Adndnlstratlonby Pat Gatto confirms 70% rent hike security costs, a 34 percent hike in the make 1'orclham University's resident profit on any of the residence parison to other schools' facilities, For- cost of custodial supplies, an 82 percent halls. population will face a 10 percent increase rise in repairs not charged to students, dham's rents were out of line with actual in residence hall charges for the 1975-1976 and a 114 percent hike in telephone Students reacted unfavorably to the services and building quality. academic year, Dean of Students William service costs. rent hikes, contending the increases Most students sympathized witn the would not bring any increased services or Crawley announced Thursday. He indicated gas costs for 555 have recent fuel and electricity hikes. Room charges for Queens and Martyrs' renovations to the dorms. Tom McQuillan, However, many felt the rent increase increased from $4,057 in 1974 to $6,900 in Fordham College '75, expressed Court will rise from $345 per semester to 1975. Fuel oil costs, he added, have sky should be less than 10 percent, believing $387.50 per semester. Spellman will raise displeasure over present inadequate the university must make some sort of rocketed in only the one month period of boarder services. its single room charge from $385 per January 1975 to February 1975 from profit on the dorms. semester to $425, and double occupancies $23,271 to $34,709. In 1972-73, Crawley Ralph Droz, FC '77, felt that in com- (Continued on page 4) will jump from $322 to $365. The 555 East saW, total fuel oil costs amounted to 191 Street Facility faces the largest rent $40,531. He did not have figures for the hike, bringing the semester charge from 1973-74 year available at press time, $410 to $455. however. The rent increase will generate an In order to absorb the operating deficit, additional $96,200 per year, bringing total Crawley noted, the university is utilizing income from all residence halls on campus its reserve funds, which have been to $967,534 per year. Despite this sizeable substantially diminished over the past sum, Crawley said university auditors years. recently reported that residence halls Kenny indicated that the university were operating at an annual deficit of must in addition rely on gifts and fund $168,111. The additional income, Crawley raising to absorb the deficit. stated, would reduce the deficit figure to The financial vice president further $71,911. stated, "The increase in rates will not ("rawly attributed the deficit to the provide any additional money for services nation's rampant double-digit inflation. for residents," As of January 1,1975, he said, fuel costs Although Kenny said the University for residence halls increased by 45 percent was reluctant to increase rent rates, he over last year while gas and electric costs said the university was not "able to retain rose 70 percent. Other increases he rising costs any longer," noting em- Ken Lovisa mentioned were a 24 percent rise in phatically that the university does not QUEEN'S COURT: dormitory rates will go from $345 to $387.50.

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THURSDAY, MARCH 6,1975 Council Donations above $7.6 million Gift income jumps 40% to hear by. Joe Palenchar pared to an income of $982,332 Corporate, donations remained Fordham University's gift the previous year, Murphy relatively stable at $343,770, he income for the 1973-74 fiscal year disclosed. said. However, they only ac- 5-3 plan showed a marked 40 percent The most substantial in- counted for 21 percent of the increase over the previous year, creases, he said, came in the total gift income during 1973-74 University Development Office category of foundation gifts, as compared to 33.6 percent the The curriculum committee of director Francis Murphy said which jumped a substantial 300 previous year. the Fordham College Council will Monday. percent. Foundation gifts, Alumni gifts rose 35 percent propose a change from the Despite a national economy totalling $564,680, comprised and money from the Jesuits of present 4-4 program to a partial which has gone from bad to 34.5 percent of the University's Fordham Inc. 46 percent during 5-3 curriculum, committee worse during the past year, total outside income. the same fiscal year. Alumni member Jerry McNiff, Fordham Murphy added, outside funds for The second highest increase, contributions totalled $418,648 College '75, revealed Friday. the 1974-75 fiscal year are in the "friends of the University" and Jesuit money $111,890, The proposal will suggest that currently running almost 33 category, was 100 percent, accounting for 25.6 percent and freshmen and sophomores take percent ahead of the amounts bringing the total in that seven percent of total outside five courses for three credits Th» Maroon received last year at this time. category to $153,238, or 9.3 funding, respectively. each, in place of four courses for Murphy: a partial 5-3 program is Contributions for the 1973-74 percent of the total cash Murphy indicated last year's four credits each. Upper- in the works. year reached $1,635,492, com- received. $500,000 Andrew Mellon t'lassnien will continue to carry a Foundation grant to the Liberal II schedule. Arts College was "a one shot "The committee has been deal," but said the University's moving toward this proposal Belfast citizens seek peace gift income would have increased since last May," McNiff said. approximately 20 percent Members of the committee by Diane Lore director of the Colleagues from "crooked politicians and back- without it. h;ivi" been hesitant about "There will be no saint who American Churches, Cooney, in a ward thinking on political Grants received as of •"•'vealing the proposal, will rise up and cry 'let there be barely audible brogue, said the issues." February 28 this year have also ''autioning that an announcement peace' in Northern Ireland. Our issue in Northern Ireland is not Sloan, agreeing with Cooney, surpassed the amount received |v»uld be premature. However, situation, although desperate, is Protestant against Catholic, but added, "We have too many last year at this time by Huth Witkus, biology professor, not hopeless. As long as we have purely political. politicians but no statesmen. $366,000, for a total of s people who will work toward 'ated Monday, "The members He explained it as the result of (Continued on page 5) $1,100,000. lave certain major differences, human dignity, then justice and The Development Office hut we're discussing it, and reconciliation will follow." director attributed the favorable w<"ve reached a consensus." Justice and reconciliation for eift income picture to stepped up M«'Niff said the only obstacle Northern Ireland through Development Office activity and " Ine proposal that remains is nonviolent methods were the a stronger University and Board u> mechanics of the structure. goals outlined by Ann Sloan and of Trustee commitment to fund- 1(1 said there are three or four Sean Cooney, two Belfast raising. This comes at a time ;' ^-natives, all of which include citizens, at a press conference when the University is facing a hl1 institution of a 5-3 program held Monday morning in the serious financial crisis of its own. ""'the student's first two years. Leon Lowenstein faculty lounge. Alumni, he said, are the "Ukussaid, "thecontention is Sloan, a Protestant, and 11111 University's largest source of 'In' introductory courses Cooney, a Catholic, are touring unrestricted funds, while s ''"'Id honor three credits, while the United States to focus in- milr terest on the situation in Nor- corporations and foundations »' demanding, in-depth usually earmark their grants for '""I?11* still deserve four thern Ireland. The lour is being l sponsored by Colleagues from specific programs and s. disciplines. A''''"'' and Slimu |l-r claimed the Amerieun prt'HH overemphasizes 'ministration. Any up- remarks by Administrative Vice I'll!'.,,|,,|, ,!„• woli-mT in Norther" Ireland. at'K«'s will occur in Fall President George McMahon and Rev. David Ilownian, executive CMSSIflGDS

