North Garden Community

Archaeology Interim update to Desk Based Assessment

Prepared by Oxford Archaeology

North Uttlesford Garden


Interim update to Archaeological Desk‐based


December 2017

Grosvenor Britain & Ireland

Issue No: Draft OA©Oxford Reference Archaeology No: NUTFDBALtd 4 December 2017 NGR: TL 52003 44981

North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft

Client Name: Grosvenor Britain & Ireland Document Title: North Uttlesford Garden Community Document Type: Interim update to Archaeological Desk‐based Assessment Grid Reference: TL 52003 44981 Planning Reference: Site Code: Invoice Code: NUTFDB

OA Document File Location: X:\e\, North Uttlesford Garden Village\002Reports\DBA Addendum for Review OA Graphics File Location: X:\e\Essex, North Uttlesford Garden Village\002Reports\DBA Addendum for Review

Issue No: Draft Date: December 2017 Prepared by: Charlotte Malone Checked by: Ianto Wain Edited by: Ianto Wain Approved for Issue by: Ianto Wain Signature:


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©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 4 December 2017

North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft

North Uttlesford Garden Community

Interim update to Archaeological Desk‐based Assessment


Summary ...... 1 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 3 2 LOCATION, TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY ...... 3 3 SOURCES CONSULTED ...... 4 4 WALKOVER SURVEY ...... 4 5 ARCHAEOLOGICAL BASELINE ...... 5 5.1 Introduction ...... 5 5.2 Designated heritage assets ...... 5 5.3 Undesignated heritage assets ...... 8 5.4 Previous impacts ...... 9 6 ARCHAEOLOGICAL POTENTIAL ...... 9 7 POTENTIAL IMPACTS ...... 10 7.1 Proposed development ...... 10 7.2 Designated heritage assets ...... 11 7.3 Non‐ designated heritage assets ...... 13 8 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORK ...... 14 9 CONCLUSION ...... 14 APPENDIX A UPDATED GAZETTEER OF KNOWN HERITAGE ASSETS WITHIN THE STUDY AREA ...... 17 APPENDIX B BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LIST OF SOURCES CONSULTED ...... 63 APPENDIX C PLACE SERVICES COMMENTS ...... 64

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft List of Figures Fig.1 Site location map Fig. 2 Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic heritage assets Fig.3 Bronze Age heritage assets Fig.4 Iron Age heritage assets Fig.5 Roman heritage assets Fig.5.1 Roman heritage assets (inset map) Fig.6 Early medieval and medieval heritage assets Fig.6.1 Early medieval and medieval heritage assets (inset map) Fig.7 Post medieval heritage assets Fig.7.1 Post medieval heritage assets (inset map) Fig.8 Modern heritage assets Fig.9 Undated/Unknown heritage assets Fig.10 Listed buildings and registered parks and gardens Fig.11 Scheduled monuments Fig.12 Cropmark Plan List of Plates Plate 1 View looking east across the site towards the scheduled Roman Temple Complex (OA 7) Plate 2 View looking south from the scheduled Roman Temple Complex (OA 7) towards Plate 3 View looking south across the site towards the scheduled Roman Fort, Town and Roman and nAnglo‐Saxo cemeteries (OA 6) Plate 4 Close up of the view looking south across the site towards the scheduled Roman Fort, Town and Roman and Anglo‐Saxon cemeteries (OA 6) Plate 5 View looking south‐east across the site towards the scheduled Roman Temple Complex (OA 7) Plate 6 View from Great Chesterford looking towards the site Plate 7 View looking across the scheduled Roman Fort, Town and Roman and Anglo‐ Saxon cemeteries (OA 6) north‐east towards the site Plate 8 Farm building associated with Park Farmhouse (OA 173) Plate 9 Park Farmhouse (OA 173) looking south Plate 10 Park Farmhouse (OA 172) looking east

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft Interim Summary

Oxford Archaeology (OA) were commissioned by Grosvenor Britain & Ireland to produce an update to the archaeological desk‐based assessment prepared for the North Uttlesford Garden Community, Essex (henceforth known as ‘the site’) in 2016. The site is centred on NGR 552003 244981 and falls within the administrative district of Essex County Council. This report should be read with reference to the 2016 desk‐ based assessment. The original desk‐based assessment demonstrated that the site had a significant archaeological potential due to the high levels of known archaeology within the search area. Since the original assessment archaeological investigations have been carried out in the area of the proposed Uttlesford Crematorium. These investigations recorded evidence of Bronze Age, Roman and early‐medieval activity including the remains of an Anglo Saxon cemetery site. The presence of an Anglo Saxon cemetery within the site highlighted a previously unidentified potential for early medieval remains within the site. The proposed development is considered to have the potential to impact upon the setting of the Grade II listed Park Farmhouse, the scheduled Roman Temple and the Scheduled Roman Fort, Town and Roman and Anglo Saxon cemeteries at Great Chesterford. Impacts upon the setting of these designated heritage assets could be reduced in the master planning stage of the development by careful, considered and appropriate design. The introduction of information boards at the temple complex would increase public understanding of the scheduled monuments and may help to offset some of the potential adverse impacts arising from the proposed development. Archaeological remains within the site would be directly impacted by ground works associated with the proposed development. Accordingly, a programme of archaeological evaluation would be required to investigate the nature, extent and significance of any archaeological remains present. Such works would likely take the form of predetermination evaluation (comprising of geophysical survey followed by intrusive trial trenching) and would be used to inform a suitable archaeological mitigation strategy. Decisions on the extent, scope, nature and timings of any archaeological work would need to be undertaken in consultation with, and accordance to, Historic (as the site contains a scheduled monument (the Roman Temple Complex) and to the local authority archaeology advisor at Essex County Council

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft

1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 In 2016 Oxford Archaeology (OA) were commissioned to undertake a desk‐based archaeological assessment for the proposed site of the North Uttlesford Garden Community in Essex, henceforth known as ‘the site’. This report was issued in May 2016. In October 2017 OA were commissioned by Grosvenor Britain & Ireland to produce an update to the original archaeological desk‐based assessment (DBA). 1.1.2 The site is centred on NGR 552003 244981. and its location is shown on Figure 1. 1.1.3 The aim of this project is to:  reconsider the archaeological potential of the site, based upon any new archaeological discoveries, since the production of the original DBA;  assess the potential for impacts from the proposed development on the surviving archaeological resource;  assess the potential impacts of the proposed development on the scheduled monuments within the site and surrounding study area. 1.1.4 Historic environment impacts relating to the historic landscape, and built heritage are to be informed in conjuncture with additional assessments including a Landscape Visual Study under preparation by the Environmental Dimension Partnership (EDP), the Review of Chesterford Deer Park dated June 2016 by Michellle Bolger and Built Heritage Significance Assessment and Asset Character Zone Setting Study under preparation by Bidwells and will not therefore be considered further within this report. This report will only consider the effect of the proposed development upon known and potential archaeological remains within the site and the impacts upon the setting of the scheduled monuments within the site and its environs. 1.1.5 The presentt documen acts an interim update to the 2016 report and consists of this report and Figures 1‐121 (which represent an update to Figures 1‐4 of the original report). This document should be read in conjunction with the 2016 report which contains the full archaeological baseline including the results of the, map regression, and original site visit etc. 1.1.6 This report was prepared in line with the Standards and guidance for historic environment desk based assessments (CIFA 2014) and The Setting of Heritage Assets, Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning:3 (Historic England 2015).

2 LOCATION, TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY 2.1.1 The proposed site is located immediately north of the village of Great Chesterford in north‐west Essex. Situated within Uttlesford District, it is located c.4.5km north of and c.12km south of Cambridge. Great Chesterford is one of

1 A new site boundary has been issued following the production of these figures. The new site boundary excludes the site of the Uttlesford Crematorium. Updated figures will be produces as part of the final report. ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 3 4 December 2017

North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft Uttlesford's larger villages and has been identified as a key rural settlement (Mitchell 2005, 54). 2.1.2 Located in the Cam valley, with a bedrock geology of Lewes Nodular and Seaford Chalk Formations and superficial deposits of Lowestoft Formation Diamicton, the easternmost end of the site sits at the highest point in the landscape, at around 102m OD. Towards the south‐west, the topography gradually falls to around 44m OD where the site meets the northern limits of Great Chesterford. With this drop in the landscape comes banding changes in geology, with a bedrock geology of Chalk Rock Member giving way to Pit Chalk Formation (BGS 2016).

3 SOURCES CONSULTED 3.1.1 As part of the 2017 update the and Essex County Council Historic Environment (HER) (which are the primary sources for information upon the known archaeological resource within the site) were contacted and provided a data‐set of known assets, events and designated assets within the site and surrounding study area. Information was collected for a 2km study area surrounding the site (hereafter known as the study area) and this replicates the data set received for the previous report in 2016. The information was reviewed and new sites were identified. 3.1.2 All of the heritage assets identified within the study area have been presented in the updated heritage gazetteer provided in Appendix A. A full list of sources consulted can be found in Appendix B. 3.1.3 Each heritage assets identified has been allocated a unique OA number. This is included in the heritage gazetteer, referred to in the text where relevant and marked on Figures 2‐11.

4 WALKOVER SURVEY 4.1.1 As part of the original desk‐based assessment a walkover survey was carried out on the 15th April 2016. The purpose of the survey was to view any recorded heritage assets within the site, such as buildings, earthworks and cropmarks and identify any previously unrecorded heritage assets. The walkover survey swa also used to identify areas of modern disturbance which would have impacted upon any below ground heritage assets. No unrecorded heritage assets were identified during the walkover survey and no new cropmarks or obvious modern disturbance was observed. 4.1.2 A second site visit was carried out on the 23rd November 2017 in dry overcast conditions. The purpose of the site visit was to assess the potential setting impacts of the proposed development upon the setting of the scheduled monuments within the site and its immediate environs. 4.1.3 At the time of the visit the majority of the site was made up of arable farmland, containing a small number of houses and farms, which are situated along Park Road. In order to assess the impacts of the proposed development upon the setting of the designated heritage assets within the site and its environs, the scheduled Roman temple (OA 7); scheduled Roman nfort, tow and Anglo Saxon cemeteries (OA 6) and

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft Grade II listed Park Farmhouse (OA 173) were visited. Photographs were taken looking towards the site from the wider landscapes and looking from the site into the surrounding landscape to further assess setting impacts. 4.1.4 The view in Plate 1 highlights the rolling topography of the site. The scheduled Roman Temple Complex (OA 7) is located in the centre of this image between the two broken hedge lines. No earthworks or above ground archaeological remains associated with the scheduled temple complex were observed. The scheduled monument was under arable cultivation at the time of the site visit. 4.1.5 The view in Plate 2 looks from the scheduled temple (OA 7) towards the scheduled Roman fort, town and Anglo‐Saxon cemetery (OA 6) at Great Chesterford. The land to the north of the scheduled temple complex ascends sharply providing long distance views from the site looking to the south (Plate 3). Plate 4 shows the view from this high point looking towards the Roman Temple Complex (OA 7) and Plate 5 shows the view looking from this point towards the Roman fort, town and Anglo Saxon cemeteries (OA 6). 4.1.6 Plates 6 and 7 show the views looking north‐east from the scheduled Roman fort, town and Anglo Saxon cemeteries looking towards the site. No earthworks or above ground archaeological remains were visible in the area of the scheduled monument and the area of the monument was under arable cultivation at the time of the site visit. 4.1.7 Plates 8‐10 show views of the Grade II listed building Park Farmhouse (OA 173). 4.1.8 The remaining five scheduled monuments within the study area were not visible from the site.

5 ARCHAEOLOGICAL BASELINE 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 At the time of the original desk‐based assessment a total of 217 HER records were included within the 2km study area. These consisted of scheduled monuments listed buildings, earthworks, cropmarks, finds and archaeological investigations. 5.1.2 Since the compilation of the original archaeological desk‐based assessment an additional 470 heritage assets have been recorded within the 2km study area. Appendix A contains an updated gazetteer which details all of the known heritage assets recorded within the study area. The location of these heritage assets is shown on Figures 2‐11. 5.2 Designated heritage assets 5.2.1 The site contains two nationally designated heritage assets, namely a scheduled monument and a Grade II listed building (Table 1). In the wider study area, a further seven scheduled monuments and one Grade II* registered park and garden have been recorded (Table 2). 5.2.2 One hundred and seventy‐four listed buildings have been recorded in the study area. These include 4 Grade I listed buildings, 9 Grade II* listed buildings and 161 Grade II

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft listed buildings. These built heritage assets are subject to consideration through a Built Heritage Significance Assessment and Asset Character Zone Setting Study under preparation by Bidwell’s and will not therefore be considered further in this report. Table 1 Designated heritage assets within the site

OA number List Entry Name Easting Northing 7 Scheduled Monument: Romano‐Celtic 551415 243604 1017453 temple 400m south of Dell's Farm 173 1322523 Grade II Listed Building: Park Farmhouse 551730 244873

Table 2 Designated heritage assets within the study area

OA number List Entry Name Easting Northing 1 1006929 Scheduled Monument: Brent Ditch 551375 247580 2 1008558 Scheduled Monument: Moated site in 553711 242954 Paddock Wood 560m north‐east of Chesterford Park 3 1008700 Scheduled Monument: Moated site, 550909 241764 fishpond and enclosure at Bordeaux Farms 4 Scheduled Monument: Romano‐British 1004672 settlement site 548990 244997 5 Scheduled Monument: Roman villa site S of 1006872 Rose Villa 549601 243209 6 Scheduled Monument: Roman fort, Roman town, Roman and Anglo‐Saxon cemeteries 1013484 at Great Chesterford 550301 243152 183 Grade II* Registered Park and Garden: 1000321 PAMPISFORD HALL 550923 248366

Scheduled monuments 5.2.3 There are a total of seven scheduled monuments within the 2km study area (see Fig. 11). The scheduled Roman Temple Complex (OA 7) falls within the site. The remaining six scheduled monuments are located outside of the site. The closest of these to the site are the scheduled Roman Fort, Roman town, Roman and Anglo‐Saxon cemeteries at Great Chesterford (OA 6), which are situated 440m to the south‐west of the site, and the scheduled Brent ditch (OA 1) which is located 700m to the north of the site. The remaining four scheduled monuments (OA 2‐5) are all located over 1.2km away from the proposed development, separated from the site by existing developments, planting and the topography of the surrounding landscape. At these stage of the assessment if is considered unlikely that these heritage assets will be to be affected by the proposed development and as such ethey ar not discussed further. A landscape and visual assessment of the site is currently underway. The results of this survey will provide further information regarding the intervisibility between the site and the surrounding heritage assets. The impact of the proposed development on the setting of these assets will be reconsidered in a final report once this information is available.

