
for the Homesteader and Gardener ❖History ❖Core Tenants & Principles ❖Theory ❖ Principles ❖Common Strategies & Practices What is Permaculture?

❖ A system of agricultural and principles based on emulating patterns and features observed in nature. ❖ "Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation, rather than protracted and thoughtless labor; and of looking at and in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system.” – ❖Seeks to: o integrate people, , through mutually beneficial cooperation o imitate the no-, closed- loop systems seen in diverse natural systems ❖A multidisciplinary toolbox includes:

harvesting and hydrology  systems

 natural  appropriate

 economics

development ❖A design system using concepts, materials, and strategic components to benefit life in all its forms ❖ with, rather than against, nature ❖Reduce footprint ❖Identify and apply holistic solutions applicable to any scale rural and urban setting ❖ It has many branches that include, but are not limited to:


o &

o integrated water resources management

o sustainable ❖ 1929 - Joseph Russell Smith took up an antecedent term as the subtitle for : A Permanent Agriculture

o saw the world as an inter-related whole and suggested mixed systems of with crops below ❖ 1930s

o pioneered farming in - inspiration for “

o advocated no-till , and ❖ Australian P. A. Yeomans

o 1940s - introduced observation-based approach to in

o 1950s – used to manage the supply and distribution of water

o 1964 defined “permanent agriculture” as that which can be sustained indefinitely in his book Water for Every ❖ Stewart and – grandfather‘s of the Green Movement ❖ Ruth Stout and Esther Deans pioneered no-dig ❖ 1978 – “Permaculture” first coined by Australians Holmgren (then a graduate student) and his professor, Bill Mollison o originally referred to "permanent agriculture", but expanded to also stand for "permanent culture“ o Primary agenda: to assist people to become more self-reliant through the design and development of productive and sustainable gardens and Core Tenets of Permaculture

❖ The three core tenant:

o Care for the

o Care for the People

o Return of Surplus (Fair Share) Core Tenets of Permaculture

❖Care for the earth:

o Condition necessary for all life systems to continue and multiply

▪ Without a healthy earth, cannot flourish

▪ Apply environmentally and socially sound principles

, water and

▪ Small-scale and long-term

▪ Rejuvenate Core Tenets of Permaculture

❖Care for the people:

o Condition for people to access those resources necessary for their existence

▪ Encourage active cooperation

▪ Empower people to act and care for themselves, family and community

▪ Develop networks and trust Core Tenets of Permaculture

❖Return of surplus:

o aka Fair Share

▪ take no more than what is needed before we reinvest the surplus

o Reinvest surpluses back into the system to provide for the first two

o Includes returning waste back into the system to recycle into usefulness Permaculture Design Principles

❖ Theory o Derived from the science of systems and study of pre-industrial examples of sustainable land use ▪ Central concept: maximize useful connections between components and of the final design ▪ Focus is not on each separate element, but rather on the relationships among and between elements, the whole becoming greater than the sum of its parts. ▪ Seeks to minimize waste, labor, and energy input by building systems with maximal benefits between design elements to achieve a high of synergy. ▪ evolve over time just like natural systems ❖ Ecology: Life’s Networks o ‘Nested ’ ▪ are nested in bioregions ▪ Bioregions are nested in Earth’s o Local systems are both autonomous and interdependent o The greater diversity within a system, the more resilient it is o The greater the diversity, the more energy is used efficiently ❖ Ecological Design Principles o Preserve genetic diversity o Respect life of all species o Allow to evolve o Use species and sustainably o Design closed systems in which all needs are met ❖ Functions of healthy ecosystems: o Create and support life o Clean air and water through filtration o Regulate the atmosphere by nitrogen and o Build healthy o Manage pests and diseases o Perpetuate themselves o Become closed systems ❖ Our o The measure of a person, town, or a nation’s use of resources o Average American requires approx. 17 acres to sustain o Everything we consume requires: ▪ Raw resources ▪ Processing ▪ Manufacturing ▪ Handling ▪ Transportation Ecological footprint (countries of one million people or more) Country Footprint per person How many ? 8.9 global hectares 5.1 Australia 8.3 4.8 United Arab Emirates 8.1 4.7 Qatar 7.0 4.0 of America 6.8 3.9 6.6 3.8 Sweden 6.5 3.8 6.2 3.6 Trinidad and Tobago 6.0 3.5 5.9 3.4 Source: GFN (2011 data) ❖