The Ram needs a j'jrjscnplion man;«]<;r Pny $ 10 John CoM-Kizo-PreMlent of lh< a week C;ill ex! ^4r> ^46 or write Tho Ram, relracts hi& endorsement of F'orp Box 6. Fordham Tin; baseball 'earn is looking lor a manager hi. ROUMDDOWM PreMBds Inke ,i break Irom Orq.inii. Come lo interested in applying lor the position notify t't,,., Bermuda Ft Lnuderdalii. oi Jamaica J19 27?j Coach Lyons on the Athletic [loot 2nd floor -,i it,! Thurs.f March 6 220-1110 for information gym Movie Night: WFUV sports will present "Take the C B A CLASS Or 7 7 VOTfc PEOPLE b CHOICE Regarding lost wallet pleaso call Crir»h. ,,,, Fra-Sority: will meet in LL319-G at 3 p.m. Robert (luaruujllo Prusidf;nl Maria Gomez Vice (21 2) TA 80638 Play: "Two for the Seesaw" a comedy-drama by Money and Run" featuring Woody Allen in the President. Elizabeth Schumann Secrelary William Gibson will be presented in SL-05 of the Campus Center Ballroom. Admission is 75 cents Treasurer Henry Ponti U S G Delegate. Denise The Fordham Socialist Study Group Anil r,:i.,. v. Giacoia-U S G Delegate imporlanl meeting in FMH 442 on Mowtoy u,lh ,.' Leon Lowenstein building. Free performances at with an I.I). 10. at 2 30 p m All are welcome 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. and on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Tues., March 11 Medical. Dental and Law school applicants >•,),,. you applied for 1975 classes, but without sur< i.K tt doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it 80 tar? Perhaps we can help you qcVV. Exercise Class: for woman-students and University in the Caribbean Come lo Jamaica $252. U S G acceptance Box 1614 D Si Louis Mo 63105' Fri., March 7 employees is being formed. There will be an Travel Agency organizational meeting at 1 p.m. in Hughes Hall, Camp Fordham presents its Firsl Annual ifcnHi Attention Fordham College SophmoresVote Dance on March 14th Featuring Tito Puenii. u Dante Society: is sponsoring a film "Roma Citta first floor. United 77, Louis Deioe president, Sam Abate Sonora Matancera Poriilino and his Mererigue Laennac Pre-Medical Society: will hold a general Sec/Treas. Kelly Durkin and Jim Flannigan, sounds Donation $5 00, all proceeds qo lo the Aperta" by Rossellini at 12:30 p.m. in the language Senators Camp. The place New York Casino 96th 51 and lab and at 8 p.m. in the music room. meeting at 12:30 p.m. in Keating First. Broadway (PM-AM tor information, call Camp Business Women's Council: will hold a very im- Mary O'Dowd: will be in concert at the Ramskeller Fordham Otlice. Ext 613, FMH HEOP Office . exl 538. Keating Basement) portant meeting at 12:30 p.m. in FMH 444. All are from 8 to 11 p.m. Admission is one dollar with an I.D. and includes one free beer. Bermuda is anolher world Find out for yourself urged to attend. $275 Call 220 1110 lor information Overseas t°DS • Australia Europe So America Maroon Key Society: will hold a pledge meeting in Africa Students all professions and occupations $700 to $3000 monthly Expenses paid OVLTUTII; "Once Upon a Mattress " starring Rosie McGinn. their FMH office at 12:30 and again on Tuesday. sightseeing Free Information Trans*ori<1 Other Announcements March 7.B. 14 15 8 30pm Collins Themis: the pre law society will feature a New Research Co Dept AH, PO Box 603 Cone Madera.Ca 94925 York University law student telling it like it is at 1 Once Upon a Mattress" starring Nancy Andrews p.m. in Keating First. and Chris Boris March 7 8 14 16 8 30 pm The deadline for the deposit of $125 for the Study Important: The Ramskellar will be open e.fry Mixer: a beer blast will be held in the Ramskeller Abroad Trip, "Twentieth Century Ireland: Society Cotlins And Tuesday. Friday, and Saturday nights this from 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. Free for 555 residents, semester PLUS open from 11 am 3pm and Culture" has been extended to April 1. Those Once Upon a Mattress 655 and Spellman Hall Mon • Fri $2.50 for others. interested can contact either Dr. McCarthy or Rev. admitted free • Student Tickets with ID $1 50 McDonald at the Liberal Arts College.

Mon.f March 10 Applications for the class of 79 freshmen moderator are now available in the dean's office Socialist Study Group: will meet at 2:30 p.m. in Keating 201 to all Fordham College students. FMH 442. Deadline: March 27. CBA The College of Business Dr. Craig Johnson will teach Administration has recruited introductory undergraduate two full professors from and graduate courses, ac Columbia to teach accounting cording to Senkier. and finance next fall, Dean The hiring of the i • ••ii- y/ •!)••• Robert Senkier announced professors, he said, "marks Friday. the beginning of what could make Fordham the leading business administration Europe Dr. Louis H. Jordan, school in the metropolitan We've got professor of Accounting, and area." j in the bag. Can We've also got North Africa and the Near East. one priest Camping trips at camping prices, 3 to 9 weeks. make a You'll have so much fun on our camping trips that you may not want to sleep. But in case you do, bring a sleeping bag. We provide the rest. difference? You travel in a bus equipped with camping gear, a stereo tape deck and guide who knows where the sights are. You're as likely to camp on the grounds of a chateau as on In Italy, in the 1800's a the seaside among olive trees. The campsites have hot and poor priest met a boy of the cold running everything, shops, restaurants and even discos. streets. At that time there were You won't have trouble finding a dancing partner either. thousands of such boys in There'll be 18 to 35 people in your group. And they're all Turin ... hungry, homeless and under 30. without hope. We have 8 different Continental Coach Tours covering everywhere from Casablanca and Amsterdam to Leningrad But what could one priest and Istanbul. do? Without money. Without Here is one of our most popular: Europa, 3 weeks, $321 support. Without even a plus airfare. Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Aus- building to house them. tria, Italy and France. Departure dates: April 22; May 16; But Father John Bosco did make a difference. He founded June 10; July 4, 29; August 22; September 16. the first community that was dedicated primarily to youth. With So if you want to see the world at camping prices, put the coupon in an envelope and relax. It's in the bag. a program of play, learn and pray he brought the boys from the These prices are subject to a number of conditions (as well streets back to God and gave them a means of earning their as government approval). For all the details you must read living. From such humble beginnings a movement began that our "Continental Coach Tours" brochure. Fill out the coupon now reaches around the world ... a movement thai has touched and we'll send it to you. Or call your Travel Agent or British the lives of millions of youngsters - the children of Airways. St. John Bosco. Today over 22,000 Salesians carry on his work in 73 British Airways, Box 1525, Dept. 192-1703 countries. A family of community-minded men who help to build N.Y., N.Y. 10019, Tel. (212) 687-1600 a better world by preparing young boys to be good citizens for both God and country. Salesians serve as teachers, coaches, Please send me your "Continental Coach Tours" brochure. counselors, parish priests and missionaries. You see, one priest can make a big difference. Name


City For more information about Salesian Priests and State Brothers, mail this coupon to: I Father Joseph Mattel, S.D.B. Room C- My Travel Agent Is OF ST. JOHN BOSCO | | SalesiansOox 639, New Rochollc, N.Y. 10B02 I am Intorostod in the Priesthood [J Brotherhood LJ

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Clly We'll take good care of you to Britain.Europe.The World. i - — Slate Zlp_ Phono i Education . British airways Your Curronl Job_____ g Pagc 2 • TIIK RAM - Thuiwlay, March ii, UWi