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft Romano Celtic Temple (list entry 1017453) 5.2.4 The Scheduled temple complex covers an area approximately 4 hectares in size. A series of excavations in the 1970s and 1980s investigated the extent and level of preservation of the temple and its ancillary structures. A comprehensive East Anglian Archaeology (EAA) publication has been produced on the excavations at Great Chesterford Roman town (Medlycott 2011), within which the temple is discussed in detail in Chapter 5 (Medlycott 2011, 75‐84). The following information relating to the Scheduled Roman remains is based upon this EAA and HER data. 5.2.5 The temple complex was constructed over a series of phases, the earliest being a Late Pre‐Roman Iron Age shrine which consisted of a three‐sided structure measuring almost 10m square. The first formal phase at the temple is attributed to the late 1st/early 2nd century AD. This structure was made of flint rubble, square in design with a precinct palisade and wall, which measured 17.6m square. A surrounding precinct approximately 92m square was also created at this time. In the mid‐3rd to early 4th century AD the temple was refurbished and extended, this renovation included the laying of two extensive mosaics. Subsidiary buildings were also erected. It was at this time also that the precinct ditch was filled in and replaced by a gravel path and wall. The eventual decline and abandonment of the temple complex coincides with the construction of the defensive wall around the town of Great Chesterford in the later 4th century. Roman Fort, Roman town, Roman and Anglo‐Saxon cemeteries (list entry 1013484) 5.2.6 Located c.0.5km west of the site, within Great Chesterford, are the Scheduled Monuments of the Roman fort, town and cemetery (OA 6). Before the town of Great Chesterford was constructed, a Roman fort approximately 14‐15 hectares ine siz occupied the location immediately north‐west of the present‐day village. In‐depth study of the fort can be found in the EAA publication of Great Chesterford (Medlycott 2011,14‐18). The fort is believed to be pre‐Flavian in date (AD 43‐60), consisting of a substantial ditched rectangular enclosure. Where the ditch has been investigated it averages 4m wide and 1.6m deep with an 'ankle‐breaker' at the base (this type of ditch style is known as fossa fastigata). No traces of the associated rampart have been identified. Material culture from the fort suggest that it was short‐lived, being occupied solely during the 1st century AD. 5.2.7 Evidence for the Roman walled town has primarily come from excavations undertaken by Brinson in 1948‐1949, along with antiquarian excavations by Braybrooke in the 1840s and 1850s. Further more recent information has come from geophysical survey, aerial photographs and commercial fieldwork. Chapter 3 of the EAA monograph extensively discusses the town, its layout and the buildings it contained (Medlycott 2011, 19‐56). Within the town were six principal roads which radiated out from a centrally located open area, believed to be the market place. A total of 21 insulae, or blocks of land, have been identified across the town. Within these insulae were buildings and other features. 5.2.8 Evidence from archaeological fieldwork suggests that the Roman town was largely encircled by cemeteries; see Chapter 6 of the EAA monograph for a full discussion (Medlycott 2011, 95‐104). These cemeteries are believed to extend over an area of

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft almost 40 hectares. The vast majority of the cemeteries surrounding the town were excavated by the antiquarian Braybrook in the 1840s and 1859s, and whilst he recorded information such as layout, burial rites and grave goods, the skeletal remains themselves were discarded. Brent ditch (list entry 1006929) 5.2.9 The final Scheduled Monument within the search area is of Anglo‐Saxon date and located 0.7km north of the site. Brent Ditch (OA 1) is a dyke which crosses the landscape for at least c.2.5km, from Pampisford Hall to Abington. This defensive ditch was constructed in order to control the flow of trade along the surrounding Roman roads. Several other examples are known of in , these include Devil's Dyke, Fleam Dyke and Bran Ditch.

Listed buildings 5.2.10 Within Great Chesterford village there are a large number of listed buildings, all of which are located within its historic core and conservation area (Fig.10). In regard to the site itself, there is one listed building within the proposed development area. Park Farmhouse is a 17th century timber building which is Grade II listed (OA 173). It is located at the end of Park Road, toward the northern end of the site and at the centre of the informal deer park.

Registered Parks and Gardens 5.2.11 The Grade II* registered park and garden Pampisford Hall (OA 183) lies on the periphery of the 2km study area, 1.7km to the north of the site. The garden is a well preserved mid‐19th century pleasure ground which contains an arboretum and the remains of a formal garden. It is separated from the site by agricultural land and the line of the A11. 5.3 Undesignated heritage assets 5.3.1 The HER holds 504 records for undesignated heritage assets in the study area (OA 184‐ 687). These span all periods of human occupation from the Palaeolithic through to modern day. Since the 2016 assessment an archaeological excavation has been carried out within the site, on the location of the proposed Uttlesford Crematorium. The excavation recorded archaeological remains dating to the Bronze Age, Roman and medieval periods (OA 687). These remains are discussed in more detail below. 5.3.2 Outside of the site boundary 286 new monuments, and finds have been recorded. These heritage assets contribute to the general understanding of the historic and archaeology and have been added to the updated gazetteer in Appendix A. Since the production of the original desk‐based assessment an excavation has been carried out immediately to the south‐west of the site, at the site of the proposed Uttlesford Crematorium (OA 687). The newly identified heritage eassets ar located outside of the site boundary and would not be materially affected by the proposed development. Uttlesford Crematorium excavation

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft 5.3.3 An Anglo Saxon cemetery (OA 687) was recorded immediately to the south‐west of the site during an excavation carried out by Network Archaeology. The cemetery consisted of seven burials of which five contained grave goods dating to the 6th and 7th century. No other features relating to the burials were found during the excavation. The cemetery was located on the highest point of the Uttlesford Crematorium site at the top of fairly sloping land. The graves were found in a group, but were not immediately adjacent to one another 5.3.4 Additional features recorded during the excavation included a deeply cut Bronze Age Ring ditch located to the north of the cemetery and a small henge located to the north‐ west. The area to the south of the cemetery was carefully searched for the presence of other graves, but none were found. This area did contain a small number of pits containing burnt stone and several shallow Roman pits which were found in the vicinity of the Bronze Age ring ditch. The lower more gently sloping ground to the west of the cemetery, nearer to Park Farm Drive, was largely devoid of archaeological remains, with the exception of a scatter of tpos ‐holes near the southern boundary of the development area (C. Howlett 2017 pers. comm. 15th November). 5.4 Previous impacts 5.4.1 The site is largely made up of arable farmland which has not been previously developed and there is no evidence of historic ground disturbance within the site. The site is under arable cultivation. Activities such as ploughing are likely to have had a limited impact upon any shallow below ground archaeological remains present. The depth of this impact would increase the longer the site is under the plough. Below this depth of disturbance archaeological remains are likely to be well preserved.

6 ARCHAEOLOGICAL POTENTIAL 6.1.1 The 2016 Desk‐based Assessment demonstrated that the site is situated within a wider landscape that contains a high degree of evidence for human occupation from the Palaeolithic period onwards. The site contains known areas of archaeology, while the presence of the scheduled monument (Roman Temple) within the site is of particular significance. 6.1.2 The archaeological potential of the site has been reconsidered based upon the results of the new information provided by the HER and the results of the Uttlesford Crematorium excavation. The new information has reinforced the conclusions drawn in the original desk‐based assessment, and has highlighted a previously unidentified potential for the site to contain Anglo Saxon remains. Summary of archaeological potential 6.1.3 Evidence of earlier prehistoric date appears at very low levels within the local landscape. The site does not contain any of these finds, the closest being to the immediate east to the site boundary. It is therefore considered that the potential for archaeological remains of this date within the site to be low. 6.1.4 Evidence for Bronze Age activity is present in the form of a series of cropmarks believed to be funerary ring ditches and barrows. A series of these cropmarks are

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft recorded along the western side of the site and a small ring ditch of this date was recorded during the Uttlesford Crematorium excavation. Further similar evidence is recorded to the immediate north of the site and within 1km south. It is considered that the potential for archaeological remains of a Bronzee Ag date is high. 6.1.5 Iron Age activity in the study area is represented by burial remains and findspots. Within the site itself are the remains of a Late Iron Age cremation cemetery (OA 185) which had a number of high status metalwork finds within it. Iron Age pottery found whilst investigating the Roman Temple Complex (OA 240) could also indicate activity of this date in the vicinity. An archaeological evaluation to the immediate north‐east of the site also identified Iron Age agricultural activities. As a result, the potential for Iron Age remains is considered to be moderate to high. 6.1.6 The archaeological record within the search area is dominated by Roman remains due to the site being located adjacent to a known Roman town and close to a Roman road network. Located within the site is the temple complex, a Scheduled Monument. Works along the route of the A11, immediately west of the site have also uncovered Roman remains along with pottery and metalwork assemblages. The A11 follows the route of a Roman road, therefore the potential for roadside activity (including burials) should be considered. Overall, the likelihood for Roman remains to be present on the site is considered high. 6.1.7 The remains of an Anglo‐Saxon cemetery site have been recorded immediately to the south‐west of the site and to the west of the site is the former location of a cemetery associated with Great Chesterford. Elsewhere within the study area there is limited evidence dating to this period. The most significant feature of this date within the study area is Brent Ditch a scheduled defensive dyke which is located to the north of the site. Over all the site is considered to have a high potential to contain remains of this period. 6.1.8 The eastern portion of thee sit is dominated by an informal deer park of likely medieval origin, potentially associated with the Deserted Medieval Village (DMV) located just outside of the site. Mapping has shown that the layout of the deer park has remained almost unchanged since its creation. Evidence for medieval activity within the search area is confined to cropmarks of possible field boundaries. It is considered that the potential for medieval remains across the site to be moderate. 6.1.9 Within the site there are the cropmark remains of the original routeway of Park Road. It is clear from historic mapping that the site has remained almost entirely unaltered since the early 1800s, with almost all field boundaries marked on the 1804 Enclosure Map still being present today. It is therefore considered a low likelihood for there to be significant post‐medieval remains on the site.

7 POTENTIAL IMPACTS 7.1 Proposed development 7.1.1 The North Uttlesford Garden Community project is currently in its early master planning phase which will be informed by this and other assessments, as such detailed

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft design information regarding the proposed development is not yet available. It is anticipated that the proposed development would comprise a mixed development of residential, retail and leisure areas alongside areas of community and school use and open green space, given the scale of the site it is likely significant areas will remain undeveloped either continuing in agricultural use or informal open space. 7.1.2 Where development does take place, ground works associated with the proposed development have the potential to adversely impact upon any below ground archaeological remains within the site. The proposed development also has the potential to indirectly impact upon designated heritage assets within the environs of the site. The master planning process will therefore need to consider such impacts. 7.2 Designated heritage assets 7.2.1 Seven scheduled monuments have been identified within the study area. The proposed development has the potential to impact upon the setting of the Romano‐ Celtic Temple (OA 7) and Roman Fort, Town and Cemetery (OA 6). It is unlikely that the proposed development would impact upon the setting of the remaining scheduled monuments in the study area due to the intervening, distance, topography and planting which separates the site from these monuments. This interim conclusion will be reassessed upon completion of the Landscape Visual Study by EDP for the publication draft of this assessment. 7.2.2 The proposed development also has the potential to impact upon the setting of the Grade II listed Park Farmhouse (OA 173). These potential impacts will be discussed in further detail below. Impacts upon the Romano‐Celtic Temple and Roman Fort, Town and Cemetery 7.2.3 The site contains a scheduled Roman Temple Complex. The scheduled monument is made up of below ground archaeological remains and is situated within an area of arable farmland. Despite the damage caused by prolonged ploughing, the Romano‐ Celtic temple complex survives well. Part of the complex including the central building has been excavated, however the greater part of the scheduled area has not been explored. The significance of the scheduled monument arises from the below ground archaeological remains, which have the potential to provide a valuable insight into the ritual practices of the inhabitants of the adjacent Roman Town at Great Chesterford. The evidence for ritual activity on the same site prior to the construction of the Romanised building is particularly significant. This may have provided a template for the later structure and suggests a strong continuity of expressed belief and of social organisation from the Late Iron Age into the Roman period. 7.2.4 To the south of the site is the site of a scheduled Roman Fort, Town and Anglo‐Saxon cemetery. There are no above ground remains associated with this monument and it is situated within an area of arable farmland. The significance of the scheduled monument arises from the below ground archaeological remains. The different elements of Roman occupation and settlement and the later Saxon remains at Great Chesterford all combine to offer a unique insight into the social, political, military and religious life during the first seven hundred years AD in this part of south‐east England.

