Editor-in-Chief: Prem Kumar Chumber Contact: 001-916-947-8920 Fax: 916-238-1393 E-mail: [email protected] Editors: Takshila & Kabir Chumber VOL- 6 ISSUE- 6 June 01-15, 2014 www.ambedkartimes.com www.ambedkartimes.org Electoral Politics, Social awakening and Political Empowerment An Exhibition and Public Function - Prem K Chumber (Editor-in-Chief: Ambedkar Times) The introduction of electoral politics in colonial India during on Dr Ambedkar at Bedford the British Raj aroused critical awareness among the lower castes that their numerical strength can be translated into po- litical power – a key to their empowerment. The first political Rich Tributes paid to the Champion of Human rights initiative on the part of the ex-untouch- ables took shape in 1910 that witnessed the formation of the All India Depressed Classes Federation under the inspiration of the Bombay Presidency Social Reforms Association. The Government of India Act – 1919 expedited the move further under its scheme of communal representation in Indian legis- Arun Kumar lature. In fact, the Government of India Act – 1919 was the [email protected] benchmark for the emergence of Scheduled Castes political awareness leading to the formation of their ‘coherent political On 11 May, 2014, tended by local councilors, blocks’. a huge function to MP and representatives from Promises of electoral politics gave rise to social awak- commemorate the different organisations and ening among the Scheduled Castes (officially known as De- birth anniversary public at the public at large pressed Classes) who perhaps for the first time in the long of Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar the caste atrocities on Dalits from all over UK. A large del- history of their persecution and neglect come to realise the im- was organized at the presti- including rapes and killings of egation comprising of Dr Vijay portance of their head counts for the purpose of their political gious venue in Bedford, Corn Dalit women and the history Kadam, Ramesh Katke, empowerment and social emancipation. They started demand- Exchange by Ambedkar Mis- of campaign against caste Avinash Kamble, Dnyanesh- ing separate electoral constituencies and the right to register sion Society Bedford. The discrimination in the United war Bhimrao Nile, Sudhir Sud- themselves under their long-forgotten indigenous religion. In event included an exhibition Kingdom from 1976. It was hakar Kalsulkar,Mahendra , the Scheduled Castes made an ambitious proposal for on Dr Ambedkar's life, work, an eye opener for those who Bhimrao Nile, Balu Nitnaware, a separate religion of their own and they fought systematically caste discrimination in India refuse to accept prevalence of Mrs Vandana Nitnaware who for the same under the stewardship of Babu Mangu Ram, a and UK. Also on display were caste based discrimination had come from India espe- renowned Gadharite and founder of historic Ad Dharm move- some of Babasaheb Dr (CBD) and its effects on the cially to attend this function. ment. Babu Mangu Ram won the battle. The Ad Dharmis Ambedkar’s personal belong- victims of CBD. The exhibi- Bhim Smaran-Bhim Stuti, a were allowed to register themselves under their newly declared ings- courtesy of Dr Ambed- tion was designed and pre- new version to pay tribute to religion - Ad Dharm - in the 1931Punjab Census. As per Punjab kar Memorial Committee of pared by Pirthi Kaeley and Dr Ambedkar led by Siddharth Census Report, 1931, part A, Chap.11, subsidiary table 1, p. GB, Wolverhampton. The ex- Arun Kumar and it was Prabuddha joined by other 318; the total number of 418,789 Ad Dharmis registered them- hibition contained copies and opened by Dave Hodgson, guests was recited. A short selves under the Ad Dharm. By registering under the newly de- originals of over three hundred Mayor of Bedford. film on the life and works of clared Ad Dharm, the Scheduled Castes of Punjab made a bold rare photos of Dr Ambedkar, The function was at- (Contd.. to Page 3) statement that they were neither Hindu, Sikh, Muslim or Chris- tian, but a separate qaum who want their due share in the local structures of power of the society, polity and economy. Ambedkar Events at the London Subsequently, Ad Dharm contested 1936 and 1945-46 Punjab Legislative Assembly elections. Out of the eight reserved seats, School Economics and House of Lords it got seven in 1936 election. In the1945-46 election Babu Report by Arun Kumar Ambedkar’s various events took place in LSE, Mangu Ram got elected from Hoshiarpur constituency. To commemorate the birth anniversary of