Author's Own Inspection, of Fifty Copper-Plates

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Author's Own Inspection, of Fifty Copper-Plates Scarabaeoidea italiani – Lista Bibliografica (luglio 2014) © Antonio Rey & Alberto Ballerio ABEILLE de PERRIN, E. 1901. Nouvelle espèces de Coléoptères francais. L' Échange. Revue Linnéenne, Moulins 17 : 59-62, 68-70 ABERLENC, H.P. CURLETTI, G. DUTTO, M. & TASSI, F. 2003. Eupotosia mirifica, joau menace du patrimoine naturel europeen (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae). In: MASON, F. NARDI, G. & TISATO, M. (eds.) Proceeding of the International Symposium "Dead wood: a key to biodiversity". Sherwood - Foreste ed Alberi oggi, Arezzo 95,2 (suppl.): 69-72 ÁDÁM, L. 1994. A check-list of the hungarian Scarabaeoidea, with description of ten new taxa. Folia Entomologica Hungarica [Rovartani Közlemények], Budapest 55 : 5-17 AGAZZI, G. 2001. Volo di Melolontha melolontha L. nella valle del torrente Cimoliana (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). 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