Osborne Chosen for Ring Figure

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Osborne Chosen for Ring Figure Squadron Defeats Will Osborne To Play Indians For Ring 14-0 Figure Z-778 VOLUME XXXII SheLEXINGTON , VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1938 NUMBER 6 U. of Illinois Gymkhana to Be Virginia Section ASCE Holds Fall Presente* d *I n '94 Hal* l Frida* y Meeting At VMI Osborne Chosen for Ring Figure October 22—'The Virginia section Troupe to Give Interesting Program of the American Society of Civil Engineers held Its fall meeting here Musw of Blue Barron's Orchestra Enjoyed At Opening Hops Under the auspices of the Intramural Council and the Department of yesterday with representatives from Physical Education, the University of Illinois Gymkhana Troupe of 25 the University of Virginia, VPI and college students will present the University of Illinois Gymkhana in the VMI attending. Several members of VMI Applauds Maestro of "Slide Music" main gym at 7:30 P. M. Friday, October 26. the adult society attended the Again Host To meeting as well as student members. This troufce is the only troupe of Opening Band Its kind in the United States, and First Horse Show General Anderson Speaks Hop Orchestra Includes some of the best college Colonel R. B. H. Begg of VPI pre- Priscilla Lane Adds Originator of Slide gymnastic talent in the country. Of Year Featured sided over the meeting and intro- The program, published elsewhere duced General J. A. Anderson, head Color To Dance Music Is Known Here in THE CADET, shows the varied of the VMI Civil Engineering De- With smooth tunes, smoother At Hop Week-End Oct. 22.—The 1938 Hop Commit- program of one hour and thirty partment, who stated that he had music, and swell novelties, Blue Oct. 22—The Jumping and Polo tee announced at the Opening Hop minutes. The feature of the program just returned from a national meet- Barron and his boys did an excellent teams and the ninety cadets who Dance tonight that Will Osborne will be the performance of Joe ing of the society in Rochester, New job on the Opening Hops in their participated in the horse show this and his orchestra will provide the Giallombardo, National Intercollegi- York. General Anderson stated that initial appearance at the Institute. afternoon with a group of girls from music for the Thanksgiving Hops ate Tumbling Champion, National Colonel Donald Sawyer, who is The maestro was well received by Southern Seminary drew praise to be held November 25th and 26th. Flying Rings Champion, and Cen- from the Virginia District of the pr- the corps as a whole. from the judges—Colonel Burress, tral and National AAU Champion ganization, is now president of the Well Known To VMI Captain McCone, and Captain Priscilla Lane Present in both events. It will also feature national society. The statement Will Osborne is well remembered Thayer—for their splendid per- The extra attraction of Priscilla Ray Weiss and William Golde, run- made by General Anderson that the at VMI for his two appearances last formance. Before an estimated Lane gave the "Brother Rat" touch ner-up in Tumbling in the Inter- A. S. C. E. was "truly a national year. The success which "the cre- crowd of 300 and against a colorful which added a great deal to the collegiates and third in the Inter- society" was borne out when he ad- ator of slide music" made for him- background of fir trees, pennants, success of the hops. The gym was collegiates. Paul Fina, Ohio State vised the meeting that the organi- self at the Midwinter Hops was in- and guidons, Paul Bickford on Jack decorated with long streamers of All-around Gymnastic Champion zation has one hundred and fifteen strumental in his being brought Knife and Charley Faulkner astride red, white, and yellow paper, while and High Bar Champion will also student chapters with a total mem- back to play at Finals last year. The Butter Cup tallied perfect scores the "Brother Rat" lanterns helped be featured. bership of five thousand four hun- novelties and style of music which to put forth the main theme of of 100 in the Artillery and Cavalry dred. A suggestion that the Vir- Osborne presents are believed to be Openings. Among the girl members of the jumping events. ginia Section comprise an effective favored by the Corps. The compulsory attendance of the troupe, Muriel Bull and Fan Jan- Jack Knife Outstanding employment and placement bureau Slide Trumpets new cadets on Friday night ac- nette Cobb, tap dancers are fea- The outstanding hone of the aft- was made in the opening address. The slide trumpets which have quainted the rats with the VMI type tured. ernoon was Jack Knife who cap- General Charles E. Kilbourne, Su- given the name of "slide