o All life forms require energy

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o Energy flows through the via

o Matter cycles

▪ Eat and be eaten

❖ Surplus causes

o / toxicity

o Systemic poisoning of water, air, soils ❖ Shortages result in depletion

o Shortage of nutrients results in poor growth / death ❖ Balance

o When food chains interlock they form a Aquatic Food Web

Terrestrial Food Web

❖ Limiting factors

o Temperature

o Rainfall


o Daylength

o Altitude ❖ Climate is the primary determinant of ❖ Succession 14 Permaculture Design Principles

1. Observe and interact 8. Optimize edges 2. Connect 9. Use and value renewable resources and services 3. Catch and store energy 10. Turn problems into solutions 4. Each element performs multiple functions - stacking functions 11. Obtain a yield 5. Each function is supported by 12. Creatively use and respond to multiple elements - redundancy change 6. Least change for greatest effect 13. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback 7. Use small and slow solutions 14. Mistakes are tools for learning Design Principles (cont.)

1. Observe and Interact: Get to Know the Land Use protracted and thoughtful observation rather than prolonged and thoughtless action. Observe your land through all of the seasons before taking action. o Topography o Soils o Solar orientation o Existing Vegetation o Hydrology o Fire Danger o Climate and Microclimates o Neighbors ▪ Coldest and hottest temps o Views ▪ Prevailing o Noise ▪ Cold sinks, hot spots o ▪ Length of day

▪ USDA Region Design Principles (cont.)

2. Connect

o Use relative location: Place elements in ways that create useful relationships and time-saving connections among all parts 3. Catch and Store Energy / Energy Cycling

o From sun to water to waste, seek to create a closed-loop cycle

o Conservation Design Principles (cont.)

4. Each element performs multiple functions - Stacking Functions o Choose and place each element to perform as many functions as possible o Nothing has just one function ▪ a trellis supports and shades ▪ A pile recycles waste, boosts soil , gives you exercise o Beneficial connections between diverse components create a stable whole 5. Each function is supported by multiple elements – Redundancy o Use multiple methods to achieve important functions and to create . o Redundancy protects when one or more elements fail

▪ Plants benefit from multiple strategies: , mulching, deflection, shade, 6. Least Change for Greatest Effect o Find the “leverage points” in the system and intervene there, where the least work accomplishes the most change

7. Use Small and Slow Solutions o Start with the smallest solutions that will do the job, and o Build on your successes, with variations o Grow by chunking 8. Optimize Edges o Nature doesn't waste , and it often uses edges (of ponds, paths, etc) for greater diversity o By increasing the amount of edges you can increase your own diversity ▪ keyhole gardens

9. Use Biological and Renewable Resources o Use small branches for a trellis instead of a store-bought version 10. Turn Problems into Solutions o Constraints can inspire creative design 11. Obtain a Yield: o Design for both immediate and long-term returns from your efforts: “You can’t work on an empty stomach.” 12. Creatively Use and Respond to Change o The ’s imagination and skill limit productivity and diversity more than any physical limit Design Principles (cont.)

13. Apply Self-Regulation and Accept Feedback: o Look at what is working and not working, or even feedback from your neighbors o Ignoring the signs of a dysfunctional system spells disaster 14. Mistakes are tools for learning o Look at what is working and not working o feedback from your neighbors 6 Permaculture Zones: Zones 0-5 o Zones - a way of intelligently organizing design elements on the basis of the frequency of human use and or animal needs o Frequently manipulated or harvested elements located close to the house o Less frequently used or manipulated elements, and elements that benefit from isolation (such as wild species) are farther away o Zones are about positioning things appropriately, and are numbered from 0 to 5 Theory

Reality Permaculture Zones (cont.)

