\ TRURSDA’T, JAKITAItT 18r2lNi I ■ the Weather '■ . Daily Net Press Raa Fsetseel at P .S . Wee* Fwr too IlMrtk f t OsssBSbsr, IBtS Annauncemsniati^’ca made of tba tot Spnws strosti Mm. Jssa .Bot- Anderson-Shca Auxiliary VS. Psrtty etoody «hto W , la ecntlaatog tba wiuaeid . la .tba• IfattODal . Safety Exjdhaiigelttead Hospital Notes tsf sad aom Wsrshuuss FMnt; About'toira .Wedi^Boatar Ooondl at the Back' Mrs. AUcs BMchar and. sen. IM nith so«w aantas hi nrrltdblrss; M ck parttaa on •.•'.Ij.CWCAl.'.'C 9,664 day avaalnaa at tha V.i!jtw. bo*^. laad'bdlool, at the laeatlng last BsHsatlaj'TPSsy ^. •. • • • • • .182 Grssa road; ' Mrs. AnthoAstts clear sad naich oelder toaigbti Tlronp, Wsst Hartford; Harry i T B ^ Mamher at Ike AadH ffca ii— Iff-rni lagka Andluy Maadteater OraaB. hy popular n - iOght od fbd’ Votwbna tha Buck- Admitted yesterdayr - Jnstlo Saturday fair sad roattaasd eaUL Vieat. load-Oiddand dbb. PMsoa ware aoodWU,'’ -IBS'Mtddls Iburaplka, «rtB tamit Vonaky e w *» ta ^ awarded’to. the Paid, 82' Park street; Thomas aaat; Mn. Agnss Gresa, RocInrUla. City of VUiogo Charm Mnk'likrOUl BaWtwr, Tha annual buatnahi maatinp cC JiMUth OofMtenda PoBos, Stafford Springs; Mrs, Ida Birth yeatorday: A aon to Mr. li«WktlT« duimum. will p w int tba______CenterConcresa< Concrecatlonal church Elaine Morriaoti, third aad toufth Annay, Awloimr; Mrs. Gladys and Mrs. Maynard Briggs, 7 Mors# 0 . fOBdv 'f' It) MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14,1849 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS a papw on fh* Laglon’a leglalstlve wUl be bald Wedneoday avanlw .g n fin . Sfth and sixth Laager, 2SS Woodland street; DM- YOL. LXVm,. NO. 88 XCtosaWsd AdverUatog an January and will ba , __ grade Xtnhs'foi&iyT X'dsughter to Mr. lAWa BMcnin for ItM. Mi«. Darid rta PeriMt, IS Hetdoclrxtiest. Ftutt, muiie dikinnan, * adriaM by a auppar at d:*®, aarnd U118M entb and < and Mrs. Bvsrstts Frq>>»th, Rock­ thdt Tolimtaara a n neadad tor tba tha diainnanahip of Mn. Hardd Admttted todsy: Mrs. Paulin# ville; a daughter<4o Mr. and Mra. cbotua la tka aolaatrel abow. o f tha Belcher. Reaervatlona for Jm aup- The annual moating'of tha Sao- Rnbin. •? Qsrard street; Jsnice Roeailo S^lensa,' 22 Waddell Goveivd Less Spending n ta t DIattlot. Meinbera tatar- per ahould be made by Sunday, ond Coagragatlonal Church, Inc., _ Bslr, 181 Adamb atreet. rood, y: aatad a n aakad tp contact Mn. through the diurch office. wlU taka jdaca this evening a t DIsidiatged yasterday: Mrs. DEMONSTRATOR AND Connecticut Flood Chinese Reds Reveal dght o’clodi at the church. A a - Osrtrude wU v a a and son, 8 Waida- ttiOar. . M n . Bveiwtt Kennedy Favored Over 0 win a am aa boateaa Mon

r - V M AM ;tlli;S'lElC ISVtt^UiiU UlSUAl^U. MANCMiaSTISB, W WW .. r n iliA I, JAWUAKX 14. 1»4» Beaton Is vice president of the or-, a n fo r youth wlU I m held irom • Church, w ill n b s a n s at iixatton. There are about 1 ' Body Returoed Pouths’Week until 6, dealing with the 'totlowln;. 2:60 and sing at the eveA'qg ssrv- R u i^ v ill^ icea o f the peace In Toliaml euhjeets: ica Shade aaeodatlon kept it going "M y Personal Chrlstlaa Growto It Is hoped thqt a large numbei (weat), fl.20; ThompaoovOle-Suf- John DrlaooU; asatiag, John Cur­ after the pubUC Sgenclca stepped Gounty, the Town of Vernon bsv* Failed to Tell tin, lUordan and Anthoaiy Guard Offipers SO. A f tbe meeting neat waak; led by Allea F. Bray m . Lay At- ot Manchester youto wttl partiel- aeM.fl.T0: Tobacco Wage o u t This coming summer la en-. IJf.UIIIUlSPl ------t o Be Noted ststa^ St. Marys tM io o p o i pgto In this annual voservance ot (weat)., flJO; SiifBiri^tadaor Oagnoa; pubUOlty, Mrs. Geoege paotad to aaa another force of proeoasd eonsUtnuon and hgr- To Hear Walsh law s WUI Da dlsonasad. Church; "W h at ShaU 1 Do W ttl. Youth. Wack. Tbe public, young Umka.^ fl.Tp; W to(fto»»g6»W About Bonus Ltwte and Mrs. Thomas Doharty; about 1,800 coming, to Coonoett- My UfeT”, Isd by Captain Klehs-c Bfid old, are cordially invited to at­ fUO; Wlndaor Uid»-Bayil«a, gaaaral commlttaa, Mim Shlrl^ Figilgea Given c u t Ooalat TUnlgbt Young People of Local Atw ell. Selvatlon Arm y, and '*My tend the evening servtce. R i d s e s F a i ^ gUO; Wlndaor LoOkaUieeBa. Ehias; Miaa Allaen Barry, Miaa Hartford, Jan. 14—(ff)->MaJ.- The annual mqatlug oPtha Shads Tbe American Lagtm wUI hold Christian ResponribUitlea", tad by Los Angeles, Jan. 14— Uf)—^llra. Ann Ident Miaa IJlllan Baltukmis,' asaoctation wiU be neld Tuesday ^ ~ ' Hiead Named their uana) Friday night aoclafl A Committees' in charge o f ar­ flJO; New Haven-New Haven Gen. EUard A. Walsh, president of Protestant Qiurches to Rev. Willard McLaughUrt, 'Pasto; rangements Include: Priigram; line. $1.T0; Naugatoch-Stralta- ■dward Dmytn'k. divorced wife of PaM Belski, Sr. Oaorge Stona, 8r„ Nearly Quarter of Mil- with a luncheon at Hotel Bond to tha Legion Home oa Weat sieast the National Guard aasociatlan thla evening at 7 p. ao. with etaaa 'Meet January 29-30 North Metbodlet church. lune McKuuiey, Alton Aunsiu, Al­ New.Eiu^butd Trantpor* viUe, flJO; WilUmantlc-Perhlna the producer, claims he didn't tell C. Nicholaon and Luthar Burnham; and oos' of the foramoet crltlca ei be addressed by Governor Bowles. 2181 her about a 680,000 bonus he got refreahmenta, Mrs. Stanley Mor- Ron &uned by Out- President Nelson A. Bbspard and William J. Murpliy of ahowdar and abrimpa being served. Shew EeOglew FUn lan Thomaa; worship; fjains comer, $1.20; wmimMUc-South ______the Gray board report which urg­ ^tiaigia-HiSWL Waamd to Camapltti>ia ' Supper at five o'clock will be Burkhardt, Lorraine Fratcr, Ken. Ution lacreMes to Be ODvmitvy, ffJ O ; T o trin g tM -^ rr- when they made a property eetUe- rey, Mrs. John CurtUi. Harold es the fedenUxation of the Na­ other officers of the aaaoclatlon RodiviDe to Dire^ a »«"««■« Youth Week, qionaored tnent in 1947. Of-State Youths wUI give their, reports at thla time HM. MaUaea A t I t s a j ] Maurlee SpaiUng haa baen followed by a euromary of tae neih Jansen; supper: ninet Good­ eUle. 62JO; Torrlngton-Torrlngton Turner, Mrs. Thomaa Curtin and tional Guard, will apeak at a ape- * rf by the International Cnuneil of Re­ ing, Jennie Rowxa; *un night: Effective Sunday She petitioned to have him held Joaeim Oulnan. Prisea win ba and election of otBcere wlU ^toke BSMea~ Spediiif Sibew I Camp6dgn Yhere namad to tha panal insItuUons aad aeminan and the ebowing of a re- atreet. 61.20; Danbury-SugM H d - da) dinner meeting of the Con­ Kenneth Jansen,^ Gall Johnson; Hartford, Jan. 14—(F) — Nearly piece. ' «Laa6 at Um MeMeaae**^ rules committee In the State Leg­ ligious Education, will be locally Ugioua film . low, 61.20; n aa b u ry-^ p lrvoo d , in contempt of court and yester­ awarded for high and low acorea necticut National Guard Officer gsneral chairman. June McKinney. .. N«w Haven, Jen. 14—(»)—T»» day fUad ah affidavit aektaig for and tlckeU may be obtained at S t a quarter of a mlUlon dollars was CMar Oatteaa Traata I islature. and WUIIam J. Dunlap Obaarved by th* young peopla o f Die day's program will cuioe tv 62JNI: NorwaUi-Wllton. 62.20. association'in the New Haven ■ I t RockvIUe. Jan. 14—(Special)— half tha bonus plus payments of Francis rectory or from any mam- “ Serial baa been.named to the eommlttee the Proateatant churchea under the a dose wi^i a worship servtce at Hew Bntlaad Tren^orUtkin oom- N o increaaea hi any farea are BUU Armory Baturday. aamad by Florida ai^ Pannaylva- tivuaam J. M u i^ y 6t 90 Orchard alimony and support fo r their son, bor of the committee. on labnr. Both memhets o f the spanaorshlpof the Maa- 7 o’clock at which rime Rev -puiy today announced fare In^ being made locaUy between pointa Gdieral Walah is the adjutant nla youtba w orU n g 'on OonnacU- Gasoline Station Lcgielature alao sarved ptevtoual on New Haven-Hartford route; Michael, 7, which ahe Claima are A special meeting of the Board general of* Minnaaota and wait •jitreet haa baen appointod Chat** ebeetar Christian Youth OouneU Of James R. 0 H of ths Church of thr oreaaea effective Sunday, Jan. 16, eut valley tobacco farma laat sum- '■> -/m U t . Dunlap etos tormaiD aolive Bomera-ThompaonviUe route: New a year overdue. of Education was held at Ells­ commander of Ihe S4tli Infantry I , man tor Roakvi]la for tha March Naxaretie will be toe speaker. m^Te Being Built Here labor drclea aad waa pnaidant of tha M&nchaater Council of (Tuiich- on many o< Ita Unea Brltaia-Berlin route: Hartford- Dmytryk, one of 10 fllm figures worth Memorial High aclk>oI. Wad- division when it waa {daeed in O’pimea Drive. Mr. Murphy will A Youth Choir, mmpoeed o f Ralph C Laabury, Jr., director tha local textile union at one time, aa. H m dates for the local observ­ young people from the various The Utcreaaea, which the com­ WateTbury route: WilUmantic- held In contempt of Congress for nesday evening and the following Federal sarvtoe on Feb. 10, 19U. of the Shads Tobacco Growara Aa- padnounce hla cmmlttaa shortly, pany announcement said would be refusing to state whether they ever budget adopted fo r 1949-50; Ele­ Eugene V. McClure of the Mc­ .a ir t o * ance have been sat for Saturaay ehurehes under tbe direction of Danlelatm-R. I. Aate line route or The epedal bualneee maetlng sodatlnn. repoitad today that the ’ thn appointoient being made by Jdr. aad Mrs. Kverett Freem about 10 per cent over preamt from a aUUon eaat of WUlimanUc had Communist affllistions. Is in mentary uchools, 686,650; high will start at 2:80 p. m., to ba fid- 1,276 H I^ school boys and glrla Clure Auto Oo» of 60 Wells straat and Sunday, January 39 and 80. at George G. Ashton, organist of (ares, were authorlaed by thi Pub­ England. He claims he can’t work school, 693.075, making a total of has started conatruetlon of a gaao- Attorney Ntcholea Armentano of of RFD 1, Rockvme are the par. to any atatlon between WllUman- Ibwad by a recaption to General who Uvad ia 34 camps near tbe .^Stafford 'Springs, County chair­ enta o f a daughter born on Thnra- the South Methodist church. lic UtUlUas oommUaion, The min­ in Hollywood or aend money out o f 6180,325. Walah and a dinner. farm s aamad a groaa o f 6238A17. Una aUtion and automoble aale»* Uo-Hertford. incluelve. fhigland and has asked to have man. • * day at the Manctaeeter Memorial D m program will include a imum one-way win be 16 N o inenaae wUI be made In the This u an Increase o f 620,510 H w committee in charge in' H m work period for boys averaged room on the north aide of.Strant the payments reduced. street McClure handles the Hud­ Barnard J. Grogan waa ortghwl' boapltal. "Fun Night" from 7 to 10 Satur­ (wntc. charj^ for commutation and pu- over the current budget 'Thia M dudea Brig.. Gen. Ru«en T 12 weeks and that for glrla was ly, namad to sarve tt dmuinaa, In caaea where there haa been pUa tickets on any, route. ^ crease le due to a riae In the num­ Moore, preddant of the Connect­ n lM WBfflll son automohUe agency in Man* day evening, and a Sunday after­ The ' anbetantlal ridiny at the minimum' hut he haa beea . hoapMaUeed tor noon and evening program oenter- ber of teachere planned for next icut N atlon d Guard OfBear aaao- After deducing '66,20 weekly cheater. The Sheridan offers aa the peat three waaka aa the raeult one-way tare, and in certain other charge for board, room and Uneiui Tbe remains of Sergeant George ing about .tha theme: ‘Youth year and an limreaae in the datlon; Lt-CoL Baanett D. fhm - Some time ago, McClure put^ anoloKjr to ttoae o f onr of a fall. Mr. MurAy baa aarvad Continue Air Lift, Dewey-Richman > Inatancea, arrangementa have been Thrtr Wapping amount allotted lor transporta­ ham. secretary and LA.-O0L Robert and 55 cants for group accident chased property from George Tlemann. aon of Mr. and Mm Faoea Ltfa With Christ”. Samln- made to aell lO-rtde tideeta Tbeae gOMta who were anaUo to as chairman of tha March O’DImea tion. ' _ . . U Adams, treasurer. and health Insurance, tbe youths Strant on boUi sidaa of' Btrant Ball anh on the ganaral eetmnlt- AgaiuRt Hunger Hermaaa N. Tlemann, Jr„ of 189 new 10-ride tickeU wUl be avail­ Eskimos, unacctutomedcctut<^ed to It, areI A Joint meeting of the Board of had a rwt o f 6143,827. This obtain oar lobster dinner Co. Miss Edna Stager, public health street, Intending to buUd on the ' tees in prevtoua ysars. Announce­ gouth Main atreet, who died at able between the following pobita bewildered by the eighb. o f hand- nurse, reports a total of 161 visits Finance and the Board of Educa- brought the average net earnings propertlea. The Manchester Zoning laat week end. This week a t the pricea Uated: Thompaon- shaking at a form of Resting. for the High school workera to ment hea also baan mada that Mrs. wounds recrived In action In tha OCULIST made during the month o f Decem­ Uon will be held Monday evening Piece of Moulding Board of A p p e^ bowevar, would we will have cnoagk for I - ; Blaio M. Neff, clerk of tbe Probata Pina Ridgo, B. D„ Jan. 14—(P i- vOle^Depot Hill Cjorner. 61.20: They assume it 'to signify that at the High echool when this bud­ 6112. aUow him to build only on the fiouth Paclfle on* July 80, 1948, RUPTURED? when your tight hand grows Ured, ber. Wednesday thronfh Ban- Court, haa been named chalhnan Army and civilian pilots today .*nM>mpaonville - Warehouae Point, The different organisations of ge t w ill he diecuased. Hlgheat far Boya 6144 north aide of the street ao both bava been returned to tbe United D The MoUi4tW' Clrole of tbe Sac- aboard the U. S. Army Tran^rt fo r glrla on the shorter work period there. Andrew AnaaUU la the con­ bound Pine Ridge Indian rsserva- Private fItUag rooai. LENS DUPLICATED u i^ y evening. Jan.. 15 at 8 p. m. as cadet teacher for the fourth New Haven, Jen. "14— —Paa- waa 6146. Broiled Live Lob­ V yed Heart Church of Vamon will "Jack J„ Pendleton,” the Depart­ in the church ball. grade of Union grammar school to quale Carangelo, 45, o f 291 Blatch- tractor doing the work. ' meet Uita evening at 8 pmi. at tha tlon. ^ ^ ment of tbe Army annohnoed to­ Started'as a wartime project un­ irieven days after tbe midwest Qniiin*8 Pharmacy REPAIRS MADE The co-chairmen are Dennis replace Mrs. .losephlne Couch who ley avrniue. New Haven, ia being der government sponaorshlp, when McClure plane to use tbe pres­ ster, French Fried home o f >Mni, Florence Hills of day. • RIotdan and Sophie Marouski. has been granted a leave o f ab­ held in bonds o f 65,000 charged ent Welle street location as a re­ Veraon. blixurd swept through weetenr the youths were called victory pair abop. Work la expected to be ■V ■ South Dekdte, the planes atlU were A natlvf of Eaat Hartford, Ser­ Other co'rnmittees are: priaas, M nt sence for the remainder of the with operating an automobile ao farm volunteera the program Potatoes,,Green Sal­ VFW Meetlag geant Demann waa graduated Alex Marouakl and Mm. Raymond completed in two or three months. There will be a meeting of Frank the only source of supply for aav- echool year. as to cauaa loss o f Ufa. worked so succeasfuUy that the ad, Hot Rolls, Coffee eral thousand reservation Indiana. from Bast Hartford High •school HalloweU; Ucksta, Mr. and Mra. l^preaentative A. A. Rlblcoff- He Is aUeged 'to have been the t Badstuebner Post, VFw thla eve- yrlth the clana o f 1936. Soon bas recommendad the i^polntment driver of the car which struck and • ning at 8 p.m. « t tha G A R hall. Added to the critical food short­ bl All For ' age, Reewvatlon Supt Clade H. after, he Joined Company K. 169th o f Rpbert C. Burrlll to flU the va­ fataUy injured Joseph Milano, 79. Hhort Calendar Mraaloa Infantry of Manchester, and went cancy of postmaster at Wapping. here last Tuesday. WAHMk BU'i'. A abort calendar aeaalpn o f the Powers reported a serioua out- Ill A(OJ^/AJ^ry BROS < - ToUand County fkiperlor Court was wk of dyaentery. Most urgent­ with hla unit to Camp Blandlng, Mr. BurrUl la a v^ran of World Carsngelo's arrest followed the later to Mlaalaalppl and then over­ treeing of a piece Of moulding tom $1.50 scheduled for today with the fol­ ly In need of aid. Powers aald, FUEL atVi war n and bas b4en endorsed by Vaudeville ware the tiny aetUementa of Red seas to the South Pacific. the Democratic Town Committee from the sidle o f the automobUe This Can Be Pot Up lowing caeee Uat^ Edward B. He may never know Shirt Table. AUen, Slim Butte and ‘Berides hla parents, he is sur­ of South Windshor. which struck Milano. s t a t e To Take Oat Hltech vs. Edwin Jakapic at al, Show tHAl 7Ki; ^ motion to re-open default; Bemloe Porcupine. vived by . hla wife, Mrs. Margaret You’re the one who came through NOW FLATINa PhlUipa VB. Cnty o f RockvIUe, Many small oommuntUea re. ‘Demann, tbe form er Miaa M ar­ EVERVTHIMd 16 Soothem Fried Chiektn. Bills Propose By demurrer; Raymond W. Qlinn et al main isolated and dooens of garet Smith of Fairfield street, ew err AMD ROSY, Crippled Society,^ Steaks, Chops, can be pot v . McLean Trucking Co. et al, de­ rutehee were eut off. There still and hla five-year-old daughter, With a dime or a quarter,^ A Vital Community Service WHKKf A MOME'IS ap to take oat also. fault for faUure to plead. were no eonfinned death reperta. Nancy, both of Manchester; three Raise for Judges OWIeere Mamed brothers. Newel] and Anthony, W ARM AMD COZY.^ Names L«ove Head Troop98 Oar Kitchen Open One dollar or two^ Prescription service is the cornerstone of the complete John J. TaakuUui was elected both of this town, and Howard of Till ii-no P. M. presldbnt of the St Bernard’s Crippled Plane Indiana: and two slstera. Mrs. dm (-store service which is offered for yonr convenience. Hartford, Jan. 14—(ffl—Pay Boy Scouts But he’ll know that tomebody Hartford. Jan. 14—(FI—Kalph, rmiaea to r Connecticut Judges have We are also fcatarlnir a Men'a. dub at the annual meeting Gaylord W rir and Miss Marianna Competent refistered phsrmacists personally fill and H. Love. Hartford Inauranca execu- been proposed In the General As­ spacisi Sirloin Stank servad to succeed darence J. McCarthy Demann, also of Moneheeter. Holliste» St. School who bas been president slnoe tha Lands Safely Ove, haa been elected president of sembly. PLCSt *Mlinoa Denar Weekead' vrith French Fried Pota­ Has answered his prayer donble-chedt yonr pres^ptiona. the ConnecUcut Society for Crip­ club waa organlaed a yaar ago. House bills Introduced yesterday toes and Salad for S1.50. pled Children and Adulta," It waa would increase the aalarles of Su­ Friday, Jan. 14 Othar offtcera ars vice pmaldant,^ N ew York, Jan. 14—MON.-TUES. JuUiis May: aecretary, Raymond And given him help annotmeed today. preme and Superior court Judges Diek Powen la "PITrALL* Sheridan Quality Food limping along more than an hour He succeeds W. Watson House of 8 p. ni. W. Spurllngt treasurer, Charles E. from 612.000 to 617,000 a year, PLUS! “Maataaa* MlkeT Sheridan Esceilent Service over the Atlantle with ta’o of iU Delivers Baby CENTER PHARMACY West Hartford who resigned. and those of Common Pleas court Preasler, Jr.; chaplain. Rev. Stan­ When life seemed so bare. Love's election occurred at a Judges from 69.500 to 614,600. The Benefit of Camping Fund ley J. Naxaaro. four englnee dead, a Pan American 487 MAIN STREET TEL. 42S3 meeUng of the eodety’a directors salary of the chief justice of the Committees have been appoint­ Airways DC-4 waa reported to Salem, Jan. 14—(P)—PInch-hIt here yesterday at which time Mor­ ed as follows: Board at Govomora, have landed safely last night in a . Open AD Day Sunday Supreme court would be raised ting for the doctor for thraecond ton Treadway, Jr., of Bristol was from 612.500 to 618.000. ; Mayor Fredatiek 8. Bargar, .Tbom- the A lores Ulenda . POLIO KNOWS NO AGE BARRIERS. YOUR MOBILHEAT elected a vice presidwt. aa Kamah, Joseph Naah; by-laws, Alrilne officlala h4re said the time In two yeaim State Policeman Fleming Provides for Widow WUllam Wltaok, JuMua May, P4ter plane, carrying 10 passengers and John Feracb o f the Colcfaeeter bar. GENEROSITY SHOULD KNOW NO FUELOD. Aetreas Haa Mlaearrtage Baker, Edward Oonnors, Thomas a crew of right, was on route from racks last night delivered another Loa Angeles, Jan. 14..-(>PI—Vic­ Regan; house, WUUam W itlntA, New York to, Bareriona, Spain, bain. BOUNDS. SEND 20 D D I E ^ R MORE- MOBIL KEROSENE New York. Jan. 14—(FI—Film tor Fleming’s widow will be well Sterling Little, John Asha Paul whan toe two' right-ride en^nes .Nirighbors, unable to reach the Actress Lana Turner, who was provided fo r — as long aa she Buekley, John Muska; noclql, failed. Oeuse of the trouble was doctor In time called in the state -riTM ItVI TNf RANGE OIL. expecting a baby in April, had a Thomas Regan, JuUua May, Noi^ not known. trooper to aid the mother. Mrs. TO THE MANCHESTER MARCH OF DIMES, •iTTut com e doesn't remarry. The iate director's miscarriage at Doctors' hospital will, filed for probate yesterday, m an. Scheuy, Franda AahUne, Julia McCay. The delivery waa last night. The hospital buUetln left hla estate, believed to exceed Rudy Oormler, CSrlton Milanaas, oucceaaful that Mrs. McCay MANCHESTER *rRUST CO. ’ aald "foet^ death occurred'about 6250,000, In trust for. the widow. John Bock, FrancU Pltkat: mem' Voice Unaffected fused to go to the hospital attar- , THIS W EEE AT PINEHVBST rix weeks'ago.” The hospital re­ Mrs. Lucille Fleming, and two berablp, John Furphey, FrancU wards. ported her condition waa good, chiughtere. Victoria, 13. and Sarah, Poggle. FrancU Nolan, Tboaoaa Two yaan ago Trooper Ferach '[QflLS.QIL ^ e actress, wife of Mllllunaire Oawley; ways mad meem tigelea; By Hei:; Operation detlwfiS a baby In .an ambulance let Lit? 11. But Mrsr Fleming’s fhare will WATCH THIS SPACE FOR DIMES RHYMES Henry J. (Bob) Topping, was ad­ be cut o ff if she marries again, the Gagne, WUUaffI WllriUnA Wiliam which was taking an expectant Shurfine Coffee : N u n i ■ CtNTER & BROAD mitted to the hospital last night document provides. Fleming, 60, a s r le n , WlUUm McMShoa, John mothar to the hoapitsL for "routine checks” and for RH Ralalgh, N.C., Jan. J t — UH — ' hicjtckMlL\-. died in Arixona Jan. 6* Muska, John Furphey, Jack Holla* Marian Anderson’a voice appears factor blood tests, a hospital ran: publicity. Thomaa F. Rady, spokesman said. to havs been unaffected by a deli­ Lb. 48c Jr„ Paul Sweeney, FrancU Pltklt cate throat oparatlon. Rajnnond Spurring. And 48 oz. cans of WAVNia MHOS Die noted Neno contralto, op­ Sick oommlttee, Edwin Ertel erated on last June, song before Shurfine Tomato Augiud Loehr, Jy., Thomaa BUke, a Raleigh audience last night and' Juice At 25c can ^■5... fOfl Wiutar Plnney, Bernard Fahy; drew warm praise from Mias Ger­ pinochle, Peter Baker, Joseph aldine Cate, voice ahd choral di­ Not One—But B O T H ! CIRCLE Naah, Starling LltUe, John Muska, rector of S t Mary's Junior .eollege Frank Flaherty. Harry Ertet Ray- ■ here. NOW Ends SATUBDAT moad Sputllng: baaketbaU, Charles "Her magnificent voice, a little Gogna, CUfUton Milanese, Daniel Ftiat Maacherter Sbowtag 4 cold In her firs t group o f 18th Kerr. Sr.. John Bock. WUIUra emtury EngUoh arissi warmed to for only :/ (YBrian. a climax In the taxing aria race. 6 2 9 9 ’» 5 lataoUattea Tsalgiit Mlo Dio from *La Foraa del Dea- Deputy Great Pocahontoa Cyn- tino' by Verdt” Miss Cats com- EXPfRUy ROAbTfD tMa Kanehl o f Moneheatcr and her MAv.ytUM UAVCff ,Cmuik manted. i iitaff of officers will inatall the of­ Miaa Anderson was scheduled to ficers of Kiowa council Degree of leave today for Montgomery, Ala., A NEW BENDIX automatic WASHER ~ $249.95 Poeahontaa at their meeting to be where she la to appear in a concert (Model S 110) held tbU evening at eight o’clock Monday. She will sail in April for JUSI ARRIVtOI - a t Red Men'a heU. Mm. Agnes M il­ a two-month Eurepaan tour. "The Alba R«iom" ler will be Inotelled aa Pooahonta* A pot luck Buppmr wOl.ha oerred Nab IF Oiapatoat^ **You Can Depend on Monarty Bro$* Sat. Matlsee Only following tha meeting. "Sapennaa” Chap. 16 Jnstleen at the P enen Hartford. Jan. 14—(P )- A police PLUS inBH'AnMMilmmv GLASTONBURY RESTAURANT Jnatices of the Peace In the 18 raiding aquad, spurred by com- .2115 M M N ST. GLASTONBVRT. TEL. Sill towns of Tolland Obnnty have re­ plaintB of Indignant wives, jrester- yii H j' wirjyiii ceived letters signed by B. Alden day nabbed 19 men who were Beaton. Inviting them to attend a shooting cr^a In the boiler room A NEW BENDIX IRONER So clever, ao concealing are these new maternity meeting at the Rockville Hotel of a low factory. Die ^ Ice ern- (M odel L ) OCARS DANCING next Wednesday at 8 p. m. to en­ fiaeatad two pain of moa and a dresses that nobody will guess your secret. We’ve roll In tbe new OonnecUcut Jua- sum o f iMoaay. QaaibUng charges FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! Every Friday and Saturday tica of Peace Amociation. Mr. were lodged against the 19. just received a new group of prints, cottons and FARR S *^**^teww^rSwock*Alley 1 ' Mittlc By dress-up crepes arid invite your inspection. Priced from 8.98 up. FQR ARtMcKAY ? W TODATS SPEaAL-$20S DOWN Broiled Live Maine And His Orchostro ilTXENlION JtoMEOWMEaS LOBSTER The Bendix does all the work— you don’t even BALANCE EASY TERMS * . • • • GOOD FOOD «- LOCAL BEVERAGES , , { 'h /: 'I'/ t 193B CHEVE. 4-DR. SEDAN Dunking lo. Batter Permissible We Cater To Parties, Banquets, Etc have to be there. Wanhes- triple-rinses and damp-' W ItH A 1947 ENGINE 1 drys all ahtomatically. Coets less to buy than most JOIN OU R f SUNDAY - f Jem At automatic washers. Costs less to own than oM- 1989 Plyaioath Boalness Coupe.— Tan, radio and heater. ROCKET MOWER Very clean. Dancing and Enfertainmenfr fashioned hard work washers. ' 5 To 9— B y 3mCH 1933 Plymouth Four Door Sedan.— Black. Good trans­ > 5 tu c t “TEX” AND “ DANNY” OP portation! ijXi^CMua Feature Tonight! CLUB NOW 1946 Nash “600” ^ u r Door Sedan.— Light gray. A-1 DIMES THE DEBUT OF T H E SENSATIONAL throughout. ^ i MORE FOR YOUR MONEY SALE! I If y«>u are one o f tliohe homeowners who has resolved not to 1936 Naah Four Door Sedan.— Cheap transportation. Bendix Portable lijiner weighs only push u lawn mower this year you had better investigate pur 1946 Pontiac 6. Two Door Sedan.-Metallic Maroon. DUBALDO BROTHERS Rocket Club now. Thin is a general idea o f how if works. Fully equipped. • Featuringi 34 pounds. Iron sitting down. Elimi­ FAMOUS-MAKE SUrring “Flip” and his Guitar Starting Jan. 15lh you pay $5.00 weAly towards the pur- 1942 Oldamobile “ 78” Deluxe Four Door Sedan.— New • “Really somthiog new and different” Thursday, Friday,^Saturday— 9 P. M. To 12:30 A. SL nate all standing, pushing, lifting, light green paint and rebuilt engine. chase of a 20“ Rocket ^lipse Mower. This is the moww JIMMY CHARLES bending. Cut yotfr ironing time in 1941 OMsmobile “78” Four Door Sedan.— BUck. Has aU JEWELRY with Briggs Stmllon power which everyone has been waiting tbe extras.. BOLTON LAKE HOUSE FARRAND -« GENOVESE half. Does fast professional-Hke work. for. Upon signing your order you are entitled to a prepay* See' for yourself the savingq yon 1942 Stndebakcr 6, Commander Cruiser Sedan.— Black. Ooltor M aalaei^ya*r Beqoeet Nnmbere lavttcff tjneni diseount et|uiva1enl to 4% which is more than yon can Dapendable. 2 $1.00 make on thia ironer, if yooact on thin gel by putting your mpney in the bank. When you have I * lt o Stodebakcr Champion Four Door Sedan.— Engine r ii Enjoy the homey atmos­ 1 *. completely raboilt. Clean and economical. Spociolizin'g In special offer now; made 16 payments you may take your mower and continae Value To 2.98 Each 194 j Ford Deluxe Two Door Sedan.— Black. Good all the phere o f our dining WON’T YOU REASE GIVE pavments until fully paid. Stop in and let ns explain for* ,( Chickoii way through. room with the logs -blox- Come in today. See these wonderful new Bendix wash-Klay wonders « th^. ONLY 60 CONTRACTS can be made. Qub doaea OVER THIRTY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. FROM *33 ^We can’t advertise the maker’s name because eliminate wash-day dnidgery-rwhile our special offer lasts. Jan. .IjSth. The 20” RoiAel Eclipse mower seBs presently ing cheerily in our pic- t TO AND INCLUDING ’49’s. GUARANTEED IN we’re pledged to secrecy, but you won’t h av^n y > ■ • WRITING AND. PRICED RIGHT FOR QUALITY turesque fireplace. Compliments oj. for $144.95. GABS. trouble recognizing the fine workmanship^and quality in this promotion! Included are earringa, braeeleta. neeklacea and pina in told, ailver. rhine. No CeVor •• No Minimum GARDEN RESTAURANT ' Manchester Ditig B. D. PEARL'S BUSH HARDWABE CO. FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND BEER APPLIANCE AND PURNITUiat CENTER MANCPESTER. CONN. Moriarty Brothers atone and pearl. All sales final. A ll prices plus tax. Variety o f Dinners served— including onr renowned 6t» MAIN STREET T E L . 7596 wy . \ “Oa The Level At Center and Broad” ■ ; St • steak*—•till the biggest and beat in town. O P E N W t & m c a U N T IL 10:30