music" to of hop and did much to improve Ed Parkhurst with his muscle con- tured one of each type of ribbon. perintendent of VMI, and a gradu- Osborne's style are a type of instru- the new cadet attendance. trol act_and Steve Graves, as the Bobby ran Jack Knife a close sec- ate of VMI in Civil Engineering, ment not normally associated with Will Osborne and his Orchestra, Featuring Slide Music, to magician, are excellent performers. ond with a first and a second place. was introduced by General Ander- Barron Presents Novelty Whistler an orchestra. The orchestra has fif- Blue Barron's best novelty was Play for Ring Figure November 25th and 26th. Bob Edwards and Dixon Keyser Jumping events were the prin- son. teen pieces in it which includes sev- are the featured clowns. "All Ben the whistler who actually took '94 cipal features of the afternoon. The General Kilbourne Speaks eral trombones that are used to har- Rubyot and his Arabian Tumbling Hall by storm, Ronnie Snyder. The monize with the slide trumpets. First and Second Classmen were General Kilbourne welcomed the Troupe" will probably be one fea- whistling of "The Flight of the Priscilla Lane Is Enthusiastic the participants in these events. delegates to VMI and gave a short Orchestra Founded In 1924 ture of the program. An Eccentric I ucicgawo tu v mi aim gave a onui Bumblebee," while accomplished Will Osborne's orchestra was Dance by Fan Janette Cobb will be The course was twice around a se- j address on the value of civil witenh- a special device hidden Over Recent Visit to Institute founded in 1924 and was the first to one of the opening numbers. Hand ries of jumps known as the "Brush," i gineering General Kilbourne stated in Snyder's mouth, was ac- the "Chicken Coop," and the "Post desert the bedlam of jazz that was to Hand balancing by Ray Weiss that throughout his studies he has claimed as one of thfe best dance and Rail," and the "In and Out." Star Entertains Cadet Reporter With Stories popular at that time. The smooth and Ed Parkhurst will be on the noticed and reached the conclusion novelties ever presented at a VMI All of the jumps were three feet that man is ^ only being who Of Hollywood; Enjoys Garrison Review rhythm and soft vocalizing that program. dance. Ronnie also did his stuff on and four inches high, except for Osborne presents soon became uni- For Intramural Council Fund makes any progressive improve- the electric guitar, the sweet tone By B. B. GILLIAM | eleven a. m. and twelve that night. horses of the Horse Show team who ment on his environment. In this versally popular. Since that time An admission of 40 cents will be of which was quite a success. The personality who caused more i The next day was carefully set had a four inch handicap. The most progression man uses two things, his popularity has grown until now charged to all. The program is be- Probably the main reason for Bar- interest in the town of Lexington i aside for purely social purposes and spectacular spills were provided In his power of reasoning and his two he has one of the top ranking or- ing brought here at heavy expense ron's similarity to the style of Sam- than any other visitor in the mem- ] for the entertainment of Miss Lane the difficult "In and Out" series hands. Each of these two react to chestras in the entertainment world. by the Intramural Council and myKaye, lay in the fact that Barron ory of any Cadet in Barracks j except for one personal appearance where Carl Wetersten cracked a develop the other. The fact that A considerable amount of the or- Major Ramey. This group is backing was once Kaye's business manager. seemed to have found as much | at the State theater. She saw the vertebrae when he was thrown from civil engineering has done much in chestra's time is spent in radio work Blue Barron is no musician him- pleasure in her stay at VMI as any j Garrison Review which impressed the performance. Any amount Jones. but many engagements at ballrooms, this advancement was brought out of the rubber-neckers who strug- her so much and that night attended cleared above the $150.00 guarantee self, but he is an excellent business hotels, night clubs and theaters have The First Class Field Artillery by General Kilbourne. gled for a glimpse of her from her , the dance where she appeared only plus the advertising expenses will manager as well as a creator of been fulfilled. The unique style of event was won by Paul Bickford Student Speakers arrival until her departure. When as an unusually well rushed hop be turned into the Intramural Fund giant ideas. The pianist makes all music that brought this popularity (Continued From Page 1) Colonel W.
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