,>,-,r,•, ,• s„• ,;•>), LAC Council to convene Rhodes speaks on divisions on conspiracy by Maria Basile The thrust of Rhodes' The Liberal Arts College argument was clearly un- Council yesterday set a special Feeling he has "at least the derstood when he said a woman meeting on March 20 to deal with roots of a conspiracy," Rusty who on November 20, 1963, told I he issue of the future status of Rhodes, founder and executive police she knew from her "boss" the Puerto-Rican-Black Studies director of the Committee to that JFK would be killed, was Departments, and passed Investigate Political immediately placed in a mental another resolution concerning Assassinations, yesterday urged hospital. he January Program. his attentive audience to write Ken Lovisa I'ASG: asked for President Sam Verm's resignation. local congressmen to reopen Jerome McFarland, chairman investigations into the John F. of the committee evaluating Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Udall talks Black and Puerto Rican Studies, Criticism mounts and Martin Luther King reported his committee will assassinations. * Rhodes, spo- .submit two reports and two nsored by the American Age suggestions on the future status lecture series, said it is im- to students of the divisions, one embracing Verni may resign portant because "every presidential election since 1960 the majority and the other the by Kevin Hayes "He has many other things to has been decided by a bullet." minority of view in his do," Emmons suggested, con- The Liberal Arts Student According to Rhodes, documents group. In an interview, curring with another senator on energy Government expects to take the on the JFK murder secret are McFarland stated the minority that "we aren't out to get him at resignation of its fifth president, not to be opened until the year view is embraced by the ad- all." LAC senior Sam Verni sometime 2039. "The big problem with ministration and states the two In the event Verni "changes America is how to redo the in the near future, it was an- Wearing a blue suit, a pony tail divisions should lose their his mind," as one senator future," said Stewart Udall, nounced at yesterday's LASG and moustache, Rhodes present autonomous status. speculated, the LASG will speaking before 25 people in the meeting. presented a wealth of researched consider impeachment Pope Auditorium of the Lincoln Almost forty students, mostly Verm, who has been absent for evidence that Lee Harvey procedings. Verni's successor Center campus Tuesday. from the LAC student govern- the last four LASG meetings, Oswald was not involved in the will be formally determined at Udall cited a change in ment, filled the meeting site in was strongly criticized by Vice assassination of JFK on next Tuesday's meeting. national life-style as the only way the Lowenstein faculty lounge, President Maria Martinez November 22, 1963. to meet the current energy expecting some news on the Agostini for his lack of contact The LASG also voted to lobby Using films, slices, a tape of an crisis, and called for new issue of the evaluation, and left with the government at a time at today's meeting of the LAC interview with Oswald, and transportation policies that shortly after the special meeting when it is considering many Council, to request information blackboard reconstructions of was announced. would emphasize railroads, proposals, among them a on the status of the Black and JFK's motorcade route, Rhodes smaller cars, bicycles and The council also passed a cafeteria boycott, input into the Puerto-Rican Studies Divisions. made convincing arguments to walking, an exploration of new .resolution ruling that no LAC selection of programs realized Chairmen of those divisions. the students, a substantial sources of energy, such as the course normally offered in the from a Mellon Foundation grant, Jerome McFarland and J.A. number of whom remained for sun and wind, and the recycling fall or spring should be a part of and the future of the Puerto Gonzales-Gonzales respectively, two and a half hours at the first of consumer goods. lecture. the intersession January Rican and Black Studies were on hand at the meeting to "Energy is the one thing we Program. Although the spirit of Divisions, an issue which was explain their stand on the Rhodes went into detail to took for granted in this country," the proposal is to keep in- actively discussed at yesterday's LACC'S proposed restructuring discredit the widely-held belief noted the former Secretary of tersession courses out of a meeting. of those divisions. that Oswald, who had poor the Interior, acknowledging he The issue was highlighted, she shooting scores in the Marines, had been among those making students major, it is possible, Gonzales said his division "is with a chairman's permission, to claimed, when Liberal Arts could hit moving targets of both the "spectacular miscalculations" not just there to provide in- JFK and Texas Governor John take a January course in one's College dean George Shea that led to the current problem. formation, but to rebuild human Connolly with a single bullet major. refused to attend the group's According to Udall, the meeting today until he had beings," and added racism or from the sixth floor of the Texas miscalculations included anti-Puerto-Ricanism may be the School Book Depository Building The LAC will decide on the received a formal invitation from misjudging reserves, regarding the president. Shea, however, issue involved. in Dallas. This lone bullet, which problem-laden nuclear energy as issues of student services at its allegedly came from behind the next meeting, and is to make its stated he will meet with the an ever-available fall-back, and LASG at next Tuesday's McFarland stated the very limousine, in Rhodes' words, a looking upon international oil recommendations to strange detour, wounding the Administrative Vice President meeting. evaluation of the two depart- reserves as ours for the asking. Sophomore senator Bob ments indicated a relegation of President and Connolly in a total (leorge McMohon, who has of seven places. responsibility for administration^ Emmons explained the second-class citizenship to them, Dressed in a grey suit and Rhodes supported his case by of the intown campus. resignation is necessary for the as no other divisions at Lincoln speaking in a southwestern better operation of the LASG. Center are forced to undergo showing the controversial drawl, Udall urged his audience such evaluations. "We are one of Abraham Zapruder film in which "to end the culture of waste and the oldest programs here," Kennedy's head is knocked back help make the United States a McFarland asserted, "and we are as he is hit in the front of the more thrifty and efficient here to stay." head. society."

MIMES AND MUMMERS Study Skills Group presents "Once Upon a Mattress" a musical fairytale March 7,8,14,15 8:30p.m. Collins Aud. - tickets available at door Free Champagne Punch Counseling Center will conduct a series of groups focusing on practical methods to increase course grades. The groups will be small in number in order to maximize student involvement. Issues to be covered will include: 1) facts of learning 2) listening 3) reading 4) scheduling -"""""•'"•IIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI HIIIIII Ill IIIIIIIH 5) rest taking 6) other problems encountered by college | LC STUDENTS! I students. The methods taught and practiced in the group have helped past students increase their grade point | Interested in photography, f average, complete the semester with much less trouble, graphics, writing, sports, feat- I and gain more enjoyment out of their courses, If you are ures,art? J interested, please contact the counseling center for Bring your | more Information. creativity to 1 The Ram: | New staff meeting: § Thursday 10:30 -1:30 pm. §

"'"""""•"""mniiiHmiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHi"""'"""""* Thursday, March 6, 1975 - THE RAM - Page 3 In mind' Starstruck

