SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 Growing our value through sustainability Contents


04 Statement from the Managing Director 06 General Manager’s Quote 07 Our Sustainability Journey


09 Overview 10 Our Business 11 Our Vision 12 History and Ownership 13 Structure of Organisation 14 Product and Service Portfolio


15 Reporting What Matters 16 Materiality Analysis Matrix


17 Our People 21 5by20TM Women Empowerment Initiative 23 Occupational Safety and Health 26 Wellness 27 Human Rights 29 Child labour


30 Our Sustainability Performance 31 Climate Change and Energy 35 Water 37 Waste 39 Compliance


41 Striving for Operational Excellence 44 Our Contribution to Sustanable Development Goals CSR

49 Corporate Social Responsibily CORPORATE GOVERNANCE


ur road to sustainability a sustainable business. The work at Schweppes Holdings involved determining key areas Africa Limited began in that are material to sustainability Oearnest during the year 2016 for our business. At the core, we Managing when we conducted a social and have Economic performance, economic impact study as the Occupational Safety and Health, Coca-Cola system in Zimbabwe Water, Energy, Waste, Human Director’s which included our beverage Rights, Compliance, Communities, business – Schweppes Zimbabwe Climate change, Employment Limited. The realization that our and Labour Relations, Social Statement business makes such significant Responsibility, Grievance contribution to the economy and Handling and Sustainability affects the well-being of many Governance as key focus areas. stakeholders required a more deliberate effort of managing Our beverage business unit The business has over the social, economic and by virtue of being part of The environmental touch points to global Coca-Cola System was the years invested build a strong relevant business. well positioned to lead the in many community The year 2017 saw a greater process by focusing on additional development initiatives effort at obtaining commitment metrics besides the energy and purely out of being a from the business leadership water which have long been responsible corporate and key individuals at tracking tracked and reported on as part citizen. sustainability metrics based on the of TCCC reporting requirements. 17 UN Sustainable Development The focus of the 2017 report is Goals led by the Marketing therefore solely on our beverage and Public Affairs function. We division – Schweppes Zimbabwe had various employees attend Limited. In the coming year, we training sessions on Sustainability will be reporting on sustainability and Sustainability Reporting GRI progress within the whole guidelines facilitated by well- group. SZL have numerous seasoned practitioners some of Quality, Health, safety and whom continue to walk alongside environment certifications which us as we increase our thrust to be have assisted to ensure that our

4 internal operations meet international mitigate the negative effects of climate standards. Safety is a priority for the change. Strict management of water organization for both internal and and energy metrics will continue with external audiences who enter our a view to implementing big projects premises. Our thrust is to operate with such as solar electrification as part zero injuries by taking a proactive stance of our future business plans. Our and supplying adequate resources to shareholding in the PET Recycling management for that purpose. The Company of Zimbabwe – Petrecozim business unit is audited on a frequent as pioneers of the company together basis by TCCC and we are pleased to with a few like-minded corporates, was report having passed all 2017 quality a strategic move to facilitate reduction audits. of our carbon footprint. We have made significant capital and operating The business has over the years expenditure investments on an annual invested in many community basis and will be working closely with development initiatives purely out of the management team to ensure a being a responsible corporate citizen. steady increase in the amount of post- Most of these projects have formed consumer PET packaging from our part of the sustainability successes that operations that is being recycled. We we will be sharing in this and future have also been involved in packaging reports. We have supported vendors reuse projects that has seen our CSR to participate in our value chain and investment targeting disadvantaged supported other health, education and groups that are able to earn a living sport related social activities. Employee from reusing our packaging creatively. wellness also plays a key part of our social investment which has seen us As Schweppes Holdings Africa supporting our staff participation Limited increases focus on matters in such activities as walkathons, of sustainability, the following UN marathons and triathlon. The business Sustainable Development Goals which sponsors a lot of similar sporting events are most relevant to our business will as well for the benefit of communities. take centre stage and we will measure The areas of health in our nation is in our performance on these diligently: critical need of support and we have • Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation played our part by not only engaging • Goal 12: Responsible Production our employees on healthy lifestyles and and Consumption awareness of certain health scares but • Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing also supporting hospitals and private • Goal 5: Gender Equality organization such as Parirenyatwa, • Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Harare Hospitals, Kidzcan, Operation of Growth Hope and many others in various ways • Goal 13: Climate Action for the benefit of patients. Women’s Being the current chair of the Business empowerment will continue to be a key Council for Sustainable Development focus area of support both internally in Zimbabwe, I am personally and externally now and in the future. committed to leading Schweppes We have 20% female staff in various Holdings Africa Limited on this journey capacities in the organisation with 25% of sustainability reporting despite females in senior managerial roles. that fact that our business is currently Externally, we have set up 200 female not a listed entity. This is a matter of vendors in business as part of TCCC integrity and accountability for leading global initiative to empower 5million and managing a socially responsible women by 2020 – 5by20. business that will endure well into the future. The business has begun in earnest to track carbon emissions during the reporting period to enable reduction Charles Msipa of our carbon footprint. We will see significant strides in the coming MANAGING DIRECTOR year towards setting and tracking of targets around carbon emissions to


ustainability is part of SZL’s value system. It is the way General we manage and operate our Sbusiness, a business method that Manager’s ensures safety, efficiency, quality of our products and responsibility in a manner that protects Quote the company’s employees, communities, stakeholders and the environment, now and in the future. Sustainability allows us to best serve our customers, secure profits and drive long term prosperity.

Demos Mbauya General Manager

6 Unaiswi Nyikadzino


It is a privilege to be championing sustainability within the Group. The Our journey is not without its challenges, such as that of obtaining buy-in and commitment from individuals across Sustainability the organization. Sustainability is everyone’s business. It does not Journey sit in one function but permeates through-out the organization that is committed to doing the right thing. All organizational processes and systems of operation present an opportunity for us to impact the environment and society in a more positive way for the benefit of future generations. The SDG Compass has been a useful tool is helping us to navigate this broad topic and develop greater understanding and focus on how we can drive most of the 17 SDGs from within our business.


Our focus on sustainable business practices goes beyond Supply Chain our organization to include our suppliers who are a key Director’s stakeholder in our business and provide our company with raw materials, goods and services. Quote We want all our suppliers to also enhance their social license to operate in their respective areas of operation and increase the participation of women and SMEs in the same way as we do but without compromising on quality and corporate governance.

Chamu Madamombe Supply Chain Director

8 Overview of Report

chweppes Holdings Africa Limited is pleased to present the Sustainability Report for the Year 2017. This report is pivotal to our business In terms of the Sustainability performance and Sgrowth as well as to our stakeholders as it discloses environmental indicators the data that is provided social and environmental business performance. for the year 2017 will serve as the baseline year for The report has been complied guided by the Global reporting and future years will be assessed on the Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards G4 Standards – existing performance in terms of environmental “In accordance – Core”. and social sustainability. The Sustainability Section of the report has boundaries focusing on The sustainability report is focused on our beverage Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited Harare plant. division SZL and will be produced on an annual basis. The first report of SZL for the year 2017 has not been externally assured but future reporting periods will consider incorporating assurance of indicators. During the period under review there are no restatements as this is the first report.

For further information and enquiries on the sustainability activities of the Group and the sustainability report the internal contact details are given below:

Unaiswi Nleya Nyikadzino Director of Marketing and Public Affairs [email protected]


Our Business

Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited is a manufacturer and distributor of non-carbonated, still beverages under licence from The Coca-Cola Company. SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY

he product portfolio currently includes cordials, fruit juices, and flavoured drinks. These products are marketed under well Trenowned brand names; Mazoe, Minute Maid, Just Juice, Bonaqua and Schweppes Water.

The company currently has ten operational sites in Zimbabwe. These are Harare, Bulawayo, Chinhoyi, Kwekwe, Mutare, Chiredzi, Voctoria Falls, Bindura, Beitbridge and Masvingo. The operations in Kwekwe, Chinhoyi, Masvingo and Mutare are depots with warehouse and distribution services. Manufacturing is undertaken at the two branches, Harare and Bulawayo. The head office is based at the Harare branch site. The branches have warehousing and distribution facilities from which they also supply the depots.



To be the number one liquid food and beverage business in Africa.


We commit ourselves to maximise stakeholder value by developing and supplying high quality liquid foods and beverages.