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft 7.2.5 The Roman fort and later town was originally joined to the temple by a principal Roman road, which ran directly from the centre of the Roman town to the temple (Medlycott, 2011, 19). Cropmark remains (shown in purple on Fig 12) interpreted as a possible Roman trackway running between the scheduled remains at Great Chesterford (OA 6) and the scheduled temple (OA 7) were identified in the original desk‐based assessment, following a south‐west to north‐east alignment across the southern part of the site. The connection between these two scheduled monuments contributes to the significance of the both heritage assets. Direct impacts 7.2.6 Detailed design information regarding the proposed development is not yet available. It is anticipated that the scheduled area within the site would be maintained as open green space, accordingly the proposed development is unlikely to have a direct impact upon the temple. Should invasive ground works be carried out in this area they would have a direct adverse effect upon the scheduled monument. Any works carried out in the scheduled area would require scheduled monument consent from Historic England and it is extremely unlikely that such consent would be granted. Direct impacts upon the scheduled temple complex could be avoided by ensuring that no groundworks are carried out within the area of the scheduled monument. 7.2.7 The scheduled temple (OA 7) is currently on Historic England’s heritage at risk register. The monument is currently situated within arable farmland and is considered to be at risk from continued plough damage. The depth of disturbance caused by ploughing would increase the longer the area was under the plough. Should the proposed development secure a change in land use which would preserve the scheduled monument and prevent further plough damage this may constitute a beneficial effect which would help toe secur the future of the scheduled temple. 7.2.8 The scheduled Roman fort, town and cemetery (OA 6) is situated outside of the site boundary. Accordingly, the proposed development would not have a direct effect upon this heritage asset. Indirect Impacts 7.2.9 The site is currently made up of agricultural land, as part of the proposed development a portion of this land would be redeveloped. The construction of built development within the site would change the nature of this landscape and may adversely impact the setting of the onsite scheduled monument (OA 7) and the scheduled remains at Great Chesterford (OA 6)h to the sout of the site. The magnitude of the impact caused by this change would be dependent on the scale and location of the new development. 7.2.10 The Roman Temple Complex (OA 7) is located within an arable field to the north of Great Chesterford. The landscape surrounding the temple is currently made up of arable farmland laid out in the 19th and 20th centuries. The town of Great Chesterford is visible to the south of the site, separated from the site by the line of the B184. To the north‐west of Great Chesterford is the site of the scheduled Roman Fort, Town and Roman and Anglo Saxon Cemeteries (OA 6) which is also under arable cultivation. There are no upstanding earthworks associated with either monument. The land in this area rises up to the north‐east from the Roman Fort, Town and Cemeteries and

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft there are some clear views between parts of the site and the locations of both scheduled monuments. Views looking out from and towards these monuments are dominated by farmland laid out in the 19th and 20th centuries and there is some intervisibility between the fields containing the two scheduled monuments. 7.2.11 It is likely that the Roman Temple Complex would have been clearly visible from the Roman Fort, Town and Cemeteries during the Roman period. While there are no longer standing remains (or visible earthworks) associated with either scheduled monuments and the original route that connected these has not been conclusively identified the connection between these two heritage assets is likely to contribute to the significance of both. Development that might adversely affect such a connection, such as in the area to the west of the temple remains, or development which enclosed the temple complex could reduce the legibility of this connection and therefore may be deemed to result in an adverse effect to the setting of both heritage assets. 7.2.12 Making provision in the Masterplan for an approach to identify and maintain a visual link between the remains could produce a more positive impact on their setting and peoples understanding of these assets. For example, the EAA monograph (Medlycott 2011, 19) states that one of the principal roads (Road 2) which runs east‐northeast from the centre of the Roman town is thought to have led directly to the temple. Therefore, potentially identifying or introducing an area of green space between these monuments would tie them together in the landscape, reducing the magnitude of impact on this asset and its setting. Provision for information boards to be placed at the temple complex should also be considered as this would further increase the way in which these Scheduled remains are appreciated and understood. Impacts upon the Grade II listed building Park Farm 7.2.13 As indicated, a separate Built Heritage Significance Assessment and Asset Character Zone Setting Study is under preparation by Bidwells which will assess the impacts upon the Grade II listed building Park Farmhouse. This therefore is not included within this interim report. 7.3 Non‐ designated heritage assets 7.3.1 The site is largely made up of arable farmland which has not been subject to previous development. Archaeological remains including a scheduled Roman Temple Complex have been recorded within the site boundary, and the site has a clear potential to contain previously unidentified archaeological remains. Groundworks associated with the construction of building foundations as well as the laying of underground services could have an adverse impact upon any archaeological remains within the immediate vicinity of the works. The use of any temporary works compounds and permanent or temporary vehicle access ways into the site could also cause considerable ground disturbance which could have adverse effects upon below ground archaeological remains.

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8 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORK 8.1.1 The site has a clear potential to contain archaeological remains. Cropmarks shown on aerial photographs have highlighted the site’s potential to contain prehistoric funerary remains and a combination of geophysical survey (to the west of the site) and cropmark evidence (within the site) suggests that there may be remains relating to a Roman road or trackway in or adjacent to the southern part of the site (see Figure 12). In addition to these remains the site has the potential to contain previously unknown archaeological remains. Archaeological remains within the site would be adversely impacted by ground works associated with the proposed development. Accordingly, a programme of archaeological evaluation would be required to investigate the nature, extent and significance of any archaeological remains present. Such works would likely take the form of predetermination geophysical survey followed by intrusive trial trenching and would be used inform a suitable archaeological mitigation strategy. 8.1.2 Decisions on the extent, scope, nature and timings of any archaeological work would need to be undertaken in consultation with, and accordance to, Historic England (due to the presence of a scheduled monument (the Roman Temple Complex) within the site) and to the local authority archaeology advisor at Essex County Council.

9 INTERIM CONCLUSION 9.1.1 The original desk based assessment demonstrated that the site has the potential to contain previously unidentified archaeological remains as a result of the high levels of known archaeological remains within the search area. The original assessment concluded that the site had a high potential to contain remains dating to the Bronze Age and Roman periods, a moderate potential to contain Iron Age and medieval remains and a low potential to contain Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, early‐ medieval and post‐medieval remains. The extent, nature and significance of any such remains are currently unknown. 9.1.2 Since the original assessment archaeological investigations have been carried out in the area of the proposed Uttlesford Crematorium. These investigations recorded evidence of Bronze Age, Roman and early‐medieval activity including the remains of an Anglo Saxon cemetery site. The presence of an Anglo Saxon cemetery adjacent to the site highlighted a previously unidentified potential for early medieval remains. 9.1.3 The site contains two designated heritage assets, namely the Grade II listed Park Farmhouse and a scheduled Roman temple site. Detailed design Information regarding the proposed development is not yet available, however it is anticipated that these heritage assets would be preserved. 9.1.4 The proposed development is considered to have the potential to impact upon the setting of Park Farmhouse, the scheduled Roman Temple and the Scheduled Roman Fort, Town and Anglo Saxon cemeteries at Great Chesterford. Impacts upon the setting of these designated heritage assets could be reduced in the master planning stage of the development by careful, considered and appropriate design. The introduction of information boards at the temple complex would increase public understanding of the

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft scheduled monuments and may help to offset some of the potential adverse impacts arising from the proposed development. 9.1.5 The scheduled Roman temple is currently on Historic England’s at risk register. Should the proposed development secure a change in land use which would preserve the scheduled monument and prevent further plough damage this may constitute at beneficial effect which would help to secure the future of the scheduled temple. 9.1.6 Archaeological remains within the site would be directly impacted by ground works associated with the proposed development. Accordingly, a programme of archaeological evaluation would be required to investigate the nature, extent dan significance of any archaeological remains present. Such works would likely take the form of predetermination evaluation (comprising of geophysical survey followed by intrusive trial trenching) which would be used inform a suitable archaeological mitigation strategy. 9.1.7 Decisions on the extent, scope, nature and timings of any archaeological work would need to be undertaken in consultation with, and accordance to, Historic England, due to the presence of a scheduled monument (the Roman Temple Complex) within the site, and the local authority archaeology advisor at Essex County Council.

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APPENDIX A UPDATED GAZETTEER OF KNOWN HERITAGE ASSETS WITHIN THE STUDY AREA OA = Oxford Archaeology SMR = Sites and Monuments Record HER = Oxfordshire Historic Environment Record Heritage assets Scheduled Monuments OA Original HER/List Number Ref entry Site Name Period Type Early Scheduled 1 1006929 Brent Ditch medieval Monument Scheduled 2 1008558 Moated site in Paddock Wood 560m north‐east of Chesterford Park Medieval Monument Scheduled 3 1008700 Moated site, fishpond and enclosure at Bordeaux Farms Medieval Monument Scheduled 4 1004672 Romano‐British settlement site Roman Monument Scheduled 5 1006872 Roman villa site S of Rose Villa Roman Monument Roman fort, Roman town, Roman and Anglo‐Saxon cemeteries at Great Scheduled 6 1013484 Chesterford Roman Monument Scheduled 7 1017453 Romano‐Celtic temple 400m south of Dell's Farm Roman Monument

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North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft Listed Buildings OA Original HER/List Number Ref entry Site Name Type 8 1112250 CHURCH OF ST BOTOLPH Grade I 9 1128057 PARISH CHURCH OF ST MARY MAGDALEN Grade I 10 1171461 CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS Grade I 11 1231793 THE MANOR Grade I 12 1112264 MORTIMERS Grade II 13 1112265 THE SUGAR HOUSE AND BARN Grade II 14 1112266 MOUNT COTTAGE Grade II 15 1112267 SOUTH COTTAGE Grade II 16 1112268 HOUSE IMMEDIATELY WEST OF SOUTH COTTAGE Grade II 17 1112269 THE OLD POST OFFICE Grade II 18 1112270 PRINTERS OFFICE OCCUPIED BY JOHN MOORE Grade II 19 1112286 WEARN'S FOLLY Grade II 20 1112287 HOUSE IMMEDIATELY NORTH‐WEST OF WEARN'S FOLLY Grade II 21 1112288 THE OLD BAKERY Grade II 22 1112289 ELIZABETH COTTAGE Grade II 23 1112290 BAKERY Grade II 24 1112291 HOUSE TO NORTH‐WEST OF BAKERY Grade II 25 1112292 HOUSE APPROXIMATELY 23 YARDS NORTH‐WEST OF BAKERY Grade II 26 1112293 CLEMATIS COTTAGE Grade II 27 1112294 CHESTERS Grade II 28 1112295 THE ELM TREE INN Grade II 29 1112296 MALTINGS COTTAGE Grade II 30 1112298 HOUSE APPROXIMATELY 17 YARDS TO WEST OF ELIZABETH HOUSE Grade II 31 1112299 KENTS Grade II 32 1112300 THE SURGERY TO SOUTH OF SOUTHACRE Grade II

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33 1112301 KENTS COTTAGES Grade II 34 1112302 WHITEGATES Grade II 35 1112303 OCTOBER HOUSE Grade II 36 1112304 LITTLE BARN Grade II 37 1112305 MANOR FARMHOUSE Grade II 38 1112306 MILL HOUSE Grade II 39 1112307 MARIGOLD COTTAGE Grade II 40 1112326 GABLES Grade II 41 1112327 CARMELSTEAD Grade II 42 1112328 JULY FARMHOUSE Grade II 43 1128045 BARN TO SOUTH‐EAST OF NUMBER 49 (PRIORY FARMHOUSE) Grade II 44 1128046 61 AND 63, ABBEY STREET Grade II 45 1128047 PUMP TO NORTH EAST OF NUMBER 63 Grade II 46 1128048 CALDREES MANOR Grade II 47 1128049 CHESTNUTS Grade II 48 1128050 26, ABBEY STREET Grade II 49 1128051 LENA Grade II 50 1128052 ORCHARD COTTAGE Grade II 51 1128053 DOVES BARN TO SOUTH SIDE OF MOWBRAYS FARMYARD Grade II 52 1128054 BARN TO NORTH EAST OF MOWBRAY'S FARMYARD Grade II 53 1128055 THE CRANNY AND THE NOOK Grade II 54 1128056 MILL HOUSE COTTAGE Grade II 55 1128058 MILL Grade II 56 1128059 BARN TO SOUTH‐EAST OF ABBEY FARMHOUSE Grade II 57 1128064 FROGGE COTTAGE Grade II 58 1128074 STABLE AND COACH HOUSE TO NORTH EAST OF GRANGE Grade II 59 1128075 CHURCH GREEN COTTAGE Grade II 60 1128076 GAME LARDER SOUTH OF HINXTON HALL Grade II

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88 1171427 CARMELSTEAD COTTAGE Grade II 89 1171453 THE CLOSE Grade II 90 1171468 LODGE Grade II 91 1171470 OLD WHITE HORSE Grade II 92 1171482 CHESTERFORD HOUSE Grade II 93 1171489 CHILTON COTTAGES, HOMELEIGH Grade II 94 1171493 PLOUGH INN Grade II 95 1171501 REED HOUSE Grade II 96 1171504 CROWN HOUSE Grade II 97 1171508 CREAM COTTAGE Grade II 98 1171510 OLD MALTINGS Grade II 99 1200406 K6 TELEPHONE KIOSK Grade II 100 1230382 BEAM ENDS Grade II 101 1230384 CHESTNUT HOUSE Grade II 102 1230385 THE KINGS HEAD INN Grade II 103 1230387 RAILINGS TO FRONT OF YEW FARMHOUSE Grade II 104 1230593 YEW FARMHOUSE Grade II 105 1230595 KINGS COTTAGE Grade II 106 1230596 HOLLY COTTAGE Grade II 107 1230597 MADDINGS Grade II 108 1230599 BARDSFIELD Grade II 109 1230603 BENTLEY COTTAGE Grade II 110 1230658 BARN COTTAGE Grade II 111 1231794 DOVECOTE TO NORTH OF THE MANOR Grade II 112 1231795 BRIDGE OVER THE Grade II 113 1231796 THE OLD COTTAGE Grade II 114 1231797 THE OLD HOUSE Grade II 115 1231798 RIDERS CROFT Grade II

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116 1237434 THE STORES AND HOUSE ADJOINING ON THE NORTH Grade II CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL INCLUDING PLAYGROUND AREA WALL IMMEDIATELY 117 1239840 TO WEST Grade II 118 1273580 FORMER VICARAGE Grade II 119 1273976 MILL COTTAGE Grade II 120 1277393 KINGS FARMHOUSE Grade II 121 1277394 THE MALTINGS Grade II 122 1277395 BANK COTTAGE Grade II 123 1278183 BORDEAUX FARMHOUSE Grade II 124 1278482 3, WALDEN ROAD Grade II 125 1278525 THE GATE HOUSE Grade II 126 1278528 THE COTTAGES Grade II 127 1278533 WALNUT COTTAGE Grade II 128 1278534 PIPPINS Grade II 129 1278535 Grade II 130 1305558 THE CROWN AND THISTLE INN Grade II 131 1305565 MAIN BUILDING TO GREAT CHESTERFORD RAILWAY STATION Grade II 132 1305567 TIMBERS Grade II 133 1305568 THATCHED COTTAGE Grade II 134 1305586 WHITE COTTAGE Grade II 135 1305594 ELIZABETH HOUSE Grade II 136 1305596 SOUTHACRE Grade II 137 1305614 OLD HOUSE Grade II 138 1317465 CEMETERY CHAPEL Grade II 139 1317499 SAXON LODGE Grade II 140 1317548 WELLINGTON HOUSE Grade II 141 1317578 BROOKHAMPTON HALL Grade II 142 1317601 46, ABBEY STREET Grade II

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143 1317641 HOWEYS Grade II 144 1317672 LORDSHIP FARMHOUSE Grade II 145 1318116 THE CORNER HOUSE Grade II 146 1318133 NORTH LODGE Grade II 147 1318170 STABLES TO SOUTH‐WEST OF HINXTON HALL Grade II 148 1318208 HINXTON GRANGE Grade II COPPERFIELDS 149 1322516 , WREN COTTAGE Grade II 150 1322517 CHESNUTS Grade II 151 1322518 WILTON HOUSE Grade II 152 1322519 STABLE BLOCK TO WEST OF CHESTERFORD HOUSE Grade II 153 1322520 THE COTTAGE OPPOSITE THE SURGERY Grade II 154 1322521 AMBERLEY COTTAGE Grade II 155 1322522 BROCK HOUSE Grade II 156 1322532 CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL Grade II 157 1322533 CHESNUT VIEW, LITTLE LONDON, THE COTTAGE Grade II 158 1322544 WHITGATES Grade II 159 1322554 HAZELDENE HOUSE Grade II 160 1322555 STABLE BLOCK TO EAST OF CHESTERS Grade II 161 1330954 LIMBURYS Grade II 162 1330955 CARPENTERS SHOP Grade II 163 1330957 8, BUTCHER'S HILL Grade II 164 1330958 DURHAM'S FARMHOUSE Grade II 165 1330959 DRUID COTTAGE Grade II 166 1330961 FROGGE HALL Grade II 167 1330971 125,127 AND 129, HIGH STREET Grade II 168 1330972 RED LION PUBLIC HOUSE Grade II 169 1330990 53, ABBEY STREET Grade II

