of the main speeches are Gon­ di (36.24),Halabi (25.03), Chhattisgarhi (16.74), Bhattri From the returns of the Maria dialect, it can not (7.28), Dorli (3.03), Hindi (2.26), Dhurwi (2.11), be ascertained whether they pertain to the speech of Maria (l.90), Muria (1.62), Telugu (0.94), Oriya the Hill Marias or that of the Bison-horn Marias, for (0.62), Bengali (0.52), Marathi (0.47) and others. the speech of these two tribes differs. The language of the Bison-horn Marias is much more guttural ~han No. of speakers in Increase + the ordinary Goudi, but even the Bison-horn Marias r----.---"-----, Decrease - are ama.zed at the "rookery" spee.:h of the Hill Mother Tongue 1951 1961 Marias which is sometimes aileged to be like that of the crows. Mitchell has written a grammar of Maria Bhatri 62,583 85,048 + 35.89 Chhattisgarhi 90,570 195,453 +115.80 Gondi; this book relates to the speech of the Bison­ Dorli 9,278 35,455 +282.14 Horn Marias. Regarding this Maria Gondi speech, Dhurwi (Parji) 19,847 24,684 + 24.37 Mitchell state~ that the peculiar structure of Maria Gondi 249,761 423,)87 + 69.43 grammar is a development from archaic Gondi in Halabi 260,780 292,304 + 12.08 Hindi 7],904 26,443 - 63.22 the qirec~ion. of extreme Si~lplificatjon. An example Maria Ii 3,054 22,287 - 80.28 of archaIsm IS to be found 111 th~ very few indications Muria 18,934 +100.00 of gender, and those Oll the pnncIple that males of Oriva 5,213 7,325 ..!.. 40.51 the human species are masculine and the rest of TeluglJ j 7,327 10,977 _:__ 36.44 creatiol] neuter. Sci/edit/ed Castes and Scheduled Tl'ihts ' It is difficult to say here what the Muria dialeci is like but it is possible that it is actually Gondi f1dstar is the second biggest district in the State or Halabi mixed with Gondi. Dodi dialect of Bastar in respect of proportion of Scheduled Tribes and is spoken in the tract inhabited by the Dorlas in the 72.27% of its population consists of Scheduled Tribe" ( of, Indore division has south-west of the district. 84.72% of its population comprised by the Scheduled Dorli: Dorli was not recognizeq by Grierson in tbe Tribes). The. proportion of the scheduled castes to total population is 5. 49. The proportions of . Linguistic Survey of India. In 1 %1 Census it has scheduled castes and scheduled tribes tahsil wise are as been tentatively classified in the newly constituted below:-- group Central Dravidian under the main speech Gondi. The relevant extract is reproduced below : Percentage of -- ---~--_"_------. " Among tentatively classified mother-tongues Tahsil Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes DorJi has been returned by the largest number Bastar District 5.49 72.27 of speakers 35, 455. All werc cnumerated in Jagdalpur Tahsil 8.96 67.26 Kondagaon Tahsil 4.42 70.04 Madhya Pradesh and enquiries showed that the Kanker Tahsil 5.21 59.45 speakers belonged to the Gond tribe and the Bhanupratappur Ta),lsil 4.92 74.40 Konta Tahsil 2.63 84.78 language was reported to be Gondi." Dantcwara' Tahsil 2.42 82.45 The Chhauisgarhi dialect is spoken mainly in the Narayanpur Tahsil 3.33 77 .32 Bijapur Tahsil 5.53 80.44 north in Kanker and BhanuprataPPlJr tahsils but its use is slowly becoming popular even as south as "Subsequent historical writings, notably, 'The Early Jagdalpur. The figures ofihe mother-tongues returned History of the Deccan' (Edited by G: Yazdani), indicate that in 1951 and in 1961, however, show great fluctuati- Pratap Rudra of Kakatiya dynasty ascended the throne of ons. One reason appears to be the tendency of WarrangaI at the beginning of the year 1295 A. D. In the other speeches Maria, Muria, Dhurwi, Bhattri and siege of Warrangal by Ulugh Khan, Pratap Rudra surrende­ the like to be returned as Gondi. The second reason red and delivered himself with the other members of his may be that some of the speeches, which were family into Ulugh Khan's h~nds. Pratap Rudra was sent to Delhi byUlugh Khan escorted by a contingent of his army suppressed by more dominant speeches, have but before they could teach Dclh.i, Pratap Rudra died on th,; managed to assert themselves. If 1961 figures banks of river Narmada. He either committed suicide or provide any clue, it would appear that the was slain by one of his followers at his instance. Although speeches of dominant neighbours-Halabi, Hindi Pratap Rudra seems to have had no children, he certainly and Telugu are losing hold in BastaI' and unlike had a brother named Annam Deo, who became the progeni­ many regions in the State, the tribal speeches are tor of the later riliers of Bastar of the present M:ldhya making great headway. It may, however, be remar­ Pradesh. Annam Deo, according to these authorities, flou­ ked that it would not be correct to base any opinion rished in early 14th century (1324-25). only on these figures : a full-fledged linguistic Prof. K. A. Nilakanta Sastry in his 'A History of survey may be necessary before anv conclusion South India' makes mention of the fact that subsequent to the could be drawn. The table givcn belo~v shows the defeat of Pratap Rudra of Kaktiya dynasty by Uiugh Khan in 1323, at ~he end of 1424 Ahmad Shah Bahmani invaded number of speakers of some of the mother­ TeIcngana, whue 11C captured,Warrangal and slew its king, tongues:- . which marked th~ end of that Hindu Kingdom. Ii

According to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled extends over three tahsils-Narayanpur, Bijapur and Tribes Lists (Modifit'ation) Order, 1956, there are 15 Dantewara : much of the area and most of the castes jncluding their synonymous groups, which have population being in Narayanpur tahsil. The term been treated as scheduled castes in the district. In Hill Maria is an anthropological makeshift and is 1951. the population of s~hcdulcd castes and not the term by which the tribe is known or refers scheduled tribes in the district was 49,857 and to itself. The name by which the tribe calls itself is 611,601 respectively. Thus, dUriE.:?, th,~ decace there Meta Koitor or simply Maria. The HilI Marias are has been an increase of 28.56~{ and 37.96°/~ respec­ both shy and friendly, an attractive people, cultiva­ tively in the population of the scheduled castes and ting their desolate and lonely hills with axe and tribes. Tn making this comparison it has to be re­ fire. Their villages are shifting in nature and it can memhered that the Constitution Scheduled Castes and not be a~certained how many of the villages existing Scheduled Tribes Order, 1950, underwent a drastic at the time of 1961 enumeration exist now. chang~ i,n 1956 an':! a direct comparability between Tn 1931. there were probably ] 1.500 Hill Marias 1951 and 196] figures is, as such, not possible. in Bastar. In the present Census they have retur­ ned themselves as either Gonds or simply Marias The numerically important scheduled ca~tes of and as such it is not pos,>ible to say how many of the district are :- Mehra (40,699) them are there in the district now. The Ganda (I 5,274) figures for Hill Marias in the present Census, because of the reason above mentioned, is only 5. The scheduled tribe£ w]'ich ~':'e n~.'l1'eric8.1;y important are :-- The B;son-Horn Maria live south of the Indrawati in Dantewara, Konta, Jagdalpuf and Bijapur Muri<1 (3,10,675) f::thsils, T!-:ey have been referred to as Bison-Horn Gond (2,35,265) Marla by anthropologists because of the charac­ Maria (1,04,801) teri~;tic r_2ad-dress of bison-horns which they use Bhattra (77.226) during their dances. This i~, however, not the term Balba (40',168) by wh.ich they are locally known or refer to them­ Dhurwa (36,599) selv,'~. The local terms for them are the Dandami DorIa (21,382) Maria, Khalpati Maria, Dandami Koitor. Sing Maria Schedulpd .4rca : and Tallaguda Maria of which only the two terms Bison-Horn Muria and Dandami Maria find mention The Scheduled areas in the district as specified in in th:! Pre,ident's Order the Scheduled Areas (Perf A States) Ord.?r, 1950 is as below:- The· population of Bison-Horn and 'Dandami Mar:as in 1961 is found to be 10,460 which is not Antal!arh-Narayanpur and Dantcwara til hsils the true population of the tribe. As has been and ex-Kutru and Bhopalpatn;;l:, Zamindaris in mcn'::oned above in connection with the Hill Marias. Bijapur tahsil. the return may have simple been Maria or Gond. The People: Tn 1931 the strength of this tribe was estimated to be 156.000. In the words of Dr. Verrier 1 The .Scheduled Tribes constitute 72.27% of the Elwin: "T 1cre are few people in India more attractlve popuJatlOn of the district and sinCe til ~ tribal than the Bis(m-horn Maria, physically chnrming of .Q:od st::lture, perfect fIgure, finely featured with popuJati.on is ':cried and interesting. it \VO\.](I bc C'w:fully tended hair, often a lovely brown in colour", ~ppropnate to briefly describe it here, also l1K'ntion­ mg some of the castes. The incidence of murder and suicide among this tribe is rather high. EI",in has dealt with this The Hill Mpl:1rl''- <1' ~f

them in Bastar. The Bhattras are more or less the Hill Marias settled in the plains and mixed concentrated in the north-east corner of Jagdalpur with the Murias. The third division of the Murias tahsil. The Bhattras work as village priests and is the Ghotul Murias. The Ghotul Muria tract household servants. They are said to have come extends from the middle of Kondagaon tahsil past the with the first Raja of Bastar from Warangal and hills of Bara Dongar, across the main road and they are rapidly becoming a Hindu caste like the Raj away to the east and south towards Orissa. These Gonds. Murias are distinguished by their ghotul system i.e. The Parja and the Dhurwa: dormitories for the young people where children and unmarried people of both sexes live together. The In 1931 there were 17,568 Parjas in Bastar and Ghotul system also exists among the Jhoria Murias the 1961 return for them is only 388. What has but does not form such a domin~nt feature of their actually happened is that the Parjas have returned lives' as it does in the case of the Ghotul Murias. themselves as Dhurwas, whose population in 1961 in Dr. Verrier Elwin has given a detailed qescription the distr,jct is 39,599. This change of name is due of the tribe in his book The Muria and their to the fact that the term Parja is supposed to Chotul. be derogatory. These Parjas and Dhurwas live in the south-east of Jagdalpur tahsil. In the Schedu­ The Gadba : led Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (ModificaTion) Order, 1956, Dhurwas have been shown as a Gond There are 1,063 Gadbas in the district; in 1931 sub-tribe whereas the Parjas are given as an there were 398 of them. The Bastar Gadbas have independent tribe. The Parjas and Dhurwas have retained little that is characteristic of their tribe. a distinctive dance though many of its elements can They also call themselves as Guthan. The women be paml1cled among the Muria. Their dialect IS of the tribe can be distinguished by large ear-rings known as Parji or Dhurwa which is a form of and nose rings. Gondi. The Halba : The Muria : This is a powerful and important near-Hindu The M urias are a very colourful and lively tribe caste, probably descended from the old military of the district, whose population in 1931 was garrisons stationed in the larger villages. Their estimated to be 78,000. !f this estimate is taken language, Halbi, is used in many areas as the mother­ to be correct, there has been a tremendous increase tongue. The Halbas are substantial cultivators and in their population to 310,675 in 1961. This, however, .. sometimes serve as priests of the Anga clan-gods in appears to be unlikely, because, as observed by the Muria tracts. Grigson, quite a substantial proportion of the Bison­ The Mahara . horn Marias returned themselves as Muria in the earlier Censuses. This practice persists even now The Maharas are a scheduled caste in Bastar and and there is a perceptible tendency among the assigned a very low status in the social hierarchy Marias to return themselves as Muria. Added to there. They serve as village- mUSICIans and this is the confusion about the word Muria which village-watchmen and are weavers by occupation. in Bastar is generally applied to mean an The Candas are a similar caste. The cowherds aboriginal. living in almost every village are known as Rmvats, . Ahirs or Kopas. The Murias of the district can be divided into 3 groups-(i) Raja Muria or Jagdalpur Muria who The Lollars: are found around Jagdalpur and their area in the north extends upto a little above Bhanpuri, in the The Lohars living in the district are generally west upto Chitrakoot Waterfall and in the south tribal Lohars and, except in some areas of Kanker upto Darbha. These Murias have been very much tahsil, 1,10t members of the great Hindu caste that influenced by culture-contacts. Another division of bears this name. Muria and Maria who take to iron­ the Murias is the Jhoria Murias who are probably work are separated from the restor the tribe and have liii noW been formed into an endogamous community Among the tribes, there is no system of child­ of their own. Among the Dorlas, the blacksmiths marriage but among some of the castes like Mahara, are referred to as Kammara. and Ghasia child-marriages are getting more popular. However, tribes like Halbas which are more or less The Ghas;as are one of the scheduled castes in the a Hindu caste, are slowly adopting child-marriages district. They have specialised themselves in making and marry their girls before puberty. The system by the eire-perdue process, the brass images, horns, of junior levirate according to which the buttock bells for dancing, jingles and ladles for younger brother has a right to marry the widow serving liquor. The eire-perdue handicraft has now of his elder brother, is prevalent almost among all attracted attention and images of tribal gods and the tribes and castes of the district. Divorce and heroes seem to be in some demand outside the remarriages and widow-remarriages are also socially district. approved. Because of these remarriages, the Census Table on Marital Status does not reflect the real Social Life and Customs,' quantum of 'separated' and 'widowed' persons. The system of bride-price prevails among practically all One of the most important social institutions of the tribes and most of the castes. the district which may be mentioned here is the ~hotul. This institution is found among the Murias, The term for regular marriage is bihav or pendul. except the. Raja Murias, and also among the Hill Er-ulto is widow-remarriage. PO'}'sotur is marriage Marias. The ghotul of the latter tribe, however, by capture and paisamundi paithoo or odivattllr is (liffers in some respects from that of the Murias. the term for marriage by intrusion where a woman, The ghotul is a hut in a Muria village where whether a virgin, married or widow, of her own unmarried boys and girls of ages above 6-7 years choice and without the consent of her guardians spend the night. The ghotul hut may be on the goes into the house of another man. Armirtur is that outskirts of the village, among trees aloof from form of marnage in which a virgin or a married the public eye. Where -a village consists of several woman runs away with another man. hamlets, ther~ may be a l~rge ghotul in the main village and small o~es in the hamlets. In the In Bastar villages there is an interesting institution majority of Muria villages, the ghotul is combined of Siraha or the witch-doctor. This person comes with another structure, the Thana Gudi which is into a trance, answers questions put to him and meant for the stay Of touring officials. The impor­ diagnoses causes of illness, failure of crops and tance of ghotul in Muria life is that it teaches causes of deaths. Another method applied to diagnose them th~ way of -corporate existence, of cooperation, the supposed alfliction by witches is the Anga deo removes j~alosy and sense of ownership. The girls or Patdeo. learn the ways of keeping a house clean and to serve the society. A full account of this institution The ceremonies attending birth and marriage are can be found in Dr. Verrier Elwin's book on the very simple. In the Hill Maria the women have to subject. perform the child-delivery themselves and it is taboo for anybody else to even assist the woman in As mentioned above, practically every village in labour. In many villages there are separate meastruao! the district, except the villages bordering Chhattisgarh in the north, have a hut meant for the stay of tion huts where women are segregated during their period. These huts may also be used for childbirth. touring officials. This hut is constructed by combined There is, among all tribes, a rudimentary theory of efforts of the entire village and is looked after by 'transmigration and rebirth and at every funeral them. It is known as Thana-gudi. During the stay, there are special rites to ensure that the soul will the touring official, irrespective of rank, is provided be reborn in the same family. The Bison-horn with the services of an athpaharia, a Rawat and a . , choukidar. These are village servants and they Marias have a practice of erecting stones (menhirs) attend on the touring officials whether or not they in memory of, and for the appeasement of, the Dead, are asked for. This system of Thana-gudi is an In some cases carved wooden pillars may also be excellent institution and a boon to touring officials seen and an excellent example of these may be who have a fairly comfortable halting place in every observed near village Dilmilli on the main road village they visit. from JagdaJpur to Dantewara. Near Massenar liv village, there is at the end of a long line of menhirs, and in teaching everyone to live together as a family. a pillar in memory of a famous man, Kopa Dhur\\a, Even the few murders that do take place among the which has a carving of the old man wearing his Ghotul Muria occur, for the most part, in villages jubilee medal. Such pillars attempt to be a biography which have for one reason or another lost their in wood of the deceased. dormitories". Elwin also found a seasonal variation. For murder he found a definite increase in the hottest In the Maria villages, one will find a panel of months of the year-April and May-and a correspond. secular and religious officials-Peda, the headman, ing increase in September and October which are Kandki the assistant of Peda, Gaita (the religious also hot and enervating. A larger number of head) and the Kotwar. Each group of villages murders generally take place during festivals. belong to what is called a pargana, a relic of the The common method of suicide is by hanging. older administrative system of the erstwhile state This may be due to the fact that the people are not and at the head of each pargana, there is a Pargana adept at poisons-murder by poison is very rare Manjhi. among them-and because there are few wells in aboriginal villages. It is observed that a larger The Bison-horn Marias are very fond of a brewed drink known as Landa. Prior to Dr. Elwin's great number of suicides take place in July and August work Maria Murder and Suicide, there was a myth which are the most gloomy months of the rains and that this rice-beer (landa) is the most important cause months that are filled with heavy and exacting of homicide among the Bison-horn Marias. work .• The following two tables show the number of Homicide and suicide: murder and suicide in the district and causes of murders for the period 1949-1964:-- There is a high degree of murder and Year No. of Homicide No. of Suicide suicide among the Bison-horn Marias and Elwin and murder 1949 44 36 found that for homicide the annual incidence to the 1950 49 56 million is only 21 among the Muria while it is 69 1951 45 34 1952 47 36 among the Bison-horn Maria; for suicide it is 22 1953 74 42 against 53. Elwin states (p.37); "The striking 1954 79 63 1955 52 39 difference in the number of murders committed by 1956 83 49 1957 66 53 the Bison-horn M aria and their neighbours, the 1958 86 59 Ghotul Muria is probably to be explained by the 1959 115 34 1960 92 59 fact that the Muria have in their Ghotul or dormitory 1961 105 45 system an ideal method of training the youth of 1962 97 60 1963 72 56 the tribe in the civic virtues, in eliminating jealosy 1964 106 53

MURDER BY CAUSE Causes 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964

Disputes about land and 2 6 3 4 11 7 13 7 8 16 12 13 9 10 10 property.

Disputes aboul women 4 2 2 4 5 '3 3 7 8 6 1 12 6 7 and sex-intrigue. MUf?er for robbery and 2 3 2 3 3 2 gam. Murders for suspected 3 3· 2 2 3 4 3 2 7 4 6 4 3 witch craft. Human sacriFice 2 1

Infanticide 3 2 2

Miscellaneous 30 40 36 37 60 65 39 64 53 66 87 66 83 65 49 84

Totalfor-all Causes 44 49 45 47 74 79 52 83 66 86 115 92 105 97 72 106 IV

The greater part of these murders were from Village-names affected by TeJugu' influence com­ south Bastar: in 1962, 68 murders related to monly have terl1lin~tions in palli, (or and pal and south Bastar and 29 from north Bastar and in such village names are more seen in the western 1963, 56 cases related to south Bastar as against part of Bijapur tahsil and in the south, e. g. Chin­ 16 from north Bastar. The underlying cause for tanpalJi, Metupalli, Komatpalli, Redlapalli, Jatloor, this higher frequency of murders in south Bastar, Diwaloor, Mirtur, Gangaloor, Minoor, Malloor and inhabited mostly by the Bison-horn Marias, has So on. The number of villages with terminations in pal are very frequent. Oriya influence is perceptible in already been discus&ed above. It was also noticed terminations like paW and guda though these may that in a large number of cases, the murders were confined to family circles. probably also be classified as those belonging to Telugu influences._ Another common termination Investigations into murder in the Abujhmar is nar which is a Gondi word for village and the fre­ tract are fraught with difficulties consequent upon quency of these villages increases in the central the isolation of the area and the reserve on the region of the district-in the Abujhmar and in Dan­ part of the people. This is illustrated by a case tewara tahsil. Out of 148 Marh villages of which came to notice in 1962 when the police Narayanpur tahsil, for exemple, 31 end with nar, 17 had gone for another investigation. Two Marias with beda and 6 with meta. The common tribal had committed a murder with sticks of another form i. e. village names without any termination is Maria who was elected Patel against their wishes. also a common feature. Again, quite a good num­ An eye witness was throttled to death because he ber of villages are based on the names of trees and had threatened to report the incident to the police. animals but these names based on various forms of These incidents were successfuUy kept concealed Gondi are somewhat difficult to be identified. for 3 years when in 1962 the police got scent of Some examples are Markatola (Marka means mango), them accidentally. Kohka (meaning Bhilwan tree), Toyapar and Toyanar . (Toya meanig Doomar or Goolar tree) and Kodeli Though the incidence of human sacrifice and (Bauhinia purpurea). murders for suspected witch-craft is low as compa­ red to those by other causes, this may be the Village forms, Houses and living conditions : highest incidence for these causes in the State. It Bastar is too big a district having too many of is useful to remember here that these figures relate ethnic groups to have a common type of village or only to those cases which came to the notice of a common house type. Over most of Kanker and tile police. Bhanupratappur tahsils the common village forms Village 1t(I,tneS: are shapeless clusters having mud-built houses Villagc'..names in Bastar district are derived which are characteristics of the Chhattisgarh region. from' 4 sources-Hindi, Telugu, Oriya and Gondi. But as one moves southwards in the district, different penerally speaking Hindi influence is found in forms of villages and house-types become discernible. the north, Telugu in the west and south, Oriya The villages dominantly populated by the Halbas in fluence ill the east and Gondi in the central, and Bhattras approximate more or lesss nearly region. The common terminations of village-names' to the Chhattisgarh pattern. The villages inhabited affected by Hindi infuence are gaon, pur, puri, garh" by the Murias and Bison-horn Marias are some­ para and tola like Nawagaon, Largaon, Gaurgaon, what different. Here the village is laid out on Sambalpur, Jagdalpur, Bijapur, Narayanpur, Nar­ the same lines as those of Gonds; they are set among harpur, Bhanpuri, Lakhanpuri, Antagarh, Pujaripara trees and each house stands in its own garden sur­ and so on. Another common set of terminations rounded by a fence. A village may cover a very large affected by Hindi are dih (hamlet or village) and area in consequence. Often a village is composed sara, tara pall;, sagar and par all having ,associa­ tion with water e. g. Ratesara, Dhanesara, Jawar­ of anything from six to twelve small hamlets each tara Siltara, Shantara, Pandripani, Dumarpani, of which represents the grouping of a fami!} round Marumpani, Bansagar and Tahnkapar. The freque­ its patriarchal head. This is more commonly the ncy of such villages is more in the north in the pattern of a Bison-horn Maria village, In Muria villa­ proximity of Chattisgarh. As one moves south in­ ges the houses are generally scattered about, sometimes fluences of other languages become more perceptible. widely scattered to suit the lie of the land and the Ivi

dimensions of the gardens, and a street connects village,dormitory. ' ...... and sometimes in front of . them with one another. There does not appear this dormitory will be seen the udam-garia or seat to be any sociological significance in the layout of of honour of the kaseq-gaita and possibly also of the village; neither the headman's nor the priest's the secular headman (gaifa or peda) as well as the house is ever in a special or recognised position. stones on which the other village elders sit around with them in conclave ...... There are as a rule The Hill Maria villages are on a different pattern. no bari (vegetable garden) attached to each house as Firstly, the Hill Marias are fond of hill-tops. amongst most Gonds including the Bison-horn The Hill Maria villages, like those of the Baigas Marias and Murias". (p. 102) of Mandla and Kawardlia, are on the pattern of communal settlements and consist of a row of houses The majority of the houses in the rural areas joined together and opening on to a common street. are built with thatch-walls and thatch-roofs. In In the Abujhmar hills agricultural conditions deter­ many cases the walls are made up only of thin mine village-sites and, as such, hill-tops or rocky branches of saja or sal fixed in a line on the ground. slopes are favourable. locations. Grigson states; These houses are reflected in the table given below "The traditional arrangement is a street some twenty­ as houses with timber walls-and should not be five yards wide between parallel lines of long confused with houses made up of sawn timber houses; at one end of the street is the gotuf-lon or walls.

Table showing the percentage distribution of Census houses used wholly or partly as dwellings by wall-material

C.I. Grass sheets or All leaves, other other Rural reeds or Unburnt BUrnt metal mater­ District/Tahsil Urban Bamboo Timber Mud bricks bricks sheet Stone Cement ial

Bastar Distric t R 22.8 41.9 33.2 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.5 U 2.2 1.2 48.5 7.3 39.5 0.2 1.1

Bhanupratappur Tahsil R 34.5 6.1 56.5 0.4 0.9 1.6

Kanker R 0.4 1.8 96.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.2 U 1.1 60.1 30.1 8.7

Narayanpur R 34.5 44.1 19.4 1.5 0.5

Kondagaon R 1.7 67.1 27.4 0.5 1.3 2.0

Bijapur R 29.2 66.7 2.3 0.4 1.4

Danwwara R 21.1 72.4 5.3 0.3 0.9

Jagdalpur R 35.2 30.0 32.4 0.4 0.6 1.1 0.3 U 2.5 1.6 44.9 0.2 49.1 0.2 1.5

Konta R 33.6 55,3 10.2 0.9

It will be seen from the above that the common frequently found in Bijapur tahsil. The percentage rural pattern of mud-walled houses is seen most in of such houses in the descending order are-Bijapur the northern tabsils Kanker and Bhanupratappur (95.9), Dantewara (93.5), Konta (88.9), Narayan­ whereas grass, leaves, bamboo and timber walls, pur (78.6). Kondagaon (68.8), Jagdalpur (65.2), so common r'eature of the tribal areas are nust Bhanupratappur (40.6) and Kanker (2.2). In this lvii

consideration only the rural area has been kept the precentages are calculated· on the basis of roof­ in view. A corresponding picture is revealed if material. This is shown below:

Grass, leaves, C.1. Zinc reeds, thatch, Tiles, or other Asbestos Concrete Rural wood or slates, metal cement Bricks or stone All other District/Tahsil Urban bamboo shingle sheet sheets and lime slabs material

Bastar District R 67.8 '31,2 0.2 0.1 0.7 U 1.3 93.3 1.2 0.9 0.1 1.8 1.4

Bhanupratappur R 34.0 64.4 0.7 .0.9

Kanker • R 3.1 96.6 0.1 0.2 U 0.7 94.2 0.7 3.3 1.1

Narayanpur R 88.5 10.9 0,1 0.5

Koudagaon R 84.9 12.4 0.8 1,9

Bijapur R 94.7 5.3

Dantewara R 86.9 11.2 0.2 1.7

Jagdalpur R 65.5 33.7 0.2 0.3 0.3 U 1.5 93.0 1.4 0.1 0.1 2.0 1.9

Konta R 96.3 3.6 0.1

It may be of some use to mention here the terms Among the M urias the terms for different parts for different parts of a house, in three tribal com­ of a house are kitchen (atana Ion); kitchen-garden or munities-the Hill Maria, the Bison-horn Maria bari (a war, charak); verandah (bohla, hira) ;mcnstrua­ and the Muria. tion-hut or verandah space (bohla-hunjana, aska-/on l1'itar kurna); the room where grain is hus~ed (dheki The names for the different part of a Hill Maria Ion); hen roost (kar guda,); inner room (lopa ahpi), outer room (nadum ahpi); pig-sty (pad - guda), house are-Verandah (algi); womens' kitchen and courtyard (racha), covered space in front of the sleeping room (andgi); menstruation room (hala); house where people sit to talk and work ( sar), inner room or the 'room for the departed' (/onu); cow-shed (thali-korka) and granary (wijja dholi). husband's living and sleeping:room (agha) and slee­ ping platform in agha (alpan.ii.) Among the Hill 'Working force and Industrial Classification: Marias, it is taboo for the wife, the grown-up daughter or any womon to sleep in the agha. The worker-non-worker ratio in the population of the district is 60.6:39.4 as against 52.3 :47.7 for the State The terms for different parts of a Bison-horn as a whole and 58.5 : 41.5 for Raipur Division. For Maria house are-Seed house (wijja Ion); middle males the worker-non-worker ratio in the district is house (narma Ion) and veranda (oser). It is the 61.9: 38.1 (State 60.2 : 39.8, Raipur Division narma Ion that is first constructed and then oser is 62.8 : 37. 2) and for females it is 57.7: 42.3 (State added to it. The wijja /011 is both-a store room 44.0 : 56.0, Raipur Division 54.2: 45.8). It is , and 'room for the Departed'. The narma Ion is the a matter of general observation that a higher parti­ sleeping room for women and small children and cipation rate, or, what may also be called a the cooking hearth is in the oser. lower dependency ratio, is more often than not lviii a fairly reliable index of economic backwardness The dippa (also known as erka and marhan) differs rather than of a developed economy. from penda in three ways : (i) The clearings are made on fairly level Out of total workers 89-7%are engaged in agri­ ground, not on the side of hills. culture (76.2% as cultivators and 13.5% as agricul­ tural labourers). Percentage distribution of workers ( ii) After the fellings have been fired the ashes in the other Industrial Categories is as below are evenly distributed over the whole area. The result is a much more even and III IV V VI VII VIII IX regular crop. 2.5 2.8 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.1 2.9 (iii) When the rain falls, the ashes are plou­ This scant diversification and overwhelming con­ ghed into the ground, or dug into it with centration in the agricultural field is again a a hoe and only then is the seed sown. reflection of economic backwardness and of a poor industrialisation or urbanisation. The parka or daM differs again " in dippa and penda clearings, the trees are felled in the very place Agriculcture: - where it is desired to sow.. They are burnt on the Even though this Jarge proportion of popula­ spot. But in parka, trees and brushwood are cut tion (89.7% of workers and 54.4% of the entire elsewhere and are carried- on to an already existing population) is engaged in the agricultural field. Here they are spread over the field and fired. sector, the agriculture and cultivation pra- After raking the ashes evenly over the field, the ctices of the· district are not those that may be ploughing is done and seed sown in. called advanced. Of the large area of 15,124 Sq. miles only a little more than 15% was under plough Thus, Bastar district is one of those areas in (i. e. net area sown) in 1961. The area under the country where the evolution of cultivation pra­ forest in the district is the largest in the State ctices may be studied from the most primitive penda and more than that of any of other Divisions (Bastar through the transitional parka and dippa to settled 6,922,350 acres; 6,615,848, Bilaspur cultivation. 5,925,672, Rewa 3,486,454, Indore 2,657,154, Gwa­ lior 1,923,806, Bhopal 3,388,015). Of the net area Methods of Settled Cultivation ,'- In the sown only a little more than 5~~ was sown more Chhattisgarh Feudatory States Gazetteer three than once as against 35% in Raipur district. methods have been described as being practised Paddy covers the largest area sown and this is in Bastar (i.e., the six tahsils of the south). "The the principal crop in the northern areas and also first is called kahana, under which fallow lands are elsewhere except in the hilly tracts where millets ploughed during and at the end of rains. Then they take its place. (Area under paddy in 1960-61: are allowed to dry up, but just before the breaking 948,908 acres; area under millets 1,341,124 acres). of the monsoon they are sown with heavy or light dhan according to the position of the field". Bastar is one of the districts where the primitive cultivation, known as shifting cultivation, still takes "The second system is known as karkatti. Here place though, except in Abujhmar, it is prohibited. the monsoon ploughing i'5 dispensed with and the There are three kinds of &hifting cultivation (a) Penda ploughing at the close of rains is more thorough. (b) Dippa also called erka and marhan and (c) Parka This is applied to fields which have been under or dahL The Penda type is mostly confined to the crop or to gabhar Jand which has remained too wet Abujhmar and is the most primitive type of CUlti­ to plough before the close of the rains. If it rains vation. The Penda is cut on the steep slopes of heavily before Jand prepared under these two systems hills. The forest-growth on the hill slopes is felled can be sown, the seed is soaked and sown broad­ and burnt when dry but no attempt is made to cast after it sprouts. This system is known as lai. evenly distribute the ashes. The seed is sown broad­ A flat log (kopar) is dragged over the field before ~ast without using a digging stick or hoe except or after sowing according as the seed has sprouted III cases where the seed does not germinate, After vigorously or slightly. The crop is not weeded except 2 or .5 years a penda plot is abandoned and a new by immigrant cultivators. Garden plots are care­ c~eanng ~ade. For beans and pulses, holes are fully cultivated and weeded and manured by tethering dibbled wlth a primitive digging-stick. cattle in them. }ix

Local names of some of the common crops are ; males (Total 10,675, males 3,036, females 7,639). Kutki is known as Kosra or Kohala. Sawa or Planting, replanting, conservation of forests, felling ghetka are the other species of Kutki and are known of trees, transportation of logs and preparation of as amu by the Hill Marias. There is another variety timber are mostly men's jobs (1,195 males, 84 known as siks or ehikwa, this is called tarya kohala females) but in production of charcoal, production by the Hill Maria. Botanical names of these varie­ of fodder by exploitation of the forests and produc­ ties of Kutki are Panieum miliaeclIm, P. [rumenteeum tion of gums, resins, lac, wild fruits and leaves, and P. miliare. Other crops are koda (Paspa­ females preponderate over males ( 1,779 males, 7,555 fum serobicula!um), mandia also known goranj or females). Fishing in the tanks, ponds and streams gorra (Eleusitze eoracana) and hikka. Kong or ark is done by both males and females (326 males, is Setaria italica and is also called Kuliya lengri. 392 females). The word for urad is pupul, pusel for mung and ,ahar and jata for arhar. (b) Livestock, Hunting and Quarrying:- 0.8 per cent of the workers earn their livelihood In the hill areas the Kodo, Kosra, haruna or light by this industry and 306 persons are engaged in mountain paddy, mandia and hikka ripen by July­ quarrying. August. The pulses, Kang and bajra are sown in June-July and harvested in November and December. (c) Household Industries :--The main household The third sowing is as Kosra in August-September industries of the district are handloom-weaving of over land or which smell Kosra ('fep has been harves­ cloth, making of brass and alloy images by eire-perdue ted. Along with the Os Kosra are so\\n mung and method, carpentry and blacksmithY. Next to kulthi and these crops are harvested in Decem­ Agriculture and 'Other Services " the household ber-J anuary. industry sector engages the largest number of peo­ The triOOls of Bastar district supplement their ple : 2.8 per cent of the workers are engaged in diet by roots, tubers, insects and anjmals. Red this. ants know as ala;nj or ehapora are a special delicacy and so are the bator kira or guge (edible flying (d) Other manufactures :-While considering the ants), chhind kira or hind porak (edible grubs living figures of workers in category V, i. e., 'Manufacture in the chhind palm), kukh (the mushrooms), yete other thal\ household industry', a note needs to be (crab), rats and squirrels. kept of the definition of household industry as adopted in this Census. On that basis these "figures Irrigation ." do not necessarily reflect a semblance of large-scale industries in the rural areas. Irrigation has yet to make a significant headway in the district. The total area irrigated in the (e) Trade :-Persons engaged in trade are mostly district in 1960-61 was 33,774 acres as against engaged in retail trade (182 persons in wholesale 366,677 of Raipur' and 235,290 of Durg. The crops and 4,914 persons in retail trade). irrigated are mostly garden and vegetable crops in the plain areas. Irrigation tanks may be seen only Industrial Statistics in 1951 and 1961 in the Bhopalpatnam tract. There is no direct comparability between the Other Category of Workers. industrial statistics of the Census of 1951 and those of 1961 but some of the items listed in the District (a) Forestry and Logging :-1.5 per cent of the Index. of non-industrial occupations given in the workers in Bastar district "are engaged in forestry 1951 District Censlls Hand-book and those given in and logging and the interesting feature about this is the 1961 table B-IVC appear almost identical. A that there are more females engaged in this than comparison of these may be given here : Ix

Industry No. of No.of persons a magnificent view of the countryside. This road, persons engaged in engaged in 1961 which constitutes National Highway 43, passes 1951 through the eastern upper half of the district and after reaching Jagdalpur turns south-east to Koraput. l. Forestry, logging and collection of forest products 552 10,675 Because of its physiography, Abujhmar tract has 2. Stock-raising and poultry farming 3,551 5,889 3. Hunting and fishing 216 729 hardly any communications. From Narayanpur the 4. Mining and quarrying 38 306 road to Paralkot and Partabpur is one of the lone­ liest and most exciting in the district. After passing 5. Cotton spinning, sizing and weaving 2,050 5,616 the Halba centre of Sonpur, it forces its way into 6. Making of textile garments 241 613 the very heart of the Abujhmar through wild and 7. Leather, leatht'r products and footwear 161 279 majestic scenery and on to Paralkot and Partabpur. The road curves round at Partabpur and runs east 8. Blacksmiths, makers in iron and implement makers 1,891 4,041 back to Antagarh running for a great part of its 9. Potters and makers of earthenware 454 1,669 journey near and parallel to the Kotri river. 10. Construction and maintenance of buildings 472 897 In all the district has some 787 miles road 11. Construction and maintenance of length of which 132 miles constitute the National roads, bridges and other Highway. transport works 413 t ,402 12. Construction and maintenance Literacy: operations-Irrigation and other transport works 4) 1,449 Tp.ough some headway has been made in the 13. Domestic and industrial water- supply and sanitary works and service field of education, Bastar district remains the second including scavengers 11)4 494 most backward district in the State as regards 14. Commerce 3,848 5,225 literacy. The percentage of literacy in the district 15. Transport, ~torage and communica- is 6.9 as against 15.6 for Raipur Division and 17.1 tion 616 972 for the State. Though Jhabua District is more 16. Health. education, public services backward in literacy than Bastar ( Bastar 6.9, Jhabua and public administration and services not elsewhere classified 4,447 20,196 6. 0) the perc~ntage of literacy among females is a little higher in Jhabua than in Bastar. The table The above table, though to be viewed with some below shows the percentage of literacy in the State, caution, reflects the impact of Dandkaranya Project Raipur DIvision, Jhabua District and Bastar District and other development projects in the district. The in 1951 and in 1961 :- {)utstanding features brought out by this table are the large increase in the number of persons engaged Percentage of literacy in in forestry, logging etc, potters, construction works State/Division/District 1951 1961 . ~ __ A_~ ~---A---, and public services and all these can be ascribed P M F P M F to the two factors mentioned above. Madhya Pradesh 9.8 16.2 3.2 17.1 27.0 6.7 Comnjunications .' Raipur Division 8.6 14.9 2.6 15.6 25.9 5.4 Jhabua District 2.4 3.3 1.4 6.0 . 9.1 2.9 Ba~tar is one of the' poor-communication' districts of the State. Because of the size of the Bastar District 4.1 7.1 1.1 6.9 11.7 2.2 district, distances between important places are enormous-lagc1alpur-Kanker 97 miles, Jagdalpur­ Public Health .' Konta 114 miles, Jagdalpur-Bhopalpatnam-134 miles. The road joining Jagdalpur with Kanker and As in the field of education so in respect of thence to Dhamtari and Raipur was constructed in public health, the district has made a significant 1899 and its length within this district is about 130 progress in providing medical facilities, yet looking to l~iles. Beyond Kanker on the road to Jagdalp_Uj, its size, the number. of medical institutions cannot hes the Keskal ghat over which this road goes . in a be said to be satisfactory. By outsiders the district serpentinous way and reaching the top one can have continues to be dreaded as a bad-climate area. Ixi

Mention may be made here of a disease pecu­ that the frequency of yaws after the W. H. O. liar to Bastar. This is yaws, locally known as work in the area has come down to 1.6% (17,250 gondirog or Gonds disease. Yaws is a contagious persons being examined and 271 found infected)". inoculable disease running a chronic course and The tribal people depend even now on their characterised by a peculiar eruption and resulting indigenous system of medicine and on the witch­ in more or less general debility. Among children doctors. Almost every disease is ascribed to the the disease is preceded by rheumatic pains in the annoyance of this or that deity or to witch-craft. limbs and joints while in adults, skin eruption is Hence suitable propitiation of the offended deity the first .sign. It begins as a pimple which grows is taken resort to and the black magic counteracted. into a pustule and then breaks exuding a thIck For this most of the villages have sirahas. Only liquid from it. This dries up and beneath this is one example of indigenous system of treatment the yaws proper. Such eruptions generally appear may be mentioned here. When suffering from fever, at the forehead, face, neck, armpits, groin, genitals, the person stands, below a tree having red ants. perineum and buttocks. Yaws is very similar to Another person shakes the tree and the red ants syphilis and leprosy in its outward symptoms. It (chapora, chapda) fall on the sick person and bite him .. This is belived to cure fever. has, however, been found that veneral diseases and yaws do not co-exist. One cause of the disease may Local Bodies :- be the insanitary conditions of the tribals. A 'Yaws There are 2'municipa1ities in the district-Kanlcer Eradication Programme' was launched in the district and Jagdalpur. Unlike other districts in Mahakothal by the W. H. O. and significant success has been (i. e. the 17 districts of old Madhya Pradesh) the achieved. district does not 'have separate Janpad Sabhas for the tahsils. There are only two Janpad Sabhas; A survey was made in 1951 regarding the inci­ one for Kanker and Bhanupratappur with dence of yaws and the results are published in the headquarters at Kanker and the other for the District Census Hand-book, 1951. The following information has been extracted from there : remaining six tahsils with headquarters at Jagdalpur.

Name of the Tahsil No. of No. of persons affected The district-especially the backward tracts like .~ )', villages Abujhmar-has a long tradItion of panchayat system . ,------'-----, Persons Males Females In his Maria Gonds of Bastar, Grigson states: "One of the most remarkable features of the Bastar of Kanker 19 22 15 7 1927 was the extent to which tribal, village-and Bhanupratappur 32 37 27 10 caste panchayats still regulated the religious and Kondagaon 5 8 7 1 Narayanpur 76 171 112 59 social life of the people, acted as intermediates Jagdalpur 72 115 76 39 between them and the state and its Zamindaris in Bijapur 27 69 43 26 meeting State demands for taxes, labour and supplies Dantewara 49 162 108 54 and in protecting the ryots from undue exaction Konta 21 36 24 12 and exercised the de-facto criminal and civil jurisdiction". In the same connection, Elwin states It will be seen from the above table that the about the Bison-horn Marias: "Each group of disease is more common among males and again, villages belongs to what is called a Pargana, a relic it is probably the central region of the district of the older administrative system of the state, and where the disease is more common. The results at the head of each Pargana there is a Pargana given above may not be quite correct in view of Manjhi. Each village has its panchayat presided subsequent field work done by the Tribal Research over by the village headman, and each Pargana has Institute (Bull. T.R.I. Vol. I, No.1, 1961). According Pargana panchayat which is a Court of Appeal. In to this survey "The figures regarding the frequency 1932, the village panchayats among all the aborigi­ of yaws in Darbha Police Station Circle, which nals in Bastar were entrusted with a certain amount covers 73 villages gives some interesting results. of criminal and civil work ...... there is no doubt In the primary survey, the total number of persons whatever that the establishment of these panchayats examined was 23,811 and those infected were 670 has done ~ great deal to build up the self-respect i. e. 2.81~/~ The resurvey of the same area revealed of Maria and Muria, and has developed leadership lxii

among them". (Maria Murder and Suicide; Elwin main deity of the Bastar Chiefs. Homage is paid 1943, pp. 33-34). to her in a spectacular manner at the time of the Dasahara festival. The Census publication-The National Extension Service and Community Fair and Festivals of Madhya Pradesh describes Development:- this celebration in some detail. It may suffice here to mention that the Dasahara celebrations at The district is divided into 22 blocks which are Jagdalpur are unique and are attended every year distributed as below: - by at least a lakh of people.

No. of Name of the Date when One characteristic feature of the religious life of Tahsil blocks Block started the district is the institution of siraha in every village Kanker 2 (Charama 2-10-53 or a group of villages. The Siraha is believed to Kanker 2-10-56 predict and diagnose a variety of things when he Bhanupratappur 1 Bhanupratappur 2-10-52 gets into trance. Anga or the 'log god' is another peculiar feature of the district and may sometimes (Kondagaon 2-10-52 be seen on the road being carried to some village Kondagaon 3 1 1-4-57 LKeskal 1-4-62 which need 'his' services. This 'log-god' (Anga, Anga Pen or Pat Deo) is reputed to be a witch-detective (Narayan pur 2-10-56 I Bakaband 1-4-57 and reaching the village which has required his Narayanpnr 5 i Antagarh 1-4-60 services for detecting black-magic is believed to Koilibeda 1-4-61 LAbujhmar 2-10-62 indicate the route through which he should be taken. He then knocks against the door of the house in (Bastar 1-4-58 which the culprit is hidden and goes on so knocking Jagdalpur 4 i Lohandignda 1-4-61 Tokapal 2-10-61 till the culprit comes out. Grigson has recorded LJagdalpur 1-4-62 (Foreword to Maria Murder and Suicide) that during the days of the erstwhile feudatory state one such log­ Dantewara 2 (Dantewara 2-10-56 Kuakonda 2-10-59 god was installed in Jagdalpur and villagers could

(Bhopalpatnam 2-10-62 take him to their villages after depositing a fee of Bijapur 3 1 Bijapur 2-10-58 Rs. 5/- into the State Treasury. l Bhairamgarh 2-10-62 Apart from the main celebration-the Dasahara~ Konta 2 [SUkma 1-4-57 Konta 1-4-59 there are annual bazars known as madai at various . places. These are important not only from commercial Out of these blocks, Bhopalpatnam and Sukma point of view but also from the socio-religious view blocks were converted to T. D. blocks on 2. 10. 62 point. The various festivals of the Marias are called and Dantewara and Narayanpur tahsils are the pandum and these are too many to be related here. special Multipurpose Tribal Blocks (SMTB). The Abujhmar and Koilibeda blocks, both in Narayanpur Dandkaranya Pro;ect:- tahsil are the biggest in area (960 sq. miles) whereas Bijapur block (148 sq. miles) is the smallest in area. This is a centrally sponsored and centrally­ managed scheme for the rehabilitation of refugees Religion, Fairs and Festivals :- from East Bengal. The project extends over 2 States­ Orissa and Madhya Pradesh. In this State the project It would be a hazardous task to tabulate the is confineq to Bastar district. names of the countless deities which are propitiated in the district, for every village, every tribe and even 38,828 acres of forest land has so far been every household has separate deities. A doctor, released to the D. D. A. (Dandkaranya Development Muslim by religion, who died by cholera has been Authority) out of which some 9,000 acres have deified as Doctor Deo. As stated earlier every been either partially or fully reclaimed by them illness and misfortune, individual or collective, is and about 500 families from East Bengal have been ascribed to the annoyance of these deities. Dantesh­ allotted land. By an agreement between the State wari, whose temple is built at Dantewara, is the and Central Government, 25% of the reclaimed land lxiii is reserved for the rehabilitation of the tribals of the same name, Bhanupratappur is also the headquarters district. Under this, 20 families have already been of a development block. It is 31 miles from rehabilitated over 200 acres of land in village Paisara Kanker and from here a road leads to Rajnandgaon of Pharasgaon Block. 3,473 acres of land is lyin~ via Sambalpur. reclaimed near village Jamsi in Narayanpur Tahsil but there is no encouraging response from the tribals. Bijapur : -(I,464) Headquarters of the tahsil The D. D. A. is building up roads, irrigation tanks of the same name and also the headquarters of and wells in the region and the feasibility of having the development block, Bijapur is situated on the an irrigation project exclusively for the benefit of ~thnic boundary between the Bison-horn Maria and the tribals is being examined. Dorla tracts. Some remains of an old fort may be seen here. lmportant Places :-

Barsur : -(2,055) Situated 18 miles from_-nante­ Chapka : -(7,22) A village in Jagdalpur Tahsil wara, Barsur may be said to be one of the most approachable from village Sonarpal on Jagdalpur­ important historical places of the district. It was here Kanker road: Chapka is 5 miles from the National­ that the capital of the Chakrakot Kingdom of the Highway. A big madai is held here every year and early Nagvanshi dynasty was loc~ted and ~1~ny there are some recent temples situated on the remains are seen as evidences of Its old pnstme picturesque bank of a stream. A perennial under­ glory. There is an old Shiv Temple ~vith 12 pilla~s ground stream may also be seen here. which is said to be parbally demolIshed by Raja Mahipal Deo who was offended by the 'indecent' Cbitrakot : ~(1,532) 24 miles from Jagdalpur, is sculpture. Also there is a ruined Ganesh temple the name of a famous waterfall where the Indrawati having an 8 feet high statue of Ganesh. Another debouches from the 2,000 high plateau or big temple, known as Mama Bhancha Ka Mandir is north-east Bastar and plunges 94' below in a horse-shoe shaped waterfall. The fall can be seen 50 feet high and the inner carvings represent bells hung from chains. Remains of several other temples from both the sides. though the northern approach are also seen scattered in the surrounding areas. 3 is a bit inconvenient. inscriptions have also been discovered here. Chhota Dongar : - (1,401) Situated in the Bastar : -(3,077) Situted 12 miles to the north­ Abujhmar tract, Chhota Dongar is probably the most west of Jagdalput, Bastar was the old capital of the easily accessible place, being about 23 miles south erstwhile State and was abandoned in favour of of Narayanpur. Beyond Chhota Dongar a road goes Jagdalpur by DaIpat Deo. Bastar is a big village up into the real Abujhmar country passing and has as many as 8 hamlets. It is now the t~rough headquarters of a development block. the lovely gorge where the Godra emerges through enormous wooded rocks out of the hills. Bbairamgarh:-(1,056) This viUage probably owes its name to Raja Bhairam Deo, one of the kings of Dantewara : -(1,089) Headquarters of the tahsil the erstwhile Bastar State. The village is situated of the same name, of the south-Bastar Revenue sub­ on the Jagdalpur-Bhopalpatnam (road among sal division and of a special Multipurpose Tribal Block, forest. There are remain~ of the doorway of an old Dantewara is 57 miles to the south-west of Jagdalpur. fort, several old temples and tanks. Three inscrip­ The place is apparently named after Danteshwari tions have been discovered here one of which is a record of his name by the ubiquitous Magarbhoja devi who was known as Manikyeshwari during the Jogi 700. This curious name occurs on tempJes at Nagvanshi regime of ancient Bastar. The most Pali (Bilaspur district), Kalod (, famous landmark of Dentewara is the temple of and Markonda and Churil (Chanda district, Danteshwari. There are some other archaeological ), Boramdeo, KankeIi, Dewargaon remains also, though most of the temple, have fallen. (Durg district), Bilahri (Jabalpur district), Hindoria Three inscriptions in Telugu characters have been discovered here and are dated 1062 AD, 1218 AD (Darnoh district), Mandhata (East Nimar district) and several other places. and 1703 AD.

Bhaoupratappur: -(595) A comparatively recent Dudbawa : -(1.315) Situated 18 miles east of settlement and the headquarters of the tahsil of the Kanker, is the site of a major irrigation project lxiv nearing completion. Here is a good rest house SUMMING UP perched on a hill overlooking the reservoir. Bastar is no longer "an almost unknown back­ Kanker :-(6,417) Kanker is one of the two water of the river of Indian History" that it prob­ municipal towns of the district. It is situated on ably was during the time Grigson was writing his Raipur-Jagdalpur road, 88 miles from Raipur. In a "Maria Gonds of Bastar". It is now very much in hill to the south of the town some archaeological the main current of the life and history of the ruins are found. The town is situated on the banks country. Bastar District is the biggest in the State of the river Dudh and the etymology of its name may and is a little larger in size than Kerala State, but probably be based on the Telugu word er meaning because of the very nature of the topography, cli­ water. matic factors and past history, it is not densely populated and the density of population is only 77 Keskal : -(1,488) 18 miles from Kanker towards persons to the square mile as against the Division Jagdalpur, is a big village and is the gateway to the and State figures of 164 and 192 ..It is therefore a plateau of Bastar. The road from Kanker to Keskal potential area for future growth of population by negotiates a 5-mile long ghat known as Telinghati and immigration and this is not unlikely with bettcr on the top of this is a test-house amidst a picturesque accessibility, increasing means of communication and setting. overall economic and industrial development that are bound to take place. Kondagaon : -(7 ,298) 114 miles from Raipur, Kondagaon is the headquarters of the tahsil of the The greatest geological asset of the district-the same name and of the development block. From Bailadila iron-ore deposit-which was lying unnoti­ here a road leads to Narayanpur. ced for more than one reason, has now attracted attention and its exploitation is bound to affect the Konta : -(1,133) 114 miles from Jagdalpur,Konta economy of the district to a significant extent. A is situated in the extreme southern region of the detailed geological survey may bring to light some State. other mineral deposits of economic importance the exploitation and utilisation of which may orient the area towards industrialisation. With its enormous Kutumsar (Kuluinsur):- (227) A small village forest wealth the district is a potential ground for 25 miles to the south of Jagdalpur. Some caves are the development of many forest-based industries. found here containing stalactite and stalagmite columns. Some of these stalagmite columns have That the district offers itself as a welcome ground the appearance of Sivling and are therefore worship. for immigration is clear from the fact that in the ped by the people. The entrance of these caves is a last sixty years period the population increase here small passage five feet high and three feet wide. has been the largest in the Division notwithstan­ There are 5 distinct chambers known and others ding the fact of much greater industrial develop­ which have only bcen recently explored. In these ment that has taken place in Durg and Raipur. chambers there are several blind wells-all except one The age and sex-structure of the population and of which are covered by a sheet of rock which when comparison of broad age-group wise distribution of struck gives out a hollow sound. population in 1961 with that of 1951 shows that there is a shift towards youthfulness and this is hopeful indication of the future natural growth of Narayanpur:--(4,441) Headquarters of the tahsil of the district's population. the same name, Narayanpur is just a big village. From here westwards and southwards a march into The population of the district is mainly compri., Abujhmar can be planned. sed of a number of tribes, which though economi­ cally backward because of centuries of isolation, are among the toughest and most hard-working people Tirathgarh:-(539) About 24 miles south-west of of the State, imbued with innate sincerity and Jagdalpur and 7 miles away from the subterranean honesty. Development of these people on proper caves of Kutumsar, Tirathgarh is mainly known for lines and integrating them into the mainstream of the picturesque waterfall. the culture of the nation, would enable them to lxv play a fitting role in the social, cultural, economic Government. The Collector is authorised to remoVe and industrial strides that the country is making. a Sarpanch or a panch for corruption, neglect of duty, continued absence from meetings, moral turpi­ Because of factors already referred to above, the tude or any other sufficient cause and may ap- economy of the district is backward: there is over­ point the successor of the person ~o ~cmoved. 1,069 whelming pressure on agriculture and very little Adimjatiya Panchayats are functlOmng in Bastar diversification. The agriculture itself is of a primitive district. type over a substantial part of the area and its deve­ lopment on scientific lines may alone change 2. Administrative Functions the economic life of the people to an appreciable extent. But though there is very little of The State Government may allot any of the diversification, there has been a great change since obligatory and discretionery functions specified for 1951 as the industrial statistics of 1951 and 1961 the Gram Panchayats in the Act to Adimjatiya given earlier would show. Panchayats.

Though there has been an increase in the per­ 3. Judicial Functions centage of literacy. the development in this respect does not seem to be keeping pace with that of the The Adimjatiya Panchayats are empowered to State and the Division. Even though this is so, exercise such criminal and civil jurisdiction as may female literacy has doubled and male literacy has be prescribed by the State Government. An increased by some 64% during the decade. Eradi­ Adimjatiya Panchayat has power to try and determine cation of malaria and yaws has registered success suits not exceeding Rs. 50j-in value. It may here as everywhere else. These features seen in the impose a fine not exceeding Rs. 25/-in criminal light of community development and tribal develop­ ment schemes and Dandkaranya and Bailadila Pro­ cases. Any decision of the Adimjatiya Panchayat jects, are indications of a prosperous economic and is appealable to the Pargana Panchayat constituted industrial future. under the Act.

A Pargana Panchayat is constituted for a group of Adimjatiya Panchayats. It consists of a Sarpanch and four panchas who are all nominated by the ANNEXURE I State Government. At presnt 214 Pargana Panchayats are functioning in Bastar district. A note on AdilPjatiya and Pargana Panchayats*

Establishment and Constiiution Any of the normal prOVIsIons of the Panchayat Act could be applied to any Adimjatiya or Pargana Under the provisions of Chapter VI of the Panchayat under Government orders. C. P. and Berar Panchayats Act, 1946, which apply to Bastar district and tehsil Jashpur of Raigarh The order passed by the Pargana Panchayat on district, the State Government is empowered to any appeal against the decision of an Adimjatiya establish Adimjatiya Panchayat for a village or Panchayat shall not be appealable but a revision group of villages. Such a Panchayat is composed application could be filed to the Collector and his of elected panchas and a Sarpanch nominated by decision thereon shall be final.

* Kindly contributed by the Director. Social Welfare Department. Government of Madhya Pradesh. ANNEXURE II ABUJHMAR Location, Boundary and Area: ed estimation on the Topo sheet brings out a figure of 1600 Sq. miles. This difference of 100 Sq. miles Abujhmar, probably the least known part of the is because of the fact that in the latter case the as­ State, consititutes a distinct natural division of sumed boundaries of Abujhmar are likely to be wrong. Bastar district. Roughly elliptical in shape with the longer axis in the north-west south-east direction, Physiography: Abujhmar tract is situated between latitudes 19 0 0' Physiographical!y Abujhmar is a tangled mass of and 20° 0' N and longitudes 80° 39' and 81 0 39' E. In hills which do not seem to constitute any regular the absence of a special survey it is somewhat difficult system and there are hills and valleys in all direc­ to indicate the exact boundaries of the tract and there tions. This difficulty of describing the physiography is a little confusion regarding inclusion or exclusion of the tract is further increased because of the fact of some villages on its border. Broadly speaking, that the village-locations and names given on the Abujhmar is bounded on the north by the plains of Topo sheet are different from those which exist now. Antagarh and Narayanpur, on the east by the coun­ Roughly speaking, the tract may be conceived as a try of the jhorias and by Gudra river, on the south hump rising towards the centre from aU directions. by the lndrawati and on the west and north-west by The eastern part of Abujhmar is, in general, higher Kotri river and its tributary, the Waler. Westwards than the western part. The average height of the the tract extends beyond the borders of Bastar dis­ tract may be taken to be 2,500' and the highest point trict into Chanda district of Maharashtra. Because (3,322') is about 8 miles north-north-west of the con­ the exact boundaries are not correctly definable, it is fluence of the Gudra and the Baordig. If two sections somewhat difficult to correctly ascertain the area of are drawn through Abujhmar- one north-south Abujhmar. According to Shri Noronha, it may be along longitude 81 °6' E and the other east-west along 1,500 square miles (3,905 Sq.Kms.). This estimate is latitude 19°20' N, the picture would be some what very near the correct figure because even a very detail- as below:-

~ooo' N ......


_'41 9 q; III ~ ... "III ~ o.,.. IOc)()' ~------~~------~/ "", ., MItES lxvii

[For want of space, both these sections have been and joins the Indrawati at latter's confluence with drawn on different horizontal scales, the upper one on the Kotri. The Gudra rises in the centre of Abujhmar 1" = 8 miles and the lower one on 1" = 4 miles. in the hills south of Kutul, flows eastwards to Chhota Vertical scale is exaggerated in both cases (I " = Dongar, then turns south forming the eastern boun­ 1,000 feet) but double in the upper. These points may dary of Abujhmar and finally merges into the In­ therefore be kept in view while comparing them.] dravati near Mangnar.All these rivers have innu­ merable feeder streams. Many of these rivers and Because any adequate description on the basis streams are perennial and serve as a source of water of top a sheet is not possible (no heights are .indicated supply. on the contours and village names do not tally) it would be useful to quote here from the tour , diary of late Shri Pawar- Flora: It is a common misconception to associate "From the starting point, Pangur, we had to climb Abujhmar with an immense forest wealth. Actually a very steep range of about 1,000 feet and then we speaking, the forest wealth of Abujhmar is very largely descended into the valley of river Nibra. From Wada­ pend a, we again ascended continuously right upto a myth. There is, of course, valuable forest in pat­ Kutui. At many places the climb was very steep. ches but the vast majority of the area is not of From Kutul to Adeq, the journey was over a plateau commercial importance. Shri Noronha in his tour­ like a terrain sloping eastward. From Adeq we were diary of 1950 writes: "Have not seen any valuable again descending upto Alwada and from here the jungle even through binocular,;. Everything is satkata, climb again started. It was a continuous climb, miscellaneous". Shri Pawar noticed two distinct ranges after ranges, sometimes climbing down into zones of vegetation in Abujhmar. "In lower regions, small valleys of rivulets. We found ourselves at high­ the forest was a mix.ed and miscellaneous type con­ est point of our journey between Botter and Murum­ taining no valuable timber. The only timber species wada. From here we then finally climbed down in found in abundance were aden and bamboo. The ~he plains of the river Indrawati." latter could be a perpetual source of paper industry. On plateau and greater height above 3,506 feet the Rivers: forest was Savannah type with tall grass and shrub trees jutted all over the plains". But though poor Like Bastar district as a whole, Abujhmar also from the point of view of timber wealth, the forests comes under the drainage-system of the Godavari of Abujhmar are thick in places and Shri ,Jlawar's and under the sub-drainage of the Indrawati. All the impression may be of some use here: "The journey rivers and streams watering this tract are feeders of through A bujhmar was indeed a saga of the jungles. the Indrawati which empties itself into the Godavari. When we walked through thick forests we were over­ The important rivers of Abujhmar are the Ko'tri in whelmed by their vastness and immensity. Once or the west and its principal tribwary, the Waler in the twice, when we lost our way, our helplessness was north; the Gudra in the east and the Nibra flowing most bewildering. Sometimes for hours we were through Abujhmar. The Waler rises in the hills walking through thick tropical forests where sun-ravs north-east of Narayanpur and flows north-west. could never penetrate. One has a feeling of almdst After receiving the waters of the Chargaon, it turns being drowned in the thick foliage". south-west and joins the Kotri about 3 miles south of Partabpur. The Kotri, sometimes also known as Faul1a: the Paralkot river, rises in Sanjari-Balod tahsil of Durg district and flows south forming the western Wild life is plentiful in Abujhmar and in this boundary of Abujhmar for major part and ultimatly respect the southern area is richer. Man-eating tigers joining the Indrawati. The Nibra is the main river are a perpetual menace in Abujhmar and account flowing through Abujhmar. It rises in the hilly coun­ for desertion of many villages. It appears that scar­ try in the south and south-east of Narayanpur and city of their natural food in the forests and non­ flowing one mile south of Narayanpur turns west­ ayailEbility of cattle in the villages are the two pro­ wards running parallel to Narayanpur-Paralkot road bable reasons of the tigers turning to man-eating for a considerable distance. It then turns south-west habit. Panthers are found all ov(;r and bison and lxviii wild buffalo are also numerous. Bears are particu­ History: larly found in the south-eastern parts. In addition to . . The history, if any, of Abujhmar is obscure and these different herbivorous animals already mention­ It IS not known with any certainty if the Hill Marias ed in 'the District Note earlier, are also found. The are the autochthones of this tract. Shri, Pawar numerous rivers and streams contain variety of suggested that the habitation in Abujhmar is fairly fishes which the Hill Marias relish very much. recent and may be about a hundred years old. Also in his opinion the Hill Maria do not originally be~ Abujhmar is very poor in cattle wealth and in ~ong to this area but-have immigrated from adjoin­ some villages there are no cattle at all. One of the lllg Kutru, Paralkot and Ahiri tracts. The cause res­ reasons of the Hill Marias for not keeping cattle is ponsible for this migration is not known definitely that they attract tigers. Also, cattle are not necessary though there are indications that the exodus from for cultivation over a major portion of Abujhmar. the old Paralkot zamindari took place because of Pigs and poultry are generally kept by all Marias. oppression.

Hutton, in his foreword to Grigson's The Maria Etymology of the land and its people: Gonds of Bastar, stated that "there is a slight but definite Mongoloid element" present in the Marias Nothing definite can be said about the etymology and "culturally the parallels afforded by the Maria and origin of the term Abujhmar. Mar is the Gondi Gonds are often interesting and suggestive ...... word for tree and according to Rev. Hislop this may Some of them are definitely reminiscent of tribes be the origin of the term 'Maria'. Even assuming farther soutll in the Peninsula". There are other traits this to be correct, the meaning of the term 'Abujhmar' also which recall tribes with M unda affinities. remai-ns shrouded in mystery. According to the In this regard, Shri Noronha's obs.ervations, commonsense interpretation based on Hindi, the are extremely valuable. He noticed three distinct word Abujhmar may mean "the Unknown High­ racial types in Abujhmar. Following is given the lands" (Abujh meaning unknown). If this interpre­ relevant extract from his tour-diary: tation is correct, then it is clear that the name has been given to the land not by the Maria but by the "Abl1jhmarias differ widely in appearance from more sophisticated neighbours. However, Abujhmar red bronze, almost Caucasian type through very dark is not the term by which the Hill Marias refer to symmetrical Dravidian type to absolute primitive their land -they call it Metabhum meaning the high­ Bushman type...... Provisionally, judging from land. The tract is commonly referred to as Mar by what I have seen Abujllmar population consists of other people. three different elements, reddish-brown Caucasian or Aryan type, black symmetrical Dravidian type and Australoid BusJltman type. The original must On the basis of the meaning of the word Mar, have been Bushman who was squeezed into centre Hislop interpreted Maria as meaning 'man of the of Marh by successive waves of outsiders of two woods'. The name by which this tribe is referred to other types. At present I would say Bushman type in the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists is 20% with the remaining equally divided between (Modification) Order,1956, is Hill Maria. This term the other two. Naturally there is plenty of is unknown to the people and like the term Bison­ mixture but in spite of it, the three types still horn Maria, is an anthropological makeshift devised stand out.'" by Grigson_ It has come to stay in anthropological literature but, as said earlier, it is necessary to re­ However, this observation would need confirma­ member that the people do not refer to them-' tion by detailed anthropological and anthropometri. selves by this term. They refer to themselves simply cal research. Till that is done we have no other as Maria or as Meta Koitor (meaning the information, except the observations quoted above, Highland Gonds). Grigson thought that if "a native on the autochthonous elements of Abujhmar. If name is needed for the Marias of the Abujhmar Shri Noronha's hypothesis is taken for granted it mountains, Meta Koitor could well adopted." is very likely that this area had to suffer at least lxix two invasions-one by the Aryans from the north reasons for shifting also e.g. outbreak of some and the other by the Dravidians from the south. epidemic or disease and menance of man-eating As stated earlier, till a sustained probe is made tigers or bisons. When the villages shift the old into the history of this tract, we may have to settlement is left as it is. Only household goods are remain content with the above information. removed and the houses are allowed to remain undis­ ,turbed to be slowly defaced by time. Villages: Size of Villages: There are in all 189 villages in Abujhmar, 163 of which are inhabited. It may be remembered In Abujhmar, the size of viIlages is small. 40% that this number relates to a particular point, of of villages in Narayanpur tahsil, 51. 8% in -Bijapur time-10th February 1961 to 5th March 1961 i.e., tahsil and 25% in Dantewara tahsil are those having the period of enumeration of 1961 Census. It is a population of 50 persons and below. 82.8% of the not possible to say if all these villages exist now Abujhmar villages in Narayanpur tahsil, 85.1% in because many of the settlements are periodically Bijapur tahsil and 75% in Dantewara tahsil have deserted and newer ones established. In February­ population of 100 persons and below. In all, there March, 1961, the number of villages in the three are only 8 villages in Abujhmar which have popul­ tracts of Abujhmar were as below: ation of more than 200 persons; out. of these only 3 villages have population of more ·than 250 Number of persons. The biggest villages in Abujhmat;t are Total No. of r------.A. --, Tahsil villages Inhabited Uninhabited Kohkameta (362 persons) and Kutul (355 persdns). vill1'lges _villages The number of Abujhmar villages according to Narayatij)ur 148 128 20 size of population is shown in the table below:~ Bijapur 33 27 6 Dantewara 8 8 ,-_____No. of---A.... villages_____ in ---, Total 189 163 26 Size of village a'Xording to Narayanpur Bijapur Dantewara population Tahsil Tahsil Tahsil Except the bigger settlements like Kutul, Abujh­ mar villages are shifting in nature and actually Less than 10 2 speaking the number of deserted villages has no 11-20 11 1 meankig: only the number of inhabited villages 21-30 19 7 should therefore be taken into consideration at a 31-40 14 5 2 particular point of time. For example, at the 41-50 11 1 time of 1961 Census house-listing operations in 51-60 9 1 August-September, 1960, there were 11 villages in 61-70 14 2 71-80 10 Bijapur tahsil which had sprung up subsequent to 3 81-90 5 the Census of 1951. Between September 1961 and 2 1 91-100 11 2 February 1961, 5 of Abujhmar villages in Bijapur 101-150 7 3 1 tahsil were deserted. New settlements not only 151-200 8 1 shift sites but are also often given new names. 201--250 4 1 This is the reason why the Topo sheet is of no More than 250 3 avail in serving as a guide in Abujhmar.

. The main reason for' the constant shifting of Lay-out of Villages: VIllages seems to be economic. When the penda "The traditional arrangement is a street some slope is exhausted, it is given up and a new site twenty-five yards wide between parallel lines of long selected and the villages also shift together with this houses; at one end of the street is the gotul-lon or the site of the new village being determined by it~ village dormitory ...... and sometimes in front convenience as a centre from which the new penda of this dormitory will be seen the udam-garia seat can be supervised. There are, of course, other of honour of the Kaseq-gai/a and possibly lxx

also of the secular headman(gaita or peda) as of Bastar, Grigson had estimated the population well as the stones on which the other village elders of the Hill Marias as 11,500 in 1931 and Elwin sit around with them in conclave ...... There are estimated them to number about 1,3000 in 1942. In as a rule no bari (vegetable garden) attached to each their special bulletin on Abujhmar, the Tribal Rese­ house as amongst most Gonds including the Bison­ arch Institute have given villagewise population of horn Marias and Murias of Bastar". Abujhmar (presumably as it stood in 1962-63). According to them the population of Abujhmar But this traditional arrangement is not always is as' below: found and villages once set up on these lines may be built on another pattern when reconstructed and No. of villages Population ,- A __-, ,----A._--, vice versa. Villages having linear form are also Tahsil Inhabited Uninhabited Total Maria sometimes seen. In areas where there is menace of wild animals, the villages have strong fencing Narayanpur 108 30 7,678 6,130 all around. This feature is more commonly seen Bijapuf 16 7 972 889 in the southern areas. Dautewara 14 2 1,175 54 Total 138 39 9,825 7,073 Every house has a pig-sty behind it. The shrine of Village-Mother is sometimes inside t11e village If the estimates of both Grigson and TRI are dormitory, sometimes just outside it and sometimes assumed to be correct, it is not known how the at a considerable distance from the village. There population of the Hill Marias decreased by 38.5% is no particular place allotted for it. In many villa­ during 1931-62. Again the non-Maria popUlation ges there are separate menstruation huts known as (2,752) given by TRI appears to be on the high Pedawo' gha'i the door of which always opens away side. from the village. In some big villages there are resting huts, known as paik golul or kos gotlll for During the sorting of 1961 Census slips, a separ­ the use of travellers and visiting officials. ate operation was carried on for Abujhmar after Demographic aspects: the main sorting was over. According to this the population of Abujhmat: is found to be 12,229 Population: (6,129 males, 6,100 females). The results of this The population of Aubjhmar has never been special sorting are as below: separately ascertained before. In The Maria Gonds

Narayanpur Tahsil Bijapur Tahsil Dantewara Tahsil Scheduled Castes/Tribes --A..__ ------, others ,------"------. r- -A.. ____--, T M F T M F T M F

Maria 8,545 4,198 4,347 1,917 963 954 653 340 313 Goud 321 209 112 Muria 49 14 3:: 156 77 79 73 44 29 Halba 43 24 19 Unclassified 5 5 Total Scheduled Tribes 8,963 4,445 4,518 2,073 1,010 1,033 726 384 342 Ganda 141 73 68 Ghasia 3 2 1 Katia 1 1 Mahara 1 1 Unclassified 4 4 Total Scheduled Castes 150 77 73 Others 317 183 134 Total Population 9,430 4,705 4,725 2,073 1,040 1,033 726 384 342 Ixxi

From this it appears that the figures furnished tative of actual number of births because it does not by the TRI are not quite correct. Presumably their take into account still births and infant mortality. work was carried on immediately after or about the The birth-rate thus arrived would therefore be some same time as the count of 1961 Census and there is what lower than the actual. no reason why the population of Abujhmar should show a variation of 19.6% and the population of non­ Calculating on the above premise the birth rates Marias a variation of some 147%. If the returns of of Abujhmar, of Bastar District, of Madhya Pradesh Gonds from Abujhmar are assumed to be Marias " and India, the following results are obtained. (which they in all probability are), then only 793 non-Marias remain. Again, according to TRI figu­ Narayanpur Tahsil - 27-3 Ablljhmar 29.7 Bijapur Tahsil - 39.0 res, the popUlation of Abujhmar tract in Dantewara { Dantewara Tahsil ~ 34.4 Bastar District 30.9 tahsil is 1,175 out of which only 54 are Marias. Madhya Pradesh 36.6 According to 1961 Census figures 89.9% of' the India 30.9 popUlation of Abujhmar in Dantewara tahsil consists . of Marias. There can be another crude estimation: number of children in the 0-4 year age to every 1,000 It, therefore, appears safer to exclude the TRI women in the child bearing age. This would, of figures from consideration. Excluding the non-Mar­ course, not represent the true measure of fertility ia popUlation from 1961 Census figures and treating but comparative figures would be found to be useful. the Gonds as Marias, we have 11,533 Marias in Ab­ Calculating on this basis, the results are: ujhmar. Grigson's estimate of Hill Marias was Abujhmar 393 11,500. In 30 years therefore, the population of Bastar District 813 Hill Marias seems to have remained static. There Madhya Pradesh 821 can be more than one cause why the Hill Marias India 781 have not registered any increase and it is not possible From both of these figures, it appears that Abu­ to hazard a definite conclusion in this note. jhmar has low fertility and low birth-rate and it is quite likely that the death-rate is keeping pace with One of the main causes of the Hill Marias rema­ the birth-rate maintaining the Abujhmar popula­ ining static may be that birth and death-rates in Ab~ tion static. However, the factor of emigration can ujhmar are equal. Some of the tribes in the eastern not be completely ruled out. To arrive at a more and south-eastern parts of the State have low ferti~ definite conclusion, on-the-spot investigation would lity and the Hill Marias seem to be one of these. be necessary, '- Shri Noronha observes in his tour diary: "Incidentally find that fertility amongst Abujhm~rias is very low Density of Population : even for aboriginals (where it is lower than elsewhe­ re). Childless marriages are frequent and where Assuming the area of Abujhmar to be 1,500 sq. there are children, the number is not more than 2 miles, the density of population works out to 8 or 3 per family". persons per sq. mile. The density of popUlation in Abujhmar and other areas are shown below:- Birth-rate is defined as the number of births per annum per 1,000 population and this rate is compu­ Madhya Pradesh - 190 Raipur Division - 165 ted for any area in any year with reference to the Bastar District 77 total popUlation in the area and the actual number Dantewara Tahsil 82 Bijapur Tahsil 63 of births which occured in that area during that Narayanpur Tahsil 28 year. The population of Abujhmar in 1961 is known Abujhmar 8 but there is no information available on number of Age lmd Sex-structure. births in that year. We may therefore have a very The age-structure of the popUlation of Abujhmar crude estimate by treating the '0' year age as repre­ is presented below: for comparison corresponding senting the nLJmber of births during that year. This figures for Bastar District and Madhya Pradesh have figure would, of course, not be the exact represen~ also been given ; lxxii

No. of 100 persons of all ages into age-groups by sex.

Abujhmar Bastar District M.P. State ---A..._____ --., ,--__--..A. ,- ----.. ,- ----. Age-group T M F T M F T M F

0-4 17.6 17.4 17.8 17.2 16.9 17.6 16.4 16.0 16.7 5-9 15.2 15.5 15.0 15.8 15.6 15.8 14.3 14.2 14.4 10-14 8.7 9.3 8.0 10.4 10.8 10.0 10.1 10.7 9.5 0-14 41.5 42.2 40.8 43.4 43.3 43.4 40.8 40.9 40.6 15-19 6.2 5.8 6.6 7.5 7.2 7.8 7.9 8.0 7.8 20-24 8.2 6.2 10.3 8.0 7.2 8.8 8.6 8.1 9.1 25-29 10.5 10.5 10.4 9.1 9.4 8.8 8.8 8.9 8.7 30-34 7.5 7.8 7.2 7.0 7.1 6.8 7.3 7.6 7.1 15-34 32.4 30.3 34.5 31.6 30.9 32.2 32.6 32.6 32.7 35-39 6.8 7.6 6.0 5.9 6.4 5.4 5.8 6.0 5.6 40-44 4.5 4..9 4.1 4.7 4.7 4.6 5.3 5.3 5.3 45-49 5.1 5.2 5.0 4.0 4.3 3.7 4.2 4.4 4.1 50-54 3.6 3.9 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.3 4.0 4.1 3.9 55-59 2.2 2.3 2.1 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.0 35-59 22.2 23.9 20.5 19.9 21.0 18.9 21.4 21.9 20.9 60-64 1.8 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.5 65-69 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.0 70+ 1.1 1.0 1.3 2.0 1.8 2.2 1.8 1.5 2.2 60+ 3.9 3.6 4.2 5.1 4.8 5.5 5.1 4.6 5.7 Age not stated 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1

Age-returns from Abujhmar are strictly tion of age-group 10-14 becomes quite low in Abujh­ speaking no 'returns' at all because the people mar as compared to what it is in the State and in hardly know what their age is, and more the district. The overall picture is that the propor­ iikely than not the figures represent the estimates tion of broad age-gro,up 0-14 is less in Abujhmar of ages of persons by the enumerators. than that in district but 0.7% more than what it We would, therefore, be on slippery ground in is in the State population. The next broad age­ basing any conclusion on these figures. Assuming, group 15-34 years has almost the same propor­ however, that the degree of inaccuracy, if any, is tion in Abujhmar as in the State and slightly more common in all the three units shown above, some than in the district. The proportion of middle­ comparison may be attempted. aged persons (broad age-group 35-59) is also more than both in the State and in the district but there is In broad outline, the age-structure pattern in a perceptible decrease in the proportion of old persons Abujhmar is the same as those in Bastar district and and roughly speaking, there is one person less in Madhya Pradesh i. e., the largest proportion is every 100 persons in Abujhmar in the age-group occupied by children (0-14). Young persons (15- 60+ as compared to that in the State and the district. 34 years) have the next largest proportion and the Whereas in the State and district population there middle-aged persons (35-59 years) and old persons are roughly 2 in every 100 persons who cross the (60 years) come next. Roughly speaking the age­ age of 70 years, there is only 1 person in Abujhmar. structure of the population in all these three units is children 42%, young persons 32%, middle aged Apart from the factor of undernourishment persons 22% and old persons 4%. It is, however, and hard work which saps the vitality of the HilI clear that the age-group 0-4 years has a 'larger Marias and makes them easy victims to diseases proportion in Abujhmar than that in the State and in advanced age, there may be· another reason in the district. The next higher age-group, 5-9 for this relatively less number of aged persons years, is more than that obtaining in the State but in Abujhmar. Shri Noronha notes in his tour­ less than that in the district whereas the propor- diary: 'Abujhmaria's attitude to human life is very lxxiii realistic-he is good to children because they represent Though in the above table, figures for smaller assets and ignores aged because they are liabilities, units of Ahujhmar (Abujhmar areas in Narayan­ any way, and he sees no reason to increase their pur, Bijapur and Dantewara tahsils) have als'o been span. He feels he is doing more than enough by given separately it will be safer to confine the scru­ takin.g no positive action to reduce it". tiny to Abujhmar as a whole. In the smaller units ,the figures show wide fluctuations and misreporting The general picture of Abujhmar population is bf ages, if any, get exaggerated in smaller units. It that of youthfulness and the age-structure presented appears from the above table that in Abujhmar, as above indicates that the prospects of increase in Bastar district there' are more females at birth of the population in . Abujhmar are 'quite bright and as infants. (The sex-ratio in age 0-4 is 1,018). during the next decade. The sex-ratio then registers a sharp decline from 1,018 to 965 in the next higher age-group 5-9 years. Sex-ratio: This feature is also noticeable in Bastar district thou­ The sex-ratio (i. e., tpe number of females per gh in a less magnitude. In the next higher age-group 1,000 males) in AbujhI11ar is 995 as against 953 10-14 years the sex-ratio declines further and falls in Narayanpur tahsil, 1,008 in Bijapur tahsil, by about 109 per 1,000. Declip.e of sex-ratio in this age-group is a feature exhibited in the State as a 1,015 in Dantewara, tahsil,, 1,005.in Bastar district 1,013 in Raipur Division and 953 in Madhya Pra- whole and in all the districts and there does not desh. Ignoring the sex-ratio exhibited in Narayan­ seem to be any explanation for this, except the poss­ pur tahsil (which may have become so low because ible misreporting of age for this age-group. of Dandkaranya Project), it appears that Abujhmar With a higher proportion at birth and during is situated in an area of high sex-ratio. It is, infancy, the number of females decreases after 0-4 however. difficult to ascribe any cause for low years and again, the probable cause for this can not sex-ratio without reference to sex-ratio at various be stated here. It is certainly not due to female age-groups. This is shown below:- infanticide or neglect of female children. This sub­ ject probably deserves a more detailed study. Abujhmar tracts in In the broad age-group 0-14, the sex-ratio in Total r------.A.-- Age- Ablljh~ Narayanpur Bijapur Dantewara Bastar Madhya Abujhmar is quite low as compared to Bastar district group mar Tahsil Tahsil Tahsil District Pradesh as a whole, where it is 1,005. If the age group 15- 45 years is taken to represent the child bearing age, 0-4 1,018 1,057 1,037 577 1,042 996 5-9 965 960 1,056 786 1,015 966 the sex-ratio in this age-group in Abujhmar is 1,037 10-14 856 920 632 659 932 847 and there is no reason why with this high ratio, 0-14 963 989 960 652 1,005 974 the population should not increase unless, of course, 15-19 1,138 1,157 1,191 762 1,091 929 fertility is low. Scrutiny of smaller age-groups, 20-24 1,667 1,849 1,218 1,448 1,219 1,069 however, shows that the sex-ratio is high only in the 25-29 978 988 991 794 947 939 age-groups 15-19 and 20-24. In fact, the sex-ratio 30-34 872 892 1,448 910 963 897 in the age-group 20-24 is high practically in all the /5-34 1,131 1,150 1,054 1,124 1,048 959 districts and is also reflected in the sex-ratio for the 35-39 784 760 766 1,238 848 878 State. As the table on marital-status given later 40-44 844 -779 944 1,200 995 950 would show, the normal age of marriage in Abujh­ 45-49 947 895 1,233 727 858 886 50-54 829 874 649 1,000 919 90B mar seems to be 20 years and later and as such the 55-59 929 938 1,111 500 954 903 effective child bearing age may probably safely be taken to be 25-45. In this age group, the sex-ratio in 35-59 853 828 909 989 905 905 Abujhmar becomes quite low- 945. This low sex-ratio 60-64 1,115 1,011 2,667 1,111 1,083 1,080 in the effective child-bearing age may be one fac­ 65-69 1,088 1,020 1,500 1,500 1,116 1,157 tor for smaller number of births. The cause for 70+ 1,368 1,309 4,000 2,000 1,279 1,373 low sex-ratio in the-child bearing age appears to be 60+ 1,174 1,098 2,231 1,250 1,161 1,190 due to high feminine mortality, due probably to the absence of proper midwifery. ]xxiv

At higher ages the sex-ratio tends to increase sons belonging to dadabhai group. A boy can (though it again bec;omes low in age-group 50-54). marry a girl only when she comes from an akomama In the higher ages the sex-ratio is high in Abujh­ clan. Clan exogamy is strictly adhered to and breaches mar as in the district and in the State and the of this rule are extremely rare. Consanguineous increase is further in ages beyond 70 years. This is marriages, known as Gudapal, are quite common. evidently because of the fact that once the risks invo­ lved in child bearing are crossed, the females have Pre-puberty marriage never occurs among the relatively very few risks as compared to males. Hill Marias. A girl is never compelled to marry However, as stated earlier, the sex-ratio pattern against her choice and after marriage there is free­ would require some further observation before any dom to separate. Ritualised marriage does not definite opinion can be put forth. take place in the case of a separated or wido~ed woman but she is regarded as married if she starts Marital Status : living with some man. A widower is not allowed to marry. He can keep a woman but no virgin is The clans of the Hill Marias (as also among allowed to him. Because of this factor of separated many other tribes) are divided into Dadabhai (brother) and widowed women living as wives, the exact qua­ and Akomama (maternal uncle) clans: members of ntum of separated and widowed persons is not refl­ the dadabhai group of clans are treated as brothers ected in the tables given below:- and as such there can be no marriage between per-


Never married Married ,..---__.A. Widowed Separated --. r------"------. r----..A..------, r---..A..------, Age-group P M F P M F P M F P M F

0-4 2,156 1,068 1,088 5-9 1,858 947 911 3 3 10-14 993 555 438 62 14 48 3 2 15-19 478 285 193 269 65 204 11 4 7 1 1 20-24 236 174 62 750 195 .555 20 7 13 2 2 25-29 120 98 22 1,101 525 576 53 20 33 4 3 30-34 24 19 5 815 430 385 71 25 46 5 5 35-39 17 15 2 725 415 310 85 33 52 1 1 40-44 7 6 1 472 266 206 76 29 47 45-49 3 3 499 288 211 119 27 92 4 3 50-54 1 1 300 200 100 138 39 99 55-59 2 2 175 112 63 91 25 66 2 60~64 1 110 79 31 113 29 84 65-69 51 38 13 67 18 49 70+ 53 38 15 82 19 63 Age not stated 2 1 1

2. Early marriages before puberty or in early This table brings out the following features: puberty are also rare: there is I married female for 9 unmarried females in the age-group 10-14 and in 1. Infant marriages are unknown. There is, this age-group there are 40 unmarried males, It is however, 1 married male in the age-group 0-4 years. . also evident that early marriages are not· in vogue. Marital status by caste/tribe is not available and as 3. In early youth or adolescent age more than such it is not possible to say as to which caste/tribe half of the females are married but in case of males, this case belongs. There are some scheduled castesl remaining unmarried is still the rule. In age-group tribes like Ganda and Halba among whom child­ 15-19, for every married male there are 4 never marriage is in vogue and this may possibly be a case , married males. Incidentally, it appears that the diff­ relating to them. Similarly, the 3 married females in erence in the age of husbands and wives at marriage age-group 5-9 may belong to these castes. is 5 years on an average. lxxv

4. In the age-group 20-24, most of the females lity is affected in other way also. Fertility enquiries are married but the figure of unmarried females conducted in 1931 in erstwhile Baroda and Travane­ is still not insignificant. There is at least 1 unmarried ore States indicate that the average size of family female for ev.ery 10 married ones in this age-group. decreases with an increase in the age of marriage. In The number of married males is more or less comp­ Barodait was found that the number of children was arable with never married males in this age-group. higher in case of mothers whose age at marriage was 15:19 years but the number decreased in case of 5. Most of the persons in the age-group 25-29 those mothers whose age at marriage was beyond 19 are married. There are, however, 1 never married years. In Travancore the findings were that the male and 1 never married female for every 5 married number of children born per famiiy decreased with males and about 21 married females in this age-group. an increase in the age of marriage of wife: in 13- The number of never married persons in this age­ 15 age-group it was 7, in 15-19 it declined to 6.5 group is quite large. and declined further to 5.9, 5 and 3.6 in age-groups 20-24, 25-29 and 30 and above. Similar results 6, In higher ages the number of never married were noted in 1941 Census also. Here it was found becomes smaller though in the age-group 30.39, there that if the age of wife at marriage was in 15-19 age­ are still 34 and 7 never married males and female s group the number of.children born to her was 7, it respectively. Beyond this age, there still remain 12 was 5.4 in the age-group 20-24, 4.9 in age-group never married males and 2 never married females. 25-29 and so on. What the reason for their remaining unmarried is, can not be stated here.

7. The number of separated persons is very These and various other enquiries tend to show small and in the whole area only 3 females are that most of the women bear most of their children found to be separated. This is evidently because of in the first half of the child bearing period and fewer remarriages. The number of widowed persons is in the second half and also that the fertility rate dec­ very small upto the age of 24 years beyond which reases with higher age at marriage i.e., the higher the number increases, the number of widowed fema­ the age at marriage of a woman, the lower is her les being much more than males. fertility rate. It also appears that the age-group 15- J 9 is most fertile. The next age-group 20-24 is It therefore clearly appears from the table that also fertile though less than the previous one ''b,ut pre-puberty marriages are extremely rare in A bujh­ once females are past that age the reproductive mar and wherever present are probably found in power decreases continuously until it exhausts itself non-Maria castes. Girls start getting married after at about 45 years of age. Applying this to Abu­ . 15 years of age and not many are left unmarried jhmar, it is seen that 47.7% of the females do not after 24 years. The normal age of marriage for girls participate in reproduction during the most fertile appears to be between 18 to 22 years. On the other period of their lives; 9.8% of females in the next hand, marriages of boys start between 15-19, most most fertile period also do not play any role in of them get married in 20-24 years and not many are procrt

The statistics of marital status in Abujhmar also Literacy: give an indication of low fertility.47. 7% offemales in the age-group 15-19, 9.8% offemales in the age­ group 20-24 and 3.4% females in the age-group 25-29 Tribe/Caste-wise figures of literacy have not are unmarried. This proportion is thus kept out been sorted out. The extent of literacy ill Abujhmar of reproductive activity. Apart from this f~ct, ferti- is shown in the table below : lxxvi

,-______• Number-J.... ______of Literates _

Number of Without an~ ,.------"-----, educational Primary and Matricand Total Population Illiterates Literates standard Junior Basic above ,.----A.--., ,.-----" --, ,..----A.--, ~, ,.-_-J....~ r----'--~ Tahsil M F M F M F M F M F M F

Narayanpur 4,705 4,725 4,626 4,721 79 4 53 22 4 Bijapur 1,040 1,033 1,034 1,033 6 6 Dantewara 384 342 384 342

The proportion of literacy in Abujhmar as a is 'other services' (i.e. Industrial Category IX). In whole is 0.7% and in the Abujhmar areas of different Bijapur tahsil all the 6 literates belong to the age­ tahsils it is-Narayanpur 0.8%, Bijapur 0.002% and group 5-9. If the 21 literates in Category IX are Dantewara 0.0%. Among males the proportion ot taken to be Government servants and excluded from literacy is 1.3% and among females 0.06%. The consideration, then the percentage of literacy in highest literacy in Abujhmar is found in the Abujhmar is found to be 0.5 (or 5 out of every areas lying III Narayanpur tahsil 'where there 1,000 persons) as against 5.93% for the rural. areas IS also the largest proportion of non-Maria of the district and 12.73% for the rural areas of population and it appears that the great the State. bulk of these literates comes from among the non-Marias. 21 persons (17 primary and Junior Age-groupwise distribution of literates in Abujh­ Basic and 4 Matriculation and above) in Narayan­ mar is given below- pur tahsil are from among those whose occupation

5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-59 Level of Literacy

Literate without any standard 21 17 4 6 5 3 2 1 Primary and Junior Basic 3' 7 5 3 2 Matriculation and above 1 2 1

castes/tribes other than Maria, Gond and M uria Mother-tongue: whereas the number of speakers of mother-tongues other than Maria and Gondi is 314. It is thus clear that Maria and Gondi are also the mother­ Maria and Gondi are the predominant mother­ tongues of 201 persons belonging to castes/tribes. tongues in Abjuhmar and together constitute 97.3% other than Maria, Gond and Muria. of the total speakers (51.9% Maria, 45.4% Gondi). In all probability these two names refer to the same speech i.e., the speech of the Bill Marias. The percentage of sp:!akers of Balbi, Chhattisgarhi, 96.5% of the population of Abujhmar do not Hindi and Oriya respectively are 1.3%, 0.9%,0.09% s'peak any speech or dialect other than their mother­ and 0.04%; the remaining 0.37% of the speakers tongue. Only 3.5% of the population is bilingual. Balbi is the speech which is most used as a subsi­ belong to other languages-Bengali, Punjabi, Telugu, diary language and there are 227 persons who speak Marathi and Nepali. Halbi as subsidiary language, Gondi is spoken as subsidiary language by III persons. As is seen from the caste/tribe-wise distribution of population, there are 515 persons belonging to lxxvii

Following table shows the number of persons speaking mother-tongue with or without subsidiary languages and also bilingualism:

Total Number of speakers No. speaking without subsidiary language ,- , r-----"-- Mother Tongue P M F P M F

Maria 6,352 3,105 3,247 6,315 3,076 3.239 Gondi 5,563 2,839 2,724 5,346 2,670 2.676 Halbi 174 99 75 72 34 38 Chhattisgarhi 116 63 53 76 40 36 Hindi 12 11 1 1 1 Oriya 6 6 1 1 Bengali 2 2 Plmjabi 1 1 Telugu 1 1 Marathi 1 1 Nepali I I

Number of persons speaking mother-tongues with subsidiary language ,------Maria Gondi Halbi Hindi Chhattisgarhi Bengali English ,-_--.A.__ , ,---"'-----., ,...-----A-----, -. ,..----A--, ,----'--, ,-----'--~ P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F

4 3 1 32 25 7 1 1 6 3 3 189 148 41 10 9 12 9 3 5 3 2 77 42 35 16 16 3 3 30 16 14 I . I 9 7 2 2 2 5 4 1 2 2 2 1 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

The Maria Gondi and Abujhmar.- elsewhere in the State but even they are amazed at the glottal stops and gutturals of the Hill MM"ias and The Maria speech of Bastar appears to be a dis­ always compare the speech of the latter to that of tinct dialect of . In the Census retu­ crows. rns the speech of the Bison-hom Marias and the Hill Marias both come under the common designa­ Economv.- tion Maria though they are markedly different in pronunciation and actually speaking, the Bison-horn The following table shows distribution of 1.000 Maria cannot understand the speech of the Hill persons, males and females for rural areas only of Marias. The speech of the Bison-horn Marias is the State, Raipur Division, Bastar District and for far more guttural than the standard Gondi spoken Abujhmar.

Total Population Workers Non-Workers ,---__.A. r------..A. ---., r-----A. Area P M F P M F P M F

M.P. State 1,000 1,000 1,000 552 616 486 448 384 S14 Raipur Division 1,000 1,000 1,000 601 630 572 399 370 428 Bastar District 1,000 1,000 1,000 611 637 585 389 363 41S Abujhmar 1,000 1,000 1,000 498 612 384 502 388 616 lxxviii

It is seen that Abujhmar has a very low partici­ mens' job. In certain operations Ii ke burning the pation rate-49.8% as against 55.2% for the State, trees and threshing, participation by women is 60.1 % for the Division and 61.1 % for the district. tabooed. Then, other agricultural operations· like It has been observed in many studi~s that a high thinning and: weeding, which are characteristics of participation rate is more often an index of backward­ stable paddy cultivation and where women are ness. This of course, does not seem to apply to employed in greater number are absent. This may Abujhmar. The low participation rate of the total account for the low participation rate. It is also population is because of very low participation rate seen that the female participation rate is lowe·st in of females (38.4% as against 58.5% in Bastar the Abujhmar area lying in Narayanpur tahsil District). (34.7%).

Almost the entire economic activity in Abujhmar Economic Activity: is concentrated in agriculture and since this is of a primitive type requiring felling and burning of trees Below is shown the classification of workers into and threshing by trampling by feet, it is mainly industrial categories and non-workers by sex.

Workers Total popula- r------"- ---., Tahsil tion I II III IV VI IX Non-workers ,--_.A._, ,..---A.----, ,----A.---., ,---A--1 r---A.-, ,.---'----, ,---A._-, ,---..A.--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

Narayanpur 4,705 4,725 2,636 1.388 75 76 23 4 48 16 6 31 1,886 3,241 I!ijapur 1,040 1,033 671 604 9 17 360 412 Dantewara 384 342 253 230 2 6 129 106 Total 6,129 6,100 3,560 2,222 86 99 23 4 48 16 6 31 2,375 3,759

. This . table immediately brings out the lowest fruits of the forest, or fishing, hunting or trapping. participation rate of women in Narayanpur tahsil. His agriculture ...... determines the sites It also shows tthat an overwhelming proportion of of his villages and regulates his relations with economic activity (97.9 % of workers) is concentra­ his wife". ted in agriculture and of this too mostly (95.0%) in cultivation. The table also brings out the fact Both, shifting cultivation and settled cultivation that the Hill Maria do not have agricultural labour­ are carried on in Abujhmar and salient features of. ers because their cultivation is carried on a coop­ these may be described here. erative and reciprocal basis. Primary and Secondary Work: Cultivation: The table given above relates to primary work. It is not within the scope of the present note to It is seen that secondary work is not an insignificant describe, the cultivation followed in Abujhmar and feature in Abujhmar: 36.4% of the cultivators take only a very sketchy information may be given. up a secondary work to substantiate their main Grigson states: "The whole life of the Maria is source of livelihood. This is shown in the table primarily directed towards the raising of food from below: the .. earth, either by cultivation or by gathering the

Secondary work ,------"- Cultivation Agricultural Labourer Household Industry ,-____..A. ____--, r---...A..~ r------"------, Primary work P M F P M F P M F

Cultivation 44 21 23 1,427 897 530 Agncultural Labourer 2 1 13 9 4 Household Industry 2 1 ixxix

This table shows that the figures for cultivation Cultivation: as a secondary work are negligible and agricultural labour as a secondary work is carried on only by Most of the agricultural practices are peculiar 45 persons. The most popular industry as secondary work is the household industry. This household in­ to Abujhmar. The most salient feature of cultiva­ dustry is predominantly basket-making and making tion in the area is its type of shifting cultivation of· other articles from bamboo. known as penda. This cultivation is carried on over steep hill slopes and not on plains and according to Catalogue of Industries in Abujhmar according to some people, is very injurious to forests. The argu­ Standard Industrial Classification: , ments of the Hill Marias in favour of this cultiva­ As is seen from the table showing the live­ tion are :- lihood pattern, the people living in the Abujhmar villages of Bijapur and Dantewara tahsils have no other primary source of livelihood except cultivation (1) They do not have enough man-power to and agricultural labour. It is only in the Abujhmar carryon stable cultivation. tract falling in Narayanpur tahsil where a little diver­ sJfication is noticeable. It is not known from the table as to which of the works are carried on by the (2) Their main food-Kosra- cannot be grown Marias. However, a list has been prepared show­ in settled cultivation. ing the classification of these non-agricultural eco­ nomic activities according to the Standard Industrial (3) In penda, they are able to grow a variety Classification: of crops together: this would not be possible No. of persons in settled cultivation. Minor ~mployed Group ~---. of SIC Description T M F (4) Enpugh land is not available in Abujhmar for carrying on settled cultivation, and 009 Production of other agricultural pro- 4 4 duce (including fruits anc! nuts other than those grown in plantation, ,ines (5) Settled cultivation requires cattle and cattle and orchards) 020 Planting,replanting and conservation 2 2 attract tigers. ~fu~~ . ' 021 Felling and cutting of trees and 4 4 transportation of logs . . It is not intended to enter into any controversy 025 Production and gathering of forest 4 2 2 products like gum, resins lac here regarding the validity or otherwise of these argu­ harks, !'erbs, wild fruits and leaves by ments or the danger or otherwise that the cultivation the exploitation of forests 031 Fishing in inland waters 7 5 2 poses for the growth of good forests. Brief mention 040 Production and rearing of livestock 6 6 may only be made of certain salient features of penda such as cow. buffalo, goat 206 Production of butter, ghee and other 18 9 9 cultivation. The first most notable feature of this dairy products. 212 Production of indigenous liquor such 5 .2 3 cultivation is that here the village and not the indi­ ~s. toddy. liquor from mahua, palm vidual, is the unit and extreme individualism as JUice 231 Cotton spinning 2 1 associated with the average Indian r ,Hal life is ab­ 235 Cotton weaving in handloom 10 10 sent. The penda site, known as Kagha i, is decided 288 ManUfacture of materials from 15 12 3 baillboo, leaves and other allied pro- by the village elders after the close of the harvest cere­ ducts. 369 Sundry ferrous engineering products 14 14 mony at the Koqsar festival. The trees are felled by ( blacksmithy) all the villagers and are burnt in common and only 400 Construction and maintenance of 4 4 buildings after that the allotment of areas to individual house­ 401 Contruction and maintenance of roads and bridges holds is made by common consent, This allotment 402 Construction and repairs of water­ is made to the households for their sustenance for ways. such as bund. embankment etc. 803 PublIc service in Police 1 1 one year. 804 Public service in administrative 5 5 departments of centr"l Government 809 Public service in administrative 20 20 The felling of trees in penda is usually done to­ departments and offices of State Governments. wards the end of February Of the beginning of March 811 Educational service such as those 5 5 and this is preceded by a ceremony in which the r~n~ered by colleges, schools and sImIlar other institutions of non- Kaseq-Gaita goes to the Kaghai, clears a small patch technical type under a sal tree and makes the usual offerings Of Ixxx chicken and eggs. Felling is done by men but there is tic of penda, is absent in settled cultivation. Quite no bar to women taking part in it. In burning of an appreCiable area of settled cultivation is done the dried wood, which is done towards the end of without the aid of plough. May, only men can participate: participation by women is tabooed. In between feHing and burning the Penda cultivation is shifting in nature. After a Hill Maria enjoys a period of leisure and it is at kaghai is exhausted, the people shift to a new Kaghai. this period that a fruitful visit may be planned to The period of rotation varies: in intensive penda it Abujhmar. Most of the ceremonies and marriages may be as low as 5 years but normally it is from 12 are performed during this period. There is very little to 16 years. time between firing and sowing and there is a brisk Household Industry: activity in all the Abujhmar villages. The entire pen da site is fenced and field huts are constructed: there is The Hill Marias are great basket-makers and no fencing of individual plots. big baskets made by them are sold in the 'weekly markets outside Abujhmar. Other articles of Half of the penda plot is usually sown with an bamboo-work made by them are the dancing shields, early-ripening variety of millet. Til is sown on the sleeping mats (masni) and small baskets. In the boundaries of individual plots. The early-ripening making of baskets both men and women take part. millet includes number of cereals and is collectively Apart from bamboo work, fine broomsticks, known as known as small kosra. It includes-Sawa (ghatka or phool bahri are also made by them. Some Hill Marias amu), sika or chi-kona, Kodon, mandia and nikka. To­ have also taken to blacksmithy though the occupa­ gether with these, cucumber and gourd are also sown. tion is looked down upon by the tribe and these The fields from where small kosra is harvested are blacksmiths are segregated to a separate part of the sown with Os Kosra in August-September and millets village .. mung and Kulthi are also usually soWn.

Because these various crops and vegetables are Political and religious heads: all mixed up, reaping is a very slow and arduous task. Abujhmar has a very well-knit political organisa­ The threshing floor is known as Karanu and it is tion, and the people who are at the top of this prepared by women. In the actual threshing opera­ organisation are the real leaders in Abujhmar. The tion, however, women are not allowed to take part: area is divided into several parganas and every village it is entirely the job of men and boys. Threshing is a is under one or the other of these parganas. The reciprocal operation and the person, whose grain is head of each pargana is known as Pargana Manjhi. being threshed by the men and boys of his village, has This Pargana Manjhi is also the chief arbiter in all to feed them. Because of this reciprocity in this and disputes which take place in the villages under his the earlier operations like felling, burning, fencing command. He is thus the Sirpanch of the panchayat and reaping, there are no agricultural labourers. This for a group of villages. There is a headman in each explains the small number returned in Category II. village and is known as Patel. The heads of differ­ ent hamlets of a village are known as Para mukhia. There are no land records. Only a poll tax The disputes in a village are generally settled by the @1/6/- per able-bodied male is charged. In addition village • panchayat consisting of the elders of the to the Kare (i.e. area of shifting cultivation), certain village headed by the Patel. When a dispute is not low-lying areas have been reclaimed by individ­ settled by this panchayat, the matter is referred to uals ano brought under permanent cultivation but we the Pargana !vianjhi who arbitrates with the help of have no record of these also. This settled cultiva­ the Patels of the villages under his pargana. All tion is making a slow but definite headway in Abujh­ these institutions are hereditary and according to the mar and is particularly noticed in the southern law of progeniture. areas and in border villages. Whereas there is no ownership in penda cultivation, settled fields are the The religious leader of a village is Gaita. He is properties of individuals and locallaws of inheritence not only responsible for worshipping the village apply to them. Cooperation, which is so characteris- deities but also serves as sorcerer and medicint;;-man. lxxxi

Whereas the Gaita is in charge of worship of the By and large the Abujhmarias are fully satisfied village deities, Perma is the person who is responsible with their existence. They do not want any help for the worship of the Mala. In addition to these from outside and are very suspicious of any offer of two, there is a Valpa or the diviner who corresponds help. They have a great regard for their leaders and to the Siraha of areas outside Abujhm:tr or the very cordial to the visitors. Shri Noronha had also Bhumka and Gunia elsewhere. As against the discovered that they have a drum-code by which Manjhi, Patel etc. these rcligiuLls offices are not messages can be transmitted from village to hereditary. village.

General.' Abujhmar has, of Course, not remained a closed citadel that it onCe was and is slowly being 'opened The Hill Marias of Abujhmar generally avoid up'. Visiting this lovely area would be a delightful being interrogated. Shri Noronha has written in experience for all those who want to have it. his tour-diary: "Forget cardinal principle that 110 Abujhmaria will tell you any thing if you appear The quotations given in this note are from Shri interested, with result t hat they all calm up". The RP. Noronha's Tour-diary 1950-52, published in individual attitudes and opinions can very seldom 'The Abujhmarhias' (Tribal Research Institute, be known by an outsider and it is only in a group Chhindwara, 1963). Late Shfi S.B. Pawer's notes, talk that some information can be, tactfully got. This published (Ibid) and W.V. Gri,2son's. The Maria behaviour is evidently due to the fact that the life Gonds of Bastar. of the Hill Marias is colkctive.


A-General Population Tables

B-Economic Tables

(i) Gerteral Economic Tabl~s (ii) Household Economic Tables

C-Social and Cultural Tables

D-Migration Table

E-Housing Tables

SCT-Special Tables fOT Scheduled Castes'and Scheduled Trjbes

SC-Special Table for Scheduled Castes only

ST-Special Tables for Scheduled Tribes only

Town and Village Directory

Appendices to Town and Village Directory




Number of Popu- Villages Num1Jer of Total Area in lation r--..A..---, Numher occupied Population District/Tahsill Rural r----"- per Illha- Unin- of residential r- Town Urban Sq. miles Sq. km. Sq. mile bited habited Towns houses Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

BASTAR DISTRICT T (a) 15,124 39,171 (b) 15,127.7 39,180.8 77 3,240 394 2 208,670 ],167,501 582;403 585,098 R 15,122.8 39.168.1 75 3,240 394 202,745 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 U 4.9 12.7 5,501 2 . 5,925 26,899 14,132 12,767

Bhanupratappur Tahsil R· 530.3 1,373.5 111 250 2 10,478 58,751 29,811 28,940

2 Kanker Tahsil T 674.0 1,745.6 225 316 2 29,400 151,329 73,830 77,499 R 672.8 1,742.5 215 316 2 27,986 144,842 70,495 74,347 U 1.2 3.1 5,451 1,414 6,487 3,335 3,152

(I) Kanker (M) L' 1.19 3.08 5,45] 1.414 6,487 3,335 3,152

3 Narayanpur Tahsil R 383.2 992.4 238 593 75 16,478 91,260 46,717 44,543

4 Kondagaon Tahsil R 1,420.3 3,678.6 131 516 10 32,530 186,745 93,738 93,007

5 Bijapur Tahsil R 452.0 1,170.7 207 460 255 ]6,533 93,668 46,647 47,021

6 Dantewara Tahsil R 684.9 1,773.9 196 227 9 21,181 134,148 66,568 67,580

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil T 1,576.0 4,082.0 218 585 20 62,197 343,051 171 ,271 171,780 R 1,572.3 4,072.4 205 585 20 57,686 322,639 160,474 162,165 U 3.7 9.6 5,517 1 . 4,5U 20,412 10,797 9,615

(2) Jagdalpur (M) U 3.70 9.59 5,517 4,511 .20,412 10,797 9,615

8 Konta Tahsil R 427.6 1,107.5 254 293 21 19,873 108,549 53,821 54,728

Notes ..... l Under columns} (a) and 3(b);(a) represents the area figures furnished by the Surveyor General of India; (b) repre~ent~ the area figures furnished by the State Survey Department. The area figures of tahsils, total and rural are based on the figures of the State Survey Department. 2 The urban area figures are collected by the Census Organisation. 3 Population per square mile has been' calculated on area figures furnished by the State Survey Department. 4 M-Stands for Municipality. 4


Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000

Villages with a population of 5,000 and over Towns with a population of under 5,000 r-- r- Percentage to total Percentage to total rural population urban population District/Tahsil Number Population of the District Number Population of the District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

BASTAR DISTRICT 2 12,907 1.13 ,

KondagaoD Tahsil 7,298 0.64

Jagdalpur Tahsil 5,609 0.49


Houseless and Institutional Population

Total Houseless Population Institutional Population Rural District/Tahsil Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Female;' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

BASTAR DISTRICT Total 2,250 1,464 786 1,548 1,381 167 Rural 2,007 1,277 730 907 844 63 Urban 243 187 56 641 537 104

Bhanupratappur Tahsil Rural 109 59 50 35 30 5

2 Kanker Tahsil Total 133 76 57 156 144 12 Rural 126 70 56 Urban 7 6 1 156 144 12 3 Narayanpur Tahsil Rural. 13 11 2 295 287 8 4 Kondagaon Tahsil Rural 311 194 117 , 5 Bijapur Tahsil Rural 543 345 198 206 186 20

6 Dantewara Tahsil Rural 123 98 25 214 187 27

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil Total 676 461 215 642 547 95 Rural 440 280 160 157 154 3 Urban 236 181 55 485 393 92

8 Konta Tahsil Rural 342 220 122 5



Decade Percentage District Year Persons variation decade variation Males \ Females. 2 3 ,4 5 6 7

BASTAR DISTRICT 1901 410,161 .. 207,343 202,818 1911 560,474 + 150,313 + 36.65 281,102 279,372 1921 589,335 + 28,861 + 5'15 296,337 292,998 1931 660,822 + 71,487 + 12.13 330,380 330,442 1941 783,359 + 122,537 + 18.54 390,579 392,780 1951 913,746 + 130,387 + 16.64 458;014 455,732 1961 1,167,501 + 253,755 + 27.77 582,403 585,098


District and Tabsils showiag 1951 population according to their territorial jurisdiction in 1951, changes in area and population involved in tbose changes

1951 Popu- Population Net increase lation ae- in 1951 (+) or cording to adjusted to decreaSe (- Area in 19tH Area in 1951 jurisWction jurisdiction between cols. District/Tahsil 1961 ,..-----.A. prevailing in 1961 7 and 8 Sq. miles Sq. km. Population Sq. mileS Sq. km. in 1951

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

BASTAR DISTRICT 15,127.7 39,180.8 1,167,501 14,492.0 37,534.3 913,746 913,746 (+635.7)· (+1,646.5)· BhantJl)l'atappur Tahsil 530.3 1,373.5 58,751 489 1,266.51 46,706 46,706 (+41.3) (+106.99) 2 KaqkerT_l 674.0 1,745.6 151,329 941 2,4317 •.19 115,283 115,283 .__ ... (-267'0) (-691.59) l' Narayanpur Tablil 383.2 992.4 91,260 2,885 7,472.15 73,258 73,258 (-2,501.8) (-6,479.75) 4 Kondagaon TahsD 1,420.3 3,678,6 186,745 1,921 4,975.39 144,563 144,563 (-500.7) (-1,296.79) Bijapur Tahsil 452.0 1,170.7 93,668 3,299 8,544.41 72,912 " 72,912 (-2,847.0) (-7,373.71) 7 Dantewara Tahsil 684.9 1,773.9 134,148 1,036 2,683.24 104,329 104,329 (-351,1) (-909.34) 6 Jagdalpur Tahsil 1,576.0 4,082.0 343,051 1,935 5,01l.65 279,965 279,965 (-359.0) (-929.65) 8 Konta Tahsil 427.6 1,107.5 108,549 1,986 5,143.74 76,730 76,730 (-1,558.4) (-4,036.24)

• Though the district has not undergone any jurisdictional change in its area since 1951, there is an increase in its area due to computational error as well as un-surveyed tracts of 1951. . 6



I-Villages with less than 2,000 population Total ""- number of Total rural population Less than 200 Population 200·499 Population inhabited ,..---A..-----, ,..--~---, ,-----A._~ District/Tahsil villages Persons Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jl

BASTAR DISTRICT 3,240 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 1,468 74,913 73,487 1,075 171,198 172,252

Bhanupratappur Tahsil 250 58,751 29,811 28,940 129 7,968 7,681 105 16,201 15,873

2 Kanker Tahsil 316 144,842 70,495 74,347 65 3,869 3,982 130 21,882 23,067

3 Narayanpur Tahsil 593 91,260 46,717 44,543 458 20,660 19,710 116 16,590 15,922

4 Kondagaon Tahsil 516 186,745 93,738 93,007 214 12,817 12,601 198 31,418 31,122

5 Bijapur Tahsil 460 93,668 46,647 47,021 308 13,498 13,640 114 16,953 17,410

6 Dantewara Tahsil 227 134,148 66,568 67,580 44 2,604 2,588 82 13,415 13,643

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil 585 322,639 160,474 162,165 128 7,499 .7,390 228 38,148 38,344

8 Konta Tahsil 293 108,549 53,821 54,728 ]22 5,998 5,895 102 16,591 16.871


I-Villages with less than 2,000 population-Concld. II-Villages with population of 2,000-9,999 500·999 Population 1,000·1,999 Population 2,000·4,999 Population 5,000·9,999 Population ~ r--'----. ,--__,.____" r---"--'--' District/Tahsil Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Fem~les 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

BASTAR DISTRICT 494 166,477 169,088 176 115,336 117,009 25 33,702 34,233 2 6,645 6,262

Bhanupratappur Tahsil 15 4,790 4,532 852 854

2 Kanker Tahsil 102 32,982 35,051 18 10,478 10,999 1,284 1,248

3 Narayanpur Tahsil 15 5,043 4,569 3 2,197 2,128 2,227 2,214

4 Kondagaon Tahsil 76 24,724 24,883 24 16,198 16,237 3 4,705 4,742 1 3,876 3,422

5 Bijapur Tahsil 29 9,704 9,608 8 4,957 4,797 1 1,535 1,566

6 Dantewara Tahsil 61 20,844 21,008 34 22,845 23,103 6 6,860 7,238

7 Jagdalpur Tahs;! 146 51,052 51,483 72 47,469 48,491 10 13,537 13,617 1 2,769 2,840

8 Konta Tahsil 50 17,338 17,954 16 10,340 10,400 3 3,554 3,608 7



Area in 1961 Percentage Name of Decade decade Town Status of town Year Sq. miles Sq.km. Persons variation variation Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Class III (20,000-49,999)

Ja,dalpur Municipality 1901 4,762 2,474 2,288 1911~ Declassified - 1921J 1931 10,128 5,041 5,087 1941 11 ,304 + 1,176 + 11.61 5,670 5,634 . 1951 13,793 + 2,489 + 22.02' 6,883 6,910 1961 3.70 9.59 20,412 + 6.619 + 47.99 10,797 9,615

ClalS V (5,000-9,999)

Kankcr Municipality 1901 3,906 1,868 2,038 But Declassified 1921 4,536 2, l!6 2,420 1931 5,305 + 769 + 16.95 2,652 2,653 1941 5,173 132 - 2.49 2,515 2,658 1951 4,924 249 - 4.81 2,599 2,325 1961 1,19 3.08 6,~87 + 1,563 + 31.74 3,335 3,152

NDt __M-Stands for Municipality 8 PRIMARY CENSUS,

Occupied residential houses Total Total Population Scheduled Castes Rural Area in No. of No. of ,---A. District/Tahsil Urban Sq. miles houses households Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BASTAR DISTRICT T 15,127.7 208,670 211,686 1,167,501 582,403 585,098. 31,813 32,284 R 15,122.8 202,745 205,546 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 31,008 31,465 U 4'9 5,925 6,140 26,899 14,132 12,767 805 819 Bhanupratappur Tahsil R 530'3 10,478 10,507 ' 58,751 29,811 28,940 1,486 1,402 2 Kanker Tahsil T 674.0 29,400 30,255 151,329 73,830 77,499 3,849 4,036 R 672'8 27,986 28,820 144,842 70,495 74,347 3,636 3,822 U 1'2 1,414 1,435 6,487 3,335 ' 3,152 213 214 3 Narayanpur Tahsil R 383'2 16,478 16,553 91,260 46,717 44,543 1,545 1,494 4 Kondagaon Tahsil R 1,420'3 32,530 32,824 186,745 93,738 93,007 4,091 4,165 5 Bijapur Tahsil. R 452'0 16,533 16,849 93,668 46,647 47,021 2,557 2,620 6 Dantewara Tahsil R 684'9 21,181 21,235 134,148 66,568 67,580 1,583 1,670 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil T 1,576'0 62,197 63,210 343,051 171,271 171,780 15,268 15,477 R 1,572'3 57,686 58,50'5 322,639 160,474 162,165 14,676 14,872 U 3'7 4,511 4,705 ' 20,412 10,797 9,61Y 592 605 8 Konta Tahsil R 427'6 19,873 20,253 108,549 53,821 54,728 1,4$.4 1,420


WORKERS II III IV V In In Mining, Quarrying,Livestock, Manufacturing Total As Forestry,Fishing, Hunting, At other than Rural Agricultural Plantations, Orchards Household Household District/Tahsil Urban Labourer and allied activities Industry Industry ,---A..__ , ,----A..- ,------"------., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

BASTAR DISTRICT T 47,035 48,537 7,791 9,948 11,139 9,106 2,768 637 R 46,972 48,429 7,392 9,837 10,894 8,939 1,834 406 U 63 108 399 111 245 167 934 231 Bhanupratappur Tahsil- R 2,075 2,042 427 364 302 206 41 1 2 Kanker Tahsil T 8,522 8,824 924 346 1,304 1,233 535 233 R 8,490 8,782 828 326 1,254 1,193 241 52 U 32 42 96 20 50 40 294 111 3 Narayanpur Tahsil R 3,049 2,935 409 173 757 654 66 37 4 Kondagaorl Tahsil R 5,346 5,885 936 671 ' 2,229 2,030 174 60 5 Bijapur Tahsil R 5,114 5,441 643 534 479 268 28 3 6 Dantewara Tahsil R 3,559 3,178 725 2,484 1,053 841 275 66 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil T 15,241 16,820 2,630 1,685 4,251 3,328 1,555 164 ...... R 15,210 16,754 2,327 1,594 4,056 3,201 915 114 U 31 ' 66 303 91 195 127 640 50 8 Konta Tahsil R 4,129 3,412 1,097 3,691 764 546 94 73 9

ABSTRACT WORKERS --, Total Total Workers I Rural Scheduled Tribes Literate and Educated Persons (I-IX) As Cultivator Urban r- , Males Females Males Females Maltls Females j Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

418,645 425,104 68,066 12,582 369,504 337,654 278,152 261,307 T 417,216 423,998 59,267 8,405 361,819 335,004 277,629 260,819 R 1,419 1,106 8,799 4,177 7,685 2,650 523 488 U 22,067 21,641 4,217 555 19,647 18,240 15,871 15,316 R 1 43,698 46,268 16.570 2,863 46,982 46,591 32,173 34,370 T 2 43,207 45,914 14,388 1,968 45,261 45,741 32,027 34,228 R 491 354 2,182 895 1,721 850 146 142 U 35,780 34,786 6,297 1,058 29,136 23,842 22,773 19,543 R 3 64,774 66,022 10,734 1,792 56,565 52,576 45,304 43,181 R 4 37,895 37,447 4,779 646 29,643 28,778 21,549 21,537 R 5 54,511 56,096 J,086 336 41,139 38,852 34,072 31,815 R 6 II4,525 116,212 20,129 4,935 111,948 98,408 79,668 73,585 T 7 113,587 115,460 13,512 1,653 105,984 96,608 79,291 73,239 R 938 752 6,617 3,282 5,964 1,800 377 346 U 45,39$ 46,632 2,254 397 34,444 30,367 26,742 21,960 R 8


WORKERS NON-WORKERS ',VI VB ' vm IX X In Iri Transport, Total Irl Trade and Storage and In Rural '~on Commerce Communications Other Services Urban Males FeinaIes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females , 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 2

2,m 985 3,627 1,598 967 5 15,253 5,531 212,899 247,444 T 2,_ 949 2,412 1,200 427 2 12,053 4,423 206,452 237,327 R 566 36 1,215 398 540 3 3,200 1,108 6,447 10,117 U 88 27 158 56 43 642 228 10,164 10,7()(J R 1 896 477 690 336 98 2 1,840 770 26,848 30,908 T 2 816 465 365 205 26 1,214 490 25,234 28,606 R 80 12 325 131 72 2 626 280 1,614 2,302 U 450 129 166 37 73 1,393 334 17,581 20,701 R 3 173 35 569 208 138 1 1,696 505 37,173 40,431 R 4 73 14 193 98 15 1,549 883 17,004 18,243 R 5 169 60 245 110 34 1,007 298 25,429 28,728 R 6 582 51 1,385 694 517 2 6,II9 2,079 59,323 73,372 96 T1 27 495 427 49 1 3,545 1,251 54,490 65,557 R 486 24 890 267 468 1 • 2,574 828 4,833 7,815 U 341 192 221 59 49 1,007 434 19,377 24,361 R8 10



WORKERS ..A-- I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, As Fishing, Hunting, Total Workers As Agricultural Plantations, Orchards Total Total PopLllation (I-IX) Cultivator Labourer and allied activities Rural --...... ~--. -----., ,-----A-----, Urban Age group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Total All ages 1,167,501 582,403 585,098 369,504 337,654 278,152 261,307 47,035 48,537 .7,791 9,948 0-14 505,993 252,358 253,635 52,552 58,904 40,970 46,054 7,714 8,457 2,026 2,500 15-34 368,618 180,004 188,614 174,304 171,533 126,852 134,050 23,743 24,333 3,212 4,037 35-59 232,668 122,142 110,526 119,777 94,176 91,384 71,648 13 ,663 13,645 2,219 2,962 60+ 59,89i 27,709 32,182 22,839 13 ,027 18,919 9,543 1,914 2,100 334 449 Age not stated 331 190 141 32 14 27 12 2

Rural All ages 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 361,819 335,004 277,629 260,819 46,972 48,429 7,392 9,837 0-14 496,043 247,166 248,877 52,369 58,728 40,949 46,029 7,712 8,449 2,007 2,486 15-34 358,609 174,597 184,012 169,909 170,383 126,6.68 133,849 23,715 24,289 2,993 3,999 35-59 227,008 119,138 107,870 116,991 93,021 91,162 71,420 13 ,633 13,593 2,072 2,908 60+ 58,614 27,182 31,432 22,519 12,858 18,823 9,509 1,911 2,096 320 444 Age not stated 328 188 140 31 14 27 12 1 2

Urban All ages 26,899 14,132 12,767 7,685 2,650 523 488 63 108 399 111· 0-14 9,950 5,192 4,758 183 176 21 25 2 8 19 14 15-34 10,009 5,407 4,602 4,395 1,150 184 . 201 28 44 219 38 35-59 5,660 3,004 2,656 2,786 1,155 222 228 30 52 147 54 60+ 1,277 527 750 320 169 96 34 3 4 14 5 Age not stated 3 2 11



WORKERS NON-WORKERS --"- ----. .-----"------. IV V VI VII VIII IX X

In Manufacturing In At other than In Transport, Household Household In Trade and Storage and In Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Other Services ,.-__.A._------, ,.---'------. ,---_..A----, ,..--A.-. ,..--A.----, r---"------.. ,.-----"-----., Age- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females group 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2


11 ,139 9,106 2,768 637 2,772 985 3,627 1,598 967 5 15,253 5,531 212,899 247,444 All ages 898 898 104 65 104 168 114 98 3 619 664 199,806 194,731 0-14 5,124 4,746 1,639 361 1,761 604 1,962 585 631 3 9,380 2,814 5,700 17,081 15-34 4,285 3,020 963 190 856 199 1,344 753 324 2 4,739 1,757 2,365 16,350 35-59 832 442 62 21 51 14 205 162 9 513 296 4,870 19,155 60+ Age not 2 2 158 127 stated

10,894 8,939 1,834 406 2,206 949 2,412 1,200 427 2 12,053 4,423 206,452 237,327 All ages S87 886 74 43 99 159 89 91 552 585 194,797 190,149 0-14 5,008 4,667 1,050 225 l,429 589 1,283 455 279 1 7,484 2,309 4,688 13,629 15-34 4,194 2,956 662 123 644 188 893 528 145 1 3,586 1,304 2,147 14,849 35-59 805 430 48 15 34 13 146 126 3 429 225 4,663 18,574 60+ Age not 1 2 157 126 stated

245 167 934 231 566 36 1~215 398 540 3 3,200 1,108 6,447 10,117 All ages 11 12 30 22 5 9 25 7 3 67 79 5,009 4,582 0-14 116 79 589 136 332 15 679 130 352 2 1,896 505 1,012 3.452 15-34 91 64 301 67 . 212 11 451 225 179 1 1,153 453 218 1,501 35-59 27 12 14 6 17 1 59 36 6 84 71 207 581 60+ Age not 1 1 1 stated 12 TABLE


WORKERS I II III In Mining, Quarrying,Live­ stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunt· ing, Planta· As tirms, Orchards Total population of workers As Agricultural and allied and non-workers Cultivator Labourer activities ,-----A- ~ ,...... ---A------, ~ S.N. Educational levels Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


TOTAL 26,899 14,132 12,767 523 488 63 108 399 111 Illiterate 13,923 5,333 8,590 200 414 57 108 134 104

2 Literate (without educational level) 7,115 4,310 2,805 178 61 6 101 7

3 Primary or Junior Basic 3,689 2,651 1,038 94 12 56

4 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 1,736 1,436 300 41 90

5 Technical diploma not equal to degree 62 61 1

6 Non-technical diploma not equal to degree 1·

7 University degree or post graduate degree 292 259 33 7 12 other than technical degree

8 Technical degree or diploma equal to] Total 81 81 1 5 degree or post-graduate degree

(i) Engineering 26 26

(ii) Medicine 12 12

(iii) Agriculture 7 7

(Iv) Veterinary or Dairying 4 4

(v) Technology 13 13

(vi) Teaching 15 15

(vii) Others 4 4 4 13



In .Manufactur- In At i~ other than In Transport, Household ousehold In Trade and Storage and In S.N. Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Other Services ,.----A.._--, ,.....--_...A._---., ,..---A-----... .----"-----.. ,------"-----, r----"------, ,---"---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1


245 167 934 231 566 36 1,215 398 540 3 3,200 1,108 6,447 10,117 T 117 156 348 215 122 36 190 369 180 3 916 935 3,069 6,250 1

83 11 386 16 131 512 23 - 158 836 43 1,919 2,644 2

37 169 70 344 4 106 598 4S 1,177 977 3

8 29 173 149, 2 70 601 72 275 225 4

23 1 10 25 5 ,_ 6

1 28 19 11 174 12 7 2J 7

1 19 5 50 8

19 4 3 (f)

11 (ii)

5 (iii)

3 (iv)

13 (v)

15 (vi)

(vii) 14 TABLE


WORKERS I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Live, stock, Forestry Fishing, Hunt- ing, Plan- As tations, Orcha- Total population of workers and As Agricultural rds and allied non-workers Cultivator Labourer activities ,---'---., r----"-----. r--A----.. S.N. Educational levels Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


TOTAL 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 277,629 260,819 46,972 48,429 7,3929,837

1 Illiterate 1,072,930 509,004 563,926 254,208 259,155 44,771 48,250 6,452 9,820 2 Literate (without educational level) 44,297 38,010 6,287 14,824 1,167 1,570 126 327 13 3 Primary or Junior Basic 21,602 19,573 2,029 8,533 496 631 53 506 4 4 Matriculation and above 1,773 1,684 89 64 1 107

1 BhlinuprataPur

TOTAL 58,75/ 29,811 28,940 15,871 15,316 2,075 2,042 427 364 I Illiterate 53,979 25,594 28,385 13,R23 15,185 1,914 2,026 300 360 2 Literate (without educational level) 2,794 2,456 338 1,155 79 98 8 31 2 3 Primary or Junior Basic 1,870 1,662 208 889 51 63 8 85 2 4 Matriculation and above 108 99 9 4 1 11

2 Kanker

TOTAL 144,842 70,495 74,347 32,027 34,228 8,490 8,782 828 326 1 Illiterate 128,486 56,107 72,379 24,775 33,538 7,622 8,693 714 326 2 Literate (without educational level) 10,987 9,513 1,474 4,433 495 636 64 53 3 Primary oC Junior Basic 5,187 4,701 486 2,807 195 232 25 58 4 Matriculation and above - 182 174 8 12 3

3 Narayanpur

TOTAL 91,260 46,717 44,543 22,773 19,543 3,049 2,935 409 173 1 Illiterate 83,905 40,420 43,485 20,767 19,370 2,853 2,915 221 173 2 Literate (without educational level) 4,483 3,678 805 1,254 130 131 13 46 3 Primary Of Junior Basic 2,488 2,254 234 752 43 65 7 109 4 Matriculation and above 384 365 19 33

4 Kondagaon

TOTAL 186,745 93,738 93,007, 4.5,304 43,181 5,346 5,885 936 671 1 Illiterate 174,219 83,004 91,215 41,375 42,946 5,078 5,878 852 667 2 Li!erate (without educational level) 7,215 5,915 1,300 2,290 143 174 6 23 2 3 PrImary or Junior basic 4,939 4,467 472 1,627 92 94 1 49 2 4 Matriculation and above 372 352 20 12 12

5 Bijapur

TOTAL 93,668 46,647 47,021 21,549 21,537 5,114 5,441 643 534 1 Illiterate 88,243 41,868 46,375 19,938 21,404 4,948 5,426 562 534 2 Li~erate (witho~t educational level) 3,338 2,883 455 991 96 106 11 25 3 Pnmary or Junior basic 1,931 1,747 184 613 37 60 4 48 4 Matriculation and above 156 149 7 7 8 15


In Manufacturing In At other than In Transport, Household Household In Trade and Storage and In Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Other Services ~ ,---..A..---, ,----A..--...., ,---.A.---, ,-----A.._, r-----A..~ ,----;--A-~ S.N. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1


10,894 8,939 1,834 406 2,206 949 2,412 1,200 427 2 12,053 4,423 206,452 237,327 T 9,670 8,869 1,364 388 1,347 943 . 879 1,162 139 1 6,067 4,228 184,116 231,110 1 811 52 242 11 329 3 714 22 129 1 1,442 87 17,622 4,805 2 407 16 215 7 342 3 765 15 137 3,389 93 4,648 1,342 3 (; 2 13 188 54 1 31 1,155 15 66 70 4

Tabsil ,

302 206 41 1 88 27 158 56 43 642 228 10,164 10,700 T 234 205 19 1 50 27 53 53 14 272 210 8,915 10,318 1 35 1 8 8 30 3 11 69 2 1,011 243 2 33 14 16 69 14 243. 14 236 133 3 14 ~ 4 58. 2 2 6 4 .... TaltsH

1,254 1,193 241 52 816 465 365 205 26 1,21! 490 25,234 28,606 T 955 1,162 117 49 592 464 141 198 8 564 471 20,619 27,478 1 193 23 63 3 103 1 92 3 6 178 3 3,756 882 2 106 8 59 72 123 3 12 384 13 848 242 3 2 49 9 1 88 3 11 4 4


757 654 66 37 450 129 166 37 73 1.393 334 17,581 20,701 T 667 652 23 37 234 127 31 37 15 435 3Q2 15,174 19,872 1 48 1 17 50 1 46 8 204 5 1,874 655 2 42 1 25 104 1 83 42 514 :n 518 159 3 1 62 6 8 240 - " 15 15 4 Tahsil

2,229 2,030 174 60 173 35 569 208 138 1 1,696 505 37,173 40,431 T 2,059 2,016 120 51 75 35 164 201 22 514 484 32,745 38,937 1 97 8 28 4 66 212 5 70 1 349 5 2,606 1,126 2 70 4 24 5 25 174 ·2 33 569 14 1,802 352 3 3 2 2 7 19 13 264 2 20 16 4


479 268 28 3 73 14 193 98 15 1,549 883 17,004 18,243 T 365 264 16 2 34 13 83 92 10 886 873 15,026 17,767 1 65 4 2 .. 10 1 45 1 3 128 1,508 342_ 2 49 10 1 24 6U 5 2 417 10 464 127 3 5 5 118 6 7 4 16



WORKERS I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Live, stock, Forestry FiShing, Hunt- ing, Plan- As tations, Orcha- Total population of workers and As Agricultural rds and allied non-workers Cultivator Labourer activities ..------A-~ r----'----. ,----A-----, S.N. Educational levels Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

It Dantewara

TOTAL 134,148 66,568 67,580 34,072 31,815 3,559 3,178 7252,484 1 Illiterate 130,726 63,482 67,244 33,402 31,798 3,522 ,3,177 621 2,481 2 Literate (without educational Jevel) 2,256 2,009 247 478 15 28 36 3 3 Primary or Junior Basic 1,004 922 82 192 2 9 1 48 4 Matriculation and above 162 155 7 20

7 Jagdalpur

TOTAL 322,639 160,474 162,165 79,291 73,239 15,210 16,754 2,3271,594 1 Illiterate 307,474 146,962 160,512 73,853 72,977 14,734 16,726 2,1941,588 2 Literate (without educational level) 11 ,288 9,941 1,347 3,836 190 375 22 56 6 3 Primary or Junior Basic 3,591 3,297 294 1,528 72 101 6 71 4 Matriculation and above 286 274 12 24 6

8 Konta

TOTAL 108,549 53,821 54,728 26,742 21,960 4,129 3,412 1,0973,691 1 Illiterate I 105,898 51,567 54,331 26,275 21,937 4,100 3,409 988 3,691 2 Literate (without education level) 1,936 1,615 321 337 19 22 2 57 3 Primary or Junior basic 592 523 69 125 4 7 1 38 4 Matriculation and above 123 116 7 5 14 11




In Manufacturing In At other than In Transport, Household Household In' Trade and Storage and In Industry __Industry-A. ___ , Construction Commerce Communications Other Services ,.--A--- . ~ ,.--.A---., r----A.-, r----'--, ~----. S.N. Males Females " Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 . 23 24 25 1


1,053 841 275 66 169 60 245 110 34 1,007 298 25,429 28,728 T 986 839 258 64 84 60 100 110 17 418 275 24,074 28,440 1 49 1 6 1 25 84 6 124 7 1,173 220 2 18 1 9 1 35 58 10 363 13 180 64 3 2 25 3 1 102 3 2 4 4


4,056 3,201 915 114 96 27 495 427 49 1 3,545 1,251 54,490 65,557 T 3,692 3,18'l 742 111 39 27 241 414 20 2,359 1,196 49,088 64,285 1 286 13 104 3 25 103 8 11 244 55 4,851 1,050 2 78 1 64 23 146 5 16 725 545 210 3 5 9 5 2 3,217 6 12 4


764 546 94 73 341 192 221 59 49 1,007 434 19,377 24,361 T 712 544 69 73 239 190 66 57 24 619 417 18,475 24,013 1 38 1 14 42 .. 102 2 14 146 10 843.... 287 2 11 1 10 43 2 52 8 174 6 55 55 3 3 1 17 1 3 68 1 4 6 4 18



Branch of Industry Total Total Employee Others .A.. Rural r----.A.. ... ,_....A.._~ ,----A..--""""t r Division and Major Group of I. S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


ALL DIVISIONS T 11,139 9,106 266 60 10,873 9,046 _ R 10,894 8,939 227 58 10,667 8,881 U 245 167 39 2 206 165 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting T 76 132 19 7 57 125 R 71 128 14 6 57 122 U 5 4 5 1 3 00 Field produce and plantation crops T 49 5 44 R 49 5 44 .. 02 Forestry and logging T 11 88 1 5 10 83 R 11 88 1 5 10 83 03 Fishing T 10 11 7 3 11 R 10 11 7 3 11

04 Livestock and hunting T 6 33 6 2 31 R 1 29 1 ." 28 U 5 4 5 3 Mining and quarrying T 11 4 11 4 R 11 4 11 4 10 Mining and quarrying T 11 4 11 4 R 11 4 11 4 2&3 Manufacturing T 11 ,052 8,970 247 53 10,805 8,917 R 10,812 8,807 213 52 10,599 8,755 U 240 163 34 1 206 162 20 Foodstuffs T 485 1,392 49 3 436 1,389 R 438 1,323 40 3 398 1,320 U 47 69 9 38 69

21 Beverages T 107 116 35 27 72 89 R 101 107 35 27 66 80 U 6· 9 6 9 22 Tobacco-products T 88 11 6 3 82 8 R 83 7 2 3 81 4 U 5 4 4 4 23 Textile-cotton T 3,'101 2,484 25 3 3,076 2,481 R 3.088 2,468 25 3 3,063 2,465 U 13 16 13 16 24 Textile-jute T 59 76 59 76 R 59 76 59 76 25 Textile-wool T 17 7 17 7 R 17 7 17 7 19



Branch of Industry Total Total Employee Others ,- ---"- -, Rural ,..---"- r---.A.-, ---. Division and Major Group of I. S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


26 Textile-silk T 22 22 R 22 22

27 Textile-miscellaneous T 213 339 16 2 197 337 R 202 330 15 2 187 328 U 11 9 10 9 28 Manufacture of wood and wooden products T 1,856 1,198 41 1 1,815 1,197 R 1,820 1,190 30 1 1,790 1,189 U 36 8 11 25 8

29 Paper and paper-products T 2 2 R 2 2 3J Leather and leather products T 203 66 203 66 R 174 55 174 55 U 29 11 29 11

32 Rubber, petroleum and coal produ~ts T 1 R 1 1 33 Chemicals and chemical products T 29 23 3 26 22 R 23 21 23 21 U 6 2 3 3 1

34-35 Non-metallic mineral products other T 1,167 1,044 15 4 1,152 "-1,040 -than petroleum and coal R 1,153 1,031 13 4 1.140 1,027 U 14 13 2 12 13

36 Basic metals and their products except T 2,837 1,902 38 3 2,799 1,899 machinery and transport equipment R 2,813 1,888 35 3 2,778 1,885 U 24 14 3 21 14

37 Machinery (aU kinds other than T· 30 30 transport) and electrical equipment U 30 30

38 Transport equipment T 211 6 205 R 211 6 205

39 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries T 626 310 13 6 613 304 R 578 302 12 6 566 296 U 48 8 1 47 8

Note-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 20



Branch of Industry Total Employee Others .------~------,..----.A. ,-----"----, r---A.---.., Division of I. S. I. C. Males Females M ales Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7

BASTAR DISTRICT (RURAL) All Divisions 10,894 8,939 227 58 10,667 8,881 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 71 128 14 6 57 122 , 1 Mining and quarrying 11 4 11 4 2 & 3 Manufacturing 10,812 8,807 213 52 10,599 8,755 1 Bbanupratappur Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 302 206 18 284 206 ,.. o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 7 I 2 & 3 Manufacturing 302 199 18 284 199 2 Kanker Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 1,254 1,193 3S 17 1,219 1,176 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 6 6 2 & 3 Manufacturing 1,248 1,193 35 17 1,213 1.176 3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 757 6S4 44 19 713 635 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 24 14 5 1 19 13 1 Mining and quarrying 1 1 2 & 3 Manufacturing 733 639 39 18 694 621 4 Kondagaon Tahsil (Rural) All Divisions 2,229 2,030 39 8 2,190 2,022 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 31 75 9 5 22 70 1 Mining and quarrying 11 3 11 3 2 & 3 Manufacturing 2,187 1,952 30 3 2,157 1,949 5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural) All Divisions 479 268 16 463 268 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 6 6 2 & 3 Manufacturing 479 262 16 463 262 6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural) All Divisions 1,053 841 26 11 1,027 830 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry. fishing and hunting 9 8 9 8 2 & 3 Manufacturing 1,044 833 26 11 1,018 822 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural) All Divisions 4,056 3,201 40 1 4,016 3,200 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry. fishing and hunting 12 12 2 & 3 Manufacturing 4,056 3,189 40 4,016 3,188 8 Konta Tahsil (Rural) All Divisions 764 S46 9 755 S44 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 1 6 • 1 6 2 & 3 Manufacturing 763 540 9 2 754 538 Note: Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 21



Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family workers Total ,----"---..., ,-.--.A.----, r------"-----., ~ ,.-~ Division and Major Group Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females of 1. S. 1. C. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


ALL DIVISIONS T 33,178 18,704 727 42 17,461 2,891 8,937 6,816 6,053 8,955 U 6,854 1,887 352 9 3,968 744 1,867 828 667 306 o Agriculture, livestock, T 7,567 9,881 30 13 2,482 300 1,981 2,576 3,074 6,992 forestry,fishing and hunting U 391 108 8 I 253 11 41 42 89 54

00 Field produce and plantation T 143 113 3 41 5 46 23 53 144 crops U 42 19 22 3 1 2 19 13 02" Forestry anc logging T 3,025 7,551 16 2 952 40 439 2,127 1,618 5,382 U 201 29 6 178 6 16 20 1 3 03 Fishing T 316 381 8 4 247 97 61 280 U 34 2 5 10 ... 19 2

04 Livestock and hunting T 4,083 1,776 11 10 1,481 251 1,249 3291,342 1,186 U 114 58 2 48 2 14 20 50 36 1 Mining QfI(] quarrying T 224 67 65 23 18 18 141 26 CI 8 3 4 4 3

10 Mining and quarrying T 224 67 65 23 18 18 141 26 U 8 3 4 4 3

2&3 Manufacturing T 2,768 637 175 4 722 252 1,300 121 571 260 U 934 231 127 2 351 127 339 50 117 52

2Q Foodstuffs T 110 58 22 S4 6 19 29 15 22 U 89 21 16 54 3 12 11 7 6 21 Beverages T 215 86 15 2 170 34 9 4 21 46 U 23 6 2 17 2 4 4 22 Tobacco-products T 287 176 73 102 134 86 20 26 22 U 135 142 50 5.1 110 16 13 13 19

23 Textile-cotton T 17 14 1 .... 1 6 6 9 7 U 2 1

24 Textile-jute T 9 1 2 5 2 25 Textile-wool T 3 3 U 3 3 27 Textile-miscellaneous "T 2S0 2~ 19 68 1 136 12 27 10 U 179 S 19 "63 1 79 3 18 28 Manufacture of wood and T 1,330 108 10 165 25 861 19 294 64 wooden products U 247 8 81 136 22 29 Paper and paper products T 1 1 U 1 1 30 Printing and publishing T 10 2 7 U 6 2 3 22 TABLE B-IV


Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family workers Total ..----A---. ,..---A-, ,...-----A----, ~ r---"---. Division and Major Group Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females of I. S. I. c. 2 3 4 ,5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


31 Leather and leather T 10 2 6 2 products U 7 5 2

32 Rubber. petroleum and T coal products U

33 Chemicals and chemical T 29 15 21 9 7 5 1 products U 13 2 1 11 1

34-35 Non-metallic mineral T 203 114 1 57 35 53 12 92 66 products other than U 41 31 1 11 4 22 11 8 15 petroleum and coal

36 Basic metals and their pro- T 85 17 6 13 2 28 4 38 11 ducts except machinery U 48 3 6 10 17 15 2 and transport equipment

37 Machinery (all kinds other T 11 2 7 2 than transport) and U 3 1 2 electrical equipment

38 Transport equipment T 119 22 48 32 17 U 91 20 35 19 17

39 Miscellaneous manufactur- T 78 24 3 6 5 44 9 25 10 ing industries U 45 20 3 4 5 25 8 13 7

4 Construction T 2,772 985 64 2,081 802 627 183 U 566 36 29 356 14 - 181 22

40 Construction T 2,772 985 64 2,081 802 627 183 U 566 36 29 356 14 181 22

5 Electricity. gas, water and T 353 235 235 125 118 llO sanitary services U 159 139 110 62 49 77

50 Electricity and gas T 93 1 89 1 4 U 60 56 4

51 Water supply and sanitary T 260 234 146 124 114 110 services U 99 139 54 62 45 77 6 Trade and commerce T 3,627 1,598 374 17 857 26 1,221 829 1,175 726 U 1,215 398 140 1 336 2 378 262 361 133

60-63 Wholesale trade T 172 10 24 61 46 3 41 7 U 122 5 20 .48 20 1 34 4

64-68 Retail trade T 3,329 1,585 325 16 715 26 1,156 824 1,133 719 U 987 391 115 1 207 2 339 259 326 129

69 Trade and commerce T 126 3 2S 81 19 2 miscellaneous U 106 2 5 81 19 2 23



Total ,Employer Employee Single worker Family workers Branch of Industzy ,-.A-. ,.--A..----., ;- -'------, Total ,----"------, ~-, ,-----"----., Division and Major Group Urban Males Females Males Females MaJes Females Males Females Males Females of 1. S. 1. C. 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

BASTAR DISTRICT-Concld. 27 1 7 Transport, storage and communi- T 967 5 24 737 2 179 2 15 cations U 540 3 16 389 1 120 2 70·71 Transport T 816 5 24 586 2 179 2 27 15 U 480 3 16 329 . 1 120 2 72 Storage and ware housing T 5 5 U 5 5 73 Communice.tions T 146 146 U 55 55 906 8 Services T 14,541 5,077 52 8 }(),210 1,354 3,269 2,809 1,010 28 U 2,768 758 30 5 2,151 523 539 202 48 80 Public services T 4,324 57 4,319 57 5 U 1,215 16 1,210 16 5 6 81 Ed~onal and scientific T 2,772 229 2,743 215 27 8 services U 347 117 320 107 27 4 6 3 82 Medical and health service.~ T 562 127 537 114 23 IO 2 U 195 36 177 31 16 5 2 83 Religious and welfare T 160 15 84 14 59 16 services U 57 B 22 8 26 8

84 Legal serviCXIS T 67 41 24 1 ~ U 60 39 20 85 Business services T 72 2 56 10 4 U 30 28 2 86 Community services, trade T 114 4 113 3 and labour associations U 88 4 87 3

87 Recreation services T 112 9 2 52 2 44 5 14 2 U 36 7 2S 2 9 3 1 2 88 Personal services T 1,6[7 845 35 4 1,197 744 302 -78 83 19 U 422 370 26 1 223 296 137 62 36 11 89 Services (not elsewhere T 4,74[ 3,79[ 10 4 1,068 ~OS 2,774 2,707 889 875 classified) U 3[8 200 1 4 20 60 296 127 9 Activities not adequately T 359 119 8 72 7 224 168 55 44 described U 273 2/l 2 18 4 216 168 37 39 90 Activities unspecified and T 359 219 8 72 7 224 168 55 44 not adequately describ- U 273 211 . 2 18 4 216 168 37 39 ed (this includes new entrants to the labour market) Vote: Lines with nil entries have been omitted . . 24



Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family workers r- -, r------'------, r-----'-----, r----.A.---, ....----A------, r---A.-....., Division of 1. S. 1. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


ALL DIVISIONS 26,324 l6,817 375 33 13,493 2,l47 7,070 5,988 5,386 8,649 0 Agriculture, livestock, 7,176 9,773 22 12 2,229 289 1,940 2,534 2,985 6,938 forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 216 64 61 23 14 15 141 26 2&3 Manufacturing 1,834 406 48 2 371 125 961 71 454 208 <4 Construction 2,206 949 35 1,725 788 446 161 5 Electricity, gas, water 194 96 125 63 69 33 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 2,412 1,200 234 16 521 24 843 567 814 593 7 Transport, storage and 427 2 8 348 1 59 12 1 communications 8 Services 11,773 4,319 22 . 3 8,059 831 2,730 2,607 962 878 9 Activities not adequately 86 8 6 54 3 8 18 5 described

1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 1,399 676 15 667 49 359 292 358 335 0 Agriculture, livestock, 370 344 4 117 4 76 137 173 203 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 57 20 29 6 2 22 18 2&3 Manufacturing 41 1 9 19 12 4 Construction 88 27 4 37 7 47 20 .5 Electricity, gas, water 39 17 37 17 2 and sanitary services (i Trade and commerce 158 56 4 21 1 71 25 62 30 7 Transport, storage and 43 1 36 6 communications 8 Services 603 211 381 20 132 108 89 83

2 Kanker TalJsil (Rural)

: ALL DIVISIONS 3,490 1,538 61 1 1,947 592 1,022 581 460 364

0 Agriculture, Ii vestock, 828 326 5 220 25 395 124 208 176 forestry, fishing and hunting 2&3 Manufacturing 241 52 27 85 26 lOS 21 21 ~ 4 Construction 8i6 465 806 465 10 6 Trade and commerce 3~5 205 28 62 6 163 127 112 72 ., Transport, storage and communications 26 17 8 8 Services \ 1,212 490 756 70 337 309 119 11J 9 Activities not adequately described 2 1 25


PART B-INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX AND CLASS OF WORKER OF PERSONS AT WORK IN NON-HOUSEJ:I0LD INDUSTRY, TRADE, BU~INESS, PROFESSION OR SERVICE-Contd. , Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family workers ..A.. ,...---'---, ,...--'---, ~ r-----..A..-, r-----A---. Division of I. S. I.C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 2,557 710 39 3 1,864 304 476 272 178 131

0 Agriculture, livestock, 404 173 234 ' 29 80 .44 90 100 forestry, fishing and ~ hunting Mining and quarrying 5 4 1 2&3 Manufacturing 66 37 5 42 37 15 4 4 Construction 450 129 4 352 126 94 3 5 Electricity, gas, water 37 16 10 8 27 8 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 166 37 21 42 1 43 18 60 18 7 Transport, storage and 73 71 2 communications 8 Services 1,356 318 9 3 1,109 103 215 199 23 13

4 Konc1agaoB Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 3,686 1,480 In 15 2,035 217 785 516 745 732 0 Agriculture, livestock, 869 652 7 9 343 64 216 126 303 453 forestry, fishing and huotiila 1 Mjoiag and quarcying 67 19 22 6 7 10 38 ~ 3 2&3 Man1lfacturing 174 60 5 57 3 31 4 31 53 4 Construction 173 35 12 79 8 82 27 5 Electricity, gas, water 26 22 4 and sanitary services. 6 Trade and Commerce 569 208 80 6 124 5 146 66 219 131 7 Transport, storage and 138 1 4 117 1 8 9 communications 8 Services 1,617 471 7 1,244 105 289 279 77 87 9 Activities not adequately 79 8 6 49 . 3 ~ 111 " descried

5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural)

ALLDMSIONS 2,501 1,532 32 4 1,147 84 1,084 1.110- 238 324 0 Agriculture , livestock, 643 534 4 283 ·19 225 . 329 131 186 forestry, fishing and hunting 2&3 Manufacturing 28 3 6 7 10 1 5 2 4 Construction 73 14 3 53 8 17 6 5 Electricity, gas, water 40 21 40 21 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 193 98 19 4 51 66 52 57 41 7 Transport, storage and 15 15 communications 8 Services 1,504 862 734 56 725 711 45 95 ") Activities not adequately 5 4 1 described 26



,--Branch___ of -A._ Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family workers r----"---, ,_--A..-----, ,---A- ,-----"------, ,-----'-----, Division of I. S. I. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural)

.~Jl Divisions 2,455 3,018 34 3 1,081 126 463 787 877 2,102 0 Agriculture, livestock, 679 2,484 120 11 57 507 502 1,966 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 46 46 2& Manufacturing 275 66 2 2 19 14 46 16 208 34 4 Construction 169 60 107 26 61 34 6 Trade and Commerce 245 110 29 81 67 53 68 56 7 Transport, storage and 34 13 21 communications 8 Services 1,007 298 2 741 75 211 177 53 46 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rura)

AU Divisions 7,427 3,414 42 5 3,567 397 2,144 1,364 1,674 1,648 0 Agriculture, livestock, 2,324 1 ,585 693 126 664 425 967 1,034 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 3 9 2 I 3 1 5 2&3 Manufacturing 915 114 85 5 717 27 112 82 4 Construction 96 27 5 61 12 30 15 5 Electricity, gas water 41 16 41 16 and sanitary, services 6 Trade and commerce 495 427 36 5 106 10 168 210 185 202 7 Transport, storage and 49 41 5 3 communications 8 Services 3,504 1,23S 2,538 227 560 684 406 324

8 Konta Tahsil (Rura))

All Divisions 2,809 4,449 31 2 1,185 378 737 1,056 856 3,013 0 Agriculture, livestock, 1 ,059 3,675 2 2 219 !1 217 842 611 2,820 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 38 16 4 16 1 33 .. 2&3 ManufactUring 94 73 • 1 67 40 15 2 11 31 .. Construction 341 192 6 230 136 105 56 5 Electricity, gas, water 37 37 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 221 59 17 34 119 16 51 43 7 Transport, storage and 49 2 38 9 communications 8 Servicel 970 434 3 556; 175 261 140 150 119

Note-Lines with nil entries have been omitted) 27

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Workers at Household Workers in non-household Branch of Industry Total Workers Industry Industry etc. )- ----. r r Division, of I. S. I. C. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Bbanupratappur Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS . 2,583 1,791 882 302 206 1,399 676

o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 721 370 351 7 370 344 1 Mining and quarrying 77 57 20 57 20 2&3 Manufacturing 543 343 200 302 199 41 1 4 Construction 115 88 27 88 27 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 56 39 17 39 17 6 Trade and commerce 214 158 56 158 56 7 Transport, storage and colIllll1llJieations 43 43 43 8 Services 814 603 211 603 211

2 Kanker Tabsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 7,475 4,744 2,731 1,254 1,193 3,490 1,538

o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 1,160 834 326 6 828 326 2&3 Manufacturing 2,734 1,489 1,245 1,248 1,193 241 52 4 Construction 1,281 816 465 816 465 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 570 365 205 365 205 7 Transport, storage and communications 26 26 26 8 Services 1,701 1,212 490 1,212 490 9 Activities not adequa- tely described 2 2 2

3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 4,678 3,314 1,364 757 654 2,557 710

o Agriculture, livestock forestry, fishing and hunting 615 428 187 24 14 404 173 1 Mining and quarrying 6 5 1 1 5 2&3 Manufacturing 1,475 799 676 733 639 66 37 4 Construction 579 450 129 450 129 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 53 37 16 37 16 . 6 Trade and commerce 203 166 37 166 37 7 Transport, storage and communications 73 73 73 8 Services 1,674 1,356 318 1,356 318 36



Branch of Industry Total Workers Workers at Household Workers in Non-Household Industry Industry etc. Division of I. S. r. c. ----, Persons Males Females Males Females Males Famales 1 2 3 . 4 5 6 7 8 4 Kondagaon Tahsn (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 9,425 5,915 3,510 2,229 2,030 3,686 1,480 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hUnting 1,627 900 727 31 7S 869 652 1 Mining and quarrying 100 78 22 11 3 61 19 2&3 Manufacturing . 4,373 2,361 2,012 2,187 1,952 174 60 4 Construction 208 173 35 173 35 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 26 26 26 6 Trade and commerce 777 569 208 569 208 7 Transport, storage and communications 139 138 1 138 1 8 Services 2,088 1,617 471 1,617 471 9 Activities not adequa- tely described 87 79 8 79 8

5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 4,780 2,980 J,800 479 268 2,501 1,532 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 1,183 643 540 6 643 534 2&3 Manufacturing 772 507 265 479 262 28 3 4 Construction 87 73 14 73 14 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 61 40 21 ;. 40 21 6 Trade and commerce 291 193 98 193 98 7 Transport, storage and communications 15 15 15 8 Services 2,366 1,504 862 1,504 862 9 Activities not adequa- tely described 5 5 5

6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 7,3(f1 3,508 3,859 1,053 841 2,455 3,018 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 3,180 688 2,492 9 8 679 2,484 1 Mining and quarrying 46 46 46 2&3 Manufacturing 2,218 1,319 899 1,044 833 275 66 4 Construction 229 169 60 169 60 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 355 245 110 245 110 7 Transport, storage and communications 34 34 8 Services " 34 1,305 1,007 298 1,007 298 31



Workers at Household Workers in Non-Household Branch of Industry Total Workers Industry Industry etc. ,------~------~ r-----.J'~----, ,------"- Division of I. S. 1. C. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 18,098 11,483 6,615 4,056 3,201 7,427 3,414 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 3,921 2,324 1,597 12 2,324 1 ,585 1 Mining and quarrying 12 3 9 3 9 2&3 Manufacturing 8,274 4,971 3,303 4,056 3,189 915 114 4 Constructictn 123 96 27 96 27 5 Electricity, gas, water, and sanitary services 57 41 16 41 16 6 Trade and .commerce 922 495 427 495 427 7 Transpott, storage and . COJ]IIiiunications 50 49 1 49 1 g Servic;es 4;739 3,504 1,235 3,504 1 ,235

8 Konta Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 8,568 3,573 4,995 764 2·,809 4,449 o Agriculture. livestock. forestry, fjshiog and bunting 4,741 1,060 3,681 6 1 ,059 "- 3,675 1 Mining and quarrying 54 38 16 38 16 2&3 Manufacturing 1,470 857 613 763 540 94 73 4 Construction 533 341 192 341 192 S Electricity, gas, water, and sanitary services 37 37 37 6 Trade and commerce 280 221 S9 221 59 7 Transport, storage arid communications 49 49 49 8 Services 1,404 970 434 970 434 --

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Figures for Divisions only are given.