Grays Inn, Oxford and Cambridge Universities Since the days of Ad Dharm movement, Scheduled Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar two historic events and the British Parliament. Castes in Punjab had been actively participating in the electoral took place on 8th May 2014 in London. One The workshop at the LSE was chaired politics of the state and parliamentary elections. But surpris- was at the London School of Economics (LSE) by Dr Alpa Shah, Associate Professor (Reader) ingly enough, their own political parties, Scheduled Castes where Babasaheb studied from 1916 to 1923 Department of anthropology (LSE). After a Federation (SCF), Republican Party of India (RPI), and Bahujan and another at the House of Lords-the Upper brief introduction about Dr Ambedkar’s life Samaj Party (BSP), failed to win over them who constitute about 1/3 of the total population of Punjab.In the recently con- cluded 16th parliamentary election, the BSP failed to win any seat even in its stronghold in Uttar Pradesh. However, still there is good news that in Uttar Pradesh the BSP retained its vote bank intact with some addition. But in Punjab, where the per- centage of Scheduled Castes population is highest in compar- ison to all other states in the country, the percentage of the BSP votes has further dwindled. What does the rout of the BSP signify? Is it that the Scheduled Castes politics has come to an end? Or does it that they lost faith in their own political initiatives? With a solid tra- dition of political participation and a rich legacy of Ad Dharm movement, SCF, RPI and BSP, it would be immature to con- clude that the fate of Dalit politics for its self-governing route House of the British Parliament. Both events and work by Arun Kumar, Jayseelan Raj, Post- is closed. The failure in electoral politics should not be con- were organised by the Federation of Ambed- doctoral Research Fellow, Anthropology, LSE, strued as the failure of social awakening too. The failure in par- karite and Buddhist Organisations UK read his paper on the conditions of Tamil Dalits liamentary constituencies cannot suffocate the strong breath (FABOUK). The LSE event was in collaboration in Kerala. of social awakening among the Scheduled Castes in Punjab. with the department of Anthropology at the He explained that the migrant Dalit They very well understand the golden message taught by their LSE. The House of Lords conference ‘Dr Tamils face extreme discrimination in Kerala on messiahs – Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia, Bharat Rattan Bod- Ambedkar-his Life and Works’ was chaired by the basis of their caste and language. Dr hisattva Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Sahib Kanshi Lord Harries of Pentregarth, Chair All Party Clarinda Still, Department lecturer, Modern In- Ram – that political power is a key to their ultimate emancipa- Parliamentary Group for Dalits. These events dian Studies, Oxford and Inequality and tion and empowerment. This message will never go waste! remind us of those years in 1990s when Dr (Contd.. to next Page) www.ambedkartimes.com V0l-6 2 Issue-6 www.deshdoaba.com June 01 - 15, 2014

SRI GURU RAVIDASS SABHA, PITTSBURG (CA) CELEBRATES 29TH ANNIVERSARY OF THIS GURUGHAR AT ITS PRESENT LOCATION ON JUNE 29TH 2014. THE ENTIRE SANGAT IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN AND GLORIFY THIS HISTORIC EVENT WITH FRIENDS AND RELATIVES, AS PER FOLLOWING PROGRAM 6-27-2014 (Friday) 6-29-2014 (Sunday) ArambhAkhand Path 10:00 A.M BhogAkhand Path 10:00 A.M The occasion will be graced by prominent Kirtankars, preachers and speakers well versed with the history of its existence , being the first Gurughar in USA, associated with the holy teachings of Shri Guru RavidassJiMaharaj. Path and langarsewa for all the three days will be performed jointly by sangat. For more information please call (925) 439-2355. FAQUIRA MEHMI SALINDER SINGH ABHISHEK PAL GYAN SUMAN CHAIRMAN PRESIDENT GENL.SECRETARY TREASURER Faquira Mehmi (Chairman), Slin- der Singh (President), Shashi Paul (Vice President), O P Balley (For- mer President), Sohan Singh Damaria (Former Chairman), Abhishek Pal (General Secretary) & Granthi Singhs honoring Harmesh Lal Sheemar with Siropa on releasing Dr. Ambedkar songs CD at Shri Guru Ravidass Temple Pittsburg (California) Ambedkar Events at the London School Economics and House of Lords Poverty Research Programme, LSE, of Lords was chaired by Lord Harries Speaking on Dr Ambedkar’s Kumar the General Secretary of the had spent one and half year in the of