❖ Zone 0

o The house, or home center

o Aim to reduce energy and water needs

o Harness natural resources such as sunlight and roof and

o Create a harmonious, sustainable environment in which to live and work Permaculture Zones (cont.)

❖ Zone 1 o zone nearest to the house o elements that require frequent attention, or that need to be visited often ▪ salad crops ▪ plants ▪ soft fruit like or raspberries ▪ and cold frames, propagation area ▪ compost bin for waste, etc. ▪ raised beds in urban areas Permaculture Zones (cont.)

❖ Zone 2

o perennial plants that require less frequent maintenance, such as occasional control or

• berry bushes • beehives • orchards • chicken coop • pumpkins and squash • hutches • sweet potatos • large-scale composting bins • corn Permaculture Zones (cont.)

❖ Zone 3

o Crops both for domestic use and for trade purposes

o After establishment, minimal care and maintenance required

▪ watering or maybe once a week Permaculture Zones (cont.)

❖ Zone 4

o semi-wild area

o animals

o and wild food

o production of timber for construction or firewood Permaculture Zones (cont.)

❖ Zone 5

o area

▪ No-intervention apart from the observation of natural ecosystems and cycles

▪ A natural reserve of wildlife, fungi, , molds and that can aid all zones Permaculture Strategies & Practices

❖ Produce No Waste o Precycle - practice of consuming, while keeping waste reduction in mind ▪ recycle, reuse, compost...work toward nothing going to the dump ▪ Produce no waste through using all resources as nature does ▪ Minimize maintenance and inputs ❖ Design from Patterns to Details o Look for patterns in nature to work with ▪ rounded edges and spirals to conserve energy Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Integrate Rather Than Segregate: o Some plants can support your trees, your trees can support your animals, and so on. o Creating synergy, create less work

▪ Fruit trees provide food as as shade

could provide stakes for supporting pole beans and other vining plants.

▪ Grow many types of perennial food plants—such as arrowhead, sorrel, chicory, and asparagus—in addition to standard vegetables Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Use and Value Diversity

o Don't plant one variety of tomato, or invest in one breed of animal

o Diversity creates health and minimizes the loss from disease, drought, etc.

▪ grow as many different and non-competing crops as possible Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)


o A healthy ecosystem has a huge number of relationships between its component parts

o a diverse community of life is able to grow in a relatively small space, as each layer is stacked one on top of another.

o 7 recognized layers in a food forest (some include fungi as an eighth layer) Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ 8 recognized layers in a Food Forest


• the tallest trees in the system; large trees dominate but do not completely cover an area

2. Sub-canopy

• trees that grow in dappled light of the canopy Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

3. layer • a diverse layer of woody perennials of limited height; includes most berry bushes 4. Herbaceous layer • annuals, biennials or perennials • large variety of beneficial plants • may die back to the ground every winter • many culinary and medicinal Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

5. : • overlap with the Herbaceous layer • grow much closer to the ground, grow densely to fill bare patches of soil • cover crops retain soil and minimize • green that add nutrients and to the soil, especially nitrogen Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

6. Underground / Root layer

• potatoes and other edible

7. Vertical / Climbing layer

• climbers or

➢ runner beans and lima beans ( varieties)

➢ grapes

➢ kiwi Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

8. (Fungal)

• Root layer within the soil

• major components are soil organisms that live within it in relationship with roots