Division Category Persons Males Females Division Category Person~ Males Females

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil (Rural) Bhanupratappur Tahsil (Rural)-Concld.

AU Divisions Total 2,583 1,701 882 Division 6 Total 64 64

m 791 427 364 Workers in VI 7 7 IV 508 302 206 transport and VIII 43 43 V 42 41 1 communication IX 14 14 occupations VI 115 88 27

VII 214 158 56 Division 7-8 Total 1,035 618 417 VIII 43 43 IX 870 642 228 Craftsmen, pro- III 2 2 duelion process IV 487 288 199 Division 0 Total 131 125 6 workers and V 39 39 labourers not VI 85 58 27 Professional, IV technical and VI 7 7 elsewhere classi- VII 5 4 related workers IX 123 118 5 fied IX 417 229 188

Division 1 Total 202 175 27 Division 9 Total 114 81 33

Administrative, III 20 20 Service, sports III 1 1 executive and IV 20 14 6 and recreation V 2 2 managerial VI 9 9 workers IX 111 78 33 workers VII 6 6 IX 147 146 Division X Total 4 4

Division 2 Total 68 67 1 Workers not VII 3 3 classified by XI 1 Clerical ano reo VI 7 7 occupation la ted workers VII 6 6 IX 55 54 2 Kanker Tahsil (Rural)

Division 3 Total 186 133 53 All Divisions Total 7,475 4,744 2,731

Sales workers V III 1,154 828 326 185 133 52 VB IV 2,447 1,254 1,193 V 293 241 52 Division 4 TNai 743 398 345 VI 1,281 816 465 Farmers, fisher- In 732 390 342 VII 570 365 205 men,hunters,Jog_ VII 9 6 3 VIII 26 26 gers and related IX 2 2 IX 1,704 1,214 490 workers Division 0 Total 363 352 11 Division 5 Total 36 36 Professional, III Miners, quarry- III 36 36 men and related technical and VI 32 32 w"rkers related workers IX 330 319 11 57



Division, Division. Group & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category Persons MaleS Females Family Family 1 2 3 4 5 t 2 3 4 5

2 KankerTahsil {Rural)-Contd. Z Kanker Tahsil (Rural)-Conlcd.

Division 1 T"tal 299 297 2 Division 9 Total 317 265 52 Administrative, III 3 3 Service,sports IV 6 6 executive and V 2 2 and recreation V 4 3 1 managerial VI 7 7 workers VI 23 23 workers VII 5 5 5 VIII 2 2 VII 5 IX 279 228 51 IX 280 278 2 Division 2 Total 124 121 3 Division X Total 6 1 5

Clerical and re- m 9 9 Workers not IV 1 lated workers V 2 2 classifiable by VII 5 5 VI 34 34 occupation VII 2 2 VIII 1 1 3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural) IX 76 73 '3 All Divisions Total 4,678 3,314 1,364 Division 3 Total 604 431 173 III 582 -409 173 Sales workers III 82 82 IV 1.411 757 654 V 13 7 6 V 10.3 66 37 VII 509 342 167 VI 579 450. 1%9 VTI 20.3 166 37 DiVision 4 Total 1,085 749 336 VIII 73 73 IX 1,727 1,393 334 Farmers, fisher- III 1,049 723 326 men, hunters, IV 16 6 10 Division 0 Total 319 292 27 loggers and re- V, 2 2 lated workers VII 5 5 Professional, VI 23 23 IX 13 13 technical and VIII 1 1 related workers IX 295 268 27 DMsion 5 Total 1 1 247 238 9 Miners, quarry- VI Division J Total men and related 4 4 workers Administrative, VI executive and IX 243 234 9 Division 6 Total 33 33 managerial workers Workers in VI IS 15 251 transport and VIII 18 18 Division 2 Total ?51 communication occupations Clerical and re- m 5 5 tated workers V 2 2 Division 7-8 Total 4,643 2,494 2,149 VI 35 35 Craftsmen, pro- m 10 10 VIII 1 1 duction process IV 2,424 1,241 1,1~3 XI 208 208 workers and V 270 225 45 labourers not VI 1,169 704 465 Division 3 Total 193 156 37 elsewhere c1assi- VII 39 6 33 fied VIII 5 S Sales workers III 1 1 IX 726 303 413 VII 192 155 37




Division, Division, Group & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Females Family Family 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

4 Kondagaon Tahsil (Rural)-Concld. 5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural)-Collcld.

Division 2 391 Division 6 Total 136 135 1 Total 391 Clerical and re- IX 391 391 Workers in VII 11 11 lated workers transport and VIII 108 107 17 communication IX 17 Division 3 Total 296 199 97 occupations Sales workers V 6 6 Division 7·8 Total ~,494 3,040 2,454 VII 287 193 94 IX 3 3 Craftsmen, pro- m 3 3 duction process IV 4,188 2,180 2,008 Division 4 Total 1,185 645 540 workers and V 194 134 60 labourers not VI 16J 137 26 Farmers, fisher- HI 1,176 642 534 elsewhere classi- VII 33 19 14 men, hunters, IV 6 6 fied VIII 21 21 loggers and V 2 2 IX 892 546 346 related workers VI Division 5 Total 4 4 Division 9 Total 316 211 105 Miners, qurrymen III Service, sport IV 4 4 & related workers IX 3 3 2 and recreation V 2 " workers VI 2 2 JJivision 7·8 Total 1,749 651 1,098 VII 8 8 Craft~men IV 741 479 262 300 195 105 IX production proce;,s V 23 20 3 workers and VI 77 63 14 5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural) labourers not VII 4 4 elsewhere class i- VIII 15 15 All Diviliions Total 4,780 2,980 1,800 fied IX 889 74 815 Division 9 Total 264 212 52 III 1,177 643 534 IV 747 479 268 Service, spor.ts IX 264 212 52 V 31 28 3 and recreation VI 87 73 14 workers VII 291 193 98 Division X Total 4 4 VIII 15 15 IX 2,432 1,549 883 Workers not IX 4 4 clasified by Division 0 Total 659 646 13 occupation

Professional, techni- IX 659 646 13 6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural) cal and related workers All Divisions Total 7,366 3,507 3,859

III 3,209 Division 1 Total 228 228 725 2,484 IV 1,894 1,053 841 V 341 275 66 Administrative, VI 9 9 VI 229 169 60 Executive and IX 219 219 VII 354 244 UO managerial VIII 34 34 workers IX 1,305 1,007 298 60



Division, Division, Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category persons Family Family 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3

Dantewara Tahsil (Rural)-Contd. 6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural)-Concld.

12 Division 7-8 Total 2,900 1,719 1,181 Division 0 Total 236 224

Craftsmen, pro- IV 1,875 1,042 833 Professional, VI 3 3 duction, process V 327 274 53 IX 233 221 12 technical and workers and VI 170 110 60 related workers labourers not VII 5 2 3 7 elsewhere classi- VIII 1 1 Division 1 Total 196 189 fied IX 522 290 232 Administrative, VI 36 36 Division 9 Total 252 198 54 executive and VII 2 2 7 managerial IX 158 151 Service sports IV 2 2 workers and recreation V 10 1 9 workers VI 2 2 1 1 Division 2 Total 177 176 VII 1 VIII 3 3 IX 234 189 45 Clerical and re- VI 18 18 lated workers VII 2 2 Division X Tatal 1 1 IX 157 156 Workl:rs not IX 1 1 classified by occupation Division 3 Total 345 237 108 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural) V Sales workers All Divisions Total 18,098 11,483 6,615 VII 344 237 107 III 3,921 2,327 1,594 Division 4 Total 3,203 708 2,495 IV 7,257 4,056 3,201 V 1,029 915 114 III 3,183 699 2,484 Farmers, fisher- VI 123 96 27 men, hunters IV 17 9 8 VII 922 495 427 loggers and re- V 3 3 VIII SO 49 1 lated workers IX 4,796 3,545 1,251 Total 26 26 Division 5 Division 0 Total 629 596 33

Miners, quarry- III 2(i 26 Professiqnal, VI 2 2 men and related technical and IX 627 594 33 workers related workers

Division 6 Total 30 30 Division 1 Total 670 652 18

Workers in VIII 30 30 Administrative, VI 9 9 transport and executive and IX 661 643 18 communication managerial occupations workers 61



Division, Division, Group & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category Family Family Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

7 .Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural)-Contd. 8 Konta Tahsil (Rural)-Concld. Division 0 Total Division 2 Total 237 237 138 132 6 Clerical and re- VI 2 2 Professional, III 1 technical and lated workers VIII ~ 2 VI 7 7 related workers IX IX 233 233 130 124 6 Divisiou 1 Total 137 136 1 Division 3 Total 922 495 427 Administrative, V 3 3 executive and IX 134 133 1 Sales workers VII 922 495 427 managerial workers Division 4 Total 3,9J1 2,324 1,587 Division 2 Total 82 82 Farmers, fisher- I1J 3,909 1,585 2,324 Clerial and rela- IX 82 82 men, I\_\loter$ IV 2 2 ted workers n losse JIlt'! re- Division lated wor ers 3 Tatal 283 237 46 Sales workers V Division 5 Ttltal J2 3 9 7 7 VII 265 219 46 Miners, quarry- III 12 3 9 IX 11 11 men and relat;ed Division 4 Total 4.762 1,081 3,681 Farmers , fisher- III workers 4.751 1,076 3,675 men. huoters IV 7 Division 6 Tlllal 44 43 1 1 6 loggers and IX. 4 4 Workers in VIII 44 43 related workers transport and Division communication 5 Total 34 18 16 occupations Miners, quarry- III 34 18 16 men and related Division 7-8 Total 11,038 6,636 4,402 workers Division 6 Total Craftsmen, pro- IV 7,255 4,056 3,199 376 376 duction proess V 1,029 915 114 Workers in tra- VI .322 workers and VI 110 322 83 27 nsport and VIII 49 labourers not VIII 4 4 49 communication IX 5 5 elsewhere classi- IX 2,640 1,578 1,062 occupation fied Division 7-8 Total 2,428 1,323 1,105 Division 9 Total 635 497 138 Craftsmen, pro- m 2 2 duction process IV 1,303 763 540 Service, sports IX 635 497 138 workers and V 157 84 73 and recreation labourers not VI 203 11 workers 192 elsewhere c1assi- VII IS 3 12 8 Konta Tahsil (Rural) fied IX 748 460 288 All Divisions Total 8,569 3,574 4 995 Division 9 Total 315 176 139 Service, sport VI 1 1 III 4,788 1,097 3,691 IV 1,310 and recreation IX 314 175 139 764 146 workers V 167 94 73 VI 533 341 192 Division X Total 14 13 1 VII 281 222 59 Workers not cIa- VII 1 VIII 49 49 IX ssified by occu- IX 13 13 1.441 1,907 434 pation 62 TABLE


Educational Levels ,-

Literate Primary Matricu- Technical Total (without or lation or diploma Literate educational Junior Higher not equal Total Workers Workers levels) to degree --..A. ____-, Basic Secondary Occupational Age- ,-____.iL.._.__., ,---"----, ,_--..A.---, r--A.--..., ,--"----, Division group p M P M F M F M F M P M F No, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


ALL DIVISIONS Total 9,153 7.099 2,054 5,092 236 2,207 100 1,380 49 1,120 74 60 1

0-14 303 160 143 64 11 49 11 15 15--34 5,088 4,183 90S 3,209 153 1.264 47 898 30 812 67 39 35-59 3,409 2,534 875 1,701 67 816 39 442 19 296 7 19 1 60 + 352 221 131 117 5 78 3 24 12 2 A.N.S. 1 1 1 1

Divisiolt '0' Total 725 603 122 592 117 61 6 174 41 186 59 42

Professional 0-14 1 1 technical and 15-34 373 91 22 2 121 26 128 54 23 related workers 35-59 201 25 31 4 48 15 55 5 17 60 + 17 1 7 5 3 2

Division '1' Total 351 347 4 340 4 41 1 69 134 2 8 Administrative, 0--14 1 1 executive and 15-34 174 1 15 33 75 1 7 managerial 35-59 160 2 22 1 36 58 1 1 workers 60 + 5 1 3 1

Division '2' Total 1,307 1,294 13 1,190 12 323 3 205 579 9 3 Clerical and 0-14 4 1 3 ,. related workers 15-34 844 11 188 3 134 465 8 3 35-59 330 1 126 67 111 1 60 + 12 8 1 3

Division '3' Total 1,346 960 386 836 27 444 22 293 3 93 2 Sales workers 0-14 10 2 7 2 3 15-34 4%2 11 239 7 17& 2 61 2 35-59 307 11 174 10 102 1 29 60 + 36 3 24 3 9 3 A.N.S, 1 1

Division '4' Total 314 226 88 140 3 74 3 38 19 Farmers, 0-14 7 2 6 2 1 fishermen, 15-34 77 41 22 7 hunters, loggers 35-59 54 26 15 11 and related 60 + 2 1 1 workers

Division '5' Total 7 4 3 Miners Quar- rymen and related workers 63


Educational Levels -. University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree Non·techni- or post-graduate r- --. cal diploma degree other Veterinary not equal to than technical Engineer- and dairy- degree degree ing Medicine Agriculture ing Technology Teaching Others r----..A..-, ,..----..A..-, r-~ ,-----A;.-, ,----..A..----, ,----A._~ ,..--A.-, ,..-__.____" ,--A--, Age- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 'M F group

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2


24S 11 26 12 6 4 13 IS 4 Total 0-14 147 9 19 3 4 1 13 7 .. \ 2 15-34 98 1 7 9 2 2 8 2 35-S9 2 1 60 + A.N.S.

66 11 18 12 3 3 13 14 Total 0-14 38 9 15 3 3 1 13 6 15-34 28 1 3 9 2 8 35-59 I 60+

77 1 5 2 1 1 2 ~ Total 0-14 " 40 .. 2 1 I 15-34 37 . 3 1 2 35-59 1 1 60 +

80 Total 0-:-14 S4 15-34 26 35-59 60 +

6 Tota 0-14 4 15-34 2 35-59 60 + A.N.S.

6 I 2 Total 0-14 5 .. 2 15-34 I 1 . 35-59 " 60 +

Total 64 TABLE


Educational Levels ,..--

Literate Primary Matricu- Technical Total (without or lation or diploma Literate educational Junior Higher not equal Total Workers Workers levels) Basic Secondary to degree Occupational Age. ,------"----, ,--"---, ,.------A---, ,----A----., ,------A----., r--.A..-, Division group P M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Division '6' Total 433 431 2 306 1 157 101 35 6 1

Workers in 0-14 2 1 1 transport and 15-34 208 108 65 24 .... 5 communication 35-59 91 46 32 11 1 occupations 60 + 5 2 3

Division '7-8' Total 3,217 2,286 • 931 1,105 41 773 40 i88 1 41 1

Craftsmen, 0-14 27 6 21 6 6 production 15-34 689 25 457 24 200 31 process workers 35-59 358 10 269 10 78 9 and labourers 60 + 31 26 4 1 not elsewhere classified

Division '9' Total 1,328 879 449 581 30 334 25 212 4 31 1

Service, sports 0-14 12 1 11 1 1 and recreation 15-34 362 13 194 11 145 1 21 .. workers 35-59 198 16 122 13 64 3 10 60 + 9 7 2

Division 'X' Total 125 69 56 2 1 2

Workers not 15-34 classifiable by 35-59 2 2 occupation

NQte:-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 65



University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree ~ ______--A- ______.___ .____ . __...... Non-techni­ or postcgraduate cal diploma degree other Veterinary not equal to than technical Engineer- and degree degree ing Medicine Agriculture dairying Technology Teaching Others ,.----"--, r----"------, ,--..A.---, ,-----"-----, ,.---'-----, ,.---'--, ,..--.A..----, ,.----'---, ,..---A.---, Age- M F M .F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F group 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . 33 2


4 3 Total

•• i 0-14 4 2 15--34 1 35-59 60 +

2 Total

0-14 15-34 2 35-59 60 +

4 Total

0-14 2 1.5-34 2 35-59 60 +


15-34 35-59 66



Secondary Work --"------, Principal Work At As ------~ ----- Household As Agricultural Cultivator,-Agricultural Labourer or Total Industry Cultivator Labourer Household Industry (Division Rural r---__A_-_.. -. ,--__J.,___----, and Major Group) Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Cultivator T 10,012 7,677 26,099 29,627 R 10,005 7,675 26,094 29,619 U 7 2 5 8

Agricultural Labourer T 973 1,024 5,370 5,577 R 972 1,024 5,369 5,575 U 1 1 2

Household Industry T 2,594 1,780 998 916 R 2,565 1,75" 997 914 U 29 26 1 2 Household Industry Classified by Division and Major Group o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, T 2 2 3 7 fishing and hunting R 2 2 3 7

00 Field produce & plantation crops T 2 2 R 2 2

02 Forestry and logging T 6 R 6

03 Fishing T 1 R 1

04 Livestock and hunting T R

2 & 3 Manufacturing T 2,592 1,778 995 909 R 2,563 J ,752 994 907 U 29 26 1 2

20 Foodstuffs T 126 352 75 235 R 123 341 75 233 U 3 11 2 21 Beverages T 9 6 4 2 R 9 6 4 2 22 Tobacco-products T 26 2 7 5 R 26 2 7 5 23 Textile-cotton T 869 572 274 281 R 867 569 274 281 U 2 3 24 Textile-Jute T 12 11 35 52 R 12 11 35 52 25 Textile-wool T 7 5 R 7 5 27 Textile-miscellaneous T 25 4 8 12 R 22 4 8 12 U 3 67



Secondary Work

Principal Work As As Household As Agricultural Cultivator, Agricuitural Labourer or Total Industry Cultivator Labourer Household Indu!try (Division Rural r-----"----. and Major Group) Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females----- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


28 Manufacture of wood and wooden T 520 184 321 131 products R 515 184 321 131 U 5 31 Leather and leather products T 31 2 29 9 R 29 1 29 9 U 2 1

33 Chemicals and chemical products T U

34-35 Non-metallic mineral products other T 436 325 47 22 than petroleum and coal R 427 317 47 22 U 9 8

36 Basic metals and their products except T 442 306 154 144 machinery and transport equipment R 440 303 154 144 U 2 3

38 Transport equipment" T 1 R 1

39 Miscellaneous manufacturing T 87 9 41 16 industries R 85 9 40 16 U 2 1

1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil (Rural)

Cultivator R 283 322 1,948 2,306 Agricultural Labourer R 6 7 1,924 1,878 Household Industry R 107 80 36 36

2&3 Manufacturing R 107 80 36 36

2 Kanker Tahsil (Rural)

Cultivator R 627 536 3,869 5,803 Agricultural Labourer R 50 82 968 1,180 Household Industry R 355 283 115 165

2 & 3 Manufacturing R 355 283 115 165 3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural) Cultivator R 1,097 688 920 877 Agricultural Labourer R 55 24 77 106 Household Industry R 145 155 71 52 o Agriculture, livestock, R 2 2 2 5 forestry, fishing and hunting 2 & 3 Manufacturing R 143 153 69 47 68



Secondary Work r- Principal Work At As , Household As Agricultural Cultivator, Agricultural Labourer or Total Industry Cultivator Labourer Household Industry (Division Rural r-----;----"---, ,- ,-----"------, and Major Group) Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 KondagaoD Tahsil (Rural)

Cultivator R 1,350 1,400 1,446 1,767 Agricultural Labourer R 88 142 144 121 Household Industry R 196 207 75 76

0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting R

2 & 3 Manufacturing R 196 207 74 75

5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural)

Cultivator R 1,061 997 2,614 2,889 Agricultural Labourer R 123 141 148 193 Household Industry R 85 45 70 27

2&3 Manufacturing R 85 45 70 27

6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural)

Cultivator R 7"'8 917 1,978 2,112 Agricultural Labourer R 73 43 344 285 Household Industry R 251 174 64 47

2&3 Manufacturing R 251 174 64 47

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural)

Cultivator R 4,348 2,385 10,532 11,734 Agricultural Labourer R 302 259 1,494 1,629 Household Industry R 1,314 758 506 439

0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting R

2&3 Manufacturing R 1,314 758 506 438

8 Konta Tahsil (Rural)

Cultivator R 461 430 2,787 2,131 Agricultural Labourer R 275 326 270 183 Household Industry R 112 52 60 72

2&3 Manufacturing R 112 52 60 72 69



Note :-For description of Divisions and Major Groups, kindly see Appendix I to Explanatory Note.

P.W. : Principal Work; A.W. : Additional Work

Principal Work, Princ.ipal Work, Principal Work, ------Additional Work Additional Work Additional Work at Household at Household at Household Industry, Industry, Industry , (Division & (Division & (Divsion & Major Group) M F Major Group) M F Major Group) M F 2 3 2 3 2 3

BASTAR DISTRICf (TOTAL) Bastar District (TotaJ)-Contd. Bastar District (Totai)-Contd. P.W. Division 0 7,567 9,181 P.W. Division 4 2,772 985 P.W. Division 7 967 5 A. W. Division 0 13 A. W. Division 0 1 A.W. Division 2&3 I Major Group 00 13 Major Group 04 Major Group 24 1 Division 2&3 44 37 Division 2&3 10 Major Groups 20 11 12 Major Groups 24 1 P.W. Major Group 70-71 816 23 11 10 5 36 9 A.W. Division 2&3 24 15 1 28 6 5 Major Group 24 P. W. Major Group 40 2,772 31 1 985 P.W. Division 34-35 5 A.W. Division 0 1 8 14,541 5,077 Major Group A. W. Diviritm 36 4 04 0 .. ~ 1 Division 2&3 10 Major Group 02 1 Divisioll P.W. Major Group 00 143 173 Major Groups 24 1 2&3 57 4 A. W. Division Major Groups 2&3 I 36 9 20 7 2 Major Group 20 21 1 P.W. Division 6 3,627 1,598 23 17 1 24 19 1 P.W. Major Group 02 3,025 7,551 A. W. Division 2&3 I3 2 27 1 A. W. Divisioll Major Groups 20 4 2 28 7 0 13 31 2 Major Group 00 21 2 13 23 1 36 3 Division 2&3 14 18 27 3 Major Groups 20 3 31 1 P.W. Major Group 80 4,324 57 36 1 23 4 A. W. Division 2&3 13 24 39 1 14 Major Groups 28 2 21 1 23 31 1 P.W. Major Group 60-63 172 10 10 27 34-35 4 A. W. Division 2&3 2 1 28 36 4 Major Group 21 2 1 P.W. Major Group 64-68 3,329 1,585 P.W. Major Group 87 112 9 P.W. Major Group 03 316 381 A.W. Division 2&3 8 2 A. W. Divisioll 2&3 2 A.W. Division 2&3 9 8 Major Groups 20 3 2 Major Group 28 2 Major Group 20 9 8 23 1 27 2 P.W. Major Group 88 1,617 845 P.W. Major Group 04 4,083 1,776 31 1 A. W. Division 2&3 4 1 A. W. Division 36 1 2&3 20 11 Major Groups 20 3 Major Groups 20 1 1 P.W. Major Group 69 126 3 24 23 11 6 A. W. Division 2&3 3 28 24 1 20 I 28 Major Groups 6 3 27 1 P. W. Major Group 89 4,741 3,791 34-35 1 1 39 1 A. W. Division 0 1 70


Principal Work, Principal Work, ------Principal Work, Additional Work Additional Work Additional Work at Household at Household at Household Industry, Industry , Industry, (Division & (Division & Division & M F Major Group) Major Group) M F Major Group) M }<' 2 3 2 3 2 3

Bastar District (Total)-Concld. Bastar District (Rural)-Contd. Bastar District (Rural)_:_Colltd. 02 P.W. Major Group 03 Major Group 282 379 P~W. Major Group 69 20 1 2&3 38 3 A. W. Division 2&3 9 8 Division A. W. Division 2&3 3 " 4 2 Major Group 20 9 Major Groups 20 8 Major Groups 20 1 7 1 23 27 1 24 19 P.W. Major Group 04 3,969 1,718 39 1 28 3 A. W. Division 2&3 20 11 2 31 Major Groups 20 1 1 P.W. Division 7 427 2 36 3 23 II 6 A. W. Division 2&3 I 24 1 219 Major Group P.W. Division 9 359 28 6 3 24 1 A. W. Division 2&3 6 1 34-35 1 1 P.W. Major Group 70-71 336 2 Major Groups 23 1 28 4 P.W. Division 4 2,206 949 A. W. Division 2&3 Major Group 39 1 A. W. Division 0 1 24 Major Group 04 P.W. Major Group 90 359 219 P.W. Division 8 11,773 4,319 Division 2&3 10 A. W. Division 2&3 6 1 A. W. Division 0 1 Major Groups 24 Major Groups 23 1 1 Major Group 02 36 9 1 28 4 Division 2&3 57 3 39 P.W. Major Group 40 2,206 949 Major Groups 20 7 Bastar District (Rural) A. W. Division 0 1 21 1 23 17 1 P.W. Division 0 7,176 9,773 Major Group 04 24 19 1 Division 2&3 27 1 A. W. Division 0 13 10 28 7 Major Group 00 13 Major Groups 24 1 31 2 36 9 36 3 Division 2&3 44 37 12 . Major Groups 20 II P.W. Division 6 2,412 1,200 P.W. Major Group 80 3,109 41 23 11 10 24 15 A.W. Division 2&3 . 12 2 A.W. Division 1&3 13 28 6 5 Major Groups 21 1 1 Major Groups 20 4 2 31 23 10 34·35 1 5 21 2 27 36 4 23 1 1 27 2 28 1 P.W. Major Group 00 101 154 31 1 P.W. Major Group 87 76 2 A. W. Division 2&3 1 36 1 A. W. Division 2&3 Major Group 20 . 1 39 1 Major Group 28 2 P.W. Major Group 02 2,824 7,522 P.W. Major Group 60-63 50 5 P.W. Major Group A.W. Division 0 13 A.W. Division 2&3 2 88 1,195 475 Major Group 00 13 Major Group 21 2 A.W. Division 2&3 4 1 Division 2&3 14 18 Major Groups 20 3 P.W. Major Group 64-68 2,342 1,194 24 Major Groups 20 3 28 . 23 4 A.W. Division 2&3 7 2 24 14 Major Groups 20 3 2 P. W. Major Group 89 4,423 3,591 28 2 23 1 31 I 27 I A.W. Division 0 1 34-35 4 31 1 Major Group 02 36 4 36 1 Division 2&3 38 2 71


Principal Work, Principal Work, Principal Work, Additional Work Additional Work Additional Work at Household at Household at Household Industry, Industry, Industry, (Division & (Division & F iDhision & F Major Group) M Major Group) M F Major Group) M 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural) D9star District (Rural)-ConcJd. 1 Bhannpratappu[ Tahsil (Rural) 98 344 P.W. Division (i 193 Major Groups 20 4 P.W. Divisi()n 0 370 A.W. Division 2&3 7 23 7 A.W. Di\'islon 2&3 3 24 19 S61 28 3 P.W. Division 8 1,504 31 2 P.W. Division 8 603 211 A.W. Division 2&3 3 36 3 A.W. Division 2&3 P.W. Division 9 5 8 2&3 4 P. W. Division 9 86 :2 Kanker Tahsil (Rural) A.W. Division A.W. Division 2&3 4 6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural) Major Group 28 4 P,W. Divi5Mm 0 8~ 326 A.W. Division 2&3 5 8 60 P.W. DivisKm 4 169 P.W. Major Group 90 86 8 1 A.W. Division 0 A. W. Division 2&3 4 P.W. Division 6 365 20S 298 Major Group 28 4 A.W. Division 2&3 2 P.W. Division II 1,007 A.W. Division 2&3 3 Bastar Distrkt (Urban) P.W. Division 8 1,212 490 P.W. Division 6 1,215 398 A.W. D;vision 2&3 7 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural) A.W. Division 2&3 1 2,324 1,585 Major Group 27 3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural) P.W. DivisioIl 0 A.W. Division 2&3 20 13 P.W. Major Group 64-68 987 391 P.W. Division 0 404 173 427 P.W. Division 6 495 2&3 8 A. W. Division 2&3 1 A.W. Division A.W. Division 2&3 2 Major Group 27 1 1,235 P.W. Division 4 450 129 P.W. Division 8 3,504 2&3 9 P.W. Division 8 2,768 758 A.W. Division 2&3 1 A.W. Division A . W. Division 2&3 1 P.W Division 8 1,356 318 8 Koob Tahsil (Rural) Major Group 20 A.W. Division 2&3 13 1 P.W. Division 0 1,059 5,6-75 P.W. Division 89 318 200. 13 4 Kondagaon Tahsil (Rural) A.W. Division 0 2&3 J A. W. Division Division 2&3 15 8 Major Group 20 1 P.W. Division 0 86.. 652 P.W. Division 4 341 192 2&3 I A.W. Division 2&3 9 P.W. Divisilln 9 273 211 A.W.' Division A. W.Division 2&3 2 1 P.W. Division 6 221 59 6 569 208 Major Groups 23 1 1 P.W. Division 1 1 A.W. Division 2&3 39 A.W. Division 2&3 P.W. Division 7 49 8 1,617 471 P.W. Major Group 90 273 211 P.W. Division A.W. Division 2&3 1 A.W. Dil'is/on 2&3 2 1 A.W. Division 0 1 P.W. Dh'ision 8 970 434 Major Groups 23 A.W. Division 2&3 20 1 39 Division 2&3 1 72 TABLE



Persons seeking employment for the first time ,- Age Groups ,- , S.No. Educational Levels Total Unemployed Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35+ Age not Stated r---..A...--~ r--"'--l r-"-, r-"--. ~ r-"-, r-"-, ...... , P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Total 122 113 9 42 4 16 1 16 2 6 1 2 2 Illiterate 20 18 2 3 2 1 2 Literate (without educational level) 24 24 6 2 .. 2 .. 1 .. 1 3 Primary or Junior Basic 47 45 2 19 I 12 .. 2 3 1 I 4 Matriculation and Higher Secondary 28 23 5 11 3 8 2 1 5 University degree or post graduate Degree other than technical degree 3 3 3 3 ..

Note-Lines with nil entries have been omitted.


PART B-PERSONS UNEMPLOYED AGED 15 AND ABOVE BY SEX .. Persons unemployed by Total Unemployed Illiterate ...._ ----'- S.No. District/Tahsil Persons Males Females' Persons Males Females-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

BASTAR DISTRICT 111 108 3 27 24 3 1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil 1 1 2 Kanker Tahsil 5 5 6 5 3 Narayanpur Tahsil 20 19 5 5 4 Kondagon Tah~iI 19 19 6 6 \ Bijapur Tahsil 11 11 6 Dantewara Tahsil 8 8 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil 37 35 2 9 7 2 8 Konta Tahsil 10 10 1 1 73




Persons employed before but now out of employment and seeking work Age Groups , ------, Total 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ Age not S. stated No' ,-..A.._---, ,.---A--, ,---"--....., ,--A.---, ~___A._-l ,---"--, r-_""_-l ,_.A.---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

71 5 14 2 20 2 28 4 1 5 T 15 2 2 2 1 8 1 1 2 1 18 2 3 10 2 1 2 26 1 9 8 7 3 12 2 1 7 3 4 .s



educational levels ---.A.-- , Literate (without educational level) Primary or Junior Basic Matriculation and above ,----__--A. , ,- ....., ,-____--A. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Person~ Males Females S. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BASTAR 18 18 49 49 17 17 DISTRICf 1 1 2 1 11 11 2 2 3 3 3 6 6 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 1 6 6 1 1 6' 8 8 18 18 2 2 7 2 2 4 4 3 3 8




Persons employed Inmates of penal, Persons seeking before but now out Retired, rentier or Beggars, vagrants mental and charitable employment for the of employment independent means etc, institutions first time and seeking work ,-A.-_----.. r----"-----., ,-----A___ ----, ,..-----"------, ,-----'-----, Males Females Males Females Male ' Females Males Females Males Females Age-Group 12 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 2

DISTRICT 655 329 867 671 376 161 87 8 142 5 All ages T

" 86 46 53 35 8 1 0-14 211 100 288 165 204 42 73 5 116 4 15-34 249 95 3S1 223 102 IS 6 2 24 1 35-59 194 134 140 237 16 69 2 60 + Age not 1 2 1 stated

580 304 774 594 155 130 45 4 71 All ages R 78 43 47 33 8 1 0-14 211 100 269 155 68 22 33 1 54 15-34 222 79 310 184 35 7 4 2 15 35-59 146 125 116 212 4 68 2 60 + Age not stated

75 25 93 77 221 31 42 4 71 5 All ages U 8 3 6 2 0-14 19 10 136 20 40 4 62 4 15-34 27 16 41 39 67 8 2 9 1 35-59 48 9 24 25 12 1 60 + Age not stated


10 I 78 27 I All ages R 2 1 0-14 ., 38 7 15-34 9 33 8 1 35-59 1 1 5 11 60 + Age not stated


18 13 229 197 2 5 All ages R ., 18 19 2 0-14 1 86 56 2 15-34 4 1 87 5S 3 35-59 13 12 38 67 60 Age not+ stated


451 158 21 22 12 1 11 All ages R 3 1 4 0-14 208 9S 6 7 8 1 10 15-34 195 41 12 6 1 35-59 48 22 8 60 + Age not stated 76 TABLE


Total Dependents, infan'ts Tolal Non-working population Full time students Household duties and disabled ,--___-..A.. .., ,.--_--"-__, Rural --.., ~ Urban Age-Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

4 Kondagaon

Rural All ages 77,604 37,173 40,431 5,206 1,111 3,343 31,678 35,719 0--14 68,626 35,017 33,609 4,665 1,086 255 30,299 32,232 15-34 2,923 993 1,930 541 25 1,555 349 321 35-59 2,317 349 1,968 1,090 274 830 60 + 3,719 799 2,920 443 742 2,332 Age not stated 19 15 4 14 4

5 Bijapur

Rural All ages 35,247 17,004 18,243 2,256 355 3 1,402 14,599 16,3116 0-14 31,305 16,132 15,173 2,005 355 107 14,094 14,697 15-34 1,110 378 732 251 )83 71 105 35-59 1,185 150 1,035 473 105 536 60 + 1,633 341 1,292 239 326 1,037 Age not stated 14 3 11 3 11

6 Dantewara

Rural All ages 54,157 25,429 28,728 1,667 399 2,522 23,727 25,784 0-14 4).1,113 24,149 23,964 1,467 394 116 22,682 23.454 15-34 1,764 538 1,226 199 5 1,013 326 205 35-59 2,038 259 1,779 1,065 249 704 60 + 2,2p6 461 1,745 328 451 1,407 Age not stated 36 22 14 19 14

7 Jagdalpur

Rural All ages 120,047 54,490 65,557 6,842 1.417 5 9,134 47,407 54,801 0-14 102,822 51,736 51,086 6,423 1,411 982 45,300 48,687 15-34 5,007 828 4,179 416 6 . 2 3,719 334 425 35-59 5,140 487 4,653 2 3,227 392 1,357 60 + 6,873 1,328 5,545 1 1,206 1,273 4,238 Age not stated 205 III 94 3 108 94

8 Konta

Rural All ages 43,738 19,377 24,361 1,652 273 3,958 17,645 20,103 0-14 37,385 18,514 18,871 1,556 269 280 16,952 18,322 15-34 2,249 321 1,928 96 4 1,751 197 166 35-59 2,376 173 2,203 1,565 154 630 60 + 1,726 367 1,359 362 340 985 Age not stated 2 2 '2 77



Persons empioyed Inmates of Penal, Persons seeking before but now out Retired, rentier or Beggars, vagrants mental alld charitable employment for the of employment independent means etc. , institutions first time and seeking work ,----.---A-__, ,------'---, r-___.A__- ... -1 ,------'-----, ,-__--..A.-_, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Age-Group 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2


46 74 84 71 139 113 4 16 All ages R 5 3 47 33 1 .. 0-14 1 30 19 58 10 2 12 15-34 5 20 36 26 29 2 1 4 35-59 40 54 13 23 4 68 60 + Age not stated


1 131 98 2 1 4 1 8 All ages R 31 13 1 .. 0-14 47 43 2 3 3 15-34 .. 41 26 3 35-59 1 12 16 2 60 + Age not stated


9 2 18 21 4 4 AU ages R .. 0-14 6 3 3 4 15-34 2 1 7 9 1 35-59 6 1 4 9 60 + Age not stated


21 42 175 145 5 16 13 2 22 All ages R

13 6 0-14 3 43 15 4 11 .11 18 15-34 5 12 81 50 1 5 2 2 4 35-59 16 27 38 14 60 + Age not stated


24 14 38 13 8 5 5 All ages R .. 6 0-14 . 1 2 13 S 4 5 5 15-34 2 4 13 4 4 35-59 21 8 6 4 60 + Age not stated 78



(Based 011 20% Sample)

Households Households engaged Households engaged Total neither in cultiva- Households engaged· in both cultiva- Rural Total number of tion nor in Household engaged in Household tion and Household District/Tahsil Urban households Industry in cultivation only Industry only Industry 2 3 4 5 6 7

BASTAR DISTRICT T 42,311 9,951 28,864 1,345 2,151 R 41,079 8,929 28,690· 1,315 2,145

V 1,232 1,022 174 30 6

Bhanupratappur Tahsil R 2,098 416 1,548 33 101

, Kanker Tahsil R 5,764 1,342 4,053 149 220

3 Narayanpur Tahsil R 3,309 831 2,192 75 211

4 Kondagaon Tahsil R 6,559 1,307 4,711 268 273

5 Bijapur Tahsil R 3,368 956 2,117 76 219

6 Dantewara Tahsil R 4,243 676 3,281 116 170

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil R 11 ,689 2,539 7,846 453 851

8 Konta Tahsil R 4,049 862 2,942 145 100 79



(Based on 20% Sample)

Figures 1, 2 and 3 in column 1 stands for: 1. Owned or held from Government. 2. Held from private persons or insti- tutions for payment in money kind or share. 3. Partly held from Government and partly from private persons for payment in money, kind or .share.

Households engaged in cultivation by size of land III acres No. of -"-. Interest in land Cultivating Less 1.0-2.4 2.5-4.9 5.0-7.4 7.5-9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 50+ Unspe cultivated households than 1 cified

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Total 30,835 419 4,212 5,908 6,192 3,010 3,394 1,506 4.292 1,208 668 26 1 22,819 324 2.634 4,073 4,597 2,311 2,592 1,183 3,455 1,033 595 22 2 6,078 88 1,453 1,468 1,209 450 596 187 506 90 28 3 3 1,938 7 125 367 386 249 206 136 331 85 45 1 1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil (Rural) Total 1,649 24 142 186 206 137 165 102 459 162 64 2 I 1,438 19 94 143 174 123 145 97 424 154 63 2 2 116 4 39 32 14 4 8 .. 12 3 3 95 1 9 11 18 10 12 5 23 5 1 2 Kanker Tahsil (Rural) Total 4,273 96 553 867 773 518 452 238 603 123 50 1 3,800 71 455 769 695 478 422 213 546 107 44 2 160 25 68 20 18 6 8 4 JO 3 313 30 78 60 34 22 21 47 15 ,6 3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural) Total 2,403 16 243 417 547 203 293 lI8 416 120 29 1 1 2,118 14 206 359 489 174 261 107 368 112 27 1 2 224 2 30 53 48 20 23 8 32 7 1 3 61 7 5 10 9 9 3 16 1 1 4 Kondagaon Tahsil (Rural) Total 4,984 27 359 832 1,295 661 656 291 691 127 37 8 1 4,488 24 295 721 1,175 599 595 267 657 116 34 5 2 320 3 62 89 78 30 35 11 9 .. .. 3 3 176 2 22 42 32 26 13 25 11 3 5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural) Total 2,336 31 361 454 474 221 299 98 281 8n 33 4 1 1,8f14 30 259 348 390 t78 259 82 234 71 30 3 2 320 I 93 87 61 21 28 5 20 4 .. 3 132 9 19 23 22 12 11 27 5 3 1 6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural) Total 3,451 44 375 517 544 295 405 188 609 261 212 1 1 1,378 24 68 124 166 102 151 81 295 185 181 1 2 i,80l 18 297 353 342 163 224 86 244 56 18 3 272 2 10 40 36 30 30 21 70 20 13 7 .Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural) Total 8,697 158 1,728 2,063 1,750 755 694 364 888 210 78 9 1 6,468 131 1,192 . 1,457 1,315 564 553 283 713 180 71 9 2 1,604 23 495 460 295 113 82 38 85 11 2 3 625 4 41 146 140 78 59 43 90 19 5 8 Konta Tahsil (Rural) Total 3,042 23 451 572 603 220 430 107 345 125 /(i5 I 1,245 II 65 152 193 93 206 53 218 108 145 2 1,533 12 369 374 353 93 188 35 94 8 7 3 2(14 17 46 57 34 36 19 33 9 13 BASTAR DISTRICT (URBAN) Total 180 I 22 31 36 12 18 10 28 12 10 1 165 I 19 26 31 10 18 10 28 12 10 2 10 2 S 3 3 5 I 2 2 80 TABLE


Cultivating households according to number Total of cultivating ,- households 1 Person Persons 3·5 Persons Size of Jand ,-__------'- ___-....., ,-_-"-----.., 2 ,- -, ,-___A. -, (<:';1%8 ranges House- Family- Hired HOllse- Family House- Family- Hired House- Family- Hired m acres) holds Workers Workers holds Workers holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers ,--A.---., r---..A_~"1 ,----"---, r-... ..A...., M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16


All sizes 28,690 54,055 50,478 2,96] 1,331 1,024 307 8,048 8,4H! 7,596 90 14,671 28,211 26,142 1,213 Less than I 324 422 358 2 69 53 16 142 146 137 1 102 192 174 1 1.0- 2.4 3,693 5,265 4,663 36 420 321 Q9 1,635 1,698 1,562 10 1,504 2,787 2,578 21 2.5- 4.9 5,417 8,663 7,922 91 296 228 68 2,086 2,198 1,958 16 2,678 5,040 4,740 • 62 5.0- 7.4 5,817 10,033 9,390 239 236 184 52 1,843 1,'123 1,742 21 3,167 6,003 5,668 162 7.5- 9.9 2,841 5,281 5,092 217 77 58 19 717 743 680 11 1,603 3,005 2,913 149 10.0-12.4 3,215 6,484 5,988 296 95 77 18 674 712 fi25 11 1,859 3,634 3,295 201l 12.5-14.9 1,429 3,085 2,895 204 34 22 12 241 254 223 5 808 1,449 113 15.0-29.9 4,120 9,745 9,209 950 72 53 19 537 554 508 12 2,186 3,945 377 30.0-49.9 1,172 3,162 3,061 493 17 14 3 99 105 91 2 526 956 89 50+ 638 1,871 1,864 431 13 12 1 63 67 59 232 U~~485 413 38 Unspecified 24 44 36 2 2 2 11 10 11 1 6 11 11 1 1 BhanupI'atappur All sizes 1,548 3,094 2,969 194 38 21 17 376 374 372 6 820 1,547 1,471 74 Less than 1 20 27 22 3 1 2 11 11 11 5 11 7 .. 1.0- 2.4 131 186 183 5 8 4 4 57 56 56 2 61 108 107 ) 2.5- 4.9 169 241 258 5 5 4 ] 74 75 73 80 132 148 2 5,0- 7.4 19] ~ 311 310 II 5 3 2 68 69 67 .' 101 180 184 I 7.5- 9.9 119 201 ]98 9 2 1 1 33 31 34 1 69 124 114 6 10.0-12.4 157 294 284 15 5 4 1 35 34 36 97 180 183 11 12.5-14.9 96 199 195 4 2 2 11 .12 10 62 122 116 1 15.0-29.9 442 990 917 67 7 4 3 69 68 67 3 250 493 445 31 30.0-49.9 159 421l 409 46 I 1 13 12 14 75 156 132 9 50+ 62 2J 1 188 32 5 6 4 19 40 33 4 Unspecified 2 6 5 1 1 2 2 Kanker All sizes 4,053 6,606 7,040 1,163 209 1ll 98 1,22l 1,193 1,212 37 2,015 Less than I 3,447 3,699 422 80 88 90 2 21 12 9 37 37 36 1 20 34 38 1 1.0- 2.4 500 595 642 10 71 39 249 2.5- 4.9 32 245 239 2 166 258 309 7 813 1,123 1,189 32 46 20 26 344 348 334 6 386 641 712 22 5.0- 7.4 746 1,117 1,230 80 22 12 10 260 248 263 9 409 703 765 7.5- 9.9 Q 48 49 776 868 83 22 13 9 142 134 145 5 275 461 518 54 10.0-12.4 437 810 825 108 7 12.5-14.9 5 2 89 85 86 7 262 476 470 57 227 436 449 74 9 4 5 34 36 29 3 I~l 232 239 41 15.0-29.9 583 1,225 1,274 386 9 5 4 63 58 64 4 317 550 561 163 30.0-49.9 120 326 346 186 1 1 -- 5 6 4 40 18 74 19 50+ 48 110 127 202 1 1 2 2 2 9 74 Unsoecificd 13 10

3 Narayanpur All sizes 2,192 4,281 3,752 135 130 116 14 600 661 536 3 1,089 2,165 1,926 61 Less than I 15 21 14 .. 5 1 4 4 1.0- 2.4 4 4 6 13 9 191 270 166 1 58 56 2 70 85 55 58 112 94 2.5- 4.9 355 578 448 3 29 175 5.0- 7.4 27 2 152 129 156 313 265 2 503 848 764 17 18 14 4 174 186 160 2 270 508 465 13 7.5- 9.9 192 330 317 15 10.0-12.4 7 5 2 65 69 61 96 181 177 6 275 576 510 14 9 8 1 56 61 51 159 329 287 11 12.5-14.9 115 257 247 15.0--29.9 9 1 1 .. 'H 21 21 63 134 116 5 401 966 897 49 3 I 2 50 51 48 1 2-14 425 397 30.0-49.9 116 345 22 50+ 321 20 8 9 7 52 117 94 1 28 88 67 7 Unspecified 1 14 31 21 1 2 1 1 2 1 81


SIZE OF LAND CULTIVATED AND NUMBER OF FAMILY WORKERS AND AND URBAN AREAS SEPAR.ATELY 20% Sample) of persons engaged in cultivation .----"-- Mort> than Persons Unspecified 6-10 Persons ,-____-..A..- 10 ,- .., ,------'- Size of land House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Familv Hired (Class ranges holds Workers Wprkers holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers in acres) ,--..A.----. ,----"----, r----"------, M F M I F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1


4,2R8 14',515 14,352 1,105 345 1,895 2,081 539 7 14 All sizes 10 31 31 1 Less than 1 131 446 410 4 2 13 14 .. 1 1 1.0- 2.4 354 1,179 1,142 12 3 18 14 1 ,. 2.5- 4.9 559 1,862 1,867 44 11 61 61 8 1 4 5.0- 7.4 437 1,444 1,446 51 6 31 34. 5 1 1 7.S--o 9.9 566 1,939 1,914 79 21 122 136 6 10.0-12.4 328 1,107 1,100 74 18 95 111 12 .. ,. 12.5-14.9 1,209 4,124 4,046 464 115 662 691 96 1 1 15.0-29.9 450 1,537 1,559 227 80 411 452 175 .. 30.0-49.9 239 825 823 150 89 482 568 236 2 7 50 + 5 21 14 Unspecified Tahsil (Rural) 290 1,016 977· 77 23 136 132 15 1 2 All sizes 1 4 2 Less than 1

5 18 16 " 1.0- 2.4 9 24 31 3 1 6 5 2.5- 4.9 17 59 57 4 5.0-7.4 15 45 49 2 7.5- 9.9 20 76 64 4 10.0-12.4 21 65 67 3 .. 12.5-14.9 110 391 371 23 6 34 31 10 15.0-29.9 63 222 220 22 7 38 42 15 30.0-49.9 28 107 97 16 9 58 54 10 1 2 50 + I 5 3 Unspecified Tahsil (Rural) . 546 1,622 1,747 419 60 233 284 279 2 6 All sizes 2 5 7 Less than 1 17 59 52 1 1 1.0-- 2.4 37 114 117 4 .. 2.5- 4.9 54 152 187 18 1 2 5 5 5.0--7.4 60 168 196 24 .. 7.5- 9.9 76 227 254 38 3 17 13 6 10.0-12.4 53 164 176 30 .. 12.5-14.9 177 543 561 162 17 69 84 57 15.,0-29.9 53 152 160 90 21 89 108 77 30.0--49.9 17 38 37 53 18 56 74 134 1 5 50 + Unspecified

Tahsil (Rural)

354 1,231 1,168 61 19 /08 108 10 All sizes .. Less than 1 5 17 15 1 1.0- 2.4 18 63 52 1 2.5- 4.9 40 134 130 2 1 6 5 5.0-- 7.4 23 71 71 8 1 4 6 1 7.5- 9.9 51 178 171 3 10.0-12.4 29 96 103 4 1 5 7 12.5-'14.9 128 451 417 26 6 38 33 15.0--29.9 48 176 173 10 8 43 47 ~ 30.0-49.9 12 45 36 6 2 12 10 50 + Unspecified




20% Sample)

of persons engaged in cultivation --. 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecified --"- ,------'------, ,-______A._ ___ ------, Size of land House- Family Hired House- Family Hired Huuse- Family Hired (Class ranges holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers in acres) ,---A.----., ,----"-----., ,----"'----.... M F M F M F

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~6 27 28

Tahsil (Rural)

671 2,3JJ 2,221 - 124 40 231 251 46 2 5 All sizes .. Less than 1 14 SO 41 1.0- 2.4 • 50 161 163 2 .. .. " 2.5- 4.9 93 299 308 6 1 5 6 I 4 5.0- 7.4 83 284 274 1 .. _ . 7.5- 9.9 103 366 350 8 4 22 23 10.0--12.4 58 188 193 9 1 6 5 .. " 12.5-14.9 204 716 665 80 16 105 107 8 1 1 15.0-29.9 45 168 164 10 12 65 68 22 30.0-49.9 19 70 57 8 6 28 42 16 50+ 2 9 6 Unspecified

Tahsil (Rural) 323 1,093 1,113 68 28 187 203 19 All sizes .- Less than 1 9 32 26 3 1 8 7 " 1.0- 2.4 24 86 76 2 1 6 4 1 2.5- 4.9 51 176 170 2 5.0- 7.4 39 127 121 4 2 10 9 4 7.5- 9.9 50 158 174 5 4 28 35 10.0-12.4 26 94 84 6 2 11 15 " 12.5-14.9 87 294 313 31 7 46 45 6 15.0-29.9 25 78 94 15 1 6 5 3 30.0-49.9 11 45 52 10 72 83 5 50+ 1 3 3 Unspecified Tahsil (Rural) 579 2,004 2,051 35 59 355 416 1l All sizes Less than 1 .. .. " .. 13 37 43 1 5 7 1.0- 2.4 27 92 88 ...... 2.5- 4.9 54 178 178 1 1 5 7 5.0- 7.4 50 171 164 2 1 4 7 7.5- 9.9 61 206 215 3 2 10 13 10.0-12.4 38 127 132 1 2 7 16 12.5-14.9 158 558 565 4 15 92 95 1 15.0-29.9 102 356 382 12 10 55 66 3 30.0-49.9 76 279 284 12 27 177 205 7 50 + UnspeCified

Tahsil (Rural) 1,189 4,127 4,016 219 102 582 623 87 2 1 All sizes 5 17 15 1 Less than 1 57 196 180 .. 1.0- 2.4 146 493 489 1 6 5 .. .. 25- 4.9 209 738 704 7 7 43 38 3 5.0- 7.4 144 504 491 10 2 13 12 1 7.5- 9.9 147 523 509 14 6 33 37 .. 10.0-12.4 86 312 290 16 1 t 62 61 12 12.5-14.9 280 945 951 104 45 261 279 14 15.0-29.9 86 297 282 52 17 95 101 31 30.0-49.9 28 98 103 16 13 69 90 27 50 + 1 4 2 Unspecified 84-



(Based On

Cultivating households according to number Total of cultivating r- households 1 Persons 2 Persons 3-5 Persons Size of land r- ~r-----A....~ r- r- ..A.. (class ranges House- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired House- Family Hired in acres) holds workers workers holds workers holds Workers Workers holds workers workers r----"------, r--"----., ,---A---, r---"----., M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

8 Konta

All sizes 2,942 5,293 4,332 252 247 224 23 894 997 784 7 1,451 2,898 2,402 91 Less than 1 22 36 24 5 5 .. 6 7 5 9 19 12 .. 1.0- 2.4 429 650 476 2 61 53 8 171 190 152 .. 186 370 279 2 2.5- 4.9 557 943 740 4 44 43 1 216 247 184 1 254 507 429 3 5.0- 7.4 581 9'13 807 12 49 42 7 193 215 169 2 298 590 498 6 7.5- 9.9 210 391 327 14 14 13 1 47 52 41 1 126 252 205 13 10.0-12.4 414 762 630 33 29 27 2 119 131 105 2 206 387 331 27 12.5-14.9 103 194 179 8 8 7 1 27 31 23 50 91 93 3 15.0-29.9 339 713 597 56 24 21 3 68 74 62 179 375 312 22 30.0-49.9 125 283 233 40 3 3 19 19 18 71 153 116 8 50 + 161 347 318 83 10 10 27 30 24 72 154 127 7 Unspecified 1 1 1 1 1 1


All sizes 174 213 123 256 23 22 1 49 50 28 20 84 106 70 134 Less than 1 t 1 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 .. 1.0- 2.4 22 24 12 5 10 10 8 8 7 1 4 6 5 4 2.5- 4.9 27 29 23 13 5 4 1 9 9 5 4 13 16 17 9 5.0- 7.4 34 37 25 31 3 3 16 17 9 6 14 16 15 20 7.S- 9.9 12 16 10 12 1 1 4 5 2 1 6 8 6 8 10.0-12.4 18 21 12 23 2 2 5 5 1 4 10 13 10 15 12.5-14.9 10 18 3 12 .. 3 3 2 1 6 10 .. 10 15.0-29.9 28 38 23 52 1 1 2 1 1 2 22 27 12 44 30.0-:-49.9 12 15 9 36 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 3 14 50+ 10 14 6 71 4 5 2 10 Unspecified 85



20% Sample)

_____of persons engaged- ______in cultivation ..J.....A. ______--, 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecifie ,--______A.______-, r------"-----"-----,. r------"---._----~ Size of land House- Family Hired House- . Family Hired House- Hired Family (Class ranges holds Workers workers Holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers in acres) r----"---, r---A..__.:..~ r---A..----, M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Tahsil (Rural)

336 I,Ill 1,059 102 14 63 64 52 All sizes 2 5 7 Less than 1 11 37 37 1.0- 2.4 43 146 126 2.5- 4.9 41 126 133 4 5.0- 7.4 23 74 80 7.5- 9.9 58 205 177 4 2 12 15 10.0-12.4 17 61 55 5 1 4 7 12.5-14.9 65 226 203 34 3 17 17 15.0-29.9 28 88 84 16 4 20 15 15 30.0-49.9 48 143 157 39 4 10 10 37 50 + Unspecified


15 28 18 63 3 7 6 39 All sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2:: .. 2.5- 4 • 1 1 1 5 5.0- 7.4 1 2 2 3 7.5- 9.9 1 1 1 4 10.0-12.4 1 5 1 1 12.5-14.9 2 5 5 4 1 4 5 2 15.0-29.9 5 8 5 22 ...... 30.0-49.9 4 6 3 24 2 3 1 37 SO + Unspecified 86

o N


.-.o co N

-.-< ....'



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SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED ONLY IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN ALL AREAS (Based on 20 % Sample) Part A-Households classified by Major Groups of principal Household Industry and number of persons engaged

Total Households engaged in Household Industry accord- number ing to the number of persons engaged Total of r- _--A_ Household Industry (Division and Rural House- 2 3-5 6-1Q More Un- Major Group only of I.SJ. C.) Urban holds person persons persons persons than 10 speci- " persons fied 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


All Industries T 1,345 283 624 401 3S 1 1 R 1,315 271 616 391 35 1 1 U 30 12 8 10

Division 0 Agriculture, Livestock, . T 14 8 3 3 jorestry, fishing and R 13 7 3 3 hunting U 1 1

Major Groups 02 Forestry and logging T 12 7 3 2 R 12 7 3 2

04 Livestock and hunting T 2 R U

Division 2&3 Manufacturing T 1,33l 275 621 398 35 1 1 R 1.302 264 613 388 35 1 1 U 29 ]} 8 10 ..

Major Groups 20 Foodstuffs T 133 53 55 23 2 R 119 45 53 19 2 U 14 8 2 4

21 Beverages T 17 4 5 7 R 17 4 5 7

22 Tobacco products T 9 3 6 R 8 3 5 U

23 Textile-cotton T 342 40 187 107 6 1 R 341 40 186 101 6 1 U 1 1

24 Textile-jute T 44 9 ]8 14 3 R 44 9 18 14 3 • 27 Textile-miscellaneous T 25 14 7 4 R 25 14 7 4 89


SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED ONLY IN HOt,JSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN ALL AREAS (Based on 20 % sample) Part A-Households classified by Major Groups of princ,ipal Household Industry and number of persons engaged-Concld.

Total Households engaged in Household Industry accord- number ing to the number of persons engaged Total of ,- ---A.. -.. Household Industry (Division :md Rural House- 2 3-5 6-10 More Un- Major Gro4.p only of I. S. I C.) Urban holds person persons persons persons than 10 speci- persons fied 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


28 Manufacture of wood and T 251 70 103 74 4 wooden producrs R 247 70 102 71 4 U 4 1 3

29 Paper and paper products T R

31 Leather and leather products T 22 12 8 2 R 19 12 7 U 3 1 2

34 & 35 Non-metallic mineral products T 83 1 51 27 4 other than petroleum and coal R 82 1 51 26 4 U 1 1

36 Basic-metals and their products T 367 54 164 135 14 except machinery and transport R 364 52 163 135 14 equipment U 3 2

38 Transport equipment T 2 R 2

39 Miscellaneous manufacturing T 35 14 16 4 industries R 33 13 15 4 U 2 1

Note-Lines with nill entries have been omitted. 90



(Based on 20% Sample)

Part B-Households classified by Minor Groups of Principal Household Industry Number of Number of Code Households Code Households No. of Household Industry Min(Jf Group ~--A_ __...... No. of Household Industry Minor Group ,----A.---, J.S.J.C. (Description) T R U I.S.I.C. (Description) T R U 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5


ALL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES 1,345] ,315 30 242.0 Dying and bleaching of jute 244.1 Making of rope and cordage, out of 39 39 023.1 Production of Charcoal 4 4 hemp. 026.0 Production and gathering of other 8 8 244.6 Making of other products from jute and 4 4 forest products similar fibres such as hemp. mesta 271.3 Making of parandas and chootelas 040.5 Production and rearing of !ivestock mainly for milk and animal power 273.2 Traditional garments 18 18 n. e. c. 273.4 Making of textile garments including 041.1 Sheep breeding and rcaring ~ain-coats and head-gears n. e. c. 200.1 Production of Hour by village chakkies 2 2 274.1 Weaving of khes. bt!d covers, C\lr- 2 2 or flour mill by grinding wheat, maize, tains pillow C1ses and table-cloth, gram etc. cloEh hags etc. 200.2 Hand pounding of rice by Dhekhi or 274.2 Making of newar 2 2 Ukhal 274.3 Manufacture of other made up tex- 200.6 Parching of grains 75 69 6 tile goods like mattress, quilt, rezai ctc. n.e.c. 200.7 Production and processing of other crops and food grains n. e. c. 281.0 Manufacture of wooden furniture & fixtures 3 3 205.0 Production of bread, biscuit, cake 282.0 Manufacture of structural wooden goods.. 4 2 2 and other bakery products (including treated timber) such as beams posts, doors, windows ' 206.0 Production of butter, cream, ghee, 8 5 3 cheese, chhalla, kholl'a and other dairy 2133.1 Carpentary works concerned with 17 17 products repairs of agricultural implements (wood) 207.0 Oil pressing glwlli, kollhll or by small.. 12 12 machines 283.2 Manufacture of wooden industrial goods .. other than transport equipments such 209.2 Making of sweet-meats, laddll, peda .. 5 4 as bobbin and similar equipments and ha/'phi, bafasa etc. fixtures 209.3 Sattlt, bhunja.papl'r, harri, dall(/lIri, 2 .2 284.9 Manufacture of other wooden products. . 2 2 ti/allri, sewai, apalam etc. n.e.c. 288.2 Making of rope mates etc. from moollj and 32 32 209.4 Making of chllra or chira, IIIl1ri, 15 15 sawai grass and making of cadjar for murki, kIwi thatching purposes 209.5 Making of chat 2 2 288.3 Making of mats, handfans and umbrellas .. 12 II 209.6 Making df dalmot, chanachur (jor) 2 2 from palm leaves garam, rewari. etc. 288.5 Making of baskets and broomsticks 8 7 209.7 Making of other food products for 7 7 residuary snacks 288.9 Manufacture of other articles from leaf, 171 171 cane, bamboo, cork and other allied 212.1 Production of indigenous liquor such as.. 17 17 products n.c.c. liquor, toddy, neera from mahua and palm trees 289.4 Manufacture of other wood and allied products n. e. c. 220.0 Manufacture of hidi 9 8 292.6 Making of paper toys 231.0 Cotton .spinning (by chal'kha and 2 2 taka/i) 311.1 Making of leather boots, shoes or 18 15 3 chappa/s (slippers, sandals) 233.1 Dyeing of cloth (cotton) and yarn 6 6 311.3 Manufacture of other footwear n.e.c. 235.0 Colton cloth weaving in hand looms 323 322 238.1 Maki ng of fishing net 3 3 313.0 Manufacture of leather products such 3 3 as leather upholstery, suit cases, pocket- 238.3 Making of other nets 7 7 books, cigarett.e and key cases, purses, 239.2 Ma.king of thread, rope. cordage and saddlery, WhIP, acquaducts (Kos), twme (cotton) charsa and other articles 91



{Based on 20% Sample)

Part B-Households classified by Minor Groups of Principal Household Industry-Concld.

Number of Number of Code Households Code Households No. of Household Industry Millor Group No. of Household Industry Minor Group LSJ .c. (Description) T R U LS.1.C. (Description) T R U

-'," 3 4 5 2 3 4 5


340.1 Making of bricks 6 6 369.1 Manufacture of agricul tural imple· .. 300 300 ments such as ploughshare, khurpi, 340.2 Manufacture of roofing tiles 12 12 klldal etc. 341.2 Manufacture of cement jali and tiles 369.3 Making of iron utensils (c.g. buckets 1 etc.) and articles from iron sheets 350.0 Making of earthenware such as pottery • .. 63 62 etc. 369.7 Manllfacture of scales, weights and measures 351.0 Manufacture (\f crockery 1 360.2 Manufacture of iron and steel includ- 3 3 369.8 Foundry industry (including black- ing smelting, refining, rolling, etc. suc,h smithy) as billets, blooms, tubes, rods n. e. c. 388.0 Repair of cycle and rickshaw 2 2 365.1 Making of utensils of brass and bell metal 32 31 393.2 Goldsmithy 32 30 1 2 2 365.2 Making of brassware 393.3 Manufacture of jewellery, silverware .. 365.4 Making of brass and bell metal orna· 24 24 and wares using gold and other precious ments metal and precious and semi-preciolls stones 367.4 Bronze works including bronze 2 2 images, medals and articles of alloys 394.0 Manufacture, repairing and tuning 2 2~ of musical instruments such as har- 368.1 Lacquerware (if on metal) monium, tabla, sitar, ballslIri etc.

Note -'n. e.c. stands for 'Not elsewhere classified.' 92



(Based on

Cultivating households engaged in Total 'Cultivating ,- households Person 3-- 5 Persons 1 2 Persons ,-___----.A.. ___ -, Size of land ,------:A--... -----. r----...A_---~ ,--- -, (Class ranges House- Familv- Hired House- Family- House- Fr.miIY- Hired House- Family- Hired in acres) holds workers workers holds workers holds workers wor- holds workers WOf- ,----"--~ r--...... A...~ r--... -"-.... -~ kers r---"---..., kers M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BASTAR

All sizes 2,145 4,025 3,694 184 90 80 19 630 658 600 2 1,088 2,068 1,912 85 Less than 1 9S 136 115 1 13 10 3 40 42 38 37 68 58 1 1.0-- 2.4 519 793 709 8 3'8 33 S 212 217 .207 244 456 426 6 2.5-- 4.9 491 860 761 7 24 22 2 164 168 160 245 454 418 7 5.0-- 7.4 375 727 644 20 6 6 ]01 110 92 211 421 361 16 7.5-- 9.9 169 317 301 16 6 6 42 46 38 .. 97 184 173 9 10.0--12.4 179 370 361 18 2 2 35 3S 34 1 106 203 200 12 12.5--14.9 77 181 160 12 .. .. 11 11 11· . . 42 86 71 7 15.0--29.9 172 434 ·.t36 47 I 1 22 25 18 1 79 144 151 20 30.0-49.9 36 113 124 15 1 1 1 12 24 28 3 SO + 30 90 81 40 2 3 1 13 24 24 4 Unspecified 2 4 2 2 4 2

1 Bhanupratappur

All sizes lOt 207 197 17 29 31 27 49 89 85 II Less than 1 4 6 2 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 1.0- 2.4 11 16 15 6 7 5 4 4 8 .. 2.5- 4.9 17 29 22 1 7 7 7 10 22 15 1 5.0-- 7.4 15 35 29 4 3 3 3 6 12 9 1 7.5- 9.9 18 33 34 3 4 4 4 10 18 18 10.0--12.4 8 17 18 1 1 1 1 6 11 13 1

12.5-14.9 6 10 10 " 2 2 2 3 5 5 .. 15.0-29.9 17 45 48 4 2 2 2 .. 8 13 17 4 30.0-49.9 3 II 16 . . 1 I 1 1 .. .. 50 + 2 5 3 3 2 3 Unspecified 2 Kanker All sizes 220 388 395 57 9 7 2 58 riO 54 2 116 201 213 17 Less than 1 16 21 23 2 1 1 5 5 5 9 15 17 1.0- 2.4 53 80 77 6 3 3 20 21 19 27 47 50 4 2.5- 4.9 54 84 84 1 4 3 1 18 18 18 27 47 48 I 5.0-- 7.4 27 49 48 4 4 5 3 20 33 36 3 7.5- 9.9 19 34 42 3 4 4 4 13 23 28 3 10.0--12.4 15 31 35 3 3 3 2 7 10 15 1 12.5-14.9 11 24 20 4 2 2 2 .. 6 12 7 3 15.0--29.9 20 46 48 24 2 2 1 1 7 14 12 2 30.0-49.9 3 8 6 8 50 + 2 11 12 4 Unspecified ;3 Narayanpur , All sizes 2Jl 363 289 4 25 25 71 81 61 95 187 157 4 Less than 1 \ 1 1 1 1 I 1.0- 2.4 52 71 51 13 13 22 of. 26 18 16 29 29 2.5- 4.9 62 103 76 .. 7 7 23 26 20 26 49 39 5.0-- 7.4 44 81 62 1 2 2 14 17 11 " 24 50 38 1 7.5- 9.9 II 18 13 2 J I 4 4 4 6 13 9 2 10.0--12.4 18 35 31 1 1 1 3 3 3 12 23 22 1 12.5-14.9 3 7 9 . . .. 1 2 2 15.0--29.9 15 28 31 1 4 4 4 8 16 14 30.0--49.9 4 16 12 1 3 1 50 + 1 2 3 1 2 3 Unspecified 93



20% Sample)

Household Industry

____A______~ __. ------::------, 6-10 Persons More'than 10 Persons Unspecified ,-____ ----A.,_ r- r-----A ----, House- Famill Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers Size of land ,..---___""'_--..... r--___.A.._--~ r-.. - .. ..A_-~ (cl~ss ranges M F M F M F III aCTl's) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


313 1,089 1,023 S3 24 130 149 44 All sizes 5 10 16 .. Less tban 1 25 87 71 2 1.0- 2.4 58 216 181 .. 2.5- 4.9 56 186 184 4 1 4 7 5.0- 7.4 22 70 76 7 2 11 14 7.5- 9.9 34 118 114 5 2 12 13 10.0-12.4 24 84 78 5 12.5-14.9 62 216 214 18 8 48 53 8 '15.0-29.9 20 69 70 12 3 19 25 .. 30.0-49.9 7 27 19 8 36 37 36 50+ Unspecified

Tahsil (Rural)

21 73 66 6 2 14 19 All sizes Less than 1 1 5 2 1.0- 2.4 .. .. 2.5- 4.9 6 20 17 3 .. 5.0-· 7.4 4 11 12 3 7.5- 9.9 I 5 4 10.0-12.4 1 3 3 .. - 12.5-14.9 6 21 22 1 9 7 15.0-29.9 1 5 3 1 5 12 30.0-49.9 1 3 3 50 + Unspecified Tahsil (Rural) 33 100 105 28 4 20 2J 10 All sizes Less than 1 3 9 8 2 1.0- 2.4 5 16 17 2.5- 4.9 3 11 9 5.0- 7.4 2 7 10 7.5- 9.9 4 12 13 1 6 5 10.'-12.4 3 10 11 1 12.5-14.9 10 27 31 15 3 4 6 15.0-29.9 3 8 6 8 30.0-49.9 2 11 12 4 50 + Unspecified Tahsil (Rural) 19 66 61 1 4 10 All sizes ,. " Less than 1 1 3 4 • 1.0- 2.4 6 21 17 2.5- 4.9 4 13 13 5.\)- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 2 8 6 10.0-12.4 2 5 7 12.5-14.9 1 3 3 1 4 10 15.0-29.9 3 13 11 30.0-49.9 50 + Unspecified 94 TABLE


(Based on

Cultivating Households engaged in Total of cultivating households which are '" engaged in Household --_-- lndustry 1 Person 2 Persons ,-_--A-3-5 Persons____ ---., Size of land r- ----, ,----"------, r- (class ranges Housc- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired House- Family Hired in acres) holds workers workers holds workers holds workers workers holds workers workers r---A..-1 r---"'-----, r--..A..-~ ,-..--A----. M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

.4 KODdagaon

All sizes :!73 480 462 26 6 3 3 91 90 92 141 269 252 10 Less than I 9 15 13 2 1 1 4 4 4 1 3 1 1.0- 2.4 43 58 60 2 1 1 23 21 25 17 33 31 2.5- 4.9 73 117 109 1 2 1 1 24 23 25 43 79 68 1 5.0- 7.4 65 108 114 3 23 23 23 35 65 68 3 7.5- 9.9 26 54 45 2 6 8 4 16 32 31 .. 10.0-12.4 28 52 48 3 8 8 8 17 33 29 3 12.5-14.9 13 34 34 1 1 1 1 7 15 14 1 15.0-29.9 9 26 J9 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 30.0-49.9 3 4 12 2 2 3 6 50+ 3 10 7 12 .. Unspecified 1 2 1 1 2 1 5 Bijapur 219 396 381 _19 5 3 2 70 75 65 111 206 205 17 All sizes ., Less than 1 10 11 12 7 7 7 3 4 5 1.0- 2.4 53 82 75 1 4 2 2 19 20 18 27 51 46 I 2.5- 4.9 34 64 55 2 13 13 13 16 35 28 2 5.0- 7.4 44 84 77 3 1 1 13 15 11 23 45 40 3 7.5- 9.9 22 35 39 2 8 8 8 11 18 22 2 10.0-12.4 23 50 45 3 5 5 5 14 31 27 2 12.5-14.9 8 11 16 2 2 2 6 9 14 15.0-29.9 21 47 53 7 2 3 1 10 11 22 7 30.0-49.9 1 3 2 1 50 + 3 9 7 1 2 1 2 1 Ullspecified 6 Dantewara All sizes 170 376 338 8 5 5 40 44 36 85 164 147 4 Less than 1 4 5 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1.0- 2.4 29 55 37 1 1 11 13 9 15 33 22 2.5- 4.9 28 50 48 2 2 8 8 8 14 21 29 5.0- 7.4 18 39 31 6 7 5 7 18 6 7.5- 9.9 16 35 32 1 1 4 4 4 .. 9 19 14 10.0-12.4 23 46 47 6 6 6 12 21 24 12.5-14.9 4 II 5 1 1 1 2 4 3 ., 15.0-29.9 29 79 67 4 2 2 2 16 35 25 1 30.0-49.9 9 31 35 3 3 5 7 2 50 + 10 25 33 1 6 7 15 1 Unspecified 7 JagdaJpur ,1/1 sizes 851 1,629 1,465 50 39 36 3 242 248 236 432 831 747 19 L('sS than I 50 74 59 8 7 1 18 18 18 21 40 31 1.0- 2.4- 256 401 362 1 15 13 2 98 ~ 99 130 244 225 1 2.5- 4.9 208 385 344 2 9 9 67 69 65 98 177 172 2 5.0- 7.4 140 285 248 4 3 3 33 35 31 81 165 140 4 7.5- 9.9 47 85 79 4 3 3 10 11 9 28 51 44 2 10.0-12.4 48 110 J13 5 1 1 5 5 5 26 49 50 2 12.5-14.9 28 76 58 7 2 2 2 15 35 22 3 15.0-29.9 55 154 152 6 2 10 6 24 47 47 4 30.0--49.9 13 40 41 1 6 13 14 1 50 + 5 17 8 20 1 1 1 2 8 1 Unspecified 1 2 1 1 2 1 95



20% Sample)

Household Industry

-., 6-10 Persons More than 10 persons Unspecified ,-____----A. r------A. --, ...... A. ___----, House- Familv' Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired Size of land holds (class ranges- workers workers holds workers workers holds ,-workers__..A.----., worKers r----..A.-----., r----A..-~ in acres) M F M F M F

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Tahsil (Rural)

33 /13 110 4 2 5 5 12 All sizes 2 7. 7 Less than 1 1 3 3 1.0- 2.4 4 14 15 2.5- 4.9 7 20 23 5.0- 7.4 4 14 10 2 7.5- 9.9 3 11 11 10.0-12.4 5 18 19 12.5-14.9 5 20 14 15.0-29.9 I 1 6 2 .. 30.0--49.9 1 5 2 2 5 5 12 50 + Unspecified Tahsil (Rural) 32 107 103 2 1 5 6 All sizes Less than I 3 9 9 1.0- 2.4 5 16 14 2.5- 4.9 7 23 26 5.0-7.4 3 9 9 7.5- 9.9 4 14 13 10.0-12.4

" 12.5-14.9 9 33 30 .. 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 I 3 2 I " 5 6 .. 50 + Unspecified Tahsil (Rural) 33 124 III 2 7 39 44 2 All sizes .. .. Less than 1 2 8 6 1.0- 2.4 4 19 11 2.5- 4.9 5 14 20 .. .. 5.0- 7.4 " .. 2 11 14 7.5- 9.9 5 19 17 10.0-12.4 I 12.5-14.9 6 1 .. " .. 10 38 35 1 1 4 5 2 15.0-29.9 4 12 15 1 2 14 13 30.0-49,9 2 8 6 2 10 12 50 + Unspecified Ta hsil (Rural) 131 471 435 11 7 43 44 20 All sizes 3 9 9 Less than 1 13 47 36 1.0- 2.4 34 130 107 2.5- 4.9 22 78 70 4 7 5.0- 7.4 6 20 26 2 7.5- 9.9 15 49 50 3 I 6 8 10.0-12.4 II 39 34 4 12.5-14.9 19 69 72 2 4 28 27 15.0-29.9 7 27 27 .. 30.0-49.9 I 3 4 5 2 20 50 + Unspedfied 96 TABLE


(Based On

Total of cultivation Cultivating Households engaged in Households which are engaged in Household Industry 1 Person 2 Persons 3-5 Persons Size of land ,------"------, ,------'---~~ ,------"----, r-----"------., (dass ranges House- Family Hired House- Family Huse- Family Hired House- Family Hired· in acres) holds , workers__.A._, workers holds workers holds workers workers holds workers workers M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

8 Konta

All sizes 100 186 167 3 1 1 29 29 29 59 12J 106 3 Less than 1 1 3 2 .. 1 3 2 1,0- 2.4 22 30 32 13 12 14 8 15 15 2.5- 4.9 15 28 23 4 4 4 11 24 19 5.0- 7.4 22 45 35 5 5 5 15 33 24 7.5- 9.9 10 23 17 2 3 1 4 10 7 10.0-12.4 16 29 24 2 4 4 4 12 25 20 2 12.5-14.9 4 8 8 1 1 1 2 4 4 15.0-29.9 6 9 18 4 4 1\ 30.0--49.9 .. .. 50 + 4 11 8 2 3 4 Unspecified


All sizes 6 6 6 4 3 3 2 1 3 3 4 3 Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9 4 4 4 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 5.0- 7.4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 7.5- 9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 15.0-·29.9 30,0-49.9 50 + l'nspecified 97


Household Industry

6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecified ~ ______-A.______, ~------~~------~ r-.-----.....A.. ----., Size of land House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House­ Family Hired (Class ranges holds workers, workers hold~' workers workers holds workers workers in acres) r----"---, M F

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Tahsil (Rural)

11 35 32 All sizes Less than 1 1 3 3 1.0-2.4 .. 2.5-4.9 2 7 6 5.0-7.4 3 9 9 7.5-9.9 10.0-12.4 1 3 3 12.5--14.9 2 5 7 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 2 8 4 50 + Unspecified


All sizes" Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9 5.0- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 50 + Unspecified 98 TABLE


(Based on

Note- In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and

1 Household Toti11 Total to 3 Months ,--_____4 to--..A.. 6 ____ Months-----. Industry Rural ,------..A..------1 r- ---"- , (Division and Urban House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major Group holds ,-----..A..__ ---, workers holds ,--_--..A..__ , workers holds ,--__..A.. __, worken only) M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


All Industries T 3,496 5,763 5,126 208 359 658 616 37 664 1,127 1,009 32 (a) 2,151 4,031 3,700 188 326 625 582 37 521 960 863 32 (b) 1,345 1,732 1,426 20 33 33 34 143 167 146

R 3,460 5,726 5,098 197 359 658 616 37 662 1,125 1,007 29 (a) 2,145 4,025 3,694 184 326 625 582 37 519 958 861 29 (b) 1,315 1,701 1,404 13 33 33 34 143 167 146 U 36 37 28 11 2 2 2 3 (a) 6 6 6 4 2 2 2 3 (b) 30 31 22 7

Division 0 T 76 146 138 8 29 42 53 I 17 36 28 Agriculture, live- (a) 62 137 123 iI 22 39 42 I 14 n 25 stock, forestry, (b) 14 9 15 7 3 II 3 3 3 fishing and hunting R 75 145 n8 8 29 42 53 1 17 36 28 (a) 62 137 123 8 2Z 39 42 1 14 33 25 (b) 13 S 15 7 3 11 3 3 3 U 1 1 (b) 1

Major Group 00 T 7 19 4 3 9 10 Field produce and (a) 7 19 4 3 9 10 plantation crops

R 7 16 . 19 4 3 9 10 (a) 7 16 19 4 3 9 10

Major Group 02 T 48 74 72 29 42 53 8 12 9 Forestry and (a) 36 67 60 22 39 42 6 10 9 logging (b) 12 7 12 7 3 11 2 2 R 48 74 72 29 42 53 8 12 9 (a) 36 67 60 22 39 42 6 10 9 fb) 12 7 12 7 3 11 2 2

Major Group 03 T 5 11 5 2 4 3 Fishing (a) 5 11 5 2 4 3

R 5 11 5 2 4 3 (a) 5 11 5 2 4 3 99



20% Sample)

(b) for "without cultivation...

7 to 9 Months 10 Months to 1 year Months not stated ,-_____-..A.. ____ , ,-____--.A.. ______-, ,--____--.A.. _____-, T House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired R holds ,--...JL_----., workers holds ,------"------,. workers holds ,..----__)\_--, workers U M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 2


315 529 475 20 2,060 3,300 2,869 113 98 149 157 6 T 223 411 381 18 1,024 1,936 1,763 96 57 99 111 5 (a) 92 118 94 2 1,036 1,364 1,106 17 41 50 46 1 (b) 313 527 471 20 2,028 3,267 2,847 105 98 149 157 6 R 222 410 379 18 1,021 1,933 1,761 95 57 99 111 5 (a) '1 117 92 2 1,007 1,334 1,086 - 10 41 50 46 1 (b) 2 2 4 32 33 22 8 U 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 (a) 1 1 2 29 30 20 7 (b)

2 8 24 54 51 7 -1 6 5 T 0 2 8 I 21 51 51 7 3 6 4 (a) 3 3 I 1 (b)

2 23 53 51 7 4 6 5 R 2 [ 21 51 51 7 3 6 4 (a) 2 2 1 1 (b)

I 1 U I (b)

3 4 7 3 2 TOO 3 4 7 3 2 (a)

3 4 7 4 3 2 R 3 4 7 4 3 2 (a)

2 8 6 9 6 3 3 3 T 02 2 8 4 7 6 2 3 2 (a) 2 2 (b)

2 8 6 9 6 3 3 3 R 2 8 4 7 6 2 3 2 (a) 2 2 (b)

3 7 2 T 03 3 7 2 (a)

3 7 2 R 3 7 2 (a) 100



(Based on

Note- In Column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and

Household Total Total to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry Rural r------"- -, r------A. -, (DiviSion and Urban House- Fnmily workers Hired House- Family workerll Hired House- Family workers Hired Major group holds r----'---~ workers holds r----<------, workers holds ,--"---, workeri only) M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Major Group 04 T 16 45 42 3 4 11 6 Livestock and (a) 14 43 39 3 3 10 3 hunting (b) 2 2 3 3

R 15 44 42 3 4 11 6 (a) 14 43 39 3 3 10 3 (b) 1 3 3

U (b)

Division 2 & 3 T 3,420 5,617 4,9"0 8 200 330 616 563 36 647 1,091 981 32 Manufacturing (a) 2,089 3,894 3,577 180 304 586 540 35 507 927 838 32 (b) 1,331 1,7]3 1,411 20 26 30 23 140 164 143

R 3,385 5,581 4,960 189 330 616 563 36 645 1,089 979 29 (a) 2,083 3,888 3,571 176 304 586 540 36 505 925 836 29 (b) 1,302 1,693 1,389 13 26 30 23 140 164 143

U 35 36 28 11 2 2 2 3 (a) 6 6 6 4 2 2 2 3 (b) 29 30 22 7

Major Group 20 T 540 879 918 91 37 84 85 29 83 166 160 9 Foodstuffs (a) 407 778 773 87 35 S3 82 29 71 159 148 9 (b) 133 101 145 4 2 1 3 12 7 12

R 524 868 903 85 37 84 85 29 82 165 159 7 (a) 405 776 771 85 35 83 82 29 70 158 147 7 (b) 119 92 132 2 1 3 12 7 12 U 16 11 15 6 2 (a) 2 2 2 2 2 (b) 14 9 13 4

Major Group 21 T 27 42 34 6 2 4 3 Beverages (a) 10 22 17 1 2 2 (b) 17 20 17 6 1 2 1 R 27 42 34 6 2 4 3 (a) 10 22 17 .., 1 2 2 (b) 17 20 17 6 2 101



20% Sample)

(b) for "without cultivation".

7 to 9 Months 10 Months to I year Months not stated ,------"- ,-- r- ---A.. --, T Family workers , Hired House- Family workers Hired House- House- ,--..A.___ , Family workers Hired R holds workers holds r----A--, workers holds r----"------., workers U M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2


12 34 36 3 T04 11 33 36 3 (a) (b)

11 33 36 3 R 11 33 36 3 (a) (b)

U (b)

313 521 474 20 2,036 3,246 2,818 106 94 143 152 6 T 2-3 ~ 221 403 380 18 1,003 1,885 1,712 89 54 93 107 5 (a) 92 Il8 94 2 1,033 1,361 I, /Of) 17 40 50 45 I (b)

3Il 519 470 20 2,005 3,214 2,796 98 94 143 152 6 R 220 402 378 18 1,000 1,882 1,710 88 54 93 107 5 (a) 91 Il7 92 2 1,005 1,332 1,086 10 40 50 45 I (b)

2 2 4 31 32 22 8 U I I 2 3 3 2 I (a) 1 I 2 28 29 20 7 (b)

47 86 81 10 344 490 532 40 29 53 60 3 T 20 42 83 77 10 235 405 410 36 24 48 56 3 (a) 5 3 4 109 85 122 4 5 5 4 (b)

47 86 81 10 329 480 518 36 29 53 60 3 R 42 83 77 10 234 404 409 36 24 48 56 3 (a) 5 3 4 95 76 109 5 5 4 (b) 15 10 14 4 U 1 1 1 (a) 14 9 13 4 (b)

23 36 29 6 2 2 2 T 21 8 18 15 1 2 (a) 15 18 14 6- 2 (b) 23 36 29 6 2 2 2 U 8 18 15 1 2 (a) 15 18 14 6 1 2 (b) 102



(Based on

Note- In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and

Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Household Total ,-______..A.. ____----, Industry Rural r- -, r------...A.. .. ----, (Division and Urban House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major Group holds ,-_--A._--, workers holds ,----"---., workers holds ,------"----., work<:rs only) M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Major Group 22 T 31 37 34 3 7 8 6 3 Tobacco products (a) 22 29 27 3 7 8 6 3 (b) 9 H 7 R 30 36 33 3 7 8 6 3 (a) 22 29 27 3 .. 7 8 6 3 (b) 8 7 6 U 1 (b) 1

Major Group 23 T 793 1,218 1,080 19 14 26 22 157 242 215 9 Textile-cotton (a) 451 772 685 19 12 24 20 136 217 191 9 (b) 342 446 395 2 2 2 21 25 24 R 791 1,216 1,077 19 14 26 22 157 242 215 9 (a) 450 771 683 19 12 24 20 136 217 191 9 (b) 341 445 394 2 2 2 21 25 24

U 2 2 3 (a) 1 2 (h) 1 1

Major Group 24 T 97 160 148 8 19 37 34 2 61 97 89 3 Textile-jute (a) 53 100 95 8 19 37 34 2 27 51 48 3 (b) 44 60 53 34 46 41 R 97 160 148 8 19 37 34 2 61 97 89 3 (a) 53 100 95 8 19 37 34 2 27 51 48 3 (b) 44 60 53 34 46 41

Major Group 25 T- Textile-wool (a) R (a)

Major Group 27 T 47 67 56 19 2 2 2 2 2 Textile-misce- (a) 22 40 41 19 2 2 llaneous (b) 25 27 15 2 2 2

R 47 67 56 19 2 2 2 2 2 (a) 22 40 41 19 2 2 (b) 25 27 15 2 2 2 103



20% Sample)

(b) for "without cultivation".

7 to 9 Months 10 Months to 1 year Months not stated r------A.------., r------..A..------.., ,------'------... T House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired R U holds ,'-----'---', workers holds (--_____A_-~-1 workers h'Jlds ,-_..J-.--, workers M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 1.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2


2 3 4 22 26 2-1 T 22 2 3 4 13 18 IT (a) 9 3 7 (b)

2 3 4 21 25 23 R 2 - 3 4 13 18 17 (a) 8 7 6 (b)

U (b)

76 119 111 525 804 703 9 21 27 29 T 23 51 90 84 240 426 372 9 12 15 18 (a) 25 29 27 285 378 331 9 12 11 ~b) 75 118 1(19 524 803 702 9 21 27 29 R 50 89 82 240 426 372 9 12 15 18 (a) 25 29 27 284 377 330 9 12 11 (b) 2 U 2 (a) (b)

15 25 23 3 T 24 7 12 13 3 (a) 8 13 10 (b)

15 25 23 3 R 7 12 13 3 (a) 8 13 10 (b)

T 25 (a)

R (a)

6 6 5 2 37 56 44 15 3 2 T 27 3 3 3 2 17 34 33 15 3 2 (a) 3 3 2 20 22 II (b)

6 6 5 2 37 56 44 15 3 2 R 3 3 3 2 17 34 33 15 3 2 (a) J 3 2 20 22 11 (b) 104 TABLE


(Based on

Note- In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and

1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Household Total Total ---, Industry Rural ,--- r- (Division and Urban House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major Group holds r----A-----. workers holds ,--_.A._---. workers holds ~workers only) M F M f M F 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BASTAR

Major Group 28 T 993 1,764 1,536 14 245 448 401 4 257 444 394 Manufacture of (a) 742 1,446 1,291 9 230 431 392 4 203 381 342 wood and wooden Cb) 251 318 245 5 15 17 9 54 63 52 products R 988 1,759 1,531 10 245 448 401 4 256 443 393 (a) 741 1,445 1,290 8 230 431 392 4 202 380 341 (b) 247 314 241 2 15 17 9 54 63 52 U 5 5 5 4 r Ca) 1 1 I I 1 (b) 4 4 4 3

Major Group 29 T 1 Paper and paper (b) 1 products R 1 (b) 1 11 Major Group 31 T 46 64 44 9 15 10 Leather and leatl-:er (a) 24 38 36 6 11 1 products (b) 22 26 8 3 4 11 R 43 58 42 9 15 10 Ca) 24 38 36 6 11 1 (b) 19 20 6 3 4 U 3 6 2 (b) 3 6 2 Major Group 33 T Chemicals and chemi- (a) cal products U 1 (a) 1

28 Major Group 34-35 T 211 358 339 23 9 15 14 23 33 24 19 Non-metallic (a) 128 241 '7.33 18 5 8 8 14 9 mineral products (b) 83 117 106 5 4 7 6 9 9 other than petro- leum and coal R 209 355 337 23 9 15 14 23 33 28 (a) 127 240 232 18 5 8 8 14 24' 19 9 (b) 82 115 105 5 4 7 6 9 9 U 2 3 2 (a) 1 1 1 (b) 1 2 105



20".10 Sample)

(b) for "without cultivation".

7 to 9 Months Months not stated ,--____------A.______----, 10 Months to 1 year ,------"------, ,-- ., T House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired R holds ,--_._----A____ ----., workers holds ,--_-----..A..__ ., workers h~lds ,------"------workers U M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2


109 ~ 193 168 ~ 367 660 550 7 15 19 23 T 28 88 164 14B 212 457 391 3 9 13 18 (a) 21 29 20 155 203 159 4 6 6 5 (b)

108 192 166 2 364 657 548 4 15 19 23 R 88 164 148 212 457 391 3 9 13 18 (a) 20 28 18 152 200 157 6 6 5 (b) 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 U (a) 2 3 3 2 3 (b)

T 29 {b) R (b)

7 10 8 30 39 25 T 31 4 7 8 14 20 18 (a) 3 3 16 19 7 (b) 7 to 8 27 33 23 R 4 7 8 14 20 18 (a) 3 3 13 13 5 (b) 3 6 2 U 3 6 2 (b) 1 T 33 1 (a)

1 U 1 (a)

34 61 60 6 139 240 228 15 6 9 9 T 34·35 20 36 42 5 87 170 160 12 2 3 4 (a) 14 25 18 52 70 68 3 4 6 5 1 (b) 34 61 60 6 137 237 226 15 6 9 9 1 R 20 36 42 5 86 169 159 12 2 3 4 (a) 14 25 18 1 51 68 67 3 4 6 5 1 (b) 2 3 2 U 1 (a) 2 (b) 106



(Based on

Note- In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and

Household Total Total I to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry Rural r-----_ ____A.. -, ,------"- , r- 1 (Division and Urban House- Fnmily workers Hired House- Family work"r~ Hired House- Family workers Major group Hired holds r-----"----~ workers holds ,.-----"---, workers holds ,--_...A..----, workers only) M F M F M F 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14

BASTAR Major Group 36 T 556 907 726 5 2 2 3 36 66 63 2 Basic metals and (a) 189 361 323 5 1 2 31 60 60 2 their products (b) 367 546 403 1 5 6 3 except machinery and transport R 553 ':103 726 5 2 2 3 36 66 63 2 equipment (a) 189 361 323 5 1 2 31 60 60 2 (b) 364 542 403 1 1 5 6 3 U 3 4 (b) 3 4

Major Group 38 T 4 8 5 Transport equip- (a) 2 4 5 ment (b) 2 4 R 4 8 5 (a) 2 4 5 (b) 2 4

Major Group 39 T 72 110 66 10 2 2 2 10 13 9 4 Miscellaneous (a) 37 61 50 10 2 2 2 9 11 9 4 manufacturing (b) 35 49 16 2 industries R 70 107 66 10 2 2 2 10 13 9 4 (a) 37 61 50 10 2 2 2 9 11 9 4 (b) 33 46 16 2 U 2 3 (b) 2 3

Note : Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 107



20% Sample)

(b) for "without cultivation".

7 to 9 Months 10 Months to J year Months not stated ,-_._.. ___--A ,-___---A. ,- 1 T Hired House- Family workers House- ,---.A.Family workers__ -, Hired House- Family workers Hired R holds workers holds ,----"---, workers holds ,-__ .__A__ ---., workers U M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2


24 34 27 476 775 608 3 18 30 25 T 36 8 12 9 144 277 244 3 5 11 8 (a) 16 22 18 332 498 364 13 19 17 (b)

24 34 27 473 771 608 3 18 30 25 R 8 12 9 144 277 244 3 5 11 8 (a) 16 22 18 329 494 364 13 19 17 (b) 3 4 U 3 4 (b)

4 8 5 T 38 2 4 5 (a) 2 4 (b) 4 8 5 R 2 4 5 ,,(a) 2 4 (b)

7 9 9 52 85 46 6 T 39 3 5 5 23 43 34 6 (a) 4 4 4 29 42 12 (b)

7 9 9 50 82 46 6 R 3 5 5 23 43 34 6 (a) 4 4 4 27 39 12 (b) 2 3 U 2 3 (b) 108



(Based on

Total Size of Total No. of ,-__---A.... , No. of Total household popu- sample Total sample household Single member house- lation hOllse- population ,..-_---A.households______, Particulars holds r------"------, holds r-----"-----, p M F P M F Households M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


TOTAL 1,167,501 582,403 585,098 42,311 233,117 116,089 117,028 1,371 917 954

I All Rural Areas 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 41,079 227,788 113,313 114,475 1,708 811 897

Households engaged neither in cultivation nor in Household Industry B,929 34,008 16,832 17,176 1,278 606 672 2 Households engaged in Household Industry only 1,315 5,893 2,907 2,986 48 23 25 3 Households engaged in cultivatioll (All sizes) 30,835 187,887 93,574 94,313 382 182 200

Size 0/ holding group (i) Less than 1 acre 419 1,917 973 944 13 5 8 (ii) 1.0-2.4 acres 4,212 19,807 9,794 10,013 104 43 61 (iii) 2.5-4.9 acres 5,908 30,909 15,476 15,433 83 39 44 (iv) 5.0-7.4 acres 6,192 35,129 17,456 17,673 67 40 27 (v) 7,5-9.9 acres 3,010 18,093 8,981 9,112 36 19 17 (vi) 10.0-12.4 acres 3,394 21,834 10,948 10,886 25 11 14

(vii) 12.5-14.9 acres 1,506 10,317 5,167 5,150 11 4 7 (viii) 15.0-29.9 acres 4,292 32,354 16,119 16,235 27 14 13 (ix) 30.0-49.9 acres 1,208 10,664 5,333 5,331 8 3 5 lX) 50+ acres 668 6,699 3,238 3,461 7 4 3 (xi) Unspecified 26 164 89 75 I 1

II All Urban Areas 26,899 14,132 12,677 1,232 5,329 2,776 2,553 163 106 57 109



20% Sample)

sample__ .households ______. ______' ____ --..A. ______--.,

2-3 members 4-6 members 7-9 members 10 members and over r------..A.--...... _, ,------"------,-1 r------..A.----~ r-----A ----, Households M F Households M F Households M F Households M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


9,301 11,954 11 ,883 18,481 45,988 46,036 8,928 34,482 34,630 3,730 22,748 23,525

8,89] 11,437 11,392 18,058 44,952 45,021 8,760 33,807 34,026 3,662 22,306 23,139 I

3,1l6. 3,773 4,011 3,575 8,581 8,669 842 3,209 3,18') 118 663 644 462 595 566 571 1,325 1,440 193 755 711 41 209 244 2 5,313 7,069 6,815 13,912 35,046 34,912 7,725 29,843 30,135 3,503 21,434 22,251 3

125 156 151 216 544 524 55 214 203 10 54 58 (i) 1.189 1,520 1,525 2,162 5,234 5,377 666 2,472 2,551 91 525 499 (ii) 1,265 1,675 1,619 3,061 7,593 7,633 1,261 4,872 4,807 238 1,297 1,330 (iii) 1,132 1,527 1,461 2,974 7,426 7,451 1,562 5,959 6,094 457 2,504 2,640 (iv) 466 632 603 1,378 3,497 3,502 861 3,322 3,411 269 1,511 1,579 (v) 452 627 583 1,496 3,884 3,772 987 3,824 3,877 434 2,602 2,640 \ vi)

171 236 216 606 1,585 1,525 464 1,839 1,786 254 1,504 1,616 " (vii) 402 546 511 J ,518 3,972 3,840 1,328 5,193 5,273 1,017 6,394 6,598 (viii) 72 97 91 325 862 825 364 l,442 1,426 439 2,929 2,984 (ix) 34 47 46 165 421 437 173 6R9 693 289 2,077 2,282 (x) 5 6 9 11 29 26 4 17 14 5 37 25 (xi)

410 517 491 423 1,036 1,015 168 675 604 68 442 386 II 110

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Educational level ---. Literate (without Primary or Junior Matriculation Total population Illiterate educational level) Basic and above r-- ,.---A--, r----..A.. ,---A.----. ,-_.A.-_-, Age-group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femilles Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


All ages 1,167,501 582,403 585,098 514,337 572,516 42,320 9,092 22,224 3,067 3,522 423

0-4 201,021 98,449 102,572 98,449 102,572

5-9 183,570 91,085 92,485 81,093 89,099 8,969 3,338 1,023 48

10-14 121,402 62,824 58,578 48,107 55,630 11 ,408 2,167 3,297 773 12 8

15-19 87,792 41,986 45,806 33,479 44,176 3,900 833 4,286 687 321 no

20-24 93,466 42,114 51,352 33,374 49,838 3,620 829 4,155 557 965 128

25-29 105,972 54,437 51,535 46,385 50,468 4,105 600 3;089 374 858 93

30-34 81,388 41,467 39,921 36,276 39,291 2,816 372 1,893 213 482 45

35-44 123,348 64,584 58,764 57,995 58,047 3,743 461 2,362 226 484 30

45-59 109,320 57,558 51, 762 53,056 51,282 2,640 338 1,530 136 332 6

60 + 59,891 27,709 32,182 25,942 31,973 1,114 153 586 53 67 3

Age not stated 331 190 141 181 140 5 3 118 ...

·M...... ,o

.\O(,f""".o 0\00 ...I()

00 M

...... ,......

10 M

V'l M

tnVt--M.-I 0'\11")-00\0 r--IOSSIO ...... N

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10..... ~~~~;:!; r--on 10..., r-- ..;'..;'ririri ......

- 119


MOTHER TONGUE (Alpbabetical Order)

Total Rural Urban r------A... -. Language Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BASTAR DISTRICT Total .. 1,167,501 582,403 585,09811,40,602 568,271 572,331 26,899 14,132 12,767 Adkuri 450 226 224 450 226 224 2 Ajghani/Kabuli/Pakhto/ •. 9 7 2 7 6 1 2 1 Pashlo/Palhani 3 3 Arabic/Arbi 12 5 7 8 4 4 4 1 4 Assamese 2 2 2 2 5 Awadhi 21 12 9 21 12 9 6 Baghelkhandi 7 Bahawalpuri 3 2 3 2 8 Banjari 2,856 1,460 1,396 2,848 1,454 1,394 8 6 2 9 Beldari* 12 5 7 12 5 7 10 Bengali 6,072 3,373 2,699 5,158 2,843 2,315 914 530 384 11 Bhatri 85,048 42,030 43,018 83,916 41,444 42,472 1,132 586 546 12 Bhojpuri 29 23 6 21 18 3 8 5 3 13 Bihari 70 ,55 15 40 31 9 30 24 6 14 Binjhwari 4 1 3 4 1 3 15 Brajbhasha/Brajbhakha .. 5 3 2 5 3 2 16 Bundelkhandi 5 2 3 5 2 3 17 Chandari 306 157 149 306 157 149 18 Chhattisgarhi 195,453 95,374 100,079 189,609 92,492 97,117 5.844 2,882 2,962 19 Chinese/Chini I 1 1 1 20 Dhurwa*+ 24,638 12,112 12,526 24,638 12,112 12,526 21 Dorli*+ 35,455 16,991 18,464 35,455 16,991 18,464 22 English 20 13 7 1 1 19 12 7 23 Gaoli 3 2 1 2 2 24 Garhwali 16 15 14 13 2 2 25 Gonrli 423,187 208,~05 214,582 422,970 208,428 214,542 217 177 40 26 Gorkhali 12 i2 12 12 27 Govari 5 5 5 5 28 Gujarati 773 435 338 344 194 150 429 241 188 29 Gurmukhi 17 8 9 5 2 3 12 6 6 30 Halabi 292,304 151,530 140,774 289,030 149,956 139,074 3,274 1,574 1,700 31 Hindi 26,443 15,075 11,368 18,815 11,054 7.761 7,628 4,021 3,607 32 Japanese 2 2 2 2 33 Kachchhi 134 65 69 79 34 45 55 31 24 34 Kamari 173 82 91 173 82 91 35 Kannada 39 24 15 16 10 6 23 14 9 36 Kathiyawadi 3 3 3 3 37 Kharia 6 5 6 5 38 Kokadi*+ 6 6 6 6 39 Konkani 1 1 40 Korku 17 7 10 17 7 10 120

TABLE C-V-Contd.

MOTHER TONGUE (Alphabetical Order)

Total Rural Urban ,--__---A- Language --. ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BASTAR DISTRICT--Concld.

41 Kumauni 8 7 6 5 1 2 2 42 Kurukh!Oraon 4 3 4 3 43 Lodhanti 2 2 2 2 44 Lonari 1 \. 1 45 Mahari 249 146 103 246 146 100 3 3 46 Maithili 15 10 5 14 9 5 47 Malabar 10 10 10 10 48 Malayalam 312 269 43 171 154 17 141 115 26 49 Malvi 3 2 3 2 50 Marathi 5,506 2,417 3,089 4,863 2,072 2,791 643 345 298 51 Maria 22,287 11 ,609 10,678 22,287 11,609 10,678 52 Marwari 1,423 762 661 1,063 566 497 360 196 164 53 Mirgani 631 279 352 631 279 352 54 Multani 7 4 3 7 4 3 55 Muria 18,934 6,854 12,080 18,879 6,815 12.064 55 39 16 56 Nahari 102 44 58 102 44 58 57 Nepali 131 117 14 70 63 7 61 54 7 58 Nimadi 3 1 2 3 2 59 Oriya 7,325 3,820 3,505 5,306 2,734 2,572 2,019 1,086 933 60 Pahari-Unspecified 2 2 2 2 61 Panki*+ 356 190 166 355 189 166 62 Paradhi 223 115 108 223 118 108 63 Pardesi 2 2 2 2 64 Parji+ 46 30 16 46 30 16 65 Parvari 66 Persian 14 10 4 2 1 1 12 9 3 67 Punjabi 1,048 625 423 552 343 209 496 • 282 214 68 Purbi 1 69 Rajasthani 87 52 35 33 16 17 54 36 18 70 2 2 2 2 71 Sindhi 1,114 604 510 256 163 93 858 441 4!7 72 Tamil 593 371 222 445 269 176 148 102 46 73 Telugu 10,977 5,011 5,966 9,855 4,384 5,471 1,122 627 495 74 2,469 1,306 1,163 1,176 642 534 1,293 664 629

* Means that the mother tongue is nnclassified in Linguistic Survey of India. +Means that the mother tongue though classified in Linguistic Survey of India is either tentatively reclas~ified or consi­ dered unclassifiable by the Linguist. * + Means that the mother tongue is unclassified by Grierson but is tentalively classified by the Linguist. 121

TABLE C-V-Concld.

MOTHER TONGUE (Tahsilwise for rural areas only)

S.No. Mother Tongue Persons Males Females S.N. Mother Tongue Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 BhanupJlatappur Tahsil (Rural) 5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural)

Total 58,751 29,811 28,940 Total 93,668 46,647 47,021 Gondi 28,363 13,929 14,434 Gondi 31:,366 19,781 18,585 2 Chhattisgarhi 2S, 199 12,810 12,389 2 DorH 24,591 11 ,732 12,859 3 Halabi 3,589 2,090 1,499 3 Halabi 14,434 9,139 5,295 4 Bhatri 1 4 Chhattisgarhi 160 81 79 5 Dhurwa 5 Bhatri 61 47 14 6 6 Dorli .. Dhurwa 7 Others 1,599 981 618 7 Others 16,056 5,867 10,189

6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural) 2 Kanker Tahsil (Rural) Total 134,148 66,568 67,580 Total 144,142 70,495 74,347 Gondi 104,785 49,848 54,937 1 Chha ttisgarhi 138,274 67,033 71,241 2 Halabi 25,594 14,508 11,086 2 Gondi 2,592 1,319 1,273 3 Chhattisgarhi 569 302 267 3 Halabi 421 220 207 4 Dhurwa 534 322 212 4 Bhatri 3 3 5 Bhatri 70 42 28 5 DorH 2 2 6 DorJi 2 1 6 Dhurwa 7 Others 2,594 1,545 1,049 7 Others 3,544 1,921 1,623

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural) 3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural) Total 322,639 160,474 162,16! Total 91,260 46,717 44,543 Halabi 130,393 65,027 65.366 30,280 29,057 1 Gondi 59,3~7 2 Bhatri 81,961 40,470 41,491 7,502' 7,370 2 Halabi 14,872 3 Gondi 61,879 30,963 30,916 1,636 1,714 3 Chhattisgarhi 3,350 4 Dhurwa 14,366 6,872 7,494 20 18 4 Bhatri 38 5 Chhattisgarhi 3,643 1,770 1,873 5 Dorli 6 Dorli 6 Dhurwa 7 Others 30,397 15,372 15,025 7 Others 13,663 7,279 6,384

8 Konta Tahsil (Rural) 4 Kondagaon Tahsil (Rural) Total 108,549 53,821 54,728 Total 186,745 93,738 93,007 Gondi 60,080 29,899 30,181 1 Halabi 86,680 44,894 41,786 ,2 Halabi 13,041 6,576 6,465 2 Gondi 67,568 32,409 35,159 3 Dorli 10,860 5,256 5,604 3 Chhattisgarhi 18,044 8,642 9,402 Dhurwa 9,738 4,918 4,820 4 Bhatri 1,472 711 761 4 5 Dhurwa 5 Chhattisgarhi 370 218 152 6 Dorli 6 Bhatri 310 153 157 7 Others 12,981 7,082 5,899 7 Others 14,150 6,801 7,349 122 TABLE


Total Total Buddhists Christians Hindus Rural --'------, r---...A---1 ,-----A------, r--~ District/Tahsil Urban Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

BASTAR DISTRICT Total 1,167,501 582,403 585,098 169 155 2,434 2,371 576,436 579,676

Rural 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 163 154 1,611 1,534 564,466 568,978

Urban 26,899 14,132 12,767 6 1 823 837 11,970 10,698

Bhanupratappur Tahsil Rural 58,751 29,811 28,940 12 to 17 20 29,663 28,790 2 Kanker Tahsil Rural 144,842 70,495 74,347 11 10 74 48 70,150 74,055 3 Narayanpur Tahsil Rural 91,260 46,717 44,543 38 39 50 50 46,339 44,281 4 Kondagaon Tahsil Rural 186,745 93,738 93,007 66 69 95 69 92,939 92,318 5 Bijapur Tahsil Rural 93,668 46,647 47,021 1 48 65 46,444 46,806 6 Dantewara Tahsil Rural 134,148 66,568 67,580 69 51 66,361 67,432 7 Jaadalpur Tahsil Rural 322,639 160,474 162,165 35 25 1,166 1,166 159,076 160,858 8 KOllta Tahsil Rural 108,549 53,821 54,728 92 65 53,494 54,438 123



,Muslims Sikhs Others Total Jains ,-__.A. __--, .-----"----, , ,- A-, Rural District/Tahsil Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female& Urban

12 13 14 15 ,16 17 18 1~ 2

617 502 2,497 2.231 218 128 32 35 Total BASTAR DISTRIcr 315 24ft 1,554 1.306 135 78 27 33 Rural 302 254 943 925 83 50 5 2 Urban

5 10 106 .108 8 2 Rural Bhanupratappur Tahsil 43 45 ' 207 185 10 4 Rural 2 Kanker Tahsil 58 46 186 107 46 20 Rural 3 Narayanpur Tahsil i 118 102 456 392 49 41 15 16 Rural 4 Kondagaon Tahsil 152 146 2 3 Rural 5 Bijapur Tahsil 49 19 85 78 3 Rural 6 Dantewara Tahsil 22 20 151 74 12 5 12 17 Rural 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil 19 6 211 216 5 3 Rural 8 Konta Tahsil 124 TABLE SCHEDULED CASTES AND

PART A-Classification by Literacy and Industrial Category


Total Literate and Rural educated Total As District/Tahsil Urban Total Illiterate persons (I to IX) Cultivator r-- __.A.. __-., ,---"---> ,...--,-""'------, ,.----J------, r----"---, p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

BASTAR Total 64,097 31,813 32,284 28,085 31,896 3,728 388 21,111 19,622 11,091 10,781 DISTRICT Rural 62,473 31,008 31,46~ 27,527 31,114 3,481 351 20,656 19,268 11,046 10,747 Urban 1,624 80S 819 SS8 782 247 37 455 354 4S 34 1 Bhanupratappur Rural 2,888 1,486 1,402 1,241 1,383 245 19 920 882 537 576 Tahsil 2 Kanker Tahsil Rural 7,458 3,636 3,822 2,892 3;741 744 81 2,351 2,434 1,259 1,472 3 Narayanpur Tahsil Rural 3,039 1,545 1,494 1,323 1,469 222 25 990 841 575 474 4 Kondagaon Tahsil Rural 8,256 4,091 4,165 3,689 4,128 402 37 2,578 2,473 1,437 1,454 5 Bijapur Tahsil Rural 5,177 2,557 2,620 2,069 2,562 488 58 1,565 1,617 888 923 6 Dantewara Tahsil Rural 3,253 1,583 1,670 1,487 1,654 96 16 1,051 976 414 355 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil Rural 29,548 14,676 14,872 13,507 14,761 1,169 111 10,266 9,258 5,592 5,230 8 Konta Tahsil Rural 2,854 1,434 1,420 1.319 1,416 115 4 935 787 344 263

PART B-ClassificatioD by Literacy and Industrial Category


Total Literate and Rural educated Total As District/Tahsil Urban Total Illiterate persons (I to IX) Cultivator ,---....A..... ~ r---A._, r--A--., r---"--, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

BASTAR Total 843,749 418,645 425,104 390,296 422,211 28,349, 2,893 266,471 252,649 221,871 208,357 DISTRICT Rural 841,214 417,216 423,998 389,454 421,180 27,762 2,818 265,678 252,219 221,788 208,262 Urban 2,535 1,429 1,106 842 1,031 587 75 793 430 83 95 1 BhanuPtatappur Rural 43,708 22,067 21,641 19,686 21,444 2,381 197 14,759 13,991 13,038 12,444 Tahsil 2 Kanker Tahsil Rural 89,121 43,207 45,914 36,442 45,135 6,765 779 28,252 29,236 21,995 23,597 3 Narayanpur Tahsil Rural 70,566 35,780 34,786 32,498 34,393 3,282 393 22,653 19,344 19,600 16,780 4 Kondagaon Tahsil Rural 130,796 64,774 66,022 60,079 65,560 4,695 462 38,673 38,152 34,170 33,550 5 Bijapur Tahsil Rural 75,342 37,895 37,447 35,429 37,224 2,466 223 24,484 23,375 19,143 18,033 6 Dantewara Tahsil Rural 110,607 54,511 56,096 53,306 56,010 1,205 86 33,518 32,522 29,542 27,885 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil Rural 229,047 113,587 115,460 107,442 114,889 6,145 571 74,391 69,264 60,503 56,247 8 Konta Tahsil Rural 92,027 45,395 46,632 44,572 46,525. 823 107 28,948 26,335 23,797 19,726 125



of Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Castes

WORKERS NON-WORKER II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, In In Fishing, Hunting, Manufacturing Transport, As Plantation At other than In Storage and Total Agricultural Orchards and Household Household In Trade and Communi- In other Rural Labourer allied actiVities Industry Industry Construction Commerce cations Services Urban .---"----, ,-----A-~ ,..-----"'----, ,..----A---, r~---.,---l'--.,----J----,,.--A---.... M F M F M F M F M FM FM FM F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

3,932 4,749 1,445 1,050 2,427 1,787 231 71 361 288 183 238 22 1 1,419 657 10,702 12,662 Total 3,930 4,7391,412 1,019 1,391 1,770 184 34 345 283 161 173 6 1,181 503 10,352 12,197 Rural 2 10 33 31 36 17 47 37 16 5 22 65 16 1 238 154 350 46S Urban

214 235 22 31 12 9 2 4 13 7 116 23 566 520 R 1 547 667 .39 31 78 58 5 212 165 9 10 2 200 30 1,285 1,388 R 2

172 205 25 18 86 75 2 36 26 8 5 86 38 555 653 R 3 460 522 54 44 419 341 29 10 18 10 35 19 4 122 73 1,513 1,692 R 4 342 454 18 41 187 96 4 3 2 6 117 99 992 1,003 R 5

130 117 27 120 331 290" 44 27 23 14 21 64 49 532 694 R 6 1,954 2,425 1,191 635 962 692 93 16 9 16 61 97 404 147 4,410 5,614 R 7 III 114 36 99 316 209 5 5 36 40 15 13 72 44 499 633 R 8

of Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Tribes

WORKERS NON-WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X In Mining, Quarrying, " Livestock, Forestry, In In Fishing, Hunting, Manufacturing Transport, As Plantations At other than In Storage and Total Agricultural Orchards and Household Household In Trade and Communi­ In Other RUral Labourer allied activities Industry Industry Construction Commerce cations Services Urban I _-..A.-.-_, r---"--, ,-_--A...-_ ,..---A...... , ~ ~ r-__A...... , r--..A.--., ,.---'------, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

33,020 32,964 2,994 6,484 2,463 1,953 489 U8 414 246 325 246 134 ." 4,761 2,281 152,1 ~4 172,455 Total 32,987 32,919 2,953 6,471 2,450 1,948 379 73 387 239 305 211 89 .. 4,340 2,096 151,538 171,779 Rural 33 45 41 13 13 5 110 45 27 7 20 35 45 421 185 636 676 Urban 1,368 1,257 156 190 21 36 10 8 4 20 13 11 127 47 7,380 7,650 R 1 5,244 5,054 213 III 293 212 67 10 80 56 75 43 7 278 153 14,955 16,678 R 2 2,267 2,168 124 60 157 178 20 6 70 36 16 4 14 385 112 13,127 15,442 R 3 3,451 3,715 194 216 402 430 8 2 28 5 39 37 12 369 197 26,101 27,870 R 4 4,086 4,205 311 411 77 87 5 II 9 32 7 7 812 623 13,411 14,072 R 5 2,703 2,469 475 1,762 402 257 73 21 49 21 15 6 10 249 101 20,993 23,573 R 6 10,319 11,099 647 589" 953 579 164 14 25 5 91 91 14 1,675 640 39,196 46,196 R 7 3,549 2,952 833 3,132 145 169 32 20 116 103 17 10 14 445 223 16,447 20,297 R 8 126



Enumerated in rural and urban area of the District ,.- Total Rural Urban ,.-___--A. ,.-__--A- Country, State and District -. ,.- where born Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


TOTAL POPULATION 1,16'1,501 582,403 585,098 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 26,899 14,132 12,767

A Born in India 1,161,397 578,815 582,582 1,135,613 565,366 570,247 25,784 13,449 12,335

1 Within Madhya Pradesh 1,126,073 561,665 564,408 1,105,780 551,389 554,391 20,293 10,276 10,017

(a) Born in p!ace of enumeratIOn 770,151 443,044 327,107 757,624 436,410 321,214 12,527 6,63~ 5,193

(b) Born elsewhere in the district of enumeration 331,872 108,704 223.168 327,321 106,596 220,725 4,551 2,108 2,443

(c) Born in other districts a f the S tate 24,050 9,917 14,133 20,835 8,383 12,452 3,215 1,534 1,681

(i) Born in districts contiguous to the Bastar district 16,701 6,388 10,313 14,674 5,447 9,227 2,027 941 1,086

Raipur District 11,377 4,356 7,021 9,957 3,694 6.263 1,420 662 758

2 Durg District 5,324 2,032 3,292 4,717 1,753 2,964 607 279 328

(il) Non-contiguous districts of the State 7,349 3,529 3,820 6,161 2,936 3,225 1,188 593 595

(i) States and their districts contiguous to the district of enumeration 25,532 10,426 15,106 22,919 9,091 13,828 2,613 1,335 1,171 1 Andhra Pradesh 4,156 2,182 1,974 3,565 1,847 1,718 591 335 526 (a) Contiguous districts 840 463 377 823 449 374 17 14 3 1 Karim Nagar District 408 231 177 408 231 177 2 East Godawari District 225 113 112 209 100 109 16 13 3 3 Waranghal District 207 119 88 206 118 88 1

r b) Non-contiguous districts 3,316 1,719 1,597 2,742 1,398 1,344 574 321 251 2 Mahrashtra 4,250 2,086 2,164 3,603 1,733 1,870 647 353 294

(a) Contiguous disirict 2,768 1,265 1,503 2,727 1,239 1,488 41 26 15

(1) Chanda District 2,768 1,265 1,503 2,727 1,239 1,488 41 26 15

(b) Non-contiguous districts 1,482 821 661 876 494 382 606 327 279

3 Orissa 17,126 6,158 10,968 15,751 5,511 10,240 1,375 647 728

(a) Contiguous districts 10,689 3,534 7,155 10,219 3,296 6,923 470 138 232

(1) Karaput District 10,689 3,534 7,155 10,219 3,296 6,923 470 238 232

(b) Non-contiguous districts 6,437 2,624 3,813 . 5,532 2,215 3,317 905 409 496 127



Enumerated in rural and urban area of the District -A- Total Rural Urban Country, State and District r------.. ,-- where born Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BASTAR DISTRICT II States in India beyond Madhya Pradesh 35,324 17,150 18,174 29~833 13,977 15,856 5,491 3,173 2,318 Andhra Pragesh 4,156 2,182 1,974 3,565 1 ,847 1,718 591 335 256 Assam ,816 416 400 781 393 388 35 23 12 Bihar 733 543 190 518 398 120 215 145 70 Gujarat 533 326 207 223 138 85 310 188 122 Jammu and Kashmir' 7 3 4 2 • 1 1 5 2 3 Kerala 315 273 42 172 157 15 143 116 27 Madras 972 589 383 760 449 311 212 140 72 Maharashtra 4,250 2,086 2,164 3,603 1,733 1,870 647 353 294 ,Mysore 55 32 23 28 18 10 27 14 13 Orissa 17,126 6,158 10,968 15,751 5,511 10,240 1,375 647 7:l8 Punjab 638 407 231 379 248 131 259 159 100 Rajasthan 865 554 311 556 358 198 309 196 113 Uttar Pradesh 3,605 2,815 790 2,601 2,155 446 1,004 660 344 West Bengal 1,133 693 440 822 523 299 311 170 141 Delhi 101 60 41 57 36 21 44 24 20 Himachal Pradesh 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 Andhman & Nicobar Island 1 1 1 Goa 5 3 2 4 2 2

B Born in countries i. Asia bey()nd India (Including U. S. S. R.) 5,852 3,419 2,433 4,739 2,738 2,001 1,113 631 432 Afganisthan 4 4 3 3 1 Burma 30 25 5 6 4 2 24 21 3 China 1 1 1 1 Ceylon 1 1 ,1 1 Nepal 163 150 13 109 102 7 54 48 Pakistan 5,644 3,231 6 2,413 4,614 2,623 1,991 1,030 608 422 Japan 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 Iran 3 2 I Malaya 3 2 I 1 I 1 lhilnad 1 1 1 C Born in countries in Europe (Excl. U.S.S.R.) 3 3 1 1 2 2 U.K. 2 2 2 2 Germany

D ODrn in c()untries in Afriea 1 1 1 1 Countries not stated 1 1 E Born in countries in America 1 1 U.S.A. 1

F Unclassifiable 247 164 83 247 164 83 128 TABLE


Occupied Census

Hotels, Census Hostels, Sarais Total Total No. houses vacant Workshop- Dharamshalas, Rural of Census at the time of Shop-cum- cum- Tourist homes & Shops excluding District/Tahsil Urban Houses House-listing Dwellings dwellings dwellings Inspection houses eating houses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

BASTAR DISTRICT Total 314,690 12,614 206,113 577 2,653 824 592 Rural 307,477 12,2116 200,415 522 2,604 802 301 Urban 7,213 328 5,698 55 49 22 291

Bhanupratappur Tahsil· Rural 35,053 1,663 9,863 33 59 12 20

2 Kanker Tahsil Total 47,247 1,370 28,827 221 349 64 111 Rural 45,602 1,320 27,493 213 331 55 57 Urban 1,645 50 1,334 8 18 9 54

3 Narayanpur Tahsil. Rural 20,785 2,622 15,464 34 257 48 26

4 Kondagaon Tahsil. Rural .51,996 1,589 32,488 73 227 96 62

5 Bijapur Tahsil* Rural 24,115 1,011 16,535 46 119 131 21

6 Dantewara Tahsil* Rural 38,592 831 21,637 36 81 16 56

~ JagdaJpur Tahsil Total 69,371 1,809 61,382 10] 1,524 252 271 Rural 63,803 1,531 57,018 54 1,493 239 34 Urban 5,568 278 4,364 47 31 13 237

8 Konta Tahsil* Rural 27,531 1,719 19,917 33 37 205 25

• Entirely Rural 129



Houses used as Schools and other edu- Places of Public health and cational institu- entertainment (Cine- medical institu- Factories, tions including Restaurants, mas, theatres, clubs, tions, Hospitals, Business Workshops training classes, sweetmeat gymnasiums) and Health centres, Total houses and and coaching and shops and community gather- Doctors' clinics, Rural Offices Worksheds shop classes eating places ing (Panchayatghar) Dispensaries, etc. Others Urban District/Tahsil 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 1

567 1,674 708 43 4,929 148 83,248 Total BASTAR DISTRICT 477 1,483 681 43 4,881 132 82,850 Rural

90 191 27 48 16 ~98 Urban

8 195 41 1,191 6 21,961 Rural! Bhanupratappur Tahsil·

54 203 106 3 509 22 15,408 Total 2 Kanker Tahsil 28 165 102 3 485 14 15,336 Rural

26 38 4 24 8 72 Urban

20 135 62 665 8 1,443 Rural 3 Narayanpur Tahsil·

55 116 109 911 22 16,247 Rural 4 Kondagaon Tahsil·

295 43 60 8 235 56 5,555 Rural 5 Bijapur Tahsil·

15 237 91 290 10 15,292 Rural 6 Dantewara Tahsil·

84 666 184 8 1,040 15 2,035 Total 7 Jagdalpur Tahlil 20 513 161 8 1,016 7 1,709 Rural 64 153 23 24 8 326 Urban

36 79 55 21 88 9 5,307 Rural 8 Konta Tahsil· 130



(Based on 20 % Sample)

Households in Census houses used as Total Total r- Rural Tenure No. of Shop-cum Workshop-cum Dwelling with District/Tahsil Urban status Households Dwelling dwelling dwelling other uses 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

BASTAR DISTRIct Total Total 42.382 41.953 128 276 25 Owned 39.993 39.702 27 262 2 Rented 2.389 2.251 101 14 23

Rural Total 41.216 40.787 128 276 25 Owned 39.421 39.130 27 262 2 Rented 1.795 1,657 101 14 23

Urban Total 1,166 1.166 Owned 572 572 Rented 594 594

1 Bhllnuprlttappur Tahsil Rural· Total 2.127 2.103 5 19 Owned 1.995 1.990 5 Rented 132 Il3 19

2 Kan ker Tahsil Total Total 6.000 6.000 Own~d 5.528 5,528 Rented 472 472

Rural Total 5,724 5,724 Owned 5,370 5,370 Rented 354 354

Urban Total 276 276 Owned 158 \58 Rented 118 118

3 Narayanpur Tahsil Rural· Total 3.159 3,108 4 47 Owned 2,809 2,764 3 42 Rented 350 344 1 5

4 Kondagaon Tahsil Rural* Total 6.596 6,532 20 39 5 Owned 6,211 6,162 9 39 1 Rented 385 ,370 11 4

, Bijapur Tahsil Rural· Total 3,399 3,385 5 9 Owned 3,302 3,288 5 9 Rented 97 97

6 Dantewara Tahsil Rural· Total 4,355 4,33J 6 16 Owned 4,269 4,248 5 16 Rented 86 85 1 131


(Based on 20% Sample).

Households in Census houses used as . Total Total r- ----, Rural Tenure No. of Shop-cum Workshop-cum- Dwelling with District/Tahsil Urban status Households Dwelling dwelling dwelling other uses 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil Total Total 12,642 12,389 93 160 Owned 11,834 11,678 5 151 Rented 808 711 88 9

Rural Total 11,751 11,499 93 160 Owned 11,420 11,264 5 151 Rented 33'7. 235 88 9

Urban Total 890 890 Owned 414 414 Rented 476 476

8 Konta Tahsil Rural· Total 4,104 4,103 Owned 4,045 4,044 1 Rented 59 59

Note-*Entirely Rural 132



DIvision, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel -.A. ----.., and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- . Group ofI.S.I.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Division 2 & 3 Total 4,087 2,061 1,914 78 21 11 2 - (Manufacturina:) I All fuels 42 23 17 2 (b) Liquid fuel 42 23 17 2 II No power 4,045 2,038 1,897 76 21 11 2 ..

Urban Total 240 78 131 19 7 2 1 2 I All fuels 27 3 12 4 7 1 (a) Electricity 10 2 5 1 2 (b) Liquid fuel 17 1 7 3 5 1 II No power 213 7S 119 15 Z 2 Rural Major. Group Total 215 128 85 2 20 J Allfuels 36 21 15 (b) Liquid fuel 36 21 15 II No power 179 107 70 2 Urban Total 62 6 47 5 3 I I AI/fuels 15 2 8 1 3 1 (a) Electricity 6 1 3 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 9 1 5 2 1 II No power 47 4 39 4 Rural

Minor Group Total 50 35 15 200 I All fuels 36 21 15 (b) Liquid fuel 36 21 15 II No Power 14 14


Total 13 2 8 1 1 I All fuels 13 2 8 1 1 (a) Electricity 6 1 3 (b) Liquid fuel 7 1 5 Urban Minor Group Total 205 II No power 133



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offuel and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BASTAR DISTRICT-Contd. Rural Minor Group Total 83 63 20 207 II No power 83 63 20

Urban Total 2 2 I An fuels 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 Rural Minorvroup Total 82 30 50 2 209 II No power 82 30 50 2 Urban . Total 46 4 38 4 II No power 46 4 38 4 Rural Major Group Total 136 24 81 22 5 4 21 11 No power 136 24 81 22 5 4 Urban Total 5 3 1 1 1 All fuels 3 3 (a) Electricity 2 2 (b) Liquid'.!uel 1 1 1l No power 2 1 1 Rural Minor Group Total 134 23 80 22 5 4 212 II No power 134 23 80 22 5 4 Urban

Total 2 1 II No power 2 Rural Minor Group Total 2 1 214 II No power 2 Urban Total 2 2 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 •




Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r- and Minor or I 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of l.s.I.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Rural Minor Group Total 6 2 2 2 280 I All fuels 6 2 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 6 2 2 2 Urban

Total 7 3 3 I All fuels 7 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 7 3 3

Rural Minor Group Total 10 3 6 281 II No power 10 3 6


Total 14 3 9 2 II No power 14 3 9 2


Minor Group Total 35 24 11 183 II No power 35 24 11


Total 2 2 II No power 2 2


Minor Group Total 13 9 2 1 284 II No power 13 9 2 2


Total 4 3 II No power 4 3


~1inor Group Total 700 349 310 32 9 288 II No power 700 349 310 32 9


"1inor Group Total 7 7 289 II No power.. 7 7 137



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r- -'- ., and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 1-00 Per- Group of r.S.I.C. power ,used Total , Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Major Group Total 2 1 1 30 II No power- 2 1 1


Minor Group Total 2 302 II No power 2


Major Group Total 40 34 6 ]) II "'-0 power 40 34 6


Minor Group Total 1 1 310 II No power 1


Minor Group Total 36 30 6 311 II No power 36 30 6


Minor Group Total 3 3 313 II No power 3 3


Major Group Total 2 2 32 II No power 2 2


Minor Group Total 2 2 320 II No power 2 2


Major Group Total 5 1 1 1 2 33 II No power 5 1 1 ) 2


Total 3 1 2 Tl No power 3 1 2 /~ .. 138



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel .. .A. -, and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.I .c. power used Total Person . Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Minur Group Total 5 1 2 335 II No power 5 [ 2 Urban Minor Group Total 3 2 336 II No power 3 2

Rural Major Group Total 479 171 3()J 4 2 1 34 &35 lJ No power 479 171 301 4 2 1


Total 9 6 3 II No power 9 6 3


Minor Group Total 2 2 342 II No power 2 2

I~ural Minor Group Total 343 II No power


Minor Group Total 476 170 301 4 350 II No power 476 170 301 <1

Urban Total 9 6 3 II No power 9 6 3


Major Group Total 940 510 421 7 1 36 II No power Q40 510 421 7 1


Total 10 3 6 1 II No power 10 3 6 1 Rural

Minor Group Total 2 2 360 1I No power 2 2 139



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of emplo~~ent. Major Group Kind of fuel ,--- ...... A.. and Minor . or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99' 100 Per- Group of I.S.I.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons' sons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Minor Group Total 46 34 11 365 II No power 46 34 11


Minor Group Total 368 II No power

, Rural '.' "

Minor Group Total 892 476 408 6 1 369 II No power 892 476 408 6 1


Total 9 3 5 II No power 9 3 5 ... _


, " \ Major Group Total 1 1 \ ' 37 I Allfuels I 1 (a) plectricity : I 1 ", Urban

Minor Group Total 378 All fuels (a) Electricity

: Rural J:"-r.

Major Group Total 20 ' '8 12 38 11 No power 20 t : 8 12


Total 33 /5 17 . I ,'!~ :- ( ., I All fuels 1 1 L (a) Electricity 1 1 11 No power 32 1.'i 17 140



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r" ---. and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Person~ sons alid above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Minor Group Total 2 2 384 II No power 2 2 Urban

Total 8 2 5 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 .. 1 II No power 7 2 5 Rural

Minor Group Total 17 7 10 388 II No power 17 7 10 Urban Total 25 13 12 II No power 25 13 12 Rural

Minor Group Total 389 II No power Rural

Major Group Tolal 157 lI5 41 1 39 II No power 157 115 41 1 Urban

Total 26 17 7 2 11 No power 26 17 7 2 Urban

Minor Group Total 1 1 392 11 No power 1 1 Rural

Minor Group Total 154 115 39 393 II No power 154 115 39 Urban

Total 21 14 7 II No power 21 14 7 Rural Minor Group Total 3 2 399 II No power 3 2 Urban Total 4 2 2 II No power 4 2 2 141



Division, Number of ractories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,- ---., and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil (Rural)

Division 2 & 3 Total 254 128 125 1 I All fuels 5 1 3 1 (b) Liquid fuel 5 1 3 1 II No power 249 127 122

Minor Group Total 3 2 200 I All fuels 3 2 (b) Liquid fuel 3 2 207 II No power 34 30 4 209 II No power 1 212 II No power 8 1 7 235 II No power 2 1 273 II No power 11 6 5 278 II No power 1 280 Total 2 1 1 I All fuels .2 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 2 1 281 II No power 3 1 2 283 II No power 3 2 288 II No power 5 3 2 311 II No power 2 2 350 II No power 60 17 43 365 II No power 4 1 3 369 II No power 109 58 51 388 II No power 2 2 393 II No power 4 4 2 Kanker Tahsil (Rural) 11 2 4 1 Division 2 & 3 Total 496 269 209 6 1 All fuds 14 8 6 (b) Liquid fuel 14 8 203 11 2 4 1 II No power 482 261

22 6 Minor Grollp Total 28 8 6 200 I All fuels 14 (b) Liquid fuel 14 8 6 14 II No power 14 207 II No power 44 31 13 209 II No power 11 7 4 212 "n No power 7 4 3 142



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r- -, and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 W·19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.I.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Fersons Persons Persons sons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 Kanker Tahsil (Rural)-Concld. Minor Group 210 II No power 9 3 2 235 II No power 35 10 24 255 II No power 9 6 3 273 II No power 17 15 2 283 II No power 8 5 3 284 II No power 6 5 288 II No power 42 8 31 3 313 II No power 3 3 335 II No power 3 2 350 II No power 87 40 46 369 II No power 149 85 64 388 II No power 5 2 3 389 II No power 1 1 393 II No power 31 28 3 399 II No power

2 Kanker Tahsil (Urban)

Division 2 & 3 Total 56 20 29 4 1 2 All fuels 3 2 1 (b) Liquid fuel 3 2 1 11 No power 53 20 27 3 1 2

Minor Group 200 Total 2 2 I All fuels 2 2 .. : (b) Liquid fuel 2 2

205 II No power 209 II No power 19 4 14 212 II No power 1 220 II No power 3 2 273 II No power 15 9 6

280 Total ',' All fuels (b) Liquid fuel 284 II No power 2 369 II No power 388 U No power 4 3 393 II No power 7 5 2 143


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offuel r------, and Minor , or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.I.c. power used Total .: Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural)

Division 2 & 3 Tota} 392 208 174 8 1 1 I All fuels 3 1 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 3 1 1 1 II No power 389 207 173 7 1 Millor Group Total 2 200 I All fuels 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 .-

207 II No power 5 2 :l 209 II No power 11 8 2 212 II No power 17 2 Il Z 220 II No power 1 235 II No power 123 75 48 273 II No power 7 6 1 ZOO Total 1 I All fuels (b) Liquid fuel

281 II No power 2

283 II No power 6 3 3 288 II No power 18 8 10 289 II No power 7 7 311 II No power 9 8 350 II No power 40 20 17 3 365 II No power 18 16 1 369 II No power 115 43 72 388 n No power 3 2 1 393 II No power 7 5 2

4 Kondagaon Tahsil (Rural)

Division 2 & 3 Total 343 108 220 8 4 2 I All fuels 10 5 5 (b) Liquid fuel 10 5 5 II No power 333 103 215 8 4 2 Minor Group 200 Total 7 3 4 I AJI fuels 7 3 4 (b) Liquid fuel 7 3 4 144



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employmen: Major Group Kind of fuel ,- --A. l and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Person~ sons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 Kondagaon Tahsil (Rural)-Concld.

Minor Group 209 II No power 7 1 6 212 II No power 26 6 14 4 2 214 II No power 1 235 II No power 146 59 85 273 II No power 10 2 7 27" II No power 1 1 280 Total 3 2 All fuels 3 2 (b) Liquid fuel 3 2 281 II No power 2 284 II No power 1 288 II No power 40 17 21 2 350 II No power 45 1 43 365 II No power 3 3 369 II No power 34 4 30 384 II No power 2 2 388 II No power 4 1 3 393 II No power 10 6 4 399 II No power

5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural) .

Division 2&3 Total 162 88 67 6 1 I All fuels 4 3 1 (b) Liquid fuel 4 3 1 II No power 158 85 66 6 1 Minor Group 200 Total 4 3 All fuels 4 3 (b) Liquid fuel 4 3

209 II No power 2 I 212 II No power 33 6 25 2 235 II No power 12 10 2 281 II No power 283 II No power 4 4 284 II No power 1 1 288 II No power 21 19 2 310 II No power 145



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment . -.A. Major Group Kind of fuel r- and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.I.C. poWer used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 Bijapur Tabsil (Rural)-Concld. Minor Group 311 II No power 25 20 5 342 II No power 350 II No power 16 9 7 365 II No power 2 1 ,69 II No power 23 11 11 393 II No power 16 12 4

6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural)

Oivision 2 & 3 Total 318 123 194 1 II No power 318 123 194 1 Minor Group 212 II No power 8 1 7 235 II No power 97 35 62 272 II No Power 2 2 281 II No power 1 284 II No power 2 288 II No power 350 II No power 34 9 25 365 II No power 17 11 6 369 II No power 127 49 78 388 II No power 1 393 II No power 28 16 12 .. 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (.Rural)

12 2 DivisioB 2 & 3 Total 2,006 1,095 861 .36 All fuels 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No power 2,005 1,095 860 36 12 2 Minor Group 200 Total 1 . I All fuels (b) Liquid fuel 209 II No power 46 13 33 212 II No power 21 5 6 8 235 II No power 780 421 359 236 II No power 41 31 10 .. 273 II No power 3 3 .. 146



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r- and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-9!) 100 Per- Group of l.s.I.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Minor Group 7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural)-Concld.

281 II No power 283 II No power 14 IO 4 284 II No power 2 2 288 II No power 572 292 244 27 9 342 II No power 1 343 II No power 350 II No power 168 58 110 365 II No power 2 2 369 II No power 294 211 80 388 II No power 2 2 393 II No power 57 44 13

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Urban)

Division 2&3 Total 184 S8 102 15 7 1 1 All fuels 24 3 10 3 7 1 (a) Electricity 10 2 5 1 2 (b) Liquid fuel 14 1 5 2 5 1 II No power 160 55 92 12 1 Minor Group 100 Total 11 2 1 All fuels 11 2 t 1 (a) Electricity 6 3 1 (b) Liquid fuel 5 3 207 Total 2 2 I All fuels 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2

209 II No flower 27 24 3 212 II No power 1

214 Total 2 2 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 215 Total All rueh. 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 230 II No power 23S II No power 273 II No power 39 14 21 4 178 II No power

280 Total 6 2 3 I All fuels 6 2 3 (b) Liquid fuel 6. 2 3 147 TABLE f.-III


'Division. Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major' Group Kind of fuel ...... and Minor " or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above

J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7 Jagdalpur TaI!siI (Urban)-Coneld.

281 II No poWer 14 3 9 2 283 II No power 2 2 284 II No power 2 2 302 II No power 2 320 II No power 2 2 336 II No power 3 1 2 350 II No power 9 6 3 368 II No power 1 1 369 II No power 8 3 5 378 Total 1 I All fuels (a) Electricity 384 Total 8 2 5 I All fuels (a) Electricity I II No power 7 2 5 388 II No power 21 12 9 392 II No power 1 1 393 II No power 14 9 5 399 II No power 4 2 2

8 Konta Tahsil (Rural)

Divllioa 2 & 3 Total 116 41 64 7 1 2 I All fuels 5 5 (b) Liquid fuel 5 5 n No power 111 37 64 7 1 2 Minor Group Total 5 5 200 I All fuels 5 5 (b) Liquid fuel 5 5 209 II No power 4 4 212 II. No power 14 2 6 3 1 2 214 II No power 1 1 235 II No power 16 2 104 273 II No power 1 1 284 II No power 1 1 288 II No power 1 1 335 n No power 2 1 1 350 II No Power 26 16 10 360 II No power 2 2 369 II No power 41 15 22 4 393 II No POWOl' 1 1 399 II No power 1 1 148



(Based OIl Predominant material of wall

Grass, C. I. sheets All Total Total No. leaves, or other other Rural of reeds or Unburnt Burnt metal Cement mate District/Tahsil Urban households bamboo Tlmber Mud bricks bricks sheets Stone concrete rial

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

BASTAR D1STRICf T 42,382 9,409 17,267 14,251 234 838 S 127 9 141 R 41,216 9,384 17,253 13,685 149 377 3 127 9 229 U 1,166 25 14 566 85 461 2 13

1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil * R 2,127 733 129 1,203 8 19 35

2 Kanker Tahsil T 6,000 27 102 5,689 111 54 7 10 R 5,724 24 102 5,523 28 30 7 10 U 276 3 166 83 24

3 Narayanpur TahsilOO R 3,159 1,089 1,394 614 47 15

4 Kondagaon Tahsil * R 6,596 HI 4,423 1,806 33 89 1 3 130

5 Bijapur Tahsil * R 3,399 992 2,266 77 14 49 1

6 Dantewara Tahsil .. R 4,355 919 3,151 232 14 37 1 1

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil T 12,642 4,159 3,532 4,211 54 507 3 124 1 51 R 11,752 4,137 3,518 3,811 52 70 I 124 38 U 890 22 14 400 2 437 2 13

I Konta Tahsil .. R 4,104 1,379 2,270 419 36

·~ntirely rural. 149



Grass, leaves, Tiles" Corrugated iron, Asbestos Total reeds, thatch, slate, zinc or other cement Brick Concrete All other Rural wood or bamboo shingle metal sheets sheets and lime and stone material Urban District/Tahsil

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

27,958 13,926 117 13 1 65 302 T BASTAR DI5TRlCT 27,943 12,838 103 3 44 285 R 15 1,088 14 10 1 21 17 U

724 1,369 14 20 R I Bhanupratappur Tahsil'"

177 5,793 6 9 4 11 T 2 Kanker Tahsil* 175 5,533 4 1 11 R 2 260 2 9 3 U

2,796 344 3 16 R 3 Narayanpur Tahsil'"

5,601 816 53 1 2 123 R 4 Kondagaon Tahsil*

3,217 181 1 R 5 Bijapur Tahsil*

3,784 487 8 76 R 6 Dantewara Tahsil·

7,705 4,788 31 2 1 59 56 T 7 JagdalpurTahsil* 7,692 3ro 960 19 41 39 R 13 828 12 18 17 U

3,954 146 2 R ~ Konta Tahsil * 150



(Based on

Households Households with no regular room with one room --. ~ Total Rural Total number Total no. of Total number Number of Number of Number of Number of Urban of households members of rooms households members households members .----"---. ~ ~ District/Tahsil M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

BASTAR DISTRICf T 42,382 113,116 112,619 91,481 83 129 U5 10,961 22,668 :Z:Z,971 R 41,216 110,636 110,326 89,035 83 129 125 10,402 21,754 22,137 U 1,166 2,480 2,293 2,446 559 914 834

Bhanupratappur Tahsil· R 2,127 5,874 5,753 ,5,533 5 13 22 514 931 932

2 Kanker Tahsil T 6,000 14,596 15,069 13,231 14 27 23 2,187 3,876 4,100 R 5,724 13,981 14,479 12,627 14 27 23 2,063 3,676 3,910 U 276 615 590 604 124 200 J90

3 Narayanpur Tahsil'" R 3,159 8,729 8,357 6,859 592 1,168 1,183

4 Kondagaon Tahsil· R 6,596 18,383 18,150 15,005 13 17 13 1,017 2,230 2,084

5 Bijapur Tahsil· R 3,399 8,861 8,802 6,649 46 63 63 968 2,118 2,080

6 Dantewara Tahsil· R 4,355 12,762 /2,908 6,914 2,248 5,882 5,994

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil· T 12,642 33,716 33,251 28,845 5 9 4 2,430 4,524 4,546 . R 11 ,752 31,851 31,548 27,003 5 9 4 1,995 3,810 3,902 U 890 1,865 1,703 1,842 435 714 644

8 Konta Tahsil· R 4,104 10,195 10,329 8,445 1,005 1,939 2,052


20% Sample)

Households Households Households Households with two rooms with three rooms with four rOOllli with five rooms and more r ~--., T Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of No. of Number of R households members households members households members households rooms members U ,..----A-----., r---A..---.. r----'----, ,..----A-----., Districtl M F M F M F M F Tahsil 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1

20,517 52,714 52,087 6,957 21,809 21,804 2,321 8,703 8,517 1,543 9,331 7,093 7,115 T BASTAR 20,179 51,998 51,393 6,835 21,429 21,496 2,257 8,515 8,342 1,460 8,742 6,811 6,833 R DISTRICT 338 716 694 122 380 308 64 188 175 83 589 282 282 U

747 1,818 1,791 439 i ,181 1,133 216 776 732 106 1,344 1,054 1,041 R 1 Bhanupratap- pur Tahsil·

2,036 4,976 5,126 931 2,710 2,800 436 1,443 1,449 395 2,432 1,564 1,571 T 2 Kanker 1,947 4,776 4,922 904 2,615 2,700 424 1,408 1,421 372 2,262 1,479 1,503 R Tahsil· 89 200 204 2B 95 100 12 35 28 23 170 85 68 U

1,812 4,935 4,659 503 1,578 1,506 173 678 660 79 442 370 349 R 3 Narayanpur Tahsil·

3,701 9,407 9,399 1,212 3,990 3,859 458 1,777 1,781 195 1,118 962 1,014 R 4 Kondagaon Tahsil*

1,761 4,549 4,494 462 1,508 1,533 104 368 3r;,7 58 357 255 265 R 5,Bijapur Tahail*

1,755 5,551 5,461 298 1,069 1,/48 34 154 167 20 126 106 132 R 6 Dantewara Tahsil·

6,560 16,ljl 15,882 1,342 7;442 7,447 778 3,067 2,904 527 3,157 2,483 2,468 T 7 Jap,daJpur Tahsil· 6,311 15,675 15,392 2,248 7,157 7,239 726 2,914 1.,757 467 2,738 2,2d6 2.254 R 249 516 490 94 285 208 52 153 147 60 419 197 214 U

1,145 5,287 5,268 769 2,230 2,278 122 440 457 63 355 299 274 R 8 Konta Tahsil· 152

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~ til < ~ =.. til -0:1 B U c.s'" .., U .S:! "C (I,) -2 "3 '5 "0 rJ:J ...c(I,) u V1 ~ 158 TABLE PART B-INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK

w 0 R K E R S I II III IV In Mining Quarrying, /' Livestock, Forestry, At As Fishing, Hunting House- As Agricultural Plantations, Orchards hold Name of Scheduled Tribe Total Total Workers Cultivator Labourer and allied activities Industry ---, r-~ ,-----A-, ,---'-----., ,---'---, r----'-----. P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BASTAR All Scheduled Tribes 841,214417,216423,998265,678252,219 221,788208,26232,98732,9192,9536,4712,450 1,948

1 Andh 1 1 1 2 Baiga 7 6 1 6 1 6 3 Bhaina 4 2 2 2 1 1 4 Bharia-Bhumia or Bhuinhar-Bhumia includ- ing Pando 137 64 73 44 39 27 27 8 2 3 3 1 5 Bhattra 72,055 35,702 36,353 23,567 21,868 19,135 17,625 3,534 3,615 166 207 46 24 6 Bhil 17 15 2 13 2 4 2 1 7 10 1 9 7 7 8 Binjhwar 4 1 3 " 9 Dhanwar 3 2 1 1 1 10 Gadaba or Gadba 1,053 520 533 359 320 252 201 91 115 4 1 2 11 Gond'" 721,124357,405 363,719226,940216,361 191,810 180,36927,161 27,282 2,5355,882 1,642 1,025 12 Halba or Halbi 39,828 19,961 19,867 12,561 11,587 9,604 9,067 1,921 1,579 158 351 73 303 13 Kamar 746 373 373 204 162 102 89 38 31 2 1 40 28 14 KawaI', Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 444 246 198 158 123 98 95 32 23 14 2 15 Kondh or Khond or Kandh 29 21 8 21 7 16 Kol 17 16 1 15 1 15 1 17 Korwa including Kodaku 848 389 459 221 287 167 198 32 72 11 4 ., 18 Munda 98 53 45 22 10 3 3 18 7 19 Niha! 4 4 4 4 20 Oraon including Dhanka and Dhangad 88 50 38 28 19 18 16 2 3 21 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 1,681 795 886 501 565 320 388 77 83 11 12 22 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli- Pardhi. Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 2,151 1,129 1,022 708 23 607 47 39 54 61 36 4 564 501 Parja 388 190 198 140 130 91 83 31 40 4 3 10 2 24 Sawar or Sawara 291 140 151 25 85 94 73 47 8 12 38 U nc!assifiable 186 130 56 77 27 37 9 1 1 28 17

*Please see footnote at page 153. 159 SCT-I AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES


In Manufacturin& In other than In Transport, household In Trade and Storage and In Industry Construction Commerce Communications Other Services S. No. ~ r---'-----, ~ ...-----'-----. r------'----, ,----'------, M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DISTRICT (Rural) 379 73 387 239 305 211 19 4,340 2,096 151,538 171,779 All Schedule4 Tribes 1 .. :l 1 1 3

.. 3 .. 1 1 2 5 20 34 4 17 3 14 1 36 50 11 608 343 12,135 14,485 5 8 2 6 1 2 7 1 j 8 1 9 10 3 161 213 10 280 48 298 186 205 123 56 2,953 1,446 130,465 147,358 11 30 13 65 41 47 28 21 642 205 7,400 8,280 12 15 3 10 4 3 169 211 13

1 2 13 88 75 14 21 7 1 15 1 16 10 13 168 172 17 1 31 35 IS 19 1 3 4 22 19 20 1 4 1 9 6 79 75 294 321 21

3 1 1 3 1 421 415 22 1 1 3 1 50 68 23 1 5S 57 24 1 3 6 53 29 25 160 TABLE PART B-INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK

W 0 R K E R S I II III IV In Mining Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, At As Fishing, Hunting, House- As Agricultural Plantations, Orchards hold Name of Scheduled Trihe Total Total Workers Cultivator Labourer and allied activities Industry --, ,--~ ,.----A----, ,---A.:--, ,----A..---, ,----"----, P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BASTAR All Scbeduled Tribes 2,535 1,429 1,106 793 430 83 95 33 45 41 13 13 5

Bharia-Bhumia or Bhuinhar-Bhumia including Pando 2 2 2 2 Bhattra 171 96 75 69 27 5 5 4 6 2 3 Bhunjla 3 2 1 2 2 4 Gadaba or Gadba 10 8 2 8 2 5 Gond· 1,916 1,106 810 581 335 68 77 32 40 22 10 7 6 Halba or Halbi 340 172 168 103 56 6 9 1 11 3 7 Kawar, Kanwar, Kuar, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 11 6 5 4 8 Pardhan, pathari and Sarod 13 5 8 2 4 2 9 Sawar or Sawara 69 33 36 23 6 4 2

*Please see footnote at page 153. 161



In Manufacturing In other than In Transport, household In Trade and Storage and In

Industry ,-Construction__..A. __ --, Commerce Communications Other Services S. No. ,--""'---, ,..----A----, r---"------. ,.-~ ,----A._----, M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


110 45 27 7 20 35 45 421 185 636 676 All Scheduled Tribes

1 1 5 6 3 42 16 27 48 2 3 28 5 2 4 86 38 18 6 10 7 31 307 135 525 475 5 6 2 7 4 5 61 34 69 112 6

2 2 5 7 2 2 3 4 8 10 3 8 10 30 9 152 -...,.

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co .... 0\ ...... 10 00

o 00 00 .... 10 00 ....

10 00 M 0\ ....