Mike DAN BRENNAN Well, this girl just moseyed in the stage door of the Uris Theatre on Editor-in-Chief Saturday night, during the Grammy Awards. I watched her come in; I was working at the door. I recognized her. She had been hanging ROSEMARY McMANUS RON CAPARRO around the door for a while—not behind the police barrier like a Executive Editor Business Manager hundred others who had cameras and photos to be autographed. No, this girl, frizzy haired and young, came up to the stage door and I let Political Alftlrt Edltort Rost Hill JOSEPH PALENCHAR her in. Lincoln CtnMr KEVIN HAYES I let her in because I had yelled at her during one of those moments Cimpu$ Affairs Editori Rota Hill CLAIRE O'NEILL when the barriers were, falling, the cops had delicately slipped away, Lincoln Ctntffr KAREN ROONEY and the tuxedo crowd was demanding entrance, and I felt bad for Acadamic Affairs Editor CATHY CARSON gettingso angry. She had been bothering me; she had been bothering Sports Editor JERRY BUCKLEY Atsittant Sports Editor TOMCANAVAN everyone. She wanted to see John Lennon and she tried the pages, Fasluras Editor MIKE HILL like myself, the press people, the ushers, and the guards, but no one Assistant Faaluras Editor MAUREEN CORRIQAN Arts Editor G. KEVIN LALLY could help her. Mostly, they just pushed her around and she went Photography Editor KENLOVISA along with the flow of the crazy crowd and waited for the right Graphics Editor Deirdre Costa Maria Basils. Phil Bohroru, Kevin Claary, Emmai Dtlanay, Vivian Oannis, Frank de Rose. Jeff Dorsch, Richard Elcher, Paul Erbach, John Ferrari. moment to get inside. So, I finally let her into the small lobby. Eric Qraenwald, Joe Gurnet, Eileen Hallinan, Pal Gatto, Frank Hughes, Mary Kopetskie. Joe Leota. Bruce Lifka, Diane Lor*, Tom Mater, John I never found out her name but I found out a lot of other things. She McFarland, Dan Mundy, Patricia Muolo, Joe Niegro, Brian O'Byrne, Mary O'Connor, Pam Pinto, Carlos Rlcca, Sie*e Panny, Uoland* Piiarro, John Tarpey, Tom Shappard, Darrln Plccolli. Paul 2ojac. hailed from Freehold, New Jersey, a green spot in the central part of the state, and she was all alone, fresh from an overnight stay at the house of a friend in Connecticut which she seemed to have left in a hurry so she could get in the city. She was maybe fourteen or fifteen; her parents didn't know where she was; her last bus would leave at Again 12:01 and she would never make it. She'd have to spend the night in the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Clutching an Alexander's bag with John Lennon's Rock v' Rull Housing- tuition- housing— the cycle of to release adequate data to explain the album inside, she pushed her hair out of her eyes and told me about rising costs at Fordham University con- difference. the nights she spent in the city waiting to see one of the Beatles, her tinues unabated with this year's ten percent If the University is to avoid the charge of twentylwo hour sit-a-thon in Philadelphia trying to get a good seat rise in dormitory rates. making a profit on dormitory rent, a charge for George Harrison's show (which she had seen nine times), her which many boarders believe to be true, journey to England which she spent following Paul McCartney's tour Inflation is obviously the culprit once on twenty dates. they should make a complete disclosure of again, and an average national inflation rate In the background while she talked were the screams of the excited of ten percent during the past year would, their expenses. crowd, the crunch of a Corvette smacked by a taxi, the shouting of on the surface, seem to be adequate In addition, the current rent increase policemen. In the foreground, people in black tie or furs wandered by justification for the rent increase. should bring with it an effort to improve and thegirl looked at them as they passed, asking a few if they know services in the dorms—in the areas of John Lennon. It was a sea of flashbulbs and glamour and the little girl munched onOreosand kept a vigil for her man and kept the hope up However, the figures on dormitory in- security and maintainance. that she would see some of the show. come from the students compared with The wages of the housing staff should also She never saw the show. She didn't see John Lennon either. She University expenses on dormitory main- bo scrutinized—inflation has eaten away left my spot at the end of the show to join the crowd by the theatre tainance leaves a gap unexplained, a gap their income, and the additional funds lobby, where many performers dashed out to limousines amidst police which may be as large as $300,000. In the provided by the increase in rents could horses, lights, and cameramen, and Lennon slipped out of the stage door into a waitingcar with Yoko Ono. I saw her briefly after he left; past, the administration has been reluctant serve to counteract its impact. she had come back to find out if Lennon had passed through yet. Then she faded back into the flashbulb confusion. She was alone in New York City and she never accomplished what she came there for. Resign The temperature plummetted after the show. With the limos gone and the barriers down, the crowd dispersed and the streets looked stark in their new-found emptiness. Some people would say she Student government at Fordham should Verni's administration has generally been should have stayed home; some people would call her foolish. She got take a cue from the direct issue-tackling and a poor substitute for the more dynamic days the stonewall treatment while she was there, she had no one to turn ingenuity displayed at Tuesday's Liberal of former President Gregg Fonti. His to. Of course, her mission wasn't important— it was a lark, but that's Arts Student Government meeting. consistent, unexplained absenses from where it's at in our homeland anyway, isn't it? I say, okay, wine oul' The meeting, with its discussions of the regular LASG meetings, as well as wait for the man you want to, but be aware of the loneliness, the Black and Puerto-Rican studies issue, the grumblings from the Senate on his lack of blank stares, the chilly manner of the whole scene. When the disappointment comes, when someone says "no," she Mellon Grant, and working for input into communication with them, does little to could then walk away tough and proud and, above all, aware of the the Liberal Arts College Council, showed establish the LAC senior as an effective cold way of a sparkling part of the world. She was too young. that the LASG can be effective, and cer- administrator. exuberant, and persistant to be crushed by that city but, in the wild tainly vocal. However, the aforementioned crowd there, she came close. Under the flashing lights, she never came very close. problems are pressing enough without the For these reasons, The Ram believes added hindrance of internal breakdowns. that, unless Verni reaffirms his com- The news, then, that LASG President mitment to the Liberal Arts College Comparative housing costs Sam Verni may resign should mean a sigh of students, a commitment which implies relief for the students presently bringing attendance and participation in every 1974-75 1975-7B that organization back into the governance LASG meeting, he should make his Corridor living,Double occupancy picture at Lincoln Center. resignation effective immediately.

