\ TRURSDA’T, JAKITAItT 18r2lNi I ■ the Weather '■ . Daily Net Press Raa Fsetseel at P .S . Wee* Fwr too IlMrtk f t OsssBSbsr, IBtS Annauncemsniati^’ca made of tba tot Spnws strosti Mm. Jssa .Bot- Anderson-Shca Auxiliary VS. Psrtty etoody «hto W , la ecntlaatog tba wiuaeid . la .tba• IfattODal. Safety Exjdhaiigelttead Hospital Notes tsf sad aom Wsrshuuss FMnt; About'toira .Wedi^Boatar Ooondl at the Back' Mrs. AUcs BMchar and. sen. IM nith so«w aantas hi nrrltdblrss; M ck parttaa on •.•'.Ij.CWCAl.'.'C 9,664 day avaalnaa at tha V.i!jtw. bo*^. laad'bdlool, at the laeatlng last BsHsatlaj'TPSsy ^. •. • • • • • .182 Grssa road; ' Mrs. AnthoAstts clear sad naich oelder toaigbti Tlronp, Wsst Hartford; Harry i T B ^ Mamher at Ike AadH ffca ii— Iff-rni lagka Andluy Maadteater OraaB. hy popular n - iOght od fbd’ Votwbna tha Buck- Admitted yesterdayr - Jnstlo Saturday fair sad roattaasd eaUL Vieat. load-Oiddand dbb. PMsoa ware aoodWU,'’ -IBS'Mtddls Iburaplka, «rtB tamit Vonaky e w *» ta ^ awarded’to. the Paid, 82' Park street; Thomas aaat; Mn. Agnss Gresa, RocInrUla. City of VUiogo Charm Mnk'likrOUl BaWtwr, Tha annual buatnahi maatinp cC JiMUth OofMtenda PoBos, Stafford Springs; Mrs, Ida Birth yeatorday: A aon to Mr. li«WktlT« duimum. will p w int tba__ _______ CenterConcresa< Concrecatlonal church Elaine Morriaoti, third aad toufth Annay, Awloimr; Mrs. Gladys and Mrs. Maynard Briggs, 7 Mors# 0 . fOBdv 'f' It) MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14,1849 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS a papw on fh* Laglon’a leglalstlve wUl be bald Wedneoday avanlw .g n fin . Sfth and sixth Laager, 2SS Woodland street; DM- YOL. LXVm,. NO. 88 XCtosaWsd AdverUatog an January and will ba , __ grade Xtnhs'foi&iyT X'dsughter to Mr. lAWa BMcnin for ItM. Mi«. Darid rta PeriMt, IS Hetdoclrxtiest. Ftutt, muiie dikinnan, * adriaM by a auppar at d:*®, aarnd U118M entb and < and Mrs. Bvsrstts Frq>>»th, Rock­ thdt Tolimtaara a n neadad tor tba tha diainnanahip of Mn. Hardd Admttted todsy: Mrs. Paulin# ville; a daughter<4o Mr. and Mra. cbotua la tka aolaatrel abow. o f tha Belcher. Reaervatlona for Jm aup- The annual moating'of tha Sao- Rnbin. •? Qsrard street; Jsnice Roeailo S^lensa,' 22 Waddell Goveivd Less Spending n ta t DIattlot. Meinbera tatar- per ahould be made by Sunday, ond Coagragatlonal Church, Inc., _ Bslr, 181 Adamb atreet. rood, y: aatad a n aakad tp contact Mn. through the diurch office. wlU taka jdaca this evening a t DIsidiatged yasterday: Mrs. DEMONSTRATOR AND Connecticut Flood Chinese Reds Reveal dght o’clodi at the church. A a - Osrtrude wU v a a and son, 8 Waida- ttiOar. M n . Bveiwtt Kennedy Favored Over 0 win a am aa boateaa Mon<tey era- The Mary Cuihmaa srom of the nual rw otta of.g^cara and coni' «W1 mad; Mrs. Mary Hallaad- * __ _______ m ltte e ro ^ Be peanenied tUS.mHir, ■ IXECUTIVE CARS _ ^ a li« . Second Oangngatlonal Woman’a bcand,LSOt Lodnrood strept; . Ivar JohntonV League will meet'tomorroyr a\-e- officers and committee chairman Andsraan. Jr, 7 Nathan road.- Tax Increase nlng at eight o’clock at the home eloctad for IMP. Diocuosioa of the Inschairged today: Earl Ball. SAVINGS UP TO SSOO : Control Compact of Mra. Calvin T. Brown, M l Oreen now conatltution and by-laws will Hartford; Mts. Gladys Lsnger, 233 Poultiy. Fqrm Terms to End War; Road. be one of tha mattan of business Wbodlsnd street; WUUam Ctelson, We have several Bslesaieii*s deaioaatrstors, sad sM iii- to bo acted upon. ’ Prosb Dtoaped Chlckdas. tivsi^. cars that are lost like aew. Low aileace—new ChiUy Reception Given SUFFERING Daughten of Liberty No. 128, L. S a ta d a y car fosniatee—sabataatial savings. Terms Disclosed Truman's Implied Sug L O. A., will Inatall their IMP Tha Army and ftovy Club aux- FROM ofricen Tuaaday evening, January ahaounieaa - a' pimUe oatbodi Frtsh qoick froxen post- Opea Mondays Through Fridays Until 8 P. M. gestion on Individ­ tha clubhouse, Monday STORE HOURS Support Hit 18, In Qrange haU. Paat Worthy tijr, aajr^lait. ' Proposed A g ^ m e n t Mlatreaa U n Martha Bell and her eight d:clock, with Mrsi 8 a. m. to 11 |i. m. uals Making $6,000 Asriimo?' ataff will be in charge of tha work; Agnes Hass sarviim as chairman Calk For at L ^ t Dox* News Tidbits of the committee o f arrangements. EaHe S. Behan 847 MMde iBmpike, West a reheat^ for which is called for A t Taav Ssi vlcs en New Dams and Washington, Jan. 14—(F)— Cap­ Eight * Point Program gANSOirS ASTHMA Sunday afternoon at two o’clock Prises will be awarded the win­ Near HocksaaBi'Urer At McClure Auto Cnlled From (/Pj W ires 60 WELLS STREET itol hill gave a chilly reception to­ Senate |.eaflers Hear At’heson REMEDY •harp in Orange ball, and all offi- ners and rafrstdmientS earvad. R ' Eerie 8. Rohan, president of the 'Arthinr D nig Storm Lare. Lsae Pbooe Z-0065 MANCBRStHR ervoirs and for Pay* Amounts to Outright cen are urged to be preaent. Mn. is probaUa that the club, will hold Exchange Club, ealled the etten- day to President Truman’s implied Haa helped many people Jane,Irwin la chairman of the aup- these parties twiea a-month from, ments Among States' Long-sscrot A m ^ c ra sugLeation that individuals making Surrender o f Chiang laad a aonnal, active Ufe by now on, If the interest warrants it. "tkn> Um ' dub, at Its bl-montbty X _ _ _ I sxsmpting Emperor Hirohito from per committee for Tuesday eve­ get-to-getber in Murphy’s Reetau- piasecutloa os a war cHmlaal Is 38,000 a year and up might pajl lamiivlag the patatal aymp- ning. Officers are alao reminded To Cover Tax Losses j Kai-Shek Government;' — ----- I reported to have rsoeived backing more Federal income taxes. M aa a f aathma. to wear white at the ceremony. Several of tha officars and mem­ rant last evening, to the coming Joint meeting with the fCtwaals of all Japan’s wartime foes.......... E c o n o m y-minded lawmakers Abrogation of Treaties bers of Chapman Court, No, 10, Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 14.— shouted again for less spending— START USING IT Order of Amaranth, are planning end Rotary Cluba, at the Meaonic High A. F. L. official says admin­ With United States Tsniple Tuesday evening, January ■fyP)— A pressed four-state istration of Wagaer act favored Instead of tax Increases — to bal­ TODAY to go to Cranston, It. L.^ Monday ance the Federal budget. 28. ”Thc Joint committee in charge flood control compact to "red-tinged unions.’’ .... Army; evening, when Supreme Ro}ral Ma­ Mr. Truman asked Congress last Included; American Far Sale at the FMIewtac MARY CONSOU tron Mrs. Martha Smith of West of tha avent” , Prealdant Rohan guard the often-ravaged Con­ already at itt authorised strength, Maaehester D n a Btorea: aald, "haa aacured OoL Charlaa W. has slowed Its recruiting program week for $4,000,000,000 in new Aid Fiercely Lashed Drcaomakhig aad AMeiattoua Hartford, formerly of Manchaster. HALE'S Self Serve necticut river valley area was taxes. He aeld new levies against Cererad Battens Battoabolcs will constitute and install tha new Furlong. FJLO.S, a nationally and stopped taking draftcea to qmNN'8 PBAKMACT made public today and railed keep from going over-legal lim it... corporations ahould collect moat 1W. 41M Alaa Beipaaata officers of. Harmony Court of famoua lecturer'arid world travel­ of it. but he suggested that Con­ I Shanghai, Jan. 14.—< iP )— ler, to speak on “Focal Points of for at least a dozen new dams Iranlana have Moscow's word for tfo n a END FHARMAOT 82 Ehn Street,'East Hartford Cranston. gress consider a tax boost on In­ I Peace, end Amertca’a Foreign Pol­ and reservoirs and for annual It: American Presbyterian and Ad­ The Cliine.se Communists to- TeL tMS Phoaa Hartford 8-8S2P Leaders dnd representatives of ventist miaalonariea in Iran are dividuals in the “ middle and upper” ! night announced terms on icy.” or lump sum payments among income bracketa. FHAKMACT Catholic Mothers Cireles of Man­ CM. Furlong has lactinnd exten- eiid Health Market spies. j which they are willing to end Tei. 4XSS the states to make up for tax loss­ Begins at. About $8,000 chester are remlndad of the mast­ aively throughout New Eagisrd to id s a b e es. One eat ef every M peeons In i the civil war—an eight-point WCLOON DRUG ing in tha K. of C. home. Main When a reporter pressed for a service clubs and other organisa­ -The compact among Msaaschu- U. 8. has been arrested and finger­ lU . 9 a » street, tomorrow evening at eight tions, Including the Harvaro Chib Fknah Sunlight printed St one time or' another, A Tessa to the rnrev Unda Brown at San Antonie demonstmtes her definition of "middle” income the program amounting to out­ setts, Connecticut, Vermont and aMIHy to haaiSe a toy “six shooter” during a vUlt with Presldeat president told his news conference right surrender of the Chiang Featnvlac Free Delivery • f Boaton, tha Hartford Engineero A GRACIOUS* New Hampshire—cslUng for a aays F. B. L Head J. Edgar Hoover. HALE'S The W.B.A. Guard Chib wlU tSub, the Oraduatea Club of Ta<e‘ .... Los Angflea police check sn Tramaa. The Slareh of Oimeo poster girl sham her Mrtbday eake yesterday the treasury considers ! Kai-Shek government. Simul­ CMsco paid commission of three members With the chief executive.
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