Values (ACE-IT)

AAccountability CCreativity EExcellence IIntegrity TTeamwork


1930 01 Spa Foods operating from a small factory in Bulawayo develops Mazoe Orange 1945 02 Zimbabwe Stock Exchange listing of Schweppes Central Africa Limited following the merger of Spa Foods with Schweppes International 1962 03 Schweppes Central Africa Limited purchases Central African Bottlers from Rhodesian Breweries 1980 04 Schweppes Central Africa Limited had distribution depots in Mutare, Masvingo,

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY 39.2% 60.8% Kariba, Chinhoyi, Kwekwe and Gweru distributing a full range of carbonated and non-carbonated products 1989 05 Schweppes Central Africa Limited agrees to discontinue all carbonated products and give the Schweppes franchise to United Bottlers who in turn discontinued the range whilst Pepsi and Tarino 1998 where taken off the market 49% 51% 06 Schweppes Limited agrees to sell all the carbonated and crush product brands to The Coca-Cola world-wide. 2001 07 Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited is acquired by The Coca Cola Company as part of its global acquisition of Cadbury Schweppes International’s beverage brands 100% 2006 08 Schweppes Exports (Private) Limited is incorporated as part of efforts to increase exports of Mazoe brands regionally in order to generate foreign exchange to finance raw material requirements during harsh economic times. 2009 ( ) 09 70% The Coca Cola Company concludes a share purchase agreement in respect of Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited and Schweppes Exports (Private) Limited with Delta Beverages (Private) Limited 49% and Whaterton 2014 Investments (Private) Limited (20% 10 Management and 31% Employee Share Trust) Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited acquires 100% (Private) Limited stake in Beit Bridge Juicing (Private) Limited 30% ARDA 2015 11 Incorporation of Best Fruit Processors (Private) Limited, a joint venture with the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority 2017 12 Schweppes Holdings Africa Limited launches Sustainability Reporting Initiative

2017 13 Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited publishes its first Sustainability Report.

12 Structure of Organisation

39.2% 60.8%

49% 51%


( ) 70%

(Private) Limited

30% ARDA





14 Reporting what matters

We have developed the 2017 Sustainability Report on the basis of issues that are material and relevant to our business. The determination of material issues has been guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Framework G4 Guidelines and coordinated by our Sustainability Reporting Team of Experts drawn from various departments of the organisation.

s a growing business that is SDGs that are relevant to our business sensitive to the needs of its operations. Schweppes Zimbabwe stakeholders and the issues that Limited recognises that for Sustainable Aare key to drive our business growth Development Goals to be achieved, as and prosperity we believe that our the private sector we have a key role business model should be anchored on to play throughout our operations and sustainability. Our material issues are value chain. The report has also only categorised into economic, social and selected the SDGs that are most relevant environmental indicators that reflect on to SZL in order to report what matters. the performance of our business in the A prioritisation process was carried out period under review. by the Sustainability Reporting Team in order to determine the SDGs that are Determination of materiality for this reporting period Determination of materiality for this of most material effect to SZL and this was spearheaded by the reporting period was spearheaded provided the basis of building the report Sustainability Reporting by the Sustainability Reporting Team and indicators. Team that is headed by the that is headed by the Marketing and Marketing and Public Affairs Public Affairs Department. The team The analysis of materiality identified Department. comprised of representatives from all various issues including the emissions, departments of SZL in order to seek energy, water, chemicals, compliance, value-adding information from all climate change, employment, labour parts of the organisation. The material practices, employment, human rights, issues were also identified through a safety as well as economic contributions formal meeting of the Committee as to the community. As this is our first well as at departmental level and these report including sustainability aspects, are escalated to the Executive of the we carefully selected material issues organisation to facilitate endorsement. that could be managed in the initial Constant liaison with employees at all reporting period. The matrix on the levels allows the organisation to identify next page shows material issues existing material issues as well as as well as their prioritisation and emerging issues that should be reported importance. In determining materiality on. Other material issues have been we also determined the Sustainable identified due to statutory obligations of Development Goals as key to our the organisation and we continually work reporting and transparency. to incorporate them into operations to ensure full compliance.

As this is our first Sustainability Report, we ensured that we also reported on the Sustainable Development Goals


Highly Material Economic performance Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Water Energy Waste Human Rights Compliance Communities Climate change Employment and Labour Relations Social Responsibility SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY Grievance Handling Sustainability Governance

Contractor management Material Materials Significance to our stakeholders

Biodiversity Important Air quality

Important Material Highly Material

Significance to our business

Highly Material • Social Responsibility • Economic performance • Grievance Handling • Occupational Safety and Health • Sustainability Governance (OSH) • Water Material • Energy • Contractor management • Waste • Materials • Human Rights • Compliance Important • Communities • Biodiversity • Climate change • Air quality • Employment and Labour Relations


17 OUR PEOPLE Our People

chweppes Zimbabwe Limited is a part-time employees. The total number preferred employer of choice. We of employees including contractors is believe that our success is anchored 955. The company employs women Son the diversity of the people whom we and men alike without discrimination. work with. Relationship management is During the period under review the at the core of our business strategy and current workforce is comprised of 20% we strive to build new relationships whilst women. Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited Engagement of people maintaining existing ones. We employ encourages women to take up positions remains the core of our people directly, whilst we also work with at all levels including Senior Managerial activities and in 2017 contractors. As at the end of the reporting and Executive positions. several staff members continued their trajectory

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY period under review, Schweppes of continued professional Zimbabwe Limited was currently development with employing 477 full time employees. In various institutions. The addition SZL employs contractors and company continued to ascribe to various labour laws of the country as well as International HUMAN RESOURCES AND GENDER MAINSTREAMING Labour Organisations Key Performance Indicator Yr 2017 conventions that deal with Human Rights. As Number of Employees (Full Time) 477 a leading member of Number of Contractors and Part Time employees 478 the Coca Cola Group we implemented the 5 by Total Number of Employees (Part Time and Full Time) 955 20 Initiative which seeks Number of Women Employed by the organisation 191 to empower 5 Million women by the year 2020 Total Number of Men Employed by the Organisation 764 through the Coca Cola Percentage of women in the workforce 20% global value chain. Number of women owned business contractors in supply chain 30 Number of days recorded absenteeism 29 Number of training programmes organised for employees 40 Number of employees trained for continued professional develop- 55 ment Employee Turnover Rate 3%

18 Sustainability Indicators - 2017 20% 200 30 0 Percentage of women in Women vendors Women Owned Business Number of fatalities in the workforce empowered Contractors in the Supply the workplace in 2017 Chain 40 0 55 Training Programmes Number of contractors The Number of organised for employees fatalities on site Employees trained for Continued Professional Development


Women Empowerment Initiative

20 5by20TM Women Empowerment Initiative

The global realisation that women play a key role in society is widely recognised as a key to sustainable human development. Given this realisation, we have implemented the “5by20TM” Initiative to facilitate empowerment and access to equal opportunities of women.

ZL adopted the 5by20TM initiative in well as buy land for domestic development. since 2014 hence affording women the 2015 after the global call from The Unleashing the entrepreneurial potential of opportunity to trade in a once dominated Coca Cola Company to empower women is the surest way to make businesses male industry. SZL has managed to expand S5 million women by 2020 through the sustainable and the most effective way we business relationships with women owned The Coca Cola Company global value can help families and communities prosper. enterprises, including small businesses and chain. Given the crucial role of women When we invest in the success of women, women entrepreneurs. Currently a total of in our system and the economic barriers we invest in our own success and in the 200 women vendors have been empowered women face, The Coca Cola Company success of communities around us. There through SZL’s 5by20TM initiative. The made women’s empowerment a priority is a low rate of absenteeism from women empowerment of women through the through the 5by20TM initiative. The 5by20TM vendors which ensure success of SZL 5by20TM Initiative has achieved significant initiative aims to enable the economic business and consistent income for their impacts in revenue growth. Realising that empowerment of 5 million women in families. Since the adoption of the initiative, women also bear the brunt in communities our global value chain by 2020. Women SZL has experienced year on year growth in the face of climate change, water scarcity are not only pillars of our business but in volumes, ensuring consistent revenue and energy; we believe empowering them also pillars of their communities. Women growth. 5by20TM initiative has enabled will facilitate the building of stronger invest a sizeable portion of the money SZL to contribute to the Goal 5 - Gender communities. they earn in the health and education of Equality, to expand economic growth, their children and their local communities social development and enhance business creating a tremendous economic ripple. performance. SZL has made a conscious effort Women empowered through 5by20TM have to recruit female vendors on a yearly basis managed to send their children to school as

Year daily sales P/Cs Daily Gross Revenue Monthly Net Profit Annual Net Profit Growth 2014 1.5 $15 $66 $792 2015 3 $30 $108 $1296 61% 2016 6 $72 $360 $4320 30% 2017 8 $90 $441 $5295 82%

21 OUR PEOPLE Employment By Age

Employment by Age – Year 2017

Age Number of Employees 18 - 25 9% 26 - 35 57% 26 - 45 27% 45 - 55 6% 60 - 65 1% SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY e have a diverse age group of In the year under review our employee dedicated, motivated and driven turnover rate was 3%. As an organisation individuals. Whilst we also do we continue to offer attractive working Wthat we also maintain adherence to legal conditions and remuneration that is requirements and preventing child labour. commensurate with qualifications. Employee These people jointly and individually satisfaction is our key priority and focus for facilitate success of our organisation. many years to come.