Adelphi University $650 per year $800 per year how influential these elders have letters University President and those Columbia University $735 per year Undetermined been in the shaping of our social concerned on the new design for Agreed and intellectual experience. increase the Vince Loinbardi Memorial expected To the editor: After some debate concerning Athletic Center. 1 appreciate its As our last semester runs the wisdom of introducing our clear crisp lines, simplicity and Fairfleld $700 per year $900 toward its final tests, the class of benefactors to the graduates, directness. '75 wonders how our upcoming another plan was put forward. In The design has all the esthetic graduation can adequately and its final shape, it called , upon qualities of the new doors on summarily express the meaning various deans of the University Geor^etow University $800 per year $900 of that special moment in our Freeman Hall off of Edward's to give casual remarks at the Parade. Fortunately, however lives. The administration has exercises. invited us to take part in the benefactors. The idea was well Ultimately, only one received, as it is widely known planning of the ceremony, and suggestion was adopted by the New York University $990 per year Undetermined has promised that our "input" that neighborhood has not been ,. committee. It had been sub- designated "low income" which increase will be reflected in it's program, mitted anonymously, written on expected It is in the collegia! spirit of the is the excuse for 555's existence. the finest Fordham bend in red I have not (m)aligned it with a University community that we ink, The committee en- Double occupancy are told: "This is your day!" comparison to the peculiar thusiastically agreed that ambience of FMH, since I've corridor living and suite living In that same spirit, most of the graduation on a Friday would been instructed: "Never let evil suggestions to date have been symbolically tie it all together. talk pass your lips; say only the inclined toward keeping the Respectfully yours, good things men need to hear, Hofstra $800 median Undeter-.m"'li graduation among friends and Chriritoplier Uynes things that will really help , charge per year increase family. FC 75 them," expected At the graduation committee's This structure should fit in last meeting, for instance, one MaHwttnn $1520 median charge well beside the "La Guardia suggestion was that each Crisp per year including TerminaT in distinct shadow of graduate be escorted through To the editor: Keating. mandatory meal I he rites by a sponsor chosen DIIIP I can't lei the opportunity pass Kevin J. Martin from among the University's without congratulating the Nloniiybrook Ft: '75 $(lfiO median charge Page 4 - THK RAM - Thursday, March (i, 1975 1 Alice's entertainment eclipses message by Peter Denitz in a succession of road motels. And as Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore might be expected from Scorsese, we cannot make up its mind whether to be witness the sameness of all the small entertainment or social statement. It is cities, motel rooms, and bars. less successful as message, and that's When Alice engages in an unpleasant, unfortunate because the tribulations of short-lived affair with bar patron Ben Alice (Ellen Burstyn), a young widow (stunningly played by Harvey Keitel), she freed from a drab home and a relentlessly finds herself closer to Monterey in body, dull husband, do need to be confronted in but more unsure of just where she's a full and uncompromising manner—and headed as a woman on the run. She goes this appears to be the intention of star and to work in a greasy-spoon diner which director Martin Scorsese (Mean Streets). Scorsese uses as a staging ground for the If you're able to separate Alice as remainder of the film. Here she meets an entertainment and Alice as message, irresistably easygoing and understanding you'll find it works very well in the first Kris Kristofferson. Here, the fast pace of role. The film and its characters move at a the road comes to a halt and Alice's in- brisk pace as mother and son trek from tentions gradually unfold—to think and her old home in Monterey (in search of function as a viable human being without ALICE DOESNT LIVE HERE ANYMORE; Ellen Burstyn and Martin Scorsese star fulfilling her childhood dream of being a abandoning men. in the story of a roaming housewife. vocalist a la Alice Faye). It is to the film's credit that there is a On the way, she plants herself and son minimum of mechanistic, superimposed plot. Scorsese's camera observes the characters and settings without com- menting. The viewer is a third party Chapin's night captures sixties looking in. Robert Getchell's screenplay is functional in this sense—characters reveal themselves (rather than a script) before our eyes. in music and multi-media effects What the director feels unsure of by Jim Ned elk a Michael Solomon. I was seated practically saying, the camera does. When Ben Any 15 years of human existence, when- inside one of the speakers and, happily, confronts his wife and Alice discussing blended into the whole of human was able to hear the subtlest sounds of the him in one motel room the camera shakes existence, shows up as a meaningless dot Birds chirping mixed with the low rum- as does Alice; character and setting and on history's time-line. But, for those of us bling of the wind. Unlike Sergeant camera are coordinated. When Kristof- old enough to remember, the past decade- Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band On ferson moves in on Alice sodoes Scorsese and-ii-half is vividly recalled as almost The Road, the volume never blasted me with an eye that circles, approaches and larger-than-life: the Watts riots, the out of my seat. moves, as do the lovers. It is a tremen- marches for peace over an "undeclared The . nine-member cast is excellent, dously intimate and effective sequence. war" in a far-off land that claimed 45,000 especially Kelly Garrett, Gilbert Price, Individual characters shine in this film. of our soldiers, Nixon, the landings on the Dolores Hall, and Bill Starr. Garrett's Diane Ladd is a foul-mouthed waitress moon, and the fire in the space capsule strong, clear voice underscores the with heart, complemented by Valerie Curtin as the consummate clutz waitress. that killed the first Apollo astronauts. The "female role" in society as portrayed The film's funniest and some of its most details are encapsulated in our memories through the songs It's My Day and As I poignant moments take place in the Grow Older. Price's resonant baritone and are an integral part of our beings. diner—three waitresses may be unlikely In The Night That Made A7nerica brings deep emotion to his numbers, spokespersons for Women's Lib, but their Famous composer/balladcer Harry especially Battleground Bummer, the camaraderie and rapport with assorted Chapin attempts to show us, in 1975, his story of a black ghetto youth who joins the customers is a pleasure to behold. idea of the bad, and the good, of the past Army to escape jail, becomes a hero in Alfred Lutter is Alice's kid, Tommy, a fifteen years through his music and Vietnam, and returns home to be killed by police during a hold-up. wiseass, concerned son usually stationed accompanying multi-media effects. Chapin in front of the motel room television succeeds tremendously well in com- Hall's moving and inspirational in- terpretation of the gospel song, When 1 waiting to console and challenge his municating his views on this period of mother every step of the way. So dynamic Look Up, is nothing short of a show- history, simply because he was there to and natural is his relationship to Alice, stopper. Starr's humorous Stoopid, "see" it first-hand. He was 17-years old that he might be viewed as a surrogate back in 1960, old enough to observe, form complete with acrobatic dancing, is very husband. Both before and after the death valid opinions, and, most importantly, well handled. John Morris' choreography of his father, Tommy provides all the remember. leans towards the acrobatic, and it is a emotional sustenance Alice needs and However, this is not an annotative credit to the singer/dancers that they do CHAPIN: His musical covers the last 15 challenges the intentions of every man documentary. One could liken the show to not wind up breathless as they years; American dream survives. who enters her life. These and other an impressionistic painting: the objective simultaneously sing and somersault. characters set the dominant tone of the details are there, but they are portrayed Backing up Harry Chapin's rhythm film, which is very funny and very well in a subjective way, with the main im- guitar is a nine-man orchestra .under the The Night That Made America Famous executed. is great fun, not just because Harry pression prominently displayed amidst direction of Harry's brother, Stephen, Despite fine performances and technical Chapin is in it, but because the show is the minor ones. Chapin's main impression, who also mans the keyboards. The group virtuosity, there is a formidable schism »r theme, is that a Phoenix of optimism includes Harry's other brother, Tom, who good theatre. From the lights dancing on between director's intent and delivery. In will rise from the ashes of pessimism: plays the 6- and 12-string guitars, banjo, the drawn Grand Curtain to the sing-along viewing any art, there is the danger of and harmonica, and their father, Jim, who during the curtain calls, it's a thoroughly There may be a lot of egg on the face of (Continued on page 6) America, the show says, but, beneath that handles the percussion. enjoyable evening. |'RK, there still lies the Great American "ream, the dream of success. Irish The show, and the word show must be (Continued from page 1) emphasized here, is not a "Harry Chapin We must forget our religious Concert." Fifteen of the thirty musical differences and use all we have in "umbers don't even include Chapin's common to work toward better vocalization. Instead, under the skillful living conditions for everyone." diriTtion of Gi-neFrankel, The Night That Both Sloan and Cooney ad- W'i'/c America Famous is more akin to a monished the American press for musical essay. emphasizing the violence in As mentioned earlier, the show employs Northern Ireland, contending •tuilti-inpdia effects, an area of special this offers unintentional en- interest to Chapin, who spent many yeans z couragement to gunmen. lls a Him editor, director, etc., before Addressing some twenty lurninK to music full-time. These effects, members of the press, including under the ingenious and imaginative reporters from CBS radio and direction of Joshua White, famed for his Reuters news service, Cooney •'"shun Light Shows, run the gamut from dramatically stated, "The "Im clips and projected dioramas, to aural tremendous thing in Northern (•rttM-ts and live television. Ireland is that, in spite of all, life Executed by Jjm Saint Andrea, the goes on there, and this is what I' ensure both fascinating and complex. you people ignore." ,""' example, "live" action on stage is Sloan, the mother of two ^''"Jei'tud," via two Sony video cameras, teenaged children, noted the "Jilo a Kiant, circular screen which is hung violence had a particularly bad 111 sl;W right, Thus, the effects of cross affect on the small children in the ;|'lmK. zooming in and out, quick-cuts, and area, making them afraid to play ' lu'r vi(l«'« techniques enhance the action in front of their own homes. |'|| slal!c, and also give the folks in the last Sloan and Cooney began their j'w of'he balcony a good, close-up look at , efforts in 1909 as a result of their , "' ('llst members. Kent Lundell and concern for the children nnd ,"'t'l'l"I''WeiiUn<)'s setting is an all white elderly in the area. .J."'"J(1|l|'<»ji set" that "disappears" when They will return to Fordhnm slides are projected onto it. on March 115 at 3 p.m. to speak in 'Piiitlraphonic audio system IIHH the Geiieniso Pope auditorium. 11'"lost perfectly designed by X Thursday, March 6, 15)75 - THE HAM - Page 5 Mayall: A new sound with Jazz-Blues band

