
Appendix S2 – Maps of change in plot-level relative basal area, and the composition of the Acer spp. group during the Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Surveys

Post-settlement ecological changes in the forests of the Great Lakes National Parks

Alison K. Paulson, Suzanne Sanders, Jessica Kirschbaum, and Donald M. Waller

Apostle Islands NL


Abies balsamea Pinus resinosa Populus spp. Thuja occidentalis Acer spp. Betula papyrifera Pinus strobus Red Oak Group Tsuga canadensis

Grand Portage NM PLS GLKN

Abies balsamea Betula papyrifera Picea spp. Pinus strobus Populus spp. Dunes NL


Acer spp. Nyssa sylvatica Pinus strobus Robinia pseudoacacia Ulmus spp. Fagus grandifolia Pinus spp. Red Oak Group Salix spp. White Oak Group Liriodendron tulipifera

Fig. S1. Plot-level relative basal area at both the PLS (left) and GLKN (right) time points; the color and shape of each plot indicates the species with the highest relative basal area at that plot.

Isle Royale NP


Abies balsamea Betula alleghaniensis Fraxinus spp. Picea spp. Populus spp. Acer spp. Betula papyrifera Pinus strobus Thuja occidentalis


Mississippi NRRA

Acer negundo Celtis occidentalis Populus deltoides Quercus macrocarpa Ulmus spp. Acer spp. Fraxinus spp. Prunus spp. Red Oak Group White Oak Group Carya spp.

Pictured Rocks NL


Acer spp. Fagus grandifolia Pinus resinosa Populus spp. Thuja occidentalis Betula alleghaniensis Pinus banksiana Pinus strobus Prunus spp. Tsuga canadensis Betula papyrifera

Fig. S2. Plot-level relative basal area at both the PLS (left) and GLKN (right) time points; the color and shape of each plot indicates the species with the highest relative basal area at that plot.

Saint Croix NSR


Abies balsamea Acer spp. Picea spp. Pinus spp. Quercus macrocarpa Tsuga canadensis Fraxinus spp. Pinus banksiana Pinus strobus Red Oak Group Ulmus spp. Larix laricina Pinus resinosa Populus spp. Tilia americana White Oak Group

Sleeping Bear Dunes NL PLS GLKN

Acer spp. Larix laricina Pinus resinosa Pinus strobus Thuja occidentalis Betula papyrifera Pinus banksiana Pinus spp. Red Oak Group Tsuga canadensis Fagus grandifolia


Voyageurs NP

Abies balsamea Larix laricina Pinus resinosa Populus sp. Thuja occidentalis Betula papyrifera Picea sp. Pinus strobus Red Oak Group Tilia americana Fraxinus spp. Pinus banksiana

Fig. S3. Plot-level relative basal area at both the PLS (left) and GLKN (right) time points; the color and shape of each plot indicates the species with the highest relative basal area at that plot.

Acer negundo

40 Acer pensylvanicum

Acer rubrum

Acer saccharinum e Basal Area (%) v 20

Acer spicatum Relati


Fig. S4. Relative basal area of the six Acer species surveyed by the Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network at Apostle Islands NL (APIS), Indiana Dunes NL (INDU), Isle Royale NP (ISRO), Mississippi NRRA (MISS), Pictured Rocks NL (PIRO), Saint Croix NSR (SACN), Sleeping Bear Dunes NL (SLBE), and Voyageurs NP (VOYA).