22 Occupational Safety and Health - OSH

Everyday our families expect us to return home without injuries and also expect our workplaces to be free from any fatalities happening as a result of work related incidents

chweppes Zimbabwe Limited SZL Implements an Occupational Safety believes that a safe and healthy and Health Management System based workforce is a productive workforce. on OHSAS 18001:2007. Contractor SThe company has embedded a safety management and supervision helps culture in all its operations aiming to us to monitor, assess and improve the achieve zero harm. In line with this safety performance of our contractors. thrust, we have adopted Occupational As our sustainability reporting Safety and Health Policy at company framework grows we are strengthening SZL Implements an level. We continue to promote the risk the mainstreaming of Environmental Occupational Safety and assessment process and also accident Health and Safety (EHS) performance in Health Management prevention culture. We believe that the supplier evaluation starting in the System based on OHSAS everyone is their “brother’s keeper”. year 2018. The organisational structure 18001:2007. Through the implementation of policies, has appointed a Safety Health and procedures, operational controls and Environmental Manager to coordinate behavioural approaches we are able to issues of employee safety. manage hazards including being able to respond to emergency situations.



uring the Year 2017 our safety to emphasise the need for contractor programmes continued to safety management. The number of encourage employees to medical cases was 7 in the period under Dmainstream safety and health principles review. As an organisation we strive to in their departmental processes. There ensure that employees receive proper were zero (0) fatalities at Schweppes medical care in the event of work related Zimbabwe Limited and this was achieved injuries. All incidents are reported and through teamwork, dedication and investigated in order to find a root cause effective awareness. We unfortunately and to institute corrective action. Our had 2 lost time injuries at the company. SHE internal audit teams in 2017 carried The number of contractors injured on out safety audits in order to identify our site was zero (0) and we continued opportunities for improvement.

24 Occupational Safety and Health Management key performance indicators for 2017

Key Performance Indicator Yr 2017 Number of medical cases 7 Number of First Aid Cases 25 Number of Lost Time Injuries 2 Number of Fatalities 0 Lost Time Injury Rate LTIR 0.47 LTISR 5.16 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate LTIFR 2.14 Number of contractors injured 0 Number of Contractor Fatalities 0

n order to promote an injury free We have since realised that when workplace in 2017 we implemented employees are involved in occupational the following initiatives to promote a safety and health initiatives, they take Isafe working culture: full ownership and responsibility and are also encouraged to influence others in • Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) Card promoting safe working behaviours. System Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited believes • Near miss reporting incentive scheme that all incidents can be prevented and • Monthly awareness hence should not be allowed to happen in the first place. Our Top Management Looking ahead, we shall continue to continues to show advanced commitment encourage employees to aim for the to employee safety by provision of highest standards in safety including the adequate resources, participation and adoption of ZERO LTI Competition to consultation as specified in international commence January 2018. safety standards.

1 Calculated based on a Million hours worked


Wellness – Our approach to sustaining healthy living SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY ellness activities were Realising that the communities in which incorporated in the corporate we live give us significant support calendar in 2017 including throughout the value chain, we partnered Wactivities that were carried out in with stakeholders such as Bon Marche in collaboration with Bon Marche. sporting events within the community. Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited promotes This was a mechanism to promote healthy lifestyles of its employees, healthy living, exercising and promoting contractors, stakeholders and fitness within the communities. The communities. Our wellness programme promotion of the wellness initiatives will also promoted the prevention of HIV/ also ensure that we get employees that AIDS as well as non-communicable practice wellness virtues. diseases.

Case Study: Partnership with Bon Marche on Marathons and Wellness

Promoting healthy lifestyles through sport and fitness, should be inculcated in our society as a means of dealing with lifestyle conditions affecting the world in the 21st Century.

In 2017 Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited Events Team has spearheaded the initiative a very good team building platform for participated in Bon Marche Marathons through effective manning of water points associates from across all ranks and title in and Wellness activities. We pride ourselves and hydrating participants both in course the organization. Sports teams have also for the collaboration with Bon Marche in and at the main venues. Our participation been formed and encouraged to compete building communities with wellness as the has been extended to ALL@SHAL, with with other organizations as part of their hallmark of their lifestyles. associates being encouraged to participate health and wellness programs. A health as part of the Schweppes Holdings Africa body is a healthy mind. Through the Sports Bon Marche, through its “Live Life, Feel Limited (SHAL) Wellness Initiative. Up to initiatives, deals were brokered and business Good” initiative, created The Bon Marche 100 SHAL members participate at each relationships were also fostered, SZL has Powerwalk and Walk-Aerobics series, which Marathon. This has turned out to be a very addressed Sustainable Development Goal 3 are wellness challenges where individuals strong team building initiative, and the - Good Health and Well Being, giving access are invited to showcase their fitness levels bonds have spilled over into a WhatsApp to its employees and other members of the through running, walking or aerobics. There Platform group created by the Special community to participate in healthier living are 4 series each year, spread throughout Events team – SHALSPORT, whereby over activities. This has helped improve social each quarter of the year. Schweppes 140 SHAL associates communicated daily interactions between members of staff as Zimbabwe Limited has partnered with Bon on issues pertaining to sport. A weekly quiz they discuss issues relating to sport and Marche for the past 2 years - 2016 and has also been established on the platform, wellness. Part of the exercise involves health 2017, where Bonaqua has been made the initiated by the General Manager in the care practitioners giving hints and tips on official water for the events. The deal was first instance, and now championed by promoting a healthier lifestyle. brokered by Key Accounts, while our Special Customer Marketing. All this has created

26 Human Rights

Our operations uphold the highest standards of Human Rights and employees have freedom of association and freedom of expression. As a company we believe that every human being should be treated with respect, honour and dignity.

rticle 4 of the Universal Declaration stakeholders with dignity and respect of Human Rights specifies that as stipulated by the Article 1 of the “No one shall be held in slavery Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “All human beings are Aor servitude; slavery and the slave trade born free and equal shall be prohibited in all their forms”. The company has zero-tolerance to in dignity and rights. In light of this, Schweppes Zimbabwe oppression and acts of workplace They are endowed with reason and conscience Limited has committed itself to ensure slavery are unacceptable. Our company and should act towards that employment is voluntary and that believes that employment is a means of one another in a spirit of the working conditions are favourable development and transforming lives of brotherhood” – Universal and relationships are mutually beneficial. people and hence exploitation has no Declaration of Human We continued in 2017 to treat all our place in our activities. Rights.

ZERO TOLERANCE to workplace slavery

Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited joins all progressive companies in the world in the fight against modern slavery. Our workplaces are designed to be areas of fulfilment of goals and aspirations of individuals and corporates. Workplaces should never be used to exploit people. Our company has ensured that all workers have favourable contracts that give them both flexibility and ability to make decisions independently. The work relationships are entered into voluntarily. Our commitment to ensuring adherence to human rights is the cornerstone of our success and hence our strategy is to ensure that we constantly review our value chain partners including contractors in order to identify any areas that need action.


Human Rights - cont’d

he company has ongoing initiatives employer. Furthermore as at 2017, the to uphold human rights. Schweppes company has already published a Human Zimbabwe Limited employees have Rights Policy in line with international Tthe freedom to associate with a Trade Best Practice. People with disabilities are Union of their choice. In addition our not discriminated and we facilitate their recruitment policies do not discriminate equal opportunities and professional prospective employees based on age, development. or religion. We are an equal opportunity SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY

Human Rights Initiatives

Objectively Verifiable Activities to address the Sustainability Aspect Indicators or examples of issues milestones Human Rights • Employees have the • Strict Adherence to freedom to choose any stipulated policies Trade Union of their choice • Voluntary Employment • Rationalisation of Salaries – Equal Remuneration for Equal Job done • Recruitment without • Compliance to the KO discrimination of age, race, Supplier Guiding Principles religion • Publicised the Human Rights Policy • Zero tolerance to discrimination based on gender and disabilities

28 Child Labour

Our organisation believes that children are the future of the world and leaders of their communities in years to come.

e value children and therefore employing underage personnel. Our job strive to eliminate all forms of adverts clearly specify age restrictions their exploitation. During the to prevent child labour. We continue Wperiod under review we ensured that to foster this principle throughout the within the workforce and throughout value chain. our operations there are no cases of

Prevention of child labour initiatives

Objectively Verifiable Activities to address the Sustainability Aspect Indicators or examples of issues milestones Child Labour • Job adverts specify age • Compliance to the restriction, an applicant KO Supplier Guiding should be at least 18 years Principles of age • SGP training and audits according Coke standards


Our Sustainability Performance

ustainable development is at the core of our business strategy and all stakeholders play an active role in promoting eco-friendly initiatives. Sustainable development is the development which meets the development Sof the present, without compromising future generations to meet their own needs. SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY We have recognised climate change, water, energy, chemicals and waste as key material issues. Our sustainability performance is enhanced by the implementation of Internationally recognised standards and is certified to ISO 14001:2004; ISO 9001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 22000:2005. We are in the process of facilitating transition to new requirements for the ISO 14001:2015 in 2018 and we have completed transition for ISO 9001:2015 awaiting receipt of certification.