➢ soil organisms: bacteria, fungi, microarthropods, insects, nematodes, , etc. Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)


o a group of species where each provides a unique set of diverse functions that work in conjunction, or harmony

o mutually beneficial

▪ More complex than companion planting

Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Principles of a based on forest ecology o groups of plants, animals, insects, etc., that work well together o food production o tap roots that draw nutrients up from deep in the soil o supports a greater variety of soil organisms o nitrogen-fixing o attract beneficial insects and pollinators o repel harmful insects and disease Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Stacking Functions

o every element in a design performs more than one function

▪ Trees can provide fruit, provide shade, and act as a windbreak

▪ Dill can be used as a herb, the flowers attract beneficial insects, and add visual appeal to your garden

▪ Hedges can provide fruit, privacy, and shelter for wildlife

▪ Ponds can grow aquatic plants, hold , and attract birds and other wildlife

▪ Walls can give privacy, support climbing plants, and store (for growing plants in cooler areas) Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

o the effect of the juxtaposition or placing side by side of contrasting environments on an ecosystem o It’s where differing systems meet: ▪ forest and meadow ▪ ocean and land ▪ mountains and valleys o generally the most diverse parts of ecosystems o wavy or undulating edges have greater length than simple ovals, circles and rectangles Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.) Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.) ❖ Food

o an integrated approach of combining trees and with crops and/or

▪ Combines agricultural and forestry to create more diverse, productive, profitable, healthy and sustainable land-use

▪ Mimic natural forests

• incorporate processes and relationships known to be valuable in natural ecosystems

▪ Numerous permaculturists are proponents of Food Forests:

• Graham Bell wrote The Permaculture Garden in 1995

• Patrick Whitefield wrote How to Make a Forest Garden in 2002

• Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier co-authored the two book set Edible in 2005

• Geoff Lawton presented the film Establishing a Food Forest in 2008. Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.) ❖ Food Forest examples Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Edible

o An integrated approach of combining edible plants and trees within a traditional or make it look like a more traditional landscape

▪ Rosalind Creasy, Edible Landscaping, 2010 Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Edible Landscape Examples Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Hügelkultur

o Practice of burying large volumes of wood to increase soil water retention and add organic matter to the soil

of buried wood can absorb enough water during the rainy season to sustain crops through the dry season

▪ Technique originated by Sepp Holzer

• used by permaculturalists Toby Hemenway, and Masanobu Fukuoka

Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Water Harvesting

o Contour swales

▪ accumulating and storing for reuse before it reaches the

• provide drinking for livestock & water for irrigation

• supplement the subsoil water level

from the roof Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Greywater o Wastewater generated from laundry & dishwashing o Used for landscape irrigation and constructed wetlands o Not potable (drinkable) o Not considered o Legal in California o Must not bury outlets Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Keyline Design

o a technique for maximizing beneficial use of water resources of a piece of land

o developed in Australia by and engineer P. A. Yeomans. Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Mulching &

o a protective cover placed over the soil

▪ Any organic material can be used

• wood chips, leaves, cardboard, newspaper

• absorbs rainfall • suppresses weed growth and • reduces evaporation • provides nutrients • moderates diurnal temperature swings • increases organic matter in the soil • protects against frost • feeds and creates for soil • reduces erosion organisms • aids in the formation of Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.) ❖ Sheet mulching

o an agricultural, no-dig gardening technique that mimics natural processes occurring within forests

▪ mimics the leaf cover that is found on forest floors

▪ Generates healthy, productive and low-maintenance ecosystems

▪ serves as a "nutrient bank" as the organic matter slowly and naturally breaks down

▪ improves the soil by attracting and feeding , slaters and many other soil micro- organisms, as well as adding humus

▪ promotes accumulations of earthworms Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.) ❖ Intensive o Grazing, done wrong, can be environmentally destructive o Managed Intensive Rotational Grazing (MIRG)

and non-ruminant and/or flocks are regularly moved to fresh , range, or forest to maximize the quality and quantity of forage growth

▪ cell grazing or flash grazing

is followed by a period of rest which allows new growth

▪ can be used with , , , pigs, chickens, , geese, turkeys, ducks and other animals depending on the natural ecological community being mimicked