Pentregarth, Chair, All- Parliamen- constitutional provisions for affirma- Anti Caste Discrimination Alliance house hold of a Dalit family in Andhra tary Group for Dalits. It was attended tive action measures, Dr Alpa Shah gave a Lord’s and lobbyist view of the Pradesh to study the day-to-day life by Lord Eric Avebury, Baroness said, “There is no doubt the affirma- campaign for legal protection against of Dalit women. She found that they Verma, Baroness Northover, Lords tive measures have improved the eco- Caste-based discrimination in the UK. were burdened with more responsibil- Spokesperson for Women and Equal- nomic and social conditions of Lord Avebury said “When you reflect ities than those of upper caste ities, Mr. Virendra Sharma MP, Dr millions of people and Dalits are able on the lifetime Ambedkar spent in women. She said, “Apart from look- Ruth Kattumuri, Co- Director India to achieve high profile positions but it fighting caste discrimination, and the ing after families, they have to work Observatory & Asia Research Centre, has adverse effects as well. To get fact that it has continued for more in the fields to earn livelihood to run London school of Economics (LSE), benefits every caste is asserting and than half a century after it was pro- the house. Dalit women are the vic- Dr Alpa Shah Associate Professor feeling proud in caste identity. Dr hibited in the constitution he drafted, tims of extreme discrimination. (Reader) Department of anthropology Ambedkar wanted affirmative action the obstacles we face pale into in- Caste based sexual violence is used (LSE), Dr Clarinda Still, Department for certain period of time. significance; but the lessons from his as a tool of control over the women lecturer, Modern Indian Studies, Ox- Instead of implementing struggle are important to us today. and the Dalit community as a whole”. ford and Inequality and Poverty Re- these measures, political classes used Caste is deeply embedded in the cul- She also found, “Women are also dis- search Programme, LSE, Ms Santosh them for their benefit and kept on ex- tures of south Asia, and since dis- criminated by their own men in the Dass MBE, President of Ambedkarite tending. Dr Ambedkar wanted to an- crimination persists there long after it name of honour. Women are edu- & Buddhist Organisations UK and nihilate caste and caste identities. was made unlawful, it is hardly sur- cated only to find a good match for Vice Chair ACDA, Meena Varma, Di- Whatever Dr Ambedkar wanted oppo- prising that it also continues in the Di- marriage and after marriage they end rector, Dalit Solidarity Network and site is being practiced.” Baroness aspora. To extinguish it requires up doing house hold chores and their many representatives of various or- Northover, the Spokesperson for relentless action by its opponents careers are over.” ganizations. A short documentary Women and Equalities and the De- against stubborn resistance over Ms Santosh Dass MBE, Presi- film on Dr Ambedkar was also partment for International Develop- many years. dent of Federation of Ambedkarite & screened. ment said that she visited India and So instead of resting on our Buddhist Organisations, UK Introducing the event, Ms saw the work of NGOs engaged in laurels having got the legislation onto (FABOUK) and Vice Chair, Anti caste Santosh Dass MBE explained that the the empowerment of women. She the statute book, we need to con- Discrimination Alliance (ACDA) gave aim of this first House of Lords event was happy to know that Government tinue the struggle to mobilise the a forceful presentation on the cam- was to raise awareness of Dr Ambed- of India had started many schemes to wider public through Parliamentari- paign to outlaw caste discrimination kar and his contribution to equality alleviate poverty and improve the con- ans”, Ravi Kumar said ` now that a in the UK. She explained, “On 23 and justice in India, and his impact on ditions of women. She further stated law that provides protection for vic- April 2013 Parliament agreed to out- those around the world with an inter- that the British government encour- tims is in place, once implemented it law Caste-based discrimination in the est in human rights, the theory and aged such programmes. Meena will help communities unite, and start UK but the time table to implement practice of equality issues and civil Varma informed that Dr Ambedkar to work afresh in a spirit of equality, the law published by the government rights movements. She ‘hoped to see Principles framed by the International and harmony. As campaigners, we in July 2013 