30 Climate change and Energy

ur organisation has stepped of the National Climate Change up climate mitigation and Response Strategy (NCCRS) as well as adaptation activities. In order Environmental Management Act 20:27. Oto contribute to mitigation, we are monitoring our energy intensity and Moving ahead, we look forward in order to facilitate adaptation we are to support the ongoing efforts to implementing efficient water utilisation implement a National Climate Policy. The and setting targets for specific water company has already started exploring consumption. Schweppes Zimbabwe the possibility of adopting renewable Limited has started monitoring energy technologies including solar Greenhouse Gas Emissions and has energy. Our work is in line with national ensured that emissions from various efforts and contributes to attaining sources are tracked. the goals of the proposed Renewable Energy Policy. We also are committed to ensure that Zimbabwe contributes to its We have started in 2017 to track our international commitments as specified carbon footprint from Scope 1 and by the Paris Agreement and the Scope 2 Emissions. However, the Nationally Determined Contributions. company is still requiring significant Zimbabwe has committed to reducing improvements in selected departments its Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 33% in order to boost capacities of tracking by the year 2030 in comparison to pre- emissions. This is still an area requiring industrial levels. Our emissions in the year improvement. Our report will provide 2017 were monitored on a quarterly basis historical data on Scope 1 emissions as in line with regulatory requirements. We well as Scope 2 emissions electricity. have also mainstreamed requirements

Energy Sources and Carbon Footprint

YEAR 2017 Greenhouse Gas Greenhouse Gas Energy Source Annual Energy Use Emissions KgCO2E Emissions t CO2 E Scope 1 Coal 502 490 kg 1214751.526 1214.75 Petrol 55 390 litres 121647.3518 121.65 Diesel 52 417 litres 136893.3396 136.9 Scope 2 Electricity 4791030 kwh 2964363.095 2964,4 Total GHG Emissions 4437655.312 4437.7

NB: Assuming Emission Factor for Electricity is 0.6187319 kgCO2E; Source ECOMETRICA Grid Emission Factors

NB: Assuming Emission Factor for Petrol (blended) is 2.196197 kgCO2E; Source - DEFRA

NB: Assuming Emission Factor for Diesel is 2.61163 kgCO2E; Source - DEFRA

NB: Assuming Emission Factor for Coal is 2417.464 kgCO2E; Source - DEFRA

2 The Scope 1 emissions presented based on coal, diesel and petrol. In the report for 2018 more comprehensive sources will be covered. 31 CLIMATE Climate change and Energy - cont’d

e use various energy sources opportunities for improving in the years at the Schweppes Zimbabwe to come. The petrol accounted for is limited Harare plant. Electricity limited to plant equipment only mainly Wsupports a significant portion of our folklift trucks, whilst the diesel reported operations and our Annual Electricity is limited to plant equipment, folklift Consumption for the Year 2017 was trucks generators. The vehicle fleet is 4791030kwh. Our operations also use excluded and will be reported in the fossil fuels such as coal, diesel, petrol 2018 report. and these generate emissions to the environment. Other emission sources are Our emissions are calculated factoring in from refridgeration and air conditioning the various Greenhouse Gas Emissions SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY as a result of Chlorofluorocarbons namely Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CFCs). For the Financial Year 2017, the (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), HydroFluoro company has been strengthening full Carbons (HFCs), Perfluocarbons (PFCs)

capacities to account for emissions and Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6). Our and more indicators will be reported emissions are calculated based on

in the 2018 sustainability report. Carbon Dioxide Equivalents (CO2E) However for the diesel consumption, which is a measure that factors in all the the organisation utilised 52 417 litres Greenhouse gases specified by the Kyoto which translated to 136.9 tonnes of protocol. We also follow guidance based

Carbon Dioxide equivalents (tCO2E). on the Department for Environmental In terms of consumption of petrol for and Rural Affairs of the United Kingdom. various operations and activities in the Further guidance in our carbon footprint year under review 55 390 litres were was also from the World Resources used, which contributed to 121.65 Institute (WRI)/World Business Council tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalents for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

(tCO2E). Our organisation has started Greenhouse Gas Protocol. carbon footprinting in 2017 and we have

Energy Intensity and Resource Efficiency

Annual Energy Specific energy Year Consumption Production 3 The calculations for SCOPE 1 consumption electricity Emissions for the year 2017 does not yet include vehicle fleet and CFCs as the company had not yet 2017 4791030kwh 64,076,921 Litres 0.075 kwh/l been measuring them. The petrol accounted for included plant equipment for folklifts only. Starting in 2018 all SCOPE 1 emission sources will be included. For the year 2017 the Specific Energy aims of sustainability and increases Consumption was 0.075 kwh/l. emissions. During the year under review, Our organisation has embarked on 2017 our Sustainability Reporting Team deliberate actions through engineering, went through training on tracking energy management and technical solutions to intensity and carbon foot-printing. The facilitate reduction in energy intensity in Total Energy Consumption considering order to ensure that the company makes electricity, petrol, diesel and coal was 39 maximum use of energy resources per 918 GJ. unit product. This is also in line with the requirements of Coca Cola Group to improve efficiencies. Therefore, wasting energy resources is detrimental to our

32 Climate change and Energy - cont’d

Annual Energy Consumption and Energy Intensity

Annual Specific energy Year Cumulative Energy Production consumption Consumption

2017 39 918 277 MJ 64,076,921 Litres 0.56 MJ/l

ver 1 billion people in the Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited believes world lack access to electricity. that dealing with climate change will This means that the world is require mitigation and adaptation. Oexperiencing energy poverty and many Our raw materials are sought from the people will have to rely on biomass for agriculture value chain and as such their energy needs. This could come we are vulnerable to the effects of at a cost to the environment and also climate change. It is in our interest to can generate significant emissions. encourage our suppliers to also look at Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited has climate adaptation including enhanced identified renewable energy as a capacities in irrigation. When we low hanging fruit and a sustainable consider the savings that can be made pathway. In the years to come we shall from efficient irrigation such as drip be considering identifying parts of our irrigation and also savings from efficient operations where we can implement utilisation of process water, we recognise renewable energy technologies such as that climate adaptation can have both solar. An area that we need to improve environmental and business benefits. is the uptake of renewable energy. Our Top Management and Engineering are currently assessing the feasibility of renewable energy.

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation – Two sides of the same coin?

limate change is considered and renewable energy technologies increase of 2 degrees celsius if we the biggest challenge such as solar. Adaptation considers continue with Business as Usual facing humanity. There are how to cope with effects climate (BAU). Our strategy as Schweppes Ctwo broad approaches which change including water efficiency, Zimbabwe Limited is to pursue both stakeholders can implement. These using drought resistant varieties mitigation and adaptation through include mitigation and adaptation. as well as using efficient irrigation constant monitoring and measuring Mitigation is concerned with methods such as drip irrigation. The of our emissions and having actions to reduce greenhouse gas Intergovernmental Panel on Climate performance indicators focused on emissions such as energy efficiency Change predicts a temperature water saving.

4 Total Energy Consumption figures are based on International Energy Agency conversion factors

33 CLIMATE Climate change context

2 Degree 10 000 Celsius GWh/Year Commitment of the Paris Zimbabwe’s annual solar Agreement of preventing energy potential temperature rise

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY 33% 40% Nationally Determined Contribution Increase in Carbon Dioxide since pre- target of Greenhouse Gas Emissions industrial levels (GHG) reductions.

2.47l/l 144 Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited tonnes Specific Water consumption for the Year 2017 achieved through Waste Recycled water saving initiatives and climate adaptation

4x 90.2% per year Percentage of Solid Waste Recycled Monitoring GHG Emissions

34 Water

ater is an integral part of the Our Total Annual Water Consumption operations and activities of for the year 2017 was 158,483,500 Schweppes Zimbabwe limited. litres. Municipal water contributed to WWe require water for various purposes 115,860,500 litres whilst groundwater ranging from products such as Bonaqua, contributed to 42,623,000 litres. process water, cooling and cleaning Schweppes believes that water resources processes. Due to the highest standards must be used efficiently and hence we and legal requirements for food hygiene track our water utilisation with respect in our processes we require water to our production. During the period and hence consider the Sustainable under review we had a Total Production Development Goal Number 6 on Access of 64,076,921 litres of product. In this to Clean Water and Sanitation as key to regard our Specific Water Consumption our growth and survival. We abstract was 2.47 l/l. We shall continue to track water from various sources including our water productivity in the upcoming groundwater and municipal water. In all years. Some of the measures that we cases we have invested in world class implemented in 2017 include metering water treatment technologies such as of water consumption, repairing water chlorination, flocculation, sand-filtration, leaks, Cleaning in Place (CIP), backwash carbon filtration, polishing filtration, recovery, use of high pressure cleaning reverse osmosis, UV treatment, and nozzles and awareness workshops. Ozone treatment. Our bottled water is the preferred product on the market and it has also won several awards including Product of the Year under the National Quality Awards and also the Southern Africa Quality Awards.

