Late Wire Flashes
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■” . •*_ "t • WEATHÉR FORECAST ♦ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT Capitol—“The Only Woman.’* «*»t***■■»■ ■■ilin-4-tiimiy <rot«hr- Apn—isrisii—"Ksst nf Mus*■ Coliseum—"The lA>ver of Camille. Playhouse—"Fifty Miles From Broad- raîn * ** r tint* w«b occasional Co'lSSfc'-'Irtia'Tour-Htn.- — PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. 66 NO. 64 . f VICTORIA, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 16,1925 -18 PAGES. COMMONS, STARTS BUSY WEEK’S SESSION HAD OPERATION OTTAWA SESSION CROWN PRINCE MAN ON SHIP U.S. SENATE SECOND TIME REJECTS IN LONDON TO-DAY; IS NOT TO BE BUDGET SPEECH MS WEEK PRINCE GEORGE ALLOWED TO DRAG OF NORWAY IS BOUND HERE CABINET NOMINATION OF WARREN By Times Staff Representative AND» BILL TO BE SENT' Ottawa. March 16.-RI. Hon. Arthur Melghen’s attempt to Washington, March 16—The enunciate a demand for a new EXPECTED HERE Senate to-day rejected for the high protection policy for Canada LOST AT SEA is dooihed to failure so far -an the TO PARLIAMENT COMMITTEE second time President Coolidgc’s present session of Parliament is Prominent Norwegians to concerned. It became clear to-day nomination of Charles D. War that his lengthy resolution out Tour Pacific Coast During John Smith Disappeared ren to be Attorney-General of lining this policy will not be Among the Speakers Who Will Address Commons reached before adjournment. Summer From Ss. Charmer Between the United States. The vote was Resolutions prepared by other Within Next Pew Days Are Premier King, Mr. private-members, chiefly Progres Comox and Vancouver forty-nine to thirty-nine, as com- sives. will take up all the private Meighen and Other Prominent Members; On jNsred with the tie vote of forty members' days still open. After Blood in Stateroom; Brother three weeks.from to-day It ia un Thursday Country Probably Will be Informed of in Vancouver Does Not Be to forty on which the nomination derstood all sittings will be de Government’s Financial Proposals. was first rejected last Tuesday. voted to Government buslnees. lieve Suicide Theory This is regarded as a definite In All the thirty-nine Senators dication of the Government's de Vancouver, Mareh 16—.John voting for confirmation were Be- sire to complete the wprk of the Ottawa. March 16,—This week in Parliament promis» toe session as expeditiously as pos be an interesting one. thm"inlin6ê''iÿwl«i''i»ÿ.PwmierT£5i Strlîlh, agpit sixty rTvc. a ïefirKT publicans. The opposition was a sible. — resident of Campbell River, dis combination of Democrats and and the Conservative leader, as well as half a dozen other appeared from hie cabin on the Republican insurgents. prominent members of the Commons. It is now expected the Honse will give the ship subsidy bill second reading, y> permit steamship Charmer some time An earlier dispatch *sald President of its submission to a special committee of fifteen members of during the night while the ship Coelldge would offer Mr. Warren a recess appointment as Attorney- the House. On the first Government day after that business is was en route here from up the General if his nomination for the post NEW NATIONAL disposed of, perhaps Thursday, the 1925-26 budget will be brought coast. should not be confirmed by the Sen ate. down.. Reports that the man had London. March IS.—Prince The budget this year is not expected to make any notable been murdered were at first de George, youngest son of the King CONFERENCE OF changes in the tariff or in general taxation. clared by police to be unfounded. In- and Queen, was operated on this meat tone, they said, were that he had morning for removal of hla ton- The budget last year was not presented until April 10. been taken violently 111 during the SEALS OF NORTHERN SEAS alls. A bulletin Issued after the night and had either leaped or fallen operation said his condition was - overboard while seeking fresh air. Ap satisfactory and that unless un BUSINESS MEN parently. they said Smith either suf favorable circumstances arose, FRANCE SENDS fered u bad hemorrhage or cut his I SHOW BIG INCREASE AFTER no more bulletins would be is FRENCH ARE NOT throat. A small pocketknlfc was sued. REPRESENTATIVE TO found in the room with blood marks S. Belding of St. John, N.B., on. it. Suggests Creation of Real TURKISH CAPITAL MONEY UNDER PILLOW MANY YEARS’ PROTECTION READY TO TALK The man had been in bed. but be Canadian Spirit yond this the stateroom was undis turbed. The sum of $30 was found (By Times Staff Representative) CROWN FRINGE OLAF under the pillow. ’ Crown Prince Olaf of Norway, DISARMAMENT Smith * troissar^ were missing, the