was overly elastic. The the events at the LSE and House Dalit Solidarity Network in 2006 had never wanted preferential treatment, timetable indicates that the legisla- Lords become annual platforms been adopted by many European but only a level playing field for our tion might be brought into force by around the birthday of Dr Ambedkar countries. The European firms en- families, friends and children to com- October 2015-five and half years from which issues that concern Dalits gaged in the business activities in pete in”. after it became law”. She further in the UK and abroad could be dis- India must adhere to these principles All participants unanimously con- added, “Caste based Discrimination is cussed with a sufficiently high pro- and include them in their corporate demned the government for delaying a human rights, equality, and justice file.” Dr Ruth Kattumuri stated that social responsibility. Dr Clarinda Still the caste legislation and demanded to issue. It has sadly become a political Dr Ambedkar’s ideals were based on focussed on the precarious conditions implement it immediately. Baroness football.” equality and justice not just for Dalits of Dalit women in rural areas. Verma and Virendra Sharma MP also The conference at the House but for everybody. Lord Eric Avebury and Ravi paid tribute to Dr Ambedkar. www.ambedkartimes.com V0l-6 3 Issue-6 www.deshdoaba.com June 01-15, 2014 THE AD-DHARAM - AN APPRAISAL The prevailing so- behaviour and treatment by the so ernor of Punjab on December 10, 1929 Mangu Ram and Dr. Ambedkar. The cial milieu with re- called upper-castes. and pleaded that in the general census seeds of division and disintegration gard to the human Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia they should be registered and shown were shown nourished. Subsequent and social rights of initiated and established Ad-dhram as Ad-dhramis as distinct from the political developments after independ- dalits in India came Mandal on June 11-12, 1926 along main stream religions i.e. Hindus, Sikhs ence in 947 further marginalized the into discussion and with his associates Basant Rai, Thakur and Muslims. The demand was consid- Ad-dhram movement. Dr. Ambedkar focus in the 20s of Dass, Shudranand and many more at ered and accepted and for the first embraced Buddhism in October, 1956 the last century. Hoshiarpur in Punjab. The Headquar- time Ad-dhram was recognized as a and advised his followers to do so. Un- The Congress ters of the Ad-dhram Mandal was different religion in the Census of fortunately, he died soon after on De- Ramesh Chander Party took note of shifted to Guru Ravidass School, Kis- 1932. It was a great victory for the cember, 1956. It resulted in further Ambassador (Rtd. IFS) the depressed hanpura Mohalla, and in No- Ad-dhram Mandal. The struggle was set back to Ad-dhram movement. Babu 91-99885-10940 classes for the first vember 1926. The Ad-dhram Mandal being intensified. Dr. Ambedkar came Mangu Ram Mugowalia who was get- time in 1917 in one of its annual ses- professed that dalits were the original firmly on the scene. He made his as- ting old could not hold and sustain. A sions. With the arrival of Mahatma inhabitants of India and should be rec- sertions at the round table conferences renowned Indian scholar and authority Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on the ognized as such. The agenda and goal with regard to the rights of the de- on the subject, Prof. Ronki Ram has scene in the late 20s, the issue of the of the Mandal was emancipation and pressed classes. The Ad-dhram Mandal done an intensive study in his thesis condition of depressed classes started empowerment of dalits. With a view to under the stewardship of Babu Mangu “Mangoo Ram, Ad Dhram & the Dalit attracting attention both in political unite all dalits, they said that Ad-dhram Ram whole heartedly supported Dr. Movement in Punjab” and said: and social circles. The Ghadrite leader was their religion. It was said that the Ambedkar. The result was the Commu- "The Ad-Dharm movement Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia of Punjab Sant Mat of Guru Ravidass, Bhagwan nal ward by PM Ramsey MacDonald succeeded in raising the conscious- returned back from abroad sometime Valmiki, Sant Kabir and Sant Namdev which granted separate electorate to ness of the downtrodden people of the in 1925. He was much distressed on was “Ad-dhram. The symbol of ad- the depressed classes. The Congress Doaba region of Punjab in particular seeing the political, social and eco- dhram was “Sohang”. The mode of Party