4 ' r .1 ..a r •■'fr;*-:. 'f - »■ \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 194t PAGE MAIMCHtittiCK KyiSMMJ HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONliH FRroAY, JANUARY 14, IMS er efficiency in' the state govern­ parently shot Mrs. Berman as they ia aeparatod from her saeond hus­ » abot down than last Friday QaaiiA a n eovsnd ia tha Al- died to go to the defense 6f Its manac. Priaaa given for Intoi- ment, told newsmen that tha study •at in Ms parked car in a woodland band. W8 Sptdaliie In and R ^ Croaa ruahed to aid the any further afforta to order. a BrilItlah____ anthoritioa, on the other New Almanac Tw o Agencies would ba part of $ deoartmant-by- Thick BHver ro i^ He said Vashaw then turned According to Deshaw, Mrs. Bar­ Dutch troop withdrawal from ra- Views Differ iddle-isastenit slUes, autboribee hand, reportedly leal that the laetual tsata; tha annual PuUtsar thouaanda snowbound. Dutch to Tell awards and the Nobel prliao; thaae department survey of all govern­ the' gun oh himaelf. man had' been attempting to end PITTSBURGH ' i^erB ad Snow tell In normally aunny Cal­ publican. territory, American here fear grave harm might be United SUtes haa not put enough mental agencies. Miss Rose Esther Hatton, 19, a friendship with 'vashaw. aourcea aaid. U. B. Delegate Philip done to rclatlona between tHta ursaaure tin Israel to coi]M to ottsat military activities and in­ vToBeStndied Shoots Self ifornia for four consecutive days NowonStanda dicate what the world will onjoy Since his election last November, daughter of the wounded woman, RUSTIC TIU and temperature dipped far below JeMup, it was. explained, does On Palestine country and the United Kingdom, tarimr with the Aittb aU tn. Brit­ TABU he said similar atudiea had been told police she and Mis. Theodore U N of Stand c.not want the Council to face an­ whan the guns otaae to speak. For 'Flyin^flsh probably take to the For KHehras aa« Botkraams For 13 Days Itasalng from t'lj ocean to the State department offtetats al­ ish tpokeamen In London claim _ , _ , - - mr . niade of some of the other state Soter, her mother’s employer, wbnt air to eftrspe,enemies in the water. —------xl'btlother rebuff. J e i ^ forces havs been reaponat- although the World Almanac has MotKer of Two in Crit­ .iBOtthtsthSe ready have iadleaiad* considerable 64di bsue of Wiirld recorded events through 64 years B q w l e s U r g e s M o v e N o t t departments as pan th# prt- searching for Mrs. Berman yester­ SP E Q A L ' Ice storms whipped over the The U. S. and aonto other dele- United Sutei and Brit­ concern Ibeeawea Brttoin moved Us for recant truce vtolsUdns. PAPS — - ’ I limlnary work on the budget for day when she failed to report for ------1------Will Ignore Any Orders ghrions were understood to be of peace and war, it la with peace . Be Internrelefl as ical Condition in Shoot* work In Union station, Burling­ JANUARY OFFfRI At Lent 123 Die in southwest. Scores of communl- troopa to tha Tkau-Jontaa olty of Book of Facts Is Beinp that it la fundamentally con­ the next biennium. Ues In Kansas, Missouri, OlUs- p rip i^ ly intereeted in getting the ain Reach Understand­ Aqaba and put-w rial \ h e average'dally cost of Sras MWWnTkMJI FSM Loweii .(Momptly . , acknowledged ton. To Retire from Terri­ CouncM to make aure electiona cerned. switch Hunt’ ing Aftermath . FENDER AND BODY If y en Instan aar ptaaUe Wn Nation ^ Since Jan. 1; honuu Texss and Arkansas aullar- aance over the in the United States Is about Distributed the governor's letter notifying him located in Woods Road would W held in Indonesia in the ing > ^ n Situation 1 IfS l during the mmitb « f eemunn, ed heavy damage. Many towns tory Recently Occupied border area. Fiya BritUh $3,000,000. . ^ m of the study. The girl said they located Mrs. i we wilt inclhde 'Damage in Millions near futiM and in getting the V.------/ Hartford, Jan. 14— — Oover- Earax Center, Vt„ Jan. 14— WORK were without electric power and By Harry Haaaea "Win Bo Glad to Aaaiot" Berman and Vashaw seated in his FREE others were Isolated as commun­ Dutch to transfer control to the Washington, Jan. 14— — Th« Lockl Thespians ndh Chester Bowles haa ordered a '• "Wo will be glad to aaulat Mr. The mbther of two children waa In car ill a narrow woods road. She Lake Success, Jan. 14—(O —The projected UpT^d State# of Indo­ -Whaaever a aew yaaf ia born' Two chrome towel n e ln ; By The AsMciat^ Press ication linea snapped. United Rutes and Britain were re­ "thorough study" of two 'of the Carter Atkins in every po^ble _ critical condition at Mary Fletcher said Vashaw leaped out of the car, Solimene'and Flaffg, Ine. Netherlands was reported ready nesia at a defliuto time. z tke World Almanac and Book of two soap containers: one Wlattr's January Bonch thua far While the weatem blissard area ported today to have reached a - To Present Play state’s biggest agencies — both way and he and his staff will be hospital, Burlington, today In the pointing a gun and ordered her and 6.34 Cynter Street was digging out of the mounUln- today Ho Inform the United Na­ w in Re-AKOw PledgN better understanding on the ex­ I^Rcta appears to give readers au­ given complete cooperation," be Mrs. Soter away. * paper container. UU«d more Om 100 peraons, headed by #fi influential Republi­ aftermath of a' double shooting ous snow drifts and California was tions the Dutch will Ignore any or- In this connect!^ informed plosive Palestine sItuaUon. thoritative information on man’s can state leader. assured Bowies. , which resulted in the death o f a When they returned with a state | mflUona of M>ara in damage shivering and shoveling snow. ders to retire from territory re- j quarters said. Van Royihi probably But officials indicated after I opcompliahments in the .13 months Many people in Manchester, who The Democratic chief executive, Lowell, former executive secre- ■ Burlington truck driver, policeman, Vashaw was slumped | NEW ENGLAND fast round of diplomatic confer to crop# and pro^rty and brought Dixieland was enjoying a spell of cently occupied In Indonesia.. 1 will re-atflrm the D u tcn ^ le«^ a Jiiat, completed. The 1949,. iMue, make'it a point to attend a show in announcing the move, urged tary to Gov. Raymond E. Bald-1 Edith M. Hatton Berman, over the wheel dead and the worn-' ences here that Important policy that it not be Interpreted as a PLASTIC TILE CO. ntueh m la ery y ^ d hardahlp trf extreme mild temperaturea. The when they go to New York, have win,, resigned from the Republi- ; ^ Burlington waitress, was shot an was unconscious beside him. mercury shot into the 70s and low This was Indicated by a Dutch 1 differences exlet which may grow now on sale in Hancheater, marks "witch hunt." .He.said he had no can Rtate Central conimlttee after, m the cheek and Joseph J. Vashaw, Miss Hatton and her 17-year-old 54 Capitol Ave., Hartford thoosanda oi^peraona. spokesman as the Security Coun-1 and may even give a worse unless Arab-Jewlah fighting the 64th year of thq Ufetlmo In promised themselves to see what WANTED 80s over the southeastern states ctl was called fpr a 3 p. m. te. a. t.) I cation as tp a time table to whl information to indicate anything Bowles’ election. He said at that about 36, died of butiet wounds in sister Marion, gave blood at the ’ Telephone 2-5945 Il’o h t m A tough 18 days In the Holy Land ia brought to an which this book has grown into an their home-town friends can do was wrong in the departments. nnich of w country—partlculariy for several days. meeting to continue debate on the The Netherlands will adhere. time he felt that retention of ills what State's Attorney Lawrence hospital In an effort to asve their LISTINGS RcMirt Trade Ruffere There was no indication when a nd as quickly as possible. ladiapenaable reference work. with "John Loves Mary". They feel The agencies concerned are the committee post might placenta-1 h . Deshaw described as attempted mother's life. ia the wimcm half. Indonesian question. ' resident Truman freshly em- N(y>LAYING RECORD 2 Statiaties a n the backbone of certain anything Bill Astley directs state Purchasing and Personnel An iMaociatcd Preaa survey Oddly enough, the New England The spokesman, said The Nether­ resolution would be submitted. A clra in the way of hia cooperation murder and suicide, The two girls are children of Of singles, 2 families and winter resort trade suffered be phaMzed to his news conference the World Almanac, but Informa­ will be aa near Broadway stan­ departments. Both arc under the their mother's first marriage which ahowetPtoday at leaat 128 persons lands "win never comply" >vlth three-point program, however, was with the governor. | Deshaw said Vaaliaw, driver for other property, both city cauee of nice weather. Crocuses reported, under study by several y e s t^ a y that American policy tion ot a vast »and varied kind dards as any adult amateur group general supervision ot James B, The commissioner told reporters j a Burlington grocery concern, ap- ended In divorce. Deshaw said she died m the nation since January 1 any resolution which calls on the sparks the In ta i^ o f readen who Lowell, commissioner ot flnance bloomed on the snowless New Dutch to withdraw to the linea delegations. Informed quarter# is a lm ^ a t creating ' peace and can achieve. .They look forward that he himself bad used in the; and rural, prompt sale at­ awt of bad weather conditions. I^ok for "things* they never knew also to aeeihg people they know and control. Lowell is a former ^)d stockmen, citrus fruit grow- England kki slopes while opera­ they held before their December said these major points were be­ stability iKthe Middle EaaL past the research faclliUra of the I tention and appraisal of tors of northern inns bemoaned Denies ItfiatteM Strained before.” They . are often Baton- putting across parts in a play member of the ' Republican Stnte Connecticut Expenditures council., and utility companies still are attack put them in possession of ing considered: committee and long has been a value given. the potential business loss of close territory formerly held by the In­ 1. Immediate freedom for Indo­ But while he denied that rela­ Ished to leani’tbat aome generally many of thetn have already seen. "It’s a good organization to en-1 nting up the dollar loss. It accepted tacts turn out to be leg- power in that party. * run Into many millions. to $8,000,000. donesian republic. nesian republican leaders held as tions with Britoto have become The cast, of ten characlem, gage In this sort of research," be i We will also exchange Sub-aero temperatures clogged strained over the^-^ilestlne -situa­ 5^- ' ends when truthaeekers smoke which ia as enthusiastic over tha Study To Be Stade By Council , ,. Cattle and Sheep Frown To Reply In Detail political prisoners.. The study will be made by the IMMEDIATE your present properly for livers and streams with Ice in the tion. this basic spilt apparently re­ them out. comedy as Director Astley, fol- Thousands of cattle ana sheep Netherlands t)ele|mte J. H. van 2. A free election under U. N. Oonnecticut Public Expenditures 'We're doing the best possible a new home. saarc froien or sniothered in a Pacific northwest. It cut the sup' mains in .the attltudeKof the two FV>r Instance, many of us who lows: James Vandervoort, Merrill Job we can. If nnyone can tell us Royen was understood to be ready supervision. Adams, Mary Burns, HaroM Fa>> Council under its director, Cartw tlwee^ay blissard in the west ply of water for power generators to speak either this afternoon or at nations: eajoy the great indoor sport of how to do it be tter, we’ll be hapny Phone o^ stop in and see 8. Withdrawal of Dutch troops answering questions know that rott, Fred Moore. Philip and Edna Atkins. . The council is a privat'e- OUtlemen estimated livestock and forced restrictions on the use the next meeting of the Council. from Indonesia as soon as possible While the weight of American to have them tell us.” ^ ' DELIVERY Chicago Is called the Windy City. Burgess, Forrest Hartin, Elwood ly-flnanced research organization. John Allen. leases as “ the worst since the of electricity. He wa.s expected to reply in detail after a United States of Indonesia support over many montl Lowell said the Purchasing de­ The Rocky Mountain snd"nortli Y O V G E T . But they may be surprised to J. and Doris Belding. In a letter to Lowell notifying On ; droughts of 1084 and 1836.” to the sharp attacks which have is set up. fallen on the side of the new him of the study, the envernor partment handles atxnit $15,000,- Damage to citrus and other agri­ central states had the coldest been levelled at The Netherlands ish state of '^Israel, the British learn that the average velocity of M a n c h rater folks who saw ALLEN REALTY CO. its wind, 11 miles an hour, la sur­ “Biltho Spirit” by the Cmiter said that the survey should include' OOO in business annually. About culture crops in California is esti­ weather since the flrst of the year by Australis, India, ^ Kpypt, the Rrasistratus of Chios developed bound to the Arab states by an analysts of "whatever weak-1 two-thirels of the purchases, he REALTOR mated at more than 848,400,000. The mercury hit below xero marks Philippines, China, the United passed by New York, where the Church Thespians last season, will an atomic theory long before the ous treaties of alliance. I T F O R especially look forward to their nesses may exi*t In our pdtsent i said, arc made through formal 180 Center Street In Artaona, the citrus crop damage in the Dakotas, Montana. Colora­ States and others. - ffverage breese blows 14.8 miles an Christian era. If Britain at any time feels corn- new vehicle, "John Loves Mary," set-up and provide .specific rerom- i sealed bids. , 194S Tel. ."iin.'i ia eatimat^ at $3,000,000. do, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah. Ne Meanwhile. Council members hour, and by Buffalo. Cleveland Hudson and Minneapolis, which also are scheduled for two performances,. > mendations as to how such weak-j ------Thousands of telephone and util­ braska and Minnesota. Most of continued consultations on a reso­ nesses csn'be corrected.” . |, About two-thirds of all divorces ity poles went downed by ice the midwest and the eastern states lution to straighten out the situa­ better ventilated. Friday and Saturday, January 38 j DEMONSTRATOR AND Designed to conform to / In the same fashion those who and 29 at the Hollister auditorium. I The chief executive, who cam- In thLs country -are granted to general styling of most Storms. In Texas, Missouri, Kan- escaped the heavy snow and se tion. paigned on a pledge to seek great- women. , aiw, Arkansas and Oklahoma, the vere ice storms. Temperatures The Unitfd States is opposed to Aerish the belief that the New EXECUTIVE CARS Chrytler Corporation cara. South western Bell Telephone Com­ in those sections generally have York Central’s famous engine. No. BROILERS AND Made of heavy gauge pany eatinaated the damage at been around normal. At times 989, which attained a speed of Beauty Parlor aluminum. Custom paint^ nauly $3,000,000. • the rieadlngs over the midwest 112'a miles an hour on the Ba- SAVINGS UP TO $500 ROASTERS to match your car. Wlnter*a weather elements ap­ were warmer than In California. Plus State Tax tavla-Buffalo stretch ,in 1883, has pear to have been,on a binge ever never been surpass^ will be sur­ To Serve Beer We have several salesmen’s demonstrators, and execu­ Dm oed, cleaned and waabed. since New Tear’s day. The early prised to see whAl spurts took tives’ cars that , are just like new. I.ow mileage— new U rapped in cellophane and held January weather across the coun- place on various roads In the TYoy, Ala., Jan. -14—(/P)—Cus­ car guarantee-substantial savings. In deep freeze for vour oon- ' try ranged the climatic ,scale— m p iE X ( 1830's, especially in the case of the %'enlence. No walling. tornadoes, blisaards, sleet and Jobless Claims tomers may be sipping brar while / engineer on the Union Pacific they get their next hairdo at a Open Mondays Through Fridays Until 9 P. M. freeaing in California and near who careened through the wheat? SLASHED PRICES Deliver.v In .Manchester Negro beauty parlor hero. ROY MOTORS aummer-Uke weather In the South. fields o f Nebraska at the Jolly rate S'riday Evenings Toinadoes struck In Arkansas. Grow Steadily The City commiaalon yratefday A S c K THESESAW of 120 miles an hour. Even the approved h request from the estab­ 2tl No. Main Street Louisiana and Kansas on January You Cbtit D o T h is W ay New Haven, racing from Pr«»ri- ON HOUSEHOLD NEEDS S, killing 66 persons. Property lishment that it be allowed a li­ McClure Auto C48 \; Julian S. Bevtlle. jobless checks Is far below 1838. HEATER ^ . Mam^hester's largest Radio, Record and Appliance S^tore on American political and busl > Oeorge A. Kingsbury. for example. MKWRS ness affalrsk The Iron CTurtain Board of Tax Review, In Noven)ber $62,200,000 was CHAMiEB AT THE CENTER 539-341 MAIN STREET 4ame down harder, the political paid out In unemployment bene­ situation In France became more AUMiMiMi vom unD amfr w M fits. At that time.there were new TIB exa— , oaaacta complex, the war In China became 38 Wells Street tel. 5509 ■ ‘ \ Notice chtims coming Into the various more dangerous to American in­ IIORIII m il state offices at the rate of 188,000 .75 terests. In 1948 the U.N. worked Ufkl et e rrathsi Ysl Rttesf e» » week. Total claims, those on $U desperately to get unified action StMl—Evta a ChUd Cea Hondl* Of Adjourn^ Annual Town which the government actually with'Russia and to settle the con- ERNEST D. It CosUr—wnx Mectifig and was making payments or was troyersiea over Greece and Asia LAST A u m m e . Notice of Special Town about to sign up for benefits, Mihor. 'What all this signifies can liapto Opsiatoe Meeting ' amounted to 808.000 a-week. he'\ studied in the chronicles of the CLOUGH relds II Away— By December 25, the new claims 2 0 0 * . World Ainuinac. a d j o u r n e d a n n u a l t o w n Paper Collection Painter and Paper were coming In at the rate of It also records those activities MEETING 281.300 a week. Continued claims DURABL&DEAyXC Of min that are healthy and re­ The adjourned annual town numbered 1,164,700. SEAT IN THE warding In another sense — the Tlanger ^ Mile after mile they put it through its paces . . . raaetlng of October 4, 1848, for In the week o f January 1 the ao- competlUve sports that flourish in the Town of Coventry. Conn., will oalled "initial claims" had risen to times of peace. Baseball, football, 33 Years Eipcrience b« held Wednesday, January 18, 338,677. The continued claims tennis and tt;ack; bowling, boxing, Your Gjmrantee of proved its speed, its acceleration, its economy! IMt, at 8:00 p.' m., at the Church were renorted at 1,282,000. ■kiing, sajiing, from Madison Satisfaction Community House, North Coven­ Trend Still tTptrard ANTI. Southeast Section Square Gardro to the Olympic try, Conn., to take action on Arti- AUhough flgures are Incomplete ctaa 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Warn­ for last week, the bureau says the FREEZE ing of the Annual Town Meeting trend ia still upward. of October 4, 1848, which was ad­ The experts say most of this In eMivivM journed. crease in unemployment.Is season­ IMU*V SPECIAL TOWN MEETING al. There is an clement of poat- Ass.riv*M , w-ar adjustment and leveling off In ITie legal voters of the Town of r«* roBM. -Coventry, Conn., arc hereby warn- 1 such industries as radios, shoes RTUC rt’..^_____ o lo a . and apparel, accounting for some SDox mnex n u ed and directed to meet at t h e .------" AU OihM C«t Iraa TEA KETTLE Church Community House, North ; *"‘^'^**’'* *" IdleneM. w n m u se car you Cbventry, Conn., Wednesday, Jan- .. "hlch BUY A 4il QUAIT QUAL 'uary 18, 1848. immediately follow- |:“ >e bureau expected, in outdoor oc mr AiuMiROMv.rgA the Adjourned Annual Town cupstions such as construction and n m e at so tow a Meetlag, to vote on the following lumbering. n i c i — artlclM: I Average Check fur $18 w m im u i’s mnsT Hm FissM The average unemployto work­ H«aP » -MlnST A lilcle'1: On Tpcoromemlatlm er was receiving a weekly Jobless AhttUawa of the Bdard of Finance to include pay bheck for $19 as 1948 ended. TIRE VAIOE riitoh— in^the proposed Selectmen's budg­ That was $1.00 more than the aver­ et 1 8 4 ^ 8 an appropriation ot age in 1947. The Joblesa checks $31,600... . . to provide . . . the I were' continued for an average of ON YOUR CAR tmdrn to i* y InstalincnU of prin- iQ.g weeka. in 19»7 the paymenU ' Tmt a Baolt D—„ i ___ cipal and t o ^ a t on the bond is- j„te d for an a v e r a g r if 11,1 wd a Unis •^2'" Caarantee sue of $800,000, as voted in Spe- i weeks. AlUJUIINU/l/l WARE d t i Meeting held November >r})e largest increases in Initial 80> 1848. ^ claims, for the week ended Janu- IH Q T . DOUBLE Article 2: On recommendation | ary 1 as compared with the pre- B O n jR — 1.05 AW-ll o< the Board of Finance to include | vious week, were tei^riled aa fol­ T IR i • CUP ia the proposed Selectmen's budg- | lows: 9.400 In New Vork, .8,800 DBIPOLATOR— 1 . 3 5 et 1848-48 an additional appropn in NCw. Jersey. 4,300 In Florida, • COP ation of $1,317.80 to the. $2,800 where cigar workers and citrus 1 2-^ 15.90 ^ 1.49 already proposed, to provide the pseking workers suffered from Aleet the fender fiends PESCOtATOR- neceaaary funds to pay the county layoffs, 3,600 in Maryland, 3,800 in 3 ^ . SWAY tax in the amount of $3,717.90. Pennsylvania and 3.400 in Illinois. C O O IE R -:- 1.29 . Article 8: On reconunendatlon These tough little tyrants abound in traffic jams 3 QT. UP o f the Board of Finance to include battery 49f in the propgeed Selectmen's budg- h v-ir;. SAUCEPAN— etfl848-48 an additional appropri­ TONIGHT-FUBLIC and on parked cars. They feed on fenders, and 3 QT. COVERED ation of $780.00 to the $3OO.0O al- SAUCEPAN— 1.05 Ttw pwJ Artirie 8: To ooasider the re­ THE C M aiR im i preaf and watarpraen What o break for the buyer., v e t of the health officer as aet ROASTING CHORCHES Magasines, Paper and Paper Cartons Pitdied Up -S r to la tM annual report. DataS'at Ooraatry, Conn., this Ckickens MOTOR SALES C^UXh 48J of JaasoiT. Oriva la Apy Ttraa 80 Oakland Strtet Plwoie NoNi — Collections Will Be Mode As Scheduled m/pifM •I'J ^ Oaofs* G- JacotooB, Oottrartaa FrMay MatahiB Arthur. J. Viatoo, CARTER CHEVROLET CO, Inc; Rain or Shine—Unless If Rains in a Downpour or Snows SI 1 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Chariw Heckler, ROGER OLCOTT Manchester 681 Main Si., M anrhesier, Telephonp 6,771 Hoard of Sriectmen. - 488 Waat Center Street Attaat: BartkaiCoitr. 681 Main St^, Manchrstpr, Tcl^pHDnR'6771 Hard Enough To Impede Travel. • Tonm dnk. Telephoae 7858 \ . ['-J ^ ■> 2s. . 1 ‘ ' ^ i -- : ■ ■ • - I . m - I j ; ' « a 8 . Sh - f, ^ f-’ S. aiffMrf’iT-' f HHHI Vf'.' ^ • '■ '■• ■.' ' ,.VvT‘ '’'f-

