British Authors to 1066
British Authors to 1066 SJH iii.2007 Compiled from FONTES, R. Sharpe Handlist, R. Sharpe Handlist (Additions), R. Sharpe Identifications, Clavis Patrum Latinorum, Manitius, Bolton, Brunholtzl, and Raby. Lapidge, Anglo-Saxon Library (Oxford, 2006) calls the following “the principle authors of Anglo-Saxon England”: Theodore and Hadrian, Aldhelm, Bede, Alcuin, anon. author of Old English Martyrology, Asser, Lantfred, Abbo of Fleury, Wulfstan of Winchester, Ælfric, and Byrhtferth (p. 174). Dating and identification follow Sharpe and CPL. Authors who wrote entirely in Old English are not listed, with the exception of Alfred, Caedmon, and Cynewulf. A list of named authors and anonymous works in Old English can be had from Antonette DiPaolo Healey and Richard L. Venezky, A Microfiche Concordance to Old English: The List of Texts and Index of Editions (1980; University of Toronto, 1985). Abbo of Fleury († 1004) Abbot of Fleury, monk at Ramsey Carmen. Ed. Mabillon, PL 139: 534. Carmen acrostichum ad Ottonem imperatorem. Ed. Mabillon, PL 139:519-20. Carmen acrosticha ad Dunstanum archiepiscopum. Ed. Scott Gwara, JML 2 (1992): 215-26. Collectio canonum. Ed. Mabillon, PL 139:473-508. Commentary on Gospels. Not extant. Commentary on Victorinus of Aquitaine, Calculus. OMT 2004. Computus vulgaris qui dicitur ephemerida, comprises: • Computus vulgaris. PL 90:727-42, 749-58, 787-820, 212-30, 823-6, 859-78, 855- 8. • De cyclis decennouabilis. PL 139:569-78. De differentia circuli et sphaerae (aka, Sententia de ratione sphaerae). Ed. R Thomson, “Two astronomical tractates .” The Light of Nature (Dordrecht, 1985). De duplici signorum ortu vel occasu. Ed. R Thomson, “Further.” Mediaeval Studies 50 (1998): 671-3.
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