under the leadership of Mahatma and of the entire state in general. It nomic condition of dalits in Punjab and greetings and social salutation was Gandhi opposed this. The rest is his- gave those gurus to believe in, a qaum throughout the country. The main “Jai Guru Dev” and “Dhan Guru Dev”. tory. Under considerable pressure and to belong to and a sense of history to stream political parties and communi- They also approved, in consultation duress, Dr. Ambedkar was made to re- relate with. It envisions the possibility ties were engaged in freedom struggle with Sant Sarwan Dass of Dera Ballan, lent in the larger interests of the free- and potentiality of social change for against the British rulers. Nobody was a separate granth called “Ad-Prakash” dom struggle and to save the life of the Scheduled Castes. The process of interested in ameliorating the suffer- which contained the vani of all the Mahatma Gandhi who resorted to fast cultural transformation and spiritual re- ings of the depressed and oppressed above said dalit GurusThe ‘Adi-Danka’ unto death against the separate elec- generation started by the Ad Dharm segments of the society. Dr. Ambedkar was issued as the mouthpiece of the torate for the depressed classes. The movement under the leadership of started his activities in Maharashtra movement. The leaders of Ad-dhram Poona Pact was signed between Dr. Mangoo Ram has continued to rever- and some other parts of the country Mandal struggled to achieve their goal Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi pro- berate in the cities and villages of Pun- with regard to empowerment of de- under the leadership of Babu Mangu viding for reserved seats for the de- jab into the 21st century through pressed classes. Babu Mangu Ram Mu- Ram Mugowalia. The Dera Ballan of pressed classes. In the ensuing different platforms and political forma- gowalia picked up the threads in Jalandhar under the leadership of great elections in 1937, Ad-dhram Mandal tions.” (Source: ad-dhram.com) Punjab started a focused movement to Sant Sarwan Dass fully supported the won 7 seats of the 8 reserved seats Yet another American scholar address the issues of the depressed Ad-dhram Mandal. With this, the gen- and established its credentials suc- Mark Juergensmeyer in his study “Re- classes. His vision was to establish a eral dalit masses in and around the cessfully under the leadership of Babu ligious Rebels in the Punjab” and “The separate identity for the dalits outside doaba region of Punjab joined the Mangu Ram. It was a great success. Ad-Dharm Challenge to Caste” said: the affiliation of Hindus, Sikhs, Mus- movement with their leaders namely The Congress Party could not relish “With the Census of 1931 the lims and Christians. He felt that as long Master Gurbanta Singh, Seth Kisan this. The leaders like Prithvi singh Ad-Dharm had carved out a niche for as the dalits would remain in the fold Dass, Seth Sunder Dass and many Azad, Master Gurbanta Singh, Yash- itself. In the public world of the Pun- of these religions, they would remain more and professed themselves as want Rai, and Seth Sunder Dass jabiat that time – the world of the Arya oppressed and exploited as per the dic- “Ad-dhramis”. The Ad-dhram Mandal parted their ways and aligned with the Samaj, the Singh Sabha, and the tates of Hindus shastras and practical submitted a Memorandum to the Gov- Congress party and opposed Babu (Contd..to page no 4) An Exhibition and Public Function on Dr Ambedkar at Bedford Dr Ambedkar was also screened. Lord Eric Avebury, one of the champions plexes’...Stand by your husband as his life time. Bedford MP Richard Fuller who This whole day function was of caste discrimination legislation, he re- friend and equal.” She further added, “Dr made powerful speeches in Parliament to packed with entertainment with Bolly- marked, “His party, ‘Liberal Democrats’ Ambedkar left a huge body of writings support the legislation against caste dis- wood, dance, Punjabi folk dance, is committed to the legislation against all spanning forty years and covering a vari- crimination again reiterated his support ‘Bhangra’, poetry by Mehar Chand Jas- sort of discrimination.” ety of subjects, amongst them history, and regret for the delay in implementing sal, joginder Mahay, Khushminder Kumar Commenting upon Dr Ambed- economics, anthropology, politics philos- this piece of legislation. Examining the and musical recitals by K.L. Chand contribution of Dr Ambedkar, he and B.S. Jamla and group. stated, “Starting from a humble Arun Kumar, General Secre- background and