, > ■ > . ..'W MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1949 MANCHESTER BVENINO BBRAU). MANCHEElTa, CONN^ FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 194» «h s bahfwr to the seboo) room which Cut flowers . adorned tba table along ttouto 4 t—and « i mokoaman fo r the Connocticut tha . MetM^Utan diatrict water had the most pairenta preaaint at from which the ladies served. Groundhog Hit afi autemoMK rejolec at tU prowess, and Impart j opened pur. favorite rent. Be that Milk Pioduoara association. ^ Watering Troujghs syatom. Keeney St# PTA FENDER AND BODY -1 - - -r ------each monthly nseeting. The refreahments for the Feb­ may. It Is a venerable relic, Urges Seeking Show Opens Today OpposiB Lifth ^ Two other ergantoatlona. Jtibcal Nurias ' Martin Kqlly at OhaaMra aaa4- rirtfr the glad tiding that It la «m l^jaa It n tu m or Members wars asked to get ruary meeting will ba In charge the Pure Brad Dairy CatUa BrMd- WORK . HptdB ]R eeti^ At FaUs Village WatorbuTy,'wim wttntaaad tha aifi- way to becoming perhaps the sec­ from which we do not part light­ Ordered Removed their Ucneta to aell fpr the Val­ of Mrs. Carl Gutbrod, Mra. Nils ' l_ ‘J. hap took tha carcaaa with Mai "ta'. ly. It will be a long time before C u r b s o il O le o a n association, of Oonpaetlcut and I Bearliectpre R e j ^ ' r t entine Disnee to be held on Fri­ IjrraUi ond largest army In the world. Senate Place tho Connecticut Oenfaranco c f Holmqutst and Mra; Frank Ho- prove giMndhouads aren’t alwaya. Tlie Keaaay Street ParAit- day, Febeuary 18 from Victor FalU VllUgc, Jan. 14— 'Ilw ______« t r u » our new ahade developa aa many Farm Onahtoatlcna, have atoo t e llm lh e and Ine. HarUon), Jon. 14-:• that the world ian forget the The businees session was fol­ aaladj, combining them with crisp time now, la confusing even to The Gettysburg (Pa.) Nattoaal .T« u m a * r u M v m n t the viewing o f an eclipse. rmpiaal hi Speidal-Message ^ M lc Works Director. Royel W. Seoul, Jan. 14—ti^^T h lrty or 40 Keeney aehooL cause o f peace 'and disarmament millee Favon Open Notice They W ill Bat­ Bowlea sent hla pr opoaad ^ao- Given 4it flod|»iUl;'Nci»' Tboropeon hae ordered the city’s In order to get more parents to lowed by movlefi and refrehmenti. raw vegetables. Grapefruit sec­ nature. . M ilitary Park o o n ts ^ 99 mllaa at n iiL. T n m .. 0 «* i rebels and four ctplllan < guards n a M M uctebtt I. !<■>• for a while, or at least aa long aa tle Bowles* Proposid margarine iMlalatlciq In ' to tba Gen- ^Dctigs Described. t last two wstortng troughs removed. attend these interefitlng and bene­ The bosteasea for the evening were tions go well with celery and Weeks before he’d normally do it, paved avenues, tm atatuaa and Field fo r Clare oral Aasemblnbly yaatorday with a Far Sola M Maaebeateri wwre reported killed 'yesterday in ficial numthty meetings.^ It - was Mrs. Hllding Bolin, Mre. Ernest olives; orpnge sections are delici­ a groundhog emerged from his monuroenta, 1,700 tableta aad Svaiy ■*•»•■>■ particular army continues big "They’ve been turned o ff for the markers. Catwad at Finger in Grease special maasaga. past two years, and wa’ve never a clash In e vUIiege In the Worak voted to offer n cash prae and a Chapman and Mrs. Harold Gear. ous with endive or escarole. place of hibernation today, waddled “ .. aa and winning In Its ways. Hartford, Jan. 14— (ffV—It looks "ConiMotlcui houaewlvas■wtvai art an- V A C A N T Mx-raam ala- "a teries a t educational lecturaa mountains 70 miltS oouthaost o f ml I U i « i « t r . cam., Bridgeport. Jan. 14— Form­ gla wttb hot water bast had a Complaint,’' Royal raid, add­ Iianad Ctoa* MaO »*<*” ■ In this Instance, to these com­ Hole Three Hours er Congresswoman Ctoire Booths as if tha batUa o f buttor aigalnat UUad to y poaalble relief wo for mirsea U scheduled a t tbe ings that removing them will aaVe Seoul. * , can give them,'I." ha said. "Margar-___ _ eoM papering aad polat- A flying squad o f ^ trained dUMICKimuN fUTM mentators, armed force Is good. Luce baa been Invited to emerge margarine In the Connecticut Gen­ MMcheater Memorial hospital for the city 99 a year. |iaw Ine haa htog baaa oatablished aa a palntlhig needed). Sale police was sent from Seoul to try ^ ' T a a f Dy ...... Or. putUng it in a way which eral Aaaembly will be quite a fight. Friee WJMe. Oewa pay- the next few months. The first 4^ He explained that even though iia wootm • » KaM ...... • MU Kansas aty, Jan. 14—(SV-Ga- from political ratlremcnt. pure, wholeeoine, nutritious prod­ to rout the rebels from tba moun­ • I.UU states it openly, armed force is a Connecticut dairy famecs have .ment fSJWe; poyminrts thipa took place In Uw hoae^ room tha troughs were unused, the city g N marth •> Ma'I ...... rageman Edward J. Collins stuck A resolution o f the Bridgeport u ct It to unjust unieaaonabla aad had to pay 93 yearly for each a t tains: A.band aJUniated at 900 to ndia O a n ...... $ M* good thing when it is in the hands linger into the grease hole of a Republican Town committee urged aerved noUce that t^ie/U oppose ilioglca] for us to continue to dis­ S n .ee per meath. o r tha hoapltal on Wedneaday af- I . « Gov. Chester Bowlea* recommenda­ them because they were hooked to operating there. IIXJK. o f communists, but an evil thing truck transmissloh yesterday to last night that the author-play­ criminate against It" Four • room dweUttg tarnoon. Dr. Howard Boyd; pedis-, aakly. • » CaiDtr .j...... IllOU measure the grease. The finger tions that restrictions on the sale Iiiba. dal*«atad. On« T»ar ...... everywhere else. wright be given a clear Celd for of colored olaomargarlna bo llftod. with all Imprevementa. tflclaia gava ah anlightening 49-; n m Of MHa.. rorrtu stayed for three hours. the G O P nomination for U 9 Raaasoohia aoenaoncy. MKMUICh UU This is not UberaUsra of any Police, firemen and an ambul­ Vndar tho govatnor’s propoaato mlnuta chart talk reporting on TH* A*U"‘iaTKn I'KIWB Senator In 19S0. The »eat to mr.v manufacturarr ahd retatlon' li­ Sale Fries fTAMk D«m kind. Partlculhrly It la not Ameri­ ance arrived. Par- of the truck two new druga which have recenL Tba Aaaoe«at»d frmm >• e»rtuai»al» held by Brien McMahon. Demo­ cense feet would he abollahed, and paymsat «t,7e#t pay frame was cut away and the trans. •aViM to tl>* iw* ol -Bpuai'««'o" “I can liberalism. It ta not actually crat. usa o f margarina In atata Instltu- manta S4SAe par month. iy been used, with excellent re- lit aa»» dtaaaielwa er*<1'»yd *® '*• a reflecUon of prlndpls o f any mission was moved to a work­ Mrs. Luce, wife o f Henry Luce, tiona and hoapltato would ba per- suits. In the pedlartric ward of tha Buy a fine Watkins Bedroom . Two-fmnlly jlwriling — a.a e(htfr«t "Celiac Dtotaae," a rare came out—just like that. (R.). which reaembles butter In appeeAv onoilimiol eiB ea nee 1 4 . 8 5 at the price of an ordinary one! |>ublioa«n lUpro»enUH»oo: Tlia tic’’ war into a war for “ demoers' digestive disturbance for which, -Naa Urges Chaaga of Mind Tony Mftrtta once. The tanners don’t fisM if Count cy." monSa) Solo Friee flT r previously, thare haa been little Tora. Oio^do.* lirtro*l and H^olon. At tne time of her retirement manufactureis maka it rod, groan, Oee. Down pojrmeot ro-.- I f peace and disarmament are Mra. Luce said ahe would not Tony Martin. HoUywood’a ro­ pink—or any othar ahado of tba help. Reg. $17.50 burbau u * qqlred n .9ee. termo nr- HBMIIKK Aunn ever to come to this world, they Tolland again be'a candidate for public of­ mantic singing star o f ataga, rainbow but yellow. Beneficial Resulto OtwmiJtTU'Nd. T'hls new medical discovery haa will not come through the efforts L fice. The'Town commlttee’a reso­ screen and radio, wili appear in "W e are taftereetad In prevant- to WeMaa*n over our pH- lution called upon state party Fm ri Straol section been in use at the hospital for . Too aaraid Pnnitni Ci-iupaai li of those who think that one brand Emery M. Clough and August Ing fraud,” said Ken E. Oeyar, vate profeaalouat wtra for po flnanr«ai mo>*n<'t»Mly leaders to attempt to change her person with his own superistive two-fmnlly dweifing witb aevcral months In tha caae o f a to»ii«rapnical arn.r* appoor'n* m of army should first be allowed to Lochr, the two largest pouitrymen deUvary to five-cnr gnmgo burge In town, attended ttie pouitrymen a mind. stage revue at the State theater, amall girl, juat under three, who to t^aodianU aod ot^f ‘f*ji** Impose the peace. They will not Describing her as an “ exponent enough to aao for ears or lii^ d ly fegainlng her health. Ip Tba ManHioom By»n’i>; lioraia. meeting In Orange Ha U, Coventry, Hartford, this Saturday and Sun­ of the very best brand of en- tmrka. Btaom heoL oil B rO u^t to the hospital six months come through the efforts of those Wednesday evening,-Jan. la. day, for two daya only.-Coming burner. ImmMHote eecn- rrid »y, January 14 lightened RepubUcaniim,' the res­ eiiiiiKl ago. ahe was admitted In a'critical who decry one use of force and Tha recently installed culverts, direct from hia HoUywood knd paacy aao opartamat supervised by First Selectman Eu­ olution said: WELDON'S condition. Due to the necessary applaud another. They will come "W e know from past jxnerience tfirat fioor)t foar rowan rastrictlons o f her diet, many pf gene J. Wanat have proved the radio triumphs. Tony Martin will •ei MAIN BTRER and ttlo bath, la oxealleat Acheson On Hiss only through the beliefs and ac­ dare Boothe Luce la first and offer a highly entertaining stage CoMe the essentlato for growth and da- safeguard of n^ny roada in town ahape. Lat approximately foremost a patriot. Faced with a TorenevoariMllM veiopment were lacking with the Whatever elae any of ua may tivities of those who know that during the' heavy ralnstorma of presentation, ringing thq ballads isex|g7. Sale Prico flSc- i difficult decision, service to her vtfboutdatoURitibea JSS force must be eliminated as the late. Ordinarily reault would have he recorded and made famous. Ap­ See, onbotaatlal down ducouraglng result that ahe was come to think o f Dean Acheaon aa country will tend to donlinate nil not able to creep, talk or feed her­ instrument of all causea—even in­ baen Impassable roada and much pearing with Tony Martin will Ito pbymmt roqalred, bal- Secretary o f State, no American la other conalderationa.’’ an outstanding array of talent. In­ self. With the discovery of "Sq- cluding the communist cause. expense for repairing. 'aaeo oa amrlgage. A ever likely, after yeaterday'a hear- The Tolland Community Moth- cluding The Colstons, In a knock­ good laveotowat proper- late" ahe could be helped and has l l i f in Waahington, to doubt hia eria Club meeting was held at the about comedy-dance routine; the ^ aa woU aa a good responded so well to treatment, the expense of which haa I'been moral courage or bla integrity of Exception Evokes The Ideal home of Mrs. Donald Hurd Wed­ Philharmonics Trio, noted record­ ElUngton ing artists; Bobby Pihcua and Ruth taken care o f by one of the ^bospi- agiaracter. For when Mr. Acheaon nesday, Jan. 11 at 8 o’clock with There are cxceptiana. In Ameri­ Mrs. Chadboume Knowiton and Foster, International comedy tal’e friends, that'she to now near­ yesterday came to queationa con- For Sale la Vemoat ly normal, and able to amlle, walk, can practice heA and there, to the Mrs. Hurd as co-hostesses. Re­ Frederick H. Areito of Maple stars; Paul Remos and hla Toy o em la f hla relaUonahip with A l­ freshments were served during the Avenue received word Wednesday Boys, and othera. So, for the thriU Two-year-old dwelllag, talk and do the things expected of ideals which are the moat impor­ a child of her agfi. ger and Donald Htaa, he had a cer­ soclsl hour. of the sudden death o f nis mother of the a lifetime, don’t miss MGU’s fear rooms with fiieptaeS tant part o f our life aa a nation. In 1948 84 Mrtbs were recorded Mra. Carl Arena at her bo:ue in dashing and romantic singing san- aad full bath, tights, aad Another New Drug tain choice. He could, if he wish­ "Aureom ydn’-t-was the other But usually, *the nationally-held against 30 during the previous Hollywood, Florida. The sody will satlon, Tony Martin, in person, good wen. New cemeot ed. ahlft with the Ude o f public cellar. Lot lUxSec. Near drug defined by Dr. Boyd that haq ideals triumph over such excep­ year. 22 marriages and nine deaths be shipped here and funeral aerv< nith hla own great Hollywood opinion and bow to that clrcum- In 1947 and 19 marriagek and 17 Ices will be private at the Luther stage revue, appearing at tha Cooaeotleat Company Boa been used at the hospital, tii a nae. Sals Friee giAOe. OtenUnt evidence which haa led tions. deaths in 1948, according to the White Funeral Home in Rockville State theater, Hartford, this Sat­ ease of Undulant Fever and one of Down paymeat ffJMe, pneumonia with gratifying results. That is so in the case of the records in Tolland Town hall. Burial will be In the Ellington Cen­ urday and Sunday, for two days / ihost o f the American public to ternw arraaged an bal- final resting place of Felix Lon­ The new principal appointed for ter Cemetery. Her husband Carl only. There will le no perform­ This drug hda been found invalua­ Judge, rightly or wrongly, that aaee. Thirty-day ocea- ble In cases o f this kind that will Hicks Memorial school was an­ Arens died several yeara ago ahd ances on Friday. goria, late Private, Infantry. not respond to tbe use o f pencilltn, A lger Hlaa la guilty of aomethlng. nounced this week by Superintend­ was buried in the ElUngton Center There are late m tr^ t shows every Army of the United SUtes, who streptomycin and sulfa. I t would havt been eaay enough to ent John C. Reilly Louis A cemetery. Saturday and Svinday starting at W e have a number efi died In acUon fighting for free­ Scanlon, a native of Lynn, Mass, The Flower committee c f the Another U lk Is to be given Jan, admit that he, Acheaon, might 10 p. m. ether llattngs to cheoee 17 at*toe hoepiUt. James Searies dom H i Luson. to assume his duties February 1. Friendship Class o f Ellington new look in decoration have been wrong, or might have freip. Also lota for aale at Abbott Laboratories will ad- Private Longoria’s body U now Mrs. Meta A. deMacarte and Church to at present without at variona' loeatloas from made a mistake. chairman, awaiting the decision « t drem thin meeting and his subject on the way back to the United Wilbert Kunsi, reaidenta of Tol ffieo to 91,000. Or he could do _what he did. land were ordered to appear Jan. M ra Maude P. Steele. wtn be “ Amino Acids" and also at a January Sale Price States, for re-huriaL But when Allen or "Dlcumsror’ and "Heparin." That wad to aay; 12 for possible Juror duty, Tolland Mr. and M ra Ehneat W raigbt of JOHNNY'S Aak for John hia relaUves in hla home town of Mansifield Depot former residents Jbm Bose. . should like to state to the county Superior court in Rock­ Lamps are going up . . . in heiglit! And ’Three Rivera, Texas, began to ar­ ville., o f Job’a HHl. ElUngton, have an Household Service committee that my friendship is Mrs. Leila Hall and Mra. L. R. nounced the engagement o f their there’s a good reason . . . give you better range for funeral aervicef there, Pencil Is. Removetl # not easily given and It is not eas­ Ladd spent Wednesday aa guesU daughter, Dorothy, to Joseph G •ALLEN REALTY light for reading . . . give you ^ tt e r pro­ ily withdrawn. In thU Initance they found the undertaker refua- o f Mr. and Mra. Ira Creelman at Odennatt a t Foral Park. L.I., .son Paint Waahed portions; better decoration. These are 38 tng the use of his f&UUcs, with From Heart Lining M r. Donald Hiss was my aa Stow, Maaa. of Mr. and Mra. Joseph A. Oder COMPANY inches tall; fine china with green ivy de­ George Morton has sold his matt. Ashes and Rubbish Realtors ant during the years that 1 was the. explanation: "Other white sign; spun brass base mounting: 18-inch people object to the use of the farm home In aoutheast Tolland, Mlsa Wraight Is employed at the Removed The Agency o f Good Denver, Jan. 14—(F )—Surgeons Aasistaat Secretary of State. He known as Baxter street to Mr. and Aetna Insurance Oorapany. Hart­ Boys. tailored rayon shades vrith tilting devise for funeral home by people of Mexi­ •ucceasfully removed an automatic If you could buy tbe cboicest cut o f steak for 43c a pound you*d con> aerved ma and be served hla coun­ Mrs. Arthur Reed, formerly of ford. Ur. Odermatt a^te.-ided tbe Light trucking service 499 Center Street, pencil Irom the lining of lS-ye«r better lighting; 3-ulite sockets! try with eimpiete fidelity and loy­ can origin.’’ Coventry. • Unlvarsity of Oonnectlcut and'ia, Maacheeter. Cena. aH Robert Bradsbaura haact last Aider it a sensational value.^ i Today you can cboose one o f Watkina Word o f this got to United Frederick DavU of Tolland vU- employed at the HaselUmo Elec­ and other odd Jobs done. Phone 8195 n trtL alty. He u d I became, and we tronic corporation. Little Ns:k. L LAC BEAUFORT. <|UEBEO, Joat • few miles from the great hMprio States Senator lomdon D. John­ lage haa been aent on a special as- City o f Qoehee. Hero youog aU enthnsiasta qolefcly becema proacleot The doctors said a fraction o f an really fine bedrooms at a price you’d expect to pay for an ordinary temala, close and Intimate friends. I. During the war oe serveJ for Phone 5500 inch was the difference between son o f Texas. As a result. Private aignment to Fort Worth, Texaa !■ ooe of tta most cborinlag ski sstUngs la A b m iIcs. .Ha la now my Uw partner, with by the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft two and one half years as an life and deatlKfor the youth. He run-of-tbe-mill bedroom, .savings actually up to one half or morel Longoria’s final resting place vlU ovacytking th at. that relationship and will be away for several electricians mate first class In the fell on the pencil yesterday while Today you ran also choose chairs, sofas and tables, bedding and floor be Arlingtmi Cemetery. Hla burial W66llS» navy. ca n in g on the Byers Junior high ImpUaa.' J win be conducted there with full Daughters o f the Union Veter Joseph Roman, who was so school playground. The point coverings, dining room and nearly any other home furnishings you "Mb. Alger Hiss was aa oSloer brutally aasaulted on Christmas caused a minute ecratch on Ids military honors. The body wMch ana of the Civil War met Wednes­ . of the Department of State dur­ day night, Jan. 11 at 8 o'clock at K ve at hla home here and ‘ji a pa­ heart but there was no damage to 75 need. .Watkins Finer Quality. . .at January Clearance prices. . .as was good enough- to die for its ing most o f the time that I served the home of Mrs. Minnie Metcalf tient in the Rockville City hosp-tal IL country, hut not good enough for to reported to be slightly Improved. The pencil palpitated in his chest low, or even less, than ordinary kinds! , Mostly one o f a kind; all thars.^ During that time he and 1 for their annual meeting. Officers non-dlscrimlnatory burial in Its elected are as follows: President, with every heart beat until It was tHends and we remain removed In a lengthy operation. subject to prior sale. own home town, win Ue beside the Mrs. Alfred Ayers; aenlor vice prerident. Mrs. Maud aough; Jun' remains of tha nation’s greatest Tbara are thoae who have been lor vice preeldeot, Miaa LUy Cran­ War II — inraintag that any connection heroes. A small town In Texas has dall; aecreUry, Mrs. Emery had Its narrow way. But this na­ Clough; treasurer, Mra Minnie a t all with A l ^ Hlaa makea Mr. tion aa a whola la aomethlng else Metcalf; council member, M ra Vets Preference (irhaann unfit to ba Secretary of Howard Ayers; patriotic Instruc­ again—htg and broad enough to ataU . Mr. Aebaaon could eaally tor, Mrs. Maud Clough; press cor­ New Capa Coda benaea under E t exemplify Its own Ideals, In 'lts Choose at these dramatic savings enough, with a few diplomatic respondent; Mrs. Nellie Dsriing; conntmetlou Iu vurioua aoettous of Maneheetar. warda, have appealed auch opin- own Mg way, against such nar­ guide, Mra. Howard Ayers; guard. row challenge^ Mrs. Marilla Wilhelm; color bear­ 4 Rooms and bath with t. ad­ Iona. Ha did not have to take the er No. 1. Mrs. Emma Crandall; Watkins Slip Covers PERIODS poMtlah o f boarding what aeema ditional nnSnIolird upatalra Hot MODERNS color bearer No. 2, Mrs. George water beat oil burner OrepfaM*. to ha a alnklng ahtp. He did not Shadas Of Tha Past Hughs; color bearer No. 3. Mrs. full Insulation, copper and brass Usnatly $519.00 Modem Usually $138.50 Maple Colonial bava to. that la, unleae there waa Nellie Darling; cqlor bearer No. 4. plumbing. Wa birile vour In- 2 Pieces . . . bracket-base chest-on-chest of 6 drawers: round wooden We filed a requjaitlon for new Miss Lily Crandall. with the fit of upholstery aona quality within hlmaelf which spcetlon. Price fIfiJtOO and up. fi Pieccf In blond mahogany with angular bracket ha.ANUART 14, 194f PAQI NINr^ MANCHESTER EVENING HEKAL.LI. ftlANCMIWJIBK, CUNN- FKIU AI, JANUAHX 14,.1»4« ssrnmmdhmmmmm "H9W thur T. Gorman told the court that George Washington brtdga in Now Suspended Term McManus and Jureoak burglarlaad Time to Enter' York and at Pulaski etrelo la Cromwell Man New Offi(»r8 'e le m e n t the wax museum and eight other Hartford. Flaherty Gets Building In»pector> R i^ rt places toSowUig thdr aacapa In Traffic Studied Tha report la part of tha Tale GetoPUCOkay W E HAVE Given Burglar 1845 from the tflddletown SUte bureau's kmg-ranga program to '^ .2 * Today's Radio Building permits for IT dwell two garages at an artlmatad coat boepiUi. where they had been ■at up naw atandarda in rodeaign- . State Position of fl.TOO and 888.070 eaUmated for To Be Seated New Haven, Jan. I t —m — A ing tha nation’s highways. Hartford, Jon. > 14—(M — Tha Inga coating an aatlmatad total of Nc^eded o n P ro b lem s New Haven, Jan 14—(ff»—A confined. SU»dar4 Tim* ^mratlons and additions. One Tale Bureau of Highway Tfaffle • ------'------PubUc UtlUUea oommlaslon today glOO.TSO were lasued during the affidavit for additional coat New Haven man arho staged a aa- announcad tha granting of author­ amounted to 84,000. St. John's Chureh' to riaa e t burglaries |n 1945 draaaad report today said that a motorist ity to CUfford C. Simona. Orom- esm m Td' Become Deputy month of December, according to ariU waava Into an adjacent lane #StOO— . the monthly report of BulKUng In* Also iBBuod wart 21 permita for Child Bom at Hospitsl In a suit tMcn from a aria effigy Slighl Eartb Electric Plant weS. to tranaport hulk materials Have Installation Sun* ijnleM Cdnne«ticut Ro" of tha lata PraOideat ftooaevMt with a Stance of oi^ two and rpaTOBani WDRC—Hint Himt; Nrra. WDRC—Drama.- Commissioner of £dn< spector David Chamhera. new oil burners. • / Htrff With Two Tfftth over irregular routes between va- thowandi Fcdlowing la the rej>ort: ' '^publicauff ' and Demo­ was given a suspended senteniM In ona-half seconds between cars it rloua (fonnecticut points. liyOCC—Hartford PoUca Speak; WONS—Gabriel HeatUr. cation on Feb. 16 ‘ Permita were aleo lasued for day Aftetopon TremoicsFelt bis car is In motion. Walkout Ends for years, the Bank. ^ DweMaga Eat. Cast • $ 3 -5 0 per gaL. "All I Want for Chrlstniaa Superior oburt beta today. It also announced the denial of toianasas juBlor DISC Jockey. crats Find Answer Pranda McManus, 25, also ad- a • * * ^ " " * It said, however, that a driver WXNB—Newa; Mooemnalree. w n c —Eddie Cantor Show. Lawrence A. Scranton, Boulder Road ...... $ 11,000.00 New offleara and commlttaaa of U My Two Froat Teeth," It is the peUtlon of SebastUlo Lombar­ Hartford, Jan. 14—(47— Dr. •oooooaos 10,500.00 nattted to Judge Edward J . (Quin­ ' Memphis, TSnn., Jan . 