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170 1330991 71, ABBEY STREET Grade II 171 1424173 Hinxton War Memorial Grade II 172 1424178 Ickleton War Memorial Grade II 173 1322523 PARK FARMHOUSE Grade II 174 1112297 OLD VICARAGE Grade II* 175 1128078 THE OAK HOUSE Grade II* 176 1163553 PARISH CHURCH OF ST MARY AND ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST Grade II* 177 1165037 BARN TO NORTH OF ABBEY FARMHOUSE Grade II* 178 1277390 CHURCH OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN Grade II* 179 1330956 PADCOT Grade II* 180 1330960 MOWBRAYS Grade II* 181 1330969 HINXTON HALL (TUBE INVESTMENT LIMITED) Grade II* 182 1330970 THE OLD MANOR HOUSE Grade II* Registered Parks and Gardens Original HER/ OA Number Ref List entry Site Name Type

183 1000321 Papisford Hall Grade II*

Non‐designated heritage assets Original HER/List OA number Ref entry Site Name Period Type CB1474 MCB147 184 6 46 Late Bronze Age hoard, Stump Cross Bronze Age Findspot MEX169 185 4858 22 Brambleshot Field ‐ Cremation Bronze Age Monument

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MCB498 186 04116 7 Bronze Age spearhead, Ickleton Bronze Age Findspot MEX167 187 4797 32 West of Little Chesterford – Bronze age torc Bronze Age Findspot MEX169 188 4853 07 Bassingbourne ‐ Pottery Bronze Age Findspot MEX170 189 4924 81 Near Great Chesterford – Bronze Palstave Bronze Age Findspot MEX170 190 4927 90 Borough Field? – two beakers Bronze Age Findspot MEX402 191 14811 19 Stump Cross, Great Chesterford (GC 16) – Bronze socked axehead Bronze Age Findspot MEX169 192 4873 72 South of Burtonwood Farm – Bronze mirror Bronze Age Findspot MEX172 193 4979 79 Great Chesterford‐Roman Temple Bronze Age Findspot MEX104 194 0705 Caterpillar Corner ‐ Bronze Age? Rectilinear enclosure Bronze Age Monument 195 F16710 Bordeaux Farm ‐ Gully excavated below Bronze Age burial cairn Bronze Age Monument MEX169 196 40 Bordeaux Farm ‐ Bronze Age cremation Bronze Age Monument MEX169 197 45 West of Bordeaux Farm ‐ Possible Bronze Age postholes? Bronze Age Monument MEX169 198 46 M11 Routeway ‐ Bronze Age pit Bronze Age Monument MCB753 199 6190 4 Cropmark features, Great Abington Bronze Age Monument MEX167 200 4791 06 West of Park Road Farm – 2 cropmark ring ditches Bronze Age Monument MEX167 201 4792 10 West of Dells Farm ‐ possible barrow Bronze Age Monument

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MEX425 202 16227 79 Ring ditch south of Little Paddocks Bronze Age Monument MEX104 203 47714 0694 The Elms ‐ cropmark enclosures Bronze Age Monument MEX104 204 47715 0695 Burtonwood Farmhouse – cropmark enclosure Bronze Age Monument MEX104 205 47718 0696 The Larches ‐ cropmark enclosure Bronze Age Monument MEX104 206 47893 0803 Crave Hall‐ cropmark ring ditch Bronze Age Monument MEX166 207 4783 76 Crave Hall – circular and linear cropmarks Bronze Age Monument MEX169 208 4855 10 West of Field Farm ‐ cropmarks Bronze Age Monument CB1535 MCB153 Early 209 9 59 Saxon worked wood, Hinxton Genome Campus medieval Findspot MEX103 Early 210 1841 Great Chesterford Anglo‐Saxon settlement medieval Monument MEX103 Early 211 2500 Vintners Site, Newmarket Street ‐ Posthole containing Saxon pottery medieval Monument MEX103 Early 212 3364 Early Saxon finds from Little Chesterford ‐ NGR is for centre of parish medieval Monument MEX104 Early 213 9200 Stanley Road, Great Chesterford ‐ Early medieval burial medieval Monument MEX143 Early 214 74 East of Ickleton ‐ Early medieval cemetery medieval Monument MEX167 Early 215 78 Church of St Botolph, Hadstock ‐ Saxon hearth and settlement medieval Monument MEX167 Church of St Botolph, Hadstock ‐ Early medieval bell foundary, bell pit, church, Early 216 81 metal working site, pit, post hole medieval Monument MEX169 Early 217 45 West of Bordeaux Farm ‐ Early medieval postholes medieval Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 26 4 December 2017

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MEX171 Early 218 31 Great Chesterford Anglo‐Saxon cemetery medieval Monument MEX172 Early 219 02 Great Chesterford: Early Saxon burials medieval Monument MEX172 Early 220 54 Great Chesterford‐Crown Orchard‐The Eastgate Site ‐ Saxon? Barn medieval Monument MEX172 Early 221 76 Great Chesterford‐St John's Cross ‐ Early medieval cemetery medieval Monument MEX381 Early 222 95 Great Chesterford: Saxon Human and horse burials medieval Monument MEX383 Early 223 46 North‐west of scheduled area at Great Chesterford ‐ Saxon inhumation medieval Monument MEX103 Early 224 9103 Earthworks to the East of Church of St Botolph, Hadstock medieval Monument MEX171 Early 225 4939 31 Great Chesterford Anglo‐Saxon cemetery medieval Monument MCB145 Early 226 13038 59 Anglo‐Saxon burial, Hinxton Hall medieval Monument MCB757 Early 227 6227 3 Brent Ditch medieval Monument MCB156 Early 228 11687C 15 Saxon building remains, Hinxton Hall medieval Monument MCB145 Early 229 13037 58 Saxon metal detecting finds, Abbey Farm, Ickleton medieval Findspot MCB145 Early 230 13037 58 Saxon metal detecting finds, Abbey Farm, Ickleton medieval Findspot MEX103 Early 231 45487 6676 Findspot, Little Chesterford medieval Findspot MEX104 Early 232 51196 2887 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Early Medieval date. medieval Findspot MEX104 Early 233 51202 2893 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Early Medieval date. medieval Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 27 4 December 2017

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MEX104 Early 234 51360 3051 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Early Medieval date. medieval Findspot MEX167 Early 235 4793 14 South of Catley Park – early medieval pottery medieval Findspot MEX172 Early 236 4953 10 Great Chesterford – Saxo‐Norman pottery medieval Findspot MEX168 Early 237 4850 98 Hadstock House – late Saxon pottery medieval Findspot Early MCB132 medieval to 238 11313 97 Saxon and Medieval settlement remains, Hinxton Hall Medieval Monument MEX169 239 4874 77 East of Burtonwood Farm – Iron Age coin Iron Age Findspot MEX172 240 4980 83 Great Chesterford‐Roman Temple Iron Age Findspot MEX103 241 5779 Chesterford Park, Little Chesterford ‐ Iron Age pits and 2 undated ditches Iron Age Monument MEX172 Great Chesterford‐Crown Orchard‐The Eastgate Site ‐ Iron Age ditch, house, pit, 242 44 settlement Iron Age Monument MCB200 243 93 Iron Age field system on Land South of Cambridge Road, Linton Iron Age Monument MEX103 Chesterford Park, Little Chesterford, Iron age field systems, late medieval to post 244 5776 medieval ditches. Residual Bronze Age finds Iron Age Monument MEX170 245 4916 52 Great Chesterford‐Iron Age Site Iron Age Monument MEX172 246 4981 84 Great Chesterford‐Cow Lane ‐ Burial Iron Age Monument MCB741 247 06087 0 Iron Age weaving comb, Linton Iron Age Findspot MCB498 248 04115 6 Gold Iron Age torc, Ickleton Iron Age Findspot

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MCB145 249 13035 56 Iron Age metal detector finds, Abbey Farm, Ickleton, Iron Age Findspot MCB145 250 13035 56 Iron Age metal detector finds, Abbey Farm, Ickleton, Iron Age Findspot MEX104 251 51902 3593 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Late Iron Age date. Iron Age Findspot MEX165 252 4746 42 Hollow Way – Late Iron Age pottery found in Roman road makeup Iron Age Findspot MEX169 253 4892 97 0.35 km south‐west of Hadstock church – Iron Age pottery Iron Age Findspot MEX170 254 4920 70 Near Great Chesterford – Iron Age fibula Iron Age Findspot MEX170 255 4921 73 Near Great Chesterford – bronze mounts and a wooden bucket Iron Age Findspot MEX172 256 4957 27 J Moore's printing factory, Great Chesterford – Iron Age pottery Iron Age Findspot MEX170 257 4925 85 Great Chesterford‐Roman town Iron Age Findspot MCB135 Iron Age to 258 11510 26 Roman remains, A11 Stump Cross to Four Went Ways Roman Monument MEX103 Iron Age to 259 17703 3245 South‐west of Great Chesterford Common – copper alloy find Roman Findspot MEX104 Iron Age to 260 51974 3665 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Middle Iron Age to Roman date. Roman Findspot MEX104 Iron Age to 261 56554 8245 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Late Iron Age to Roman date. Roman Findspot MEX103 262 1843 Great Chesterford Medieval and post‐medieval settlement Medieval Monument MEX103 263 1848 Great Chesterford market‐place Medieval Monument MEX103 264 1850 Great Chesterford, The Green Medieval Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 29 4 December 2017

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MEX103 265 1853 Great Chesterford Guildhall Medieval Monument MEX103 266 1854 Great Chesterford Court Hall Medieval Monument MEX103 267 3062 Country club site, Great Chesterford, Site GC21 ‐ medieval gully Medieval Monument MEX103 268 4050 Domed Well ‐ Brettanby Cottage, Great Chesterford Medieval Monument MEX103 269 5772 The Mumbles, Carmel Street, Great Chesterford ‐ post medieval wall? Medieval Monument MEX103 270 8270 South of All Saints Church, Great Chesterford ‐ Medieval grave Medieval Monument MEX103 271 9327 River Green House, Great Chesterford ‐ Medieval pit Medieval Monument MEX104 272 0704 Heathfield Grove ‐ medieval cropmark enclosure and field system? Medieval Monument MEX104 273 0806 Highfield House ‐ medieval cropmark field boundary Medieval Monument MEX165 274 83 Paddock Wood ‐ Medieval building, enclosure, fishpond, moat and wall Medieval Monument MEX166 275 17 Bordeaux Farm ‐ medieval moat Medieval Monument MEX166 276 91 Grimsditch Wood ‐ medieval earthwork 'enclosure' Medieval Monument MEX167 277 95 Church of St Botolph, Hadstock ‐ Medieval church and font Medieval Monument MEX168 278 59 Church of St Mary the Virgin, Little Chesterford ‐ Medieval church and font Medieval Monument MEX168 279 64 Manor House Medieval Monument MEX168 280 87 Medieval Road running south from Hadstock Medieval Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 30 4 December 2017

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MEX169 Bordeaux Farm ‐ Medieval earthworks (Hollow way, house platform, shrunken 281 65 village) Medieval Monument MEX172 Great Chesterford‐Crown Orchard‐The Eastgate Site ‐ Medieval building, ditch, 282 55 pit, well Medieval Monument MEX172 283 67 Great Chesterford‐Plumb's Yard (St John's Close) ‐ Medieval pit Medieval Monument MEX172 284 73 Manor Lane/ South Street ‐ Possible medieval cross Medieval Monument MEX222 285 19 Hadstock ‐ The Maddings ‐ Medieval sculpture Medieval Monument MEX382 286 62 All Saints Church Medieval Monument MEX383 287 00 South Street (GC1) ‐ Medieval ditch and pit Medieval Monument MCB136 288 26 Abbey, Ickleton Medieval Monument MCB496 289 8 Medieval stone coffins, Ickleton Medieval Monument MCB512 290 5 Priory, Abbey Farm, Ickleton Medieval Monument MCB512 291 7 Architectural fragments, Abbey Farm, Ickleton Medieval Monument MCB977 292 0 Hinxton shrunken village Medieval Monument MCB154 293 07 Medieval metal detecting finds, Abbey Farm, Ickleton Medieval Monument MCB241 294 23 Medieval features at Hinxton Hall, Hinxton Medieval Monument MCB163 295 3 Site of watermill, Hinxton Medieval Monument MCB752 296 9 Medieval headlands, S of Pampisford Hall Medieval Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 31 4 December 2017

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MEX169 297 01 Hadstock House Medieval Monument MCB163 298 1 Moat at Lordship Farm, Hinxton Medieval Monument MCB753 299 2 Medieval road, Pampisford Medieval Monument MCB976 300 8123 6 Catley DMV Medieval Monument MCB177 MCB177 301 16 16 Headland soilmarks, Hinxton Medieval Monument MCB108 302 9052 44 Rectilinear enclosures, Hinxton Medieval Monument CB1563 MCB156 303 4 34 Medieval chalk house platform, Hinxton Hall Medieval Monument CB1563 MCB156 304 6 36 Medieval remains, Genome Campus, Hinxton Medieval Monument MCB108 305 9052 44 Rectilinear enclosures, Hinxton Medieval Monument MCB108 306 9052 44 Rectilinear enclosures, Hinxton Medieval Monument MCB108 307 9052 44 Rectilinear enclosures, Hinxton Medieval Monument MCB108 308 9052 44 Rectilinear enclosures, Hinxton Medieval Monument MEX104 309 47894 0804 Little Paddocks Medieval Monument MCB118 310 10009 70 Great Abington Park Medieval Park/Garden MEX104 311 52248 3939 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Medieval date. Medieval Findspot MEX165 312 4758 96 Bassingbourne Medieval Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 32 4 December 2017