.~ I .... co 0\ 174 , TABLE seT-III


Educational level Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total Illiterate educational level) Junior Basic and above Name of Scheduled Caste ,----"---, ,---.A..-, ,--..A...-, ~--, ~---, M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


All Scheduled Castes 31,008 31,465 27,527 31,114 2,506 29' 964 52 11

1 Basor, Burud, Bansor or 59 71 51 69 3 5 2 Bansodi

2 , Chamari,Mochi. 1,958 1,795 J,716 1,77? 176 17 66 Nona, Rohidas. Ramnami, Satnami, Surjyabanshi or Surjyaramnami

3 Dewar 30 33 30 33

4 Dom or Dumar 43 27 43 27

5 Ganda or Gandi 7,515 7,701 6,540 7,613 683 74 290 14 2

6 Ghasi or Ghasia 965 1,064 890 1,056 54 8 21

7 Katia or Patharia 192 167. 121 160 38 4 32 3 1

8 Khatik, Chikwa or Chikvi 1

9 Kori 5 4 2 2 2

10 Mahar or Mehra 19,876 20,230 17,833 20,015 1,506 185 531 30 6

11 Mang ,Dankhni-Mang, 12 17 10 17 2 Mang-Mahashi, Mang- Garudi, Madari, Garudi or Radhc Mang

12 Mehta~ or Bhangi 90 99 63 90 16 8 11 .., 13 U nc1assifiable 262 257 227 255 26 '" 175


Educational level ,..------"----, Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total Illiterate educational level) Junior Basic and above Name of Scheduled Tribe ,-~ ...... ,~ ----.. ,-_---A_-...... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


All Scheduled Tribes 417,216 423,998 389,454 421,180 20,203 2,407 7,516 411 43

1 Andh 1 1 2 Baiga 6 6 3 Bhaina 2 2 2 2 4 Bharia-Bhumia or Bhuinhar- Bhumia including Pando 64 73 60 73 3 5 Bhattra 35,702 36,353 32,669 36,090 2,310 240 723 23 6 Bhil 15 2 15 2 7 Bhunjia 9 9 8 Binjllwar 3 3 9 Dhanwar 2 10 Gadaba or Gadba 520 533 509 533 9 2 11 Gond· 357,405 363,719 337,000 361,617 15,186 1,831 5.188 271 31 12 Halba or Halbi 19,961 19,867 15,997 19,443 2,463 313 1,491 111 10 13 Kamar 373 373 363 372 9 1 14 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 246 198 181 189 33 5 30 4 2 15 Konda or Khond or Kandh 21 8 19 8 2 J6 Kol 16 1 15 17 Korwa including Kodaku 389 459 377 459 12 18 Munda 53 45 46 45 6 19 Nihal 4 4 20 Oraon including Dhanka and Dhangad 50 38 41 . 38 6 3 21 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 795 886 635 874 102 11 58 22 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia. Chita-Pan.lhi. Langoli- Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Talda 1,129 1,022 1,094 1,021 26 9 23 Parja 190 198 179 198 10 24 Sawar or Sawara 140 151 116 149 18 6 25 Unclassifiable 130 56 122 56 6 2

·Please see footnote at page I ~? 176


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Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Total non-working ~ull time employment for of employment and Educational Levels population students the first time seeking work Others ,----A---., ,----A---.., ,.----.A.__ , r-.A.--.., P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Total 23,36410,702 12,662 2,060 372 3 3 8,636 12,290

lUiterate 21,654 9,239 12,415 720 146 1 2 8,516 12,269 Literate (without educational level) ~,451 1,222 229 1,120 215 1 101 14 Primary or Junior Basic , 259 241 18 220 11 2 19 7


Total 22,549 10,352,12,197 1,960 348 8,392 11,849

Illiterate 20,979 8,99911,980 717 146 8,282 11,834 Literate (without educational level) 1,341 1,138 203 1,046 195 92 8 Primary or Junior Basic 229 215 14 197 7 18 7


Total 815 350 465 100 24 3 3 244 441

Illiterate 675 240 435 3 J 2 234 435 Literate (without educaiional level) llO 84 26 74 20 .. J 9 6 Primary or Junior Basic 30 26 4 21 4 2 1

1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil (Rural)

Total 1,085 565 520 98 11 467 509 Illiterate - 1,015 500 515 34 6 466 '09 Literate (without educational level) 62 57 5 57 5 Primary or Junior Basic 8 8 7

2 Kanker Tahsil (RuraD

Total 2,67r 1,286 ],388 302 65 984 1,323

Illiterate 2,419 1,069 1,350 99 30 970 1,320 Literate (without educational level) 210 176 34 165 34 11 Primary or Junior Basic 45 41 4 38 1 3 3

3 Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural)

Total 1,208 555 653 lIO 15 445 638 Illiterate 1,112 473 639 31 5 442 634 Literate (without educational level) 70 58 12 57 10 2 Primary or Junior Basic 26 24 2 22 2 2 180



Persons Persons employed seeking before but now Total employment out of employ- non-working Full time the for first ment and Educational Levels population students time seeking work Others ,----,~~ ,..---A.----, ~ ,--~--, ,.....---A~ P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 Kandagaon Tahsil (Rural)

Total 3,205 1,513 1,692 395 48 1,118 1,644

Illiterate 3,026 1,361 1,665 290 24 1,071 1,641 Literate (without educational level) 153 129 24 87 21 42 3 Primary or Junior Basic 26 23 3 18 3 5

5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural)

Total 1,996 993 1,003 223 44 770 . 959

miterate 1,769 799 970 38 13 761 957 Literate (Without educational level) 170 140 30 136 30 4 Primary or Junior Basic 57 54 3 49 1 5 2

6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural)

Total 1,226 532 694 65 21 467 673

Illiterate 1,165 487 678 21 5 466 673 Literate (without educational level) 56 40 16 - 39 16 Primary or Junior Basic 5 5 5

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil (Rural)

Total 10,023 4,409 5,614 688 136 3,721 5,478

Illiterate 9,391 3,859 5,532 167 56 3,692 5,476 Literate (without. educational level) 572 492 80 465 78 27 2 Primary or Junior Basic 60 58 2 56 2 2

8 Konta Tahsil (Rural)

Total 1,132 499 633 79 8 420 625 Illiterate 1,082 451 631 37 7 414 624 Literate (wilhout educational level) 48 46 2 40 1 6 1 Primary or Junior Basic 2 2 2 -

Note : Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 181



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total sPeakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,----"---., ,------"------, Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6


ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 418,645 425,104 88,274 67,313 Banjari (M.2), Bengali (M.19 F.16) Bbattri (M.l,690, F.l , 497),Cbhattisgarhi (1\1.14,805, F. 14,750) Dhurwa (M. 6, F.98), DorJi (M. 1,053, F. 1,465), English (M.38), Gondi (M. 5,201, F. 3,780), HaJbi (M. 47,870 F.39,589), Hindi (M. 14,493 F.3.498), Kamari (F.2),Mohari (F.2), Marathi (M.27 F.29), Maria (M. 17, F. 3), Mirgani (F.4) Muria (M.4S, F.90), Nepali (F. 1) Oriya (M. 577, F. 129), Parji (F. 2), Telugu (M. 2,428, F. 2,354), Urdu (F. 4).


Total 6 5 Chhatisgarhi (F. 1), Gondi (F. 3), Hindi (F.1). 1 Gond· 6 5 Chhattisgarhi (F.l), Gondi (F.3),Hindi (F.l).


Total 3 4 2 3 Halbi (M. 1. F.l), Hindi (llf. 1, F. 1). Telegu (F. 1). 1 Gond· 1 1 1 1 Halbi (M. 1, F. 1) 2 UnclassiCiable 2 3 1 2 Hindi (M. 1, F. 1), Telugu (F. 1)


Tolal 3 5 2 4 English (M. 2), Gandi (F. 1), Halbi (F. 1), Hindi (F. 2).. Good· 1 5 4 Gondi (F. 1). Halbi (F. 1), Hindi (P.2). 2 Halba or Halbi 2 English (M. 2).


Total 30,829 31,860 2,918 1467 Chhit!isgarhi (M.2,. F.lO), Dhurwa (M.6 F.7). . Dorll (F. 2).. English (M. 3), Gondi (M. 7 F.12), Halbl (M. 1.300 F.1,257), Hindi (M. 1,247 F. 138), Maria (M. 1), Oriya (M. 352 F. 41). Bharia-Bhumia or Bhuinhar- Bhumia inctuding Pando 5 3 1 Hindi(M.1} 24,783 25,661 2,199 1,034 Chha~tisgarhi (M: 1 F. 1), Dhurwa (M.l), 2 Bhattra Dorh F. 2), EnglIsh (M. 3), Gondi (F,I) Halbi (M. 917, F. 945), Hindi (M.l 013 F. 49), Maria (M. I), Oriya (M. 263. F: 36). 3 Bhun,iia 1 9 Gadaba or'Gadba 515 533 9 3 Halbi (M.4), Hindi (M.4, F.l), Oriya 4 (M. 1, F. 2).

·Please see footnote at page 153. 182



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages r---" l ---, Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6



5 Gond* 5,101 5,222 645 385 Chhattisgarhi (F. 9). Dhurwa (M. 5, F. 7), Gondi (M. 7, F. 11), Halbi (M. 354, F.271), HIndi (M. 198, F. 85), Oriya (M. 81, F. 2). 6 Halba or Halbi 50 44 17 18 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1), Halbi (M. 15, F. 18). Hindi (M. 1) 7 Kamar 84 86 8 Kawar, Kanwar Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia. Tanwar or Chattri 1 9 Korwa including Kodaku 1 10 Munda 9 5 3 2 Halbi (M. 2, F. 2). Hindi (M. 1). 11 Pardhi including Bahelia, or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli, Pardhi-Phans, Pardhi; Shikari, Takankar and Takia 12 Parja 165 171 6 Halhi (M.2, F.1), Hindi (M. 3), Oriya _(M. 1). 13 Sawar or Sawara 113 123 38 24 Halbi (M. 6, F. 20), Hindi (M. 26, F. 3). Oriya (M. 6, F. 1), 14 Unclassifiable 2


Total 1 Gond*


Total 1 3 3 Hindi (F. 2), Oriya (F. 1). 1 Binjhwar 3 3 Hindi (P. 2), Oriya (P. 1).


Total 55,969 56,735 4,880 2,661 Bhattri (M. 73, F.13), English (M. 8). Gondi (M. 2,350. F. 1,966), Halbi (M. 425, F.454), Hindi (M.2,022, F.223). Kamri (F. 2), Marathi (M.l, F.l), Oriya (M.l F. 1), . Telugu (E. 1). Bhaina 2 2 Bhattra " 20 21 2 Bhattri (F. 1), Halbi (M. 2). 3 Bhil 2 4 Dhanwar Hindi (M. 1). 5 Gond'" 49,703 50,389 4,320 2,393 Bhattri (M. 22, F. 12), English (M. 5) Gondi (~. ~,311, F.l ,874), Halbi (M. 303, F.316). Hmdl (M. 1,677 F.188), Marathi (M. 1 F.1) Orna (M. 1, F. 1), Talugu (F. 1),

·Please see footnote at page 153. 183


Mother Tongue and total number of ~rsons returned as sPeaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,-----'-----.., ,-----A.,__ ~ Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



6 Halba or Halbi 5,917 5,983 483 226 Bhattri (M. 51). English (M. 3), Gondi (M.33, F. 89), Halbi (M.I02, F. 113), Hindi (M. 294, F. 24). 7 Kamar 35 29 8 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 229 191 48 • 7 Halbi (M. 9, F. 3), Hindi (M. 39, F. 4). 9 Munda 5 2 10 Oraon including Dhanka and Dhangad 1 1 Hindi (M. 1). 11 Pardhan, Patahri and Saroti 20 39 12 9 Gondi (M. 3, F. 2), Hindi (M. 9, F.7). 12 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita·Pardhi, Langoli Pardhi, Phans- Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia. 33 77 11 25 Gondi (M. 2, F. 1), Halbi (M.9, F,22), Kamari (F. 2). 13 U nclassifiab Ie 4 2 Gondi (M. I), Hindi (M. 1).


Total 12,112 11,307 7,032 5,882 Bhattri' (M. 429, F. 433), Chhattisgarhi (M.7), Gondi (M. 199, F.190), Halbi {M. 5,839, F. 5,238), Hindi (M. 536,F. 18), Maria (M, 15, F. 1), Oriya (M. 4), Telugu (M.3. F. 2). 1 Gond· 12,112 11 ,307 7,032 5,882 Bhattri (M. 429, F.433), Chhattisgarhi (M. 7), Gondi (M. 199 F. 190), Halbi (M. 5.839, F. 5,238), Hindi (M. 536, F. 18), Maria (M. 15, F. 1), Oriya (M, 4), Telugu (M.3, F.2).


Total 16,542 /8,464 3,511 2,324 Chhattisgrhi (M. 2), Gondi (M. 281, F.159) Halbi (M. 49, F. 56), Hindi (l, 289, F. 178), Mirgani (F. 4), Muria (F. 14), Oriya (F. 33), Telugu (M. 1,890, F. 1,876) Urdu (F. 4), 1 Bhaina 2 Gond* 16,142 17,904 3,357 2,206 Gondi (M. 270. F. 152), Halbi (M, 28. F, 50) Hindi (1,190, F. 174), Mirgani (F, 4), Muria (F. 14), Oriya (F. 33), Telugu (M. 1,869, F. 1,775), Urdu (F. 4). 3 Kamar 136 146 33 21 Gondi tM. 8 F. 6) Hinbi (M. 5, F. 2). Telugu M. 20. F. 13). 4 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 261 411 119 97 Gon~i (M.3, F.1), Halbi (M. 21, F.6). Hmdl (M. 94, F. 2), Telugu (M. 1, F. 88). 5 Pardhi including, DaheJia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 2 2 Chhattisgarhi (M. 2), 6 Unclassifiable 3

*Please see footnote at page 153. 184



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Lan,ua,es ~ ~----"------. Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5



Total J J Bkatlri (M. 1) 1 Gadaba or Gadba Bhattri (M. 1).

MOTHER• TONGUE: (11) GONDI Total 208,197 213,493 56,429 46,564 Banjari (M. 2), Bengali (M. 16 F. 15), Bhattri (F. 110), Chhatlisgarhi (M. 12 ,911, F. 13,056) Dhurwa (F, 50), Dorlii (M. 984, F. 1,435), English (M. 4), Halbi (M. 37,439 F. 29,743), Hindi (M. 4,587, F.l ,754), Mara thi (M, 4, F. 7). Muria (M. 3, F. 4), Oriya (111. 2), Parji (F. I), Telugu M. 477, F. 389). Bharia, Bhumia or Bhuinhar Bhumia including Pando 1 2 Bhattra 3 3 3 Halbi (M. 3), Telugu (F. 1). 3 Gadaba or Gadba 2 4 Gond· 207,837 213,020 56,306 46,462 Banjari (M. 2), Bengali (M. 16, F.15), Bhattri (F. 110), Chhattisgarhi (M. 12,901 F. 13,(49),Dhurwa (F. 50), Dorli (M. 969, F. 1 ,426), English (M. 4),Halbi (M.37,401, F.29,717), Hindi (M.4,572, F. 1,752), Marathi (M.4. F. 7), Muria (M. 3, F. 4) Oriya (M. 2), Parsi (F. 1), Telugu (M. 432, F.331. 5 Halba or Halbi 87 59 27 24 Chhattisgarhi (M. 8, F. 3), Halbi (M.9, F. 19), Hindi (~. ]0), Telugu (F. 2). 6 Kamar 39 52 29 35 Dorli (M.9, F.9), Halbi (M. 1, F.4), Hindi (M. 4), Telugu (M. 15, F. 22). 7 Korwa including Kodaku 136 231 22 Dorli (M. 5), Halbi (M. 17). 8 Pard han, Pathari and Saroti 39 82 32 34 Dorli (M. ]), Hindi (M.], F. 1) Telugu (M. 30, F.33). 9 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Pardhi, Shikari Takankar and Takia 7 15 5 6 Chhattisgarhi (M. 2, F.4), Halbi (M.3. F. I) Hindi (F. 1). 10 Unc[assiliabfe 46 31 5 2 Halbi (M. 5, F. 2).


Total 80,368 79,932 9,8845,121 Bengali (M. 3, F. 1), Bhattri (M. 1,163, F.931), Chhattisgarhi (M. 1,657, F. 1,591), Dhurwa (F. 30), Dorli (M.22, F. 11), English (M. 5), Gondi (M. 2,137, F.1,306) Hindi (M. 4,591, F. 1,092), Marathi (M. 13. F. 6), Muria (M. 44, F. 47) Oriya (M. 211 , F. 53) Parji)(F. 1,), TeluKu (M. 38, F.42)

·Please see footnote at page 153 185



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,--_-A. __---. Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



1 Anda 2 Bharia-Bhumia or Bhuinhar·Bhumia including Pando 48 61 22 25 Oriya (M. 22, F. 25). 3 Bhattra 10,962 10,720 1,002 307 Bhattri (M.220, F. 233), Chhattisgarhi M. 44, F, 6), English (M.3), Gondi (M. 4), • Hindi (M. 657, F. 57), Marathi (F.4),Oriya (M. 74, F. 7). 4 Bhi! 7 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1). 5 Dhanwar 1 Muria (M. 1). 6 Gadaba or Gadba 6 2 3 Gondi (M. 1), Hindi (M. 2). 7 Gond· 54,525 54,573 3,528 1,949 Bengali (F. 1), Bhattri (M.496, F. 475), Chhattisgarhi (M. 94, F. 146), Dhurwa (F. 27), Dorli (M. 2, F. 1), English (M. 2), Gondi (M. 1,292, F.894), Hindi (M. 1.5,74, F. 370), Muria (M. 4, F. 21), Oriya (M. 62 F. 12), Telugu (M. 2, F.2). 8 Halba or Halbi 13,676 13,499 4,918 2,576 Bengali (M. 3). Bhattri (M. 436, F. 222), Chattisgarhi (M. 1.420, F. 1,306). Dhurwa (F. 3). DorH (M. 15. F. 16). Gondi (M. 680 F. 313), Hindi (M. 2,241, F. 654). Marathi (M. 13, F. 2), Muria (M. 37. F. 25). Oriya (M. 44 P. 9), Parji (F. 1), Telugu (M. 29 F.25). 9 Kamar 20 21 10 7 Chhattisgarhi (M. 3), Gondi (M. 7, F. 7). 10 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa Rathia, Tanwar or Chattari 6 6 Chhattisgarhi (M. 4), Gondi (M. I), Hindi M .. I). 11 Korwa including Kodaku 137 149 10 - Gondi (M. 1 F. 1), Hindi (M. 9), 12 Munda 38 38 7 Hindi (M. 4), Muria (M. 2), Oriya (M. I). 13 Nihal 4 3 Chhattisgarhi (M 3). 14 Oraon including Dhanka and Dhangad 43 38 15 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 33 35 23 25 Dorli (M. 5, F.4), Gondi (M. 1). Hindi (M. 10,F.6), Telugu (M. 7, F.15), 16 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, and Takia 717 702 323 226 Chhattisgari (M. 88. F. 133). Gondi(M. 146 F. 91), Hindi (M. 86, F. 2), Oriya (M. 3), 17 Parja 24 24 5 1 Bhattri M. I, F. 1). Oriya (M. 4). 18 Sawar or Sawara 52 53 16 3 Bhattri (M. 10). Hindi (M.S. F. 3). Oriya M.I). 19 Unclassifiable 68 16 6 Gondi (M. 4). Hindi (M. 2). Muria (p. 1).

·Please see footnote on page 153. 186



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Laoiuales ,--~ ,..------A.----.., Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Tatal 2,064 1,872 524 295 Bhattri (M. 7, F. I), Chhattisgarhi (M.198, F. 66), English (M. 16), Gondi (M. 145, F. /06) Halbi (M.153, F.120), Marathi (M. 2, F.1), Nepali (F. 1), Telugu (M. 3). ] Baiga 6 1 2 Bhattra 13 10 5 3 Bhattri (M. 1), Halbi (M. 4, F. 3). 3 Bhi! 8 4 Bhunjia 2 5 Dhanwar 1 6 Gond'" 1 ,298 1 ,321 274 203 Bhattri (M. 4, F. 1), Chhatthgarhi (M.23, F. 11), English (M. 12), Gondi (M. ]32, F. 100), Balbi (M. 99, F. i9), Marathi (M. 2 F. 1), Nepali (F. 1), Telugu (M.2). 7 Halba or Halbi 419 416 65 ]0 Bhattri (M. 2), English (M. n. Gondi (M. 11, F. 3) Halbi (M. 50, F. 27), Telugu (M. 1). 8 Kamar 25 12 5 6 Chhattisgarhi (M. 5, F. 6). 9 Kawar, Kimwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia Tanwar or Chattri 13 10 4 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1), English (M. 3). 10 Kol 16 II Oraon including Dhanka and Dhangad 3 12 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 4 3 2 3 Gondi (M. 2, F. 3). 13 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phan~- Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 251 91 169 50 Chhattisgarhi (M. 169, F. 49), Halbi (F. 1). 14 Sawar or Sawara 4 4 15 Unclassifiab!e 3


Total 7 10 1 Korwa including Kodaku 7 10


Tolal 166 114 105 66 Chhatisgarhi (M.4, F.3), Gondl (M. 8. F. 9), Halbi (M. 16, F. 1), Hindi CM.60 F. 8), Maria (M, 1, F. 2), Telugu (M. 16, F.43). 32 9 10 3 Gondi (M. 2, F. 1), Halbi (M. 1), Hindi (M. 6, F. 2), Telugu (M. 1). 2 Halba Halbi Halbi (F. 1). 3 Kaw~r. Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathla, Tanwar or Chattari 2 ] Chha ttisgarhi (M. 1). 4 Korwa includioa Kodaku 4 1 Hindi (M. 1, F. 1).

*Please see footnote on page 153. 187


MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM FOR SCHEDULED TRffiES-Contd. Mother Tongue and total' number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languagls r---':';"_~ r-----"----,. Males Females Males Females

3 5 6



5 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 126 103 91 61 Chhattisgami (M. 3, F. 3), Gondi (M. 6, F. 8), Halbi (M. 15), Hindi (M. 51, F. 5), Muria (M, 1. F. 2), Telugu (M. 15, F.43). 6 Unclassifiable 2 2


Total 11,609 10,678 2,686 2,714 Bhattri (M. 8. F. 4), Dhurwa (F .11), Goadi (M. 40, F. 2), Halbi (M. 2,609, F.2,679), Hindi (M. 23, F. 18). Oriya (M. 6). 1 Bhattra 1 2 Gond· 11,516 10,582 2,684 2,714 Bhattri (M. 8 F. 4), Dhurwa (F. 1 1) Gondi (M. 40, F. 2), Halbi (M. 2,607, F.'2,679), Hindi (M. 23, F. 18), Oriya (M 6). 3 Kamar 34 26 1 Halbi (M. 1). 4 Korwa including Kodaku 54 68 1 Halbi (M. 1). 5 Unclassifiable 5


Total 42 29 25 16 Chhattisgarhi (M. 17, F. 16), Gondi (M. 8). 1 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 42 29 25 16 Chhattisgarhi (M. 17, F. 16), Gondi (M. 8).


Total 101 73 32 23 Bhattr; (M. 9, F. 4) Chhattisgarhi (M. 1 F 1), Gondi (M.3, F. 2), Halbi (M. 7' F, 12), Hind! (M. 11, F. 4), Te/ugu (M. h. Bharia, Bhumia or Bhuinhar Bhumia including Pando 12 9 3 Halbi (F. 3). 2 Bhattra 15 12 10 4 Bhattri (M. 5, F. 3), Hindi (M. 4, F. 1), Telugu (M. 1). 3 Gadaba or Gadba 4 2 Bhattri (M. 2). 4 Gond* 29 26 8 11 Bhatt~i (F. 1), Chhattis~arhi (M. I, F. 1), GOl'ldl (M. 2, F. 2),Halbl (M. 2, F. 5), Hindi (M. 3, F. 2). ' 5 Halba or Halbi 10 11 8 2 Bhattri (M. 2), Gondi (M. 1). Halbi (M. 2 F. 2), Hindi (M. 3). ' 6 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur Cherwa Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 1 Hindi (M. 1). 7 Kandh, Khond or Kandh 21 8 8 Munda 1 9 Oraon including Dhanka and Dhangad 3 10 Parja 1 Halbl(M.l). 11 Sawar or Sawara 4 7 2 3 Halbi (M. 2, F. 2), Hindi (F. n. ·Please see footnote on page 1:'13. 188



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages r--"-----, Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Total 1 1 /falhi (M. 1). 1 Gond· Halbi (M. 1).


Total 76 108 29 39 Chhattisgarhi (M. 6, F. 6), Gondi (M. 4, F. 3), Halhi (M. 19, F. 4). Hindi (F. 23), Mahari (F. 2). Marathi (F. 1). Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari Takankar and Takia 76 108 29 39 Chattisgarhi (M. 6, F. 6). Gondi (M.4, F. 3), Halbi (M. 19. F.4), Hindi (F. 23), Mahari (F. 2), Marathi (F. 1).


Total 13 13 Bhattri (F. 1). Halhi (F. 12). Gond· 10 10 Halbi (F. 10). 2 Parja 3 3 Bhattri (F. 1), Halbi (F. 2).


Total 5 1 1 Gond. 5


Totol 549 396 213 113 Dorli (M. 47. F. 7), Gondi (M. 19, F. 21), Halhi (M. 12, F. 11), Hindi (M. 126, F.36), Marathi (M. 7, F.13), Muria (M.l, F. 25), Oriya (M. 1). Bhattra 2 Gond· 208 152 66 33 Dorli (M. 26. F. 2),' Gondi (M. 4, F. 5), Halbi (M. 2, F. 2). Hindi (M. 32. F. 24), Muriya (M. 1), Oriya (M. 1). 3 Halba or Halbi 22 22 6 8 Halbi (F. 2), Hindi (M. 6, F. 6). 4 Kamar 1 S Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 317 221 141 72 Dorli (M. 21, F. 5), Gondi (M. 15, F. 16), Halbi (M. 10. F. 7), Hindi (M. 88, F. 6). Marathi (M. 7. F. 13), Muria (F. 25).

·Please ICe foonote on page 153. TABLE ST-I


Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total s~kers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,------A----, r~ Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


ALL SCHEDULED TRmES 22,067 21,641 10,906 12,165 Cbbattlsgarhi (M. 8,856, F. 10,480), Englisb (M. S), Gondi (M. 1,20S, F.87S), Halbi (M.2S7, F. 762), Hindi (M.S77, F.45).


Tolal 1 1 Hindi (M. 1). 1 Bhattra 1 1 Hindi (M. 1).


Total 8,028 6,027 1,557 897 English (M. 2), Gondi (M. 1,125, F. 873), Halbi (M. 9, F. 5), Hindi 421, F. 19), Gond· 6,150 4,259 1,412 805 English (M. 2), Gondi (M. 1,097, F.786) Halbi (M. 2, F. 2), Hindi (M. 311, F. 17). 2 Halba or Halbi 1,857 1,155 140 92 Gondi (M. 27, F. 87), Halbi (M. 7, F. 3), Hindi (M. 106, F. 2). 3 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 18 10 4 Hindi (M. 4). 4 Pardhan Patbari and Saroti 2 3 .. 5 Unclassifiable 1 Gondi (M. 1).


Total 12,405 14,282 8,143 10,362 ChhattisgarhqM. 7,806, F. 9,605), English (M.1), Halbl (M. 247, F.757), Hindi (M.89). 12,396 14,256 8,138 10,360 Chhattisgarhi (M. 7!80~, F.9,603), Halbi (M. 246, F; 757), Hmdl (M. 89), English (M.I). 2 Halba or Halbi 9 26 5 2 Chhatisgarhi (M. 4, F. 2), Balbi (M. 1).


Total 1,581 1,327 1,186 902 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1.040, F.872), Gondi (M. 80, F. 4), Hindi(M. 66, F.26), Gond· 6 26 2 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1, F. 2). 2 Halba or Halbi 1,568 1,287 1,178 893 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1,032, F. 863) Gondi (M.80, F. 4), Hindi (M. 66 F. 26).' 3 Pardhi ineluding Bahelia or Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 7 14 7 7 Chhattisgarhi (M. 7, F. 7).

·Please see footnote on page 153. 190



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages r----"----, Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6



Total 46 16 Chhatisgarhi (M. 7), English (M. 5), Gondi (M. 3), Halbi (M. 1). Gond·' 28 14 Chhattisgarhi (M. 7), English (M. 5), Gondi (M.2). 2 Halba or Halbi 16 2 Gondi (M. I), Halbi (M. 1~, 3 Orbon includidg Dhanka and Dhangad 2


Total 6 5 3 4 Chhaftisgarhi (M. 3, F. 3), Gondi (F. 1); 1 'Pardhan, Pathari 2'nd 'Sarotj 6 5 3 4 Chhattisgarhi (M. 3. F. 3)~ Gondi (P. 1).


ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 43,207 45,914 2,831 1,779 'Chhattisgarhi (M.1,248, F. 327), English (M. 2), Gondi (M. 832, F,788), Halhi (M. 10 F. 626), Hindi (M. 737, F. 35),~Kamri (F. 2), Marathi (M.1), Telugu (M. 1, F.l).


Total 1 Gond·


Total 41,477 44,493 1,572 851 English (M, 1), Gondi (M. 832, F, 787), Halbi (M. 10, F, 26), Hindi (M. 729, F. 35), Kamari (F. 2), Telugu (f. J). 1 Bhattra 10 8 2 Bhil 2 3 Gond" 38,255 41,108 1,492 827 Gondi (M. 832, P. 787), Halbi (M. 2. F.6) Hindi (M. 658, F. 33), Telugu (P. 1). 2 Halba or Halbi 3,129 3,228 74 4 English (M. 1), Halhi (M. 4, F. 2), Hindi (M.69, F.2),. 5 Kamar 35 29 6 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 32 33 7 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 5 21 l Hindi (M. 2). 8 Pardhi inc1udina Bahelia Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi. Langoli- Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Tankar and Takia 9 64 20 Halbi (M. 4, F. 18). Kamari (P. 2). 9 Unclassifiable 1 " ·Please see footnote on page 153. 191



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,..--___._____, ,...---.A.__ --., Mltles Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Total 2 2 Chhatfisgarhi (M. 2). 1 Pardhi including, Bahelia or Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi Langoli Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 2 2 Chhattisgarhj (M. 2).


1.386 1,187 1,028 795 Chhattisgari (M. 1,023, F. 195), Halb; (F. 600), Hindi (M. 5). 1,386 1,187 1,028 795 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1,023 F.195), Halbi (F. 600), Hindi M. 5).


Total 77 109 42 65 Chhattisgarhi (M. 40, F. 65), Hindi (M. 2). 1 Bhil 4 1 Chhattisgathi (M. 1). 2 Halbi Of Halbi 17 8 12 2 Chhattisgarhi (M. 10, F. 2), Hindi (M. 2). 3 Goud* 1 4 Kamar 3 3 Chhattisgarhi (M. 3). 5 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahe!lia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pard hi, Phans-Pardhi Shikari, Takankar and Takia 52 101 26 63 Chhattisgarhi M. 26, F. 63).


Total 222 85 177 60 Chhatfisgarhi (M.174, F.59), English (M. 1), Gondi (F. 1), Marathi (M.l), feiugn (M. T). Gond* 12 10 2 5 Chhattisgarhi (F. 4), Gondi (F. 1), Marathi (M. 1), Telugue (M. 1). 2 Halba or Halbi 3 English (M. 1). 3 Kamar 9 n 5 6 Chhattisgarhi (M. 5, F. 6). 4 Pardhi including Bahella or Bahellia. Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 200 61 169 49 Chhattisgarhi (M. 169, F. 49),


Total 12 14 6 4 Chhattisgarhi (M. 6, F. 4). Pardhi including Bahelia, or BaheUia, Chita Pardhi Langoli­ Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 12 14 6 4 Chhattisgarhi (M. 6, F. 4).

·Please see footnote on page 153. 192



Mother Tongue and total number , of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages

,---....Jl ') ~ Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Total 1 1 Hindi (M. 1). 1 Gond· 1 1 Hindi (M. 1).


Total 25 22 3 4 Chhattisgarhi (M. 3 F. 4). 1 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pardhi, Phans Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 25 22 3 4 Chhattisgarhi (M. 3, F. 4).


Total 5 1 1 Gond· 5


Total 2 1 Gond· 2


ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 35,780 34,786 10,362 4,994 Bengali (M. 2), Cbbattisgarhi (M. 1,000, F.822). English (M. 6). Gondi (M.432. F. 292). Halbi (M. 5,524, F.3,306). Hindi (M. 3,377, F. 560), Marathi (M. 18, F.I0), Muria (M. 3, F. 3), Oriya (F. 1).


Total 6 5 Chhattisgarhi (F. 1), Gondi (F. 3), Hindi (F. 1). 1 Gond· 6 5 Chhattisgarhi (F. 1), Gondi (F. 3), Hindi (F. 1).

MOTHER TONGUE: (2) BHATTRI Total 1 1 Hindi (M. 1). Gond· Hindi (M. 1). MOTHER TONGUE : (3) CHHATTISGARHI Total 714 763 245 115 English (M 3), Gondi (M. 81, F. 46), Halbi (M.27, F. 46),Hindi(M. 133, F. 23), Marathi (M. 1). 1 Gond· 426 439 177 97 English (M. 2). Gondi (M. 73, F. 43), Halbi (M. 17, F. 38), Hindi (M. 84, F.16), Marathi (M. 1). ·Please see footnote on page 153. 193

TABLE St---:-l, MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALisM FOR SCHEDULED TRIDES-Contd. Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ~r--~ Males Females Males Females

3 5 6



2 Halba or Malbi 279 317 61 12 English (M. lr, Gondi (M. 5, F .1). Halbi (M. 10, F. 7) Hindi (M. 45, F. 4). 3 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chauri 2 2 2 Halbi (F. I), Hindi (M. 2). 1 Oraon including Dhanka and Dblngad 1 Hindi (M. 1). 5 Pardkan. Pathari and Saroti 6 5 4 5 Gondi (M. 3. F. 2), Hindi (M. 1. F. 3).


Total 29,4S6 28,164 8,678 4,083 Chhattisgarhi (M. 88S. F. 705), English (M. 7) Halbi(M. 5,480. F. 3,248), Hindi (M.2,304 F. 120), Marathi (M. 4, F. 7). Muria (M.3 F.3). Gond'" 29,424 28,140 8,654 4,066 Chhattisgarhi (M.881, F.703), English (M.2), Halbi (M. 5,470 F. 3,234), Hindi (M. 2,294 F. 139), Marathi' (M. 4, F. 7), Muria (M. 3, F.3), 2 Halba or Halbi 28 19 22 14 Chhattisgarhi (M. 4, F. I), Halbi (M. 8, F. 13), Hindi (M. 10). 3 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 1 Hindi (F. 1). 4 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, LangoIi­ Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 1 3 2 Chhattisgarhi(F.I),Halbi(M.l, F.I). 5 Unclassifiable 2 Halbi (M. 1), •


Total 4,696 3,899 1,313 704 Bengali(M.2), Chhattisgarhi (M.114,F. 112), Gondi (M. 2S0, F. 174), Hindi (M.934, F.415). Marathi (M. 13. F. 2), Oriya (F. 1). 1 Andh 1 2 Bhattra 4 4 Gondi (M. 1), Hindi (M. 3). 3 Gond" 1,894 1,065 46 33 Chhattisgarhi (M. 2, F.4), Gondi (M. 17, F. 20), Hindi (M. 27, F. 9), 4 Halba or Halbi 2,774 2,810 1,248 657 Bengali (M.2), Chhattisgarhi (M. 112, F. 108), Gondi (M. 220, F. 142), Hindi (M. 901, F.404), Marathi (M. 13, F. 2), Oriya (F. 1). S Pardhi including BaheJia or BahelJ!a, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pardhl, Phans-Pardhi Shikari Takankar and Takia ' • 20 24 14 14 Gondi (M. 11. F. 12), "Hindi (M. 3, F. 2). 6 UncJassifiable 3 Gondi (M. 1). "Please see footnote on page 153: 194



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages r---"-----. Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Tota] 510 580 102 74 Chhattisgflrhi (M. 1), Eng/ish (M. J), Gondl (M. 92, F. 66), Halbi (M. 8, F. 7), Marathi. (F. 1). 199. 246 S9 69 Chhattisgarhi (M.l), English (M.l). Gondi (M. 82. F. 62), Halbi (M.S. F. 6), Marathi (F. 1). 2 Halba or Halbi 308 329 11 1 GOl1di (M. 8. F. 1). Halbi (M. 3). 3 Pardhan Pathari and Saroti 2 3 2 3 Gondi (M. 2, F. 3). 4 Pardhi including Bahelia or BahelJia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 2 Halbi (F. 1).


Total 360 1,341 9 J Gondi (M.5, F.l), HalbJ (M. 3),HindJ (M.1). GClnd· 360 1,341 9 1 Gondi CM.S,F.I), Halbi (M.3), Hindi (M.l),


Total . 18 3 5 2 Gondi (M. 2 F. 1)-llalbi (F. 1) Hindi (M. 3) 1 Gond· 13 Hindi (M.l) 2 Halba or Halbi Halbi (F. 1) 3 Pardhan, Pathari and Sarod 3 2 2 Gondi (M. 2 F. 1) 4 Unclassifiable 2 2 Hindi (M. 2)


Total 6 5 4 Chhattisgarhi (P. 4). Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli- Pardhi, Pbans-Pardhi, Sankari, Takankar and Takia 6 S 4 Chhattisaarhi (F. 4).


Total J 1 Hindi (M. 1) Bhattra Hindi (M. 1)


Total 18 23 8 5 Gondi (M. 2, F. 1), Halbi (M.6 F. 4). Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahe\lia Pardhi. Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Pardhi,Shikari Takankar and Takia 18 23 8 5 Gondi (M. 2, F. I), Halbi (M. 6, F. 4). ·Pleae see footnote on page 153. 195



Mother Tongue and (otal number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Total spe~kers Tongue Subsidiary Languages Name of Scheduled Tribe , __.A. __----.. Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Total 2 1 Hindi (F. 1) Gond· 2 Hindi (F. 1)


ALL SCHEDULED TRIDES 64,774 66,022 22,221 18,966 Banjari (M.I), Bbattrl (M.7. F.31), OIhattl.. garbi (M. 3,582. F.3,03S). GoDdJ (M.l,2S4 . F. 1,127), Halbl (M. 14,466. F. 14,056), Hindi (M,2,862, F. (98), Marat hi (p. 5), Oriya (M. 46, F. 14), Telugu (M. 3)


Total 2 1 2 1 Holhi (M.l, F. I), Hindi (M.!) 1 Gond. 1 Halbi (M. 1, F. 1) 2 UDclassifiable 1 Hindi (M. 1)


Total 650 668 96 78 Halbi (M. 83, F. 74), Hindi (M. 6, F. I), Or/ya (M. 7, F. J) . Bhattra 635 652 95 78 Hindi (M, 6, F. 1), Halbi (M. 82, F. 74) Oriya (M. 7 F. 3) 2 Gond· 15 16 Balbi (M. 1)


Total 4,171 ~4,lJl 699 490 GondJ fM. JlU F. 252), Halbi (M. 172, F. /86) Hindi M. 22 j , F. 51) Marathi(F. 1) Bhaina 1 2 2 Bhattra 9 7 I Halbi (M. 1) 3 Gond· 3,702 3,660 590 424 Gondi (M. 302, F. 251), Halbi (M. lll, F .131), Hindi (M. 177, F. 41), Marathi (F. 1) 4 Halba or Halbi 346 353 81 57 Halbi (M. 52 F. 51) Bindi(M. Z9, F.6) 5 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 89 76 18 4 Halbi (M. 3), Hindi (M, IS, F. 4) 6 Pard han , Pathari and Saroti 2 2 2 H'mdi(M.2) 7 Pardhi including Bahelia, Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 22 -11 7 5 Gondi (~~. 2, F. I), Balbi (M. 5, F. 4)

·Please see footnote Oft page 153. 196



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,.....----"--­ r-~ Males Females Males Females



Total 36,782 35,185 18,480 16,471 BanJari (M.l), Chhattisgarhi (M. 3,158, F. 2,535), Ha/hi (M. 14 ,039, F. 13 ,653), Hindi (Ml ,279, F. 283), Telugu (M. 3) 1 Bbattra 2 2 Halbi (M. 2) 2 Gond· 36,773 35,167 18,473 16,461 Banjari (M. I), Chhattisgarhi (M. 3,156, F. 2,532), Halbi (M. 14,034, F.13.647), Hindi (M. 1,279, F. 282), TeluJu (M. 3) 3 Halba or Halbi 2 2 Halbi (F. 2) 4 Kamar 1 4 1 4 Halbi (M. 1, F. 4) S Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia, 6 12 4 4 Chhattisgarhi (M. 2, F. 3), Halbi (M. 2), Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Hindi (F. 1) Pardhi. Shikari. Takankar and Takia


Total 21,953 24,805 2,692 1,710 Bhattr; (M. 7, F. 31), Chhattisgarhi (M. 401. FA87), Gondi (M. 894,F.835), Hindi (M.1,35I. F. 342), Morathi (F. 4), Oriya (M. 39, F. 11). Bhattr. 2,995 2,991 210 34 Bhattri (M. 7, F .19), Chhattisgarhi (M.ll), Hindi (M. 164, F. 5), Marathi (F. 4), Oriya (M. 28, F. 6) 2 Gond· 16,525 19,398 1,543 1,123 Bhattri(F. 9), Chhattisgarhi (M.77, F. 120), Gondi (M.713, F.733), Hindi (M. 744, F.2S6), Oriya (M. 9, F. 5) 3 Halba or Halbi 1,817 1,865 648 404 Bhattri (F.3), Chhattisgarhi (M .251, F.304), Gondi (M. 38, F. 16). Hindi (M. 359, F. 81) 4 Kamar 12 11 7 7 Gondi (M. 7, F. 7) 5 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 6 6 Chhattisgarhi (M. 4), Gondi (M. 1), Hindi (M.1) 6 Nihal 4 3 Chh~ttisgarhi (M. 3) 7 Pardhi including Bahelia or BahelJia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi. Phans- Pardhi, Shikhari, Takankar and Takia 594 538 275 142 Chhattisgarhi (M. 55, F.63), Gondi (M. 135, F. 79), Hindi (M. 83), Oriya (M. 2) 8 Unclassifiable 2

MOTHER TONGUE: (6) HINDI 10tal 1,048 1,075 155 129 Chhattisgarhi (M. 10, F. 3), Gondi (M. 44, F. 36), Halbi (M. 101, F.90) .1 Bhattra 7 7 4 2 2 Gond· Balbi (M. 4, F. 2) 909 970 120 105 Chhattisgarhi (M. 9, F. 3), Gondi (M. 44, 3 F. 36), Halbi (M. 57, F. 66) Halba Or HaJbi 70 4 Kamar 63 30 22 Halbi (M. 30, F. 22) 2 S Kaw~r, Kanwgr, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathla Tanwar or Chattri S 8 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1) • Please sec footnote on page 153. 197

TABLE ST-l \ MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALIS~ FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-Contd. \ Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe ,----'Total speakers______Tongue Subsidiary Languages r-~'----" Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


MOTHER TONGUE : (6) HINDl-Concld .

6 Oraon including Dhanka and Dhangad 7 Pardhan, Pathari and Sarod 2 8 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia , Chita-Pardhl Langoli-Pardhi, Phans­ Pardhi. Shikari. Takankar and Takia 49 27


Total 95 95 53 52 Halhi (M. 53, F. 52) Goad· 95 95 53 52 Halbi (M. 53, F. 52)


Total 5 1 3 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1), Hindi (M. 2) 1 Gond· 3 1 2 Hindi (M. 2) 2 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 2 1 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1)


Total 24 10 16 8 Chhattisgarhi (M. 9, F. 8), Gondi (M. 7) Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhl, Phans- Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 24 10 16 8 Chhattisgarhi (M.9, F.8) Gondi (M.7)


Total 10 13 6 2 Gondi (M, 3, F. 2), Halhi (M. 3) 1 Bhattra 2 Gond· 3 6 2 2 Gond; (M.2, P.2) 3 Halba or Halbi 5 7 3 Gondi(M.l), Halbi(M.2) 4 Parja Halbi(M.l)


Total 1 1 Halhi(M,I) Gond· 1 Halbi (M.l)


Total 33 58 18 25 Chhattisgarhi (M. 3, F.2). Gondi (M.l, F.2) Halhi(M.13), Hindi (F. 21) Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Chhattisgarhi (M.3, F.2), Gondi (M.2, F .2) Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 33 58 18 25 Hindi (M. 13), Hindi (P.21).

·Please aee footnote on page 153. 198



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Lmguages ,----A---., ~ -., M~les Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 37,895 37,447 6,610 4,338 Bengali (M.4, F.7), Cbhattisgarhi (M.1, F.10), Dorli (M 1,048, F. 1,382). Gondi (M.420, F. 233). Halbi "(M. 1,530, F. 566), Hindi (1,997, F. 273), Mahari (F. 2), Marathi (M. 7, F. 14), Muria. (M. 11, F. 33), Telugu (M. 1,592, F. 1,818)


Total 1 2 1 Hindi (F. 1) Gond'" 2 Hindi (F. 1)


Total 7 8 6 5 Dorli (F. 1), Gondi (F. 1), Halbi (M.3, F.2), Hindi (M. 3, F. 1) Bhattra 6 8 5 5 Dorli (F.l), Gondi (F.I), Halbi (M.2, F .2), Hindi (M.3, F.l) 2 Gond'" Halbi (M. 1)


Total 39 12 31 6 Halbi (M. 4, F. 2), Hindi (M. 27, F.4) Gond· 34 10 29 6 Halbi (M. 4, F. 2), Hindi (M. 25, F.4) 2 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 2 1 Hindi (M.l ) 3 Pardhi including Ba.helia or Bahellia Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 2 2 4 Unclassifiable Hindi (M. 1)


Total 10,787 11,005 2,595 1,740 Gondi (M.279, F.159), Halbi (M.36, F.55), Hindi(M.1,174,F.150), Telugu{M.1,l06, F, 1,376) Bhaina - 2 Gond" 10,450 10,523 2,447 1,624 Gondi (M.268, F. 152), Halbi (M .15, F .49) Hindi (M .1,078, F .147), Telugu (M. 1,086, F.1,276) 3 Kamar 75 71 29 19 Gondi (M. 8, F. 6), Hindi (M.2, F. 1), Telugu (M. 19, F. 12) 4 Pardhan. Pathari and Saroti 261 411 119 97 Halbi. (M. 21, F. 6), Hindi (M. 94, F. 2), Gondl (M. 3, F. I), Telugu (M. I, F. 88) ·Please see footnote at paae 153. 199


Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ~ ,...... ---'---.., Males Femalea Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Total 22,283 21,237 3,217 2,295 Bengali (M. 4, F. 7), Chhattisgarhi (F. I), Dorli (M. 984, F. 1,355), Halbi (M. 1,413, F. 500), Hindi (M. 375, F. 62), Telugu (M.441, F. 370). 1 Gadaba or Gadba 2 2. Gond· 22,104 21,960 3,141 2,229 Bengali (M. 4, F. 7), Chhattisgarhi (F. I), Dodi (M. 969, F. 1,346), Halbi (M. 1,402, F. 500), Hindi (M. 370, F. 62). Telugu (M 396, F. 313) 3 Halba or Halbi 3 2 Telugu (F. 2) 4 Kamar 38 48 28 31 Dorli (M. 9, F. 9). Hindi (M. 4), Telugu (M. IS, F. 22). 5 Korwa including Kodaku 101 145 16 Dorli (M.S.), Halbi (M. 11) 6 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 38 81 32 33 Dorli (M. I). Hindi (M. 1), Teluiu (M.30, F. 33).


Total 1',917 3,563 433 147 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1, F. 9), Darli (M. 20, F. 20), Gondi (M. 115, F.51), Hindi (M.259 , F. 32), Muria (M. 9, F. 6), Telugu (M. 29, F.29). Bhattra 6 4 S Hindi (M. 5) 2 Gadaba or Gadba 1 1 1 Gondi (M. 1) 3 Gond* 41 1,779 20 7 Dorli (M. I), Gondi (M. 5, F. 3), Hindi (M. 12, F. 1), Muria (M. 1, F. 3), Telugu (M. 1) 4 Halba or Halbi 1,788 1,706 384 115 Chhattisgarhi (M. I, F. 9), Gondi (M. 108, F. 48), Dorli (M. 14, F.16), Hindi (M. 232, F.2S), Muria (M.8 .,F .3),Telugu (M.21 ,P.14 5 Korwa including Kodaku 1 6 Oraon including Dhanka and Dhangad 43 38 7 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 33 35 23 25 Dorli (M.5, FA) Gondi (M. 1), Hindi (M.I0 F. 6). TeJugu(M. 7, F. 15) • 8 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia Chita Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Pard hi , Shikari, Takankar and Takia 4


Total 4 3 3 Gondi (M. 1), Halbi (M. 2) 1 Gond· 2 1 2 Haibi (M. 2) 2 Halba or Halbi Gondi (M. 1) 3 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia. Tanwar or Chattri 2

* Please see footnote at page 153. 200



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages r----"-----, ~~ Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6



Total 2,269 183 50 Gondi (M. 4), Halbi (M. 46) Gond· 2,245 152 50 Gondi (M. 4), Halbi (M: 46) 2 Korwa including Kodaku 24 31


Total 111 98 89 57 Gondi -(M. 4. F. 6), Halbi (M.15). Hindi (M. 53, F. 6). Muria (M. I, F. 2), TeJugu (M. 16, F. 43)

Gond· 3 2 2 Hindi (M. 1, F. 1). Telugu(M. 1) 2 Korwa including Kodaku Hindi (M. 1) '3 Pardhan. Pathari and Saroti 117 96 86 56 Gondi (M. 4, F. 6), Halbi (M. 15), Hindi (M. 51, F. 5), fvluria (M. I, F. 2), Telu2u (M.15,F.43)


Toull 1 1 Hindi(M. 1) Halba or Halbi Hindi (M. 1)


Total 5 5 Hindi (F. 2), Mahari (F. 2), Marathi (F. 1)

Pard hi including Bahelia or BaheIlia, Chita-Pardhi, Longoli-Pardhi, Phans­ Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 5 5 Hindi (F. 2), Mahari (F. 2), Marathi (F .1)


Total 466 331 185 82 DorU (M. 44, F. 6), Gondi (M. 17, F. 16), Halbi (M. 11, F. 7), Hindi (M. L05, F. 15), Marathi (M. 7, F. 13). Muria (M. 1, F. 25) Gond· 150 109 45 10 Dorli (M.23. F .1), Halbi (M .1), Hindi (M. 18. F. 9), Gondi (M, 2), Muria (M. 1) 2 Halba or Halbi

3 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 316 221 140 72 Dorli (M. 21, F. 5), Gondi (M. 15, F. 16), Halbi (M,IO, F. 7). Hindi (M. 87, F. 6), Marathi(M. 7, F.13). Muria (F. 25)

·Please see Cootnote at paae 153. 201

TABLE ST-I \ MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-Contd. \ Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages • ,-__ .A __---, Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


ALL'SCHEDUI.ED TRIBES 54,511 56,096 6,505 2,385 Bengali (M. 4, F. 5), Chhattisgarhi (M. 23, F. 17), Gondi (M. 204, F. 96). Halbi (M. 5,639, F. 2,202), Hindi (M. 633, F. 61), Nepali (F. 1), Parji (F. 1), TeIDgn eM. 2, F. 2). MOTHER TONGUE: (1) BENGALI

Total 1 1 Gond; (F. 1). 1 Gond'" 1 1 Gondi (F. I).


Total 20 11 16 9 Halh; (M. 7, F. 6), Hindi M. 9, F. 3). 1 Bhattra 14 7 11 6 Halbi (M. 7, F. 6), Hindi (M. 4). 2 Gond" 5 4 5 3 Hindi (M. 5, F. 3). 3 Halba or Halbi 1


Total 53 37 38 15 GOlldi (M. I), Halbi (M. 11, F. 8), Hindi (M. 26, F. 7). Gond* 49 31 36 10 Gondi (M. 1), Balbi (M. 9, F. 4), Hindi (M. 26, F. 6). 2 Halba or Halbi 3 4 3 Balbi (M. I, F. 2), Hindi (F. 1). 3 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 2 2 Halbi (M. 1, F. 2).


Total 210 209 126 95 Halbi (M. 125, F.95), Hindi (M. 1). 1 Gond* 210 209 126 95 Halbi (M. 125, F. 95), Hindi (M. 1).


Total 1 1 Hindi (M. J). 1 Gond* 1 1 Hindi (M. 1).


Total 47,702 53,312 5,839 2,133 Bengali (M. 3, F. 4), Chhattisgarhi (M. ]1, F. 11), Halhi (M. 5,494, F. 2,086), Hindi (M. 319, F. 31), Te/ugu (M. J, F. 1).

1 Gond* 47,699 53,300 5,836 2,129 Bengali (M. 3, F. 4), Chhattisgarhi (M. 22, F. ll), Halbi (M. 5,491, F. 2,082), Hindi (M. 319, F. 31), Telugu (M. 1, F. 1). 2 Halba or Halbi 9 4 Halbi (F. 4). 3 Korwa including Kodaku 3 3 3 Halbi (M. 3).

·Please see footnote at paie 153 202



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,--__.A_ __-., ,-_.A____ -, Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Tatal 6,160 2,198 471 124 Bengali (M. 1, F. 1), Chhattisgarhi (M. 1, F. 6), Gondi (M 193, F. 95), Hindi (M' 275, F.20), Parfi (F. 1), Telugu (M. 1, F. 1). Bhattra 12 7 Gondi (M. 1), Hindi (M. 6). 2 Gond· 4,293 247 44 40 Bengali (F. I), Chhattisgari (F. 1), Gondi (M. 31, F. 37), Hindi (M. 13, F. 1). 3 Balba or Balbi 1,854 1,951 '419 84 Bengali (M. 1), Chhattisgarhi (M. 1, F. 5), Gondi (M. 16(1, F. 58), Hindi (M. 256, F. 19), Parji (F. I), Telugu (M. I, F. 1). .. Unclassifiable Gondi (M. 1).


Total 8 5 2 2 Gondi (M.I), Halbi (M. 1, F. 1), Nepali (F. 1). 1 Gond· 8 5 2 2 Gondi (M. 1), Halbi (M. 1, F. 1), Nepali ~F. 1).


Total 7 1 Gond· 7


Total 346 320 10 4 Gondi (M. 9), Halbi (M. I, F.4). Gond· 346 320 10 4 Gondi (M. 9), Halbi (M. 1, F. 4).


Total 2 1 Halba or Balbi 2 Oraon including Dhanka· and Dhangad 2


Total 2 2 2 2 Halbi (F. 2), Hindi (M. 2). 1 Gond. 1 Hindi (M. 1). 2 Halba or Halbi 2 1 2 Halbi (F. 2), Hindi.,. (M. 1). ·Please lee footnote at page 153 203


Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakcrs Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,----"------, ,----..A-.__ ---. Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 113,587 115,460 23,480 19,754 Bengali (M. 6. F. 4), Bhattri (M. 1,664, F. 1,434). Chbattisgarhi (M. 86, F. 41), Dhurwi (M. 6, F. 52), Dorli (M. 1), English (M. 5), Gondi (M. 543, F. 111), Halbi (1\1. ]7.432. F. 16,513), Hindi (1\1. 3,236, F. 1,536). Maria ,M. 15, F. i). Muria. (M. 5, F. 20), 'VIarathi (M. 1), Oriya (M. 480, F. 42).


Total 2 2 Ha!bi (F. I), Hindi (F. 1). 1 Gond* 2 2 Haibi (F. J), Hindi (F. 1).


Total 29,820 30,867 2,668 1,295 Chhattisgarhi (M. 2, F. 10), Dhurwi (M. 6, F. 7), Gondi (M. 7, F. 11), Halbi (M.l,161, F. 1,110), Hilldi(M.J,153, F. 121); Muria (M. I), Oriya (M. 338,F.36) Bharia-Bhumia, or Bhuinhar­ Bhumia including Pando - 5 3 Hindi (M. 1). 2 Bhattra 23,955 24,840 2,032 919 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1, F. 1), Dhurwi (M. 1), Halbi lM. 807, F. 845). Hindi(M. 973. F. 42}, Muria (M. 1), Oriya (M. 249, F.3!). 3 Bhunjia 1 9 4 Gadaba or Gadba 513 531 8 3 Halbi (M. 3), Hindi (M. 4, F. 1), Oriya (M. 1, F. 2). 5 Gond'" 4,946 - 5,081 583 350 Chhattisgarhi (F. 9). Gondi (M. 7, F. 11). Halbi (M. 331. F. 244), Hindi (159, F. 77), Dhurwi (M, 5, F. 7), Oriya (M. 81, F.2).

6 Halba or Halbi 48 44 16 18 Chhattisgarhi (M. 1). Halbi (M. 15, F. 18). 7 Kamar 84 86 8 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathai, Tanwar or Chattri 1 1 9 Korwa including Kodaku 1 10 Munda 9 5 3 2 Halbi (M. 2, F. 2), Hindi eM. 1). 11 Pardni including Bahelia or Bahel1ia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 1 12 Parja 165 171 6 I Halbi (M. 2, F. 1), Hindi (M. 3), Oriya (M. 1). 13 Sawar or Sawara 91 96 19 2 Halbi (M. 1), Hindi (M. 12, F. 1), Oriya (M. 6, F. 1).


Total J 3 3 Hindi (F.2), Oriya (F. J). 1 Binjhwar 3 3 Hindi (F. 2), Oriya (F. 1).

·Please see footnote at page 153 204



- Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother "'am~ of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,...-----"---­ r------"--, Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Total 781 713 308 170 Bhattri (M. 73, F. 12), Engli,h (M. 1), Gondi (M. 1), Halbi (M. 160, F. 148), Hindi (M. 71, F. 9), Ori,a (M. I, F. 1).

Bhattra 3 Bhattri (F. 1), Halbi (M. 1). 2 Dhanwar Hindi (M. O. 3 Gond· 460 380 200 122 Bhattri (M. 22, F. 11), English (M. I). . Gondi (M. 1), Balbi (128, F. 101), Hindi (M. 47, F. 9), Oriya(M. I, F. 1).

4 Halba or Halbi 235 265 86 47 Bhattri (M. 51), Halbi (M. 26, F.47), Hindi (M. 9). 5 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur. Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 79 63 20 Halbi (M. 5), Hindi (M. 15). 6 Munda 5 2


Total 7,072 7,438 4,342 4,838 Bhattri (M. 429. F. 433), Chltattisgarhi (M.7), Gondi (M. 6, F. 5), Halbi (M. 3,398. F. 4,390), Hindi (M. 484, F.9), Maria (M. 15, F. 1), Oriya fM. 3). 7,072 7,438 4,342 4,838 Bhattri (M. 429, F. 433), Chhattisgarhi (M. 7), Gondi (M. 6, F. 5), Halbi (M. 3,398, F. 4,390), Hindi (M. 484, P.9). Maria (M. 15, F. I), Ociya (M. 3).


Tolal 416 11 Halbi (M. 11). 1 Gond. 416 11 Halbi (M. 11).


Total 1 1 Bhattri (M. 1). I Gadaba or Gadba 1 Bhattri (M. 1).


Total 29,600 30,483 10,340 9,617 Bengali (M. 6, F. 4), Bhattri (F. 110), Chhttisgarhi (M. 17, F. 4), Dhurwi (F. 8), Halbi (M. 10,221, F. 8,255), Hindi (M. 94, F. 1,236), Oriya (M. 2). 1 Bhattra 1 Halbi (M. 1) 2 Gond. 29,599 30,483 10,339 9,617 Bengali (M. 6, F. 4), Bhattri (F. 110), Chhattisgarhi (M. 17, F. 4), Dhurwi (F. 8), Balbi (M. 10,220, F. 8,255), Hindi (M. 94, P. 1,236), Oriya (M. 2). ·Pleiue see footnote at page 153 205



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Schedule.d Tribe Total !\\)eakers Tongue r--_..A_-, ,------'---, Subsidiary Languages Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6



Total 42,293 42,314 3,259 1,193 Bhattri tM. 1,139, F. 868), Chhattisgarhi (M. 56, F. 27), Dhurwi (F. 27), Dorli (M. 1), Gondi (M. 518, F. 92), Hindi (M. 1,405, F. 155), Muria (M. 4, F.20), Oriya (M.136, F.4). Bharia-Bhumia, or. Bhuinhar- Bhumia including Pando 1 6 2 Bhattra 7,909 7,702 744 272 Bhattri (M. 213, F. 214),Chhattisgarhi (M, 33, F. 6), Gondi (M. 1), Hindi M. 455, F. 51), Oriya (M. 42, F. t). 3 Bhil 3 4 Gadaba or Gadba 3 1 5 Gond· 31,345 31,650 1,723 647 Bhattri (M. 481, F. 440), Chhattisgarhi {M. 11, F. I?), Dhurwi (F. 26), Dodi (M. 1), Gondt (M. 505, F. 77), Hindi (M. 673, F. 72), Muria (M. I, F. 16), Oriya (M. 51, F. 1). 6 Halba or Halbi 2,697 2,674 760 273 Bhattri (M. 435, F. 213) Chhattisgarhi (M. 12, F. 6), Dhurwi (F. 1), Gondi (M. 12, F. 15), Hindi (M. 262, F. 32), Muria (M. 3, F. 4), Oriya (M. 36, F.2). 7 Kamar 2 5 8 Kawar, Kanwar. Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 1 9 Korwa including Kodaku 129 139 7 Hindi (M. 7). 10 Munda 35 31 5 Hindi (M. 4), Oriya (M. 1). 11 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli- Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi Shikari, Takankar and Takia 40 2S Oriya (M. 1.) 12 Parja 24 24 5 Bhattri (M. 1, F. 1), Oriya (M. 4). 13 Sawar or Sawara 45 49 12 Bhattri (M. 9), Hindi (M. 2), Oriya (M. 1), 14 Unclassifiable .60 7 2 Hindi (M. 2).


Total 99 56 49 16 Bhattri (M. 7, F. I), Chhattisgarhi (M.3,) Gondi (M. 2, F. 2), Halbi (32, F. 13), English (M. 4), Marathi (M. 1).

Bhattra 6 3 Halbi (F. 1), Bhattri (M. 1). 2 Bhil 8 3 Dhanwar 1 4 Gond· 47 33 28 11 Bhattri (M. 4, F. 1), Chhattisgarhi (M. 3). English (M. 1), Gondi (M. 1), Halbi (M. 18. F. 10)' Marathi (M. 1). 5 Halba or Halbi 19 18 17 4 Bhattri (M. 2), Gondi (M. 1, F. 2), Balbi (M. 14, F. 2). 6 Kamar 14 1 "Please see footnote at page 153 206



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Total speakers Tougue Name of Scheduled Tribe Subsidiary Languages ~--~-~ ~--~---, Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



7 Kawar, Kanwar. Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Ghattri 4 3 English (M. 3). 8 Kol


TotaJ 3,467 3,547 2,485 2,595 Bhattri (M.7 F.4), Dhurwi (F. 10) , Gandi (M.9 F.1), Halbi (M.l,446 F.l ,579), Hindi (M.23 F.1). 1 Goud· 3,467 3,547 2,485 2,595 Bhattri (M.? F.4), Dhurwi (P.lO), Gondi (M.9 F.I), Halbi (M.2,446 F.2,579), Hindi iM.23, F.l).


Total 1 1 1 1 Halbi (M.l), Hindi (F.1). 1 Gond* Halbi (M.l), Hindi (P.l).


Total 32 23 13 11 Bhattri (M.8, F.5), Chhattisgarhi (M.l), Halbi (M.2, F.5), Hindi (M.l, F.1). Bhattra 6 9 5 4 Bhattri (M.4, F.3), Hindi (M.I F.l). 2 Gond· 18 3 3 <4 Chhattisgarhi (M.t), Halbi (M.21, F.4). 3 Halba or Ha!bi 2 2 1 Bhattri (M.2), Halbi (F. 1). 4 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathai, Tanwar or Chattri 1 Hindi (M.l). 5 Munda 1 6 Sawar or Sawara 4 5 2 2 Bhattri (M.2 F.2).


Total 13 13 Bhattri (F. I) , Halbi (F,12).

1 Gond* 10 10 Halbi JF.lO). 2 Parja 3 3 Bhattri (F.1), Halbi (F.2).


Total 4 3 Hindi (M.3).

1 Good· 4 3 Hindi (M.3).

·Please see footnote at page 153. 207


MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM, FOR SCHEDULED TRmES-Contd. \ Mother,Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled 'tribe 'Total speakel'S Tongue Subsidiary Languages r-----"----'---, ---., Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 45,395 46,632 4,599 2,556 Banjari (M.t), Bengali (M,2). Bhattri (M.2 F.3), Cbbattisgarhi (M.2 F,6), Dburwi F.46) Dorli (M.4 F.3), English (M.2), Gondi (M.291 F.245), Balbi (M.2,956 F.l,472) Hindi (M.443 F.t36), Muria (M.29 F.34) Mirgani (FA), Oriya (M.39 F.70). Parjt'(F.l) Telugu (M.828 F.532), Ufdu (FA).


Total 3 2 Hindi (F. I) , Telugu (F.l). Un classifiable 3 2 Hindi (F.I), Telugu (F.I).


Total 113 102 28 9 Dorli (F.l), Halbi (M.9 F.6},Hindi(M.14,F.2) Oriya (M.5) Bhattra 111 97 27 7 Dorli (F.l),Halbi (M.9 FA). Hindi (M.13, F.2), Oriya (M.S). 2 Gond* 2 3 2 Halbi (F .2), Hindi (M.l). 3 Unclassifiable 2


Total 109 75 69 35 Gondi (M.2 F.l), Halbi (M.26 F.24),Hindi (M.4l F.lO). Bhattra 3 ,. 2 Gond* 102 65 63 33 Gond (M.1), Halbi (M.26 F.24), Hindi (M.36 F.9). .. 3 Halba or Halbi 7 7 6 2 Gondi (M.I F.I), Hmdl (M.5 F.I).


Total 4,825 3,660 2,560 949 Gondi (M.19l F./85), Halbi (M.2,3l5 F.753) , Hindi (M.50, F.9), Oriya (M.l). Telugu (M.3 F.2). Gond* 4,825 3,660 2,560 949 Gondi (M.191 F.18S), Halbi (M.2,315 F.751) , Hindi (M.50, F.9), Oriya (M.I) Telugu (M.3 F.2).


Total 5,336 7,459 902 584 Gondi (M.2), Halbi (M.'! F.l), Hindi (M.1l4 F.28), Mirgani (FA), Muria (F.14), Oriya (F.33) , Telugu (M.784 F.500), Urdu (F.4) , I Gond* 5,275 7,381 898 582 Gondi lM.2), Halbi (M.2 F.l), Hindi (M.lll F.27), Mirgani (FA), Muria (F.14) Oriya (F.33), Telugu (M.783 F.49~, Urdu (FA). 2 Kamar 61 75 4 2 Hindi (M.3 F.1), Telugu(M.1 F.l). 3 Unclassifiable 3

• °lease see footnote at pa&e 153. TABLE ST-I


Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages I" -r----, r'~ Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Total 28,412 28,604 660 720 Banjari M.l), Bengali (M.2),Dhurwi (F.42), English (M.l), Halbi (M.545 F.637) , Hindi (M.79 F.22),Muria (F.J), Parji (F. I), Te/ugu (M.32 F.l7). 1 Bhattra 3 Telugu (F.l). 2 Gond* 22,286 28,488 653 717 Banjari (M.l), Bengali (M.2), Dhurwi (F.42), English (M.l), Halbi (M.S38 F.63S), Hindi (M.79 F.22),Muria (F.I),Parji (F. 0, Telugu (M.32 F.16). J Korwa including Kodaku 82 83 3 Halbi (M.3). 4 Unclassifiable 44 30 " 2 Halbi (M.4 F.2). MOTHER TONGUE - 7 HALBI

Total 1,389 1,443 286 163 Bhattri (M.2 F.3), Chhattisgarhi (M.l F.4) Dhurwi (F.3) , Dorli (M.l F.l), Gondi(M.85 F.54) . Hindi (M.12B F.30) , Maria (M.29 F.19) Oriya (M.32 F.37), Telugu (M.8 F.J2) Bharia-Bhumia or Bhuinhar, Bhumia including Pando 47 55 22 25 Oriya (M.22 F.2S). 2 Bhattra 7 8 4 Gon;:li (M.1), Hindi (M.I F.l) Oriya (M.2). 1 Dhanwar 1 1 Muria (M.l). 4 Gond'" 259 263 57 44 Bhattri (M.2 F.2), Chhattisgarhi (M.1 F.3), Dorli (F.I),Dhurwi (F.l),Gondi (M.19,F.23l Hindi (M.32 F.6), Oriya(M.2 F.6), Telugu (M.I F.2). 5 Halba or Halbi 1,058 1,088 195 91 Bhattri (F.l), Chbattisgarhi (F.I), Dhurwi (F .2), Dorli (M.I) Gondi (M.62 F.30), Hindi (M.93 F.23), Muria (M.26 F.18), Oriya (M.6 F.6), !e!ugu (M.7 F.lD). 6 Kamar 3 5 7 Korwa including Kodaku 7 10 3 Gondi (M.l, F.I), Hindi (M.2). 8 Munda 3 7 2 Muria (M.2). 9 Unclassifiable 4 7 .2 Gondi (M.2) , Muria (F. I).



Baiga 2 Gond*

.; Halba or Halbi 4 Kol

*Pleaae sec, footnote at -page 153. 209



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Ttibe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages r-~_J_--, ,-__---.A.. ______, M"les Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



5 Pardhi including Bahelia or Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Langoli Pardni, Phans­ Phardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 6 Sawar or Sawara '7 Unclassifiable 3


Total 7 10 1 Korwa including Kodaku 7 10


Total 3 1 Korwa including Kodaku 3


Total 5,032 5,177 68 56 Dhurwi (F. I) , Gondi (M.Il), Halbi (M.57, F.43), Hindi (F. I 2). Bhattra 2 Gond* 4,963 5,112 66 56 Gondi (M .11), Dhurwi (F .1), Halbi (M.55 F.43), Hindi (F.I2). 3 Kamar 34 26 Halbi (M.l). 4 Korwa including Kodaku 30 37 Halbi (M.1). 5 Unclassifiable 5


Total 41 30 2 9 Chhattisgarhi (F. I) , Halbi (F. 6) , Hindi (M.2 F.2). Bharia, Bhumia or Bhuinhar-Bhumia including Pando 11 9 3 Halbi (F.3). 2 Bhattra 1 3 Gond* 6 11 2 5 Chhattisgarhi (F. 1), Halbi (F.2) , Hindi (M.2 F.2}, 4 Halba or Halbi 1 Halbi (F.l). 5 Kondh or Khond or Kandh 21 8 6 Oraon including Dhanka and Dhangad 7 Sawar or Sawara 8 Unc1assifiable

·Please see footnote at Page 153. 210



Mother Tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to Mother Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers Tongue Subsidiary Languages ,----A---~ ,_---A__ , Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6



Total 72 58 20 27 Dorli (M.3 F.l),Golldi (FA), Halbi (M.l, F.2), Hindi (M.l5, F20), Oriya (M.l). Bhattra 2 2 Gond* 48 38 14 21 Dorli (M.3 F.I), Gondi (F.4), Halbi (M.I, F.2), Hindi (M.9 F.14), Oriya (M.I). 3 Halba or Halbi 21 19 5 6 Hindi (M.S F. 6) 4 Kamar 5 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti Hindi (M .1).

·Please see footnote at page 153. 211



Persons Employed seeking before but employ- now out of Total Full time ment for employment and :---:'.lme of Scheduled Tribe Non-working population Students the first time seeking work Others ,----"------, r---"------. ,----"---, r--.....A---.. ,-----"-----., p M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


All Scheduled Tribes 324,629 152,174 172,455 16,523 2,464 17 1 17 1 135,617 169,989

Bhaina 1 2 llharia-Bhumia or Bhuinhar- 54 20 34 19 34 Bhumia including Pando 3 Bhaltra 26,695 12,162 14,533 1,192 300 4 10,966 14,233 4 BhiJ 2 2 2 5 Bhunjia 3 1 2 2

6 Binjhw~r 4 1 3 2 7 Dhanwar 1 I 8 Gadaba or Gadba 376 161 215 6 155 215 9 Gond' 278,823 130,990 147,833 13,577 1,870 15 7 117,391 145,961 10 Halba or Halbi 15,861 7,469 8,392 1,539 258 2 6 5,922 8,134 11 Kamar 380 169 211 10 1 159 210 12 Kawar, Kanwar, Katlr, 170 90 80 28 15 62 65 Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 13 Kondll or Khond or Kandh 1 14 Kol 15 Korwa including Kodku 340 168 172 12 4 156 168 35 16 Munda 66 31 35 4 27 17 17 Oraon including Dhanka and 41 . 22 19 5 19 Dhangad 208 18 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 622 297 325 89 11 314 390 ·19 Pard hi including Bahelia or 836 421 ·U5 31 414 Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli- Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 43 68 20 Parja lUI 50 68 7 47 85 21 Sawar or Sawara 152 65 87 18 2 50 29 22 U nclassi fiable 82 5~ 29 3

*Pleasc see footnote at page 153 212



Employed before Persons seeking but now out of Total Full time employment for employment and Non-working population Students the first time seeking work Others Name of Scheduled Tribe ,-__.A.-----, ,- ..A__------, ,...... --A----, ,---A--...., ,-----"---, P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12

1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes, 16,299 8,649 7,650 1,421 192 3 7,225 7,458

1 Gond" 12,670 6,166 6,504 1136 147 5,330 6,357 2 Halba or Halbi 3,605 2,473 1,132 585 45 3 1,885 1,087 3 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, 11 8 3 8 3 Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 4 Pardhan, P~thri and Saroti 6 2 4 4 5 Pardhi including Bahelia 7 7 7 or BaheJlia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli-Pardhi, Phans- Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia

2 KanJ;:er Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 31,633 14,955 16,678 3,080 152 2 ., 1 11,872 16,526

Bhattra 8 5 3 5 3 2 Bhit 2 2 2 3 Gond* 28,778 13,556 15,222 2,829 117 2 10,724 15,105 4 Halba or Halbi 2,550 1,242 1,308 236 34 1,006 1,274 5 Kamar 76 39 37 1 38 37 6 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, 28 16 12 7 9 11 Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 7 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 17 3 14 2 14 8 Pardhi including Bahelia or 172 90 82 6 84 82 Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli- Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 9 Unclassifiable 2 2 ..

3 Nar>lyanpur Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 27,239 11,797 15,442 1,450 360 7 1 10,340 15,081 1 Gond" 25,577 17,764 13,813 1,445 275 7 10,312 13 ,537 2 Halba or Halbi 1,609 11 1.598 5 84 6 1,514 3 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, 2 2 1 Cherwa. Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 4 Pardhan, Pathari and Saroti 7 3 4 3 4 5 Pardhi, including Bahelia or 44 19 25 19 25 Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi ' Langoli-Pardhi Phans P~rdhi Shikari, Takan'kar and Taki~

·Please see footnote at page 163. 213



Employed before Persons seeking but now out of Total Full time' employment for employment and Name of Scheduled Tribe Non-working population Students the first time seeking work Others r------A...------, r----A.---. P M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 Kondagaon Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 53,911 26,041 27,870 3,159 528 1 22,881 27,342

1 Bhaina I 2 Bhattra j ,159 1,509 1,650 179 31 1,330 1,619 3 Gond* 48,078 23,204 24,874 2,690 459 20,513 24,415 4 Halba or Halbi 2,008 987 1,021 254 31 733 990 5 Kamar 15 7 8 7 8 6 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, 66 37 29 11 6 26 23 Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 1 Pardhi including Bahelia or 583 296 287 25 271 928 BahelJia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pardhi, Phans-Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 8 Parja

5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 27,459 13,387 14,072 1,538 179 11,849 13,893

Bhattra 12 2 10 2 10 2 -Gadaba or Gadba 1 1 3 Gond. 25,270 12,338 12,932 1,311 14'Z 11,027 12,785 4 Halba or Halbi 1,317 631 686 125 16 506 670 5 Kamar 100 48 52 7 41 51 6 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, 3 2 Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar or' Chattri 7 Korwa including Kodaku 124 59 65 3 4 56 61 8 Oraon including Dhanka 40 21 19 5 16 19 and Dhangad 9 Pard han , Pathari and Saroti 585 286 299 87 10 199 289 10 Pard hi including Bahelia or 7 7 7 Bahellia, Chita-Pardhi, Langoli­ Pardhi, Phans Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 6 Dantewara Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 44,567 20,993 23,574 1,542 198 19,451 23,376

Bhattra 8 2 6 2 6 2 Gondo• 43,055 20,315 22,740 1,512 192 18,803 22,548 3 Halba or Halbi 1,504 (,76 828 30 6 646 822

*Please see footnote at Page 153. 214



Employed before Total Persons seeking but now out of Full time employment for employment and ~ame of Scheduled Tribe Non-working population Students the first time seeking work Others ;------'------., ,--.A.._---, ,----"-----., r----A....--1 r-___,A._---, P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

7 JagdaJpur Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 85,392 39,196 46,196 2,975 660 4 7 36,210 45,536

Bharia, Bhumia or Bhuinhar- 14 5 9 5 9 Bhumia including Pando 2 Bhattra 23,334 10,570 12,764 996 268 4 9,570 12,496 3 Bhunjia 3 1 2 2 4 Binjhwar 4 1 3 2 1 5 Dhanwar 6 Gadaba or-Gadba 373 160 213 6 154 213 7 Gond * 58,844 27,177 31,667 1,727 359 2 25,447 31,308 8 Halba or Halbi 2,228 1.001 1,227 200 25 2 2 797 1,202 9 Kamar 95 26 69 26 69 10 Ka war, Kan wa r, Ka ur, Cherwa, 53 26 27 9 5 17 22 Rathia, Tanwar or Chattri 11 Korwa including Kodaku 107 5S 52 9 46 52 12 Munda 61 30 31 4 26 31 13 Pardhi including Bahelia or 23 16 7 16 7 Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Langoli Pard hi , Phans Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar and Takia 14 Parja 117 49 68 7 42 68 15 Sawer or Sawara 112 55 57 15 40 56 16 U nclassifiable 23 23 22

8 Konta Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 36,817 16,520 20,297 1,138 153 1 ]5,381 20,144

Bharia. Bhumia or Bhuinhar- 40 15 2S 14 2S Bhumia including Pando 2 Bhattra 99 47 52 14 33 52 3 Gond * 35,551 15,945 19,606 1,041 144 14,903 19,462 4 Halba or Halbi 859 379 480 78 9 301 471 5 Kamar 94 49 45 2 47 45 6 Kondh or Kholld or Kandh 1 1 1 7 Ko! 1 8 Korwa including Kodaku 109 54 55 54 55 9 Munda 5 1 4 1 4 10 Oraon including Dhanka and I Dhangad 11 Unclassifiable 57 28 29 2 26 29

*Please see footnote at Page 153. I



Pages Bhanupratapur, Tahsil 217-222 " Alphabetical List of Villages District, Town and Village Directory 223-233 2 Kanker Tahsil

Alphabetical List of Villages 235-239

Town and Village Directory 240-255 3 Narayanpur Tahsil

Alphabetical List of Villages 257-267

Village Directory 268-295 4 Kondagaan Tahsil

Alphabetical List of Villages 297~307

Village Directory 308-329 5 Bijapur Tahsil

Alphabetical List of Villages 331-341

Village Directory 342-371

6 Dantewara Tahsil

Alphabetical List of Villages 373-379

Village Directory 380-389

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil

. Alphabetical List of Villages 391-405

Town and Village Directory 406-431

8 Kanta Tahsil

Alphabetical List of Villages 433-432

Village Directory 440-453 KEY TO NOTATIONS

P for Primary School Mcw for Maternity and Child Welfare Centre M for Middle School Po for Post Office H for High School To for Telegraph Office C for Higher Institutes including Colleges PTa for Posts and Telegraph office T for Technical Institution for Electricity D for Dispensary for Electricity for Industrial uses

Rhc for Rural Health Centre ~ for Electricity for Agricultural uses Hos for Hospital Ed for Electricity for Domestic uses MP(A) for Medical Practitioners (Allopathic) S for Safe or protected Water Supply (including pipes, tubewells etc.) MP (H\for Medical Practitioners (Homoeopathic) L.C. No. for Location Code Number MP (0) for Medical Practitioners (Others) F.V. for Forest Village

Not~ :-Name (s) of Hamlet (s) is/are printed in Italics below the name of the village in (he Alphabetical Lists of Villa;es. 217



Location Location S. NG. Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. Serial No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 3 4 2 3 4 2 128 227 A 29 Bheja 30 Bhelwapani 92 180 Adgud 122 N.A. 207 2 Alwar Kalan 220 118 31 Bhiragaon 168 218 3 Alwar Khurd 221 1 Maipara 2 Manapara 108 89 4 Amagarh 3 Pudopara 4 Manjhapara 5 Amagohan 56 23 32 Bhirawahi 16 27 1 Bhokapara 2 Kotwarpara 6 Amakada 83 8 1 Takurpara 1 Kotpara 33 Bhondiya 63 206 7 Andhabeda 184 138 1 Manjhipara 2 Tinga/ipara Dhabupara 1 Chindlala 3 Tetapara 4 60 34 Bhurka 210 8 Astara 129 165 146 35 Bhurke 101 1 Amapara Kalarpara 9 Asutkhar 208 212 1 1 Asulkhar 36 Bhursatarondul 40 5S 107 37 Bhuski 175 B J Malgujarpara 2 Manghipara 213 10 Bagwahi 178 217 38 Bikramganj 205 167 39 Binayakpur 44 II 30 73 Bayaina~ 1 Patelpara 2 Blchpara 12 Baijanpuri 50 141 201 40 Birkondal 247 1 2 Gotrapara Netampam 1 Birkondal 13 Bangachar 235 115 Soripara 145 18 1 41 BodeU (Dangra) 14 BanoU 195 62 15 Barbaspnr 140 168 1 Pate/para 235 16 Bargaon 43 228 42 Bogal' 60 17 Barheli 68 17 1 Bandhiyapara 2 Pate/para 141 43 216 18 Barwi 43 Botechang 206 19 Basta 137 147 189 44 Budeli 98 1 Tlkarapara 2 Nawapara 3 Patepara C 20 Baskuhud 182 80 125 239 21 Bejhar 105 172 45 Chabela 22 Beldo 102 171 1 GhtJtllipara 2 Kosampara 23 Bhainsa-Kanhar 19 92 202 178 24 Bhainsa-Kanhar 26 198 46 Chahchad 114 222 1 Badapara 2 Nawapara 47 Chargaon 142 237 3 Halbapara 48 Chaurgaon Limahpara 2 Kalarpara 25 Bhainsa-Mundi 45 78 1 1 Halbapara 49 Chemal 93 91 26 Bhanbeda 75 225 . 1 Phamaprra 1 27 Bhandaradigi 157 38 50 Cfiliindgaon 37 28 Bhanupratappur 87 153 1 Dholpara 218



Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. s. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

51 Chichgaon 73 223 F 52 Chich mara 223 137 1'}1 174 1 Kadhinpara 77 Faraskhote 1 Manapara 2 Nayapara 53 Chihro 81 14 1 Thakurpara 2 Halbapara G 54 Chikhli 226 N.A. 78 Garda 144 13 55 Chilhati 66 226 79 Ghodabatter 148 96 1 Gotapara 2 Terapura 80 Ghorda 65 132 3 Barepara 56 Chongel 71 77 81 Ghota 138 75 82 Ghotiya 160 197 D 1 Ghotiya 2 Pate/para 83 Gondpal 131 130 57 Damkasa 38 95 1 Patelpara 2 Amapara 28 1 Banglapara 2 Gallrpara 84 Ghotulmunda 23 1 Ghotulmunda 2 Takampara 58 Dandai Kheda 90 149 59 Dangra 135 68 85 Goyanda 24 63 60 Dapkatta 47 36 86 Gudpbod 22 N.A. 87 Gudum 119 40 61 Dargarh 215 152 1 Patelpara 2 Puranipattipara 62 Dhaneli 251 98 88 Gulalbodi 94 21 89 Gumdi 67 7 Patelpara 2 1 Chookidarpara 90 Gumdidih 201 240 63 Dhangudra 85 94 J Rantpara 2 Kotwarpara 1 Bhogiyapara 2 Pate/para 128 64 Dhanwa Fulehur 120 150 91 Gurda Tola 132 92 Gurwandi 213 59 1 Puranadih 65 Diyagaon 186 214 'H 1 Diyogaon 93 Hadfad 239 193 66 Dorde 156 101 94 Hahaldih 176 31 67 Dodde-Kadar 231 192 .95 Haipur Ka~a 33 6 68 Dodkanhur 234 186 % Hamatwahi 214 54 69 Dongargaon 100 139 97 Hanpatri 134 233 1 Dongaripara 1 Thakurpara 2 Loharpara 70 Dongarkatta 48 112 98 Haira 181 236 71 Dumarkot 31 144 99 Haranpuri 32 120 1 Pandipara 1 Nagarapara 2 Jarhapara 100 Harharpani 179 N.A. 72 Durgu Kondal 166 N.A. 1 Hatpara 2 Galltpara 101 Hatkondal • 25 48 73 Duwa 41 86 I Badapara 2 Rajamanjhipara 3 Jairampara E 102 Hawarkondla 18 87 103 Hetarkasa 151 83 74 Enhur 199 102 104 Hilchur 35 183 75 Eragaon 28 29 105 Higanjhar 2 58 76 Eragaon (Moda) 80 121 1 Highanjhar 2 Bagltiapara 219

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILI,AGES 1 BHANUPRATAPPUR, TAHSIL-Contd. Location S.No. Location Serial Code·No. Code No. S.No. Name of Village 1961 1951 Serial 1961 1951 No. No. Name of Village 3 4 / 4 2 2 3 Karathi 86 126 123 104 130 Hinganpuri Samllndpara 106 4 N.A 1 Darbhatt ipara 2 107 Hirange K.alathimaipara 4 Bhangipara 217 61 3 108 Hulghat 5 Gorgapara 6 Du/upara 1 Dongaripara 2 Patelpara 172 52 3 Kotwarpara 4 Uperpara 131 Karkapal 5 Khalepara 1 Kotri Tola 84 99 J 132 Karmoti 1 Malgujarpara 2 Thakurpara 91 49 109 Jadekurse 70 133 Karra (Naidu) 162 37 Pate/para 134 Karramad 165 69 110 Jalhur 180 1 Halbapara 2 Gayatapara N.A. 1 Taihur 135 Kawachikatel 244 1 Shikaripara 111 Jalmkasa 74 230 70 184 108 112 Jamdi 136 Kewati 169 1 Patelpara 1 Sethpara 84 193 74 113 Jampara 64 137 Khadka 114 Janakpur 170 90 1 Kaa4kapara 2 Khadkijai 1 Guntiropara 138 Khasgaon 252 82 155 115 Jatawada 167 139 Khedagaon 197 56 Khedegaou (Subhani) 218 200 105 140 116 Jepra 159 10 158 117 Jharipara 57 141 Khora 139 Khutgaon 158 16 1 Amopara 142 124 Ma/gujurpara 2 Kawadipara 118 Jhitkatola 12 1 Kinari 225 163 1 Pardesipara 2 Halbapara 143 144 Kodapakha 236 25 59 N.A. 119 Jholin 1 Gawadepara 1 Patelpara 2 Halbapara 145 Kodekurse 153 42 N.A. 120 Juee 240 148 146 Kodogaon 143 147 221 177 219 121 Junwani 147 Kokeder 50 148 Konde 216 K 118 34 119 149 ' Kondrung 122 Kachhe 13 49 191 150 Konechur 41 123 Kalagaon 15 246 205 151 Kopakatel 36 15 1 Jampara 152 Kodakhuri 170 89 220 124 Kalangpuri 11 153 Korar 106 125 Kalwar 1 1 Janjalipara 2 Korar Maipara 212 57 1 Patelpara 154 Kosparali 250 195 199 155 Kotholi 126 Kanakpur 222 N.A. 1 Mungatipara 127 Kanapal 79 188 128 KanhargaoD 110 113 136 117 35 156 Kudal 129 Karaki 220



Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

157 Kulhadkatta 111 1'69 N 1 Korampara 178 Naghuf 5 9 158 Kuwapani 209 N.A. 1 Amapara 1 Bodapara 179 Narayanpur 97 234 159 Kurri 76 N.A. 1 Kokripara 2 Pandipara 1 Kurri Maipara 2 Sarakpara 3 Sonrapara 180 NaretitoJa 200 147 L 181 20 176 160 Latmarka 241 33 182 Nawagaon 107 19 27 161 Lohattar 54 183 Nedgaon 6 M 1 Nedgaon 2 Ghotulmunda 184 Nelchang 152 67 Madle 188 140 162 185 Newari 204 114 1 Mangur 2 Regantola 186 Nev.arkheda 242 N.A. 163 Maghur 183 110 Nichetonka 194 185 164 Mahendrapur 82 20 187 188 Nirondadih 233 151 1 Gondpara 2 Uikapara 165 Mardel 46 79 0

166 Marrampani 203 196 189 Odahur 133 160 1 Markatola 2 Tumaritola I Gudrapara 2 Pateipara 3 Begatola 190 Otekatta 116 103 167 Medo 219 N.A.. 1 Halbapara 2 Netampara 1 Halbapara P 168 Mereg30n 104 71 169 Metaghamre 232 47 191 Pachangi 238 122 1 Ma/gujarpara 2 Manjhipara 192 Padangal 106 133 170 Michesukhai 230 159 193 Padangal (Bhuska) 185 123 1 Halbapara 194 Pahurkheda 245 81 195 Palachur 164 179 171 Michewada 174 125 173 32 1 Sawal Tola 2 Kopatola 196 Paliyar 197 Palwi 198 45 172 Mindoda 146 127 198 Pandarpuri 126 129 17~ 21 97 190 116 174 Mobgaon 127 65 199 Pandripani Thanganpara 1 Mararpara 2 Halbapara 1 Dugapara 175 Mokha 58 N.A. 2 200 Parali 196 22 176 Mulla 72 166 1 Mirchapara 201 Parrekodo to 113 177 Mungwal 99 66 1 Nakapara 2 rahkurpara 221


Location Code No. S.No. Serial Location S.!rial Code No. 1961 1951 No. Name of S.No. No. Name of Village VilIag.: 1961 1951 3 4 2 2 3 4 171 46 222 Stelia 202 Parwi 95 173 203 ·Pedawari '69 24 1 Gotapara 76 223 SeJegaon 204 Perbhe1i 77 52 154 224 Seoni 205 Pewari 224 161 42 109 1 Marai Tala 206 Pichhekatta 62 N.A. 225 Selegondi 51 135 1 Dongripara 226 Shahkdtta 192 N.A. Pidchod 207 53 12 1 Mohl'afpara 1 Pateipara 2 Dhangipara 227 Sihari 187 172 228 208 Pitefulchur 103 85 Silibahar 248 194 229 Silpat 1 Shikaripara 34 11 230 209 Pudomichgaon 155 145 Sitalpur 78 64 210 Pujaripara 7 100 231 Sonadai 55 5 1 Pujaripara 2 Hafbatola 1 Nilkanthpara 232 211 Putarwahi 161 202 Sonekanaher 207 187 1 Chhindpara 2 Chichlapara 1 Maipara 2 Amapara 233 SOflpal R 227 182 234 Sukhai 229 72 212 Radwahi 115 235 l31 Surungdah 154 238 213 Ranidongri 112 231 214 . Ranwahi 88 53 T 215 236 Rasuli 3 215 Tekadorha 27 88 216 Raurwahi, 96 208 1 Patelpara 2 Hidkopara 1 Mafgujarpara 2 Pateipara 3 Bhathipara 237 Tamoda S 8 168 1 Dumarpara 2 Manjhiyalpara 217 Sadh umichgaon 163 51 3 T~akurpara 1 Nakapara 2 Dougripara . 238 Taraighotiya 14 3 218 Salhe 17 232 1 Taripara 1 Molal Bodi 2 Kosmapara 239 Tarandul 142 249 3 Hidkopara 240 Tarhul 39 4 219 Sambalpur 109 157 1 Kosum Tola 2 Sarai Tala 1 Satnamipara 2 Sambafpur 241 Tehil11ma 149 39 3 Amafipara 4 Godripara 242 Tedahikoridal 61 209 220 Sandtarai 243 N.A. 1 Matlipara

221 Saradhu (Ghamere) 228 i77 243 Tudge 124 203 1 Manghipara 2 Goandpara 244 Tueguhan 150 111 122


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of ViJJage 1961 1951

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

245- Tumarikuhi 189 N.A. 250 Utamar 136 134 1 Saraipara 2 Patelpara 1 Pujaripara 2 Ajardarpara 246 Tumrisur 121 93 3 Munjaltola


247 Uikatola 130 44 251 Wainar 9 30 1 Kawachipara 2 Pate/para 1 Badapara 2 Amapara 248 Unchpani 29 210 252 . Watintola 237 243 249 Upertonka 211 193 1 Ma/gujarpara 223

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..... 224

VILLAGE DIRECTORY WorkeIS Literate L.e. Name Area Scheduled & Total Wor- No. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled ken (I-IX) Castes Tribes Educated Village availahle a~res Houses holds Total population ,---"----. ,.--.A.---., ,.--.A.---., ,-A. ----. ------. M F M F M F P M F M F 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4.217 19,647 4311 Bhanupratappur Tahsil (Rural) 343,606.00 10,507 29,811 1,486 22,067 555 18,240 58,751 28,940 1,402 21,641 10,478 50 55 II 43 42 I Kalwar 1,413.6 22 22 121 57 64 4 48 44 2 Higanjhar 166 80 86 75 73 1,44S.8 2+ 24 24 30 17 20 3 Rasolj 809.2 8 8 54 24 30 13 13 19 20 H 1 4 Hirange 357.9 5 5 39 20 2 90 79 5 Naghur 1,935.0 41 41 256 127 129 14 14 103 105 65 1 2 94 88 8 5 71 6 Nedgaon ! ,209.7 28 28 198 102 96 17 3 81 82 7 Pujaripara 33 240 122 118 4 4 112 105 1,340.1 33 127 126 2 98 80 8 Tamoda 1,519.8 47 47 288 146 142 13 15 35 47 71 .. ., 60 71 8 9 Wainar 972.4 23 23 131 60 94 5 66 69 10 Parrekodo 1,520.7 41 41 203 104 9::> 4 3 95 10 37 33 11 46 46 24 26 Kalangpuri P. 840.5 17 17 92 66 8 58 58 12 Jhitka Tola P. 945.6 39 39 186 97 89 2 3 69 78 2 123 121 18 1 100 13 Kachhe 888.6 55 55 271 139 132 5 1 47 44 78 13 12 35 34 12 14 Taraighotiya P. 1,445.6 24 24 154 76 60 7 62 58 15 Kalagaon 1,753.2 36 36 180 96 84 22 8 57 115 103 169 150 4 8 147 124 31 16 Bhirawahi 1,601.8 62 62 319 240 28 188 205 17 Salhe III 567 270 297 16 12 217 e.. 2,756.1 III 2 109 98 10 '71 69 18 Hawarkondal 1,830.9 36 36 218 114 104 3 151 159 227 219 204 19 19 Bhainsakaular P. 1,912.1 80 80 471 244 40 6 41 43 20 Narsingpur 1,190.8 20 20 120 64 56 45 31 25 4 28 26 21 Mohgaon 1,037.2 16 16 86 46 40 9 8 .. 44 38 112 55 57 53 57 22 Gudphon 964.3 20 20 60 54 11 1 52 32 23 Ghotulmunda 1,116.8 25 25 137 71 66 4 2 21 15 53 30 23 ., 30 23 24 Goyanda 558.0 10 10 20\ 210 56 4 204 203 25 Hatkondal P. 2.036.1 120 123 590 288 302 12 11 134 128 190 5 2 171 175 36 26 Bhainsakanhar 1,452.5 62 62 379 189 104 12 1 72 74 27 Tekadorha 42 228 117 III 3 6 109 1,622.1 42 10 201 230 10 160 165 28 Eragaoll 2,449.6 79 79 477 222 255 5 35 31 56 55 56 3 29 Unchpani 1,206.3 21 21 III 55 71 6 73 69 30 Bayanar 1,774.6 39 39 205 104 101 18 19 81 153 27 5 126 120 31 Dumarkot 57 57 347 181 166 ., 171 1,546.0 1 140 156 18 112 108 32 Haranpuri 1,336.3 59 59 319 151 168 1 28 23 42 9 10 33 30 3 33 Haipurkasa 813.2 13 13 84 42 39 3 24 26 34 Silpat 13 81 42 ::19 40 933.5 13 35 35 26 22 35 Hilchur 535.6 13 13 72 35 37 43 45 64 69 64 69 1 36 Kodakhuri 859.7 20 20 133 68 73 13 3 47 55 37 Chhindgaon 52 170 83 87 5 5 979.1 32 6 95 104 27 3 78 74 38 Damkasa P,M. 1,024.1 42 42 239 J17 122 5 45 8 71 93 39 281 131 150 3 2 1I8 138 Tarhul P. 1,077.1 45 45 87 73 61 5 67 63 40 Bhursatrandul 897.4 31 31 204 108 96 14 14 68 57 41 93 91 12 Duwa 1,530.1 33 33 215 106 109 9 34 33 42 Seoni 119 58 61 4 2 42 43 829.5 27 27 51 52 12 37 41 43 Bargaon 842.5 23 24 120 58 62 73 57 44 Binayakpur 96 87 3 3 93 84 4 .. 1,098.9 26 26 183 71 19 1 63 55 45 Bhainsamudi 1,270.6 30 30 175 93 82 6 3 78 48 37 6 Mardel ., 73 53 2 4 1,116.4 23 23 126 73 53 10 .. 118 117 47 Dapkatta 52 52 342 165 177 5 1 149 164 2,114.6 170 174 33 3 120 130 48 Dongarkatta 1,106.1 74 74 370 183 187 3 6 110 114 59 57 81 81 9 49 Konechur ! ,536.5 61 61 353 174 179 34 14 218 214 50 Baijanpuri P. 1,677.0 133 135 663 320 343 38 39 191 214 225 BHANUPRATAPPUR TAHSa

WORKERS Non- Workers I II ill IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,.---"-----, r-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.-----A--, ,.----A--, ,---'---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M. F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

15,871 2,07S 427 302 41 1 88 27 158 56 43 642 10,164 43/1 15,316 2,042 364 206 228 10,700 37 36 6 6 14 22 1 43 43 3 1 1 1 32 42 2 15 III 2 2 7 10 3 13 10 3 ., 7 6 4 60 52 30 26 1 37 50 5

61 62 6 3 .. 1 1. 31 31 6 73 74 6 7 1 1 1 41 36 7 87 79 9 1 1 1 48 62 8 ;,3 45 2 2 25 24 9 60 63 5 5 1 1 38 30 10

29 27 5 6 2 1 9 13 11 43 50 7 7 6 1 2 39 31 12 80 75 8 3 5 7 39 54 13 43 42 3 2 .. 1 29 34 14 55 52 3 4 2 3 1 34 26 15

91 89 20 13 2 2 54 47 16 147 149 34 47 4 7 2 1 2 82 92 17 69 65 2 4 .. " 43 35 18 133 140 17 12 6 1 1 93 68 19 34 37 7 4 2 23 13 20

24 23 3 3 18 14 "21 40 35 2 3 2 11 19 22 40 29 8 3 3 1 19 34 23 19 15 2 ., 9 8 24 164 175 28 28 6 1 5 84 99 2S

126 122 5 4 2 55 62 l6 60 70 5 4 7 45 37 27 138 137 20 27 .. 1 2 62 90 28 32 31 2 .. 1 20 25 29 64 52 5 I3 1 1 1 3 2 31 32 30

109 94 15 4 22 1 55 46 31 97 96 14 12 I 39 60 32 27 20 1 3 .. 14 19 33 20 25 2 1 2 18 13 34 22 19 2 3 2 9 15 3S

37 38 5 7 .. 21 24 36 41 48 5 7 .. 1 36 32 37 60 69 7 4 5 1 2 .. 4 39 48 38 59 81 8 12 2 2 60 57 39 63 S9 3 3 1 1 41 33 40

58 57 6 .. .. 2 38 52 41 29 27 4 5 1 1 24 28 42 27 31 10 10 21 21 43 69 55 2 2 1 .. 1 23 30 44 55 51 7 3 1 1 30 27 45

4S 36 1 1 2 25 16 46 101 102 14 13 2 2 1 47 60 47 112 119 3 10 3 1 1 1 63 57 48 98 97 12 17 .. 64 65 49 128 143 58 S9 7 20 11 1 4 1 102 129 SO 226


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled ScLeduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes. 'fribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,------., ,------A---, ,.-----"'------, ,---"-----., ,----.-'---, P M F M F M .F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Selegondi 676.0 54 54 296 144 152 67 60 .. .. 41 5 85 93 52 Selegaon P. 1,244.3 139 144 639 322 317 41 46 163 162 62 24 204 190 53 Pidchod J ,822.4 20 20 114 54 60 52 59 " 37 35 54 Lohattar P. 956.9 57 57 310 163' 147 15 17 129 120 31 2 108 96 55 Sonadai 1,332.7 17 17 103 42 61 34 52 4 29 30

56 Amagohan 1,187.9 24 24 133 68 65 66 63 9 44 43 57 Jharipara 1,282.2 30 30 166 82 84 .. 82 84 4 57 53 58 Mokha 674.5 34 34 218 III 107 9 6 97 99 13 2 71 67 59 Jholin 758.4 20 20 130 68 62 .. 68 61 .. .. 48 46 60 Bogar J ,942.1 91 91 487 237 250 7 9 172 172 40 3 163 158

61 Tcdhaikondal 1,882.9 30 30 195 104 91 4 3 96 83 3 74 58 62 Pichhekatta 2,061.9 54 54 300 160 140 6 2 143 129 21 92 88 63 Bhondiya P. 1,551.1 102 102 521 267 254 15 17 193 186 55 5 168 171 64 Jampara 689.7 65 65 333 168 165 6 4 91 96 36 7 105 95 65 Ghorda 579.5 46 46 280 149 131 10 4 103 99 30 1 91 85

66 Chilhati P. 2,100.9 184 186 949 487 462 25 23 275 252 80 12 304 297 67 Gumdi 1,075.2 30 30 196 98 98 4 4 88 89 7 63 58 68 Barheli P. 1,148.4 53 53 286 140 146 6 11 97 95 33 5 85 91 69 Pedawari 1,585.0 41 41 240 124 116 13 8 92 91 17 1 77 89 70 Jamdi 760.6 17 17 76 38 38 38 35 23 23

71 Ghongel 1,433.9 32 32 172 89 83 68 64 10 61 59 72 Mulla 1,342.6 43 43 248 129 119 7 112 105 8 .. 97 88 73 Chichgaon P. 2,769.2 119 119 610 303 307 5 4 256 248 61 9 203 203 74 Jalinkasa 1,782.1 15 15 ta2 49 53 .. 49 53 1 .. 34 34 75 Bhanbeda P. 2,132.7 97 98 456 218 238 2 9 171 173 54 8 153 158

76 Kurri 1,957.3 86 86 523 263 260 14 10 223 225 50 6 171 161 77 Parbheli 560.1 7 7 40 22 18 13 12 15 12 78 SitaJpur 388.7 3 3 13 7 6 7 6 1 6 6 79 KamapaJ 623.7 3 3 24 11 13 11 13 3 8 6 80 Eragaon (Moda) 1,075.4 47 47 253 127 126 4 7 88 86 19 2 84 78

81 Chihro 1,782.7 25 25 206 105 101 ,. .. 90 88 10 .. 64 56 82 Mahendf

86 Karathi 1,574.1 49 49 279 151 128 4 3 116 93 10 1 J08 84 87 Bhanupratappur P,M,H,D, 471.1 156 157 595 352 243 8 4 80 52 152 46 204 50 Hos,Po,To. 88 Ranwahi 803.3 45 4S 218 110 108 7 6 43 45 18 2 72 74 89 Korar P,M,D,Po. 1,528.4 136 137 626 334 292 13 7 206 191 95 2S 216 163 90 Dandaikhcda 1,320.8 27 27 15'7 85 72 74 59 12 1 55 39

91 ladekurse P. 1,217.3 34 34 193 9R 9S 7 5 48 41 37 51 54 92 Bhelwapani 996,6 11 II 75 39 36 .. .. 37 35 3 1 21 22 93 Chemal 1,20R.7 46 46 310 166 144 2 4 92 82 41 2 104 90 94 Gulalbodi 593.7 11 11 80 41 39 35 27 5 25 27 95 Sateli 947.3 32 32 210 106 104 4 4 83 82 14 5 59 65

96 Raurwahi 1,410.5 73 73 519 276 243 13 8 22S 216 50 G 16') 172 97 Narayanpur 1,611.0 107 107 579 303 276 8 5 64 63 71 32 192 138 98 Hudeli 1,230.1 55 56 243 118 125 8 8 90 104 19 80 90 99 Mungwal P. 2,619.7 99 99 511 8 11 235 219 28 1 100 266 245 180 161 Dongargaon 2,324.7 66 66 326 164 167 6 8 134 130 20 2 116 116 227


W 0 R K E R S Non- Workers L.C. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX .X No.

,-_____J-_-, ,.----A--, ,..----A--, ,..---A---, ,-----A..--, .-----A..-, ,..---A------, ,--A..-, ,..----A----., ,..---A--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

59 51 74 82 11 9 " 1 " .. .. 1 " 59 134 132 48 48 7 4 6 4 5 2 4 118 127 52 36 33 1 2 17 25 53 94 86 6 9 4 1 2 2 55 51 54 22 26 4 4 3 13 31 55

4{) 43 4 .. 24 22 56 51 49 6 4 .. .. 25 31 57 62 56 7 11 1 1 40 40 58 48 46 .. 20 16 59 121 116 30 28 1 1 2 10 1 1 8 2 74 92 60

70 54 .. 4 2 .. 2 30 33 61 80 72 10 14 2 .. 2 . . .. 68 52 62 124 131 33 35 .. .. S 4 6 1 99 83 63 79 71 16 14 2 6 7 4 1 63 70 64 78 76 8 8 3 1 1 1 58 46 65

234 238 47 46 3 6 8 5 4 2 3 3 183 165 66 54 50 7 8 .. 1 1 35 40 67 64 67 16 23 " 1 2 .. .. 1 2 55 55 68 61 74 8 14 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 47 27 69 23 20 2 1 15 15 70

49 50 5 4 2 4 2 2 .. 2.8 24 71 79 80 2 7 1 1 5 .. 4 6 32 31 72 174 163 15 18 2 11 6 11 6 100 104 73 34 33 1 ...... 15 19 74 11)5 103 24 30 19 19 2 3 1 2 3 65 80 75

140 128 17 24 6 5 2 6 4 92 99 76 14 11 1 1 7 6 77 5 4 1 2 1 78 6 5 2 1 .. .. 3 7 79 58 53 25 23 1 1 1 43 48 80

55 52 3 2 4 2 2 .. 41 45 81 48 50 7 9 1 1 1 1 33 38 82 136 137 10 9 1 1 .. 2 95 92 83 94 106 66 58 7 7 2 3 1 1 1 5 101 97 84 21 22 15 18 I 1 2 1 19 22 85

1 88 69 19 14 .. .. " 1 ...... 43 44 86 12 13 6 12 39 4 I 6 11 4 12 2 8 .. 106 18 148 193 87

61 61 9 13 .. ., ... ., ., 1 .. 38 34 88 131 125 21 17 30 18 7 2 1 5 19 2 118 129 89 54 39 1 30 33 90

46 46 3 8 47 41 91 20 21 1 1 .. 18 14 92 87 81 15 9 2 62 54 93 23 25 2 1 .. 1 .. 16 12 94 45 51 9 13 2 1 2 1 47 39 95

132 143 33 29 1 2 .. 1 ,. .. 107 71 96 110 118 16 12 12 7 25 2 .. 6 21 1 111 138 97 67 72 11 16 2 1 I .18 35 98 142 124 24 36 9 1 2 3 86 84 99 111 109 4 6 1 1 48 46 100 228


Workers Area ..---"----. LC. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor No. Village available Ilcres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,---_A r----"'---...... r-..A...-.:....., ,-_-A~ ,-----"--, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Bhurke 1,397.1 26 26 165 92 73 80 68 9 64 51 102 Beldo 735.7 15 15 86 45 41 43 41 32 24 103 Pitefulchur 635.7 30 31 180 102 78 9 3 31 27 2 65 53 104 Meregaon 479.3 1 1 14 7 7 7 7 4 3 105 Bejhar 518.9 4 4 29 18 11 18 10 14 8

106 Padangal 511.1 . 5 5 44 23 21 16 16 .. 16 13 107 Nawagaon 669.8 16 16 107 52 55 1 4 37 40 4 39 34 108 Amagarh 993.2 22 22 136 . 67 69 .. 55 57 6 40 47 109 SambaJpur P,Po. 1,616.8 381 383 1,706 852 854 47 48 335 346 197 58 540 474 UO Kanhargaon 1,216.2 65 65 321 155 166 3 76 89 46 9 103 88

III Kulhadkatta 1,936.0 84 84 480 241 239 6 7 205 197 17 1 147 129 112 Ranidongri 1,925.2 32 32 223 115 108 114 107 18 2 81 80 113 Kudal 1,789.3 40 40 218 111 107 7 2 93 96 1 85 75 114 Chargaon 801.8 30 30 186 84 102 77 92 7 " 52 60 115 Radwahi 1,402.8 31 31 185 91 94 2 2 80 80 10 J 66 62

116 Otekatta 1,963.2 52 52 390 188 202 173 188 16 1 120 127 117 Karaki P. 1,446.5 28 28 178 90 88 9 13 43 39 18 2 50 57 118 Kondrung 2,504.8 67 67 438 220 218 11 10 185 170 2 154 141 119 Gudum 1,680.7 48 48 319 146' 173 10 10 105 138 1 105 108 120 Dhanwa Fulehur 1,638.3 21 21 147 70 77 53 65 1 48 48

121 Tumlisur 1,246.8 12 12 85 48 37 43 33 .. 26 22 122 Adgud 500.4 8 8 45 24 21 3 5 21 16 1 14 15 123 Hinganpuri P. 615.0 13 13 80 43 37 '. 38 29 5 27 23 124 Tudge' 1,229.4 54 54 321 176 145 11 10 135 109 24 1 112 98 125 Chabela 1,219.2 81 81 375 193 182 19 10 86 88 60 3 131 126

126 ,Pandarpuri 602.1 35 35 136 68 68 46 41 14 46 38 127 Mohgaon 747.2 59 59 306 163 143 5 4 95 87 51 96 80 128 Bheja 1,702.6 50 50 327 176 151 8 4 160 140 3 114 92 129 Astara 1,487.3 52 52 314 159 155 4 6 150 142 14 104 108 130 Uikatola 1,059.0 39 39 234 123 111 121 107 6 82 76

131 GondpaJ P. 1,248.2 57 57 356 174 182 21 16 142 153 4 113 125 132 Gurdatola 383.4 15 15 102 58 44 " 49 40 6 35 28 133 Odahur 1,371.1 24 24 164 87 77 9 9 66 57 8 42 40 134 Hanpatri 1,364.0 36 36 305 146 159 16 13 118 133 3 98 95 135 Dangra P. 2,451.2 76 76 472 245 227 8 6 214 201 46 4 165 138

136 Utamar P,M. 2,101.9 45 45 274 142 132 77 72 13 2 106 95 137 Basla P. 2,259.4 84 84 455 239 216 .. 110 105 48 5 155 151 138 Ghotda P. 4,031.9 83 83 460 230 230 4 3 163 158 23 1 142 135 139 Khora 1,446.5 9 9 74 44 30 44 30 31 26 140 Barbaspur 1,040.5 49 49 311 155 156 2 2 149 152 7 114 117

141 Barwi 724.3 40 40 289 148 141 3 4 126 120 7 103 101 142 Chaurgaon 1,585.0 51 51 280 141 139 22 18 80 93 9 .. 95 90 143 Kodogaon 1,477.1 19 19 115 56 59 32 23 4 6 1 2 42 33 144 Garda 801.3 4 4 27 16 11 16 11 13 8 145 Bodeli (Donira) 1,844.1 7 7 50 28 22 28 21 20 16

146 Mittdoda 319.9 10 10 63 30 33 30 33 4 19 17 147 Junwani 959.5 20 20 133 65 68 63 64 1 43 39 148 Ghodabatter 1,650.1 49 49 238 133 105 1 1 120 96 27 2 93 67 149 Tclamma 605.9 32 32 18t 89 92 1 1 62 63 1 1 67 59 150 Tueguhan 1,5'16.0 78 78 428 222 206 4 3 188 175 20 146 130 129


W 0 R K E R S Non- r- --A. Workers L.C, I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. ,.---A.--, ,---A.--, ,.---A.--, ,---A.--, ,--..A..--...., ,---A.--, ,---A.--, ,---A.--, ,--..A.._, ,-_..A..--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3:- 36 37

57 49 6 2 .. 28 22 101 23 19 2 1 7 4 13 17 102' 28 29 37 24 37 25 103 4 3 3 4 104 14 7 1 4 3 105

14 13 2 7 8 106 39 34 .. 13 21 107 33 35 6 12 1 ...... 27 22 108 234 273 84 99 19 3 54 49 3 1 88 27 13 45 22 312 380 109 70 61 28 26 1 1 1 3 52 78 110

116 111 27 18 .. 3 94 110 111 66 72 5 4 9 1 3 34 28 . 112 81 72 1 2 2 1 1 26 32 113 52 60 ...... 32 42 114 55 53 7 7 3 2 1 25 32 115

111 117 4 10 3 1 68 75 116 37 4S 8 12 1 3 .. 1 40 138 123 13 31 Il7 13 3 3 2 66 77 118 82 89 20 17 3 2 41 43 46 3 65 119 2 2 .. 22 29 120

23 21 1 1 2 22 13 12 1 3 15 121 25 20 2 3 10 6 122 .. 16 14 123 90 83 16 11 2 3 4 1 64 91 85 22 47 124 23 10 15 3 3 2 3 62 56 125

46 38 22 69 30 126 83 12 9 1 1 1 67 63 127 104 80 3 10 4 2 3 62 59 128 92 101 1 1 8 6 1 2 55 47 67 129 76 5 6 1 1 2 41 35 130

. 1 104 122 .. 2 .. 6 3 61 57 131 25 24 4 1 .. 3 3 3 23 16 132 34 34 6 6 .. 2 .. 45 37 133 92 85 6 7 1 .. 2 .. 48 64 134 151 130 11 7 1 1 2 80 89 135

98 89 1 4 4 2 ...... 3 36 37 136 134 126 16 21 1 2 2 1 3 84 65 137 119 119 18 12 1 1 3 4 88 95 138 28 23 3 2 1 13 4 139 III 109 1 8 2 41 39 140

90 85 10 15 2 .. 1 " 45 40 141 78 79 7 .. 2 1 7 11 46 49 142 42 32 1 14 26 143 13 8 3 3 144 20 16 8 6 145

19 17 ...... 11 16 146 39 34 2 5 2 .. 22 29 147 85 64 5 3 2 1 40 38 148 59 50 8 9 " .. 22 33 149 132 113 10 14 3 3 1 76 76 150 230


Workers Name Area L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,.------A---, ,----A-----, ,--"-----, ,--"-----, ,---A-----, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Hetar Kasa 924.2 53 53 302 151 15} 19 16 51 51 21 103 8~ Nelchang 152 536.5 28 28 147 75 72 . , 36 35 5 .. '. 44 46 153 Kodekdurse P,M. 1,425.7 98 104 477 240 237 41 37 84 90 50 3 148 148 154 Surungdah 1,958.3 58 58 329 176 153 23 22 91 70 10 112 103 155 Pudomichgaon 849.3 20 20 132 70 62 64 61 46 37

156 Dorde 1,764.0 29 29 152 80 72 67 60 43 53 47 157 Bhandlardigi 1.676.8 61 61 396 201 ]95 7 8 177 171 43 .. 131 128 158 Khlltgaon 1,419.2 50 50 338 17] 167 11 11 150 142 15 1 115 97 159 Jepra 1,407.1 48 48 3::2 143 179 120 147 7 1 106 113 160 Ghotiya 1,302.5 76 76 475 233 242 20 22 137 144 70 12 152 141

161 Puttarwahi 823.2 36 36 195 107 88 15 10 87 75 32 1 61 58 162 Karra Naidu P. 1,168.3 87 87 370 191 179 7 7 115 115 40 15 130 106 163 Sadhumichgaon P. 1,739.9 42 42 316 166 150 10 3 103 99 20 " 110 98 164 Plachur 1,503.4 24 24 134 68 66 6 6 59 56 6 3 54 45 165 Karramad 1,461.5 41 41 244 117 127 2 2 102 117 7 87 84

166 Durgu Kondal P,M,Po, 1,026.5 68 68 312 159 153 10 6 95 116 53 6 118 95 167 Tatewada 1,343.6 46 46 242 117 125 6 9 . 91 91 43 3 78 75 168 Bhiragaon P,M. 1,959.3 198 198 881 462 419 50 48 265 261 199 30 296 271 169 Kewati 1,213.3 44 44 256 130 126 5 8 113 104 19 2 82 86 170 Janakpur 1,614.3 83 84 377 197 180 10 7 121 119 25 131 122

171 Parwi 2,138.0 49 49 275 123 152 2 4 118 146 5 90 87 172 Karkapal 2,504.9 59 60 342 162 180 5 7 132 140 118 117 173 Paliyar 732.4 9 9 54 31 23 27 22 22 18 174 Michewada 1,038.6 32 32 234 115 119 95 92 66 68 175 Bhuski 1,336,6 23 23 104 53 51 1 1 48 44 2 33 33

176 Hahaladi 663.4 65 65 283 148 135 12 12 27 25 48 20 32 22 177 Kokder 1,931.3 18 18 116 58 58 3 6 46 42 10 1 37 36 178 Bagwahi 559.5 12 12 68 34 34 5 6 29 28 11 3 24 23 179 Harharpani 673.3 22 22 111 53 58 45 54 2 34 34 180 Jalhur 427.9 3 3 14 5 9 5 9 4 5

181 Hafrra 1,111.6 22 22 164 79 85 1 1 75 81 61 55 182 Baskuhud 3,644.2 55 55 308 170 138 5 6 124 102 1 117 102 183 Maghur 2,486.7 38 38 187 95 92 6 4 82 82 67 63 184 Andhabeda 2,012.5 45 45 209 106 103 6 4 44 43 1 67 63 185 Padgal (Bhista) 571.6 17 17 108 56 52 56 51 1 43 36

186 Diyagaon 850.5 20 20 134 68 66 2 1 66 63 6 41 40 187 Sihari 1,951.8 35 35 192 96 96 5 5 83 86 8 1 72 71 188 Madle P. 1,464.0 42 42 230 114 116 .. 85 96 10 1 72 68 189 Tumri Kllhi 600.0 15 15 88 41 47 1 2 40 45 21 .. 25 33 190 Pandripani 1,467.6 22 22 159 84 75 5 4 79 70 16 1 51 45

191 Faraskote 997.0 45 45 255 120 135 .. 82 91 13 1 78 91 192 Shahkatta 1,594.7 63 193 64 324 148 176 6 8 107 123 65 2 97 104 Khadka 2,559.4 25 25 135 69 66 69 66 44 45 194 Niche Tonka 1,169.5 21 21 161 195 Banoli 80 81 74 80 52 50 2,314.2 35 35 209 109 100 92 86 10 74 57 196 Parali 1,789.4 15 15 197 Khedegaon (Jawabir) 78 44 34 3 6 25 17 33 25 702.6 12 12 56 31 25 29 24 30 23 18 198 Palwi P. 1,253.9 33 199 Enhur 33 158 84 74 3 3 73 63 1 49 47 1,445.3 55 55 314 149 165 3 200 Nareti Tola 1,271.1 3 106 108 109 95 12 12 81 43 38 38 35 31 30 231


W 0 R K E RS, Non- Workers L.C. I II III IV V _VI VII VIII IX X No.

,----'-----, ...---~ ,.---A.-"---, r-_J~~ ,.------A---, ~, ,----"--, ,--A..--, ,---"--. ,-__A_-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

84 67 14 20 2 .. 3 1 48 63 151 36 41 3 I .. .. 5 3 1 .. 31 26 152 83 101 13 16 2 2 14 12 6 2 30 15 92 89 153 98 94 1 .. 2 3 2 1 8 6 64 50 154 38 33 7 2 1 2 24 25 155

48 39 5 8 .. 27 25 156 126 127 4 1 1 70 67 157 102 86 12 J 1 1 56 70 158 75 76 31 36 ...... 1 37 66 159 124 105 20 27 4 8 3 1 1 81 101 160

51 52 7 6 2 .. .. 1 46 30 161 84 72 10 13 19 5 10 16 7 .. 61 73 162 69 64 7 3 2 4 3 3 29 24 56 52 163 47 40 3 .. 1 .. 2 4 2 14 21 164 81 79 3 4 1 1 2 30 43 165

65 76 18 15 4 1 2 3 9 5 2 13 41 58 166 65 63 1 3 10 9 .. .. 2 .. . . 39 50 167 165 168 13 16 25 22 5 4 2 3 83 61 166 148 168 64 70 17 12 3 1 1 .. 48 40 169 75 83 9 8 4 2 41 31 66 58 170

66 70 16 16 4 1 .. 2 .. 33 65 171 111 112 6 3 1 1 I 44 63 172 20 16 2 2 .. 9 .5 173 61 60 5 7 .. 1 49 51 174 29 27 3 2 1 3 1 20 18 175

. 18 22 2 2 7 .. 116 113 176 35 33 .. 1 3 I 21 22 177 21 19 2 4 I 10 11 178 30 30 4 4 19 24 179 3 5 1 4 180

56 49 2 4 2 2 .. 18 30 181 106 91 9 10 1 2 53 36 182 55 51 4 8 1 2 1 .. I 3 2 2 28 29 183 45 38 11 13 7 6 2 5 I 1 1 39 40 184 35 30 3 3 5 3 13 16 185

38 37 3 3 27 26 186 58 55 14 16 .. .. 24 25 187 55 58 14 8 1 1 1 2 42 48 188 19 26 5 6 1 1 .. 16 14 189 46 42 4 3 1 33 30 190

70 83 2 6 2 2 I .. 3 42 44 191 74 84 16 13 2 2 2· 5 3 51 72 192 41 44 3 1 .. 25 21 193 48 50 4 .. 28 31 194 57 47 11 9 1 3 1 2 35 43 J95

33 25 II 9 196 23 18 ...... " R 7 197 35 39 8 4 6 3 1 35 27 198 108 93 1 1 1 40 70 199 26 27 5 3 12 8 200 232 , VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Workers Name Area Literate ,---- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-----"-----., r--..A-.-...., ,---A--, ,.----"-----, ~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Gumdidih 1,629.6 46 46 255 129 126 96 112 91 79 202 Chahchad 1,186.7 23 23 139 73 66 1 2 68 62 1 55 39 203 Marrampani 2,231.4 34 34 193 96 97 10 12 74 68 61 56 204 Newari 1,084.4 27 27 192 100 92 6 7 86 75 2 68 57 205 Uikramganj 833.6 5 5 37 15 22 15 21 15 15

206 Botechage 1,751.9 25 25 143 80 63 .. 80 63 6 54 50 207 Sonekanahar, P. 1,502.2 42 42 222 116 106 1 2 110 101 33 73 62 208 Asulkhar, P.M.P.O. 950.6 32 32 189 86 103 6 7 52 66 31 45 58 209 Kuwapani 1,883.7 65 65 385 203 182 162 181 82 5 121 130 210 Bhurka 930.2 16 16 104 52 52 52 52 35 35

211 Upertonka 2,543.2 .. .. Uninhabited .. 212 Kasparali 1,545.2 11 11 47 21 26 2 3 19 13 1 15 18 213 Gurwandi 1,304.2 22 22 119 58 61 3 3 33 43 44 44 214 Hamatwahi 1,089.5 30 30 177 94 83 3 3 81 72 3 69 61 215 Dargarh 2,016.9 !J7 37 209 107 102 7 8 88 85 76 65

216 Konde 1,219.? 30 30 164 83 8\ f,3 66 1 58 51 217 HUighat 1,290.8 27 27 181 93 88 87 80 .. 60 49 218 Khedgaon (Subhani) 1,081.0 31 31 165 82 83 .. 82 77 1 55 53 219 Medo . 1,924.4 49 4q 245 131 114 6 4 101 98 21 101 82 220 Alwarkalan 605.1 15 15 82 41 41 3 4 30 33 7 1 27 26

221 Alwarkhurd 904.6 17 17 117 59 58 55 57 14 39 36 222 Kanakpur 692.2 20 20 139 75 64 4 68 55 22 10 48 41 223 Chichmara 1,213.4 37 37 228 118 110 100 97 21 78 75 224 Pewari P. 490.3 34 34 172 84 88 6 7 70 69 25 2 55 48 225 Kinari 1,527.5 49 49 234 118 116 112 108 11 72 72

226 Chikhli 1,101.5 28 28 137 70 67 .. 54 48 48 33 227 Sonpal 950.8 21 21 115 60 55 2 2 47 38 46 38 228 Saradhu Ghamre 870.2 34 34 228 120 108 8 10 8 6 17 15 81 64 229 Sukhai 1,041.4 31 31 144 78 66 7 13 57 38 9 48 47 230 Miche Sukhai 1,048.1 21 21 127 64 63 60 61 5 45· 36

231 Deddekadar 1,629.8 2I 21 146 79 67 .. 79 66 :59 39 232 Metaghamre P. 1,572.5 28 28 157 75 82 7 6 52 62 5 49 46 233 Nirodadohi 830.0 18 18 109 55 54 1 2 46 46 2 43 42 234 Dodkanhur 1,274.6 18 18 104 58 46 1 52 43 4 39 30 235 Bangachar 1,410.0 41 41 207 108 99 22 22 86 76 3 68 66

236 Kodapakha P. 1,264.3 43 43 257 126 131 1 105 lOS 16 3 80 94 237 Watintola 1,632.2 38 38 256 135 121 4 3 105 95 3 88 78 238 Pachangi 2,622.8 22 22 141 69 72 68 72 47 39 239 Hadfad 2,004.4 26 26 153 83 70 79 68 58 46 240 Juee 1,111.5 3 3 16 5 11 5 11 4 6

241 Latmarka 804.2 14 14 78 42 36 39 34 27 27 "!42 Newarkhed 1,217.0 .. . . Uninhabited .. .. 243 Sandtarai 552.0 9 9 59 31 28 31 28 1 20 16 244 Kawachikatel 1,128.8 34 34 203 102 101 95 95 I 65 52 245 Pahurkheda 5,851.8 23 23 164 79 85 4 2 59 57 6 54 53

246 Kopakatel 798.4 17 17 114 56 58 1 4 46 42 2 42 39 247 Birkondal 1,722.4 2S 2S 149 78 71 10 8 61 57 8 57 42 248 SiJibahar 844.0 12 12 S6 32 24 .. 31 23 5 25 19 249 Tarandul P. 2,294.4 4S 45 339 169 170 30 32 130 131 10 116 105 250 KothoJi P. 2,695.1 25 25 197 93 104 8 4 73 68 16 7 55 54

251 DhaneJi 3,972.4 57 57 433 222 211 20 15 169 167 152 139 252 Khosgaon 2,308.4 49 49 292 152 140 7 5 132 12S t08 93 233


W 0 R K E R S Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII ' IX X L.C. No. r--"--, ,-~ r---A-----. ,--A..-, ,--A----, ,---.A.-.-..., ,_..A.._, ~-, ,--A----, ,-A.----.. M P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

7] 64 19 14 1 38 47 201 43 36 12 3 .. .. 18 27 202 51 47 8 7 1 1 1 1 35 41 203 48 45 16 8 ] 4 2 1 32 35 204 15 15 .., 7 205

47 44 1 3 6 3 .. .. 26 13 206 64 56 6 1 1 4 ...... 2 1 43 44 207 36 47 1 3 1 4 1 3 3 1 1 2 41 45 208 91 111 27 19 2 1 82 52 209 32 33 3 2 17 17 210

Uninhabited 211 15 18 6 8 212 42 44 2 .. 14 17 213 64 52 4 9 1 25 22 214 73 60 2 4 1 1 31 37 215

51 45 4 6 .. 2 1 25 30 216 55 47 4 Z 1 33 39 217 54 48 1 .. 5 .. 27 30 218 85 75 8 7 5 1 2 .. 30 32 219 22 22 4 4 1 14 15 220

36 34 2 2 .. 20 22 221 42 39 5 2 .. 1 27 23 222 70 68 2 4 3 3 2 1 .. .. 40 35 223 49 43 4 4 2 1 29 40 224 64 59 3 8 1 1 2 3 3 46 44 225

44 35 4 2 1 22 29 226 46 36 2 .. 14 17 227 72 55 8 5 2 2 .. 1 39 44 228 46 40 2 7 30 19 229 42 36 3 19 27 230

57 39 2 .. 20 28 231 39 36 6 4 4 3 3 26 36 232 35 37 4 4 3 1 1 12 12 233 36 29 2 1 1 19 16 234 56 56 11 10 1 40 33 235

66 76 7 6 2 9 3 3 2 46 37 236 77 68 4 5 5 3 2 2 47 43 237 42 37 3 2 1 ... 1 22 33 238 56 45 2 1 25 24 239 4 6 .. \ .. 1 5 240

24 24 3 3 ...... 15 9 241 Uninhabited 242 20 16 .. 11 12 243 63 51 1 2 37 49 244 54 53 25 32 24S

40 36 2 1 2 14 19 246 44 36 2 3 3 3 8 21 29 247 21 16 2 3 2 7 5 248 99 98 8 4 2 1 2 3 4 53 65 249 55 53 1 38 SO 250

140 127 9 10 3 1 1 70 72 251 92 80 13 10 3 3 44 47 252



Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

A 36 Bhaisgaon 304 293· 37 Bhaismudi 132 68 I Abhanpnr 183 206 38 Bhaismudi 202 262 2 Albeda 245 269 39 Bhanpuri 47 20 3 Amajhola 296 164 40 Bharritola 6 15 4 Amoda 131 32 5 Anchhidongri 253 177 Bhelai 6 Andi 174 281 41 11 SO 7 Anjani 241 138 42 Bhirnadih 234 266 8 Ankhibarra 88 64 43 Bhirswahi 214 259 9 Anwari 16 17 44 Bhiroud 28 63 10 Aurabhat 175 N.A. 45 Bhiroud 203 189 46 Bhotha 101 135 11 Arjuni 213 106 47 Bhuigaon 76 109 12 Aroud 86 72 48 Bihawa 235 191 290 250 13 Aturgaon 49 Biranpur 31 28 50 Bodeli (Panka) 114 83 B 5J Borgaon 301 221 14 Badal 63 42 52 Budeli 200 147 15 Baghdongri (Halba) 22 59 316 251 16 Baghdongri (Babu) 142 217 53 Budhiyarmari 17 Bagod 199 248 18 Bagodar 118 114 C 72 23 19 Bahnapani 54 Chenar 156 247 Bandatola 115 299 20 55 Chandeli 151 283 58 21 Bangabari 310 182 56 Chapeli 276 22 Bansagar 124 48 57 Chararna 24 291 23 Banspatra 302 N.A. 58 Charbhatha 36 94 24 Barchegondi 256 305 59 Charbhata 105 39 123 25 Barethin-bahra 73 19 60 Charbhathi 99 26 Bargari 52 96 139 27 Barkachhar 74 81 61 Chawad 62 28 Barkai 222 200 62 Chawdi 59 94 29 Basanwahi 85 90 63 Chhindkhadak 309 148 30 Basanwahi 292 196 64 Chinouri 95 284, 65 Chiwranj 272 233 31 Batbani 33 26 66 Choria 251 170 32 Bewarti 240 144 61 Chuchrungpur 10 4 33 Bhansuli 64 22 D 34 Bhairadih 243 289 35 Bhaisa Katta 101 61 68 Dabbipani 149 183 236


Location Location Serial Code No. S. N('. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

69 Dabena l18 38 104 Garhpichwadi 274 146 70 Dabena (Bahll) 186 294 105 Gattagudum 252 201 106 Ghotiyawahi 159 185 71 Daldali 220 195 107 Ghotiya 278 169 72 Daliidih 51 252 108 Gidhali 26 313 73 Damkasa 109 Girhola 27 89 74 Dargahan 44 l16 110 Gitpahar 29 34 75 Dashpur 230 136 76 Dawarkhar 218 205 111 Golkumhda 68 55 77 Deodonger 172 188 l12 Gotpur 198 241 78 Deogaon 133 69 113 Gourgaon 162 134 79 Deokongera 280 184 114 Go uri 84 204 80 Deori (Balaji) 192 155 115 Govardhan 298 N.A. 116 Govindpur 227 231 81 Deori (Bar) 207 124 117 Guttitola 137 249 82 Devinawagaon 21 36 83 Dhanchikanhar 212 275 H 84 Dhanesara 182 225 l18 Halba 41 16 85 Dhanora 210 181 119 Haradola 39 6 86 Dhantulsi 288 125 120 Hatka Charama 87 40 87 Dhedkohka 15 14 121 Hat Kongera 179 120 88 Dheklawand 184 198 122 Hinganjhar 161 107 89 Dhekuna 145 51 90 Dh.:>urabhat 49 78 I

91 Dodkawahi 116 44 123 Ichhapur 289 216 92 Dodrapahad 80 102 124 Iradah 314 218 93 Dokla 2 11 J 94 Domaharra 269 292 95 Dompadar 119 27 125 Jambahara 127 97 126 Jamgaon 135 75 96 Dudhawa 224 287 127 Janwartara 126 207 I Duhawar 2 Dudhawa-Project 128 Jepra 40 29 97 Dudumbahra 91 . 119 129 Jhaliyamari 147 153 Jhulna Tendu 282 213 98 Dumali 228 203 130 99 DUmarpani 55 86 131 Jiwalamari 315 256 100 DUrgatola 13 70 132 Junwani (Indal) 12 87 133 Junwani (Rampur) 155 298 G K 101 Gahrinbandha 173 193 102 Gandagouri 112 98 134 Khadgondi 65 137 103 Gawarsili 148 214 135 Kalmuchche 306 222 237


Location Location Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. Serial No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4 171 Kokanpur 211 274 136 Kamlr.akudum 293 176 172 Kokpur 226 255 137 Kanagaon 305 167 173 KoJiyari 270 300 138 Kana Pond 108 271 174 Komalpur 300 288 139 Kandel 17 12 175 Koretha 255 307 140 Kanhanpuri 191 226 176 Korrampara 146 149 141 Kanharpuri 206 115 177 Kosumpani 79 73 142 Kanker 248 228 178 Kotara 120 229 143 Kapsi 244 280 179 Kotela 77 N.A. 194 144 Kapaspoti 164 180 Kotgaon (Niche) 268 308 145 Karaiha 38 8 146 Kariyapahad 32 35 181 Kotgaon (Upar) 285 279 147 Karap 232 128 182 Kuigaon 297 168 148 Karra (Jaisa) 45 91 183 Kumhankhar 261 141 149 Kasawahi 3 7 184 Kuristikur 246 236 150 Kashipur 82 278 185 Kurna 129 66 186 Kuralthernri 93 103 302 151 Katagaon 125 187 Kurrutola 34 2 158 152 Keontintata 166 188 Kurrubhat 60 2S 153 Khadarwahi 81 49 L 154 Khairkheda 113 224 1 Jhipatoia 2 Imlipara 189 Lakhanpuri 121 108 3 Dandkaranya Camp 190 Lendara 291 260 155 Khairawahi 111 285 191 Lilejhar 100 312 156 Khajrawan 204 180 192 Lilwapahad 96 76 157 Khalari 267 215 193 Lulegondi 307 140 158 Khamdodgi 247 303 159 Khartha 69 57 M 160 Kilepar 46 71 194 Machandur 7 13 195 Madabharri 284 264 161 Kirgapati 277 143 196 Madri 257 245 162 Kirgoli 188 237 47 197 Maheshpur 136 212 163 Kishanpuri (Pando) 104 198 Mahud 8 3 164 Kisanpuri 160 230 199 Mainkheda 106 93 Kochwahi 89 67 165 Mainpur 117 200 168 113 166 Kodabhat 249 187 286 167 Kodagaon 201 Makri (Khuna) 189 131 258 123 168 Kodejunga 202 Makri (Singrai) 190 142 75 112 169 Kohaka (Ratesara) 203 Malanjkudum 313 211 126 204 Malgaon 221 170 Kokdi 170 223 238


Location Location S. No. Serial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961

2 3 4 2 3 4

205 Malgaon 237 101 241 Nisanharra 308 208 206 Manikpur 201 217 P 207 Mankesri 259 173 20. Maradeo 25 21 242 Padampur 150 246 209 Mardapoti 295 261 243 Palewa 102 151 210 Markatola (Myana) 83 110 244 Pandarwahi 177 306 245 Pandaripani (Lal) 19 95 211 Markatoia (Largaon) 181 157 246 Pandripani 130 56 212 Markatola (Fatechand) 205 270 247 Pandripani 239 122 213 Marrampani 56 30 248 Parsoda 141 282 Marrapi 294 178 214 249 Patharri 279 165 215 Marwadi 23 41 250 Pathrinara 92 105 216 Masulpani 90 53 251 Patoud 231 235 217 Matradarha 140 162 252 Pendrawan 193 219 218 Matwada (Lal) 208 129 253 Petoli 176 253 219 Matwada (Modi) 229 132 254 Pidhapal 287 254 220 Mawlipara 263 186 255 Piproud 109 82 256 Potgaon 167 301 221 Mayana 99 296 257 Pradhandongri 5 5 222 Mode 265 101 258 Puri. 94 111 223 Mohpur 266 139 259 Puriyara 217 268 224 Muddhowa 30 31 260 Pusajhar 286 232 225 Mudkhusra 9 18 226 Muddongri 195 127 261 Puswada 276 227 227 Mudpar (Subhia) 144 210 262 Pusawand 260 161 228 Mudpar (Dakhani) 233 273 R 229 Mujalgondi 157 314 230 Mujalgondi 312 267 263 Raj pur 97 92 264 Raghotola 37 NA 231 Muragaon 311 311 265 Rampur 98 104 232 Murumtara 14 65 266 Rampur 154 74 233 Musurputa 264 265 267 Ranidongri 71 33 N 268 Ratedih 50 290

234 Nadanmara 209 160 269 Ratesara 67 203 235 Nara 163 121 270 Rawas 317 234

236 Narharpur 62 79 271 Risewada 117 58 237 Navdabri 78 45 272 Rode 225 304 238 Nawagaon (Saradhu) 53 150 S 239 Nawagaon (Nathiya) 169 171 240 Nawagaon (Bbawgir) 273 166 273 Sainmuda 303 189 239


Location Location Serial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Villa,e 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

274 Salhebhat (Matadin) 153 244 T 275' Salhebhat 250 152 298 Talkurra 194 272 276 Salhebhat 271 309 299 Tanhkapar 70 43 277 Salhetola 43 37 300 Tansi 4 10 278 Salhetola 180 197 279 Sarangpal 215 243 301 Tarasgaon 128 54 2&0 Saranda 262 156 302 Telawant 236 172 303 Telgara 138 240 281 Sarona 219 242 304 Telgudi 18 60 282 Sarwalldi 223 263 305 Thema 283 209 283 Satalor 216 190 306 Thanabodi 61 291 Shahwada 122 284 114 307 Thelkabod 238 258 235 Shamtara 165 154 308 Tikrapara 54 24 286 Shriguhan 103 85 309 Tirkadand 57 175 287 Sisdelar 197 179 310 Tiriyarpani 318 163 288 Siharinara 134 52 Tuituli 299 289 Siltara 185 159 311 257 Turakhar 196 290 Singanpur 242 192 312 238 313 Tugeguhan 20 9 291 Singarbhat 275 145 1 Singarbh.t 2 Goashala U

3 Dandkaranya Camp 314 Udkuda 143 239 292 Singarwahi 158 220 315 Ukari 35 88 293 Sirsida 66 80 316 Umradah 110 46 294 Sonpur 171 187 317 Uraiha 48 77 295 Surhi 42 295 V 296 Surawand 152 N.A. 297 Suroli 254 310 318 Vyaskongera 281 130 240

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Workers Literate Name Area Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) No. Village available acres Houses holds ~--, r--A.-----, ".--...... _... -. ,-..A ------. r--..A..----., P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

43/2 Kanker Tahsil Rural 431,904.5 28,820 70,495 3,636 43,207 14,388 45,261 27,986 144,842 74,347 3,822 45,914 1,968 45,741 1 Damkasa 1,428.7 53 53 314 161 153 151 146 35 IIZ 118 2 Dokla P. 1,326.3 136 136 619 302 317 19 18 60 56 115 16 193 191 3 Kasawahi 1,104.0 99 99 488 239 249 1 2 161 176 61 11 150 166 4 Tansi 1,638.5 102 102 529 250 279 61 66 43 5 151 173 5 Pradhan Dongri 660.0 23 23 114 55 59 52 53 18 2 33 40

6 Bharritola P. 358.6 78 78 385 207 178 1 I 146 127 66 8 122 118 7 Machandur 734.9 116 IJ7 545 253 292 21 2S 96 116 58 13 158 154 8 Mahud P. 629.1 125 125 596 281 315 25 27 172 198 136 38 178 202 9 Mudkhusra 410.6 76 76 354 156 198 16 24 5 6 50 12 93 116 10 Chuchrungpur 742.4 35 35 178 74 104 2 5 28 28 16 1 46 64

11 Bhelai P,S. 464.0 67 67 328 143 185 78 108 33 . . 84 107 12 lunwani IIndal) 664.9 76 76 413 208 205 94 98 81 3 132 136 13 Durgatola 353.8 3 3 22 12 10 .. 12 ]0 1 .. ]0 8 14 Mufumtara 991.4 54 54 268 132 136 9 13 52 56 29 11 92 89 IS' Dhedkohka 1,827.6 105 109 517 239 278 5 7 146 166 48 1 156 147

16 Anwari 689.9 51 51 308 154 154 54 52 .. .. 49 5 84 83 17 Kandel 574.2 53 53 277 135 142 .. 40 49 41 3 81 91 18 Telgudi 891.5 108 108 560 264 296 25 27 113 138 54 7 151 193 19 Pandaripani (La!) 1,375.4 89 89 435 211 224 I 4 116 124 66 I 132 133 20 Tuyeguhan 1,642.7 80 80 304 149 155 6 7 93 95 23 2 109 111

21 Devinawagaon P,M. 820.9 183 183 793 379 414 23 25 164 176 146 31 236 258 22 Baghdongri (Holba) 833.6 94 94 464 226 238 15 14 93 93 51 12 152 159 23 Marwadi 1 ,921).3 64 64 340 172 168 16 16 133 130 37 1 119 109 24 Charama P,M,H,D. 921.0 527 5402,5321,284 1,248 38 35 185 181 488 131 716 523 Rhc., Hos" Mp (A). Mp., (0), Mcw, Po. 25 Maradeo 497.2 12 12 51 26 25 26 25 4 17 19

26 Gidhali 1,539.2 33 33 182 88 94 " 83 88 20 52 50 27 Girhola 352.1 109 111 526 243 283 3 6 70 78 81 22 147 131 28 Bhiroud P. 948.8 119 119 618 299 319 15 13 85 88 108 15 178 173 'l9 Gitpahar P, Po. 2,765.2 269 277 1,327 623 704 20 22 342 380 151 ]9 385 441 30 Muddhowa 890.9 84 91 425 198 227 5 7 122 147 76 9 121 131

31 Biranpur P. 1,353.5 115 115 536 266 270 9 9 208 208 72 7 165 186 32 Kariyapahad 1,425.3 30 30 129 63 66 44 47 8 .. 45 42 33 Batbani 1,317.1 33 33 175 85 90 5 4 72 78 14 I 52 61 34 Kurruto1a p. 1,575.6 94 94 436 214 222 7 8 193 202 41 4 151 144 35 Ukari 399.8 97 98 414 201 213 5 5 73 67 30 1 120 113

36 Charbhatha 787.2 87 87 459 220 239 15 20 85 87 65 10 136 140

37 Raghotola 142.4 .. Uninhabited ...... " 38 Karaiha P. 1,145.1 119 119 540 267 273 18 20 88 92 106 4 171 174 39 HaradoJa P. 1,584.6 212 i12 942 460 482 61 60 121 119 103 7 287 305 40 Jepra 2,424.3 230 231 993 478 SIS 68 68 237 257 175 33 294 311

41 Halba P.M.D. Hos. 1,550.0 173 187 867 418 449 26 25 194 217 166 44 250 281 42 Surhi P. 2,359.1 126 126 685 341 344 7 8 311 311 55 9 238 215 43 SaJhetoJa 1,624.4 76 76 360 161 199 .. 95 117 30 I 104 III 44 Dargahan 544.5 81 81 380 183 197 25 18 95 98 42 3 112 124 45 Karra (Jaisa) P.M. 1,582.6 273 273 1.225 581 644 47 46 252 292 177 52 332 370

46 Kilepar P. 1,474.1 172 172 779 355 424 !O 6 220 258 92 12 228 263 47 Bhanpllri 892.0 72 74 384 184 200 5 8 118 130 54 6 117 109 48 Uraiha 1,018.8 47 47 272 136 136 I 1 132 134 II 97 102 49 Dhollrabhat 1,533.8 53 53 275 140 135 2 3 129 124 f7 3 91 88 50 Ratedih 987.5 17 17 79 39 40 1 I 37 35 3 29 29 243 , KANKER TAHSIL

w 0 R K E R S Non- -A_ Workers L.C, n III IV V vI· VB VIII IX X No.

r--....A_-~ ,----"------, ,-_A_--"l r---'------, r----"------, r-_A_~ ,-----"------, ,__"------, ,----"-, r---'------, M F M F M F M F M F M F M. F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ·33 34 35 36 37

32.027 8,490 828 1,254 241 816 465 365 26 1,214 25,234 43/2 34,228 8,782 326 1,193 52 205 490 28,606 101 102 3 9 5 3 3 4 49 35 I 115 121 36 37 2 30 24 1 9 9 109 126 2 107 95 20 50 5 7 3 3 4 1 11 10 89 83 3 83 85 66 88 1 1 .. 99 106 4 )0 31 7 3 2 22 19 5

91 87 4 4 4 23 27 85 60 6 88 104 44 42 7 9 8 2 1 7 95 138 7 124 158 26 39 4 7 3 11 1 2 4 1 103 113 8 83 t06 8 9 1 1 1 63 82 9 42 58 3 5 1 1 28 40 10 48 65 32 40 " 2 2 2 59 78 11 108 120 ]8 16 I 3 2 76 €9 12 7 8 3 2 2 13 65 68 17 21 9 1 .. 40 47 14 117 108 32 37 5 2 2 83 131 15

71 67 9 15 2 1 ., '. " 2 70 71 16 47 54 27 34 I J ] 4 1 1 1 54 51 17 90 136 30 44 19 5 13 I 6 113 103 18 92 107 27 20 1 9 6 1 2 79 91 19 82 86 24 25 I 1 1 40 44 20

145 163 63 75 2 4 16 15 1 4 5 95 IOtJ 47 143 156 11 44 7 6 1 .. 2 74 79 ' 22 103 98 13 9 1 1 1 2 .. 220 220 90 110 53 59 23 18 13 81 109 54 5 108 42 13 .-, 127 29 568 725 24

I3 17 4 2 9 6 25 43 45 8 5 1 " 36 44 26 80 71 40 46 3 1 13 8 6 4 5 1 102 113 96 152 27 62 55 4 3 5 3 4 121 146 28 254 302 III 132 9 4 4 2 .. 7 92 . 1 238 263 29 100 18 25 8 5 I 1 2 77 96 30

115 128 41 54 5 3 4 39 41 101 84 31 6 1 18 24 50 52 2 9 32 120 ]29 .. .. 33 29 33 23 15 2 1 5 63 86 94 1I 16 78 34 1 2 1 11 1 4 1 5 81 100 35 103 116 31 24 1 84 99 .. 36 .. . - Uninhabited 37 114 131 50 40 .. 3 183 198 2 1 4 96 99 38 70 92 5 22 15 .. 2 5 173 177 166 194 103 110 39 4 4 5 3 3 2 11 184 204 40 105 140 75 92 19 2 23 34 9 9 17 4 168 188 165 39 48 168 41 4 1 2 1 4 I 103 129 42 80 94 13 15 3 2 3 69 82 5 57 88 43 19 35 4 6 6 9 1 1 4 .. 71 194 195 80 144 10 73 44 3 19 15 13 1 4 12 3 8 1 249 274 45 146 174 65 87 1 10 2 2 4 127 81 78 29 26 4 2 161 46 90 96 1 3 2 67 91 47 5 5 1 1 1 70 73 16 15 3 39 34 48 26 27 3 2 2 49 47 49 10 11 50 • 244


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- Village available a,res Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) No. ,-_..A._-., r-__A_--~ ,---"---., r--\...--~ r--·..A.-~ p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Daelidih 770.2 4 4 19 9 10 .- 3 4 7 7 52 Bargari P. 1,029.7 79 79 327 165 162 6 5 29 26 35 5 103 88 53 Nawagaon (Saradhu) 999.2 101 103 471 221 250 1 3 72 100 43 4 123 154 54 Tikrapara SOS_6 75 75 394 IS7 207 -- 112 133 54 S 117 112 55 Dumarpani P. 2,561.5 113 115 503 246 257 14 13 165 173 49 4 176 177

56 Marrampani 1,719.9 51 51 266 127 139 7 6 113 124 15 78 87 57 Tirkadand 1,144.6 42 42 230 117 113 2 2 109 102 13 78 68 58 Chapeli 1,765.5 46 46 251 109 142 5 5 72 88 10 76 90 59 Chawdi 930.8 55 56 238 117 121 .. 4 78 77 22 3 70 74 60 Kurrubhat P. 1.589.S 135 137 671 333 338 9 10 131 138 155 35 201 189

61 Thanabodi 1,274.0 64 64 346 171 175 1 1 103 111 24 3 119 lOS 62 Narharpur P,Po. 3,524.2 147 148 688 341 347 ]6 22 192 206 91 24 207 199 63 Badal P. 2,446.0 121 121 570 281 289 5 3 240 256 31 5 189 198 64 Bhansuli P. 1,582.4 60 60 298 161 137 3 2 140 118 21 2 108 80 65 Kahadgondi 1,162.6 31 31 169 82 87 6 5 72 76 11 1 55 59

66 Sirsida P. 2,083.6 133 133 642 295 347 47 45 164 195 73 13 189 199 67 Ratesara 663.5 58 58 264 132 132 2 2 117 117 14 1 89 98 68 Golkumhda P. 935.1 107 107 483 233 250 17 30 117 128 70 10 144 160 69 Khartha P,M. 1,295.5 153 153 763 366 397 26 21 192 217 144 10 228 248 70 Tanhkapar P. 1,083.0 169 170 809 392 417 192 216 138 16 257 242

71 Ranidongri P. 1,120.4 72 72 350 161 189 1 1 137 161 33 9 93 113 72 Bahnapani 1,463.1 47 47 252 125 127 4 8 110 105 24 2 80 83 73 Barethin Bahra 1,020.5 26 26 152 78 74 " 75 72 9 52 51 74 Barkachhar 815.5 44 45 200 96 104 8 6 51 62 16 1 62 69 75 Kahako Ratesara 1,362.3 49 64 259 129 130 3 2 110 113 1 94 82

76 Bhuigaon 819.9 92 92 446 219 227 19 19 78 84 43 3 136 130 77 Kotela P. 1,377.5 140 140 771 358 413 8 Ii 185 233 35 2 228 276 78 Naudabri 1,812,3 90 90 471 229 242 7 10 117 126 21 158 163 79 Kosumpani 1,198.1 44 44 207 99 108 8 6 77 88 8 68 74 80 Dodrapahad 70t. 3 20 20 71 34 37 31 32 L 26 25

81 Khadarwahi 503.6 8 8 39 20 19 20 19 16 13 82 Kashipur 391.2 18 18 77 34 43 34 42 21 23 23 83 Markatola (Myana) 2,646.3 82 84 388 181 207 12 8 138 153 20 1 115 127 84 Gauri P. 3,599.8 154 156 736 365 371 9 8 310 314 90 21 240 232 85 Basanwahi 944.5. 121 124 602 282 320 17 22 190 214 56 14 176 207

86 Aroud P. 1,301. 5 140 142 806 405 401 37 35 191 185 116 13 249 214 87 Hatka Charma .1,718.9 115 119 591 293 298 13 10 243 256 66 4 186 181 88 . Ankhiharra P. 2,056_4 72 73 368 170 198 2 8 143 167 17 5 115 130 89 Kochwahi 2.527 _3 56 56 322 151 171 5 4 125 140 28 6 97 101 90 Masu\pani 927.8 31 31 142 73 69 69 66 4 58 45

91 Dudumbahra 1,401.9 26 26 137 73 64 66 58 5 55 40 92 Pathrinara 713.5 18 18 113 57 56 57 56 4 1 44 34 93 Kuralthemri 2,539.4 95 95 561 263 298 2 2 236 270 20 I 167 188 94 Puri P.~1_ 2,070.2 81 81 360 176 184 4 6 91 97 67 8 112 120 95 Chinouri P,S. 1,708.8 226 2271,110 546 564 11 9 346 356 110 23 320 295

96 Lilwapahad 692.1 49 49 225 104 121 1 1 63 77 27 79 86 97 Rajpur 799,2 35 35 153 70 83 1 2 58 73 20 48 51 98 Rampur 823.4 59 59 280 128 152 2 1 126 151 39 10 80 98 99 Mayana P. 1,704.8 88 94 466 215 251 14 10 124 144 80 17 134 153 100 Lilejhar P,Rhc. 1,560.5 120 122 613 304 309 39 37 217 231 85 12 182 171 .. 245


W 0 R K E R S Non- -_, Workers L.c. II III IV V vr. VII VIII IX X No. r--"'-----, ,.-----A---., ,--__.A_, r-__A_-----, ,---_..I,,_--... ,--~ ,.-----A----, ...----'----., ~ ,.-----A------, M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

6 7 1 ...... 2 3 51 6: 55 37 31 2 2 .. .. 3 62 74 52 82 109 25 37 7 7 5 3 2 98 96 53 92 85 21 27 3 1 120 , 70 95 54 121 44 53 2 6 1 1 1 3 1 70 80 55

72 79 3 8 2 1 49 52 56 51 52 15 13 3 7 3 2 39 45 57 59 74 14 16 2 1 33 54 52 58 55 10 17 1 .. 5 2 47 47 59 138 132 56 57 3 1 3 132 149 60

88 90 27 18 .. 1 .. 1 2 52 67 61 156 175 21 21 8 I I 1 4 1 16 1 134 148 62 162 178 10 11 1 12 9 4 92 91 63 99 80 '} 2 53 57 64 54 58 1 1 27 28 65

129 155 29 32 3 3 16 11 9 106 148 66 57 57 31 40 1 .. ., 1 43 34 67 90 94 45 64 1 . , 3 1 I 1 .. 4 89 90 68 145 152 5S 84 6 3 7 1 3 2 9 6 138 149 69 168 154 76 75 3 8 11 2 2 135 175 70

70 86 18 26 3 1 2 68 76 72 7I 73 3 9 1 1 3 1 45 44 72 SO 50 2 1 52 .. 26 23 73 61 9 8 I 34 35 74 86 75 6 7 1 1 35 48 75

80 73 39 52 8 6 4 3 1 83 97 76 178 211 42 62 5 2 1 1 1 1 130 137 77 94 85 52 77 3 4 1 5 71 79 55 78 61 11 13 1 1 31 34 79 18 19 7 6 8 12 80

11 12 5 1 22 4 6 81 21 1 2 .. .. 11 20 97 114 82 17 12 .. J 1 .. 66 80 83 193 208 27 9 5 8 4 7 11 125 130 139 84 143 25 52 5 12 11 1 3 106 113 85

