Edwin Nash Garden Celebrates TCS's Long-Serving Staff Members

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Edwin Nash Garden Celebrates TCS's Long-Serving Staff Members tcs newsfall 2019 I volume 65 I no. 2 Edwin Nash Garden celebrates TCS’s long-serving staff members from the archives annual report photo gallery An Ephemeral History of TCS of the TCS Foundation Reunion Weekend Contents 2 FEATURE Deep Roots Edwin Nash Garden celebrates the commitment of some of TCS’s longest-serving staff members. 2 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHTS 10 The mission of The TCS News is Toni Soderholm ’97 to serve as a means of communi- 7 cation between the School and Hockey leads to an international its alumni, parents and friends. journey The TCS News is published twice 7 FROM THE ARCHIVES annually by the philanthropy & An Ephemeral History of TCS alumni office. The history of TCS is told through a series of Circulation: 6,500 worldwide artefacts from our archives collections. Stefanie Thomson ’10 Life lessons through sport Contributing Writers Vikki Armstrong, Renée Hillier, staff of the TCS philanthropy Photo Gallery 13 & alumni office and others as 79th Toronto Branch Dinner credited. Contributing Photographers Photo Gallery Ashleigh McGill, Canon Don 14 SPECIAL SECTION Reunion Weekend 38 Aitchison, Kathy LaBranche, TCS Foundation Annual Report Erika MacInnis, Peter Mao, A look back at the 2018-2019 year in fundraising Austin Wang, staff of Trinity College School and others as credited. IN EVERY ISSUE: Please forward all A Letter from The Lodge 1 submissions to: TCS Philanthropy & Alumni Class Notes 18 Office Milestones 34 55 Deblaquire Street North Port Hope, ON L1A 4K7 Postscript 48 Email: [email protected] Save the Date 49 Telephone: 905-885-1295 16 All submissions will be published at the discretion of the editor. 16 Year in Review Editor Highlights in academics, sports, arts and service Vikki Armstrong from the 2018-2019 school year at TCS. Publications Officer 905-885-3192 [email protected] 37 Awards Class Notes & Honouring TCS community members for their Milestones Editor contributions. Tricia Mandryk Director of Philanthropy & Alumni 905-885-1295 [email protected] Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement 40050087 A Letter from The Lodge In 2007, we launched the first formal strategic plan for Trinity College School. Prior to that, if truth be told, a “formal strategic plan” had always sounded too “corporate” for a school, to my ears at least. in reality, all schools, the world over, should have the same ulti- continue to strive to make a TCS education affordable to as many mate goal – to provide the best possible education for children – and families as possible. the same “plan” for achieving that goal, which is to surround young As a result, our plan will be built around: helping to develop people with motivated, professional, caring adults, offering a chal- good people by living our mission statement wholeheartedly; lenging academic and co-curricular program. Of course, I quickly meeting the changing needs of our students by focusing on our grew to understand the value not only in having a formalized plan, healthy and diverse community and key competencies; and finally, but in the community consultation process through which that plan enhancing our endowment and facilities, so that we can improve is developed. Hearing from our constituents, acknowledging our our financial assistance program and also preserve and upgrade our achievements, asking ourselves how we can be better, developing historic infrastructure. goals and holding ourselves accountable for those goals: these are We will launch our new strategic plan more formally in early all worthwhile parts of the strategic planning process. 2020. With your support, we will work together towards achieving Over the past 14 months, as we have worked towards our new these important community goals. And throughout the next five years, strategic plan, we reached out to you, our community members, we commit to communicating to you our progress, our challenges and and you did not hesitate to share your thoughts on the School on our successes. the Hill. If there was one overwhelming feature of the feedback we On a final note, I would be remiss if I did not thank Rick Byers ’78, received as a result of our surveys, listening sessions and workshop, our outgoing chair of the TCS Governing Body, on behalf of the it was that we are doing great things as a school, but that we must entire school community. We are grateful to Rick for his leadership not be complacent. Of course there are always things we could be over the past four years, one of the most successful periods in the doing better, but constituents confirmed our belief that our growth School’s history, with a host of new facilities added and significant and development should