Water abstraction by source

Source 2017 Municipal 115,860,500 litres Groundwater 42,623,000 litres Total Water Abstraction 158,483,500 litres

Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited believes any other process. Measurement of that every drop of water counts and water resource utilisation has enabled hence we have promoted a culture of us to determine our water utilisation water savings throughout all facets of efficiency. the company including production, canteens, rest rooms, cleaning and

Specific Water Consumption

Annual Water Con- Specific Water con- Year Production 5 This refers to water sumption sumption consumption per unit 2017 158,483,500 litres 64,076,921 litres 2.47 l/l product

35 WATER Water - cont’d

ed by the Managing Director, General together various stakeholders such as Manager and various representatives Environmental Management Agency, from the organisation, Schweppes Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority LZimbabwe Limited hosted the “2017 (ZERA) and City of Harare. Water and Energy Forum”, to discuss strategies for improving water efficiency Wastewater is a key parameter that we in the face of climate challenges and monitor and manage. The organisation water scarcity as well as how to improve believes that there are significant energy efficiency and renewable energy. opportunities for treatment of effluent We showed through this activity that as in line with national regulations. In the an organisation we have gone beyond year 2017, the organisation generated waiting for regulations but are even 10,104,000 litres. As an innovative now implementing environmental self- organisation we continue to explore

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY regulation beyond minimum compliance innovative technologies in managing requirements. SZL hosted the Water wastewater in pursuit of Sustainable and Energy Forum including bringing Development Goals (SDGs)

Year Annual Wastewater Treated and Disposed 2017 10 104 000 litres

Case Study: Schweppes Water and Energy Forum 2017

Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited hosted its inaugural “Water and Energy Forum” on 27 January 2017. This demonstrated private sector leadership in sustainability, self -regulation and voluntary initiatives of sustainability.

ur organisation clearly recognised form also had representation from other it is clear that some of the measures that water and energy were key subsidiaries of the Schweppes Holdings needed to improve water and energy resources for supporting industrial Africa Limited (SHAL) Group including Best efficiency are low cost ‘low hanging fruits” Oactivity and that their unsustainable use Food Processors and Beitbridge Juicing hence need to be implemented without is detrimental to society. Therefore, the Company. The Coca Cola group was well delay. High technology measures would forum drew various stakeholders including represented and also shared experiences also be considered by the organisation in Environmental Management Agency (EMA), from the Group’s perspective. Regulatory phases taking into consideration resource Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority authorities also provided insights into the availability. The organisation reiterated its (ZERA), City of Harare and also selected existing pollution problems in the country commitment to continue supporting water industries such as CAFCA Limited. The forum and recommended measures for the private and energy efficiency interventions addressed climate and water challenges, sector and manufacturing to prevent water water saving strategies, pollution issues, pollution and contribute to enhancing water recycling, renewable energy, energy water quality. As a group we resolved to efficiency as well as mainstreaming water come up with a Strategy for Water and foot-printing into business processes. Energy in order to fast track efficiency In addition to having representatives from improvements. From the deliberations of Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited (SZL), the the Schweppes Water and Energy Forum,


• The global sustainable water supply is estimated to be 4200km³ per year • In 2000 global water use stood at 3950km³ • In 2030 global water demand is projected to be 6900km³ exceeding global supply by 40% • The Global water demand for manufacturing industries will increase by 400% from 2000 to 2050

36 Waste Reclaim • Replenish • Retrofit

Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited has up-scaled its abilities to manage waste in an environmentally sound manner. Our strategy of waste management is based on reduction at source, identifying key waste sources and implementing Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP).

ecycling waste can also be regarded our waste generation, establishing a as a mechanism for beneficiating waste management plan and engaging from waste. Our quest for recycling competent contractors in waste disposal. Rhas seen us partnering with Delta In the year 2017, for the first time we have Corporation in setting up PETRECO; an reported on our waste generation in line organisation specialising in recycling with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) waste PET which is an integral part Requirements (G4 Guidelines). of our packaging material. We have shown leadership on the market is The year 2017 generated different demonstrating “Extended Producer waste streams including 160.5 tonnes Responsibility” and also promoting a of solid waste. We managed to recycle Circular Economy 91% of our solid waste as a means of resource recovery and environmental We uphold the waste management stewardship. Recycling waste reduces hierarchy based on the Reduce-Reuse- land pollution and facilitates creation of Recycle philosophy. Our strategy in green jobs. that sustainability aspect is quantifying

Solid Waste Generation and Recycling

Total Waste Total Solid Waste Waste recycling Year Recycled or Generated percentage recovered 2017 160.5 tonnes 144.7 tonnes 90%

Our operations generate wastewater monitors water quality to ensure that it from waste process water as well as water complies to legal limits. Our strategy is from cleaning processes. In the period to also continue to research and develop under review we generated 10,104,000 innovative technologies of enhancing litres of wastewater. We manage effluent quality and environmentally wastewater effectively including primary sound technologies for effluent treatment through settling tanks and pH management. adjustment before disposal in municipal sewer system. Our organisation regularly


Water disposal and Recycling

Waste and Waste Recycling – Year 2017

Waste Stream Percentage Recycled Total Waste to landfill 11% Recycled Paper 6% Recycled Glass 8% Recycled Plastic 62% Recycled PET 13%

Case Study: Partnering for Sustainable Waste Recycling SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY – Petrecozim

Through PETRECO, Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited and its partners have demonstrated that industry can lead by example in transforming society and building smart cities. The project employs more than 50 people and also employees 300 people PETRECO is a Zimbabwean waste recycling indirectly in the waste management value enterprise that specialises on recycling chain. With an investment of more than PET plastic. Due to the realisation by $US 1 Million, PETRECO currently recycles ourselves and strategic partners in the 1 100 tonnes of PET. With greater support beverage sector to find strategies of in terms of technical, policy and financial managing plastic waste we collaborated support from stakeholder, there is potential to support its formation. The facility has for upscaling. the capacity to clean and crush the waste as well as packaging recycled material for export and further refining. Because of the establishment of PETRECO, there are multi- pronged benefits including waste reduction in communities, income generation as well creation of green jobs. Our organisation is pleased to be associated with PETRECO in recycling activities.


Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited realises the important role that chemicals play in our activities including cleaning processes. We maintain safe storage, handling and usage of chemicals.

ur operations have a zero tolerance the internal auditor training in the year on chemical spillages that have 2017. Our operations have deliberate an effect on the environment, actions to promote chemical safety and Ohence we carried out awareness on chemical accident prevention. safe chemicals management through

38 Compliance

Our organisation is a law abiding entity. Over the years we have gained experience and demonstrated compliance to environmental and sustainable development policy and legal frameworks. The mechanism employed in our operations is to identify relevant legal requirements impinging on operations and then implement actions that ensure compliance.

We attained 100% compliance to environmental laws and we will continue to learn both existing and new legal requirements. In our organisation, it is not only about complying to legal requirements but also “other he impact of legal breaches legal action and the company was requirements” such as is well documented in various not required to pay any fines for those of our customers, parts of the world and can have environmental offences. We pride industry sector as well as international standards Ttarnishing effects on the brand of an ourselves in this compliance record and such as those promoted organisation. Our business model we will assure our stakeholders that by the International hinges on transparency and therefore we will continue to operate within the Organisation for we constantly interact with regulators in confines of our environmental laws in Standardisation. order to understand their requirements. the years to come. In the year 2017 we We educate and train our employees on had as at the end of the year 5 Licences their legal obligations and those of the in full compliance of the Environmental company as well as enlightening them Management Agency (4) as well as on the consequences of deviation. the Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe (1). In addition we also In 2017 there were 0 legal violations ensure that we periodically carry out and also there were no lawsuits or legal compliance audits legal proceedings instituted against the organisation in terms of environmental breaches. We had no incidents requiring

Number of Legal Violations by the company 2017 Performance Number of Lawsuits or legal proceedings 0 Total Amount of fines paid due to breaches of regulations ($) 0 Number of Incidents requiring legal action 0 Number of current Licences legally in compliance to laws 5


SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 Striving for Operational Excellence


OPERATIONAL Striving for Operational Excellence

The recognition of operational excellence as a business improvement tool, resulted in us developing an Operational Excellence (OE) Model that recognises 8 wastes that we should manage in the workplace.