119 129 104 79 20 6 1 5 101 156 187 86 112 74 67 5 1 4 I 1 I 107 107 12() 117 87 4 10 1 3 55 68 88 84 82 12 19 1 57 54 70 89 43 I 2 15 24 90

42 37 5 7 2 18 44 34 24 91 " 13 22 134 164 25 92 20 8 4 .. 95 110 93 68 94 32 26 4 2 6 231 215 6~ 64 9.t 77 77 I 3 3 2 6 226 269 95

61 70 15 11 3 5 25 35 96 42 38 .~ 13 1 22 71 85 8 13 32 97 " .. .. 1 48 112 140 9 10 54 98 2 " 4 1 3 2 4 81 98 152 145 23 24 99 4 1 1 3 122 138 100 246


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r--_..A.._._-._. ,.-_."----, _____.A..--.-, r-~ ,~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Bhaisakatta 1,165.4 92 89 474 234 240 17 24 91 95 29 2 155 150 102 Palewa P. 1,941.2 i49 151 758 370 388 27 25 290 316 60 5 258 273 103 Shriguhan P. 973.3 73 73 378 l74 204 11 10 146 182 44 8 120 148 104 Kisanpuri (Pando) 1,603.0 87 87 451 215 236 27 30 112 113 40 4 127 143 105 Charbhata 1 ,122.7 50 50 237 119 118 1 114 112 15 1 78 83

106 Mainkheda 1,326.4 39 39 176 85 91 3 78 87 16 3 65 61 107 Bhotha 2,025.6 56 56 272 140 132 .. 65 65 23 2 92 91 108 Kahapond 593,5 72 82 436 195 241 4 6 54 70 55 6 122 146 109 Piproud 895.7 116 117 576 259 3i7 21 28 113 140 51 4 170 192 110 Umradah P. 1,902.0 164 164 808 386 422 33 29 253 283 84 9 292 297

III Khairwahi 2,225.7 55 55 249 129 120 5 9 104 90 28 1 88 82 112 Gandagaori P. 2,507.3 131 134 644 309 335 5 5 287 312 92 16 199 229 113 Khairkheda P. 4,247.3 215 311 1,473 678 795 32 30 540 604 94 7 445 535 114 Bodeli (Panka) S. 955.6 76 77 422 191 231 9 11 127 155 21 6 119 116 115 Bandatola P. 1,082.7 124 128 612 287 325 8 7 216 244 66 9 197 202

116 Dodkawahi 1,438.5 101 lOS 600 291 309 13 10 72 72 39 203 202 117 Risewada 3,063.2 112 113 516 253 263 11 9 136 160 24 168 167 118 Dabena 3,438.9 79 97 495 230 265 14 11 171 198 32 3 173 178 119 Dompadar 1,760.6 97 79 408 203 205 4 4 153 161 3 148 139 120 Ot-tara P. 1,711.3 103 114 565 284 281 6 9 187 186 66 10 171 180

121 Lakhanpuri P,M,D.Po. 1,360.6 li5 132 614 299 315 10 9 125 150 92 21 186 195 122 Shahwada P,M. 886.6 115 117 557 276 281 85 87 97 94 83 14 154 163 123 Charbhathi P. 1,276.3 180 180 1,020 454 566 41 47 358 446 72 10 334 415 124 Bansagar P. 1,227.1 114 115 592 283 309 6 6 195 196 84 8 211 206 125 Katagaon P. J ,910.1 63 67 324 161 163 5 4 127 135 11 1 102 96

126 Janwartara 1,194.5 48 50 260 124 136 3 3 89 103 10 75 80 127 Jambahara 1,012.3 29 29 IZO 54 66 .. .. 43 59 4 .. 38 43 128 Tarasgaon P. 2,000.9 181 183 987 460 527 41 49 316 359 45 6 301 351 129 Kurna P,D.MP(A). 1,081.0 148 155 725 348 377 27 37 98 105 117 26 217 224 130 Pandripani 812.2 81 82 437 205 232 19 29 120 155 41 2 150 148

131 Amoda P,D,Rhc,Hos. 2,055.6 210 213 898 413 485 28 29 229 272 89 14 292 328 132 Bhaismlldi 983.5 45 46 236 112 124 14 16 82 95 13 1 78 79 133 Deogaon P,M. 3,190.2 124 124 604 296 308 21 23 230 236 38 2 215 193 134 Siharinara 1,155.0 37 37 181 96 85 3 3 91 79 16 62 63 135 Jamgaon P. 2,.252.7 139 139 722 338 384 6 10 249 270 41 6 232 240

136 Maheshpur 618.0 15 16 82 38 44 .. .. 32 39 .. 25 26 137 Guttitola P. 1,335.8 64 65 314 154 160 20 17 95 108 26 6 96 97 138 Telgara 1,296.8 89 106 565 269 296 2 3 145 163 36 5 170 187 139 Chawad P. 1,201.7 148 152 728 362 366 38 33 114 126 118 21 225 234 140 Matradarha 2,016.7 31 34 169 93 76 1 1 86 72 2 67 47

141 Parsoda P. 1,902.2 120 120 532 254 278 15 19 101 121 66 9 176 182 142 Bagdongri (Babu) P. I ,541.5 130 132 672 329 343 16 20 203 205 80 11 225 229 143 Udkuda P. 2,877.7 180 203 1,031 494 537 50 52 289 307 106 14 336 345 144 Mlldpar (Sllbhia) P. 761.0 101 102 432 208 224 31 32 68 68 47 2 115 118 145 Dhekuna P. 1,325.3 131 134 672 326 346 38 33 164 170 97 20 213 244

146 Korrampara 2,133.3 42 42 216 111 105 7 3 101 100 14 81 69 147 Jhaliyamari 1,973.1 37 37 207 105 102 100 92 14 67 65 148 Gawarsili 1,407.4 56 56 275 122 153 8 9 104 128 9 78 88 149 Dabbipani 779.5 54 54 316 166 150 9 9 119 103 29 104 102 1'0 Padampur 570.4 34 37 170 91 79 4 3 84 71 3 56 48 247


w 0 R K E R S Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,-_..A...- ~--.A.__, 1 r---A.-·, r---A_, ~---., ,----"---, ,-.. --A...----"'l r----"----., ,----"-----, ,--.A.----.., M F M F M F M F M F M F M ~ M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

IDS 107 31 24 6 Z .. 10 18 79 90 101 191 215 37 17 5 3 11 17 3 11 21 IlZ 115 102 90 116 28 32 1 ., 1 54 56 103 97 120 20 21 6 1 2 I 2 93 104 64 73 10 10 1 1 2 ~~ 35 105

52 52 12 9 ...... 20 30 106 70 72 17 15 2 2 4 1 48 41 107 84 118 31 26 2 2 I 4 73 95 108 103 125 50 54 5 1 7 12 I 4 89 125 109 236 245 40 42 4 11 10 1 94 12:- 110

72 70 12 12 1 .. 3 41 38 III 141 165 49 58 2 2 1 1 6 3 110 106 112 343 431 72 73 8 7 8 18 1 5 4 3 4 3 233 260 113 83 81 30 33 3 2 2 1 72 115 114 144 146 40 53 7 2 4 3 90 123 115

177 183 18 11 . . 2 .. 8 6 88 107 116 105 128 31 24 20 7 7 7 I 1 4 85 96 117 149 160 17 18 2 5 57 87 118 136 129 3 10 2 2 5 55 66 119 131 141 33 33 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 113 101 120

124 129 34 52 8 4 4 4 1 3 2 11 3 113 120 121 R2 94 52 64 1 1 4 3 I 2 12 1 122 118 122 290 367 24 27 .. 3 3 .. 17 18 120 151 123 160 163 37 29 2 2 4 12 1 7 72 103 124 'i8 77 19 19 4 1 59 67 J25

61 66 11 14 '2 49 56 126 34 35 4 8 16 23 127 243 288 44 54 " Il 9 1 2 .. 159 176 128 108 125 92 95 2 .. 5 3 2 1 7 1 131 153 129 114 122 29 22 1 1 4 3 2 55 84 130

218 263 46 46 13 9 4 2 10 7 121 157 lJi 60 68 10 7 II 4 . . .. 34 160 45 132 142 47 46 5 5 .. 3 81 115 133 58 60 2 .. 2 1 208 " 1 1 34 22 134 208 11 31 4 1 5 2 2 106 144 135

24 23 1 3 13 18 136 64 68 28 29 119 ...... J 2 ~8 63 137 142 43 44 1 2 .. 1 3 .. 2 99 109 138 IIR 124 89 103 (,0 2 8 6 4 1 4 137 132 139 4~ 7 3 1 26 29 140

126 148 43 33 I 2 .. 3 1 78 96 141 143 161 54 53 " 272 8 15 15 1 4 .. 104 114 142 280 54 64 1 2 .. .. 7 1 158 192 143 63 65 38 40 3 8 12 " 1 93 147 149 2 1 :06 144 57 gS 6 7 3 113 102 145

56 55 18 9 6 5 31) {i4 63 36 146 2 2 .. 38 37 147 69 7G 3 4 6 8 81 87 44 65 148 22 l:'i 1 48 41 3R 13 62 149 10 2 35 31 150 248


WorkeJ~ Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,..----"----." ,..---.A..---.. ,-----.A..---., ,.---A------, ,.------1'----, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Chandeli 1,098.6 85 86 443 220 223 12 11 187 189 86 139 147 152 Surawand 378.4 .35 37 180 83 97 6 11 42 53 20 51 65 153 Salebhat (Matadin) 289.5 43 44 215 109 106 12 6 77 69 13 1 70 70 154 Rampur 933.6 56 57 262 121 141 6 6 70 82 38 4 78 80 155 Junwani (Rampur) P,M. 984.9 160 172 893 428 465 36 42 223 240 136 17 279 272

156 Chenar 1,823.4 133 129 650 316 334 43 37 257 282 23 206 219 157 Mujalgondi 5~6.1 7 7 45 25 20 24 20 9 20 12 158 Singarwahi 1,042.1 18 18 93 47 46 .. .. 27 30 1 33 27 159 Ghotiyawahi 2,119.3 88 96 542 256 286 7 15 190 197 3 .. 185 186 160 Kishanpuri 1,134.5 62 68 356 183 171 20 18 97 88 28 2 122 113

1&1. Hinganjhar 702.5 72 74 322 155 167 3 1 90 116 23 1 105 110 162 Gourgaon 485.5 59 59 345 170 175 8 13 99 113 49 13 110 101 163 Nara 846.6 83 85 445 220 225 2 1 74 82 93 7 136 132 164 Kapaspoti 1,492.7 62 64 329 162 167 12 10 123 132 45 1 114 108 165 Shamtara P. 1,603.8 134 140 690 336 354 21 17 143 148 111 13 226 206

166 Keontintola 1,089.3 64 66 394 196 198 12 21 157 142 76 9 134 115 167 Potgaon P,M. 1,966.7 199 202 1,122 535 587 70 82 324 331 124 30 320 354 168 Mainpur P. 1,288.7 105 124 632 308 324 7 16 191 204 78 10 191 191 169 Nawaga0n (Nathi"a) P. 1,630.1 111 112 496 249 247 22 13 180 194 124 44 161 171 170 Kokdi . 961.0 101 102 496 232 264 20 21 200 108 64 3 143 171

171 Sonpur 1,348.3 52 54 295 140 155 3 8 127 132 9 .. 95 103 172 Dcodongar 1,598.3 140 150 780 381 399 11 11 165 158 109 14 247 222 173 Gahrinbandha 682.8 62 65 370 186 184 6 6 169 161 6 131 114 174 Andi 1.357.8 112 112 597 292 305 21 18 108 114 91 11 194 160 175 Aurabhat 489.8 35 35 196 99 97 9 3 82 86 14 1 76 79

176 Petoli P. 1,616.4 138 138 660 308 352 .. 181 214 33 2 201 239 177 Pandarwahi 1,384.2 62 62 357 178 179 21 25 99 113 45 6 107 118 178 Bagodar p,M. 1,834.4 138 139 660 316 344 11 10 171 190 69 8 211 218 179 Hatkongera P,S. 1,259.5 178 187 884 455 429 2 I 134 128 122 10 282 247 180 Salhetola P. 1,379.9 132 161 733 348 385 79 92 169 212 46 11 239 267

181 Markatola (Largaon) P. 2,151.1 151 160 784 372 412 30 36 222 249 48 4 252 286 182 Dhanesara P. 2,797.2 174 177 916 442 474 21 20 309 318 53 6 280 304 183 Abhanpur P,M. 1,587.9 97 98 567 274 293 8 10 257 210 67 14 175 [93 184 Dheklawand 940,6 98 99 423 197 226 39 41 116 130 9 2 140 147 185 Siltara 1,326.2 54 54 265 124 141 3 4 73 85 34 6 85 85

J86 Dahena (Babu) 1,1)77.9 102 104 611 289 322 3 2 210 240 34 1 200 209 187 Kodagaon P. 3,339.8 230 239 1,174 565 609 52 61 317 339 192 40 356 388 188 Kirgoli 1,245.5 113 113 567 265 302 10 9 217 253 45 1 178 19~ 189 Makri (Khuna) P. 779.5 78 87 397 197 200 9 8 115 150 26 2 123 121 190 Makri (Singrai) 879.1 81 81 426 208 218 4 4 98 108 43 6 92 111

191 Kanhanpuri P. 2,172.1 171 172 948 462 486 53 51 225 354 88 5 309 324 192 Deari (Balaji) P. 2,662.4 169 171 1,002 476 526 16 16 408 454 83 5 288 357 193 Pendrawan 722.7 68 70 394 204 190 3 I 93 82 33 119 124 194 Talakurra 2.158.0 110 110 698 347 351 17 23 218 202 74 5 189 193 195 Muddongri 986.6 51 53 288 142 146 12 II 127 13S 23 96 91

196 Turakhar 358.3 33 33 188 92 96 19 19 69 68 21 4 57 67 197 Sidesar 782.4 97 98 S29 262 267 9 14 133 130 25 3 151 163 198 Gotpur P. 730.2 87 89 493 236 257 22 19 156 177 50 7 165 160 199 Bagod 1,321.0 100 106 555 272 283 15 12 166 182 67 2 175 lRO 200 Budeli P. 1,329.5 95 98 532 270 262 5 2 143 150 53 5 180 143 249


W 0 R K E R S Non- Workers V VI VII VIII I n III IV IX X L.C. No. ,...---A----, ~,..--J'---. ,-...... _____, ,------"----.. r---_A._--..... ~---. ,----A..-., r---"---., ,-----A---., ~ F M F .M M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

103 119 30 27 2 1 3 81 76 lSI 45 53 5 12 1 32 32 152 31 31 39 38 1 39 3fi 153 1 61 63 11 13 5 4 .. " .. 43 61 154 187 201 55 64 9 18 6 I 9 1 149 193 155

182 205 17 10 5 4 2 110 115 156 11 9 9 3 5 8 157 32 27 1 ...... 14 19 158 133 144 35 27 11 8 5 7 1 71 100 159 99 101 21 12 2 61 60 • 160

67 73 19 18 19 18 50 57 161 79 78 16 18 8 5 1 6 .. 60 74 162 119 111 15 18 1 2 1 1 84 93 163 83 88 18 13 7 5 1 I 1 .. 4 1 48 59 164 130 145 44 45 3 17 16 1 31 110 .148 165

95 93 25 18 11 4 1 .. 2 62 83 166 218 237 88 104 3 2 6 9 1 3 2 1 215 .233 167 154 163 24 28 5 2 I 5 117 133 168 125 140 16 25 2 1 9 5 3 1 5 88 76 169 110 132 27 37 4 2 2 89 93 170

80 90 15 13 .. 45 52 171 163 146 61 65 1 6 10 10 1 6 134 171 172 105 96 20 16 2 4 2 55 70 173 146 127 36 26 6 1 7 5 98 145 174 66 67 9 12 1 23 18 175

160 202 27 25 8 5 2 5 2 4 107 113 176 93 83 9 18 1 l3 2 2 1 .. 2 1 71 61 177 138 133 56 63 I 10 21 .. 1 2 1 3 .. 105 126 178 209 156 41 48 6 .. 10 27 8 2 12 6 4 173 182 179 161 193 62 68 4 4 . 4 1 5 1 2 1 109 118 180

196 238 37 26 6 8 11 12 2 1 120 126 181 208 240 47 35 1 19 28 2 1 3 162 170 182 151 183 22 8 2 ...... 2 99 100 183 77 68 10 16 2 6 46 55 1 2 1 3 57 79 184 67 74 17 11 1 39 56 18S

186 194 12 15 ...... 2 .. 89 113 186 264 314 82 72 1 4 1 5 1 209 221 187 150 170 22 29 3 3 87 103 188 100 97 18 24 2 ...... 3 74 79 189 60 90 12 12 2 3 5 4 2 1 1 10 1 116 107 190

241 266 41 48 2 19 9 5 153 162 191 236 311 34 34 .. 16 12 2 188 169 19~ 85 92 31 31 1 1 1 1 85 66 193 150 179 31 14 .. 4 4 158 158 194 70 70 17 8 1 7 6 6 1 1 46 55 195

51 61 5 6 1 35 29 196 127 144 14 12 1 7 6 2 1 III 104 197 108 113 34 28 .. 21 19 2 71 97 198 129 130 40 40 1 2 2 10 1 97 103 199 108 94 41 38 1 2 9 5 10 13 2 90 119 200 250


Workers Name Area Literate r-- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-----"-----, ~ ,--A..-, .. ,...----A--, ,.----A.--, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 ManikpUf 1,656.4 86 86 541 253 288 235 266 22 " ISO 166 202 Bhaismudi P. 2,310.1 87 87 511 251 260 10 5 197 222 42 2 149 157 203 Bhiroud 1,660.2 86 88 451 225 226 6 9 142 141 23 3 148 147 204 Khajrawan 889.6 287 361 1,235 661 574 166 156 91 90 57 9 494 382 205 Markatola (Fatechand)P. 1,845.6 123 123 614 298 316 35 37 148 167 72 12 194 188

0 206 KanharpuriP,M.Mcw,Po. 1,909.0 220 2221,224 620 604 0 13 510 509 177 28 385 385 207 Deori (Bar) P. 2,334. I 148 148 867 419 448 5 . 8 335 346 69 13 277 298 208 Matwada (Lal) 1,244.4 97 9il 543 271 272 8 9 138 131 57 5 157 142 209 Nadanmara 634.7 64 67 289 134 155 2 5 48 52 28 3 90 95 210 Dhanora 578.2 SS 56 282 146 136 14 12 102 102 14 I 90 92

211 Kokanpur P,M. 1.,277.0 58 58 293 146 147 8 44 48 35 5 99 97 212 Dhaneli kanhar P. 1,239.6 142 142 688 361 327 3 8 272 246 60 11 209 204 213- Arjuni 489.4 55 60 296 146 150 8 11 52 50 36 6 82 94 214 Bhirawahi 407.7 70 84 430 ~13 217 3 5 65 77 51 1 122 123 215 Sarangpal P. 1,013.7 100 101 648 312 336 12 14 157 177 22 186 211

l16 Satlor 199.9 52 53 290 142 148 6 6 106 102 34 6 86 92 217 Puriyara 626.0 88 90 511 249 262 4 1 192 210 48 9 145 156 218 Dawarkhar 1,389.0 76 80 542 272 270 6 3 244 250 84 6 l7S 189 219 Sarona P,M. 1,320.9 193 249 1,132 526 606 16 20 2D5 270 127 15 326 340 220 Daldali P. 927.9 110 112 610 289 321 212 228 25 192 183

221 Malgaan 317.2 35 36 185 86 99 2 1 82 96 7 .. 50 63 222 Barkai 686.2 75 78 456 230 226 3 3 101 108 60 4 153 125 223 Sarwandi P,D.Has.Mcw. 1,353.1 197 199 1,044 S26 518 37 53 312 288 76 7 341 281 224 Dudhawa P,D,Hus,Po. 1,351.5 382 384 1,315 708 607 52 56 160 159 223 30 525 246 225 Rode 612.2 70 70 300 146 154 6 4 117 115 13 1 94 103

226 Kokpur P. 1,232.3 86 89 449 216 233 8 7 99 113 57 3 130 131 227 Govindpur P. 373.4 82 89 345 159 186 2 4 35 33 42 17 98 104 228 Dumali P. 942.6 103 105 633 323 310 1 1 199 189 42 1 181 179

129 Matwada (Modi) 437.5 50 51 246 130 116 17 12 78 76 23 " 93 63 230 Dashpur P. 998.9 145 147 852 395 457 17 24 158 189 67 6 245 258

231 Patoud P,M. 1,668.9 161 168 749 361 388 24 30 193 214 61 1 239 260 232 Karap P. 1,206.8 118 124 613 317 296 19 17 159 158 86 8 203 216 233 Mudpar (Dakhani) 1,200.5 • 176 181 896 429 467 49 61 295 340 52 275 304 234 Bhimadih 1,195.8 45 49 245 117 128 1 1 101 108 10 2 72 73 235 Bihawa 1,883.9 69 69 440 205 235 14 13 117 146 15 144 151

236 Telawant P. 1,462.7 172 173 8\ 4 402 412 11 19 283 282 114 24 263 238 237 Malgaon 1,495.3 103 104 43[ 206 225 3 4 148 154 37 7 143 [47 238 Thelkabod 748.9 67 78 336 170 166 17 10 34 38 52 12 109 109 239 PancJripani S. 240.6 22 32 171 76 95 4 3 26 30 .g I 44 57 240 !!ewarti P. 2,228.3 188 190 1,003 492 511 20 25 324 330 108 15 316 324

2.41 Anjani P. 1,441.1 130 132 668 319 349 5 4 227 2.~3 71 11 207 215 242 Singanpur 750.8 51 52 257 120 137 31 28 70 90 24 3 82 95 243 Bhail'adih 1,106.8 56 56 342 175 167 3 4 120 113 12 .. 123 116 244 Kapasi P. 1,545.8 78 78 435 208 227 7 4 133 154 50 4 138 136 2045 Albeda 1,519.5 40 42 199 100 99 89 87 10 68 78

246 Kuristikur p. 2,399.4 99 100 599 285 314 4 3 245 276 67 11 178 177 247 Khamdodgi 1,113.6 37 37 172 76 96 75 95 248 Ranker 15 54 59 249 864.1 211 217 922 432 490 .. 127 139 161 20 265 252 Kodabhat 1,166.8 86 87 478 237 241 250 Salhebhat 6 6 166 168 42 2 133 135 1,178.5 79 82 408 194 214 3 4 123 143 6 131 149 25i


WORKERS Non­ ------~------~- ---, Workers II lH IV V V[ VIr VIII IX X L.C. No. ,.------A.----., ,.------A.-, ,.------A.----., r---...A...-~ r-,_..A..--1 M F M F M F M F M 'F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

}29 152 15 14 2 .. 2 2 103 122 201 92 ~09 50 44 3 4 4 102 103 202 109 125 29 12 5 4 10 1 77 79 203 54 29 12 4 1 .. 424 347 4 .. .. 1 167 192 204 133 128 47 57 1 1 2 4 1 7 1 104 128 205

244 282 109 92 2 11 8 5 13 2 235 219 206 241 252 26 46 2 .. 3 .. .. 5 142 150 207 122 115 28 21 3 3 2 3 .. 1 ., 114 130 208 53 62 29 23 4 9 1 .. 2 J 1 44 60 209 60 72 15 11 1 6 5 3 5 4 56 44 210

81 83 13 14 2 .. 2 47 50 211 130, 123 68 79 4 1 2 5 152 123 212 60 76 21 17 1 1 .. 64 56 213 59 53 29 39 8 13 10 8 6 2 14 4 91 94 214 146 178 30 23 7 9 3 1 126 125 215

64 68 16 22 2 2 1 .. 2 56 56 216 105 101 32 51 3 4 1 2 2 104 106 217 135 164 36 24 .. .. 1 1 ...... 3 .. 97 81 218 169 173 103 138 3 1 21 18 .7 9 7 14 2 200 266 219 136 140 46 35 1 3 7 4 1 2 97 138 220

39 48 10 14 1 ...... 36 36 221 75 65 63 54 3 10 6 .. 2 .. 77 101 222 240 202 58 53 1 23 22 1 .. 6 1 12 3 185 237 223 126 104 17 1 18 7 7 277 39 14 6 66 89 183 361 224 46 51 31 35 3 12 16 2 52 51 225

92 108 23 20 7 3 .. 5 3 86 102 226 32 35 15 9 10 9 10 3 4 28 46 61 82 227 124 132 36 38 13 6 .. 1 7 2 142 131 228 24 21 60 42 .. 7 .. 2 37 53 229 161 151 63 96 3 2 6 7 2 3 9 150 199 230

174 191 41 45 6 10 675 3 3 4 2 122 128 231 133 153 53 43 5 1 8 18 ., 4 1 114 80 232 192 234 71 63 1 4 7 1 2 4 154 163 233 60 61 2 3 2 1 6 8 .. 2 45 55 234 122 133 14 16 1 4 2 2 61 84 235

145 138 102 92 2 3 3 8 3 3 2 139 174 236 110 119 22 22 3 5 6 .. 3 . . 63 78 237 67 74 33 28 1 1 .. 7 7 61 57 238 18 18 2 6 .. 14 10 9 .. . . IO 14 32 38 239 173 200 87 86 25 10 9 18 2 1 4 15 8 176 187 240

151 177 29 27 18 3 4 6 5 112 134 241 67 86 10 9 5 38 42 242 92 96 ~ 19 1 2 1 1 52 51 243 119 119 14 12 2 4 2 1 70 91 244 ~ ~ 17 16 2 1 1 32 21 245

135 149 21 12 16 11 5 4 1 1 107 137 246 45 58 5 .. 3 .. 1 1 . . 22 37 247 71 99 35 43 11 21 18 45 19 9 3 9 17 2 62 53 lli7 238 248 47 56 69 79 4 7 .. 6 104 106 246 73 83 43 56 1 7 6 5 4 2 63 65 250 252 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Workera Name Literate Area Total Wor· L.C. of Facilities in Scheduled . Scheduled & No. Occupied House- kers (I.IX) Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated ,--• .A.--••"", r--A.--, r---"-----. r--.A.--., p M F M F M F M F M-'Ii 16 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 453 251 Choira P. 20 546 600 37 433 252 4,211.4 262 267 1,380 661 719 21 91 87 Gattagudum 1,181.9 40 52 288 141 147 123 125 6 253 Anchhidongri .. 37 36 854.8 21 19 118 53 65 .. 39 48 61 254 Suroli 1 83 83 13 2 67 255 1,148.1 36 37 202 105 97 1 71 72 Koretha P. 1,261.5 39 39 213 104 109 92 96 7 3 94 256 Barchegondi 1,574.8 128 134 21 3 94 257 Madri 49 49 288 137 151 37 35 1,318.2 20 21 110 52 58 .. 50 56 3 258 Kodejunga 22 2 80 94 1,727.4 52 52 300 139 161 7 6 113 128 49 259 Mankesri 58 53 11 5 58 260 577.1 26 28 151 81 70 5 5 100 100 Pusawand 1,021.9 71 73 334 161 173 30 39 61 S4 34 4 261 151 163 Kumhankhar 2,842.8 103 104 525 250 275 .. .. 179 183 17 1 262 Sarnda 16 3 183 172 1.775.4 98 101 561 276 28S II 4 195 203 113 263 Mawlipara 1~ 51 5 191 1,389.5 108 I13 580 285 295 16 188 194 247 264 . Musurputa P. j 245 251 15 9 247 265 1,442.5 129 136 861 423 438 16 247 191 Mode P. 3,849.7 133 135 712 349 363 5 11 263 268 51 5 134. 266 Mohpur 2,212.3 96 96 509 247 262 4 7 220 238 6 153 267 Khalari 32 1 19 18 268 763.2 16 16 65 33 32 .. 33 99 Kotgaon Niche 962.1 46 46 280 151 129 4 2 126 110 25 8 III 269 Domaharra P. 143 31 15 112 113 270 1,515.2 62 62 340 172 168 18 12 1:1-8 81 Koliyari 1,020.6 49 49 245 123 122 78 75 15 81

271 91 81 Solhelhat 1,446.3 47 48 265 133 132 10 13 112 99 15 2 272 Chiwranj 93 99 5 1 60 53 273 1,703.8 36 36 194 94 100 86 92 Nawagaon (Bhawgir) 1,169.2 53 53 249 121 128 17 21 73 73 3 274 Garhpichhwadi 2,455.3 158 169 40 2 136 129 71 74 417 203 214 97 110 275 Singarbhat 1,097.1 III III 499 256 243 129 139 74 18

276 347 Puswada P. 1,929.6 203 210 1,138 583 555 4 3 412 416 90 12 362 277 Kirgapati 791.9 32 32 169 82 87 2 1 80 86 9 60 55 271 Ghothiya 1.370.2 22 23 107 50 57 47 52 5 31 28 279 Patharrl 832.4 39 39 187 96 91 88 88 11 .. 74 63 280 Deokongera 1,103.1 27 29 150 83 67 81 64 21 3 48 35

281 Vyaskongera P. 3,559.0 101 101 644 344 300 10 5 287 275 32 194 145 282 Jhulnatendu 1,118.1 7 7 52 28 24 28 24 15 14 283 Thema 1,052.0 26 27 149 74 75 .. 22 20 10 49 44 284 Madabharri P. 3,019.4 139 140 718 377 341 2 2 211 166 38 3 248 229 285 Kotgaon (Uper) 168.8 Uninhabited

286 Pusajhar 823.0 6 6 31 16 15 16 15 12 10 287 Pidhapal P. 2,223.5 102 104 475 242 233 25 28 141 131 63 6 153 141 288 Dhantulsi 423.3 41 41 227 112 115 3 2 103 109 14 2 72 77 289 Chhapur P, 1,262.7 46 46 287 134 153 1 2 113 129 9 1 74 77 290 Aturgaon P.S. 1,324.7 78 80 445 207 238 28 37 132 132 37 5 130 142

291 Lendara P. 2,851.0 97 100 615 306 309 5 3 263 269 55 1 162 172 292 Basanwahi P. 3,040.5 246 2551,522 749 773 17 15 520 545 31 3 465 462 293 Kamka Kudum 389.5 1 1 8 3 5 3 5 1 3 4 294 Marrapi 876.4 25 25 129 63 66 63 66 " 41 47 295 Mardapoti P. 1,111.5 62 62 348 180 168 2 4 157 146 25 1 104 110

296 Amajhola 2,078.3 16 16 109 58 51 .. 55 48 7 36 33 297 Kulgaon 1,635.4 31 31 173 80 93 6 8 74 76 10 1 50 61 298 Gowardhan 1,013.9 8 8 43 16 27 16 27 11 14 299 Tultuli 1.225.5 90 90 413 197 216 7 6 183 202 27 1 131 145 300 Komalour 467.6 6 6 37 18 19 18 19 1 11 12 253


WORKt:RS Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.e. No. ,...-_"____" ,--""---, ~ ,----A---., _----"-___, ,--..A.._, ...---"----, r-..A.._-, r--"----. r---'---. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

331 381 83 60 2 15 12 2 228 266 251 79 83 8 4 4 50 60 252 37 34 1 1 16 29 253 SO 39 16 22 1 38 36 254 58 63 11 6 2 3 33 37 255

74 81 18 13 2 43 57 256 32 34 3 1 1 t 15 23 2S7 72 86 S 7 1 I 1 S9 67 258 40 41 14 8 .. 2 1 23 21 259 71 79 22 16 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 61 73 260

122 124 22 26 9 11 1 3 93 112 261 135 143 46 29 2 93 113 262 IS8 153 27 16 4 4 1 1 94 122 263 181 189 S5 53 9 5 2 176 191 264 189 146 43 33 8 5 3 7 1 3 .. 102 172 265

130 116 19 18 2 94 128 266 17 16 2 2 14 14 267 82 74 26 23 2 2 1 40 30 268 80 97 26 15 1 1 1 4 60 55 269 71 72 9 9 ..- 1 42 41 270 74 67 15 12 1 1 42 51 271 56 S3 3 1 34 47 272 69 68 10 19 1 1 5 4 1 35 36 273 109 103 25 24 2 1 1 67 85 274 77 83 11 26 2 2 1 1 4 .. 159 133 275

308 290 45 49 6 2 8 1 " 221 208 276 50 48 3 1 6 6 1 22 32 277 24 2S .. 3 2 2 1 2 19 29 278 61 53 12 10 1 22 28 279 45 34 2 1 1 35 32 280

172 134 14 8 4 2 2 1 2 .. 150 155 281 10 10 1 4 4 13 10 282 42 40 5 2 2 2 25 31 283 220 206 22 22 1 3 1 2 .. 129 112 284 Uninhabited 285

10 9 2 1 .. 4 5 286 83 68 49 54 8 6 4 9 3 1 3 5 1 89 92 287 63 64 5 12 2 1 1 1 40 38 288 68 69 3 7 1 1 2 60 76 289 93 119 12 20 4 1 2 6 6 1 6 2 77 96 290

131 151 11 5 4 6 14 10 2 .. 144 137 291 361 381 82 62 2 15 18 I 1 4 .. 284 3U 292 2 4 1 .. 1 293 34 39 3 2 4 5 .. .. 1 22 19 294 77 94 21 12 2 3 2 1 2 76 58 295

34 32 1 22 18 296 4S 49 .. 4 1 1 10 30 32 297 9 14 2 '" 5 13 298 102 115 23 27 3 2 2 1 1 66 71 299 10 12 1 7 7 300 254


Workers Name Area r- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---A.~ ,----"---.. r---"---.. ,...-----'----, r--A---.. p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

301 Borgaon 821.6 19 1'J III 59 52 59 52 .. 37 32 302 Banspatar 812.0 25 25 134 69 65 3 6 32 33 9 3 43 38 303 Sainmuda 975.4 93 98 593 309 284 9 11 261 253 7 202 167 304 Bhaisgaon P. 1,622.9 29 29 167 86 81 56 46 61 56 305 Kanagaon 1,946.0 33 33 171 93 78 2 2 84 74 5 67 S5

306 . Kalmuchche 1,136.4 14 14 82 40 42 39 40 .. 29 26 307 Lulegondi 793.7 25 25 123 57 66 49 61 3 1 37 46 308 Nisanharra 3,989.2 35 35 240 118 122 113 118 7 73 7S 309 Chhindkhadak 942.8 15 15 86 3S 51 35 51 1 23 32 310 Bangabari 1,280.2 85 86 548 268 280 235 247 7 172 170

311 Muragaon 825.5 25 25 151 76 75 2 63 67 51 44 312 Mujalgondi 357.3 3 3 21 11 10 11 10 6 7 313 Malanjkudum 1,205.4 26 26 169 81 88 81 88 1 65 55 314 Iradah 1,271.9 33 33 200 101 99 92 94 11 3 64 56 315 Jiwalamari 585.7 5 5 30 16 14 16 14 6 8

316 Budhiyar Mari 764.7 6 6 33 18 15 18 15 14 11 317 Rawas 3,973.9 35 35 179 92 87 '66 64 1 56 51 318 Tiyarpani MP(O). 660.4 16 18 83 43 40 36 30 24 28 255


W 0 R K E R ,8 Non- ..A. Workers L.C. H III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,.---"-----, ,...---"-., ,..-----A-----, ,.-----A---, ,---A----; ,---A----,,---A-----,r---A-,,..---A-----, r--"-----. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M; FM F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

37 32 ...... 22 20 301 24 26 11 9 5 . 3 I 2 26 27 302 148 135 38 18 1 14 14 1 .. 107 117 303 52 51 9 5 .. .. 25 25 304 50 43 9 7 ,5 4 1 1 2 26 23 3u5

25 21 3 2 1 2 11 16 306 33 44 .. 3 2 1 20 20 307 53 62 18 11 2 2 45 47 3GS 21 29 2 3 12 19 309 141 153 21 4 10 13 96 110 310

34 31 9 9 6 2 2 25 31 311 6 4 3 5 3 312 49 42 9 3 5 9 2 1 16 33 313 58 56 3 3 37 43 :t14 5 8 1 10 6 315

13 11 1 4 4 316 41 49 8 1 7 1 .. 36 36 317 21 25 1 2 2 1 19 12 318



Location Location Serial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

A 33 Bade Pijori 52 377 34 Bade Tewra 123 8l 1 Aadingper 626 32 35 Bade Tondabeda 657 58 l Aadpal 552 467 36 Badgaon 595 167 1 Milriyapara 2 Katarpara 37 Badhhur (Tadohoor) 562 81 N.A. 3 Aalanar 268 494 38 Badrengi 202 4 Aalkanhar 106 N.A. 39 Bagh Dongri 476 "39 40 Bagh Jhar 503 5 Aalper 324 N.A. 558 6 Aamabeda 126 69 1 Rawatpara 2 Pate/para 7 Aatargaon 571 168 3 Gaitapara 8 Aadnar 275 407 9 Acheli 538 8 41 Bahker 632 545 10 Adapharasi 194 240 42 Baiha Salhebha t 290 558 1 Khasgaon 43 Bakulwahi 456 137 44 448 160 11 Adenga 8 116 45 Bandapal 348 157 12 Ader 664 5 46 Bango Ghodiya 340 NA 578 N.A. 13 Akmeta 330 75 47 Banspa} 48 Barda 148 294 1 Khasgaon 49 Badetopal 33 438 412 N.A. 14 Alnar 50 BargaoD 30 365 15 Alor 57 332 Thanagudi 2 Halbapara 16 Alparas 302 N.A. 1 17 Amagaon 178 447 3 Uperpara \8 Amakada 159 209 \9 4 548 Amakote 51 Barkanar 577 300 1 Patel Tota 2 Jawali Tola 52 Barkote 239 391 20 Amasara 392 49 1 Khasgaon 2 Yeramjhera 53 Baveli 170 144 21 488 479 54 Bavelisiksod IR8 N.A. 22 Amoci 10 518 55 Bawadi 486 156 588 550 I Khasgaon 2 Pandridand 56 Bedma 23 Anjadi 195 N.A. 57 Bedmakote 532 25 24 Antagarh 79 536 58 Belgal 249 249 228 170 25 Arra 1 Khasgaon 26 Aturbeda 319 327 59 Belgaon 457 229 338 N.A. B 60 Beloda 1 Khasgaon 27 Bade Bethiya 314 41 67 113 1 Khasgaon 61 Belori 62 Benoor 490 316 28 Bade Dhaunsa 207 N.A. Schoolpara 29 Badejaitpuri 142 207 1 Pate/para 2 30 Bade Jamhari 4 85 N.A. 3 Puspaipara Benoor (Uliya) 351 217 31 Bade Jharkatta 93 N.A. 63 1 Khasgaon 1 Halbapara 2 Gondtola Bertanar 295 303 32 Bade-Kapsi 132 366 64 258


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Cope No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 04

65 Bhainsasur 60 535 98 Budhandand 182 526 1 Khasgaon 2 Gudripara 99 Bulawand 49 115 3 Jalam Tala 4 Dumarkot 100 Burgi 376 204 5 Koyepara 6 $atdhari Tala 1 Khasgaon 7 Matiya Khar 101 Burka 273 2:1 66 Bhaisgaon 333 301 1 Khasgaon 67 Bharanda 358 213 68 Bharritola 129 N.A. C 69 Bhatpal 492 216 102 Chalcher 155 I Patelpwa 2 Chheribedapara 646 103 Chameli 601 509 104 Chandagaon 462 9 70 Bhattabeda (Rainar) 607 572 105 Changori 127 573 71 Bhingidar 165 210 106 Chapai 347 N.A. 1 Khasgaon 2 Bhorr; Tala 107 Chargaon 140 232 3 Keye Tola 1 Halbatola 1 GondTola 72 Bhiragaon '<04 31 108 Chhinari 560 563 73 Bhonga Bhondia 70 N.A. 1 Rawatpara 1 Ba ilpalpara 74 Bhurwal 505 433 109 Chhindpal 18 552 1 Pate/para 2 Kalarpara 1 Pate/para 75 Bhurbhusi 238 N.A. 76 Bilaikachhar 108 297 110 Chhotebedkote 252 285 I Patel Tola 2 Bharri Tala tll Chhote Bethiya 322 88 Binagunda 315 354 77 I Khasgaon 78 Binjali 415 504 79 Bipdiya (Nirameta) 604 60 112 Chhote Bodeli 96 553 80 Bodagaon 53 135 I Patel Tola 2 Sitari Tala 113 Chhote Dhaunsa 208 98 81 Bogan 666 272 114 Chhote Dongri 611 574 82 Bondanar 173 517 1 Mundatikra 2 Garhpara 83 Bondum 466 341 3 Kankerbeda 4 Sahapa/ 84 Borand 500 203 115 Chhote Jaitpuri 291 97 85 Boranirpi 371 N.A. 116 Chhote Jharkatta 135 234 86 Borawand 441 161 117 Chhote Kapasi 104 N.A. 87 Borepal 406 487 118 Chhote MUrnar 177 89 88 Borgaon 477 123 119 Chhote Suhnar 430 13 89 Botha 580 388 120 Chhote Tewra 124 92 90 Brehebeda 13 14 121 Chhote Tondabeda 658 21 91 Brehebeda 300 N.A. 122 Chichgaon 54 390 92 Brehebeda 310 276 123 Chihara 615 N.A. 93 Brehebeda 401 14 124 Chikhali 55 392 94 Brehbeda 451 20 125 Chilparas 288 292 95 Brehebeda (Gudranadi) 593 NA. 126 Chingnar 175 352 96 Brehebeda (Gudranadi) 656 93 127 Chipodi 176 402 97 Budhakursai 293 446 128 Chiprei 418 225 259


Location Location Serial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S. No. No. N~me of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

129 Chitapal 458 N.A. G

D 162 Gadawahi 468 319 163 Gadda 311 455 130 Dandwan 544 23 164 Garanji 422 136 165 Garawand 450 237 131 Dangra 303 N.A. 166 Garda 40 355 132 Darbisalhebhat 167 270 167 Gardapal 644 46 133 Daraarh 356 139 168 Garh Bengal 429 176 134 Darrokhalari 192 424 1 Dongripara 2 Gudipara / 135 Deharitopa1 34 142 169 Garpa 383 385 136 Deogaon 367 172 170 Gattakal 264 244 137 Deogaon 423 486 138 Dewada 134 N.A. 139 Dhaudai 572 N.A. 171 GaUaka! 567 430 172 Gattakal 638 430 1 Gayatapara 2 Panakapara 173 Gattapalli 271 100 140 Dhanora 609 528 1 Khasgaon 174 Gaurdand 141 Dhobe 653 N.A. 602 378 175 Gawadekhasgaon 142 Dhondharbeda 667 48 62 243 176 Gawadi 335 143 Dhorkatta 16 18 3 177 Gedgaon 144 397 144 Dhumma 375 N.A. 178 Ghamandi 522 248 145 Dhurbeda 614 501 179 Ghodagaon 146 Dhuta 550 N.A. 164 413 147 Dhutapipli 2 265 1 Khasgaon 2 Kringal Tola 1 Patel Tala 2 Keye Tala 180 Ghoda Ghat 329 N.A. 148 Donde 92 N.A. 1 KhasKaan 181 Ghotanbeda 246 429 149 Dotometa 181 526 1 Khasgaon 182 Ghotiya 1 Khasgaon 2 Renltuiand 50 312 1 Khasgaon 150 Dudmi 587 337 183 Ghotulbera 174 328 184 Ghummar 78 114 151 Dugabengal 417 564 1 Chhindbha 2 Ghumlllar Tola 152 Dumnar 384 43 153 Durgipara (Juwada) 651 539 185 Ghumsimunda 120 174 154 Duwal 42 N,A. 186 Godri 118 233 187 Gohda 452 543 E 188 Gomagal 639 179 189 Gome 332 N.A. Gondahoor 155 Edanar 206 513 190 36 295 156 Edangpal 502 63 157 Edka 389 169 191 Gondbinapal 156 231 158 Ehnar 411 71 192 Gongala 530 N.A. 159 Ekodi 541 N.A. 193 Gongla 426 N.A. 160 Ete Balaka 112 N.A. 194 Gota Benoor 529 324 195 Gatajamhari 499 141 161 1Itegaon 88 414 196 Gotanj 137 527 260


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

197 Gudabeda 256 395 232 Himoda 64 399 1 Khasgaon 2 Nakapara 233 Hindubinapal 141 296 234 198 Gudari 605 227 Hirangai 5113 462 199 Gudgapadar 331 24 235 Hirengenar 410 411 200 GuIumkodo 464 163 236 Hirrabodi 12 N.A. 237 Hitulwad 652 263 201 Gumchur 344 420 238 Hodnar 648 501- 202 Gumiyabeda (Gunjbeda) 455 37 239 Horadi 394 480 203 Gumiyapai 528 N.A. 240 Hoyechur 189 N.A. 204 Gumjheer 15 N.A. 205 Gummarka 621 165 241 Huchadi 359 51 206 Gumler (Hoyangar) 606 416 242 Hurrapenjori 83 N.A. 207 GunduI 345 146 243 Hurrewahi 663 N.A. 1 Khasgaon 244 Hurtarai 243 557 208 Guner 397 275 209 Gunjnar 204 37 I 210 Gurdai 553 575 245 Idnar 569 283 246 Imlipadar 63 44 21l Guriya 403 262 247 Irak Bhatti 525 N.A. 1 Ghota/para 2 Patelpara 248 Irikbuta 17 418 212 Gurmanjur 481 383 249 IIko 379 39 213 Gutakachhar 216 427 250 Irpanar 350 84 214 Gutapal 623 N.A. Khasgaon 215 Gutapal (Alwar) 472 220 1 251 Irpanar 484 261 H 252 Irpanar 507 119

216 Hachekoti 308 N.A, 217 Halainar 270 326 218 Halamimunmeta 478 202 253 Jaita Nawagaon 116 l~3 219 Hamokal (Toyapi) 286 314 254 Jamdi 198 N.A. 220 Hanker 69 N.A. 255 Japgunda 661 N.A. 256 Jaweli 237 N.A. 257 Jeeram Tarai 217 537 221 Harangarh 103 307 222 HarweI 660 431 I Khasgaon 2 Gawadetola 223 Hashnar 634 453 258 Jethegaon 19 512 224 Hatadkasa 325 N.A. Khastola 2 Soinnathtola 1 Khasgaon 3 Marartola 225 Hawalbaras 281 218 259 Jetwarmad 506 496 1 Khasgaon 260 Jhara 557 N.A. 226 Hetlanar 470 140 '227 Hindparas 9 N.A. 261 Jhara 592 570 228 Hikpad 555 N.A. 262 Jharawahi 262 N.A. 229 Hikohnar 540 471 263 Jharawahi 496 491 230 Hikohnar 546 302 264 Jhorigaon 631 532 265 Jhurhamehda 328 N.A. l3l Hikpu!a 610 94 266 Jiwlaper .-;4 N.A. 261



Location Location Code No. S. No. S~riaJ Cqde No. S. No. Serial 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 4 2 3 4 2 3 N.A. 298 Kapsi 487 12 267 Jonawar 362 N.A. 299 Kara Koda 248 N.A. 268 Jugani 130 196 1 Khasgaon 2 KIIJutola 269 Junaga\vadegaon 152 300 Kare K'itta 214 547 1 Pateltola 2 Upertola 539 1 Khasgaon 270 Jungda 289 301 Karhai Khodra K 80 208 302 Karkabeda 305 523 325 271 Kachapal 534 303 Karkanar 549 321 272 Kachora 659 N.A. 304 Karlakha 404 6 273 Kachwar 203 512 1 Pateipara 2 Ghotu/para 45 274 Kadahagaon 513 47 305 KarJapal 420 38 275 Kadar 433 306 364 Karmari 304 472 276 Kadme 150 307 Karmari 511 149 1 Khasgaon 2 Sodwapara 308 Karregaon 20 228 277 Kagharas 265 268 1 Khasgaon 2 Pateltola 278 Kahkodi 627 31, 3 Kunjamtola 279 Kakhoor 465 N.A. 309 Kasadand 171 257 280 Kalagaon 114 485 310 Kastura 186 466 281 Kalamanar 554 76 282 Kalarkhutni 282 N.A. 311 Kasturmeta 565 27 283 Kalepal 516 199 312 Kasturwad 419 N.A. 284 Kaleparas 190 338 313 Katgaoll 215 508 1 Khasgaon 285 Kamta 117 419 2 Kata Bans 314 286 Kamtera liB N.A. Kaudo Khasgaon 61 442 1 Khasgaon 2 Ghotulpara 315 Kaudo Salhebhat 185 254 287 Kanagaon 113 473 316 Kawanar 662 369 I Khasgaoll 2 Paralitola 317 Kedkatta 250 N.A. 3 Keshaltola 318 Keh1abeda 276 N.A. 288 Kanagaon 390 95 319 Kesekodi 277 289 Kanagaon 495 59 260 1 Khasgaon 2 Dhutapara 290 Kanera 378 256 320 Kesurbeda 143 252 291 Kanera 589 137 321 Khadkagaon 6 292 Kandari 242 N.A. 322 322 Khadkagaon 381 143 293 Kandari 323 N.A. 323 Khadkagaon 386 1 Khasgaon N.A. 324 Khadkagaon 459 294 Kandari 447 495 N.A. 325 Khairabhat 400_ 295 Kangali 494 387 86 296 Kanhargaon 337 334 326 Khairkatta 29 236 1 Khasgaon 327 Khandi 307 N.A. 297 Kanhargaon 633 159 328 Khargaon 493 34 1 Kanhar¥onda Para '1 Manjhipara 329 Khadaaon 14 239 262


Location Location Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. Serial 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village

2 3 4 2 3 4 366 Konje 364 N.A. 330 Khedegaon 240 343 367 Kooli 149 441 331 Khodgaon 371 490 368 Koranhur 227 70 150 332 Khodper 620 369 Koraskodo 354 255 529 333 Khorpani 98 370 Korenda 5-lS 121 436 334 Khurpai 380 373 371 Korhabeda 336 267 335 Khntgaon 169 317 372 Korhobeda :298 N.A. 336 Kiskodo 360 373 Kormakodo 365 N.A. 473 83 337 Kochwahi 374 Kosalnar 574 134 75 541 338 Kodagaon 1 Manjhipara 2 Hathibeda 1 Pateltola 2 Khasgaon 375 Kosronda 244 .554 309 339 Kodher 636 74 376 Kostadi 596 115 313 340 Kodhur 521 70 377 Kotankhod 378 Kotenar 548 N.A. 341 Kodkanar 536 357 379 Kothodi 151 N.A. 342 Kodliyar 581 559 380 Kotkodo 267 N.A. 343 Kodnar 591 19 381 Kotkud 122 78 344 Kodnar 597 151 373 205 345 Kodoli 518 360 382 Kotkursai 383 Kotul 172 138 346 Kodoli 531 145 384 Koyalibeda 218 578 347 Kodoli 641 360 1 Khasguon 2 Aawara 348 Kodonar 471 323 385 Koyegaon 56 258 349 Kodta Marka 625 40 386 Kringalmaspi 241 N.A. Kohchur 84 289 350 387 Krohobeda 44 N.A. 388 Kudhrai 594 N.A. 351 Kohkameta 469 546 389 Kudhurpal 326 197 352 Kohkaper 654 222 1 Khasgaon 475 N.A. 353 Kokodi 390 Kudmer 665 171 354 Kokwar 209 68 355 Kokpad 618 425 391 Kuhche 99 245 278 339 356 Kolar 392 Kukdajhor 474 118 145 N.A. 357 Koliyari 393 Kulhadgaon 453 443 533 N.A. 358 Koliyari 394 Kulanar 432 162 359 Kondahoor 564 N.A. 395 Kumchal 526 N.A. 360 Kondakoti 668 346 396 Kumhali 449 158 397 Kumhari 223 478 361 Konechur 76 524 398 Kumharibada 584 178 362 Konge 284 269 399 Kumharichhota 590 499 363 Kongera 320 17 Kumnar 399 N.A. 364 Kongera 563 183 400 1 Majhipara 2 Badtnhodpara 401 Kumnar 483 N.A. 365 Konaoli 527 2:26 402 Kundla 413 306 263


Location J..ocation S. No. Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. 1951 Serial 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 No. Name of Village 1961

2 3 4 2 3 4 432 Malmeta 403 Kurrenar 305 224 253 N.A, 1 Khasgaon 433 Mandagaon 48 3~0 404 Kurrutola 128 571 I Khasgaon 2 Pate/tala 405 Kursel 155 N.A. 3 Bandhantola 406 Kurusbodi (Nareki) 28 235 434 Mandagaon 72 475 407 Kurusbodi (Manjhi) 95 195 1 Khasgaon 408 Kurusbodi (Kataru) 138 450 435 Mandali 647 363 409 Kurusnar (Bilmori) 341 N.A. 436 Mandoki 501 286

410 Kurusnar 5~'~L 315 437 Manegaon 168 N.A. 438 Mangata Salhebhat 221 549 411 Kuruspar 287 N.A. 439 Mangbeda 442 77 412 K.utul 576 194 440 Manhakal 91 180 413 Kutulnar 568 230 1 Pate/to/a 3 Narsingto/a L 441 Manjhikhutni 263 N.A. 442 Mankote 179 N.A. 414 Lalsuhnar 425 N.A. 443 Marda 201 533 Laman 11 505 415 444 Mardel 388 579 1 Pateltola 2 Gadamtola 445 Markabeda 309 291 39 N.A. 416 Lamkanhar 446 Markabeda 640 N.A. 50 54 417 Lampuri 447 Markanar 162 N.A. 418 Lohattar 66 320 448 Markanar 234 N.A. 449 Mark~nar 245 42 M 1 Khasgaon 450 Markanar 479 131 419 Machhpalli 231 N.A. 1 Khasgaon 2 Taraitola 451 Marmakonari 7 386 420 Madagada 612 73 452 Maroda 210 398 421 Madale 105 333 1 Khasgaon I Khasgaon 453 Marohnar 643 280 454 Masbaras 32 561 422 Madamnar 600 451 455 Masoor 45 N.A. 423 Madkud 444 107 I Pate/para 2 Thanagudipara 424 Mahimagawa di 573 188 456 Maspi 316 99 1 Madamnarpara 2 Schoo/para 457 Maspur 395 544 3 Mahrabeda 4 Manjhipara 458 Matawand (Baghbeda) 480 166 425 Mahka (Dugal) 421 2 1 Mafawandpara 2 Baghbedapara 426 Mahka (Krangal) 408 164 459 Matbeda 619 30 427 Mahkanar 482 N.A. 460 Matehnar 445 N.A. 428 Mahurpat 226 26b 429 Malechur 510 262 461 Matla (A) 161 376 430 Malingnar 438 488 462 Matla (B) 269 461 463 Matta 503 101 431 Malmeta 225 371 464 Matoli 131 405 264


Location Location Serial Code No. S.NC'. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

465 Mechanar 312 304 496 Narainpur 428 361 466 Medhadongri 435 223 1 Singoditarai 2 Bakharupara 467 Mehda 299 130 3 Sakdibeda 4 Nayaparll 1 Khasgaon 5 DlImartarai 6 Khadibahar 468 Mekawahi 247 421 7 Bang/apara 8 KhasnarainplIr N.A. J Khasgaon 497 • Nareki 27 469 Mendra 136 N.A. 498 Naumunmeta 46G 57 470 Merbeda 339 435 499 Nawagaon 82 80 500 Nawagarh 38 403 I Khasgaon 471 Metabeda 637 N.A. 501 Nawagawadegaon 109 394 472 Meta Bodeli 107 119 502 Nawagel 139 437 1 Pate/to!a 2 Sikaritola 503 Nawagondahoor 43 N,A. 473 Michbeda 35 645 504 Nawanareki 90 N.A. 474 Mind; 232 N,A. 505 Nayanar 431 184 475 Mohandi 508 N.A. 506 Nedgaon 58 N.A. 476 Moksul 598 380 507 Nednar (Konge) 537 370 477 Moraskodo 512 N.A. 508 Nelangur 628 N.A •. 478 Morekhandi 393 N.A. 509 Nelnar 582 483 479 Mosamtola 321 N.A. 510 Nelsod 31 345 1 Khasgaon 480 Mullay 313 349 511 Nelwad 437 III 512 Netanar 5!7 133 481 MundpaI 543 198 513 Nilegondi 5 53 482 Muramer 158 489 514 Niljhar 65 72 483 Murawandi 47 367 515 Nirde 236 lOS 5 Pate/para 2 Thanaglldipara 1 Khasgaon 484 Murawandi 146 520 485 Murdonda 196 N.A. 0 486 Murga 73 N,A. 516 Odapar 283 N.A. 487 Murjhar 89 335 517 Odcha 655 91 488 Murnar 200 16 518 Odc:hakorai 524 432 489 Murn~r 398 89 519 Okpad (Brehebeda) 535 221 490 Murpal 224 514 520 Ongra 212 242

491 Mu'sulnapa 255 465 521 Orcha 349 91 I Khasgaon 492 Mutenadi 285 26 522 Oxmarka 561 569 N P

493 Nagaldand 280 382 523 Padamkote 566 330 J Khmgaon 2 Goteldand 524 Padbeda 222 551 Padenga • 260 494 Nagarbeda 525 112 87 N.A. 1 Khasgaon 495 Nahgeeda 71 534 526 Padhargaon 24 125 I Khasga,m 527 Padhargaon 292 N.A. 265


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 '" 528 Padnar 650 331 560 Pindkasa 279 4011 1 Khasgaon 529 Painari 100 N.A. 530 Pakhanjuf 147 520 561 Pipli 46 342 531 Pakhanjur 374 393 1 Thanagudipara 2 Ponchpara 1 Khasgaon 3 Gudrapara 532 Pakarkal 353 N.A. 562 Pipra 368 500 J ~to Bhondiya 37 4]2 J Khasgaon 563 564 Polemeta 520 N.A. 533 Paladmeta 294 18i 565 Pondgaon 23 86 534 PaJahod 366 N.A. 566 Poriyahoor 251 N.A. 535 Palamureli 91 N.A. 567 Poongaon 21 456 536 Palarhoor 467 117 568 Puhmjsalebhat 166 459 537 Palki 414 185 569 Pungarpal 391 542 J Pate/para 2 C/thechanpara 570 Pusagaon 35 454 538 Palli 586 7 539 Palnadi 230 359 571 Pusagaon 372 N.A. 1 Khasgaoll 2 RamslI Tala 572 Pusaghati 26 85 3 DarroTola 573 Pusawahi 154 506 540 Panawar 327 N.A. 574 Puskasa 306 N.A.

541 Panedobir 317 566 R 542 Pangud 342 64 543 Panigaon 489 50 575 Rainar Ganda 622 132 544 Paralbhat 539 173 576 Rajpur 68 493 545 Paralbhat 370 N.A. 577 Rajpur 599 464 578 Rani Marka 355 67 546 Paralkote 369 576 579 Rawanadi 254 N.A. 547 Parali 22 211 580 Raye 346 151 548 Parondi 74 538 } Murha Tola 2 MalldaTa/a 3 Ghasi TolD 581 Remawand 439 562 Rengabeda 509 549 Parpa 570 426 582 N.A. 583 Rengabeda 630 N.A. 550 Partapur 197 516 Rengawahi 352 1 Khasgaon 2 Sarak Tola 584 10 3 Pandaripani 4 Chhind Tola 1 Khasgaon 585 Rotad 616 241 551 Paradi (Kuruskodoli) 443 368 552 Paturbeda 405 422 S 553 Penkodo 19~ N.A. 554 Pharasbeda 629 200 586' Sahadongri 272 N.A. 555 Pharasgaon 514 124 587 Sambalpur 233 45l 556 Pharasgaon 559 238 588 Saragi Kate 153 445 557 Phulpad 318 212 589 Saragipal 427 56 558 Phuphgaon 101 55 S9() Saragipal 446 540 559 Phurphundi 213 87 I Khasgaon 591 Sarandi 205 S2S 266


Location Location Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. No. Serial 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 2 3 4 2 3 4 293 624 Tammorra 258 15 592 Saltighat 257 356 593 Sawer (Hamel) 261 625 Taragaon 585 457 157 469 1 Khasgaon 626 Taralkatta 481 627 Teemnar 102 511 594 Semargaon 81 507 259 310 595 Siksod 111 628 Teeralgath 530 1 KhasgQon Sindurmeta 86 596 290 491 153 629 Tekameta 180 597 Sirpur 160 519 1 Khasgaon 598 Sirsangi 363 444 630 Tekameta 519 N.A. 599 Sit ram 1 Khosgoon 631 Tekanar 608 62 461 372 600 Siwani 632 Telanga 296 141 148 110 11 633 Telasi 402 Sode 601 634 Temrugaon 334 65 Khasgaon 2 Burkatola 1 635 Temrugaon 635 N.A. 125 247 602 Sode 636 Temrupani 77 556 163 523 1 Khasgaon 2 Totari Tola 603 Sohgaon 463 N.A. 3 Pathari Tola 604 Sonapal 637 Terdul 424 4 1 Sonapalpara Z Ongnar 434 182 638 Timnar 436 482 605 Sonepur 85 109 639 Tirdul 542 N.A. 606 Suklapal 640 Tirkanar 613 201 416 190 607 Sulanga 603 379 608 Sulanga 641 Todhur 297 264 187 463 642 Toke 547 722 609 Sulangi 119 246 Toke Jabeli 361 N.A. 610 Sureli 643 1 Khasgaon 97 250 611 Surewahi 624 N.A. 387. N.A. 644 Toyameta 612 Supgaoo 645 Toyameta 642 N.A. T 646 ToyeDar 579 351 647 Tudko 385 52 497 470 613 Tadnar 648 Tumasnar 41 491 220 522 614 Tadoki 649 Tumapal 219 4{)0 274 284 615 Tadogunda (Hikumalhur) 650 Tumeradi 357 N.A. 389 616 Tadonar 498 N.A. 235 448 617 Tadonar 556 651 Tursani 177 Turtba 515 33 618 Tadopal 407 652 Turusmeta 649 515 619 Tadwaili 382 358 653 96 620 Tadobeda 396 181 654 Tuskal 191 1 1(hasgaon 2 Madum Tala U 3 Dod Tola 655 Udamgaon 279 621 Tahkadood 409 428 656 Udanpur 199 N.A. 622 Tahkal 51 350 657 Umargaon 617 N.A. 623 Talabeda 266 259 658 Umki 3 273 267


Serial Location Location No. Name- of Village Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No, 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

659 Uperkamta 121 381 664 Wadilgarh 211 90 660 Uridgaon 440 36 1 Khasgaon 665 Wala 184 404 661 Usebeda 575 N.A. 666 Wandey 229 348 662 Use1i 25 28 667 Wilelar 301 409


663 Wadapenda 343 '149 668 Yasebeda 133 567 268


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~ ,.----"----, ,...... --A-----, ,-----"---, ,..--...... __, P M F M F M F M 1-<' M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

43/3 Narayanpur Tahsil Rural 245,022.0 16,553 46,717 1,545 35,780 6,297 29,136 16,478 91,260 44,543 1,494 34,786 1,058 23,842 40 1 Udamgaon 154.3 19 19 136 59 77 " 46 59 35 2 Dhutapipli 515.9 24 24 164 80 84 1 2 79 82 56 55 3 Umki 148.3 8 8 45 20 25 18 20 16 21 4 Amakote 395,2 23 23 127 63 64 2 1 60 63 1 42 43 5 Nilegondi 220.5 6 6 40 17 23 17 23 9 17

6 Khadkagaon 119.9 12 12 64 31 33 31 33 18 18 7 Marmakonari 189.7 7 7 29 14 15 14 15 11 11 8 Adenga 200.4 8 8 55 24 31 24 31 17 18 9 Hindparas NA. Uninhabited 10 Amodi 776.4 35 35 253 143 110 2 3 134 101 2 106 75

11 Laman 445.2 21 21 119 60 59 1 2 59 57 .. 43 41 12 Hirrabodi 344.1 23 23 137 70 67 5 4 65 63 2 56 53 13 Brehebeda 193.6 16 16 93 44 49 44 49 1 35 38 14 Khadgaon 182.6 10 10 60 29 31 29 31 4 21 18 15 Gumjheer 376.1 26 26 132 71 61 69 60 1 55 40

16 Dhorkatta 302.4 20 20 131 74 57 64 52 2 44 34 17 Irikbllta 438.0 24 24 162 80 82 .. 74 75 2 57 47 18 Chhindpal 1,360.8 66 65 403 213 190 15 8 159 144 2 1S9 140 19 Jethegaoll 696.9 49 49 303 146 157 129 136 4 112 94 20 Karregaon 449.5 36 36 183 100 83 72 60 19 80 64

21 Poongaon 552'3 25 25 166 86 80 5 4 80 76 62 60 22 Parali 275.8 9 9 64 31 33 31 33 1 21 26 23 Pondgaon P,Po. 1,223.8 95 95 548 263 285 15 11 223 251 36 2 210 212 24 Padhargaon 451.9 27 27 169 93 76 92 76 1 68 52 25 Useli P. 289.5 27 27 124 60 64 29 26 14 31 39

26 Pusaghati 353.5 28 28 159 93 66 89 64 62 49 27 Nareki N.A. .. Uninhabited . . 28 Kurusbodi (Nareki) 184.4 7 7 45 24 21 .. 20 19 3 14 9 29 Khairkatta 162.4 144 144 642 363 279 3 2 54 63 85 20 122 35 30 Bargaon 629.1 44 43 292 154 138 19 18 130 114 1 108 100

31 Nelsod 305.7 13 13 75 37 38 37 38 .. 24 27 32 Masbaras P. 911.9 73 73 418 216 202 51 51 156 146 28 3 159 135 33 Badetopal P. 545.9 43 43 227 113 114 1 1 89 94 16 2 88 86 34 Deharitopai 142.6 9 9 57 29 28 .. 29 27 11 1 19 21 35 Pusagaon 732.5 36 36 207 105 102 2 4 96 92 2 77 65

36 Gondahoor 144.3 10 10 46 26 20 25 20 2 14 7 37 Pito-Bhondiya 605.9 28 28 164 86 78 1 80 74 5 51 49 38 Nawagarh 487.6 33 33 212 111 101 11 6 99 95 12 79 63 39 Lamkanhar 634.0 40 40 211 109 102 5 6 103 96 7 89 78 40 Garda 139.3 10 10 66 31 35 .. 31 35 20 17

41 Tumasnar 1,191.6 46 46 229 118 111 86 78 4 78 70 42 Duwal 64.8 4 4 25 15 10 15 10 12 6 43 Nawa Gondahoor 42.0 1 1 7 4 3 4 3 .. 2 1 44 Krohobeda N,A. 82 82 362 190 172 4 3 69 9 20 1 45 Masoor 329.7 26 26 136 65 71 2 2 54 60 51 48

46 Pipli 390.8 27 27 136 68 68 62 64 49 46 47 Murawandi 387.0 29 29 158 80 78 76 76 59 50 48 Mandagaon 875.9 56. 56 293 156 137 17 8 120 117 17 112 tol 49 Bulawand 722.8 45 45 288 134 154 3 20 92 120 17 3 98 100 50 Lampuri 588.5 30 30 182 90 92 13 16 68 66 68 63



Workers Name Area Literate r----"--, L. C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,.------"- ,---A--, r----"--. ,---A--, ~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Tahkal 320.4 18 18 80 39 41 39 41 6 .. 31 33 52 Badepijori P. N,A. 36 36 206 111 95 102 92 12 2 65 69 53 Bodagaol1 319.8 28 28 139 74 65 68 65 6 61 43 54 Chichgaol1 757.0 26 26 127 68 59 60 52 1 49 43 55 Chikhali 694.4 21 21 103 50 53 34 40 1 36 37

56 Koyegaon 299.0 13 13 90 46 44 43 44 2 33 28 57 Alor 135.1 20 20 84 49 35 1 37 34 9 37 17 58 Nedgaon 21.5 3 3 11 7 4 7 4 .. 5 4 59 Ghotiya 240.8 15 15· 94 49 45 45 41 2 1 32 33 60 Bhainsasur P,Po. 1,383.8 94 94 601 291 310 19 24 252 271 36 14 183 143

61 Kaudokhasgaon 475.9 25 25 140 73 67 73 67 4 51 44 62 Ga wadekhasgaol1 584.7 18 38 226 117 109 4 3 107 102 5 75 64 63 Imlipadar 171.9 9 9 49 28 21 21 16 3 1 19 15 64 Himoda 610.0 30 30 154 73 81 58 70 7 1 57 47 65 Niljhar 279.8 13 13 59 28 31 3 3 24 27 21 18

66 Lohattar 398.6 23 23 109 53 S6 .. 49 51 1 41 35 67 Belori 434.0 27 27 159 83 76 5 8 54 51 1 61 50 68 Raj pur 544.1 37 37 228 116 112 84 85 65 62 69 Hanker P. 521.3 20 20 98 52 46 8 4 35 33 10 1 27 12 70 Bhonga Bhondia N.A. 94 94 248 167 81 26 17 16 6 51 4 137 58

71 Nahageeda 687.1 29 29 111 60 51 2 4 46 41 .. 50 39 72 Mandagaon P. 236.6 6 5 25 14 11 12 9 3 1 10 6 73 Murga 45.0 Uninhabited 74 Parondi 1,476.3 58 58 373 1'16 177 165 147 5 131 99 75 Kodagaon 833.1 49 49 282 150 132 6 7 118 111 15 1 88 84

76 Konechur 396.2 22 22 134 70 64 14 . 9 56 55 3 1 40 40 77 Temrupani P. 713.8 51 51 300 155 145 17 13 98 91 15 1 97 89 78 Ghummar 351.5 30 30 171 91 80 69 54 4 .. 54 52 79 Antagarh P,M,D,Rhc, 2,395.2 393 393 1,800 913 887 108 114 325 309 351 64 530 429 Mcw,MP(O),Po. 80 Karhaikhodra 809.7 46 46 285 137 148 11 9 117 129 II 82 91

81 Semargaon N.A. 14 14 82 42 40 42 40 3 27 30 82 Nawagaon P. 888.2 51 51 325 158 167 3 5 57 65 57 17 103 110 83 Hurrapenjori N.A. 29 29 170 92 78 2 2 75 64 6 58 52 84 Kohchur 203.1 10 10 55 30 25 27 22 21 14. 85 Suklapal 260.1 13 13 85 48 37 48 37 2 30 23

86 Sindurmeta 538.5 22 22 124 68 56 8 6 5 39 32 87 Nagarbeda P. 595.6 51 51 292 154 138 136 122 24 2 86 84 88 Etegaon 631.0 31 31 172 84 88 67 69 9 51 55 89 Murjhar 152.6 10 10 63 36 27 33 27 3 23 15 90 Nawanareki 26.0 4 4 22 11 11 9 11 2 8 7

91 Palamureli 282.3 Uninhabited .. 92 Donde 68.2 II 11 39 28 11 20 11 6- 22 7 93 Badejharkatta 653.0 53 52 223 105 118 16 20 76 80- 20 2 73 81 94 Manhakal 241.8 25 25 144 78 66 78 66 1 56 34 95 Kurusbodi (Manjhi) 607.1 21 21 134 67 67 59 62 2 44 40

96 Chhote Bodeli 637.2 19 19 135 77 58 77 58 47 35 97 Surewahi 1,184.1 33 33 233 117 116 .. LOI 101 3 83 70 98 Khorpani 419.5 31 31 177 99 78 7 92 77 1 65 47 99 Kuhche 439.6 18 18 116 54 62 54 62 3 1 36 37 100 Painari 408.5 33 33 195 99 96 17 13 79 80 9 " 60 271


WORKERS, Non- --"-- --, Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. r----A..."'-1 r----"----.. r--"---. ,.--A..-.., ~ .---"._---, ,.----"----.. .----'" -, r--"---. r--A.-.-..., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 . 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

22 24 9 9 .. .. 8 8 51 57 59 3 4 1 5 2 1 2 46 26 52 44 35 11 8 6 13 22 53 39 36 9 7 1 19 16 54 32 33 4 4 14 16 55

30 28 .. 3 13 16· 56 19 17 1 15 2 12 18 57 5 4 .. 2 58 23 23 9 10 .. 17 12 59 15i; 128 9 7 12 3 1 3 108 167 60

47 42 2 1 2 1 22 23 61 63 56 10 6 2 :2 42 45 62 14 13 4 2 .. 1 .. 9 6 63 34 27 20 20 .. 1 1 1 16 34 64 16 11 4 6 1 I 7 13 65

34 29 5 5 2 12 21 66 53 47 5 3 2 1 22 26 67 49 52 12 5 4 5 .. 51 50 68 15 8 4 4 4 1 3 25 34 69 7 3 12 3 4 " 108 58 30 23 70

39 27 11 12 ., 10 12 71 8 6 J 1 4 5 72 .. Uninhabited 73 Iii> 87 21 12 .. 65 78 74 82 80 4 4 1 1 62 48 75

38 36 2 4 .. 30 24 76 91 87 2 2 4 58 56 77 52 49 2 3 .. . , . . 17 28 78 205 190 137 186 23 2 43 24 2 22 42 19 2 54 8 383 458 79 64 75 14 16 3 55 57 80

25 30 2 .. .. . 15 10 81 83 95 17 14 .. 1 1 2 55 57 82 52 50 2 4 2 34 26 83 18 12 3 2 9 11 84 29 23 1 18 14 85

36 31 .. .. " 2 1 29 24 86 73 77 6 2 2 3 1 :! 4 68 54 87 41 43 5 7 2 1 3 4 .. 33 33 88 16 11 4 4 2 1 13 12 89 6 7 2 3 4 90

.. Uninhabited .. 91 12 " 7 .. 10 " 6 4 92 49 57 23 24 1 32 37 93 49 26 6 8 1 22 32 94 43 36 1 4 23 27 95

44 31 3 4 .. 30 23 96 81 68 .. .. 2 2- 34 46 97 63 44 2 3 34 31 98 30 33 6 4 18 25 99 44 51 11 7 1 2 43 36 100 212 VILLAGE,. OffiECTORY Workers Literate Name Area & TotalWor- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House. Scheduled Scheduled Educated kers (I-IX) ~ No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes ,..---..A.__ .., ,_.A-.--., f__.A...~ r--..A-----, ~ F M P p M F M F M F M 14 15 16 17 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 81 69 101 Phuphgaon 38 225 110 115 .. 97 104 633.4 38 31. 9 91 80 102 Teemllar 47 47 283 145 138 1 1 32 968.1 33 35 74 II) 50 n 103 Harangarh 382.9 78 78 344 193 151 259 IS 252 8 10 23 10 308 90 104 Chho1e Kapasi 4.1 214 217 731 479 1 44- 44- lOS Madale 397.2 29 29 128 60 68 7 10 50 56

65 58 48 36 106 Aalkanhar 357.5 24 24 137 72 65 37 31 [07 Meta Bodeli 284.8 17 17 101) 52 41\ 48 46 .. 30 15 2 18 15 108 Bilaikachhar 158.8 8 8 57 31 26 34 33 H18 55 53 2 2 46 49 109 Nawagawadegaon P,M,H,C. 367.2 Hi 16 84 90 5 1 69 72 110 Sode 590.8 29 29 209 IO[ 108 2 3

64 47 I 44 41 III Siksod 364.5 17 17 119 68 51 26 23 17 41 36 41 36 1 112 EteBalaka '1<14.9 12. 12 102 11 1 106 96 113 Kanagao1J 940.9 39 39 258 138 120 8 9 120 147 227 10 II 101 l()l 52 4 144 ~14 Kalagaon 1,033.2 77 77 448 m 5 50 57 115 Kotankhod 242.3 22 22 163 83 80 83 80 13 4- 31 38 116 Jatianawagaon 191.8 10 10 106 53 53 6 7 42 39 59 44 22 2 71 66 117 Kam!a P,Po. 516.4 40 40 198 101 97 6 4 82 77 135 llO 37 28 79 62 15 3 118 Godrl 579.3 53 53 245 3 41 45 1]9 24 121 56 65 2 2 50 59 Sureli 213.1 24 &4 12 1 54 47 120 Ghurnsi-munda 348.8 29 29 148 77 71 3 5 73 29 22 ]J 1'2 68 39 29 )~ 29 121 Urerkamta KA. 29 19 16 122 Kotkud 202.0 10 10 60 28 32 26 11 134 142 5 1t4 104 123 Bade Tewra 554.3 56 56 343 176 167 17 26 23 12 12 39 33 3 3 30 26 124 Chhote Tewra 37.2 n 43 12 76 65 125 Sode 484.1 35 39 253 ]3(1 123 10 9 48 96 3 4 95 94 74 8 100 126 Aarnabeda P,M,Po. 658.4 73 73 362 [86 176 118 108 196 200 177 186 3 127 Chang_ori 971.1 72 72 396 39 1 34 23 128 Kurruto]a 201.9 16 16 89 50 39 1 38 129 Bharritola 1588 Uninbabited 130 Jugani 113.1 Uninbablted

6 19 13 9 52 30 22 26 22 131 MatoH 283.1 9 61 70 46 2 97 57 132 Bade Kapsi Po. 5! 1.5 49 49 207 122 85 2 31) 575 300 275 1 1 78 1\ 133 Yasebeda 584.8 112 ll2 2 21 21 134 787.5 10 10 65 30 35 30 35 Dewad1t 34 33 25 25 135 Chhotejrarkau;l 571.8 15 15 67 34 33

16[ 10 10 137 138 107 100 136 Mendra N.A. 70 71 331 170 9 9 8.0 6 6 27 14 13 12 12 137 GJtanj 71 83 1 47 39 138 K urusbodi (Kataru) 379.8 26 26 158 73 85 .i 18 15 9 9 55 28 27 2 24 23 I B9 Nawagel 185.4 ]56 180 50 12 139 128 140 Chargaon P. 1,996.5 84 84 474 230 244 20 ]8

60 56 17 69 52 141 Hindubinapal 528.1 32 33 178 94 84 13 14 58 55 58 55 4 38 33 142 Badejaitpuri 567.2 16 16 113 12 16 7 7 43 18 25 15 20 143 Kesurbeda 194.2 I 48 41 312.9 29 29 140 72 68 6 10 48 42 144 Gedgaon 96 83 5 90 87 145 Koliyari 1,017.0 47 49 270 144 126 26 28

7 6 4 146 Murawandi N.A. 3 3 16 9 7 9 17 17 ll6 58 58 .57 58 41 JO 147 Pakhanjur 238.3 36 9 131 109 148 Barda t ,982.6 64 64 398 211 187 1 192 171 60.0 Ulrlnhabited ., 149 Rooli 74 73 2 59 J50 Kadrne 770.1 26 26 165 80 85 1 3 " 273


W 0 R K E R 5 " Non- Workers 11 III IV V vI', . VII VIIJ IX X L.C. .1. No . ,.------'-----, ,--"-----, ,.------'-----, r--A----, ,.----A-----, ,-__ .A._, ,.------'-----, .--'-----. ,...----A--.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26, 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

78 64 1 2 2 3 29 46 101 74 64 16 13 1 3 54 58 102 18 13 .. 2 30 143 138 103 .. 7 9 76 16 10 6 151 2 220 234 104 38 35 6 9 16 24 105

44 31 4 5 24 29 106 27 25 10 6 15 17 107 18 IS ...... 13 11 108 32 31 ! 1 .. 1 1 21 20 109 64 71 1 4 32 36 110

40 39 4 2 24 10 111 24 21 2 2 15 13 112 104 96 2 .. .. 32 24 113 105 118 23 17 6 4 4 6 2 6 77 80 114 144 52 5 5 1 33 23 115

29 33 2 2 3 22 15 116 65 64 3 2 1 o. 1 1 30 31 117 60 50 19 26 1 1 2 53 33 118 35 37 5 5 .. 1 3 15 20 119 51 42 1 3 1 1 1 1 23 24 120

27 19 2 3 10 7 121 18 16 1 ...... 9 16 122 104 100 9 3 1 1 .. 62 63 123 18 17 3 1 4 4 1 1 13 10 124 65 59 9 6 2 54 58 125

69 78 R 13 3 6 4 2 2 10 86 80 126 108 100 5 5 3 3 2 78 92 127 27 21 7 2 16 16 128 .. Uninhabited .. 129 .. Uninbabited .. 130

9 10 5 3 2 2 1 11 9 131 36 47 4 6 3 4 4 3 47 25 28 132 11 289 275 133 13 13 8 8 9 14 134 21 23 4 2 9 8 13S

65 64 41 36 1 63 61 136 3 3 6 6 5 4 137 . 41 37 5 2 1 26 46 138 16 13 2 2 .. 10 12 139 118 99 5 7 1 11 22 4 91 116 140

57 48 11 3 25 32 141 34 32 4 1 20 22 142 11 14 1 2 .. 6 9 143 37 34 5 4 3 1 2 1 .. 1 1 24 27 144 69 69 17 15 1 2 3 1 54 39 145

6 4 .. 3 3 146 40 30 2 " 16 28 147 12l 100 8 9 .. .. 2 80 78 148 .. ." Uninhabited 149 52 54 5 1 1 2 1 21 28 150 274


Workers Name Area Literate r L.C. af Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Tatal population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-lX) ,-.A.-----, ,----A--, f- .. -_A...... ~ ~~, .--~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Kothodi 90.6 13 13 59 31 28 31 28 21 16 152 Junagawadegaon 442.8 28 28 189 95 94 90 90 17 2 54 46 153 Saragikote 275.7 18 18 114 65 49 49 41 15 39 28 154 Pusawahi 272.3 14 14 515 49 46 7 7 39 34 5 1 38 29 155 Kursel 1,065.3 12 12 78 47 31 37 23 11 31 22

156 Gondbinapal P. 1,046.6 46 46 301 152 149 25 18 99 lOS 26 4 93 96 157 Taralkatta 399.4 20 20 149 76 73 4 3 68 66 2 1 48 50 158 Muramer 298.2 18 J8 110 57 53 .. .. 57 53 40 36 159 Ama!i:ada 363.2 27 27 144 8t 63 4 2 72 57 3 54 44 160 Sirsangi 446.3 24 24 171 89 82 1 2 81 73 2 51 48

161 Matla (A) 342.1 29 29 162 87 75 75 67 55 52 162 Markanar N.A. Uninhabited .. . . 163 Sohgaon 160.4 6 6 31 17 14 17 14 II 8 164 Ghodagaon 505.5 16 16 91 53 38 52 36 33 28 165 Bhingidar 558.9 29 29 129 72 57 35 27 5 51 40

166 PulunjsaJebhat 373.8 20 20 118 61 57 60 56 1 42 38 167 Darbisalhebhat 401.1 23 23 180 96 84 96 84 2 67 61 168 Manegaon 277.1 20 20 108 59 49 .. .. 41 38 4 .. 38 35 169 Khutgl0n 730.9 33 33 252 130 122 2 1 120 106 13 I 80 79 170 Baveli 250.5 6 6 42 23 19 23 19 18 14

171 Kasadand 140.1 J8 18 117 56 61 6 5 47 49 10 4 29 33 172 Kotul P. 540.7 22 22 156 83 73 6 4 71 65 10 4 48 35 173 Bondanar P,Po. 653.4 42 42 290 150 140 14 14 107 97 22 S9 86 174 Ghotulbera 226.6 7 ? 71 34 37 34 37 4 25 19 175 Chingnar 356.1 17 17 123 69 54 69 54 5 45 42

176 Chipodi 318.9 19 19 109 60 49 55 46 2 35 36 177 Chholemurnar P. 251.3 11 11 58 30 28 30 28 1 19 18 178 Amagaon 825.2 52 52 308 156 152 1 88 87 2? 97 95 179 Mankole 8.4 ...... Uninhabited ...... 180 Tekameta 240.0 7 i 33 18 ]5 18 15 1 1 12 9

181 Dotometa 598.5 28 28 J41 68 73 62 65 52 55 182 Budhandand 243,5 14 14 82 48 34 48 34 30 19 ]83 Kamtera 287.6 36 36 155 90 65 .. 89 62 67 45 184 Wala 419.0 17 17 122 63 59 2 4 50 47 .. 41 38 185 Kaudosalhebhat P. 482.0 25 25 177 96 81 12 7 72 66 14 4 75 62

186 , Kastura 148.3 22 22 152 80 72 2 1 62 53 1 47 48 187 Sulangi 946.7 42 42 349 179 170 9 8 146 133 34 5 94 106. 188 Baveli Siksod 312.4 15 15 95 50 45 .. 37 30 10 1 34 26 189 Hoyechuf' 493.3 25 26 166 79 87 4 3 60 74 14 54 56 190 Kaleparas P. 650.0 38 39 228 109 [19 8 9 95 102 12 74 77

191 Tuskal 292.2 16 16 92 46 46 32 31 32 29 192 Darrokhalari 97.3 4 4 30 18 12 18 12 JO 8 193 Penkodo 17.7 ...... Uninhabited ...... 194 Adapharasi 251.1 7 7 54 30 24 29 24 1 15 15 195 Anjadi 111.5 21 21 112 56 56 53 54 2 34 31

196 Murdonda N.A. .. .. Uninhabited . , .. 197 Partapur P. 1,145.0 116 117 513 266 247 6 8 232 217 65 8 156 148 198 Jamdi N.A. 2 2 16 5 11 5 11 3 5 199 Udanpur 578.3 39 39 229 127 102 .. .. 97 .84 7 91 69 200 Murnar 341.2 14 14 97 52 45 1 3 32 23 6 37 35 275


W 0 R K E R S Non- , Workers II III IV V vr VII VIII IX X L.C. No. r-----A-----., ,-----A-----.., ,---..A.-, ,.-....._A_-----., ,-----'------., r-__..I..._-l ,.-.._.._.A._~ .---"----., ,-----A-----., ,-----A-----, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

20 13 2 10 12 151 54 44 2 .. 41 48 152 37 26 1 2 . . .. 1 26 21 153 3-+ 27 .. ., J 3 1 1 11 17 154 29 21 2 1 16 9 155

71 82 13 8 6 5 4 59 53 156 44 47 1 4 2 28 23 157 38 33 2 3 .. 17 17 158 49 39 1 I 2 2 2 2 27 19 159 46 40 4 3 4 3 3 2 32 34 160

49 48 2 5 2 .. 32 23 161 .. .. Uninhabited .. 162 " ... II 8 6 6 163 32 27 1 1 .. 20 10 164 45 32 4 6 1 1 2 21 17 165

36 34 2 2 1 1 3 19 19 166 59 55 2 5 1 1 5 2.9 23 167 27 27 3 8 8 .. 21 14 168 75 73 3 4 1 2 1 50 43 169 18 14 .. 5 5 170

20 23 7 10 2 " .. 27 28 171 36 28 4 1 1 1 6 5 .. 1 35 38 172 63 73 19 6 1 1 2 1 6 1 2 61 54 173 25 19 9 18 174 43 42 2 .. 24 12 175

31 32 4 4 25 13 176 19 18 .. 11 10 177 65 68 31 27 .. .. 1 59 57 178 .. Uninhabited .. 179 12 9 6 6 180

43 45 9 10 16 18 181 29 18 1 1 18 15 182 47 30 20 15 .. 23 20 183 27 28 8 7 2 1 2 4 22 21 184 54 52 6 6 4 3 6 1 5 21 19 185

39 39 2 4 6 5 33 24 186 87 96 2 9 3 1 1 1 85 64 187 29 24 1 2 1 3 16 19 188 44 54 3 2 .. 4 3 .. 25 31 189 62 65 9 11 1 1 2 35 42 •190 21 20 9 6 2 3 14 17 191 10 8 8 4 192 " Uninhabited .. " 193 14 15 1 15 9 194 27 21 6 10 1 22 25 195

.. Uninhabited " " 196 126 122 8 20 2 2 3 3 8 9 1 110 99 197 3 5 .. .. 2 6 198 73 57 2 2 5 5 10 5 1 .. 36 33 199 36 34 1 1 15 10 200 276


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~ ,-----A----, r---"----. ,...----"-----. ~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Marda 608.2 42 42 252 143 109 .. 136 102 16 4 85 69 202 Badrengi 540.9 39 39 235 112 123 I 4 108 112 25 3 85 80 203 Kachwar 410.4 27 27 161 81 80 81 80 4 54 50 204 Gunjnar 156.6 14 14 105 52 53 50 52 3 31 39 205 Sarandi P,Po. 1 ,919.~ 200 200 1,124 569 555 51 38 365 381 86 5 358 340

206 Edanar P. 830.1 49 49 297 154 143 3 2 115 102 6 93 94 207 Bade-Dhaunsa 108.5 3 3 23 13 10 7 6 9 6 208 Chhote-Dhaunsa 741.4 1 1 6 3 3 3 3 3 2 209 Kokwar 94.1 6 6 35 14 21 14 21 8 10 210 Maroda P. 1,318.2 36 37 198 113 • 85 77 57 10 68 49

211 Wadilgarh 130.8 UDiDhabited .. 212 Ongra 19.e Uninhabited .. 213 Phurphundi 257.9 .. .. Uninhabited .. 214 Karekatta 961.3 51 51 257 131 126 102 106 2 1 88 76 215 Katpon 275.3 22 22 107 58 49 35 24 38 3'0

216 Gutakachhar 77.6 1 2 10 4 6 .. .. 4 6 2 4 217 Jeeramtarai 771.0 51 51 320 150 170 17 17 95 107 6 101 117 218 Koyalibeda P,M,D,Rhc. 1,141.9 120 147 748 400 348 41 36 136 117 116 16 238 184 Hos,Mew,Po. 219 Tumapal 174.5 17 17 99 49 50 .. 41 45 9 1 32 30 220 Tadoki P. 419.8 46 46 214 126 88 4 5 67 49 28 4 91 58

221 Mangatasalhebhat 492.9 22 22 117 55 62 52 56 12 39 42 222 Padbeda 553.8 30 30 171 101 70 93 66 2 67 52 223 Kumhari 250.5 12 12 52 34 18 11 10 8 30 16 224 Murpal 325.2 8 8 55 29 26 29 26 4 17 16 225 Malmeta 652.8 23 23 155 86 69 86 69 5 58 50

226 Mahurpat 297.3 10 10 56 28 28 27 28 4 18 19 227 Koranhur 219.4 8 8 52 29 23 29 23 1 16 12 228 Arra 512.3 37 37 258 129 129 122 118 3 1 86 75 229 Wandey 547.7 25 25 128 68 60 62 53 7 1 41 41 230 Palnadi 364.6 15 15 68 32 36 32 36 5 20 22

231 Maehhpalli 1,384.7 30 30 132 70 62 63 53 2 51 40 232 Mindi 208.9 16 16 60 37 23 36 23 29 17 233 Sambalpur 198.0 25 25 109 54 S5 40 40 37 35 234 Markanar 190.3 Uninhabited ...... 235 Tursani 361.4 36 36 202 96 106 88 96 11 2 59 60

236 Nirde 142.6 15 15 75 40 35 3S 32 1 21 23 237 laweli 32.0 10 10 51 25 26 22 21 2 1 14 16 238 Bhurbhusi 10.3 .. Uninhabited .. .. 239 Barkote 808.8 18 18 93 52 41 41 33 1 34 28 240 Khedegaon 443.8 16 16 83 42 41 41 41 1 27 25

241 Kringalmaspi .. 57.3 6 6 33 17 16 17 16 11 12 242 Kandari 202.8 8 8 43 20 23 20 23 12 16 243 Hurtarai 25}.2 28 28 157 75 82 .. 60' 65 4 63 56 244 Kosronda 245 342.9 22 22 161 82 79 4 1 61 69 5 54 56 Markanar 456.2 53 53 166 84 82 77 76 6 62 60

246 Ghotanbeda 247 537.9 19 19 82 36 46 34 46 2 24 29 Mekawahi 368.0 12 12 S3 27 26 2S 26 3 20 18 248 Karakoda 26 31 249 Belgal 293.8 2S 2S 92 45 47 45 47 .. 250 S09.8 31 31 170 85 85 84 80 15 38 34 Kodkatta 10.2 .. Uninhabited 277


W 0 R K E RS Non- Workers L.C. II 1II IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,.-----A----. ~ ....----'-'--. ,---A---, ,..----'---, ,----A----, ,-"'---, ,--"'____' r---A---.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

75 60 7 2 .. 5 3 2 58 40 201 80 75 2 5 3 .. " 27 43 202 41 41 10 7 1 2 1 1 27 30 203 27 37 2 1 2 1 21 14 204 255 241 90 96 4 2 3 1 1 5 211 215 205

84 88 5 6 2 ... 2 61 49 206 9 6 4 4 207 3 2 1 208 8 10 .. -6 11 209 61 48 1 1 6 45 36 210

Uninbabited ... 211 Uninhabited .. " 212 Uninbabj~ed .. f .. 213 69 62 16 12 3 2 43 50 214 16 14 22 20 20 15 215

1 2 1 2 .. 2 2 216 90 101 8 7 1 8 1 1 1 49 53 217 171 154 28 22 3 3 5 1 3 5 24 3 162 164 218 28 30 1 2 .. .. 1 17 20 219 61 44 11 10 1 1 1 4 1 12 3 35 30 220

36 41 3 I .. .. 16 20 221 60 47 1 3 5 2 1 34 18 222 19 16 .. 7 3 1 4 2 223 16 16 1 12 10 224 48 47 10 3 28 19 225

14 16 3 3 10 9 226 14 . 11 2 1 13 II 227 69 58 13 9 3 4 1 4 43 54 228 37 35 4 6 27 19 229 20 22 12 14 230

39 28 9 11 1 19 22 231 18 12 11 5 8 6 232 26 22 11 13 17 20 233 .. .. UDinbabited .. . . 234 41 42 16 18 1 1 37 46 235

17 21 3 2 1 19 12 236 13 14 1 2 11 10 237 Uninbabited " .. 238 29 24 4 4 1 18 13 239 26 25 1 15 16 240

.. 11 12 6 4 241 11 14 1 2 8 7 242 52 49 4 2 1 3 4 2 2 12 26 243 50 53 2 2 2 I 28 23 244 21 24 36 36 2 3 22 22 245

7 10 15 19 2 12 17 246 7 4 11 14 2 7 8 247 14 8 12 23 19 16 :148 38 34 47 51 :149 Uninhabited 250 278


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers(f-IX) ,-----A-----., ,----A.----, ,-~ ,--'----, ,....--A-----, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Poriyahoor 3.0 Uninhabited .. 252 Chhote Bedkote Mad. ., Uninhabited .. .. 253 Malmeta 8 8 45 32 13 32 13 19 6 254 Rawanadi .. Uninhabited .. Mursulnapa 21 21 54 65 32 26 255 " 119 54 65

256 Gudabeda 338.1 27 27 148 79 69 60 64 7 55 33 257 Sattighat 276.3 17 18 103 54 49 52 45 1 40 29 258 Tammorra 216.9 15 15 87 51 36 51 36 34 24 259 Teeralgarh 284.4 15 15 73 38 35 .. 34 33 2 21 19 260 Padenga 484.9 35 35 136 68 68 5 1 58 60 44 44

261 Sawer (Harwel) 468.4 15 15 88 49 39 49 39 25 22 262 Jhara\Vahi Mad. Uninhabited .. 263 Manjhikhutni 31.1 .. Uninhabited .. .. 264 GattakaI 266.0 16 16 71 40 31 40 31 22 18 265 Kagbaras 160.2 5 5 39 17 22 17 22 12 17

266 Talabeda 704.2 23 23 140 72 68 4 7 67 60 13 50 41 267 Kotkodo 153.4 13 14 105 48 57 .. 48 57 36 31 268 Aalanar 617.7 36 37 201 105 96 4 3 76 76 69 57 269 Matla ~B) 369.~ 4 4 25 11 14 9 10 8 9 270 Halainar 259.5 14 14 74 38 36 38 36 26 26

271 Gattapalli 464.2 7 7 23 12 11 2 3 9 8 8 6 272 Sahadongri 25.0 " Uninhabited .. 273 Burka 238.4 9 9 53 27 26 23 23 18 13 274 Tadogunda (Hikumalhur) Uninhabited .. 275 Aadnar N.A. 12 12 61 34 27 34 27 17 17

276 Kehlabeda 2.7 " .. Uninhabited .. 277 Kesekodi 296.0 13 13 83 35 48 24 34 1 27 22 278 Kolar P,M,Po. 1,080.2 121 123 721 379 342 23 21 309 279 1I0 8 164 126 279 Pindkasa 317.1 13 13 50 30 20 30 20 7 18 16 280 Nagaldand 515.9 15 15 62 36 26 36 26 6 1 13 12

281 Hawalbaras 77.9 4 4 16 7 9 7 9 1 3 3 282 Kalarkhutni 30.8 Uninhabitl."d .. 283 Odapar 40.0 Uninhabited .. ., ., 284 Konge Mad. 10 10 64 33 31 33 31 20 14 285 Mutenadi Uninhabited ..

286 Hal110kal (Toyapi) 13 13 71 30 41 30 41 21 18 287 Kuruspar N.A." Uninhabited . , .. 288 Chilparas 144.4 4 4 29 16 13 14 10 11 10 289 Jungda 7S.0 4 4 29 15 14 IS 13 9 8 290 Baiha Salhebhat P. 613.4 44 44 244 124 120 6 6 92 94 4 74 67

291 Chhotejaitpuri 198.9 3 3 29 11 18 11 18 1 6 9 292 Padhargaon N.A. 10 10 54 30 24 30 24 6 17 14 293 Budhakursai .343.1 9 9 63 30 33 30 33 23 22 294 PaJadmeta 444.0 5 5 29 18 11 18 11 9 8 295 Bertanar 400.6 18 18 111 59 S2 59 52 1 40 35

296 Telanga 663.2 23 23 135 62 73 59 68 2 40 45 297 Todhur 486.1 13 13 65 30 35 30 35 3 1 20 19 298 Korhobeda 20.4 Uninhabited .. 299 Mebda 226.1 26 26 149 74 75 71 69 4 50 50 300 Brehebeda 112.4 Uninhabited 279


w 0 R K E R S Non- Workers II III IV V VI VII VI1l IX X L.C. No. '--_.),._~l ~--, ,--"'--, ,..---'--, ~ r~ r---A---, ,.---A--, ,--"--, ,.-----"--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Uninhabited .. " 251 " ., Uninhabited .. " 252 19 6 " .. 13 7 253 ',' Uninhabited .. .. 254 32 26 22 39 255

40 31 8 2 5 24 36 256 25 20 12 7 2 2 14 20 257 30 21 4 3 17 12 258 11 11 9 8 1 17 16 259 23 21 19 21 2 2 24 24 260

25 22 " .. 24 17 261 Uninhabited .. " .. 262 " Uninhabited 263 14 10 7 8 1 " 8 18 13 264 10 4 7 5 5 265

41 36 3 4 2 3 35 31 1 22 27 266 .. " .. 12 26 267 50 42 6 7 4 2 9 6 8 9 36 39 268 25 1 3 5 269 23 3 12 10 270

3 5 3 ., 2 4 5 271 " Uninhabited 14 .. 272 11 3 2 1 9 13 273 .. .. U~inbabited 17 17 274 17 10 275

.. Uninhabited 15 15 6 276 7 5 1 .. 8 26 277 154 125 .. 2 1 6 7 12 9 8 215 216 278 13 12 12 4 279 23 14 280

3 3 " " 4 6 281 Uninhabited 282 • Uninhabited 20 14 .. " 283 " ., 13 17 284 Uninhabited 285 21 18 .. .. 9 23 286 Uninhablted 6 5 5 5 " 287 8 8 1 .. .. S 3 288 60 58 11 6 6 289 7 3 2 50 53 290 6 9 J6 14 5 9 291 23 22 .1 13 10 292 " 9 7 1 7 11 293 38 32 1 3 9 3 294 1 19 17 295 37 39 3 3 3 7 9 13 10 22 28 296 .. " 10 .. .. Uninhabited .. 16 297 28 30 20 20 .. 298 •• '0 2 Uninhabited 2~ 25 299 300 280


Workers Name Area L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,----A---, r---"---, ,.-----A----., r--"-___ r--"- P M F M F M F M F M F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

301 Wilt'lar Mad. .. Uninhabited ...... 30l Alparas 3.8 9 9 46 19 27 19 27 15 17 Dangra 303 170.7 " .. Uninhabited ...... 304 Karmari 296.0 8 8 62 29 33 ., 29 33 4 1 19 19 305 Kurrenar 667.2 40 40 154 77 77 15 12 52 59 5 55 47

306 ·Puska.~a 11.3 UninhabIted .. 307 Khandi 194.2 .. Uninhabited .. .. 308 Hachekoti Mad. 19 19 109 52 57 52 57 34 30 309 Markabeda Mad. 14 14 75 29 46 29 46 22 18 310 Brehebeda Uninhabited ..

311 Gadda 311.3 13 13 69 36 33 36 33 5 1 21 20 312 Mechanar 369.4 16 16 97 48 49 48 49 3 2 26 29 313 Mullay 750.7 31 31 185 99 86 89 78 1 56 54 314 Badebethiya 495.2 17 17 73 32 41 26 36 6 16 24 315 Binagunda Mad. 8 8 40 17 23 17 23 11 11

316 Maspi Mad. 9 9 48 23 25 17 25 14 12 317 Panedobir 321.4 25 25 121 65 56 57 52 55 37 318 Phulpad 711.6 46 46 313 156 157 4 2 144 144 4 95 96 319 Aturbeda N.A. 26 26 175 95 80 6 4 80 71 2 .. 63 44 320 Kongera 448.4 20 20 105 56 49 45 41 5 2 31 28

321 Mosamtola 392.5 6 6 22 12 10 12 10 7 7 322 Chhotebethiya P. 165.1 7 7 35 • 19 16 17 15 7 3 12 7 323 Kandari 170.3 43 43 178 87 91 79 81 15 2 56 49 324 Aalper 13.9 ...... Uninhabited 325 Hatadkaaa 126.1 9 9 52 26 26 13 14 3 19 20

326 KudhurpaI 346.6 12 12 63 28 35 24 32 4 19 27 327 Panawar 259.8 18 18 81 41 40 41 40 16 17 328 lhurhamehda 15.4 Uninhabited 329 Ghodaghat 13.1 .. Uninhabited .. .. 330 Akmeta 80.1 17 17 69 36 33 36 33 8 5 23 20

331 Gudgapadar Mad. 5 5 25 12 13 2 3 10 10 8 7 332 Gome 6 6 29 13 16 13 16 9 8 333 Bhaisgaon N.A." 42 42 236 138 98 106 92 31 .. .111 53 334 Temrugaon N.A. 9 9 64 33 31 33 31 17 13 335 Gawadi 427.2 18 18 132 69 63 68 62 9 3 43 37

336 Korhabeda 62.8 10 10 53 23 30 23 30 3 " 14 17 337 Kanhargaon 238.3 14 14 48 28 20 23 17 3 1 8 10 338 Beloda 34.3 4 4 25 14 11 14 11 1 .. 6 9 339 Merbeda 76.8 12 12 48 23 25 .. 23 25 1 2 12 14 340 Ban~oghodiya 39.2 Uninbabited "

341 Kurusnar (Bilmori) Mad. 5 5 31 18 13 18 13 9 6 342 Pangud 11 11 66 29 37 28 37 14 15 343 Wadapenda 15 15 92 40 52 40 52 25 27 344 Gumchur .. Uninhabited .. .. 345 Gundul 192.0" 7 7 40 21 19 20 19 13 8

346 Raye 358.8 14 14 98 49 49 49 49 1 36 28 347 Chapai 32.6 5 5 25 14 11 4 14 7 10 8 348 Bandapal P. 999.0 64 66 325 160 165 98 102 12 8 95 83 349 Orcha 255.9 10 10 50 21 29 20 27 3 2 16 15 350 Irpanar P. 446.1 31 31 123 63 60 46 54 14 6 44 25 281


W 0 R K E R\ S Non- ---A. Workers L.C. No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X ,---.A..--, r---A..--, ,---.A..---., ~ ,.--A---,~ ~ r---.A..---., ~~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M' F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 79 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 .. Uninhabited 301 15 14 3 .. 4 10 302 .. Uninhabited 303 18 18 1 1 .. 10 14 304 30 24 19 22 1 1 1 4 22 30 305

.. Uninhabited 306 ...... Uninhabited 307 33 30 1 18 27 308 22 18 7 28 309 .. Uninhabited 310

21 20 .. 15 13 311 25 28 1 I .. 22 20 312 52 50 3 4 1 43 32 313 6 12 10 12 16 17 314 11 11 6 12 315

11 II .. 3 9 13 316 42 31 13 6 .. 10 19 317 84 84 7 9 I 3 3 61 61 318 51 40 3 2 6 2 3 32 36 319 23 23 3 5 5 25 21 320

3 2 4 5 5 3 321 5 2 5 5 2 7 9 322 35 32 13 I! 3 4 2 2 3 31 42 323 .. Uninhabited 324 19 20 7 6 325

13 24 3 2 .. 9 8 326 16 17 25 23 327 .. Uninhabited 328 ...... Uninhabited 329 8 9 15 11 13 13 330

4 2 .. 4 5 4 6 331 9 7 .. 1 .. .. 4 8 332 50 44 6 7 5 6 28 2 3 11 2 27 45 333 14 11 .. .. 3 2 16 18 334 41 3S 1 1 1 1 26 26 335

9 13 5 4 .. 9 13 336 6 8 I 2 1 20 10 331 2 3 4 6 8 2 338 9 12 3 2 11 11 339 .. Uninhabited 340

9 6 9 7 341 13 15 15 22 342 24 27 1 15 25 343 .. Uninhabited 344 9 5 3 3 8 11 345

34 27 .. 2 13 21 346 9 6 1 2 : . 4 3 347 52 50 5 1 1 10 7 8 27 17 6S 82 348 10 7 5 8 1 S 14 349 22 13 15 12 2 S 19 3S 3S0 282


Workers Name Area Literate ,,_--- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) . {_---A...__ ~ ,----'----., ,-----A._____ ,--.A..--, ,---.A._-, P M F M F M F M F M F

~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

351 Benoor (Uliya) 277.4 17 17 90 46 44 46 44 3 .. 30 29 352 Rengawahi P. 145.1 29 29 120 57 63 3 4 40 47 10 6 33 37 353 Pakurkal 7.8 7 7 39 18 21 18 21 1 10 8 354 Kor;lskodo Mad. S 5 29 13 16 13 16 7 10 355 Ranimarka 8 8 56 29 27 28 27 18 14

356 Dargarh Mad. .. Uninhabited 357 Tumeradi " .. Uninhabited 358 Bharanda F.V." 26 26 180 91 89 5 5 R6 84 1 65 53 359 Huchadi 812.3 18 18 120 58 62 56 59 9 3 35 39 360 Kiskodo 235.6 13 13 82 36 46 36 46 2S 27

361 TokejabeJi 17.6 Uninhabited 362 Jonawar 9.3 .. .. Uninhabited .. . . 363 Sitram 492.7 42 42 169 92 77 3 3 54 44 13 63 50 364 Konje Mad. Uninhabited

365 Kormakodo " Uninhabited

366 Palahod Mad. Uninhabitrd 367 Deogaon 617.5 24 24 189 90 99 .. 90 99 11 2 52 61 368 Pipra 209.1 12 12 69 39 30 2 3 37 27 4 23 17 369 Paralkote NA .. Uninhabited 370 Paralbhat 17.0 .. Uninhabited

371 Khodgaon 923.1 44 44 262 143 119 137 116 18 85 59 372 pusagaon 69.4 6 6 27 13 14 13 14 1 11 9 373 Kotkursai 348.6 17 17 110 58 52 53 49 38 30 374 Pakhanjur P. 384.1 35 35 135 72 63 72 63 12 45 42 375 Dhumma Mad. 10 10 48 21 27 21 27 14 IS

376 Burgi 58.8 19 19 76 35 41 34 40 8 22 27 377 Boranirpi Mad. 7 7 37 18 19 18 19 11 10 378 Kanera 21.4 4 4 18 8 10 7 8 .. 7 4 379 Ieko 197.9 8 8 58 33 25 30 24 8 " 17 10 380 Khurpai 257.2 10 10 81 39 42 39 42 4 2 23 23

381 Khadkagaon 753.0 29 29 171 86 85 5 3 63 66 16 44 53 382 Tadwaili 296.5 38 38 191 100 91 94 84 10 53 56 383 Garpa Mad. 11 11 68 27 41 27 41 20 20 384 Dumnar 8 8 44 23 21 23 21 18 1 385 Tndko 8 8 27 14 13 14 13 5 5

386 Khadkagaon P. 1,048.3 53 53 275 127 148 121 136 35 14 73 83 387 Supgaon 249.5 3 3 16 9 7 8 7 1 .. 6 3 388 Mardel 98.3 9 9 46 24 22 .. .. 24 22 3 1 14 12 389 Edka P. 658.0 65 65 393 203 190 7 15 88 79 61 15 105 52 390 Kanagaon 322.4 23 23 132 64 68 15 15 31 42 15 6 41 29

391 Pun gar pal 183.1 10 10 50 23 27 23 27 1 2 12 13 392 Atnasara P. 881.6 37 37 217 106 111 81 89 19 9 64 65 393 Morekhandi 262.0 2 2 12 7 5 7 5 4 5 394 Horadi Mad. 11 11 75 37 38 37 38 22 20 395 Maspur 16 16 71 39 32 39 32 25 14

396 Tadobeda Mad. 12 12 69 32 37 32 37 18 19 397 Guner 5 5 21 8 13 8 13 4 7 398 Murnar 13 13 67 37 30 37 30 22 20 399 Kumnar ., 1 ] 7 5 2 5 2 2 1 400 Khairabhat 138.1 21 21 125 60 65 60 6S 38 39 283


W 0 R K E R S Non- --_. _.A_ ------., Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.e. No. ,----"-----, ,----"------., ,-----A---, ,--A.~, r-__A..~ r-___:_I--) ,-__.A__) ,----'------, r-___A.._-~ ,-----A---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 • 23 21 7 8 ...... 16 15 351 21 22 5 7 4 8 1 2 24 26 352 10 8 8 13 353 7 10 6 6 354 18 14 .' 11 13 355

.. Uninhabited .. 356 ...... Uninhabited 357 52 45 12 7 " 1 1 26 36 358 34 38 1 1 23 23 359 25 27 11 19 360

., Uninhabited " 361 , ...... Uninhabited ...... " 362 37 33 20 17 3 1 .. . . 1 1 29 27 363 .. Uninhabited 364 .. Uninhabited 365

.. .. Uninhabited . . 366 51 56 1 5 " 38 38 367 22 17 .. I 16 13 368 .. Uninhabited 369 .. Uninhabited " 370

69 53 4 3 9 2 3 58 60 371 10 8 . 1 1 2 5 372 30 28 2 " 3 1 3 1 20 22 373 37 33 7 9 1 27 2J 374 14 15 7 12 375

18 21 3 6 13 14 376 1J 10 7 9 377 7 4 1 6 378 13 10 2 2 16 15 379 22 22 1 1 16 19 380

34 42 .. .. 7 9 " 3 2 42 32 381 33 35 20 21 47 35 382 20 20 7 21 383 18 1 5 20 384 5 5 9 8 385

65 80 .. 2 3 6 54 65 386 5 3 1 3 4 387 14 12 ...... 10 10 388 40 4 18 6 7 29 40 1 2 9 1 98 138 389 27 19 9 6 5 4 23 39 390

12 13 11 14 391 56 57 1 2 I 2 3 4 3 42 46 392 4 5 3 393 22 18 2 15 18 394 24 14 1 14 18 395

18 19 .. .. 14 18 396 I 5 .. 3 2 4 6 397 21 19 1 1 15 10 398 2 1 .. .. 3 1 399 37 35 1 4 22 26 400 284


Workers Name Area Literate ,----- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,.-~ ,..----'--., ,.---'---, r-__A_-~ ...-----. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

401 Brehbeda 355.5 12 16 43 21 22 2 11 14 3 11 9 402 Telasi 349.8 13 13 63 36 27 .. 25 20 12 1 25 17 403 Guriya 163,4 47 47 212 109 103 6 7 52 54 25 3 74 65 404 Karlakha P. 682.7 62 62 378 186 192 15 18 157 149 31 4 124 115 405 Paturbeda 259.4 7 7 52 25 27 25 27 2 14 11

406 Borepal 1,011.4 49 49 355 180 175 174 169 25 8 103 105 407 Tadopal 847.7 42 42 242 118 124 25 25 70 76 7 3 83 53 408 Mahka (KrangaI) 302.7 17 17 108 53 55 53 55 9 2 32 32 409 Tahkadond Mad 18 18 92 51 41 51 41 26 25 410 Hirengenar 5 5 22 11 11 11 11 6 6

411 Ehnar Mad. 7 7 39 20 19 20 19 8 9 412 Alnar 12 12 62 34 28 34 28 15 13 413 Kundla " 17 17 81 44 37 37 29 1 28 19 414 Palki 546.2 83 83 500 241 259 224 235 64 6 146 159 415 BinjaJi 681.3 106 108 588 292 296 220 213 81 14 188 179

416 Sulanga 249.1 49 49 310 139 171 19 25 120 145 33 5 82 94 417 DugabengaI 496.8 37 37 240 114 126 114 121 10 2 69 59 418 Chiprel 851.2 16 16 108 62 46 62 46 6 35 4 419 Kasturwad 119.2 .. Uninhabited .. 420 Karlapal 1,098.8 58 58 302 159 143 149 131 38 107 81

421 Mahka (Dugal) 375.9 47 47 231 107 124 99 117 9 80 79 422 Garanji P. 877.5 41 42 256 122 134 113 124 3 78 71 423 Deogaon 955.7 52 52 285 143 142 17 17 98 100 5 75 82 424 Terdul P. 548.9 26 26 221 108 113 7 2 100 105 7 4 64 50 425 Lalsuhnar 462.0 16 16 123 68 55 68 55 1 40 22

426 Gongla Mad 4 4 23 11 12 11 12 .. 6 5 427 Saragipal 254.1 16 16 106 53 53 1 2 52 51 2 32 35 428 Narainpur P,M,H,D, 5,013.0 891 9074,441·2,2272,214 35 41 1,116 1,194 891 240 1,348 915 Rbc,Hos,MP(O),Mcw,Po. 429 Garh-Bengal P. 1,081.4 113 117 730 366 364 15 12 227 209 74 18 216 212 430 Cbhote Suhnar 224.3 11 11 69 38 31 10 11 28 20 3 21 17

431 Nayanar 634.4 38 38 247 123 124 107 106 5 75 38 432 Kulanar 466.3 25 25 189 94 95 59 65 11 57 54 433 Kadar N.A. 5 5 25 14 11 14 11 1 8 7 434 Sonepur P. 784.8 67 67 303 147 156 111 118 51 13 91 78 435 Medhadongri 309.7 6 6 13 5 8 5 8 5 6

436 Timnar 635.4 46 46 278 142 136 5 7 98 100 12 81 75 437 Nelwad 536.4 17 17 115 61 54 .. 44 38 5 .. 40 28 438 Malingnar 936.7 44 44 257 128 129 2 1 116 116 14 1 88 77 439 Remawand P. 909.5 . 36 36 198 96 102 72 81 17 5 58 46 440 Uridgaon 504.0 30 30 208 109 99 93 86 5 58 59

441 Borawand 395.2 41 41 209 109 100 100 92 3 59 57 442 Mangbeda N.A. 7 7 41 19 22 19 22 11 12 443 Paradi (Kuruskodoli) N.A. 11 11 51 25 26 25 26 12 15 444 Madkud N.A. 11 11 55 30 25 22 20 17 15 445 Matehnar N.A. 6 6 29 11 18 11 18 9 8

446 Saragipal N.A. 7 7 29 16 13 16 13 1 12 6 447 Kandari N.A. 23 23 ·93 46 47 45 46 1 28 29 448 Bamhani 564.7 52 52 302 154 148 137 132 4 103 88 449 Kumhali 496.4 26 26 182 100 82 94 74 7 62 51 450 Garawand 245.5 15 15 77 39 38 2 25 31 3 23 24 285


W 0 R K E R S .. Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,..----A---..., 0 ,--....A.--., ~-, rA--A.-, ~ ,--.A.-...... , r--A.._--.. ,.--"------. r-- "----" r----"---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

3 7 2 5 10 13 401 23 17 1 1 " .. 11. 10 402 48 44 7 10 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 9 5 35 38 403 74 73 IS 27 II 10 6 4 14 5 62 77 404 14 11 11 16 405

95 87 3 6 3 6 1 6 1 77 70 406 69 45 2 2 11 6 1 35 71 407 32 32 21 23 408 26 25 25 16 409 6 6 5 5 410

8 9 12 10 411 13 12 1 2 " 19 15 412 25 19 2 1 16 18 413 129 137 10 16 7 6 " 95 100 414 136 124 30 44 1 12 9 2 2 5 2 104 117 415

78 84 2 7 1 2 1 57 77 416 64 53 2 4 1 .. 3 1 45 67 417 32 1 2 4 .. .. " 27 42 418 .. " .. Uninhabited .. 419 97 67 9 14 1 52 62 420

69 66 5 9 5 4 27 45 421 63 53 12 15 3 2 1 44 63 422 63 59 9 20 1 1 2 2 68 60 423 51 40 10 7 1 3 2 44 63 424 32 20 8 2 28 33 425

6 4 5 7 426 30 33 2 2 .. 21 18 427 529 531 230 190 27 2 40 48 25 6 101 19 66 10 15 .. 315 109 879 1,299 428 177 165 15 33 13 12 5 6 2 150 152 429 14 9 7 8 17 14 430

66 35 2 4 2 3 48 86 431 48 49 5 3 4 2 37 41 432 6 7 .. .. 2 6 ... 433 53 54 16 15 8 6 7 3 2 5 56 78 434 4 6 1 2 435

45 37 35 36 1 2 61 61 436 32 20 4 6 1 3 2 21 26 437 82 73 1 3 1 4 1 .. .. 40 52 438 38 36 2 .. 2 3 6 2 1 1 8 5 38 56 439 46 50 10 5 2 4 51 40 440

56 55 2 2 50 43 441 6 8 5 4 8 10 442 10 12 2 3 13 11 443 17 15 ]3 10 444 6 6 3 2 2 10 445

11 6 4 7 446 28 29 .. .. " 18 18 447 96 83 3 2 3 3 1 51 60 448 48 40 13 11 1 " 38 31 449 16 15 6 9 1 16 14 450 286


Workers Name Area Literate ,..--- L.c. of Facilities in Occupied House- Schedul~d Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village availahle acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~ ,----'--, ~ r--"----, ~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

451 Brehbeda 152.0 Uninhabited 452 Gohda 594.0 17 17 113 54 59 .. .. 45 49 6 4 34 35 453 Kulhadgaon 822.2 40 40 228 116 112 24 24 55 54 21 73 60 454 Jiwlaper Mad 10 10 39 24 15 .. 24 15 16 10 455 Gumiyabeda (Gunjbeda) Uninhabited

456 Bakulwahi 1,455.2 109 109 714 336 378 21 28 300 298 79 7 204 210 457 Belgaon P. 362.1 48 48 274 132 142 22 19 68 65 36 3 76 64 458 Chitapal 337.0 Uninhabited 459 Khadkagaon 60.7 .. .. Uninhabited .. 460 Naumunmeta 363.6 23 23 165 84 81 1 1 66 62 12 1 45 49

461 Siwani 903.2 30 30 233 119 114 .. .. 102 99 8 .. 77 73 462 Chandagaon 225.0 10 10 53 26 27 2 4 17 16 5 1 16 12 463 Sonapa\ 862.7 49 49 328 176 151 163 143 23 1 99 99 464 Gulumkodo 228.4 15 15 70 31 39 .. 22 31 1 3 21 20 465 Kakhoor Mad Uninhabited

466 Bondum Mad Unin~bited 467 Palarhoor 9 9 60 28 32 28 32 18 16 468 Gadawahi 3 3 14 6 8 6 8 .. 3 4 469 Kohkameta P. 71 71 362 168 194 156 164 15 " 10.5 102 470 Hetlanar 26 26 137 69 68 65 66 40 41

471 Kodonar Mad 12 12 66 36 30 36 30 22 18 472 Gutapal (AI war) 5 5 21 11 10 10 10 1 7 6 473 Kochwahi 357.8 26 26 166 76 90 75 90 15 2 43 49 474 Kukdajhor 453.4 25 25 177 96 81 81 74 13 1 65 52 475 Kokodi 333.2 13 13 88 44 44 31 29 2 29 26

476 Baghdongri 685.3 32 32 236 119 117 7 107 107 2 77 59 477 Borgaon 589.0 25 25 146 83 63 .. 66 52 9 52 42 478 Halamimunmeta P. 276.8 15 15 109 64 45 4 3 48 35 15 37 37 479 Markanar 671.1 37 37 252 137 115 133 103 9 80 66 480 Matawand (Baghbeda) P. 1,177.3 61 61 374 191 183 157 161 43 14 119 103

481 Gurmanjur Mad 15 15 92 42 50 42 50 26 34 482 Mahkanar 9 9 37 21 16 21 16 12 7 483 Kumnar 2 2 11 7 4 7 4 5 1 It 11 62 31 31 31 31 21 15 484 Irpanar " 485 Badejamhari P. 468.4 28 28 146 67 79 62 78 18 41 41

486 Bawadi 1,096.6 34 34 269 126 143 6 7 100 99 22 8 86 70 487 Kapsi 774.8 27 27 208 112 96 90 83 16 2 71 65 488 Amgaon 653.2 24 24 216 113 103 110 91 3 63 5J_ 489 Panigaon 449.2 19 19 103 55 48 _ .. 55 48 7 37 30 490 Benoor P,M,Mcw,Po. 1,019.3 97 98 519 289 230 18 17 170 102 110 11 161 118

491 Sirpur 354.1 22 22 132 71 61 10 8 54 43 14 2 45 3L 492 Bhatpal 883.1 50 50 331 180 151 2 1 151 132 21 1 114 89 493 Khargaon 349.1 25 25 162 84 78 79 76 12 50 55 494 Kangali Mad 7 7 28 15 13 15 13 9 2 495 Kanagaon .. 20 20 92 43 49 28 33 31 16

496 Jharawahi Mad 34 34 189 98 91 80 75 61 35 7 497 Tadnar 2 2 15 8 .. " 7 8 4 498 Tadonar 10 10 49 28 21 14 9 14 12 .. 14 .. 499 Gotaiamhari 395:7 16 16 125 67 58 65 41 8 36 26 51)0 Borand 885.6 46 46 249 114 135 85 103 12 1 68 67 287 NARAYANPUR TAHSIL

W 0 R K E RS Non- Workers L.C. n III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,-A--, ,----A---, ,----A---, ,...... ---A---- ,----A---, r-___.A._-, ~--, ,---"----, r---"----, ,----A---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 451 . , Uninhabited .. 34 35 .. 20 24 452 43 52 453 65 48 7 10 1 " 2 15 10 1 8 5 454 Uninhabited .. .. 455

r9 180 19 24 4 3 2 3 132 168 456 61 31 7 9 5 24 3 56 78 457 Uninhabited .. 458 .. .. Uninhabited 459 34 38 7 11 4 39 32 460

70 69 2 3 2 2 42 41 461 16 12 10 15 462 94 90 3 4 2 5 77 53 463 19 19 1 1 10 19 464 .. Uninhabited .. 465

.. Uninhabited 466 18 16 .. 10 16 467 3 3 1 3 4 468 90 90 3 5 10 7 2 63 92 469 33 37 4 2 2 3 29 27 470

22 18 14 12 471 5 6 1 1 4 4 472 38 45 5 4 33 41 473 61 50 3 2 .. 1 31 29 474 23 21 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 15 18 475

68 53 6 2 2 1 2 42 58 476 44 34 2 1 6 7 31 21 477 37 37 .. 27 8 478 76 64 2 2 .. 2 57 49 479 106 98 6 5 4 3 72 80 480

25 34 16 16 481 12 7 9 9 482 5 1 .. 2 3 483 21 15 .. 10 16 484 34 37 2 4 2 3 26 38 485

75 63 5 4 5 3 40 73 486 69 62 I 1 2 41 31 487 59 49 I 3 3 50 51 488 34 30 3 ...... 18 18 489 93 82 11 15 6 1 4 6 3 2 22 1 6 16 11 128 112 490

38 31 3 4 2 1 2 26 24 491 n 76 11 6 1 J 10 6 1 66 62 492 38 48 8 5 3 2 1 34 23 493 .. . . 2 9 6 11 494 31 16 12 33 495

56 35 5 37 56 496 4 3 8 497 14 14 21 498 36 26 .. 31 32 499 52 57 12 9 4 1 46 68 500 288 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor_ No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r-__A__~ ,....--A----, ~----. r--"o--, ,..----"---, P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

501 Mandoki 543.4 18 18 113 52 61 50 56 30 35 502 Edangpal 800.7 23 23 121 59 62 47 42 4 2 41 34 503 Matla 426.9 20 20 112 55 57 3 3 49 50 48 33 32 504 Bhiragaon 339.8 13 13 60 31 29 21 24 5 18 17 505 Bhurwal 490.1 30 30 169 92 77 65, 54 17 2 49 51

506 Jctwarmad Mad 6 6 19 13 6 i3 6 8 6 507 Irpanar 3 3 13 7 6 7 6 4 508 Mohandi 4 4 28 16 12 16 12 11 509 Rengabeda "6.5 Uninbabited .. 510 Malechur 253.1 11 11 66 38 28 6 5 32 23 4 1 ~3 16

511 Karmari 582.8 15 15 89 51 38 51 38 33 28 512 Moraskodo 1,160.7 12 12 114 57 57 57 57 9 2 30 24 513 Kadahagaon 785.8 29 29 159 81 78 78 75 8 2 56 48 514 Pharasgaon P,M,Mcw. 439.7 41 41 208 III 97 60 58 45 11 55 44 515 Turtha 372.2 21 21 143 74 69 68 64 8 1 47 36

516 KaJepa1 402.6 18 18 112 62 50 54 44 5 34 34 517 Netanar P. 794.3 38 38 227 120 107 102 98 21 3 67 58 518 Kodoli Mad 7 7 38 22 16 18 16 6 13 519 Tekameta 8 8 38 21 17 18 16 17 II 520 Polemeta Uninhabited

521 Kodhur Mad Uninhabited 522 Ghamandi 18 18 72 34 38 34 38 26 21 523 Karkabeda " 5 5 29 17 12 17 12 2 12 8 524 Odchakorai " 8 8 36 15 21 15 21 8 10 525 Irakbhatti 25 25 135 67 68 67 68 43 32

526 Kumchal Mad .. Uninhabited 527 Kongoli 10 10 52 25 27 25 27 17 11 528 Gumiyapal '6.2 ...... Uninhabited ' . .. 529 Gotabenoor 422.7 10 10 56 32 24 32 24 19 12 530 GongaJa 129.4 Uninhabited

531 Kodoli 481.2 19 19 102 52 50 52 50 .. 34 27 532 Bedmakote 457.7 23 23 141 66 7."> 49 52 9 10 47 35 533 Koliyari 776.4 38 38 271 131 140 123 130 8 1 83 84 534 Kachapal Mad 12 12 54 26 28 24 26 17 7 535 Okpad (Brehebeda) 16 16 79 42 37 22 18 20 19 1 23 1

536 Kodkanar Mad 3 3 16 8 8 6 7 2 1 6 537 Nednar (Konge) 9 9 49 24 25 24 25 11 538 Achcli 2 2 12 9 3 9 3 5 539 Paralbhat 41'5'.7 R 8 42 23 19 23 19 13 11 540 Hikohnar 401.3 6 6 30 16 14 16 14 II 7

541 Ekodi 186.3 Uninhabited 542 Tirdul 6.8 Uninhabited .. 543 Mundpal 463.7 15 15 110 58 52 54 49 6 34 28 544 Dandwan P,Mcw,Po. 457.0 42 108 ·76 545 42 234 126 95 21 4 75 71 Korenda 1,231.1 51 51 361 191 170 172 158 8 . 1 121 04

546 Hikohnar 547 Mad 12 12 59 25 34 25 34 17 13 Toke IS 15 88 41 47 548 Kotenar 29 40 27 27 549 3 3 10 5 5 5 5 3 1 Karkanar 4 4 550 Dhuta 17 9 8 9 8 5 t'2:0 Uninhabited 289


W 0 R K E R'S Non- , Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,...---A-----, ,--""---, ,---.A---.., ,--""--, ,--""---, ,...--A-----, ,...--A----., ,-""-----, ,---"--, ,.....--A---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

27 30 3 5 22 26 501 34 32 6 1 1 1 18 28 502 26 25 4 5 3 2 22 25 503 16 15 2 2 13 12 504 32 47 6 4 10 1 43 26 505

8 6 5 506 4 3 6 507 11 5 12 508 .. Uninhabited 509 18 13 5 3 15 12 510

32 28 1 18 10 511 27 22 3 2 27 33 512 41 25 30 513 44 14 2 " 1 2 .. 35 34 1 4 1 5 3 5 8 3 56 53 514 32 19 12 4 2 13 1 27 33 SIS

31 31 2 2 1 1 28 16 516 58 52 5 2 1 4 3 53 49 517 6 .. 6 1 9 16 518 15 10 2 1 4 6 519 Uninhabited .. 520

Uninhabited 521 26 21 8 17 522 9 5 1 3 2 5 4 523 8 10 7 11 524 43 32 24 36 S25

Uninhabited 526 15 8 16 527 9 2 2 528 " Uninhabited 17 10 13 12 529 2 2 530 Uninhabited

23 20 1 1 9 6 18 23 531 38 27 19 40 532 2 1 6 7 1 48 56 533 72 78 8 1 3 5 17 7 .. 9 21 534 16 -3 1 1 3 19 36 535

5 2 8 536 11 13 25 537 .. 4 3 538 2 3 .. 8 10 8 539 8 1 4 3 5 7 540 9 6 2 1

Uninhabited .. 541 Uninhabited 542 " .. 24 24 543 30 2S 3 3 1 53 52 15 2 1 2 33 55 544 16 1 3 1 70 66 545 113 103 6 2 1

17 13 8 21 546 26 27 1 104 20 547 3 1 1 4 548 5 4 8 549 Uninhabited 550 290


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total populatwn Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,...-----A----- ,...----"----- ~ ,---A.-----, ,---A.----., P M F M ·F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

551 Kurusnar 615.0 Uninhabited 552 AadpaJ 913.1 30 30 150 79 71 67 63 2 60 51 553 Gurdai Mad. 37 37 243 121 122 114 118 1 74 10 554 Kalamanar 16 16 90 50 40 50 40 31 555 Hikpad 15 15 58 32 26 3 2 29 24 17 2

556 Tadonar 167.9 18 18 108 51 57 51 55 1 .. 32 31 557 Jhara 1,749.0 16 16 75 40 35 30 28 7 1 29 22 558 Baghjhar 1,107.7 37 37 207 110 97 96 89 9 66 63 559 Pharasgaon 400.7 11 11 80 43 37 43 37 4 21 23 560 Chhinari 1,032.0 36 36 228 112 116 81 85 6 69 66

561 Oxmarka Mad. 3 3 13 8 5 8 5 3 4 562 Badhhur (Tadohoor) 4 4 20 9 11 9 11 .. . .' 6 .. 563 Kongera 1,652.1 69 69 408 190 WI 174 201 24 1 119 115 564 Kondahoor 128.5 .. . . Uninhabited .. 565 Kasturmeta Mad. 16 16 78 45 33 26 16 22 23

566 Padamkote Mad. 19 19 94 51 43 51 43 28 13 567 Gattakal 12 12 75 42 33 42 33 24 5 568 Kutulnar 16 16 82 38 44 38 44 1 21 9 569 Idnar 10 10 46 19 27 19 27 9 .. 570 Parpa 1,174.2" 9 9 36 18 18 13 11 13 11

571 Aatargaon 955.7 42 42 284 146 138 128 125 6 91 68 572 Dhaudli P. 1,447.1 92 94 463 228 235 .. 99 91 59 16 156 135 573 Mahimagawadi P,Mcw,Po. 6,153.0 170 170 877 466 411 25 18 133 lot 86 9 303 113 574 Kosalnar P. 1 ,207.6 47 47 272 139 133 1U 121 4 4 85 84 575 Usebeda Mad. 8 8 40 22 18 20 17 16 9

576 Kutul Mad. 58 62 355 194 161 16 14 175 147 108 72 577 Barkanar 1,019.0 3 3 15 7 8 7 8 7 5 578 Banspal 188.1 16 16 100 50 50 50 50 3 36 28 579 Toyenar 921.3 22 22 157 86 71 86 71 51 44 580 Botha 516.0 29 30 172 92 80 63 58 2 51 43

581 Kodliyar Mad. 32 32 171 82 89 11 11 71 78 45 14 582 Nelnar 36 36 207 105 102 .. 103 102 57 2 583 Hirangai 370.7 12 12 60 34 26 9 8 22 16 2 20 8 584 Kumharibada 3,454.0 32 32 193 95 98 95 98 1 53 48 585 Taragaon 975.3 63 63 411 193 218 107 113 11 120 81

586 Palli 911.6 21 21 160 82 78 63 59 9 4 57 42 587 Dudmi 685.9 19 19 130 60 70 60 70 41 35 588 Bedma 337.3 12 12 67 30 37 30 37 .. 19 18 589 Kanera 342.4 17 17 128 71 57 60 49 1 40 32 590 Kurnharichhota 318.3 13 13 80 38 42 3& 42 17 2G

591 Kodnar Mad. 16 16 82 44 38 .. 44 38 .. 27 6 592 Jhara 821.7 21 21 112 59 53 14 13 35 31 3 I 32 20 593 Brehebeda ~ Gudranadi) 11. 7 .. Uninhabited 594 Kudhrai 4.2 .. Uninhabited ...... 595 Badgaon 1,084.1 118 118 605 312 293 11 13 162 145 10 2 225 145

596 Kostadi Mad. 9 9 35 18 17 18 17 9 2 597 Kodnar 4 4 18 9 9 9 9 5 5 598 Moksul 6 6 26 15 11 .. 15 II ., 9 6 599 Rajpur 484.0 13 13 83 42 41 5 5 32 32 5 21 8 6(}O Madamhar 313.8 7 7 27 13 14 13 14 8 8 291


w 0 R K E R S Non· --'- Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X . L.C. No. ,--_ _A.. __ ~ ,---'-----::--, ,----'--, ,----"----, ~_--.A....~ r---'--, ,-••..A_ •• , :---'----.., r---'----, r-A---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

...... Uninhabited .. 551 58 49 2 2 19 20 552 72 10 1 1 47 112 553 27 4 19 40 554 15 1 2 1 15 24 555

2f 23 3 6 .. 1 2 2 19 26 556 1'J 16 2 1 1 2 2 3 5 11 13 557 (2 57 4 6 .. 44 34 558 ,9 22 1 1 .. .. 1 22 14 559 55 48 10 11 4 7 43 50 560

3 4 .. 5 1 561 4 2 .. 3 11 562 111 le7 1 2 1 4 5 3 71 103 563 .. .. Uninhabited 564 22 23 23 10 565

28 13 23 30 566 24 5 .. 18 28 567 20 8 1 .. 1 17 35 568 8 .. 1 10 27 569 8 7 5 4 5 7 570

88 65 2 2 ...... 1 1 55 70 571 94 99 9 3 5 19 14 3 1 25 19 72 100 572 211 82 58 24 8 16 4 1 1 1 7 3 163 298 573 77 75 6 8 1 1 1 54 49 574 14 8 2 1 6 9 575

101 68 3 4 2 2 86 89 576 7 5 .. 3 5'77 31 25 3 2 1 1 .. 1 14 22 578 45 39 3 2 2 3 1 35 27 579 44 36 5 6 2 1 41 37 580

45 14 37 75 581 55 1 .. 2 1 48 100 582 19 7 1 1 .. 14 18 583 51 44 1 4 1 42 50 584 106 65 14 16 73 137 585

54 39 .. .. 2 2 25 36 586 36 29 5 6 19 35 587 19 18 ...... 11 19 588 35 26 3 3 1 3 1 31 25 589 14 17 3 3 21 22 590

27 6 .. .. 17 32 591 29 19 3 1 27 33 592 .. Uninhabited .. 593 ...... Uninhabited 594 142 79 13 15 2 1 63 50 5 87 148 595

9 1 9 15 596 5 5 4 4 597 9 6 6 5 598 8 8 1 .. 2 21 33 599 16 S 2 3 5 6 600 192


Workers Area Literate L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & TotalWor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,----"---.. r---"-----, .---"------. r---"--, ,---"----, P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 • 12 13 14 15 16 11

601 Chameli 512.6 17 17 125 62 63 62 63 5 3 45 32 602 Gaurdand 384.3 29 29 194 89 105 89 105 11 1 56 64 603 Sulanga P. 1,064.3 57 57 317 171 146 .. 139 120 18 1 102 83 604 Bipdiya tNirameta) Mad. 8 8 33 14 19 14 19 9 1 28 28 157 88 69 83 66 52 605 Gudari " 606 Gumter (Hoyangar) Mad. 8 8 43 18 25 18 2S 12 9 607 Bhattabeda (Rai nar) 28 28 139 64 7S 64 75 46 37 608 Tekanar 329.5" 8 8 42 24 18 18 13 2 1 17 11 609 Dhanora P. 598.0 41 41 173 75 98 44 62 19 3 57 59 610 Hikpula 170.8 7 5 21 13 8 13 8 1 11 8

611 Chbote Dongri P,M, 1,648.4 279 279 1,401 715 686 117 116 444 477 212 35 445 381 D,Mcw,Po. 612 Madagada 512.5 12 12 80 42 38 3'2 25 6 23 21 613 Tirkanar 558.0 14 14 82 39 43 .. 33 35 30 21 614 Dhurbeda Mad. 17 17 96 50 46 4 5 43 38 27 10 615 Chihara 162.2 Uninhabited

616 Rotad 203.9 3 3 14 7 1 .. 1 1 1 6 617 Umargaon 213.9 8 8 44 20 24 6 6 14 18 14 14 618 Kokpad 511. 7 16 16 65 36 29 31 24 26 15 619 Matbeda Mad. 26 26 92 47 45 47 45 27 12 620 Khodper 21 21 62 33 29 33 29 24 5

621 Gummarka Mad. 2S 25 131 67 64 67 64 44 19 622 Rainarganda 124.0 7 6 25 10 15 3 2 7 10 623 Gutapal 171.8 1 7 33 19 14 19 14 12 10 624 Toyameta Mad. 18 18 70 28 42 28 42 19 19 625 Kodtamarka 10 10 45 25 20 24 20 1 15 1

626 Aadingper Mad. 1 7 29 10 19 10 19 .. 8 3 627 Kahkodi 7 7 43 21 22 21 22 1 13 6 628 Nelangur 12 12 55 27 28 27 28 17 17 629 Pharasbeda .. 17 17 67 33 34 33 34 19 4 630 Rengabeda 16.0 Uninhabited

631 Jhorigaon 337.8 8 8 40 22 18 22 18 2 13 12 632 Bahker 313.4 16 16 79 43 36 41 34 2 24 21 633 Kanhargaon P. 1,581.2 59 59 311 173 138 ., 125 98 29 4 98 15 634 Hashnar Mad. 40 40 206 102 104 .. 100 104 52 29 635 Temrugaon 807.2 25 25 177 92 85 72 68 51 38

636 Kodher 452.7 17 17 104 55 49 54 47 34 22 637 Metabeda Mad. 5 5 22 13 9 13 9 7 3 638 Gattakal 12 12 35 18 17 18 17 12 2 639 Gomagal 35 35 186 91 95 89 95 52 3 640 Marakabeda Uninhabited

641 Kodoli Mad. 5 5 23 11 12 11 12 9 8 642 Toyameta 28.8 .. Uninhabited .. 643 Marohnar P. 690.8 31 31 184 105 79 74 49 21 64 51 644 Gardapal 883.6 22 22 137 69 68 69 68 1 50 40 645 Michbeda Mad. 8 8 22 12 10 12 10 7 5

646 Chalcher Mad. 38 38 132 64 68 64 68 39 1 647 Mandali 9 9 47 21 26 21 26 .. 14 I 648 Hodnar 378.3" 6 6 27 17 10 12 9 5 12 5 649 Turusmeta 755.0 21 21 117 65 52 65 50 6 2 44 23 650 Padnar 234.2 8 8 63 28 35 28 3S 22 13 293


w 0 R K E R S Non Worken I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,..----'--, ,..---'----, ,----'--, ,..----'----, ,---..A.-_\ ~,.----A-~ ----A.-, r----'--, ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 32 33 34 35 36 37

35 26 7 6 3 17 31 601 36 34 19 22 7 1 1 33 41 602 82 65 12 14 4 4 4 69 63 603 9 . 1 5 18 604 52 36 69 60S

12 9 6 16 606 45 34 3 1 18 38 607 14 11 3 .. 7 7 608 29 33 8 15 2 14 11 4 18 39 609 8 6 3 2 2 .. 610

252 231 44 38 15 2 8 14 42 39 84 57 >270· 305 611 19 18 3 3 19 17 612 23 16 2 2 5 3 9 22 613 22 10 1 4 23 36 614 .. Uninhabited .. .. 615

5 4 2 2 1 616 9 10 2 4 3 6 10 617 22 12 4 3 10 14 618 25 9 2 3 20 33 619 22 2 5 9 24 620

44 19 23 45 621 6 9 1 1 3 5 622 8 6 4 4 7 4 623 18 14 5 9 23 624 14 7 1 10 13 62S

7 3 1 .. 2 16 626 10 5 2 1 1 8 16 627 16 17 1 .. 10 11 628 19 3 1 14 30 629 .. Uninhabited .. .. 630

12 11 1 i 9 6 631 19 16 S 5 ...... 19 15 632 64 53 24 19 1 4 2 2 1 1 2 75 63 6)3 52 29 50 75 634 48 37 5 1 41 47 635

27 16 6 6 21 27 636 7 3 6 6 637 12 2 6 15 6311 52 3 39 92 639 .. Uninhabited .. .. 640

9 8 2 4 641 .. .. Uninhabited 642 42 40 10 8 1 3 3 4 4 41 28 643 34 28 16 12 19 28 644 7 3 2 5 5 645

34 5 2S 67 646 14 7 25 647 7 5 5 5 5 648 38 17 5 5 1 1 21 29 649 21 13 1 6 22 650 294


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,.---.A.---, ,--A.-. ,--"--. ,---'--. .---A--. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

651 Durgipara (Juwada) Mad. 35 35 181 86 95 86 95 53 2 652 Hitulwad 381.3 7 7 41 22 19 22 19 16 12 653 Dhobe Mad. 16 16 61 27 34 27 34 16 16 654 Kohkaper 17 17 67 30 37 30 37 19 Odcha P. 48 47 260 136 124 3 121 115 17 655 " 2 88 3 656 Brehebeda (Gudranadi) 472.2 11 11 57 25 32 25 32 17 16 657 Bade Tondabeda Mad. 22 22 100 47 53 47 53 25 658 Chhote Tondabeda II 16 16 94 45 49 34 38 28 1 659 Kachora 366.7 2 2 18 10 8 10 8 1 6 6 660 Harwel Mad. 21 21 73 33 40 31 38 20 4

661 Japgunda • Mad. 34 34 187 84 103 82 100 44 4 662 Kawanar 589.1 9 9 43 23 20 20 19 19 9 663 Hurrewahi 12.7 Uninhabited .. .. 664 Ader Mad. 48 48 178 85 93 82 90 51 6 665 Kudmer 59 59 220 104 116 .. 102 116 67 " 3 666 Bogan Mad. 16 16 78 36 42 36 42 22 20 667 Dhondharbeda 18 18 98 48 50 48 50 25 668 Kondakoti " 9 9 40 19 21 19 21 " 15 295


W 0 R K E R S Non- Workers L.C. II III IV V VI' VII VIII IX X No. ,....---.0...-.., ,--"---., ~ ..... r--"----. ~.A.--, ..-----"'------, ..-----"'----- ,---A---., ,----'--.., ..-----"'----- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

53 2 33 93 651 16 12 6 7 652 15 14 1 2 tl 18 653 19 11 37 654 74 1 5 3 8 48 121 655

12 12 5 4 8 16 656 22 53 657 25 " 26 1 2 17 48 658 4 659 6 6 " 2 !8 1 3 2 13 36 660

40 2 3 Z 40 99 661 16 9 3 4 11 662 663 " Uninhabited 51 1 5 34 87 664 67 3 .. 37 113 665

22 19 14 22 666 25 23 50 667 14 1 4 21 668




Location Location Serial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

A 23 Bedebanjoda 459 396 J Rawanpara 2 Kondaganyapara Adanbeda 126 230 3 Kurlupadar 1 Toskapar 24 Badebhi ra wand 396 402 2 Adenga 81 351 1 Nayapara I Thakurpara 2 Suridih 25 Badeghodsara 390 276 3 Ghatapara 4 Chingripara 1 Maolipadarpara 5 Bandapara 6 Atekonadi 26 Badedongar 266 358 7 Batralipara 1 Belbhatha 2 Pandepara 3 Adnar 444 475 3 Pakhnaguda 4 Andhiyarikote 1 Kalarpara 2 Nagsaipara 5 Chi/wahi 6 Bhainsabeda 4 Adwal 274 191 5 Adwal 515 295 27 Badekanera 426 390 6 Aihara 474 290 1 Mundaguda 2 Bakodapara 7 Almer :Z63 289 3 Rawanguda 4 Khutaguda 8 Alore 217 299 5 Dadiama 6 Siwanabhata 1 Kondabeda 2 Ghodsara 7 Kadampadar 8 Cheptikonda 9 Limhugllda 10 Mattiguda 3 Jhatibanpara 4 Bhimabhatapara 11 Dengrigada 5 Pakshipadarpara 9 Amaguhan 14 58 28 Badekhapli 103 306 10 Amgaon 101 . 85 29 Badekurusnar 500 426 1 Thanaglidipllra 2 Kalarpara 1 Thanaglldipara 2 Banbadipara 30 Badeodagaon 148 128 1I Amgaon 224 307 12 Amgaon 440 126 31 Baderajpur 107 359 1 Pankapara 1 Ondka 13 Amrawati 353 N.A. 32 Badesohga 374 281 14 Amrawati 369 N.A. 33 Badgai 215 108 15 Antpur 347 304 34 Badgaon 180 263 1 Boripadar 35 Badhagaon 40 31 16 Aonri 93 201 1 Pate/para 2 Sadakpara 17 Arandi 121 482 36 Badko 436 136 1 Tendubhata 2 Arandipara 37 Badra 331 424 3 Bakanpara 4 Dumarpadar 1 Nawapara 2 Thotapara 18 Arangulla 212 341 38 . Badwar 105 443 39 Bafna 384 139 B 1 Malgujarpara 2 Nayapara 40 Bagbeda 196 425 19 Badagaon 152 268 20 Badalpur (Badapur) 494 103 41 Baijanpuri 71 100 1 Patelpara 2 Pujaripara 42 Bail 201 240 43 Bakhra 432 420 21 Badbattar 172 204 1 Jadapara 2 Haldipara 22 Badebendri 410 314 44 Balenga 117 49 1 Murmaoripara 2 Beyakapara 1 Pathripara 2 Rahatipara 3 Pusawandpara 3 Seonapara 4 Thanagudipara 298


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

45 Ba1eoga 340 N.A. 70 Bedma 122 184 46 Balond 279 354 1 Sadakpara 2 Dandkaranya Camp 1 Dharmarpara 2 Ka/arpara 3 Kalipara 71 Bedmama 57 214 72 Belgaoo 119 487 47 Bamhni 42S" 23 J Pate/para 2 Kayakapara 1 Nayakejwapara 2 Badbandha 3 Nayapara 48 Baochapai 327 248 73 Belgaon 304 282 49 Banggaoo 179 127 74 Belondi 322 433 50 Bangol 309 92 1 Kidgiguda 75 Bhagdewa 388 315 51 Baniyagaon 120 14 1 Loharpara 52 Baniyagaon 437 N.A. 76 Bhandarpai. 43 N.A. 277 417 1 Gandhrupara 77 Bhandarsiwni 1 Taraipara 2 Bhurkabhata 53 Banjoda 157 19 3 Jadapara 4 Seonabhata 54 Banjugani 375 371 78 Bhandarwandi 200 349 1 Nayapara 2 Matagudipara 79 Bhanpuri 276 483 SS Bansgaon 393 223 1 Sadartikra 2 Bedapara 1 Kha/epadar 2 Badepadar 3 Nawapara 4 Butipadar S6 Bansirsi 397 N.A. 80 Bhatgaon 133 8 57 Banskote 113 472 1 Uaikapura 2 Jampara 81 Bhatgaon 251 293 Koradihi 3 Hardipara 4 82 Bhatva 197 ll2 5 Pathripara 83 Bhiragaon 240 208 51! Baodi 422 67 84 Bhiragaon 352/1 340 59 Baonimari 59 153 85 Bhiragaon 395 160 60 Barda 208 156 1 Nayapara

86 Bhiranda 239 429

61 Barkai 210 416 87 Bhogadi 331' 259 62 Batrali 60 . 366 88 Bhongapal 247 266 63 B"lbai 302 131 89 Bhumka 259 185 64 Bayalpur 61 441 90 Bijapur 362 298 6S Bayanar 421 469 1 Jaladbeda 2 Kotapara 91 Binjhe 129 415 66 Bade Usri 473 N.A. 1 Ghotulpara 2 Chikhladihi 67 B~ha 504 229 3 Pa!1dmlpara 4 PI/sapara 1 . Kotwarpara 92 Binjoli 407 68 68 Bedagaon 379 75 93 Biola 278 68 69 Betbeda 469 N.A. 1 Toyapara 299


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

94 Bisrampuri 31 392 120 Cherang 404 138 1 Arapurdilz 2 Rongadih 1 Pakhnapara 3 Dihipara 4 Amadih 5 Khargaon 6 Kuyedih 121 Cherbeda 56 19G 7 Guhandih 8 Tiripara 122 Chhinari 386 459 9 Rawnakote 10 Pujaripara 123 Chhotebanjoda 406 38% 11 Garathidih 12 Halbapara 124 Chhotebhirawand 403 253 13 Mundapara 14 Birnpara 15 Pharsadih 125 Chhoteghodsara 373 t66 95 Bitalkholi 115 334 ]26 Chhotekoder 479 27 96 Bokrabeda 165 457 127 Chhote Kurusnar 497 152 97 Bolbola 414 13 128 Chhoteodagaon 159 337 98 Borgaon 44 442 129 Chhote Usri 467 300 1 Pate/para 2 Dihipara 1 Patelpara 3 Dandkaranya Camp 130 Chichadi 90 99 99 Borgaoo 236 N.A. 100 Borgaoo 454 455 131 Chichadi 168 308 132 Chichdongri 394 70 Botha 216 169 101 1 Bhattipara 2 Majhipara 102 Botha (Kariakata) 458 170 103 Botikanera 455 477 133 ChichpoJang 419 171 1 Temrapadar 134 Chikhalputi 412 310 104 Budra 41 461 135 Chilputi 355 456. 105 Bunagaoo 365 234 J Junapara 2 Daodibeda 3 Deodongar 106 Budra 281 262 Chimdi 363 463 107 Buikijunmar 135 149 136 137 Chhindli 150 397 C 138 Chhindli 297 317 139 Chhiodlibeda 166 54 108 Cha!ka 387 335 140 Chingnar 291 114 1 Ma;hipara 2 Nayapara 109 Chandabeda 284 271 141 Chipawand 372 367 110 Chandabelgaon 250 236 1 Depopara 142 Chiprel 7 93 III Chandagaon 243 279 1 Pate/para 2 Naharpara 112 Chager 498 N.A. 143 Chiyanar 333 182 113 Chaniyagaon 141 257 144 Chotemalgaon 42 345 Chaodang 273 114 364 145 Chhoterajpur 137' 467 I Thallagudipara 146 Chhote Salna 313 437 115 Charbhata 136 24 147 Chhote Sohga 391 254 116 Chargaon 428 N.A. 148 Churegaon 118 47 117 Charkai 270 323 149 Churegaon 267 84 1 Nawapara 118 Chhatodi 433 292 D 119 Chema 460 178 1 Bhelwapadar 2 Bandapara 150 Dadargarh 17 155 300


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.~o. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Nitme of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

151 Dadbiya 349 377 179 Garawandi 98 458 152 Dandwan 301 428 1 Kumharpara 2 Ravatpara 153 Daode 130 239 3 Thotipara 154 Deodongar 189 29 155 DeogaoD 142 121 180 Gare 244 56 156 Deoharduli 229 480 157 Deokhargaon 376 41 181 Garhsiliyara 24 154 158 Deurchal 352/2 N.A. 182 Ga~tipalna 203 2(}7 Dhamanpuri 159 127 440 1 Pakhnadihipara 2 Nuroopara _ 160 Dhanora 110 412 1 Supbeda 2 Dhurwapara 183 Gawadi 164 464 184 Garhdhanora 35 172 3 Ach/abeda 4 Bengapara 185 Ghodagaon 484 438 186 Ghodajhar 20 319 161 Dhansuli 423 66 187 Girgoli 79 48 162 Dharli 246 246 188 Girola 350 387 1 Actaguda 1 Jadipara 2 Bedapara 163 Dhikonga (Dahikonga) 452 369 3 Bandapadar 4 Pachkodibhata I Dongripara 2 Bhajhipara 189 Godhantarai 491 N.A. 3 Miripara 4 Thanapara 190 Godma 258 231 164 Dhondara 171 339 165 Dhondirapal 2 408 166 IJignar 310 N.A. 191 Gohda 290 83 167 Dongrigunda 378 4 192 Golawand 472 22 I Pandripakhana 2 Kidaichhepda 1 Thanagudipara 2 Gandapara 3 Salphipadar 4 Giralpadar 3 Panarapara 4 Patel Dangripara 168 Dundabedma 125 72 5 Kalarpara 169 Dudhgaon 398 321 193 Gorgaon 30 365 Chikladih E 1 194 Govindpur 18 40 170 EragaoD 102 3 195 Guhaborand 195 401 1 Gondpara 2 Kalarpara 196 Gulbha 381 291 197 Gumdi 299 403 Nawapara F 1 198 Gumdi 338 N.A. 171 Farasgaon (Murnar) 10 423 172 Farasgaon 193 386 H 1 Nayapara 2 Dandkaranya Camp 199 Hadc1i 493 186 173 Farasgaon (Kasai) 219 36 200 Hadigaon 282 474 174 Farasgaon 383 250 201 Hadkali 502 2 175 FukagiroJa 337 37 176 Funder 132 324 I Thanguriipara 2 Magiupara 202 Halda 139 82 G 203 Halia 77 105 204 Handapal 510 227 177 Gadad 114 338 205 Hangwa 446 409 178 Gambhari 173 361 206 Harwakodo 175 124 301