▪ One variation on MIRG that is gaining rapid popularity is called eco-grazing

• used to either control invasives or re-establish native species Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Fruit Tree Management o “No-pruning option” often practiced by default in people’s back gardens

▪ reduces work

▪ can lead to higher overall yields o Masanobu Fukuoka - Tao-philosophy of Wú wéi (“no-action against nature) - no unnecessary pruning o trees should be raised all their lives without pruning, so they form healthy and efficient branch patterns that follow their natural inclination

▪ achieved yields comparable to or exceeding standard/intensive practices of using pruning and chemical fertilization Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

❖ Integrated Pest Management

o An ecosystem-based strategy

▪ Focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage

▪ Uses a combination of techniques: cultural, biological, physical, and chemical Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

o Building systems and materials that place major emphasis on bale ▪ ▪ Cobb o Materials ▪ Durability and minimally processed to lessen the environmental impact without sacrificing comfort, health or ▪ Plentiful or renewable resources, ▪ Recycled or salvaged materials Permaculture Strategies & Practices (cont.)

o Design considerations include: ▪ Building orientation ▪ utilization of local climate and site conditions ▪ emphasis on natural ventilation ▪ fundamentally reduce operational costs and environmental impact ▪ Building compactly to minimizing the ecological footprint ▪ on-site energy acquisition ▪ on-site water capture ▪ alternate treatment and ▪ water reuse ❖ Permaculture Design Framework o Observe & Survey o Analysis & Assessment o Visioning o Conceptual Planning o Master Planning o Detailed Design o Implement o Maintain / Monitor / Evaluate ❖ Observe & Survey

o Observation guides and grounds design so it is reflective and responsive to place

o Develop a base map

▪ captures everything that exists on

• Property lines • Major vegetation • Topography • Pathways & driveways • Hydrology (streams & creeks) • Public & springs • Soils • (including neighbors) • Fences o Sector Analysis ▪ Depicts what is happening on and around the site • Sun's path (at each season) • Prevailing wind and rain directions • Hot sun and shade areas, microclimates • Views • Noise • Fire danger o Local & State Regulations ▪ Zoning regulations ▪ Building codes ▪ HOA & Road Association CC&Rs o Federal & State Regulations ▪ Clean Water Act ▪ State Fish & Game ▪ State Water Resources ❖ Analysis & Assessment

o Without assessment, design is not rooted in the land, but in ego

o Designs based on observation have a connection to place

o Aim is to compose with rather than impose upon

o Identify Opportunities & Constraints ❖ Visioning

o Goal setting: asks people to envision the future, state values, and develop a common statement for their vision and goals

o List the design systems and elements that support the vision/dream

▪ Structures: home, greenhouse, barn, coops, shelters, etc.

▪ Food: food forest, edible landscape, veggie beds, etc.

▪ Energy: solar, wind

▪ Water ❖ Conceptual Planning

o The relative placement and proportioning of the areas

o Locate, shape and size required areas using rough bubble diagrams with notes

o Define circulation ❖ Master Planning

o Go into details

▪ determine size, shapes and locations of individual elements,

▪ use needs & yields and random assembly methods to determine how to connect pieces of design

❖ Implement

o A plan of action to follow based on priorities, budget and logical of establishment

❖ Maintain / Monitor / Evaluate Permaculture for the Homesteader and Gardener

❖ “Permaculture is neither a specific recipe, nor an end point. Rather it is an ongoing process of harmonious adaptation to nature’s changing conditions.” – Maddy Harland ❖ “You don’t DO permaculture, you USE Permaculture in what you do.” – Scott Pittman, Director of The Permaculture Institute Permaculture for the Homesteader and Gardener

❖ Resources:

o Gaia’s Garden: a Guide to Homescale Permaculture – Toby Hemenway, 2009

o Edible Landscaping – Rosalind Creasy, 2010 ❖ Contact us: ❖ 530-621-5512 (Tues-Fri 9:00AM-Noon) ❖ [email protected] ❖ Visit us at 311 Fairlane, Placerville