Case Study: Operational Excellence Model for Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY

perational Excellence philosophy of shortening the (OE) is a transformational time between the customer order productivity improvement and delivery by eliminating waste Oprogram unique to the Coca- in the process and constraints Cola system. Applicable to both on continuous flow. Focuses on end-to-end supply chain and identifying where value to the other functional areas. Engages customer is created throughout the employees and builds internal process. Eliminates activities that do capabilities. aligns the organization not add value. Pursues continuous, through common language, incremental improvements processes, tools, and metrics. It also includes Lean,which is a business

42 Model for Corporate Environmental Excellence and implementing the Precautionary Principle

Coca-Cola Environmental International laws and Requirements regulation

Determining Teamwork Indicators

External Reporting Requirements

Measurement Verification Reporting and Verification

GRI Requirements International for reporting and benchmarks and monitoring best practice

Internal Requirements

ursuing our corporate environmental In 2017 we therefore determined goals has been strengthened by internal requirements, established a our adherence to the Precautionary framework for measurement, reporting PPrinciple. Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited and verification. Our indicators have been realises that we must protect the determined with due consideration of the environment at all costs even if there is external requirements of stakeholders, no scientific evidence to prove selected GRI, international benchmarks and environmental catstrophes. We do not best practices. In order to upscale and believe in a “wait and see approach” but compliment our sustainability action we take “proactive approach” action we have started work on the Sustainable to address potential environmental Development Goals. sustainabiliy challenges that have a potential threat to the organisation.

43 Our Contribution to


Our Contribution to SDGs

Our organisation has embraced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) and consider them as a vehicle to transform the world into a better place by the year 2030. Our Sustainability Reporting Team

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY facilitated prioritisation of the SDGs relevant to Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited.

genda 2030 requires all Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited is glad stakeholders to play a part to be reporting for the first time in in the attaining of the goals our Sustainability Report, the progress Aincluding private sector, government, that we have made in the SDGs. development partners, civil society, communities, research among others.

The goals that are most relevant to SZL are as follows: • Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing • Goal 5: Gender Equality • Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation • Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth • Goal 12: Responsible Production and Consumption • Goal 13: Climate Action

Our approach to Sustainable Development Goals is an integrated approach and ensures that the Goals are mutually reinforcing on each other. Our workers are constantly receiving awareness on the significance of the SDGs in their daily activities and continually show eagerness to learn about them

46 Performance Of SZL On The 6 Prioritised SDGS

Key Milestones and Indicators for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Programmes and Initiatives year 2017 GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation • Multi-barrier water treatment in the • Local and national regulations plant (Chlorination, flocculation, compliance sand-filtration, carbon filtration, • CSR milestones polishing filtration, reverse osmosis, UV treatment, and Ozone treatment) • Containment and neutralization of plant effluent • Containment and licence vendor disposal of used oil from workshops • Provision of cleaning and sanitizing agents at hand wash stations • Provision of high quality packaged water to the market GOAL 12: Responsible Production and Accreditation to ISO 14001:2004 – • WUR at 2.5 vs. 2.2 L/Lbev Consumption Environmental management systems • Backwash water recovery Water • Line 3 CIP-Moved from 24 hour CIP • Repair Water leaks cycle to 48 hour CIP cycle • Backwash Optimization/ Recovery • Line 3 rinse water Recovery- • Rinse water Recovery Managed to redirect all rinse water • CIP Recovery back into water treatment stream • Employee training for re-use • Water balancing back • Hosting of the Water & Energy • Use of high pressure nozzles on summit water hoses

Energy • EUR at 10.9 vs. 16.5 L/KWhr • Daily tracking • Sectional Metering • Hosting of the Water & Energy • Optimized production planning to summit reduce machine idling, • Office lighting ‘Name & Shame’ • Work aids for compressors, Boilers • Planned start up work aids for plant and start ups energy control • Optimized boiler steam supply • Transition into energy efficient settings, aligning boilers usage with lighting systems steam demand (Small boiler for low steam demand) • Scheduled weekly cleaning routines for filters, condensers and evaporators for optimal heat transfer • Replacement of old lighting with energy efficient lights • Inclusion on energy efficiency specifications on procurement of electrical components

47 SDGs Performance Of SZL On The 6 Prioritised SDGS

Sustainable Development Goal Key Milestones and Indicators for the Programmes and Initiatives (SDG) year 2017 GOAL 3: Good Health and Well • On-site health care facility • Extended Clinic days from 3 days a Being week to everyday • Medical aid cover • Provision of HIV/AIDS drugs to employees and their spouse • Dietary needs of staff during lunch • 50% of subscriptions being paid for, hour for staff and 3 dependants • Provision of a selection of meals, • Fitness programmes traditional, western or health option for lunch, every day. • Mental Health Care- One on One • Sponsor the Soccer Team for all Stress Management for employees their scheduled games.

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY • Encourage participation in sporting • Funeral policy which covers events, Triathlon, Cycling, Bon immediate family i.e. spouse, Marche Marathons children, biological parents and in- • Club gym membership for senior Sustainable laws staff members Development • Employees can now access mental Goals have taken health care outside working hours off very quickly at for confidentiality Schweppes and GOAL 5: Gender Equality • Currently Working on Diversity and • Breastfeeding women do not go on through the work Inclusion Policy night shift of the Sustainability • Job advertisements are not gender • Sexual Harassment was upgraded to Reporting team and specific a dismissible offence commitment of Top • Equal Job Opportunities for both • Increase in women in once male Management we male and female especially in male dominated areas have successfully dominated fields mainstreamed the SDGs into our processes. Our sustainability report shows that when fully integrated into business processes, the SDGs are an GOAL 8: Decent Work and • Employees are paid above the • Decreased the number of Casual opportunity for Economic Growth stipulated minimum wages Workers and have increased the business excellence • Equal pay for equal job done number of fixed term contracts. and cost savings. • Promotion by merit • Employees have at least 3 months contracts

GOAL 13: Climate Action • Promoting energy efficiency in • Quarterly monitoring of greenhouse production gas emissions from emission • Water saving initiatives to facilitate sources. climate adapatation • Training of SHEQ Internal Auditors in 2017 included aspects on climate change

48 SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 CSR CSR 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Summary

Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited is a responsible corporate citizen that supported local, government, non-governmental and community initiatives promoting good values, social development, education, health care, the environment, sport as well as art and culture. We combined or values with financial and human resources to contribute to the overall well-being of the communities in which we operate.

Public Affairs activities included product and cash donations to various institutions. Total spend for the year was US$123,408.28

Table 1: Summary of Donations and Sponsorships for 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY Donations and sponsorships per $33,364.39 $20,039.61 $37,985.86 $32,018.42 $123,408.28 quarter

Key Focus Areas Rotary Clubs in executing free cleft lip As a corporate citizen and a commercial and cleft palate surgeries in Harare and enterprise we facilitated sponsorships and Bulawayo. donations primarily to organizations and Additionally in 2017, we partnered events that operate in the following areas Alliance for smiles and Love Without in order of importance: Reason, foreign based surgical teams to provide the gift of life-changing 1. Health surgeries by ensuring there is sufficient Donations in the field of health were water and juice to keep patients, their focused on supporting credible institutions families, volunteers and all related in a bid to foster critical health care for health personnel hydrated during the under privileged members of our society missions. with focus on women and children. We In addition to that, the organisation rendered support in cash or kind to the produced meals for at least 700 people following institutions: on screening days with staff volunteers • KidzCan Zimbabwe - the only who not only assisted to serve the organization dedicated to increasing meals but also assisted in filing-out the survival rate of children with the patient forms by translating English cancer by sourcing and providing into local languages. chemotherapy and other related drugs, • Parirenyatwa Oncology ward Cooler blood and blood products as well as Donation prosthetics. Schweppes Holdings Africa Limited o We joined in the global collaborative donated two refrigerators worth US$3 childhood cancer awareness 152.00 to the Parirenyatwa Group of campaign, to show support for Hospitals to cater for the Oncology children and adolescents with department. The Oncology department cancer, survivors and their families. is where patients diagnosed with All employees were encouraged to various cancers are treated. One of the wear orange and orange laces on two refrigerators was tailor designed to the 24th of February 2017 where for cater for specially required storage of every employee wearing orange on medicines and drugs while the other the day, the organisation donated one is meant for storing patients’ food. $2 to Kidzcan. We raised and donated $2000.00 to KidzCan 2. Education and Youth • Joshua Nkomo Poly Technic College: • Health Support for Children with Beitbridge Juicing Private Limited Cleft Lip and Palate enhanced its support of the Joshua We have for the past 7 years been Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic College partnering with Operation of Hope and through a donation of drip irrigation