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 19~1

2 13 4 1 2 3 4

207 Harwel 1 200 235 Jodega 503 44 208 Hasalnar 506 202 236 Jogi Alwad 427 213 1 Bedapara 2 Kudurpara 237 Jondhra 273 468 209 Hasel 499 55 238 Juganikaiar 285 234 210 Hatchapai 174 107 1 Limhupadar 2 Dandkaranya Camp 211 Hatma 26 356 239 Jungdai 204 26~ 1 Bannupara 2 Thanagudipara 3 Semrapara K 212 Hichka 86 251 213 Hirapur 289 181 240 Kabonga 334 261 1 Farsapadar 2 Nayapara 1 Gudla 214 Hirawandi 305 7 241 Kachora 442 486 215 Hirlabhat 370 111 242 Kadenar 492 368 216 Hirri 260 466 1 Patelpara 217 Honawandi 65 26 243 Kakadgaon 465 N.A. 218 Honhed 22 333 244 Kalapal 140 39 219 Rudawa 75 N.A. 245 Kalgaon 82 363 220 Hukkabeda Pathri 293 110 1 Nayapara 246 Kalgaoll (KaJepal) 162 134 247 Kamela 439 435 I 1 Malgujarpara 2 Patelpara 248 Kanagaon 147 278 221 Indagaon 343 389 1 Patelpara 2 Sonsalpara 222 Ingra 272 141 249 Kanga 486 347 1 lirakasa Kosrapadar 2 Pate/para 223 Isalnar 429 318 1 250 Kanhargaon 192 10 J 251 Kotawand 401 158 252 Karagaon 311 209 224 Jaitpuri 341 491 253 Karanji 424 198 1 Mohandpara 2 Sadakpora Mungapadar 2 Malgujarpara 225 Jamgaon 143 384 1 487 226 Jamgaon 45 385 254 Karanpur 305 2 Matapadar 227 Jarandi 89 235 1 Bawanpador 3 Nawapadar 1 Dharmoopara Karmari 104 17 228 Jarandi 245· 221 255 1 Kalibeda 256 Karmari 190 5 229 Jarebendri 415 404 257 Karmari 303 97 230 Jadkonga 271 62 258 Karrarmeta 131 20 231 Jhakri 264 211 1 Khutapara 2 Armeta 232 Jhara 468 164 259 Karathi Alwad 366 187 233 Joba 466 357 260 Katagaon 280 445 1 Thanagudipara 2 Nayapara 261 Kawagaon 108 446 3 Kakdapara 4 Kotwarpara 5 Dangrigudapara 6 ,"\Iundipara' 262 Kawra 314 400 7 Usripara 8 Karjipara 263 Kaundkera 48 16 234 lodekera 181 157 1 Kalarpara 2 Nakapara 302


Location Location Serial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name. of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

264 Keoti 354 87 286 KohIakote 308 150 311 265 Kejang 435 287 Kohkameta 37 353 266 Kerawahi 324 485 1 Patelpara 2 Thetwarpara I Usribadepara 2 Kidgipara 3 Bhogadpara 4 Pujaripara 288 Kokoda Junganar 184 5 Bedapara 289 Kokodi 230 473 267 Keshkal 36 74 290 Kokodi 345 218 Gondpara T Hatiyapara 2 291 Kokodi 413 232 3 Dhodrapara 4 Bichpara 1 Kalarpara 2 Tedkapara 268 Khachgaon 475 370 3 Chhatrapara 1 Pate/para 2 Kundarpara 3 Rengsipara 292 Kolanga 233 N.A. 269 Khadpadi 521 30 293 KoIam 509 220 270 Khajrawand 83 243 294 Kondabeda 227 113 271 Khalari 19 444 295 Kondagaon 382 50 I Thakurpara 2 Gayantapara 1 Adakachhepda 3 Tendupara 2 Chhotejamkotpara 272 KbaIeBendi 92 65 3 Badejamkotpara 4 Hatpara 273 Kbale Chandeli 34 N.A. 5 Kondagaon 6 Jondharapadar 274 KhaIe Murwend 6 242 7 Kumharpara 8 Dumarebeda 1 Kutapara 2 Patwaripara 9 Kidmadbeda 10 Jogipara 3 Nayapara 4 Dandkaranyapara 11 Sandodarpara 12 Tahsilpara 275 Khandam 461 42 13 Khutdobarapara 14 Dongripara 276 Khandsara 257 432 15 Bandhapara 16. Bhelwapadar 277 Khetarpal 144 57 17 Kopabeda 18 Sargipalpara 1 Palorapara 19 Nadipara 278 ~hodsanar 489 373 296 Kondapakhana 176 167 279 Khudi 211 452 297 Kongera 64 283 280 Kibai Balenga 348 326 298 Kongud 183 327 1 Daspara 2 Schoolpara 299 Kongera 405 77 3 Gangamundapara 300 Kopra 153 413 4 Balenga 5 Jhagdainpara 1 Mundapara 281 Kibda 116 94 301 Korai 265 45 1 Kotipara 2 Bijupara 302 Korgaon 63 197 303 Korgaon 158 147 282 Kodagaon 358 360 304 Korahbeda 54 490 283 Kodobbat 46 79 305 Korhobeda 411 104 284 Kotpad 242 35 306 Korkoti 88 106 285 Kohkadi 453 270 307 Kormel 522 427 303



Location Location Serial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 A

308 Karandi 344 135 334 Lihagaon 85 488 1 Baghipara 1 Uparpara 2 Bedgapara 309 Karra Badgaon 202 465 3 Dihipara 1 Patelpara 335 Lubha 234 96 310 Kosagaon 330 383 I Lakhmapara M 311 Kosaharduli 206 376 336 Machhli 55 34 337 Madagaon 226 264 312 Kasmi 274 13 338 Madagaon 417 344 313 Kotbel 194 38 339 Madanar 434 330 314 Kottody 67 143 340 Madanar 441 405 315 Kudadwahi 11 173 316 Kudhur 524 410 341 Madgaon 28 151 1 Pate/para 2 Chikhlapara 342 Madkada 241 471 3 Dharmabeda 4 Dongripara 343 Makdi 481 165 317 Kuey 49 331 344 Madoda 488 43 86 318 Kukadadaha 5 345 Madoki Khargaon 161 447 319 Kukad Garkapa1 438' 125 1 Khargaon 2 Madokidih 1 Na;yapara 2 Garkapal 346 Mageda 191 224 3 Maripal 1 Harrapara 320 Kulnar 223 N.A. 321 Kuldadihi 155 277 347 Majhicherra 62 287 348 Mahurbeda 9 269 349 Mainpur 72 247 322 Kolhadgaon 268 294· 350 Mainpur 306 137 1 Nayapara 2 SadakPara 3 Bhumkapadar Makdi 255 450 323 Kuljhar 400 73 351 324 Kumharbadgaon 323 53 352 Mlllakot 346 189 1 Koyapara 1 Bhandharas 2 Nayapara 4 Budakassa 325 Kumud 33 372 3 Pardhipadar 6 Bedapara 326 Kupagondi 12 460 5 Kumurnar 327 Kurlubahai 283 64 353 Malam 519 N.N 328 Kurrubhat 47 312 354 Malgaon 368 431 329 Kusma 431 205 I Budrapara 2 Bhattipara 3 'KlImharipara 4 Siwnabhata

L 355 Mangwal 520 N.A. 356 Manjhi Athgaon 169 102 330 Labha 288 145 1 Malgujharpara 2 Chhotedihipara 357 Majhiborand 300 348 331 Lakhanpuri 399 N.A. 1 Dongripara 2 Badbattar 332 Lakhapuri 476 381 3 Toyabeda 1 Thanagudipara 358 Manikpur 39 303 333 Lanjoda 318 375 359 Margaon 319 115 1 Bhelwanbhata 2 Miripara 3 Salphipadar 4 PUjaripara I Kalarpara 2 Jogipara 5 Patelpara 6 DGJldkaranya Camp 360 Marangpuri 95 48 304


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

N ~61 Mardapal 490 411 1 Gudapadar 2 Dhelapadar 3 Utalikonta 4 Nawapara 384 Nagri 447 9 5 Kusmapara 385 Nalajhar 228 379 N.A. 362 Markapal 507 386 Nahaknar 470 301 Masora 359 12 363 1 Nayapara 1 Chhinddondipara 2 Hirlabhat 387 Nariha 416 355 3 Budrapara 4 Beltipadar 1 Loharpara 5 lamkote Kumharpara Narna 94 217 6 Sandodarpara 388 364 Masukokoda 149 32 389 Navkabeda • 170 193 390 Nawagaon 482 258 I Bhaudih 2 Patelpara 3 DlIwarupara 4 Deotapara I Patelpara 2 Kalarpara 365 Matenga 4 343 366 Matwal 511 489 391 Nawagarh 160 449 1 Patelpara 2 Baniyapara Nawapara 3 Mundipadar 1 392 Nayanar 167 316 367 Mayudongar 463 N.A. 393 Nalajhar 52 25 368 ~erpal 495 N.A. 394 Neota: 367 322 369 Midendey 32 419 395 Net 225 256 396 Newra 361 '399 370 Mirminda 231 238 397 Nilji 389 272 398 Nirachhindlhi 76 219 248 148 371 Misri 399 Nugali 402 320 372 Mode 199 46 373 Modebedma 186 168 0 374 Modenga 317 328 375 Mohlai 269 183 400 Odargaon 430/2 N.A. 1 Belbhata 376 Mohlai 448 N.A. 401 Ondri 97 176 483 N.A. 377 Mohlai 402 Ondri 253 398 I Thanagudipara 2 Mohachepara 403 Otenda 198 203 3 Kumharpara 1 Kapena 2 Bharrapara 378 Mohpal 298 159 3 Dongripara 379 Mulmula 360 484 Sadakdara 2 Pikadbhata P 3 Lomdipara 4 Dhanpurpara 5 Mudatikra 404 Padde 91 6 380 Mulnar 471 33 405 Padeli 485 255 1 Letipara 4(;6 Padnar 512 297 I Litipara 2 Kahrupara 381 Mungapadar 477 296 3 Fandipara I Ma/l/ipara 2 Thanagudipara 407 Padoki 124 226 3 Mahuwapara 4 Pandepadar 408 Paisra 218 76 382 Mungwal 420 122 I Halbapara 383 Mulnar 480 439 409 Pala 310 28 1 Thanaglldipara 2 Matagudipara I Nayapara 305


Location Location Serial Code ~o. S. No. Serial " Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 195}

2 3 4 2 3 4

410 Palari 377 98 431 Pitechunwa 25 212 1 Asogapadar 2 Dhakadpara 1 Ampllrdih 2 KaJarpara 3 Nanipara 4 Dongripara 432 Pahmar 508 411 PalIi 332 391 228 433 Polang 462 454 1 Bhe/wa Padar 2 Kosamchhidi 1 Bijapadar 3 Muslitikra 4 Bhangapara 434 Paroda 5 Dungripara 6 Nayapara 523 80 435 Pusawand 7 Chhindpara 464 192 1 412 Palna 296 451 Pale/para 2 Nawaparo 413 Palora 145 71 436 Pungarpal 516 275 1 Bharripara 437 Puspa! 205 132 414 Pande Athgaon 220 286 438 Puspal 513 51 1 Kumhar Padarpara I Budlrupara 2 Pate/para 415 ParaH 151 210 3 DiJ:bondhllpara 416 Paroda 177 109 417 Parond 84 194 R 1 Kumharpara 2 Thanaglldipara 439 Radhna Pawada 418 Pasangi HiS 116 287 252 1 Kamdikore 440 Rajagaon 449 133 419 Patla 178 342 1 Madaipadar 1 Temmpaaar 420 Patoda 209 421 3 lI.1alapadar 1 Kumharpara 2 Nayapara 441 Rakasbeda 320 394 421 Pawda 187 N.A. 442 Rakasmeta 518 123 422 Palna 78 352 443 Ranapal 496 245 423 Pendrawand 38 199 1 Thanagudipara 2 Kusmapara 1 Vishvallathpara 1 Thanagudipara 444 Randha 29 174 424 PerlllapaI 443 lIB 445 Randhna 214 60 1 Nayapara 1 AmodijJara 2 Kumg(J()npara 425 Phadhanacherra 69 78 1 Pujaripara 446 Rao Beda 58 146 447 Rengagondi 450 426 Phuphgaon 238 206 . 91 1 C/ihotepadar 1 Locharpara 427 Phutanchandagaon 307 233 S 428 Pidapal 154 237 429 Pidhapa} 262 129 448 Sadudi 328 N.A. 1 Budra 449 Salebhat 3 95 430 Pipra 146 418 450 Salebhat 112 101 1 Dhogaipara 2 Khutapadar 3 Amodo 4 Cherbeda 451 Salna 66 325 5 Chhindadih 6 Nayapura 1 Schoofpara 2 /)umarpara 7 Pawopara 8 Chikhladih 3 Hatwarapara 4 Jhod(yapara 9 Taraibeda /0 Taraibeda CMlOre 5 Thengapari 11 Piprapara 12 Dhodgapara 452 Sambalpur 448 418 13 Jhorkiwohi 14 Bhllrkabeda 1 Amodipara 2 Pale/para 15 Vyaparipara 16 Godripara 3 Tltanagudipara 4 Sadakpara 17 Bahigaon 18 Farsadih 453 Sampur 325 19 Raobeda 20 414 Themli 454 Sandsa 222 21 Themlichhote 22 302 /)andkaranya Camp Sarbeda 23 Awrahhata 455 249 329 456 Sargipal 21 120 306


Location Location Serial, Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

457 Sargipal 51 285 483 Surdongar 27 436 458 Satgaon 335 280 1 Harrapadao 1 Hatiyapara 2 Sandtadpara T 3 Nalipadarpara 4 Sandpara 459 Sawala 106 470 484 Taragaon 221 81 1 Patelpara 2 Kolkipara 485 Taraibeda (Harwe) 138 15 460 Sawalwahi 128 196 486 Tareka 430/1 N.A. 487 Tatri (Paoda) 275 N.A. 461 Sendurmeta 15 267 488 Telga 408 453 462 Seonipal 81 144 489 Tekapal 514 260 463 Seoni 326 336 I Kapupara 2 Pate/para 464 Sidhawancl 53 117 490 Temrugaon 392 222 465 Sidhawand 351 180 I Nayapara 2 Thanagudipara 466 Sikagaon 123 225 467 SHati 134 142 491 Tenwasa tOO 21 468 Silati 357 11 492 Tedmuda 294 244 469 Singanpur 96 350 493 Themgaon 232 380 I Gulchapara 2 Mainapara 494 Timdi 87 177 3 Patelpara 4 Tatiraspara 495 Timenar 457 N.A. 261 N.A. 5 Garkapara 6 Nayapara 496 Titna ., 497 Titirwand 156 462 / Khaspara 498 Todam 409 215 470 Singanpur 356 241 499 Todasi 99 407 1 Pate/para 2 Chhuipara 471 Singarpuri 237 382 472 Sirpur 292 188 500 Torad 235 309 1 Alibeda 501 Torondi 316 393 473 Sirsikalar 329 422 1 Bagichapara 1 Hathipara 2 Thanagudipara 502 Torenga 321 195 474 Sitli 342 481 1 Dharlipara 475 Sodma 286 479 Toskapa1 111 N.A. 1 Balenga 503 1 Taraibedapara 476 Sodma 312 69 Totar 445 346 1 Khalepara 504 505 Toyapal 182 61 477 Sondsiwni 254 378 506 Turki 163 478 A78 Sonabal 451 374 507 Tumdiwal 517 88 I Bandhapara 2 Khutapara 1 Pate/para 2 Dhodrapara 3 Adkarapara 3 Dhosalpara 479 Sonabeda 185 175 508 Tumuskonadi 23 N.A. I Kalardolldapara 2 Tatipara 509 Tutari 68 430 480 Sohga 295 130 U 481 Sonpur 70 313 1 Sadakpara 2 Farsnadih 510 Udenga 252 90 482 Suk'Jrpal 456 434 511 Udidgaon 256 52 1 Jhanagudipara 2 Malgllzarpara 1 Maihapara 2 Durkipara 3 Bhajhitemru 3 Bhattipara 307


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. ' Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

512 Ulera 207 288 521 Urandabeda 213 179 513 Umaradah 8 161 522 Uridgaon 73 364 514 Umargaon 315 395 1 Sarna 523 Usri 478 216 515 Umargaon 371 249 516 Umargaon 385 332 Y 517 Umla 109 89 524 Yehkali (Ehkali) 501 59 518 Uperbeni 74 162 525 Yeradwal (Erandwal) 505 476 519 Uperchandeli 50 163 526 Yerla 339 119 520 Upermurvend 16 140 I Bhattipara 308


Workers Name Area L.c. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-.----"----, ,---A.--, ,_--A-l r-~ r-..A.~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 !s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

43j4 Kondagaon Tahsil (Rural) 924,448.0 32,824 93,738 4.091 64,774 10,734 56,565 32,530 186,745 93.007 4,165 66,022 1,792 52,576

1 Harwel 1,730.3 51 51 314 168 146 147 140 4 126 102 2 Dhondirapaj 1,644.1 29 29 166 75 91 74 91 3 1 51 58 3 Salebhat P. 2,079.1 51 51 388 203 185 4 174 178 4 122 119 4 Matenga 2,254.7 26 26 176 97 79 93 76 1 .. 74 56 5 Kukadadaha 2,729.8 12 12 64 34 30 30 25 1 2 22 17

6 Khalemurwend P. 2,713.6 64 64 402 198 204 1 1 178 173 14 126 13R 7 Chiprel 2,005.3 83 83 489 250 239 12 9 184 193 20 185 158 8 Umaradah 1,354.7 13 13 83 43 40 38 35 29 27 9 Mahurbeda 1,088.5 3 3 14 10 4 8 3 7 4 10 Farasgaon (Murnar) 1,563.3 24 24 154 75 79 66 69 10 47 54

11 Kudadwahi 1,769.0 11 11 77 43 34 43 34 1 27 22 12 Kupagondi 1,381.8 6 6 38 14 24 14 23 1 14 14 13 Kosmi 607.3 100 100 511 263 248 6 4 206 192 8 146 143 14 Amaguhan (F.V.) 269.3 26 26 143 72 71 60 60 48 42 15 Sendurmeta 1,065.0 6 6 30 17 13 17 13 6 7

16 Upermurvend 2,815.4 23 23 127 66 61 61 55 55 38 17 Dadargarh 1.,190.9 13 13 73 39 34 .. 37 29 25 23 18 Govindpur (F.V.) 497.0 42 42 243 113 130 I 1 105 121 6 1 76 74 19 Khalari P. 1,941.8 151 151 811 396 415 42 40 249 252 . 51 6 212 234 20 Ghodajhar 1,8820 7 7 35 17 18 14 15 14 13

21 Sargipal 509.2 32 32 190 95 95 2 3 83 76 13 57 54 22 Honhed 1,725.5 21 22 115 50 65 3 4 42 54 3 36 36 23 Tumuskonadi 661.5 .. .. ., Uninhabited . , .. 24 Garhsijiyara 1,160.7 6 6 35 19 16 19 16 15 12 25 Pitechunwa 1,018.6 78 78 421 220 201 7 4 152 148 12 2 121 122

26 Hatma P. 1,578.9 105 105 615 313 302 13 18 279 276 18 3 178 171 27 Surdongar 1,710.7 120 120 489 243 246 12 16 162 168 67 6 145 142 28 Madgaon 1,061.2 7 7 40 23 17 23 17 .. 13 12 29 Randha 1,152.3 13 13 55 28 27 . . . . 23 24 1 .. 18 18 30 Gorgaon 1,266.5 96 96 538 248 290 13 11 138 171 24 3 164 173

31 Bisrampur P,M,Po. 8,075.9 684 6863,5561,815 1,741 74 77 1,2011,290 181 15 1,076 1,059 32 Midendey 1,382.0 8 8 25 13 12 12 11 11 10 33 Kumud 894.7 4 4 24 9 15 9 15 7 8 34 Khalechandeli 1,229.3 3 3 22 8 14 8 14 .. 5 7 3S Garhdhanora 2,972.5 15 15 90 46 44 46 44 1 25 32

36 Keshkal P,M,D,MP(A), 1,179.6 342 342 1,488 765 723 28 29 232 232 269 86 470 312 Po,To. 37 Kohkamera P. 1,078.3 71 72 450 231 219 4 9 132 115 47 4 127 129 38 Pendrawand 1,299.4 82 82 523 270 253 216 197 28 2 141 150 39 Manikpur 363.4 39 39 227 111 116 2 2 104 102 15 1 63 59 40 Badhagaon 2,410.1 55 55 304 158 146 5 5 111 105 27 1 95 93

41 Budra 5,829.3 37 37 255 134 121 .. 117 99 3 82 74 42 Chhotemalgaon 580.8 54 54 308 143 165 23 31 109 117 21 88 101 43 Bhandarpa1 1,660.0 10 10 72 42 30 .. 42 30 .. .. 22 15 44 Borgaon 819.4 192 194 848 441 407 1 1 110 114 188 52 162 138 45 Jamgaon 960.4 90 90 412 193 219 1 2 103 113 28 134 144

46 Kodobhat 497.3 50 50 258 121 137 2 113 125 6 1 77 90 47 Kurrubhat 928.4 38 38 255 129 126 .. 123 125 17 3 86 86 48 Kaundkera P. 1,485.0 132 132 762 379 383 33 34 102 96 40 2 254 227 49 Kuey 1,039.6 4 4 19 9 10 9 10 6 7 50 lIper Chandeli 1,302.1 9 9 64 32 32 32 32 19 19 309 KONDAGAON TAHSIL

K E RS Non- W 0 R Workers V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. I II III IV No. r--..A..-....., r---A.-, ,---A..---., ,---A..---., ,-....A.._-, -~ ,---A_~ ,-~ ,.---J'---, ,....---"----., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 174 173 569 138 1,696 37,173 43/4 45,304 5,346 936 2,229 35 208 1 505 40,431 43,181 5,885 671 2,030 60 42 44 1 99 78 16 16 10 8 1 24 33 2 1 48 54 1 4 6 81 66 3 96 91 20 28 .. 23 23 4 53 48 16 5 5 3 1 12 13 5 19 14 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 72 66 6 90 108 27 27 1 3 1 65 81 7 148 7 5 2 5 5 170 2 14 13 8 24 23 3 2 2 3 9 7 4 .. 28 25 lO 43 46 3 7 1 1 16 12 11 24 20 3 2 10 12 12 13 2 .. 1 3 117 105 13 112 107 20 24 .. 11 12 24 29 14 38 35 9 7 1 11 6 15 6 6 1 11 23 16 47 31 6 5 2 2 14 11 17 20 15 3 4 2 2 2 1 37 56 18 1 1 57 56 11 14 6 3 8 1 184 181 19 180 205 21 22 2 7 3 5 20 11 10 1 3 2 38 41 21 44 3 2 .. .. 6 8 48 .0 00 ., 1 14 29 22 3 1 31 33 1 1 1 .. Uninhabited ...... 23 .. .. 4 4 24 14 10 1 2 . 1 99 79 25 92 114 4 3 23 2 4 2 135 131 26 13 2 ...... 145 146 12 10 19 I 1 12 5 1 41 27 98 104 27 64 75 13 22 9 7 4 5 10 5 28 12 8 1 4 10 9 29 13 14 4 3 1 I ., 1 84 117 30 139 146 17 16 5 2 2 9 9 2 6 739 682 31 948 923 55 69 7 16 4S 49 4 2 2 32 7 9 4 1 2 7 33 7 8 .. 3 7 34 5 7 .. 21 12 35 19 22 6 9 1 2 .. 124 10 23 58 21 295 411 36 142 133 78 117 12 7 31 23 2 104 90 37 100 100 20 26 4 1 129 103 38 128 140 10 10 3 .. 48 57 39 58 53 4 4 1 2 1 63 53 40 92 90 2 3 52 47 41 76 6S 4 7 2 2 55 64 42 69 76 10 16 2 7 9 20 15 43 2 .. ., 20 14 1 .. 1 1 28 4 56 61 279 269 44 45 42 16 19 5 6 II 5 3 2 59 75 45 91 101 36 35 1 2 3 4 44 47 46 60 74 16 16 43 '40 47 80 84 6 2 .. t 6 125 156 48 140 127 37 13 61 81 10 6 1 3 3 49 5 6 1 'c,. 13 13 50 10 15 5 4 4 310


Workers Area Literate ,.----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---"------, ~----, ~----, ,.---A--, ~ P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Sargipal 624.5 16 16 83 42 41 42 41 2 28 33 52 Nalajhar F.V. 1,286.9 17 17 93 44 49 44 49 28 26 53 Sidhawand 1,297.1 40 40 283 137 146 135 142 21 3 88 94 54 Korahbeda 1,230.8 116 116 602 281 321 204 255 25 170 181 55 Machhli 802.7 35 35 173 87 86 85 84 2 53 48

56 Cherbeda 2,549.5 16 16 89 50 39 49 36 35 26 57 Bedmamasi 2,453.1 16 16 100 52 48 51 48 2 35 27 58 Raobeda 1,989.0 14 14 69 37 32 34 32 25 21 59 Baonimari 1,961.3 7 7 ,40 16 24 .. 13 19 .. 11 14 60 Batrali 1,325.5 62 62 333 168 165 3 2 151 148 9 119 112

61 Bayalpur 698.2 30 30 169 80 89 .. 78 88 10 44 53 62 Majhicherra 512.8 50 50 330 161 169 4 9 143 147 21 102 102 63 Korgaon 5,373.4 197 197 973 470 503 38 4i 292 302 41 3 284 322 64 Kongera 1,355.1 58 58 335 163 172 147 153 12 103 106 65 Honawandi 1,288.4 52 52 362 180 182 174 165 23 116 120

66 Salna P. 1,604.9 212 212 1, 110 538 572 19 26 195 204 82 5 306 349 67 Kottody 1,169.8 6 6 36 20 16 20 16 10 8 68 Tutari 2,723.0 14 14 91 43 48 39 39 43 40 29 33 69 Phadhancherra 741.3 37 37 207 100 107 30 34 70 72 14 1 63 66 70 Son pur 2,283.3 63 63 324 162 162 6 6 143 140 1 95 96

71 Baijanpuri 586:8 41 41 193 100 93 2 3 96 87 58 57 72 Mainpur 554.3 45 47 286 141 145 122 130 6 87 92 73 Uridgaon 1,991.2 88 88 536 256 280 2 3 243 256 40 7 155 172 74 Uperbendi 855.7 8 8 53 30 23 30 23 18 15 75 Hudawa 557.2 Uninhabited

7Q Nirachhidli 1,850.6 91 91 520 255 265 213 210 26 161 184 77 Halia 1,076.3 14 14 85 41 44 41 44 6 .. 20 24 78 Palna 964.3 90 94 514 260 254 7 7 67 62 53 6 152 165 79 Girgoli 1,590.7 10 10 48 ,25 23 24 22 15 16 80 Adenga P,M,S,Po. 4,949.5 392 393 2,082 990 1,092 36 51 657 700 136 7 605 690

81 Seonipal 729.5 42 42 249 127 122 115 113 75 69 82 Kalgaon 1,478.3 60 60 349 176 173 158 156 103 90 83 Khajrawand 1,846.0 95 98 569 292 217 19 17 212 200 39 170 179 84 Parond P. 1,902.3 125 127 637 313 324 7 4 212 219 12 195 198 85 Lihagaon P. 2,931.5 199 199 1,138 547 591 17 17 401 414 77 7 367 342

86 Hicblta 1,566.6 31 31 196 89 107 5 8 77 93 3 55 52 87 Timdi 2,168.1 34 34 212 106 106 11 12 95 94 1 .. 58 56 88 Korkoti 1,312.8 .53 53 323 163 160 125 114 30 2 96 105 89 Jarandi 705.0 33 33 159 87 72 3 2 64 54 4 55 54 90 Chichadi 931.2 72 74 508 242 266 27 29 186 213 39 3 151 160

91 Padde 1,680.6 27 27 149 99 50 63 32 8 57 28 92 Khalebendi 1,676.5 17 17 102 55 47 55 47 5 33 25 93 Anori 4,067.7 94 94 524 249 275 208 229 12 176 165 94 Narna 772.4 21 21 187 95 92 95 92 4 .. 66 59 95 Marangpuri P. 1,271.0 174 182 971 474 497 270 277 96 7 292 310

96 Singanpur P,Po. 4,363.9 290 290 1,593 791 802 42 42 521 571 119 18 484 493 97 Ondri 405.0 31 31 198 96 102 6 5 88 96 11 2 59 55 98 Garawandi 2,293.9 59 59 342 177 165 132 140 11 101 88 99 Todasi 2,155.0 71 71 474 262 212 25 27 111 110 11 140 133 100 Tenwasa P. 2,973.7 111 112 604 276 328 2 3 231 265 9 2 173 176 311


W 0 R K E R S Non- _, Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ~---, r--"-----, r--"-----, r--"-----, r--"---. r----"--1 r----"--1 ,.--A----.., r--"-----, ,..--...A.----, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

27 32 1 14 8 51 26 24 2 2 .. 16 23 52 75 62 13 30 2 .. .. 49 52 53 150 165 8 6 .. 7 8 3 2 2 111 140 54 51 45 2 2 1 34 38 55

33 23 1 3 1 15 13 56 32 25 1 2 2 17 21 57 22 17 1 .. 3 3 12 11 58 9 14 2 5 10 S9 97 88 21 21 1 3 49 53 60

40 51 3 1 .. 1 36 36 61 86 92 10 ·6 2 1 4 3 .. .. 59 67 62 249 266 27 28 6 28 1 1 .. 186 181 63 85 93 12 6 6 7 60 66 64 107 110 7 8 2· 2 64 62 65

274 293 13 44 11 11 4 4 .. 232 223 66 10 8 .. 10 8 67 25 27 2 6 1 1 14 15 68 30 40 11 8 4 1 18 17 37 41 69 87 89 5 5 3 2 67 66 70

47 46 8 4 7 3 .. 42 36 71 80 81 2 3 1 4 8 54 53, 72 140 155 12 12 .. 3 5 .. 101 108 73 16 14 1 1 1 12 8 74 Uninhabited .. 75

112 115 34 37 6 26 9 6 94 81 76 20 24 21 20 77 133 148 18 16 1 1 .. 108 89 78 10 10 5 6 10 7 79 433 487 137 148 6 8 22 41 4 6 3 385 402 80

61 60 9 5 2 3 3 52 53 81 98 86 2 2 3 2 .. 73 83 82 162 166 1 1 .. 6 12 1 .. 122 98 83 152 157 3 10 4 3 31 27 4 1 1 .. Il8 126 84 342 317 9 9 1 11 16 1 3 .. 180 249 85

47 46 1 5 1 .. 4 1 2 34 55 86 43 47 1 3 2 1 12 5 48 50 87 82 92 5 3 4 11 4 67 55 88 45 40 8 11 3 1 1 32 18 89 132 138 7 12 12 10 91 106 90

54 27 3 1 .. .. 42 22 91 31 22 1 2 1 1 .. " 22 22 92 139 136 14 12 20 14 2 I 2 1 73 110 93 54 45 10 9 2 5 .. 29 33 94 277 290 12 20 2 1 .. 182 187 95

354 285 78 148 8 22 29 26 6 5 8 7 307 309 96 41 33 16 20 2 2 " 37 47 97 90 75 8 9 1 2 2 2 76 77 98 122 107 3 18 5 3 10 5 122 79 99 150 163 18 8 4 5 1 ,. 103 152 100 312


Workers Area Literate L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,---'- ,---A..---, ,.--A-., ~ ,..-----A---, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11

101 Amgaon 1,369.8 94 96 545 283 282 179 186 30 .. 150 172 102 Eragaon P. 2,615.6 86 86 594 328 266 2 2 152 139 41 4 205 III 103 BadekhapJi P. 1,841.2 49 49 309 161 148 7 7 80 85 23 94 71 104 Karmari 997.9 32 32 178 91 87 .. 87 86 1 58 35 105 Badwar 1,777.3 56 58 318 144 174 1 121 125 18 94 90

106 Sawala 3,138.3 71 71 436 222 214 195 lR6 16 169 148 107 Baderajpur P. 6,674.0 194 194 1,069 540 529 38 36 364 356 58 10 315 298 108 Kawagaon 954.0 33 33 204 115 89 12 14 86 63 1 73 53 109 Umla 934.6 14 14 95 54 41 " 54 41 7 33 22 110 Dhanora P,M,Po. 3,314.6 194 195 1,017 513 504 14 12 330 340 81 3 311 293

II J Toskapal 3,117.4 88 88 488 234 254 3 5 222 237 19 4 136 155 112 Salebhat 1,263.1 50 50 303 143 160 .. 138 152 14 82 80 113 Banskot P,M. 5,238.6 336 3471,982 951 1.031 15 15 602 640 224 23 528 550 114 Gadad 934.6 13 13 81 36 45 29 42 5 25 25 115 Bitalkholi 1,223.2 17 17 141 71 70 60 59 10 44 37

116 Kibda P. 1,846,4 77 77 430 202 228 2 163 208 21 3 125 139 117 Balenga 6,428.8 167 168 928 449 479 .. 398 432 46 5 266 285 118 Churegaon 1,051.4 42 42 266 131 135 13 20 102 105 1 78 74 JI9 Belgaon 2,433.4 34 34 158 82 76 .. ., 63 64 11 1 53 45 120 Baniyagaon 954.3 43 43 242 124 118 17 16 64 62 14 2 82 78

121 Arandi P. 5,087.5 258 258 1,342 660 682 26 28 386 405 127 18 396 440 122 Bedma 1,392.3 68 68 352 176 176 12 13 152 145 32 100 103 123 Sikagaon P. 800.5 60 60 280 130 150 8 10 29 34 23 79 90 124 Padoki 1,026.1 45 45 245 128 117 13 9 88 85 9 2 65 65 125 Dundabedma 2,065.6 22 22 142 73 69 62 57 7 46 43

126 Adanbeda 723.8 25 25 134 73 61 17 18 49 37 11 10 47 42 127 Dhamanpuri 1,682.4 74 74 391 185 206 5 9 170 184 6 110 114 128 Saw:t)wahi 1.156.0 10 10 56 30 26 28 22 22 18 129 Binjhe 3.111.5 80 80 543 278 265 23 24 213 223 10 171 168 130 Daode 530.6 7 7 51 26 25 25 24 4 15 15

131 Karrarmeta 1.803,8 72 72 403 203 200 13 15 159 155 8 1 120 118 132 Fumier P. 2,287.0 88 88 586 311 275 14 19 180 193 63 8 180 141 133 Bhatgaon 1.264.9 49 49 297 149 148 128 121 4 92 87 134 Silati 2,440.3 25 25 129 70 59 39 25 4 46 29 135 Buikijunmar 1,297.7 26 26 165 91 74 59 66 59 28

136 Charbhata 1,017.4 41 41 239 115 124 1 3 108 115 11 66 70 137 Chhoterajpur P. 3,841.1 110 110 598 297 301 8 12 250 264 15 4 177 164 138 Taraibeda (Harwel) 2,682.8 108 109 628 307 321 280 294 4 193 176 139 Ha1da P. 562.7 33 33 176 96 80 50 51 1 60 52 140 Kalepal 954.5 24 24 149 80 69 60 63 1 46 44

141 Chaniyagaon 3,508.1 91 92 583 278 305 42 44 185 219 23 2 170 173 142 Deogaon P. 1,986.7 75 75 423 217 206 27 29 118 107 15 4 143 144 143 Jamgaon 1,018.3 34 34 193 100 93 8 11 53 53 10 74 64 144 Khetarpa1 P. 1,770.3 70 70 394 209 185 ') 5 150 158 19 4 118 III 145 Palora 1,216.4 45 45 272 144 128 97 85 6 86 84

146 Pipra P.M,Po. 16,708.4 647 6513,8091,9001,909 32 30 1,310 1,339 230 44 1,106 1.110 147 Kanagaon 2,475.4 28 28 198 100 98 86 87 68 51 148 Badeodagaon 939.0 42 42 242 123 119 - 43 40 25 29 14 3 71 78 149 Masukokoda 2,352.4 ISO 56 57 335 163 172 131 145 31 7 89 96 Chhindli P. 3,453.7 111 III 679 363 316 22 20 301 299 12 1 227 208 313


w 0 R K E R S· Non. -.A. Workers L.C. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. ,-_.A.._, ,.._.-A-----.. ,_.....____.., r--.A--., ,---A.-, ~ ,------A--., ,---,,-,..., ,---A..---, r--~ M F M F ·M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

145 163 3 6 2 2 113 110 101 176 93 19 13 4. 2 6 3 123 155 102 86 70 3 1 2 2 67 77 103 52 30 2 4 5 33 52 104 76 75 6 9 4 1 6 7 50 84 10~

1~4 136 3 4 12 8 " 53 66 106 251 245 40 40 " 12 13 1 1 225 231 107 64 47 2 1 I 6 5 42 36 108 33 22 " " " .. 21 19 109 240 234 40 34 6 '2 19 19 3 4 3 202 211 110

128 144 5 8 2 3 1 98 99 III 75 74 2 -, 2 4 3 2 '. 61 80 111 393 421 113 118 5 5 11 6 1 5 423 481 113 21 23 " 2 1 2 I 11 20 114 41 36 1 1 1 1 27 33 JlS,

109 124 8 9 7 6 1 77 89 116 233 250 19 23 12 12 2 183 194 117 70 70 4 4 4 53 61 118

50 43 " " 3 2 " 29 31 119 70 70 5 4 I 1 6 3 42 40 120

297 328 76 95 3 ., 17 17 3 264 242 121 80 79 I:! 19 2 2 4 3 .. 2 76 73 122 61 69 6 6 4 2 1 1 5 11 1 2 51 60 12l 55 57 7 5 3 3 63 52 124 44 38 1 5 1 27 26 12S

43 38 1 3 4 26 19 126 105 106 1 6 2 2 2 7S 92 127 20 16 2 2 ,. 8 8 128 143 154 6 6 8 3 13 5 107 97 129 15 15 11 10 130

96 88 15 20 6 6 3 4 ., 83 82 131 151 126 10 8 9 1 3 2 5 2 4 131 134 132 82 78 3 1 4 5 3 3 51 61 133 46 29 24 30 134 52 27 5 1 2 32 46 135

43 46 19 16 4 3 4 1 49 S4 136 138 129 11 13 .. 27 22 1 120 137 137 170 160 5 5 1 1 16 10 1 114 14S 138 53 46 3 3 4 3 36 28 139 43 43 3 1 34 25 140

154 164 1 6 3 9 5 .. 1 108 132 141 105 116 5 7 3 16 21 ]0 4 74 62 142 26 70 61 1 3 3 " 29 143 95 82 17 24 4 4 2 1 91 74 144 78 77 5 5 3 2 ,-, 58 44 145

861 820 154 216 24 17 39 50 15 2 13 5 ·794 799 146 50 38 9 7 1 1 8 5 32 47 147 46 52 11 13 5 2 9 7 3 1 52 4] 148 68 71 12 16 4 4 4 4 1 1 74 76 149 212 205 6 1 9 2 136 108 150 314

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Workers Literate ,------Total Wor- Name Area Scheduled Scheduled & Facilities in Occupied House- Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) L.C. of Houses holds Total population Castes ,..--A----. available acres r-~,.A_---.. r---...... -~ ~-----. No. Village ~---, M F M F P 'Nt F M F M F 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 37 33 HI 59 52 51 49 564. t 16 16 113 97 11 92 91 151 Parali 45 45 297 IS5 142 19 I'll g 281 292 Badagaon 716.2 483 24 24 390 400 81 152 p. 3,715.8 148 ISO 95~ 4'10 gl 56 52 153 Kopra 195 97 98 4 9 85 3 1,092.2 39 39 74 89 1 1 66 70 154 Pidapal 38 38 212 95 117 5 9 155 Kuldadibi 1,279.2 239 242 32 183 165 123 123 625 327 29il 1 184 193 Titirwand 5,449.5 313 3[8 32 27 242 259 45 156 1,771.4 95 98 631 . . 58 49 157 Banjoda 171 93 78 91 75 .. P. 960.6 jO 30 36 33 5 1 28 23 158 Korgaon 14 14 74 37 37 '.10 84 Chhote Odagaon 1,541.6 13 14 120 110 15 2 159 1,1257 51 51 30l 162 139 160 Nawagarh 261 33 3 21t 17& 99 658 323 335 2 3 267 5 MadokikhaTgaon P. 2,615.3 99 1 I 11 161 217.5 6 6 30 19 11 28 27 162 Kalgaot1 (Kalepal) 42 4\ 39 36 1,682.1 15 15 83 88 87 1 62 57 163 Turki 31 192 97 95 .. 128 2,277.0 31 39 45 117 127 6 U6 164 Gawadi 2,088.2 61 61 385 186 199 165 Bokrabeda 9,} 92 16 .' 86 79 45 267 \36 131 3 .. i,547.0 45 1 126 138 - 8 3 81 84 166 Chhind1ib~da 1,4138 49 49 275 131 144 1 1 96 87 Nayanar 173 147 130 J24 4 167 2,572.5 60 62 320 1 178 146 '168 Chichadi 279 256 14 19 228 ~24 7 2,092.2 97 99 535 115 128 88 72 169 Manjhi Athgaon 50 50 ?69 136 133 170 Navkabeda 1,693.9 128 136 105 104 1) 48 48 297 136 161 212 Dhondara 2,543 16 20 265 284 30 .' 223 171 3,842-7 120 121 745 385 360 2 221 2eg 172 BadbatUr 339 316 .. 227 224 36 P. 2,664.0 126 126 655 83 77 71 173 Gambhari 40 40 236 122 114 24 20 89 Hatchapai 1,51S.7 80 73 1 52 44 174 650.4 24 24 160 84 76 175 Harwakodo 18 1 17 17 10 [0 52 26 26 1 2 18 Kondapakhana- 712-3 57 13 13 37 39 6 36 32 176 1,469,.5 22 22 112 5S 26 177 Paroda 47 56 46 54 32 572.0 20 20 103 18 2 220 205 178 Patla 685 347 338 64 66 180 190 2.,565.6 125 130 30 37 2 S4 4S 179 Blnggaon 560.8 23 24 136 72 64 180 Badgaon S4 61 193 91 102 .. 88 98 6 P. 2,040.4 31 31 43 46 2 36 36 181 lodekera 576.4 18 18 108 52 56 6 4 :82 Toyapal 44 30 395 393 60 1 339 213 p, 5,120.1 161 174 1,037 537 500 154 [43 183 Kongud 482 250 232 38 37 209 190 3 2.,705.1 77 77 159 33 1 178 167 184 Kokoclajunganar 83 83 524 2.73 251 13 to 166 185 Sonabeda P. 1,799.2 90 88 90 2 52 45 564.3 29 29 180 90 90 186 Modebedma 152 .. 150 130 2 110 2,163.5 44 44 328 176 93 68 187 Pawda 55 284 140 ,144 14 22 50 39 15 1,421.6 53 83 6J 48 188 Pasangi 19 29 185 92 93 88 .- Deodong.ar 1,090.2 109 105 13 75 '16 [S9 464.4 35 35 249 125 124 190 Karmati 241 5 5 223 213 3 163 144 1,994.6 30 81 4<)8 257 60 48 191 Mageda 33 33 18.8 99 89 2 2 81 74 - . Kanhargaon 1,321.2 246 2.30 180 37 312 221 192 1,060.7 244 251 1,Q38 534 'i()4 30 19 193 Farasg~on P,M,D.Rhc,Po. 106 98 104 96 11 1 64 64 928.8 34 34 204 85 83 194 Kotbel 47 47 286 142 144 73 78 18 195 Guhaborand 1,387.5 192 188 5 130 120 2,952.7 74 74 402 201 201 " " 196 Bagbeda 51 57 ! 1 50 55 1 35 33 2%.9 16 17 108 188 183 197 Bhatwa 126 648 325 323 3 7 292 307 50 17 198 Otenga P. 3,103.3 126 1 73 45 1,677-5 52 52 255 133 122 85 100 199 Mode 442 228 214 14 16 180 179 15 1 135 129 200 Bhandarwandi 1,342.5 64 66 315


W 0 R K E R S Non· _, Workers II III IV V ',vI VII VIIT IX X L.c. No. r--"-----, ,..--A...... , r--__...... __~ .. -~~ ,..---A.----, ,--~~ r---A----., r--A.----, r---"-----. r----"--, M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

32 29 .. 1 I 4 3 22 19 151 72 74 8 7 2 1 10 9 63 51 152 249 268 12 6 4 3 14 15 2 189 191 153 52 46 1 2 1 1 2 3 41 46 154 63 67 2 2 1 1 29 47 155

164 151 8 8 '4 2 7 4 144 . 133 156 139 159 4 2 3 1 27 31 10 1 t29 125 .157 45 41 7 6 6 2 35 29 158 25 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 14 159 65 58 18 20 7 6 72 55 160

204 173 2 2 4 3 1 112 157 161 11 5 8 6 162 27 24 1 1 1 1 14 14 163 57 48 5 8 1 35 38 164 125 116 1 5 5 6 6 50 71 165

70 74 4 3 1 9 4 50 52 166 51 51 25 28 5 3 2 50 60 167 85 74 7 8 4 5 . , .. , , .. 77 60 168 144 127 16 14 2 1 q 4 7 2 101 110 169 86 72 1 1 48 61 170

7 ' 98 96 .. " 1 1 6 31 57 171 195 187 7 8 2 1 17 16 2 162 148 17,2 177 165 15 17 5 4 23 22 1 118 108 173 67 61 1 1 2 1 7 7 1 45 43 174 29 27 19 16 4 1 32 32 175

13 14 1 3 2 9 9 176 31 28 1 4 4 19 25 177 27 22 4 3 1 1 .. 15 30 178 180 165 12 21 6 22 19 127 133 179 49 42 5 3 18 19 180

43 50 6 7 2 1 2 3 37 41 181 30 31 .. 1 1 5 4 .. " 16 20 182 274 176 24 19 8 3 27 14 1 1 5 198 287 183 127 126 5 5 1 1 15 11 6 .. 96 89 184 95 157 149 5 8 7 8 2 2 " 5 2 84 185

43 42 2 .. 1 2 3 4 38 45 186 97 83 3 2 3 6 5 1 6l;i 62 187 67 49 14 9' .. S 10 4 47 76 188 56 43 1 1 4 4 .. 31 45 189 55 61 5 6 1 1 9 8 5 50 48 190

125 103 30 33 4 1 2 6 1 1 94 97 191 54 44 4 3 1 1 1 39 41 192 83 109 62 SO 7 1 17 9 3 3 H 2 3 123 50 222 283 193 61 61 1 1 2 2 42 34 194 69 64 11 11 2 3 3 5 57 61 195

115 109 1 2 2 11 8 1 71 81 196 30 28 2 5 2 1 16 24 197 163 153 17 24 4 3 4 3 137 140 198 64 39 6 2 1 2 2 2 60 77 199 123 120 2 4 8 7 93 85 200 316


Workers Name Area ,--~ LC. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. VilJag~ available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~ ,--A.--, ,.-.---A--...... r-...... -A....---. ,..----"------P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Bail 936.0 28 29 230 108 122 48 51 5 3 61. 73 202 Korrabadgaon 451.5 27 28 156 78 78 69 71 3 1 51 45 203 Gattipalna 1,225.5 70 75 351 181 170 8 3 165 155 4 118 99 204 Jungdai 335.5 10 10 80 44 36 3 18 16 205 Puspal 1,173.3 37 37 194 101 93 76 72 68 59

206 Kosaharduli 1,935.1 54 54 284 140 144 137 138 109 103 207 Ulera . 2,553.3 62 62 414 206 208 12 11 164 180 6 140 118 208 Barda 2,294.0 23 24 171 84 87 66 71 .. 54 39 209 Patoda I,Oll.9 49 49 282 144 138 106 110 7 1 91. 83 210 Barkai P. 2,074.7 123 124 731 352 379 80 81 161 162 42 9 224 225

211 Khudi 1,399.3 16 16 87 43 44 36 39 7 25 26 212 ArangulJa 545.6 25 25 143 66 77 2 1 53 69 42 47 213 Urandabeda 941.3 47 49 272 139 133 70 71 5 94 61 214 Randhna P. 2,225.3 86 86 497 233 264 18 17 176 200 32 10 139 138 ' 215 Badgai 3,244.8 32 34 195 90 105 74 96 2 59 49

216 Botha 400.1 20 20 129 68 61 63 52 7 43 . 35 217 Alore P. 5,375.0 210 211 1,351 675 676 70 73 550 562 44 10 392 385 218 Paisra 916.0 47 48 266 142 124 .. 127 109 14 89 76 219 Farasgaon (Kasai) 1,849.6 36 36 216 101 115 5 .4 88 96 .. 53 62 220 Paode athgaoo 1,620.6 86 86 431 216 215 141 143 9 133 120

221 Taragaon 1,037.-3 30 30 151 75 76 56 55 17 2 50 53 ~22 Sandsa 601.4 13 13 73 33 40 33 40 7 20 20 223 Kulanar 1,428.0 11 14 83 42 41 41 38 25 15 224 Amgaon 1,133.2 29 31 178 91 87 4 5 33 66 4 52 28 225 Net 528.8 17 18 112 55 57 41 49 36 27

226 Madagaon 392.0 24 26 164 79 85 54 49 12 44 45 227 Kondabeda 538.1 19 19 95 48 47 48 47 30 34 228 Nalajhar 1,286.9 34 34 195 104 91 3 2 87 75 9 53 44 229 Deoharduli 701.7 23 23 109 53 56 2 7 51 49 .. 34 29 230 Kokodi 2,046.5 43 45 269 131 138 108 128 2 94 78

231 Mirminda 716.0 37 37 180 92 88 54 43 2 58 52 232 Themgaon 2,037.0 53 53 318 157 161 154 155 G 2 109 94 233 Kolanga 1,064.6 .. Uninhabited 234 Lubha P. 1,388.2 64 65 390 196 194 ., 145 140 73 9 114 103 235 Torad P. 473.4 44 47 333 170 163 ·11 14 58 55 30 2 100 86

236 Borgaon F.V. 301 301 1,279 716 563 61 66 82 163 409 84 237 Singarpuri 1,434.5 53 53 260 130 130 61 67 14 2 81 69 238 Phuphgaon 1,740.5 88 88 517 257 260 24 21 142 146 12 1 162 134 239 Bhiranda 469.1 6 6 30 15 15 10 11 8 5 240 Bhiragaon 1,985.5 36 36 210 101 109 2 89 94 1 64 64

241 Madkada 1,254.2 19 19 138 63 75 58 71 .. 36 25 242 Kotpad 1,239.7 37 38 245 115 130 62 67 12 2 66 63 243 Chandagaon 1,555.9 53 53 291 154 137 146 130 97 84 244 G!)~e 3,251.5 42 43 261 128 133 125 125 5 87 87 245 Jarandi P. 2,602.5 94 94 529 273 256 8 230 224 32 6 152 111

246 Dharli P. 681.8 38 38 195 95 100 2 1 80 78 23 58 51 247 Bhongapal 2,161. 3 44 44 248 123 125 29 24 82 89 91 59 248 Misri 1,102.5 10 11 56 32 24 32 24 1 19 6 249 Sarbeda 156.0 6 6 32 17 15 17 15 2. 12 10 250 Chandabelgaon 303.1 8 8 40 20 20 2 19 18 2 12 31 317


W 0 R K E R S Non- .., Workers L.C • I II III IV V VJ\ VII VIII IX X No. ,----A..---., ,_.A.--., ~ .....-----'-~ ,...---A----.., ,.---.A--., ,...---A----.., ,----"----, ,---"--.. ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ~2 33 34 35 36 37

54 69 5 4 1 47 49 201 28 27 23 18 ...... 27 33 202 87 72 24 24 4 1 3 2 63 71 203 17 13 1 3 .. .. 26 20 204 65 54 1 2 1. 3 1 33 34 205

102 96 3 4 4 3 .. 31 41 206 124 110 .. 7 2 8 6 1 66 90 207 111 31 6 6 6 1 1 1 30 48 208 75 65 8 12 4 3 4 3 " 53 55 209 188 190 22 26 11 9 1 2 .. 128 154 210

25 26 18 18 211 38 42 1 2 3 3 24 30 212 79 49 15 12 " " .. 45 72 213 124 133 6 4 5 4 1 94 126 214 35 30 12 17 10 1 1 1 1 31 56 215

42 33 1 2 .. 25 26 216 341 348 16 21 4 3 24 13 7 283 291 217 80 68 9 5 .. 3 " 53 48 218 46 58 2 1 3 3 2 48 53 219 98 93 15 20 5 1 12 3 3 3 83 95 220

49 48 3 25 23 221 20 20 .. 13 20 222 22 14 2 1 .. 1 17 26 223 42 20 4 5 3 1 2 2 1 39 59 ··224 33 25 2 1 1 1 19 30 225

41 38 2 3 3 35 40 226 30 34 .. 18 13 227 40 29 12 14 1 1 51 47 228 31 24 2 4 1 1 19 27 229 81 72 1 7 1 5 5 37 60 230

50 50 1 2 6 34 36 231 105 92 4 2 48 67 232 ...... Uninhabited " . . 233 100 90 3 6 2 1 6 6 1 2 82 91 234 89 71 4 11 11 70 77 235

143 18 6 3 14 3 2 11 2 32 201 58 307 479 236 75 59 4 7 2 2 1 49 61 237 132 113 8 11 5 4 4 5 13 1 95 126 238 8 7 10 239 5 .. " . 58 54 3 1 7 2 2 1 37 45 240

34 23 .. 2 2 27 50 241 54 54 4 5 5 3 2 1 1 49 67 242 89 77 3 4 5 3 57 53 243 87 87 41 46 244 142 104 3 3 6 4 1 121 145 245

40 42 10 8 3 .. 4 37 49 246 69 46 7 3 2 2 13 8 32 66 247 16 5 2 1 1 13 18 248 11 10 1 5 5 249 8 10 2 2 3 8 7 250 318


Workers Name Area r---- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,.------.A._-., ,-__.A-.._ ..... ~-., ~ ,--A._, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Bhatgaon 1,462.6 25 25 139 67 72 2 1 63 70 1 49 40 252 Udenga 985.2 31 31 173 81 86 4 7 65 64 7 .. 57 55 253 Ondri 1,665.8 43 43 271 134 137 123 131 12 3 85 79 254 Sondsiwni 1,140.9 29 29 181 85 96 1 1 82 94 12 3 43 56 255 Makdi P,M,Mcw. 2,576.8 107 111 520 262 258 5 7 200 206 77 9 136 140

256 Udidgaon 1,718.0 58 58 318 169 149 2 3 66 54 31 4 96 79 257 Khandsara 1,845.1 23 24 154 86 68 78 67 1 47 27 258 Godma 1,688.3 56 56 370 186 184 8 11 150 153 2 113 103 259 Bhumka 1,152.3 74 74 451 239 212 2 2 143 133 30 3 135 89 260 Hirri P. 1,095.3 81 83 388 202 186 5 3 98 100- 42 3 114 96 261 Titna 859.9 Uninhabited ". 262 Pidhapal 1,668.5 70 70 390 182 208 .. 171 179 18 3 "108 115 263 Almer 915.0 28 28 194 104 90 9 6 88 76 63 44 264 Ihakri 1,521.9 32 32 204 104 100 101 93 68 57 265 Korai 1,012.2 29 29 169 85 84 5 1 44 42 2 53 49

266 Badedongar P,M,Po. 7,542.5 238 238 1,369 684 685 9 6 543 568 189 18 358 345 267 ChUlegaon 1,216.0 59 61 325 169 156 72 53 53 29 86 51 268 Kulhadgaon 1. 327.2 70 71 394 198 196 17 25 105 107 27 5 107 100 269 Mohlai 1,095.5 48 48 215 105 110 14 17 15 16 17 62 65 270 Charkai 1,615.3 46 46 300 148 152 138 147 1 1 100 86

271 ladkonga 800.6 32 32 190 94 96 85 86 4 .. 60 49 272 Ingra 1,825.2 52 52 285 140 145 95 96 15 5 85 45 273 Jondhra 600.0 13 14 81 37 44 31 30 3 20 25 274 Adwal 555.8 7 7 45 25 20 19 17 16 13 275 Tatri (Paoda) N.A. 6 6 34 17 17 17 17 11 9

276 Bhanpuri 2,248.5 123 125 668 300 368 14 13 183 233 42 7 193 212 277 Bhandarsiwni P. 1,603.3 207 207 1,194 589 605 76 81 390 412 36 6 322 315 278 Biola 1,712.0 34 34 217 III 106 103 93 .. .. 66 62 179 Balonda P. 3,299.6 126 126 760 385 375 5 8 301 314 32 9 233 229 280 Katagaon p, 3,108.4 78 79 436 220 216 3 1 192 184 11 2 119 126

281 Budra 2,441.3 49 54 301 152 149 91 96 10 96 102 282 Hadigaon 1,809.9 65 73 460 219 241 1 1 196 208 J 145 141 283 Kurlubahar 763.5 28 28 161 80 81 2 1 77 74- 2 38 46 284 Chandabeda 2,582.8 70 73 406 210 196 2 1 126 125 4 1 128 117 285 J uganikalar 1,523.8 117 117 573 297 276 11 13 93 91 77 11 175 86

286 Sodma 684.6 59 62 342 180 162 8 6 158 140 24 107 99 287 Radhna Pawada 963.5 12 12 72 39 33 33 28 4 26 22 288 Labha 784.2 31 36 161 81 80 81 76 19 .. 46 53 289 Hirapur P. 2,257.7 110 110 581 301 280 1 153 153 28 5 176 171 290 Gohda 678.4 14 14 83 44 39 9 11 30 25 6 27 22

291 Chingnar P. 3,594.9 55 5S 372 189 183 19 22 145 142 27 107 110 292 Sirpur 1,458.6 54 54 346 181 165 135 139 20 2 98 91 293 Hukkabeda Pathri 2,712.5 28 28 186 95 91 95 90 4 2 50 50 294 Tedmunda 753.3 25 25 152 78 74 57 57 4 41 45 295 Sohga 503.1 17 21 125 65 60 55 53 1 39 23

296 Palna 2,905.9 35 35 214 110 104 88 91 71 57 297 Chhindli 2,578.5 23 23 122 62 60 9 7 49 51 2 30 28 298 Mohpal 1,103.3 52 52 304 167 137 131 123 3 102 ' 85 299 Gumdi 1,032.3 28 28 172 83 89 7R 80 8 49 47 300 Manjhiborand 4,766.3 64 64 440 227 213 212 206 18 143 128 319 KONDAGAON TAHSIL

R R Non- w 0 K E S Workers VII VIII IX X L.C. II III IV V VI No. ,---'-----, ~ ,.---"----, ,..--..A..---, ,.-----"--_-, ,.---"--'1 ~ ~ ,.-----'-----.. ,.-----'-----.. M F M F M F M F M 'F M F M F M F M F M F 37 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 18 32 251 45 36 2 2 2 2 .. 252 55 53 2 1 1 30 31 82 76 1 49 58 253 3 2 42 40 254 40 53 2 2 1 1 2SS 100 114 14 9 3 11 17 1 5 2 .. 126 118

73 70 256 80 62 12 12 1 4 3 257 45 25 .. ·1 1 1 I 39 41 101 1 73 81 258 93 4 4 7 6 123 259 101 51 9 7 16 5 9 26 . , .. 104 96 86 11 5 1 1 3 2 2 3 88 90 260

Uninhabited' 261 100 105 2 3 5 5 1 2 74 93 2~2 57 43 4 2 1 41 46 263 61 52 2 1 4 5 36 43 264 44 44 9 5 32 35 265

297 289 15 37 7 3 12 5 4 23 11 326 340 266 77 45 2 2 4 4 2 1 83 105 267 99 92 4 4 3 3 1 1 9t 96 268 . 53 49 5 9 11 43 45 269 97 83 2 1 3 48 66 270

57 47 2 2 1 34 47 ·271 71 37 7 4 2 1 4 3 1 55 100 272 14 14 5 11 1 17 19 273 16 13 9 7 274 11 9 6 8 275

169 188 13 17 2 2 1 4 3 1 4 107 156 276 277 275 18 14 2 9 11 1 2 1 1 12 13 267 290 277 60 51 1 3 2 3 3 5 .. 45 44 278 207 204 15 13 3 3 7 8 1 1 152 146 279 100 103 ]0 17 7 6 2 .. 101 90 280

56 47 281 73 76 19 22 " 4 4 127 121 13 13 1 1 4 6 74 100 282 30 38 8 8 .. 42 35 283 95 83 23 27 10 7 82 79 284 128 74 40 12 7 122 190 285

101 98 4 1 2 73 63 286 25 19 1 3 .. 13 11 287 42 49 2 3 1 1 I 35 27 288 130 124 18 30 4 2 16 15 6 2 .. 125 109 289 22 19 4 3 1 17 17 290

83 90 8 3 5 3 9 14 2 82 73 291 94 88 4 2 1 83 74 292 47 46 3 4 45 41 293 40 45 1 37 29 294 27 14 10 9 2 26 37 295

66 50 4 6 39 47 296 27 23 3 5 ...... 32 32 297 86 66 7 11 4 1 5 4 3 65 52 298 49 47 .. " .. 34 42 299 138 121 2 3 2 4 1 84 85 300 320


Workers Name Area Literate ,_-- L.C. of Facilities in OccupIed House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total WOf- No. Village available aCres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r-~ r-~ r-~ r-----"----> P M F M F M F M F ~----- M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

301 Dandwan 1211 .1 40 44 220 115 105 5 12 102 91 18 .. 59 72 302 Babai P. 1,932.8 96 107 585 285 300 187 191 44 1 151 164 303 Karmari 604.3 55 58 258 126 132 61 76 17 73 62 304 Belgaon 595.3 17 19 121 59 62 ,. " 52 57 .. 32 38 305 Hirawandi 1,222.1 32 33 198 95 103 1 1 90 94 4 53 51

306 Mainpur 1,763.1 54 54 315 168 147 33 34 73 711 14 .. 100 105 307 Phutanchandagaon 1,257,5 42 42 257 134 123 26 26 75 70 3 1 79 72 308 Kohlakote 752.1 16 16 87 40 47 35 43 ,. 30 20 309 Bangoli 2,961.5 85 85 451 219 232 16 15 197 190 3 117 117 310 Dignar N,A, 19 20 116 60 56 53 49 36 56 311 Karagaon 296.6 16 16 111 50 61 50 61 -. 29 37 312 Sodma 2,600.8 45 45 314 166 148 155 142 12 90 91 313 Chhotesalna 999.6 50 53 280 146 134 113 104 3 .. 81 74 314 Kawra 1,645.6 45 47 280 133 147 114 126 10 1 89 94 315 Umargaon 2,073.8 52 59 370 185 185 163 154 3 106 104

316 Torondi P. 2,170.8 83 87 487 242 245 31 35 197 207 30 140 125 317 Modenga \,393.7 37 37 211 III 100 14 15 88 84 1 79 46 318 Lanjoda P,M, 3,251.8 nl 327 1,751 904 847 90 104 615 630 164 21 551 536 T, Mcw, Po. 319 Maragaon 1,524~2 56 . 56 352 '177 175 128 127 15 97 105 320 Rakasbeda 108.7 36 36 186 95 91 76 64 6 56 55

321 Torenga 2,590.2 74 74 454 220 234 12 13 193 202 6 .. 124 121 322 Belondi 1,088.9 47 49 286 131 155 2 2 102 110 8 1 84 83 323 Kumharbadgaon 1,339.0 41 41 254 128 126 126 121 91 84 324 Kerawahi P. 3,306.6 187 187 1,059 548 511 396 400 59 4 322 305 325 Sampur P, M,Po, 2,302.4 160 165 802 424 378 3 3 162 173 140 12 224 232

326 Seoni 432.1 9 9 53 27 26 27 26 1 17 13 327 Banchapai 2,375.9 34 36 267 139 128 120 124 2 70 65 328 Sadadi r.v. 18 19 93 48 45 39 40 1 32 27 329 Sirsikalar 2,718.9 71 71 364 181 183 132 130 10 109 108 330 Kosagaon 682.0 36 36 177 95 82 25 18 64 57 5 1 55 50

331 Badra 1,543.3 34 34 181 97 84 75 62 7 .. 57 49 332 Palti P. 2.601.3 236 236 1,545 743 802 690 738 39 9 478 475 333 Chiyanar 1,,950.9 27 27 179 90 89 87 84 52 43 334 Kabonga 2,989.3 89 89 591 282 309 8 8 253 270 15 163 162 335 Satgaon 1,372.1 104 105 574 287 287 17 13 82 87, 28 5 195 184

336 Bhogadi. 1,084.6 10 10 67 32 35 20 20 24 15 337 Fukagirola 808.8 26 26 159 83 76 77 73 44 45 338 Gumdi 753.6 15 15 101 55 46 42 32 31 21 339 Verla 1,224.0 49 54 267 152 115 44 33 43 50 10 108 66 340 Balenga P. 431.5 Uninhabited ..

341 Jaitpuri 4,990.8 108 108 710 338 372 224 224 8 2 212 217 342 Sitli 1,567.8 10 10 49 24 25 24 25 14 12 343 Indagaon 793.1 10 10 55 23 32 23 32 14 16 344 Korondi 1,766.6 77 81 423 221 207 180 195 23 .. 137 131 345 Kokodi 541. 8 30 32 141 72 69 12- 12 24 28 21 5 38 31

341) Malakot P. 4,431.7 166 169 981 478 503 35 37 380 385 53 12 282 287 347 Antpur 3,443.7 72 79 430 205 225 4 3 J34 138 5 132 143 348 Kibai Balenga P. 3,095.3 88 88 503 268 235 15 13 120 152 43 7 164 116 349 Dadhiya 1,527.8 .18 19 125 52 73 42 58 1 29 38 350 Girola P. 1,931.9 162 164 933 465 468 43 43 168 175 29 3 297 299 321


W 0 R K E R S Non- _--A. ---., Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,-----"---, ,--A--, ,.--"--, ,.--"----., ,.._..A..---., ,.--"--, ,-----"-----., ,..----..A.._, ,.._..A..-, r---"----., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

50 56 9 16 .. . . ., " 56 33 301 113 134 21 15 3 2 13 13 1 134 136 302 60 50 6 11 3 2 1 2 53 70 303 25 31 2 3 2 3 3 27 24 304 43 34 8 14 . 2 3 42 52 305

83 89 17 14 , , 2 68 42 306 57 56 17 10 5 6 55 51 307 29 19 . . ., 1 1 .. 10 27 308 107 97 9 17 1 1 2 102 115 309 35 27 28 1 1 24 .. 310

28 34 1 2 .. .. 21 24 311 n 72 10 18 2 1 76 57 312 60 50 4 4 17 20 65 60 313 80 89 9 5 .. 44 53 314 94 91 2 3 7 5 3 5 79 81 315

115 84 18 36 7 5 102 120 316 73 40 5 5 ,. ,. 1 1 . . .. 32 54 317 371 386 106 99 15 9 11 14 5 4 18 9 25 15 ~53 311 318

91 92 3 7 ., 3 6 " " 80 70 319 43 37 10 16 1 1 1 1 1 39 36 320

98 87 20 30 6 4 96 113 321 66 58 18 25 ,. ., 72 322 89 82 . . I 2 1 . , ...... j} 42 323 294 276 12 14 2 2 8 10 .. .. 1 3 2 3 206 206 324 171 199 21 26 8 4 3 11 3 10 200 146 325

17 13 .. .. 10 13 326 66 62 3 2 .. 1 1 .. 69 63 327 28 25 .. .. 1 1 2 1 1 16 18 328 83 80 21 25 2 3 3 72 75 329 47 40 3 5 10 40 32 330

57 49 . - . - ...... 40 35 331 442 435 8 9 6 9 18 20 1 3 2 265 327 332 52 43 .. . - ...... 38 46 333 143 124 4 7 18 14 13 .. 2 119 147 334 186 173 4 8 2 3 I 2 92 103 335

24 15 ...... 8 20 336 29 28 9 10 . 5 7 1 39 31 337 23 12 8 9 .. .. 24 25 338 53 29 44 37 6 5 .. 44 49 339 Uninhabited 340

182 177 12 23 2 15 16 126 155 341 13 1 10 13 342 11 1 9 16 343 14 16 -...... 76 99 89 27 32 2 .. 7 8 2 2 84 344 28 18 9 3 10 1 34 38 345

265 266 2 8 2 10 12 3 196 216 346 96 117 27 26 1 5 1 2 73 82 347 116 70 24 16 3 2 12 9 1 4 19 4 104 119 348 26 32 3 6 .. ., 23 35 349 241 254 25 32 16 12 1 9 1 5 168 169 350 322


Workers Name Area ,- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,----"------, ,---A---., ,-----A.----, ,---A---., ,-----A.-, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

351 Sidhawand 687.6 18 18 170 89 81 89 81 15 .. 48 48 352/1 Bhiragaon 557.7 30 30 170 83 87 77 81 9 I 46 51 352/2 Deurehal F.V. 15 15 63 35 28 35 28 20 12 353 Amrawati 367.8 55 55 324 182 142 .. .. 120 122 9 -127 88 354 Keoti 1,537.5 32 32 193 95 98 2 3 '67 74 16 4 58 57 355 ChiJputi P. 2,801.8 112 112 682 338 344 11 10 283 293 29 7 215 207

356 Singanpur 547.1 41 44 232 113 119 .. 100 107 2 72 76 357 SHati 2,440.3 48 50 3Q5 156 149 2 2 114 127 5 .. 101 95 358 Kodagaon 705.5 23 23 121 60 61 57 57 6 2 32 36 359 Masora P, Po. 5,593.3 231 232 1,494 745 749 95 102 426 438 98 13 445 433 360 Mulmula P, 8,715.3 246 245 1,633 S30 803 44 51 454 490 46 485 445

361 Newra 1,640.0 28 29 213 107 106 3 91 83 .. . . 69 66 362 Bijapur P. 1,331.8 67 68 287 133 154 120 144 18 2 89 91 363 Chimdi 1,442.8 20 20 135 68 67 62 61 7 .. 42 40 364 Chaodang 1,792.1 28 28 152 77 75 68 65 7 6 44 48 365 Bunagaon' P. 2,401.8 65 65 403 215 188 16 13 154 141 40 3 123 123

366 Karathialwad 1,313.4 15 15 88 48 40 48 35 4 23 25 367 Neota 2,800.9 75 75 396 199 197 10 7 96 91 48 36 121 122 368 Malgaon P. 3,949.2 101 101 552 257 295 10 9 210 237 33 9 147 154 369 Amrawati N.A. 20 20 23 12 11 12 11 .. 7 8 370 Hirlabhat 428.1 19 20 III 55 56 41 38 5 2 32 31

371 Umargaon 1,251.5 41 42 308 151 157 .. .. 105 102 16 . . 93 101 372 Chipowand P,M. 1,209.6 65 65 398 199 .199 14 9 129 132 25 1 115 118 373 Chhoteghodsara 485.5 21 21 121 58 63 3 3 52 59 41 38 29 374 Badesohga 1,609.2 43 45 281 141 140 I 3 137 133 4 .. 81 75 375 Banjugani 2,174.5 78 81 509 254 255 217 216 19 5 127 124

376 Deokhargaon 867.5 26 26 156 76 80 .. 7l 75 3 .. 50 43 377 Palari P. 915.4 111 113 677 335 342 36 28 258 268 16 2 197 217 378 DI)llgriguda 2,432.2 95 100 637 347 290 303 250 26 1 196 173 379 Bedagaon P. 1,373.2 32 34 192 91 101 3 4 77 82 12 I 55 56 380 Pal a 3,513.5 35 35 208 103 105 77 81 14 5 62 55

381 Gulbha 1,281.3 19 19 116 53 63 .. .. 52 63 5 1 36 29 382 Kondagaon P,M,H,D, 7,558.4 1,612 1,6127,298 3,8763,422 275 311 958 1,095 1,377 485 2.341 1,351 Rhe. Hos, MP (0), Mew, Po, To. 383 Farasgaon 768.1 13 13 69 30 39 . . .. 28 34 1 .. 18 22 384 Bafna P. 2,216.9 103 103 626 314 312 15 13 ' 219 212 17 1 191 174 385 Umargaon 1,227.6 25 26 112 60 52 18 12 24 19 4 41 35

386 • Chhinari 1,3:-2.9 39 39 183 90 93 25 60 6 .. 51 42 387 Chalka 3,425.8 25 25 171 87 84 71 62 4 3 48 57 388 Bhagdewa 1,341.0 93 93 505 242 263 136 144 9 137 145 389 Nilji 621.3 24 24 143 66 77 .. 26 28 4 36 46 390 Badeghodsara 1,613.5 41 47 248 114 134 1"1 14 80 85 17 67 70

391 Chhotesohga 133.4 4 4 19 11 8 11 8 .. . . 7 4 392 Temrugaon 2,032.8 31 37 310 147 163 136 151 17 I 92 97 393 Bansgaon 2,044.7 47 48 326 165 161 123 111 1 93 94 394 Chichdongri 2,344.6 61 61 371 200 171 123 110 5 120 115 395 Bhiragaon 1,258.3 55 55 305 154 15l 2 3 134 130 I 102 93

396 Badebhirawand 1,028.2 55 289 140 149 10 12 101 105 5 82 397 Bansirsi 55 87 398 218.4 .. .. Uninhabited ...... Dudhgaon 705.2 15 15 84 31 53 31 53 6 1 16 29 399 Lakhanpuri 461.9 400 Kuljhar 8 8 35 16 19 16 19 8 9 756.2 35 35 210 97 113 96 111 64 53 323


w 0 R K E R S Non- .----- , Workers L.C• I! III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

_-..A..--, r-~---'" r----A.~ r--..A--, r--A--~ ,.------A---, ,---'----, ,-_-A..__ -, ,.------A--, ,.------A---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

48 48 ...... 41 33 351 41 45 2 3 3 3 .. 37 36 352/1 19 12 1 .. 15 16 352/2 51 46 29 23 45 19 ...... 2 55 54 353 53 52 1 2 2 ,3 .. 2 37 41 354 201 199 8 8 2 4 123 137 355

44 46 19 23 4 3 5 4 .. .. 41 43 356 63 50 24 27 12 15 .. 2 3 55 54 357 30 28 2 8 .. 28 25 358 393 382 20 33 I .. 19 18 .. 1 11 300 316 359 359 337 80 80 12 7 31 21 .. 1 2 345 358 360

55 55 14 11 .. 38 40 361 68 75 10 14 1 3 1 -.. 2 1 1 4 44 63 362 40 40 1 1 26 27 363 41 44 3 4 .. .. 33 27 364 98 101 5 6 9 11 7 5 4 92 65 365

22 24 1 1 .. .,. .. 25 15 366 110 112 3 6 3 2 5 2 78 75 367 114 127 10 15 4 1 2 2 3 14 9 110 141 368 4 5 3 3 .. .. 5 3 369 27 27 1 4 -3 .. 23 25 370 76 91 17 to .. .. ' . 58 56 371 81 96 19 16 2 1 6 .. 1 11 84 81 372 25 22 ']3 7 20 34 373 75 66 6 9 .. ,. 60 65 374 106 113 7 5 13 6 .. 1 127 131 375

40 41 .. 4 4 2 .. 2 26 37 376 157 166 40 51 .. 138 125 377 171 150 7 14 6 11 9 .. 1 .. 151 117 378 39 38 8 13 6 5 .. 2 36 45 379 51 52 2 1 9 2 .. 41 50 380

35 28 1 1 .. .. 17 34 381 824 714 316 329 6 10 132 84 102 10 71 7 180 82 55 1 649 114 1,535 2,071 382

16 19 2 3 ...... 12 17 383 162 153 13 10 5 4 10 7 123 138 384 33 29 4 2 4 4 19 17 385

41 29 6 11 3 2 1 39 51 386 39 47 1 1 3 3 5 5 1 39 27 387 125 129 5 6 7 10 . 105 118 388 24 30 11 9 1 3 .. 4 30 31 389 51 55 15 15 1 47 64 390

5 3 2 1 .. 4 4 391 85 90 2 4 5 3 55 66 392 84 89 .. 9 5 72 67 393 92 99 3 5 19 10 3 1 2 1 80 56 394 98 89 2 2 1 2 1 52 58 395

68 76 1t 8 2 3 .. 58 62 396 .. .. Uninhabited .. 397 16 28 1 15 24 398 8 9 '...... 8 10 399 44 34 20 18 1 33 60 400 3~4


Workers Area Literate ,--- L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Waf' No. Village available acres Houses holds Total populati"on Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r-----... _,._--~ ,-----"--) r----A..._-.., r--...A.._'l ,--'-----, p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

401 Katawand 346.8 23 23 141 79 62 78 61 47 33 402 Nugali 562.0 22 22 112 Sl 61 49 59 I 32 35

403 Chhotebhirawand 854.4 33 33 195 94 101 85 91 " 49 51 404 Cherang 2,048.3 44 44 289 145 144 113 110 11 5 83 78 405 Kongera 1,925.2 29 29 245 127 118 115 107 1 1 75 76

406 Chhotebanjoda 754.0 29 29 199 94 105 4 4 86 97 1 " S7 56 407 Binjoli 1,719.5 46 47 239 126 113 103 92 11 1 73 64 408 Telga 1,907.8 32 32 200 90 110 87 106 4 2 63 63 409 Todam 1,031.0 24 24 142 62 80 45 65 34 33 410 Badebendri P. 2,967.6 136 136 729 360 369 42 52 224 230 23 1 201 212

411 Korhobeda 1,239.0 13 13 81 37 44 37 44 25 28 412 Chikhalputi 698.9 22 22 99 49 50 5 5 18 21 . 12 8 30 25 413 Kokodi P. 2,578.5 124 124 672 334 338 244 248 42 16 207 214 414 Bolbola 1,531.0 39 39 252 126 126 101 108 21 3 72 71 415 Jarebendri 635.8 9 9 60 30 30 27 26 4 18 22

416 Nariha 1,878.7 54 54 311 149 162 142 155 5 .. 103 97 417 Madagaon 1,465.4 41 41 219 - 102 117 ~ 61 68 14 2 69 73 418 Sambalpur P. 2,698.9 184 184 987 498 489 71 61 221 252 54 9 284 277 419 Chichpolang 805.2 14 14 56 35 21 33 21 2 23 12 420 Mungwal ],409.0 27 27 179' 83 96 81 92 5 56 56

421 Bayanar P. 2,198.4 87 87 558 285 273 167 166 5 169 154 422 Baodi 553.7 25 25 165 81 84 15 12 52 51 43 45 423 Dhansuli 612.1 14 14 79 40 39 40 39 .. 26 15 424 Karanji P. 1,599.3 97 97 620 301 319 24 25 235 250 28 2 173 174 425 Bamhni P. 2,290.7 173 173 1,070 546 524 48 40 95 70 98 10 307 297

426 Badekanera P,M,Po. 9,952.0 344 348 1,976 975 1.001 31 32 612 645 183 20 559 574 427 Jogialwad 403.0 12 12 95 52 43 52 43 1 26 26 428 Chargaon N.A. 42 43 251 115 136 7 108 112 5 59 52 429 Isalnar 712.2 50 50 290 136 154 131 143 1 86 84 430/1 Tareka N.A. 36 37 232 117 115 112 108 7 77 52 430/2 Odargaon N.A. 34 34 175 89 86 84 79 1 49 47

431 Kusma P. 2,435.2 130 130 778 372 406 79 66 228 256 65 4 224 224 432 Bnkhra 1,931.0 60 60 311 153 158 111 110 14 I 97 97 433 Chhatodi 919.3 52 58 348 174 174 31 22 126 126 .. 97 86 434 Madanar 609.5 30 30 174 82 92 60 72 1 53 55 435 Kejang 2,285.1 53 53 328 165 163 147 142 5 1 104 102

436 Badko 1,739.2 26 26 164 79 85 65 73 8 1 55 47 437 Baniyagaon P,M,Po. 3,729.9 282 282 1,675 822 853 58 58 492 502 174 24 478 452 438 Kukadgarkapal 1,991.4 58 59 351 170 181 4 3 llO 123 8 to'} 75 439 Kamela P. 2,397.4 91 91 552 269 283 6 9 138 133 54 3 151 154 440 Amgaon 1,235.3 32 33 186 91 95 60 57 58 62

441 Madanar P. 2,381.5 105 lOS 678 339 339 4 208 231 49 10 175 167 442 Kachora 716.1 50 50 347 163 184 138 154 16 4 102 110 443 Permapal 4,060.3 29 29 204 110 94 110 94 ., 70 57 444 Adnar 1,756.9 46 46 279 143 136 122 115 4 2 84 86 445 Totar 1,010.9 42 42 281 130 151 124 138 80 88

446 Hangwa 1,160.0 80 80 525 267 258 .. 236 248 1 ., 155 133 447 Nagri 635.4 25 25 158 76 82 1 47 47 8 2 50 47 448 Mohlai F.V. Uninllabited .. 449 Rajagaon 3,250.3 56 1; 303 156 147 6 6 75 82 7 114 93 450 Rengagondi 1,549.7 24 24 178 81 97 73 86 3 57 54 325


W 0 R K E R \ S Non- ----"- -, Workers J II III IV V VI ' VII VIII IX X L. C. No. ,- -.A.-, ,..----"---, ,---"---, ,---"---, ,---""-----, ~.A.-, ,---"---, r-_A ... ~ ,---"--} r--..A.,_~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

36 23 11 10 '.. .. 32 29 401 28 31 3 3 1 1 .. .. 19 26 402 45 48 .. 3 3 1 .. 45 50 403 69 66 5 3 8 9 1 62 66 404 71 72 2 2 2 2 52 42 405

56 56 .. 37 49 406 40 33 33., 31 53 49 407 61 61 2 ...... 27 47 408 28 31 '" 5 2 .. 1 28 47 409 168 175 24 29 9 8 159 157 410

25 28 12 16 411 9 8 21 17 .. .. 19 25 412 187 195 16 16 1 3 3 127 124 413 58 58 7 6 7 7 54 55 414 18 22 12 8 415

98 95 1 1 .. 2 .. 2 46 65 416 47 49 9 18 1 .. 10 .. ~ 6 .. 2 . . 33 44 417 235 230 35 37 2 2 7 6 I 5 1 214' 212 418 20 9 3 3 .. .. 12 9 419 53 53 2 2 1 1 27 40 420

133 120 5 4 25 29 .. 6 116 119 421 36 37 6 6 1 1 1 38 39 422 19 15 7 " .. .. 14 24 423 142 143 11 15 .. 16 16 1 .. 3 128 145 424 204 201 74 89 1 19 4 5 3 4 239 227 425

422 455 75 79 37 36 2 2 20 2 416 427 426 26 26 .. " .. 26 17 427 54 51 2 1 1 2 56 84 428 74 77 10 7 .. 2 50 70 429 74 48 1 2 3 1 40 63 430/1 49 47 40 39 430/2

133 136 57 58 3 7 7 2 24 21 148 182 431 70 67 16 23 7 5 1 1 3 1 56 61 432 72 49 17 29 7 8 1 77 88 433 38 39 4 7 2 2 8 7 1 29 37 434 100 99 1 I 2 2 I 61 61 435

54 47 ...... 1 24 38 436 388 389 55 46 2 18 10 5 7 10 344 401 437 82 57 20 16 3 .. 3 2 I 61 106 438 119 113 25 33 4 5 2 3 I 118 129 439 54 58 1 1 3 3 33 33 440

150 143 18 22 5 2 2 164 172 441 78 90 24 20 61 74 442 69 55 1 2 .. 40 37 443 73 76 9 7 2 3 59 50 444 71 80 5 4 4 4 50 63 445

142 121 9 9 3 3 1 112 125 446 39 42 10 5 1 26 35 447 ...... Uninhabited ...... 448 97 81 2 1 7 6 7 5 1 42 54 449 50 50 6 4 I 24 43 450 326


Workers Name Area L.C. of Facilitie1l in Occupied House· . Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,------"----, ,.-----A._--. ,-----"--, ..----'--, ,---..A..--...., P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

451 Sonabal P. 2,618.1 208 208 1,224 601 623 108 96 275 280 80 3 361 367 452 Dhikonga (Dahil.enga)P,M. 2,087.1 182 1841,001 480 521 23 21 329 350 61 10 291 299 453 Kohkadi 1,292.3 10 10 66 35 31 35 31 18 17 454 Borgaon 1,327.6 40 40 286 147 139 130 12.8 1~ 1 86 73 455 Botikanera 2,624.2 52 52 311 142 169 26 31 83 100 18 2 91 61

456 Sukurpal 2,646.4 76 76 357 172 185 139 137 16 102 103 457 Timenar 931.1 7 7 39 26 13 23 10 13 8 458 Botha (Kariakata) 459.1 19 19 116 62 54 56 48 3 35 26 459 Badebanjoda 1,240.5 69 69 460 229 231 154 151 8 .. 138 129 460 Chema 3,195.4 36 36 215 113 102 15 18 88 81 3 1 59 57

461 Khandam 1,086.4 40 40 265 133 132 7 7 126 124 3 78 71 462 Polang 1,160.1 48 48 279 145 134 13 12 131 120 5 84 67 463 Mayu Dongar N.A. 24 24 151 76 75 73 72 3 3 44 43 464 Pusawand 1,015.9 67 69 366 166 200 142 166 5 103 107 465 Kakadgaon N.A. 10 10 53 28 25 23 19 3 17 10

466 Jor.a P,Po. 5,285,5 152 1521,020 498 522 9 12 436 458 103 5 289 292 467 Chhoteusri 1,684.4 30 30 202 103 99 97 92 .. 63 64 468 Jhara 1,283.9 21 21 108 56 52 52 49 4 36 31 469 Betbeda N.A. 19 19 82 45 37 38 34 3 27 24 470 Nahkanar 2,176.1 24 24 157 84 73 77 65 53 41

471 Mulnar 1,558.8 55 55 342 175 167 7 6 97 92 24 .. 101 96 472 Golawand P. 1,857.8 92 92 611 300 311 63 59 177 187 28 5 190 189 473 Badeusri 1,901.8 11 11 61 29 32 25 31 1 1'5 15 474 Aihara 2,458.3 13 13 89 39 50 35 50 2 28 29 475 Khachgaon 1,580.3 55 55 320 167 153 116 112 7 91 80

476 Lakhapuri 1 ,65!.8 39 42 242 125 117 89 81 1 75 65 477 Mungapadar 1,468.7 76 76 454 225 229 26 29 119 109 19 140 144 478 Usri 1,005.3 32 32 242 123 119 11 12 69 72 20 3 81 56 479 Chhotekoder 327.2 5 5 51 25 26 .. 25 26 2 15 16 480 Mulnar 924.0 30 30 173 86 87 72 74 1 48 42

481 Makdi 2,576.8 109 109 645 313 332 51 54 232 241 50 4 195 197 482 Nawagaon 1,580.5 31 31 210 100 110 6 6 73 82 1 63 62 483 Mohlai P. 2,691.8 93 93 568 262 306 8 6 173 183 46 1 163 185 484 Ghodagaon P. 7,285.3 95 95 615 305 310 29 27 238 235 60 7 186 194 485 Padeli 1,017.9 19 19 146 7'} 67 66 57 49 44

486 Kanga 3,286.7 57 57 323 171 152 10 6 129 107 5 112 93 487 Karanpur 1,347.5 61 61 387 209 178 136 135 11 120 107 488 Madoda 2,733.8 25 25 138 67 71 59 65 43 53 489 Khodsanar 1,503.2 18 18 112 54 58 6 9 35 37 40 40 490 Mardapal P,M,Po. 2,429.2 115 115 660 344 316 22 18 159 154 114 20 197 171

491 Godhantarai N.A. 22 22 95 52 43 38 32 1 31 25 492 Kadenar 6,469.8 66 66 355 180 175 124 121 3 128 129 493 Hadeli 1,694.9 22 22 116 58 58 3 7 40 35 35 32 494 Badalpur (Badalpur) 898.1 13 13 92 47 45 26 18 5 1 30 26 495 Merpal N.A. 11 11 46 29 17 24 13 16 11

496 Ranapal 985.6 41 41 236 118 118 16 21 76 75 6 76 71 497 Chhote Kurusnar 565.7 9 9 69 39 30 32 27 2 27 20 498 Chager N.A. 6 6 31 16 15 15 15 1 8 7 499 Hasel 1,797.7 34 33 211 122 89 106 78 3 65 34 500 Bade Kurusnar 1,066.3 61 61 375 187 188 44 32 105 111 7 117 97 327


W 0 R K E R S Non- __, Workers L.C. n I1I IV V Vl VII VIII IX X No. r--.A.---, r---"---. ,---.A._-, ,--..A.._-, r-----"--l ,---A._-, r--.A--. r-""-"~ ,-_')"'4---"-) r---A.-----, Ivl F M F M F M. F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3;

298 314 42 37 3 10 16 4 .. .. 4 240 256 451 212 219 44 38 3 3 9 25 2 2 19 14 189 222 452 18 17 17 14 453 75 63 11 10 .. 61 66 454 74 54 13 7 4 51 108 455

78 83 21 13 6 70 82 456 13 8 13 .5 457 31 23 1 3 3 .. .. 27 28 458 118 110 10 8 3 2 2 5 9 91 102 459 58 56 1 1 54 45 460

75 69 3 2 55 61 461 74 60 9 7 1 61 67 462 43 42 1 1 · . .. .. 32 32 463 84 83 9 15 5 2 5 7 63 93 464. IS 9 2 1 11 IS 465

248 257 10 17 5 2 12 8 .. 14 8 2G9 230 466 61 57 4 3 .. 1 3 3 35 35 467 33 30 1 J 2 2 20 19 468 25 22 1 1 2 18 13 469 45 32 6 6 2 3 31 32 470

88 80 9 15 2 1 1 I 74 71 471 160 165 18 21 7 3 5 110 122 472 12 14 1 I 2 14 n 473 27 29 .. . . 1 11 21 474 67 56 19 21 5 3 76 73 475

53 44 18 17 .. 4 4 " SO 52 476 117 123 12 16 2 8 5 1 .. 85 85 477 72 56 1 .. J 2 2 5 1 42 60 478 14 15 .. 1 .. J 10 10 479 39 38 4 4 5 38 45 480

157 164 19 17 3 3 9 8 7 5 118 135 481 42 41 20 21 .. .. · . 1 37 48 482 133 157 20 20 1 . . 7 8 .. 2 99 121 483 134 153 31 33 11 6 3 2 1 4 2 119 116 484 38 33 II 11 30 23 485

94 85 10 6 5 2 1 1 59 59 486 112 99 1 6 4 1 1 2' 89 71 487 43 49 4 24 18 488 29 31 11 9 .. . , · ...... 14 18 489 158 133 21 30 3 1 7 3 1 I 2 3 1 4 147 145 490

30 24 1 1 · ...... 21 18 491 70 72 41 43 4 2 10 11 3 I 52 46 492 26 20 9 12 23 26 493 29 26 1 17 19 494 16 11 13 6 495

51 42 25 29 42 47 496 27 20 .. 12 JO 497 7 7 " 1 8 8 498 54 26' 9 8 .. .. 2 57 55 499 89 80 13 12 9 4. 3 3 1 70 91 500 328


Workers Area Literate r------L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-----"---, _.A.._~ r----"--, ,---1'----. r---"----. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

501 Yehkali (Ehkali) 639.2 16 16 146 68 78 [9 [8 36 37 502 Hadkali 1,267.0 35 35 238 114 124 . . .. 105 115 3 71 53 503 Jodega 479.1 22 22 148 73 75 6 4 34 36 5 47 46 504 Becha 1,062.6 28 28 193 96 97 81 76 60 70 505 Yerandwal (Erandwal) 1,400.7 16 14 139 74 65 70 62 39 35

506 Hasalnar 1,543.0 72 72 443 218 225 49 55 150 141 12 136 140 507 MarkapaJ 4,[20.7 ...... Uninhabited 508 Pohmar 1,180.3 22 22 145 74 71 5 4 32 29 .. 38 26 509 Kolam 7,268.2 50 50 306 164 142 122 123 1 110 92 510 Handapal 2,147.0 15 15 80 42 38 36 35 25 26

511 Matwal P. 2,135.3 58 59 400 210 190 152 U5 4 135 114- 512 Padnar 1,853.2 30 30 188 96 92 92 89 3 61 51 513 Puspal 4,075.6 25 25 182 90 92 48 56 1 50 47 514 Tekapal 1,415.2 34 34 239 123 116 118 111 77 72 . 515 Adwal 2,426.5 13 13 82 42 40 42 40 29 22

516 Pungarpal 1,222.8 21 2[ 101 52 49 41 41 ., 37 29 517 Tumdiwal 6,229.9 57 57 4[2 206 206 197 200 5 125 125 518 Rakasmeta 735.9 2 2 11 6 5 6 5 4 3 519 Malam 462.2 ., Uninhabited 520 Mangwal 2,090.5 .. Uninhabited

52[ Khadpadi 3,006.0 44 44 248 128 120 119 112 2 70 64 522 Kormel 2,021.8 32 32 157 82 75 76 69 55 47 523 Paroda 1,583.2 23 23 140 75 65 60 55 .. 44 34 524 Kudhur P. 5,632.4 124 124 712 355 357 317 333 20 5 239 241 329


w 0 R K E R S Non- -. Workers L.C. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. r-__A..-~ ,------"---, r'------"---, ,---A.-1 ,----J.._-----, ,----"------, ,--.A_--, r----"----. ...-----"---, r----"----. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 • 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

32 34 3 3 1 32 41 501 66 48 4 5 I .. 1 43 71 502 43 42 3 4 . . .. 1 26 29 503 51 61 6 7 1 2 2 36 504 36 30 1 2 1 3 1 35 ;Z 505

114 111 22 29 82 85 506 . , ...... " .. Uninhabited 507 27 19 9 5 2 2 36 45 508

93 76 14 14 3 2 .. " 54 50 509 22 23 1 3 2 17 12 510

112 99 14 7 8 R 75 76 511 49 43 9 7 :; I 35 41 512

43 39 7 8 " 40 45 513 72 67 5 3 2 46 44 514 25 19 4 3 13 18 515

30 26 7 3 15 20 516 120 125 5 81 81 517 4 3 2 2 518 .. Uninhabited 519 Uninhabited 520

53 46 13 15 4 3 58 56 521 4.. 35 11 12 27 28 522 44 34 31 31 523 210 214 26 26 3 1 116 116 524



Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. No. No. Name of Vi1la~ 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 - ..

A 34 Badetun&ali 331 213 35 BadIa 296 N.A. Adawalli 251 310 36 Bail 256 207 2 Addwada 210 N.A. 37 Baknagulguda 637 N.A. 3 Aded 25 N.A. ' '38 Bamanpur 471 N.A. 4 Adepalli 129 415 39 Bandemarka 182 N.A. 5 Ader 36 N.A. 40 Bandimarka 183 N.A. 6 Ader 326 N.A. 7 Ader 463 64 41 Bendparre 178 N.A. 8 Adedwada 408 N.A. 42 Bandeparre 392 306 9 Adewada 18 434 43 Bendreguda 581 N.A. 10 Aipenta 609 330 44 Bangoli 282 347 1 Patelpara 2 Hiriapara 11 Aklanka 163 N.A. 45 Bardali 368 53 12 Akwa 387 N.A. 1 Kanchiguda 13 Alampottiguda 344 N.A. 46 Borguda 842 117 14 Alloor 425 N.A. 47 Basaguda 621 49 IS Aiwada 265 N.A. 48 Bechhpal 468 325 16 Ambeti 179 N.A. 49 Bedre 79 215 17 Andri 606 391 50 Belad 155 N.A. 18 Angampalli 478 110 51 Belcher 240 N.A. 19 Annapuri 245 195 52 Beinar 269 348 20 Annaram 592 248 1 Kunjampara 2 Oyampara 21 Arepalli 187 389 3 Kasabeda 4 Kimdemadi 22 Arjunpalli 455 60 5 Koterpara 6 Goytapara 23 Arkapalli N.A. 171 7 Ka/arpara 24 Atukpalll 409 N.A. 53 Bencharam 275 283 25 Atukpalli 525 N.A. 54 Bengapalli 441 N.A. 26 Awapalli 608 24 55 Bengla 302 370 S6 Benglur 147 N.A. B S1 Bengoli 407 N.A. 27 Baddala 315 N.A. 58 Berabhatti 162 N.A. S9 Bhadrakali 526 226 28 Badealwada 174 N.A. 60 Bhairamgarb 292 139 29 Bade Bodli 33 N.A. 1 Pandepara 2 Gadhpara 30 Badegundam 247 235 3 Permapara 4 Temaruhhata

31 Badeidur 87 N.A. 5 Chhindbhata 6 Bandhupai 32 Badekakler 229 253 7 Lankapara 8 Mahraparo 33 Badepalli 196 323 9 Schbo[para 332


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

61 Bhanciarpal 584 47 90 Boter (Dharaguda) 212 N.A. 61 Bhosaguda 519 374 91 Botetong 705 N.A • 63 Bhatpalli 234 N.A. 92 Borguda 449 N.A. 64 Bhatpalli 404 104 93 Burdamadgu 703 N.A. 6' Bhattiguda 572 IS. 94 Burdum 85 N.A. 66 Bhattiguda 674 N.A. 95 Burguda 470 354 67 Bhatwada 29/1 N.A. 96 Burji 54 68 Bhatwada 267 166 554 69 Bhikal 114 N.A. C 70 Bhimaram 453 N.A. 97 Chandangiri 389 373 71 Bhimaram 681 N.A. 98 Chan door 579 108 Bhogamguda 536 62 71 99 Cherpalli 119 N.A. 73 Bhopalpatnam 390 97 100 Chatlapalli 629 246 1 Rajapara 2 Tahasilpara 101 Chatpalli 3 Pate/para 4 Mamdiguda 249 N.A. 102 Cherakdodi 21 74 Bhuripal 151 N.A. .590 N.A. 75 Bhuri 124 303 103 Cheramangi 299 104 Cheramangi 594 74 '76 Bhusapur (Bhusaguda) 657 N.A. 105 Cherkanti 500 118 77 Biberi 310 N.A. 106 Cherli 435 278 71 Bijapur 499 260 107 Cherpal 521 18 1 Majhipara 2 Cha/kipara 108 Cherpalli 437 420 :3 Xokr!apara 4 Baidarguda I Schoo/para J Lanllaiguda 6 Padiyarpara 109 Chhotalwada 219 186 7 lJasaguda' 8 Bhattipara 110 Chhotebodli 136 291 9 TtJhasi/para 79 Biraguda 624 N.A. 111 Chhotegongia 304 N.A. 10 Biria)lhumi 225 N.A. 112 Chhotehiroli 540 3 113 Chhole Idur 109 N.A. 11 Biramungi 59 N.A. 114 Chhote Kakler 230 286 11 Bodameta 88 N.A. 115 'Chhotepalli 197 355 13 Bodghat 117 N.A. 116 Chote Potenar 289 N.A. 14 Bodetokametta 100 N.A. 117 Chb,otesankanpalli 615 N.A. 15 Bhime 683 N.A. 118 Chidrapal 333 395 36 Bodga 185 231 119 Chihka 266 249 17 Boreguda 358 N.A. 120 Chilkapalli 639 335 !l8 Borje 427 281 1 Pedapnra 2 Bhattipara . 121 Chiuarmarka 369 200 3 Schoo/para 122 Chilnar 550 N.A. 89 Boter 50 289 123 Chhindwaya 152 N.A. 333


Location , Serial Location Serial Code No. S. No. CadeNa. 1961 1951 No. S.No. No. Name of Village Name of Village 1961 1951 3 4 2 2 3 4 N.A. 156 Degmeta 124 ChingampaIli 664 403 274 673 N.A. 157 Depla 1 25 Chinganmot 469 113 126 Chinger 236 214 158 Dhangol 440 ! 409 , 127 Chinger 259 352 159 Dhanora 410 32 128 Chinnabela(Chinta Rewa) 186 N.A. 1 Kadampara 2 Parmapara 129 Chinnadharam 695 NA, 3 Manjhipara 4 Mahrapara 130 Chinnadharamkasa 700 N.A. 5 Malgudapara 6 Schoo/para

160 Dharawaram 585 131 Chinnageloor 648 307 N.A. 132 Chinnajojer 488 131 161 Dharma 226 270 133 Chiunakawali 498 N.A. 1 Bhaltipara 162 1 Battipara 2 Bandipara Dharmapur 612 144 134 ChiItnakodepal 518 422 163 Dharmaram 689 57 135 Chinnamatuf 457 326 164 DhoJeguda 636 345 136 Chinnatokameta 138 N.A. 165 Dhusaod 306 218 137 Chinna tulapalli 682 N.A. 166 Diwalur 13 284 138 Chipurbhatti (Bhattiguda) 640 397 167 Dodimarka' 49 N,.A. 139 Chintadevi 166 N.A. 168 Dodimarka 286 N.A. 140 Chintakonta 601 5 169 Doditumnar 616 264 170 Dodum 153 399 141 Chintanpal 517 4 171 Dokke 176 301 142 Chintanpalli 298 319 172 Doriguda 416 126 143 Chokanpul 490 138 173 Dorli 693 384 144 Chuskota 199 N.A. 174 DUdepaJli 21 393 145 Chutwahi 651 N.A. 175 Dudheda (Kottaguda) 476 353 176 Dudhera 586 107 D 177 Dudma 336 N.A. 146 Dakaturri 47 N.A. 178 Dudme 2 N.A. 147 Daler 278 198 179 Dudme 228 N.A. 180 Dudum 148 Dalla 604 N.A. 41 N.A. 149 Damaram 202 294 i 81 Dugaiguda 150 Damaram 420 N.A. 602 7 182 Duglamguda 356 N.A. 354 123 151 Damnur 183 Dugeli 373 182 439 98 152 Dampaya 184 Dumkametta 431 N.A. 224 N.A. 153 Darmel 185 Dunga 170 N.A. 318 154 Darapal 308 186 Dupeli 372 N.A. 1 Patelpara 2 Gaitapara 187 Durdha 397 N.A. 155 Darha 239 N.A. 188 Durgapara 106 N.A. 334


Location Location Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. Serial 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961

2 3 4 2 3 4

189 Duseli 142 223 217 Gokhur 320 177 218 Gomter 20 426 E 219 Gong(a 522 55 190 Edenar 575 362 220 Godmeta 208 N.A. 191 Edesmeta 365 N.A. 270 N,A. 192 Bhakeli 258 340 221 Gorgunda 417 91 193 Eligaodra 232 188 222 GolJaguda 194 Elmidi 607 148 2 3 Gorgunda 494 80 224 Gorla 495 N.A. F 225 Goma 535 412 58 N.A. 195 Fandiwaya 226 Gottetong 451 N.A. I 402 196 Farasnar 227 Gudipal 442 94 197 Farsegarh 248 338 I Patel 2 Thongudipura 198 F arsha pa11 i 573 72 300 210 199 Fulgatta 378 N.A. 228 Gudma 167 228 1 Pate/para 2 Te/angapara 229 Gudra 253 320 200 Futkel 632 27 230 Gudsakal

G 231 Gufa 104 N.A. 405 431 201 GadamaJli 330 321 232 Gullameta S8 N.A. 202 Gadiguda 684 N.A. 233 Gummer 203 GaJgam 645 101 234 Gundam 656 219 628 16 204 Gampur 235 Gundapur 447 204 1 Karrepara 2 Bhandaripara 236 Gundapuri 130 256 3 Madvipara 4 Muramipara 237 Gundaekot 70 204 691 N.A. 205 Gangaloor 538 134 238 Gundrajguda 359 N.A. 1 Manjarpara 2 Duwaiipara 239 Gunjakonta 666 N.A. 3 Nunapara 4 Pedapara 240 Gunjeparti 5 Bhandaripara 402 264 206 , GanganpalJi 655 178 241 Gupdilanka 548 N.A. 207 Gangaram 341 336 242 Gupkonta 191 290 208 Gartul 128 205 243 Gnttamangi 173 N.A. 209 GattapaJli 189 230 244 Guttamarka 210 Gauraram 480 N.A. H 211 GhOJ 156 430 245 Hadapal 450 N.A. 212 Ghotpal 213 263 246 Halloor 349 N.A. 213 Ghumra 82 428 247 Halvatumirgunda 6 371 214 Gilgicha 51; 282 248 Hi LuI 51 233 215 Godaiguda 436 170 249 Hingmeta 99 N·A. 125 216 Gondnugur 11 385 250 Hingum 184 335 ALPHABETICAL LIST. OF VILLAGES 5 BIJAPUR TAHSIL-Contd.

Location Location Serial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 ' 4' 2 3 4

251 Hirapur 620 35 284 Jeenipa 598 43 252 Hirapuram 215 N.A. 28; Jhadigutta 313 364 253 BiroJi 541 141 286 Jhilli 2i1 N.A. 254 Hurreguwali 113 292 287 Jidpalli 690 63 255 Burreguda 467 N.A. 288 Joramongia 194 427 256 Hurrepal 493 N.A. 289 Jorre 73 N.A. 257 Hurrewaya 38 440 K I 290 Kachalaram 312 203 258 Idasgondi 218 N.A. 259 IdkapaHi 135 N.A. 291 Kachlaram 384 N.A. 260 Idwada 193 N.A. 292 Kachilwar 430 2 293 Kadenar 486 324 261 Indinar 504 29:1 262 Irpagutta 216 N.A. 1 Pate/para 2 Dongripara 263 Irpanar 19 N.A. 3 Sandpara 264 Irpapomra 364 257 294 Kader 386 115 265 Itampar 241 N,A. 295 Kaika 396 329 266 Itpal 483 102 296 Kairagutta 685 N.A. 1 Thangudipara 2 Madarpara 297 Kakameta 327 N.A. 267 Itulkudum 127 308 298 Kakler 370 N.A. 268 Jtulbar 347 N.A. 299 Kalhaja 143 341 300 Kamadgu 82 N.A, J

Kambalpeta 580 10 Z69 Jabbe 398 N.A. 301 302 Kamkanar 489 137 270 Jajulguda 459 363 303 Kamlapur 665 . 169 271 Jaitaioor 484 51 304 Kanchala 686 fN.A. I Dorlapara 2 Thakurpara 305 Kand!a 50S 285 272 laiwaram 314 185 306 Kandraparti 321 244 273 Jamka 345 N.A. 307 Kandulnar 426 350 274 Jangla 305 196 1 Tfranagudi 2 Bhattipara 275 Japeli 191 N.A. 3 lstaripara 216 Japeli 375 83 308 Kanhaiguda 530 N.A. 277 Jaramarka 137 234 309 Kannaboinaguda 172 N.A. 27g Jargoya 487 23 310 Kapala 557 N.A. '2.79 Jaraguda 148 405 .280 Jarpalli 710 N.A. 311 Karme 34 N.A. 312 Karangul 68 N.A. 281 Jarwa 115 N.A. 313 Karkawada 3 228 282 Jatlur 8 334 314 Karkeli 181 N.A. 28;J Jegur 238 254 315 Karkeli 122 N,A. 336


Location Location Serial S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. Code No. 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961

2 3 4 2 3 4

316 Karpe 78 N.A. 350 Komhu 154 33 317 Karremarka 297 N.A. 351 Komhu (Nariya) 15/2 N.A. 318 Kasiguda 622 N.A. 352 KomIa 329 216 319 KatoH 157 217 353 Kompalli 328 N.A. 320 Katulnar 262 195 354 Kon,;apal 452 427 323 407 321 Katulnar 352 305 355 Kondapadgu 356 Konde 48 242 I Palelpara 2 Nayapara 357 Kondamosam 506 437 322 Katur 200 N.A. 349 353 Kondroji 103 323 Kcmarbecha 9[ N.A. N.A. 359 Konjed 650 324 Kesaiguda 474 77 360 Konguda 512 N.A. 325 Keshgal 516 N.A. 136 326 Kcshkutul 316 268 361 Kongupalli 545 N.A. 327 Kesoli 462 N.A. 362 Kopanjarri 133 34 328 Ketanpal 276 N.A. 363 Korcholi 577 N.A. 329 Khatri 134 N.A. 364 Kormetta 222 330 Kiskal 252 N.A. N.A. 365 Korenjed 383 192 366 Korlapalli 274 331 Kodapalli 671 N.I\. N.A. 367 Korra 28 332 Kodepalli III 167 N.A. 368 . Korrabeda 32 333 Kodoli 381 N,A. N.A. 369 Korrabeda 84 334 Kodoli 318 N.A. 390 370 Korrawa\a 72 J Amatpara 2 Pedapara 142 3 Kalarpara 371 Korraguda 623 179 335 Kokhachal 77 N.A. 372 Kosalnar 145 336 Kohka:neta (Dugan pal) 52 N.A. 373 Kotapenta 676 N.A. 337 Kohkapal 76 N.A. 374 Kotapalli 334 N.A. 121 338 Kohkawada 43 N.A. 375 Koter 501 339 Kaitpal 466 44 376 Kotlanji 17 N.A. 340 Kokadi 56 N.A. 377 Kottaguda' 424 311 378 Kotrapal 291 N.A. 341 Koramdodi 411 N.A. 379 Kottaguda (Dudhcda) 460 N.A. 3-+2 Kokera 86 304 380 Kottagu'da 634 99 343 Kollaguda 355 226 68 344 Kolnar 195 311 381 Kottapalli 559 345 Koltapatnam (Rallapalli) 391 122 3e2 Kottur 597 103 346 Koltapalli 698 122 383 Kotllr 675 N.A. 347 Koltipal 443 160 384 Koyam 146 36S 1 Thallagudipara 2 Pate/para 385 Koyam 627 272 3 Loharpara 386 Kuehner 406 163 348 Komatpalli 558 339 387 Kudmer 399 168 349 Komatpa!Ji 668 N.A. 388 Kumbadi 180 N.A. 337


Location Location Serial Code No. S. No. SeHal Code No. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1161 1951

. 2 3 4 2 3 4

3S9 Kumer 271 N.A. 419 Mallepalli bl1 84 190 Kumharmeta 101 N.A. 420 Malloor 553 N.A.

391 KJmharnila 593 N.A. 421 Mandem 260 315 392 Kungler 23 N.A. 422 Mangalnar . 279 222 3c,3 Kupari 89 N.A. 423 Mangaitorre 697 N.A. :,94 Kupasi 53 N.A. 424 Mangnar 125 164 395 Kuprel 149 N.A. 425 Mangapeta 221 380 396 Kurush 555 105 426 Mankeli 549 127 397 KlIsumbeli 220 N.A. 427 Mardingpal 264 N.A. 3% KutrH 204 313 428 Mardigpal 159 N.A. 399 Kuwenar 363 N.A. 429 Markapal 281 241 L 1 Peramapara 2 Ralltpara 430 Markud 90 382 400 lakwada 140 199 4rl Landra 501 N.A. 431 Mariam 62 N.A. 402 Lanka 81 299 432 Marrimadgu 92 239 403 Lankapa1Ji 599 N.A. 433 Marr.:meta 223 N.A. 404 Lingagiri 613 70 434 Marri6L1da 419 N.A. 405 Lingapllf 367 76 435 Marrimalla 587 N.A. I Kamharguda. 436 Marriwada 491 N.A. 406 Lingapm 658 N.A. 437 Marudbaka 662 90 407 Lingapllram 481 N.A. 438 Marwada 272 N.A. 408 Laded 571 69 439 Matasi 42 173 440 Matla 361 N.A. M

441 Matimarka 295 11 409 Madded 511 262 442 Matwada 277 295 1 Goriguda 2 Bordrgllda 443 Mediguda 711 N.A. 3 Patamadded 4 Borgllda 444 Meghapllr (Karkawaya) 509 12 410 Madegundam 61 N.A. 445 Medpa11i 63 N.A. 411 Madepalli 371 N.A. 446 Medwaya 64 N.A. 412 Madepur 22 419 447 Mendpal 263 °N.A. 413 Madepurturri 12 294 448 Metapal 503 247 414 Madpal 412 N.A. 449 Metlacheru 527 424 415 Maihiguda 464 8 450 fv.1etlaehefll (Kottaguda) 543 N.A. 1 Pate/para 2 Thanaglldipara

416 Majjimendry 24 360 451 Mettagllda 708 N.A. 417 Maida 322 N.A. 452 Metllpalli 561 328 418 Malempenta 678 N.A. 453 Midte 385 375 338


Location Location Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. s. No. Serial No. Name of Village 1961 1.951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

659 N.A. 454 Mindrar 198 N.A. 488 Narsapur 489 Nayanar 31 N.A. 455 Mingachal 337 302 614 342 456 Minkapalli 544 224 490 Nayasakanpalli

457 Mingatta 679 N.A. 491 Nayatumirgunda 7 331 508 174 458 Minoor 492 Nedurkarre 26 N.A. 595 423 459 Mirganghotul 493 Netiwada 9 365 401 133 460 Mirtur 494 Nelsanar 294 392 - 1 Mangapara 2 Pateipar"a 461 Modakpa! 531 N.A. 3 Nakapara 4 Panemlldga 462 Modamwada 14 220 4 Karrepara 7 Kadkipara 463 Mogadi 27 232 495 Netikakler 46 N.A. 464 Mohnar 83 316 496 Nellakanker 661 206 465 Mormed 325 344 311 N.A. 466 Morumwada 69 190 497 Nemler 498 Nendra 576 106 467 Mosla 429 171 499 Niram 257 208 468 Motakpalli 473 95 500 Nilamdippa 582 N.A. 469 Motakawaya 4 398 470 Mucheler 168 N.A. 501 Nilamadgu 324 N.A. 502 Nilawaya 414 404 471 Muchler 60 N.A. 503 Nirali 30 N.A. 472 Mukaweli 188 294 504 Nukanpal 444 92 473 Mukram 201 367 505 Nugur 80 240 474 Multapur 529 N.A. 506 Nukunpal 563 75 565 413 475 Munga o 476 M unjalkan ker 589 417 71 N.A. 477 Murdunda 619 67 507 Odasmeta 1 Pateipara 508 Odru 94 N.A. 478 Murkinar 177 434 509 Odru 131 202 479 Murkinar 532 36 510 Odrutong 96 N.A. 480 Musaloor 394 227 511 Odsa 280 418

481 Musli 112 N.A. 512 Odsanporka 97 435 513 Okenar 433 N.A. N 514 Omra 65 N.A. 482 Nadpal!i 653 14 515 Omra 93 N.A. 516 Oulpalli 625 N.A. 483 Nagawaram 244 N.A. 484 Naimed 374 181 p 485 Nainpal 553 N.A. 517 Padeda 537 56 486 . Nalampalli 379 N.A. I Mahrapara 2 Paikpara 487 Nambi 663 88 3 Regadpara JJ"'9



Location Location. Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. Serial 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 3 4 2 3 423 100 518 Padmeta 103 N.A. 551 Pegdapalli 477 162 519 Padmeta 209 N.A. 552 Pegdapalli (Basaguda) 706 N.A. 520 Pad moor 446 25 553 Pedadharam Kasa 554 Pegdapalli 642 N.A. 521 Padnar 37 N.A. 555 Pendlem 357 N.A. 522 Pakela 631 346 556 Pengunda 5 215 523 Palaguda 688 414 557 Penkram 287 357 524 Paldevi 203 N.A. 558 Penkram 600 71 525 Palewaya 268 N.A. 559 Penkudur 110 395 526 Palllar 551 39 560 Pema 205 N.A. 1 Makaddampara 2 Guytapara 3 J.fatapara 561 Peramplllli 638 N.A. 527 Palsegondi 120 N.A. 562 Petabogda 335 183 528 Pamalwaya 534 N.A. 563 Pelepal 4~4 237 529 Pamed 701 52 564 Phulgundam 246 312 530 Pamgai 560 17 565 PidkatungaJi 332 N.A. 566 Pidiyakor 144 433 531 Panganpal 547 N.A. 567 Pikmohnar 44 N.A. 532 Papanpal 393 267 563 Pillur 285 N.A. 533 Paragomma 35 376 569 Pidiya 605 261 534 Pasewada 45 297 535 Pasnar 293 194 570 Pindumpal 301 N.A. 536 Patakutru 206 N.A. 537 Patarpara 307 428 571 Pinkonda 351 N.A. 538 Patliguda 388 120 572 Pinnachand 709 112 539 Pawrel 562 129 573 Pinpanoor 382 N.A. 540 Pawam 214 N.A. 574 Pitetungli 338 N.A. 575 PolampaJli 646 541 Pedachanda 692 N.A. 89 542 Peddamatur 458 161 576 Pochawada 141 259 543 Pedadharmaram 694 N.A. 577 Porrowada 524 N.A. 544 Pedagellur 652 N.A. 578 Pondum 317 406 545 Pedajojer 448 37 579 PoJlem 319 111 546 Pedakawali 482 309 580 Ponedwaya 261 N.A. 1 Thaugudipara 2 Bhimapara 547 Pedakodepal 395 N.A. 581 Ponger 346 N.A. 548 PedakOirna 564 13 582 Ponjer 520 96 549 Pedapal 415 400 583 Poparam 132 N.A. 550 Padapalli 626 N.A. 584 Posadpalli 472 238 340

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES 5 BIJAPUR TAHSIL-Contd. Location S. No. Location Code No. S. No. Serial 1951 Code No. No. Name of Village 1961 Serial 1951 Name of Village 1961 No. 3 4 4 2 2 3 95 361 176 616 Rengawaya 585 Potenarinchwada 339 570 317 N.A. 617 Rodnila 586 Polampalli 6'17 15/1 N.A. 59 618 Rotad 587 Pujarikankcr 672 421 66 619 Rudraram 376 N.A. 588 Pulladl 1 Nayapara 2 Pate/para 67 N.A, 3 Maharapara 589 Pulod 10 298 590 Pumbali 603 87 S 591 Punoor 39 N.A. 126 273 592 Pusbaka 620 Sad'l.r 7 N.A. 327 593 pusbaka 64 621 Safimarka 273 287 231 358 594 Puslanka 139 622 Sagmeta 28 533 65 595 Pusgudi 574 623 Sagwahi 280 288 193 596 puskonta 630 624 Sakanapalli 353 N.A. 403 625 Saknapalli 597 PuttapaJli 649 233 251 30 626 Salepalli 598 Pusnar 539 118 N.A. 627 Sandra 1 Permapara 2 Gorgepara 271 628 Sandrapalli 438 3 Bhattipara 4 Pedapara 6 629 Sandre1 546 5 Dhurwaparu 6 Gaytapara 41 630 Sangampalli 513 7 Pancha/para 8 Waddepara 79 631 Sa nka palli 583 R 78 632 Santaspur 485 NA N.A. 5~9 Radpuram 456 633 Saped 702 44 266 600 Raiguda 366 634 Sarkeguda 635 283 269 601 Raiguda 475 N.A. 63.') Satwa 1 Pate/para 2 Guddipara 602 Rajpeta 633 332 566 50 603 Rallapalii 160 N.A. 636 Sawnar 74 N.A. 604 RallapaJli 497 143 637 Sehramctta 618 29 605 Rampeta 526 132 638 Semaldodi 105 N.A. 606 Rampuram 454 N.A. 639 SipanpaJli 569 258 607 Rampuram 699 N.A. MO Sitanagram (Jojulguda) 229 608 Ranibodli 235 250 333 N.A. 641 Somanpalli 609 RaspaJli 7 12 461 172 46 642 Somanpalli 610 Redi 502 284 109 643 Surokhi 611 RedpaUi 343 140 6iO N.A. 644 Slirnar 612 Reguda 542 410 613 Rekhapal 115 300 T 614 Rekhapalli 665 438 386 Tadbala 169 615 Rengawada 16 N.A. 645 341


Location Location Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S. No. Serial 1951 No. Name of Village No. Name of Village 1961 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4 682 Tumla 646 Tadkel 400 B6 348 187 683 1 unmar 290 387 1 Ralltpara 2 Pate/para 684 Tumnar 465 135 647 Tadmendrl 161 388 1 Pedapara 2 DOllgripara 648 Tadmer 237 322 685 Tumrela 610 N.A. 649 Tadnar 29 N.A. 650 Tadopot 242 175 686 Tunder 158 369 687 Tumar 445 38 651 Tadsod 309 N.A. 688 Turrewaya 40 N.A. 652 Takler 207 N.A. 689 Turrenar 350 221 653 Talnar 340 160 690 Tuswal 55 236 J Nadipara 2 Pate/para 654 Tamodi 415 N.A. U 655 Tamodi 617 250 596 372 656 Talaguda 691 Udtamalla 696 69 351 657 Tarrem 645 692 Ulloor 380 114 81 658 Tarad 568 693 Ultapalli 680 1 496 31 659 Tamlapalli 694 Uskaled 514 40 1 Gotteguda 695 Uskameta 108 N.A. 660 Tathigutta 227 N.A. 696 Uskapatnam 165 N.A. J Xal/apara 697 Us oar 643 48 661 Tatigutta 217 N.A. 698 Uspari 254 N.A. 662 Tekameta 123 375 699 Utla 255 252 663 Teklagundam 660 N.A. 664 Teklanugur 66 381 V 665 Tekler 713 85 528 N.A. 666 Tekmetla 644 93 700 Vangapalli 667 Telitekla 150 N.A. 668 Tendur 243 N.A. W 669 Thulthuli 75 N.A. 670 Timapur 631 20 701 Wadiz 54 N.A. 702 Wakeli 57 N.A. 107 N.A. 611 Timarbecha 703 Wayanar 121 18'1 672 Timed 418 73 704 Weeka 102 N.A. 673 Timmenar 522 124 674 Todka 164 N.A. Y 675 Todka 567 9 705 Yapla 422 436 676 Todma 116 N.A. 706 Yedesmetta 578 411 677 Togoli 190 N.A. 707 Yedesapedar 432 N.A. 360 343 678 Toynar 108 Yelgendra 479 N.A. I Billdapara 2 Xiw/lguttapara 709 Yellapuram 5Q7 N.A, Gangl/para 3 Marw'para 4 110 Yempur 704 130 5 Pedapara 6 Bade Mahl/rapara 7 Chhote Afaharapara 8 Bargipara 711 Yenchoda 510 243 679 Toynar 377 119 112 Yengpalli 580 42 680 Tongguda 107 N.A. 713 Yeramnar 362 275 714 Yerrabore 687 N.A. 681 Tukiguda 669 N.A. 715 Yetepai 492 441 342


Workers Area Literate ,----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r----A....-~~ ,-----A---., r-__A.~ ,-----A-----., ,----"---, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

43/5 Bijapur Tahsil (Rural) 283,307.0 16,849 46,647 2,557 37,895 4,779 29,643 16,533 93,668 47,021 2,620 37,447 646 28,778 1 Farasnar 79.5 1 1 7 4 3 3 2 2 Dudme 47.2 Uninhabited 3 Karkawada 231.8 14 14 84 40 44 40 44 31 34 4 Motukwaya 18.8 Uninhabited 5 Pengunda 69.3 Uninhabited

6 Halvatumir gunda 23.7 Uninhabited 7 Nayatumir gllnda 246.3 Uninhabited 8 Jatlur 25 25 92 44 48 44 48 1 34 32 9 Netiwada 59.9 5 5 18 12 6 12 6 2 11 5 10 Pllmbali 82.9 Uninhabited

11 Gondnugur 30.4 Uninhabited . 12 Madepurturre 125.1 18 18 93 44 49 44 49 33 32 13 Diwalur 11 11 48 29 19 29 19 J7 14 14 Modamwada 9 6 33 18 15 18 15 11 9 15/1 Rotad 16 14 66 37 29 37 29 25 16 15/2 Komhu (Naria) Uninhabited

16 Rengawada 7 5 25 15 10 15 10 10 8 17 Kotlanji Uninhabited 18 Adewada 253.8 29 16 74 46 28 4i 26 29 18 19 Irpanar 830.7 9 4 34 20 14 .. 20 14 15 9 20 Gomter 981.5 27 15 80 39 41 7 7 32 34 22 23

:;1 Dlldepalli 333.9 17 17 86 41 45 41 42 2 32 33 22 Madepllf 172.3 16 16 82 41 41 41 41 29 29 23 Kungler 150.4 12 12 80 41 39 41 39 25 25 24 Majjimendry 174.0 12 12 73 41 32 40 32 31 24 25 Aded 6 6 29 10 19 10 19 9 12

26 Nedurkarre 22 18 72 32 40 32 40 24 28 27 Mogadi 6 5 31 18 13 18 13 11 8 28 Korra Uninhabited 29/1 Tadnar 13 II 40 17 23 17 23 11 16 29/2 Bhatwada 6 6 27 17 10 17 10 9 6 30 NiraH Uninhabited

31 Nayanar Uninhabited 32 Korrabcda Uninhabited 33 Badebodli Uninhabited 34 Karmay Uninhabited 35 Paragomma Uninhabited

36 Ader Uninhabited 37 Paduar Uninhabited 38 Hurrewaya Uninhabited 39 Pusbaka Uninhabited 40 Turrawaya Unillbabited

41 Dudum .. Uninhabited . . 42 Matasi 33.4 5 4 27 13 14 13 14 10 11 43 Kohkawada 5.9 Uninhabited 44 Pikmohnar Uninhabited 45 Pasewada 39.4 6 6 25 11 14 11 14 3 10 9 46 Netikakler 30.2 9 9 48 19 29 19 '29 14 17 47 Dakaturri Uninhabited 48 Konde 304.8 21 22 113 60 53 60 53 39 39 49 Dodimarka 10 10 44 21 23 21 23 15 17 50 Boter 20 20 89 44 45 .44 45 33 26 343


W 0 R K E R S ! Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ___ -_.A..~ _.A..---, ,..---A---, ,---A._-, ,-___"'___' r----"----, r----"---, ,.--"--, ,-.. -....A-.. --.. ,--"--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '2.7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

21,549 5,114 643 479 28 73 193 15 1,549 17,004 43/5 21,537 5,441 534 268 3 14 98 883 18,243 3 2 1 1 1 .. Uninhabited .. .. 2 25 28 6 6 9 10 3 Uninhabited 4 Uninhabited 5

Uninhabited 6 .. Uninhabited .. 7 33 28 1 4 10 16 8 11 5 1 1 9 Uninhabited 10-

Uninhabited . . .. 11 26 26 1 1 /14 6 5 11 17 12 17 12 5 13 11 9 7 6 14 25 16 12 13 15/1 Uninhabited 15/2

9 8 5 2 16 Uninhabited .. .. 17 29 18 17 10 18 14 8 1 1 5 5 19 16 18 3 5 3 17 18 20

24 26 6 7 1 .. 9 12 21 23 23 .. S 6 12 12 22 23 22 1 1 I 2 16 14 23 24 22 1 3 3 2 10 8 24 9 12 1 7 25

22 25 2 3 8 12 26 10 8 1 7 5 27 .. .. Uninhabited .. 28 9 15 2 1 6 7 29/1 9 6 8 4 29/2 Uninhabited 30

Uninhabited 31 Uninhabited 32 Uninhabited 33 Uninhabited 34 Uninhabited 35

Uninhahited 36 Uninhabited 37 Uninhabited 38 Uninhabited 39 Uninhabited 40

...... Uninhabited .. " 41 10 10 J 3 3 42 Uninhahited 43 " .. .. Uninhabited .. " 44 4 4 6 5 1 5 45 12 14 2 2 5 12 46 ...... Uninlubited .. . . 47 33 35 I I I 4 16 " 3 21 14 48 15 1 6 6 49 32 26 1 11 19 50 344

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Workers ,-- Area Literate & Total War· in Occupied House- Scheduled Schedule~ Le. Name of Facilities Educated kers (I·IX) Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Trihes 1-10. ~~, ,---_---A ___.., ~----.., r--..)..._~ ,-----"-----, p M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 29 25 51 Hitu 21 21 84 43 41 43 41 3 52 Kohkameta (Dugaopal) .. Uninhabited 53 Kupasi .. Uninhabited .. Uninbabited .. 54 Wadiz 18 15 55 Tuswal 213.1 10 10 5S 27 28 27 28

Uninhabitl'd 56 Kokadi .. 12 11 57 Wakeli '216.0 6 6 34 17 17 17 17 58 Famliwaya .. Uninhabited 59 Biramungi Uninhabited 60 Muehle! Uninhabited

61 Madegundum .- Uninhabited 62 MarIam Uninhabited 63 Medpalli Uninbabited 64 Medwaya Uninhabited 65 Omra Uninhabited

')6 Tekhnugur 78.0 ., Uninhabited 67 Pulod .. Uninhabited 41 37 -II 37 33 26 68 Karangul 18 18 78 57 56 (i9 32 32 163 82 81 82 81 Mururnwada II II 8 70 Gundekot 7 7 27 16 II 16

13 9 7 71 Odasmeta 8 8 24 II 13 11 13 15 8 9 72 Korrawaya 9 9 28 13 15 73 Jorre .. Uninhabited Uninhabited .- 74 Sehrameta .. .- 55 54 7S Thulthuli 44 38 169 76 93 76 93

76 Kohkapal Uninhabited .. 77 Kohkachal _. . , Uninhabited 34 28 .. 34 28 24 21 78 Karpe 12 12 62 73 73 2Q6.5 34 34 223 113 110 2 111 liD 10 79 Bedrey 84 81 6 64 52 80 Nugur P. 265.8 32 33 167 84 83

63 7 44 4S 81 L!ll1ka 24 24 138 68 70 68 . , Uninhabited ' . .. 82 Kallladgu 29 18 16 83 Mohnar .19 16 S6 29 27 27 Uninhabited k4 Korrabeda . , ...... 23 2~ 11\ 11 8~ Burdum 382.6 9 9 47 23 24

86 Kokera .. Uninhabited Uninhabited ~7 Bodcindur .. Btl Bodameta 157.1 .. Uninhabited 8<) Kur:ui .. .. Uninhabited 90 Markud 95.6 Uninhabit~d

91 Kemarbecha ., .. .. .- Uninhabited .. " 92 Marrimadgu 106.1 12 12 81 36 45 .. 36 41 28 31 93 Omra ~ .. Uninhabited 94 Odru .. Uninhabited .. 95 Rcngawaya 147.4 8 8 43 24 19 22 15 21 15

96 Odrutong ., Uninhabited .. .. 97 Odsanporka 133.0 11 11 52 27 25 27 25 21 ]9 98 Gumner .. .. Uninhabited ...... 99 Hingmeta 290.i 27 27 133 68 65 68 65 I 50 43 100 Bodetokameta .. Uninhabited 345


w o. R K E R ~ Non· , Workers II III IV v VI VII vm IX X L.C. No...... _-") ,..---A-, ~--. r-___"_-"'-" ~ ,..--J...__, ,_ ,..--"---, ,,--A--.., ,..--J..._-.., ,..----'---... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

25 20 5 2 14 16 51 .. Uninhabited ., 52 Uninhabited .. 53 .. ., Uninhabited .. 54 17 14 1 9 13 55

.. .. Uninhabited .. 56 12 11 5 6 57 Uninhabited .. 58 .. Uninhabited .. 59 .. Uninhabited .. 60

.. Uninhabited 61 .. Uninhabited .. 62 Uninhabited 63 Uninhabited " 64 .. Uninhabited .. 65

.. Uninhabited .. 66 Uninhabit4!d .. 67 33 26 .. .. 8 11 68 51 53 1 2 2 2 1 1 25 25 69 10 7 1 1 5 3 70

7 3 3 2 6 71

8 8 " 5 6 72 Uninhabited ., 73 .. .. ., Uninhabited .. 74 55 51 3 21 39 7S

.. Uninhabited .. 76 .. .. Uninhabited .. 77 22 20 .. 2 1 10 7 78 40 65 69 2 .. .. " 2 4 4 37 79 35 33 1 8 1 1 1 18 18 20 31 80

38 42 .. 6 3 24 25 81 ...... Uninhabited .. 82 18 15 1 11 11 83 ...... Uninhabited ... .. 84 13 9 3 2 7 13 85

.. Uninhabited .. 86 ., Uninhabited .. 87 .. Uninhabited .. 88 .. Uninhabited .. 89 Uninhabited 90

. , .. Uninhabited . . .. 91 26 31 2 8 14 92 Uninhabited .. 93 .. .. Uninhabit~ .. 94 21 IS 3 4 95

.. .. Uninhabited . . .. 96 19 17 2 2 6 6 97 Uninhabited .. .. " 98 34 29 10 7 6 12 18 17 99 Uninhabited ., 100 346


Workers Name Area Literate r- l.C. of Facilities in Occupied HOllse- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,..-----"------, ,---'-----, ,----'-----... ,--A.----... r-'-"'_"~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Kumharrneta Uninhabited

102 Weeka " Uninhabited .. . . 103 Padmeta 8 8 29 17 12 17 12 14 8 104 Gufa 125.0 9 9 43 21 22 21 22 9 8 105 Sipanpalli Uninhabited ~

106 Durgapara Uninhabited 107 Timarbecha Uninhabited 108 Uskameta Uninhabited 109 Chhote indur Uninhahited .. 110 Penkudur 145.8 13 13 66 31 35 31 35 2 22 25

111 Kodepa1li 122.9 5 5 27 15 12 15 12 12 11 112 Musli 116.7 12 12 • 61 32 29 31 28 27 24 113 Hurregubali 206.7 (j 6 35 17 18 17 18 13 15 114 Bhikal .. Uninhabited .. . . 115 Rekhapal 2 2 J3 7 6 7 6 5 5

116 Todma 3 1 7 2 5 2 5 2 2 117 Bodghat 255.7 3 2 16 6 10 6 10 ., 2 5 118 Sandra p, 577.9 66 68 332 174 158 5 2 131 124 31 1 115 113 119 Cherpalli 217.7 15 16 104 52 52 52 52 2 36 37 120 Palsegundi 46.5 9 9 42 21 21 21 21 15 16

121 Wayanar 99.3 .. .. Uninhabited ...... 122 Karkeli p, 665.7 44 46 237 125 112 125 112 8 97 81 123 Tekameta 117.1 11 11 78 33 45 30 38 22 33 124 Bhuri 177.1 17 17 87 45 42 45 42 .. .. 35 28 125 Mangnar 1,858.5 90 81 477 233 244 157 154 16 3 140 123

126 Sadar 246.3 3 3 19 10 9 10 9 7 7 127 Itulkudum 12.0 6 4 19 12 7 12 7 4 4 128 Gortul 208.6 11 11 87 39 48 39 48 6 26 38 129 Adepalli P. 375.4 41 46 255 132 123 10 8 121 115 14 1 83 77 130 Guudapuri 40.4 9 9 57 29 23 29 28 23 19

131 Odru SS.I Uninhabited 132 Poparam ...... Uninhabited .. . . 133 Kopanjarri !50.R 20 20 133 60 73 59 72 52 59 134 Khatri . . " Uninhabited ...... 135 Idkapalli 341.2 9 9 45 21 24 20 21 17 21

136 Chhotebodli 2.7 24 24 140 60 80 60 78 50 55 137 Jaramarka P. 111.2 26 26 15S 85 70 84 70 7 58 60 138 Chinnatokameta 84.8 ., .. ., t:ninhabited 139 Puslanka 177.1 8 8 45 25 20 25 20 20 13 140 lakwada 21 21 112 55 57 55 57 35 32

141 Pochawada 23 23 113 55 58 55 58 34 32 142 Duseli . , .. Uninhabited .. .. 143 KUlhaja 21 21 92 48 44 48 44 28 28 144 Pldiyakot II II 32 15 17 15 17 8 13 145 -Kosalnar P. 5,195.2 146 148 934 489 445 443 393 42 5 275 273

146 Koyam 643.6 8 !I 48 24 24 21 20 .. 12 It 147 Benglur 514.2 27 27 183 86 97 2 83 91 1 47 51 148 Jaraguda 246.3 20 20 122 59 63 59 63 50 45 149 Kuprel Uninhabited 150 Telitekla 126.6 Uninhabited " 347


W 0 R K E R S Non- ..___._A______Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. _'---"-----> ~-, ,---"--, ,---"-----, r---"-----, ,-_.A.___:_' r---"--, ,---A-, r---"---, (-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 :U 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

.. Uninhabit€d .. 101 .- .. Uninhabited 102 12 7 2 1 3 4 103 7 8 2 .. .. 12 14 104 105 " Uninhabited ..

.. Uninhabited .. 106

" Uninhabited .. 107 .. Uninhabited .. 108 ...... Uninhabited ., 109 18 24 4 1 9 10 110

12 11 .. 3 1 III 25 22 2 2 5 5 112 13 15 .. 4 3 113 .. .. Uninhabited 114 5 5 2 115

2 2 .. 3 116 2 3 .. 2 .. 4 5 117 91 90 17 23 .. 7 59 45 118 32 34 2 2 I 16 15 119 14 15 1 1 6 5 120

.. .- Uninhabited .. .. 121 88 75 1 8 5 28 31 122 22 33 .. .. 11 12 123 33 27 .. .- .. 2 I 10 14 124 III 101 11 12 8 10 10 93 121 125

7 7 .. .. 3 2 126 2 2 2 2 8 3 127 21 35 5 3 ...... 13 10 128 72 70 5 4 1 1 3 2 2 49 46 129 22 16 1 3 6 9 130

.. Uninhabited .. 131 .. Uninhabited .. 132 47 56 1 5 2 . . .. . 8 14 133 ...... Uninhabited· . . 134 17 21 4 3 135

43 48 .. .. 2 4 7 10 25 136 47 51 2 3 9 6 27 10 137 .. Uninhabited .. .. 138 20 13 5 7 139 35 32 20 25 140

34 30 2 21 26 141 ...... Uninhabited 142 27 27 1 I 20 16 143 8 12 I .. " 7 4 144 221 230 36 32 4 2 6 1 14 1 214 172 145

9 9 2 .. I 2 " 12 13 146 42 47 1 2 3 3 39 46 147 SO 43 2 9 18 148 Uninhabited 149 Uninhabited ISO 348


Workers Area Literate ,- L.C Name of Facilities in Occupied Bouse- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population C"lstes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) .-----.A__ , ,------"----., ,--.A._, ,----A-----, ,_..A.I_-. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 "14 15 16 17

151 Bhuripal Uninhabited .. 152 Chhindwaya .. Uninhabited .. 153 Dodum 61.0 1 1 9 4 5 .. 4 5 1 3 154 Komhu 570.4 19 19 74 35 39 35 39 29 29 155 Belad 11 11 40 18 22 18 22 14 12

156 Ghot 9 9 37 18 19 18 19 12 13 157 Katoli 608.8 5 5 56 26 30 26 30 15 16 158 Tunder 184.8 5 5 26 13 13 13 13 6 9 159 Mardigpal .. Uninhabited 160 RallapaUi 41.7 8 9 38 19 19 19 19 13 13

161 Tadmendri 137.5 20 20 95 48 47 48 47 38 40 162 Berabhatti 50.0 17 17 93 44 49 42 46 29 31 163 Aklanka Uninhabited 164 Todka Uninhabited 165 Uskapatnam Uninhabited

166 Chintadevi Uninhabited 167 Gudra 157.8 10 10 48 23 25 23 25 14 14 168 Muchler Uninhabited 169 Tadbala 149.6 Uninhabited .. 170 Dunga 8 8 24 12 12 12 12 7 10

171 ArkapaIli Uninhabited 172 Kannaboinaguda Uninhabited 173 Guttamarka Uninhabited 174 Badealwada .. Uninhabited .. 175 Jarwa 20.9 6 6 40 16 24 16 24 10 12

176 DOkke 72.6 9 9 51 25 26 25 26 16 5 177 Murkinar 70.2 30 32 178 82 96 82 94 48 45 178 Bandeparre 92.0 6 6 3Y 21 18 " 21 18 16 15 179 Ambeli 150.1 .. Uninhabited .; 180 Kumbadi .. Uninhabited

181 Karkeli 35.5 15 15 68 36 32 36 32 21 20 182 Bandemarka .. Uninhabited 183 Bandimarka .. .. Uninhabited . . 184 Hingum 456.6 23 23 169 '19 90 79 90 47 45 185 Bodga 343.6 21 21 106 54 52 52 50 29 29

186 Chinnabela (Chintarewa) Uninhabited .. 187 Arepalli 1 18.!! 9 9 66 34 32 34 32 24 27 188 Mukabeli 296.6 1 t 11 60 30 30 30 30 17 16 189 Guttapalli 194.6 14 19 98 46 52 46 52 30 18 190 Togeli Uninhabited

191 Japeli ...... Uninhabited . . .. 192 Guttamangi 59.5 6 6 33 18 15 18 15 13 12 193 Idwada 142.5 7 7 44 24 20 23 20 15 8 194 Joramongia 491.4 10 10 57 32 25 32 25 21 15 195 Kolnar 84.3 6 6 38 19 19 19 19 12 11

196 Badepalli 684.1 33 34 11.<3 90 93 81 81 52 43 197 Chhotepalli 306.0 27 27 139 71 68 71 68 42 39 198 Mindrar Uninhabited 199 Chuskota 196.0 Uninhabited .. 200 Katur 5 5 21 15 6 15 6 8 349


w 0 R K E R 's Non- .A __~ Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.c. No. r-..A..---.. ,----'---c-., ,---'---., ,---A-:--, ,-_ .. A_ ...... ,._ ,-__ -.A--., ,-__ .A_, ,--.A--., ,--.A._, r--..A..-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 t9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 , 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

.. Uninhabited lSI ...... Uninhabited . . . . 152 I 3 ...... 3 2 153 26 26 3 3 6 10 154 14 11 4 10 155

12 13 6 6 156 13 15 2 11 14 157 6 9 .. 7 4 158 .. .. Uninhabited . . 159 13 13 6 6 160

36 40 .. 1 10 7 161 6 25 1 . 1 10 11 1 5 . 15 18 162 .. Uninhabited 163 .. Uninhabited 164 .. Uninhabited 165

.. .. Uninhabited .. .. 166 10 9 .. .. 4 5 9 11 167 Uninhabited 168 .. Uninhabited .. 169 7 9 5 2 170

Uninhabited 171 Uninhabited 172 Uninhabited '. 173 .. .. Uninhabited .. 174 9 6 6 6 12 175

16 5 \ .. 9 21 176 4, 41 4 4 1 34 51 177 16 15 .. 5 3 178 Uninhabited 179 Uninhabited 180

12 13 9 7 15 12 181 Uninhabited 182 Uninhabited .. 183 40 42 7 3 32 45 184 22 25 7 4 25 23 185

Uninhabited .. 186 24 27 10 5 187 17 15 13 14 188 29 18 16 34 189 Uninhabited 190

.. Uninhabited 191 10 13 .. 2 5 3 192 12 4 .. 3 4 9 12 193 9 7 10 8 1 I 11 10 194 10 11 2 7 8 195

29 25 22 16 2 38 50 196 35 35 6 4 29 29 197 Uninhabited 198 .. Uninhahitad .. 199 8 7 6 200 350


Workels L.C. Name Area Literate No. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor­ Village availaille Ilcres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) --, r--...A...---., r---.A..---. r-- A.. ~ ,---A.-.., P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Mukam 10.7 7 7 44 25 19 25 19 15 9 202 Damaram 35.9 6 6 33 22 11 22 II 12 7 203 'Paldevi 22.8 Uninhabited .. .. 204 Kutru P,Rhc,Po. 234.9 70 75 316 172 144 113 97 58 13 107 68 205 Penta 375.8 24 24 129 70 59 70 59 50 46

206 Patakutru 21.8 10 10 51 25 26 19 22 13 16 207 Takler .. Uninhabited 208 Gondmeta .. Uninhabited 209 padmeta " .. Uninhabited .. .. 210 Adawada 272.4 6 6 35 15 20 15 20 9 7

211 Jbilli 114.9 9 9 65 31 34 31 34 18 17 212 Boter (Dharaguda) " Uninhabited .. .. 213 Ghotpal 500.9 24 24 139 65 74 61 69 3 38 42 214 Pawam Uninhabited 215 Hirapuram .. Uninhabited

216 Irpagutta 150.2 10 11 71 37 34 2 2 35 32 3 27 28 217 Tatigutta .. " .. Uninhabited " .. 218 Jdasgondi 21.1 5 5 25 13 12 13 12 1 6 6 219 Cbhotealwada 122.6 · . Uninhabited 220 Kusumbeli .. Udinhabited

221 Mangapeta 280.3 23 24 117 5] 64 52 63 21 2 36 37 222 Kormetta Uninhahited 223 Marremeta · . Uninhabited 224 Darmel .. Uninhabited 225 Biriabhumi 279.0 Uninhabited ",

226 Dharma P. 523.4 44 44 263 131 132 18 20 31 32 8 79 74 227 Tathigutta · . Uninhabited 228 Dodme .. .. Uninhabited ...... 229 Badekakler P. 339.8 24 24 139 70 69 3 3 58 59 13 I 45 46 230 Chhotekakler 126.2 9 9 48 26 22 25 21 17 15

231 Sagmeta 720.5 31 31 161 79 82 37 43 41 34 2 47 43 232 Eligandra 19.9 8 8 45 17 28 .. 17 28 15 14 233 SaJepaJli 91.9 Uninhabited 234 Bhatpalli Uninhabited 235 Ranibodli 188.2 17 18 114 54 60 53 60 2 36 27

236 Chinger 201.3 21 21 133 68 65 68 65 .. 34 36 237 Tadmer 4.7 9 9 62 31 31 31 31 24 n 24 23 238 .legur 266.6 16 17 102 60 42 39 30 7 40 31 239 Darba ., Uninhabited 240 Belchar · . Uninhabited

241 Itampar 83.0 .. .. · . Uninhabited .. . . 242 Tadopot 155.3 19 19 85 39 46 39 46 26 30 243 Tendur .. Uninhabited 244 Nagawaram · . Uainhabited .. .. ., 245 Annapuri 163.5 13 13 93 44 49 44 49 4 27 36

246 PhuIgundam 116.2 7 7 60 28 32 28 32 2 20 24 247 Badegundam 79.9 Uninhabited .. " .. 248 Farsegarh P. 480.7 64 69 447 248 199 15 12 99 88 42 7 157 90 249 Chatpalli 49.8 5 5 31 12 19 12 19 1 9 12 250 SomanpaIli 285.8 15 15 93 41 52 41 52 4 25 33 351 ..


w 0 R K E R·_S Non- Workers II III IV V V,I VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,-__ .A. __ , ,-__ .A. __ , ,-__ .A._---. ,----"---. r--..A.-:-, .--..A..---, ,----A---, ,---.A.---, ,--....._____, ,----.A.--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F. M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26, 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

15 S - 1 10 10 201 11 3 4 · . 10 4 202 , . .. .0 Uninhabited 00 .... " 203 30 39 9 9 21 2 5 9 30 20 65 76 204 42 42 6 2 1 2 1 20 13 205

9 II 4 2 3 12 10 206 Uninhabited 207 .. Uninhabited 208 " .. .. Uninhabited . . 209 8 6 1 1 6 13 210

12 11 6 6 .. 13 17 211 ...... Uninhabited . . 212 30 38 5 4 2 1 27 32 213 Uninhabited 214 Uninhahited _ 215

25 23 2 5 .. 10 6 216 .. . , Uninhabited . . 217 5 5 1 1 7 6 218 Uninbabited 219 Uninhabited 220

20 27 9 5 • 7 S 17 27 221 Uninhabited . .. 222 Uninhahited 223 Uninhabited 224 .. Uninhabited 225

58 54 16 18 3 2 2 52 58 226 Uninhabited 227 ...... Uninhabited 228 36 44 4 1 1 5 25 23 229 16 14 1 1 9 7 230

42 37 5 4 2 32 39 231 15 14 2 14 232 Uninhabited 233 ...... Uninhabited .. . . 234 34 5 1 1 22 18 33 235

33 35 I 34 29 236 7 3 237 24 21 " 1 .. 24 24 4 4 8 4 2 20 11 238 .. Uninhabited 239 .. Uninhabited 240

...... Uninhabited .. .. 241 21 24 5 6 .. 13 16 242 Uninhabited 243 ...... Uninhabited .. .. 244 25 34 2 2 o. 17 13 245

20 24 · . o. 8 8 246 ...... Uninhabited ...... 247 80 83 5 2 9 3 I I 2 57 3 91 109 248 9 12 .. 3 7 249 21 33 4 16 19 250 352


Workerl Name Area Literate r- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House· Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---""___' ..------_..A.. ____ '""" .----.A.--, ,----A-~ r-~ P M F M F M F M F M F .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Adawalli 216.8 16 16 109 52 57 51 57 38 37 252 Kiskal 175.7 12 12 74 32 42 32 42 21 18 253 Gudsakal 206.2 5 5 22 12 10 12 10 8 6 254 Uspari 12.7 4 4 26 12 14 12 14 8 4 255 Utla 201.9 13 13 73 34 39 29 34 17 20

256 Bail 178.9 13 13 79 37 42 22 32 21 21 257 Niram 495.7 .. .. Uninhabited ., .. 258 Ehakali P. 220.9 15 15 1m 53 50 47 48 30 23 259 Chinger 683.4 37 37 259 138 121 6 2 130 116 93 75 260 Mandem 377.0 40 40 266 139 127 4 1 135 126 13 84 86

261 Ponodwaya 166.0 5 5 30 14 16 14 16 9 9 262 Katulnar 195.6 13 13 80 37 41 .. 37 43 29 28 263 Mendpal Uninhabitell 264 MardingpJI .. Uninhabited 265 Alwad.l 253.6 10 10 46 24 22 24 22 15 II

266 Chihka 176.3 16 16 65 33 32 33 32 1 24 20 267 Bhatwada 20 20 129 64 65 64 65 3~· 36 268 Palewaya . :g~:~ Uninhabited .. 269 Belnar P. 3,023.7 120 120 751 397 354 2 3 309 276 31 2 235 235 270 Gorgunda Uninhabited

271 Kumer .. . . Uninhabited 272 Marwada 135.3 6 6 39 21 18 21 18 14 15 273 Safimarka 301. 9 16 17 158 82 76 82 76 62 59 274 Korlapalli 75.9 ...... Uninhabited 275 Benchram 144.3 13 13 74 30 44 17 21 3 19 26

276 Ketanpal .. .. Uninhabited 277 Matwada 161.9 7 7 34 17 17 17 17 13 13 II 278 Daler 162.2 12 12 50 27 23 27 23 18 14 279 Mangalnar 329.9 22 22 111 52 59 49 55 36 34 280 Odsa 280.6 12 12 91 39 52 39 52 21 27

281 Markapal 675.6 59 59 376 193 183 4 4 78 70 3 120 115 281 Bangoli 1,261.9 32 32 204 104 100 98 98 12 64 69 283 Satwa 1,692.2 43 43 310 134 176 126 136 17 4 88 114 2R4 Surokhi 463.4 25 25 192 97 95 97 86 .2 69 53 285 Pillur 196.0 11 II 55 30 25 28 25 21 18

286 Dondimarka .. Uninhabited . . . . 287 Penkram 158.4 15 15 ]00 49 51 44 51 25 33 28~ Sakanapalli 232.2 7 7 38 19 19 19 19 3 12 13 289 Chhotepotenar 58.3 9 9 52 24 28 .. 23 27 16 19 290 Tumnar 166.0 Uninhabited

291 KotrapaJ 287.2 15 15 78 36 42 .. .. 36 42 28 25 292 Bhairamgarh P,M,D, 2,447.0 231 214 1,056 527 529 95 95 301 322 102 21 347 322 Rhc, Hos, Mew, Po. 293 Pusnar 150.0 20 20 106 56 50 43 28 7 32 28 294 Nelasnar P,Po. 1,126,5 102 102 627 314 313 178 175 23 6 190 186 295 Mattimarka 1,514.1 17 17 92 47 45 47 45 2 29 29

296 Badia Uninhabited 297 Karremarka Uninhabited 298 Chintanpalli 693.5 45 46 252 117 l35 .. Il? 132 83 96 299 Cheramangi Uninhabited 300 Glldma P. 567.2 49 49 204 97 107 96 61 18 4 63 60 353


WORKERS \ Non- ~-- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.co. No. ,-_..A.._, ~-..A---., ,-..A..---., ,..---A..---, ~-, ----"------,----"---") ,-----"---, r-..A..---, ,.--..A..-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M }l/ M F M F M 1: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

36 35 2 1 14 20 251 20 17 1 1 .. 11 24 252 6 4 2 1 1 4 4 253 8 4 .. 4 10 254 17 19 I 17 19 255

18 13 3 6 2 16 21 256 .. .. Uninhabited 257 28 19 2 3 1 23 ·27 258 '~4 69 8 4 I 2 .', 45 46 259 79 82 5 4 55 41 260

9 9 5 7 261 29 28 .. 8 15 262 Uninhabited ., 263 Uninhabited 264 15 11 .. .. 9 11 265

23 16 I 4 9 12 266 24 26 10 10 .. 30 29 267 .. ,., Uninhabited 268 214 220 17 13 2 2 162 119 269 Uninhabited .. 270

Uninhabited 271 14 15 .. • 7 3 272 47 54 15 3 2 20 17 '273 .. Uninhabited 274 19 25 1 11 18 275

,. Uninhabited 276 8 7 5 3 1 .. 4 6 277 16 9 2 2 1 2 9 9 278 30 28 6 6 16 25 279 17 22 4 5 18 25 280

117 103 3 3 9 .. 73 68 281 57 64 5 5 .. 2 40 31 282 77 104 8 8 I .. 1 2 1 . 46 62 283 61 44 5 2 4 .. 3 3 28 42 284 7 11 1 3 2 6 2 3 2 3 8 7 285

Uninhabited 286 24 33 1 24 18 287 10 11 2 2 7 6 288 13 13 1 6 2 8 9 289 Uninhabited ., 290

,. ,. 20 19 4 5 4 1 " .. 8 17 291 191 171 86 64 6 4 6 27 2 I 3 5 1 52 50 180 207 292 32 28 ,. 24 22 293 156 159 21 15 5 5 5 1 7 2 124 127 294 29 29 18 16 295

Uninhabited 296 ., Uninhabited 297 .50 60 32 34 1 1 34 39 298 Uninhabited .. 299 40 43 11 10 4 I 7 7 34 47 300 354


Workers Name Area Literate r----- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total War- No. Village available acres Houses hold~ . Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers(I-IX) ,.-----"---, ,-__.A...._-. r----'------, ,-.A._, P M F M F M F M F ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

301 Pindumpal 206.2 13 13 90 41 49 9 8 32 41 26 33 302 Bengla 58.7 1 1 9 6 3 6 3 3 2 303 Kondroji 292.2 16 16 88 45 43 26 17 29 24 304 Chhotegongla • N.A. .. Uninhabitl'l! .. .. 305 JangJa 451-3 34 34 186 90 96 77 63 43 68

306 Dhusaod 364.3 Uninhabited .. 307 Patarpara 311.5 29 29 172 87 85 82 71 3 59 57 308 Darapal 574.8 24 24 202 90 112 84 107 65 51 309 Tadsod N.A. Uninhabitl'd 310 Bibri 57.4 Uninhabited ..

311 Nemler N.A. Uninhabited ...... 312 Kachalaram 169.3 13 13 66 33 33 33 33 2 27 26 313 Jhadiguda 191.5 18 18 127 69 58 69 58 5 47 34 314 Jaiwaram 298.8 28 28 203 86 117 86 1[7 1 56 ·68 315 Baddala N,A. Uninhabited ..

