British Authors to 1066
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British Authors to 1066 SJH iii.2007 Compiled from FONTES, R. Sharpe Handlist, R. Sharpe Handlist (Additions), R. Sharpe Identifications, Clavis Patrum Latinorum, Manitius, Bolton, Brunholtzl, and Raby. Lapidge, Anglo-Saxon Library (Oxford, 2006) calls the following “the principle authors of Anglo-Saxon England”: Theodore and Hadrian, Aldhelm, Bede, Alcuin, anon. author of Old English Martyrology, Asser, Lantfred, Abbo of Fleury, Wulfstan of Winchester, Ælfric, and Byrhtferth (p. 174). Dating and identification follow Sharpe and CPL. Authors who wrote entirely in Old English are not listed, with the exception of Alfred, Caedmon, and Cynewulf. A list of named authors and anonymous works in Old English can be had from Antonette DiPaolo Healey and Richard L. Venezky, A Microfiche Concordance to Old English: The List of Texts and Index of Editions (1980; University of Toronto, 1985). Abbo of Fleury († 1004) Abbot of Fleury, monk at Ramsey Carmen. Ed. Mabillon, PL 139: 534. Carmen acrostichum ad Ottonem imperatorem. Ed. Mabillon, PL 139:519-20. Carmen acrosticha ad Dunstanum archiepiscopum. Ed. Scott Gwara, JML 2 (1992): 215-26. Collectio canonum. Ed. Mabillon, PL 139:473-508. Commentary on Gospels. Not extant. Commentary on Victorinus of Aquitaine, Calculus. OMT 2004. Computus vulgaris qui dicitur ephemerida, comprises: • Computus vulgaris. PL 90:727-42, 749-58, 787-820, 212-30, 823-6, 859-78, 855- 8. • De cyclis decennouabilis. PL 139:569-78. De differentia circuli et sphaerae (aka, Sententia de ratione sphaerae). Ed. R Thomson, “Two astronomical tractates .” The Light of Nature (Dordrecht, 1985). De duplici signorum ortu vel occasu. Ed. R Thomson, “Further.” Mediaeval Studies 50 (1998): 671-3. Epistolae. Ed. P Pithou, PL 139:419-62, 459-60, 387-414. Epistolae de computo. Ed. P. Varin, Bulletin des Comités historiques 1 (1849): 117-27. Excerpta ex Hygino de figuratione signorum. Unprinted. Trinity College ms R.15.32 etc. Excerptum de gestis Romanorum pontificum. Ed. [partially] J. Busée. PL 139:535-70. Liber apologeticus. Ed. P. Pithou, PL 139:461-72. Passio S. Eadmundi. Ed. M. Winterbottom, Three Lives TMLT 1 (1972), 67-87. Quaestiones grammaticales. Ed. A Guerreau-Jalabert (Paris 1982). Sententia de ratione sphaerae, see De differentia circuli et sphaerae Syllogismorum cathegoricum et hypotheticorum enodatio. Ed. A. van den Vyver, Abbonis Floriacensis opera inedita (Brugge 1966), 30-94. Acca († 740) Bishop of Hexham Letter to Bede. Ed. D. Hurst, CCSL 120 (1960), pp. 5-6. Adomnan († 704) Abbot of Iona Vita S. Columbae. Ed. A.O. and M.O. Anderson, Adomnan's Life of Columba (London, 1961); Sharpe, Adomnan of Iona. Life of St. Columba (London, 1995). De locis sanctis. Ed. L. Bieler, CCSL 175 ( 1965), 185-234; CCSL 175, pp. 175-234. Anglo-Saxon Authors, p. 2 Ælfric († c. 1010) Abbot of Eynsham Vita S. Æthelwoldi. Ed. M. Winterbottom (Toronto, 1972), 17-29; Lapidge and Winterbottom, Wulfstan of Winchester: Life of St Æthelwold, OMT, pp. 70-80. Colloquia. Ed. G.N. Garmonsway (London, 1939). Epistolae. Ed. B. Fehr, Die Hirtenbriefe Aelfrics (Hamburg, 1914) Grammar and Glossary aka. Excerptiones de arte grammatica (Sharpe). Ed. J. Zupitza, Aelfrics Grammatik und Glossar (Berlin, 