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MEX167 313 4805 60 south‐west of Hadstock church Medieval Findspot MEX168 314 4845 83 East of Burtonwood Farm Medieval Findspot MEX170 315 4894 01 0.35 km south‐west of Hadstock church Medieval Findspot MEX382 316 13898 88 Old Swaine Adeney Medieval Findspot MEX173 317 4990 16 North of Great Chesterford ‐ now M11 Medieval Monument MEX402 318 14810 17 Stump Cross, Great Chesterford (GC 16) Medieval Findspot MEX173 319 4990 16 North of Great Chesterford ‐ now M11 Medieval Monument MCB501 Medieval to 320 4135 1 Saint Mary and Saint John's Church, Hinxton Modern Building MEX168 321 4831 50 Adjacent to Chesterford House – Mesolithic blades and flints Mesolithic Findspot MEX172 322 4971 69 Plumb's Yard (St John's Close) – Mesolithic flint tranchet Mesolithic Findspot MEX171 323 4947 90 Coplow – Mesolithic flints, blades , cores Mesolithic Findspot Mesolithic to MCB158 MCB158 Early 324 05 05 Late Iron Age/Roman remains, Genome Campus medieval Monument MEX103 325 2418 Timbers, Manor Lane, Great Chesterford 20th century rubbish pit Modern Monument MEX103 326 5770 Old Village Hall, Rose Lane, Great Chesterford ‐ pit Modern Monument MEX104 Site off Rose Lane and Land to the Rear of Geldards, Great Chesterford, ‐ modern 327 2225 gully Modern Monument

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MEX316 Spigot Mortar Base, behind Chesterford Vintners ‐ WWII spigot mortar 328 87 emplacement Modern Monument MEX316 329 88 WWII Road Barrier (destroyed), Ickleton Road, Great Chesterford Modern Monument MEX316 330 91 WWII Alan‐Williams steel turret (destroyed), Great Chesterford Modern Monument MEX316 331 93 WWII Spigot Mortar Base, Mill Cottage, Great Chesterford Modern Monument MEX316 332 94 WWII Spigot Mortar Base, Chesterford Engineering Modern Monument MEX316 333 95 WWII Pillbox (destroyed) S of Great Chesterford Bridge Modern Monument MEX316 334 98 WWII Pillbox (destroyed) E of weir, Great Chesterford Modern Monument MEX316 335 99 WWII Pillbox (destroyed) SW of Manor Farm Modern Monument MEX317 336 01 WWII Pillbox (destroyed) Meadow Croft Modern Monument MEX317 337 02 WWII Bridge Barrier (destroyed), Little Chesterford Bridge Modern Monument MEX317 338 04 WWII Pillbox, Bordeaux Farms Modern Monument MEX317 339 05 WWII Pillbox (destroyed) in meadow S of Bordeaux Farms Modern Monument MCB150 340 58 Destroyed pillboxes, Ickleton ‐ WWII Modern Monument MCB150 341 58 Destroyed pillboxes, Ickleton ‐ WWII Modern Monument MCB150 342 58 Destroyed pillboxes, Ickleton ‐ WWII Modern Monument MCB150 343 59 Destroyed pillboxes, Hinxton Ford ‐ WWII Modern Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 34 4 December 2017

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MCB202 344 65 War Memorial, Hinxton Modern Monument MCB150 345 59 Destroyed pillboxes, Hinxton Ford Modern Monument MCB150 346 60 Destroyed pillbox, W of Hinxton Modern Monument MEX103 347 3713 Little Walden WWII Airfield Modern Monument MEX103 348 9880 R/O 5 LONDON ROAD Great Chesterford Modern Monument MEX172 349 4973 71 Great Chesterford‐Plumb's Yard (St John's Close) Modern Findspot MEX103 350 15148 5277 Old Maltings, School Street – Malthouse demolished in the early 20th century Modern Monument MEX284 351 8893 72 GHQ Line Anti‐Tank Ditch Modern Monument MEX172 352 4984 97 Chesterford to Newmarket Railway Modern Monument MEX168 353 4821 24 West Windmill at Mill House Farm (destroyed) Modern Monument MEX170 354 4914 31 Stump Cross – Stone waymarker Modern Monument MEX425 355 16229 84 Cropmark of a linear feature which probably reflects the course of Park Road. Modern Monument MEX103 Post 356 19147 8731 Park Farm – deer park medieval Monument MEX104 357 47892 0797 Grumble Farm‐ extraction pit Modern Monument MEX165 358 4745 41 Hollow Way‐ Tip of a Neolithic arrowhead found in a Roman Road make‐up Neolithic Findspot MCB753 359 6192 6 Neolithic flaked axehead, Great Abington Neolithic Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 35 4 December 2017

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MCB498 360 5 Neolithic flint working site, Ickleton Neolithic Monument MCB154 361 08 Neolithic pit, Priory Farm, Back Lane, Ickleton Neolithic Monument MCB739 362 06072 1 Neolithic flint axe, Linton Neolithic Findspot MCB498 363 04117 8 Roman coin, Ickleton Neolithic Findspot MCB501 364 04134 0 Neolithic greenstone axe, Ickleton Neolithic Findspot MCB145 365 13034 55 Neolithic leaf arrowhead, Abbey Farm, Ickleton Neolithic Findspot MEX167 366 4802 42 South of Little Chesterford Neolithic Findspot MEX167 367 4804 55 East of Manor Farm Neolithic Findspot MEX170 368 4898 07 Near Chesterford Neolithic Findspot MEX170 369 4917 63 Near Great Chesterford Neolithic Findspot MEX170 370 4922 77 Near Great Chesterford Neolithic Findspot MEX171 371 4938 27 north of the Roman Town, scheduled area Neolithic Findspot CB1535 MCB153 Neolithic to 372 8 58 Prehistoric and Roman remains, Genome Campus, Hinxton Roman Monument MEX169 Neolithic to 373 40 Bordeaux Farm ‐ Neolithic or Bronze Age cairn and pit Bronze Age Monument MCB754 374 6200 5 Palaeolithic flint implements, Linton Palaeolithic Findspot MCB508 375 7 Strip lynchets, Coploe Hill, Ickleton Palaeolithic Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 36 4 December 2017

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CB1563 MCB156 376 7 37 Palaeochannels, Hinxton Genome Campus Palaeolithic Monument MEX169 377 4860 29 South of Little Chesterford Palaeolithic Findspot MEX170 378 4923 80 Near Great Chesterford Palaeolithic Findspot MCB518 Post 379 4272 3 Hinxton Hall medieval Building MCB768 Post 380 6327 1 Chesterford‐Newmarket railway medieval Monument MCB183 MCB183 Post 381 22 22 Milestone, A1301, Hinxton medieval Monument MCB200 MCB200 Post 382 99 99 Post‐medieval ditch at Norman Hall, Ickleton medieval Monument MCB133 Post 383 11313B 01 Post‐medieval wall foundations, Hinxton Hall medieval Monument MCB137 Post 384 11697 55 Post Medieval hollow way and enclosure, Hinxton Hall medieval Monument MCB142 Post 385 12095 20 Abington Park, Great Abington medieval Park/Garden MCB175 MCB175 Post 386 32 32 Catley Park medieval Park/Garden MCB140 Post 387 11901 08 Hinxton Hall park medieval Park/Garden MCB142 Post 388 12142 67 Catley Park, Linton medieval Park/Garden MCB142 Post 389 12121 46 Hinxton Grange, Hinxton medieval Park/Garden MCB144 Post 390 12292 15 "The Caldrees", Ickleton medieval Park/Garden MEX103 Post 391 18226 3560 Southview, South Street medieval Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 37 4 December 2017

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MEX383 Post 392 13904 02 South Street (GC1) medieval Findspot MEX402 Post 393 14813 21 The Sycamores, Great Chesterford medieval Findspot MEX103 Post 394 15038 4256 Church Street Malt Kiln medieval Monument MEX103 Post 395 15149 5279 Malthouse at The Maltings medieval Monument MEX104 Post 396 40895 0261 South of Mill Lane medieval Monument MEX104 Post 397 40897 0262 Mill Lane Crossing medieval Monument MEX168 Post 398 4838 70 Manor House medieval Monument MEX405 Post 399 15076 78 Milestone on A11, W of Oast Meadow, Great Chesterford medieval Monument MEX104 Archaeological monitoring of groundworks at Glebe House, Walden Road, Post 400 48330 1329 Hadstock, Essex medieval Monument MEX382 Post 401 13891 63 All Saints Church, Great Chesterford medieval Monument MEX103 Timbers, Manor Lane, Great Chesterford ‐ Post medieval pond?, quarry?, rubbish Post 402 2419 pit medieval Monument MEX103 Post 403 2873 Milestone on A11 medieval Monument MEX103 Post 404 4042 Elm Tree House ‐ drain medieval Monument MEX103 Rose Cottage, Little Chesterford ‐ Post‐med demolished building and post med Post 405 4051 rubbish medieval Monument MEX103 Post 406 8270 South of All Saints Church, Great Chesterford ‐ Post‐medieval trackway/path medieval Monument MEX103 Mill House, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford ‐ Post‐med quarry, rubbish pit, Post 407 8894 garden building medieval Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 38 4 December 2017

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MEX168 Post 408 00 Church of St Botolph, Hadstock ‐ Post‐medieval church medieval Monument MEX168 Post 409 61 Church of St Mary the Virgin, Little Chesterford ‐ Post‐medieval church medieval Monument MEX168 Post 410 71 Near M11 Great Chesterford ‐ Post‐medieval windmill medieval Monument MEX171 Post 411 03 The Lynchets (was the Greyhound Inn) ‐ Post‐medieval pit and quarry medieval Monument MEX172 Great Chesterford‐Crown Orchard‐The Eastgate Site ‐ Post‐medieval barn, Post 412 59 building, drain medieval Monument MEX172 Post 413 70 Great Chesterford‐Plumb's Yard (St John's Close) ‐ Post‐medieval wall medieval Monument MEX173 Post 414 14 Great Chesterford Mill (demolished) post‐med medieval Monument MEX383 Post 415 07 Flint Cottage, Carmen Street (GC6) ‐ Post‐medieval wall medieval Monument MEX383 Post 416 81 The Old Bakery, Carmen Street, Great Chesterford ‐ Post‐medieval pit medieval Monument MEX405 Post 417 52 Former steam mill; and engine house SW of All Saints Church post med medieval Monument MCB223 Post 418 52 Chalk Pit, Great Abington medieval Monument MCB241 Post 419 27 Old Chalk Pit, Great Abington medieval Monument MCB221 Post 420 63 Old Barn, Pampisford medieval Monument MCB140 Post 421 76 Building remains, Abbey Farm, Ickleton medieval Monument MCB221 Post 422 58 Former School, Hinxton medieval Monument MCB221 Post 423 59 Former Congregational Chapel, Hinxton medieval Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 39 4 December 2017

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MCB221 Post 424 60 The Old Parsonage, Hinxton medieval Monument MCB221 Post 425 61 Site of former blacksmiths workshop, Hinxton medieval Monument MCB241 Post 426 23 Post‐medieval features at Hinxton Hall, Hinxton medieval Monument MCB241 Post 427 38 Site of former sand pit, Ickleton medieval Monument MCB241 Post 428 43 Former clunch pit, Coploe Hill, Ickleton medieval Monument MCB241 Post 429 32 Site of former Lodge house to west of Hinxton Grange, Hinxton medieval Monument MCB241 Post 430 35 Site of former 'New Yard' to west of Hinxton Grange, Hinxton medieval Monument MEX103 Bishops House, Great Chesterford. Magnetometer survey which detected a Post 431 5781 possible post medieval linear feature medieval Monument MEX169 Post 432 4869 54 West of Burtonwood Farm‐ 18th century account of a camp at Burton Wood medieval Monument MEX168 Post 433 4820 21 Mill House Farm – demolished smock mill medieval Monument MEX103 Country club site, Great Chesterford, Site GC21 ‐. Wall foundations and post Post 434 17431 3063 medieval floor tiles medieval Findspot MEX103 435 45897 7760 Prehistoric finds from ditch within the site of Great Chesterford Roman Town Prehistoric Findspot MCB510 436 04210A 1 Flint tools, Prehistoric Findspot MEX103 437 17392 2104 Near Chesterford ‐ NGR is not accurate – partially polished flint axe Prehistoric Findspot MEX168 438 4826 34 Paddock Wood –surface scatter of prehistoric pottery Prehistoric Findspot MEX169 Great Chesterford Common – J.F.S. Godfrey reports the finding of a stone age 439 4875 78 object Prehistoric Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 40 4 December 2017

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MEX170 440 4912 29 Near Great Chesterford – prehistoric food vessel Prehistoric Findspot MEX170 441 4913 30 Near Great Chesterford – Neolithic flakes, a rough axe, scrapers, hammerstone Prehistoric Findspot MEX171 442 4931 02 The Lynchets (was the Greyhound Inn). Mesolithic floor , including flakes and axe Prehistoric Findspot MEX382 443 13901 94 South Street (GC1) – prehistoric flint Prehistoric Findspot MEX383 444 13929 66 London Road, Swayne, Adeney and Briggs site (GC 3) – worked flint Prehistoric Findspot MEX103 Anglian Water Sewage Treatment Works, Gt Chesterford. Evidence of prehistoric 445 46340 8889 occupation. Anglo Saxon and Roman drainage features also recorded. Prehistoric Monument MCB132 446 11313A 99 Hinxton Hall, Prehistoric remains Prehistoric Monument MCB511 447 04223 8 Roman medallion, Ickleton Roman Findspot MCB145 448 13036 57 Roman metal dectector finds, Abbey Farm, Ickleton Roman Findspot MCB145 449 13036 57 Roman metal dectector finds, Abbey Farm, Ickleton Roman Findspot MCB184 MCB184 450 50 50 Roman finds, M11 widening, Ickleton Roman Findspot MCB753 451 06187A 1 Roman pottery, Pampisford Roman Findspot MCB753 452 06189 3 Roman pottery, Pampisford Park Roman Findspot MEX103 453 46068 8271 Roman tile pottery and brick Roman Findspot MEX103 454 45486 6675 Findspot, Great Chesterford Roman Findspot MEX103 455 17702 3244 East of Bassingbourne Wood – Roman disc brooch Roman Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 41 4 December 2017

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MEX103 456 17701 3243 East of Bassingbourne Wood‐ Roman enamelled disk brooch Roman Findspot MEX104 457 55423 7114 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Roman date. Roman Findspot MEX104 458 55437 7128 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Roman date. Roman Findspot MEX104 459 56556 8247 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Roman date. Roman Findspot MEX104 460 56558 8249 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of Roman date. Roman Findspot MEX167 461 4796 28 West of Little Chesterford, Roman pottery Roman Findspot MEX167 462 4806 61 south‐west of Hadstock church‐ Scatter of Romano British pottery Roman Findspot MEX167 463 4808 68 Church of St Botolph, Hadstock – Roman Brick in church Roman Findspot MEX168 464 4827 37 Paddock Wood‐ scatter of Roman pottery Roman Findspot MEX168 465 4833 57 M11 route, West of Little Chesterford ‐ Roman pottery Roman Findspot MEX168 466 4834 58 Church of St Mary the Virgin, Little Chesterford – Roman Brick Roman Findspot MEX169 467 4854 08 Bassingbourne – Scatter of pottery Roman Findspot MEX170 468 4893 00 0.35 km south‐west of Hadstock church – Roman pottery Roman Findspot MEX170 469 4910 26 Great Chesterford ‐ NGR only gives rough location – Roman horseshoe Roman Findspot MEX170 470 4919 68 North of Great Chesterford – Roman silver coin of Caracalla Roman Findspot MEX171 471 4933 04 Land between Rose Lane and Manor Lane – Roman pottery Roman Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 42 4 December 2017