achieving so much in tary, Ambedkar Mission Society Bed- his life time tells about this man’s ford explained that the idea for this greatness. His belongings displayed exhibition and the large scale public in the exhibition reflect that he was function was to raise awareness of a simple man. There are so many Dr Ambedkar and his contribution to things about Dr Ambedkar that could the human rights movement in India, be discussed but his vision and his and his impact on those around the struggle for equality and justice are globe with an interest in equality and important than anything else. His justice. Giving introduction to the ex- constitution is a testimony to his be- hibition, Pirthi Kaeley stated, “Every- liefs in the democratic system. Bed- body knows about Dr. Martin Luther ford is fortunate to host this King Jr and Nelson Mandela and important exhibition of this most in- their contribution to the human fluential campaigner for justice.” He rights movement, but not many people kar’s contribution to gender equality, Ms ophy and law. These writings are proof- praised the members of Ambedkar Mis- are familiar with Dr Ambedkar’s contri- Santosh Dass MBE, President, Federation positive of his prowess, his intellectual sion Society for organising the exhibition bution to equality and justice. His stature of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organiza- rigour and his clarity of thought. Leaving on Dr Ambedkar and wonderful pro- was not less than anybody who stood tions, UK (FABOUK) said, “If there is a so much written work – speeches, jour- gramme in Bedford. He also released a and fought for equality and human key figure in the empowerment of nals, books – are his gift not only to sub- souvenir published by Ambedkar Mission rights.” Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bed- women in India in the 20th century, that sequent generations of Indians but also society Bedford. Dev Suman, Dhanpat ford described Dr Ambedkar as a remark- status falls to one man: Dr Ambedkar. to anyone anywhere with an interest in Rattu, Councillor Jasbir Singh, Gira able man who was born as a pauper and His words of encouragement for, and human rights, the theory and practice of Ashok Chakravarty, Megha Sonawane obtained high position by mere hard work about women on equality could easily be equal treatment issues and civil rights and many more paid tributes to and his belief in him. He further added, cloaked as modern-day feminism. ‘Edu- movements. Paritam Lal, first Secretary Babashaeb. The programme was an- “The Constitution framed by him is a re- cate yourself’ As a mother, educate your Coordination, Indian high commission chored by Ram Pal Rahi and Arun Kumar. flection of his vision of a just society children, and instill ambition into them. said that Dr Ambedkar’s ideals are as - Arun Kumar, General Secretary where nobody is discriminated.” Praising Remove from them any inferiority com- much relevant today as they were in his Ambedkar Mission society, Bedford UK www.ambedkartimes.com V0l-6 4 Issue-6 www.deshdoaba.com June 01-15, 2014 Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha: The organisation that marked the birth of a remarkable career The formation of Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha in 1924 that marked the birth of the exceptionally remarkable career of public service of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar must be regarded as a milestone in India’s Dalit movement. The month of July this year will mark the ninetieth anniversary of the event. While Dr Ambedkar had started a fort- workers for the purpose. activities undertaken by it: from the re- nightly journal Mooknayak (Leader of 4. To promote education among the un- 1. A hostel for the depressed classes port of the the Dumb) earlier in 1920, the forma- touchables, establish libraries and hos- near Sholapur which accommodated activities of tion of the Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha tels, endow scholarships for the free of cost 15 high school students. the Sabha, (‘Society for the Uplift of the Depressed deserving candidates, organise kirtanas 2. General work among the Mahars in a large part Classes’) on 20 July 1924 was Dr to foster public awareness and prepare the Nasik district with regard to the re- of these Ambedkar’s first organisational effort plans for the economic betterment of dress of their grievances in the Watan- seems to be for the betterment of the conditions of the untouchables with a view to submit- dari matters. devoted to the untouchables. The Sabha