by Ed Grant "Sugarcane" Harris, both veterans of former. Besides playing fine country music. They are simple, often naive, |,m John Miiyall's new music is refreshing. Mayall's "U.S.A. Union" Band, are joined guitar, he also shows talent as a singer expressive, as though not to entertain s» Unlike his recent efforts with the Ja/.z- by guitarist Hick Vito, drummer Soko and song writer. He illustrated this well much as to record events and feelings thai Blues Fusion band, his new album, "John Richardson, keyboard (electric piano and about midway through the set. Mayall has experienced. Mayall: New Year, New Band, New clavinet) player Jay Spell, and female Mayall left the stage, and Vito, Taylor, Company," on the ABC Blue Thumb Label vocalist Dee McKinnie. and McKinnie sang a gentle country flood times, bad times, taxis, features no trumpet or saxaphone, and On February 14, Mayall brought his ballad composition of Vito's. loneliness, touring with his bands, making sounds much less cluttered than the "New Band" to Howard Stein's Academy Mayall chooses his musicians with care, love: . Mayall's lyrics reflect the blues overarranged and overpowered Moving of Music. Mayall opened with his only real and Vito is the latest in a long line of tradition, even if the format is changed. Ov and Ten Years Are Gone albums. top forty AM radio hit,Room excellent guitarists including Eric Clapton Mayall's a British blues musician who to Move. ' "I don't like to play it," he and Harvey Mandel. His most eloquent lyrics pertain to the has been a major figure for over twenty explained, "but every mother fucker in All the songs on the new album were experience of being a musician: something years in the development of rhythm and the world wants to hear it, and I don't written by Mayall. The lyrics are very he should know about, since he's been blues in England. He has worked with want to listen to you scream for it all personal, reflecting his life, loves and performing for almost thirty years. such current stars as Mick Taylor and night." With the exception of that and Eric Clapton while they were just coming Good Time Bougie, all of the material was up, Be's appeared almost yearly in new. Manhattan with a constantly changing set Besides functioning well as a unit, all of of musicians and an ever-evolving sound. the band members are also excellent solo Mice Describing Mayall's new sound is musicians, and Mayall frequently stepped (Continued }rom page 5) sentimental enough to well up with tears difficult, because it defies categorization. back to give them some room to move. incorrectly interpreting role as defniitive at the sight of on-screen revelations of It's not funk, and it's not country, and it's Harris' violin playing was impeccably statement. But—and this reflects kindly affection (be it in Alice or As The World not exactly blues either, though he retains clean and very tasty, that is, when the on Ellen Burstyn—her role demands Turns), but here we know later that this is twelve-bar blues format in some of the inadequate sound system permitted him scrutiny, and there is little doubt that she a very wrong resolution. cuts on the album. to be heard. is saying something. With Kristofferson, rather than just Taylor seems to have found steady Burstyn's face and motions reveal the Mayall has combined all of the above, getting an irresistible hunk of man, Alice employment playing in Mayall's groups' inner and outer torments and hopes of her gets the chance to pursue her dream creating a sound as distinctive and in- and his solo in Good Time Boogie explains life—alternately composed and childlike, novative as any he's ever made. career. The failure of the film is in why. Unlike some other bass players, strong and vunerable. We feel for her presenting a spunky, bright, and am Impossible as it may sound, this com- Taylor's solos are intricate without being loneliness, yet empathize with Alice as bination of blues, funk, and country music bitious woman in transition and then confusing, and he avoids overemphasizing she doggedly pursues and confronts her gently thrusting Kristofferson on all our . works. With the line-up of musicians that the beat, a problem in too much popular freedom and aspirations. It is accordingly sensibilities (mind you, he plays his part Mayall has assembled, it has to. music. reassuring and upsetting to behold her to perfection here, much akin to Bassist Larry Taylor and violinist Don Vito, the guitarist, is a versatile per- union with Kristofferson. We may be Kristofferson's Elmo in Blume in Love).

WFUV Presents

WOODY ULfKS^ cracking W\% "TAKE comedy"™ V/ THE MONEY YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE IT l\ —JUDITH CRIST, , ANDRUN •« V^ TODAY SHOW . / t 'r Every night is Fordham Night at: ri

Channel I

The ATTENTION STUDENTS Why lype'Lflf us do Ihe lypmg lor »ou Ramskeller Schedule resumes, lornt papers, etc Church of Conservation GIRI, FRIDAY BOOKKEKl'INIJ SERVICE, INC. J3-63 7th Am ton the comer ot US." V- Invites You To Be An Now York, N V 10030 281 ''•";J ORDAINED MINISTER Ploaseglve us 9 call. 7th, Friday, 555 BEER BLAST, A Mixer, 8:30-12:30 pm, free for 555 residents, $2 50 others A Man For Sponsored by 555 Dorm. Drink some beer! And Acquire The Rank 8th, Saturday, FOLK/ROCK NITE, 8.30-12:30 pm, free admission. Others- Good tunes, an enjoyable evening. DOCTOR A Foreign 11 th, Tuesday, MARY O'DOWD, In Concert, 8-11 pm, $1.00 with ID What can I say, Mary O'Dowd! Just a good beer drinkin1 evening, doors open at 7 Dm OF NATUREPEDICS Missionary come early to get a seat. One free beer/person. ' Our fait growing church is act- ively seeking environment-con- Priest cious new ministers who believe B00GIE W00GIE BAND That's what a Colurnban Father - - A Mixer, 8:30-12:30 pm, 50 what we believe: Man should ex Is. He's a man who cares...ana Yes, folks, it's Oldie's Night! ist in harmony with nature. We a man who shares...a man wno Truly an enjoyable group to watch and listen to! are a non-itructured faith, unden- reaches, out to missions in Asia Beer bargain nite — 3 for $ 1.00. ominational, with no traditional and Latin America.. to share the doctrino or dogma. Boiiefits for Good News that Jesus truly ministers are: cares for them. Ho's a man who 15th, Saturday, COUNTRY FOLK NITE, 8:30-12:30 pm, free with ID. 1. Car Emblem and Pocket commits his life totally to others An evening of foot stomping good tunes. I.D. so they can live their lives »J Some banjo, some guitar, and a lot of fun. 2. Reduced rates from many God intended. Bning a 18th, Tuesday, COFFEEHOUSE NITE, 8:30-11 pm, free admission. hotels, motels, restaurants, COLUMBAN FATHER Good for a study break, just stop by for an hour or so. car rontal agencies, etc. isatoughchallongc.-butifyo" Donuts, coffee, beer, wine sold. Our directory lists over think you have what it takes ana 1,000 prestige establish- are a Catholic young man. i' 'u 19th, Wednesday, STAR-SPANGLED WASHBOARD BAND, In Concert, 8-11 pm, free with ID. ments extending on auto- 26, write today tor our A Concert not to miss, if you saw Mission Mountain Wood Band or NRBQ, matic cash discount. ..._...._ _ a*« . Star Spangled is just as good! 3. Perform marriages, bap- tisms, funerals and all other I 8LCo)umbani,N6680M 21st, Friday, A MIXER, 8:30-12:30 pm, 50c with ID. ministerial functions. Put on your dancing shoes! I am Intenwted In becomingt « 4. Start your own church and Catholic Missionary Pr •»'• 22nd, Saturday, JAY LENO and some friends, 8:30-12:30 pm, 50& with ID. apply for exemption from Pleas* t«nd m« your booklet Jay is a young comedian Fordham will really enjoy. Joining Jay on stage will be some property and other taxes. Enclose a free will rlonstion for good tunes to fill out a fun evening. Beer special night 3/$1.00. th« minister's credentials and poc 25th, Tuesday, Something will happen, so watch or an announcement. ket license. Your ordiiwtion it r»coBnlmd in all 50 states and "It** 28th thru April 6th, Closed for Spring Break. most foreign countries Church of Conservation, Box 375, Mary Esther, Florida 32569.