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MEX172 472 4952 08 All Saint's Early Saxon burials (Roman style arm bands) Roman Findspot MEX172 473 4958 28 Country club (old vicarage) Roman pottery Roman Findspot MEX173 474 4987 11 North side of Great Chesterford – Roman coin Roman Findspot MEX173 475 4991 19 North side of Great Chesterford ‐ NGR not known – 2 Roman iron bill hooks Roman Findspot MEX173 476 4993 23 Near Great Chesterford ‐ NGR not known ‐ Roman dagger Roman Findspot MEX173 477 4995 25 Near Great Chesterford ‐ NGR not known – Roman knives Roman Findspot MEX173 478 4996 26 Near Great Chesterford ‐ NGR not known – Roman key Roman Findspot MEX173 479 4997 27 Near Great Chesterford ‐ NGR not known – 2 bronze bracelets Roman Findspot MEX173 480 4999 32 East of Manor Farm – 4th century coins Roman Findspot MEX310 481 9823 21 Fairacre cottages, Great Chesterford – Roman finds Roman Findspot MEX382 482 13892 66 East of Manor Farm – horse harness Roman Findspot MEX383 483 13926 62 East of Great Chesterford‐ Roman pottery Roman Findspot MEX383 484 13927 63 East of Great Chesterford – Roman pottery Roman Findspot MEX384 485 13972 58 East of Great Chesterford – Pottery and coins Roman Findspot MEX384 486 13973 59 Lyndene and Waelas Dene, London Road – Roman pottery Roman Findspot MEX402 487 14814 22 All Saints Church, Great Chesterford – Roman pottery Roman Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 43 4 December 2017

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MEX103 Site of New Village Hall, Great Chesterford, Site Code GC23 – Remains associated 488 18023 3487 with a Roman Fort Roman Monument MEX171 Great Chesterford‐Recreation Ground and Bowling Green – Roman coffin, 489 4946 85 inhumation and settlement Roman Monument MEX383 490 13913 33 Newmarket Road, Gt. Chesterford (GC11) Roman Road Roman Monument MEX383 491 13914 36 Great Chesterford Roman fort, north‐eastern annexe Roman Monument MEX383 492 13915 39 Gt. Chesterford Roman ?fort ditch and other features Roman Monument MEX383 493 13916 42 Great Chesterford: Roman burials Roman Monument MEX384 494 13974 61 Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford GC7 Roman Road Roman Monument MEX395 The Sycamores, Great Chesterford – Roman and medieval pot sherds, bone 495 14529 95 fragments , snail and oyster shells and metal slag Roman Monument MEX168 496 4849 95 Hadstock House – Romano British pottery and glass Roman Findspot MEX103 Site of New Village Hall, Great Chesterford, Site Code GC23 – Part of the Roman 497 18023 3487 Fort Roman Monument MEX104 Excavation at The Delles Carmen Street, Great Chesterford – residual Roman 498 48693 9160 finds Roman Monument MEX171 Great Chesterford‐Recreation Ground and Bowling Green‐ Roman coffin, 499 4946 85 inhumation and settlement Roman Monument MEX383 500 13915 39 Gt. Chesterford Roman ?fort ditch and other features Roman Monument MEX383 501 13916 42 Great Chesterford: Roman burials Roman Monument MEX395 The Sycamores, Great Chesterford Roman and medieval pot sherds, bone 502 14529 95 fragments , snail and oyster shells and metal slag Roman Monument MCB135 503 11491 01 Roman metal objects, Hinxton Roman Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 44 4 December 2017

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Findspot, Great Chesterford – Romano British pins, seal matrices, bracelet MEX103 fragments and Colchester type brooches together with a spread of pottery 504 45485 6670 sherds. Roman Findspot MEX402 505 14812 20 Stump Cross, Great Chesterford (GC 16) – Roman coins Roman Findspot MEX103 506 2417 Section of Roman wall at All Saints Churchyard, Great Chesterford Roman Monument MEX103 Country Club Site, Great Chesterford, site Code GC21 ‐ Roman gully and rubbish 507 3064 pit Roman Monument MEX103 Plextex car park, Ickleton Road, Great Chesterford ‐ Roman ditch, pit and 508 5774 posthole Roman Monument MEX103 Bishops House, (former Country Club) Great Chesterford ‐ Roman beam slot, 509 5780 ditch, gully, pit, post hole, wall, well Roman Monument MEX103 Omega Cottage, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford ‐ Roman domestic 510 5783 settlement activity Roman Monument MEX103 511 8270 South of All Saints Church, Great Chesterford ‐ Roman wall? Roman Monument MEX103 512 8893 Mill House, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford ‐ Roman ditch and pit Roman Monument MEX103 513 9104 Great Chesterford Primary School Roman quarry Roman Monument MEX103 514 9290 Weldon Gap, Rose Lane, Great Chesterford ‐ Roman pit, ditch, post hole Roman Monument MEX104 Bassingbourne Wood ‐ Roman cropmarks (annexe enclosure, rectangular 515 0703 enclosure) Roman Monument MEX104 Archaeological evaluation at 3 and 4 Granta Cottages Newmarket Road, Great 516 1181 Chesterford ‐ Roman town? wall Roman Monument MEX104 517 9173 Hollow Way/M11 Roman Building Roman Monument MEX104 518 9199 Stanley Road, Great Chesterford ‐ Roman ditch and pit Roman Monument

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MEX104 519 9340 Thorpe Lea, Walden Road, Great Chesterford, Essex ‐ Roman ditch Roman Monument MEX143 520 69 Near House Wood ‐ Roman Road Roman Monument MEX170 521 27 Southern Great Chesterford ‐ Roman inhumation Roman Monument MEX170 A quarter of a mile from Great Chesterford ‐ Roman human remains, pit, shaft 522 86 and well Roman Monument MEX170 523 93 Lynchets (formerly the Greyhound Inn) ‐ Roman cremation Roman Monument MEX170 524 94 Lynchets (formerly the Greyhound Inn) ‐ Roman pit Roman Monument MEX171 Vintners Site GC20 / The Lynchets (was the Greyhound Inn) ‐ Roman inhumation, 525 00 ditch, pit, road and wall Roman Monument MEX171 526 05 Great Chesterford‐Roman West Cemetery and wall Roman Monument MEX171 North side of the Roman town, scheduled area ‐ Roman amphitheatre, circular 527 17 enclosure Roman Monument MEX171 528 23 West side of the Roman Town ‐ Roman building, pit Roman Monument MEX171 529 47 5 and a half acre field ‐ Roman building, road, burial Roman Monument MEX171 530 52 Mill Cottage ‐ Coffin, enclosure, town defences, wall Roman Monument MEX171 531 93 Roman cemetery and buildings adjacent to the modern Railway Station Roman Monument MEX172 532 00 London Road, Great Chesterford ‐ Roman burial Roman Monument MEX172 533 12 Adjacent to churchyard ‐ Roman mill, pit, ritual shafts Roman Monument MEX172 534 21 All Saints Churchyard ‐ Roman temporary camp Roman Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 46 4 December 2017

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MEX172 535 25 J Moore's printing factory, Great Chesterford ‐ Roman ditch Roman Monument MEX172 536 33 South‐west side of the scheduled area ‐ Roman cemetery Roman Monument MEX172 537 38 Great Chesterford‐Carmen Street‐Nos 1‐5 ‐ Roman midden and ditch Roman Monument MEX172 538 40 Carmen Street Great Chesterford ‐ Roman inhumation, town defences Roman Monument MEX172 539 42 The Crown House ‐ Roman town defences Roman Monument MEX172 Great Chesterford‐Crown Orchard‐The Eastgate Site ‐ Roman settlement, town 540 47 defences Roman Monument MEX172 541 60 All Saints Church ‐ Roman floor adjoining the cemetery area Roman Monument MEX172 Great Chesterford‐Plumb's Yard (St John's Close) ‐ Roman settlement, boundary 542 62 marker, ditch Roman Monument MEX172 543 78 Great Chesterford‐St John's Cross ‐ Roman road Roman Monument MEX172 544 90 M11 Edge of Roman Town, scheduled area ‐ Roman building and floor Roman Monument MEX173 545 04 During construction of the Chesterford to Newmarket Railway ‐ Roman burials Roman Monument MEX173 546 24 Near Great Chesterford ‐ NGR not known Roman urn Roman Monument MEX303 547 20 Braughing road river crossing ‐ Roman bridge and timber Roman Monument MEX379 548 78 Old Swaine Adeney ‐ Roman burials and pit Roman Monument MEX382 549 51 Great Chesterford, Vintners (GC 14) ‐ Roman ditch, floor, road Roman Monument MEX382 550 57 Roman road across the Lynchetts area Great Chesterford Roman Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 47 4 December 2017

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MEX382 551 71 Park Cottage, Rose Lane (GC 5) ‐ Roman settlement Roman Monument MEX382 552 78 Ickleton Road, Roman cemetery ‐ Roman cemetery Roman Monument MEX382 553 82 Ickleton road, Roman occupation Roman Monument MEX382 554 85 Great Chesterford churchyard ‐ Roman ditch and pit Roman Monument MEX382 555 98 South Street (GC1) ‐ Roman ditch and wall Roman Monument MEX383 556 04 Flint Cottage, Carmen Street (GC6) ‐ Roman wall Roman Monument MEX383 557 10 Newmarket Road, Roman town wall (GC4) ‐ Roman wall Roman Monument MEX383 558 13 Roman town wall, Newmarket Road (GC9) ‐ Roman town wall Roman Monument MEX383 559 18 Newmarket Road: Foundation of 4th century town wall (GC 10) Roman Monument MEX383 560 22 East Gate: Roman road Roman Monument MEX383 561 31 Crown Cottages, Great Chesterfield ‐ Roman pit and wall Roman Monument MEX383 562 44 North‐west of scheduled area ‐ Roman inhumation Roman Monument MEX383 563 53 Great Chesterford: Roman enclosures and walls Roman Monument MEX383 564 55 Great Chesterford ‐ Vicarage ‐ Roman burial Roman Monument MEX383 565 57 Great Chesterford ‐ Roman mosaic Roman Monument MEX383 566 58 Roman features to the north of the town Roman Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 48 4 December 2017

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MEX383 567 74 Ickleton road / M11, intersection ‐ Roman cemetery Roman Monument MEX383 568 92 Great Chesterford: The North Gate ‐ Roman gate, town defences and wall Roman Monument MEX384 569 10 Gt Chesterford: Roman masonry building, Stukeley's "Templi U Roman Monument MEX384 570 15 Great Chesterford: Roman building, "Tax Office" Roman Monument MEX384 571 26 Near Great Chesterford ‐ Roman inhumation and pit Roman Monument MEX384 572 32 Great Chesterford, Roman building to south of Temple Precinct Roman Monument MEX388 573 04 Poplar Lodge ‐ Roman inhumation Roman Monument MEX388 574 07 Poplar Lodge ‐ Roman corn drying kiln Roman Monument MEX402 575 07 Carmel Street Close, Great Chesterford ‐ Roman building, road and wall Roman Monument MEX404 576 37 Great Chesterford ‐ Weavers Cottage, Carmen Street ‐ Roman inhumation Roman Monument MEX412 577 51 Great Chesterford ‐ Mill House Area ‐ Roman coffin Roman Monument MCB222 578 13 Former enclosures and trackway of possible Roman date, Hinxton Grange Roman Monument MCB503 579 3 Ickleton Roman Villa Roman Monument MCB179 580 47 Possible Roman hollow way, Ickleton Roman Monument MEX238 581 89 NW‐SE route east of Little Chesterford Roman Monument MEX382 582 68 East Gate Roman road Roman Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 49 4 December 2017

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MCB510 583 0 Romano‐British settlement site, Duxford Roman Monument MCB980 584 5 Fish pond, Ickleton Roman Monument MCB185 585 44 Roman Road, SE of Great Chesterford Roman Monument MCB752 586 6182 5 Roman cemetery, Essex Roman Monument 587 193 MCB261 Roman remains, Abington Park Farm Roman Monument MCB137 588 11687 37 Roman enclosure and ditches, Hinxton Hall Roman Monument MCB753 589 6191 5 Roman enclosure, Great Abington Roman Monument MEX383 590 13931 71 Great Chesterford: Roman burials, north cemetery area Roman Monument MEX103 591 17519 3136 Roman Fort at Great Chesterford. Roman Monument MEX168 592 4848 91 North East of Burtonwood Farm – Roman road Roman Monument MEX169 593 4859 28 Brambleshot Field – Roman pit Roman Monument MEX171 594 4943 76 West of Mill House Farm – Roman British pits Roman Monument MEX172 595 4982 89 Great Chesterford‐Cow Lane – Roman pottery Roman Monument MEX173 596 4986 10 East side of Great Chesterford – Roman Road Roman Monument MEX173 597 4988 12 North of Mill House Farm – carved stone Roman Monument MEX238 598 7311 75 Great Chesterford – Temple Precinct Roman Monument

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MEX383 599 13911 25 Gt.Chesterford Roman fort: cropmark Roman Monument MEX383 600 13928 64 Fairacre, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford – Human Bones Roman Monument MEX383 601 13930 69 Fairacre, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford – Small lead coffin Roman Monument MEX384 602 13962 32 Great Chesterford, building to south of Temple Precinct Roman Monument MEX103 603 46232 8576 Fields 65‐66 Great Chesterford – Roman cemetery Roman Monument MEX165 604 4744 34 Hollow Way / Roman Road Roman Monument MEX103 Fairacre, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford – Two linear features possibly part 605 45210 5775 of the fort Roman Monument Roman to MEX103 Early 606 45484 6674 Findspot, Little Chesterford ‐ Metalwork medieval Findspot Roman to MCB137 Post‐ 607 11687B 39 Roman enclosure and ditches, Hinxton Hall medieval Monument MEX103 608 6004 Hadstock ‐ undated cropmark of possible trackway and linear features Undated Monument MEX103 609 9112 Fairview', Carmen Street, Great Chesterford, undated pit Undated Monument MEX104 610 9184 Cropmark of small enclosure Undated Monument MEX104 611 9236 Ditch at Acre Croft, High Street, Great Chesterford, Undated Monument MEX167 North of Little Chesterford ‐ undated cropmarks (linear feature, oval enclosure, 612 17 pit, site, trackway) Undated Monument MEX167 613 33 West of Little Chesterford ‐ undated cropmarks Undated Monument