1880) Epistola ad monachos Egneshamienses. Ed. H. Nocent, Consuetudinum saeculi X/XI/XII monumenta non-Cluniacensia, Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticarum 7.3 (Siegburg, 1984), 149-85; Christopher Jones, Ælfric’s Letter to the Monks of Eynsham, CSASE. Excerptiones de arte grammatica. Ed. J. Zupitza, Aelfrics Grammatik und Glossar (Berlin, 1880), pp. 1-296. First Series of Catholic Homilies. Ed. B. Thorpe (London, 1844); ed. P. Clemoes (Oxford 1997) EETS ss 17. Lives of Saints. Ed. W. W. Skeat. EETS os 76, 82, 94, 114 (1881-1900). Nomina multarum rerum Anglicae. Ed. J. Zupitza, Aelfrics Grammatik und Glossar (Berlin, 1880), pp. 297-322. Second Series of Catholic Homilies. Ed. M. Godden (London, 1979) EETS ss 5. Supplementary Homilies. Ed. J.C. Pope, 2 vols. (London, 1967-8). De temporibus anni. Ed. H. Henel (London, 1942). Commonplace Books. E. M. Raynes, Medium Ævum 26 (1957): 65-73. Ælfric Bata (s. xi 1) Colloquia. Ed. W.H. Stevenson, Early Scholastic Colloquies (Oxford, 1929), 27-66, 67-74 and 75-101; Scott Gwara, Latin Colloquies from Pre-Conquest Britain (Toronto 1996). Æthelwald (fl. s. vii 2) Bishop of Lindisfarne? Pupil of Aldhelm. Carmina rhythmica. Ed. R. Ehwald, MGH, Auct. Ant. 15, 528-37. Æthelweard (†c. 998) Ealdorman of Dorset Chronica. Ed. A. Campbell (London, 1962). Æthelwold († 984) Bishop of Winchester Regularis concordia. Ed. T. Symons and S. Spath, Consuetudinum saeculi X/XI/XII monumenta non-Cluniacensia, Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticarum 7.3 (Siegburg, 1984), 61-147; W. S. Logeman, Anglia 13 (1891): 365-454; L. Kornexl (Munich 1993); T. Symons NMT (1953). Æthelwulf (Æthilwulf) (fl. s. ix 1) Monk of Bywell? Anglo-Saxon Authors, p. 3 Carmen de abbatibus. Ed. A. Campbell (Oxford, 1967). Aethicus Ister (see Virgil, Bishop of Salzburg, † 784) Ailerans Sapiens († 665) Interpretatio mystica et moralis progenitorum Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Ed. A. Breen (Dublin, 1995). PL 80:327-42. Kanon evangeliorum rhythmica. Ed. W. Meyer, “Gildae oratio rhythmica,” Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (1912), pp. 48-108. Aimoin of Fleury (†after 1010) Abbreuiatio historiarum. PL 139:627-802. Alchfrith (fl. s. viii med) Epistola Alchfrithi anachoritae ad Higlacum lectorem et presbyterum. Ed. W. Levison, England and the Continent, pp. 295-302. Orationes (in Book of Cerne). Ed. A. B. Kuypers, The Prayer-Book of Aedeluald the Bishop (Cambridge 1902), pp. 143-5, 155-6. Alchred († after 774) King of Northumbria Letter in correspondence of Boniface (no. 121) Alcuin (c. 735-804) Master of Palace School, Aachen; Abbot of Tours Aduersus Elipandum. PL 101, 231-300. Aduersus Felicem. PL 101, 119-230. Ars grammatica. PL 101, 849-902. Carmen Continet iste decem. Ed. E. Dümmler, MGH. PLAC 1 (1881), 295. Carmina. Ed. E. Dümmler, MGH. PLAC 1 (1881), 220-351. Carmina rhythmica. Ed. K. Strecker, MGH. PLAC 4 (1923), 903-10. Commentary on Ephesians. Ed. I Fransen, “Fragments épars .” RB 81 (1971):30-59. Compendium in Cantica canticorum. PL 100, 642-64. Contra haeresim Felicis. Ed. G.B. Blumenshine, Studi e testi 285. PL 101:85-120. De animae ratione. PL 101, 639-50. De confessione peccatorum. PL 101, 649-56. Ed. E Dümmler, MGH Epist. 