Page ti - THE RAM -Thursday, March fi, 1975 man from Wesleyan before Squash being beaten by the number Konlham All-American Bill four man from Navy Amlruss suffered his first •j(1f,,at of the year, losing 3 guiles to 1 in the finals of the Women i'.S. Intercollegiate squash racquets championships held. Last Tuesday, the Fairfield at Princeton University last stags defeated Fordham 63- weekend. He was defeated by 16. Mary Beth Maher led top-seeded Juan de Fairfield's scoring with 14 Villafranca of the University points, followed by Dee nf Mexico. This was a major Matthewswith 12 points, p'or disappointment to the For- the Rams, Clare LeDonne dhiini squash team that continued to score in double finished sixth in the tour- figures, scoring 12 points, nament, tied with Navy at 8.5 while Joanne Little had ten points. Andruss had defeated points and Mary Ann Milos ilc Villafranca in straight sets and Margiti Tenner each to win the Holiday contributed eight points. Ken Lovsa Invitational Tournament of The Rams conclude their !w ^S ^nh: membersTerS: : lefleftt tt0o righ right tJoh John n BradBradyy-,Ji Jimm Cunning Cunninghamh , Bill Langheld, Jim Manhardt, Darry!° l Brown, Bill Carlson, Gerry Smith, Dan Lyons, Billy Mainor. the University Club of New season away against Western York in December. Connecticut State tonight. Andruss, who received a bye in the first round,, went Fordham's '1000 Pointers' undefeated through his 3 Ramrods quarterfinal games. He beat Joe Swain of Pennl5-6, 15-12, The Fordham varsity rifle shatter aged jock image 17-18 and 15-12 to get into the team opened the second half finals. by Tom Canavan like Gerry Smith, Jim Cun- students first and jocks second." of the season with an 994-960 They came from places like However, Bill Carlson ad- Besides Andruss, two other ningham, Bill Carlson and Bill victory over Pace College. Orange, New Jersey, Syracuse, Mainor. That last one may ring a ded,"That didn't stop us from members of the Ram squash Last Saturday the Ramrods and even our beloved Bronx to bell. If you said they were going out on the weekends and learn competed in the were barely edged by a initiate a new member into their members of one of Fordham's having a good time drinking." championship. M a r c i a I strong West Point plebe team exclusive club. They reminisced present fraternities you were The members of the 1000 point Fcrriera beat the number one 1027-976. Sophomore Jeff about the 'old times and the close. club represent Ram tradition, man from Trinity in five Parry shot a season high 262 former greats like but are similar to today's student names, and the number two out of a possible 300. Tony Lavelli of Yale and Hank in many aspects. Jim Cun- man from Amherst three The team next match will be Lusetti of Stanford, and a host of Analysis However these men, along ningham was married in his before losing to Jim Mateer of be this Friday against others who competed against the freshman year at Fordham. IVnn 31. Neal Tarangiolo Martine College at the FM Rams over the past three with Bill Langheld, Jim Manhardt, John Brady and Dan Gerry Smith and Carlson were defeated the number three Rifle Range at 7 p.m. decades. Lyons, and those who were not both "day-hoppers" or, in They themselves had names present on Monday, and now, modern terms, commuters. Darryl Brown, are members of The majority of the 1000 point Fordham's most exclusive club— club agree the style of basketball Icemen beat Brooklyn the 1000 point club. It's a has changed over the past three tremendous accomplishment to decades. The game that was score 1000 points in a varsity dominated by the set shot and basketball career but there is the has been trans- with defensive prowess also an outstanding feeling you formed by lay ins, jump shots and zone defenses. Yet, when by Vivian Dennis down and saw the puck at Stathis' performance, of late, has get sitting around talking to these men. they were asked how much Mike Durke's three goal my feet," explained Burke. The been impressive. With ten Fordham had changed, the There is an age old myth about hatlrick, and a strong defensive right winger flipped the puck seconds remaining in the game, members simply smiled. jocks which says the better they showing neutralized the faster . intQ the net for a 1-0 Maroon lead Stathis got his own Cunningham said, "Most of us skating Brooklyn College team, at 8:29 of the first period. Adding back,- after hitting the post, for perform on the court the stupider they are off the court, don't get the chance to come" as the Fordham hockey club beat insult to Brooklyn's injury, an empty net goal. down and visit the campus. Last thcKingsmen,6-3, Monday night Burke said, "Their defense Talking with these members last night, that myth was totally time I was here the security at Hiverdale Kink. wasn't that good, and neither However, not everyone was on guard wouldn't let me drive my Hurke took his hattrick was their goaltending." shattered and for the first time in a scoring spree. "We played a in three years I began to un- car on campus. That's a change, stride, modestly saying, "I was Burke scored four of his line's good defensive game," com- as well as some new buildings pretty lucky to get it." nine points, while Kern picked derstand the meaning of the mented defenseman Rich Fordham sports program. and new students, but as far as Hurke cited his first goal as an up a goal and two assists, with we can see the Fordham student Strauss. He added, "All we gave It's very easy to bitch about a '•"ample of poor Brooklyn O'Beid adding two more assists. is still among the most them were the bad shots." 12-13 record and say Fordham defense. Jim Kern passed the Unlike their other games, the knowledgeable and kindest should lower its academic pwk back to the point, and Matt Ram's scoring was more equally Most of Brooklyn's 44 shots at around. •> O'Beid took his shot. "I looked distributed. Frank Angelini and goalie Vin Bocchino were from standards or cheat a little to get blue chip ballplayers. However, The members of thelOOO point George Stathis, whose names the point. In contrast, the Rams the members of the 1000 point club were unanimous in saying- usually do not show up in the tested the Kingsmen's goalie WANT A club impressed me because, "Fordham will always be a part scoring column, assisted on Bob Elliot Weiss only 21 times with simply, they were knowledge- of them." It goes without saying Gillen's second period goal, many of those coming from close able. that they will always be a part of giving Fordham a 3-1 advantage. in. TOYOTA Dan Lyons said, "We were Fordham. TALK PARISH VISITORS OF MARY IMMACULATE WOMEH OF PRAYEB A PEBSON • TO • PERSON \ TO US! APOSTOLATE ii«leolo a great deal * Itoni a complete inventory A & Z TOYOTA, LTD. THE WAGON WHEEL miWEST TORDHAM RD BRONX ¥ ' ™'r 0,cc'Ja" E*Pwy> • 367-0776 - VICE J2 JEROME AVE. BRONX ¥ ?Cl)nc0 • vomno 1J! ) 367-0332 • laiaioin EDUCATION • SHUIUAl COUHUUHO •K * SERVICE FACILITIES • SOCIAL SCDVICE * ¥ lot any make ol c.n Kingsbridge Rd., 1/4 Block East of Grand Concourse ¥ ¥ ¥ MAIN ATTRACTION MEDICAL SCHOOL ASPIRANTS ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 40,000 men and women w. apply to American medical schouls ¥ Ms year, but only about 14,0U0 will be accepted. ¥ TURNER & KIRWAN ¥ ¥ Qualified candidates have a valid alternative: medical of Wexford ¥ """cation in Europe. For information and application forms ¥ opportunities also available for veterinary and dentistry THE LITTLE BAND WITH THE BIG SOUND ¥ Lim ¥ 'ii(l.iti!s), contact the information office: ¥ Fri. , Sat. and Sun. evenings ¥ ¥ INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL ¥. ¥ MEDICAL EDUCATION ¥ ¥ also Johnny Angel Disco from radio WHBI """sinnaliv churterod by the Rugems of the University of the Stato 1)1 N«w York. ¥ 1(11-- 51 St., New York 10022, (212) 832-2089 Thursday, Miircli (i, 1975 • THE HAM • Cage 7 Cagers' postseason hopes fade with latest 3 losses The Ram basketball team Against Georgetown, the Fallon led Fordham with 27 ended its season Monday night Rams battled the Hoyas evenly points, with John O'Neil adding by losing to the Orangemen from for the first half, trailing at 15. Lockharty sparked the Syracuse 88-73, making their halftime by a single point, 37-36. Jaspers with 22 points, followed final record 12-13, including nine Fordham shot an excellent 60 closely by Bucci's 20 and straight losses to close the percent from the floor in the half, Mahoney's 19. campaign. led by Darryl Brown's 14 points, Last Saturday, Fordham lost while Jack Troha and Kevin Fallon each added 10 points. Postscripts: The ECAC to Georgetown in Washington, metroplitan elimination round 66-60 and they also bowed to The game stayed tight right for a spot in the NCAA arch rival Manhattan at Madison up to the end, but four free basketball championship will Square Garden Thursday night, throws by Georgetown's Mike begin tonight at Madison Square 81-75. McDermott iced the game. Garden with a double header These last three losses, Merlin Wilson topped Hoya beginning at 7 p.m. The contests climaxing the long losing streak attack with 18 points while will pit Rutgers against St. in which the Rams faced many Derrick Jackson added 14. Fallon Peters and the second game will national powers, including led the Rams with 20 points, have St. John's playing Seton Maryland and Marquette, and while Darryl Brown finished Hall. eliminated the Maroon from any Ken Lovisa with 16. The championship game will be possibility of a berth in a WISSEL: plotting strategy played on Saturday afternoon. postseason tournament. The most ironic aspect of the Against Syracuse, Fordham Georgetown game was the fact played an excellent first half, that the last seven minutes of the passing crisply and shooting well game were played in semi- To compete in Easterns at Dartmouth from the field in a fast paced, darkness due to a malfunction of well-played half by both teams the gym lighting system. which saw Fordham on top 35-34 at intermission. At the Garden Thursday Aquamen take second in Met night, amid Jasper cheers of by Philip Perry quality but not the quantity of style, the Aquarams quartet Kevin Moriarity, getting the swimmers that Columbia has, of Reiff, Kissane, Cichanowiz starting nod in his last game, "Rams eat shit," Fordham and The Fordham swimming team, Manhattan scrapped and fought and therefore we could not and Felice took the event in played well, scoring six points, although copping 17 of the 21 overtake them in total points." 3:13.6. along with Kevin Fallon who to a 34-34 halftime standoff. Most events they entered, placed tallied 11 points at the half. of the excitement for the Rams second with 432 points in the The Aquarams set many Ram coach Joe Benia! was In the second half, the Rams was provided by Fallon, who had Metropolitan Conference conference records including selected coach of the year for the kept the pressure on and were 19 points at the intermission. Championships held at Brooklyn ReiiTs wins in the 500 yd free second season in a row. Bernal leading 47-46 with 13:48 left to Manhattan used balance scoring College Thursday, Friday, and style in which he took the heat in remarked that "winning coach of play. Then the roof fell in as the from George Bucci, Charlie Saturday. '1:48.3, and in the 200 yd free style the year is a tribute to the Orangemen scored eight straight Mahoney, and Tom Lockhart to which he copped with 1:44.7. fellows. They were very happy points to go ahead to stay 54-47. offset Fallon's performance. Columbia University, with Paul Macht, Kelly, Felice, and for me and I am extremely happy twice as many swimmers as Cichanowicz clinched the 400 yd Syracuse, led by guard Jimmy After intermission, Fordham for them." Fordham, finished first with 450 medley relay with a record time Lee and forward Rudy Hackett, came out strong and led 43-40 points. Fordham swimmers of 4:39. poured it on and put the game with 15 minutes left in the game. The Rams qualified i%'hl Devon Reiff, Larry Cichanowicz, Other records set at the meet away, leading by twenty points, But with the Maroon on top 52-49 swimmers for the Eastern Chuck Felice, and Tom Kelly were Felice's first in the 100yd 75-55 with three and a half at the 12 minute mark, the were voted most valuable fly with 51.9 and the 200yd fly in Championships at Dartmouth minutes left. Jaspers led by Mahoney and College tomorrow. Bucci, came alive, outscoring the swimmers of the conference. No 1:58.5. Kelly also captured the Lee led the Syracuse attack other swimmers from the seven 100yd breast stroke with 59.9. with 25 points, followed by Rams 15-6 over the next five participating schools were ac- The team of Felice, Reiff, The eight swimmers Hackett with 24. Darryl Brown minutes to lead 62-58. Fordham corded such an honor. Cichanowicz, and Kevin Kissane representing Fordham are topped Fordham wtih 25 points never regained the lead after copped a new conference record Felice, Reif, Kevin and John while Kevin Fallon finished with that in a very physical and Ram Coach Joe Bernal corn- in the 800yd free style relay with Kissane, Cichanowicz, Kcllcy •18. emotional game. mented, "We have the better a time of 7:06. In the 400yd free Durkin, Tom Kelly, and Macht. What's the story?' Epilogue