14—(47— needa a alx second traffic Interval Sbslbyvllle, Tsnn., Jsn. 14—(P i- easier to rail WTHT—Kay Kyeer. S:US— Eraaat A. Rltchia, Tanner Street...... SL John’s church will ba Installed 'iLot Will Go Unqolve«l reported, la the tune Mrs. Jo­ do, Paweatuek, for permlaaion to WONS—News. WllUam H. Flaherty, school super- Johnson Conatruetton Company, Irving Street 0.785.00 Sunday at fiva ordoCk la Whits lan that ha and a companion had Slight earth tremors rolled serosa after sterling up Again when Elec trtcal workers called a halt o p m te one taxicab in that vUagt. W n C —Backeuge Wife. s e ^ Mlaaerl was humming west Tenneaaaa aad parU of Ar­ passing a stop sign. g:Sd— Intendertt for Paaaaic county, N. Johnaon Construction Cmnpany, Irving Street...... 9.785.00 Eagle hall. North stfoetTbe tast­ also carried wooden revolvers tak­ ycaterday to a montb-lopg strike UM*£r'«rein8ii9(- 4tl#“ • 9.090.00 Hartford. Jan. 14 — (P) » How when her UtUe daughter Diana kansas and Iflasourl last nlghL Tbe studies, carried pn by three iVONS—Yours for a Song; J., will become deputy commis­ Johnson Construction Company, Irving Street . . . ..I...... ing of the trusteaa of the parish, Beatrice was bom arlth taro en from effigies of Hitler and Ta Have Dial Syatem w rn c —SUUa Dellas. 0,490.00 can political opponants agree? but caused no damage. Yale graduatee, are based on the against tbe Duck River Electric tntN B—Johnny Dong. ■ News. Johnson Oonstrpctlon Company, Irving Street ...... the committaaa-of the Ladles Saw­ NICK’S lower front teeth. Muaaolbii In a Savin Rock wax sioner of education for CJonnocticut o,4oaoo A t Memphis, the downtown Idea.thst s driver’s Judgment is cooperative and were ready to go ■ WCCC—Big Brother Bin. WTHT—Sheriff: Roll Call. Johnson Construction Cbmpany, Irving Street...... ing Circle and Lufnia aenioa choir '’■ Suppoae we take a loMi a^ that museum. Brantford, Ont, Jan. 14—(47— W nC-^Red Skelton. Feb. 18. Announcement of the Johnson (Construction Cbmpany. Irving S tr e e t...... 9.490.00 Ur. aad Mrs. Joseph maaerl The companion, Richard Ju r- area folt the ahock. At Tipton- made in terms of time rather than back to work today. Brantford, Nrthplace of the tele­ SAVE WITH SAFETY will be by the rector, ' Rev. problem today w)iUe tbe QcnerM live on North School atreet. 10:04— appointment by the State Board of Johnson Construction Comiwuiy. Irving S treet...... 9.410.00 Stephen Stryjewskl. cask, 19, of New Britain, was giv­ vUle, in northwaat Tennessee near actual distance arben determining The union, Local 844 of the Tn- phone, la going modem. 7 elephone WDRC—New England Notebook 9.410.00 SERVICE STATION Assembly la In recess.' It's worth- Dlaae area boro a t the Maa- a safe opening between autos. temational Brotherhood of Elec^ At Yoar Wslgrttt \VDRC- Playhouse. Education was. made today by Johnsdti Construction Company, Irving S tr e e t...... TTie banquet in cnnnectlon with en a similar suspended sentence In the Mlaeouri line, Ja ck W. Hoff­ compruiy offlelala announced that WON%-Story Time. WONS—Meet the Press, 9.000. 00 considering. Unless Oonnacticut i cheater Memorial hospital man of. The Lake County Banner The authors of the survey, P. trlcfl Workers (APLI. Instructed W n C —Lorenzo Jones. Joseph Rosetto, Bowers Street...... - ...... the Installation will bo prepared Biipbrtor court hero last year. a dial system will be operating by Ascncy Drat Storo ^ Commlasioner Finis E. Engleman. A n^w Ansaldl, Packard Street • ^^■•••eeeoweeeeo •*# • • a e e o 9.000. 00 5 5 9 MrId St., Miincheffter, Conn. Republicans and Democrats And Ttteaday, January 11, at IIUW described the disturbance aa tbe Houston Wynn, Stewart M. Gour- Its members 'To return to work WKNB — Vaughn. Monroe. w n c —Life of Riley. by young married woman of tbe McManus was recantly returned spring in this southwestern Oi- WTHT—Boxing. • Dr. Flaherty 'takes the poet George Forbes, Packard Street .. aaaaoaaoaa 9.000. Lutnia 00 choir, namely Mrs. Amelia the answer a lot of the statPs p. nw weighing 5 pounds. 10 to this dty after completing a 80- krorat eartb abock in a decade. lay- and Rlchanl I. Strickland, Impsediately." terlo dty where Alexander Grah­ Arthur Drag Stores Sketciibook. which has been Vacant since pro­ Louis R.’ Lawrence. Bowers Street 9.000. 00 problems aren't going to ba sat- ounees, plua her. two front The general area of tbe tremora studied tbe movement of cars at A compromlM agreement aras WTHT—Banatand; Newa » and 10:8®— ^ Gnij^, Mrs. Josephine Lewkowics, month state priaen sentence im- am Bell made his first iong-dls- WDRC—Percy Faith. motion, several months ago, of Dr. W. H. England, Autumn Street... a a eta a a a a a 4 9.000. Mrs. 00 Edith Grayb, V Mm. Irene Urd this year by tha Lsgtalature. teeth. p«Md th Hartford County Superior was In the same locality affected stop signs, acceleration lanes, reportedly reached after National tsnea call in 1870—eight miles to W'eather. During the political campaign WONS—Memory Time. Engleman to succeed Dr. Alonzo W. H. England, Autumn Street...... 9.000. Obsut 00 and Mre. Ida Grsyb. Young This swecA little dark-haired, pourt on a motor vehicle theft 1^ tte quakes of 1511 and 1812 expressways and traffle eirclaa. Labor Rslations Board Mediator Purls, Ont. A bronze statue of 4|4V- WTHT—All American Sports G. Grace. Salary Is abont 88.500. Johnson (Construction (Company, (Coliunbus Street...... 8.500.00 girls of the choir will furnish home the two partlas agreed that toe darfc-eyad baby girt la a ttract­ which created Reelfoot lake near The Btudlee were conducted on the M. 8. Miller brought the two fac­ Belt win be erected In front of WONS—South American Way. state sh e^ la dolag more (or l|a charge. Page. Dr. Flaherty is known as an made pastry for tha meal. ing tha attaatloos o| tha aattra Aadatant Stota Attorney Af^ ‘nptonvUls. Henry Hudson parkway near the tions together. the new dial exchange building. Read Herald Allvs. w n C —Yotmg Wldder Brown. WTIC—Bill Stem., aut)hority in the field of commun­ 8190,750.00 cltlsena. On many usuaa, though hospltaL Btatlsttca show that 7 Benjamin Grsyb, • president of not on all, thalr whole campaign ItgO 10:45— ity planning, especially aa such Oatagea the chdr, who will be In ihaige WILLIAMS bames born arlth teeth do oc­ / s WDRC—The Old Record Shop. WTIC—Pro and Con. planning relates to education. Henry Hilliard, 28 Bliss Street...... I.,,...... *8 - 900.00 argument boUad down to thia: cur occaaloaally, but only W’ONS—Adventure Parade. reception of gueeta will be aa- "Our way of doing it la the only 2348485348534848232323235353535353535323534848535348534848235323232348532323484823532323484823482323235323532348233048535323232348534853232323532323535323235323532348234853232353232353 11:00— Prior to the Paaaaic county poet, Richard Randall, et ux, 49 Edison Road ...... 800.00 aisted by other mala-members of about as often as triplets. WTHT—Challenge of the Yu- News On All SUtions. which he has held for five years, good way. Tha o w r fellow's plan the choir. no goM at alL" ' kon. 11:15— he held teaching and admlnlatra- 81.700JX) Children of the pariah who at­ OIL SERVICE ‘ Is W n c —When a Girl Marries. WDRC—World Tonight. MlaeellaBe4Nw On Election day Democrats tive poaitiona in Mount Joy, Pa., tend the relighma school will pro- agraament” occupied by the taroj J t i a — WTHT—Bing Crosby Golf Scotch Plains, Pompton Lakes and W'lUiam J . Minnich, Waddell H elghte...... $ 50.00 swept Caiester Bowles into office WONS—Superman aant a abort program. Distrihuiors o/ aa governor and captured control parties. Championship. Vineland, all In New Jersey. Tha banquet, honoring the offi­ STARTING TOMORROW w n c—Portia Faces Ufe. WTIC—News. „ Alteratloae aad Addltloas , of the state Senate. But Republi- But It seems a aafa bat it will Native of Pennsylvaala cers and committees, la Jie tint rans retained their top-heavy ma take most of the aeaiion — and .g;gO— 11:80— ’ A native of Pennsylvania. Dr. Center Lunch. 407-499 Main Street...... 8 12.000.00 WTIRC-Old Record Shop. 7.500.00 qf its kind and Father Stryjewskl ' ,Gulf Pefrotsum Products 10 -the House. That gives more than a few "compromises”— WTIC—Dance Orchestra. Flaherty attended public acboola Endlcott-Johnson. 950 Main Street...... InvltM all pariahlonars and friends ^ WONS—Captain Midnight. \ WTHT—Gems for Thought: Amadeo J . (Cavagnaro, 45 East Center S tre e t...... 2.500.00 the veto power over the new to find out exsetJy whst tbosf in that sUte. He has a B. S. .. 2.500 00 to be present > Democratic admlniatration'a pro­ "aress" are. WTHC-^ack Armstrong, Dance Band. degree from Franklin and Mar- William l^blnow, 8M Main Street...... Range Oil 1 Fuel Oil w n c —Just Plain Bill. .. 1.900.00 gram. / * WONS - Dance Orchestra; Bball college, a master of educa­ A. Zanlungo, et al, 82 Oak Street...... BIG BUYS IN WINTER WEAR! 5:4S-> Newa. (Charles E. BIgge, 48 McKinley S tr e e t...... 1.800.00 Nothlag Could Get Done • WDRC— Herb Shriner and Ray­ tion degree from Rutgers and a .. 1.500.00 Bonded MemoriaU Gulf Gasoline Und Motor Oils Obviously, If the Republicans and doctor of education degree from Vemer W. Nylin, 24 Harrison S tr e e t...... Lies Five Days mond Scott. w n c —News; Dance Orchestra. Lennart Toratenson, 76 Jarvis Road...... 750.00 Democrats atood atubbomly by Columbia. CN)NNBCTiL*VT WONS—Tom Mix. lt:8 0 — ^ , Augtut Schmidt, 11 Ann Street...... 480.0P Quality' Products their campaign arguments nothing w n c —Front Page Farrell. w n c—Dance Orchestra. 77te new deputy la a member of Hartman Tobacco Cbmpany, 44 Bumhkm Street...... 50U.00 V A IJJCP could get done. lu Plane Wreck the NaUonal Education associa­ IN CLIFFORD'S Evening Albert O. Schuetz, 241 High Street...... 450.00 m e m o r i a l CO. What usually baa h(^>pentd tion. the association for aupervl- when the rivals share legislative •:S0— 'Frequency Modulation R. Doyle, 172 Porter Street ...... 300.00 Dependable Service Bakenfleid, Calif., Jan. 14—(Pi Sion and ctirriculum development John E. McNeill, 30 Birch Street, R ear ...... 200.00 Route 8. Soatb Wtadsor control ia this: Tho two parties WDRC—News. WDBC—FM 44.5; 98.7 MC. in which he is serving as chair­ -M rs. Andy De Preltaa, 24, of DOWNSTAIRS William B. Froach. 120 Crestwood D riv e ...... 200.00 Telephoae Hartford 8-0578 .-keep shouting their campaign ar­ WONS—News. WFHA—108.7 MC. man of a committee working, on guments at each other until late Burbank, C ^f., Is in critical con­ ‘ WTHT—Music at Six; Sports. WTHT—F5I 104.7 MC., Elsie Freiheit, 29 Westwood Street...... ,145.00 ResMenca Maaeheater 8538 Oil Burner Soles and Service dition In a hospital here today curriculum reviaion, and the Martha Sheehan. 11 Knighton Street . .*...... 150.00 In the spring. Only minor loglsla- DEPARTMENT ■ w n c —News. w n c —FM 45A MC; 94.5 MC. American Association of School a jjjjw d fc tlon, and not too. much of that, after lying five days In tha now- WDRC—FM. Everett Goalee, 21 Huntington S t r e e t...... 100.00 •:19— Administrators. Last year the . . 75.00 gets on the statute books. The coated wreckage of a plane In WDRC—Sportscast; Record Al- Same as W'DRC. Edna Blish, 5 Laui^ Street...... 341 Brood St. Phone 2-1257 which her three companions died. New Jersey Congress of Parents AutlHtrlscd Daaler reat is tied up In committee. bum. WFHA— and Teachers, In recognition of his Then, with the constitutional Suffering from fractures of her 833.070.00 RO«iH O F AGES WONS—Ski Calendar, P, M. interest in their organization, **We Solve the Burning Question** deadlins for'Adjournment — Umt pelvis, both legs, her Jsw and an | f w n c — Musical Appetizer: 4:00—Meet Mias Mason. Affidavit — Addltloaal Cost MONUMENTS awarded him a life membership. .8 4.000.00 flrat Wednesday after . the first arm, and from hunger and sx- Weather. 4:45—Trade Winda. Gustave Schaller, 352 Woodland S tr e e t...... posure, she waa brought hera I FOR BOYS. . JUNIORS.. PREPS In civic affairs. Dr. Flaherty Monday in June—staring the legts- SUM— 5:00—Evening Centlnel. has been active in the Paterson Totals ... .8109,370.00 lators in the face, aomethlng from the snowy alopaa of Boar WONS—Deems Taylor CJoncert. 6 :0 0 - Newa. breaks loose. Bills start pouting Mountain, where the plane crashed 6:15—Sporta; Weather. Rotary clubs, the Boy Scouts of WDRC—T. W. Vance and Gor- Americs. and the Young Men's out of commltteea, and a flood of Saturday en route from Burbank 1 don Duppe. 4:30—Mellotonea; Newt. business sa’smps the two cham­ to nearby T aft. ' ' WTHT— Sereno Gammell; 7 :00—Reflections. C:brl8tian aasociation. He is a BOYS’ BOYS* A LL member of the Paterson Social bers. Finally, sometimes on the A rescue psrty that reached the I WOOL Weather. 7:20—UN News. very last day. the big Issues are scene yesterday found her hus­ 7:30—The Songsters. Planning council,, the Council on w n c —Oonn. Legislature. Adult Q uestion, and deacon of a Special Listing Six Room Single Uoune decided—cma aray or tbe other. band, Mrs. Eva Williams and tbe LEISURE ,« :4 g - 7:45—Bert dhd Stoney. BRUXTON SHIRTS JAC SHIRTS community church. Ha is mar­ Turnpike Auto BoCy Works On some of the issues the two pilot, Hobert Oloe, dead. Members ' WDRC—LoweU Thomas. 8:00—Request Time. ried and the father of an 11-year Hot water beat, oil burner, ffre^aee, garage, braes pipe, parties can’t evsr agree, and thaaa expressed the opinion that Mrs. Da Sizes 8 to lA Regu­ WTHT—Musical Favorites, 0:00—News. remain to be fought out all over Preltaa w e e tbroam on top o t the ' Fancy. Sixes 5. 8, 10 and 12. Regu- wl gTQ larly g7SA WTHT—FM. old son. Ma bath with shower. TUa bouse Is 10 yeaiu old, well bidlt 1^ w n c—Utree Star Extra. ■gain in the next election.'But on others or Lhat her safety belt waa | larly $2.29 NOW ...... Same as WTHT. eae of tbe oM tlnw ^builders. Large well-laadscaped lot. Good / EQUIPPED AND STAFFED TO SERVE YOU ' others they find ways of settling fastened at the time of the- acci­ NOW $ 5 .9 8 WDRC—Beulah. W n C —FM. resideatlal section of bomes ef different architecture. Priew their differehcee. each giving up dent Fancy. Sizes 13, 13H. 14, 14% and 15, WONS—Fulton Lewis, Jr. Same ai wnC. something to gain something else. They Included Dr. Robert- H. Regularly 82.59 NOW aoSOffOSSOSSOOOSS $ 1 . 8 9 WTHT—News: Castles in the Is vary attractive. CaU Teloviatoa CAMERA DEPT. DeSnltloa of PoUtlea Dykes of TSft, who wtfo hla wlfo Air. "The Beit For Less" Someone ones defined "the art was rescued from a crashed plane .ft Sizes 10 to 18 w n c —Supper Club. WNHC—T\% Free Advice By O t politlca” as "knowing when and In Utah a year ago last November ftlS — P. M. STUART J. WASLEY, Realtor BOYS’ COTTON WONS—Tello-Test. .\n Expert how to compromise" and that's by a party that Included Oloe. Reg. $17.95 5:00—Teletunea; Program Re- STATE THEATER* BVUJMNO ' TEL. 8d4S Or 714d what it'a going to take to get any then onginaer for the Wyoming FLANNEL WDRC—Jack Smith Show. aiime. • . w n c —News. Arthur Drug Stores kind ot a program through a dlvld- Highway department and an < 4:00—Small Fry Club. All Kinds of Automotive R^airing ad Legislature. pert skier. < .Yigs— SHIRTS 8:30—Ruaa Hodgea' Scoreboard. Dr. Dykes, near exhaustion from • WDRC—aub Fifteen. 4:45—Film Shorta. One of the biggest questions of NOW $ 9 . 9 8 WONS—Answer,, Man. the 1948 eeaslon is: When are the hla eltorte to reach tbe aracked Sixes 5 to 14. Regu­ 7:00—Key to the Mlaalng. larly 82SS NOW .... WTHT—Lone Ranger, 7:30—Camera Headlines. Republicans and Democrats going plane, said be expected to find everyone in it dead but hoped w n c —Yankee Yams. 7:45—Film Shorts. Satisfaction Guaranteed to get together and atari legislat- BOYS’ tt45— > 8:00—Faahiona on Parade.’ ■oroe nugbt be alive. < $1.89 WDRC—Edward R. Murrow. 8:30—Film Shorta. ‘ Johnson Right now. It looks as If It wUI Tbe plane waa burtad in deep Sizes 14 to 18 WONS—Sports, 9;00—Sport Film. And take quite a while. YTie Republi­ ■now, much of which had fallen A LL W O O L g l o v e s w n c —Albtun of the Week. 0:05—Wrestling, Jamaica EUSTIC ST C m (^ can House delayed Governor ■tnoe Saturday. Dr. Dykaa said Reg. $24.98 S:0S— • Arena. 0 Bowles' Inauguration for hours in ths flrat thlnB tha rescuers no­ 28 BOYS* ALL WOOL ticed waa a movement of Mra. De Reg. $1.95 WDRC—Jack Carson Show. Anderson f t a< dispute over the electirm results. WTHT—Fat Man. (BAUER BLACK) Freitas' hand. Then the governor ruffled Repub­ NOW IVONS—Great Scenes From PAINTING AND lican feelings by giving the news­ $ 1 . 2 9 NOW $ 1 2 . 9 8 Great Playa. Would Liberalize papers his legislstlvs mtssagts SHIRTS W nC—Band of America. DECORATING "Knit To FH" ' whils tbs Asssmbly was In receiA Fails to Proville Regularly 82.98. Slzaa 8 to 14%. S sS S - Labor Statutes n isco cm r co io km fI And yasterday the Republican- 9 8 WDRC—Mr. Ace and Jane. Interior and Exterior Work 5 m R l l Democratic feudlnf boiled over Equal Facilities WONS—Leave I t To the Girls. 225 Highland St. Tel. 6312 Garter Length ■gain on the question of making WTHT—This la Your FBI. Hartford, Jsn. 14—(47—Two permanent the temporary pay 27 BOYS’ FLANNEL- w n c —Jimmy Durante Show. Medium bills llberaUsinK labor laws have 3.30 Oak St. Tel. 6914 Knee Length raises now racelved by state em- Richmond, Va., Jan. 14—(P)—A SA5— been introducerl In the General Large Good M This Wt h , Jm. 10.to Kfh. Federal District court Judge has W ONS-M y Gardner. ployea. Ek>th parties say they want • Assembly. to do it—but each in Its own way held s Virginia county school board SHIRTS $ 3 . 2 9 'The Democratic admlniatration'a laslst ApproprIatioB Needed and school superintendent failed to minimum wage bill was filed yes­ We Want to Prove To OnrffeKes That ll The Democratic Senate psMCd provide equal facilities for white Regularly $7.45. Sizes 8 to 16. BOYS' AND PREP Far Leisure Hours terday in the Senate. It woulii in­ a resolution on the pay raises. and Negro pupils. crease the minimum wage from 40 Houas Republicans shunted it aside Judge Sterling Hutcheson yss- to 75 cents an hour. HILDITCH MANCHESTER DRUG Pays to Advertise in The Herald to a conunittee, insisting that an tsrdsy ruled Supt. J. Walter Ken­ A measure sponsored by the _ appropriation bill was needed. ney and the board members — / TEL. 6949 707 MAIN STREET TEL. 1-4541 Chairman Stanley T. Gray, Wal­ FAMOUS MAKE (k>nnectlcut Federation of Labor, ' They expressed resentment be­ a e * e e e e lace Fletcher, and Otie Howga — Reg. $2.19 Mittens NOW .$1.49 Introduced in the House, would in­ MARKET cause tbe Senate’s action came as Wool plaid mittens with leather palm. crease'the maximum workmen's BRING THIS WITH YOU AND DEMAND were in contempt of an order ha SUITS a ’'surprise." had issued for the achools’ equrl- REVERSIBLE JACKETS compensation from $32 to 840 a 99 Summer Street A quiet talk between rival party LEA’FHER MITTENS. Reg. $2.49 NOW $1.49 week, and set 815 as the minimum Ization. The defendants all an sizes a to 20. leaders and e little "compromis­ from GloucOater co(mty. weekly payment. 10% OFF-WE WILL GLADLY GIVE IT TO YOU ing” to share the gjory for helping KNIT-WBIST "Having adopted a policy of aog- "Boys’ sizes 8 to 16 LEATHER GLOVES. Reg. $2.19 NOW 98c OPEN (BrSwa'a Beach Jackets Exceptei) the atate'a 15,000 employes might ragated acboola," JodM Hiitchaaon have settled the matter quickly. ■aid hera, " t h o o e entrusted with $ 1 2 . 5 0 Reg. $16.50 NOW * 1 2 . 7 3 Republicans have aecuaed Gov­ $1.19 LEATJIER MITTENS NOW .....89e Swirled Runner 1 the respons^lity of providing SUNDAYS ernor Bowlee of taking a lot of the education must see to it that such BOYS’ Our Prices Are and Always fPere ^ w . This Is Just a Little G.O.P.'s program and presenting provision Is without discrimination. WOOL HOSE. Reg. 89e Value 9 A. M. to J P. M. It as his own: The governor aays Reg. $18.98 NOW FOR (IMITID TIMi ONLY The board memhsra said they $ 1 4 . 2 3 39c— 3 Pairs $1.00 Weekdays 8 to 6 Bit Extra You Cm Save . ' ' , that criticism'’ encourages him to will note an appeal. If the move Special Oroap ’ believe that there are "areas of can be made under law. ■/ Full Line Of Meats, ZIPPER Groceries Fruits and * Prep sizes 32 to 38 Vegetables C LEM EH T SURPLUS STORE JACKETS 1 SPECIAL GROUP RUGS RUGS RUGS Reg. $22.98 NOW $|l PREP SPORT COATS 16 DEPOT SQUARE NORTH END. MANCHESTER • w * Btiiaa 10 to 15. 113.95 Valuea. Blzea 12 to A January Special4! 17 N O W ...... * Frigido ir* $ 3 . 9 8 Reg. $27.98 NOW $ 1 9 .9 1 AUTOMATIC HUDSON. SA liS HUDSON SiRVICI HUDSON SALIS $ 6 . 9 8 WASHER Dili AD iD asm 9ii2 A LL WOOL Call 2<*9442 For A Demonuitratioii ZIPPER JACKETS AH color plaidi. diato 8 to 30. YARD LE Y tBELGRAVE >69.99 PREP PANTS-25-32 WAIST Of The HU^SOME« Reg. 80.06 NOW•••ase«« $ 6 . 9 8 WOOL - TWEED - COVERT - FLANNEL MEW HUDSON ^ROYALIST $79-9^ R ^ $i 6.55 aad 8U.96 $ 7 . 9 8 Ragularly | 1JX) Bad» Y oon WITH or WITHOUT trade-in and NO EXTRAS. By Sue Burnett ' CBRTIFIED USED CARS, too, no Junks o r wrecks, sound 1‘ PRESTIGE 699-50 1 Special Group..^ Regularly $6.98 Regularly $9.98 A btautifUUy almplc housecoat TWO . ? cars, («ly; BOYS’ Values To $9.98 to grace ymur preeioiu hours of • Live water action 11 • » ^ Aim Avalhblii in 9 x 10.6 and 9 x 15 relocation. Or wear R shorter aa Open Monday through Friday Until 9 P. M. and all dap a brunch coat. The a«^lopcd de­ No bolting down NIOH7 CREAM Leather Front JACKETS N.OW $ 4 . 9 8 N o w $ 5 * 9 8 tail on sleeves and portcet adda a Ruga in blue, grey, green, tan, floral, tone on tone, N o w $ 3 e 9 8 5481 INOllSHCOMFllitlONCRIAM Saturday. . . with wool hack. Knit A O feminine note—a belt tlee softly • *rop loading !hook deaign. la front. cxtffz and bottom. Nylon % i ^ t DRY 8RIH CIIAN8J.N® CREAM | -This Time It’s HUDSON” . Itaad. Reg. 812.95 NOW e -P W By Mrt. Aaae Cabot • Sec a demonstration Pattern No. 8862 is for alsce 12. IIQUIFYINO ClIANSIN® CRiAM 14, 18. 18, 80; 40 and 42..8tae 14, No one will believe you crocheted STAIR tARPirriNG ' lo^ coat, 4 3-4 yards of 39-inch; thla runner yourzelf. It tooka for FREE branch coat, 4 1-4 yards. < H* at rat azS. all the world like .Imported lace. MWiim tM MtMKA Ml ouna w maui* DOUBLE BREASTED 9>i inch aquares arc Joined to form M MMut MtaH iouniui. eon— u awaan '$1.98 Yd. (And Up) ' For this pattern, send 25 cents, CUFFSI in coins, your name, address, aiae the runner, or uae each square sep­ KEMPS arately as doiliea, ptacemata or SHEEP-UNED COATS . ? 4Mrad. and Um pattern number part of a vanity dreaaer aeL BOYV • *to Sue B ataett. The Mancfaeater DuraMa twill ceate with Wombbt Cotlat. ATTHUI t Ureatog Herald. IISO Ave. Amer- Pattern Mo. 5481 conbists of Inc. OXFORDS Haw York 19. N. Y. complete crocheting tnatructlona, p R ic is . 763 Main Street B sf. $19.95 NOW $ 1 4 . 9 8 nd 15 cents today for your material-requlrementa, stitch Ulus- I* • ■tara 2f% to IH . SHOP tratloaa and llnlMilng directlona. (BM ftotil HALL LINOLEUM € 0. MEN$C of tha PaU and winter Fash- T el 5680 pnRseHiPTiOHPj^^ (Fine Floor Coverings) ,« IF MAIN •T R C Ff- A traaanre of sewing Infor- Send 20c In coina, your name, Reg. $25.0<» NOW $ 1 9 . 9 8 MANrHESTCR.CONN. for every home aearer! $2.98 addrees and tbe Pattern Number 'Frigidaire In Manchester 32 Oak Hireel, Mhnehesttr, Genn. Phone 2-1022 lOoatalna dO pages of sibcial fea- to Anne Gabot. TTie Uancheater 6 0 W ILLS ST. (TB8F0IAIY tOaHOM) TOL. 2»9442 B . JlgiiaO and designs—ftea pattern Evening Herald, 1150 Ave. Ameri- For (iver 23 Years lillUlillilllilWlHlI^^ ^v^jfMMad lstRpboofc , T caa, Naw York 19, N. Y. M ENTSHdi&^