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MEX167 614 34 West of Little Chesterford ‐ undated cropmarks Undated Monument MEX167 615 37 South‐east of St Mary's Church ‐ Undated lynchet and site Undated Monument MEX167 North‐west of Rectory Farm ‐ Undated cropmarks (ditch linear feature, pit, ring 616 47 ditch trackway possible Roman road?) Undated Monument MEX168 617 03 St Botolph's Church, Hadstock ‐ Undated well Undated Monument MEX169 618 20 North of Bordeaux Farm ‐ cropmark ring ditch Undated Monument MEX169 South of Great Chesterford ‐ Undated cropmarks (pit, trackway and rectilinear 619 47 enclosure) Undated Monument MEX171 northern edge of the Roman Town, scheduled area ‐ Undated cropmarks (burials, 620 11 ditch, boundaries, linears, pits, enclosures, ring ditch road) Undated Monument MEX171 621 84 South of Great Chesterford‐Roman Fort ‐ Undated building Undated Monument MEX171 622 97 Near to the railway Station ‐ Undated burials Undated Monument MEX172 623 72 Great Chesterford‐Plumb's Yard & No. 5 (St John's Close) ‐ Undated pit Undated Monument MEX238 624 90 East of Little Chesterford ‐ Undated cropmarks (linear and ring ditch features) Undated Monument MEX405 625 52 Undated earlier water mill SW of All Saints Church Undated Monument MEX425 626 79 Undated Ring ditch south of Little Paddocks Undated Monument MCB111 627 84 Soilmark enclosures, Linton ‐ Undated cropmark enclosure Undated Monument MCB222 628 14 Linear cropmark of unknown date, Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB207 629 36 Circular cropmark, Ickleton Undated Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 52 4 December 2017

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MCB222 630 21 Possible ring ditch at Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB222 631 12 Former ring ditches and ditches, Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB222 632 23 Possible ring ditches at Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB222 633 23 Possible ring ditches at Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB222 634 23 Possible ring ditches at Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB241 635 24 Undated features at Hinxton Hall, Hinxton Undated Monument MCB221 636 64 Probable ring ditch 340m east of Gravel pit plantation, Hinxton Undated Monument MCB222 637 11 Cropmarks of tracks, ditches and pits, Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB222 638 16 Linear cropmarks of unknown date, Hinxton Undated Monument MEX103 639 6641 Cropmarks at Hadstock Undated Monument MEX425 640 67 Cropmark of a ring ditch SW of Bordeaux Farms Undated Monument MEX426 641 15 Strip lynchets on Coploe Hill Undated Monument MCB111 642 66 Enclosure and ring ditch, Penn Farm, Hildersham Undated Monument MCB535 643 1 Field system, Coploe Hill, Ickleton Undated Monument MCB115 644 05 Cropmark enclosure, Abbey Farm, Ickleton Undated Monument MCB222 645 22 Possible ring ditches at Hinxton Grange Undated Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 53 4 December 2017

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MCB753 646 0 Cropmark enclosures and ring ditch, Pampisford Undated Monument MCB222 647 10 Site of possible double ditched enclosure, Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB106 648 83 undated enclosures, trackway and ring ditch, Pampisford Undated Monument MCB241 649 45 Rectilinear enclosure, 40m south of Abbey Farmhouse, Ickleton Undated Monument MCB222 650 18 Possible trackways at Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB108 651 45 Linear feature, Pampisford Undated Monument MCB222 652 19 Possible former World War II defences at Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MCB222 653 20 Possible trackway at Hinxton Grange Undated Monument MEX425 654 16225 72 Cropmarks of linear features at Park Farm Cottages Undated Monument MEX103 655 46614 9283 Linear bank Undated Monument MEX104 656 47719 0702 Burton Wood Undated Monument MEX104 657 47363 0319 Park Farm Undated Monument MCB135 658 11500 13 Silver key, Great Abington Unknown Findspot MCB108 659 9055 47 Rectilinear enclosure and ring ditch, Great Abington Unknown Monument MCB134 660 11469 79 Cropmarks to S and SE of Bush Park, Great Abington Unknown Monument MCB111 661 9362 73 Enclosures and ring ditches, Hinxton Unknown Monument ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 54 4 December 2017

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MCB111 662 9362 73 Enclosures and ring ditches, Hinxton Unknown Monument CB1465 MCB146 663 5 55 Undated features, A11 Stump Cross to Four Went Ways, Field B Unknown Monument MCB106 664 8892 70 Cropmark site, S of Hinxton Hall Unknown Monument MCB137 665 11687A 38 Undated fence line and wall boundary, Hinxton Hall Unknown Monument MCB108 666 9051 43 Linear features, near Brent Ditch, Great Abington Unknown Monument MCB134 667 11469 79 Cropmarks to S and SE of Bush Park, Great Abington Unknown Monument MCB108 668 9055 47 Rectilinear enclosure and ring ditch, Great Abington Unknown Monument MCB108 669 9051 43 Linear features, near Brent Ditch, Great Abington Unknown Monument MCB108 670 9054 46 Possible ditches, Great Abington Unknown Monument MCB108 671 9051 43 Linear features, near Brent Ditch, Great Abington Unknown Monument MCB111 672 9362 73 Enclosures and ring ditches, Hinxton Unknown Monument MCB111 673 9359 70 Cropmark enclosure, Field Farm Unknown Monument MCB512 674 04229c 8 Ancient comb find, Abbey Farm, Ickleton Unknown Findspot MEX104 675 51530 3221 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of unknown date. Unknown Findspot MEX104 676 51549 3240 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of unknown date. Unknown Findspot MEX104 677 51565 3256 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of unknown date. Unknown Findspot ©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 55 4 December 2017

North Uttlesford Garden Community Draft

MEX173 678 4992 21 North side of Great Chesterford ‐ NGR not known Unknown Findspot MEX104 679 51531 3222 A Portable Antiquities Scheme findspot of unknown date. Unknown Findspot MEX405 680 15079 86 Milestone on A130, SE of Brettanby Cottage, Great Chesterford Unknown Monument CB1510 MCB151 681 7 07 AA Brigade headquarters, Hinxton Grange World War II Building CB1510 MCB151 682 7 07 AA Brigade headquarters, Hinxton Grange World War II Building CB1572 MCB157 683 4 26 Pillbox, Linton World War II Monument CB1505 MCB150 684 7 57 Destroyed pillboxes, Ickleton World War II Monument CB1505 MCB150 685 7 57 Destroyed pillboxes, Ickleton World War II Monument CB1505 MCB150 686 5 55 Gun emplacement, Ickleton World War II Monument Anglo Saxon Burials, Bronze Age ring ditch, Roman pits, undated henge, undated pits discovered during an excavation carried out at the Uttlesford Crematorium Early 687 N/A N/A site medieval Monument ECB292 Evaluation at Linton Wind farm, south of Cambridge Road, Linton 2008 Event 688 2 ECB101 Evaluation, Genome Campus extension, Hinxton, 2002 Event 689 1 ECB151 Evaluation at Genome Camp Extension, Hinxton, 1998 Event 690 7 ECB319 Fieldwalking survey, M11 J8‐9 widening, 1992‐5 Event 691 6 ECB396 Evaluation on land to rear of Norman Hall, Ickleton 2013 Event 692 9

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ECB131 Excavation at A11 Stump Cross to Four Wentways, 1994 Event 693 7 694 ECB237 Recording brief at Hinxton Hall New Lake Site, 1994 Event ECB101 Evaluation at Hinxton Genome Campus Extension, West of the River Cam, 2002 Event 695 2 696 ECB238 Assessment at Hinxton Hall, 1993 Event 697 ECB238 Assessment at Hinxton Hall, 1993 Event 698 ECB239 Hinxton Hall earthwork survey, 1995 Event 699 ECB241 Phase II recording brief at Hinxton Hall New Lake Site, 1995 Event 700 ECB240 Evaluation in North Parkland Hinxton Hall, 1996 Event ECB127 Phase II assessment at Hinxton Hall, 1993 Event 701 7 ECB273 AP assessment, Hinxton, 1996 Event 702 4 703 ECB513 Evaluation and excavation on A11 between Stump Cross to Four Went Ways, 1993 Event 704 ECB513 Evaluation and excavation on A11 between Stump Cross to Four Went Ways, 1993 Event ECB273 Event 705 4 AP assessment, Hinxton, 1996 MEX402 Event 706 14811 19 Stump Cross, Great Chesterford (GC 16) ECB396 Event 707 9 Evaluation on land to rear of Norman Hall, Ickleton 2013 ECB101 Event 708 1 Evaluation, Genome Campus extension, Hinxton, 2002 ECB151 Event 709 7 Evaluation at Genome Camp Extension, Hinxton, 1998 ECB131 Event 710 7 Excavation at A11 Stump Cross to Four Wentways, 1994 711 ECB237 Recording brief at Hinxton Hall New Lake Site, 1994 Event

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712 ECB101 Event 2 Evaluation at Hinxton Genome Campus Extension, West of the River Cam, 2002 713 ECB238 Assessment at Hinxton Hall, 1993 Event 714 ECB238 Assessment at Hinxton Hall, 1993 Event 715 ECB239 Hinxton Hall earthwork survey, 1995 Event 716 ECB241 Phase II recording brief at Hinxton Hall New Lake Site, 1995 Event 717 ECB240 Evaluation in North Parkland Hinxton Hall, 1996 Event 718 ECB127 Event 7 Phase II assessment at Hinxton Hall, 1993 719 ECB513 Evaluation and excavation on A11 between Stump Cross to Four Went Ways, 1993 Event 720 ECB513 Evaluation and excavation on A11 between Stump Cross to Four Went Ways, 1993 Event 721 ECB319 Event 6 Field walking survey, M11 J8‐9 widening, 1992‐5 722 MEX103 Event 18023 3487 Site of New Village Hall, Great Chesterford, Site Code GC23 723 ECB292 Event 2 Evaluation at Linton Wind farm, south of Cambridge Road, Linton 2008 724 MEX402 Event 14810 17 Stump Cross, Great Chesterford (GC 16) 725 MEX173 Event 4990 16 North of Great Chesterford 726 MEX171 Event 4946 85 Great Chesterford‐Recreation Ground and Bowling Green 727 MEX173 Event 4998 28 Great Chesterford‐Roman Fort 728 MEX383 Event 13913 33 Newmarket Road, Gt. Chesterford (GC11) 729 MEX383 Event 13914 36 Great Chesterford Roman fort, north‐eastern annexe 730 MEX383 Event 13915 39 Gt. Chesterford Roman ?fort ditch and other features

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731 MEX383 Event 13916 42 Great Chesterford: Roman burials 732 MEX384 Event 13974 61 Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford GC7 733 MEX104 Event 48751 9199 Stanley Road, Great Chesterford 734 MEX103 Event 46194 8506 Luckfield, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford 735 MEX402 Event 14809 14 Stump Cross, Great Chesterford (GC 16) 736 Event 737 MEX103 Event 18715 5771 Fairycroft, Rose Lane, Great Chesterford 738 MEX103 Event 18717 5773 7 London Road, Great Chesterford 739 MEX103 Event 18721 5777 October Lodge, Carmel Street, Great Chesterford 740 MEX103 Event 18722 5778 1, The Cottages, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford 741 MEX104 Event 22589 0187 2, Manor Cottages, Great Chesterford 742 MEX103 Event 17068 4052 Rectory Farm 743 MEX103 Event 17065 4049 Copperfields, Church Street, Great Chesterford 744 MEX104 Event 23623 1329 Archaeological monitoring of groundworks at Glebe House, Walden Road, Hadstock, Essex 745 MEX104 Event 31106 9095 Land North of Bartholomew Close, Great Chesterford 746 MEX104 Event 31165 9160 Excavation at The Delles Carmen Street, Great Chesterford

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747 MEX104 Event 31332 9334 Land at Smock Mill House, Whiteways, Ickleton Road, Great Chesterford, 748 MEX104 Event 31397 9405 NWTF and Graveldene Nursery, London Road, Great Chesterford 749 MEX168 Event 33522 70 Manor House 750 MEX382 Event 42312 63 All Saints Church, Great Chesterford 751 MEX405 Event 43436 86 Milestone on A130, SE of Brettanby Cottage, Great Chesterford 752 MEX405 Event 43432 78 Milestone on A11, W of Oast Meadow, Great Chesterford 753 MEX402 Event 43260 12 8 Pilgrim Close, Great Chesterford GC13 754 MEX402 Event 43259 10 1 Spencer Road, Great Chesterford 755 MEX395 Event 42967 95 The Sycamores, Great Chesterford 756 MEX382 Event 42312 63 All Saints Church, Great Chesterford 757 MEX103 Event 18715 5771 Fairycroft, Rose Lane, Great Chesterford 758 MEX103 Event 18717 5773 7 London Road, Great Chesterford 759 MEX103 Event 18721 5777 October Lodge, Carmel Street, Great Chesterford 760 MEX103 Event 18722 5778 1, The Cottages, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford 761 MEX103 Event 21151 8506 Luckfield, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford 762 MEX104 Event 22589 0187 2, Manor Cottages, Great Chesterford

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763 MEX103 Event 17068 4052 Rectory Farm 764 MEX103 Event 17065 4049 Copperfields, Church Street, Great Chesterford 765 MEX104 Event 23623 1329 Archaeological monitoring of groundworks at Glebe House, Walden Road, Hadstock, Essex 766 MEX104 Event 31106 9095 Land North of Bartholomew Close, Great Chesterford 767 MEX104 Event 31165 9160 Excavation at The Delles Carmen Street, Great Chesterford 768 MEX104 Event 31332 9334 Land at Smock Mill House, Whiteways, Ickleton Road, Great Chesterford, 769 MEX104 Event 31397 9405 NWTF and Graveldene Nursery, London Road, Great Chesterford 770 MEX173 Event 33704 28 Great Chesterford‐Roman Fort 771 MEX103 Event 49694 5771 Fairycroft, Rose Lane, Great Chesterford 772 MEX103 Event 49696 5773 7 London Road, Great Chesterford 773 MEX103 Event 49700 5777 October Lodge, Carmel Street, Great Chesterford 774 MEX103 Event 51246 8506 Luckfield, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford 775 MEX104 Event 53024 9095 Land North of Bartholomew Close, Great Chesterford 776 MEX402 Event 59578 10 1 Spencer Road, Great Chesterford 777 MEX402 Event 59579 12 8 Pilgrim Close, Great Chesterford GC13 778 MEX402 Event 14808 12 8 Pilgrim Close, Great Chesterford GC13