was the ting them to the concerned authorities 3. A library and a reading room for the the educa- Dr Hemant Devasthali first ever organisation he started for giv- for action. depressed classes in the Improvement tion of the Formerly Principal, Ness ing vent to and represent the grievances 5. To make efforts to bring about by any Trust Chawl in Byculla, a suburb of Bom- Depressed Wadia College of Commerce, of the untouchable community. other means an overall improvement in bay. Classes. University of Pune, Pune The formation of the organisa- the conditions of the 4. A Mahar Hockey Club presumably to [email protected] tion was preceded by a meeting of the untouchables. wean away the Mahar youth from un- While during its tenure of less than 4 concerned persons called by Dr Ambed- The Board of Trustees of the or- healthy habits like drinking and years, the Sabha did not achieve any- kar about four months earlier on 9 ganisation consisted of well-known pub- gambling. thing spectacular, for Dr Ambedkar him- March at Damodar Hall, Parel, Mumbai lic figures of the day.It was presided 5. Bahishkrit Vidyarthi Sammelan (De- self it helped him emerge as the most which also became the official address over by Sir Chimanlal Setalwad, eminent pressed Class Students’ Association) prominent of leaders of untouchables. of the Society on its formal establish- lawyer of the day who had served as a that aimed at cultivating a taste for Backed by a formal organisation like the ment. The purpose of the meeting was member of the Hunter Commission of knowledge and learning among the stu- Sabha and fortified by a line of impec- to discuss the need to establish an or- Inquiry following the Jallianwala Bagh dents and with this in mind brought out cable academic qualifications from the ganisation which could place the social Massacre in 1919. The six Vice-resi- a students’ monthly called Saraswati world-renowned centres of learning, Dr and political problems of the untouch- dents were: Meyer Nissim, Justice of Vilas. Ambedkar came to be heard during this ables before the government. As an- the Peace, actively involved in Jewish 6. Formation of three cooperative credit period with respect alike by the simple other precursor to the formation of the communal affaitrs, who later became societies for the depressed classes. members of his community and the ed- Sabha, a conference was also held at Mayor of Bombay; Rustomji Jinwala, For a general view of the ucated elite in the highly structured fora Barshi in May where Dr Ambedkar laid Solicitor; G. K. Nariman; Dr.R. P. Paran- Sabha’s work during its existence, the like University Reforms Committee emphasis on the political awakening and jape, famous mathematician who later representations that Dr Ambedkar made (1924), Royal Commission on Indian rights of the untouchables, and the need became Vice Chancellor of the Pune and as the leader of the untouchables and a Currency and Finance (1925), Bombay for an organisation. Lucknow Universities; Dr. V. P. Chavan, range of conferences of depressed Legislative Council (1925) and Simon Dr Ambedkar worded ‘Educate, renowned linguist and anthropologist, classes that he addressed as the Commission (1928). One of the objec- Agitate and Organise’ as the motto of and B. G. Kher who later became the founder of the Bahishkrit Hitakarini tives of the Sabha was to represent the the organisation, indicating very clearly first Prime Minister of Bombay Province. Sabha during its tenure of around 4 grievances of the untouchables to the that the key to the improvement in the The Managing Committee was years may be added to this list. concerned authorities and during this conditions of the untouchables lay in chaired by Dr Ambedkar himself with In one of the communications period and Dr Ambedkar had begun well their own hands. Thus Dr Ambedkar Sitaram Namdev Shivtarkar as Secretary to the government, Dr Ambedkar urged on this count. was very clear as to the means the or- and Nivritti Tulshiram Jadhav as Treas- the government to consult the Sabha in As mentioned above, Dr ganisation wanted to employ to achieve urer. all matters affecting the Depressed Ambedkar addressed during this period, its objective of uplifting the untouchable The composition of these two Classes and invited the Governor of a large number of conferences of un- community. It was to bring about a important bodies thus seems to be very Bombay to accept to be the Honorary touchables which helped him to interact change in the untouchable community carefully devised. The Board of Trustees Patron of