316 . Keshkutul 197.9 8 8 76 40 36 40 36 .. 26 26 317 Pondum 352.4 35 35 200 103 97 .. 103 93 3 .. 75 64 318 Kodoli 1,340.1 69 69 522 269 253 26 25 171 154 19 I 161 138 319 PoUem 1,148.3 18 18 98 57 41 57 41 43 29 320 Gokhur 346.6 II 11 46 27 19 27 19 1 17 II

321 Kandraparti 703.6 8 8 61 34 27 34 27 29 18 j22 MaIda N.A. .. Uninhabited .. 323 Kondapadgu 10.9 16 16 82 48 34 10 4 38 30 36 27 . 324 Nilamadgu N.A. .. Uninhabited .. " · . 325 Mormed P. 1,036.5 69 72 391 199 192 45 49 140 138 20 3 120 125

326 Ader N.A. Uninhabited .. 327 Kakameta N.A. Uninhabited .. 328 KompalJi N.A. Uninhabited .. 329 KomIa N.A. .. Uainhabited 330 Gadamalli 472.6 29 29 210 99 III 1 2 96 106 1 67 63

331 Badetungali 382.7 lS 15 166 80 86 1 5 79 8l 48 6') 132 Pidkatungali N.A...... Uninhabited . . · . 333 Chidrapal 588.0 38 38 26~ 136 128 124 120 5 74 67 334 Kotapalli 316.9 .. ., Uninhabited 335 Petabogda 577.7 40 40 175 82 93 18 18 63 74 55 53

336 Dudma N.A. ., .. " Uninhabited " ., 337 Mingachal 199.3 25 25 135 72 63 2 5 70 57 4 50 43 338 Pitetungali N.A. .. .. Uninhabited · . 339 PotenarindlW

341 Gangaram 1,158.7 28 28 130 57 73 11 16 12 15 16 .. 44 4<) 342 Borgucla 142.7 99 91} 466 228 2311 3 1 77 10 142 159 343 Redpalli 729.8 25 25' III 53 58 51 5R 19 5 30 47 344 Alampoltiguda 59.9 Uninhabited .. 345 Jam~a N.A. Uninhabited ..

346 Ponger N.A. Uninhabited .. 347 Itulwar N.A...... Uninhabited 348 Tumla 69.9 R S 44 . 24 70 23 20 I 15 12 349 Halloor 752.1 23 23 231 107 1?4 107 124 85 83 350 Turrenar 238.8 JO to 57 32 25 32 25 21 19 355



18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

26 33 15 16 301 3 2 3 1 302 29 24 16 19 303

.. .. Uninhabited .. o. 304 43 68 47 28 305

.. Uninhabited .. o. 30'0 57 57 2 28 28 307 65 51 25 61 308 Uninhabited .. .. 309 Uninhabited .. .. 310

Uninhabited " .. 311 27 26 " 6 7 312 26 23 4 2 15 9 ...... 2 .. 22 24 313 48 48 1 3 12 2 2 3 2 3 30 49 314 Uninhabited .. .. 315

25 26 14 10 316 70 64 5 ...... 28 33 317 129 120 12 8 8 I 1 10 10 108 115 318 43 29 14 12 319 17 11 10 8 320

26 17 2 5 9 321 .. .. 322 32 27 4 12 7 323 ...... Uninhabited •. 324 77 81 26 40 4 12 5 79 67 325

Uninhabited .. .. 326 Uninbabited .. •. 327 Uninhabited .. .. 328 '...... Uninhabited 329 54 53 8 9 3 1 1 1 32 48 330

44 51 5 .. 3 4 32 26 331 ...... Uninhabited 332 58 57 9 8 2 1 5 62 61 333 .. .. Uninhahited 334 53 45 2 13 27 35 335

.. .. Uninhabited .• .. .. 336 43 38 I 4 6 22 20 337 .. .. Uninhabited .. 338 45 49 2 1 23 29 339 87 90 8 9 3 52 65 340

33 42 10 7 ... 1 o • 13 24 341 95 115 28 40 1 5 4 8 3 86 79 342 22 39 4 8 3 I 23 11 343 Uninhabited . 0 344 Uninhabited 0 0 345

Uninhabited 0 0 346 .. Uninhabited .0 13 347 ]0 I 1 .. 9 8 348 76 72 8 10 1 22 41 349 14 II 7 8 11 6 350 356


Workers Name Area Literate ,.---- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds TOlal population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,.-----"------.. ,------A-----, ,.-----'----, ,.-----A---. ,----A--, P M F M F M F M F M F '2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

351 Pinkonda 2,300.9 151 151 1,197 584 613 15 15 567 546 35 2 348 317 352 Katulnar 478.8 35 35 212 107 105 .. 105 87 .. .. 12 65 353 Saknapalli P,M,Po. 232.2 31 31 154 79 75 8 7 5~ 59 43 5 40 52 354 Dammur 435.6 55 55 249 124 125 50 51 57 51 25 .. 83 82 355 KoJlagud3 303.9 27 27 113 53 60 47 42 5 1 41 48

356 Duglamguda 181.9 33 33 179 86 93 R6 93 20 60 67 357 Pendlam .. Uninhabited 351 Boreguda .. Uninhabited 359 Gunjakonta 20.0 .. .. Uninhabited .. .. 360 Toynar P,M,Mcw,Po. 2,45\.2 225 236 1,165 576 589 127 145 358 346 149 13 347 346

361 Matia ...... Uninhabited ...... 362 Yeramnar 1,091.3 76 81 557 297 260 239 209 15 182 152 363 Kuwenar .. Uninbabited 364 Irpapomra 297.1 ., Uninbabited 365 Edesmeta .. Uninbabited

366 Raiguda 147.9 27 27 127 61 66 13 21 40 38 4 2 42 48 367 Lingapur P. 685.6 56 60 280 122 158 3 5 98 113 29 4 89 114 368 Bardali P. 854.6 97 97 445 225 220 15 16 148 122 38 2 147 149 369 Chillarmarka 891.4 11 11 56 26 30 26 30 18 22 370 Kakler .. Uninbabited

371 Madepali .. Uninbabited 372 Dupeli 193.2 ...... Uninhabited 373 Dugeli 645.6 40 44 285 139 146 136 136 2 82 44 374 Naimad P. 1,308.6 70 72 399 206 193 195 176 2 132 124 375 Japeli 298.4 12 12 86 44 42 44 42 33 32

376 Pulladi 2,277.6 50 50 369 199 170 199 170 142 127 377 Toinar 441.4 25 25 169 78 91 78 91 51 47 378 Fulgutta 1,047.5 53 53 357 182 175 .. 146 119 .. 108 107 379 Nalampalli 847.6 44 44 196 94 102 19 20 70 77 8 3 64 68 380 Ulloor 1,916.3 36 36 181 88 93 7 6 81 87 10 1 69 65

381 Kodoli Uninbabited 382 Pinpanoor Uninhabited .. 383 Korenjed 673.8 5 5 25 12 13 12 13 10 9 384 Kachlaram ...... Uninhabited 385 Midte 91.9 21 21 97 53 44 53 44 2 1 45 27

386 Kader 585.6 50 50 355 168 187 168 187 123 129 387 Akwa 724.1 30 30 217 108 109 108 109 75 67 3811 Patliguda 429.1 31 31 243 114 129 114 129 62 70 389 Chandangiri 1,470.0 30 30 138 66 72 .. .. 61 66 7 47 53 390 Bhopalpatnam P, M,H, 1,773.8 240 254 1,105 582 523 20 20 257 i83 310 62 363 214 D,Rhc, Hos, Mcw ,Po.

391 Koltapatnam (Ralhlpalli) 1,480.1 39 39 154 67 87 67 85 1 48 60 392 Bandeparre 925.0 10 10 83 46 37 .. .. 46 37 2 1 45 27 393 Papanp'll 1,666.6 139 138 688 357 331 76 82 256 227 23 1 224 207 394 Musaloor P. 909.7 81 82 455 236 219 206 190 56 8 154 112 395 Pedakodepal P. 1,724.3 113 113 777 360 417 356 400 19 5 235 275

396 Kaika P,Po. 333.3 38 38 202 93 109 93 109 17 6 60 70 397 Durdha Uninhabited 398 Jabbe .. Uninhabited ., .. 399 Kudmer 172.3 6 6 33 20 13 20 13 13 8 400 Tadkel 1,100.0 52 52 424 218 206 205 181 143 121 357


w 0 R K E , R S Non- ---A. Workers L.C. No. I H III IV V VI VII VIII IX X ,---"---, r----"-., ~,--A--, ,---A..--, ,---A..--, ,---A..--, r---"--..., ~ ,-----A---., M F M F M F M P M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21- 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

287 318 56 52 7 3 2 236 236 351 47 42 24 21 1 2 .. 35 40 352 28 39 9 13 1 2 39 23 353 60 65 20 17 .. 3 41 43 354 23 31 12 15 3 3 2 12 12 355

57 60 3 7 26 26 356 .. Uninhabited 357 .. Uninhabited 358 .. " .. .. Uninhabitf'tl " .. .. 359 217 247 73 81 7 2 10 9 2 4 38 3 229 243 360

...... Uninhabited 361 132 134 22 16 22 2 6 115 108 362 " Uninhabited 363 Uninhabited 364 .. Uninhabited 365

19 21 13 22 8 4 2 ...... 19 18 366 57 79 23 21 1 " .. 1 1 14 33 44 361 102 113 13 28 13 4 3 1 15 4 18 11 368 17 19 1 2 1 8 8 369 .. Uninhabited 310

.. Uninhabited 311 Uninhabited .. 372 59 41 11 " 4 3 2 .. 57 102 373 91 92 29 31 8 1 2 2 14 '. 69 3704 15 12 18 20 11 10 375

118 119 24 8 51 43 316 45 41 6 6 27 44 371 101 99 7 6 2 74 68 378 53 57 11 11 30 34 379 63 63 3 2 3 19 28 380

.. Uninhabited 381 .. .. Uninhabited .. 382 10 9 .. 2 4 383 .. Uninhabited .. 384 44 26 1 1 8 17 385

46 SO 77 19 45 58 386 60 58 15 9 33 42 387 51 65 11 5 .. .. 52 59 388 39 42 6 10 .. 1 .. .. 2 19 19 389 62 93 12 6 bO 39 9 6 5 5 12 4 198 66 219 309 390

39 48 1 2 7 10 19 27 399 44 26 J 1 .. .. J 10 3 2 144 133 68 66 5 .. 7 8 .. 133 124 393 123 98 10 4 1 1 3 3 5 1 14 3 82 107 394 177 211 51 58 1 1 1 3 125 142 395

32 38 28 32 33 39 396 .. .. Uninhabited 397 .. .. Uninhabited .. 398 12 6 1 2 .. 1 5 399 100 93 43 28 1 1 75 85 <400 358


Workers Name Area Literate ,.-----_. L.c. of Facilitie~ in· Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~ r--"----, r--"---> ~--. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

401 Mirtur P. 1,380.6 81 81 523 288 235 70 53 70 48 18 3 155 133 402 Gupdilanka 301.8 13 13 93 39 54 .. 27 27 403 Degmeta 460.9 10 10 58 30 28 .. 10 8 .. 19 19 404 Bhatpalli 693.6 57 57 226 103 123 24 20 47 62 16 4 70 81 405 Gullameta P. 1,323·6 98 104 428 212 216 55 65 97 27 129 151·

406 Kuehner 1,381.4 29 29 133 67 66 67 66 5 49 45 407 BangoH N.A. Uninhabited 408 Adedwada N.A. " Uninhabited 409 Atukpalli N.A. Uninhabited 410 Dbanora P,Po. 1,395.3 107 107 631 317 314 1 311 3m 94 14 195 181·

411 Koramdodi N.A. ., .. Uninhabited .. 412 Madpal 812.4 42 42 305 157 148 157 148 87 96 413 Tamodi 52.6 .. " Uniiwabited 414 Nilawaya 667.3 12 12 81 40 41 40 41 29 29 415 Pedapal 257.4 8 8 77 32 45 32 45 26 26

416 Dorriguda 364.3 7 7 48 24 24 .. 15 19 " .. 19 18 417 Gollaguda P. 697.0 123 123 566 271 295 25 36 50 69 27 4 159 192 418 Timed 1,086.3 59 60 242 123 119 23 17 40 36 22 1 62 74 419 Marriguda 336.9 .. Uninhabited 420 Damaral1l N.A. .. Uninhabited

421 Rudraram P. 2,704.7 147 147 632 324 308 132 122 94 96 40 219 209 422 Yapla 1,202.4 8 8 48 23 25 23 25 4 16 15 423 . PegdapaIli P. 582.2 81 80 364 179 185 161 148 34 3 126 131 424 Kottaguda 417.4 19 19 110 64 46 .. 64 46 8 42 30 425 Alloor N.A. .. Uninhabite

426 Kandulnar 408.5 63 63 339 169 170 .. .. 168 170 2 102 112 427 Borje P. 904.3 97 97 528 256 272 39 41 185 192 50 10 170 172 428 Gumra 342.6 27 27 174 89 85 3 86 81 .. 67 55 429 Mosla 375.0 33 33 216 99 117 99 117 1 75 71 430 Kachilwar 212.3 16 16 llO 56 54 56 54 5 42 39

431 Dumkametta N.A. Uninhabited 432 Yadespedar N·A. .. Uninhabited 433 Okenar NA. Uninhabited 434 Petepal 480.9 22 22 143 71 72 71 72 51 55 435 Cherli 967.0 38 38 255 118 137 118 137 74 91

436 Gotaiguda 1,308.1 66 67 296 141 155 .. 126 131 34 88 98 i37 Cherpalli P,Po. 1,236.1 64 64 315 160 155 5 6 141 128 50 1 97 101 438 Sandrapalli 1,390.8 25 25 140 65 75 .. 54 66 9 40 44 439 Dampaya P. 3,542.6 69 65 332 165 167 5 1 140 126 51 14 97 118 440 DhangoJ 870.6 10 10 59 27 32 27 32 3 1 19 23

441 Bangapalli N.A. .. .. Unmhabited 442 Gudipal 281.1 27 27 204 103 101 .. 87 78 65 43 443 Koltapal 521.3 45 45 260 118 142 4 6 30 28 26 4 69 82 444 Nukanpal 125.8 4 4 27 15 12 15 8 1 12 5 445 Turnar 440.9 28 29 164 85 79 72 68 II 61 32

446 Padmoor 524.3 42 42 289 139 150 12 7 105 104 3 92 90 447 Gundapur N.A, " .. Uninhabited .. 448 Pedajojer 671.9 35 35 231 115 116 !l5 116 75 68 449 Botgunda N.A. .. lJ ninhabited 450 Hadapal N.A. .. Uninhabited 359


W 0 R K E R S Non- --A. --. Workers II . III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,---A.----., r--"-----, r--"-----., r--"-----., ,....--A-----., ,---A.----., ,--..A..----., r--"-----., ,---A.----., r--"-----., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

140 126 2 2 9 3 2 2 2 .. 133 102 401 26 26 1 1 12 27 402 12 13 7 6 .. 11 9 403 37 46 20 36 7 1 4 3 2 1 33 36 404 60 74 11 S9 16 3 7 2 1 1 2 1 32 II 83 65 405

35 33 6 3 8 9 18 21 406 Uninhabited .. .. 407 Umnhabited .. .. 408 .. Uninhabited ...... 409 128 126 48 49 5 2 3 17 4 122 127 410

...... Uninhabited .. . . 411 36 41 51 55 70 52 412 .. .. Uninhabited 413 21 25 8 4 II 12 414 26 26 6 19 415

16 17 3 1 ...... 5 6 416 76 93 32 85 20 2 19 2 2 1 10 9 112 103 417 23 25 5 37 5 4 9 3 20 5 61 ·45 418 Uninhabited .. 419 Uninhabited .. 420

183 172 13 23 2 8 3 4 3 9 8 105 99 421 16 15 .. .. 7 10 122 106 108 3 6 1 3 1 15 14 53 54 423 35 22 1 1 1 I .. 5 6 22 . J6' 424 Uninhabited .. 425

94 105 7 7 1 67 58 426 107 100 56 68 5 4 2 86 100 427 63 54 2 1 1 1 22 30 428 63 62 12 9 24 46 429 23 21 19 18 14 15 430

Uninhabited .. 431 Uninhabited .. 432 .. .. Uninhabited . . 433 43 50 8 5 20 17 434 44 57 30 34 44 46 435

55 65 4 18 2 27 15 53 57 436 76 83 4 10 2 3 12 8 63 54 437 28 33 7 6 .. .. 5 5 25 31 438 73 95 12 16 3 2 5 4 5 68 49 439 14 16 2 4 2 3 1 8 9 440.

.. " " Uninhabited .. .. 441 32 34 S 8 25 1 38 58 442 67 79 2 3 .. 49 60 443 II 5 . . " I .. 3 7 444 51 26 I 3 9 3 24 47 445

55 58 37 30 2 47 60 446 .. .. Uninhabited .. 447 38 33 37 35 .. 40 48 448 Uninhabited 449 Uninhabited 450 360


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village availahle acres Houses holds 10lal population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,---~ ,-----"--, ,---..A..-_, ,----"--, r----A--, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

451 Gottetong Uninhabited 452 Kondapal 255.2 14 14 72 34 38 .. 34 38 19 25 453 Bhimaram 377.1 .. . . Uninhabited .. 454 Rampuram 11 13 53 33 20 21 14 II 6 1 24 16 455 Aurjunalli P,M. 1,402.1 61 61 378 190 188 187 182 42 119 121

456 Radpuram 233.8 .. " Uninhabited .. .. 457 Chinnamatuf 618.4 J1 11 61 29 32 29 32 5 15 22 453 Pedamatur t,049.9 49 47 226 114 112 112 10,} 18 2 67 71 459 Jajulgllda 1,109.0 13 13 78 41 37 41 37 2 24 21 460 Kottaguda (Dudheda) 924.6 Uninhabited

461 Somanpalli 1,475.1 20 20 119 59 60 48 54 5 34 33 462 Kesoli ., - IJninhabited .,

4fl3 Ader 76.5 11 11 47 2~ 24 " 23 24 15 IS 464 Manj~.iguda P. 340.2 30 30 169 82 87 5 8 77 70 22 6 53 51 465 Tumnar P. 2,095.5 166 166 1,010 498 512 16 26 455 443 6 2 290 305

466 Koitpal P. 629.2 39 39 327 159 168 7 5 151 163 29 5 i17 116 467 Hurreguda .. . . Uninhabiled .. ., 468 Bechapal 1,048.7 56 Sf) 315 141 174 I 138 174 4 93 78 469 Depla 881.8 30 30 166 83 83 82 82 Z 55 66 470 Burguda 327.9 12 12 69 35 34 35 34 25 22

471 Bamanpur 451.5 16 16 94 47 47 47 47 30 33 472 posadpalli 1.272.5 25 25 129 65 64 65 ~ .. 38 41 473 Motakpalli 776.0 29 31 156 72 84 69 77 8 44 53 474 Kesaiguc1a P. 1 ,~05.1 42 42 278 137 141 4 3 132 134 9 85 99 475 Rajguda 120.9 16 16 86 48 38 48 37 I 35 29

476 Dudheda 853.2 29 28 161 81 80 81 80 12 45 48 47-' Pegdapalli 1,106·0 34 32 186 98 88 7(, 64 14 64 56 178 Angampa1li . 671.4 23 23 139 70 69 · . ~ . 70 69 45 45 479 Yelgandra 134.3 UninhabIted 480 Gauraram 579.8 Uninhabited

481 Lingapuram .. .. Uninhabited 482 Pec1aka\\ali 117.9 11 11 139 86 53 3S 30 5 56 22 483 ltpal 871.5 64 64 356 176 180 168 173 51 '6 106 105 484 Jaitaloor 348.8 39 39 215 104 III 104 91 14 7 611 63 485 Santaspur 420.0 38 38 248 121 127 65 60 3 89 89

486 Kadenar 1,016.0 51 51 437 216 221 215 163 17 145 147 487 Jorgoya 319.6 41 41 182 88 94 .. .. 42 35 2 56 59 488 Chinnajojer 423.7 27 27 165 86 79 8 5 78 74 I 4 58 33 489 Kamkanar P. 1,179.6 103 103 618 313 305 17 ;'0 226 205 4 208 194 490 Chokhanpal 8~.7 66 67 372 180 192 I 123 136 1 106 90

491 Marriwada 337.6 .. .. Uninhabited .. ., 492 Y

496 Tumlapalli 1,544.0 lOS 105 499 256 243 13 14 243 225 26 163 167 497 Ralapalli 100.7 15 IS 78 36 42 36 39 1 .. 22 23 498 Chinnakawali P,Po. 458.2 47 47 218 97 121 97 112 18 2 42 75 499 Bijapur P,M,Hos,Po. ,2,038.4 298 310 1,464 773 691 30 33 540 450 210 34 510 362 500 Cherkanti 548.9 37 37 254 111 143 1 '2 44 58 I 69 68 361


W 0 R K E R S Non- ;_,,_ --, Workers L.C. II. III iv V VI VII VlII IX X No.

,-----A._--"') ,--.A__,_., r-~ ,.---"------, ,--:---"-----., ,-~'---. ,--:---"----, .--'--, ,--:---"---., ,-...:....A.----, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

.. . , .. Uninhabited 451 IS 18 4 7 15 13 452 .. . ' .. .. Uninhabited .. . . 453 20 13 1 3 I 2 .. 9 4 454 105 115 I I 2 1 11 4 71 67 455

. , ., Uninhabited .. 456 15 21 . . 1 .. 14 10 457 34 41 31 30 2 47 41 458 24 21 17 16 459 Uninhabited .. 460

28 26 5 7 25 27 461 .. Uninhabited .. 462 15 15 .. 8 9 463 43 44 9 7 .. I 29 36 464 258 269 29 36 1 2 208 207 465

88 86 27 30 2 42 52 466 .. Uninhabitoo 467 55 48 34 29 .. 1 4 48 96 463 46 55 3 11 1 2 3 28 17 469 18 19 7 3 10 12 470

28 29 2 4 17 '. 14 471 38 41 ...... 27 23 472 39 44 4 5 I 3 .. .. 1 28 31 0473 79 96 2 2 I 1 2 1 52 42 4704 32 27 I 2 2 13 9 475

43 45 2 2 1 36 32 476 44 38 1 12 6 1 9 7 2 34 32 477 45 45 25 24 478 Uninhabited " 0479 Uninhabited .. 480

...... Uninhabited 481 18 18 1 4 12 2S 30 31 482 79 82 24 23 3 70 75 483 54 51 14 11 1 36 48 484 75 78 14 11 32 38 485

112 113 29 33 2 71 74 486 487 32 34 22 25 " .. 2 32 35 28 14 25 9 3 8 2 2 .. 28 46 488 154 144 45 38 7 12 2 105 111 489 37 31 68 59 1 74 102 0490 • .. Uninhabited .. 491 7 9 11 11 .. .. 5 8 492 25 23 21 19 I 1 I 1 1 15 41 0493 50 52 10 18 .. 49 49 494 40 39 1 1 1 40 29 495

100 93 28 26 34 48 93 76 496 22 22 .. 1 .. 14 19 497 29 53 9 21 ...... 1 I 1 2 .. 55 46 491 244 248 58 55 51 5 4 4 I 14 5 1 134 48 263 329 0499 51 53 18 15 42 75 500 362


Workers Name Area Literate L.c. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scht!duled & Total Wor­ No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r----A..--... ,..--"-----, .----"-----, ,.._.A._-., r----"'--~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

501 Koter 535.7 54 54 355 166 189 4 9 16 9 1 ]07 100 502 Redi 537.0 60 60 358 171 187 67 65 4 118 101 503 Metapal 823.9 59 59 372 174 198 169 193 I 103 122 504 lndinar 310.9 .. .. Uninhabited .. ,. .. 505 Kandla 319,6 4 4 26 10 16 ID 16 7 II • 506 Kondamcsam J,143.8 8 8 41 17 24 17 24 13 18 507 Yellapuram " Uninhabited ...... 508 Minoor P,Po 2,570.9 55 55 367 172 195 163 182 43 ]0 105 115 50-9 Meghapur (Karkawaya) 822.2 34 35 185 91 94 87 91 I 55 60 510 Yenchoda 532.9 11 Ii 59 25 34 24 34 23 22

511 Madded P,M,D,Rhc,Hos, 1,529.2 362 3801,676 875 801 165 170 245 195 332 63 514 477 Mcw,Po. 512 Konguda 94.5 23 23 111 61 'i0 3 1 57 48 9 11 39 513 Sangampalli 2,413.4 76 7(> 392 191 201 7 8 152 1·16 19 " 129 115 514 Uskaleda P. 3,131.6 126 132' 765 380 385 376 382 84 Il 246 251 515 Gilgicha 1,847,9 36 36 179 84 95 83 94 2 ] 63 71

516 Kt:shga1 88.9 Uninhabited 517 Chintanpal .. · . " Uninhabited .. . . 518 Chinnakodepal 20°.9 17 17 77 33 39 38 39 4 20 27 519 Bhosaguda . 340.8 9 9 51 26 25 7 3 18 22 [ 17 16 520 Ponjer 204.6 16 16 112 53 59 53 59 35 40

,-~1 Cherpal P,Po. 842.2 110 110 569 280 289 157 171 36 31 29 7 160 182 522 Gongla 751.4 68 68 453 222 231 35 36 14 10 15 I 130 143 523 Timmenar 255.5 22 22 137 69 6f! 69 68 48 44 524 Porrewada 83.6 .. .. Uninhabited .. 525 Atukpalli P. 2,601.9 62 62 312 146 166 17 18 121 '140 23 4 92 102

526 Rampeta 781.7 17 17 95 57 38 57 38 6 37 27 527 Metlacheru 303:6 11 11 50 26 24 26 24 1 IS ~2 528 Vangapatti 697.p 37 3: 229 125 10-4 124 101 76 64 529 Muttapur 1,483.3 18 IS 92 42 50 42 50 30 23 530 Kanhaiguda Uninhabited

531 Modakpal 270.9 13 13 74 34 40 ~4 36 6 :'0 2~ 532 Murkinar 794.4 43 43 245 120 125 119 110 9 82 73 533 Sagwahi 105.3 7 7 34 17 17 17 17 II Il 534 Pamalwava .. · . Uninhabited . , . . .. ,. 535 Gorna ~ 78.0 S 8 56 31 25 31 25 18 J 5

536 Bhogamguda 183,2 13 13 80 41 39 .. 41 39 .. 22 24 537 Padeda 1.010,9 93 93 533 261 272 31 41 226 230 9 I 164 163 538 Gangaloor P,'vf,Po. 5,051.2 472 4743,101 1,5351,566 I 'i 5 150 1,283 1,3 J 1 109 3 1,000 985 539 PdSllar P. J ,772.0 223 22:1 1,081 ~42 539 47 29 483 488 15 311) 291 540 Chhotehirali Uninhabited

541 HiroH 42 42 221 lOS 113 108 1D • 1i8 70 542 Reguda 1,225.1 13 13 67 29 38 .. ,. 10 10 21 21 541 Metlacheru (Kottagutia) 52.7 .. · . Uninhabited ,. . . 544 Minkapalli 1.07-1.2 4S 48 2-1 X 125 123 124 122 9 75 6R 545 Kongapalli 1,899.R 37 37 213 101 112 97 104 I 61 56

546 Sandrel 591.4 30 30 104 78 86 .. .. 73 83 12 52 46 547 Panganpal Uninhabited 5.18 Gupkonta .. .. . , Uninhabited ., " .. 549 Mankeli 30 30 277 141 136 J [ 140 115 J 76 77 550 Chilnar 8 S 40 25 15 25 15 18 12 363 BIJAPUR TAHSIL

w 0 R K E RS Non- .A. Workers L.C. . X No. I II III IV V < VI VII VIII IX

,---"----, r--"-, {___,A.__~ r----..A..----.. ,..----"---, ,-...:__)..._~ r---'''--, r-- A-~ r-__A....~ r---A..--., M F M F .tv! F M F M F M FM F MF M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 59 89 501 60 57 47 43 .. .. " 1 53 86 502 67 42 49 39 " 19 1 1 33 35 69 80 1 7 71 76 503 .. .. Uninhabited .. 504 6 10 1 1 3 5 505

11 16 2 .. 4 6 506 ...... Uninhabited . . 507 82 93 9 10 4 6 9 6 67 80 508 .. 36 34 509 43 45 12 IS " .. 21 19 1 1 1 2 2 12 510

211 208 72 102 27 6 64 18 9 16 10 114 133 361 324 511 11 512 22 16 16 20 2 I . , 3 .. 20 76 59 .. 26 36 10 1 16 20 62 86 513 231 238 1 2 1 2 .. 13 9 134 134 514 47 61 9 7 3 2 1 1 2 1 21 24 515

Uninhabited .. 516 .. Uninhabited ., 517 16 14 4 13 18 12 518 13 13 4 3 9 9 519 18 20 17 20 18 19 520

117 122 38 45 .. 15 .. 4 120 107 521 80 82 46 52 1 9 1 1 1 92 88 522 37 33 11 9 2 21 24 523 ...... Uninhabited " 524 67 87 19 14 3 3 1 54 64 525

11 33 23 4 4 .. " 20 526 14 7 1 5 2 I .. S 12 527 71' 55 5 9 49 40 528 26 19 4 4 12 27 529 Uninhabited " 530 • 15 19 3 4 2 .. 14 16 531 73 68 7 5 2 38 52 532 9 10 2 I .. 6 6 533 .. Uninhabited 534 13 II 5 4 13 10 535

16 17 6 7 .. .. " 19 15 536 J 97 127 120 25 19 9 11 15 .. " 109 537 727 746 220 211 4 1 24 22 1 4 7 2 3 10 3 535 581 538 145 138 164 144 1 5 7 2 1 2 1 223 248 539 Uninhabited " 540

28 28 40 42 .. .. 40 43 541 6 13 3 7 J 12 8 17 542 ...... Uninhabited 543 71 65 3 2 1 1 .. 50 55 544 54 50 4 5 2 1 1 40 56 545

44 41 6 4 2 26 40 546 Uninhabited 547 ., Uninhabited " 548 ,~7 70 5 3 3 4 ., 1 65 59 549 ~J 9 4 1 1 2 7 3 550 364


Workers Name Area Lilerate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total War No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Edu('ated kers (I-IX) ,--.A.--..., r----'--, r----"------, ,-----"--, ~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

551 Palnar P. 1,621.0 149 149 825 399 426 18 43 359 349 9 233 228 552 Nainpal 188.6 9 9 49 24 25 24 25 16 19 553 Malloor 201.9 26 26 152 75 77 47 46 47 47 554 Bllrji 701.7 40 42 253 128 ilS 24 16 104 109 86 79 555 Kurush 188.8 13 13 89 46 43 46 43 30 27

556 Bhadrakali 1,513.4 32 39 157 74 83 2 4 66 71 4 53 54 557 KapaJa .. .. Uninhabited ...... 558 Komatpalli 906.7 35 37 223 115 lOR 1I2 108 8 .. 75 57 559 KOltapaJli 1,725.7 52 52 316 159 157 159 156 30 I 96 91 560 Pamgal P,Po. 1,642.8 100 102 513 253 260 39 48 196 196 61 9 159 150

561 Metupalli 1,000.7 18 19 9~ 46 48 46 48 30 9 30 29 562 Pawrel 762.2 53 53 283 138 145 .. 134 131 4 89 101 563 Nukanpai 650.1 42 42 269 126 143 10 II 115 132 4 79 76 564 Pedakorma P. 301.0 54 54 300 140 160 140 160 80 99 565 Munga 200.3 22 22 140 70 70 ," 70 70 46 50

566 Sawnar P. 1,315.7 104 104 605 291 314 290 312 10 219 206 567 Todka 624.9 46 46 323 147 176 3 5 143 147 1 94 100 568 Tarud 626.6 30 33 189 56!) 103 86 8 10 89 76 13 71 59 Sitanagram (Jajulguda) 834.1 7 7 34 15 19 15 19 9 13 570 ROdnila Uninhabited

571 Laded 1,966.9 48 40 240 123 117 123 117 .. 77 63 572 Bhattiltuda 305.3 29 29 145 71 74 71 74 4 50 48 573 Farshapalli 316.7 19 19 121 59 62 .. .. 59 62 .. 30 36 574 P4,Sgudi P. 892.6 78 78 434 206 228 16 16 190 189 13 3 126 125 575 Edenar 11 Il 61 28 33 27 33 2 22 17

576 Nendra 41 41 284 138 146 138 146 90 83 577 Korcholi 637.2 51 51 287 131 156 131 156 .. 89 103 ~7g Yedcsmetta .. 28 28 211 105 106 .. 104 76 I b6 71 579 Chan do or P. 592.4 34 41 232 110 122 8 10 82 83 21 2 61 • 78 580 Kambalp~ta 508.5 16 19 107 46 6) 31 41 5 25 39

581 Bandreguda ~ Uninhabited 582 Nilamdippa 421.8 Uninhabited 583 SankanpalJi P. 1,228.0 160 163 931 452 479 14 17 426 451 48 268 279 584 Bhandarpal 364.4 26 26 122 65 57 65 57 4 585 46 40 Dharawaram 259.3 10 10 61 3S 26 35 26 21 17

586 Dudhera 193.6 39 44 238 107 131 33 32 74 99 14 5 65 85 587 Marrimalla 336.3 5 5 21 9 12 .. .. 9 12 588 9 5 Yellgpalli P. 395.7 49 49 249 133 116 6 7 93 67 45 7 85 70 589 Munjalkanker 418.0 18 18 103 50 53 18 25 32 28 II I 30 34 590 Cherakdodi P. 880.7 54 59 303 152 151 3 2 149 149 43 14 94 97

591 Landra " ...... Uninhabited ...... 592 Annaram 760.7 34 37 160 80 80 80 80 59 59 593 Kumharnila , ., " ...... Uninhabited .. 594 Cheramangi 298.1 9 9 48 24 24 24 24 595 17 16 Mirgaoghotul 535.7 30 30 186 86 100 86 100 61 63

596 TarJaguda 759.1 20 21 105 50 55 .. .. 46 54 19 / 397 Kotue 6 31 31 P. 609.0 55 62 29J 138 153 21 21 112 120 43 7 83 92 598 Jeenippa 335.7 S99 Lankapalli 30 30 167 81 86 .. 79 83 2 59 56 611.6 77 77 3 2 207 600 Penkram 426 221 205 194 143 145 510.9 33 33 166 91 75 91 75 11 3 51 43 365


W 0 R K E R S Non- Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,--"----, r--"-----.. r--"----:-. r--"---., ,---.A.--., ,-___:,.__-__ r----A....~ ,-..A.._, r--"-----, ,---.A.--., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

)85 187 40 36 2 6 3 2 166 198 551 15 18 1 1 .. 8 6 552 37 37 9 10 1 .. .. '.. 28 30 553 71 64 14 14 1 1 42 46 554 26 23 4 4 16 16 555

31 28 14 24 3 .. .. 3 21 29 556 Uninhabited .. .. 557 71 57 1 .. 3 40 51 558 96 8Q 1 .. 1 .. .. 63 66 S59 108 101 16 33 7 7 9 7 1 1 17 2 94 ItO 560

24 22 5 4 3 1 16 19 561 72 80 14 21 "2 1 .. 49 44 562 71 65 4 3 1 3 3 5 47 67 563 53 56 24 28 3 7 4 .. 4 60 61 564 44 48 1 2 .. 1 24 20 565

178 165 37 39 1 3 72 108 566 45 51 48 43 6 1 53 76 567 47 44 7 15 1 4 12 32 27 568 9 13 .. 6 6 569 Uninhabited .. .. 570

69 50 1 6 12 1 46 54 571 44 45 6 3 .. .. 21 26- 572 25 31 4 1 ...... 1 4 29 26. 573 99 106 13 5 3 2 8 6 1 1 2 5 80 103 574 9 8 10 9 1 2 6 16 575

33 30 57 41 12 48 63 576 43 51 46 48 4 42 53 577 36 40 29 31 .. .. 1 39 35 578 44 47 10 30 1 3 ! 3 49 44 579 15 19 8 16 2 4 21 22 580

Uninhabited .. .. 581 ...... Uninhabited .. 582 182 196 71 70 1 2 8 9 2 2 4 184 200 583 33 29 13 11 19 17 584 21 17 14 9 585

46 59 9 26 8 2 42 46 586 4 I .. .. 5 4 7 587 S6 53 21 13 3 4 2 3 48 46 588 27 33 2 1 1 20 19 589 62 70 28 27 1 3 58 54 590

...... Uninhabited ...... 591 49 43 3 5 1 7 10 21 2! 592 .. •. Uninhabited ., .. 593 17 16 7 8 594 55 55 6 7 1 25 37 595

22 21 2 1 8 8 19 24 596 S3 58 1 1 6 2 8 1 15 30 55 61 597 49 47 8 8 .. 1 1 1 22 30 598 , 101 105 31 34 7 6 4 78 60 599 48 39 3 4 40 32 600 366


Workers Name Area L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---..A._, ,.--.A._, r--"'---.. ,--..A._, ,--..A.- P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 [6 17

601 Chintakonta 662.2 57 57 301 133 168 15 21 118 147 11 2 83 97 60.~ Dugaiguda 429.5 35 36 184 100 84 98 8[ 12 2 72 52 603 Punnoor 584.2 53 53 271 145 126 145 126 12 1 84 82 604 Dalla 508.6 39 42 220 102 118 102 118 .. 63 79 605 Pidiya P. 1,492.3 120 120 699 333 366 2 332 364 7 206 214

606 Andri 291.9 29 29 164 85 79 .. .. 85 79 .. .. 54 56 607 Elmidi P,M,D,Rhc, 1,752.8 182 182 988 513 475 87 86 396 345 165 12 292 292 Hos,Po. 608 .A.wapalli P,H,Po. 1,389.7 104 104 582 293 289 17 19 252 256 67 10 173 166 609 Aipenta N.A. 18 18 109 55 54 7 9 45 40 14 1 34 3S 610 Surnar N.A. Uninhabited

611 Mallepalli 1,289.6 74 82 456 220 236 .. .. 220 236 137 136 612 Dharamapur 1,218.3 67 73 328 158 170 37 26 121 134 17 .. 101 104 613 Lingagiri P. 1,213.4 95 99 432 224 208 4 2 98 89 24 5 154 129 614 Nayasankanpalli 167.3 30 36 185 84 101 84 101 51 61 615 Chhotesankanpalli 192.4 15 17 102 53 49 53 49 36 32

6i6 Doditumnar 297.0 13 13 105 56 49 56 49 35 27 617 Tamodi 341.8 39 39 240 123 117 123 117 .. 78 76 618 Semaldodi P. 1,066.2 118 118 629 326 303 56 42 249 228 72 10 201 203 619 Murdunda P. 1,631.0 159 196 968 488 480 68 77 385 368 47 2 281 259 620 Hirapur 1,208.0 61 61 425 214 211 6 4 195 190 7 129 131

621 . Basaguda P,Po. "375.6 132 146 ,618 316 302 98 III 23 11 101 25 182 182 622 Kasiguda 263.1 5 6 27 14 13 14 13 13 11 623 Korsaguda 652.0 20 20 128 61 67 61 67 34 40 624 Biraguda 483.5 38 38 197 88 109 88 109 1 59 67 625 Outpalli 1,726.0 Uninhabited

626 Pedapalli N.A. .. .. Uninhabited .. .. 627 Koyam 339.0 5 5 24 15 9 15 9 5 7 628 Gampur 748.7 83 83 436 233 203 226 198 138 137 629 Chatlapalli 241.6 20 20 126 58 68 58 68 2 31 32 630 Puskonta 152.6 12 12 68 36 32 36 32 I 21 17

631 Timapur 979.5 78 78 550 280 270 2 7 256 234 22 165 153 632 Futkel P. 1,213.7 69 69 452 225 2227 6 9 59 54 36 1 133 125 633 Rajpeta 201.6 14 18 83 39 44 39 44 3 25 27 634 Kottaguda 854.0 42 58 240 132 108 74 55 .. 78 58 635 Sarke~uda 810.9 19 27 121 62 59 11 10 48 36 2 36 30

636 Dholeguda 320.6 43 56 204 101 103 101 103 25 67 52 637 Baknagulguda 205.2 4 5 22 7 15 7 15 5 5 638 Perampalli N.A...... Uninhabited ...... 639 ChiIkapaIli 224.1 20 21 162 77 85 77 85 4 37 38 640 Chipurbhatti (Bhattiguda) 883.8 Uninhabited ..

641 Pakela 672.9 5 7 29 16 13 .. Il 8 642 Pegdapalli 1,486.3 18 22 84 48 36 .. .. 48 36 .. .. 28 21 643 Usoor P,Po. 1,206.0 119 147 607 298 309 71 65 178 183 78 8 lR6 194 644 Tekmeta1a 221.3 17 21 119 62 57 3 4 59 53 1 32 31 645 Tarrem 501.1 68 71 368 187 181 2 5 184 176 104 96

646 Polampalli 1,117.7 39 48 298 151 147 3 1 114 121 3 86 67 647 Pusbaka 4,490.3 97 100 576 289 287 2 4 281 278 3 175 186 648 Chinnageioor 771.0 21l 28 167 82 85 82 85 .. 59 55 649 Puttapalli 168.9 8 9 43 22 21 22 21 4 13 14 650 Koojed N.A. Uninhabited 367


W 0 R K E R S Non- _---A. --., Workers II III IV V VI VII VIH IX X L.C. No. , __ ..A..._-") ,---A.--., ( _ __,A.._~ r---A.~ ,~ ,--A-----, ,--A--, r---"--. r- -..A.-----., ,--A--., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

(,9 74 2 5 2 9 16 50 71 601 50 36 21 16 28 32 602 1 44 603 59 57 23 25 l' 1 61 48 63 15 16 .. .. 39 39 604 100 117 103 93 1 4 2 127 152 605

31 23 606 18 13 36 43 ...... " 183 192 70 86 11 4 17 9 2 9 1 221 183 607 110 124 9 IS 9 5 17 3 2 25 18 120 123 608 27 32 7 5 .. 1 21 16 609 Uninhabited .. 610

118 116 18 20 .. 1 .. .. 83 100 611 Il7 85 11 16 I I 1 I .. 1 1 57 66 612 12~ ]04 1 6 8 2 2 2:! 16 70 79 613 27 35 24 26 .. 33 40 614 27 21 9 10 1 17 17 615

32 25 3 2 21 22 616 20 19 58 57 .. 45 41 61~ 150 143 24 40 II 14 I 1 5 5 10 125 100 618 227 21 I 44 46 2 1 2 3 I 1 2 207 221 619 108 108 16 17 5 4 I 1 85 80 620 621 101 105 52 64 8 4 5 2 8 7 7 134 120 4 4 9 7 1 2 622 31 39 3 I 27 27 62~ 51 59 3 3 5 5 29 42 624 Uninhabited .. 625

.. Uninhabited 626 ]0 627 3 6 2 1 2 95 66 628 9() 9~ 40 39 2 30 31 27 36 629 1 I 15 15 630 19 16 2 1 115 117 631 134 130 25 22 ., 4 2 3 92 102 632 103 99 22 25 I .. 2 2 j) 14 17 633 !(i 6 7 4 4 .. .. 53 42 24 54 50 634 15 1 1 26 29 635 28 20 5 5 3 5

62 52 34 51 636 4 2 10 637 4 4 1 .. Uninhabited . . . . 638 ...... 40 47 639 31 25 6 13 Uninhabited .. 640

5 !) 6 5 641 2 Z ...... 20 15 642 15 11 R 4 . , I 5 5 50 59 II '\ I 8 3 I 10 112 115 643 126 I ? 1 30 2R 27 :I 1 26 644 1 2 3 83 85 645 5-1 56 45 35" 3 1 48 55 80 646 42 21 23 II ., S 114 B7 150 38 35 1 101 647 54 49 5 6 23 30 648 10 9 3 4 9 7 649 Uninhabited' .. 650 368


Workers Name Area Literate ,.. L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,--.A_--, r--_.A_--,,) r ---..A.. ... - 1 r:---"'--, ,----A.----, P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3' 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

651 Chutwahi N.A...... Uninhabited 652 Pedagellur 1,380.0 21 22 123 61 62 60 60 34 42 653 Nadpalli 440.2 31 44 227 119 108 I I 118 107 13 2 58 78 654 Galgam 224.5 11 13 77 38 39 38 39 .. 25 25 655 Ganganpalli 775.3 22 24 131 69 62 54 50 1 43 42

656 Gundam 876.6 III ]8 95 44 51 44 51 27 33 657 Bhusapur (Bhusaguda) N.A. " Uninhabited .. 658 Lingapur 125.1 19 20 91 48 43 48 43 24 30 659 Narsapur N.A. Uninhabited 660 Teklagundam N.A. Uninhabiled

66l Ne11akanker 320.3 II 14 84 39 45 39 45 " 26 27 662 Marudbaka 643.9 33 38 214 106 108 105 106 1 66 75 663 Nambi 174.3 13 16 99 47 52 46 52 1 34 31 664 Chingampalli N.A...... Uninhabited .. 665 Kambpur 238.0 11 12 69 34 35 34 35 22 19

666 Gunjeparti 59.0 Uoinhabited 667 Rekhapalli 457.1 Uninhabited 668 Komatpalli N.A. Uninhabited 669 Tukiguda N.A. Uninh'lbited 670 Tumrela N.A. Uninhabited

671 Kodapalli 61.6 1 1 12 9 3 9 3 ., 7 3 672 Puiarikanker 287. ! 14 25 100 58 42 5 1 35 24 673 Chinganmot N.A. Uninhabited 674 Bhattiguda N.A. Uninhabited 675 Kotur N.A. Uninhabited

676 Kotapenta 58.0 Uninhabited 677 Polampalli N.A. Uninhabited 678 Malempenta N.A. Uninhabited 679 Manigutta N.A. .. .. Uninhabited . . 680 Ultapalli 2.677.7 8 12 84 40 44 40 44 27 23

681 Bhimarllm N.A. Uninhabited 682 Chinnautlapalli N.A. Uninhabited 683 Bhime N A. Uninhabited 684 Gadiguda N.A. Uninhabited 685 Kairagutta N.A. Uninhabited

686 Kanchala N.A. Uninhabited 6S7 Yerrabore N.A. Uninhabited .. .. 68R Palaguda 135.9 3 3 17 7 10 7 10 5 8 61N Dharmaram 241.1 30 30 164 82 82 76 74 55 51 690 Jidpalli 338 5 Uninhabited

691 Gundrajguda N.A. Uninhabited 692 Pedachanda N.A. Uninhabited .. 6()) Dorli N.A. I 1 15 7 8 7 8 5 ~ 6()4 Pedadharamaram N.A. Uninhabited 695 Chinnadharam N.A. Uninhabited

696 Udtamalla 202.5 14 14 84 44 40 44 40 29 27 697 Mangaltorre N.A. .. .. Uninhabited . . .. 698 Koltapalli 677.3 40 44 159 87 72 20 20 52 40 6 61 52 699 Rampuram N.A. Uninhabited 700 Chinn:Jdhar:;mkasa N.A. Uninhabited 369 .


W 0 R K E R :s Non- _--_. __J.._ Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,-__J.._ ---.. r--"----.. r--"----.. ,-_A..~ r-----..A ~ ,----'--, ,--__J.._---.. ,--__J.._---.. r--_A__, ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

.. .. Uninhabited 651 22 24 to 17 2 1 27 20 652 39 4R 17 30 '2 .. 61 30 653 21 21 2 4 1 1 13 14 654 40 39 1 3 2 .. 26 20 655

24 31 3 2 .. 17 18 656 ...... Uninhabited 657 II 13 30 24 13 658 .. Uninhabited .. 659 .. Uninhabited 660

11 2 13 25 .. 1 .. 13 18 661 34 5 24 62 1 7 7 1 40 33 662 23 19 9 11 1 13 21 663 Uninhabited 664 11 11 19 12 16 665

., Uninhabited 666 .. Uninhabited 667 .. Uninhabited 668 ., Uninhabited 669 .. Uninhabited 670

7 3 .. .. 2 ',' 671 25 18 5 6 .. 5 23 18 672 Uninhabited 673 .. Uninhabited 674 Uninhabited .. 675

.. Uninhabited 676 Uninhabited .. 677 Uninhabited 678 .. Uninhabited 679 14 14 13 14 13 16 680

Uninhabited 681 Uninhabited 682 Uninhabited 683 Uninhabited 684 Uninhabited 685

Uninhabited 686 Uninhabited .. 687 3 5 2 3 2 2 688 30 25 25 25 27 31 689 Uninhabited 690

Uninhabited 691 .. .. Uninhabited 692 5 3 2 5 693 Uninhabited 694 Uninhabited 695

12 9 17 18 15 13 696 ., Uninhabited 697 37 33 20 19 3 26 20 698 .. Uninhabited 699 ., Uninhabited 700 370


Workers Name Area Literate r- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total War- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population C'Atstes Tribes Educat.ed kers (I-IX) r----.A..------, (~-----. ,-A.----., ,---.A.----., ,---..A.._-, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1,7 • 701 Pamed 437.8 29 33 154 79 75 8 6 11 4 5 67 48 702 Saped N.A. Uninhabited 703 Burdamadgu N.A. Uninhabited 704 Yempur 226.9 12 12 68 36 32 36 32 25 21 705 Botetong 7.7 Uninhabited

706 Pedadharamkasa N.A. Uninhabited 707 Tongguda N.A. Uninhabited 708 Mettaguda N.A. U oinhabited 709 PinnachafJda 174.1 .. Uninhabited 710 Jarpalli 127.3 10 10 66 31 35 31 35 26 21

711 Mediguda N.A. Uninhabited 712 RaspaJli N.A. Uninhabited .. .. 713 Tekler 134.5 12 12 84 42 42 42 42 1 31 27 371


w 0 R K E R S Non- -"---_,. Workers L.C. I II III IV V '. VI VII VIII IX X No.

,--"-----., ,----J--- ""' ~ ,--"--, ,-----"------, ,_:__"_-, ,.----A----, ,--'--., r---"--""""", ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

30 22 32 2S 2 12 27 701 •.. Uninhaoited 702 .. Uninhabited 703 16 12 9 9 11 11 704 Uninhabited, 105 Uninhabikd 706 Uniribabited 707 Uninhabited 708 .. .. Uninhabited 709 11 6 15 15 5 14 710

Uninhabited 711 .. .. Uninhabited .. 712 22 20 8 7 1 11 15 713



Location Location Serial Code No. S. No. ,Serial Code No. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

A 17 Badetumnar 52 8 Nakapara 2 Dongripara Aawarabhata 82 121 3 Gudipara 4 Kadtipara 2 AcbeJi 227 157 3 Alnar 58 48 18 BainpaJ 185 '178 1 Raufpara 2 Dhakadpara 19 'Balpet 80 136 3 Gayatapara I Kakadachuwapara 2 Darlatikarapara 4 Alnar 213 62 J Pudurpara 4 Rautpara 5 Aranpur 228 100 5 Kosumbadampara 6 Bhandrpara I Gampapara 2 Dhurwapara 20 Balud 91 73 3 Hatampara 4 Bandipara 1 Tangrapadarpara 5 Kalarpara 2 Sethiapara 3 Kosapara 6 Arbe 222 25 4 Manjharpara 5 Schoo/para 6 Padiyarpadarpara B 21 Bangapal 51 80 7 Badebacheli 165 46 1 Samrathpara 1 Kowapara 2 Dumapara 3 Manjhipara 4 Badepara 22 Barrem 223 96 5 Chalkipara 6 Kumharpara 23 Barsnr 15 35 7 Kayapara I Kalambhalapara 2 Mawliguda 8 Badebedama 198 148 3 Mangalpot 4 Mundatikara 1 Kunjampara 2 Manjarpara 5 Garhpara (Barsar) 6 Sarguda 3 Permapara 24 Basanpur 115 16 9 Badegadam 164 137 25 Behnar 152 172 I Masapara 26 Bengaluf 125 45 10 Badegodre 108 94 I Chamarupara 2 Jogapara 1 Kosapara 27 Bengpal 212 55 28 Bhairamband 83 122 11 Badegudra 168 165 29 Bhansi 120 173 1 Babupara 2 Dongapara 1 Pujaripara 2 Pateipara 3 Kandkipara 4 Kawasipara 30 Bhatpal 12 150 5 Kunjampara 6 Loharpara 1 Midalgondipara 2 Gardapara 12 Badehadmamunda 175 119 3 Dalerpara 13 Badekameli 140 131 1 Aytupara 2 Bhosepara 31 Bhogam 76 N.A. J Hirmapara 4 Porokamelipara I Mudapara 2 Jangaipara 5 Uparpara 6 B!~dhllpara 32 Bhusaras 199 71 14 Badekarka (Karkahada) 19 169 Chhindguda 2 Burumpara J Kedyarpara 4 Retampara 15 Badelakhapal 124 170 5 Padgupalpara J Gllnjempara 2 Pal1dempara Binjam 3 Todwapara 4 Tondepara 33 70 155 5 Pendgondipara 1 Pedapara 2 Bhattipara 16 Badepaneda 63 132 34 Bodepalli 219 110 1 Kanapara 2 Ay/upara 35 Budhpadar 46 N.A. 374


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

36 Burdikarka 134 174 54 Dantewara 86 135 232 203 37 Burgam J Chuditikaraparu 2 Nayapara 1 Permapara 2 Kawasipara 3 Tongpara 3 Dorapara 4 Samenpara 55 Degalras 95 89 5 Dokapara 6 Mal/apara 1 Nawapara 2 Markanarpara 7 Nandapara 8 Hindmapara 9 Gaytapara 56 Dhanikarka 144 30 1 Kumharpara C 57 Dhurli 130 142 38 Chandenar 116 9 1 Pujaripara 2 Kosapara 1 Balldipara 2 Paikpara 3 Permapara 4 Harijallpara 3 Dorrapara 4 Lakhumpara 5 MUlldipara 39 Cherpal 13 N.A. 40 Chhindnar 23 59 58 Dodpa\ 218 205 1 Muriapara 2 Pujaripara 59 Doriras 180 183 3 Rautpara 60 Dlldhiras 191 114 1 Midkampara 41 Chhotebedma 197 166 42 Chhotegodre 113 N.A. 61 Dugeli 170 164 43 Chhotegudra 184 115 1 Jogapara 2 Dhurwapara 1 Kotwarpara 2 Chalkipara 3 Masapara 4 Agarwarapara 3 Patelpara 5 Amlipara 6 Maniharpara 44 Chhotehadmamunda 183 108 62 Dumam 87 190 45 Chhotekarka (Karka Khurd) 18 123 46 Chhotelakhapal 179 134 1 Mangdupara 2 Bandapara 47 Chhotetumnar 40 86 63 Duwalikarka 1 Mandatikara 2 Rautpara 145 116 3 Kushalpara 4 Kilmharpara E 5 Dega/para 6 Kotwarpara 7 Permapara 64 Edpal 211 48 Chikpal 149 158 64 49 Chitalur 96 152 1 Salepara 2 Pedmapara 1 Maharapara 2 Batipara 3 Koegondi 3 Dhakadpara 65 Etepal 158 84- 50 Chitalanka 78 188 1 Bilaipara 1 Kaiarpara 2 Rautpara 3 Kaionipara 4 Barsandapara F 5 Thanaglldipara 66 Farasl11adur 64 N.A. 51 Cholnar (Siwanapadar) 187 N.A. 67 Faraspal 69 4 52 Cholnar 201 61 1 Plijaripara 2 Kotwarpara 1 Junapara 2 Nawapara 3 Majhipara 68 Faraspal Bodli 56 76 D 1 Bhimsellpard 2 Dongripara 3 Chilldbhat 53 Dabpal 75 145 69 Fundri 50 186 1 Kotwarpara 1 Rautpara 2 Pidopara 375


Location Location Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. Serial 1961 1951 ~~o. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 2 3 4 2 3 4 50 G 84 GutoH 34

H 70 Gadapal 118 20 1 Pautpara 2 Misopara 85 Halbaras 157 70 3 Dellrpara 4 Madkompara 1 Temrupara 5 Nakapara 6 Titerpara 86 Handawada 9 24 87 Haram 61 37 71 Gadamkhurd (Chhotegadam) 176 90 1 Somapara 2 1I1undrupara 72 Gamawada 122 213 88 HarIa 43 N.A. 29 102 J Jampara 2 Mlindrapara 89 Hidpal 3 Midkapara 4 Thanaglldipara J Aytupara 2 Neurnar ,5 Kalarpara 6 Balampara 3 . Kotwarpara 7 193 73 Ganjenar 142 130 90 Hikul 1 Kawadpara 1 Khidkaripara 2 Pakaillpara 3 Gumkapara 4 Boylipara 91 Hiranar 48 5 Klinjamipara 1 Sukadopara 2 Pateipara 74 Garhmiri 133 98 3 Pindogipara Pate/para 2 Pichalipara 92 Hiroli 49 196 3 Dhurwapara 4 Patmarkapara 93 Hiroli 204 191 21 66 '5 Odsapara 6 Andodipara 94 Hitameta 1 Rautpara 75 Gatam 119 11 95 Hitawada 2 185 I Peramapara 2 Usapwa J Bedtapara 2 Udiyokpara 3 Mangdllpara 4 GlIndrllpara 3 Kllrsiwapara 5 Tagnarapara 96 T-litawar 162 19 76 Gidam 62 141 1 Mahrapara 2 Paikpara 1 Permapara 2 Budhupara 3 Mliriapara 77 Gl~otpal 66 192 42 23 97 Hournar I Masapara 2 Permapara 1 Patelpara 1 Bondipara 78 Gondpal 84 92 3 Kotwarpara 79 Gongpal . 174 18 J J Pandupara 2 Gudipara 3 Kandkipara 98 Jabeli 217 53 80 Gudse 148 151 I Schoolpara 2 Rimapara Mukapara 4 Muyapara I Tafiraspara 2 Permapara 3 5 Khedapara 3 Kanjraspara 4 Kosapara 178 179 5 Adwaipara 99 Jangampal 100 Japodi 47 43 81 Gumalnar 25 146 101 Jaralawa 121 N.A. 102 Jaram 100 7 1 Thano/?udiparo 2 Dongaril'ora 3 Garsapara I Lingopara 82 Gumda 74 77 un Jallnga 67 162 1 Rattirampara 2 Kosopara I Dolepara 2 Bandopara R3 GlImiY3pal 214 35 104 Jhirka 111 21 376


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 ~ 2 3 4

lOS Jhodiyabadam 71 N.A. 123 Keshapur 85 210 T Sah1lknrinpara 2 Bramhanpara 1 Gaytapara 2 Mokadpara 124 Keshkut 236 N.A . 106 .Tihakoatha 160 11 125 Khutepal 1 Dflnf!riguaa 166 194 107 Jimer 171 N.A. 126 Kidandul 194 156

1()~ JnrlatATl1i 17 N.A. I Gudipara , Ktlfw(I"Twra 2 'Bharl""rnra 127 Kidriras 210 168 128 Kondenar 193 177 K 129 Kodokal 1 176 109 Kadampal 186 N.A. 130 Kodripal 136 129 I Gaytapara 2 Bijapara 131 Koriras 190 207 3 Ramapara I .Kirwarpara 110 Kakadi 233 215 132 KorlapaJ 24 58 Ramapara 2 Gutapara I Gaytapara .1 Somapara 4 Hiriapara 5 Bodapara 133 Kuakonda 156 147 I Kandkipara 2 Manjhipara III Kalepal 202 187 3 Baidipara 4 Gaytapara 112 Kamalur 105 III 5 Garhpara 113 Kandakarka 39 182 134 KuhchepaJ 141 87 114 Karanjenar 103 14 106 115 Karli 53 1[';0 135 Kumharras 149 I Barsapara 2 Ayll/para 1 Schoolpara 2 Kamapara Kamlapadar 3 Jodiyapara 4 3 KlIndrupara 5 Permapara 6 Jamllpara 136 Kundeli 112 81 116 Kasoli 35 181 I Madkamipara J Sukllpara 2 Lakhamapara 137 Kundenar 57 127 3 Kotll'arpara 4 Pedapara 1 Chawadipara 2 Hungapara 5 Lachh man para 138 Kuper 101 51 29 117 Katekalyan 127 1 Raufpara Kotwa'para 2 PlIjaripara 139 Kutrr.m 215 189 3 Nadikondapara 140 Kutulnar 65 N.A. 118 Katiyarras 90 17 L 119 Katulnar 44 99 1 Chamrupara 2 Kumapara 141 Lakharas 126 65 120 Kaurgaon 16 159 1 Raufpara 1 Beng(lpara 2 Halbapara 142 Lav.a 192 2 143 Lendra 189 144 121 Kawadgaon 88 57 1 Bandapara 2 Kotwarpara M 3 Munrirapara 195 79 In Kanwalnar 89 5 144 Madadi 1 Thokadllpara 2 Permapara 1 Permapara 2 Manjharpara 3 Mundropara 3 Muiapara 4 Khutiapara 377


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial CO'leNo. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

145 Madenda 221 133 163 Mokpal 167 72 146 Madkamras 206 124 1 Jaripara 2 Dongrigurla 147 Madse 55 39 164 Molasnar 153 143 1 PlIndupara 1 Koiapara 2 MlIkadampara 148 Mailawada 163 139 3 Dorapara 4 Kotwarpara I Kafarpara 5 Badepara 6 KhaJepara 149 Madpal 38 N.A. 117 1 Jampadar 165 Muchnar 14 150 Mangnar 98 82 Kundenar 2 TlIlsipara 1 Hurrapara 2 Dokapara 3 Nawapara

166 Muhander 72 88 151 Marjum 152 3 Gaytapara 2 Jlungaparq 1 Wadepara 3 Taraipara 152 Masenar 131 6 167 Muler 235 27 I Khalepara 2 Burumpara 159 44 3 Schoo/para 4 Nakapara 168 Munga Murki 102 69 153 Masodi 68 216 169 1 Paikpara 2 Pariapara 154 Matenar 107 126 170 Mmkel 109 97 ,amupara 2 Madkapara I JIlIngapara 3 Aytupara 155 Mathadi 114 105 22 171 Mustalnar 22 I Mendhapara 1 Kholepara 156 Mendoli 97 63 1 Kubopara N 2 Jogapara 129 217 157 Mendpal 229 128 172 Nadenar 158 Metapal 110 154 1 Dewapara 143 N.A. 1 Batampara 2 Handapara 173 Nadiyapadar 54 60 3 Masapara 4 Manjaripara 174 Nagul 5 Nalgattipara 6 Turrempara 1 Gagarapara 7 Dumampara 175 Nahadi 234 209 159 Midkulnar 77 202 176 Naku1nar 155 109 1 Kotwarpara 2 Bhattipara 1 Patelpara 160 Mofalnar 41 33 177 Nayanara 137 47 I Raufpara 2 Pedapara 1 Bhimapara 2 Matapara 3 Patelpara 4 Telangapara 3 Nayapara 5 Regawahi 178 Nelgoda 33 75

161 M oha rahaurnar 181 95 179 Nerli 151 91 162 Moharakarka 182 74 180 Netanar 117 67 I Koyamipara 1 Khakpara (Dabbapara) 378


Serial Location Location No. Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1'.'51

3 4 2 3 4

181 Neurnar 10 120 201 Pondllm 92 28 I Maharapara 1 Handakhodrapara 182 Nilavaya 226 101 2 Bandapara 3 Chapepara 1 Mal/apara 2 Garrepala 4 Permapara 5 Gondkhlltapara 3 Milkanpara 202 Parokameli (Chhotekameli) 139 204 183 Norli J Sllkhdeopara 32 NA. 203 Potali 230 163 P J Darbapara 2 Kunjampara 3 Kikarpara 4 Tangarapara 184 Padhapur 172 140 5 Kesapara 6 Chhotimichipal'll 185 Padmeta 17 118 7 Bademichipara 8 Dhurvapara 186 Pahurnar 20 38 204 Pudantarai 36 N.A. 187 Palnar 208 34 205 PlIjaripal 231 52 1 Patelpara 2 Lekampara 206 Purangel 203 26 3 Masoltonta 207 Purantarai 81 103 4 Mlldapara (Palnar) R 188 Pan dewar 93 175 1 Barsapara 2 Mahrapara 208 Reka 30 211 189 Paralnar 3 15 1 Mundipara 2 Neurupara 190 Parch eli 128 179 209 Renganar 132 85 1 Kotwarpara 2 Rallfpara 1 Khalepara 3 Kandkipara 4 Bandipara 224 206 5 Bo.rpadarpara 6 Kawramapara 210 Rewali 7 Korpalpara 1 Bachelipara 2 Bhimapara 3 Tadpara 191 Partllpgiri 169 214 192 211 Rewanar 73 N.A. Patarras 99 93 193 212 Ronje 27 40 Pedka 225 184 194 I Pujaripara 2 D011/{rikhalepara Penta 196 49 3 Schoolpara 195 Perpa 200 125 S 1 Pisapo~'a 2 Gujapara

196 Phulnar 104 41 213 Salnar 26 106 1 Kalarpara 2 Khutapara 214 Samalwar 207 200 197 Phulpad 209 \0 1 Kankipara 2 Aundhapara I Koylanpara 2 Domarpal'a 215 Sameli 216 198 Boddepara 3 Midyampara I Pandupara 2 198 Pinabacheli 173 54 3 Andipal'a 4 Kandkipara 199 Pindakpal 5 56 5 Pate/para 200 Pirnar 205 12 216 Samgiri 161 212 1 Gaytapara 1 Gudipara· 379



Location Localion Serial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

217 SamJur 59 171 227 Tikalipal 188 199 I Kandkipara 2 1 Kabadipara 2 /ihapara Bhattipara 3 Kolapara 4 Rawpara 3 Chapepara 4 Kotwarpara 5 Gachapara 6 Metagudipara 218 Siyanar 60 42 7 MUlldrapara 8 Gaytapara J Patelpara (Mahrdpara) 228 Tongpal 177 112 219 Surokhi 45 32 229 Toynar 8 201 1 Chewapara 2 Ralltpara 1 Amarwadapara 220 Surnar (Khutepal) 135 167 2 Yerpapara 1 Dadapara 2 Sukaiupara 230 Toylanka 123 195 1 Kotwarpara 2 Dongripara 3 Lingapara

T 231 Tudparas 94 83 1 Gondpara 221 Tahakwada 4 161 231 Tumakpa1 138 153 222 Taneli 226· 160 1 Kolwarpara 2 Gayatapara 31 31 223 Tarlapal 3 Pujaripara 4 Dumampara 1 Badepara 2' Khafepara 5 Arjelpara 79 208 224 Teknar 233 Tumrigunda 11 113 1 Kotwarpara 2 Ramapara ! Madar ipar a 3 Katiapara 4 Pujaripara 5 Samrathpara U 225 Telam 147 68 234 Udela 154 138 1 Lakhmapara 2 Madapara Udenar 6 107 3 Dongaripara 235 1 Anawahipara 2 Khariyatikrapara 226 Tetam 146 78 Upet 28 104 Permapara 2 Manjarpara 236 I Chhotepara 3 Khaletetam '380


Workers Name Area Literate ,.---- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,.--.A.._____ r----A-~ ,.--~ ,.----A. --, ,----A....__ "",\ P M F M F M F M F M F,

2 3 '4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

4316 Dantewara Ta'I'lil (Rural) 436,789.0 21,235 66,568 1,583 54,511 3,086 41,139 21,181 ]34,148 67,580 1,670 56,096 336 38,852 1 Kodokal Mad viliage 9 9 37 17 20 16 20 1 12 9 2 Hitawada 46 46 216 120 96 1 114 95 2 79 69 3 Paralnar 15 15 70 43 27 43 27 30 19 4- Tahakwada 9 9 35 17 18 17 18 10 Jj 5 Pindkapal 14 14 64 30 34 30 34 23 21

6 Udenar 1,544.3 41 41 209 102 107 '96' 103 2 57 68 7 Hikul 34 34 130 69 61 64 59 46 48 8 Toynar 30 30 97 53 44 53 44 36 32 9 Handawada 21 21 89 45 4~ .. 45 44 '. 28 26 10. Neurnar 896.7" 30 30 177 82 95 42 53 19 18 3 1 43 60

11 Tumarigunda 741.6 70 70 424 204 220 5 4 J23 123 13 122 137 12 Bhatpal P. 749.8 49 49 304 161 143 4 157 139 1 " 95 90 13 Cherpal P. 509.1 53 53 285 138 147 29 30 88 97 6 1 76 86 14 Muchnar 828.0 72 72 395 191 204 64 79 13 129 119 15 Barsur P,M,D,Rhe, 3,434.4 .316 317 2,055 999 1,056 168 168 334 . 355 183 13 637 635 Hos, Mew ,Po.

16 Kaurgaon P. 1,397.4 130 130 786 399 387 388 372 10 256 219 17 Pad meta 250.4 21 21 158 81 77 63 63 2 57 50 18 Chhotekarka 528.4 28 28 220 106 114 92 103 72 87 (Karkakhurd) 19 Badekarka 802.7 57 57 422 212 210 198 191 5 152 135 (Karkahada) 20 Pahurnar 722.0 72 72 517 266 251 21 14 154 156 186 157

21 Hitameta 1,230.0 50 50 315 155 160 130 138 .. " lD7 96 22 Mustalnar 850.9 70 70 420 205 215 .. .. 191 205 II 3 138 138 23 Chhindnar P. 1,754.7 88 88 499 260 239 17 20 84 77 23 184 159 24 Korlapal 1,323.2 72 72 541 268 273 230 230 2 .. 165 121 25 Guma1nar P. 1,384.2 89 89 691 343 348 249 250 26 2 211 219

26 Salnar 695.2 34 34 240 130 110 9 7 79 63 Ii 1 71 71 27 Ronje P. 1,170.5 86 86 627 329 298 20 26 204 183 37 3 203 213 28 Upet 503.5 27 27 190 100 90 99 86 1 60 53 29 HidpaJ P. 932.1 49 49 380 196 184 3 I 185 183 4 122 108 30 Reka 576.3 18 J8 106 54 52 53 52 1 36 30

31 Tarlapal P. 1,050.3 58 58 526 276 250 .. 245 228 8 2 162 160 '32 Norli N.A...... Uninhabited . . .. " .. . . 33 Nelgoda 347.0 ~7 37 201 9!J 102 20 20 37 44 10 2 65 67 34 Gutoli 747.8 41 41 336 J 74 162 .. 119 106 12 " 91 97 35 Kasoli P. 3,637.2 164 164 1,361 675 686 I 54l 558 40 5 423 428

36 101 Pudantarai N.A. 31 31 200 97 73 82 2 " 57 55 37 Jodatarai N.A. 59 59 407 222 185 .. 216 180 13 2 143· 105 38 Madpal N.A. 53 53 291 147 144 135 129 83 71 39 Kandakarka 95.0 4 4 50 21 29 .. .. 21 29 .. .. 14 18 40 Chhotetumnar P. 1,466.2 141 141 934 469 465 20 20 254 262 45 7 283 277 41 Mofalnar P. 1,068.3 68 68 650 322 328 264 271 25 4 182 172 42 Ghotpal P. 3,875.3 234 234 1,447 710 737 642 692 32 3 463 485 43 HarIa N.A. .. " .. .. Uninhabited ...... 44 Katulnar P. 175.3 83 83 550 271 279 18 17 184 188 171 162 45 Surokhi 1,517.1 72 72 555 277 273 198 202 2 152 154 46 Budhpadar N.A. 33 33 300 143 157 137 146 96 91 47 Japodi 118.0 2 2 14 5 9 .. .. 5 9 .. " 4 5 48 Hiranar P. 1,239.0 108 108 753 359 394 4 5 272 311 33 9 199 216 49 Hiroli 155.4 7 7 48 25 23 .. 25 23 50 13 14 Fandri 640.9 50 50 321 163 158 124 128 5 91 77 381


WORKERS Non- , .A. Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,.---"---, ,---"---, ,.---"---; ,---A.--, ,----A.--, ,-__J",--, ~--., ,.-__;-----, r-----"---, ,-----"----., M F M F .M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

34,072 3,559 72S 1,053 275 66 169 60 245 110 34 .. 1,007 25,429 43/6 31,815 3,178 2,484 841 298 28,728 11 9 .. .. 1 5 11 I 75 68 1 1 2 41 27 2 30 19 .. 13 8 3 10 13 .. 7 5 4 23 20 1 .. 7 13 ·5

50 61 7 7 45 39 6 46 47 .. 1 23 13 7 35 31 1 1 17 12 8 27 24 1 2 ! •• 17 18 9 33 52 8 7 1 1 1 39 35' 10

102 120 15 9 6 1 2 3 .. . : 1 82 83 11 76 79 10 8 1 7 1 1 1 1 66 53 12 56 66 19 19 1 1 62 61 ' 13 112 97 15 21 1 2 ,. " .. 62 85 14 476 459 90 76 13 79 26 6 2 2 5 4 2 21 11 362 421 15

199 169 43 47 5 1 5 4 143 168 16 51 46 5 4 1 24 27 17 67 78 5 7 2 34 27 18 117 104 17 17 4 3 4 11 9 60 75 19 148 121 12 5 19 24 6 7 80 94 20

104 90 2 2 2 .. 48 64 21 113 119 l7 11 2 2 3 .. 3 6 67 77 22 146 119 28 31 2 3 5 6 1 2 76 80 23 155 97 3 4 2 19 5 1 103 152 24 180 187 17 17 14 15 132 129 25

55 57 12 13 3 59 39 26 159 180 24 31 19 2 126 85 27 53 44 1 4 4 2 5 40 37 28 118 106 1 2 1 2 74 . 76 29 35 21 9 1 18 22 30

148 134 4 2 8 24 2 114 90 31 ...... Uninhabited .. 32 37 42 19 21 9 4 .. 34 35 33 80 90 9 7 1 .. . , .. I 83 65 34 382 365 21 26 1 27 4 3 I 1 6 7 7 252 258 35

56 55 40 48 36 143 101 4 79 80 37 80 68 3 2 1 64 73 38 14 18 ...... 7 11 39 221 199 53 64 2 8 4 5 3 I 186 188 40 138 134 38 76 .. 9 ·4 .. 2 3 140 156 41 438 460 11 15 2 2 6 7 6 1 247 252 42 Uninhabited " ...... 43 133 123 !8 13 2 10 16 16 2 100 117 44 115 126 32 25 4 2 1 1 125 124 45 94 83 1 7 47 66 46 4 5 ...... 1 4 47 175 199 16 12 1 1 5 2 2 .2 160 178 48 11 13 I 1 . , .. 1 12 9 49 76 45 14 10 21 1 1 72 81 50 382


Workers Name Area L.c. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,----A..-, r-__A_~ r---"-~ ,---"'--.,. ,..-_,.._~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15 16 17

51 Bangapal 1,055. ; 51 53 401 196 205 .. .. 152 167 I 125 142 52 Badetumnar P,Po. 1)292.4 126 126 935 429 50S 4 5 18,) 217 32 12 291 330 53 Karli P. 3,921.9 260 261 1,994 1,002 992 36 37 743 7H 30 5 620 492 54 Nagul 1,027.6 85 85 562 280 282 22 20 231 237 .. .. 162 113 55 Madse P. '1.819.7· 93 93 577 293 284 24 25 238 248 14 I 156 156

56 Faraspal Bodli P. 1 ,331.~ 136 136 917 426 491 404 468 _ 20 4 248 257 57 Kundenar 746.8 26 26 316 153 163 .. 153 162 I 107 112 58 Alnar 914.5 85 85 636 304 332 20 24 197 218 17 .. 189 222 59 Samlur P. 1,338.3 104 104 732 370 362 .. .. 182 171 62 10 229 233 60 Siyanar 345.3 45 45 286 145 141 55 53 47 5l 15 8 81 73

61 Haram 1,443.7 188 189 919 453 466 24 27 246 . 253 27 8 313 219 62 Gidarn P;M,T,D, 1,238.2 329 336 1,472 763 709 41 49 158 158 231 41 484 333 Hos, Mew, Po. 63 Bade Paneda P. 3,134.5 156 157 1,036 503 533 32 35 462 489 4 293 315 64 Farasmadur 419.9 26 26 156 72 84 72 84 39 31 65 Kutulnar Uninhabited

66 Mayurnar P. 1.072.6 72 72 545 276 269 230 218 10 2 184 173 67 Jaunga P. 3,017.3 154 155 1,079 522 557 516 548 2 326 339 68 Masodi 477.8 25 2S 199 83 116 83 116 7 .. 52 69 69 Faraspa, P. 1,576.5 120 120 1,052 522 530 329 345 21 2 337 374 70 Binjam P. 1,326.9 101 101 668 344 324 266 236 21 1 203 170

71 Jhodiya Bedam 678.0 55 55 352 168 184 102 107 13 3 106 103 72 Muhander 712.8 44 44 355 174 181 .. 174 181 99 93 73 Rewliuar 40.1 " -. .. Uninhabited .. .. . - .. .. 74 Gumda P. 5,770.6 lSI lSI 1,058 528 530 5 6 347 347 14 330 341 75 Dabpal 1,070,4 59 59 434 208 226 4 4 202 222 1 129 128

76 Bhogam 1,031. 7 48 48 392 183 209 118 152 12 118 113 77 Midkulnar 645.5 54 54 465 228 237 215 229 9 131 143 78 Chitalanka D. 1,334.9 91 91 519 270 249 54 48 10 .. 163 !42 79 Teknar P. 1,671.0 135 135 927 464 463 297 289 18 1 304 273 80 Balpe! P. 1,166.8 135 137 867 442 425 102 92 37 20 82 7 257 2~1

81 Purantarai 521.0 27 27 162 84 78 20 17 6 2 49 42 82 Aawarabhata 137.1 8 9 38 22 16 .. .. 3 3 8 1 14 8 83 Bhairamband 244.3 30 30 170 90 80 31 33 8 5 8 53 32 84 Gondpal 537.9 22 22 118 56 62 55 56 2 43 48 85 Keshapur 979.9 54 54 53() 264 272 258 272 6 175 171

86 Dantewara P,M,H,T, 795.1 263 276 1,089 620 469 29 29 104 77 374 67 404 152 D,Rhe,Hos,Mcw,Po. 87 Dumam 1,357.6 53 53 348 171 117 139 144 .. 99 70 88 Kawadgaon P 2,354.5 125 125 785 373 412 .. .. 349 368 7 .. 218 204 89 Kawalnar P,Po. 960.3 60 60 481 233 248 10 8 111 119 31 2 137 150 90 Katiyar Ras 313.2 28 28 144 77 67 27 23 3 43 40

91 Balud P. . 2,794.2 197 1971,322 673 649 2 1 165 175 43 3 416 401 92 Pondum P. 8,232.2 287 287 1,749 857 892 5 5 765 809 9 501 442 93 Pandewar 949.7 57 57 425 211 214 19 24 96 108 9 124 132 94 Tudparas P,Po. 407.6 35 35 293 146 147 43 46. 20 4 82 90 95 Degalras 860.7 51- 51 284 145 139 28 22 12 90 l!6

96 Chitalur 701.2 80 85 580 298 282 40 50 54 49 8 170 140 97 Mendoli 2,064.9 89 89 543 263 280 .. 232 241 I 149 131 98 Manguar 837.8 45 45 384 190 194 185 186 7 124 108 99 Patarras 288.6 10 10 60 31 29 .. 11 6 1 24 21 100 Jaram 1,444.8 75 75 498 233 265 7 7 225 258 2 136 140 383


WORKERS Non-.. ______~ __ ----__ ----A------~------___, Workers L.C. .I1 III IV V VI '. VII VIII IX X No.

,--"--, ,--.A..----., ,--A.---, ,_J. -, ,--.A..---, ,~, ,-----"--, ,---A.--., r ----A._, ,--.A..----., M F M PM PM PM PM PM P M F M FM F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2iS 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

108 124 16 12 1 6 71 63 51 201 155 42 29 15 137 .. 1 9 23 8 138 176 52 '147 353 135 68 9 47 18 21 3 1 7 2 382 500 53 134 78 9 7 1 21 18 7 .. .. 118 169 54 llR 121 17 II 12 16 12 2 3 137 128 55

204 217 32 35 1 6 4 3 2 178 234 56 77 87 1 2 29 23 .. 46 51 57 145 171 28 28 • 11 13 12 2 lIS 110 58 189 196 39 37 .. .. I 141 129 59 56 51 11 12 12 10 1 1 64 68 60

111 92 102 74 3 17 2 4 3 1 7 4 .. 66 46 140 247 61 !27 101 5 5 13 J4 42 70 35 2 131 46 12 119 95 279 379 62 260 270 2 .. 5 21 22 22 2 4 210 218 63 36 27 3 4 33 53 64 Uninhabited 65

169 153 4 4 7 15 3 92 ·96 66 297 309 19 13 2 13 3 4 5 196 218 67 4f:i 62 6 4 3 31 47 68 273 325 54 44 1 4 2 6 2 185 156 69 175 146 24 17 7 4 141 154 70

93 85 10 10 3 3 5 62 _ 81 71 88 66 10 8 19 .. .. 75 88 72 ...... · . Uninhabited . . 73 289 304 30 29 5 3 3 2 3 3 198 189" 74 118 119 4 7 1 2 5 1 79 98 75

102 75 , IO 6 5 32 .. " . 65 96 76 108 121 18 17 2 3 2 I 2 f •• 97 94 77 114 109 19 14 .. 2 30 17 107 107 78 249 187 29 21 22 65 .. 4 .. 160 190 79 171 151 35 25 3 25 41 33 7 7 185 184 80

27 25 22 17 .. · . .. .. 35 36 81 . 10 " .. .. 1 1 1 2 8 8 82 ~O 20 .. .. 1 4 2 10 8 37 48 83 31 35 6 5· 4 6 2 2 13 14 84 173 160 I 3 8 1 89 101 85

72 70 2 5 18 6 5 7 I 1 13 54 21 17 7 11 214 23 216 317 86 92 63 3 6 1 3 . . 1 .. 72 107 87 199 174 6 :) 2 15 9 2 2 2 155 208· 88 127 144 1 4 1 .. 5 .. 3 96 98 89 12 18 23 19 2 3 1 4 34 27 90

315 283 69 64 23 49 3 2 5 2 257 248 C)1 445 389 36 41 2 10 12 2 6 356 450 92 110 112 4 4 9 5 7 87 82 93 56 55 25 29 6 .. · . 1 64 57 . (}4 71 69 16 16 I 1 2 55 53' 95

152 81 3 6 8 39 6 14 1 12R 142 96 13() 118 6 9 .. 1 12 :1 I 114 14(} 97 106 70 14 Ii 2 32 .. 2 66 86 98 21 20 .. I 1 . . " 2 7 8 9(} 124 J3() 3 4 3 2 5 4 1 97 125 100 384 ... VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Workers Area r--A.---, L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available ncres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r--..A--~ ,----A...._. ~ ( __..A..__~ ,--"---, ,.--A._-., P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Kuper P. 713.9 61 61 534 268 266 155 149 32 157 162 102 Murki 662.6 54 54 374 193 181 158 147 125 110 103 Karanjenar 142.4 • J() J() 72 34 38 14 14 3 .. 22 25 104 Phulnar P. 3,222.2 82 82 680 328 352 236 253 21 2 198 n2 !05 Kamalur 2,361. 7 44 44 260 126 134 126 134 2 92 88

106 Kumharras P,Po. 2,355.9 111 111 616 317 299 40 44 177 15~ 31 4 213 195 107 Matenar 2,399.4 99 99 696 344 352 306 308 13 209 203 108 Badegodre 467.1 33 33 193 95 98 .. 83 8') 1 62 61 109 Muskel 2,343.3 75 75 443 223 220 5 6 218 214 " 125 140 110 Metapal P,S,Po. 11,519.7 435 435 3,063 1,469 1,5')4 22 23 1,377 1,520 25 1 890 921

111 Ihirka 1,279.0 34 34 203 96 107 96 107 4 69 67 112 Kundeli 2,320.6 45 45 405 210 195 206 192 13 2 142 137 113 Chhot~godre 95.9 6 6 27 11 16 11 16 " 10 9 114 Mathadi P. 2,098.7 112 112 683 323 360 .. .. 306 345 1 184 197 115 Basanpur 724.1 24 Z4 166 82 81 4 4 67 78 6 51 39

110 Chandenar P. 1,557.4 102 102 713 368 345 270 246 18 10 211 169 117 N~tanar 869.4 65 65 446 231 215 222 209 9 2 127 103 I I 8 Gadaral P. 4,871.2 208 208 1,311 631 680 606 642 35 3 465 473 119 Gatam P. 2,389.9 125 125 790 405 3S5 7 4 364 36t 8 235 238 120 Bhansi 1,650.3 40 40 279 128 151 126 149 2 97 III

121 Jaralawa N.A. .. .. Uninhabited " 122 Gamawada P. 5,748.9 157 157 1,200 601 599 6 7 544 590 25 2 378 351 123 Toylanka 4,293.9 109 109 704 357 347 .. 327 320 I 268 229 124 Bade Lakha pal P. 6,068.7 235 2351,494 758 736 4 6 722 718 29 498 499 125 Bengaluf P. 2,085.2 115 115 692 346 346 12 13 284 291 4 21S 195

126 Lakharas 915.2 50 50 245 121 124 .. 121 124 .. 95 47 127 Katekalyan P,Po. 1,098.0 175 175 983 503 480 54 57 16 6 24 1 317 236 128 Parcheli 4,825.7 262 262 1,364 659 70, 14 16 607 650 3 407 350 129 Nadenar 708.6 35 35 216 109 107 ., J09 107 1 66 68 130 Dhurli P. 2,638.4 160 160 1,286 670 616 15 13 633 588 14 410 362

131 Masen

136 Kodripal 494.7 42 42 239 125 114 . , 121 112 .. 83 80 137 Nayanara 2,IS4.5 69 69 385 172 213 4 170 209 1 III 119 138 Tllmakpal P. 3,750.1 180 ISO 1,075 524 551 ., 495 521 2 28~ 300 . I J'J Porokameli (Chholekameli) 282.1 13 13 129 85 44 1 24 33 41 .. 73 31 140 Badekameli P. 4,356.0 138 138 940 466 474 449 466 3 1 279 287

141 Kllhchepal 369.2 27 27 202 106 96 106 90 4 52 57 142 Ganjenar P. 4,514.3 209 209 1,409 692 717 19 29 633 656 20 429 445 143 Nadiyailadar 123.3 .. Uninhabited ., .. .. " " 144 DhanikarI..a P. 1,772.6 103 103 644 308 336 299 319 5 I 186 200 145 Dllwalikarka 1,721.0 69 69 410 206 204 206 204 120 134

146 Tetam P. 2,208.0 109 109 632 318 314 2 293 299 11 189 183 147 Telam P. 3,133.5 184 184 I ,021 509 514 499 500 1 292 256 148 Gudse P. 8,948.8 259 259 1,606 806 800 787 791 15 503 460 149 Chikpal P. 2,370.6 460 150 80 80 211 249 210 243 2 123 128 Marjum P. 1,421,5 136 136 710 440 270 34 271 269 15 337 126 385 .


W 0 R K E R S \ Noh- ,- ~ -----, Workers L.C, I II HI IV V VI VII VIII IX X Nv.

,-_.A.---., ,---A.---., ,---A---., ,-.A.-----, ,---A-, ,---A._~ r---A..----... ,---"-~ ,-_..A..-----, r-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

149 152 3 4 2 3 .. 3 3 III 104 101 ;87 86 ~8 17 4 6 4 1 2 68. 71 102 21 24 . . .. I J .. . . 12 13 103 ~ljl 199 3 5 2' 10 10 8 2 130 130 104 81 72 11 9 '7 34 46 105

141 117 30 23 37 43 2 7 2 4 t:H 104 106 198 196 5 3 .. J , .. 5 I .. lJ5 149 107 60 59 I 1 .. I I J~ 37 108 118 116 3 It 7 4 3 ...... ')~ 80 109 842 876 20 14 5 17 13 12 I I I 8 I 5),} 673 llO

32 14 25 12 12 41 .. .. 27 40 111 131 122 9 10 3 2 I 1 68 58 112 10 ~ ...... 1 7 113 174 180 4 4 4 II I 2 .. I 139 163 114 47 23 3 6 9 I I 31 45 U5

198 150 8 II 4 8 I 157 176 116 123 9~ 1 4 3 5 .. 104 112 117 422 388 2 6 26 75 10 4 5 166 207 118 216 219 7 8 2 4 4 7 6 170 147 119 90 105 2 4 5 2 . 31 40 12.0

...... Uninhabited .. 121 331 318 22 20 4 7 9 3 4 I 10 223 248 .. 122 246 212 2 ! 6 13 14 3 .. 89 118 123 455 432 II 13 19 44 II 10 .. 2 260 237 124 196 172 16 19 I 3 3 J 1 1 128 lSI 125

55 10 17 6 2 31 ...... 1 46 77 126 217 5 69 193 3 35 3 1 2 I 23 1 186 244 127 324 232 58 76 5 33 16 9 4 252 355 128 29 35 36 33 1 .. 43 39 129 358 325 3il 31 3 1 6 5 5 260 254 130

426 389 <) 11 1 5 2 ...... 3 307 350 131 54 48 23 36 1 2 4 4 1 .. 3 1 I 76 62 132 562 565 17 20 18 44 13 18 5 4 I 3 380 382 133 27 40 50 2 2 ...... " 2 19 134 361 323 24 9 II 42 25 4 I 23 1 3J9 367 135

81 77 2 .. 2 1 42 34 136 105 113 2 5 3 .. ., I 1 61 94 137 269 276 10 14 2 7 7 2 1 236 251 138 35 30 1 I 24 .. .. 1 12 12 13 139 266 274 7 4 5 7 2 I 187 187 140

42 53 3 10 I .. .. 54 39 141 369 391 32 38 4 3 19 13 5 263 272 142 .. .. Uninhabited .. . . 143 173 185 I 9 12 4 2 122 136 144 118 130 1 2 3 86 70 t45

162 170 14 9 7 3 ., 6 129 131 146 279 238 2 4 I) 12 I 2 217 258 147 452 410 36 44 I 7 .6 7 303 340 148 t13 112 6 1 15 1 1 2 88 121 149 98 37 22 15 2 74 36 167 12 103 144 150 386



Name Area Ijterate ~---- L.c. of Facilities m Occupied House- Scheduled <;c!,eduled & Total War- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes 'fribes Educated kers (I-IX) r-----" .---, ,--_A__~ / __-A-.----, ,---..A_-l ,-_J __ -..., P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Nerli 969.2 54 54 33! 149 182 9 12 128 152 94 101 152 Behnar 984.4 49 49 296 147 149 .. 147 149 93 76 153 Molasnar P,Po. 4,348.4 199 199 1,319 642 677 1 598 618 15 I 421 465 154 Udela 567.3 15 15 113 63 50 58 49 5 38 27 155 Nakulnar P,Po. 1,592.8 93 93 551 269 282 201 220 49 16 171 112

156 Kuakonda P,M,D,Rhc, 3,395.1 263 267 1,466 708 758 III 146 563 598 93 3 426 389 Hos,Mcw. 157 Halbaras 1,428.2 89 89 420 217 203 I 1 172 179 48 155 Bl 158 Etepal 3,160.1 76 76 446 232 214 5 5 223 206 140 \ 19 159 Munga 1,286.1 32 32 176 88 88 R4 RS 51 44 160 lihakodtha P. 1,571.1 47 49 268 136 132 133 130 3 74 85

161 Samgiri P. 3,472.7 . 89 90 682 331 351 7 .. 320 351 30 . . 184 169 162 Hitawar 525,7 112 112 554 264 290 t5 63 166 193 25 I 169 144 163 Mailawada P. 2,138.3 214 214 1;095 548 547 61 64 410 420 86 I 323 33R 164 Badegadal1l 3,295.8 78 81 475 233 242 .. 232 240 .. 157 83 165 Badebacheli P. 2,723.5 155 155 914 466 448 23 22 405 '396 3 318 307

166 Khutepal 1,662.0 71 71 413 202 211 2 202 209 13 .. 123 9G 167 Mokpal P,Po. 4,939.5 288 288 1,676 804 872 .. .. 770 827 45 1 490 501 168 Badegudra P. 9,899.9 414 4152,4771,220 1,257 7 3 1,147 1,176 53 745 754 169 Partapgiri 2,576.5 74 74 318 172 146 .. .. 166 141 2 113 70 170 Dllgeli P. 7,831.0 330 330 1,979 1, G07 972 5 4 978 935 15 656 609

171 Jimer 139.4 ...... Uninhabited .. " . . 172 Padhapur 415.7 3 ( 31 214 1(14 110 1 l!.l3 110 1 63 77 173 Pinabacheli 947.~ 31 31 211 110 101 5 5 101 96 1 67 59 174 Gongp:.l1 P,Po, 2,701.3 103 103 652 331 321 327 316 1 202 137 175 Badehadmamunda P. 1,218.2 56 56 315 157 158 156 156 22 11 100 88

176 Gadamkhurd (Chhotegadam) 334.7 22 22 97 45 52 44 49 37 28 177 Ton~pal 1,407.8 60 61 309 158 151 157 151 104 95 178 Jangampa1 2,520.2 61 61 376 173 203 170 201 121 145 179 Chhotelakhapal P. 2,972,0 46 46 308 150 158 148 158 98 98 180 Doriras 508.0 35 35 224 108 116 108 116 70 68

181 Mahara-Haurnar 8418 62 62 384 184 200 31 32 148 168 11 .. 125 132 182 Moharakarka P. 2,891.3 J26 126 776 370 406 370 406 6 3 232 248 183 Chhote Hadmamnnda 444.1 27 27 177 79 98 79 98 .. 51 59

184 Chhotegudra P. 3,707.4 J 16 lin 731 356 375 343 367 1 " 208 177 185 Bainpal P. 1,054.7 43 43 268 139 12CJ 136 12R 2 1 92 85

186 Kac'ampal 2,457.3 73 73 53(, 259 277 259 277 162 159 187 Cholnar (Siwanapadar) 255.6 .. .. Uninhabited ...... 188 Tjkanpal P. 8,142.0 353 3532,344 1,137 1,207 15 181,0641,152 30 691 685 189 Landra 51R.3 28 28 233 115 118 .. . . 115 118 2' .. 80 77 190 Knriras 1,415.4 115 116 694 347 347 13 13 329 330 13 3 218 202

191 Dudh;ras P. 2,457.9 9R 98 574 2% 27S 292 278 3 160 156 192 Lawa 490.9 9 9 4S 20 28 19 28 1 16 15 193 Kodenar 30).0 20 20 151 68 83 68 82 .. 40 52 194 Kidandul n08.7 39 39 280 139 141 134 141 3 80 74 195 Madadi 2,239.1 74 74 543 271 272 263 258 8 153 146

196 Penta 380.6 29 29 152 78 74 23 22 7 57 49 197 Chhotebedma 1,264.5 48 ,18 2~2 136 146 127 140 4 89 102 198 Badebedma P. 4,487.6 193 1')3 1,3lR 676 662 I .. 674 662 3 447 433 199 Bhusaras p 6,591.2 224 226 1,43) 690 740 3 15 657 636 5 444 427 tOO Perpa 1,564.7 37 37 227 111 116 iO) 115 74 6~ 387


W 0 R K E R S, Non- __;, Workers L.c. H III IV V VI 'ill VIII IX X No,

,----A.--, ~--, ~__A._--,' r-___A_~ ,-_..A-_~ ,-___A__~I ,-___;....~-~ ,------A---, ,------A--, ,-----A--, M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

86 87 3 6 5 7 55 81 15l 90 70 2 5 .' I 1 .. " .. 54 73 152 366 398 21 2[ 9 33 16 10 7 3 4 2J9 212 153 23 8 9 10 5 9 .. ,. .. .. 1 .. 25 23 154 98 54 27 14 14' 33 2 2 1 16 7 13 2 98 170 155 r9 238 8 9 3 118 10 18 4 26 2 282 369 156 117 119 4 4 2 6 .. .. 2 25 2 62 72 157 98 95 36 14 3 6 7 92 95 158 46 40 5 .. .. 4 37 44 159 59 74 9 5 1 4 1 1 4 1 62 47 160

150 115 23 8 4 46 3 .. " .. 4 .. 147 182 161 121 102 26 27 6 2 3 1 .. .. ., 12 2 7 4 95 146 162 274 292 8 15 9 12 7 S 3 8 4 9 3 8 1 225 209 163 134 56 12 5 9 2\ 1 1 1 76 159 164 298 294· 11 4 1 5 5 4 3 148 141 165

60 40 58 45 3 11 .. ., 2 79 115 166

46tl 476 10 18 2 7 9 8 .. .. " .. I .. 314 363 167 654 690 43 24 10 12 21 15 8 1 2 13 5 475 503 168 50 44 14 11 .. 7 .. 47 8 .. 2 59 76 169 630 586 9 12 4 6 8 5 1 4 351 363 170

.. Uninhabited ...... 171

62 77 .. " .. 1 41 33 172 61 • 53 .. ., 2. 5 4 1 43 42 173 195 108 2 2 28 2 1 1 129 184 174 92 81 2 5 1 2 1 4 57 70 175

28 7 4 1 5 20 " .. S 24 176 92 84 6 6 2 4 3 1 1 54 56 177 119 141 2 4 .. 52 58 178 94 98 2 ...... 2 52 60 179 47 44 6 6 16 18 1 38 48 180

117 123 1 1 6 8 59 68 181 219 234 4 4 5 8 3 2 138 158 182 49 56 .. .. 2 3 28 39 183 182 152 21 7 13 4 5 1 148 198 184 ·82 81 5 4 2 3 47 44 185

157 153 5 6 97 118 186 ...... Uninhabited , . 187 625 618 28 26 8 9 26 24 8 4 446 522 188 .. 35 41 189 80 75 ...... 2 ." .. . , 184 174 4 3 2 13 4 2 18 10 4 2 129 145 190

149 142 5 4 7 2 2 2 136 122 191 , J 4 13 192 15 14 . , .. . . I . 37 47 1 2 1 3 1 28 31 193 74 69 5 5 .. 1 59 67 194 148 142 3 2 2 2 118 126 195

53 46 2 3 1 21 25 196 83 93 2 4 2 1 3 3 47 44 197 381 391 58 39 5 3 3 229 229 198 404 392 2[ 16 2 5 8 9 3 1 2 4 4 246 313 199 73 60 1 4 37 52 200 388


Workers Name Area Literate ,--- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r__A,___--~ ,-_..A.._....., ,.--\..-~~ r--.A-l r-J.._-~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Cholnar P. 1,432.5 79 79 575 282 293 280 289 5 165 171 202 Kalepal 2,014.4 55 55 337 167 170 167 170 I 106 90 203 Purangci 815.9 .. Uninhabited .. .. 204 Hiroli 445.3 27 28 144 74 70 74 70 42 45 205 Pirnar 973.4 14 14 162 84 78 84 78 44 42

206 Madkamras P. 285.9 45 45 236 115 121 100 107 .. 63 64 207 Samalwar P. 3,841.6 99 99 675 336 339 17 24 '313 311 5 230 236 208 Palnar P,Po. 3,520.3 220 2201,317 649 668 574 592 7 388 309 209 Phulpad P. 5,710.7 212 212 1,420 683 737 661 710 10 1 411 411 210 Kidriras P. 397.5 23 23 145 76 69 75 69 I 53 48

211 Edpal 2,353.5 90 90 607 301 306 300 305 162 188 212 Bengpal P. 125.0 13 13 83 39 44 39 44 20 24 213 Alnar 657.3 20 20 115 50 65 50 65 .. 34 36 214 Gumiyapal P. 1,330.0 98 98 668 314 354 309 351 1 216 163 215 Kutrem 778.0 66 66 348 168 180 155 167 96 89

216 Sameli P. 6,367.1 214 114 1,102 552 550 511 506 33 2 315 311 217 Jabeli P. 3,969.3 132 132 764 379 385 .. 364 381 19 221 237 218 Dodpal 639.2 52 52 321 158 163 3 4 155 159 89 102 219 Bodepalli 436.0 12 12 79 39 40 39 40 .. 22 25 220 Taneli 1,768.6 35 35 254 129 125 129 125 2 75 84

221 Madenda 1,343.2 83 85 347 173 174 4 4 158 167 4 113 107 222 Arbe P,Po. 1,584.7 114 114 584 298 286 .. 292 286 10 170 177 223 Barrem P. 654.4 29 29 170 84 86 10 14 72 71 JO 6 46 56 224 Rewali P. 4,921.6 170 170 871 433 438 423 438 2 243 • 233 225 Pedka 870.9 39 39 285 136 149 120 137 80 81

226 Nilavaya P. 2,566.6 146 146 811 400 411 13 17 377 390 3 223 208 227 Aeheli 1,763.3 53 53 334 173 161 .. 170 157 96 91 228 Aranpur P,Po. 3,966.6 119 119 695 322 373 5 5 276 328 5 200 217 229 Mendpal 962.9 36 36 200 99 101 .. .. 99 99 . . 54 53 230 Potali P. 8,826.4 35~ 3542,127 1,036 1,091 14 10 947 973 2 614 523

231 Pujaripal 639.6 40 40 191 (06 85 3 4 103 81 58 44 232 Bllrgam P. 5,264.2 223 223 1,271 606 665 600 646 11 .. 366 346 233 Kakadi P. 4,327.8 192 192 1,104 548 556 10 11 520 533 3 1 334 343 234 Nahadi 3,520.8 68 68 412 196 216 194 216 111 118 235 Muler 4,146.2 68 68 404 200 204 200 204 115 103

236 Keshkut N.A. 33 33 148 76 72 76 72 51 45 389


W 0 R K E R S NOD- --...... , Workers L.C. n III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. r---"-----., ~--, r---"-----, ,.---.A.----, r---"----., r----'-----, ,..-----A---, ~ r---"---.., ~----, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

161 166 2 3 2 117 J22 201 ~O6 90 .. ., 61 80 202 .. Uninhabited .. 203 37 39 4 5 1 1 32 25 204 44 42 40 36 205

57 58 6 6 " .. .. 52 57 206 187 20t 14 9 9 10 15 14 5 2 to6 103 207 332 272 3S 22 2 6 15 9 .. 4 .. 261 359 208 344 335 37 44 5 12 - 21 16 I 3 3 1 272 326 209 52 48 1 23 21 210

152 180 6 3 i 2 3 1 139 118 211 9 14 10 10 1 19 20 212 10 13 24 22 1 " .. 16 29 213 146 97 65 56 10 4 _' 1 98 191 214 77 65 19 22 2 72 91 215

208 204 80 81 2 18 10 J " 15 7 237 239 216 198 208 10 18 7 7 5 2 1 2 158 148 217 86 97 2 2 I 3 69 61 218 7 6 7 19 8 17 15 219 72 78 1 4 2 2 54 41 220

34 34 69 65 2 3 1 7 5 60 67 221 113 119 43 47 4 10 4 1 6 128 109 222 35 47 3 2 5 3 7 38 30 223 82 71 144 148 16 14 1 190 205 224 52 58 23 20 1 4 3 56 68 225

179 107 19 13 9 77 12 11 1 3 177 203 226 90 83 5 6 I 1 1 ., 17 70 227 152 176 11 4 21 27 3 3 7 7 1 5 122 156 228 46 47 7 6 .. ,. 1 ., .. .. 45 48 229 t 422 568 230 536 403 33 27 6 77 34 15 1 " 1 3

51 31 7 3 10 .. 48 -tl 231 5 240 319 232 343 328 1 5 3 6 6 7 " 2 196 198 104 tl3 18 24 10 6 2 6 214 213 233 8S 98 234 66 69 41 47 2 1 2 1 " 96 80 16 19 1 2 3 1 85 101 235

51 45 25 27 236



Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4


Adawal 218 574 20 Babu Semra 343 265 2 Adawal 371 422 ~1 Badanji 233 196 1 Dandkaranya Camp Taraipara ? Badanjipara 3 Adwal 523 N.A. 3 Thanagudipara 4 Tongsigllda 4 Adwal 357 278 Aghanpur 339 112 22 Bade Alnar 101 239 1 Kangoli 2 Dandkaranya Camp 23 Badeamabal 60 424 6 Ailangnar 590 185 1 Saipipadar 2 Dhaundaguda 7 Airakot (Yerakot) 392 31 3 Chamaipara 4 Khariapara I Bhimapara 2 Podiyapara 5 Mataglldipara 6 Pail/bahar

3 Gotimar; 4 Bhejarjpadar 24 Bade Arap'Jr 445 64 5 Kadamguda 25 Bade Badam 466 . 100/274 R Alnar 358 138 26 Bade Bodal 535 91 1 Banjarapara 2 Dhurapara 27 Badechakwa 235 252 3 Kofwarpara 4 Kumapara 5 Padamipara 6 Pujaripara Pujaripara 2 Kuriuguda 3 Paralipara 4 GOlldpara 9 Alnar 490 215 10 Alwa 502 96 28 Badedeoda 41/1 192 1 Pedapora 2 KolworrJra 1 SoutPll1' 2 Katogl/da 3 Ha/baporo 4 TOfihodmapora 3 Tllhafideoda 29 Badedharaour 231 433 II Alwahi 139 150 1 Banjarpora 2 Chhepdagudapora 1 Solihhotporo 30 Badegarawand 323 521 12 Amadula 52 432 31 Badegumiapal 356 340 1 Pate/para 1 Poleipara 2 Bokdichho/llpara I J Amaguda 37R 529 32 Bade Gurbe 603 14 Amlidhar 158 141 90 33 Badejirakhal 15 .479 1 Thanoglldipora 1 TlIndriamo IS Anjar 304 414 34 Badckakloor 5S8 NA Gan!


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. SJ'.. ( • No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 ·2 3 4 2 3 " 37 Bade Kadma 481 116 57 Balikonta 294 110 J Dhurwapara 511 Balputi 245 158 38 Bade Marenga 396 135 59 Bamani 409 N.A. J Mundapara 2 Suribhata 60 Baniagaon 29 421 39 Bade Morathpal 365 354 1 Solguda 1 Kurmiguda 2 Bhalliguda 61 Baniagaon 76 291 40 Bade Murma 514 86 62 Baniagaon 246 155 41 Badeparakot 421 93 63 Barchhepal 385 236 42 Badeparoda 253 174 64 Barda 109 166 J Pate/para 2 Madiapara J Atargllda 2 Pate/para 43 Badlawand 94 441 65 Barupata 360 577 44 Badrenga 278 429 1 Botipara I Samllpara 2 Pllfapara 66 Baiso1i 47 523 3 Budhupara 4 Jatipal'a 67 Bastanar 472 263 45 13angapal 242 481 I Bamdapal'a 2 Koshapara 46 Baghanpal 307 511 3 MangdotJpara 4 Karlllrpara 1 Bauchharpara 2 Thallagudipara 68 Rastar 147 503 47 Baghanpal 364 • N.A. J Kalartarai 2 Raghbahar 48 Bagraur 435 N.A. 3 Karitarai 4 Bhattipara 49 Bagmohlai 70 356 5 Manjhipara () Pidsiguda Thallapara 1 Keraguda .? Banjaripara 7 Naikguda 8 3 DOllgriguda 4 Kotekama 9 Telldatari 10 Kumhdakote 5 MUlldiguda 6 Harkamipara 11 Rawallaguda 12 Chhendipara 7 PUjaripara 8 Osmiapara 13 Bharmapadar 16 Nayaguda 50 Bagmundi Paneda 471 169 15 Koliapara 15 Pujaripara 1 Patelpara 2 lVimndpara 17 Jllnagllda 18 Del/rgaon 3 Bododipara 69 Batkonta 475 447 70 Bedagaon 74 325 51 Bagra (Kumhf1wand) 3(JO N.A. 1 Badagainkhas 52 Bahanpur 452 525 53 Bajawand 203 173 71 Bedaumargaon 198 193 1 Chandarpara 1 Bhandaripara 2 Amagudapara 54 Bakawand 114 402 3 Badepara J Amodiguda 72 . Belar 257 453 Pate/para 55 Bakel 46 149 Khalepara 2 , 1 Thanagudipara 2 A modipara j Pidopara 4 Bhattipara 3 KIIlIga/gllda 73 Belgaon 276 467 56 Baleuga 104 469 74 Beliapal 232 N.A. J Bang/adeh 2 Ka/artarai 75 Belputi 71 499 3 Chhepadapara 4 Badepara 1 Soraguda 2 GOliguda 5 Kha/epara 6 Ogayaguda 3 Ayarguda 4 Kharahbhata 7 Marii!lIda 8 Dandkaranya Majdur Camp. 76 Bengloor 519 113 393 ALPHA"BETlCAL.. USl OF VILI.AGES 5 ]AGDALPUR TANSIL-Contd.

Location Location Code No. S. No. Serial Cod·.' No. S.No. Serial 19jJ No. Name of Village No. Name of Village 1961 1%1 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4 593 :205 98 Biranpal 77 Bengpal 36.'l 229 538 99 78 Benidharaur 208 Birgali 438 343 407 100 79 Btsrapal 126 Birlinga (Bhirlinga) 222 369 226 8U Bhadisgaon 367 J Bodaguda 1 Anwarabhata 101 Bishapur 561 481 141 484 81 Bhainsgaon 102 Bishrampllri 2, 162 Dllbagwla 1 I Thanagudipara 2 Ran iglldiparl I 301 IH6 82 Bhaluguda 103 Bodanpal 61 298 304 83 Bhanpuri 48 104 Bodenpal IlJO 442 Thangudipara 2 Mawliguda I Manjhipara 2 PUjaripara 3 Dandkaranya Camp 3 Gondpara 593 84 Rharni 239 105 Bodenarkala 544 318 21t1/517 85 Bhatagllda 322 I Sukopara 2 Masopara I Basniguda 3 Rodapara 4 Chalanpara 5 Mudapara 86 Bhatpaldeurgaon 196 285 191 106 Hodli 117 87 Bheja 161 99 107 Bodra 167 478 I Manjhipara 2 Pujaripara 1 Dhakadpam 3 MlIl1diglida 4 Chhindbhala 108 Borigac)n 88 Bhejapadar 330 466 89 512/554 I Kala 2 89 Rhejripadar 130 872 Chhepadapara 3 Mandrandugllda I Banarasi 6 109 Borja 432 460 '-'0 Bhej ri padar 362 J Mariguda 110 Borepadar 243 552 354 91 Bhirinda 3 492 111 Burgum 545 92 Bhond 146 399 1 Rodapara I Sargigllda 2 Rha/ugllda 112 Burji 285 N.A. 3 Plinjigllcia 4 Pandllpl/ra 113 Burundwadasemra 373 254 5 Singl/rguda 6 Pidsiglfda 114 Bllrungpal 417 80 7 Bhursundipara 115 Burungpal 427 13 / Dhakadpara 2 Madiapara 93 Bhi.)sdirash 524 250 -

94 Bhursllndi 195 260 C 95 Bijaput 350 508 96 Bilori 431 308 116 Chachalgur 556 39 1 Bhaligllda 2 Podl/padar 117 Chalkiguda 282 409/124 3 Kandu/!(udl/ 4 Chill/pur 118 Chamia 64 359 1 Chindglldl/ 2 97 Binta 183 103 Temrllgllda 119 Champal I BadeDl/ra 2 Palligra/tipara 576 N.A. 3 Pinepara 4' Naklokapara 120 Challdanpur 185 223 5 Pujaripara 6 Navapara 121 Chandela 134 35 7 Bulupara 8 RI/watpara 1 Taraigllda 2 Panarapara 394 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF .VILLAGES 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL-Contd.

Location Serial Location Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. Nc No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 lQ5l

2 3 4 2 3 4 122 Chandragiri 562 259 144 Chhok Kilcpal 525 280 1 Dhurwapara 2 Paikpara 1 Meluguda 2 Pate/para 3 Ghasipara 145 'Chhote Murma 515 314 123 Chandrapal 552 N.A. 146 Chhote Parakot 422 11 124 Chapka 84 398 147 Chhote Paroda 254 510 1 Chotethirath 2 Siwnaguda 148 Chhurawand 8 507 125 Chapapadar 112 N.A. 1 Thanagudipara 2 Chamarpal'a 126 Cherakur 58 328 3 BanjarapaF{} 1 Patelpara 2 Badepara 149 Chiurgaon 37 N.A, 3 Kodepara 1 Patelpara 2 Sargiguda 127 Chhapar Bhanpuri 3 Hirlaguda 4 Maliguda 259 104 1 PUjariguda 2 Atarguda 150 Chidpal 506 123 128 Chhinari 1 91 547 Chiaurgaon 1 Sakrupara 2 Ramupara 151 Chikhal Karmari 113 165 129 Chhindawada 152 Chilkuhati 550 106 489 390 130 Chhind Bahar 153 333 396 Chhind Bahar 214 446 Devapara 2 7 hanagudipara 154 Chingpal 510 132/42 3 PUjaripara 4 Duiangapara 155 Chiraipadar 241 462/392 131 Chhind Bahar 156 Chitalgur 577 ::;3 487 20 1 Megapara 2 Thanagudipara 132 Chhindgaon. 34 397/337 1 Amaguda 2 Khudguda 157 Chitaloor 275 530 3 Durkadonga 4 Patharlipara 1 Dongriguda 5 Sidawallda 6 Dongrigilda 156 Chitalwar 169 405 7 Dabadigllda 8 Tetarguda 159 Chitapadar 432 451 133 Chhindgaon 187 514 160 Chitapur 504 170 I Madiapara 2 Pate/para 1 Dhlluanras 2 Dhiraguda 134 Chhindgur 3 Dhurwarash 4 Borgihha/a 593 40 5 Kandkiras 6 Dorgerash 135 ChhNe Badam 467 21 7 Debrapai 136 Chhote Bodal 536 209 137 Chhote Rodella! 500 253 161 Chitrakote 184 521 138 Chhote Deoda 1 Padargllda 2 I'll) 211 Ghumarn/und 1 Bijagllda 2 Taraiguda 3 Baharguda 4 Lall1daguda 3 Gadiapara 5 Kariyaguda 139 162 Chokar Chhote Uudra 479 576 263 522 140 Chhotc Uurbe I Dongripara 2 Seollahhaf 604 411 3 Sellgdiguda 4 Mahllpllipara 141 Chhote Jirakhal 30 482 163 Chokawada 411 142 Chhotc Kaklur 212 474 66 164 Choknar 24 143 Chhote Kawali 449 538 44 1 Kadagllda 2 SlIlIdiguda 395


Location Location Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. Serial 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 No Name of Village 1961 19~1

2 3 4 2 3 4 566 187 Dhodrepal 480 165 Cholnar 148 119 I Pankaparu i Amamandapara 2 Chhendimulldapuea 3 Rampalpara 4 Belgudapara 18S Dhokam 412 434 166 Chondimetawada 261 • 403 189 DhO'Jrepai 200 495 167 Chorash 542 N,A. 190 Dhuragaon 211 N.A. 16~; Chhoteamabal 62 520 I Thanagudiparu 2 Madiapara 1 Thanagudipara 2 Hirlabhatpara 3 Nayapara l69 Chhote Garaband 344 363 191 DhurgU\~a 340 266 170 Chhotegumiapal 250 578 1 Hatguda 171 Chhote Kadma 482 67 192 Dilmili 478 144 366 591 172 Chhote Morathpal 193 Dimrapal 32 588 100 198 173 Chhote Alnar 1 Nadiguda 2 Kothiyaguda

D 194 Dimrapal 398 14 195 D~gam 429 519 174 Dabguda 131 527 196 Dongriguda (Kumharmarenga) 426 45 1 Palljiguda 197 Dube Umargaon 105 473 175 Dabpai 256 550 1 Dahriyapara 2 Sirahapara 3 Nayapal'a 1 Thangudipara 2 Patelpara 176 Darbha 565 24 198 Duganpal 444 151 Durkabeda 177 Dasapal 175 286 199 96 164 Tipkapara 1 E 178 Deoda 82 324 200 Erpund 179 115 1 Mawligllda 2 Rawatpara 3 Chakkadihi 4 Khaspara 201 Ermur 279 234 I Blirdapara 2 Kokadipara 288 128 179 Deourgaon 3 Kanapara 4 Jangamipara 1 Padaraguda 5 Kumharpara

180 Dhanialoor 470 336 F I Khatiguda 2 Taraiguda 202 Farmkumharawand 336 84 181 Dhanpunji 353 333 G 182 Dhanpur 25 N.A. 1 Jamguda 2 Patelpara 203 Gadaghat 543 N.A. Gadamguda 486 183 Dharampura 316 582 204 8 205 Gadamaras 600 73 I Majdar Camp 1 Dondrepai 184 Dharmabeda 160 445 206 Gadba SargipaJ 401 459 185 Dharmaur 335 332 207 Gadhiya 252 413 I Kumharawand 2 Pate/para 1 Gadhiapadar 2 Dengaama 3 Mundiguda 4 Negipara 319 483 186 Dhobiguda 5 Pariaguda 5 Jamguda 1 Nawapara 7 Mariguda :396



Location Location Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. No. Serial 1951 No. Name \)1' V:liage 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 196\ 4 2 3 4 2 3 7 208 Garenga 22 206 232 Harrakoder 156 I TOlldiguda 1 Mansaipara 2 Phagupara 452 209 6arda 384 171 233 J:fatkachora 370 1 Paik)'llra 2 Puiaripara 1 Kumharpara 3 Kallapara


Location S. No. Serial Location Serial Code No. Code No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village S.No. No. 1961 1951 3 4 2 2 3 4 434 307 279 Karekote 251 Jiragaoll 161 2 1 252 Jojal 493 486 Ta/ebhatpara 2 Karekotepara 3 Karkaghutkudi 4 253 Junapani 587 N.A. Kevarakhal 5 Salebhata 254 Junawani 225 385 280 Karitgaon 244 261 K 1 Gudapara

281 Karka 255 Kachnar 223 270 563 N.A. 21i2 Karkaguda I Baihaguda 2 Amaguda 229 N.A. 1 Thanagudipara 256 Kahachenar 154 131 283 Karkaguda (Kurkaguda) 257 Kakalgur 566 2'i 572 N.A. 284 Karkapai 282 258 Kaknar 119 415 558 285 Karkarguda I Patelpara 2 Kosamguda 513 45 286 Karmari 238 259 Kaknar 465 60 533 1 Thanagudipllra 2 Tllraipara 260 Ka1aguda 543 177 3 Bhataguda 4 Madhubhata 287 261 Ka1cha 324 175 Karpawand 38 157/567 1 262 Kalepal 387 130 Gaollpara 2 Badiguda 3 Bijaguda 263 K~lepal 448 75 4 Gadiaguda I Uparwara 5 Amaguda 6 Dongriguda 7 Podaiguda 264 Kalepal 580 341 288 Kasturi 352 580 265 Kalipur 293 176 289 Kasturpal 249 535 1 Pharsaguda 2 BUchur 290 Katakanda 458 118 266 Kamanar 531 127 267 Kamdeo Kuruspal 389 222 291 Katellar 528 189 I Halbarash 2 Kotwalpara 268 Kanakuruspal 424 N.A. 292 Kaviasna 267 269 Kanapal 325 267 480 ] Dhakadpara 270 Kandanar 591 38 293 Kaudawand 115 545 271 Kangoli 338 117 I Siwllaguda 2 Ledaraguda 272 KaokapaJ 589 81 3 Madiapara 4 Kindapara 294 Kawadgaon 273 Kapanar 499 246 78 N.A. 5 Borguda 2 Patelpara 274 Kapanar 573 297 3 Badepara 4 Nikaspara 1 Kandkipara 2 Rawatpara 5 Nawapara 6 Madiapara 3 Pate/para 4 Nawapura 7 Butkipara 275 Karandola 63 137 295 Kawapal 495 50 1 Thallagudipara 2 Ralligudapara 296 Kawapulcha 595 372 276 88 379 Karanji 297 KeJaur 527 133 1 Kur/oomaripara 1 Belapara 2 Bhatipara 277 Karanjl 313 188 3 Dokrichuu I Atarguda 2 Hirmaguda 298 Kerajhodi 436 N.A. 278 Karanpur 328 258 299 Keshapur 511 29 398


Location Locatioo Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

300 Kesbarpal 27 187 320 Kodripal 597 3 I Usarigudapara I Baleras 2 Chingapara 3 Manjhidih 4 Paikpara N.A. 301 Keshloor 447 5 ]'Jetapa/ I Soshanpaipuru 2 Suaguda 3 Metawada 4 ,'.1urumguda 321 Kohakapal 289 556 5 Cha/kiguda 6 Mataiguda 322 Kohakapal 298 262 J Lit iguda 2 Sukarapai 302 Khadka 7 238 1 Pateipara 2 Madiapara 323 Kohakapal 317 425 324 Kohakaseoni 80 532 303 Kaika (Cherhahar) 520 140 304 Kaikagarh 494 59 325 Kokawada 601 34 305 Khamargaon 376 586 J Kllmilarpara 2 Maharapara 306 Khandsara 14 N.A. 326 Kolawada 554 49 1 Rawatpara 2 Thanagudipara 327 Kolawalli 12 296 3 Phagllll.para 4 Loharpara 1 Sodaguda 2 Pakhnaguda j MadiJJpara G Memberpara 3 Dongrigllda 4 Khasgaon 7 Bhaltipara 5 Thanugudipara 6 Ratakhulldipll'a 85 320 307 Khorkhoba 7 Manjhipara 8 Banwagllda Soraguda 2 Khorkosapara 328 Koleng 592 N.A. 3 Sukuigudapara 329 Kolchoor 240 539 450 N.A. Kolchoor (Bamhani) 320 N.A. 308 Khidkhad 330 72 216 309 Khotlapal 331 Komar 4 375 j Kondaguda 332 Kondaloor 236 37 168 389 310 Khotlapa\ 333 Kondaloor 564 248 1 Patelpara 334 Kondawal 292 71 57 311 Khujaparpa 400 335 Kondiapal (GondiapalJ 57 366 199 312 Khutpadar 377 1 Pateipara 2 Pusguda 233 3 Bhikaripara 4 Ballshpara 313 Kiojoli 128 1 Ta/para 2 Manjhipara 5 Samlapara 3 Pujaripara 336 Kondoli 496 N.A. 4811 1 Pate/para 2 Lakhmapara 314 KinjoJipai 268 242 3 Kumapara 4 Aytoopara 315 Kodebeda 186 416 337 Kopaguda 407 183 316 Kodenar 159 338 Korgali 437 468 456 401/460 317 Kodenar 339 Korli 163 18 Kosapara 2 Jongepara 340 Korpai 297 N.A. 3 Dodgepara 4 Kumapara 341 Korpal 428 364 318 Koder 247 46 342 Korta 153 465 1 Pate/para 2 Nakapara I JhjtkagliJa 2 Dharliguda 3 Aylupara 4 Somapara 343 Ko,mi 152 476 5 Pandupara J Dhallll'akole 2 Lillgugllda 319 Kodrichhapar 560 290 3 Narnogllda (Ekalaguda) 399


Location Location 'IeriaJ Code No. S.No. Serial Coct;! No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 ,4 2 3 4

314 Kotgarh 5 528/572 363 Kurenga 363 146 H5 Kothiaguda 255 418 1 Bandaguda 2 Padarguda J Pate/para ;! Thanagudipara 3 Pakhnaracha

316 Kotllmsar 584 491 364 Kuruspa1 165 257 347 Koypal 484 208 I Sharmanahigllda I Nall'apara 365 Kuruspal 299 346 348 Koynar 463 97 366 Kusumpal 405 N.A. 349 Kudalgaon 271 268 367 Kuthar 251 419 I Dangriguda 2 Khuchaguda 3 Dondkaranya Camp L 350 Kudkanar 290 489 368 Lakhai Beda 332 427 1 Atarguda 1 Patelpara 351 Kudumkheda 582 3(0 369 Lalaguda 380 380 352 Kudllrwada 575 N.A. 1 Pate/para 2 Ramapara 353 Kukanar 598 65 3 Pujaripara 3 Schoolpara J Tangarras 2 llhandaras 4 Nakapara J Kumharrai 4 Chuleras 370 LamanikarkapaJ 404 .1(0 5 Pedaras 6 Chewaras 7 Durkidonga 8 Bokadaodar 37L Lamker 144 309 9 Dhllrras 10 Homoros J Jhartllrai 2 Gondpara II NalVaglida 12 Glip/WjI'l/ 3 Dengagondpara 354 Kulgaon 430 311 372 Lawagaon 497 1 Badeguda 373 Lendra 508 107 355 Kumli 50 182 374 Limaupadar 303 383 1 Mundaguda 1 Thanagudipara 2 Kamaparo 356 Kumharawand liD 283/373 375 Lohandiguda 210 N.A. I Kandiguda 357 Kumharawand 317 153 M 358 Kumharsadra 522 255 376 Machkot F. V. 451 583 1 Kolapara 2 Wakapara 377 Madar 281 139 3 Pate/para J Malguzarpara 2 Kumharpara 359 KlImhali 188 181 3 Panarapara 1 Pate/para 2 Thanagudipara 378 Madar Konta 505 N.A. 360 KumJi 410 331 379 Mandalpal 59 571 361 Kungarpal 45 501 1 Pate/para 2 Dhllciipara J Badepara 2 Pate/para 3 Pakhnagudllpara 4 Yashodapara J Rawatpura 4 Bhattipara 5 Dengpara 362 Kurandi 433 352 3110 Madhota 143 289/388 Dongriguda 2 Chi/kllhti 1 Khairguda 2 Bha/lldhora J lkundagllda 4 Jamgllda 3 Dularipara 4 Kllndguda 5 SU/iaguda 5 Tikapara 400



Location Location Code No. S. No. 'leri~1 Code No. S. No. Serial 1961 19'51 No Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Villag

3 4 2 3 4 2

31 NA. 381 Madpal 348 444 400 Maretha 1 Khlltipara 2 Nawapara 1 Sargiguda 3 ManJhipara 4 Bljapllr 202 401 Markapal 193 5 GanJhapara 6 Patarpara 213 402 Markel 408 382 Mahakapal 464 17 1 Jadiguda 2 Sivanagllda 383 Mahima 120 317 3 Birsagllda 4 Anjarguda 384 Mahupal Bari 264 493 5 Baghaguda 6 Navaguda 385 Mailwada 17 N.A. 312 403 Masgaon 174 386 Malewahi 178 142 101 404 Matko! 390 387 l'1algaon 273 327 1 Mariguda Sundipara 2 Ondarguda N.A. 405 Malnar 78 3 Manjhipara 4 Kabadipara 1 Bamhanguda 5 Dangarguda 206 541 388 Mamadpal 549 548 406 Malnar Thanagudipara 2 Chalanpara J Plljaripara 3 Baihapara 4 Dholrpara 389 Mandwa 460 87 5 Masipara 6 GlIdioa/'O 1 Pl'dapara 2 Kalitikarapara 7 Gllndrapara 3 Dhllrwapara 407 Mavali Bhata 459 273 Manganpur 390 349 302 408 Mawaliguda 7'9 N.A. Mawaliguda 86 474 31J1 Mangdukachora 341 420 409 1 Khutiguda 392 Mangnar 54 557 Mawalipadar 532 105 Sum~rguda 2 Bodaguda 410 3 Tl'te.rguda 4 Jondhraguda 411 Mendri 207 536 5 Kandragllda 412 Metawada 272 496 393 Mangnar 507 43 J Dongriguda 394 Manjhi Ehata 476 121 413 Metawada 446 NA 395 Manjhiguda 516 187 414 Michnar 386 396 396 Manjhipal 551 245 Kumharpara 2 Ganwarchhapar 397 Mardum 205 4 3 Mariguda 4 Gumtumdi 5 Tangrapara Kandalapara 2 Hadmapara 569 54 3 Ghllmarkonta 4 Katlakonta 415 Milkulwada 430 5 Manjhipara 6 Bandiapara 416 Mohlai 2 7 Sc!toolpara 8 Bagapara 417 Mohlai 150 152 9 Karl/para 10 Ranihedapara 1 Manjhopara II Ghasipara 12 Pahandipara 418 Mohpalbarai 197 355 13 NlIlpapara J Ekatagllda 419 Mokhagaon 16 498 39x Marlenga 262 395 420 Mongrapal 171 515 1 Chillar[?l/da 2 Thollaglldipara I Bodaguda 1 Belgllda 3 Manjhipara 3 Malsaipara _. 399 Marenga 228 N.A. ! Patl'ipara 2 Gandopora 421 Morathpali 346 159 3 Buramas ipara 422 Muli III 284 401


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 4 2 3 4 2 3

423 Mundagl\on 99 319 445 Narainpal 217 S~7 1 Patiapal 2 Than agudipara 424 Mundagarh 594 33 446 Narawand 55 163 425 Mundapal 265 394 1 Matiguda 1 Tondaguda 447 Nawagaon 395 5 426 Mundenar 581 342 448 Nawaguda 534 N.A. 427 Munga 529 200 449 Nayanar 4Q3 350 1 Pate/para 1 Lamnipara 2 lamguda 428 Munjer 182 N.A. 3 Kotwarpara 4 Bhartipara 5 Sundipara 6 Pate/para 429 Munjla 66 136 172 167 430 Murkuchi 49 f56 450 Neganar

J Thanagudipara 2 Ranigudapara 451 Neganar 509 27/391 345 ~71 431 Musaguda 503 554 45l Negiguda 305 240 432 Mutanpal 355 589 453 Neganar 1 Madadipara Pate/para 2 Pidepara 76 454 Netanar 578 3 Gayatanpara 4 Kumapara 1 Genhupadar 2 Gotiapai 5 Mushkonta 6 Dongripara 3 Chamkur 4 Gapopapal' 5 Kichruras 6 Randarrash N 7 Bijalipara 8 Wamnarash Nilegondibodenar 546 299 433 Nadi Sagar 213 475 455 1 Semarguda 2 Jarajguda p 434 Nagalsar 568 129 360 456 Pabel 11~ 435 Nagarnar 351 573 138 S61 1 Pate/para 2 Kenduguda 457 Paschimitemra 28 3 Bhatrapara 458 Padmur Sidmur (Sidmud Padmur) 491 567 22 436 Nagtoka (pandanar) 220 N.A. 459 Paidawada Pahurbel 93 546 437 Naharni 20 243 460 Ihulnaguda 2 Damaguda 1 Pateipara 1 3 lamchuwa 4 Hirlaguda 438 Nainmoor 418 61 226 477 439 Nainnar 388 225 461 Paikpal 204 1 Chamrupara 2 Nadgupara 462 Pakhanakongera 8 440 Naktisemra 406 426 1 Rawatpara 2 Pateipara 3 Gajadharpara 4 Thanaglldipara 441 Nalpawand 177 231 Pakanar 559 ~ 1 Manjhipara 2 Nakapara 463 Nilegondi 2 Schoolpara 442 Nandpura 51 351 1 KlImapara 4 Maharapara 1 Amodiguda 3 5 Barubeda 6 Ka/arpara 443 Nangur 517 36 7 Bandapara 8 Ihodiapara Bqdegandopara 10 Chhotegandoparp 1 Nangllr Patiapal 2 Thanagudipara 9 11 Bogikosha 12 Hatpara 444 Narainpal 166 170 13 Sundersinghpara 14 Pandoopara 1 Atarguda 2 Mahrapara 15 Hjrmapara 16 Lingapara 17 Dongripara 402


Location Location Serial CadeNa. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name ofVilJage 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

464 Palam 121 221 487 Pirmeta 413 384 465 Palanar 498 457 1 Pate/para 2 Bandipara 1 Pate/para 2 Dongripara 488 Pithapur 202 178 3 Pujaripara 489 Potanar 312 190 466 Pallibhata 28 228 1 Mundapara 2 Ramchandrapara 3 Kotwarpara 467 Palli 337 458 490 Potiapal 539 210 468 Pallichakwa 212 251 1 Pate/para 491 Potiawand 43 349 469 Palwa 394 74 1 Soraguda 1 Bhataguda 2 Nawagaon 492 Purvi Temra 164 279 470 Pandanar 173 569 493 Pushem 453 249 494 Push.pal (p A.) 135 82 471 Pandripani 399 148 495 Pushpal 155 108 1 Karekot 2 Pamela 496 Pushpal 492 47 3 Mavaliguda 4 Hajariguda 1 Schoolpara 472 Parali 235 470 R . 1 Amodiguda 497 Raikondi 180 436 473 Parali 537 52 498 Raikot 461 N.A. 474 Paralmeta 473 563 1 Gudrapara 2 Sodipara 1 Phagnupara 2 Patelpara 499 Rajnagar 129 197 475 Parapur 230 417 1 Khamcshwari 2 Mulipara 1 Thanagudipara 2 Dumarpara 3 Bhoraguda 4 Nawaguda Kandkiguda 6 Dumarguda 3 Bandampara 4 Kalarpara 5 5 Dongipara 6 Amaglldapara 500 Rajoor 483 241 7 Pujaripara 8 Baghmarapara 1 Bishguda 2 Chhepdaguda Bhataguda 4 Koypa/ 9 Ghasiapara 3 5 Musriguda 6 Jhitkaguda 476 Parchandllill 221 377 7 Sorrash 8 Tokapal 477 Parpa 419 83 501 Rajpur 125 .. 510 6 214 478 Pathari 1 Mawliguda 2 Sargiguda 479 214 Pathari 97 502 . Rampal 149 330 1 Pate/para 2 Dongapani I Gandapara 480 Patharli 443· 63 503 Rampal 327 160 504 Ransargipal 310 168 481 Phaphani 67 N.A. 1 Pidopara 2 Dongripara 482 Pharasgaon 116 551 3 Dhurwapara 1 Sadakpara 505 Ranbiranpal 533 79 483 Phrezarpur 369 264 506 Ratenga 136 72· 484 Pharsara 33 282/26 Manjhipara 2 Gu([ipara 3 Salebhata 4 Chihraguda 485 Pichikoder 157 448 5 Badebadrenga 6 Chotebadrenga 486 Pipalawand 69 437 7 Paripara 8 Banyapara 1 Jamguda 9 Sargiguda 403


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

507 Retawand 10 500 524 Satosa il 288 508 Rotma 195 1 Dumarbeda 2 Tenduguda 1 Bagbaharpara 3 Mariguda 4 Chechr~guda 5 Tetarguda 6 Chalanguda S 7 Guchaguda 8 Birjhikatr 9 Dhobinbhata 10 Chikhalpadar 509 Sadgud 469 378 11 Gotimunda 12 Dongarguda 1 Amagutla 2 Randhariguda 13 Tundreama 14 Ganwarbahar 3 Khutguda 525 Sautnar 596 510 Sadra 359 138 1 Namapara 2 Kodobhat 1 Dongriguda 2 Lingapara 3 Manjhidlh 4 Kasiras 3 Malguzarpara 4 Bojapara 5 Kupidih .5 . Dandabadipara 526 Saunrapal 142 N.A. 527 Sawngol 302 587 511 Sadrabodenar 545 338 J Patelpara 2 Maladipara 1 Bijapara 2 Pujaripara 3 Kaladpara 3 Pate/para 528 Sanwara 36 542 512 Sakargaon 286 534 1 Siboguda 2 Manjlziguda 513 Salemeta 13 568 3 Botiguda 529 Sedwa 485 98 Semalnar 127 313 514 Salemeta 145 505 ~30 1 Gadbadguda 1 Junaguda 2 Kusumguda 515 Salepal 133 114/316 531 Seoni 81 543 516 Salepal 361 315 1 Uparpara 2 Hirlabhata 1 Malapara 2 Tumpanipara 3 Palabahar 4 Nichepara 3 Sonupara 4 Bandapara 5 Amaguda 517 Sandeoda 40 382 532 Sidmud 518 68 518 Sandkarmari 42 294 382 357 Karmari 2 Mundiguda 533 Silakjhodi 1 463 3 Kalbhata 4 Bhaluguda 534 Silakjhodi 457 5 Bainkapal 6 Amasora 535 Simoda 92 490 519 Sargiguda 381 428 536 Singanpur 237 111 Patelpara 2 Pujaripara 1 537 Sirisguda 284 412 520 Sargipal 151 326 1 Dengguda 2 Mariguda 3 Kandkipara 52l Sasan Kachora 342 295 329 538 Sitlawand 68 522 Sataspur 181 184 83 565 539 Sonarpal 1 Patelpara 2 Cherkupara 2 Sonarpal 3 Mayarampara 4 Rainupara 1 Seonaguda Dandkaranya Camp .5 Nawapara 6 Thanagudipara 3 Munj/apara 4 260 431 523 Satlawand 90 423 540 Sonarpal 75 321 1 Kotigudapara 2 Magarguda 541 Sonpur Kostaguda 3 Bhakwaguda 1 Amaguda 2 404


Location Location. S. No. Serial Serial Code No. Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1951 No. 1961 Name of Village 1961 1951 4 2 3 2 3 4

542 Sorgaon 154 562 19 Tanhakapal 311 94 1 Thanagudipara 2 Kondapara 563 Taragaon 65 220 3 Kotwarpara 1 Jodatara ipara 543 Sosanpal 564 423 N.A. Taragaon 216 227 544 Soutpur 565 56 303 Taragaon 306 145 1 Anwarabhata 2 Badpapara 1 Korguda 2 Bandakot 3 Karanjiguda 4 Khulguda 3 Padamipara 4 Lookamipara 5 Amaguda 5 So/apara 566 545 Sudhapal 122 287 Tarapur 227 544 1 Thanagudipara 2 Loharpara 1 Gudapara 567 3 Chhendipara 4 . Kondopara Tekameta 314 179 568 Telimarenga 5 Dandarpara 6 Har/para 425 102 569 Teli Semra 375 7 Rawdtpara 9 Maharapara 237 576 Templekumar 10 Aytupara 10 N.A. 546 Sukrapal 326 N.A. 571 Temrubhata 526 555 347 Solenga 204 450 572 Telanga Arapur 391 9 548 Surundwada 585 438 573 Tetam 35 N.A. 549 Surgllda 415 348 574 Thirthagarh 530 41 1 Pate/para 2 Hikmipara 575 Tirthum 441 513 550 Surgudabodenar 440 562 576 Titri 379 339 1 Kosapara 2 Pate/para 577 Tikanpal 103 365 S'S1 Suwachondi 37 345 578 Tikradhanora 194 89 579 Tikralohanga 269 T 358 1 DongrikhaJe 2 Sargiguda 552 Tahakwada 3 588 247 Padarguda 4 Chada!padar 553 Taipadar (Alkhur) 580 Tiria 521 N.A. 541 440 554 Takraguda 219 333 581 Tirtha 137 2()1 1 Dandkaranya Camp 1 1Jhabamaripltra 555 Takraguda 258 540 582 Titirgaon 291 109 1 Pate/para 2 Thanaglldipara 583 Tokapal 420 3 Jhitkapara 4 Marigudapara 16 556 1 Parako/para Talnar 277 381 584 Tolawada 1 Jalniguda 586 439 557 Taloor 585 Tondapal 512 119 108 232 SS8 586 Tongkongera 53 387 Tamakoni 295 456/126 I Jadupara 2 Pujaripara I Chhepdagllda 2 Dongaghat 587 Toongapal 176 3 Dandkaranya Camp 406 588 Topar 553 55 559 Tamarwada 570 N.A. 589 Totar 192 219 560 Tandpal 287 494 590 Toyar 383 376 561 Tangiajhodi 1 Pujaripara 2 Pate/para 477 69 3 Paikpara 4 Jadiguda 405


Location Location Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Name of Village L961 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. 1951 ' 4 2 3 4 2 3

591 Toyanar 574 310 U 592 Toyanar 579 293 599 Udiapal 132 594 Manjhipara 593 Tuhatideoda 41/2 404 1 600 Ulnar 201 461 518 594 Turanggur 414 1 Taraguda 2 Bhaluguda 1 Patelpara 2 Ramdharpara 3 Jawandpara 601 Ulnar 468 12 590 595 Turemorka 334 602 Upanpal 329 306 596 Turenar 321 368 603 Usari 102 224 604 Usaribeda 209 244 597 Turpura 21 N.A. y 1 Patelpara 2 Panarapara 598 Tusel 402 334 605 Yerandwal (Erandwal) 462 78 406

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VILLAGE DIRECTORY Workers Literate Scheduled Scheduled & TO~ Wor- Name Area kers I-IX) L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Total population Castes Tribes Educated ,--.A ....., ,-.A_, ,..---"----. No. Village available acres Houses holds ~,,-_A---, F P M F M F M F M F M 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 105,984 43/7 JagdaJpur Tahsil Rura) 1.033,452.36 58,505 160,474 14,676 113,587 13,512 57,686 322,639 162,165 14,872 115,460 l,bS) 96,603 72 83 1 Lawagaoll P. 1,075.0 52 52 266 129 137 100 107 3 1 134 120 121 1 84 73 2 Mohlai 1,075.0 47 41 266 132 65 64 3 Bhirinda 800.0 34 34 191 91 100 79 87 2 138 117 113 1 92 80 4 Komar P. 1,536.0 57 51 271 133 23 5 Kotgarh 411.3 19 19 74 39 35 31 35 22 20 253 257 5 198 197 6 Pathari 2,108.0 100 105 588 294 294 24 51 Khadaka 173 91 82 6 3 61 38 2 56 7 3,567.4 31 31 1 107 95 8 Chhuraward P. 1,629.4 66 66 325 171 154 8 9 128 119 8 194 21 31 109 105 S 122 105 9 Pakhna Kongera 1,747.3 66 69 373 179 7 4 10 Tempal Kumar 475.0 3 3 12 7 5 1 3 434 360 11 Salosa P. 6,418.2 256 265 1,357 678 679 1 1 571 579 37 624 98 89 ~04 494 71 1 452 420 12 Kolawali P. 2,845.2 225 230 1,263 639 164 156 13 Salemeta P. 4,555.4 16 76 503 243 260 92 91 78 98 19 3 322 304 88 84 121 96 21 3 217 177 14 Khandsara P. 3,383.1 123 123 626 161 115 15 Badejira Khal 1,827.5 83 83 425 227 198 153 133 25 62 43 J6 Mokhagaon 438.0 26 27 161 90 71 88 71 2 170 171 29 22 126 135 2 113 117 17 Mailwada 1,062.2 63 64 341 93 87 18 Jamgaon 5,525.6 59. 59 329 172 157 20 14 135 128 1 24 26 278 264 36 2 207 202 19 Sorgaon P. 7,032.4 116 118 636 325 311 56 50 20 Naharni 1,680.6 32 32 172 90 82 85 74 5 3

614 590 103 93 269 269 55 5 390 311 21 Turpura P. 4,707.8 222 222 1,204 212 226 22 Garenga P,M,Po. 2,473.1 131 138 712 354 358 17 13 190 191 21 3 564 320 325 75 5 373 327 23 Jaibel P. 4,471),4 242 246 1, 162 598 136 108 24 Choknar 67 67 349 185 164 18 18 116 103 5 1,382.0 147 11~ 25 Dhanpur 1,598.9 71 75 456 240 216 16 18 18S 172 6 171 91 508 250 258 39 44 167 182 44 \0 164 26 Bisrampuri P. 4,055.5 90 58 1 327 316 27 Kesharpal P,M,Po. 2,661.0 200 200 1,057 530 527 86 103 219 205 144 16 18 27 35 24 84 86 28 Pallibhata 251.6 52 52 272 128 349 335 210 I, 180 585 595 129 139 232 251 III 16 29 Baniyagaon P. 2,822.4 207 1 103 99 30 Chhotejirakhal 307.4 63 63 324 157 167 106 100 10 250 236 157 743 376 367 204 196 30 2 31 Marctha P. 1,404.8 157 24 2 276 270 32 Dimrapal P. 753.5 162 164 853 432 421 147 136 130 107 31 33 8 83 65 33 Farsara 633.7 48 48 237 394 344 2131,144 587 557 20 20 423 409 29 2 34 Chhindgaon P. 5,285.2 217 14 19 13 35 Tela'l1 2,674.8 8 8 36 22 14 22 301 858 394 464 57 78 213 250 3J 4 280 36 Sanwara P. 2,128.1 177 177 7 113 112 37 Suwachondi 1,035.6 60 60 DO 159 171 11 13 147 156 300 182 IB9 76 76 6 I 201 164 38 Chiurgaon P. 2,137.5 97 101 592 292 441 388 150 251 1,281 639 642 69 78 246 259 6\ 5 39 Karpawand P,M,M(;w,Po. 3,841.3 34 3 58 51 40 Sandeoda 127.4 33 33 169 90 79 13 9 37

622 641 79 73 392 410 82 436 430 41/1 Hade Deoda P. 1,708.5 247 2481,269 91 94 51 52 261 125 136 6 7 41 42 10 41(2 Tuhati Deoda 795.4 463 467 47 5 449 427 42 Sandkarmari P. 3,678.0 219 221 1,254 631 623 533 265 268 65 29 120 145 10 188 178 43 Potiawand 1,042.4 103 103 99 75 74 2,181.9 36 38 242 118 124 12 12 84 .. 44 Gumga 59 320 315 52 9 292 293 45 Kungarpal P. 5,262.7 167 167 916 452 464 92 278 893 443 450 79 85 274 252 55 14 273 46 Bakel P. 4,310.4 122 122 80 24 6 113 124 47 Baisoli 449.0 56 56 326 157 169 25 28 83 643 56 63 284 302 196 42 391 388 48 Bhanpuri P. 3,198.8 248 248 1.251 608 185 174 Hi5 105 604 292 312 22 29 122 129 69 9 49 Murkuchi P. 1,753.7 333 297 21 298 295 50 Kumli P. 5,1Q 1.I 165 167 948 486 462 88 67 409


-______w 0 R K E R A.. S Non- Workers L.C. II III TV V VI, Vfl VIII IX X No.

