Brier Dream Reality for Bowmanville's Wes Forget

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Brier Dream Reality for Bowmanville's Wes Forget 40 SPORTS OPINION THE ART AND SCIENCE OF PARENTING Thursday, February 21, 2019 | | Could you have gone fur- COLUMNIST DOUG ther in your sport and life SMITH EXPLAINS with more loving, sup- portive and caring par- his Week T IMPORTANCE OF ents? If so, you have the op- portunity right now to PARENTING TO A give your kids what you YOUNG ATHLETE were missing. Fortunately, today DR DOUGLAS there is a science and a SMITH system for parenting ath- Column letes and developing good character that really works. We can always im- prove the way we commu- Parenting skills are a nicate and interact with major component for our kids so that they learn achieving athletic and life how to be more successful, success. happy and well-adjusted Superstars of today and athletes. Rose Sofalvi Beuk photo the past have frequently Conscientious parent- Bowmanville's Wes Forget released a shot at the Ontario Tankard provincial championship in Elmira. Scott McDonald skipped the had one thing in common: ing is a serious undertak- team to 11 straight wins and a trip to the Brier national championship in Brandon, Manitoba, March 2-10. they tended to have par- ing and a full-time job. ents who were deeply in- Here are a few tips to three years with McDonald volved in motivating, get you started on your on Codey Maus' London- shaping and believing journey to parenting your BRIER DREAM REALITY FOR based team. It was only this their children could athletes for success. season, the start of a four- achieve their dreams of Set up routines and op- year Olympic cycle, that success in sport and in portunities for your sport- the current lineup was life. ing children to be motivat- BOWMANVILLE'S WES FORGET formed out of the Catara- After 40 years of clini- ed to show you what they qui Golf and Country Club cal and research activity learned and what made McDonald's team, He soon joined the Little team in Kingston. with parents and athletes, them happy - every day, no OSHAWA CURLING which also includes Jona- Rocks program at the Osha- The team had a break- one thing has become matter how small these CLUB PRODUCT PART than Beuk and Scott Chad- wa club, picked the sport through victory in Gati- clear to me - sports parent- sporting and creative ac- wick, reeled off 11 straight up very quickly, and would neau, Que., in October, and ing skills are an art and a tivities were. OF ONTARIO wins at the Ontario Tan- later also join a program at played the past two majors science that can be Express your excite- kard - including three the Annandale club in Ajax in the Pinty's Grand Slam learned and developed by ment and enthusiasm for TANKARD WINNING straight over defending to try to quench his insatia- of Curling prior to winning almost anyone interested even the smallest things TEAM champ and 2018 Brier ble thirst for the game. the Tankard, which has in giving their sons and that they share with you. bronze-medallist John Ep- Forget won two Lake vaulted it to 12th in the daughters a head start in What is important here BRIAN MCNAIR ping - to book its ticket to Ontario Secondary School world rankings. athletic and personal pow- is to let your kids know bmcnair@ the men's national champi- Athletics (LOSSA) bronze In Manitoba, they'll face er. that you love, support and onship. medals with Bowmanville another stacked field, in- Parents have a pro- accept them uncondition- "I'm looking at the pur- High School and reached cluding Newfoundland's found effect on athlete de- ally. BOWMANVILLE - Wes ple heart now and can't be- the junior provincial final Brad Gushue, who will be velopment and growth. At the same time, make Forget has to pinch himself lieve this actually did hap- with an Annandale club looking to win a third con- Their job is far more im- sure to have appropriate when he ponders the up- pen," Forget said by phone team, but hadn't found the secutive national title, and portant and powerful than consequences in place to coming Tim Hortons Brier. from Kingston, and refer- perfect mix until recently. three-time Brier champion most people realize. Yet, of guide them in their char- A diehard fan of curling ring to the emblem that will An English major at Kevin Koe from Alberta. all the jobs an adult has to acter development. ever since he watched Kev- adorn all competitors at Queen's University in "To me, this is kind of do, parenting is the one ar- Sometimes the chal- in Martin represent Cana- the Brier. "We were just op- Kingston - where he now like go and take it all in, ea we have the least lenges we face as sporting da at the 2002 Salt Lake City erating at a level beyond works as the residence life make the most of it, and ob- amount of training. parents require a totally Olympics, Forget long what people were expect- coordinator - he didn't even viously try to play well," For many people, par- different approach to see dreamed of the day he ing. The ice was in our fa- make the stacked curling Forget said. "If we can ever enting is a trial-and-error the journey more clearly. would reach the pinnacle of vour, the speed and curl, ev- team there his first year, get back, that might be our process. Unconsciously, At these times, profession- the sport - but never imag- erything went right." which saw Beuk and Chad- opportunity to make a push many of us repeat what we al support may be the tick- ined it would happen so Forget's curling journey wick lead the Golden Gaels for it, but our team goal and learned about parenting et to get to the next level soon. began at age 11, not long af- to a national title and a trip team plan going into this is from our parents and and beyond for you and That reality will cer- ter watching Martin win a to the 2011 Winter Univer- to have a strong start. grandparents. your kids. tainly hit home at the Brier silver medal at the 2002 siade in Turkey. He played "We know that we have Raising and developing beginning on March 2 in Olympics. for Queen's four times after what it takes to win, but we sports kids can be a very Dr. Douglas Smith is a Brandon, Man., where the "I saw him throw one that, and skipped the team just don't know what it's go- stressful and difficult job. licensed psychologist in 27-year-old Bowmanville curling rock and I was like, to a provincial silver medal ing to feel like playing in If done right, parenting Ontario specializing in native will throw second 'I really, really want to try in 2017. this event," he added. can be one of the most re- sport psychology since stones for the Scott McDo- this,' " he recalled. "I felt it In club play, Forget "We've dreamed of playing warding, passionate and 1985. Contact him at 905- nald-skipped team that in my soul, I need to try this played with Beuk and this our entire lives, and ev- fulfilling jobs an adult can 430-3538 or email stunned the competition at sport, and my mom actual- Chadwick during the 2014- erything we do is a chance be blessed with. [email protected]; his the Ontario provincial ly phoned the Oshawa 15 season with skip Don to get to go to this, and now Think back to your website is www.promind- championship in Elmira. Curling Club that week." Bowser, and spent the past we're going." childhood for a moment. .ca. d.
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