the Sabha. In another commu- with them and mobilise them behind itself rather than make efforts for a consisted of Parsis and high caste Hin- nication, he requested for details of the him. The high point of these confer- favourable change in the attitude of the dus so that the organisation gains re- procedure to welcome the incoming ences was reached during the large caste Hindus. spectability in the eyes of the wider Viceroy, Lord Irwin, on behalf of the scale mobilisation of untouchables that The main objectives of the community cutting across the barriers Sabha. Thus, Dr Ambedkar’s line of was effected by him during the Mahad Sabha were conceived as follows: of caste and faith. On the other hand, thinking that laid stress on the need for Satyagraha (March 19-20 and Decem- 1. To accumulate information with re- in view of the fact that the Managing the support of the British government ber 25, 1927). The epic event con- gard to the present state of the un- Committee of an organisation is gener- for securing rights and facilities for the firmed Dr Ambedkar’s stature as the touchables and publicise it with a view ally responsible for its ground activities untouchables becomes evident even in unquestionable leader of the untouch- to moulding public opinion. and the implementation of its pro- this first attempt of his to mobilise the able community. Dr Ambedkar may be 2. To make efforts so that the govern- grammes and policies, all the three Depressed Classes into an organisation. said to have owed much to this fledgling ment feels called upon to defend the members of the Managing Committee of Dr Ambedkar closed down the though short-lived effort of his for the rights of the untouchable community, the Sabha were untouchables.Thus the Sabha on 14 June 1928 to form De- uplift of his community. For it gave him and to secure such facilities from the main initiative of the Sabha rested in the pressed Classes Education Society, pre- a formal platform to air the grievances government as are needed for its devel- hands of those whose interests were di- sumably to focus his attention and of the untouchable community, helped opment. rectly affected by the success and fail- energy on the education of the de- him crystallise his views on the problem 3. To undertake programmes to create ure of its programmes. pressed classes which he always of untouchables and shaped the person awareness of their rights among the un- The annual report of the Sabha thought to be immensely important for he was for the next 32 years that he touchables and to engage a cadre of for the year 1925 mentioned a range of their betterment. As is obvious even dominated the Dalit movement in India. THE AD-DHARAM - AN APPRAISAL various movements for communal identity, nationalism and re- Matrimonials form – the Ad-Dharm had made its mark. It had established a Mehmi family (Ad Dharmi) parents seek- Mehmi family (Ad Dharmi) parents seeking a fact which previously had been unproved: that the Untouchable ing a suitable match for their handsome castes were capable of mobilizing for their own benefits, and suitable match for their handsome and well ed- of organizing in ways that permitted them to compete under and well educated son, 28 years old, veg- the conditions that governed the socio-political arena at large. ucated son, 26 years old, vegetarian, non- The time had been ripe for such an achievement, but an etarian, non-drinker, non-smoker, Gradu- achievement it was, and the Ad-Dharm deserved whatever ated in BCA (Punjab, India) and Multimedia drinker, non-smoker, graduated in B.Sc. and glory it conferred. The year 1931 and the great census would be remembered as the movement’s crowning moment.” & Graphics (Australia), working as a Com- MCA (Punjab, India), currently studying in (Source: website: ad-dhram.com) puter Graphics in Australia, currently living On the anniversary of the Ad-dhram Mandal (June 11- Chandigarh for the competition of SSC exam. A 12), I write this as a piece oral history. I think the outlines of in Australia on TR basis. A girl should be the agenda and programme of the Ad-dhram mandal including girl should be American/Canadian/Australian/Eu- the concept Ad-dhram as a religion of the original inhabitant Australian/ American/ European/ Canadian (dalits) is worth studying particularly in the wake of newly ini- citizen. Caste no bar. For more detail, ropean citizen. Caste no bar. For more detail, tiated Ravidassia Dhram which seems to me an unbaked prod- uct of some overzealous people. please call 91-99159-49461 please call 91-99159-49461