4: 193-8. De dialectica. PL 101:951-76. De fide sanctae et indiuiduae trinitatis. PL 101, 11-58. De orthographia, aka Orthographia. Ed. A. Marsili (Pisa, 1952). PL 101:901-20; ed. S. Bruni, Millennio medievale 2 (Florence 1997). De sacramento baptismatis. Ed. E Dümmler, MGH Epist. 4: 202-03. De trinitate ad Fredegisum quaestiones XXX. PL 101:57-64. De virtutibus et vitiis ad Widonem comitem, aka De sapientia. PL 101:613-38. Anglo-Saxon Authors, p. 4 Dialogus Franconis et Saxonis de octo partibus orationis, aka, Disputatio de vera philosophia. PL 101:849-902. Dicta Albini de imagine Dei. PL 100:565-8. Ed. J Marenbon, From the Circle of Alcuin. (1981), 158-61. Disputatio de rhetorica [et de virtutibus]. PL 101:919-46. Ed. C. Halm, Rhetores latini minores, 525-50. Disputatio Pippini [regis] cum Albino. PL 101, 975-80. Ed. W. Suchier, Ilinois Studies in language and Literature 24.2 (1930): 134-46. Libellus de processione spiritus sancti. PL 101, 64-84. Enchiridion sive Expositio in psalmos poenitentiales. PL 100, 569-96. [NB Prefatory letter, Epist 243 Enchiridion sive Expositio in psalmos graduales. PL 100, 619-38. Enchiridion sive Expositio in psalmum Beati immaculati. PL 100:597-620. Epistolae. Ed. E. Dümmler, MGH, Epistolae 2 (1895), 1-481, 614-16; Epistolae 4, 263-5; and Epistolae 5, 643-5. 2+ letters in W Levinson, England and the Continent, pp. 244- 7, 314-23. Explanatio in tres S. Pauli epistolas, aka Commentary on Titus, Philemon, Hebrews. PL 100, 1009-84. (Hebrews probably not authentic—Sharpe, 37) Expositio Apocalypsis. PL 100, 1087-1156. In Iohannis euangelium. PL 100, 737-1008. Laudationes S. Martini. PL 101, 657-64. Libellus de processione Spiritus Sancti (?—Sharpe 43). PL 101:63-84. Liber generationis Iesu Christi. PL 100:725-34. Quaestiones in Genesim. PL 100, 516-66. Versus de patribus regibus et sanctis Euboricensis ecclesiae. Ed. E. Dümler, MGH. PLAC 1, 169-206; P. Godman (Oxford, 1982). Versus in ecclesia S Vedasti. Ed. E. Dümler, MGH. PLAC 1, 308-13; Vita S. Richarii. Ed. B. Krusch, MGH, SRM 4 (1902), 389-401. Vita S. Vedasti. Ed. B. Krusch, MGH, SRM 3 (1896), 414-27 Vita S. Willibrordi (prose). Ed. B. Krusch and W. Levison, MGH, SRM 7 (1920), 113-41. Vita S. Willibrordi (verse). Ed. E. Dümmler, MGH. PLAC 1 (1881), 207-20. Aldhelm († 709) Bishop of Sherborne Epistola ad Arcicum comprises: • Ænigmata. Ed. R. Ehwald, MGH, AA 15 (1919), 97-149; CCSL 133:371-539. • De metris. Ed. R. Ehwald, MGH, AA 15 (1919), 59-96. • De pedum regulis. Ed. R. Ehwald, MGH, AA 15 (1919), 150-204. Carmen rhythmicum. Ed. R. Ehwald, MGH, AA 15 (1919), 523-8. Carmina ecclesiastica. Ed. R. Ehwald, MGH, AA 15 (1919), 3-32. De uirginitate (prose), aka De laudibus virginitatis. Ed. R. Ehwald, MGH, AA 15 (1919), 226-323; ed. S Gwara, CCSL 124A (2001). De uirginitate (verse). Ed. R. Ehwald, MGH, AA 15 (1919), 350-471 Epistolae. Ed. R. Ehwald, MGH, AA 15 (1919), 475-503. Aldhun (fl. s. viii) Abbot Anglo-Saxon Authors, p. 5 Letter in correspondence of Boniface (no. 55) Aldred (s. x ex) Provost of St. Cuthbert’s, Chester-le-Street Marginal OE glosses in Lindisfarne Gospels. Ed. W. Boyd (Exeter 1975). King Alfred († 899) King of Wessex. Augustine’s Soliloquies. Ed. T. Carnicelli, King Alfred’s Version of At. Augustine’s Soliloquies (Cambridge, MA 1969). Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy. Ed. W.J.