,..---"----, ,.---..A.~ ..----'--, r---'-___, .---"-----, ~_A___, ,.---.A..-, ,--'--, ,-----A.----, r-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

79,291 15.210 2,327 4,056 915 96 27 495 49 1 3,545 54,490 43/7 73,239 16,754 1,594 3,201 1t4 427 1,251 65,557 60 64 1 1 3 13 1 I 2 5 4 57 54 1 59 42 14 II 3 14 1 .. 3 4 6 48 61 2 45 42 18 21 2 1 26 36 3 65 60 1 1 6 10 3 2 8 9 7 41 58 4 21 22 1 1 17 12 5

138 134 42 56 11 5 7 2 96 97 6 36 38 10 13 5 2 3 35 31 1 73 73 23 15 4 .. 6 7 1 64 59 8 80 64 36 39 6 2 57 89 9 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 10

355 300 49 52 16 10 8 ., 4 244 319 11 350 322 58 64 21 6 19 19 1 9 3 187 204 12 118 122 27 18 2 3 15 11 1 2 1 79 104 13 147 109 54 63 3 3 2 2 8 3 105 127 14 120 110 . 16 4 16 5 5 66 83 15

:;6 38 6 5 28 28 16 85 89 23 28 1 1 3 57 S4 17 60 56 28 26 . 3 2 2 3 79 70 18 145 134 46 58 3 10 10 3 118 109 19 39 31 16 19 I 34 32 20

237 148 96 85 II 13 10 6 30 1 5 59 224 279 21 l) 145 158 11 I 24 10 7 13 1 " 23 36 142 132 22 270 228 43 33 4 22 18 18 15 2 I 21 25 22S 231' 23 87 72 28 24 12 7 6 5 I 2 49 56 24 131 109 8 5 5 4 1 2 93 98 25

lOS 115 28 33 8 7 20 16 86 87 26 225 225 42 60 8 8 29 5 15 10 2 7 6 1 203 211 27 41 40 34 42 8 4 1 44 58. 28 249 226 77 87 6 3 15 14 1 2 4 236 260 29 66 66 13 1 3 21 7 14 11 S4 68 30

167 149 34 6 14 29 8 8 6 21 44 126 131 31 189 182 16 18 11 27 14 14 15 31 29 156 151 32 9 7 47 42 33 63 49 4 1 7 3 2 3 ,. " 278 249 64 55 29 24 . 15 10 5 3 1 5 193 213 34 18 II 1 2 3 1 35

194 186 56 72 14 6 11 18 18 S 114 163 36 103 102 10 10 ...... 46 S9 37 157 126 23 29 10 4 6 5 .. 5 91 136 38 300 279 76 58 19 9 22 17 13 2 1 6 20 4 3 198 254 39 45 36 9 10 3 5 1 32 28 40

312 289 57 93 31 30 26 15 9 3 186 217 41/.1 64 58 7 2 12 25 7 9 1 34 42 41/2 374 360 31 48 16 6 26 5 2 2 6 182 196 42 147 140 20 2 5 12 13 4 23 77 90 43 36 40 37 34 1 1 43 50 44 225 223 52 62 2 2 6 6 1 6 160 171 4S

233 244 15 14 8 5 14 15 3 170 172 46 107 114 4 4 2 6 44 45 47 248 264 89 84 9 7 27 27 7 5 6 6 217 255 48 133 124 44 49 4 1 1 .. 3 107 138 49 226 22f 58 64 5 3 6 2 3 188 167 50 410


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-__ ...A..-.._-, r---A----~ ~-"------., ,-__A._-, ,---"----., P M F M F M F M F M F 2' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Nandpnra P. 4,607.4 243 248 1,305 648 657 136 137 412 423 55 3 412 436 52 Amadula 369.4 29 2<; 150 75 75 1 .. 52 56 7 1 46 32 53 Tongkongera 1,978.7 77 77 430 225 205 40 41 143 132 13 2 145 120 54 Mangnar P. 4,740.6 297 297 1,498 756 742 66 \ 72 328 323 53 2 505 430 55 Narawand 655.4 72 75 420 203 217 23 23 76 87 45 4 138 106

56 Soitpur P. 1,220.3 177 179 914 435 479 114 164 219 234 53 7 273 296 57 Kondiapal (Gondiapal) 8,904.9 55 55 314 166 148 2 134 115 .. 108 102 58 Cherakur P. 6,561.6 86 86 533 265 268 4 1 234 238 3 161 145 59 Mand1apa1 P. 3,302.5 157 157 845 418 427 25 19 378 400 44 17 246 270 60 Bade Amabal P. 5,657.0 286 306 1,591 778 813 102 114 421 428 54 2 534 549

61 Bodenpal 1,581.5 70 73 434 206 228 27 21 164 176 26 8 137 140 62 Chhote Amabal 1,417.7 91 91 547 262 285 50 55 152 167 36 5 178 203 63 Karandola P,M,Mcw,Po. 1,734.7 113 118 573 311 262 2 2 119 82 120 26 164 130 64 Chania P. 1,634.7 68 72 424 212 212 24 28 132 142 10 142 124 65 Taragaon P. 1,534.7 40 43 237 129 108 8 10 83 75 3 83 47

66 Munjala P. 946.0 51 55 263 135 128 16 15 40 49 8 87 85 67 Phapani P. 1,123.8 88 88 463 220 243 36 42 110 107 27 4 155 164 68 Sitlawand 1,215.7 70 70 308 ISS 153 7 99 107 14 2 103 114 69 Piplawand P. 2,508.8 50 50 272 142 130 6 7 132 121 _ 9 96 79 70 Bagmohlai P. 4,962.6 245 245 1,322 657 665 7 13 553 548 68 8 448 414

71 Belputi P. 3,260.6 175 175 895 429 466 3.6 38 225 244 49 284 267 72 Khotlapal 1,175.6 79 79 439 215 224 13 11 170 171 12 140 129 73 Matnar P. 1,708.0 140 152 774 385 389 63 64 189 179 45 3 262 209 74 Bedagaon 639.0 14 14 69 35 34 2 2 16 14 1 .. 25 10 75 Sonpur P,Mcw. 3,052.4 185 187 1,066 536 530 38 30 195 217 77 3 373 302

76 Baniagaon 558.1 43 43 214 107 107 73 72 49 69 61 77 Taitgiri P,M,Po. 1,467.5 18S 196 904 438 466 .. 239 242 145 36 268 213 78 Kawadgaon P. 5,060.9 121 121 665 348 317 5 8 235 225 29 3 220 153 79 MawaJiguda 1,047.5 .. Uninhabited .. 80 Kohaka Seoni 122.5 62 69 529 269 260 16 17 191 180 29 174 Hi4

81 Seoni P. 2,447.1 265 304 1,911 952 959 29 33 627 612 137 9 59l 582 82 Deoda p, 1,762.0 206 212 1,095 545 550 139 158 197 195 80 6 362 341 83 Sonarpal P,Po. 1,159.5 230 224 1,200 600 600 23 22 273 294 113 20 394 334 84 ChalJka P. 2,244.4 126 132 722 358 364 32 29 2)0 193 53 13 215 201 85 Ktmrkosa P. 1, ()09.4 232 2H 1,347 680 667 109 90 322 318 72 4 462 451

86 Maoliguda 1,407.5 78 80 399 201 198 25 22 108 97 31 9 151 121 87 Ichhapur P,Po. 2,803.5 241 242 1,327 648 679 40 3'> 512 542 90 25 396 407 88 Karanji 563.7 58 61 304 159 145 13 9 98 86 29 4 113 100 89 Borigaon P. 2,489.9 151 158 707 355 352 52 46 178 186 65 4 251 248 90 Satlawand P. 2,319.2 167 173 770 394 376 58 48 240 239 45 9 295 267

91 Chhinari 1,351.1 109 109 550 271 279 13 15 202 200 23 3 192 174 92 Simoda 258.6 25 26 123 60 63 53 52 9 6 36 28 93 Pahur'-'el P. 3,355.6 248 252 1,296 625 671 11 18 383 439 70 17 422 424 94 Badlawand 1,198.0 58 58 326 155 171 1 3 104 115 32 .. 99 109 95 Ghirola 1,439.8 45 51 213 97 116 13 15 50 53 20 3 69 76

96 Durkabeda P,M. 506.5 34 34 129 70 59 .. 55 46 4 58 46 97 Pathari P. 2,892.3 82 82 445 224 221 2 2 165 156 32 12 133 123 98 Guria 1,066.4 86 86 398 205 193 49 43 127 114 16 1 136 128 99 Mundagaon P,M. 2,405.3 189 2001,150 583 567 52 59 206 195 80 3 385 337 100 Chhote Alnar 592.4 42 42 250 126 124 4 3 96 95 6 83 79 411


WORKERS, Non­ --TI--- ~ Workers I II III IV V VI. VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,----'-----, ,--"-~ ~. ,--"-----, ,.----"----, ,--"---, ,.------A-~ ,.----__J,_.. ~ r-A--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F MF M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

314 334 72 86 15 11 7 3 3 2 236 221 51 27 20 14 10 3 2 2 29 43 52 100 79 34 34 1 9 7 1 80 85 53 377 297 72 85 11 6 25 11 3 31 17 251 312 54 101 66 15 27 9 8 10 3 3 65 III 55

189 178 45 42 22 61 13 14 3 162 183 56 59 54 47 4& 2 .. 58 46 57 109 9<\ 50- 55; .. 2 104 123 58 221 241 19' 21. ,. 3 3 3 172 157 59 37Q 38~ 12( 1311: 2~ ~ 9,:. 4 4 14 6 244 264 60

126 ., 69 88 61 132 1 2 1 .. " 139 16S 3~ 3l 3 ~ 3 2 " 3 " 84 82 62 8g 92 36 28 S 3 2 1 23 2 9 4 147 132 63 118 101- 24, 21 70 88 64 6~ 3~ 11; 13 46 61 65

59 57. 26 28 2 48 43 66 11~ 13 311' 32 4 2 65 79 67 61 6 37 47 2 2 1 52 39 68 71 6 22 17 3 46 51 69 321 291 83 77 21 2~ 2 9 7 209 251 70 76 75 10 3 2 3 4 145 199 71 31 n S S 'r " 75 95 72 73 78 4 3 ." 4 1 123 180 73 6 2.~ .. " " .. 10 24 74 2']'" 17 12 3 2 1 6 8 3 163 228 7S 4~r t ,

18 , i ..' ., " 3 '. 38 46 76 54 b 51 21 2 9 2 170 253 77 37 1 27 27 2 128 164 78 ., . ._. Jninhabited " 79 5 1 1 9.5 96 80

492 493 68 68 10 5 9 10 11 5 361 377 81 82 25~ 20j 69 1~~ 20; 251' 10: ,t " " 4 183 209 205 209 99 103:) 6 50 5 10 - . t .; 9 11 1 14 6 206 266 83 13S 13'1 55 61 5 8 5 3 3 2 3 143 163 84 l'i .i 21; _ 23 2() \ - 2 2 1 17 8 218 216 85 32~ 33~ 78- 82 ~ c- ~ ~ ,s;, . 131 99 115 3, 2 50 77 86 330 328, 51 5 ", 7 3 252 272 87 80, 17 8 3 46 45 88 ~ " 104 89 182 182 40 .; ~ ,.' -- 3 104 ...... l()9 90 232. 201 4~\ .: 2 99

fJ 1 79 105 91 167, 150' 17 t6' 1 1 6 " .;. , . , ': "f 24 35 92 30 22 6 'r ,", ',~I 203 247 93 290 280 81 19 14 39 40-: 3 3 :':1 4 1 56 62 94 9 10 : ,." 7~ 11 ~ ti i .v, 1 2 28 40 95 43 sr 23 21 1 1 2

12 13 4-8 29 \8) \ l!1 ' 96 .) I 91 98 97 86 80 15 43 69 6S 102 8'Sl )J 19: t 8. 98 i' 18 I 198 230 99 305 215 3.Q 23 1 69< 62- 13 r7 '. ,~ 43 4S 100 412


Workers Name Area Literate ,- L.C. of Facilities in Occypied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,--.A.---..., ,---A--, ,-A---. ,-----A-, ,-----A--. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Bade Alnar P. 967.9 107 109 732 354 378 20 18 203 229 42 3 231 159 102 USlri P. 854.5 65 66 441 222 219 2 3 207 195 5 1 139 144 103 Tikanpal 754.6 80 82 386 188 198 31 28 101 103 18 2 129 135 104 Balenga P. 2,735.2 210 2161,152 557 595 43 44 398 413 69 6 380 385 105 Dube Umargaon P. 2,052.9 147 147 698 327 371 26 29 241 284 61 21 235 222

106 Guphani 888.9 49 49 256 134 122 15 13 92 81 12 100 93 107 Retawand P. 3,175.2 125 125 629 303 326 21 28 178 184 S9 25 201 198 108 Taloor P. 2,146.0 92 92 419 224 195 50 36 116 121 35 7 144 116 109 Barda 1,026.2 107 108 520 260 260 20 18 100 lOG 23 1 169 159 110 Kumharawand P,M' 1,129.6 88 92 509 254 255 25 21 186 195 26 8 159 162

111 Muli 822.9 100 103 523 286 237 27 26 172 139 51 197 144 112 Chapapadar 709.9 57 62 327 162 165 17 14 126 132 10 110 109 113 ChikhaJ Karmari 300.3 25 25 113 53 60 2 4 37 41 6 32 34 114 Bakawand P.T,Po.. 1,439.8 278 2791,353 658 695 10 6 469 464 37 I 436 416 115 Kaudawand P.. 3,213.4 191 195 968 484 484 45 35 282 293 85 1 340 308

116 Pharasgaon P. 1,098.2 124 124 580 295 285 195 191 90 4 214 207 117 Bodlee 7,502.4 5 5 33 15 ]8 3 ., 13 13 118 Pabel 800.8 4 4 35 17 18 15 18 13 9

119 Kaknar 4,187.3 52 54 319 162 157 " 89 78 1 112 97 120 Mahima 575.0 23 23 144 84 60 5 3 73 50 I 51 40

121 Palam 615.9' 13 13 76 40 36 33 30 23 23 122 Sudhapal P. 5,276.4 114 120 684 350 334 58 70 232 212 71 14 201 177 123 Jatanpa) 447.1 15 15 82 41 41 5 4 36 37 II 1 22 21 124 Gunpur 757.2 34 34 240 Jl9 121 15 4 57 62 24 3 76 81 125 Rajpur P. 2,219.0 194 194 1,292 622 670 86 78 456 507 80 18 404 429

126 llesrapal 604.2 24 24 128 68 60 4 5 54 47 I 39 39 127 Semalnar 2,409.1 81 82 351 168 183 23 22 120 139 9 113 115 128 Kinjoli P,Mcw,Po. 3,762.1 318 332 1,574 766 808 69 71 587 630 57 4 544 529 129 Raj nagar P,D, Rhc,Hos, 6,067.4 356 368 1,685 833 852 155 l~~ 492 418 73 14 582 581 Mew,Po. 130 Bhejaripadar 791.6 83 91 463 219 244 21 19 128 133 18 168 177

131 Dabguda 764.4 60 60 243 124 119 33 41 82 68 22 1 91 69 132 Udiapal P. 1,217.1 125 126 690 334 356 15 18 233 258 65 3 224 225 133 Salepal 772.4 3 3 I~ 8 11 . , .. 8 7 6 6 134 Chandela 1,799.3 72 73 394 214 180 ]5 13 41 46 126 81 135 Pushpal (PA) 1,274.3 19 19 77 32 45 32 45 27 24

136 Ratenga P. 9,639.3 188 189 1,109 553 556 28 31 501 505 21 8 381 370 137 Tirtha 2,053.2 49 51 271 129 142 33 32 84 91 10 89 74 138 Paschimitemra 992.0 29 29 126 56 70 15 16 29 42 3 40 52 139 Alwahi 394.8 23 23 171 83 88 4 5 44 46 19 2 50 49 140 Ghotiya P,D. 741.1 133 133 682 327 355 76 103 165 187 65 13 213 228

141 Bhainsgaon P. 2,370.6 166 167 948 473 475 92 86 354 364 62 7 325 307 142 Saunrapa1 751.5 13 13 91 47 44 .. ... 47 43 29 29 143 Madhota P. 6,952.2 289 291 1,632 810 822 85 65 565 587 58 1 545 530 144 Lamker P. 2,183.6 100 104 619 311 308 18 16 254 261 13 I 191 206 145 Salemeta 1,037.5 71 71 452 221 231 31 31 172 164 14 146 143

146 Bhond P. 2,482.0 199 199 1,105 546 559 47 76 373 371 25 35 349 338 147 Bastar P,M,T.D,Rhc. 9,026.3 575 577 3,077 1,6151,462 202 204 922 888 404 109 1,118 888 Hos,Mew,Po. 148 Cholnar 2,829.3 117 125 664 149 Rampa1 318 346 46 50 196 207 33 5 209 217 ISO 500.8 38 38 216 104 112 6 6 94 98 1 72 73 Mohlai 698.3 94 94 418 223 195 27 18 118 126 7 145 145 413


______W 0 ,____.._ R K E R S , WorkersNon- I II III IV V VI yII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,.._-A._, ,.. _.A._, ,-----A.---, ,-----A.-, r--"--, ,-----A.-,,.-----A-----..,,-----A.--. ,.---A--, r-----"---. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M FM F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

201 133 25 26 .. 4 123 219 101 128 :35 9 8 1 .. 2 83 75 102 98 102 19 21 io 9 .. 1 .. 1 3 59 63 103 255 262 84 103 II 4 15 5 .. 4 5 10 6 177 210 104 126 124 72 85 8 15 9 2 3 3 9 1 92 149 105

74 66 26 24 ...... 3 34' 29 106 146 145 45 50 7 2 2 .. J 1 102 128 107 ~8 64 44 44 .. I 8 10 .. 1 .. 80 79 101\ 121 107 19 11 j .. 14 16 3 1 11 24 91 101 109 134 135 13 18 7 1 1 1 1 4 6 95 93 110

104 102 59 32 6 8 15 5 2 5 89 93 111 84 81 24 26 1 1 1 1 52 56 112 19 15 12 19 ...... 1 21 26 113 319 307 48 45 11 2 12 14 15 8 26 23 22 222 279 114 247 219 71 79 2 1 16 9 2 2 144 176 115

163 158 15 14 3· 12 22 13 3 7 9 81 78 116 13 13 .. 2 5 117 11 7 2 2 ...... 4 9 118 88 71 20 21 2 5 2 50 60 119 40 32 1~ 7 1 1 33 20 120

16 19 4 3 3 1 .. .. 17 13 .121 135 114 51 56 10 7 2 3 149 157 122 10 9 12 12 .. 19 20 123 59 62 14 18 1 1 2 43 40 124 312 340 56 60 20 IS 14 14 2 218 241 125

31 30 8 9 ...... 29 21 126 89 88 19 19 1 3 4 5 55 68 127 427 398 36 63 28 9 12 16 38 25 21 222 279 128 400 388 138 164 2 16 5 5 21 21 3 251 271 129

128 137 29 36 8 4 3 51 67 130

73 ' 52 9 13 7 I I 2 1 1 33 50 131 125 127 60 94 5 I 23 1 9 2 2 110 131 132 6 6 .. .. 2 5 133 86 54 28 20 5 6 2 5 1 88 99 134 21 20 6 4 5 21 135

314 313 53 52 6 4 4 4 172 186 136 74 59 12 15 .. 3 40 68 137 28 40 8 10 3 2 .. 1 16 IS 138 33 3S 10 14 6 .. .. 1 33 39 139 119 146 61 57 22 17 3 3 8 5 114 127 140

283 260 22 30 17 16 3 148 168 141 2·; 20 5 9 .. .. 18 15 142 461 453 66 68 4 2 8 5 2 6 265 292 143 170 186 11 13 I .. 8 7 120 102 144 113 liS 22 21 7 7 I 3 75 88 145

246 241 75 84 3 1 15 11 .. 10 1 197 221 146 633 549 223 224 36 4 83 46 45 5 11 . .•87 60 497 574 147

162 172 34 35 6 5 2 6 2 109 129 148 65 66 6 7 1 .. 32 39 149 116 117 24 27 1 3 1 1 78 50 150 414

"VlllJ,AGE 'DlIm_CJ.QR Y

./' /; / ; Worket~ Name ,-- Area- ,- Literate - -,.,...-=-~ L,Q. of Facilities, ' in Occupil!d House- ' Scheduled Scfleduled & TotalWor- No; Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) , -- ~___,._" ~ ~ ~----, ~, p;, M: ;Ii M 11 ,M F M H: M f

I' 2 ,. 3 U ::.c1- 5. 6~ 7 '_ 8, 9:. dO II 12. 13 14 ~~ 16 l?

lSI ~gipal, P. 365.6 106 110 55,2 271 281 65 81 15,6 163 3l ~ 1901 1~9 '152 Kosami P. 3,768;3 :m 2131,037 498 539 38 42 390 414 &6 4 348' 312 15,3 Korta P. 2,087.5 134 134 593 303 290 42 44 205 201 29 29 21~ 186 154 K_ahachenar ; 2,486.4 28 25 1&2 93 89 90 89 ., ~~ 67 155 Pushpl!.l 1.328.3:' W 10 46 20 :Z_6 ,. ..' 20 16 ':(; ~ . ift ~§I

1~6 Harrakoder P. 2,287.5 82 85 526 264 262 22 21 137 127 12 ,~ 1iO 157 P1Fhikod~r 838.8 12 12 63 33 30 33 30 ;"0 ~3 - " .. 158 Amlidfiar 1,085.9 29 29 199 93 106 91 99 I?!: 73 _,~ 31' ~g 1?9 K,odel1~r , .897.9, 16 16 94 52 42 .. ~ " 50 41 ,434.8; J ~7,__ 160 Dharmaheda 18 18 82 43 39 . ~ ~ 7 0:": ".01 ¥,

161 Karek<}te P. 3,144.6, 15S 155 799 385 414 24 27, 131 146 16:- l~ 268, 162 )~heja ~;, P. 3,820.1 131 131 721 363 358 15 2~ 25i) 23'1 2:6,~ 4,: ~~J'; lU': Karli --; 1,315.3 9 .- 27;' 163 9 71 36 35 .. 36 35 .~ j64 'PUrvi t~mra ' ' 27 150 71 79 7, 22, 30 171 5" 44,'- It ;J', 56 351 173 178 10 105, ~ 11'8 If>S ~~rus~~~ :6~:~< 6f 6~r 10Q 1 ~ . - .\'...._ 68 _ Ip6 Narayaqpal P. 1,119.8, 106 106 711 350 361 8L55 ,_ 252, 266 2~ " 21 219... 23,4. 167 B'odarl(' P. 1,576.6 lOt 101 731 371 366 46-' 192 240 61' 23~1 230' 69' 7i'l, l6~ 'Khothlpal 380.9 33 33 214 106 108 6 7 88 93 II "2 169 ,(::hitalw~r 222.9 11 11 69 38 31 3 4 35 27 23- 19' hil - P. 1,113.7 107 109 321 4~ 259 47 ':f 208 21} 170 'Jl1artat:.. .. ,._ 644 323 53 239 , : . ~,

171 Mongrapal P. 2,561.9 180 179 809 398 411 IlL 121 207 227 32 3 280. 278, 1-12 Neganar. 870.6 87 87 449 213 23~ 11 14', 193 213 I 148 148 fandanar' 670.1 56 56 255 124 131:-- 10 IS 49 51 4' 92 86 ~~l 'Masgaon 1:350.5 83 83 427 209 218 ' 34 37 109, 116 1 141 124, ~ 1,310.3 83 146' , i'ls Olj.sapaf ~ (" 83 417 204 213 18 , 117 " 21 5 14:( 12; f ,[ lOT,:: \," \ ~ ,

179 TllngaNl 1,706.3 37 37 183 93 90 14 9 78 81 4 · 6gr 52; P. 59 ' . 177 Nalpaw~d 1,289.9 172 172 781 387 394 50 201 210 2q 2: 278,16 __ 259,:19 178 Malewabj 744.7 10, , 10 55 26 29- . -',/(' 25 28 " r 90'1 i19 ErPun~.),:· 1,085.9 29 ' 26 ' 172 82 1~ 9[ 68 8f .)t.- 44',:: :t-: 180 R:mko

Kodebeda 505.2 53 186 53 344 169 175 98 105 9- · ; 9~" 105 ! lS7 Chhindgaon 1,061.4 . 92 92' 561 276 285 37' i1 208 218 13' I 18~ 168 188 Kumhali P. 921.7 122 122 653 346 307 39 32 In 143, 27- 4 220 190 189 Rotma'_ , P,M.MC~,Po. 1,103.6 92 93 607 315 292 19 25 279 250 15 .. ' 186 18$ )' 19.0 Bodanpal__ I P. 1,866.7 6~ 68 469 232 237 9 13-, 216 216 1'7, 3 135, : 131;

~, 191 Ghatsargipal 196.1 ( 16 16 88 38 50 ' ! 34 43 2 " .. - 34- 3(f 192 Tatar 339.2 20 20 155 84 71 19" 9 65 62 6 55 31',' 193 Markapat ,i 240,8 : 8 8 68 33 35 8 8 25 27 2 23 21 ' 194 Tikradh3110ra MP(O). 524.2 63 64 323 159 164 41 40 80 90 7 r 101 75 19S Bhursundi 522.7 34 35 175 85, 90 7 9' 73 74 2 64 61 :

' , 196 Bbatpal Deurgaon P. 721.2 55 58 343 173 170. 30 3& . 133 130: 4 • • r 12i: : 6S 197 Mohpal Barai' 1.155.4- 124 113 552 262 290 35 42 175 203 38 -- 7- 176 162' ' 198 Be4a Umargaon P. 1,163.2 163 163 731 363 368 57 55 232 222 15, ., 233 217 199 C:J,hot :peoda P. 2,715.0· 308 313 1,576 77'7 799 37- 44 600 592 36 ., 53~. ' 504.: 200 Dhodrep_al P. 841.2 60 60 299 148' . 73 79 18, 151 391 38; ~( 88 8~: 415


W 0 R K E R S Non- Workers I II III ':,:.'IW v~oH b:..,cN·ll IX X L.C. .', V VIII L ~ , ;:[ :J ;(/1 ~ e I~ : btod ;"-~)l.' U~: j : No. ,--A.~ ,-A--..., ,..---A--, r--"--, ,~ -,---"-----, ,_.A._, ,--A._-, ,---"-----, ,_A.---., M F ,M F M F M ,F ,M .:F 'M F M F M F M F M E 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ('25 (26 ' :;'7 28 29 30 31 '32 33 34 35 36 37

124 134 42 48 9 9 ' 1 Ii 6 3 2 81 92 151 278 247 36 53 23 12 ( .. 11 150 227 152 157 138 31 40 13 8 18 84 104 153 63 62 1 4 1, 3 1 ,j. 25 22 154 14 13 ' , 6 13 155

135 133 46 44 3 '2 78 81 156 24 23 ...... ~ 9 7 157 77. 64 1 4 1 I 5 .. 18 33 158 30 28 .. 1 21 14 159 25 20 2 4 16 15 160

187 197 70 67 .. 9 4~ I 118 146 161 146 89 78 24 '2 5 1 2 130 244 162 25 14 2 .. 9 21 163 10 12 16 17 16 14 29 36 164 67 78 24 35 14 5 68 60 165

137 171 54 52 27 11 1 131 127 166 171 169 45 49 10 12 3 141 130 167 49 54 20 16 31 38 168 21 15 '2 3 1 15 12 169 160 185 27 21 13 8 4 1 4 113 108 170

254 257 20 18 5 2 118 133 171 12~ 130 8 15 10 2 1 1 .. 65 88 172 63 59 22 27 6 .. 1 32 45 '173 121 108 10 10 5 .. 4 6 1 .. . . 68 94 174 112 112 18 20 4 4 4 4 2 1 64 72 175

53 48 1 2 6 2 .. 2 31 38 176 204 191 45 53 13 13 15 2 I 109 135 177 15 ., 178 18 1 1 .. " 10 10 5 II 19 25 10 5 6 5 4 2 38 42 179 30 30 1 1 15 17 180

87 78 21 18 6 3 56 73 181 .. .. Uninhabited 182 158 162 74 81 1 1 It II I 1 130 121 183 376 417 58 ;7l 12 6 22 14 14 8 272 262 184 67 76 4 7 1 1 38 43 185

73 81 24 24 1 71 70 186 154 143 28 25 4 90 117 187 161 145 50 39 9 6 .. 126 117 188 132 139 42 41 5 4 8 3 129 104 189 117 120 11 9 3 2 4 97 106 190

31 30 1 .. 2 4 20 191 49 33 1 3 4 '2 .. 29 34 19l 21 17 1 2 I 2 10 14 193 78 52 19 20 2 2 1 2 58 89 194 43 44 13 16 6 2 2 21 28 195

94 ,4 22 33 .. n 1 51 102 196 128 1M 35 43 3 7 2 8 3 86 128 197 168 153 46 55 2 .. 15 9 2 130 151 198 394 366 64 73 2 2 68 62 1 10 239 295 199 64 70 14 15 5 5 1 60 65 200 416


Workers Name Area Literate ,-----A---, L.c. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,....----',-----., ,---"----, ,.-----J-, r---"-----, ,---A---, P M -F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Ulnar P. '8,789.9 226 244 1.177 591 586 27 38 433 414 48 2 385 377 202 Pithapur 744.3 6S 65 373 179 194 27 25 124 132 32 12 115 89 203 Bajawand P. 1,024.5 236 236 1.070 534 536 24 21 173 173 62 13 372 196 204 Solenga 1. 983.5 18 18 140 71 69 1 .. 70 69 I 53 40 205 Mardum P. 8,541.7 175 175 1,306 644 662 29 30 596 617 8 465 437

206 Matnar P. 3,964.4 166 174 1,025 493 532 5 4 401 439 22 335 321 207 Mendori 1,158.7 38 38 179 89 90 10 12 77 78 58 39 :!08 llenidhara ur 167.7 25 30 122 57 65 5 4 12 10 17 1 37 45 209 Usaribeda 351.9 53 54 261 133 128 8 10 93 93 21 4 98 89 210 Lohandiguda 52.9 Uninhabited

211 Dhuragaon P. 1,762.3 136 136 783 382 401 65 68 279 299 17 252 251 212 Pallichakwa 653.3 53 53 318 161 157 3 4 118 115 13 1 109 93 213 Nadisagar 943.9 63 63 414 215 199 22 19 187 176 12 127 129 214 Chhindbahar 258.6 24 24 116 62 54 61 54 2 42 28 215 Ghatdhanora P. 1,122.4 87 90 589 295 294 37 31 146 157 18 191 116

216 Taragaon 201.3 17 17 106 59 47 .. 57 46 31 17 217 Narayanpal 202.7 28 28 162 88 - 74 17 2 39 33 3 .. 52 49 218 Adawal P. 826.2 86 86 445 221 224 25 26 156 162 27 1 150 160 219 Takraguda ·P. 785.9 66 71 329 164 165 31 29 102 106 25 '2 102 64 220 Nagtoka tPandnar) 1,09\1.9 39 39 250 121 129 121 129 86 60

221 Parchandpal 169.8 16 16 116 55 61 5 6 13 13 7 .. 35 32 222 Bhirlinga P. 699.7 54 59 272 132 140 8 8 89 102 18 1 113 113 223 Kachnar 1,171.9 148 159 768 388 380 59 66 301 297 34 1 267 233 224 Jhar Umargaon 1,939.3 81 77 359 188 171 37 26 133 129 2'i 4 128 106 225 Junawani 2,9.59.0 77 77 381 196 185 48 57 134 119 5 127 116

226 PaikpaJ 1,447.4 5S S5 297 160 137 8 9 134 114 8 97 79 227 Tarapur P,M,Po. 1,552.8 289 293 1,389 695 694 47 49 421 410 50 10 466 262 228 Marenga 4,169.0 36 36 247 119 128 .. 113 126 1 79 81 229 Karkaguda 256.7 12 12 87 42 45 5 8 24 28 22 II 230 Parapur P. 5, t81.3 234 234 1,391 704 687 42 41 522 512 461 320

231 Ba,ie Dharaur P,M, 1,587.5 218 229 1,093 550 543 110 140 227 211 81 16 374 362 Mew.,Po. 232 Beliyapal 39S.6 " Uninhabited .. 233 Badanji P,PLl. 2,129.7 160 160 1,090 531 559 24 22 478 511 29 3 351 337 234 Badechakwa P. 1,523.3 135 139 873 434 439 48 50 379 385 7 2C}t 292 235 Par~t1i 403.7 39 40 2S1 137 144 4 5 97 L06 91 89

236 Knndaloor 512.6 74 77 465 229 236 19 15 186 195 2 137 125 237 Singanpur P. 1,436.0 135 137 737 345 392 54 58 204 233 31 229 231 23S Karmari P. 1,283.8 114 114 602 318 284 49 43 238 210 23 4 196 171 2)<) Bharni 875.7 53 55 290 148 142 24 21 103 98 2 98 57 240 Kolchur P. 1,309.1 149 152 778 372 406 65 68 175 190 60 36 252 277

241 Chiraipadar 240.7 18 18 96 46 50 40 43 6 7 7 26 24 242 BangapaJ 288.1 2 2 5 2 3 I t 2 2 243 Borepadar P,M,Mew.,Po. 1,051.2 73 83 396 203 193 22 15 27 27 42 4 143 129 244 Karitgaon 485.6 60 60 335 173 162 11 9 103 103 33 2 111 92 245 Balputi 403.9 14 16 98 47 51 16 10 31 41 4 28 27

246 Baniyagaon P. 834.5 132 132 633 30S 325 72 67 135 150 68 10 210 200 247 Koder P. 8,366.0 100 100 69:- 350 345 4 346 345 2 219 145 248 Hathidarha 1,169.2 49 49 318 158 160 11 20 108 III 5 103 108 249 Kasturpal P- 2,600.0 75 75 525 - 245 280 237 270 IS 149 129 250 Chhotegumiyapai 777.8 46 46 295 154 141 152 140 3 94 89 417


W 0 R K E R S Non- --A.~ -. Workers I II III IV V . VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,..--..A..-., ,---"------, ,---'-----, ~ ,---"------, .--A-...... ~ ,..----A---, ,--..A---..., r--"---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

289 290 78 75 6 5 8 7 4 206 209 201 62 35 41 23 5 1 28 4 1 2 2 64- 105 202 196 84 53 40 23 73 63 6 3 1 18 8 162 340 203 51 39 2 1 .. 18 29 204 437 426 8 6 7 10 3 5 179 225 205

231 159 93 159 3 8 3 158 2\1 206 58 39 31 51 207 25 31 2 5 2 6 8 1 2 20 20 208 64 60 21 24 4 4 1 9 35 39 209 Uninhabited 210

147 165 88 76 4 5 13 5 130 150 211 76 70 27 23 .- 3 3 52 64 212 118 120 6 8 3 1 88 70 213 41 28 .. 1 20 26 214 170 112 6 2 6 1 9 1 104 178 215

23 16 6 1 1 .. 28 30 216 30 31 14 16 7 2 1 36 25 217 108 116 40 43 1 1 I 71 64 218 85· 43 5 15 2 7 6 3 62 101 219 77 55 1 1 8 4 35 69 .220

27 26 6 4 2 20 29 221 87 84 24 27 2 2 19 27 222 190 187 30 42 11 2 26 2 1 .. 9 121 147 223 102 88 . 14 12 10 4 1 2 1 .. 60' 6S 224 106 94 10 12 4 5 5 5 2 69 69 225

74 60 18 16 4 2 1 1 63 58 226 331 159 76 64 27 12 22 20 2 2 8 S 229 432 227 70 76 4 3 1 4 2 40 47 228 22 10 .. 1 20 34 229 274 187 156 114 2 25 19 4 243 367 230

201 220 71 79 18 11 55 43 22 6 7 3 176 181 231 232 .. " .. Uninhabited 302 307 35 25 3 2 5 3 6 180 222 233 239 236 50 56 1 1 143 147 234 74 71 15 16 1 2 1 46 5S 235

133 123 1 1 3 ,. 92 111 236 206 213 2 10 .. 6 8 2 13 116 161 237 165 143 21 25 5 3 3 2 122 113 238 75 27 22 30 .. 1 50 85 239 191 222 41 42 9 7 3 2 1 3 1 4 3 120 129 240

25 19 5 .. 20 26 241 2 2 1 242 101 103 27 25 1 13 1 1 60 64 243 79 66 26 25 5 1 1 62 70 244 27 26 1 1 19 24 245

119 123 65 75 15 7 2 4 98 12S 246 201 141 10 4 4 1 3 131 200 247 94 95 5 11 1 2 2 1 55 52 248 146 125 3 4 96 151 249 91 86 2 2 1 1 60 52 250 418


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r-----A.--...... ,...... -"'-----, ,--A------, r---.A..:.-...., ,..---A..-.-..., p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J1 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Kuthar P. 2,570.1 103 103 625 288 337 .. 244 295 1 177 132 252 Gadhiya P. 4,450.6 359 3722,247 1,139 1.108 70 87 860 820 90 4 752 634 253 Badeparoda 878.0 72 72 489 232 257 4 5 169 211 22 2 150 137 254 Cbhoteparoda 230.5 32 32 190 96 94 23 19 40 42 10 71 59 255 Kothiyaguda 371.9 53 54 367 179 188 9 9 80 100 26 3 101 99

256 Dabpal P. 922.4 82 82 587 283 304 7 3 265 218 8 7 170 153 257 Belar P. 1,963.9 254 257 1,722 869 853 44 49 769 745 18 534 529 258 Takraguda P. 1,626.9 143 J43 901 433 468 1 6 408 442 5 289 320 259 Chhapar Bhanpuri P. 2,925.7 233 2331,475 727 748 31 36 658 677 42 488 434 260 Sonarpal 400.1 32 32 197 103 .94 19 24 49 19 8 62 58

261 Chondi Metawada 484.3 38 38 238 124 114 4 5 102 89 3 87 78 262 Marlenga 1,063.9 83 83 463 223 240 33 38 171 183 2 161 167 263 Chokar P,M,Po. 2,019.9 155 156 906 452 454 44 40 333 326 39 2 278 267 264 Mahupal Bari 117.4 11 12 62 32 30 1 .- 3 21 IS 265 Mundapal 1,108.5 42 43 249· 122 127 32 30 90 97 4 86 90

266 Ghat Kawali P. 1,930.7 121 123 778 364 414 22 33 299 340 16 1 264 262 267 Kavi Asna 560.4 58 61 297 147 150 72 67 34 43 16 1 95 70 268 Kinjolipal 146.4 4 4 28 11 17 4 7 2 1 7 6 269 Tikra Lonanga 1,205.9 99 102 507 244 263 58 58 145 156 15 3 160 128 270 Ghat Lonanga 850.8 67 71 321 148 173 43 44 66 89 22 3 90 81

271 Kudalgaon P,M,Po. 1,029.0 118 135 843 409 434 21 18 209 227 79 2 243 254 272 Metawada 771.7 30 34 176 8S 91 1 42 45 21 6 51 56 273 Malgaon P. 3,323.2 135 137 701 346 355 52 50 181 187 75 20 251 225 274 Gumdel P. 506.1 35 36 183 84 99 20 28 31 5 50 29 275 Chitaloor 1,678.9 100 106 621 296 325 18 15 193 215 27 9. 186 174

276 Belgaon 539.() 72 73 406 197 209 IS 12 177 188 5 3 150 160 277 Talnar P. 1,361.0 174 174 93i 446 486 39 42 340 369 26 3 321 299 278 Badrenga P. 2,898.2 1\6 1\6 684 322 362 30 24 276 300 30 219 223 279 Yermur P. 3,064.6 128 128 846 434 412 14 17 372 344 1 266 257 280 Irikpal 404.8 68 68 324 173 151 53 46 114 101 3 112 89

281 Mandor P. 1,049.4 118 118 734 368 366 49 58 154 161 37 229 211 282 Karkapal 321.4 53 54 318 166 152 5 4 86 78 .. III 117 283 Chalkiguda 103.6 21 21 97 46 51 4 2 15 12 6 36 33 284 Sirishguda P, 2,810.0 214 214 1,271 633 638 4 5 529 529 30 1 439 361 285 Burji P. 656.7 36 3'6 224 ld7 117 85 96 3 69 79

286 Sakargaon P. 1,098.1 112 112 644 325 319 2 3 298 296 55 7 203 213 287 Tandpal 653.1 52 53 329 156 173 9 12 121 124 16 .. 108 103 288 Deurgaon P. 848.2 141 141 811 405 406 26 23 237 253 49 8 ,268 280 289 Kohakapal 184.1 23 23 158 99 59 99 59 6 67 44 290 Kudkanar P. 1,031,3 107 109 669 324 345 ,99 120 123 138 41 4 207 174

291 Titirgaon 973.5 110 110 567 281 286 15 24 163 158 65 13 171 125 292 Kondawal 455.7 43 43 236 105 131 19 21 64 82 9 1 76 81 293 Kalipur 1,325.6 107 113 565 280 285 22 23 140 155 80 5 166 145 294 Balikonta 576.2 62 62 349 153 196 38 44 112 150 4 108 114 295 Tamakoni 307.6 35 35 226 118 108 105 95 8 71 68

296 Irikpal 668.7 47 47 306 157 149 4 6 143 131 19 102 92 297 Korpal 298 i37.6 5 5 32 14 18 14 18 .. 11 13 Kohakapal P. 1,063.8 173 969 482 487 78 98 375 366 30 2 351 339 299 Kuruspal 175 300 156.0 50 50 264 134 130 21 22 75 74 11 99 89 Bagra (Kumhrawand) 38 39 155 79 76 3 2 75 73 8 52 49 419


WOR K E R S Non- .-.A. ------., Workers II III IV V VI i VII VIII IX X L.C. No . ,..-_..-1..._ ...... ,--.A..--..., ,----A-, .~ ,----A--" ,---J-._ ---. r--"----.. ,..--J' ---, r--"----, ,..-""'---. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

174 130 2 2 ...... 1 111 205 251 577 504 128 105 10. 1 24 23 2 5 1 6 387 474 252 120 117 24 19 1 1 .. " 5 82 120 253 55 48 4 4 1 6 6 1 1 4 25 35 254 96 93 3 6 ... 1 3 4 72 89 255

140 135 11 17 7 1 1 .. 10 113 151 256 463 467 50 53 2 . 1 14 7 5 1 335 324 257 238 . 266 42 47 3 1 2 5 5 144 148 258 416 384 33 42 5 ' 1 7 3 27 4 239 314 259 54 52 3· 2 1 3 5 41 36 260

74 72 6 5 ). 7 1 37 36 261 137 147 16 17 5 2 3 1 62 73 262 242 234 24 32 4 2 1 6 174 187 263 19 13 2 2 .. .. 11 15 264 74 78 9 10 1 I 2 1 36 37 265

230 234 28 23 5 4 100 152 266 65 41 16 21 11 8 2 52 80 267 7 6 4 11 268 116 89 36 38 4 .. 4 1 84 135 269 60 66 17 8 8 7 3 2 58 92 270

201 217 26 36 3 3 1 10 166 180 271 34 39 12 14 1 .. 2 4 1 34 35 272 168 161 57 42 10 14 8 8 3 5 95 130 273 41 25 9 4 .. 34 70 274 125 120 46 50 9 2 3 2 3 110 151· 275

122 131 27 29 1 .. 47 49 276 224 221 69 73 13 2 7 3 1 1 6 125 187 277 204 215 3 4 10 4 2 103 139 278 237 230 13 13 15 14 1 168 155 279 94 78 6 11 11 1 61 62 280

170 166 36 34 16 10 2 1 2 3 139 155 281 77 82 15 18 1 1 16 16 2 55 35 282 22 20 12 12 2 1 10 18 283 394 338 35 22 1 1 6 3 194 284 66 76 2 3 1 38 23"l 285

176 188 23 25 4 122 106 286 97 90 6 9 1 2 3 2 1 48 70 287 18:? 180 38 45 14 7 5 28 3 26 19 .137 126 288 65 42 2 2 32 15 289 172 146 31 28 1 2 1 117 171 290

94 78 21 32 5 6 5 6 46 3 110 161 291 59 60 5 19 1 .. 1 11 1 29 50 292 94 99 10 29 4 5 4 2 10 2 43 9 114 140 293 80 88 18 24. 2 2 2 . , 6 45 82 294 58 58 8 10 5 47 40 295

94 77 4 13 3 2 55 57 296 11 13 .. .. 3 5 297 283 269 53 65 8 6 3 1 2 131 148 298 80 62 9 19 7 7 1 1 1 1 3S 41 299 46 44 3 3 3 2 .. 27 27 300 420


Workers Name Area Literate r- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ..----"-----, ,----A----, ~ ...----'----. ,..---"------. P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .4 15 16 17

301 Bhaluguda 149.3 8 8 55 24 31 24 31 5 14 16 302 Sawng()j 5,418.5 60 60 381 186 195 186 195 8 117 116 303 Liroaupadar 1,069.0 43 43 250 122 128 119 125 85 84 304 Anjar P. 4,026.8 221 221 1,247 635 612 7 2 535 514 412 '408 305 Neganar 646.5 67 67 380 196 184 40 37 87 74 8 118 115

306 Taragaon P. 2,321.1 224 236 1,278 624 654 40 35 465 476 48 17 457 442 307 Baghanpal P. 1,225.5 116 119 705 348 357 24 22 244 247 24 1 231 219 308 Yerandwal 1,895.1 66 66 415 210 205 33 19 159 170 3 152 125 309 Gumiyapal 810.1 58 58 353 179 174 158 156 2 125 112 310 Ran Sargj pal P. 3,041. 9 H4 144 908 464 444 35 37 428 407 6 I 302 283

311 Tanhkapal 858.2 56 56 298 155 143 10 11 133 119 11 107 89 312 Potanar P,Po. 1,201.3 125 125 778 368 410 37 40 260 285 37 4 237 154 313 Karanji P,M,Po. 2,292.5 210 210 1,072 518 554 61 66 415 432 54 5 365 3811

314 Tekaroeta 939.5 79 79 372 183 189 25 28 130 122 5 " 125 129 315 Ghat Padmoor P. 1,263.0 165 170 817 408 409 60 58 192 189 63 9 265 253

316 Dharampura D,S. 755.9 203 208 759 408 351 42 45 78 80 171 31 304 186 317 Kohakapal 186.1 36 37 206 105 JOI 18 13 51 62 23 ' 2 68 64 318 Asna P. 1,433.8 280 282 t,444 687 757 76 72 354 391 224 41 405 336 319 Dhobiguda 547.4 58 58 321 154 167 14 18 92 96 23 110 105 320 Ko1choor (Bamhani) 80.0 .. Uninhabited

3'2.1 Turenar 749.7 86 86 499 251 248 66 70 164 174 8 184 160 322 Bhataguda 507.3 53 53 304 156 148 7 3 149 145 .. 107 JOI 323 Bade Garawand 705.2 53 53 264 140 124 6 7 92 83 122 .. 71 37 324 Kalcha P. 1,465.7 116 lJ6 625 319 306 72 71 167 190 32 1 213 194 325 Kanapal 101.6 3 3 19 7 12 7 12 4 6

326 Sukrap!l1 1.037 Uninhabited 327 Rampa! 148.6 15 15 iOO 54 46 6 4 2 2 12 31 25 328 Karanpur 1,100.1 97 100 481 226 255 30 34 57 56 4 158 156 329 Upanpal 600.3 119 131 719 338 381 44 39 282 325 44 3 227 231 330 Bhejapad",r P. 619.2 94 107 618 308 310 37 23 227 243 38 3 192 174

331 Arwar 1,106.2 24 24 119 58 61 58 61 48 41 332 Lakhaibeda 155.0 22 22 136 73 63 18 16 3 1 47 36 333 Chhind Bahar 1,529.3 124 129 769 377 392 40 51 323 330 7 260 247 334 Ture Morka 957.6 71 71 345 171 174 35 45 91 82 2 III 103 33S Dharmaur 677.1 69 69 370 182 188 33 41 80 73 35 134 117

336 Farm Kumharward P. 351.4 55 57 264 125 139 7 9 54 83 51 17 86 58 337 PaJli 449.2 35 35 171 79 92 6 6 61 69 29 ., 52 45 338 Kaugoli 1,264.3 132 132 496 264 232 41 42 121 119 71 7 180 91 339 Aghanpur P. 954.5 133 133 605 304 301 10 19 211 205 44 1 199 139 340 Dhurguda 949.2 86 84 430 224 206 35 42 181 157 5 142 101

341 Mangdu Kachora 318.2 23 23 129 68 61 2 4 66 56 3 38 40 342 Sasan Kachora 199.4 19 20 97 49 48 .". 42 38 5 30 25 343 Babu Semara p.Po. 820.2 8S 85 424 216 208 54 59 158 142 45 2 148 136 344 Chhote Garawand 365.6 49 49 254 136 118 21 15 108 98 9 85 64 345 Negiguda 245.9 47 47 255 117 138 11 t6 70 85 13 77 76

346 Morathpali 347 227.1 25 25 139 66 73 S4 58 8 44 37 Kumhraward 326.3 2S 25 157 87 70 11 3 75 67 6 55 348 Madpal 48 349 P. 2,273.9 245 245 1,360 673 687 205 229 192 173 161 7 477 429 Manganpur S. 421.9 52 255 125 130 26 24 54 52 350 Bijapur 52 10 84 82 P. 193.1 4S 45 239 115 124 20 20 70 79 31 4 75 82 421


w 0 R K E R S Non WorkeTh II m IV V VI VII VIII lX X L.C. ,-_A.___ ) No .---A..---., ,...---A---., ,.--A---, ,------'------., r--"----.. ,.---"-'--. ---"--., .----"-----. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M P M F ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

13 16 " 10 15 301 46 61 33 28 18 10 10 10 10 7 69 79 302 85 84 ,. 37 44 303 389 396 13 9 7 3 3 223 204 304 92 94 IS 17 11 4 78 69 305

337 325 103 105 5 3 7 8 4 167 212 306 169 167 45 43 II 6 3 2 3 117 138 307 126 102 13 14 5 4 3 5 2 3 58 80 308 101 80 24 31 1 .. 54 62 309 249 229 44 52 5 2 2 2 16J 161 310

88 71 14 17 1 4 48 54 311 153 ]04 50 43 7 3 14 3 3 1 10 131 256 312 226 242 96 115 10 6 25 25 1 7 }53 166 313 92 92 20 33 8 2 2 3 2 58 60 314 157 167 25 46 11 5 6 16 6 5 3 52 19 143 156 315

95 100 27 57 8 11 6 11 13 57 13 84 7 104 165 316 27 33 18 28 9 2 ., 2 1 2 10 37 37 317 158 145 94 171 23 8 4 5 11 3 11 " 104 4 282 421 318 59 59 49 44 2 1 1 44 62 319 Uninhabited ., 320

154 132 14 8 6 7 2 8 12 67 . 88 321 101 98 4 2 2 1 49 47 322 50 24 18 13 3 69 87 323 180 151 4 9 t2 15 2 3 15 16 106 112 324 4 6 3 6 325

.. Uninhabited 326 26 13 3 2 12 23 21 327 102 100 45 50 5 3 5 3 1 68 99 328 185 185 22 39 16 3 4 4 111 150 329 160 151 20 21 6 1 5 1 1 116 136 330

47 40 1 i 10 20 331 26 23 14 8 6 5 1 26 27 332 235 216 21 23 I 4 2 1 1 3 117 145 3)3 57 57 51 43 1 2 1 1 1 60 71 334 91 88 32 25 7 1 3 2 1 1 48 71 535

30 15 16 13 8 3 3 9 .. 1 .. 29 17 39 81 336 22 25 15 13 3 1 . 1 12 5 21 47 331 67 53 11 II 3 2 7 2 20 4 1 67 23 84 141 333 76 44 74 54 4 1 1 10 1 2 2 39 30 105 162 339 79 63 53 23 2 11 1 1 7 3 82 105 340

26 34 1 4 10 2 30 21 341 23 22 2 1 1 2 4 19 23 342 108 105 7 13 5 1 8 13 3 1 1 15 4 68 72 343 59 20 20 23 21 3 3 51 54 344 . 60 61 16 13 1 1 1 40 62 345

38 35 6 ] 22 36 346 36 20 14 9 5 19 32 22 347 332 291 49 52 18 31 30 36 4 3 41 19 196 258 348 52 55 27 27 4 I 41 48 349 38 45 20 29 11 8 4 2 40 42 350 422


Workers Area Literate L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I.IX) r---"------. r--'"-"--),..--A-----, ,...---A---, ,__..____, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

351 Nagarnar P,M,Po. 3,111.1 343 '363 1,884 932 952 137 141 543 550 147 18 639 558 352 Kasturi P. 811.0 118 131 594 304 290 30 18 66 61 95 1 185 159 353 Dhanpunji P. 1,180.1 144 161 722 374 348 21 25 174 157 62 5. 265 225 354 Burgum 1,860.8 67 67 489 251 238 .. 250 238 1 165 145 355 Mutanpal P. 8,997.5 253 2541,781 913 868 8 10 890 845 2 633 566

356 Bade Gumiyapal 1,150.5 60 60 397 193 204 .. .. 178 194 1 141 142 357 Adwal 239.7 13 13 69 42 27 5 6 33 21 3 26 17 358 Alnar P. 1,975.0 92 92 521 244 277 31 30 145 170 10 159 161 359 Sadra 1,493.5 115 115 557 265 292 " 187 190 1 189 191 360 Barupata 2,922.3 84 84 469 219 250 " 195 222 3 141 147

361 Salepal P. 7,883.0 219 219 1,317 647 670 8 6 630 649 5 450 445 362 Bhejaripadar 1,905.0 84 85 589 291 298 17 17 '211 215 8 197 83 363 Kurenga P. 5,822.9 342 342 1,766 878 888 55 79 696 678 21 1 577 525 364 Baghanpal 356.2 40 40 222 112 110 41 32 19 37 80 82 365 Bade Morthpal P. 767.2 165 165 898 443 455 34 38 309 368 36 6 294 300

366 Chhote Morthpal 175.8 12 12 56 25 31 4 3 14 19 2 14 19 367 Bhadishgaon 770.4 110 110 566 271 295 83 93 149 156 4 193 163 368 Biranpal 1,123.9 75 82 464 235 229 25 22 162 161 32 1 139 112 369 Phrejarpur Uninhabited 370 Hat Kachora P. 631. 7 148 154 666 329 337 73 73 136 143 71 19 214 92

.371 Adawal 514.5 64 71 305 152 153 8 7 84 84 23 3 95 41 372 Halba Kachora S. 507.9 41 41 210 112 98 36 25 75 69 6 73 64

373 Burundwada Semara 366.7 46 46 209 107 102 9 12 68 59 " 66 43 374 Atpahari Semara 283.8 28 28 124 69 55 48 42 1 47 3 375 Teli Semara 77.8 7 7 29 17 12 9 4

376 Khamargaon P,S. 644.1 91 91 417 202 215 47 45 124 143 26 6 139 110 377 Khutpadar S. 603. I 62 62 262 132 130 15 15 115 112 2 92 81 378 Amaguda S. 745.8 78 78 461 214 247 11 13 166 185 18 151 168 379 Titri 134.0 8 8 48 24 24 24 22 " 18 13 380 Lalaguda 2,900.0 132 132 804 398 406 22 20 322 328 1 289 262

381 Sargiguda 1,206.7 49 49 282 140 142 " 138 140 88 88 382 Silkjhodi 621.3 17 17 102 52 50 SO 48 1 35 32 383 Toyar P. 2,509.5 109 109 675 319 356 2 2 290 326 5 235 251 384 Gadada P. 3,319.4 149 149 983 477 506 10 10 427 447 1 305 344 385 Barchhepal 313.2 15 15 100 41 S3 47 S3 29 32

386 Michnar P. 6,012.6 293 3041,673 842 831 1 722 707 544 524 387 Kalepal 1,246.6 26 26 191 82 109 55 77 2 55 40 388 Nainnar 2,583.6 83 83 537 266 271 .. 246 250 165 155 389 Kamdeo Kurushpal 925.3 ~o 30 169 83 86 80 78 56 57 390 Matkot P. 1,426.6 105 105 639 315 324 20 15 233 236 52 3 190 193

391 Telnaga Arapur 491.1 68 68 351 170 181 41 43 76 83 8 118 46 392 Airakot P. 2,568.7 258 258 1,456 701 755 80 96 532 546 35 479 482 393 lrikapal 459.1 46 46 278 139 139 18 17 111 114 18 86 94 394 Palwa P. 1,450.0 178 178 882 453 429 73 67 233 212 33 5 300 283 395 Nawagaon 528.1 64 66 293 154 139 27 21 102 97 7 106 89

396 Bade Marenga P. 1,041.3 128 128 722 336 386 296 339 56 2 238 2S4 397 Gudra Marenga 179.3 62 62 253 116 137 16 20 52 65 20 4 86 104 398 Dimrapal 552.2 55 55 272 145 127 23 24 Il7 97 9 1 100 77 399 Pandripani P. 400 3,746.2 242 242 1,269 612 6"57 42 52 451 479 58 6 419 427 Khujaparpa 890.3 78 78 399 194 205 56 56 127 140 7 2 133 129 423


\V 0 R K E R S Non- -,,------"------Workers I II HI i'i V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,-.A-...... , ,--A.---, r~-- ,,---_... "---, ,--.A-...... , r----"-- ., ,---"---, .'----'----, ,--"----, ,.-----A----, M F M F M· F ~\ : F M F M F M F M F M F M F IB 19 20 21 22 2' 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

380 337 77 111 ,; ) 6 ')4 91 2 8 5 36 8 293 394 351 122 106 47 47 6 6 3 4 3 119 131 352 164 150 75 67 12 , 2 7 5 1 2 5 109 123 353 105 94 59 51 I .. 86 93 354 616 549 8 Ie 7 7 2 280 302 355

132 13.2 2 3 5 7 2 52 62 356 20 16 2 I .. , 3 1 16 10 357 72 78 72 70 14 13 1 85 116 358 117 118 65 6Y 6 4 1 76 101 359 123 122 17 23 2 1 78 103 360

379 393 59 49 4 5 2 .. 3 197 225 361 165 76 17 7 6 8 1 .. 94 215 362 457 397 71 68 16 18 3C 33 3 9 301 363 363 72 74 3 8 4 1 32 28 364 212 222 43 41 11 11 25 26 3 149 l55 365

2 4 2 15 1 2 7 11 12 366 155 130 26 28 5 2 4 3 3 78 132 367 112 89 2 6 4 3 21 14 96 117 368 .. .. Uninhabited .. . . 36Q 61 24 1 1 35 21 16 14 27 3 12 5 54 32 115 245 370

29 28 15 6 13 16 2 2 3 18 3 57 112 371 36 37 24 22. 6 · . 3 1 1 3 4 39 34 372 39 11 25 31 1 1 1 41 59 373 38 1 9 2 .. 22 52 374 1 6 4 1 1 8 8 375

91 80 23 6 2 23 23 63 105 376 63 50 29 31 .. · . .. . . 40 49 377 88 105 38 44 1 6 7 1 17 12 63 79 378 II 11 5 1 2 1 6 .11 379 2U 233 39 26 8 3 109 144 380

83 81 5 7 .. .. 52 54 381 29 30 4 1 .. J 1 1 17 18 382 227 246 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 84 105 383 271 319 27 20 6 5 1 172 162 384 24 30 5 2 18 21 385

442 422 59 74 4 37 28 2 298 307 386 49 38 5 2 · . . . 1 .. 27 69 387 159 148 4 5 2 1 1 101 116 388 52 53 4 4 .. 27 29 389 168 168 16 20 1 ] 2 4 3 125 131 390

99 43 12 2 1 I 6 52 135 391 407 389 50 70 2 7 20 16 222 273 392 68 74 8 12 7 4 3 4 .. 53 45 393 236 227 23 23 4 2 32 26 4 5 1 153 146 394 86 70 8 J3 2 1 9 5 1 48 50 395

166 185 18 20 15 3 37 46 1 98 132 396 43 55 7 10 I I 33 38 2 30 33 397 68 49 24 23 6 2 I 3 .. 1 .. 45 50 398 327 332 42 71 15 3 6 3 2 1 3 24 17 193 230 399 80 8S 36 38 8 4 I 1 7 2 61 76 400 424


Workers Name Area Literate L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-~ ,.---A---, ,.--A--., ,-----A----, ,-----.A---., P M F M F M F M }I M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

401 Sargipal Godba 1,659.0 99 99 500 253 247 25 14 211 212 7 185 173 402 Tusel 821.8 74 69 311 160 151 19 18 131 121 8 1 94 32 403 Nayanar P. 2,075.9 159 163 789 404 385 76 77 285 266 22 3 285 248 404 Lomani Karkapal 603.7 61 61 324 153 171 29 34 102 108 13 3 101 41 405 Kusumpal 544.8 Uninhabited

406 Nakti semar 696.6 40 41 199 96 103 27 31 66 71 63 50 407 Kopaguda S. 1,039.1 62 62 2t1 129 135 32 38 45 33 5 95 86 408 Markel S. 3,460.7 269 271 1,356 679 677 205 208 199 212 81 14 452 385 409 Bamani P,S. 561.4 99 99 497 243 254 68 78 96 85 10 2 165 81 410 Kumli S. 784.4 110 110 515 259 256 30 35 117 113 16 1 174 68

411 Chokawada P. 2,640.8 121 145 736 3~7 379 62 75 246 262 49 7 249 234 412 .Dhokam 538.1 28 28 171 81 90 .. 81 90 .. 51 41 413 Pirmela 711.8 53 54 284 143 141 6 7 80 73 6 95 84 414 Turanggur P. 868.5 76 77 426 213 213 19 11 128 127 23 3 153 150 415 Surguda 2,061. 7 58 58 433 2J7 226 207 226 125 139

416 Gatam 329.0 .. Uninhabited .. 417 Burungpa1 2,800.6 119 119 834 410 424 23 17 387 400 1 240 251 418 Nainmoor 832.1 54 54 295 152 143 25 26 JI9 III 6 .. 101 88 419 Parpa 585.1 73 73 390 195 195 29 26 137 137 17 1 144 110 420 Tokapal 502.9 81 81 467 234 233 27 35 117 119 71 9 164 97

421 Badeparakot 530.5 75 75 426 203 223 78 90 120 123 6 129 131 422 Ch hoteparakot 281.8 18 18 94 52 42 43 35 .. 35 15 423 Soshanpal 286.5 45 45 215 105 110 70 67 28 29 10 1 72 80 424 Kana Kuruspal 94.0 22 23 138 72 66 57 49 18 2 39 37 425 Teli Marenga 741.1 66 70 411 195 216 33 39 143 148 21 3 138 140

426 D<>llgriguda (Kumhar- 1,262.0 89 90 435 209 226 31 33 135 134 22 139 146 marenga) 427 Burungpal 402.5 87 90 476 224 252 192 205 47 141 137 428 Korpal 1,084.5 32 32 155 79 76 2 3 75 73 2 57 4 429 Dogam 689.4 64 65 355 182 173 23 16 139 128 15 3 108 111 430 Kl.llgaon 1,192.3' 57 57 282 146 136 9 11 111 104 5 1 98 82

431 Bilori P. 2,670.8 195 1961,009 510 499 . 117 126 326 320 134 .. 343 321 t 63 " 432 Chitapadar 454.1 49 49 220 lIS 105 31 25 71 69 9 1 77 ,~ 433 Kurandi P. 7,041.6 315 315 1,527 757 770 105 98 507 532 49 3 447 277 434 Jiragaon 671.0 35 36 173 90 83 .- 88 82 8 58 51 435 Bagnur 134.5 Uninhabited

436 Kerajhodi 511.3 Uninhabited 437 Korgali 2,145.7 52 52 352 176 176 164 162 .. 111 107 438 Birgali 1,873.2 54 54 417 216 201 211 198 2 132 III 439 Borja 1,466.2 67 67 419 210 209 180 192 117 114 440 Surguda Bodenar 1,349.7 59 59 398 190 208 190 208 113 129 "

441 Tirthum 1,050.0 59 59 411 203 208 .. 203 208 134 126 442 Guram 847.1 35 35 211 106 105 5 3 100 102 1 71 74 ··;i" 443 Patharli 1,814.7 79 79 475 225 250 .. .. 219 241 ISO 154 444 Duganpal 195.6 27 27 235 132 103 7 4 103 80 IS .. 76 65 445 Bade Arapur P. 1,432.5 200 200 996 486 510 116 124 289 307 42 4 340 355

446 Metawada 488.9 31 . 31 213 103 110 6 12 76 62 30 3 48 42 447 Keshloor P. 1,371.4 175 182 1,037 . 510 527 97 104 368 380 72 7 324 325 448 Kalepal P. 794.6 121 659 1] 222 449 Jatam 119 344 315 23 286 250 80 7 211 450 1,172.4 53 54 303 147 156 14 15 103 109 11 105 84 Khid Khad 149.7 Uninhabited 425


W 0 R K E R S Non- Workers I II III IV V VI . VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,.---"----.., ,.---"----.., ,.--.A..---. ,--...A.--.., ,----"--, ,----"--1 ~ ,.--.A..--, ,.--"-_--, ,.----"---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 .23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

121 115 52 54 3 2 1 1 g 1 68 74 401 63 10 14 17 1 3 1 1 13 3 66 119 402 161 94 8 5 24 11 64 6 8 75 77 119 137 403 50 27 4 21 26 14 52 130 404 Uninhabited .. 405

28 21 31 28 4 33 53 406 66 57 9 2 2 1 1 17 26 34 49 407 325 298 98 79 7 3 8 1 3 2 11 2 227 292 408 103 52 54 24 4 5 4 .. 78 173 409 113 51 39 8 8 9 8 6 85 188 410

204 190 25 35 12 4 9 4 108 145 411 50 40 1 1 .. 30 49 412 61 49 10 12 8 20 15 3 1 48 57 413 120 132 17 11 9 7 5 2 60 63 414 102 110 20 29 3 82 87 415

Uninhabited .. 416 195 208 42 43 .. .. 3 170 173 417 87 72 10 15 3 1 1 51 55 418 115 81 28 29 1 .. .. 51 85 419 101 40 48 50 2 1 3 I 1 8 1 5 70 136 420

111 107 13 19 5 5 74 92 411 35 15 .. .. 17 27 422 54 63 8 9 4 5 4 3 1 1 33 30 423 38 37 1 ...... 33 29 424 95 94 32' 39 7 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 57 76 425

95 103 24 26 8 6 11 11 70 80 426

106 99 31 37 ' .. 3 .. 1 83 115 427 44 2 1 4 2 .. .. 2 6 22 79 428 63 51 31 58 6 1 2 1 6 74 62 419 74 58 10 22 5 4 2 5 48 54 430

256 246 32 66 20 4 I! 3 26 2 167 178 431 49 46 3 11 6 1 3 2 1 .. 15 3 38 42 432 227 139 110 105 38 3 6 4 22 2 3 42 23 310 493 433 47 34 4 7 1 7 9 32 32 434 .. Uninhabited .. 435

.. .. Uninhabited .. 436 108 106 3 1 65 69 437 128 108 2 2 1 2 84 90 438 111 110 5 3 1 I 93 95 439 103 121 8 8 2 77 79 440

129 120 1 5 2 1 ' 2 69 82 441 11 8 58 66 1 1 35 31 442 146 145 1 3 3 3 .. 3 75 96 443 55 55 10 7 1 9 3 1 56 38 444 221 166 110 188 6 1 3 146 155 445

40 37 3 3 .. 3 1 2 55 68 446 246 264 45 51 8 3 9 5 1 8 1 7 1 186 202 447 140 153 55 56 5 4 7 8 1 1 3 133 93 448 80 40 17 44 5 1 2 42 72 449 uimbabtted 450 426


Workers Name Area ,------L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-_--A._-, ,---"--, ,.---"---, r-.. _A...... 1 r---A.-~ p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

451 Machkot (P. V.) 1,274.0 33 33 147 80 67 5 57 62 12 62 36 452 Bahanpur 2,788.5 73 73 477 227 250 221 248 2 153 167 453 Pushem 81Ll 37 37 232 115 117 110 112 .. 71 61 454 Jamgaon 1,838.0 76 76 427 213 214 203 206 2 .. 139 116 . 455 Badekilepal P. 14,628.5 762 762 4,668 ~,282 2,386 38 23 2,093 2,204 H 2 1,476 1,496

456 Kodenar P. 9,950.0 433 4332,676 1,332 1,344 .. 1,254 1,253 7 835 823 457 Silk Jhodi 710.3 34 34 176 95 81 ., 92 80 61 54 458 Katakanda 1,121.0 46 46 262 135 127 15 13 120 114 .. 91 90 459 Mawali Bhata P,Po. 2,399.5 129 129 755 406 349 23 19 298 269 5 .. 269 227 460 Mandawa 2,195.5 82 82 569 292 277 292 277 4 2 192 164

461 Raikot P,Mcw. 3,132.7 193 193 1,024 502 522 61 70 318 326 40 3 379 384 462 Yerandwal P. 1,036.2 151 151 795 400 395 35 33 298 289 6 .. 259 200 463 Koynar P. 1,574.3 143 143 740 364 376 72 71 262 277 48 5 260 267 464 Mahakapal 376.5 30 30 199 101 98 5 8 94 86 12 1 68 63 465 Kaknar 529.6 52 52 268 136 132 38 43 96 82 16 2 90 94

466 Bade Badam 276.2 24 24 123 58 65 3 1 55 64 1 38 35 467 Chhote Badam 164.7 II 11 64 29 35 16 17 8 13 3 22 24 468 Ulnar 1,576.9 65 66 344 169 175 8 6 129 134 3 114 119 469 Sadgud P,Po. 2,519.1 176 176 998 502 496 89 96 354 338 78 3 314 297 470 Dhanialoor P. 1,972.5 161 161 858 434 424 33 33 344 346 23 1 287 263

471 Bagmundi Panda P. 2,900.2 117 117 684 344 340 1 333 332 6 224 :!14 472 Bastanar P,Po. 12,270.0 337 3382,261 1,127 l,t34 8 11 1,002 1,005 30 716 735 473 Pari meta 1,393.1 62 62 409 186 223 186 223 1 111 138 474 Chhote Kakiur 235.4 2 2 16 6 10 6 10 3' 7 475 Batkonta 330.1 18 18 119 57 62 57 62 39 40

476 Manjhi Bhata 291.8 12 12 6S 24 41 24 41 19 22 477 Tangiya Jhodi 688.4 27 27 178 95 83 .. 95 83 57 49 478 Dilmili P. 6,212.4 285 290 1,777 782 995 113 46 669 900 15 545 658 479 Chhote Gudra 672.9 49 49 U4 136 148 2 2 112 120 3 84 88 480 Dhodrepal 855.6 77 77 415 223 192 9 6 178 143 17 140 118

481 Bade Kadama 1,170.9 58 58 308 156 152 21 25 132 124 9 90 88 482 Chhote Kadama 775.5 44 44 246 123 123 7 10 111 110 10 83 63 483 Rajur P,M,Mcw,Po. 4,m8.4 452 4522,389 1,183 1,206 208 213 775 777 178 28 754 723 484 Koypal 794.7 61 61 341 160 181 36 34 46 58 13 4 108 84 485 Sedwa 547.5 68 68 314 149 165 31 40 113 121 6 104 lOS

486 Gadmguda 773.3 34 34 176 92 84 20 18 63 56 3 60 30 487 Chhind Bahar P. 1,827.8 115 115 615 297 318 28 35 240 254 23 5 189 92 488 lamawada P. 4,872,0 239 239 I. 357 675 682 56 48 586 605 33 3 465 455 489 Chilkuhati 835.2 54 54 273 141 132 9 14 103 96 5 95 82 490 Alnar 1,037.2 81 81 402 203 199 19 15 124 III 12 D8 120

491 Padmur Sidmur 796.8 136 136 7HI 333 368 6 5 295 318 42 2 212 238 497. Pushpal P. 1,566.6 182 182 887 131 456 57 62 223 ·231 60 3 294 272 493 Jojal 338.8 131 132 694 504 190 34 13 168 142 52 2 429 91 494 Kaikagarh 600.0 68 69 437 2i3 164 5 3 113 105 18 2:!4 95 495 Kawapa! 2,764.2 38 38 245 136 109 6 5 130 104 1 85 66

496 Kondoli 1,873.8 97 98 600 298 302 11 8 276 280 1 188 180 497 lrpa P. 5,446.5 217 217 1,430 707 723 2 2 685 700 4 467 281 498 Palanar 1,380.5 93 93 530 264 266 244 242 155 150 499 Kapanar 717.0 39 39 226 117 109 III 100 69 70 500 Chhote Bodenar 644.5 33 33 191 105 86 105 86 66 56 427,


W 0 R K E R S Non- --A. Workers L.C. ,I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,--_...A..~ ,---A..~ ,..-_..A-:--, ,---"----., ,-_..A..._--... ,---A._, ,-___A..--., ,.--"--. \ ,-__.A...-, ,--_.A...--. M F M F M, F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

41 29 3 5 6 12 18 31 451 152 167 .. ' , 1 74 83 452 67 56 4 4 1 44 56 451 129 114 8 2 1 .. 1 74 98 454 1,347 1,329 89 152 3 3 8 8 6 4 23 R06 890 455

772 778 32 29 8 5 18 ,11 5 497 521 456 53 45 6 5 2 4· 34 27 457 80 78 11 12 ., 44 37 458 227 197 36 26 .. 1 4 3 2 137 122 459 169 133 14 19 4 4 4 2 1 6 100 113 460 \ 299 298 77 83 2 2 123 138 461 134 50 113 130 1 11 3 16 .. 141 195 462 219 226 26 38 6 4 3 5 104 109 463 61 51 7 11 1 .. 33 35 464 73 76 15 18 2 46 38 46S

32 3

220 212 2 2 1 ,. 1 120 126 471 680 704 10 17 20 14 1 5 411 399 472 108 137 1 1 1 1 75 85 473 3 7 3 3 474 34 34 5 4 2 18 22 475'

10 14 9 4 .. 4 5 19 476 50 43 6 4 1 2 .. ,. .. 38 34 471 433 542 85 85 8 7 12 23 3 1 4 237 337 478 66 70 11 11 7 6 1 52 60 479 100 85 18 18 21 15 1 83 74 480

72 68 6 10 5 5 7 5 66 64 481 68 52 5 6 6 3 4 2 ,. .. 40 60 482 529 537 128 117 10 4 :Z6 46 1 49 16 12 2 429 483 483 88 51 9 8 4 3 5 21 2 1 52 97 484 82 82 15 17 7 6 45 60 485

54 24 6 6 32 54 486 153 77 34 15 1 1 108 226 487 361 250 82 203 11 .. 4 2 1 6 .. 210 227 488 74 64 3 3 2 3 7 6 ., 9 6 46 50 489 98 87 20 3D 7 1 2 1 1 1 10 65 79 490

164 181 4 14 11 8 1 1 32 33 121 130 491 159 151 65 115 16 3 3 2 51 1 137 184 492 64 37 6 32 4 2 337 22 16 75 99 493 54 50 20 28 5 3 2 2 1 139 15 49 69 494 60 49 2 15 2 2 21 51 43 495

186 179 1 1 .. J 110 122 496 412 250 23 13 25 18 1 2 4 240 442 497 ., 144 135 6 9 5 6 " 109 116 498 55 59 8 6 2 4 5 48 39 499 1 • 39 54 ' 47 11 8 1 " 30 500 428


Workers -Area Literate L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r-_..__...A.... ~ r--.A---.., r-.... -A...... , r---"--'~ r----'-----1 p M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

501 Goriyapal 887.1 39 39 243 114 129 109 III .. 81 86 502 Alwa 3,563.7 107 107 680 328 352 22 23 306 329 3 193 156 503 Musaguca 383.4 23 23 148 68 80 .. . . 68 80 .. 43 21 504 Chitapur P. 5,732.1 293 293 1,739 865 874 13 7 843 821 19 579 560 505 Madarkonta 884.8 Uninhabited

506 Chidpal 1,890.3 41 41 231 124 107 3 3 109 92 .. 73 51 507 Mangnar 616.1 62 62 348 162 186 .. 124 146 7 117 110 508 Lendra P. 2,035.2 198 198 1,089 542 547 26 31 451 446 48 379 411 509 Naganar 490.: 63 63 392 195 197 19 29 112 115 16 2 144 148 510 ChingpaI P. 737.2 84 84 452 225 227 34 39 155 157 9 157 156

511 Keshapur 1,314.5 92 92 474 238 236 52 21 177 207 2 174 126 512 Tondapal 707.0 42 42 272 132 140 21 20 107 114 2 .. 93 81 513 Kakarguda 981.5 77 77 398 194 204 37 36 130 149 14 1 133 133 514 Bademurma - P. 867.2 127 128 683 331 352 54 54 182 202 61 4 197 215 515 Chhotemurma 443.4 33 33 159 82 77 13 9 41 32 4 5 60 49

516 Manjhiguda 672.1 71 71 429 206 223 11 7 178 186 24 134 123 517 Nangur 1,099.1 144 146 657 316 341 35 36 133 137 62 2 222 212 518 Sidmud 683.9 66 66 379 190 189 24 38 140 125 12 130 115 519 Bengloor 257.5 18 18 85 53 32 18 7 23 20 1 33 24 520 Kaika (Cher Bahar) 1,657.2 76 76 438 215 223 199 206 6 133 121

521 Taipadar (Alkhur) 306.9 12 12 58 31 27 .. " 27 23 .. 19 19 522 Kumharsadra P. 2,492.9 162 162 889 449 440 24 20 371 362 6 281 238 523 Adwal 690.6 33 33 186 96 90 81 77 1 58 56 524 Bhosdi Rash 806.3 29 29 177 85 92 1 84 92 t 60 64 525 Chhotekilepal 1,730.0 70 70 458 208 250 207 250 1 164 174

526 Temru -Bhata 1,041.5 43 43 279 137 142 120 128 95 43 527 - Kelaur P. 3,702.0 136 136 792 404 388 4 4 374 350 13 214 89 528 Katenar 2,735.5 80 80 460 241 219 17 17 160 152 136 117 529 Munga 1,194.3 47 47 289 144 145 9 7 133 135 .. 80 55 530 Tirthgarh 3,373.4 93 93 539 275 264 34 46 200 182 19 I 160 156

531 Kamanar 1,313.2 62 62 359 180 179 8 7 152 140 3 111 102 532 Mawalipadar P. 3,048.7 235 235 1.419 700 71.9 65 62 563 596 64 2 471 402 533 Ran Biranpal 2,100.7 56 56 321 159 162 154 157 2 107 105 534 Nawaguda 834.8 48 48 285 155 130 15 10 138 120 3 93 79 535 Bade Bodal 1,381.8 41 41 243 124 119 124 119 1 79 66

536 Chhote Bodal 125.9 11 11 59 26 33 .. 26 33 2 17 22 537 ParaIi 572.5 39 39 231 116 115 7 6 107 103 81 79 538 Chhotekawali 631.8 93 96 468 211 257 41 54 127 140 38 3 139 138 539 Potiapal 1,002.8 13 13 72 37 35 31 30 22 20 540 KaJaguda 791.5 17 14 70 36 34 35 31 18 20

541 Tlria 3,059.0 21 21 142 73 69 66 63 2 45 44 542 Chor Rash 475.0 Uninhabited 543 Gadaghat 1,036.7 .. Uninhabited " .. 544 Bodenar Kalan P. 7,445.5 363 363 2,337 1,138 1,199 4 4 1,114 1,178 3 707 696 545 Sadrabodenar ,po 2,440.7 115 115 700 331 369 331 366 7 197 192

546 Nilegondi Bodenar 1,610.7 63 63 380 193 187 178 165 547 Gidawarli 127 127 548 927.5 50 50 324 160 164 160 164 ., 99 111 Gumadpal 2,380.0 86 86 509 249 260 4 5 216 220 2 549 Mamdpal l39 69 550 1,093.3 63 63 268 141 127 8 5 87 79 7 96 47 Cnhindawada p,M,Po. 7,499.0 377 377 2,2111,1231,088 156 143 883 861 50 6 738 638 429


W 0 R K E R S, Non- , Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X - L. C, No. r--"---; ,.---A--., ~--, ,..-'--A---, ,---"-----, ,..---"---, r-~ ,_.A._, ,..---A--, r--""'---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1 57 56 23 30 .. 1 .. 33 43 501 !66 116 18 30 1 2 2 7 1 6 135 196 502 30 20 1 I 2 1 ,. 9 25 59 503 457 460 90 87 11 4 14 7 1 1 2 1 4 286 314 504 Uninbabited 505

56 37 12 9 4 4 1 51 56 506 55 58 55 52 3 4 282 45 76 507 316 80 84 .'. 13 11 4 163 136 508 96 101 40 44 3 .. 1 l' 4 2 51 49 112 112 23 509 29 " 18 15 1 3 68 71 510

126 93 34 il 4 7 7 7 64 110 511 65 59 12 - 15 4 1 8 6 4 39 69 59 512 78 - 33 41 9 3 12 9 2 10 61 71 513 88 79 23 99 13 16 9 10 9 2 5S 9 23 134 137 514 24 19 22 1 1 17 2 22 28 515

125 09 4 2 3 150 4 72 100 S16 108 32 79 12 2 22 21 2 4 2 94 129 517 112 94 9 13 " 9 7 1 60 74 518 23 12 8 12 2 106 20 8 S19 96 10 25 17 82 102 520

11 II . , 5 4 2 4 1 .. 12 8 521 233 184 20 5 9 30 9 16 8 3 2 53 168 202 522 41 3 3 11 1 1 1 38 34 523 54 61 5 3 1 25 28 ,524 143 152 21 22 44 76 525

95 42 .. 1 42 99 526 157 60 42 23 13 6 2 190 299 527 101 87 8 11 26 19 t 105 102 528 64 45 .. I 1 15 9 64 90 529 146 140 11 11 3 5 115 108 530

7S 68 5 5 8 7 21 21 2 69 77 531 315 268 23 30 129 104 4 .. ,229 317 532 99 83 7 20 1 2 52 57 533 70 59 14 17 3 1 4 2 2 62 51 534 66 50 2 7 2 .. 9 9 45 53 535

15 17 1 4 " , 1 9 11 536 54 49 16 30 . . 5 .. 6 35 36 537 76 62 37 67 7 5 16 4 3 72 119 538 21 19 1 1 15 15 539 4 10 1 14 8 1 18 14 540

'39 42 2 2 1 28 25 541 Un'i~habii~d .. 542 .. Uninbabited .. 543 695 686 5 5 2 4 3 1 1 1 431 503 544 187 166 2 21 1 6 5 1 134 177 545

117 109 10 17 66 60 546 92 104 4 2 3 4 61 53 547 113 54 23 12 2 3 1 .. 110 191 548 76 41 16 5 .. .. 2 1 2 45 80 549 549 493 54 74 12 11 118 60 5 385 450 5S0 430


Workers Name .Area Literate r---- L.C. of Facilities in OccupIed House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,--_.A.~ ,--~ ,--~ ,--_.A.--., r---A---, P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

551 Manjhipal 334.3 14 14 70 34 36 3 2 31 34 22 23 552 Chandrapal 179.2 ...... Uninhabited ...... 553 Topar 709.4 24 24 132 74 58 4 2 70 56 45 34 554 Kolawada 758.2 31 31 163 82 81 .. 82 81 .- 52 51 555 Badekawali P. 1,344.0 107 108 547 274 273 13 12 226 233 20 2 176 142

556 Chachalgur 1,034.0 20 20 U8 59 59 54 56 3 39 35 557 Gumalwada 1,756.1 39 39 216 114 102 6 108 102 73 70 558 Badekakloori P,Po. 10,816.7 517 5173,136 1,552 1,584 2 .. 1,521 1,568 5 . 946 938 559 Pakanar P. 8,833.3 364 3642,1521,0461,106 5,1 59 943 975 14 2 642 678 560 Kodarichhapar 730.2 27 27 139 63 76 63 76 43 39

561 Bishapur 890.0 36 36 204 105 99 104 99 1 65 55 562 Chandragiri P. 3,414.7 180 180 1,080 544 536 10 10 474 462. 2i 296 146 563 Karka P,M,Po. 555.9 27 27 203 105 98 105 98 67 57 564 Kondaloor P,M,Po. 512.6 19 19 129 60 69 .. " 60 69 39 42 565 Darbha 1,099.9 61 62 294 140 154 2 2 82 100 28 6 92 73

566 KakaJgur 1,335.5 50 50 285 145 140 144 140 97 88 567 Pedawada 279.4 16 16 86 35 51 34 49 21 31 568 Nagalsar 644.4 28 28 171 87 84 87 84 49 46 569 Milkulwada 405.1 14 14 83 42 41 42 40 21 22 570 Tamarwada 627.9 Uninhabited

57L Gudiya 743.0 18 18 110 48 62 44 5S 34 41 572 Karkaguda (Kurkaguda) 1,652.1 .. Uninhabited 573 Kapanar P,Po. 5,472.5 254 254 1,508 748 760 5 10 702 719 4 479 454 574 Toyanar Po. 232.5 17 17 67 33 34 23 20 3 22 21 575 Kudurwada 357.6 Uninhabited

576 Champa1 113.2 Uninhabited .. 577 Chitalgur 1,623.9 42 32 183 97 86 97 86 1 62 53 578 Netanar P. 5,083.5 144 134 831 413 418 40S 414 28 12 247 258 579 Toyanar 844.0 46 46 231 116 115 116 115 69 64 580 Kalepal 1,230.0 63 63 360 180 180 180 180 98 100

581 Mundenar 2,880.0 . 59 59 242 126 116 125 116 87 77 582 Kudumkheda 190.0 30 30 186 92 94 90 .88 53 50 583 Bengpal 85,0 24 24 163 82 81 72 72 50 46 584 Kotumsar 855.3 37 37 227 120 107 16 6 92 89 2 76 46 585 Surundwada 434.8 12 12 65 35 30 35 30 1 23 17

586 Tolawada 700.0 4 4 16 8 8 8 8 6 6 587 Junapani N.A. 25 25 129 69 60 67 58 42 41 588 Tahakwada 655.3 71 71 362 170 192 166 190 5 123 124 589 Kankapal P. 1,913.3 177 177 895 418 477 .. 376 46Q 42 3 279 321 590 Aelangnar 863.2 51 51 235 134 10[ 2 1 132 100 95 71

591 Kandanar 833.9 28 28 144 71 73 -. 71 73 .. 58 50 592- Kolenga 2,102.7 82 82 426 216 210 19 18 175 177 8 167 132 593 Chhindgnr 2,228.4 74 74 412 217 195 12 7 175 155 3 172 149 594 Mundagarh 2,986.4 102 [02 610 443 167 46 9 229 151 64 404 III 595 Kawapulcha 875.0 20 20 97 50 47 10 4 39 42 36 29 596 Sautnar P. 4,064.9 265 265 1,443 707 736 40 46 634 652 46 5 442 420 597 Kodripal P. - 3,780.2 187 187 1,032 495 537 3 4 306 313 68 14 305 245 798 Kukanar P,M,Mcw,Po. 17,955.1 973 973 5,6092,769 2.840 54 68 1,961 2,063 232 52 1,793 1,683 . 599 Idjepal 2,327.3 52 52 315 148 167 105 139 2 98 84 600 Gandamaras 2,462.3 68 68 401 199 202 182 183 14 130 79 601 Kokawada P,Po. 1,596.3 110 110 607 307 300 31 20 204 212 71 2 216 219 602 Jangdapal 824.3 60 60 325 162 163 12 11 100 100 6 1 102 102 603 Bade Gurbe 994.0 39 39 244 119 125 114 117 .. 73 66 604 Chnote Gurbe 365.1 14 14 83 36 47 20 23 1 24 27 431


w 0 R K E R S Non- --. Workers I II 1II IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,---'-----, ,---'-----, ,--"---., ,---"---., ,--"----. r---"--. ,--"----. ,----A.---, ,--'-----. ,---"---., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

15 10 7 13 12 13 551 Uninhabited .. 552

21 26 " 23 8 1 29 24 553 41 39 1 6 ...... 10 6 .. 30 30 554 127 103 26 27 7 2 14 9 1 2 98 131 555

25 16 6 16 6 3 1 20 24 556 51 45 6 8 15 17 .. 1 41 32 557 724 705 201 222 8 5 5 5 .. 1 8 .. 606 646 558 523 569 82 85 6 6 27 17 1 1 3 .. 404 428 559 42 38 1 1 20 37 560

64 55 ...... 40 44 561 278 126 12 7 4 12 I 1 248 390 562 51 51 16 6 38 41 563 38 40 1 2 ...... 21 27 564 45 54 7 13 8 1 1 5 3 1 24 3 48 81 565

37 47 56 38 4 3 48 52 566 19 26 -- 1 1 5 14 20 567 39 37 4 9 6 38 38 568 20 22 1 21 19 569 Uninhabited .. 570

24 25 11 8 4 14 21 571 .. .. Uninhabited 572 376 368 98 84 .. 3 2 .. 2 .. 269 306 573 9 8 7 7 3 1 5 3 11 13 574 Uninhabited .. 575

.. . . Uninhabited 576 49 45 2 5 1 2 7 1 3 35 33 577 206 186 31 68 1 2 8 2 1 .. 166 160 578 69 64 .. 47 51 579 92 97 4 2 1 1 1 82 80 580

86 77 1 .. 39 39 581 51 47 2 3 .. . . 39 44 582 11 25 .. .. 4 6 35 15 .. 32 35 583 62 38 4 5 3 .. 5 3 2 44 61 584 16 13 3 3 2 1 1 1 12 13 585

3 5 3 2 2 586 42 41 .. .. 27 19 587 59 75 29 37 4 3 9 1 22 8 47 68 588 257 306 18 21 3 .. J 139 150 589 91 70 2 1 1 1 39 30 590

58 50 ...... 13 23 591 88 50 55 73 6 5 5 4 .. 13 .. 49 78 592 69 110 13 34 7 1 1 81 5 45 46 593 28 77 13 20 13 1 363 39 56 594 29 21 7 8 14 18 595 369 343 50 S9 13 17 6 4 265 316 596 205 138 58 65 .. 26 29 2 14 13 190 292 597 1,430 1,356 127 12R 19 44 ~1 96 53 9 73 50 976 1,157 598 80 45 16 17 22 .. .. 2 50 83 599 111 67 4 3 14 9 1 69 123 600 75 77 104 111 .. 31 31 3 3 91 81 601 64 50 17 21 8 21 12 10 1 60 61 602 73 65 .. .. 1 46 59 603 23 20 1 4 1 2 12 20 604



Location Location ~'erial Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Vi!Jage 1961 1965

2 3 4 2 3 4

A 27 Bhelwapal 112 235 1 Kosabodod Achkat 135 90 28 Bhimpur (Karkaguda) 155 118 2 i\Jampalli (Bedma) 139 N.A. 29 Bhimpuram (Misiguda) 116 64 1 Dogapara 30 Birabhatt.i 236(1 N.A. 3 Amapenta 238 271 4 AndumpaJ 54 41 31 Birla 246 210 1 Kurpadharipara 32 BlrsatpaJ 84 129 141 197 5 Argatta (Bariguda) 232 94 33 Bodko 1 Kotampara 2 Madkampara 6 Arlampalli 223 117 3 Italanka 7 Arlapenta 251 270 Bojraiguda 299 S6 8 Asirguda 282 145 34 171 186 9 Atkariras 94 265 35 Borguda 1 Bhandaraspara 1 Masapara Burdi (Sarvaka) 113 131 2 Dhanuabhat 3 Rampuram 36 Barupara 2 Kamlapara 4 Jorladehi 5 Muriarampuram 1 191 221 6 Komtiguda 37 Burkapal Burunglanka 230 256 10 Atigatta 267 N.A. 38

B C 152 177 11 BadanpaJ 7 154 39 Chichor-gllda 12 Badehirma 124 12 40 Chidpal 5 N.A. 13 Bade Satti 140 174 1 Kalarpara 2 Muriapara 1 Durmapara 2 Bhattipara 3 Maharapara 3 Tadbhatta 4 Kogudi 41 Chikaras 72 143 5 Aandarguda 6 Chinganguda 42 Chikpal 197 47 7 Bandempara 1 Bllnjarapara 2 Errapara 14 Bagdeguda 180 99 43 Chikapalli 192 250 15 Bainpalli 99 72 44 Chilmalva 150 3 16 BakuJaghat 61 254 1 Hem/aguda 17 BaJangtong 295 N.A. 106 45 Chimli 148 18 Banda 297 48 46 Chimabodkel 154 1 19 Banjalwahi 265 N.A. 1 ,Payagllda 175 20 Banjamguda 285 193 47 Chhindgarh 81 1 Pitepara 2 Pate/para 21 Banjepalli 138 89 3 Gorlikhuti 22 Ba.rdeJpaJ (Toyaguda) 215 N.A. 48 Chingavaram 42 171 23 Bedre 105 N.A. 1 Midkopara 1 Bodapara 49 Chintalnar . 166 102 24 Bhandarras 71 N.A. 1 Pusguda 2 Rewa/guda 25 Bhattiguda 275 215 3 Ramaramguda 4 Konaguda 5 Markaguda 26 Bheji 242 191 SO ChipurpaJ 79 150 1 Pentabheji 434


Location Location Serial CodeNa. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

51 Chintagupha 199 157 79 Errabore 261 60 52 Chintagupha 259 74 1 Kogdam 2 Baremoga 53 Chintakonta 305 257 3 Odinguda 4 Eklamguda 54 Chirmur 83 179 G 55 Chiurwada 2 31 1 Loharpara 80 Gachanpalli 233 211 56 Chitalnar ]9 264 81 Gadiras 91 N.A. 1 Paikpara 1 Miriwada 2 Tt:rrepal 57 Chopel 95 178 3 Tamiya 4 Oiras 58 Chuleras 24 19 5 Matemarka 6 Gohdiras 65 59 Chhuragatta 56 139 82 Gaganpalli (Kalguda) 245 83 Gangrajpad 290 N.A, D 84 Gangu]ava 175 125 60 Dabba 8 173 85 Garipal 29 9 1 Pitepara 2 Pedapara I Kappegondi 2 Hendepara 3 Koiangpara 86 Ganjenar 74 137 1 Kasturi 61 Dandabadi 93 N.A. 87 Gattapal 187 N.A. 62 Dewarpalli 220 97 88 Geedam 128 140 63 Dhanikodta 20 14 89 Godelguda 206 15 1 Dongopara 2 Lakhapara 90 Gogunda 160 276 64 Dharmapenta 252 253 I Uskapara 2 Dhurwapara 6S Dhobanpal 63 N.A. 91 Golagudiam 136 N.A. I Halbapara 66 Dhondra 300 81 92 GolapaJli 264 110 I Chikalguda 2 Ursangal 93 Golabekur 184 79 67 Dodpal 70 229 1 Pujaripara 68 Doleras 31 32 94 Gompad 270 181 69 Dornapal 228 III 95 GondpalJi (Mandimarka) 85 96 70 Dubbakonta 222 N.A. 1 Gayatapara 96 Gandpalli 108 203 71 Dubbamarka 278 N.A. I Chingapara 2 Mosa/para 72 Dubbatota 212 2 3 Matem 4 Chhaperas 73 Duled 205 6 97 Gondpalli 201 98 74 Durandarbha 115 66 98 Gonderas 125 161 I Banjorapara 2 Hurrapara 1 ldopara 2 Pedapara , 75 Durma 121 55 .) Permapara 4 Medipara 76 Durrr.a 277 N.A. 99 Gongla 172 184 1 Diwanmunda E 100 Gorgunda 219 52 77 Elkaguda 250 136 1 Banjarapara 2 Toyaguda 78 Elmaguda 221 132 101 Gorkha 266 258 435


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of \lilJage 1961 t951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 II 2 3 4

102 Gorli 43 148 121 Jhapra 145 85 1 Permapara 2 Midkompara 122 Jonaguda 131 57 3 Paikpara 4 Podiapara K 103 Gudra 57 236 164 Guma 64 272 123 Kakerlanka 207 208 1 Loharpara 2 Chandupara 124 Kamapedaguda 225 92 105 Gumodi 122 51 125 Kamaram 137 93 106 Guphadi 90 176 1 Kumharpara 1 Dokapara 2 Kesapara 126 Kamrajpad 280 N.A. 127 Kanhaiguda 68 53 H 128 Kanhaiguda 286 45 107 Hamirgarh 11 36 129 Kanaiguda (Nilameta) 309/1 219 1 Kagenpai 2 Chalkiras 130 Kanhaiguda (Nilameta) 303 N.A. 3 Kureli 131 Kanjipani 65 202 108 Hikmiras 78 238 132 Kariguda 309/2 N.A. 133 Kawasiras 75 134 I 134 Kawrakopa 15 144 135 Keratong 48 63 Injaram 283 109 71 I Matapara 2 Maripara 110 Irpa 46 44 136 Kerlapal 194 234 111 Irpaguda 281 158 1 Motaguda 2 Girdalpara 112 ltagupha 44 43 3 Nakapara 167 103 J 137 Kerlapenda 138 Kistaram 241 128 113 Jabeli 256 243 139 KikirpaJ 34 N.A. 114 JabbagaUa 164 N.A. 1 Bondepara 2 Vekopara 115 Jangaram 274 91 140 Kindarwada 28 34 116 Jagaram 236/2 N.A. I Permapara 117 Jagargunda 118 49 141 Kistaram 156 N.A. 1 Kottaguda 2 Michaguda 142 Kodmer 106 N.A. 3 Metaguda 143 Kodripal 67 166 118 Jaimer 13 N.A. 144 Kokalpal 10 N.A. 1 Dhurwapara I Madkamipara 119 Jangampal 38 141 145 Kokarpal (Jarritong) 103 N.A. I Bojapara 146 Kolaiguda 229 255 120 Jeerampal 110 196 147 Konhiguda (Goniguda) 255 204 1 Jhaliaras 2 Chinnapara 148 Konanguda 161 183 3 Kalarpara 4 Madbhata 149 Kondasawli 100 29 5 Pakhnaguda 6 Dahhapara 1 Karriguda 2 Dhurwaguda 7 Matodipara 3 Kamarguda 436.


SerIal Location No. Code No. S. No. Serial Location' Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 150 3 4 Kondre 109 164 169 Lendra 1 Gadgadipara 2 Permapara 260 146 170 Lingampal1i 3 Padamipara 302 N.A. 171 Littiras 3 105 151 Konta 1 Ludkiras 310 77 1 Tahsilpara M 2 Chintapedapara 172 Mahima 152 Korra 36 22 51 214 173 Mamirguda 1 Boyaras 269 226 2 Madiaras 174 Mandimarka 82 3 Pudwaras 4 Kasarguda N.A. 1 Karriguda 5 Adguda 6 Atpal 175 Mangalguda 7 Dhurwaras 248 115 176 Mangalguda 153 306 69 Korajguda 258 177 182 Mangipal (Guttaguda) 163 154 Korrapal 189 213 162 1 Darbha 155 Korrigundam 209 178 N.A. Manikonta 240 156 Kotagangler 68 293 N.A. 179 Mankapal 157 Kotoor 69 124 292 114 1 Kucharas 2 Nakapara 158 Kottaguda 174 180 N.A. Maraiguda 244 159 Kotapalli 24 168 87 1 Dhurguda 1 Madkampara 160 Koyabekur 181 Maraiguda 183 167 308 259 182 Marenga 1 35 161 Kudakras 1 162 N.A. Rawa/para 162 Kudkel 183 Masalmadgu 176 190 254 242 163 Kumakolang 184 Maroki 6 27 40 N,A. 1 Govindpa/ 2 Paikpara 1 Danyapara 2 Poragadem 164 Kunded 185 Medwahi 117 28 226 245 1 Karamguda 1 TOlfgllda 165 Kundanpal 186 Mehta' 30 N.A. 276 61 1 Hurrapara 187 Mekha,waya 2 Pedapara 32 232 3 Bhathipara 4 Tadpara 1 Bhopawada 5 Madkampara 6 188 Metaguda Vogapara 284 160 166 Kunna 189 Michiguda, 16 268 151 27 190 Michwar I Kormagondi 2 Kawadpara 26 18 1 Paikpara 2 3 Burkutpara 4 Taraipara Regampara L 191 M ilIakisoli 272 167 Lakhapal 82 158 N.A. 192 Milampalli 149 168 Leda N.A. 9 252 1 Narsapuram 1 Gudipara 2 Bajapara 193 Minpa (Burkapol) 198 N,A' 437


Location Location S. No. Code No. S. No. Serial Code No. 1951 Serial 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 No. Name of Village 4 2 3 2 3 4 204 8 P 194 Misma 211 N.A. 195 Modaguda 219 Pakela ?6 275 173 95 196 Morpalli 1 Mangitong 2 Butaras 178 120 197 Mukram 3 Bodkeras 4 Malatikra N.A. 198 Mullaguda 144 201 5 Permapara 6 Bhandarras 199 Mundpalli 203 195 7 Bageldihi 8 Hirmapara 200 Mundum 47 9 Tamrutikra 86 201 Mundwal 23 220 Palachilma 239 161 41 151 202 Murki Kayapara 1 Chotemurki 2 221 Pnlamadgu 218 237 304 56 203 Murliguda 222 Palem 22 233 102 220 204 Murrepal 1 Bhogampara 246 Murtonda 127 205 223 Palia 126 80 2 Permapasa 1 Chichorguda 224 Paria 59 185 3 Paikp(ua 4 Kudmepara 225 Paria (Sarasihi) 181 100 5 Muyapara 6 Golaguda 226 Parlagatta 86 4 7 Potkuras 20 227 Patinayakras 62 2i.8 . 206 Mutheli 35 228 Pedabodkel 165 267 N 229 Pedaguda 216 N.A, 230 Pedakisoli 273 N.A. 247 207 Nagalgunda 224 1 Kesaguda 2 Kamarguda 78 231 Pedakurti 237 198 208 Nagaram 159 142 232 Pendalnar 45 101 209 Nagaras 92 233 Penta 132 38 1 Bhattiguda 187 234 Penta 227 N.A. 210 Nadigupha (Potasokma) 189 1 Gattopara . 12 17 235 Permaras 21 211 Nayanar 60 1 Guterpara 1 Hirmapara 133 236 Phandiguda 291 50 212 Netanar 37 237 Phandiwar 21 58 1 Muriapara 238 Phulbagdi 142 N.A. 213 Nilamadgu 279 N.A. 155 1 Kawaripara 2 Solipara 214 Nilamguda 234 130 3 Domurpara 4 Masihapara 215 Nilawaram 143 239 Pidbher 231/2 N.A. 1 Durkapara N.A. 240 Pinabheji 202 239 216 Nilawaya 88 294 N.A. 217 Nulkatong 0 241 Pogabheji 182 N.A. 1 Rabdiguda 2 Borguda 39 248 218 Oler 3 Durroguda L Pedapara 438


Location Location Serial Code No. S.No. Serial Code No. S.No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

242 Pondum 77 121 268 Rasavaya 53 23 1 Duasiras 2 Karkato"ng 1 Loharpara 3 Mislras 4 Sukhiras 269 Ratinaikras 80 223 5 Tater 1 Gangadharpara 243 Pordem 89 170 270 Rayguda 262 263 1 Naga/guda 2 Gotumpara 244 Porogumodi 123 N.A. 271 Redpalli 287/2 N.A. 245 Polampalli 214 83 272 Rokel 55 274 1 Itaguda 2 Mundupara 1 Masengpara 2 Lakhapara 246 Porokakadi 101 N.A. 3 Laskipara 4 Thotipara 247 Potakpalli 235 N.A. 5 Permapara 6 Pedapara 248 Porokondasawli 87 42 249 Polampalli 268 N.A. S 250 PujaripaJ 73 227 273 Sadrapal 18 113 1 Jagumundapara 251 Pujaripal 107 76 274 Sagunghat 14 199 1 Nayapara 2 Kosapara 1 Muriapara 2 Hajupara Punpalli 208 5 252 275 Sakloor 217 244 253 Pusapalli 177 116 276 Samsatti 193 16 254 Puspal 25 47 1 Bodaguda 2 Chichorguda 1 Kum/tarpara 277 Silger 104 33 255 Pusuguda 289 156 1 1taguda 256 Pusugufa 301 109 278 Sindurguda 253 N.A. 257 Pusugunna 17 213 279 Singaram 133 104 1 Gujapara 2 Tunampara 280 Singaram 257 207 258 Pusuwada 200 7 259 Puwarti 130 107 281 Sirsetti 170 231 1 Raog/tda 2 Gadgad R 3 Nayajara 4 Mandopara .; Nandapara 6 Pandrupara 260 Radipal 66 261 282 Sitapal 58 152 I 261 Ragadgatta 243 153 283 Sonakukanar 76 165 262 Rajpenta 134 84 1 Pedapara 2 ~akhnaguda 284 Samalgudiyam 287/1 159 263 Rajpenta (Darbhaguda) 271 180 1 285 Somanpenta 247 N.A. 264 Ramaram 157 N.A. 265 Ramaram 188 241 286 Sukma J35 168 1 Durkapara 2 Kodiguda 266 Rangarayguda 210 N.A. 3 Patnampara 4 Pusamipara 267 Rampuram 111 88 5 Supnar 6 Kumharras 1 Pedapara 7 Pawaras 8 Diwanpara 439


Location Location Soria I Code No. S.No. Sepal Code No. S. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4 249 287 Sunnamguda 298 '205 302 Tongpai 4 288 SUrepal 27 217 1 Patelpara 1 Rautpara 303 Tongras 52 70 289 Supanguda 147 10 1 Medhapara 304 Tokanpalli 186 147 T 305 Tongpalli 179 N.A. 33 138 290 Tadmetla 190 112 306 Tumakpai 307 Tumalpad 146 39 291 Talnar 50 251 U 1 Bhattipara 2 Gumtapara 3 Puriras 4 Manjarpara 308 Upampalli 196 119 292 Tarlaguda 119 54 309 Urmapal 49 127 1 Mallapara 1 Kusalipara '1 Pujaripara 293 Tarlaguda 263 200 3 Barsepara 4 Maribhatapara 294 Tekiagudiam 129 N.A. 310 Ursagai 97 46 295 Telawarti 185 228 1 Karriguda 296 Temalwada 195 11 297 Tetrai 231/1 72 V 298 Tiganpani 249 224 299 Timapuram 114 N.A. 311 Vankamadgu 288 216 300 Timapenta 169 N.A. 312 Venkatapal 296 N.A. 313 Venkatapuram 307 209 301 ·Tolawarti 98 25 314 Vikrampalli 120 13 440 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Workers Name Area . L.C. of Facilities Literate & Total Wor- No. in Occupied House- Scheduled SchedUled Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) _---A.---; r~ ,-.A.---, ,..--"---. ~ P M F M F M F M F 'M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 fs 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 43/4 Konta Tahsil (Rural) 297,006,0 20,253 53,821 1.434 45,395 2,254 34,444 19,873 108,549 54,728 1,420 46,632 397 30,367

1 Marenga 988.2 119 126 ·645 213 432 206 318 20 8 125 227 2 Chiurwada 981.8 85 88 481 263 218 .. 241 196 1 1 163 133 3 Littiras 1,215.8 88 88 512 249 263 12 11 231 234 1 158 161 4 Tongpal 492.4 60 60 255 130 125 2 8 98 85 31 8 87 51 5 Chidpal 1,140.0 176 181 801 393 408 24 27 323 323 10 271 203

6 Kumakolang 1,292.6 180 182 830 438 392 359 309 54 3 306 156 7 Badanpal 745.9 70 71 351 170 181 148 145 114 101 8 Dabba 8 274 247 9 3,077.5 147 147 916. 480 436 480 436 45 Leda J ,387.6 173 176 793 384 409 1 - I 262 268 43 12 266 235 10 Kokalpal 578.0 37 36 209 106 103 106 102 1 62 56

11 Ramirgarh 230 77 12 1,574.5 129 129 691 351 340 204 193 58 10 Permaras 527.6 50 50 269 135 134 i9 8 97 95 3 91 84 13 Jaimer 934.6 55 56 308 160 148 .. 158 147 107 85 14 Sagunghat . 15 154 144 15 1,183.7 78 78 439 212 227 1 3 194 193 Kawrakopa 1,149.8 89 89 519 281 238 1 1 280 237 156 108

16 Kunna 9 439 462 17 4,909.4 252 255 1,436 715 721 6 5 656 654 41 Pusugunna 2,757.6 138 138 681 322 359 1 300 348 4 1 215 179 18 Sadrapal 1,412.7 65 64 371 183 188 181 187 106 107 19 Chitalnar 1,472.0 170 175 943 457 486 25 23 395 418 4 1 303 316 20 Dhanikodta 1,300.0 96 96 569 264 305 I 251 281 24 7 156 187

21 Phandiwar 794.6 44 44 212 99 113 96 104 68 66 22 Palem 2,440.9 81 80 523 266 257 254 254 1 173 164 23 Mundwal 863.6 35 34 195 101 94 99 90 1 65 46 24 Chuleras 536.7 44 44 253 122 131 78 80 1 69 67 25 Puspal 689.9 72 72 355 182 173 127 154 19 4 107 47

26 Michwar 2,922.0 137 137 876 431 445 6 5 218 235 35 4 248 242 27 Surrepal 697.9 37 37 209 100 109 68 72 9 59 28 . 28 Kindarwada 1,160.0 112 112 624 306 318 .. 247 275 11 188 101 29 Garipal 2,441.0 114 114 629 300 329 4 8 249 270 209 173 30 Kundanpal 4,324.8 219 237 1,034 516 518 4 5 460 503 4 346 332

31 Doleras 1,708.3 90 90 336 151 185 2 150 183 105 t23 32 Mekhawaya 3,599.3 128 129 724 361 363 343 343 16 4 215 200 33 TurnakpaI 454.5 34 34 172 91 81 89 79 55 49 34 Kikirpal 1,217.4 154 154 764 371 393 49 49 269 268 19 1 24-1 212 35 Mutheli 810.0 54 54 251 134 117 134 111 78 66

36 Mahima 61 57 37 36 37 284.5 17 17 118 61 57 Nelanar 1, 118.7 94 94 450 230 220 168 166 10 2 166 153 38 Jangampal 928.4 49 49 269 133 136 120 125 2 94 87 39 Oler 768.8 85 8S 458 222 236 195 206 3 139 76 40 Maroki 3,667.4 151 . 151 978 478 500 437 409 2 327 323 41 Murki 1,319.4 73 73 472 226 246 226 246 1 146 114 42 Chingawaram 43 1,136.0 91 91 545 253 292 18 16 224 261 1 174 183 44 Gorli 4,469.8 111 112 689 329 360 27 30 284 278 13 197 193 Itaguffa 71 36 35 20 15 8 11 1 23 26 45 Pendalnar 184.2 18 18 797.7 74 61 369 190 179 25 25 54 52 26 5 111 90 46 Irpa 7. 108 88 47 Mundum 936.8 73 75 352 170 182 163 175 5 48 Keratong 841.0 44 44 274 136 138 136 138 87 82 49 lJrmapal 960.9 65 65 393 IB3 210 2 3 179 201 135 143 50 2,393.8 197 197 1,074 533 541 6 8 457 444 5 361 357 Talnar 2,512.8 252 252 1,255 636 619 34 28 399 453 52 7 420 317 441


W 0 R K E RS Non- Workers I II III IV V VI, VII VIII IX X L.C. No• ,..----A--., ,---A.----, ..--.A--..., r---"---, r----A.~ r---"--, r---"-----, r--"--., .---A.-..., ,--""__, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 ~2 . 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

26,742 4,129 1,09, 764 94 341 221 49 1,007 19,377 43/4 21,960 3,412 3,691 546 73 192 59 434 24,361

113 204 2 8 8 ' 7 1 6 1 2 88 205 1 141 114 20 18 1 1 .. 1 100 85 2 144 148 9 7 2 2 .. 3 4 91 102 3 53 40 11 5 4 1 .. 1 1 3 5 2 10 2 43 74 4 142 157 13 IS 105 26 5 5 6 122 205 5

106 93 36 31 162 \ 32 132 236 6 110 94 3 5 1 2 56 80 7 270 247 2 .. 2 206 189 8 177 161 30 9 7 i 5 9 8 11 12 2 2 9 7 21 31 118 174 9 62 56 44 47 10

195 68 21 5 4 2 .. .. 7 3 .. 121 263 11 69 63 17 16 3 4 2 1 44 50 12 94 77' 3 2 ·4 3 5 2 .. 1 1 53 63 13 127 119 17 13 1 3 3 3 1 1 5 5 58 83 14 149 108 3 3 1 125 130 IS

401 402 9 ' 8 7 37 5 6 10 8 7 276 259 16 181 112 25 18 1 48 6 1 2 107 180 17 106 107 .. .. 77 81 ' 18 247 249 38 53 5 3 9 11 4 154 170 19 146 170 4 8 5 7 1 2 108 118 20

59 ' 48 2 1 3 13 4 4 .. 31 47 21 156 150 13 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 93 93 22 59 42 1 1 4 3 1 36 48 23 47 32 11 21 24 .. .. 1 53 64 24 54 26 43 19 1 3 1 4 1 2 75 126 25

206 140 39 11 89 3 2 183 203 26 52 22 5 6 .. .. 1 1 41 81 27 175 95 6 5 7 1 118 217 28 J86 106 8 14 3 48 12 5 91 156 29 273 192 56 55 53 83 2 2 170 186 30

92 92 1 4 5 23 7 4 46 62 31 155 83 51 18 5 98 2 1 2 146 163 32 47 40 6 4 .. 2 5 36 32 33 206 190 15 10 10 4 13 8 127 181 34 63 31 10 3 2 31 3 1 56 51 3S

35 20 2 .. 16 .. 24 21 36 117 109 1 1 5 5 1 42 38 64 67 37 65 63 4 2 5 7 8 3 12 12 39 49 38 55 46 83 28 1 2 .. 83 160 39 298 268 5 1 15 53 8 1 1 151 177 40

144 114 1 1 80 132 41 146 156 8 5 5 11 14 11 1 79 109 42 174 178 10 10 3 2 6 3 4 132 167 43 16 7 1 2 7 5 11 13 9 44 82 11 3 3 6 72 12 4 1 7 79 89 45

90 75 3 2 5 2 10 9 .. 62 94 46 87 41 41 .. 49 56 47 122 98 9 15 3 30 1 48 67 4S 273 214 62 60 24 83 2 172 184 49 310 177 91 62 3 26 9 8 7 44 216 30l 50 442



C'11~" Literate ,--- L.C. Name of Facilities . in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~------, ,---A----., ,...---+-----, r----A-----, ,---"---, P M F M F M F M F M F - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J 1 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Korra 6,781.1 458 4582,658 1,283 1,375 99 90 1,184 1,261 25 2 820 766 52 Tongras 1,157.4 83 83 447 226 221 7 4 217 216 1 85 76 53 Rasawaya 714.5 63 75 342 167 175 10 5 111 111 1 105 108 54 Andumpal 1,992.2 84 84 452 225 227 215 211 151 156 55 Rokel 3,174.4 146 146 871 411 460 16 20 389 440 35 7 272 291

56 Chhuragatta 550.6- 31 31 150 66 84 .. 43 47 5 52 53 57 Gudra 1,962.1 164 164 728 351 377 44 36 307 304 23 207 188 58 Sitapal 1,063.6 69 69 306 146 160 146 160 87 35 59 Paria 766.8 51 51 256 122 134 122 134 .. 74 16 60 Nayanar 2,619.8 164 171 710 336 374 2 2 320 371 5 228 195

61 Bakulaghat 508.0 32 33 214 106 108 79 80 1 82 82 62 Patinaikkras 928.4 62 62 428 215 213 8 7 171 171 1 144 142 63 Dhobanpal 832.6 72 72 446 216 230 216 230 3 144 109 64 Guma 2,221.8 231 231 1,355 686 669 39 41 542 585 27 1 428 375 65 Kanjipani 1,079.6 72 72 426 210 216 5 7 193 191 16 146 104

66 Raddipal 984.8 49 49 356 155 201 155 194 il2 126 67 Kodaripal 940.0 117 117 534 264 270 1 4 200 239 25 1 166 130 68 Kahayaguda 357.5 16 16 94 44 50 39 50 .. 27 31 69 Mankapal 1,604.6 108 108 676 333 343 22 16 295 297 5 i 182 84 70 Dodpal 1,188.3 78 78 413 203 210 164 170 109 95

71 Bhandarras -. 332.3 32 32 146 73 73 6 3 53 60 .. 51 32 72 Chikaras 167.2 15 15 99 44 . 55 41 43 I 31 35

73 Pujaripal 675.0 42 42 201 96 105 " 91 98 9 64 60 74 Ganjenar 1,536.2 167 167 869 458 411 1 351 349 14 2 285 230 75 Kawasiras 1,740.8 106 106 598 282 316 273 308 1 174 197

76 Sonakukanar 2,356.5 146 146 831 412 419 4 1 186 213 13 .. 294 216 77 Pondum 2,754.5 198 198 1,107 555 552 1 2 515 521 36 2 345 359 78 Hikmiras 1,026.0 70 70 365 175 190 2 1 172 188 138 132 79 Chipurpal 925.5 68 68 440 212 228 13 16 173 203 IS 139 133 80 Ratinaikras 363.2 33 33 177 90 87 51 46 5 63 58

81 Chhindgarh 1,869.9 156 156 817 408 409 33 48 296 289 28 4 256 210 82 Mandi Marka 583.9 53 53 250 129 121 129 121 73 76 83 Chirmur 328.3 23 23 139 69 70 2 1 62 63 1 51 39 84 Birsatpal 779.8 77 78 416 217 199 202 199 .. 141 90 85 Gondpalli (Mandimarka) 905.4 90 90 469 233 236 233 236 1 150 132 P.

86 Parlagatta 375.4 28 28 138 64 74 62 69 47 40 87 Parokondasaoli 203.0 8 8 44 19 2S 19 2S 11 16 88 Nilawaya 726.8 55 55 263 131 132 125 130 1 86 82 89 Pordem 1,497.0 97 97 564 276 288 16 7 247 275 1 188 147 90 Guphadi 1,764.0 109 J09 719 350 369 4 5 334 355 1 206 192

91 Gadiras 7,714.7 472 4722,429 1,1871,242 64 60 934 958 44 7 807 730 92 Nagaras 1,559.7 86 86 SOl 248 253 205 212 2 151 120 93 Dandabadi . 771.9 49 42 214 98 116 95 112 .. 66 69 94 Atkariras 2,781.4 183 183 1, 138 583 555 4 4 62 64 70 361 286 95 Chopel 480.2 29 26 154 79 75 76 70 2 1 49 46

96. Pakela 2,595.8 246 246 1,503 732 771 28 32 589. 626 43 11 476 472 97 Urasgal 716.8 74 74 318 140 178 140 178 89 100 98 Tolawarti 374.6 31 3t 139 70 69 70 69 45 34 99 Bainpalli 666.4 40 40 197 85 112 85 112 59 68 100 Kondasaoli 967.8 111 111 538 270 268 190 187 ISO 133 443


W 0 R K E R S Non- ----"- ., Workers II III IV V VI ! VII VIII ix X L.C. No. ,...----'---., ,..-"--, r---"---. r---"---. ,..--"----, ,..--"----,' r---"---. r--A---., r---"---. ,-.A.--., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

756 625 34 50 9 73 12 16 2 8 .. 463 609 51 58 47 13 5 10. 22 4 2 .. 141 145 52 70 68 2 3 3 6 30 31 62 67 53 131 53 6 1 9 99 5 3 74 71 54 231 169 7 10 11 93 13 -8 6 5 5 1 4 .- ]39 169 55

40 34 10 12 1 7 1 14 31 56 162 131 22 10 6 41 13 6 1 3 .. 144 189 57 26 11 61 23 1 59 125 58 74 15 1 .. 48 118 59 110 101 111 94 .. 5 2 .. 108 179 60

62 30 10 5 10 ,47 24 26 61 129 125 12 11 5 3 1 71 71 62 136 71 6 37 1 1 1 72 121 63 295 256 68 35 10 60 50 24 2 2 .. 258 . 294 64 137 85 6 3 1 14 2 2 64 112 65

101 72 7 3 49 3 2 1 43 75 66 106 31 32 2 10 95 14 2 2 2 98 140 67 8 8 19 18 5 17 19 68 172 78 2 5 1 6 1 1 151 259 b9 107 85 7 1 2 1 1 94 115 70

28 19 21 13 .. 2 22 41 71 30 20 1 3 12 13 20 72 60 34 2 2 2 24 32 45 73 141 65 121 98 16 62 6 5- 1 .. 173 181 74 103 75 64 26 4 96 2 1 -. 108 119 75

268 202 3 2 4 16 4 6 4 118 203 ' 76 302 164 20 7 15 185 3 3 4 .. 210 193 77 120 63 15 67 3 2 37 58 78 125 109 9 6 6 4 11 1 1 73 95 79 51 22 10 2 34 2 27 29 80

197 169 17 25 6 7 8 5 4 4 19 2 152 199 81 69 27 3 1 49 56 45 82 46 34 2 3 1 1 2 1 18 31 83 128 83 6 6 4 1 3 76 109 84 115 46 35 9 77 83 104 85

24 8 23 28 4 17 34 86 6 10 5 6 8 9 87 60 52 26 26 4 .. 45 50 88 113 79 47 50 14 14 12 ',4 2 88 141 89 192 183 12 8 1 1 1 .. 144 177 90

740 644 6 10 26 67 12 8 15 7 380 512 91 146 116 1 1 1 1 2 2 97 133 92 56 17 10 52 32 47 93 333 226 22 15 1 43 3 1 2 1 222 269 94 40 21 7 25 2 30 29 95

438 400 18 25 6 34 10 13 2 .. 256 299 96 59 40 30 46 14 51 78 97 38 15 7 11 8 25 35 98 50 54 7 11 .. 2 3 26 44 99 84 88 34 22 I 20 18 12 4 .. 120 135 100 444


Workers Area Literate L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,------A------, ~ ,------"---, ~ ,.-----A.---, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Porokakadi 242.1 16 16 63 27 36 .<. 27 36 23 26 102 Murrepal 925.4 76 56 360 184 176 5 2 179 174 116 102 103 Kokarpal (Jarutong) 843.1 68 68 426 203 223 203 223 151 <159 104 Silger 444.2 51 51 229 117 112 1 116 112 71 61 105 Bedre 290.8 19 19 113 59 54 59 54 30 29

106 Kodmer 55.3 14 14 66 37 29 37 29 22 14 107 Pujaripal 566.7 47 47 256 124 132 122 132 80 52 108 Gondpalli 2,004.1 114 114 687 338 349 28 25 310 320 2 206 170 109 Kondre 3,968.8 201 201 1,185 552 633 28 23 520 589 9 353 363 110 Jeerampal 5,250.7 297 297 1,803 849 954 123 126 481 578 19 1 590 544

·w Rampuram 570.8 48 48 273 150 123 140 123 79 67 112 Bhelwapal 561.2 57 57 363 187 176 182 172 .. 117 112 113 Burdi (Sawaka) 2,331.8 241 242 1,377 766 611 4 3 727 608 3 514 454 114 Timapuram .. Uninhabited .. 115 Durandarbha 463.2 37 37 168 89 79 77 78 52 38

116 Bhimpuram (Misiguda) P. 645.2 52 52 291 138 153 2 5 136 148 81 90 117 Kunded 663.7 75 75 443 213 230 213 230 124 126 118 Jagargunda P,Po,To. 1,322.5 153 167 675 353 322 57 71 119 III 46 10 240 172 119 Tarlaguda 447.5 56 56 230 113 117 107 110 70 67 120 Vikrampalli 751.9 59 59 285 155 130 14 16 141 114 75 80

121 Durma 773.7 52 52 241 116 125 114 125 84 87 122 Gumodi 862.2 62 62 259 128 131 121 131 89 76 123 Porogumodi 82.2 5 5 27 .11 16 11 16 9 8 124 Badehirma 205.1 19 19 77 40 37 .. .. 40 37 28 23 125 Gonderas 2,561.5 154 154 938 459 479 17 11 406 436 1 271 202

126 Palia 1,222.0 47 47 273 123 150 123 150 75 81 127 Murtonda 2,398.3 203 203 1,210 588 622 9 9 424 471 42 1 391 389 128 Geedam 632.3 37 39 224 103 121 103 121 79 80 129 Teklagudiam Uninha!Jited .. 130 Puwarti 169.9 16 16 78 41 37 40 34 19 19

131 Jonaguda 71.2 4 4 20 10 10 10 10 6 6 132 Penta 968.9 28 28 158 85 73 75 68 47 45 133 Singaram 309.4 20 20 103 54 49 54 49 31 23 134 Rajpenta 684.4 37 37 184 88 96 63 74 57 51 135 Achkat 460.0 14 14 92 38 54 38 54 25 32

136 Golagudiam 229.0 16 16 74 37 37 37 37 21 22 137 Kamaram P. 1,025.7 81 81 404 222 182 15 18 196 164 13 6 122 104 138 Banjepalli 798.2 54 54 281 125 156 116 156 83 89 139 Alampalli (Bcdma) 363.1 69 69 367 187 180 .. < .. 176 166 109 96 140 Badesatti 4,576.2 283 283 1,723 793 930 17 20 742 876 2 488 348

141 Bodko 2,051.9 142 142 862 433 429 8 6 415 409 271 209 142 Phoolbagdi 2,038.0 139 139 856 435 421 1 425 415 1 252 270 143 Nilawaram 2,067.3 85 85 523 254 269 30 32 224 189 168 186 144 Mullaguda 964.4 40 43 282 129 153 12~ 153 79 89 145 Jhapra 994.2 63 63 414 218 196 218 195 137 113

146 Tumalpad 147 91.8 12 12 86 41 45 38 45 27 21 Supanguda 159.5 23 23 116 59 57 58 57 32 31 148 Chimli 765.6 26 54 65 149 Milampalli 26 119 54 65 31 33 150 492.4 70 70 274 151 123 148 123 1 103 74 Chilmalawa 260.0 25 25 128 66 62 66 62 47 44 445


w 0 R K E R S Non- ---, Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,..----"-----, ,---A--, .r--..A_- .... r---"----.., r--..A..---, ,..----"----.., ,.---J----.., r--"-----. ,--A-, ,.--A----., M F M F 'M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

18 18 5 8 .. .. " 4 10 101 109 53 .. 3 47 3 2 1 68 74 102 129 152 III 6 4 1 52 64 103 39 22 32 10 29 46 51 104 14 10 16 12 : 7 29 25 105

13 ' 6 9 8 15 15 106 79 39 1 t 12 " 44 80 107 201 104 1 1 t)5 2 .. 2 132 179 108 322 341 6 9 5 1 15 12 1 3 199 270 109 519 490 20 15 11 6 38 33 2 259 410 110

74 60 3 1 'I 4 3 71 56 111 100 102 11 3 6 7 70 64 112 413 357 72 65 23 28 5 4 1 252 157 113 .'. .. Uninhabited .. 114 28 15 22 7 1 16 1 37 41 115

76 67 3 4 1 17 2 57 63 116 105 70 17 23 1 33 .. 1 89 104 117 133 114 37 35 4 4 1 24 15 11 3 6 1 20 4 113 150 118 31 30 35 33 3 1 4 .. 43 50 119 44 42 26 34 2 4 2 1 80 50 120

57 54 27 33 .. 32 38 121 62 43 25 32 1 1 1 39 55 122 9 8 2 8 123 20 16 8 7 12 14 124 248 131 18 8 63 4 1 188 277 '125

75 75 6 .. 48 69 126 353 355 15 14 12 12 7 5 4 3 197 233 127 49 63 16 12 1 13 5 24 41 128 . , Uninhabited .. 129 18 3 1 2 14 22 18 130

4 2 6 4 4 131 37 37 9 7 1 1 38 28 132 " 23 26 24 17 7 6 " 133 36 30 14 19 5 2 2 31 4:5 134 19 22 6 10 13 22 135

14 16 6 5 1 1 16 15 136 94 84 8 9· 11 9 6 2 3 100 78 137 61 66 22 23 42 67 138 74 65 28 19 7 12 .. 78 84 139 461 316 14 4 4 22 3 2 3 4 3 305 5£2 140

230 125 18 3 17 77 4 4 2 162 220 141 214 240 33 30 .. 3 2 ,' . 183 151 142 159 178 2 2 1 5 2 5 86 83 143 49 59 23 20 3 7 7 50 64 144 80 63 30 25 4 15 23 10 81 83 145

19 6 8 1 14 14 24 146 22 21 10 10 27 26 147 23 24 8 9 23 32 148 47 44 52 30 2 2 48 49 149 34 39 4 4 9 1 19 18 150 446


Workers Name Area Literate r----- L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ...., r---"---, r---..A-.~ r---"---, ,.---'---, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Michiguda 749.4 62 62 338 166 172 8 6 150 158 3 125 123 152 Chichorguda 644.5 28 28 167 73 94 .. 73 94 50 66 153 Sukma 4,005.5 384 427 2,075 1,084 991 81 97 389 384 324 83 732 442 154 Chimabodkel 126.4 9 9 59 32 27 26 14 21 16 155 Bhimpur (Karkaguda) 87.3 7 7 45 21 24 21 24 14 12

156 Kistaram 60.0 18 17 99 49 50 49 50 27 25 157 Ramaram N.A. .. Uninhabited .. 158 Lakhapal 706.1 38 40 228 117 111 117 111 .. 92 81 159 Nagaram 685.4 73 75 376 189 187 181 182 2 141 126 160 Gogunda P. 2,125.4 270 272 1,317 657 660 1 1 646 644 2 445 432

161 Konanguda 469.4 17 17 96 43 53 43 53 31 27 162 Kudakras 979.0 38 40 194 98 96 97 94 1 62 56 163 Mangipal (Guttaguda) 589.2 28 28 163 78 85 70 81 54 39 164 Jabbagatta N.A. .. Uninhabited .. 165 Pedabodkel 184.8 15 20 84 47 37 1 2 3 1 32 24

166 Chintalnar P,D. 1,656.7 78 89 420 219 201 31 31 148 133 17 156 119 167 Keralapenda 451.2 72 70 368 178 190 170 177 109 122 168 Kotapalli 1,040.6 83 83 400 201 199 199 195 130 131 169 Timapenta N.A. .. Uninhabited .. 170 Sirsetti 1,545.2 108 108 708 335 373 2 3 333 . 351 208 231

171 Borguda 1,514.5 56 56 346 182 164 182 155 104 99 172 Gongla 1,374.4 79 80 424 233 191 54 49 79 71 30 150 101 . 173 Morpalli 243.2 25 25 159 80 79 13 8 54 56 174 Kottaguda 215.3 26 27 145 80 65 ~ . 80 65 67 55 175 Gangulawa 459.7 30 30 116 58 58 58 58 39 38

176 Kudkel 780.0 34 34 242 120 122 5 2 109 113 77 76 177 PusapaIli 853.0 63 63 290 151 139 144 134 105 36 178 Mukram 413.5 26 27 138 80 58 70 50 56 39 179 TongpaJli 220.0 25 26 151 76 75 .. 76 75 50 53 180 Bagdcguda 1,127.8 64 65 334 155 179 3 4 130 154 109 107

181 Paria (Sarasihi) 894.4 46 47 280 128 152 128 152 92 112 182 Pongabheji 2,202.3 118 118 803 404 399 391 386 242 249 183 Koyabekur 1,647.8 70 70 482 244 238 7 3 231 224 165 148 184 Golabekur 1,260.9 71 71 414 204 210 135 122 185 Telawarti 399.2 17 18 78 35 43 30 41 25 24

186 Tokanpalli 223.6 12 12 55 29 26 29 26 17 15 187 Gattapal N.A...... Uninhabited ...... " 188 Ramaram 988.4 52 52 287 147 140 116 115 30 5 90 68 189 Nadigufa (Potasukma) 808.1 40 40 233 114 119 114 115 71 56 190 Tadmetla 45.4 13 14 59 33 26 33 26 23 15

191 Burkapal 519.1 26 27 152 73 79 72 52 43 52 192 Chikapalli 63.3 9 9 35 16 19 16 19 .. 12 13 193 Samsatti Po,P. 3,363.9 200 201 940 486 4'54 II 11 457 432 2 283 281 194 Kerlapal 2,536.1 137 137 847 420 427 g II 307 348 15 5 250 244 195 Temalwada 873.8 25 25 131 64 67 64 67 42 38

196 Upampalli 329.6 18 18 88 44 44 44 44 27 32 197 Chikpal 973.9 73 73 443 228 215 168 150 1 146 145 198 Minpa (Burkapal) N.A. Uninhlbiteil 199 Chintagufa 434.0 40 52 235 130 105 12 12 107 93 6 92 69 200 Pusuwada 298.4 31 31 148 75 73 75 70 44 45 447


W 0 R K E R S Non· ------~ ., Workers II III IV V VI VII VIIl IX X L.C. No. ,-----'----, ,----A---., ,---"----., ", ... --A..~ ,----"----,' ,--..A.---., ,.----A---, ,-----"----., r-_..A___~ r---A.._~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M' F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22, 23 24 25 26 Z7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

101 102 3 2 12 15 7 4 2 41 49 151 33 47 17 19 .. 23 28 152 330 262 18 17 18 26 25 6 52 8 55 ,4 .9 .. 225 119 352 549 153 20 7 1 1 8 11 11 154 14 5 7 7 12 155

27 15 10 22 25 156 ...... Uninhabited ., 157 85 66 2 3 5 ii .. 25 30 158 113 104 7 10 ·20 12 .. 1 48 61 159 407 398 33 27 1 3 3 4 1 212 228 160

28 23 2 3 1 1 12 26 161 41 26 ]1 20 3 1 9 7 36 40 162 51 38 3 1 24 46 163 .. Uninhabited .. 164 24 5 2 5 1 14 4 1 15 13 Hi5

119 77 12 10 6 26 7 1 4 5 4 1 2 63 82 166 105 117 3 3 2 1 69 68 167 130 131 71 68 168 .. .. Uninhabited " 169 202 224 3 2 1 5 2 127 142 170

Ill) 82 11 13 " 4 4 78 65 171 99 83 17 3 34 15 83 90 172 48 50 5 4 1 1 1 26 23 173 63 47 4 8 13 10, 174 39 38 19 20 175

73 73 2 2 43 46 176 103 34 2 1 46 103 177 55 39 1 24 19 178 48 50 2 3 26 22 179 84 90 12 8 12 7 1 2 46 72 180

82 106 .. 10 6 36 40 181 236 234 5 9 6 1 162 150 182 151 123 13 10 15 1 79 90 183 133 114 2 6 2 69 88 184 22 17 3 3 4 10 19 185

17 15 12 11 186 .. .. Uninhabited .. 187 78 53 4 4 11 1 2 5 57 72 188 63 44 2 I 3 10 3 1 43 63 189 23 15 10 11 190

43 52 30 27 191 12 13 .. , . 4 6 192 263 263 11 15 2 5 3 2 203 173 193 188 209 27 28 2 2 1 3 3 12 1 6 2 8 2 170 183 194 42 37 I 22 29 1()5

27 32 17 12 196 120 82 20 25 6 38 82 70 197 .. . ' .. Uninhabited ...... 198 46 49 2 2 42 20 38 36 199 43 44 1 1 31 28 200 448


Workers Name Area L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---"------. ,..----A---, ~ ..--"-----, ,..----"----, P M F M F M F M F M F / 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Gondpalli 630.5 47 47 305 150 155 146 150 96 92 202 Pinabheji 1,083.0 54 54 283 138 145 .. 134 140 1 90 92 203 MUndpaIli 574.5 56 56 294 142 152 3 2 139 150 83 96 204 Misma P. 865.7 67 68 341 163 178 159 177 4 113 113 205 Duled 98.1 8 9 45 27 18 27 18 18 14

206 Godelguda 417.1 34 34 137 75 62 75 62 52 43 207 KakerJanka 667.0 48 68 261 137 124 11 11 110 106 9 107 77 208 PunpaJli P. 1,422.4 113 lJ3 :i71 287 284 3 2 283 260 3 179 171 209 Korrigundam 311.2 31 31 135 69 66 4 63 66 51 47 210 Rangaraiguda N.A. Uninhabited I 211 Modaguda N.A. Uninhabited .. . . 212 Dul'batota P,Po. 1,204.5 113 113 657 316 341 301 322 25 1 186 177 213 Korrapalli 455.6 38 38 194 101 93 .. 98 88 60 55 214 Polampalli 972.5 103 103 528 264 264 3 2 261 249 172 166 215 Bardelpal (Toyaguda) 653.5 58 58 362 177 185 167 177 94 85

216 Pedaguda 301.3 6 6 21 14 7 14 7 8 3 217 Sakloor 540.0 10 12 75 38 37 38 37 22 20 218 Palamadgu 601.1 46 47 227 114 1I3 114 113 .. 72 69 219 Gorguda 802.7 80 80 451 234 217 .. .. 199 196 1 .. 145 135 220 Dewarpalli 1,093.0 104 104 483 231 252 12 14 201 227 8 2 170 172

221 Elmaguda 150.0 11 13 62 31 31 31 31 22 20 222 Dubba Konta N.A. Uninhabited .. . . 223 Arlampalli 490.2 44 44 238 122 116 120 116 .. 84 70 224 Nagalgunda P,Mcw,Po. 1,313.2 42 107 558 292 266 269 250 20 1 173 161 225 Karuapedaguda 440.7 41 41 203 106 97 106 97 61 56

226 Medwahi 1,351.3 86 86 441 215 226 .. .. 207 226 10 5 126 136 227 Penta 450.7 50 52 270 127 143 11 12 100 126 7 1 85 82 228 Dornapal 243.0 26 26 117 63 54 2 2 7 1 39 32 229 Kolaiguda 311.2 24 24 132 66 66 1 1 S6 57 6 1 51 41 230 Burunglanka 680.0 2 10 45 22 23 22 23 14 11

231/1 Tetrai 453.5 48 48 289 139 150 2 6 137 144 89 99 231/2 Pidbher N.A. 28 28 129 66 63 66 63 39 40 232 Argatta (Bariguda) P. 1,158.6 147 147 749 357 392 3S2 380 18 214 255 233 Gachanpalli 879.4 11 12 52 25 27 2S 27 .. 17 16 234 Nilamguda 1,280.0 18 18 109 55 54 54 49 2 32 28 235 PorakpalJi 720.0 5 5 26 15 11 15 11 6 7

236/1 Birabhatti N.A. 12 12 65 41 24 41 24 26 18 236/2 Jagaram N.A. 19 19 84 39 45 39 45 28 31 237 Pedakurti 493.0 48 48 229 115 114 111 109 79 74 238 Amapenta 300.0 6 6 35 15 20 15 20 11 11 239 Palachilmia 1,520.0 17 99 56 43 56 42 1 31 23 240 20 Manikonta 1,129.6 53 54 259 133 126 L. 131 126 82 50

241 Kistaram P. 1,188.0 51 64 392 187 205 3 176 197 5 108 106 242 Bheji 243 P,T. 387.5 50 49 199 99 100 44 51 19 5 66 37 Ragadgatta 226.7 28 28 129 69 60 68 59 8 37 32 244 Maraiguda 245 804.1 51 51 244 120 124 118 120 4 66 29 G~ganpalli P. 1,272.9 104 106 . 587 283 304 277 302 25 158 95

246 Birla 247 Somanpenta 368.3 27 27 134 67 67 67 66 42 16 248 Mangalguda 1,186.0 2 2 10 7 3 7 3 6 2 249 Tiganpalli 163.1 17' 19 110 54 56 54 56 30 30 250 Elkaguda 640.0 10 10 60 23 37 23 37 14 14 396.9 8 8 49 29 20 29 20 21 12 449


W 0 R K E R S Non- , Workers L.C. 11 III IV V VI , VII VIII IX X No. r--A---, ,.---A----.. r--'---, ,---A--, r--"--, ,----A---, ,---A---, ,----A--"'; ,---A------.., r--"----. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

73 65 17 16 4 10 2 54 63 201 80 84 5 4 4 4 1 48 53 202 73 83 9 10 1 3 .. 59 56 203 109 109 3 4 1 50 65 204 13 11 5 3 9 4 205

51 . 42 1 1 ...... 23 19 206 69 55 1 1 .. 35 21 1 1 30 47 207 140 39 10 1 23 129 3 2 .. 1 2 108 113 208 43 29 2 13 6 5 .. 18 19 209 Uninhabited 210

.. .. Uninhabited .. .. 211 133 142 30 30 5 9 4 5 2 1 2 130 164 212 60 55 .. 41 38 213 126 96 33 51 4 12 15 1 92 98 214 84 72 8 10 1 3 1 83 100 215

7 3 1 6 4 216 7 7 13 13 2 16 17 217 70 67 1 1 1 1 .. 42 44 218 104 73 40 60 1 1 1 .. ._ .. 89 82 219 112 94 2 3 20 44 1 2 .. 26 27 9 2 61 80 220

5 2 15 9 2 7 2 .. .. 9 11 221 .. Uninhabited 222 62 60 22 10 .. .. 38 46 223 150 134 13 5 4 22 2 1 3 119 105 224 45 24 16 32 45 41 225

95 99 26 28 5 9 .. 89 90 226 50 55 12 3 13 22 .. 8 2 2 42 61 227 22 20 7 12 4 3 3 24 22 228 36 33 1 4 .. 14 4 . 15 ;!5 229 3 3 10 8 1 8 12 230

61 79 25 8 12 50 51 231/1 39 33 7 27 23 231/2 207 244 5 11 .. 2 143 137 232. 1 1 16 15 .. .. 8 11 233 8 7 19 16 4 1 5 23 26 234 3 6 4 9 4 235

26 18 .. 15 6 236/1 28 30 1 11 14 236/2 74 60 5 3 11 36 40 237 2 3 9 8 .. 4 9 238 12 8 12 8 6 1 7 25 20 239. 28 19 52 25 ) 6 51 76 240

28 17 65 74 5 7 15 .. 2 79 99 241 23 16 20 11 " . 1 .. 19 9 4 33 63 242 24 15 11 8 I 8 1 1 .. 32 28 243 8 2. 56 10 1 17 1 54 95 244 125 48 1 30 29 17 .3 125 209 245

11 6 31 9 1 25 51 246 1 2 1 1 1 .. 2 1 1 247 9 4 15 8 3 3 15 .. 1 2 24 26 248 7 9 7 5 .. 9 23 249 3 16 1 2 11 - 8 8 250 450


Workers Name Area L.C. of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Trib~s Educated kers (I-IX) ,---A.._---. r---"-----. ,.--.A-----. • ,.--.A----, ,.--.A----., P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Arlapenta P.D. 440.0 9 ] 1 51 29 22 29 22 20 ]6 252 Dharmapenta P,D. 360.0 6 8 36 16 20 15 17 10 9 253 Sindurguda P,D. 250.0 15 17 106 54 ;;2 54 52 32 31 254 Masalmadgu 650.0 8 11 53 27 26 24 25 16 15 255 Konhiguda (Goniguda) 120.0 4 5 34 17 17 17 17 9 9

256 Jabeli 450.0 9 10 40 26 14 26 14 .. 13 13 2;7 Singaram 450.0 15 15 76 40 36 1 39 36 1 24 20 258 Korajguda 600.0 9 11 61 30 31 28 2<] 19 16 259 Chintagupba 160.3 17 19 109 53 56 53 56 33 17 260 Lendra 246.3 23 24 136 76 60 74 59 37 20

261 Errabore P, Mcw,Po. 1,56j).2 210 231 1,152 568 584 2 3 508 551 40 2 370 315 262 Raiguda P,D. 390.0 7 7 27 13 14 .. lD 14 10 9 263 Tarlaguda 566.3 12 12 64 29 35 4 4 20 22 .. .. 21 22 264 GoJapalli P,D. 568.3 19 22 116 62 54 6 7 26 25 27 9 43 23 265 Vanjalwahi 650.0 27 31 106 52 54 52 54 1 31 25

266 Gorkha 251.1 18 22 118 59 59 2 2 41 40 8 31 17 267 Attigatta N.A. .. Uninhabited 268 poJampalli P,D. 731. 0 8 9 42 21 21 21 21 13 13 269 Mamirguda 566.0 24 31 157 80 77 76 77 2 41 40 270 Gompad 75.0 9 9 63 27 36 27 36 14 17

271 Rajpenta (Darbhaguda) 242.9 7 12 65 36 29 36 29 16 8 272 Milakisoli 434.7 37 37 185 91 94 91 94 54 47 273 Pedakisoli 238.4 .. Uninhabited 274 Jangaram 348.3 31 31 136 71 65 69 65 35 32 275 Bhattiguda 980.0 21 26 113 59 54 44 41 1 39 31

276 Mehta Mew. 248.9 14 19 101 48 53 45 47 2 25 27 277 Durma N.A. .. Uninhabited 278 Dubbamarka N.A. .. .. Uninhabited .. .. 279 Nilamadgu 135.4 10 12 49 23 26 23 26 17 13 280 Kamrajpad N.A. .. Uninhabited

281 Irpaguda 313.3 15 16 75 35 40 .. 35 40 24 24 282 Asirguda 5(+.9 45 49 225 100 125 2 4 97 120 2 2 62 70 281 Ilijaram P,Po. 443.1 66 67 336 181 155 2 2 13,0 131 38 6 123 79 284 Metaguda 377 .2 31 32 149 68 81 68 81 44 40 285 Banjamguda 435.6 12 J2 54 3Q 24 30 24 14 13

286 Kanhaiguda 202.7 6 6 25 14 11 14 11 .. S 9 287/1 Somalgudiyam P,D. 172.7 14 15 89 48 41 ' .. 48 41 1 35 29 Uninhabited 287/2 Redpal:i N.A. " ...... -. 288 Vankamadgu P,D. 450.0 9 9 48 28 20 28 23 .. 18 16 289 Pusuguda 251. 7 17 18 100 48 52 48 52 1 33 29

290 Gangrajpad 63.3 .. Uninhabited .. 291 Pha,diguda 1,046.8 90 92 426 198 228 2 2 196 226 2 137 146 292 Kotur' P,D. 500.0 19 25 111 63 48 63 '48 1 39 33 293 Kutagangler 450.0 16 16 86 49 37 49 37 38 25 294 Nulkatong N.A. .. Uninhabited

295 Balangtong Uninhabited N.A. .. " .. 296 Venkatapal N.A. 1 I 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 297 Banda 1,165.9 41 41 182 92 90 92 90 59 52 298 Sunnamguda 257.8 13 16 83 46 37 46 37 23 25 299 Bojraiguda Uninhabited 300 40.9 Dhondra 1,455.4 118 128 605 _2~6 309 263 272 31 9 199 160 451


W 0 R K E R S Non------'- Workers L.C. II III IV V VI , VII VIII IX X No.

r__"'__'" ,----A---., .---"--, ~ '_""'-, ,.----A-I-., ,---'----., , ...... , r-.A.---., ,...... --"--:---- M [F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31

10 8 4 4 2 3 4 9 . 6 251 5 5 4 3 1 1 .. 6 11 252 18 22 11 5 2 1 3 1 22 21 253 8 7 8 8 11 11 254 6 7 3 2 8 8 255

8, 9 5 4 .. 13 1 15 13 6 7 1 2 16 16 j 8 5 11 It 11 15 258 31 11 2 6 20 39 259 23 14 13 7 39 40 260

137 117 195 172 18 i18 4 2 1 4 1 2 9 5 198 269 . 261 6 8 4 1 3 5 262 11 15 10 7 .. 8 13 263 8 7 3 4 11 5 1 3 2 1 16 5 19 31 264 12 10 18 15 1 21 29 265

17 2 2 12 12 2 28 42 266 .. .. Uninhabited .. 267 5 3 7 10 .. 1 .. 8 8 268 '16 19 20 20 1 .. 1 3 1 39 37 269 7 10 7 5 2 13 19 270

8 1 8 7 20 21 271 41 36 13 10 1 .. .. 37 47 272 ...... Uninhabited 273 26 21 9 11 36 33 274 17 17 11 11 4 7 3 20 23 275

22 22 1 1 4 ., .. 1 23 26 276 .. Uuinhabited ., 277 " ., Uninhabited 278 2 14 13 1 .. .. 6 13 279 . , Uninhabited .. 280

11 4 12 18 1 • 11 16 281 24 29 34 31 .. 2 10 2 38 55 282 34 28 32 25 3 4 42 22 3 9 58 76 283 30 29 8 11 4 1 1 24 41 284 14 13 16 11 285

7 7 1 2 6 2 286 17 12 1 7 7 3 7 •• o' 10 13 12 287/1 .. Uninhabited " .. 287/2 3 15 11 3 " .. 2 10 4 288 28 25 5 4 15 23 289

Uninhahited ...... 290 57 69 73 70 2 1 3 7 1 61 82 291 23 19 16 13 1 24 15 292 21 14 9 9 1 1 1 1 6 11 12 293 Uninhabited 294

Uninhabited 295 2 1 296 48 43 9 9 1 1 33 38 297 20 19 3 6 .. .. 23 12 298 Uninhabited " 299 109 85 41 45 4 3 20 22 8 1 1 7 4 105 149 300 452


Workers Area Literate L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Total population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-~ .-....____, ,.---'---, .--"--.. ,.-----A-, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

301 Pusugufa P. 588.0 8 10 47 26 21 26 21 18 11 302 Lingampalli P,D. 671.0 17 22 88 42 46 42 46 29 30 303 Kanhaiguda (Nilameta) N.A. Uninhabited 304 Murliguda 268.3 20 20 88 36 52 36 52 1 25 3S 305 Chintakonta 172.7 13 13 57 31 26 31 26 17 16

306 Mangalguda 143.8 7 7 36 18 18 9 13 12 8 307 Venkatapuram 53.1 18 19 57 30 21 20 17 5 5 12 1 19 14 308 Maraiguda P,D. 1,316.5 31 38 210 111 99 110 98 7 76 62 309/1 Kanhaiguda P,D. 340.7 5 5 25 10 15 10 15 8 10 309/2 Kariguda 1,080.0 12 14 74 33 41 33 41 22 25

310 Konta P,M,D, Rhc, 868.5 241 252 1,133 643 490 39 30 161 118 '264 99 403 103 Hos,Mcw, MP(A), MP (0), E,Po, To. 453


w 0 R K E R s- , Non- Workers L.C. I II III IV V VI VII vm IX X No. ..----'----, ..----'----, ..----'---, ,--.A---, r---'----, ..----'---, r--A---. ,--.A---, ,---1'---, ,....-A..--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

7 5 10 6 8 10 301 8 9 19 14 'i 4 3 13 16 302 .. Uninhabited 303 25 35 .. .. 11 17 304 15 13 2 3 .. 14 10 30S

,10 8 2 .. 6 10 306 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 8 1 2 10 11 13 307 54 45 8 5 11 7 1 5 2 35 37 308 5 8 2 2 1 2 5 • 309/1 6 4 14 5 3 1 13 1 11 16 309/2

28 11 2 23 21 40 2 3 7 IS 68 21 18 .. 206 40 240 387 310




Appendix I-Industrial EstabHshments 457-467

Appendix II~ Towns and Villages served by metalled roads (All villages having roads in the

! village itself or within one mile of the village are included in the Appendix) 468-469

Appendix III-Towns and Villages having railway stations within five miles 470

Appendix IV-Towns and Villages having bus-stops 471

Appendix V-Towns and Villages having public libraries 472

Appendix VI-Towns and Villages having public reading rooms 473

Appendix VU-Towns and Villages having pucca wells for the supply of drinking water togl!ther with their number 474-477

Appendix VrTT-Towns and Villages having public latrines 478

Appendix IX-Towns and Villages hav~ng drains 479

Appendix X-Towns and Villages in which weekly or fortnightly markets are held together with the days on which held 480-481

Appendix XI-Towns and Villages having Co-operative Societies together with the description of the society 482



Note:-This appendix has been prepared from information abstracted from the houselists. It is arranged first districtwise; that is, under the name ~ the district have been arranged the industries in ascending order of minor groups; showing the total number of establishments within brackets next to each minor group. The information has been shown by total, rural and urban separately. The figures for the tahsil follow the figures for the district as a whole. The total, rural and urban fjgures for each tahsil for each minor group of industry showing the number of establishments in each in braCkets have been presented first. Then follows the list of the villages in the order of their location code numbers with the location code num,?er appearing first, followed by the name of the village. Against each village is shown the minor group or minor· groups of industry found in the village with the number of establishments in that minor group shown within brackets against each minor group. For towns, figures have been presented separately for each ward, the number of ward being given first, followed by the industrial code numbers etc. as. in the case of villages.

The follOWing examples will make the above Note clear :-

Bastar District Total 200 (63) signifies that there are 63 establishments in Bastar District pertaining to Minor Group 200, which stands for "Production of rice, atta, flour etc. by milling dehusking and processing of crops and foodgrains". Bhanupratappur Tahsil Total 207 (34) signifies that there are 34 establishments in Bhanupratappur Tahsil pretaining to Minor Group 207, which stands for "Production of edible fats and oils (other than hydrogenated oil)," Village 6 Nendgaon 36~ (1), signifies that in Village Nendgaon which has 6 as its Location code number there is on~ establishment pertaining to Minor Group 369 which stands for "Manufacture of sundry hardwares such as G, I pipe, wire, net, bolt, screw, bucket, cutlery". Kanker town, Ward No.1 284 (2) signifies that there are two establishments located in Ward No.1 of Kanker Town pertaining to Minor Group 284 which stands for" Manufacture of other wooden products such as utensils, toys."


Total-200 (63), 205(1), 207(85), 209(128) 212(136}, Urban-2oo(13), 205(1), 207(2), 209(46), 212(2), 214 (2), 215(1), 220(3), 230(1), 235(1), 273(54), 214(4), 215(1~, 220(13),230(1), 235 (1,212), 236 278(1), 280(7), 281(14), 283(2),284(4), 302(2), (41), 255(9), 272(2), 273(103), 274(1), 278(2), 320(2), 336(3), 350(9), 368(1),. 369(9), 378(1), 280(13), 281(24), 283(37" 284(17j. 288(700), 384 (8), 388(25),392(1), 393(21), 399(4). 289(7), 302(2),310(1), 311(36), 313(3), 320(2), 335(5), 336(3), -342(2), 343(1), 350(485), 360(2), t BHANUPRATAPPUR TAHSIL 365(46),368(1), 369(901), 378(1),384(10), 388(42), 389(1),)92(1), 393(175), 399(7). Total-200(3), 207(34), 209(1), 212(8), 235(2),273(11), 278(1), 280(2).281(3), 283(3), 288(5), 311(2). 350(60), 365(4), 369(109), 388(2), 393(4). Rural-200(50), 207(83),209(82),212(134), 214(2), 220(10), 235(1,211), 236(41),255(9), 272(2), 273(49),274 Rural- 200(3),207(34),209(1), 212(8), 235(2), 273(11), (1),278(1), 280(6), 281(10), 283(35), 284(13), 278(1),280(2). 281(3). 283(3), 288(5), 311(2), 288(700),289(7), 310(1), 311(36),'313(3), 335(5), 350(60), 365(4), 369(109), 388(2), 393(4). 342(2),343(1),350(476),360(2),365(46).369(892), 384(2), 388(17), 389(1). 393(154), 399(3). Urban- NIL 458




Location code number and name of village 118 Kondrung 369(1). 119 Gudurn 369(1). 6 Neudgaou 369(1). 125 Chabcla 350(1). 128 Bheja 369(1). 10 Parrekodo 288(1), 369(1). 129 Astara 369(1). 11 Kalangpuri 369(1). 130 Uikatola 369(1). 12 Jhitka Tola 288(2), 369~2). 13 Kachche 369(1). 131 Gondpal 369 (I). 15 Kalagaon 369(1). 132 Gurdalola 350(1). 134 Hanpatri 369(1). 16 Bhairawabi 288(1), 369(1), 135 Dangra 369(1). 17 Salhe 365(1), 369(1). 19 Bbainsakanhar 369t1). 21 Mohgaon 369(1). 136 Utamar 369(1), 137 Basala 283(1), 350(7), 25 Hatkondal 350(2), 393(1) 138 Ghlltha 350(1), 26 Bhainsakanhar 369(1). ' 141 Barwi 369(1). 27 Taikabhoda 212(1), 369(1). 148 Ghodabatter369(1). 28 Eragaon 369(l). 149 Telama 365(1). 32 Haranpuri 207(1), 369(1). 151 Hatarkasa 207(1), 350(1). 36 Korakhurri 369(1). 152 Nelchang 365(1). 37 Chbiodgaon 369(1). 153 Kodekhurse 350(8). 38 Damokasa 369(1). 154 Surungdab 212(1), :\69(1). 40 BburslI TaranduJ 369(1). 42 Seoni 369(1). 157 Bhandardigi 369(1), 158 Kbutgaou 369(1). 44 Bil1llYlIkpur 369(1). 160 Gbotia 207(3), 212(1),369(1), 49 I




Total-200(30), 205(1), 207(44), 209(30), 212(8), 220(12), 87 Hatkacharma 369(1). 235(35), 255(9); 273(32), 280(1), 283(8), 28~(8), 88 Ankhiharra 369(1). 288(42), 313(3), '335(3), 350(87), 369(150), 388(9), 89 Kochwahl 369(1). 93 Kurrathemrl 369(1). 389(1), 393(38), 399(1). 9S Chino uri 369(2). 99 Mayana 212(1), 369(1). RuraI-200(28), 207(44), 209(11), 212(7), 220(,), 235(35), 101 Bhaisakatta 369(1), 102 Palewa 273(1), 288(9),'393(1). 255(9), 273(17), 283(8), 284(6), 288(42), 313(3), 104 Kisanpuri (Pando) 369(1). 335(3), 350(87),369(149), 388(5), 389(1), 393(31), 105 Charbhata 369(3). 399(1) . 108 Kanapond 393(1). Urban-200(2), 205(1), 209(19), 212(1), 220(3),273(15), 280(1), 109 Piproud 235(6), 273(1),288(3), 369(1). 284(2), 369(1), 388(4), 393(7). 110 Umradah 273(1). 112 Gandagouri 369(1). 113 Khair Kheda 369(1). Location code number and n~me o[ village 114 Bodeli (Panka) 369(1). 115 Bandatola 369(1), 393(1). 117 Risewada 350(5), 369(1). 1 Damkasa 369(2). 120 Kottara 369(2), 393(3). 2 Dokla 22.0(1), 284(1), 350(14), 369(2). 121 Lakbanpuri 200(1), 369(1). 3 Ka$llWabl 369(1). 6 Bharritola 369(1). - 7 Machandur 369(1),393(2). 122 Sbahwada 369(1). 8 Mahud 369(1). 125 Katagaon 350(2), 369(1). 21 Davinawagaon 369(2). 126 Janwartara 369(1). 22 Baghdongari Halba 200(1), 369(1). 128 Tarasgaon 288(3), 369(1). 23 Marwadi 369(1). 129 Kllrna 200(1) 273(1), 369(1). 24 Charama 200(3),209(5),220(5),235(3),350(8). 369(2), 131 Amoda 369(1). 388(2), 393(2). 132 Bhaismudi 350(1). 133 Deogaon 288(2), 350(3). 134 Siharinara 369(1). 27 Girhola 220(1). 135 Jamgaon 369t1). 29 Gitpahar 200(5), 207(4), 235(1),273(2),284(1), 369(4) 393(1). 30 Muddhowa 369(1). 137 Guttitola 369(1). 31 Biranpur 369(1).' 138 Tclgara 369(1), 393(2). 39 Haradola 207(1), 273(2), 350(4), 369(2). 141 ParsOda j-6Q(1). 40 Jepra 200(1), 273(3), 284(1). 142 Bagdongri 350(6), 369(1), 393(2): 41 HaIba 200(3), 207(1), 220(1), 235(11), 273(3), 284(1), 143 Udkuda 283(2). 313(3). 350(5), 369(1), 388(1), 393(2). 144 Mudpas (Subhia) 350(7), 369(1). 42 Surhi 2000). 145 Dhakuma 369(1), 393(1). 146 Korrampara 288(6). 148 GawarsiIi 369(1). 44 Dargahan 369(1). 149 Dabbipani 369(1). 45 Karra (Jaisa) 220(1), 369(2). 46 Kilepar 393(3). . 151 Chandeli 369(1). 47 Bhaupuri 200(2), 207(1), 284(1), 369(1). 153 Salebbat (Matadin) 273(1). 52 Bargari 369(1). ISS Junwani (Rlimpur) 350(2), 393(2). 53 Nawagaon (Saradhu) 200(2), 255(7). 156 Chenar 369(1). 54 Tikrapara 284(1), 369(1). 1!'i9' Ghotiyawahi 369(1). 55 DumarPani 369(1). 161 Hinganjhar 350(15). 60 Kurrubhat 369(1). 162 Gourgaon 212(1), 369(1). 62 NarharPur 369(2), 388(1). 163 Nara 369(1). 165 Shamtara 207(3), 235(1),393(1). 66 Sirsida 369(3). 166 KeontintoJa 369(1). 67 Ratesara 369(9). 68 Golkumhda 369(1). 168 Mainpur 283(1), 69 Khartha 235(1). 169 Nawagaon (Natbia) 350(1), 369(1). 70 Tankhpar 369(1). 170 Kokdi 207(2),288(1). 72 Bahnapani 369(2). 173 Gahrinbaudha 369(2). 74 Barkachhar 369(2). 177 Panderwllhi 369(1). 76 Bhuigaon 200(1). 209(2), 369(1). 178 Bagodar 207(8), 369(1). 77 Kotela 369(1). 179 Hatkongera 200(2),207(5), 235(11), 273(2), 369(3) 78 Naudabri 369(1). 180 Salbetola 350(1). 83 Markatola (Myana) 369(1). 181 Markatola 288(9), 369(1). 182 Dhauesara 369(1). 88 Gourl 369(2). 85 Basanwahi 209(1), 288(4), 369(1), 393(1). 186 Dadena (BaOOo) 369(1). 86 Aroud 369(1). 187 KodagaOD 369(1). 460




188 Kirgoli 369(3). Ward No.3 209(4), 220(1), 273(1), 388(1). 190 Makri (Singrai) 369(1). Ward No.4 393(4). 191 Kaohanpuri 283(1), 393(1). 193 Peodrawan 369(1). Ward No.5 209(2), 220~2}, 273(9), 388(\). 194 Talakurra 207(1), 369(1). Ward No.6 200(1),205(1),209(7), 273(3), 388(2),393(2). 197 Sidesar 207(4), 369(2). Ward No.7 209(1). 198 Gotpur 235(1). 200 Budeli 2oo(I}, 212(1}. Ward No.8 200(1), 212(1), 280(1), 393(1}. 205 Markatola 209(1), 369(1}. Ward No. 10 209(2). 206 Kaoharpuri 207(1), 209(2), 369(1), 393(2). 3 NARAYANPUR TAHSIL 207 Deori 369(1). 212 Dbaoelikanhar 369(1). 215 Sarangpal 335(5). Total-200 (2), 207 (5), 209 (11), 212 (17), 220 (1),235 (123), 216 SaUor 350 (1). 273 (7), 280 (1), 281 (2), 283 (6), 288 (18), 219 Sarona 200(2), 212(1), 388(1). 289 (7), 311 (9), 350 (40), 365 (18), 369 (115), 223 Sarwandi 200(1). 388 (3), 393 (7). 225 Rode 207(1). 226 Kokpur 369(1). 227 Govindpur 207(2), 350(1), 369 (1). Rural-200 (2). 207 (5), 209 (11), 212 (17). 220(1), 228 Dumali 369(1). 235(123), 273(7), 280(1), 281(2), 283(6), 288(18), 289(7), 311(9). 350(40), 365(18). 369(115), 388(3). 393(7). 230 Dashpur 207(4), 369(0, 393(2). 231 Patoud 212~1), 350(1), 369(1).· 236 Telawaot 207(1). 369(1). Urban- NIL 238 Thelkabod 207(1), 369(1). Location code number and name 0/ village 239 Pandripani 350(7). 240 Bewarti 369(2). 13 Brehebeda 369(1). 241 Anjani 235(1),350(1), 369(1),393(3). 21 Pooogaoo 283(2). 243 Bhairadib 283(1). 23 Pondgaoo 288(2), 369(1). 244 Kapsi 207(1). 25 USt'1i 212(1). 248 Kanker 207(1), 255(2),399(1). 32 Masbaras 350(3). 33 Baretopal 289(1). 39 Lamkanbar 369(1). 255 Koretha 288(1), 369(1). . 46 Pipli 369(1). 265 Mode 288(1), 369(1). 52 Bade Pijori 369(1). 266 Mobpur 369(1). 64 Himoda 69(1). 270 Kaliyari 369( 1). 271 Salhebhat 369(1). 275 Singarbhat 369(1). 66 Lohattar 369(1). 276 Puswada 200(1), 369(1). 71 Nahngeed 369 (I). 280 Deokongera 207(1). 79 Aotagarh 207(3), 209(3), 273(3). 289(1), 311(9), 369(1), 281 Vyaskongera 369(1). 388(2), 393(1). 284 l\1adabharri 212(1). 82 Nawagaon 207(1), 369(1). 83 Hurra Panjori 369(1). 88 Etegaon 288(1). 287 Pidhapal 2830),350(3). 89 Murjhar 212(1). 288 Dbantulsi 283(1). 93 Badejharkatta 369(1). 290 Aturgaoo 207(1),212(1), 369(1). 99 Kuhche 369(1). 295 Mardapoti 369(1). 29') Tultuli 369(1), 393(1). 303 Sainmuda 369(1). 100 Painari 235(1), 289(1). 304 Bhaisgaon 369(1). 101 Phuphagaon 369(1). 305 Kanagaon 283(1), 288(1). 102 Teemnar 369(2). 310 Bangabari 369(1). 114 Kalagaon, 350(2). 311 Muragaon 288(1). 116 Jaitanawagaon 207(1). 119 Sureli 369(1). 124 Chhote Tewra 369(1). 313 Malanjkudum 288(2), 369(1). 126 Aamabeda 212(1), 350(2), 365(3). 127 Chaogori 369(1). Location code number and name 0/ Town: 141 Hindu Bioapa1 369(1).