' i , . . . V r MANCHESTER EVENINO nZRALO. MANUMEBI BR. UUNM.. PaiUAT, JAfUJAnx 14, 1949 F A 5 B U^CHESTER EVENING flEBALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., J^^RTOAT, JANUARY 14, 184* aald that the strtkb action followed l| get out of the country with secret party and the ChthoHe Fwmle'a "no progreoa" report by a com- j ;*7. tr r Jones. M ra Ohrl Mnaoit, Mrs. Gal­ Rehels Fpree VohuBtoer Workers Aid Polio Drire H i^ Standard mittee negotiating with tlw cor-1 vin Brown. Mrk. WlUiam Eells, Czech Reds service material, were sentenced party also may be slated foor r ooUv^ Local Rumors to U to 16 years respeeUvely on Ion. poratton on the question o f wage Church Holds Mrs. Francis Gregor, Mrs. Ernest laereeaza,' sentecity fights and ^^feiephones in Use' charges o f treason. Morse, ^rs. H ar^ Rylanfler, Mias Clean House Creeks Back On Town Courtl Workers Out ci oead ehop. Florence Shaw, Mrs. Fred.Slawson, A military coiut has smteneed MANCHESTER Veto Taken W bSaeeflay Annual Session Mrs. Nelson Smith, Mrs. Mary inehester at Present MaJ. Robert Bednartk, m Arm y Free Chest Clinic frens Page One) TTie Btrike vote, he aald. Was T^lor, Mrs. Louis J. Tiihle. '(Ceatiaaed fren Fage Oae) pastor, to 29 y e a n hard tabor on Strike at New Haven and . •;— ^ ♦ Varioiifl Opioion# taken Wednesday. Tbe walkout The business session was pre­ charges he was cMlectlag secret began lost night whan membera of<»«stabliehed iU elf on the third floor Second C!ongregati6na1 ceded by a delicious cflvered-dlsh wald—said Front leaders would be infbmaUon 'Tor a spy of a for­ H ere Each Friday dsneiibed as fighting d i^ n tely. Harndm Plants; 200 IM UBLIC MA of tha a M t shift left their Jobe lotoron. 'flu m . MnehUia-gun find ro A a t flre.frepi preflfliid In PoflfllblUtjil Skfi'llaMkMtcr Aviitoa «C tlw o f the Trotter BtiUdln* on Cen­ supper, all arrangements fo r which given eight days to submit a work eign power." nt 7:80 o'eloek to attend n union ter etreet Making one more Adopts New Constitu­ were 'capabiy managed by the Are Affected 805-807 MAIN ST. ■oIM m New BnfUad Telephone program fqr 1949. Some observers said the house , A free Cheid CUnlo held by the govemroent planes came to their O f a New Setup meeting and did aot rotnrn. ha aald. PARK FREE! PURNELL LOT move, thU time to the Odd Fellows, Mary Cushman group o f the Wom­ taMiawy MBMuieed today that cleaning might result in obliterat­ support as improved weather made . State Labor department media­ building, the company bought tion and By-Laws en’s League, of which Mrs. A. L. The Front |s a coalition of all Manchester Pub^ Nnretag Aseo- N ew Haven, Jan. 14—teiinta..O. O. P. FhoteBy VlcM. package Idea, Introduced a bill necticut. niambers point oqt that nuwh in Save Money On Our Famous High Quality providing only for Taft-Hartley John S. Wolcott was elected the way o f oomprainiae ta d dcala Fletured above are a greim e f the nuui moderator of the meeting. Printed several hears ef woth to the M earhzeiflp Maf eh e f Less Spending repeal and Wagner set restorstlon. (CoaUnaed (ratti Page Oae) TOO w ill be effected, and that RepiibU- TOO showa at woih aidreeriag the sola feMsca that are Grade A Heavy Western Steers That la organised labor’s notion of financial reports df the minister. cana still are ia a poeltloa to de- ebeeter hoows. A total o f SAiO eola M Sm a aad totters the two‘package plan. Rev. Leland O. Hunt, and of all of boosting the preaidentlal oalary mtad a lot of things. Favored Over Earlier this week. A F L officials organi^^ions and committees mailed . ^ the Bril o f thla weHk ' to over 8900,000 a year. WUI N et Aid Oryk ( MOrieoae Baronouaky, Loifa Ferry, Iwol ioe Ferry^Ovear SW IFTS SELECT A GRADE WESTERN STEERS called on Leslnskl, who will head were distributed to the members, While the DemoernUo.. TOwa the House Labor committee, and Longest Battle an Aeeoaatlng and Beger Baroaeuaky. Btaadlog to MrA ASee F e r ^ and explanations were given where amittee haa endorsed Attorney Tax Increase sharply criticised him for advo­ Protests against the exemption SHORT, SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE desired. A slight gain In mem­ A Sale With* A Good Honest Reason Not An Excuse! C. Oryk na Judge, the pres-1 cating the one-step method. , ' bership was made after deducting were 'raised, too, by aeveral other senators. But the longest battle : Attorney Charles 8. House (CMUaoad. from Page One) In offering the opposing plan to removals by death and letters the House yesterday, L«alnskl told was over whether the president on. the Senate Judiciary commit­ granted members for admission to tee, and the preaenoe o f Attorney Children Aid in' Mailing reporters: other churches. should be forced to account for hla the Senate Finance committee— expense moMy. J(9in D. LaBelle on the B ou n Ju-1 “ ICa obvious that if we are to T introduced the bill because of Equipment Purchased Folks! WE ORDERED TOO MUCH — AND IT ALL CAME TOO SOON ! ! ! the Insistence of a lot of people Senators Donnell (R., Mo.) and dietary committee may be no aid STEAKS raise 84.000,000.000 in taxes, about Mr. Hunt amplifle-l ’ lis report to the Gryk reoomnyndatlon. Polio Coin Folders Here EVERY STEAK GUARANTEED TENDER OR MONEY REFUNDED that something be done. How­ by stating that while all regular Morse (R., Ore.) offered an half of that amount will have to amendment to three the president, Senator House may be depend­ coBM out of corporation levies and ever. I have not changed my posi­ and incidental expenses 3f the tion at all. I still think the one vice president and speaker to sub­ ed on to hold fast for the eoatla- •bout half out o f personal income church had D3en met, a number In the ExeitementI! . < Number 38 Irving street base Bines Maaelwster's allotment of LEAN, TENDER, RIB CUTS—4 L a AVG. FRESH package system is the way to do mit Itemised vouchers for their uanoe o ( n Republican member- been bursting with activity tor the ‘ooto-holdere fell short o f. the taxes. TO get 82,000.000,000 -more of extra piecet. of equipment had ahip among court offlclaia. Repre- it.” been paid for, imludlng a new mo­ expense money. peat aaveral nights. Happy voices amount needed, it was necessary in personal Income taxes, ws will of the openinf of our store Jegfl^than four months uffo, our buyers became oTer-enthusIsstle and place^orders aentotive LaBelle will be vigoroua tion picture and a multigrapb ma­ It finally was defeated, '61 to 22, and children’s laughter, mingled to mimeograph about 2,000 letters have to go, down to incomes of for much too much furniture, and to top it all, everything seemed to come in at one time, eo now we/Ure over­ againat that, but ha ia known to chine, a new typewrltci, new after Senator Lucas of Ill'nola, the with the trilling of an apprecUtlve so that an appeal could be seat to 88,000 or even less.” assistant Democratic leader, oaid stocked. Very much overstodeed. In fset» our warehouses are bulging. So here is an opportunity fo r every­ be cool to the candidacy of Oryk ROAST PORK bymnals and a large quantity of canary, anntmnce that some kind every home. Chairman Doughton (D., N. C.) It would be “ prepoaterous" to ask for the Judgeahip. There has been o f the tax-originating House Ways china and dishes for the kitchen. one to save plenty o f doliars beesuae this will not happen again. o f party la In progreaa. Manchester the president to accoimt for "each no criUciam o f tbe present flourt, Upon inveatliratlng, one would I f for some reason any Manches­ S W IFT S SELECT A GRADE WESTERN STEER BEEF, Lean, Tender, Jnicy and Means committee—“ I hope we Also that an appreciable increase / and if a compromloe la reached, ter resident does not recrivo a ; liad been made in gifts to missions time he bought a ham or sent a » / find It ts a party—a “ polio party. w «a 't need to raise taxes as much Date Book messenger on an errand." the veault may be much different Each o f thoiw vrtcas belong to peo­ cola-folder or letter, he may send aa the president thinks is ncces- and benevolences. than baa been ao far Indicated. his contribution to George Fnwt Mrs George Borst gave a ver­ Another amendment by Senator And We're Not Pooling!! ple, both children and adtuto, who sanr.” Tonight MUlIken (I^-Colo) to require only The setUement of the nutter Is have volunteered their aervlces to at the Manchester Trust Oo. Mr. Representative Dlngfll (D., bal rep ort of the Cradle Roll which BtUI far ahead, but alnoe the Town CHU4»C ROAST Frost la treasurer -of the local Troop 98, B.S.A., Variety Show now has an i nrollment of in­ that the prerident certify the ex- the Mancheatar Herch o f Dimes. IS YOUR HOllltE PRlO TIC TE D Mich.) — "The president was and pense money he spent, without when we say we are giving away our profits— in fact, we are not intereated In profits. All we have in mind Court makeup ia one* of the o ily drive. For Oven or Pot Roast— Guaranteed Tender is my leadef. But if we are going at Hollister auditorium. fants. remaining local patronage ttema, An of the soundo. except that of Annual meeting local Ked Cross Itemizing It, was lost on a tic vote, right now is to reduce our stock. How can we do it when everyone in town is running January Sales, Clear­ ' Manchester March of Dimes to get anything at all from cor­ . Mrs. W. W. Eells who has acted the developments are being re­ the canary, come from the same ACAINSI ALL T H E » HAZARDS? SPERRY and BAINES, 2 LB. AVG„ LEAN, MILD CURED chapteit East Side Rcc at 8 p. m. as chairman of the flower com 38 to 38. ance Sales, Inventory Sales, etc. . . . Weil, there is only one way— and that is to do it in a bigger, better room. Although not large, the campaign, under the leaderthip of porations that are loaded with Morse said It was "nothing but garded with intercot. The utudi tlondafd covsrogas ors fire and windilorm— bag profits we won't have to go Saturday, January 15 mittee since Mrs. Fred Poiman’s way . . . That is what we have done. foom looks even amaUer due to tbe Chairman John J. O’Connor, start­ an empty gesture,’’ he voted but tha Form Buraou Mutual Fka inturaiibq Ca. of Colum­ that low in new personal Income Thirty-fifth annual banquet off Illness last March, paid tribute to number o f people and boxes, kn- ed on Wednesday, Jan. 12 and will againat It. So did Donnell. tisces,” the Itallan-American club, 7 p. m. Mrs. Pohlman who has served vetopes and lettora that are packed and Saturday, Jon. 29. Local real- bus, Ohio offars you fir# and "axlandkd covaroge'* Representative Eberharter (D., Wednesday. January 19 faithfully as chairman of this The amendment to ttrike out By BETTER T o Give Oscars Into every bit o f apace. In the ctn- dents are urged to return their which indudai insurance ogointt lots er darigga by all DAISY HAMS Military Whist of Gibbons As­ pay raises for all but the presl- » . . I ter la n large table around which coin folders within tha drive T»n.)— " It n»ay not be necessary to committee for qlmost fifteen that sre are afforiag flash, eleaa, braad aew of the hozordf shown abo^. go as low aa 88,000 in order to sembly. C. L. of C. In St. James’s years. She suggested that a let­ dint, vice president and epMker By BIGGER period. A t a meeting held earlier CUDAHY AND PLTUTAN, READY-TO-EAT, WHOLE OR SHANK was made by Senator Lucas. He Ipa—ae t floor samplee ■ .er odds and cads, but In SmaU ’Theater I» nflae 84,000,000,000 in revenue ball. , ter of thanks be sent by the church we mean bigger, much bigger savings. W e Invite com­ well s e le c t^ exeellontly designed fom ltare whirli ceaM this week, the polio committee de­ FRED T. BAKER Also Methodist Men’s Night,, said he will offer Immediately a The top of the table la blanket^ preivlded we n f n some money clerk to Mrs. Pohlman for her parisons from anyone. not be b e u ^ at these ptieea If we were aot eo eom- cided that U the response on the 195 HOLL STREET ^ TEL. 2-1288 South Methodist church. separate bill covering those, in­ HoUywood. Jan. 14— CF>—Acade-1 vrith hundreds of envelopM and coin foldera was good, it would m m higher corporation taxes loyal service, which was voted. pletely overateJhed. •ad other aources.” Thursday, January 20 Mrs. Eells stated that the g ift of creases and added It wlU be hand­ m y n v r t u ^ a c M fo r fft a achieve- toldera. Ckwe to the door a bridge not be necessary to undertake LEONARD D. RIVARD COOKED HAMS Dingell and Eberharter favor a Local Democratic Victory ban­ fifty dollars for flowers made by led with "all convenient speed.” ^ t a In 1948 win be paaaed out la table has bem art up and women street-comer aoUcitation. Coin 38 McKINLET STREET TEL. 2-027X 1 the imaU Academy Award theator addreaalnganvelopea A eocporatlon "excess profits" tax. quet at Shehdan. R. K. Anderson, as_a memorial to Lucas said Mr. ’Truman waa If You Are ALERT Yoir Will Recognize This Aa Your “GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY” boxes are available at public loca­ SWIFTS PREMIUM BABY LAMB Democrat Cannon’s speech put Tuesday, January 25 Mrs. Anderson, wKo died a year more anxious for other ralsea to Instead o f on a big studio sound 4uU thud perit^caUy punctuates tions throughout town ao that M. KENNETH OSTRINSKY go through than his own, but tbe stn n . A s a result, the 2,000 the flow of noise ms one of the 184 BISSELL STREET TEL. 2-lflM him in agreement with the top Joint dinner meeting of the ago this month, had been of great those who wish to donate outride 5-6 Lh. Avff. Boned_ RepuWean of the House Appro* three men’s service clubs at Ma­ help in the off season for garaeii senator said that House comipit- Academy members won’t be able hro«»ng boyi wields a rubber a ^ p o f their coin fpldeie may do go. taatten d the shindig. with enthualasm. Piled on n table mtetiMia committee, Representa- sonic ’Temple. Col. C. W. Furlong. flowers, and that an effort Is being teea have not been Organized yet and Rolled If Desired The event ta eat for March' 841 to ocw comer of the room and over- Uve Taber of New York, that the F.R.D.S., guest speaker. made to encourage members to and the bill would have to be tak­ •ORES bijONat peacetime budget can be furnisli flowers this year in mem­ en up there under unusual proced­ and the Academy of MoUon Pic- flowing to tlw floor ^ Wednesday, January 26 ture A rte and Sciences announced cardboard carU m flllM ^m oat to CHOPPED, ALL BEEF trRnmed. Dance of District No. 2 Demo­ ory of relatives who have passed ure. away. Lucas’ amendment was adopted SAVINGS UP TO 75%—And We Mean It! yesterday the shift wUl not altar bu«tlng with thousan^ of Msled, Amid all the talk and maneuver, cratic club at Itallan-American the Otnge and radio presentation. I atamped and a M iea a ^ a n ^ o p ^ here la about how the tax situa­ club house. Aprove Investment 84 to 2. ’The only votes againatdt tion shapes up; ’The annual meeting voted to were cast by Senators Flanders Tlw 950 seats In their theater wUI And Just o iM d e the dow. in ^ Friday and Saturday, Jan. 28, 29 be reserved for nomlnaeo, the press I Hvtog ryim. the canary rings his • t. It ia doubtful that any kind Center Church Thespians Play. ratify the action taken at a spe­ (R -V t) and Ecton (R-Mont). Jast 21 ^ Just 24 ^ Jest 4 ^ Jast 28 o f a tax-boosting blU could pass cial meeting of the church, ’Thurs­ nandeie waa one of the authors Reg. 85A8 . ■ Reg. 98.98 ■ Beg. 84986 aad studio penenMl Involved InMFprovw^ .. . "John Loves Mary," Hollister au­ H Card Tables tbo prffoontolloii. I Mneomf JANUARY! Opogreas riglit at this time. ditorium. day evening, December 16, when of the bill. TENDEa JUICY 3. A M-paHlsan drive Is on td "Too Mack High Uviag" Table Lamps 1 Lounf e and Aesdomy m U4 tho inovff| Zn tho poit woe*, inotoiy Saturday, January 29 reinvestment of certain endow­ would allow It additional funds for «.000 March of Dlmae coln-foldera cut Mr. Truman’s spending out- ment funds of the church was con- A complaint that "there Is en­ 1 Kitche^^ai^ Observance of Youth Week at 1 Oiib Chain 1 ^ $ 1 . 5 9 its educatloiiol and cultural pro* I and 2,000 March o f DtmM Itttcra Uy. tirely too much ■ high living in sidered'and a committee appointed , ^ $ 1 . 8 7 Jecte. Outriders estimated It have been hurried through that 3. The success or failure of this South Church. consisting of Rev. Leland 0.*Hunt, Washington on the part of high ’Thursday, Feti. 10 Cash and Carry 1 r.. $4,75 1 $ 2 9 . 5 0 H Cash aad Carry wduld have coot 8100,000 to hold It I UtUa room by buay fingers. A fter CUBE STEAKS d r i v e 'l l ! determine what Con- Millard Park and Leo Stiles: and government officials" can).e from \ "Pride and Prejudice," .Sock - ^ t h a banquet — on a aoundibeing edOraaetd, Oiled, sealed and g r m does on taxes. I f Congress and the subsequent purchase by Morse. and Buskin play. High school hall, stage. In the p ^ it has bm | stamped ^^lopM are CUDAHY’S EDGEMER^ RINDLESS appropriates more money than that committee on December 20 of He said the bill, before being t « r e are revenues in sight, taxes 8:00 p. m. staged In hotels, Graumaa’s Chi- to the pgat office and from thare "The Gables", seven-apartment bobtailed by the Lucas amend­ naae thfater aad the big Shrine go to tha many thousands of homes l l k ^ will be increased. Many law- Friday, Feb. 11 house at 1'18 Main street'aa a long- ment, provided aalaries for some nud|era want a balanced budget, Second performance. "Pride and Sale Price anditortum. in Mancbaater. Within each envel­ range inveatnient and possible officials that were ‘’entirely too Reg. Price Sale Price , Reg. Price ope is a plea for contributiona to CLEARANCE 3 IJ C E p -l lb. Layer Prejmiice." 8:16. BACON even If it means more taxes. future church site. 'The property, high." He said it should not be " t Also Military Whist of Mnlllster the Manclweter March of Dimes, 4. With thla in mind adminls- Including about two acres with n considered necessary for govern­ P.T.A. Ways and Mean commit­ 526.75 a plea to help combat Infantile Uhtlon congressional leaders prob- frontage on Main street, and on ment officials to give "cocktail fll9 Simmona Sofa Bed 579.50 539 Simmona Mattraas Lost Bomber CHOICE OF THE alRy will put off the tax show- tee. pofolyffifi HOUSE the West by a new street to be ac­ parties that cost from 8500 to 59.95 T J . ¥ _! The person reepomible for i dopm untli'May or June, after It cepted. Joseph etreei, was pur­ 82,000. 5219 Kroehler 2-pc. Living Room 5169.00 529 Heavy, Maple Bada (Just 4) bSMmes dear whether the gov­ L < C U t o L i S u C l l l l l E ing that the many thousands of chased from the owner, Edward J. 'There are compensations In ^ ' aavalopes are sent out ia Mrs. Alice ernment vrill spent next year M l.- Holl at a price of 845,000. public service over and above mon­ 89c yd. Felt Base yd. 888.000,000 or more. Re|>orl Rel>el8 569 3 Pillow Studio Couches 55i2.50 Perry of 38 Irving street. Work­ EVERY Raymond CDlpltta, chairman of ey,” Morse said. Supporters of the 8 t Louts, Jan. 14— OT)— Com­ ing with cheerful and unaeffish CUDAHY’S REX \ the nominating committee, pre­ bin argued, however, that the sal­ 539 Hofltras Chairs . ^16.50 5129 Maple 3-pc. Bad Room Suitfl mercial alrllnera have riven the vigor, she haa enllited ,the aid o f Wreak Havoc sented the following slate of offic­ Air Force n couple of welcome ao- No Decision aries must be high enough to at­ many o f her friends to help with 1 Lb Carton 1 9 C ers and committees and all were tract able men to government ser­ 5209 Kroehler ^-pc.- Sectional 5164.50 517 Mahogany I-amp Tables slsta during the last two weeks. the work ia her little poet office. PURE LARD (ConMnoed from Page One) elected: vice. A Chicago aad Southern airliner Mra. Perry aaya that probably On Hearings Ralph Rockwell is the new mem­ led a loot B-25 bomber to a safe FRESH CHURNED, SWEET CREAMERY Eliminated from the bill along 511 Maple Book Cases 59.95 569 Kroehler Platform Rockera the greatest degree o f enthusiasm any disorders, except a WMk-end ber of the Board of Deacons; Mrs. with pay boosts for high officials landing at Lambert-St. Louts Mu- haa been found in the children who James H. W.right, is the new clerk. nlripsT airport Wednesday night. DRESS iContiened from Page One) raid at Jogjakarta. other than the top three were 8330 hare pitched in whole-heartedly to BUTTER SMiFTS BROOKFIELD Lh. 69c The Go^ Office! committee la Edgar V. Coughlin was reelected a year increases for District of 5247 Mahogany 3-pc. Bed Room 5169.50 115 Boudoir Chain The alrUner, piloted by Robert help. "F o r example, my von Lorin completing arrangements to fly treasurer; auditors. Leo and Columbia and certain foreign ser J. Nelson o f Memphis, TeniL, devotes every minute o f hla spare PORTinED WITH VITAMIN A Passocrat who expreaaed himself George SUlea; finance committee, spotted the bomber's lighu In the Without Reserve on the matter "agreed with me" tomorrow to Bangka island, where vice personnel who were left out 5269 Maple Sofa Bed Suite 5199.50 522 Floor Lflflipa time to working on the envelopee,'^' the Dutch are keeping s6me of the Alfred W. Driggs and Francis overcast, eatabllabed radio con­ OFF of a general pay raise bill last aald Mrs. Perry . ^'Bvkn when he there should be no hearings. He tact and inotructed tha A ir Force or Restriction ' captured republican leaders. ’The Gregor, three years; James H. year. comes home for lilhch, he finds MARGARINE king nut Lb. 27c added: crart to ‘follow me." committee plans to confer with Wright, one year. Stanley hfatte- few minutes to work and right "There are a great many other Earlier the B-25’s pilot, Thomas SLICED OR PIECE, WHITE Mohammed Hatta, premier of the aon is .the new member of the bus- There were soap factories In e x -1 after supper he starts right in Danocrata in the Senate who feel republic, ‘ and Mohammed Rum, ineaa committee. B. Morgan, radioed the Lambert STBEFT DRESSES, BUSINESS DRESSES, SPORT DRESSES. SEMI- the aame way." Istence as long ago os the time [ again. All of too children have who was the republic’s representa­ Commltteea Aj^polnted field control tower he was lost and shown the same hard-working en- FORMAL DRESSES — EVEN OUR NEWEST i«LRIVALS INCLUDED! . Taft told newamen after yester- of ancient Pompeii, before the | These Are But A Few Exomplet of the low on fuel. The control tower AMERICAN. CHEESE Lb. 47c tive In the Dutch-Indonealan nego­ Mra. Myrtle Williams continues birth of Christ. thuriaam.” day^e two-hour seMlon that he will tiations sponsored by the U.N. as superintendent o f the primary alerted all planes In the area. IT'S THE BIGGEST VALUE-SENSATION IN OLTl 26 YEARS! A Inalat on hearings. He ia a co­ Last January 3, a United Air­ Others Aariotteg CHANCE YOU WON’T HAVE AGAINI NEW YORK STATE MEDIUM SHARP ’The G c ^ Offices committee re­ department of the Church school, Othen who have donated their author of Taft-Hartley measure. ported to the Security Council that a position the hah capably flilod Tremendous Savings Thdt ^ w o it You! lines transport guided L t G. E. President ’Truman wants it re­ Rldler, a Scott. (lU.) Air Force time nnd effort to working on the it is awaiting word from the Dutch for many years; Mrs. Stanley Mat envelopes are Mrs. Olln Grant, CHEDDAR CHEESl Lb. 59c pented. Me also wants the old on a request o f members of the teaon, superintendent of Beginners / base pilot, to a siafe landing nt Whgner act restored, with certain PRESCRIPTIONS Pittsburgh. Rldler became loat Mra. Carol Oiartler, Mra. Don republican negotiations delegation and Mra. George Borst, Cradle Ratten, Mrs. John Baronouaky, LEAN FRESHLY SLICED laqwovements. still In Batavia -to go aldng on the Roll. '''-'itMt'a while fljdng over western Pennsyl­ A t hla news conference yester­ CALLED FOR Beg. 8129.99 vania moimtalna. ' Mias Margaret Zorakla, Mias Betty Remember flight to Bangka. Reltgloua Education committee, Perry and Mra. Herbert Stevenoon. day, Mr; Tniman again refused to A , Dutch Army ’ communique Mrs. EarlButler, Mra. Hazen Ham, 881 Main BOILED HAM 1 Lb.CllbPkt. 89c AND The only coat that will have to E u y be drawn Into the controversy said about 600 Japanese, remnants Misa tsabrile Massey, David W il­ Regency ^ fu a fc) deducted from the money raised Credit over whether hie labor program of the Java'occupation, had Joined liams, Mrs. Russell Taylor. Street DELIVERED Fireman Saves by the Manchester March of Dimes 'Should be handled in "one pack­ the .republican Arm y b e fo r e th e Missionary committee, Mrs. If Yon age" or two. He replied that he is December ’•police action" b y the James Brpnd, Mrs. F.dgar . V. $49.00 ,c mmitteS for the "mslUng phase' Wish Manchester leaving it to Congress. Dutch. -It baaed thla Information Ooughlln, Mra. Ralph Kaufman, PINE Trapped Girl Of the 4rive ia that o f atampa, Tha Grocery Prices Reduced In Oongreas, the argument\went on what it said was the report of Mrs. Millard Park, Mrs. J. Norton Coramuhity Pteos has riven 2,000 on and on, even though Democrat one Japanese who surrendered. It Spencer. PHARMACY envelopes and ths William APPROVED BY AM. MEDICAL ASSOC. SWEEY LIFE and Republican leaders alike are also quoted documents as saying Music commute, Mrs. W. W. Stratford, Jan. 14— (F)— Trapped Schlsldge Printing C a bae donated 664 Ontcr Street in bet third-floor bedroom by thousands o f . letterheads and en­ agreed that one package treat­ Japanese units were active with Drigga, Miss Faith Fallow, Richard Keg. 899AS ment ia inevitoble in the long run. the republican Arm y In northern Nleae, Mrs. William Whltehlll. TeL 2-9814 smoke and flamca, Joan Price, 12. velopes to the polio drive. EVAPORATED MILK 3 Tall Cans 39e ®e«en4 Two-step Approssl Sumatra. Flower commute, Mra. Willace Inhers|fring daughter of Mr. and Mrri Thomaa - The American FederaUon of La­ Price, 288 Clover street, was res­ FANCY SOUD LIGQT MEAT bor and the CIO are demanding a Mattress' cued by Edward Monroe, Strat- two-step approach. They want the 'ford fireman, about 8:45 n^ m. to- POOLE’S 3 c«.. T ^ -H a rtle y law repealed and the day. ' TUNA FISH $1,00 " • • n e r act restored In one bill. Aariatant Flr4 Chief Theodore FAMOUS DEL MONTE ^ They Uvor dealing Uter, in a sec­ $• DEUVERED IN MANCHESTER Lockwodd aald a blaaa which ond bUI. with the Wagner act caused damage eaUniated at 81000 Ra in and snow e te ^ o s Mr. ’Truman Is oeeking. ta the dwelling started in another > KETCHUP 14;^ Ox. Bot. 19e Backers of the one package plan This 1940 Packard Eight bedroom becupied by the glrTa want to handle the whole program pamnta. apparently after Mr. SWEET LIFE, TREE RIPENED to a single bin. Some ^ ^oSe CASH OR CREDIT-LONG TERMS CAM BE ARRANGED! n ic e dosed o ff white setokiag la Cause your cldthes to iake a berrting. Always backers are for the President’s bed. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Biff 46 Ox. Caa 20c piugram. others are against It. prolong their life aruf keep them looking new T aft remarked that this "one BEECHNUT STRAINED PMkage, two package thing la k M l Of a phonty latua** because OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY Advertising'Mail ~ om/ well pressed, fkhfianata rules M effect clooa the BABY FOODS 4 jf lf f l 3 9 c dour e held] 72 MAPLE STREET la tka alb I For TIuit Extra Trade-In On Year C a t P H O ; V E 8 4 1 6 HARTFORD here Sunday, with burial at the | . im n (D, 858 SAST CENTEI^ STREET TELEPHONE 5191—NIGHTS 4485. ter of mrivMiirnce of the faafliy. FAOE-VHIRTEEN , M h e r a l d , MANCHKSTER. c o n n .. F R I D A Y , J A N c a r y 14, W B ' • ■.. *,',J, 3 kANLnRESl*ER EVBNIJ»G HERALD, MANCHESTER^ CONN^ FRIDAY, JANUARY 14i 1949 BbilvT Senate Committee Redi Suit Would Break Start* Long lUght I Obitaary Qiarg^ Hiefl i News Tidbils Telephone Setup Approves Acheson Nip Ree Stars^ S7-S5; G^ards Play Revc«l Terms 4 f I In Store Here, C U M F^oib (fl*) Wire* (O M ttaM fi tnm Pag* Om ) (CosttoRcd Iron 1 Dettlhs To End War ^oman Is Airested lor Stan W idi Red DevOs Ueut. Gall S. Hatvorsen, flier T. is dominant in tha telephona right* and fundaiMnUl (rMdom*. 1 Itchier Paces "Communlam •• an agveaalv* H«Ying Goods Withofit ^ “ ’ Locals Need Victory wbo ortgiaated air lift sideline of service field. w *gh nwrlila 'factor in world conquut ta Mtal Onginial PA’^ Turn dnmping handkerchief parachuUs The Justice department asserted Hugh fihleMs, o f 126 CharUr •^$ales Slips ^ with candy bars for Berlin chil­ to indapntdeat governmenta and Oak street, died at his home this J CorrentiTops: , ^ , iM" «rom th* fOTtrmnwrt and in the Newark action that West­ College Fives dren being transferred back to U. fr r t paoples.” morning after a long iUneae. He ern Electric makes and sells more Arrertad this aftsmoon after aha In Lontest at Armory A m y * V ...... Two day BrlUsh-French Bteapt for that quoUtion, com- waa a veteran o f the Bpanlah*' ;s . CooflacaUon o f “fcureaucrat- than 90 per cent of all telephones had allegedly taken merehandlae Back Stars, 57 to 35 conference on establishing common mittaenien wera under a aecrecy American War and for many yeara Movers Gain First Round j lc”,eaJMtaL and telephone equipment sold In from the W. T. Grant aton with­ ClneiniiBti Forwsrd Ha* policiea in international affalra pladf*. waa employed at Caaa Brothera Laad-nforma. the United SUtes and that "a out paying for it, a woman waa V ' ~ Title in Y League; New Haven Holds ^rly neara end in London and Foreign Connally said tha committee will until hia retirement some ' years 'Ti 21.83 Point Average; 7. CaaoeUation o f “ treacharoui” Office sources say talks aro going substantial part of the remaining meet nekt Tueeday to take up the brought to beadquartera and hi ber Long Set Shot by Kose ■go because o f poor health. Hippo Heads Average* T U gn y lU lliei; Season Victory Over tnatlaa with Imperlalift naUom. ten per cent is produced imder the president'e nomination Second well. He was a llfslong resident here t , rormatian o f a aUte council Mrs. Eleanor Rooeevelt says she direct control of Western Elec­ Webb, former budget director, as merebandite for which the accused Dfcides Benefit Tilt to tachida an Cihlnese elementt, ex­ tric." and was a memhw o f Center Chambers Movers add Hippo Big Green; Bristol has sent dozens of appeals to So­ undersecretary 'of atate. waa unable to furnish a ealea Slip. At Rec; Panthers Win F. A. A. Ci (57) N ew York, Jan. At Middletown! cart raactionariea. viet government for release of O. It asserted that A.T. and T., the The Acheson nomination will be church. She Cold Chief of Police Herman P. , B. CorrenU Shared honors ip the Y Ur. Shields leaves four brothere, tha third tliM ia three weeks the ____ ! Scores 74 to 59 Win W a Bandta* HU by « mU« I. brides from Russia.. American largest corporation in the world icialty reported to the* Senate Schendel she had purchased the Over Shea’s Stiidio 1— Opalach, rf . . . . 0 . naUonal ooUege baMcetball eoor- Wedneaday night Bowling League llaoawhUe, several bi* buildings air lift completes evacuation of from an aweta standpoint, oper­ ~ y but cannot be taken up William, Alexander and Robert of 0—W. Saverick, rf. 0 during the firet round of the sea­ goods, mostly "ea rin g apparel, at Ing leaderahlp haa changed hands. locals Scored Win Over Yankee Mv-Uion la downtown Tientsin were report- 194 White Russian tefngees from ates more than 98 per cent of all later in' the' week, Connally Manchester and Dartd, of Flint, the Montgomery Ward etore. 2— Vojeck, rf 0 TOe new owner is Ralph Richter son. The Movers picked up 31 vic­ «C Mt by artillery* •ihelLi In a Tha Original Pollah-Americana Torrington ...... 5 4 JU5 Berlin to western Germany to gel i the facilities used in long distance ■aid. * Michigan and several niecea and There, the artloles were said to 2—ObuehowsM, If . 4 o f the unbeaten CinctnnaU Bear- tories against eight defeats to w'n Tigers Earlier This stopped up shelling of the be­ came through again and conquered round honors while Correntl edm- Manchester ...... 6 7 .461 them out of reach of Coromunist.s I phone service,in this county and He added that he will try to do nephews. have been taken, not purchased. Pt-C. Byehohdd, If. 0 cata. He Jumped to the front today plled a 118.1i-aversge 4n 17 games New' Haven ...... 4 7 .363 sieged city. .,France's "Thank You” train of owns and controls companies in it Tueaday. The funeral will be held Monday The Bceused, held on a shoplift* an All-Star aggiefotton from the 6—A. Kurlowles, c'fi by S*100tha o f a point over VinOe Season in CCIL Tilt (The Communist radio in a as a membsr of the Manchester Bridgeport ...... 3 9 .250 49 cars of gifts, one car for each the Bell system which furnish ap­ Connally aaid Acheson discussed st 2 p. m. a t the W, P. Qulsh Fun­ ing count, was not identified. Rec Senior League last night by 4—M. Savarlek, r f • 8 Beryls of the University of Den­ broadcast heard by The Associated stote and District of Columbia, proximately 85 per cent of all lo­ “ intimate and delicate” questions eral Hoine with the Rev. C. O. 1—C. Kurlowh^ rg 0 Motor Sales entry. Manchester High’s cagers travel Proas in Ban Francisco announced the narrow margin of 57-B5* This ver, f George CoWna Center Service (24-15) placed Tonight’s game between the leaves Le Havre aboard cargo ahlp cal phone aervice. of policy. t Simpson oSlclatlng. Burial will be 0—Falkowski, Ig . . 0 Richter' has averted 21.83 to Middletown tonight for a CCIL an all out assault to take Tientsin "Abaence of Competition" 'The aaaumpUon. o f course, was in East cemetery. contest waa really a well played 4— J. Bycholiikl, Ig 7 second to the Movers with Man­ Manchester Guards and the New "Magellan” bound for U. S. game and the "old boya” atlU points in six games. Boryls, In a ig k t-*lo e St. John emjoiinter with Middletrwn High. was started by Red troops at 10 In view of the joint ownership that the graater part o f his secret Fr.Icnds may call at the funeral 0— Kobe, Ig 6 chester Motor Sales (20-19) third. Connecticut' Flood showed some of their good form f first place a week ago, has an even Ma))cheater whipped Middlclown. Haven Red Devils at the local ■ Tw. Chinese time. The radio added of the manufacturing and operat- testimony dealt with relations with home to pay their respects after D o n Willis (19-20). Moriarly 45 to 36 earlier this aeason at the est shelling by the Reds in a 21- of years uo.. 57 21J0 for 10 games, Ernie Vande- ermory will be of the utmost Im­ that many troops had entered the Uig ends of the business, the Jus­ Russia. • 7 p. m. Saturday. 14—Totols ...... 34 9-18 MB Brothers (18-21) and Bryant and local hrmOry. hour period starting Thursday at John rak ow sk l started flva rl^e of (Mgate, who paced the portance as a by the New city and were "exploiting their tice department aaid there Is "an Tha npminas akirted that ques­ Control Compact AS-Stara (66) (Chapman (5-84) followed in that Having anapped their losing 'Win membera o f the first team ever to F. PU. padc two weeks ago, slipped to Haveners will put them in a vir­ 4 p. m. absence o f effective competition tion In public testimony yesterday, P. B. order. streak at three games at the ex­ Shell Warehouae Dtatrict represent tha* Clinton street ttub, 0 0-0 0 seventh with 30.4 for nine games. tual tie for place tn tha (The radio said the attack fol­ which has resulted in higher pric­ except to remind senstors that Mr. 0— Rivoaa, rf ...... Bill Kunicki of Center Service pense of Weaver High last Wednes­ second The Reds began shelling the Terms Disclosed namely AJ Obuchowakt, S jt^ O p a - 1 0-0 2 The figures were compiled by the lowed a 24 hour cease fire order, es paid for telephone equipment." Truman had said there wrill be no 1—Robb, r f ...... was second to 0>rrentl in the in­ day evening, the locals are still Yankee DIvleion of the Eastern warehouse district on the northern About Town lach, Mike Saverick. Jd Kurlowlca 1—W. Parclak, if.. .5 11 NaUonal Collegiate AthleUc Bu­ League. The Guards, the other which had not been reported prev­ 1%e petition aaseried that If and change In the administration's . 1-1 dividual averages with a 117.11 confident of gaining a spot in the on “ bank o f the Hal river, these sources (UeaUaaed fraae Paga Oaa) and hlmaelf. and held their own 1—Conran, I f ...... 0 1-1 1 reau and include games through iously by any other source. Thie when Western Electric is broken foreign policies. HOEttAEJH £arlir. mark. Walt Cargo of Willis Garage Classr-io.. A tourney in vior.-hMarch o.at New c * " stccnghten their p on 'tU late In the quarter when Jan. .A Tlontslh fted commander, Gen. Uu said. The district, between the down into three new companies, A building permit for the con­ tu tt 2— Dobek, c ...... 4 0-1 8 was next, 116.37. followed by Jerry second ,,place and a playoff spot .Win Have Final Decislone report from the commlaalon to tte the All Stars railed away to a 19- 4 Cheater Otermak of William and Haven. A win tonight will brighten Ya-Lou. gave National troops that Astor House hotel and the Leopold the Bell system should be required struction o fa gasoline station was 1—Gaudlno, c . . . . 2 0-1 (Joodrich, Center Service. 116.24. with a victory. It will be tha aac- building, contains the city's tallest Acheson made it clear that the 12 lead. 5 Mary is the naUonal leader in to­ the hopes of the team. Season ported in which to lay down their to buy telephone equipment "only issued today to Eugene McClure. governor and legiaUture o f each 0—Rodgers, rg ... 3 1-1 end Franny Brogan, Motor Sales, ond meeting of the year betwaan structures and includes the Ameri­ chief execuUve wlU have the final state. It fixes these annual ap­ In the aheond quarter the PAs 8-7 8 tal points with 392 in 14 games. A N O I^ JLrL record now stSpds at five wins arms, the radio said. under competitive bidding." The one-etory building will be lo­ 0—Davl*, rg ...... 0 115.1. Next in line came Charlie the two clubs. New Haven holds a can consulate. d*G]fiiona, but he cast himself in propriations by states for compen­ closed the gap as Johnny Bychol- 5 1-1 l l He's averaged almost nine' field and five aatbackh Includinfr'a tri­ (The broadcast said the cease Clark asserted in a atatement; cated on the north tide of Strant 1—Burke, rg ...... "^arrick. Center Service, the cs- 73 to 60 decision In a game played Moosa said some sheila fell into the role of a strong eeoretary-A sation and expensea o f agents and ■kl slid Ed Kose made several 1—ZamalUs, Ig . . . 2 2-3 6 goals per contest, also the best umph over the Alumni. last month in New Haven. fhr*

Patron—I vUOuld Uke a ton of Household Gooda *51 Lots tor Skit 7S BV FONTAINE FOX Atttonobilea for Sale 4 Automobiles For Sale ^ 4 Heating-r'PInmbing .17 Silnullona Wfnted— coal. Wc like a remark that wo n- AEtMMbltas for Sate ' 4 Dealer—What sin ? F em ale 38 CtRCULATINO Heater. In good PARKER Strest—COhinUd thras centiy ran acrosd wUch hof iMos CARPENTl^ Work of aU ^iunds. Patron—Pd Ilka a ^ fiUI 3,240 W E H A I ^ 't o E N K i^ O N E S coi.dltlon. Heats* live rooms. rooms and lavatory first llodr. 8 Sense and Nonsense attributed to late Cloraaoe 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Roofa, Mdings. addltlona mul St- W ANTED — Children to care tor, room anfj bath ujistaira. pounds if it isn’t sgalnst your Darrow. • '40 PO N TIA C 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Phone 2-2676. DELIVERY terattoaa. ,AUw new oonatnietion. daya while mother'worka. Monday excellent condition.. Hot watrir She—WaU, dear, Pva been act-; RoweQ—A good Ileal depends on rules. 'XtotUng marriod ig ft good. flM l N ew Paint, Good Motor —Has everything you could aak Steffort. PlMCia through Friday. Mra. Materal. $10 AND OP for your old vamrato Ing on your advice. I put a bun- the formation of early habits. Uke going to ft restaurant wltk for in a nice family car. A ll new ' In excellent condition. Heat­ heat, oil burner, roll acreenA 3-2808. eleaner towards a new Hoover. some storm srlndows.. Lovtiy se»- d i ^ dpUars in the bank this Powell—I kiibw It; when I was Candidate-rDo you mean to say your friends. You order w ta t you AdfCitiidnenb B R U N N E R S tires. Nice trades on this one. a baby my mother Mred a woman er, winterised. - 1 « Ckll Hoover, Watkins 8171. tion. Early occupancy, m o td month. you believe no poUUcian can tell want, and then wben you aso whftt CAR WHOLESALERS 1948 PLYM OUTH 4-DR.—Just Uke He— Fine? It lsn't so hard, is to wheel me abouL and I have Ooga^Birds—Pets 41 ri|^t for quick a^e. wm. Good- the truth? the other feUow goL ypu w M IJTOft . TeL 6191— Nights 4486 new. Win be glad to ahow this CaU 2-2313 A fte r 6 It? been pushed for money ever since. had taken th at' Instaftd." one anytime. ROOFING — SpactaUatng. In r f child, Sr., Office 18 Forest strsa^, VOter-yOh, ho. W e never know 'n iS j pairtni r o ^ of all Mnda. alao ENGLISH Setter puppies 6 weeks Machiaervand Toola 52 7928 or 2-9684. Sba—No; I simply tore up aU what any man can do untU after Week. 1941 CHRYSLER 4-DR. SEDAN the bills. f 1948 BLUB Mercury four-door — Nice and clean In every way. new roofa. Gutter wora. Chim­ old, malea and femalea. A. K. C TRUCK Snowplows. Garden trae- Sir Walter Raleigh, with a flour­ he tries. VOQIID A MUB of noM y nMor Ar- sedan, all equipped. In excellent 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-DR--DHve It Auto Aeeeseorif neys cleaned and n ^ra d . No reglatered. Mra. Charlea A. War­ tora, Itk to 8 H. P. with snow Vacant—^New four room ish. spreads his new cloak over One of the easiest ways to ditch r, WoteM^ay algbt C»lU at condition. Low mileage. Call >- yourself and be convinced. Tires Job too amail m ’w g a . Good ren, Bolton Road, Vernon. Phone plows aad *nuipment. Oemant home. > When a fellow goes to law, jus­ the mud-puddle. Newsreel cameras Two druggist were talking about a girl is to try driving with one Click, and a man In the crowd hand.—Grit. 1 « 9884. 1939 FORD 4-DR.—This baa been work', fair pries. Fraa aatlmataa, RockvUIa 978JS. mixers, bale wire. Dublin Tractor Vacant— ExQellent five room tice is what he pays for, and look one of their confreres who had reconditioned from front to back. Can Howlay. Manehastar 8881. at what he geUX faints. . 7 Just died. ENGLISH Setter pupa, Boxer C o , WUUmanUc. Phone 3088. home. A nice car In every respect. U. S. R O Y A L “ It's his tailor,” - wblspera the "He was a great druggist,” said Heard at the soda fountain: piipa, Cocker pups. Fox Terrier 1938 BUICK 2-DR SEDAN—Ra­ AIR -R ID E S FOR 8AL31—Diaaton chain aawa, Brick—Four roomer, fam ­ jealbiis Essex to Queen -EUizabetb. one. Youth (After lamenting that he “LOOK” pups, crosa broed pupa. Zimmer­ dio and heater. We are overhaul­ B c n tiR f— P I b m U i W 17 Beaver four wheel riding and ished- or unfurnished. Immei •W alt hasn’t paid for that cloak." “ He was.” admitted the other. wasn’t married so he oould have THESE SUPER BALLOONS man Kennela, Lake atreet. 6287. M B fr A L KaehtaiM — floo r Mad ing the motor and installing new Brady garden tractors with snow 1 "But don’t you think he made hit bla breakfast at home. Instead of 760 X lft-^12.75 EPFICIENT PtawMiii fad hast- diate occupancy. " * ? « n oftoan, poUabon. dlac aaad- 0-V-E-B clutch aaaemMy. ihf.' Phitetd drahw maaMat plows and Ullage tooG. 1849 Sfx Rooms— Close to Main * An efficiency expert went In to chicken-salad a little too salty." In a drug store)—Gimme a enp of ar and boStr, bait aander. Me- 1937 PLYM OUTH 2 -D R .-^ clean claanad. -’Mri J. Mygraa. Phona Wanted— Pets— Poultry— Johnson outboards, Briggs and see the boys about his vacation. coffee and— Pay |6.00 Weekly car that even you will like. BRUNNER’S street, at North End. QUl4 Ui location. Conveiflent stores, night 8244. ROYAL Portable typewriters end only 1 year. Very rearonable. PlfMiHMENT* HE FEELS ABOUT I PHIL; TeL 5191 1946 HUDSON, club coupe, radio workman^p. Sanstaetica guar- adding maehtnea Ueed typewrit- school snd bus. Elsrly occupsney. and heater, 829!S; 1946 Chevrolet Phone 5103, Moderately pHcea for quick sale. MRS.FINN? YOU'D MAGAZINES. New and renewal Open Thurs. Nights 'Til 10 CELLARS. Attics and garages antaed. cao nougbltn, Hianehcg- era and adding machines sold or Fleetline, radio and heater; 1942 Only $10,000. terms. Wra. Qood- THINK SHED SEE anbserlptiona for all periodicals. Other Nights 4485 cleaned out Free labor. Phone ter 7B»7 rented. Repairs on alt makes. Chevrolet two-door, radio and chfld, Sr., Off efc 18 Forest streeL For prompt service Inquire John 7142. Mariow'a. Weafliw Apparel— Furs 57 Hlnricha 140 Summit m street heater, ll.OP.I; 1941 Hudson, four 7926 or 2-9694. i ...... Phosw 4698. door, radio and heater, $695; 1941 OIL STOVES cleanea installed. MilUB«ry-~Dre88maklng 19 FUR Cost, slee 14. $30. Owner liv­ 1940 DESOTO SEDAN STEAM Boiler and nearly new oil NEW 4-room Cape Cod with din­ Chevrolet club coupe, radio and Washing machines, vacuums ra- DRESSMAKING. BatUr dresaaa. ing In South. Can be seen at 36 heater; 1941 Chevrolet sedan de­ burner controls, 1160. Phone 8008 ing alcove. Two unflnished. Rea­ New Paint, Motor Job patred. lawn mowers, haao aad suits, coats, wadding gowna and Drive E. Silver Lane. Persowsls ______8 livery, like new, $950; 1941 Olds- sonably priced for qiiiok aale. 120 power, . aharpened, repaired, alteratlona. Call 2-SW . WHITNEY SteeromaUc baby car­ B R U N N E R ’S mobile four-door, hydramatic Hawthorne street. Phone 3-0253. POLIOMYELinS ^~a hard word saws Died. Friendly Ftxlt Shop. riage, In very good condition. Wanted— T o Buy .58 to spell. It*s much easier to tend CAR WHOLESALERS radio and heater, $1,095; 1941 Phone 4777 Reasonable. Phone 8887. t HOUSE LVinjalnlng 4 apartments, 90 dimes to the Mancheeter Tel. 5191—Nights 4485 Plymouth four-door, radio and Moving—Trucking— . CALL OSTRINSKV 5879 fot fur centrally located. Definitely worth heater, $995; 1940 Chevrolet club ALL APPLIANCES eenrtced and March of Dimes at the Manches­ HEYWOOD-Wakefleld carriage nace re.-noval. raga. scrap metals your Inspection. Call Madeline coupe, radio and heater, $795 reptored. burners, refrigerators, Storage 20 ter 'nust Oo. ^______and pad. $18. White enamel com­ Top prices. Smith. Realtor. 2-1642-4679. . WANT A THRILL! 1940 Ford, two to chooae from, ranges, washers, etc All work AUSTIN A: CHAMBERS Co., local bination gaa and coal stove, $50. MAGAZINES. New and renewal $850 each; 1940 Oldamoblle four- guaranteed. Metro Service Co. moving, packing and atorage. 371 Adams street RARE Chai.ee at 250 Main Bubscrlptloda. Contact Mra. Ruth GET A RIDE door radio and heater. $795; 1939 Tel. Manchester 2-0883. Rooms Without Board 59 street for professional man, busi­ MtNwsW BraStisto fs$- j DomesUc and overseas crating TW O Perfection oil heatera, good Sturgeon. 348 West Center street Stiidebaker -champion, two-door, and shipping. Excellent van aerv' ness man or family man to com­ LINOLEUM - Asphalt tUa. waU Iron barrel for burning rubbish, HEIATED Room In quiet mod’ern Phone 2-3808. IN $495; 1938 Chevrolet two-door, Ice to West Coast and all parts bine residence and office. A safe Look W ho! BY EDGAR MARTIN covering Done by reliable. wcU- numerous farm tools, fibre rug home. Gentleman preferred. FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER B U G S B U N N Y BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES _ radio and heater, $485, clean of U.S A. .uid Canada. Telephone Investment for Uie future that HUDSON FOR '49 trained men. All jobs guaranteed 0x12. Phone 3-3U5. Phone 3046. 1937 Ford four-door, radlp and Manchester 5i87, or Hartford 8- * pays dividends from the start. CAN VA » U « T A t e n - « « « , HE, \E»*. "LOMESICVd Automobiles For Sale 4 heater, anow-cap tires, $3M; 1937 Hall Mnoieuro Co.. 32 Oak street V)E.Av«a'.V!.i 1423. WOOD TU R N IN G lathee, in good Madeline Smith. Realtor. Tele­ d o l l AR B IL L , DEMONS’TRATIONS Pontige 6, two-door, $W5; 1936 Phone 2-4022, evenings 6166., LARG E Fiiraiahed room, well condition. Charlea Magdefrau, heated, light housekeeping privi­ phone 2-1642 or 4679. Ford, four-door, $95, 1936 Olds- AiJHES AND nibbiah removed. I860 CHEVROLET panel sedan ANY DAY OR HOUR HAVE. YOUR income tax returns 200 South Street. RockvUle. leges, centrally located at 19 dsUveiy, 8878. Harold Cummings. nioblle 6, four-door, $95; 1935 Cellars, vards. atUcs cleaned. M ANCHESTER— Excellent 8-room prepared by former deputy col­ Johnron Terrace, one minute walk Ford two-door, $95. One-third General trucking and moving, Cape Cod with dormers. 2 rooms W ap ^ g. Phone Manchester 3372 lector of Inlernsi Revenue. Eve­ frokn Main street. Gentlemen down, 15 months on balance. Bar- sand, nil. loam, gravel. C. Carson. unfinished. Hot water heat wRh McCLURE AU TO CO. nings only. Phone 8008. Boats and Acccaaoriea 46 only. Phone 7843. low Motor Sales, 595 Main street. Phone 8008. oil. recessed radiation, fireplace. OUTBOARD Motors repaired by Insulated, garage with ameslta A Legal Notices 60 W E LLS ST. Phone 5404. RANG E Burners and pot burnsrs ONE Double ind two single rooms LIGHT TRUCKING Half-ton trained mechanic. Have your for couple, or aingln person, heat drive. Completely modern. Ex- : ?i‘ cleaned, iipalre'- and installed. pick-up truck No aahes, no motor repaired now while wo ceUent location. Immediate' oc­ a t a OODST o r PBOBATB held TE L. 2-9442 ed, kitchen privileges. toquire 1936 CHEVROLET two-door Permit and guaranteed. Joseph rubmsh. Pbone 2-1278 or 8298. have the time. New and used cupancy. Full price, $13,500. eS Maaeheeter vKhta and for the sedan. Reasonable. Call 8740, Senna Phone 2-0147 195 Spruce atreet. . TUmrlrt e( ManebasUr oa the IMh 1948 ENGLISH FORD motors on hand. Evinrude Sales Phone 7728 or 0273. ■ RUBBISH and ashes removed In­ Ife day eC January. IMS. Low price, low cost trans­ and Service, Cedai Swamp Road, H E A T rt) Furnished room, Manr - ■ t rieasai. JOHN WALLETT. VENETIAN Blinds. AB types cinerators cleaned. Sand, gravel HAVE Several 4, 8, 6, 7, 8 room made to order, also recondition­ North Coventry. ' Ed's Msrinc Chester Green, on bos line, $10 portation, low mileage, like IDEAL and cinders. Van service and single houses' at reduced pricea aC MeU U Waldorf. UU of new. ing. Beet quality. FIndell Manu­ Service. Phone 8728. per week, leferences exchanged. LN^B FftT Q»r la laid Dtatrlot daeaesed. local moving Phone H. M. Jones. Phone 6930. Mortgages arrajjged. Immediate ______ate., having ex- 1946 PLYM OUTH 4-DR. facturing Jo, 485 Middle Turn­ 2-1362. occupancy. Please call this'agen­ COLE MOTORS pike East Call 4865. 1 Us adsslaMieUae acoonnt with Diamonds— Watf hes— ROOM IN a quiet, m o d ^ home, cy for quick results If Interested IV*. mse te tUe Oonrt for allawaaM, SEDAN LA V E LL’S Express light trucking BY V. T. HAMLIN 4164 RADIO — Electrical Appliance Jewelry 48 near Adams and Center streets, in selling or buying. Geeigs L. A L L E Y OOP Yep, A Princess a Is and delivery. Weekly or monthly HEV WHAT ABOUT p a y i n ' n m tho STth day of Service, repalri picked up and $10 per week. Photae 2-3879 after Oraziadio, 109 Henry . Street. A IN T O a N ’ NOWH5KE5 A OH. EvnomaNtf rubbish routes Invited. Man­ 'VOUlt FAn I JUST NEEDED ------^ Sir, SSA at two o'eloek. aftar- Lovely blue, equipped too. delivered promptly 20 years' LEONARD W lost. Jeweler Re­ 4. Phone S2'78. AND HA.VOOW.' m chester 3-409<. - MT BAPTICe. at tha ProSata OOI la tha experience. JOlu. Maloney. Phone pairs sno adjusts watches sxpert- " hwl Saining la said Maaehes- B E A U T IF U L In perfect condition. ly at reasoni’.bls prices Open ROOMS, Single, double, kitchen or MANCHICSTER—Lovely pre-war T)«g PgtNCg. a sad the aaaM Is assigned for 2-1046. 1 Walnut street ACE PIA N O movers will move A f c AWPuu.'y Thursday eveningx 129 Spruce light housekeeping with laundry home. Excellent loeatton. Six alag ea the aUowmaM of latd PRICED TO PLEASE YOU your piano or household goods ANftieV WITH 1948 PONTIAC CONV. street. Pbone 2-4387. privileges. On bus line. Phone completely modern roonsa, Vene­ _____ Mratloa aeaoaat with aUd aa- RADIO 8ervlclr.g Dependable low anywhere In the state, prompt, mta aad this Oeott dlreeta that aetloe 6090. tian blinds, oil hot water heat, cost and guaranteei. A-B.C AP* ■efficient service. Call 584‘7. e( the Uaaa aad Staaa aaelgnsd for /dLU B DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES pUance. 