never compromise what is at the heart of growth in the School’s endowment. We are also pleased to welcome our school: the meaningful engagement of our faculty and staff with our new chair, David Thomas ’82, and excited for what the future our students on a day-to-day basis. We have, and will continue to, holds as we prepare to launch The Strategic Plan for Trinity College prioritize the time and space to connect with the young people in School: 2020-2025. our care. When we asked what our community views as important areas of focus moving forward, we received two messages. First, our Stuart Grainger consultations revealed a general concern about the uncertainty Headmaster of what the future will look like and how we can best prepare our [email protected] students for this uncertain world. Second, we were encouraged to www.tcs.on.ca/headlines fall 2019 I tcs news I 1 FEATURE Edwin Nash Garden celebrates TCS’s long-serving staff members During Reunion Weekend in May 2020, Trinity College School will officially dedicate and bless the new Edwin Nash Garden. Located at the School’s main entrance, the space celebrates the legacy of Edwin Nash, who worked at TCS from 1920 to 1987, as well as long-serving staff throughout the history of the School on the Hill. Our people have been and remain our greatest strength as an educational institution; we are blessed with a community of gifted and caring adults who are dedicated to the well-being of students. 2 I fall 2019 I tcs news who was edwin nash? 1 in 1920, Edwin Nash was invited by Headmaster Graham Orchard to join the staff of TCS. Born in Hampshire, England, his plan was to come to Canada for two years. To our great fortune, those plans changed, and he remained at the School for 67 years. Over the years, Edwin had many roles at the School. He was a gifted mechanic, fixing 3 everything from the School’s Fordson tractor to the boiler heating system. For 25 years, beginning in 1946, his formal 1 From left: Geoff Dale and Edwin Nash, two devoted TCS title was Maintenance Super- staff members intendent, although even then 2 Cover of The TCS News, December 1989, marking Edwin Nash’s passing this title could not capture his 3 Edwin Nash (centre) planting trees in front of Osler Hall sphere of influence. Whether 2 oiling cricket bats or flooding the outdoor hockey rink, he was always quietly working away for blowing onto the roof of the during his nearly seven decades the betterment of the School. headmaster’s residence. After at the School: Dr. Orchard, Perhaps the only TCS the fire, he travelled with the Philip Ketchum, Angus Scott community member who was “Edwin had all Senior School to its temporary and Rodger Wright. Head- not a fan of Edwin Nash was lodgings in Woodstock, to master Scott was not boasting Pansy, the goat who served the qualities of a continue his role as superinten- when he claimed that Edwin as school mascot for a time. dent there. Nash was “probably one of the Pansy’s employment was gentleman. Courtesy, Gradually, as the number best [gardeners] in Canada.” terminated when the gardener kindness, a sense of staff and scope of campus In 1987, Edwin retired, discovered the goat eating buildings increased, Edwin’s moving to Hope Haven his prized tulips, which he of honour, courage, role became more firmly residence, remaining nearby had been nurturing to line generosity and fixed on groundskeeping and his beloved School on the the pathway to The Lodge on gardening, his true passion. Hill. When he passed away in Speech Day! moderation were of Edwin diligently maintained the 1989, Headmaster Scott said, In 1928, when the School cricket pitches and ensured the “Edwin had all the qualities of was struck by a devastating fire, the essence of his campus grounds were always a gentleman. Courtesy, kind- it was Edwin Nash who led a nature.” beautifully landscaped. He took ness, a sense of honour, courage, team of helpers in saving The special interest in keeping the generosity and moderation were Lodge, after burning shingles Headmaster Angus Scott gardens at The Lodge, which of the essence of his nature.” from the school rink began was home to four headmasters fall 2019 I tcs news I 3 4 Shirley Rainbird in Osler Hall’s servery 5 Rig Morris 6 Tony Prower ’46 at the organ 7 Peter Lewis in his lab 4 long & winding road When the plan to relocate and dedicate the Edwin Nash Garden came to fruition, the idea emerged to have the gardens serve as a living tribute to those staff members who have served the School longest. And the list, it seemed, was lengthy! At least 100 employees over the School’s history have 6 served for 25 years or more. The first full-time staff Chapel, helping students member of Trinity College explore their artistic talents or 5 School (beyond the founder, learn mathematical formulas or William A.
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