I KANKER 143 Kesurbeda 369(1). 144 Gedgaon 369(1). 145 Koliyari 350(1), 369(1). Ward No. 1-284(2),369(1). 156 Gondbinapal 288(5). 157 Taralkatta 369(1). Ward No. 2-273(2). 160 Sirsangi 369(1). 461




173 Bondanar 369(3). 480 Metawand (Baghbeda) 235(3), 369(4). 178 Aamagaon 369(4). 486 Bawadi 235(1), 350(1), 369{l). 189 Hoyeebur 212(1), 369(1). 487 Kapsi 369(1) .. 190 Kaleparas 350(1). 488 Amgaon 369(1). 197 Partapur 283(2). 490 Benoor 212(1),235(5),369(1). 205 Sarandi 288(1), 289(1), 350(1), 369(1). 491 Sirpur 235(2). 206 Edanar 369(1). 492 Bhatpal 235(5), 369(1). 219 Tumapal 369(1). 493 Khargaon 369(1). 220 Tadoki 369(1). 496 Jharawllhi 212(1), 369(1). 243 Hurtarai 235(1). 500 Borand 369(1).

244 Kosronda 235(1). 502 Edangpal 369(1). 257 Sattigbat 369(1). 503 Mafia 369(1). 266 Talabeda 235(1), 369t1). 504 Bbiragaon 235(1). 268 Aalanar 212(1). 510 Maleehur 235(1). 290 Baibasalhebhat 235(1). 513 Kadahagaon 369(1). 318 Phulpad 235(1), 369(2). 514 Pharasgaon 235(3), 288(1), 365(2). 319 Aturbeda 288(1). 369(1). 515 Jurtba 369(1). 334 Temrugaon 369(1). 516 KalepaI369(1). 350 Irpanar 212(1). 517 Netanar 369(1). 363 Sitram 212(1). 532 Bedmakot 235 (2), 369(1).

371 Khodgaon 369(1). 533 KoUyari 369(1) 378 Kanera 369(1). 543 Mundpal 369(1). 379 Irko 369(1). 544 Dandawan 369(1). 381 Kbadkagaon 350P)' 369(1). 545 Korenda 369(1). 386 Khadkagaon 220 1). 556 Tadonar 369(1). 389 Edka 288(5), 350(9). 560 Chhinari 369(1). 390 Kanagaon 369(1). 570 Parpa 369(1). 402 Telasi 273(1). 572 Dhaudai 212(1), 235(11), 369(1). 403 Guriya 273(1). 573 Mahimagawadi 235(8), 350(1), 369(3). 404 Karlakha 235(3). 288(1), 369(1). 574 Kosalnar 369(2).

406 Borepal 369(1). 579 Toyenar 369(1). 407 TadopaI369(1). 580 Botha 369 (2). 414 Palki 235(5). 582 Nelnar 212(1). 415 Binjali 235(16), 369(1). 589 Kanera 350(2). 416 Sulanga 235(1). 592 Jhara 369(1). 421 Mahka (Dugal) 235(2). 595 Badgaon 369(1). 422 Garangi 369(2). 601 Chameli 369(1). 423. Deogaon 235(3), 603 Sulanga 350(1), 369(1) • . 424 Terdul 235(1), 369(1). 609 Dhanora 212(1). 365(1). 428 Narainpur 200(2).209(8),212(1),235(2). 273(2),280(1), 611 Chhatedongar 235(2), 289(1), 365(11),369(2). 281(2), 350(9), 388(1), 393(4). . 613 Tirkanar 283(2). 633 Kaubargaon 212(1), 235(13), 429 Garhbengal 235(4), 369(1). 643 Marohnar 212(1), 369(1). 430 Cbottc Subnar 235(2). 649 Turusmeta 369(1). 431 Nayanar 235(2), 369(1). 655 Odeha 212(1}. 434 Sonepur 212(1). 660 HarweI369(1). 437 Nelwad 393(2). 438 Malingnar 235(1), 369(1). 4 KONDAGAON TAHSIL 439 Remalland 350(1), 369(1). 440 Uridgaon 369(1). 441 Borawand 369(1). Total-200 (7), 209 (7),212 (26), 214(1),235 (146), 273 (10), 448 Bamhani 235(1), 350(3). 274 (1), 280 (3), 281 (2), 284 (I), 288 (40), 350 (45), 365 (3), 369 (34), 384 (4), 388 (4), 393 (10), -399 (1). 453 Kulliadgaon 235(5). 365(0. 369(2). 456 Bakulwahi 235(5). Rural-200 (7), 209 (7), 212 (26), 214 (I), 235 (146),273 (10), 457 Belgaon 235(3). 461 Seoni 369(1). 274 (1),280 (3), 281 (2),284 (I), 288 (40), 350 (45), 462 Chandagaon 235(1), 369(2}. 365 (3), 369 (34),384 (2). 388 (4), 393 (10), 399(1). 463 SonapaI369(l). 469 Kobkameta 369(1). Urban- NIL 475 Kokodi 369(1). 476 Baghdongri 235(2). 477 Bargaon 369(1). Location code number and name (If village:

478 Halamimunmeta 235(1). 19 Khalari 393(2). 479 Mar\anar 369(1). 20 Chodajbar 369(1). 462




31 Bisrampuri 209(1),212(1),388(1),393(6). 426 Badekanera 235(15), 288(8). 32 Midendey 212(1). 428 Chargaon 369(1). 36 KeshkaI200(4), 209(2). 430 Tareka 369(1). 48 Kaundkera 212(1). 432 Bakhra 235(5). 58 Raobeda 369(1). 438 KukadgarkapaI235(2), 288(4). 69 Phadhancherra 369(1}. 439 Kamela 350(4). 70 Sonpur 288(9). 449 Rajagaon 235(18). 80 Adenga 369(3). 451 SonabaI212(1). 98 Garawandi 350(3). 452 Dahikonga 235(7). 111 ToskapaI369(1). 459 Badebanjoda 235(2).

121 Arandi 235(7), 365(3). 464 Pusawand 235(2), 288(4). 123 Sikagaon 212(4). 466 Joba 212(1). 132 Fonder 369(1). 472 Golawand 21?(1). 136 CIlarbhata 288(1). 492 Kadenar 212(1). 138 Taraibeda 212(1). 142 Deogaon 235(9). 143 Jamgaon 235(1), 350(2). 144 Khetarpal 235(2). 5 BIJAPUR TAHSIL 146 Pipra 209(1), 212(2),235(1). 369(1). 150 Chhindli 235(2), 350(5). Total-2oo (4), 209 (2), 212(33), 235(12), 2810), 283(4), 284 (I), 288(21), 310 (1), 311 (25), 342 (1). 350(16), 166 Cbhindlibeda 235(1).369(1). 365 (2), 369 (23), 393 (16). 169 Manjhi Athgaon 235(2). 179 Banggaon 235(13), 288(7). 1 el Kongud 235(8), 369(2). Rural-200 (4), 209 (2), 212 (33),235 (12), 281 (I), 283 (4), 184 Kokodajunganar 235(10). 284 (1). 288 (21),310 (1), 311 (25), 342 (1), 350 (16), 186 Modebedma 288(2). 365 (2), 369 (23), 393 (16). 188 Pasangi 212(1), 235(1). 193 Farasgaon 273(1), 284(1), 388(1), 399(1). 196 Bagbeda 369(2). Urban- NIL 199 Mode 369(1). Location code number and name of village: 200 Bhandarwandi 350(1). 203 Gattipalna 235(2). 50 Boter 212(1). 206 Kosa Harduli 369(1). 51 Hitul 212(1). 210 Barkai 235(1). 69 Murumwada 212(1). 212 Arangulla 212(1). 79 Bedrey 212(1). 217 A10re 288(2), 350(3). 80 Nugur 212(1). 220 Pande Atbgaon 235(1). 118 Sandra 369(1). 221 Taragaon 235(1). 129 Adepalli 212(2), 369 (1). 230 Kokodi 369(1). 196 BodepaUi 212 (1). 234 Lubha 212(1), 369(1). 204 Kutru 212 (1). 226 Dharma 212(1). 236 Borgaon 209(1), 235(2), 281(1), 384(2). 238 Phuphgaon 235(1). 248 Farsegarh 212(1). 2SS Makdi 212(1), 350(1). 285 Pillur 212(1). 369(1). 266 Badedongar 212(1). 292 Bhairamgarh 212(1). 279 Balonda 235(2). 295 . Mattimarka 288(4). 282 Hadigaon 235(2). 305 Jangia 212m. 309 Bangoli 212(1). 318 Kodoli 212(1). 312 Sadma 369(2). 330 Gadamalli 212(1). 318 Lanjoda 369(3). 342 Borguda 350(1),369 (4),393(1). 319 Maragaon 235(2), 350(2), 393(1). 360 Toinar 212(1), 235(7), 311(1),365(1), 369(2). 362 Yeramnar 369(1). 324 Korawahi 235(13), 288(13), 350(1). 325 Sampur 212(1),393(1). 366 Raiguda 311(7). 329 Sirsikalar 369(2). 368 Bardali 212(1), 288(3),393(2). 330 Kosagaon 235(9). 369 Chillarmarka 288(10). 334 Kabonga 235(2), 369(2). 388 Patliguda 212(1). 339 Yerla 212(1). 390 Bhopalpatnam 209(1), 212(1), 342(1). 341 Jaitpuri 369(2). 393 Papanpal 369(2). 357 Silati 350(1), 369(1). 382 394 Musaloor 350(2). Kondagaon 200(3),209(2), 212(2),214(1),' 273(9), 274(1) 395 PedakodepaI212(1). 280(3),281(1), 350(15).369(2), 388(2). 401 Mirtur 235(1). 404 Bhatpalli 283(1), 288(3). 394 Chichdongri 212(1). 421 Bayanar 350(7). 410 Dhanora 369(1) . . 442 Karanji 212(1). 417 Gollaguda 200(1),281(1),288(1),311(11),393(2). 463




418 Timed ~50(5), 70 Binjam 369(1). 427 Borje 235(2),311(1), 369(2). 74 Gumda 369(1) . . 439 Dampaya 212(1). ' 75 Dabpal 369(1). 443 Koltipal 235(1), 369(3). 77 Midkulnar 212(1), 369(1). 499 Bijapur 200(1), 209(1), 212(1). 511 Madded 200(2),284(1), 311(5),350(4). 79 Teknar 369(1). 539 Pusnar 212(1),393(7). 80 Balpet 235(17). 556 Bhadrakali 212(1). ' 560 Pamgal 212(1). 83 Bhairamband 235(5). 574 Pusgudi ZI2(1). 84 Gondpal 369(1). 86 Dantcwara 212(1),284(2), 369(2), 388(1). 580 Kambalpeta 350(1). 87 Dumam 365(1). 588 Yengpalli 212(1). 88 Kawadgaon 365(2), 369(1). 589 Munjalkanker 369(1). 90 Katiyarras 235(1). 607 Elmidi 212(1), 235(1). 91 Balud 212(1). 365(1),393(1). 608 AwapaiUi 350(1). 92 Pondum 2350),365(2),369(1). 613 Lingagria 369(2),393(I)J 96 Cbitalur 235(9). 619 Murdund 212(1),350(2), 365(1),369(1),393(1). 97 Mendoli 350(2), 369(1). 621 Basaguda 212(1), 393(2). 631 Timapur 369(1). 643 Usoor 212(1). 100 Jaram 235(2), 365(2). 104 Phulnar 369(1). 106 Kumharras 235(6), 350(22). 647 Pusbaka 283(2). 110 Metapal 369(3). 648 Chinnageloor 283(1). 114 Mathadi 369(1). 698 KoltapaJli 212(1). 117 l"etapar 369(1). 118 Gadapal 365(2), 369(1), 393(2). 119 Gatam 235(2), 369(1). 6 DANTEWARA TAHSIL 122 Gamawada 212(1). 369(1). 123 Toylaoka 265(2), 369(1). Total--212(8), 235(97), 272(2), 281(1}, 284(2), 288(1). 350(34), 365(17). 369(127), 388(1). 393(28), 124 Badelakhapal 369(2). 127 Katekalyan 350(5), 365(2). Rural-212(8), 235(97), 272(2), 281(1), 284(2), 288(1), 128 Parcbeli 369(2). 350(34), 365(17), 369(127), 388(1), 393(28). 130 Dburli 288(1), 235(3), 369(2) 131 Masenar 369(2). 133 Garhmiri 369(2). . Urban- NIL 135 Surnar (Khutepal) 212(1),235(1),350(1),369(2). 138 Tllmakpal 365(2), 369{1), 393(2). 142 Ganjenar 369(2), Location code number and name of village: 144 Dbanikarka 350(2).

12 Bbatpal 369(1). 145 Duwalikarka 369(1). 15 Barsur 369(2). 147 Telam 369(2),393(1). 16 Kaurgaon 369(1). 148 Gudse 369(1). 20 Pahurnar 235(1). 153 Molasnar 369(2). 22 Mustalnar 369(1). 156 Kuakonda 235(10). 24 Korlapal 369(1). J 58 Etepal 235(1) . 27 Ronje 369(1). 161 Samgiri 369(1). 30 Reka 369(1). 162 Hitawar 235(5), 369(2). 35 Kasoli 369(2). 393(1). 163 Mailawada 235(4), 272(2). 39 Kandakara 369(1). 164 Badegadam 369(1).

40 Chhotetumnar 350(1). 369(1). 165 Badebacbeli 235(2). 41 Mofalnar 369(2). 167 Mokpal 369(2). 42 Gbotpal 369(1)' 168 Badegudra 369(2). 47 Japodi 369(1). 170 Dugeli 369(1). 48 Hiranar 212(1). 173 PinabacheIi 235(1). 50 Fundri 369(1). 174 Gongpal 369(1). 52 Badetumnar 212(1). 175 Badebadma (Munda) 369(1). 53 Karli 235(3). 369(2), 177 Tongpal 369(1). 54 Nagul 235(1), 350(1). 180 Doriras 369(1). 58 Alnar 235(4), 369(1). 181 Moharahaurnar 369(1).

60 Siyanar 235(9), 183 Cbhote Hadmamunda 369(1). 62 Gidam 235(1), 281(1), 393(3). 184 Cbbotegudra 369(2). 67 Jaunga 369(2). 185 Bainpal 369(1). 69 Faraspal 365(1). 369(1). 188 Tikanpal 369(2). 464




190 Kuriras 235(1), 369(1). 39 Sandeoda 350(1). 194 Kidandul 369(1). 40 Badedeoda 209(2),235(16), 350(1),369(1). 195 Madadi 369(1). 41 Tuhatideoda. 235(5),350(2). 197 Chhotebedma 369(1). 42 Sandkarmarl 235(14), 350(3), 369(2). 198 Badebedma 369(3). 43 Potiawand 235(5), 369(2), 1')9 Bhusaras 235(1), 369(2), 393(6). 45 Kungarpal 212(1),235(1), 369(1). 46 Bakel 235(11), 369(1), 48 Bhanpuri 212(1), 235(6),350(1), 369(3). 201 Cholnar 369(1). 50 Kumali 369(2), 393(3). 204 Hiroli 369(1) , 51 Nandpllra 369(2)' 207 Samalwar 369( 1) , 209 Phulpad 235(2), 369(1). 52 Amadula 369(1). 211 Edpal 369(1). 54 Mangnar 235(6), 369(2). 216 Sameli 369(2). 55 Narawand 273(1). 217 Jabeli 369(2). 393(1). 56 Soutpur 235(8), 369(1),393(4). 221 Mdend9 369(1). 57 Kondiapal (Gondiapal) 369(1). 222 Arbe 212(1). 58 Cllcrakur 369(3). 224 Rawali 369(1). 59 MandJapal 369(1). 60 Bade Amabal 235(6), 369(2). 61 Bodenpal 235(2), 369(2). 225 Pedka 369(1). 62 Chhote Amabal 369(1), 226 Nilawaya 235(2), 369(2). 64 Chamiya 369(1). 228 Aranpur 369(2). 67 Phapani 369(1). 230 Potali 235(2), 369(5), 393(11). 232 Burgam 369(3). 71 Belputi 235(2). 233 Kakadi 369(2). 72 Khotlapal 369(1). 234 Nahadi 369(1). 75 Sonpur 209(1), 235(20). 235 Muler 369(1). 76 Baniyagad. 235(2). 77 Jaitgiri 235(20), 350(2). 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL 78 Kawadgaon 235(18). 369(2). 81 Seoni 235(8), 273(1),284(2),369(1). 83 Sonarpai 200(1), 369(1). Total-200(12), 207(2), 209(73), 212(22), 214(2), 215(1), 85 Khorkosa 212(1). 230(1),235(781), 236(41), 273(42), 278(1), 280(6), 90 Satlawand 369(1). 281(15),283(16),284(4),288(572),302(2),320(2),336(3), 342(1). 343(1),350(177), 365(2), 368(1), 369(302), 378(1), 384(8), 338(23), 392(1), 393(71), :199(4). 91 Chhinari 369(1). 93 Pahurbel 235(35). 94 Badlawand 235(8), Rural-200(1), 209(46),211(21),235(780), 236(41), 273(3). 95 Ghirola 235(1). 281(1),283(14), 284(2), 288(572), 342(1), 343(1), 98 Guria 235(9),369(1). 350(168), 365(2), 369(294), 388(2), 393(57), 99 Mundagaon 212(2),235(18), 350(13), 369(2). 101 Bade Alnar 369(1). Urban-200(ll), 207{2). 209(27), 212(1), 214(2), 215(1), 230(1), 104 Balenga 283(1). 235(1), 273(39), 278(1), 280(6), 281(14), 283(2), 105 Dubeumargaon 235(1), 369(1). 284(2), 302(2), 320(2). 336(3), 350(9), 368(1), 369(8), 109 Barda 369(1). 378(1), 384(8), 388(21), 392(1), 393(14), 399(4). 111 Mulee 212(1), 369(2). 114 Bakawand 209(1), 235(7}, 369(1). Location code number and pame of village ; 115 Kaudawand 235(2). 116 Pharasgaon 235(15). 6 Pathari 235(2), 369(2). 119 Kaknar 283(2). 8 Chhurawand 369(2). 121 Palam 369(1). 11 Satosa 235(2). 369(5), 393(1). 122 Sudhapal 235(13) 369(1). 12 Kolawali 288(9),350(1), 369(6). 125 Rajpur 235(6), 369(2), 13 Salemeta 369( I). 128 Kinjoli 209(2), 235~3), 369(1). 14 Khandsara 369(1). 129 Rajnagar 209(3), 235(8),2730). 17 Mailwada 288(14)'. 19 Sorgaon 369(1). 130 Bhejaripadar 283(1). 21 Turpura 283(1), 369(1). 134 Chandela 283(1). 22 Garcnga 369(2). 136 Ratenga 369(2). 138 Paschimitemra 235(3). 23 Jl!ibel 212(1). 369(1). 139 Alwahi 369(1). 26 Blshrampuri 369(2). 140 Ghutiya 212(1),235(12),369(2), 393(1). 27 Kes~rpal 350(2), 369(2), 393 (1). 141 Bhainsgaon 236(27), 369(2). 29 Bamyagaon 369(1). 143 Madhota 236(4),350(1),369(2),393(2). 31 M.aretha 369(2). 144 Lamker 212(1), 3690). 32 Dlmrapal 393(1). 146 Bbond 369(1). 33 P.harsara 369(1). 34 Cbhindgaon 369(1). 150 Mohlai 235(2), 369(1). 3S SaDwara 235(2), 350(7), 369(1). 151 Sargipal 212(1), 38 Karpawand 235(4). 152 Kosml 209(1). 465




153 Korta 350(1). 323 Badegarawand 235(1). 154 Kabacbenar 283(1). 324 Kalcba 235(1). 156 Harrakoder 283(2). 328 Karanpur 209( I), 235(2), 369(1). 158 Amlidba 283(1). 329 Vpanpal 235(2). 369(1). 162 Bheja 283(1). 330 Bhejapadar 235(2). 165 Kuruspal 235(14),369(1). 166 Narayanpal 235(12). 334 Turemorka 369(1). 335 Dharmaur 369(1). 167 Bodara 236(9) . 338 Kangoli 209(5), 369(1). 169 Chitalwar 236(1). 339 Aghanpur 209(1). 172 Neganar 369(2). 340 Dhurgllda 235( 1),369(1). 173 Pandanar 235(1). 343 Bahusemara 369(1). 177 Nalpa wand 209(2) . 344 Chhotegarawad 235(t), 369(1). 181 Sataspur 369(1). 348 Madpal 209(2), 212(2),235(21).369(1). 183 Binta 369\1). 350 Bijaput 235(6), 184 Chitrakot 350(2),369(1). 351 Nagarnar 350(22). 190 Bodanpal 369(1). 191 Ghatsargipal 369(1). 352 Kasturi 235(7), 353 Dhanpllnji 393(1). 194 Tikradhanora 235(1), 369(1). 357 Adwal 212(1). 198 Bedaumargaon 369(3). 363 Kurenga 235(31), 350(18). 199 Chhatedeoda 369(1). 364 Baghanpal 235(!).350(2), 201 Ulnar 209(3) . 365 Bademorlhpal 235(3).369(1). 203 Baiawand 209(5),235(45).369(2),393(10). 366 Chh()lemonhpal 36Q(l). 205 Mardum 212(1).369(2). 367 Bhadisgaon 235(7), 369(1). 212 Pallichakwa 369(1). 370 369(1). 216 Taragaon 369(1) . 371 Adawal 209(3). 220 Nagtoka (Pandnar) 369(1). 225 Junawahi 369(1). 373 Burllndwadasemara 209(2). 378 Amaguda 369(1). 227 Tarapur 209(3), 235(27), 350(8), 369(1). 383 Toyar 369(1). 231 Badedharaur 369(2). 388(2). 386 Michnar 369(1). 234 Badechakwa 369(2), 386 Nainar 369(1). 236 Kondaloor 369(1).· 394 Palwa 2.15(18).350(5), 369(1). 237 Singanpur 235(13),369(1). 395 Nawagaon 350(2). 238 Karmari 369(1). 396 Bademarenga 235(32), 369(2), 393(1). 244 Karitgaon 369(1). 397 Gudramarenga 235(30). 246 Baniaygaon 209(1),235(11). 398 DimrapaI 235(4). 250 Cbbotegumiapal 369( 1). 259 Chhaparbhanpuri 235(6), 369(1). 399 Pandripani 369(1).393(14). 401 Gadha Sargipal 209(1), 342(1). 260 Sonarpal 2350). 402 TuseI 235(1). 272 Metawada 369(1). 403 Nayanar 369(1). 273 Malgaon 369(1). 404 Lamanikarkapal 209(1). 276 Belgaon 369(1). 411 Chokawada 235(8). 277 Talnar 209(1),350(3). 369(1). 414 Turangur 369(1). 282 Karkapal 369(4). 417 Bnrungpal 369( 1). 284 Sirishguda 212(1).369(1). 423 Sosanpal 369(1). 285 Burji 369(1). 425 Tali Marenga 235(4), 343(1). 286 Sakargaon 393(1)2 287 Tandpal 235(2), 369(1). 426 Dongriguda (Kumhar Marenga) 235(2),350(13). 288 Deurg:l.:>n 369(1). 427 BurungpaI369(l). 393(\). 291 Titirgaon 369(2). 429 Dogam 209(2), 369(1). 294 Balikonta 235(1), 369(2). 431 Bilori 281(1), 369(1). 296 I~ikpal 369(1), 393(1). 432 Chitapadar 369(1). . 298 Kohkapal 369(1). 433. Kurandi 209(1), 212(1), 235(2), 369(1). 299 Kuruspal 369(1). 443 Patharli 369(1), 304 Anjar 369(3). 444 Duganpal 369(3). 306 Taragaon 369(2). 447 Ke'hloor 235(6), 350(\), 369(2). 309 Gumiyapal 369(1) 448 Kalepal 235(1). 350(3), 369(1). 310 Ransargipal 369(2). 311 Tanhkapal 235(1). 451 Machkot 288(45). 312 Potanar 369(1). 456 Kodenar 350(2), 369(4). 314 Tekameta 369(1). 459 Mawalibhata 369(1). 315 Ghatpadmpur 235(1). 369(2), 393(1). 461 Raikot 283(1). 316 Dbarampura 235(8).393(10). 463 Kaynar 235(4), 369(2.). 318 Asna 369(1). 465 Kaknar 369(1). 321 Tureoar 235(9). 469 Sodgud 235(4), 369(2)· 466




472 Bastanar 365(2), 369(2). 577 Chitalgur 288(8). 478 Dilmili 369(6), 578 Netanar 288(33), 369(1). 479 Chhotegudra 235(5). 584 Kotumsar 288(4). 585 Surundwada 288(2) . 480 Dhodrepal 235(11), 369(1). 586 Talawada 288(1). 481 Bade Kadma 235(5),369(1). 589 Kankapal 369(1). 483 Rajoor 369(3). 592 Kolenga 369(1). 484 Koypal 283(1), 369(1), 393(1). 594 Mundagarh 369(1). 485 Sedwa 235(2), 369(1). 595 Kawapulcha 288(3). 487 Chhind Bahar 350(1), 369(1). 596 Soutnar 235(2). 488 Jamawada 235(3), 288(51), 369(1). 490 Alnar 235(1), 369(1). 597 Kodripal 212(1), 235(2), 369(1)' 491 Padmur (Sidmur) 235(1),369(1). 598 Kukanar 209(1), 235(9), 350(38), 369(20). 492 Pushpal 369(1). 599 Idjepal 369(1). 601 Kokawada 235(1), 350(5). 494 Kaikagarh 369(1). 495 Kawapal 288(33). Location code number and name of town 497 Irpa 212(4). II JAGDALPUR 498 Palanar 235(6), 369(1). 501 Goriyapal 369(2). Ward No. 2000), 209(10), 214(1), 273(5) 278(1) 284(1) 502 Alwa 369~1). '" 368(1), )69(1), 378(1),384(1), 388(7).393(3), 504 Chitapur 235(2), 369(2). 399(2). 508 Lendra 235(10), 369(2). 509 Neganar 369 (1). Ward No. 2 200(1), 209(3), 273(1),281(1), 369(2),384(1), 510 ChingpaI235(5). 388(1). Ward No. 3 302(1), 384(1). 511 Keshapur 235(1). 369(2). Ward No. 4 209(1),280(1),336(1). 512 TondapaI235(1),28S(l4). Ward No. 5 200(1),207(1), 209{2), 280(1). 302l1), 320(1), 513 Kakarguda 235(3), 288(19), 369(1). 350(6), 384(2), 38S(l). 514 Bade Murma 235(1), 369(2). 515 Chhote Murma 393(1). Ward No. 6 200(4),209(7),214(1),230(1),273(18), 281(4) 516 Manjhiguda 369(1). 393(1). 336(1), 369(3), 388(5), 393(5). 517 Nangur 235(6), 288(2), 369(2), 393(1). Ward No. 7 200(1), 273(8), 283(2), 350(2), 392(1), 393(2). 518 Sid mud 235(18). Ward No. S 200(1),209(2),273(2),281(1), 384(2), 388(1), 519 Ben~loor 2350), 393(1). 520 Khaika (Cbar Babar) 369(1). Ward No. 9 209(1), 235(1), 350(1), 369(1), 388(1), 393(2), 399(2). 521 Taipadar (Alkhur) 288(4). 207(1),209(1),212(1), 215(1),273(1), 320(1). 522 Kumhari Sadra 235(4),350(7),369(1). Ward No. 10 527 Kelaur 369(1). 369(1), 388(2). 529 Munga 235(1). Ward No. 11 200(1),280(2),281(1). . 530 Tirthagarh 369(1) 532 Mawalipadar 235(2}, 288(155), 369(2). Ward No. 12 200( 1),273(4),2800),281(3), 284(1), 336(1), 533 Ranbiranpal 288(34). 384(1), 388(3) 393(1). 534 Nawaguda 288(18). Ward No. 13 280(1),281(4). 537 Parali 235(1), nil(3), 369(1). 538 Chhote Kawali 288(2). 8 KO:'llTA TAHSIL ,540 Kala2uda 288(1). Total :-200(5), 209(4), 212(14), 214(1), 235(16), 273(1), 541 Tiria 288(38). 284(1), 288(1), 335(2), 350(26), 360(2), 369(41), 544 Bodenarkalan 36Q(2). 393(1), 399(1). 545 Sadrabodenar 369(1). 547 Gidawarli 369(1). Rural :·-200(5), 209(4),212(14), 214(1), 235(16), 273(1), 548 Gumadpal 235( I), 369(1). 284( I), 288(1), 335(2), 350(26), 360\2), 369(41), 549 Mamadpal 235(1), 369(1). 393(1), 399(1). . 550 Chhindawada 283(1). Urban:- NIL 553 Topar 288(21). 554 Kolawada 288(8). Location code flumber and /lame oj' village 555 Bade KawaU 235(1). 288(17), 369(1). 9 Leda 212(1), 369(1). ~56 Chachalgur 288(7). 16 Kunna 212(1). 557 Gumalwada 7.88(12). 25 PuspaI212(l). 558 Badekakloor 369(5). 30 KundanpaI235(1). 559 Pakanar 235(6), 369(2). 31 Doleras 369(1). 565 Darbha 209(1). 35 Mutheli 369(1). 568 N~galsar 288(5). 569 Mlikulwada 288(1). 44 Itagupha 235(2), 396(1). 45 Pendalnar 235(8). 571 Gudia 28~(8), 369(1). 573 Kapanar 235(1), 369(2) 46 Irpa 369(3). 49 Urmapal 200(3), 212(1), 369(1). 467




53 Rasawaya 369(7). 137 Kamaram 235 (3), 350(8), 57 Gudra 369(3), 385(2). 139 Alampalli 369(1) 60 Nayanar 369(2). 151 Michiguda 369(1). 67 Kodripal 369(5). 153 Sukma 209(4),212(1). 74 GanjE'nar 350(13). 360(2), 369(1). 159 Nagaram 369(1). 75 Kawasiras 200(1). 160 Gogunda 212(1). 77 Pondum 369(2). 165 PedabodkeI212(1). 81 Chhindgarh 235(1). 167 Kerlapenda 369(1). 92 Nagaras 212(1). 181 Paria (Sarasihi) 212(1).

96 Pakela 235(1). 237 Peda Kurti 212(1). 100 Kondasawli 369(1). 244 Maraiguda 369(1), 113 Burd (Sarwaka) 350(2), 399(1). 252 Dharmpenta 284(1). 119 Tarlaguda 369(1). 261 Errabore 212( 1). 350(3). 120 Vikrampalli 369(1). 264 Golapalli 212(1). 288(1) 121 Durma 369(1). 269 Mamirguda 369(1). 122 Gumodi 273(1), 369(1). 272 Millakisoli 369(1). 132 Penta 212(1), 310 Konta 200(1), 212(1), 214(1), 369(1),393(1). 468




Urban Urban


Rural Rural

Location code number and name of village: Location code number and name of village:

13 Kachhe, 27 Taikadorha, 63 Bhondia, 64 Jampara, 23 Pondgaon, 34 Deharitopal, 39 Lamkanhar, 52 Bade 65 Ghorda, 71 Chongel, 72 Mul!a, 75 Bhanbeda, 76 Kurri, Pijodi, 63 Imlipadar, 79 Antagarh, 81 Semargaon, 114 84 Karmoti, 85 Dhangudra, 86 Karathi, 87 Bhanupratappur, Kalagaon, 116 Jaita Nawagaon, 132 Bade Kapsi, 141 88 Ranwahi, 89 Korar,97 Narayanpur, 109 Sambalpur, Hindubinapal,156 Gondbinapal. 157 Tarakatta, 173 Bonda­ 110 Kanhargaon, 111 Kulhadkatta, 126 Pandarpuri, nar, 174 Ghotulbera, 189 Hoyechur, 219 TumapaI, 220 148 Ghodabattar, 160 Ghotia, 167 Jatewada, 168 Bhiragaon, Tadoki,221 Mangata Salhebhat, 222 Padbeda, 223 Kumhari, 169 Kewati, 177 Kokdar, 178 Bagwahi, 179 Harharpani, 266 Talabeda, 333 Bhaisgaon, 334 Temrugaon, 358 Bharanda, 191 Faraskhote, 205 Biknvnganj, 208 Asulkhar, 209 Kuwa­ 378 Kanera, 402 Telasi, 403 Guriya, 404 Karlakha, 416 pani, 222 Kanakpur, 223 Chichmarra, 224 Pewari, 225 Sulanga, 42l Mahka (Dugal), 422 Garanji,423 Deogaon. 428 Kinari. Narayanpur, 429 Garh Bengal, 437 Nelwad, 452 Gohda, 462 Chandagaon, 464 GulumkodCo, 490 Benoor, 492 Bhatpal,504 2 KANKER TAHSIL Bhiragaon, 505 Bhurwal.


Location code number and name of town : Urban


Rural Rural

Location code number and name of village: Location code number and name of village :

7 Machandur, 8 Mahud, 17 Kandel, 18 Telgudi, 24 2 Dhondirapal, 6 Khalemurwend, 10 Farasgaon, 17 Charama, 27 Girhola, 44 Dargahan, 45 Karra (jaisa), 66 Sir­ Dadargarh, 26 Hatma, 27 Surdongar, 36 Keshkal 38 sida, 67 Ratesara, 68 Golkumhda, 75 Kohka, 95 Chinouri, Pendrawand, 44 Borgaon, 51 Sargipal, 55 Machhali, 60 108 Kanapond, 121 Lakhanpuri, 138 Telgara, 152 Sura­ Batrali, 76 Nirachhindhi, 94 Narna, 96 Singanpur,l22 wand, 162 Gourgaon, 169 Nawagaon (Nathiya), 177 Pandar­ Bedma, 146 Pipra, 149 Masukokoda, 168 Chichadi, 169 wahi, 188 Kirgoli, 189 Makrikhuna, 190 Makri Singrai, 195 Manjhi Athgaon, 171 Dhondara, 178 Patla, 193 Farasgaon, Muddongri, 205 Markatola, 206 Kanharpuri, 207 Deori 202 Korrabadgaon, 249 Sarbeda, 268 Kulhadgaon, 276 (Bar), 208 Matwada (Lal), 209 Nadanmara, 210 Dhanora, Bhanpuri, 285 J uganikalar, 292 Sirpur, 299 Gumdi, 318 212 Dhanelikanhar, 213 Arjuni,216 Satlor, 217 Puriyara, Lanjoda, 330 Kosagaon, 341 Jaitpuri, 345 Kokodi, 347 2111 Dawarkhar, 219 Sarona, 220 Daldali, 221 Malgaon, Antpur, 348 Kibaibalenga, 352/2 Deurchal, 359 Masora, 222 Barkai, 223 Sarwandi, 224 Dudhawa, 225 Rode, 226 363 Chimdi, 364 Chaodang, 365 Bunagaon, 366 Karathi Kokpur, 227 Govindpur, 231 Patoud, 232 Karap, 233 Alwada, 375 Banjugani, 377 Palari, 378 Dongriguda, 382 Mudpar (Dakhani) 237 MaIgaon. 238 Thelkabod, 239 Kondagaon, 383 Farasgaon, 384 Bafna, 385 Umar~on, Pandripani, 240 Bewarti, 241 Anjani, 242 Singanpur, 246 Kuristikur, 248 Kanker, 249 Kodabhat, 250 Salhebhat, 388 Bhagdeva, 398 Dudhgaon, 412 Chikhalputi, 437 258 Kodejunga, 259 Mankesri, 280 Deokongera, 290 Atur­ Baniyagaon,452 Dahikonga, 456 SukurpaI, 459 Badebanjoda, &aon, 297 Kulgaon. 300 Komalpur. 466 Joba. 473 Badeusri, 478 Usri, 484 Ghodagaon. 469

APPENDIX II -Concld. \


5 BIJAPUR TAHSIL 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL-Concld. 104 Balenga,105 Dubeumargaon,l47 Bastar, 184 Chitrakota, Urban 197 Mohpalbarai, 219 Takraguda, 221 Parehandpal, 222 Birlidga (Bhirlinga), 233 Badanji, 237 Singanpur, 240 NIL Kolehoor, 241 Chiraipadar, 243 Borepadar, 258 Takra­ guda, 259 Chhaparbhanpuri, 260 Sonarpal, 261 Chondi­ Rural metawada, 269 Tikralohanga, 270 Ghatlohanga, 271 Kudal­ gaon, 272 Metawada, 287 Tandpal, 288 Deurgaon Location code number and name o/village: 289 Kohakapal, 311 TanhkapaI, 312 Potanar, 313 277 Matwada, 281 Markapal,292 Bhairamgarh, 293 Pusnar Karanji, 314 Tekameta, 316 Dharampura, 317 Kohakapal, 294 Nelasnar, 303 Konradoji, 304 Chhotegongla, 305 Jangla, 318 Asna, 335 Dharmaur, 336 Farmkumharawand 315 Baddala, 337 Mingachal, 373 Dugeli 374 Naimed, 337 Palli, 338 Kangoli, 339 Aghanpur, 34i Man gdukaehora , 342 Sasankaehora, 343 Babusemara, 345 385 Midte, 390 Bhopa]patna~,") 391 Kol tapa tnam (Rallapalli), 404 Bhatpalli, 405 Gullameta, 406 Nagiguda, 346 Morathpilli, 349 Manganpur, 352 Kasturi, Kuehner, 410 Dhanora, 421 Rudraram, 423 Pegdapalli, 436 353 Dhanpunji, 367 Bhadisgaon, 369 Phrezarpul', 370 Hat­ Godaiguda, 437 Cherpalli, 438 Sandrapalli. 443 Koltipal, kaehora, 371 Adawal, 372 Halbakaehora, 373 Burundwada­ 455 AurjunaIli, 458 Peddamatur, 459 Jagulguda, 464 Majhi­ samara, 374 Atpaharisemara, 375 Telisamara, 376 guda, 474 Kesaiguda, 475 Raiguda, 476 Dudheda Kotta­ Khamargaon, 377 Khutpadar, 378 Amaguda, 396 Bade­ guda, 477 Pegdapalli Basaguda, 478 Angampalli, 484 marenga, 397 Gudramarenga, 398 Dimrapal, 399 Pandri­ Jaitaloor, 495 Gorla, 496 Tumlapalli, 499 Bijapur, 511 pani, 400 Khujapara, 405 KusumpaI, 406 Naktisemara, 407 Madded, 512 Konguda, 513 SangampaIli, 515 Gilgieha 531 Kopaguda,408 Markel ,409 Bamani, 410 Kumli,411 Choka­ wada, 419 Parpa, 420 Tokapal, 423 Sosanpal, 424 Kanaku­ Modakpal. ruspal. 425 Telimarenga, 426 Dongriguda(Kumharmarenga), 440 Surgudabodenar, 441 Tirthum, 442 Guram, 444 6 DANTEWARA TAHSIL DuganpaI, 445 Bade Arapur, 446 Metawada, 447 Keshloor, 454 Jamgaon, 455 BadekilepaI, 456 Kodenar, 457 Silk­ Urban jhodi, 458 Katakanda, 459 Mawalibhata, 461 Raikot, 362 Yerandwal (Erandwal), 471 Bagmundipaneda, 472 Bastanar, NIL 473 Parameta, 478 Dilmili, 483 Rajur, 484 Koyapal, 485 Sedwa, 497 Irpa, 507 Manguar, 508 Lendra, 509 Rural Neganar, 531 Kamanar, 565 Darbha, 588 Tahakwada. 598 Kukanar. Location code number and name 0/ village: 8 KONTA TAHSIL 40 Chhotetumnar, 50 Fundri, 52 Badetumnar, 53 KarlL 56 Faraspal Bodli, 61 Haram, 62 Gidam, 63 Badepaneda, Urban 66 Hournar, 67 Jaunga, 69 Faraspal 78 Chitlanka,79 NIL Teknar, 82 Aawarabhata, 86 Dantewara, 90 Katiyarras, 95 Degalras, 99 Patarras, 106 Kumharras, 131 Masenar, Rural 132 Renganar. 142 Ganjenar. Location code number and name of vii/age: 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL 100 Konclasaoli, 104 Silger,105 Bedre, 106 Kodmar, Urban 11 S Durandarbha. 116 Bhimpuram (Misiguda) , 117 Kunded, 118 Jagargunda, 119 Tarlaguda, 132 Pellta, 204 Location code number and name 0/ town: Misma, 212 Dubbatota, 214 Polampalli 215 BardelpaI (Toyaguda). 216 Pedaguda, 219 Gorgunda, 224 NagaI II JAGDALPUR Gunda.225 Kamapedaguda, 227 Penta, 228 Dornapal, 232 Argatta (Boriguda), 237 Pedakurti, 240 Manikonta, Rural 246 Birla, 261 Errabore, 271 Rajpenta (Dbarabhaguda),273 Location code number ~nd name 0/ village: PedakisoIi, 281 Irpaguda, 282 Asirguda, 283 Jnjaram, 284 Metaguda, 291 Phandiguda, 298 Sunnamguda, 300 47 Baisoli, 48 Bhanpuri, 63 Karandola, 65 Taragaon, Dhondra. 305 Chintakonta, 307 Venkatapuram, 310 66 Munjala, 83 Sonarpal, 84 Chapka, 103 Tikanpal, Konta. 470







Location code number and name of village:

154 Rampur, 176 Petoli. 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL








Urban Urban


Rural Rural

Location code number an{i name of village : Location code number and name of village:

66 Chilhati, 87 Bhanupratappur, 109 SambaJpur, 153 277 Matwada, 292 Bhairamgarh, 315 Baddala, 337 Kode Khurse, 160 Ghotia. MingachaJ, 390 Bhopal Patnam, 499 Bijapur, 511 Madded, 531 Modakpal.

2 KANKER TAHSIL 6 DANTEWARA TAHSIL Urban Urban NIL NIL Rural Rural Location code numter and name of village: Location code number and name of village: 24 Charama, 121 Lakhanpuri, 205 Markatola, 210 Dhanora,219 Sarona, 223 Sarwandi. 224 Dudhawa. 52 Badetumnar, 62 Gidam, 71 Jhodiyabadam, 80 Balpat, 86 Dantewara.


Urban Urban


Rural Rural

Location code number and name of village : Location code number and name of village:

79 Antagarh, 333 Bhaisgaon 428 Narayanpur. 83 Sonarpal,:104 Balenga,) 147 Bastar, i 353 Dhanpunji. 376 Khamargaon, 378 Amaguda; 399 Pandripani,408 Mar­ kel, 445 Bade Arapur, 459 Mawalibhata, 461 Ralkot, 472 4 KONDAGAON TAHSIL Bastanar, 483 Rajoor, 565 Darbha, 598 Kukanat. .


NIL Urban

Rural NIL

Location code number and /lame 0/ Village: Rural

36 Keskal, 122 Bedma, 3iB Lanjoda, 330 Kosagaon, Location code number and name of village : 341 Jaitpuri, 382 Kondagaon, 452 Dahikonga. 261 Errabore, 283 Injaram, 310 Konta. 472




NIL Rural

Location code number and name of village ; 2 KANKER TAHSIL 360 Toinar, 390 Bhopalpatnam, 511 Madded, Urban 6 DANTEWARA TAHSIL Location code number and name of town:


Ward No.5 Location code number and name of village :

Rural 15 Barsur, 62 Gidam, 86 Dantewara.

7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL Location code number and name of village:

31 Biranpur, 41 Halba, 165 Shamtara, 200 Budeli. Urban

Location code uumber and name of town: 3 NARAYANPUR TAHSIL II JAGDALPUR

NIL Ward No.1 Ward No.2


Location code number and name of town :

Rural 63 Karandola, 147 Bastar, 336 Farm Kumhrawand, 447 Keshloor, 509 Neganar, 550 Chhindawada. Location code number and name of village: 8 KONTA TAHSIL 36 Keskal, 382 Kondagaon, 452 Dahikonga. 490 Mardapal, NIL APPENDIX VI , TOWNS AND VILLAGES HAVING PUBLIC READING ROOMS



2 KANKER TAHsIL 6 DANTEWARA TAHSIL Urban NIL Location code number and name of town :

II KANKER 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL Ward No.5 Urban Rural Location code number and name of town: Location code number and name of .,illage ; II JAGDAPLUR 45 Karra Jaisa. Ward No. I, Ward No.6, Ward No. 12. 3 NARAYANPUR TAHSIL Rural

NIL Location code number and name of village:

85 Khorkhosa, 105 Dubeumargaon, 107 Retawand. 4 KONDAGAON TAHSIL 147 Bastar 313 Karanji.


Location code number and name of town: , NIL 318. Lanjoda, 382 Kondagaon, 437 Baniyagaou. APPENDIX VII



Urban Rural

Nil Locafiun code number and name of village : Rural 1 Damkasa (6), 2 Dokla (7). 3 Kasawahi (19), 4 Location code lIumber and name of village: Tonsi (12). 5 Pradhandongri (6), 6 Bharri Tola (2), 7 Milchandur (1), 8 Mahud (ll, 9 Mudkhusra (8), 10 Chu­ 2 Higanjhar (I), 5 Naghur (1). 11 Kalangpuri (1), 13 chrungpur (6), 11 BheJai (4), 12 Junwani (12), 13 Durga Kachhe (I), 17 Salhe (I), 19 Bhainsakanhar (1),23 Ghotul­ Tola (1). 14 Murumtara (4), 15 Dhedkohka (13), 16 munda (2), 25 Hatkondal (2), 29 Unchpani (I). 32 Anwari (11), 17 Kandel (3). 18 Telguda (2). 19 Pandari­ Haranpuri (6). 38 Damkasa (2), 41 Dliwa (I), 42 Seoni pani (14), 20 Tuyeguhan (3). 22 Baghdongri (4), 24 (1), 48 Dongarkata (1), 55 Sonadai (I), 60 Bogar (1), 61 Charama (55). 25 Maradeo (I), 26 Gidhali (3), 27 Tedbai Kondal (1). 63 Bbondia (2), 64 Jampara (4), 65 Girhola (24), 28 Bhiroud (13). 29 Gitpahar (10), 30 Gborda (7), 66 Cbilhati (2), 68 Barheli (1), 69 Perawari Muddhowa (3), 32 Kariya pahad (I), 34 K UITU Tola (12), (1), 71 Cbongel (1), 72 Mulla (2), 73 Chicbgaon (1), 74 35 Ukari (8), 36 Charbhatha (24). 38 Karaiha (12), 39 Jalinkasa (1), 75 Bhanbeda '(2). 76 Kurri (2), 82 Haradola (24), 40 Tepra (60), 41 Halba (6). 42 Surhi (6), Mahendrpur (l), 83 Amakada (2), 85 Dhangudra (1), 86 43 Salhe Tola (5), 44 Dargahan (12), 45 Karra (Jaisa) Karathi (2),87 Bhanupratappur (6).88 Ranwahi (1),89 Korar (43), 46 Kilepar (40). 48 Uraiha (5). 49 Dhaurabhat (2). (10),97 Narayanpur (2), 98 Bundeli (1), 99 Mungwal (I), 100 50 Ratedih (1), 51 DalJidih (l). 52 Bargari (9). 53 Nawa­ Dongargaon (1),109 Sambalpur (8), ..110 Kanhargaon (2), 111 gaon (Saradhu) (20), 54 Tikrapara (1), 55 Dumarpani (11). Kulhakatta (2), 112 Ranidongari (1), (1), 114 Chargaon (2), 56 Marrampani (4), 57 Tiradand (9), 58 Chapeli (2), 59 12,5 Chabela (1),126 Pandarpuri (1).128 Bheja (I). 129 Chawdl (4), 60 Kurrubhat (12). 61 Thanabodi (4), 62 Astara (5),134 Hanpatri (1), 135 Dangra (2), 138 Ghota (1). Narharpur (65), 63 Bad:tl (3), 64 Bhansuli (2), 65 Kahad­ 140 Barbaspur (5), 141 Barwi (2), 148 Ghodabatter (2), gondi (3), 66 Sirsida (2), 67 Ratesara (14), 68 Gol­ 151 Hetarkasa (1), 152 Nelchang (1), 156 Darde (2), 157 Kumhda (15), 69 Khartha (30). 70 Tanhkapar (14), 71 Bhandaradigi (1), 158 Khutgaon (2), 160 Ghotiya (10), Ranidongri (6), 72 Bahnapani (1), 73 Barethinbahra (2), 161 Putarwahi (4), 162 Karranaidu (1), 163 Sadhumichgaon 74 Barkachhar (5), 75 Kohka (3). 76 Bhuigaon (23), (1), 165 Karramad (2), 166 Durgukondal (5). 168 Bhira­ 77 Kotela (12). 78 Naudabri (27), 79 Kosumpani (1), gaon (8), 169 Kewati (4), 170 Janakplir (2), 172 Karkapal 80 Dodrapahad (I), 81 Khadarwahi (1). 82 Kashipur (2), (1), 173 Paliyar (I). 174 Michewada (1), 176 Hahaladai 83 Marka Tola (Myana) (14), 84 Gouri (4), 85 Basawahi (2), 179 Harharpani (3). 186 Diyagaon (2), 188 Madle (27). 86 Aroud (11), 87 Hatka Chorama (3). 89 Koch­ (1). 189 Tumrikuri (3), 190 Pandripani (2), 191 Faraskhot wahi (11), 90 Masulpani (2). 91 Dudumbahra (5). 93 (2), 192 Shahkatta (2), 207 Sonekanahar (3) 208 Asulkhar Kural Themri (5), 94 Puri (8), 95 Chenori (44), 96 (3). 209 Kuwapani (4), 221 Alwarkhurd (1),222 Kanakpur Lilwapahad (1). 97 Rajpur (I), 98 Rampur (5), 99 (I), 223 Chichmarra (2), 224 Pewari (I). 225 Kinari (2), Mayana (25), 100 Lilejhar (14). 101' Bhaisakatta (11), 230 Michesukhai (2), 247 Birkodal (2). 249 Tarandul (I). 102 Palewa (9) •• 103 Shriguhan (1). 104 Kisanpuri (Pando) (7), 105 Charbhata (1), 106 Mainkheda (5), 107 2 KANKER TAHSIL Bhotha(4), 108 Kanapond (5). 109 Pipraud (2), 110 Umradah (1), 111 Khairwahi (3), 112 Gandagauri (5). 113 Urban Khairkheda (9), 114' Bodeli (Panka) (13), 115 Banda Tola(12), 116 Dodakawahi (15), 118 Dabena (4). 119 Location codc lIumber alld lIame of to WI! : Dompadar (2). 120 Kottara (11), 121 Lakhanpuri (32), I KANKER 122 Shahwada (2), 123 Charbhatti (I), 124 Bansagar (15), 125 Katagaon (8), 126 Janwartara (5). 127 Jambahra Ward No. 1(12), Ward No.2 (9), (1), 128 Tarasgaon (14), 129 Kuma (22), 130 Pandri­ Ward No.3 (4). Ward No.4 (10), pani (15), 131 Amoda (5), 133 Deogaon (2), 134 Sihari­ Ward No. 5(13), Ward No. 6(13), nara (2), 135 Jamgaon (5), 136 Mahesbpur (1). 137 Ward No. 7(10), Ward No. 8(14). Gutti Tola (7). 138 Telgara (30), 139 Chawad (22), 140 Non-Municipal Urban Area (J). Matradarha (1), 141 Parsoda (9). 142 Bagdongri (1 I). 475




143 Udkuda (47), 144 Mudpar (19), 145 Dhekuna (25), Urban 146 Korrampara (5), 147 Jhaliyamari (1), 148 Gawarsili (2) 149 Dabbipani (7), 150 Padampur (5), 151 Chandeli Nil (9), 152 Surawand (3), 153 Salhebhat (2), 154 Rampur Rural (10). 155 Junwani (30), 156 Chenar (10), 157 Mujal- gondi (2), 159 Ghotiyawahi (4); 160 Kishanpuri (5), 161 Locatioll code number and name of village: Hinganjhar(2), 162 Gourgaon (5), 163 NaTa (11), 164 Kapaspoti (2), 165 Shamtara (4), 166 Keontin Tola (8), 13 Berhebeda (I), 21 Poongaon (I), 23 Pondgaon (I), 167 Patgaon (1), 168 Mainpur (14), 169 Nawagaon 32 Masbaras (2), 33 Baretopai (1), 39 Lamkanhar (1), Natthia (19), 170 Kokdi (9), 171 Sonpur (5), 172 Deo­ 51 Tahkal (I), 52 Bade pinjori (I), 60 Bhainsasur (2), donger (15), 173 Gahrinbandhu(3), 114 Andi (10), 175 63 Imlipadar (3), 64 Himoda (1), 79 Antagarh (14). 82 Aourabhat (1), 176 PetoH (24) 177 Pandarwahi t6), 178 Nawagaon (2), 87 Nagarbeda (1), 99 Kuhche (1), 114 Bagodar (3), 179 Hatkongera (3) 180 Salhe Tola (19), Kalagaon (2), 118 Godri (2). 119 Sureli (I), 120Ghumsi­ 181 Marka Tola (21), 182 Dhanesara (6), 183 Abhanpur Muda (2), 126 Amabeda tl), 140 Chargaon (1), 142 (2), 184 Dheklawand (2). 185 Siltara (4), 186 Dobena Bade Jaitpuri (2), 155 Kursel (I), 156 Gondbinapal (1), (2), 188 Kirgoli (4), 189 Makrikhuna (2), 190 Makri 157 Taralkatta (2), 159 Aamakada (1), 160 Sirsangi (1), 173 Singrai (5), 191 Kanhanpuri (3), 192 Deori (28), 194 Bondanar (I), 178 Aamagaon (I), 185 Kaudosalhebhat (1). Talakurra (5), 196 Turakhar (3), 197 Sidesar (23). 198 190 Kaleparas (I), 197 Partapuf (0, 205 Sarandi (2), 210 Gotpur (7), 199 Bagod (15), 200 Budeli (20), 201 Maroda (I), 218 Koyalibeda (3), 220 Todoki (2), 221 Manikpur (39), 202 Bhaismudi (3), 203 Bhiroud (4), 204 Mangata Salhebhat (I), 244 Kosronda (1), 256 Gudabeda Khajrawan (2), 206 Kanharpllri (3), 207 Deori (4), 208 (1), 290 Baiha Salhebhat (I), 333 Bhainsgaon (I), 350 Matwada (Lal) (1), 209 Nadamara (2), 210 Dhanora (2), 211 Irpanar (I), 358 Bharanda 0), 389 Edka (1), 390 Kana­ Kakanpllr (6), 212 Dhanelikanhar (3), 213 Arjuni (5), gaon (1), 392 Amasara (1),401 Brehbeda (I), 404 Kariakha 214 Bhirwahi (3), 215 S!lrangpal (6), 216 Satlor (8), 217 (7), 407 Tadopal (I), 415 Binjali (4), 416 Sulanga (1). Puriyara (26), 218 Dawarkhar (31), 219 Sarona (2), 220 420 Karlapal (I), 42[ Mahka 0), 424 Terdul (1),. 428 Daldali (1), 223 Sarwandi (6), 224 Dudhawa (4), 225 Narayanpur ([4), 429 Garh Bengal (2), 431 Nayanar (1), 432 Kulanar (1), 438 Malingnar (1), 439 Remawand (1), Rode (J}, 226 Kokpur (3), 227 Govindpur (3), 228 457 Belgaon (1), 460 Naumunmet (2). 464 Gulumkodo (1). DumaIi (23), 229 Matwada (5), 230 Dashpur (27). 231 473 Kochwahi (1). 474 Kukdujhor (1), 480 Matawand (1). Patoud (13), 232 Karap (26), 233 Mudpar (29). 234 485 Badejamhari (I), 487 Kapsi (1), 488 Amgaon (I), Bhimadih (4) 235 Bihawa (6), 236 Telawant (4). 237 490 Benoor (1),492 'Bhatpal (1), 493 Khargaon (I), 502 Malgaon (2), 238 Thelkabod (4), 240 Bewarti (5), 241 Edangpal (1), 514 Pharasgaon (2), 515 Turtha (1), 517 Netanar (I), 533 Koliyari (I), 544 Dandwan (2). 545 Anjani (2), 242 Singanpur (11), 244 Kapsi (2), 245 Korenda (1), 552 Aadpal (1). 558 Baghjhar (1), 572 Albeda (3), 246 Kuristikur (2), 248 Kanker (4) 249 Dhandai (2), 573 Mahimagawadi (1), 574 Kosalnar (1), Kodabhat (14), 251 Choria (1), 252 Gattaglldum (2), 253 578 Banspal (1), 586 Dudmi (1), 595 Badgaon (1). 601 Anchhidongri (1), 254 Suroli (2), 257 Madri (2), 258 Chameli (1), 602 Gaurdand (1), 609 Dhanora (I), 611 Kodejunga (2), 259 Mankesri (2), 260 Pusawand (7), 261 Chhote Dongri (2), 633 Kanhargaon (2). 643 Marohnar (2). KUll)hankhar (8), 262 Sarnda (22), 263 Mawlipara (5), 4 KONDAGAON TAHSIL 264 Musurputa (6), 265 Mode (1), 266 Mohpur (2), 267 Khalari (1), 269 Domaharra(3), 270 Koliyari (3). 271 Urban Salhebhat (1), 273 Nawagan (1), 274 Garhpichhwadi (4), Nil 275 Singarbhat (5), 276 Puswada (37), 279 Patharri (1), 280 Deokongera (5), 281 Vyaskongera (5), 283 Thema (2), Rural 284 Madabharri (4). 287 Pidhapal (4). 288 Dhantulsi (2). 289 Ichhapur (2), 290 Atirgaon (5), 292 Basanwahi (25), Location code number and name of village: 295 Mardapoti (6), 297 Kulgaon (1). 298 Govardhanl(1), 1 Harwal (1). 2 Dhondirapal (2), 6 Khalirnurwend (6), 299 Tultuli (4), 303 Sainmuda (8), 305 Kanagaon (3), 7 Chiprel (1), H Khalari (1), 26 Halma. (4), 2~ Sur­ 307 Lulegondi (1). 310 Bangabari (3). dongar (6), 30 Gauregaon (4), 31 BIsrampufl (2), 476




36 Keskal (18). 37 Kohpameta (1). 38 Pendrawand (I), 44 Urban Borgaon (4). 46 Kodobhat (5), 47 Kurr.ubhat (1), 48 Nil Kaundkera (I). 54 Korahbeda (2). 60 Batrali (2), 62 Rural Maghicherra (1), 66 Saina (1). 78 Paina (1), 80 Adenga (2), 85 Lihagaon (1), 95 Marangpuri (2). 96 Singanpur Location code number and name of vii/age : (5). 100 Tenwasa (I), 102 Eragaon (1). 105 Badwar (2). 204 Kutru (I), 216 Irpagutta (1), 221 Mangapeta (1), 110 Dhanora (2), 113 Banskote (4). 116 Kibda (1). 121 246 Pulgundam (I), 248 Farsegarh (1), 250 Somanpalli Arandi (8), 123 Sikagaon (1). 126 Adanbeda (1), 129 (1), 260 Mandem(1). 292 Bhairamgarh (1), 293 Pusnar Binjhe (1), 133 Bhatgaon (1), 141 Chaniyagaon (1), 142 (1), 294 Nelasnar (1), 300 Gudma (1), 305 JangJa (1), 320 Gokhur (I), 321 Kandraparti (1), 341 Deogaon (1). 146 Pipra (5). 156 Titirwand (1), 157 Gangaram (I). 342 Borguda (3), 343 Redpalli (1). Banjoda (1), 164 Gawadi (I), 165 Bokrabeda (I). 168 354 Dammur (4). 356 Duglamguda (1) 360 Toinar (4), Chichadi (1). 174 Hotchapai (1). 178 Patla (1).179 Wang­ 362 Yeramnar (1), 373 Dugeli (1), 374 Naimed (1), 379 gaon (1). 183 Kongud (I). 387 Pawda (1), 188 Pasangi Nalampalli (I), 380 Ulloor (1), 389 Chandangiri (1). 390 (I), 189 Deodogar (1), 191 Mageda (1). 193 Farasgaon Bhopalpatiam (13), 391 Koitapatnam (Rallapalli) (1). 393 (8). 194 Kotbel (1). 195 Guhaborand (2). 1% Bagbede Papanpal (1), 405 Gullameta (6), 406 Kuehner (2). 410 (3), 199 Mode (1), 200 Bhandarwandi (1), 201 Bail (1). Dhanora (2), 417 Gollaguda (4). 421 Rudraram (3), 422 205 Puspal (1). 206 Kosaharduli (1). 207 Ulera (I), 210 Yapla (1), 423 Pegdapa,1li (2), 424 Kottaguda (1). 427 Barkai (1). 211 Khudi (I), 212 Arangulla (1). 214 Randhna Borje (2), 436 Godaiguda (2). 437 Cherpalli (3). 438 (3) 217 Alore (I), 219 Farasgaon (1), 221 Taragaon (2). Sandrapalli (1), 439 Dampaya (3), 440 Dhangol (1). 445 222 Sandsa (1), 227 Kondabeda (1), 228 Nalajhar (I). Turnar (I), 455 Aurjunalli (3). 458 Peddamatur (2), 459 229 Deoharduli (1), 230 Kakodi (1), 231 Hubba (1), 235 Jagulguda (1), 461 Somanpalli (1), 464 Manjhiguda 0), (1), 466 Koitpal (1), 473 Motakpalli (1), 474 Kesaiguda Torad (1), 236 Borgaon (1), 238 Phuphgaon (1), 240 (I), 476 Dudheda Kottaguda (1), 477 PegdapalIi-Basaguda Bhiragaon (1), 242 Kotpad (1), 244 Gare (1), 245 Jarandi (1). 478 Angampalli (1). 483 Itpal (2), 494 Gorgunda (1), (l). 246 Dharli (2), 247 Bhongapal (1), 248 Misri (l). 495 Gorla (1). 496 Tumlapalli (2), 498 Chinnakawali (1), 251 Bhatgaon 0), 255 Makdi (2). 257 Khandsara (1), 258 499 Bijapur (8), 508 Minoor (1),510 Yenehoda (l), 511 Godma (1), 260 Hirri (l)i 262 Pidhapal (n, 263 Almer Madded (24), 513 Sangampalli (3), 514 Uskaleh (3), 515 (n. 264 Jhakri (1), 265 Korai (1). 266 Badedongar (3). Gilgieha (1), 525 Atukpalli (1). 527 Metlaeheru (I), 528 270 CharJ.




58 Alnar (2), 61 Haram ~), 62 Gidam (10), 63 BadepanePa 116 Pharasgaon (1), 128 Kinjoli (1), 129 Rajnagar (4), (3), 66 Mayurnar I{Haurnar) (1), 67 Jaunga (1), 69 130 Bhejaripadar (1), 132 Udiapal (1), 140 Ghotiya (I), Faraspal (2), 70 Binjam (1), 74 Gumda (1), 79 Teknar 147 Bastar (5), 148 Cholnar (1), 151 Sargipal (1), 171 (1), 80 Balpet (1), 86 Dantewara (5), 92 Pondum (1), MongrapaI (2), 175 DasapaI tl), 201 Ulnar t1), 208 101 Kuper (I), 110 MeJapal, (1), 116 Chandenar (1), 127 Benidharaur (2), 209 Usaribeda (2), 231 Badedharaur Katekalyan (1), 142 Ganjenar (1), 146 Telam tl), 153 (4), 237 Singanpur (1), 243 Borepadar (2), 260 Sonarpal Molasdar (1), 155 Nakulnar (1), 156 Kuakonda (2), 157 (1), 273 MaIgaon (I), 274 GumdeI (1), 285 Burji (2), Halbaras (1), 162 Hitawar (1); 163 Malawada (2), 167 288 Deurgaon (I), 306 Taragaon (I), 310 Ransargipal Mokpal (2), 175 Badehadmamunda (1) 182 Moharakarka (1), 311 -Tanhkapal (1), 315 Ghatpadmoor (1), 316 (1), 190 Koriras (1), 208 Palhar (2). Dharampura (2). 318 Asna (4), 319 Dhobiguda OJ. 323 Badegarawand (3), 324 Kalcha (3), 338 Kongoli (2), 339 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL Aghanpur (2), 343 Babusemara (1). 348 Madpal (1), 351 Nagamar (2), 353 Dhanpunji (l), 366 Chhotemorthpal Urban (1), 370 Hatkachora (3), 371 Adawal (2), 376 Khamar­ gaon (1), 403 Nayanar (1), 406 Naktisemara (2). 408 Location code number and name 0/ town : Markel (1), 409 Bamani (1),420 Tokapal (2), 433 Kurandi (1), 44.) Bade Arapur (1), 447 Keshloor (3), 461 II JAGDALPUR Raikot (1). 469 Sadgud (1), 483 Rajoor (4), 509 Neganar (l). 514 Bademurma (1), _ 517 Nangur (1), 555 Bade Ward No. 1(12), Ward No. 3(17), Kawali (1), 560 Kodarichhapar (1), 561 Bishapur (1), 565 Ward No. 4(22), Ward No. 5(50), Darbha (I), 578 Netanar (1), 598 Kukanar (3). Ward No, 6(28), Ward No. 7(52), Ward No, 8(15). Ward No, 9(4), 8 KONTA TAHSIL Ward No. 10(8), Ward No. 11(12), Urban Ward No. 12(36), Ward No. 13(3), Nil Rural Rural Location eoad number and name 0/ village: Location code /lumber and name 0/ vii/age : 11 Satosa(I), 16 Mokhagaon (1), 18 Jamgaon (1), 20 Naharni (1), 21 Turpura (1), 31 Maretha (I), 32 118 Jagargunda (1). 166 Chintalnar (1). 193 Samsatti Dimrapal (1). 34 Chhindgaon (1), 36 Suwachondi (1), (1), 202 Pinabheji (1), 204 Misma (1). 208 Punpalli (1), 38 Karbawand 0), 40 Badedeoda (1), 48 Bhanpuri (2), 212 Dubbatota (1), 225 Kamapedaguda (1), 226 Medwahi 51 Nandpura (2), 54 Mangnar (I), 62 Choteamabal (I), (1),227 Penta (1),229 Kolaiguda (1). 232 Argatta (Barriguda) 63 Karandola (1). 67 Phapani (2), 71 Belputi (I), 72 (1), 239 Palachilma (I), 241 Kistaram (1), 242 Bheji" (1), KhottapaJ (I), 76 Baniyagaon (I), 77 Jaitgiri (1). 81 251 Ariapenta (2), 252 Dharmapenta (2), 253 Sindurguda Seoni (I), 82 Deoda (1), 83 SonarpaJ (2), 84 Chapka (I). (2),257 Singaram (1),261 Errabore (1),262 Raiguda (2). 264 88 Karanji (I), 90 Satlawand (I), 94 Badlawand (I), 103 Golapalli (2), 268 Polampalli (1), 282 Asirguda (1). 287 Tikanpal (2), 104 Balenga (1), 105 Dubeumargaon (1), So,nalgudiyam (2), 288 Vakamadgu (2), 292 Kotoor (2). 107 Retawand (I), 109 Barda (1), 110 Kumharawand (1), 293 Kotagangler (2). 301 Pusugufa (2), 302 Lingampalli (2). III Mulee (1), 113 Chikhal Karmari (1). 114 Bakawand (1), 308 Maraiguda (2), 309 Kanaiguda (2), 310 Konta (6). APPENDIX VIII





Location code number and name 0/ town .


Ward No, 1, Ward No.6. 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL Rural Urban NIL Location code number and name 0/ town: :

III BAIKUNTHPUR 3 NARAYANPUR TAHSIL Ward No.1, Ward No.2, Ward No.3, Ward No.4, Ward No. 10, Ward No. 11. NIL Rural 4 KONDAGAON TAHSa Location code number and name o/village : Urban 147 Bastar, 189 Rotma. Na


Location code number and name 0/ village ; NIL 382 Kondagaon. APPENDIX JX





Urban NIL Location code number and name of town: 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL I KANKER Urban Ward No.1, Warlf No. 4, Ward No.5, Ward No.6. Ward No.9, Location code number and name of town:


NIL Ward No.1, Ward No.2, Ward No.3, Ward No. 4, Ward No.5, Ward No.6, Ward No.7, Ward No.8, Ward No.9, 3 NARAYANPUR TAHS1L Ward No.l1, Ward No. 12, Urban Rural NIL Location code number and name of viilace: Rural 189 Rotma. Location code number and name of vii/ace: 8 KONTA TAHSIL

651 Durgipara Urban NIL


Location code number and name of village: NIL 310 Konta. APPENDIX X


1 BHANUPRATAPPUR TAHSIL 2 KANKER T AHSIL-Conc/d. \ Urban 205 Markatola (Friday), 207 Deori (Thursday), 219 Sarona (Wednesday, Saturday), 223 Sarwandi (Thursday), 224 Nil Dudhawa (Sunday), 225 Rode (Monday), 230 Dashrur, (Thursday), 231 Pataud (Monday), 261 Kumhankhar Rural (Thursday), 264 Musurputa (Monday), 269 Domaharra (Wednesday), 284 Modabharri (Friday), 287 Pidhapal Location code number and name of village: (Tuesday), 292 Basanwahi (Tuesday).

]4 Taraighotiya (Thursday), 17 Salhe (Monday), 50 '3 NARAYAN PUR TAHSIL Baijanpuri (Saturday), 52 Selegaon (Thursday), 63 Bhondiya (Tuesday), 68 Barheli (Tuesday), 75 Bhanbeda Urban (Friday), 87 Bhanupratappur (Saturday), 89 Korar (Monday), 91 ladekurse (Wednesday), 109 Sambalpur Nil (Wednesday), 153 Kodeknrse (Wednesday), ]62 Karra­ Naidu{Sunday), 166 Durgukondal (Friday). 168 Bhira­ Rural gaon (Saturday), 208 Asulkhar (Monday). Location code number and name of village 2 KANKER TAHSIL 60 Bhainsasur (Thursday), 77 Temrupani (Sunday), Urban 79 Antagarh: (Tuesday), 87 Nagarbeda (Sunday), 190 Kaleparas (Monday), 197 Partapur (Monday), 218 Location code number and name of town : KoyaJi Beda (Friday), 322 Chhote Bettiya (Wednesday), 350 Irpanar (Sunday), 415 Binjali (Friday), 428 Nara­ I KANKER yanpur (Wednesday and Sunday), 434 Sonepur (Friday) 439 Remawand (Monday), 490 Benoor (Saturday), 572 Ward No. 7 {Sunday, Wednesday) Dhandai (Friday). Rural 4 KONDAGAON TAHSIL Location code 'number and name of village: Urban 2 Dokla (Tuesoay), 21 Devinawagaon (Wednesday, Saturday), 24 Charama (Thursday, Sunday), 29 Gitpahar Nil (Sunday), 39 Haradola (Tuesday), 40 Jepra (Saturday), Rural 41 Halba (Thursday), 45 Karra Jaisa (W~dnesday), 46 Kilepar (Friday), 54 Tikrapara (Monday), 60 Kurrubhat Location code number and name of village : (Wednesday), 62 Narharpur (Tuesday), 63 Badal (Friday). 68 Golkumhda (Friday), 70 Tanhkapar ~Monday), 31 Bisranpuri (Wednesday, Saturday), 36 Keshkal 76 .Bhuigaon (Sunday), 8S Basanwahi (Friday), 86 Aroud (Friday), 87 Hatkacharama (Sunday). 94 Puri (Sunday), (Tuesday" Friday), 66 Salna (Sunday), 80 Adenga 95 Chinouri (Thursday), 102 Palewa (Wednesday), 104 (Sunday), ]00 Tenwasa (Thursday), 102 Eragaon Kisanpvri (Pando) (Thursday), to8 Kanapond (Wednesday), (Monday), 107 Baderajpur (Monday), 110 Dhanora (Saturday), 113 Banskote (Tuesday). 123 Sikagaon ~09 Piproud (Tuesday), 110 Umradah (Friday), 118 (Friday), !46 Pipra (Wednesday, Saturday), 158 Kor­ abena (Thursday) 120 Kottara (Friday), 121 Lakhanpuri (Saturday), 128 Tarasgaon (Thursday), 129 Kurna (Mon­ gaon (Monday), 172 Bad Battar (Saturday), 173 Gam­ day), 131 Amoda (Fistnightly-Sunday), 135 Jamgaon (Sat­ hri (Sunday), 174 Hatchapai (Tuesday), 193 Farasgaon urday), 139 Chaw ad . (Wednesday) 144 Mudpar (Tuesday) (Monday), 198 Otenga (Wednesday), 214 Randhana 156 Ch ' , P t enar (Thursday), 165 Shamtara (Friday), 167 (Wednesday), 234 Lubha (Friday), 247 Bhongapal (To g~n )(TueSday), ]68 Mainpur (Monday), ]72 Deodonger (Sunday), 255 Makdi (Tuesday), 266 Badedonger ues ay , 177 Pandarwahi (Tuesday) 179 Hatkon- (Friday), 277 Bhandarseoni (Tuesday), 280 Katagaon iera (Sat urday), 180 Salhetola (Tuesday),' 181 Marka- (Saturday) 289 Hirapur (Thursday), 318 Lanjoda tola (Sunday), ]91 Kanhanpuri (Wednesday), ]99 Bagod (Saturday), 324 Kerawahi (Wednesday), 325 Sampur (Mon­ (Saturday),2()() Budeli (Friday), 204 Khajrawan (Wednesday), day), 339 Yerla (Wednesday), 346 Malakote (Thursday) 481




, 348 Kibai Balenga (Friday), 353 Amrawati (Friday), Rural 360 Mulmula (Thursday), 368 Malgaon (Tuesday), 372 Chipawand (Saturday), 382 Kondagaon (Sunday, Location code number and name of village; Wednesday), 421 Bayana~ (Tuesday), 426 Badekanera 9 Pakhana Kongera (Sunday), 12 Kolwali (Tuesday), (Tuesday), 452 Dahikonga (Friday), 477 Mungapadar 22 Garenga (Friday), 23 Jaibel (Monday), 27 Kesharpal (Tuesday), 490 Mardapal (Saturday), 492 Kadenar (Wednesday), 34 Chhindgaon (Saturday), 36 Sauwnra (Tuesday). (Sunday), 38 Karpawand (Thursday), 54 Mangnar 5 BIJAPUR TAHSIL (Tuesday), 77 Jaitgiri (Sunday and Tuesday), 82 Deoda Urban (Saturday), 87 Ichhapur (Sunday), 99 Mundagaon (Thursday), 107 Refawand (Wednesday), 111 Mulee Nil (Monday), 114 Bakawand tWednesday), 116 Pharasgaon (Saturday), 129 Rajnagar (Friday), 140 Ghotiya (Sunday Rural and TUl'sday), 144 Lamker '(Tuesday) 147 Bastar (Thursday), 151 Sargipal (Thursday), 152 Kosami Location code number and name 0/ village ; (Sunday), 177 Nalpawand (Wednesday), 189 Rotma (Monday). 197 Mohpalbarai (Saturday), 199 Chotedeoda 292 Bhairamgarh (Friday), 360 Toinar (Weekly). 390 (Saturday) 203 Bajwand (Monday), 205 Mardum Bhopalpatnam (Sunday), 395 Pedakodepal (Wednesday), (Monday) 209 Usaribeda (Tuesday), 223 Kachnar 410 Dhanora (Friday), 464 Majhiguda (Tuesday), 499 (Tuesday), 231 Badedharaur (Friday), 237 Singanpur Bijapur (Sunday), 511 Madded (Monday) 537 Pededa (Tuesday), 263 Chokar (Friday), 273 Malgaon (Thurs­ (Monday) 538 Gangaloor (Tuesday), 607 Elmidi day), 284 Sirishguda (Monday), 286 Sakargaon (Thursday), (Wednesday) 608 Awapalli (Thursday), 621 Basaguda 298 Kohkapa\ (Friday), 313 Karallji (Saturday), 324 (Friday), 643 Usoor (Tuesday). Kalcha (Monday), 348 Madpal (Tuesday), 351 Nagarnar (Friday) 358 Alnar (Wednesday), 380 Lalaguda (Monday), 6 DANTEWARA TAHSIL 394 Palwa (Thursday), 396 Bademarenga (Friday) 419 Parpa (Saturday), 420 Tokapal (Monday), 461 Raikot Urban (Friday), 472 Bastanar (Saturday), 478 Dilmili (Friday), 483 Rajoor (Daily). 491 Padmur Sidmur (Wednesday). Nil 510 Chingpal (Thursday), 517 Nangur (Friday), 559 Pakanar (Tuesday), 565 Darbha (Wednesday), 598 Rural Kukanar (Tuesday and Friday).

Location code number and name 0/ village : 8 KONTA TAHSIL

15 Barsur (Friday), 52 Badetumnar (Saturday), 62 Urban Gidam (Sunday), 86 Dantewara (Wednesday) 110 Meta­ pal (Thursday). 127 Katekalyan (Friday), 135 Sumar Nil (Khutepa)J. (Tuesday), 155 Nakulnar (Saturday), 167 Mokpal (Thursday), 208 Palnar (Friday), 230 PotaE Rural (Wednesday). Locatian code number and name o/village: 7 JAGDALPUR TAHSIL 118 Jagargunda (Sunday), 166 Chintalnar (Saturday), Urban 228 Dornapal (Monday); 261 Errabore (Wednesday). 264 Golapalli (Wednesday) 310 Konta (Thursday). Location code number and name of Town :


Ward No.1, (Sunday), 482



Note.-In this Appendix, (i) C.C.S. stands for Co-operative Credit Society, (ii) M.P.S. for Multi-Purpose Society, (iii) I.C.S. for Industrial Co-operative Society and (iv) '0' Stands for 'other Societies'.


NIL Urban NIL 2 KANKER TAHSIL Rural Urban 07cation code number and name 0/ village : Location code number and name of town: 204 Kutru (M.P.S.). 292 Bhairamgarh (0), 360 Toinar (0). I KANKER 3g0 Bhopalpatnam (0), 499 Bijapur (0), 511 Madded (0), 525 Atukpalli (C.C.S.), 544 MinkapaUi (C.C.S.) 559 Kotta­ palli (C.C.S.). 560 Pamgal (C.C.S.). Ward No.2 (C.C.S.). 6 DANTEWARA TAHSIL Rural Urban LocaTion code number and name o/village : NIL 24 Charama (0). 45 Karra (Jaisa) (C.C.S.). 61 Ratesara (0), 69 Khartha (0). 121 Lakhanpuri (C.C.S.). 140 Rural Matradarha (C.C.S.). 165 Shamtara (C.C.S.). 169 Nawa­ gaon (Nathiya) (0). 172 Deodonger (0), 200 Budeli (M.P.S., Location code number and name 0/ village : 0, I.C.S.), ·15 Barsur (M.P.S.), 52 Badetummir (M.P.S.), 69 Faras­ pal (M.P.S.), 86 Dantewara (M.P.S.,O.), 92 Pondum (M.P.S.), 153 Molasnar (M.P .S.).


Urban Urban

NIL Location code number and name 0/ town:

Rural II JAGDALPUR Ward NO.6 (C.C.S.,O.) Location code number and name 0/ village : Rural 79 Antagarh (M.P.S.), 218 Koyalibeda (M.P.S.), 389 Fdka (C.C.s.), 428 Narayanpur (M.P.S.), 439 Remawand Location code number and name of village: (0). 485 Bade Jarnhari (C.C.S.). 362 Bheiari Padar (0), 390 Matkot (0), 391 Telnga Arapur (0). 418 Nainmoor (0), 444 Dugan pal (0), 461 Raikot (0). 462 Yerandwal (Erandwal) (0), 483 Rajoor (0). 4 KONDAGAON TAHSIL 8 KONTA TAHSIL Urban Urban NIL NIL

Rural Rural

Location code number and nome of village : Location code number and name 0/ village:

. 318 Lanioda (0), 382 Kondagaon (0). 300 Dhondra (C.C.S.), PART 11 OTHER DISTRICT STATISTICS

This part contains some useful official statistics pertaining to the district collected and compiled from various agencies (the agency or source is indicated below each Table or Statement) and from official publications. these are presented under the following heads :-

Rainfall anq Temperature

2 Economic Statistics- (a) Agricultural

(b) Prices, and Wages

(c) Live-stock and Taccavi

(d) Co-operation, Banking and Insurance

3 Administrative Statistics

4 Progress of Community Development Programme

5 Educational Statistics

6 Health, Medical and Vital Statistics­ (a) Health and Medical (b) Vital Statistics

7 Communications

8 Miscellaneous 484 TABLE



(a) No. of Rainy days. (b) Monthly Rainfall. Recording Years 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 Station r---'------., ,-----A..---, ,--__"______,---A---, ,..-_;,_-----., Months (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Dantewara January 38.9 0.8 Fbruary 0.3 6.1 March 3 34.S 3 19.3 April 4 36.3 5 59.9 4 42.4 4 40.9 3 3,100.0 May 5 48.3 7 69.1 7 69.1 4 38.6 June 11 128.0 6 148.8 9 103.1 13 304.0 15 329.9 July 14 409.7 18 283.0 17 348.2 17 192.8 29 497.3 August 19 288.5 15 444.5 18 416.1 26 430.0 27 403.9 September 15 222.5 10 112.5 20 259.1 17 337.6 18 212.1 October 9 102.4 11 200.9 4 42.4 11 260.1 7 '90.4 November 4.3 2 127.5 2 21.8 2 15.2 December 2.3

Total 80 1,270.2 67 1,292.8 84 1,429.5 97 1,656.6 106 1,625.3

Keshkal January 3 38.1 Fabruary 1 4.1 March 2 17.3 3 15.7 2.0 April 3 20.3 2 85.3 5 51.3 3 33.5 May 4.1 1 23.9 2 11.2 3 18.5 6 200.4 June 10 123.9 6 154.4 7 162.3 12 391.2 12 206.3 July 18 504.7 13 244.9 16 328.9 13 215.9 23 654,3 August 7 188.5 22 554.7 19 400.1 20 418.3 16 529.1 September 18 539.2 16 212.1 14 430.5 18 469.7 16 330.2 October 6 127.3 9 174,0 3 17.0 10 266.7 6 75.9 November 1 13.2 2 6.9 December 2.0 7.9

Total 64 1,525.3 73 1,502,'6 70 1,424.9 81 1,822.7 80 2,000.3

Sukma January 1 20.3 Fabruary March 2 13.2 2 45.5 1.3 April 9.7 8.4 4 14.5 3 58.9 2 27.9 May 4 30.0 2 27.4 5 105.7 5 26.7 11 136,9 June 8 103.4 10 329.4 9 75.2 15 380.7 13 305.6 July 16 507.2 21 399.8 18 402.1 19 340.6 29 700,5 August 24 329.9 23 571.0 [8 428.2 21 324.9 24 407.7 September 18 355,1 IS 191.5 17 279,1 12 265.2 15 171 .2 October 11 206.3 5 81.0 7 90.2 11 270.0 8 93.5 November 1 2.8 2 54.1 December

Total 84 1,554.8 79 1,631.6 80 1,440.5 86 1,668.3 104 1,897.4 485


AND RAINY DAYS (1952-1960)-Concld.


(In millimetres)

1957 1958 ,---.A.1959__ , 1960 Years Recording ,.--J...__ -,..., ,.-_J..._, ,.---"----,..., r---"---,..., Station (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) Months

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

...... January Dantewara 2.5 February 4 27.-9 2.8 2 42.7 March 3 42.7 5 . 33.5 April 18.5 3· 25.9 2 55.4 3 18.9 May 9 166.1 4· 82.5 10 223.0 15 226.6 June 20 484.4 26 i 558.7 21 317.3 16 594.6 July 17 517.7 20 468.1 24 734.1 17 148.8 August 11 118.4 13 143.5 15 350.3 September 1 17.8 8 266.2 10 69.5 4 95.8 October 1 9.4 3 25.1 November· December

66 1,393.5 81 1,593.1 82 1,749.6 60 1,152.1 Total

1 6.2 January Keshkal 25.4 February 4 38.9 1 7.6 5 59·9 March 4 93.7 7 45,2 1 19.3 April 4 20.1 5 72.6 5 61. 7 2 14.9 May 11 169.9 7 82.5 13 338.1 12 282.9 June 19 353.6 19 410.9 19 268.0 15 324.1 July 22 449.3 16 395.2 23 434.1 16 387.3 August 7 139.9 14 238.0 14 570.2 7 69.7 September

4 67.1 10 204,5 6 200.9 8 151,1 Oetober I 5.1 November December

75 1,332,5 81 1,498.1 80 1,873.0 67 1,314.3 Total

January SUkma February 1 9.9 3.9 March 4 43.2 4 24.9 April 1 46,5 9.2 7 118.6 3 70.4 May 12 179.1 8 107.6 7 203.2 9 104,9 June 24 480.8 23 323.1 21 402.1 13 295.7 July 25 362.7 18 359.7 26 469.7 24 333.6 August 12 186.4 21 298.0 20 491.0 September 4 131.3 10 136.1 8 58.4 9 172.0 October 3 73.7 November 1 3.3 December

83 1,439.9 89 1,336.2 89 1,743.0 59 979.9 Total 486 TABLE



(a) No. of Rainy. days. (b) Monthly Rainfall. Recording Years 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 Station ~ ,.___"_ ~ Months (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bijapur January 7,1 February 1 13.7 March 1.3 2.3 15.7 April 2 2 10.7 1 5.1 3 26.4 6.3 May 14.2 5 58.7 5 57. ! 6 16.8 June 10 75.4 10 345.9 6 82.0 13 305.6 13 312.2 July 16 591.6 18 429.0 20 613.7 15 283.7 21 618.5 August 16 434.1 18 975.1 12 360.9 23 425.5 17 331.5 September 15 243.8 9 146.8 19 336.3 16 414.5 15 341.6 October 9 135.1 10 96.8 3 15.7 11 244.9 6 83.8 November 4· 43.2 December

Total 68 1,495.5 68 2,013.7 67 1,487.8 86 1,757.7 83 1,767.6

Bhopal- January 21.1 patnam February March 4.3 April 1 7.9 23.4 12.5 24.9 1 12.2 May 1 2.5 1 3.3 2 16.3 1 3.8 1 3.8 June 8 100.1 10 269.5 9 152.9 16 360.9 14 246.1 July 15 389.1 16 359.9 22 524.3 19 321.1 26 698.5 August 20 404.4 20 985.8 17 500.6 . 26 695.5 16 314.2 September 15 273.6 14 201.4 15 343.7 16 437.6 October 6 57.6 8 87.9 2 9.9 13 271.0 6 65.8 November 0.8 2 15.0 1 5.1 December

Total 66 1,225.2 71 1,953.1 69 1,564.5 94 2,129.8 65 1.345.7 Konta January 1.8 .. February March 2 20.6 April 2 25.9 2 50.0 2 55.1 3 55.1 2 10.4 May 3 52.1 3 17.5 4 30.0 5 49.3 June 7 106.4 7 316.5 9 91.9 10 167.9 14 397.0 July 15 365.8 14 349.0 17 356.9 13 262.4 22 555.5 August 17 312.4 18 436.1 18 486.7 19 645.9 20 323.3 September 13 222.0 13 160.8 18 366.8 15 365.3 11 121.2 October 9 109.7 12 93.0 9 127.0 11 153.1 8 109.0 - November 22.1 3 21.1 3 40.9 December 1 7.9

Total 66 1.194.3 67 1,429.3 79 1,530.1 78 1,700.8 85 1,660.6 4&7


AND RAINY DAYS (1952-1960)-Contd.


(In millimetres) 1957 1958 1959 1960 Years ,-----'------., . ,----,-----> ,.._-A. ,--A.---, Recording (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) Months Stations

13 14 15 '16 17 18 19 20 2

January Bijapur 1 2.5 8.9 February 4 22.6 2.6 2 34.3 March 2 48.8 3 28.6 20.3 April .3 106.7 3 60.5 May 11 215.1 6 93.7 8 224.3 13 305.1 June 23 589.0 27 516.1 23 578.6 16 534.9 July 26 682.0 17 591.8 26 777.0 18 525.5 August 8 168.4 13 349.5 17 507.5 12 176.0 September 5 61.0 5 133.9 8 120.1 6 151.9 October 3 20.8 2 28.3 November December

83 1,896.1 75 1,745.9 82 2.207.5 73 1,836.8 Total

Januacy Bhopalpatnam 0.5 3 22.1 February 3 25.4 2 25,9 3 36.1 March 2 18.8 2 47.0 1 8.4 April 2 45.7 2 6.3 3 37.1 May 10 212.3 5 119.5 7 125.0 15 308.3 June 23 488.9 26 644.7 20 , 676.4 16 742.9 July 21 517.1 20 753.1 29 753.9 20 240.2 August 5 177.8 17 264.4 16 562.4 14 266.9 September 4 90.7 10 201.4 8 .68.6 3 18.5 October 4.6 2.1 November December

70 1,577.2 88 2.089.0 80 2,181,).3 75 1,660.5 Total

January Konta 2.3 February 2.3 1 9.7 March 4 66.0 1 14.5 1 6.1 April 2 30.5 3 43.4 4 62.7 May 12 208.3 6 70.8 7 16 .. 0 11 200.0 June 17 448.6 22 330.5 22 490.2 16 296.4 July 22 468.4 27 672.8 26 262.1 August 8 135.6 15 335.8 16 225.3 September 2 17.8 8 99.8 6 42.7 October 3 21.3 0.5 November

December I

67 1,377.5 35 482.8 79 1,758.6 81 1,105.5 Total 488



BASTAR (a) No. of Rainy days. (b) Monthly Rainfall.

Recording Years 1952 Station ,.-_.A..--, 1953 1954 1955 1956 ,.--_'__~ ,.--A.._--, ,.----A..----, ,.----"----.:...... , ,.-~--, Months (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Jagdalpur January 23.4 February 1.8 5.1 March 2.5 16.3 2 52.3 April 8 66.8 5 46.2 5 64.0 5 64.8 3.3 May 5 58.2 30.5 6 52.6 3 25.9 5 120.9 June 9 106.2 7 259.6 10 96.8 14 164.9 12 July 252.7 21 549.4 15 194.6 18 457.2 17 305.5 23 504.4 August 21 299.0 24 586.0 17 461.8 17 514.6 22 515.1 September 17 392.9 9 214.9 16 453.9 17 237.0 10 132.6 October 8 86.6 8 129.8 5 1I5.8 10 245.6 5 72.4 November 8.1 6.3 93.7 D('ccmber

Total 90 1,561.6 71 1,493.1 78 1,718.4 86 1,617.7 79 1.700.2 Kondagaon January 3 24.9 February March 2 20,3 2 10.7 11.4 April 4 22.9 5 61. 7 6 58.9 3 46.2 3 12.9 May 4.6 2 10.4 4 54.6 5 43.7 10 160.0 June 8 110.5 7 127.8 8 106.9 10 321.3 13 195,1 July 23 486.7 16 195.8 19 245.1 16 188.2 25 558.8 August 17 349.5 18 569.7 21 351.8 23 429.3 19 361.9 September 20 283.5 13 337.3 16 356.4 18 476.3 14 139.2 October 5 53.3 14 334.3 3 28.5 10 264.9 8 135.6 November 1.3 December 3.3

Total 79 1,331.3 78 1,663.2 80 1,216.2 86 1,781.3 92 1,563,5

Antagarh . January 61 February March 2 11. 4 1 8.1 April 2 24.9 2 15.2 2 26.9 14.0 May 2 19.3 2.3 5 58.7 2 104.4 June 8 95.5 8 214.6 6 104.4 13 484.6 16 252,0 July 21 512.6 13 187.2 19 289.1 17 338.6 22 444:5 August 20 371.6 21 857.5 19 520.2 26 774.7 22 446.0 September 18 625.1 13 202.7 19 513.3 21 484.1 16 212.1 October 6 70.1 6 45.0 1 3.1 13 268.5 9 92.7 November 2 14.2 December

Total 79 1,730.5 64 1,528.3 67 1,467.4 96 2,423.2 89 1,565.9 489


AND RAINY DAYS (1952-1960)-Contd.


(In millimetres) 1957 1958 1959 1960 Years ,------"-- ,-~---., ,------., ,------"------, ,-_.A.--, Recording (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) Months Stations

13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

1.0 16.2, January Jagdalpur 1 41.1 February 3 38.3 3 , 15.7 2 22.6 March 4 44.5 4 53.3 3 45.7 April 5 61.7 8 105.7 8 153.7 May 12 257 . .6 7 73.1 10 153.4 14 312.2 June 20 485.4 23 372.6 17 322.8 July 18 360.4 17 355.2 20 338.1 22 301.2 August 5 74.2 19 343.8 17 :308.5 It 214.6 September 4 151.4 11 169.8 6 115.1 9 138.9 October 3 19.8 0.8 November 9.4 December

71 1,473.5 96 1,551. 1 55 940.7 89 1,512.5 Total

5.6 January Kondegaou 1 15.2 February 5 40.9 2 13.7 March 4 35.3 7 50.3 5.7 April 4 40.6 5 84.1 2 13.5 2 79.0 May 12 201.9 12 171.5 15 341.4 15 304.6 June 16 637.8 27 492.0 9 289.8 15 453.6 July 20 494,5 15 347.2 26 681.0 20 192.7 August 5 95.8 13 208.5 17 367.3 11 142.7 September 3 56.9 11 173.5 7 86,4 9 146.8 October 5 7.8 November December

72 1,618.9 98 1,554.2 76 1,779.4 73 1,325.1 Total

January Antagarh 1 9.7 1 38.1 February 6 73,7 2 12.2 March 3 50.3 3 . 14.7 3 15.8 April 1 16.8 2 13.7 / .. May 4 64.3 4 105.7 6 381.5 8 25.2 June 23 553.0 25 669.0 21 443.0 13 267.6 July 25 562.1 19 471.2 26 564.4 August g 124.2 15 297.7 17 546.1 14 222.3 September 4 32.S 7 328.4 5 197.2 10 127.5 October 4 53.9 November December

75 1,486.6 82 2,004.6 75 2,132,2 48 658.4 Total



AND RAINY DAYS (1952-1960)-Concld.


(In miilimetresj 1957 1958 1959 1960 Years Recording ,.---..A.__ -, ,.-~-, ,.-~ ,--J.._-, ,-~ Station (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) Months

13 14 15 ' 16 17 18 19 20 2

3.1 January Narayanpur 1 14.7 .. .. February 9 87.1 1 8.1 3 22.1 March 6 47.5 5 45.7 4 31.1 April 1 8.9 6 63.0 4 34·0 3 26.4 May (2 176.0 7 249.8 13 271.6 June 17 432.3 26 , 562.1 22 579.1. 15 356.6 July 19 506.0 20 452.1 27 619.5 16 257.6 August 6 101.1 13 187.7 18 386.1 12 114.8 September 3 43.2 11 186.2 6 88.6 -11 194.6 October 1 26.2 November December

74 1,416.8 83 1,508.0 84 1,957.1 78 1.301.0 Total

" 0.5 January Kanker ~ 18.9 February 7 87.1 " 1.5 5 65.0 March 2 15.0 2 10.7 1 6.5 April 1 16.5 1 10.1 .. May 10 147.6 4 142.2 10 247.3 June 17 446.0 17 430.5 14 452.2 July 18 605.0 12 215.5 23 580.7 August 6 181.4 9 195.0 .. September 2 37.1 9' 153.9 6 72.2 October 2 16.5 November December

63 1,535.7 58 1,195.3 23 580.7 36 843.4 Total

January Bhanupratappur. February 9 48.5 March 2 26.2 4 15.7 April 1 5.8 1 7.6 1 5.3 " May 11 151.6 5 225.6 3 171.2 1 7.6 June 21 410.2 25 494.8 13 480.1 9 185.4 July 21 506.2 19 299.5 24 570.7 August 4 83.8 13 319.8 13 415.3 6 88.9 September 3 20.8 8 200.1 6 55.8 8 144.8 October 3 77.5 November December

72 1,283,1 78 1,640.6 60 1,698.4 24 426.7 Total

72 1,477.6 79 1,516.6 72 1,800.5 64 1,176.4 District Average 492



Months (In Centigrade) r------.------.---_ft__ --. Year January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1951 A 27.7 32.6 35.0 35.9 37.4 33.3 29.6 27.5 30.0 30.4 28.4 27.2 B 31.1 36.1 37.8 39.4 41.1 37.8 32.8 31.7 32.8 32.8 31.1 30.0 C 8.9 12.2 17.3 21.7 23.1 23.3 22.6 21.9 22.3 20.9 14.6 8.4 D 5.0 8.9 10.6 17.8 18,3 21.1 20.0 20.6 20.6 16.1 10.6 6.1 1952 A 29.2 31.4 34.1 36.7 37.7 35.2 29.2 28.1 28.1 29.9 28.2 27.9 B 31. 7 33.9 37.8 38.9 41.7 42.2 34.4 31.1 31. 7 31.7 30.0 29.4 C 11.0 14.7 17.7 22.4 24.3 25.0 22.6 22.1 21.7 19.5 12.8 12.5 D 7.2 10.6 10.6 19.4 21.1 21.1 20.6 20.6 20.0 13.3 8,9 9.4 1953 A 28.1 31.7 37.5 37.1 40.7 36.0 29.4 27.9 30.9 30.3 28.8 27.8 B 31.1 36.7 40.6 42.2 43.3 44.4 33.3 31.7 33.9 32.8 31.7 30.6 C 12.6 14.9 19.1 22.2 26.1 25.5 22.6 22.1 22.8 21.1 14.3 9.9 D 7.8 10.6 15.0 18.9 21.1 21.1 20.6 20.0 21.1 15.0 8.9 7.8 1954 A 29.1 33.0 35.3 38.1 38.7 33.8 29.3 29.5 28.5 29.7 28.4 28.3 B 32.8 35.0 37.2 40.6 42.2 40.6 32.8 32.2 32.2 32.2 30.0 31.1 C 10.6 14.5 18.1 23.3 24.5 24.3 22.5 22.4 22.2 IS.9 11.7 12.1 D 7.2 10.6 19.4 20.6 20.6 21.1 20.0 21.1 12.8 10.0 8.3 1955 A 27.9 31.6 35.7 37.4 39.2 35.8 29.3 29.8 29.4 28.8 26.3 26.1 B 31.7 33.9 38.9 40.0 42.8 42.8 32.2 32.8 31.7 31.1 28.9 28.3 C 12.8 16.3 21.1 23.5 27.4 27.4 24.0 23.8 23.3 22.0 13.8 11.0 0 7.8 10.0 IS.0 18.9 22.S 22.S 20.6 22.8 20.6 18.3 10.0 6.1 1956 A 29.3 30.5 36.3 39.2 34.4 31.1 28.1 28.6 29.6 29.2 29.3 28.6 B 31.1 34.4 38.3 41.7 43.9 36.1 31.7 31.1 32.2 31.1 31.7 30.6 C 12.6 12.7 19.3 22.8 24.2 22.6 21.7 21.9 21.8 19.9 18.0 11.8 D 10.0 6.7 16.7 20.0 19.4 20.6 20.6 20.6 20.0 16.1 11.7 7.2 1957 A 29.6 31.5 33.2 36.1 37.8 33.9 27.5 28.5 30.8 32.0 29.6 28.9 B 33.1 34.2 37.2 39.3 40.3 38.7 31.6 32.2 33.2 34.2 31.4 30.6 C 13.3 14.2 18.1 22.1 24.1 23.5 22.1 22.6 22.3 20.2 14.7 11.9 D 7.2 9.7 13.3 18.0 20.8 21.1 20.1 20.9 21.1 17.8 11.6 8.5 1958 A 29.5 31.6 34.9 37.2 37.5 36.8 27.7 28.4 28.8 29.1 28.3 27.5 B 31.3 33.1 37.4 39.0 40.6 41.7 31.1 32.2 31.4 31.8 31.0 28.7 C 12.2 i6.4 19.0 22.9 24.3 25.3 22.2 22.7 23.0 21.0 17.8 12.3 D 8.8 8.6 14.9 20.4 20.8 21.6 18.3 21.4 20.2 16.5 11.4 9.1 1959 A 28.7 31.3 35.9 37.4 38.9 33.1 28.2 27.6 28.9 29.9 28.4 27.2 B 30.8 34.4 38.4 41.7 41.3 36.6 31.7 29.6 32.4 31.4 30.8 30.2 C 12.7 15.5 18.1 23.0 24.6 23.4 22.4 22.1 22.1 20.7 14.1 11.6 D 8.5 12.1 14.0 20.2 20.0 21.1 21.4 20,4 21.0 16.9 9.8 6.9 1960 A 28.5 31.9 33.5 37.5 37.8 32.9 28.4 27.8 30.2 29.5 28.4 28.6 B 30.3 34.2 37.7 39.4 41. 2 39.5 33.2 30.4 32.0 31.1 30,1 31.1 C 12.7 13.2 18.5 22.6 24.4 24.1 22.6 22.4 22.6 19.5 14.9 13.1 D 9.2 9.8 14.7 17.3 20.5 20.2 20.5 20.8 21.3 14.9 8.8 8.4

A-Mean Maximum. B-Highest. C-Mean Minimum, D-Lowest. SQurce :-Director, Regional Meteorological Centre, Nagpur. 493

TABLE 1_ 2-Contd_


____MONTHS-----A_ (In Centigrade) ---. Year January February March April ~ay June July August September October November December 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1951 A 26'9 31' t, 34'1 34'0 38'2 35'6 31 ,} 28'3 31'1 31'3 29'2 27'2 B 30-0 35'0, 37'2 37'8 41'7 40'6 34'4 31'1 33'3 30'6 29'4 C 10-6 13'6 18'8 22-9 25'7 26'7 24-7 23-6 23,3 21'6 14-7 9-8 D 5'6 8'9 12'8 19'4 20'0 22'8 22'2 22'2 21'7 17'2 10'6 6'7 1952 , A 28'8 30'9 33'9 38'1 41'1 36'9 30'1 28'4 28'9 30'4 28'2 28-3 B 31 'I 35'0 38'9 41'1 43'3 42'8 35'0 31'1 32,8 32'2 29'4 30'0 C 10,9 15'3 18'i 26'0 29'7 27'8 24'2 23'6 22'9 20'2 12'5 12-9 D 7-2 10'0 11-7 20'0 26'1 22'8 21'7 21'7 20'6 12'8 g'3 8'3 1953 A 27'2 31 '8 37'3 37'9 41'6 37'4 29'9 28'2 30'6 29'7 28'0 26-9 B 30'6 35'0 39'4 41'1 44'4 44'4 33'3 31'7 32'8 32'2 30'0 28'3 C 13'2 16'6 19'9 24'9 29'1 27'9 23'9 23'4 23'4 21'1 13'4 10'1 D 6'7 11'1 14'4 21 '7 25'0 21'7 22'2 21'7 22'2 15'6 8'3 8'3 1954 A 27'1 32'3 34'6 38'9 41'4 35-8 30'1 29,g 28'g 29'3 28'4 27'4 B 30'6 34'4 38'3 41'7 43'9 43'3 35'0 32'8 31'7 31'7 30'0 30'0 C 10,7 15'1 18'9 24'7 28'8 26'3 23'6 23-1 22'6 18'0 11- 3 11-7 D 5'6 10'0 13-3 21'7 26'1 21'7 21'7 20'6 20'6 11'7 9'4 6'1 1955 A 27-9 31-6 35-7 37-4 39-2 35-8 29'3 29-8 29'4 28-8 26'3 26'1 B 31'7 33'9 38'9 40'0 42'8 42'8 32'2 32-8 31'7 31'1 28-9 28'3 C 12'8 16'3 21'1 23'5 27-4 27'4 24'0 23-8 23-3 22-0 13'8 11'0 D 7-8 10-0 15-0 18'9 22-8 22-2 20-6 22-8 10-6 18-3 10-0" 6-1 1956 A 27-9 29-2 35'7 39-4 39-1 31-4 28-5 28-9 29-5 29-5 27'9 27'2 B 30-0 34-4 37'8 41'7 43-9 35'6 32'2 30'6 31-7 32'2 30'6 29-4 C 13'0 13-8 20'3 25-1 27-7 24'8 23-4 23-7 23-1 . 20'4 15'8 12'3 D 9'4 7-2 15'6 19'4 22'2 21'7 22'2 22'2 21 'I 15'6 10'6 7'8 1957 A 28-4 28'7 31-0 36-7 39'6 36-6 28'7 29'6 30'8 31'5 29'S 28'5 B 30-6 23'3 35-7 40'4 41'6 41'1 32'8 31-8 33'2 34'5 31-6 30'6 C 14'1 14'4 17'8 23-5 28-1 27'1 . 23'6 23'7 23'5 20'1 14-1 12'8 D 7'2 8'7 11'9 18'3 21'2 22'9 21'7 21'1 21'1 14'1 11'1 7-8 1958 A 28-9 30'6 34'1 38'4 40'2 38'8 28-6 30'3 29'2 29'6 28-5 27-1 B 31 'I 33'0 38'7 41'8 42'8 43'1 34'4 33'3 31'2 32'4 30'5 28-4 C 12-8 15'9 20'2 25'7 27'9 28'6 23'7 24'2 24-1 21 '7 17-9 12-2 D 7-2 S'3 15'6 21'1 22'S 22'2 20'3 21'4 21'4 16-1 11-4 8'9 1959 A 28'2 30'3 35'3 38'2 40'7 36'0 29'3 28'2 29'4 30'6 28'7 27'0 B 31'1 33.4 39'3 42'8 43'6 38'9 32'3 30'6 33'5 32'6 31'5 29'8 C 13'5 15'3 18'3 24'3 29-5 25'9 24'0 23-6 23'8 23'3 15'3 11'6 D 6,7 10'1 12'8 21'1 25'0 22'2 22'5 22'2 20'9 20'3 10'0 6'4 1960 A 27'3 32'1 32'S 38'0 40-6 35'3 28'7 28'3 31'3 30'1 28'2 28-2 B 29'4 35'0 37'0 40'6 44'0 41'6 33'S 31.4 33'3 32'6 30'1 30'8 C 13 'I 13'7 18'7 24'1 28'S 25'7 25'0 24'7 24'S 20'5 14'9 14'6 D 8'0 8'9 13'7 17'3 23'4 20'8 22'4 23'2 23'0 15'3 9'6 10-0

A=Mean Maximum, B=Highest. C=Mean Minimum, D=Lowest. Source:-Dirtoctor, Regional Meteroiogicai Centre,Nagpur_ 494

TABLE 1. 2-Concld.


(In Cenitgrade) MONTHS --"- Year January February March April May June July August September October November December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


A 28.9 30.6 31.3 36.7 37.5 29.2 29.4 30.5 31.5 29.6 28.0 B 31.1 34.3 36.2 39.9 47.6 44.9 32.1 32.4 34.4 30.8 30.8 C 13.4 12.9 17.7 20.1 13.7 12.4 D 6.8 7.7 11.8 16.2 10.0 10.2


A 29.3 31.3 35.2 39.2 40.2 38.3 29.1 29.8 28.8 28.3 27.8 26.5 B 32.2 33.4 38.9 42.3 43.2 43.2 33.6 32.5 3().8 31.9 28.3 27.9 C 11.5 14.4 19.5 24.1 27.3 26.8 24.0 24.1 23.9 21.9 17.9 12.3 D 6.4 5.3 14.8 20.9 21.1 23.1 22.6 22.7 21.6 15.4 lOA 5.9


A 36.0 29.3 29.8 27.6 26.5 B 38.3 32.2 31.7 30.4 29.4 C 25.1 23.8 21.5 14.2 11.0 D 21.6 22.1" 17.2 8.5 5.2


A 27.1 31.3 32.7 37.7 40.9 34.5 29.0 27.8 30.6 29.6 26.6 27.9 B 28.0 34.3 37.2 40.6 44.4 41.7 32.4 30.6 32.3 31.7 29.4 31.4 C 12.7 12.8 17.9 23.1 27.6 25.3 23.9 23.4 23,8 19.9 12.7 12.1 D 7.4 8.7 13.8 16.3 20.4 21.2 21.3 22.4 22.7 14.3 5.l 5.1

A-Mean Maximum. B-Highest. C-Mean Minimum. D-Lowest. Source ;-Director, Regional Meteroiogicai Centre, Nagpur. 495




Area"not available for cultivation Area Cultivable Area cultivated --"- ,.-----"-----, r- ~ ,.---.A-~ Land under misc. Permanent Tree pastures crops & Area Land put Barren Fallow land & Groves not according to non- & other than other included to village agricul- uncultur- Culturable current grazing in net area Net area Current Year papers. Forest tUfal uses able land waste fallows lands sown sown fallows 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

,.----"--, ,----"---, . 1951-52 9,423,444 6,041,396 265,531 1,519,235 1,325,906 271,376

1952-53 9,385,868 6,060,689 264,746 1,466,256 1,334,014 260,163

1953-54 9,425,517 6,709,011 78,134 201,241 170,834 138,286 308,487 218,872 1,379,848 220,822

1954-55 9,433,822 6,702,645 74,203 209,308 175,365 192,715 308,486 221,946 1,402,372 146,782

1955-56 9,442,193 6,701,231 79,352 209,500 185,275 195,947 302,042 216,661 1,400,331 151,854

1956-57 9,449,610 6,712,542 78,506 203,140 180,425 200,314 292,340 221,258 1,414,257 146,828

1957-58 9,681,728 6,970,567 78,991 206,619 185,144 201,041 272,148 198,738 1,432,997 135,483

1958-59 9,681,728 6,958,287 83,604 215,499 194,920 187,102 257,525 192,444 1,465,973 126,374

1959-60 9,681,728 6,955,011 80,445 214,027 194,784 172,201 246,672 186,865 1,505,196 126,527

1960-61 9,681,728 6,922,350 85,447 211,589 192,924 174,898 261,771 17',037 1,533,047 128,665

Source·-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 496




BASIC --...A-FOOD___ CROPS r- -, Fruits Condi- Year Rice Wheat Jowar Total & ment Other ---A.. -.. vege- Sugar- & food Cereals Pulses Food Grains tables cane spices crops 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1950-51 801,605 2,075 41,716 1.191,613 68,708 1,260,321 9,669 1,373 2,946 842 1951-52 808,534 2,218 43,593 1,121,001 156,280 1,277,281 8,783 1,443 2,726 1,267 1952-53 798,131 2,496 48,678 1,129,917 161,183 1,291,100 8,470 1,417 2,401 1,031 1953-54 832,417 3,314 50,102 1,179,610 167,230 1,346,840 7,964 1,060 2,664 445 1954-55 838,209 3,882 50,913 1,198,984 170,122 1,369,106 8,621 1,065 2,538 476 1955-56 833,719 4,476 52,066 1,208,586 159,490 1,368,076 8,945 1.146 2,813 420 1956-57 854,614 5,329 51,388 1,221,251 160,174 1,381,425 9,765 1,183 2,745 1957-58 875,190 4,842 51,203 1,248,968 155,092 1,404,060 9,927 1,110 2,470 1958-59 894,036 4,818 52,435 1,272,303 162,076 1,434,379 9,719 1,004 2,370 1959-60 927,485 5,205 52,607 1,314,432 160,175 1,474,607 10,104 1,041 2,225 1 1960-61 948,908 5,623 52,400 1,341,124 160,895 1,502,019 10,231 1,108 2,363

TABLE 2A.2-Concld.

Total Total area Area sown Net Year food Ground Total Total sown under more than area crops Nut oil-seeds Cotton Fibres an crops once sown 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1950-51 1,275, Iii 490 90,192 39 1,965 1,375,745 66,395 1,309,350 1951-52 1,291,500 456 90,585 32 2,207 1,393,807 67,901 1,325,906 1952-53 1,304,419 163 91,075 61 1,683 1,406,101 72,087 1,334,014 1953-54 1,358,973 156 95,469 16 1,942 1,459,142 79,294 1,379,848 1954-55 1,381,ll06 34 98,421 12 1,383 1,484,261 81,889 1,402,372 1955·56 1,381,400 52 99,681 11 1,431 1,485,456 85,125 1,400,331 1956-57 1,395,118 36 99,142 8 1,159 1,498,096 83,839 1,414,257 1957·58 1,417,567 49 85,279 2 1,292 1,506,128 73,131 1,432,997 1958-59 1,447,472 27 92,761 1,049 1,543,577 77,604 1,465,973 1959-60 1,487,978 54 93,512 811 1,584,149 79,553 1,505,196 1960-61 1,515,721 31 93,221 750 1,6]2,167 79,120 1,533,047

Source :-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 497



(1951-52 to 1960-61)


Total Total cereals Total Total Total irrigated Net & Total food Sugar- food non-food area under irrigated Year Rice Wheat millets pulses grains cane crops crops all crops Area 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1951-52 52,847 52,855 10 52,865 1,388 56,253 901 57,234 37,234 1952-53 46,481 46,485 46,485 1,051 49,854 704 50,558 50,558 1953-54 48,666 48,666 5 48,671 1,019 51,671 819 52,490 52,490 1954-55 46,618 2 46,620 6 46,626 1,026 49,742 710 50,452 50,452 1955-56 44,361 7 44,369 3 44,372 1,087 47,S17 770 48,387 48,387 1956-57 38,482 11 38,493 38,493 1,004 41,818 653 42,471 42,471 1957-58 36,806 6 36,813 9 36,822 963 39,876 518 40,394 38,063 1958-59 32,300 32,306 12 32,318 907 '35,351 614 35,965 35,965 1959-60 32,696 32,703 6 32,709 883 35,749 532 36,2FI 36,281 1960-61 29,927 7 29,934 8 29,942 920 33,146 628 33,774 33,774

Source-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh.



(1951-52 to 1960-61)


Canals.A. ____ ---, Year r- Tube Other Other Government Private Total Tanks wells well~ sources Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

,------'- 1951-52 21,769 1,737 33,728 57,234 1952-53 30,401 1,478 18,679 50,558 1953-54 32,371 1,512 18 607 52,490 1954-55 30,939 1.499 18,014 50,452 1955-56 32,033 1,985 14,369 48,387 1956-57 29,795 1,437 11 ,239 42,471 1957-58 26,162 14'2 11,759 38,063 1958-59 21,364 1,834 12,767 35,965 1959-60 22,823 1,624 11,834 36,281 1960-61 188 188 19,890 1,484 12,212 33,774

Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 498




Area under principal Year of Gross area commercial commence­ irrigated up- crops (the ment or Estimate of Costs to the latest Future irri- area affected Tahsil and when likely involved by year gation Poten- by the pro­ S. No. Name of Project Village to start Stage of progress stages (in acres) tial (in acres) ject in acres)

.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Major Project


Medium Project

Dh.dhawa Tank Kanker 1955 Work Stage I 1,40,000 acres Area under Project Tahsil complete Rs. 88.25 Lakhs submersion Dhudhawa 95.4% Stage II Feeder Tanks 10.217 acres village (enlarged to existing Rudri (cultivated area) Dhudhawa Dam) Head work Rs. 267.49 lacs. on Mahanadi main canal.

Note: -Major Projects cost more tban Rs. 5 crores. Medium Projects are those which cost between Rs. 10 lakhs and 5 crores.

Source:-Executive Engineer, Dhudhawa Project Division, Kanker. 499




Year Rice Jowllr Bajra Maize Ragi Wheat Barley Cereals Gram Tur Potatoes Sugar Ginger Pepper cane (Dry) (Black)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1950-51 1,135 440 420 1951-52 1,460 383 206 1952-53 1,582 1953-54 1,132 566 540 475 310 1,297 5,040 3,150 1954-55 1,243 1955-56 768 325 540 517 447 1,429 4,620 3,141 1956-57 784 448 453 549 377 1,354 4,962 3,174 1957-58 659 592 451 471 241 959 9,311 3.055 1958-59 735 735 1,002 482 318 1,421 7,908 3,166 1959-60 962 859 505 485 331 990 9,381 2,909 • 1960-61 846 667 990 531 279 1,182 7,239 2,656

- (Table 2A.6- Continued)

Year Chillies Tobacco Ground- Castor Sesamum Rape Linseed Cotton Jute (Dry) nut seed Mustard

1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

1950-51 90 160 1951-52 130 160 1952-53 1953-54 330 124 356 149 1954-55 1955-56 537 300 203 392 135 1956-57 330 137 331 149 1957-58 503 300 77 217 98 1958-59 747 264 92 304 142 1959-60 456 62 256 127 1960-61 650 301 57 272 117

Source :-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 500 TABLE FORTNIGHTLY WHOLESALE PRICE ( In rupees per maund of

1st Fortnight. (a~(b 2nd Fortnight. ( 1957 to ( .. ) Denotes that figures were not available. BASTAR

Food January February March April May June Year Market Grains Varieties ,---A._-, ,---A.-...., ,-_--A.-----, ,---A.-----, ,---A--. r-"-- (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1957 Jagdalpur Rice Fine 17.00 18.50 19.00 Medium 15.00 16.50 11.00 Coarse 14.00 14.25 15.00 Wheat Superior 18.00 Medium 17.00 16.00 Inferior Gram (Whole) Deshi 16.00 18.00

1958 Jagdalpur Rice Fine 18.00 20.75 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.50 16.00 17.00 24.12 16.25 Medium 16.00 21.75 14.00 14.00 14.25 15.00 15.50 15.00 15.00 22.62 15.25 Coarse 14.75 19.50 12.97 13.00 12.75 14.25 14.50 14.25 14.25 21.31 14.37 Wheat Superior 18.00 27.00 16.00 14.25 14.25 13.75 16.50 17.00 17.00 Medium 14.00 14.00 16.00 .. Inferior Gram (Whole) Deshi 14.50 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.50 14.00 14.00 16.00 15.00 15.00

1959 Jagdalpur Rice Fine 16.00 23.00 15.75 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.00 24.00 16.00 Medium 14.75 22.00 14.75 14.00 14.00 14.25 14.00 14.50 14.50 21.50 14.50 Coarse 12.00 18.50 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.62 14.00 21.00 14.00 Wheat Superior 29.00 47.00 31.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 23.00 22.50 22.00 33.00 22.00 Medium 25.50 37.50 26.00 28.00 22."5 17.50 16.00 17;00 16.00 24.00 16.00 Inferior 29.00 14.50 14.50 14.S0 14.50 14.S0 14.S0 14.50 21.75 14.50 Gram (Whole) Deshi 20.00 23.50 26.00 26.00 25.50 25.00 22.50 20.00 18.50 27.00 19.00

1960 .JagdaJpur Rice Fine Medium IS.50 16.00 Coarse 13.50 14.00 Wheat Superior 22.00 18.00 Medium 18.00 Inferior 14.50 14.50 Gram (Whole) Deshi 14.50 17.50

Source-Director of Land Records. Madhya Pradesh. . 501



, rune July August September October November December Market Year --"--, ,---"--, r--...A..--.,. ,----"--, ,---"----, ,,---A..._...., ,---"--, (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

.. 20.00 21.00 Jagdalpur 1957 18.50 19.00 17.00 17.50 16.00 19.00

15.00 14.75 17.00 16.50 15.00

17.00 17.50 17.87 17.75 26.50 18.00 18.00 17.50 25.00 16.50 15.50 16.50 13.00 Jagdalpur 1958 15.50 16.00 16.62 16.87 24.00 15.75 15.50 15.00 22.00 15.00 13.62 13.50 11.50 15.00 15.50 15.87 15.87 22.75 15.00 14.50 . 14.12 13.87 13.50 30.00 16.00 14.50 17.50 17.50 17.75 18.00 18.25 18.75 19.00 22.50 42.25 31.00 16.50 18.50

17.00 17.00 18.50 20.00 40.00 18.50 20.50 20.00 30.00 23.50 20.00 21.25

16.00 16.00 24.00 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 Jagdalpur 1959 14.50 15.00 22.50 14.00 13.75 14.00 14.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 14.00 14.00 20.50 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 15.00 14.00 14.00 22.00 22.00 29.50 18.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 22.OJ 22.00 22.00 16.00 16.00 25.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.50 17.00 17.00 15.37 14.50 14.25 21.75 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.00 18.50 18.00 26.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 16.00 14.00

Jagdalpur 1960 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 25.75 14.25 14.50 16.00 14.50 21.75 18.50 18.25 17.50 28.50 15.00 15.25 17.00 15.00 30.00 18.50 17.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 19.00 19.00 28.50 502 TABLE



A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting & village r- Sowers and Transplanters Weeders Reapers & Harvesters month centre Plough- ---A..__ ---., meo ,.------'---, ,.--_-..A. M F Non-adults M F Non-adults M F Non-adults

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1955 June Bastar 0.75

July 0.69

August 0.69 I September .. 0.81 October 0.81

November 0.75

December " 1956

January " February

March " April

May " June Bijapur 0.87

Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.25

July Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0,50 0.31

Channa 0.50 0.37 0.50 0.37 0.31

Bijapur 1.00 0.50 0.37 0.62 0.44 0.25

August Keshkal 0.62 0.62 0.62 .0.37

Charma 0.50 0.37 0,50 0.37

September Charma 0.50 0.37 0.50 0.37

Bijapur 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.37

October Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 0.75 0.50 0.31

Charma 0.50 0.68

Bijapur 0.50 503




A·Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled Labourers or ___,._Artisans Reporting Year r .A. r- village & Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers centre month ,- --A.. --..., r- Carpenters Black-smiths M F Non-adu~ts M F Non-adults 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 1955 0.87 0.62 2.44 Bastar June

0.1l1 0,69 2.44 0.94 July

0.81 0.94 2.94 1.94 August

0.87 1.00 3.00 2.00 September 0.87 1.00 2.94 1.94 , . October

0.50 0.62 3.00 2.00 " November 0.50 0.75 0.62 0.50 2.50 1.25 ., December 19S6 0.50 0.75 0.50 0.37 2.50 2.00 , . January 0.50 0.75 0.50 0.37 2.50 2.00 February

, , March

April " ., May 0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur June

0.50 0.75 0.50 0.25 2.00 2.00 Keshkal

0.50 0.75 0.50 0.31 2.50 2.00 Keshkal, July

0.87 0.62 2.00 3.00 Charma

0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

0.50 0.62 0.37 0.25 1.50 1.50 Keshkal August

0.87 0.62 2.00 3.00 Charm a

0.87 0.62 2.00 2.50 Charma September

0.75 0.50 0.37 3.06 Bijapur

0.75 0.50 0.31 1.50 1.50 Kesbkal October

0.87 0.75 2.00 2.00 Charma

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur 504 TABLE



A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting ..A.. ______• & village r------, month centre PJough- Sowers and Transplanters Weeders Reapers & Harvesters ,-___--A.. ,-____..A.. ____---, men ,-_--..A.. ---, M F Non-adults M F Non-adults M F Non-adults

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1956 November Keshkal 0.68 0.62 0.75 0.50 0.31 0.75 0.50 0.31

-Charma 0.62 0.50

Bijapur 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 0.62 0.50 0.31

December Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 0.75 0.50 0.31

Charma 0.75 0.62



January Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 0.75 0.50 0.31

Charma 0.75 0.62

Bijapur ..

February Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 0.75 0.50 0.31



March Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 (Ul 0.75 0.62 0.31



April Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31


May Keshkal 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.56 0.37

Bijapur 1.00

June Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0,31

Bijapur 0.50 July Keshkal 0.7:- 0.75 0.7S 0_50 0.31

Bijapur 1.00 0,62 0.62 0.37 505




A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled Labourers or Artisans Reporting -----A.___ -----. r- , -"- village Year Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers centre & r- --., r- Carpenters Black-smiths month M F Non.Adults M F Non-Adults 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 1956 1.37 0.50 0.31 1. 75 1. 75 Keshkal November

0.62 2:00 2.00 2.00 Charma

0.75 0.50 0.31 1.50 1.50 Bijapur - 0.75 0.50 0.31 1.50 1.50 Keshkal December 2.00 2.00 Charma

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.09 Bijapur


0.75 0.50 0.31 1.50 1.50 Keshkal January

2.00 2.00 Charma

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

0.75 0,50 0.31 1.50 1.50 KeshkaJ February

1.50 1.50 Charma

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

0.62 0.62 0.50 0.31 2.50 2.50 Keshkal March

0.87 1.50 1.50 Charma

0.75 0.62 0.37 2.00 Bijapur

0.62 0.62 0.50· 0.31 2.50 1.25 Keshkal April

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

0.75 0.87 0.56 0.37 2.75 2.50 KeshkaJ May

0.75 0,62 0.37 300 Bijapu~

0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 2.50 2.50 Keshkal June

0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 2.50 2 50 Keshkal July

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur 506




A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Ye'" Reporting ..A._ __ & village r------~ month centre Plough- Scweu; and Transplanters Weeders Reapers & Harvesters men ,------"--- , r------"-----, ,-____..A._ ____--, M F Non-adults M F Non-adults M F Non"adults 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


August Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31

Bijapur 1.00 0.62 0,62 0,31

September Keshkal 0,81 0.81 0.81 0.62 0.56 0.81 0.62 0.56

Bijapur 1.00 0.56 0.56 0.37

October Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.64 0.31


No\ember Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 0.75 0.50 0,31 0.75 0.50 0.31

Bijapur 0.50 0.50 0.37

December Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 0.75 0.50 0.31

Bijapur 0,50 0,50 0.37


January Keshkal 0.75 0.75 O.:'J 0.31 0.81 0.44 0.62 0.50 0.31 Bijapur

February Keshkal l,OO 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 Bijapur

March Keshkal 2.00 LOU 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.89 0.69 0.50 Bijapur

April Keshkal 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 Bijapur 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 May Keshkal 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 Bijapur June Keshkal 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0,75 0.50 Bijapur 507




A·Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled Labourers or Artisans Reporting -'-_____ ...A.. Year r- --,r- ---"----..., village & Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers centre month r- --, ,- ----, Carpenters Black-smiths M F Non-adults M F Non-adults 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ?


0.75 0.75 0.50 0.31 3.00 3.00 Keshkal August

0.75 0.62 0.31 3.00 Bijapur

0.i5 0.81 0.50 0.31 3.00 3.0) K!,:l'al ~!} :nl:

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

Keshkal October

0.62 2.75 2.75 Bijapur

0.75 0.50 0.31 2.50 2.50 Keshkal November

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

0.62 0.75 0.50 0.31 2.50 2.50 Keshkal December

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur


0.62 0.75 0.50 0.31 2.31 2.00 Keshkal January

0.75 0.62 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 3.50 Keshka1 Februan

0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.67 0.50 3.25 3.25 Keshka1 March

3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.87 0.75 0.92 0.62 0,46 2.S3 2,50 Keshka1 April

1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0,75 0,50 3.50 3,50 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.30 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 3.50 Kcshkal May

0.75 0,50 0,37 3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 3.50 Kcshkal June

0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur 508 TABLE



A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting & village ,--_. month centre Plough- Sowers and Transplanters Weeders Reapers & Harvesters men -"-----, r- -"-- r-----"-----~. M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1958

July Keshkal 1.00 1,00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 Bijapur 0.75 0.75 0.62 0.50

August Keshkal 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.50 Bijapur 0.50 0.62 0.62 0.50 0.62 0.62 0.50

September Keshkal 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 Bijapur

October Keshkal 0.62 0.50 0,62 0.50 0.37 Bijapur 1.00 0,50 0.37

November Keshkal 0.75 0.62 0.33 Bijapur 0,75 0.50 0.50

December Keshkal 0.63 Bijapur 0.75 0.50 0.50

1959 January Keshkal 0.62 Bijapur

February Keshkal 0.75 0.62 0.50 0.37 Bijapur

March Keshkal 0.62 0.50 0.37 Bijapur

April Keshkal Bijapur

May Keshkal Bijapuf

June Keshkal 1.00 0.75 0.62 0.50 Bijapur

JUJY Keshkal 0.75 0.62 0.50 0,37 0.50 0.37 Bijapur 0.75 0.50 0.37 0.62 0.50 0.37

August Keshkal Bijal)Ur

September Keshkal 1.00 1.00 Bijapuf 0.75 .. 509




A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-SkilIed Labourers or Artisans Reporting Year r- --, r-- village & Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers centre month ,.- --, r- -..A. Carpenters Black-smiths M F Non-adults M F Non-adults 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 11)58

1.00 0.75 0.10 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 3.50 Keshkal July 0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.75 0.50 3.50 3.50 Keshkal August 1.00 3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 1,00 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 Keshkal September Bljaplli:'

1. CO 0.75 0.50 0.62 0.50 0.37 3.00 2.50 Kcshkal October 0.50 0.37 3.50 Bijapur

LCO 0.65 0.50 0.75 0,62 0.50 2.50 2.00 Keshkal November 0.50, 0.50 0.37 3.50 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 0.62 2.50 1.50 Keshkal December 0.50 0.37 0.37 3.50 Bljapur 1959 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.62 3.00 1.50 Keshkal January 0.75 0.50 0.37 3.50 Bijapur

1.00 0,75 0.50 0.62 0.50 0.37 2.50 2.00 Keshkal February 0.75 0.50 0.37 3.50 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 0.62 0.50 0.37 3.00 2.50 Keshkal March 0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 0.62 0.50 0.37 3.00 2.50 °Keshkal April 0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 0.62 0.50 0.37 3.00 2.50 Keshkal May 0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.62 0.50 3.00 1.50 Keshkal June 0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.62 0.50 3.00 2.50 KeshkaJ July 0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 lJiJapur

Keshkal August Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 Keshkal September 0.75 0.50 0.37 3.00 Bijapur 510 TABLE


A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Reporting Year . __-..A. & village ,- Plough- Sowers and Transplanters Reapers & Harvesters month centre __-A. ____---., Weeders men r- r------"----.--, r------"------, M F Non-adults M F Non-adults M F Non-adults

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


October Keshkal 0.75 0.75 0.62 0.50 Bijapur 0.75 0.62 0.50

November Keshkal 0.75 0.62 0.62 0.50 Bijapur 1.00 0.75 0.62 0.50

December Keshkal 0.75 Bijapur


January Keshkal 0.75 Bijapur february Keshkal 0.75 0.7:'> 0.62 0.50 Bijapur

March Keshkal 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.50 Bijapur

April Keshkal 0.75 Bijapur

May Keshkal 1.00 1.00 Bijapur

June Keshkal Bijapur

July Keshkal . 1.00 0.75 0.62 0.50 0.75 0.62 0.50 Bijapur 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.62

August Kcshkal 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 Bijapur 0.75 0.75 0.62 0.50

September Keshkal Bijapur 0.50

October Keshkal 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 Bijapur 0.75 0.72 0.62 1).50

November Keshkal 1.25 0.50 0.50 0.37 Bijapur 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.00

December Keshkal Bijapur

Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 511




A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled Labourers or Artisans ,-______.A.______, Reporting Year ,-- ..A_ --. village & Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers centre monlh ~ _____.A. ,------"- ---. Carpenters Black-smiths M F Non-adults M F Non-adults

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2


1.00 0.62 0.50 0.75 0.6~ 0.50 3.00 2.50 Kcshkal October 0_75 0.62 0.37 3.50 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.26 0.50 2.50 2.00 Keshkal November 0.75 0.62 0.50 3.50 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.62 0.50 3.50 2.00 Keshkal December 1. 25 0.87 0.62 3.50 Bijapur


1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.62 0.50 3.50 2.00 Keshkal January 1.50 0.87 0.62 3.50 Bijapur

\.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 Keshkal February 1.25 0.87 0.62 3.50 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 2.00 Keshkal March 1.25 0.87 0.62 3.50 Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 Keshkal April 1. 25 0.87 0.62 3.50 Rijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.62 0.50 3,00 2.50 Keshkal May 1.25 0.87 0.62 3.50 Bijapur

Keshkal June Bijapur

1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.62 0.50 3.00 2.50 Keshkal July 1 25 0.87 0.82 3.50 Bijapur

1.50 1.00 0.75 1.00 3.50 2.50 Keshkal August 1.26 0.87 0.62 3.50 Bijapur

Keshkal September Bijapur

1. 50 1.25 1.00 1.25 0.87 0.62 Kcshkal October 1.25 0.87 0.62 I. 25 0.87 0.62 Bijapur .. .. 1.25 0.87 0.62 3.50 Keshkal November 1.50 1.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 Bijaplir

Keshkal December Bijaplif 512




Number of r- Oil Electric Sugarcane Sheep and crushers Year Cattle Buffaloes Goats Tractors engines pumps 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 987 1951 (Census) 986,803 67,162 302,672 1 3 1,420 1956 (Census) 1,014,948 82,186 334,302 12 1 313 1961 (Census) 1,075,756 264,482 405,437 76 33

Source-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh.




Loans advanced Type of Society Year No. of No. of Owned Funds Working Capital Societies Members (in Rupees) (in Rupees) (in Rupees) 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Credit

(a) Central Bank 1951-52 1 1 15,445 19,421 8,860 1952·53 1 22 16,780 44,484 32,745 1953·54 1 27 19,947 72,943 91,560 1954-55 1 30 25,092 114,614 142,688 1955-56 1 75 50,622 214,294 219,359

1956-57 1 100 1957-58 1 619 93,271 441,684 380,640 1958-59 1 648 158,121 786,799 414,080 1959-60 1 722 205,165 1,140.649 622,107 1960-61 1 776 287,971 1,419,506 761,055

1,000 (b) Agricultural Societies 1951-52 1 12 60 1,060 1952-53 23 239 1,471 19,146 17,675 1953-54 26 486 3,077 38,149 37,783 1954-55 33 739 5,923 43,298 39,624 1955-56 145 1,225 14,042 96,470 117,265

1956-57 236 1,784 26,338 177,007 190,507 1957·58 181 3,248 41,276 366,266 359,302 1958-59 236 4,221 48,317 479,244 416,791 1959-60 281 5,604 84,569 638,485 612,027 1960-6) 378 7,020 31,017 888,624 808,188 513


STATISTICS OF CO-OPERATIVE SOpETIES (1951-52 to 1960-61)-Collcld.


Type of Society Year . No. of No. of Owned Funds Working Capital Loans advanced . Societies Members (in Rupees) (in Rupees) (in Rupees)

2 3 4 5 6 7

(C) Non-Agricultural Sbcieties 1951-52 1952-53

1953-54 .. " 1954-55 1 129 2,473 2,473 3,234 1955-56 1 129 2,509 2,509 3,385

1956-57 1 121 2,718 2,746 3,723 1957-58 1 llO 2,350 2,474 92S 1958-59 1 110 2,494 3,361 1959-60 1 llO 2,494 3,361 1960-61 1 110 2,494 3,361

2 Non-Credit

(a) Agricultural other than Primary 1951-52 8 1,458 7,283 16,226 1952-53 10 2,622 15,338 19,196 1953-54 7 2,231 25,478 27,687 1954-55 7 2,280 25,461 36,481 1955-56 8 1,860 21,162 32,338

1956-57 8 2,340 24,552 135,461 1957-58 13 1,114 17,310 34,810 17,500 1958-59 20 1,799 41,497 170,998 72,122 1959-60 25 2,498 51,120 438.692 139,277 1960-61 36 3,868 92,791 600,976 301,570

(b) Non-Agricultural Societies 1951-52 2 1,767 12,007 12,007 1952-53 2 2,445 33,620 34,981 1953-54 2 2,446 34,363 36,818 1954-55 3 2,654 36,625 36,646 1955-56 3 2,670 36,828 37,150

1956-57 3 2,730 40,931 36,963 1957-58 1 2,192 35,822 77,069 41,427 1958-59 2 2,213 39,724 82,681 1959-60 2 2,213 39,724 82,641 .. 1960-61 31 4,442 17,918 68,920 218,998

SQurce-Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Jagdalpur. 514




Amount insured Amount invested in National Savings (in Rupees) Year No. of Policies issued (in Lakhs) Year 2 3 4 5 45,000 1959 608 28.19 1958-59 1959-60 50,000 1960 596 20.00 33.78 1960-61 404,387 (excluding 1961 861 sale of Prize Bonds)

Source :-1. Branch Manager Life Insurance Corporation, Raipur (M.P.) 2. Assistant Regional Director, National Savings (Govt. of India), Raipur.




Location S.No. Name of Bank Head Office or Branch. Office 4 2 3 Jagdalpur State Bank of India Branch Office Kanker 2 State Bank of India Branch Office Jagdalpur 3 Bastar Co-operative Central and Head Office Land Mortgage Bank Ltd. Kanker 4 Bastar Co-operative Central and Branch Office Land Mortgage Bank Ltd. Kondagaon 5 Bastar Co-operative Central and Land Mortl!age Bank Ltd. Keshkal 6 Bastar Co-operative Central and Land Mortgage Bank Ltd.

Source :-Secretary, Bastar Co-operative Central and Land Mortgage Bank Ltd. Jagdalpur. 515



I No. of original cases Number of courts decided involving r---~--" ,----A---, Number of persons Offences Offences put up for trial Convicted Sessions Judges against against ~-..., ,---'- Year Magistrates AMI. Judges persons property M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1951 26 ;Z 78 156 238 19 216 16 1952 26 l 102 162 334 20 275 16 1953 26 2, 123 182 353 23 314 19 1954 26 ~ 133 175 373 24 252 24 1955 28 2 130 186 294 38 227 20 1956 27 2 135 179 416 42 350 32 1957 28 2 159 217 416 21 339 .20 1958 27 2 134 ' 150 356 22 lSI 16 1959 29 2 145 211 414 34 298 26 1960 28 2 173 282 .:::.; -~ 28 338 24

Source-I. District and Sessions Judge, purg ( Hq. Rajnandgaon). 2. Collector, Bastar.




Number of Police Number of Police Number of Daily average number Year Stations Constables Jails of convicts in the Jail 2 3 4 s 1951 19 453 1952. 19 496 1953 19 496 1954 20 500 1955 20 536 1956 21 559 1957 21 559 .. ' 1958 21 559 82 1959 21 557 67 1960 22 586 1 69

Source :-Superintendent of Police, Bastar and I.G. Prisons of Madhya Pradesh. 516



(1951-52 to 1960-61)


Receipts From (In Rupees) ,- ----"- --., Entertainment Excise Motor Spirit ---- Forest Tobacco Year Sal;::s Tax Tax Revenue Tax Sales of Stamps Revenue Tax

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1951-52 30,401 1,732,683 4~,944 4,451,875 3,585

1952-53 130,558 22,983 1,832,932 68,585 4,762,044 3,397,965 3,902

1953-54 104,486 22,418 1,656,451 69,970 3,711 ,687 4,001

1954-55 192,753 22,747 1,716,066 70,573 67,073 4,535,710 3,976

1955-56 164,705 25,999 1.610,163 75,783 76,596 4,734,421 4,102

1956-57 158,354 30,729 1,620,863 75,783 60,331 4,982,775 4,572

1957-58 187,646 30,805 1, 762,643 88,000 69.543 5,036,564 5,240

1958·59 137,184 31,088 1,547,064 92,849 79,830 8,641,210 5,409

1959-60 165,108 33,639 1,584,691 100,374 80,365 9,144,956 6,478

1960-61 124,339 43,280 121,407 104,906 11,474,538 6,154

Source-Sales Tax Officer, District Excise Officer, District Treasury Officer and Divisional Forest Officer, Bastar.




Year No. of documents Value of property transferred registered (in Rupees)

2 3

1951-52 1,042 410,862 1952-53 1,179 500,784 1953-54 1,394 547,391 1954-55 1,867 776,656 1955-56 1,606 765,705 1956-57 1,668 817,201 1957-58 2,193 1,481,003 1958-59 2,094 975,298 1959-60 2.288 1,214,705 1960-61 1,504 1,028,203

Source: Sub-Registrar, Jagdalpur. 517




INCOME EXPENDITURE (In Rupees) ~--.----"- ----~r------A------, Public safety 'l: .. _ : Non-Tax including Tax Revenue Revenue Other Income lighting Public Health Education Public Works Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Income and Expenditure of Municipal Council, Kanker (19S0-S1 to 1960-61)

1950-51 16,031 ' 2,172 1,056 803 7,585 601 9,984 1951-52 30,197 ' 2,157 618 1,033 9,360 620 13,672 1952-53 24,187 , 3,065 298 2,000 10,655 1,327 13,678 1953-54 20,680 2,092 268 2,589 10,404 4,193 12,842 1954-55 19,726 ' 2,168 2,488 243 18,164 7,223 19,385 1955-56 23,735 2,271 8,313 3,598 16,736 4,378 14,797 1956-57 26,169 4,168 5,813 3,607 14,900 6,123 17,752 1957-58 35,620 6,876 9,831 3,880 17,270 2,610 22,882 1958-59 42,281 5,953 9,552 4,905 18,772 10,842 26,759 1959-60 52,459 3,900 13,470 6,563 22,713 4,519 32,052 '1960-61 59.509 5,364 19,168 6,513 23,734 10,711 45,554

Source-Chief Municipal Officer, Municipal Council, Kanker. II Income and Expenditure of Janapada Sabba, Bastar (1950-51 to 1960-61) 1950-51 41,180 6,355 396,926 23,227 123,516 48,765 105,999 1951-52 49,589 308 506,056 30,951 .298,7!!4 51,724 162,903 1952-53 46,587 2,138 625,409 29,357 319,983 54,025 184,865 1953-54 52,072 2,541 528,606 30,401 359,760 54,887 173,019 1954-55 90,596 5,812 589,476 30,719 326,796 61,196 198,706 1955-56 142,653 3,452 617,597 31,003 341,333 97,337 261,845 1956-57 121,023 3,597 518,357 25,371 354,318 55,475 214,920 1957-58 151,610 3,983 786,336 31,394 472,728 82,898 231,565 1958-59 112,393 2,421 825,568 32,760 641,500 49,482 230,319 1959-60 136,323 1,060 912,071 39,955 760,292 68,544 305,362 1960-61 141,987 4,263 1,185,307 42,182 904,754 49,026 247,863 Source-Chief Executive Officer, JanDad Sabha, Bastar (Jagdalpur). III Income and Expenditure ofMunicipaJ Council, Jagdalpur (1951-52 to 196()..61)

1951-52 8,425 6,095 57,100 1,325 2,580 715 50,86S 1952-53 68,082 15,040 19,846 3,997 31,967 1,480 9,570 38,807 1953-54 115,832 10,656 8,649 6,377 51,300 1,778 73,988 1954-55 94,604 24,956 17,057 8,240 52,453 2,077 3,219 72,626 1955-56 138,789 23,500 20,742 9,574 51,905 3,629 5,657 49,684 1956-57 149,216 13,639 20,961 14,511 51,925 25 95,128 1957-58 196,567 16,067 7,232 12,730 57, 1I0 207 1,107 45,731 1958-59 191,394 12,712 14,:m 13 ,453 56,832 "2% 224 83,248 1959-60 235,803 30,650 11 ,373 15,365 78,472 19 13,511 91,788 1960-61 278,256 21,359 25,028 15,401 87,925 13,094 150,826 Source-Chief Municipal Officer, Municipal Council, Jagdalpur.

IV Income and Expenditure of Janpad Sabha, Kanker (1950·51 to 1960- 61) 1950-51 44,267 121 284 7273 21 684 111,572 10,931 26,041 1951-52 27,295 140'466 u'39O 16'554 111,528 2,542 31,270 1952-53 21,376 169'944 15,'551 23'453 130,024 18,791 41,771 1953-54 30,345 151'128 1 24 18'236 144,491 10,140 57,438 1954-55 73,062 190'395 ~'03~ 29'043 168,263 26,078 42,323 1955-56 70,587 187'469 9'927 21'817 180,198 20,776 39,382 1956-57 92,661 207'563 24:799 23'952- 201,789 18,534 65,496 1957·58 81,020 277'725 19,9~0 24'162 269,110 15.632 59,156 1958-59 77,547 283' 133 4 5 t7730 272,079 17,888 56,872 1959-60 86,200 341'608 ~4'06i 12:215 302,886 19,286 66,196 1960-61 91,403 374:706 29:1Z8 12,817 321,772 14,925' 70,716

Source-Chief Executive Officer, Janpad Sabha, Kanker. 518




Percentage Percen- of total Percentage tage to area of of villages total the No. of of the Population population Name of Date of Area in district villages district covered of district S.No Name of Block Tahsil inception Sq. miles covered covered covered (1961) covered Remarks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Charma Kanker 2-10-53 300 3.45 164 5.13 60,000 6.32 Started as N.E.S. Converted to CD on 1-4-56 Reverted to stage II on 1-4-59 2 Kondagaon Kondagaon 2-10-52 502 5.77 170 5.35 47,114 4.97 Started as C.P. Bastar Reverted to P.I. on 2-10-59. 3 Bhopalpattanam Bijapur 2-10-62 472 5.43 228 7.20 28,448 3.00 Started as C. P. Bastar and Converted to T.D. on 2·10-62 4 Bhanupratappur Bijapur 2-10-52 489 5.. 64 251 7.90 46,706 4.92 Started as C. P. Bastar ,Reverted to P. I. II on 2-10·59 5 Kanker Kanker 2-10-56 358 4.12 154 4.84 48,962 5.16 Converted to stage II on 2-10-62 6 Sukma Konta 1- 4·57 650 7.48 128 4.03 55,741 5. 88 Reverted to stage II on 1-4-63 Converted to T.D on 2-10-62 7 Pharasgaon Kondagaon 1· 4·57 453 5.21 172 5.41 40,103 4.23 Converted to stage II on 1-4·62. 8 Dantewara SMTB Dantewara 2-10-56 297 3.42 121 3.81 53,233 5.61 Reverted to stage II on 1-4-63 9 Narayanpur SMTB Narayanpur 2-10-56 346 3.98 175 5.50 26,308 2.77 Reverted to stage II on 1·4·63. 10 Bakaband Narayanpur 1· 4-57 259 2.98 101 3.18 51.472 5.43 Reverted to' stage II on 1-4-63 11 Bastar Bastar 1· 4-58 367 4.22 112 3.52 51,828 5.46 Extended up to 31-3-64 12 Konta Konta 1- 4-59 133 1.53 145 4.56 74,009 7.80 Started as P.E. Converted to stage I on 1-4-59. 13 Bijapur Bijapur 2-10-58 214 2.46 148 4.65 29.050 3.06 Started as P.E. on 2-10-58 Con· verted to stage Ion 2-10·59 14 Kuakonda Dantewara 2-10-59 378 4.35 100 3.15 50,229 5.29 Converted to stage I on 2-10-60 15 Antagarh Narayanpur 1· 4-60 99 1.14 137 4.31 18,885 1.99 Stage I 16 Lohandiguda Jagdalpur 1- 4-61 453 5.21 124 3.90 7,0153 7.39 Stage I 17 Tokapal Jagdalpur 2-10-61 343 3.95 130 4.09 61,714 6.50 Stage I 18 Koilebeda Narayanpur 1- 4-61 960 11.04 197 6.20 16.407 1.73 Stage I 19 Ke'lbkal Kondagaon }- 4-62 464 5.34 161 5.06 51,566 5.44 Stage I 20 Jagdalpur Jagdalpur 1- 4-62 195 2.24 119 3.74 50,823 5.36 Stage I 21 Abujbmar Narayanpur 2-10-62 960 11.04 142 4.47 16,000 1. 69 P.E.

Source- Planning & Development Department, Madhya Pradesh. 519



(1951 ',to 1960)


YEAR Type oflnstitution r-- """"\ 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Primary or Junior Basic Schools

(a) 195 230 271 333 370 401 422 744 757 761

(b) 14,564 17,709 17,070 20,132 21,551 23,372 23,474 38,976 41,932 43,390

(c) 3,724 2,383 3,103 3,255 3,370 3.774 3,739 7,213 8,863 10,467 (d) 446 579 593 693 736 793 814 1,285.. 1,436 1,432 (e) 1 9 12 10 10 16 53 78 111

Middle Schools

(a) 4 5 6 9 9 9 7 17 21 32

(b) 123 129 729 401 1,245 1,152 795 1,472 1,338 1,956

(c) 5 3 77 15 129 112 85 174 154 219

(d) 16 18 14 22 58 57 34 63 70 100

(e) 10 6 8

Higher Secondary or Senior Basic Schools

(a) 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 11 11 13

(b) 635 666 760 831 1,000 1,314 1,943 1,827 2,235 2,347

(c) 23 33 43 45 53 162 165 152 154 535

(d) 28 28 35 35 40 57 85 108 109 128

(e) 2 4 22

Note :-(a) Number of Institutions (b) Number of Scholars (Males) (C) Number of Scholars (Females) (d) Number of Teachers (Males) (e) Number of Teachers (Females)

Source-District Educational Officer, Bastar, (Jagdalpur). 520



~.No. Year Tested Vaccinated Remarks 1 2 3 4 5

1955 25,113 8,244 Work was not done every year. The teams moved from district to district.

",',~~~-R C.G. Supervising Medical Officer, Indore



BASTAR DISTRICT Village Protected During Year Total No. of Villages. r------...A..._------... 1st Round 2nd Round

2 3 4

1951 3,156 95 95 1952 95 95

1953 ,j 1,780 1,890 1954 1,825 1,825 1955 1,825 3,055 1956 1,870 1,870 1957 1,878 1,878 1958 1,889 1,889 1959 2.647 2,634 1960 3',183 3,200 "

Source-Malaria Medical officer, NatIOnal Malaria Eladication Unit, Jagdalpur. 521 TABLE 6B. 1



Year Births Deaths r-_~_'____ .__.A.... ____ J.._ __., ,---.______--A.. ~ Males -Females Total Males Females Total

2 3 4 5 6 7

1953 4036 10,279 21,315 8,318 7,148 15,466 1954 1955 12,941 12,56S 25,506 6,338 5,498 11.836 1956 10,1"8 9,299 19,457 5,357 4,479 9,836 1957 6,596 6,858 13,454 5,401 4,869 10.270 1958 5,961 5,517 11 ,478 3,780 3,126 6,906 1959 7,386 6,823 14,209 3,398 2,743 16,114 1960 16,762 15,389 32,151 8,262 6,656 14,918 1961 6,907 6,406 13,313 3,263 2,774 6,039

., Note:-Figures were not furnished for fLlral and urban areas separately. SOllrce:-Civil Surgeon, Bastar.




Causes 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 ]957 1958 1959 1960 ... 2 3 4 5 6 J 8 9 ]0 11

Small-pox 2 2 2 Fever 4 5 8 3 7 2 4 3 3 Dysentery 1 1 2 3 8 4 T.B. 2 1 4 5 4

Source: Civil Surgeon, Bastar. 522




Duration of the S. Place where W~en Held Local religious or Mela or No. Melaor r- other oCcasion of Fair (in Average total Who manages Fair is held Hindi Months English Months the Mela or Fair days) attendance the Fair/Mela 4 2 3 5 6 7 8

1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil

1 Selegaon January Madai 2 5,000 Janpad Sabha 2 Hatkara January Madai 2 5,000 Janpad Sabha 3 Bhodiya January Madai 1 1,000 Janpad Sabha 4 Sambalpur February Madai 2 5,000 J anpad Sabha 5 Hatkowela February Madai 1 300 Janpad Sabha 6 Bhanupratappur February Madai 2 5,000 Janpad Sabha 7 Barheli February Madai 1 500 Janpad Sabha 8 Kodekurs February Madai 2 5,000 Janpad Sabha 9 Burgukondal Fehruary Madai 2 5,000 Janpad Sabha 10 Asulkhar February Madai 2 4,000 Janpad Sabha

2 Kanker Tahsil

11 Kanker January Madai 4 7,000 Janpad Sabha 12 Govindpur January Madai 2 7,000 Janpad Sahha 13 Kurna January Madai 2 1,000 Janpad Sabha 14 Halba JaDlJary Madai 2 5,000 Janpad Sabha 15 Charma January Madai 2 10,000 Janpad Sabha 16 Haradul January Madai 2 5,000 Janpad Sabha 17 Dokla January Madai 2 3,000 Janpad Sabha 18 Poari January Madai 2 1,000 Janpad Sabha 19 Pategaon January Madai 2 5,000 Janpad Sabha 20 Salhatola January Madai 1 500 Janpad Sabha 21 Umardah February Madai 1 500 Janpad Sabha 22 Devari February Madai 2 5.000 Janpad Sabha 23 Peethapal February l\1adai 1 2,000 Janpad Sabha 24 Kanker February Madai 1 200 Janpad Sabha 25 Sarona February Madai 2 10,000 Janpad Sabha 26 Patod February Madai 1 3,000 J anpad Sabha 27 Sarwllndi December Madai 1 3,000 Janpad Sabha 28 Naharpur December Madai 2 4,000 Janpad Sabha 29 Dev Nawagaoll December Madai 1 3,000 Janpad Sabha 30 Lakhanpuri December Madai 2 7,000 Janpad Sabha

3 Narayanpur Tahill

31 Antagarh January Madai 4 10,000 Janpad Sabha 32 Narayanp·.lf Fehruary Madai 5 10,000 Janpad Sabha 33 Partapuf March Madai 1 500 Police

4 Kondagaon Tah~i1

34 Kondagaon March Madai 6 10,000 Janpad Sabha 35 Farasgaon March Madai 3 5,000 Janpad Sabha 36 Keskal March Madai 4 10,000 Janpad Sabha 37 Vishrampmi March Madai 4 5,000 Janpad Sabha 38 Dhanara April Madai 4 5.000 Janpad Sabha

5/ Bijapur Tahsil 39 Maded March Madai 3 3,000 Janpad Sabha

6 Dantewara Tahsil 40 Dantewara March Madai 2 5,000 Janpad Sabha

~;- 523

TABLE 8.1-Concld.



Duration of the S. Place where When Held Local No. Mela or r------'--____, religious or Mela or Fair is held other occasion of Fair (in Average Total Hindi Months English Months the Mela or Fair Who manages days) attendance the Fair/Mela 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 7 ,Jagdalpur Tahsil 41 Kumharwand January Madai 42 Chitrakot January 1 3,000 Janpad Sabha 43 Bastar Chitrakot Mela 4 5,000 February Madai Janpad Sabhn 44 Chaka February 2 8,000 Janpad Sabha 45 Deoda Madai 12 20,000 February Madai Janpad Sabha 46 JasdaJpur Asvin Badi 2 3,000 Janpad Sabha Dussehra 11 150,000

8 Konta Tahsil


Source:-Suprintendent of Police. Bastar, Jagadalpur.

TABLE 8. 2



S.No. Year Description of the event 2 3

1953 Flood in Sabri and Godawari River~ • 2 1955 Upnayan Sanskar of Ex-Maharaja, Bastar. 3 1955 Construction of Dudhawa feeder tank. 4 1956 Flood in . 5 1957 Destruction of bank of Maded tank due to heavy flood. 6 1957-1958 Flood in Sabri River. 7 1958 Flood in Dankani and Shankani Rivers. 8 1959 Heavy flood in Kanker town and breakage of Nandanwara bridge. 9 1960 Out break of rinderpest epidemic in cattle of entire Tahsil of Dantewara

SOI//,ce:-Colleclor, Bastar.