50 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Summary

system to the value of $6500. This was participating athletes. All proceeds were an addition to the green house donation donated Bumhudzo Old People’s home. in 2015 and the borehole donation in • Spar Fun Run: Partnered Spar Zimbabwe 2016 to the department of agriculture for their annual fun run through to enhance learning through practical beverage donations and registered work. The origination’s donations to athletes. All proceeds were donated to date amount to $19508.00 Childline Zimbabwe • Africa University and Harare Institute of Technology: The organisation 4. Environment donated graduation prizes worth • Schweppes Holdings Africa Limited is a $1000.00 to outstanding graduating founding member and 10% shareholder students from the two institutions. 36 in Petrecozim, the only PET recycling students have received Schweppes company of Zimbabwe. Annual capex prizes for the past 9 years. contributions amounted to $10,548 • St Dominics High School: We facilitated and Opex contributions for the year donations of $1000.00 towards the 2017 amounted to $56,692.00.The 120th Anniversary fundraising dinner. PET recovery rate target of 10% was All proceeds were channelled towards met. A total of 1969.98 tonnes of PET infrastructural developments at the were produced by Schweppes in 2017. school. 205.27 tonnes were collected by Petreco • Cheuchi Donation: Facilitated food and translating to a recovery rate of 10% beverage donations to under privileged • We facilitated the Makokoba Clean Up children at Cheuchi primary school in campaign in Bulawayo to clean the rank Chinhoyi Rural District and facilitated beverage donations to • Fawezi Girls Quiz: Partnered FAWEZI the local community. and sponsored prizes and beverage • We facilitated bins donation to the donations at the Girls National Quiz Zimbabwe Agricultural Society to competitions facilitate waste collection during the Harare Agricultural Show. 3. Sports • Bonaqua Troutbeck ATU African 5. Arts and Culture Triathlon Cup: Bonaqua is the official We provided beverage sponsorship water and tittle sponsor of Zimbabwe during HIFA 2017. 40 Children in the Triathlon and this annual international youth zone were trained on how to sports tournament. The organisation turn trash into cash by making art using has been sponsoring Zimbabwe waste PET and cans. triathlon throughout every season from September to March for the past 4 years. 6. Social Development • Zimbabwe Cricket Union: Bonaqua • We embarked on the “SHAL L.O.V.E with was the official water and Minute Mazoe” campaign in which 582 cases Maid was the official juice sponsor of 2 Litre Mazoe range Crush valued at for the Zimbabwe Cricket Union. This $9,312.00 were donated to over 2000 partnership has been ongoing for the underprivileged children and adults past 8 years. in special needs homes, schools and • Danhiko Annual Paralympic games: hospitals throughout Zimbabwe. We facilitated sports equipment and • Schweppes Zimbabwe donated food beverage donations for over 1500 hampers and clothes to Tony Waite athletes living with disabilities and organisation which saw vulnerable invited guests at the Danhiko Annual households benefiting. A livelihood Paralympic Games. This partnership has nutritional garden for people living with been ongoing for the past 8years. HIV and orphans had a donation of • Facilitated water donations for the US$ 1 000.00 for procurement of water Silver Lining sports pump and pipes to get water from the • Bon Marche walkarobix: Partnered lake which will cost them less than using Bon Marche as the official water sponsor the treated Municipal water. of their walk-arobix and entered

51 CSR Our CSR Initiatives and Community Development

Our operational activities are centred on integrating community relations and engagement of people. We believe that our business success is enhanced by having partnerships with communities that we live in.

n pursuant of that, Schweppes to the project that involved children Zimbabwe Limited has initiatives on undergoing cleft-lip operations. Through Corporate Social Responsibility. We providing communication, beverages Ihave partnered with Danhiko in assisting and meals we believe that as a company “The main objective of our the disadvantaged and disabled we should play our part in making a participation is to assist the members of our society through difference. In 2017 our organisation under privileged in society, SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY donations. The world has realised that was involved in the initiative for cleft with health and children having been identified as disability is not inability and there are lip surgeries in collaboration with other a key focus area for the various opportunities we can facilitate stakeholders such as the University of company’s corporate social in order to raise the standards of living Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences responsibility initiatives,” of disadvantaged individuals. Our dream and Rotary Club. A cleft lip is a physical Demos Mbauya, Schweppes is to have a community that is inclusive split or separation of the two sides of Zimbabwe Limited, General Manager. and cooperates with all individuals. the upper lip and appears as a narrow opening or gap in the skin of the upper In the period under review our lip. organisation also provided support

52 Our CSR Initiatives and Community Development - cont’d

Case Study: Health Initiative – Cooperating partner in Cleft Lip Operations Programs

The programme involves Health Support Through the “Operation of Hope” there were Operation of Hope with product donations for Children with Cleft lip and palate. 2 Missions undertaken at Mpilo Hospital in to refresh the management team and Schweppes Holdings Africa Limited has for Bulawayo and at Harare Children’s Hospital. patients. Operation of Hope is a surgical the past seven years been partnering with Our staff have been volunteering on mission to Zimbabwe which runs from Operation of Hope and Rotary Clubs to screening days and meal donations, plus July to August of every year. A 21 member provide the gift of life-changing surgeries beverage donations during the operations team from European countries visits Harare by ensuring there is sufficient water and covering 400 people. During the “Love Central Hospital Paediatric Ward to facilitate juice to keep patients and their families, without Reason” (provided beverages operations on not less than 50 Zimbabweans volunteers and all related health personnel during the operations) covering 200 people. with different cleft lip conditions. Operation hydrated during the mission. The mission of “Alliance for Smiles” saw our of Hope is co-ordinated by the Rotary Club organisation providing beverages for the of Avondale. In addition to that, the organization has screening day and partnered Servcor to been producing meals for at least 400 people provide free meals for 200 people This initiative has addressed SDG 3, which on screening days with staff volunteers who is core to the businesses CSR drive in not only assist to serve the meals but also The main objective of our participation is to trying to improve health and livelihoods assist in filing-out the patient forms by assist the under privileged in society, with in the community that surrounds us. Poor translating English into local languages. Health and Children having been identified health has seen to have a direct relation to The main objective of the participation is to as a key focus area for the Company and to increased poverty. assist the under privileged in society, with encourage staff participation in corporate Health and Children having been identified Social responsibility initiatives. So far 800 as a key focus area for the company and to people directly benefited from this initiative. encourage staff participation in corporate Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited has been social responsibility initiatives the official water provider in support of the

We acknowledge that our industrial (EIA) process including Public Consultation processes interact with the environment processes. As a result we have seen and can have impacts on communities. community engagement as an effective This is why we have committed ourselves tool for project improvement. Through to stakeholder and community concerns the Safety Health and Environment whenever they arise. Department we make regular follow- ups on the implementation of the In the period under review there were no Environmental Management Plan. major environmental concerns raised by communities. In order to ensure corporate Pursuing our Corporate Social social responsibility we have initiatives on Responsibility actions has also seen waste management and waste recycling our organisation including farmers in including the establishment of PETRECO. the value chain. Through application of On every new project or extension of the inclusive business model we have existing project scope we fully engage mainstreamed sustainability and social in the Environmental Impact Assessment inclusion in the value chain.


GOVERNANCE Our Governance, Ethics and Integrity

Corporate governance is the cornerstone of our business excellence at Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited.

e have adopted a raft of Code of Conduct in which offenses measures to mainstream such as Theft, Embezzlement, Governance, Ethics and Corruption are dismissible offences. WIntegrity into business operations. Furthermore the company The company has established a Board investigates any cases to finality. In the

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY which oversees the company and year 2017 under review we continued provides guidance on the strategic to maintain the Deloitte Tip-Offs direction of the organisation. The Anonymous. Corruption, nepotism, overall accountability of sustainability and -backs are not allowed at all rests on the Managing Director of levels of the organisation. Training the organisation and is assisted by and refresher training was carried various members of the Executive out in the year 2017. The activities on and Management Team. ethics, integrity and anti-corruption are shown below. Our organisation upholds high levels of Ethics through initiatives such as

Ethics, Integrity and Governance Initiatives

Objectively Verifiable Activities to address the Sustainability Aspect Indicators or examples issues of milestones Ethics and Integrity • Organizations core • Improved organizational values – ACE-IT performance due to • Cultural exchange strict adherence of Core Programs within the values Group to encourage maintenance of Ethics and Integrity Anti-Corruption • Deloitte initiate – Tip • Investigations and offs anonymous with reports generated by refresher courses the internal audit team conducted annually. and handed over to the • We have an board for auction employment Code of Conduct in which offenses such as Theft, Embezzlement, Corruption are dismissible offences • Tip Off Anonymous- Deloitte (Refresher Training was conducted

54 Board Of Directors

Sternford Moyo Alex Makamure Charles Msipa* Etherton Mpisaunga Chairman

Evelyn Mkondo Matlhogonolo Valela Memory Nguwi Steve Kuipa

Key: * Executive

55 AWARDS Membership, Awards and Recognition

We believe that partnership and interacting with other organisations is the foundation of knowledge sharing on sustainability.

chweppes Zimbabwe Limited the BCSDZ where Mr Charles Msipa is a member of several industry (Managing Director of SHAL) chairing associations including the the association (2017-2020). The SBusiness Council for Sustainable responsibility bestowed upon us Development Zimbabwe (BCSDZ), by other industrial stakeholders is

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries our priority and hence we believe in (CZI), Employers Confederation of demonstrating the leadership through Zimbabwe (EMCOZ), Institute of raising our sustainability performance Chartered Accountants Zimbabwe and also reporting transparently to our (ICAZ) and Marketers Association of stakeholders. Our Managing Director Zimbabwe (MAZ). has previously been the President of the CZI including spearheading Schweppes is the current Chair of various sustainability initiatives.