Ottawa. Mareh 16—That the Pelagic sealing treaty is rester Economic Policy Supported by supposition being that he got up and ing the vast herds of sfals which used to wallow in the northern Late Wire Dr. F. Nansen and the Primate pur them on before leaving hla cabin. All Parts of Country Ad Paris Still Relying on Security Smith boarded the vessel at Comox seas in the old. romantic sealing days is indicated by figures of Norway will probably visit at 10.15 last night. Before leaving just compiled here. These show that instead of the 196,000 seals vocated by Him Victoria on a konr of the Pacific Protocol Rejected by British Comox he wired his brother, a detec on Pribilof Islands, gathering place of the seal herds, in 1911. Coast in June this year it tive here, to meet him this morning. Empire The Charmer docked here and when the sealing convention went into effect, there were 700,000 Flashes Montreal. March 16—Observa learned at tho meeting of the sailed for Ganges Harbor and Vic directors of the Victoria Cham Say Present Not Favorable toria at 8 a.m. , at the last count. tions ami inquiries made dur As the vessel was Entering the har Kxperts -here state that the seal species produces an even ing the trans-Canada tour he Has ber of Commerce to-day. Time to Hold Conference bor here at 6.1$ a.m. a steward went proportion of males and females. It is believed that about BANDITS GOT $5,000 to arouse the passengers, and an juit completed have eonvinced The one-hundredth anniver Suggested by Coolidgc seventy per cent of the male seals may be killed off without im reaching Smith’s cabin found the li.- Parts. March II.—The security of door stained with blood and un pairing the reproduction of the Pribilo( herd. here Europe’s frontiers is still too frail to locked. Entering the stateroom, he „ piny "intSjnLr, ot «S.M».It.H' the be observed by the Norse-American found blood stained walls and floors 1 1 "** ""..... The Pelagicrplasic SealSo. Convention, as the make it possible to talk of disarma sealing treaty is called, restricts the receipt, of Heturday end Sunday, does not exist in Canada, and centennial celebration scheduled to ment now or in the near future. Such and a bowl partSalRr filled with which they were carrying to a bank. take place in Minneapolis In the early blood, but no sign of Smith. killing of seals to a certain number he suggests that business men of is the semi-official French opinion annually and. under the direction of bart of June. A large . number of regarding the proposed arms confer* The steward notified Ms superiors, the four greet divisions convene prominent business men from Nor and ss soon as the ship had docked CROWN EXPECTED the United Htates authorities. Canada MARRIAGE ANNULLED ence in Washington. a call was sent 1n for the Provin Is to receive her share of thos* to frame a suitable economic way. representing all phases of com The Ijcague of Nations security killed. The other parties to the con mercial and financial enterprise, will cial Police, but they were not avail "TSeiehver. Merck IS.—H,fu,ing to MH* ****** regard to politi protocol, despite the t?low given it able. C.P.R. officials say. so CJP.R. ventlon—the United States. Russb attend. It ia the intention of the visi M. FRANKLIN eOUILI at Geneva last week, is the main re constables took charge until the ar TO MOVE FOR THIAL and japan—also receive their share. recognlK- a Rene divorce. Mr. Justice cal exigea81». tors to go through to the Pacific liance of France for the moment» Coast after the close of the celebra rival of Detectives <* P Walker and The pact was signed in Washington D. A. cM Dona Id to-day annulled the ■ The proposal that commends ItaeTf Paris. March U.—M. Frank The Government will bend all efforts on July 7. 1811, by Lord Bryce for marriage May 3$, ISIS, in Health-, of tions in Minneapolis. lin-Bouille»). president* of the D. Robert dim of the city force. most strongly to Mr. BeTdtng is, first Foreign' RehftWW» -CueoilaSIW.- toward resuscitating it at the Sep Great Britain and by Sir Joseph Pope Violet Anale Gordon to George Clark The Victoria Chamber of Commerce tember meeting of the League As* KNIFE WAS FOUND for this Dominion. It went Into effect Dennis. of all, a email group conference of decided to Join with the Regina Board haa rone to-*Aa#ora. TurkeyJ He The detectives found a blood IN BERYL 6. CASE business representatives. He does of T/ade In assuring the visitors a rerably. in the meantime consider on December 16 of that year and has la accompanied by Ool. Rarrou, not think, hprever. that the delegates ing any proposal for a .eglooal pact stained knife, believed to have been remained In force until now.