21 Maple street 2-1.575. tile bzfth, recreation, i-obm, laun­ aaM hssHag ha gives to all paisa Maple Street Manchester Fuel and Fe«d 49A ROOM With kitchen privileges, in dry room, lOO* frontage, garage. knowa to be latoraitad theiela to ^ A loaded wagon. Fire en­ peas aad ha heard tharaaa hy pahliA. SKATES Sharpened and keys private home for business ^ r l or Nicely landaoaped yard. Elva Palntlnff—Papering 21 SEASONED Hardwood for fire­ cou{$% Call 2-3178. lag a espy ad tUs atdar la soase aawa- gine red. Over |200 under list, made while you w ait Saws filed. Tyler, AgenC Mancheeter 3-4469. / paper havtag a UrralatlOB la aeM Dla- Capitol Grinding Co.. 38 Main. place and furnace. Priced right trlot, ^laaat Son days before the day INTBKIUK and exterior painting, Phone 2-2784 after fl p. m. CLEAN, comfortable' room for ’41 OLDS HYDRAMATIC 7958. paperflanging, celling refinish- N E A R L Y One acre o f clear land of aaM hisrlag. sad by ualllag la a DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES gentleman. Central location. with wide frontage on Parker letter ea or Befoaa January SEDANET RADIO need fixing ? Have it re- ed Men insureo and property FOR SALE-Seasoned ’ hardwood Phone 8583. a e o g ef this order to Slsla damage. Expert work. Edward R and baled hay. Phone Manchester street. Residential zone. Ideal for h i . jaaa. vaaea-OB-Thamae, Nor- Maple Street Manchester oalred by experts Ptek-up serv­ building. Reaaonable. Phone 4607. 'm Price. Phone 2-1008. 8076. (“Here’e eomething that should sweep the country likt ii» Osaa.1 Bsael a Oroekar. 900 B RU N N E R’S ice. guaranteed work Sets check­ ______a - ...... ihass street Bartford, Oonn.: GREEN SECTION. Room, single wildfire!” CAR WHOLESALERS ed In,the home <;a> radios a PAINTING and Paperhanging SEASONED Hardwood for fire­ or double. Pbone B644. TRACT. 100' X 140'. Central loca­ ____ 1 WaMerf. eere of a aamplasU, tion. all utilities except sidewalk. Werahoosa Point Oaea.; Bvalya Vor- Tel. 5191— Nights 4485 specialty. Manchester Rad i o Free estlmltea Prompt service place. furnace, stove. Saw rig for 1941 PLYMOUTH Specially priced. Call Madeline SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAIT^ larty. dl Strong Uraot Xaachaitor, Service. 73 Birch street. Phone Reasonahle pricea Phone 7630 hire. C. Carson. I'hone 500li. ROOM For Rent with private en CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER BY MERRILL C. BLOSSER OOl^He Five passenger coupe, new 2-0840. Smith. Reator. 3-1042-4679. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS What’s In A Word? 1941 CUSTOM DeSoto sedan, D. E. Frechette. trance. Gentleman preferred. Call JOHN J. WALLBTT. Judge. motor, very clean inside and 4-0666. "I UTTERty , MOW IF 'itH/D oseo radio, heater. Private owner. DE-LONG'S refrigeration service. fCosAE On .OCT up/ Ve lu n g - ^RACk INTEKIUR nd exterior painting, Garden— Farm— Dairy tqot ISNT/ -me CORROCr SKtlN«r out. Below market. Easy Phone 2-4498. Suburban for Sale 75 LyOU Rg OKSY/ IS NO excuse fo« S Repairs on Ui makes, coenmer- paperbangmg. Free estimates Products sn KNOCKING- ftOPLT terms. clal end' domestic. 24-HoUr serv­ Wallbsper sold Raymond Flake. Business Ijications DOWN ' —THAT WOULD HAVE VERNO N—Brand new. 6 complet-, BEEN DfBPeRCNT? WHO’S KIDDING WHO? ice. Phone 2-IV 97. Phone 2-9237. GREEN Mountain potatoes. Mealy, For Rent 64 Ineome Tax Service COLE MOTORS—4164 e^ rooms. Oil burner, tile bath, good taating and cooking. Amelia attel cabinet kitchen, picture wtn- WANT A NEW CAR? ANTIQUES Rennished. Repairing A BACK to normal-price, exterior. Jarvis, 872 Parker street. Phone MODEILNIZED Store 16’ x 21 1939 OLDSMOBILE sedan, heater, done oi any 'fu|fntture TIemann. ''dow. Insulated. 2 acres land. Thom as J. Shea Interior painting, papering, ceil­ 7026. suitable for anowroom, office or radio. 1938 Plymouth sedan, THE WAY YOU WANT IT 189 South Main street. Phone About 5 minutes from Manches­ Poramr Dieputy Collector ings. expert workmanship. 30 repair shop. Full baaement. lava' heater. Priced low, easy terms. 3643. years' experience. Call for free ter and convenient to new Park­ THE ONLY NEW CAR tory. flu ireacent lights, linoleum SO Division Street Written guarantee. Cole Motors. estimate. 5340. Household Goods 51 floor. C'all Bedard's Floor Cover- way. $11,800. Agents, Manches­ 4164. INC70ME Tax service for business Ml Phoac 2-1795 ' Ing 2-0866. ter 6858, Hartford 6-7538. OF ITS KIND men. Individuals and piUfessional PAPERING, Inside painting, ceil­ IF MOTHS damage your rug with­ / 1946 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR men. Accurately pre^iared by ings whitened, floors sanded and in 8 years Berlou will repair or LEB AN O N — Poultry farm consist­ HUDSON FOR ’49 A REAL SHARP CAR former Internal revenue man. reflntshed. Bstlmatea now r«lng replace It without cost to you. Homes for Rent 65 ing o f ooe four-room modern dwelling with baaement garage FULL PRICE $1,395 Reaaonable ratea. Phone 2-0744. given on outside painting for Buy Berkm today. Watkins M cCLURE AUTO CO. nsxt spring and summer. Call Brothers, Manchester.' ^TVE Rooms In duplex house. and one two-room dwelling, suit­ »< i A TTE N TIO N Farmers — Income Gilbert Fickett 4208. Center of Manchester. Reason able to rent Three 22x50 cMdhen Cars Wanted! FRANKLIN MOTORS tax service at low ratea aa sug IJ 653 Center Street j 60 W E L L S ST. THRBE-Room dream outfit com­ able rent. Middle-aged couple coope. one small barn, farm Wa boy all aMkca and geated by farm agencies. Joseph pletely furnished including 1948 No children no pets. Give full truck, poultry - supplies and four ( A J a o d e h — 19.36 to 1949. Open Evenings TE L. 2-9442 A. CSiester, 1010 Main, Ehist Repairinff We^nghouse el^tric refrigera­ particulars and references In first tons o f hag. 15 acres o f land, five PRISCILLA'S POP It Bothers Dotty BY AL VERMEER Hartford. 8-4013. Evenings Broad tor, $488. Convenient terms. A l­ letter. Address, Duplex, Box T, clearad. Complete sale price, 39.* REPAIR and motorixa sewing W ELL S E LE C TE D FOODS, ' t r u l y I HAVE VOUR HUSBANCJ TOQ W ILL Brook 1288JS. bert's, 43 Allyn atreet, Hartford. Herald. Alice Clampet. 843 Main. t h a t w a s a d e l ic io u s Itulant O uh 1937 STUDEBAKER, In good run­ machines. Also clean nnd repair 500. JEWEL r - SAY THESE THINGS WHEN 1948 Pontiac Streamliner deluxe Oonn. - Phone 4993 or 2-088a or Mr. M it­ SUPPER, MV DEAR! I E X P E R TLY COOKED AND A ning condition. May be seen at 98 sedan coupe, 8 cyUnder. Available motora. Frank X. Dion, 2 Rldge- YOU U S E T H E 'IN E W Buying Service ten 0930.V TEMPTINGLY A WIFE! Drive A, SUver Lane Homes. for Immediate delivery. Partial Rooaehold Sendeea wtxxl street Pbone 777V FLOOR problems solved with Wanted to Rent 68 SERVED... STEAMO MASICOOK- Phone 4867. Hat of equipment Includea hydra- Offered 13 A linoleum, asphalt tile counter. NORTH COVfeNTRY—House with matlc, aunshleld, fog lights, apot LOCAL Business couple need 3 or B A R L O W Pnvate Inatnictioiia 28 Bbtpert workmanship, free estl- 6 rooms, all ,ott one floor. AU UghL radio, air condition type SAVE ON your, laundry bills. In­ matoa. Open evenings Jones' 4 room unfurnished rent. Call modern conveniences. Cabinet Ruselwal Studio, 2-9880 daya, , MOTOR SALES A REAL BUY heater and Royal Master white dividual service In Manchester's AUTO DRIVING, dual control. Furniture. Oak street. Phone kitchen, 18 acres, barn, cMckcn wall tires. This car carries an un- only automatic, self-service laun, A A A certified lhatructor Bal­ 3-1041. 3124 evenings. coops. Many ntbs'.attractive fea­ 595 Main Street concUtional new car guarantee. / 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. dry. You toad your wash into our lard's Driving school. Call 3-2248. tures. Owner on premises. Imme­ TeL 5404 Or &1709 V erji low mileage. W ANTED—4 or 8 room unfumlsh new Bendix machines and we' do WE BUY and sell good used diate occupancy. Phone 8672. . SED AN the rest. Wash done in 30 min furniture, combination ranges ed apartment or house for quiet 1948 Pontiac-deluxe convertible utes whUe you watt or shop. 30c Musical— Dramatic 29 gas ranges and. beaters Jonek' couple with two daughters. Must SOUTH W INDSOR—48 acres. 16 A very clean good running coupe. 8 cylinder, gray with black per washer load (up to 9 tbs.) We Furniture Store.' 3b Oak Phone be accessible to center of Man acres situable for tobacco and car. / top. Ekjuipment Includes hydra­ also damp dry and fluff dry. PIANO TUNING, rapalra, recon 3-1041. cheater. Needed by May or June potatoes, $3,800. Associste Resl- matic, spot light, fog lights, radio, Laundermat, 43 Purnell Place, diuomng. etc. John Ooekerham, 1. Would considei lease with Op­ ty, 1010 Main, East Hartford. 8- A S T E A L A T $8*5 heater, slip covers. L ^ mileage. (formerly Montgomery Ward's 38 Bigelow straet. Pbone 4319. HOSPITAL Bods for rent or tais tion to buy Write Mrs. Avery, 4613.' Evenings Broad Brook SEVEN-ROOM New car guarantee. Farm Store). Phone 2-4274. Rates reasonable. Pbone Keith’s Box E, Herald. 1286J3. H U R R Y TO ^ Furniture. 4189. / ' SINGLE >e(X)RMIER MOTOR SALES 1947 Ford deluxe, six cylinder, W EAVINO of burna moth bo.es Help Wanted— Female 35 URGENTLY Needed, small apart­ COM. IMS sv St* MS\nct WC. T. M. sto. u. s r«T. srr. VIC F L IN T ____ Nice While It Lasted BY MICHAEU O’MALLEY AND RALPH LANE two door sedan.' Black, folly and torn clothing, hosiery runa SALE— Rubber stair treads. 25c ment or rent, . fo r middle-aged Wnntfd—Real Estate. 77 — r. /-/O Two o f upstairs rooms Maple Street Manchester equipped, only 13,000 mllea A very W ANTED —Secretory for. X-Ray each. Langeris Floor Covering, 41 couple, no children. Call 6060 or ~~l TU006MT VOUD BJ TICKIEO ' NOW MM'RE ADMIT­ 4MWCM l e i i F ^ handbags repairod,- slpper re­ ”S « the moon isglobe 2160 milet in diameter ^ d TING THAT U FUUR IS fts ju te m e low price. placement, umhrellaa repaired, department Manchester. Me­ Purnell Placei. Formerly Ward's ■4045 after 5. ■ INTBlREUiTED In puitdiaslng two, PINK AT taking a TSP 10 RARt* J t riifflifin * J ready for plaster. Ixicatrd FHow come all the eurprite? Why shouldn’t I ba tha Mist THSaAR men’s shirt collara reversed and morial hospital. Apply Mrs. Lloyd. Farm Store. Phone 2-4123. three or four-family house. No 29BX)il)0 mlles'awayl What's romantic about that?” TO PICK UP THE LA FLEUR COlLtCTiON. dotty. OF THE m on Broad street, south of 1942 H-ton Dodge pickup. 4-wheeI 1939 Plymouth two door sedan, replaced. Marlow’s Little Mendlhg RESPONSIBLE business mnn de­ occupancy necessary. W rits Bog Parkins who wanted her house painted?" new m ot^,new radiator, radio AMBITIOUS woman 30 to 50. We STUDIO Couch with slip-cover, sires O-rooiT. house or flat unfurn MSHION drive. Reconditioned, new tires. Shop. J, Herald. with MAJOR HOOPLE woe ID.* Woodland street. Decorate Cost owner $900, first j$573 takes and heater. In excellent condition train you as a dealer In Spencer wooden rocker, gateleg table, hall 'lahed. Will pay reasohable rsnL OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. W IL L IA M S OUR BOARDING HOUSE 'lO ^ , ME K. IT TOOK corsets and surgical sup­ ME FIVE years id build to suit. Price $11,000. It Phone 4607. for a very low price. ru A T FINISH Holland window table, two floor lamps. 2-9693. Phone 5030. SELLING Tcsir propertyT Why MOO NEVER HIG W lFe f 'iCM OONT Mind m e . THE LA'ST ports. Profits while training. THAT GOES "lO E6AD, MR. RATUffUN UP A REDUTATIpN TOP VOUB' ahadcs made 'to meaaura Keys not place tb« job" to expertenoed MY HOUSE. NOTi CAN TELL -- MUST t h iNk MAJOR/ I'M only VISITOR Write Box M-S, Herald. BKE1AKFAST Set. bedroom set, L a n d l o r d s . We speciaiua in tJROPPeO iN AT AN UHFOOTu- \.STOCE AS A STYIE lEAOEB CaO 2-0801 A fter 5 P. M. See Balch For Bargains made while you w ait MarlpWa bandar We oini to give aaUafae- SOME OF HE HAG rr h a d maple bureau, end tables, cof­ obtaining ents for tenaittp and HEBE IN A SHOP. MATe'tlMe — SOUR COUSIN STOPPING 6ETMSSN VOS ON IT SOWN. , ’46 PONTIAC WANTED—Stcnograi^er for part tlon. Alice tfiampet.. Real Estate tOU LOOTS .' OS THINK p r e t t y MARTHA IS A\MAY ASSISTING] tr a in s / I'D UKE "BETMIEEN BALCH-PONTIAC, Tnc, fee tobtea radios, washing ma­ we get our fee from them.~We HAVENT X30 GOT THAT'S WHLTT SOFT. TO Buildlnii—C on tn ctln f 14 time work In local profeaalonal chine, stoves miscellsneous rail­ and Insurance, 848 Main streeL a n o t h e r r e l a t n e /t h e r e ; TO SEE MARTHA. t r a in s ' 1 / ^ $1^75 select for you only reliable 'ten' Manchester. Phone 4993 ar 3- UCK OF THEY DO GIVE TH' office. Call Miss Zlto 8903. road. 167 Middle Turnpike East. IS NO m o r e f o o d OF COURSE, BUT STA seo 155 Center St. Phone 2-4545 ante with good credit nferanclM. 0880 SENSE» MJOSTOF IN WRONG B RU NNER’S KITCHEN CVblneU, bookcaaea Fridays 6 to 9. Saturday all day. Our service to you for - risnting ,THEM OFFICES/ ADDRESS/^ House Th a n yoo'D f in d :.|F SHE'S AvdAV LONGER alterations ano remodeling. Also IN g r a n t s t o m b .* X CAN USE Th a n a CAR WHOLESALERS PRICES TOO HIGH Call 2-9760. ^u r property tr free. Rental CONSIDERING SEUJNG new construction. Crossman. W ANTED—Girl to ahars apart­ Service Bureau. Manchester. T' h e r esD .* T>6IA0CRAT 1383. ment and expenses. OaU 3833. 8-PTECE Walnut dining room set, YOUR PROPERTY LISTINGS NO Phone Manchester 2-4279 any­ Without obUgatlon to yog,' we gss heater crib and bureau to time. We place tenants every; (UtRPENTER work of all kinds. WOMAN With shoe seUtng exper­ match. Call 3-3564 after 5 p. m- win appraise or make yon. a cash WANTED NOT AT McCLURE AUTO Attics flalsbed. cabinet work al ience for fun time work. Apply where. offer tor property - See us before Manager EndteoU-Johnson Shoe J you seU. B Y T U R N B B Hinr* several bayers e x c e l l e n t terations ind alao colorful plas- APARTMETfT Size gas stove, $25; BUSINESS Couple desire retifT 8, W ASH TCBBS Ue Ule bathroomk and kitchens Store, 950 Main street . for aiack 4*c aad O’# and A FINE SELECTION OF also pressure cooker, 15. Inquire 4 or five rooms unfurnished. CaU Phone 7728 Or 6273 AT NOBODY BUT "iiduTnoi Charlea JevU Phon« 2-039«. T SO VOUtL 'HASN'T rrOCCUXRED TO YOU that ' 1941 PO N TIA C 4-DR, 338 Oakland street. Phone 3-3828. mornings, phon* 3-2238. BRAE-BURN REALTY MB MAY HAVE TIPPEP OPF POUCB YOU K N E W W H E R E iwe teMEMBta. A h » USED CARS, FULLY W ANTED— Housekeeper tor eld STICK BY tWUZ.VOUDOUiUE- a y s s F erly couple, liv e in. N o washing. StffATH.AND AND HAP YOU AKUSTED f propcrtics aad SEDAN t h r e e r o o m "Florence" heater, .WANTED —Four or five room BEFORE You buy be aura pM try CeOSBMT SCUM!? BnlldinE— Coatra'ctinK 14 Good home. For appointment FOSTIMONOT M e . RECONDITIONED new wlcka, automatic stabiliser trent for mother and two daugh- the* office at Madeline 8mith. phone 7331. with 10 ft. of copper tubing, 5 TO KNOW nut- . cadi if priea is A 6 cyL sweetheart. You’ll CARPENTER Work of aU Unda tera. Reasonable. Being evicted Rr4itot, Kooir' 2A. 84.3 Mam lengths pipe, 2 citews. Phone 3- vksceoant ilffM. Cafl thia ageacy be proud to own this one. OPEN EVENINGS Attica reflnlsbed, floors laid and Feb. 19th. Phone 2-2460. street. 3-1642, 4679 reaurfaced. Pbone Jeffries, 330L tar fifck aetioE aad MON. THRU FRI. C. Help Waatcd-^Malo 36 C^LL MANCHESTER 8315 for WmiqianUc 2694-W4. EQr > vDflB# ALL DAY SAT. M AN TO eats for grounds, i G. E. ELECTRIC sink with dispos­ Fanas and Land far Salt 71 competenL coarteoua, confldenttal al and dish wimher. .Phone 7118 or OaOORMIER MOTOR SALES KrrCHEN Cabinet Nu-wood some painting. Steady work. Ap­ service on feal estate, ciortga'-e, 5239. GeorgeL, Maple Street Mancheater 60 W E LLS ST.—2-9442 ceUInga, alteratlona Also i ply 15 Forest street, office. ^ STR O UT a g e n c y , outotaadlng insurance and notary requue- eonstractlon. J. Ressstto. Phone country hdha« with modern oon- mimto. Suborhan' Rqalty Oo., Tcnlenees, ocreaga tor farming GraxicMiio 2-0308. ROPER Ga b range tor eale. 86 RiMltora, 49 Parkins sttaaL . CaU F or Demonstration MASON’S HELPER Wanted. South AHon street purponas, barn and othar build- ■ I ■ i UI PLYMOUTH, 1948. Two-door Inga, moderately priced for quick DESIRE A modm single In Man- i-f* ana A LTE R ATIO N S and addlttona. Phone 8406. J'.tywiLL'A'-O tm. •sdan. Fully equipped Two On Any N*?w Or Used Car New ceilings. Also roofing and ONL LARGE' couch. mahogsity Mie. Se.rvlc- etsllons and sevtrsl ehestcr pr or outskirts with rea­ months old. l.OOO iqjlPs. Phone ’ siding. A A. Dion. Inc. Phone dining table with 6 chairs, one farms Prices have been reduced. sonable occupancy. Write- Box CAN'TEAT h e T3T0 after 4 NO OBUGATION 4880. 380 AutttBM atraat. itfliBd Uoraid Adv*.. alecttie stova. Fbooa 6Qito GUI S734. HJd. Herald. lOQS CHARACTER .<5 , CAN 6NORE X V ■ . ' s ■ ' T ■f- . i a i 7B1DAT, jXn UARY 14, 194» Y'lia Weather IKanrIrratrr Eoniing A m agt DaRy Net Frees Isn rarataat of O. 8. Waathat Bateau r# r «lw Narnb of OeBeaiber. 194S ) Cleat Ikie artefn-Mm, laontaaiag try naan have been oeBtaetsd and and funtnor Oaordomaa. was as* tiea o f eoa of i lnurtineie and nst ea r ild iMright t t e W.rM,Si. o< tha Naaaraaa lected tp aenrs tha dinner which tar’s l a r g ^ organlaatlcma. invUteLto toemberahlp. Many eoo- 9 ,6 6 4 V. liH «no’V lelF tnn.,':lit: Miw wiit meet kwltkt at 7:30 Veteran Unit t a ^ ^ ^ be made before the next will precede the meeting. Ootopel A fid u tT o w n iatto tadab houaa. A good attand- meeting which will be held at the William H. Naylor. 169th Infantry Momtor aC toe AmUt . rh '.::-;::to rein Sunday.' aeeo la daairad aa thia la an in - Armory Toeeday, Jan. lA at *:8a commander and the asooctotioa Buiaau at Itav. m d It S4g*ir u d ICia- !a<*tant meeting. Sach of the chap* Is Organized p. m. An Initial membership of president, will preside at tha UfoMck—ter— 4 City of Villaga Charm Sdctf, Um MW towten to i m wUt pack miaalooary boxoa 100 ta expected at that time. meetlag. tmk of tba Bouth llethodto* at tha cioaa of the meeting. To Be Boat ef State Onmp Membetohlp In the local chap­ (TWELVE I’AGES) PKICE FOUR CENTS chui^ win b* booorad witb • , MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1949 Members of 169th In­ 4 Since the new local chapter will ter Is open to all past or present VOL. LX VllI, NO. 8»' t< ASvartlalag aa Faga it) wttcx>iBtar roM tion . Thaw dV RuoooU A fa y . aeaman. U. S. be host to the SU te AoaociaUon members of any Unit of the 169th •vcntort Jaanuy 20 «t .•**« N a ^ aad a brother oil Mra. Dor- fantry Form a Ldcal w h i^ will hold tta next meeUng Infantry who nave completed an c/dock. ottt/Wibasda of 313 Main'atreet at the Armory Saturday, Febru­ enllidment and have been honor­ who ta'W a ate montha cruiae In Chapter at Meeting ably discharged. Membere of )Ahc ary 0, plans were diactiiMed for V ictim 'll *Miflunderatanding* A BOtlM hM M^tcrranean aboard the handling the affair. ’The following local Guard units who have com­ News Tidbits m a k Gntwriiaw to r»- Deotroyer U S S . Compton la A new veterans organisation group chairmen were named to pleted one or more enlistments are 300 Believed Dead Tientsin Falls nrind «n oeoutniMters and ad- acheduled to arrive In Norfolk. Va. was formed Tuesday night at the head committees: Horace' Mur- included In those eligible for mem­ Callsd From (/P) Wire* vaacantant oommltteamcn of th« early In February. bership. A s there are upwSnla of Armory when a large group of phey, armory; George BUUott, Itaneheater Dtatrict Boy S ^ t food: Harley Newcomb, refresh­ one thousand or mors foitoer Board o f Raview to ba held tonljnt The annuaf meeting of Emanuel former members of the 169th In­ ments; James H. MeVetoh, . enter* 169th Infantrymen in this vicini­ Public Preaide'nU of 16 non-opetating at tha Ptdlea Station courtroom at Lutheran church will be held Sun­ fantry voted unanimously ^ or­ ty the new chapter has pooaibUl- During Rdce Riots tslntoent Arnold Pagan!, caterer, railroad unions and carrier offi­ 7*m day afternoon at 3:30 In the church ganize a local chapter of the 169th Stenographer cials in Chicago plan further wage To Communist Units; vestry, and will be followed by a Infantry Veterans Aasodatlon. P. M. BRODERICK . sod hour talks next week, indicat­ Wtonera of the raffle held by social hour and refreshments. A InformaUy caUing the meeting ing no immediate strike by 1,000,- S t John’a Women’a Sewing Circle good turnout of members la hoped to order, Raymond E. Hagedom 843 Main SL Tel. 2-1642 In Dnrban Sector 000 rail workers ... PanI Baraett, ware Mra. Anna Jawomki of Kerry for. briefly outlined the history of the 71. retired publicity director for Btrcet and Mra. Agne* Wrobel of assodaUon and then answered TChe A r m y tm d Nmxy Athletic associs- North atreet Hoateaa thla week Washington Social Club mem­ questions from those present Possible Fatal Blow Injured] Firemen’s Pay Raise tiod and veteran newspaperman, waa Mra. Helen Rubacha and next bers are reminded of the annual which concerned membership, Nearly 400 week Mra. Agnea Wrobel, will be meeting and banquet tomorrow af­ ’Just for 1948’ dies suddenly . . . New Milford Po­ dues. obligaUons, and general ac- In Two Days; Riot­ lice Chief Andrew J, Bearing re­ hoateaa. Preparatlona were made at ternoon. The meeting is called for tivlUes of the organisation. Fol­ a u b RONSON UGHTERS Great (*omiiiercia1 City the meeting for the coming aocial four o’clock and the supper at ing Ebbs Somewbat ports theft of 25-feot timber stnic- lowing Mr. Hagedom’a remarks, Kingston, OnL, Jan. 15.— (F) tore that carried “ the back road’’ ■Weir which wlU Uke place on 5:30 aharp. and at his suggestion, the meet­ Pndtet Or Table — ’Ilda one burned Kingston’s over Baas brook. Clark Urges Change Battered by Shells S t Joaepb’a Day. ing formally convened and pro­ Modcla—Cigar D ^t. « After Intervention flremen. They got a pay hike The January meeting of the ceeded to temporarily appoint .a New Progressive \ Of Armed Forres; laat June that figured out at Despite reported wishes of Pres­ .\h(I Set Afire in Set* Connecticut Chapter of the 88th chairman and seovetary-treasur- ArUiur Drug Stores 9600 a year. 'Their first 1949 ident Truman, New York’s squad­ eral I'iaces; Many Old Infantry (Blue Devil) Division er. Ferdinand Lucas and John P. Outbreaks in Suburbs pay checks showed yesterday, rons o f motorcycle poUcemea Of Espionage Laws MARY CONSOLI Association will be held on Sunday McGann were selected to fill these without the extra money. The won’t U ke part in inauguration l.aiiduiark«i and Other Dreasmaklng aad Alterattona afternoon, January 30 at 2 o’clock ofNces. dty explained: “That raise was parade in Washington 'Thursday In the class room at the State A r­ Durban, Union of South because of possible "political criti- _ . . Hiiildin"M Hit Diir* Covered Battoaa—Battoabolea To Bold Charter Open BINGOf • Just for 1948." Proposed as Alao Remnanta mory on Broad atreet, Hartford. An interesting meeting ensued Africi, Jan. 15,—(A*)—Three clsm.” . . . Government la trying K O V lS lo n LliiiiPde Red Lpa«l«T A speaker from the Federal Bu­ A Scarf To Enhance to find out who tlppeO off traders iiiff Barrage: Wound* n Ehn Street Eaat Hartford and a great deal of enthusiasm Every Soturddy Night hundred Indians ' and native Protection Against reau of Investigation will speak on was shown concerning the new a week ago that Agriculture de­ Phoae Hartford 8-S8t9 INSURE blacka are believed to have ed Jain (!ity Ho.w|iitaU Crime Detection, illustrated with partment was going to boost its chapter. It was evidenced from with ‘ T reacherous Oitera- film. Any man who at any time the remarks that a large number STARTING 8x15 SHARP, JAN. 8TH That Suit: been killed in two days of Seeks Release > export sUocs'tlon of food, fats and served in the 88th Infantry Divi­ of veterans not present would be McKi n n e y b r o t h e r s race rioting in the Durban obh.vlst r e g i s - fspionage laws will be Miss Jeanne Low o f the In Lovely 3 Skin Arrangements O A A forcea hut aporadle outbreaka oc­ trations for work during General * )X)sed^ i)y A tto m e j G en eral Keds today in what, may lx* High school faculty, who will Per Skin— Plus T a x ...... ^ | curred in oeveral ouburba. Agenda for Negotia­ Range and Fuel speak on the recent trip she made Make New Battamto Assembly session ris-' to 25 . . . Clark* as pi-otection aj^ainst .the crowning blow to Chiang to England and France. Miss tions . on Armistice Senate lavestlgaliag commitiee treacherou.s operations Kai-Shek. Victorious troop.s Offictala in Jofaanneaburg made AM wsFvirilrr” !•* . . Low’s talks are always of interest, the ngw casualty estimate. They Mrs. Beatrice Lengerla aad her fiaaghte**, Adelata, widow and daugh­ that carried on running flsht f ,,.^ 0 w eaken {of Red Gen. Lin Piao, con- and a good attendance of the sold a majority of the Indiana are Rhodes, Jan. 15— EgypUans ter of the late Feite Loagoria. loolt sadly ad a plieto of their hero. Trumftn 8(lininlBtration l$st >e$r' . __ .s , I qurror of Mam huna. seized the Longoria, a GI St Mtalcaa anoeotry, tyas klBed la actloa oa Luzon. will operate in Democratic 8 1s t ; our nation internallt. He OIL Leaguers and their friends is an­ Natural Ranch Mink evacuating Durban, fleeing to our* hegan'negotiations today for the burning city afti r a fierce artil- ticipated for Sunday night’s meet­ rounding vlUagee with their few Aa undertaker repoHedly refused to let the Loagortoe have a fuaeral Congress "in a spirit of helpful- asked Congress for unprece-1 release of an estimated 3,000 , lerv b.iM'ag>- that rleva.stated old ing. Misa Ruth Dowd will have remaining potstoaiono. tor their eoa to a Three Rivers, Tex- Shwel when ho was brought ness." .. ■ Mae West, veteran dented peacetime power to press . ' landmarks and man.v buildings. In 4 Skin Arrangements . ______- .