“Under a Green Economy, stakeholders must find new innovative ways to minimise their ecological footprint and environmental impact, shifting towards renewable energy, promoting sustainable mobility, Integrated Solid Waste Management, Environmentally Sound Management of Chemicals, Industrial symbiosis and as well as efficient water utilisation” - Charles Msipa – Managing Director, Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited and Chairman of BCSDZ on the occasion of the Annual Conference 2017

chweppes Zimbabwe Limited excellence can be demonstrated by has been recognised at various the various recognitions that we have Splatforms for sustainability, quality received and we continue to receive. and excellence. Our journey to

6 The BCSDZ is a leading association of more than 70 companies in Zimbabwe that focuses on corporate sustainability. It was formed 25 years ago and is an affiliate of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

56 Membership, Awards and Recognition

2016: 2015: Buy Zimbabwe Awards 2015: 2014: 2nd Position Best Zimbabwe Best Zimbabwe Exhibit - Food Manufacturer of the year First Runner up Exhibit - Food Group Group

2015: 2010 - 15: Schweppes Zimbabwe Mazoe ranked in the Overall SADC Annual Quality Awards Coca-Cola Eurasia and Africa Limited was ranked in the Top Ten Superbrands, and the 2015 - Minute Maid Pulpy Group Sustainability Award Local Marketing Awards top 20 Business to Business National Top Ten Superbrand Orange - Quality Product of 2014/15 Superbrand Awards organized categories by thee Marketers the Year by the Marketers Association of Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) Zimbabwe in the annual Superbrand Awards

2012: 2012: 2012: 2011: Winner of the Best New Market 2nd runner up in the Ranked first in the large plants 1st Runner Up

Entry for Minute Maid Pulpy Promotional Campaigns years 4 period of category Orange launch awarded by category awarded by the Local Marketing Awards the Marketers Association Marketers Association of of Zimbabwe (MAZ) in the Zimbabwe (MAZ) for Minute Marketing Efforts Awards Maid Pulpy Orange launch Featured annually in the Coca- Cola - Cola the Coca- in annually Featured CEWABU Bottler Excellence Awards over a over Awards Excellence Bottler CEWABU

period of 4 years 2010: 2009: st Featured annually in the

Excellence Awards over a 1 Runner Up Bottler of the year Coca- Cola - CEWABU Bottler


STAKEHOLDER Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement

Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited considers its stakeholders as key to its business strategy. We engage stakeholders through various platforms, seeking to get value adding inputs to our sustainable development initiatives.

s an entity we realise that formal meetings of the Sustainability stakeholders have got varying Report, the first focusing on needs and hence these need determination of priority Sustainable to be analysed and action taken Development Goals and the Second

SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY A to address them. We continued to focusing on the determination of receive feedback in the year 2017 Materiality as well as the Ranking of from these stakeholders with respect the SDGs relevant to the organisation to our sustainability ambitions. The as a follow up of the first meetings. issues material to our stakeholders are taken care of in the organisations Our shareholders are key to our planning and relevant responsibilities business and they are engaged are effectively allocated. We formally through regular reporting on the engage some stakeholders whilst for performance of the company some stakeholders the engagement including the sustainability is ongoing. performance of the company. The community and customers The major platforms for engaging are engaged and involved in the stakeholders in the year 2017 included sustainability report and any issues the Schweppes Water and Energy that they raised are also captured Forum where energy and water were in our sustainability reporting data recognised as material issues that SZL collection. We also have a system of should focus on. This forum included recording any customer complaints interaction and engagement with from our key stakeholders. the regulators such as Environmental Management Agency (EMA), City During the year 2017, there were of Harare and Zimbabwe Energy no major environmental grievances Regulatory Authority. Employees and complaints received by were also engaged on the materiality the company. However, we are of water, energy and wastewater. constantly developing mechanisms Formal engagement of of how we can address challenges representatives of the employees in the communities such as waste was also undertaken by Schweppes management that we are addressing Zimbabwe Limited through two through promoting waste recycling.

58 Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement

Stakeholder Interests/ Activities by SZL to address Stakeholder Means of Engagement Concern stakeholder issue Government of • Environmental • Complying with licence • Schweppes Water and Zimbabwe protection requirements for all emission Energy Forum • Occupational Safety sources • Meetings and Health of Workers • Provision of PPE • Quartely • Upholding of human • Human Rights Policies Environmental Reports rights • Growing of export markets • Economic development Shareholders • Return on investment • Implementing strategies for • Reports • Compliance and enhancing profitability • Meetings corporate governance • Monitoring legal and policy environment and maintaining Board functions Employees • Jobs and decent work • Provision of employment and • Ongoing engagement • Professional good working conditions • Meetings development • Freedom of workers to join • Formal meetings • Safe working Trade Union of their choice for Sustainability conditions • Provision of training Reporting planning opportunities including and Review Sustainability Reporting • SHE Committee Training. meetings • Provision of Personal Protective Equipment Communities • Employment • Employment provision • Contracting of • Protection of • Implementing Environmental farming community environment and Management Systems in the value chain to natural resources considering interested and supply raw materials • Socio-economic affected parties. development • Maintaining an Environmental Management Plan Customers • High quality products • Implementing FSSC 22 000 • Provision of and food safety Management Systems information through standards • Setting up of waste recycling product labelling • Environmental facility and extended • Annual Report stewardship of waste producer responsibility products Suppliers • Mutually beneficial • Paying suppliers on time • Meetings with relations • Development of procedures suppliers on for procurement mainstreaming quality, safety and environmental sustainability Contractors • Contract employment • Engagement of contractors in • Meetings with • Safety the supply chain contractors • Induction and briefings of contractors

59 GRI INDEX Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index

Indicator Description Section Page STRATEGY AND ANALYSIS G4-1 Statement from the most Statement from the 4 Senior Decision Maker Managing Director General Manager’s Quote 6 G4-2 Impacts, Risks and Annual Report In Annual Report Opportunities on sustainability ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE G4-3 Name of Organisation Our Business 10 SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 REPORT SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY G4-4 Primary Products and Product and Service 14 Services Portfolio G4-5 Location of the Head Office Our Business 10 G4-6 Number of Countries where Our Business 10 organisation operates G4-7 Nature of Ownership and History and Ownership 12 Legal Form G4-8 Markets Served Our Business 10 G4-9 Organisational Scale Our People 17 G4-10 Employment Overview Our People 17 G4-11 Employees covered by Our People 17 Collective Bargaining Human Rights 27 G4-12 Supply Chain Annual Report In Annual Report G4-13 Significant Changes from History and Ownership 12 previous report G4-14 Precautionary Principle Model for Corporate 43 Environmental Excellence and implementing the Precautionary Principle G4-15 External Initiatives which the Membership, Awards and 57 organisation Subscribes to Recognition G4-16 Membership to professional Membership, Awards and 57 bodies recognition

60 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index

Indicator Description Section Page IDENTIFIED MATERIAL ASPECTS AND BOUNDARIES G4-17 Entities Included in financial Financial Statements Annual Report Statements G4-18 Determining Materiality Reporting What Matters 15 G4-19 Material Aspects Reporting What Matters 15 G4-20 Aspect boundary Overview of Report 9 G4-21 The aspect boundary Reporting What Matters 15 outside the organisation G4-22 Restatements Overview of Report 9 G4-23 Changes from previous Overview of Report 9 reporting periods STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT G4-24 Identification of key Our CSR and Community 49 stakeholders Engagement G4-25 Basis of identification of key Our CSR and Community 49 stakeholders Engagement G4-26 Approach to Stakeholder Our CSR and Community 49 engagement Engagement G4-27 Topics Raised through Our CSR and Community 49 stakeholder engagement Engagement REPORT PROFILE G4-28 Reporting Period Overview of Report 9 G4-30 Reporting Cycle Overview of Report 9 G4-31 Contact point for questions Overview of Report 9 regarding the report G4-32 In accordance core GRI index 60 requirements G4-33 Assurance Overview of the Report 9 GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION G4-34 Governance Governance, Ethics and 54 Integrity ETHICS AND INTEGRITY G4-56 Ethics and Integrity Governance, Ethics and 54 Integrity

SPECIFIC STANDARD DISCLOSURES G4-DMA Material Aspects Reporting What Matters 15 ECONOMIC INDICATORS G4-EC 1 Direct Economic Value Financial Statements Annual Report Generated

61 SCHWEPPES SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 OUR SUSTAINABILITY CHAMPIONS Our Sustainability Champions 62 Our Sustainability Champions