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779 MEX402 Event 14807 10 1 Spencer Road, Great Chesterford

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CIFA 2014, Standards and guidance for historic environment desk‐based assessments. Chartered Institute for Archaeologists

Harrison, D, 2014, Land west of Walden Road, Great Chesterford, Essex. Geophysical Survey. Archaeological services WYAS Report No. 2560. Unpublished Report

Historic England 2015, The Setting of Heritage assets, Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning: 3

Medlycott, M 2011 The Roman Town of Great Chesterford. East Anglian Archaeology 137. Historic Environment Essex County Council

Mitchell, J. 2005, Uttlesford Local Plan. Adopted January 2005. Uttlesford District Council

Moan, P. 2014, A Romanised section of the Icknield Way at Land off Stanley Road, Great Chesterford, Essex. OA East Report No. 1638. Unpublished Report

Oxford Archaeology 2016, North Uttlesford Garden Village, Essex, Desk‐ based Assessment. Oxford Archaeology East Report 1912. Unpublished Report

©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 63 4 December 2017

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APPENDIX C PLACE SERVICES COMMENTS Introduction C.1.1 In November 2017 Oxford Archaeology were commissioned by Grosvenor Britain & Ireland to produce an update to an archaeological desk‐based assessment prepared for the North Uttlesford Garden Community in April 2016. As part of this assessment OA were asked to update the report with reference to the comments put forward within Great Chesterford Local Plan Review: Historic Environment (Place Services 2017). This note summarises the comments put forward in the Place Services document and highlights where they have been addressed within the Oxford Archaeology reports. C.1.2 Section 2 of the Place Services document raises issues with the Uttlesford District Council (UDC) evidence base. The table below highlights where these comments have been addressed within the Oxford Archaeology reports. Section 3 of the Place Services document summarises the results of the 2016 archaeological desk‐based assessment produced by Oxford Archaeology. The table below cross references the summary in the Place Servicest documen with the relevant sections of the Oxford Archaeology reports. Place Services Comment Place Services Comments Oxford Archaeology Reports Section Comment Section Comment

Section 2: UDC Evidence Base Whilst Historic Environment Record (HER reference numbers are included in the document the detail is inadequate and many of the relevant numbers are missing. It is unclear from the Both the Essex and Cambridgeshire document whether the HER Data Historic Environment records have has been assessed. In summary been consulted as part of the only the HER record numbers are archaeological assessment. identified and many relevant Appendix A provides a Gazetteer of records are missing. There is no identified heritage assets within detail of what individual Addendum the study area. The location of Paragraph monuments or events are and no 2017: these heritage assets are shown on 2.4 indication of significance Appendix A Figures 2‐12. Desk‐based assessment Non‐designated heritage assets 2016: have been discussed in the Paragraph archaeological baseline of the The assessment fails to recognise 2.1.15‐33 original report and updated in the non‐designated heritage assets 2017 addendum.

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Place Services Comments Oxford Archaeology Reports Section Comment Section Comment Addendum 2017: Section 5.3

The assessment only references Desk‐based the Scheduled Monument of the assessment Roman Temple and has failed to 2016: Scheduled monuments within the recognise other Scheduled Section 5.4 2km study area haven bee monuments in the immediate Addendum discussed in the original report environs of the site such as the 2017: which has been updated in the Roman Fort/ Town Section 5.2 2017 addendum. Desk‐based assessment 2016: The setting of scheduled There is no reference to the Section 5.4 monuments within the 2km study setting of the additional Addendum area are discussed in the original Scheduled Monuments which 2017: report. This assessment has been may be affected Section 7.2 updated in the 2017 addendum. Desk‐based The relationship between the assessment scheduled Roman Temple and the 2016: Scheduled Roman Fort Town and Section 5.4 cemeteries is discussed in the No assessment of the Addendum archaeological baseline of the relationship between Scheduled 2017: original report and in the 2017 Monuments Section 7.2 addendum The setting of scheduled No detailed understanding of the monuments within the 2km study setting of individual heritage Addendum area are discussed in the original assets or how it contributes to 2017: report. This assessment has been their significance Section 7.2 updated in the 2017 addendum Desk‐based assessment 2016

No reference to archaeological Addendum See both the desk‐based assets 2017 assessment and addendum

Section 3 Archaeological Baseline The assessment highlighted that the Site and surrounding area have high levels of known archaeology and therefore identified the site as having Paragraph significant archaeological Addendum 3.4 potential. Section 6 Agreed

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Place Services Comments Oxford Archaeology Reports Section Comment Section Comment The assessment highlights the negative impacts that would arise from development due to severing the relationship Section 7.2 highlights the potential between the scheduled temple impacts of the proposed remains within he site and the development and makes scheduled fort, town and Addendum recommendations which would Paragraph cemeteries to the north west of 2017: reduce or help to offset this 3.5 Great Chesterford village Section 7.2 impact. Section 8 makes recommendations for further archaeological work (evaluation) which would help to clarify the location, significance and extent of any archaeological remains effected by the proposed The baseline archaeological development. The results of these assessment provided by Oxford works would be used to inform a Archaeology East clearly suitable mitigation strategy (likely demonstrates that the site to be either preservation by record contains evidence of multiple or preservation in situ) which phases of occupation which Addendum would be agreed in consultation Paragraph would be adversely impacted by 2017 Section with Historic England and Essex 3.7 development here 8 County Council.

©Oxford Archaeology Ltd 66 4 December 2017







1:47,000 Study area 0 500 m Site X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Old\NorthUttlesford Garden Village_Fig1.mxd*charlotte.malone*01/11/2017 Figure 1: Site location 547000 548000 549000 550000 551000 552000 553000 554000 555000 556000 557000 N





436 374 245000


365 372 376


363 445

361 323

371 Study area

435 438 Site

364 243000 437 321 369 439 Mesolithic 322


442 367 360 358 442

Palaeolithic 375 444 Prehistoric

378 Mesolithic 242000 368 Neolithic

377 X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 2.mxd*charlotte.malone*16/11/2017 Prehistoric

1:40,000 @ A4 366 0 2,000 m Palaeolithic

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 2: Palaeolithc, Mesolithic and Neolithic heritage assets 547000 548000 549000 550000 551000 552000 553000 554000 555000 556000 557000 N






200 185 207




201 201



192 202 204


203 205

186 189

243000 190 194


Study area 242000 196 Site 197

X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 3.mxd*charlotte.malone*16/11/2017 198 Bronze Age 1:40,000 @ A4 187 0 2,000 m Bronze Age

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 3: Bronze Age heritage assets 547000 548000 549000 550000 551000 552000 553000 554000 555000 556000 557000

N 243


258 247 246000



249 249

244000 239

259 240 240 260


255 257 243000 254 245

242 256

252 261

251 Study area 248 Site 242000 241 244 Iron Age

X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 4.mxd*charlotte.malone*16/11/2017 Iron Age to Roman 1:40,000 @ A4 0 2,000 m Iron Age

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 2: Iron Age heritage assets 547000 548000 549000 550000 551000 552000 553000 554000 555000 556000 557000 N





503 589



583 245000 4 604




607 496 505 593 458 462 448


244000 448 470 597


5 464 243000 447

515 460


456 455 Study area Fig 5.1


520 459

Roman 242000 606 Roman to Post-medieval

X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 5.mxd*charlotte.malone*21/11/2017 466 465 Roman 1:40,000 @ A4

0 2,000 m 461 Scheduled monuments

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 5: Roman heritage assets 550000 551000 552000 N


545 490 594 7 598 592 544


566 572 572

566 590 6 491 599

601 491



528 605 605 491 493 601600


600 6 489 528 494 489 493 595 568 491 488 494 450 492 579



5 570 558 570 584 573




527 538

556 576 557


475-9 522 474 243000 526 6 582 561 537


560 560 582 575


571 537 592 596

536 539

567547 547 554 548 495 513

529 481 472 543 554540 534 542

516 530

508 506 519

559 554 453 471 551 563 507 543 514 550 512 487 525 563 549 524 564 555


533 541 482 552 523 535 471 480 552 509 565 473


525 473



484 531 483 596 Study area Site

517 Roman


532 585 Roman

X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 51.mxd*charlotte.malone*21/11/2017 Roman to Post-medieval 1:9,500 @ A4 0 450 m Scheduled monuments

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 5.1: Roman heritage assets (inset map) 547000 548000 549000 550000 551000 552000 553000 554000 555000 556000 557000 558000 N


248000 227

296 227

1 247000 299







298 320 356

245000 292 294 303 300 280



226 235 237

687 293 229 301 304 318 313 209

244000 229 317

288 309

289 309 314

Study area 243000 311 2 Site 312

Early medieval 272 272

Fig 6.1 Early medieval to Medieval

231 Medieval 273

242000 266 265 212 281 Early medieval 3

279 233 Medieval Medieval to Modern

X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 6 .mxd*charlotte.malone*27/11/2017 Scheduled monuments 241000 1:46,383 @ A4 0 2,300 m Deer Park (OA 356)

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 6: Early medieval and medieval heritage assets 550000 551000 552000 N


218 218 309


222 262

243000 222 269

268 220 262 210 282 262 262


220 219 283 283

286 221 270 262 284 262 211 271 211 236 287 266 267 266

Study area 232 Site Early medieval Early medieval to Medieval Medieval Early medieval X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 6 1.mxd*charlotte.malone*16/11/2017

Medieval 1:9,500 @ A4 273 231 0 450 m Medieval to Modern

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 6.1: Early medieval and medieval heritage assests (inset map) 547000 548000 549000 550000 551000 552000 553000 554000 555000 556000 557000

420 N


247000 389

430 429


246000 380 385





245000 387 422 388 408 379

384 400 381


390 397 382

244000 396

421 433 433 432



Fig 7.1 Study area Site

242000 405

395 Post medieval

403 409 X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 7.mxd*charlotte.malone*21/11/2017 398 Post medieval 1:40,000 @ A4 0 2,000 m Post medieval

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 7: Post medieval heritage assets 550000 551000 552000 N



416 243000 412


394 393 404 412 413

391 413

401 401 407 392 402

410 411 431 417




Study area Site Post medieval

X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 7.1.mxd*charlotte.malone*21/11/2017 Post medieval 1:9,500 @ A4 0 450 m Post medieval

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 7.1: Post medieval heritage assets (inset map) 547000 548000 549000 550000 551000 552000 553000 554000 555000 556000 557000 N



681 246000

352 346




683 245000


340 357




684 354


353 355 355 347


Study area Site Fig 8.1 Modern


336 World War II

X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 8.mxd*charlotte.malone*27/11/2017 338 World War II 1:40,000 @ A4 339 0 2,000 m Modern

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 8: Modern heritage assets 550000 551000 355 N

243000 352




331 326

349 327

332 327

328 325







Study area Site 335 Modern World War II

X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 8.1.mxd*charlotte.malone*21/11/2017 World War II 1:5,508 @ A4 0 250 m Modern

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 8.1: Modern heritage assets (inset map) 547000 548000 549000 550000 551000 552000 553000 554000 555000 556000 557000 N 646

651 648

628 247000

638 642 642 666 666

630 659 670 647 661




636 632

246000 658 645 632 660




635 654 657 617




663 608

244000 644 655 677 656


629 621


243000 678 609

611 623 641

622 619 616 676 Study area 643

612 Site

242000 675 618 Undated

624 Unknown 615 X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 9.mxd*charlotte.malone*21/11/2017 614 Undated 0 1:40,000 @ A4 2,000 m 613 640 Unknown

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2017] Figure 9: Undated/Unknown heritage assets N Site Study area

Registered Parks and Gardens 183

58 148 #*#*

#* #* #* 173 59-68, 70-6, 99, #* #* 144-6, 167, 171,#* #* #*#*#* #*#* 175-6, 181-2 #*#* #* #*#*#* #*#* #*#*#* #*#*#* #*#* #*#* #* #*#*#* 8, 100-110,#*#* 124-129 #* #* #* 9, 43-57, 69, 77-87, 130-143, 161-170, #*#* #*#*#*#*#* 172, 177, 190-180 #*#*#*#*#*#*#* #* #*#*#* #*#*#* #* #*#* #*#*#* #*#*#*#* #*#*

#* #*#*#* #* #*#* #* #* #*#*#* #* #* #*#* #*#*#*#*#* #*#*#*#*#*#* #*#*#*#*#* #* #* #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* #* #* #*#* 10, 12-42, 88-98,

#* 116-119, 130-137, #* 149-160, 174


123 #* 122

#* #* #* #*#* #*

178 11 #* X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 10.mxd*charlotte.malone*28/11/2017 #*#* 121 111

Figure 10: Listed buildings and registered parks and gardens N Site 1 Study area Scheduled Monument



7 6 6 5

6 2

X:\e\Essex, NorthUttlesford GardenVillage\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GISProjects\Fig 11.mxd*charlotte.malone*21/11/2017 3

Figure 11: Scheduled monuments Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2016]. [2016]. right database and copyright Crown © data Survey Ordnance Contains X:\e\Essex, North Uttlesford Garden Village\010Geomatics\03 GIS Projects\Charlotte\New GIS Projects\Fig 12.mxd*charlotte.malone*28/11/2017 Figure 12: Cropmark Plan Cropmark 12: Figure (taken from Harrison 2014, fig. 3) fig. 2014, Harrison from (taken anomolies Geophysical Earth Google from data Cropmark fig.3 2014, Moan from (taken data Cropmark HER by provided data Cropmark O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017

O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017 Plate 1:View lookingeast acrossthesitetowardsscheduledRoman Temple Complex(OA 7) ford Plate 2:View looking southfromthescheduled Roman Temple Complex(OA 7)towards GreatChester- O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017

O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017 Roman and Anglo-Saxon cemeteries (OA 6) Plate 4:Close upoftheviewlooking southacrossthesitetowards thescheduledRoman Fort, Town and Anglo-Saxon cemeteries(OA 6) Plate 3:View lookingsouth acrossthesitetowardsscheduledRomanFort, Town andRoman O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017

O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017 Plate 6:View from GreatChesterford looking towardsthesite Plate 5:View lookingsouth-east acrossthesitetowardsscheduledRoman Temple Complex(OA 7) O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017

O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017 Plate 8:Farm buildingassociatedwith ParkFarmhouse(OA 173) (OA 6)north-easttowardsthesite Plate 7:View lookingacross thescheduledRomanFort, Town andRoman Anglo-Saxon cemeteries O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017

O:\N_codes\NUTFDBA*North Uttlesford Garden Village*mw*29.11.2017 Plate 10:Park Farmhouse(OA 172)lookingeast Plate 9:ParkFarmhouse(OA 173)lookingsouth