• _ a a . - a i M _____ ■______— ^ a . A w m o ,*. charge of devotloiis. PoUoe oiranged areaa of refuge E g y p t ia n troops trapped by home' tor re-borlaL They have. « • « ieeeBtoa the Army’s offer to movieand stai;e star, is taken to spy charges no matter how lon g! Pjidio reports from the “ gateway L, T. WOOD CO, a Baltimore hospital where doctoi.i ago the offense occurred, and said Hale s January Gearance Per Skin— Plus T a x ...... where the Indians could come for IsraeU forieee at Faluja, in Pales­ boiy SWia to Aettagtoa eemrtory.. T3ha wafrirtalfer says it was dll a , to north China " described the cit.v protection. More than 200 police tine’s Negeb deeerL “mlaaadcrstandhig.” (NE.A describe her condition as ’on' \ law officers should have the legal ; , o f 3.000,000 as one of death and SI BIim II St. , TeL 4496 $30o« light to tap wires for evidente in j reinforcements already have ar­ This was the second major item I deaolation. rived to Durban. on the agenda for armistice ne- I Many civilians were kdled. Ho»- Women’s and Misses’ ^ b lic ''xhe'^ bnr’a a rk sent last night to Model Cars, Curls* Cotton Dresses The fighting wee betwaep native rotistions aimed at ending Icraeli- Miriam Van Patera a expw^^^ speaker Raybuin (D.. Tex.i i pitals were jammed with wound- blacka and Indians. One Buropean Bgyption warfare and bringing to resume at MaaiMhusetU w o ^ chairman McCarran ( D.. j ed. ■ (white) araa killed and a doaen Withdrawal of Dutch Planes, Boats, Washable dresses in plain colors, floral prints, plaids, The JW IIALC CORK full peace to the Holy Land. MI’S reformatory q»ie headed lor (^e Senate Judiciary I Robert Smyth of Berkeley, were injured as a result of the Both Bides agreed yesterday. In 17 years Severe winter atom s - embodied the unani- Calif., I". .S. consul general, radio­ Winta* Coats Reduced stripes and checks. Sizes 7 to 14. MANCHiCTIli COMMt two-day riot. It waa the first time conferencea iinder the ejre o f Dr. Balsa, Tools, htirt business and ladustry *“ *•-mous recommendations of an in­ ed that all of hia staff was safe. South African mlUtaty units have Raljto J. Bunebe, the Unitod Na- ^Necessary^’fw- Peace week ... Ailing Secretary of Stale terdepartmental committee made 1 i “ So far a.s can be aacertalned been called to quell ra m i vloltnce. tions acting PaleaUnat rasdiator, to and Mra. George C. Marahall leave p g j Army and Navy Intel- all other Americans (about 80 in boU eftonalve ■ e# — ■ ' I m III - ■ -1 ■— ■ > I I" Accessories Reg. 82.98, Sale Price .... $ 2 - 2 ^ The damage waa aatimatod at $1,* military tqierations number are safe.” Smyth radioed. * One Group $22-00 OOOJiOO. during the period oM be talka and by plane for vacatftn in San Juan, p^ence expert.-. .Mao Tze-Tung (above). Oilneoe 1 Puerto Rico ... Group of Huagar- Fire Rifleii In Air Defenaa Minister F. C. Sraamus to respect each other’s national se­ Their submission to Congress Cnminiinist leader, ba* demanded M oiimIm Say, T ^ e ^ 'H o p e tO Shift Isa exllea opposed to present Reg. $3.98, Sale Price .... $ 3 -4 9 wired Durban that if the sttuatlon curity. follows an IS-nionth investigation ■ abrogntlon of treallea between! Down broad Victoria road, which Hobby Shoppe NEW CLASSES STARTING NOW AT grew worse be would proclaim Spokesmen said details of the Never Will Be Red. „ , Budapest regime form committee hy a special Federal grand jur>’ in Chinn and the I'niled State*, and wind.* through the heart of tha for European unity in Paris and • New York City into alleged for­ former British concession. the 6 Griawold St. * One Group $25-00 THE ART CENTRE state of emergency. armistice preamble adopted yes­ Peace UnlcM Sohliers! o W C C tlB ll S u lU C l i the trial o f “ war erinilnal*,’’ -tn-j terday would not be made public name Psul Auer, former Hungar-' eign spying in this country, and a eluding Generalissimo Chiang Kal- |Red conqjerora marched, stopping Wffj a 80VTB M AIN S’TREET Air Foroe to Rnadlntoe ,32.n Open 10-7 Reg. $4.98, Sale Price .... until the discussions end—perhaps isn minister to France, as presi- lengthy ami sensational inquiry in­ In front of the U. 8. .consulate to luiy $ 4 -S 9 ’The South African Air Force Quit Republican Area ------Shek, aa two of eight prerequisiten ..... DT nBAMSfim next week. to the same subject by the Hoti.se to peaw In China. The tlemaniU Are their rifles inti- the air. was held In readiness to move * One Group $30-00 CMMiaa’n rineeee • to U yean—Snt. 19 to 11 A. BL Point Now 3 of tbe agenda caUs Republican Senators T a ft of un-American Activities commit­ were made In a Chinese Unguage Before the United States Infor- tra police to Durban. Ftva radio Lake Succeas, Jan. 15.—.r* 1 - V 1 1 ‘Alliest ' I Ohio and Ives of Ne\v York chart tee. BURN^ BALLBOOM DANCIMO— for implementation of the Bccuri- 1 hroadrast heard In Shanghai, mation Service o.ffice In the former cars and 100 poUcemen already Only Label May Coax | wock drive for out- Time Limit In Effect (\P wlrephoto). French concession, a few block.* Agvaaoeg riaenen for yoong ndnita—tv«>d. 749 to S49 F. M. tv Council resolution of Nov. 4 —An Indonesian spokeaman ^NTHR.ACITE- have been sent from Pretoria by and Nov. IS, which ordered both The New York grand jury re­ ' away, they stopped and fired their Begtoaeta etoanes tor yoong people 11 to IS yearn.— air. aaid toda>'~ there never will be Naitnn Off Feiire' Jews and Arabs to withdraw to ixaUon rence , ^ ^ American Telephone A Tele- turned no indictments for eaplo rifles, into the air again as Aroer- Carburetors n a r a . 7 to S F. M. ’The Indiana tovidved, a minority real peace, in tbh iglanda un­ nage,. and Justice Department __ a ..___ T ? * One Group $35 .00 positions held Oct. 14 and to ne- 1 grarti common stock drops again ’ Ic^n^^^^v'slcWi!■Y^oT^rt^l^ roof o^ tha Women’s Dresses laaacs tor adalto—’Tnen. 7:M to tteO F. Bf. COMPLETE group la South Africa, ara lnunl*il less Dntch'fioUfarg are with 1> ■ (/P)=^n-m = ^ n - ij tn'~fr^k“n frock market.market . . . There are dais asserted the! it wa.s hamperedT F O ^ S GOAL antista.pssas..^— - because existing law.s place a lim- m. arx. building. Gabardines, spun rayon, crepes. Three quarter, long and For Intonnatlon Fboae NIob Emma Loa.Keliler gnato and tha deacdbdihCn^wfv YWMwMiwai Order Oestura >/ drawn-qoie^lrom Indone- clato expireased hope today that a i already 35 appUcanuappli .j . Confirmation of Tientsin’s fall SERVICE Z-4971 Or 3794 mljpant it on the time for prosecuting sus­ short sleeves. Green, brown, grey, red and black. Sizes The withdrawal order to the fiian republican territory. By new “allies only” label on Ameri- ! weot Germany's fnture p ^ d e n t. came in m.e*sa?e* rece.ved in 1 ' A a Quiet waa restored to Durban at Egyptians actually waa Just a laoei on Am en | ^ ^ Argentine Ainhasaador pected spies. \ * One Group $45*00 The grand jurors did indict A l­ Seekinp Votes NankL-.g. where the blow to tha AT 10 to 44, 12«/i to 24V2- IIEEHi B^^i* about S a. m. getoure. Jawlsl) troops had driven quickly, thia apokestnan said, can arms will coax Sweden off the ,I Hantiago ValenG.Valenti, 38, dies in Jim. ger Hiss, former State Department .N'ationaliil cause la certain to M for China and stones, fire and clubs them back, mile after mile, since he means within a week. neutrality fence in the cold war i Havana. Cuba. . . . Chinese Com _ . . .u . , have been used in the clashes over have terrific repercussions. SUPERIOR « ! V 14607. launching their OcL IS offensive Spsdy Settlement Plan afaijiBt Ruuia. • munUt radio claims 0 « i . Chen i official, on charges that he ned Report* Only Entry a • • • a the teat 4$ hours. Indonesian and Netherlands rep- a u tc Department Press Officer > ntnag-Chleh, Tientsin National when he told them he never ga.\ e Crilifs Srrapp Bolloiii Reg. $10.98, Sale Price $8 -0 0 and were hammering at E^ryptian { Peiping. 90 miles northeast of * One Group $60-00 'The Injured totaled more than r{sentativea are studying a rough secret .state paper.* fo unauthorized SERVICE border positions when cease fire Michael McDermott told a news | commander, has been captured Of Barrel in Efftirt Tientsin and headquarters of Gen. 300 and hundreds of others afe plan for a Settlement reported China f persons in 1938. orders came last week. conference yeaterday that the | with fall of great north Fu T*o-Yi, Nationalist North 248 Spruce Street destitute and homeleia. WholC The first point up for dig{Cuaaion drawn up by the United States deUlled ' Whittaker Chambers, an ad­ To Block .\|»|»roval Reg. $12.98, Sale Price . . . . $d-oo United States cannot spare mill- i city. . . . Police guard mitted former menitrer of a So- Cliir.a commander, reported only Manchester PERFECT strseto of Indian bouses and stores at the Rhodes conference was dis­ and backed by Chins, Norway and tary equipment for nations unwill- , Jan. 5 to protect Mayor Jasper viet espionage ring, had te.stified that the reds had entered Tientsin. * One Group $70 .00 have been burned down or looted posed of at a IS-minute meeting Egypt so far. ing to enter a defense alliance j McLevy of Bridgeport, after threat before both the grand jury and Wa.'-limglon. Jnn. 15 f C lit­ Victory at Tientsin frees Lin's Native Bey lajured yesterday. 'The delegates approved The plan wax said to have been against Communlit expansion. against his life, ha.s been removed the Hou.se committee that he re- troops for all out assault on the Reg. $14.98, Sale Price . . . $ 11.00 'nie rioting broke out Thursday, a pledge that neither aide would examined with intsrest by British Aimed Straight At Swedes at mayor’s reqneaL ics o( Dean .Vclie.vm sunpeil the for shstr economy Regular Values to $79.98 . when a young native boy waa in­ start a new military offensive and delegates late yesterday while the iM-itlom of the b an d today in port of Tangku. 27 miles down the S e w ^ O fficials' saidaaid that w-asw'as aimed. Group of French Socialists plan (Coattnued oo Page Right) British- Sizes 10 to 22e among TWs it no o!bl!g|iioR, end Night put to the torch. Indian homes and reduction of forces also are in operating condition but which In two art galleries were stolen 25 Horrifietl Palroiis up to $9.95. Sizes 34 to 40. all military action. the tew who would not go along n WILL SAVE YOU MONEY matters for disposition befors the can be used to replace parts in from Mexico. Of Coluniltu* (irill IN * One Group $12-00 (<>lillaas4 OB Paga Four) 3. The Dutch to release imme­ planes the Swedes already own. with Piesidcnt 'TiiJman'.'i c hojre conference gets down to drafting diately all political prisoners ar­ AsIkerlMd Jm Iw Stockholm reports said earlier for the top cabinet job. $2-00 to $6-00 / ; and initialing an armistice agree­ rested since the latest military CTinirman Taft of Oiiio said Flashes! 1 Columbus, O.. Jan 1?—'iTl— A Seema'uiiMicvable,'',jloc*n't ment. this week' that Sweden had urged action began last month. Norway and Denmark to spurn 1 27-year-old war veteran held to- that while he will poll the Senate ORANGE ilT But that’s what the Ehipoweind Alga ArarisUce Soviet P om er Republican Policy committee to I l « l « Huliiflns nt Dm JP. WIrs) G. E. Willis and * One Group $15 .00 Crreek Troops 'The loraeU delegation, headed S. •The progressive writbdraw-al the projected North Atlantic Mili­ ___ day in connection with the bar- TOASTMASTER Automatle of Dutch troops from territory of tary alliance for an Iron-clad Scan­ C f t l l slaying of his wife—says see If any member* want to make by Walter Eytan, came empoa-ered ■anTssiielif the cabinet choice, he Eleetrle Water Hmtcr 4iffcra you—pei/eel hot water aer«i4W, backed up Sign an armistice in the name of the republic of todoneaia ^ d e r dinavian. military pact. In any r i o n l l l i f ’’It’s awful to love a woman. Son, Inc. HALL " I Not only that, said play P.vttcr- doesn’t U.’tow of .any oppo.-itlon Six Rescued By I'iremea I Values to $19.98 with a rcmarkeble 10-Year*Guarantiee! Only .the TOASTMASTER • Chase Rebels the Tel Aviv government OoL Mo- supervision of a commission on In­ case, Sweden indicated. She would Naugatuck, Jan. 15— — Six t Mala Street ’TeL BIZ5 Starting Time 7:45 Group O f donesia. Thla commtoiion would in remain aloof from the treaty be­ - ■— I»on of Ironton, O.. "U can lead to now. Water Hester la equippetl with the famiMie Life-Belt Heating Element hamed Irbrahlm Self Eddlne’a Tlie J.1 to 0 count hv which the person* were rescued by liremen effect be a stronger version of the ing negotiated by the.. United All Sales Final that won't cauM “ liming” Ineide the tank—e,en in hardnt watrri Egyptian delegation la authorised Senate Foreign Relation* ( om- ill a blaze which drove nine other, present Committee of Good Of­ States. Canada and five European C u l - O f f b y " R u s s i a n s I . , I,^ |,.„ubie" erupt- Anii only the 'TOASTMASTER Water Heater i, protected by the Guerrillas Dislodgec only to initial such a pact and a a Result ,ed last night with (he shooting of mlttee approved .4ihe.=on'* nn- scant lly-clad tenant* from a four- then submit it to Cairo for signa­ fices, made up of the U. S., Bel­ nations. family frame dwelling here earl.v InntMiie syetem nf internal ru,t-ciHitnd that Regarded Long Step Bxpeeiea as nesuil Elizabeth Ruth Patterson, 21. polhlment ye.steiduv formally 60 Inch Ropes Simnlated Teen Age Dresses From NaoussM; ture. gium and Auatralia. Senator Vandenberg of Today. .Mr*. Daniel Frotlaaen. ' VOU un«l MKM YOU CAM WPtne M •ernna makea the ’TOASTMASTER tank laat twioe as But even the Scandinavian alli­ Of Refusal of Goods before 25 bonified patrons in tlie lined up I (IttUtMT MCAt MUtM.^ I YMt rVMgfY IM M6AT8 AT Israeli aoldlers, . including two 4. Establishment of s tempiorary Mlclilgan. chief Republican ex- rescued from a srrond floor veran- brngt Sea your ’TOASTSIASTER tiealar ttnlay ance plan was regarded by diplo- - j Winton Grill in downtown Coium- f- M VM MtM muM« Ml } Size 10 to 16. Values up to $10.98, reduced to ti^es Taken There girls, flew in yeaterday 'with full federal government of the Unitedj prinent of''the hip.irtisan foicIgn' tto with her hu*haad and four chil­ I OMSM YOU tMAOK f pMEIIUftST6M(ErQK , . . aak him to khow you tha advantage* of the. States of Indonesia by March 15; bus. ; equipment to Install a radio re­ (C’qaHaaeii os ^ c e RiCM) Frankfurt, Germany. Jan. 15.— Found L.ving On KlOor pnliev, behind the nominee. dren. v\a» taken to S(. Mary's hos­ ^ lim WaM UtCYnni.* Pearl Necklaces ’TOASTMASTER Water Heater! lie’ ll ahow you Athena, Jan. 15— —~~K general ceiver and tnnsmltter to keep 1949. JP)—Electric power still flowed A few mimitea later, Patrolman Vandenberg fold icportcrs he i* pital. Waterhury. for treatment staff spokesman announced today tan's group in direct touch with 5. Elections by Oct. 1, 1949, to this morning from the Soviet to for several facial burn* aad Mnuke how you ean moke hot water eerviee in your _ _ Herbert T. Winter* and Robert preparing a brief speech of ap­ $5-00 - $6-00 --"$7-00 chooM a Constituent Assembly, out » In pink or white. boBM marc motleTB. mtrre cflieient. . . more Greek national troops have dis­ Tel Aviv. the American zone of Germany. Stevenaon walked into the grill proval for Tuesdav. when Chair­ inhalatiiiB. Prottasca was treated lodged guerrJUas frpm Naousss of which would come the govern- at 4be Bceae for le»« *evere burs* etxHMMnleal! The precis: rOIe of Abdel- Mon- A cut-off of power by the Rus­ and found Mra. Patteraon. a wait­ man Connsllv (D.. Tex.i ..aid the and are pursuing them. meift of the U. S. of Indonesia. F ederalM en and smoke lahalstloa. Tka cMi- Pfua Tax iem Mustafa, former director of sians to. however, expected soon, ress, King on the floor, shot five matter will be brought before the $1.29 each ^ Guerrillas captured the biggest political affairs for the Arab 6. Transfer of sovereignty by possibly later today, i times with a .32 caliber revolver. . Se-^te. - dren were uaharmrd. r part of Naoubss, an Industrial league, oauSbd some speculation The Netherlands to the United Grab Bomber The Soviet zone supplies the U. Patterson told police he msr- Vandenberg apparentlv was sat- town 90 miles west of Salonika, among conference observers. ^ - States of Indonesia not later than 8. tone aUte of Bavaria with al­ ried “ Betty’’ last July 19 and that ■; Isfied with Achesoti * expression of ! s u b * Wife to Death Qrls’ (^ats Reduced from a 400-man garrison yeater- { A spokesman said he to an ’ad­ April 1, 1950. A ll Dutch forcea most 10 per cant of its power. shortly thereafter they separated, views on world questions at ye»- New York, Jan. 15—‘A*— A 64- First Quality Full Fashioned da}’. A general staff communique viser to the Egyptian delegation would 1>e out of Indonesia befors I Refused by Clay After the separation. Mrs. Patter- terdav’a-closed rommlttee wssion* year old Btorchandiae dealer atab- Sizes 7 to 12. Values up to $26.00. Reduced to earlier today said flghtlng con-, and bead of tbe E^gyptton Foreign that date. . B-25 Manned by Brit* , Th^YlussianaTha-Kussiana havenave threatened tnreaicnTO ,<,0 came to Ophftnbus and began But there seemed little likelihood > bed hi* wife to death today Is tbo'r PINEHURST GRADE A ||i ' • • « • tinued in the area. Office’s Middle East division. Ha Daager oa Disorder* to cut off this supply unless tAe ' ^ vcaltress. that his relations with Achesbn Bronx hpme, police reported, and ish Crew; Believed then, tried un*ucee**fu|ly to kill Lay W’oat': to Towa does not attsnd sessions and to Dr. J. H. Vain Royen of The ^ e r ic a n zone .P«3^ V," f He itoldI ' IW he x aeame i l l ^ 447 to V Columbus X 7l(lllt*7V *ST w...... ill —r-r-- approach for some ^ Ume _ the ’ 1 2 = ■ * 1 - * 1 7 — - * 2 0 ^ Press reports said most of the Bdund . for E«yp« goods instead of cash. This de- Thursdav in an attempt to per- li.timate basis on which the Mich- him*rlf aa part of a death part. Rib Roast Beet ib COe I Nylon Hosiery town waa laid waste after looting ICoatlaued an Paga BIglll) (OsaHaned’oa Page Flys) ntond waa refused yesterday by sua^ his wife to go to Hunting- isan. senator and Secretary of Detective Mirtoel J. Hlcke.v quot­ Clen. Lucius D. Osy, U. S. mlliUry | ton. W. Va.. where he wad plan- State Marshall dealt in handling ed the man, »lorri* Fog, a* saytog; 11 t# j-L • AvFmcb TCVAnne ^StVAai flli^ and that the guerrillas 'kined. Newark, N. Jan. 15— — A Reinforced heel arid toe for extra wear. Sizes 8V4 to lOVi. governor. nine to enter Marahall college. , International problem*. ' “We had an ngreement: I waa l» wounded or took aa hostagea a B-35 bomtor was seised at nearby large number of the inhabitants. d a y refused because it would " A woman where she lived told I Acheson put himself squarely kill mv wife aad theq kill ssysHf.” Teterboro airport yesterday by U. mean breaking the western Allies’ | > The dead woman was Mrs. Bertha PoHtical as well as military 8. agents who said it was manned Noble Families of Rome counter-blockade of eastern Ger- | (ronliaued on Page Four) (Cnatinued «S Page Elgbl) Fox. 8*. mother of a l8-y«ar old BLOCK CHUCK (Bone In) im u r events drew attention in Athens. hy a Brittoh crew and believed $ 1 .0 9 — BABY SHOP — King Paul and Premier Hieml- many-- i boy. The hii*hand. arrested on a OLD FASHIONED TENDER bound illegally for Egypt. Aroerican.,.zone border power 1 homicide charge, was removed to a Girls’ and Bojrs* stokiea Soptaoulia planned to talk U. 8. Attorney A. E. ModarelU, over late today a Bophoultsc threat Told to Aid Christianity stations reported at noon that hospital where hi* eondllloa wa* who obtained a Federal court or­ power still was flowring over the ' reported rrtlical. 1, 2 and 3 Strand Simulated to resign. der for conflacation of the former COAT AND LEGGING SETS The premier 88 and ailing, an­ grid system into Bavaria. Men Must Dress in Colors POT ROAST Vatican Oty. Jan. 15 —(iP>--4>claUy in our days, to overcome Air Force plane, said it was hated Preparatloas Made More Than 59 Hart In Flm nounced last night he ia “deter­ to over­ aa owned by Leonard La Bella of “Preparations, however, have Bong Koag, Jsa. 18—(4^-— Mono Values Up To $22.98. Sizes 1 to 8 mined and prepared to quit Pope Plus x n told members of come life’s dlffleulUca victoriualy, New Rochelle, N. Y. bsen made to meet any possible Of Peacock to Be in Style thaa 59 pasteagers oa the ssath- TOfl$TMH$TER flee” unless there la a quick Rome’s noble famUlea to­ and to accompltoh duties.’’ La Bella had apiMied for cus- ent-off." a high-ranking Bavarian howad trato from Wachaag *• Ch»- Pearl Necklace > tlement of tha i.abinet dispute ooVbr ^ r $8.00 to $19.00 day that they, ae repreeentattves “SiMmIfl Be Meet AtaUaeas’’ toiqs approval to take tbe plane official said. toa today were iiMatea M FRESHLY CHOPPED I social. measurea and the naming jalentino red” for Feb. 14. In perfect graduation. of tbe. privileged, should take spe­ “is It not true,” he continued, out ef the counttw on a temporary pne step to likely to be the cut­ Cincinnati, Jan. 15— — The road railway firero wlEMa « of a generalisalino to take fall cial pains to axhibit strength of on tbe subject of protoPt action, permit, ModarelU said. . off of a small amount of power “bold look” in men’s clothes is irisK green” —_ you'll never The tre was heUsvad to hava command of the BOYS* AND GIRLS* SNOW SUITS ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, anti-guerrilla ■ spirit, promptneaa of action and “that those who - have the most He added, however, that he bad moving in the other direction— passe. Now it’s the “dominant guess— for March 1" ^,caqsod hy campaign. look” and you' men will have to Ground Beef b 59e| Plus Tax Values Up To $16 J8. Sizes 2 to 10 i ik»3«GtiwBa«iicOeewr, I loyalty to tbe precopta of Chrto- time and the most means should reason to believe the plane would from the U. 8. to the Soviet zone. A national color scheme for each , of the Special 89c To Discuss Sitnatton . 1 tlatoty. * be tbe* moat asriduous' and aoUcit- be.flown to Egypt |n violation of Another step is a reduction, in dress in colors of tho "male pea­ season. . * * * King Paul aaid ha would visit ^ 0 0 to $13.00 Tbe famUiea called upon the oua to serve?” a government ton on shipment of power consumption in Bavaria. cock” to bp Jn style. And further, the association will [-Drive Dateh Frem PatJItM Hophuulia to discuss the sttuatlon. The National Asaociation of with it if yon want ground meat for meat loaf, pontiff ' with their annual New Not only ricbea, but intelligence, arms to the Middle EasL The state already to hard hit by attempt, through education, tor Betavla. Java, dan. Ordinarily the premiar would Call Year meesags of homage. Pope culture, oonacience and authority No diatges Plaeai its relatively low power produc- Men’a Apparel Clubs came to have women do a better Job o f , ModmataMd bseadeoad today sdM Gremi Stamps Ghrcn With Cash Sales on the king, but SopbouUs has those conclusions yesterday In de­ ENTIRE STOCK OF SOCKS Pius wamad that tha fact tha new Should be brought to the eervtce of ModarelU aaid no diargaa wart tiixi. Some Induatries, which might Inlying their men’s clothes. 11 been enfeebled tqr b a ^ attacks. lapubUeaa oonotitutiaa bfirrad placed against the erewnton. whom to prodndag tor Buropean recov­ ciding what the Beau Brummels the church, he eoid. EsUmatIng that women b ^ - ’ into the [S>|llli] Sopheulla, a Uberal party laadar, Itallaa tlttea of. nobUlty rrilsred On tlM aubjeet of "adbeaioN to he identified aa David Bond. Ivan ery, have been stowed in recent should wear this spring. 4 Pr. for 9 8 c ...... Value 29c Pr. advocates ouppreaslan the monUis by the low water level at The association also supported between 80 and 855 per cant of the 1 <*■■* * ~ them of nqno of their reeponsibltt- tbe precepts of the doctrine of Thomao, Alftod Clarke and Julian r, the association' and hnve dvHan to* B * STORE privileges of what be calls the poli­ hydn>-«lectric plants. To offset the it program introduced by the 1111- clothing men wear, tlee. H w pope obeerved that papal Chrtotton Uto,” the pontiff aeld Angers. The U. 8. attorney aaid campnlgne 1" I PtoJItnn on davn’s sn n * TOE BEST IN HOVIE APPLIANCES tical-economic . ollgsgpby and . of tltlaa.had not been annulled by the 'There to but one truth, for all." hia records showed no addressee tow of power from the Soviet noia club. It goes something like plans to conduct campaMto* ^ Tfit JW.HALC CORK this: ' woman’s magazines and through [sa a . __ 3 Pr. for 98c...... \ alue 39c Pr. plutocratic exploitation, crushing constitution. I Thesa doctrines, he said, "are th4 for these men, but that all ware tone, ad^tional power rosy be di­ MAMCHisTui C o m m - 845 MAIN STREET TEL. 2-44.T0 Strength of spirits,” tbe popo same for all, rich and poor, great rected'into B s V ^ a from other “Airline grey" to to ihtroduoed other eufleta to let the fairer_ sex . net esaOnsai by lOeattoaafi w Page RlgM). said,, “to required of all. but espe- * and amall.” ICeMtoMfi oa Paga Bight) American aons statla. isaxt nuiulL i know ail about mssciillna lashignte iaawetoi 1 ■ ■■ ■ '.'/v- ■ V, ■ : ■ ■ I