7 Jerry Buckley "This is like a funeral, man," someone remarked ride on the laurels of the Southern Cal, game forever. Troha, injury plagued and often maligned, played his outside the Fordham locker room after the Syracuse When the final buzzer sounded, not only a season was best game against Army earlier this year, scoring 19 game Monday night. It was one of those obvious com- ended, but so were the careers of three Ram players, poins. What he lacked in ability, he made up for in hustle ments, aimed at no one in particular, but just said for lack Darryl Brown, Kevin Moriarity and Jack Troha. and desire. Putting averages aside, when the game was of anything else to say. Yet, it was hardly necessary. "Mort" and Troha weren't great players, but they each over, it was the end for both of them. Three years is three Everywhere you looked, it was plain to see. had their moments. Moriarity's finest moment was the years. In a sense it was a funeral. Dead, and now gone, is the Holy Cross game two years ago when he sank two foul And then of course there is Darryl Brown. It has all season that once looked so promising but now simply shots after the buzzer to give the Rams the victory. Even been said before about the Big "D", from 1,000 points to goes into the record books as 12 wins, 13 losses. Gone is though relegated to bench duty the past two seasons, game winning baskets. How-does one sum up a career. the elation of that December night when the scrappy "Mort" still gave it everything when he played, earning Darryl said it best. Rams toppled the Trojans of Southern California to win the respect of many Ram fans. "What can you say," he commented as he pi'ek>d the Holiday Festival. number 30 off his back. "I've put this uniform on so many Gone now are times this season when Fordham times. I just took it off and now I'm not going to put it basketball was again the talk of the town. That was when back on again ever. Something went inside of me. w the Maroon was 12-4 and a post season tournament continued, "Sure, it's1 tough to go out this way, but we seemed inevitable. Reporters were requent visitors to gave it a hundred percent." As he walked into the Rose Hill, and Hal Wissel was stealing the show at the shower, a teammate said to him, "It's our last shower Monday Press luncheons. together man." In typical Darryl fashion, he replied. January 29 was only a little bit over a month ago, yet it "Let's make it a good one." , seems like light years away. That was the day of the In the hallway under the old gym, kids, and wives am Columbia game; the last time Fordham won a game. friends milled around, mostly in silence. Ram assistant February came and confirmed the worst of the fears coach Seth Hicks emerged from the locker room, his eyes that Fordham fans had. Boston College began the on- filled with tears. Another assistant, P.J. Carlesim" slaught on television, and 27 days later, those Jaspers from Riverdale ended the disastrous month. In between, follwed, his eyes also red from tears. Then there was Hal Wissel, emotionally and physical')' the Rams lost to Maryland, St. John's, Rutgers, a Marquette, and Notre Dame. Now the score read, 12 wins drained after yet another season of a sport that is such big part of his life. He talked of how much he love" "IS and 11 losses, and post season tournaments hopes were 1 11 fading fast. But, there was still hope. players, and how he was disappointed for 'I' ' '' The Rams traveled to Washington, but Georgetown especially the seniors, that they won't play in " l'°*' season tournament. "They're a team in every sensi1 "f '' was a bad host and they too beat Hal Wissel's troops. 11 With an even record, Fordham had one last chance, at word," he commented. "They gave me all they In '' home, against Syracuse. A win might have given the added, fighting back the tears. rams an NIT bid at most, a good way to end the season at "1 gave it everything I had," Wissel continued. 'I11'1'1'^ the very least. But, Syracuse was too good and even the he did. He is a good coach, a teacher, and a relent"'^ presence of many all-time Fordham scorers in the stands worker. He deserves credit, as do his roach'"' ;l" couldn't change it. players. This isn't to make excuses for nine straight losses and 1 such a disappointing finish. Granted, the schedule is So, another season of basketball has conic and i;""' |'. Fordham. But, even in the sadness and frustri't''111 .Lough. Marquette, Maryland, Notre Dame, and South Sl lh Carolina are superior teams. Bui, the key games, namely, Ken Lovisa Monday night, there is planning for next year. ' ,'• |, Holy Cross, St. John's, Manhattan and Georgetown were handed P.J. Carlesimo a newspaper clippie "', ^ IIIIOWN, MOK1AK1TY, TROHA |lr|: ended their 1 games the Rams could and should have won. You can't Forilliiim ituHkelbuIl canociH Momhty night. school playoff games, "l'llgo to these two gain'" told P.J., and the job of building a winner f'i!l(""""" Page 8 - THI0 RAM - iliumlny, March «, 1975